~tuhtut 1£tft l"ulJli:slu,,'tl \\ "cckly
t,y tho Students
.\ gricu llurul
25 , 1913.
Sigma Cb~ta Pbi SIGMA THETA PHI happy ~hoiee. !'rot .• \ruold is; ly lo build up a lint• or attack / o·o<lfathe,·. I I hat will with:.;tc1nd the argu-1 It wc1s only ..ihout six. wcd.:.s atnti~s lda Hanlg'L\ the ~\rt tcath- 1nwnt of the llfontana team. _\ rn•w :-.orol'it.,· was orga11iZctl h'.l' tlh• beginning of school ln!--l eL'. pr cse nll:<~ tlu.• 'J1heta. _Den ,~·ith ! The,v, how<•,·c1-, Jeel a ltandicap al th e LL 1\. ('., ~O\'L'111lw1· 5th, fall that ei"ht of th,, College girls tw~ bea11lil11I ,Japam•sc prwt, , iu that th,· .:llouta,ut ll',1111_ has de- l!ll:!. h.1· ,twclH· of the C<illegc decided thi;l there were )lent\- ot wh1<:h we appruc1atc grcc.1tly. bated, the. qucst1011 before and gi1·ls. '11he soror:t_y stands for ctll . C' / . · i • thrrdo,·c· is thoroughly prrpared that is nolcworlh1· in College g 1l'ls al the_ -011cg~ lo 1~\ C ~u- ;A.C , TO MEET MONTANA to met>t al111o~t nu.,· arl!t111wl1t womeu .--: moi·ally , 1; 1011tally and other soror1t.,·. After cl1scuss11:g IN DEBATE TO-NIGHT r1 cscnleLl. physically. Xo girl "· ill be admitthe matter thoroughly a comnut,V e ha,·e no 1ca son lo think led wl,o is not of at least 1Sopho1 tec was nppointed to wait upo11 Lnst " ltlnt>:,;cla~· <.Htr dt'bating c·1se. than that onr rrpn•scn:c1- mor e stauding. her sehool work Jlr. \\'itllsoe lo sec how he felt t,,a111 lrrt for JloY.l'lllan lo pa1-ti,·i- t;ws, )!"ark (:re, •n. Ed. Jl olt11- 111ttsl hl' ncditirblc and she must about s11l'h Hll 01·.~.rn11izatioJ1_. Y<.•r~--pHtl' in <.lt-OIJ{('st wilh ilH• .1\g-ri- g1•en and '11h(•ron lknni o11 will at nil times be in har 1_11ony with l1c1ppil,r for us. he t:!a,·c lns co n- l'11l111l'al('nlll'gr oJ' ) lo11h1mt. fl 111nk e H Yr1·y c-reditable showin~ lhl' :-a·ltoul as well as wit h llc1· Sl'Ut. The rig-ht i11,·ited fot11· a11d nm their opporn .•11t.:;n l'lca 11 sorority. more to join t!H.'111 and tho:,;1.; and lwr ,d l 'H(•n fo1· ,·:('tOI'\'. 'l'hl' so ,ori1r is 110 w uu a firm twelve girls oq.:-<1nizl'dand plnc·ccl 1 \\'( ' 111-l\'C' the nPg-ative · ~:de of h,nis and c:-.'p<'l'ts to remain a l'II a. fil'm hn-.;is a sorority tlrn1 hc1s: lhl· following- cp1(•stion: moving factor, as it has beeu come to stny. . R<•8oh·ed: Tln1t a :\li11i11111111 this yenr, in the Colll'gc• If it is 1 \\ re :-;0011hnd a 1·00111 t 111·1wd \\ ~ag-<•~ i.•ah·. Op•rntin• in \\'"ork- pox::;ihll' to o!Jtai 11a 1ho118r for the on•,· to 11" rn•wly 1wi11l1•1Lwhic·h \ "hop--;. Fa :·tnl'il'l-1~. l)ppn1·t1111..•nl.0 111ing- yl'ar, the '.l'lwta girls aim W<' Jur11ish1•d ,·c•1•,· w1•11. tonsidStort'!-. nnd flip i--;w<•atrcl Jn tltl!'I lo u·in .• 1ill' llonl t' J1)toucrn1ic Det•i-iuo• our ha1Hrn11~s. \\'e <'hoxt• n lri1•s in tht• l ..nifl>d :,..,tntes Shouh] arl 1111 , 11t of 1hr sehool some valu1 :-.maii. 1wat, g-old pi11 with 011r! he PnJ\·idPd for hy !,aw. ,d>I<' inf'oruwtion as to the · cost o.? l-ln11hol:-. in hl:u·k. \\\, also 1·hos,•I Ii,·in!.! l'o1· s(•hoo l g;rJs in a sororn0Roro1ily t111il'nn11"·liit·h t·trnxi...h I =t,· hc111t••t 1rn1p1n•d with th e tost 1'.t'.a. whih' 11_1 :ddi1•_wilh_:1 lar~ l'j Inf 1Jca1·din~ ·11 l,ogr111 ''boarding l1·1:d1 -!.!"n·l'11 tit•: 1111s 1111Jion11 is 11•1,usi•:-: .. , woru · h.,· lhl' Tlwta g-i1·ls only on! • 1 \\ 'p hop1• l'\ 't•11111all,\ · to own our n<·1·atSit111s wlwn W<' ha,·t• c1uy !-\W own homr, <llld also. to become 1·ial frarun• to whi,·h Wl' wish lo j ,,llilia(l'd with ouc ot the bc~t nac·ail 111,, ,ehool·, attPntio11. ,is 1°,J1·/ ND\\'IX .J. TlQf,i\ l'CJl.gN tional so 1·0 1·ities; but these ar,: instance the Tlwla Ball. a c·a1t<lyI 1hing-s that only time, with some sale. :,!l-'Hing- out an l'dition of will lw r1•11u•11illl'r ed 1hat la--:1 money, can grant us. :,.;1mknt L•it'4•, Pt1·. n•~1r !ht• Boz1•11rn11 hon, l'HIIIC h('l't' --+--l 'p to dal<• th,• Hig111a Thda ;llld wprc dl'f,•at,l. . FOR THE OTHER FELLOW Phi Sol'orih- <. ·011si~lH o f' tweln ~ 'l'herP st'l'llls in thr rlm,;t,to har e c·hartt•r mei'nlwrs, out• honontry ht•1•111'om1•ll1i11g whiel1 has c1\We have ol"tcn been tol<l a1nong memb(•r, and l'lc,·cn other niem. wa, ·s t·a11:,;pd our kmn lo los e iu othet· c·hapel trnlhs tlrnt we arc l,prH. ( . hartcr 111nnb1.;•1.~ at'C Grrt- ,\I0.11tana, whil<' :\fonta11a. h,rn likethe be,L st u,lent body in the wol'id ta Benson Lill inn Bhlcr. ITortrns t> wise lo ....t when here. 'Phis ycai01.· "as g-ooc] as they make 'c m, " lTans en, Dora ,Johnson. Enstan c \\' c believe it firmly, althongh at Tl! EHO:-s' W. Bl':Si\JO:-S Knudson . .\ m.v L, ·111an. N.cttic, moments wh<.'n onr O\'Crshoes g-o i'l'ter so n. H11h1· Ostler . .\[ton l'ar hom e on the wrong feet and i:-.h, IJt.•11on • p;.<.': Vel'a \Vciler and RESULTS OF STUDENT BODY fiugc,·s lighter than 0\1t·s get hold Etta ~<•Ison. 1I:iry E. .Johmmn ELECTION or our purs es we arn tcm))ted to honorary mc 111b c1·. OthC'1· 111e111h,·lie1·,, that the bt'i<I. is li ke the hers arc: Lcltie 'l'hatc·her, l'<l'llie Presi(l(•nt. · • • • • · · · · · G. ~r. J h", s worst HS JG Piing suid of 1\fautlaHarker, Hope l<'ishh11rn, Anne Vitc Pre!',:iclrnt.. ]Cathleen Bagi..,•,v Jnr. \Ve know that there are Hicharcls Olrnna Hallant,·ne. Secrctar.v Nettie Gooclwin bl;1ck sheep in cvc,·y col leg e flock Louise Ogden. ;\[argarrt Worley. Executive CommitteeHild fo1· th e sake of othct· college Effie Fullmer. Glach-s Christensen . Alfr ed Caine. ,\. p "\\'an,,, k men and "·omen ,rn hope Lhut !he T,o la ,Johnson and· Libbie Pa,·k. Wm. (ioods ,pct•d. I black sheep roa111ing about other -:H,iss.'l\•ssie lT:irm on and )[rs . S.tuclcnt Life Eclitot... J colleges arc not .m?1·r rapa e 101:• ('i11rislirn• Clayton ar<' nlso mcmO. w. ~-i l'Co nk ;c than those that miest the A. U. hrrs,. hut thry ha,·c <liseontinucll !--:tiulPnt lJ'.fc :\Ianager eol'l'1dors and l'lass 1ooms. , st ho ol fo,· th r n•st of this ,•ear. 1,yrnan Kid,niln But eYcn the b est of us h:1,·c )[i ·s. Cook. )Jjss Kyle and :\[rs. not yPt reached a stage of righti\fanager Socials. 1'heatri<•nl°'. Binforcl kindly consented to ac·t eousness beyond ,d1ich there eau ('k. . . ...\rchi e Chri:-;ti;1n:-:t•11 us the patronesses of onr Sorority. be 110 imprnvement. Certai nly )fanawr Orhatin~ ... J.B. "\\ a!hr no one has l't'a<:hcd hiH limit 'l'h e,· have been with 11s at most i11 of ~n,· sotial functions. )f-,1nager Basket hall ... John :-il,;,rp virtuous .development. 1 ,V e arc At th<' he~inningour 01·g-an-: our boys arr determined if pos• :\frl!Hlg" <'l' HHl.iC'bH11 may be .. Yau,..rhn Haw~ ;till human nncl there izalion Prof. Frank R. .\m ohl \sihlc to rPvrrsP the clr,·ision of 'rr,u·k Jl"anagp1· ...... C. It Part·;,· some 1·cnson in the oc·cusion;Li clehr!P<'<l 11s in sf'lrc·tin~ an appt·o~ ti_," :\lo11fa11;1 j1H~ _!.!PS aml l11·in~ Standal'cl l3ra1·Pr .. \.D.(.'.hri:-;t(,11s1n 11rn111ls 1'01· 1nn1·c1 c-hivnlry nod prrntt' pnme for a. Crc('k lcltc1 , 1l'lo1",vlw111c•to l !ah. Tiley Jia,·1• Soug L cadel' ..... \Villar,! ~te"l •HR 1·0111"1• •-...,·,~uhjl'c•ls t\i;1t two lllf'lll~ •orority. Sia-ma 'l1hcta Phi was a been working_ loni and earnest~ Cheer Leader. ... Irvin )lc 1\l;,t cr 1,e,·s of tl, e fa onlty ,- ut least, arc OUR BRIEF LIFE
--- -
. I ...........
prone lo haq1 up o n. '!'h e first AN EVENING 01!' IN LOGAN AS A COLLEGE TOWN l,a,·e the moral courage and will power lo sut'mouut any obsta~le c 1·., · eoin es from th e \I' o111au·s TERPRETIVE DANCING
Buiidin g i the
l'l'Om th e
'I1hc 1\ thens of America
thL: whiC'h th ey may encoun t er ou it::.
