IT'S NOTA WINNING GUARANTEE. BUT IT'S PRETTY CLOSE. - MARIA SHARAPOVA THE NEW HEAD YOUTEKTM GRAPHENE™ INSTINCT. We can't promise you'll start playing as powerfully as Maria right away, but if you are looking for effortless power. you should test the new HEAD YouTek"' Graphenetv Instinct. Thanks to its revolutionary construction with the world's strongest and lightest material. Graphene'"· this racquet provides an optimal redistribution or weight gi ving you more power with even less effort. So enjoy playing- and winning. head.com/tennls
ADDvantage magazine editorial offices USPTA World Headquarters 3535 Briarpark Drive, Suite One Houston, TX 77042 Phone – 713-978-7782, ext. 116 800-USPTA-4U Fax – 713-358-7794 email – magazine@uspta.org www.ADDvantageUSPTA.com
Managing editor Circulation
Kimberly Forrester Kathy Buchanan
Office hours: 8:30 a.m. - 5 p.m. Central time
ADDvantage is published monthly by the United States Professional Tennis Association.
The opinions expressed in ADDvantage are those of the authors and not necessarily those of ADDvantage or the USPTA. Copyright© United States Professional Tennis Association, Inc. 2013. All rights reserved. Reproduction of any portion of the magazine is not permitted without written permission from USPTA. ADDvantage/March 2013
David Webb President 817-491-9586 Jenny Gray Regional vice president 956-581-7401
CEO’s message
ADDvantage/March 2013
from previous page I first met Clarence during the planning of one of the Tennis Teachers Conferences back in 1980 at the Roosevelt Hotel on 44th and Madison in New York !lack rhen, rhe idea ofhringing rhe leading tennis t·eachers and coaches together for educational seminars was ::t bit foreign co the industry. Yet, Clarence willingly gave of his time to come and >1J<.'ak to aspiring prof<-ssionals about the intricacies of cooching at (he insistence of Eve Kraft:, who was running the USTA Education and Recreation Dcpanrncm for the USTA in Princcmn, N .J., and whose brainchild ir w:ls ro hosr rhe ·rennis ·reachers Conference d uring
the U.S. Open. Clarence"'"-' always one of Eve Kraft's f:worites who could al''~-'::t}'S be counttxl on co make the trek from &m Antonio co New York, although the big city lights never S<.>cmed to suit Clarence. He was always much more ar home back in Texas, working wi[h young people to instill a pa."ion for cl>c game that he loved so dearly.
Proposed slate of 2013-2015 national Board of Directors The national Nominating Committee has completed its task and proudly USPTA. submits the following slate for the 2013-2015 USPTA national Board of Directors.
The crearion, in parrnership wirh john Newcom he of"Newk•s" 'ltnnis R.1nch in New Braunfels. was a dreatn come tnte: a place
where aspiring juniors from all over the world could come and get training from the world's bt-..st. This facility was his passion in his later years and so many players ofall abilities who anendt"<l the camp over the past 30 plu.' years of exisrencc have enjoyed the training and rhe laid b:-tck acmosphere which SUI'rOlHlds ic. Hut besides rhe statistics ;Hld accolades. was there ever a more gendemanly figure in our g~une £han Clarence? Those of us who knew Clarence and had the opportunity to spend time with him will aJways recall his engaging smile, hisd1y scnscofhumorand his v.-arm laughter. For many, he served as a "finhcr..Jike" figure that rurncd boys into men. His in nare ahilit-y ro re:-tch life lessons though rennis made him one or a kind. ' l'he testimonials fron'l his former players Dick Stockton and Butch Newman at his service were evidence of the impact he had on his players. \'(lhilc this has bc-cn a difficult time for many ofus in the industry, we arc buoyed by the F..cr that our sport is better hccau.<e of these two giams. T hei1· spirir will live on fo r years ro come and we are gr:ueful for having known them. Godspeed, 'lim and Clarence. I know you will be looking down on us as we perpetuate your mission to elevate the standards of the teaching profc.,;sionals and coacht.,; throughout the world. 'f>-'
We're hiring!
Tom McGraw
First vice president
Chuck Gill
Vice presidents
Nancy Cox Alan Cutler
Jeff Hawes RauiSaad Gary Trost Tom Daglis
Immediate past president
Additional nominations may be made by the general membership in accordance with the USPTA Bylaws. Article VII, Section 3. Procedures and information for running for a board position may be obtained from the national office aher April I. 2013. In order for a new candidate to be added to the ballot. he or she must be nominated by at least 120 members. Only one nominee per office will be added to the slate.
The USPTA is seeking a Director of Marketing to join • its staff at the USPTA World Headquan ers in Hou~ ton.
Director of Marketing • Managts all tnd0l"$ttnents. promotions. contracts. ads and ~nml s:tleos ror USPTA and seeks otht.r potential endorsement opportunities. • Builds relltionships with key contad:s in and out tbe tennis indwuy to promote brand id~:nlity and mission or assodation. • Responsible for ad sales and S«Uring content ror USPTA publications and
reviewing Tennis Channel progra.m.m.ing. • Worb dostly with public rtlations and communications dtpartmenu 011 spedaJ projects and ad\•en:l.sement negotiation. • Plans and organizes promoriocu for annual USFTA world Contemn a.od: coordinates uade show &nd Al~tnt •uctioo.
Ex~llt-nt orsan.i.ution, man.-g:emtnl, proble-tn·solving and
communiation slciUs. • E:xctptional knowttdgt of awttting stnttgk>s md busin~ss
• Ability to dt\•eiop relationships with a variety o(
penortiliries and senior·'""! extrurivu. • Minimum S.lOytMl«ptrk:nct. • B.achelot"s degJH required; martedng prekmd but not
• ~
r.quiud. • Tennis koowl~ a plus. • SOtne tta\•el ~uited.
send cover letter Jnd resume to JOhn embret>ll/ uspt,l org S,ll,uy ~ommensurJte on ~1nl! 5-et ,1nd to be detenmned for more mfomunon \'JStt www usptJ com F,, ' 'f""> fl 'n ; ~-nr "
4 4
ADDvantage/March 2013 2013 AODvantoge/Mor<h
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Tim Heckler: A true inspiration for all who aspire to teach tennis
n Feb. 4, we were all deeply shocked and S3ddtncd by the untimely passing of former USPTA CEO lim Heckler. To say rim rhe industry has lost a formidable and saong leader doesn't do him justice. He inspired and couched many with his dedication and commitment LO improving the tennisteachi ng profc'>Sion and the livclihnod of tenn is-teaching professionals.
r,, irupitw/ •tul ~M~CINJ rrr.mry fllilh his tUtliutio• """"""""""ml to i"'P''OIIillt the tm•u-tucbi•t profouitm """ the liwlibootl f1j tnmu-t,,cbillt profomollllh. lleddcrscn-ro tho USI'TA in thocapocity of CEO for 30 years before retiring at the end of 20 12. When 1kddcr was rapped as USI'TA CEO in 1982. tho org;.nitation hod opproximarcly 2.400 members and an ammal budget $700.000. He grew the 3~.sociation co rhc world:.; oldt'S[ and larg· C:Sl org;mi1..1tion orics kinll. Sc:rving more than 15.000 members in 66 rowmics, and operating "" •n .mmOJI budget of S6.5 million. Prior to that he :.crved eight years on the n.1tion.tl U~I'TA becuti•·e Commitree, including four )'QJ'S on the national Board of Directors. Ho "'.l> dca<d USI''rA presidom in 1980 >nd 1981. and was USI'TA l'rofes.iorml of the Y<ar in 1979 and was a Master Professional. I lcckler, who began playing tennis ar
6 ADDvonrogo/Mo•ch ADDvantage/March 2013 2013
age J, st:arrcd his tcnnis· tcaching career in I970, the >:lrne year he join<d USI'1'A. llecklcr o<sumcd a full-time rcnnistt:tching po~ition m Houston s \X'esrwoe)CI Counrry Club. 11 is inAueno:s went well-beyond tc~d,. ing. :lS he servc.!d as :1 consultant ro chc renni< industry >incc 1972. I lis work as a coach and,, <J><aker. •nd his e•perience in designin~;, man>ging and programming .>C'<ral largcr«rearional facilitio, g;.ve him <he background to d<al with all sima<ions rebtal to cenrn>.ln 1973 he \\'25 theconsulum and tennis director for the Bobby RiW "'· llillic J<>n King "M>rch of the Ccnrury" held in the llouston Amodomc. With llccklcr's guidance, USI'TA be· 1
C.UliC: One o( the: firsl tenniS Otganiz.."ltiOnS
to embrace technology. first through the
1im ami C/,t/s((ll/rrl:ln
comp•ucri7..11ion the bu~iness itself 2~ rarly as 1982, and then fat« through its usc of1hc Internet and email-based rommunic:uions 2nd educocion. USPTA innoduccd itS liNt website rn 1')')). Heckler's personal passion was his involvement in US!'TA Little Trnni>c and the impact it had on incn•sing <ennis piny among children .md f.unilics. Having devclnped a similar progr.1m for his dub in ohc <">rly 70s, he w:u. able ro bring ir to n:tcinnall)fOillincnccwilh USPTA"s introduction of LiHie Tennis in l ?94. ·n,c USI''Ii\ honored Hcddcr in 2000 by naming him 3 grand inducree in rhe a>sodauon's Hall of !'arne. He also n.'Ccived rhe lnrernational Tennis I !all of Fame's Tenni; Educuional Merit Aw.ud in 2002 and w:os inducted into the l'i:xasTrnnis Hall of F.unc in 2005. In 2008 he m:ci•·t'tl the high<St honor JW;uded by the United Stares l'rofcs,ional ·lcnni>A.sociation, the Grorge R.1c."" !Jfetimc Achicvcrnem Aw:ud. l le attended I omar Universiry in Be-.tumont, ·lcx.as, on ;1 ccnnis scholarship :md played on 1hc imcrn:uional circ-uir, including Win1l>lcdon in 1959 and 1961 and rhc U.S. OJ>cn in 1960. V>www.ADDvantageUSPTA.com YNIW.ADOvant&g$U$PTA.com
In his own words: Excerpts from the late Tim Heckler in his last editorial as CEO as he says, rso long' Goodbps nrr hlll'fl. and thtyr,. nttn bttnkr nft~r 30 )WII'l. USJ>TA baJ bmt n bugr pm•t of my lip. null lmnis iJ tbr ren~Ofl. Tlu sport touk hold uf mr 6lyttm ago •{I agt 3 w/gn I (u:gan pbzying. ;\1y pmt'rtll zu." my prim11ry uqrlm1. I pf,IJ€d cominuo(I.<Q• as 11)11/lior and (ompetrd 011 1l1r mms iutrrnm!omiirour 11fttr compkting /ugh sclJool. 1i-lmis nlwwrd me ro tllm a colkgr scbolanhip. wl,ich brough1 mr 111 1his grMt (;)urrlry in the litu 19501. llwm bmer. ltl!nJ lutky mnugb to lmul ;n tllf gmrt Jlutr of1b<,u whm I arriud .rt Lmmzr Unir,.rsity in 8Mt1111ont /.IJ b•giu my collrgr Mrur. \Yihilr II!)' biology tlegr«IIJ!ukd me 11 JOb i11 mtdiiYII -rr,wtrrb jirtt zuitb M.D. Audmon Ctmcer Cmttr ,md /tlltr witll ,,u oftiJt Tt'xas to11rrutmma. .md tit the sltrrt oftbt tennis /1oom ( 1970) I had rt.mmrd to rile game ns 11 rermis tcarhrr in Houston nnd jllinrd tllf USP1il. AJ n wttllfr. lmn'11rd 11 junior rtnnp,rltiw lrmll'ling ttnm nud rlllli111tal junihr chm!tpiq•u in multipi~ ng~ oJt.gurirs, whik dirt.rtin?,·lltmtltipurposr rotmtry rltlb{irrilley.
/)r. jomu &tlk, l1111ts nrvrr fl•r •IWIIJ from rl~t wmis rourti. In tiJ< J%0J, I pla)'<'tl
To say I'm proud ofwhat USPTA has become in the last 30 years is a huge 1mderstatementjo1· me. But, I hope you - tl1e numzbers - m-e just as p1·oud because you made it happtm.
I tuns mcoumgrd by my trrmis•uathirrgpe~n tQ srrt'f this gr•ar nrganiZtttiqn, nnd ir Wllfllf long before I was qn thr Tr.xas Dwuion board, serving M TfXnJ presidem mtd rwmingfor USI'TAi rmtiomrl bomrl. During this timr.J mwud ttrul managtd tmuiJ elttbs in fillllilbll 1111d wt>rkr.tl lfJ a ctmsultant 011 orlur Wtltis dub projetti. { ulst> rtmtimwl to romp.tr in tmnis. enmiug titlrs in b''"' singln mrd do11b)a. tlvory part ofmy life tuns touebtd by r.rmis! Dunng my umurc 011 the 1111ti01utl8oard ofDirrclo11mtd liS pmidc·nr ofUSI'TA. ltuas.Jortmurtr to work tullh.so many gtnmmtpeople who g•1Vt oftheir limr tQ fltJI/1¥ USPTAi comin11edgrruvth anti !IJIIW in qur industry Itt we <n'-mlrht 1980f. I witnmed m11ny po.sih'vr t;hnngts iu our ttlu(lttion Ofld ltsting pmgnmrs with "!Y frieml tilt({fo/lquJ mtpfo)'<'t Gr.orgr l/ncso, who pftJStd tliMJ in I998. f oftrn wonder wlmt hr wouldstty and thmk ttboul our rurmn acl/l"'"mmn.
My illvoltwnmti/J fllltl:fllbtr at btrgr rmd tu ttlltttiomtl k11du J,r!p;d "'" 10 mnblisb tiM~ gM!t rulit11 I wrugi••m the tl~t~nr. t/J br USPTA's mp admirri.srrntor in 1982. My nmbitiD!tS lli<'!'r lq.fij nr tht: limr. bm no11nhrlm, with n smt'l of rmbrli~t'flblr botlrd llltlllb(rs and wolldcrfitl stnffmembrTJ, wr nrbieu~d thtm. Iaiit proud to r.porr thnr ... 111e htJIM lltet>mpli.shfd t!mt goals nrui so 11ruth 111111¥ in 1br bm 30 )YJirs.
/q s~• I'm proud ofwlmt US PTA bas btcoml'irl rl1e IIIJt 30.rrars is fllmgnllldmtmrotmrform~. 81ft, IIJopr )'Of/- tiJI' m.r!lbcrs -IIJ't j us/ OJ proud btrni/.Sfy011 li/Jidt tlf10pfl•t> So WIJg! ~
lim II1IU IWb an
Remembering Tim Thoughts shared by jim Loehr, Ed.D. im's impact on the game of tennis is beyond me-J.sure. He and always will be one of the gr<"at hero<-s ofAmerican tennis. He has helped so many people in so man y ways build careers in tenn is. I've devoted my life £O reaching mental cough ncs.s and compcr.ir.ivc srrcngrh, and I can s:-ty wirhour hesir.:uion rhar 'Tim was one of rhe
greatest figlners/warriors l>ve ever met. You really get to see the character of someone when the world turns ~1galnst him, when he laces life's most brutal fo rces. T im was a force to be r<-ckont-d with. T never wanrcd to face him as a compcrimr - he was relentless, a
will of steel when he was fighting for a cause he believed in. As with all of us, Tim was not pcrftct but his extraordinary goodness as a person wascspc.-cially cvidcnr in his final two years. T im was an au thent ic, genu ine person who cared deeply for others. He was :m exrraordin:uily kind, compa.o;sionare and loving m:tn. He was a
fierce competitor but never munple<i over people, never disrespec:red them. He was a man ofbrilliam integrity ami honesty. He had a deep resp<'Ct for other.; and an abiding belief in the goodn<'SS of p<'<>plc.
What WJIMatter by Michul]ogphson So whiU will mllttel'! How wiU tb. valw ofyo•~r d4ys b. nuiiSIIIWI! Wb.rt will III4IUr is not whatyou bo11ght but what you b,.i/t, not whiU you got but whatyou gaw. Wb.rt wiU mattn' is not yo11r n««SS butyour signiftcanu. What wiU mattn' is not what you learned but whatyou 11111ght. What will mattn' is "'"JIU't ofinugrity. umJHUSiDn. uurage, or llllTifice tb.rt mrkb.d, nnpoW<TWI or mmllragn/ oth.n to nnulau you aample. What wiU III4IUr is not your mmpetm« b11tyour dNtriU'tn'. What wiU mattn' is not how ~n~~ny people you lmnu, but how many wiU foe/ a lasting loss when you're gon~. WINtt wiD malin" is notyour mnnories but tiN mnnorin tb.rt liw in ~hog who lowtlyo11. What wiU mattn' is how long you wiU be ~Y~M~~~Imwl. by whom andfor whm.
extrv~owliiUirJ hllman
atrtu~rrlnulry fother,
lnubtuul, luMr anJfrinul.
He was rrusdng and loyJ.l co a f.IUlr. He was an honorable person, with a de-ep sense of jusrice and f.tirn<'SS that guided his behavior consrandy. ]im never built himself up - he never was full of himself. He was the sdAess k"ader- a formidable fighter- but it was never about him. He was never boascful. never arrogam, never condescending ro ochers in spice of all h is remarkable accomplishmcms. For me, and for so many who really knew hi m, 'Jim was :l real life hero
who never sought f::u ne, notoriety or privilege. He was simply a dedicated, relentless, passionate, tough as hell, smart as ;1 whip competitor who never gave up fighting for a cause he believed in. He gave his life for what he believed in. He was a servam of others. Uur of :til ·lirn's re1narkable ralenrs and srrengrhs, rhe mosr
important realiry about 'lim for me was th~t he was an extraordinarily good person, a person with extraordinary character. So what can we k-arn from lim's brilliant life as well as his tragic and untimely death? If Tim were here. chcsc arc just a few of chc things I think he would say; 'Tim was always teaching: • Make your life stand for something bigger rhan yourself and give everything you have ro the cause. • Never compromise your char..lcter to win f.1.vors fronl peopleor wln their political support. Sray true to your beliefs, v~Uucs and, most imponandy, your ethics. • Life is not a popularity cont<'St. Do what you think is right. Listen and respect others• opinions but be decisive and cou rageous in following your best th inking a nd values. You arc nor here ro make everyone h:tppy with your decisions. Le.1ders
are co lead l"'lOSt as.sure<ily in wugh times and qu ite often must take the harder path . • Check your ego at the door. Balance your suCCC$S with a deep ~md abiding sense of humility and gr-.niwdc.
