Scaua 25p05s08 1909 05 28

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STUDENT LIFE Published Weekly by Students of the U. A. C. YOJ,U.11/:' 1•11.






. , l',,1/ B r.'l,' 34



1 I



~at tu-day Evi·niug, . . . . . . . . . . . . • . • . . . . . • . ~i:uior ~;x.t•rcb~~:, ,\lhL~ti,, m·e e-r1Hl11111ly coming ;':11111l:1~· ~lornin2: ........•............ Huer,ilurat,, l,;,,ri11on \\ it,li ;,u1· s,,nut ,·ot•al111hry it js to t!N! front , a~nu1. Tn1e Wt' . , , . • . . . . • . . . • • . . . . . . ••.. , l,J l/,-1,-111,I W, ({ Il:irris. d1tfo·11l1fur 11,, t,, ",'II"'"" 011,h1ll'e bc,•n r,n th., 1110,inl! ,id,', hll' ,\111,c hy, ................ .. ..... .•. 1-'i,·ld !Jar opini,,11 ,,r 1111, "Buu<·r.·• ;,;,,£we lun·e '"~t.11ck tu It" nut! """ .\l,.1irlaJ El'!'l1111;:, ..•.•.•.. , ... • , •.•...• \lunwi \led in,:, tii,c ii tu ,ay lh:,t ii is tb, ,:,rentci;t our 1,1ost1t.'l'b 111·._..urat111u'I~ Tu\. dny ................ ..... <lt·Hdualtu!! .Ex•~rt-isf ,.,,,.1(I i, illslituti<Jll lrns ,.\·er put br11rhtt"l1i11g. rn1c :,;,•or{'-.: Al'e h•:-I ..••.••...... ' .•.... •. ~\rltlt·Pss h) {;in,-, Sprr. ulll ,ltrd is oue gft Ul stt•p iu aJ1\';UH·•• for ,fournali:-111"' the lJ. A. corning ,mnl'••r nntl •Jcra,io11:dly: Tu,·-tlaJ Lr,•1Ji11e:. • .•••••.•..• \l1111111i B:1n,111e\:111dBall. theJ Hr<' will, 11,, I-'o,,th.111 ,t,irt-, ('. 'J lie .J,mior ,•Ia" is dl'S<'rnng ed "illi \l'f} lllighl [IM:i,~eli,, Jll1'·1,·t· ,-1111,•k,,11! lcu 1ue11 Th,;ITJ.e "Car<lou" 1111,,1111,-, ,twarded to!' all tt, .. prai-<> 11e l'lill sh011er 1Ye m,ulc· \'l'ry good ,,,on·, Ill our ,c111<' \\!Jnld h,l\~ l,,,<'n 0 -0 hy tlu• ('ardon .f(•w•·lrv l'o., \\et·cl"l'on t~1e•11J, fur the,,· h:tve workpreliiuin:11,1 1;.im,,., hut dne t, 111 ,t for 11 cu,q,I,· of r•rrtors, for a~ !?ht'll 1,, t 'arr<Jll. ,t 1••11linr,J ,1uil ,11•,•ollqili~h('(la .!r,•:it 11,, 1111 tlr~ ,ad M-dd ·nt in th,· miil,1',: ,,[ ,11uu ,i, the game , udc1l n ,h,ady I l.tu,1 t.l, "hu 1ld'1>,il,•rlthe B. Y. f' ,li·:il. tlw srns,,n fo 11 tkdl u,o\ n rain ,•om11'.c111:,·d.Our ~'"~:' h~<l medals a,u,r<lNl hr lJr. l{i,;i111;r11 ly lioulld .'md tilled "slumr,." In ha,1,,•tb:i'I \\''' .,lart- ,1 el"1111,(•111t.l.i~ n111lh 1nn1n11 loi l l11>111a, a11tl km,"11 a, t ,._. 11·,1h 111a1'r1111 !hat \nll eYe1· be ed th.:- "'PllSufl with (iHl.v ,,ne "~.:;-t~e• S\'or~, wlteu .""u a n1a1.1•·'rhu111,i,''. 111,•,l11 ls w,•r£• !!'hrn to,J1f,•asi11!!ln the '?"e or . (:\'e~y.J:l'.!r1 with lhL-.; in,llllt• peri,·11N•rl lllll!t, Tlte n·,t wer~ "" ,..~,•011,!arnl tl11rd 1ntl1 ,,uly ll. l·l. Hnh111•1m au<l Browu, t·b "'" 1•11111u•,•l1•1 "!!'rl't•n'' ~,. tht !!'nme. '" t,, spellk. oui> m;iu out ,Jolrn,1111"',tifl'ent·d'' ,·h:J1r1pinn inl"l'·<·los~ ,](')1:11,,,.,_ tion. '"~'h~ l~u,z!•r" can~e to ''.s 1 H11t 11)\f'ill"(lthe la,t of l'lH.•sPasi>n, 1tp, ,ti-nek 1,111oar nrnn, 1111dthe H, l,i1"1,n """ ubo :n\'llnfod ,, 11., ,1s our ftr,t ~·r11r !..wk, 1he deu.1thr te11111 h",l heen ~o shapeJ a11d next 111 :111 lo11li'k,·tl :i roller to ull1t·I fnr urnlciuz th~ 1111 ,st pro- c11tio11lo ,fri-imiah Sn11bo1·n, fh·st d(•,·~lvp<'d. thnl !lie_,. put 111'" fast thirt!, Ihm, puttin;r ,luwn the 1,\~t ,!to'ss in dehniin~ dm·iu;! the pa,t. 1,1-r-si,l,•11t nt' the I' .