J\.fo11day e,·cning , Apt'il 28th, J_,eautiful city of JJogan, one of !)u111111it . The delig htful cauyuu 1 r - B -11. 1 0 n e wontei·s ~ ain t11 ( rng. "' 11-" at X'ihl y· lf ull will be )1·ese11ted I _[ ot l,1•l'cze l'\'e r blowing promotes thL 1 i;o 111c1u } 01 th e ., oun g " omen ... , .I 11c orcmo:st co llege tuwJJs · tm lt•11!~ ha ,t· to appt>,11·in puhlt c llfHi<'I' tlie dtrl'c :11011 ol th_c J\l't this great rcclairnc<l we Ht! !-;·itu - hc•>1lthfnl111•ss of' th e cornp lexiou,, i.'Spt•c-ially 11po11a wintry moruin g. "111Jout im1lr rs1·ut·t Ul' lu-nt• Dep.11t111( ' 11t a p1og1a111 ul r111l'r , ,lied iu a thOil'c ndlcy of' till • The l '. ;\ . c. st11clcnl uod.v , COlll~1;1,· ,11 lu1IIH ' t h•· olll\•1 •rds 111 [)l'CLI\C Ddllllllg' Tht • lollu\\tll~ I Hod;.il':-;. it is a11 ideal plan~ fol' post•ll of n11111 crous ~·011ug 11wri d, _;11.iJJI \\IH•n· lie• M't':-; lh~l'l' o1·1a1tu;t~ \\'l_ll np_1~e,1r _ . . . ll ·d11e;~liurn1_I p11rposl'S. ::"\u s111uk- ;.,ml ,to11u•11. so111c diligl'nt. SOllll' 0 0111 0 11 1 of <•ntin ·h· difft•r e11t (•<.dihcl', hails l'n11i- st11dt•11!!'$ looki n:-:: 011 011t·· " )(I s.') -fuhm ;o u Ill " rng Jm·lor1cs 111ar the uatural 1 boo k. whil e tw o fPt>I awn.v a numh c:rs: ' 8 had ows •i autl HII bec111ty of the low ering peaks. from th e · extrC'rncs of the g lobe ; st11d('nt hc1s a. hoo k all to hi111- "_.,\_ {'. ~\frdl t•_v.'' both her own ~o puffing. snol'ting steamers &om e from Japan, some from Sase lf. Tiu.• latll•r ha s al!-lo 11c,·cr- <:,.)l n posi ti ons . spoil th e pic:turesqucu ess of th t moa , some ar c white, some oth erh .'l'II ahll' l o disc:.•o,t'r wh,· 1111:\li !-s ~ i11a Ta\"101· ot ~alt Lak e rwmerous , 111cande 1·iug l'i,·ers . Yet wi se. and vet the stuclc11ls a 1·c a good ly b~nch. pl'l'( HH l' d :-.tt1d('11tsshou ld ;1ot lt•t i n a ' "(:rl' rk l\:mhal Danc·e." a such cnh1mitie~ thr eaten. ---+-lii111know of' their la<:k (d' know!- "Hussian ](ol k Da11ce. . , a c , Poli sh JJOgan. its ell'. is a model city, ('(1µ-cbefore tlw beginning of th r :\lc1zurkc1.·· and '' Th e Spirit, of for !ms it not a. fire cleparlmC'nl Found - Ring. in Gyin . lnquirt! l'ia ss. ft " ·011lcl h1k e h111 a 1110 - Sprin :;. ·, rin.d a str eet car? 'J'hc c itizens S igma Alpha II ouse. 111 ent lo cxrh1in Hncl won ld save ) l~ss Kat<" C:abhot in ".A 11 poi nt out with prid e the postoffice n1 l11ahl l~ 1illl<' and J('1111w1·later Indian Dc111 (•C'... " The• \Voo<l "'ith iLs many massive pillars , th e TRY A BOX OF 11 on. Some wo11l1l c·cdl I liis lal.'k of :--:,vmph,·· and Tlw 8car.t stately c0 11l't house and snbstan<·hi, ·aln · a11d l'011rl<•sy llH'l'l' Oan Cl'... tin! co unty j,iil. li'or th e ro nvcn . tlw11ghi le., ,")11Pss. a. fal'· bh1cker :\l iss 11".-tz <•I E1d\\'ard s in 11 S pa11, ieucc of tl'an ~ling salesmen and kl'm than th r mrd im•va l cx prcs- ish Ln Sl'l'l'iH,·, " (:ard en of i--{11dentsth e trnins stop at Logau . 1 CHOCOLATES xiou s \\'e ha, ·e 11!-ied and whi (•h Ho:-:·es.·· ·Uo11dolier." Aside from such modern adnttl · THEY ARE DELICIOUS :-i•~nifv 111 t•reh· a kni 0 ·1l·th· deOnr of the t rl'at s of th e (',·cu tnge s. Logan is fi-C'e fro111all such l'l-~lSl' · of thl' ;rcakrn .•ss ~I' oth Prs ing- will be thl' appran1nc·c of diseases as '1'11bC'rcu]os;~ and ,md 1he <·ourt wny of do in g- littlt• :\liss \Vhit11C',. who r cec•nth · 11•11111ps.'11his is probahl _,· dnl' to th ings. 'rh oiq.rhtl rssn(•ss indicates <'lwr11wd n Ralt J\nk l.! a11cliC'uc:·1.· th r Yig"oro11st'X(•rc.:isl' oll'C'rNI ancl H hli111t. obt11!-t•.·imp cnrt rah] c lin e with lw 1· si11~ing and danc·ing-. ; enforcrd by the coll<'ge hill. of c:01al11c.:t. r1 is lhal of th t• Sp,·e 1·al u-irls who dan cr d in l '11hP laq.r l' lake fo1·11wd b_y tlw hl1111dt •n•1· and h11n~ l<'1' who ('HII thC' Dam en' 'l'urn, ·cr <'in will al so power how:;l' dam HffOl'Ll s H st•t• no fttrlh L•1·1han th P C'lld of' his ;!p1wai-_,i11 a. H,Japan cse Pan1 :;ol sp ll'n-tlid oppo i-t11nity lo th e row 110:-:l'. Tho11!.d1tle:--~ rwss allows a Dan<·<.· ing club s of the U. A. C. Tlw 1 11u111 to eo uZh at til e Yitnl m o:\I i:-:s .Johnson will p1·l•sent a lnke is •hut a sho rt distan<·c f'rom l The Emblem of Quality 111 e J1ts of address wht'11 1111iq1t(' llflnt·C' " Kuang C'Ollrg-('_ a11tl f1 C'a1·ly mor n- 1 0
! ....Ozark.~..
a.· chHpe l C'hinC'SC' thr om Highest Award I.M.P.A., " littl e r eHec.:lion would ti.'11 hi111 ll su_·, the foill)Wing- 1,ddng- part: in g-. ·when the enc1•n-etiC' 'nth]eti<· jl 1909 1 that ;1 gC'la1·ino11s (•lrn~ hd1·op i..; a:-4 :\lissPs ll opkins. · .Je ffs. Kidg ell. On('s pl_,· their on1·; ,,i gorously. Phones 420b, 178x i111po1·tant As H, lrnndk er chi cf for Lar st•n. "\"r lson, Hel'~<' Rc•how. , unt ii late in th e c ,·rning , when 135 Main ;1 lllC'mbe r ol' g-ood so<·ir t_v . \\ "lly Rmi1 h. '.rlrn1<·hrr. Bl'11nio 11, :li e- thr lo, ·c-lorn drift ahont aim]r ss - 1 should th e att,·ntion o r ~00 ill' C'11ll oe h. E '11g-lsnd . ly. ronrnnti enllv n11de1' th e starlit ~:::::::::::::::.::::::::::::'. hrokrn into hv th <' hrC'Cll<'ss --+h<'a\'en s. c·onnting the 111yric1dsof· ha wk ing-s of fh·e· wh e n a nickels ' DON 'T MISS IT ~tars 1·rtlL•<·led in th e ch1rk mirror wor th of <·011:,.d1 di-ops woul tl (r t r.). one- ma, · notie e th <' solitnn· 1.:li<•ek th P 011lh11r:-il fol' a half hour 'l'lu \ progrn111 for lh C' C'\'<'niug of <-.-1!JO<' in adio ·n. 'l'hC' sr rrnitv r;f at lea~t. ~\II this proh;ihl~- sou 1Hl :-. frlt r1 pn 1 tivC' Dan ci ng , AS an- tlw sit1rntion is not disturbed hv f11·sr :-1nd o,·<•1·-pn1· t ic·Ular to 11rn11 y 11011 11(•Pd in :-rnoilH•r <·ol11m11so unds or chunkrnness. fol' s~o f our frllow stll(knts. hut Sig11rn pr olll ixes a nil'<' trc.11. loon s arc 11ot to] ('rnfrd in Tjogan. 0 Th eta bl'lit.•n·s in t lH' frills of' .\lth o 11g-h thC' ' r111 ·kr_,.' l'rot .' ' lt'lnd e,·rn liq1io1·-s l'llin~ is prolll P l't ' c.·onrtrs,· and eh i\'a lr v a--: '"'B111111_,· lfo g-". ell' .. ha, ·c bN.·n \ hihitC'd. hut · we ll a s i11 tl.ir 111 01·(• sol id ,·i rt11e:- in l'\'i<lc nl"C'111Lo~nn this wint er . An rsp eeitd arlvantage- off e 1·ecl of' hon rs ty and goo d hr rr ding . \\'t' ha, ·r not had mu(•h oppo rt1111 - lo st u.dc nt s. li er-;in t lw hoa 1·cling il_v of sC'ring :-11·tistie ancl hC'Hlll"l- hi,11ses. R:-111ita1-y,with ,ill modTh e bo ,· stood on the burnin g f11l dnn1·i11_gPl'('SC'Jlt('(l hy finish ed rr n ineon,,cni('n C<'s. YC't with 11 111·1ist.•. ·r,i(•lurcsqn eness not ~arl'ifh•('d lo .deck, lli s hl'a 1t \\':-JS :n a whirl. ~\ ft~,\~ arno11g ,\is "~ho ,, han• 111och·rna rc·l1itec·t111·c.tllC',. furnish on c·c to st ud ents most clesirahir homrs. lli s eyes a11d 111011th Wt'l'l' 1'111 1 ol Ll'l"ll l wH·C' to the• 1110,·1C's. 10 <1 )Tin str i"l show l'C'f? :-lrd th em- while the s11r1·01mding s<·rnr1·y hai1·. ~eln•~ a s ro 1rnoissc 111·sof all th:1t r n c-0111'1Jgc•s in thr stuckul an rq, ]l is nn11i-; wl'1'C' f'ull of gi 1·I. i, worth .while in th e WS~ ' of 011· pr er-ialion For art and dreaming . She was fl n old 111a id of ·r r r11 tr-rt ai nm e nl. Tf YOll know s n ch " stud.ring- encl <111eening-. At an~• rerson. lake liin; t o Kihle.l" Hall ho111· a good wholesom e. in fa<'I \\ ' ho l hi1 t_,--t wo la11~11cHn•sknew 1 \\' ith Oll i.' pair of 11111!,!s next :ll onda,· n111l let him fesst too whole meals ,nrnils the w,•ar_v Purchase a Ring worthy of the :--iht•wo1·kc·cl thirt_, ·-two to11gut•!-.h i, nes Oil so m et hin g- he will not hoarder. Occasion, it will be if it comes don ·t wo11dp1• shP ·x ~i11g-lr. tllJ soon· fo r )!<'t. .As th<' most imporbrnt fratm·c• from us. _,·011? rimoni:r the adn1ntfq.:rrs. Hie amns<'-, 1 ments a, ·e mention ed. '!'h e hcst Cardon ewe ry o. Vera as a Child in School. al Your J eweler ~hr tli<ln 't wash tht• dihhrs, ''YPl'H. s1w ll fr rmrnt c111d gi\'L' plays and pla)· e ,-s ni-e shown 1SllC' didn ' t mal<e a stc"', ii..:. ,lrfin iti on. ·, nskr<l 1hr t rnr h C'1·. t h e T,.n ie arnl Oak theatres, 11 1 She didn ·1 r o ll the h isc•uit s ,\lth oug-h . .. umuu •• ·1• -<•-1 ·-111-i"n I. Io work." r cs- whieh T,ogan is noted. .\ s ,,-, u1otl11•1 · used t o clo. 1 n11cl1 •d ·y(•1·n. f.;og:-111hoasts t WO SIH'h l hra 1 .\Ii ! although sh1• w,is not pt•rf'(•t•I '' \\'ill ,·ou usr it in a sr nl<'Jl('C." t ,·es. Y<'t a third one. " writabl e Yt'f s he tl'ir .d to clo hc•1· h1lst. '' fn tl ;c, ~nmrn r1· T wo11lcl r:ilh - ll ipnodrome is being eons(rnetrrl. ' l ' 111il slw thought hrr time <·r I l;n · ou t of door s than frr'!'he college it se lr has a s11pr1·h; I lc1d ('01111' to ha\'r a r('st. ment in the school honse ." lo ,•ati on. liitnaterl npon the hill : ~o onr dHY as hr Wl'nt it nfTords sp l cndicl <'XC'rris<' nncl 't1hC' s,1-111('old 1·ig.;-1-111aroll L esson in U o ,·sl C:eog-raphy: has inspired sHernl .\ . f'. g-irls to lht·oug-h. '!'he ('it.,· o f Tfappin ess is in th,, \\Tile mnsterpirees npon sneh s11h- 1 :,-.;Ji1·1111·11 <'<1 an<l boxt>cl his Pars. lit,,te o r ,rincl . i e,·t s as "TTow T T,ost Ten Ponncl, I .J1i..;t a..., his rnotlH'I' llH'd lo clo. -+--,·in One Da,·." "Arlrnntages ofl [ L E . in f1eo11wtr .1·. explaining College Tllill as Fst Rednrer." F , r slh' i..; n jull_v good fPllow- 811!..dl·x: ~\ n :-rngll' iA onr Npw l to r tC'. Th<' stnclents who All<'<'<'<'di11 !--:orosis. a c·ulr nn ~l ('_ sn1·1.11onnting llrnt hill will snrcly 1111 11111111 1 11 1111 liiillllllililiiiiil
It takes the Ring k h G• ] tO eep t e Ir J
for/~;;;;;;~~;;;;~~;;;;~~;; __ _, Our New Carpets, RugsandLenoleum have arrived
L undStrom f urn1• ture& Carpeto.
