Scaua 25p05s07 1924

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A century ago great valleys of purple sage and arid plateaus of parched weeds , grass and sand comprised the territory of Utah. Today these valleys and plateaus are verdant with vegetation useful to man . The sallying streams have been directedbrtooaddisfs,.eemldisnattoe yth"eeli,r i waters to an ever increasing area , causing the their hidden treasure . The Utah Agricultural College has been a potent factor in the re-creation of these areas and its influence, like the directed streams, has coursed through every head-gate and into every lateral ditch toward new and broader fields . Expansion has always been one of the institution's salient characteristics. This statement can be verified by the mention of a few outstanding facts . Its Extension Divison reaches nearly every county in the state. Debating teams, athletic teams , live stock and dairy judging teams have represented the college far outside the bounds of Utah. And finally we may note with pride its recent aims toward a " National Summer School" with a faculty consisting of the country 's most eminent educators. Thus , the ex~en.sion of the service to the people of Utah and surrounding states IS ItS constant purpose.




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Alma Mater








; W hi te Pine Lake


Experiment Station Through The Trees





View Of L. D. S. Temple From Campus I


Land Marks In Logan Canyon

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South Wing Of Main Building

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Scenes Near Logan







ELMER G. PETERSON, ____________________________________________________________________ President WILLIAM PETERSON, ____________ _______ .Director of the Experiment Station FRANK L. WEST, ________________________________________________________________ Dean of the Faculty RA Y B. WEST, ___________________________ .Dean of the School of Agricultural Engineering ROBER T J. EVANS , ____________________________________ Director of the Extension Division GEORGE R. HILL JR. ________________________________ Dean of the School of Agriculture JAMES H. LINFORD, ____ Director of the Summer School and Superintendant of Correspondence Study .

IRA M. HAWLEY, ______________________________ Dean of the School of General Science CARRIE C. DOZIER, ___________________________ .Dean of the School of Home Economics WILLIAM L. W ANLASS, ___________ .Dean of the School of Business Administration OFFICERS PARLEY E. PETERSON, _____________________ .__________________________________________ Registrar JOAN L. COBURN, ________________________________________________________________________ Secretary HA TTIE SMITH, ____________________________________________________ .________________________ Librarian WILLIAM B. PRESTON, M. D. ______________________________________________________ Physician


~oaro of CiIrusi££s Anthony W . Ivins, ____ . __ .. _._ ____ __ E. O. Howard, Robert L. Judd, John D . Peters,

__ ._____________________________________ Salt Lake City

__ .___________________________________________________________________ Salt Lake City ___________ .________________ ______________________________________ Salt Lake City _ ._____..__ .________ .__ .. __ __________________________________________________ Brigham

O . H. Budge, _____________________________________. __________________________;_________________ _____ Logan

C . P . Cardon ,

__________ . _

_._. __________________________________________ . _ .___ Logan

Lorenzo N . Stohl, ________ .__ . ____________________________________________________ Salt Lake City Ha mil to n Ga rd ne r

_______________________________________________________________ _______ Sal t Lake City

Roy Bullen

_____________________________________________________________________ Salt Lake City

Randall L. Jones, Luther Howell A . P. Biglow,

___ _______ __ ._ ___________ _____________________________ Cedar City ____________ . ________ . ______________________________________________________ Logan ___________________________________________________________________________ 'Ogden

H . E . Crockett. Secretary of State, ex-officio ________________________________ Salt Lake City

As rhe Urah Agriculrural College expands ro meet rhe grearer responsibiliries which are coming now in such abundance ler us nor forger rhar we should seek firsr rhe refinemenrs of learning. rhing .

Mere size counrs for norhing.

Quality is every ¡

I would much rarher rhar rhis College produce a dozen grear young leaders

a year rhan ir disgorge hundreds of rhe indifferenr and indollenr who make up roo largely our popularion in America. In college and our.

By grear young leaders I

mean rhose who are firsr of all clean in body and mind because the unclean can never go on ro enduring achievement .

These young of course must inherit strengrh.

They must be the offspring of noble parenrage. ities may be educared inro a student.

There is no process whereby qual -

Education is a process of growth from within;

if the raw marerials are nor presenr educarion cannot creare rhem. that rhere is no cirizenship more worrhy than ours.

Ler ir be said

The farhers and morhers of

our youth are in general a srrong and virile srock. in some ways most refined and superior. May I say to our studenrs rhar rhe truly grear seek to know God and to keep his commandmenrs?

Ancient as is rhis phrase which I have used. yer ir is roday

amid rhe self-seeking and rhe rumulr of modern life and indusrry . rhe suresr foundarion upon which ro srand.

Life wirhour a deep consciousness of rhis relarionship

becomes in the end a g'r ay and birrer thing.

Wirh it. life is a glorious enrerprise.

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WILLIAM PETERSON Director of the Experiment Station and Geologist

Experiment Station Staff IT. J. ~' HEI)ER[CK, Veterinarian ~'. I". II'KST. Phrsicist GREAV~;, Chemist & Bact.

J. E.

\\'. K CAUHOLL, Animal Husbandman BYRON ALDKR. Poultryman

GEO. R. HII"L. Bctanist O. W. ISRAELSEN, Irrigation & Dra inage I". 11. WINSOn , Irrigation GEORGE B. CAINE. Dairying D. S. JENNINGS , Soil Surveys (:EORGE STEWART, Field Crops R. .J. BECRAFT. Range Management

R.I.. IDLL, Human Nutrition E. B. BROSSARD, Agricul tu ral Economist W. L. WANLASS . Market ing IRA M. HAInEY. Entomologist C. T. mRST. Associate Chemist

\\"ILL.IIW GAH Il:-l Ell , Associale Phrsieist It L. HICIlARllS, A sociate Botanist E. G. CAH1'f:H, Ass"eiate Bacteriologist M. D. 'fHO.\IAS, Associate Agronomist

D. W.


Associate Agronomist

A. F. BRACKE:-I, Supt. Nephi Substation 1'. H. ABELL. Assistant Horticulturist L. F. ~TFFER. Assista nt Botanist HERB~; R1' .1. PACK, A sistant Entomologist GUSTAV WILSTER , Assistant in Dairying GWRGE D. CLYDE, Assistant in Irrigation A. L. WILSON. Supt. Davis Co. Farm PETER NELSON. Farm Superintendent J. R. BATEMAN, Supt. Panguitch Farm J. L. COBURN, Secretary BLANCHE C. PITTMAN. Cierk & Librarian DAVID A. BURGOY:-iE, Director's Secretary

FRANK L. WEST D ean of the Faculty



RAY B. WEST Dean of the School of Agricultural Engineering FACULTY JONATHAN S. I'OWEI.L 08S0:\ W. ISRAELSO", M.

. . .. )I'rhanital Dra"ing . . Irrigation & Drainage

0.1'" AIlT lll'll SWE",SON B. S. . . Carpentry & Woodwork A"Tlll'R F I FE B. S. . ....... Irrigation & Drainage

AUGUST J. HAi'iSE:\. B. S. .. Carpentry & Woodwork LUTnER ~IARTIN WI NSO R B. S... Trr. and Drainage



E. .J. YO",K .. . ... . ........ Tractor Mechanics DAVID nl'GIH:s. . ..... . . . .. Carpentrr & Woodwork

,\ . E.

Farm Marhine ry ....... Forging FELI):\lA~.

................ . . . .

........•......... Auto Ignition . .•. . ....... .... Machine Work'


ROBERT J . EVANS Director of the Extension Service




........... . County Agent Leader RENA MA rCOCK, .... . . Home Demonstration Leader GLADYS L. CHRISTENSE:->, Ass't. State Club Leader

County and Home Demonstration H. A. CHRISTENSEN R. W. STEWART R. L. WRIGLEY O. P. MADSEN W. J. THAYNE





SPECIALISTS JOHN T. CAINE 111 ................ Live Stock J. C. HOGENSON, . . . . • . . . . . . . . . . . .. Agronomy EMIL HANSEN •........••... Landscape Gardener L. M. WINSOR, ....•........... . . . . Irrigation B. L. RICHARDS .. .. •..•........ Plant DiSeases

BEN R. ELDREDGE .................... Dairy VICTORIA CHRISTENSEN . ... Home Health & Nursing ROZINA SKIDMORE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Clothing BYRON ALDER . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . Poultry MRS. C. B. CLAYTON .................... Foods


GEORGE R. HILL, JR. Dean of the School of Agriculture

FACULTY WM. E. CARROLL M. S. Ph. D. - Animal Husbandry CHAS. TARY HIRST 11. S. Chemistry E. B. BROSSARD ' 11. S.· Ph. D. -~'arm ~Ianagcment R. J. BECRAFT B. S. Range Management HYRUM K. FREDERICK '0. V. M. - Veterina ry Science E. G. CARTER, 11. S. - - - -Bact. and PhysIology JOSEPH E. GREAVES M. . Ph. D. -Physiological Chern. HERRERT J. PACK , B. S. - -Zoology and Entomol ogy R. L. HILL Ph. D. Cbemistry Srn; rlll'lN G. AIA ESER, Ph. D. Chemistry GEORGE B. CAINE A. M. - - -Dairy Husbandry DOli' WARIlEN PlTT~IAN. )1. S. ----Agronomy O. IV. ISRAELSON )1. S. - - - -Political Science GrSTAV \\'lLSn;n 11. S. - - - -Dairy IIusbandry GEORGE STEWART M. S. AgrOnomy AARON F. BRACKEN B. S. Agronomy IRA M. HAWLEY M. S. .Zoology & Entomology YEPPA LUND B. S: Horticultu re BERT L. RICHARDS Ph. D. - -Botany & Plant Path. E1IIL HANSEN Botany BYRON ALDER B. S. Poultry Husbandry ARTHUR FIFE B. S. ----IrrigatIon and Drainage A. T. ABELL - - - - - - - - - Horti cultu re

JAMES H. LINFORD Director of the Summer School and Superintenent of Correspondence Study

IRA M. HAWLEY Dean of the School of General Science

FACULTY N. A. PIlDEIlSON F;nglish A. H. AXEl/ ~Iathemati(~ V. C. COl'I:I'ER EngUsh FRA:-IKLI:-I D. DAINf}8 A. )1., A. B. - - -Hi, tory History JOEL E. RICKS A. ,\I. A. B. GEORGE R. ffI LL Jr. Ph: D. Botany & Plant Pathology R. L. Hill, Ph. D. Chemistry Physics FRAXK L. WEST. Ph. D. J. E. GREAVES, )1. S.• Ph. 1).- - - PhI'S. Cbemistry CALVI X Fl.ETCIIR B. Pd. Fine Arts GEORGE W. TIIATcm;R B. S. )Iusie WILLIA)I PETERSO)/ B. S. Geology C. W. REES Pil. D.- - - -Zoology and Entomology WALLACE J. VICKEIlS B. S. English E. G. CARTER )1. S. - - - -Bart. and Physiology LOUIS F. NlWf'r;H B. S. Botany IVA )IArn Dr XX . A. B. - - - - Publir Speaking HEXRY OBERII.IXSLEY B. S. f;duration 1'1.



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ALICE KEWU;Y, B. S. Education H. It R';Y.' OLl)S Applied Arts CIIAIlLS )Ir CLELLA:-I )1. A. Eduration BER'I' L. I(ICIIAIIOS ' Ph. D. Botany WILLAIlD GAIlD:'I'r:R Ph. D. Physirs PAIlL,;Y E. PETERSO:'l', A. B., C. P. A. - ArNltll1ting CIIAIlL ES T. II I RS'I', )1. S. Chemistry 8. G. .\lAt:SEIl, Ph. D. Ch,mislr!, IIEXRY pF;n:1l80X Ph. D. - - -Ed. and Psyr hology Engli <h CIiAIlI.OTTE KYLF: A. )1. "AVID F:AIlLF: 1l0BIXSO)/ B. S. - - - )Iarkcting 1l0BEIl'!' J. EI'A:'I'8 Ph. D. - Dirertor F;xl ension Ser. F'HASf( 11. AHXOLD

A. ~1. - - - ?liodern LangulIgnes

nEA.' 8. ('AIlIlEIl B. S. - -Geology & Mathemati" HOw.llm )I,DONALI) B. S. - - - - Mathematir.' C. R. JOll:'l'SO:-l )lcille KA " lIf:1lIXE r()OP~;1l R. S. - - - -ph,'siral Ed,,'ation .JOSEI'II H. .lIi;>\SO.~· A. B. - - -Ph,:''''al l':<l"ral ion Physics

CARRIE C. DOZIER D ean of rhe School of Home Economics Faculty

C alvin Flercher. B. Ph . Fine Act s N. A. Pederson . A. M . English P . E. Peterson . A. B .. C. P . A . Accounting Johanna Moen . B. S. Te x tiles Wm. Pres ron . M . D . College Physician Charlone Dance y. Nursin g Alice Ke w ley. B. S. Education Winnifred Smirh . B. S. Foods L av in a Ri chardson . B. S. T extiles R ae Orm sby T extiles

W ILLIA M W ANLASS Dean of the School of Business Administration

FACULTY P. E. Peterson. A. B .. C. P . A. Accounting Wilbur E. Thain. B. S .. C. P . A . .... _... Accounting E . B. Brossard. M. S .• Ph. D . . Economics W . L. Wanlass, Ph. D . _ .... ________ ._ Business Administration Milton H . Harris. Ph . D . .. Economics George Stewart. M. S. . _. _ __ Economics



. __________ Stenography

F. D . Daines. A. M. _______ Political Science Joel E. Ricks . A . B .• A. M . _______ . History D. E. Robinson . B. S. _______ . __ Marketing Asa Bullen . B. S .• L. L. B. ______________ __ Political Science O. W. Israe lson. M. S. ____ Political Science

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WILLIAM WILLISON Agricultural Engineering



L. W. TOLMAN Mathematics

EMERY R. RANKER Horticulture






The Graduate Club of the Utah Agricultural College was reotganized In the fall of 1923 . There wete more students doing graduate wotk this year than In any previous year in the history of the institution. William H. Willison was elected president of the club, David Burgoyne, Sec., and Rulon Smith was appointed publicity manager. The great aims of the club were to foster the spirit of scientific research , encourage a desire for advanced learning and to secure unity of action in solving problems with the graduated students as a group. The club also functioned in a social way by having special dinnres at which short talks were given by prominent men. Many of the graduate students of the college are making a success as educators, A large number of the students have made an exresearch men , and managers. cellent showing in the greater institutions of the United States and many have won scholarships. The demand for men with their master' s degres from the Utah Agricultural College is ever increasing because of high standards maintained by the institution and the personal attention which is given to each of the graduate students. The College is continually improving and increasing its facilities for carrying on research work by the graduate students. The members of the Graduate Club feel deply indebted to the institution for the great opportunities provided and they expect the Graduate Club to become still greater and more important as more of its members become leaders in the west . Those receiving their M. S. Degree this year are as follows : D. C. Tingey, Agronomy; Daniel H . Nelson, Soil Bacteriology ; Aaron Bracken, Agronomy ; Leslie Bowen,/rrigation and Drainage ; Donald Jerman, Irrigation and Drainage ; Rulon Smith, Economics ; M . B. Linford, Botany ; Alfred H. Bateman, Agronomy ; Von T. Ellsworth , Agricultural Economics ; J . Carlos Lambert, Agricultural Economics; Emery Ranker. Horticulture ; Ernest V . Staker, Agronomy.

P. A. Ballinger Commerce ~ Business Adminisrration Student Life Staff ; Commercial Club ; Editor Buzzer, 1923 ; Pan-Hellenic Council ; Ex ecutive Council; Alpha Sigma Nu ; Alpha Kappa Psi ; Phi Kappa Iota . FRANK OBERHANSLEY Agriculture Ag. Club ; Wrestling Team ; Delta Nu.

MARTHA GEDDES Home Economics Beta Delta

OLIVER WOODRUFF Agriculture Ag Club ; Rifle Team ; Rifle Club ; Phi Kappa Phi .

JAMES ANTHONY FROST Agriculture Ag. Club ; Botany Club

VERONA COX Home Economics Home Economics Club ; Beaux Arts Guild ; Empyrean Club.

A. R . MIDGLEY Agriculture Ag. Club ; Phi Beta Rho

H. LEE HALES Agriculture Freshman Basketball ; Freshman Football ; Track 19 22; Glee Club ; Capt. R. O. T . C. 1924 ; Scabbard and Blade ; Ag. Club ; Rifle Team ; Ag Club Link Staff ; Pi Zeta Pi.

CARL FRISCHKNECHT Agriculture Inter-Collegiate Debator ; Agora Club ; Ag. Club ; Botany Club ; Glee Club ; Phi Kappa Phi ; Alpha Delta Epsilon . NORMA HUSSY Home Economics Home Ec. Club ; Empyrean Club ; Dance Club ; Beta Delta. H . PRATT WRIGHT Ag. Economics Botany Club ; Ag. Club ; Ag. Club Link Staff ; Alpha Delta Epsilon. EZRA THOMPSON Mechanic Arcs D. A . V . ; Benedicts Club. MYRA NELSON General Science Zeta Chi HARVEY KIRK Agriculture Ag. Club ; Basketball, 4 years ; Track 2 yrs.; Football 3 yrs.; Phi Kappa Iota . KARL E . YOUNG Basic Arts and Sciences French Club ; Periwig Club; Rifle Club ; Freshman Play ; College Play 1923 ; Rifle Team 1923 ; Buzzer Staff 1922 ; Swimming Team 1923; Phi Kappa Phi ; Delta Nu. ADDISON L. SPINNEY Enginering A. A. E .; D. A . V.

