j,tuhrut 1£ifr l"ul>li s ht'tl \\ ' i:ckly
by lho St udent s o r th o liluh
.\ g:rlculL urnl
LOG.\N, U'l'AII, FRIDAY, A11'HIL 11. 191:J.
Theo la~t hi~ t.lalll'C or the y1.•ar l,-------------------------------. h1.•l'orc c:0 111111e11tL'IIIL'llt. wi'I tak e plate lll'XI )lo11da.Y rl'e11ing in I
til l' Jin,!
11111• L'tah
lllt' t'l°ll~ or so :·il•:.r, on :l. l!ll:J , the l'o1I-
l' l"" llicll'
'l'h111· sua.,· .. \pril 1 I hl' S111H1 t ~y11111t1s·u111. ' 11his will ! < w·11g ol'H•·t•rx Wt'l't' l' IL•(·l('d: h· th• .J1111·111· l, ro111 a11d ti:; 1 1 ! ~ltitl 1011ihaJ1 ' l'ho111a:,... ~.-dt Lakt• alone :,.an,; 111111·!1. \\ 't• all know I ·i1.v. rn~-.:id1•rt: .J. ('. '\Vhec'on, 1 t 1ml thi~ d,rn1·1• is n t·losc Sl't' I Ill! :<1rlc:1nd.fir:--! vict• p : c;:clent; Dr . with thl' Jli .itn1·~· B.1ll for l>L•ingI Vrrd rl\1\'lor. Provo. f"CC'o n d \'i ce lht• IL';u lin}! so(•iMI c\·p11t of llH' n L'~ident': Rnd Dr. E. G 'l1itu:i. ('011<'~0 YL'n:·. rriu1t is what ·1 i1.1 r~ogan. ~eeretar~- and t reastHL'r. at th<' .\ . (' .. \\'hi!r ;11othl'I' , ol ! J "ou nr·ili t"s C'lr ctcd 1 \\'ere Pr r f. IL'~l'S wh:c•h do not lta\·L· a 111 i 'i.J;H;ob Bo1'11 nf the l 11i\'e~·sitv of 1n1;.\ · dPpa1·t11H•11t IIH· .J1111io1· l'ro111 j l ' c1l:: Jlr:,;. :\lar ha B. J enn°ing" l•as fir,t pla,·, , i11 th,· i'P,ti,· iti,,~ or I 11111tronol' th· >'nit Lnke public· flu.• ("ollt-,i!t' .n•c1r. .\t ~n11H• ot •lioch;, aud Dr. I~. U. Cowans. of 1..:1 1 I hr111 eollL•g-p work s' l)J)'i and t h1 I(lg-dl·n. ~up1•ri11tt>11d ent of tlh· 1•11t in· Wl'Pk is µi \ 'l' II 11p 1 o t ht• )-;(1j ')t ;.i k l.ndustrial s hoo I. l''nl affa :r of the .Jun'ors. \\'ho c]p. 'l'hl· obj,,cts of the soeiet.Y, 1 ,·ofL• lhC'1usrl,·rs to l'11fl'rtai11in!! wh=th \\·..ts rec·ently org-auizcd. arc r,•i,,uds fro111 out of to\\'11. ,\n ;l B!EIBER BE-Nfl\:IO:s; l'. \\'. l!El~SJ,: t o act·1111111latrmid study data reltlw11. 10H. it is i1f the hands of ,_ ____________________________ .....J ali,·c to anY a11d all c·haractL•1·isthc class of' 'H, a ,-lass whi ch ha s t:es of 11H11;ki111l. such ,latn lo be shown itst,!f ,·rad, · lo 1·isc to a u ,· (~11l'st'ou, ·· Ifr soh·l' d. that Hl' - l!r l's. Hohl'l't ~Lc;~rullcn and 0 . arqnirrd u.,·eo ,-rrspondeucc, the L'111rrgr1H·., -. thouih pC'rhaps th·,. g-11lat:011 of th<> '1'1·11stsrath c l' tlrn1, \V. :\lcC011kic. acqnisition of famiJy records, risi11~ in sornr rast•s !-ihows mo1·C' th yir llissolutiou shall be the polHl•1111·011and H l•t•s both rl'pre- !-.111dy (ll' :,!'C'llL'rtlog-~es.through •1
val~~- tlrnn diserPlion. rrhey cer- i1:y of the Fcdenil Gove1·11mc11t.'' st·Hll'd us hist .n•a:· anti pn)n•d to field wol'k an<l othrrwitie ; to ai1..l taiu}y arc working- hal'd this OntC' 11101·1' the former stars ot be rqunl to th e oeeasion .. )[ c. in th e SJH'{'atli11g: a fo11owledgl' ·of wr1•k lo make ttu,ir Prom a sue- thl' ,\ . ('. Hl'l' to llll'Pt those of tlH· :'\h1llt>11arn.1 .)l1-Co11ki e both bring thP laws of ht>rrdit_,-. cspec'.a 1ly <'L's~.. lT. of l '. in a di:haling co ntl.•:--t. 11 with tlwm sph•ih.lid n•tonls fL"om those ,1fl\•ctinf,? the lransmissiou , <'>lt'rll11.,·th<' booths "·r1:e sold IHI doubt is \\' Cll i·elliht••·•·d t hat thl' I!. Y. l ' .. whi,·h assures .1 or wo1·thy nntl unwol'thy traits, to th<."cluhi\ tl.i!-,:ses. and 1aculty la~l ,·l'a:· our Uovs. in spite of ,n,11 lml,111( :(•cl tcan1. ' 1o rl1r11H•r tht• l•~11!.! e11ics ideals in and t!JP:·p .will l~c mu('h .f!oo<11 1Jl'llg". tlil' ,· isitin; ll•ain. W('rc sm· l 'ta h ,ilready this year ha ~ U1r honw. s ho ol. ~and elsewhere; h11111 onl<l _r 1n 1l1·.r 1n the clcs11· c lo l't'ssl'ul i1t g-a·nin g- the de cis ion h(•t·n g-i\'l•n tw~ ll'ounci~gs b.v tlw to p1·omotr 1l'g-islation which will (Co t d p T ) aid in eo11tl'olli11g til e iransmisn wue on age wo on• r the• l r. of l ~. This wa s but .\ gg-itls Hnd Wl' ha\ ·c 110 reason to sion of unwurthr <:haracteristics a J'('J)l'iition of th e 011tco111cot two . think that nothing rise than .<on· ypa1·~ ago. · [ tinurd sur<.·css will be Olll'S. 01u in llir hunHin ra ci•. This vcur the l .. of l L arc de - team has worf.:cd loug aLicl car'J1hc soc·icty cx pccts lo wa~e a tcr111ioe~l that ti1c,,· shall uot nestly. and a1·r full~- loaded for a rigorons C'ampaign for lh c furlh. f II I ii ha :·,l ,-outl'st. \V-ith tllf' l'omh in - era ncc of its objects , and in the •·g-a111·a sut ·1 rasy prey an a!, cd s111>rort or tho students ther e- n <'nr f11l11re wj!L sc ud speakers. H i·<:sult they are sending an ex- ",·111•-,,,,,, ,10111,ta',... to lite o11t"o111cwho n1·c aNp1ainkd with the trcmrl .,· ca pabl e t<•am lo rcprc- c u ·' ' J 1I I100 t ti t t t Students! lt•t ·s suppo rt our wor ' · iroug . ic \ a r, 'J'he young men of the college '-t•nt th em herP. 'l'hl'ir 11wn . ai·~ are to ha, ·e a noth er chance to wiu ll a miltou C:ar,lner. Tra er \ \Too- team as wt' did in out' la st de sp eak befor e eugenic nnc gen ea · · bah'. and ai,I onr fellows to rie ogical ~O!!ieticsl. hi gh schoo l _ora 111 cdal for oraton•. 'l'he sons of ton and )II·. i':trnlton. 11 1 r.i·. . ga nizat1ons __anc .... ot1:_r_assem J 1cs . the . \111erican Hcv~lution in l"lah \Yt\ howpvcr. fee] that succes~ to - --from the c-ommcndable motiYc o[ bit!s fnir \\'ilh Sllf•h l'C[ll'l'SClllH • He, ·. ,r. I'. :Jonrs will act '" 1,1011101 inµ- a g-r cakr r<'gard for t:n•s as I lehc1· IJ1•1111io11 . C. \\ '. drnir111t111of th e debate. 0111 · co1111t1 T ha\'e askl'd that a contest be i,eld at the f'ollcge eon:,:st in g of n puhlic· mrr ting at , 'PIIC. .. l'l'tLlui ~('n·or baJI wa:--.rue whi ch orations on patl'iot'sru '., of the best \lance'i of till' sea,on :--ha'I bt• g-i,·en. .-\II thO!-<' who WPl'<' pr<•srnt w·J-1 1 Thi" <·outcst i!'i to take pin ~·::1 join us in th·s ascc: lion , but f (, :--:atur<:ny .. \ pr:I UI h . the anni-1 1ho ~e who wrn• ahsrnl. WL' w·n ,·1•1sar~- nf tlw biltllt•s of Lrx·n}!sa,· that ,·011 missed th<' la s· 11111m:d Corn·on l. T! 1(' ~tndrnt ch.an<·r 10· tlan (·C' th<• •· far C'Wl'\I t;1kiu~ par ~ will he• l'XJ'N:l('d to 1 !?lidP .. in a Rl ni or part.,·. '/'1·11< gi,·l~ HII or·g·nal 1a·k on !-Onw it is tl:at \\'<. l will h,~ ;1blr 1o d l• ...11hjl'd ehcsen with tlw drsign of ! thr :.whirl~· whir1·· w·th th ~· dr·,·iuµ- home solPP lc•,-,;nn In 111l'lllbl•rs of th( • g·rad11at i11~ Lla":rat 1iot ism. Till' s11b,il'l'l is to lil' j lwfol' e thr~· lt•a,·c. but 1l•e oppo· t hus<.•u b,· !ht• c·o11testant. tun·ty to _join th em :n thPir e l,1~s It wil} he nt• c•ssar,r for 1hOsP r,arty has gonr. F e1lov,·si \\elk\ · who iutN1d to take part in this up! Th e µ'iris will <•0111( • if y ou ·11 •·ont ..,t to han,! in thl'ir namrs to 0. W. ~l1CCO:-.;K1E lonl)' ~ivr thrm n <·l111"''"· \ \'hi!,, l'ror. Dll:ncs b~· .J. p. 111 . \l' e<lnes• j Hl)H'T .. \l( ')IILLJ:s; Altc1 •natil'c. tlw atl (•ndan<·e \\'a s fai11.,· ~ood. day, April 16th . L.----------------------------~' p),,1tlY to ha,· c a gooll l ;mc, ycl at