warm waler at e ight i11 the morn'ng. or whL'thi?r he would hav\! lO makl• <'arly pilgrims ihr?ugh th,, snow to t 1"· hydl'llnt. H e al-
I their recor, '.,; of ability th ey atl,ancr fron1 one position to anolhtr until by the time th ey arc sc11io1·s, they ha\'C the high posi-
( B,r Louis l•'. Boyl<•) •;·1i. tht• a,·t>ragr Ntlld(•ut at our so found tlrni the matt er of room fon, many of whid1 pay well. l'Olil•::,•. IIH• p , oh l<·,11 of fiuanl'·ng rental was not thoroughly s<'t- .\nd. it is a spl,·1Hlid pbu· e t,, I tlwi,· t·oui:-.t• sel'llls to he most tle<l. \Vh cu hC' nsked as t o the work. for thc1l"' is a ehaut·c or , it..d. Tlw l',·<·i· pn•H•nt IH. 'Pd for prit· e of a roo111 ,1lrnost i11- ach·aDcenwnt evc1·y .n•ur. 1 tlw Always in the highest 111011t· .,· .-thxorhs muc•h of their· ,aria hit• rt•pl~· was. \\' ell, how I La11ndr.,· H!?Pll<.'il's a1·r also I'S· sty le of the art thought nnd n1crn,· oft<.\n aSk 11:1a·h d!> -~ ·ou think it is worth tahlishc·d hy s:11dl•nt~ who . rni1kl! thPmsl•h·l•s. · ·ir ow ;nn 1 ~toing tu lTa."int 1t l'vcr otr111Tl'd to some ag1·rp111t•11tslo l·all hJr c111d 1(1'1 111on1•.,·lo meet th is anel that ,t11de•11I that 1110_,w, · tan lw 11rnde·'Ili\'('t' IHnndr,, · e,·,•r,,· " ·e·,•k. '!'he•,\ • • l'XIH'llSl' !'' .\ nd sHd to xa,·. IIUll1' . h.,· lol'ntmg- vn-ators and nrw P\'l'll c•o111petc w th th(• 1!01·:-:e, fm Promptness our hobby stndt•nt, shi.lt tlw pi·ohlt:m on:: 1, :t11ck_nls nr o11n<~th~ town? ,Just Ion the~r h1:11·~0,. th<•y <·an,r !.!rt·:d lo , . h1th, ,,. and ~!other... anel 111wg1111• ho,\' 111e·e,t \\'011ld ha, ·e sa:·ks 111 winch th ,, l>111ncln· i, -tht\\' ' ·pay lilt \ hill:-;. '' ii<'PII for tlu• "T ·tl'r if he l~adJg-aflierrd nn<l dPlin 1 rNl. Tlw.writ I rrhis Hrtil•i(' is writti•n in j?l~n- l•N•n Hpproac•ltt>d at the sta ti on r·r kn ows of' one ~ul·h 01·g-ani1.,1 Pt·al for studrllt" who lwn• a dP- hy .:t :--.t11dPntwho would proff,-.1·. tion that ·x ineorporat Pd a1u1 th<' The place to buy )'OUr shoes ancl :-.ii t' lo l'illn IIIOI'( ' or h•ss mone, "ithout l'\'C'll a tip. t o show him students to111prt 1, w:th IIH· loi·c1l, [urnishings. Suits. overcoats and \\hr., at ><·lwol. hnt ,pe,·ilic·alli· a ll th,, arnilahi<' pl,ices l'or ho11rc1 l,i1111clries. Hen tho 11sth th(',. I trousers made to order , on sho rt notice. it ·8 written for thos{' who l'Oll· and room:-;. and he ah)_t\ to tell him S(' 1Hl thrir \\Ork t o a l;1rg-r la1111j 14.5 North Main 1-id(•1·hnt two q1H·stions nh out \\~H~t h<:,mi~ht .. c•xprc·t .a~ PH<'h ,..,. fo1ly n1~k•s awny., . I Ntl'ning monpy: is t.hc nwthocl pl~Hr. lhr1r is uo qur:•il1011 hut i \11<i :--o it u·n<•s. PIH• ,,-i-1!1•1·,--------------11 honornhlc ! 1s it }('~dtirnatt•? hr would lrnvi• ," fallen fo_r il. 1~•01ild nrnp ont 111:-1ny 111or p 0 111•11. J The' studrut who lrnt, ,, t,, ntllon, .\11cl th,· ,111•<'nl _ -ho11ld not Ing, · wh<'r <' st11d,•nts 1·01,lcl 111akr• 11 hi s hnn d-s: o 1· who i~ afn1id lo h•t. l1r1,~<> nn.,· t1011hll' 111 ~l'tt111g <111 monl'f. hut tlw~.l' will 1w 1·h:1p:-1 people seC' him do h11111hlework 1rp t1on c11 th1• room:-.. w1th i:l pe1•. o;;e1·v<' as a i-b111l~1·. Studnit:- I need not sqnn nd ei- ti11H· n•ad·ng (•(•ll1;l1!'l' _ of. thp l'0'.)lll l'l'll~ ('\'('I'." shoukl _find O!H'ning-.,. t~"\ (•oll(•(•t-1\ this nrt ·e:lP. for it is not meant w<•rk H:-;l11s JHl~· fnr grttmg- th l· 01·s. cklivrry 111('11.sohr1tol':-;, r Pp· for him. It is for tlw sl11dC'nl rull(\I". Xo t1sP say·ng it (•cu 1·1 rr:-.c·nf..1tin•R of ,·;1ri n 11s 1·om•(•1n~. ! who i!-;willing to do ctnythin~ in he. do!w until you han• al'tmill~· ni:-1:.nu:i1w.w,,.tPr:-., :;;hew shi1H·r~ whic·h Ju• i·nn t'HI 11 an hont.•st t 1•1f'cl. it. It hns snc:·<•f'<led n•ry lnn c·h <lc•l1n•rt."' I'~. t.•1<'. Thl • f-it•ldj dolla,•. wpl\ rn othrr phltPs. and Ht111IPnth is alrnnst unlimitl'cl. T h<.· writ1•1· wc1s !i.llrpri:--.t>d tc, haYr nwdP good lllOIH'r. In fa<·l f11 tt0~i11g l11e \\T i ll•r w·:--.hes to find s1a·h n JH'('d ll>J· 11111ncvn•gular room rpnt in).! agrneie ~ l'lllplrn:-.izr tlH' do 11hl<.' val111\ o: n111ong thl' Rtud<.\nts and so f'M·,. lrnn• hP<>n r1-tahlis hrd rltHl lown~ s nc·h work whilt\ n 1w rso 11 iR al trying- to 1•an1 at\Y whilr al t•oi• prople hn, ·l• hN·omc thor ong-hl~· ro ll l'g-e. 01w or thP g-r.-1n• <·ha1·g<•sl lPg-t•. It np1wars that 100 ma11., Ht'C'ns1omcd to doing hns·iu- st; against tht 1 pl't'Sl'lll l'Ollt•µ-p grad h,.n·t• l;u•k<\d tlw t·onrngP or <•Y('n with them. 11HtP is that the• le<'f111rH. el1H;'., tll<.' tll•!-)irt>to s1rikt• out and ;-H·-1 'l'ht -,,Titl'r had to hnnt for hi:, 1·00111 rPc·itations. and l;1ho1·ato1,. " '. \l 1Ji:-O\'F.n sho<'s nre so good tnall> · do so111pthi11!.! for th<.•JH.!lionrding plac·t• tlH' ii-a111eas fo1· pnu·til'c'. has 11rncl1 \ 11·111 i111pta,:. ~"!,·,,, ' l his tno111. \Yhy don·t the stud- ti1·ah}r in 1hr c•onrn1rrc·inl wo1•ltl. thnt p eopJf' or all nationi:1 of the Onl." ,·0111H! mun, wh It~ atlrn<l• c·nts wait on tahl<.' fo1· th e ir hoal'll '!'hrs(' posi1=nn:-; srn·c lo eo11nl1•l' inµ- sl'l~ool i11 H :--.nwll C'astP1·n; and tlwn work up to d niJ1g room c~rt tlrnt lt\ ndenn ·. 'J'l1p,· lllHki• earlh unil (' in proclaiming lllem th (' "L1?:ul<·r~ of tlw \Yorld." i ow n "hpr1• n la 1 !!t' l'd 11c·at ion a 1 ma na !.!<'rs, head w1:1itt'rs. etc·.? t IH' stt1dP n I l'C'SO~ll'<•(' ful, · n ntl 01 in::-.titntion is lo ·at<•d, l'<ll'IINI St'V• ;-;u111c> 111.-1., · whine ag1-1i11and say igillativr, ;:incl (•1H1:-:e hirn to {Ip I 1 ('1'>11tho11sa11cl dollal's whir, , "' t lrnt 0111,· a frw hoardl'l's arc krpt ,·clop that initiati,·e anel <·,rnfi. sehcol. and <·ar1 it•tl his l'C'~rdar Int n ho1111•.n11<1tlwy ar e takl'l1 d('nl'e in hi111sC'lftlwt ·s ahsolute u 1 !-;c,hoo\ work as w<.'11. 'l'h( tow11 11ight in as 111e11Ji)(' 1.·s of ti.le f..lmil.,.lly .(•s,::entir1l if hP wishr-.: to ~111· • 13 5 N. ~fain Street h,\s a popnlation ol' app1·oxinrntc. ,\!so, that tlH' gi1·ls of th e house ('('eel in C'Ompct,tion with rnci: h· thirt1 •t'n thons1-111cl.ancl ubo11t g<'llt'rally do tlH• ronkin!.!' and thr of thC' wol'1d. 0 11t• 1hom•and young 11wn and "ait in.!.!'on tahlP. ~\ 11 ypry well. Lo~:-111is brim full of oppo1 tnn• 1_:::::::::::::::::_::,:,:,~--_-_-.:::: womp11 in that ~c-hool ,,·pre• whol- Thc1t makes thc> (•0111pdilion with iti <1 8 to 1hr Rfn('clnt who !Hts th e Cf,O'J' IIJ NG S II OES J,:'"J'C. I.,· or pa1tially working their a g-l'nt1i1H' hoHrding lwu s<.' all th e cl<.•~ireto find thc>m. f!n<l tl ·P ~a11<l war tl11ough. les:-; kl•1•11. C'n•ate a rq?nlar hrn;i- n11d grit to work. 1-ifff•r h e dot•~ \\ 'C" <'Hrr )' lhc f am ous ))ou~Jas s Shoe.; f o r :H('n. \\ ' omen mul Boys. l 'pon his 1-11TiYelin L,ogn n. UH~ nP~8 ol' hna, d ng sltHlC'11 !~ at so fin cl th em. And h<' who rlo<'s ·t llc•i,I C..'lo lhill ,!? in t h e Ci l ;r f(II' the wr ifrr wn.._ ~111·prist•d that no one n111eh pPr wt'f'k. and ,rithin n "ill hr a mot(' n1hrnhlP man ) I Oll('f. Lib < rul ])iS t'o unt lO S tn • aet·oslt. ·ll hirn for an.,·th!n:,! what (;hort tim(' the fami]~· boc11·din~ when hC' g-r1s out of srhool. 