The Utah Juniper, Volume 33

Page 1


Publis ed by Utah State Foresters Hdited by Xi



Utah State Uni,ersity

Logan, Umh ve'r photographs courtesy of II.Jtah State Departme11t of Fish and Game 1

. .... ,



·Juniper Staff Editor • . . . • • • Asst. Editor and Business Manager Asst. Business Manager Advertising Assistants

Photography • Accountant Typist Advisor

Dr. John Neuhold Advisor


Dave Pickett Francis Mohr Gerhard Marby Ron Hanson Dick Estes Warren Thiem Bill Schiffbauer Bill Bigg Dave Jones Richard Burns Bill Schiffbauer Bi 11 Bigg • • • • Dennis Black • Eunice Petersen Dr. John Neuhold

Dave Pickett Editor


Dr. T. W. Daniel In the eyes of the students, the qualities that make "Doc" a great Forester and teacher are as well known as the definition of silviculture. His high standards in the classroom and in the fields of forest research and silviculture show his regard for the Forestry profession. In the eighteen years served on the faculty, he has worked tirelessly to promote the profession of Forestry here at Utah State University. His numerous achievements and many campus activities set an example we should all strive for in our professional life. To this outstanding silviculturist and teacher we respectfully dedicate the 1962 UTAH JUNIPER. 3



Practicing complete utilization The business of friendly people Donators of the Paul Bunyan log Our Forestry (;Job would again like 10 express our thanks for the friendship and cooperation we reeieved



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From the Dean~s


Dear Students and Alumni: Now it can be said, after many years of reporting progress in building plans, then appropriations, then contracts for building, then migration from the old building to the new building, we have now arrived. We are all in the new Forestry-Biological Science Building---log, livestock, and gun barrel. The final transfer of all personnel from the old building was made during the Christmas holidays. The laboratories were finished and turned over to us in mid-March. Consequently, we are now ready to do business in what in our estimation is the finest facility for teaching and research in our area of interest in the western United States. If you doubt this, come and visit us. The year started out well with an enrollment of 415 undergraduates and 57 graduate students. TWenty-two of these graduate students are working toward the Doctor's degree, and 35 toward the Master's degree. We will be graduating a senior class of approximately 90 students this spring, just about equally divided among the three departments. More good news has come to us during the last few months. Our first dean, Paul M. Dunn, was this year elected to the presidency of the Society of American Foresters--a recognition well deserved by our former dean. Last week Aggie graduate Edward P. Cliff in the class of 1931, was appointed Chief of the U. S. Forest Service. Our alumni are making significant progress throughout the United States and the world, filling important positions as college professors, research leaders, and land and animal managers. At the end of last year we had granted 1097 degrees for the Bachelor of Science in our three areas, 143 Master of Science degrees, 5 Master of Forestry degrees, and 14 PhD's. Personnel-wise we are growing in quantity and quality. Since the publication of the Juniper last year we have had five new people in our building assisting with research and teaching. Dr. Frederic Wagner was appointed Associate Professor in Wildlife Resources. Mr. Jack D. Schultz and Mr. Richard 0. Meeuwig, Collaborators from the Intermountain Forest and Range Experiment Station, are now housed with us doing watershed management research. Dr. Donald R. Franklin joined us in January to establish the first Cooperative Fisheries Unit in the United States, and Dr. Roger Peterson, Forest Pathologist of the Intermountain Forest and Range Experiment Station, will join us on April 1. He will be responsible for heading up the unit of research on "Native Rusts of Western Conifers". The staff is well qualified to supervise and conduct graduate work. More than 80% of the staff have going research projects. The research projects are being supported by various funds in addition to state and federal support, such as National Institutes of Health, National Science Foundation, and others.

The Forest Management Department increased its emphasis on research during the year. Dr. T. W. Daniel is engaged in two projects dealing with ecology and tree physiology. Professor Ross Tocher is working in cooperatio)n with the Intermountain Forest and Range Experiment Station on Forest Recreation research. Dr. Frank Kearns has had two Economics projects going. Dr. Helmuth Resch spent the sun~er months with the Forest Products Laborator~y at the University of California. Professor Raymond R. Moore is in charge of the Surruner Camp and is >vorking on a small resear h project in PinyonJuniper. Our plea to the alumni does not change much. We want good students. The demand for the future is for better scholars. We believe we are now prepared to offer a program of education and resear h to challenge the best students. Send them in to us and we will build from there.


Raymond R. Moore, BS, MSF Associate Professor of Forest Management, Director of Summer Camp and Director of the College Forest


Stewart Ross Tocher, BS, MSF Associate Professor of Forest Management and Director of Student Personnel

J. Whitney Floyd, BSF, MS Dean of College and Head Department of Forest Management, Professor of Forest Management

T. W. Daniel , BS, MS, PhD Professor of Forest Management, Technical Advisor of Forest Nur$ery

F?ran.k W. Kearns, BS, MS, PhD A.ssistant Professor of Forestry

Helmuth Resch, BS, MS, PhD Assistant Professor of Forestry (Leaving for research position at University of California)

/ William Poulsen, BS Assistant State Forester

James L. Mielke, BSF, MF, PhD Professor of Forest Management Collaborator in Forest Pathology U.S. Forest Service (Retired) 7


Brooks, William T. Los Alamos, New Mexico President Forestry Club, 1962 Square Dance Club, 1959-60 Soc. of Range Mgmt. 1962

Allen, Gary Preston , Idaho Xi Sigma Pi

BrOWll, Ronald Sckenectady, New York Forestry Club Arbogast, Fred T. Salt Lake City, Utah

J. Curry, Robert S. Baldwin, New York Forestry Club Desert Divers Ashton, Mark W. Utah


Dexheimer, Charles A. Jr. St. Louis, Missouri Alpha Gamma Rho Fraterftity Forestry Club Brewster, Sam Provo, Utah Forestry Club Circle K Club, Presideftt Gavel Club Drew, Kenneth R. Sunnyside, California Forestry Club Christmas Dance Chairman Intermurals


Johansson, R. Ove Logan, Utah USU Winter Carnival, 1960 Forestry Club T.G. I.F. Club Droege, Roy Milwaukee, Wisconsia Forestry Club

Kat:wyk, Thomas M. Salt Lake City, Utah Circle K Club Forestry Club Junior Prom Assembly Hieber, David E. Baltimore, Maryland Vice Pres. Forestry Club Chairman, Union Concert Committee Accountant Utah Juniper Kay, Lawrence W. Maywood, Illinois Sigma Pi Fraternity Forestry Club Hoffmeier, William, Jr. Mass.

Koons, James Frank Sioux Falls, South Dakota Forestry Senator Alpha Zeta Forestry Club Jensen, Eugene C. Utah

Latham, Robert P. Fort Worth, Texas Editor "Chips" Program Chairman AWFC, '60-'61 Editor "Trail Talk", AWFC


Webster, Richard P. Cedar City, Utah Forestry Club Neville, George K. Oregon

White, George W. N. y.

Pickett, David C., Jr. Westbury, N. Y. Editor, Utah Juniper, 1961, 1962 Xi Sigma Pi Forestry Club zrelak, T. G. San Bernardino, California Forestry Club Rodeo Club Sigma Phi Epsilon Fraternity Pritchard, John Salt Lake City, Utah Frosh. Basketball Forestry Club Intramural Mgr.--Foresters Higgs, Earl Ronald Clearfield, Utah Forestry Club Square Dance Club Ramey, George W. Jr. Paris, Idaho Forestry Club Institute Choir

Forestry Seniors Not Pictured Goetschius, William R., N.Y. McCarthy, John C., Utah Wisler, William R., Calif. 10





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San Francisco

Brooks, the monster from the Green Lagoon in disguise I think it's broken, it clicked

Checking the scene in for ,__........,_.

Bill looks homesick while Gene eyeballs a cone. Don't worry guys, that Ponderosa is bigger than both of you.


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Baker, Robert L., Calif. Bellon, Howard D., Utah Black, Dennis H., Nebraska

Bunting, Peter P., Washington, D.C. Colton, Craig W., Utah Curry, Richard G., Texas

Dale, Donn R., Calif. Ecker, Duane R., N. Y. f


iddy, Robert N., N. Y. ~oulger,

Keith H., Utah

Hackley, Charles M., Utah Hanson, Ronald K., Utah


en, William K., Utah ohnson, Darrell



infelder, Richard A., N. J. indh, Ronald C., Utah , Francis R., Ill.

Montgomery, James E., Calif. Oman, Thomas A., Utah Ostergaard, Clark L., Utah

shi, Muhammad A., Pakistan Perry L., Calif. alih, Tahir., Iraq

lgen, Douglas R., Calif. lmadge, John F., N. Y. ylor, Nephi G., Utah

Thiem, Warren R. , Calif. Thorson, Grant,


Virgin, RichardT., Calif.




Hindley, Earl G. , Utah Estes, Richard D., Utah

Forestry Juniors Not Pictured Alam, Mian M., Pakistan Chaudhry, M. Asghar, Pakistan Dewey, Arthur J., Vermont Elkins, Roger H., Mass. Ellis, David L., Ill. Griffin, David N., Utah Raeder, Dewey L., S. Dakota

Marzo, Jack E., Utah Mickel, John L., Wis. Mitton, Orland L., Utah Peck, Fredrick L., Utah Rehfeldt, Gerald E., Ill. Snyder, Cole C., N. Y. Tibbetts, John T., Calif. Williamson, Lee A., Utah Zumbo, James A., N. Y.

Sn10mer Ca10p Jim zumbo Once again Summer Camp opened it's doors to the pre-Junior Foresters for another season. Since four whole days separated finals and the first day of camp. all 45 men were certainly eager to hit the books again. Especially one of tme men who had been married two weeks before •••• ! In all seriousness, though, most of the men enjoyed themselves, and every one f elt that the schedule was a fair one. This was indicated by the many vollyball games, fishing trips, and of course the water fights. Four fires kept the men in good shape throughout the summer. The first, on the Bridger National Forest near Pinedale, Wyoming, was battled for four days . After the first two days on this fire, the whole gang was released and sent back to Logan. A long day of rest was granted us the following day, (thanks, Prof. Moore). But alas, the fire blew up and once again the troops responded to the call. Two more days on the fire saw the blaze under control. It also saw 40 or more tired Foresters wearily returning to the safe confines of Logan Canyon.


Logan Canyon was not so safe, however, for two weeks later a small fire near Ricks Spring was attacked by a handful of the men. Two hours were needed to subdue this one. The next fire was located in Ogden Canyon, and required headlamps. The Foresters fought this one throughout the night. Actually, it was not "fought", unless one would term the practice of crawling through ashes and feeling for hot coals as "fighting", The last fire was located in Logan Canyon, and required five hours of fighting to control it.

The weather was almost perfect this summer, with rain falling only 3 times. course, the rain had to fall at the most inopportune moments. For example, le on the way to an Idaho sawmill, mother nature let loose with a downpour succeeded in drenching everyone riding on the trucks. That day was a able one, what with the water fights on the way back and the Rudbeckia occientalisis flying back and forth between the two trucks. It was on this day that was officially declared. Most of the major water battles were fought at the Marine pumps, fire extinguishers, hoses, buckets and hardhats were all put to action. Dick Estes put his marine training to use and guided Section 1 on victory with his well-planned ambushes and surprise attacks. Three rattlesnakes met death on the slopes of the camp. Heroes of the day e Ron Lind, Jerry Horgesheimer, Marv Queen, and Doug Silgen. Frequent trips Montpelier were undertaken during the course of the summer. Liquid refreshts were enjoyed by all, especially after the surveying final. Beach parties the shores of Bear Lake also helped to pass time away. The last day in the school forest saw a heavy rainfall, which hindered the ial photo hikes. Hail as big as mothballs turned back all but the most couragof the men. As it turned out, the cabin on the school forest was filled to apacity with soaked and sorry Foresters. A cheerful fire in the stove plus a enny-pitching game against the wall brightened up the day considerably. Sorry to ay that Professor Moore lost all his pennies and turned everyone out to complete project when the bad weather moved away.

Look at Doc go after that porky!

The Summer Camp Crew


The Hotshots

Green eggs for breakfast ILo)oks like the odd man walks

Wadd'ya mean, we're 1000 ft. off? Swimming at Bear Lake 21

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RANGE MANAGEMEN RANGE DEPARTMENT Enrollment in Range Management decreased slightly this year, but demend for men increased to almost unbelievable proportions. We are in need of a lot of new students. Please help us locate them! Graduate work is becoming increasing important and takes more and more of the faculty time. Fifteen Masters degree students and eight Doctorate students have been registered this year. We have students from India, Pakistan, Sudan, Mexico, Canada, Egypt, and Argentina. One sad occasion this year is the resignation of Thad Box from our staff. So far we haven't located a man capable of replacing him. Thad will take over the number one range post at Texas Tech. Our regular staff is nm.;r supplemented by two capable research collaborators, Alvin T. Bleak with the Agricultural Research Service, and Phil J. Urness with the Utah Fish and Game Department. These two men, together with Phil Ogden, stationed at Cedar City, give us a full-time staff of nine men. Perhaps the most exciting event of the year is the official move of the department into our wonderful new building. We now have a large forage plant laboratory, a large ecology-watershed laboratory, and two excellent research laboratories with complete chemical facilities and temperature control chambers. We rounded up 40 graduates in far-away Corpus Christi, Texas, for a range alumni luncheon during the annual meeting of the Range Society. What's more, we had the president of the University there to meet them. Our plant judging team honored us as second place team in national competition there, and we were especially proud of senior student Ralph Rawlinson, who won first place in individual competition. Members of our staff, the president, and four students all visited Monterrey, Mexico, after the meeting, to confer with the University and Mexican stockmen about range education problems. Next summer the American Institute of Land Appraisers will hold a range appraisal shortcourse on our campus for an estimated 150 people from all over the United States. This year also marked the release of a range research textbook published by the National Research Council and edited by a committee of six, including C. W. Cook and L. A. Stoddart of our staff. Last, but not least, we all pay tribute to our 1931 range graduate, Edward P. Cliff, who this year was made Chief of the U. S. Forest Service.

L. A. Stoddart, Head Department of Range Management



Laurence A. Stoddart, BS, MS, PhD Head, Department of Range Management and Professor of Range Management

Thadis W. Box, BS, MS, PhD Assistant Professor of Range Management. (Leaving to head Range Dept. at Texas Tech.)

DuWayne L. Goodwin, BS, MS, PhD Assistant Professor of Range Management

ohn FF. Val lentine, BS, MS, PhD Ran(lg~e Management Extension Sp~c: iali.s t and Extension Forester

. A:r thLr D. Smi th, BS , MS , PhD Prof es s or of Range Management

C. Wayne Cook, BS, MS, PhD Professor of Range Management


o. MeeeU\vis , BS,


Coll aaborat or, Intermountain Forest and FRange Experiment Station Watetr$hed Management Research

J. D. Schultz, BS, MF Collaborator, Intermountain Forest and Range Experiment Station Wa tershed Management Research


Easton, Robert R. Utah

Seniors Bennett, Klynn Utah

Eberhard, Ernest J. Utah

Boyer, Kenneth Utah


Findlay, Lynn A. Kemmerer, Wyoming Am. Soc. of Range Mgmt. Forestry Club Plant Judging Team Brittoa, William Stamford, Connecticut

Gibbs, Val R. Utah

Deffendol, Scott F. Utah

Huntsman, Norman L. Utah

Rawlinson, Ralph Delta, Utah Forestry Club Amer. So c . of Range Mgmt. Plant Judging Team King, Terral F. Fillmore, Utah Am. Soc. of Range Mgmt. Forestry Club

Rittenhouse, Larry R. Lewellen, Nebraska Alpha Zeta Forestry Club Am. Soc. of Range Mgmt. Lamb, Guold W. Utah

Simpson, Erl D. Utah

Munson, Lewis A. Utah


Thurgood, Carl J. Utah

Oliverson, Gary R. Idaho

Wood, Samuel D. Utah

Wright, Richard Hurricane, Utah Utah State Foresters Am. Soc. of Range Mgmt.

Brandvold, Gerald P. Edinburg, North Dakota Vice Pres. Conclave, AWFC Am. Soc. of Range Mgmt. Range Seniors Not Pictured Cropper, George w., Utah Howe, James R., Utah Rollins, Rance L., Utah Slack, Sheril, Utah

Adams, Stuart H., Utah Anderson, Darwin G., Utah Buss, Paul A., Jr., Utah Cole, Max \V., Kansas

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1600 miles to drink from a water tank

He's from Scotland

Dr. Box advises to grab the first tail you come to





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Berta, Lanny M., Nebraska Black, Bennett W., Utah Bramley, Melvin J., Arizona

Bromley, Daniel W., Utah Carling, Robert L., Utah Foster, Gerald A., Calif.

Green, Jerry L. , Utah Hanks, Theodore D. , Utah Harenberg, William A., Calif. Hintze, Darrell C. , Calif. Jensen, Brent D. , Utah Jensen, Marvin


0 ~,


11, Don R., Utah , Donald D., Utah ·t, Darrell J., S. Dako ta

:h, George E., Utah :h, Stepen B., Utah

.sen, Gary L., Utah Range Juniors Not Pictured Baldwin, Aubra C., Utah Carb oni, Pete J., Calif. Dee, Richard F., Texas Dittmer, Donald D., Idaho Fish, Darryl L., Utah

Fuller, Donald H., Uta ~ Guillette, Ca rlton P., Utah Hanks, Wa lter E., Utah Morgan, Daniel B., Idaho


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Range Plant Judging Tea10

L to R:

Lynn Findlay, Floyd Bartlett, Carl Thurgood, Thad Box, and Ralph Rawlinson

Utah State University's Ra nge Plant Judging Team took second place in the International Range Plant Contest. Although the team was delayed several times enroute to Corpus Christi, Texas, they all did a fine job. Ralph Rawlinson placed first in individual points. The team attended several Range Society meetings, including a field trip to the King Ranch. A rodeo and International Range Education meeting in Monterey, Mexico were also part of the program sponsored by the American Society of Range Management. Thad Box, the team's coach and advisor (complete with Python skin boots) and President Daryl Chase also made the trip.