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AARON B. JONES Agricultural Enginee£ing A. A. E.; D . A . V .; Alpha Gamma Phi JOSEPHINE BURNINGHAM Home Economics Student Body V ice Pres. 1924 ; Gicls' Athletic Ass.; Empyrean Club ; Home Ec. Club; Pan Hellenic Council 1924 ; A . W. S.; Sponsor Company C 1924 ; Theta Ball Com. Alpha Sigma Nu ; Phi Upsilon Omicron ; Sigma Theta Phi . FRANK KENNARD School of General Science Glee Club; Male Quartette ; Opera and Oratorio ; Song Leader ; Omega Tau. O. CYRIL HAMMOND Commerce and Business Administration "An in Basketball 1919 -22-23-2 4 ; Capt. Basketball 1922-23 , 1923-24 ; "An in Ten nis 1919-22 -23-2 4 ; Capt. Tennis 19 23; Commercial Club ; BeNo Club ; Pan Hellenic Council 1924 ; Alpha Kappa Psi ; Alpha Sigma Nu; Sigma Alpha. JOSEPH D. FOWLES Agricultural Engineering D. A. V. 1920 -24; Benedicts Club ; 1920 24: Sec. Treas. A. A. E. ; 19 23-2 4 . MYR TLE PETERSON Home Economics Home Fe. Club; President Home Ec . Club 192 3-24; Empyrean Club ; A . W . S. Phi Upsilon Omicron ; Zeta Chi. AFTON JOHNSON Basic Arts and Sciences Studer.t Life Staff ; Short Story Club ; Empyrean Club; Junior Class Reporter : Senior Class Reporter ; Home Ec. Club . STERLING HARRIS General Sciences. Football; Basketball ; Frosh Coach 192 3-24; Swimming Team ; Alpha Sigma Nu; Sigma Alpha.


CLIFFORD M. JENSEN Agriculture. D . A . V . 1921-24; Phi Kappa Phi.

EMERY R. RANKER Agriculture Johansen Scholarship 1921 ; Sophomore Class President ; Scholarship "An 3 years Pan Hellenic Council 1921-22 ; Debating 1921 - 22 - 23 - 24 ; Agora Club; Ag. Club ; Tau Kappa Alpha ; Phi Kappa Phi ; Pi Z eta Pi ; Valedictorian , 1924 .

JAMES H. EAGAR Agriculture Benedicts Club ; 1920 -23 ; Ag. Club 19 20 D . A . V . 1922-24 ; Cosmopolitan Club 1924.

DOROTHY SHEPHERD General Science Sorosis

FRED DANIELS Agriculture Ag. Club 1922-23 ; D . A. V .

FRED M. NEWTON Ag. Engineering Phi Kappa Phi ; Alpha Gamma Phi ; A. A . E.

HAZEL BINGHAM Home Economics Home Ec. Club ; Junior Prom Committee 19 23; Pan Hellenic Council 1923 - 24 ; Girl' s Athletic Club ; Alpha Sigma Nu : Beta Delta.

DA VID ADAMSON Agriculture Ag. Club ; D . A . V .; Benedict s Club


MORLEY PETERSON General Science Ag. Club ; Omega Tau GRANT PACKER Agriculture Ag. Club ; Delta Nu WORBERT A. GURRELL Ag. Engineering Pres. A . A . E. 19 23 -2 4 . D . A. V . 1921 - 2 2 2 3-24 ; Phi Kappa Phi. ILA FIFE Home Economics Home Ec. Club ; Vice President Home Ec. Club 1923 -24 ; Empyrean Club ; Gicls Ath letic Club ; Phi Kappa Phi ; Phi Upsilon Omicron ; Zeta Chi. EDW ARD HAD FEILD Agriculture Ag. Club ; Men' s Pan -Hellenic Council 1923 24 ; Sigma Alpha. ALWYN C. SESSIO S Agriculture Ag. Club ; Capt. R. O . T . C .; Reserve Com . U . S . Army ; Rifle Team 192 3-24 ; Wrest ling Team ; Scabbard Blade. EDITH NEILSON Home Economics Home Ec. Club CARLOS W. SEEGMILLER Basic Arts and Science Honorable Mention 1921 -2 2; A . A. E .; Beaux Arts Guild ; Magpie and Buzzer Con tributor 1921 -22 .

RALPH T . KING Basic Arcs and Sciences Pres. A. A . E ., Pres. Benedicts Club 1922-23 Chaplain D .A . V .; Winner President' s Citizenship award 1923 -2 4 ; Alpha Gamma Phi ; Phi Kappa Phi. RUTH HORSLEY CHADWICK Basic Arcs and Science College Play 19 22; French Club ; Short S to ry C lub ; Empyrean Club ; Pres. Pan Hel lenic Co u ncil 1924; A . W . S . Council 19 24 Gamma Xi Gamma. JOHN RENCHER Agriculture Ag. Club ; Alpha Gamma Phi LEROY STARR Agriculture Ag. Club ; Delta Nu S. P. COWLEY Commerce and Business Administration Manager Football 19 2 2- 23; Leiter in Foot ball 192 3 -24 ; Pres. Co ~ mopolitan Club ; Beno Club : Alpha Kappa Psi ; Sigma Alpha ALBERT SHAW Agriculture Ag. Club JOSEPHINE FREE Home Eco nomics LEROY SCHANK Agriculture Ag. Club ; Vice Pres. Aq. Club 19 23 -2 4 ; Phi Kappa Phi ; Phi Beta Rho

NORMA IRENE SMITH Home Economics Home Ec. Club; Beaux Arts Guild ; Beta Delta

WILFORD C. COLE Agriculture I1.g. Club , Cosmopolitan Club Pres. , Ag. Club Link 1924 ; Student Life Staff 192 3; Science Medal 1923; Buzzer Editor ; Botany Club ; Phi Kappa Phi ; Omega Tau.

HERSCHEL COLES Agricultural Engineering Rifle Club ; A. A . E. ; Phi Beta Rho

RADINO L. HICKMAN Commerce and Business Adminisrracion Phi Kappa Iota ; Phi Kappa Phi ; Vice-Pres. Commercial Club ALBERT J. HITZKER Agricultural Engineering

D. A. V.; Alpha Gamma Phi LUELL HAWLEY Commerce and Finance Girl's Athletic Club; Buzzer Staff, 1923 -2 4 Beta Delta

E. RAY LYMAN Agriculture Glee Club ; Opera , Oratorio ; Pi Zeta Pi

R . DENTON SMITH Commerce and Business Adminisrracion College Opera 1921 ; College Play 1924 ; Class Secretary and Treas. 1921-22 ; Mgr . Student Life 1922-23; Class Pres. 1922-23 ; Commercial Club; Alpha Kappa Psi ; Alpha Delta Epsilon.

MARTHA CAZIER EAGER Home Economics Beaux Arts Guild ; 1920-21; Benedicts Club; Home Ec. Club ; Phi Kappa Phi.

W. B. KNOWLES General Science Athletic Council , 1924 ; Football 1921-22 '23; Track 1922 -23-24 ; Wrestling 1924 Buzzer Staff 1924; Be-No Club ; Pi Zeta Pi

TIMOTHY O' BRIEN Agricultural Engineering A . A . E. ; D. A . V .

R . S. BELNAP Capt. Frosh Basketball ; Base'ball ; Capt. Baseball 1922-23; Basketball; Commercial Club ; 1922-23 -24 ; Sigma Alpha.

PHILIP H. SORENSEN Ag. Engineering

A. A . E.; D. A. V. CLYDE BUTTS Agriculture Ag.Club ; Benedicts Club ; D.A . V .; Lambda Iota.

E . H. MORRIS Basic Arts and Science Debating 1918 . 192 3; Agora Club; Phi Kappa Phi ; Phi Kappa Iota .

ARDELLA BELL SMITH Basic A rts and Science Home Ec. Club ; College Opera 1921 ; Beaux Arts Guild ; Gama Xi Gamma.

LAWRENCE W . JONES Ag. Engineering GLee CLub ; Opera and Oratorio : Mgr . Buzzer 1923 -24 ; Editor Ag. CLub Link ; Men' s Shop MedaL ; Stock Judging Team ; Junior Prom. Committee ; Ag. CLub ; Botany CLub : CosmopoLitan CLub ; Pan Hellenic CounciL 1922 -23 ; President 1923 - 24 ; Jo hansen SchoLarship ; Phi Kappa Phi ; ALpha DeLta EpsiLon .

HYRUM E. DALTON Ag. Engineering

D. A . V .; Alpha Gamma Phi . MABEL FRY Gmeral Science Gamma Xi Gamma

FARRELL SMITH Agriculrure Ag. Club ; Botany Club ; Pi Zeta Pi

VERLE FRY Student Life Staff ; Buzzer Staff 1923 -24 : Short Story Club ; Casto Medal ; Inter-Class Debating 1922-23; Inter -Collegiate Debat ing 1923-24 ; Agora Club : College Opera 1923 -24 ; Pi Delta Epsilon ; Pi Zeta Pi.

ROBERT E. DESPAIN Agriculture Ag. Club ; Cosmopolitan Club: D. A. V. of W . W. ; Lambda Iota.

CLAUDIA FU K Basic Arts and Science Empyrean Club ; French Club : ~Vomen 's Pan Hellenic Cour}cil ; Short Story Club ; Student Life Staff 192 2-23- 24 ; College Play 1924 ; Gamma Xi Gamma.

CLIFFORD FORSGREN Agriculture Ag. Club ; Botany Club ; Omega Tau

JACK CROFT General Science Pres. Freshman Class ; Athletic Council 1921; Executive Committee; " A u Track, 192122-24 ; Cardon Medal 1921-22 ; Bronze Medal ' 24 ; " A n Football, 1921 - 22-23; Captain Football 1923 ; All Conference Tackle 1923 ; Freshman Play 1921 ; College I)lay 1922-24; Captain R . O. T . C. 1922 -24 Scabbard and Blade; Beno Club ; Pi Zeta Pi. ALICE PEDERSEN Home Economics Home Ec. Club ; Junior Prom. Com .; Alpha Sigma Nu ; Sorosis. HORACE KOTTER Commerce and Business Administration Freshman Play 1921; Class Debates 1922 ; Commercial Club ; Booklovers Club ; Short Story Club ; Student Life Staff ; Buzzec Staff 1923 ; Johansen Scholarship ; Capt. R . O. T. C .; Alpha Kappa Psi ; Phi Kappa Phi ; Alpha Delta Epsilon . JOHN LOUGEE Agriculture Ag. Club ; Botany Club ; D. A. V . Cosmo politan Club . NETTIE LUND General Science Phi Kappa Phi; Sorosis AGNES WILLIAMS Home Economics Home Ec. Club ; Gama Xi Gamma CLARENCE C. LOOSE Commerce and Business Administration Rifle Club ; Commercial Club ; Alpha Kappa Psi ; Pi Zeta Pi. C. IRVING BICKMORE Commerce and Business Administration Commercial Club ; Phi Kappa Phi ; Phi Beta Rho.

NAOMI NELSON Home Economics Empyrean Club; Short Story Club; Riffr Club ; Dance Club ; Battalion Sponsor 192 1_ 22; Officer Gitl's Athletic Club ; Beta D elte

JOHN S. LOGAN Ag. Engineering Student Body Executive Council ; SU'l1rre School Student Body President 1922 : S'u · dent Body President 1923 -2 4 ; D. A. V .: A. A. E. ; Phi Kappa Phi ; Alpha Sigma Nu: Alpha Gamma Phi. J. R. FAWCETT Agriculture Ag. Club 1924 ; Dairy Products Judgi -n Team 19 24; Benedicts Club 1923 ; Lam b:!" Iota.

LAWRENCE J. SORENSON General Science Vernon Short Story Medal ; Student Li fe Staff ; Contributor to Buzzer ; Drama:ic; Quill Club ; French Club ; Omega Tau.

MILTON FIFE Basic Arts and Science Wrestling Team 1924 ; First Lieut. R . O. T . c. ; Scabbard and Blade ; Phi Beta Rho .

IVA L. RICHARDS General Science Phi Kappa Phi ; Sigma Theta Phi


. .

Glee Club ; Opera 1924 ; Dairy. Products Judging Team 1924 ; Ag. Club ; Cosmopol itan Club.

HOBART BARTLETT General Science Ag. Club ; Omega Tau .


JAMES TRASK Ag. Engineering A . A . E.; D . A . V .; Alpha Gamma Phi

WALTER SPENCER HUNTER Agriculture G lee Club ; Manager Glee Club 1924 ; Opera and Oratorio ; Ag. Club ; Botany Club ; Pi Z eta Pi.

ALICE SESSIONS Home Economics Home Ec. Club ; Phi Upsilon Omicron

RULON SMITH Pres. and Capt. Scabbard and Blade 1922-23 Pres. Rifle Club 1922-23 ; Capt. Rifle Team 19 2 1-22; Reserve Commission U. S. Army O. R. C. 19 2 2 ; Phi Kappa Iota.

MIL TON BARRETT Ag. Engineering A . A. E. ; Phi Kappa Phi

RAY D. GARNER Agriculture Benedicts Club ; D. A . V . Ag. Club ; Glee C lub ; Quartette ; Stock Judging Team 192122 ; Student Body Executive Committee ; Phi Kappa Phi ; Pi Zeta Pi.

MIL TON BERNTSON Commerce Commercial Club ; Alpha Kappa Psi; Phi Kappa Iota .

EDITH GORDON General Science Phi Kappa Phi ; Empyrean Club




ALOIA ELSMORE Home Economics Home Ee. Club ; Pres. Home Ee. Club 1922 23; Empyrean Club Sec-Treas ; Capt. Girl's Rifle Team 1923 -2 4 ; A. W . S .; Girl' s Athletic Club ; P,hi Upsilon Omicron ; Phi Kappa Phi ; Zeta Chi.

HYRUM K. MORTENSON Agriculture Ag. Club ; Fcosh Football ; Track ; Track Captain 1924 ; Cardon Gold Medal ; Glee Club. L. R. IVINS Agriculture

Basket -ball ; Freshman Football ; Track ; Baseball 1921 ; Phi Kappa Phi ; Ass. Editor Buzzer 1922 ; Ag. Club ; Booklovers Club ; Cosmopolitan Club ; A . A . E. ; Short Story Club ; Pi Zeta Pi.

VON T . ELLSWORTH Agriculture Ag. Club; Stock Judging Team ; Phi Kappa Phi; Omega Tau.

INGRA PATRICK Basic Arts and Science WENDELL HYDE Ag. Engineering A. A. E . Phi Kappa Iota.

LLOYD TOLMAN Basic Arts and Science Scholarship " A " 1922-23; Phi Kappa Phi

BLISS IVINS JONES Home Economics Short Story Club ; Home Ee. Club ; Beau >: Arts Guild ; Women's Pan Hellenic Council 1922 ; Gamma Xi Gamma.

MABEL ANDERSON TINGEY Basic Arts and Science /fame Ec. Club ; Beaux Arts Guild ; Buzzer Art Editor 1922 -23 Pres. Beaux Arts Guild 192 3 -24 ; Phi Kappa Phi ; Sorosis. BYRON WHITNEY Ag. Engineering Winner Cross Country Run 1923 ; Track ; Alpha Gamma Phi. ELGIN W. ERICKSON Commerce and Business Administration Frosh Football 1919 ; Frosh Basketball 1919 football 1920-23 ; Baseball 1920 ; Be -no Club ; Commercial Club ; Phi Kappa lata. HEBER BANKHEAD Commerce and Business Administration ""ommercial Club ; Men' s Pan-Hellenic Coun. Capt. R. O. T. C. ; Scabbard and Blade Alpha Delta Epsilon RAY S. MERRILL Commerce and Business Adminisrration Glee Club ; Hand Ball Champion 1924 ; Commercial Club ; Ag. Club ; Delta Nu . IRA N. HAYWARD Basic Arts and Science Inter -Collegiate Debating 1923 -24 ; Buzzer Staff 1924 ; Student Life Staff 1923 -24 ; Phi Kappa Phi ; Howell Medal 1924. DALTON REID Agriculture Ag. Club ; Stock Judging Team ; D. A. V .; Benedicts Club ; Alpha Gamma Phi. DELORES WOOD Home Economics Home Ec. Club ; Freshman Play 1921 ; Periwig Play; College Play Short Storey Club ; Student Life Staff 1924 ; Girl' s Athletic A.<sociation ; A. W . S.; Alpha Sigma Nu ; Phi Upsilon Omicron ; Sigma Theta Phi.



3JUl1tor (!Has6 ÂŽffiCl~r6



The class of '25 is fittingl y prepared for the responsibility of Seniorship. The class spirit, class-room training , school activities and social functions of the past three yea rs have all done their part in preparing us to uphold the dignity of Seniors. The class organization during the past year has sh own itself to be always a live wire in school affairs. The class spirit showed itself early in the fall quarter when the amusement committee was elected. The first get-together of the season was a misfit party in the Women's Gym. , November 19 . For this event tbe ladies proved tbey possessed some of tbat real initiative the gents are so prone to discredit, by drawing names and making dates . Towards tbe last of January tbe Juniors began to work in earnest on tbe Junior Prom . Numerous profitable work parties Were beld. Mucb original talent in decorative art came to ligbt as anyone wbo attended th~ Prom will testify. This party held on March 5th in the Smart Gym marked a fitting climax to the years activities. The class of '25 has had a very successful year and it feels by reason of this that it is wortby of the esteem and dignity due it as next year's Senior class.