• \. r_;,.is mn•t ~11me. :-;1,:ttl f'nr we w:Jl hnve a mnn ill tlte Juter-,•ollr:!iate J•·ar. ti1tin)!: tLc spnee de,·ote,i to the lar~r ~rpuul to pick from and,,wc fril' )'101!. Harr); Sloney'sl •. .Aft,-r 1111 ,·xc,•l'r·nt farewell l"av11lty:s!10,1·sf,_hepl11ce thty hold lll)li1<'lhing i, ,1n·c t-0 come our work was l'lll•n•ly satisfaeloi-r to ,pce,•h h,· l'i·<·,iil<!ut Carroll, the 111ll.w m111d, 11[ ih,· ,tud,·nl~. and war. hoth teum,. s<-huol ~~~ 11 .. )lar\'lan,I ntul tlir·n t;ie in whi,·h tl.u student ,' :'lie s:1111_e may he ~Jicl n[ l1·a:•k • • • • ,uljounime,:I w,c;Lak!'n ll1ttil Sat. 1it'e is ha111lh-'.I,l111ws lhe hnrmony 1'h1s ,,ear, l<":nn with 1·e1v . . \\·hwh J>rt>rn11' • lll'uRI' \\' 1IPil ~,· 110<>1-ar, 1llp pins . an1ou"~ the ~tudex,!•'pti<JnS were nil new men. ,u,,.._.·awanled fhP l'nllowing- ><ix1r•nts of this sel1uol Tl1e Masts But they £:.I_Pl11rrrlone. dual mcet 1 ,;lurlenis h~- Di. 'J'homn.~. thry he- a11:l .ioke:; ai-e well :.;clede,~. and and tool; third 111 ti/{.'l-tal<>. ---,ll!.! ;?inn for th,, 1,,,st '!r:,dPs ob- ~p1C·1· a1ul tht> r•llh arP sn:111ficant 1 Pro111Lhly the ]u•,t. ,howin ... Las\ [,'rid-11,,·, in d1ap,il. the lm,l ta'netl b,i· these strid,•nt.,: Cari·oll. nf •·his y••:11··~ h;ippeninJ?s. ~rom the winn1:1g ,i,le 1>f :ithl('_l• 81111:Jmt H<><l)·l!l<·eting wa~ l·Pld W,o}Py .• \l~Jer, Barrows. ~!is, "'l'IK" l~11zzer" will nrnk with ir, wn, madr 111 ha~elm II. '' •' nnd n 1·011,inu: 1ime ,,-as liud. Fil :,t )l:1Jmi,L'! and .Miss I.Pe, I I,,, best nf ,,.,JI"!!~ ann11a1s!.!utt,•11 mana;!ed lo bcaL en·ry t~am in on ti,.• pr11gram ,ms the singin,!Z .\ftn this the old oflitei-s sleJ>- lip hy sehoob .,t' the ~i✓,e of ours, the l<ia!?ne an<l ,i,·rr~• te:iru hMJt of flf'idl.,hur'! hy tlw ,trnl••nt,. ,m<l in• nil alt' ,rotul uf it. rt· 1 . f 1wd dJ\\'IJ aml tlw n~w 00i1•ers u,;. Thell l'r11lowPd th!' nwan IJill-? o , will ofkn be st·1in11,•d hy us and _:,;'.,xi,.war with :\for21tn M CHJI• 1,·111-t.,> t , t t· . t I ,trppt·t.l lip. Pr<>s1d,·nt l, ?<>.n l made . ·11 11 1 • ~ ~ sn,.eu s . pnr l<'lpa mg:. i !,is , , ill!IH!!Ul'nl "ad1lres, and '""k JI \\'I l'\'{'I' re11a man,\' (I ea~llns tuin the r•l11t11q,ion,!.ip looks likL· most p1·r,1111111•ntly, 111f.tmlent ac,, . .. 'l'l I I ffi I rnt·111ories. 111 1 0 0 ours, 1ivi1i,,,. l'resid~nt Wiiltsne t1it.l1 " r,•ms .. '" ' eei-s 1:H·e .,lah• (his Y"'A1··s ,iuniol' r·lass . . . l1r•;•n ~nt•l"ZP-f1t• :ind havr done a ., Lookin~ back n,er tll-e year WI' t·h,. amll'Olll"' und the Enllnwm:.? rcN•i,·c :ill the t•rnlil due th~m 111•1,,!!•.tn l,e proiid l ~ "t! ;.:1·e11t work alld we hope tl1at the . . . hi\\ -• ni"ri~· 1 • ..·' C' !!"- t shh •·ut, were l 11e 11<111or"' . :ind may tlw ,•nmmg .11111101-s not of. F,,·ery rnau that playPd on, r,n,s: './"' om•s will I\~· as ~nc~e.~.,fnl, low,•,· the ~tauclard 1,f excellence 1 1101 1 th e toll1'!?e te,ulls "''' rt'speet. ln · Can,d, l'rr-~ideut of 8\mlPnl ~um·c so.. e tn e ,,.~ op- U1;1t lrns L~en !; 111ay1h~ "Buz. time. \'.Ill, our p1x,1,;11t pr,1spPels. Body. flOl'l!Jntly 1\rish l.bem aU th •· zr-r" eontilrne to be all that its stl( 1 fhe\' will he winner,. ~ow is th;, "'r,s name imr>lies,. a collecli<m of f.11e · Cardon, Editor of Rtudent Life. • +e. • • time fnr e-.·crJ'hod_,, I<, be plannin!! rloin!!'S of' an indn~trious studrnt ,. ii ours B,rnma11, ~l~r nf 'l'he1ttricals, 01·. Hnll ,rn<lProL :l£n1·i1J han· f or next year, t,, ma,-;.hndy. and may we always look to from the tim~ the fir,t whistle i~ :--:,~!ials, etc. ~old th e "cfope" an th o Expel'i- it as II menus of re~alling the 1 f a 11 111111 ·1 t.J,e With<ll', ~fa.1tJr of Gntl,,t Battal- 11H•11talFar111 in Utah C'o. The most pleas1111t clap of nur lifebl own ·in t-1e 1 ..,





! I








man is c:illed oul in the sprin!!'.


