How To Get Rid Of Bed Bugs

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Bed bugs are not something you want to be sharing your bed with. They bite and feed on humans and while the bites themselves don’t hurt we are guessing you would rather not have them in the first place. But how do you get rid of bed bugs without throwing chemicals and other nasties into the place where you sleep every night? Obviously you need to be very careful about how you get rid of them. Since this is an area where you will be sleeping you need to be sure you aren’t using any strong chemicals or anything else that could harm you as much as the bed bugs themselves. Most people would go straight to a pest expert to solve the problem for them. But when you do this you will get an unexpected side effect – namely a huge bill! You also have to arrange for them to come and do the job and that can be inconvenient. The first thing to think about before you treat any room for bed bugs is that you are capable of spreading them around if you aren’t too careful. For example you will want to strip the bed and wash everything on it at as high a temperature as possible. But if you carry it all down to the washing machine you will probably drop bugs along the way, allowing them to scuttle off into other rooms and infect those as well. Use a bin bag to carry the bedding downstairs in to minimize the chances of this happening. This is the way to learn how to get rid of bed bugs as efficiently as possible. There are plenty of do it yourself bed bug products on the market today that enable you to eradicate any infestations you may have. As soon as you spot the first signs of bed bugs in your home you should move to treat the area as quickly as possible. The longer you leave it the more likely you are to get a worse problem. There are several aerosol sprays on the market that treat all manner of nasties including bed bugs. Always be sure to read the instructions carefully so you can see how best to apply the spray to your mattress. It is vital to get every single area treated and then leave it to fully dry before re­making your bed. For example you might want to leave it overnight and sleep elsewhere to ensure it is fine to re­use. When you use products like this you may have to vacuum your mattress – and indeed the carpet in your home – before you make it again. This will get rid of dead bed bugs – and live ones – as well as any residue left by the product you have used. The important thing to remember is that there are products out there to help you get rid of bed bugs. And more than this, if you have these bugs in your home it doesn’t mean your home isn’t clean. It simply means you have been unlucky – and there are remedies for that. Kill­ is your best resource for Eco­Green Natural and Professional Strength products for do it yourself pest control. Learn Get rid of Bed Bugs go to Kill­

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