The U.A.C. Alumni Quarterly, Vol. 1 No. 3, February 1925

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The U. A. C. ALUMNI QUARTERLY Vol. 1 No. 3 February, 1925




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"Yes " and "No" on The Constitutional Amendment. The big question befo re the U. A. C. Alumni association is still the question of whether or nor we des ire ro include non-graduates in the organization . Since the last issue of the Alumni Quarterlv went out a number of communications ha ve bee n received , some urging and some discouragin g this move. George L. Zundel, ' 11 , Extension Plant Pathologist of the State College of Washington , writes : " For my part, I would hate to see a member, not a graduate of the school, admitted to the Alumni association even though it might give us d little more money to work with . " My notion of an alumni association is that it should be restricted to graduates receiving at least a Bachelor's degree. I consider that membership in an alumni association is a distinct honor. The fact that other people have not graduated would not restrict them from being invited as honorary guests to alumni meetings and they could be informed that suggestions would be welcome from them at any time. In taking this stand , I do not wish to rule against any former 'Aggie' student from showing his loyalty to the school. " Another objection is registered by Mrs. Victoria Anderson, ' 9 7, who says: "I do not favor the admission of non-graduates to the Alumni association, but think they should have an organization of their own .

"If non-graduates are admitted , the association would be unwieldy , and large and no count could be kept of such a large membership without great expense. Even then I think it woul not be a

success." Coming now to the other side of the question , we have the following from Glen F. Cowan , ' 23 , who writes: " In union their is srrength. ' Everything else being equal the strength should be increased with the si ze of the union . As less than 5 % of the students that .have registered at our alma mater have graduated , it is evident that there must be a large number of men and women , who under the present ruling cannot affiliate with us in pushing the great work that the alumnus has to do for his or her college. Not all of the 95 % or approximately 95 ?"o , will join if permitted to do so. But there may be many of the most interested ones come to the assistance of the organization . " I am in favor of the change in Article 2, as stated in the quarterly , but that if it isn ' t mad e clear elsewhere that there be a clause further restricting membership to High School graduates who have completed three quarters of work at the College. " E. B. Brossard, ' 1 I , writing from Washington D . C. , tersely says: "I vote for the suggested ammendment.'' LaVal S. Morris, ' 23 , declares in favor of it with reservations in the following paragraph: " In regard to whether or not we should incl ude non- graduate students in the Alumni associatio n. it seems to me that we will encounter extremely difficult obstacles in so trying to do. Many of our students start at the A. C. and go for perhaps one quarter or one year or perhaps even two years and then go down to the University or down to the B. Y. U . and graduate from these institutions, which makes them Aumni of the institution from which they graduate. It seems to me , however , that in order to strengthen our association that it might be well to include those students who discontinued their work at the A. C. and have not graduated from any o ther institution , and then the question arises which of these students do we want to select. There are those students who went to the A. C. for perhaps two or three months and it seems to me that many would be undesirable because of lack of interest. If there is some way of selecting the desirable non-graduate students who have not graduated from any other institutions, that it would be highly desirable and my vote is "yes" . Let's invite them to join us." We welcome opinions from all alumni members. The officers are intersted primarily in having the constitution express the desires of the members of the association . In commenting upon these letters it might be well to point out that the proposed amendment allows non -graduates to become members of the association only upon application, that they remain

members only for the period of time for which they pay Alumni dues in advance and that thus only those who are rea ll y interested in the association and in the institution it represents would ever take out membership under this plan- The amendment provides that any person who has spent at least three quarters and who is not a member of the student body at the time he first applies for membership with the association is eligible for membership and may become a member upon payment of annual dues. This amendment comes up for official consideration at our annual business meeting, June 5. Let us hear from you on this important subject. About sixty different lines of inves ti ga tion ranging from ex periments in sweet-cream buttermakin g to best methods of rotating crops and maintaining the fertility of the soil and including many other problems of ma jor importan ce to the farmers of the state, are reported in the recent Bienni al R eport of the Utah Agricultural Ex periment Station. This report , known as Station Bulletin No. 192 and prepared by Director William Peterson , covers the activities of the Station for the yea rs 1923 and 1924. It may be secured , free of cost. by ad dressi n g Di vision of Publications, Utah Experiment Station, Logan , Utah. 0