l'AUJ~ 'l'WO
::l'l'UD:t<;N' l' LlFJ.<;
1hr same time, there should ha\'C eel bored, JUNIOR PROM. Benedicts \wen <L la1·ge~· <:1·mnl 1 to show the Exc:ept. that bunch of mischcvions --YPs. tlwn• arc some Beneclicts Seniors that we appreciate Lhcm. ,Juniors, (Continued from Pa~e One) among lhc Juniors, loo. An,l the ;rn,d 1hat. \\'C arc ind red glad to Whose eyes ,rere brigbL and ouL-do cal'h other in gorgeouspnrl;• this li"e bunl'h of mal'l'ied be with them. sharp as a sword. 'ness of decorations . 'l 1hc <:cntrc1l 111<•11and women of the U. A. C. 3 idea. whil'h the juniors lta,·e ta- rnjoyPd just hefoi·c the spring 'J'i1c attenclan ee at our sd10ol 1,arlil's !'.-l'C'ms lo ln1,·c fal- The S('nior girls, and they alone. kC'n fol' their own deeorations holil1a,· would have caused C\'<' ll Hall been practiC'i11g hard and eomes from .Japan. and the dune1ht• .11:d1•11t··q11C'eiier:,;··-lm11rn 1·lt-11 awci,· c-onsidl'rablc of l:-1tc..' . ll11t.tl.Jo~r· who do nol (·<Hue0111 to lo11g Cl's on ;.\londay will find them- l'il'd on(•-, no end of rnv? had I hL•se balls a1·c only missing that r11order to siug on 8euior day. seh·es in the midst of a Japanese thr~· hren prrmitted a c·asunl pRrl of theil' school life. \\'here "In the G loaming'' and maze. equal to the stage setting look-in. is t hl'l'l-' n h('tfrr rhanc·l' for the "Lo,·e ·s Old Sweet Song." of '''l'he Geisha'' or "The ::\lilrn-1 Dancin~. slor,,· telling-. -~alllel<. 4 do .. , 'J'hc invitations which have ·· pt>annt-bw••t.·· p11nch . rte, wen· ,1en•lopment of the social l ife of to come out give an inkl~ng of the !tmong .the numerous attrat'liYt·. a c·ollcgc than al a dan<·r. espc- Pntil the Senior girls arose r,;ing Japanese glory that 1s to be. mtrrest1ng features. "ia ll y when the,1· are of the high dass lhat our S{'hool pal't ies an•? 'l'he Juniors remained all atten- bearing as they do a pair of .Ja. B. i\, },owler was the winner of - -- +--tion pancse fans OYCL' the uniquely the fir:-;t prize in the evening H THE APOLOGY Tlwn they stood up and joined ir, wor<lecl announcement hig- intrllec·tual guessing game 1 ' J..,o,·e·s Sweet Soncr" The Juniors have also shown 'Phil'ty-eifrht married m en a nd A L'ttl e Coll ege Fun . ('l'he _ rest we hardl y d~re men- much wis ..lom in their seleclion oJ' thl'ir wi,·cs were present, and to lion). patrons , h,1\'ing- i11 their list both say they enjoyed the eve ning but H n il hnppencd nl 8rnio r Ch111wl. 5 1·eprcsenlati,·e people from lhr hints at the real con,lit ions. 1'akc 1t took ph1ee on Sr11iol' cla.,·, .\II in a fiutter Pres. lfcber jump- fflculty a nd city. The following ·t from n man up a tree, there 81",j \\"h<·n thC' .Junio:s c·amc for 11c, ed up lutYC' (•OnH<'nted to ])l'C'sidc o,·cr somt> mig-hty fine l ooking wom en haltl,•. .\nd invited the Junior class the .Jnnio1· Prom .· P1·esident arn1 arnnng- thosr Beneclid "bctt(• rBut just to han • r-;0111(' ph1~1 • l'o c·omr up to the rostnun and :lfrs. \\ 'icltsoe. Prof. and 11[:·, l•ah·,,,." Wal eh the Buzzer if sing with the girls, Porter . .Prof. rind ;\[rs. Ball, Prof. ,-ou don't think so. 1 \\~p (•Hill(' wilh Olll' SOllg'S au..l They ,rerc willing to come- c111d~l 1s (:cor!!e Thomns, Prof. 1nunprts. ltuL- alas! and i\frs.· C. Nepl,i Jensen, l'rof. lll"iend to Lenore : I h ea r you \\'e c·ame with 1hr spirit of fnn. 6 and }il·s. U. \\". 'J'hnlehe1·. :\Ir. nrP g-oin~ south next year to l~ut when sneh ;1 c hallc>n~ c was .\s ~oon as these Juniors adYanc- n11d ?ilr!i. \\'estou Yer11on, ~Hr l<•a('h s<'hool. is.••mctl, eel to the frout ,111d;\l 1·s.. \llan l •"'lrmi1q.~.allll tl!C' Lc•norr: Oh. no! I'm goin~ It was 0111' duty to fi~ht - not Tiler hopes of contest in so11g Rl~,·rrr1Hl P.1nl J·ones. \\'rst. 0
.\lt '
were blasted ,
1111111ln•rr,; \\'t'l'e
\\"c workcLl J:kp dt•rnons 1
l·' ol' ga 1la nt !Srn ior ho~·s forc.-cd
·1 11til "P t·rxir''
fewr1·. to fi~h1 a hlc1<'k
SPnt showrl' () ! _thrn. to lrn,·c ,·anishecl
--+An. lT11s. 5 lrns hc-<'n turnC'd in •
to College spirit and pure C'ias:-. 10 a harller el nss .• Ill lhe ca lli<' steadily bHck, fiu-lit was fierce wh ile l'iva lry ,ras dealt out hy a few ;U'l' g<•lting a shampoo and a ha ir it lasted- · members of the Senior clm:;s 111 rnt. Xrxt. wrek we lrim theil'
Ut •<·! the
fi-0111 1ThPn
the most deadly
Pi·cxic. cried fulcst tones,
oul in his aw-
'' lh c liltl c exhibition of life" al tors. nails. and Cllrl their hair. the Senior chap el exercises. Scrntc:hing, slugging, ki.c:king and <'t1rsiug n1·e anything but approTRY A BOX OF p1·inte on such occ·asion'{ . l,rt us hope that in the future the res . 1 pe<:ti,·e elassrs wi l single out mc11 who rrsort to such action and CHOCOLATES prohibit them from participating THEY ARE DELICIOUS in cla ss ac:tivitits until they can ~ct as men and meet their fellow s,tucle nl s in the right sp ir it, not with lhe seethi ng Yenom of a crawling Afr i c8Jl . B. L. H.-A Senior.
! ....Ozark ....!
,\II ,·on .Junior boys shonlcl b,• asiiamc<l, · To hr so indiscrPct as to spoil the "'ho picked on the \\'eak er sex, girls song ~\nc.l a d ;sgrarr to hr a J11n1or. #\ 11 apology by them must be Yo11 c·1H1 :,!llt'H!-i how wr 1'1•11 (')aimed. from the rest. S To 11rnkr a. long stor~· short, we I o thr g-1rls we makr Hr1 nuology. Eenior girls " IF'' wr <·Hnf-iNl thr111 lo moul'u \Viii st 8 te that, we rec-cived a o r \\'eep . line leLler nut "'e'll ha,·e to change throl- \Vrittr • neatly in ink. in the clevg,v. and sa.v. crest of terms · 1 ' Ahn1rs hr thou i11 it" nCY('I' 'I'ndy 110apology conld hav e "One clay - How man y possible• be found asleep. heen bel l er. things there al'C in it,, One clay The Emblem of Quality with lif e and hope and heart is Highest Awa.rd I.M.P .A., Rinrr wr\·r gatl1C"l'C'd 0111·~ r hf •~IThis kttrr was ~rri '.tcn in merry time enough lo find a world . GeL 1909 togC'lhr1·. rhnne all the eon tent vou c•,n1 ont of it 1 Phones 420b, 178x .Ind ea<'h look a "hi.fl' for " Tn ,; sinc·ere humble sty le and l rt lh e rest' wail. like a hird, 135 Main hat.'' #\nd when all Reuior gil'ls its con - till th e sun of tomonow show:, \Yr'rr a joll~ - g-oocl hunc-h or "fcl tents had read, ~·011 l he ros e.·' lrr-r-;.'' Ea h one heg-an to smile. E\'l·n for ,ill '0 I hnl. 10 :\'ow .Junior ho~·s. ;vonr galla nt :-So"· afl1•r 1hr hatllr s 0\'er, apology #\nd r,·en·thingsHi,1 .incl don, ', \\'e'1·r r,lnd to a, ·eept-let's b, Prc-xie .. Jun .ior. ~rnior. ancl all. friends, Will sa,,·. ". \ 1,illlc C'ollrg-e You c·ouldn 'l h:n·e clonr a single: Encourage Your Fat hers to Ship Their Live 1111111." thing . Stock to the Institution that Assists the r:HO,\'". H. ' 11. '!' 0 hn,·r maclc stll·h ~oocl amends
\\ ' \• hecnc.l wr we :·r <·owarcls.
