,@,tuhrut lifr VOLUME IX
l•'EIHl\ ', \liY
17, 1\111.
Stirrin q Tjmes At Th e U. A . C.
Spirited Day at the U. A. C. Last Saturda y . Last Stupendou s Divi dend s Annually Pa id Utah By Rites-for Old Gymnasium. Celebration the St at e'sA gricultural College. Annuall y Down Town Ends With DuckReturn s to the Std.t e Tr easur y Man y ing the Fire Chief T imes Its M aintenance lh11·1•ah' AJ{gir"! \\'c'v,, IN! nu,· l;y111: The.-\.
C. ~pirit.
kowri 1111d1«l
mir~d thr1.1111lho111 !ht int<'r-mouuJail) W'l.•~I. n,•v~, hi·.fore iu Lill' hi!!tory l)f lhH ~!"ltovl rcl<l.'h~<:1 ,u~b r,
p,•r,d~,1 for IIF<·Jay l'rex,1 "'"" ruk~,l
-~" esti 11u,tc r.,~,•nlly urndfl an<l in tlw cl tr <•11u•.!,nssrrn11gh11!1!. mis~.\ QIJ foui- 11Ain c,J ,111 ,, 11 ~t~liRti,;,~ mHlh•r<'d lly .,f ~lrl'll<: s!wultl,•r~ uurl rar,.i,,,J "' I ti,,, t ·iah Bur,,,.., of Kt;il i>ti,•s fnr lh~ h~il,I r,f fi ,,)i,,,,rt:,;:, Jrlfl'U~l l!")!I.JII µlilt•~',; 11L,,y,,.,rl,i· ~Arning t'luw,1 _•h~·ou)!h 11,,· miun lwll~ l'""'!-1' ,,I'1he t· .\, C.1ll Hbo,-,, silt
hiKI (•un.,i•r,·,.tiw ,1f l 11
thux brmurh t forth. Tlw pop .. lo,· r(Hu'.\,r,tinn h>l~ b~~II lh~I a ij1a1~ ,'U11q1.tir,11nliustinni"" )~ for 1!,,, most !16.l'l " rli,tirn·t htin.l~11 "fl'HI
the t r,•n~ur,,• <'f th~ ~!.nt,· \\' ·h;J~ .,!J ,·,•aJi,.c (hat the f(\>ol! drHu-.iu !'llnout.ing, 11h'J••11H1 <\f 1lw 1tAI<•
1 h,•i.(!hth aJJil r'.1~lm,s _na it ,liil :-!Ht- ~·• .~'."M,1.1,l!~ ','' .• !lw ol,l '- miJJ;,, 11d"ll".'""· The r_es"I! is siu, 11rdny lA~1 J,i11 \\teln, nf KU~-\ !UH Ii, 11 tldr, _\trl the ~h!<h.i1L~ ,pl)• sltlC:i--'<'l'rn1!' pllrlit"lnrl,r "' '"'~rbalat1<'e~ tlw Hmount ll<'<:~S· 1•,•ngiou !fml,1~1l1J l,1·,lke out into . 1bci<h'CLI •kar,,,un,i; ehe,•rs r"' 1 when we am• 1uld L'hm i,1 tJ1n ,•sti- 1 ,arv tn rnnm!.11i11•m·h "" iu,tlt.ua jn)·uns <•el<>hrM;on. "l'J'\'X.'","' :-lm1u•1,"JU'-' :ind tlw rn~1,, ,ml\'" 1he hi:: ,hm!Z!i w,,,.,, tin~ ;•et th~)- f('el thHt t11c ,!ivi~rhe IIQ)',;·ll\'!',·,,f_ Ann,ld"ij t:er- J.,,rie'·1·1u·e ,-,n~irl,•re:1 nn,J that rna<nJ·li•sS irn. <1·u11<l!f nrt: rn1· in ih\' fmure and 1mm ~ th••a w,>r,• t"" full .\t el<'l"•·n <>',,J,wk 11Le c11lir~ 1•nrl11nt i1~tns. alon,• r~li,rnin,: tlrn1 111<•.,· Ht' buildini,,: r.,r fotur,· M 1.IIP f(.V>tt ,1.,irit. f~r n ~!ud .. 111 bod,,· n,cso,mbl~<l in 1h~ 1•01<1pllr>11h·,•I,\· ~mall nnw1111t, t•I !r••n,>r11tinus. <·l&Nij rceitatin11. h1~t,•ml tha,v ,•!,ap,>I !" witu .. ,. ti-, 1,,,,.: ,,,., th" 1.-,•R~ur.rln,t in 1h,: >1~!!:rrtrn1,• \\'h .11 th,. fo,·1~. ,ij,.,w, !11+,~sfl rite baH r(llllnl!' by !hr j1,Jlif~! ri1"s n,·,•r !l,,, (>hi )!")"Ill, To rli,• 11-mm,nlinJ!' to R ~.,n,fdrrnhl~ mm, [·:•roe, 1\J.11111n,,fonl nwur1 ,·,,h,c, ''Dukh l,updi" e~·c•r, 'rhi-, n~•.,p 1°,l,%1; ,,,.~nr••s o fnn,,nil wcr•• il'"nnre,t :\n in,tituli·n ;~ t,•111r11i1L1t ii'~
the)· e,roused \II"' cntir,, s~boot and the rt>Utine work w11s sus-
u,~h,111dI h,, ·'A" men l:.'n<.lonbtedly 1, fj"te~t mauy PM- maint11-i11:1uucI<>thB coffel's t>f the (Continued on pa.ge three) ple will be asiouished bf the bet, $1111~~ ooun1leee number of timet
march b
l'.\l;Jo; TWO
•., .•1r , t•Mr1llc uh~R il'i.apt lo h1.· wi~h it•l'dlu~ :.:l.ltff~ bah. .Jluwn I n,.,.,1\ :..'d witJ1 "1inruc m,~red\tlity. wherein hot'S'l'S t·a.u bt· keJ>t iu bet 1
foll<nriu.g ,•ah•Hlutium, will tt•l· t•onthllou and with nuwh sln>w huw 1•011,rr_yuth•• 1h,· csti- !•l<t><"II"~ ,b, prop,•r f,•.,Jinl(.
fo. AN ESTIMATE OF WHAT THE I STOOKEY BILL HELD ON REmate i• Uf _1•111~•:• l11.11Juow 1111 ,l,·•·<l 11 h,:, be,·u demousltalt-o U. A. C. WIL L RECEIVE QUEST OF THE SENATE ,h·•· ,·u.ltl\':1Uo11 J.J!l,OUI aeres arel _ IT F OR THE NEXT J I O O 11 ,lunted to whent Th~ Excpe1·i- lbi,t. ,i;., ''" '"' •mt th<' cc)SI . I . . h !'+•«!mar ,,ne horse ~verl' ,·ear BIENNi UM. l.eli•phoni• in1-~,age lo !:;tudenl 111~nt!-\tallnos ,.,mncded w,tb I ~ . · 1 •f Life rccefrcd yrs.,trilay afternoon \' .\ (' lhl'<JlU?h ~xpcrim~n- Thrs 111~-H~lS a 6~l\'"l?g to t \(' Br~ • r , t' nwi"<>I l tall ul $660,000 annualThet·t> \]as been mud, s,udl tothe ~•fret lh:tt as yet (,n,·: 1r<•<" 1 o ,•ar1e ies 1) 111,1 inn \tit 1t 111111< W'h,·n "''' ,..,n.siJPr 1hr tlairy· about the gr,-,u l'\'()od 1ha1 will ~l" ·' had sign~! nr1ther t_h• Roh of wheat ha\'I' 1""' 11 ahl,· lu J.•- mdu~t,,,. m 1'1u!1 with its a111rnal nc•.,urc t<> th, .\, L'.. through the insoo ""r lhe ~ 1""key bill Th• ,ermine what ki11ds wore esp~1•i1tl· 1•1,!1111tio11 pa•,·,ac•., bills •re beini: held upon the N• of $!3.6!/!),t\l(l Wt• ean ., ~ of th<· ,.,"(I ,.,,all•d , ","took-I ., ly 11d11ptl'<lw 1'un soil und have not !..-Ip lnlt thhtl< that tlie t, .• \ ey,. bill. ,\ll ea!l s,'c the ad,·au . qu,•,<t ·of th• souate; The u~dcr!'ouutl 1h•1 siwh rnrietii•s produce ( •. hn, pral'l 1coll)· mil<l e this iu I"''"' .. .,. t,, l,,, •lt·ri·,·,,J "'--on, 8 dt•tinil", ,rnndinl! •.s11mt the ~.•n11tP,, ••hr• from 1 to;. buslwli:,: twr nt"r,~ moh' iln),,;_tr.,· in l ..uth. knvwlodcc of th< ~l'hool '~ io~ome 1to make _ :,;,1~1~,L~ Rmr11clm,)ntsto 1h" 1ha11 tbi-. kindli prcdou}';I~ \ls1.·d it, ,.,l\'nt,cli. It jg al~o uuic to\ ~ttlok.-y ~nil anti h11!) usk_od th~t 1h1 liy 1h1• f11.Nufs: 8a~· 1h:n 1luon,:h .\n 1 l fhe ...nnu• widi irnrtlC'ul.. . , . the ~1.wl'rnor 1-etnrn the blll to 1t. lh,• work 11111,,•arri,,d 1+11hy th" lure iudu,lr,, wi th ii, ~·,•url~-•·Hitt- kuuw lloat "" ~~gtslativ<•Jc,bby,o1; Thi~ doe, not ,neun ths1 tho bill Stttt1011 lht! U\'f•1·J.L~('inN·1•~ht" w•r .11!01inJ :;.1.a:--:;t!17j'I,. The~t-' twu iu must he ,lmw 111 t1w fnt_un•, But wlU he ki11,·d h111 f'imply tlutt 1u-rt• lut-~ b:•,•111w11 bt,1shrll'o. \Yilh dn,i,.lrit·s ow~· 1,r1:1·•lit-nl1y t.lu~ii mun,, ,ire won(!l'rtU~ Jl1Sl hHw soml· drnm.:•ls i•onsiti4•r.1rl nN'<''- • :!:~t.i.OOO m•r,,f.. pluuti •tl thi-. ,vunltl ,•1·rs 1::,;.is1t-n,•1• th fnctot~ in 1lw mm•h till• ...\ C If,.~.o-n1~to gl1't 1 1 l11 ...1·1l~11lt1111·u l lif,. ot th,~ 8tut,, t11 i1~ 111itinlld1.Hrn1•1•.Xt\tdiUl Li[P ~A\'~· \n ' mn, :· )()0 .\,... i1wri•ah,· lh1• 11um111lsi,•1,t7T~., .. -1 huH;IH-1~ ... \t sr,·eJJt.\ fin• 1,,~uts J)l!I' llH• t·'oll1•'.l•· \\"h:11 ,,.,. possih1y tlu· lH1, i,rt•;:~1retl 11 1'tttl ,: ,•ttrt'fu1 Durinl! tht-.1wn vc:u, juNt 1,u..._ .... htL'i.)U·l (111, l'a.rul t!J:,. of th'"' s1H1P IW•~1 tlJ.tJUIH•11t d1\·idc11d p:lid 1111' t•sli111t1t1• whidt fo!lows: 1tcl 1tw 1•011~•~(' Bxftnsiou D<partlol\ ·~ rcn'\'h·,•d $,1R:l.f)(K) from tht· slHl1· h~· 11w .\, C. is th 1• im•rt."ttis~lu 'l'ht • Y;tluuti,H• of tbt: p1operty 11w11tlu•l,J th1·1H1l!'lmut the s!Rle \irl'i,·nltur,<l ('oJ1~g,c of Ptah. 1h,, ,·•hw £ ,1,u,• lund ,•.iuss,l by r,1 l't,1h for HIHI wa, ,!;167,000,• !t6:'lse"'~lnn?tfor m, 11 wid1 un atl.• 11 Lt•t ns turn lo ll.Uother it<,m •·xp,•ri111,•111• c11r1:1t•rl "Uh." the Ex l~~I. 1-'ot 190!! it was $17:!,1100,00'J cl:lnN" -of 15.78S: 1:~aSt:!>~llltlS £.or Th,· , ,1im11t,•1l\'altt,• nr the alfalfn , ... ,·iin,·ul ~1nti,,,, \'ot ion~ ago,,,,. {Ill mrr,,a,o ,,f lllltJ <l\',•r l! •C9 wonw11 with nn at11•ndftnr'-' of 11.1 ('l'UJ) i11 rtah for ]HlO wat-. $4-.