Inside this issue USPTA Tournaments get New Twist – 50 USPTA Masters Invitational Tournament Features “Best of the Best” – 54 USPTA’s National Education Day – 56 Departments: 58 Beyond the Court 50 CEO’s Message 62 Career Development 52 President’s Message 64 Member News 54 USPTA News Read more articles online at On the cover: The USPTA Masters Invitational gives USPTA Pros an added opportunity to showcase their skills.
CEO’s Message
USPTA Tournaments get New Twist
by John Embree
or as long as I can remember, USPTA members took pride in participating in either the International Championships during the World Conference or in one of the Surface Championships that were held during the year. Player of the Year honors continue to be an important distinction for those members who achieve success at these various competitions and are recognized each year during our World Conference. Unfortunately, we have seen a precipitous decline in participation in our USPTA tournaments over the past several years. Whether it be because of time constraints, injuries, the aging of our association, or lack of interest, the fact remains that our members in general just do not have the desire or inclination to compete as they once did. We have also had great difficulty finding sites that are willing to host a USPTA Surface Championship and do all that must be done to promote a successful event. In fact, it has gotten to the point where the Tournament/Ranking Committee and even the Board have been wrestling with the idea of abandoning the tournaments altogether and reallocating the budget dedicated to prize money and awards to those programs that benefit a larger segment of our membership. Thus, we are at a crossroads in some sense to try and figure out a way to increase participation or walk away from this facet of our association. After lengthy discussions at our recent June board meeting, the Board made a strong commitment to giving the tournaments one last shot at survival. However, just doing what we had
been doing for years is not really a viable and doubles. The top eight open men option. Thus, we had to come up with and the top four players in every other an alternative approach that could inmen’s and women’s divisions will be crease participation and eligible to come Presenting the birth of the give the tournaments to New Orleans to a structure that would USPTA Masters Invitational: a compete for sizseason-ending culmination of the able prize money. benefit each other. previous four Surface Champion- The tournament I’m happy to present the USPTA Masters ships ... This has the making of an will be held at our Invitational: a season- exciting opportunity to recognize host site, the New ending culmination of the “best of the best” in front of Orleans Hilton Rivthe previous four Sur- the rest of our membership. erside and Towers, face Championships. which has a fitness USPTA members who accumulate club with six indoor tennis courts. The enough points will be invited to enter event will be three days commencing into the USPTA Masters Invitational, on Monday, Sept. 21, and culminating held in conjunction with the 2015 with the finals on Wednesday of that World Conference in New Orleans week, with a social function associin mid-September. The premise is ated with it so everyone attending the simple: the top-point earners in preconference can watch and cheer on the determined age groups at the new competitors before the traditional diviUSPTA Grass Court Championships in sion parties take place. Scottsdale, Ariz., this September; the This has the making of an exciting USPTA Hard Courts in Tyler, Texas, in opportunity to recognize the “best October; the USPTA Indoors in spring of the best” in front of the rest of our of 2015 in Memphis, Tenn.; and the membership. For those USPTA memUSPTA Clay Courts in Fort Myers, Fla., bers who have hesitated to play our in May, will come to New Orleans to tournaments in previous years, now compete for the honor of winning the is the time to step up. For those acinaugural USPTA Masters Invitational. tive players who have supported these Not all of the details have been tournaments in the past, thank you for fleshed out yet by the Tournament/ doing so and good luck as you gear up Ranking Committee as of this writto be ready for this new twist to our ing and the overall program will be tournament structure. finalized by the Board at the August Please see more information about meeting in New York. But, we have the this event farther back in this issue. makings of a concept that we hope will You will be hearing more about our motivate players to get in shape and new Masters Invitational as the year enter these events. progresses. We hope improving the What I can tell you about the Masstructure of the Surface Championters in New Orleans is as follows: there ships will increase participation so that will be five age groups for the men and we can continue to provide this historifour age groups for the women, singles cally favorite benefit. h