TO AGRICULTURALSTUDENTS Agricultural Colleges of the West in Promot ing the Live Stock and Agricultural Industry
11 THE ACCEPTANCE \\"p qnitr ~gl"<'P with the spll'it l von showed . :--;c•arrel.,· a wrrk l1r1s rollt•cl nway. •1,; ,1 lhat 1hr clrecl is set:--;inc·< • thr :-:.<•ninrs to ehflpel tled and clone:
rame, \\~r join with ~·011 in saying th:lt 1'1wy ma rd1Nl i11. i11 snlc11111cli~Tl was onl;· a "T,ittlr Collri::e nit.v. Fun.'' ( .\ nd the ,foniors tli ,1 tlw K )-7F,T,flO"1.' 13. !-Hill (') F.. K\'"(TD~ON, '13
2 Tl11· pro:
;-;.1;11 wt · 1i1 0 11 11
ll c• l':-11·11
" .,,,. .'.o.: n{c. t " f th e s '11drnts
clo11·1 ~uhr-;:•rihr for tht
"Hnz~r1··• before lhe e11cl of this wcrk your stun_!!.
Ask Them to Write us for Market Information Free. 1
{~) ..
PortlandUnion ~tock YardsCo. North Portland, Ore.
ing a class baseball St'l'if!s? 'l1hb SOCIETY weather mak es us all waut to gl:l CL\JB v11t and slide lntsl '8 or shoot FRATERNITY marbles. Wh y <Otil,ln't Lhc fou,· College (•lc1sst•s !ia,·c a little world ·s sr1·ies of tlwir own? \\', might n ot d iseo ,·cr any stnrs, hut wt• should wo 1TY. ,\t any ,a lb/ Always in the highest the .Juniors would likC' to gPt a style of the art wlrnek at I hl' ~t'niors to cYen j
t hings up a l~tll;.
I J. P. Smith & Son our hobby I Promptness-_-_-_:-_ ganH'H. _-_:-_-_-_:-_-_-_-_:-_-_-_:-_ -_-_:-_-_-_-_:-_-_-___
\\'r ,n·rl ' <.·heated out of ou1· g·a11H' with lh<' l·h· n ks. hut fro111 tht• se11r r8 of their olhe1· it is just as wC'll that
___, 1 wrn•
Wt '
TRACK SCHEDULE 'lth,·y will Im\'!•,,· hard lim e wi11-I )In_\· 10, ~\ . l'. l'. ,·~. l '. of l '. ill 11·11~ th ~•S.h1t1•_lnH·k lllC'd alorn:-
I T. A. Greenhalgh
· • • • ·'\ Yi<:k'' S.te, ·l' llS i~ th-nkinµ- ol·, The plac-e to bµy ~•our shoes and 1 s. Suits. overcoats and L ogan. , ~ow. wha t 1:-.the rnattrr ! \\ !1,\ · ~j, --11g up lats('hall nnd ti-:· ing 0111I furnishing trousers made to orde r, on sho rt :Ila.,· 17. Stale :11'<'<'1. al Sall a1·p lh1·1:•, lltll 11rn1· c 1111•11 0111.for fo,· 1hr s p, ..nt s. 13asch11ll :, loo notice. 145 North Main L ake . ,a_·k ?_ I hen .• s st1:l' ly nH~rt'_ 111,~ ~1r('t1twt1~. I :\fa.\· 1!). ..\ . ('. t·. ,·s. 1~. Y. l" al lt'n nl 111 th e ~(·h ool tlia11 rn rnd 1• • • 1-------------Pr o,·o. ,,aflid Ii.,· th P v;i(•i:lnl stare of th l.l .\ IH'W fl'n1ui-e Im:-; ht:('n ad(kd l :-----------011r l1·a k prosp1•1·ls ar,, 110I a, ,_.1Hlt•'.· l1·,wk <'11 h aft,•rnoon .. \ 1Hl110 lht• n!hll'lic a<-lirit ies o,f till' hr iid1t as ti ll'.'" mig-ht he. in fo c·I l_hl' ( ~Hltl~ wil.l 11rnkc somel h111 g sc·hool. .\ I 1)1'rst•11tit is 1111,·hr<x -j th ey look pi-rt1y i-:lim ri).!hl now. 1,1~t of tl11s ~l"('l'll 111all•_i-1;1~ Ii you llllt' ll. 1,11t a p 1·izc is to lw offered I l\ii-h.,· and Clayton wnnt to ~et w ·II :-;hnw h1111"·liL·n• d 1s. a11d for tlw lwst rn111H '. IL i" oprn onmarl' :Nl. wh =<·hh•HYt'S.\l dnus. lh t• !.!'_i\ ·c hi111n_eha1we. :,,:;oclon 'l wait •y· to upJwr c•lnssnH:•n :-111(1 all ron-1 onlv nl,l man who is 011I. This Ioli you th ·11k _\'()11 <·>1 11l'lln the 100 lesls shall he lw ld ;n ('hap0l f p11t·s llu_) <·on,·h up a~aim,t a tough Y:1r~'.s j !1 ,9'J11-il or :-;ho,~· ''Oly,n~ Pn 'XY j:,,; l1<'nd conc·h .-1 _11'1tra ~1e1· I proposition. thnt of lkrelop'ng a 111· h 1d.c11ds liow to .11.1mp.hut a ncl D:·. Th omas is ofn('wl nmp1r e . lrn.c·k t r r1m pr:1~·tih1lly from JH'\\" gl't out 110w c111<lt1·,\·. \Ye s ur - .\ <·on1milt Pl' C'On~·xting o f Pett' 1 111,ll r i·inl. 'l'lrnt is cas.,·, h11( lw r1·isc·d IIH•111in _football. hnskrl- jRp cne er . , \ xr l ('h 1·isil' ns,•n, B,-_,_· , would like_lo l~now whrrc~ ~ht• l llJ;-111 \\T(':-11 1,11µ-. r111dllOW l<!'s11r,ntinC"HU and n. R Pan·:· ~s JH\W nrntrr1al rn. Dr1,·p Sm1th. 1gPI h11sy an,I g-.,·r th('111the h1g- workin!? on a set of rulf's. Tl IR 1 (wh o " d;sc·0Yc1·rd' ' himself while g_rst s 111p1•:~ e of all in tl'aek._ \\', •·rx pc te.,I llrnl this llC\\' spoil wll ,lodging_ pol'ec . ol1i<•rrs in ne,·- simpl , · ,-ant spo il lhe alhlet1c re- soo n he ndoptr<l hy all lhe lead1 many ) 1s runnmg the chstanccs C'Ol'd of thr .,·N1r h.,· fallmg- down in!!' eol lraes of th<' <·onntry. nncl Breen1ft. another rrturncd in lhis. 'l'hp C'oMh will ,lo his · ~ • • • m iss1011;11 ,y 'S 011t for thr. high ~liarr. hut it i:-;up to the students Thr othr1· night a g-:n11cl rxhi " ' \l ,li"-O \ 'E l1 ~hor~ :"11'1' M ~0Ol l .inmp. Thr)· both look ~ootl. hut i t,> gin-. h'm ~omrth inf! with which hit'.on of st1·rn!:!.th \\'HS srrn :-1t llh · -------------: to work. nvm Pd1 ,·· .Aldns and \\~,ll' · lhnt J)f'O plr nf nil nntion~ nf t.hf' J (:irls HI'(' n ol lrn1-rNl. .110 1' is the nfc•k. aflr,· H lrnrd st l'llg'!.!'IP,final - C'arth unih ' it, p1·• <'lniming- I hem uilo r li11('. drawn (sprr•i;-1! pi·ov i - \v pinnecl D;-in-:1.]0111', 1 Rl1011lcL•1·the "Lc•:ill,'I'~ of til t· \\'nrld." j <-.ion for E1 ll Jlohl' ) S(! P\"C J'? O~l: 1 1·0 thl? 111:it. _ , "Jio h,1~ P\'Pr <·h,1~('( 1 .Ji-1<·k :ahh1h I Af1ri· this ,l rmo n,11·a1 011 I {'I' lll•nnll hrit·k. ( ()111(' out with l" Prt e" clrfeHt('1l all (•Olllf'!S ill I 111<·g-cod w,•alht •r nnd he'p th,•: 1111'J'nmo11s Sflllll \\ ' \\'rrs'.I<'. ('o,1t·h dt'\"Plop H w· 1111 i11g ll'Hl'k i.t • • _ • 1:ir• :--:. '.\lnin Strec-t j tp;-1111. On \VPdne s,ln,\· ni l th r girl~ 111 • • • !(•rrsted i11 tennis. m('l nnd two BASEBALL SCHEDULE ,,J11hs onnrniz0d. 0110 t·oll0 .e:o nnd :II l '. ,\ . ( '. Ys. B. Y. lf .. al one hi gli°s<·hool. A I pr0sen_l the,·,• ( ' l ,O 'l'lll~C S IIOES 1•:T C'. f1og-an. ai ·r ;1hont f-iftt•en 11H •mhrrs 111r :H·h • 1·:1 1-r r thc- l':1 1110 11s · 11011~ 111 ~~ ~fay l!l. l'. .\ . C. Ys. l '. of lJ. al ,.J11h. hnt <'\'f•1·.,·g-:1·1in'o1·1•strd in S\\'tl1t,1•~ I'm• :\,1•11. \\ ' o m f'n a1HI Boy:-,, IJoga n. trnnis is in , ited to join. ' l'hc ofl k:-. t { ' lothi11;: in lltt"· City l'or th( • ;\lom•.v. 1.ih t rnl l>i:--t·o1111t lo Stu~fay 2fi. L' . ,\. C. vs. ll . of lf. al r;,.0,-8 of 11,,, r l11hs are: C'ollrg,• dent:- uc. Sall Lnkc. 1)011 :lforre ll and (:lrnna Hallan . x1 ,;wn o 1, ns· TIIE C'I. OTIIIJ, ~l1 S j i\fn, • 27. U.. \ . C. Ys. B. Y. l :. :1I I vnr: hi 1th s<'hool Oli<':a Rosrn . Provo. ose wishing to hrc·orne 111n. ' L1h
SterClothing Store
It takes the Ring to keep the Girl-
nr'°':'.~~::~,-h ,t,o ~/;:~~l' I~~~ ~'~:."'~:,~'.;~,~~~\,:,'.;-;;.,7i~,r~1roffieers Ir :u:u: ..:;;;;•:;~:·=·;;~ ❖:•!":'l 1
: ,,1~:i.:Hl
1111d0111·l1·011blcs will be ovc1· as
Purchase a Ring worthy of the 1fa,· ns hascbnll 18 ro11cr,ncu. Th e lntest Jl0\\S-< H111ns I J · " J ill Occasion, it will be if it comes \\'oocllantl. La11rrntscn, Kidman, (' ·1 Prart. ..-\1hht1s and 'l1an11er of last .'Tl ani a .:mr"' c" · from us. Your Jeweler
