Enterprise Prepares For 3M Assessment

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The Shuttle

USS Enterprise (CVN 65)

Newsletter Edition

“We are Legend”

March 23, 2012 Issue

Enterprise Prepares For 3M Assessment Story and photo by Mass Communication Specialist 3rd Class (SW/AW) Jesse Gonzalez USS ENTERPRISE, At Sea – Sailors aboard the aircraft carrier right now in their maintenance program,” said Master Chief USS Enterprise (CVN 65) hosted a material, maintenance and Damage Controlman Larry Debeau, a 3MA team member. management assist (3MA) team March 22 as they evaluated the “This serves as an indicator to tell the ship where and what ship’s 3M program. they need to improve at, whether it’s procedure, a tag-out or something involving personal protective equipment.” According to Damage Controlman 3rd Class Nicholas T. Pelletier the 3M program is absolutely necessary because it critical in making a 50 year-old warship last. “We serve on one of the oldest ships in our Navy, so maintenance is extra important,” said Pelletier. “The equipment we are responsible for maintaining not only ensures Sailors stay alive but also allows us to perform our mission.” The 3MA team conducts multiple spot checks with various work-centers in an effort to evaluate the effectiveness of the ship’s 3M program and the spot checks already being conducted. “Depending on what the 13-week log looks like, some departments are conducting checks everyday but most likely it’s weekly,” said Pelletier. “As a DCPO, I help other unqualified Sailors in my division learn about 3M, and I teach them the proper way to do a spot check and how to do the maintenance correctly,” said Pelletier. The 3MA team consists of senior enlisted members ranging “I do a wide variety of maintenance checks, such as portable from Chief Petty Officers to Master Chief Petty Officers from extinguishing bottles, doors and hatches of all types, fire hoses Commander, Naval Air Force’s 3M training department. They of all sizes, overboard discharges, ladders and stairs.” are responsible for assessing Enterprise’s 3M program and According to Debeau, the team is here to ensure the lifetraining Sailors to be more successful at 3M. 3M continued on page 2 “The purpose of this visit is to find out where the ship stands

U.N. Security Council Backs Peace Plan For Syria By Colum Lynch, WASHINGTON POST UNITED NATIONS -- The U.N. Arab League envoy to Syria, to persuade Security Council on Wednesday endorsed Assad to accept his terms. international emissary Kofi Annan’s A Security Council statement is less diplomatic plan to stop violence in Syria, forceful than a legally binding resolution crack open the door to humanitarian but often serves as a first step toward relief and prod the Syrian government tougher action. and opposition into talks on a political The United States and its Arab and settlement. European partners have pressed for The endorsement constituted a rare passage of an Arab League proposal show of unity by the Security Council on that would have required Assad to yield the crisis in Syria, where more than 8,000 considerable powers to a transitional people have been killed since President government. But Russia, backed by Bashar al-Assad’s government launched China, recently vetoed a resolution a crackdown on protesters a year ago. It endorsing that plan, insisting that the also lends additional muscle to the efforts Syrian government should remain of Annan, who serves as the joint U.N.central to any negotiations on a political

settlement in Syria. To secure Russian support, the council’s Western and Arab powers were forced to offer several concessions. A council statement, as a result, includes no condemnation of Syria, no specific timetable for a political transition and a watered-down threat of possible action against Syria if it fails to comply with the Annan plan. At the last minute, the statement’s sponsors also stripped out a U.S. amendment demanding that Syria immediately allow U.N. humanitarian workers unimpeded access to civilians. Still, Russia’s and China’s support for the SYRIA continued on page 3

The Shuttle

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Friday, March 23, 2012

Bulletin Board 3M continued span of the equipment reaches its full potential. For instance, if a particular pump is supposed to last for ten years, the team ensures that the proper oils are used and the correct maintenance is being done, so the pump actually lasts ten years. “Basically, in today’s Navy, we are losing equipment and ships are staying in port longer due to maintenance issues, rather than being out to sea,” said Debeau. “We are trying to bring more awareness and better train Sailors about the importance of maintenance so that they have better maintenance practice and awareness.” The 3MA visit is designed to help raise that awareness and train Sailors on how to improve the ship’s 3M practices. “No ship’s maintenance program is perfect,” said Debeau. “I would like to see more time spent training with Sailors at the deck-plates to ensure that they understand the equipment and the maintenance practices, and the long term effect it has on their equipment.”

United Through Reading Read to your loved ones on video! If you are interested in participating in the United Through Reading program, schedule an appointment with RMD at 7856.

TIGER CRUISE VOLUNTEERS NEEDED Enterprise’s 2012 Tiger Cruise coordinators are seeking volunteers for this year’s Tiger Cruise committee. At least one CPO or officer representative from each department is required, but other volunteers who wish to assist are also welcome.

*Contact Lt. Cmdr. Reyman or ABHCS Williford via e-mail if interested in joining the committee.*

The Shuttle USS Enterprise (CVN 65)

ESWS Question of the Day: What modes of IFF are strictly for military use only? Yesterday’s ESWS answer: The five modes for IFF are 1, 2, 3/A, 4 and C.

The Shuttle is published and printed daily underway and bi-weekly in port by the USS Enterprise (CVN 65) Media Department, FPO AE 09543-2810. This newspaper is an authorized publication for members of the Department of Defense. Please direct all story ideas, questions and comments to MC1 (SW) Steve Smith at smithsw@cvn65.navy.mil. Commanding Officer Capt. William C. Hamilton, Jr.