Melvin Anderson

Parley Davis

Harold Bateman Wilford Welch

lone Osmond

Pearl Spencer

Howard Woodside

Joseph Adams

Howard Gospel

Vera Stanger

Wallace Cole

Golden May

Hamler Pu lley

Rollo Woodward

3] Ultiots

Armond Jeffs

Sarah Sessions

Milton Merrill Lester Hirst

Louis Deschamps

Alene Southerland

Roy Halverson

Lucilla Ma y

Amos Baer

Violet Goodsell

John W . Ford

Cooper Smith

Halvey Bachman

Willard Noble


Freeman McKinnon

Josephine Woodside

Robert Hull Char ~~ s


Leroy Wilson

Charlotte Warner

Victor Terry

Francilla Southerland

Elden Rex

Joseph Hisker

Lee Campbell

Velma Howe

James Quayle

Clarence Leddingham


Ben Gardner Bert

Rita Hulme


Murray Homer


Drue Eliason

J osepb Meyrick

Louis Griffin

Edna Hatcb Lemon


Tberesa Tingey

Elwood Barker


Bickmore Alma Greenbalgb Bre,,'er


Helen Bullen

Stafford Sumsion Melba Larsen Nell Ohlweiler

Eugene Dunbar

Eugene Morrill

Lemont Tueller

Stanley Richardson

Allie Peterson

Alphonso Skanchy

Weston Vernon W. G. House

Marion Gardener

Mose Rich





Prat[ Thurber

Beth Pugh

Preston Neilson Sergene Benson

Wendell Budge

Casper Merrill

Henry Webster

Maud Howard

Jerald Bergstrom

Ralph Cole

Emma Ramsberger

Malcolm Merrill

Flora Amussen Rex Birch



BERT HARWARD President UNA HANSEN Sec- Treas .

LUCILE OWEN Vice-President

Tbe Sopbomore Class of nineteen twenty-tbree and twenty -four represented mucb spirit and entbusiasm. It bad a very able representation of class officers and it was tbis combination of good spirit. entbusiasm. and able leaders tbat is responsible for tbe year's success. rt is not tbe intention of tbe class to boast of its accomplisbments. but baving shown its ability and willingness to work by participating in scbool functions . but having more tban right that due credit be given for the same. Aside from winning its portion of interclass contests it claims membership on all varsity athletic and debating teams. By defeating tbe Be-nos in the finals the class won the bard fought inter-organization basketball tournament. Wben the call went out for class debators our forensic artists responded with sucb determination that tbe opposition of tbe Frosh was swept away. the Sen iors lost beart and tbe Juniors were defeated by the Sopbomore team. The class owes its success in debating to Ariel Merrill and Serge Benson. members of the team and Irvin Hull. class debating manager. Our socials were some of the best of the year. On December 12tb. the annual Sopbomore day tbis year. class members in distingui shed garb conducted Student Body meeting and gave a much appreciated program. A class party in the Ladies Gym ended the da ys performance. Tbe seaso n closed witb a grand get-togetber party witb the Frosh in Logan Canyon. Previous class prejudices were put aside and a fitting climax to tbe year's socials was enjoyed. It is witb high bopes that tbe class boosters look forward to otber successful years .


lreslpmlll (G1Zlss ÂŽffirers

FRANK CHRISTENSEN President JOHN ABERSOLD Secretary -T teasutet

lONE HAIGHT Vice-President

The class of "27" started the year off right by giving the Soph's a ducking , in the annual Freshman-Sophomore tug of war. After the infants had pulled the higher classmen through the ice water for one "dousing" another challenge was accepted and the Sophs took their medicine a second time. During the yea r the class participated in athletics, debating, dramatics, and socials. Under the coaching reigns of Sterling Harris the class football team held the varsity to a 9-0 score in the season's opener. This is the lowest score the " Greenlings" have ever been able to hold the varsity down to. The class also turned out a basketball team. Few [lames were played, - the main purpose of the squad being to oppose the varsity in rehearsals . The dinglin g's won first place in the 6th. annual cross country run . In debating the class turned out three teams. One to compete in the inter-class debates and two to oppose Branch A. C. in a double debate. The inter-class team, composed of Stanley Christensen and Allen Bollschweilre , lost a 2-1 decision to the Sophomores. Ferris Miles. C. P. Daniels and Gerald Davis, upholding the affirmative, lost to Branch A. C's negative team , while Reo E ll sworth and Wright journeyed to Cedar City, and won a 3 -0 victory over their afErmative team. On May 6 , the class dramatists put on " Daddy Long Legs". The play was no doubt the most successful the lower classme n have ever staged. The cast consisted of 21 talented actors. Laphene Peterson. lone Haight, Erma Worley, Claire Watkins, Edith Horsley, Allen Bollschwei ler and Fred Hogan took leading parts. Two social functions were conducted during the year. One, a get acquainted party at the beginning of the year and the other one, -the Freshmen entertained the Seniors.



Arlihitic5 I


~x£tutihe QIommiti££

Josephine Burningham, John Logan, Allie Pererson. Asa Bulien . Francis Wilcox, Joseph R. Jenson , P. M. Neilson, Ray Garner. John Croft, P. A. Ballinger. Durrell Hendricks.

George B. Caine Geo. R . Hill Ray B. West Howard Woodside Willard Knowles Herb Adamson Joseph R . Jenson Heber Bankhead E. L. Romney


1924 ~u;:Z!cr The Buzzer of 1924 is of necessity similar to previous Buzzers, but it has been thepurpose of rhe Staff to make it as representative and at the same time as distinctive as possible of the activities of the year 1923-24. In addition to a presentation of the historical events of the school year. each act of which holds out many happy associations to students. the Staff has attempted to weave into the book a theme. The cover. Ex Libris, Foreword and the decorative boarder of the scenic section. all suggest the evolution of civilization in the westland. Like the pioneers who broke the unbeaten trails and builded the foundations of our present institutions the College is building for future generations. If this book strikes a chord that rings pleasant memories to your souls and in the years to come makes you live again the happy hours spent in corridor and class room . or' renews friendships and acquaintances made while at school it will have fulfilled its purpose.

LAWRENCE JONES WILFORD C. COLE IRA N. HA YW ARD Business Mgr . Editor-in-Chief Associate Editor PEARL SPENCER LOUIS GRIFFIN BLANCHE LEE Society Asst. Bus. Mgr. Asst. Art Editor LUELL HAWLEY MOSE RICH VERLE FRY Football Society Spotlight LAWRENCE SORENSON JOSEPH COWLEY LA VELL COOLEY Literary Track- Tennu Photographer MABEL BENNETT WILLARD KNOWLES Asst. Art Editor Spotlight





Adelaide Page, Melvin Lemon, Allie Petersen, Waldo Osmond, Pearl Spencer, Moses Rich . Marion Everton . Walter Atwood . Carhryn Wo od. Horace Korter. Claudia Funk, Joe Cowle y. Bert Harward , Afton Johnson, Ervin Harris, Farrell Smith, Delores Wood, Wendell Allred , Allen Bollschweiler, Verle Fry, Connie Osmond , Ira N . Ha yward, Henr v Rampton , Flora Ammuss en.



J -






Business Manager


Associate Editor


Associate Editor


Assistant Bminess Manager

THE YEAR Student Life. the weekly newspaper of the students. has attempted during the year 1923-24 to give a faithful and inclusive record of the achievements. progress. and activity of the college. as well as to serve the students in providing a medium for their expression of opinion on student body affairs. A number of changes were made duri llg the year in both the make-up and polic y of tbe paper. The introduction of a sporting page into the paper was done for the first time this year and has proved to be a meritorious change. A policy urging complete pub licity to student affairs was adopted early in the year and continued with success. The "Nose For News " contest conducted by Student Life and fostered by Prof. F. R . Arnold proved a success for the first time. having been conducted for two quaners . A few of the members of Student Life are pleased to bave obtained a chapter of P i Delta Epsilon. national honorary journalistic fraternity . on tbe campus and bope tbat tbis organization may widen the extent o f its activity so as to make for further improvement of the college journalism on our campus. Student Life has closed one of its most successful years. in tbe opinion of many. due to the capabilit y of tbe staff and tbe coop eration received fro m the students.


WILFORD C. COLE Associate Editor H . P . WRIGHT Associate Editor

The Ag. Club Link is the onl y club publication at the U . A . C. which reaches the Hi gh Schools of the State. Its purpose is to maintain a close relationship between High School Ag. Clubs and the Ag. Club at the College, and to instill into them a greater spirit of improvement and co-operation . In its pages are found reports of activities of High School Clubs and contributions from Professors and students on subjects of current interest in Agriculture and other related subjects. An effort is made to make the booklet a Link in spirit as well as in name.


CAPT. ADRIN B. SMITH C. A . c.. D . O. L.





JACK CROfT Adjutant






HEBER BANKHEAD. Captain LA VELL COOLEY. First Lieutenant LOUIS GRIFFIN. Second Lieutenant EDWIN WOOD. First Lieutenant MOSE RICH. Second Lieutenant ROBERT HULL. Second Lieutenant EDNA HATCH. First Platoon Spol1 sor MARY BROWNING. Second Platoon Spon sor

LEE HALES, Captain WESTON VERNON, JR. , Second Lieutenant FRANK KENNARD, First Lieutenant FREEMAN McKINNON, Second Lieutenant LOUIS DESCHAMPS, Second Lieutenant NAOMI BARLOW, First Platoon Sponsor RIT A HULME, Second Platoon Sponsor

«[ompan~ «[


BACK ROW : Louis Descbamps, Serge Benson, Don Parkinson, Josepb Adams, Elwood Barker. MIDDLE ROW : Wendell Budge, Freeman McKinnon, Waldo Osmond, Alwyn Sessions, Robert Hull. FRONT ROW : Tberon Webster, Frank Tbompson, Angus Woodruff

~hzultz of ®irIz' ~ifIc ijtcam QIompetition OPPONENT

R. O. T. C.

Connecticut A . C. Riverside Poly. Cal. U. of Oregon Cornell U. of Nebraska U. of Vermont U. of Wasbington U. of Nevada U. of California U. of Maryland

1005 458 1453 905 446

978 487 772 2359 827

U. A. C. 1017 472

1842 938 475 905 472

863 2491 934







The 1923 - 24 debating season has been one of the most successful debating seasons the Aggies have ever had . We were victorious in four out of five debates. This year our program consisted of debates with the University of Southern California, Michigan Agricultural College, the University of Utah and th l Brigham Young University. The season began on Jan uary twenty-sixth when th e Aggies met and defeated the University of Utah at Logan and the Brigham Young University at Provo, debating both sides of the question , " Resolved that the United States Sbould Immediately Grant Independence to the Philippine Islands on Substantially the Same Basis as that now Enjoyed by Cuba. " These two victories brought the State Championship to Logan for a second time in two years. In recognition of this the State Chapter of Tau Kappa Alpha will present to this school a silver loving cup wbich will become the permenant property of the first institution to win the State Debating Champion ship three times. The first intersectional contest took place on Marcb twenty sixth in Student Body me eting when the Aggies met a team from the Michigan Agriculrural College. The quest ion debated was . " Resol ved that the United States Should Enter the World Court of the League of Nations , at once," tbe home team baving tbe affirmative. The powerful rebuttle work of our men brought a 2-1 decision in favor of the Aggies. Each team made an excellent showing. About one week later a two man team left Logan for Los Angeles and on April third debated with the Universit y of Soutbern California on tbe negative side of the World Court question . According to coach Allan Nichols of tbe U. S. C. it was an extremel y




INTRA-STATE NEGATIVE TEAM close contest. The Blue and White argufiers however lost the debate by a 2-1 decision. This was the only debate lost during the entire season. The debating year was brought to a close when at the Logan Tabernacle on April fifth , two days after the debate in Los Angeles we met another team from the University of Southern California. This debate was also very close. Against the powerful Cardinal and Gold orators was matched the Aggie team whicb won the debate by a 2-1 decision. Thus our relations with the University of Southern California this year resulted in one victory and one defeat. President E. G. Petersen entertained at his home in honor of the debaters who had




EMERY R . RANKER FRANCIS WILCOX INTER -STATE NEGATIVE TEAM completed such a successful season. Ariel Merrill and Serge Bensen comprised the Sophomore team which was victorious in the class debates. The Debating Council, which of course was largely responsible for the success of the activity, was composed of Dr. W . L. Wanlass (chairman ), Prof. W . J . Vickers, Dr. C. W . Rees, Dr. Sherwin Maeser, Dr. V . C. Coulter, Prof. Joel Ricks, Prof. C. E . McClellan and Miss Hattie Smith. To every member of the council belongs a good deal of the credit for the accomplishments of debating during the season.


The Sons of the American Revolution Medal given annually by tbe Utab Chapter. Sons of the American Revolution for tbe best oration on patriotism. Won by Preston M . Nielson . Tbe Hendricks Medal given by Mrs. Carrie M. Hendricks in honor of the late Professor George B. Hendricks for tbe best extemporaneous speecb. Won by Weston Vernon. Tbe Cardon Medals given to tbe tbree bigb point winners in the inter路class track .and field meet: ( I) Gold Medal ....................................................... Hyrum K. Mortensen (2) Silver Medal .......................................................... Sterling Anderson (3) Bronze Medal ................................................................ John Croft Tbe Howell Medal for Inter路class debating Cbampions, won by tbe Sophomores. Ariel Merrill and Serge Benson. Scbolarsbip A' s are given to tbe six higbest ranking students of the school. Based Qn first two quarters grades. Awarded to Emery R. Ranker, Lorin Blood. Stanley Christ路 enson. Walter Fubriman. Randolpb Riter. Robert Jeppson. R . O. T. C. Medal given by President Elmer G . Peterson to tbe student in the military department wbo best represents tbe ideals of the R . O. T . C. Award based on -efficiency in R . O. T . C. work. scholarship. activities and cbaracter. Awarded to Herb Adamson. The Howell Medal given by Howell Brotbers to tbe most effective inter路collegiate debater. Awarded to Ira N . Hayward. Certificate of Citizensbip given by President E. G. Peterson to tbe student adjudged by a selected committee to be tbe best citizen at tbe school. Awarded to Ralph T . King. Tbe Utab Agricultural College Science Medal given by Professor William Peterson for tbe best treatise on a Scientific subject. Won by Fred Gregory. Lois Hayball Medal. given by Mrs. Lois Hayball. a member of the Board of Trustees. to tbe student in the Scbool of Home Economics wbo represents tbe bighest type of womanhood. Award based on scholarsbip, qualities o f womanhood. and application of principles of borne economics in daily life. A warded to J osepbine Burningham. The Vernon Medal, given by Mrs. Weston Verson for the best short story having a western setting. Won by Lawrence J . Sorenson. Books were given by Prof. Frank R. Arnold in the Nose for News contest to those who submitted tbe best news articles to Student Ufe each week. Those submitting winning articles are : Milton R. Merrill. Afton Johnson. Ira Hayward, Walter Atwood. Verle Fry. Marion Everton. Preston M. Neilson, Mrs. Ruth Chadwick. Karl Young. Edna Wyatt. Melvin Lemon. Pearl Spencer, Charles Harris. Wendell Allred. Ariel C. Merrill. :Floyd Goates.

Prof. Gustav Wilster,

Millard Cluff.

J. R . Fawcerr,

Kimball Slaugb

Tbe Utab Agricultural College Dairy Products Judging Team, consisting of Millard Cluff, Kimball Slaugb, and J. R . Fawcerr, witb Professor Wilster as coacb arrended tb. Pacific Inrernational Live Stock Exposition wbicb was beld at Portland, Oregon, during tbe first week in November. Tbe team competed against teams from University of Cali fornia , University of Idabo , Wasbington State College, and Oregon Agricultural College in judging milk, burrer and cbeese. Considering tbe fact tbat it was tbe first time in tbe bistory of tbe Scbool that a team had been sent in sucb a capacity it made a very creditable sbowing even tbougb it did not win first place. Tbe scores made by each team and the individuals of each team were very close. While in Portland the men bad an opportunity of vis iting tbe leading market milk plants, cheese factories , and creameries of portland and surrounding territory . The benefits derived from sending a team to such sbows are numerous and it is hoped tbat each year tbe Utah Agricultural College will be represented .


