Scaua 25p05s08 1909 03 19

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STUDENT LIFE Published Weekly by Stud ents of the U. A. C. T'ULI'.1/R

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THE "BLUE ,..fll


Hie u1.·c:h:ud01' ,·1cwlt1,t•H1,t·l\'C~ f1u111 ul'hi,r,;, c:<..:cpt iug- lhP Yal],,.'. the edge of \\ L1C 11 wca, iu.,: a ci:rt ,,ill ~weal~r, th11 hill. But. y,,11r U1ungl1ts ~re u,; with the football and track !'.W<'el and uutrouhled aurl life i~ men. 'l'h<' dis!inetion is lost when like 11 hli,~fnl dream. The !line T d111we is now a From Major Styer. lhc ". \ '' h 111110 11 "fut, or pin. Yn11111:d,ell,r team nml for two tuatte 1, uf 1,;,l\11) . 1.111L to those Manila, I' l J;i11. :n, 'OH. I t, 1 th,~ IHI)' Llw .tlhr!ctes of th<' day, ·lwfore the bi~ meet. ii raiu, 1who I' 11t;<·1r,n,·,l ii wi 1 Jiye long 111t M-ana;;"r l-it11d1 l,if,· : Thank ,hffcrnrl t eum,. the dchnters. the g-c11Llywibhm1t <'easi11i. On the in then· 11a•111111·it'> a, one of the you for the copie.., of StnJ.,nt Life' rrteuthcr:, of the casts and Litt: big tlay ~-uu put on yonr track I n1<"t t•uju~··ahk P'<''llllt!!S of tbe rer,ently IPC<·in•d I cnclo,-e a Studl.'nl Life staff would all be suit nncl wait bli,sfnllJ for your • _yeai·. The ultt'nd,,,u,c was just dollar fur s1'.h,,·riptiu11 wilh the el,m,-.:d tog,•th,r. T·beni ~h1'.nld_be! rRre lo he ca11Pd. At 1.asl it la1•µ-e ,·ncrngh to 111ak1! daneing tmrnc 1<1(1d11·1she, that I ha,·e al- .wme WU) of 1u.ak111ga d1~tm<it1on ,•0111es. nncl yon wnllow alon~ comfo1 tahle. The l'l'01Yd was ways hnd, fur "ontinn,:d ,ucces~. nuJ Pstalili~.·hiug a certain style! th1<111)!'h1he mml. trying to make rnacle nr, of the le~cling s-ociPty St.ut!e11L J,.r., nml i_t~ ,tatI. wer,;I of .. ~\" for ootch e\'ent which IILe people beliel'e that they are peop'.•1• of ftw NJllege nnd town. ,·,·ry"nra · !Ill([ 1k;ir to uw m the would i:d1·e dis<tindiou and allow witnessing a foot race. :C:el'eral out of town Yisitors were old Jays ••f it, rontli. In fact se\'e.ral. pri\'ileirts. P. To s11m up, making the team in e1·id,•11ce. All were eongenial wlten it O<'l'1tpiP!I M1~ same room + + + + mPR11i< plenty of J?OOd hard work. seeme<l to en,joy themSj?IYes for a while with the exe.:11ti1·e means the snerifice of m-0mentary immense!)•. force nf 1l,,, attcn,lanee .... mmittec. pleasures, means makin!! a man The girls departed, in the ir I ma)" 8a)" that we wci·e very ____ of yon Yon deYelop a so11n<1.decoJ·ati,·e S<"heine. quite widely close togethcr.-nnd generally on .U this tiwe of vear t•he interesL dean bod~•. a kern nlert mind: from U,e nS11Rl,lispla)· , of pennants friendly terms. Dnring !he past of Vbe college vo;ith is turn~cl to J·ou learn to fontrol your a,ppe• and buntin1'.(. .\ large "Blue T" two )'('ar., of ,er1-icl.' at :lfanila, I an important imrnc.·h of college tites. Yo\1 Merifke the flreting 5111 romi<l<'d hy e'ectric lights have £rripirntly seen Fre<l Jenson. acti,·ities that of track ulhletics . pleasures of pM;try and long was pluc·ed on the south cud of the who is still :n th'<' islnuds nnd has In the he ;;~t ·011 t.h~ bleaclters moonli!!'ht slr-olls with "her." fnr h:ill. Lon-I! lin,-s !•f hluc and won his way w..-11np nmvng the and watched. the football team, st,ron~. eli>M1mnn·l1ood. wh -ite wel'e ,c!rim!!' .icros, the ceilhigh plaet>;; nf lr~t )IL r.. ifer- trot across the field. In tbe win+ + + + \ ing. When other lig;ht:; were rill is in ot.arire of the experi- tcr. he sat in the "gy111" and "T" gave a m.v~tical effect. ment. station not far norl h of wawh,ed the bnsketb!ill team keep The special feature was the inManila Allr<'d is also doin!! very the slate clean. But now in tlhe ---tl'Oduction of tlhe "Barn Dance." ,veil an<l plea-s(l(l with the i~lan_di>.spriug b.e has a chance to try ont Pi of. '11lm.tch<1r ·s rendition of Daiujy little maidens sen•ed Beck an<l Hoffman 11re teachrng' for the track and baseball team. 11hrr~ Yooal s<>leetions from Sehn- pnn<ih, to the thirsty dancers. in the mamial t1·aining S<iho_ols 'l'ryin!'! out for the tra"k team lied. W ~dne,,--day morning w~re Taking it all iu all. il ,ms 8 jolJy south of Lu1.on. S,, y ·in ~an im- i,; unt all ,ioy. .\s soon as the sun well ree_e1ved by. the st11dmts. all'air. The !!iris are to be conagine th nt we have qui 1e an.\. C. ereates a few dry spots. the coach :l[rs. LrnoaTtz will foHow th ese !!r11tnlat~d on their suc<'ess. colony here and 'l'e have occa- gets ~"' mrn out. to w<trk thi"m in the near future witli a few 1· + + + + sional ,·hances to talk o,·er old into shape . 'I'wo or three weeks more f rom t'-..e same compos=, a~ Th C U E bl times. nre spent by the men, cl11d in airy \\'e a1·e to be fa1•01ed by the I e O ege m em. I am ~endinf? .,·ou n. nro!!l'am · a recog. " •·. . of !?arments. trying to dodJ?e mud ore h~"" ~..,,,ra nex t "e d nes d ny. 'I'h'is I ·1·1ie 1:0 Uege em bl cm 1s our athletic meet, wl11el1 will !!!YI.' lmloo nnd snow drifts. and inci- urgani1.ntion is becomin!? very nit ion uf l11egood Wt>Ik done by ~-ou 11n ir~~a of wha_l we are d·•!nir rlcnti1lly. trying to ke~p warm. proficirnt and its appearance will indil'iduals for tbe s<1hoolwithout Ill tl11.c,lrn e "HI\ 111 tlif fropw.s. Thi!< is whnt is called i!etlin!? into he hnilrd with clelig-hl. ,·,·edit. P l;n,e kt. Prof. .\rnoltl han conclition. The b:ind is worldu.!! hard now In o:·<ler to make this embl<'m the. 'po~m ·• on ,ruwe . l In.1. tt· l concet ...•· 1ru1·ti , even tl re wearing, · tlte mun. ... ~ ]06.-tlicre ,\.Her a t·.,me tire cJaq, aet war- upon t I1P lon!? cc 1 llllf?hl · · · · · , .he a wor<l . or twn. nf 111,,rnm! tlic mu<1 hoks• "dry np. From preseut md1ca.herns it· w1·11 l1er of rec1p1en1s must b e \'ery 'Spanish. ns she . is •poken' that '!'hen . · · 1·1mllet · 1. \\'b o won lo h onor an<l t 1·nck work becomes more be eq11a1 to, or surpass. any s1m1would . · an em)11em 'fI R II t l 1c luwn .. mterest . .his class. pleasant. You ferl like getting 11 nr progrnm gn· cu ·m pa:.t ye1n-s. prize . " Auld L IUlg ·"'Jnc ,. " 1s · p11b1·1sh- · • spon,-' " wore 1·t•, lt , "1th hf's! 1nshrs , for a llap"'V •·· on1 on lhe trnc,k and woi-loul? s11<mId ~ew Y'enr 10 th e 1 • A,_ r.. peopl<' har,l to make the tf'am. You;· ed int.his iS< re'luest of tl,e repre.<<tmt i; clefiui1e. m l!enern I. I am v<>rv · Id .'' ,_en "01· •u ou t of' $CI100I ·t • l'ssmcerelv.• muscles :ire not a~ s11ff aud sore d epnr tmC'ut . ,., ,·•:.<':Y s t nd ent sJ10a 1 s h 011ld ITE:-..'R'. D. ~TYER, nriw, and it rPally becomes a looTn the st1rr1Dg old Scotch md1cate m n roo<lest way, to for)laJor 29th Infantry. pka~nre to ron. You [?et out and wM·ds. Even if lie ean 't sing, it I mer students and other, what one + + +" + ,, I rnn the h&lf mile in 2 minutPs. or is wcU worlJt having aq a bit 0£ has done in_ the school. 1f not The College Letter. n,equarter in 59 seconds, and mental baggage. p~anent 1t meaus _ab®lnt1:l.1 Should a eertnin stv!P of an rPallv· commence to think that + + + + nothmg to any one uul1! explam" ,\" he cs!ahlisl,ed ro;:ill thr ac- 1perh~ps you may d<?Yelnpinto a "The American Citizen" will ed by the bearer. B. tivitirs in the ~l,oolt In grant- good track man, if you Lry "real probably be put on A,pril 2nd. + + + + inl? t'he coll<'l?e ", \ " for tl1e dif - hard." + + + + All the baseball $ filled f erent activities is it right that Sucldeul)' you look nr01md, a.f- Proi. Spieker and the college every afternoon and some very ell should b~ !riven the same style ter you bave nearly run your legs orchestra are working bard in promising new- m-0terial has preof " A"; mnking no (l~stinr.- into a pair of wings, and see the prepara.Jtion for the ".American sented itself this year. The t ion exeept in the size t 'flbose other fellow. Re is with yolll' Citizen." ontlook is for a strong team. a..::tt, 1tl· ut't! UUil'Ulc