,·rnr's tcnm arr doing good work and with such Jll('ll as Stevens, Owens, AnsLin and Row e. all the . ----va<•ancies bnt Schweitzer's cau immmmm::: n•adih· lw fill<'d. 'l'hrre arc a i! nnmh~•r of c.whi tc hope~'' try ing 0111 f'o,· lhc pitcher 's ,job. and thou,rh lhry have not had much eOO ·ha ncp lo , ho\\' what is in them. l J J J l J Kidman an< ,Von< lanr oo' t rn · il l IH·SI so far. Onr firsl two g-nmcs ii arr at homr . and if someo ne will ki n cll,· d,,velop into a C'hr JSly !: :'\lntthpwson we will h a,·e a hasc ~
Cardon Jewe1ry Co.
0 Uf NeW Carpets, ,• RUgsandL Ieum g
have arrived
-fi • I
L UndStf0ffl FUfnt-ij1 ture& Carpet Co.fiI
bnll ehnmpio ,~sh~l t!1is spring.
CLASS SERIES Wh at is the matter
:t. N.A. Larsen Hdw. :t J • ;2: :t:
Parkinson presented THE QUALITY STORE Phi 8oror!l.V +<!Kgw£w!xS,.£H!w!H!w!wiKiH!w:w£ul"!H:H)-l),:,,:,c:::i1!) + \\'ith a pic·(nre of th e '\Yesl Po111t ::n:::u::nn::::::u::::tnnnm:::n:::mn:fl Cont-of-A rm s and an arr ny penEVERYTHING IN ff ant . llfiss Yrra
1he ~ignrn ~l'heta
R C'la, ·to n. TIM,· do ,·011 lrll had e.!?"S? .. ~ '\\'arni,·k. I ne,·e:· told any, hnl if T ha,l anylhinl! to tell a bad "f!f! T'c'1 li rr,,J, it !!enll_,·. ' ·. • ('oa h Tr0tz rl was ta kin,: u,Jies drn·ing the rerrnl "hall le 1·0.n:l." lT<' has his eve on n ne":.v white hope.
<1et hnsy. eYer,·hody, and pnt with hav- in your order for the year book.
Ii. F~!:~~:sEI !j R\JGS
Special Inducements to Students
?1.?S W Cen°ter Street ·
' contests which are held here each any other of equa l educational yea,· would effect but little loss of standing , and fnll credit is given class work to our stuuents. Sup- in any collcg~ fol' the work cl,inc Published every Friday or the School Year by Student Body OrgonlzuUon pose our team docs go to anothe1, in another. Now, al'c we ar:, a Of tho U. A. 0. schoo l for a Satu rday game. Salt school getting five days of work Subscription, ...... $1.00 Per Year 1 Singh~ Coples, . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Cents Lake city for examp l e. The boys each week? Ila ,· .: w~ rmy lstUor:1.lea ,·e Friday afternoon at four tory or recitation periods, as a "Entered as second-class matter September 19, 1908, at the postofflce o 'c]uck, missing any afternoon's rule, after two o'clock Saturday? at Logan, Utah , under the. Act. or work they may ha ,·e as well as [( not we are gett ing only four March 1879." depends upon the serwork on Saturday; play and one- half days in school work l!ollege Delivery Is made from Stu- their vice nnd salirtfaellon dent Ltle Office , Room 275. their game and r etu rn to Logan eac·h week. ·vve are losing a half wlhif•hthe (')othing we STAFF. sell gives to the wearSunday night at eight o'clock. day eve ry school w eek of the year. C'r. rrhat's why we Now if school were held Mon- 'l'hink of it! '!1he Agricnlturul Editors. offer good clothes to day the boys could get their les- College has fewer school weeks ;p (:Ri()X H,. PARRY , ,011 · and you can put AX •X RLOIIA-lW::l sons that ,·cry evening from Fri• the year than the average coll ege as mneh faith in the 11A lt' l' PO WJ•:I,1, day's assignment and would hav e and in addition loses half a day scn·i-te they will give a. i r. nmss as we do. In fact yonr mi. scd no schoo l Saturday. Un- e,·ery week. No one is to blame; Business Manager i::n1 islae1ion is gunrdc1· cxistinrr circnmstan ccs they the system or s('hedu le lies at H. H. lMOAN anteecl. 111i ss the as~ignnwnts for Tueclay I:ault. Saturday afternoon is Reporters which were given Saturday; they l!su ally e0nsidered an afternoon 8' l'AN' JVlKS E. R,. PH,lCE stroll about town all day Monday of rest. of recreation and of ball ,\ F' l'O;-.: PA R,R,TSH and attend school the next morn- games. The merchant so look s Socials ing with nothing learned, result- upon it, the teachc,· so wishes it, ALJ<' CAJX.E ing in anoth er day practically and the student through all h: s Ul'l"l'llil 'l'lllA'l'C:HlsR lost. previous sch ool ca re er has had it NtE'l"I' rm . nF. R.'l'F.iRW,N Yonr inspection o{ lhc Looking at it from the social free . Th e spi rit , of 'the holiday is Vol. xr :,.'•o. dothes win convince sta nd1>oint, one fails to find any in the air and un consciously, con~ Fri~lity, Apl'il 11, 1913. ,·ou that they are just ific·ation for the present sys- tra1·y lo our best intentions, we really reasonable. '!'he present system in practice trm. Consider, for a moment, the let this half day pass by, week at the A. C. of holding school on immense number of Student after week, with no thought of its Saturday with the weekly holiday Body dances, clas.~ parties, etc. , go in g. A half day that, multi, on l\Ionday , is Rt variance with the )lilita1·y Ball, the Junior plied by all the weeks of the the universal custom of col lege, Prorn<1 1rndC',the Ag-1·icnltnral Club sdiool ye111· , 1·csults in th e loss of and makes its awkwal'dness mani- danc·< \ nncl so on. 'J'hc vast ma- nea1·ly twenty days of school! All fest upon almost every occasion . .iorit) · of thcs <' r\'cnts are schedu l- this loss of time ocrasioucd by ,1 espec ially in athl eti cs, socials, the ed for )l onda .,· c,·cnings . Now sch edu le of work which could he student's lack of preparation of grnnt. fo1· simplic·ity, that the ('01'rect"dto-morrow. aeq11ainfl>dwith tht• work or thi~ studies, and loss of many recita- student has found time to lea 1a1 Teac hers and students, think <·ollegr and station . tions and laboratory periods. his lessons; is he ab le to danc~ this O\'er. Remember , at th e eml De1111Hunt has he<•n c·onnectet! of the strongest In athletics alon e we sec suffi- until midnight-, get up at seven of thi s sc hool year, i[ nothing is "ith a 11u111hp1· cient loss of work by the student 1rnd attend sc·hool in anything done to improv e this schedule, we s<·hools of Americ•n, including lllino ,,. ('ornell, Ohio, and Pen . to condemn the system. 'l'he like the same condition h e woulu Rhall have had aboul twenty dltys nsvlnrnin. nnd ix now l)pnn oC mere fact that our schedu le ol have been. in if he had gone early less of sc·hool work than the other ,\~ri,•ultnrl' au,l l)in•l'lor ol' th e work is slightly out of h armony to l>cd? Sat.urchly night he goe8 colleg-es in Hc.lclit ion to our eours1-s 11:xpPl'iHH'nf ~tnt ion in our sister with that of othe r schools compe ls to a picture shoow, Sunday night being already actuall,v shorter i·1 l 'nin•rsih· of California. He has our Student Body to yield a most to chu rch or \'isiling and ;\[onday school weeks and interspersed workiNl ;\, wondrrf11l c·hnnge in that l11stit11tion in th" shorl tin1<' impo1·tant point, nam ely: Athletic night to some St ud ent Body af- with long er holidays than com- th11t he h11s hern thrr e. He l,as ('ontests mnst be held on Satur- fair. 