~h ..q,, ChPer :\faster.

B. Y. U. 1-U. A. C. 0, gra~lti,. Every hus,,ball ruan went inltl .\laa:,2er.



the lo~kel" rooms with "ha1·tl I.lo~ ,I, Editor r,f the B11zze1•. luck" on his lips la,t Rntur<lay. \Y. ~- Peter~•n, :lfann,ter of the We hat.I o chant'e to tie for first Bnzzer. pla<le, but our fate wa, not to he I •r. Thomas tlH'a awarded 80. 'I'he score ll"lls pretty "·ell 111t"<l,1l.s to the most prominent de. whet kiu<l Qf a !!1Jllle it was, li11t1•'J'!l of the year. Wltat l\l'e wllen only one ma11 p11.~~edov€'1' known as lhe ''Rtudent" home plate. It was a pitcher's mt>dals were giYen to Fonne$beck, battle from the start, with the Portel' and llfcOmie, who debated odds in fayor of lforg11n. Each witlt and won of'er the B. Y. U.

farn1 reHrlos to the Co., ..\os there w:i~ no waler. the Sttttiou found it, imposijible to du anythin!!, Jt,,u,-e the dispo~al.

our da~-s at. the U. A. C. • • • •

GPnr!!P. Hill. '08, who Juts been tear,binl? .\gric11ltm·c al the L. D. S. r. this yenr goes to the Ill'~. Maus n. Y. C. stndeuts are C'nh eJ"sity Ttext fall to do some 11,iuking of attending the A. C. 'T•C•!ial,rnrk in Ifortie11lturP. next year, the college course~ h.adug been removed from their The CoUJJly &boo] Graduating institution. We shall be glad to exercis~ will be held in tl,e U . .A. welcome them and we assure C. Audito1•ium tomorrow morning !hem that ODl)' the best of feel- .\.fter that they will adjourn to ings toll'ard them are entertained the B. Y. C. campus wbere they by llS. will hold their Field exercises. •


.,...... 'l,



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tuk,•nnntoJ FUTURE OF

,.t,ll, hut Ii,· has 11,\\ h,m-.(df .a wifr who a.:-.o uticllJI<'~"




•""' · Ji,JLU,,," "" I. lt 1111 STUDENT LIFE l><'ll•'<Il11<1\r•xl11,..,.la) iu th~ l;u, --gnu t, mplt> ,d,~n Prt,L SJ11"kl•r \\ hnt Ol't::11 t... prn,,.r Stu ... \\'O~ jomc,l 111 11rnrli,I1Z"£I l11 :\J;:-..s ,hut l,1r l'or- llt 'S.l , \rith f'll\·lis 'l\trntdll'r, si!-,11 I I ( i'r(,r th.:-, 111· II~' I tllt ·...c cr,t!1t1,iaQ11 Tim•, l,\·r n1111 Ollt" or l.Al_:!{ln· ..... r1ift:~h 1 th~ )•Ill' tn<l tJllt" C!C fo1re~t ,and rut,~.: ndmhcd ,k ll~h \t• It 1 11 rrt--~ft11 a 1·,.i,•h larg-

Fu·!IC1,,, 1YJ



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f"ur "•'I'll! ltl) ()IJ I I, ~ '1L 'I.Ir1111 1UM\ lni tu 1 11w111lhnutl :--111l t 1,1r1.:,iorn, IJ ., •. 1f' tl ..•~ r

1hr II n plti,l~auL Ji 11oc><t lrn1,r., if•·

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+ ~ PROF. JOHN T. CAINE, Ill •


•our I' I'll;, -.c~ \\ 1 h


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thnt. the ~enior

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~lud nts ond c, me

It · ,l'il Ir f ·elin~, 11111I••rliff,•rcrnt from 1hos,· hC' ha._ t·":p,•rit.'111·t'1l in


incA'tN~r'u ~1 11U •1t b ,tly,


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re ,·er; gMd tor

I•~uuicc ,Jacob~n, '08 bas ~(•vcn:d 1110lorg•st summer 8Chool, o.-cr in Ilic l1i~h1r1 of the ,;f•1ioo1 hPJ' l'.'omwctiuo with thu L , D. ~ l". n11,I u~~t ,·ear will go to tl11• ·r11,, ·••niqr,; wil IIJ>Jlt,lr in Rit•l!s .h·1ukrny ;,t Rexhnr,:, hl11. vnnil~nlle 1110I ,lrnmn tqmorrow

night m the ch11r~Iat S:30 p. n, Yon ~AD 't af-

0111·a,herlibeN we negfoct,d i11 ,\dmiflluu ill fr•~. thi~ j); nu nccount of U1~ pre:,.-. ford nol 1• 1 s~c it


we wi~h L,, support in tlie pa t .rndwish t,o ackuowl~,1~ that through th~ru. this sl1t,et has been kept alh·e. )foy they enjoy our futul'<' patroaage .1nd w,• their 11J\'erti•ing. llO\H'\"er,

tl,.111k u,eru for their


f\,J !.i:m? and <:",ty-our c,;,p; of 11,,, •prir1,; I, l<'rary of ~ludcnt l,ifo It contain.i .t0mo



nod ,·aluahle mnterial.

:-1mduy 111o r nm11 It will be ready

Cor ,li•trilmticin.