'rh l' <kill"- at NE W BOIJns· Tl!R CLOT .III ERS sop,·e•,·. It "'"" lrnlll for him lo l·ouse \\'ill heeome 11111l·hfe·\\·c1·. fa:·l that he "·o,·kcd hi s way lwliev( • that hP was in a co11ege One yo1111g rnan began in 1h~ 1hro11gh c·ollcg(• will prove n town. 'l'lw hac•k clrin\1• was thC' hoarding houst• husinC'ss by hl<.'~sin~ 1·ather 1han n stignrn. Xo +,:..s,,:..:K:H;.><:><~H!><~K:K: ..: ..: ..:..:..!x:,..,:,.: ..3:..!..*• + 011l,1· man who offerNl lo e.onclnct swrr• pin)( the sidewal.ks. light in" Oil (' will (•arc what work hr did 1:1: NEXT TIME TRY 1 him to a plflc•p whrrr food antl fil'l'S. t·any ing- Nia l. 1..•11ttingwoo l to g-rt th1·on~h. and the train :ng :t lodging- (•01dcl he found. Yet. he nnd sift'ng ashes. ll C' g r.-1tl11Hlly hC' gets in making- plm1s nnd folwas """ of the• ma,~.,· who we:·~ worked np until he became the low in¥° them wi!l he qnilc as "aln- , • • W. .;. gom~ to a!f('nd th e · Honnd .np . tlrnm n g- room 111atrng-C'r ::incl eash• nblc 1n after hfr. as tl1(' eollrg1~ • .\l one• h,, w<'nl ,ill !hr ,my lo the i,-1·. Ycry neal'i,v one hundred co!lL'se itself. THE QUALITY STORE
p Sm1t • h & Son
--_-_-:_-_~_-:_-_-:_ -_~::_-_-:_ -_~:_-_-_-___
T. A. Greenhalgh
Stl:irCloth 1 'ngStore
~i~.~~~~~;,,~Ll~~l~\~(/h~l Of~~ O~f ~!~: :~:~~i ~;~ ;:•.::: b~~;~~~~ 1t~~ll~~l8lr\~f~ aYailHhl~ plal'rs where hoard aml roorn ,·oulcl he hacl with pri,·at.e farnilie•s. It ,rems that this list hacl h,•,•n ('Otnpil<•d hy the Col. le1te•. Even I hn1111h ht' \\'as a 8trangr1· arn1 mHH·qlwintcd with th<· ,f,·ppfs. he had to strike 011I nlo,w again without a 1111idc. to tincl 1·00111anel board that \\'as as 11rar as possihlr to his 1 king and po,·kt-t hook. TTr Yisite•,l sr\'C'nil plHt<''· al <',wh of which hr ha,l to repeat the p11rposr of his ,·isit. 1•1Hl it ,lc\'Ol\'ed npon him to ferrel out the possibility of getting
\\'as al111ost l\\'o thousand do!R. M. ROLFSEN Jars. .\notlH'r stude nt \\'Orke,l 1111from tlw position of pol,it o The place you get tbe best price on Gym . Shoes, P a nt s,and Jerseys pr,•le•1· to that of lwHd waiter Football and Tennis Supplies, \\'hieh pa id a wa11e that wr11I a bathing Snits etc. 4 doors west 'cng wny towarcl drfrnying his 1st Nation a l Bank rolle'!!<' rx pen s<'S. Othrr stnclents --------------. ,tail<'d a ho,Hdiug hou se \\'h,,re • thr· .,· did all the work. ancl th,· QUALITY FIRST f,u·t that th,._,. now ha, ·c an nPRICE NEXT ('01poral(•cl ,•om pan.,· is ample e,·. Hardware , Cu tlery, S chool iclcn,,,, of what stndenls ran do Notion s, Lun ch Baskets and \\'hen 11,e,· will hut try . General Suppli es for Studen ts. Freshm en are alwa,·s gi,·cn the The LaFount HardwareCo. humble, lowly positions, and by '-------------~
f f
1£><:><!Ki><!><:H!><$>CK!>1:><:H:Ki)<£><S..£•~' +tiH!><i><S,..!H!,4
f: I:
g ft
H ::
Special Inducements Student s
21-25 W. Cente r Str eet
~tubent l.ife Publi shed ,
C\'CrY Frldny St u<lent.
B ody
or th o School Organlzntl on
rrmain'ng unrn!'c·inatrd. l•:\'e n il 'U • WINS DECISIVE VICTORY the· indi,·idual is ll'il ling to takiOUR TEAM DEFEATED 1111·i-isk of co ntra c·tin g the di-;. ---L•asc. he lrns no l'i ght lo be n conIn th e A,st int t•r-coll!'giale
stnnt 11 wmH'(' to the- community i11 g-arne of the year. om· team wns ll'hi,·h h ,• li1·!'s; he h as no rig h t to beat cu by the Cniye1·sity . PlaYlw cYcn a po,s ihl c sotll'ce of dis- i, .g good ball until the fifth int1·ih11tion of a pre,·entc1blc di ::;. 11ing-our lenm wenkenccl nnd tlH' "Entered as seco nd-cl ass matt er case lo others. If e,·c ry person jn "U" found our weak i-.;pols. Kio Seplembe r 19, 1908, al lhe postofflce at Logan, Utah, under th e. Act. o! a ('nmmunity woulcl be vac cinat ecl man pitrh ed a. sl r on~ Ramr. hut March 1879 .'' and that condition be maintaincrl a hit in th e Afth was muffed, al-' College D eliv ery ls made from Slu- lhronghoul a gi,·cn arNt for some low ing thrre runs . Prom th C" n or tho
'Q_. A. C.
The Success or Failure of This Live Store
Subscription, . . . . . . $1.00 Per Year Single CopJes, . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Cenls
dent Lt!e Office, Room
Edit ors i\llRS. OLA Y'l'OX ET'l'A XE JBOX Vl~ ,RA \Vf•:lf , l'lB
timr. this disease ('oulu he entir<'ly stampC'd m1t. 'ro climinak
nn it was all l'tah.
ties. just
Onr field was
weak lo sar the least. and our it entir e I.,·, is one of thr poss ibili - drnnc-C's of ~,·inning arr ,·cry small as yc ll oll' l'cYCL'has been
is slrcne;thcned
i•liminalPcl fr om l f,lrann. anc] the grr n mi~s rtl thr<'e f\~·s whic·h wen• Locals Pnn:-1ma <·nnnl, fo rm rr ly lh e t·os th ·. 'l1arn11•1· nlso failed to fincl JWBY Oi'l'l' l,EH pln~ne spo t s ol: llie r arth. ,e,·p ;·al nil's. 1lon' ]Haisc C'an h r w,, ,,duc·al<• pPoplr not o nly 1'01 !!i,·rn lhc in -rield for it plnyccl a Yof. XI. No. 27. tllt' i1· ow n ~ood. hnt 1'01 · llw g-oocl ~oo<l . stl' o11g ~anie. ~tC'plwns F,~da y, A pri I ~-i. l!l 1:J. o l' snt· ir t v. Jt sho uld noi be n cccs- t·n111.dll<'''l'rylhing tilnt rnmc hi s :-..r1 r v to · make r cl11 c·ation c·on1pul - way. ~<·hwcitr.l'r play ed well nt i COMPULSORY VACCINATION . '>01:,, as hoth individual a.nd so fil'st and P (':irt -on :,:,,cc·o nd was a
Th e very wo1·d ''< ·0111p11ll'iOI'.\' .. m akes this s ub .i<'<·l di,la,trful. R eel blooded A111('1·i r·a does not li ke to be compellPcl. and so any. thing that iK <·0111p11lso1·.r is oh.icct ionab le ancl l' l't t lwrr a 1·e " great many thi11~s thal a 1·r C'OIII · pnlsory that wr do nol nh.it'l't lo. Eatin g is compulsoi·y if' we wan1 to li ve; echtC'ation is rnH1plllso1·.\ if w e wi s h to hr <·npalilr of' in tr ll igc nt citiil•n:-,;hip : t·lo1li;n~ i~ rompulso ry i t' Wt' wi•,d1 1o a ppr11, 1 h~ pn bli c. (On<• al1110:-•dd011ht:tlrnt in th ese lat1c•1· tln n, J : n11d s,, (' J1 throug h ;l loo g- li~t or (.'\'t' I',\ clar thing s: AtHl nH·<·i11ntion is 0111 of th em , wh!c·h , lik t' o1hl't's. nu~lit
it l)c l on~ rr n0rrssary this hateful tion.
wo,·cl with
Row e. the nrw
to coi 1pl~· man was ~tr ong- wi th rnccina-
and fi,,Jdecl en•n· thing his way. .\ ncl, -,;s will
has r-
th e
s tirk
that rill
ra 111 e
dt'J)ends upon the ser, iee and satisfac tion w~tirh the rlothi n g w e s, •ll gi ,·es to the w ra r rr . 1'hat 's why we oll't>r good clot h es to you ancl you ca n put as much faith in th e sN· 1•i-cc th ey will gin' 11s w e do . In fact yot'i' sntisfaction is guarantee d.
Note well the prices
J,am ·-
<•n i-.on 's plan• at sho rl with m01·1•
and 'Pho111as have tltl'll( (l and if <,ut for fh·ldinl,! positions, th1•,· r nn iH' 11st•U ,rill no donhl Kt •1T
" 1,1 ixi·tl !:!;O\\11 f'ol' Pnuk. :lf!'nd :li'olh;,l' ·s Hidin g bood.':;.pnn short llin •:Hl. Cn1·cll'd l ow. _ \\' ol'kt•tl on ("i11•<•sl'•ha!-ikrl. H,it,·hPI ·, lla x wilh lfn1111nh. \\'C
Y our inspection of th e 1·lolhes will <'Onvince )'Ott that they arc really reasonable.