• Be loy~tl to those who support and stand with you when rhe world t urns irs back on you. Never ever, <.·vcr surrender your spirit. Kt'<'p fighting until you have no breach. • Don't get so consumed by your mission rhat you fail to take care of yourself: For lim, raki ng care of himself was sel fish. I'm sure lim would say, "Don't make rhe misrake I did. l.cr my death be a rerni nder to everyone nor 10 neglect their health - no maner how noble rhe mission.n Ir was an honor to know Tim, an honor ro serve in his organization. and an ho nor to be h is frie nd. He was: and always will be an inspiration ro me and coun dess orhers. He made us all proud 1hat he was par1 ofour lives. \Y/e will miss him dearly bur are consoled
in knowing he will aJw~tys ;and forever be part of our l ives.~
Remembering Tim Thoughts shared by jack Groppel, Ph.D. jl"'ft1ch can be learned from the life oflim Heckler. To rnosr
Tnn Hecltkr sing/e-h•ruktlly wuule 1M c~~reer oftnrnu kMhirtg mul cot~~:bing 11 noble mul btmor~~ble prof-io, - jMk GropJ>'I
their businesses arou nd technology. He was :1 pioneer in this era, knowing how to c reate a database u pon which USPTA c reated its '\loug{.s nails" CEO ofUSPTA, the "force co be reckone-d with" <rue intellecrual p roperty. He knew <hat t he application of <echnolncgoriaror, and rhc dedicated friend co chousands of rcnnis p rofcs.. ogy ro nor o nly b usiness burro rhe education of tennis professionals sionals rh roughou r rhe world. Alrhough ' l'inl inAuenced rhousands, would pave rhe way ro rhe furu re . He was a m :Hl a head of his rime! I want co speak about rhe Ti nl that I was blessed to know. Ti nl was There was lim, the negotiator: lim knew t he prominence a memor to me, a nd he bec:une one of rny dearest friends. chat tenn is p rofessionals would have in th eir communit.ics and in There was "lim, rhe networker: 'Jim rhe narion. He developed rhe business would ;1lways go out of his way ro •neec case fo r corporations to ~1lign themselves people at meetings and conventions. I met with USPTA :md realize the ret urn o n th eir i nvest ment to sdJ racquets, tennis Tim about 35 years ago at my first USPTA World Conference. I was a young college balls, clmhing, and a multimde of mher p roducrs and services. Wh en he got in the professor and rcnnis coach p rcscnring my research ahou r rhe b io mechanics of rhe negot iating hoard room he defended ou r game. Even though this field o f biomechanassociatio n to rhe h ilr and l'nade the case ics/sport science was infiuttile in its presence for organiz..·u ions to invest in us. This was in tenn is, Tim (•mbraced th e idea, and we a service to the ((..ching profe-ssional that bc.•gan com municating constantly. Seldom must not go u nnoticed. d id a week go by in t he early days <hat Tim There was lim, the servant leader: 1in1 The Bridge Bui/Jer and I d id nor talk about wh:u was possible put th e tennis~teach ing professional above by WiU A/1m Dromgoole {1860-1934) and how to apply science to tenn is. Our all else. He knew bener <han any of us wha< An oM m4n, going tt bm~ hig/nvtty, friendshi p beg;m! ir was like to be in the trenches, a.~ a player Otnu ttttb. .vming NJIJ ttnJgray :md as a re:1cher a nd co:1ch. Thar's why he There was Tim, rhe innovator: "£im To It fflasm WUtllnJ t/up 11nJ wi.fe came up w irh t he id ea t har a regular was so h umble :utd would NEVER talk Through which WtU fowing 11 sullen tilk. column should be wriuen th:n answered about himself. Even asked by an outsider, 1'b. oiJ mttn C1'tlssM in tb. twilight Jim; members· q uestions about spo rt science "Did you play tennis?" lim would answer, Tb. rapids h<IJ no ftttn for him. "A bit." This was a man who played a< and t he application ofsport science princi~ 8111 b. t11nurl whm wft on tb. otb.r sU/e pies 10 th e game. Tha< "Ask th e Professor" Wimbledo n' His humility to "have been AnJ buill tt briJg. ltJ sJNin tb. liJe. colu m n wenr o n for 28 years, bur ir was rhere" and ro e m path ize wirh re.a ching "OM mttn, "crml tt ftlb>w pilgrim nur. Tim's idea to e nsure t hat tennis~teach i ng p rofessionals enable<J Tim to represent us "You',. WtUting your tim• in bui/Jing ""'· p rofessionals h:1d access to the latest in in a very powerful way. Without a doubt, Your jounuy wiU nul with tb. closing tiAy; biomechanics, physiology, nutrition , mo~ he '"served"' us as our k-adcr. And. tharS why Y,., linin' ag~tin wiNptus this WilY· we followe-d. tor learn ing, sport psychology and sports You INiw cross.J tb. chasm Jup """ wU/e; Why blliiJyou this briJg< ttt...,-tUfe?• medic ine. Tim later developed rh e idea of T here was Tim,, the protector: He Tb. /n,i/Jn-lifiM his oiJgray b.llll Lirrle Ten nis even before rhe graduared p ro tected the wishes of t he board with (AND HERE IS TIM SPEAKING 1V US) length method of learn ing was applied tO true passio n . Even t hough he was tough "GooJ frimJ, in tb. JN1th come," b. wUJ, tennis. Tim paved the w:1y for that pan of in t he board room and might even dis .. "T""' follows aftn- me t«/ay our industry. :1gree wirh rhe boa1·d , he never o nce wenr A youth wh<Mfm mwt fHUS this UNlJ. There was Tim, t he friend, who put around t he board, nor did he say a nythi ng This smam, which has IHm liS 1111ughtto mr, others fi rst and who rnentored them inees~ negative ~•bou t the board's decisions in the To tiNit foir youth mtty tt pitfall b.. p ub lic eye. Once the board decided o n sandy. In 1987, I was a tenured p rofe..sor at He 100 must cross in tb. twilight Jim the University of Illinois, but I was looking something, lim defended it and would GootlfrimJ, /11m /n,i/Jing this briJge for him. • ro change careers. O ne day I received a call put h imself on rhe line to do so, because from Tim saying dm he h:1d "ope ned the it was noble and ir was 1·igh r ro follow rhe door• for a possible job at Saddlebrook Resort as the DirectOr o f wishes and decisions of his elected board. Player Development. While Tim had little to g;un, he helped a friend lim Heckler was a de.ar friend. Most of all J will miss ou r regular change <.-arc:.-crs and had faith in me when man y ochers believ(-d I was communication. Yes. I learned somerh ing from T im all the rime, making the wrong move. bec~wse he was always reaching. Bm I genu inely loved r~tlki ng to There was Tim, the though• leader: Tim was the person who h im. l wiiJ truly 1niss him. H is devotion to F.uniJy. friends. to tennis, made technology th e buz-z word in tenn is and at USPTA. h was and to his beloved trade association serves as a role model for all of Tim who said rhar teaching prof('SSionals of t he fu ture must be us. His desire would have been to know t hat he made a di fference, rhose who understand how co tL~e technology, and how £O build and he cenainly did t ha< in the hearts and lives of thousand<. 'll-
lf T~in will be remcmberL-d as a true giant in the tenn is industry,
"!was never surprised by the heights he attained as he guided the USPTA over the years. I truly believe that it was a job he was born for. " - Michael Keel
Remembering Tim Thoughts shared by David T. Porter, Ed.D. am honored tO sh~ue a few thoughts abom Tim and his life. I ~licve that b,·forc we came to this canh we lived as spirit sons
Tmt IINU jint my eumpk of11 trr1e prof-iorud, 14m my Ut«bw, then my mnth>r, then my.frinul, IIU oJtimatJy 11 tnuud IIIUI PlllwtJ confolant. - D11viJ Portn
ro develop, particularly in our day in which ''~-'e become uneasy if we have co wait for anything. Over the y<.. rs, lim and I had !!Wldaughters of a loving f-ather in Heaven. \Y/c were sent £O earth several conversarions about padencc and how one can cultivate and develop this vinuc. One key, he rold me, wa.~ ro let people ro gain experience a nd co be rested and sec if we would keep our le.1rn ar £heir own rares. He was parienr wirh h is USPTA narional ~:uher's con·un:mdrnenrs. When we finish ou r rime in rhis life we boards, with the executive con1n1ittees return to His presence. "l.iw Ji'"' lifo shitss/N frar of tkttsh ""' nnrr and with his Presidents. He loved tO teach At rimes like chis, we arc reminded of mlhy<JIIr '-rt. Trotthk'"' oM abo11t his and he did so wirh his staff. his child ten, how un imporranr possessions~ posirions rt/igW11. 1/np«t othm in their.;., mu/ h is children's tennis and soccer r<.·a.ms, and and power are in the eternal schenle or Jnnatul thtttthq rnp«tJ<'"I'S. /.ow J<'"' lifo, things. \'<fhat rn~mers are our character and wirh me. As he taughr he served chose he pnfi<t]<JUT lifo, fN#11ti/y ttl/ thingt in ]<JUT lifo. the person whom we have b(x:omc. rouched wirh h is rime and his ralenrs. As SHit to miiM J<l"' lifo kmg mu/ ofservia"' ]<JilT I suspccc that Tim would be somewhat King Benjatn i11 so wisely taught, "And J><Ofik· PIYparr a 1UJbk tfNth songfor lb. till] behold, I tell you th<"Se things thar ye may uncornforcablc with having a great deal whm Ji'" go o...,. lb. l""' Jiuitk. Ahmlys giw a learn wisdom; that yc may learn that when of :nrenrion focused on him. Yer all of worrl or sip oflllluN whm mffling or ptuting ye arc in rhc service of your fellow beings us need to pause fro rn time to time and afrinul, or_, a stranger. ifina ltmay p/6«. ye arc only in the service of your God .. reAect on the most important lessons we Shmu "'f>«IID ttl/JHOJlk• fmt grovt:f 1D IUIM. Whm y<JU TiN in tiN morning, giw thttnlts for should !tarn in this life. (Mosiah 2: 17). lb. light, for ]<JUT lifo, for ]<JUT stmtgth. Giw I have always found it encour;1ging that And we can learn a good deal from thttnltsfor ]<JUT food atulfor lb.fry ofli•ing. If the Lord is p:nient with us. He does nor Tim's life. Not rhar he was perfect, none of y<JU '" no rt!tUOn "' giw thttnlts, lb.fotdt lin in cxp<-cr us co bt-comc perfccr quickly or us are. hur he developed a ser of rrairs :md y<Junnf. Absm no OM atul no thing, for ainu• qualities that deserve our auemion. overnight. And since patience is one of his turns lb. wis• on.s 1Dfools mu/ robs lb. spirit great vinucs, it must be one of ours a.~ well. First, lim had a p assion for excellence. ofits vision. Wkn yo11r tim~ coma tf1 Ji~, IN If there was a rask to be done, it was worth Perhaps above all, ·rim was loving Mtlilt. tiHm whos. hurts"" jilkJ with f"sr of doing well. H is life rcAccrcd a commitment and generous. We are w id that rhe two tkmh, so thm whm thnr time romn th.y "'"P ro whar rhe Aposde Paul called "a more great <:ommandmems are to love the Lord mu/P"'Y for 111ink morr tim• to liw th.ir liws our God with all our h<-art, mind, mighr exeellenr way (I Corinrhians I 2:3 1) . He o...,.•g•in in a Jiffnmt ""9'· Sing J<'"' tkttth had an incisive mind and studied out ;1 wng, mu/ t& lilt. a bmJ going""""· • and strength, and to love ou r neighbor as our self (Mark 12:30, Luke 10:27). ·r.m situation fully ensuring that he did nor - TNII,.h simply paper over a problem ot insmll a loved Renee. Oh. how he loved Renee. He (1768-1813) Shllwn" Chk{ loved h is children and was loved by them . rcmporary fix, bur char when he finisht-d Tun had a genuine interest in the welfure a cask, rhe problem was solved and rhe of others. Those with gn...r mknr, like lim work was done well. He had rhe longH<-ckler, arc all too often sclf-absorlx-d, term in n1ind. We live in a time when the tempt:.uion to cut corners. or to setrle for eager to advance themselves, and to focus on their own needs and desi1-es. ·rim, however1 simply ml'Cting some minimum standard, thought early and ofren about ochers and is often attractive. lim rccogniztxl that about helping them to realize their dr~rns. a great life is anchored in rhc purs·u ir of excellence. His work- and he wo1·ked very We will miss his engaging smile and han.i- always reflec:red that COJnnlitJnent. laughter, his contagious enthusiasm for a The second is humility, ar all tirn<"S and new p roject, h is u ndiminished optim ism in all places. Tim was a star at (.•very stage of of what parience :tnd hard work could his life: in tennis, in school, as a researcher, achieve, and his love of family and life. Separations, however painful, however unanticipated, however as a d irectOr of rennis, and as a CEO - pardy rhrough rhe ralenc• long, are thankfully only fo r a time. Wt can look forwanl co a rt"tmion wirh wh ich he was blessed, panly £he 1-esuh of his upbringing, and pan:ly rhrough his own erforts and determination. M;my doors were with lim thar will be joyful inde<-d. In rhe midst of our mourning opened to him and he happily embracoo :md made the most of those we can and should be grateful for his example of a commitment co opponunities. But he nt'ver did so with a S(·nsc of (•ntidement, nor excellence, h is humiliry1 his parience :1nd h is genuine concern for and was there any trace of arrogance. He was a man without pride or love of others, his f;lith and confidence that e::tch of us- whatever our :lge, experience. economic clrcurnstances, or formal position guile. He seldom rook credit for anything even when he was rhc <:.:1.n make a difference, thar we matter, and that we should be an primary force heh ind all rhe ideas and mosr of rhe work. instrument for good. As we cdebratc h is life well lived, we can best Th_ird, Tim was a p-alient man. Among rhe " irwes, patience is one with which rnany of us suuggle. It is nor an easy "irtue honor him by learning chc lessons he so cloqucndy tauglu us. ..P..
Remembering Tim Thoughts shared by Ron Woods he world of tennis lost a true icon in rhc passing of Tim H'f~lcr.
Never in the history of our game has one man had such ai1.J.IW.>acr on rhe tennis--reaching p rofession more rhan 'J'im. W ith hisemhusiasm for tennis, interest in the tennis-reaching profession and his astute business acumen, he rook a Aedgling organization and built it into the world's largest tennis-reaching trade association. In lim's 30-plus y<-ars as CEO of the US PTA, our association grew from meager beginnings in a rwo~room condo with a couple of thousand members and a small budget ro rhe 15,000 scrong mernbership with a $6-plus million budget that operates ou1 of a member-owne<.l buiJding in Houston today. h was Tim's business knowledge that prompted the USPTA to purchase the building in a down real estate
tiH ttm11U.te~~ehing profossio• molY tiHm lim. - Ron Wi>...U
individual DVD sales and USI'TA "Sweet Spots," plus "On Court with the USPTA" for the Tennis Channel just to name a few. The USPTA was fortunate to have such a visionary who was always ahead of the cu1ve and was always looki ng out for the benermem
of the tennis profession:1l and rhe branding of the US I'rA. ·lim wanted an association that delivered certiflcarion. education and benefits second to none. Tim was also a superb player and t(-achcr. Tim was a pro's pro and mentor<..-d many tcnnis·tcaching professionals. Suffice ro say, "lim was one of us. He knew rhe rrials and rribul:uions rh:u rennis·reaching
professionals endured on a daily basis and in rheir lives. He also created and was responsible for many rtsourcc.-s for education for students and tennis teachers over the years. T im not only helped develop grear websires for education bur pushed for more education on rhe teaching of
Through lim's caring passion for raising the standards of the teaching professional he was able to build an association rhat is
highly respected all over the world. lkcluse of Tim, the teaching professional had a
the "Modern Carne" by developing, along with the USPTA Advisory Council, the USPTA Player Development Program.
srrong voice in the tennis indw~lry. \Vith his passing. our association has lost a r(-a.J leader who had no fear in standing up for the reaching p rofessional and for what was
He, along with rnernbcrs of this council, cre.1red rhe 1·esources for rh is program and developed a great library of infonn~uion. Tim was always about the teaching pro and bdicved in education, networking, camaraderie and providing fu n for the
good for the tennis industry. ·lo s"y those foUowing Tim wiU have big shoes to fill is an understatement. Some tennis industry
leaders have compared lim to the lik<-s
livelihood of tennis-t<-aching prof<-ssionals or the future health ofthe USPTA.lim was
Tennis Resource Cemer, USJY['A t-:i nd·A- Pro, and rhe mulrimedia department that produced educational p rograms for the website,
market and th is invesnnem ha.~ proven co be a revenue producer for rhe as.sociarion.
of Gene Scou - never afraid to question the d irection of governing bodies and other associations in the world of ten nis, partiCtllarly when it could not only h;we a negative efl<.-cr on the g-.une itself but the
Nnn- ;, t1H history ofDllr ganu has DIU! " " ' " luuJ nu:h •• imjNUt
membership as well. The USPTA World
Some tnmis iluhutry ktukn htzve
etnnptmJ Ttm t8 tiH likes ofGml ScottIU!tlerlljNitl t8 quatitm tiH tlitmitm ofgowming boJies tmtl other IUSDdtltioiU ;, tiH woriJ ofttmnis.
a person who adamantly protected the rurf tread on by tennis·teaching professionals. He realized the iJnportance of ead1 tennjs reacher. director o( tennis, or tennis administrator who gO('S tO work (.•very day growing and promoting our grt-at game. Tim wanted to make sure that the image of the tennis teachers wa~ well respected and they were compensated for their time spenr. He played a rnajor role in rai.sing the standards of the tennis·teaching profession~ll worldwide. T im was an inteUigent and lnteUectual rnan who had the ability through his attention to details and sp<-aking skills to negotiate
millions of dollars in endorsements for the USPTA. He was a srrong bur very fair negotiator. T his enabled our membership ro enjoy rnany exrra bcndirs while keeping our dues srrucrure at a reasonable rate. He was 1he driving force beh ind the huge adv~lnces in technology t h;u ou r association experienced over his tenure. lim helped design and develop many of rhe programs synonymous with rhc US PTAUS PTA Little Tennis.,, US PTA Tennis Across Americanr, USPTA
Conferences and USP'f'A Inrern:uional Championships he and his staff ran over the ye-J.rs were a teslament to that. He h:1d
a very loyal staff that love-d working for him and the USPTA membership.