President’s Message
USPTA Success is a Team Effort
by Tom McGraw
n my first president’s message in educational opportunities. Benjamin January’s issue of ADDvantage, I Franklin said, “An investment in wrote about our goals for the year, knowledge pays the best interest.” We creating a new USPTA culture, and want to make participating in educamy commitment to staying the course tion as easy as possible, so many of on implementing our strategic initiathe future educational opportunities tives. It’s been an active and incredibly will be at low or no cost to members. busy time within the USPTA. We have The USPTA also recognizes educamade huge strides tion credits from other The USPTA will continue to in the first three sources, such as our quarters of the year. have an independent voice in allied associations, I feel that it’s impor- the tennis industry. The welfare employee training, of the USPTA and its members and various other tant that I continue is and will always be our No. 1 to provide updates educational or training on what we have ac- priority. classes. complished as well as I’m excited about where we are headed regarding our five the great strides that we have taken core pillars. with our industry partners and allied Financially, we have made adjustassociations. The mutual cooperation ments to become stable and to operate that is prevalent in these relationships with a positive cash flow. In 2013, we has never been stronger. We frequenthad a major turnaround financially, ly have open dialogue regarding projand in 2014 we are on track to finish ects and joint education with many of stronger than the budgeted net inthese associations, but rest assured come. There have been many contribthat the USPTA will continue to have uting factors such as our endorsement an independent voice in the tennis inpicture, improved building leases, and dustry. The welfare of the USPTA and controlling expenses. its members is and will always be our Membership growth also plays a No. 1 priority. role in our financial success and con We have also made progress in our tinues to be one of our most important fifth pillar, which is to be more inclufocuses for the Association. Our goal sive and diverse as an association. Nais to have 5 percent net growth each tional committees have a more diverse year for the next three years. We are participation than ever before. The currently on track to meet this objecDiversity and Inclusion Committee is tive versus 2013. Applications and rehard at work, having offered a webinar instatements are running ahead of last and developed a more relevant misyear as well. We are continuing to add sion statement. Pages of the website membership benefits that will ensure are being translated into Spanish and the continuation of this positive trend. we hope to conduct more seminars Education has been a core pilspecifically for Spanish-speaking lar of the Association from the very coaches. beginning. We are committed at the Other projects that are currently national level to provide the very best being worked on are:
Implementation of a universal login for the website
Development of a pilot program for the under 30 group
A revamp of with the upgraded version available to members at no cost
Revision of our bylaws to make certain that they are working in the best interest of the association
The recent progress and all of the future steps that will guarantee our success are the result of a true team effort. The National Board, Executive Committee, committee members, USPTA testers, and the national and divisional staff are all working together to move the USPTA to a new level. Please use your membership, get involved, and never hesitate to reach out to any National Board Member with any questions or concerns. We have all chosen to serve because we care about the future of the USPTA and its members. h NATIONAL BOARD OF DIRECTORS President First Vice President
Tom McGraw Chuck Gill
Vice Presidents Past President CEO Legal Counsel
Alan Cutler Jack Michalko Dan Moster Diane Selke Gary Trost Tom Daglis John Embree George Parnell
USPTA Masters Invitational Tournament Features “Best of the Best”
