The U.A.C. Alumni Quarterly, Vol. 1 No. 4, May 1925

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Vol. 1 . No. 4 '/ May; 1925

.. .' :·. ,






MAY 1925

No. 4

Commencement Plans Matured. Plans for commencement this coming June are now fully enough matured to make possible a definite announcement. The commencement program begins with the annual business meeting and social on Friday , June 5 at 8 o'clock in the College library. Aside from hearing the regular reports of president and secretary , this meeting will vote on the amendment to the constitution of the association which proposes to admit non-graduates to the organization . Plans whereby the association can render aid to the College in its development program will also be discussed. It is planned to have the classes of 1895, 1905, 1915 and 1925 each responsible for a stunt on th" program during the social hour which will follow the business meetI ing. On Saturday, May 6, at 10 o'clock, Secretary of Agriculture Jardine , of the class of 1904 will deliver the address to the graduates. Saturday afternoon from 3: 00 to 5 : 00 the President's reception to the Board of Trustees, Alumni and graduating class will be given. On Saturday evening the Annual Alumni Banquet and Ball will be held at which Secretary Jardine will be guest of honor and principal speaker. In order to take care of the large number expected to make reservations for the banquet, it has been decided to hold it in the College library which will accommodate double the crowd of any private dining hall in Logan. Following the banquet, the Alumni Ball wi!l be held in the Smart Gymnasium. The baccalaureate sermon will be delivered by Apostle D. O. McKay on Monday morning at 11 :00 o'clock. This will conclude the commencement program. However, a meeting in which all members of the association will be interested will be held the evening of Monday, June 8 in the Logan Tabernacle, under .the auspices of the Lovan Chamber of Commerce. At this meeting, Secr~.t-au Jardine will deliver the only general address which he is to deliver jn Ut'ah. Alumni members should write in at once for reservations to the commencement exercises and the Baccalaureate Sermon. Of course, earl y reservations must be made for the Alumni Banquet.

Board Approves Bu~get For


The budget of the Utah Agricultural College covering ex penditures for the coming year of the college proper, the extension division, the experiment station and the Branch Agricu ltural College at Cedar City as presented by President Elmer G. Peterson has been approved by the Board of Trustees. At the board meeting B. L. Richards , associate professor of botany and plant pathology was appointed professor and head of the department to succeed Dr. George R. Hill, who resigned to accept a position as agriculturist of the American Smelting and Refining Company. The board approved the appointment of Dr. E. C. Branson. Kenan professor of rural socologY. of the University of North Carolina as professor of sociology for the fall quarter of next year. Professor Branson was a member of the visiting faculty of the 1924 National Summer School and was possibly the most popular teacher of all that famous gathering of educators. He is the outstanding authority in the United States today on questions of rural sociology. His presence on the Utah Agricultural College faculty will doubtless attract many students who are interested in this important field. W . W. Owens ' 16, State Leader of County Agents , was appointed Assistant Director of the Extension Division. Professor 0. W. Israelson, head of the departm~t of irrigation and drainage, was granted a brief leave of absence tbis spring to go to the University of California to take his examination for the doctors degree. Prof. F. D. Daines, head of the department of political science was granted leave of absence for the summer to complete his work for the doctors degree at the University of California. The following members of the facu lt y who have been on leaves of absence for the past year or two will return : Professor George Stewart, ' 13 head of the department of agronomy, who will receive his doctors degree at the University of Minnisota this spring: Professor H . J . Pack, ' 13 of the department of entomology, who will rece ive his doctors degree from Cornell this spring: Professor E . G. Carter, ' 13 of the department of bacteriology who will receive his degree of doctor of public health from the University of Michigan at the end of the present school year. Alma Esplin , ' 16 who has recently ¡ returned from special study in wool grading and who is considered one of the foremost authorities on sheep management in the West was appointed assistant professor of animal husbandry to have particular charge of the instructional work in sheep husbandry al the College and to have charge of work in this field in the extension service and the experiment station. Professor Johanna Moen, ' 20

of the department of texti les was granted sabbatical leave for one year to continue her studies. The board decided , subject to the limits of funds of the Institution , to extend the sabbatical privilege to include assistant and associate professors. In comm en ti ng upon the facu lt y for next year President P eterson cal led atte nti on to th e fa ct that fi ve new doctors degrees would b e represented on the teaching staff. These include Ors. Stewa rt, hraelson , Daines, Pack and Carter. The matter of the appoi ntm ent of a dean for the sch ool of agriculture to succeed Dr . Hill was taken under advisement as was also the matter of securing a head for the department of anim al husbandry.