Aggie Alumnus Becomes Secretary of Agriculture William M. Jardine, President of the Kansas Agricu ltural Collzge and a graduate from the Utah Agricultural College with the class of 1904, h as just been named Secretary of Agriculture by Presi dent Coolidge. "The U. A . C. Graduate", w hich contains tabloid histori es of all members of the Alumni association up to and including the class of 1909, gives the following biograph y of Dr. Jardine: "Bill ', as he is affectionaly known by all of his fri ends , made his first appearance at Cherry Creek , Oneida County, Idaho, on January 16, in the year of grace, 1879 . He is probably as pure a Celt as any member of the association , his father coming from Scotland in I 865 and his mother being of W elsh parentage. " Until the age of seve nteen h e spent his life on the farm at Cherry Creek attending the district school three or four months each winter. In the spring of 1895 he went to Big Hole , Montana, where

he spent six months on a da iry farm helping with the milking, separating and butter-making. The three succeeding summers were also spent in Montana, either on the dairy farm or on the hay ranch. "In January 1899 , Mr. Jardine entered the U. A. C. where he remained until graduating in ¡ 1904, spending the summer on the home farm. For part of one year he taught school at Henderson Creek, Idaho. During his freshman and sophomore years he was registered in civil engineering, but . during his junior and senior years he specialized in agriculture. Jardine spent one summer as a member of a surveying party engaged in making a preliminary survey of Mud Lake, Idaho. At the close of his junior year he was made assistant agronomist at the Utah Experiment Station, a position which pe held until March, 1. 1905 , when he resigned to take charge of the Utah Arid Farm Company, Juab County, Utah. " While a student Mr. Jardine was a pillar of the Department of Athletics, taking an active part in all varieties of college sport. H~ served four years on the college eleven , being captain of the team in his senior year. He also took a prominent p_art in other college activities, such as theatricals and musicals, and in the military department he reached the rank of first lieutenant. He was a member and treasur~r ~f the Engineering Society and president of his class during the JUntor year. "M r Jardine resigned his position as manager of the Utah Arid Farm Company in July 1905 to become agronomist at the Utah Experiment Station with the rank of assistant professor and later professor of the College. In February. 1907, Mr. Jardine entered the service of the U . S. Depa rtment of Agriculture as Assistant U. S. Cerealist in charge of dry land grain investigations. " September 6, 1905 , Mr. Jardine married Miss Effie Nebeker, of Logan, Utah." In 1910 Dr Jardin e become aqronomist at the Kansas Agricultural College. In 1913 he was made director of the experiment station and dean of agriculture of the Kansas A. C. and in 1918 he became president of that institution. H e was president of the international drvfarmin~ congress and soil products exposition in 1915-16 and president of the American Society of Agronomy in 1916-17. The class with which Mr. Jardine graduated is one of the most notabl e ever sent out from the Utah Agricultural College. Among its members are Presid ent Elmer G. P eterson , of the Utah Agricultural College, Warren Swendson , commissioner of recla mation for the state of Idaho, Dr. Frank L. West, dean of the faculty of the Utah Agri-

cultural College, Prof. Ray B. West , dea n of the School of Agricultural Engineering of the Utah Agri cultural C ollege and Dr. Joseph E . Greaves, professor of bacteriology at the U. A. C.

