5 minute read
• Horses and carriages have the right of way on all roads and paths. • The speed limit on all roads is 25 mph. The speed limit in the barn areas and campground is 10 mph. This is enforced by the KHP Police. • Drivers of any vehicles on the Park must be at least 16 years of age and have a valid driver’s license. This includes golf carts, scooters, mopeds, etc.
All vehicles must purchase a $15/vehicle/event parking pass from the front gate of KHP, which must be displayed at all times. Passenger vehicles may only park in designated areas only, and there is NO PARKING in the barns or on any grass at KHP.
All trailers MUST be parked in the designated trailer parking lot, behind the Alltech Arena, across from the Secretariat Center. NO trailer parking in the front lot of KHP or any location designated with “No Trailer Parking” signage. Inappropriately parked trailers will be towed at the owner’s expense.
A Kentucky Horse Park (KHP) admission for the world-renowned International Museum of the Horse, an affiliate of the Smithsonian Institution, the American Saddlebred Museum, and live equine presentations is included in the entry fee price for all Championships competitors and Education participants. Competitors and participants should stop by the Information Booth in the Trade Fair or the USPC Show Office to pick up their wristbands. Additional tickets also available for purchase.
Several dining options are available, including the Grill on the Hill, the Covered Arena, the Rolex Arena, the Campground Store, and some food trucks. Please see the map for permanent dining locations and the below for days and times.
Paddock Cafe
Monday, July 19 - 11 am – 6 pm Tuesday, July 20 – 7 am – 6 pm Wednesday, July 21 – 7 am – 6 pm Thursday, July 22 – 7 am – 6 pm Friday, July 23 – 7 am – 6 pm Saturday, July 24 – 8 am – 6 pm Sunday, July 25 – 8 am – 6 pm Monday, July 26 – 8 am – 6 pm Covered Arena
Monday, July 19 - 11 am – 6 pm Tuesday, July 20 – 8 am – 5 pm Wednesday, July 21 – 8 am – 5 pm Thursday, July 22 – 8 am – 5 pm Friday, July 23 – 8 am – 6 pm Saturday, July 24 – 8 am – 5 pm Sunday, July 25 – 8 am – 5 pm Monday, July 26 – 8 am – 5 pm Rolex Arena
Tuesday, July 20 – 12 am – 7 pm Wednesday, July 21 – 8 am – 5 pm Thursday, July 22 – 8 am – 6 pm Friday, July 23 – 8 am – 4 pm Sunday, July 25 – 8 am – 5 pm Monday, July 26 – 8 am – 5 pm
No camping is allowed in the stabling area, around the show rings, covered arena, or any other nondesignated area.
In compliance with the State of Kentucky Fire Code, the KHP does NOT allow any of the following in stalls, barns, or tents: • Any 2-prong plug appliances • Any 2-prong plug extension cords • Light duty cords for indoor use • Any 3-way adaptors unless specifically made for outdoors • Any adaptors without 3-prong connections
Bagged ice available to purchase onsite from Dever, next to Barn 21.
All muck generated during the event must be placed in marked muck concrete bins. Muck may NOT be placed in the barns, at the ends of the barns, or in any other non-designated area. Participants who fail to adhere to marked muck dumping areas may be asked to leave the park grounds.
No dogs are allowed in the barns, any indoor venue, or on the cross-country course. Only leashed dogs are allowed and must be under the control of a handler at all times. Dogs may not ever be left unattended, and NO animals other than competition horses are allowed in the barn area. Dogs in distress left in cars, trailers, etc., will be removed at the owner’s expense. Attendees may ride bicycles to traverse the competition areas of the park. However, bicyclists must always give way to horses and bicycles park at the end of barns during Championships competition.
All golf cart or other motorized vehicle drivers must have a valid driver’s license, follow all posted signage, and park in appropriate areas. No one may take golf carts to the museums or other attractions at the center of KHP. Only authorized golf carts are allowed in the barns or on the cross-country course. Additional areas may also have limited access as designated by signage. Those violating the golf cart rules will be subject to a fine or expulsion from the event.
Detailed participant information regarding parking, golf carts, and other information is available on the Kentucky Horse Park website. While we included highlights of the information, all Festival attendees are responsible for reviewing and abiding by all KHP regulations while onsite.
No Pony Club activity would be possible without the hard work and support of our valuable volunteers. Festival is no exception, and we want to honor and say thank you to all volunteers who are here in Kentucky making Festival 2021 a fabulous event. We will be saying thank you to some lucky volunteers throughout the week with a few wonderful Kentucky giveaways. While you are here at Festival, be sure to say thank you to anyone who is making your experience a memorable one. Have time to spare and want to be eligible for giveaways?
Visit www.eventingvolunteers.com and search for USPC Festival Championships for additional volunteer opportunities.

Stop by the information desk located in the indoor arena concourse and purchase your raffle ticket for the complete riding package. The package includes a Wintec saddle of choice, girth, and stirrup leathers (value of up to $2,205) and the Kerrits Jr Designer Winner outfit of shirt and riding tights* plus a $250 Kerrits shopping spree ($351 value). Drawing will take place July 30th.

*or comparable pieces if these items are not available.