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happens to tw h~autif11ll.•· l.a,;o Fral. I,._, llwu hulf uf illush-a1r.J i!. 1111s:1fe iu flu.1ir •,Ill' 1_11,ndlf'r~hip Hth•d OU :I j'l'tJi.Jfhn·. IWuu1 ~-;:'t, I bitlld& 1~.... t thf',\. ,·ul the- p1dur, .....pu:--1flhH or ntnl 1•orw1~r11 n, fl Dentist 0 1'1\1''Jlll'lw;• ,·or...,·n 111,Keo 111.1\Ni,., • - so.~, 1•· tJw JHt"cl:-,1U1· wn~ 1.l1• 011 1 nnt1 d~-s1ro.,·it.Hv 11t, 1e• I 1.:5\'!)HTJI ~L\I\. SI'. LIIIJAN + + + + ft'aterl. I. lhi, rid,t ! TRYING TO DISTINGUISH LEISURE. I lf r1>11 dHII 'I ftl\'111'I ht' fH'upusiL,11sl l•"nduy U1e Colle~e stud'. _ ,. [ lmn vole ~n For ll'Oudur..-,,. • :"!Uk~I J Durm-1..rJ,1s r£>:ulin!! of ..1f's • _ . Not,, ,•ailed 111nc·~ti11g au<l or"ILU· I .. 1 k p f dun t he 11ulif1Pl'o•11t. Ila•·•· wine- 1 0 11 1 .. • tr • ~ l :-.t"I.l ~' ,'ti~ \\"N_• ' l'll. thin:! to !',::I\', :111J t1wn ~(I. ii JZ<'UJI d,lutlu~ leag11<. Ju the I (' lark said that thr irrrut qm~tion . .' > I . _ ,·1tlu.),rrn U1:--<•11s.,io11 . or ln· lwll,_1{ sdwul sornctluu,!! we h:ne long '.'·itl1 Hf.islwultl h{\ ·•nnw :ll'" we . • · • IDEAL SHOULDER . , . • . If n111 d1111 t 1111<l1·1'-l1111tl wlrn1 ., U+.!<•tl1:d.'tl10 rue-t:tmg was str1l 1t.. ~pl'lldllll! n~u· le~surca-?, That m g,,i~i~ on, ...\:,;J(. BRACE l,y eoU, ge,,' uo .. p1-eps' • l.,.,•i11gsome ca~e:-.IS-~s nnpnrtant as how By nil m,!:111s gt!. iu Jiwl ant1 THIS IS "IT" alluwi:d. '!'his of course ,u•on,ed w~ ,rnr~. E'.-p? . stnd •'~\ !in, pn.,h , \"( •Tt:. \"t>TE, 1\'0TE: Lite-••prc.p~" nnd Solur<l~y they son,e le1sun·; 1I JS ,mpossib e to G also cnlletl a secret meeting nt w<>rk all 1h" tim~ It may he + + + + · whid, cnllef!e stndl·nt.. we,·,, un- wh,'n he t nrn, . lo lois ra,-oritP The ,11;:~c,tmu oou~crniug a ahlo, l" gnin admh,,ion. hohhy or otherwise . hut thr r1ne,-I' for ":'\cw !look~ .. in the , . lion is on important nnc , nnrl lih1·~r1· b 11wci\'i11aCuJisidemtiun PREVENTS AND '.' •· ,ht u«t u11eud .t,ere lo worthv of your il<'<'pest con~1der·. ~ • . pres,; 0111opinion of this division ation.· mid will probably he c;irroed mt,, STRAIGHTENS hut rut>reh• to sa1· that there are + • + + ,.ff,,ct. n•h~t1 llllr th xt loL of 11''" ROUND SHOULDERS tw<• ~o<•tl·bides ·to llic question. books ari-ive. M,•nnwhile th~ a_tPRICE $1.00 .. Jt is oow wdl worth a cao·~ful l•.•utio. n of ,t11d".11L,an.d Cilher, '.' ONLY AT, ,lehberute diS<'ussion. We hope 1••a~led to _the. l,~t nf new 11•·•1111bowHer, thnt the r.olfogo Rtudcn(~ • _,,,ons whic~, ,, ulwny~ ~t'pt il<\llt• ·11 b . ne in the m·itter and e<l on the hbNllj' bulletm board ._ ____________ _ 1 wo c sa ' · Wake 11p! \\'ilk<' npl \"e're • that tbe ''preps" ,~ill do nothi~g Bil he1·e. Uet iu line. au,! tlt11t won Id be detr1m 1'1Jlal or UlOfwilh LJmbitiu,1. "r,in ttnd let jurious to the institution. tin,." Do uot merely ,~em to be, COUl>IC, in the J?fC/lter pArt of the hut BE. Call at Charles McNeil's Store and get your Fancy and Staple inslitntion~ of our lnn<l, there is Groceries; also the Best Outs of Beef, Veal, Pork and Lamb, Htudentcs ()f snclt institutions as a ,!istio~lion'r', nnd justly so; tn.1· ,le ('oth-i!'(' IJl.'11• "1'1•· )j ldr' f> ,tWI!' · ours ar1.1 coutedtd to be the cr,·am ('1111 l' l'p qu FJtlu PJ1 '"" :J'.JI JJ.i.•11, I~ fndq1rt1>frnl but here we hnY~ onr own condinf lh~ lan<I. let·, hnw the g:une CHARLES McNEIL, Proprietor. tions to contend with and they as w~ll as the unme. You ask The ClOElt•:"lt StorP to th • l,, tr art' 1lilf~r~nt from lhMe of most 1 '' how ' " JI l'l'e is the kl•y tn Ihe I ~::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::~ <1thersehonls. seercl--hced H ,di ye members of HEADQUARTERS .\ t ony rate. tbe move for more the Student Bo<ly-awnke from FOR d<'balinl? in the schMI is excel- yon,- ~1u1111rt Be loyHl l gtand font. Tt is somethin:i: we l111vefor the ri!?'hl and u~o tour fra11SPORTING Jon!r foll the need <111(1 ehi,e, ere it ;, t,aken from yon. Nu Orlnl IJ" 11lnWJl1!,1u111 Ct'lll••j;!l' Ddlt'l'I')