LIFE MANAGEMEN WILDLIFE REPORT In line with our expanded interest in basic research we have changed our name to Department of Wildlife Resources. This is more in keeping with our six areas of activity: wildlife resources, fishery resources, environmental biology, Cooperative Wildlife Research Unit , Cooperative Fishery Unit, and Cooperative Wildlife Extension Service , Dr. Frederic H. Wagner joined the staff at the beginning of the school year. Dr. Wagner is not new to USU, having served on the faculty during the 1958-59 school year when he replaced A. W. Stokes, who was in Europe on a sabbatical. The first Cooperative Fishery Unit in the United States was established in the Department on January 1, 1962. Dr. Donald R. Franklin is the Unit's Leader. Our depart.nent received a National Science Foundation Undergraduate Research Program grant. This research program has four phases. Two in behavior and two in fisheries. We are also continuing with numerous research projects supported by grants from several different organizations. The department also initiated the practice of publishing a ne\-lsletter bi-yearly to keep the alumni informed of activities of our department. For the second consecutive year we have a Fulbright scholar; one in Ecuador and one going to Australia during the summer.

W. F. Sigler, Head Department of Wildlife Resources

Allen W. Stokes, BS, MA, PhD Professor of Wildlife Resources

William F. Sigler, BS, MS, PhD Head, Department of Wildlife Resources and Professor of Wildlife Resources

George Hills Kelker, AB, BSF, MSF, SeD Professor of Wildlife Resources

Jack Berryman, BS, MS Wildlife Resources Extension Specialist

Jessop B. Low, BS, MS, PhD Professor of Wildlife Resources Biologist, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service in charge of Utah Cooperative Wildlife Research Unit


:ederic H. Wagner, BS, MS, PhD Associate Professor of Wildlife Resources

John M. Neuhold, BS, MS, PhD Assistant Professor of Wildlife Resources

Llliam T. Helm, BS, MS, PhD Assistant Professor of Wildlife Resources

Susan Martin, BS Research Assistant, Wildlife Resources

D. F. Franklin, BS, MS, PhD Unit Leader, Cooperative Fishery Unit, U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service

> J. Urness, BS, MS

ne Biologist, U.S. Department Fish and Game

Staff 37

Collett, Grant L. Utah


Applegate, David Trenton, New Jersey \-Jildlife Society Forestry Club

Craner, Robert L. Utah

Bailey, Mark E. Utah

Davenport, D. Alan Clearfield, Utah Forestry Club Wildlife Society Pershing Rifles Bayless, Steve Great Bend, Kansas Forestry Club Wildlife Society, Secretary

Deuel, David G.

N. Y.

Buras, Richard J. Port !yron, Illinois Wildlife Society Westminister Fellowship Forestry Club Edon, Clyde S. Minneapolis, Minnesota Forestry Club Wildlife Society

- I~ o





Hudelson, Ralph A. Wyoming

Ellis, Charles R. Jr. Vienna, Virginia Student Life International Club

Johnson, Abner B. Utah

Gamble, Ken Earlington, Kentucky Xi Sigma Pi Alpha zeta Forestry Club Poppleton, Warner B. Wellsville, Utah Wildlife Society Forestry Club Gass, Larry E. Utah

Raymond, Richard J. Mason, Michigan Forestry Club Newman Club Sigma Pi Fraternity Hanmer, James E. N. Dakota

Smith, Stephen B. Livingston, Montana Wildlife Society Forestry Club Rifle Team


Tritz, Gerald J, Sioux City, Iowa Newman Club Forestry Club Thornton, Ivan R. Challis, Idaho Forestry Club Square Dance Club Am. Soc. of Range Mgmt. Warren, Clark P. Ironton, Ohio Forestry Club Veterinary Club Gifford, Gerald F. Wildlife Society Chanute, Kansas Am. Soc. of Range Mgmt. Forestry Club Xi Sigma Pi Wildlife Seniors Not Pictured Blotter, Ralph L., Utah Green, John D., Utah Long, Mitchell J., Utah Lyon, Ray B., Idaho Malsam, Ralph P., Utah McCoy, Lawrence A., Utah McKibben, James K., Ohio

Mills, John E., Utah Nagel, John E., Utah Nelson, Dennis c., Utah Reighn, Oliver c., Jr., N. Y. Vendel, Cornelis G., N. Y. Voelzer, James F., N. Y.

Wildlife Field Trip On April 28, the grind of study and the results of midterm exams were forgot as Wildlife students departed for Jackson Hole, Wyoming on their annual spring fie trip. Contrary to previous years in which only one trip was taken, the field trip consisted of two weekend trips; one to Jackson Hole, Wyoming, and the other to F Gorge, Utah. upon our arrival at the National Elk Refuge in Jackson Hole, we were promptly ushered to an abandoned house out in the middle of nowhere. This was to be our home for the next three days. The first item on the agenda prepared for us by employees of the National Elk Refuge and the National Park Service, consisted of a slide lecture on Friday night, which, with the injection of various illustrations denoting a field of study somewhat removed from wildlife management, proved to be very interesting.

On Saturday we toured the National Elk Refuge, which was established along the migration route of the southern Yellowstone Park elk herd to provide a wintering area and to prevent the destruction of forage by the elk on private lands farther south. We learned of the problems connected with managing winter range for elk, the various fallacies of a winter feeding program, and the program of trapping and tagging elk during the winter season for migration studies. The last day consisted of a tour of Grand Teton National Park and a U. S. Government fish hatchery located between the National Elk Refuge and the Teton National Park. 40

Wildlifers search for mountain sheep in the National Elk Refuge in Jackson Hole, Wyoming •



. . . ....

Campsite at abandoned house on the National Elk Refuge in Jackson Hole, Wyoming. ~ operation of an elk trap at the National c Refuge in Jackson Hole is explained to .dlife students.

Campsite at Flaming Gorge.

the course in big game management uring trip to Yellowstone Nat . onal ~ark. qh~ trip s 1c insight into the problems of managing wildlife in a ~atiiona! ark~ game winter range, and to learn more about the e~k reduction lowstone, which has created much controversy throughout the natiOn. , very ¡ne Rr,ogram~ prepared by,employees of ~ellowstone Park, consisted of trips to various points of interest in the park during the day and lectures and movies about management policies and programs in he ~vening. The trips to various points of interest in the Park afforded students a chance to obser~e many of the big game animals they were studying. Among those seen were deer, elk, bison, antelope, and mountain sheep. Other interesting aspects included explanations of trapping and transplanting programs, a lecture on the geology of Norris Geyser Basin, and how geysers and hot springs are formed, and the illustration of range problems created by the overpopulation of an area by big game animals.

Just a minute-gotta get this

Wildlifers tour Norris Geyser Ba on Yel lowstone field trip.

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Anderson, Robert I., B. C. Beers, J .mes,


Bettencourt, Norman J., Calif.

Bingham, Marc. C., Utah Booth, Gary M., Utah Cannon, Marvin B., Utah


Capel, Stephen W. Christensen, John L., Utah Cobb, Kenneth M., Mich. Davidson, Gary L., Idaho Dunn, Richard S., Idaho Fudge, Clinton I., N. Y.



Garrett, Dean R., Utah Gimby, Richard J., N. Y. Kinker, James W., Pa.

Leong, Samuel K., Hawaii Musselman, Jerome D., Utah Nielsen, Bryan E., Utah

Oberhansly, Robert D., Utah Samuelson, Jon. L., Nebraska Schreck, Marvin L., Calif.

Wills, Dale L., Nebraska .Worthen, Sheldon D., Utah



Clifton, Billy R., Idaho


. J

Wildlife Juniors Not Pictured Ellis, Robert M., Idaho Gage, George E., Utah Greiman, Harley L., Iowa Halling, Osmond F., Utah Johns, FarrelL., Wyo.

Kempe, Walt, Utah Kozlovsky, Daniel G., Wise. Nelson, James E., Utah Oliver, William W., Jr., Tenn. Sandvol, Alan J., N. Dakota


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M. W . 2Sttlt


Lo"Wer ClassJDen SophoDiores

First Row

Second Row

Owen, T. Jones, D.

Marby, G. Hagen, G. Rogers, J.

Hayhurst, E. Packer, R.

Sophomores Not Pictured Anderson, J. Baird, R. Black, D. Bott, L. Burch, R. Calley, J. Clough, L. Cole, M. Dale, J. Dewitz, J. Dudley, w. Dye, B. Ferre, M. Gifford, J. Hall, R. Hanson, D. Hayes, W. Hers tad, J.

Hoopaugh, D. Howard, s. Hunter, w. Hurst, c. Jackson, c. Jardine, E. Johnson, c. Johnson, D. Legg, R. Levie, J. Matthews, J. McLelland, w. McQuivey, R. Mitchell, K. Moore, B. Moore, D. Pep corn, J. Perry, R.

Peters, D. Peterson, D. Poppleton, D. Roos, D. Rowley, s. Rust, R. Schmidtlein, D. Sherman, w. Smith, E. Taylor, D. Taylor, w. Thompson, R. Thorpe, s. Unterschuetz, P. Vigil, F. Whitlock, L. Williams, B. Windham, J. 47


Bottom Row

Middle Row

Top Row

Leonard, J. Pisani, N. Irizarry, D. George, D. Pitcher, B. Levine, M. Matzke, o. Petzold, B. Eames, E.

Ba tes, Ron. Taylor, K. Hyde, E. Jardine, E. Haanpaa, D. Hughes, J. Schiffbauer, B. Brause, B. Budovec, B. Ashment, s.

Hughes, H. Wells, s. Parry, D. Munk, M. Apperson, w. Carr, c. Abbe, D. K1 ingsporn, R. Tkacz, T.

Bottom Row

Middle Row


Hough, H. Wahl, c. Gutmann, R. Mittuch, R. Nicholson, G. Swenson, s. Ferguson, J. Rother, w. Hinman, J.

Rasmussen, N. Taylor, R. Finck, s. Lomax, M. Mayes, D. Parks, w. Garrison, R. Kingsley, R. St. Pierre, w. Babe, G.

1-!a y, L. LaFramboise, F. Hart, R. Zawislak, T. Schulze, R. Kiever, H. Schoemig, W. Dunn, R. Langley, F. Lane, A.

Bottom Row

Middle Row

Top Row

Titus, c. Gifford, A. Beve ridge, T. Nauman, L. Shannon, M. Blackburn, T. Newsom, H. Sanders, T. Wilken, c. !Whitlock, w.

Carlton, J. Jakubik, R. DeSousa, D. Kurrle, w. Misulia, M. Bowen, J. Wa tson, R. Peterson, v. Lenma rk, P. Petterson, D.

Larson, G. Grace, H. Linn, P. Bair, J. Bigg, w. Wright, A. Black, M. Stiliha, D. Fitzgerald, G. Vanderhoof, T. Peters, w.

Bottom Row

Middle Row

Ryan, M. McCann, D. Lowry, W. Campbell, L.

Glenn, A. Miller, R. Farrar, R. Rolland, T.

Rawley, F. Sip, L. Elison, C. Hirst, S. Peterson J. 49

The following freshmen had their picture taken, but we lost it. Tabet, M. J ones, D. Curtis, W. Bangerter, K. Fanvell, J. Bar rus, D. .\ lexander, F. Kozlovsky, D. Johnson, W. Meyer, A.

Moellendorf, G. Planz, T. Hawkins, B. Gifford, J. Obray, S. Platt, J. Hogge, K. Taylor, W. Skewes, J. Guluzzy, D. Freshmen Not


Mertz , M. Pascoe, J. Iversen,. B. Murdock,. S. Rust, R. Nelson, J • Plumb, R. Miller, J. Mattison, J. Jacoby, J.


Brake, Lynn A. Butler, Charles F. Butler, Willard C. Cm.;ley, Ervin R. Despain, John A. Gibbons, Thomas J. Hansen, Wayne E. Hayball, L. Ralph Holton, Sherman P. Horsley, Joseph R. James, Glenn A.

Jensen, Alan L. Kearl, Steven L. Kennedy, Richard C. Livingston, Thomas V. Narewski, Jan L. Nielsen, Arthur G. Reardon, Richard c. Rowley, Frank L. Stephensen, Wells M. Swensen, Swante A. Wares, Paul G.

Buy RED\\'"ING fire fighter boots, hunting hoots and sport oxfords

All the finest money ean

KATER SHOP & A I Soeiety 128 North Main- SK 2-1195

A Modern



Graduate Students



From left to right: Martin H. Gonzalez Thad Box Rasheed A. Magid Dave Sturges Jim Bowms Merwyn M. Kothmann

Graduate Students Not Pictured Adams, John K. Angelovic, Joseph W. Bailey, Edgar P. Balph , David F. Bartlett, Floyd H. Bennett, Jesse H. Blin, Bertram F . Bliss, Gary L. Bolen, Eric G. Bonham, Charles D. Bridges, David W. Brun, Jorge M. Durfee, Marvin D. Ferguson, Lloyd H. Goddard, Stephen v. Gross , Jack E.

Haddock, Jay L. Hassler, Thomas J . Hook, Donal D. Howard, Don M. Ibrahim, Kamal M. Jackson, Lawrence W. Jefferies, Ned w. Jeffery, Duane E. Johnson, Carl M. Kaushik, Daya K. Kent, Harold D. Maduram, George H. Moessner, Karl E. Moore, Dwight D. Nelson, Elbert D. Nelson, Kendall L.

Nish, Darrell H. Nygren, Larry R. Owen, Thomas J. Pearson, Henry A. Post, George Richens, Voit B. Roe, Richard B. Rumsey, Robert L. Scotter, George W. Sherwood, Glen A. Singh, Teja Smith, Roger A. Teeter, James W. Williams, Henry W. Workman, Gar W. Wright, Henry A. Young, James A. 51

BULLEN'S 1475 North Main

SK 2-7301

Ford Machines Help Foresters Get More Trees Planted In Less Time

Sales ·· Service -- Parts


TEMPLE GROCERY 3rd North and 3rd East







Utah State Department of Forestry & Fire Control 525 West 13th South Salt Lake City 15, Utah

Utah State University Logan, Utah



Xi Sig01a Pi



Norman Huntsman Ken Gamble Jerry Rehfeldt Ernie Eberhard Dr. John Neuhold

Alpha Zeta





Food is Our Business''

1079 North Main

Logan, Utah

North State Oil Co. 615 North Main- Logan, Utah Phone SK 2-0291



Architects & Associates Gasoline - Motor Oil Lowest Priee Best Performanee 75


Big (;ash Diseount No Stamps 55

Ameriean Soeiety of Range ManageDJen

Student ÂŁhapter

The student Chapter of the American Society of Range Managers has had a very active and rewarding year. In addition to the interesting and informative meetings, the Chapter has had several worthwhile projects. This year a new short-term loan fund was set up with the excess funds in the treasury. Officers for the past year included: Chairman, Gary Oliverson; Vice Chairman, Norman Huntsman; Secretary-Treasurer, Lew Munson; Directors, Jim Bowns and Richard Dee; Advisors, Thad Box and John Vallentine.


The Sports01an (,::;i_. . .

quarters for Sportswear

llancbwear for Men&Women


for all sporting activities

The Sportsman Jack Croft 129 North Main

Ga Sav of Logan

SUCCESS . 1n your

professional life Comes from your manifestation of talent. opportunity and tools. Forestry Suppliers is always ready to help you with the latest and hest in tools, equipmen.,


For Less''

and techniques.

Call. write. wire or come by SUPPLIERS~ 960 South West Street Box 8397 - Battlefield Station Jackson. Mississippi


8 West 1st South Logaa, Utah


Wildlife Soeiety

Student Chapter

The first student Chapter of the Wildlife Society of America ever to be formed on a university campus came into being at USU on May 16, 1961, whe n a group of 35 Wildlife students met to form an organization aimed at furthering professional standards, promoting public understanding of wildlife management, and stimulating an interchange of ideas among members of the profession. Officers elected for this year were: Ralph Blotter, President; John Nagel, Vice President; Steve Bayless, Secretary; and Ray Lyon, Treasurer. The Chapter was officially recognized by the parent society on March 11, 1962, at a meeting of the National Council at the North American Wildlife Conference in Denver, Colorado. Projects for the year included a series of lectures on the history of the Cache elk herd at Hardware Ranch, improvement of job opportunity information, a book-selling project, and public relations promoting National Wildlife Week. Programs at the meetings consisted of movies and informative lectures by key personnel in the field of wildlife management. On the basis of this beginning, the Chapter is looking forward to an even better and more progressive year next year.


Forestry Club

Sahib Latham won the Big Buck contest

Eduard won the "Long Black Rifle Raffle"



Bro oks nervously awaits 1,000 Loganites

"Stirs his coffee with his thumb"


The Chef

Summer Camp Rules




: mother-in-law wears combat boots

Where'd you get that silly green sweatshirt ?

Where did you learn to play poker, Dick?


• f




Looks like an alumnus is present


No Conunent

Howard trains for smokejump ing

Homecoming Float-It didn't win a prize, and Curry isn't Miss America, but it got a lot of laughs.

. ·I

Where's that book on "How to Roll Your Own"

The beginning of the new Paul Bunyan

NIEDERHAUSER LUMBER & CONSTRUCTION Dealers in Lumber, Builders Supplies, McCullock Chain Saws, General Construction

Hyrum Niederhauser 790 South Main Logan, Utah

Phone SK 2-4654 63

John Pritchard - Intramurals Manager The 1961-62 Foresters had a successful year in the University's Intramural program. The middle of spring quarter the Club was fourth out of a field of 14 in the overall club standings. The Foresters had accumulated a total of 500 points, while the league leaders (Weber) had a total of 688. A quick run-down of the individual sports shows the Club's weak and strong points. The Foresters took second place in fall quarter football, losing the championship by four yards in a scoreless playoff game with Weber.

