USPA Polo Development LLC Programs

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USPA POLO Development




Table of Contents 4 Opening Letter from Kris Bowman

USPA Polo Development LLC, Executive Director

6 Program chart 8 Player Development

• National Youth Tournament Series • Team USPA • Young Player Outreach • USPA Clinics • Instructor Manager Forum • Certified Polo Instructor • Instructor Skilz Clinics

14 Club Development

• Polo Development Initiative • Internships • Player Performance Analysis • Polo Skilz • Club Development • Strategic Planning • Outside the Boards

20 Intercollegiate / Interscholastic

• Intercollegiate / Interscholastic • Middle School • Additional Opportunities • Interscholastic Varsity Letter • Intercollegiate Scholarship

24 Meet OUR Staff Photos By Elizabeth Hedley 3

In 2009 when I first joined the governing body of polo as Executive Director of Polo Development, I set my sights on growing the sport and implementing policy to facilitate that goal. But it didn’t take long to realize, there was a much larger perspective needing consideration. If Polo Development was going to realize the momentum of effective change, there needed to be a team that shared the same passion, the same vision, the same boundless energy to follow through with an agreed-upon plan. Selecting that team took time and I am happy to say its shape today is now a seamless combination of individuals that push and pull, ponder and infuse the designing of our programs with careful vetting and targeted vision. We are a cohesive group that includes chairmen, volunteer committee members, department heads and support staff, working diligently to hone effective programs for Polo Development LLC. 4

Teamwork divides the task and multiplies the success. But there’s more. Our perspective shifts yet again, spiraling out even farther, to include you.

If you succeed, the sport of polo succeeds. Thank you for the opportunity to make a difference and contribute to a sport I have loved all my life. I

Developing programs that empower the people

look forward to many more years of working for you,

of polo with opportunities to become part of the

with you and beside you on this exciting journey as

solution is where we are today. 32 programs are in

polo grows beyond our wildest dreams.

place, from internships, to club consults, to instructor certifications, I/I tournament development, free polo clinics, outdoor junior polo competitions and more, all turning small steps of growing our sport into giant leaps of getting it done. And we are taking you with us for the ride. Player Development, Club Development and I/I


Kris Bowman

USPA Polo Development LLC, Executive Director

are our three divisions. The Polo Development LLC programs fall within each division and are for you to use as stepping stones for your polo club and polo program successes.


USPA Polo Development LLC

Program Chart

Player Development Director | Amanda Snow, Chairman | Chrys Beal Player Development Coordinator | Elizabeth Holson Certified Polo Instructor Coordinator | Jessica Downey Team USPA Coordinator | Kylie Sheehan

Programs Youth Polo

National Youth Tournament Series Unrated National Youth Tournament Series Mentor Program

Team Uspa

Advanced Training Clinics Young Player Outreach Training Centers

Instructor Manager Forum Clinics Certified Polo Instructor 6

Youth Clinics Adult Clinics Instructor Skilz Clinics

Chairman Charles Smith Board Members Dennis Geiler | Chrys Beal | David Ragland | David Wenning | Duncan Huyler (Ex Officio) Executive Director Kristine Bowman Club Development


Director | Justin Powers, Chairman | Dennis Geiler Club Development Coordinator | Elizabeth Hedley

Director | Amy Fraser, Chairman | David Wenning I/I Tournament Coordinator | Emily Dewey I/I Program Coordinator | Ali Davidge



Polo Development Initiative

Intercollegiate Tournaments

Interscholastic Tournaments

Intern Program

Middle School LeaGUe

I/I Start Up and Enhancement

Player Performance Analysis

I/I Magazine

Club Consulting

Polo Skilz

College Polo 101

Developmental training

National Alumni Tournament

Interscholastic Varsity Letter Program

International Competition

InterCollegiate Scholarship Program

Club Development

Club Polo 101

Circuit Strategic Planning Outside the Boards


Player Development

“You miss 100% of the shots - you don’t take.” Wayne Gretzky


Generate. Build. Support. Player Development holds the key to our sport’s vision for the future. As we generate the spark, build the momentum and support with education, it is apparent our Player Development programs hold essential elements for polo’s future success. It begins with the players and we are proud to offer seven carefully crafted programs as a contribution to their development and polo’s lasting growth for generations to come. Amanda Snow, Director of Player Development

