We provide outstanding, valueadding products and services to our members, tennis consumers, and the communities where we operate. By proactively establishing collaborative, high-performing partnerships with other tennis providers we collectively accelerate the growth of the tennis industry.
We embrace change and encourage creative approaches to delivering products and services that exceed the expectations of our members and tennis consumers. By taking educated risks, we ensure that consumers of all ages and abilities can participate in tennis for a lifetime .
We encourage and embrace the participation and contributions of all people that desire to be engaged with our organization. By honoring and leveraging the diversity of thought, expertise, cultural heritage, and individual differences we ensure the long-term growth and sustainability of tennis.
We believe that tennis changes lives in positive ways and are inspired by that possibility to act with a sense of energy, determination, and enthusiasm. Passion is the fuel that drives all that we do.
We operate all of our endeavors within an environment of trust, mutual respect, and safe play conditions. Our reputation is well-respected by all because we consistently treat those we deal with in a fair, honest, and ethical manner.
We operate with total commitment and hold ourselves accountable to the highest standards of performance. Each of us individually and collectively is responsible for delivering on our mission and our brand promise.
Attract, Engage, and Retain New Generations of Diverse Tennis Participants at All levels of the Game
Lead Industry-Wide Improvements to the Tennis Delivery System, Provider Education, and Consumer Experience
Ensure Continued Financial Growth and Performance
Build and Optimize Best-in-Class Digital Infrastructure and Platforms
Collaborate Within the USTA and Tennis Ecosystem for the Common Good of Tennis
CHARGE: To promote and provide recreational and competitive tournament and League play for players 18 and over and social play opportunities for adults of any age and ability level as well as support and grow the Tennis On Campus programs on college and university campuses across the section.
Stephen F. Collins
Vice Chair
Amy Mathew
Jody Holsinger
Paul Petruska
Azher Sameer
Rod Zerni
Board Liaison
Terry Jackson
Staff Liaisons
Scott Howes
Alyssa Stelmach
CHARGE: To implement a competitive pathway for increased attraction and retention of local play opportunities. The Circuit Pathway will consist of Team Challenge, Team Tournaments, Junior Team Tennis and unranked tournaments, inlcuding Activity tracker for 10U and will support the new unified sanctioned ranked tournament system being implemented.
Larry Newton
Vice Chair
David Minihan
Darren R. Emerick
Ben Gildehaus
Ryan Roeth
Stacie Turtledove
Jared Ward
Board Liaison
Brenton Kuchera
Staff Liaisons
Beth Azan
Tara Williams
CHARGE: To mentor, educate and grow tennis in the communities to feed adult play, junior play with a focus on our providers.
Michael Martin
Vice Chair
Jeremiah Ollison
Ben Gildehaus
Mary A. Owens-Hudson
Sean Nguyen
Paul Paige
Board Liaison
Kate Foss
Staff Liaison
Lindsay Hall
CHARGE: To maintain an effective program of recruitment, training, evaluation and retention to assure an adequate supply of USTA certified tennis officials to meet the officiating needs of the USTA Missouri Valley.
Verne Weber
Vice Chair
Dean Richardsville
Steve England
Cheryl Lady
Michael Martin
John Seal
Donna Stauffer
Steven Webb
Board Liaison
John Kelly
Staff Liaison
Mary Buschmann
CHARGE: To create a network of training opportunities that facilitate a network of coaches as well as programs to grow the base of 6-13 year olds in alignment with the USTA Teaching and Coaching Philosophy.
Chris Smith
Vice Chair
Eric Wedemeyer
Elliot McDermed
Matias Marin
Kyle Wartick
Board Liaison
Mallory Weber
Staff Liaison
Marissa Brown
CHARGE: To recommend awards and recognition that encourages excellence, honors, achievements and contributions of individuals and organizations to tennis within the USTA Missouri Valley.
Stuart Dusenberry
Vice Chair
Peter McCorkle
Ken Brown
Jacqueline Buck-Horton
Elliot McDermed
Board Liaison
Mike Willman
Staff Liaison
Manon Eilts
CHARGE: To recognize and honor individuals who went above and beyond for the game of tennis, and ensuring their continued involvement in the game and the section.
