~tuhtut iGift
P11l,lisl11·rl JJ crkty
,.J_&,i, 11/111rn/ 1•1,/1,g,.
by l/11• !Sl11,/,·11t,v ,,,. /hr /'/uh
1,110.\X , l'T .\11. I· 11111.\Y, :-~:l'TI
,JO, 1.110.
arf• .,:lad 111 anuuum• ..· lnal our fh•sl foull,all g8111e [111· II," ,,•a on will b,· plnJud tu,re Lvtnm•I ro\\, :-atnrdny. 11.-luh,•r Isl 01
sin,·,· our ( ·ollcl(~ hM bfen I /t n·-i<l,·nt I f I '111lrJ(1•JI II. musi(' h,os c•i;t. r,·d 111!•1 I h• lifo or the irt.,t }Ut llJI.
thal d.t) 11ur hliys Wlll go UJ 11,!n:ust t lw hu:,d-c:li-sl"rv111U,t• <•:.! ,t.•11 High &•houl. .,\lml uf ,111 ll'llows hun,' been i1i truihlll!! fm ~011u·tinw nml a.·e iu l:fUOd,~ou,li lino to put up a tin'! ~.amt•of lrn'1
1l usi,• tL I, , s c 1111 ur,• ;wet it nl i-u :ulrl., I hut harmt1J1,\' tu lift. lhal m:ik~, ii wurlh lh li\'inii:. !<'or lh1.M• 1·,•n,:,..nusn1:d tor ll l· rn1rn1:1·. I ,111s. ntl:i r ;uh 1111lw!t"' w•• dt rh1• j rro111 jt ma~ical I drwat OJI onr n111!',fc,lq·artu11111 ta~ ,,utlin(ltl n
('m11pt!l1ho11 l'ur tht! vnrit~lls rlm•t• ... 1111 tl11•
tw1.ni has
ht.•1•11 \t·1·.'"
k1·11 1
lhun nt:,:h
,1111I for thn first ;nunt• Ilic• li,w 111 will probaLl,1 111•11h11t1Ill~ fnllnw, }4\11•1..1 1·ntt'r.
with R.1l>inso11,,J. K. Obco nn,1 Andrew Xd.s<m 11~ gmu·d,. 'l'ackIfs, ~Liku .\odrew,;, Jack Paddock Hild II1111cock.• \t ••nds, Frcu Bmr-
fr it1h
:in,l 11
l 'rnJ',·,sur 'l'bah,h,,r who l'!lll· •roh thu ,k,tim~s o! this d,·part111t'lllis, u, i11 pre,·ious ycnrs, l••ncbing tb~ adrnuced ,ocal pu-
William M. Jardine, '04. ·1 I t I · harrumn• . ' (>1,; 1111( n '" t 10:e m .,ur<l, "~L.,xie" lloldon, J~ukin !:5,·,·J>nge Six) nn,1 N•mpo,'.tiu11. 'l'hu Colkg"·l' ,Jo11o>::,Ralph, George Cain~ awl _ .. choir und d,or.t producticms arc " · ,Tnu~ .\iulrewH. Quarterback, El-' \Hr•· hnnll) 111••nJi1hl11.1u,,, 1111•clIIJ'"" , w cau,p~s 'l'hur,dny art,•r - uudrr lei~3 1,1,. dir,•ctiun. 1 uu 1• Bn"•aril pr Ive F,,gbert. Ilalf ' the Ugclcu lmy, ''.' ) <·L, 1111011 for ti,,• pm·ru,c cir ,•1,•,•lll'I / b,u·h. E~t,nt, ll11n1•1,ek,cl,[ike .\11- i:-tud~ut,, ut tins 111·,t IF""' ' l+'1 « ,•upt11iu. 111 1!11~1l'r,.r Spick<'r trrl for
,hew ., a11tl Hnw,. Ji'nllhn<'k, \'.rnnk. us ,how the hu,vs thuL
w,· ,m·
n t,·rm If st111I~ ~u tjM•nHl1t) ·.
+·nnlrgl:111ls ,,,., .. ha, rl'l1Jr11+·1Iand ,, w11rking in- . hl 4m. right wilh tlwrn. 1·:,,•rJ urrn in lrnu l•.;:.tiu.•rl nrul ll• ·lwr 1ru11c.•ocl, dustt"Hnislv e•·I lh,, or<"he.strn 1 111 1 ~,•lwol shoul,l h,• m 1lll,•11cl,111c,· I l, 1 10 ti II f'I I t • 1'11• 1 Kt~·lp c-if !?Rml! it-. quife uu.. ~w ., \l''' u~u, wt' 11••s wa~ i1•Ll ,- ,:q,,· aud 10 t!iY(.. hi.1 violin wtlh nil lbt..•(•lilhllsiasrn tht•y Pft11 1·lt1:-t' g:.!ht•l l l'l't•t.·i\'tll!;: !-.ix \'fHf~ [•l',JIII,. ti·," ,·1,lcl,·,It,,,n,·fit- ,,r h'1,· . •·•·rlttiu un•l~r ,ww rule,,. ,\ncl 11u1,ler. 11111l th" wort•,\.!'. cul111, whih• Tlanrn, k 1·teeiwd rnur . ' ~ must uuythiul,{ mJ::ht hnp-Jlf'll until . ,. n t·1 nt 11111.,ir•ul t uwrn~. in thl' shnpt; nf p, -mmnt.s. n 1)uom;,I 'l'h,·tl ·•J,·,••· ,,•ill 1111,t,·•··,.111 1n-, lln~ men r!d HHcrl to the Ut.'W r,•Thi• 11.;i110 ,i\T:nl11u-n1 h; in or LaJgt·s thnl i.-; i11 P\'id1·Ul't" the· l'•·ll••JJI. ,,,.1'"'laitt !.!ot·, withoul ,n· ;:11lnlio11 . 'l'horc• is apt to b,, Id 1 •· ~1,,,t} h:11ah, ns w:l"' ,l,·111011:-;tr,.INl lwtt,,r. Old,•r ,111cl,,11t, ,h .. u '. •· •111 !!. w .. .,. "frt·n<l,· , .. , i·• lllOM! kit• k ing aml 1,,l'is c-orr~:in~ in •.. 11 ,. .. 11 110 ta,1 ~·,•;i1•. )Ii, )l,y,·rs nml ~Jr tUl t'Xtl.Ulllle lo llf'\H•I' c.illP~, shuw ut'lit1t1 l oo mauv tiru:->s l11 t],ulh 1 111ovi11~th,, hall "I' ~ud down th,• I t· I • t lark au • stilt L,·achi11,: tho"~ Hrld lhan th,•re usi•cl lo be. Thr lh<'III how 11'1' f u I llll!(S 0111 ~,w 'I 1hul. 111111 11'1' an• 1•011nd,•111 that hr "hQn;,I" fit11!PI' ••.<Pr,·i,es. llr fat•t that En,!011 College, a ~11111-o,•,•asinns anci what r<'al .\. t ll'ill )!<·I th,• lw,t rv,ul!s 11os,ibl t·I,.rk "''" h,is d1ar,,• of lh,· nuli• 0111 uf lhP plaYN'h. pnra'.iwly insignificant team rp • piril is lik••· lal'_I han,l a 111 1 ,·<>nll't iuslrue tinn . \·•·utt,· tl,..f,>atPd PPnnsyl\'auia • ~1 .,. l~iorwr1i'.1~~till with n-i to EGBERT ELECTED CAPTAIN T ICULTU A sbnw~ lh" 1111certuinl)· of the 0111HE AC',R R L CLUB - rc·!!ale '" with ,,,ug, und as an in• cuine of J:8lll1•~ until the m('n ~Cl Ry tjic rL'l'tirll tlealli of ~tr. Tl 11 r11 t r r 1J \ "'itn1t•lc;I' iu v,wal h1u:-.ir Hud t.h~ 1 111 0 Th, , .""'~
' .,
,rew. whu wa~ la~I n·ar •·1Pr1rclr
UH· '
:H~Cll!>,,tonu ti to th.- ucw roll~. t~nptniu uf onr 1!110r,;othal1 tc'Hm c•lnh w11, -hrolt~'l'hu_rsd~~-. ~t'J>f :.!:•-...11 iu,;nl m~lrum, uh;. Th" Ogd,•u lli!(l1 &-hoot b11, ,I this p,>siliou wn, urn,!<' rnrnnt ancl th,· 01111111•• tor 11,,. )'••nr, 1•'1.,,11 th,• 11hn,·,· f.•~nlt.1·of nur i lnrg,•, wdJ trained team. autl the~ Thiis lll'iu~ a p<t!;itinu ,1f !!J't•lll im. work wa 1hM·u,,1•,I . l•'rmn pre•~ t·i:u1~ 11111· stud,•ots c11·1.•!.!'t>lh11~ f\:j, ,1rt~ 1·11tlf1n8iff,stic o,·~r th~it pros- porhtllr~ aml 001, that hnd lo lu• 1.:111 HHli,•nt111J:-..; th s ~1·a • will nuu·J, ~,111d 1rw.11111L:" 11s \:An IH' hAd iu (H.o.t,.'ts.fhpy ttr,: nfh.•r the ~:.Hutt tillt•tl lwrurt• ,111r µ:rnw1 Wt•n• II \, r_y S!l"C'ltl!-;1ritt.~in tit,• rnpi1I rlu• :tttf1• It l"t'llittius fnr tht' 1·l111111pinuship iu rl-ead l!Hrm·sL I ~rowlh 111'111,,c.-luh. :\lu:--111l' (ht. ,ttut, nh lo g-t•I :tll iJ, ..y ~:in ur th1s 'l'h1•y h,1~•t-,, :-tlwa_vHplay,~tl l,!oo,1~ ,ild naPrnb(•r-.:o•f" hark :t11fl!o•v,•1·a1111H•i'11I aml •·11j11,,·ahlt··nrt. If _vnu liall, hu, ·in}! tlt·,1 U\lr bo_ts. thrt.•H, I "t'\\' uam•·~ l11n•~ I,, t•tt 1•011sid1-r1•1l'!-.ill~. !!d in1o 1h1• i•hoh· aml h"lP ~"t'Hl"'8;1g-11 . 1'1iat lbt'Y an· R lfh:-h Tl .1• 1td1l tiuu 11f nnntl1,•r rn11m wi11 Pn1r Tliafrht•:· tna~(• lhi1 ori;:ani , :-:,•lum] httrH'lL tl1w:-. 110I nu·nn thal 11111k•· it po!-~ihl,• In ~Jl•l'omtuo~lnh· l.Uf 1111 u st1t•C1':--s Our t•hoir lu
tbl'y w.11 rh•)
l)('t~mu.1 ,·la~
µ-1nm· •r111~:rmu1 arr lttrg,> awl -~xp, rit•11c1•tluml flu' t•outc•.... t will 1 fl :,r"ml onP. l'rrlninly 111 ·r11t, rart Ihat llh llui\'t•r:wity wit-hdrf'W from the J!R.lllt' tlwr had M•lwdu)1,d with U11• Oi!dl•u JTiuh 1
School on thjs tlnt,· is t'R\tsiuj! some ~OllllllPnl. It n11penr, J1lay,-<l, 11l1 nf tl1t• fonlhnll the l' pct>J>le 1honi:ht that theyl who had wu11 their ''A'~"