“It’s not how big you are, it’s how big you play.” Young Player Outreach


National Youth Tournament Series (NYTS) Established in 2013, the National Youth Tournament Series (NYTS) is the first national outdoor tournament for youth players - providing opportunities for rated young players, who have not exceeded their 19th birthday as of January 1st, to compete against their peers at qualifiers. At each qualifier NYTS All-Stars are named. These All-Stars are exemplary on and off the field as demonstrated by their horsemanship, sportsmanship, playing ability at their current handicap, and ability to work as team players. Players nominated as All-Stars at qualifiers are eligible to be selected to advance to represent their Zone at the National Championship, the Cecil Smith Cup. The NYTS season runs from March 1st through the first Monday in August, with the finals held over Labor Day Weekend. NYTS host clubs are encouraged to offer a lower level, unrated U-NYTS tournament to run in conjunction with the local qualifiers.

Contact: Amanda Snow Director of Player Development 9

Team USPA learning, training and playing opportunities for young

Young Player Outreach

American players in an effort to grow and sustain polo

The Young Player Outreach (YPO) program was

in the United States. Players ages 18-23 are selected

launched following the success of Team USPA,

based on talent enthusiasm and dedication to the sport

in effort to support more young polo players.

of polo. Team USPA members have unique opportunities to

This program provides learning opportunities for

attend clinics, lectures and are mentored by top American

young players who express the desire to improve

professionals. Team USPA has training centers based out

their knowledge of the game and horsemanship

of Wellington, Florida in the winter, Sheridan, Wyoming

on and off the field. The YPO program works in

in the summer and Aiken, South Carolina in the spring and

conjunction with Team USPA to provide young

fall. There is a major emphasis on Team USPA players giving

players with resources such as clinics, lectures

back to their local polo communities with umpiring, teaching

and mentorship opportunities with professionals

new players and promoting polo. Team USPA’s mission is

all over the country. With a strong network across

to develop not only professional players, but also industry

the polo community, both the Team USPA and

professionals as well as non-professional players who will

YPO programs provide unmatched opportunities

be contributing to the sport for the rest of their lives. The

to the next generation of American players.

The Team USPA program was created in 2010 to improve

program aims to provide networking, learning and playing opportunities to foster these players as the future leaders of polo in America.

Contact: Amanda Snow Director of Player Development

“Talent Ahead.” Team USPA


Contact: Amanda Snow Director of Player


“Tell me and I forget. Teach me and I remember. Involve me and I learn.” - Benjamin Franklin

USPA Clinics

USPA Polo Development, LLC Clinics are free for all USPA Clubs. They are individually designed and tailored to meet the unique needs and goals of your club. Our outstanding team of USPA Polo Development, LLC instructors are paired with clinics where the goals mesh with the clinician’s individual strengths and experiences. Our clinic program works with anyone over the age of 10 at any handicap level, as we work with the goals of your club. The USPA Polo Development, LLC Clinicians work closely with the Club Consultants to make recommendations on how the host club can benefit from the support of the Polo Development, LLC staff.

Contact: Elizabeth Holson USPA Polo Development, Clinic Coordinator

“Great vision without great people is irrelevant.”

Instructor Manager Forum (IMF)

“Ideas That Work” is the concept behind the IMF program dedicated to the sharing of best practices with polo club managers, instructors and support staff who come together from all over the United States to learn a better way to build a successful polo club. This annual forum is an amazing interactive learning opportunity focused on networking and boots on the ground lesson demonstrations, as well as classroom lectures from seasoned polo professionals.