1.. m;tdf'


Dr.I. S. Smith


!-i1m1,·01 L.1fr







I RiterBros.Drug Co.

mix; ,--N-Q--T-,-C--E--T--0--C--L-O--S~-E--B--LJ-Y--E-R 4

City Drug Co.


tbin!r whfoh ,.-e must haYP..


There iR a sentiment in sehc>ol fo




•U• rr,;1.111~

SpringOxfords Now Ready

Even the gods, if free to choose, Exchange their own for Thatcher's shoes


STUDENT LIFE Published Weekly by Students of th e U. A. C. YO.LUMB YJ/.


FINALEXAMINATIONS In a reeent editorial in Stud• entLife it was ijUg.gested thO'ltll.U

students "A" in emr,t



grade of

class work should be ex-


fi:na] e:iN1.mi1111tions.






Due to a J11ekof spaee we .ha.¥,e 1'$l:rai1rnd, thus Jar, from eomc

Should , uld ... qu,intan<o'o<lo,;ct. <><•-«bro"ib! "' miod? Sh.,.ld ,old acquoira.. ~ b. f0<~1. And day, of ou!d Jons >y<1<i

!ll€Dti.ii-g upon !·be manr

F«ouldl.,,g,yno,mydea,,F 0,,uldl""ll'Y""


We'll talc• cun ~ o' lmd,nes, >•~For ouldI,.•=••,-

(•hie ~

w. ,w,hOenin ,_i-,, the1,.,,.., ond pu".!,he 80,,, .. We've w,



whi«h (!Orne to e••,,•e -= ,


" W">th .,m· ., y

• cont<"lllporaries, howe1·er, tb-~t we welcome and enjoy eaoh one. It is fhrougl1 these exchanges


,uony • ,.,-co'<yfoo, Sin' ouldland,ync.

