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Walker Sahag is currently the Academy High Performance Director at Franco's Athlec Club in Mandeville LA. She was previously the Director of the Van der Meer World Class Tennis Academy and Director of High Tech at the Nick Bolleeri Tennis Academy (now IMG Academies). Walker has also worked for a number of years with Dr. Jim Loehr, the world's leading Sports Psychologist.
Walker has traveled with and been the personal coach for players on both the ATP and WTA tours including Hall of Fame member Monica Seles.
As a speaker and presenter at every major conference in the US, Walker has spoken on a wide variety of topics. She is also currently a USTA High Performance Coach, USTA Mentor, and Net Generaon Ambassador.
Thursday, May 18
12:00-3:00 USPTA Southern Board Meeng
2:00-7:00 Registraon
Marcus Rutsche - Acon-Reacon. Iniang or Responding to Doubles Play (court)
Allan Jensen - Teaching Singles to Your 2.53.5 Players (court)
Tim Smith - Bagger to Dinker - All About Pickleball (court)
Welcome Party Dinner
Friday, May 19
Feisal Hassan - USPTA Naonal Update (ballroom)
Walker Sahag The Doubles Moves Your Opponents Don't Want You to See!! (court)
Feisal Hassan - High Performance Techniques For Players of All Levels (court)
Kevin Theos - Recent Research on Athlec Development: Praccal Takeaways for Your Program (off-court)
Feisal Hassan is a USPTA and RPT Master Professional along with being the immediate past president on the USPTA naonal board. He is also a member of the Head/Penn Racquet Sports Naonal Advisory Board and Naonal Speaker’s Bureau and holds USPTA specialist degrees in Compeve Player Development, Facility Management, Sports Science and 10 and Under Tennis.
He is on the USTA Naonal Faculty for Youth Coaching, is a TIA Cardio Tennis Trainer and co-chairs the USPTA Naonal Educaon and Tesng commiees. In 2011, Hassan was named USPTA’s Alex Gordon Professional of the Year and won the Racquet Sports Industry Champions of Tennis Award. The following year he was named to the USPTA Mid -Atlanc Hall of Fame and won the USPTA George Basco Naonal Tester of the Year Award.
Larry Karageanes - Master Poaching for 3.0 to 3.5 Level Players (court)
Awards/Hall of Fame Lunch (ballroom) 2:45-4:00
Walker Sahag SERVE + 1 - MONEYBALL Style Professional Models (off court)
Brian Park - The Only Way To Win Is With The Right Purpose (ballroom)
Milly Sequera- How To Build A Wheelchair Program(court)
Saturday, May 20th
7:45-8:45 8:45-9:45
Faith Fellowship Meeng (library)Ma Grayson - Depth Dictates Doubles Decision Making (court)
Delaine Mast - Connecng the Dots. Community, Parks, and Clubs (court)
Bill Riddle - Cardio Tennis Re-Engaged and Re-Energize (court)
Trade Show
Ma Levinson - Coaching/Drills with the Play mate Ball Machine (court)