Contact: Amanda Snow Director of Player Development 11

Certified Polo Instructor (CPI) Decades of visionary work came to fruition in December 2015 with the launch of the Certified Polo Instructor Program. After 2 years of intensive research and development, the USPA began testing and evaluating instructors. Developed into six key categories, instructors are evaluated on their abilities in: Safety, Horsemanship, Group/Lesson Control, Professionalism, Teaching Skills, and Polo Knowledge. The program’s mission is to offer standardization and resources for the teaching polo community. Being a Certified Polo Instructor allows the USPA to market an instructor’s abilities and refer newcomers to their high quality programs. As the program develops, Instructors will be able to move up the ladder and together improve and grow the foundation of players in the sport. With tools at their disposal, instructors can utilize endless video content on the PoloSkilz website, challenge and educate themselves with the tutorial material, and use the Certified Polo Instructor manual as a guide to our beloved sport.

contact: Jess Downey CPI Coordinator


Instructor Skilz Clinics Designed by Polo Development, LLC in 2015, Polo Skilz Clinics are a supplementary precursor for instructors looking to get their Instructor Certification. These 2-day, hands on, clinics are designed to prepare instructors for the expectation and testing protocol of the Certified Polo Instructor program. A combination of lectures, interactive teaching, and intimate group size ensures that each instructor has one-on-one attention from the Certification Team and is sure to walk away with new skills. Polo Development, LLC is dedicated to helping polo instructors reach their maximum potential.

contact: Jess Downey CPI Coordinator

“IN learning you will teach, in teaching you will learn.� - Phil Collins 13 13

Club Development


Traveling to clubs across the country allows the Polo Development LLC team to see the level of passion and commitment of individuals growing the sport at the grassroots level. It is always rewarding to take a polo innovation that worked in one part of the country to another club and see it replicated successfully. We are building a strong Polo Development network based on collaboration and group think. New innovations are being identified and labeled as “best practices” and being pushed out through the Polo Development network. The old saying “It takes a village...” applies not only to raising a child, but also to developing a polo player. Justin Powers, Director of Club Development

Polo Development Initiative (PDI) Growing polo on the grassroots level is a top priority of the Polo Development LLC. The Polo Development Initiative [PDI] program does just that by awarding reimbursement funds to clubs and polo schools whose goals are to develop and retain polo players. Clubs and school receiving PDI funding are the driving force for USPA membership growth and the funds are designed to elevate polo schools from good to great and building a sound business model for future growth. The future growth of the sport is predicated on the sustainability of grassroots polo. The PDI program aims to promote that sustainability.

Contact: Justin Powers Director of Club Development


Internships There are many great people in polo, driving the sport forward and developing new players on a daily basis, but where are the next generation of instructors and managers? The Polo Development Intern [PD Intern] program is aimed at identifying young, talented individuals looking to pursue a career in polo and providing them with the knowledge, skills, and abilities to succeed. Through the PD Intern program young talent is paired with seasoned polo professionals to expedite the process of creating the next generation of valuable human capital. The

“Polo isn’t my hobby. It’s my passion.”

Polo Development Intern program is designed to help shorten the learning curve, while setting sights on supplying polo with qualified employees for open opportunities.

Contact: Justin Powers Director of Club Development

Player performance analysis In 2003 the book Moneyball, by Michael Lewis, showcased the use of saber metrics in baseball player evaluation. This was the first known use of prioritization of statistics and data to make personnel decisions in professional sports. Today, every major professional sports team either has an analytics department or an analytics expert on staff. The Polo Development team launched the Player Performance Analysis program in 2016 utilizing quantitative analytics, video analysis and cutting edge biomechanics to apply science and technology to the sport of polo through swing and riding analysis.

Contact: Justin Powers Director of Club Development 16

Polo Skilz In 2014 the USPA Board of Governors approved the Polo Development LLC’s purchase of the Polo Skilz Network. Polo Skilz will serve as an educational resource platform for the development of the sport. Polo Skilz is currently home to over 200 videos pertaining to the development of an individual or team in riding, strategy, hitting, and basic horse care. The Polo Development LLC is actively working to develop more material which can be accessed on the Polo Skilz network by the polo community.