~ stntt• lnnds Wt Ul lrn~~in!! at from• (Ir $15.1.Hl<l,1.M)U, At thi~ rat,· of 143 • ;)-l i1 1nPtal s,hNion!-1 with an :-)()().<n). 'rt+rou::rh IU'W 1cle-as ill! $1 :!~\ tu $1 _;')()pl•r at'Tt".. \i,;. ),i0(1nas ini'l'i•U\',t' 11.w \"11l11at1u11 tc,r Utl 1 llltr'lllfolll'C: -r~ n, a 1ntnl 1\1 0 f 10.,: nt•1h"d" ul' fe.,tlin" wnrk,· I out 3t th '' resuh, uf 1h,· work ut lbe will ,·xco•,~I th•· :\-'2<M.l,000,000tPnrlance fl t nil se-·sinn, of H$P. tho 1,;~p1 • 1·imrnt itation ;n,I Hlso l '1ah .\~1·i••11ltural l:lllJeg,. h1•c11m? nu11·k. l'sm~ ,;<:!(MJ.001.flCMJ •• 1hu This docs not 111MUl that 1hore thr· •rn!!h uwrf!ttH•d prCKhwtic-•np~r km wu. d<'m,cm:,.t~·atrne- how sue-- p,, l,1il,l.t.-vnluntinn Wt' find that wen• 1h111mn11)'1 in<li\'iriunl< in Al ut\r" mmle 1,ossibl ('ob,.\·th+~work at r:•~!--{nl dr:,'"•1lt~mulJ! ••oul,1 he t·ar llw uu11ual iur-0111t"nf t·lh1 ~tsit 11 tendnnoc a,;: snnu• nttendc,J !-,f•\11• th•• ,•otl,•J:••l.t i~ i-;af" t l'l -..ay that r.11'dnu UJt1111 1,tw,~w 1.und!'oi 1lw_Stau rn,m tux,h, tlw 1u·•,~i-•utr11t,• h4l ral rim~~. ;it lra,t nil,- !(•11th ol' lln, ''"'JI l,~11<! Bo:ir,l l'IIIM·U th~ prae+• In imt ~ milk. wnnld lw :j;l.60().000 rnh,,• ls +hH't" th~ l'. ,\ . f per AM<•,r,=rvi11g the rilrhl ()f1hisi-111ill, :i 111il!,ar,-resPr\•erl I ·r '" •·h,11·,r,. Ill 'tt• fnr 11,. h•ll••r for ,li,u•irt ,..l1!lol purposes nnd I ~'om hnmlrrd un1I h t~· 1h11110-l·,\iKI, ·•,•r,•• 1 ° ( l,·,•r 1 c~J\l""" n "'"' ~ o 1 0 mill IS rlevn(Ptl 1<1llii:h ~,•hoo 1 See Our Prices /Ill( dHlhn--s. th e1l. is tltt• t.·Xtfln, hl ~t<ett(•. Jancb:. lul\•;, ~l~t~l" bt•tHJsold pur11of.ws. 'rhls h"an•~ 4:1·2 n,iHs whi,·i, alfalfa ;trow ... ~1~ nf 1he ,-tut1• Eckard Brothers. - Proprietors h:1\·,, 10~1•1'1h,•111tilPd h., lh~ inn•~- Tlw ll·<•asurv t\£ th,• Stat~~ lrns b1'n rh,·n oJ' whit·h , »1•c4,.lrflinc to lh, 0A"' Plil 1•,I th1•111:1,.1'th,· worl< <if the "8!ok1•r 111ui111uina1H hill tj..-,tfinn~ :l t th .-\. c_· .\ ( ' .. to t,h,,. rxh-nt of $1.000.000 30'·, is h• ht.~tl'"·c<dfnr the p· Qf 11" 'rhrnu.gh ihr trrigaiion d,·p11-rt \:a~· mnr,•: lwransr- 1ll'fore tbes,• 1h,• Hinh• 'fornn1l Sebnnl and the E11ts m~nt muoh has also b,•en accom. J,'iilrd 1'r•·te<I flliflhr<l. h, l!lflll th+· lul-'"1 ~ta~i~- dry farm. ,m·estigttHons wer• .\ <.'. c· ~\·nr 11ml nm• halt' mill, . .,., r,nhli,h,·<1 lh,•re w,,r,, S!< ,:2i;, •~11,,I,, p11bl11· nohody _wnnld bur ou $:l(~l.<kl0.000 ,rnnld b+' ,!;!l(){l • 2 1 R.-mftmbtof aur OJ'llt1111 ,Dt·J1Xl'ltn.-nl , .. a•·r •,$ uud,•r irri~ation. Fulh ... 5c,.i, Stfitl• luud.._ nt Rt!)' pr1C't' 000. ~Ml'·, nf whirh would h(I In 1•l•MR'" c,f l'.t'\llll'<:knl n ,""tr,u·lh ,,n! •I of this •vieili?(' wn, ,n:i,k• ·,,vail• 1'h,· Ji,1 i• ••ndlt•,, .\s s1>1t1•rl:f;~1f'.(Hl(l 1'his ,t;!!tO,Ul(I, ihPn. i, nsLJ.\.RL£ WA't't"'.H nr,:.rAtH:JNCi tthl,· lilJ!a•ou!,!h 1h,· w-·~rl,<lf thl• irrl•I h,dnr1· uni_ \· th,~ la.rg(~st 1t('m~ h:H·e 10 lw d••\·ot,~d t<>tht." thrrP aho,·1 891:'f'•"t':ilnJ lo Watrhr>1 C11k'n. .lt''¥ot"lt'1 onl1 SUH•f"~•IIT . ,-:nhon ,t1.)])nrlm..111 '!'his wa..- UC- hl't'II ,·nn ~Hfol'.ed. 1\lr,•nd,\' It hfl!l nnmt•d ~,·h<ro)s. or this the 1; ...,;\ 1 f.'nll rg,• .~m,11r11 i 1•.1;. rornrlihhccl hy lt•Rt.•hing ~on~et·-vu ht>1·11"'ihowu h-.w l"t1th nnnua11:: (" i~ to r,lc-ei\·1• 2.S.:l4'·i, lhP iou iu tbt• ,.8 ,. ol' WAier and cl\'er ij,t;_()(}().((~l foom h,,, Hrau,·h '\nrmnl i 23"( ,rntl 1h,· r M. WENDELBOE 1 ..,hflwin;! hnw ~n tnunun_t of ,,·tt.t~r :\~-r~c•,1~lt~lr8I C.'"o• l•lt"sre'J h,, amn1mt 0 f l' lW.42 o/r. Carr)·in~ the- ('tll i\:I y,. .., t,n No-rtb !'11 J,.1,t;,-11, t'"t"h fnrnwrt,· ,•nnE-ul«•rr•d mtull?qmtli' 1~n\11~\\h..-.lmm.,.but l.h(i f11rts nr,, 1•uhuion F11rtlwr wr ~ee thRt 2A.34 ,·nuld h,• 111111!0••.n1ir,•ly snJJi<•ient hN·.- Hllcl •:•ni111t h~ rle~ierl S11r1•h· 1>1>r•·••Ill 11£ $270,000 is $77,51S 00 ++++ ,++++ +++++-1-•H·:, >H+++++ + Thns :{~.ooo 11..r,,, nf land 1111 ,, 0 th" fn1111dn,~,,f th,· I •• \ (,. wa,; 1'1h;,,1Ji, a £.air ,,,.1imat,• nf tit, :j: ATTENTION + hf"',"H nrnd.- prod1w1in· Pla1•in~ n ::011d thiuz for r'tah ~-t"nrl.,,)n.._•rt-,as(•of th~ t., .\ C l We sell all kinds of new and + lheit ,,.1 11,. al th e •h><unll~· low ----l'or1henext 1wo~•••rsor,!;155.03f, + d h d F . d secon urrutu,e (;ntn or .,. ~~ 1>~1·at-rr- Wt>'qp '... ,1-lli•rt>. l'lw t•qyr-r ,lt•sicn of tht) .. ( 'r11u.. ,or I U' Hf\nnmm. ut1S is prR,·ta- + + wu ...:11PA"f YOU HALI' p RIC< BACK i· in th 1, xUU1i hus ht•Nt mad,• rii,11...r M(>n t• fm· F\•brnArs WH!< ,•,1r.,• at l'ltllv I h1.1o amount ftsk~ of lhPf + r . h I h I ' r•,•11·1··. lc•c-i~l111t1r•• h~ tht> ,,o)ln!!e for the :t:,or II w en you eave SC 00. I>.\' $1,;,,(llkl, Rtl\l t'rnw now ,11 I • •· • • • "' + 1911 i!ll2. 1·h,•s• latrd• will <'<ons1antl_,. in-1 ~··•Hi's '+ +·· :E
I .\
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in~ wllidi folluwed tb• ~11111r,s1iou ++++++++++++++++ • ++++,1,+++++++++++-t- ••• ++++++++++H-! or Dr. 'rhourns thnt the uew i;ym. I h,• ,·ailed lhe Sma1·1 <J,vmuu~mm. A THJI.EE STORY 1 .Hter sn·,·nl hd,•f talk, br So say folks who have found out 1.headvantages BUI~G LOCA. lll'OUllUl'lJItOWIISJll'OJII,, th,' llll'~t ing headquurLe1$at "NAPPERS."Everything in drug wd .KOT mi: wus odjo11r1.wd 1111dth,• stn• toilet articles. Con1 piecestocli.of SlJ.[ldries,Prescri))tiQJl8
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W1u.iu wa, W"',n nn" W'M1111et.•wtu,•o for th~ Stat,• Loghlatur~, ~,11rt»d a tlw fii·~ t.•tvmn• alarm 101• turu,"1 " ..v T t'IH x th,• Hmn·<l ol' Tn1s1,ces 0£ the .I., n,1ot Lbe d.-pn, .. ,•.,,,., :u ..•kh "<'<• 11111111•+-<..:-+••-++++++·+<11~1+t+M+1~~ 1 ( '. I'. hilll plHu~ fur ~uch L\ t,uilc} ... 1Jthll'dt'd. nnt-1 •11; I' Hohhill}( ti:-: n,,. .. \\'ht--11 \"OU t,oltl \'ltUl' ,,,.. •• .,.. • ..,,... ...... ,. ........ ,. ............. H•• ........... ,. in!( dtU'l\'11 lip sl:\'~rul month« lig<J. nnl ,eum 10 ~,1;,r.,.,; 111 , th,· .I ,J", '(.10[>11;hu.! 111~· wt1., Iii;;• ll 0lllllfi S. E. NEEDHAM& CO. 'l'h,• plun~ mu_l'IH•,mhj•<n 1.0 nurn.v !-J,,. l'ooliRhlil' lo<: 11;,. 1 •mp, 1, ,.,,J -~'"'.1iue riv,•r. w~rnt tli<l :: JeW-!!lersand Or,tioians ,,•hlJJJu"" b.,fon• the b1tildi.ut1" lo ~hrm,rlruh•11&l" t11·••11I • ,11,•.1111 ,,f l'he· "Iii' sn11l ,111111 II -l~x.1~ ·•·••··.,,~••·~........ t
Hui~h••,t hut lhi! uudu
~,r.ruug~-r ll'C wnl.t.•r r~-oJH ,ti,•
will reruui11 l'hi• !Ul.ltlll. #l'htt huildu1g ,viH lw Un IIU)HI~ 1ng l,1·i,;k :"itrll\'tllfr lJl'\l:sl'Utmg n ,·omwr,·uti\·,~ suhsttt)ttiul a:rp~ar .. HU•····h iM \I) ·ll..-th1·dt ij\01·i~8high nnd w11l11mt hn,wm~nl. 'l'b~ firal tJ<Klz,will lit, d,•\'l)tl,tl. iu 1.h~ maiu. to t,h,· hulit••· lfor, will be• Lh1· In• dit•:,.' ~.r,nrnusimn. lueturt· room-;. lu,•k~r aud drt•ss111q- room~. H huu,l hllll t•nuN. ttud a ~winuug pool. N,•l'ltpyrn~ llw siwumJ ur1ll ihii ·•I lllflll1
lhl1 inn1}·•'·1 !itwtl tbt, f'l11'l1it1 l'nto
·r:1,1I 11, i,,11t:,-
,o. t~lll'P:f1uh f1J.11i. th•• c!U;!f\' ·•~hi,•f ttntl 11tlllliHi,• ,., I ,I ' ... ,.;11•1 l': 1
""~hurt• in tlv
f,1 'U1 •H"'
• .....