Most of all 'Tim wa.~ a caring person and had gre:u inreracrion wirh rhe membership at large. I met so rnany mernbers over the years who have SlOries abour Tim of how he influenced their careers and/or
did favors for them. He had a way of making all those around him feel comfortable and at case, wherher onc-on.-one o r in a group sening. 'lim was loved and respected by so many of our members and orhers in rhe rennis indusrry :ls evidenced hy all rhe aw:uds and accolades he received over rhe years. Tim was unselfish ro rhc point th:u he spent way more hours working for the USPTA than were n(x:cssary, but ir was because he lov<..-d che organization and cared so much for rhe membership. Tim wa.s b right, energetic, and had visions for the future benermenc of rennis reachers :md rhe game up ro the lasr d:1ys of his life.
Tim Heckler will be greatly missed by his family, his friends, his former staff, his colleagues, the USI'TA membership ami the entire tennis world. 'G-
1/nunu of "" ,;,gte illllillit/IUII who IHu INul" IIUire pontit~t~ i".fhtnue """ protlut:tilltl imJNUI "" the growth """ tlelltllopmettt of the USPTA tbtm r, Hecltler.
Remembering Tim Thoughts shared by Bill Tym
- Bill rym
know of no single individual who has had a more positive in ucncc and productive impact on rhc growth and development
and persistence could have led us from where we were ro where we arc now.
oL<he US PTA than Ttm Heckler. Ahhough lim and I played collegiate tennis and the international circuit for several years, it was not until our tournament days
During this period, 'lim served the US PTA as an exeo.u ive committee member, dlvisiona.l and national president, board rnember, and CEO. In rhe early 80s he iniriarG-d and implcmenrG-d a cutting-
were behind us and our reaching ye-ars lx-gan in rhe early 70s rhar
edge computerization of th e association. U nder h is imperus and
I acrually rncr and gor ro know him. Since rh:n rime I grew ro apprcciare
and value Tirn as a friend and colleague and respect and ~1dmire him for rhc long lisr of conrributions and accomplishments he has achieved on
behalf of rennis and rhe USPTA. Over t he years. he consisrcnd y demonstrated rhc vision, dcdjcation, commiuncnc and perseverance ncccs-
sa,·y ro pur rhe US J'rA in ale:tdership position in the 2 1st Centu ry. In my opin io n, T im reflected rhe qualities of rhe "ulrima re profes·
sional." He was fonnerly a world·class pl:oyer who cornpered successfully at rhe highest levels of rhe game. He was an astute srudem of the game, an out· scanding teaching pro who understood rhe nuances and rhe progressions
of techniques and ractics needed in order co progress from the novice tO rhe most advance-d levels. He also possessed rhat special gift of communication needed to make t he complex seem sirnple.
I would characreriz.c rhe USPTA of the early 70s as a loosely knir, inefficiem, somewhat disorganized
group of reaching professionals wirh only a vague idenriry a nd very lirrle v:llidiry. T he resring and certification pmcess
was inconsistenc (at best) and lacked scandardi1..ation. At about that time membership numbered less than today's ~utenda.nce at our World Conference. I had re-cently retired from playing rhe internatio nal circuit and joined th e USPTA mainly co compete in t he several annual rournamenL~ rheyconduC£ed, wh ich were rhe primary source of exciremenr ar thar rime. Educarional semin:us were few ;lnd far berween; educational ;u;ade•n ies were virwally nonexistem.
The only USPTA records ami files rhat existed were slUffed in a shoebox in the closer of the home of rhc exe-cutive sG-crcrary. Then in 1974-75, a group of dissatis~ed members spearhcaded ami moriv:l(ed by George Bacso, Tim Heckler ami Alex Gordon provided rhe leadership and dirteotion ne-ce-ssary ro launch a veritable coup and catapult the USPTA in rhedirecrion ofbe.,;oming a viable and valid association of reaching professionals, a respected voice in rhe renn is indusrry. Only a rrue p rofessional with lim's vision, energy, work ethic,
guidance he made rhe US PTA rhe mosr highly compureri1.e d renn is company in rhe industry.
In 1990 he helped ro develop the funds and pushed for the purchase of a modern 80,000~square-.foor building in Housron, which
became the USJrrA World Hcadqmrters. What to as "1im's FoUl now houses a fUll staffwho services more than I 5,000 members,
w &: "' once referred
and includes classrooms and couns that allow the as.sociarion ro develop and ho.st educational courses a._~ well as indusrry and US£YT'A meering.~. W ith rhe executive committee and board's b lessing, Tim wa.S" able ro negotiate a nd sell more rhan $30 rnillion in endorsemenr agree·
ments, which helpe<i provide the nlOSt exrensive benefits package in rhe world for teaching pros. T im developed and authored USPTA Li rde Tennis'" program, which was in t roduced in 1994 as a
teaching and playing program using graduated equipmenr and small courrs for children ages 3 ro I0. lr was T im•s hope to grow the game among its youngest porential players and encourage family in volvcmenr co fUrther grow the game. Ttm developed and produced rhe most extensive training TV produ<.: tion for the Tennis Channel with "On Courr with USPTA," and the one~minure tips, "USPTA Sweer Spors.'' 'Thcsc productions provide tennis education to teachers and playe1·s alike1 bur also promote US PTA and irs members and creare :l
huge library of DVO resources. T im's passion fo r ten nis.. reacher cducar.ion and technology were combined ro p roduce rhe "'renn is Resource Centel"1 which houses :11! of US lYrA's tennis education resources. T im also worked t·o expand USLYft\s le:uning management system. which oonveniently delivers
online tennis-reaching education. Online resting now enables USPTA testers to spend more time with applicants focusi ng on the o n·coun
exam. Hundreds of hours of coaching education is available ro all members and reaching professionals.
T he growth and development of rhe USPTA is extraordinary and rhe Jist goes o n and on. J am su re Tim would be the fi rsr to agree rhat he could nor have done it wirhour the help and conrriburions
of many dedicated people who have helped him in his journey. '{)-
Remembering Tim Thoughts shared by joe Thompson mer "'J'im for rhe firsr rime in rhe l:ue 70s wh ile I wasorgani?.ing rhe first lmerrnouruain USJYJA ' l¢nnis Convemion. I rerr1ember
dvring those days when tennis professionals were more about being a rankcxJ player than a gr<.-at t(-achcr. I saw that just b<.x:ausc you were a good player d idn't mt'all you were a good reacher. I remember when I met "f'im he also felr rhe s.1me w:ty, so much so rhat he dedicated his life ro making ..tennis professionals the very best they could be. During that conv(•ntion, T im discussed the fu ture and how valuable cornpurcrs would become within our profession and how we needed m t:lke
advantage of chis tool now. Since that time, Tim became a mentor to many tennis-l<:aching profcssionaJs rh roughour rhc industry, incl uding myself. He c reated in all of us a new sr.andard of whar a rrue ren nis professional should hecome - rlOt just rnandating it, but insread by raking us by t he hand and
Ttm H« kkr bas tlone ,.,. thlln IIIIYtJM to promou tmtl enhance the
m"'iH#MMIIf profossioll.
- 'Wdl Hug
One of the Inm on tmtl privikgn ;, my lifo rtNU to baw lm1111m Ttm Hecltler both IU 11 mnttor 11nJ II trill
- j oe TbomJ>IO"
assisring us ro :tch ieve ir rhrough rhe US PTA. I worked with T irn for many years and respected h is knowledge, foresigh t and determinacion in representing the ~.(grassroots" teaching professional working in the trenches. If it weren't for Tim. the day~ro~day reach ing professional would nor be as recogn i1.ed wirh in rhe ren nis marker roday as true professio nals. Now we see the private and public clubs as well as h igh school and u niversity coaches mandating. as a requirement, a USPTA Certification fo r rhcir posirions. lr's rrue rhar every USPT'A professio nal owes a loc to what they now have due to the foresigh t and dedit-arion of T im Ht'(;klcr. He was truly a uPro's Pro." O ne of the honors and privilege in my life w:-ts ro have known "£im Heckle1· borh :ls a menror and :l t rue friend. He will be sorely missed. '§~'-
Remembering Tim Thoughts shared by Will Hoag
n my opin ion, '"Jim Heckler has done more [han anyone to promore and enha nce rhe renn is·re:tching profession. He rook :l ~ o ( tenn is pros and rurnOO t hen'l into l·enn is professionals. ·_ l irn was a very accomplished player ami could have easily dedic:ned his rime to rhe pro tou r, o r for that fact, any facet of the tennis industry and would have ach ieved success. Instead he chose ro dedicate h is life to tenn is .. reach ing p rofessionals :1nd make rhem rhe besr they could be. I first rner T im :n a convention in Tucson, Ariz., in th e 80s but rtally got to know him whilt' strving on the USPTA Narional Board a nd especially during my r.vo·ye:u rerm as presidenr. I was so irnpre$std wich his passion an d love of JlOt only rhe USPTA, but more so his passion and love fo r tennis-K-ach in g p rofessionals. He fought not o nly to defend them but also to make them better so that they would earn rhe respecr rhey deserved in rhis induscry.
lim also had a visio n a nd in troduced t he US P"'I "A ro technology 1ha1 ser us ap:.l rr from rhe resr of rhe indusrry. My mosr memorable t ime with T im w~lS ;u the 1998 U.S. Open . \Y./e spent two days in meetings and two days at the O pen watchin g matches. Everyone knew lim and would go out of their way to come up to h im and shake h is hand . O n our la.<t day ar rhc Open we were on our way back ro [he hotel and while walking to rhe gore to get on the bus a rnan dressed in cenn is clothes approached us. He walked right past me an d extended his hand and said , "You arc T im Heckler. Than ks for all rhat you have do ne not o nly fo r me bur for all tenn is-reaching professionals." Then he t u rned to me and said, ''Aren't you that Hoag guy?" Presidents come and go but great k'adcrs like lim Heckler a rc remembered fo rever. Thanks lim for all that you have done for us and especiaJiy for )erring me ger to know you and share cime with you .~
Remembering Tim
Tlmnlr you, Tmo, for being 0111! ofmy menton, 11 gooJJrinttl 11ntl 11 folbno tennis profouiolllll tuUimiUUign'o
- &rrutrulo ~lmco
Thoughts shared by Fernando Velasco he Texas Division of the USPTA honore-d me with the "'r::t lagcr of rhc \'car" award d uring i£S 2013 convcnrion. I have
ny good menro1·s in rny 45·ye.u cHeer :ls a rennis pro. head pro, associate nHmager and general manager, but one person rhat
had a huge inAuence on my career w;1s my good friend, Tim He-ckler. I lim met Tim at Lakeway World of Tennis in 1972 when the USPTA convenrion was held in Ausrin. I rel'nember hin1 greeti11g everyone with a smile on his f.tce and a strong handshake. He was bidding for a spot on the Board of Directors of the USPTA, but it was
While on the board for almost 12 years, our m<..-ctings were well organi1.cd and we were able ro meet the challenges of a growing memhership. Meerings we1·e very sri'Ong and heared , bur ar rhe
end of the day, we all knew that decisions were made to make rhe USIYfA better. After the meetings, we still found time to p lay tennis. have dinner and talk about our families and life. Verycompe ririve marches with T im,
Shelly Clldwell, ian Crookenden, Bill Tym, Mike Eikenberry, Paul Waldman, Sean Sloan, "coach" George Bacso, Jim Rcffkjn, and many others, always rook us back to our roots and passion - the game of tennis.
nor h is turn ycr. As I rcprcscnccd rhc
Midwesr Division of rhe USI'TA and later be<:ame a member of the US PTA bo~m.l, Tim and I became not only representatives of our divisions, but also very close friends. Wh en 1 became general manager of a d ub in Lincolnshire,
Ill., we h:1d " hoard meering "' rhe Chancellors Raequer Cluh in Houston. 'Ji m was one of the owners and also rhe general manager of rhe d ub. T he design of rhe building, coum, lights, etc.• were all Tim's ideas and goals. He not only was proud of rhis great club but also very willing ro share his goals, brochures, chans a nd organizatio nal skills. I remember him giving rne a
Afrer leaving rhe boa~·d, Tim :md I still had tirne to sit and talk ;1bout our FJmilies and our challenges. Nor too long ago, while I was in Houston playing in a tennis tournament, I dcc,i dcd to cake the rime stop by rhe national office. 'lim very graciously spcm rime with my wife r ran and me. We were in :nve of rhe f:1ciliry rhar 'Tim, his
staff and the US PTA built in the pasr 30 years. Even though there was sadness in his eyes because ir was time for him to move on, there were goals that he still wanr<-<1 to achieve with his fitmily and tennis. God called him ro heaven on Feb. 4 and Tim is now in a
comp lere h rochu re wirh h is "sra ndardsofoperario n., a nd "rnission statements." He encouraged l'ne rouse this for my d ub and I was
better place su rrounded by rhe many tennis professionals, family memhers a nd friends rhar have p receded hirn in dearh. I will miss his "buddy" handshake and his w;1rrn and sincere hug. ·rhank you,
able ro mold ir, not only to the dub in Illinois, but also ro rhe many other clubs that I managed after rhar.
Tim. for being one of my memors, tennis professional and manager. ~
Tmo Hecltkr rui/1 tdwtlys IN in my burt. Frtmo tiN! RPT tuU!for tiN! rut ofmy lift, I ruiiJ tlo my bat 10 thtu "" one fol'f"U IIIIMt IN provitld to tiN! tmnis intiJUtry.
- Lllis MNiinv
good friend and a fellow
Remembering Tim Thoughts shared by Luis Mediero
o me, Tim was a gr(-at friend, always willing to help. As a human being. he was one of th e greatest - a true friend who was always there in goodlrimes and bad rimes. He left a great legacy - his wife Renee, wonderful ch ildren :1 nd lms of frie nds who will alw:1ys remenlber h im.
For 30 years he placed rhe USI'TA as the world's leading organization for tennis coaches. something that ocher organizations like mine, the Rl,T, watched and copied. He devoted 30 years of his life to something that he was so passio nate about - improving the
ten nis~teachin g profession.
'Jim Heckler will always be in my hcarr. From rhe RI'T and for the rcsr of my life, I will do my hesr so rhar no one forgers whar he pmvided ro rhe tennis industry. T hanks, Tinl . ..P.
r,, I wiU ill""'YS lu thtt,ltfol for your
Remembering Tim Thoughts shared by Emilio Sanchez-Vicario nee upon a time, there was a tennis player at the end of i pro~ siona1 career, who wamcd ro sray involved in the d ifficulc ret~ndusrry. He decided m become a coach and open a ten nis academy in Europe. The investment he made was high and dle things were moving slow. so the young coach struggled. Through a mutual friend in Luis Mt-diero, rhc coach mer Tim Ht-clder, who imprcssc.-d him with his posit ive energy. Tim and rhe coach exchanged rheir thoughrs abour rennis, knowledge :md dreams. 'lim always wamed to creare a tennis ac.tdemy and spread tennis in the way he saw ir. but Ills strong commirmenr 10 rhc USPTA did nor leave him rjmc to pursue his dream. The rdacionship bcrwccn rhc young coach and T im grew srrong, and rhey continuously shared rheir tennis thoughls. From the beginning, "lin"' always supporte<:l the coach to go forward with his tenn is a<.-ademy, cncourag('d hi m to grow as a coach and providt-d him wirh all the opporrunirics he could. "rim's enrhusiasm h:1d no limits. "You have to think big," he used to say, o r ''You have to believe.n ''Your way of teaching is what we n<.'Cd!" "Come and speak at the World Conference," ..put your knowledge in a manual," ..come co th e development board with all the big names in tennis," he used ro rell the coach. \Vharever rhe you ng coach proposed ro 'Jim, 'Jim would support it and follow up o n ic. «rf you believe and you are
The gJYilkst tribiiU ro him wiU lu if"" am lllllinuUn his high, ilukpnuJnu, tnuJ pro~,U sl4nllttrJs he •eJn-d tnuJ 10 •mmg/y nu:ourtrgd.
driven, there arc no barriers, "lim said . 'l im's love for the game was so deep rhar he always fought to provide berrer ten nis educuion and insrrucrion hy m:1king bener coaches. O ne day, the young coach approached h im wit h sofne thoughts ;1bour opening a new tennis center in rhe U.S.• and lim not only support('d the idea bur b<.x:ame a m<.·mor and a p romoter
of chc new U.S. academy. 'Tim believed so much in rhe young coach rhar when h is son David wanred ro quir rennis, "lim sent him to the coach's academy and told him. "please make my son enjoy rennis again ." He was a true believer of the coach's
methodology. David conrinut-d playing ccnnis and roday is enjoying college tennis. He will be g1·:uefitl ro rhis spon forever, fulfilling a norher of his fathe r's d reams. That is why his legacy in tennis is huge.
USPTA was lim's baby; he made ir grow ro bc.-come what it is today. He achieved such an incredible success by creating rhe biggest coaching o rganiz.uion in rhe world and rnaki ng a d ifre rence in ou r sport. ]im, I miss you and 1 will always remember
you. I will always be thankful fo r your unconditional support at all t imes. I will rry co treat oth er people as you rrcared me; you coached me on how to coach others. '£1"1e young coach then, nor so much tO<by, Emilio Sanchez,
your pupil.
Remembering Tim
- Bunny Bruning ..,~,.he
rtnetJiulimmlll ntpport •t .U limn. I will try ro lrY!tlt other peDpk 111 you m•t«< mt!J you eot~~:hul lfU! bo111 to eot~~:h other.. - EmiiU> Slinchu- V"ut~rio
Thoughts shared by Bunny Bruning
USPTA and lim Heckler were
noards and p residenr.s came ar~enr, and 'Jim was always there. H e was conti n u~tiJy t r~tin ing and reaching the new executive committee members and sometimc.--s he was th(' ovcr-proR-ctive fathe r trying to k<.-cp his children safCfrom competitors. I becan1e in awe of his Aow charts and
co grow our bu.~i nesses and make careers our of being renn is professionals. Encouraging us ro be c reative, 'lim ' '-':'IS passionate ~lbour ou r education. Inside of th e focused, crusty exterior was
a rcddy bear. You could sec rhc twinkle in his eyes when he looked at Renee and h is smile
when he spoke of his children. He could
spre"dsheers. He could get down co the sm"llest
get easily hu l't with a snub about h is latest
detail and was always te.tdy for the contingency
ide-•s.l knew I had found a mentor. Tim was 24/7 obsessing about our association: Littl(' Tenn is. sports marketing
tribute co him will be if w(' can maintain his high. independent, and
Tim Hcclder was USPTA. The grearesr
programs, and IT. He aspired th at we be independent and have a n au ronomous voice in the rennis world . He wanred us co learn how
Thank you, T im . ..P..
professional standards he represented and so mongly encouraged.