'llhis tmggestion is worthy of seriWe two hOo,ponod ;• the bum, F,oe momQI' ,un till dine, k f d · h ,,,.,deration, and a few 1•,e r:iow o the (11ngs in ot er .,.,,. ~~ Bot ""' 1,e.,wero ""br•id ho"e ,,..«J Sio' ooldJ""8 oyno. th'ongbts on the subjeet msy not BC!hools. be ont o:£ <1rder. And h.. O, • hood, my 1rm-tyJ,;,,,', And~·• a hood o' thine: }\JTI()ng tJie most. interwting Be.t"ause Amerie11n schools have We'll tu' • ••P •· kmd.n... Y"'- Fo, ••l d ,1""11'YI"'• 1\-klies · we receh-e are: been sliow in getting away froml L---------------------------' "The Gbronicle," Utah'~ liv,e old forms. they have held t.o ming" bdore examinations secure niou and Beck, iIL their raukE, collegiate weekly, a worthy rep. final e:i::ll'lllinations as a sort of a passing grade. '!'his practise they l1ave a gt'!!at advantage. resentative of our SQlte Univer:oe.iemary evil. It is safe to state pre1·enu, a uormal developmerlt • + • • sity. '11he "0. A.. C. .B11rometer" tllmt at the present time the ma- of the studwts' mental pi;i;wers. J\fiw JOS{!.phine West retnroed from the Oregon A. C.; "Tfill ;jority of teaehers as well 11.11stu<lFinal examinations are un- to sdhool "WedneSOay after a two Round Up," New Mexico Agrients believe that better means necessary. T·he teaC'her has suf- weeks' v'isit in Ogden. cultural Oollege; "Tlhe ]. S. C. ma.y 11){:employOO, in aeeomplish- ficient opportunity to judge the + • • • Student." Iowa State Co]lege at ing tbe same end. .student's ability and hil; know]- CLASS CHAMPION~ Am-es, and "Goodwin's Weekly," Examinations are eupposed to edge of tlie subject iu d~ss work. SHIP DEBATE Salt Lake Cit,_vi. indicate the students' k-nowledge It is true that some students are Our montihly 1·isil-0rs are: 1' T,he of the -work he has been <nven. shy and do not respoud readily O. A. C. Review," Ontai·io A·g . .,. Seiiiors vs Sophomores Today in W:hen they are gh-en freqnenUy with oral answers, and often College, a paper all "Aggie" Chapel. r d h aa writing tests t,hls rerult is ob- am-ong this cliass are ou.n t o students sliould read; "'!'he We.shined, a,i they may then cover who pass the best eX11minations. In c'bapel to-OJ!y the last de- leyan," Wesleyan Female Coll~e, eomewhat fully tlie range of U freq1ient written tests arti g:iven l>afo of tlhie int&cl11S$ series will Mlle.on, Ga., hig.hlty, interesting; work, ,lll]d wildl be given when the no injustice will be done these take vlace .imi then the ehampion- '''J'he Crimson," Logan B. Y. C.; 8ll'bjeeta given are fresh in the students. In the case of leeture ship wilh belong either to the "White and Blue," B. Y. U., at minda of both teacl111r and shid- eoursee it may seem necessary to nol.ile Seniors 01· t'be aspiring Pro1·0; ''.A.11gnstana Qb.<rerver,·• ent. But examinations given at giv~ e:rnmioations, but their plsee Sophomores. Eac·h of these classes Roel!' lslnnd, Ill.; '''l'he'' the end of the term fail in their may 'be taken to adl'antage by came out of the se-l'ies witil a clear Oniversity of, ''The plll'pOBe for a mnnber ;,f rtwions wTitten an<l oral reports and ire- reoord and they meet eacl.1 other Blnck and Red." \Vdertown •, At tbe end of the term it is im- quent short test,;. to decide tb"e final quei;tion: Re- \\'is,; "College Ol1ips." D0001'11,h, ix-ible to give questions eo,•erThis idea is not new, the plan soh-ed, tihat tili,e,policy of the last To"ITTI; "Red And B!Acl;:," Salt ing the con.rse, whicl1 may be an- is in successful op(lration in a ad,ministrn-tion for the enlu.rge- Lak e City: "The Blue and tM ewered st one sitt;ng. If ti;e number of our lending schools. ment of the navy !!1!01tld'be eai•- Grey," Baltimore. JH. D.; "'l'he questions do not cover Ilic work ;\t the higli •ehool attended by ried out. Phoenix ," · Tarkio , .illo.; "'!'he Mmplrtely an element of ch11.11eethe ,,..ritci:, o;e,·eral years ago the The Seniors will 00 repreBwted Alwmms." AJn;J,8-, Ion-a ; "The must enter and fairn..;.s becomes plan was instit11teil and has- pro,,- by Beunion and Fleming and the Rocky ],fountain Collegian," diffltr11lt. ed. entire!)· satiS'l'.a.ctory. 'l'here "Soph;;" by D. E. Robinoon and Fort CoHina, Colo.; uThe WhitThM the rcs11lt of fhe- exam in- are II number of modification.<; of B. R. Brown. wortlJ Clionian," Brookfo1veri, ation depend& np<1n t1m mental tbe plan, fitting different condiNever iu the ]ii.story of ou1· J\Uss.; "'l'he Portal," Logan, and physical condition of the tions but all embod,'i' the general scl1ool lhas so muC:b interest been Utal1; "The Nugget." Baker City, student lf a st11dent happe.n,s to idea, find tt>nd t-0 remove from shown in debating m; t,hfa Oregon; ''The Utah Eagle ,'' Ogfeel nei:,vous or ill his work shows 011r school life it-,; ~entest bug and- we hope it will continue to den, Utah, "'llhe Megaphone , " op 00 11.disad-vantage. The strain bear~final examin,ition~. B. grow. Din-enport, Wssh.: "Stnden-t of "examinstiOn wee-k" brin~ • + • + To. de.feating Provo we pnt our- R-a.ys," ReXJburg, Idaho. awi about this very condition with COLLEGE STAND oolves mighty near !Jbe loo.gue "Liahona." lndee)letldence, Uo. most &tndenta. Many stud,·nh Student-s shoes i:cl.linedright st ehampionsh;p. With Stevens, • • • • have failed. in I.heir year's woTk "Harry's" &,11.Ild,on north main, Carroll a.ndi Lloyd behind the John Stevens, formerly of oil.I' because ~ir he11lth 1111sfailed; to tme TTsnsen Con,footionary. guns iill the U. A. C.-B. Y. C. de- Agricultural Department, bntnow tbem at the olo~e of the year • + + • bate we are a}IllQ!Jt certoiu of in the government service , was o. tbronll"h worrying about examinThe in.ter-elllss meet will winnin,g, Md tlheu we shall be at vi!li.tor hel'C dui:,ing the euly •tions. oecu.r J\flareh 12. Get yOUT t'he top. 'Jlheoo class debates p,irt of t,ie week. John is on hl11 Examinations are o!te-n t'he men out on the track, cl11S$1!,and brotl{l''b.t out 80me promisin-g ma- way t,o Moore, M1:>ntana,where he eense of nel!lect of clas., work. to win. The seniors terio.:l =d our debating future ia .worlcing 4lt some Dry Fami ExStudente alig,bt their cla~ work. ,probably have the best rel6y looks bright. Let's o.11 put. our perimenta] W()rk. Another of onr feelin g 111111. t they may py "c r am- tee.m. With :Evans, 0a1'1'oll, Ben- tihould,ere t.o tlhll w.hool•. students in. thle t.op row! 00



i l ',




"AN AMERICAN CITIZEN" 1:Aery :--arurdu~• mornm,; al The uaseball schedule. is a.11 fulApril 2nd b.:W 11>ur ,;. · 1•~ 1m•u1her., ,,f the lows, ,•la,.. ,., E,n.,-11,11~<Ven ha,·e lhe April 1-L. D.S. U. vs. U. of U.

Ry U. A. C. Studen~ And 3rd.

'f1lu.,OollegP D:ll1llntie stud<<nts ti> app"1\r t.lus _voor on, April 2nd and 31,d in U,e firi.1.mode1'll ,.

