~tuhtut · 14 ift (Summer
\ 'O Lnl
COACH WILL LEAVE SUNDAY Goe s as only Ut.ah Represent ative to Big Athletic Carnival at
Chicago . 1:ra11cl l'ark , ('hi,·ut,:n will he the or OIIC' nr IIIC't,:rc•atc•sl alh
uhnmpion:i,,,hip mrcls
R.\1 'l'HD.\Y,
Science And Modern
..\h out six ,Yt'UI'~ ag-o a 111a11 wa!, a~ to soon l'u·n the poor man·~ behy tlw BoHrd of TrustePs stonuwh, lwalth and good 11alttrc. un- t.•ng-ug-t•cl of the l'tah .\ t,:ri,·11lturnl ('ullt•irc •. The a<hot·atc•s also :.:rant that a .\ hout s·x wt.•t•kN 0 1· rno1·c a~o hr ~i!'I may lt.•an1 to ~t.•w al ho111t.• h1·okt.· into tilt' ll om<' Eco11omi(':-. to s1•w a11d t.·t111i-.tr11ct hl'a11til'ul, DtTart1111•11t a11<.Ilo1·t• it to111plpt,~- l'll'g-1111tdn•~Sl'S. so hl•atttiful and ly to pi1•!·1•s. maki11u- it n,•1·11si,.:n ry t•lt·w111l in fal't and so cos tly in !'or Hll ,\11tir1~J.,·IH'W d1•1H1rt111pntpril'l' as to ruin the poor man·:-;
The P1~ce of
:-.IH·will take
thP U. ,\ . C. lo thr
l1o1t1t.'. Snt'I, thc•II is th,•
Rchool of l'rcs ·clcul
\\"idtsiH ' dt'Siroyi·d tlu· old l'Olll"Sf' in l lo111p l•:<•ono111ies,;11ul in it"H pine<~ h1•.ha"'i ~rnt the d1•1rnrtrn1•nls · I ·I I I " -~ haq• untlnwd ahov!': th,• D• I o IH' orµ-;ullzN. !Htn,l'. p1·H l' an, g-001 natnrr. iarl1111•11tol' 1)01111•slil'~\ rt. wh'th 'l'l u• 111•w d1•1rni-t111pnt. wl1il'h Thl' 111•w<'Olll'M'to ht" 1·011:-.lt·1H·I·1 . . will lH' ·11stit11t1•d at llw h1•1 .!i1111in~ 1•11will su tn1 i11 a i(l'I that slH· .\lrs. C'ook will han· i•liarg-(.• ol j of 11Pxt yt•.tr will h1• 1·11111poiwd of will know why 1111•al 11111i-.t h11il. thP l)t'pal'llllt 'nt <~f ~lou1t• l'on 1110 .... 1 111od1•r11 1•q11ipn1t•11t. why potat1H•-.;shn11ld hakt\ why ,trw·twn <llld ~,u_ntatwn Huder H1•i11g-trai11Pd iii 1ht• D1•parl- :,.;0111c• dn·s art• fasl. how l-iOlllt' 1111' dlll\t•IICIII of :\1_i:--~ ('oopt•r. an; t n1t•11tof ll orn1' ( '0 11:-;t1·11 ·t ion nn<I good <·ioth n1a, ht' houg-ht tlwap.l 1h1· J~1•1rnrt1111·11t ,~I }oods •_111dDi" ·1 · f ·11 I th . f a.II f d d 11tht'I ,., the prnlc•sso1 whl!·h !11ts . ;1111,1t1011, n t1•r nrxt Yl'81' w, illH e re~so~s or oun e . as ,·l'f 1; 01 ht'<'II :,.,1•Jp,•frd.althou,,.lt ·11n1lvc- tak;n~ 111olkrn t·ours<•s i11 upon the scientific modern kn.owl · ,... .\r t and lf om,•. D<•eo,•,ifion. fl . .· lht•n• '"" dll1.1•ns or applic·anh th h edge of chenuS t ry, " nd '' " <'nll- rrn111 all p;irts or lht• l'11il<•cl will also 111t•a11tlrnl tlu• ont• tak- t·;d 1·l'attiu11s 1·.111:-;1•d i11 1·1t0k·11g. ~lati•:-.. _\-.; 1111 , lll'ad of lht• Doirig- 1111 ' (•tHll'i•,;(! sha ll <·Oiup lclt' dying-. pn•si·i ·viug-. Pi<·. 