lr.l'~i .. Ullllth,•r ancl will n!so pll ...l ~-1i:1rs l;t1s hl'l·U a ,•rr·clit tn 111akl· il 1110,-,-. 1·1i11vrui1•111 for 1lw 1l11·irn•tifnliiill HIHI l!ll'rt' :!'I; uu hnl,1 n;:- ,d I, rl11rt• a11d nth,·r :-u"• n·~1,u11 whJ w1• 1•H,il11ot build 11n 1ldl;t ., t,· Ut·h wi11 lu• ;.1rra1H!f'1I 1•,1·11 ,trom!,·r «·hnn1l s1wir·t~-. Ir r 1hnj11!,!' Ila• )tllt' C11rnpuz,;,i1m111 11t th,i outstN ·II\. Tb,• 1•l11h.follnwinl{ {tJ,,ipnli,·J Wflr(• .-.Ind it'd last .r~lff, ;is nl~o fht• • Lt..l .n•nr, 1·'Xp1•c•f-.. lo 1•11Jar!,!'.,' lh1'I chnl'min~ lillh" 11 1H·ru "'1'111',;~...;. rulJl.l 11ml in j•\1'1",\' \\H)' lu 111lO!-o1 J ~ha." The•:,,• 111t.~i1·,:-tl btUtl!1·, llll'II rur Ill<' JI('\\ 11:yrnnnsium. n lllll<'h !!'81"C c,r,cJI ,.. r,• •I.ls 01'+! l'mf wet 1wetlec.ladcliti .. u lo th,· L'ollt•ti:I' •rhnld1er u·,111·<J• us that th• fl
1',\HJ,; TWO
thurn~1.;... stnditd lh-~ )1·.ir will uo • • wr 11te1-ss.1r.). lh ·m••.· , [{uh lq u 11 play1·r 1t, lie di,tih1•· tu i•,•n-t• o fu t" 1,r,l pa,.., mmst h1,. • al J!l\t' lqunU~ ~oucl tr,l1ni111-! ......, ll1lJ' '".!, nL•W ,1miily n•atlti h,a~t !llH' r:1nl lmek hi~ II\\ )I Th, ~ opt•r~1 for 1>ri•,,;1•ulnt111u..i, "" 1).· 1it ,l ..,hli l ,.wmHrk(•tl otf aml llt• 1111t' b,.-c.11-.hl'il•1_•f,-1l arnl \H' ;111• \'l't') l 11 mt,,,·vul~ ul' ti\1 _vu.r,t.... with liw· flf "IC'l'iu111ia)!1• 01,1im/,th ' us l11 Jl, 01~1..•01111· \\ 1 1u llfo JU1l" 1111•1t•• tJw l.!:nal ma:, n•t•t•1\·t• d fnrwnr<l pa~" wlw'
1nki11g lt11hl 11f t·itt..·h ,,thl'r. or lh1•1r lt·nrn-mut,· _ lu alt~ w:~y, 1c
rhu~ urn.•~·ttr,t ltnck,
ih 1101
1'orhHld1•n. and
il l:,,. u..bv forL1tl,
11,·u f1 1r nu~· 11uU11111 ttu.• sich• h,u·• 1u~ 1,m,.... ·,,,.,...i, 1 11 o( lht 1 hnll 1,, 1u1~h
111rpull in ,m~· WHJ tlH• tnnu
01• <>C·
,J1,hu1c (°i,mt•~ .,lnl'1•l1iu~l ltt:t cu11a•-.;tl,t• pqsit1on on t he: rnd or ning_ ,nth thf' bnll ll,mw. '' I!'>,tht• naui, · 1,f 1hu J'--'D.1 'J lh' lll'X.l ruh.~ utl"1.•1•Jt•d h thul ll1t· lilw of ,t't·lmtt11IL:'1'. Tlu-t1• is I•"inolly, ~, fJln)i•r when tarklin~ proJut'tiou . 4\ ,., ry 1•r••t1., pl ~ 1r,~u1·i.l •1g uh ·1t1111uu .... \ ruh• nnotlwr lmndunrJ 11m· i11 ,.uldi- a11 npptm,•nt nw 1 t.,r,~ ,,1 lt>:ht. and ,•xi:, II.fut 11111'1 • ,ull Ju1111~h ., 1 l, 11a•-.;~'1rhu.1 playl.•r wtiu p l ~saul 1'\TU11t:: ' r t·ll.1''.l"llll'J t hi1-, l1tl'IJ h'll10\ t'1I fur auy l!AUSt' tum 11•Ut1"'on1'•)Dl'1l l111P,nn.-1that nm• font 011 tlw t.:ri111111l • ''l'ht• 111ih11u., luuul uf ln,t ,·,•nt \t't'Jll .J,..q1wl1fi1•alit. •u vr ~u.sp,-n.. llli Ii, I J .lft.l ... hoH•k ,,f I la liJll' ul • · \\ lwu
;\o '""" Utiff 11111k•·1 THE .RlGB'r BOY. v,•4'0\ C1t\tU'Hhh.• t1,nt111t1J 1 -.1,. wn:, I n 1\I j~\;1.lto thl! 1.tan1t.1 H ..· 111111:tl[(' from thos.- w1Jn hn1rd 1; u~ ,1,1, Hl 1, li•·~imuu~ nf 11oy_l!:Uh-n fM·"·nhl t,;,:-.• uor uwy _lw kit•_k, l•:mplnn·r lo ap-plranl: .\rfl ,1111 tht• hlll tu1_fr..s Jw ,s_ lwhuul thh trnll,fu1; · · ).£ 1. t huk. ll11• ,ti1 ••c•I H'. J1a~ c:..im ,,.,ph·1H 11'l"'J"I. Yl~.. nu, _mrnt•.f,I 111 g1·I th'-• Ill c, -"'-'Slit.\· hi· 1 l,r. ?Hlllt 1· d·\ ,J~,I tutu [our mm;.:1mHJ, .11\t'tJllrd hHf", llel\,,•1•11 t..l1·,.; hm• flml In~ ~r-rm11H~t!!t.' li1h· • nul l u •pwtr ),utH' h11:--llw!'o:'\. Bx strumrnt11liun r11r 1}11....,H•ar' Lt.11111111nod-s I hflA:tu .m uulC1\ ~:tch,
Rml llw pn,~pt•t.'t'"" t,n· ,n -~· l:.•1ght -...\1.'" 1u.11,U1l"-111 ult, ,, 1t11 thi. us• (Qr llllillt,,r ~,ar i: 11111 1 ··1·,·,. ,l IIUI' ti~-,u. I tlu• M nm.c.i,· lh · iut• 11d...._h 1 id111 _\ i .n .1 ll 1l11H.l pr·.i•~i~. l,ut ll m:R.th,~ 1hls ,,•rnt•,hT uud '" tu\.:•· ttu,, 1011ml nu•r ,1u,,~11monh lw up so1111• lu in~ 11,,.r11u-1• 111i• r 1111 \\ , •• 1111 t.rttt uo1.l t c·1111d.. 111lll 11 tlu- ~t·:u· T,, il11 turn.I"'' w,-.1 l11Jd Jtlhl r 11tlJ1 j I' nd~ i>unng t'H•r., 11,-,.,,~s;uul hop,· t , h,•;i. 1 ..j, I tit• IIJU~~!Ol1 of ti1n-, 1"- uJIO\\Td thoq• !!tHul 111d 1·olh•~•· Mt,.. 1J111\~ 111t!11 ""· un I l,u1
1 ., • I
f' lu
111•1:-l all,,H\f•I (fl\ilh{r to k11•l.: 11ur milkf' n f,1nnu·d 111,...,.. Th<'n• it,, till :t11oihrr i111i.t~•t1u1 ·,\ l 111·, 11111I I J.nt ,, (lfl tl11• ori11-r -.uh• or lht·
Thb i-. our prn.n•n,; ... :-:°N11,,;:rk~Ir .. X1·wth11t1i,!l1l .\ ar,h htwk from Es . lht, 1lt•f1u iu• lh11• of sl'r1111mn~c·, ,I r.\' sih•111 Wll\T,,
llw d,,f,,u,i,·,•,
.u linr twt•n\_\
lh~ tpa,•1•
h1n11ul,,,l hy
nuy ,11, lil'J \111/IUh!t Iiue 1md I ht• t \\ t'IJ I h1 a 11•1•1·11t ln}• ~011111 1'l'ur 1'1:f-1•1• :tr1• llf'n• ve•• l' n rlt ·r tnr1I-:n u 1,ur,n 1•on1p.1ui1•n Tiu• otlwr ,·ulli·i.u 11r~1111i:r 1 ·, II rtf t ,11 a1i\t 1, 1, 110 ,11 the: ih·l•' 1y--~n1·,I !1m· \1 pl ltlJ • I \\ ho I 111k, ufll'r tlU' 1ai11 ..,. lnd1f'!lrllil: J'f•IBt \"l' tu :iul1• l11hJh l'Ohtlr,I ,. Un1·ninj!~ 1 1:m ;n1' rm11uli1t:.! 1111, :,,,,l;iq11 ,- 1lit• pJ.L_\·r.1· ... ~1nir·li 11n 1,f opp ·•W·llh \\hi1 •h will 111llt1.· (~nl11•~ -' 1•httpt•l •• 11rn:.. i1•uHy 1ln ~-••~11· ·...,work prt1111 11hyiic-ul ,•111•,•i:1,,, 0 1 \I 11,, 1,,,:.:,1.ir: 1, of tlu ,.,. 011 d h, f 11 1t11tl III H1Jh• X\'JII l"nr1b .. ,--------------, DOCTOR I. S. SMITH ,1url r • II 111 w1111d..:. tiw h-:unt- i•ru1un•, if n torwm,) pu ...:,. J!o ,,v,•11 1 ,11•unt,!.• '.,!11als. 11111 th,• l'°'"''''~ 1011 li111t.•h1•t.l 111· f11mh11•llh.) :1 pltty~t·. Denti1t Ir l11f 1i.d. .w d11\.fl, tl.11.•l't•luhw• ,tiJI nu piu .n•J'8 un 1lw uth,\r :,,.h\c '!:HE IMYORTAN'l ALTERi\. i,c1 ,., h 1low11, ""d 1111· cli•• ""'Y 1111,•rJcr,• wjtli the "i'Pot1~n1 1 d 1\ll 1•t·nwi11thr TlONS. tn1.1•1• tu he :,:-aua 1111til lh 1 • hoH h n,•tm-111., - iu pfls aim ;1.~111 tl I krm"iuili111t 11f tlll· s1·s iuu 11f lh1• pht) 1·1·t•x1•1·pt in au ~IHny (ll 1l)JII•· ,lu 111t t IIJ•i.) H l'lt •·11111'! Jlt'I od Tb· tv,,m,.. ,Iv ,tlft•ltlpl In g-d al 1h1 hall. ·rhl· l[arnP ,,r f,ulball :--irnfil> lw•u11..1• (Jul l'hUII'!\' ~mat ,1fl(lr n 1r_v,al pln~t•t~ IIUl,\, lio\\i·n·r iu1 1•rfrr ,• 11 thrJ ,to mil urul1•1~t11lltl lht• ,..1'1 ~ •• ual r,,111wiu:,:. n !11ue'h1hw11. •11 wuh )l}'Pll1•11h \\ hn h11\•1~ 1101 of 1hr ifRlllt' 'l'hu•.,• 1w11plt· arc uf1, r n •0;1\ fn, n ,h,., llf•1,1. hut 1·l· 1,s~1 d th(•lJ' own lirw of !'\\·rim• See Our Pricea -,,.N)N•t•an11,u~ t.•nll,·'.!~ ~t11d,·11ts. II.• ,ul1 M'o1:1•d Hf•ou IJ1t·U hn..._ 1Un1:.:,.""' fut·w..trd pn~s •~ uut 1(•.. Eckard Brothers, Proprietors lht'ftl lwin~ n·r_y f.