We Are Even Better Than We Thought By D . E. R ob inson, ' II

Careful stock taking is good for any institution . It shows just whJ.t goods you have on yo ur shelves. Stock taking has bee n goi n g on at the Utah Agricu ltural College for the past few week;; in an effort to gather materi al fo r seve ral legis lative committees a nd a number of facts have been uncovered of w hi ch the College is justly proud and w ith which we, as members of the Alumni association should be just as gratified. The survey shows that I 7 members of the facu lty of the Utah Ag ricu ltu ral College have the Doctor's degree . 9 members have h ad two years of grad ua te study, 22 h ave the Master 's degree or its eq uivalent and 18 have the Bachelor's degree. Only one other institution in the wes t , the Un ivers it y of Oregon, has as hi gh a perce nt of the fa culty holdin g the Docto r's degree as does the Utah Agricultural College. A survey of U. A. C. graduates w ho in rece nt years h ave gone awa y to other institutions fo r further stud y shows tha t in all cases where they have se lected their courses with their resea rch work in mind they hav received f ull credit for their undergraduate and grad uate wo--1: done at the U tab Agricultural Collen. For in stance , Emery R. Ranker, who left the Utah Agricultural College with h is Master 's degree for re~earc h work at the Missouri Botanical Gard ens rE:ceived one full year:s' credit toward his Doctor 's degree. The same is true of Maurice B . Linford, at the University of Wisconsin and Dil worth Walker. at Cornell. \V . J. Merrill. was given full graduate stat:d ing at the Harvard School of Business Administration and, in addition , was accorded a place on the editorial board of the Harvard Business Review beca use of high scholarship. Of the 123 8 graduates of the College, one is a member of President Cooledge's cabinet as Secretary of Agriculture, is president of an agricultura l college, three are directors of experiment stations , two are state directors of extension work , two are assistant directors of extension work and one is state superintendent of public instruction. In the alumni association at present there are eighty -seven experimental and extens:on workers , sixty-nine college teachers and eightythee superintendents, high school principals and hi gh schoo l teachen.

The state high school inspec tor 's report for 1922-23 showed that of the high school teachers in rural schools holding Bachelor's degrees_ 38 percent are from the Utah Agricultural College, 36.4 per cent from the University of Utah, 14.8 per cent from the B. Y. U. and 10.8. per cent were from outsi de th e state. The study of the growth of enrollment of the College was very satisfactory. The collegi ate registration has bee n steadily advancing in spite of decreased interest in agriculture which has, of course, reflected itself in registration in that school. The collegiate registration of 19 23-2 4 was 63 per cent above that of 1913-14. The collegiate registration for the present year is 887 at the present time (January 23 ). This represents an increase of 130 students over the total collegiate registration for last year or of 17 per cent. It is expected that over 900 students of collegiate grade will be registered before the end of the present year. In a table compiled to show the proportion of students in state agricultural colleges to the population of the state and of the registration in the agricultural depa rtments of those colleges to the population of the state, th e Utah Agricultural College ranks 3rd . In I 9 2 3-2 4 , the U . A . C. had 16 8 students for every one thousand people in the state. The only schools showing a higher number were the Oregon Agricultural College and the State College of Washington . The U. A. C. had 38 students in agriculture for every one thousand population. The only schools outranking in this computation were the Oregon A. C. and the Iowa State College.

National Summer School at U. A. C. to Have Illustrious Facuity While plans are not yet complete for the second annual session of the National Summer School which opens June 15 at the Utah Agricultural College, enough has been done to justify the statemenr that the second session will be even greater than was the first. The teaching faculty has in a large measure been secured. includes the following illustrious educators:


Professor W . H . Kilpatrick , of the Department of Education of Columbia University. Professor Kilpatrick will organize courses in education and the philosophy of education and will personally conduct these courses for the first two weeks of the summer session. Professor T. N. Carver, David A Wells, Professor of Pc\ijtical Economy, Harvard Uni versity. Professor Carver will teach courses

in econom ics during the entire 12 weeks of the summ er quarter. Professor Charles A. E ll wood , head of the department of Sociology, Uni versity of Missouri, and immediate past president of the American Sociologica l society. Professor Ellwood will teach courses in sociology during the entire su mmer quarter. Professo r E. V . McCollum , in cha rge of the work in biochemistry at Johns Hopkins University. Professor McCollum will give courses of six w ee k duration in nutriti on. P rofessor F rederick J. Turner , Professor of History of Harvard U ni versity. Professo r Turner will give courses in United States history of six weeks duration. Dr. M. J . R osenau, Charles Wilder Professo r of Preve ntive Medicine and Hy gie ne of Harvard University, wi ll teach courses in health education and public health for the six weeks of the first term . Mary K. Moriarty, of New York City , natural expert in hea lth educa tion for elementary schools, will also offer courses in this field during the first six weeks¡ Miss Alma Binzel. lecturer at Columbia University and Educational Director of the Child Study Association of America will teach courses in child psychology and habit formation for the first term . Professor Raymond Fran zen , D epartment .of Psychology, Uni versity of California , will give courses of six weeks duration in his .field of Educational Psychology . Professor E . Laurence Palmer, of the Department of Nature Study of Cornell University , and Mrs . E. Palmer, editor of the Cornell Rural Leaflet, will cooperate in giving courses in nature study during the first six weeks of the summer session. Professor R . B . Kester , Department of Accounting, of Columbia University will teach courses in accounting for the first three weeks of the summer quar ter. He will be followed by W . L Walker, Efficiency Engineer, Manager of the Washburn Manufacturing. Company, Worcester, Mass. , wbo will offer courses during the second three weeks of the first term in business efficiency. Professor G . G. Sedgewick, Department of English, University of British Columbia, will offer courses during the first term of the summer session in his field. Courses in the marketing of agricultural products and in cooperative marketing organization will be given during the six weeks of the first term by Professor James E. Boyle, of the Department of Agricultural Economics of Cornell.

