WWB 2012 - events

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World Without Borders -

national social educational GCDP project that aims activating leadership among Ukrainian pupils by giving them an opportunity to interact with students from all around the world, to get knowledge about leadership, youth activities in other countries, cultural education, to become more open-minded and to improve their English skills.

Project opening. First lesson. Open lesson to introduce project goals and expected results. Suggested participants of event: children, teachers, parents, partners, media Content: a) Short explanation about project, concept, flow of the project, organizers and partners of the project - Introduction of the project, project history, evolution of the project - Explanation why it appeared, AIESEC as organizing entity, why we are doing it - Presentations of interns, who are they, why they decided to come to Ukraine and WWB - Project supporters and partners presentation b) Presentation of expected outcome of the projects, development of 5 competencies - Explanation of competency model and competencies – what is that, why it is important - Project agenda explanation, flow of project, outcomes of each week - 5 competencies - overview c) Competency test

Global Village. 2nd week Global Village is one of the most exciting events, where interns showcase the unique cultures from their home countries/territories through food, customs, performances and costumes. The event not only allows delegates to gain insight into the cultures from the countries and territories around them, it also builds up their awareness and pride around their own backgrounds in a fun and engaging way. Global Village can be organized in on the schools or in university, which take part in “WWB” as participant or as partner, as additional event in the end of country presentations week. (28th of January) During Global Village interns make small performances about their country – song, dance, drama. As well children should prepare performance about Ukraine, some traditional Ukrainian song. Agenda of Global Village can be developed together with school or partner, contain presentations of partners, AIESEC presentation or any other additional information.

School Competition On the last week of the project school competition can be organized. School competition – is contest, based on all knowledge and skills provided by “WWB” project, in order to evaluate value of the project, analyze effectiveness of education and give additional motivation to pupils. Content of contest should be prepared by interns of “WWB”, based on information, knowledge, skills they provided for pupils during whole project. Competition should be built as written work with different tasks – tests, cases, essay and include information from all topics, covered by project. But as well analyze level of development of competencies, so should have practical tasks, which will show way of thinking and inner attitude of children. Competition can be organized in on the schools or in university, which take part in “WWB” as participant or as partner, as additional event. Exact content, agenda and flow of competition can be developed by interns and OC together with school or partner. During competition presentations of partners, AIESEC presentation or any other additional information can be given. Recommended date to organize competition is 25th of February, Saturday.

Closing event Closing event aimed to evaluate project, show results of the project, draw possible ways of further development of children. Suggested participants of event: children, teachers, parents, partners, media Closing event should contain: - Competency test and evaluation - Announcement of contest winner (if school competition was organized) - AIESEC presentation – as way to continue development of pupils - Presentation of “summer camp” as another project, where pupils can take part in - Greetings and final words of interns, partners, some participants, teachers or parents - Certificates to all participants

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