College on Sound Basis for Coming Biennium. A lth o ugh the approp riations for maintenance made by the last Srate Legislature were less than the College hoped to rece ive for the coming biennium , it appears that the Institution will pe .able , by elim inating entirely its buil"din g program and by practicing careful economy , to functi on on as large or larger teaching bud get than last year. The attitude of the legislature toward the college was cordial in the ex treme and it is felt that the appropriations made were as large as possible und er the circumstances. Beca use of a very limited state income and of expa nding sta te expenditures, the legislators w ere forced to pare down all appropriations to the very minimum. One very gra tifyi ng situation that developed during the session was the complete approval given to the Institution and its program by the Farm Bureau of the state indicating how closely the College is in harmony with the agricultural interes ts of Utah . The appropriations made the College for the coming biennium were as follows : General maintenance, $ l 25,000 , a slight decrease over the last bienn ium ; Experiment Station, $9 5,000, the same as the last biennium; and the Extension Division, $ 78 ,000, a slight increase over the last biennium. In addition , $I 3,000 was appropriated for two experimental seed farms , one to be in the Uinta Basin and one to be in San Juan county. A bit of legislation that will doubtless be of great importance to higher educational institutions was the bilJ enlarging the duties and the importance of the State Board of Education. This board of which President Peterson is a member, has lodged with it now authority to eliminate duplications of work in the entire educational system of the state. It is not know n as yet how it will react upon the institutions of higher education. The president of the institution was made a member of the n ew ly created state parks commission by the Legislature.

Ogden Backs Summer School. Unqualified support of the U . A. C. National Summer School is contained in a resolution unanimously passed by the O gden Chamber of Commerce at a meeting held Friday night, May 8. The resolution was introduced by former Trustee A. P. Bigelow, president of the Ogden Stare Bank and followed brief addresses by President Elmer G. Peterson of the College and E. R. Owen of Logan. The resolution is as follows: REALIZING the great benefit co the State of Utah coming from the National Summer School held at the Utah Agricultural College a nd construing che National Summer School co be the greatest single agency now announcing Ucah before the nation . and RECOGNIZING che communit y of inceresc between Ogden and Cache Valley, which is Ogden ' s nearest large conrribucin g po in c. and RECOGNIZING further che community of inceresc in educational and in industrial and social affa irs b etw een O gden and Cach e Valle y. and APPRECIATING co che full che lea dership among Colleges of che counrry w hich the Ucah Agricultural College has come to occup y in its great field of work and the national and scace leaders which ic has deve lop ed and is de ve loping . BE IT RESOLVED TH AT che O gden Ch a mber of Commerce pl edge ics u nqua li fie d support co ch e Coll ege an d co ch e National Summ er School and ch at ic further pled ge its elf co aid in ma k in g the coming sess ion a g rea t success and in establishing chis accraccive educa tional feature as a permamenc pare of the edu cational program of U ta h .

F. P. Champ, m em ber of the Board of Trustees, on behalf of th e College, the Logan Chamber of Commerce and the Cache C ou n ty Farm Bureau. extended to the O gden club a cord ial inviration ro attend th e address to be given by Secretary of Agricu lture J ard in e, ' 04, at the Logan Tabernacle on Monda y, Jun e 8.