Judy Dippold
Vice Chair
Nick Taylor
Terry Miller
Kevin Nebergall
Doug Smith
Board Liaison
Jason Mathes
Staff Liaison
Manon Eilts
CHARGE: To promote greater diversity and inclusion in overall tennis player participation and USTA Missouri Valley services, activities, events and programs by supporting USTA Missouri Valley volunteers and staff in all organizational units and community partners.
Nick Taylor
Vice Chair
Caitlyn Sagraves
Scott Hanover
Tony Mullican
Mark Zolman
Board Liaison
Kim Hughes-Gill
Staff Liaison
Jaren Glaser
CHARGE: To recommend/approve sanctions for adult, junior tournaments as well as recommend/approve bids for section league championships while maintaining a balanced calendar.
Ann Vogel
Vice Chair
Bryan Rigby Members
Ryan Roeth
Thiago Santos
Board Liaison
Deborah Fabrizius
Staff Liaison
Marissa Brown
CHARGE: To recommend policy and monitor competitive play throughout the USTA Missouri Valley.
Chair: Simon Norman
Vice Chair: Eric Wedemeyer
Member: Justin Bigsby
Member: Armando Espinosa
Board Liaison: Tracey Johnson
Staff Liaison: Beth Azan
Chair: Michelle Oquin
Vice Chair: Severine Huchet
Member: Huong Doan
Member: Jan Koder
Board Liaison: Mary Jo Tasker
Staff Liaison: Alyssa Stelmach
Chair: Megan Kovacs
Vice Chair: Stephen F. Collins
Member: Sheila A. Checotah
Member: David Ira Schmidt
Board Liaison: Cary Morris
Staff Liaison: Scott Howes
President: Alex Lee
First Vice President: Beth
Vice President: Terry Jackson
Vice President: Kim Hughes-Gill
Secretary: Deborah Fabrizius
Tresurer: Kate Foss
Delegate: Jason Mathes
Staff Liaison: Mary Buschmann
Chair: Jason Mathes
Member: Beth Causey
Member: Kate Foss
Staff Liaison: Mary Buschmann
Chair: Beth Causey
Member: Jeff Bowser
Member: John Kelly
Board Liaison: Kate Foss
Staff Liaison: Tonya Kaup
Chair: John Kinsella
Member: Bill Riggan
Member: Susan Stamats
Staff Liaison: Mary Buschmann
Chair: Jason Mathes
Member: Tracey Johnson (HOA)
Member: Brenton Kuchera (IA)
Member: Cary Morris (KS)
Member: Larry Holmes (MO)
Member: John Rademacher (NE)
Member: Eric Wedemeyer (OK)
Member: Paul Petruska (STL)
Staff Liaison: Mary Buschmann
CC: Greg Lappin (N) CVC: Eleni Rossides (E) BL: Bobby Sharma SM: Elliott Pettit
C: Marcy Hirshberg (S)
VC: Jessie Talliafero (S)
Section ED: Ben Zislis
SM: Andrea Snead
Public Parks
C: Scott Laakso (S)
VC: Marcia Bach (N)
Section ED: Lindsey Keeler
SM: Amelia Storer
C: Peter Francesconi (NE)
VC: Robin Jones (S)
Section ED: Laura Bowen
SM: Todd Carlson
C: Trenton Alenik (I)
VC: Kathryn Beam (S)
Section ED: Matt Olson
SM: Amelia Storer
CC: Carla O’Connor (S) CVC: Morgan Abrams-Nicholas (MA) BL: Liezel Huber SL: Matt Barnhart
High School
C: Lindsey Atkinson (MW)
VC: Delaine Mast (MS)
Section ED: Laura Bowen
SM: Louis Bolling
Local Play & Competition
C: Ted Reese (S)
VC: Larry Newton (MV)
Section ED: Becky Cantellano
