Scaua 25 05s08 1911 04 14

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~tuhrut l'11bli«l11•d lf .-rk/11 by rltr

UX;,\;>(, l 1'1'.\II

\'01,U~l~; IX


of tit,·




Students--- Attention - ---- -- --------

1--- - -------



C'oll,·J!e. l\'U:M1BER25.

U. 1911.

U njque Contest Tom orr ow Even jng m the Co 11ege Ch ape1 at 8 O'clock




l'he Rondricks M ede,! to l5e Awarded to Best Extempora,ne. ous Speaker To-Morrow Night . r:, u ·1 fail lo at.tentl th,• first -.,11te,t iu puhlic spe,tkioii ~ver 11ld al 11,~ I'. A l'. J)on '! foil " 1•11rn1 de for lbc llcmlricks ,!t-d"l in l'nhlie :,;p(•11kinl,!,if you ,.1,·p 1111~· facHity in <-x1uessin~ ·11urst•lf before ao audiN1c~- The onlt•H i~ dc·si1...rncdto fn,")tr•r the spc11ki111,!in µnl>li(•, of 1 r or hinkmg <.•lr•arly tuui ex.r,rv~slnt,: ,11,•·s 1l11rn11htsforcibly whilo on

~res. Stohl Re e·ected. New Ilc~d Members in Attcndance. Faculty Graa.tly Hrengthcned. •\ f a v,•ry ij1H•< t•~,r11lnu)••tiu:.! I f th· l•utlt'<I 111'trusle l H .. r th• I •111, ,\cri1•11 n <ti I nlle"•' I ,,1,1 Ill :,;,II 1,nl•,, l,1,1 l,,,t11nln,· l'r,·, :,;1 hi ,,; ... w1:1iu dl·l• • ,,,.J rr•·sitlrnl. Th 0



uf 1l1i!i




, n ~Jr Stohl sh,w, how t,~euly hi:-.:- rt·11:,::lhi111lds p ~itil,n i~ ~,p. pr-Ttn i:rl. Tia· ,·Oi••i1•111•y or th•· t"-lh·r hnnrrl n0it1•~s wns also t :-: lin·,t ·~. ia:a,1"1t1·h 11~!1·1•\' w•T· n._":lifl .-lt•l'frfl IO tht'ir cld JI si t ions a~ foll11ws: Ji"li1,i,1l11~t1i <". )lc•f'1111f"-yj ..,, l'rr<i,l,·1·1.

•111 •·-.

r l'l


,f fellnw men.

I h'

n 1•nntf>~t in

:1. couµrcgn.Hon

lt will there fort• ext(llllp()l"Rneous

1 pc,tkin!!', 11nt in ,-are[ully 1 •urNI, tnC'morite<I spi·ech•s.

,1-ohnT ('ah11•. ,Jr.- HP<·nnling ~•t1•r1•!nry ru,tJ Auclil,or ,l11hn I,. l'vbuni Firiarw!n.l i,; •

pri •ln-

li,ed. nny trni"e of mem ·ry work ' n th~ ")leech will count 3!:0in•t 1•r('tnr.,·. I thP eont('stnnt. The time fnr ,,a.,Ji .\llR11 :II. 1"h•111in,r-Tr,,a,11r,,r I p•·nk,,r is limit.,,_i In ten miuutes. 1 'l'his wns ll1t• lirHt mel'tin,r ofl ' Th e time is ci!:ht n'clock in th,• the llMr,I sin,•e il8 cnla,·gcd • t'ollei:c Chapel to-morrow (Sat111<•1111,er.:hip. tlw n11111hercllllljlllS· l'HESllll•));'l' ~Tlll[L. 11rdoy night ) . Proie~S\\I' N .• \. in~ the Bof<rd. lun·in,::- be,'n rnisod Al(:tin El,•d"d l'ro,u<h-ut nf c lur Huar,I of T1·ustees. l'p,l,,rs,·u hp c_hairman of thu from ni,w In thirte,·n. th,, Se,•r1'• 1 ,•,wt,•~I I he snb,wct of thr exWy n[ I-tat.(' heing nn cx-offieiu temp , rn1tM118 talk•~ tn b~ ,clecl1 111e111lH•r Nl from the following list: Plen.~c A8i,l1• fru1u l'\c,eretnry or Stat~, h1<nd;-our n11m,, and lhe snlijoct Tin,rey 011,l ~ITS. !'hisa Y. Oates, ,·011 han ,,,IP\'lqd to Proff!.\lsor wl10 has tenth•red her resignation Our T eam P la.ys Richmond To. We Loose o,ir Last Deba.te to 1',•d,,rs,·n an~· time before thr rr11mllw l1-0ard on uct·o11ul of . D a.y, and Preston To-morrow Montana. Agricnltural College. m,•i:ting. nher pressiuJ!' bnsiUl'<>ij. the totul W eek They D efeated Debaters Treated Royally by L ist of :i'Opics, 1 mcmhersl,,p as follows. wns 1>rcs-, Poca.tello. The Montana Students. \\" oninn ,,,_";uffrn!(e in Utah.





r_nt: Lorcuzu :,;. Slohl, :horna, Smart, ,Johu CJ. ,\,lams. Ehznbeth c , !\d"t'.n~ •• T. W . ~ White~ottou, ~lnthm11hah• T~wnuis. John Dern,, aurl Jolin L Hhnrp, nn,l th<l f ,! lnw1111(new m,·llll11·n: i-,,11otor,J A. 11r~1".· •'- X Potersou ,mt! .\n.



1,.-.,u, "rudtt Faculty l!trengthened.

Our hM~holl 1,, 11111 lca\',.·s touay f or u·ntc h mond , w IH'Tr ti le\~ w1·11 tl\<'et on~ of the fa~l<'st t~nms in th" \'alloy Lnst y,•nr our hoys m,•t ,lcfont at the han<l~ of this team h,· I he olose ,;,:,or,, of 5 to .J.. 1,ot ns l10po the• M'<lfl' will 1,., re•



, lur ,,nh· ,1,,frnt in dehatiuJ!' this • 1nst l•'rit.lny nH.! · ht y,•ur 01•1·m·1·cd

wl1t·11our 1,•am m"l th,• 11,mtRM \. c:.tPnm at Bnwmnn :\l-011lonu. W, w,•rn r•·pr,•s,•nll.'d l,~· W .. \. l,intls~y und ~r.,). 1fau2hn11 , whn ,a1pp11,-j,•1l the 1Wt!11tin> of the fol -

vr,rsNL this Hmc. The ,roorl ~hnw• lnwiul! prop•hiiti ..1i1: ill!( n1tr ,,..1111has nlr••n,h ma,l• R,•,ulv,,,I. 1hut 1h,, Ce<l1•ralf!l\'•

Th(' ~frxican Rebellion. 'b rary 'm L Ofil'&n. A l 'nrnc~ir T11 'l'hr ~,,w Education. )fo,-k. Twain. R<>..ker 'I'. \Yashington. Tlt,,ma~ A Edison. Th.- ('onser.,ntin11 of tho Clulil