111t •slil' St·i1•rn·p S1·hool. P1·l•sid1:nt t·ou r·srs iu Ba t'l,•r iolo~y aull Pub 'l'ht• llt'W dt'IHJrt n1t•nt '' ill g-o \\ 'i dtsot• t·lios1• Pr of. l'urh-r. hotl1 Ii,• Jic'ailh. 'l'hr old Drp,11·lmc11t f'urlhrr , a nd ils c·n•alor p1·opusrs h1•1·Hnst•of' lh,· f'a.-1 Ilia! I) .~- is whit·h was dc-stro_y<'(l :zavt• 1u•f1c•-lo 1·1rnti1111 (' 1111til11H•1·r iH a S(' t'll· lal'/..,"1 'ly l'mindt·d 011 ('hl •niistry ti,·al c·o111·s('s: 1:111g-hthow 1o do: tifi,·.-illy t1·,1i11t'dwo111,u1i11 l'\'l'I'.' :iud ht'l'i.ltlNt' of' hi..; t'Xl't·ut:,.<• ;ihil hut lh 1• rww l'tHll"M' will rnthrr 1•011111yof (' tah · who will u-o with ii,,·. Il l' i:-. u ,uan who lllltlt•i· 1rnl'11 why . .\ t•o1111110 11 oh,ir(•!io11 k 11owlPdJ.!P ol' why thi111.!'sshould ~tai1tl, thl' rn•i•ds I f' Jijt,,; st·hool antl to a ~-rl's Inkin g- a Dom('sti<· h1· dnlH' th,· 111od1•r11way ·n!-il<•a'1 ft•('ls 1hr t·1•s1Hrn:-. ilii lily of his
Iii ,Jul y U. ('oat'l1 T ct'!zt •l has h,•,•u ,·hc"c•n h,, th,· J11t,,r11alico11nl (la1tu •-.. ('ornlllilft •t• a"i 110 ollkinl. ll t• is th, · cud., l 'ta h 111an t·t•pn•st•111'•d H111011;.rtht• otlitials, al lho111.d1sc·,,•ral l "l;ih alhlc•t,•s 1rill ,•umpl'tt •.. \ list or :-.o1t1t'of tla• alt,·ud ons follow: 1. Optlll haudi i·ap, din •d ion ('t•Jllral l)i, ·is ioll A . .\. l l. 2 .. J1111 i11r 1·h.1111pionship s, ..\1-nu·
l1•t1r .\ lhll'f11· 1· 11011 of .\11H•l'i1·a. :t H1•11ior t·ha111pin11ships, ..\111a ti Ill' .\ thll'tit· 1rnio11 of .At11t l'i(•;, I. .\11-arou nd <·li.1111pio11f;.hips. ,\111al,•1n· .\l hlt'li,, l ' n 'o n or
1·osi1·011. .\\'itlt lllf '"''' i111porft11tf aud pro -
U'l'l'S:-.i,·1• 1·ha11~1s t. llis M'hool will 11<1 dn11hl ).!l'0W ns it l1r1:-; ,lonr tl11· pasl six ~·,•ars. In 1!107 liH•n• w1 1·r !)7 D. S. s111dt• 11ts ai 1lt1• ( 'olll').!(' w·th (HIP mr111h(•r in thl' !.!l'atl11ati11,!!: <·lass. 'Phis .,·r~1r 1h,·n• \\t'lt; rPg-istPn·d i11 fhl' n•~llI,1r 1'0111'!-l'"i111'n. S.J 1R!l, fo11rl,·1•n nl' \\110111 ~r:nl11alt•fl. This ~11111 111t•r I>. S. 7:-; th,, 111ost pop11l:11· 1·ouri--<• of tl.Jc r1•~11lar Col11•~1•
.l. Op t.·11 t'n·uts.
f11r all n111att•llt" ;1thlP1t'~. alt;H·ht •tl or unutt,u:lwd. fi. S,·hrn•ll111y tnwk ;111d fi• •ld 1111 •,·I. :!U.tlOt) ho,\ athll'li~s.
7. Drill, and nian·lu•, h., ti0.000 ( •1ii1·:n.::os1•honl t·hi'dn•n ~. l 11l1·r,1•h11lasti1•1111·1·t prt'}Hll' · ~,•hooh .
n. I nh•f't •n l11•1,Cli1h• lllt't'l
Wi11 Take
l11•ltl 11 .\1111•ri,·11 Th,• sports gin ,lun 1• :!fith und l'Olltinttp
,Jl' :\'E ~l, 1913.