SM: Adelaide Wood
School/After School
C: Susan Wold (E)
VC: Beth Kob (MS)
Section ED: Jenny Schnitzer
SM: Tony Stingley
CC: Bonnie Vandegrift (S) VC: Mark McIntyre (E) BL: Emily Schaefer SM: Michael Hughes
Adult Competition
C: Christine Costamagna (NC)
VC: Mike Vandegrift (S)
Section ED: Eric Mitchell
SM: Adam Hutchinson
Senior Team Selection
C: Jeffrey Morrison (S)
VC: Jenny Klitch (FL)
Section ED:
C: John Niedfeldt-Thomas (N)
VC: Guillermo Lucero (SW)
Section ED: Rob Scott
SM: Adam Hutchinson
Tennis On Campus
C: Laura Jackson (SW)
VC: Megan Longbothan-Young (TX)
Section ED: Eric Mitchell
SM: Bharat Karunakaran
NTRP Advisory Group
C: Diane Ansay (MW)
VC: Susan Friedlaender
Section ED: Ben Zislis
CC: Ivan Baron (FL) VC: Scott Hanover (MV) BL: Vania King SM: Martin Blackman
Collegiate Pathway
C: Erica Jasper-Perkins (SC)
VC: Jennifer Reinbold (MW)
Section ED: Trevor Kronemann
SM: Elissa Hill
Junior Competition
C: Tracy Lawson (SW)
VC: Paul MacDonald (MW)
Section ED: Summer Verhoeven
SM: Dan Holman
C: Eric Perkins (MA)
VC: Ellen Ehlers (S)
Section ED: Ron Romano
SM: Jenna Kelly
Sport Science Advisory Group
C: Amber Donaldson (I)
VC: William Micheo (C)
Section ED: Rosa Martinez
SM: Karl Davies
Wheelchair Tennis
C: Jennifer Edmonson (S)
VC: Scott Elbin (MS)
Section ED: Mary Buschmann
SM: Jason Harnett
CC: Roshan Rajkumar (N) VC: Drew Meyers (MW) BL: Violet Clark SM: Sean Cary
Constitution & Rules
C: Allon Lifshitz (E)
VC: Stephenson Emery (I)
Section ED: Lindsey Keeler
SM: Staciellen Mischel
C: Lena Litvak (E)
VC: Dana Andrews (FL)
Section ED: Summer Verhoeven
SL: Staciellen Mischel
C: Brett Haberstick (I)
VC: David Hanzes (E)
Section ED: Mary Buschmann
SM: Andrew Walker
CC: Eric Legg (N) VC: Jonelle Smith (MW) BL: Jeffery M. Baill SM: Marisa Grimes
Advisory Group on Committees & Evaluations
C: Paula Hale (S)
Coord: Liz Hamburg (N)
Section ED: Jenny Schnitzer
SM: April Lupkey
Training Advisory Group
C: Carol Welder (TX)
VC: Aftabur Rahman (N)
Section ED: Chad Docktor
SM: Bill Leong
C: Linda Peltz (NC)
VC: Cynthia Mable (MS)
SM: April Lupkey
ED: Chad Docktor
Diversity & Inclusion
C: Toni Wiley (NE)
VC: Shelly Licorish (E)
Section ED: Becky Cantellano
SM: Natalia Pedroza
C: Jeffrey M. Baill
VC: Violet Clark
SL: Joseph Healy
C: Christopher Lewis
VC: Vania King
Section ED: Ben Zislis, Matthew Warren
SL: Ed Neppl
C: Lawrence Washington
Rep: Andrea Hirsch
Rep: Staciellen Mischel
Past Presidents
C: Michael McNulty III
C: Brian Hainline
Rep: Liezel Huber
Alt. Rep: James Blake
Player Representatives
Jon Rydberg
Neha Uberoi
SL: Staciellen Mischel
C: Bill McGugin
VC: Brian Vahaly
SL: Ed Neppl
Presidential Appointees
Mark Ein, Traci Green, Janet Rolle, Doug Wenger, Anne Worcester
Araya, Astrid araya@movalley.usta.com
Axelrod, Rebecca Falkner ustaheartofamerica@gmail.com
Azan, Beth bazan@movalley.usta.com