Six weeks courses will be offered in botany by Professor H enry C. Cowles, in charge of the Department of Botany, University of Chicago and courses in zoology will be offered by Professor W. C. A llee, of the Department of Zoo logy, also of the University of Chicago. Composite courses in recrea tion will be offered by Professor P ete r W . Dykema, Director of Music Education, of Columbia Uni versity , Miss Edna Geister, Lecturer in Recrea tional Leadership for Columbia and Miss Mary Wood Hinman, of the Hinman Dancing School and special teacher at Chicago University. Cooperating with these will be Mr. Claude Corn wall, of Salt Lake and Professor W. 0. Robinson , of Logan . Miss Elga M . Shearer, Supervisor of primary and elementary grades of Long Beach , California. will rewrn again this year for the first term to offer courses in education. The work in geology will be taught by Professor George D . Louderback, Geologist of the University of California. Special courses in costume design and home furnishing will be offered by Professor Mable Wilkerson, of N ew York, formerly home furnishing specialist of the University of Illinois. Professor .John A . Widtsoe, formerly President of the Utah Agricultural College and the University of Utah will offer work during the first term in irrigation practice and economics. While a number of the educators on the above list will be <Jvailable for special lectures during the summer quarter the following outstanding lecturers have been secured each to give a series of lectures covering one week : Professor Shailer Matthews, D ean of the Divinity School, University of Chicago ; Dr. Edward Howard Griggs , of New York Cit y, Professor E . A. Steiner, Professor of Applied Christianity of Grinnell College, Iowa, and A. E. Winship, editor of the Journal of Education, Boston. N egotiations are under way with other educators and it is expected that several more will become members either of the teaching faculty or of the lecturing staff in the near future. The work of the coming summer will be so organized that courses of both lower_division and upper division rank will be available for under-graduates and courses of graduate study for those who have secured their Bachelor's degree. By a ruling of the faculty of the College it is possible by taking three full quarters of summer school work to meet the residence requirements for the Master's degree. This work may be taken any time within a five year period. Credit toward the Bachelor 's degree can also be secured in summer school work.


It is unanimousl y agreed by all who attended the rall y at the N ewhouse Hotel h eld under the auspices of the Salt Lake Chapter of the Alumni Association the night before the Thanksgiving ga me, that it was a rea l factor in helping to put the ball across the goa l line on Cummings Field the next day . Those few who might have been there but did not attend , now rea lize that they not only missed out one of the greatest rallies ever held for a U. A . C. Football ga me but also a most enjoyable eve ning. It was unique in that it combined a football rally with a most successful social function. About 225¡ people were there and ever-y one stayed until th r orchestra had played its last tune in the dance hall and there was nothing left to do but spend the remainder of the ni ght in restless sleep in anticipation of what would come of the game the following afternoon. But filling the students and fans with enthusiasm for football was not the onl y purpose of the meeting. In the first place this annual ga thering has been and will continue to be the mea ns of brin ging about a closer contact between the Alumni and the students and f ac ulty members. That the A lumni is one hundred percent behind the College was shown by the wonderful turn out of Alumni members , and that the students and faculty are with us was demonst rated b y the number of tickets which were sold at the College. It is the purpose of the Salt Lake Chapter to assist in deve loping the hi ghest type of sportsmanship possible between the College and the U nive rsity of Utah . Some of the details of this w ere discussed at the mee ting and resolutions were adopted setting forth the spirit of those prese nt and showing that it was their ambition to cooperate in every way possible with the University in order that any misunderstandings which may arise from time to time ma y be adj usted in such a way as will further these aims. The students of the Salt Lake School also deserve to be commended for their fin e spirit on Thanksgiving Day. At the luncheon which was held in the dining room befo re the dance , there was just enou1.1h of the riqht kind of speechmaking; to put every one in excellent humor. Talks w.ere given b y Orval Adams and former trustee F. B. Stevens . A musical and vaudeville program was given which tooks the crowd by storm . President P. V. Cardon of the Salt Lake Chapter and Vere L. Martineau, Chairman of the Chapter athletic Committee, saw to it that no details were overlooked which would aid in making the occasion the triumph that it was. Next year the Chapter expects to put over even a greater rall y than was the last. Those who were there will need nothing more than a chance to buy a ticket for the next one.