Contact: Justin Powers Director of Club Development

“Keep Calm and play more polo.”

Club Development The National Club Development program is part of the USPA Polo Development LLC’s dedication to the growth of polo by offering programs designed to help clubs of all sizes with club development, membership growth, polo school and league implementation and marketing the individual club and the USPA. The program offers club development consultation (strategic planning, marketing, club organization and management) and benchmarking “best practices” from other polo clubs.

Contact: Justin Powers Director of Club Development 17

Outside The Boards (OTB) Sponsorship, marketing, PR and special events are all part of a larger picture called, Outside The Boards. This program is specific to the revenue generating opportunities that exist beyond teaching and playing polo that contributes to a polo club’s sustainability. Let us work with you to develop this aspect of your polo club for the most effective of outcomes.

Contact: Elizabeth Hedley Coordinator

“Capital isn’t scarce; - Sam vision is.” Walton 18

Strategic Planning

In 2013, the Polo Development LLC began conducting Circuit Strategic Planning sessions with the various circuits. The goal of the circuit strategic planning is to bring leadership of the circuit together to develop a sustainable plan for the development of the sport in a specific region. Strategic Planning includes a review of USPA programs and services, environmental analysis of the circuit, needs assessment, and goal/action item development and implementation.

Contact: Justin Powers Director of Club Development


Intercollegiate / Interscholastic

“Polo, your next great sport.” - PDLLC 20

Passion. Dedication. Excellence. We strive to produce a well-rounded player, with not only a focus on creating players on the field with an emphasis on horsemanship and sportsmanship, but a strong emphasis in the classroom as well. In the end, I/I returns a valuable member back to your club and to the polo playing community. Amy Fraser, Director of I/I Programs

Intercollegiate / Interscholastic The Intercollegiate/Interscholastic program is divided into four divisions: Women and Men’s Intercollegiate, Girls and Open Interscholastic. All games are played in the arena using a split string format, utilizing two strings of six horses with each horse playing twice, once per team, to limit home team advantage. The I/I season begins September 1st and teams are seeded for the spring tournaments based on regular season play. Teams compete throughout the regular season to vie for regular season champion status. Winners of each tournament advance, culminating at the national championships. At each tournament, awards are given to the winning team, four All-Stars, a sportsmanship recipient, Best Playing Pony and Best Playing String.

contact: Amy Fraser Director of I/I 21

Middle School The Middle School league was started in 2014 to offer a venue for students in 5th – 8th grade an opportunity to compete at the tournament level against players their own age. Rather than play on a split string as in the IS and IC tournaments, players get to play their own pony, or source an appropriate one. Tournaments are capped at four teams, to allow the tournament to be played over a weekend. The middle school league is available in the fall, allowing those players that qualify for the interscholastic season to compete in that as well.

contact: Emily Dewey I/I Tournament Director

Additional Opportunities “Of all the paths you take in life, make sure some of them are dirt.” - John Muir

Clinics, funding, fundraiser, and umpire support are additional programs available to all I/I programs. Collegiate players also have the opportunity to apply to play for the USA team in the international challenge cup each year against SUPA Britain.

contact: Amy Fraser Director of I/I


Interscholastic Varsity Letter Individually, players are able to work towards earning their Interscholastic Varsity Letter in Polo. Students are required to put in at least 100 hours of riding, stick and balling, practice and game time; as well as compete in at least one regular season game and post-season tournament play. Varsity letter recipients receive a certificate of achievement, a varsity letter patch, a pin for their first year, and each additional year.

contact: Ali Davidge I/I Coordinator

Intercollegiate Scholarship The USPA recognizes 40 universities and colleges that have active collegiate polo programs. Intercollegiate polo scholarships are available through the USPA for students who have competed in the Interscholastic Division and continue on to play polo in college.

contact: Amy Fraser Director of I/I


Meet our staff Kris Bowman | Executive Director

Up until 2009, Kris Bowman was playing competitive polo and running several of the most successful polo schools and clubs in the country. Fast forward to 2015 and you will find Kris going on her sixth year working for the USPA, as Executive Director of Polo Development LLC and responsible for a multi-million dollar budget. Her duties include effective program development, implementing and creating association policies and procedures, and supervising an ever-growing handpicked support team whose sole purpose is to laser focus on growing the sport. Best known for her hands on, no nonsense, results driven energy, she guarantees effective results or will die trying. Kris passionately believes in the change our sport is ready to see and she is the one to take us there. Being in the right place at the right time is everything in business and Kris Bowman is exactly that, right on time.