Blume, Mark usta.iowa@gmail.com
Brown, Marissa Moment brown@movalley.usta.com
Buschmann, Mary mbuschmann@movalley.usta.com
Causey, Beth brcausey@gmail.com
Echols, Leslie ustamissouridirector@gmail.com
Eilts, Manon eilts@movalley.usta.com
Fabrizius, Deborah littlesade@hotmail.com
Foss, Kate kfoss124@gmail.com
Glaser, Jaren glaser@movalley.usta.com
Hall, Lindsay hall@movalley.usta.com
Heim, Kara heim@movalley.usta.com
Hughes-Gill, Kim bkjassociates2@gmail.com
Howes, Scott howes@movalley.usta.com
Jackson, Terry tcj857@gmail.com
Jager, Laura laura.jager@movalley.usta.com
Johnson, Tracey tdjlaw@hotmail.com
Kaup, Tonya kaup@movalley.usta.com
Kelly, John kellyjohnf15@gmail.com
Kuchera, Brenton kucherab@waterlooschools.org
Kovacs, Megan director@ustastl.com
Lee, Alex alexL17@aol.com
Lunsford, Abigayle abigayle.lunsford@movalley.usta.com
(832) 541-2239 STAFF
(913) 660-5199 HOA ED
(913) 322-4832 STAFF
(319) 400-8857 IA ED
(913) 322-4822 STAFF
(913) 322-4824 STAFF
(314) 322-8911 EXEC COM
(417) 501-6234 MO ED
(913) 322-4826 STAFF
(913) 424-9290 EXEC COM
(316) 993-4013 EXEC COM
(913) 967-9929 STAFF
(913) 216-5143 STAFF
(913) 967-9452 STAFF
(314) 740-1888 EXEC COM
(913) 322-4821 STAFF
(913) 706-4788 EXEC COM
(913) 322-4852 STAFF
(913) 515-0991 HOA PRES
(913) 322-4823 STAFF
(314) 956-7660 STL PRES
(319) 296-5933 IA PRES
(314) 432-3990 STL ED
(316) 259-3023 EXEC COM
(913) 322-4827 STAFF
Margenthaler, Caitee caitee.margenthaler@movalley.usta.com STAFF
Mathes, Jason jdm3105@gmail.com
Mathew, Amy ustakansased@gmail.com
Matthews, Micah micah.matthews@usta.com
Minihan, David minihan@ustaoklahoma.com
Moore, Victoria victoria.moore@movalley.usta.com
Morris, Cary carymorris@icloud.com
Mushonga, Alwyn mushonga@movalley.usta.com
Puryear, Laura puryear@movalley.usta.com
Rademacher, John johnprademacher@gmail.com
Riggs, Becky riggs@movalley.usta.com
(314) 324-6648 EXEC COM
(660) 553-0111 KS ED
(407) 274-8245 OFFICIALS
(405) 312-5252 OK ED
(913) 322-4838 STAFF
(316) 641-3606 KS PRES
(913) 967-9833 STAFF
(913) 967-9147 STAFF
(308) 440-1112 NE PRES
(913) 999-5502 STAFF
Sellmeyer, Josh josh.sellmeyer@movalley.usta.com STAFF
Stelmach, Alyssa astelmach@movalley.usta.com
Terpkosh, John jterpkosh@movalley.usta.com
Thomas, Lisa lisathomasusta@icloud.com
Weber, Mallory webermallorl@gmail.com
Wedemeyer, Eric ewedemeyer1@cox.net
Williams, Tara williams@movalley.usta.com
Zonova, Kseniya zonova@movalley.usta.com
(913) 322-4829 STAFF
(913) 967-9926 STAFF
(408) 290-5931 NE ED
(417) 874-2904 MO PRES
(405) 627-0792 OK PRES
(913) 302-5901 STAFF
(573) 388-6680 STAFF
Bates, Lindsay lindsay.henjum@gmail.com
(402) 201-4349 MEMBER
Bigsby, Justin mrjbigs@gmail.com (402) 350-6073 MEMBER
Bowser, Jeff jeff@cpaokc.net
(405) 627-3987 MEMBER
Brown, Ken kbrown@indycc.edu (913) 972-5032 MEMBER
Buck-Horton, Jacqueline jacquelinebuckhorton@gmail.com (314) 378-4316 MEMBER
