Showcasing, supporting and celebrating women in the Superyacht Industry!


Friday, March 24, 2023
Canopy by Hilton W. Palm Beach

Showcasing, supporting and celebrating women in the Superyacht Industry!
Friday, March 24, 2023
Canopy by Hilton W. Palm Beach
Welcome to the second edition of the InspireInitiative…a movement created last year to celebrate, empower, showcase and support the women of the yachting industry. While often outnumbered by the “boys” in nearly every sector of our industry, we’ve succeeded and grown in numbers....oftentimes doing what we do in high heels and a skirt!
The InspireInitiativeis NOT another association to join. Initiative is defined as: A new attempt to achieve a goal or solve a problem by taking charge with forward steps. The InspireInitiativeserves as a continuing reminder of our individual and collective strength through a platform designed to unite all of us in the focus of creating something bigger.
The spark that was ignited during our inaugural event last year….has grown into a roaring fire spreading our positive and inspiring message worldwide! The power of the movement was even the impetus for the development of the USSA’s new Gertrude Denison Woman of the Year award that recognizes the power and excellence of women in the superyacht industry and was rightfully presented to Rose Damen as the first recipient.
We are working to build on last year’s success…to engage, challenge, educate and encourage all of us to be an inspiration in our own lives. We are creating a program that will invigorate and inspire all who attend by bringing together a variety of keynote speakers and panelists who have broken through their own barriers and relentlessly pushed their way to the top.
We have many opportunities to get involved but cannot do it without sponsors. Please take a few moments to review how you can help join the initiative and be the match that ignites a spark within us as we create a flame in the lives of others.
Become a sponsor today and get your brand noticed in an important sector of our industry.
Women are a unique and critical audience controlling more than 80% of spending averaging to more than $31.8 trillion worldwide.
Research shows that women are responsible for purchasing:
• 91% of new homes
• 66% of PCs and consumer electronics
• 92% of vacations
• 65% of new cars
• 80% of luxury and large ticket items
The InspireInitiativewas designed to showcase, support and celebrate the women of the superyacht industry with an afternoon filled with presentations, interactive panel discussions and high-quality networking opportunities.
Sponsorship packages have been crafted for maximum exposure leading up to, during and post the event and start at only $1,500!
If you don’t see something that fits your needs, we are happy to create a program to maximize your budget and exceed your expectations.
This level of sponsorship has been specially crafted for those companies that want the largest exposure and interactive opportunities available. This package contains a rich combination of branding presence, advertising exposure and the ability to include your team!
Provides your company with the highest level recognition for the Inspire Initiative event
Premier signage location on the main stage and screen throughout the Inspire Initiative
Presentation table in prime location at entryway to event
Unique opportunity for company presentation to the entire delegation
Opportunity to have 30-second pre-produced video ad presented during the Inspire Initiative (video to be provided by sponsor
Company logo prominently featured on Inspire Initiative Program, Signage, promotional e-blasts and on the screens during the Inspire Initiative (pending print deadlines)
Premier full-page, color advertising space in the Inspire Initiative printed and online program
One table (8 attendees) at the Inspire Initiative
Individual boosted company promotion across multiple social channels as either a video or a static post.
Special sponsor name badge for attendee(s) representing your company
Promotional items included in attendee welcome tote
Special recognition from the stage during and throughout the event
Your company logo (with hyperlink where possible) will be posted on the USSA website and in all social media promotion prior to and after the event
Exposure to USSA’s tens of thousands of social followers across LinkedIn, Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter before, during and after the Inspire Initiative, with paid online ads to boost exposure
Opportunity to run a Company/Brand Video on USSAs social media accounts: LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.
Web ad placed on USSA home page for six months
Inspire Initiative will be recorded and posted on the USSAs YouTube Channel, website and social channels.
List of attendees and their contact information ($500)
This level of sponsorship provides you with extensive exposure and increased opportunities for your team or guests to network and spread your message. This package contains a rich combination of branding, advertising exposure and ability to have a presence!
Premier signage location on the main stage and throughout the Inspire Initiative
Presentation table in secondary location at entryway to event
Company logo prominently featured on Inspire Initiative Program, Signage, promotional e-blasts and on the screens during the Inspire Initiative (pending print deadlines)
Opportunity to have 30-second pre-produced video ad presented during the Inspire Initiative (video to be provided by sponsor)
Full-page, color advertising space in the Inspire Initiative program
Six (6) Tickets for the Inspire Initiative
Individual boosted company promotion across multiple social channels as either a video or a static post
Special sponsor name badge for attendee(s) representing your company
This sponsorship category is perfect for those companies looking for great exposure with a captive audience! It offers either social or business settings to present your company’s message.
Premier signage location on the main stage and throughout the Inspire Initiative
Presentation table in secondary location at entryway to event
Company logo prominently featured on Inspire Initiative Program tied to your chosen award, Signage, promotional eblasts and on the screens during the Inspire Initiative (pending print deadlines)
Opportunity to have 30-second pre-produced video ad presented during the Inspire Initiative (video to be provided by sponsor)
Half-page, color advertising space in the Inspire Initiative program
Four (4) tickets for the Inspire Initiative
Special sponsor name badge for attendee(s) representing your company
Promotional items included in attendee welcome tote
Opportunity to place one pop-up style banner in the entranceway
Special recognition from the stage during the event as your award is being presented
Your company logo (with hyperlink where possible) will be posted on the USSA website and in all social media promotion of the event
Exposure to USSA’s tens of thousands of social followers across LinkedIn, Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter before, during and after the Inspire Initiative, with paid online ads to boost exposure
Inspire Initiative will be recorded and posted on the USSA YouTube Channel, website and social channels
Company logo prominently featured on Inspire Initiative Program, Signage, promotional e-blasts and on the screens during the Inspire Initiative (pending print deadlines)
Quarter-page, color advertising space in the Inspire Initiative program
Two(2) tickets for the Inspire Initiative
Special sponsor name badge for attendee(s) representing your company
Promotional items included in attendee welcome tote
Opportunity to place one pop-up style banner in the entranceway
Special recognition from the stage during the event
Your company logo (with hyperlink where possible) will be posted on the USSA website and in all social media promotion of the event
Exposure to USSA’s tens of thousands of social followers across LinkedIn, Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter before, during and after the Inspire Initiative, with paid online ads to boost exposure
Inspire Initiative will be recorded and posted on the USSA YouTube Channel, website and social channels
All sponsorships are on a first-come, first-served basis. Once your information has been received, we will contact you regarding the final billing and the complete details of your sponsorship, as well as provide you with your sponsorship confirmation packet detailing the next steps to ensure your sponsor experience exceeds your expectations.
Sponsorship Deadline: February 21, 2023
On behalf of our company, please reserve the above-checked Sponsorship Level. We agree to pay the amount herewith listed in full no later than February 21, 2023. I understand that it is my responsibility to have ALL required advertising materials, logos, etc. delivered to the US Superyacht Association by all given deadlines. Failure to make full payment by the deadline could result in noninclusion in official event materials. (Credit card payments add 4%)
Check enclosed with agreement
Credit Card: Visa MC Amex
Total sponsorship fees: ____________
Company Name (as it will appear on event materials)
Make checks payable to: U.S. SUPERYACHT ASSOCIATION
757 S.E. 17th Street #662 Fort Lauderdale, FL 33316
Representative Name Signature
Phone Mobile
Billing Name (as it appears on credit card) Credit Card Number
Billing Address City State Zip Expiration Date CVV # Signature