t'a,nadian RC>ciprot'it:,1Orr,ortuuitics for t'ivic

lms,.,·,~ral adttltiol\5 w•~re mau~ tu thould \1S opl11mistie a,;. tn 1t'1'1tt1J1~11,~lu">lllrl (':X1'J"t•hwtlirt1r1 prO\'POH''llt in LoJl'nll the t<•iwhin~ f,n·,·e h_y th,• hnnr,l th•' result rnntrnl mf'r !lw ,lnelupnwut nf The Forci/m Elenwnt in Htnh. uud tlwso. with ,,ur r,'tnmin.: Team Wins From Pocatello. wni•r r 0 w,'r . •rtw fnd,;ponclenee nf hulin. prof,·""'"· will ~e~ th1• faculty I,n~t Pr,da~· our 1,,nm WN11 1,,1 Th~ ,l,•bnl<• took pin,•,, in Ilic 'l'h,, Yalu~ of l<l~al,;, mu,•h slr,·ni::tl11·u,·d next year. P,,,,eatello and thn~ pln,·e,l tw•" ,\ss,,mhlv J,nll of 111<')[. .\. C Our Xew City Government. Ur. I•~.<t p,,,,,rsou, an ..:\ f' :.!nn•,•s. 011 1• }l'ritlHY anti ~1ni: ~nt• whwh \\:ti~ filled U'itL t~nlhusiasti,~ Yl\'i:ie-.--tion. alumnus. and now Ill the Orcgnn urdi,v, cn••h be.inir with tlw :,n,1 lorn! ~1n1l~nl~ and town's Tl1t· Modern "·011rn11. ,\.'.':·will tPl\ln, 1n acrrpt the ,\ea,iemy of thnt eit-~· .\n,1 T't:ih iuid tho Tuhrrrnlar Impo,iltnu -Of 1>rnfe,,11r of physioJ,,. p)' to say, this hei11g th•• first f'rps, .T '.'If. JTtlmillnn of the mis~n•nl, l!Y on,l bndrriol 0 1!r, li'rauk Ifflr• l!'amc of thl' ~~asou for our hovs. )I 111tann~dtllol n<"t1•,la, ,•bairman Tiu• t) Juntry !\,·w~pnp~r (Cootiuucd on Page T,l'o) (Continued on Page 'l'wo) · (Cominued "" Pa1;e Two) (Coutinu~d on page four)







1'.\UI-.: Tl\'U


bo lrAnspurt~d fur victory. bun!! transferr.-<l to the extension coutrol belongBase ball Sui ts Oiven Out. :lcpartm,•ut, l'rof I '111110 will s .. il They would b1· l'oaeh 'l'l'cl/.vll has now gis•cu rN:1i11 ,·hal"gc ,;f 1he livestock. (Conl inucd froru Pagu One) its dc,.clapment ont nil thu lin,;eball ,mitt<, but this w,,rk a\ the 1:oll<•g1•.Prof, C. :,,; lie o,JJlrotlucccl )Ir. lforacc mean that ,, au ..:\. l'. :1lmunn1;, wb.1> Dav" as 1hc tirst ~pcal,ur for the ~incr lhcy intort:i"led in Lhe Joe1-; JJat tWt~c~arily industries dependent upon it, The the m,•11!10!,Jing the suits will r,,ccins hi~ Pit. O. lrmu (,orudl nffirmotive. could not k,,~p 1lu•m for the scllSou. It U1i1;,spriui1, will tak,· duir!!e ur )Jr, Oa\'i~ in n nry dear nnd ~',,Jcral t?tl\'~rnmcut handle th,· qne~-tion in 0$ much. as mentL~ that they will bn"e to tho plnnt pstbol ugy here. Mis• fnr ·ibl -, 1u11nnerdefined the qUest,011 and outlined the conten- the states bad tho powor to refuse work just as h>Lrdas th~y ha,·e in )Iargarel Hull, a S,dt Luk~ L-irl to l,!tHUIfranehi~es fo1· tlte trlllls - th., pa~t, antl in ease a •e<!on,l and 'irr,11luutr of \'.'.,lumbia, lions uf tl11• allirma1 i,·c,lfo argm·tl ndksioll .,f Jlower. team man rn11k,'lifa•t~r progrc•s, be e1oploycd as lt>d ,1r.•r on th.:, lh/11 the question is u national one It would thtreJ:ure be for the Lbu liUit will i:-o lo the second domestic s,;,ieuet• o,xtcnsion sfnJI, aud tho·efor ou!!ht to be ltandle<l Prof, Titus will be back Ill hi,; 11,, . the uatfoual (r-l\'ernment. Ile h,,,1 interests of the rul!lic t-0 Mllll m,in. Tb,,se hold,ing the suit• (;1,thl'I' nrirue,I that the Ped•ral Jean• the rontrol of the w11!,\!r 11t pr~sent arc. Captain F<>rser, old place ue;,.t y~u1·, alter hnvinl{ !{0l'rrnment had had more l'X])er- power In the sevqral .tc11wsintur- Wo~dl1111d, ~fop~han, Christensen. spclll • year in research work at Cr<l<>kston. Lnw:rence. Piert, Con- H11rv111d. 11ud P1'0f, We,1 will rcJell!'e in deahn~ with sutlt ques- ested. Th•• rebtttlnls ftir RJ)lh sjtl,•s Ii;.,·, P~ter~<ln, Fel .t, Beers, Allan. I'turn from Chicugu 10 a;rnin i,onti ons, that it now b1,s eontro l of TR,AOK EVENTS , dutt ,1,~ l'i1,\',ir, lle 1,11111111•n1 th r. 1ntlrr slwrls, und 1h«t it is wer,· w(•II h~11tll¢d nnd vur~· ~f011 Ho11clay 1113,00 p. m .. will '.'\~xt year will abo see Prut fi11111wh)II) st r~ni;rr than the f<•,·1i,·e. 11.:r. Dal'i$ r,,r Moµtauu. stieeth of the «icb,1te 111,held thu \ry,uut triwk meet t;.n•avus bacl< from ('alifornie to s'ntr,. lJ,, a,h-ocat,-<I th,• Jllan 1>f in the 1•losi1111 puttin~ th,, uoutl'OI 01 w11t~rpow- mad~ Ml')C ,•cry 1-cllinj/ points in rur .111tla' ,111drnt, ii, school de- strcngthi•u the ll'ucJ,i11i: force 111 his Inst 111h1111t, wor)< which went sirini.: tu tna.k,· 11lace~Qll the track the ,h·J)Hrtrnmt of Cbemislry, er d<>velopmrnt in lh,, htrnds The uni~• r~siimstinn han,fod in 1hr roresl ~ervicc whi l!h i~ slread~• for in se:·urinl!' the dccisiou for team this Y"'1t. H is rc(JUC-'lt~dthat all men .Jc, wns that uf Prof, C. P. Smith, wbo uri:am,rtf nud doin,r effei,th•r ~foutana 'rhc ,illd:ics of the tlubatc sirin~ to h·y-out will hand their ,l,·sirvs 10 <'Oittinu~ his studies in wnrk. Dy tlu, plan trusts conl!l be prc-v~ntl~,J from !!Pttin~ n mouo• )fRJ•tr ,)• Il. l>nr.ston, Bu1..,man, llumcs t•" Coa;:h 1'eP,t1.el today nr :he 1•nst. Ui• r.·si!:'1tllli011 wo• ,J. lT l'n1l,:rwood, linivcr3itr of tumurr,,w . 13,; sur,, aud do Ihis I ·"•cepted. JIOl,v )fout,rna. :ind l'rc,. c;, II B,,w- or oth~•rwise ym1 miitht be over:Ill-. Liudbar op~n,,d 1lu- cliscoss)' k d +++++ noon. )Juntana l;cb11ol oJ ~line• '° c · t- ROY•••AL+++++++++ BAKERY+.,+11• • J. ion for lhe ne1!'11tin~tit_...coot endThP ,·uta1·niru.: ,ii;hat-e.r~ arc l t i.,.;UtJ\\' iiffi,:iaJl~ d,;l•1ded thal • ~ QOOJ> am AOl\!\'.D PAt-~Ki1111u •·ti tltat it would be unjust dis· i' " lou,I in th cir pr~i•e fqr the )l. .\. lhc i,11\1••trnJ/k meet will he held .,, 0 cu,-. • .,,.,, on••• •non . t•rimin~tiOll atnOIJft th~ ~tat~ for ut l'r,1, u thi,- \ t·nr Thr date set :t t.-~'t ~r;,..i:~~~.~~'~.,~~ •• I .,. • '" • 4n1 h r;ut' for Ott ,,1, ... ,un ... t Ile P·t.-1.era I gov1•n1m<'ut 10 as- (' s.~u<lents. su.~·ing thnl uo ono .,11""nNi:-r....l".., sum~ «·outrol siut•,, rnosl uf lhL• •.onld ha \'P. tr~ated ihcin bclt(:t. is )ln)• 1:Jth. : ::U~~v1n«1 t~~tiJ~tt..•1'u:;·.:~~~1;,:~ wlil~r J\own wn, •ituat,•d iu ihr 'l'bry w,,r,. Cca;.tcd lllld ontert,iin• lksido:~ thi> mcot, th~ Ag~ies ••• -++ • -++++++++tt 1111 •• four or ih,· ,<>rtb,·rn Pn,·ifi~ "" and ev,,ry lhing- possihh· was' hn,,, one ,dth Prn,"9 <10 May 6th, ! +++ +-1+-H-t+ ·,·<•H-++·H--H-i..~+-1• ;:: ~tatrk !ti• also ur~,·d that, exc,:,pt d1111cto Utakc their visit cnjuy- tu lie hehl 111L11gan T,a~t~-~ar iu : Honest Trcaonent to All ;:: nhlt• th~ 1l11al med l1vtweon these two Wm, CURRELL + for pur·p<ises of uaviKn1in11, tilt> - --schools th,, Aggies lost by the + "Students ' Expressman '' :): stttfrs It w· h~v1· r.-ontrul of watur j: D"~•.,Tra.n,t,•rr,'du,,.,u pllrh ,,t thn t 0 pllwm·. that tbey Wf'fl• ~h•en that BtSE BALL HERE A GAIN M.:Qr~ of 6:i to 59, tb<' meet heioi! i: clti·.~:.,1~~~~Fb!~':r!l1¥tt1~,rui.:c I fHlwer by \h" p,.,i.,,a1 l(ow·rnuwnt bol~ 'It l'rM'O, Fly ha1·i11g it 011 H•+++++++++++++++++++ ++H-t 1 whi•n tlt,•ir •·onstit,i>iuns were (L'ontinued from Pa{(e One) nur owu track this yuar. it is exiltttllltltttltltlltlllllll . ~uue form. Th c pectedJ that lhe ,core will be rea, 1opte,. I 11,. •1notn I a num b er o r t I>ey ~howe<l up in sinrv it could ll<lt lo11Kdistances its 1•d to the states. more intcrc,l~,1 in