An 8th and a 12th place were taken in A and B Basketball respectively, and the Club took 12th in Volleyball. The other major events during winter quarter, and perhaps the highlight of the year, was Winter carnival. After spotting 30 points to the other clubs by failing to enter the snow sculpturing event, the Foresters swept all but two of the competitive events, and emerged with a well-deserved first place. Additional honors were brought to the Club by Dick K~einfelder, who won the coveted Ski Meister Award, by taking three firsts, a second, and a third in the five required events. Spring quarter found the Foresters represented by their softball and golf teams. Unfortunately the results of the spring sports were not available at the time of printing.

Pritchard defends for the Foresters.


Attention Foresters If you want to look your best for that next important date let Nu Process Cleaners clean and press your clothes Don~t Buy Expensive New Clothes. No Process Cleaners will make those old ones Look Like New CLUB OFFICERS BILL BROOKS - PRESIDENT DAVE HIEBER - VICE PRESIDENT WARREN THIEM - SECRETARY TOM KATWYK - TREASURER JIM KOONS - FORESTRY SENATOR JOHN PRITCHARD - INTRAMURAL MANAGER TED ZRELAK - REFRESHMENTS DAVE PICKETT - PUBLICITY AL LANE - FRESHMAN REPRESENTATIVE DR. KEARNS - ADVISOR


~leaners Phone SK 2-6501

No Proeess 80 East




416 North 5th East, Logan


Conservation Week

The combination of Conservation Week and the Association of Western Forestry Clubs Conclave produced a memorable week for the College and guests. Governor George D. Clyde started the week with the traditional signing of the Conservation Week Proclamation. We were honored to have Mr. Virlis Fischer speak at the Conservation Ba nquet. A dedicated conservationist, Mr. Fischer forcefully outlined the challenge the resource manager faces in obtaining sound utilization and recreational policies for the Nation's timber and grazing lands. We wish to thank Mr. Fischer for taking time from a busy schedule to speak at the Conservation Banquet. Presentation of awards and new Forestry Club officers preceded the guest speaker. Last, but not least, a big thanks to Dave Hieber and his assistants for the effort they expended in making the banquet a memorable one.


Mr. William D. Hurst Deputy Regional Forester, Ogden, Utah "is the recipient of the Bridger Award for his outstanding achievements in the field of sound resource management."

SON OF PAUL AWARD Kenneth Gamble "is presented with the Son of Paul Award for his outstanding scholarship and exceptional promist as a member of the 1962 Senior class."


RtAo u f.Ss



HEADLESS AXE AWARD Sam Brewster, Jr. "Is awarded the Headless Axe for his overnight stay in the West Field Swamp during which he lost a shotgun and his sense of direction. Lately Sam has stopped falling asleep in sawmills and is working out a sustained yield program for the Fir Barrens (mostly barren) of Ecuador." Box accepts the Headless Axe for Sam, being a Southerner himself.


Blanche Yardley, Kathy Stringham, Nancy Fitzgerald, Kathy Howard, Marianne Holmgren, Sharon Bevan, Sa ndy Churchill. (Attendants: Kathy Stringham, Nancy Fitzgerald)

Guarding the Queen

The Injun-ears representative apologi for interference in the affairs of the Foresters. Looks like he fell into s feathers and honey •••••



A. W. F. C. Conclave The eleventh annual Conclave of the Association of Western Forestry Clubs was held at Utah State May 2 to 5. Ten Western Forestry Colleges sent delegates to the Conclave. May 2nd started the ball rolling with afternoon registration of the delegates. Dusk at the American Legion Hall in Logan Canyon saw the men enjoying a brew or two at the Brown Jug Party. The party produced some novel versions of 11 the twist 11 • Thursday saw the official welcome of the delegates by Val Gibbs, AWFC President. After a short business meeting, the delegates split up into several discussion groups, covering such topics as curriculum, events, and publications. A trip to the Kennecott Copper Mine in Bingham and a sightseeing stop in Salt Lake City occupied the delegates on Friday. The home troops spent most of the day guarding the Queen (successfully) and recovering the plywood statue of Paul the splinter-pushers had ruined. Curry and his crew worked late into the night readying the scene for the contests Saturday. The Conservation Banquet provided the delegates; a chance to relax with their dates and hear an excellent presentation by Mr. Virlis Fischer. The flying chips and sawdust signaled the woodsmen's events Saturday morning. A large crowd saw a terrific show, which ended in a tie between Humboldt and Montana State. The McCulloch Chain Saw Company awarded both schools a chain saw instead of one saw to the top school, as is the usual practice. Utah State finished third in individual point competition. A quick snack and presentation of the awards officially ended the Conclave. Next year the Conclave will be held at Humboldt State College, Arcata, California. Our team did a fine job in the competition. A special vote of thanks goes to Bob Curry for the hours of work he has put in all year to make the events run smoothly. Thanks also to the faculty members (Ray Moore, Frank Kearns, Thad Box, Herman Wiebe, George Kelker, and Dean Wasser from C.S.U.) for officiating in the competition, and to the guardians of the Forestry Queen, led by Art Holmgren, Jerry Horgesheimer, and Bill Brooks. We wish to thank the local merchants for the prizes they donated to the contestants and the McCulloch Chain Saw Company, and to all the other people that helped to make the 1962 AWFC Conclave a success.

1962 AWFC Officers President - Val Gibbs Vice President - Gerald Brandvold Treasurer - Mike Cole Secretary - Ron Hanson Conservation Officer - Dick Johansson Publicity - Jerry Rehfeldt Trail Talk - Bob Latham

AWFC Presiden t Dave Hieber - Banquet Bob Curry, Events Chairman

Thte Coach shows 'em how

U.S.U. Woodsmen's Team1 to R: Jim Rogers, George Neville, Bob Eddy, George White, Coach; Ron Higgs and John McCarthy. Absent: John Talmadge and Jerry

2 man - 12" cant

2:03:5 - 3rd



2 cuts - 12" can

Bob Eddy Ron Higgs

John Talmadge George Neville 1:48:2 - 3rd

12 points - 5th George Neville Jim Rodgers John Talmadge

SMITH BROTHERS Ll TJl-IBER CO. " Better Modern Homes "


SK 2-3105


,.....,.... Ready Mix f:;oncrete t:;o., Inc. Johnson f:;onstruction t:;o., Inc. Mix f:;onerete, Excavations, Paving, Land Leveling that next f:;oncrete job large or small ~e4eiiY

Johnson Ready Mix

Prompt Delivery quality Service


(;all LeGrand Johnson

SK 2·5151

Phone SK 2-2000 ~~wHERE

- 620 Sou1h Main Plant- 639 East First South Logan, Utah



2 cuts - 22" long 1:23 2:20

.99 Sq. Ft. per minute - 1st)


2 cuts - 12" c

Ron Higgs Jim Rodgers 4:31:2 - 5th


3 sticks - 72 count

John Talmadge Ron Higgs

Jim Rodgers Jerry Marby 6:04:5 - 2nd

In a challenge contest, individual speed-chopping on a 9" cant: ..._5' Neville, U.S.U. (39 seconds) Scheid, M.s.u. (54 seconds)

1962-63 Forestry Club Officers President - Dick Estes Vice President - John T lmadge Secretary - Drew Bellon Treasurer - Jerry Horgesheimer Refreshments - Grant Thorson Publicity - Jim Zumbo Intramurals - Jerry Rehfeldt Forestry Senator - Jim Beers

Not the Brown Jug Party, but you get the idea

1 o' the Woods: sbaumer and Kinnear of Humboldt tate College were tied.


L to R:

Eleanor Sigler, Marjorie Hatch, Librarian, Ruth Anderson, Bill Brooks


L to R:

Bob Latham, Editor; Eunice Petersen, Typist; Bill Bigg, Ken Gamble, Bob Packer, Mark Ashton Reporters. Absent: Ernie Eberhard, Jim Zumbo, Reporters.

Front Row: Back Row:

Diane Stonionis, Karen Jensen, Kathy Howard, Marianne Holmgren Eunice Petersen, Jennifer Tingey, Fern Nelson, Betty Gross

Mt. Logan Cafe 1285 East Dwy. 89 Logan~

Utah STEAKS - t::Dit::KEN - SHRIMP

S.K 2·6243

Union Oil Products

Open Daily 6 a.m. to I a.m. Sat. 6 a.m. to 2 a.m.

Tires Batteries Accessories

Ray Dulse - Owner

Washing Lubrieatioos Stop Here For the Finest

91 West {;enter St.~ Logan~ Utah

S10ith Indian Fire Pu01ps

Foresters and fire fighting protection men call the

INDIAN "a one man fire department" and tell us "they are worth their weight in gold."





Ross cuts for grade (No. 5 Common) as Ray goes forth and back.



FORESTRY WIVES CLUB OFFICERS Mary Lou Hansen Judy Peters - Co-Chairmen Eila Beck- Secretary

Queen receives her crown from Barbara Karel


Frank presents the Headless Mop

What's going to happen, Warren?




Mr. Edward P. Cliff, Chief of the Forest Service in the Department of Agriculture, is a native of Utah and was graduated from Utah State University in 1931 with a B.S. degree in Forestry. In March 1958 the University conferred on him its Distinguished Service Award. Mr. Cliff is a career Government forester, having entered the Forest Service on the Wenatchee National Forest in the State of Washington in August 1931. From 1934 to 1939 he was in charge of Wildlife Management in the Pacific Northwest Region with headquarters in Portland, Oregon. In May 1939 he was appointed Supervisor of the Siskiyou National Forest, and in January 1942 was transferred to the supervisorship of the Fremont National Forest, both in Oregon.

In April 1944 Mr. Cliff \vas transferred to Washington D. C., as Assistant Chief of the Division of Range Management. In September 1946 he became Assistant Regional Forester in charge of the Division of Range and Wildlife Management for the Intermountain Re gion, with headquarters at Ogden, Utah. He was appointed Regional Forester for the Rocky Mountain Region with headquarters in Denver, Colorado, holding that position from January 1950 until his transfer to Washington, D. C., in 1952 as Assistant Chief of the Forest Service. In that capacity he was in charge of the National Forest Resource Management Divisions, directing timber, watershed, range, wildlife, and recreation activities on all the National Forests. He was appointed Chief of the Forest Service on March 18, 1962. Since 1953 Mr. Cliff has been the U. S. Department of Agriculture Representative on the Board of Geographic Names. He was appointed Chairman of the Board in 1961. He is a member of the following professional organizations: The Wildlife Society, The American Society of Range Management, the Society of American Foresters, and The Wilderness Society.


Mr. Paul Dunn

Recently Mr. Paul M. Dunn was elected President of the Society of Ameri can Foresters for a two-year term.

Mr. Dunn served as Dean of the Co llege of Forest, Range, and Wildlife Management at Utah State University from 193 8 to 1942, and on the faculty from 1931 to 1942. He left Utah State in 1942 to accept a position with Oregon State College at Corvallis.

Mr. Dunn has participated in many activities in the Forestry profession, and in world forestry, where he worked through the United Nations to help establish a Forestry curriculum at the University of Chile. Since 1955 he has served as Director of Forestry for the St. Regis Paper Company, and was recently named Director of Forestry and Timberlands by the firm. As president of the Society of American Foresters, Mr. Dunn directs the action of the professional Forestry organization. Although he is not an alumni of our College, we are justly proud of his achievements in furthering the profession of Forestry. The Juniper staff wishes to congratulate both Mr. Cliff and Mr. Dunn on their new positions. The achievements of these two men are certainly outstanding, and the graduating students would do well to emulate their example in effort and industry.


PRIZE DONATORS Gallencamps Tally-Ho Cafe City Drug Jewel Box Utah Theater Model Billiards Safeway Davis Food Market Sears Mendenhall's Auto Parts Western Auto Cache Valley Builders Supply Co. Logan Hardware Everton's Hardware State Wallpaper Walgreen Drug Logan Army & Navy Store Smith's Mens Clothing American Food Low Cost Drug Thomas Jewelry Needham's Jewelry Woolworths Cardon Jewelry Baugh Jewelry Olympic Sports Leven's Gift House Cactus Club 82

ALUMNI Fellow Alunmi: The response to our letter has been gratifying. Approximately four hundred of you have responded with up-to-date mailing addresses and dues. Your secretary is especially grateful for the two-dollar bills that some of you submitted. Was I wrong to assume the extra fifty cents was a tip to be spent for coffee at the "Bird"? No, it didn't upset my bookkeeping Dave (D. Latimer '42). I hesitate even to comment regarding promotions and other advancements made by you for fear that someone will be overlooked, but the advancement of three of our number seems especially worthy of mention. Most of you will have read that Ed Cliff '31 was made Chief of the U. S. Forest Service. Less likely to be known is that Bill Hurst '37 and Basil Crane '36 have occupied two recently created positions in the Forest Service-Deputy Regional Forester-Bill in R-4, Basil in R-2. Nor can I neglect to .mention that all three were range management majors. We hope for many more such performances as the years pass. I wish it were possible to give all of the newsy family dope that many of you sent in. ¡~ould have been too much. I can't, however, pass up the chance to twit Rangwell Christenson '39 for boasting he has two sons studying engineering. Then there is Henry Davis '52 who sheepishly (?) admits to being employed as an engineer. Paul Bunyan must suffer from these happenings. Much ¡better is the performance of Paul Howard '41, whose son is studying forestry, or Garland Call '40 who sends a beautiful daughter Garlene to grace the campus. On the military front you may b~ interested to note that Lt. John Deeming '59 in Japan hopes to shed the brass and begin to work in 1963. More hopefully Bill Gee '60 is expecting to get back to tree scaling in October. Paul Jenkins '41 commiserates with brother (Capt.) Gene '51 who is in "Korea--poor devil". On the other hand, there are people like Frantzen Todd '40 (Col. USAF) and George Chabbot 'SO (Capt. USAF), the latter assigned to Royal Air Force flying college, who seem to enjoy military life.

Lots of you boast of sons and daughters but the claims of two especially stood out. Blaine Morse '37 has quit speaking of the first and is counting the next generation. "Have eight grand children." All girls, Blaine? Any of you have competition for Blaine? Even Dell Fausett '30 can only claim two. And what do you make of Lamar Mason '39, who last October welcomed a newcomer Douglas Lamar. Trying to prove something or other, no doubt.

A trio of marriages may be of interest. Donald Flook, MS '55, imported a bride from Plymouth, England. Sam Evans '38 also took the plunge, as did Jim Shelley '53. A few invitations may be welcome to some of you. Warren Giaque '43 wants any classmates to call if they get in Washington D.C. and Dave Dutton '61 says to call in on the way to the Worlds Fair. Boy! you're taking a chance, Dave. Have you lots of beds? Stan Gessel '39 was more cautious. He merely says see the fair! 83

And Smith's nomination for the error of the year goes to J. B. Hilmon MS '55, reporting on his research: "Integrated-cattle-timber-Wildlife habitat." Don't you know there is no such word south of the Mason Di:xon line, J.B.? Wonder how John Birch '52 feels to have a society named for him? Lastly, I am about to give up my claim to spending the longest time acquiring a Ph. D. to Ervin Schmutz '39. He's still at it. Grant Harris '39 is going to beat you, Ervin. To a host of you who extended good luck in trying to get this alumni dope together, thanks. I sincerely hope I haven't left anyone off the mailing list or cmrnnitted other equally bad faux pas, but if any errors occur, a post card (no longer 1 cent, unfortunately) and a gentle reprimand will put me to righting the wrong. Finally, should you know the whereabouts of fellow alumni not accounted for in the directory, how about dropping a line and tipping us off? From your alumni officers: Paul Grossenbach '36, President; Hallie Cox '51, Vice President; and Art Smith '36, Secretary, the very best wishes.

' /~ -/ -


f' . ..,


/ /J / .


/fl- '' •,,


"' /


-, /

7 .

)//11 , /




Arthur D. Smith, Secretary

In MeiDorinJD

H. Ke ith Erickson, '47, pa ssed away June 12, 1961 in Denver, Colorado, after a short illness. At the time he was Chief of the Denver Se c ti on of the Branch of Technical Illustrations Publications Division, U. S. Geological Survey. He served this agency for 20 years. In recognition of Keith's long and faithful service a Meritorious Service A\vard was presented to his wife, Eleanor, by Secretary of the Interior Ste\vart L. Udall in December. We take pride with her in Kei th's achievements.



P ausctt, Adelbert U.S.F. S . 786 W . Pine Street Bis ho p , California Hansen, Deloy Was atch N . F . -130 S . 1th East Sa lt Lake C ity . Utah

Crane, Basil K. U .S. F. S. 6015 Es tes St. Ar va da. Co lo .

Crowl , John M. Pr iva te Fo re ster 829 W . Broadway

1931 Bentley, Valentine Deceas ed Cliff , Edward P. U .S. F .S . 22 1 N . Ro yal Alex a ndria . V a. Hansen, Wilford L. U.S. F.S . Elko, Neva d a Starr , Courtland P . Ken neco tt

B<an, Russell Roland 5 17 S. Ros e St. Las V eg as. Nev.

Copp er Corp .

1515 Mine ra l Squa re Sa t La ke Cit y. Uta h Swenson , Marriner U .S . F .S . 1250 Mapl e Ave. Oakl a nd 2. Calif .

1932 Despain , Owen U.S.F.S. 988 Canyo n Road Loga n . Uta h

E arl . Dean M . U .S. F .S. 2202 N . Ta lk ing to n Dr . F lags ta ff . Arizo na Ja cobs , James L. U .S. F .S. 1052 Da rl ing Street O gde n , Ut a h Julander , Od<ll U .S. F .S. 133 '1 -2 5th St . O gden . Uta h Scho tt , Dale

'105 Iowa Bldg . 505 6t h Ave . Des Moines . Iowa

Steed , Alvin V .

s:c. s.

409 Carlis le Bl vd. N . E . Al buque rq ue . N . M .

1933 Astle , Walter S . U .S . F .S . O gde n. Uta h Fonnesheck, Prank 0. 2300 S. 20th Eas t Sa lt La ke C it y . Uta h Johnson , Wallace M . Rocky Mt. Fo r & Range Exp t. Station Lara mie . W yo ming Michaels, Chas . C .