FACULTY DOINGS ~ !o 1•stul1lish conueetions with experi<'nee thut will later ,~onie in I SOMETHING th-, 111111111. ,\t the coneln.•i11n of hnno'l,,·. (01· she bu~ 1·epenlr.dly I DURING SUMMERtl,i" he prnposPs to Cl\l'l') 1,r1 :1 told that ,·he i~ !?"ing lo br GOOD FREE. 11s

J•tat'li,·"I 1lirli1lion with th<! "Gib- .,n111p,111,1·· -11 fm·111~r. It w:,s our intPt1lion lo se nd II sou ni,1.'' 8bc is ,1 pen•h -or .\ N11111111111i,·uti1111 was 1,1ct'ntly '1'11£>1'" ain'f no n,cmber of the reprl':;cntutiu;> <•f :-:w<lcnt l,ife 10 ra~h,·1, i, dr1'n111!';r, , illl' Prof. rl'cei\ecl, an<l as u rcs, 1it, ;\fr f·1c11lly th11t uin ·1 ,011u1 t,m~. dureach m"<'liil,er ,,f I he F.ienlty n nd l'ruf. ,\ ··uold 1111s lookqf oli' Ila ,·i~ ha., "~iµnetl up·' nml Pre in!! l,lu, pn'1 ::,·n ,·. h:111(1<·,1 )'OU a. learn of thrir doiugs ,lurin~ tlie lcinim1gly luwa1d J•:urope, all win- lhe npening of school in ~~pt. 1111111'11 lh:1t conlcl ha1·,J'y pasi summer, hut press ,,f t 1111 e has ll·"· Hui I he dire news re 1<,!11,<f will 1..,rnme printte s~,.. rt ary f, your '"""fllrni;ns. :\ow ,Jon 't prQ\'<'JJl••dtl. ~o th •J m,, ..,s.iry in- him 1111•,,th,•r ,lay that l,i, fn- ·',1i1111 • llill. ,le 1•nilruu,1 !!ny. .\'"ii w:1111 Iv g,-e that same dignj. larm1tt11m 1:ns ,•ome to lu111doth- l11<111s Pttl,· ~wectheart Ill ,,111n1· ~"""' J•eople 1lo 111111>11 ~P\'l"l'al t ,1-., b1111l,·dA li>111011 the size of erwi><•, Fillcip!ll)· Yia t!i(' piJJ"I [t,o!,· 1:,d !,r,•,m11•1111lrne I hiu;, o!u liltlr·. a.t1d some anlo. Ru- " ,,n·r 1IPH•lorwt! n,tl'il'l.1 aggT rout... 1111,J·l1;1,] n,arried an Fndish ,1,,1,•1,is (lU(' of 11i., laltr,· \\'ilh If J••tJ <1011·1 ymt ,1rn't one of the l>r. Hall lo',H'Ps i111111rdia[,ly at l>itke ,-•., Ille Pl'of. is ~0•11~ t11 ,1 ,m.-JI nf gasoliut', ,md a 1,nukl !!'Hll!-f. Tlic Hnzz~,· \\·11s 1·1~1J• enn thc ,·lo~~ rif sdu ..,I I'm· ~mrnni:t ... e,·r--u "I' with he,·- by oinl'r,rin!.{, l,unk ! 1,._.~,tils al'uuud "illt hh sid~ral,· .,f Hrr~·1111c's lldu su!u. Coll., !Leri! tu carry 1111 ~11wi; in-' ., ".\lnr1•l•i1111ess"- -p11rtie11I,•s In- !,1d,i dniuµ- w!,ill' he ,. 111 ,._ hul ln11111r1·11w 11i~ht thP s.euin1, ,·~stigativo~ 1ulati\c '" th~ urw l<'r. _1'1Hn h,- propose~. n!lcr· Sr,-.,kin;.: ,,f n,:ui·i,i~is. lhnt ,•xp~r,t t,, ~ra'p •:h?ir l,ist nppor. disco\'Cr1· 111 tJ,e pruduct1"n ol 1,rc11<l1rn>•11111e fj11w in C:ic' ,. Cu Iiei,,• 111.,_ • \r tu111ty nnri ln11d tul1 hltt,t ,,nth,: .. · • ., 1 us 11 s, ..- 111.111 f.l' Pih' I'- 11r, \\~ su!!nr. ,\ln•a,h- a loo:<11d11n11a11vlt,11.. 11r r:,1ronr • . 11m .1.-. · r11ti 1er 11rn11111 111'P:ll'h i11,ti,11t11~l\\l10 1ng-, _\ :-.., e 1- 111e vw . h1< has hci'u forn .•Nl 111 ~1w:111·1·,lk \\'c ],:I\·.' 1,~ 11infMJn••<l 1h·,l · Pa - I !flUI.! I • II•...- 11as C\"llU rt• 1. !set 1 f o 1,,.,.11_,o dull 11.•1111111dr•rr,t111wfe a,nJ,;.: 1,ndrnd '.') ,•a,le1·11an<l r:d111', ,,, . I he busy nil sun,mPI' ,!ivulg,• lhc ,,;cret. Hui, b,· a I ''..''rl ". of 1hr con,in~ "Du hur,,p,-au .:.~p,tal. •~ work111g on l'lll·•·k111" 1111,rn 11,e C.'-rllst'' of J'tt'h ,, ..., . ·i·ton 1.1 11 .01· t \\1 1 ,L'lrne, • \\ l11>n thP 1oo•rform1n~,, ~ .. · , · ~.. 1 111 1, ruh. the pro11rhilio11. II is the inten- lln, 111e1,II rer,s · ., T''tll . " t t ,; ., is 1n·r-1·Uw tn<>mh,,,s ,,f ibe facn'111 a 1 > • u 11as s nt I,·ri u11, 1, .. tiou ''.' m~1111fo~tu':e11,~t im_p11rt- l't•nf. \\'Ps! lrns bad tlw l'hyRiri- \'i·:llkci· ha~ zrown tirrrl rt( siu~le: 1_.~ - ,~ill :r1,n1 !Ill' :"om h?1·aul prHd11ct .,ui:tn1 .. !,~ ,1 h, reto• 1 Lnh. r,•J•t ,red and renoyat, <l nn<l hle,si,ct, ts<, an1l J,rn,1 !n,lie., auil , , ,hi,, mu11l,d1<1. Th~1r noise fore 1111tri~tlu,,•th,n:I.. Fur t.belw.,~h ne,,,tr,1 eqttiyHi!l'lll illstallP<I is /("Ill!! lo :;,, 111111 , ":ill l,is n'wn."l''al~lll'r~ \\ill ,lronp li~te ll_,ose of pres~enr !Ir. Hall rcin,es to d1H-1 ITe 1, ill ,i,,wJ(P his lime lo ('/II ry.l Tln',iu'!'h proi•ri..ty we r..froin a _,,.,Jt J:H•l<-r:1hb1t.their d'.mroers C~<o,;P th,• ,w~rrl Hut WP ino;r f•ll. •:-:1~nsive PXperimN,ts in l'ro111rn~nlio11i11~111'I'1111111('.f-uf-1,1:i11 he hml_I~:shnd:°·, tl'.Prr slats a.,,-nred• i.hnt the 1,rol'os,t11In 1'111 •kll'rn 111 ,111 ,~. th<' <>re,it q,i,··ti· •,t 10 .,11~. tl·t _ w,II• be. le111hly spl111lc1tl and ~ ~ o 0 J , •. ,, . 1,1 s·l ,,,. •. h a nu>:-; . result Ill n 111ud1 t:h"Ufl~l' ~11,llthit Im, MnfrinltPd Phy.~i,· ,t<, r,tirnahl ' ~ 111111g l:,,ly. :rn,J gra<lii-11111 ~•;·hllll1~ w1ll_he dosely flT'.llled. more :''holcso'."'' prod11ct1011 of l!IHI ls1·iPntL,ts rnr ,·nuntlcss ugcs. al~s fro111 llm B. y e, this ,·enr. 11~ 1de~ tins thc_a· ,_Iyll'Hf!S w1ll be sugar 1ll the lutnrt:. Xa111P:y,how iai-" bod.1· ,\'ill fall llr . Fn•deri~k will follo~v up mrnus a '.""' rne1~ol'~ n11d the Prof, 'filus !ea.e;:- .,hnrlly fot· the ihst foot, tl,e s,•,'vri,I f,,,,t, ete, his w,,rl- de"ling with Dig head, tnnlnrs. will be sk1m~tnt! the cnt Bug,·illc. !Jlah. t11 ,•:1r1•yon snme Tlriui•• will be doiug iu the iu ~,,tfle ~heep, and otlil'r peo- 011 tliP11· ~:ilate; their teleph?ne imporl,aut in,·,,,wgalions in ,·l,,•111i,,nl li11,, for Prof. C:1·c11vespie. Ile is lhe .,nJy one of the ,ptPm ,v1ll h~,·e mnny w1r~s t.omc,logt. It is n1mor~d tl,at he luis start, J a far i·euchin~ un,l fai•ult,,, as fn,· :i:; knowu, wl,o c1·.,s.,ct.l:incl tl,c,r. propellers will also is_i;•1in~ tco ~en! with U1el1,·r.r inq 01t:1nt cxpe1·imcnt to de- can ~i\'e a prnc1icnl <lemon.,tra- l,c .. h nd ty b~m:;red rn .. sugar 111d11slry.