~(\h~::rnt~:.~t; ..




+ ~ritntioJ?s lfl r•rO\'P hi'1 scnrr or thP fir~t game was 5 to 2, Ytfl"I,;(' .• r"int. nutl shnw,•.J that lh,• f'·J,,_ in flil'or of thu Aggie pl:lyers 1·al scnverurnNH rnuld n ·t IH't eon- while the oth-,r i,:11mc, which last- U. A . C. BOARD trol wilbout breaking its ,·ompni,~ ,•ti cJ,,,.,,11i1111in1t•. resulted in ,·icHOLDS MEETING with th" '-tnt1•s . Tf-f'l'nhw show,.>rlI tni·~· r r litt> .\sntit~~. hy tltc $:Cnrc that Fed1-rul t•t'\nlrol nr ,,tlter •~- 1of 11 to 10, (Continued from Page One) sourres hnrl hei•n ohj1•1•1ionablc. Captaio Furse~- ,lid tbt• twirl- ris, B. Y. fl,, t· ..Ii.. C., who reJr,-,Willinu1 Winti;r 1hrn follow- in,r lhc first l!'tlln<', and /;am wh·es his l'h. D. at CC1rncll this ..,1 f. •r 1h,• :itllrmali~,· n,, mnin- l'hrist1?nse11 fp,- the second. •rring . will ink,• charge of Uie stat11




ii • ,ie_ht. way ud • wroaa w•y to do (Ve'l"J'thiaaThe rigb, way -.""'9u ... C ounl or your1e.hoal~~ UIto opt:o an account wu.h"'


H... you t«' 11., practic,J udn. of LI" u well .. t~ thcoic&al. Ladiesu well .-. ,i,nit..... wm be ......Ur ..,.,dcoma.

Thatcher Brothers Banking Company

taiued lh8 t most "' ,,ur str~nm, Game W ith P reston. n!!ron<>1n)' work lwri,, Prof. Iloar,• inter,t•tl', tlrnt <>Ur•tat,· laws, Tfl,morrow. the Oneida !;.tak~ :.renson lu·i1tf( 1rnnsfrrre,l 10 thi, con8i~t. Rud 1h31. f<>r1his reasou, _\c3d,·mr come~ to meet the A , C. 1•x1,,11,i,,11 t.ln·i•i"ll, Ernest CarC.pi1 al & Surpt.. $19S,ooo .oo the FNlernl i:overnment t•Ottld oo nur nwu ~round,,. This will roll. also nn ;\. t'. alumnus. who H. E. HATC'H,p,,..ico, harullt-. the IJllf~stionhrtt,,r LP the flrst i,f tho iscasou for r,~r-ivt's his t1o1.;tor·h dt.•gri•t.•from LS. HILL.Viu:-Prcaidut • IJ,, nlsn h 1•ld thu1 tlw l<'edel'nl tbe .\ugirs at h,>n)(•, It is expe~t- lllinni~ tltis yenr, will anil.(O\"t'rrlmcnt ,•011ld kee1, water otl to be a fn•t lt81ll0, and WP hnr,· l h I I f " ' TT[ 11111 IISlllllt ry, ro. ,.!llllt· <i- •• ++++ •• -•• • powrr nnt 11£Jlri,·nh• mono1111licsnnr ij1t1clN1tbody will 1111'11 out .-----------------------------. mor,, elT,•1• th ·rl,1· 1ha11 the stat,·s nnd support our tcnm . The 0. R l·oulrl nn\J mnre .int;ti<·e l'Olll(i be .\ . h11-.8 hatlt•ry whil•h r~pr(•fwot• secured etl tlw Pn1·Ht1•lloleague team la,t · ~r.11. \fnttl."111111.. the n,·xt spcnk- )'1 nr. ttn,l wh,11 lhe)' irct bus,,•, F,x-pert Photographer, Twenty t wo years experience ~r. inr I tah, ,•ontrn<lrd 1lrnt "'" I th••n• will he "somethin!:' doing'' 1 • S d f m the best studios of Germany, wi12er1ant 1 an ...;. , ranee ter r><>wr-rwa, 11 1,, al 11tili1)· ,111,l Enryl,o cly 1111·11 0111 nnd c.heer , _________________________ __ _.





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Fourth All.Duo.I Meeting of Utah So aay folks who have found out the advantages of mnkAca.deroy of Science Held at Second Regular Mectin&' of The mg headquarters at "NAPP~Rs." E"erything i11drug and So.It L&ke City, April 7 a.nd 8. Utah Branch of The Americo.n toilet artr.oles. Complete stock of Blllldnes. Prescnptions 1'he Utnh Anademy of Seienee Assoefat.ion of Home EconomiCB helJ itti TOur\4 nrn1un.l reunion n.t Held in salt Lake. i-;oh Lalrn t"ity lo~L PridaJ A.nJ l.,n~t F'l'idny 11.m'.I Snlurd1<y. $atu1·,h,y.A mo~t sneeesst'ul sarics :,\pril I un,1 ll. the litah braneh umetinp was L'-Ondn<:teJ,aul1• :,,f tit(• ..\m~rie11u A1'-'iuciniion (If uf jef•ls of e.xt1·n i1Jterest being nbl," !!<>ml' &,onoruin; held its seco1ul di~o.·n&Sl'1! 111~nvh n1eetini;. MJUUIU m,•~lin,i: at !hC ffold L'it)·. 1,..ratur~D. A. \1. Thit~~~,, Al1hou1chthe •ociety is bm fo11r Jfoutsron_l, n pr~limin111·y meeting Fi~u\,iQr, ,)£ b'rec Nitrogen- ·w~ntl,~r Scn•iec, ~all J,ake C1tv year~ ol<l. it hn.s ah·eady ~rown to h~i11,elid,\ ir,, F\>°Q,rui1ry,11110,!ll be of grettl ;,itlt,cu~~ nlon!! sci~11• Dr.·.l{ob,•rt Stewnrl. l'. .\. C'.. !.<> +++-+•+++--,.+++++,M+++,.:.,_ ,1hc 1~1-.1.\1 A,!rkulturnl C.:,llege. E. NEEDHAM & Lifi,. lirJ~s in th~ Wo~I. hriu,!"illj! l'(HII ~!i~s Ell1•1ll!nn1ing1,u1. U. A.G. in1t.h f~r diRl•us~iun the b.trst s~m~li:trodnc~ 1 \\·,,c,h•••Prof J I do 1· · fwll..~ Pl<•c•\l'tl temporary ~hairu111n :lwodc~ ndvunctd i11th~ ~cieutitie C. P. Ru.Ith. (' .. \. ~- \. ·:,.,. ,:.w.:.e.';.~~ .•.. ~~-':~~s t1when t !1<• n.s1wi;1lion WU\'OUc<l,world. Thr ~~!l'>i~uswere 1111well ~nhir,lay E,·cnin ,.. • I) r •11 • "WATCH A~O PEN STORE" , this poi~ition ht•lllJ:"mnrie prrmn- nuendec!. ·ri,.,Planetesimal 11, J.,11,,•s1s .,, -+-++++++++ 1-: ...:•❖+--♦l nrm nl t.11\'h\\~iness meetiui,- l,~!J oificers were d~ctcd to a ·Subsii1 n'.c for th :,.: 1,.1Jn ll~'- ++++ ++ ++++++++++++++++++++ l~11111rdaya[trrm1011. '!'hr nrfit•P•~ .•~n•,• Cu,·th,, ,. •min)? )'ear as fol- pvthcsis- Prof. Wu,. l'.•1.•r,,,.,_ L. Students Attention! a~ Pl,•~trd, folio,,,: \ C.• \ ,Ogan. ~ y,.,ol•hLO"" "' th, 1 ln1, + '.ows: t . ,.· '°"" "'"h <ho Bl~81<>ck. Mo .. 8 C'lrnir111nu-ilisa Rl~e!I HuntDr. \-norhies , t: . ,of U.. p,·esi\'erticul Oistrih,u: ,;, ,,r Tcu,. "''""""' ar Clothing Store ~!;~b+


