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High School Player Improvement
High school tennis is right around the corner. I think we can all agree that more match play makes be er players. I planted the seed with my booster club president, Rollin Webb, to create a tournament series designed for high school players. Rollin was awarded a USTA development grant to promote and develop the tournaments. Format - These tournaments are single day tournaments once a month where a player can get in 2-3 matches. Each draw is selected as best as possible on skill level to keep the matches compe ve. We’ve now completed tournaments in September, October, and November with great success. The high school coaches that know about the tournaments have really started to promote them with their players. In talking with many of the players who’ve a ended it is their fi rst tournament outside of high school play. If you have any personal connec ons with any high school coaches or players who could benefi t from these tournaments, please spread the word. The tournaments can be found on the USTA tournament website. They are called the Fiesta Junior Circuit 18U tournaments. They are currently being held at the Chandler Tennis Center. Rollin has really taken a strong interest in the tennis community. Along with star ng these tournaments to improve and expand tennis he also started a court cleaning business called ProCourtCleaners (see ad below). I’d strongly recommend him for all your court cleaning needs. Rollin is using the money earned to fund the tournaments and expand the reach of all thing’s tennis. I’m looking forward to seeing what new ideas he is able to bring to the tennis community. We have two more tournaments before the high school season begins – Dec 17th and January 21st. December 17th – h ps://bit.ly/FiestaDec2022 January 21st - h ps://bit.ly/FiestaJan2023 Thanks for your support!