I, ti\•
School Edit.ion)
-- •---
t·tllh. 1,!t,•~ 1
Remember: (1) We play Sm ' th fie!d here to-da¥ a t 4 o 'c lock ; (2) i11 W e celebrate the victory (or our ( 'hit·U,-?(• defeat) at 9 o'clock to-night in 11 ,\ n·h,·ry t•onh-sl.J:!. Swi 111111 in;t 1,,·1•11h. for t•hum., 1·1rnr~e is that she can learn to of gran<l-111othl'r·~ wa~·. Sh<· will the Gym . ionship.;. sew and cook at home. 'l'hat is ht• a woman who will goo into a 11 1:t t:r, •utt•sl tr:tp ~hootin:,? t1H•1•t 1-:rantrd h_v th<· 1111.Hl<'t'll aclYoeaks 1•011nty for a wrt •k or a 111011th or Prof. llo ,!!1'1tso n's c•IH-.swill visin .\n ll'ri,·o. , of Domt'sti,· II. S. ,nul t'oll,•g,· possihl,,· two 111onths. go into the it the• (:1•,•<'11\'illc•Far1,1 )Ton,la,, 1 t. C'ontP,t, nnd dr1lls l" · :!.:;ou\co11rs<•s. Tht•y µl'a nt that a girl homes and show the reasons Jpa,·int,! h,•n• on lh( • !l n. 111.,-,1r . 'rur1wn, , nwn und wmnt•n. · may l,•ar11 to <·ook at ho111t'· why. ~ht• will -.how tlu• motht•r~ .\n., ·011C'd1~sii-in!.! to ,!11 ,tlon~ w=11 1:-i.Sw+-di,h ,-horns nr ,1.,0 yo·<•rs J,•nrn t n (•ook !.!Ootl anrl h1\il.Y tlish how to .i11cl::.w H piPt·P of c·loth: lw 111:ulPw,•l<·nnH·n111l ·.ri"i<'I'.Fa1 1, lli . c: 1,r 11rnn t·ho111s of 1.:;00 t'l\ -cx1·1•Pdi1wh tush·. so 111.st,· i11 liow to k11nw if it is ~(•n1ii11t•il'1l 10<·. ("~l'P ('n1•l11•First'' hut !-1•1• (Continued on Page 'l'wo) fact ~ad so ~,~dig'estib lc io forll) is poor textile• or good; in fact t~" ('ollegi, lwfore.
anti 1111in•r'.",iti1•~ . 10. First polo tOlll'IIUllh'11l
~tubent JLift
I 'I
u,·s brand,
h,is 8. B. 'l', and
the Smithfield
He1· hN·n popular. Mo,·c than pire at the Smithfield ball park . .. Entered as second-class matter I leu princ-ipals of Salt Lak e Cit , · W. 0. K. Co. and 8, B. 'l '. eame· (Continued from pa!,<e one.) September 19, 1908, at the postoffice schools di<l work there last ~·cni·, ffrst to the bat without result . voicr~. th ~fa~~ 1~~· 79~.~ah, uocler e. Act. of! Hild the re:..fr,tn1tion this year is The teachers provC'c.1 that they 17. l~1·ill s ,rnd <·lH1lests U,r CJii.. College Delivery is mad e from Stu- <'Yl'll n1on• not rwo 1'lh,v. were right at home 011 the school n 1g-o fH-1lil'l' c111d fll'c111en. 275 dent Life Office, Uoom · ' l'h l• work g-i,·en i11 pn.1d-t 1' g-round d iam o11d1 l'or L'ox la11dl•<l 1:;_ Daily l '. ~- .Arllly fir st aill \ ro l. XL Ao. J.. f PiiC'lt i 11,!.!''d II ri Ilg' j h e k(' lliOr yea I' il t \\'O bagger which H id cd in d l'ili :t Sat 11rda.v. .f,ui c :ti, l !)l:3. ol' th,· <·011r~,~<·onsists of the stud• M·o1,.ug two runs in their hall:. 1H. Canilry drills hy r eg ulnt·s PRACTICE IN TEACHING· ent ·s r,-oin g int o th shop a11d al''l'hc \\'. 