Founder's Day. B y Ra y J . Becraft, ' I 7. Preside nt U. A. C. A lumni A ssociation

A movement initiated by st udents was well started this year for annual celebration of U . A. C. Founder's D ay on M arch 9 . The varied program included chapel exe rci ~e . a basketba ll gam e eetween fres hmen and faculty-alumni teams . boxin g matches. vaudevi ll e. ma tinee dance and lunch . An attractive exh ibit of ea rl y college ¡¡memori es" and troph ies was on di sp la y in the faculty room. Tbe chapel exercises, escec iall y, tended to center attent ion on. the alma mater-i ts e:;rab li shmen t. deve!op ment and wo nderful

educational service. Professor William Peterson, ' 99 presided. J. R. Thomson, '96 , offered invocation. John T . Caine, Jr. ' 94 told the "Story of the Founding of the U. A. C.", using vivid descriptions of the problems encountered in the ' 80 ' s in founding and developing a new institution in a new educational field, agriculture. Professor Caine paid a wonderful tribute to our first president, as did also Amos N. Merrill. '96 , in " An Appreciation of President J . W. Sanborn. " In addition, Professor Merrill, in jovial mood , portrayed the "family" relationship in the early years of our college life, giving most interesting glimpses into the characters of faculty members and prominent students. J. Morris Christensen, '21, ably linked the past with "The A. C. of Today" by clever contrasts. A message was read from President E. G. Peterson, '04 who was away on duty. Several excellent vocal and instrumental musical numbers were well woven into the program. Benediction was by J. C. Hogenson, '99 . We were pleased to note the visit of several alumni to the campus and their customary spirit of devotion and loyalty that characterize our growing A. C. family. It is hoped we may welcome a larger representation next Founder's Day.

Purnell Bill Aid to U. A. C. The Purnell Bill, designed to encourage experimental work in agriculture, which passed Congress during the last days of the session just closed, will strengthen greatly the work of the U . A. C. according to President Elmer G. Peterson, who considers the passage of this bill a milestone in agricultural progress. Under the provisions of the bill, the College will receive an endowment beginni ng at S20,000 a year for research work in new phases of agriculture , home economics, and agricultural engineering. This sum is to increase at the rate of $ l 0,000 each year until an annual sum of $60,000 in available. The bill specially obligates the institution to conduct work in marketing, agricultural economics and home economic~. It is planned to have the funds made available under the bill go into new lines of work so urgently needed to supplement extension work.

Another "Aggie" Reaches the Top. Francis David Farrell, '07 , has just been promoted from the directorship of the Kansas E xperiment Station to becom e acting president of the Kansas Agricultural College, to succeed William Jardine, ' 04 , Secretary of Agriculture. The U . A. C. Graduate, thus outlines "Dave's" earlier history: "Francis D. Farrell was born at Smithfield , Utah , March 13, 1883 . In September, 1900, he entered the sub-freshman class at th e Utah Agricultural College. For three years he was a studnt there, completing the sophomore year in the Commercial course in June, 1903 . During the school year 1903 - 04 , he was engaged in commercial work at Logan . Utah : and was Assistant Secretary of the Board of Trustees at the Agricultural College during 1904-05 . While engaged in the Secretary's office Farrell took a special course of study in the College. In the fall of 1905 , he entered the junior class in General Science, specialized in chemistry, and was graduated in June 1907. "During his College life, Farrell was identified with numerous student activities. He was 1st Lieutenant one year, and senior captain one year in the cadet battalion. When the old " English Six Debating Club," was organized , in 1905 he was the first president of that body. In 1906, he was a member of the College debating tea m. During the same year, he was president of the " U. A . C. Debating Club. " He served as literary editor of " Student Life" in 1905-06, and as editor-in-chief in 1906 -07. "Although Farrell pursued a course in General Science, he was at all times much attracted by the agricultural work of the Experiment Station . During the summer of 1905, and during the school years of 1905 -06 and° 1906-07 , he acted as student assistant in the Department of Chemistry of the Station. It was here that he received his inspiration to enter the field of scientific agriculture. Very soon after being graduated in 1907, he accepted a position with the United States Department of Agriculture." President Farrell was appointed director of the Kansas Experiment Station in 1918. He is a member of the Committee on Experiment Station Organization and Policy of the American Land Grant College Association and succeeds Secretary Jardine as a member of the Agricultural Committee of the American Banker's Association.