c;";. i~.::•~:::::;::~•:+.+++ i

Napper .....









i111,?.l<ln, !'. A. C. <li,nt. Vice <.'~airn1nn-Althe>1 WheelDr. Otoo,lwin. A. l'. U., l~t ,·ite


r.o~···· i t

Frank 0. Rey1.olds

,,r. r,resid,•nt. .\11•erernr~·11nd 1'r,•asurH-LotDr. Stownrt, A. C. 11., :!nd ,·ice tiP TiurriR. Pr1t, 0. 11r~sid~n1. ,\n cuPutin ,,nm,uilt~e of rnur )Ir. Gan~tt, ·sa 11 I,nkr Tii1th wns iLJ~nclectl'll. )!rs. C'bok. U. School. ~eoretnry. A. C,, b~injl ,mu!,, Fl mem~cr. Pr,:if. Titus wM elected a mem1'he' lif1ti11fa!\.li<lu,now th.Rt l~ her (•f the Bonrd c,f Conlrol. DI". i~ seeurcl~· 'started. expects t;:i Biill was presidt'nt nf this rociety rxrrt a p:reo.t i11fiu~-11~e for gootl Inst year. in, l'rnh, by 1uh·nneing th on11$1! Po!lowing is lhP prn~'l'fUll h el d : ,of Home l~~'()n<>rnics here. Great Program lnter;,-st was nrt11\Re!lin tht' UlPCt- Pr"d · \ "I 7 I\ 1· 1 irn:s just lwld am] the Msoelnny c•·eTJUl!;", '· pri ' · -J


M. D.

Hart Schaffner and Marx

Practi1.-elimited to Eye. Ear Noseand Throat. Specie[ atte11tion given to the proper fitting of glasses.



tlou..,, Ow •• ~-~ • ,~ &, ~ml ••

.~..,,-1 ••.,.1 ..,,....,.

Qmso n•.,·•ll·C.-•""" Duto,lln~.

Pbon.. , fu•'1 "3 D'""" • I•~·'"""'

f"lOST of;-ou ha\'e re•

lion lookx forward to'a mosl scu-f p. ;· • (Tl S · r [l ~cs6fn1 r(lnfrr~nc~ next ,·car ,UJ!ernes ,e .' t1en_i·~o Me • · IBt-t!<-rini,nt) l'res,ilNl11UI addn:s~ ~•ullowing ia tbf pro.irnm i-en• -Dr. l-'., I). B1111. l' , A. C'.. b0:,!11.n . t!Cr!;!,L ~\arlh )fonm,,nl~ of the WRApril 7. ,~1~h-Prof. )far~,rn F.. Jone8 . 1-'n\t Lah tit_,,. 1'h~ Dr~i.rabilily of a SAtin·d11y morning, ,\pl'il 8, 1fl C'-imrsc of Study iD Homo Eco. 11, m. nomics in the nrndes Hml in I.he THEY DIFFER l-'rosL n1Jd Killing: Tcmperalli!:h ~d1110l- .)Jj~~ Am.I" Lyman, l'hilMn B. Homer, _l,. n. K mvh -~honl. Snlt r,oktl ture~-Dr. Pl~aMnt. GNJ,·e. C'ity. Ludie5' and Gent's Clothing Alkali Injury to I,..,t,•c~ of A11S:1•hool T,111whe~lnform .. 1 DiR• CLEANEDA~D REPAlRED ple-l'. P. n,,ff. U.. \. (' .. Loitan. \'ou .. p..., .. 1n~•~, ei»-sion. Correlation B~twrf'n ]st lln<l r'onr~rs in D<imMtie Art for lh~ 'ith nn1! 1h OrH&l,·l- ~,lr~. Root. 2nd Yc~r E!,:g !,ny-iul'I'in Fowlijl'<of O. '1 T,,,,i... H. A C. i;,;,;±='=,i..ici;aa;imicic ('ni,·,,r~it.,· ~f l'tuh.

Co llege Tailor

eeivf'd rfceuth. the ramo1 s H. S. and

Odell Photo Studio... We weloome the Studenui to our Studio. We've been makinJl PnOToCRAPl'.5 for 20 years. PttOJOt)RAf'llll that are Pnot00°•n=

l,_ ____

•>--, ,.,, will li'»



a-;;;;";;;; "";;;;•;;.; ·~..;...;;,;;.;;.• ·;;.__ :'":':"':':":':·:·:·:":":";":·:•:":~:· :.



style 1..ook. These books are botl1 i11terestiu!l aud ~seful. Th.IipictuNlll ere all historic New England stenes. tnany or which you may know. The models shown :ire the newest creations in me11's dress. U you didn"t get u style book just call and we will be glad to fumish you with ane. You ouJ,lht to hove it. h's bound to please. Watch For This Sigu

l '

' j.

Dinner l'll lllr t:nh·erRi1)" C'lub. l.01rnn. i::ome Pr&Mnt D~.1"l'o1·rat Prob. April 8. loms---E. R. H{>{lsou. Pores! ScrC'!1urseR in J)<nl'le~tif ~r•irni•,• for vicr. O!Wrn. the 7th »n<l Bth Grnrles. i:-at11r,h1yAfternoon. 2 11.m. ll,isinl'AA ~!~etin;!, H,-roi·t 1or 1'hr C'antcnnry of ,\\'R!!H<lro•~ lh~ C'1"m\mit1r,•on r:,.~~t1t111.i,1n--!f.ypothesia--Dr . W-. C'. Eh~u!!h. lllisg P\orrne,• ~[. Hrnwn. Chnir. LT..Salt l,n\w C'i•y llleb .Am·ie11lt1;r~ic,,iiei::•'. llen~ln Ailoy~-Dr. A A. l-:!Htinn of Offu:~. Knowlton, U. of 11., Rnlt Lake



I! The


s,,c;,1 l>=oo< IOSWd,..u

Utah Dental Comp' ny n~.a. E- 11aun. '7







Clothing Co.



a..tubent 7r ife

===== <!RJ===== ==="'"'== == -PubliUNlt:1n.ryl'"'rl11

lh•tH r·•-d,-c..:h•ll.,..11n':llPnl or tht~

.. :yur \h<e ~C'bO,Ol\'hrl.ts

Stud .. nt Ut1ot.rOr~ru1lr.nUou ofdlt! l'. A






iuvr'";J~:::: rti,, ~·uuu:.r



c·t D C I y rug o.