-1, ,1uifr11h: npl .. ,11 ~,rkwli fJ~ .nil. _''I' hnnuzl ;.:Al_1£ 11,.~n1•i:,,.ln.Ut•' _llu111 tw1·~1lJ tha.t know ·,, Jit1l1• r,f fu11tln1I llrnl th1..:1 "Jil nth,Jt:,,. kick !•t1. _\HUI tJl) uwl 1hl' hut uf :s~·nm .----,---,...--a,----, lht1J eaon111 •~nj11y11. ,·~pP,·mlly if l l'U\\ tin.I-{iin-, lu•eu dt•Hn,•tl a"I lllH,!!1•. Lttl ~ua ou:,id~ ~ick do~s nnt Eyr.>t ,jf,,,-,;(s nuc o( th,· 1•011t1•-..1 Ill! •·••llU~ r,·p llll jlflt. rnpl '11 uil\':tllct• lmll b) lit ~•n11u-nn un ....... ult• kwk . thut 11'i r,•stctl r"'ii/r,/ ii;C'nl'i'llwir nwn ,--c:1111nl.. , .• r,rnu.,r utt<•r tl,P hall is de-- .<l,wl-iuni put m1•11 on-, 1,h~ vdu n 'J hi" ~••ffr, la>\\<'I•·•·. ,Im· lo ill<' d,u"I ,h ,.,1 ;111J '" pt11r1\izr,I 1.. 11,.J11ui; 1111· l:'ronnd, tuih•ss ;, 11-- R-,,.-,-,.., -'-, o-.,-, c,-. -,,-..-1 _1>e _r.,_• ,.-.,-..-,.-,.ma11y ehanS,?ts iu tht> l'ul,•:--1 Ihe ~,\('fl 1 •n~t•.:o:, ,ir t •• , i1ll' holdiu~ l;t'i1'' lt·a~t 1 W~t•l) ,vnrtl'-il.Jcyoltd m ~hAf'tl9 (!~~'"'":..1Cdr,t.1:tlu11L'I\ 111 1111 1 A'll~• ~nn 1101 ht· 1t1c1ru1u?lil~ ,•n· 11111• . 1,111 m11 t h, "" the line of '.~•• "'."' •'1 • ,,·ri _ h,• kRLUaL~WA'l'ClfHY.f•A1u1s 1.1 Jf\~ f'ri unit•"'--- the...--. • ,·hmH!t.'!<> ami ,t•r1J11H,a~t• Tlw pl11~t')' whn tin.I t ,t e t r H kll k. U1{ flla) t 1 S 1111f h,~ i,1't'f'J"l'tln._.: In Wat,·hr-. C1n,d,... J,-..-clt'J 1b . . "fl d1•f11u-.t•\'dlhin th t\\ ut,· . \ 'll ,rn,l~th,•r• ·ArT. t1r s1~111 <'nn1·1• an· Kuow11. ~u,· r •1•11\t~ IL· h:il' H 1u.·u 11 i..;,s1rnp• ,. •· • ~,\• 1 Ct>llt!{!f'. S,,urPttirfi thl!ii rl'l;t"\(IU 'STl ll.i:;\~r Lll-'E b Jlt••I tHh'k llltl~ (':ln_\' ii Ul'rm., 1l11L ,!(Ill!' llllhl IHI! iut, f'frtt• ,,l1h thf 11r.~t'..111: 1•x, .'"'~ ~I !'row _a11 ar• tuu•,••f ,enmma~•· p .. iul. t111I•.ur nlln•r rla."·"'• m 1111y""·' C. M. WENDELBOE th )(' h) \\ nhi I l 1Uup. 1ntt1 h.1ll t h•~J"llat (iJI tn?Hnl111:t n r,,r until th1 1"i.l' 01•pr,n1·11ts lrn,·n fu 1 ME,,..,,.~ N'oflh h: r..c, ..,.11. t'1.r ,
UI uu1· fon1lm1l g, 1t111•~.
t ( 1>ta,,·. ht11'
Mlpl-'rt ~lhl
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1•Ji1ur uf tht• oflil'ial
JU'-"-' n,hmdd lt ... l't.'Hrl o\'l•l'
,·:tll(t•tl .
fw•·nl,\· llu . :n 1rJs lw~oiu:1 r
-.-1•• ·· ·>+··++++++
F'ootbull ~lllth·. l!l\ inc- t11t•1111purt ,, .lh div h) 11ftt,•u,I,.••11ar.he' cup- I1111•,, .,.,:runnwi;:1• ..\ ttn- 1h,~, . l 1ml th"IIK<'' ,n the iunlbnll ru ,•, 'dU a , , 1n~, 1~ ur,1,•i· tl,uf ii h,11,· ,1,h·:111,•1·,I1111,tweu1, \'llrtl~ ATTENTION 1 T~kine th•• n1tr ... tq, rn -,1·1h·rJ1h,· lllh,\' ln 1•iutPu!.hh rna~tl'i·1..•,tth 1·u lh«• sl,h: cm ti.•• 1h:l'e~1s.: · mn, + We sell all kinds of new and + ,•h1-w,z1·11uh-d j:-,: iu th,· ,li.i I· ._ 1111, r, 1 tw i•h-s"r-vt •d 111• tln•ir h;111d~,,r nrnai. to pu~h :t second hand Furniture and 1, !?1'1<111ur 1h1• tit•l1I. 1h.- l,,11~1111,li11,tl ... ,111,1 1.. ; ...... 11...ld_,. ln>rrtt· i11 lh 1•111""' uf th><\\'A.I', 1111,nl,•r 1.. will p,y You HALFPR1ct:B,c-x rm,,.,. UtlW lwlu~ ou1it11•<l. tn <-.-111~1• ~ 1l Tlw1'1l "t1• lwu JiUl'"i or !,!I'\ :11 1111'hall. ..1 tJ.'-1' thdr (lt·uts ±.for it when you leave school. .. ti,' tbl' r)IUU!•· r lowh 111,I_\('Tfl'-'° 111r1 t.•111t1111a1"1 '!..t.' r r 1•:wh .sidt• :1-,: •·l1)"il'" tH 111,•irl10,li1.&.i11 11r1\{'r hnP of ,.,•rm1mu1ti• al .111, po'tlt fotna ·I> ih 11111pn flJIS? thrnuel uhstnw • 1111o(•JH111rnt from ,•0111-+ ;:: anU :\"" llw furwin ·d 110~.., 1111 ,~ 1 111, ,•iitl r t t' i.o}) ~\ iuan STORE ;, 10 m,,r 111 tlw l'luv,•t· rurryi11g ii 1hrnw11 fl\'t .•r IIH• liur HI HU,\" poi111 lui .... 11,,•ti· I nr,: t'ln:111h!!'1•nH1nl 11,t,·1h11•kl'1l iuic•rreti "IIN·. thal :++ lk-11rh"II'" l!M lh1~1iol'- luui,dt111hml 111ar ku.;r fllf' t,, v,t'ln H .~ fout ...r !hi... liw•. 1.-..l'ht,·t•ro. tir Utt• .1,iri1• having th1• ~llrl \\'}:'~T Ult"'"T SOH'JU ,;,T)t.Kff 1: ++++++i•++++++H·++· •+H··H > H , • .1,.' . • • ~ , ,1. •, .,_ . +++++· •-1-+++++++-t+++++++++•M· +-.~+, ~ ~ .· .•1• • • . •..•++·H- >+-H--1+~+++++++++++++++•!+++++1-+++H·-l-H H·I·' ++++++++++++-!•
t i~
Thatcher MusicCo
*f. i tot Logan2ndHand $
Or!la118 $25.0IJand Up. Sold on Monthly Payment.•.
3H South ~loin Stre<·1 Latest &>ngs Newest Piano Pines. 2000 Records to Select From. H+I 1 ·• t +·J-t •H~ ·H •,+, • ·,' 1-1' +-I++ · ++l-++i' •-•H·l·+·l·+++++++++-1+++++++ +-l•+++•t+-f-+++++++++++++!°++++++1-++
t. I :I:
!'AIJE 'l'HRl:)E
STUDENT LIFE ++-l-+• t-l+Jo-..+,i-;-+M-<!ot-
dairy shuw th~ gr~alc&l cd11<•alicu, -•• 111 frlllm>' of th~ ¼ind 1hn1 bus
++++M- .i:
" L tAD ME To
,.n,,· 1.. hrnnl of1 lr ~,•. wr >tl«rnld h:<w Jud,:tni; t.,•um~ Cn,m
So say folks whu have found <:IUI tho ndve.ntag,15Qf milk•
il!J.theadquarters at ""N,\J'JEl!!".·· E,ery1hing in drug and toilet ar1ir.lc,i. C-0mpfo1~ stock of sundries. Prescriptions 1,,g~-, 'rlH• ,,x,u-1 1·ul,·~ for ll\\"lll"<lim1 our sped11lly. lh••S~ stbnhu·~hi1'" will I,~ s<•!H.In _,•.," in ,lue I'm.-. \',,,.,. 1·••-~p~1fo1t,-.1·,1111-1. B. IL l<,\WL. :S: """"'""'" ~•"" ,..,_._ ro,·n ""'"""o • +-t+++++++ • ++.4+ 'hi~r 01fOair.,· Di,i<io11 . ++++.++++-H+h-J.·; -,.,.-ev:-~w~+++ . •-. • , TO BE SURE. THE 1912's. .lfon.,· nu·n l!,11-h II" r w;,·.,on• ; S. E. NEEDHAM & CO. 111 J,·aM l\\"fTil_r «gri1·•1h11rn\ cl)l-
\V,· Me In l"<... OiJll .,f th~ (oliUW• l/l)( IHIH [r.uu tlw ,·hicr c,r !h,· llaii-s lli,·,,inu. U. F. Oqmrti,n•n1
nf ,\~,,·irullnr,• witll 11,·e'l""~i tlu11 11-~puhli~h it. \\',• d" s" "·ith plc•OHlil'"• hopiug
i! 1rtll hr, of in-
tt·r~-1 to at,1tlent11,
Cy. E. Napper .....
...... ..•........ ........ ... ~
(ll'ilb npnl,,!:ei,•s1., lL,,1111,,,1 l,1 siars. \\b.i], , .,l): ,·h ~l-" ,,ali,J\,•,1 <: Jewelers aud Opticians :• UP!lr /:lir: •,;• with m•-111h••r s .,f lh, l1"rn~ J•:x. a:,nin W,, hnr .. hall iu comrnution with i·i,,.~- "'"'' h~,·k nl ~i,h111>l '·w...n:11 ...Nn ~EN STORE'" :. n lnrndn·d 11·11 lhl' :-:111ion~I Dairy Show 1wu M\J~· \\ ho in 1<i1w1<•• Wi-r~ ~"ph1t1uri•>< ,,.., fol st11tltn1~• ¢<:mtt•~t~in judl{in!,! ,1,ii,·y e11ttl,,. 1'h,,,w i,otll<•~I-~ lr,d ·1h,·r ,,.,,•111to \,,. ii ,J,.u(I ++? • ++++++++++ M. D. l,a,-.. !llr,,Hdy r ..~ulrn!l in mu,•h .h tlH·y '"''"'" wlw,, lasl w,• lrH<i St ud ents Att e ntion! Pmc1ice l\mitOO to Eye. Ear \)11 1,,,r,_1r~t.'<l<llifur the Ua11·y indu.1tr;. 11 • ""'' •· ••• ~un,h,h\u"' •• ,!,. I L<<t,
.......... ·•·.•. ........ ..