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R . J . Becraft, ' 15 , President. Willard Gardner, ' 12 D. E. Robinson, ' I I. Sec.-Treas. Laura C. Brossard, '2 0 R. J. Becraft, ' I 7 EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE C. Dixon Kapple, I 7 Blanche Cooper, '0 I R. J . Becraft, ' I 7 R. 0 . Porter, ' 12 William Peterson, ' 99 Vere L. Martineau, '12 Franklin Riter, '07 D. E. Robinson, 'II W . D . Porter, '22 V . S. Martineau, ' 12 Lucile Jensen Cooley,' II Della Morrell, ' 13 William P eterson , ' 99 D . E. Robinson , 'II EX-OFFICIO MEMBERS Della Morrell, ' 13 George Stewart, '13 P. V . Cardon, ' 09 A. Russell Croft, '20 A. P. Merrill, '03 EDITORIAL BOARD

R. J. Becraft, ' 15

D . E . Robinson , ' II

M . C. Harris

EDI TORI A LS JOIN THE EDITORIAL STAFF. With this issue of the quarterly is startE:d a department of personal items which will be filled with news bits about members of the association who are doing things. Naturally, the editors will be prone to write about people with whom they are in contact and this will mean that members of the association living in and near Logan will receive mention much oftener than members who are further away unless you members are willing to take upon yourselves the responsibility of sending in items of interest that you may run across. Therefore, we urge you to let us have newsy bits about yourself and your friends in the Association. You may be sure we shall appreciate any help you can give us.

OGDEN CHAPTER UP AND DOING. When the Ogden Chapter does things it does them right. Witness the recent dinner-dance given by the chapter as its mid-winder social function at the Hotel R eed, on Fbruary 7. The affair was eminentl y successful from every point of view. A good attendance of live alumni members and their partners showed that Aggies in Ogden and vicinity still retain fondest memories of their Alma Mater. The spirit and enthusiasm with which the old songs were sung and the old cheers given bore vociferous tes timony to the fact that the Ogden Chapter is a strong supporter of the college and its policies.


OGDEN CHAPTER HOLDS SUCCESSFUL FUNCTION. On Saturday, February 7 , the Ogden chapter of the U. A. C. Alumni association gave a dinner dance at the Hotel Reed as its midwinter social function. The function was presided over by President Ambrose P. Merrill , ' 03 . Representatives from the College present were Professor Frank R. Arnold, who delivered the principal address of the evening and D . E. Robinson , 'I I. secretary-treasurer of the alumni association , who represented President Becraft of the Alumni and President Peterson , of the College. Mr. A . P. Bigelow, president of the Ogden State Bank and a member of the Board of Trustees, took part on the program. Musical numbers were furnished by Edna Crowther Ririe, ' 23, Mrs. Fred Froerer, and Irving R . Poulter ' 20, who also acted as cheer and song leader during the dinner. Following the dinner, a dance was held. tendance.

About 40 were in at-


CONGRATULATIONS, SALT LAKE CHAPTER. The Salt Lake Chapter of the U. A . C. Alumni Association is to be heartily congratulated for the great success attending the football rally-luncheon-dance that was held at the Hotel Newhouse just before the Thanksgiving game. A great deal of careful planning and much hard work was put into the affair. Those who attended were loud in their prai~e of the efficient way in which everything was carried out.