'J'ucsclay night his text. parnble coll eges of the \V est. ,-nrrird on investigations of imda,· afternoon, "w h et her scho ol books are before him on the table 1.;et us face the si~nation squarely uic•nHf'praetieal vnlnc in 1nauy keeps or not,'' as the saying is. and he is too tired and sleepy to and Uy a simple ncl;jnstrncn"iof J;nrx r.-f A~ronomy nnd has wr:t , w<'ek place om· h•n a 1111mhr1· of 0~11· mos~ vnl11Do we ever hear of schools Rt11cly. Isn 't it yonr experie nce, onr schoo l holding any so rt of contest on st uclents and t cachers, that Tues- sl'hnlu lc 011 an equnl footing with ;ihlP t(•xt hook~, with wl~1ch we II f t l ,11·c nil n,or e or lrss m·qu,untcd. Friday afternoon 1 Certainly not. clny 's 1·eeitntions are tl,e poon•st t Iult of any co cgc o . ours An(, l~\'('1·, · xlt1dl'nt intP1<'slNl in ag, '!'hey have all day Saturday free of the week an~ \Vcdn esclay's a ing. ---+--1·i<•11\111;.l, should mak(' au C'ffort. for such an event and in add ition (']ose sc('oncl ? If the student 011 1t hrrC'fot·r, to h<>l•o111(' M·quninte,...l tho latt er day is more 01· less a the ot her hand had Friday, s~tnr NOTED EXPEiRT HERE with and hear th,• lkan whilr he ltoliuay with business men who day,and Ruuday eveni ng s free, h e Ornn Thomas i'F. Tfnnt. of the· is h('rr. are thns enabled to attend the conld be ont the first two rvcu- l '11iv ersi1'· of Cnlirornin, is to \'isit ~-Jk this scho~ I durin" lhe week and 'l'h,•1·o n to Jm·k , ( who was ·ta -game, adding materially to the ings , while the 1hird, Snndny, will more thnu ~kclv , speak io int? to Yrrn in l, !hrnry.) ~on nrl"' ga t e r ece ipts. For this reason if hardly holds any inducement for thr Ag,·ieultnral Club : wantl'll at the lclrphone 1mmNlfor no other , a compet ing school the average student remaining Dcan Trnnt is one of the great iak ly ! would refuse to hold a contest on out after about ni•1c thirty. lenders in thr agri,•nlt11ral devel,r,, k. And von arr w11ntrcl ,)\"· Monday, whieb is our holiday. A normal sehoo~ week consists op mcnt of thr llnilrd tSatcs nnd "'' nt the house! -+-Xow what must the Student Body of five fnll clays of recitations, it shou l,l br of i,w,t imabh• n,liw Prof. ,t'<-J,i1tt is still holding of the A . C. do in order to take lectures and laborat ory work. to this Institution to luw r a man of his s1n11,linghr ·om<'intimatC'ly "(•lnxs l\•sts'' a1 tht· u1ttlc hnrn:--.. part io these games I They must Other colleges have P,em , do we! sac rifi ce the afternoon of the day Courses arc nrrnn!!i•d so ns hi gi VI) which col'l'csponds to Friday in the stude nt th e ,\•·enlcst poss",lc good in the !inH' i,l\r,,v<'df or cn\!lt oth er schoo l s. lishecl in You may ,~uggest that, as most s11h,ject. Work W'.'.'omp of onr games are played on lhe uuc coll ege is 3:tpp~s, cl to be on campus of other schools , the few e rar with the w,:,·K pctforrned iu
~tubtnt JLift
The Successot Failureof This Live Store
Note well the pnces
Doultry Department
i'-,1id 1hr n1·sl lil!l r r·hir•krn \\ ' ii h a qti cr r Iii I Ir ,qui,·m, Artists in classical dancing! Arna- "Oh, I wish J could fin,1. teur wrestling champions! Re- , A fat littl e worm."
verend seniors in exhibitia.ns 'of the manly a.rt! . And other art- !';aid lht• next littl e chi,•l«•n, With an odd lilllc slll'l1g. ists of equal reputation and · 'O h. T wish T t·ould fi11,I ability will take part . .\ f'at lit!le hug-. ..\ rom:n~ attraction of 11101·~ than ordinary merit and of a distinelly different cha r acter from i'-aid the lhird littl e ehil'kcn. '\Yith a s harp little s~nra l. anayt hin g hitherto gi\'en at th e co ll ege is the road show to be pre- "Oh, T wish I rould And Somr ni ce yr llow mrnl. '' sr nt r, 1 in th e nra,· fnlnre undr:r the direr•liou or the 111-td epa rt-
See Stoney for Athletic Goods
He knows your wants and has the goods at
Logan Arms and Sporting Goods Store
114 North Main
"X-o,v, st:c hrr e," ~aid t lir moth Specia l Attention Given to of e,· the Proper Fitting of Glasses nn rntcr1ainmC'nt whi<•h for 01·ig-J?ro1;1 thr grcrn gardrn pntc·h. in al ity and intrrr8t rx<'C'f?cls r111y. " Tr vou wnnt an\ · hl'ral;:fast thing- pr rsrnt<.'<l in this city for n' ,t~11jnst romr' nncl :-wrntl'h.'' 1011g timr. -+rl'hr C'O rnmitt rc in <·har ge l1avl1 The Busy Pruner s. M.D. al ready n1·1·angccl for the pres~nSpring fever seems to ha,·c no tal io n. by Miss 1lina Taylor , ot efl:ecl on the member s of the TT01·Practice Limit ed to Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat lhr ec dances. including a Rns- ticnltnr c lwo .\ class . Certain Oflll'l' ovt-r JTo,1 .-.11 -Car,lun Dry Good:-. C'omp:111,1 Oflh·t> lll•Hri- : O 11112 a. 111.,210 n p. m. sinn Drl11< 'C. r.rhe l~rtnrn of individuals of that ag-grrgalio11 S prin l!, and a -B ultc,·fly D,1nee . have exrr!Nl more r n ergy 1hc• )liss '1',wlor is widcl\' known as lnst few :'llonclavs thlln rn·,. hean nr l ist of grc:1t ahility. having fore in fill'i1· liv~s. )lanv of th,, st udi ed 11nclc t· C'halil' , of t he Im - f'acnlly arr wonrlrri ng wirnl kind I Where the Best is Good Enough pcrinl Hnssi11n ~chool of D,rnc - of a talk 1)1·. Ralc·hclo, · pnls np. ing. that hC'· gel. s1wh marv<.'lnns r~RhC' is n ot n str a n gr 1· to ihc Lo - snlls. 1<:rr1·y )fonclaY you cnn RN· p,an pnhli,•. ha\'ing rlil'l·ded tlw iwenlv-fi"r · or lhiri'v · or thrm Uan r·ing- in the r ecc nl sncecssfnl hilling off fo,· !h e ,.;,ral distl'id,. and B. y·_ C. oprn1. Tn a\l,l itio n 1\fiss :irmr<l with saws and p1·11nin~ Launderers .Johm~on wh o dmH•C'cl80 hrantirnlshrars n1hl rlacl in o,·rra ll 8 ancl French Ory Cleanecs !y i11 th r Dr1mrn 'l\11·nvt>rri11 hrn~ hoOt~. 'l' hesr hnys 1•c1 nlly work 1 <-'om~C' nl f'd to Hpprar in sr\·eral nnd nc·t·omplisl1. Rix orchnrd~ Call 43S. Th.is will bring wagon to you r (ltl()I', uo\' t'I dan res of' h,,,. own composi- ha, ·c hrrn hrnrfillr<l hy lhci1· la -1 Phone 43S LOGAN, UTAH No. 46 East Cente r Street. tion. hors a n d areo t'(l ing to repo1•t;:;; 1 O11H•r n1·tish; with whom th r 11,o r r wo:·k awnit--: thrm. 1·ommitt r<.1 is in 1·oinmuni u 1tion • • • ' n nrl wh o will unclouht edl,· appea r 1' n<1Pr fhr di,·rdion of Pl'Ofr s-1 arr ~l iss Poul son. 11iss Edwarrl, <• I · f J l f t so r ,..,,._1w r1tzr1· o I 1e '.cpar m~n Hnd ~t=r-;s<la·bhot; all wpll knowr, or ngl'lc·nltu 1·r at thr Og-clrn ll 1g-h in Rnlt Lak ,e C'itr for the grar<' sr•lrnol. thr r·lass in hrll'tirnllnr ,· i i111(1 h('autv of ll1~~irdn1wr8. hns a<·hirYC'd:,,nrh a rrput;ition a-.;' '11hr Hh~vr out]in<'d prog-1·r1m is 1,·ce !1·imm c r s trnf-. I I I111·gcs· l1r o nly part"ally 1·0111pll'I<'. hul ~tu- fruit g:,-ow,•rs o( !hr 1·ounly a1·p 1 <1ent .liif\, hopt•K in its 1wxt. i:---,u<·PagC'r to licH'C' thrm fl'im the ir to hC' ahlP to g-ivr t he ·c·omplek 1l' N'S. '11hr hnYs wri·r C'XC'rrclinu-. 