0. K. Co and :,;_ B. 'I'. 1'1·0111 F ort ~ hcrida n . GIVEN A'l' THE UTAH tuall_, handling thp ,nirk h e mu,L s.111· at once that they woul,I uot ~O. Exh'bitio11 th·i lls 1,y Chi cn go AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE do wlwn h r \!lH'' Lo lcnc·h in a h'g-h he ab l,• lo hit Coburn. t hey to ll ed 1nountcd police. Sl'liool. Thi s is a V<•r.vimport - hrlplessly on. :21. .A111all•t11·wrcstliug co nt es ts . Ne w Cour se P rov id es For T wo ant part of' the work and o[I _\bout the end of the third th,· 2:l. :'\fc11·c1t ho 11 ratr, Grant Park Hour s Cr edit For 1·0111 ·st• (·Hn h<• g-i\'en nowhere as Smithfield hors had two and tlh· lo 8ou t h 8hore Count ,'.)' Club ,encl Teaching! ":1•11ns whl'l'l: t_h(' st 11dP~1thns had P<'dagoµ- ues boasted nine. l11s otlu•r t 1a 111•ng-. 1t 1n no way lt was in the fourth that Dcwe\· l'eturn. For th e first 1imr in tlw ..hi stor~· eonflic·ts w·111 tilt: work don e at allowed th(" sai d Sm ithfield bo,:s :z:\ Boys· marathon rate, Len of the .-\. C. and of' the Stal<' of , oth,• r Stall' iustitnlions . :rt in no to steal foui· ru ns by way o f ; 11_ 111ilc:t Vtn hf a COlll'Sl'leadi ng- to a il<':.,!'l'\'l' j w,1y m ·pr.stt•ps th1' limit..it io 11sRel c·onnigcmcnt . :!-L Boy S 1·011t dl'ilh ;, dir ec tio 11 was offered lc1sl year i11:.\lt•<·hr111i<· . on tlw work cf tilt' l'tnh AgricnJ. 'l'lw s<'n:•rntional plc1ys·werr the Dr. P .. J. II. Farrel l. ::\faj or ll. 8 . 1 . \rt s. This n•1·y c·n111p1·elH'ns·,·(: t11ral ('ollPg-<', th(' 1niss:on of' Arin,,· : 1hn•t• hng-g-l'I' made by Sm'thfi<• ld , <·0111·sci.llso nr c,· id1•~ f'oi· pn11·tin, \r! i 1·lt i--:to serve t~e peop le. lhl' \\'. O. Co. ·s c•;lt "IH•r· s tr., ··
in~ to kill hi111:-.1•lf.111 1.•11p st•1l:11!.! i11gto11 lo ('liieago. hr·11gi11g 111t •:,;<d I h· ~l'c•i111d hns1•111;111 wlH•n ('ox s:1µ1· fi-0111 l'rl'sidt• nt " 'i lson. ~tolt' that h11g. ,111(1 llol111gT<'ll'sl li w l ~l•~I 1·011t:1111011sl'l'lny me t• i11 c'..n'n'! d,1~1! i ntc tilt• wild wood. I IIH• \rorld. "l'ht• µt111w (•los1•d i11 l}1p !;1st Th• (\•11l1,1 1.• Jun ior , St•n=or ;1111_1 I ;1lf o! l !:t• Fit th, 1+ to (i. with .\l'- ,11c1111d .\ .• \ . l '. d1a111pio11<.1.tt·h ;ii ~peirnd: 0111 rn::11 out and :-.hir, w ·11 po~itivl' I.\· hring to Chi. f •1 Ind!~ ·11tlH• c•rt•t•lc u1!.!o the g11•at1•st amr11Pt1r athlt•1 · T! t' (',illc•!-'e ho.,·s p 1 a.n•d an 1·s in this eo untr., f'l'OJn eoast t o t•·1or!t>s.;, gr111a' c111d l\rn lrn'-.P 1,;1~ <'OH:-1,f'rt1111('a11ach1 to thl' Uulf' of 1 ,• -rn) 1rncll' l;y ·( 'o'i: . Jl ol 111~ 1·pn, :\l ,•xitu. to lht· 1111111he1!' of about Coh11111.Jllrt>d. Eµlw!I and ·oac•h roo. :\lcrn.,· <'f t he111 an .• alrl'ad.,· 1 l•1 s 1• h;1tl'n<.!' ;1\'('l'Hf.!