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Dear Readers, USQ Law Society Members and Legal Fraternity Members,

I would like to welcome you all to the USQLS Law Review Summer 2021 Edition, a collation of article contributions from both USQ Law School Students and Alumni alike. The Summer Edition exemplifies four years of work dedicated to furthering the goals of not on the USQ Law Society, but to the exposure of our members to an unprecedented international reach with their contributions to the Law Review.

It has been a pleasure over the past four years to hold initially, the Law Review Director and then Vice President position within the USQ Law Society Executive. As this will be the last time I have the pleasure to address you in this forum, I would like to thank each and every person from the past four years who has expressed interest, contributed articles, time and provided aid to the USQLS Law Review. A special thanks to the 2021 USQ Law Society Executive team, especially President Tracy Bowen, Secretary Jason Lander, Vice President Careers & Education Francene Ridley, and the entirety of the 2021 Editorial Board. I would like to extend a special thanks to John Devereux for his continuing support, patience and guidance, without who’s support the Law Review would not be where it is today.

I would like to extend a warm welcome to incoming USQLS Law Review Vice President, Jaidyn Pairoz. Not only myself, but the entirety of the USQ Law Society is excited to see the direction you take the Law Review.

It is officially my pleasure to welcome you, the Reader, to 2021 Summer Edition of the USQLS Law Review.

Kind Regards, Tory Webb Law Review Director USQ Law Society

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