•6 111 W . Fai rmo n t A ve. Glendale . Ari z. Thornock, Clar<oce S . Supe rvi so r, Uint a N . F . Federal Building Provo, Ut a h

1931 Anderson, Robert Clark Uin ta N . F . Federal Bldg . Provo. Ut ah Carlson, Leland H .


Ceda r Ci ty . U ta h Sill , Milton C . Bedford Ra ng_e r Dist. Bridger. N . F. Bedfor d. W yomi ng Van Buren , Gordon U.S . F.S . Bounti ful R. D. Bou n tif ul, U tah

M adi son vi ll e,

Ky .

Gunderson, Arden B . 1520 Q. Stree t Geri ng. Neb r.

Hanson , Walter 0. 330 1 N . Fre mont Port land . O re gon

Larson , Floyd 11 5 S. Sprin g St. Fa ll s Church. Va. Larson, L. Waine Bur . of Recla mation

Box 1222 Eph rata. Wash. McConkic, Andrew Ash ley Nat. Fo rest V e 1na l. Uta h

Olsen , G . LeGrand Ranger. U.S.F .S. Box 11 6 . Monticello. Uta h Redd, I o h n Demar Deceased Stock , M erlin R . U.S.F.S. Burley. Idaho

Rampt o n, Leonard H. U.S . F.S .. Wallowa- Whitman N.F. U nio n . Ore gon Rohwer, L. A. Monte B. L. M . Kanab . Uta h

Smith , Arthur D. Dept. of Ra nge Ma na ge ment Ut a h S tate Uni v ers ity Lo ga n . Ut a h Snyder , Nathan J . U S. F .S. 1815 Ba ncroft M issoula. Mo nt ana

Allen . F loyd ) . Kill e d by lightning

Swenson , Mont A. 168 Bannoc k St. Malad. Ida ho

Taggart, john A. No a d dress Townsend , William J. 39 1'I Camellia Dr . San Bernardino. Cal if.

Tucker, Bert H. Supervisor . Grand Mesa F.

W oods. Low ell G . U.S.F .S. 5 10 N . 2nd Albu que rq ue. N . M .

1937 Allen . Leland F . Na tiona l Ca pito l Par ks Rockc reek. W as hing ton. D .C.

Cedar City. Ut ah


Baugh , Frederick U.S . F .S. T wm Falls . Idaho

Terreton. Idaho

Bre we r, Alden N . 1232 McCle lland Salt Lake City 5. U ta h

Clark , Lewis U .S.F.S . Ogden . U tah Couch , Joseph A. 5 11 S. M ai n Loga n . U ta h E ngland , Edwin S . Personne I De pt. Airc raft Pla nt 10050 W oo dl ey A ve. G ra nada Hill s. Ca lif. Erickson , Carl G . Decease d



Astle , Lloyd J. No address Berg, j a co b 320 W . Sussex Mi ssou la. Montana Bridge , Max W . B. L. M. 75 Coleman Drive Reno . Nevada

Drummond , j ohn P . Bu r. India n A ffai rs 591 6 N . O maha Portland . Ore g on Da y, Vance lOll Princeton Ave. Billings . Mon tana

Floy d I . Whitney Dean. Colle ge of Forest. Ra nge .

Drummond , D on M . l-109 South 5th St. W est Missoula. Montana

Lo ga n . Utah

Do rius, F loyd W . Box 221 Malad . Idaho

& W ildl ife M a nage ment Uta h Sta te Un iversit y

Pinlinson, Rich L. Lea ming ton . Uta h Gross enbach , Paul U.S.F.S. O gde n . U ta h

Jiull , Alvin C . Jr . A. R.S. 32 1 N . 'lth Eas t Lo gan. Uta h Jo nes, Jay P. 1865 Ne lson St. San Leandro. Ca lif. To nes, Mark U.S . F .S. Grants. New Mexico

Hirst, Wm. Harold 32 Ex cha ng e Pl ace Sa lt La ke C it y. Ut a h


Andre ws , Horace M .


Hermanse n, Royce D . Royce's Mo te l & Ser v ic e P a yson . Utah

~~~p~s&"'w S~r~ei~e

Swains to n, George D . U.S.F.S. llum boldt N . E . E lko . Nevada


Henderson, Ernest W. 5i0 29th St. Ri chmo nd 2 . Cal if.

Jensen , Max S . No address

Stokes, Victor N . U .S.F.S. 16 Sunrise S t. Dil lon. Montana


Hatch , Wm. Bradford Un it Conserva t ionis t. S .C.S. P. 0 . Bo x 33 De lta. U ta h

2205 Holmes R. Drive Falls Chu rch . V a. Kane, John Francis


P . 0 . Box 265 W inc hes te r. V a.

K<t<hie , Henry L . U .S. F .S. W asa tch Na t!. Fo r. Sa lt Lake C it y. Utah 1

~ Ytt 'f.l.ra~d ~ield

S ta .

18'11 Granada Ci rcle. Twi n Fal ls. Ida ho

La vin , Fred A .R.S. P . 0. Box 858 Mesa . Ari zona

Lo w, Tho mas Clyde


Spanish For k . U tah Low , Jessop Budge Leader. Ut a h Coo p. W il dlife Resea rch Un it Utah State Un ive rs ity Lo(Ju n . Ut ah Lund, Doy le No add ress M cCracken , Earl joseph Deceased M a dsen , Cl yde R. i Ol N .W . 36 Drive Cainsvi lle . Florida M oll<net , Leo C . Bur . o£ Internal Reve nue Salt Lake City. Utah Mo rse, Blaine Chester


Box 12 '1 7 Boise. Ida ho

Ovia tt , Clifford W . No address Owen , Neil Welton No address Passey,


H o ward


1419 E. 3045 S. Salt Lake City 6. U ta h

ftrN¥· 6t~c<>J. t Pr~ce .

<~uggs. >

U tah

Genaux , Th e ro n 0 . No address

Revea l. Ja ck L . Jr. U.S.F.S. Lee Vining . Cali f.

G ic ris ch , Ralph K. U .S . F .S. 6 187 In depende nce Arvada. Colo.

Rich , V erno n B . 5 11 N. Wal n ut Boise. l da ho

G r ay. Anderson McDo well (R<v.) Rt. l. Box 40 Greenwood. S. Caro lina

Sevy, jay L. U .S.F.S .. Supv . Saw tooth N . F. 600 Addison A ve. W es t T win Fa lls. Ida ho

G rine r, E. Lee No add ress H a n ~e n , Marvin 0 . 33 36 I efferson Ave . Ogden. Utah

McDe rmaid, Ferris Box 503 Alamogordo . N~ Mex ico

H a nse n, She rman 718 Hillcrest Ave. Logan. Utah

~;nAid9;es't'allacc A .

H a rd y, Clar k B. Deceased

She ph erd, Weldon Owen Chief. Range M gm t . Res. Int. For . & Range Expt. Sta. Ogden . Utah Sny der , E mer y T 57 15 Namakagan .Rd. Glen Mar Par k Was hmgton 16 . D. C. Tribe, R. W a y ne Rur. of Reclamation Sacramento, Cali f.


Wadsworth, C. Douglas U.S.F.S. Alton . Wyoming

Ellison, Phay Edward Box 126 Cloverdale, Calif.

Richman , Val B. B. L.M. Interior Bldg . Washington . D. C.

Warner, Sylvan D. 1000 S . W. 31st St . Oklahoma City, Okla.

Evans, Samuel S. Jr. U .S.P .S .

Roberts , Ra ymond C. 171 34th Street Ogden . Utah

Watson, Elden M. U. S. Bur. of Reclamation Box 360 32 Exchange Place Salt Lake City, Utah Wilkinson, Earl J. Killed in snowslide near )arbridge . Nev . Feb. 1961 Winkel, A. G.


Vale. Oregon Wood, Everett C. Sterling. Idaho

~~.~h~. Milton M. Denver Fed . Center Denver 25. Colo.

~S~Ffk Harold Marvin

¥!inCip~fis~ldaho 1938 Allred, Glade A. S.C. 171 East 1st South Bountiful. Utah Allred, Warren J. U .S . F. & W. S. Box 1306 Albuquerque . New Mexico Andrews, Norman B. 199 Oak Grove Ave . Atherton . Calif.

Anbder, Tbeo Earl D.L.M. I I 21 N . Plata Circle Santa Fe . New Mexico

Puller, Revilo No address

Robinson, J Graydon Rancher Kanab . Utah

Gessel, Homer J. Lone Star Route Eltopia . Washington

~ftii.cStr~;~ey Springville. Utah


Harris, Frederick Blaine Box 1010 Elko . Nevada

Schole:,, Haruld B. Geneva Steel Corp. American Fork . Utah

Harris, Richard Carl Tremonton. Utah

~1';Ye[i 0 Zil~~~.


Great Falls . Montana

~~c.S~d, Benjamin B.

Holladay, Clifton M. Santaquin . Utah Holt, Arthur E. No address

Surface, Victor Alfred Ag . lnf . Spec. Mis!'ion to India APO 71 . Box N. c;o PM San Francisco . Calif. Thompson, R. Reed l.I .S.F.S . Cedar City . Utah

Dale, Sterle


2038 Colton Blvd. Billings , Mont.

Dcll.toisy, Ralph G. Gen. Mgr . Pacqua & Sierra Div. Forest Industries Inc . Box 78 Dillard , Oregon Doman, Everett R. U.S . F .S. 630 Sansome St . San Francisco , Calif.

Egan, Gilbert Squire No address Ellison, Don J. No address

Hawkes, Eugene J. U.S.F .S. Price , Utah Heaton, Gordon


Roosevelt . Utah

Hurst, William D. U .S.P.S . . Dep. Reg. Forester Ogden . Utah

Johnson, Harold D. Exec . Sec . State Tax Comm . Rm . i28 . State Capitol Boise . Idaho

Jensen, Cyril L. B.L.M. 5925 W. 37th Pl. Denver. 11 . Colo .

1939 Anderson , William N. Deceased


Downs, Elvin Utah State Dept. of Edu. 2901 S . 125th East Salt Lake City . Utah

Harris, Paul R. Mgr . Nat') Accts Ethyl Corporation 332 S. Michigan Ave . Chicago 1, Illinois

Hobson, Dean A. Deceased

Johnson, Morris Alvin No address

Drown, Eugene A. U .S.F .S 5621 Bonnie Mae Way Sacramento H. Calif.

Hansen, Wallace. R. 523 48 Ave. S .W . Ca lgary . Alberta . Canada

Hull, Roy D. Quincy . Washington

:JsirN. RWain~~ Boise . Idaho

Dargon, Lucas Mcintosh Rt. 3 Darlington . S . Carolina

Handy, Harley M. Dist. Mgr. B.L .M. Box 872 Monticello. Utah

Harris, Grant A. Washington State Coli. Pu ;Jman . Wash.

Baker, Lyle No address

Cliff, John Oliver U .S.F .S . I056 Darling St . Ogden , Utah

Gurr, James B. Veterans Hospital Fort Douglas Salt. Lake City , Utah

Shipley, Roy L. ~o address

Johnson, George L. 8100 Glider Ave . Los Angeles . Calif .

Bunde:rson, Victor Lee FAO of the UN Kenja . India

850 I Phoenix . N . E. Albuquerque , N . Mexico

Hanson, Robert U.S . F.S . Box 155 Evans ton . Wyoming

111 W . 2nd East Logan . Utah Hinchcliff, Howard B. 2835 Quincey Ave. Ogden . Utah

Gunth<r, Lloy.J F.

~~:~ · Ju~iijdlil~etr~~luges

Shipley, Mark Alvin 2500 Hunter Lake Dr. Reno . Nevada

Bell, Sheldon A . Box 158 Middletown . Calif .



Riverton . Wyo.

Jeppson, Earl P . No address

686 N . 1st East Price , Utah


Hales, Doyle C. S.C.$. 181 Russell Ave. Tooele. Utah

Armstrong, Herbert C . 255 E. 6th N . Logan . Utah

Blaser, Herman B.



Griner, Lynn A . Vet. Dept. Colo. State University Fort Collins . Colo .

Jones, Douglas M . 'No address Lewis, Morris W.


60 South Main Tooele . Utah Lund, Clair Ollie Huntsville . Utah McBrid~.

Ray E. Pingree . Idaho




Grantsville . Utah Mir, Joseph Gilbert N . 1101 Hollis St. Spokane , Washington

Baker, Harold L. University of Hawaii Honolulu

Barney , Marvin L.

847 N . 1st West Tremonto n . Utah Blaisdell. James P. 4228 Panarama Court Mc Lea n. Virginia Brown , Scott R. Cabinet Maker Rt. I. Box 67 Sandy , Utah Carlson, Merrill H . N o address Christensen, Rangwell N. No . 12 Fort Belknap Agcy . Harlem . Montana

Cooper, Harold W. ill N . 3rd. Bozeman , Montana

Jone~, Glen 3111 Berkeley St. Bakersfield. Calif.

Jorgensen, Jack N . Resident Engineer, Lockheed 4571 South 2770 East Salt Lake City . Utah Kittams, Walter H. 6609 N . 42 St. Omaha 12 . Nebr. Krueger , Wm. T. Capitol Reel N .M . T o rrey . Utah

McDonald, lohn E .

¥t"t HM~~ ·


Mason, Lamar


222 S .W . Temple Salt Lake City, Utah

Morrison , John U .S.F .S. Hungry Horse R. D. Hungr v Horse. Montaaa Ottstot~. Oscar L. 5' 6 f. . Cedar Fc,-utdlo . idaho

Davis, Don ICA. USOM American Embassy Amman . Jordan

Peters, Edward L. Lumbet Business ~wan Lake. N . Y.

Nelson, Ralph No address Noble, Myrvin B.L.M. 6165 Hibbling Ave. Springfield , Va .

Decker, Rex L. Box 939 idaho Falls . Idaho

Player, Garnett C. 1726 Vine Street Murray , Utah

Ellis, Stephen B. Rt. I . Box 91 Burley . Idaho

su~g~~s: L. Glen Kanosh. Utah

Owens, Rhodell E. Pleasure Driveway & Park Dist. of Peoria Glen Oak Pavilion Peoria . 111. Parry, Conway E . 1036 Sycamore Ave. Brigham City . Utah Peterson, Virgil C . No address Pierle, Charles B. St. Fish & Game Comm. Rt. 3 Franklin . Tennessee

Parr, Jed Watkins No address

Rabb, Joe Carroll 271 N . 3 W Logan . Utah

Nelson , Marcus C . U .S .F .W .S . 4221 Broadmoor N. E . Albuquerque . New Mexico

~s~~e~, u~oAard R.


La ke v iew . Ore .

South Bldg . 12th & Ind . Ave . Was hington . D. C.

Rattle, Paul S. Jr. 1177 Matthews Way Salt Lake City . Utah

Ge:sse:l, StanJe:y Paul School of Forestry U . of Washington Seattle . Wash .

Rhoton, Royal W . Bldg . & Hdw. Store Lakes ide , Arizona

Grandy, DeWitt C . 520 N . Main Heber , Utah

Rich , Harve_y N . Mgr . U . S . Employment Serv . 3351 Fowler Ave Ogden . Utah

Robinson, Reed P . American Embassy Santiago . Chile Romero , Forrest S. li60 E . 52 St. Tulsa. Okla. Roundy, Robert A . i05 N . 3rd W . Richfield . Utah Schmutz, Ervin M


1811 N . Highland Ave . Tucson, Ariz . Shafo<r, Paul S . U .S.S.R . 2697 Wellington St. Salt Lake City . Utah Shepherd, Erschel E . 333 N . 6th West. Provo . Utah Smith, Gilbert C. Unit Forester . B.L.M. Box 392 Eugene . O r egon

Curtis, Clyde A. Deceased Davis, Lawrence C . Rancher Moab. Utah

Hampton , John William No address Henderson, Floyd A. U.S . N .F.S . C rater of the Moon Nat '!. Mon . Arco. Ida ho Hinton, Clemons 248 Filth Ave nue Redwood. Cali fornia

) anson, Reuel G. 1625 Bel Air Place Missoula . Montana

Bean, Roy W . B.L.M . 1110 Grant Street No. 23 De nve r 3. Colorado Bernhard, john T . Administrative A ssis ta nt Brigh am Young Uni vers ity

Provo. Utah Boyle , Elmer P. U . S . Fores t Ser vice

Ketchum. Idaho Burt, John E. Jr . B.L.M . 492 West 27th Place

johnson, Carl Maurice

Eugene . Oregon

3i2 North 5th East Logan . Utah

Colton, Lawrence ) . U.S. F .S . Kamas . Utah

u.s. u.

Carey, Robert R. 1001 Jed Smith Drive

Sorenson, Leon ) .

~t~~~sv~P: ·

I 941 Bartels, Wilmur 926 Pleasant Avenue Kalamazoo . Michigan

Sacramento . Ca lifornia





Spendlove, Earl

Madsen, Vaughn D .

Nephi. Utah

Fairview . Utah


Manton, Richard B. Room Ill. Old Fed . Bldg . Columbus 15. Ohio

Ga ulin , D . Marshall U. S. Forest Serv ice. P .O . Bldg . Fort Collins. Co lorado

Merrill, Spencu C . No address

Grace, Harry D. U.S .F .S .


Spilsbury, Berkeley A. Savannah River Proj .. A .E .C. Aileen . S . Caroline

J5?' E~· l~~~b


Logan. Utah Tho10as, Julian U .S.F.S. 3382 S . 13 E . Sa lt Lake City.



Ramdli, Lloyd R. . Ruby Lake Natl. Wildlife Refu ge Rub y Valley . Nevada Rudolph , Victor J. Department o f Forest ry

Michigan State Co llege East La nsing . Mic higan

Skidmore, Henry ) . 616 Wes l Acacia A ven ue El Segundo. Cali forn ia Smith, B. C. Box 336 Oi

Georg•o .

C alifornia

~ea~dda:e~s Daniel V. Truden, Andre B. B.L.M . Box 1207 Ely . Nevada Tucker, john Phillip U .S .F .S . i7i S . Routt Way Denver . Co lorado

Fort Sutter Station

Ladle, Orvel Hunt No address



~iJP~.~~d~?t'h 8Street


Mitchell , Yale f',o address Nelson, Noland F. Utah Fish a nd Game Dept. Ogden Bay Bird Refuge


Hooper . Utah

Wikstrom, john H .

Box 636 Kealakekua . Hawa ii

Stanis laus National Forest Sonora .

Californi a

Green, Lisle R. U.S.F .S . i20 East Carroll Avenue Glendora . California Hermansen, Burl W.

1882 Lake Street Sa lt Lake Ci ty . U tah

Turner, Duane M . Box I Tooele . Utah

Okeson, Kenneth W. 2i2i East 1800 South Holladay Salt Lake C ity . Utah

Vance:, Hc:rbert i758 S . I 150 W.

Olsen, Reid P. 22il9-9i Avenue So .

Tucson. Ariz.ona

Howard , Paul L. B. I.A . 701 South 9th St. Aberdeen . South Dakota

Ogden. Utah


Wadsworth, )amea D . P .O. Box 1802 Kumasi. Ghana , Africa

P alme:r, Marcellus 35 1 South State Street Salt Lake City . Utah

Whitaker, Spe:ncer iS Purdue drownsviJle. Texas

t~~~iJ's. Thomas A .

1940 Anderson, Ray W .


330 South ith West Payson . Utah

Andrews, Lloyd N. 199 Oak G rove Avenue Atherton . California Ashcrah , H . Wayne i73 Trigood Drive Casper . Wyomino Austin, Laurence R. i3i7 E . 200 W . . Ogden . Utah

~itll's. Merlin 30 Harvard Pocatello . Ida ho Bower, Kenneth G .


li31 ith Avenue Ea•t Twin Fall• . Idaho Rees, P . Max U .S.F .S .. Supervi>or Challi• National Fore•t Challi•. Idaho Robin>on, B. Franklin 1318 Fremont Drive Twin Fall> . Idaho Robinson, Max Edward U.S .F.S. 573 West 3rd North Richfield. Uta h Scberbd , Paul Box 96 Big Piney . Wyoming

Sevy, Thomas H . U.S .F.S . 232 Eas t 2nd North Vernal. Uath Smith , Eldon H . Wildl ife Extension Specialist

Dece ased

Montana State Uni versity Bozeman . Montana

Bringhurst , John Frank 105 Colonial Dri ve Layton . Utah

Snapp, Nathan ) . Route I . Box 6i8 Escondido . Ca lifornia

Call. Garland D.