int-ri•Jls+•<l •••••••••••••••••••

b ,arJ ot trnnJJ!.!>. ul 1lw,.\:.o·i,·11l- 'he •'Xflttrina~nt;-il work t•X\t:>UJ~d, Utrtd (':)llt>~e 111 f~~1•th, li:ttt; a lil\• 1t11d llll lu all lhti iu~t1t11ho,i "'hn.s hist whi h is 8,11 irt:-iplrul 1011 to l'11llmJ j1s W"l.Y )UtCI lhf" lu.•n.rt~

, •• , •••


as llt:\'t•r

uwn ur lht• !<illlt~. 1-f 1h1• pt•)pl -• h,;for~ 1 DB.UO:GISTS ..,...----'---------ludi:~<I b.,. hi.- ad1ien·tn,·111,. il i, l\'ith facult.,· and slu,1-,uts, Pr~si_l:, .' Cunihli,•t,, Stuhk of 'l'"l'l•t 1). lt. R~1au,-.o!(, '11 t.:i1Hvr Ill •~tll<'f .a l~ .., v ~ J- 8. wcu:u,•11 Ai.iodl,, .. .uuur u11t:!-.11t.1l l~· fitI iu~ thut he- !-ihoul1J d~nt ~h.J,t is \'t'TY pqlular nnd 1~ Articles ao dDru'"' 0 ... J_ L. Puut11~~. 'lo o~ ..u ..._,.,. :Wn1ui~r" l l I • ) . f l n ...rrn:-11("1u•. ·•u L"l·nl• .h 1.n' tll\-' mst tU'.'1111.1 11 l u.•1aJwn>:s. u wc?l1•,,nu:n,itur nn Cvl lleadquatt~ts for Sporting "·~"'""'','II ,,,.,.,.,t.,lt• whid, • i• ch•,li,·1tlhl lo tho, le)!<: hill. (lno()o, l'o•t•I Carda lr . 0.1,,.~.m .. ~. "II Alllll'lh.-• • ~ 'O ~ I-~&. Sn•<rrunu. •u lb<-h.uup" t·lhH.·.11 ion of lht- :,.;11.(•nllr~ilplait~ J,:,,·l,·~iusti~nlly, ~'1r Stuhl ha~ },!am St.. Main St. 1nd' An1•1 1,1 1rh~ aml t T•the 1f1•\•pJnprul•nto[ ul!-iu lu•ltl u unmtuir uf im1>orta.nt, t I It I 11 t I 1111 t I I 11 I 1111111 our H\J991, ·,~ ~ J\'4.llll l:f11a.olll, •1~ • A.. ..1, Butilu,·....,lfotht.k•·•·




the 11utnsl r1-•~.11ur••1•,; IJ~ tlu~,t-!illt'[111),,,ilions 11ncJ i-s ltf rht- prc-,ent --- ~-· J'·ut Xt-<.1f1lw.11s lwr11 in 11im,1 t ht• b i:-hll(> ,,Ctltl• thirt.J ee l' · l • I Ky,~ Cilussrs 1 ,; •l-! rnm ~Jty a111 hus always ,•l~tdmdi,·a1 ward of Urighan1 Ttsii•<l Fiitetl evu~~ [M.llyt"r~fl:; .. :iluih.•m Ufc nmiatuiw•d hi, rl'sitlt•JJI'~ lbl'l 01:,. City In l':.,}llll:ttioo witlt tbel l-----'---C.:...-_; L----1 ii nu;.::h r,f la1,; y,·ar~ n lur~<· pn1·• people• of his wm·,1 he js un,\1 Ri'P,ll"Plbfor ()Ur or•Jt:•I ~p n,ruac:11\ I• VOL, rx. );0 .:!,l, 1 f~·1 qf Ms liHh~ Ila'.'!11l'rn s.pc,111)n 1'l1innit1:.!fl) 1•ou!<;frtll'I onr of the 111 e1mrr ot cmn11o,rf'nt. R•~c\.10(11"'1. [i'rida;.-. April 14, 1911, ot:u • -tjo11 with his lrn~inr..-:-iin, tt1w~1. 1,•hm•,;h<'.6 to Jiu foUJJd id n&UAIU.E WA1'CHlUCPA.Lt\.l~t• "Entt'f'\'d.u1-,(1,_•1,1ml.c.'1•i...


Ji1.11i11Jtt. 110lb .. po ..toftltiei •1.LoKM•. t'hl' AN of n,m.•h it, 11'1'1 •


1.,1 1ci,h,unMr



'ro.morrow ni!'{ht set's tlh"

it1 ~alt Lnkf> City ~·our~~ mau lw h:)d a t?01HI 111cn ,,•hnuJ ,:dnc•Hlinr, nwl




orntol'i,•nl ,mutest ever held at the litah .\gricultural Coll,•!!r, \\'~ havt• h:-h.1 uontrsts o( loJ.!i<·.intur .. \'Ins~ uoo.1io.ter-collei:iat,, dcbntes.


UU'>l"row uisrh1.

Ii• si:c•nkiu;.,. nn,l th c prof,•ssor of rr•uder tbci, dt•t'l';.;imi without 1.·na~uhation.

iug o,t11blid1m1•nt in



@. s $ tudents $ Come




bnt lV e

ke<!p on





111:tt'\•••lou')I,,· ,




llt • uho l1•rl u11t 111 th~



:--,,w," arnl ShOIWSwith


whnt hhihl1y ht1s h,•1·11~1r,.·11,l-'t,ln,111·.I 11n1il : esti:em tlw pre~idt•nt !lt nor it mu.,· lw com1mrl•d fn,·m,nlih· Board t+f 'rru~tl".IP.Sig rrst~u·tlt••l' \\ 1111 u.ny ntlwr 1,kl· r,u~u11 ,. i;1 Lorcn1,o X. ~lohl, w-h<> h1ts ,in~t J 1 h,, Nlllnl!'f. 1'1w s,·h11l,;r,h1p @

85 North Main

$ for it when you leove school. i i L * ogan2OdHand±i

Th,• l'niwr,it," nf ('hica)?o has STORE :j: er in 1h~· nr:.:-a11i1.atii1n nf th'(! 0 ]7 ,·,·nr old B \\bo i.;.now nts11l'h fln P 100 ~t(,hl Furuittu·e (.'011t1J1•11~·. whiuh worl.·i· 1 , r" . :\f ,_ 20-3'! wpT 1-·unrr rton,n ~nsn :t 1 l'or tPllll>' J r-.11·, li;1s lweu n kml, "r us - A, F.x. ++-f+++•H•+•t++++-t·++++++++*+ •·rttrnt~·..

DeR(1rPt , R\•p11j11~

WA~bt-.. Morlu,, Je>•.f'\'f'y


F.n<rli,h. who will








-- +--

:::~·;.;~\',:';~,r~Q~:~:;:,tr~•lli!ltibshe '\',lrldb e: f+:): A TIENTION ' + We sell all kinds of new and n~utt•,I. Th,· jurll?l'S will ho• lllU second hand Fumiwre and inslrn<•tnr, .,f Ph1<·t1tionn11rl pub + will PAYY\\tr HALI'P"1~t BACK+