-: 1.:
1.- --------------1
Frank 0. Reyr.olds ............................. ..-•.-•.
n(,w ,-..Jves nu•
be Tholll!h
!ln•y l•Hll lh(·lll 11,,w
~ "h .,,. Ulv
,.,,.,,,,.,.i,. S1lt'rial nuenl.i(ln given w thll I . ~,.,,. .Jlmi,n·•1 Star C lot hmg Store 0,. proper fltting<lfrlasses. ... ,, ,,. 1•••• 111u+ • ,.]1.,w .,..,,~, .,,, ..,.""'"' ,>m,-,. !!n~••ll • """'\I"~ '
:!!1, { Whi1•h '" ''"" IHMl all I~ 11slu11ll.-1 lh~ ,ye( l!u·ir a.-1.i""~ pl.1'01.v ,huw 1n,1hi1lj!. as ,-.,,1 k,.,,w' ,\nwriPau l'HLll,· Club :u,t1 T!rnl lh,·rc'ia I . , ' 11 111 11 rh,• ][fll ,\Piu•F'rieslan ,\s~oeintiflu ,1 ~ ~.
.1,,, ...~-
or .\mt'rit>II h11,r,•,.~,._1,oft'~rtd
Nose aud Throat.
l'l~n.snr,· to
11n11unn,·,· thnl th~ ,·ontc,;I will J,..J,! np:"i" i1J MUlllletiou with !lair,,· 1--hnw, (}l'\ob,·r ~,, t,, tmO, aml llrnl, i11,nMHiu" to I rnpllh•~ uSuRil,1· award,•,\,
¥ . ..
Offl,•; llul''"•"'"
Oh•·· !O
:,.,.l<>la Dln••k.
t M+++++++t-v++i>++++-1"1•+¥+++ ROYA L BAKERY •~tj.. :t +~:,~::,~::~r.l"'-:' r<•~-, ~ !','l':.~•;.•~;~!~1~,1 ;;:~:!:t •
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>chohu-,,!,ip to the s1u<lellt ',\'jnnill/< :c;1ill ,,.,. fomll.1 lin• An(\ pr>\_,. 1 !iri.l i>llll'Pill jnd~ing 1he hrrNI iu Tl..,t hufon• th<• la I ~.,f..,nl ,!nr ,,., ... rnh· '"' """"''·,,"""''''"''"''"•Ill """'"'" '""AOOi,l'll "'"' ,>,., •lol••m•_oi, ,,.,. whi,·h thr n~~1,ei~ti<>1li~ i111Pl"l'~tN\. ... '"'"· "'' u~rnl<. , ..,,, • • +++ +++ +++ • +H-+++++++~---· )';,r ,•a~b Hf rhr~a S<•lm!al"hip,r.,ur hlLn<lr,,,1 d ..111,n J$4(~!.\ ha; .,,,,,1 as ~('tlim·• WHh fol'•nk,· 'rru.-di~nil_,. 1,..,,., p, ..,.,;.J.,,l I,>· tho ,·Jeth. t1, hJ .i~••rl for n 1w•J-!rrnd11nt~ ,,,,ur~P in IIRir.,· ITu,h1i<l.ry. lo>II,· Tilkt'n in \\'hH,· 1-1,,,piwe !l1t• !11''•-rnl ,·la•, •nu,<'- rt>Ml(u;,_,,,1n!(1'i,•nlt11ral ,m-1. Will ~,-1 llu-m 1lwy u<11n11\ PR'~ h•11r. 'l'!Kw ,•1Lttl,· ,·lnbs ur<• tryin,:i ,.;1il\ Ii- 1rn•• thr-;,• i;,,h,,l,1rsbi11S r,,r ""'' _,.,..~,,"' Th~t hy wnrkim.- day ,md nigb! ,111•'Xl)Hinu•nl, 1111<1if lht>)· nr~ 'l"h1•y in tinH• mn:, ll,flk~ /\ li;,hl 1,1rn~.-,.1 w:th t·hi- n•iul1~. ,,.,. ll<lJ!'" 't'h.:' will d11. n11o1l"•]i,,,·,, thRI !ht>_,.will Nmlill.\ :c;E;..;IOH lH- j,i 1111'!'1" th~m. "!fo h! !Tu,h! "''' l Ulll sa.1i•ti~d that ~,·ery dairy ho)·. )"\"I THEYDIFFE'tl a i11•lr1w1c)r arn.l duiry $lUdeut in m11~tu·1 ~nil ~·om- phirmnt~ liH.·· th(• ~uuuh ·) will appn-eiute t.hi~ !iht>rnl ,,lf..r ni " ,·t,·u11nili11um, ''Tl::11\ All rii,,ht. IIW I don't Ladies' and Geut's Clothinl! thP part nf ih,• elnl», that 11·h111 tJ,~ really mrHn il. \\",•·n· pln.,·ing CLEANEDAi<t>REPAlRED :;: ,rntrr i11,h1Mry m'Nl• rn..,I i, morn go,·Hm1wut. ,incl 1'o, l,Ph,~ in• :t _.,.,.,..,. ........ ;"""· 1rrti11,•,I mt•u. 'l'hlll th~ cl11hs ;1re n•.,ti;.:i,t1•1I. Fa. :j: MW , I••- sc. G1,11· C...~~O'I.,. h,1w11t,,,1 hy "")"thing lh><t t,,,,u, •Ulllllll l l+++++ • ++ • +++ • 4'• ++++++++++++++•H-++++·H++++ t,,wl1l1l, ;.:,•lll•rnl de1•~lvpn1t•nl of I . .
For l"lenOnly Morretl's Store
of ,·,mrse ,hw 1.,
HERE ,s a nl!IU way anti 1)1,- fumlan,~ntul ll~rt 1h~1 pm·~ a wrong way do every. . thing. TI1e nghL way w 111·1-<I l•11l\l,• piny m Tht' 11uh1$ITI'. f ] 'T'he ,\n;hirP !"),th J,n, nnt h~U keepllllll?Counto yoursehOO · . . expeu~es JS to open e.naccount 1111 1,ppnr111m1.,· n~ y,,1 11,••0111.~«l<•rwith u,. Here you gel the practhl, 1,11111, n,H! the fl1wrnsP_1· tlub. tlcal side of life as well us the h,~•a11"'' "f "1l"'·' Hn,~, "r work r~theoretical. l..l.dies Wi wen as 1•1·n1lyinnn~m·nl,•,1. i~ di~in-rlim•d gentlemen will he cordiol!y I<>tak,. holrl nf tlw m:ill<"r sl 11,i~ welcome. lim••. Ali amma l ,w1Lol11r,.hip r,•pr~• 1h,, imlu~try ;.
Thatch er Bros. Banking Co .
•P11ti11!!rath ,.f nur !,,11<1iugrlili1-y Cepi lal & Surplus $190.000.00 h,,-~tls i.~ whaL wt.> n,·,- 11ftn. n1111 H. E. HATCH. President nur t.>han<'-~.,f.,r il:•'ltin!l" tlw111,lrL. S. Hiu, Vit-e--President ["ll"ml1111lh r~sul1~ this e-,q,"riG. F. THAn!!!ER, Oasttier mn1t. Can w~ not 1nnkc 1ht.> ~tn,I• J . H 8ANl<l<tA/>,A3.'1.Chasier enl ij' jud~'1ng cnnl~..t Bl the m••t •t t • l•lllllfll
Co llege Tailor
t i l
W Eseeareyousurebock.gladWe
hove bc:eu working all summer getting ready for you. Our "College Comer"
is still right by the door. supplied with 'phones. writing desk, college po11tol~. stamps. etc .. all free We want you to ma ke it yottr headquarters, and use it freely. In a word, we want yon to be right at home i.o our store Oure L'l the moat up-to• dnte men's store in
Ii T he Morrell Cl othing Co.
i', \ (11-:f'I )(
,!Jl'IU H _Juli ldll l o llUltH ) UU l fll lllt 1, ril ll..l ,r bdh• r aml le arn to •·nrlit•~l 1:uu,·t.'l1i,nce. 1,Vl,caho1,s. Ion ~ the ...\, C. a"' y ou do. AuJ \\ ...t~ oppn't•itl.te th,, sui;tg(•~lio11 how,,,·pr, nnd hup,, 1!111l S'l'llll~1ttl. , 011 u\\'1• rt h• ..•,ou 1· ~tali. ·. I hut is ..:u1li~i<•11l E:>i'I' LU'E will ha\·~ puough 111• 111 i11i11w" you ,.arlfl•H nert•pt oi -+ --
== === == ==
;rat,1l ..t1..,1 r~•-rt 1-"rl•Lu "' u.,. SC'J•vul •; .. u• tu .i,,,ndtt11L 1i...1, 11r,.-.1u.uu1,111 .if 11,.,1' ., . 4
~al,;orrlplllm 'Slnsrll" eo1,1<-• 11 f·: \~::~:.~~;;
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l..()t- ..
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.\i1ihltai l~•<'lrl\flltl""• tH••IT ,\rn.,.1
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ir Jr ,\'f)U xplaiu to your profr.-.sor then• \\ II iH 1t11 uhj(>t'litJfl whnh'v,•r Ult'.\'
nor reg
" ' c ar• humilialrd;
Wh~-1101also su g,~•· I lhnl. l h• l,anrl ladie.s furnish pn• pPJ'fJ that is r1spt•<•tab h,. 1'hl·n , 11,u re. ly. ,1110h•111swoul,J r,·a-
1·0\n ut I 1·nd
IP:·~;;:·:1 :7:;;:~~:~•:; 1.':;:.~~.r tbn.:ct' t·l.-~~t•s sl·h1•tlntc-d
SI 11<.leu t Life ougg,•~b
Ihat ~t mil •u ls rl•,rw~t the p1·oper ty uf I l.1•ir Lanrl Ja, Jy.
i1i nol Ht!ht•1 \ul,•tl
li,t·_.\' \\~tUI
!lu,,n<·•• with off1·n,lin,r lnncltu,lies ln l' tlU~•· tlwan t u r•r<l\'i tlo hdtf'r n111•ummolhttio11s for xnfl't·ri11~ ,tu ,lcnh
f""-·I it.
l 'O:-:rJ'lllBl!'rED.