The opportunity afforded by this rally , for the old graduates and prese nt da y students to get together and unite in singing praises of old U. A. C. is of tremendous value in buiding Aggie tradition s and Aggie loyalty. The whole association must bend the knee . figuratively speak ing, and pay honor to the Salt Lake Chapter. We hope the rally has established itself as an annual eve nt.

Aggies Fare Well In Athletics By Milton Merrill, ' 25

A division of the state football honors and a tie for second place in the Rocky Mountain conference is the record of the Utah Agg ie foot ball team during the 1924 season. R om ney's men won three conference games, lost two and ti ed in the fina l bat tle. They also won a non -conference ga me w ith Montana Mines. The Aggie scoring machine rolled up a total of 128 points in all of the games and allowed their opponents a meager 52. The climax of the season came on Thanksgiving when the two state sc hools engaged in their usual bitter struggle. The 7-7 game w ill go do w n in history as probably the most se nsa tional and interesting game that rhe two institutions have ever engaged in . The Aggies' play was featured by the phenomenal work of Butch Knowles who was chosen all-conference halfback for the third successive time and who w as undoubtedl y the outstanding player in the conference. Other players also sta rred , particularly Howard Woodsi de, who was playing his fourth year at end . The fifte en men to win their letters were : Woodside , Hamilton and Love, ends: W ebster, Hendricks and Gardner, tackles ; Sanders, Foxley and Howe, guards; J effs, center ; Leddin gham , quarterback ; Thomas, Knowles and And erson , halfbacks ; and Wooley , captain and fullback . "Eel" Leddin gham , who has directed the team from quarter for three yea rs. h as bee n chosen captain for the 1925 eleven. Knowles , Woodsid e. Hendricks, Wooley and possibly Gardner will not be members of r..ext year's squad . The basketball season opened for the Aggies without the services of Hammond , captain for two years , Ivins, veteran forward and Kirk , versatile utility man. With an abundance of new material Romney has had a difficult time in selecting his team. The state race looms as the most interesting in yea rs due to the unusual strength of all of the teams. The B . Y . U. wi ll present the same lineup which won the Rocky Mountain championship last year. The U . witJ::! the re-

turn of Captain Collett is also formidable, so much so that Neeley, who played most of last year has been unable to make the first ten . At this writing, the standing of the three teams is as follows : Won

B. Y. U . _______________________ _4 U. of U. ------------------------2

U. A. C. ________________________ 2


2 2


P ercent


50 0


Coach Romney is using Woodside, captain, and Sanders on the guard line, Baker at center and Nielson and Henrie, freshmen forwards. The remaining members of the squad are Robinson , Crowther. Hawley, Thomas, Williams and Geddes. In addition to playing four games each with the B. Y. U . and the U , it is probable that the Farmer squad will take a trip to California during which time they will meet the University of Southern California in a two game series in addition to meeting a number of other teams. In 1924 the Aggies captured the State conference championships in track. Incidentally i.t was the first time a Utah school had won the conference honors. A number of the stars of that team have bee n lost by graduation and from other causes. They are Croft. Layton , Kirk, Whitney, Thompson and Jackson. With the remainin g lette rmen in school and with several freshmen who have made astonishing records in high school the chances for another championship team are far from gloomy. Sterl Anderson , sprinter par-excellence, will captain the team. Baker, Lunt, Webster, Geddes, Furlong, Bailey, Knowles , Gardner, West, Mortenson and Wood are some of the old men . Burke, star distance man from Box Elder high school and Flint, Downey high , are the main hopes from the Freshmen although others may show much ability. ---,0---

"Still Water" By Alice Kewley, ' I 0. Professor of Household Adminisrrarion . U . A. C.

One College ye ll that does not require a megaphone to carry its mssa ge is the yell of real honest-to-goodness work. The Aggi e Hom 2 Economics graduates who have gone out to teach seem to be usin g

this " silent'' yell most effectively for the good of thier Alma Mater. Requests for Home Economics teachers came to the College last spring from various districts in Utah, Idaho, Nevada , Arizona , Colorado and Wyoming. One Superintendent of a high school in a nearby state wrote: "The Home Economics teacher you sent us is to be married this spring. Her work has been excellent. We doubt if any teacher could give better satisfaction and so we are leaving the selection of our new teacher entirely with you. Send us another one as good as the last." Every Home Economics senior was placed in a good position last year at a sa lary above the average . At least ten more girls could have been placed if they had been available. Indications are that the field of Home Economics will offer even greater professional opportunities to our Seniors in the future. With the high standard of work they are establishing who can estimate the strength that will come to the college through these " silent" workers?