Remembering Tim Thoughts shared by friends, colleagues ••• I w:mrc-d tb th.ank lim ~nd hi1 f.1mily for .:111 rhcy h.t.Ve dnne fnr lenni~ and rhe USPTA. God hlo11: \'nu in rhi' wugh rime.
• Mike G.nncuc Cillfoml• Divuu>n
·nm has madt the USPTA wlt~r ir I• tod•r· tho wocld's lng.,.t o~S$01tl.arion of rtoni~te.4ching r~iont~ls-. w~all 0\\'l:' rim 3 debe o( {tl'"·Uit:ude tCn• ~II thou he h:~" dune for our indu~.rry·f B) 1mprlWing 2nd addin~ wurtd cl~ cunfcrcnc.tw.. f;uncinuifl!:
cduc:atiou. mtdc d10W$. ctc.. Trm lw en:abltd IQc)u.ndrss lenJ1L) ptO$ to oo:ome tcttllos l"o(mooouls! HcwiU be mosscd. -Jeff Cohen lJSI' r.-\ Hondo IJtYlsoon l'rc;.JJmr li> the Rockier F.tmily.11>c M>d-Atl•mi~ Oh1<ionvl thel!Sl'l'A W.lUJ«ply \OdJencd when W\" IIC'.lrd tfuolJm had f'">Stci.way. Our divwon is thinking of y<,K> and ,.nds our hc.mli:h symp;ub)·· J'un w.u A gtearl~dcr of our org.lm7.auon. lim W'.tS ~tw;avs-on chc curnng nlgc: uf rhc mdus~ ,md w.w ot.bk tQ rO&kc our organu.1non rn new heigh<>- Tioe liSI'TA "fnnunotc "' h•vc h•d lim Hed<ler l"'d nur u~uruuun. Wilh .afTCU,(l~ .and dcxpot lilOitduknc::'!'. USPTA Mid·AtLu.u, Di•o>1un lim liccldcr made rhio aSSQCianon wh•t it i• rocby. rho best tmniHcoching """"iarion In rho oonnrry, I lis lradcnhip hcg.n in 19gz wi<h only • I<"· hundml mmohcr- tr> mnn: thon 15.1M~I manhcn \\orldwidc now; O.;ring hi. rcnun:. the .1..UOC1.nion h.u hrano:h.d out 1<> ntltcr rounui.,., h.u a h..uUful World H...dquortcn. and i> n:cognlttd •• • tl,.jur ('3rt of • mr:mbcr', tc:nnit c.;rtn. We all O'A'C some- uf our nu:cm ro hnn and hope to tt.,nrinUC' wh~r hC' v:r in mC1non. 1"h-1nk ynu ft.u C\'Cr)'lhing yuu ha\e dun~ tor nut :as.\jlciiJrlnn It will never be: Mrgun..n~ • l'auJ Man:um Mldwesr Dh;•lnt•
Memoli"" of '11m: the 'l'•rlclc in h" cyn when he look..! .11 USI~IA windh=ker pullewtrt sn..:king during tho m""'ing.- >"".mold h.,..r rhe WDPP<'f' be<"'"" he had l1i' J,cM rt"'ic.. ttn; the: m-ttlurulcr bat in,; nn hi' SNtc' nf thC' G.1.mc: •pe.a;!•: .. hey suY' - •1•is j, imporunt"' inlti\ Suuah A(ri"otnrrd..l, rong..,, hi< lncn:dible 24n focU< un our .wocwiom luiUimo:e with n and moving us fi>rwonl beyond the ..... his wiT chuckle; lm boUI.,... fr>nl.'! the sp~e;~rhhcct• md How cllllru thor blew us •II aw•) •nd his lncr.dlhlc love. 1 will mu• my friend. Tlo>nlo. ~~~ Jor )'UUl irupir.uJun $d 1\!0tiv.dun. 1ft.onk )'OU f<lf nty tc.l<hlng IAI'C'<rl Sec )'OU un tht uthet sick.
Rmec: rhc «mst•m
Jusc s.o shOt!ked .md i.1dt.lencd to learn of.fim H~ck ler's pa$~ing. \\'lhar a smnd SU)'· \XIh:ot • wond ~rfitl rennis )e;'!(lcr who c:tr~d
so much abour our sporr and lhosc who coach hand play. Fiue speaker, writer, pre), d;,tl and h usb:mcl lie h:)s. done wondcrfiJI rhing$
artt:mion co hi~ pl;ms, bm he
sure lu:lpW me aluug the: .-oad
bt'(."'me onc: of rhe mem~r pros
with my gooc.l friend Vic Braden. Today, Lhe USPTA h;U more 1h:an 15.000 worldwide mcmbtr$
1hrough the yea~. I ,,...,. flying oock from J.u::kson"illcomd ~in Lhe 1-t<tlUton .airpon connecting when t J;;QI- rhc rnll. I \Vi\.' ~tunncd and c.ru~hc:d. l1n1 and I bad S<L up a lunch lu the Pbyers' l..ounge in How•ron in 1::1rly April and I WllS looking fo rw:ud to
who work night 3lld day for the devdoptllCJ11 of ttuni.\ O l) :aU len: Is. 'lim, he sure to keep looking down on u> ;~m.l J;ive your blnsit•g 1'0 the new C:RO unJ hi.. ~r:1rT 10 continue pushing forw:ard to higher le\•cls of c.xt.•cllcuCC'. The entire IMG Aculrmy srnfr: Chip Llrooks, and d\c Bollcnicri family wUI never forgcc you rC'Jr
IUs smiling t3.ce :and humor. He has
alw:a)'$ ~upporring me nnd IMG
ahvily> lx:cn );() ~'Uppc>nh·c orme and Ill)' CO.'lching :md rcnms pro1oas aud also of Mike aud Bob. He wa.s :a winner and he w.l,S :~ leader. And he ''-"':l.S kind :md ctring. And he: \YOU W.1f1U .wd .wJ funny. He W:IS .1 wtmderfial f.m1ily man. And he will be mi:e;~. ThC' USPTA anti tennis is
for 1.hc USPTA :wd for (t.uois
bc:utr becauxe of c'H tr fiiend
I lcdder. And
ma~r he rest in peace.
Wayne Bryan C::.marillo. C:ali[
My w·JCmest rq;ards to th(
Heckler F.amily :.md rdari\•t•,s . Nick Bollcnicri USPTA M:u-tcr Profes)ionaJ Br:uleruon, Ht.
ThtK ai'C' 110 worili 10 d<:M-ribc how I fed :tbuut "Jim. H is frie:ndshi t'> and O\'~r.ill bdicf l1l me to 3S5i.\t and srow the USPTA WJ$ the bcu: of the'
lUck M•cci BoC<I Raton, Fl.~.
\'V'hcn l '"ol.'Jo lOid the ~d newtt 1hat out lo1dc:r pa:ss«l ;1w·~y. my
mind •lrificd bad< •o tl'• I?70s at ~l< Colony ll<JdL Hotd iu Longbo.u Key, Fl.t.. 1"his i~ when I first mer 1im.
He- cxpl.Unctl
ru, dtcam of
I low sad! lie ''':lS ~ gi s~;n r in onr indu.,uy ;u,d..,lor.LI Lo d>• US PTA. Moy he ro1 in peace :md hi~ fnmily know rhat :~II USJYJi\ members ;an- lx;tct off toda>• ~u.uc of his
growing 1he pmfi:~i onnl renn is
dalicuion and pa."'ion. P~• ri ck Rogers, USP'Ti\
assoc.iarion. 1 did nor pa}r much
Yorkrown Heig.hl$, N.Y.
- BUDily BruniJ1& Mloouci V.Ucy L>ivbion
Tim w.u .J rmncndttLH anti IMibt.anding lodf1 ~rki. rhe m.aln ICmr In stn:t>Jt~htninll oor USPTA .nd bn•wng It m where w. ·'"' tnd•y. l f..d "' fortull.ll<t6 llilve known JJKl .dnriR:\1 l111o fur ""'' 30 )'<".lfi. • Avis R. Mumay USI'TA New Engl•nd Div,.ion P•sr President
18 ADDvantage/March 2013 18 ADDvantago!Morch 2013
YAW~.ADO'Ia n tl'lgeUSPTA.oom www.ADDvantageUSPTA.com
MIIJ I rUe this opporlllltity to IIIJ "71NIIdr 1(111, r,_ " I 11m II bntnpn-stmfor blll1mg hilt/you "" "'1 Cot/ him '" '" ltHp ,...
- StnNt O'ConruU
Wh:u 3 ~hoclc. losing :1 r.rnc :~.nd
v;duable fi·icnd. Tim was ~pcci:al. nlw.a~ willing to hdp. With his hdp •nd suppon d>< USPTA served ._, a buildiug b lock
I lint mt:tlim .ts .t USPTA member in M..ajnc b.u;k in 1986. I hod llu: linr of o>•llt)' lolljl <Onvtrsatiuw. with !rim t...:k Lhett. Iii• pmion .and <Juhuslmn for tcnni> and t.bc USPTA wen: un~uation.WI<. In my yeus .. • tennis prof...ioMI I would c.all Tim fnr advitc ,1n d he wc10ld pick up rhe phnnt nr c;..1ll me within
.st1 up :a wdl·.struaurcd
So\lrh 1\fric:.n Tennis Co::lc:hcs ~d.uion dwing l11~ 80s ~nd ?O.s. lmcrn:Jiionally tc:nnb lo:.1 :1 very special person. Somebody who Ju.d a p:usiou fbr c.h r g.unc md o:pecblly the coat'hing profession. Dr. Chorl Marais, USP"f1\ Soulh J\frica
I didn't spend • grc.1t dc•l of Umc wirh him but had quite :1 bi1 respt:CI for :all t.J-u11 he: did fc)r rhe spon of rennis. I lis 1imc fit rhc USr TA Wll$ ,·cry Cruhful >nJ >11 1hc: teaching pm:. ~houl tl fc:d b'OOd abour rhc impAc:t he m~dc ~o the prote:»i.on of 'aehiug Lhc g:uuc. Ht" will he rrmcm~m1 for being one of rhc movers and shnkcrs of the gau\c. Stan Smilh. USI'rA llilton I lead lsl•nd. S.C.
Very s:ad r() hc::.r dn$ llt'\V$.
met Tim in Houston in rhc 80.s ami rrloc.ucd to Awtr.a.lla iu r't'bnury nr 1992. I have been ~ p:anicifY.!ring USPTJ\ member a l.ntOSI all of lilt dme .sin«' t.beu :tnd 1lm'). Lomrlbmion h:u. b~t'n much :apprcd~ (ed from :1f:lr. Herb Munks, USPTJ\ l'all~o \'qateJ;n A u ~tr:al i .t
Oh. 1 arn :o:o saddcnc.>d lO get 1hb nc:ws- such :ut llJn:J:tJIIt) guy thor did TONS For all ot us in ond outsic.lc the USPTA org,auintiun. men and women .tlikr. Hi!!i work and dcdiouion Y.'Crc unp:ar;llclcd. My sint'CtC', slnccrt' coudolem.u to his F.:amily ;md our tt"nnis filmily.
24 lulilD. Hr wouldn't thinlt twicr: .1hnur t.dlcin~t .1nc.llhircning tin .m hour .1bou1 .tnYihirttt. And ll1.11 hour ~·cH11d ~m like ~J few manures. Th.n'i. llu~ klnd ol ptonon he w..U. H1s lc.atJcrship dt=v.atcd cennis-occachin~ pro(cuion.als ra ht~cl level~ of ach1e-vomcm ~nd tccognition. lie had an imp>Ct on m. lenni> indwtry rharwill long b< remembered. Now m< final poiru htu bt-.,n rl•)·ed The ncq""t ;, l•)'-"1 tlnwn. Tht b~ll h•< si<>We..l to a ><oJ•· Th.: plo)'" h••l!i•tt>
He: w.u a Sft<tl c:ha.mpiou of the He will be mis!;edl Moses Gittens. USI'TA larkspur. Cali£
;\ lifelong friend scm me fhc notiec about the.> pa~sing lim Heck1c.r. He: knc::w 1luu whilr I W'.l.'" not ;t member of the USJYJ A. 1 would w:uu to know of Tiu'•
..lim l lcckJcr was the gcneml
nwug« of 0 1aJtceiJol$ Racquet Club in 1979 when he hin:t:! me for rny llrsr full-rime po;sirion AS ~ ta<.Xjuetball professional. He quickly became my fio.1· prof~on:tl mem.or. \XIhilc I h.lvc been out of rhc r:IQ)ll ('f .sporb industry for utowy yars, I M.ill U.\( tn:my or t11c: (C).-;on~ le:arnc.'d wfljJc working lOr and wirh l im. I know that if Uud oat hat! his =mpl< .md p:uiJ:mce to lorn from. Lwuu)d nol be wl1e:re I -;~m rod<~y as 3 co:tch or a..-. a business owner. I w:as never surpri$ed by the hcighrs he :.m<1.incd as he guided the USPTA O\•er the }~us. I truly believe 1h:u 11 w:l\ ;~ juh be w;t.'i
bom for. Mid ra.d Ked
l'l.mn. 1W."
Jan John_so n, USPl i\
Phoenix My condolences ... He 'vas n great driving iOrct fot ma.ny years in 1hc USPT.-\ and tt'nnis in general. Rest in pellet. Que d~1n.sa en p:11.
Robert &lwordo, USPTA Madrid, Sp:titt
Tile USPTA. the L'C'uni.s 'voriJ ami mO!.t of:tH iti:. f::amil)• la<t\'C: IO!ot a gretr man. My tholtghrs and pt:I.)'CN go out to Rc:ncc. his: dllldt'C'n JJtd all ()f his f.m tily ~md ITic:mls :as we collcawdy mourn 'l im's p:n.sing. Drew Sunderlin USI"TA M:mcr l''miC:s.sion:•l
hi> >11 •ml lclt hlf m•rk on "' all. Mil)! I t<h tlu• OJ>pattwmy tu say. "Thank you, 'lim." I a.o1 • beet« person Cot having had )'OU on m) cou~ t.iod bless and k<X"p yQU.
- Stn'< O'C.nncll t!SI"I A New F.n(ll>nd Oivn~m r._., l're•idom
I m:all11m \lC!rng " rwo Nc;w England ~nnw! oonfcrcnca. Oru: was .at JOpnorch 10 SrOY.'C', Vt .• .md rhc other liU the rn-convcnuon ~t rbc N.anqnal 1cnms Center an New \•ork. lian w.u 11 VC'I)" msp,nng.
'P""ker and •lw•y. lcFr ,,. with • tollClW<d «><'l\Y fur the USP I'A •nd 1hc ~c.-r.:lung uf 1enmL He pml>,t>l)· drdtit J,.,.... dnldlruod uf p l,.ym~ bo>d...,U, hut he lud • bl;u.t p!.yiuA 10 <>W Annwd diviswn.rl wftl>;rli gatna. lim~ • gtt<rt Incnd to tJ., lno:nuriotullenni• IWlof Pamc. lkoidcs bring •lifelong member. he senql on the 1\oord of tbelloll af I 11mc. lie sc-n-ed on m.1ny of ns. comminco m"'CT the yt'il"'· .md w.. . aW\Irde<lrhc Holl of Fame• N•rt<u>.tl F4uoriolllll Merit Aw•nl. He drivins fum: at rhe hcginnillJI of the "L.cgm.S. W•ll•w•r" ptt>j~,mm, with rhc industun of Ill bricks on• lor USPTA dh·islon .and one: t"ot the nn.iutui nrganiution. USI'TAINI' will be honoring lim rhit •11mm<t during tltc ATP I !.II af ~•me toum>mcnt ''" llSt•rAJTM day. with • ccrc:mnny 111 un><il • brid in the 1.-gmd'• w•lkw•) d(lik41nl in hi• name.
w•• •
- Jacq- Faulioc lntn><:t!,..., P..t Pn:sL!cnr, liSPT..VNI'. 'l('lrh he;ovy h.. ru •nd tear-•nined lilccs wt: sear<h the r..,.. hnYCn' until uur eye~ an: dri1wn to the newt:\1 o~nd brlghrot ~tilr. A~ v.-c .. re rnn:ed r.t u y gunclbyc m Tim HaJdc:r beft)tC' kilj timr. we rcmernbcr A m.m whu~ ficra- dctermin.n lnn won ffillr.,h rd mrly by hi.< p.lMionar< luy.thy. Hi• "rcngth and vi.<ion ,.....ue<~ a profeuronal ihdumy for r.enni.s-tc.a.:hing p<o> .,ound the world ahA< will c'Ontlnue to bendit p.. a. P""""' •nd future <r.tdung prus. Oecp in the ke>n uf'IO.W our love for '11m >nd hi< lcg.a<)' will live on ftuevtt.
My 1lurt goes out to US!• !A stolf .and l leckkr Umily - Carol Andeoon
l:>:t.g.•boro, Dd. www.AOOvantegeUSPTA.com www.ADDvantageUSPTA.com
ADDvantage/March 2013 AODvontogo/ Mmcl• 2013
19 19
T, Jil/ II -mlnfoljob for lltlr
- um-. n,-
Remembering Tim
~lr 1111111 ,.tJ,,.,;,m~
..Ji"' IIJGII 1U • triiJ11" to T"" ·- /lnt ill h~~a
frinuJ •/,,;, prof-iouls.