Practke llmicec.lto Eye, Ear Noseand Throat. Speeial attention given to rhe j proper fitaingof glasses. ·
:.r,.: ••:~.!
, , It 1 nncl :,0 ,, ,,! :~ •nii,1, hut; cln~kinJ,t ov(•t he' wn~ -if'lntik t'rl 1n1tl smu lwnw Wi!it>I' i11 th1• 1w,.r,. of ttw t1ah•11t
on,.,\. lhl\H ... , U,,11,1,,: J\11>12 lu
h)' '
t 1\1•~~
• o)I++ ..
ROYAL BAKERY •~.~"+ 0000
ottF:AD I\NO 'P.A~Y
Mos T you hi\\le c)(
• nend1to th~ 11». la-n:. hf>1... un;. During l,011 .J. TTadd<><•k'• rurn•J'lll nr1ttion S\1"1>f!S$d ~(lbR' nnrl ::rroRns <•ouhl hr h"111'd 1hrn1111lloutth~ r11nn1. Th~ nvntion ,ch·rn J>r,,,if'I,•lf "';rlt:,io1• wj1,:.11h1.~nrn~,· tu ,l t-c.:rl1,:i:~ 1
the I\AA,•n1bl.1,wn,1 11nl.,·P/putlcd h;o the mightr
eheerinl,! and applaud-
4 :I: :I:
C II T .I ege a1or
'Theff8bt W&)'
famous lj. . and M. styln hook. These books are bmh internsting and useful The pictures are all hieroric NP.wEngland stcnes. many of whi<1h
you may know. The models show11ere tl•e
newesttrQations in men's dres.~ If you dido ·1 ~el a style book ju.st call and we will be glad to furnish you with one. You oul!llt to have it. It's bound to please. Watch For This Sign
~1 .
keocpan &(. ow,t oJyour.R.hooldp.cN.('1 ~to open, &n f".a0Uf'lt with UJ Htte you an the pr•c1k.t ,tdc
well .. thr AJ
io,u_"-. -
1n,,1t u
~ntlem~n will ~ co,d11lly wclCOtK.
11 t
Thatcher Brothers .Banking .Company
c.111& Sotpluo.1195,000.00 H. E. 1-tAWH.Pr.ado•< L. S, HILL. .v;...p,.,.iclco,
C. F'.·THA1'CH!R. c..~;.,, J. H. BANKHEAD. A.. ,. C.. hic.
Clothing Co.
...... ...................
( eived ceet>ntly.the
Ti:::..,:::~ :::;:. .. ~ t
••f:.t11';Pf1 1 ........
Hart ••••++....,....-+,..!1~ -..,1
,heo1eocel L.d~ Jf't_\
•J1c-d11I 11Jt)•olU1mN1t. Uft11•,• H1rn•('ll •l"'1~rdM1lln\lllln1t l'tlom~, Uel\~I tUo,1L(,~l111l.iM )I ,
ttlitl fonnde(l J rh,rub~i!:~ .~•.~r~;,~:i! ';t,7~~;,J~l\of th"
slo,, ·h· 1•'H"i :t l 1 •.1r •• r».-,.h., 1hr f~,1111ul' rh,• 1•h1p-•I whic•h b{lr~ thf• U1-..1..•1·11»tion .. ~R, r·p(I tn th,· .\fem,11, , t' thv OM,,, " " 'l'lw·,• 4
a,., o..,.,.
Schaffner f ·. and r1•al g-1·uh _•f11hw~s. h i1' h,, I .~~~~\~-"!:;:.~~•J.",~•~•/~;,;;~;:J:~;•11; { hOJ>MIthat a th mt111RIrH1iiu1 11f f ~;~;'.'""" ~""~t~U t~:t::~::;,;•:t~\';;'. i Marx •·1111ttl:,.i,w wilt tnk-,• phw,, w·lu.·w ...,..••••••• • • , .. -,, ', ........... llffnir
1 Bradbury's Cafe
cC'nntinnecl from
;: ... .;
Star Clothine Store "t~;~•
Location not Settled 1 The Jo(!ilH,,u hhs not b,1,\u ll••- 1 ~ly {'OIU,i(~i(•h<•t• rri,,k~ Oh' x,)Uh 1, 1 fl.11il1•l., d, ,.•i1l~d H)>l>IIAA y~t hut 1·11 lu•v~ In izn H01111,I11ml put ii t 111• n~m·n11,, •• is l-!h't.~nthat the ~it{\ \\ ..hPrt~ l l!,l-t i1 f1•,:..n1. '1:x. st•l<'Ct!>fl will h,, vonv~ni1•nt tn ~.z.-,;+M•++tt-.>t•• THEY Dl~"lf'JrJl hnlh thr· ,,u,l the town ::: 'rhAr•• i~. Hlllpl,• oppo1·t1111it,\'her~ i 0 ~ fo,, ,om'"',n" In fullnw th(' lMcl nf H T d . :I: Ladies·and Gent's CIQthilljj I+ I 8 1!<111. 'l'h0111H•HmR1·1aucl pres,•nt oc ome es a~ eot:cbPies CLEANEDANDREPATRED 'L11'•1•nllt•j?1• wilh II ,;,,. fn,, lhPir Rel!uler Dinner 25c . You,..,, ....... ,,. :i: uv\\· hnilcli,lll. .,.,.,...;.eo• ..•• ..-••' '> .• ,;,.,,,._ :I:MW ,,, s. GuST CARR'l!;.,i, ++++++-l<+l-+++-H-•~+-1•+4+++~··1••1ff' WM:>LBSOME.
., ... ., • .,,...,
Students Attentio~I 11 ~,~l!:,PLr'•~~: 1':~ n;; ~t~,.=~:!;.
wiU t•1111t.Hit1 ,t ruuniug- tr:u-k for IIJ)fln lo 1 11 wintt•r u llL·k work. All ,•IH~,. ru11·1it,.!ot ntHI Hnrnll n•· t'f•11tiuns will lwh1•ld in tht • wn thl• nun ThomAs !-{111ArfJt1,tnr11t-. t-++·!•-l·++-1:+-a ..1•·❖~:...~••J-l••l•+-t-+_.·t•++-++ lllnn \. J?"Y'JIIJUIKHIJll while• all hll'g'('l' rrmn ( 'nlifnrniH 4 ,.,...,,rtJ1111, :uul ~tu,l.;n, Jl,1,1.,·Hf• t',1i1·, will h,• lwlll in t,111, 111 m1·, The• tll,1 \IH11 ( HI JO,)lo .. •r,,111 ~.vnurnsmm. 'J'lw 11oor~ will lw m,v ~o 1,•IIdu• .,·onrur nrnn to t!O •· ··~p,•t·i:tlly t1·1•111,,,1 ,o thut they ~,1nun.,·; ·· Hi• "1\11 ·1. -.if•\r· ~ii will a)wfty,.., ht• in ii~t dll~1' 1•011• 1i11!? on him ·· Bx clition
,~,n,,,_., .
AN'D P£"f1( s-n.:nu:"
Reyr...oldsI ..........................."
M. D.
·•~nt.rr,y to •i_Wf\ I.JU!! _111t-il i1.,11.., 1,.1 ., 1H
\"~Y1Jrlu1s rht•l·t• hL\fln sn1,h u ~1ud..-.111,(Nnuns1 ratm11 iu l,l(H.!Rll+ llu11r,c will h~ th~ 1111111 '. :!J•"111H,,_ ..,_ .,,r,,. , • . + ium. 'l'll1>1 will he lttt~ll!" l'lu1n the 111 ~• '1111' ·Hflll'tf uf thi• 1•11tu·, '!° ~Jm1u1sf11111for 111,~ wol.JIL'n
~••·.~"Y, ..