• \ different phn~e. t,.·mi 11e 1,11w large an infinif Psimal lion <1f "hi:r check.,, caused hY I he µct-formancc is free. All howe,ei·. w_ill be ~aken_ up in l,tahl 1r11d,.,n 1,r au ntom wonl,J be pnrdy p•h.vs~al nwnn:;. · you n,,ed to d11 is walk :·igbt in, from that 111l~altfol'llrn. ccmparNl witli 8 ~in!rle inhabi~Iiss Swit.h contempl:ttcs 8 ,er• 1he s,how and walk rt!rht out Pro~. 1,:u-so~ is g_"ing 10_ try his t1llll. 11f a rolony of Coli Mm- \'isit I;, her relati\'eS in :lfichigan. fl!!Hiu. ·bon<l 111p1·~r•t1cul~onrnah~rn. Re 11111r11s Ther,: ~he e:tp!'ets to recuperate Th ... cnrt.ain rise~ liD the familhas conceiH:d !\ be:111tiful idea rel'rot'. ''.lack" rrr will spend from her strenuous dnli<'s as iar ,~e11,, nt 8.35 P. ~r. (po,t morgar<linz ,Ill ,\lumni Book wl,ich. 111<1,<I of lh" s1m1111crin F.111'opeLib1·111'i11n and retnrn to se<hool in tum) ~utl ~t.n~-s 111'till its done. fNJm inili,•atinns, will put to h11ring Ii,•! stock for the Collei,:e the foll us fat au,J fair as she 11sed 'f1here ain't. goi11' to be no hard shame "The Buner," "~tuclent a111lpri,ule incli\'irln11ls.• \I kust to hP JJ<,fore enteriu:,: her fPrliti\ or cnlfin' nrouncl aft~r, Life," and HI-Ithe other ''pus" he said !,hat is what he g11Ps for. stormy rnrecr as chief bookstress' £or the wholP aff:d,· is merely, the sheds of lht> A. 0. lint it ha~ re,•ently dcveln1,~t1 that qf tl1e A. C. !?U:,.hill!;forth of a snp~rfluous Some th11l• during the summer he contcn plates a visit to s,mnv JTist<1r_;repeats if-'!elf. And be- 111110,mtof foolishnPss that bas Dr, ·1'ho1,111,nutl T';of, lfogan~on' 11orthP1•JJEurope or Icy Hal,v, o-r in~ a historinn.· ErnJJs is going l1l'P1J clinging to the slats of the will ,iourney nff t,, the eastward, ny othel' eon"enient pl<iee in to mar.~hnll his forces some time wo,·f.hy seniors for the last nine probuhl.1· k,1;irtl C-hicllgo, Caehe •p11'st of n gentle, home lo1·in~ iu Jnn<'. take her for Gront-ed, mout:hs, wniting for :1 time to J11nelio11 ..r son,e other pla1,i• heifPr. She must be mild in tlis- hnve the nuptial ceremony per- "sr,ress itse:.£." C{1meone, come where LhL•:·roan ilrnw as tar!!-, nu J 11:,ition. A cook hy nature, formed, an<i return in the fall a all. for it is the e1·e11tof the year audience n, po,sih!P, and the1·,, !o·enm)• c-ycd nnd fai1· in looks, full-tled~ed married man , -the side sl1ow of the circus. will ronduet an l:i!!ht day tlel,11tc r111e.,nyin n,·tions. nnd nest Iin~ in Nnr i~ this the only Jllai·ria!!e. You nre all inYited nnd yon ain't on the qnestion of whi1'11 is the form. for :lfis« Ilolrngren is going to re. got-A pay nothin '. more imparlnllt in the world', Prof l'nrker is goin~ tu roam r·eiYe the title of ".:lfrs." from • • • • productions, and whil."h has done nroun,1 tire U, S. traeinir the de- fbe w11r dt>parlmeut, n11d join the 'rite seniors ,di! enlel'lain you the most for tl1e growl It and de- n:l01,mc11t of the lnnd from thr "151h Infantry U. S. A." some n11d all ~-011rfrien,ls tolllorrow velopment of humanity, ..\gr1c11l- Azoic J}Criod to the present. time soon. night u1the U. A. C. chapel. It's ture or Oorumeree. Rumor bas it that Prof. PderJ\Ir,. Collk will dcYote her time all free. There is a deep, diabolicnl son, our famous Geologist and to fhe solution of the problem With Professors Stew~,·t and seheme up Pror. Northrop's ~lioeralogist of previous years, of dcte-rminiug how she ean so Porter here next year, 1 u.r ,:J!cmaleeYe, Ile contemplates some will r<,t11rn to summer school tn aew n seam that each stitch will ,stry department will IJe excepextensive perpetual motion ex- t;uide tht• eager, know led ~c Joy. in time save nine. tionally strong. perimeots to be carried on at iuf? ccrc'brumB o£--0ncP---fair This concludes the list we were P~•f. Merrili. came up from ~de Park. For further particu - school mnrms and pedagognes. able to "get next" to. But we evening Jars refor to "The Buzzer." :Miss Cooper contemplates II re - sure all will be doing some thing, Salt Lake, Wednesday Prof. Langton has " brt1&hed turn to her "Vaterstadt'' Me- or sonte one, for they are a for commencement. Ile is eon IUl extended trip up " oo h ia astronomy, du r ing the Cammon. There to engage in busy bunch, and there is no doubt l;emplatiug winter , an d no w d uring the warm pra~ticnl .Agrfoulture, with a that some weigbty results will be through the state in th& inwrest dreamyevenings of fair wea.ther view to acquiring some practical ohtnined, of .h'armern Intitule, uext month .