~- ->




~"'Y e-,•er attem.p...,.. at .,,;..s msl•('i•·z~ " tu 'ion "An •--i·•n 1 1;




This- J)l'Omisrs to be one


of the

best, evell'k, <J-fthe kind •"•el)·, tak-

en up hr loclll. students-. Drom,atic,, at imrtitutie1n !have :i,lway,, bet-)]·nf the bt-;rt and we iliaYe mwa,,·~ !'\lceived higll oomme:ndation for -011r results. Thi~ J'<>1w"Rabett.c" pro-ved fhM the. stud('-01.$ are a~ much n« e,·er capable <Yi bi{? thin~. "An

.A:mei-i~n Oitizen"


furtlte-r proo~ of tltit, st:.teme,:it. Dramatics, like evacy.ttling, must 'b,av,e :, bijginning: and then grow in Qrd,;r IQ amount to anything

great. 'lllle m.omiw1:s of the •·Mt, &lurteen in num:ber. have boon workiog ha-rd .for woo1"', and Miss RUDmm.,-m feels tlbat by the fl.rst of .April a. perteet presentation can be given. 'l'l)e winpany may

go to P.t:~n

on the

2911, of





In sueh a spring-like way t" •

ALUMNI GREETINGS April 9-D. Y. U, ,.,._U. of U .• J,.,J,.,tiug . Tv rhc gr,•al MU'(lris,• at Provo. lh I\ sulisianti11l in~i-enso in hie or tl1e" hon<•:Nl'lileju~h1;t·s' 'nn,J tiht ~\pril 10-A. C. vs. B. Y. c., at .,,,1a·ry r.rr. M. G )lerrill 'C6 wa.e felluw ,htdent, some excellcm ind11c1·dt-0 r<J4.'0ll~i,i, resib'll&• Logan. 1·tc>suhsha.\\• l, :tl'cflmt•li~bed. of the Ba,. .\pril 15.-B. Y. U. vs. B. Y. O., iiou as s11p<•riut,•11<l•'nt nnd J'r<•f. J..,a.JM"nur4!'1·s t,hnt tht· at Pro,·o. ~io Experiment Sl;tfion, BeDr ~lud,•nh ,,till 0.,,11111111w ii, this A-pril 16.-L. D. S. U. ,-s. B. Y. gu,?t, !'. L. llllll remniu in tlle serwork. 'J'l,e ,.,,,·ukt>r, :11·eeH"h lT,,·ice or Lhe U. S . goverrunC'Dt £or C'.. at Halt Lake. tr,ded 10 m1 eil('bt minute talk Tlus April 17-0. of U. vs. B. Y. 0. at le.1st auot,1,er year. and tlt('_,-bn.-,. a fow minui,.,, for at Salt Lake. meaus pobi,pOnin!! his trip chance


swili line,, aa, "My aunt! my poor deluded &11lltl Her hair is almo!<t gray; Why will 6be train that wint,er

of ;,:,lwwins, 1.lwir :1bility at

relrntt-111, 'JIJu-~ of tJ,e ,tudt>n·t-

A1>ril 22--L. D. S. U. vs. A. C., at Salt Lake. jndg,.~. .\ lthoutd, we ha-,•e met A-pril 23.-U. of U. vs. A. C.. at just 1vitl1 niauy disapp,,iutmcnts "lilt L,ke. at the last moment. feel that .Ap~il 24-B. Y. U. vs. .A. C. U . ,lrP appt>iJHPd encl, tiu,~ to 11ct n»


tlLe d.-hntes are snrce,;,.l'nl and that much benefit "ill he derived from thorn. ,\mon,g tile question~ a.Jread)' del1ut.e-d.aTe ~b, 1,roltibition qur,1,io 11• e<ptal waj?es for men and women, and, on,. of the be:.1. re;;ol;,·ed. tJh<1tseeret ~ooieties in public high schools "bould be aboli»h~ -R.





DEBATING 'I'he eft'orts


at Provo . .Aipril 2-l-U.

or U.• at Salt Lake. M11y 1-U.

u. vs.

L. D.

s. Palace Barber Shop

of U. ve. B. Y. U., at

Salt Lab.

11\ly l-B. Lo~


Moy 14-A. are being Lu!!:tn.

Mn)' 15-B. made to promnte inlet-e!!t in deot J,ogan. bating in, this institution. are c01nMhy 21-B. mendablc. but tbe attempt to at Logan,

Carlillle II; Peery Daths

Y. 0. vs. A. C., at

i-B. Y. C. vs. L. D. s. u..

al Logan. .May (!-A.

around the w1;1rM, and his studie,; iu CornelJ. Jlowevcr, !his public re,•ognition o! his merits re/led.~ cr~<lit ou t1he Alumni .A• 1;0tialion nnd the U. A C'.

77 West Center

----------J O H N THOMAS

Gent's Suits made to order in C. v~. r,, D. S. U., at First Gloss Style. Cleaning an6 Repairini a Specialty.

C. ,•s. U.

at U. at 70 WEST. FIR:S~ NORTH ST.

Y. 0. vs. U. of U.,

Elite Barber Shop

Y. O. vs. U. of U.,

81udt-nh1 Roo,


keep the preparatory students if-By 22--A. C. ve. B. Y. U., at Dra.m11,tioClub Ma.rchout should ex.eit.e disgust in ev- Logan. Twenty-Seventb. ery fa,r winded pel'S(ID. It has May 29-B. Y. U. vs. L. D. S.U., Thi$ is th,i play which f,he uot been from llhe ranks of I be at Pro\'O.

By "U"