1'.Hm !:'UUlt
.\T I/Tl!l-;11 ~olA,1'.Gf:~ r as·· 8!!' "l'P"'l'h"tio11s. ~bou!J iq1•rlia-1· 11 """'·,ls "~""''! tbe- in l'rn•d .cit,itiotJ ,.,,.,. l;r~orui11,: li,m!u" hbU ...... .,,..,, M"•r"' ,,. """"'' ,·,.r,,, OU \I,,- ~1H\«_ !<111 ;n,.ur,•• ii U!J silJ, :,;,,w y,,rJ;, ":ill l1tdtl :> trael.j AVlS.tlOll Meet- WMhu1gton's '. lt>uOto,no,,,..,,.,.., .,.,.•• ,,•~•~- A.<l, :,il<,oLHKI••"""·"";1 for OULit\lo.'11.· m,•<'I. hirth,ln:,. l-'~h. '.!'.!. 3t ,I.. C: U. ''"'"'"~'""' o,.w,--,l1,~••-••·• ,, '.""" .,,,_ ~u••e. ~,01tmli< D,H nuno,.u,,·n _,.:,::::_;:•:::-;;:'.:; ,\.1,s>th,•r 11-•inl ,,r 111·eat impm·\· "l'h1• )lh·h•~"" \,aw >'eh,,,,I h~~, Mili tary B1.1!1-'.\!,n><la;· nlght , i~ lhi~~whiJ., tlw l' .\ 1· an ,·nrollm~\11. ,,r ''"''''" 1111,,.l,·,•d 1 0 •• ,........... 1.0.-•\• «w\ drn I ,,,!' 1·. "''-' the 1,eot ,,i ""''""""""·'" 1we11\J $even stn(i~nt~. [ ~lar,•h (i. ·":X:,;j:lri;n,ls "t l'"''~c•nt tlwre is nlwnys \"as,ur ( ·.,lt,,g,_,.Rllllu,ritio·ij hoY,·1 'l'E All'l LEA VES FOR BOUTR . 1h,· possihilii,, "f •l1ffor,,n,•i,s nris• ••••Ho•.,,, -,~ "-" ~,,.,,,... M..,,,., i,,,.,b,•tw,,,.., ti:t'm ,w<,r ,q1pr<1prin- t'il,·,\ OILin,iuoL<·ti<•n >'•,t1·1U11iu,r "I t...•11i~lawre. nn,d:,· mJt1rnfn,·t11rrr ;" K111t,fl.~1T!n~ ,11,r,,iu~ ""r 1,•nrn left rpr 1 •~'""'·a, '""l""''"al'° "' u>'""·"''"''•"'"'" l•:11,·hir,~Lil111i•HI. W<lrkicH! fno· it~ l'i1~' f,,.,,.l"iuo: th,• ht\o<•l '',l\l·1,;.,ti l.ak,• 11,,.1 l'ro,•o. '!'.lwy will ....... •"••~• ,..,m," o.·•••..•f ._,.,..,. '"'"' ,;,u,l,,ot ,4 r, m,u ;,11"1'<•I<,"'~,\' f,,,•] th,il lh,• w11,·~Fr"sil ·· "" "hranrl "f ,.i,.,...,,,.. . . !\f!er• ""'"'·""""'p, ,,th,T i~ ,,,,,,,j,·ir,~ m,,r,· 1\urn il~ ln1:,, ,•alle,I ··\',o,;iulr Girh<.'' I "''"'"I 11,., ~-,,11-,,,...,,1~·.J,'1.,da.y· ubir,• in 1h,• urntt,•i· .,f fn,i,], f<>r Ex. I ""~,,.~,,,\tho,1, !.!<I"" !<'!- l'r"~I> t!it<I \'O. 1;; •ninl••raa,1,·,· l\11t witll 11,., thin~ vuL. , pl"} wifli 1l\!• B Y r '811torda;< .,,,u a lix,•.•l)ia~i~ )l~ (I!~ 1'\tn'lk•f 1'hr 1~,.;,•,·1·.,it)' "f \liss"uri ),a·,1 uilh-, 1'hi, trip w\l\ i•n·,1 tr,,, in hill J'r"vidrs. lheru ean 1,., ,..,\ iu.1i111t<"<Ia wuy nr ail,·~r- 1,•~-•·<>ll,,.,;,,1,-ha~h1-l1~ll i,,•·uiiieg Till$ ltlOUE •<>!\lfllai11tl"r<l>U,·iUw,· iu,tilllli"'I, '.;,.,,~ it~•·I!'. )L,.viu~- pi,'.I'.'r•·a ,.f I f"r th<' A~~i,s nud w,• must ii,1,·~ 1'his ,1111nb er of .Student Life jj,. rnt~r••~1rni: ,..-,11,,.,~a.-tc,·;t,rs <lNI , I K jollifo•arion issue !!I it w~ nt-- HOW WBLL WE REMEMBER i,, h,· ~11,,w111hr«n~h~u1 the state. ~• 1··»·t •.11"· ~''" 11'· '" w,:."·on,t,, ••· Il~)I, pure.'' \c•mi)t 10 ~huw ,)Ill' apµr~cinliun lO 11Le:Statn L"i.:i,,h>Utre in mn}dng Tl\,• Mpmd Llrnt \,·fl ,...,nSi&l~•\ ·\h. \n,l•·fw 1·arn~i;i~ hn,; (]o. nnr J1Ylli..11asium a c~rlainty ·wH lfow "·,,11 w,· n•m,•mbr,· u 11·,•~ff ;\<-1,UOO ,,. 1lw. eni,-~t<li!.y of ni'_1·,q,1 .l!,,l1suu, l\nnctH:k, BroH~a~ l"dn) J! lr~· 10 tel1. how ~,~1cfol thn i;enw,1, ~;~l"'n. c•,,,,.k,1u11, Wnllc,•r Dnknln Ex. \\"lu•u we ~Ill. in tl,e clmp.-1 h,•r~. cr(Cit) ..,r Trustee Smart hn~ , ~11,l u.w~,·1,,~"11,,.,. with i'nn,•1, \,,d w,, h~'1.<"<I ,liffo•t<'"t m~u fron1 mnde u~. \\',, i.,.w depid .~d t1i 1'h~ I uiY,·1·sih' ,,f Ch1l'n;m will .• lhc• L.,.,~i~lnLlLI'"~/ 1)" 11,~ best ~r ,nw :chility 1hn wild i.-n,·li n,·w hn::;m;,., l'hillpi,;.,,,,•r,•1•ln•J nnd ~lu1\a1~-.:r,J.~1\rJJ.. "\\'c !u11'1•n'l tlh• ntnllt),' w•• actl•u~ia~,u uf th~ ·.1<111d\'nf11 awl 1Rn:n\ll<l'.t•, "hi,•I, i11,•lurl"~ 'l':,11<1\.:j;i++++++++H·+++ +++t'l+t ++-t;l: tbe "'"rt' ~\\hdu,,<I fceliug~ of J;e 1•~r- Bik<>I.l1lnl<1•m1,I 1h,• 1~•).I!" 1f Hbilest TTeamient to All fhrt """ m•(•,I~ ,h,,y h•nr,,,,,I, fnculi;· \I lwu the fact bt~l.lt~e /l~LI .. r th••\I it11btn"S T'r,,r('ur, W ffl . C U R R £ L L + \n<l "~'""'ti"~ 1h,·.1•·,1 •·~1nm1•,I km"'" 111111 lh•' "bill'' wfis_p~in "Studenls' Exr,ressrnan" ,Ill enthu,;,,d with th~ thinb'!i nnl. \\hn hns S/1''1\1<i~ .re1<rs . + ,.,1. W,• lwli,•I\' lhHI 1l1H!·i~~U~pf lh,, \'hilippiw, wilt 1,·~••h lh.• 1' <It> 11,,.,,,,~e1•;...1ta,,llh>~Dn••r,. \ho•)•',I Sl""H l,-tu.lt•ut I.if,, \ms ,.f,roni~le"il tfje . ,' t+-1-+i +'l ""'"''"'"·r,.~,,."""'""~· ~o,,rs.•.-:Kx. ·H-+++i-++ +++++ ++++H ... 1w,:, '""~( Lmp,,r1nnt ewut.s that 'r)a· H_lllL , ...... ,. llu•o,u,.,-h Aud tl,",)\fill Tni; wlth_it, too. I'""'' h,q,,,,.,,,.,I tu 1,., l'.. ,\ ~im•r il-~ fonu,!i11g. 'J'\,i,; Uluur j,t,. ,\11,I 11·,(1•,•rrnu,I ,,( 111•-whnh•
~tillletit Jf.ite
\"1:1olltgc 41:alenllar\
-r,, ........ ,.••, "''"'"~
tt.:::.~:;~'.-.: ;~~-~:~::-;.:!' ...,
;-"~:'O::.',~""··" :;::;:":~;;,;
' •'•'• '••' ~"'•'•---'-..c.c,.',•"'•·"••'•'•c•,'°•'•'·••'•'•"•l1wns ,,.k,•ol ,.r th,•
t ""•i••·,.,.,.,.,, ..... ~,..... , ""'""''"';r:
1Ll"i,•n"'m fn,· d,·vulin~- au ent il-e i11,m~1o th,· MW i:ymnasimn aJlii JJ"" J,,',<i,_ 11·,•·11,,•m~ml"'" t,..,,.,-;r, 11.. , i,rni11t,•11nne~ bil:~. • ~11-,'.ll IHIL<~nrnrl ha1, ,., him 111 ,.n1u}11,,·l'"-'i nr thia lsSf1e .\n,I .,)·.,•'\nS,wj\l h<• f"u110\ II 1·~p1·in1 itL foil 't•,f Hi•'s nn•.t, 1,' i,urn. ~"'11,~·~ sill'<> I)· .lfi/'£ his poi;, 1he ~tn1>k,•y nmintenanre bill. 'In th e mi,lst uf 1h,• l'"P"lar ~111\111,i. And ,,-,,'II finuw it lh;, "Thnma·, "~"' 1m•1·,dlin~ ,,,,,.~us~ of \Jle •f'\Ju"rt /h'lii.'' pASsage of (l,~ /l)"n,nas\um ~II .\ml h,m•r11,,r:-;11•·.,· 1\·iH not lel ii nu,nr •><·••rl,..,k 1h,· ,r,·c11t ,mp~\lim by 1"""'' .. r thi~ mill 1'\c<. M!pp~h II , will ,ln 11',, wl1ol<• ,•l<'nn ut,•. r,. renlil) ii i~ d.e ,:1•,,n1rs1 ,,,,.,11 t1Jnl lu,~ ewr ,\1101 IL,•'11,n~ ''B,1· hr~k. \\',-,.,,,,Jibt.t !eu lh~"~'""\ ,,h,•<:k htii,bieu,,-:1 1h,· ~i~1..r,· nr 1he,f11s1 t~ ,.;1 1q\ tlw .,1,1 mn1•hin1' ,\. {', Wl'wrr h,-r,.,•" ii wu~ ""('' to J>t,~u\ wi1h 1.lw l~J,:"isl.,111.~ HI ,.,·N)' "'•si<m fo1r ,•n,,,u:,h rnon!1y \)( th" 17!) 11lm,rni nf 1ht• I' ,1 fnr u11tinl••nnu~,· n(lw" '"'rt,iin !' lift; twro hnw •'untlmw<l th,,ir f,x~,I "'"" 1H~N ns,,h for this p,h-. Ro)11.,1lml!"fll oih,'r sdwnl~ "'J.:"l,
:Jr n,•,J~-
,.,cl Wt'
k11<!l\ "'
,JnM "ho mu m~<>m,• 11Lil h nutl ~nn a,! ,u~t onr ,,xp, n,b(t1res ~• ,or<lmJ?l;s,.,, 'l"l," hill 1,rov,,(e, a11:ainst nuc1u111ini, :trprnprin1ior,~ n,ul mnkrs el'rli,in n r,•n"'~' 111,lr•nmn1111t r·nMU1111l1·l,wre,;,. fost wi1h th,• ,w,.hh of th,, ~1111"
Calering }l(lvelties
1, n,h ,I 111 111 t
••n lOl•
t t® $
.•. Good Dressers say: "This is the store for Correct Clothes."
$ $
_ [co all ••·vnute,'11 ,lasses h,wr er;uh1a!t-d f1'·rm tfi~ 1• I r• Tl"· fin, ,,lass ldt n.~""l"IC<' in 1!\!1-1 Th,· nmr,h ..1· .,f «ra,1na\••s hu~ vnri,_ ;,,,1 frnm lw". 1ro lhir!,, ~i:t.