Our Responsibility.* By State Senator John W. Peters ' 12. Education needs today to be again interpreted to the public. This is particularly true of our Alma Mater, the Utah Agricultural College. Many people throughout Utah conceive the College to be merely a trade school-a place where a vocation is to be learned. Its mission is and must be much broader. The mission of the Utah Agricultural College is to train young men and young women for citizenship in its broadest aspect. It is of little value to prepare a student to make a living if at the same time he is not prepared to enjoy life. The ideal the Utah Agricultural College holds steadfastly before itself is of an education at once cultural and practical-one that prepares one to make a living and also to live. Today should see a rededication of alumni members and students to the Institution . A greater college cannot be built from without but only by the devoted service of those within . It is the duty of every alumnus to preach the mission of old A. C. U. where ever he may be. It is his duty to explain and expound the virtues of the particular form of education for which the college stands. It is his duty , wherever emergency calls. to throw the full weight of his in~ fluence and energy in support of his Alma Mater.

New Alumni Councilors Elected. The following members of the Alumni Association have been elected as councilors of the organization to serve for the coming three years: John T. Caine.III. ' 03 ; Ray B. West, ' 04; W . E. Carroll '09 ; C. N . Jenson, '08 ; Sterling Harris, ' 24. They succeed the following retiring members: Willard Gardner, '12 ; Laura C. Brossard, '20; R. J. Becraft, '17 ; C. Dixon Kapple, '17; Blanche Cooper, '01. The new Alumni Council will hold its organization meeting at 6 P. M. on Friday, June 5th, at Alumni Headquarters, Room 131, Main Building. All members of the council are urged to attend. *Part of an address delivered before the U. A. C. Student Body Monday, May 11.










R . J . Becraft. ' 17 , Pres iden t. Willard Gardner, '12 D. E. Robinson , ' I I , Sec. -Treas. Laura C. Brossard, '20 R. J . Becraft, ' 17 C. Dixon Kapple. I 7 EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE Bla nche Cooper. ' O1 R. J . Becraft, ' l 7 R. 0 . Porter, ' I 2 Vere L. Martineau. '12 William Peterson. ' 99 Franklin Riter, '07 D . E. Robinson. '11 W . D. Porter. '22 V. S. Martineau . '12 Lucile Jensen Cooley,' 11 Della Morrtll, '13 William Peterson, ' 99 D . E. Robinson . '11 EX -OFFICIO MEMBERS Della Morrell, '13 George Stewart. 'J 3 P . V . Cardon. '09 A. ¡ Russell Croft, '2 0 A. P. Merrill. '03 EDITORIAL BOARD

R. J. Becraft, '17

D. E. Robinson , '11

M . C. Harris

EDITORIALS ATTEND YOUR MEETING. The annual business meeting and social of the Alumni Association-your meeting-is to be held in the College Library, Friday evening, June 5 at 8 o'clock. Problems of great importance are to be considered. A vote will be taken on the proposed constitutional amendment to determine whether or not the -association is to be enlarged to include nongraduates, plans will be laid to mobilize the strength of the association behind some program for the aid of the institution. the annual report of the president summarizing activities for the past year will be given, and the annual financial report of the secretary-treasurer will be presented . To any one interested in the welfare of the association and the future of the institution , this program will be of appealing interest. In addition an informal social will be held at which old friendships will be renewed and new ones made. Your presence will add greatly to the success of this meeting.