<' WiHi 1000. w1;1'id ·s <·h11 ,11pions. Tll<'rt' l'illl he- ll0 (jllf'~rn11 hut Vully :!.O''(} p :l'p1rnto r.,· Sl.'h O~I ' thd tlu • Conth worl th(' g-r1111r witl1 ;,th lt>!Ps ir H·luding 111;-111.v c ha1111J1p l'o11owing n:;sisb1nts: Ha,· • pious. ,·,·ill JH11 ·ti t' pc1h' in tla' i11, 1011. 1);1,·is. :\!'nelson, Daw. Dewt',\'. ll'rxt'holHstie Pn .•nt s. in teaching. Th,· d {'111a nd fo1 F:·t:£ '1 VI~r~~~: lr ol111grP11. C'ht·istensl'n. H cndl•ul ly lh i1·ty 1mil' l' rs iti l's a nt\ :Manual 'rl'aioing in the lli ~.d1 ric·ks .. \ llrt:'d. Cox . Eghc1·t. t·olll'!!t'X will lw l'('J)l'(':-;pllt ed in the ~choo ls throughout 1hr 8tatr has (Conf 1·ibutecl) h11r11. C'hri :-:trnsrn, .J ohn so n a nd ·1111'.l'·t·oll ('gintr C\'l' llf K. ('tnbra('i 11~ mad e this co nn ;e 11cccissa 1·y . r111 11• T11t·,,lc1y 111'tt•1110011 th, , R11111m1'1'Ch:pnum. :,,la rs o f 111c •t•tx ;.ilr emly held this state law prov ides that a m ;in ~ 1·!100! has1•licdl !Pam s11c·c·t•Pded .\nrl th('~· wPndrd their way to• y1•r1r i11 n1rin11s parts ol' th e <•01111 . 11111 st hold a degr ee before he nm.., in l:1·nt '11!! th· \\~. 0. K. ('o. t!H' wan l the clnq:r ston' stn1ightwa:. ti '/. lea('h in the hi lfh ~thoOls l' C('{'i\'i11g Stat e aid. 'l1 la• p<'opl<• dt•· 111a11d !-.Olllt• one to kal'h th,• :\Ii drn ni <· Arts lo tlwir thildn 11 Two yr1ns ago thr tolleµ-1•s 1i1· t Ii,· Stall' ('Ollld not !i<tlisfy. \ht • ];."· wil lieu t cl'splPasi11µ- tlw p•opll':
" I
or ill(•
pit• thl' la\\' \\'HS h10\;a•11. was lo lw dom• !
p1 t,
\\'h a[
Ever f1•,•lin!,{ ilH•lf !ht• ~1•n :1 1 of' 1hl' 1wople. th<' l'tah .\.!.!'l'it·11' lnnil ('ollt •!ft'. at 1JJ1t•P oq!:111i1. •• 1 ils DL'p1Htnn•11t of .\l<•1·hani1• .\1 ! i11 suth a way as tC1h1• ahll' I; g-ran1 a dq!l'{ 'C' for a <·ornpll'ti111 of it s r<•q11·r('111t•11ts. Th t• <' Olll'SP is IIPW. ha, ·i 11g-had so 1'111·. b11t 0111• g-radtrn11•. h11l !'11 d1.·111andis :,.,og1·1•at l'or 1111 •11q11111' fiNI t o tC'a1·II thP :\l1•(·h:1ni1• ~\1 s !hat it i:-i hound to ~1·ow. \11•11 f'rorn H II o,·f'r th <• Nl a IP a 1·1· rt•gitrl'1·d fol' tlu~ wol'k. D111·i11!! t};
B efore- you go home get your . c1 ld hal 1-111 a<lt! 1-,cw ctt ]~ ive lcy'~, __6:Jk l . :-.'orth .-. \ dv .:·
,fack l('µ'l '
PA.Gil Tmt,:i.~
Whit t•, '13. is at tile Col-
for th(• purpose of assisting
Doesn't this we at h e·r
iu tlw .\ n. !In s. Depa1tment.
Bt•11 Parkin so n was at the Col-
Don't forget the Snmnier lege yesterday Juokin g fol' a. c.-C'r-Sd1ool dance in th e ~111. to-night , la'n )lis · -lo take a joy rich: at 9 o'clock. Good music. with him. l le will ca ll nga in to: bo~·s Come out and help the day. win from Sm.thfield this afternoon .