Annual Extension Conference Held at College By W. W. Owens, '16 , State Leader of County Agents

The annual conference of the Utah Agricultural College Extension Service was held at the College the week commencing January 12 , 1925. The Extension Staff at present consists of seventeen county agents; five home demonstration age nts , eight men and four women specialists, six of whom are part time workers , three supervisors: a clerk , and stenographer. The agents cover twenty counties of the State. The other nine counties are reached by the spec ialists. With one exception the entire staff are former students of the Colle j!e. They sing the College song with the enthusiasm of the football field. The purpose of the conference was to impart information and inspiration . Rpresentatives from the United States Department of A griculture were Dr. W . J . Spillman, Eugene Merritt and Miss Madge J. Reese. Committees which worked during the week recommended again holding the Farmers' Encampment the latter part of July in order to use the professors who will teach at the first term of the National Summer School. The possibility of all the agents attending at least a part of this summer school was investigated and favorably reported upon. Club work is to be increased with the assistance of a recently appointed State Club Leader. Projects to be emphasized during the yea r include the following : crop rotation , home gardens, sweet clover pasture, pocket gopher control. landscape beautification, sheeo culling. balanced dairy rations, control of poultry diseases, adequate family diet, child feeding , personal hygiene, water as a medicine, millinery, remodeling, costume appreciation.

What the Grads are Doing Fellow member-you are hereby appointed a contributing editor to this department. Let us have your contributions. Dr. W. E. Carroll, '09, professor of animal husbandry at the U . A . C. since 1914, has recently been granted a leave of absence by the InstiJution to accept a position as head of swine husbandry at the University of Illinois. Dr. Carroll has been a leading member of the College faculty and it is to be hoped that his leave of absence will be of short duration.


J. M. Christensen. ' 21. who returned from Oxford last summer after completing three years at the University of 0 -1{ford, where he went as a Rhodes .scholar from Utah, is a member of the faculty of the School of Commerce and Business Administration at the College. Mr. Christensen, who took his degree in law at Oxford , has opened a law office in Logan. -0-

Dr. Melvin C. Merrill. ' 05, until recently. editor of publications. the U . S. Forestry Service . has just been promoted . He is now assistant director of publications in charge of scientific and technical manuscripts in the Division of Publications of the U. S. D epartment of Agriculture. In his new work, Dr. Merrill will have charge of the editin g and distribution of all scientific and technical publications of hi.s department.

¡- a Every member of the U. A. C. Alumni assoctatton is hoping that Russell L. Maughan, ' 17, who gained fame for himself and his Alma Mater by his dawn-to-dusk flight across the continent will receive the special recognition that a bill now pending in Congress seeks to bring him. If this bill becomes law Lieutenant Maughan will receive the rank of colonel and will be presnted with a gold medal. This is the same recognition that is being given tne roundthe- world fliers.


w. L. Walker, '08 , efficiency engineer and manager of the Washburn Manufacturing Company, of Worcester, Mass, will return to

hi s Alma Mater for three weeks this coming summer during w hi ch time he w ill conduct courses in busi ness management at the National Summer School. -0-

D ave Murray. ' 16, has just been appointed state leader of boys and gir ls club for the Extension Serv ice of the Utah Agricultural College, according to an announcement recentl y made by Director William Peterson, '99 . -0-

Ivan L. Hobson , ' 14, until recentl y with the U . S. D epartment of Agric ulture in boys and girls club work, has bee n appointed director of the junior achievement burea u of the Eastern States league w ith h eadq uarters at Springfield , Mass. -0-

R ay Curtis, ' 10, h as retu rned to his Alma Mater for graduate wo rk . H e expec ts to spend two quarters at the Institution¡ -0-

W. J. Merrill. '22, who entered the graduate school of business Administration at Harvard University .last fall has been appointed a member of the Student Editorial Board of the Harvard Business R eview. Appointment to this board is made entirely on the basis of scholastic attainments.

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