Student Mgr. Dramatics



~rallmtir5 The dramatic season at the Utah Agricultural College this year, although a little late. was a most successful one. The lateness of thf season was due to the illness of our worthy director, Miss Iva Maud Dunn. This, however, did not in any way reflect on the type or quality of work presented. On the contrary it stimulated keener interest on the part of amateur dramatic aspirants of the college. " Twelfth Night" a Shakespearian comedy of four acts, was presented as the college play. A comedy intermingled with a serious element is the nature of " Twelfth Night " and the well balanced cast very ably interpreted Shakespeare's characters. The work of Flora Amussen as Viola was commendahle. The fact that she was a lady appearing as a gentleman in most of the scenes, placed her in a position to show enviable ability in acting and she carried her part to a perfection. Marion Everton ' s and Lawrence Sorensen's interpretation of their parts of Sir Toby and Sir Andrew were exceptional; they being the outstanding comedians of the play. Also Lenore Croft as Olivia; Milton Merrill as Malvolio and Jack Croft as the Duke, did acting of a superior type. The w;dely known comedy "Daddy Long Legs" was chosen as the Freshmen play and was presented under the direction of Mrs. Ruth M. Bell, a former dramatic instructor at the college. Miss lone Haight as "Judy" impersonated a very interesting character. She. being an orphan until eighteen years of age, was suddenly thrown into the life of a college girl. Such a condition offered many interesting and laughable situations. Her clear and flexable voice was an asset to the play. LePhene Peterson playing the roll of Jervis was commendable. He is a "Daddy Long Legs" of stature as well as of character. Due credit must be given to Miss Dunn and Mrs. Bell for so successfully choosing and training those who appeared in the year's dramatic performances. CAST OF "DADDY LONG LEGS" Jervis Pendleton ______________ LaPhene Peterson Sallie McBride ___________________ _ Edith Horsley James McBride ______ . ______ Allen Bollschweiler Mrs. Simple _ _ ________ ._ .. _ _ Edna Wyatt Cyrus W y koff ____________ _______ Fred Hogan Mrs. Lippet _______________________ _ Adelaide Page Abner Parson _ __ _ Stanley Christensen ORPHANS: Griggs __ .___________________________ Elmer Burnetr Sadie Kate ______________________ Bethyl Champlain Wa I te r ___________________________________ Russel S m i th Gladiola _________________________ Doris Champlain Jud y _. ___________________________________ lone Haight Mamie _________________________ Anna Ramsberger Julia Pendleton ____________________ Clara Watkins Freddie Perkins ________________ __ George Harris Mi ss Prichard ________________________ Erma Worley Carrie ____________________________ Gwendolyn Page Mrs. Pendleton ________________________ Clara Olsen

CAST OF " TWELFTH NIGHT" Orsino, Duke of II1 yria Jack Croft Denton Smith Sebastian Bert Harward Antonio .__ .___ ___________ __________ _ ___ Wal te r Fuhriman A Sea Captain ._ _________________________________ ._____ ____ ._ La Phene Peterson Valentine _________________________________________. __ .__ ._____ ._ Wendell Allred Curio ___ ._ . __________ . __________ .. ___ .. _______ •..... _. ______ ..__ .. ___ ._ Marion Everton Sir Toby Belch ___________________________ . __________ ___ .. _. ___ ._____ La wrence Sorensen Sir Andrew Acquecbeek ._. __.• ________________ . ______________________ .___ ._____________ .. _ Mihon Merrill Malvolio Walter Ga!sman Fabian Clown LaVoir Card .______________ . ____ .. __________________ ._ .. __________________ Flora Am ussen Viola ._. ______________ . _____________ . ____ .__ .. _______________ ___ Claudia Funk Maria _.______ . __________________________________________________________ ._ E Iwood Barker First Officer Second Officer ______ .•_____ ____ . ____ . __________ .. ____ .. ___________________ .._______________ ._. __ Serge Benson Gentlewoman ___________________________________________________________________________________ ._ Drue Eliason Page __________________________________ . ____________________________________________________________ .. __ ._ Alton J enki ns Pa g e ______________________________________________________________________________ ________________ R u Ion Ch r is te ns 0 n

}lÂŁriÂŁUig ili lllh



The Periwig Club was organized in 1914. It is composed of students who have distinguished themselves in College Plays. It 's purpose is to promote interest in college dramatics. Each year the c'ub member at [he Co1JeSJ:e and a'umni membe rs in Logan produce one or more plays which are always of an unusuall y good class. The members assist in judging tryouts for the Col!ege Pla y and entertain the cast after the production . New members are elected soon after the production of the College Pla y. are based on meritorious work in the various college p erfor mances.


There are never mare than three or four new memb "rs ta~en in each year. It is distinctly an honorary society and in the course of te n yea rs there ha ve been only about forty members in the club. Those elected as members of the P eriwi g Club this vear are: Lawrence Sorenson. Marion Everton. Claudia Funk . Milton R . M erri ll . Flora Amussen. John Croft. La Voir Card.

The Music Deparcment at the College this year has been extremely acrive and successful. The musical organizations under the able leadersbip of Prof. C. R. Johnson and Prof. G. W . Thatcher are a credit to the Institution and have been a source of much entercainment to the srudents.

The choir sings for

Chapel and for special occasions, together with the producrion of oratorios and operas.

This year the choir conjoinrly witb

the Stake Tabernacle Choir and tbe B . Y . C. Choir pres : nted tbe Messiah in a very pleasing and amiable fasbion. Director- c. R. JOHNS ON

It also pre -

sented the Opera " All at Sea" to a well pleased audience.


Glee Club and Quarrerre under the direcrion of Prof. Johnson sings at various srudenr functions and also indulges in an annual trip thru tbe state. This year tbe club toured southern Utah. In every way the trip was successful. The Orchestra under the direction of Prof. Thatcher is an accomplishmenr of no small means. They played for the college play and were applauded with entbusiasm . The College Band under tbe leadersbip of Joseph Smith is deserving of much praise . Besides acting as Militar y Band they have always been on hand at rallies, football ga mes, basketball games, and on many occasions bave played for the students and townspeople in concert.



BACK ROW: Lawrence Jones, Mark Nichols, J . A . Fonie, Fra n k Kennard , Rulon Johnson, Granr West , Spencer Hunter Mgr., Ra y Merrill. MIDDLE ROW : Halvy Bachman , Leroy Bickmore, Harold Brown , Carl Frisch knecht. Millard Cluff, Frank Stevens, Ben Brown , Ray Garner Pres., FRONT ROW: Jared Bergstrom , Anthon Lunt, Henry Webster, Gleason Kennard , Hyrum Morrensen , Ray Lyman Sec. , Melvin Lem on , H . K. Bischoff.


f\t~Ictic5 )


"Smiling Dick" Romney made himself sure of a long and happy stay at the U. A C. when he turned out last season's football squad.

The playing of the entire

team gave evidence of wise and careful coaching.

The famous "bootlegger play"

which won the first Aggie Touchdown on Turkey da y was the prod uct of Dick's ingenuity. While Dick's premier field of coaching is undeniably football be has made some enviable records in the other major inter-collegiate sports.

His track team won second place in last year's Rocky Moun-

tain Conference track meet.

Defeating every other Utah team.


last two years his basketball team has been the runner-up for state honors. He is liked by the men for his frank directness as well as for the pleasing personality which won for him the title of "Smiling Dick".




Left to Right, Back Row :

Captain Jack Cro ft All -Conference

tackle ;


" Butch" Knowles All -Conference half-back ; Malcom Lay ton, guard ; Harry Clark, tackle ; Floyd Barrett, tackle ; Sted Anderson, half-back; Henry Webster, guard ; Ray Wolley, full -back ; Durrell Hendricks, end ; Middle Row : Vernon Love,

end ;



tackle ; Randolph Riter, guard ; Elgin Erickson, half -back ; Ray Blanchard, center ; Howard Woodside, end ; Byron Whitney, end.

Fcont Row : Harvey Kirk, half-back ; Sam Cowley,

guard ; Henry Thain, end ; Elwood Barker, half-back; Claren ce Leddingham, quarter-back ; William Jackson, quarter-back ; Armond Jeffs, center ; Floyd Thomas, half-back.

JACK CROFT, Capt. Jack Croft, the speedy tackle and captain of tbe Big Blue varsity eleven played thru the entire season with such skill and determination tbat his spectacular plays cannot be considered other than a result of ability coupled with hard work. Jack has distinguished himself in every gridiron game he has entered for the past tbree seasons. As a just recognition of his ability Croft was placed on tbe official Rocky Mountain all-conference eleven. The competition for this bon o r is so keen that only three men from Utah were successful in attaining the coveted berths this season. His spirit of good fellowship gave him the support of every man on the squad.

RAY WOOLLEY The position of captain of the varsity eleven for 1924 is held by Ray "Bun" Woolley. Ray plays full-back on tbe squad. He has proved bimself in the last two seasons to be one of tbe srrongest full-backs the college has produced. Bun is unusually dependable in backing up tbe line and in stopping tbose long shifry end runs which some squads ordinarily use to great advantage. Wooley is well liked by every man on the squad and should be an able leader of tbe eleven.



WILLARD KNOWLES In tennis we think of Tilden . In boxing we think of Dempsey. In rrack we think of Paddock . In foot -ball we think o f Willard " Butch" Knowles, the big smashing all conference halfback , wbo is known and feared by every team in the conference. Butch has been a Verdun of th e back -field for tbree seasons and in two of the three he was placed on the m ythical honor eleven , as a11conference half-back. There ma y be squads against which Butch could not make yarda ge, but the y have no t shown up yet.

CLARE CE LEDDI I GHAM Clarence " Eel" Leddingham has pla yed two years as quarter -back. He lion a niche in the ball of fame on last Turke y- da y when he engi. neered the cleller pla y that resulted in the Aggies garnering the State Championship. The ~ame play was responsible for many of the newspaper head - lines which read . " Aggies use their heads as well as their beels and bring home the prize," " Brains triumph oller brawn." "Eel " is well known as a team general and an .adept at the art of forward passing.

FLOYD THOMAS The Ogden Higb School gave the college another football star of outstanding ability in tbe person of Floyd Thomas. Floyd is expected to rank among tbe best of Aggie atbletes. Last year was his first season of varsity ba\1 . He played one of the fastest and most skillful types of games seen on a Utah Gridiron this season. His return next year will give another boost to the backfield.

ARMOND JEFFS Armond "Pin key" Jeffs has played two years in the realm of varsity foorball besides many seasons on rhe gridiron during his freshman and high school years. Whenever a play calls for rhat extra amount of skill. which can only comJ as a resulr of much experience. Pin key is rhe man rhar knows how ro pur ir over.

ELGIN ERICKSON Anorher second year award man IS Elgin Erickson. Eric came ro us from Jordan High. He was playing as half-back during mosr of rhe season. ar which posirion he showed up very well. Elgin is a senior this year and will not return next fall. HOWARD WOODSIDE Howard Woodside has held the posirion of wing man for rhree seasons. Wirh his natural abiliry ar rhe sp o rr. his fighting spirir and rhe added experience he has gained. Howe is expecred ro be one of the srrongesr men in the Woodside has entire conference nexr season. the fighting spirir rhar makes rhis aggressive foorball player so indespensable on the winning eleven.

DURRELL HENDRICKS Durrell Hendricks is nor one of those flashy, On rhe remarkable. bur unreliable players. contrary he' s a bir of acrion rhat enters every play. Hendricks alrernated at end and guard this season and in both positions played a consistent and effective style o f ball. His catching of passes netted the Aggies many yards during the course of the schedule.

HENR Y WEBSTER Henry "Hal" Webster bails from tbe Brancb Agricultural College. Football basn't gained prominence in soutbern Utab yet. Consequently Hal entered tbe U. A. C. witbout any previous experience in tbe mole-skins. Despite tbis bandicap be was successful in winning tbe official football award. If be contin ues to develop as rapidly as be bas done mucb can bp expected of bim .

HARVEY KIRK Altbougb not a reg ¡ ular on tbe squad Kirk bas al ways been a bard smasbing backfield man. Wbenever be bas been inserted into tbe game bis playing bas been an inspiration to tbe onlooker.

HARRY CLARK Prominent among tbe men wbo were kept out of some of'tbe games due to injuries was Harry " Slats" Clark. He alternated at center and guard, being usually clever and speedy on offensive work . Tbe coacb bas learned witb deligbt tbat Harry will be back next year to belp trounce tbe " U ".

VERNON LOVE Vernon Love played bis first year of intercollegiate ball last fall. He was a member of tbe previous year's fresbmen eleven and also juggled tbe oval on tbe gridiron of tbe Davis Higb Scbool. Vernon played end witb tbe ability born of hard work and numerous scrimmages among the mole-skin warriors

BER TRAM GARDNER Bert Gardner was sbifted from tbe back-field, where he was accustomed to playing full-back , to tbe position of tackle on the line. The driving power and speed which he had developed as a full-back made him one of the most feared and effective men on the line.

STERLING ANDERSON Sterling "Puny" Anderwn is especially adapted by nature for playing in the backfield. He has enough athletic experience to make him thoroughly calm and sure during even the most exciting of games. Due to the fact that he is one of the fastest sprinters in the conference he makes a very effective half-bac...

SAM COWLEY Sam Cowley was last yea rs football manager. He liked the sporr well enough to don the fighting togs and appear as a candidate for the official block "A". Tbe unique thing about it is that he was tbe second man to win a leICer this yea r without any previous experience. The feat is unusual and requires real ability.

MALCOLM LAYTON Malcolm Layton played through the season as guard on the regular line-up. holding down this position exceptionally well for a first year man. This results from his ex perience on the freshman squad and on the Davis High eleven.

DENVER U IVERSITY-14 The Aggies lost their best chance to tie the score when they gave up the ball on downs at the one-yard line. COLORADO MINES- 0 AGGIES-26 The game was played at Ogden where the Aggies proved easy victors. AGGIES7 COLORADO AGGIES-26 The brilliant playing of the Colorado backfield proved too much for the Loganites defensive game. AGGIES- 26 MONTANA MINES- 0 It was played in Butte. and marked the second time during the season that we had won by that score. AGGIES- 40 B. Y. U IVERSITY- 0 This was the first time during the season that we upset the dope. Knowles and Thomas were the stars of the game. AGGIES- 20 U. OF WYOMING- 6 Laramie was the scene of the conflict. The victory was rather generall y expected. AGGIES- 2l U. OF UTAH- 13 This was a fitting climax lo our football season. We won by the use of consistent and brilliant headwork. Knowles scored twice and Thomas made a thrilling 75 yard run through the entire field for the lasl louchdown of the game. Total Aggie JCoints- 147 Total opponents score-59



FRESHMAN SQUAD The Freshman squad is the varsity team in emhryo. It has all of the hard work and drudgery of the laner, with none of the recognition and little of the support given its elder and more experienced brother. But when a freshman team can hold the regulars to a 9-0 score , as the greenlings did this year. it is time it received some recognition. Next year's Varsity will be anxious to adopt those who have qualified by consistant hard work on the Freshman squad.


BASKET Basket-ball aC[(Vltles at the Aggie Lair the past year culminated with the Blue and White warriors on a 500 basis. Twelve games were played by the tum. resu :ti ng in six victories. The initial schedule called for four games outside of the state with Montana turns. and resulted in three wins from four starts. The Aggies seemed imbued with the lust for viccory on this conquest and their over anxiety led to several injuries which hamperecl the teams playing in Utah State competition. In this competition the Farmer team finished in second place with three wins out of eight starts. Only in the last game with Utah University to decide second and laS[ place did the Blue and White basketeers appear in full strength. and show that injuries alone had played the most important part in the chances for court game honors Following are the scores for Utah Aggie contests this year.


Utah Utah Utah Utah Utah Utah Utah Utah Utah Utah Utah Urah

Aggies Aggies Aggies Aggies Aggies Aggies Aggies Aggies Aggies Aggies Aggies Aggies Toral

27 29 24 14 37 27 43 21 27 25 25 40 339

Montana Aggies Montana Aggies Montana Aggies Montana Aggies University of Utah University of Urah Brigham Young U. Birgham Young U . Brigham Young U . Brigham Young U . U niversiry of Urah University of Urah Total

17 II 21 19 23

J2 36 38 30

32 44 32 335

Individual scoring honors go to Cecil Baker. who nor only led Aggie scorers but annexed fourth place as the states best score! Ivins. Hammond and Sanders also placed high as individual scorers. Following are the points made by some of the players:

22 11 83 Woodside Lunt Baker 21 70 Crowther Ivins 9 Webster 18 50 Robinson Hammond Jackson 16 34 Kirk Sanders Freshmen aspirants although forced into oblivion by their more illustrious varsity brothers were never-the-Iess in full strength and coached bv Sterl Harris played a number of games during the season. The purpose of the freshman squad is to develope material for the varsity quintete and the strides made this year speak well for its success.

CECIL BAKER The distinct honor of playing in every game indulged in by the ream , goes to Cecil " Cees" Baker, playing both forward and center. His excessive heigbt and speed makes him one of tbe most feared ball tossers in tbe state. Cees is playing his second year of varsity ball and signs bis name on the Junior roll, consequently next year will again find him in tbe Aggie lair to help annex State Championship. Track events occupy his time during the spring quarter. " Cees" hails from southern Utab and received bis early training at Branch A . C.

CY HAMMOND When the name Hammond is mentioned in sport circles at tbe college it is immediately associated witb a lengtby basket ball and tennis star more commonly called "Cy". Besides playing center "Cy" captained tbe team for tbe second consecutive year. His ability to respond in pinches makes him a very dangerous man , and must be constantly watched.

LORAINE IVINS Loraine "Apostle" Ivins, forward ,. anot?er eager held in check by injuries. Ivins received his Injury In the first ga~c with Utah and was out until tbe last two encounters. HIs Unique passing game and accurate basket shooting evolved some very favorable comments this year. Besides tbese qualities "Apostle" is a rustler and a very reliable player.

t\EWELL SANDERS N ewell "Hod" Sanders. playing his first year on the college court was picked as an all state guard by baskerball critics this year. He had considerable basket ball experience before coming here haying been chosen as all state guard while at Davis High . " Hod " is a husky, natural player handling himself well and also h is opponent. Besides being an effective guard he is a remark ab le basket shooter. He has three more years of competition Dpen for bim and is a promising football man.

!W ••



Answering to the name of " Happy ". Lamond Robinson is again back in the Aggie line up afrer a yea rs absence. He returned with the same determination that marked his success as a basketeer before. He is a good floor man and one of the most dangerou s basket scorers inside the foul zone in the state. Happy 's place as a substitute has been shown in man y instances by the fight he puts in the team an d the final consequence of hi s scores. He is a Senior and will not be back again next yea r.