: Howell Brothers
ROYA andFine
r, Co'Nl
• 'EC1~10NRHY
'l,lw Popular Stude11r.11 Store
Tbc Student Body at Ute U. A. C. will always ~ml loyal supporteni of any ~olleg~ runnioo in \he help and management of the
8$ ~orih Main
!~••n "''"''"<<ti,~
The Store · : Th at Sets : The Pace @
Both f>'hones
( 'O . Wholsome Jee Gream aod Fane~ Sherbets.
GYMNASIUM BILL PASSED' THE SENIOR BALL WAS BOTH HOUSES IN FORTY MOST PRETTILY DECOR· FI VE MINUTES. ATED DANCE OF THE SEASON. ,111:-.t(11rt~, five minutes t1ftcr rh1• 1 ·ltohll1son' hill, pro,:j 1 1i11r: 1':vn ~iiwc th•• ·•~J1111i111· Prorn'"I fm: tlw (J, .\, 0. '!Y1U11Ht.~i11111, -.·•u:,,,.uf la.,,:\ yl~tu· Wt' hH\'O 11('."-'.Jlwai1 iuc tu:Hlt• a SJ>l-'t•inl { Slhl i.n the hons,·, 1'01· thHI nn l 1<if'lJJnr 1mrty -und 1,llr it I">a-8::;c<l tlJ,, ~1·11ntonwl was w,11111H! wffs <~t11·ti1 _inly- rt.,puld. 1•4:ucl.yfur 1hc I to,·t.•rnClr\, ~i:tua 'l~ht•ui_ghl w;t, Hll!nl fnr a win-\ tui•e. Ii· s ,nl,•111111,, pa1·t~· ,11ul 1.h,: 'l'lw hill 11:ul h,.•,·n intt·Mln,•,111 cruwol 1h11t 1tlt,·mlc•I wns tlll«ol ~ouu- da:..-~ JlT••\"1011s h~" ~peHkl·I' with tlw l::lllll'Jl oi" ~und :-,.1,\'nh.•IJ· Ho1,ln-..n11:i1ul hu,l h<"•'n 1·,•l'errt•ll 1111,• :'\'t•\·~r has tlw 'l'hult'ltr I<'. . lhll. l '<>llllllllto•l' Oil F,,Juca!IOtl, • p,II ,i ltlll lu•t•n ,l,•o•ora(o•J ,,u lwUllll " 1 wh,~b H,,pr,·s<'lllH(n·•} l·'11uk\full,,. Tia- reJ he11rts 1;1rcwo ~~0!11 C:whe_ Co\mly is 'drnirum11. lll'illllftl 11~· tho hnnJ1 eels u111Ilhl' I l11q co'.11n11(1f',,rt•po1·1etl mi:ini_ suh,lurd li.,hts nu1<h• IL nrl 111n11sl~1n favor ni 1lu; bill M)tl il ~ugg,•stivc :al,•ntint;,, eift.~l't. 'l'~ ~-us th1·11 plao,,•d npou II•~ llot18c nd,l hril11u11,•y 111 ,be dc1·vr;oll\c 1••11lc11dnr. .\~cnr,liug to•. N'gular ,,.1,..1111 • 11i., ,,,,ii.,rx iutro<lt1t•t·d ., .1u·uwdure ilw 1.!Ytllll!Ja\JIIUI hill 11,·w ,lium·. th~ sp,u·ldcr It I ·11h11,·c I ha,! . f wouhl II th,•u tu• wait its: \llll•tll•· · rOU' J... ~1\11 poupl,• und wn• I l,ltll, " ,, ' lU\'111!.; b~~u P~•'.\'1• c~, t,ii11!\· ',•r,· ,...... ,,. ll11rinu th ', tht;ir •"' •h : • wrv,,,l ...uud' ft111MI,, · . rq,orh'i:.l , . fl'olil I , ,•n111mil '·1,11"", ru•. 1 1'11
J)@~~c!,!~~~ •~\
I'nsures{_orrecttprope · If rCarnage I
1 ..l
f..,1~1t11 .
" ·L·
PRlCE and Ql)ALI'l'Y if of any consequence w you, you will get your
Herc i• a Shoulder Br"oc lh"t thQ conection of llll)' i11cli11a~ hon tu rouod or stoopinir shouldl:rt
Furn itur e & Carpet11
an <.:i,~ym.atttr
;o W
~pt-~•lnl Hatt•.., fur ,
Furnitur e Co.
1-•~t•si_l':· ·1nng 1
the• . ~l h·rmmn I .
I ie_prPftl-Tt?-IH-e..
hr lht) wa)':it
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,l t ll~ ust H,1tnrda), 11 , l!o•prest-Utati\'t' 'lfolmnn
-h,n\'C•\: fr,
Logan's Leading House Fumish, ent 51-55 North Mail}
by rxpcrl• ln br ,hmiltlcr bm,•c c1rn1
llu· nlultnn oftho
,•111ty,. • lkmp:t"nn•tnortoJ ontor,ly of doth nrul '
J.L...$~1fl rN1t'('fl
S,'-t.;°'C..l•ltl ·or
llAvC ""''"
\\•ith no md,,~I p;;.rt.1 to bind c,r t•bnh.-, -------
tht·y du unt J{WC (II\~ tlut tm~-.t•d•upfli.:11~ ,atloo that n,"<"ompanie, th• we•riu~ "f the u-.mntbruct:-, nur is itJ1o"-.\blt for Uu•m lo,lntorfere wilh the<lreulotion.
The Common Room Club
• • 'l'ht! 1rni-ty w;Js a i-.ot·iH.l :;_·uci-•,~ss fhe1 Ht~xnll Hrru·•~ mnv be: wnn, l!·, lb\Uki... l1hJl"d111•-.. l,n111 ..... V,.;1l 'l'nl•lr,., IUI tht• l{nluusou 111ll he nuult• a , 4.•ithlt ':(1"'<and we hri,·c them tn nit ,-is:; i-.l111tlh· Uo,,rtl, Mm",., 111111l'Oh Uat.b"i, I I tsp...,,·inl ,~:-tH', 'l'h~ uwtion drri ... ~,i Jllltl .\\Iii~ oue 11\fll'P i:ooil tirno to ~1titnbl•:. ~~r t_l1(•cc,Hd o(fnur yea,~t1r tlw 'l .. i,11J,. ( ,11u-t I \l"t:, '}'f . ,-\l I. , I • . • .. 11 l lw mmry 11rnt 1 lw l'li.1~...,ut 1!H l nd 11lt_,w'1ghm)C thn."'Chundrl·d v,.,1111d ". 0 r""l t ,,, loJll \\<IS up fo,• l111al pu,. . , . . . . • """' ,•hc,t meo,u .. -meot i, nil ttml I, """M~t" iu th,· lluu~t·. ~\lt'ft.kl·r l{nlJ. h.~.!',, hu nislH·tl us \,lnl,~ 111 1•oll1•1,{f!, nt·1•~-;.1~r)· tn propel'ry fit }'OU. •-------------.· . ) hop.• ti, s,•t, uurn, \\ c." h1we the. exdu~Jv~ ogcucy for U1b 1 mson nm< 11• a. h•w rl•tnal'k~ 1n [a· . , . ~. . morP pnt·· Ntr, E Make &Spec'&lty to Sat. I ,.,,. \JI' th,• hill iu \\'hid, IH• t,!' 01," 1 th '' t;,uol . Pri ce , $1.00 isf: our Patrons. Give us
I \\
Prnphnsil,~,I t1w ntte,d for: a. ·S!"Y~l -+ ._ ... irn:,.rnm ,u this :•wh•Jol. lh~ ;ls11 ·1111. ~rai11~tif lto,nh•r. llll'nti1,11c-<\ !Im $10.000 , !!11't of • Ii tJ.• ,loht uf pnint, Thourn, ~iuart, whh•h wA~ Jontiu :\fak•• T1•rr:,;rn ." f1't'1,'kl1•, ~t'tll upou n..ppropriatiunr,w ota · Onk as ,lo dey wa~u 't.;:~ril.000 h.1 the 1he lo·;,:istntur,•
trial. RiterBros.DrugCo. N.A.a'Larson Hdw. Co.
No, 33 North M&in St. Logan Utah 11:x
(" ,\, ('. ir~·,nmi-iu111. t"rio•, ,of ·""'",\' ,~,1; ..,1 11 hl!le ('alw <pwstion ! questto10' w,•re h~arl.i To ti<'ld,, l'"l'il ·, ]'alat,·. nml th~ 11uc,1iu11 wa~ 1•nt. Th•• Tfo 1,111it '"' 11 hh•k-0rv ,lic•k hill P'• "'" lll1Ht1i111ously, It \\'(•nl .\11111,SO•tl r,11 " ,treii!ht to the ~,•11:11\• 11,·r~it -t•:x. wu, 11lso 1111111'• 11 s1>,·•·i11I is,n~
-,-.--,--~~~~~"'=«·'7!-=' :+·H·++++·~·l+ ..+-1• -l+~++++·~ + • -I·+ CLEANING and ~; t CacheV alleyMercCo. I!; DY EING CO. \ :!: Green. Fancy and Staple i \ Fancy Gowns Our Specialty !~:j; GROCERlES !
ht-c-::'",.... ,'"'-,=""'"•-::=·~"'"'...,,..__..,. ,;..,.,. n.,, ~ t and Fine Chnnaware c-:o...,,..
-t+•t++H·-1'•+-l•+++++·H-++•t ·+++•t+-I'·
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t t
!ti,• ,·ot•••l •• ~\) ·,~ ,..
At It
ll1 1t'h
1 H. J. Carli81e, Prop. ~*i Basement .Thatcher's Bank _ii.•
;;i~~~.~:;:·~~~?i~#lj}f :~j; 1~D-~... b~a.... ~r-~ .R :~.>~ o!,~ b .:-:~m =s ·o ~n +~C~~a:m _:-~ p ~b ~·•~..,; e~~ l-l~C~o -~•. 1
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•1:1i~h,·ar_t;v wn,v in
Bank Bcirber ShOP
11;,'~.;•r:,:::·,.'.:,;'·;;·:·;·i'.1:, ~:::·:~ •.ri;;:;i',',~'.'.'.'. ....p1 •1•in 1 iH:-;tW.