For Gooi.1 Work

A. C. Baker, Prop. OA&&M.ENT



-·----------G. & A. Gudmundson


+ • • + Univel'Sit.y of 1 rto:h wiU brio~ to Juniors and Seniors that most of Lo~M on M'.arch 27tll. It will the men who have represented us WllERE EVERYBODY EATS hn\'e bt-1'.ll gil'cu mnnv' time~ b,,._ in iutellectual eoutests have been ;\lls, Della ;\~orrell 's talk flnfo~ r.oming t-0 us ,md so. of d,·n wn, hut frum tlle Sophomore, course, we m<1yexnc·el ~omethiog 1-'rc..,Janen and Seeoud ye»r clru;s- i.shetl tllf• 11elicon 's stud)· of Long. Neatness very fini11hoo. Last y~r. in "You ~•. llr1ly two yeurs ago two meu follow llei• ef!'Pcti,·e summarr Cleanliness Nev~ Can Tell.'· ~he eomp,m)· ,,r \I 11<> tl"bate<l for us were of pre<·t-<ling dhet1ssions of thr ANO T8J•: pg-.-r "lJ" ,·tt1d~.llt" di,1 fir~t <·las.~worl< "preps." '!\hey won bheir 1,oet Pmr,ha,ized his position as )IAT£(U ,\ LS O_N And we e:q1e('t. nothm:r !,,"" thi.s pl:.ices LJ· J.efeatiug college men . ...;\mcl'W•l·~ lt•ading sing-err. T DE \(AftKt:,."1"' 1 1,-. Vl~ "'10Trf'l year. and bare ~inec be.come well k11ow11 \ t Ille conclus1on of 1hi,; par! Esp<>citt' l,v i,,1,-:,-,--.1in)!'t11 ns is iu <.lehnting circks of thib and of the program iJu<"y Armstrong George A. Hansen the fad thnt 1wu of our old uther sd10<>l6. ;\re we going lo ~ave n general outlin<> of s()<)iety, ~ SnrU1 !d 1lu !dudents , J\Tis~ T,o11 Roberts and keep this kind of 111~11iu the·k ,·,•rse. r hilt ple _11siog ,Lmin of ~nct-1 Wll.,tll'ill. ltl,c; J\Iiss Bs1hPr Christionsen, 11re uuhl the)' hne been at s.:hool ry denltug with tho half-<eriou.,, Cnt~rlnllf' 11 f)(,u.~aldn!! le,dinJ? r/\les io "The l,ha-.,., or. morll year11, or nre \\'<' hnlf-pla_dul n~[lect of lo,·e. s,._ 1~:::::::::::::::::::::: ::=: ('a.hi11,-t 'Mini.<"r-r" Prof Jlfuud l'"'"l: to be l),(l m1tl 1,.,,tions for:m ncrrick and Aldrich• llfoy R11,hl'<l1•k is ott,J of tlw b<>-1<1 ~i,·,.them ur1 011rorl11uit; to train \\'<•re !!'i,·•·n by w:1y or illnsll~lt i,111. '!'his il1l-r11dut>ed the especial d'l'amJJtic cone.h,s i11 tl,e land. and t h,·ms,•lv•·s in debnting w01 k. so ,:ho as~ur<'~~ns of II good p¢l'for- th11t wheu bhey heeome Sopho- dhisiou of the f>l'OgTam, tlll' soKitchen mancc. A . (" students will tlo all lll01'1'S 01· .Juoinr,; lhey will be eiety ,•er,,e of Holm(>.,_ •·Our 1 in their p<1wer to mal<e this affair ,,ire winncrS in i.111• iule1•,·,>IJ1,~1-Ynnk.(\~ Oit:lF-., "The Dj!cmmo "I "My o\nnt" wer~ Jriren h:,, Jnhn n !IU.CC~SS and we are now awnit- ute ~ontflSl.,;' W'. :--Jia1•p. Who could not ~ympaing it amtionsly + + + + llot and Cold Drinks + + • + 'l'wo sttaknt:; wet"" reccmtly su- tbir.e wi~h one who must chooso Lee Cream & Sherbet.9 or '!lfiBS - N~n Nibley i• "'°journ;ng . sp<•nded for frequent nelfll"OI oC het,w,-E>n "'l'hc bril!'ltt hl~ck Sen,ed all Wioter in th.- varions islands of I.he Paci- their work. Se,ornl others were the mcltini: bhii," of a maideu'e 1pl need <>nrroh•t6on e~·es. C'ould nnyl)ne bil to enjoy fie, IT3 'l'{<i Sam<>• _ck.


Murdock's Candy

it be tk1t ~l,c "1 Jtbut pur,111;., PHOTOGRAPHS A START IN THE ,·an hu, CVII~-<.' "<1hu11l hit\ 11.g ~Ollie lii'e Bateson (~rocery RIGHT DIREC- l.:t-,11! 111111.iitwu 111·1,11s.?t.lw1lh111 him to lo .•,w tufi,c of lift•\ tHys~ Groceries and TION t,·1·1t•, I a1ttl 1;L c· n ,111, • Odell Photo Studio l~tu,J) the b:a11ties of :S:ntt11·1• "' M eats ~


Tl·~ I\.!.! 111 iuitiatr,·e tuk·u 1,y'uwcll 11pnn tic U1)•l••t11•, ui ,j t'f.c 1•olli,1,!1',t1a!cuts nf the l' .• \. ,~i1•111•~,or p1,11de1·•i\·••J' a IHiltht't t:. in o. :,::111i1.iu~ Jdiutiug clnbs. 111ut11·~1l n:l:11inu ,, itii.1111h,niug n11•111lw1,·hipin which ii, d,•ni•:<l " ubil·e (.n km,w 11101i.•! ttr 111·+! y u1-i: p14c:e 10 1r.idH Ii. Jnl'lt ~1111!,•111~nf the 111·e11111•u(,u·y th" stud"lll~ ~rn:ply 1ud1lfor,·ut • B• IIII J'UrlSt.11ln1t\bt'J1lnc._. , .. IIIPdf \'uu n111,k(! IUI 111hr g1•ad,·s, i" t1:rl ainl .\ lt> b,, com-, If ,o, let \h look i11l<11he Ji\',., of 1,1kr: lu •lulinR" whb 11--.. mt•nJe,J. 's11l that l bl' pl•'Jlllt·a- Ill,• 11wmh1·r, uf the .\lumni As~••· W I" ftt't' l1.11ow11 throlljtht111I t11ry ,,t,111,1 ,. am uuwekm11<! ,1!,ri11tion aud s,•,· ,,-~1<1IHw., Htll dofun·t ber u l't uh for r t"Ull\.oln 1 11 mrtthn.tnh"f' 1\, tt'l&!io1111h1t•·oll,·:.:•·11r that !lwir possihilitie, in~ and c11m11111·e1hdr p+isitillu prfrr-5 and IIP~II,•., of winoiug glnr,,- for witih Ihat of a l11li,u·,•r 11,wkin•.r "'"' ,~nrrv ,.,,-,,rJ1hl111,C In 11, 11r1•not :q ,pre,•in(<>d. bu t m or- \\ iUi a pi1·k ,11111 sho1·.-I I [11.,th,· Or,> u,,. ,d.. J111•l11,llni! t'dali. 011,I Df•'""t-, ~kfrt ... I" ,!er tlt;it I e ,·olh,l.!:e m11.1 111m·e on~ au.,· ,1uu1nt,i,zi- 111·,·1·the 11thPnillw.-ou fl.Jr l'Oll,•p "°'ti"' 1•;1e11rly fill the mca,n 1·e •>I' itsr er; -w-J,i,·h i~ dotn!! hi111sdf ,1n<l ,. "J""rlnh,, ,•:!'uH,,n, •11!'!1 11 r,·st1idio11 is d•·· maukiu,I th,· 11111,I~,.,,,1: .\n~we1· ,ira-loli>. .\ t n11wh • f th<>,1l11•se<tne,t iun, f,,r .,·.,111·"·1\·.,,11nd I 1mc of nil' ,:i11l, an<l profra,,n·s is h~- .,·om· ans,, •'t's lt-t lhe 1the .',Ju1u11i H1111r1:-.h .L<1g11 11's fl r ent Pst $to re. I ta.ken np lar!:!el,v in the r,111sitle1·11lion of n· 1tter,; entirely fori>i!!n ~+-:•❖•:•❖❖-:-+++++++++++++++::; I t,1 "1·nll~l.!:• '' work. Tr;te. in the