THESE THI GS NEED OUR HELP. Outstanding needs of the U. A. C. as seen at the present time are larger salaries for faculty members, a new building to house the College library, a new auditorium and a new fire proof building to house the cafeteria to take the fire risk out of the Main Building. These needs obviously cannot all be filled at once, but it would be well for the Alumni association to determine what it can do to bring about their fulfillment, and then to work constructively to this end. PURNELL BILL OF VAST IMPORTANCE. The Purnell Bill which became a law at the last sessi on of Congress is one of the most important enactments in the history of American Agricultural Colleges. By its terms, the U. A. C. will receive a beginning annual appropriation of $20 ,000 which is to increase at the rate of $I 0 ,000 a year until a yearly sum of $60,000 is available for special experimental work in agriculture and home economics. It is expected that this work will exercise a most determining influence, not only upon agricultural colleges, but upon education in general in America, in that it will turn the thoughts of educators to these tremendously important and vital fields of study. The enthusiasm of educators has been confined in the past too largely to fields of work, not unimportant, but more academic and theoretical. Here the full power of government influence is to be put upon the side of study of children , of foods , and of home life in general. It is difficult to overestimate the significance of the new movement. Likewise in marketing and organization among the farmers, we are now, speaking of America in general. floundering among a multitude of half baked remedies and nostrums. Here the government now proposes to study scientifically in all the states, through experts, the problems of cooperation and marketing, looking to final solutions of the great problems involved. It is expected that this new work can be made of great help to the farm bureau leaders who are now launching out on a well organized plan for cooperation and marketin~. The excellent leadership which the farm bureau has already established in Utah will now soon have the best available expert help for consultation in their educational problems. This act represents a turning point in the history of the Utah Agricultural College because of the great enlargement and strengthening of work which is now possible and because it re-defines the policy of the Federal Government, in a large and comprehensive wa y. of aiding agriculture and home life through the agricultural colleges. At the same time the Bill emphasizes the responsibility of the

different states doing their share in supporting the colleges and experiment stations. In face of this constructive bit of legislation, it would be a betrayal of trust if the State did not also increase the appropriation of the College at the next session of the legislature. COME TO SUMMER SCHOOL. Every thing is set for the second annual session of The U. A. C. National Summer School. A faculty of twenty eight of the greatest teachers this county can boast has been secured to cooperate with the nsident faculty in giving the richest and most varied offering of subjects that has ever been offered at a U . A. C. summer session. Agriculture, home economics, education , commerce, engineering, mechanic arts, English, geology, botany, zoology. public health, nutrition, mental health of the family , marketing, economics, music, sociology. community recreation , accounting, nature study, history irrigation practice, efficiency managem ent, costume design and home furnishing-there will be experts in all of these fields to give courses of fully standardized graduate rank. By special action of the College Council. residence for both the bachelor's and master's degree may be satisfied by attendance at summer school. Members of the Alumni Association are extended a most special invitation to return to their Alma Mater for study under this illustrious summer school faculty. They are also urged to bring to the attention of their friends the great opportunities for summer study and recreation here afforded. Catalogs and illustrated literature will bt:cheerfully sent on request.

The Magic Carpet. By Dean C. C. Dozier School of Home Economics. Even a hasty glance over the many offerings listed in the catalog of the Second National Summer School brings a very great sense of satisfaction over being a member of that large body of Home Economics people. Why? First because of the breadth of training which has been ours, and the consequent greater opportunity to appreciate, and to benefit from, the varied curriculum. And secondly, because of the unequalled opportunity afforded every student who registers at the Utah Agricultural College this summer to meet and study with leaders in these various lines of work from such widely scattered corqers of our continent.