t •i•t\rt,,.,11,1t..,.11 t Bank •U'• .]: thr I+ 111111"
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Ath•'k11Ji,t.1u,,, •,. "11\, .. , .. v .. r)a1ot• CLOTHING AD • UI TS "n t -Jr~ I ~!rJS Iaturt~ r11..."iv<'<l 1111111· ••, H,' "",..\•111-,- ,., + L L IES S 11 "Robin~ou •. hil1 r\'inc·ed a kiurllv +:t: i;;,•~1rt:;:•,1;~0:1 11 ,.::~~t:;~~.lt~~• ..SH OES SHIR TS WAI STS •I 1111·1,1ol tltf> 11111•1r,c.ndl11it R •o K 1·r1wr, upon the p111i of tlte le!ris , + That ABERDASHERY COATS AND c.,. A S I lalor" for lh,• ,\. G. nn,1 ~11 "l'P''•'· 1 • TRUNKS HOSIERY llnr :un1,t, ,·,~J•llrll ;iiu11,111"nh•1 .i••• 1·in1iou ,('f itf-1wnrtli lo 1tw ~htf' \lllffU IU'f't•Hnl .. ,., .. ,,111r l'ln!r VALI SES RIBB ONS Th,• t'uJl,,,w fr;•I, 1h11t 11., :I: f~:.•,:•:,:•:•,•~•;:,:~/""'"'"''""•" + HATS MILLINERY + Does +"'I pm·l of thi, l<iu,11,·f,.,,Jw,: i, 1Jt,.. +"" RUBBER GOODS CORSETS I " II ,., 11uo<!\\'Irk \\'1• ¥.1:!'l1,u11•· '""" ,;-.1 I : ' I I,,, 1•,.,.,.,. I;t Things •.,,,,.,.,,., ,......... .•. UNDERWEAR FURS \"1111,•.1111:1nh,-r, of 1h,- l,,•,i,lu•i:t &c, &c, &c. B L~NKE TS 1 1 aml wish~R !ti rs.pr,, .. ,tsi•lf + Evert hing to Wear. Where You Get the Best turr -:l lt U :1;
,,;,,,,j 1·
n 1 .'' Jtl'llt,,r111 fn
Thef 1'8rctN~t 1on~ ' 1t k ·
S1•11nln~ ]?n11k
a111l R<•pr,.,~ntaliws Funk nnd Bic•lnnon•,
:t ;
:;: t ~:
+++++-++ +-~1-<••:+1•++++++ ++ ++++
Lady's Departm ent First Floor 59 XOR"ril )lAIN 8TIU'iF.T
Slat,· Sd1<10I ut )lin,•s und the TO OURSELVES. t;lntc,1 1 Stair \"vrnrnl School, .,ball 1·c-et·11·~ 1 ...\-n,1 " ii••·l fill)~, N,111ptu•~t1t.td. 1 ,.;.u:1 I"'" ,•~11nun; the Brandt uf \\"1• lut•tilhcll u\l1• thouehts inl 11 l•11r ull \\ hu brlpr-il, 1•·('11 th,Jw,,.:h tht> Stnh\ )\o,•nual ~·liool. T :?.J p,•r thl' mr . ·1w,•r<) ,11111. l'l'lll!llll. a.uJ tile ,\grieulturnl c..1. 'rlwy t"dl lo ,•w·th, we lw11w uot ( 'un sof1I,, !'-i:-t,, le:t,• of Utuh ~l>.<l41wr .-en nun of
1h1• fmJ<l IU thi~ ,1-t•t pro,·1th•d
!.!'•~I1hn1 ~y.m."
1 Fur II Im has ri1o:htt,, folh>w 111 • '.L Th1-•iwmllll •·ost of lh4.• AN ACT APPROPRIATING whiu, <'011~1·th l•n:-.. ju~a 111ri-1wrl u bllt THE SUM OF $50,000.00 FOR g(..'rn:J·t1lmalUlt""oa.uce, httrein pr,,. \'idt><l for tt,,• Gu..i1,l'r$it)· uf Utuh, \.\~t• mt-1\!1) said aJ•Pt-t'Jtrln1in~ ~'2fi.OOOfor tht."p\U' THE PURPOSE OF ERECTH\\"'r~ w-::tut u eyw .• , _111,L•. 1 oi tightinAZ llll.• AlfJ\Jlu wc,·~·il ot the 8lti.l 1• ING AND EQUIPPING A iudmliug th,• B1·1U1<'11 1 ~<1r1111il :-;..huul, .too the \grtcul • 1 1 •n ( lah. GYMNASIUM BUILDING of l'lllh. sh1tl1 uo1 W•· wnl u11r pl~a 1h.Nugh.,11t Ill<' FOR THE AGRICULTURAL l1uul t'oll~t l'-'<t·et.'tlUJ,. :nruount iu rids 4 ,.-t r ~l•Ht\ . The Sintl~nt Bo<h .Assoc11ltjou COLLEGE OF UTAH. \'i<i,•d for. l.,!!Hher ",th ::..~; W~ hoost<•,i uur !><:hool111a ril!ht 1 ••f ,Jo~ l .\ C r•~eind $:1..&~5.!i-O He it £naf!tl>d hy th,. [1t•!.,ri~l1trnr,• n,n ...uut· t~ fll(lf lw ,l(~riq ,•,d fruiu i!OOd rftk; t. frcuu Htudent Brwl~· cat"lb leKt ,,f tht· t~al l' ••f 1 ·11,ll • lhe ,•\.'1:rnl r~rnd ~l'LiUtfuuds11fthe nur- ,111~00 ..... n•J'_ \\rilh plent~- uf~~1,1ar_ 1'4.'\'ti<ll! 1 '1'11111I lwrv ;, hvr,•ln· vim, }lJ}propriatt"d th•• c nrn ,1r fift:\' al.lu\·t· iu1111t·diruHitntiot1b and th, 'l'hHI ,jtl\l.lW)O bdpe,t hring ,nu· I housnnd I $.30.1.)(~J • dnlla,-,; fo1· tue f1unls rl.'n ."J\'1!11 h.\ tlti"Jll i.J'lt.)LO ,rn...lht.'<;{I rou1· \\'Ol~-"
··w,,·11h,w~ •
put•J')(.,~j•ur f"'rt••·I i11~ urul t•1p1ippin1,: u 1!~'1l11ltt~ imu
rh,• .\inie11lt11ral , "ullel!'e n( l'tah
i-,,c. -l.
"I ;0 m,rnl
irum . •·
I iz~·mnfl~im-u. Do
nut forc..-t to u-h·t• Thomns Smnrr thts o\"Ution h<' ,I,.
)J~1it11(•w1nr,· .. a:, H:-it•d i11 this ..Act 'l'lH· !..')'m bill pa.s~t•1.l ! Wt.•"r,• 1111w t ~~'rV••~ upon
S<•ctiou :?. ·ri u• ~niJ hllildin:t shnll ht• ,•r.•,•t,•<I1111 011 siw h plans -05i thf• Bo..u·cJ lit' Trust,•t!~ \Jr tht: .\j{ricultnr~I t 'ull, ,,_. ,. sh•ll 1lf•· tPrminc . -~m•h Hou1·4Iih nn1bo1·iz~
sha.11 lw ~u t•OU!-ilrtlt•tl U!S to uu.•nn •---------------------------.. '""' iududc ~l IJl'••(•ol\llJ'y eXlffil !-'c"' of 1he aho\'l' i11.,tituhon, ex We welcome the Students to our Stud.io. We've been meliing n•pl fo1• th J>tm•ha,c arul dclivi>HOTOCRAP!i3for 20 years. PHO'r(JCRAPHSthat are up-t<Hlate. 1•1y ou llhv grouu<1S:ut' ,u.h.lititmn.J P1-0T()(;JtAPft,"i that YOD will like. \'••t"Qf-rlfo.m &J1d ~uttrst, ...... .J.11t1 t~• 1•011lr·a:•t f1,r tl11, 1.'rt"i!lion wmcr, rht: J)nr,•hu~t· of g-rot1nth'> 111ul <~tpllpnwnt of !-i. tll'h huildint: :md thr t"'Pt•1•t111u 111111 ,~q11ipnwnt aftt'r- <lw• 1\fJn,rt 1St~ml'u1 as re nt• Ill'" huihlin.1..~unJ Jh:>rnuuwm ndditious q11ir,,t1 I,~- lnw , :-:r•c•1ion:l. Th\ ••11ti1·e<tppro, priulinn sh nil h,, '" ail11hle n11<l may lw <lru\\ u u111 l 1•·,q,, 1 mh•d 1P, in the best srudiosof Germany,Switzerland ond France 1l11•wurl-i ,m , m•h liuihlin~ pro ,
Odell Photo Studio...
rn~~~!~~t~~~~~~ ~-,~
d11l,r a11tht•1111c•;ltt~, 1 Tl,, • l" .\. U librnr." ,, 111 1•larn1),,,. iu 1lw s:i II waum•r 1h:tt •'Ill 1)u, ~n·ue '1.11 one or the ~st 1 1Ua•r at)JH•,: ,pt ii1h n, to Sfli<I c..•<tl - un exhibits ,•,·or sew in Utah. J:r1•:-.s1•s upon
u r.- PXp1•11rl1 •d
Is Olemargin,~ As Good As Butter?
'l'lJ.i, ~xhihit is lirill{; held 1111cl,•r I h1• am,11wc~ .,r th~ l!. A. L'. anJ STOOKEY BILL. 111<!-,.,,,,..ty ,,f l"lu.h .irlisi.; and rt•pr,•!it'llt!-. tlu: work uf Pight of AN ACT TO PROVIDE A PER- th ,· hesl r,aiutl•ts of the \'\'e~t. lil Hee«1t,1' olt•olllm'll<ll im• is 1•nlored lik1• hu1t,,1• 1111,l luoks lik,• MANENT FUND FOR THE ,,II th,·r<• Hr,• ,,xty uuc J>Xltnrc•s h1111e1•aud ••wn 1n,1,., lik,, huth>r , i, it is i:1111<1 ~• ~•lllPrT GENEJtAL MAINTENANCE Li•e <,iwne Rid,1'hr IIIRk,•rs l'LAl~I it i,. 011 e ,lnhitiou. OF THE UNTVERSITY OF, 111,t, hn~ pr,,1,aul)· tlio foie~t eolYou K~()'\Y it is 1111! UTAH, INCLUDIN 'G THE 1,..·1iun, his t•••·lrHit of ~fr. OthY, 111 know thnt it is an inf,,rior arti,,J,,. lhnt it i~ "'1h1 by mis. "BRANCH OF THE STATE iul(t•r h,-,11:.: esI>•••·i»lly fiM. 1'h.,re re1>,.•••nlRtio11. and )·ou wnul,h,'I 1n11el1ii with " tt•n font pnk NO'RM.Al. SCROOL,AND THE " 11,. 1 u ~oll,•ctiou. how,..-e,-, lhnt similnr e<m1li1i""' Jlr<•~»il in the -~TJ•rntnr hnsin"•~ AGRICULT~AL COLLEGE does n,,t ••uhtain 81 l~asi one, und '!'It,· DR 1. \ L\T, ,, ,·ver.nvh,•se reeo!?ni,.od by ,·renmer,1·men. OF UTAH. tu ,:mut• l'H!-.P:,,: mun:,· r!t'tnrt-, de:- J1run1iu,~nt <lairyuwu nud h11tt..,1~mAlwl"N a:-. lu•ina hy fAt th1• htlit Be It Ena.cted by the Legislature .;lH'\fiHi;? :O.f>l~<·ial nu'ntion. The ex ,1(.l:-ttU s1•p~U,.iltor on tlw ttMrki•l of the State o! Uta.b. luhll r~p,·,•s,•nts 1,,. siu!!lv sulwol !lS'., uf !he wul'lrl ·, 1•r,•11turi,·mPu us.• th, , [)I-; J~,\ Y .~L tn lh,· ~t-(•Hou 1 "rl1uf f 11 r th,, purJ>ose of at·t lrnl ii is uutP.wmthr thitt .