'rJu· f~Ollft.l'stasi1h-, frrHll tt•~1it1),! f~~tnldi1'1itll(lfl1 nt' th,· Fi1·...t ~»li 0 ntlw ormotienl nbili1, r thr· ,·on- al llnul< ,.r !hidu1111, 1h• pr~si• l••<tnnt, will also 1,:,1 his ,1hilily ,l,•111•1· ,1' \\hid, Jw ha~ h<•lcl,,,,,.,. n~ nn t'Xit•tnporP ~rwaker. As 11r1y ~im .._,·ll1i: 1 r~.ut1i:1.~tio11 of 11i,~.¼, onr au-.l onr hull duys: an• 11l111wt•dhunk. th.• aJ,.,n hct.·11111t•i_ilf'l1titlt•d ~ 1wtw,-en lh• selecting or tlw ,uh, with ,. t~nml/Pr, n! minor \'o'llllll'('S ,t., <::p' je.•t nu<I th,• 1h-li\'cn· of th,· n,l, 111his h,11111• t,,wu. ,lre~s. the .~p<-nk,lr's~owors uf :,r•• ll'is r _, Hn·r H[ Hutfofr\'1.~,.,ion lt•d lt!t1io-n, nn-nuttPtnent in1d <1ui,·k him, h11\t1•\•,.,.,ht•.,·orul 1lw •·oofh11:s thinkinl(, will be taxeil to n irr~nt of lll'i:!hnn,. 1111<! iu J!lo:,. h,• h<·· , degree. 1t it~ this pruristtm ,hat 1•amr•tJw 11·:Hlint;" .,,·,•~-:.. •ur,,',i 1.1_•,•,· uf'''l 1,_,_';· mnko>s the t•ontcst so vahrnhl<• t<1 llPu••~••ial Life .,11 0 0 1111 those rntrring it. Th~ (•Xp•·l'il'tl{'f' pm: nuil bt"l"Hllh,' i:-.: J1.~, .. t• 1tu,l in dt~liverin!.!' an pntir,•t~~ f•Xl<'lll• dt· J. 11,,irlr•nt nmi "a, lat,•r UU\t\e 1 of u11n,• i!'t'ltt ntl mnmt.v1.•1 pore"h will pn.>,·1 · 11f tlw 111m1Jnuy ntlue th~m dl"ti, ·Pring 11Htl1,\" •• 1•111 Ln •;" h1• :t,sist1•d 111 tltt' r!~HJ1i7,;1 and dl'iP1l" a11<lr1•sscs.F.n-r>" st11- ti,,11 of th,· \u11r•u11l l:0111.l atul : dent sbpultl l'll!~r thjs cont<--! 1'rus1 O'IHll[UIII> \)f 11,u,e <''1111• poru(•s al!-io llr. Stnld i?->pr(•t,i1l1>t1f PRESIDENT STOHL , l'r"l~r f',, ..,;,1 ..111 :-t.-1,1"~H•l11,in Thu fqll-tJwin~ g1awing n ·1·nu11t ihtt11t1n1 of 1h\• J., ~1rd ,,ff:tit.-. ,,r of Pr•.'~idcmt Stnht·,. llfP ,vai;; tn• tlw 4."olluu,•. 1he iu,._ti1uti"11 ltn-. ken


f "tuh,

C111/~fftSmlt'1·11ir• 1111,•rEXTEMPORANEOUS CONTES'II . "'i at kn,l,•cl fnr ,,mn• ~-,,i,r~ I hv trni I l'unl!111wcl r,•nm pa~e 1) C. M. WENDELBOE ,·n .,ity "r 1'1:ih :iu,I fhp .\~dc•ul, Th,• .\1-w lly111u11sium tn:-:il (\,JJ<';re nl' rrnh \'l'r;,· )t,.vF;n•orite .\uthor. '""" after f11ei.,hi111? his crl11r,11i .. 11 111 th(• jutlrdn!(. ~0111,nts. de +++++++++++++,: ,;,,.,{.,..1,1..H•++++

for yeitr.< now anti au itltrrest ha. he was ,,,Jlpc) ·"·' th,• <'hur.-1, tn been ~,-eated in tl1is style of intel- whiel, he• heluu~s to fill n mi~-i let•tual contest thal i.s extremely iu tilt' S1111thn11,,:otes. lhs w,,rk f:l'Utif.rin~. 1'he ornt,QTieol sid~ of 1h,-r,· wns nf a J,id,l,1 c·r,•,litnble this work has been entirely over - uuturr. Jonked herl'lofore !u,w~veT, It rellp,"11 hi, ro·tnru he ,·nterecl mailwd for Prbf. Henclricks. <·hair. ttpou n n1.1mh1•r of hmi:ine.s"'i en1 1111 ,n of our <lebatin:r c0mmite,· tu 1,,rp1·ises. 11,, wos an ncti\'P nor!<• see the neetl for SUl'h \\..Ork iu our school rutd ~ttJ1p1y th:u n,•NI. The ITrndricks modal will loo•the pri?.e 11wnrd~d the ,·il'hirous i-ip~nkl'l'"'10

I unrtlirrn


Furnishing you with the most Up-to-Dale

c·,othr'ng,Exclusive Toggery t, Co"ect Headwear

Howell Brothers

?lie Popular Student.$$tor<'


Thi' Stndt'nt Bo<lyat the U, A. C. will always find loyal supporters of any ,-olle!!e function in tht> help and mana1tement of Ure

80Y.r\ Catering Novelties and Fine Candies

l , ('ONI


Both P'hooos

Co. Wholsome Ice Cream and Fancy Sherbets.




1l<ttollege j39ocial<ttaltnbarl <[altnbar \



OF THE A. c.1ORATOB.ICAL 11111hold their r,•l(u!ar n11mtbh·

'.Clfl:l WOMEN


D enti st




.,.\prit u!orruw '"'1.1\•!l)C'k, al ~}u~ I' I ,\. l. ,•ha.Jll'I,th,, \l'lnll ~r to rt·•·el\1' ')onrt . . 1 hui1'1- t "' ll ..uttru•ks .\ledal ',• :-£.....:,: t~~ '4U••• t by the vffit••rs rhnt 0 v.,rv !adv will 1,,, 11l a,lys ; (' rnwfurd. lll~·Uw: Duk.,,, prt•sL·Ht al the m: t~tiu~ ..ini\snu1ch \r. \" ; l:n.rJ, L -L. E,•cle!-.. ,Jp~~i••j Merchant Tailor H~ iwportant bu:-.ioess p,~1·,ainini.r S.: l•:rirk:-:1111 , \'hi1tn; E, ·nnN, I,. !--1wrln.l lh1,U•- fur .0 W h•l Nurlb ,_.,ud••m• Lo!ii\ll, Ul/\h tu the 1>lttnsf,r next Y•'~r•, work • II.; ~-,>II,Laurn : H arris .• 1t111·1i11: 1•::.~ .... will h• ,,unsirlerr<l. lhiu·h . 1,. II .: H:1ws . \ :miihnn. K,·ll cr •. .I, ~• : ,\lnrriu1. J<'rauei~: trltt• n<lvhutbility of uhan1?U1g U~urnncl. l1.... \. ; P11fr1•so11, \'u dnl, th,, norn• from th•• "Worn,•n uf PRICEand QUALITY isof R:i~mon,I. )lost•ll~, lli•for . l. ol(a • th,, .A. l'.' ' to "1'he F,1Q11ltyWo- 1:iml: Ri~ll"• .J. R. ~j <>slrorn, .J I Im)' con~eque11ceto you. uu:n ·s Lt-tt:,tue ~, WH!«o}'r1..•srnllHI nt Here is a Shonlder Brnee that you will get ym,r r-:.,l-mith • .\lari, m . Thain , ~r~r~·.makes ;I l'onm•r 111,·,•li11g..\ rnh- will Ii,• the conertion of any inclina .. Thnt hl ,r, :--. n.• 'l'ran,trnm, r.: Furniture & Carpets tion to round or stoopini: shoulder• talwu nt this meeting n~ \CJwh.-th• 1·rurn thi \\.i_)JtTH~Tt!rt ' 1 n , Emil: ""(ur:,?t"nsen. an e.nay matler •·r ur not th,• nam~ •ho11!,l h,• 1,ulu; ~\ruvr1), G. l·~,~hun~ed. 'fhe rea!-.OU for the sug 1ws1C•<l chnngo is tbal the tw o ++-1+ 1-++-i-i··:•++ }+·H+H·+·H-·H ..J·+ Fu rn iture Co . 1.')xh1Lint? ..-\. C.. wouum 'i,; club~ mav Studen ts Store. :1e 01oro PR"'ily d1.•:-.ighoh .·d. • Logan's Ltadini,t House FurnishBooks, Stationery, Post t hano bern pronow,ced by exper"' t,, be 11 is nhn bop,·il th:11 nil tht• 1 .,.. tho "olutlou uf tht: !tho1,1.l(]('r bruca cJiffi- ers. 5 l-55 North Main ''.ards and Souvenirs. Al- t culty. lutli,:i;. will hri11l!'their y,•arlf du ca :J: ways a complete stlll'k ~-: llclng con,truet«l cnH«ty nf eloth o.nd 10 so tJ111tthis Yt>lll''s bmincss mav with nu ptUt .!1 to bh1d O t' chafe, :j: select from. i I.heydo not give ooe th"t tru,•w -up ,cu lie l,•fl ill jl'Ood shnpo before llll'Pltnrt