Til l' ( 'u llcµ-c rcccin•d a dsi1 <luri11g lhe we t•,k fro111.J. E. Dor-
All Virginia Daniels informs us ~l en tlrnl Sm'thfield is a fin e town , be- clicts, ing almost de,·oid of the mal e sex. vited Plisanthrop). dantc
Contribute something
ear will take II exa"inmmation at Fort
his mirtary Douglas on
J ·uly H. Th e exa mination is co rnpctit·v c. thc,·e being about t•igh t.Y-fi"e appli cauts for the fort. ,· positions. EYery A. C. mau wishcH :\I incar success iu ·h=s tria l. and fct• I eonfidc 11t that he "·ill rank a111onµ-the lead e rs.
a holiday
LI>i!••• Utah
South of Poitoffice
tl1~_ir l)il-
Herman Johnson, Propriel~ 23 Wco1 ht' North ·
And·reas Peterson & Sons i----------___
f;o11tc arc wontl erin)! who th e J lady w ·t h the pink dress could he. J would s11g)!<·st that Etta ;,.;elso1, and .AliCL• Bowen he interv iM\·etl upon that sco re. (Co ntribut ed )
.-. - ..-.-..,.
S. A. HIVELY·;.::: 63 Eaat. FLl'slNOTlh,L('lan , Utah •,'.J~ 1< HIGH GRADE TAILORING -·.,. At Popular PrK'.es
For Your Athletic : Goods and Outing Supplies. go· to LOGAN ARMS
t'X -
t!uriiz<' tlH•ir own parti e;:; w·thout
and a e loncl lo guide
:,.;o,· wo11lcl the co 111111it- The 1913 Buzzer ~taff h11\·c a 114 North Main Street tt•p (•an• to 01g-an·ze ;1 Sunda~' f,•w (\xtrn B11zzrrs 011 s..tle in room 1 e,•lehralio n. LI:, till',:<'rorc ; sLud- 105. \V e ha ve a clctail ecl co m- ---------------------------' t•nt s dt•sin• lo go to thP tc111 yon it 111uni cntion rcga.l'tling 1hem whirh will he ,wecssar.,· fo•· thin to or- we sha ll publish nex t issue. In
G.W.CLARK Pract=c•I Cu, lom Shoem•ket Repairing a Specialty
Log-au. On Hl'<:Ou11l of -the Rum- t Ul' first day! llt(~r :,,t•-.;sion !wing- n•d11<'l'dto fiY<.· .Aldt•r was 1111ahlt' to n11swt~r Wl't•k-.; 1hi'i _n•ar th ~ eommittcl' ,rnd Studl'11t I}f'p soJ:,,·t-; t·lrnl ri l't•t•I-.;I h,11 it wr11ld he lmwi~c to h1tio11-; wl!i It will do :--t}.
I ,·111s'o11s.
and women to do th;ngs
and requested lo atte nd the ~------------111 the Oym to-ni~ht at 9
,Ir . Wo odl)(•1·1·.vin Po11ltry ,·lass )l,111.,· st 1,cl,•11!~l1av,• asked for -( '\ow. 1'1·of. Aid e ,·. you ~a.,· 120 an ext:111·s011 to Log-an canyon of thes <' will hatt-h i,i 21 tll\S•s. j and otlil·rs w;int a fr ip to .\lo1ml .Just what p1'opor1ion will he ont
It trains men
Clothing Co. The Home of. Hart _.. Schaffner & M a r x·
stude nts, Snmmct· School or " 'omen. Bucks or Bcne~raids 01' :\laidcn 8, HI"(' in-
makP up our lit e rary nnmb e r g-r :ma.gl'. which will be out one week from :--------------, to-day. Songs. po ems. short stories or sma II sermons wi II be we!- . comcd. Be sure to si~ n. THAT'S
party left snit of the sc1·ies being: Buck s Pl'it r n few tla,vs ago and will wo11 1. lost 2; n cncd icts won 2 · tra, ·el by team to Kanab. Th ey lost 1. ,di! no donbt 11,•,·da pillar of fire
R_C'11ecrcts ~ Rucks in flw o"c..:loek. fin.-d g-a111c\Vcclnesday. 'rhe reD1·. Widtso e and
College Stands for the Education that men use m actual life. The people are coming to :the Agricultural College because the Agricultural College is going to the p~ople.
F. ]). Far re ll. '07 . now in t·harg e of \V ei,;t crn ll'rigation Crops Ullr ---der the s11pc 1·1'ision o f the depar t)1:urdo c k ·s invit es yon to · fr)' a m cnt of Agriculture, passed box of th e ir ne,v Dutch Choco- through Lo g,i n f.iuncla.,·. lat e,1.-Ad,• .
man. who has chHge of .the W ~stcm Division of Dairies · under the L'. ~- Department of A gr:eu ltur e.
th, • offieial ; s· hool.
th e mC'an t"me dl·op
room 10;, and look one '·of- tlicm on•r - the11 huy it. .