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'-11,·', 1I 011I, old I 11,•r H1•memlh i! ;i:nur hr,1 • rl. ~n,1 1,ar : SOCIAL SAUNTERINGS 11 t...-r -:,,..l1',ln 'b- n r--i,1n ~i th,~ t&ll''=· 111it t.., dh Yt:llr l, iuul.-..; l·) s e I. 1 , ,1.,1 U'- 1 , c;·~nin~ tho ~n 11pliihllg ff ~ ,,.nr , thf' bl 11i11r-.,pPrr r II l uor.-. \\ " ~ till' 1· of Pt'llll lJJ 1h(• l Ia• \\ l.\ tilt. \\u~l1 1:-,, h~u·,t ni:.."lit 1U ,he ,:o11t•"C ('lr,l H."1 ,- ,r~ \~('l't.' t t ~•w~t (,[ Dr nnd , 1tc~r 1..111pt','-"l1111~t 1ht• ,,c.n-~t,s • • ; • 1 :'ii ,;i_ \\ H,,, .f ~lin'lfT !'li,1'\•d 10 \!!'I tu 1;•1,lllP~ tlI tll I Ill~ toOlll .\ft~r

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r, l.,rou 1u.. k n hu l"J l,)' Nll·t t' , c_\turu:i\ 11ut ll11,·~-f•ar 1,ro11=hl ~ 1 ,(•:i11t~· s11w111t·1 rid..,, tu l il<'ln.• Juu,•t1ou \\e1lnc-N-' • • , ,L, \Vi• w,lr11.!,·r "ha! [orl , ,. ~ 1•1 th,• lnrgt..,,.l , Lt, ,-. 111tht- sf<h 5- to t :-=.t11d1 Uh n.· rnt-.11.:-.stin~l~· ltt.~r- · hi,-•,,• .. 11ntl llult.' n1C n. n: \\ho 1'1 t ll•J u"'!,j11,. t)a "ulurnlL'I7.l•r'' 11 f-oiC ,ltt\·..;,



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mi1n•ral• take

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With i:eg-rns


Pntf llt•luh, ..k, .r th" ll ,·. (' r,Jn,~(·,. \•q•1~ult, I•' I 1 1 l;fflOIOn, p fl!:'tt wi I 1r.1t•L •, l'h_, ,.1,oJo~>- nud "11111,• \" ( nttl1,n, 1-:rrw>I ('arr<11, W. I'. l" 11 'l"r8tullli!·• lii..•n· i11 till" '.'-U111t11\ ...,.J'<.' pli• ~...._, th-uug..h tht' f f t • I I lln), l!nltl'rt .I_ E1·"r' l' F. Fl~uJ. ~c)1l-1ul I I nn 11 ;:••l HI~ a l \:~e t. l lll'n· irw, .luli11., 11. .l..111.!'oh ...:i•n Drintd 1111 wlu-11



l"'h1-•l'rup tl•'Ukf•,. )l,uir ,-,•nr., .t !!'111111 ti.tu<~ are c••nuin:.; Hd111·11. c....t hu~~ :u1d slto\\ th •1111lrnl you 31'.:"fht'n' .i.\1111111fur the


wilh the !.!Ou,l...:.