MipJ c.y...m.,
llearlim, I ""'""n ro u.kC' rhs:s time .and opponunnv, .u vou wap up wur ...ognmcnr as USPTA CEO. ro mngratuboe you ,m thl\ r.~rr :and momcnwus aa.ompiL\Imvnt - cumpetmg 30 ran .. rhe hdm of USI'IA one of rhc top proi<S>IOn.t ....uc:utoom on the wurld I wanr ro rlunk you for •II ohc grr.u \\-urk and ntlt'me drd~t.-uun
nnt unly USJT) A.
bur m ;all ccrnficd and ..at<dncd lenni. profnsoon•l• on so nuny p.tm of rhc wurld. lor rhrle.dmhip, cumpi< w:t and lnlp.k1 111 1he u.·nni' J'ruf~mmn of the modrtn C'l".l lust Cl\'Cr lll )""' ·~·· I ....,n, 1(1 rhe U~11\ I Ill· ronkrcnto: on ~li•mi. met vuu •nol • few orhcr lo·•ding USPTA f'rc,fn.~r;umJI~ ,,r th.u ;in,t'. •mmttl•o~.tdy nnlttmg the gmup drosscd up on USI'IA cmhrmdcrcollo~Q bl•zcro. After • friendly wdroming oh••· I prompdy <l<"<i<lcd "ohrsc >rc rhe peorlc I w:anc '" 1oin m wnh .. ·1 him• yc•n lotcr I •nt so proud ro hn< Jooncd. You h•vc"' much to d<> ""h th< growth. om.rgc, ~nd 'l""lhv of thC' contC'Itt o( "'lut V.'t" .&.\ pn.i(C"Uiun.ab .1nd the USI'TA is rod..·· on. lim< of dulkng<• .nd urrcmc cnmpcrironn. Tlunl< you fur •II you ha"" done, Hnong rhc nprnwd •uppoll •nol rn:ognnion from ohc g=r (t"'up of pour pmodrn1>, and moor renni• pro~nn k:adcn. like Or Jim l.ochr •rul J.ock <.>roppcl ond 10 nuo• Plhen., L~ 1hC' ltnl pruur .anJ R"W.trd r;,, ,,,ur ""'k ~mJ <ue.xssful kadcnhop. I hove no doubu on rh.r corhcr Add rh•r ro rhe lr>l of hug< .a.;,umpiUhmcnl$. modnnwroon. gmwrh. ,...,rloJ ho~u.,ten, cduc•u"" pn>t;r•m, •nd rccognmon ofU~J·JA and lam aurc \"Ou must h< proud, .. ;all of us ohould h< l..ut .....,k, I ullcd the USI' l A hnd'lumcr• to <CJu•n for rho< ,.,.,., "hvr on rhc phone" •• I m•dc • h.bn of doing Cc.m\'tntn~ "uh unr ol 'uur ).C'nior natl • .and long· umt l ~JYJA .adnunmr.uor. I WD tuld 1h.a1 the •llC"z th1ng ahour I om, he wao •IW>)'1..., c.uy ro work ""h "Now 1h.u is 1hC" uhim.ttC" fo,:omphmtnt, cominJ( from ans.Jdt your \IWn \COiur offiu:n lung on the ukc tlhl"r dumg II for 30
On« •gom. on hchall of mpdl and '" m•nr orhcn THANKVOlJI Ihe h<st of luck •nd rhc h<so t<Jiolrds f<lf )""' fanuly •nd vuundf flln~ ltow I0\1llvtd~ ''"""~ nt:tt:h ~'tU. Sin~;crdy.
Migud L)"'ncirns Oakville. C•n.ttl.a
20 20 ADDvantage/March AD!Nontago/Mor<:h 2013 2013
I ""' =lly ,.d 10 heu •bou1 frir:ud T m\·~ p.aning.. lim .wd I h<cmc fri<nds b.clt in ohc .. rly 70<, He pcnooully odminiso:crcd
t~ tot for fllC' to bccoUk' .1. member of ohc USI'TA- He. •long ";cb I bny Pvtcn, George llasco, ~d lOme o1hers "ere in.urun~nW in mr f.ather. Ray ~·en. fx.comin,; the firs• Exccurn-e Dircc10r o( the USPTA. 1im did ' wondecful JOb lOr our assoc:iuion. I k ""'» .-irdcss. He: w.u a g.rr-.u ,·Uion<l.ty.. H~ w.u
,,_,, ,..
Jitt-,.. •f.,.. -wu,.,. - a,;, s.-
Thoughts sha1·ed from friends, colleagues ... 1-1 tim 1nur to r- Wforr hu rdirnrtnll. 1 -
tirr,_ "' -·
,_, nnoury. " ' - ~.uly
enrhu..-iasric abour rhc: fmure ofm1r ~~j.ttiou. His fric:ndJi.nc::u .tud cnrhu.ria.un wr~ aptiv;uing.
Chris tlovcu. USI'fA Missouri City. Teus
The industry has lon one of the good ~;uy>. He wiU l>< missed. Jimmy Lin~.!i:l}'o USI'TA Shrcvcporr, L:a.
t:>cnnn .lnd I both~~ \hOI..kctl w "' hc;~r of Tom ll«kkr• dt.u.h.Lifc" ofwc.J:a w'un.ainty: thi~ unumdy p.b.Sin~ '-' .tnorhr:r r<:mirnh fO< 1U 10 •pprrci.ooe fUlly tM wnc "Y m t:.a'cn un thiJ c..uth.
Our thout:hb .And pr.a)'cr"\, Ocnnu (IJ~I'rAJ
•nd P.o V•n der M«T. Hohon Had 1-lmd. S.(_
So 10 llQI uf hi• p:wing. One uf out hal lon~;--tcrm lexJC'I'\. Mr. I ltckkrw•u•-crygoodcx•onplr of who&.E ~ rrnnu profcWon.d ~huuld bc-likt-. I Jc.amcd from rGKiiu~ ·nm·,. ;arridcs ('\T-~' moruh. A.. J result, my f<XuJ. is un gh int;, b.u.k tU utltm. I p.~t1cNled my lire :tftcot 'lim H«.kler. Arthur A..hc, Ale'( Cordon :~nd
Sheldon C•ldwdl. M•y Goo bk"SS l'<ho~od
ll ieh..dson. U~l'rr\ Chul• Vi"•· C..lif.
(Read more letters online)
"Things will never be the same" 0 1'111 Stmtorum , CEO ofPTR. JvrtJir a w ry bonontbl~ tribuu in Tnmis Pro (J>TRS mnnbu uutgazitt,) for 7im wb~u be JY:t;red. Below an some excnpts from that article:
for rhc p;rs• 26 yc.rs. I've had •he plasu~ or S<rvon& .. CEO of PTR. You would drink that would make me rh~ longnr Jc:rYing CEO in the: tc:nn~ indu.)try. Th;a;c di)linc:uon b nm nunc.
bur goes ro my (rorm~r) counccrpan a< ohe L'SI,.IA. (the bre) lim Heckler. Tun :onnounccd his retirement rrom rhe USPTA 21 the end orl012. .liu 30 yat> of di.>cong•mhcd >e"'ia-. and., ohcy say. rhings will newr be the same. During his tenor<, Tun's strong·willcd J>(J>QOWI)' hdpcd no:\·olutioni7.c 1he USPTA :md our indu!ttry. Somcurna he pl.artd the role of l).,·id caking on GoliJoh, •nd ooher umcs he wed his skills 10 gather conccnrus. While he wiU prob.bly be brst remembered for che former. 1herc- i! nu miM;aking thC' f:.r, ch;u ht" work~ passion~udy for lhe! besl inrcn-st or his Ol~llil.llion. But what many may not know is th.a.t as p:a.ssion~tc :u lim was fOr chc: USPTA. I know from working with hun 111 1hi) llllhmry that h~ .also \VlS pa.~iona.-e about 1he game of 1cnnis. And like aU of us. be dearly wants tbis £tllnlC to ~trow. 10 hove more people pl:,yiug i1, ami playing it more: fre(lutncly. A) mcmbc:r~ the rcnnili induliU')'• we: :~II could cou111 on lim 10 provide inpu1 hno cffom to grow the: game, particularly where they concerned teaching professionals. ..P..
www.ADDvon~ogoUSPTA.com www.ADDvantageUSPTA.com
Tbinlt IIHIIIJOIII' """' tnmu lift """P4Y trib•tlliD tboH intli,;llllllh, 111itbtJ111 whonJ ]011 IIHIIIIJ notiH w/wrr ]Oil lin in ]0111' profrmon orJO~~~"Iift· -&rr RA/nuin
Take time to remember Thoughts shared by Ben Rakusin n
..,here is no fauh in adding ro the memory of someone of note wire so much hn.s :tlready OO:n said. The USIYTA lo.'t CEO of30· p@Jr.can;, Tim Ht-ddcr. on fdJ. 4 and for tho'"' younga pros who may only know oflim a..'i a name. some clarity is nc."'ed<.-d. I recently rook some time m chl[ wi[h two friends of mine and respected pro<, Will Ho.tgond Chuck Cill, ~.bout rheir il'nprcessions of "Tint :tnd the.: legacy he left. Will s;ud very succincdy d1nt Tim simply did more for the tennis-tt-aching profussion than auy intlividtul ever. Chuck added rhat the succcs.< of counrlcs< progr:ams from our Gr:lnd Prix c.1rcuiu co our conlinuiog liXIucation c01n be directly
:1ttribmcd to lim"s elTon~.
membership growth and. of course, the fadter of our ADDvnntttg~ magazine. l'aul Xanthos wn.s a Los Angeles institution and one of those r.ue individtuls that you could call a "teacher's tcachci." Not everyone: rcmc.mbcn the name JVfark McCormack or thar he! was an O hio attorney, bur we all know names like Evert, Uorg •nd Sampro• nnd lMG. his
company fhar rtprc:s~nt<:c.l cllem Jnd many otbers. Those of you in tbe East still hear the echo of namcs like Eugene Scort - player. renaissance 1nan and journalist c:xrraordlnaire~ and Gladys Heldman - publisher, women's tou r 1>ionoer ond . oh yes. a great player in 1Cxas as wdl.
My own memories
indude Tim attending a 1982 Florida Division co1wcnrion chat consisted of abour .30 guys playing a )or of tennis and having a few beers. 'lim hdped us renli1.e how much more those conferences could be. h now seems Jppropriatc for all of U5 co cake a. Jirtlc time and remember pros. ct-achc:Is. and mentors - people who changed the dircccion of our profCssion and often. our lives. l lc:rc in 1.:1orida. former d ivi.!>ion presidenr.s Abe Rev~nan of North t\ 4iami, Dave
Be;IUchamp Mi:uni, and Ernie Spiller ofbod1 Florida coasrs, all Hill cut ~ large sh;u.: low over d\c Malt:. Rt"gardlcss of what areas of the country you re-gard as your rcnnis rootS. chcrc arc grear individu;1ls whose memory scill aRCccs rhc tennis cnvironrncm rhcrc. Alex Gordon. for whom our highcsr aw:ud is n:unec.t. w:ts a leader of San Diego rea'uliS for many yeMs, not lO
On an even larger
many of us,
On a pcrsonaJ uotc:, this discussion would nor be complcrc tOr me wh.houc mentioning
rwo people: George Bacso. rhc guiding lighr of US PTA ccrrificarion. helped inspi re my involvcmcnl in rcsring and my appl'ed:uion for ir.s hnpl->rrnncc. And a guy named jack March.
o Cleveland ~'ro who L:tught me rhe g;une aml the philosophy that in real tcunis, the ball sboulu l>ountc as little as possible. l think ()f him to this day wirh e-very crisp voUcy that l hir. So think about your own rc:nni.~ (jfc and p.1y triburc to those individuals. withour whmn you would not be where you ar~ in your pmfes.<ion or your life. Eve" if they tbhc- unJ & 10v
mention the glue lhat hdpcd hold our org-do.ization togctbct in the turbulent 70s. Sheldon Caldwell. a mainmy of rhc 1C:xa.'i division, was a key figure in
and the game itself. were influenced by the likes of Harry Hopman. Arthur Ashe. Tim Gullikson. lhrry McKay, J•ck Barnaby. Slew Hester, John Gardiner, It-Indy Snow and Eve Kmft, even if we uidn't kn()W them dirccdy.
are no longer with us, pros. co:tch~.
r<achetS. partnts and all of our mentors should be recogniu:d for thdr lasriog imprinr on us. Lcr's all agree ro add Tim Heckler to <his cvcrbsring group. '1>-
Culllr.tdl A'rqft
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ADDvantage/March 2013 21 21 A0Dvontogc•/ Mmc1•20t3
Clarence Mabry: Pioneer ofTexas tennis
o say Clarence Mabry was both a respected player and rennis-reaching professional is a11 undersraremenr. When he passed away earlier chis year o n Jnn. 26. he lefr a lasting legacy of true leadership in rhe tennis world and his impact anti io1Auencc will nor be forgotten. ''He;, one of the founding mrhcrs of rhc ' lcxas Professional Ten nis Association (Iacer ro become a division of rhc US PTA). and rhc rcnnis reachers of rhe world owe him a great de-al of gradrude," said Ron Woods. USPTA pasr president. "His passion and spirit will live on forever in Texas r~u1is." "H~ is on' ofthe fo11ntiingfotlm-s of''" UXAI ProfusionJtl Tmnis
Assodntio11 anti thit tennis tem:hers ofth, world ow.. him a gr~tat ti~tal ofgratitllti' ... flis pit#ion anti spirit wiU lil!lt on forrllltr ill TI!XIU T~tn~~is." As " pl.oyer. Mabry '""' n.uionaUy ranked anU 3 ~t.ttc champion, winning the Smnhw<>l Conf<rtflt'< >io>gles and doubles ririe while ar rhe Univcrsio:y of Texas ar Au.tin in 1946. He wa> induete<l imo the Univcr<icy ofT=u llall of llonor in 1997. In 19'SS he ot•blished the 1riniry Uni\'ersicy•.; men's tcnni~ team and wcm on to devdop • Mtior.:illy recognized progrom. eoming hrm the name of"Farhcr of 'Jrinity Iennis.- He led thcru to me NCAA championship in 1972, and for 18 of hi> 19 yea<> os coach. hi:s reaOl r-anked in rhc rop four, giving him an impressive win-loss record of319-36.
A> co,1cloof rhc S.1r1 Amonio Racquets. Mabry k•d the tcom ro iL< firsr professional naoionnl tcnni> dHU11pi1mship in 1986. I lc w01.< a founder of <he John Newcombe Tennis Runch. which openc:J in 1968. and its predcccssor TBarM. A native of Alic-., 'Ji:x.O>, MJbr)' '""S the head pro at the fnm1cr San Pedro TcnnisC,ourn, now knuwn :u t. khulin l<nnis <:.-ntcr. WOO<.Is, who firsc met Mabry when he was a rennis pro .r rhc :01' lC:ruus <.:enter "ben he".,.. a junior pla)'cr !aid. "lie w35 ah''a)'S smiling and had • gr«11 •tritude. He 11>Cd humor along wirh his grcot kno,.icdgc of Lhc game m gc:t h1) masage nerO):. to his Sludent."
M11bry '"'" i111lurrrd 11110 1111' U!il'lll IJnllof Fmnt durint ''"' 2006 USP'l A lr'orld Coufmnu.
22 22
ADDvomogo/Morck ADDvantage/March 2013 2013
great coach as be worked
with rn:my sre.11 Te:x.u juniors and many
collcgiarc Ali·Anlcrica ;mJ world-doss pla)'crs. "I fed one of rhc lxsr pi=s of advice he SO'• me (about teaching tennis) was when he told me, 'never lcr your lcssom leo\'1: the tourt without hitting • successful shoe,- Woods said. "1 ha,.., had a ron of lc.sons go overtime to get rhis occompli<hcd. bur ir ha.< paid off wirh rqx::u l)Usinc>:. 'l.!t rny .uudcnrs always had a scn<c of •ccornpli<hrncnr when rhey lcfr the court ... Mnhry l=.~n1c 1he scvcnrh grond inductee inro the USPTA HaU of Fame in 2006. lie wa< rcmgni7.cd during rhc USPTA's nnnu~l award> ceremony at the USP'Ii\ World C.onfercnce on Tennis Lhar ycor in L..u Vcg;>.>. Mohrr's ocher honol'$ include induction into the lmcrcoUrgiatc Tennis Association Men'< Tennis Collcgiarc Hall of F:unc (1984). Texas Tennis Hall of Fame (1985). San Anronio Hall of l':tmc (200 l). 1i-inity University HaU of Fame and rhc University of 1exas Hall of Honor. He w•Js nlso inducted into rhc inaugural cia" of rhc Triniry Univcrsiry Athletic Hall of l'amc in l 999 • ..,_ www.ADDvantageUSPTA.com YNIW.AD0vant&g$U$PTA.com
In his own words: Excerptsfrom an interview with the late Clarence Mabry on his induction into the USPTA Hall ofFame Arf/Je World Con.fon.·nc. on Ttumis in Sept<'mbtr hr2()()(), 11 fow dap nftu hit 81st birrlxltr1, t/,. kru Clarn1c. Mabry lm-ume ouly
t/,., tighth ptnon lo b< iutlutted imo tht USf>'[jj H11/l ofFnme. Not btrrlfor n boy ftom 11 mr11U 1i:xtrs 1011111 111ho, ttl thr age of /2, tltl'idtd to lrm11 /Jow IQ use tlir ttnuis rltClJIII't tihti~ twts lm tlmn o.:r:itrd to acquirt. B~lfJutnn some ~Y.nptsfrom au illtl!'l"lti~tlJ
tvith Mabry •vhcu he lcamttl nbmtl b•ing induned iu the USP'[)I Hill/ ofFttmQ.
•t ll'nl/ttd 11 bicyrk, tmd Snit in 11ll liJr rrtdhr I got for telli11g il~< SttllrrdllJ EtJ<uing Post, bm I didui hllvt' ""'ugh C()ll/'1>111 for 11 6icyrk Jh Igor n mmis mcr~tm, • M11lny rrrrzlktL •TIJefim thing I tliti tflns euur /lit /om/ ttmmnuw1tJ. lplilytd 11/>11111 11 )'1'11r am/ s/lrri<ll u!lmri11g stmr tmd 1111tiomtl rllilmpioii,S/rips. ·· A11d !)I' dirl 111 ~r lt.mllugfrom othi'T plll)'trs.