('XJlCl'i('lH'C. 1
~1,·c'• ng-thPII I he t t'fl n1. '11hP Ptnh lPc1m was Wl'll hnl • ;i 111'('<1. a 11 d ~~:oo d h iJIp1 •s. n 11hough ~lid :,1 Jh:,.;.apit'<'(\.- Pl<'nlell n n,l dt11'ing-11H·first l'ou1· inning~ our · i•tint•t l , Ifrail n R(•rinon ol' Ool\l- 11w11 hit llH•il' pitl'l1C'r frrr ly. 1\fuh id:-!<'·s. •~pool Pel a pi<•c·r.- ifilk - 1111tl~11thPl'la11d w1·1•p I IH' Uniq•1 ··d 1111, i·ows. ~pnn Ji1w 11. did ;;o s!tv hnll1•n· <·an fcc•l su r e l,a1ots. ~ )fadr rl n1·00111 or f111i11 C'i-1 lh;;t hy th~•· nrxl li11w 0111· t rn 1,, I wlwat slniw. Spun 1hn •acl to mrds thr Fniw•l'sitv it will hr a whilen.--..~Pt n Hl'tl d.,·P. 1focl l losr ~fllll(', n111l no · wrnk spots 'larnu •r .. .. ••.f ... ll11rlhurt - P r tty uot . to hav e to IH' ('t)lllflll lM)l'~ I lwo H·holar!-i 1'10111 :ll1·s. rr;1_,·lo r ·s 11ill lw found. as C'on,·h Tc•e tzrl is W oo, lland .. . . I.I'. . . . . . Kt 1\l'k R n~r)r individual silould f•011si1lC'r f (•;\l'tlt•l! :wn Jl 11111dsor wholt • 111..tking-~~·~1·~· pffoi·t lo strrng-th1•n \ Hiui :-..~\ . C. Ki1l111n11 2. ~\1Hlr11s it part of a duty that 11'•nwt'h t1 \\OOJ nn<l l'l•lt 11:1t'onall., ·. Spun th1•sp po:-;11lons. 1. I lal ~n• n 1. '(1;1111H'r1 :>. ~C'iety, thr sa nw as 111 • wo11ld hai·u,•ss I wi,w. ~1·onrt•1l I IH• 1wwThe Line -up : H1111 1.; tftah llolm~t t1,ul G, ' r o111 <·onsid er thr llc-i<.: of pi-op,•1· 111;111. t<•r." Ri<'phL'lls . . . . c·. Ruthe1· l:1nd I . . - :-; ,, I' n ers or of rn 111111011 ho11Pst~·. Kidrnan p .. . . . .... 1\f11i1·Ji.,J1zpn1rH·1( •>.• tu1•1\ -· 0 . ,,c.rnm r :,, Th err wa s in li111l' s long- pni-.1.t ' l'Jip followingad\' i•rti!-il'llWllt ~t·hwPilr.1'1' .... l h. 0. "RomnC'.\'! 1. 1,. HoHHH'~ · 1- 14. 1 ~trong pi-e.judil'l ' H~ai nsl Ya1·1·in:t• :lJlJH'ill'C-tl· ill tht • PPn JH,rln 111ia P<•nrt . . . . 2h ..... lfolm Rtc•n,l I fHt·ry Sto11r,v. _umpil'r . t :011-.aud al tha1 1i111 p 110 do11ln l'ntk rt of Si•pt. :!:J, 17M: · How(' . . . . . ~h .. T,on R onnwy 1 -+ -lh c pr e,jud', ,e 11·11s \l·111·1·ant<'d. \\', , " \\'anl c d al a St'al ab out s.s ... ]?itzp:dri,·l< Not th9:t we l~e drill less bnt I Audrus wr r e so far lhC'n Jl'om lh P xo111·1·<• s llnlF n dny·s jou,nry fn,lll Ph ila ll' algT('II .. . 1, r.. . .. P r l r rso 11 that we l\ke cho-r work more. of voccin{ \ 1ha't no doubt in 111a11\ · rlt' l ph ia n sing lr wo11u111o[ umml rases tlie viru s wnR ohtr1i11Pd fl'o,;\ lii•(l n ' Jrntn tio n . a n 1dl'ah lr. rhrc•r a pr e·viouR c·asC'. I n ~n<'h 1·1u;c,. f'ul, a('li\"C' ;iiHI nniinhlr dil-if)Osi • f111<l therC' were nrn11y of' tli rm, 1101 tion: <·kanl.,·. indrn,t1·i011s. p..:r on ly small-pox hut. lllHII~ ' othr1 ft (•11~ · qunlifil'd lo dirt't·I mul nwn all th<' Rtulll'lll>1 nw,•t." l.<'a. 11ln~ f'onr1•t•th'l 1H'r~ n r L oga n . thing s wrr<\ t runsn1il trd in thnl ;i~P th,· frmaJ,, 1-o,H·i•i·n~ or <·01111 "\\'h<'rr cturt ·n~ of tho Famouli " BO\' \I ," C' IIOCOl ,.\'rES. one inoc11latio11 nnd mnn.,· S<'l' io11~ tt-v husinrfis as 1·..ii si ng- 8111nl! Mnnufa Our Cat<'rlng to Cla~~ Partlt'!4 ('annot be cx<-dl-:-tl In "pr ic,··· o r "quality." <'ases and ~-0111rf'HtnlitiPs rps1ilt -.t~c·k. (lniryin,:r. mnl'krting-. t•omh rd. Xo wonclcr then lhat ther e· ·ng. ,-,mlin!!. ,pinninit. knitlin!( ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::, w ns a s tr ong- pr(\jucl irC' a~ai nst srw ing-. pi<•ldin~. prefi<\rving-, l\t1• . vacci n ation. Th r onlv wonclrr i~ i::;m•h,1 1w 1~o n will h<' t ,·rntrd witl 1 1 that !here was n o l n;orc. r,•s pN'I ancl rstrrm. ancl 111 rP I At thr pr<'s<'11I ti111P f'aeililil '' with C'\'t' l'Y rnro 111•a1tpnwnl <lilt ' to )1a,•e. how(•vt·I'. ehan~Pd for 011c•t;t1<' h a eh.a1·nc-t1•1·. ''-. Encourage Your Fathers to Ship Their Live is willing to pay tllC' pirce for ,·ac·• • Stock to the Institution that Assists the c•ination HJlJ)liC'tl und er n11lisepti1.: '111H .' follnwi11~ ndvC'1·ti8rnw11t eonclitions. \V il h p1u·,, \'il'lls and IIJJJl<'llrP<l in th,, l[pr alcl-RPp11h li Agricultural Colleges of the West in Promotprop e r c·are, tlwr C' is no n•n:-on l tl t·an 101:1:- \Yrmtl'cl n wo111nn 10 ing the Live Stock and Agricultural Industry a nticipatt. l anyt hing 11101'(\than do . f?OOd hOlllf.l (1 00l<ing- rnll th e n etN,snrY s wr llin g- and diR- phnHP :J:l2. co mf ort. H.' o n thr ol her harnl . • • • Ask Them to Write us for Market Informaproplr prrsi!-.I in ~oin~ around to 1,11:J 1·.,i·om Diai-v l\1is, tion Free . some qu,u•k who will do tJi, ,· work Van Jh- ko-: ,\1•·okc> ai, o',.J,wk for n. cpuu•ft>r, tlw_y Hl'f' s111·r to grl Aftrr l,rl'nkfa. ·in~ ~pc•nt an hour their qunrter's worth nncl oftrn in mv stndY writ;n"--WAS two s11'!!!!~ a good deal more . hon,.,; at ihr filt,'."r, Lunc•h r,l l fndrr JWP-;t•nt dn.\ t•1:11 dil ion-. J with fri,•rnh nt thP ( 'n fi• \\ ',•nl with n treatnwnl II'•' saf,, 1111d1·r r . to rluh-.~nw )fnml ,\ d11ms in .. North Portland, Ore. tnin as mediC'nl sc-irnrr ran 1trnkt• rhantieleer in tlw Prrning- Rup it , there is no ex,•nsc for nnyon~ j per al the Lomre.
• • •
Portland Union 5tockYardsCo.
STUDENT LIFE "HOW WELL I REMEMBER " I soon arrived A Vision of 1940_ tel iu town,·'
at the '· best bo-1 ten stol'y uw<l- t After t1n•11ty-sevrn years of cru hotel ou the old 'l'hatcbcr ••arncst lahor in a distant land an l:l!Lllk corner. During the trip up 11ppr <·intive government saw fit town l had noted a pbenou1cn11l
to ~rant
lllf' fl
,·acatiou• 'ro pnt it growth iu every rc~pect.
ec., office
:,~d!i;;, :~e;: ;:;~: ,~,~~~ j;Jn-~~
II macl rnsh for the steammakini,r "' for home. A,.,.ived in :>:cw York I was ,mdr•tided as to whether arroplaues w,•re sufe ns the Overland Limit c, l nr nol , hul finally decided 011 t h{\'.lntter to rnrr.v me west . You sPr, r was n. hnck numher , having sp<>ntso rnnny of the best years of my life in n !'Onntry one hundred years behind Ilic rest of the world. J vr ril1• heliel'e ii' ii hnd been a thoi,•e · betwet'n an ox-team nnu !he O1·erlancl J.,imited I should l1al'e <·hosrn the ox-tenm from l'or1·e of habit. ITowever. as in 1h<" two cla_vs tr ip aeross the con1inrnt , saw no aeroplnnc co llisions o r mislrnps. nlihough the sky was •hlnl"k with 11,esc ma ..t,ines. I . omewhat ,·epentcd of my 1lt•<•i:,do11 nnd (l('(•icl<'dto return 10 1'ew York hy the "Ac1·opl 11ne
See Stoney for Athletic Goods He knows your wants and has the goods at
buildings, residences, ; aml numerous l!hcatrcs prcsentcJ 11~ 1 ing- lo ( lod 's country. ( the ( T. S. an imposing sight. 'The last uam. A. ) I shed the responsibi liti es ct! wer e cspeciall,y intcrcstin:; to or t wenty-senn years as lightly me, and back over the past years as one sh,•ds an old toat, and last methought I h eard th e sighs ,wd 110 I im,, in pncking my t rnnk lllld wails of the 1913 students for a 1
Logan Arms and Sporting Goods Store 114 North Main ""~-=-:;
'·one good recoll ected bow :;c:a,._%~~==_==_;;;._;;;._ =_=_=_,._,._=,_ ;;;._ .,._=_=_ =_"'_"'_,._=,_ ;;;._ ;;;._;;;._;;;._ =_"'_"'_"'_'E_-::-::-::-:==::==::"'_-:==_-:"'_ coldshow." night, lwhen the ther_____ _ mometer was ho, ·cring about zero, a long line of palicut Loganites Special Attention Given to waited for more than an hou,· io the Proper Fitting of Glasses front of a moving picture sho" to gel a chan ce to sec so111cth :11g out or the ordinary, and a little ~ 1~,;~. wo,th while than the usual 11 M.D.