Amanda Snow | Director Player Development

A Massachusetts native, Amanda grew up in a polo playing family and began riding at an early age. During her childhood, she was active in showing and polo. Her love of horses and passion for the sport has found her working in management and sponsorship positions since her teenage years. She graduated from Suffolk University in 2008 with a bachelor’s degree in Communication. Following graduation, Amanda worked at the acclaimed Winter Equestrian Festival (WEF) in Wellington, FL. While Amanda was managing Myopia Polo Club she was recruited by Kris Bowman as the first to join her Polo Development team at the USPA. Since 2011 Amanda has been a pioneer in the taking polo to the U.S. Pony Club and in the creation of the USPA National Youth Tournament Series.


Justin Powers | Director Club Development

Justin is entering his 23rd year as a member of the USPA and joined Kris and the Polo Development team in January of 2012. As a third generation polo player, Justin has spent his childhood traveling the Mid-States Circuit developing green horses and playing competitive polo. In addition to polo, Justin’s extensive knowledge includes the horse racing industry, Capitol Hill, oil and gas and economic development. He holds bachelor’s in Sport Management from Robert Morris University and a master’s in Nonprofit Management both of which he uses on a daily basis working with polo clubs across the country.

Amy Fraser | Director of I/I

Amy grew up showing Morgans in saddle seat and Hunter/Jumpers, and was introduced to polo by her older brother Tom Wisehart, who began playing polo at the University of Connecticut. Following in his footsteps, Amy went on to study at UCONN and decided to give polo a try. While there she captained her team to two National Intercollegiate Championships and was awarded the PTF Intercollegiate Female Player of the Year award in 2006. After college, Amy spent two years at Culver Academies as the head equestrian team coach and the assistant polo coach. Following Culver, she spent a winter in Argentina working at a green horse training operation. Amy joined the USPA in 2009 where she has served as staff liaison to many committees including the tournament committee, arena committee, women’s committee, safety committee, and the I/I committee. Amy assumed the role as I/I Director in 2012, piloting many new programs and initiatives including the I/I Start Up & Enhancement program, Interscholastic Varsity Letter program, Middle School League, International Challenge Cup and the Intercollegiate Scholarship Program. Amy travels all over the country to programs and events throughout the year and enjoys giving back to the program that got her started.


Ali Davidge | I/I Coordinator

Ali is a product of the I/I program. She began playing polo as a high school student at the Culver Academies after growing up showing Hunter/Jumpers. She continued playing polo in college for the University of Kentucky while studying Agricultural Economics, Equine Science and Business Management. Before joining the USPA staff Ali spent her summers teaching riding at the Culver Summer Schools and interning with the Kentucky Horse Council. She currently works with the Interscholastic/Intercollegiate Program, where she focuses on Equine Welfare and Interscholastic Club Development.

Elizabeth Hedley | Coordinator

After earning a MFA from the University of Texas, Austin, Elizabeth joined her two passions, horses and creativity to launch a 15+ year career in equestrian sports management. She has worked exclusively at equestrian Hunter/Jumper venues, including five years at Winter Equestrian Festival and polo clubs throughout the United States from California to Florida, New York, Texas, Virginia and Wyoming. Outside the Boards is a program Elizabeth designed specifically to address the needs of clubs wanting to investigate sustainable revenue generating possibilities that co-exist with the revenue established from the teaching and playing of polo.