HOW ARD WOODSIDE One of the real assets of the basketball team [his vea r was Howard "Eow " Woodside. pla ying his third year of college competition. " How " is not a flashy player but that is more than offset by his pluck. per serverance and initiative. He is always on the job ready for business and fights to the final gun. CLIFTON CROWTHER A nother Freshman breaking into college competition IS Clifton " Cis" Crowther of tbe fiery plume. hailing from tbe I Olla'1 High School where he hung up a very enviable reputation in higb school circles. Cis celebrated his entrance into "arsit y contests by playing one of the neatest games seen for some time against the B. Y. U. the first night at Provo. being partly responsible for the Aggie victory.

HARVEY KIRK Harvey " Aura " Kirk . forward and guard. finished his third yea r of basket ball in creditable style. Harvey covers the floor in an amazing fashion. and his continuous fighting spirit seems ever to dominate his playing. He is right on the spot when it Besides his basket ball ability comes to basket shooting. Harvey is a foot ball and track man. He backs the Junior class and will return next year to improve our tirle cbances. The Aggie squad consisted of Hammond and Webster. centers: Ivins. Baker. Lunt. Crowther. West and Robinson . forwards : and Woodside. Sanders. Kirk . Thomas and Jackson guards.


Melvin Stan rod , Gerald Meeks, Ralph Cole, Herbert Adamson, Donald Parkinson, Coacb Sterling Harris.

Earl y in January, soon after rhe opening of the Winter Quarter, Coach Sterling Harris sent out his call for swimming candidates. The call was eagerly responded to by no less than a dozen men , three of whom , Meeks, Parkinson and Cole were members of last year's squad. Among the men to don the rubber caps for the Aggies for the first time are Melvin Stanrod. Logan High School Ace, and Herb. Adamson , who surprized the state swimming fans by winning first place over Melvin Frebairn of Utah , record holder in the plunge for distance. The swimming team very creditably represented the institution in the State Swimming Meet held in Provo, March 17th in the Provo High School pool. Prospects for ne x t year' s team look very bright, with Meeks, Parkinson, Stan rod and Cole of this year's squad back, the farmers should bid strong for the top notch position. Coach Harris is deserving of much credit for the good showing made in swimming this year.

TRACK Coach Romney 's 1924 track and field team turned out to be a winner. The Aggies opened the inter-collegiate schedul~ on April 26 , with a 77-59 win over Utah. On May 3, tbe A. C. cinder patbmen tallied an equally one sided score against the Provo tracksters, winning 82-54. Easy victories over botb the " U" and " Y" teams proved the Blue and Wbite team easily the best in tbe state, and announced tbem very beavy favorites for honors in tbe State H yrum K. Mortensen . Capt. Meet booked for Adams Field on Ma y 17 , at which time tbe Aggies won by a 20 point lead over the " U " her nrarest competitor. The first e\'~nt of the year was the annual cross-country run . Frank Thompson , a new recruit at the College won first place, crossing the tape in 12 minutes 57 4 -5 seconds. Vernal Smith . a Freshman in school finished second and Byron Whitney , winner of last year's race , third . The " Frosh" class ranked No. I in class competition with a wide margin of 48 points over the Sophomores, who tallied 71 counters to the " Frosh' s" I I 9. The Seniors came third with 54 points. and the Juniors last with 9. Captain H )' rum Mortensen won high honors in the inter-class track meet, held on April 12, Mortensen . who entered in five events won first places in the 100 yard dash , 120 yard higbhurdles, 22 0 )' ard low hurdles, and the discus throw . He also. won second in the 220 yard dasb, for a total score of 23 points. Sterling Anderson came second w ith 16 1-3 counters and Jack Croft third with 12. Fifty points garnered by the Seniors won first place in th e class competition . The Fresbmen came second with 41 2 -3 points. Juniors, tbird with 32 ~~ points and Sophomores fourtb with 9. The Aggies won first place in the Rocky Mountain Conference meet at Colorado on May 2 4th b y a large margin . Last year the Aggies won second place at the meet, finisbing a close second to the Universit y of Colorado who nosed the Aggies out by winning the mil e- relay race.


Fiest Row Left to Right: Irvin Harris. Srudent Manager; Frank Stevenson. shot put and sprints; Grant West. broad jump; Grant Hunter. broad jump and javelin; Harvey Kirk, half mile; William Geddes. 440 a nd relay. Second Row Left to Right: Hyrum Mortensen , Captain. hurdels and 220; Kenneth Bickmore. low hurdles; Anthon Lunt, broad and high jump; Byron Whitney. two mile; Fred Hogan. sprinrs. Third roW: Howard Go ~ pel . half mile; Henry Websrer. pole vau'r and jumps; Willard Knowl es. di sc us; Marriner Merrill. mile ; Arlo Furlong. mile relay ; Ferr is Miles. half mile. Fourth Row: Loui s Griffin . mile ; Harry Clark. sprints; Edward Foxley. shot and discus; Ster:ing Anderson. 440 and 100 yard dashes ; Loraine Ivins, pole vault; Spencer Hunter. half {"i le; Ray Bea!. distance run. Fifth Row: Donald Jeppson. hurdles and pole vaulr; Howard Nelson . distance runs ; W ells Collett. rwo miles ; Cecil Baker. sprints and high jump; Jack Croft, hurdles and high jump; Malcolm Layton. 440 and mile relay . Sixth Row

Llo yd Nuffer. shor; Farrell Evans. hurdles; Byron Smith. two mile.

Ab-ent Members of the Team. Frank Thompson. mile ; Edwin Wood . mile; William Jackson . half mile rela y; Edwin Bailey. mile relay ; Lee Gibbs. sprints.





The 1924 race for supremacy in Utah's intercollegiate tennis realm found three of the strongest teams ever gathered in the "Beehive" state, competing. To defend the scate title held by the Aggies during the year's of 1922-23, Captain Wesley Howell; Cyril Hammond. Moses Rich. Joe Cowley. and Wescon Vernon were chosen on tbe team. Howell and Hammond. forming one doubles team , proved to be one of tbe strongest combinations that ever graced the coures in the Ineer-mountain country. During the summer of 1923 tbis pair won the Logan City, Utab State and Inter-mountain doubles cbampionships. Late in the summer the Inter-mountain Tennis Association sent Howell and Hammond to the National doubles tournament to represent the Inter-mountain country. Mose Rich and Wescon Vernon composed the otber doubles team. Rich has been a member of the team for the past two years . during which time the U. A. C. won two scate championships. Vernon won his lereer on last year's state championship team. alternating with Ernest Elder. Joe Cowley won the right to fill the vacancy left by " Bill " Merrill . by winning the spring turnament. Thiny players fought it out to a finish. In the finals Cowley won from Charlee Olsen . 6- 0 . 7 - 5. 6-2 . Results of the matches were as follows: April 25. - Utah won four of five matches from the Aggies. Ma y 2. -B. Y. U. defeated the Aggies in three of five matches. -two singles and one doubles. May 12. -Tbe U. A. C. won the first match of the year- defeating tbe "Cougars" 3 - 2. Ma y 16.- The " Aggies" won a 3 -2 victory over Utah. This placed the three teams of tbe state into a tripple tie for the state championship. May 19. -The " Aggies" won tbe hardest barele of the year by taking 3 of 2 matches from Utah. May 20 . -In the finals for the championship tbe Provo quint nosed out the A . C. men in 4 of 5 contests.

Milron Fife, La Von Robbins, Murray Homer, Victor Terry, Bert Gardner, Coach George Nelson

The wrestling team this year made a very creditable showing, both in the State meet and tbe one held at Caldwell, Idaho. It is the first year that official awards have been made to those who are successful in this minor sport. George Nelson , wrestlin g coach and athl et ic train er has good reason to feel proud of his team . The meet held at Caldwell March 8th, resulted in each team winning two and loosing two falls , with the final resulting in a draw, thus tying the score. March 20th found our men in Salt Lake competing in the State meet. The team made an admirable showing and took second place. Those recelvmg letters this year are: Willard Knowles, Victor Terry and Milton Fife. With all of the men back next year except, one, prospects for a successful year are very favorable.


®rBCtll tZatiOlt5


Alpha Sigma Nu Phi Kappa Phi Alpha Kappa Psi Pi Delta Epsilon Tau Kappa Alpha Scabbard & Blade Phi Upsilon Omricon

Hazel Bingham. Pearson Ballinger. Alice Pedersen . John Logan . Kimball Cranney, Delores Wood. Clover Johnson. Sterling Harris. Mark ichols, Naomi Barlow, Cyril Hammond, Josephine Burningham. The Alpha Sigma Nu is a Senior Honorary Society organized to encourage participation in school activities. scholarship or anything that rends to make a man or woman a more valuable student of the Utah Agriculrural College. To be elected a member of the society is an honorable recognition of the student' s work at college. The society consists of six men and six women chosen from the Junior class the last of each year by the existing society. These members are selected carefullv with consideration for their participation in school activities. scholarship . personality and general popularity with the students.

Mattie Cazier Eagar. Elgin H . Morris. Walter Atwood. Aldia Elsmore. Karl Young. Lloyd W. Tolman . Ralph T . King . Clifford Jensen Clover Johnson . Wilford C. Cole. W . A. Gurrell. Nettie Lund. Mark Nichols. Le Roy Schank. Iva Lucelle Richards. Irvin Bickmore. Ray Garner. Milton Barrett. lIIa Fife. Emery R. Ranker. Fred M . Newton. Edith Gordon . P. A . Ballinger. Mable Tingey. Carl Frischknecht. Oliver Woodruff. Rodino Hickman. John S. Logan. Lawrence Jones. Horace Kotter. Loraine Ivins. Ira N. Hayward. Von Ellsworth.

Weston Vernon Cyril Hammond Denton Smith Durrell Hendricks Clarence Loose

Horace Kotter Samuel Cowley Preston Neilson Ray Wooley Melbourne Douglas

Pearson Ballinger Frank Gimlin Robert Griffiths Milron Berntson Clarence Leddingham


Weston Vernon Wilford Porter Horace Kotter

~elta ~p5ilon

E. G. Peterson King Hendricks Preston Neilson

D. E. Robinson Malcolm Merrill Verle Fry




Weston Vernon , Jr. ; Milton Merrill; Francis Wilcox

For four years tbe Utab Agricultural College cbapter of Tau Kappa Alpha bas been considered a leader among tbe bonorary fraternities of tbe institution. Tbe policy of T. K. A. bas been very exclusive. Tbe State cbapter bas passed a ruling tbat only tbose students witb two years experience in collegiate oratorical work can be admitted ro membersbip. Because of tbis policy membersbip in tbe organization is now regarded as one of the bighest distinctions that can come to a student. Tbis year the cbapter admitted to membership Mr. Howard Maughan, director of the Brancb Agricultural College, and an old Aggie debater. Mr. Milton Merrill, Mr. Weston Vernon, and Mr. Francis Wilcox , all of whom have had considerable experience in debating. The officers of the U . A. C. Chapter are : Preston M . Neilson, president ; Judge M . C. Harris, Vice President ; D . E . Robinson , Secretary and Treasurer.

Herbert Adamson Lee Ha!es Mose Rich Louis Griffin Heber Bankhead

La Veil Cooley Captain Adrin B. Smith Milton Fife Weston Vernon Leroy Wilson

Jobn Crof[ Lieut. L. M . Wilson Waldo Osmond W.ndell BudS!e Alwyn Sessions

Alice Sessions. Josephine Burningham. Delores Wood. Rena B. Maycock. Josephine Woodside. Aldia Elsmore. Myrtle Peterson. J ohana Moen, Edna Hatch, ilia Fife, Sarah Sessions, Florence Chi!ds The purpose of this organization is to establish and strengthen bonds of friendship . promote the moral and intellectual development of its members , and to advance and upbuild the science of home economics. Only women ranking well in the upper two-fifrhs of their class in scholarship and who are of strong moral character are eligible. Candidates for membership must be active members of the Home Economics Club of the Utah Agricultural College.

~otial JffratÂŁrniiiÂŁz at ~. ".


College Spirit-Social Fraternities: the two ideas seem almost inevitably to ascociate themse lves in the mind of the Aggie man. The social fraternities at the U. A. C. function for the development of that sort of attitude that is the essence of real loyalty and lifelong devotion to the institution and all that it stands for. Taking the self-conscious and somewhat bewildered freshman the fraternity opens up to him an unexpected wealth of opportunity for wholesome recreation and the highest of social contacts. He soon finds himself on terms of intimacy with older college men who are always eager to help him to fit in and to identify himself with that intangible yet dominating force called "The Aggie Spirit." The fraternities of the college play an important part in the planning and carrying into effect of social and athletic functions of the student body. but their influence is not limited to the lighter side of student activity. For many years there has been a keen inter-fraternity rivalry in schola rship. Each quarter the comparative standings of all of the fraternities in scholarship are printed in Student Life and for the past two years special interest has been stimulated by the competition for the loving cup presented by Dr. W. L. Wanlass to the Fraternity having the highest average scholastic standing. The social and scholastic stimulus offered to the men by the fraternities . is paralleled for the women students by their sororities. Sorority life at the U. A . C. becomes one of the most cherished memories in the mind of the co-ed who has the good fortune to be received into one of these organizations. Like her brother of the Fraternity. the A. C. Sorority girl has bcome an indispensible factor in the development of college atmosphere and spirit.

caaen' 5 Jan ~eIlenic OIouncil

Pearson Ballinger, Moses Rich Kimball Cranney,

Milton Merrill ,

C yril Hammond ,

Lawrence Jones, Pres. Frank Gimlin ,

Heber Bankhead ,

Malcolm Merrill Anthon Lunt Karl Young

The Men ' s Pan - Hellenic Council is composed of cwo representatives from each of tbe following fraternities : Sigma Alpha. Pi Ze[a Pi , Phi Kappa Iota, Del[a Nu and Alpha Delta Epsilon. The purpose of this Council is to promote harmon y and good fellowship among the members of the various fraternities ; to regulate and standardize [he activities and policies of the fraternities represented in the Council ; and to secure a more united effort on the part of the fraternities to make the Utah Agricultural College an ideal school.

Frank Gimlin , Melbourne Douglas. Samuel Cowley, Robert Griffith, Bryant Martineau Glenn Evans, Wallace Scholes, Marcus Childs, James Farnesworth, Charles Olsen, Joseph Cowley, Tom Fahey, Ferris Miles. Cyfil Hammond, Edward Hadfield, Durrell Hendricks.

Malcolm La yton . Rosel Belnap. Preston Neilson . Wesley Howell . Sterling Harris, Laphene Peterson . Irvin Hull . Willmer Nelson. Irvin Harris. Floyd Thomas. Frank Christensen . Jack Madsen . Kenneth Lindquist. Adrian Hatch. Randolph Riter. Earl Randall, Henry Thain, Theodore Thain , Osmond Jorgenson.

Jack Croft. Emery R . Ranker. Loraine Ivins. Spencer Hunter. Cecil Baker. Lionel Thatcher. Verle Fry. Wesron Vernon . Jr. . Henry Webster. Stanley McKnight, Moses Rich . Melvin Lemon. Clarence C. Loose. Willard Knowles . Wallace Walker. David Hurrzn. David Burgo yne.

lfIi lda pi ~raterllit~

Nolan Thomson. Farrell Smith . Elmer Woods. Grant West. William Thain . Grant Hunter. Ray Garner. Ray Lyman . Loran Blood, Mainard Larson. Anthon Lunt. Floyd Goates. Leon Lin ford , Orson Daines, Louis Alvord. Bert Painrer, Vance Wesc, Harold Peterson .

Ray Wooley. P . A. Ballinger. Milton Berntson . Kimball Cranney. Wendell Hyde. Parley Davis. Harold Layton . Howard Woodside. Amos Bair. Sterling Anderson. Elgin Erickson, Armond Jeffs. Harvey Kirk. Stanley Richardsen . Radino Hickman. Clarence Leddingham, Vernon Love.


Clarence Hansen, Alton Maughn. William Jackson , Floyd Barrett. John Irvin~ . Edward Foxley , Joseph Havertz. Kenneth Smith. Lester Pocock, Rulon Smith , Clifton Crowther, Newell Saund~ rs, Melvin Hamilton . Lee Gibbs. William Geddes. Earl Howe. Fred Hogan . Bliss Childs. Elmer Burnett. Howard Russell.

LeRoy Wilson , Ernest Staker, Mark Nichols, Elden Rex, Karl Young, Robert Jeppson, Wendell Allred, Walter Gassman, Garr Cutler, Herb Adam son, Alma Greenhalgh , Paul Boyce, Golden May, Ray Merrill , LeRoy Starr, Stewart Starr, Waldo Osmond, Melvin Keller.

Milton Metrill. Grant Packer. Dr. Geo. R . Hill, Francis Wilcox, Walter Fuhriman . Silas Anderson. Harold Glade .• Wendell Budge, Henry Rampton , George Harris, Clyde Smith, Wright Sutton . Landell Merrill. Marriner Morrell . Russell Smith, Ariel Merrill, John Abersold, Alonzo Hopkins, Denzel Allen, Stanley Christensen.

Lawrence Jones. Denton Smith. Louis Griffin . Heb er Bankhead. Lieut. M . A. Wilson . Horace Korrer. Ben Gardner. Carl Frischknecht. Halvy Bachman . Freeman McKinnon. LaSell Leavitt. Bert Harward. Malco!m Merrill. Eugene Morrell . Charles Harris. Prarr Wright, LaVoir Card. Everett Hansen. Cleon Lemmon.


J\Ip(Fl ~ÂŁltn iEpsilon Jlfrnh~rnit~

Howard McDonald . Dr. Frank L. Wesr. Prof. William Pererson. Dr. B. L. Richards. Golden Wrighr. Clarence Murdock. Dean Srewarr. Clifford Magleby. ErneS[ Jeppeson. Frank Thompson. Lorenzo Richards . Spafford Sumsion. Ray Beal . Srerling Magleby. Wilford Hansen. R<ed Walker. Marion McKellips. Elmer Jeppeson. Tom Cardon . Armond Armsrrong. Leroy Bishop. Kennerh Bickmore. Howard Nelson . Newell Magleby.