Frank 0. Reynolds
~arly next morning I arose, for l was consumed with curiosity to see what changes had come to the "dea,· old College." Thes e wen• many, as l soon found out. D ea.old J'r exy Widtso c's dreams ha,] t·Om<' ll'u·c• The "cres,ccut" wns c·ornplctc from .I he hand so me El !en 11. Hi<:hards • building, wh c 1·c I he W 01111111 's building used to sland , lo lhe Uc•o. 'l'. Odell Agri ('t11t11ral building- on the cxtrcnw so uth ern e nd of {Jollcgc hill. 1,irnil <'d.'' Chrmist ry buildings, dairy hnildArriv,•tl in T,illle Old Salt J,nke ings. poultry huild,ngs. a new nt 7 p. m. l ,itlle. rlicl r say1 No, cxpc 1·illle 11L slntion, a lllilila1·y indre.d. Rhe h11d f11lfilled even the drill h11ilding lll'sicks rnr1011s wild est 1wophecies of her l~l ~ ollier i111pro1·dlllcn.ls or a min e, ('0111m1•n·ial ('luh nooslers. and natm·e; hut best of all was tl11• now h,,1tl I he proud pl11rc or be- fine new main building w it h an ing- twin sistt•1· to Chi(la~o. Tl wn~ immense eloc•k in the towrr, nr:d 1on lali' to srr much of the <·itr. rhimes, 1·cal chinws, which c·oull1 :111dof c•oursr thrrr wns no tl'ni11 he hcnnl all ovrr the Yallr,·. <h11· for Logr111 at thn1 tinl(' of' th1· or lhi• most !-illl'J)l'ising an;l plP<h· 11ight. I lrnd a vivid 1·r<·ollr1·li o11 ·11~ !o,ig-ht-.; to 111c•, w: -IR thf' row of or 11tt• POllll'nrt~! or tr.H~rl h1•• ·'frat .. Hlhl ~t,l'lll'ilr lwrnt•~ \·X- 1 1Wf'l'll kalt !J;1kr and Log-an lt•nding- nm·tlt 1'1·011;the• 1·n111r11~. tw(•11t,v-st'\'t'll yPnr:-:. ngo. But l [ w,1s just thinking- tlwt. 1hr ~dun wns to h;-i,·,• 1hr sm·prisl' of my Nits tHH\ildar:-. 11111:..1 h1• of a lifr• TIH' ti(•krt ng-Pnl infor11u•d WPalthil'I' <·h;..;~:h;n1 ·n 111vlin:p me Iha! ,,J,•,·lri,· motor <·111 ·s lefl lo he ahlc lo huil<l hou,"cs f.,,l'o1· IJ()g-1-tnr ,·t>ry hour! llu•ir rluhs w!H•n a ~oro, ·it \. ..,;._ l'p lo !h's time I lrnd lhoug-hl l<•r i11fornH:<l •11c ll1>1t nil · 1h1•<,• of l, og-n11 ns hc-i11g-rrrt ty mul'h housC's wl'rC' ! 1iilt by nppropr latlH' snlllt' liltlt slLC'py eollrg-t'.'town tions malh ll_i thr Stair lc-gisJ;i. 1 that I h,Hl known i,;o long- auo , tnre. ' Ye Oo<~s!" "\Yho wou1d hut now I wns prt•parrtl J'1H' nny. lrnvc thon~hl it! Rvidentl_v ll•gi.-.. lhing from 1111O~•fon to n l\cw laturcs of this day w c ,·e mad e up York. 'l'wo hon rs Inter I entered of frat men ,•nd sororil v wo111e11. the l 'nion D<,opt building 11t Lo- and at last th,- real mis~ion an I g-1111 11rnl wns clclighled with th<: purpose of thes e organ;z11lions sizt• nncl (•onv(•niPnrr of this hand- wns recognized. ~011H' str1H·tm·(•. Xo more wrnry I must not for~C'l thl:' cc Ag-· wails !'or helnle<l trnins at C,wlH• C'luh huilding-. rallrcl the llnni s .Ju1wtio11. with h11111 ,andwi<·h and building. afte ,· Or. I•'. S. l!a,-.. i,. pil' snppl'rs O\'er a lunc·h rounter who had ·been for many years 01w on wh i<•h eo!'l,-J"Onc·hes lined np of the 1·l11h·s 111c,sl loyal st1ppor1 nnd holdlr dcm11nde<1 the srraps. e,·, '!'he sludcnts nt the .\ . C'. to,la~• J?inally I Yisit d the ~fain knPw non r of thos e joyi-;. Ko, th~y huilclin~: and warnlc1·t•d jnto th1.: \\Otdcl ne,·rr know the- ex.c·itenwnt Hrg-istrnr's offirr. In thr lh ,g1.-1,f the mad rm·h for lhe only rnr l1·ar I rerognizl'd m ·; old f1· •n d :11 111icl11i~htaftrr holiclny li111C',H<'rt Carrin -gt on. ~ ?{;•t ly thr ri~'11 whf'll f>() p<'r <·<'nt of thr moh of 111r1nin thr right :lhll'''· (Jp wanturning- st11drnts hncl to walk, his sanw ~('ninl. :l1·111nrn10<.hl1 ing a111l conntecl lhemselws lnc·ky if self :ind ror,liall.,· ,nl"il<'c] me ; 11: 1 th<•Y r('arhed thC'll' rooms with his si1nc·tnm '-arwtC\~!1111. wht•1·r w 1 11nti1ing- worsr thnn n frost-hittc-n _lin •d OYC"rold ti111,,:-i· F1·0111hi111 t'nr or to r. Thr 1.tkl rar dorsn 't [ lrnrn(•d that Pr<•x~ "\\'i<ll'-<H'"·1~ lt•nve the depot at rlrvPn o'c•lot•k now clt•,·olin,:? hi" t1 nti1·,, timr · n pither. ( Continued ,111 P11ge Six)
Pracl ice Limited to Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat Oftkt•
o,·1•1·Howf'l1•(.':11·don Dr~· <lood.-. C'Ulll)laH,I 01111••· llt mr~: 0 111 I'.? a. 111., '.?to O 11. 111.
Where Only the Best is Good Enough
American Steam Laundr~ Launderers and French Dry Cleane cs Call
No. 46 East
438 .
wi ll
to your
U'l'A l r
BE YOUR OWN JUDGE \\'t.• <·nn11olbrlil,, .._.that tht.•1·c is 11. SC'nsihlc• nrnn li\'ing wl10 1 any would p111'c•IH1s1 othC'l' than a l)g ljA V~\I.J C'1'l'Hlll ~epan1tor for hi R own ui:;c if h e won Id hut :--;Ef•~ and 'l1H1Yan i111pro\·l•ll 1)1~ LA VAL machine befol'e bnying. ft is 11 f:1<:t Iha! fl!I'; ol' 1111st•pnrnlor l111.1 ·r 1·s who do ~'WM 1111d'!'HY n l)J-:1,,\ VAi, nrn!'hin c before hurin~ pun·linsr lhp l)E 1,.1 Y .\f, ,md will have no olhr,· sepa1·11loi-. 'l'h, 1(/, who '"10 110 1 hu.,· tlw 1111~ i.J\\rXL nrc tlios, who allow themseh·es lo h,• i11fl11P11<•rd b, !-lOmrthing olhrr tlrnn 1·c·HI !!'c·11uinr !-rpat·at o·1 merit. Ev ery resp on is.hlr 1wrson who wislw~ it nm.\ 1 li11,·1 th" l•,rC'c 'I1l'ial of a l)g T, \\ '", Af1 mac·hi111 ai lii"i own hnmr without a1lnrnrr p;1ymrnt 01 n11,\· ohli~a.linn wl1;1l!-.0P,·Pt'. ~i111pl,, fl!-.k tlu DE. T,AY. \L ag>rnl in ~·om· nrarrsl town or w1·it1• di1·r1·I to til e• n1•11l'r,1 DI~ L .\ V,\f, otli,-e. Thi' 111'\\ ';"•!·11111.nDt• L:n·nl Dah',\ Hutul 8nt1k, In whlC"h lm111wtnnt ol11ir., IJIH",.liun<i ahl' tli-...·11-..-.1•11 b,\ tlu• l,,:•-.t a111h,wltit'"'• 1-. a 1,o,,k thnl f•t·,,.-~ ,,,,w l)t\lU'r should ha\'l". Ma ilt•,I ,..,.,. 11110111...-,pu•.. t If ,\'011 m(•nt,1111 th!- i,;q1o•r. Nt'W 1!11:1 n,, l.:1\111 ('Ulalnsc nl'<ll nm\h•1l 111u111r,·11111•-.1. \\ 'rill' to 1war,•..;t "nll•f•.
(('ont1 11111•d from pag1• five) ---1·hurc·h "ork. b·"••r: ,l high ollic·al Not that I Eke cousins le ss, but ~ "ll UIDf' Wm. Cu rr e ll , Prop. hr h,1d moved "''b l11; family to,t hat I like Ve ra More.- Zeke\;\ Modal Salt l.:•h 1),n11d ~lr s. Ball • • • ExprC S."lnlUn Cur Stutl euL Lire. Bng\\l'l"l' ln<·atrc.l 111(';-i 11fl'r11ia, wl1e1·c Love me, love to c·ook for mr. ~:~;~ 'J;~:~~~~~·~i1r~o R~~~ ~~~!~ of Di-. !fa ll ga,·f' tc11J.:.-iOl'<'asion.di.v ---1J>iZetas. ,hone,. ll.el'lidence phone 456 K. (1; 1 • Till' Edl-.; nf Too ]i1reqt1rnt a,· that 1J:..: "\\'hat are ,·ou doin:,: :1r~-,-tlei·· + •:.H~><?1<?,<!1t:H!>f!w:Ki><iH1"*~!HS:H;t; ..:,y.3u:><:.><S >+ 1':i1hi1 g- ., 'f'!J.,,· + 1.tJG .\X S II OE REP .\TR JNG CO. + 11urnauy1· cf b~·a,·h · n·sorls 1-11·•· '· \\'h,· I we;,t fell' a ;rnll~ and ,i + Opposite Court House + + l iS North Main + thinkin).! of s11i11ghim for loss :,f l'rog- 1-{a\·eme the key, so I starL<'tl + M c u ·is Shoes Hau So led + tradt•. l)r. Tltus nncl family art to sing.'' + Hand Sewed ..... .. ...... 75c + still in Lng-nn. nnd J'l'of. ·,JHmc•~ + II ee ls .. 25c. Rubber Heels 40c . + Titu s g-in"" 1•ro111iMof hr1•omi111,." K11ow ,ill ahout ns. but do not ,+ First Class Workmanship + + Plrst Class Ma terlal + t•,·pu 2"11•af(•r thnn h's fothP1·. Dr. int1•1fl}l'C' with ou r busts. - Sig . + OTTO I<IHLBERO, Proprietor. + !Jani;-; and f:unily c1rr fa1·ming- in .\lph . + <!>+~..-s><!>t:H.....,.i>+i. ...lH"!H!H"!><iw i~!• + l'tah ('!lllllly: D,-_a11d 1r,•s. Bntc 1, HcrnrrnlJC'r 1is.- Phi Kappa l'lol' arp r;ii ..ing;ipplC's nncl J?al<·lwlors 0 11 11 faq.{t' farm ih The City Grocery ti1·1•l'11\•jlJp, £:p1J1l1;•. kinclly, pr e. ~n 11car nnd yrt so .far .- A~. Headquarters for -·,,, l ' 11,-1,, ('h1is. h,1, 1·ctircd to his ('l11b. Good Things to Eat " <-01111tn· hollH' awl l:i-.; moclel farm i, 011r· of thl' show places of Not that we don't like Frats, OSCAR & ROB, Props. (',l<·li<~ c·ounty. but-Phones 32-50 11(•1-,-Pr of- .\rnoltl . !oral sti ll lo + •!,.!••S,.S,.s,.t ..3H? ..!H£HSut"~M,.!Hf~!Hr'1~H!••t~·+ 11 Sa_y do !'.is first Yf'nft11·<' in a·grie11llm·1•. Pl' ep . to Senior girl. SHOES SOLED WHILE YOU ha.., huilt fl sma ll lwn~alnw in his the "Theta Dc-ns" initiate!" ordwrd a11d is s1a•ndin~ hi s dcWAIT. All wurk guaranteed. ~Urs. Ha~an came hurriedly in Free Delivery :1;r li1.1iug .n'ars anwng- his beloved J•"'n•n eh and C:r1man autho 1-s. Pco- to hPr husband's study one moruC. TROTMAN plP 1.;;.iy that lw nli:,.1•sr nongh ap- mg . If there were any36 N. 1st West pl,,s <>a1 ·h '-illllllll<'I'to 1J1orr Urn11 " I fai·old , llcnr,'' ,:;,he said, ,i.,f;'<?,•!>,"!w!HZ1(-M!H?H!1<!H!H!t1!w!u!H!:H:><:H: ..!