1 program ,1lso thP tlatr and phtcc 1.,· proud fo g-Pt ;1 c·ominission . 1o of appC'H:illl{"{'or the r oad show. () 1'1111(' thr rruit tl'C'C'R on nnvitl •rhc ('omnwn·ial ('luh ha s ~lat1son's farm on llw R1111d1. src nr ed sr ,·C'rHI prac•ti<.·al and <.•x i·idgr. 'l'h r ·ol'c·hal'(l ownr\ l by 11._______ _. _ _. .... __ .._ _____ _._.__ p eri f'n<·rd husi nPs8 inrn to 1r t·1tH<' ih·. :'lfa1t,..on is a young onr an1l 1' of al'c·ount• ;1.n\· <hlmagr clonr to thr trCC'"011 difl'Pi·rnt phasrs j11tr ,rncl th r ohsta ~le8 whi ch arit-iC' no~,- w·n r,,r rla stin g-. Consein~lnr g<' mnnnfu<'lnrin g C'nnc·C' t·ns. q11rntl y thr faC't th nt thr r·on-1 \\' l' c·a11not bcliC',·r that tlH' l'l' is a sr11sihlp man ]i\'in g who H ,•c·cn11.,· ~rr . Rkidmo:·e /!>HO " lraf'l lo do !h e ,rn, ·k "-as g-iwn to would purc·hac;;e ::iny otlH•1· than n l)F, i.J1\ \'. \L Ci-c1 r1m ~rparnto r vrry inf crest in~ and profitahle I he l,igh sf'hool st 11clr11t s reflects for h;s own use if he would hut SEE anrl 'l'ltY an i111p1·0,· cd DE 1N•lm·C' on th r cost of manurae- thci1· abi lit v. Ro rntln 1sC'd hav \~ l.n \ VA IJ IIIH('hinc hcf'orr lun ·in:.r. t11J·ing- and tlw pi·ohlrms invoh·e1l tlw hoys h~romr ove r lhC'ir ~,-ork It 'i~ a fad 1hat 99';, of nil ,epa l'ato1· hn,r in th r 8 uc·c•f'RS of a 11v inclnstri:d lhal lhry hnvr c·ra~rd !o lonl',~'T> rrs who clo SEM and 'l1 HY .1 l)J•:L..\VAL maM'g.tniz, 1tion. · on ·~..i~ 11rclay H"- fl hol1cln~·. I _h<' "hinc beforn hu.,·i nl! pnn·hasr lh<' DE LAXt•xt ~alurc.hty .JiH;l~ph Q 11in - followmg yonng mC'n C'Omprtsr 1 Y. \ L and will have no othr" sepnn1tor. 'l'h l DC'y .Jr. will ~:vc a tr1lk 011 some the cla ss: Ruhy.n?fatt so n , ~r,·_k. l 'f who do not huy thP f)tl;: LA \ ".\ 1L :ir e thos<; of th e prohlrms ro nn ected with Cr ase. C'ora,·. I ,llots. rn. 1<.llis. who allo"- thcmsrh·es lo he iutlnrnted b,r manufacturing. :'sol onl.r those -Tones . Rrown anrl Blasd el.--01? ~0mf'thing- other than rC'al g-c•nn'nC'~rpnr; 1tor inlr1es1rrl in a e"o nnl ing but C\"- rle n i'-landa_,_·rl_._+--merit. E,· r ry resp )nix-hip prrson who wisher-; ii mny r rr sl mlrnt shou lrl take a,1\'ant-\ 1Ju, ,Tunio,, ai _r of 1hr opporl nnit .,· to oht a in C'omr'>Io 0111· pn rt~· lrn,·r 1hr l11rre 'l11•i;.1J of a DI~ r.J,\\' A rJ nrnc-hjrn• ,·aluahl e a ncl 11sr ful info,.mati,1n. l ,·om. , . at his own h nmr "'ii ho11t adn1nC'r payment or ~ow H l 'C' YOII l't';H 1v- ,w• 11 .111:--1 1111.r ohligation wha1!\0P,·r1·. Simply ask 1'1t· 11 Tt isn 't r-;o n111 c·h wl10 phon r8 · lrip nionl,!. · fl f.; what hr nsks ~,on t o." ·IT!w 1_ 4th nf ~\111·il-1ht ,JUnio•·s' 1 l)E IU\ \ '. \I, ,1gl~nt in your 1H'a1·r8t town 01· wl' ilP di1·rl·f to llw llC;ll'(•>I DE L.\V .\l , O!lit•(•. h1g clny. llPw <·!·pa::,· 01• T.nnd D;iil',\ Ha11,l Bo0k, in whi,•h important. •lair,\ · r111E"Rtion~ c·rr£1p 11p ,/\ ncl jllst 01w c1nlla1· is 110! rn11~-h :\ l'I' Tlw " \Yhv rlo hlnshrs ah l~· ili"('lh.,.t'<I h,v lht• IM•..;t:Lnl hol'it i, ..... j..; ;L l,ook I h ;ll l'\'l'I._\ 1·uw fl\\ 1wr :-.hon Id h:~,•f'. ) l ailt•,I r1•;•1• II\"'" ,·,•qno~.._tir ,\'Oll ,rwot l,111 this pap,·,·. N1•w 1111:1O,· l.aYal l•ntalo~ air«> gi1·ls fa.crs ?" 1o pa_,-. 111ailf'II up"n r,•qu,•-.t. \Vl'itf' 111 nt•a1·,~--1 ,ink,•. 1'[111 !he.,· '·Been usr if 1hr,· lhrv would laiek np . too mnch You all lrn\' C r-;rrn ]i1i~trr's RuThe · DE LAV AL SEP ARA fOR Nr~w YOIU( CJITCAOO SAN FR:\NCl~CO '"1ns·t . '' BEATTLE by-but have yon seen Yiolel 's? n:r n t·.
'l'hc Log-an public
is assured
frank 0. Reynolds
American Steam Laundr~
C11r1·c ll , Prop.
Rx 11rcss nmn fot• Sttldcnt Life. Bngp:il ,:t:CTr ans re t'l'ed to . all·. parts of cit y. Headquart e r s Riter Bros. phone .. R esidence phone 4 56 IC +<t•❖❖•~><?..!•<t><!><!><SM?,.~><! ..~!><!><!><S>❖M.>❖+
+ + +
+ + + + + +
U J(L \~
178 North
CO .
Hous e Main
Me n 's Shoes llnU So led H and Sewed .... . . . ...... 75c Heels . . 25c. Rubber Hee ls 40c.
+ + + +
Ph i Kappa Iota News. , Ostler and Lenore Ure. spent + E-lmc:'r Brossa1·cl. '1:3, has gone 1hcir spri ng vacation in Salt + + to \\' _,·oming to be emp loy ed i!' Lak e City. First C lass • Material + th e Uovrrnmcnt service . -\Ve'll OTTO KTHLBERG, Proprietor . + FRAT SORORITIES +<W>i! +!~!H!>+l><!><i>H><!+!><!><!><!><i>+i> + miss ~•011 Elm er; but wish you all t hr sm·<·ess possible. The gi rls of tlie Sorosis were at the Pi Zeta Pi 's house last The City Grocery Sigma Alpha News. \Vcclaesday e n ~ning. Fudg e makHeadquarters for (:ol'(lon K '.rhy spe n t the week ing-a nd eating. Vi1·ginia Reels previ ous to the Rpring holidays and fornishc<l the evc uGood Things to Eat in l\en1dA. wh e re he went to al'- ings games ent erta inm ents . OSCAR & ROB, Prop s. 1·angc for th e work which h e will Ph ones 32-50 'J'he Phi Kappas en joyed the take llP there n ext year. tlan ec at the Auditorium Satur+w,,W..!,<?-H1' ❖!><£><M>t!H!>+c~!1<!>+~1<!"'--SHt· + day e\·euing . Sigma Theta Phi SHOES SOLED WHILE YOU '!'he ,[isses Afton Parr :sh, Ann WAIT. All wurk guaranteed. '!'he Pi Zet,i Pi boys ente rtainR ic.:ha1·ds, A my Lyman, Lillian Free Delivery El,! e1·. H ort ense !I anse n, Ruby <'d at dinner on Sunday la, t . First
·-----'==~--'----'--'----••• t f f J: f . f f C. TROTMAN t fA 36 N. 1st West '.j:GLEANINGS FROM ~
+:i~..:>•!+~ ..!..1..~t ..Sw!..t><!..: ..:,,:..1..:,,s:..z..t,+
1. 'I'hat I shall keep sacred u1y 1\lfi- ed: Amy dear. I've always not =C'rd 2:rec1t surccss is mix ed word of h onor. 2. I shall be loya l lo God and with tr o;1hlc mo1·c01· l ess. and it's BOOkA, iU:~ga ·.dneR, Gamel'!, Poo l Tahll", I.h e nHin ,rho docs t he best, Uial rny .t;Ountry. S hllftt(' Bo:~rd, ShOWC'l' ;11111".rub m~t.h.-i 3. I slia ll be chee rfully obedg-rls morr ki (•lrn thnn nll the l'Csl. Tenni JJCourt. 01'1-:N1'o A1.1. ient to orders and be hap py and plea sa nt even undct· trying cira:mmmmmmnmuumiuummuulfflll St n n Tvi nscu mstances . ! T came 4. 'l' hat I shall be courteous 1 SH\V >111'1 polite towards all with whom [ ronq nercd. ( associate. 0 • • HOWwould you like a 5. 'J'liat I shall be ki n d and Photo of a distant friend Letti e: Tl is not that T lov e or a loved one back Vrm less; but that T love Ern helpful to others, doing at least. c11egood turn for some one every home? Send your!'. (\fohr ) morr.