t:nt1011btnll,\· t ht.•r e is an uther TO THE OLDER STUDENTS . ,i,J.• tu , h ,. •1111·~tion . a nd if \\',• know yon nn· loy:il \' e STl'tH:X T I.II•'[,; ig-nured th at GET BUSY . kw,w ) •HI WHut 111ln•lp our t•11I-:-.uli• it wu~ p ri11C>1p all) h l'can~e it I t is. 11<':lr th1. ,·lo!-• ui l!.- .,,t~ l{•ge in •·H•ry w-:1y ,\'IHI C'HU, \ ...nu r1·al11,,t.1 llill l it-. influe w•t· would cund ,n·1·k of ••hpo1. I 1111,• I hnt k.rPtt' 1)u· nuly na:,· tn l:.un· a r('al lie Httlt-- t'i1lt in thnt di r,1ctim1. It l!\"e1·J1hing \\ti.:\ rnuniu~ smu,,1hl,\ l•ullt'\!t• is to lua , 1 u uuitt:·d "t n<l- is \'l'J"y lrtw th u t ,n mnuy inllnd iu 01•t!t··r;· tim,• thnt t•\·t~r)· 1•11t linrl,,·. run kw,w thnt 11'l Ii,· .,tow•j•.:; th.~ '·fm·hi-shv cl room:.." ~l ud1·11t baJ slffrh.J u1><in,•011,ci- l~,uteil u tu,1 ..•ut l,ucly m11:-;t h,· -..hnw Lt1l 1• fur1,. t11re thnt a rn l-iQns work . .\ml. with n frw 1 ufu"'•11l with :01fl'l'·llu$!' ,.f frinu.1- ·• rou~h honsP" l'Hnld pos~ibly int!.St1~ptions, w•• lwlit•v1• tht• s.tu1l• i!iip. for,•. l\"ilh tn,irn t~ in suoh cn t$ arc..• at, work. 'l'his ,;\'l'Hr, mud1 ,,1ur,· :-.n th:rn pln,·1·s \\'1* i"'\fi"ru.1our ~ytn patlt) ', 1~o lhmw f(•,,· wt• wi:--h In ~•Y ~ iu 1u·••,·ious yt•nr,, we lrn.,·t.' Jll' W aud u1h•it\(' 11 tn tu JHOVt.' ttf ll1eir fM, wm·tli,;. Ynt1 :l t'll nnl 11111:, .,t,u l,·nl""-•·Ul1·"io:,.: . Tl,t•,> nr,• c~nm- 1-~-':"""~":'" ~~-----~-------------•• w&.stiu,!.!' ~-our O\\ n timt• hy udt in:, lo n ,trnu,:" l'lm·•' \\hero· IJ,, i
J.tt.'llio,: i11lu lun-nL·ss,
~·1111 iu-1•
1101 \\·nys nn• m.·w to tli.•m
we hlu,h
with :-.ham~. ~\ J?ri~\•ons m 1~ta.k.e was p1•l'mitted ill our la,t issu,, W<' said l : T. Halpl1 WIU> !he nul,l pro babl e •·anrli<h1tc for Cs,fol )foj or . " ...t.• w i1d1 to co rrel'l our•~ln s nl Ibis writing. Fr~d Br,1,, ,a r J i• lesJinr:: the.- race by rods nn<l <"~J)N'lst o ~r,}a~ th, ~ lApt.• way
1th,•ad of tht1 ll<'ltl, nlthongh two other ,lark horse,. Diomon<l \Y,·o· •11.:•h nE-n11clVt•l'n l '. \\"cmlt.•y. ma~· ~prinf,! 3 $.1lrpti~e at lht! Yitnl momt.'Uf.,
--+Slud euts ......_ A. !;Ug~~tion , 1f yo~ rannol rclaiu interest io c hnpt•J talks: y o u can UnJ nmnM•mf'nl 11nlol'<' by simply wnteh inl?' llw fnce s of our f8(•t1lly m,•n1lwrii whc-n th<" ~pf-Rkt'r jokt·~.
Ode ll Photo Studio...
only wu~tiug .,·nur pttr,..-ut,.;motkJ th, 111·t•rt-tii•,•111 ,nut ha••kwanl We welrome the Students tq our Studio. We've been makillg if rh,•y hnv•· ~,·nt ., 1111 10 !{1.•houl h i, the rluty nml •hu11hl I"' lhcPirorocR.\rH~ for 20 years. PttQTOGRA-PHs that are up-to-date. hut sen\ 8Tl' \\ J'llll~lll~ t)1,· pl'opk P HQ'IOGfUP HS lhnt YOU will like. ( :.Ornr'.r )ln io a1 111Cithl4"1"Stt'l'.. lpli·a urt• uf 1)\·t.>1·,· ,1lrl 11lndt·n1 of rl11• ..\ (' tu Wt h•om,· 11•111f lh1•S .., _______ _____________________ , Ill l}H• ,,;,lntt• .ut l:11Rt" ' r l1i, jut"ti. 1u1:ou it-..H t:1l1• r-.c•lalul,~11ppu1·t1•tl ~lntlrnt-. lo our ludl,-. h.\ 1)11• lu!l.:puyl'l'-. or 1)11· stah•. 'r:111<w:1h tii(•JII l11•HI tlu:·m a, 1Ize Greatest Homage We Can Pa:y To ·r1,,s.tnt,~ off,·l"!<iyou 1·1•tl::l~tl op- vm· uf you, 11nt"" :-ti, uot:-thlcr whi, Truth, Is To Us e It"--portuui1\f', \\ hi1•h. if ynu n1•1•1•pt mu:-.1 h•arn t )w rop,-, h1.~fnr,,h,· 1:-: i·1wu1· r,•rtain dnli1•.,. H yon :w- ll> hi• nt1111it t 1·tl to ~-our ore naturollg enthusias<'t'pl the 011r,111·11tt11ty 111':-t1fr11dinu 1•r·t ,·1·m'e. U1 Ip him mut tic about our b11sinPss.But !-idiuu) y1..,u f'»mu~f in ra1nH''" f•• r,nn ,l. H t! will t 11.in)· hint. t•II we never allow enthusiasm to shirk t}u- riu1 y -'·011 u,n• your diSlOrlfacts. The policg of this sta• ,. in )(tllmie 1111y,,11 1·1111 out ,.f WE S!'ll more med id nts house Is progressfoe,get conser •1•h1U1I. T h,• ,1111,- is ,dtlsh iu ill one hour than most ooflve: Progressive In es111hli,hi11;:1l1is ,n.titutinn. II druggists se ll in one its c9ntin11ed omu•lh, 1)'
w o uh,
month. Hence!-
1•d11<':tt1• Ux p,·01,lt•
1 111 tl;,t r11h1r,· it., ,,1111·1111 111 t ut·u hdp it.
Fn:.1:, Dependable Drugs versus Stale Drugs of Doubtful Value
On ly u smoll 1•rup11rt111u nr llu• )OUJJJ! J1t'opl1• nf tl1t' ,tat,• t.•:1n•1 ur a1·t1 aid, · to :1ll1 t1d "'"'t.11,111
...-,- -:...
Thnt 111c•nns lhat )
111r 111.•1••hhu who h11,·1· 110 tl1il<lr1·11 at ..,i_1ho11l 1lrP anuunlly JUI) ll,i: 11111111 . to 1 ,,nahl,• J1111 to nbt.,iu an ("ili1•i.•T1( rdncntiu11. Tlu "" 11:'fl ti r11 11u.•l'I r1 a,.,;ot1s fur 1•1u·I) ,::,,u:ng tu,, k1 t~t ,-r1,u 0\\'I )t hi \'nltr~, You nre not lnll' 1,1 ynur;,•tf ynu do uvt i,-1 t Ii•• li, ....1 "ffr.n ti 1
you. 2nd. ent.s: t
\ ",,n uw,....it to your pnr You :u·,• \lii-iar>1n,,Ht
8S North Main
RITER BROS. DRUG CO. "The Rexall Store"
HoweJJ Brothers
Th,- Stud~nt Body 111 1hc U. A. C. will alwuys find loyal supporters or ttny rollet!e f11n r 1ion in the help and management of the
H .OYAL Catering Novelties and Fine C1111 dics
We are Clothing and Furnl.~hingspeciali,9ts; · -- we concentrr,te oil our CLOTHCRAF'T knowledge on these ::, ~" ""' c,~,wu } ,1 fines. Sinceritl) Is the , kepnote of the service I I we offer pou. • - Merchandise pou can relp on: prices l)OU can profit with. values 1,oucon build upon 7lfo Popular Students Store •
, -~
progressive In the merchandise it O/f'1r.~.progressive in stvles, originolito, values: co11servatiae l n Its claims, careful of its promises , proud of its perform-
Both 'Phon~
C'O . WhQlsome Ice Cream nod Fancy Sherbets.
MILITARY l,icut. t 'ulfoy 11fl1.r
jg ut
hi, ol,I po:,l
lta1·ing 1<)•1•111au eujor11hl1.•
,11m1111·r wirl, the !'iutioual Guurd · Thn nutl<1ok fm lL good cndct l•«tlalilln i, heLt.•r thau ('\'f•r l>t·· fore, t, ,;ay:i Lhc Licut,:tJ&nt, '' .:\!.. rl'atl\' ov-.ir oue lmncirt•d new ca<li•i.,bu,·,• rr•portcJ 1111clold ""ea
are• ,~oustuntly comiug iu. •• The buttaliou will doubllcs.~ ,•ou· si,t nf ti,,, military baud, uncl funr
ec,1111,ani,·,ot' 110! Je:;.~lhnu al111ut forlJ' lin 1nc11 cu,•h. All will he fully otlie,•r,·d nu,1 some go.,J 1q,. puin1.mrnt~ await thusu whu lnl'l'il I lwtn. ~1nco drill 110111· has lt1·e11 ,•!11,u~t><l 1mthin1? 111terf~re~ with it, Dml tt tl1\f1111tt.l progrum c3u bP Nirri,,J out. Cndrts Mil lllP<'I (our linw, a w,·eh for practic1J
PRICEand QUALITYis or any consequence to you. you will get your
Furniture & Carpets
,(rill, of both ~lose nncl extended c,rdt•J' 3ntl onee n w~ck t'ui· llwo• r,•f ieal l,,-•tUrt>s, '!'his wiJl \w mainly
topo~raphicnl work , ntAp making nucl rnud ~k.-t,1h,·s. I,,icl ure5 will l,tt- ~i\'cn 011 or.µn1111.01ion nnd tao•
ti,·s, 1nilitary h)·gi, 111•, ct,· .\, h11tt11lm11 is fully ut< J.:",rniurl and •uflic,eul(v ,trill.,,!. 1;1mrd ~l<•unl ing ,,.;11 tak,· pl;i,,p 1111 'fhurs<l11)·1; a111I !'1u·:1<lt' on
~u,u1 11, !hi'
~1Ll1111lu.ys A SJsh)mutie
Bc,,,1kllo )It\.,t\
!'-lb,1fth• lh•nnl, 'ft•nnl11(.'unrt,
Puol T•l•1l'" nu,1 '1"1lb Hall, .. , Ot•lt'; Tt. AU,
nf thi1 kmd will h,, m~1·,· inl,:r• t•,,t;u~ and p1•u,l11~tin:- of b•·tl,)r H··t:ltx lh1111hu~ b~t·u thP c11s1• thus rar. l'npt. LeuHrnu, last yenr•~
a Spcc'alty to Sat.I W Eisf:Make oii.r Patrons. Give us
lt1'.'\p1•,•t1 _1t, !!h'L•N us au l'X<'t:(ltiunal.
N.A. Larson Hdw. Co.
I>· 1-~111,Irt•11ort, csre,•inllJ· co111nu.-u'1itH!'\I. on nu,- l'.lo.,,;,,order .trill. II,· say~ thul tlw :\lilita,·y I It r,nrtmr-nt lu•n~ is ju lwttl'r ...~ou. 1litio11 rh1111 "l'l'I' bt'tvro. 'rhi, •·~rtninl.1· ,,1,~11k, wdl fto1· the 11hilit.v of l,1t•111. l'.111'0)·.
Alumni Note s _ __
_ ____
w .f.t ·1r11l oil crops, largri~-
1 "''
nu, f cli 1m;s of lic1·11rnny •inl11,•i11 lh,• ,1.-.,-a C"- of 1la,• t.•ve ,rn,l t.,,,. ho~1tali;
l.'t,,h m,l\'1,111111.. 1Tc\\illspct
I ··1tt ,m,·nt Sl.1tJun.