Emily Dewey | I/I Tournament Coordinator

Emily is an alumna of Michigan State University, where she earned a bachelor’s degree in Animal Science and was a member of the varsity polo team after being introduced to the sport as a sophomore. Upon graduation, she accepted the assistant polo coach position at Garrison Forest School in Maryland. During her seven year tenure at GFS, Emily directed the summer polo clinics, taught several science classes and helped coach the GFS team to two Girls’ National Interscholastic Championships. Emily joined the USPA Interscholastic/Intercollegiate team in 2014 and her main focus is the scheduling and management of the I/I and Middle School tournament seasons. She also appreciates being able to give back to the I/I program by meeting and consulting with I/I clubs and coaches on how to maintain their programs, ponies, and athletes.


Jess Downey | Certified Polo Instructor Coordinator

Jess joined the Polo Development team in 2014. As a Florida native, she started swinging a mallet at 10 years old in her hometown of Vero Beach, FL. Before finding polo, Jess showed Hunter/Jumpers during the winters and rode western in Wyoming during the summers. Combining polo and her love of the West, Jess attended Colorado State University where she competed at the collegiate level. Jess has a bachelor’s degree in Industrial/Organization Psychology and Business and uses those skills in her work to help design the Certified Polo Instructor Program.

Elizabeth Holson | Player Development Coordinator

Elizabeth Holson joined the USPA after several years as the Assistant Polo Director at the Atlanta Regional Polo Center. Her experience includes cultivating new players, beginner through coaching league, coaching the ARPC Interscholastic and Emory Intercollegiate teams, as well as running camps and polo clinics for students across the country. After being introduced to polo at Skidmore College (class of 2009), she received a degree in Exercise Science, played varsity polo and managed Skidmore’s string, eventually moved South to begin her polo career. She is now Polo Development’s head instructor teaching and managing a team of qualified instructors who crisscross the country teaching Free USPA Clinics available to all USPA clubs.

Kylie Sheehan | Team USPA Coordinator

Kylie started playing polo in the interscholastic program at her alma mater Garrison Forest. She went on to win the National Interscholastic Women’s Championship her senior year of high school and was named the 2009 PTF Interscholastic Player of the Year. In college, Kylie won two National Intercollegiate Championships playing for the University of Virginia in her third and fourth years. She graduated in 2013 with a bachelor’s degree in Foreign Affairs concentrating in Latin American and the Middle East. She made Team USPA that year and has taken advantage of many of the opportunities the program has to offer since graduation. She has since worked for Perk Connell, Carlos Galindo, Whistle Uys and Gillian Johnston’s G-String Polo training and playing green horses as well as playing in competitive tournaments internationally and in the United States. Kylie is now working for Team USPA as it’s program coordinator and is looking forward to helping the program grow.


Contact US

Point of Contact Area of Inquiry Contact Information Kris Bowman Executive Director PDLLC

Amanda Snow Director of Player Development

All Polo Development LLC Programs

NYTS, Team USPA, YPO, IMF, Clinics, CPI, Youth Polo, (978) 375-7736 Instructor Skilz Clinic

Justin Powers Director of Club Development

PDI, Intern Program, Polo Skilz, Club Consulting, Circuit Strategic Planning (330) 692-0062

Amy Fraser Director of I/I

All I/I Programs, Tournaments, Annual Magazine, Club Enhancement, I/I Scholarships (860) 608-6745

Ali Davidge I/I Coordinator

I/I Equine Welfare, Interscholastic Club Development, Rules & Eligibility (561) 701-3242

Elizabeth Hedley

Outside The Boards (561) 662-0072

Elizabeth Holson Player Development Coordinator

Player Development Program Coordinator, USPA Clinics (802) 299-9174

I/I Tournaments, Middle School League, Umpire Support (443) 613-3010

Certified Polo Instructor Program, Instructor Skilz Clinics (772) 559-4993

Club Development Program, PDI Coordinator

Emily Dewey I/I Tournament Coordinator Jess Downey Certified Polo Instructor Coordinator

Kylie Sheehan Team USPA Team USPA Coordinator 28 (703) 362-7656 (443) 955-3470

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