~~~~oT?aiif;. ~d~h~e

Chatelain, Edward F . Decease d

Speirs, Harold K .

220 1 Panorama Way Salt Lake City 17 . Utah

Hiner, Harold L.

il21 East Poe

Hunt, Bud B. No add ress

Clinkenbeard, Max B. Decease d Coo per. Talmadge D. Jr . U .S.A.F . 805 Moss Dr . Annanda le . Va .

Ud y, Jay R. Utah Fish & Game Dept. 1596 W e• t North Temple Sa lt Lake Ci ty . Utah

Int ermountain For.


Wilcox, G . Neil Ferron . Utah

Woodward , Harry R. Jr. 11905 West 20th Avenue Den ve r . Co lo rado

1942 Bus h , Roche D .


Pl ace rvil1e. Ca lifornia

Barnum , Warren P . Craw ford . Neb ras ka


Ave nue

North Cha rl eston . S . Carolina

Cook . C . Wayne 5~5 ~. Mana gement Department Logan . Utah Corey, Robert Earl 3380 Acorn Lane Sa lem , O regon

B.L. M. Box 59i Kanab. Utah

Co:., E lmer C. No address

Jensen , Ned L.

Dedrickson , Lorin R .

Building Contrac tor

De ceased

6160 Sou th 120 East Bountilu I. Utah

Evans, Thomas B.

King, James E . Weyerhauser Timber Co. Route 3. Box 92 A Centralia . Wa shington Kowalli s, Reinhart Hydrologist , Weber Bas in Propect

U.S .S . R. 3590 North 900 West Og den . Uta h Kruse , Earl G .

~r~!,e3 .A~~~~~d~surance Lassen , Robert W. i 373 Mill er Aven ue Palo Alto. Cali fo rn ia Lipman , Nathan Reinman Road . Warren TWP

Plainfield . New Jersey


Massachuse tts

Ga therum, )ames M .


7115 South 2780 Eas t Salt Lake City . Utah

Gooding, Lt . Col. Earl R. U. S . Arm y g~,e~on~dmery Street Hall , Mer v in P.O. Box 3 12 Eager . A rizona

Hampton , Kenneth 601i Capu lina Ave. Morton Grove . Ill. Hampton, Rex H . 601'1 Ca pulina Ave nue Mor ton

Meldrum , Clarence R. Deceased Mitchel , Albert W . Jr .


Exp . Sta. Ogde n . Uta h

Jen kins, Paul H .

Grove .

Ill inois

Killough, John R. B.L .M . W as hington . D . C.

Forester Star Route

Todd , W . Prantzen Col. W a lter F. Todd . U .S.A .F . 9 1 I Clemson Dri ve Alex andria. Va .

West, Nolan Box 33 1 Fillmo re . Utah

Larsen, Willard Reed

Payette . Idaho

D ecease d

Murray, William E . 662 Barbe rry Lane Sa n Ra fae l. Ca lifornia

Latimer , David A. Jr . Stanford Pos t O ffi ce

Perkins, Ray W. 2il West 5th South Blanding . Utah

Lis ton , Russell 118 North 1th Street

Palo Alro. Ca lifornia

Boze ma n . Montana


Lusher, Arthur A. No addr ..s

McConnell , Charles B. i817 Eas t East la nd Tucson. Arizona McKean , 'vVilliam T . Colorado Fish & Game Dep t. 1530 Ghermaut Street Denver 2. Colorado Major, /ack Prof. o Botany Um ve rsit y of California Davis. Cali forni a

Green , rvla.~: C. U .S.F.S. 22 10 NE 61sr A ve nue Po rtl and 13 . O reg on

Haas, Phillip B. Volga . South Dokoto

Hall , John Marvin Divn. Chie f. U .S. F .S. Fed . Bldg .. 517 Gold St. SW Albuquerq ue . N. Mexico Handley, Robert W .


No a ddress

Imhof. Carl P r<d<rick 860 Old M ill Road Pasadena . Cali forni a

l'viaw, Edward C. U .S.F.S. 1625 Homer Drive Pocate llo. Idaho

Kitchen, Norval Thomas 155 East 8th South Orem . Utah

Ncmanic, joseph J. U.S. F .S. 531 East 14t h St re et Marysville . Ca lifornia Noccis,J. J. Prof. of Range Mgt. New Mexico State Un iversi ty Uuiversity Park . N . M . Pozarnsky , Thomas H .