Howell-Cardon Ct

itt Money$ tO$ $ $ $ $



* *



GROCERIES Our delivery makes us as near to you as any other stor e. Try us.


t pnst nntl ,·,·en in the pr<w·nt ]1isurn f tnry of llw S<:hool 1hP Jllllldwr of $ $ $ t prrpnml~l)· ~t11denl,; far 1•,1·,•e,I,..


:j: rl1P nrnnber of eollr!!e ~tud ..111, iu 1 + attendance. Tit1t such a fn,,t :j: should not lilind one to Nii> pns:j: $ $ sib ilitirs of the future. The inDon't wor ry +:r. crr•asl'<l u11ml1er o[ hi!!h schools + JPYf'\l'Jl.\\"lt ;\10 S E\. .. T0B01l:':lt; about you r You ran expound your theory • 1t«1•l\ln1h•·hou. .... ,,.1 ..,.. 11 ... ..,, , .. n1ro\lghonl the stale wiH without :t: t, u ruto<I, ln-,t or ,uutt"u. hut Ir .)'llO w.u,t : dotlbt supply 11uliuiited 1111111hers I of I; ood Go\'ernment better if Wedding :t t n bt(t 1t ~,'!"ty WIJ1•rr il will ,""li, l p! + r I you are shod in a pair of our :;: bn rt-.rulyfor ~·onwlt~nnrt!<Jt•d,th~llfHclt + u sftlC'f nt--. prrpared t.o tnkt" up Presents • II 1'11h ..... , bunk 110,•ou,1t will"'''" :j: (•ollcgc \\ urk. 'fhrn the Churchill and Alden Shoes . ynu ,1 h"ll~r l,11111h1t!l!OI Mr1n1llng in 11,.. + -Then you will have no bitter l' Olll1l1U1Jlty .1ud h J•M'"•tl1u~ th1U mu + tt,..""fill in~ t' lntiou of hi.~.ber ed11urn,· llt"\·rr 1rn.,·..t:'nJQ.h•d lH'fOr-C". II caliuu mu~t be prepared to earcl felings ,because your temper + ,-,mr fHHnt· 1,,. not "'" n11r 11()Qk"', Wf' + won't be agrh,ated by a tight w lll ,)(! pilt"o4tt-l re) ... "' 11 1h1•t •· '""ro·rt• + fo1· their "-ants . T he l'ec1:-nt ne Th~t's what we ,n....~,.,...,.,a,·Ill!,• tion i,; th, · first in the coll ..;se to uncomfortable unstylish Last. -Our Churchill and Alden i draw n lin•e between colle!..'1)and are here for :t:•preparntor,v stndents in sehoo1 l-1\'e oll'e1·large Yarieties of these 'Shoe at $3.50 to $5.00 is the be~t mone~• cau buy. t n..thitic,. bnt its results ar-e in- goods from which to make a suit+ C\'itn•hle, It will 1)11,·ethe wa,· for• able selection for here you can get O Ogan, ta • :i, ,ithcr di,tL1elions of the s;ime or- gifts to suit anyhody. + • ••❖ · ~.•• +•I-❖❖❖❖ ++++•!• ❖❖❖++++ ❖ 1u~r. ·'· . t hl1 ++++-i ~ I'· u U f' W h.It:' h Wt·11 R~"'!-1-..t Cardon Jewelry Co. +mnm"'""'"""""""""''""'"rrmt❖ rolJeg-e in rnore 11e~rly accoltlplishL0(1AS c.-t'Aff LAUNDRY ~ in!! it, r,·al purpose. .And all INFORMATION 3 comhm~,1 will r11ise the colh•ge in 1,--------------------------lf you wis h to wear a clean THAT SWEETHEART 1 the uiind, nf others. will add dig· h1s t o , Yo u ld t beh i nd you WIii appr e cia te yo ur le tte r muc h ~hi t·t and Jta\'e th e work 3 _ ni' ,y. •:1n, I rn'I] , be at1 1mpP. - h' « more If the statio nery is rtr st class a nd up t o da te . That's th e done in Your home town ~ · tl!'liPr work. ,-,o we repent the kind you get at boost fo~ th e Ameri ca~ 3 n l i1111•11t a!l'ain thal it i5 a !'tart!' f Steam Lan ndry. in tl1e right direct.ion ao<l trust f One hal f of t he busines s that the !:!OOdwork may continne. 1.; Tf"esf Center Strl'et men will be i nteres te d in the C. THE PRESCRIPTION STORE $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $

+ i

t+ t


r .. \. c.








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Clothing Co.


g g

:~;et~ : !!~t: : :~1e': : d our pay-ro ll amounts to $600 per


,.. 1 I "STICKTO+ JT







Cache Valley Banking Co.

After I h<ereport of t he flo ,u·i~li- 1 'iug coudi t ion ~ tile Alu11111i1Jf the ( Iucorpora.t ed) port and help ns to make the A. C. l' .. as ~il'eu in Chap,·1, th\. I TITHING OFFICE CORNER, LOGAN pay r oll $1,000 per month T tholignl prt>seots it:;df, "Why in I , A GENERAL BANKil-lG BUSINESS TRANSACTED. Will y ou j oin th e boost ers f 'so manr ,\ ears , h:ive "e so few 1 fntettAt. nllll'f'~d ran Time- Cf'rtlllc•U~f-< of ~po8ltr.i SA \'I.SOS I)J,~GEO. ~ ;..~~UIRES gra<l tL8le.,,t'' Is it because our 1 .PO~lTS n"t'~h•td. In ,;uuouu111 ofOo~ oonnr .,,ulu11w11r,l11untt lnuteat "'"'h':'it;,.rri• "•· 16 ~ ., COUJses nre not popular! By, the pald ou ltAWt>, C,1111po1md.t1l Qmu·1crJy. E . P. Bm•oa C.,Tltcr ~t ' Stu1JenU11,,,111 dncl U ~n-.~nh.•nt a.nd "laft'" to ll'&V~ th,.Jr mout>y wl1li • O• o. I', T IIA<•hor Ph ••••: · · ] n mn ber of s t u dents enro Iled 1lJ l15 to b..•wlthclra.-.. u to • convtnl'11u~,.. i :~-TJ!~b•r }1:J'. ti: ~ the vu ri ons courses each year. +llMMMUMfUtttfUtff.UtUUUUUtlfw...l&i+ t bis fiwt s.eem~ improbalJh•. T'hen I __________ c_ALL ___ AN __D_S_EE ___ u_s_ .__________ month.