The RoyaJ Confectionery Co. We know our Ice CrealT)f;< and Soda Waters are the Best Made Call at our parlor and let us know what you think about them
'w{ ~-NOW
The Em~_lem of Quality l:lighest ,Award I.M,PA
' Phooe4i0\V
· 1909 1
ll°'SN. Mai• Sb~
Wh~rs WhoAtthe A.C.Summer Sdbool I::':~:"' 0
-Miss.· --,.M_e_s_e_rv_ · -e- h-...-. _b_e_e_n_ t_a_k_i,11,-, - A-,-Ir-e-d-i s_ j_u_ st_ t_h_ e_1_n_ a_11_\l __e-- n-e-cd- , __ E_rn_e_s_t_C_l_a_r_k,_ o_n_ e_ o_f _t_h_ e_ ~_Ie- x--i-
'he med•~~! '. course and ·was the anu it is quite probable that he con Refugees , has been at the A. only lady \n the grad uating class will ,·emain here until he takes C. all year. Ile d'd his high school of the u: of IJ. medical sc hool out h's degree. work at the Juarez Academy in IS HEADQUARTERS FOR this year. She aspires to be a • • -• the land of )foxi co. El cs ,m homTHEIR CELEBRATED doctor. After fiirther study in Edgar White co mes from Bcav- b1·c bucno. ·:-1ext year he will 1 CHOCOLATES AND ICE t he _local sc hool n ext ycai·, she er. Ile graduated from the Mur - probably teac h at Clarkston , r eCREAMS AND SHERBETS w,ll go cast and get her ~I. D. dock Academy in 1907. Si:ice turning hern the following year Wh en asked why ,sh e had the th e n. he ha s spent orn• yea r at th,• to comp lete his co ur se in Agron31 North Maia somewhat unfeminine aspiration B. Y. L'. a nd two at the U niv ers it y omy . to become a physician, she re- of Uta h. ,\"hit f expects to takf pi'cd that she had bad such au his degree from the U. of U. n c'l:t WHO THE " PROFS " AR.E ambitiou sii1ee fi\'e years of age. year. then he is go in g cast to fitn~. ---HIS IS A STORE where • • • dy med:c iuc . Jfc is a single rnnn August lJansen was born iu we serve you differB. L: Richaj-ds, popular memb er r.nd wish es all schools mams t,J i'\orway. Had his ea rly school ent ly and better than of rn13 Bcnctiict ·s Club , comp lct· know that he spc lld s hi s l~asur e and apprenti c~ training there. any other you have been in. Our Clothes cd his cou rse at the A. C. as 0110 moments with A. P. Andcrsoil in U c ca me lat er to litah and has of th e famous 95. H e is press the Chem. Lab. taught sixtee n years at the A. C .. for Summer are cool• ngent for the Beucdicts and any • • • · and by the way taken his degre e er and look better. marri ed man cont emplating atAlonzo Ingram hails from here w ,t h the class of 1911. Some tending t he College n ext ycal' 7\'cphi. is .ful1 of 1) rai se for the A. ycal's ago he visit ed all th e imr,;honlU ~cc :i11d l:Onsult him. IIt~ C. and Logan and int end s takiug port,mt 11uu1tml training schOois was oue of the cho sen few re - his dt'grcc l1cr c. lTc is mad e of of the Northern and Basteru t aincd to <lo work i11 thci,· Alma t lie stufl' that mak es a rea l "A. C. ;Jtall's, as well as th~sc of EngKuppenheimer J\Iatcr , a11d a~ t hey keep on}_yI ~\f;m.. , Ld 's hav e mor e such. la11tl, France. Germany, Denmark, th e best, we (·au. sn.r nu mor e, ex°' • iet ;\onn1y and other European Suit t:Cpt tlwt he is a tru e Christian. Mr . M. A . Nelson , an Agr=cul- co untri es . • • • turnl College graduate. has won Hjs earliest arnbition was to is newer, smarter, more Miss EmD,J~ Sriow, of 'l'ea sda lc., out in the Willard D. 