No one ca n afford to miss an opport uni ty of spending a daily hour in New York City w ith Miss Mabe l Wilkerson , of the New York School of F ine a nd Applied Arrs, and then, as if by ride on the magic carpet of the Thief of Bagdad , spend the next hour at Johns Hopkins U ni versity studyin g nu trition with our good friend , Dr. McCollum. On from there through Utah for a glimpse of our ow n former President, Dr. Widtsoe, and on further West and that sunny Californian , Dr. Franzen, wi ll give the best that that great Un iversity of the Pacific has to offer in psychology. And then , had you ever dreamed of a co urse at Harvard ? Dr. Rosenau is bringing Harvard's best courses in Publ ic Health to us. Professor Turner and Professor Carver, too , of this world-famous men 's school. will give courses which it would not be possible for you to get even at the end 路of a real journey across the country. Again, one m ight plan to spend whole da ys in New York City. Miss Wilkerson, Dr. Kilpatrick, Miss Binzel. Professor D ykema , Miss Geister, and Miss Moriarity are among those who would personally 路c onduct such days ' activities. If one has a penchant for traveling, an itinerary might be suggested . A class in English at the University of British Columbia ( no passport needed ) under Professor Sedgewick , followed b y an hour with Miss Shearer, Primary Supervisor, Long Beach, California. Then an hour of recreation in Chicago with Miss Hinman, would be welcome after two hours of na ture study with Dr. and Mrs. Palmer at Cornell. Back across the continent to the Middle West would make it possible to spend an hour or two with Dr. Ellwood , Professor of Sociology at Missouri. The last hour of such a busy, eventful day might well be spent w ith Professor Kester, Columbia, who would give valuable aid in casting up accounts. But often have a busy but travel-free day with the home folks. Miss Moen, Miss Kewley , Mrs. Clayton , and Miss Walker are old friends needing no introduction. Miss Moen will tell you betwee n classes of her plans for a sabbatical year which begins at the close of the sum.mer session. The list of things she anticipates doing within that titrie will be equalled only by the list of topics for conversation she will bring back with her when she ret urns.


Home Economics Radiograms.

Former g'r.aduates from the School of Home Economics who have been in tbt teaching field during the past year, are running true to form . The Agricultural College has been a receiving station for messages of success and achievement broadcasted from the various schools in which these graduates are employed. Josephine Burningham bas accepted a flattering offer to remain at the High School in Lyman, W yoming. Delores Wood will remain at the American Fork High School in the department which she has 路 ma de路 so . attractive this year. Mrs.

Mattie C. Eager is expecting to remain in the High School at Sugar City, Idaho. Alice Sessions bas fallen in love with Sanpete Count y and will stay at Ephraim. Enid Ruff is returning to the Boxelder High School. Of course Granite High School wouldn ' t be the same school without Eva Lindquist so the School Board bad her sign a contract early enough to avoid the rush. Ogden High School is retaining Etta Nelson for the fifth consecutive year.

- - -o- - lt is expected, from inquiries received , that many members of the National Home Economics Association will attend the Summer Session at Logan en route to the National Conventiion at Berkeley. State Hom e Economics work ers will find the 19 Z5 Session offers a sple ndid opporrunity for additional training and inspiration. Not the least value to be obtained from the summer sessions is the privilege ot meeting old friends and classmates and of renewing again acquaintence with the campus. The following familiar names will be enrolled this year : Edna Crookston , Alice Sessi ons, Enid Ruff, Sadie Morris, Afton Odell, Ellen Agren. Elmeda Perry Brown, Effie Smith Barrows, Ivy Lowry, Hortense White.

What the Grads are Doing. John T. Caine, III, 'OJ . has just accepted a position in the U. S. Department of Agriculture as assistant to the Secretary of Agriculture with the rank of Bureau Chief, with headq uarters in Washington , D . C. He will have charge of packers and stock ya rds admi nistration .


Alvin Twi tchell. ' 17, coach at the Brigham Young Universi t y, bas resig ned to accept the position of ass ista nt coach at Colorado College. Coach Twitchell was very successful at the B. Y . U ., well liked by bis athletes and one who main tained the highest ideals of sportsmanship in his contests. Colorado College is fortunate to secure his services. He will be succeeded at Provo by Charles ( Chic ) Hart, '22, who won fame in athletics at the U . A. C. both on the gridiron and track. In the year of his graduation , " Chic" was awarded the citizenship medal which is given annually by President E . G. Peterson to the male student who shows evidence of being able to repay to che Nation, in greatest measure, the investment which it has made in him .

* * * * * * *

B. K. Farnsworth, '25, has just been elected superintendent of Millard county school according to an announcement made by Professor Henry Peterson, bead of the department of Education at the College. Mr. Farnsworth is a graduate of the Murdock Academy. He has had extensive teaching experience having served as principal of the rural school at Georgetown, Idaho, Principal of the Montpelier, Idaho, high school and as a member of the faculty of the Box Elder High S ~bool.