lay in the USPTA Surface Championships and you could be invited to participate in the USPTA Masters Invitational, a brand new event that will be held at the 2015 USPTA World Conference in New Orleans. This tournament, which replaces the International Championships, gives USPTA-certified Professionals an added opportunity to showcase their skills and earn more prize money. In an effort to enhance the USPTA viding our members with an opportuSurface Championship Series, the nity to play and compete through the Tournament and Rankings Committee surface championship series, and the decided to create the USPTA Masters Master’s Invitational awards our top Invitational, which will feature the top competitors,” said Dan Moster, Tourpoint earners from the nament and Rankings The total prize money for the four USPTA Surface Committee chair. event will be $15,000 – the largest “The added events will Championships. The top four point earners amount awarded of all the USPTA enhance the quality of in each category will be tournaments – which gives USPTA all the tournaments by selected to compete in members an additional opportu- increasing the compethe tournament while nity to earn even more money. tition.” the top eight will play Players receive in the Men’s Open Singles draw. The points in both the main draw (if they total prize money for the event will be win at least one match) and in consola$15,000, which is the largest amount tion play (if it is offered). In consolaawarded of all the USPTA tournaments tion matches, a player or team advancand gives USPTA members an additional ing by default will receive credit for a opportunity to earn even more money. win as long as that player or team does “We have been committed to pronot default the next match. Doubles players will receive individual rankings. See the chart for points earned. USPTA Ranking Point Chart: The divisions that will be played at the Masters Invitational are: Men’s Singles – Open, 35, 45, 55, 65 Men’s Doubles – Open, 45, 55, 65 Women’s Singles – Open, 35, 45 Women’s Doubles – Open, 45 The USPTA Surface Championships are open to all USPTA-certified Professionals in good standing. To see the current rankings or learn more about ranking rules, sanctioned tournaments, and tournament regulations and requirements, go to tournaments. All tournaments are run through h
TOURNAMENT SCHEDULE: 2014 USPTA Grass Court Championships Sept. 11-14 Desert Highlands Scottsdale, Ariz. 2014 USPTA Hard Court Championships Oct. 24-26 Hollytree Country Club Tyler, Texas 2015 USPTA Indoor Championships March 27-29 Racquet Club of Memphis Memphis, Tenn. 2015 USPTA Clay Court Championships April 30-May 3 Landings Yacht, Golf and Tennis Club Fort Myers, Fla. 2015 USPTA Masters Invitational September 21-23 New Orleans Hilton Riverside & Towers New Orleans
Mark Your Calendars – November 15 is USPTA’s National Education Day
his year has brought many changes to USPTA, and one of the biggest is the implementation of the continuing education requirement. There is a renewed commitment to our mission of “elevating the standards of tennis-teaching professionals and coaches” that spearheaded this initiative. In order to help you reach your goal of six credits over three years, the USPTA Education Committee has designated Saturday, November 15, as National Education Day. Every division, and most districts, will host an educational event on that day. “This day is devoted to not only help you meet your education credit requirements, but also help make you a better tennis-teaching professional,” said Education Committee chairman Alan Cutler. Your division will send out information about the events in your area. Be sure to check your email and division website. Also, if you want to host an ed-
In order to help you reach your goal of six credits over three years, the USPTA Education Committee has approved doubling the credits you receive when you take the Coach Youth Tennis online courses. The six courses are free at
This day is devoted to not only help you meet your education credit requirements, but also help make you a better tennisteaching professional.
ucational event for National Education Day, just contact your division to set it up. It can assist you with potential subjects and presenters along with promotional efforts. In addition to the on-site educational events, the Education Committee has approved doubling the credits you receive when you take the Coach Youth Tennis online courses. The six courses are free at coachyouthtennis. com and are worth a halfcredit each, earning you a total of three credits. When you complete the last course, the credits are doubled bringing your credits to the required six. Even better, a list of those who took the online courses is sent to USPTA automatically every two weeks, so you don’t even need to send in a certificate or proof of attendance. Just be sure to check your report card two weeks after watching the courses to make sure you are credited correctly. h
Since receiving the free Rx card in last month’s ADDvantage, USPTA members from all over the country are reporting huge savings while also supporting two great causes.
These are actual transactions. The card really works.