•,whtt.if111 uf t'n·t·., other mnkc•. Thnt looks lik(' pr(\tty oon,•lusi\'1• ut' T'no1.'1<hn{,!a 1wr1.1Hl1Jt•llt uml tu~:,rly all 11r llw works •·~•~ntlv ,,,·it11•111·<· thu1 th~ mrn who nn-L-k,,lhl! s('f>H'r3lion ttf ,.·renm anrl t.h.pet-pPtna.1 •fund fur 1hr- ~t•m•rnl fiuiNhf'd -..;hnwlo a nutrkL•<l,..xt,-r;1 tttn1cinl! of h11111\1• A Hf""~J"'-'.'.E~~th,• uu•n wJ1<1 knr.\\·, Rrt>nn1 ill any mtthrtil\mUWf' of 1lw· rruv.•~ft.v nr da- i11rJ1wor,r or 1he iJUpl'('"ifriouis 1lnnh1 RS 10 whi<·h is th,, hl•ii f'rt•am '4i 1J)8rRIOI" l'tnh. i1wl11,liu.,-tlw lk1111d1<>flho Ii<• «·hool. 'l'he 111111,;,,r,, nf i11f,•ri11r"'JlRrlltl)rs <l<'knr,wl~d!<~lhHI tb,, nF. I..\Y_\L is h,·~f wl1t,n 1hc,1· S1t)· to ~-n11"Onr se1mrllln1 look, like 1h,• s1,.11• \"orm,11 :,;,,hool an,I thp ,\~ 'l"he fih1·111•.v «ffoi,I~ nmpl• room JH: J,A\'.\I," .,,. "it"s jn,1 11 ,, ,:on,l as th,· OR LA\'.\l •. hut "'' will ,i,•ttlturnl l ' uJlt~~t•uf l~1nl1 rh,·1'<'i1:1-for thl' moM aC1vnnta'!?ct'la~ clis:- :--..-11 it to _v1iu for II JitllP 1,,..-.;tn('Ult\, ·." her•h;· llJ"fll'"'JlJ·iate,1i,n,I s,•t ""idc, pla_,. ,.r th,, 1,i.-tur,,s. nlthoui,:h th~ "11; ,lo tlH',I"nff<••· I<>r el! l11eir m11,.hi11,·sd1~ap~,·! i<'l'r th,• rr>r 1hut 1mqHh ,• 3n pt'r 1,,, 111 or lighl ,·ff ..c•l."iurr not ahn,vs th(l' \l•n• sttmr r,•Ht,;nn1hu1 thu mak'l·l"S of 01t\omnri?nrin1"~t.·JJtht1ir yMlriuc•t 11 · · ,,h,;nprr than t,,,, to \l\\K'R nu,l 1m• 1hr• 1 11t11·cnnunnl r,.,·,"lntl' f]Pri,t><l mn!-.I d,•-.ir~hlc. ,l{()RT}{ f*s-- h111t,•1· 1,,,,·/lu,,• !hry ('f~'r
f!Ylm lhP !!<·nvrili ta, 1.. ,..r for l'areful eonsi,li•rMinn nf flt•• 'l'h,• rm l,.\ \' AL hR, man~- imitufnl:', lmt no Nflllll '-lnte J'11Tf)Os,•, IU the l:ltale nf ,·nrions ri••tnrr, 011 ,-,hi hit inM 'l'lwr~ i, no suhstituk fur llw rn: L.,\ Y.,\[, Ill!~• morl' 11111111h1•r11 l'fHh. 1."X1•lrn.:n ·., of :-;mi,, ~rhnnl will rru,·•· ht" e-ri•nl ,·n•u,,1,, '-lnd- i·an h(l i.1 ~11h~1i111t,• for h111h~t·. t111rl T11J!h:-;t"hnnl f11111hl"J/ f 111 l Tf ;n,n nt•t'.l a t•.l'i'ftUI 1.t1pnrator. why ••.>i:f)111r·.inwn1 with uw,•rlh 1 ut' r, ..1,...1 1 r 1+ 1 7 t•m ~ me ' fit• lps~·-. ·•uf'M•'" m· '"jm ..t as !."hod" imitation~" "' Ym, will sa,,,,. ~-n11r1vlf 1 ~"'' :! 'rlu,. u ·nl'rR1 tl1t\in1~n- lw1ot11n nrt an,t 1l1~<•m·nn~in!,! th,, t,m,· rnoJh''\' aml trunhlt• t"· ittJtt)n,:i: th<" ,!!4'llllilltt I)J,: h.i.\Y":.:\I,, un,·.- fund >h11II I>,·ilil'i<l"'I ns fol 1011pr,,,.,.,, .. 11 ,•hrnmo. 'l'h,• llt•n F,)r cate.lot: an<l any. d,,sired infonnat.011 wril,• lo the nearc,$1 lnw~: The I ni\'/•r,-il) · 11i'['tnh ••l<-, 1'111flllhli,• ,,- w<'ll will h,, w<•I office of THE DE l,A \" ,\I, 8F.•P.\Ro\'l'OR 00 .• Iii~ R,-.,..,lwaJ~ :-,;.." i•lulo:iv,.oft .hi• B,·~,uf•J 1, uf thi ~ln-t,•' •nmAtl utul ,-hiuhl llf•• mii,,: au\"j York -I~.. E1t...1,1.n~i,;u11 ~...,.,·~.:. l11fo~Co; f!r11mn1 .am.l ~nl"rameult! · l );o • • , • • • StrP,-!s Sn11 Prnn••• ,.,. 1,.~111 \\'lllu,m Stl',•1•1. ~lmllrPOI: H-Jlj :Surma • •b,..,t , hut 1url11ihoi,: the1 OT'J1.,rtm11tyl<>••·•• tlu- ,hsplay. Prine,•ss Htr,,,, 1, \\'iuui,;ea: JOn Wcst,,rn .\,·~uu,•, Sr1tl1k
. 'l'lw .\1"1 Exlrillil in thP. lihru11·. (,UP Win,01· spent h.~ns -l~nnn~nnTMnnnnnnn'"""'mmn "''"t exrrllent ,)lie. People '1111111 Snndar In ~••h Lake ' wh,•1·1•E Hurry' H I ,huul,l no1 r,111tn SN• it. h,, w,•111to ~-,.. I he• 11\Trl ll'll 111.,.. E .Tl>••,,,II '" '" "". urry.
J.S ll
.. $<>me one ia ••The CoJI,,~~ \\" id,.;wIt cH:,t is Uerll'\ 't'''-' Hof[ ulwoy}, hugging m~•.,, working llnrd. Look '1llt for snml'•
thi ng ,loin!!' ,o-0i1.
8 !°l' Jl't'Ufi})t-rt~
nf n ln.t,
kPlhnll i:um,· 1vill1 (h~ P.. Y (' l next '.\Jomln)· uil!lu.
Ur 81,:-wurt l~cturcd bcfo1·,, the :-{\ale H,,rucultur:ll Soeiety llrll?ham t'it)" yesterday.
Gilt Edge Bakery
To Jtio·
I \\·h) bdr
011 C-ukr• h 111,d .. 111 .. l\1·"1t. Mllll l'n·-.
l'/'t('ll··ou. ·10, left Yl!S-' ~prt•lnl ,•xM•1•isq; wHl lu•,. hdd '.i: + THE____ Students ..;,._..;,.;.;.;.;.;; Store. + 1,•rday '" tuk~ IIJ' hi» uPw Inborn in ,•hnprl Tncsrlay next in lt11uql' f.irnstns
nr C:o•Ol'i!I' \\·a~hin ,:to11
in \\'ell,; , '\evarla .
Books. Stationery, Post :j: <'.ards and Souvenirs. Al- +
l're8ident \\'idtso,•. Ur. l:ltdl ·r,n,nt,11 ha n- r1•gi.,t,•1·e1lSH r,11· -.;:,, sc•lwol will h1, Ii, Id 11··~, Hn<l,loh11 T Cain~ Ill w,•r~ m in rhu short rou~.-,· in ll oni,•ul- \V,une,dA) ' ,,n M~ount Wll,'ihSalt Lak,· City thiH week 111,·aliusp,• ·:,.,u. in!!ton's l,irthdar.
way$ 8 complete stock to select from.
1 +
! Wilkinson & Son I
Lil!111 cnau t Caffey hai, iijue to w,, ,lriu'1 w,111t1hP holida,\', 1o:11 Vern Petnso11. who ha, hren wr DO wuut to .hnw 011r anr•·P.l'i Port Lesven"·orth to take the + + I iviug with ltis hrotl11•r, bas mov ation tn Tlon . TJ10mas ~nU1r) , 1•X1U11iuuti1t11 £or ,•apt11iuc)'. NOl<'l'H MAIN ,·d to th.- f'i z,,ttn Pi f1•A1f'1•11it\' ""l•~n lw r,•1111·w , f •H·'l·+·tt++ ·~+·t•++++1·-H·++++++++ 1 · " ~:.J" Bru,.ard, wlw has uot house •• In .. I h,·.eu r~diui::: well fo1 11 l\•w rlllys. ho'lll' an,! :1r,,·1•1l,,said t.1'" . I 11w I:t++. +++++++++...++++++++++++' louk•up l;atiu hht .r\·ar '' is i1rou1u.l sd1ool t~ttlll, ra11, 011 WO! Josi tlw l; ,uiv1•t~i\;'. 1:j: I p. G" :-:uph.- ... I did. h111 the fu nrlly t?ame wns h,,,, "', th,· ll.l~.v,~s :j: pec 1a rices 1ven 1111 4ua,·11atl.1,u, 11111 ,-h.-~ll)·rtl~ 1inows. 1 to Students at rrofu~1t)r lhtorg-c! H~udd1.:kb j~ t>t1t·nr1•1lnu~.- ...Br . + th~nrly rr11•0,·cru,l frum ii st~•1•l'\! 1 al11ll'k u( th t: ~rippc :11'•1i, "l l•,llN·tnu I wo11hllik,,, '" );u,,w f.}. P. 'Pa.ylnr, of nraurl .J11J w- wh••re nil Ihr• hti,rht .!!iris of I be! ; ,,f1uol atAin . 1i<•u. Cnlorudu. eolwtr lforl.i••nl- p<1AInr,•. 1:f: Tlrown: I ,honltl sny ll)nt l><ll/JP \ t Furniture and Carpet + U11Js si ~ 1 \ e a,,.u.ilccl th~Ul· turi\l f ust>i!t'lnr. is bt-t·P durinr: thP Hort if'tth HI',' ,)lm·t ,,.,,u,w ".r tlwm nr,• admi11iste_ring e,n,. { Company :!: -~Iv,"oJ' lht• npJJortuuit1c,; .,ffert•d hy the slwrl •·•ml'l<I'in P 1111tll'Y ,\l1hu11,d1 lh,1 mA jodt,· of th•• lions tln~~s <•f pnr•~TIC to tho + 1 • •m•,•i, th•· I' 1irun · t 1 i:rrr · 1s o r th e rut nrc. - E,,: . .•• ·,,..!-+++++++++++-!•❖++++++++++ + 111nm1µ,cm.-,utLtp to thu ,•. sl11clrn1, ,wn1 r,,lidinc:
1Lundstrom' S tI J t
fit!lll ~,rnn1s. like GO.) d ii i.s •'AlJt/' L'~uky, "Prit1.· · Br m• j•fl thtt..l t)h•r-- 1 Hl'l' n frw ;unm~r 11..; sard an,] E. I'. lloff utt,,mlcd th,• who rh1l nnl pfl:-.:,;.nith · 1rn111· ; -,r" n 1·i11tion meet in Salt Lake City tt•rrihlt• wol'lt Wl1 h ll i lonsl n la~t S11111l~) WllilP. 1here th,,,. "ll-" 11r11Je. 111<•t ", Jinunlt•' ' Kearns. '07 \Ya;. 1·,•11 ~•w..1,,,·n. ·1». un,1 ".f rt,•k" 1'1te A1.tric11lt111·Nl 1'0111•1.t<· RpeTuttle. '05. f'ial Demoni,,tndion 'frui11. known
,Jim Tony und 1''nu1k Brown hacl th,• lillh' nf !heir li\'<•s a1 the !-;enior Bnll in trying 10 liglrt the wir,• M1d ,11'1lwi1· sparkler. X,•ith1'r 01w pf I lwtn know os )' .. t why it 11·.onldnut lir,,ht.