TheCo~mon Room Club ST. JOHN'S HOUSE
.. . ...
6. That I shall be proAtahly rmplo)·ed nil the time . reali7.in g th at labor is h onorable and idh· Hill C:oodspercl : ·wr sl1onldn 't 1wss is a clisgrac c. WOIT.V. 7. '!'hat T maintain myself i11 , fr. H ess: nive me liberty or g-ood heal th in or der I.hat I may he as rffieie n t in l ife as possible . gi\·c me ckn th . 8. rrhat I ha.ve "C'Olll'ag e t.o cl..:, my duty . 1\fi-. P,11-r) ' : Some people clon 't n. rrlrnt. T rn lt,ivn.tr my powers lik r nR. o[ observat ion. thought a nd ,·eaXrttie: T don't ra ,·r what n son. man srz. n. long- ns h r se1. it in a 10. '!'hat I sh111lhe faithful to few words. every tmst. • • • ll. 'l'hat I sh all have a laud,.\nnr. Pel 1·nth<:'I'lovr wlrnt T able ambition, nnd shnll str ive in rn nno1 luwr. tlrnn hnvr whn1 T sincerity and honor to ren\ll!r rannot love . snr h service in the world as will • • • pro ve that I have some degree of Hart Powrll: Rhr lovrs me: I spirituality to culti vate. . sh e l oves me not . ---+-• • • rrh e ltlng- wailed for spri ng- vnRclitorin l: rrh r mNrn<'st thin .~ ration is ov er. and the s 1nclcnt~ this siclf' of TT- 11 is 1hr man who h1ve r~tnrnecl, looking hnpp ywi ll l<iss nncl 1hrn go ir ll . and :-nr again "on d nt y. '' Afton:
Corner Main nnd Cente r Sts. II 11111
CACHE VALLEY MERC. Company Green, Fancy and Staple Groceries, Chinaware We are Right on Quality Quantity Price Ask the Students Phone 73
... ...
l 'vr ~o1 n <·nsc.
If there were any~ thing better than
REGAL We would have them
M orreJJ Clo.Co. Be Comfortable while at School un(l l>uy yo ur l •'urnitur(" nml StO\'C~ of all d C'SCl'iJltlOn tor li ;!;hl hou S<'k<'("l)ing . \\ff' S<'II th o d1('a1~ ::;t In lOw n nnd bu)· ~o ur r11r11il11rc bn(•k . when
l «111le-a,, ~ Sd 100 I.
\V c~t 1st North
• • •
'l'o the hrlovrcl farnltv and " It's a long road that hns no mrnrhe,·s or the st nclrnt · hocly. tnrnin<r and l Jenorc is i:;ti11 going - we the ,Jnhior elnss wi sh to \Vrst_,r; . nnnounr e tlin1 thr annrrn l .Junior -+Prom. will he held on thr rvrninir J\f1·. TT.: Tlavr you n partnrr of .\pril 14th. ninetrrn hnn ,lrcil nnd thirtrrn. in the Th omns for the .Junior Prom. 'ilf.iss Jlf.: No , I lrnvc not. ~mnrt J!Ymnnsinm at R :30 o'c l odc Mr. H.: I have. P1·iee of ti ckets, one doll nr.
FIR-ST NATIONA BANK of LOGAN, UTAH Capit al, Surplus and Undivided Profits $125,000.00 Total
j(Jf Welcomes and appreciates ~
your business , whether large or smal l, and believes its extensive resources developed by twenty years of constan t, considerate, conservative accommodations. a splendid endorsement of its most satisfac tory servi ce to the people of Logan and vicinity.
S'l'U DE N'l' LIF1!l Question for Bot. 4: lf pro mctaphasc would trlophasc I Robinson in English , lo :,;pell catarrh. G.= Uuitar'/ l R: i\o, nut the musical
I I Ian ? you Ju•urcl any humming~
Have you subsl'rihcd ·'Buzzt'l' !''
th, ·
st l'\llllClll U.: The othcl' ki11tl·! -t -
ll su 't so murh how much you
ana study as " \\'ho's your prof.!" U-. Ain't -it-so I - +-
, \ t the sixth annual conventio n tah Academy of Sciences, held in Salt Lake on the 4th and in- 5th, D1·. Titns was elected to act 11s prcsi(knt for the coming year
"Who's that a-holleriu duwn yonder in the branch,,, -+"Thai ·s the prodigal so11. 'l'hl• \\'h,•n ,·nnr arrns a1·c full of lf ,Jol111Drew what ,\nu a lleld. o!J man ·s a-whalin thunder out ~irl aml ·fluff, you hide your would Rose Stahl '! o' hi111.l't..•r1·u11uinawa\·.'' ,wn·e behind a yard or gtin. V~ra. !:,;hall I It'll ~·our fortune \'ioll'f do t•s not tart~ if i--pr-ing ll ebcr, Yes . 'l'ell it to ht11T)' up . ..\ m\" Tinnan allcnckd confer- i~, Inter this year hctause l11(' 11 ence ·to iee that chu rch afliairs :-;now tays long-er. wl'rt' r111111i11gsmoothly.
'J'lia.t's tlw "Buzzer."
l'r of,•ssnr l'ortpr will address th,· ,::rnduat<>s of the "Summit ~takl' .\ u1<lt•my'" at C:nalrillc tolli-g-ht. .
Miss Ostler, (indignantly tu boy coming in late to ~lath., \\That do you mean by comi ng iu late to •)IY clussY Boy: J did not know that this was \'Olli' class. :lliss 0.: Well . don't you know tliat WE have things in common 1
Cache Valley Banking Co.
It. was not th,it w e lov e.] the• Seniors less ; bnl lhat we lov ed the Seniors mor e, we accepted their challc11~c to ccll·y out" in th e singing contest!
Capital and Surplus $115,000.00
On 'l'lJl•sday Dr. Thomas callt-cl Professor Carroll. of the Au . th<' abst•nt seniorn lo account. We Solicit Accounts of the Faculty an d) Hu s. Dept. experts lo be at th,• ThP numlH'r on the exclusion Student Body, and shall be pleased to l lni\'rrsity of Ill. n ex t y ear. Tl list is clc<:reasing- alrcatly. ( is his intention to complete thr have our share of the College business work for his dodors tkg r l'c. Did yon see B111I«· in the Sl'J'il(l? -+II, • fought likr somebody was try. Ftta. " Did you know that i11g-to s1C"nlhis wif1?. I thought, a 0111aha wns bur11i11g-down 1 & man who hatl lo~I as much lu.1ir Gretta. "Xo. \\'hat st,u·tctl H!'\lw. would IHl\·c lost his nerrc Th e Students' Store, Books Stationery , Post Car ds, and Souvenirs, firr '! "ith it. E.tta. " I thing it, was started Always a Comp lete Stock to Select From by a torpedo . Opposite Post Office Miss IT11nl.- I didn't know that ~I i~x li,lash was a c·ollcge graclOnt' of tJu, most pleasm1! affai1·s .::-,-~ ··Pnte, did you? last week was a card party ,r;,,_,Hlunt. -To be sure I dicl. of g-in•n by ~\l"nri e Carlson . ,v eclnesshe is 0111• of the aluminum of day evenin~. Rix tah1es of '·500,. , rassar. were played . Prizes were wpn 13 West Center Street - +bv Ella Stewart ancl Theron BenH. J . CARLISLE, l'ropriotor. BATHS A man ~ot_into_ a train with a nion. Dainty refreshments were h1!{ of fruit rn his ha11cl. and at scr,·ed. tht• first stat'on he <·ailed out to -+a p~rh'r: . F11SSL] wonder what ,·our moOur Exclusive Line of Murdocks Chocolates ''_ 1. ~~1~·. porter, do you likt' thcr w0n1d say ir she k;1cw how Arc made u11llc r the mo ~t snnilUl'l ' and up lo dale methods o( manu[nc• tur<' l<nown und of the t1n<'Sl quality or mnl l' rlal s lhul <.: un IJc ulJlalncd frmtt . . h..it·kward vou fll't• in J.'1·cnch·. C'OllSN1ucntly we arP in lhc best po s~ib) (' po!-iltlon lo furnl~ h the fine st ;: )lathr:-,- ' rl'pl1ecl the P~'.·tcr. .\ my. Oh.my mother says she C'hoc•olnt cs; an t l C r C'ntn s on the market and a lso th e best values. '1'ry us un(l I.Jc . <·01n lnet·d t hlll o ur ::ood s nrc s 111 x.·rlcn· lo unythln_i: munuru c • rh cn. sa1<.l tl~c ma,1~ , <·h ew n1•rer lt•arn 't Frcnrh a nd she';; turccl in 1hl s lin e. !h r tlnt e of my t1<·ket. nuuTicd. an'1 .\ unt Sallv 1 -+~Hrs she 11cver h'arn 1 French f:co. Caine. ' 12. is down from she ·s marriNl and i·on di,] 1!1 ld aho. wher e he is c nf..w~ecl in nnd _you nint. 1) ~0\'Cmuw11t work. \\ 'hile here ,: he wil] take a "Ci\'i l Service" (Screams he,11'cl from the Zoo ,; c·xamiuation. lf e is also b11yinµ- l,,ih.) a <·ar 1011dof cattle to improve the Dr . Titus (rnshinµ- into room ) hrds of the Idaho sec·tion 'n "\Yhat is it ,riss ,rwhil'11 hl' is working. Dnrin~ the ~lis s i\f -. ''O thry hr1v1• kilh•d month of ~fa, · he will Yisit th,, him-Thev h,l\·r killed him! lt·ih.linµ- Di-li1·): !-.retion8 of tho rrh<'re Ila~ hPrn fowl pla~·••asl wht'r r he wilt pnr<·lrnse about 011 lookin<r al'01111cl lh . 'l'it n~ three hundred hrad of pure hrr,l fnnnd that a ro oslP 1· hacl hrcn ex•·11ttle to lw shipprclint o Idaho . ,-,·utrd.