••!H:1<:, + lc:sl 111111 lhon1~h th<> w t1trr, mid ··1Jii~ r1•c·ipc fot lr111on pie sn.vs to thing better than -.o t·H ·Ii !'all hp c•ntpl'tains tht• :,;if 011 H hot ~to,·c and st ir ronf•'1Pn1 h H11d (l<•1·111c111st 11dents of stn111\,·.·· The Common Room Club 11 !ht• i11~titntinn nl ;111npplr hnst." •· \Y.<•11. Ber." r cpl ic•tl the cloiingST. JOHN'S HOUSE We would have 'l'hPsP sl11dP11ts nil Hssrrt that h11~lrnnd. "iC YOU do sit on a ho1 Hool.Fl, ?alaga zi ni' FI, fl1tml'><, Pool •r :~hlt•, \\'hat thr apples lac·k in ~nnntit,\' stove [ think· \'OU wil l fincl !lint fi l111ftlc ll oa rtl , Sl1nwf'r :111,I •ruh Bath ~ them Ti'1111i><COlll'l. 01'1':N 'l'O A l ,!, th(•y 111;tk<• up in quality. Ivon \Yll.1l, sli ,: ro11slnntlv." Dr. '\\'illi,1111 1'1•il'1·scm is still · • • • · g(•olog-i:-..1111'fh p Co\lC'g"C',although In the ~pring- a young gil'l 's l;p hil s tl'iPd In 1·c> sig-n rrp entcdly . faiu.-y lig-htl~ - lurns to 1hon~hts of Tlw, s~11dc·nt hocly ;dways prtit ions ,nillinc,y. him to 1 <'HHlln.it1!-tonr 11101·ryear. • e • HOW would you like a \\'i1li this PX1·,•plio11 nll thC'.1l'ac•hli,i:--tPr: .\n(l now Wl' g,et X Photo of a distant friend ,·rs I krww han• ~ony 1ln•1r SC'\'· 1,qirnls o. O or a loved one back 1•t'Hi ~n1.ys Hnd an ''!Itti'<' lll\_w f;l?• I Di•ll. waking up: Oh, all that n 111l hu y JO ur Furnitnrf' nntl home? Send yo11r s. S1on ,s or all 1lf'Sc.:rlpllon ror 11l1y 1s rn t·hargp. '1 h<• prcsHk11t s \\ork l'ol' nothinO'. ll ~ hl huu SC'k<"4• 1)in ;: . \\ ' " ~ II i h;ii1· is 0<·1·11p't• d hy my nl(I <·lnss tho du•a1w:--l in t ow n niul bu) ' rn;1fP. lkh t11· H1•1mion. rl'lw <li1·<•r- rr,, ·I,. I cforr th , e ··1111. Jour ful'nitnrl' bn c•k. \\ hf'n JO H lf'n \'{' St"ltoo l . tor of' lh1• Expl l'i11wnl Ktnlion isl,:(' l,l~ Ill _l [ c . x, aii 10 1 1 11 011 l)r. I lnr old H. I J;q.rnn (f nlwnys rt'<: ; ~~ ·nrng-. IW •' 1 11 THE LOGAN 2nd' luww ht' hntl cll'si~11:,.;on t lrnt po ~l 1111 1 • 1 . "I hop e yon clon 11 ~it ion.) l•rof .. \111_, L~ ' m:111 j " · (.ll · HAND STORE IIC'Hdof f lw 11 0111(• Et·o110111i(•S dt>• \ hiiik ~-ou .l'(' .ru~llY~ ,, !?6•30 \\'e s t J s t North 1•;11 t111(•11t. wilh J•:11('11~\gren. Yr.\. I'. ,\111lc1·s on (nf tr,· the el,·,·· THE BEST OF EVERYTHINC d:-1ll11ns.ik1•1·, Ln<:ilir l 1PP, and ~e,· " ...\ s soon ns they EVERYTHING THE BEST 1·1n I o1h1•rs as as....ist n nb. ~o oth- lr il'HI l'xhihit: CACI-IE VALLEY MERC. 1'1' than <:eorge Kh•wn1·t is Dran gPI. ,·at·1111m c·lc,rne1·s snrnll c,~_ of .\ g·rieult Ill'<'; 'Dodrn•f.i nordon 011!.d1. I. nm !?Oin~ to 1hrow n.wa.v Company ·, K' rll\' ;1ml c·1n\\so11 Cnnnon a1·r at m,• toothhru~h. 0 • • Green, Fancy and Staple I th<' ,;<,,,.] ot' 1hr ,\11i111allf11shantlIn Utah . l 1·y ))(•pa1·!nwnt: l'rof. !,on ]l'nd Groceries, Chinawar e 1d,L·k is in <·hHl'g'C'or fill' ExtPll!-.iOll ll,·. Tilus to little ~irl: We are Right on Dl\ 1.. i1111 \\ ht·I t' he> hns heen ror girl. an• youl' pnrents ::\lo1·111ons'!'1 Quality Quantit y Price 111;111., , t•H1·,. :111d I "ns ,·(•1·y plPasLitt I,, (:il'i: ") l>1111a is. h11Ip:1of LOGAN, UTAH "d to 111•, 11· lhal all th,· 111, •mhr r, p;1 is an frishman. ·, Ask the Students of 1hr (•!,1-.;~ ol' ·1:1 hut! • 1i~tinu111shCapit al, Stll'plus and Phone 73 rd thrms,•h rs 11, 1·cl111·alioual Dr. ' l'honrns II ni,l you sr,• tlw Undivided Profits $125,000.00 1•1n!,-... und -it \\Hs du<• to tlwir 17 +. !~••S-!..?..v<!..?H!HS,.?HiH"!t-<!,.,!>•!H!K!uftt! ..!Ha,t!w!• + In,, al !-IIJIJlOI t ns "plJ ns to the· Pres ! Total Dep0sits $550,000.00 St1•wnrt-''Yr~. '' c·la"'·""" wh i1·h l'ol\11w,•d. 1hal tl11 1)1•. Thonws "~ \rnl wlrnt i1lin:i:For the Right Goods :~('oll1•~·- had ':"''''ht •d it, _ Pl"!'S('llt lit· a,lYil·P dicl h1• givr yon 1" IJT Welcomes and appredates :t ti, 1·-rn11111t•HI po ..111011 :1111011!? Nl11c·nSt1•wnrt n If<' tol<l 1111' lo c•onw 'jJ your business, whether large h R" J ~ tio11:d i11,tit11t\011,. tn yon.'' t, at t e 19 tt rices •I BIL\\'!l~ -t'la,, of 'I:l. or small. and believes its LOG .\ N B .\ GGAGE EXPIIESS CO.
. ..
.... ...
:t J
M orre11 Clo.Co.
Be Comfortable while at School
• /' •
I °~~
p .
Go To
FONNESBECK K mttmg · · Works
:t ,
\"1•rn llllh•l hnu• 111·1•11 iu n prl'I h11I fh Jn-.t ~al 11r1la,· nhd1l Eliason Sisters ,; l:t-11h,· di,111'• Imo\\' wl;<'lhrr 1,. Headquarters for Ladies' Suits, ""' S1111l1•11tllrnl_,. l'n·,idPnt or a Dress Goods, Silks, Milliner/) 11':1,lt-1· »!' :1 hand of rnhlll'rs. and Ladies' Furnishings. + .\ II 1111•11 trl"in~ for ti·n••k l<':1111 Logan, Utah h,• nn (ipl(l h); !l p. 111, flnlurdny. '-------------t,
·t 1.1
extensive resources developed by twenty years of constant, considerate, conservative accommodations, a splendid endorsemen t of its most satisfactory service to the people of Logan and vicinity.
S'l' UDENT L .ll< ,E
Crandall says that he bas found 'l'h e Sig Alph s had th e ir first Pr exi e 's hidd en path. lf yo u <lo squa1·c n1<•al in a month ; the not helieH• it , ask 1'li~s Ca rl son . !Borosis girls ga\'c t hem a su rpri s!.! _...,. ,_ I pariy Satu r.day nigh t. IJis cu,•p r,•d: Anollll •1· "w h it ,• ---+hc,pc." For parti,-ulal's ask Hedi Fn!' 1/e!!t; Hain coa ts for those l\Jolir. -+, who get :.1ilk a t th e ta f'clc ria .
LATEST NEWS OF THE " 400." l,ast :\Lomlay evening the Phi h:appas entel't>1inecl some of their frien <ls at a clancmg party in J>resl o n Ha ll. 'l'h e hall wa s artistica lly de corated with their colors. orang e and 1bla ck and with A. C. pennants. Delicious punc h wa . se l'r ccl throug_hout th e even. iug . 'rhe guests were: Dr . antl \ l l's. Frank , vest, Pl'of. and i 1r~. l' ol'le r. P rof. Can·o ll. :\lal'ic Car lson. J farri et '!'hat cher, Carrie Hieha 1·cls, .\[ yrll e Johnson , iraud C'l'ouch, " 'i l helmina Irobush , l l'cne Il endrickson. V era ,v eiler. R uby Ostler, -Tessie Eccl es, Lydia llanscu. Gl'etta Adams , Gr etta Jk nsou, Ed it h P et erson. Ot h ei Packanl , :\J'ahel ~faughan , Flor-
•\ 11sti11 llai,; wr it 1t•11 a 11rw hook. l - •" IJow to play first hase,'' 01· Grella; Di d I 111a l,c 111,rscll' ~\ rny: " [ do h ope I 'll clrca111 " Ji'iJt n, 11 111 inuil'~ in ,111 .\. C. Ii.ill plaiu ·! 11 lo -ni g ht! [ lw, ·t• 11·t ch r arnt for miil'. Lm1·1·.v: :\'o . .'·011 ju st g rew .lhat th e la st two night s, and y ou ku ow if I don 't cl1·eam for th,·ce niµ-hts -+- · ·1re who sa icl, " J,ove lend s inin si1ccession I'll h e an old maid ,. •· l'" stands for peatt', pauls spi ra t ion. · · spoke t he truth. Ive a 11d Pi ½et ·s. (' la_,·to11 is on th e hon or l'oll. F loyd lCnuclso n is ''star rin g·· as chief coo k at th e Siµ-ma Alpha ,-__ 11-ouse lat el.\'. Th e fellows sa .v hi s puddin g and ca l~c a re r n,· ishin g. but F loyd mode stly admits th at th e only clifl'e r enee between th em is the fad that .rnu put ri ce in on e and flour in th e other. LOGAN, UTAH
..,.:_ ""_ ·"-_-':_ ·~=:=:~ =:=: =:=:=:=: =:=: =:=: =: :::~:=::::::: :::::::::~::::::::::~':, "'
Cache .Valley Banking Co.
Clan s Ca nn on wi shes to in form ~ny ~irl s who ma.,· be interested that h e can make fort,v-A"e hot calms for five cents.
Capital and Surplus $115,000.00 We Solicit Accounts of the Fac ulty and) ( Student Body, and shall be pleased to have our share of the College business
" You cnn lead a hor se to wat er. But you ca nnot mt1lrn him drink, J[argar et Nibl ey. Yon ,,,111 sc u<l a bo." to eoll cge. -+ But .'·o t1 eannol mak e hi111 & Th e Sigma A lpha Hou se wa s th ink. '' thrown into instant pani c a bout ( Dedi ca t ed to Br.v Bull en. ) The Students' Store, Books Stationery , Post Cards, and Souvenirs, 8.:J() on Satu r da~· n ight, by th e un. -+ I Always a Complete Stock to Select From expected al'rival of Sol'osis. Bill lf P1·o f. T,a l'se n is Sw edish , is! Clal'k, w h o greeted the gil' ls at ,foe W elch ! Opposite Post Office t h e doo1·, was stru ck dumb; Lar ry -+Ev ans matle a frantic searc h for Prof . Po r ter: " TIow do von d e" razor; wh il e Floyd Knudson t ermin e th e amonnt of ·oxygt 1 n ca lmly finished scrnhbu.1g th e p l'ese nt in th e air ?" kitehen floor. and turn ing down 'Unprepal'cd stn.J cn l: "I'll !•is w h ite Cllffs proceeded to make 13 W est Cente r St r eet pas i•. ' ' the guests f eel at home . Aft er BAT H S IT.. J. CARLISLE , l'ropri clor. Prof. P.; " I'm not so S lll' (• playi_ng <;~nds for au hou r or so abont that." t h e gi rl s sen·ed lunch. "Th eu -+wl' a l1 did what ;!- went home ." )fov e :ronr feet. Ki11b, ·. we wHnt 4?1ll'C 'J' l1011ias.
