WWB 2012 - description

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World Without Borders -

national social educational GCDP project that aims activating leadership among Ukrainian pupils by giving them an opportunity to interact with students from all around the world, to get knowledge about leadership, youth activities in other countries, cultural education, to become more open-minded and to improve their English skills.

Goals: • • • • • • •

To spread cultural awareness among young people of 14-16 years; Inspire pupils for self-discovery and development; To activate leadership skills among pupils; To increase level of English knowledge; To familiarize school children with idea of tolerance and cultural sensitivity; To broaden worldview of pupils and provide information about different countries and territories, their history, traditions, modern life; To produce visible impact in shortest time.

Project issue: Multicultural Education Target audience: • •

School children of 14-16 years old; Interns with fluent English, proactive, eager to learn and develop.

Duration: 6 weeks Concept: Program of the project is based around activating leadership, which we understand as development of 5 competencies, as a combination of knowledge, skills, abilities and behaviors: • Proactive learner – formation of positive attitude, enthusiasm about learning, active participation in learning, accepting challenges and integration process; • Global Mindset – development of the ability to understand, relate to and respect the culture of other people, accept differences between cultures, show openness and respect towards other cultures; • Emotional Intelligence - development of ability to feel, use, communicate, recognize, learn from, understand and explain emotions, demonstrating respect, empathy and appropriate behavior towards others; adjusting to different situations and personalities; • Social responsibility – formation of understanding of an obligation to act to benefit society at large; • Entrepreneurial outlook - development of ability in coming up with and implementing new ideas, taking risks and finding innovative solutions.

Timeline: 16-18.01.2012 – Project opening 18-20.01.2012 – “Proactive learner” week 23-31.01. 2012 – “Global Mindset” week 28.01.2012 – Global Village (optional) 2-4.02.2012 – Middle Conference 6-10.02.2012 – “Emotional Intelligence” week 13-17.02. 2012 – “Social responsibility” week 20-24.02.2012 – “Entrepreneurial outlook” week 25.02.2012 – School competition (optional) 27-29.02.2012 – project closing, sum up and evaluation, AIESEC presentation

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