"Tbty didiri bmJc" tt11uiuo1ms m tlli,..,., 7<-xns. so on t!Jf 1 "''"" OttU so Corp11s CIJrim hndjointtl tl" pMplt 111 n lirtll' rlub tlmt lt'DS Jlflrl ofrht high «IJ()o/, ""IJf said. "\~ lfMilt tl!i! dny /lktyill/( mmi.J undplt~lrirlg pennia" Mttl"y. w!Jo /"mud It'll/liT '" ,, Jdfmotwatrd prrtun, u!rmt 011 to tllill rk ~ou1/111JCSI Couformq mrglts 1111d doublt~ ritla nr dN Umwmry ofTr:xns 111 I916. Thm rl~t pln.r•r· wrntd'''l)tll"b tkJ•rlbptiltbt mmr$ progrt/111 tiL Trhdty Umvcrstty lu Smt A11101tilJ ill tbr mid-1 950J. llnook it! mimloll NC'.AA rhmupiowbip i11 1972 with hrlp fom pfilym tht liko u[/Jri1111 Got((rirtl. Dirl: Stbduon tllld 1\m/ G"ltm. S<>mr oftlrou sill/It pluyrrt u>tnt on with Conrb Mdbry ID t/ir Sm1 Anto11i1J Rncqum. 11 profosiontl! '""" tlltTtllf woulillrfl<l to 11. nmivnnltram dlltmpwnF/;ip iu 1986. Ht 1/llit a grormdbrrnking rtucltmg professim~t~l w/,q hdp~:~i ,.Mblislr t/,, 7i:wu Dfttisiou of thr USPTII. Til' "fioxlu Profossumnl Ti'llnisAssociminll (thnt lnr.r htr11111L tlrr USPTIJ TI'XtU ViviriM) wtu rMctilltil 111 1965 "I'"" M.rbry. &nmrd "7itt"" llartuumrd Grorgr /(irl/t')' ilmiud rht" uaching pros ofTt!;<os to a -tQukmd iu San Autq11.io for n doublt's fQJITJIIlmnlr, 11 diuic, liiUI" mming ofrbr pro/ minds. lte<'l)rdhrg 10 tbt di1!is1ons 1uri11m l1ismry. "W'r Wlll1ttd to gtt urgtm&d i11 li-xlu. "lllid Mttbry. who was drttrd tlttfin/ pl"bidmt ofrlJt /11/A. ""J.:vrrybudj wlmud to j11i11 Mr big. lMppy fonlily to tl,ork 011 imprr111i11g the mmu gnma ofso lllf111J ptoplr. ·· Mabry rrrimJfom unrlring and contl1i11g 111p~rtkrlt ofiiJt]olm Nt/llcombt Tennis Rnm-/1 m tl~t TI'Xns /rill cormrr;1 "lis brmjim. I tkfiniuly lwl otlm plmu, ln11 rbiilgi ktpt jitlling in rhr dimrion off<'mli.J sb I kcpr following tlmir. • M11bry 11tid. Hr Mmrd n &dulor ofBuriiWS .Adlllillim'illion drgrrt mrd utm bmjly inoolved in sporo 111les before playing rhr profissiimal rircuit for thtrt ;•ra11, tlrrnlmmrlting /Jis rnrur 111 n tttrl"lring pm. "I Inn!' 110 regMJ tuhntJOcwr. I gt~r•t I;,. lurr/11 QIIPPY lift.gvmg bam~S< I r<lll/y <WJO)'I'd rlrc t<tlflu11g tmt/rhr rDIIthhtg. rli<frllo~~~>hip and the •·<lmiomllip wirh tlrt pkryc~>. • 1/r added lh Iris lung 1111d dillirtgu#btd mrri'T witb tlw USPTAs higlmt honor. WlwniJt lramtd ofhis induttio11 imo the USPTA Ifni/ ofFmnt, whirli ms/;rirtrt wmiJ profl>$iollllli 111INJ INit'C gir-.11 Rl/fttimr uft'X1mpl11ry smticr tu tiN trnnis indwtry. Mnbry Jl/itl hr liNt! "=irrdmu/ tkftuittly surpriud"to -,uiue thr IJonor. lft ndmiirrd tn btitrg "m 011 tl~< groundjloorofihtgrowtll o/TQUTs rmuis, "flour "'"' "l d011l lin1111 llrtytlring to br11g nl>om. "1x- $/lJd in rrgnnlto brs Htrll ofFamr indurtion. ·n.,. br:rllthillltingubom somr ofrlrosr 111ho mmlr it possiblr for mtto grt tim-. - Tim (fl.rkl~r) nnd Ron Woods-jrisl bebtg tl>ffl" tmd sbaring ldt~u for tbr promorlon nfmmiJ. •·
"Mo<M/111)' !if;. l11u br~u spmtint~m!h mrd to b( IHJuprrd by,, tt11nh gmup i1 o.·IT(tnrly imrommr m1dfolfilliug, "M11bry Jnid. "I lrrlpd rmrthr smrmars mtlx USI'"filt#lttoual ronllf.IIIIOI/ for about 10 Jl'llf'( (ttl"'"'"""'")· I frlt{ikr 1 dm'twd to gittr bncl: 10 mmis wl,,,, ""' gnvc to 1/1(. TIJry gm""'" II tubolr lifo. • ,... www.ADDvantageUSPTA.com
ADDvantage/March 2013
Thank you, Tim! Your clear vision and guiding hand improved our lives .
. ~ --
~' 1:;?
C-.., The USPTA Eastern Division membership salutes you.
Southern Division Tnn for over 3 deeades of service to Tenni$ saw many changes du~ing his tenure. ¡~
To mention nm Heckler's many contribut ions to the USPTA and to tennis in general simply can't be done in a short paragraph. He was intelligent, polished and resourceful and he loved this association and its members. nm advocated and negotiated for greater respect and greater industry opportunities for tennis professionalseverywhere. He was respected and admired throughout the tennis industry and he brought the USPTA into the 21st century. As some might say; he had 'Tennis DNA: He will be greatly missed but he will never be forgotten for all he did for our sport and many of us individually. Rest in peace, Tim.
• How long have you worked at USPTA, and what do you do here? 1 have been with USPTA for five years, ~nd it was tuOund that dmc that the: organization lx.--gan to develop a nrw t.-ducarional mol. TcnnjsRcsourccs.cmn. This onJinc rcnnis library comaios dtOUS:lnds or useful in$1 ructionul videos, audin semin:U''S-, ;Uticlcs,
W h ether ir's cuning a nd cdicing rhc videos char go o n Tennis~ Rcsourccs.com or \vorking with coaches: in chc production of
1he ''On Ct_,urt with U$1Yl'A" ·rv show. 1 see so 1n:111y ur1iqt1e perspectives on how pcopk· approach wochlng the game. Each coach shares a dif!crcm S!yle and philo-<ophy that has made
diills. lessons ;ulll much more. lr was designed as a place wh~n:
him o r her .succ~ful in his or her career, -and ir's lrnporranr
tcnnis-.cacbing professionals and players of all levels CUl access rcnnis infom1arion. My main duties include m anaging rhisonl inc
co bn.ve 3 11 open mind :tnd he willing to Jearn diiTereru ideas. TcnnisRcsources.oorn is a tool through which I can give back to tennis. Having it available to the tennis public gives people the
t0<-)1. =adding ne\\' content. bandling subscriptions - OOsicnll)' overseeing TcmtisResourc~.corn.
opportunicy ro learn from all these great coaches and raise. the
$1andords of rhcir teaching methods. I am also the Tennis Technical Advisor for USI'TA's Multimedia Deparrmenr. We produce"" extended varie!y of tennis-re:tching video products, iududing the "On Court with USJ>TA"TV >how that •irs exclusively on rhe Tcnnjs Channel. My job hl\'olves securing the coaches we fcacu rc in each video shoor and overseeing
produetion c)( the show from a tedmic:tl lennis 3Specr.
• Do you have a specific work ethic or personal philosophy that you live by? I grew up with rhc mcnmlityoF purring I 00 I>Crccnt inro cvet·ything I do. I believe thar performing a job goes beyond jnst the physical act of doing the job. Unless you put your heart imo it, you won't truly be happy with the "'suk<. O ne of my fuvorirc quotes- says: '"Whar you put inro something iswhar you're going
• What do you like most about your job or what makes it interesting/ chaUenglng?Thc rhing I love most about my job is that ir's aU about rcnnis! ' lb do wh•• I do, ir rnkes a gre:u deal of p:t.<Sion for the game uf lenni>. A typic:tl day in rhe office for me involve. Gtlking about rcnnis and watching technical videos aU day. And given the f.tct thar rcnnis: has been a part of nearly my cnrirc life, I cnjo)' ir all. Everything 1. do for USI1TA involves tennis education, a field that l find ••cry i.otcrestiJlg (Uld in which) run const'3JJdy lcorn.iJ•g.
get on I' of it," ;tnd I (eally b<lieve dm. My success depends ou the (legrce of my dTons.
• Tell us a little bit about growing up in Romania. Romania is n bcauri· ful councrywith sceuic bndse1pc.sof1he C'. :up:.nhian suouru:tin$, bcautilul bcad>cs by U><' Bl11ck Sc.• nml terrirory of Danube Dclw, It is also the home ro some of the most well-preserved mtdieval rowns. castles and mona.'>rcric-s in Europe. Transylvania and chc Dracula ( :·utle :tre soJne of che n'l:lin touristic a! tractions. lr
i.s::. counLry
rich in tradition and folklore.
However. li fe growing up in Rom:t~ uju was much dille rent from liCe in the Unircd Smtes, Growing up in a conlmunisc cQu nrry ccrrain1y had irs
ch:tllenges in the 1980s. There we,-, dmc:s wben we had limicccl acet:ss to things l.ike water. hear. TV and som crimc!> even ccnain foods. Afrcr c:on11nuni~m ende-d in L98?. Lhc:
country slowly Sl.trtcd to improve. i\; a tennis player in tht 90s it was a ~rrugglc to fi nd athletic anirc or ( Cil .. nis ge:lr incfuding rocquer.s, s1rings. balls, and practice courts. cspedaUy during the winn:rwhcn indoor court.t; were rare and very exp-ensive
co11tinut'd llt'xt pttge www.AOOvan1egeUSPTA.com www.ADDvantageUSPTA.com
ADDvantage/March 2013 25 25 A0Dvontog••/ Mmc1>2013
from previous page to rent. Tennis is a very expensive spore that requires many cosrs, which you have ro pay o n you r own. There is no help fro m clubs o r a fe<leratio n. I was fortu nate to have my f~Hnily's support which ~1.l1owcd me tO train an d travel to tournamen ts. I owe them a lot and have a great deal of re-spect for everyth ing
rhey did for me. Alrhough growing up in ;1 country like Ro mania was challengin g, it helped me become a suon~ ger person. From a n ea rly
career cam e to an e nd, ten nis was still my passion, and I knew
I would n'r be happy in any field of work orher rhan rennis. So rather than give up the game completely, I promised myself that I would turn things arou nd and contin ue pursuing tenn is
in another aspecr. Working for USPTA gives me the chance to be involved in rhe crearion o f educational tools t hat coaches
can use tO study, learn and reach t he modern game to others.
age I learned to have dis-
• What is your educational back-
cipl ine, be respo nsible. nor
ground? 1 have a bachelor's de-
rake thi ngs for granrcd, and
grt-c in exercise sport and science a nd a rnasrer's degree in sporrs
work hard roward achieving El'IY dreams. h prepared me
for life and I am rhankful for rhar. • Can you tell us about your professional playing career? My dad firsr introduced me ro rhe sport whe n I was 6 years old, and he is the rna in person who has constantly
helped and supported me along my career. For rhe first few years, ir was all for fun, bm rhen I quickly improved ro hecome o ne of rhe top players in Ro mania, evemually ~1chieving a rank-
psychology. • Is there something you really want to do or accomplish at this point in your life? Do you have any life goals that you have not yet realized? I am enjoying th is chap ter o f my life contributing 10 USI'TA's educational progr::un . I have many long-teun goals for my car<'<'r, some of which involve sports psychology and working wirh high-performance players and developing rheir gan'les.
ing of No. 21 in Europe. Playing at a high level g-•ve me rhe opporcu niry to travel around the world at a n early age and compere against dire players, many o f who m are srill
playing on rhe WTA 1o urroday. Among the major accomp1ish menrs in my career a rc: Romania1S N ational C hampion; reach ing rhc semi~fi nals at the European Tearn C hampionsh ips; w inni ng rhe NCAA Champ io nship twice with BYU-H awa ii ;
and achieving a WTA rankingofNo. 550. Unfo rrunardy, knee a nd shoulde r surgeries e nded my c.areer. Altho ugh I comp lerely dedicared my child hood a nd adolescen t years to ten nis and
was later forced ro give ir all up due ro hcalrh issues, I have no regrets. I believe aH my effort and sacrifices were rruly worrh ir.
• You had an impressive winning record during your college career. Can you tell us about it? Well, I didn'r lose any singles matches p laying ag;:•inst other schools. My singles record was 45 -0. I was also sclecred rhe Rookie of rhe Ye"r and Senior of the Year.
• Would Y1)U like to add any other insights into you - outside interests [such as travel], family, etc.? Orher than rennis, I love sporrs and o urdoor ac1 ivities. I've u iOO st...')'diving, surfing. paddle boarding. ziplining and many others. My friends like ro say I am
quire compe1irive. Asid e fro m spon.s 1 have a passion fo r music and dance. I am
also fluenr in rhrcc languages: Ro rna n ia 1,, En glis h a n d
Spanish. Last bur not least, I am very dose to my f unily. T hey all live in Ro mania. I h:IVe an older brorher and a bcauriful 4-ycar·old nephew. My f.trher
is a fo rmer (~reco-Roman wrestler, who won num erous national champ ionships and hu er b(-camc a succ{'Ssfu] wrestling coach fo r more than 25 years. My mother is a phann acist, but
now retired. She is a great cook and I try 10 follow her exa mple. Romanian dishes are a must at every holiday and I .seck m carry on
• How did your previous experience in tennis lead into you working lor USPTA? Although my compcririve
26 26
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rhe rradirion although I live in the United States. Baking desserts is a f:ovorite. ~
www.AODvtlntageUSPTA.com www.ADDvantageUSPTA.com
The motivation behind retaining exceptional staff members by Don Bahneman
n 201 1, the International Hcalrh and R.1cquct Spons As.<ociarion announced tbar health d ub memberships increased by 2.4 pcrcenrwhilc ar rhesame- [ime the Mahon Pul~e Survey idemi·
6cd Gtncss and wcllncss as one of tbc key lifestyles trend• affeCting rhe dub industry. Even d ubs that have alway< offered firness and wellness activiU~..-s have ro rtthink their .stratl-gics. smying ahead of the curve ro consra.nr1y nor 011ly s:u isfY bur pl'OVe ro club members that their mcrnlxrsltip is valuable, tbu.s, u.hcriug in a resurgence ,lf fimess and wellncs$ programs narionwidc.
As clubs 1111tiomvide gem· up fin· tvl/171/el' tventbe.· mul iucrellSed usnge, it is impemti11e to mnke sure you hn11e the 1·igbt staffiu plnce. L1 conjunction with this growing trend. the Cluh 1\<1:1nagcrs Association of America (CMAA) partnered wirh Club Pirncss and Spa Association (CFSA) L<> produce Fitnm, Sp11 mui1Y!r/lnw in''" Privnu Club: a book designed <O hdp fosrcr club flrncss and wdln~>S opcr.otions. ln 1.he book. a variety of contributors "'ckle rhc- most important endeavor when cirhcr crcaring or susml11 ing these progr:uns: rera.ining cxcepLional StaO: l~urth~rutorc, just :lS hard as it Jnay s<.."t-m to hire the right candidarc ir is also equally important to I'Crain thar same employee. In the arcidc. Hutv to l&111in Exupriomtl Srnffi •· ~~~ nr< 011/y ns strong 11.1 11!~ suppqrt t!Jiu you !Jaw around)'(}It, .. rhc four common cxplrmaLions of how 10 keep exceptional staff arc oud.inc<l:
Motivated by the Almighty Dollar £vcryone needs to P"Y bilk Some: employees are so 6xatod on chc amounr of money earned d1at this is a primary mOtivator. " If I make more commission or a higher hourly wage. I will nlake more money lo buy lhe rhings that 1 wnn1."' GrnnLcd chat tb.is i> a n.icc U>ouglu, bul where i> U<c duaholc.l? lf we wa.nr more. whe:n is it enough? Mcrir incn.'aSC$ for perfonnancc are t:Xtremdy .imporcanr and neces&'U')'. Ensuring thm yt1ur dub Optt"Jcions arc in..Jinc and compcririvc wirh neighboring f.Jcil iric.~ ro hdp guamntce that your place of business .is the place 1.0 1x is paramoutu. www.AOOvan1egeUSPTA.com www.ADDvantageUSPTA.com
A dubi willingness to invrsr ;, iu employc-r1'proftssional d.rvclopmem ... is a uuifor l'Dnsidaatitm in tlu rtr~ntion n[illt i'xcelknr staff: Motivated by lntr<."'-"td Edu<alion Witb.in fiLness and spa ficdlitks, tb< fitness professionals and rherapisrs arc required ro mainr.a.in chcir certifications :md Licenses througb regular condnuing education. "'f his can he done online. by arrc nding confcrc:nccs, raking addirional ccn.ific-•tion(s) or taking extens.i<>u courscwork.J'riccs f<>r each can vary dramadcally (anywhere from $50 - $4 ,()00-plus) and reinvcsdJlgjn this e mployee shows thar rhc cmploycr carnc.)tly
wanes its in-house 'alent co improve rhcir skill sees. T hus, insriJI... ing tl1at cd ucnuon w"tiJ Gear fruiL for not otcJy the membership but rhc workplace as wdl. The amount the club invcsrs inro cadt professional depend> on the dub ami need• tO be budgc«d. T he club's will ingness co invest in iL< employees professional development shows tl1ar they are forward-thinking and that rhcy rcali1.c char ~uch an ourlay is a major considcrnrion in rhc reu:.nrion of an cxcell~nl scaff. continurtl no;t pngt ADDvantage/March 2013 27 27 A0Dvontog••/Mmcl12013
from previous page Motivated by lnere:~scd Re~ogojtioo Sometimes bc:.ing n.."CCgnizt."f.l for ~upcrior t.ffons is enough for sr.afT. Programs such a< employe<: of the month, boss For a day. wp-producing trainer, holiday parti(t.S, cross-deparrmt:nml ream building, Web bbsrs rn the membershi p about new scafT. and posting co YouTube channds about the fitnc.s and spastalf ate all ways to hclp give ro1>·pcrforming employe~ grcarcr cxposuJ'C and recognize ~upcrior efforts fro m rhc:- t.:am.
