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President’s Message

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One Good Idea!

One Good Idea!

I hope everyone is having a healthy and prosperous summer. I would like to thank Ken Andriano and the whole Atlanta Country Club staff for hosng a great event. The entire ACC staff made everyone feel at home. Great job Ken and the ACC staff.

This year’s Southern Conference was a big success. I would like to thank everyone who came to the conference and the amazing speakers for making the conference a big success. I met a lot of new pros, had a bunch of laughs, and had some great conversaons. This is the reason I love going to live workshops and conferences.

By Tom Parkes

I want to congratulate all the award winners for this year. Thank you for being great stewards of USPTA Southern and for the game of tennis. Congratulaons to Todd Upchurch for being inducted into the USPTA Southern Hall of Fame. I can think of no more deserving person for this honor. Todd is a tennis industry innovator and has given more back to the game than he has ever asked for. Darryl Lewis received the “Fred Burdick” Pride of the South Award. Darryl has been a great mentor to a lot of young tennis professionals, as well as stepping up to take over as the Head Coach Developer for Pickleball for USPTA Southern. Finally, Dan Beedle for winning USPTA Southern Professional of the Year. Dan has spent a lot

Call for Application to the State and Southern Board

any new or current board member should apply to the appropriate chair person

Members of the USPTA Nominating Committees are searching for candidates who are interested in serving on the State or Southern Board for the 2-year term 2024-2025. To serve on the Southern Board you must be a member in good standing with a minimum certification level of Professional. Anyone who fits these qualifications is eligible and encouraged to apply. Contact the Nominating Chairperson listed below.

DEADLINES: The application period will run through July 25. Interview period will run through August 25th, and the selections will be published by September 10. Thanks in advance to all that are interested in serving the Southern Division.

While each committee may draft its own questions, here are some basic questions you should consider.

1. What board position are you applying for? (Circle all that apply)

President 1st VP VP Sec/ Treasurer Where Needed of me and energy giving back to a sport he loves. Dan has presented at workshops and conferences. He has goen cerfied to be Coach Developer for Cardio Tennis, works amazingly hard at his connuing educaon, as well as being a great leader in his community.

Last, we have the USPTA naonal board elecon coming up this year. I think the slate of nominees put forward by the USPTA naonal nominang commiee is a great group to represent us for the next 2 years. Please take the me to vote when the me comes to vote.

Have a great summer!!!!

2. What strengths do you bring to the board?

3. What is your vision for moving USPTA forward?

4. In what specific area do you believe you can most positively impact the board and why?

5. What events/workshops/meetings/USPTA programs have you participated in during the last 12 months?

6. How much time are you able to offer?

Contact the nominating chair of the board you will apply for.

• Southern – Dave Neuhartdneuhart@greenislandcc.org

• Alabama - Jenny Robb - jennywrobb@gmail.com

• Arkansas - Travis Johnsontjohnson@ChenalCC.com

• Kentucky - Tom McGraw - tomgmcgraw@comcast.net

• Georgia - Allan JensenAjensen.tennis@gmail.com

• Louisiana - TBA

• Mississippi - Billy Gip Clark - bgipclark@gmail.com

• North Carolina - Adam Thomsona.thomson@forsythcc.com

• South Carolina - Mark Schminkeschminketennisathletics@gmail.com

• Tennessee - MJ Garnett - windyketennis@aol.com

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