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Equine Athlete

Wyatt Weaver

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College seniors celebrated after NIC canceled

By Amy Fraser

Players can begin their journey toward the USPA National Intercollegiate Championships in fifth grade as they work their way up through the middle school and interscholastic ranks, before making the leap to college. The collegiate season kicks off in early fall with a flurry of regular season games and invitational tournaments, all with the intention of preparing teams for the big dance.

Teams follow national rankings of their competitors through the winter, and the arrival of spring brings the regional tournaments. Competition is fierce, as only the top team in each region is guaranteed a spot at the national tournament. If a losing team shows merit after the winners have been determined, it may be granted a last-chance wildcard bid to prove its mettle. The USPA National Intercollegiate Championship is where the best of the best show up to compete for the chance to raise trophies with a joint history of over 100 years.

Enter 2020. COVID-19 brought the I/I season to a screeching halt a day before the start of the

Northeastern Regional tournament; the only regional tournament left to play. The outlook for nationals: not good. The decision was made to postpone NIC until October for the safety of all involved. Fast forward a few months to August, and the I/I National Host Tournament Committee had to make the final decision to cancel NIC 2020. It was a heartbreaking decision for everyone associated with the program, but for our senior players with their last chance at a national championship, it was devastating. Although nothing will fill the void of a national tournament that was never played for, the 2020 NIC seniors deserve the recognition of a career well played.

To all of our graduates: the I/I community has watched your hard work and growth throughout your time in the program and we could not be more proud of everything you have accomplished. We cannot wait to see your journey both in and outside of polo in the coming years. Congratulations and Good Luck!

Wyatt Weaver

Oregon State University I/I member since fall 2018

What are your plans post grad? Get a job working as a mechanical design engineer at an interesting company like SpaceX, NASA or Lockheed [Martin]

Where are you going to be located? Wherever the job takes me, honestly

Best memory of I/I? Hands down the 15-hour van rides, packed with some of my favorite people, on our way to play one of the most entertaining sports I’ve ever played

How are you staying involved in polo? I’ve been staying involved in polo by playing throughout the summer but will be looking to join a club once I settle down and have a full-time job.

Best advice for young I/I players? GO GROOM. Seriously though, if it wasn’t for grooming over the summers I wouldn’t be where I am today as a player. It allows you to learn so much more and you’ll have fun doing it too!

Anna Ullman

Antonio Mendes de Almeida

Antonio Mendes de Almeida

University of Virginia

I/I member since 2016

What are your plans post-grad? I'll be working in New York City as a full-time markets analyst for J.P. Morgan Chase & Co.

Where are you going to be located? New York City, New York

Best memory of I/I? My favorite two memories are the trips to nationals in Santa Barbara and the numerous high-intensity practices at Virginia Polo. It’s hard to believe anyone puts on tougher practice sessions than Lou Lopez at UVA.

How are you staying involved in polo? By nature of living in NYC, polo is going to have to be put on hold for a year or two. However, my close friend, Diego Gallego, just built a new polo field back home in Portugal and has high ambitions to grow the sport there. I look forward to helping him with that.

Best advice for young I/I players? Play as much polo as you can in college. It becomes much harder to play once you graduate. If you really want to improve, watch as much high-goal polo as you can.

Anna Ullman

Cornell University I/I member since 2013

What are your plans post grad? I am spending one year working, and then I will be continuing my education in graduate school.

Where are you going to be located? Once I begin graduate school, I will be living in Germany.

Best memory of I/I? My best memory is not necessarily a specific moment, rather an appreciation of

the incredible individuals who have become my friends and family through the mutual love of this sport.

How are you staying involved in polo? While I am still in my hometown, I will be playing with the local club.

Best advice for young I/I players? All the hours you are spending at the barn are definitely worth it.

Joel Potyk

Oregon State University I/I member since 2016

What are your plans post grad? Start my career

Joel Potyk

Shariah Harris in industrial engineering, hopefully somewhere on the West Coast where polo is close by!

Where are you going to be located? Not sure yet!

Best memory of I/I? There are two: winning western regionals my senior year and all the road trips traveling to play all over the West Coast

How are you staying involved in polo? Staying in contact with current collegiate teammates, keeping in touch with other [Pacific Northwest] clubs and teams

Best advice for young I/I players? Play as much as you can, [and] gather advice from a wide array of people.