Motivated by Decp<ncd Relation.shlps Within the Contnmruty \XIorkiugwiLb a pcr.sunal trainer, saJon stylist, massage;: therapist or firnc.ss iturrucror builds relationships. (n rhe onc..on-onc moments thnr ocCui. it i~ nor uncomm on to t:Slablish mpporc, cruse, and in cum, deeper comm unication wirh rhc member. While professionalism is of the utmost importance, the £i tuess and spa sraff have a rendcncy ro lend a 'ymparheric car for many is!tud that arc affecting the mc.m bcr. A mutu~U tru!lt and confidence develops, one rhar is nor easily broken. J laving a work environment that creates a revolving door for sr-.tlT cru.o be disastrous. The fitn<>S and spa industry is ba.s"l on rcladonship.s and gcrting people co leave r.hcir comtOrr 1..oncs m noah individual ptogrcss in th<"ir bealth .tnd wdl-being. As clubs ltationwidc gear up for w~mncr weac-her nnd incre~c.J LL'i.agc. ir is impe.rarivc ro make .sure you ha\'C d1e righr sraff in pLu:e. Successfttl dubs thrive on relationships: the s~.t(f :lJJd the
Succ~fitl rlubJ rhritJt' onrtlarioml1ipJ: rJN srajfand rhr membership, mtmbtr to mtmbtr 1111d ulrim111rly. rmploytr to rmpi/J)'<'t.
membership, rncrnhc1· ro member :md ulrim:uely, employee ro cmploy<.·c. Thus. the time i.'S: now co rcign in the aupJoyces from rhe pasc sc.1son or currcnc season to ensure furure sca~Oil-" arc jtL~r as successful as the current. ~
Ho1u tfJ Rmlin E<upriounl Sra(fappcars in Fimrn, Spa n11d \fltollnm 1hr Pritllllt Club ~uHI is aucl1o~d by Oon Bahneman, a lc:-o~der
in rhe fitness industry since 1999. For more infom1ation on this resource, ple..'lS¢ visit www.cmna.org/ma.rk(,"!tpbce.
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Game changer: Building my service skills through USPTA volunteerism by Hunte r Lipscomb, USPTA
his profession we share is a great one. As a junior player, I idolized my coaches and wondered how cool it would be tO make a li ving doing what they did. The dream became reality for me, and as we all know, it is most of what it is hyped up to be- working on the couo·t, doing what we love, sharing in our students' game improvemem, and gening to hit a ton of balls. Even on the more challenging days I remind myself, "Hey, I'm geuing paid to do this!"
"What are you waiting for?'' ... It is up to you to be a part of deciding the direction of the " oldest, largest association for tennis teaching professionals.'' Do it for the association that has helped you make a living in tennis, and do it to develop yourself professionally. Exciled :'.> I wa) to come to work each day, a real concern of mine was how ro devdop a i>ackup plan if I ever became physically unable: to earn a living reaching tennis. I worried that my set of skills would be perceived by employers outside of the tennis industry 3.) too narrow. As rcnnis prof~sionals, we all know char's nor true. Every day, we foJI the roles of psy· chologis<S, bookkeepers. human resources officers, webmasters, marketing din:aors, and C'\'Cn crisis negotiators. Unforrunardy, that story is not easily tOld on a one-page resume.
I decided that I w'uHcd ro develop the skills that would make me invaluable ro my currt'JH tmploycr, no m:Htto:r the role I was in, and make me more desirable co potcnti:al fu111rc employer.. l also decided that I wanrcd to give something back to USPTA, the association that helped me earn a place in rhe tennis indumy where I had always wanted 10 be. I \vas vaguely a'vare of the democratic hierarchy of US PTA leadership in our division. Our executive director helped me when I 'vas looking for jobs in the J>acifoc Northwest, and I attended our division:al conventions where I mer some
of our divisional board members. When I heard that :a current board member was movinG out of rhc division ro rake a new job, I inunc-di:otcly knew that this might be a meaningful way to get involved. So I contacted the board and threw my hat in the ring. I didn't wait to be asked, and I didn't rake for granted that I would make it to rhe board le>·cl or be asked ro sray ar rhe board k'\·d once l was there. I badn't sen·cd on a board of dirccrors before and looked ar rhis as not only a great opportunity to serve, bur a great opportunity to learn and build my skill>. So whar >kills did I gain? I. Communication skills- During rhe course of a year, you'll personally connect with ~• huge number of pros in your division - hy phone, in pe1·son, etc. You'll l>c an car to listen to proi>lem~ and you can promore grear ideas thai arc coming up from the division and national Jc,•ds. You'll develop confidence and the ability ro rhink on your toe-<. 2. Event planning - Coordinaring a division conVention has enhanced my abili ty to put on my club's cvcnrs and come up with innovative add-ons. 3. Negotiating skills -Through negotiat· ing conrr':lcts with speakers and vendors for the division convention, one le-.•uns the art of the deal. Through rhc local ooartland national Executi,·e Commit· rcc interactions, I've learned rhc ..do's" and "don'u" of consensus building, compromise and even polirics. 4. Budgeting •kills - Crcaring. adjusring and staying within >pending amounrs.
Srr11ing liN fiJSO<'illlion on'' dittrin. divisional or nm/omd lcr'Citi 11 f,,l'(lll opportunity to ll'ttm mul h11ild proftstionrd skills. wwwAODvontogoUSPTA.eoon www.ADDvantageUSPTA.com
5. Project leadersltip & teambuilding skills - Being able to dclcgarc responsibility, follow up on progress, and get results arc skills you'll usc forever. continutd next ptlgc ADDvantage/March 2013 2013 AODvantage/Matdl
31 31
from previous page
6. Networking within your division - As a d irector, ir•s good ro
ke<:p cabs on up-:md-coming young pros who are looking to move up, and as an UJ>..and ..coming young pro, it can put you :md your skill set on display in from ofa lot of potential employers - an advamagc chat few others will have when compcring for the same job. 7. Networking nationally - meeting USI'TA members from a variery of geograph ic area< and from a variery of differenr sett ings. I've learned how problems are handled by tigers of other stripes. I feel like I have a hand-picked US PTA all-star team in my corner co consuh anytime 1 have a problen'l or qucsuon.
One of the things that distinguishes USPTA from any other tennis-teaching organization is that it is a trade association in the truest sense of the word. I can honestly say that I wouldn't be in the job I hold now if hadn't developed these qualities th rough volunteering. These skills hdp<xl me weather major changes at my dub. When our dub's board chose to reslrucwre o u1' staff. asking rne ro transition fTom spending 75 percent of my hours on court teaching to 75 percem of my hours in an office managing my dub, I felt ready and prepared, and they didn'r hesitate to choose me. Recent surveys and commcncs show that young USPTA
members want rnore represemation in the upper leadership of the association. ~1y question back is, "\'(that arc you waiting fo r?"
T hough it rakes a foundation of time and experience before considering a scat on the nacio nal board, it is never too t-arly to get
involved and start build ing that foundation. Get on ~l d ivisional comm ittee. Run fo r your divisional Board of Directors. There is
always help needed at every level, and thai younger perspective at the table is crucial.
One of the things that distinguish<'S US PTA from any other tennis-reaching organization is that it is a trade association in the trU('St sense of the word. It has democratic rcprcsentacion and a grassroots framework of governance 1ha1 can develop leaders over time. lt is up to you co take advantage of this and be a part of
deciding <he direction of <he "oldest, largest association for <ennis -r<-aching professionals." Do it for che association char has hclp<xl you make a living in tennis, and do it 10 develop yourself professionally in the unfortunate event that you can't cominuc living the
dream on the court, you will have set yourself up with a relevant skill set chac will benefit you in any other avenue oflife chat you choose co pursue. V>Hunur l..ipJComb, USP1il, is th~direttorofunnisopn-ntions nt Timbtr!Ji/1 Trnnis C/nb in Corvallis, Orr. LipSl'omb bas smll!d on tbr USPTA-Pacific Northwest Board ofDirectOY$
sinu 2004tlnd Cllrrt'lllly tt1"Wt tU ptm pmidmt ofth~ division.
32 32
ADDvantage/March 2013 ADDvanta9e!Morch 2013
BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES ·Jennis swim fitncss dub for sale in North Carolina. larg!! duhhou.'>t". ftme.~~ ceruer. pro shop and a<."th'ity arc.·a. Eight underg1'0uod lightl'-d clay couns, and two pools. Assumable loan. \Xlcbsitc: thoclubatwcslpor(.com. Conracr: Robbie Smith at 704-
492-693 1.
CLAY COURT MAINTENANCE llH~ Smich 3C Clay Courc Conditionct'S :arc rhe next b"t!'nl!r:ttic>n of highly engilll'eft.'(U powered <.'<Juipment ro keep )'Our fast-dry rourts in desi.rable Likelll'W coodition. Manufanun.-d itl the U.S. and availabk· for immediate s:hipmcm staning under $3,000. You c.m SCtrit)r a l;ght mp-drcss;otg, m;ll 5/R" bock to likc-nt'\\' powder. loosen hard packai sub-surf.!<.-e w:areR.'(I a>tms. or remove :tlg:te. R!!juven.ate :and renew your fast-dry couns. Call M. Kohlm3ll at 805-550.014? or email mkoWman@u:sn.nl"t. For more infonnarion, visit www. daycouncondicioner.com.
DRILLS NEED TENNlS DRILLS? US PTA Master Profession<~~! Jorge C1pcsrnny"s new website h:IS more rhan 700 videos of tennis drills and rips. Log on to w ww. tcnni.sdrilkt-v to see (:md print) more: t.hau 18 fn.-e san1ples.
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TENNIS PRODUCTS I'RO/COACH PRI C I NG on racquets. appard. shoc:s, hags. balls, strings and acccssoril"S. Get baskets, cans. training equip · mcnt. books, videos and mor('. www. Ten n isExprcss.com/800·
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Tools.com. G RIP COACH is :a pracrical product rhat ha~ simple :md e:i5yto-fi>llow guiddint"S, making it id!!al fi)r adults and kid~ ro learn tennis grips. Play!!rs ~nd <.'oachc•$ love the: Grip Co:tch ~>!!cause it maximizes coaching t ime for cvetJOne. Visit: www.gripcoach. com.au.
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Rates: $30 for 20words. minimum per issue. SO cents perWOfd thereafter. Pfepayment is fequ•fed. Supply typed copy and include full nam&. tale· phone number. credit card number and expiration date. Email magazine@ uspta.org or fax to 713·358· 7794, attn:AODvantage classifieds. Noclasstfieds W111 be accepted by telephone. No exceptioos afe IYW)de. USPTA cannot verify nor be responsible for the contents of any advertisement. The USPTA is committed to the policy that all people have equ31 access to its pfogroms, fac.l.ties. employment and IMf'l'tbetShipwithout regafd to race. color. creed. religion. national origin, gender. age. disabihty. marital or veteran status. USPTA is 3n equal opportunity employer. USPTA fE!Sef'Ves the right to reject any advert1secnet~t at its discretion. Of to edit the &etvertisement to be certain that any employment requirements set forth in it conform with the law. www.AODvtlntageUSPTA.com www.ADDvantageUSPTA.com
Education"Pathway to long-term success" by Mark Fa be r, USPTA Midwest Division Regional Vice President
ver the years, I have ahv-•ys been one Lhar has eujoyt'<l learning abom all kind of things. Yes, l was acrually one of those fX"plc that mjoycd going to schooL When I was deciding on a c.1rccr, I ro:~lly did nor know 100 percent whar Jw:mu.J . to do, something in busim:.ss, sports medicine or tt.nni~. l11en 1discovered Professional Tennis Managemem and decided that was the dir<etion J wanted to ~o. It ofli:rcd me a busincssoricnrerl cducarion wirh a conccnrrnrion wich rcnnisspccific: ircm~. So, when l graduated from Methodist Colltgc, now Univcrsiry, l had a businc.~ degree wirh a conccnrmrion in professional rcnnis management.
l sh.'tc rbis with you for one simple re-ason. When I graduart'<l and starred looking for a joh, people we"' very inrcrcsrcd and imprtsS<.-d rhar J had knowledge of nor only rhc teaching side of ce:nni.!i~ bur also knowledge in the business side ofirem$. lr w:u; 'hi.~ education that stant:d m e on my path in tennis. Pl<:asc allow me 10 a.l<o cJa,·il)• it was nor only rhc schooling it<elf rhar provided me my cdua.tion. I also had several US PTA Professionals provide me pracrical L-ducarion; rwo of rhem were Bob Krueger and 10m M:mjn. When I starred in rhc USPTA 1R years ago, rhere were manda-
tory cxlumrion requirements. At fust. Jthought, "\XIow cl:tis is going be difficulr ro keep up wid>. • In all honcsry ir was ac firsc, buc then it was pr<try easy. The irt·m rhar was really cool ro me was rim 1 acmally got ro choose whar ry1x- of prcscnrarions I w:mtcd to ancnd when :u the cducntion C\'C:Ots. ln otlll~r profc:.ssio n$, th~y 1cll you what you must ancnd ro stay cc.rrifitd or ~1ecrcdircd. Nor tennis. '"('hey cold you how runny cduc::uion poiJus you mx:ded and
Arunding 111 lcmt on~ or nvo tdurmion n!f!nrs npar will allow nprofrsstt>lllll 10 cqm' bnf'k with nl'W idtas and kmmdcdgf rbat rlxy will br a6le lfJ 1-hnrt with nrher s:rajfami til' pln_rm rl"J wqrk zuirJ,.
then allowe-d you rhe freedom and Acxibili<y to attend what confer· cnce or conlcrcnce rype of event 1h:u workoo best for you a.nd on m p of thar, allowed you ro arrcnd chc scs..~ions that were best for you. Up 10 this poin1. l have J>OI even menrioned the networking thar it allowed me ro do. Many of rhe people rhac T met during rhis period are people thnr I am srill r<ally good friends wirh and l often find myself picking up rhe phone and calling rbem tor input on business/u:nnis issues Lhar 1 1niglu CI'ICOuiHc:r. The US I'TA onded rhe mand:uory c:ducar ion te<Jtoirements se-veral yr..,~ ago. When Lhis cndt'<l, my friends and I, who had been anen..liug events, continued lO do so, ancl we no1 Lcc:d th:H new professionals in [he indus[ry were noc ancnding. T his was somcrhing rhar we often talked abour. ·n,;s is a trend rhar has really not stOpped over the past few years. Understandably, one of the issm:s cha1 we have f-aced O\'cr che past tcw years is our c.-conomic siruarion. \Xlhtn a new pro has m pay for an educatio n event and lose hours on rhe courr, che shorcsight« l rl>inking says this is nor a cost·cffcctive situation.
!would like to challenge every new professional and dub man· agcr/owncr to gcr out of Lhe shorrsighred thinking. lf a professional Knowltd,_~t iJpou:rr. I dNlffmgt 11Uojyo11. flttU a11tf ftt 111 "'Y 1110/'t o:ptrim crd prQs~ '" tJft.ttulat lt~IJI 111.10 rdtltPtiOJJ ~1/t'IIIJ. Gttiu l)J( Jwmukdgr riNu will alfm11Jflft t/J br.cmm• n lftvf,r in ;'(}ur nr~n. www.AOOvan1egeUSPTA.com www.ADDvantageUSPTA.com
is able to ancnd a.r le.a~'t one o r rwo cducacion events a year, then
I would almost gu"mme.: rl>at the profession:d will con•< back cominul'd nn..·1 pagr. ADDvantage/March 2013 AODvonlog••/ Mmclo2013
33 33
from previous page
with new ideas and knowledge rhar they will be able ro share with other staff and the players rhey work with. C lub managers/owners r.hcn in turn need ro publish what their profCssionals have been doing and starr to create an environment in which education and knowledge give rhcir sraffan upper hand and in which rhc producr being provided by their f.,cility is rhe most up to dare in rhe area. The nearest thing about the events that the US PTA hosts is rhar
President, and John Frausro, past Wisconsin .Srnrc Prcsidcm, have offered. More and more of these evems will be offered ln rhc future, so watch for derails. All of these cvcnrs range from a few hours (one day) to five days (World Omference). "11>e costs of these evems vary. The USP'IA also offers educmion opportunities that can be done right ar your office or hmnc. You arc able ro get DVDs of seminars and watch them ami then send verific.·u ion back. T here-
you gcr
c hoose what educatio n sessions you wanr ro arrcnd, as
fo re, educatio n is nor jusr lin1ircd ro raking you away frorn you r
1 mentioned e-arlier. So, if you wanr ro become more of an officetype profCssional, rhcrc arc many business sessions. Tf you wanr ro get more drills or a different look on things on the court, then as you can probably guess, there arc many on ..courr sessions. There are many types of events that pros c.·m attend that d1e USPTA is engaged in. Here arc a few:
lessons, which I fully understand is what pays the bills. ~IO wrap this up. I would like to share wi th you a statement
• • • • • • •
USPTA Midwest Divuiou Couformce U!>1>1A. World Conflrou:e on 1inniJ Wut·oiiSin High School Concha Couformu 11/iuou High St-hool Cottches Couformu 1imnis 1Crrtbing Proftniomzls Cou.forcnce Sau Diego Divuiou Worhbop Amkmy Stmchcz-CoJttl nud Rl'T Conch Course
t har wa..~ shared with me ar o ne rime and T have acrually heard
many times since. ~Knowledge is power.» Being able to say to your ownerhnanager~ orher sraffpro fCssionals and mosr imporrandy ro
your clientele. "Lisren to what lie-acned lasr week or let me show you rhis new rhing I learned la.~t week. I think this is really going to help you." This is going ro show rhar you want ro grow as a p rofessional, and in rurn, t he more you d o and rhe •nore knowledge
you have and share. word will get around. Over rhe next year. I challenge all of you. new and ler us say more experienced pros, ro anend at lcasr rwo educat ion evenrs.
Gain the knowledge rhar will allow you w become a leader in your area and 1naybe if you really e njoy it, a leader in your d ivision . 't>v
Mark Fnllrr is tb~ t!iuctor ofunnis atl,.nu~l Hill Swim and Unnis Club in Tol~do. Ohio. H~ is tht: USPTA Midw~st
These are just a few events rhat are held, :md in the Midwest Division, rhere arc even more events, including o nes hosted by d is ..
Rrgional Viu Prt-sidnn. Chairman of thr USTA/Mitlrvrst Coathtt ~mmi;sion and 1111 Ohio J~rmis ~ntiNJAJS()('imion Vice Pmidrm.
trier presidems. fur exarnple. over the past two years. sotne of you m ighr have ancndcd rhc joint eventS rhar Man Davis, lllinois Sratc
I Prollle
by SPORTS TUTOR #1 Selling Ball Machines Worldwide USPTA Discounts!