Executive Officer Capt. G. C. Huffman

Command Master Chief ABCM (AW/SW) Eric M. Young

Public Affairs Officer Lt. Cmdr. Sarah T. Self-Kyler

Editors MC2 (SW) Kristin L. Grover MCSN Harry Gordon

3M 3M Question of the Day: How often is the departmental quarterly schedule updated? Yesterday’s 3M answer: E7 and above are required to perform one spot check per week.

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The Shuttle

Friday, March 23, 2012

World News Obama To Discuss North Korea, Iran

By Carol E. Lee and Jay Solomon, WALL STREET JOURNAL WASHINGTON -- North Korea and Iran are expected to deliver food aid to Pyongyang and could prompt stronger dominate President Barack Obama’s trip to South Korea sanctions, a message the president will stress during his two this weekend, as concerns mount about Tehran’s nuclear days in Seoul. ambitions and Pyongyang’s preparations for a satellite “They may choose to deepen their isolation,” said launch the U.S. and its allies said they believe is largely for Danny Russel, senior Asia director on the White House military purposes. National Security Council. Pyongyang’s launch, scheduled for mid-April, could “That would be unfortunate, and we think that that undercut recent White House efforts to ratchet down would be a mistake that will only exacerbate the problems tensions with North Korea’s new leader, Kim Jong Eun. that North Korea faces and the suffering of the North The U.S. said on Wednesday that it is suspending efforts Korean people,” he added. to recover remains of thousands of fallen service members North Korea’s announcement last week that it was in North Korea, the Associated Press reported. preparing to launch a satellite next month also represented The North’s actions also are clouding Mr. Obama’s an embarrassment for the Obama administration. disarmament agenda, which is being challenged by Iran’s The president had resisted directly engaging Pyongyang continued advances in its nuclear program. since taking office in 2009 because of its history of Mr. Obama is set to arrive in South Korea on Sunday reneging on disarmament commitments. Last month, to attend the 2012 Nuclear Security Summit, a platform the new government of Kim Jong Eun publicly pledged for world leaders to discuss ways to contain the spread of to freeze its nuclear and long-range missile programs in weapons of mass destruction. exchange for food aid from Washington. The real action, however, will take place on the sidelines But days later, it said it would launch the satellite, which of the summit, where Mr. Obama is scheduled to hold it said would be in honor of North Korean founder Kim Il meetings with the leaders of China, Russia and Turkey. Sung, arguing that it would be different from a missile test. He also will deliver a speech in Seoul detailing the U.S. officials said preventing the North Korean launch challenges posed by Iran and North Korea. will be among the top issues raised during Mr. Obama’s U.S. officials warned ahead of Mr. Obama’s visit talks with Russian President Dmitry Medvedev and that a launch is likely to unravel a recent agreement to President Hu Jintao of China. SYRIA continued statement represents a considerable blow to Assad, who has counted on the council’s disunity in rebuffing previous diplomatic entreaties. Susan E. Rice, the U.S. ambassador to the United Nations, characterized the council’s action as a “modest step” but added that it offered the greatest hope of reuniting the 15-nation council. “As the council recognized,” Rice said, “Annan’s proposal is the best way to put an end to the violence, facilitate much-needed humanitarian assistance and advance a Syrian-led political transition. We urge the Syrian authorities to respond swiftly and positively.” The council’s action comes less than a week after Annan, a former U.N. secretary-general, appealed to

the Security Council in a closed-door session to rally behind his initiative and reflects mounting concern that the worsening violence could descend into a protracted civil war. In continued violence Wednesday, activist groups said 52 people were killed across Syria, including at least 25 who died in shelling by government forces against the Homs neighborhood of Khaldiyeh, a rebel stronghold. The figures could not be independently verified, but the reports of violence are consistent with indications that the government is still pressing an offensive to crush the year-long revolt. There were also reports of firefights in two Damascus suburbs, Harasta and Arbeen, between government forces and rebel fighters. Meanwhile, in a statement posted on a jihadist Web site, a newly established Islamist group

called the al-Nusra Front claimed responsibility for an unspecified number of recent bombings, including two attacks in Damascus over the weekend that targeted branches of the Syrian security services. Wednesday’s U.N. statement endorses a six-point plan that Annan presented this month to Assad and that calls on the Syrian leader to halt his military crackdown and appoint an envoy to participate in talks with the opposition. The plan urges Assad to “commit to stop the fighting and achieve urgently an effective United Nations supervised cessation of armed violence” and to join in a “Syrianled political process” that will “address the legitimate aspirations of the Syrian people.”

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The Shuttle

Friday, March 23, 2012

Big E Happenings Enterprise Carrier Strike Group

Photo by MCSN Harry Andrew D. Gordon Elements of Enterprise Carrier Strike Group break away from formation while transiting the Atlantic Ocean. Enterprise is currently deployed supporting maritime security operations and theater security cooperation efforts in the U.S. 6th Fleet area of responsibility.

Photo by MCSN Harry Andrew D. Gordon Aircraft carrier USS Enterprise (CVN 65) transits the Atlantic Ocean. Enterprise is currently deployed supporting maritime security operations and theater security cooperation efforts in the U.S. 6th Fleet area of responsibility.

Big E Entertainment

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