Shariah Harris

Cornell University I/I member since 2010

What are your plans post grad? I will be attending nursing school this fall

Where are you going to be located? I'll be located back home in Upper Darby/Philadelphia.

Best memory of I/I? Participating in the tournaments was always my favorite part of I/I because you are able to interact with the different I/I teams.

How are you staying involved in polo? I’ve been playing a lot of summer polo and if the school allows us, [I’ll] travel back to Cornell in the spring to play in alumni games and against the current Cornell players.

Demitra Hajimihalis

Best advice for young I/I players? Embrace riding the different and difficult horses. If you’re able to get the best out of the more challenging horses, it can be really advantageous for your team but also for further developing you as a rider and player.

Demitra Hajimihalis

University of Virginia I/I member since 2011

What are your plans post grad? I have officially moved to Charlottesville, Virginia, and accepted a position as operations manager and property manager at CORE Real Estate and Development, LLC, and CORE Polo. I am working on my real estate license to practice commercial real estate as well. I am also the Sunday polo sponsorship coordinator at Roseland Polo Club at King Family Vineyards.

Where are you going to be located? Charlottesville and Crozet, Virginia

Best memory of I/I? My best high school I/I memory includes an impromptu trip to play in Canada and driving in the Reynolds’ RV for all long trips. My best college memories include playing with friends, fun car rides, and the amazing experience in the 2019 USPA/SUPA International Arena match in Wellington.

How are you staying involved in polo? I am managing CORE Polo, looking after horses, grooming, teaching and playing a little bit. I am the announcer at Roseland Polo Club at King Family Vineyards for Sunday Polo and love it! I am also playing in the USPA Women’s Arena tournament in

October. I plan to become a USPA I/I tournament manager, certified umpire and certified instructor. I love to visit and play at UVA Polo when possible as well.

Best advice for young I/I players? If you have an opportunity to teach polo, I definitely recommend capitalizing on that as it reinforces fundamentals and is awesome for practicing communication skills. I also loved getting to know all members of our polo club through teaching because as president, it really helped to see what adjustments needed to be made across all of our programs and not just through my lens on varsity.

Morgan Palacios

Cornell University I/I member since 2014

What are your plans post grad? I am planning to complete my portfolio and hopefully apply to a master’s program for architecture.

Where are you going to be located? I am staying in the Northeast until I go to graduate school.

How are you staying involved in polo? I plan to continue playing at tournaments in the Northeast.

Best advice for young I/I players? Never lose sight of how you treat the horses and fellow players.

Morgan Palacios

Ingrid Donnan

Cornell University I/I member since 2016

What are your plans post grad? I plan to work in finance for a few years and then continue my education with a master’s degree in business or economics.

Ingrid Donnan

Ally Vaughn

Where are you going to be located? In the Northeast

Best memory of I/I? Jamming out to Big Booty remixes in [the] Oxley [arena] before every practice and game

How are you staying involved in polo? I hope to continue playing polo wherever I end up.

Best advice for young I/I players? Enjoy every moment with your team and the horses.

Ally Vaughn

Texas A&M University I/I member since 2012

What are your plans post grad? I am applying to vet schools for the year 2021. My intention is to focus on large animals and stay involved with horses and polo.

Best memory of I/I? One of my favorite memories of I/I was having the opportunity to become part of history by winning back-to-back national titles with our men’s team at A&M. It wasn’t only the winning part that made the experience memorable but the opportunity to play with my best friends.

Best advice for young I/I players? Some advice I can give to the young I/I players is to make every moment count. I have met some of my best friends thanks to this sport and have experienced so many unique opportunities. I/I gives you the chance to travel and play polo almost anywhere in the world, not only allowing you to meet new players but to make valuable connections for life.

Kyra Umrigar

Cornell University I/I member since 2014

What are your plans post grad? I will be serving with Americorps, tutoring ESL students.

Where are you going to be located? Gloucester, Massachusetts

Best memory of I/I? My favorite memory of I/I is successfully co-organizing our annual Sue Knight Suicide Prevention Benefit Game this year.

How are you staying involved in polo? This summer, I had the opportunity to play at the Central New York Polo Club.

Best advice for young I/I players? Take the time to foot-mallet and have fun. •

Kyra Umrigar

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