Will you giv~ us y our sup.


ij I

,.. L:

Cache Valley Mercantile Co.


We Have the Finest Line of 1 Oysters in the City.


Try Us

........Epicurean Cafe


~Ii» :I0.1rie Bu rber htts been ill

Rabe·s Photo Parlors

most ur thl' we,,k.

'\lt..•1 ll om,·r i;> impro,·i n:::-n 1·p• I i<ll., and w ill be nut of th,, l1<"· f .\ Tt l TC U I,,\ R 1 pitnl i11a ,l1t>rl tune. I

1:.. \ 111l11!--1r•-''





) 01




lJ R

l1 A 1 R

Don't Missthe Great Yellow CarnivalSale

1•h·1pel \\ edne,d3v


THE HUB lt~I!' T n ~ruat•hi

Splendid Barg ains in Fnrnishings , Hats, Shoes and C L 0 T H I N G

I ~,-o!<-' JH!t•t..-.a re vf•ry hri.2ht !or H wiuuin~ r itte 1emu.



st.ock jlld•ging.


$<-I ovl

~llJ)Jllit'ft , Dooki,, 1-11;\li(Ult!;r.)', Po ..t (:: ·l rd11

u r111b<Juvefllr.,. N't!llli Stort: ~n S th'lll M "\O,:} »uo-r.~11Ub t'r1Jm C'(mri lt~UU•t: "''

JOHS-"i ( IX-'- Pt.TFH !-'O ~ . l"r ,1111lt'l1•r,.. l'•.n~ t l-'hl- T Xvrah ~ 1..1('1''

II For

'!'lie 8oph~. t·epre~emrd by R<th• i11,on a11d n. Ht·own me•·l B ennion aud .l!'l,•111lt1g fOl' the !'le-niots in lh<' fi,1:11 , i11t,·1·-ocl11,,, J~h•t• tod11y




Good, Se,viceable, and Stylish Clothing, Shoe sand Hats at areasonable price, examine lhose at


ln! bad



b_,. wakhi11~ Dr. Rall 's st,iudard bre~d~ in ad ion wh<:ll hitchPd tc> that styl i,11 trap seen a·bout U,e 1•ollege these brib"11l ,mun~· d11ys '--------------------------'

67 N Main St.


A Sound BUSiileSS Creed

T he 111ag11ifk1mt 'O!l marble drinkini fountain ha., been erect,,J. in the main ha.JI and su1-rou11ded h~• a hig .hly pohshed brtt~, rail. 'l'he St'niot• •re 10 he eonl{•'at.ulate<l 11pon tl1eir mngunni

t&§@!ITl ~Il~~Il~®Illl




t'bft 1'$!e Oft\





Rt•U11blt"•b R('p.1lrJn~ 1.'ver)'lh1nsrin Watch('",;, (.UcM.<k!I,Jt>w('lrJ, ' Rth·('!'W,,l'e Qllll"i=C !'.olouvcnl~

C. M. WENDELBOE J.'>ifan . \. t,l11

Athletic Knit Good s

$200,000 for

the good, we sell y <lll even 111oreclo sely thau y on look

The best Knit Underwear at


TO AVOID THE UNRELIABLE . To se ll on l~· good s t hat w e can ha,•k with ou r wortl a11J our moue r


W~ shot1ld h:m, al l<>,i,t300 fc·l-

SO THERE IS A SAFETY ao,1 , ntisf action in buyin!!: at

lo\\s 011Ih-~·in,i fo1· lrnrk and lns~ln 11 ••vi:ry n fUrno011 in;-,,.tead

\ 11£50.


W nke up, fellows, get a l11k<> nn ho11r's

t r•~k suit aud Wt 1TI-.

L ogan.

that w e can keep alld h a vin g mnoc the m . lo kee p t hem 'll •I I costs , under all condi ti ons .


nl~•&cs of the soil at somotl :iog their true va lue. 1 like



wheu yo u buy. TO MAKE ONLY PROMISES

eomini? I wo y<"ars 'l'he gt.ate- of Ill inois esli·cmfi Dr 1T<1pkinsnnd hi< an-


145 N. Main,


·r1ie l"nive1sity of llli n<ii~ r1'N'tttl.1· reeeived. for soil invcsti!N\tion ,ilonc. an 11pf>1'<>p r i'1tion of

OpllfNI 0.-parlQMJlL ... In ~o-nwtltnl l<~frA •'ll•)nl•I

Ko-.\ l..;l N<•r111~I

and gr nerosilr ioward

WE BELIEVE THAT OUR past i, lo look to the boue,ty of

I institution.




0, 1e of the mo,t in l er••~ting J,s- 1

E·n:·ry1\un~ tu the. Un1' ~I


ll ot~I

Fl >R <:G OD :\IEAL~ . \:--1) C'HILI

la.e tak111ga<h·nnt,tge o f .th is nie•' Ispring ,n•ather to <lo outdoor

s.oms. iJJ s10t'.k judi:ring


ul t .:1;':'.1 LOOA S , l.' T AH

Johnson's Car Cafe

le-mu is lwin!t ,,hot off this weel<.

Students Headquarters


;•, >(1,::-& ~•• rth

'l 'O S'JTOt:xTi,,



E,·er-yh1>dy c-ome

We are the

~11 1i:1 L\L ltA'fE"'

I hl' s ~t•oud t 1·y -1rnt [o r the• rith~ l

'l'h~ ,\ nimnl l ht,h:,odi•\·

Now Goiuc On At



l'ruf. 'l'h,ltch"r t>lea,~d IlH· slnde111 ~ud_v by his ~in~ing at 1


UF.AJ >-

''1l "AR ' I E R~






1•,-+)ry nhth't, th<"'Ila h~ lh nntl

mh d<nl'll. It will mn<k,·• lwttn t·hinker nf >"011 311,cJ ~-ou mny hnvc ...r1,,r,'1 ot' ha.;;rhall abili f}' which you have no right to allow tn go 1mdewlopc-d.

Brothers •-......:;:::u ...


1'hc3 :ire

membe rs nf t he "Boos ti·r,i;. Chtb', nnd boost for,n nn.J t he \ . C. n.

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