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1•1JdNl c,i'.ry·otT his tr 'l:-·,. ~ e I h-J II l 1h,

om Thu~ r, "'o n !lr ud ll"'!t \\'1~1, I', r 1m,I ~Ir, 'l".itm,, Ltfr. P,r. t, i~ "rre lfc ha"" h,•cu \\f' nr·t.~nnx1011:--1ynw,11tnn? the co nmcNe llcrvin nunders•lll .\l ,1....: l '°J<'r, \frj; •: .L E\:nr,s. f;ftU11~ l"X:'\m._ {1ir tiN--t t.er1u t"i. • '\:he l \\0 shall hCt thi~ plan~ ilen \\. (;hh, en. Lou~:-P Duu'ap, hu I "ll '!.D.,.tr work iutd u1tPzub l<1:i·t.~tufl.1iu 1he 111 1, ab ?1111-y. 1.~,1111 u ll;tl~r~ Rird1c H. ,io ,n fln ...,nl•1r ru· nr•rn n tlu.• fall. P'.mt~ lt:1\"f ln:c.·n ..., l Ul th'1 t\(<IJ. ~nr,111 r· ,Johr.SQtl, J.;' ...1uk \Y, L'uII r(' (]Ill' T n. '1 ~ C-.(_'l)f'i!r Hnw, r }1"'(h; 111 fr1mt of ltt· )laiu L.tu1·l't1!--•u, \lfrul P !.Ions-on, \lJl. lU(1.-.1t•luu 11i11 •h· rn•, t4 • ! t¥1ll 1-'rnm tlh:" 111111l•"l of B y C' h111 di 1:;:-(I :ul in a r w ,l.l~t-. when ford ~ IIcrrnutl~ )Ith IU ~.~marl ~nir.f'. ,.J.~:\ ,r{«l t r 1-V I ~.l!:.C-11' stu,lent~ "' ,ti;,.1uo.: rn11n,e~ ' I hl•~•111.tlws,, 1,~lls " 11 :-11q1\' Tunk,. 11n1lHa1111011cl W11- of th,• fo,· r~1 "' ,., •n A hCr(I "ltd~·, Wi' uot) re,·ci\e ,1nitc n ,it lit to hdmld. lt::, .. I ( id11re w t cu I !! fJl rrr u r111ml-erftt ., flt~t s111,re('nt'x1: I . . _• l) ue~llc :0:-<-:ai:n c -f'oro. E ho!oilJH 1 L\for the pa,t. kin!-9nf year. f'.ome 11 11 {.' ,mf-i1t11~, \\ c arc •\ n• ycu {!'•Jlll2' b1 :-ta; JO t•," ll n 1 11 qf-:,:t ,·iol,, >I llnle nnJ t 1· -.nod l I I s to ~ 11 ~ thrn h(·:rt tn s1ar. f •r ~h~ hig t:.i..i,e C.:mrtm('r~rnl lt:id d l ,l\,111.'S. . nil R' ,Ir n' 111111, h nnd m.•rc I• r."" ., ,_\'011 ma_y "" _w~ll spend ;\e rroullltM . _ ITowor<l J •11••1-r\', \fl r II i• all w~nt II\ Liu. 1 llr lluH r<·l"1r1u'd la,1 S1111da.1·a It • t 1,, t1tnt !!dllJJ~ r.ltI o r yuur )l:1w:lum. '" •.i:-•~·lJtth~amc. fr,,m llis trip lo l "'"· Whil~ imd ·,q_•twn I ('.HI'('' nu u l18V1UJ! a ;:-oot\ :\[t'<' 1Uui~ Arh~H~·ron S. .Al-f t tn ~turrlo~ 1111:hl tl • :,: 5nn.1 1 thet\.' ho l'l 1 lt'••h"f.1 matl'rial tiim ~• rirt•us. ,le~ t11ttl ~id.riey F., .;\]dons. .\ltjl,n Fralt•1ui • '" ~ \"(" 11§ Pift 1 <latal n1?nnl111~ ihell\11 ''"1'"'(• rl•'· t"ule,s uhsoh1te],· nece,,~r,, • • • • ann11 1 l,r<1<I t. th,; ltom• of cent y .!!01 h'n out w t lt' ,,,, o ., ., 'I 1 l 'I • \\. , · · ,!,ui'I. !!o home until nf1er ComA STAFF CONFESSION '' ' nn, " '· l·,. • ll• ~<;.,:. ~htti1111,<lr11lin~ with "Pnisonou~ y . ul. nN.r<l ns tt ~ ar•T. •s ff.OJ Effc,•ts of ,.\r,t•11i1•sl ~praying of ml:t11..'i~uu•nt.. uu rnay mis~ sMneF w 11itw months we hnvo tried Hu,lol 1,1i tnthl<' nn I tnt ton~t " '1'1ie "'-1 thin!! o[ ~rt'at ,· 111'11•'6! ,.\ pp Ie T rt.'"t:::--. , ;1t"1011 I tn .,nu1IY-1t in will the b,,l'uturP. ti. 111mi'>l,·ntllh,, i11n11n•nt n-:hkt ., of , l·l"r HU<l mar) !Ii, PY \\"'itlJ i~ ~orng to c-htl•k up nn ,luue 1' n urig 11ti, l1mpr rni:. ,Yu h:t\'t' r11-th ·d nntl ..111 ") toa"'t"' ufrt ~ '""· Th• tho.,~ 1-,,,ulh hut th •' 1""1 i~ 011 ll\e ,,.-o,naru. for, n11,I wrrtl•·n lir..;: w, hHH ~.,,fnr !l<''•~m~ was ~uriet! out Sl1u111d the prt::-i.~nt plll11:-. of h11\j1cJ iu un otlwt··~ liu..;.in£'=is und \"Cr\ ,'j: lnt~ tt'r~r~t n~ hr ng JJnn• yon slt•pp1..•,l to tl1"nk how· Ho-..ktlll~·, fhp :-.lnr nthl•·lo of the• )1:-.,·tt 1mt kl"'pt our fin°·t in on\ " J;:1'r\'111nu.l rt,l tl ~ uh,n rf tha:t?OM it ,, uuhl UJ:.Jt,• .\"'i')llr ir1~tr1to• R y e.t uinltl'inlizt\ 0111· nthll'lil· IVI,\ ...., io'· \\'(! l1a\" trif 1 to n.:1 f1-r.t(•r11:ty flus HI ·•n I baofpl('t tor:i,,ft1~l.\\ crt"' you to i-,:tq, up tind \\Ork ftu· Jlf''\l ~e:1r wiH bu ~n•at t i'. 111i111ls (,f lh .,;. w·ho l'(•il 1l \\ ,th tin.: l~·A\ °' t JJ (JJt.: or •hl' his tell tlie111 thnt I ou 1,n·e cnJ•)y,-,1 b ~IH.'h!i!tht•m·d h,r him. nl., 1~ ii r,11 :rnrl thin'l?S that ill'\"( r hnr, !-.(t1 mt r1 t I c.... of •he year bnt your work untfrr thPm Y Yon '.! 1t:al m:tll aml we hope 11,:, t':tll 111111111•11(!',I,\\"c hnY~ t 0 uthl'II, h1 th .a,;t, Cur Jlil\ 1,t,~, .n,-.... 1 ow.:• 1hem th,1t t••1n-,;h.krntwn nt find hi-. de!')ir1~l cunrs.r~ al this i11~ ll1t"",tl 1·1 muns~ ne:.lr1yc-H·t·y i111.'l;? ,·iuu~ r. ,-~ kMI .-.t1t1d11m m.11· • t-11bj,•,•t !'-0111t• li.i.1s: 1wrn land \\4'".(in, r~\ l'\"t ning ot 'l'h,• •l'rl11!! lrkrlll"\ 1111111h,:r of! 'f J [ ( J g,>Nl a11d SOIi!\' c.xtrrmely lmd. thr ( ollerr I kit ' I 1' er """" '-:tu,lt•ul I, r\..• wtl Ui.! 1·~1hh~ ful" •' I :.-:•tr nr~a s. w ien _)"(Hl ~o ,, ..... hn\'O rri1\•t!'\C"l1 a! rt p.rnb<'.i!~1\1.:U l1ro[. I H E\AU8, -n-iio io. h . I ·rt.l''i .011111-6t'"h, hom, .,j rh~ 1111lu,,-U•\'UI< 1!11s tl r I 1 • t 1l 1st.1 11t1vD :,nu, t,y. l-.l ofl'l'I" t,) ~ooc.l .,tndcnl, a.• n<'n l~ :nu t1111 UJ' ncmns t11Dl-t n n •o • r .1 the stu ~• 1 1 ht"l' w1I ,~,t' t 11 klon(', "r1t t~•n hy , a,. he , ,,u cnu b;in,:: I\ '""'. ol t 1t• 1•f• •'!!e l'oll; in ft11.•l,Wt" Jm, .~ u ni 1J lJl1,:;i:, 1 ,t11,l<'11t<.n l<•n~ l' 11,tr-1111,J 11r11cl,• , h;ek w th in tho fall. n,h, ,~ ed ,,r ku,Jekrd 1\t-11' 111'1\" The ,;,,ro•1s rb had t!J ir Ona! ,le,;c.nhmg n 1,,11:; I n11 tJ,r,.11'-!~ 1 ~ oa id,•n htl.•ught up. Hr.I w~ rare t,• w ont la.,t n,~ht 10 tl11• 1'111ti,m,•., n I'" ..\ ( 1• \luru .. H,•mtuili,·r, ut'.'~l ,enr ''",(' nte l111 I'\ in the t on~':• tliaL 1 1u,1hcu, tLe 1111>1. M l ,1 I ,II "[).'\ " 1l•sc1·11•· "lll;!'~fr ~n,I l>tllc·l' l\rnn .,., ht\\1' left .~,1irtly 1111t, f,!lh