'11 ( . I. 1-, ,. nt onr I>, tu. 111 L h~ H,1<,111 nt th" ~lain Coll~gt it1g. lt is ciu-u,,hlly bop"d


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brnce, uor b It po-.-•4blc.£or them

t t tD lotcrfer4 W'ilh the clrculllllon, l,a,li,·,. pleas~ be ptcs1•nt l ;;:I The Rcxall Urace lnAY be W () ffl by .A Wt't•k n~o Inst !-=.aturdur t ❖ either 1CXnnclwch.11vcthrm In nll s1z~ I • 1ultable for the cnild of four Y"""' or u,e nii:: it, ,\pril first, !hi! l)p\tn Th..t~ + :<Ot<TII ,t.\JN .,.I ~dult weighing th,..,hundred po1md,. Si,?lllft Xa1iunul ,-\~ri\.'t11luru) Prn- + You r cheit measurement itJ n.11tb!l.t la +·1-+•l·+++•l ..H++·~•l·-l•+l ..i•+ ·H-·H++·I· ncctaSAry to properly fit you. ternity hPhl it, 11nmrnl h:rnq1wt. Web4,•e U,c exclusiveogeccyforlhll 13,•f-Oreproceetlinir to the t•:ad,· city, •

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th o l•'t1llow.111g l,ist of




§lumni j}otes

DR F. L. WEST, 'O!.

~frA. Edith Rnd,1lph 1lillman. Stale. t 'has. g, f•1l{•mirt;.{. 'O!t, a111l.._\l.. "05. 1~ ut prdll"lll viijitiuit with lw1· p~renl• in ~ 'aeh• .]nnct inn Mr fr,·d ~: ,\ldou~. ·11), hu,•c returnt•d fr. m 11wir wiull'r 's eour.:;e in and ~frs. Hillman no loniw,. Ride at Oxfor,1, 1,lnhu. Ahoul nne l•,nrll$..ll',:'!LI tlu• I' or lli.n.nesota,


uml artt vis.itinl! ye-nr ng" lht>y moved tu Knli~- ~11 ~l.l1111N1p111is. pel!~. :\fontana. wh,•1·,, :-Ir. Hill- th,, <'ullc·!{•·.Both oxpress them• with Iht• rt'mno iM l..llJ!'a~i•d in 1h,· t·t•Hl r-r.tafr s,•Jn.... ,,·111 pll!::t,-;:e,I s11lts of th,•i,- w<tl'k aml huth btt•iness. ,J. l,. Kearns. •o:;, prrno1pal o\ r,•ud)· r..r I h~ art1111lpraclir11I the Park C'ity Ilii,:b Srlwol has wurk i11 t 111•Buronu o[ Forcsti,•. re<•ently bren appoinlNl chnirmm, .\Ir. FJNniu~ ltOCS from 1tere to of a rs1mrnittN• to :;\1J1ervi:w ~, ..\ri1-ona. ~liss \·eJn DiJ<on. 'lt), of the high schou1 <•Ulr1cs:t in 01·atorv snr1 .J~\lamntinn iru-htdiHf! tl;P Pn~·s,111llu!h ~dJt\ol, wa!-. a vj,;j. high srhools of thnt p>trt <Jf the tor i11 1O,-!UII Bund:if. 8hr main1

lnins th•t sh,· will h•· at 1Le same! ealatm·atc Wfll'k at l)Ur own s,•1111111 for at unothrr year .. \L)I.\ ~J.\1'EH • .\nolMr source of 1•ongrat\llntion is the t'u,·t 1h1111h,-R~'.\lt1m11i ADDITIONS TO TB.E FAChrin!! tn tlwir old s.•hm!I th~ ~11irit ULTY FROM THE RANKS OF THE ALUMNI ruul intim 1rno of n. lHlmbeJ"nl th1• ~ti~t Srpfoml1(lr a !-\llrpr·isin~ly best and l.ari,:~sl \miv~rsilies iu !urge number r>f Ph. l) 's will be th,, Ian,!. 11 is a ,,uluahl,· privinddcd to the Faeult,,· of th,, IT. A. J.,g~ lo sdcl to an~• teMlting [otcc C'.• an,1 it is !Hatifyiuir 1,1 th,· mrn ,•oming dire.ctly t'ron1 Cot• Alumni evcr_vwhcrr tn Ullle that n~ll. frnm thu T°uiven;it.v <1fChi• t>f Ci,liform<>st of thPse s~holarly profos- ,·a~,. the Uuhcrsity (ConLinued ou Page Ei,rht.) nnrs are nict, wlm took llteir b= 1


DE LAVAL Cream Separat?r llu.-• it uot nwan a. great deal to YOU,the prospecthat such meo ns Gov. W.D. Hoard, publisher of Hoard's Dairyman Henry C. Wallace, publisher of Wallace's Farmer .• E . R. Shoemake:, editor of Kimball's Dairy Fanner Victor Lawson, publisher of the Chicago Daily News T. T. Bacheller, publi~het of Northwest'n Dairyman L .E.Holden, pubJic,her of the Cleveland Plain Dealer W. A. Shaw, publisher of the Texas Farmer H, G. McMillan, publisber of the Farmer's Tribune Ce~. Booth, publW:er of the Detroit News Geo.Brumber, pres't of th.e Germania Publishing Co. alJ(l 111m1.v others like them. l!'OndJniry fnrmers a..s wc•ll as h•:111i1111 ,•ditors nml p11bli•hcrs.~R<'.ll of whom ti,·,, hup•r ul' n ,·renm separator,

is po~,.;••~'-f•tl of nrnd, pt'rso·oal cxpcrienre, and n 1hn11san,I nolhol'il5'tiw• sourer., of s~1111ratorinformation. nr,, nmong the 1, 250,(Ytt)saliafieJ users of IH:l,.\Y,\l, l'l'f'am !'lepnratorst

The DE LAVAL SEPARA fOR CO. lO\•lm 11T,1JV1 ·,n


DR. C. N. JE~SEN, 'Ob.