Mobridge . Sou th Dakota Reed,


james Clare


Id aho

g~~~~~~~. ~t~~er


Rozynek , William S. U .S .F.S. 2 10 Ma in Boise. Id aho Smith , J. G. U .S. F .S. I<FD Box 41 00 A 1121 W edgewood Wenatchee. Washington Stevens, Elwin Weight U.S. F.S . Mo nte V ista . Colorado Stevens , W acd Earl

~~~~fdi~n W~J3Jiif~ 3

Service ISO Wellington street Ottowa . Ontario. Canada

Wallmo , Olof, Charles Asst. Prof. Dept. of Wi ldlife Mgt . A . & M . o ll ege o f Texas Co ll ege Sta ti on Texas

Bodenstein, Alexander G . Box 541 Yerington . Nevada

Speed , William E . o address

Cox, Edwa rd D . 473 East 775 No rth Bountiful. Utah Duncan, Gerald E . P.O. Bo x 1032 920 Del Valle Drive Yuma. Arizona

Zink, Prell C . Forest ry Engineer Uakamas Log ging Co. Estucada. Oregon

E l~n ,

Grover P . ~c .arl xNj~· Wildlife Refuge



Burbank. Was hington


Heaton, Gordon

Hearrell , Lt. Col. Dave C . Jr . II Broadmor Ci rcle Savannah . Georg ia


tl~s.~o k . clyde P .

Hoffman, Reuben Timber Lake South Dakota

Ida ho

Rob erts, Kenneth D . U .S.F.S . Bridger National Forest Pineda le, Wyoming Stev<ns , Ro llin R . Teacher. Chipola Jr . 47B Sta r Route Tallahassee . Florida

Jti~e.?e2oit' ~~th Boun tiful.


Walker, Vance DeMont

~~:~luC::n tCai~~~~ iaDrive

Cecil Hoopa. Ca liforn ia

Schopper , Francis ) . No address


Sveinsson, Pall Gunna rs ho lt Rcngarve llir . Ice la nd

Bailen~er ,

Henson, Matthew C 71 Ranch Deeth . ~:evada

Ashton .

Sutich , Tony Decease d

Woolley, joseph T . 276 Dave nport Ha ll Urbana. IllinoiJ


Rogers, Lewis Max University of Utah 1822 Yuma St. Sal t Lake C it y . Utah

Stoddard, Carl Ra y 808 Glocheste r A venue Middlesboro . Ke nt uc ky

Roosevelt .

U ta h

I o hnson, I oe C . No address

Co llege

Jolley, Sidney W . Deceased Klassen , William C . Akron . Colorado


Beck , DeWaynt J. S . 507 East St:eet Colfax. Was hington Bethers, Barton L. 1030 Wes t 500 South Sa lt Lake C ity. Utah

~9t'tv'e~itte,1 s~u~~~~h G . Ma nt i.


Brassington , Thomas 372 7 Eas t Yale Phoenix , Arizona

Colton, Garth B.L.M. 273 South 2nd W est Brigh am City . Utah

~j,"hw~0:3'w9ldf.fe ~ervice Box 1008 Whit ney Bend Station Boise. Idaho Dar.dliker , Pre:dus B. No address Earl , J. Curtis 3022 East Diamond Phoenix. Arizona Everson , Axel C. Co lorado State University 1304 Springfield Drive Fort Collins . Colo ra do

Farver, Albert B. Post Fa lls. Idaho

Later, Wendell C. ln d1an Service Cheyenne River . South Dakota

Fluck•ger , Darrol T . U .S. FS. St. Anthony . Idaho

~~c~f~;'{;~~~~ . "t!~fornia

M cClure , Gilbert D. No address

Branges , Robert Jame s Yosemite Narl Park . Cal if.

E rickson , H . Keith Deceased

Crystal. Mark Hall Stare Land Board II 44 North Main Farmington . Utah

Mcllvain , Ernest U . S. Field Station Woodward. O klahom a

Frandensen, O ' Dell A. B.L. M . Vernal. U tah

Gray, James R. Assoc . Prof.. Dept. of A g. Econ . New Mexico Sta te University Stare Co ll ege. New M exi co

Miller , Warren S . ~o address

Berns tein, David A. U .S.F.S .. Divn . of Timber Mg t. Regional Office Portland . Oregon

S"sk~l~ ,



5409 Dublin Ave nu e Sprin gfie ld . V irgini a F ri schknecht, Neil C . Great Ba sin Researc h Center U.S . F .S. Ephraim . Ut ah Freeman, Wynn George Dept. of Fish & Game Helena. Montana

Gaynard, Clifford C. 2812 Sue Lane Vi sa li a . Ca liforn ia Giau que , Warren C . 2006 Wooded Way Adelphi . Maryla nd

Brown , DeAiton T . Hyde Pa rk. Utah

Andriano , Donald Uta h Fish & Ga me Dept. 4297 South 3415 W es t Salt Lake Ci ty Utah

Large , Jackson D . U .S. F.S. Ce dar Cu y. U tah

Aubert , Laurence: 336 Sou th l sr East Price . Utah


Simpson , Albert L. 2927 East 3835 South Salt Lake Ci ty. Utah

V\'insor, Luther S. N. I' .S. Springda le . U tah

O ' Toole , james J. 901 Rider Street l cwa City. Iowa

19H Armstrong , Harold P . Occcnsed

Silcock , Burto n B. L.M. 1815 Rand Avenue Boise. Ida ho

Williams , Grant G. F;shl3ke Noric:~al Fc;es: Federal Building Richf,eld. Ut ah

Swan, Gordon B. Decease d

Ro use. Burt Prank

Sharp, Lee A. Umversity of :daho 250 North I e ffe:son Moscov.· . Idaho

Wilde , Major Lawrence D . Jr . Hdq rrs. SAC K. Offutt A.P.B . Omaha . Nebraska

Mathews , William B. L. M . Washington. D . C.

Merrill. Leo Brown Sonora Expenmental Range Sono ra. Texas

Roberts, Merrill J. U .S. F.S . l"ephi . Ut a h

Cook , Clyde J. c j o Prarie Stage Mountain Home . Idaho Cram , Delbert D .

Haacke, Edwin D .



U tah

~ayss, ~~~rl~s {t~fdl ife


Dei1 ver . Co lorado Jen sen , R. Ze.n Decease d

Malone y, Elwood W . Ran c her - Ne va da No i'!d rlrr!>s Miller , Augus t Wendell 62 44 Duncee Dri ve North High la nds. Ca lifornia Pinkard , jacques j. No a ddress

Nelson , Wilford 0 . Jr . U .S. F . & W . L.S . 263 1 East Ceda r C res t Road Minn eapo li s 8 . Minn . Pirsko , Arthur R. 8 Highl a nd Blvd . Kensington. Ca lifornia

Rawls , Charles Kelso, Jr . Reelfoot Lake Wat erfowl Habitat Deve lopmen t Tiptonville . Tennessee

~.aC'.'s.Hurlon C. P .O. Box 1381 A .LuquP.J QUe . N . Mexi co

Safran, Ro bert L. U.S.F.S . Ogden . Ut ah

Fredrickson, Leo E.rsell Intermountain School , House 205 Brig ham C it y. Uta h Fry, George B. District Range r . U .S .F .S. He ber Utah Frisby, Wendell District Ra nger . Swan Valley I<. Targhee National Forest Sr. Anthon y . Ida ho Graham, Robert G. ~o address Griffin, William State O ffice Bldg .. Room 1-0 Knox vill e . Tenn . Hansen, J. Kimball Box 19 1 W hite rive r. Ar izona Hansen, Capt . Richard 0 . ROT C In structor 112 South As hur~ t~ oscow. Idaho

Harris, Bruce K . 912 W. Alvarado Ca rlsbad . New Mexico Hart, Chester 8961 New Dawn Drive Sac rame nto 19 . California Hendricks, Darwin C . Div ision of Personnel Manag ement U.S .F.S .. Washington Office 12th and lndependense Ave .. S.W. Was hington 25, D.C.

Houston, Walter R. Northern Great Pla ins Resea rc h Cente r U.S . Range Livestoc k Exp. Sta. Miles C ity , Montana Hyder, Donald N. 1008 East Elizabeth Street Ft. Collins . Colorado Jensen, joseph Edward U.S .F .S. Denver Fed . Ce nter Den ve r. Colorado, Clifford E.


Box 232 As hby. North Dakota

Kirsch, Leo M . Swan Lake Refuge Su mn er. Missou ri

LeS u ·· ur, Harold B. Box 152 Springe rville , Arizona McCurthy, Harry )ames 5906 Curlyn Spring Road . Apt . T-2 Alexnndria. Virginia Mad<lcn , Capt. Thomas M . Co . D. 2nd A.R . B.. 1l st Inl. APO 35. c j o P.M . New Yo rk . N . Y Malencik, William ). B.L. M . Re no , Nevada Martin, Robert D . B.L.M. Shoshone . Ida ho

Manke, Alfred Mingo Nationa l Wildlife Refuge RFD I . Box 9A Puxico , Mo . Meik , Eldon Earl Seeley Lake . U.S .F . Exp . Sta . Missoula . Montana Millar, Richard R . Las Padres National Fores t Federal Building San ta Barbara . Cali fornia Mor~an,

Rex J.

B.L.M. 1105 North Street Susanville , California Morton, D onn Olive r Route I . Box 102-R Washougal. Was hington Nie lson, Alma Errol Idaho Fish & Game Dept. 135 East 2nd North Pligby. Idaho Nielson, R. Lynn A .S .C. O ff ice Ma nti, Utah N orris, Keith E. B.L.M. Cra ig , Co lorado Pearson, Marv in W . 1558 Miller Burl ey , Id aho Pechacek, LouH Wyo. Fish & Ga me Dept. Box 378 Cheyenne. W) o ming

Price, William C. Monroe R. D ., Fishlake National Fores t Monroe . Utah

Colbert , Francis

Reese, Bruce W . Ca ribou National Fores t Swan Val ley . Idaho

Colb y, Stan!ey G . B.L.M . Mo nt icello . Utah

Kary , Marcus A. U .S. F.S .. Sawtooth Nat. Forest Malta R. D . Malta . Idaho

Rogers, Grant P . B.L . M. 1397 N 100 E. Bountiful. Uta h

Conlin, Robert A. No a ddress

Kl ett , Thomas 10! Sth Aver.t:< N . \V .. Apt Mandan. Nort h Dakotc:t

Sandretto, Raynold P . P.O. Box 192 Lee s v ill e. South Caro lin a Schmitt, Daniel M . No address



Kane , Robert L . S .C. S . Box 1051 Ca ldwell. Idaho

Phoenix , Arizona

Corlett, Ray Phillip 110 W . Fairwiew St. Fa ll on . Nevada Dalton , Adrian U .S.F.S . 810 South Main Orem. Utah

Klubb en, Lyle M. U.S.F .S .. Modoc Nat . l:'orcs t Sou th Fork R. D . Altura s. Ca liforni a Kozachyn, John 61 4 Park bri ve Oxford . Mississippi

Thoreson, Nels A. Mon tana Fis h & Game Dept. Box 252 Belt , Montana

Daly , Russell Box 201 Bayfield . Wi sconsi n

La·H.!l!t n , Ro bert

Ud y, Lowell J. B.L . M. Fill more. Utah

Dodds, Earle, F. Jr . Dis tri c t Ranger . Chamberlai n Dist. U .S. F.S . McCall . Idaho

Lat zy, Robert N. No address

Urbom , Raymond Carl Box 788 Idaho Spring s . Colo ra<lo

P. 0. Box 93 Anaconda , Mo nt.,. na

Leberski , Walte r B.L.M. 211 Fir Street l:.lko. Ne vada

Deets. Neil A. U .S.F.S. 153 North 1th Montpelier. Idaho

~ah/fP}~·c;n~~i':.'n L. Lincoln Nationa l Forest Alamogordo. N . Mexico

Eberhart, Robert Lewis No address

Wightman, Max 460 South Ridge Lane Payson. Utah

Eiserman, Fred M . !88 Dahlia Casper. Wyoming

Wilcock . john Mitton U .S.F.S. Idaho City , Idaho

Engelhard, Robert J. 103 Scott Street Merrill . Wisconsin

'.Vilkcs, Kay W . B.L.M . 1711 Col lins Rock Soring s. Wyoming

P.n-..•elken , John 1 52 La faye tte Road Jamesv ille , New York

LeDosquet , Richard H. Dixon Apts .. I B3 Fairbanks. Al as ka Lemke, Merril M.

~~;:~u~/ ~~h~ol E~yr.Mines Rolla . M isso uri

Lorello, joseph J. No address Low, Bla ir Prin ci pal. South Cac he High Schoo l Providence . Utah

McConnell , William J.

Perris, Ross E . B.L.M .. Box 551 Reno . Nevada

Tucson. Arizona

Aldous , M . Clair Refuge M anage r . Ruby Lakes Wildlife Refu ge Ruby Lakes. Neva da

Plieshman, William Tonto N a tiona l Forest 101 N . 5th Phoenix . Arizona

McKirdy , Henry J. Fishery Biologist. U.S .F.S . 3401 Val encia N . E. Albuquerque. N . Mexico

Anderson, Alan M. Nu ctddress

P lu:ner , George Gordon Missou ri Conserva ti o n C;.>m . Je ffe rson. M issouri

Meacham , Charles H . Alas ka Dept Fish & Game

P luckige r, Lester Bridger Nationa l Forest Range & Wildlife Staff Kemmerer , Wyoming

Meade, john L. No address

Graham, Russell R. No address

Milligan, Don S. 510 Wes t 7050 South Bountiful. Uta h

Griffith , William H . 5657 Su nse t Bl v d . Hollywood. California

Moncrief, Lester Eden . Utah


Anderson, Richard Box 165 Broada lbin . Ne w York Ashcroft ,

Henr y Sprin~erville , Arizona

Bade rtscher , Ray Box 115 Eureka , Utah Benkesser, Capt. Karl P. No a ddress

'li~sn~~s: Robert L. 181 6 N .W . Slum an Road Vancouver , Washington Brews ter, Phil District Foreste r. Rome Kraft Co. 10'1 East II th Street Rome . Georgia Brown, David L. River Road Hyde Park. New York Brown, Herman No address

Bry ce , Wendell A. Bryce N a tiona l Park . Utah Burtchett, Capt . Howard D . No add ress Campbell, Don R. Range Manager Box 638 Farmington , N ew Mes.ico

Peterle , T ony john U. S.F.W .S . RFD 3 . East Scioto River Road De lewa re , Ohi>

Chapman . Charles U .S. Fish & Wildlife Se r vice Nc a~dress

Prato, jose L ~ i s M . Ma nco Capac 637 Miraflo res Lima , Peru

Christensen, Bill Indian School Brig ha m Ci ty . Uta h

~g~Q'eE~itfo?;e :rizona

i'J~.triL!Sa'1 1J . s~~et

:ft~on~~/jiJ$' Rock Springs . Wyoming

Holl , Donald G . District Game Manage r Wisconsin Conse rvation De pt. Box 307 Bl ack River Falls . Wisconsin Houghton , Warre n B. No address Huff, Gerald A. B.L.M . Vernal. Utah


2602 Turnaga in Blvd . Wes t Anchora ge . Alaska


Fillmore . Uta h Huntington, Earl H . P .O. Box 205 Willi ams burg . New Mexico

Co lorado Springs. Co lo.

~'i~phO~kChStrrl::t E . Colo rado City . Texas

~j~e\v~~dl~~ ~;reet Pontiac . Michigan

Nelson, Robert L. No add ress N ewell , Franklin P . Route 3 220 Wil son Aven ue Logan . Ohio Nielsen , Robert D . No address Opheim , Boyd Montana Fis h & Ga me Dept. Ka lispe ll. Mo ntana

Idleman , Malcolm K. I 04 1 Glendale Avenue Col umbu s 12 . Ohio

Paul , Theodore ) . No add ress

Jackson, Harold Reid 640 1 Robertson Dri ve Boise, Idaho

Peterse n, Lawrence W . Al cova Route Casper . Wyoming

)etley, Martin A. 13 1 E. 6th St. Cha dron . Neb . Jones, Dale A. U .S .F .S. Den "er Fed . Center . llldQ . 8>5 Denver 2 . Co lor.1do

Pierce, Cloyde 660 S . Broadway Sr illv.. ate r. Minnesota Pitrat, Charles Pu reau o f Indian Affairs Pl·lat·ca. Ari zona


Pnce:, Ora M . Lone 1-'isht>ry Biologi~t Illinois Dept of tion 102 S . Taylor Oblong . Illinois

Priegel, Earl U .S .F .S .. M arketi ng 6 Util•zation Spec . D . mn· a Federal Center Denver 15. Co lorado Purcell , Todd Y . I 001 Cus hman l'a~rLanks . Ala s ka Reeves , Milton Box 107 Aberdeen . South Dakota

Rcge nthall , A.lbut P . Utah F ish & Garue DepL 965 East 900 North Bo untiful. Utah Robinson, David B. 127 Y, Brinkerhoff Street Plattsburg . N. Y.

~0'2\et,sc~;~!'r L . El Cent ro . California Rollefson, Mu D . Box 248 Lander. W yo ming Rosko, !.eo Contractor Las V e gas.


Sanders , Richard P . Dist. Ranger. U .S. P .S. Teasdale. Utah Seaman, Don D . U .S.F .S . 2 112 Palouse Boise . Ida ho

Simpson, George Val U .S.P .S . Roosevelt. Utah Stevens, Mark J . cjo In dian Agency Nespe le m. Wa shington Stilinovich, Stephen 2 115 78th s . West Jordan . Utah


Kamman, Jack Frederick C> hio Co n :~e n: ation Depa rtment Chillicothe . Ohio

Bassett, Neil Box 539 6 14 Knoch Ave nue Susa nville . Ca lifo rn ia

Kearns , Prank W. Coli . of For . Range 6 Wildlife Mgt.

Bennion, Glynn Colin Vernon . Uta h Bones , William Finley 2 19 Ada ms Stree t RFD I Rutland . Vermont

Tor vinen , John W . Me nd ocino Nat. Forest. U.S .F.S. Stonyford. Ca lifo rnia Trost, Oscar Deceased Ward , Angus L. Denver Research Labo rato ry Fish 6 Wildlife Service Den" er Building 1:5 . Denver Fed e ra l Cen ter Denve r. Colorado

Simons, Lee Adelbert Oc hoco National Forest Burns . Oregon

Kridler , Eugene Louis Mal heur National Wildlife Re lug< Burns. Oregon

Sjoblom, Paul Utah Dept. of For. 6 Fire 525 West 1300 South Sa lt Lake City 15. Utah

Clickner , Shirley H . Route 3 Tr vy. N ew Yo rk

Lockbaum, Robert P. Newhall Ranch Piru . Ca lifornia


Dri ve

Cox, Hallie L . U .S. F .S . 1176 Lynwood Road Logan . Utah Craine. Martin 12200 S .W . Edgewood Portland . Oregon

Crook, Ray J. 325 South 4th East Ce nterville . Utah Cross , Earle A . Department of Entomology Un ive rsi ty o f Kansas L.J w rence. Kansa s Cushman, Harvey 517 Main Street Ogdensburg . New York

Deward, Carlton J. I 038-24th Stree t Lewis ton , Idaho Davis, Fred B.L.M . Sacrame nto ,

Ca lifornia

Dalton , Patrick D . Jr . Un iversity o f N eva da Reno . Nevada Eichhorn, Richard 1662 North Pa lm Circle Lake Ci ty . Florida

McClellan, Junior P . No a ddress McCormick , Roger B.L.M . Boise . Idaho

Madden , Paul P. Jr . U .S.F.S . 630 Sansome Street San Francisco , California 8

~ortlf~st '7~o cs~uth Murray 7. Utah Middendorf, Leo James No add ress Morgan, Roy Ernest 1216 Grant Ave nue Boise . Idaho

Mullan, James W. U.S .F .S. 3 Sharon Road Ha rr isonburg . Va .

~~/~·or?r.~~t ~isheries and Wildlife Box 27 Jamestown . N . D.

Evatz , Edward R . No address

Peterson, Wesley H . Hinckley . Utah

Flint, William R. U .S . F .S . Bi~ Piney . Wyoming

Peyton, Leonard James Hea lth Research Center 2308 Eide Bl v d . Anchorage . Alas ka

Price, Jack E. 381 5 South 182nd Seattle 88 . Wash .

Fielding, Jose ph E. 704 Druin Lane Rio Vi s ta . Ca lifornia


Gaines, Gerald D. No address Gatherum , Gordon E . Dept. of For . . Iowa State Uni v. 1508 Duff Avenue Ames . Iowa

Jchn Vivian No addr ess

Thompson, Henry Earl Rancher Hallway . Oregon

Wright, Young Edward No a ddress

McLaughlin , George C . Utah State Fish 6 Game Dept. 1596 W . N . Temple Salt Lake Cit y . Utah

Box 512 Rooseve lt . Utah


Wingfield , Billy Hillman No a ddress

McCullough, Robert Box 639 Dugway. Utah


~Qjit~~u~har[la 1 ;aSt~e~~-

Anaheim . Ca liforn ia


178 E. 650 North Bountiful. Utah Richman , Sterling H . Decease d

Roeol , Wayne Lee No address

Zarb ock , William Merle 3 16 N . Winter Yellow Sp rings. Ohio Zor b, Gordon Lester Box 248 Laingsburg . Michigan

1952 Bush field, John P . U.S. P.S . Box 25 Orofino, Idaho Birch, john Earl, Jr. 750 Ruby Ave nue Reno . Ne va da Bulkle y, Ross Vivian U .S. F.S. 6 W .S. Box 139 Yankto n . South Dakota Cook , Harry D. 533 5 South Arllington Clinton. Ohio Cozakos, Nick James B L.M. 515 West 1st South Richfield. Utah )avis, Henry'Eiton, Jr. 2027 Je rome Lane Ca hokia . Illinois Diem, Kenneth L. Dept. of Zoology 6 Psyc ho!. University o f Wyoming Laramie . Wyoming

Egoscue, HaroldJ· Eco l. Research. . of U . Box 432 Dugway . Utah Gangwer, Samuel Nyer Deceased Grass i, Dennis Peter Pinedale Ranger Station Pinedale. Arizona

Ida ho Fall s. Idaho

Guymon. Dean 3.L. M . 3ox 227 Price . Utah

Sader, Duane Arthur Conse rvation Dept. Hdq . Wausaukee. Wisconsin

Hanson, John Edward 5171 Elaine Avenue Sa lt Lake Ci ty i . Utah

Sanderson, William H. U .S. F .S. Box 246 Susanvi ll e , Ca lifornia

Hart , William John 6 15 Poplar Street Ca rson Ci ty . Nevada

Weaver , Otto K. Bureau o f Indian Affai rs Box 58 Ft. Duche s ne. Utah

Hawkes, Lewis Eugene: U .S. F .S. Price. Utah

Hill , Jerry W. U .S.F.S .. Forest Se r v ice Bldg. Ogden . Utah

Saunders , Edward V. Qtrs. 65 1-A M axwell A .F . B.. Al aba ma

Heggen, Albert W., Jr . Ut a h Fis h 6 Game Dept . 640 North I st East Pri ce, Utah

Webb , Gerald A. P .O . Box 25 Cookevi lle . Tennessee

Jackson , Samuel Wilford Chief Fi sheries. Dept. of Wildlife Mgt. Room 11 8 . Sta te Capito l Bldg . Oklahoma Ci ty . Ok lahoma

Schryer Prank E 503 w:s t 23rd St;eet Ha ys. Ka nsas

Heuer, Wayne H . 26 Eas t P a rkhill Co lusa. California

Je nkins , Wallace Eugene (Capt.) 236 1 M iddlelie lds Road Trenton . M ic h i~a n

Senti. Andrew J. 357 New Custom House Box 10 18 Denver . Co lorado

Hill , William C. U.S .F .S. Sal ina . Utah

Johnson , Arthur P. Ba ll ardvale Road Andover . Mass.

Sept, Eafton Bob 231 -12th North Buhl . Id aho

Hironaka, Minoru Boise Researc h Center 316 East Myrtle Street Boise . Idaho

Ware, LaVar Ut ah Fish 6 Game Dept. 265 N ie tta Circle O rem . Utah Warnock, James No add ress

Williams, Ro bert H . R.D . 3 Coopers to wn . New Y o rk Woodbury, Marvin H . B.L.M. 7 No rth 300 W . St. Geo rge . Ut ah


Kramer, William Les ter No address

Kruger , Donald W . Deceased

Fulton, D o nald Horace

T hemar , John D . 3523 W . 6 Ist Stre et Chi ca go 29. Ill inois

Vernal. Utah

Clark, Howard 70 Midland Ave nu e East Orange . New Jersey

Corpe, Edsel L. U .S.F.S.

tht'F~s Edgar Allen


Log a n . Utah

Hancock , Norman V . Uta h Fis h 6 Game Dept. 1225 Kensington Sa lt La ke C ity . Utah Harris, Ra y mond Clive No address

~6s'JsA~st~alter Bliss

Hubbard, Richard L. U .S.P.S. SusaavUle . CaJi fornia Jamieson, Rob~rt H . 1125 Capitol Hill Ave . Reno . Nevada

Wunderlich, R. Eugene B.L.M . Box 511 Shoshone. Ida ho

1953 Abbott , Edwin B. U .S .F.S . Pine Rant;~er Dis t. Halfway . Oregon

Lantz:, Mahlon L. No a ddress Lewis, Don l!dward N. Pac. Salmon In vest. . U.S. P. & W .S. 2725 Montlake Blvd . Sea ttle 2 . Was hington McC.ammon, No a ddress

Carl Irvin

Mcintosh, jack Arnold I 029 Achoo Ave . Prineville . Oregon May., Warner T. B.L.M . 2510 Lovejoy Anchorage. Alaska

Middaugh, Alan Russell No <J ddress Neuhold, john Mathew Wildlife Dept. Utah State University Loga n . Utah Niehse:n, Mayo H . 90 orth 5th East Richfield . Uta h

Allen, jack Pickford U .S .F . & W.S . 128 51 West Brigham City , Utah Brann, Morton No address

Budge , Charles A. Chief Ranger Box 38 . Arizona Cochrane, james S . P .O. Box 1'190 Flagstaff . Ari<ona Dahl, Billie E. Co lorad o State University Akron . Co lorado Dimick, Edwin Glen No ad dress

P uller, Robert W. Vermont Fish & Game Dept. RFD Verge nnes . Vermont Gara, Robert lmre Grad. Student. Oregon State U . Cor vallis. Oregon

Ogd., n, Phil Reed


325 South 500 West Ce d<tr City . Utah Parsons, William Gatewood Box 386 Ely. Nevada

Peterson, Hal Wendell Utah Fish & Game Dept. Beave r . Utah Phelps, John Edwin Utah Fish & Game Dept. 1596 W . N . Temple Salt La ke City. Utah Rodgers, Richard S . Crescen t Lake Wildlife Refuge Ells worth. Nebraska Sanger, Paul Mark No a ddress Schowe, William B.L. M. 4913 S. State Murray. Utah Shairani , Jamll ~ ur , Rahman 281 White Road Que tta , W est Pakis tan

Giertsen, Owen Nordahl 714-8ht Avenue Le wiston . Idaho Gorman, Jame:s AJle:n No address

Hart, Virgil Lee B.L.M . Craig . Co lorado Heald, Lawrence Wesley Box 51 Lame Deer . Montana Heninger, Richard D . Box 132 Re se rve , N e w Mexico

iibbert, Delvan Dee Ida ho Fish & Game Dept . 343 North 4th Street Montpe lter . Idaho Irving, Robert Bruce Thain Road . Post Office Lewiston . Idaho

Jensen, )ens Crosby B.L.M. Ce dar Ci ty. Utah

Shaw, Warren D., Jr . 695 Middle Rincon Road Santa Rosa . Cali fornia

King, Donald J . Nevada Fish & Game Dept. 1117 Sewell Drive Elko. Nevada

Sneva, Forrest A . A. R.S . Box 833

McElroy, Harold U .S.F.S . Bis hop . Ca lifornia

Burns , Oregon ~Thomson, Alan Parks

3632 Ownes Way North Highlands. Ca lifornia

Jj~g"Oiiv~icg,~:~t Dale Denver 20 . Colorado Ulrich, Richard A. B.L.M. Eugene . Oregon Van C lea ve, Robert E . Rt. I Tenn . Co lony . Texas Wadsworth , H . Wayne 2614 L Street. N .W . Was hington . D. C. Weissert , Richard H. Uinta National Forest Provo . Utah

Wolf, Kenneth E. U .S. F .W .S . Eastern Fish Disease Lab . Kearneysville , West Virginia

\llcKinnie, Harold A. No address McLean, Alastair Ca nada Ran . Exp . Sta . Box 3'10 Kamloops. B.C.. Ca nada Mitchel, James Leroy 838 Hardy S .W . Albuquerque . New Mexico Murdy, Horatio William North Dakota Fish & Game Dept.



Roll, Theodore August Dist. Ranger . U .S . F.S . Cibola National Forest Ga llup . New Mexico

Haines, Walter No a ddress

Rudersdorf , Ward ) . 703 Cherry Lane East Lans ing . Michigan


~eggles~}a 'i4s F. jac kson . Ca lifornia


Shelly, james Norbert 2 Monroe Heights Cortland . New York Skelly , joseph Stephen 39 13 N . Millbrook Road Peori a. Illinois :imith , Donald Allen 754 Oakley Salt La ke Ci ty. Utah Smith , Lenard Dale Box 223 Wells. Nevada Smith, Walter E . U.S .F .S . Box 8 Pisgah Fores t. North Carolina SBencer , Howard E ., Jr .


Harrison, Ronald Deane 77 Ea s t I st Street

Richfield . Utah

Hayter, Donald K. No address Hoffmann, james Allen 5e~ : DSA.ut Research Lab. Pullman , Washington Hudson, Russell H. J. Neils Lumber Co . ( Div . of St. Regis Paper Co.) Libby . Montana

Johnson, john H . Kirby Lumber Co. Box 217 Kirbyville . Texas )ulander, Rollo Penney Alpine Ranger Station Alpine , Arizona Kun<, Thiel A . U .S.F .S. Oist. Ranger Randolph . Utah


Thorsted, Glen J. No address Vallentine , john Franklin Ext. For .- Rng . Mgt. Uta h State University Logan . Utah

Nebeker, Howard D . U .S.F .S . P .O . Box 47 Hathaway Pinos . Calif.

Whitlock, Clair M. B.L.M . H9 Walnut Elko . Nevada

Nelson, James Leslie 503 Dufferin Sas katoon . Sas katchwan. Can .

1954 Abate, james john C learfie ld High School C lea rfi e ld . Utah Alfano, Sam S. 30 I Yz Knotts Street Bakersfield. Calif. Bolander, Donald H . U.S . F .S .. Carson Nat!. For . Questa R.D . Ques ta . Ne w Mexico Burt, Donald F . B.L.M. Cedar C ity . Utah Butterfield, Neil A 24 0 Street. N .E. Ephrata. W as hington Call, Mayo White Unive rs ity of Wyoming Laramie . Wyoming Christensen, Reed C. 1'16 Wes t 5th North Spanish Fork . Utah Conder , john Robert I 13 Beec h Avenue Camden. Tennessee

5~srF'iW.ts . AI an M . Forest Park Road Muskegon . Michigan Crezee , Darwin U.S . F .S . 1017 Walker Or . N .E. Albuquerqu e. New Mexico

Edwards, Harold U.S .F .S. Box 368 Ephraim . Utah Ellis, Andrew P . U.S .F.S. Mayhill Ranger Station Mayhill . New Mexico

a~b~rg~ll , john F .

Malad . Idaho Niskala, George R. No a ddress Rognrud, Merle J. Montana Fish & Game Dept . Missoula . Montana Sawyer, Ralph H. Route I Orofino . Idaho Schultz, Robert Lewis P .O . Box 748 Mo ntrose 3. Colorado Sims, john DeLisle U .S .F. S. Drake Rang . Oist. Paulden . Arizona Sparks, Earl Utah Fis h & Game Dept . 1596 W . N. Temple Salt Lake Ci ty . Utah Trueblood, Richard Wa)Jne Mon ta na Fi sh & Game Dept. Helena. Montana Vail, Robert S. No address Webb, Edward Lloyd Mesa. Arizona West , Lewis Paul, Jr. 7112 Reeds Road Overla nd Park . Kansas Williamson, Mablon Jean No add ress Winkel. Philo Gardner U.S.F.S . Big Bear City. California

1955 Bartonek, james C. Grad. Student Unive•si ty of Wisconsin Madison . Wisconsin

Norell . Richard C. Game Biolo gi s t Box 22'1 Casca de . Idaho

Penton, Benjamin W. , Jr. U .S .F .S. 1965 C hestn ut Avenue Beuna Vis ta , Virginia

Parker, Richard Alan 5'1-A North Fairway Pullman , Washington

Ford, Glenn E. 1695 Normal Burl ey . Ida ho

Brown , David MonrM 4155 Center St. N.E . Salem . Oregon

Rice, Carl Morton 3 121 T a malpoi s Way Sacramento 21 . Calif.

Granlelt, Carl Eric B. I.A . White Rive r , Arizo na

f2flf N~~i;'l~~}¡or. S .W . T aco ma 99. Wa s hington

Brandvik , Arthur

% Western Cattle Company Co. Rosebud . Montana





f9h 8~~1,· s~~~hrtE~~t ro n . South Dakota •ok, Donald Robert l Federal Building .; men ton. Albe rta . Cana da

Ferguson, Robert B. Int . F & R Exr. Sta. ~~1seE l~h~tle t.

Fishbaugh, William D . 374 North 2 East Logan . Utah Hafterson, John A. U .S.P .S. Box 698 Clif ton . Arizona

Bjornn, Ted C . Box 632 Salmon. Idaho

Jennings, Dearden A.. 6 I 9-27th Street Ogden. Utah

Bones, (James) Tronchard Box 29 1 Dou gla s . Alaska

Stokes, Richard W. Rt. 5 . Box 67 Port Orchard. Washington

Jensen, Morgan S. Emery . Utah

Bruson , Rollo Henry 150 North 700 West Ce dar City. Utah

Taylor, Lawrence Elvidge No address

Kinsinger, Ployd E. Fort Hays Kansas State College Hays. Kansas

Buffington, Robert 0. B. L. M. 748 N . Almemarle St.

Vaitkus, Benjamin A.. B. L.M. Box 1092 Medford. Oregon

Al exa ndria . Virginia

Bunting, James Preston Kana b . Utah

Hales, Donald C. 3930 Was hington Blvd . Ogden. Utah Hilmon, Junior Bristo U .S. F.S. 71 Palm Tree Terrace Port Meyers . Florida

Clark, William Jessee Ass' t. Prof. Biology 703 Cherry Col lege Station . Texas

Bowman. Kenneth James

Rang er


Emmett. Idaho

Burkert, Kenneth C. Deceased Gasior, Kenneth V. No a ddress

Gloeckler, Herbert Reichraming , Oberosterreich. Austria

M1lls, John A. 2211 West 37 Avenue Vancoucer 13 . B.C .. Canada

Gomm, Pred B. 1010 W . Babcock Boze man. Montana

Naraballobh, Vallobh Rajprarobh Road Ba ngk ok . Thailand

Hensel , Richard No address



nigh~~Se, Paul


Fo res t Service Building O dgen . Utah


Walstrom, Jack W. Dist. II Game. Forestation , & Parks Cornm .

Ba sse tt . Nebraska

Wardleigh, Ronald D. U .S . F .S. Ogden, Utah \Veast , Gerald Route 1 Boise . Idaho

Young, Stanford N . P.S. 532 N . Thomas Street Arlingt on 3. Virginia


1956 Abedi Shirazi Mohammad Amuzeshgah ali Jangal va Marta Gorgan .



Melander, William C. Bo x 109. Davis Dam Route Kingman . Arizona Moore, Thomas A. 6038 W . Ca talina Dri ve Phoenix. Arizona

Murrell, Stuart L. R1 ver Bas in Studies Box 280 Anchorage . Alas ka

Olsor. , Harold P. Cimarron Avenue Aztec. New Mexico

Pendle ton , Donald Leloy B.L. M . Salmon. Idaho

Corn, Donald G. Bear Springs R .S . Maupin , Oregon

Porter, Llewellyn R., Jr. Bo x 115 Brigham City . Utah

Coziah, Calvin E. No address

Pratt, Clarence E. W as h . Fish & Game Dept . 600 N. Capito l Way Olympia . Washington

DeBano, Leonard P.

I r. Spec.. School of Forestry Berke ley 1. Calif. P arnsworth, Clair Uranium


lrby , Charles Henry 120 Eas t 6th North Logan. Utah

Bo x 1039 Moab . Utah

lenni , Donald A. Biology Dept.

Gabettas, James , Jr. B. L. M . Bo x 242 Shhoshone. Idaho

g~: ~=~~ii~Ye .o fF~~~di:a

Masellis, Nicholas 727 Edinburgh St. San Francisco 12. Calif.

Corbridge, Eugene L. B.L.M. Ba ttle Mountain . Nevada

~2n~3"Mi~rfo~fd cH~[I'n ia


Rasm usson, /ucl B. B. L.M .. Asst. Dist. Mgr . Pinedale . Wyoming Reynolds, Temple A. Uta h Fish & Game Dept. I 170 Re dondo Avenue Sa lt Lake City. Utah Ritchie , Dee R. U. S. F.S . . Pishlake Nat'!. Forest Be aver. Utah Shearer, Raymond C. U .S. For. & Ran. Exp. Sta.

Jensen, Franklin R . U .S.F.S .. Box 71 Pres ton . Idaho

Gibbons, Robert D. 282 Agriculture Bldg . Arizona State University Tempe . Arizona

Kuhlman, Karl B. 1907 Allan Street Sioux City. Iowa

Golesorkhi, Nasser Ministry of Agriculture Tehran . Iran

Lee, Henry S . U .S . F.S . Lamiolle . R . D . Lami o lle . Nevada

Hall, Victor M. No address

Stroops, Eugene D. 1320Y, 3rd Avenue South Great Falls . Montana

Lougee , Donald Earl No address

Harvey, Edward A. U .S.F .S .. Boise Nat'!. Forest Lowman R . D . Boise. Idaho

Sugden, Lawson Canadian Wildlife Sevrice Federal Bldg . Edmo nton , Alberta , Canada

McFadden, Daniel H. 5000 Wymosa Lane Boise. Idaho

Camp Hill . Pennsy lvani a


Sikorowski, Piotr Grad. Student. Wash . State U. Pullman. Washington

Bills , Jack Edward U.S.F .S . Wasatch Nat!. Forest Sa lt Lake City . Utah


WJnN~rtf 27:~n S~~e/'·

Sutter, Harald Stocklstrasse 8 , Salzburg . Austria

Mirhaydar , Hosse:in Shahbaz Avenue Roohi Street 18 Teheran. Iran

Heller, Thomas H . B.L.M . Shoshone. Idaho