Names changed and numbers rounded to nearest dollar to protect privacy
Beyond the Court
Military Mom Ensures Tennis and Education Make a Winning Combination
hen Bonnie Vona first picked up a tennis racquet more than three decades ago, all she hoped for was a bit of fun and exercise. Little did she know that, one day, tennis would bring a tremendous amount of good to her life and the lives of countless others. Vona has promoted the sport as a Competitive Tennis Manager and certified official for the USTA in Texas and the Mid-Atlantic, where she’s still hard at work, but it wasn’t until her youngest daughter joined the U.S. Army that Vona discovered the sport’s life-changing philanthropic potential. Vona volunteers her time as a liaison among USTA coaches, players and ThanksUSA, a national non-
Game. Set. Give. Help raise funds for our nation’s military families through Tennis Thanks The Troops this Veteran’s Day. Host a fundraiser, add an optional donation fee to lessons, or simply set out a donation jar in your pro shop. There are lots of ways to get started, and when you register your event with ThanksUSA, they will send you promotional materials to help get the word out about your event. You can also register your event as a Lessons for Life fundraiser. To get started or learn more about ThanksUSA, visit
Bonnie and Briar Vona
profit organization that raises funds for post-secondary school scholarships. The two organizations work together to host tournaments and events across the U.S., with the proceeds going toward scholarships for the children and spouses of active duty servicemen and women. “It’s a win-win situation,” Vona says. “Tennis gets promoted and ThanksUSA gets promoted. Tennis is a sport that you can play until you’re 90 years old, and every extra hour of education that you can get at a college level improves your life that much more.” Education and military service are important traditions in the Vona family. Her own childhood was shaped in part by her upbringing in a military family, a nucleus that grew the moment her parents first met: her mother delivered a Christmas package to her father when he was serving in the U.S. Navy. Today, the mother of two girls could not be prouder of their college degrees, and she fully supports her daughter Briar’s decision to join the Army as a Second Lieutenant in 2013. “I think support for education is key,” Vona says. “Especially now, with cutbacks in military pay and families
having to work, or their kids not being able to afford to go to college. Every little bit is just monumental for them and such a meaningful way to thank military families for their sacrifice.” Incorporating her love for tennis, her country and her family into one outlet has been a natural development for Vona, what she calls an “organic process.” But her passion for helping those around her is anything but subtle. “Bonnie is a vibrant woman and a wonderful help to ThanksUSA,” says Jean Pletchette, director of Tennis Thanks the Troops, ThanksUSA’s campaign to raise scholarship funds through tennis. “It is clear to me that her passion for tennis and the military is a winning combination.” And, as Vona emphasizes, a winning effort that can change lives. “I want to bring awareness to the opportunity for education to make a difference in people’s lives,” Vona says, “and Tennis Thanks the Troops is a great venue for that.” For more information on Tennis Thanks the Troops and how you can help go to h
When speed is everything, so is the shoe. Choose the weapon that gets you to every ball.
Career Development Exams, Upgrades & PTCA I
Conventions Sept. 26-27 Nov. 7-9 Nov. 7-9 Nov. 14-15
Velocity 10 & Under Program Development (3 credits) Revolution Conference – IMG Academy (4 credits) New England Division Conference (5 credits) Middle States Division Conference (5 credits)
Baton Rouge, La. Bradenton, Fla. Cape Cod, Mass. Princeton, N.J.
(4 credits for PTCA I segment) Sept. 6 Birmingham, Ala. Sept. 9 Minneapolis Sept. 13 Des Moines, Iowa Sept. 13-14 Aurora, Ill. Wayland, Mass. Sept. 13-14 Orlando, Fla. Sept. 14 Sept. 14 Richmond, Va. Sept. 27-28 Jackson, Miss. Lafayette, La. Oct. 4-5 Huntington Beach, Calif. Oct. 4-5 Oct. 5 Hilton Head Island, S.C. Richland, Texas Oct. 5
* This course is held at the USPTA World Headquarters. Exam reservations must be made at least 21 days prior to the dates listed. Each date includes an exam, upgrade and PTCA I unless noted. Exam cancellations must be received no later than 14 days before the exam, or a cancellation fee will be charged accordingly. Applicant: late cancellation fee – $95; failure to cancel – application fee is forfeited. Certified members: late cancellation fee – $25; failure to cancel – $25 plus the upgrade fee is forfeited. Registration for another exam will not be accepted until cancellation fees are paid.
TAUT Workshops
Cardio Tennis Oct. 9 Oct. 9 Oct. 10 Oct. 13 Oct. 14 Oct. 25 Oct. 26 Nov. 1 Nov. 8 Nov. 9 Nov. 14
Fayetteville, N.C. Fayetteville, N.C. China Tucson, Ariz. Tucson, Ariz. Beirut, Lebanon Fayetteville, N.C. Pasadena, Texas New York New York Atlanta
Sept. 13 Sept. 20 Sept. 20 Sept. 20 Sept. 21 Sept. 26 Oct. 18 Oct. 19 Oct. 24 Oct. 25 Dec. 14
Key Biscayne, Fla. Costa Mesa, Calif. Freemont, Calif. Knoxville, Tenn. Jackson, Wy. Boulder, Colo. Indian Wells, Calif. Fayetteville, N.C. Big Rapids, Mich. Missoula, Mont. Fayetteville, N.C.