* * * .• * * * C. N

Jensen , ' 08 , State Superintendent of Public Instruction, John W .

Peters, ' 12 , State Senator and formerl y Mayor of Brigham City and Dr. W . L. Smith, ' 12, president of the Box Elder Chamber of Commerce were visitors at the College on Monday, May I I. Senator Peters deli vered the chapel address to the students.


Asael J . Taylor, '15 , resigned his posmon some time ago as County Agent at C anyon City, Colorado, and has returned co Box Elder County.

* ** * * * *

Stephen L. Owens. '16 , likewise resigned as Count y Agent as Walsenburg, Colorado, and is now farming at Fielding, Utah.


A. B. Jon es, '2 4 , was recentl y transferred from Fort Worth , Te xas. and will <ont inue hi s work with the Burea u of Publi c Roads und er rhe O gd en office.

Campus News .. T we nty eight memb ers of the graduati ng class of rh e Ucah Agricu lcural College and three facult y members have been initiated into Phi Kappa Phi. nat ional honorary scholarsh ip frat ernity chis spring. Those initiated represented che highest one fifth in scholarship of th e graduating cla!s. The annual Phi Kappa Phi address, gi ven co the chapter immediatel y following che in vicacion . was delivered by President W . W . Henderson of the Brigham Young College, a member of th e U . A. C. cha pter o f rb e fracernic y. President Henderson spoke on rh e life and w orks of Willi am Bateson , famous English biolog ist.

- - -o- -Professor George Scewarr. ' 13, h ea d of the deparcm enr of Agronom y of cbe College is rhe aut hor of an arricle called " L and Polic y for rhe Publi c Dom ain" w hich ap pea red in rbe March issu e of E conomic Geograph y, a quarte rl y pub ished b y C lark Univ ersi ty. o f Concord. N . H .

- -- o- - Tbe new Utah Agricultural College gree nhou ses to rep lace th e o!d g reen hou ses desrroyed by fire las e w inrer are bein g erected at rhe east of rb e Plane Industry buildin g of che co ll ege. They wi ll co ns ist of six comp art ments. rhree of whi ch will be used for culri vari ng p lants and flowers for bedding purposes. The cost of th e plane complete includ ing installarion of boilus and h ea tin g system will be a round $12 ,000.

- - -o- - Tbe g irls loan fund of the Utah Agricu :rural Co!lege has reach ed th e one thousand dollar mark . The U . A. C. Facu lty Womens League bas bee n fostering thi s fund for ch e past seve ral yea rs and had prev iously given $50 co wa rds the enlargi ng of th e fund this year. The U. A. C. Women 's Club also donated $ 2 5 to the fund . The fund is mai ntain ed for th e puprose of aidin g senior gi rls through rheir last yea r of schoolin g.

- - -o- - Ariel C. M errill. pres id ent of th e Junior class an d busin ess man age r of- Studen t

Life ac cbe Ucab Agricultural College, bas been elected to succeed Louis H. Griffin as captain of cbe Utah Agri c uhural College chapter of Scabbard and Blade, national military fraternity. Virgil Norton , editor elect of the Buzzer, was chosen as first li~utenant and Bert Harward, editor elect of Student Life, was elected second¡ lieutenant.

- - - o- - An invitation is being sent out by cbe Arc department of cbe Utah Agricultural College co artists of Ucab and the west to enter their pictures in an art exhibit to be held ac cbe College during the second annual session of cbe National Summer School. This exhibit will be open from June 20 to July 20.

- - -o- -Professor Frank D. Daines, bead . of cbe department of Political Economy, and Norman Christensen were elected co membership in the local chapter of Tau Kappa Alpha, national honorary debating fraternity, recendy.