11tl.r1· 1, , tlH' p ,·:s ..•11t \\,



·s \\ .•r. I

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n•r nf · ~• l

)lt:-1 r l L f1 re Jl ,,us

.. \\ Jl'kh1g htl''U ,rnd \\Ill !.!l\l' _\Ill\ u T\.l'\ It I 111~1 I\ ~tn,lr1lr<L ll><r.e is one ct1n,olatu,u to bcls1<l,c ~rliltm:: 1ip1 Jll!!h· funny 6\'-1 !, t ••r I :-eir• ·• 11 )11 ll fo'.1111lIll. lh<' 11lo~e school. ,~11 ,•niog. \,! I r. "' t'n•,ueJ;l,L'<'k, ::,.;.I h" t!11, rantm!! about l!r ""'• 01111111.~ JI. ~:rn"t I'. u~ir •. J :·11 R 1 1 a11d t'lC.Hnt:s, will elv:,-.; 11. t lrn worl. ou •he \rouwu ·., If 11, 1111 , 11uJ l!d ,Y:,ltl"rs p,,nnc·r ~l ,.r :-tu<lcnt 1 •~iluin!! is _1,r,,_!!resS1t1!! _r~p,d!t With Certitloates •.


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I, ... • tn()'·,.. thc,11~•11 of th, Prni-ll.lnl"""-.s1,T1 s nutl \I n t1,r1d














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