lifi'·117 Wlll;ra,. Ht 1J"IJ:.0"1'REAL

1-,! t. ~,a,\h4no tcttN'l f"l1JCA00

U _. ll!ll'tial"t!• 1,~t. W.r..1"1PEO

Dnmsm A ~1u-rlitn~,,,~

kl• RA'S YltA.N("l;.l;C"O






Dr 'J'honlll~-yes, ,SnturJ11y ill a It C(lSl no ~mall ~um to !WI to h 11h\e t.o andersurnd t}!_edilL· l1c>liday l'rn svrry lu su,•. ll's tuo lhiN ;·em··~ hohk <)l\J n.url i1 unw iu•( ..f 1h~ future fni:ul!y. ~',.r tht--.~ereasoos you will be L------------' I bnd Arlrnr Dud. ,lws11 't eomc Ou 11 dep~Hds "l"'" ,,u,·ll ~tu<IPnl" u, ,i,, his pnrt 1,y hn)in!-( ,mr. ll i$ 1lw tbt• lv.!(•1· if )'i>ll d!l not g~t th..)[i~~ Veda Dix-0n, ·10 spent, lsnndu,· Oil<"/'iu a ""hifo. Y,,11r flf>uk nf om· ~et,i,.-1 d,•. H,1~~n. t.hc book, eQlnpare<l wiij:) la~! Sun.Jay in Loron. V. A. Rn,Jdfor i~ Ju ,;ill!~ Lak,1 p~n,i~ upon th,, ,111dcnts for i1~ whi"11 "l",ifc" wi!J become uni11lfuw (":mid "T!i!<S ~lerrill let ,·11lley workin~ with the Alfalfa b11.,ltini. l::<litur 11.i<'l,nr,lson 1111,1ter.esti!l)-( Vern c. go 10 l',!ontll.lla t w11eviJ.'l'l,~re nr11,\l$Ulil·e gov~rn. wcni men 1u tho n1llpy on lb~ ~tanH~cr Ooo<!wi1111~w~ll u.~ 1dl ,mmTlfflfffTiffl>'f!lnnmmnmmnmmi the s11,ff hu,·e w<1rl,ed hard find E Rel'. John El. Carver of the Og- sam<• work. £ Hurr y!ncy •ll,:o ,~ "'" Hurry! hnn• ,!on~ 1l1<.•ir sliar,, uf Ilic laboi ., den PresOy t.orian cllu.r~h spoke in \I" J'h •I N b&k•r n A c cha])~[ 'l'ueiday. . ISS o, >P • e C • ll . . attM:lled to sueh "" undc1·1aking, ~ Gilt Edge Bakery stncl,•n1 ln,t year, who baa sp~11t s., ,tmfows. iii& f1,r .'·"" ro <lo tl,., ~ 'N uu~ o:hol, u-~·""""" ••~ Pl..,. 1 the wintrr Rt 1h,• Boswu Conser- t~sl. S11hi.eribe 11,;,w,pay R ~mall t° w1,,-,u 1•1.b.•""" • l'rof Johu 1'. C'aiu~ J J J j11dged ,·,11.oryof llfusit-.~lOJlped 111J.,oi,?an deposit to l\ny mci.,bn ol' 1,iWU,UIWIUWIJ.lllillllllUIUlllUl.lllUUIJ.I the hora,e show nnd i;lll'e a !cf.t.ure S1,od11y un her wa,· lo La.k,•t,;,wn. Stall' anJ µ:<'1a re~e;pl. Rn<l J\~v ........ ou Draft ll ors~s in ~h,rr11y last Thur£dHy April 8. tho Ji'rat lhe halau~~ ,vhnn .1'~11~~1 y,iur; ll'onday, .,. -,.----,,-:-; l louH,• IUl(I its efoau np da;•. AL book. IL is full ,,f thini,:-s lh~1 I Cafe an d B a kery ::O YI' l,;~~I e,titor of C'rimaou wns five o \•lov~ tho bu~lc s\>llnd,id i.a,·r h111,1wncJ this .-·,·11r. ~-•t ul•i us. i MIIY ANO BILI.. , ,•r,joyinl' lb,• boaotlful lUUUDlain t<v~ry- r,,ll01t <Ill\ n[ bed. B)- six rcn~)' for_1mtt,,11li,\" Ul\l~J ',ot1 \\"di ,rnnt '" \~urn hr,11· lt~•a5~•..~~,+ scenery. last Su11rli1y a.ft~ru11011. 1hir1y thr yard wa~ 6li~k nnd Pr .fr•s~,,r l,arsmt ·~ !,\,·~ .II\ 111r++++++-H<+-1+++++++++++++I But he. wasn't 11!0110! trrminal~,I. and Ii("' thP Ju~\ ~ dr11JnRtie coineidonee. ua•n_got 10 !Irr,,,,,,,. yuo, "ill S pecial Prices Given When· a !.>;irllike "lfoh" Holm. L"~t foll hy the tirn<! 1he pro\lll.11wn.nt 10 follow 1hc r,,manre8 of + to Stu d ents at 1ti·en will go Jown 11.tUla 011d of tiuu ,,f "Th,· ,\rn87'>HS'" . + WHS o,•cr rhu ach1,ol Riu11e<1~a11d .J111J,1s1,11t th<' S~<'ond hour nod wnndcr whJ the Ht~leu ki.i;cs from the rh1•~k 1hPir hnpp_r emliu1i , no,\ "'" peoplo don ·l come to clonpel Uiere off-111r)t('nl::C:ho(>LerhaJ ~(, 01•.-r. ~ll'R'J' $(•(' h"W :,ur t11,nn1,,.J must he a \ll;y in tho c8S\·. pnwc.i·,•J)Ir. llll!'SNI lhHI he hos h•lleher \noh,I i 11 \'l"ehi~l1Jri,• + ~. nut 111\~~r,d11~hnn,:c no set thll. Lime.< . .As II inN•~ "'""' uf wnrn• H. T. Ralph (if Wie I:¼>lta Theta o , ,mee. · h ,1rn in~ 1he St,afT Sll,!!J:;t:~ltin,, ,,,-,.,,,. ++ Furni ture and Carpet coHr)l;un 1 ew111c w ~n $igrna )~ft )[~nday ,\ 2, for . r ;•'f! ,.., 11 C ompany I 1 l"'.'.'. '.~ '."~" ,le ~u. Cl!'.Cw·u l · sLlHfont bucum~ ~c, 1unin•,,,l wilh· ;f: Uo!umbu~ Ohio where he weut lo ' 1-ell nnt!cr '"') the afTue.l the ~CRud-iiml"inu toni,:-u,, in m·r!~r ·• n11 1111s + represent th~ t:tah or thi~ lion~ of the Widow foned th1m1• +-t-++++ ++++++++++++++++++trt fraternity 111the Ka1ionnl con- 60IVeij itl reality up0n the youni::I da,·e. half ba~k and if ,dl COC$well tho !Urtlfog of the Mmed.,· "'l'hl' ColE .. 1". Burton a formor well l~!!• WidQw" will h R rcnlil.< at knowu s1mfont wit!! 11ronnd school the ll, A. C. LO GA N, UTAH t!lis wet•k. lie is rmmiug two 1,reameties in l1laJ10111present. Ile CAPITAL , $ 100 ,000.00 BUZZER OUT M AY 20, 1911 h11t>llS. to iake uuL his B. S. at the 'l'o know that the 1fo,.i,•r will A. C. this year. Stud ents Acco unts So licited. II~ ,int ~fn~· Z-0\.h will cause all to rojoirc e.x,:eNlingly. 'l'hc work Co ur teo us Tr ea tm e nt G ua ranteed. Chas Fleming '09 aod A. E. Al• has hePn prD!-(r,•s.~i11g 11i~cly nn,1 ,luua 'l • nre back Crom the Ens! tht· staff uow promises that thl' read)• 10 enl~r the Forest 1ocr,·ite. book will b,, ready for Jcli,·er.,• Pl~ming lias l>eet.Jvisiting 1.he col- on- Lb~ abon, ,lnte. kgo du.ring the pnst wPek Aldous 'fhcrc hns ht1~n ijOll)C ,·rry is iu Ogden nnjl cxpe~b to ,·isil ori,dnal work ,fon~ Ofl this ,·~~r's I ht ah\ -se,laool ~.ion. H will 11~ ,•s~,,ntiftll." n pietnr~ linflk, al1houi:rh the 01l1er A. .J. Kn spp wont to Brigham fcntur~s c-f sPhool 'lif,, Hr~ nol last wrek t,~ nsrertaio the clfc-ct 9f u(!glc-cted. Th~ ~tnlT, tlu, ,J,rnior the Rmonut -Of wntcr app!i~d lalit (.'lij~S nnd thP ~chonl will llo,·e ye11r 011 the productfou of fru it rMson to h~ proud of this. !hf )m,]$ f,!r t his Mll!i11D.TJ1~ c.xperi. m,,sl impor1nnt pnblicalinu nf 0111· meoh ~how thllt ir }ij po,~lhl~ tn C-0llej?e. 'l'hc fnd rlrn1 it will he entire!;•, pru,·Nll the formntion of 0111t/!l tim¢ menn~ tlrnl 1h,• l:itnff l'ru;t hn\l,; t'ltln·1· Oy 1he eic~c~s 01· ha6 not he~D id!,• during th~ VY MR lf¼Z.:.W 11 iiNW' IUck nf mite,· 11lll ~ertuin time. wlmlc Mhool s,•awn.




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