~~~dt~~Fs~n Ds:~e;l

Oberacker , Donald Peters No address

Hirschi, Elvias Birrell B.L.M. Malta . Montana

Warren, Sam E . U .S .F .S .. Cha llis Nat'!. For . Challis . Idaho

Papez, Nick J. Ne va da Fish & Game Dept. Box 61 . Elko . Nevada

Hooper , John F . Ashley Nat'!. Fores t. D-2 Vernal. Utah

Williams, Gerald B.L.M. Box I 101 Salmon . Idaho

Picht, (Cyde) Wendell 1255 E . Parkway Ave . Salt Lake City. Utah Roshdieh , Ziaedin Mohammad Fores t Bongah Ferdowsky Square Tehrrtn . Iran

Applegate, (Lewis) Paul B. L.M . Fillmore . Utah


Cahill, Harold B. Los P ad rts Nat'!. Forest Federal Bldg . Santa Ba rbara . California

Lawler, Robert E . 293 Locust Street Midvale . Utah


Wheeler, Richard A. Cokevill e Rang e r Station Box 308 Co keville . Wyoming

Younger , Ronald B.L.M . P .O. Box 587 Burns. Oregon


U.S. F .S. Regional Office Federal Bldg . 517 Gold St. Albuqu e rque . New Mexico

Martin , Jerry Roy 180 1 South Ninth Salina . Kan s as

Turner, Robert B. % Nora lf Nessett Cheyenne Agency South Dakota

~gWe~itc, 3 !dse~~ut~·


Lodzinski, David P. B.L. M . Boise. Idaho

Taylor, Glen North 9 11 Fore st Vie w Avenue Sa lt Lake City. Utah



Gates, Dillard H . Dept. of For . & Rng. Mgt. Washington State College Pullman .Washington

Smith, Robert Irvin U .S. F . W .S. Bio logi s t. Patuxent Wildlife Re s. Lau rel. Maryland

Watts, Wallace James 1332 West 9th North Sa lt La ke Ci ty . Utah

Elder. Franklin Silas U.S.F.S .

Hoffman. M. Eugene White Pine Ra nger Dist. Ely . Nevada Johnson, Robert E. 11636 G lamis St. Lakeview Terrace, Cali f.

Kraai, Keith D. No address

Ross, Reginald Arthur B. L. M. Price . Utah Ruetz, Eugene Paul Box 61 Baldwin . Wiscon s in

Huffman, Richard 7190 South 2870 Eas t Salt Lake City 14 . Utah Husain , Tahir 278 White Road Quett a. Pakistan

Idaho Falls. Idaho

Workman , Gar W. I ;og College Apts. Utah State University Logan . Utah


Ibrahim, Kamal Moustafa Utah State Uni versity P .O . Box 279 Logan . Utah

Applegate, Martel U .S.F.S. Mt . Pleasant . Utah

Isaacson , Harold E. Box 801 B.L.M. Elko . Nevada

Bennett, Merle 0. Bocque del Apache Refuge Bo x 1 San Antonia. New Mexico

Biesinger, Kenneth E. General De livery Wasilla . Alaska

Kiger, john H .• Jr. Star Route I Box 14 La s Veg as. Nevada

Snell, James D. No ad dress Snyder, Walter A. 37 Orchard Park Dexter. New Mexico

Bonnell , Robert lntermt. School Bldg. 69. Apt. 12 Brigham C ity . Utah

Kruse , Arnold D . Shi awassee Nat ' !. W ild . Refuge Saginaw . Michigan

Brockmann , David D. Box 119 Bonners Ferry, Idaho

Kyselka , Jack Van , Jr. P .O. Box 1490 Flagstaff . Arizona

Brown, Roscoe 0. No add ress

Mead , David Raymond 730 Gra nt Twin Fal ls. Idaho

Brunner, Be rnard H. U.S. F.S .. Santa Fe Nat '!. For .

Meyer , Cha rles H ., Jr . No address

~ adlorB ~of Joe 0 11 E!ko. Ne va da

Mishra, Parsu Ram Vili.-Kurka P.O. - Deo. Di s t. -Gaya Bihar. India

Ward , Donne! J. U.S. F .S. P .O. Box 539 Ely . Nevada

Mitchell. E rnest Lynn U.S. F .S . 53 2 No rth Main T ooe le . Utah

Williamson, Robert M. Box 1490 Flagstaff. Ar izona


k~ nr~F!~iN'et~n Mexico

Bailey, Leslie Edgar Box 401 Fairfield. Idaho Carroll , Kent P. Utah State Uni ve rsity Logan. Ut a h


E lme r

Daniels, Roy H. 839 Hillcrest Logan . Utah Duncan, Elmer S. B.L. M. Richfield . Utah

DeRoos, Roger McClean 1962 W . Winton Ave nue Ha yward . California DeRoos, Carolyn C. 1962 W . Winton Avenue Haywa rd , California Dolph, Robert E., )r. 623 North 2nd East Logan . Utah Den.. psey, james M. Bryce Canyon Nat'!. Park Bryce Canyon . Utah Elliott, Thomas Dale B. L. M .. GS-7 2881 Campbe ll Roa d N.W . Albuque rque . New Mexico Ga tes , Gerald H. 1609 Llifford Pullman . Washington

Murphy , Lester james Dept. o f Forestry University of Michigan Ann Arbor . Mich igan Nebe ker, Don T. U .S.F .S. Custer . South Dakota

f6~es. RJ~~ra~~ J. Pullm an . Was~ington Pieper , Rex D . 211 I M cKi nl ey A ven ue. Apt. Be rk e ley 3. California

Platts, William S. I I 13 Ce dar Dr. Lew is ton . Idaho Redfearn , Don E . P .O. Bo x 566 Monte Vista. Co lorado Resch, Helmuth Fores try Dep_t. Utah State Unive rsi ty Lo gan . Ut a h

Dotson, Phil Bo x 41 Pri ce . Utah

tt:aah"S'ta~ehap~~~ LoeGame Dept . Valle y View Highway Lo gan . Utah Stewa rt , J. Bir che ll , Jr . U.S. F .S .. Di v. Engineer ing Ogden. Utah

U. Perth Amboy . New Jersey

Rushton, Stephen M. U .S.F.S . Au s tin . Nevada

Dittmer, Kenneth R. U.S.F.S. Elko. Nevada Despain, Merrill L. Targhee Na t '!. Forest St. Anthony. Idaho Derr, Otto E. -1 61 Wes t 2nd South Logan. Utah

Deeming. j ohn E. (L t. ) 562HA De pt. I. 1s t Weathe r Wg . Box 50 APO 925. San Francisco. Ca lif.

Winters, Arthur 0 . U .S. Bureau of Reclamation O gden . Utah Wolfe , Marvin L. U.S.F.S. Box 174 Jackson. Wy o ming

Davis, William P. U. S.F .S. Heber City. Utah

Duda, Teddy M. U .S.F.S .. Box 8 Lone Pine . California Eliason, Alan D. 325 South 3 rd West Logan . Utah

Zobell , Keith U.S.F.S. Packwood . Washmgwn

Emde n, Albert C. B. L.M. Medford. Oregon

1959 Barke r, Rodman Nicholas Targhee Na t' !. Forest Ashton. Idaho Bates, James William Sta te Fish & Game Dept. Parowa n. Ut ah

Fair, Edwin B. i OO S. East S t. Elizabethton. Tennessee Fene, Kim M. Theodore Roosevel t Nat'!. M em. Pa rk Medo ra. No rth Dakota

Pi ll, Charles R . 23 -1 Vill a ge Lane Boise. Idaho

Baxter , Garth U .S.F.S . Ge n. Delive ry Jac kson . Wyoming

Gebhards , Stacy V . 503 E. Main Je rome. Idaho

Beaver, Howard G. No a ddress


~{ct~w~ug~r e~t

Donovan, john ). 26 Pondfield Rd . Wes t Bronxville . N e w York

Beardall, Louis E. Teton Nat '!. Fores t Jackson Hole . Wyoming

Glenn. john R . U .S. F .S. Bridger Nat'!. Foreft Kemmerer. Wyoming

Bersetb , William D. Dept. of Generics Una ve rslty o f Ca lifornia Berkeley . Ca lifo rnia

Hansen, Refuge Havasu Parker.