I,., I .JyJll pr,m<ellllll 11(1U1;hl01111 wi.l l'ctlm, fully <>Unll }\>r ~evrral y.-ar~ it lws hl't'H \'lnt1ld nt ~1.·1ot•alh1r.i.. h.uu ~,s, re l.111 , ,• ht r _r h!t \\1th ,t chnm•('!i th,• mn~L rt ,•nt t1h1.1il~ut,lhi~OH'I ... vt_•rJ evident to the initiat~•tl lhuL l'Nllly ,·nl red upou 110 u11pn.:-1·<-:- 11r 11:1 ,c.1 J 1u •11 ·eo,h•11t rc.-;eurd1 lt~:l t.'erlaiu bumht.·r of l l .\. l! ,h·t1l1•1I •·t'Do ... cS(lil'l' u. ll h I ltJ j.."'l"lllPr dl•\1•lrqmwnt, iu t1u· )Ir:--•• Juh11.\, Audnso n o( P,wN• alumni iu U11.) tlonunnwut S,.-1·,wu 1111\\ nnt:-uJ llu; lar~u~t ur t;.lf fu 111oi I .\> bt n:l 1Jir<-dC1rship t••llo, owl \Ir -. l•\·t.11l ..]. Lnn.,•n, uf mnhl uot pu-..,H11ye:•w•lfw prnruo• ~tat•· \!!l'l"t' l ..L'rnl s•"h1111ls,lul\ 1q~: ._,rH I la 110 l-,XJll'1,m,nl ~tat on Uiu,gl1, lt.1uhn, f,,rm,·r·I~ rc~pei"'· 11 th,n .. li wus tH'1•l1tningnwrt• mu! 111•,lll., ~;,1~) s1u1li_-ulK o1 ~ullc-g•• )J l•:11:dl ae •·ph-tl 1h1 utrrr. t1,1-ly ~t 1~s \~i,•tnr1a [.,mulbt 1·:.:nml mort' itt~\'itnhl•• 4r:-. tilt• month~ ~rn,lt...._ .\111•1 :; tl11 .I, p;1d111rHh.1,a1 1I Ii -.. ht• •u h11-t\' witb hl:~ho I \h -. ) lm11J1•~rnit lt, both mc·mbt,r" pas:-.ed on t1.nc.liu rlw t•our.,:p of th1• to lw 1·u,rgo11i1.e,I 1111(lrnill up prnlH,lll" ur dry Cnnni·1~~111111u1 .. ot' l'11•t·lu-;.!-.11f l8!ti, wf"r,- ,·isilor .-. µring aml Mllllllh."r it , ,\',•rluok wa~ rhnt of .\i!r lllllllJ,, u1i,l t •• 11 L·1 ,1.1!! }Iii,, h1•ad1prnrlL'rs may ut lhe Coll,,g,• ,turin~ Comnll'n<'e•
"''' :;ml,
.\gr1011l•11 :ii L ,,llvzc,
lwo uf tht"ln, vit.: l}8\'f' Fnrn•ll p11~it 011 "' J'n 1fL',lo:...Or uf ..\gr( 1ni,Jlll: lu• runJHI nl pt•(•b,••111 Hf Caldw,·ll IIH~nt \H?l'tk an, I Bill J,11•fli1w *,lwy 11 ;UJ hlau-w .l11tl ll •nd ·•f the l),,pofftm• n 1 • ;, lduh11 1 , iw l. Hi. chr,~1 th:.irg«· <'hnrlt-, .,\ .\lct;nu , laiul '04. no one hut tlwmst--lv/, Hml lhl'it· JI nhl ·), J .i,•meU11Jt:.? n1ot·1• •h.111 f t11r thH·1 ...:.,11tlwrn llfoho Kx:.- nli11 hHi-.lirt•n HI Idaho f(ir a num• Alma ~l tlll'T who u.p,\Hf~ntl) i:t"U\"\ ~::-kkMI wu ....uff••t1•J )tr #L~r1l1111, , ...rUOf'11•n.t F~rurs, Tl11\l Ill' will hf'I' ) 't :tt"!l fl'illrnt"(J to r .~UII them adl'f)lllltc prt>p::trnhbu :utt! 1')11• l1, ~- P, 1•11rtrm11111[ .\~rtcn~ mn~1• n "1t1~.f"c1;_. , r h _..,1ww ,•oea• I his ~,1111rn1•r1rnit t_•).i 11.•t"'tfslo muk(l ~tarted thl'"tll ou tlw right tr.n.il. l 11r~ ,): 1 '1 ,1 ru t11Jl h II th,, ~rrnrn 111111t,•ob witJu,ut s,1~iu;.;)us linuu• )J,,r,' J fo i.~ iww w 1h.Willia,n ~I Jan.Jiu,•. ·•~. (I ntl • .,ul:ir), h11' ,·h,,·rl~ '" olitHIIIR n•R• BRIEFS. •·m1•lo> !'~••bi' \"a ll1•~·!lank, the uf Cherry t"r1•1•k. l11aho, oml pill• fr 11111t•ui1:411nt1r;1rclling, ..\l r i111?4.''1Tllpnny. \\·l,r.,re he w1ll lw a d,,,.endallt C)f ll ,hml~ liu,· uf .1,,r,li11,•n,•e•·(•I •of th,• K,11isns 11111 . 1:11,, 1111,lui.in ·rs. (~·,.n1::n '''"" ,,,J fn ""'" nhl ft-ir,ub "'"' Scotch.,Ve lsh m1cll:,.tur~. th:sl l'U• lio.n nt 1111\''' 1•111,•rf'd 11Jt4•11 t.lw 1 gir•1•,•1·1~ 11uw 11I t·~\'t1mdo11, \\ ...n\ ..1 ~t•!wo) mnt~. h'red th~ H .A l'. lu .lanuary . di:whnf~•· ol hi, dnli~-\. l "111.;llt? l'-11 u1r.111tir ):, hm-, h,11'T1 )h:-i. ~:. 1·.. Hi1rno, '!t7. llr [,ottan. 1 1 ~8!)~. A t tht• h1·~tu11ing_of Li~ 'J'}i., ~\1111:--a..\t!rtPuluu·al Gui P1tr1·v1t.,,:01_1wor flt ~;11, :trnpnwul f<1ruierJy :\f..;.s ( ·1a,,1. Fu.::trt'i h•· 1 Junior ycttr he (4mn~l'J. 111~-,•o111s1 ) l,•g•• 1:-. lo lit ,·••n~ratnlatr ·il llpuu 1111,I(~]i:.lvtl f". 1:••tli,·i·wtth 'fr Baf'11n ruul lht•ir nf stUtlJ ftom C'h·i1 F,uglo<•ctin:?IS4'CHrlll!l fur Uu!', 1111pon1111t puSl• I l>r \ J:j)\ lr,ilv• 'H~. of Rall inr,n1t :,001 lS fi( •rwt111~ n, 1111mlH·r tu Agl"iculturt•, auJ <luri11~ his tw1: th"1 " 1'1 \ JCC .. ~jrn ~Nll l1•11utnso I T..,:l..t I 'it,\ lo.'1i11~d rv· Enr,1111• i:1 nf \ll't'.•ks \b;il:11~ rl'lnl l\'f'.', Ill tlu., F-e111oryear lH ,n1s .\ss1:>Luuf. 1 •nurn•111iy ,1u«lit1,·,I, '.',11 ettt-t·gt:1U" \11!!:U<-tr, i,1wn<l .a yN11 in tl,,. F,:\t.1. Agrouomi~t al tlu.' r.;tntion. lt, aml Pntlm'.',m.,.,111•, ".iL• thn1·nnghh l!Ontin,wti in thi~ pn:-.1tu,n aff"r r:-,. !..H1 11ial u )Jr .Jnrtl1u,. T11!!t:ll11··,. ~ ~N\'iTIK his d~tcl'l'l·, until ~h-u·ch. "th hi~ lo t,.,, or I,.\: ur iwn.·n a-5 1905. v.hen lw m.i~11111\-'dth, .. mm1· "i\sla11f prnf• ...-.11r-.u,uJ 1m1.tr1,cLOr!-.,1 !L)(ershi11uJ' the l 'tuh .\ ri<l ~'anu , J,., i, e,•1111 u '" u,aJ,,, tl,p ,lrparl I Tw1,nty IW;l years e,:peri<'ll<'t' l'umpKny. ,lnah ,·uu.nl) · In th~ 11 ·11t lif ."~' ''"""'·' 1111011•·. ,\,ul 11"•\ in rhe brs1 studios tirGcrmnny. Swiuer lnml and fr onr e fnll. hOWtlVPr. lw n·turncd iu thr- 11', 11lrl fr1t•,i,I-. ht:'n' n• lrnmP, ,..-1;1n ... Almn ~l at1•.r &.~ .c.\s:-..1~taul l'1•d(l,~. ::r:1111lut1• him 11r1,-.f hturtHv- 1.111 ,or, latt"r Pt·{1ft',so,· 11£ _.\_~tt>UtJHI.\ h;t\ 111~,H•t•1 (1tf'il thiJ; p1) ....1tin,; with \\"ltile iu lhii; pl1~itmn )lr. Janh1i. h p11-.s1h llti1•:,,;ft,J" r,·-.~•art'h and 1
EGN Pl1oto Studio
j( ii: . D
~. ::::::::::::::::-- ------------------!
pulilisb,•J U~'\1trrn111~ .. \ . (' Hnllrtin 11 100, .-\i'icl in 1;uth .. ::-:o. 11rr,·n,,•,l ""•ful11<--s In the spring of llfijj ~Lr. dinP "-"~ign,,d hi, po<e1tiou in urot.) ~ tn 1·nl<>1'ilw st·rvi,·r ol' th,• 1'. K f Uovermm:nt. 11,· wn:... 11rntle .\:'I
ri<'tlihu·C>". i\ntl w«s rlnc,•J iu <·h:1rire of th,• ,tr~ l11ud !!:rain \·tstixutinuR. I1\1r ruu,v lhtt'l' )'Nil~ thi~ 1unitinu hns k~_pt him
cu111wt l-r•li"t,L' tlmt th••r"' j,.;. a sf't1:-.1h11!111nn \\'. h• " ' .-1 .~lll"f'il.u~enuy nth(•r t111m n 1n; I,.\V.,\.l., t 1 .1:11 i.:l'l ar:it.,r f\lr lu .~ •l\\n 11'.-.t 1i ht· wmtltl 11111""' 1111J hy nu imprl'1,·~•,l HE 1-'AV..\ L 1H~u'hP1t• bf'tnn• lJU) ing. 1 II I, it for-t tlmt ~JH , all ~l~}M1';11orlin~·, ·r~ ,thn ,lo s:,, .1111'tr,· .:1 l)~ lh\''.\T, mu1•J111w h1•(or,_1 hn)· iw: r,1 #hu• t 1I•,.. VI·: 1,.A,. Al, um l will hll\"P 1111 ul hl'I'. 1'1.c 1' wno ,11111ol huy ll1Q UE f,,\ Y Al, 11rc lhost• \\ t.'