Barber Shop
~~~~~ -~-~~-~-~_;_;_ ;_;_;;;~;;;;;;;;;~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~ii
WEAR WALDORF CorrectCollegeClothesand you willbe Satisfied Logan'sPopular Clothing Store
,\HJ,) S IIO E-Fl'r
For Your School Supplies
We Carry Everything you need, including Stationery Toilet Articles, Perfume, Soap, etc. You Will Need a Nobby Bathing Cap this fall. Ask to See Them
Andreas Peterson & Sons
CO-OP DRUG COMPANY "The Prescription 14 West Center Street. __;, _________
!,._ _______
Store" Phone 21
We have on hand a complete line of
"PLAYER PIANOS Also Sheet Music, Purses, Music Rolls, Satchels and Record1
.. 5<o.s 1-l,n-.
Senior Chapel.
39 Sunlit .lluin Street
TIH·n· is a wn1Tcu1t 0111 for th 1' I
,11·, l'" t of. c·haq!1'd ,nth
~::::::::::::::::::::::::::~ E Jiason Sisters
P,·e!-iidl•nl \\ 'i dtso1•. T.l•pn•,,will la~ <I 11~t•<'l i11:,!nl' l~ll' c1s:,,;;111lt and halll'1'\' ~t)('lill l. c·o11011111·s ( luh at ~I. tli c last k~islat111·,, has 111a.J,,po, - fo_,.,-liastizi11g H es, or,·1· Iii,, iu'a;I :loh11"s 11011~,,at,,7::ll) this_ 1•r1•n~1bh• 1111p1·0, ·<•1111·11t :-; t o tlu• shop:-.1 w11h a ~ht'C1 of pnp cr. 111.!!. Dr. (,1·11 I 111111,as will tl1 :-.- 1 l111ildi11g':-;ec,;11h•11 1p'a1l'd h, · th i- l .-----'w..\ \hP.s_11!!.il'1·f. "''1'111•Tn~~ts aiHl j eolle"e a11lhoriti 1•s fo,- ~,.,-..,111I Heard in Chapel t!J,, 1111 11.. and th,•1·e mil ht' a Y1'1'1'; ]t iS th e inh.•nt '.on to pr·o- J 1 ·:---·a,\ ·. D,1n·. \nll1'11 ,n• ·IJ• that ~1•111:ntl d1sc·t1~~1011 alll' _nn1nb. \·idc, by the atldi tio n of ano t hei· i 111blH'~· out .,, :\II. mll'1'(. 'S i<' 1.l 1n ti~~ suh.)l'~·t a1:c sto r y to th e front of thr ) lc,·lrn11ic, Davr: " [ d on ·1 <•;11·r ns lon f! inntP_cl to ,t!lcnd .. I h~ suh.J(: l i s ,\,-(: p illi 11~ f , I , I'O II .· ,- 1·as l !!<•'. 111y hands tl<'nn. '• 1·sp,•,·1;tlly limel _v Ill rn:w of lht' 'u·:>II 1' Ol l lC O\ \ Ill ..:. . ·----+--. I ' nin •1·sit \" dt>hH{(' tOlllOl'l'OW H(.l cl 1· 01.1c1 space. 1. .A <·las s :0 0111 for lcdnl'l" S J l i:-;st'oop r•r weul down to <.>cm-1 n• nm!!. --+--;•nd dcmo 11slratiorn,. I fcl'l'lll'<' in onlGr t o µPi lhe ma x i- Wl il Ro . the Lake . .\Ji upprupl' iatio11 o l $!1.ilCO.
Headquart ers for ladies ' Sails, Dress Goods. Silks,, Millinerv
and Ladie,l Furnishings. Logan , Utah
I . ·
R. M. ROLFSEN The place you get the best price on Gym. Shoes, Pants.and Jerseys Football and Tennis Supplies, bathing Suits etc. 4 doors west 1st National Bank
. 2. An oflic•c• fo,· the tlt•t1cirlml·nt · n111111 1·('fu r11s f'or th(.' 111i11i11111m ex.1 e w.ng on •~ D· · u·I i r~ . s I JH'rH1·1un• of ti 111(.' i.lih.l rnonev ll r : Dean •st. what would ~•ou ,. \ ,.111-t"1'·11!1:-- 100 111.. • - • -• 1,lo if I ~hould propose ftl you? .J... n ex II J,! roolll. j l s lht·l't' aJ1ytl1i11!!i n. lht • 1·11111nr I · r ~RlIC'· ,. 0 I l ' I 1 '" IU- C 'rhr front room ll OW h c i11µ- wwd ·I t1 case t OIU : )(~c. s . f. I .. 1... •1 · l·lJ , 1 \"1bunt t'll.!.!a1,t<'nl(.'llts Hild )l (•hrr! you .s10111 ac·t as . cxpcC' .. ~ou QUALITY FIRST o~ .s1op " 0 1 \\\I! p 10M> ~ _>r . - +to the hont wonlcl hr c·apr-,tr.C'<l. PRICE NEXT 11til1zC'cl as c111l'Xh•lnt room !or . f· l , ,. 1 · · II J , . .. , ·I I 11 . 1frs . Hat ,-lu·lor has l"<'lll>nrtl t o •Bnt. now r ow as ,,s as )OU t,tn Hardware , Cutlecy, School ,I (tpc1 1,ll111(.lltS clll( Sl011(. 1·O ti shon• Notions, Lunch Baskets and .-,< •n ·c <-XC('llrntl,v For tlint p111· . TJogan. I ir · _.'- + -General Supplies for Students. po sr. Othrr i111p1·0\ 'l' llll 11ts will -+he nr w roofs on all the shop The LaFountHardwareCo. bnildiugs. 1
After Senior Chapel . I am .glad
\\"( ' ' I I
ha \'C tli c
Illustration of Our New Rosebud
oE cle<:ti\'t•s ucxt \·cat·. 1·1 m to tak t' a <·011r~c in th ·• 1 • 11rn11lrart of :-;<~ If clC'f'ru~t'" in ~tf"ad Orone i11 J1l' l"!-.IIHSh ·,: --·peak . h
111 ~oi11g
Handkerchief Case S1am1w•l ou ~•r,•11111 lln,•11 i11 Rn,.t-hwl
th• .. l:,::u from ~lou"' • ..dl111• t•mhroi,lt•1•., . \\ .l1h Ho.,all?twl~t) Embrol1lt-r,\ t-'lo-.-. am\ t'(•lort .•tl mnu-. ...d(n,• :,;Ul1kfr11t to l'OIIIJ)h .•U' !ht• t•m· hroid,•r~ Olai,.ri·n111 ~howl11~ nrrnu$«',.f'Ut of 1-<lltd1t"1 :: :~,
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In lh1l•11, a11dltlo1111l 1111,tt•rlnl 1·011._1 .. t1111{ or t'O"-(' t•ulor,-.1 lawu a111l 1·1u~lhoiu-.:I form 1... ludmh .•11.to ht· 11-.,1;",l r,,r a i-.tlrr 11a1Ifor bottom If ,1,•-.h·,•,1.
ilnsS<·ll t"ra11d1•ll :-.1w11l Spring nu·at ion i11 O~cl1·11 i in{! 1 ·fr·l ·11d~.·· -+,Y e ar c wOIHkriug wlwt docs holi(lays h(•si<lr~ 11rnk<'
ALL Mall ,\ uth,•1· Ill'"
111·th.·h•,.. ju-.t
We have just received a complete Shipment of Blue Serge Suits In the fo1Jowing makes: Chesterfield, Sophomore, Styleplus For Men and Young Men.
Bostonian Spring Shoes are here in everything new.
- Thatcher _______________
Logan, Utah