CacheValley ·Banking Co. LOGAN, UTAH CAPITAL, $100,000.00 Students Account s Solicited. Courteous Treatment Guaranteed.
as the "Burl.•) ~pi,c•ial" i, st ill tht• ru11d 'l'he 0. 8. T,. R•ilro,ul ,·umpun~· 11'11Jk 1lw 1r:1i11 tbrou1.th p11r1 nt' lltnb. (d,.hn and into Or1'!('<1ll Th~n lhe 81111P ,·,h·to took the srwt·iul ,lowu thr,11:,lt Utah aud iulo Xr,·aclll, ,\t pn•; l'nt thr tl'nin i, nu th1· 1>,•nv~1·& Rio <:r:u1<1,,R11ilroncl n111lwill g(I ttnou,t!h ~an1wt1· (°''1nn1v ntJd tht•n intu (ht' NtS11 1·1: rart ·t•f ll h'
HOTOGRAPHS!!! RABE. Photographer
Call and Let Us Get Acquainted!
Co-op Drug Co. 14 WEST CENTER
::::·~ hfnf r;~~;:;;·;;·::~;*;~ ..~;;1 I ~.~:;;,~ r4f[ ' l )l(JB~ i Andreas Peterson & Soos i ~. o~:~:"R¼cl::
:t +
The Students Shoe Store ________
+ +
wi t h•tulHlrn~
our 1!r<'ll1 expert,, + . , , • 1t inns 11( U vic•t nr),· hJI ~f t ~r1~1t • .I 11111 ,,r >J)lilttd tr) Olli$, tltt1· for tht• l". ,\ (' 11111\\"I' 1111\ h1•ld la~t ~HlUHlay afh:nwon thof hn~·,~to ht l1ont1•ut and la•u:..::-1,ul~ 1+++++ ++++++ +++++++++++11+1111111••1111111111,1 ,\, 0..!!i(• l••am lu IIICN thl' Jf .\ . l' 0 r h . " tt ' ,•I·•,, • ·· I •' ,·u.'tnrHlS we wi (.._t•i.. ' ,., b, ++++++t,+ +++ +++H, ......,..+++++++++++11111111111111111111 1 Wi.lh8c11•1·11·d ..\ turgt.• numlJer ~u- unr • :,,.: ,,w ti~·m ·• is ,•nmp11•:l•1 1 H rt•d th~ tr_y-ouh Hnrl a l;trotJf! flowf"vr•r th1• gtt,)11· w;1 ,. }lt\ lf1 ..
• sLLehct1m
1 i
fPllJIJ W:t'-l r.11ose11. Tho J)r-iucipals lf~l'• •~ti n J! lllh'. :rnrl lru•:) 1nl + tt r c ) [t\rrill. 0 . ~laug l1nu ttncl \ \-.al~ point rif ,·it•\\', 4•\°L'Jyho,.y ,,,-ut 11 t ,·r ,\ Li11cl~a) whih • , I L. :-;,,J~" • '"''"'" f••Pliu i, ~,. ,,,l Hui it ""' H ,t,
or th• H1•11i11,d •IJ11t mg tt,am. 1 th" ht th· diff, r1•11lwith nm· ,t u ,I, nl :t: W HAT is the use of shaving yourself when Mitchell hes a 9 al11·rnat ••. Thi, P)'""' hr'.lh '.' ' el hod , . Tlw)· w,rntt-tl ,•i<t,,r) u,111 six chair Barber Shop with every thmg clean and barbers 11,~11,h,•1·, .,f th,· H,·m,,r l IRss IPttml lots or II n11th H <lay, 1ha1 cut hair th e way you want ii and besid«s Mitchell 11pu11 ••:•"'·'""H•·~i"t iil'ba t ~s. ,\ . 1'h,• 1wm1• wa, f~, t tlir"11~i1•111t ueeds th e mon~ y so lets all help him along . . . . .. ;\1 n n r,Jar hP1n,tt altc-ruu.Lt-.011 th ~ H.n(J , (~I")· .-.Jos,, 1'11Pfil'l'i i blt:-.k•'t + ,. t' rt· · + 7'i. \ ;1ri /i,lf ,1i11S/ rcN L off,ut,l-lffh . •:. ~,n1m. _,_ .. , w11s Ultu.J~1,~ thr _..\~j~p,.,, lh 1 • 1l t'+•t-+++++,t,+❖❖-S+++++t-++++++t++++....,.•~~++Mtllllllllll \\ 1th SaLurdn.~ ~ l 1 ~ l'tnh ~i•t1r+•dtw, , pornt~. follow1 •d ln~t lll l l't"...._ •olle!:iHt•· lt>n.111. wfti,,; h:.· annlht-r . ~""Turnthis 011, lt \\~1 ❖♦+T•Jo++.:,,+++i•+++++++tt lllllt l t t tl-++++++it t t♦ ttat ......
t f
out ~•mrl
I:f Opening Specials in Comfortable-Comfort sff
1• '."''h~u 1h,• hr,I ' h r»N1 fo1· this year '.''rom "" ."' 0 11 11>1•lllHI lllt'k. >I wJII nwnn hard lr~lllJ: work <hlj half 011<1,•11 II WA~ H t" 11 u, 1h1• pnr1 ul' th,• """ ehos.•n tmtil r1tth 's r,,w11· , They a re all ne w comforts. This is our lir$t seasou to handle th,• uv,,r. 'fhr d11te:a l 111 the ,e, ·onil h•lf tlw · '"~ ,, :t, CQJD fori,;, you get new good s at the most reasoosble pri ces from fnr th1• rl1tlt'rt·11t ,~vt•nb lutv~ bt--en 1•r>wnl n 1ul a l ,,,w t 1ta;. • 1t I u.k1•1ll t . St.25 and up . ft"•,I with ~ fair ,1~1:1 ·e1• ~f •·~r , ihoul!"h 11,,. ,\.!c:i .•, '" ,,1, 1 1,1• ~ · UNDERWEAR T~e best e_ssonedstock of faH ~nd wmter under• wear ever displayed 1s a t the Logan Krumng Factory. 111 taint~ 1<1nr,• a, follo ws. th, , v,,, t Qro, hut • 11 111'' • •":'.''.' 11•· STUDENTS HEADQUARTERS We are headquarters for all kind.• l' of I "· 1· ,\ L. , l arc h 11 ~u11 sonndod Mn,I ihe i l,a,l I of lmil goods. such as Sweaters, Hosiery, Union suits, Shirts and "ith \". (" W1wlc·r .J. s . Wr ich. w,i1.1 '!'he"'"'"'' w11., ·Ji. tu:·: . -~ Drawers. Mufflers, Gloves and in fact everything that is knitted + \ II. t nmish "'"' ,\ . :.\I <lnr.Jdr Our ho~·~ all plu.1·erl :.,11,1rl. lwr<l '.; l"CJll'aSl'IIIIII!! t h~ A . (' . hall. T he ll'Ol"k ,ii' EJCIWl't wn 1-::: 11 y I' ,·,. 1' .\ t: :.\t~r~h 18 ''"''Pptiom1 lh fh.,, , u, h1• la'ld th••1t ll tllUIIUIIUI w11h t lw .\ t '. r1•p1·1·s11tedh.v "' · h•Rt forwnr~ in the ~tat,• down +++++++ ++++++ ++++ +++H Ullllltllllll \, q11uyl1•. t li Hull und 1-vLU to four poi n t• H,1111•,wk ~ ~,;,l.~? ~ :., -;lt"~ .i.--l\11111l1•rSnll , Brossa rd also ,lid ,:ood Wt\rk "' ~ , the stu dent s Logan. While in our c ity call at our , M. A. l" ,·s. l ,\. t;. ,\plil 7 forward~. whil11 <'apta, 11 ll oh~•' 11 \\~ factory and see ju st how our Candies are made. w1th ti,,. ,\. (' rr•pt·,•sente,l hy l l , a_l ,·t•lllt'r tnlttle Se\'('tal ha~k,•ls, ~ ) \I h w \ L.1111 l \\~ 11,1 lj ( 1•,)(lkston pl aye,1 Ru exrelh·ut »<," ' <r~111e 1\t j!'.uard.' Out· p~ , in !! w11, ~~:;, --;~ ~ Y-~ ~ ·. :,;- ~ ~~ -~ ¥,,) if~@/ 1~'.::;
,1,,u,.n,•: ,.,.,.
" .
+ i
· • f actory Logan Kn1tt1ng
11 ..
Murdock Candy Company ,
\, i,.•~,
Thi'lwlirst d1•h11t,s sdwd,1! ®Od- Pnl\'rtsit:t l'YPll h,•1 ·tel'hnt tln111 I hnt wt.: or i++ +c! will h~ldI \I'll in Loi!nn . thr ddln ,,l t e lllt~ ...... wlwrl' · ,1 . lost was in poor haskt-t pitt• h i11:,, 11 1 1 \\·tth , outuna w1 Ji• :u :\ozeino.u. Th~ lin c•UP:
* i Meda1s
B . Y. U. Team Chosen. .\ :.:)!i,,,i w,-,,~w,11·<1was ,•e,·,•i9 ,•rl1Bro.ssaril t h11t th,• d..tm11•r, to 1·eprrse11t ll nncock the B Y. I ' . H!!inst tlw A. C hadl lfoh~un ...
1, 11111 l.f . • ,lnt•(IUS • r.f . . .. llulmst••nd . ,.. • • ll<imn,•y h1•,'11 , •h•t·lo•,I. ·,~,.. llllllh'b ,inly C'r1>1>k~ 1nn . . , l.g, ll, Rn111111•)' f ,11r ""'" who fol1t1·r1•il th, tr~·-1 Flbl{ert • • • . r.:,. . 1-:ri,•k,1111 ; "llls w,•rt• i?in•11 thr,•,· of thesPI ll<1f,,r,,.,_ ltom,•r Ch,;s11•11s,•11 .. r "'''n>-in>t r,lar,•s. 'l'he pl"i1wipnls P rQ''"· Fmpir..--C'ou~h .J,,u,011 s,·li•,•11•d1<1•r1• .\Ir \Ynr thon nndjnf th .. H y (' Time K,•ep<•rl ..1>1
•• i
Cardon Jew~lry C . O m ' p a n y
Special designs u d t O d
.. ,
• ••
ma e O r er 1/Jf , .//i.111,/ , 110, \ t+•r❖-!"M++++-C.•)H+-,.++++.,+++++.+++-i--l-~~ a, 111 t Ir
l{nr·r.,· Htc,ne~,·
vantagn as well as ours + wseeusbeforeo rderin{l, :t
+ :t Cups t
~Jr l)oncl.
1,all s+ ++s + IPllilnlt sl l•++• +• - +++J...... .t wl ,·1, .. bl e.HtolU!)!Olalr+++ad. -"1'
- . - -- -~-
Z. • 1": •..••••..
: - - •
I t
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·rls!f j
When you have a few minuy tesotoukicktoarooundG , 1 come in and see us.
L...................... ..... ~.:~~~-~-~~·:~SJ~~~~~.~... :~:~~ -~J