1rrn•,,.lmg- from <·on:i<ttn ,•othl 1J11cl !"rum l'nrtncln t11 ,I,•'X.i1•u.ttt•·t,1 of
hi~ hmt-, uI ••our-.-,t•hurt11~ h•·t•n1 sJlt•ut 111 ~:11llrt'\ill.I! datu iu 1)h~ aritl re$tinns i111d ill pr1•p111·i11g I he <.ttnu,~ Co,· publi,•;11io11,hu·in~ lhu winters i11 \\.,.ushih:,!lull. flt• Jlff•• pAreJ nud puhli hr,! ,,, . .,rnl e11· ,·lllnr< fur the Jlepartuwul Mll•I ,_ _____
\\hu aHo"
_ __
_ _ ,
1,..oru••·h:11 :- !11 ho
..1th{•r thntt rcul
lu11uc,w.-tl h)· "'otnr•thi n !:
r<'sp . • ble 1 ersnn who ",~hr.., it may hn,·c, , I u• 'Pri-1 • f n Dl-J 11.\V.\ l.1rn~dum• nt ht3 o \\ U h,,mc "1'1,uut 1uh·au.;1• pft) 111r11tot• m1y oh ti ~llti- 111 w1m1 ;\, ,.. r ~ 11Jlh-Asff llw DR l,. \ Y,.\ L :ii•·ut i 11 \"nnr 1w 11·,,,.1 lnwn , 1r , .. rih• lo t lu• t'ompntl)' tlircrt Fury
wrot,> artich.•~011 Th.,· Porrnhur ff'•r ..\nwri.,·:m
~:!:tr~~;1::;,1t\!~ ;1't>.1;,;'.'"::~\:'.Ij
the 1 ;En<•_yclolw,fia of ..\ ,:riNtllnn•.·•
'11nkitit:' Pl11·J111-Ary h~ 111dor, fl ·11l 'rhu \'\'l'J 11xti•nsh1• ,,,qu-ri(•llCI lwin~ d11ri11~hn\ Juuior r.uul .s,·n aud opportunit~ fm 11hsf'n'ntioJ1 iur , t•1u,, a,"'i~hud 111 I •:it ,1,•pJ\rl wbh.·h t.•amt•t,, )J ,._ ,Jar,lil1t• thll'iug 1111·111 :O::l 1 11rlh 11ft, r cT:1( 1i;-1tin,1 hh t r~1n•I~ tor 1111' 0,"parl nwni h1· \'lll•'rt•ll th,• C'mpl1), tlu• I' JU'<'VL•1ln l1H1i..t lhnrung-}1 1•1-.•11urn ~ t .h pa1 Im 111 ,,t" \i:11'°'111lur~ ll' tlnn nucl a n•linLlt• ..... t•1•11iug slo111• ilw. llur,•1111o1fl'lRul 1111!11,tn· fur th,• mr1•1te,I 111·,·f1·rn1<>11t thnt f,,,. •h1·1·1•)·rur~ ltt' \\U il1•t.:1il1•d 1, ~•me to hin, l~•t -Tun,·- Th,• K1111 ('3l r-y 1111 liu• nn'\'1•"'rtUl1•JJI t""(IM'l"J 1
Hulh·H ~"" arri,·cJ. We ur,,j
Uiron·,• is u pn.r<hm rron1 the rmmtl'ffl'fmlf!l'lfl'I'"""""'""'"''"""' , U,· ,..,,1,,,,,,,,rlf umtr·imony ~ Hurry! Huny! i::
~ ~
Gilt Edge Bakery ~ ,111,:, jut ,\ ~111f1·uf!C,·lkiu jail i~ wnrl!, ~ ~ ·rq U",Y '.r(-,J, B_,, C..k .. •n• p.... ~ tPlll.rtn•d fut ,.,J.,.,,J. Wl!>I 1111«•11 (<' hrn o/l 1he warpn!l1 £ l\'l<r! I! lo''° B,.t, ~ abl,· ,·irtu~. l)H' 1111-.I..:,•h""f''1.al )lornfn;· Ile W.W.UW.W.UWW.IIWIWW.IIWW.lliWl,LII llHb" en ,,f t.,·1,l,"iol f,·wr. .\ln>ady lh~ 11usi~ D•·plln!u~ul i.tu, I) l!"w Jou,:- l,,,f,:,r,• l'n;!'. ++½+++++++++++++++++++++++ .\ .1 11,in ,.,, uill ~••1 bMk hi., .\n,.,u l!a-r,,u•~••u .10 wa~ in hus rurui~l1e,I n• with 11rn~I,en· :j: lur·!'•· ,u·u, ,•!rnir nt .-l,11111·1l'l~Mr · j,:, ahl,· mu ,i,· 11t du1prl. 1.,nst + Studenb Store. ,i. i,m11 ti,.- 1;;,,1 r, 11 ,\i,_,~JH'1'J"'r~- : + , "I .,11 rt'plif,_ , .. ,.__.1., ~,.;,,, 1 11,.,d,'lr~ ld.<I:<• J,,.,.,uy )Ir, l,i1111nr1,. nc~ompur.-::: Books, St.ationery, Post I+ , "t r, I,,, ". ill 1111• h ,:,i, w,utH I ietl by :\lr. Clnrlt. r,·nder~d ,i Cards und Souvenirs.AllJr. 1 ,.,,.., l,(••v,·rmw·nl m~n•·••!,, ,,. ' ways n completestock to 1 1 , r \i.,r,. nltm,,t I '-I" ,maul ~iu ·,·ry r-h·11Si1111 hl\'Ul ~l'lcetion. ~'!rn + sel,x-t from . 1 ,,., ,:,a,, ,no 11,1i-r,·~tn,~ rnll. Tt'." ".'•1.' _'"'"." "I "' ,.,,,. 1>•>1h> d~y [ullowill~ '.lh. Spi,•ker, who duq" I 1,,,1 'l'llll!"·dll,''· " ,,,,,1 ... ,,. _,.• llu '"•Ill wl·" u~\,•1 11tij, h~,·u ~!ud,\ rug th~ JJA~l ytar + + ,_I,,.-, ,u,yth1u,: Th,·:,, ti,,."._-">lt ,11 fiocrumu1· plcasc,o! tho h\1Ld,•11t~ 111<•-1 ,h au,) . 111 Tl f,utJili,i,-,•XJU't•.,·,iuH "'J'h,•l y.,,, ••11 "H ;tLt•:n;°lh" nio:t i>PHlltifuJ ,·iolitl nunr, ,, 1111 1 -1, ulik,, ~-' Ill'" l"'"·'·;•!a ,-1,~r,,.•t,·,·, Y"I\ '."tt~1 l111111t11t•1_jdil1un. ;\l.r~. l,lpiek~r n,·cvuipn.nr- :j: NOllTU MA!!>' 1 HIUSI '""' I,,, ,•IL,iu",,,l 1,1 • Th,•,· ottt,I r,,q••· !- ,.,, ..... ,.11 ••II<'. .J;uu,••. I u,~ him Al 11,r bt!i1Ullil11:'.ol' I he t+++·H+~·+++++++++ +++++++++ ar, ,., '" 1, n1ik,• a;; lwn Jlnll~: .\1111,.. ,._, l•'r,.,1dt.• )'rcH<nt w,,,•k. la·l Tue,,.\nr. n I 1111 lt+++++Httl 11 llli ',11uir1,,1 ,•1111s<,ti11i:nf l'ror. ThutrhJ,.,"" l'"um•,h,••·11. ·1'•1_ w\,o wns ,.,.. \1 111 . Linm,rti, \\is~ 1;:ll,~l ,h•n· Special Pricea Given 'J'hm,,h,s UO"'!l. Mh•r hut dl(hl ,,1 th !'hi,·~~" 1... , ,-:, 11111,Il11q ,,.,, ;111,l \I, J~runk B»11~h ~auit. to Student& at ,1,,.,•. fl\-,, h1111,lre,!,om}tir1,- 11in~ )<'l!r. 1.,,- !,,,,.,,1 hlli'lot, :ti i'.J•><•ti<b 11hil, ,.,, "',,,!ue,da,I', nur ,-.,gul11r: Kltul,•hl UI ll<t• .\. 1 fol,•l; ll• J,-1'1 hurt• .\lusw Day )T,•y~1· r~ml\-r,·d :t IJ for 1·1,i,·11~-"wl,.-,-,. ,,. will ~roll• ,·,-ry 1.. nuti!'nl pinu11 l'x,,,,,.. i :ILII' l,,s .•1.,,Ji.-s I i"t" f,•nrn UH•dl'l1.I C<;Jlljla/lt'TS. .\, ..,nrncJ·•
is n mr,sl 11.dmfr•
J4ri11 n1,1,.,~,l.
:I: :t
:j: t Wilkinson & Son
:t :I:
r• :t
,1,,.., .
11,111. 11f ti.,·
s i Lundstrom'
.-1\!Tl•"lturu u11,I htotl,.,,. 1u Di Y,ht,,r<lioy """'"In::: \Ir. t'hri•• Furniture and Carpet r••~l~r lfo]I o,f "Ur !il<]'•·!·i1111•nt 1,,11so11 1·h1.1>·<I:, nry pl(•a•lll"l C .,,.., ·'"" !Niu~ l•J i-:t11linh pok1• j,, th studc•i,(s _,.Jc-,·l·nr, "" 1lr,- ,·ur,wl. ompany U11b.1 l:1~! ~'riil11y iu ,,),,il'''I. ~,·n>.i,i,n,i;,.,I l,y \Jr. l'larl,. 11,,.-++++++++++.++......,: \"u I \L-,. l't1rk..r: \"n lwl,,,·d ! :-h,·j l'rof_ [!a,·•·tl1. "un,,111,~••·, th;\l ,:,,~ \\'i\l\Pt ,ill~ I" \i •;
n., "'"~
Cache Valley Banking Co.
t!n> """' :,,. h1 !1ru,1111<0III~· will h,,. ~•11 ~1,uo!I,'"- .Ill "ixhiu!i l<>l,ik,· !\,rl,·r t,·!lin~ \J," 1)11<.lh·y nf 1111•,.,,,1r" HJ>Pl)· lo Iii~ jnui1o1ri11I l1 r,z!,1 h,•l\\'•·•'11rn .. "" II ,11 11l'""I """"" ,,..rth ,,,.d nt'.huil,liui: iu th,· \ahl,·• F,n,11~- ,.,,,. UUIII~,, ...,.~ 1,,. ••111•'11! '-" ~r,-,•ml pr,•p1u·uti"~ 1lw ,n).,•r wtt-11hb .cn, 11,.,.,,,J,._,. J1"1 r,rir,g ~·our iii% D111ll••)'. Willi Iii~ ,·a~: l,o·,.,,ms. Wlry h,· 1nn~t J,.,,, \.,.,,. :1 ~•1,,,,,i. lllllll
LOGAN, UTAH CAPITAL, $100,000.00
,I W :-,,s1;,..,,,,_""' r>f lu.,1 ,·,.111·'1,d,·ha111e1· 1~ lmrk a;,-aiu .\1 'l'h,· ._1.,,m1,il ,,the,·. .\fr l•:a:::\\'i],,_, i~ ~1i11smili,,e.:: n1·c1·" 1.-tt,'r la11ol ft,, l'r,.r l.11r,e,, \\',,lJ, I 1)u,1 I,. ""·••1Jtl.1 f<"•~i,·"<l fr11rn ,,,.,, ,Y"" n,-(• hMk nt f'-'111' nl.J 111:H•<• Ii.-,, !lrHr!.1· l'!'!"'j"ti11,,- hiu1 "Ill' n/ 11)!,UUthi.< .,·,,ur ill, l,l11Jin ,1t,t,,,,,,1 "11 '" 1\,,. _-hi,.\ Pr.of l,11r,,-n, Y1·11l 1,'11rm I 'ou~I'•" .,I ~J,.,k,me 0!'1 Wt·lrh. J',•krsuu arnl tl\,hiu-,,n :;.r, lt:d1,h l'ul'I, r. ll'1'H l<uo11·uI<> nll ~ 111 :f,, ,, ,11,il,·: "J<I •lmh·l'1-, "' ,w iu1~r~oll,·:::.i11t,, W!.JJ,, \!UI m11ilo· ,1,.1,"1'r ,uni )f1·n,·rnl >'O"d fdlow, .\,i,,1.h,·,- sm,!,·,, w,1 lo,-1·, ,l11r,1t-~ It<>· lutt,·1· pm·1 .-\nd snon t.l ,-r,, ""'' rniJ.•,i ""'\ c,f lo,I ,n,• .k 11:dph will nut· I,,, 1 Mil, .. "·i1h "~ !I y.-,ir n~ Ii~ iut.•nol,,I " "· Ar .. l liF,> nullh whil" •·111,•ri"~ II,,- l'•u1·, -r.it,,· uf Vhi,'11 11'f"" 1!111,111il,•. ~" '" •!11<1,nwdfr.n,,. -1.1\"E 'l'IJ•t\H'"OK
Call and Let Us Get Acquainted!