Hyrum E. Dalton, Ralph T. King, John S. Logan, H. J. Brown, Trask, Byron Whit .. q , Lee Campbell, Dalton Reed , I::.dmund Feldman.

William Wi ll ison . A. J . Hitz ker. Richard A. Redd~n . Kerron. Allen Jon es. O. W. Monson . Fred M . Newton . Wa!ter E. Atwood. J . W . Wrencher. A. B. Jones. William H . Birkes.

Joseph Meyrick. Debert Bolingbrooke. Hobart Barrlett. Cooper Smith. Melvin Wittwer. Wilford C. Cole. Lester Hirst. Vincent Sumner. Ruel Jensen. Reo Ellsworth. Louis Deschamps, John W . Ford, Leland Clark, Roy Halverson, Parley Clark. Jesse Bedke.

Clifford Forsgren . Pratt Thurber. L. J . Sorenson . Moylen Pererson . Edwin A. Bailey. Erva Andrews. Lloyd Buhler. How a rd Peterson . Raddon La yton . Frank Kennard. Delmer Smith, Von Ellsworth. Merlin Hirst. R a~ ph Cole, Wallace B ic kmore.


A . R. Midgel y. Lamont Tueller. Dr. C. W . Rees . George Knowlton . Alphonso Skanch y, Wallace Cole. Alfred Bateman, Ernest Biggs, Victot Terry, Dean Goodsell, LeRoy Schank, Marion Everron, Vernal Smith, Irving Bickmore, Herschel Coles. Gordon Stembridge.

Robert Hull , Harold Bateman. La Veil Cooley, Reed Horten , Ira Rosengreen , George Nelson. H . Fredericks. Guy Stevens. Melvin Anderson. Leland Woodbury. Paul Horton , Gleason Kennard , Lloyd Nuffer, Irwin Moser, Morley Christianson. Byron Smith, H . L. Hammond, Joseph Adams.

lflambba ~ota Jlf'rahrttit\:!

Louis Nuffer. Robert Despain. R. J. Bischoff, Rex Birch. Paul Bach . Ford Merrill . Joseph Oliver. A. L. Skidmore. R . M. Voctor. S. R. Hunt. Raymond Blanchard, Clyde A. Butts, A. A. Merrill. Evan Harris. Elwood Chadwick, Kimball Slaugh, Wells F. Collett, Hugo Olsen, Marriner Merrill, J. R . Fawcett, F. J. Decker.

~omen' s

Jan ~eIlenit around!

Alice Pedersen, Ruth Horsley Chadwick, Pres .. Allie Petersen, Hazel Bingham , Josephine Burningham, Claudia Funk, Edna Hatch, Sergene Benson, Lucilla May.


~oro5i5 ~ororit~

Roma Knight, Katherine Cooper, Rita Hulme, Vera Stanger, Nettie Lund, Dorothy Shepherd, Alice Peterson, Cathryn Wood, Mable Tingey, Clover Johnson, Leanore Croft, Ida Thatcher, Emma Miller.


Anne Bramwell. Frances Thomas. Edith Smith. lone Osmond. Edna Hatch. Connie Osmond Lorena Clayton. Claire Olson, Flora Amussen, Bessie Austin, lone Haight. Louise Jacobs.

Lina Hansen. Naomi Barlow, Josephine Burninll.ham, Teresa Tingey, Edythe Johnson, Hattie Merrill, Delores Wood , Florence Childs, Drue Eliason, Lucile Owen, Lucilla May, Mary Browning.


Veda Mason. Vivian Johnson. Mary Brown . Clara Watkins. Iva Lucile Richards . Connie Larson . Josephine Brossard, Doris Champlin. Barbara Badger. B~thyl Camobell. Dorothv Brown. Dorothy Worley. Erma Worley. Gerda Younq.

aomi Nelson. Luelle Hawley . Norma Hussey. Hazel Bingham. Martha Geddes. Norma Smirh. Allie Pererson. Arvilla Ryan. Lucille Larse n. Helen Bullen . Lilino Poulrer. Erma Nelson. Venice R yan. Rurh Wheelon, Rurh Schaub, Blanche Lee.

~da ~rIta ~t1rDrit~

Margaret Wagoner, Ruth Pierce, Venice Reece, Mamie Lowe, Emma Jean King , Eloise Thomas. Letha Chrisrense n, M ay Belle H aig ht , Mildred Rider, Margaret Robinson , Irene Stayner, Eunice Ward , Bertha Srok er, Annie Wheelon , Luella Hadlock , M y rtis Mathews, Nellie Owhlier.





Mable Fry. Ruth Horsley Chadwick. Thelma Fogelberg. Ardella Smith. Bessie Amelia Hansen. Claudia Funk . E . Burnham. Sergene Benson.


®amnm )€i (6amnm ;§otoritt!

Gwen P age. Dororhy Spande. Louise Symes. Ade'aid~ Page. Myn!e Crabrree. Berh Hadfield Agnes Wi!liams. Lerha Lowe. Thora Baldwin. Mary Warkins. Lorraine Ra ymond . Josephine Woodside.

Aldia Elsmore. Iva Maud Dunn. Allene Southerland. Myrtle Peterson. Lucy Smith. Beth Pugh, Malva Larson, Francilda Southerland, Lola Smith. Janet McNeil, Maud Howard, Myra Nelson, Lena Mortensen, Mary Harding, Freida Bohman. Ila Fife.



!,g (lIluh ÂŽfficÂŁrs

Leroy Schank Vice-Pres.

Geo. Knowlton . Pres.

Guy Stevens. Sec.-Treas.

The Agricultural Club has been functioning as one of the largest and most successful clubs on the campus since 1902. Its purpose is to advance the principles and pracrical end of scientific agriculture. and add to the social life of the members in many ways. This year the club has been very successful in both lines. The lectures on scientific and popular subjects, together with the programs and refreshments have made the meetings very popular. The Annual pilgrimage. taken this year through the south end of the valley . was very successful . instructive and enjoyable as is a'ways the case with this expedition. The fact that the fellows who belong to this club and the School of Agriculture are such good sports has made it possible to have some of the most ' live and unique parties of the year, which have usually been given in cooperation with the Girls Home Ec. Club. Planning the Ag. Club Ball . which is the first big party of the year. and purring it across as well as conducting a peppy Student Body Meeting just before, all help the fellows to get experience and make the most of their college life. Truly the Ag. Club holds its place as preeminently the most influencial of all college clubs.

Wilford Cole, Al vin Midgley, Dr. George R . Hill. Willard Fuller. Hobart Bartlett. R. R . Hull . Lamont Tueller. F. F . McKinnon. Clyde Smith, Arthur Wagstaff. Harold Bateman. Casper Merrill. Melvin Anderson. J . A. Frost. Armond Armstrong. Paul Boyce. Walter Fuhriman. Paul Back. Murra y Homer, S. B. Cook. Morley Christensen. Eugene Morrell. J. P. Hatha wa y. Sterlin g Magelb y.



Leroy Erickson. Roberr E. Despain . Berr Gardner. Oliver Woodruff. Carl Frischknecht, Golden Barrett. Clifford Forsgren . James Wrencher. Vance West. Leslie Nelson . Edward Gills , Farrell Smirh., Robert Jeppson , J. R. Fawcet. Kimball Slaugh . H. P. Wri ghr. Cooper Smirh, Howard Gospill . Granr Packer. De l b ~ rt Bo lin gbroke. Delmar Smith . Farrell Evans. Millard Cluff, Alw yn Sessions, Lawrence Jones. Victor Terry. M errill Ford, Alfred Bateman, Garr Cutler, Lloyd Allen .

tI1om£ ttr:onomics ®fficrrs


JOSEPHINE WOODSIDE Secretary- Treasurer


ILA FIFE Executive Committee



Executive Committee

Executive Committee

~ol1te ~rol1omic5


Lucy Smith. Emma Jean King , Delores Wood , Agnes Williams. Charolle Warner, Nettie Lund. Rena Maycock . F lorence Childs . Louise Syme , Ada Soren sen . Naomi Jensen, Thora Wood house, Alice Pederson , Marian Gardner, E lvera Olsen, Lola Smith, Harriet Adams , Rhea Poulter, Anna Ramsberger.



~ ome tEcoltomirs CGluh

Hazel Bingham. Josephine Burningham . Beatrice Anderson . Mae Coleman. Ora Lowe. Johanna Moen . Mattie Eager. Carrie C. Dozier, Eula Mathews. Aldia Elsmore. Francilda Southerland. Naomi Nelson . Minna Ramsberger, Anna Erickson, Edna Hatch, Armena Adams. Allene Southerland, SdCa Sessions, Faye Robertson.

<ITo mntercial ([1 uh @ffirers

Elden Rex , Sec- Treas.

Kimball Cranney, Pres.

Radino Hickman , Vice-Pres.

The Commercial Club was instituted to better qualify students of tbe Scbool of Commerce for tbe work tbat will devolve upon them after leaving scbool, by giving tbem experience in the art of leadersbip and cooperation witb students, wbicb is so essential for success in tbe field of business. All students registered in tbe scbool of Commerce are eligible for membership. The club endeavors tbrougbout tbe year to ger some of tbe most prominent business men of the city to give short addresses on the fundamentals of business as they apply to actual business life. In all , the commercial club stands for : scholarsbip, and further advancement in commercial studies.

([ ommÂŁrri~l (Club


Weston Vernon. Jr .• Clarence C. Loose. MalColm La yton . Halve y Bachman. Me lbourne Douglas. Frank Thompson . Jame~ Evans. lrvim' Bid' more. Denton Smith. Serge Benson . Francis Wilcox. Ra y Merrill. William Parks. Pearson Ballinger. Walter Gassman. Louis Griffin. Horace Kotter. Marion McKellips. Lionel Thatcher. Anthony Frost. Elgin Erickson. Rex Birch. La WL n ~c "a rre!'. l ouis "'''ord . Harold Bateman . Heb!f B l nkhead . Joseph Adams. Frank Gimlin . D ean Coodsell. Wilford Welch. Milton Berntson . Jack Irving. Jack Ford.

OFFICERS N . A. Gurell , President G. D . West, Vice President J . D. Fowles, Secretary

MEMBERS P . H . Sorensen A. L. Spenny J . S. Logan C. Seegmiller T. O' Brien J. M. Barrett H . H . Coles C . A . Chambers B. M . Whitney W. G . House C. C. Overstreet

W. H . B irkes H. H. Olsen H . J. Brown H. E . Dalton H . McDonald J. W . Trask W . H . Willison R. E . Redden M. H . Wiley J. C. Norby E . Chadwick

E. C. Thompson C. M. Fonnesbeck L. F. Buehler F. M. Newton W . E. Dunbar R. A. Brewer O. W . Hyde H. L. Hammond E. F. Stanton

l\mtricCll1 ~SSOciCltiOl1 of ~11.sil1e£r5

EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE Addison L. Spenn y. Commander ; Mark H . Wiley . Senior Vice-Com. ; Richard E . Reddm . Jr .. Vice -Com . ; hiram E. Da: ton . Adjutant; L. L. Karren . Fin . Officer; Da lton M. Reid . Harold J. Brown . Von T. Ellsworth. Ray D . Garner. Ralph T. King. Chaplain . MEMBERS J. E. Bergstram . K. J. Youngsb erg . H . B. Brewer. G. L. Lnonhurst. E. S. Obra y. C. J . Clements. P. H. Sorensen. Ben Roberts. Charles Motsick . A. W. Edwards. Harley Jones . E. C. Thompson. R. E . Despain. C. C. Shaw. Fred Daniels. A. B. Jones. J. P. Hathaway. W . W . Welch. W . H . Birl.. s. W . H. Gr' en . Rufus Barnfie ld. LeRoy McLane. R. B. Jeppson. Dlyd ~ Daniels. D. M. Evans. D. W. Wallace. Ephraim Daily . James Larsen . C. L. Nelson . O . R Adkin. Leo Clark. N. Brown. Elmer Jensen . E . V . Rogers . R . R. Smith. Clifford Jensen . W. E . Atwood, L. F . Austin. D. Adamson . J. H. Dumbard, P. L. Isabelle. Russell Tirrenson. S. B. Murray. LeRoy Jackson . Owen Packer, 1. W. Monson , W. G. House, N . G. Daile. G. H . Blekkink, Leo Campbell. N. fl.. Gurrell . J. H . Eggat. O. O. Jensen. Frank Skaggs. Cleod Graham. D. S. Carroll, C. J. Riley, J. H. Kelly . Kean Larsen . J. F. Falkman, C. C. Overstreet. Adolph Blotter. Peter E. Anderson . Carl D. Winn. R. Probert. Joseph D. Fowles. Albert J Hitzker. George Doolas. E. H. Evans. William 1. Parks, Elgin W. Erickson. Marion Pennfield. John S. Logan . John Lougee, David Fw erer, Clyde Butts, John Goates, Tim O ' Brien. Anton Winkle, W. L. Margan.

'ffi~e ~i5ahll'u ~l11rrican 31leicra115 of tile Borfu 3lllIar

Aim- the purpose of the organization is to keep in touch with the modern short story writers in order to more fully appreciate the best in fiction. Horace Kotter, Naomi Nelson , Verle Fry, Mrs. A. B. Jones. Claudia Funk, Melvin Lemon. Bert Harward, Delores Wood, Naomi Barlow, Weston Vernon , Mrs. Rurh Chadwick, Afton Johnson, Radino Hickman.

~ raux

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Elmer Wood. Delsa Pugh . Mabel Tingey, Cathryn Wood. Farrell Smith, Gwen Page. Vesta Schaub, Blanche Lee. Naomi Jensen. Thora Baldwin , Amelia Hansen. Ellen Thomas. orma Smith, Rona Cox . Mable Bennett, Norma Smith. Carlos Seegmiller. The purpose of this organization is to develope aesthetic tastes in the Institution. to maintain higher standards of beauty , to encourage art production and establish complete harmony between the art department and its students.



Aim- The Empyrean club is an organization whose purpose it is to promote thought and an active interest among the women srudenrs of the college in current world problems.



Aim- To develop the tendency of research among the members by reviewing botanical literature and holding round-table discussions. Wilford C. Cole, Lawrence Jones, Farrell Smith, Amos Baer, Beth Pugh, Paul Boyce, Garr Cutler, Ivan Burgoyne, Fredia Bohman, Clifford Forsgren. Louis Nuffer. Melvin Anderson. James A. FroS[, Carl Frischknecht, H. P . Wright, Clyde Smith, Geo. Knowlton. Ernest Staker. Rollo Woodward.

([llÂŁimllpol Han ([Iub

Laurence Jones. Wilford C. Cole. O. W. Monson . Halv y Backman . J. H . Eager. Wilford Welch. Leroy Clark, W . E . Arwood , Leo Campbell. Robert Despain , Harry T. Teshirogi. Gasuo Arakawa, R. K. Bishoff, Glen Evens, Harold Allred, Millard Cluff.



Robert Hull, Louis Deschamp (Pres.), Oliver Woodruff, ( Sec.-T reas.), Angus Woodruff, H erbert Adamson . Hugo Olsen, Ariel Merrill, Rulon Smith. Leland Clark, Alonzo Skidmore. V ernon Kimball, Ernest J eppson .

Ray Wooley, Howard Woodside. Elgin Erickson. Sam Cowley. Lloyd Nuffer. John Irving. Edward Foxley. Armond Jeffs. Malcom La yton . Kenneth Smith. William Jackson . John Croft. Clifton Crowther. Stewarr Starr. Clarence Ledingham. Newell Sanders. Vernon Love. Earl Howe. Willard Knowles. Floyd Barrett. Lester Pocock . Wendell Hyde. Herb Adamson . Louis Griffin. William Parks. Kimball Cranney. Harve y Kirk . Durrell Hendricks. C y ril Hammond. Sterling Anderson.




Naomi Nel son , Rita Hulme, Lucilla May, Clover Johnson . Katherine Cooper, Beth Thurber. Serge ne Benson, Roma Knight, Norma Hussey, Loretta Cla yton , Anne Bramwell, Ruth S chaub .





GIR!...S' ATHLETIC ASSOCIATION The aim of the Girls Athletic Association is to foster athletics among the women students at the Utah Agricultural College. The Association is gradually gaining prominence at School. It has under its supervision. hiking, skating. skiing. basketball. volley ball . baseball. tennis. and swimming. which sports are taken up in season. Much interest and close competition was manifested in the inter-class volley ball. basket ball and base ball contests. The Freshmen attained championship in volley ball . Juniors and Seniors in basket ball and sophomores in base ball. The swimming contests afforded very keen competition. Minna Ramsperger dashed away with honors in tbe swimming meet, her twin sister Anna followed close behind and Lucile Owen won third place. The most noted event in Winter sports was the hike to Providence Bench. All students interested in skiing. coasting and tabogganing enjoyed themselves January 30 1924. Under the leadership of the officers whose pictures appear above . and with lone Haight, Florence Childs, and Naomi Barlow representing the classes. the Association experienced a very successful year.