'J'hompsou become a sidl ed jo11l'11cyman aml exclusive and individual ,vaync county, and an old A. C. Scho]al'ship co nt est. Thi s scrnlsI ll'avel ,11·01md the co imtry. Ile is student with . a clo,ik of lo~·a lty the winner to th e l.:ui,·c1-sity of!' now an · able instructo,· in the fitted to her ~!111,c.ba s taught the Californ ia at Bcrkc _Icy, with an ;\fcchani c 1\rts Department. past thr ee .rents in ldaho . She 's. income of $600 pcl' year. " boru teacher-which fact is • • • 3f. .\ . .l\clson . Born at Provo I,orne out by- th e 11u111bcrof l11•r Miss Laura. Bird. one of Spr i11g- Citq, Utah. Was graduated iuuneclia1e rclntiYcs who nre ,.:lle's prog1·essh·e teachers, was l'rom 13. Y. C. ~01·111 a! Course iu teachc1-s. ll ~r future plaus arc a memb er of th e B. Y. Normal 19(/G. Teacher in Pnblic School, 11nficttlccl, hut we think sbe wa.v class of 1911. She will be lo cat· of Oneida Couut.r, Idaho , 1906Logan's Foremost ~oou chan ge her profession. ,·cl -:,gaiu next i·ca r at Spring ,·ille Hl09. Atteuclcd U. A. C. 1909 to Clothiers • • • wh e r e she has taught sin ce grad- 1911. Degree B. S.. 1911. InRichard Choules, gn1tl uat e uf uation. Old A. C. peop le will be structor in Zoology. U. A. C. 1911 --------~---O11ciUa Sinko Acallcmv at Pres ~ pl eased to know he r , ns she i~ t.o present. " ~fy ambit ions at t~n.~ .J9io, sjw: .c a. tcacl;er in th e , ..ern's sister. 16" . De sirl'd to Ire a "t wister" pnlJli e schools of Idaho. is takilll! • " • aud ri,lc the mea nest broncoh that Organic Chem. with a ,·iew of InkMrs. W. Wells , of Cas tl e Dale. wore ha'r. ing a. dcgrc4..• i11 scie nce . Xext is a gTc:Hluatc of Howland Hall ycne w :ll scr i\lr. Chou les agni11 at and since a tl'nchcr aud supcrCHURCH NOTES Fair\'i(•w. hfa .110 a~ pri11cipal of r·so r of sc hool s in Flah. _ She is 'rhe progra111s at thl' ,·urious Fairview sch~ols. ;it Su111111crSchool for th e pur CORRECT COLLEGE t h11rCh cs for tomor row l'l'' • • po::ic of keeping up with the de - l1og-;111 CLOTHES AND YO\/ 11wi11 as unnouucrcl i11 Inst Sat. Wm. Le!tth!J,mhold s dow11 the m1111dsof modern cd11catio11- A1·t WILL BE SATISFIED 111·day ·s iss ur. except :is noted be1:rin ..ipalship or th e W ellsvi ll e aml Do111cstic 8cit-11,·c. Tl is said se liool. Il e is a. stroug teac her that she thinks the A. C: a great low: Presbyterian Church. w ith a good 1·cp11tation. H e spctH.h1 t)u111111cr School and wi11 no clo11bt h1is 'illHllllCl'S at I he A. C. be the so ur ce of spreading tJu, Cor. Center and Second ,V est. Sermon at 11 :00 a. m. Sah~u:-,pcl of '' J.mbor =s IJifc. 1 ' Mr . Lee··i\J!red, champion lligh bnth. 'rh c eve ning serv'ec will Logan's Popular Sc hool hni-clle'r of Utah, grad uate M.ike Andr ews , '12. and for p1·obabl,,· be omitted as th e pastor Clothing Store of the ~now Acu<lcmy and a. loyal .':cars the id ea l footlw.11 man in cxpeets to pa rti c ipatc in tent Sanpeter, is one among us. )h. Utah, is drawn b.'· nntt1ral force meeti n gs to be held in Providence to the A. C. CYC'ry su mm er. H e WALK-OVER SHOES ·hus taught in lligh Rehoois the are so good that people ol a ll pas t two yea rs nnd will he a nations of the earth unite in pro- 111e111berof Fowlel''s fa('ulty THE A. D. S. STORE al claiming .them the "Leaders of EVERYTHING IN DR\/GS, TOILET Grnutsville next year. He is a ARTICLES llll PATENT MEDICINES the World." 67 Nonh Maia Stt..,., Phoae 200 jolly good type. and of co nrse . a ST AR CLOTHING STORE ·-------------· Joyal A man.
Candy Co.
• • •
Wa ,ldorf
The Hub
Dr_ug Company