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Registration was up 13.06% that is 3,510 more registrations than 2021.

Unique players was up 10.19%, that is 868 more players than 2021.



Retention was up 3.20% over 2021. We retained 79.83% of our players from 2021 through 2022.
USTA Missouri Valley League numbers have seen steady growth in the past two years in both registrations and players. Thank you to everyone who participates in making Adult Leagues a success in our section!

Communit Y
Usta Level 1
WHO Coaches who assist play/practice activities for beginner youth Coaches who assist programs for beginner to low-inter mediate players of all ages
NAME Net Generation Community Workshop
WHAT 4-hour, in-person training for non-certified coaches showcases activities for each ball color as well as how to assist the primary coach to manage and organize practices
Perfect for part-time community or volunteers coaches prior to starting their Net Generation practice sessions
Community Coach
USTA Level 1 Coach Workshop
Two-day, in-person training for non-certified coaches that combines online prework & on-court lear ning to help you build the skills needed to teach beginner to low-inter mediate players of all ages and will help you:
● Provide safe and organized sessions
● Set up, manage and coach activities within the war m-up, skill and game elements of the lesson
● Create an environment that fosters positive tennis experiences provides opportunities for early success and develops a love of the game
USTA Level 1 Coach Workshop
Cardio Tennis
Tennis and Fitness instructors who want to lear n and continuously improve their delivery of Cardio Tennis workouts and programming
Cardio Tennis Workshop
5-hour, in-person training for certified tennis and fitness professionals Cardio Tennis Brand Standards:
● High Intensity Tennis Training
● All fitness and ability levels, for men and women, all ages 12-65+
● Ideal number is 6-8 athletes per court
● Emphasis on group heart rate training
Cardio Tennis Instructor
Introduction to the Net Gen Curricula
A follow-up / refresher course to the School PE Teacher In-Service or USTA Level 1

Coaches who complete the workshop will have the opportunity to be certified as a Level 1 Coach with both USPTA/PTR upon meeting additional membership/certification requirements
Introduces How to Coach Skills & Net Gen Activities Sets the Foundation for Coaching Skills, including How to Coach, Manage, and Organize Sessions
There is no certification for Cardio Tennis Coaches who complete the Cardio Tennis education are “qualified” Both USPTA/PTR will honor credits for CT education both on-line and in-person
Cardio Tennis is a high energy group fitness experience which uses the sport of tennis in a structured games-based format to deliver the ultimate, full body, calorie burning aerobic workout