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Clover Johnson ______________________________ President Lucilla May ____ _____ _____ Vice President Edna Hatch ______________________________________________ Secretary -Treasurer Aldia Elsmore ___ ____ _____ ___________ ____ Rifle Team Captain Myrtle Peterson ________________________________ Home Economics Club Flora Am ussen _______________________________ Girls Athleric Club Mrs. Lund ____________ .________________________ Empyrean Club Mrs. Chadwick __ _____________ Womens Pan Hellenic Josephine Burningham _____________ Student Body Vice President Naomi Barlow ______ _____ Senior Class Vice President Mrs. Lund ________________ _ ____ ___ Seni"r C:'ass Pep Florence Childs ___ _________ ______ Junior Class Vice President Rita Hu'me ____________________ .________ Junior Class Rep . Allie Peterson _____ . __________.. ________ Junior Class Rep . Lucille Owen ___ .___. _________________ Sophomore Class Vice Pr ~s. Dorothy Worley ___________ .__ Sophomore R eprese nt"i w lone Haight ___ . _______ . _____ __ _ Freshman Class Vice Pres. The Associated Women Students of the Utah Agricultural College is a part of the National Self Governing Association of College Women. This organization brings the girls of the college into a closer unit. They solve their own problems, promote their activities and seek to maintain h igh standards in scholarship and womenhood. Last spring two representatives were sent to meet with representatives from all parts of the United States at Ohio where the National Asso ciation was form¡d. Two representatives from our college were sent to Tucson , Arizona. to the Western con vention this year. At this convention the Associated Women Students went on record as oppos ed to women smoking on the campus and as favoring the Honor System. The question of womens part in world peace will be the main subject of discussion at the National Convention held next year at Eugene, Oregon.






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SOME LEAVES FROM THE DIARY OF SAMUEL PEPY 'S DAUGHTER September 23: Saturday. Up very betimes and dressed for early breakfast agalllst what Brother Dan has for days been calling the sad departure. Some ot our neighbors who had not called previously came in to say goodbye and all very busy with advice . relating particularly to the path of virtue and the pitfalls ot college life. To the station for the eight -fifteen train in the Ford with Mother and Fatl:er. Both my parents did regale me all the seven miles with sa ge and wise counsels which I would fain have been spared. mother admonish~ Ing me to lady-like demeanour and Father impressing upon me the fact that h:! IS no millionaire- a matter. Heaven knows. which I have had in long acquainlance. Yet as the train came to a stop and he gave me his goodbye kiss he caught my hand and pressed therein a crisp paper. which upon examination later in the traln proved lO be a new hundred -dollar bill. Good soul, he already had deposIted in one of the Logan banks a sufficient account to pay my tuition and first month 's expense. To my great pleasure found Cousin Joyce waiting for me and we soon disposed ourselves with comfort for the journey to Salt Lake which IS a tiresome one. 1. deeply absorbed in the changing scenes without while Joyce who has been over the road many times feigned boredom all the while and urged upon me the reading of a magazine she had brought. One look at the cover design and at the name of the thing did fill me with horror and I marveled that my cousin should read such trash being a senior this year. At Salt Lake late and to rooms at a huge hotel where I for the first time used a wash basin with hot and cold water. Soon abed . much against the desires of Joyc~ who despite our tiredness tried to induce me to go with her to some show. and upon my refusing did tell me that I must learn not to be a hick. September 27: At classes all this da y. being my first experience of college classwork. Joyce very liberal at introducing me to her friends . but rather given to being patronizing. referring to me as her kid cousin as though I were a mere child . She now om at a show. leaving her toilette things in great disarray which pains me insomuch that I shall straighten them about before retiring. She uses too much powder and besides smears her face and lips with rouge. a iorm of sinful vanity in which 1. thank God. have never indulged. At my books all evening except when I was forced to weep for homesickness. Tired and blue. so to bed. October 11: At home tired out and alone. Joyce being gone to an apron and overalls party at the Ladies' Gym. The party is given by the Ag and Home Economics Clubs. My cousin much enraged over the drawing for partners.

MELVIN LEMON, Music ; ALMA GREENAULGH. Chairman ; ROY WILSON. Finance: fRANCES ThOMAS. Refreshments ; FLORA AMUSSEN, Decorations.


Some Leaves From the Diary of Samuel Pepy's Daughter (Cont'd ) saying that she pluc ked a dumb - bell. He here for her at seven-thirty , the earlIness of his call adding nothing to her pleasure. Writing letters home until her return . Joyce home early as I expected , and so disgusted with her partner' s conduct that I was at much pains to comfort her and onl y by coaxing did I get her to tell me of tf:e party. She expressed herself that most of the others seemed enjoying themselves when she took her leave.

October 14: Sunday. Abed so late that I nearly missed Sunday School having got late to ted last night from attending the Dean of Women's Ball. In the matching of partners which was done beforehand I happened to be matched wIth Dick R., much to the displeasure of my cousin who likes him not a little. When 1 told her she only exclaimed, "1 seem to pick up most of the prunes in the orchard," and was fain to pretend a headache as an excuse for not going. To the ball in good time , being glad of the manners 1 had learned at home and proud that my dress was both becoming and of good quality material and modest design. 1 thought it strange that Dick made no pretense of complimentIng me and in fact seemed ill at ease with me, but later discovered his true nature when I overheard him tell Joyce, " She'd be a cute lookin' kid if she wasn ' t such a hick of a dresser," which so upset me that 1 wished myself home and got little further enjoyment out of the evening. Returned home early. pretending a headache and on the way told Mr. R. what 1 had heard and gave him a piece of my mind which I do belieye impressed him as he seemed sheepish and said little. Awake until well after two resolving over and over in my mind that not for all the favors from all the men at the College would 1 follow the frivolity of the college girls who bob their hair, paint their faces, and wear party dresses of un-becoming brevity that they may please the masculine eye.

November 2: Home alone and feeling blue as 1 have for the last week, the rushIng season on and so far none of the sororities have invited me to any of their parties. 1 do obrerve now that the girls who are most popular at the college are IIOt those who cling to the manners of dress and general appearance that I have been accustomed to follow , which worries me deeply as 1. like all of my sex, desire to be well admired¡ Joyce at the Hotel Eccles with Mr. R. , he being an engineer and hence attending the Engineers ' Ball and Banquet there. My cousin In high spirits on her departure and wearing her best party gown, which I conf ess seems more to become her than I at first thought. Tired and discouraged , w to bed.

~ttusual ~rOUp5 anb J\dions

Some Leaues From the Diary of Samuel Pepy 's Daughter (Cont' d ) Nouember 9: This day did attend the reception given to the college women by the wives of faculty men at the Home of Mrs. Thatcher. Joyce seeming reluctant that I accompany her I refrained from pressing the matter but instead went with Mae S. , a new acquaintance who , like myself has not been rushed by any of the sororities. The reception being a formal afternoon tea I felt comforted of the fact that I was with someone who like my self knew little concerning proper conduct at such affairs , this being a demonstration of the truth of the proverb that misery likes company. The hostesses were most courteous and I was much charmed with the fine taste displayed in the Thatcher home , being especially pleased with the rich patterns of the Persian rugs. T o cur rooms 3t six, where my cousin coming a few minutes later did take the liberty to discourse to me with much ill humor upon the necessity for my mendlng my ways as to dress and conduct, she saying that I embarrass her every time 1 go out in the same gathering with her. That settles it. From now on I shall prove to her that I am not the dum b- bell she seems to believe me to be. Nouember 11: Up betimes and to the shops on the eight o'clock street car, where with the advice of Mae I did purchase a complete new outfit, including materials for a party gown as well as slippers and hosiery of the latest fashion and a charming vanity box . Nouember 24: This afternoon at the hairdressers, who did bobb and marcel my hair. To the Smart Gym this evening for the Ag Club Ball with Mae. The gym was decorated in a manner suggestive of the autumn, witb apples. pumpkins and sheaves of corn. This was to me the finest social event thus far I having no end of opportunities to dance as also did Mae. We are both being rushed by two sor~)[ities. Dick R¡ stepping Joyce again and looking very handsome in his tuxedo. Danced twice with him. To my rooms in good time where , Joyce , coming home seemed in an even worse humor than two weeks ago, though why , I cannot imagine. She seems little pleased that I have tried so hard to follow her desires. December 18: Lay late, being the Lord 's day and I being over-sleepy from having attended the Christmas Ball last night. It was a gorgeous affair and much to my liking, the Gym bing dressed with evergreen boughs and with a num ber of fine Christmas trees, ornamented with colored papers and bright lights. The music most pleasing to hear, and a spirit of good fellowship prevailing. I there with J. c., a most pleasant freshman graduated from the Ogden High last year. Dick did come requesting dances but I must tell him that my

Lina Hansen , Lucilla May, Josephine Burningham Naomi Barlow, Mary Brown, Mary Browning



Some Leaues From the Diary of Samuel Pepy' s Daughter (Cont'd)

card was full. I find myself attracted daily more and more to the U. A. C. and like school far better than I did a month ago. Mae and I now both mem· bers of the same sorority. January 12: To classes all day and tonight at the Theta Ball· Joe again being my escort. The Smart Gym was decorated in colonial fashion and all very beautiful. A solo dance of colonial motif added not a little to the charm of the affair. Joyce at home sulking, for which my conscience troubled me, I having for spite told her of Dick's requesting my company before he asked her and after I had promised Joe. Such is feminine nature. January 19: Up too late for Sunday School at which my cousin did scold me roundly although she herself misses quite three out of four times. Last night to the Women's Pan-Hellenic Ball to which I invited Joe to be my escort. The affair formal and exclusive, being limited to the sorority girls and their partners. The gym was transformed to a fairyland by the decorations which consisted of multicolored balloons and crepe paper. Joyce with Dick, and at great pains to avoid giving me any dances with him. Joe rather too attentive to Mae for my complete liking, which led to unpleasant words on our way home. I informing him that I play second fiddle to no one. January 24: This night I attended the Frat Melee with Dick as my escort, Joe having invited Mae. I do hope that they are both as well satisfied as we. The affair was one of the most brilliant of the season, the Aud being done in Turkish decorations and the entire atmosphere designed to be Oriental. Joyce home before me having attended with, as she phrased it, another dumb-bell. February 23: Lay very late , thereby missing my first class. Last night at the Military Ball. This is the first Military Ball that I have yet attended and I was much impressed with the beauty of the flags and bunting with which the Aud was decorated· With Dick again , he being one of the batallion officers and looking very handsome in his uniform. One of the companies did execute its maneuvers on the floor which much pleased the large crowd. Governor Mabey and a number of officers from Fort Douglas were present and the whole affair was much the most brilliant I have ever attended. Cousin Joyce there with her dumb-bell and refusing to speak to me altho I did twice nod in her direction . We both now living at our sorority houses because of a quarrel day before yesterday.



There was a librarian named Pratt, Who would tax everyone and all that. Every morning at ' leven, That place is like heaven , Oh Boy ! I sure lie like a bat.

Classic dancers, the best in the west Were our deans, both Dancey and West. But when the Studes cuddled, it got them all muddled , And now they 've gone away for a rest.

There was a young fellow named Fry, Who of course is a popular guy. So popular in fact , that he has to : use tact, And step all but one on the sly.

Oh there was a young musical bard Who of course you all know is named Card. At times quite morose , but boy for Soros, H e would dance like a pig greased with lard.

Some Leaves From the Diary of Samuel Pepy's Daughter (Cont'd )

I was March 3: Tonight at the Capitol to see the Sorosis Vaudeville. astonished at the skill and originality of the thirteen acts, one of which, a scene from Hell, did move Dick to exclaim : " Oh death, where is thy sting. " March 7: Very happy tonight in attending the Junior Prom at the Smart Gym. The hall gorgeously decorated in green and white , and all the students and other guests making a great show with their formal evening attire. I in my new evening dress purchased with the last of the hundred dollars which Dad gave me last l'all supplemented by a good part of my month 's allowance. Dick profuse in his compliments which pleased me no little. Joe very attentive to Mae, and Joyce for the first time in weeks going out of her way to speak to me. She appears more than reconciled to her dumb - bell by this time. April 5 : Tonight at the Aud attending the Be-no Creep or Forty-niners party. Dick and I made a ridiculous show, he in his miner's garb with a two weeks growth of fiery whiskers and I in my bonnet and trailing calico dress . Some of the make-ups were such as to cause one to feel grateful that they are no longer in vogue , if indeed they ever were¡ April 25: " A" Day. Up very betimes and to the cafeteria where I did assist in preparations for feeding the men who worked on the campus. After cleanIng up the grounds and athletic field and starting the construction of an amphitheatre southwest of the Mechanic Arts Building the men came in for lunch, and after to the auditorium where a program was had and the slackers who wen.> absent without excuse were tried and sentenced to be tubbed. Also some merriment was made over a mock trial or kangaroo court. Following this, to the east lawn where the tubbings were administered and then followed a sack rush between the Frosh and Sophs in which our boys were victorious. Afterward to a Student Body dance in the Gym. May 30: Commencement Day. To the College Chapel at 10 where I sat with Dick's sister and saw him get his diploma , he making a great show of dignity and poise and succeeding little better than the rest. At the President's reception in the afternoon and this evening to the Alumni Ball and Banquet at the Hotel Eccles. Dick very attentive to me and telling me of his plans for the coming summer, he having secured employment in engineering for which he leaves tomorrow. Walking home he did declare to me that next spring he plans to return to the Commencement and take away with him a certain sophomore. T wonder whom he can mean.

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{THI; SPOT - L I GI-IT., ~o.~,.~,~~~


I was a proud boy when I and the other seven members of the high school graduating class received our diplomas. Fame and fortune lay within my reach and I looked upon myself as a semi - cultured individual. One step more was to be made before I could go out into the world of industry and assume the place of a master builder. I had vision$ of the U . A. C. All summer while I was cultivating carrots in San Pete county 1 dreamed of the wonderful polishing I was to get at the U. A. C. Next fall as per schedule I arrived at the U . A. C. My first thought was board and room ; my second one was registration . After several unsuccessful attempts I attained tb~ top of the hill and after wiping the perspiration from my forehead . I sought information as to how to register. I saw a very pompous looking fellow ( who' s majestic demeanor marked him as one of the owners of the college ) and asked him how I was about to go about it. He answered in this way ; there are eiSl;ht lines each a block 10nSl;. you must get in each one successively and work your way to the window at the head of the line at tach window they will give you some instructions before you start in ~t the end of the next line. after this you are considered a registered freshman . Now I knew that most of the animals her ewere registered but this was the first time I had ever heard of a registered freshman. One thing puzzled me. I registered for every class I wanted but I was told there was a class called chapel which I could not register for but that I must not mi~s under any consideration. My curiosity was aroused very much. So much indeed that I ventured to ask one of the Professors what this class consisted of. He sa id, " It is a place where all students and faculty members meet. for the purpose of religious rejuvination. I looked forward to this class with much excitement of feeling. I had never been very religious in San Pete and I pondered much upon this religious revival. Monday at I o' clock we all met in the spacious chapel room . The faculty sat upon a raised platform and the students sat facing them . I went with a sophomore in order that I might ask him questions on any thing that puzzled me. As soon as the meeting was called to order on,' of the faculty members immediately began to snore in a most disconcerting manner. I turned to the sophomore and asked who this member was. He said very curtly . "I must bave this assignment finished for the next class. so I must not be botbered. " I then turned to a student on my left and asked the same question . He said. " that is Calvin Fletcher. well known art Prof. and leader in the fashions of mens dress." Bebind me sat a sleek round faced boyish youth who was gently holding a young ladies hand and purring soft things of nothingness into her ear. Again I asked and who are they. Mv new found friend said. "that is Verle Fry. a senior who often desires to sway tbe student body by means of wild and rabid oratory. And so I continued to look about me seeing tbat everybody was sleeping and working to the soft and monotonous voice of the speaker. And I said to myself. " This is wonderful. A day is set aside each week for students to catch up with their work and sleep. What efficient methods are adopted in the name of education. "

TO Professor Parley Efficiency Peterson , famous exponent of economy Of Motion. He has never been known to move an eyelash after once sitting in class . At assigning lessons he is dean of the faculty. Because of the weary all night sessions we have spent briefing the college library for him ; we the staff of " The Spotlight" do in loving and grateful remem¡ brance dedicate this volume to him.

In order to finance the Spotlight it was highly necessary to gather a few Ads. We ask you seriously to patronize our advertisers.

DO YOU WANT TO BE A SOCIAL LION? I can make you the life of the party with only ten lessons. Because the polishing of the unsophisticated is my hobby. I am giving my time away at a dollar a lesson.

ACT QUICK AND BEGIN YOUR SOCIAL CLIMB. Studio located at 1 17 North Main. Office hours 7 p. m. to 11 p. m. for men; 11 p. m. to 3 a. m. for ladies . Consult Professor Horace Kotter for Particulars.


SUCCESS IN COURTING If you are experiencing much competition, allow me to coach you. Up to date methods which won me success at the Sorosis House will be imparted to you. MIL TON SHEIK MERRILL STUDIO

At Student Life


All the latest dances taught. ÂŁ5.00 per lesson. Make aopointments in advance with Monsieur Bert Gardner.

FORD FOR SALE I am forced to sell this beautiful automobile at a slashed price. The MAYFLOWER will b(' sold at public auction on July 6th at the local court house. No bids will be considered under S 1.75.

VOICE CULTURE. I can train you to talk in a hearty voice for 7 hours without stopping. My official record has never been equaled. I have won many debates through sheer strength and endurance of voice . you can do the same. For further information see Mr. Preston Matt Neilson.


