Universal Translation Services www.universal-translation-services.com info@universal-translation-services.c om Tel: US +1 (305) 447-7110 Tel. ESP 34-951-406-815
Certified translations for students and universities high school diplomas When I will need the service? Did you receive your diploma abroad and need to translate it for immigration in the United States? Do you need an oďŹƒcial translation to submit to an evaluation service? Did your alma mater issue a diploma in Latin and you need a English translation? Then you will need a service like this.
Diploma & transcript translation A certified diploma translation is a process where the issuing oďŹƒce or translator certifies that the information contained in the translation is accurate. Those translations are stamped and signed by the company, while the stamped translation is accompanied with a certifying letter on the oďŹƒcial headed paper, which is then signed, stamped and sealed by the company.
Universal TranslationServices Services Universal Translation www.universal-translation-services.com info@universal-translation-services.c om Tel: US +1 (305) 447-7110 Tel. ESP 34-951-406-815
Cer�fied transla�ons for students and
What is an apostille?
universi�es high school diplomas
Apostille is just an When I will needcertification the service? international that is often added to Did you receive your abroad and documents that diploma have been need to translate it for signed immigraby �on in the in some manner United States? Do you need an official a Notary, lawyer or other transla�on to submit to an evalua�on public Did official suchmater as issue the a service? your alma clerk of court record diploma in aLa� n andofyou need in a English their�on? official capacity. transla Then you will needIta service specifies the modalities like this. through which a document issued in one of transla the �on Diploma & transcript signatory countries is as certified for Arecognized cer�fied diploma transla� on is a prolegalwhere purposes in office all the cess the issuing or translator cer �fies that the countries. informa�on other signatory contained in the transla�on is accurate. Those transla�ons are stamped and signed by the company, while the stamped transla�on is accompanied with a cer�fying lewww.universal-translation-services.com � er on the official headed paper, which info@universal-translation-services.com isTel: then signed, stamped and sealed by US +1 (305) 447-7110 the Tel.company. ESP 34-951-406-815