Checotah, Sheila schecotah2000@yahoo.com (316) 461-0898 MEMBER
Collins, Stephen F. sfcomaha@gmail.com (402) 650-5812 CHAIR, VC
Dippold, Judy dipper20@gmail.com (314) 603-4680 CHAIR
Doan, Huong hdoan@primeinc.com (417) 496-5405 MEMBER
Dusenberry, Stuart sddins62@yahoo.com (712) 250-0346 CHAIR
Emerick, Darren lefthandeddog@gmail.com (308) 279-0509 MEMBER
Espinosa, Armando armandoe@amesfitness.com (515) 450-4829 MEMBER
Gildehaus, Ben breakpointstl@gmail.com (617) 945-4630 MEMBER
Hanover, Scott ptcguy@yahoo.com (816) 805-1801 MEMBER
Holsinger, Jody jody@aspenwealth.com (913) 269-3962 MEMBER
Huchet, Severine leagues@ustastl.com (314) 201-9024
Kelly, John kellyjohnf15@gmail.com (314) 956-7660 MEMBER
Kinsella, John john.kinsella241@gmail.com (314) 791-2440 CHAIR
Koder, Jan iowa-USTA@hotmail.com (515) 223-3074 MEMBER
Kovacs, Megan director@ustastl.com (314) 432-3990 CHAIR
Lady, Cheryl ctlady@mac.com (816) 769-4185 MEMBER
Newton, Larry larry_new@msn.com (402) 871-3014 CHAIR
Nguyen, Sean stnfnf@outlook.com (816) 590-5615 MEMBER
Norman, Simon simon@genesishealthclubs.com (316) 258-5318 CHAIR
Ollison, Jeremiah ollisonaisf@gmail.com (405) 219-5814 VC
Oquin, Michelle oquin@ustaoklahoma.com (918) 381-6690 CHAIR
Owens-Hudson, Mary mhud615@gmail.com
Paige, Paul phoustonpaige@gmail.com
Petruska, Paul ppetruska@greensfelder.com
Richardville, Dean drichardville@cox.net
Rigby, Bryan rigby.bryan@gmail.com
(314) 479-2511 MEMBER
(267) 235-0604 MEMBER
(618) 772-0086 MEMBER
(918) 671-7208
(636) 887-6320 VC
Riggan, Bill wmriggan@att.net MEMBER
Roeth, Ryan ryanroeth10s@gmail.com
(515) 778-2348 MEMBER
Sameer, Azher azhersameer@gmail.com (773) 431-8304 MEMBER
Santos, Thiago tsantos@genesishealthclubs.com (316) 993-9366 MEMBER
Sagraves, Caitlyn caitlynmetseff@gmail.com (405) 609-7963 VC
Schmidt, David Ira dschmidt918@att.net
(918) 230-6004 MEMBER
Seal, John netjts0@gmail.com (620) 778-2289 MEMBER
Smith, Chris csmithbluehillscc@gmail.com (913) 206-2801 CHAIR
Smith, Douglas dwoodruffsmith@yahoo.com (314) 753-1343 MEMBER
Stamats, Susan susan.stamats@stamats.com (319) 431-3842 MEMBER
Stauffer, Donna djstauffer53@gmail.com (636) 544-5124 MEMBER
Taylor, Nick nickryantaylor@yahoo.com (316) 200-7165 CHAIR, VC
Turtledove, Stacie turtledovetennis@gmail.com (214) 629-5748 MEMBER
Vogel, Ann anniekvogel@gmail.com
(417) 839-5239 CHAIR
Ward, Jared jward@jayhawktennis.com (479) 659-2493 MEMBER
Wartick, Kyle kylew@highlandsprings.com (417) 576-1359 MEMBER
Webb, Steven swebb@springfieldmo.gov (417) 864-1330 MEMBER
Weber, Verne vaweber10s@aol.com (402) 490-9488 CHAIR
Wedemeyer, Eric eric.wedemeyer@invitedclubs.com (405) 627-0792 VC, VC
Wegiel, Noelle noelle.wegiel@yahoo.com
(402) 871-3705 MEMBER
Zerni, Rod rodzerni@gmail.com (913) 269-6607 MEMBER
Zolman, Mark markzolman@yahoo.com (314) 477-5246 MEMBER