Go to for more workshops or to register. Please visit to register online.
Accredited Professional Coach Register your Accredited Professional Coach (APC) and specialty course credits earned with the USPTA SmartCode Education System. This uses your smartphone
to instantly register your attendance to all seminars and specialty courses earning APC. To use the system at a seminar, general session or specialty course, you must scan two QR codes. One QR code is on your conference badge. The second QR code will be in your
conference notebook and cannot be scanned until the end of the session or the beginning of the next session. If you do not have a smartphone, you may use someone else’s. Forms are available upon request.
Member News • Carrie Cimino, USPTA, recently received the HEAD Penn Racquet Sports Hall of Fame Award at the national sales meeting that took place in Phoenix. “The Hall of Fame is the highest award we give to a member of our sales team,” said Greg Mason, Senior Vice President, Sales and Marketing. “Winning the award requires having previously been selected as the National Sales Representative of the Year; being with the company for a minimum of five years; and displaying consistent excellence in sales and service. Carrie was an easy choice as she displays a persistence her customers love and an involvement in all levels of the game, whether it is grassroots events, USTA Southern California support, or simply doing the little things that made a difference for the Southern California tennis community. Carrie’s enthusiasm, commitment
to her retailers and work ethic make her successful year in and year out.” Cimino is one of only eight individuals who have ever earned the HEAD Penn Racquet Sports Hall of Fame Award. • Derek Sabedra was named Tennis Coach of the Year in the Southern Maryland Athletic Conference in Spring 2014. He is the coach at Patuxent High School and has been a USPTA Professional since 2013. He is pictured with his No.1 girls player Sarah Nepini, Patuxent High School, who also won SMAC Female Player of the Year. • USPTA Professional Sue Selke is among the six members of the Class of 2014 to be inducted into the Michigan State University Athletics Hall of Fame. Selke is the first Spartan women’s tennis student-athlete to be inducted into the Hall of Fame. While at MSU, she won
• During the July 4 celebration at Lake Eola in Orlando, which was attended by more than 250,000 people, USPTA Master Professional Tom Sweitzer organized a Kid’s Day that had more than 1,000 kids participating. Sport Court provided a temporary 36-foot tennis court and a basketball court. Prizes were supplied by HEAD Penn, the Orlando Magic and the USTA. Power 95.3 provided music, games and gifts. ADDvantage magazine editorial offices USPTA World Headquarters 3535 Briarpark Drive, Suite One Houston, TX 77042 Phone – 713-978-7782 / 800-USPTA-4U Fax – 713-358-7794 email –
Managing editor Circulation
Kimberly Forrester Kathy Buchanan
Office hours: 8:30 a.m. - 5 p.m. Central time ADDvantage is published monthly by the United States Professional Tennis Association.
three Big Ten individual championships from 1973-1975 at No. 1 singles, while also helping the Spartans to two Big Ten team titles (1973, 1974) and an overall record of 30-2-1 in her four seasons. Selke worked for the USTA/Midwest Section as a TSR for five years for the state of Michigan. She currently is executive director of the Court One Athletic Club in Lansing and Okemos, Mich. She also serves as Chair of the Adult Tennis Pathway Committee.
ACEing Autism, a nonprofit organization that provides recreational tennis programs to children across the country with Autism Spectrum Disorder, is offering a free tennis clinic Wednesday, Aug. 20 at 8 a.m. Among the excitement and backdrop of the 2014 US Open qualifying rounds, the clinic will take place at the Flushing Meadows Corona Park Public Tennis Courts, adjacent to the east gate entrance of the Billie Jean King National Tennis Center. The clinic will be split into two classes, beginning at 8 a.m. for children 10 and under, and 9 a.m. for children 10 years and older. Volunteers from ACEing Autism, USTA, the USTA Foundation, and USTA Eastern section will be on hand working with the children. For further information about registering a child or participating, go to ACEing Autism’s website at www. and view Flushing Meadows on the locations page.
The opinions expressed in ADDvantage are those of the authors and not necessarily those of ADDvantage or the USPTA. Copyright© United States Professional Tennis Association, Inc. 2014. All rights reserved. Reproduction of any portion of the magazine is not permitted without written permission from USPTA.