A l ta
~ '<H'ma 11
~;;;;;;;;;;~;;; ;;;;;;;;;;; ~~;; ;;;;;;;; ;;;; ;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;; ;;;;~;;;;;;~;;;;;;~-,·
Barber Shop
lo tak e 'a pi etnr c of ti,c ca mpu s. " ·e ar c vel'y glad lo hear that -+Claus C'an non is going to take 'f hat man Snow snr c is a, tall P r of . ('ar rol 's pla ce next rear whi le the latte ,· is atte nclig sc hool one; he is so tall thJlt . he ha s t ,1 climb a la ,l de 1· t o sh,n e. in t he east . 'l' hat 's nothing. ½r kr .Jensen -+has to get on hi s kne es to put h ir, "1tusscl ~Jlarie. to a friend. h ands in his po ckets. has been j11st Io,·e l,· to me all -+c.lav ." ' "r hcrc is ma n y a !-; ]ip twixt F r iend: " ll 'h ! " ' hat was it j111,?"and the jag . "- (lodb c. yo u ca ugh t hi m do ingY''
Wi ll Wi ck W in! 'To e 1T is hn mRn . l o forg ive, I f hr dorsn't, we'll g i\'t' hi111 tli\'inc." rro triticise, develish. " ' h en a. w oman suffer!-. in si ]cn<:e mol'e ell. (Monell). -+she is io a critical cond ition. -+--Not th at I Dike my dral sni t (:oosl'be1T_,· pi e "·ithout Lillian less , but that I would rat her wear is li ke peaches wit hout cream. i t after school. - Austin . 1
Our Exclusive Line of Murdocks Chocolates
Are mad <' un til-I' th e m o~t ~a u it:u·y and up to elate methods o [ rn a nufa clur<" known and of the lin esl c1uallt~' of mu l cria ls lha l t·nn IJc ol.Hn ln cd consec 1tH'ntly we a r " in the i)('st posRib l c position l o furnish the finest C h oco l n t c~ ancl Crl•tun s on the mnrl{C'l and also the best values. 'l'r y us n n cl I.Jo . t·o n vi n cccl thnl 0 111· ;::-ornl s n r c s u perior l o an y l hi ng m un ufnc -
tu r cd In this; lin e.
WEAR WALDORF CorrectCollegeClothesand you willbe Satisfied Logan'sPopular Clothing Store
Andreas Peterson & Sons ( J.JOG,\ N'S
S Ii.OF. ST ORE ).
And Bear in Mind that we Sell Only Pu re Food Pr oducts at Our Fountain , Skilfull y Dispensed
CO-OP DRUG CO MPANY "The Prescription Store"
The Coolest Pl ace for a Refreshing Drink 14 West Center Street.
Phone 21
8'l'UDEN'l' LIFE
RHYMOS lniredions now have sadli· chang-,, \nd all tlie beaux are taken, And even when she docs debate ed. What can an old 111nid to 'but S he beats the U. of U. CONTRIBUTIONS, ORIGINAL 1!111 L thi11k it's f'o1· ti1t• hl'st die! Xow baseball here is very :slow AND OTHERWISE . , ,\11d this lo _yo11I 11111st11d111il , And "Utah" is quite ·fast L·t1 rnthcr be in J.JOg-an tlinn Salt 1.~llows they a1·c scauty Til ey won the game we played J .akt•. <,1_1·lsan· always pJenty Om·t.• in tlH· history of the .,.\ . C. la t week \Va s horn. hut ;101 to tlil'. ~ J,cnore. Jf othe1·s have fellows. why ca n Th e \' '\·e heat us onec. at la s I' not Il ~\ t·ru,nl of' luring lassirs, • "' • .
'rhc ~igrna Th eta Phi~ ..
B11t what 1lu•·n· is ,·011 111ark Js g-ood c:i11dthe fii-~t ·10 fiud it oul
.1111the joy or Soi-o:-.is.
I am lhe p1·id,· of' 111yl'iau. hope• to 11wkt.•<I le.wing wifr _F 'or some rno~t liu.:k,v man. -Lucile Lee. • • • 011:·,, up vn the i,·e I fell Th e w o l'ld went blaek as'csoot1· Bui Claus and Kirby r an lo me .1\nd saved ~111~·... ro;onnnt.
'l'ht•n• wa s a maid • • • rrhrrc was a lad, 1·m so 111pwhnt ol' a foirv I \\'ho ..wanderc~ forth t og-l'thp1·,. 111tlH• wc1,- !Intl l <·.t,; dn11(•t• l pon a lull But l'II lca,:c it all an,1 he a qlle,•1, Down hy the 111;11 JI' e,·pr I g<'t" a c-hflnCt'. , 111 c,·cry k111d of w cat hc i·.
Tltc· :\l uh,· I !~a,·; • (;i1·ls I hav e a scc rei , 'l'h (• :.\loin· l w:.nt, 'ro you 1 will reveal. _An d ':ifohr I always get, lf yo u wi sh yo11r hai1· lo be au- .\11d wish fo,· ~fohr bur11. .In d fret for i\Johr 'romatoes you mnst pce1. Till I E, 11 )fohr and yet , • -)Ia1·,v Bennion. I always wish for i\fohr. Wlhy ;\foe and Art boy~
.\r e daffy on•r
and all
~-on t ell
. .. -Wilfiam
Would ·,1 I hou .fashion
1·111,·e1·y. n•1·.,· worri(•Ll .i\ibout a thing- 01· two lf we should 1111g-('t 1rn11Tird \Vha1 would poo1· 'l 1 li1•ta do?
l\forris .
, ·0 11
;ind g-one;
lla s c·rc a pJa.cc hcfo 1·c been scc ll With suc h a splc11did name .I s 0111·dear College on the hill ? 11\H· \\'ide has IJc<'11hct · fam e!
• • •
Not that I eat less, but that I Hurns arc very painf"11I clr'nk more.- Wic Stevens. Hnl just l111·sa me l '11 sa)' Th ere 's nothing- that I'd ralhc1· "~lit,dlf l,v diRfig111·t>dhu1 s1ill in han'. the.' ri11~.,. Fe(.\hlr lmurit zon . 'J1hn11B-nrns from <hn· to lht\'.
Afton is 111v room male And of J';·iemls 1 do not hu•k,
PLAYER P.IANOS Also Sheet Music, Purses,Music Rolls, Satchels and Recordi
THATCHER MUSIC CO. 39 Soi<th .Aiain Street
Get a CoJJege Souvenir
====== ======e e======= ~ew Linc i\'"ow ]king
H owe11-Cardon Company•s
What Can an Old Maid Do But Die ?
Hut ii' all f'rorn Ill(' 1lt•purtrd 1·,11 i:-111·t•I'd follow PaC'lc • • •
( ..\pol og-it>:-i to 'l_'ho111ns)foorC') ~pring- it. is <·hrC'l',"· \\~i11tPr is drear.,·. Not tba.t we like the library C:1t•,•n !raves lrnng. hut th,• less, but that we like who is there b1t,w11 mnst fly:
I\\'111•11she 's
We have on hand a complete line of I
At Last!
flhe's fa111011s £0 1· he r thoroughViolt>I had a littl" la111h breds. :Vho e name was ,dwars Rno w . ,i11,t h1·g-nn. Of cal tlC', pigs nud shC'cp; Goel he. 1\ 11d ever,rwhel"l' th;d YiOlct wpnf [i'or faL·111c1· lac.ls. and JH'rtly maid s That 8110w wa8 s11r1· lo go. ,\ 11d pl'Ofs who nev e r slc•Pp. l,<'t 's nil Jll'H _\ f'ol' I Ii,• sins ol' 11,, followed I"''' lo si·hool one dai - ~Vhit·li W;ll-,Jl 't \"('I'_,. (jll{'l'I'. . 1h1• .J1111ior tlm,s p1·1•Hitl(•111. :-,;.Ji.._, ·s f.1111u11sfor he r f'ootUall And now thC'~7 sn,v ii will Uc ju tc•a111, ~ia,· ".: \11 ,tll .-1ro111HJ111;111 .• • ITer ba ketball lca111, loo , II' nt.lenst so1111 ' ti111 e llii s ,vrn r. \Vooll<•.v.
... . ..
-' l1he1a.
fo r lhyscH
.l1Hl ,pile of all thou 11111.,·stleft hehiml Lin· t•i-11·1!dn_,. as ii' thy lif't• wen·
Beneath hat ·brim She look ed at bim docs not ask, you kuow. ''
a sl:"l'mly 1ifc1
I might be
wind to kiss
Thrn ,lo not' fret o,·er whl is past
S hort, fat. and tall gi rl s, \Vt•'r e the g irl s with hi g h ambit ion~ \Vt• stand p,1t. in a ll positio11s, Bright and way girls Bvery day girls S-i-g-m-a 'L1-h-c-t-APhi Oir·ls.
En•r_r piece of wo1·k th11t we do Th e wliith i~ well clont• is so m111·h h:-lp: .._,,·ery piece of pi·ctcnsc antl half' hea1·h>clnC'ssi:-;i:-o mnt•h h1u·t,!' ·Jt
lnap .
wh en yo u.h ear our signal II' _vou watch ) 'O il ·11sec us hu p . \\'e ·re U. A. C. girls .\nd
• ••
rt•1 ,. lwshf11I
And als• ,·l•r~· slH· .1\J1cl 0111 fht: gi1°·lsd0 fuss 111 c so
One eve they
One uight Lhe wind 'J'hc hardest kind round on College hill lhe ( 1011t('nlmrnl is a splrnrlid t hiu g. j This lad and maid \\' cul forth 'tis said !But it is hal'(], I g'LICSS, 'l'o tell the cliffrrC'111·<'hrtwccn ' l'o wander al their will. It and 111c1·c lc1r.inrss! '' .Ah, me!'' sighcc! he
But why I hl'." do11·1 propusP fa IIJOl"C tlu111 l l'..J II Hl'C. a111 l'('tilh·
\\' p nn• a Lunch of ..\ . l'. g-i1·ls 'l'hc 8igma 1'h eta Phi.
\\' c c.lo the thing-s worth doing .\11d we will do till w e die'. \\ ' l' n(',·er knol'k. wr neYrt· i-,l101·l..: " "e ure alwnvs on thl' dot
_.\s on th<1y ~ralkcd Of thing s bot h si:Hl and gay. begged this miss Fo1· just one kiss Jlul she dedinecl with "nay."
. ..
Our Song-
hi.111.or tlie .
\\'a s no one hut Bill ('ICark. -Ann.
I I' r g-ct one i11 111yclutches I will s11rely ,lo as n,ul'h as
new shapes *l.00 lo *:J.25. $1.23. 85c to $1-25. 25e. 'l'h e lnlrsl fad.
We have just received a complete Shipment of Blue Serge Suits In the fo11owing makes: Chesterfield, Sophomore, Styleplus For Men and Young Men.
Bostonian Spring Shoes are here in everything new.
___________ _ Tha'tcher
Logan. Utah .