Co-op Drug Co. 14 WEST CENTER j;++++++++·H·H+++++++++·H.++ +
Gentlemen Who Oren Right
HOTOGRAP~IS!!! RABE, Photographer
Belter For
Students Accounta Solicited. Courteous Treatment Guaranteed.
f DRESS BETTER AND PAY LESS! f * Cloth;ng ,._.,, .. '% 1118Sa.hno:• ff J" = +
Andreas Peterson & Sons : t+ The Students Shoe Store
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Furnish, ing~
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l ' \!Hs E l4lll !J'
or fl++-!-++~-+++•:+++++~-++++++ttt~
J,h(l, j1111q1or
1,,, K ,dll J.,, 11,,,.,,th ,\n•or-..li11h t-. r1•JI•r l" .\I
PROSPECTS '''."'' '."".-1,•ar•.•'six r,-,,1iu
t I I I It I I I 11 I
t 11111111
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This Coupon Worth 25c
11·11 1whu11 l,I 1: 1w11 Un111111p11iro JL 11di e,iSfippPr:1orShoes[romS3up 1 , 1· lta.,t j.;-..111• n,-1 rau an 11rlit•l1 Hw 1.'tt11 ° • , II full,, fp au11tltt•r 1-l11tl! r1•t,"11rd lor 1 JVa,ne •. . • .. •• . •• • • ....•..••.•.. • ••• • ....• • shu\ \ 201,?' n11r ,.xrt>IJ,·n1 t'11ot11a ,. Ua• ,\ I' .\ 1,1011sL!'o 11l~n j!'o 111I111 • lddrtJ,~R , • , . , . . . . • . . . , • , ....... , . , , •, • , + \\ 1 111 p1·n,p1•1•f1"t. luJ• •h1' ~Ulf, I i' nt•11t•b 1111 uf t·1,r old 111,•11 h,·,,11,Ij111111'it1g "+"'I l11m ltn:t +~. .,, 1111 1 tth liaek • " '"''"•' iww THINK IT OVER. :,i: The l'Vomans Shopp Ullt'S.l-l1;1,\i11,:111, \\t·l \\T t'llll -111:,,,l n•1•t·11ll,, "1hi11 ll,n.,·' l+M'W"♦T'1•!-,C..tt-C-❖-f..4•,i.+.,H•+++++++>+++++++++'rl++++++:•-+•:Y++++ look fu1 \\ arc1 t•t 1111111., \ •1•ht t·I•'"' IJlii(tk of llu> ,·cill,•itt_•,:1 uinu \\fl.• 'l'ri lu• stttr· tlw c.!'1ln1t·nf fuolhatl ~t·•·u rakin•• Ju-. IJtlt' ~wrt• fi 1 Jtl •~:+ t..,W•C-+(,,,t¼,C•~·{'-,..>❖-t++•Jo❖❖❖ ~++...-++• +++t-M+·:-++ .... +tt++-t·! 111 ht· Jll•t~·, ,l lJn.s yp111· t:,,; \·n,tl_, \\ th a li;rn,l ntkf' In illl~\h'i I I~ •
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'T is tltr. l1se of shnv in f<o " "Ollr.<clf when Mitl'hell h as n ~
six •·hair Bnrh~r Sho11 with ~very thing dean ·and harhers lhut cm h<tirt h~ way yon wun l it and besides Mi1cbell
11r-1, pi·••lt\i• nut .,Pnr "' 1 \ • <·1:1111,•1:1 fl' fo -stnuy n~n II 1tur-r. -4m, wH~ tltuuhfnunrl,•il wh<-uhl• pnio.-.t•il 4
:_i o, lt'I :t needs the money St) lets nU help hir.o along :: :: · : :: + i:l:111,•v ut onr tt1i:l:!'!p1rts iu oth•·r b\' th,· :-,:::titlti,•l•l. 11,, IIHm~hl :1: , , .\Qrih .ll,011 ,.,_·,,r:rr lo~ au . t't a h utldt ti-• l i,w~. I:I J.{Ul'~S that!, 1111• k t1tl .. r ,1g1i t +·t-+-1·•.!-•l--t•ot·of••.--t:·+++--H-'?• ++++·••++•1"+ •·+·l-+~...:.++++-+++t++++M • +t ~
mu· ,mlJ t1lhll·1i1•~rrirt,
J~11-.ty1·a,•, \\~lli it l1•u111,•11111pw,. l'tlltun· th~~· t••n1•h at lltt• .\ l ,~+ ·'-1\••:...;.,❖•~.Jo .,••,.-.i.•»"'-+t-·r-i--++'\•+++++lo;.,,Jo+,>-♦♦+~+"'+-+++++++++++ ,,ti lur}!,·f., of IW\\ 1u11t1•rinJ. \\'f 'l'hL' p11111· lm) with hh. fo11cl hnpc•, l • f 11111.IHItbrd t•lln••· Ill llll' ~111tP ,b~llt-rt••I. w,,.,,w,.,ril,1 "'"'"" 1111-~ O pemng pec1a s tn om orta e--Com ortsi 1•11sk, th all h•tt:!'n•• 'l'!n, \'t'H l' w,· t I hf\ r,ttH a frn n h.-r .. ,.\~1,!h•" \~ 1V They Hrt.. all new comfo rt s This L~ our first season to handJe l 1·11. , .,. ah11ll h• 1·•• prul'l,eall,1 ""~. sam,, ,,urrr,·h•d 1111•1111,•ako-11 111 comfons, ynu !let ne w goods at the m0;;l reasonable prices from I• am l;a,•k ~t:.wiu w1t.h oll1.t·r ._,,;. .la~- th,1 ;-,,Hmt, hny 11111.\ 1111 M·,·11 :t $ 1.25 and up % •·•·lt..111 111:11..,.iul. tm,il,1· 111 It,, wurk tl,roui:h ,umP• UNDERWEAR The llrs1 asson f d S IOl' k or fnll anrl winter under• ; I 'apl,1111 ~;!!b,-rl, I,. I,. C·onk, whut "hnyw;•d.r" ,J hurn,• <·k + w.;;1r,•wr rlispluy,'(I is ut tl1c Lo,!uu K11 ittinl! Factory. 1111 Jo:1111, r ltn1>>'1r1l, H11n1• 1·rn11kotnn, iu :IJ'Jll''"'~m·•·. lln\\ 01.,. 1. 11 "'""· STUDENTS IJE.ADQUARTf.RS We an, hrad quartel'l' fornll kinds : I rn 11 I loh,u11, 1 1,,.,1,,r \\'hit~. 111 wk ,,81111 , 1111,11;nin,- J:i, ""l''rll + of knit J.,'oods.surh os Swcatcra. Hosiery, Union sui1s. Shirts and
•I · C
! i +
£ t
lw11,I ,111,JII, lwr lt,,n,·nt•k, will !inns I ( 'O'.'l:T[lJTll'TEI> hu<-k, u lad IIIP~l 11f 11H•n1 + -an• :ili·•·:tri,1 1.. -~~ 1J1x111t. e,•ut.•r MORE SUJ3JEC 'rS FOR TH.l.
HIJ ,,..
t t
Drawe lrs. 0Mg11ffl at-rs r.1Gl0K vesna~,dtitn1·fn ac1gcv erytflalinc!,! thtnot ,r.syknittcd
!'·. ;. T
"" ,111r t.·11111.1,•,n lu·for,· 111~1i, CURlUCULUM. +·,+i"l•+'l<++++ ..-+++++++++++++++++++.+++++++++++++++++H-++ al1'-o hmt-k nutl \\Ill ..,rn•nglhcu our Thi· produrti,111 uf hu1•1°_\.t:,,, fl 1,•am t•,111isi1l,,1·ahlr. l,a11•r iu tlw 11u...ir 1P:-l'i i~ makiul! \'1•1~• 1·,,pHI ,\••ar ma 11 ~.. ollwr~ \\ill dn11hth1 i:,.11•roCl'l'""' iu l'lah ;:It l'r1"••1•ul, hnl ,u·r1r1•, 111akill1? unr bask1•tbnll tin~ !\ll('l'l•:-.,fnl lu.rndltt1!! .. r lwt•:-. iil 1u·osruw1s 1l1•<!i1h•1lly .l1ri!!ht , t:r,\' diffirult. rc11uirJ1H! rf"r ...;on, .\'uw n wu1·tl :1,. t,1 hn~1•Uull. ,,r , •twh tniiuml<! a,ul 1•X]•N·ti•111·•· f'rn11'U:-.l1111, Ed11•1·L :\lauglum, .\11otl1J>r inclu,11·) \\h 1•h 1:--:ak l,:u.1n•111"on(11111 C'lil't,lt•11f.1•11 nn~ in~ holtl uf' l "ttth l'uttm:t'':!> ••~ 1 11111•k. 11ml pr11lrnhly l•:1.tftrris.<;ard lalt1 is f-ic;ft • ·11lhu·1•. ..\f:111\ Can Fit 1 will h1• ,-:1 ••11 iH n suil a~niu .. flu· fornwr;') who t•au 1111 .. ., l)u11l,lli-:--:-,mn11,, oth,·r 11l,I mrTI ._:,i.•idng- lh£•il· plan•,.. with li~lr. ; will ,1lP h:wk l:1tt-r- so WP ,•101 look 1 11t11I' urchn:u-~· 1°,m1liliCiH>i t 1. l'urwnrd to a g-ootl hnM•haU h:,un • clifli,•1111to nwkl' tlw hn•itu•,, p~~. + nur 11·a••ktt•iuu w·11 111,stron~- R11th apic•ultnrt' nnri_ pi ••i1•11lt11r11 n· this .n·at· nhm c'.iptuin \fhitt" n1·1 ,t\i1('ft{ion: 11f thl' fnrnh•r-< lwatl w,ll lw ho,•k nloott wit.Ii 1'}11 ... ;s H "-,•hot1) fnr thr P1h1catiou To Use Pinnt. r .. ,,J,,y. \\'yalt. lT.lncc-wk, 1,r iuruu\r~. \\ '011lri it h1• n111ii;... Is F't·(rt•r,'r. Ptuldn,•1<. n1~{'11, nnd !n .!iv,• im,t rn,•1 IOH in tin•:,.,~1wn ti : :xt;P ¼*'t
i f
K11:il'J>, 11II1nemhers
t.·ntn. ll "
.. r ln<l yenr'•
;,,,l',ll'lllll t fi,•1<1~ al .. ,.,. eull,•:.:•·1
I hnt f-:idno•.•· ••• .,.....
( ·o:,,;·r1~I II I :·r 1,:11 ~
Cardon Jewf'lry Company
:I: Waterman's1<1,-1l'ounta iri Pen t.+++,i.+ .;..;;;; . ,:• t
Your Hand
.. TIJ £
El! 'EL RO.\ "' ••• t I' I
~ +~;;;. >+++++++++++++..++++II' ~
Man is the only animal that __
laughs, but it's a bluff, if his shoes hurt. Wear the Walk-Over Sho e and let your feet laugh with you. A Complel e Stock Ready for a Try-nn at
Thatcher Clothing Compar)y L \ 11.