SJ. / 00
on TenniS TVIOt and TU10t Plus models
Sports Tutor. 3300 W inona Ave .. Burbank. CA 9 1504. ph: 818-972-2772. fax: 8 18-972-9651
34 34
ADDvantage/March 2013 ADDvanta9e!Morch 2013
www.AODvtlntageUSPTA.com www.ADDvantageUSPTA.com
http://uspta.fromuthtennis.com TENN IS •RU N N I N G• F i l N ESS
Courtside USA Q&A n ustiou: Horu cmzlaccess the USPVl Surfoce Champiombips '<:chedule aud registration page at Courtside USA!
Option 2- Follow the link for the US!'l'A Surface Championships site d irectly: http://www.courcsideusa.com/club/uspta· championships/
tuwer: There are several u1ays to access the schedule and
registratiou page{s) for t/,. USPTA Surface Champi-
otuhips. All are quite simple so you can choose whichever
Once you arrive at the page you will be able to view it but you will need to sign in if you want to register.
ruorks best for you. Option 3 - Follow the link direcdy to the tournament you wam to view if you have received the li nk in an em~tiJ ren'linder. Option I - Follow the USPTA Surface C hampionships in your Courtside USA account. if you do not already have US!'!A Surfil<:e Championships under the C lub rabat the cop right chen follow these steps: 1. Sign into your accounr.
'll1e Hardcourt Championships: http://www.courtsideusa.com/ tournamcnts/405/ The Clay Couu Surface Championships: http:l/"~vw.counsidc usa.com/rournamenrs/3 18/
2. C lick My Seuings {directly to the right of your name).
T he Indoor Championships: http://\\~vw.counsideu.'i3.com/ tournaments/346/
3. C lick C lubs and Communities.
T he lnrernational Championships: TBA
4. In the Clubs search box type in USP'IA.
5. C lick Add next to the option that appears for US!'!A SurF.tce
Once you arrive ar rhe page you will he ahle ro view it hur you will need ro sign ln if you want to rC"giscer.
Championships. 6. Now you will be "following" or have access to the USPTA SurF.tce Championship page under your dub tab. rtsJde r~:~
- -
Clubs & Communities
2. Sign in with the email address that is on file with your USPTA membership (do not create a new accounr as you already have an account and do nor want two accoums).
OSI"TA. .............. ~
A tzswer: All USPTA members should have all account L'1a!ready created. 1. Go to www.courtsidcusa.com.
-·-·--- ___ -- - ---.-" Cllatot PHSWOI"d
.. c::lf*-
uestiom How do I sig>t ;, ifI have uever sig.~ed iu before or forgot my password?
Your CommuAIOOs
3. If you do not have a password then please usc the"?" (for Forgot rasswo,·d) and a passwo,·d will be emailed to you .
> "'""" "T~~ ~fll"trtr~
Your Clubs
"'"'•t....... UW'lAM-
www.AOOvant~eUSPTA.com www.ADDvantageUSPTA.com
........ t _
4. If you sriII need help signing o n afte,· you have al1·eady tried using the ..:forgot password" fcacurc, contact randy.jcnks@uspta.org (again, please do not Cl'e.1te a new accoum).
Wool f • -
5. (f you believe that you have two accoums, please co1uacr randy. jcnks@uspta.org to have one account rcmovtxl. 'iJ'ljjvm would /ik'- to sclx.dule a pmonnl Ult'binnr to kam more nbqut Coun:sid~ USA 1tnd/)()w il l'llll bt-11t{tt)'(JUT bzninns, pl~nsr ~mail nmdJjmks@uspta.()rg. ADOvontoge/Mnrch ADDvantage/March 2013 37 37
DR. JIM LOEHR'S SECRETS OF MENTAL TOUGHNESS TRAINING AVAILABLE NOW! EVERY GOOD COACH CAN REFINE A PLAYER'S TECHNIQUE. BUT THE MENTAL EDGE IS THE MOST DIFFICULT TO TEACH. World renowned performance r>:>ychologl~t Dr Jim Loehr has proven lime and tune .Jgam thai mrntalloughnes5 5kdls can be taught and learned. Ava1tabte lor the first hmc, this h1ghty acclaimed Mental Toughness Certification Program will allow \'O(r to leartlthe rnent<JI coaching skills VItal to help1ng your players overcome advers1ly and succcc'<l on and oil the court TillS practical. selenw-uased program has contnbuted to the ~uccess of top ranked pros and counllrss 1Un1or 1111rJ adult compehtors The !Iuman Performance l~totute Is honOfed and exctled that lh1s program was chosen as me oft1Ciill Mental Toughness program of the USTA Attendees 'Nill eam 5 USPTA Conhnumg [ducatoon credts
To learn more about the Mental Toughness Certification Program, or to register for the program call 407.438.9911 x7233 or email
A Itt., MAN r•ttu ORMAM 1. 'Y .,.,......,.,.................... I H I
ADDvantage/March 2013
T I r U T (•
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ADDvantage/March 2013
~As part of our
Arc to shoulde r-high putaway
Type; Singles L.vel s: Advanced
P,.P'!red by B<ett Hobden USPTA
D escription and goal s: This is a groundstroke drill with a specific focus on hitting arc ground strokes to produce a short ball, enabling a player to attack and finish the point with a shoulder-high putaway. Arc groundstrokes are heavy topspin shots with high net clearance. The shoulder-high putaway can be hit off of any ball a player feels they can take advantage of, but usually is a ball that bounces inside the service line (short) and high.
Organization: Players feed ball into middle of court. Play out the point having players hit arc forehands and backhands to force short balls.
but also agility and conditioning.
Orga niza tion : This drill can be a single or multiple player drill. Have your players start at the intersection of the singles sideline and the baseline. Set up a cone (or cones) a few feet from the center mark along the baseline. Have your players hit a forehand or backhand and ADDvantage/March 2013 ADDvanta9e!Morch 2013
Key points: (1 ), (2) and (3) signify the arc ball hit by players A and B. These arc balls will create a short. high. weak response (4). Player A sees the short ball and moves in for a shoulder-high putaway (5) that is hit into the open court for a winner.
Levelo: All
Description and goals: This drill works on not only the t echnique of the groundstrokes.
Category: Groundstrokes T ime/ Ia ere: 10 minutes/ 1¡4
The players' focus is on trying to create the opportunity to hit the shoulder-high putaway. Variations: Make it a cooperative drill after a few hits by having one player hit a short ball to the other player. Have one player play the other three. then rotate. With more than four players. have them play on half the court.
Typez Singles
Around the cone ptep(u'ed by Rick Mooct, USPTA M~St<li' Ptofoos:iCN'I.., I
40 40
tribute to Tim, we're featuring some of his
C ategory; Groundstrokes Players: 8¡10
run around the cone to receive the same shot again. Number of attempts is determined by number and level of players. Key points: Have your players hit to a target area for points and make a game of it. For variety. have the player run around his backhand and hit inside-out or inside-in forehands.
Generated by ilemisSystem-wwwJnterTennis.com
www.AODvtlntageUSPTA.com www.ADDvantageUSPTA.com
all-time favorite drills below: Eight-ball footwork drill with racquets p(l!l)l!fed ~ David T. Portet: Ed.O.. USPTA Master Professional
Description and goa l s:
A footwork drill to increase a player's ability to change directions quickly while working on shots.
Organization: Player A starts at the center mark on baseline. Pro throws or feeds eight consecutive balls to various parts of the court that are just barely within the reach of the player, providing he reacts fast. runs last. and is quick to intercept the balls on the first bounce. The pro must be the judge of where and at what speed to throw the balls.
:P.!!red ~David T. Porter. Ed.D.. USPTA Mastel' Professio.nal
Description a nd goals: Using hall of a court and only the service boxes. players drop feed and play out a point. Players compete and develop an understanding of angles, depth and shot selection.
Type; Singles Lev• l• : AU
Key points: It is important to feed the ball so that as soon as the player hits it, he or she must immediately change directions to get to the next ball. Allow a brief rest period and repeat drill. As the skill level increases. targets may be used to assist in learning ap· propriate shot selection and its relationship to recovery.
Type: Singles C ategory: Warm up & stretching Level• z 6 inner/int./adv. Timez 10 minutes
Key points: Both feed and return count. Play lasts lor two minutes with play· ers rotating in a "king·of·the·court" fashion. Shot variation. shot tolerance and competition are all side benefits.
Organiza tion :
No volleys are allowed and both topspin and underspin are encouraged.
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Generated by ilemisSystem-wwwJnterTennis.com
ADOvontoge/ Mnrch 2013 41 ADDvantage/March 41
condolences to the
family and friends of Tim Heckler
USPTA accepting nominations for annual awards he Unired Srares Profe.~ion:tl "'Ienn is Association is now ac· cepring nom inations ror its 2013 National Awards Progrnn1. As the leader in tennis-teacher educ.nion and certification, each y<oar the USPTA honors members who arc committed to excellence as tennis reachers and as ambassadors using tennis to impact
people and communities. Awards arc presented in every facer of rhc rennis business in which USPTA members work. Don'r ler your
fellow US PTA Professional go unnoticed. T he US PTA is accepting nominations unci! rhc }uJy 2 deadline.
All l'rofes.<ional-level
are eligible. Recipients will be
'lOuring Coach of the Year is selecred on rhe hasis of h is or her work with a playing p rofessional o n the ATP tOur o r the \VTA tOur and/or tou ring juniors. All "Player of the Year" :-twards will now be awa1·ded ro rhe
No.l-ranked player for each eategory (listed below) in singles and doubles, or combined when applicable, based on ye;l£-t ml USPTh rankings and not current USPTA rankings. There will no longn be an application process for Player of lhc Year Awards in <:very category. ·n,e categories fo r rhis award arc: men's open, wome-n 's open, men's 35 ..and-over, women's 3 5 -and-over, men's 45-and--o ver, women's
anrl ounced/recognized du ring
45-and-over, and men's 55-and-
the USPTA World Conference Sept. 23- 28 at ilic Hyatt Regency Grand Cypr<'SS in O rlando, Fla.
over and women's 55-and-over. of the Year award recogn izes
The award categories arc:
the USLYfA tester who does the
USPTA Stars arc members who have dedicated many years
most to advance ccnification opportunities and lhe ccn ificadon p rocess.
ro volunteeri n g i n grassroocs rennis, a nd rh rough iniriarives incorporating muhicuhural a nd other aspects, bring the sport ~md
The George Bacso Tester
The USPTA L essons for LifeTM Award recognizes chose US PTA members who have done
sportsmanship to the players they
rhe mosr ro l':lise money for ch:uities through tennis events. While the award spotlights individ uals who have rnis<.-d large amounts of heard of the people who receive money, ir also honors rhosc hostlim rrtceiviug rm nwnrd cfappreciation for bis 30 years ns CEO. this award, bu t their stories are ing che mos[ creative, original or inspirlng. and almost aiJ ofus know at k-ast one person who d<.-serv<.-s unique cennis event m r:1ise rnoney for cha1·iries. An individual hosring a nomination . an eve•lt raising the most l'noney will no• necessa_rily receive this awn rd. The USPTh Industry Excellence Award is given to te-•ching The USPTA Tennis Across America'"'1 Award recognizes th ose professionals who take both an altruistic and entrepreneu rial attitude U.SP'Ii\ mernberswho have done the mosr roger people co play len .. toward rheir jobs. T hey usc their own resources and those offered nis. F.mblished in 1990, TAA is the original, free, gr~SSI'OOtS lesson by rhc indusrry to build programs that bring tennis to more people. p rogram. h also has a multiculcumJ segrnent that targets various Ar rhe s:Hne rime, rhey are successful in growing a renn is busi nes.~. commu nities and potencial p layers who may not otherwise have 71JC rtcipimt oftbu tlluard will retcivc a $1,000gram from tbe 'f(nnu the opportunity to play. While the award docs look at individuals lndustryAisocilllion nnd 11 Tennis Tu.tor bali mncbinefrom Sports Tutor who have held th e most free clinics wich t he greatest number of for use in his or btr grnssroots programs. participants. it also looks ar individuals hosting rhe 1nost creative. ·n,e Alex Gordon Award for Professional of the Year recognizes original or unique free tenn is event roger people w p lay rhe game. a menlber who, over;' career, has demonsrmced exemplary achjeveThe USPTA Diversity Award rccogni1.cs those US PTA memmcnt in S(..•ven areas, including: comribulions to US PTA and USTA; bers who have demonstrated an outstandi ng abiliry ro unite diverse as a t(-aching professional, player and coach; in education, res<.-arch populations wi1hin their communiry through tennis. and publications; and whh other o rgani1.arions, ach ievement.~ a nd Award nominacion forms and guidelines arc available at W\VW.lL~pta. conrriburions. com, by call ing 800-877-8248 or by sending a requesr to pr@uspt.a. T he Manager of the Year, Large and Small Facility is the only org. Since dlanges have been rnade 10 some individual categories, as US PTA award available to nonmembers. Applicant.~/nominees muse \'\.'tll as Division of the Year criteri;l, please be sure tO read rhe general be rhegeneral manager (in function, if not in ririe) ofa dub or tennis rul{"s and requirements for each award t-arefully. f:tcility. Also. there are changes to the awards format :tnd presenrarion a1 touch. Their giving spirics have made chem scars in their own comrnuniries. We may nor have
College Coach of the Year and High School Coach of the Year award recipiems are usually selected based on rheir resulrs as ream coaches, however, individual coaches may be considered. The www.AOOvant~eUSPTA.com www.ADDvantageUSPTA.com
the World Conference, so ple;1se note that while all awards will be announct-d in writing at the conference, not all awards may be prc:-senrc.xl formally as they have in che past. ~ ADOvontoge/ Mnrch 2013 ADDvantage/March 2013
43 43
Career Development conventions (division conventions, 5 credits; dates subject to change) March 25-26
Tennis Teaching Professionals Conference Weston, Fla.
May 16-18
Southern Division Charleston, S.C.
May 28June 2
Florida Division West Palm Beach, Fla.
May 31June 1
Pacific Northwest Division Kirkland, Wash.
June 9-10
Eastern Division Mount Kisco, N.Y.
coaches course May 2-4
Sanchez-Casal Academy Coaches Course – The Spanish Way Claremont Resort, Berkley, Calif.
The coaching course is open to all coaches, players, and parents who want to learn how to develop players the “Spanish Way.”
exams, upgrades & certification review courses (4 credits for PTCA I segment) March 15 March 15 March 16 March 16-17 March 16-17 March 17 March 18 March 22-23 March 23 March 24 April 7 April 7 April 7 April 8-9 April 11-12
Rochester, N.Y. Oklahoma City, Okla. Jackson, Miss. Boston Boca Raton, Fla. Birmingham, Ala. Santa Clarita, Calif. Houston* Des Moines, Iowa Columbus, Ohio Hilton Head Island, S.C. Midlothian, Va. Big Rapids, Mich. San Francisco Chatham, N.J.
April 13-14 April 13-14 April 14 April 14-15 April 17-18 April 20 April 27 April 27-28 May 4-5 May 4-5 May 5 May 5 May 6 May 6 May 11-12
Aurora, Ill. Atlanta Orlando, Fla. Los Angeles Tyler, Texas Des Moines, Iowa Nashville, Tenn. Anderson, S.C. New Orleans Boston Conway, Ark. Nashville Frederick, Md. Seal Beach, Fla. Boca Raton, Fla.
* This course is held at the USPTA World Headquarters. Exam reservations must be made at least 21 days prior to the dates listed. Each date includes an exam, upgrade and PTCA I unless noted. Exam cancellations must be received no later than 14 days before the exam, or a cancellation fee will be charged accordingly. Applicant: late cancellation fee – $95; failure to cancel – application fee is forfeited. Certified members: late cancellation fee – $25; failure to cancel – $25 plus the upgrade fee is forfeited. Registration for another exam will not be accepted until cancellation fees are paid.
specialty courses Developing players: Technical, movement and strategical skills, May 17, Charleston, S.C., L. Beltrame
For additional information and registration please go to: http://www.norcaluspta.com.
10 and Under Tennis: Skill development and training activities for the committed 10 and Under Players, May 19, Charleston, S.C., B. Staples
cardio tennis March 16 March 16 March 17 March 17 March 23 March 28 April 6 April 13 April 18 April 21 May 6 May 7 May 11 May 17 May 18 June 1 June 2 June 7 June 8
Wilmington, N.C. Las Vegas Las Vegas Dana Point, Calif. Lehi, Utah Flushing, N.Y. The Woodlands, Texas Orlando, Fla. Darien, Conn. Wheaton, Ill. Hilton Head Island, S.C. Hilton Head Island, S.C. Mountlake Terrace, Wash. Aurora, Ill. Acton, Mass. Williamsburg, Va. Williamsburg, Va. College Park, Md. College Park, Md.
Please visit www.cardiotennis.com/courses to register online.
ADDvantage/March ADDvantage/March 2013 2013
The deadline to register and/or cancel a course is 15 working days before the event. Anyone canceling late or failing to cancel will forfeit one-half the course fee. Schedule is subject to change. Call the USPTA Education Department for more information or email education@uspta.org.
accredited professional coach To receive APC credits, professional members must accurately fill out APC attendance forms with the seminar/course number, their name, presenter’s name, and they will have the ability to rate the seminar/course. The form must then be turned in at the end of the seminar/course. The forms will be available as members arrive at seminars or courses and must be turned in as members leave. If members arrive late or leave early, then they will not receive credit for attending.
www.ADDvantageUSPTA.com www.ADDvantageUSPTA.com
USPTA DVD Resources
The Ultimate Tennis Training System·M $499 On TV With 36 Instructional OVDs featuring the best teaching pros
On paper
Online With free one-year subscnptlon to tennisresources.com
With checklists and gutdes to evaluate player development
For: teachers • players • schools • colleges • academies • parents tanroic
• The Ultimate Tennis Training System - Lite. $85 • The Complete Two-handed Backhand with Mark Bey. New and now available! $24.95
We would like to remember and express our gratitude to Tim for all of his contributions and service to our sport and industry. -THE WILSON TEAM
Industry action
ADDvantage/March 2013
â&#x20AC;¢ ~
• Unit«< StJtCJ l'rQf~:Stion:.al TcnnU Awociatlon. Inc. World He•dq<U~nrrs
3S3S 8Mrp.uk Drive, Sune Oue Hounoo>, -rx n 042·S23S