FRA TS AND SORORITIES AND WHAT THEY STAND FOR SIGMA ALPHA They loath Volstead and consider him a personal enemy of the fraternity . Throwers of lavish parties and feeds . Have been known to import as high as 19 women for a party. They have a batting average in drill attendance of .00007y,(. PI ZETA PI They consider their frat brothers ' girl the most legitimate prey in school. Have 1 foolish desire to be considered as social butterflies and scholars. Have a strong attraction for sheepherders from tbe southern part of the state. Those that aren't married are women haters too. Several of tbem have been known to talk over correa dancing merhods with Dean West. PHT KAPPA IOTA Otherwise known as the Beno Athletic club. Tbey spend their nights at the Theta house. Exact opposite of the Delta Nus.E nthusiastic supporters of debating. Members girls must be aproved by the whole fraternit y. Would rather bave an "A" on their cbest than on their report card. DELTA NUS A fraternity founded for returned missionaries. Indulge in athletics only to the extent of checkers. Holders of scholarship cup. Karl Harris and a few others used to run tbe cross country [Un. Have always been of one thought and mind. Have never been connected with any thing that hinted of shadyness. ALPHA DELTA EPSILON Their chapter house is located in Logan Canyon . Some of them would rather sleep than work , especially on " A " day . They could win tbe scholarship cup if it wasn ' t for tbe Delta Nus. House parties are their specialties. Very strong for the military department. OMEGA TAU They are young but they have an ambition to grow. Give a dancing party nearly every week in order to have good social notes in Student Life. Goats must prove to b~ good chicken moochers before tbe final initiations. Have a good looking fraternity pin. PHI BETA RHO Commonly known as the rbo rhos. Have an intense desire to reach tbe utmost pinnacle of society. Never talk back to their goats. No member ever fails to ask a question just as the class is dimissing. Have a special heater for the fraternity in the hall. Are very secretive and mysterious about the doings of their fraternity . LAMDAIOTA Just born. Acts like most infants of a few months . Regard older fraternities supspiciously. Tbey are led by Rex Birch of the Miliary department. ALPHA GAMMA PHI Only federal men belong. Have been known to play such frivolous tricks as to paint the "U" blue on Thanksgiving. Good po'iticians. in fact they are the possessers of the Student body president. Play mates of Weston Vernon. SOROSIS They are a dual purpose bunch, having won the scholarship cup and given man y fine parties. The boys have to have a social pedigree before they can step them out. They gave a vaudeville consisting of suggestive lines and uncovered limbs. Rabid rushers . They and the Thetas treat each other like tbe proverbial lion and lamb. SIGMA THETA PHI Sister organization to the Phi Kaps . They gave a dance to which coach Jenson wasn't invited. Every body had a good time. They are vitally interested in all things that pertain to politics. Are famous for their diet of beans. BETA DELTA Are at school for a purpose, but are good entertainers nevertheless. The y have a good house . The Betas are not as frivolous as the others, they usually get steady fellows in their freshman year. GAMMA XI GAMMA Are strong for each others company. The Gammas do their share of the rushing. Have a good share of the femine athletes. They spend plenty of time with their studies. The assistant librarian belongs. ZETA CHI Tbe youngster of all. Are much like tbe Phi Beta Rhos. Have not started in full force.

THE schools that hold their athletes--Ietter men--in proper esteem are awarding them genuine

Master or Superior Sweaters The cost is not excessive, years of service and pride of possession considered. Olympia Knitting Mills, Inc. Olympia, Washington

HIGH SCHOLARSHIP The scho larship of the Utah Agricultural College is eq ualled by few institutions of higher learning in the West , as is evidenced by the following facts: 1. The Institution is listed with the accredited col leges of Ame rica by the United States Bureau of Education and is a member of the Northwest Association of colleges and Universities and of the American Council of Education . 2. The American Medical Associatio n , a particularly discriminating agency, has approved the courses offered by the Co llege as meeting all requirement!> of the Association.

3. The credits of the College are accepted at full value by the leading educationa l institutions of the United States.

It is this high scholarship, consistently maintained by the Institution, coupled with a demand made by the College faculty for serious, hard work on the part of the students that has made it possible for Dr. A . E . Winship, prominent educator of Boston , to declare that the Utah Agricultural College is producing more leaders in its field than any other educational institution in America. The scope of study of the Utah Agricultural College is broad , covering the following important fields : Agriculture, Engineering, Home Economics . Commerce and Business Administration , Mechanic Arts , Basic Arts and Science and Education ( Including Training for Elementary and High Schools) .



Looking into The Future Is easy if you only dream about it, bur if you look for the road you want to travel and the things you want to get it is hard-and profitable. The view is clear and the road is open when you have a well tended savings account in this bank . Ask anyone who has traveled the road to success. A PASS BOOK IS THE ONLY BOOK IN WHICH DREAMS COME TRUE

Cache Valley Banking Compan y COMMERCI AL TRUST Resources over $1 , 500 , 000.00




SAVINGS 4500 Customers


Howell Bros. The Home of

Ku ppenheinler G ood Clothes An Investment in Good Appearance LOGAN


A MAIDE S PRAYER Now I lay me down to sleep I wish I had a man to keep And , if lhere is a man under my bed I pray, he's heard every word I've said.

ADVER T ISEMENT We are now in a position to hatch your eggs. We rise to ask what positio n it is.

- "- "- "- "- "- "- '''- ''- ''- ''- ''- ''- ''- 111_ .'_ ''_ ''_ ''- "- 1,- ,,- ,,- ,,- ,,- ,,- 1'- "- "-

Logan's P oliceman Young man , you must accompany me. Wes Howell-Ah right, what'll we shing ?

Naoma Nelson-Why IS an elephant like an osyter? LeRoy Star-Enlighten me. Naoma Nelson-Neither can open a can of oysters.

If you want better and more economical pl umbing jobs you cannot afford to overlook

A. H. PALMER & SONS THE PLUMBERS • We buy and se ll only the best in both material and workmanship.

Fi rst Flea-Where are you go ing to spend the summer ? Second Flea-Oh, I'm going on a bum.

186 N. Main, Logan, Utah P h one 460

_ ••_ " _ " _ " _ " _ "'~' _ " _ " _ "

_ " _ " _ 'IL_

•• _ ••_ ,._ •• _ •• _

1_ ,, _ ___ 111_ •• _ 11"-_ 11._ 1._ ' __ "'_ " _ " _ " _ " _







Utah Idaho Central R. R. S E R V

P assen ger


Ex press

L. A. JARVIS. Gen. Agent Logan. Utah General Offices

Fourth Floor Eccles Building Ogden. Utah



Through freight rates with all railroads. Daily fast freight service between Salt Lal<e City and Cache Valley points in connection with Bamberger Electric and D. \'6 R. G. W. Through package cars to Brigham. Logan and Preston.



Twelve throul1h trains daily between Preston. Idah~ Ogden. Utah. direct connections at Ogden with Bamberger Electric trains to and from Salt Lake City.

\ and

( American Railway Express Company operates on ) the Utah-Idaho Central Railroad with special messenger service. Free pick and delivery service at Logan . Brigham. Ogden and Salt Lake.


P. H. MULCAHY General Manager F. L. WHITNEY Traffic Manager



21 W. 1st North

Residence 479-w


_1_ 1._ "_ "_ "_ "_ "_" _ "_ "_ "_ "_ "_ "_ "_ "_ "_ "_ "- ,,- ,,,-,1- "- "- "- "- "- '1_

Bluebird Pre--eminence did not "just happen." It is the result of long years of careful. conscientious attention to the finer details of the confectionary business. Bluebird candy, lunches and fountain drinks are the best because they are prepared by experienced caterers from the finest materials the markets of the world afford.

19 North Main St.


_ " _ "_ 'I_ "_ "_ " _ " _ " _ " _ "_ "_ IM_ " _ " _ "_ "_ "_ "- •. - •• - ..- 111- ,,- ,,_ ,,_ ,,_ ,,_ ,,_

W e Serve Al l Kinds of Specialties in Season D ining Room for Ladies

Finch--Rogers Cafe 20 and 22 E. Secon d South Street SAL T LA KE CITY

Golden Mays-Isn't Loretta Clayron a Perfect picture? Malcolm Merrill-Well. she's got a pretty good frame. -0-

A good remedy for standing in the halls would be to provide a few benches and chairs. -0-

lone Haight-I'm telling you for the last time that you can't kiss me? Wesley Howell-Ah, I knew you would weaken eventually. -0-

Francis Wilcox-For heaven sake, throw that gum away. Hattie Merrill-I cant it's borrowed. -0-

Doris Champlin-You remind me of Venus De Milo. Larry Jones-Oh , but I've got arms? Doris Champlin-Have you really? -0-

"Shall we dance this Fox-trot?" "That wasn't the orchestra starting up. A waiter just dropped a tra y of dishes."

Electric Servants Make a Happy Home Every woman enjoys working w hen she has electric servants to make the difficult tasks easy and


tedious ones interesting.

We have the best electric appliances for your selection-easy terms can be arranged.

UTAH POWER & LIGHT CO. Efficient Public Service !

i ii

Prescription Druggists


Spivis Bankhead (while watching Flora Amussen play tennis)You showed more form on the stage last night than you are now.





City Drug Co.

Everything in Drugs. Toilet Articles and Sundries



The Editors of the


i think that this institution should 1 have a relic hall. They also sug! gest that Denton Sir Sid Smith's i Ford be the first relic to go in. i


The Student's Drug Store Tel. 200

67 N. Main St.

lf some of the boy's could hold up their part of the line in football as well as they do the cafeter:a line. our team would be un beatable.





w. F. Jensen

Candy Company




_'_" _ "_ "_ "_ "_ MIL_ "_ "_ "_" _ "_" _ "_ "_ "_ "_ "_ ..- ..- ..- ..- .. _ .. _ .. _ .._ .._ .. _

CHERRY BLOSSOM (LOGAN'S REAL CONFECTIONARY) "Chocolates with a College Education" have not yet been equaled

Cherry Blossonl

-- ..- ..- .. .. ..

.. .. .. .. .. ..- ..- ..- ..

- - - .,,- - - - - Quality Is Our Motto

The Royal Bakery of Logan Bread. Cakes and Pastry Try Our Coffee and RollsBest in Town JOH SON. Proprietor 118 N. Main Street

_.- ..- ..- ..- ..- ..- ...- .. - ..- ..- ..- ..- ..-

Our Grey Blue and Brown Serge Suits Are Wonderful Values Our Line of Shoes and Furnishings Will Please You in Every Way.

Dunbar and Hyde

-.~ -

..- .. .. -


..- ..- ..- ..- ..- ..- ..- ..-

A cau tious man is one who wears suspenders and a belt. -0-

It has been suggested that some· body tell Prof. Alder a hair-raising story. -0-

Bid Loose- I say, there's a fly in this ice-cream. Waiter- Serves him right. let him freeze.


McCormick.... Deering and International Lines (KNOWN AND USED THE WORLD OVER)


Push Binders Reapers Harvester Threshers

.Binders Shockers

HAYING MACHINES Loaders. all types Bunchers Mowers Sweep Rakes Baling Presses Rakes Side Delivery Rakes Stackers Tedders Combination Sweep Rakes and Stacktrs Comb. Side Rakes and Tedders

CORN MACHINES Ensilage Cutters Listers Pickers Shellers

Planters Cultivators Binders Drills

Huskers and Shredders Combination Huskers and Silo Fillers Lister Cultivators


Corn Planters and Drills Listers

Alfalfa and Grass Drills Engate and Broadcast Seeders




TILLAGE IMPLEMENTS Tractor Plows Riding Plows Walking Plows

Orchard Harrows Peg Tooth Harrows Culti - Packers Field Cultivators

Disk Harrows -Spring Tooth Harrows 'Tractor Harrows One Horse Cultivators

BEL T MACHINES Corn Shellers Huskers ~ Shredders

Hay Presses Threshers

Ensilage Cutters Feed Grinders


Kerosene Tractors

'Kerosene Engines

OTHER FARM EQUIPMENT Cane Mills Farm Wagons ~ Trucks Cream Separators

Stalk Cutters Binder Twine Knife Grinders

Manure Spreaders Tractor Hitches

For further information. or literature. on any of the above machines. write. phone or call on any McCormick-Deering Dealer or the

International Harvester Co. of America 435 West 4th South


There is no way of judging the future except by the past


This being the case the Benson Market predicts a bright future for the non-vegetarians of Logan. For Equality and Service see

Phone 255



115 N. Main

W hen in need of anything in the Electrical line call on ." Telephone 5 3 Logan. Utah


- ___ ,1_ ,,_ ,,_ ,'_ "_ 111_ "_ .'_ .,_ "_ "_ 111_ "_ "_ '._ " _ "- ••- ..- •. - ..- ..- ..- .. _ .• _ .. _ .• _



35.000 people visited our store in 1923. Last year we sold almost S 12.000 worth of butter. We did a world of business in our small store. If the dollars we took in were stacked upon our floor space they would cover it to a depth of almost two feet. We thank you for your good will We will absolutely please you or refund your money.

O. A. Garff Grocery 133 So. Main

- ..-._..- ..- ..- ..- ...- ..- ..-

..- ._ ..- ..-

Books. Magazines. Wallpaper, Fine Stationery, School and Office Supplies

WII"KINSON and SON Main Screet. Opposiee Pose Office

LOGAN,UTAH We Know We Can Save You Money-Your Patronage Respectfully Solicited

If it's the woma n that pays why is it that the male of the specie is always broke. ---'0'---

Spike Hadfie ld and Hortense Green took a walk to Mount Loga n a while ago. Its funny how far these young couples wi ll go to find so litude. _ ••_ ••_ •. _ .. _ ..._ 1'_ ',_ " _ "_ ,,_ ,,_ ,,_ ,,_ ,,_ ,,_ ,,,, _ ,,_ ,,- '1- ,,- ,,- ,.- __ ,,- ,_ ,,_ ,,_ ,,_


Thatcher Coal Co.

Phone 76

...._ .. _ .. _ .. _ .. _ .. _ .. _ .._ .. _ .. _ .. _ .. _ .. _ .. _ .. _ .. _ .. _ .. - ..- .. - .. - 11.- .. - .. - ..- .. - .. - .. -

Christensen Furniture Company "Furniture Wo rth W hile" Successors to

Spande Furniture Company UTAH.


....._ •. _ •. _ •• _ •• _ •• _ ••_ ••_ •• _ •. _ •• _ ••_ .• _ .•_ .. _ •. _ •. _ .•_ .•_ •. _ •• _ 111_ "_ "_ ,1_ ,,_ ,,_ ,,_

STORAGE Furniture, Per onal Efforts. and General Slorage. Low rates. Convenient location . Prompt courteous Service.


Soulh Main Slreet



i 71r t.or






lInion il(nitting :!I ills QIo. I

----~I--------------------------------~----I + __ "_

"_ "_ "_ "_ "_ "_ "_ "_ "_ "_ .11'_ "_ "._ "_ "_ "_ '1- "- "- "- "-.'- "-" - "-


There was a young fellow named Fry Once to boast many girls he did try But he soon met a dame Miss Frances by name Now he's forced to step girls on the sly.

There was a librarian named Pratt Each morning at ten She would tax all the men What do you think of That.

There was a young Grizzele named Card He danced like a German guard He ' d skip and he 'd prance Like a washerwoman in a trance Would this young bard.

Antisceptic dancers were Deans Dancy and West In all steps classical they were the best Till Wes Vernon toddled and cuddled Which thru them into a muddle Now they've gone to Provo for a rest.

Girl at home-You've been making love to those girls at college. Vern Love-What makes you think so? Same Girl-You have improved so much.

"You shan't you shan't," the maiden cried "You must do what is right," And so I didn't and then she sighed , "Oh man, where is you fight."

You never can tell said the prisoner as he shot the onl y witness to the crime.

At ninety miles Drove Bobby Brield: He hit a tree, And now he's spiled.

Frosh-You know more than I do. Soph-Of course. Frosh-Y ou know me and I know you.




! i


i i


Capital, Surplus and Profits S170,000

For the best Meat at the right price go to







i i

MARKET 123 South Main St. LOGAN, UTAH Phone 409 _ _ •• _

•• _

•• _

•• _

• • _ 1 1 1 . _ •• _

•• _

•• _

•• _ . _ . . .


Oldest and Largest National Bank


i i


[bis store' s conception of service comprebends giving a man something better tban his money will ordinarily buy.

Suits Sponged Pressed and Repaired



i i

We call and solicit.

Phone 30

Weare proud of our part in the make up of the Annual

All Buzur negatives are on file in our Studio awaiting your future orders.

6orgeson §'tudio LOGAN,


We haven't as yet seen any of the co-eds burying her nose so deeply in books that she couldn't get at it with a powder puff.



HUH? She was distinctly a foreigner. She asked for talcom powder. "Mennen's" said the clerk. "No, Vimmen's." "Want it scented ?" "No I better take it wi th me."


At Fair Prices


FROM THE CO-EDS:We wrote a letter home last night without asking for money. We mailed it before we realized our mistake. Now we are waiting for a telegram saying that the pater had an attack of heart failure.



-"-"-"-"-"-"-'I-" -"-" -Jl' - III1- " -'~-"-"-"-" - "-"-"-"-"-"-'1-',-,,-,,-

Life is too short in which to make two repu ta tions. One reason why Thatcher Bank has never relaxed the standard of safety and service since


Thatcher Bank

Your Vacation Letter Surround it with an atmosphere of refine ment and taste by using Our Distinctive Stationery.

Prescription Drug Co.

Commercial Savings Trust Safe Depos it Travelers' Checks

14 West Center

Forty-one Y ears of Service

" W e are here to Serve"



ART@. 53THIRD ST SAN FRANCISCO The Largest Engraving Plant in the West


J. P. SMITH & SON Prill/e.·s


Alwa)'s in the highest style of the art

South Side of Federal Avenue



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