- - - o- - An appointments Bureau bas just been established ac che College, under the direction of che Registrar, to aid students seeking teaching positions in the western states to sec ure good appointments. The Bureau keeps on file qualifications of applicants and makes recommendations upon the basis of the information on file . Its service is not confined co present students. but is available co all former students of cbe Institution. No charge is made for the enrollment with the Bureau, nor is any charge made when a position is secured for any applicant.

- - - o- - Roland Davis, 26 , was elected president of che U. A . C. Scudenty Body Asociacion for I 925-26 and Bert 0. Harward, ' 26 , was elected editor of Student Life in one of the closest Student Body eleccions ever held on che College campus. The voting cook place on Wednesday, April 8, following an exciting campaign week. Davis defeated Francis Wilcox, ' 25 , and Lester Pocock, '27, for the presidency by a margin of nine votes while Harward won out over Wendell Allred, ' 25 , wicb a three vote lead. The complete ticker elected was as follows: President, Roland Davis, ' 26 ; vice-president, Editha Smith, ' 26; secretary, Edith H. Merrill, '2 7; executive committee, Lorenzo Richards, '26 , Frank Christensen , ' 2 7, and Norma Hansen, ' 26 ; editor of Student Life, Bert 0. Harward, ' 2 6 ; editor of The Buzzer, Virgil Norton , ' 26; acblecic council, William Geddes, ' 27 , Warren Hawley, '28, and David Hurren, '27 ; cheer master, Thomas Green, '27; song leader, LaVoir Card, ' 26.

---o---The U. A. C. debating season closed on April 6 with debates at Los Angeles with the University of Southern California and ac Warrensburg, Missouri, wich the Scace Teachers College. All in all, it was a successful season. The outstanding victory of the year was the decision won over Stanford University, at Palo Alto, on April 2. On the ocher hand, the College lose che state championship, which ic had held for two years. In the Women's League, the college won from the University of Utah and

lost to the Brigham Young Uni ve rsity. In th e two junior college debates h eld with the Branch A . C. . the college both won and lost. A summary of the results follows :


Date .January 23

Result Lost to

B. Y. U .

.January 23

Lost to

U . of U.

April 2

Montana University

No decision

April 2

Won from

April 6

Lost to


D ebaters Francis Wilcox Norman Christensen Golden Wright Preston M . Nielson Weston Vernon Leland Skanchy B. K. Farnsworrh Le la nd Skanchy

P. M . Nielson Norman Christensen

U . of S. California

P . M . Nielson Norman Christensen

March 2 7

Won from

State Teachers College, Emporia. Kansas

Mi lton R. Merrill Weston Vernon. Jr.

March 30

Won from

State T eachers College. Arkadelphia, Arkansas

Milton R. Merrill Weston Vernon . Jr.

April I

Lost to

Cencennary College, Shreveport, La.

Milton R. M errill Weston Vernon. Jr.

State Teachers College Conwa y, Arkanses

Milton R. Merrill Weston Vernon . Jr.

April 3

Lost to

April 6

Won from

Womens League January 22

Won from

January 22

Lost to

Junior College League January 15 Won from January 15

Lost to

Missouri State Teachers Mi lton R. Merrill College. W arrensburg Weston Vernon , Jr.

U. of U .

B. Y. U

B. A. C.

B. A. C.

G we nn Rouche Edna W ya tt Norma Han se n Lu ci ll O we n Kingsley Stewart C lifford J .'nes Daken Broadh ead C ri nton Vernon

- -- o- -The U . A. C. w on the state track meet Saturday. Ma y 16 by garnering -70

points wnife the U . of U . won 5 3 and the B. Y . U . won 20. On May 2. the Aggies defeated the B. Y . U . in a dual meet at Provo by the score of 92 0 to 42 0 and on May 9 , they defeated the U . of U . in a dual meet at by the score of 94 to 4 I. On Thursda y, May 7, the annual hi11.h school day was h eld at the College. Over six hundred high school seniors were guests of the Institution at lunch . while over 2000 high school students were in atcendance. Much interest was taken in the contests held under the supervision of the College for high school students. In the divi si on track meet held on Adams Field during the afternoon , the North Cache H igh School won out.

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