Binando, Jame s Ca ld . Oiv . of Forestry 1000 C ypress St. Reddmg. Ca lifornia

Hanson, Mi chael Larry U .S. F .S. Ce dar C ity , Utah

Bl ack ard, Jerr y J. Up per Mississippi Waterfowl Refuge Winona . Minnesota

Darby . Montana

Burrows, Ervin C. 390 North 1st East Pleasant Grove . Utah

Ho ugaard , John L. M a nti -LaSa J Nat'!. For . BJx 127 Moab . Utah j ac kson, Ned R . Box 1030 G a llup . New Mexico

Keith S . . Mgr. Lake Nat'!. Wild. Ref. Rrizona

Ga tes, john Manley ' Dept. of For. & Wid . Mgt. 424 Uni versity Farm Pl ace Unive rs ity o f Wisconsin Mad1son . Wisconsin

Russell , T heodore V. Ton to Na ti ona l Forest Phoenix . Arizo na

Grover, F ranklin H . U .S. F.S . Box 54 Kamas . Utah

Ry der, Ronald Co ll ege of Fores try & Range Mgmt. Co lorado State Uni versity Ft. Co llins. Colorado

Gurr, George R. 9 Co lum bia Street Farmingda le. New York

Cedar C ity . Utah

Hassell , Milo Jean U.S .F.S. Coconino Nat '!. Forest Flagstaff . Ar izona

Scott, Steve A. U .S.F.S. F .S . Bldg . St. Anthony. Idaho

Butler, Ross E. U.S . F .S. Ceda r City. Utah

Hibbert, Alden R . Rt . 2 . Box 99 Franklin . North Carolina

Scott, Norman Collins Box 245 Berkeley. Calif.

Cadzow, Geo rg e A Shasta-Trinity Nat'!. Redding . Cali fo rnia

Schoumacher, Rog e r Camp Fairwood Be ll aire. Michig an

Ca rpenter, Boyd H . U. S.F .S. O gden . Ut ah

Selby, William Edwin U .S . F .S . Okanogan. Washington

Cisco, Ralph C . U.S. F .S. Hail ey. Idaho

Shields, Robert H . Refuge Mgr . Kirwin Nat ' !. Wild . Mgt. Area Kirwin . Kansas

Cox, Ted E . U.S.F.S. 3 I 5 North 8th East Mountain Ho me , Idaho

Keddy, David P . U .S. F.S. Coy o te . N ew Mexico

Smart, Earl W . Webe r College Ogden . U tah

Cloward , Philip V . U.S.F.S . Richfield . U tah

Keetch , Max R. U .S. F .S . 1908 N. McKinley Poca tello . Id aho

Smith, Allen J. Box 37 Well s. Nevada

Dahlen , Robert W Rt. I . Box 284 Prineville. Oregon

Smith, Richard Stanley, Jr . Uni ve rsi ty o f Ca lifornia Berkeley , Ca lifornia

Daehler , Ralph E. Box 1761. Asst. Dist. For. Hila . Hawaii

Smith , Ronald Henry 143 E . Po lk Scottsdale . Arizona

Davies, Ro bert R. U.S.F.S . Vernal . Utah

• Hickman, Jim L. U.S.F .S . Plains Rng . Dis t. Pl ams. Mo ntana

Holtman , Darrell C. U .S . F .S .. Caribou Nat ' !. For. Soda Springs R. D. Soda Springs. Idaho Hooper, Donald H . U. S. F .S .. Dist. Rng . Buffalo . Wyo ming Jen sen , Dennis B. U .S .F .S. Beaver . Utah

Johnson, Wendell J. U .S. F.S . O gde n . Utah )uneidi , Mahmud Jibril Fores try Dept. Amman . Jordan



t~ sa~es . Ward Fra nklin Jr .

Fo res t

~-~~o8;,}";5;' D.

Jensen, D . Arlen B. L. M . e dar C1ty . Utah Jensen , Lee W. Gunnison Nat '!. For. Paonia Dist. Delta. Co lo rado

j oh nson, Fred Allen No address

Kinsk y, Arthur Michael Utah Fish & Game Dept. 1596 W . N . Temple Sa lt Lake Ci ty . Utah Kirch , Elden Bo x 183 Lu s k . Wyo ming Kl ei nsmith , Dean S . Upham . North Dakota


Kline, LeRoy N. U.S . F .S .. Boise Res . Center 116 East Myrtle St. Boise. Id a ho Ldcy, Charles Harper Rt. 2. Sioux Falls South Dako ta

Lillie , Robert M. U.S . F.S . Deadwood . South Dakota Lis t , P e te r

Vorau 92. Stmk .. Aus tria

Alexandria . Virgin ia

Lollock , Donald Leo P .O. Box I Fish & Game Dept. El Granada . Ca lifornia Long , Wa y ne E. USU Col!. o f Forestry Graduate- Student

Ut ah

McKen zie, G regorio 0 . U.S.F.S. Box 698 C lifton,

A rizona

Albuque rque ,

N ew

Skablund , Paul H . U .S.F.S. Mt Pl easa nt , Utah

Carlson, John D . U .S.F .S . Beave r. Utah

lreand, William E.. No address

Smith, Ri chard F . Kame hameha Schools . Prep. Dept.

Condie, Vernon Logan . Utah No address

)aobsen, Robert LeRoy U ... F .S. Pats . Idaho

Draper , Joseph Alan U .S.F .S . Box 969 Pocatello . Ida ho

28;) 19th Street


Mexi co

Mayo, James M . 8 !4 Uni ve rs ity Apts . Logan . Utah Naughton , Gary G . B.T. .M . 1420 2nd St. Baker. Oregon

Ndson , Gary 1785 Ramona Avenue Sa lt La ke Ci ty . Utah Nelson, Kendall L . G ra d . Student U ta h Sta te Uni ve rsity

Logan , U ta h

Stevens , Gordon J. 304 N . 1400 Wes t Cedar Ci ty . Utah

Oberholtzer , Mel v in C. Wyoming Fish & Game Dept . Box 378

Oshima, Edwin 2 10 M ain Boise. Idaho

Pangman , Hugh G. U .S. F.S . 5 11 Avenue I Boise . Idaho Peterson, Gary E.

U .S . F.S . Kamas . Ut ah Pettingill , Erie L. No add ress Pint , William E . , Jr . Supv. Office U .S. F .S. G lenw ood Sprin gs. Co lo . Prince,

J. Merle

U .S.F.S. Delta . Co lorado

Davis, Glen M . 256 E. 4th N. Price . Utah

Strunk , Tom Henry

U .S. Army No add ress Sullivan, john 0 . U .S. Pa rk Service No ad dress The, mpson , Jack Everad U niversity of V e rmont Burlington , Vermont

Kachke , Marvin U ... F.S . Sin ry Ann Game 5tation Rrv, Mor.tar.a

Ki1ball, )ames U ... F.S. Sal La ke C ity . Uta t

E!dlelson , james L . Bo ise Nat. Forest Boise. Ida ho

Kl cu, James 55 1 North 1st East Loan , U tah

E llison , Richard A. U .S. F.S .. R.S .

Krihnamra, Judha Ro·a l Forest Dept. Ba kok. Thialand

Livingston .


Le, is, Wesley E.

Ca lifo rn ia

Sh a ta La ke Dist. Red ing . Ca lifornia

Walker, Peter ) . U .S.F.S. M alta . Idaho

Evans, H oward L .

No addre>S

U .~ F . S .

No ad dress

Lis n bee, Ronald

Winn, David S . (Lt . ) 0869i9 Avn . Sec . 2nd How. Bn .. 83 'IPO 39. N .Y. N .Y.

F ricke, John Ut ah Fish & Game Dept. Rt. 2 RFD Brigha m City . Uta h

B0> liS Du : h John . Utah

Wirth , Archer W . Ashley Nat '!. Forest Duches ne . Utah

Puller, Frederick H . U .S.F.S. California No address

Cova lli s.

Ga rcia , David R . B.L. M . Oregon No ad dress

~tc_: a iro ey,

Yuill. Th omas M .


Zohner, Dahl L. U .S.F.S. Ely . Nevada

Gee, William P .

U .S. Army Beaver Brood Road

Forge Village . M ass.

1960 Adams , John K. Grad. Student. USU Box 232 Logan . Utah Alger , Ri c hard H . Private Road Winnetk a. Illinois

And e rson, Ri chard D . 37 N . Hunt Drvie M esa. Arizona

Anderson, Wa y ne G . U .S. F .S. W asatc h Nat'!. Forest S~lt Lake Ci ty . U tah

Arnold, Billy B. Utah Fish & Game Dept. Box 529 Ce dar City . Utah Arnold, Charles Thomas U .S. F .S . Leadore R.S .. Ass t. D .F. Leadore . Ida ho Baile y, Samud John Nu add ress Bingham ,

P rank

B.L.M. Farmingt o n ,

N ew

M exico

Rolfso n, Varold P . Wash . Stat e Div . o f Pa rks & Rec . Rt . I . Bo x 24

Bird , Doug

O lympia . Wash1ngton

Ove rgaa rd . Arizona

St. Andre ', Gerald U .S . F .S.

Bobek , Ro bert E . U .S . F .S.

Boise Nation al Fo re s t

Big Piney. Wyoming

Binns, N. Allen Bo x 457

Giles , Kent B. L.M . Burns . O regon

Goddard , Steve 2685 V a n Buren Ogde n . Utah Goebel, Carl J. Rng. Mgt . Dept. Iowa Sta te Uni ve rsity Ame s , Iowa

~'Qn·B~~rr? Pen a Bl a nca. N ew Mexico

G rove, Ronald U.S. F.S . St. Anthony . Idaho

~TF~· ber~. s.

Nat'!. Fish Hatchery Whi te Sulphur Springs . W. Va .

Hanse n, Sheridan Clare 453 E. Cente r Richfield . Utah

Robert Uta h State Fish & Game Dept. 1910 W as h . Blvd. O gden . Ut ah Holt , Malcom U .S. F .S. Boise . Idaho

Boise Nat.

1596 W . N . T e mple Sa lt Lake City . Utah

Seefeldt , Ralph 209 W . Franklin

Bur zlaff, Do nald


MC.:leese, William L. 351 De lma r A ve nue C h ~ a Vista. California Mart,

J e rom~

170 Uni ve rsity Apt, . Lop n . Utah Ma.>rowicz, A . K.

B. LM. Ma a . Montana M a,h , Noel No ad dress

Me)en, William No a ddress Mi•talski , Willam J, Bu r of Indian Affa irs M e.:alero , New Mexico Moqan, Ri chard No Jdd ress Mo,o w , Robert Dan.itl u .~. s .

Fislake Nat 'l. Salta. Utah


Mo ·er ,

Thomas C .


Ca lif o rni a

u .~. s .

Nicell , Kenneth M . Ve ra!. Utah U. Fish & W ild. Ser. Bo> 471 But •r . Oklaho ma

Own, Rn K . U.S" .S . Box 178 Resrve . N ew Mexico

PetfSon, Raymond T.

u.s•. s.

Pindal e .

Horrocks , Tom Fish & Game Dept ..

Uni ve rsi ty o f N eb ras ka Linco ln , Neb ras ka


No a ddress

Olsn, Wayne f'isl Hatchery Mgr . Nat. Fish Hatchery l.eaville. Colo rado

~~s\~:s Sherman B. Fo res t


Loc Stanley K.Y . No a ddress

Haws, William D . U .S. F .S. Paris. Idaho Hinman,

Boise. Idaho

Li\lu gston, Gordon 457 W ashi ngt o n A-3

Nu nt , Gerald

Pinedale . Wyoming H eber Ran ger Sta ti on

U. ~ F .S.

Hassler, Thomas J. Dept of Wild. Res . U ta h State Uni versity Loga n . Uta h

Scouer. George W . 464 E ast Sth North Lo~a n . Utah

Virgini a


Bo lder. Co lorado

Pr os pect Ranger Station Pr os pect . Oregon

Wy o ming Fish & Gam e De pt.



Esplin, DeLoy H . U .S.F .S.

Ritchie, Don Clyde U .S. Air Fo rce No address

Bo ise. Idah o


Brigham Ci ty . Utah


Ogden , Wendell S. 43 W oo dlawn St. Fall River . Mass.

Duncan , Marvin P .

U .S. F .W .S . Bea r River Bird Refug e

Stott, Delmer C . U .S.F.S. Teasdale . Utah

N ish, Darrell H . 97 Nor th Sth West Logan. Ut ah

Cheyen ne.

17 , Hawaii

Vaughan , Donald E .

McKin ley, Ro bin 28 15 Rio Vista Ct. S.W.

Hul, Clairon Ut h Fish & Game Dept. 15'6 W . N . Tempi< Sat Lake City . Utah

Bismarc k . North Dakot a

Stone , Roderick C. Utah Fish & Game Dept. No add re ss

Lloyd, Russel Duane B. L. M . 2904 Sycamore St.


Shuwood , Glen Alan 1724 No rth 7th Street

Howell. Donald U .S.F.S .. R.S . Provo . Utah

Ca li f o rnia

Pflubeil, Ern .. st N. 56 •rego r-M ende l Viena , Au s tr ia Pou.en , WiJl iiam George: Ut a State Dei)t . of For . Sa lt Lake Cit Y'. lltah

Quinn , Jo hn T . Shoshon e Na t '!. Forest Painter . Wyoming

Bills, Sterling Wayne U .S . F.S. Susanville . Californ ia

Randall, Robert M. Wash. Sta te Dept. of Nat. Res . Raymond. Washington

Ja hnke , G unter Rudolph 1760 N . 75th St. Milwaukee . Wisconsin Jen se n , Thomas Lynn Utah State Un ive rsity Logan , Utah

Rich , Royal A. I 088 Crescent Dr. Logan. Uta h

Bowns , James Emerson Utah State Uni versi ty Logan. Ut a h

Kaufmann , Theodore Robert U.S.F.S. Council. Idaho

Rubink , Duane U.S. Navy Pensacola. Florida


Kau s hik , Daya Kis han Bho pal. In dia

Saloman, Carl U.S . F. & W .S. Flori d a No a ddress

Brown , Richard Roland No a ddres:s

Schmitke, Roger Dept. of Land & Fores t> Edmonton. Alberta . Catada 5chwart: rock, Herman 976 N . Jrd E. Loga n . Uta h

Sochia, Everett No a dd ress




Heber . Utah Strain, Vern No <tddr ess

Sykes, Dwane j . 929 P arn me l Court Arn e~ .

I owa

john Schatz

Rosebud. Ore gon

Burnette , Jame s Arlan U .S.F.S. Bend . Oregon CarroJI, Howard No a ddress

Clark, Richard joseph B.L . M . Denver . Colorado Cochrane , James William U.S . F.S. Idyll wi ld . Ca liforn ia

Cooper , Edwin Charles . S. Navy No address Coo per, Edwin Charles i 03 S. Walnut St. Boise. Ida ho

Thomas. Dec U .S. F .S . V ictor , Idaho

Crumbo, Daniel Bureau of Ind ian Affa irs No add ress

Townsend, Gerald 1709 Capi ta l Madison. Wisconsin

Cuplin , Paul E. Ida ho Fish & Ga me Dept. 518 Front S treet Boise . Idaho

Shipman, Jerry Don U .S. Arm y Ft. Ord , Ca lifo rnia Simonson , Dennie Lowell


Broa dus, Montana

Spal ding , Francis Lecompte, Jr. I ac kso n . Wyoming

Lee, Laurence Arthur 3282 Sou th I 3 East Sal • Lake City. Ut~h

Spillett, Ja mes Juan No add ress

Lewis , Clifford Eugene S . E. Forest & Rng . Exp . Sta . 107 Cre scen t Bldg . Ft. . Meyers. Florida

Sturqes , David Lewis Gra d Student. USU I 39 S. Center Logan . Utah


Chamberlain, Lee C. Glendale, Ut ah

S<vy, Jay Lowe U .S . F .S . 2538 South 18th East Salt Lake Ci ty . Utah

Lund , H erlul Gyde Ill, Lt. 050 USAINTS Fort 1-Jolabird Baltimore 19. Maryl and McCartney , Robert Bruce No add r ess Mogensen, Hans Lloyd Iowa Sta te Uni ve rs ity Am es. Io wa Mo mse n , Peter Hugh No add ress Mower . James Larry U .S.F.S . Richfield . U tah

Muhlhausen. Emil C . U. S. F .S . Ells worth . W 1sconsin Murdock, Benoy B.L.M. Bu rns . O regon

Murdock , Clarence No address


Suekawa , Robert T. No add ress Taylor, Kenneth W o rward 65 Poplar Stree t Newburgh. New York

Tramble, john Merrill U nive rs ity of Arizona Tucson . Arizona Van Zandt , Byron Neil B.L.M. Vale . Oregon

\Vebstcr, Bert P . U .S . F.S . Pmedale . Wyoming Weeks, Larry Merrill U .S . F .S . McCa ll. Ida ho White, La rr y M . B. L. M . Miles City . Montana Wilhelm, Carl S .. Jr . U.S . F.S. Cordo va , Alaska

U.S. F .S . ~I H North 6th . Box 58; Custe r. Sou th Dakota

Deiter, Jerry Alle n U .S.F .S .. Box i69 Springe rville . Arizona

Nason, George Wayne Box 34 Bassett , Nebraska

Williams, Henry Warrington Dept of Wi ld life Resources Ut a h State Uni ve rs ity Logan . Utah

Wendell<en, Arthur No addiess

Dutton , David William U .S .F .S. Box 548 Gold Beach . Oregon

Nie lsen, Larry Kent No address


Nodine , Gene N . 320 N . Pacific Dillon Monrana

Wright. James Kenneth No address

Yardley , W illiam Clill B. L. M . V e rn a l. Utah

Trow bridge: , Jim


Evans , Raymond Jensen Shade Creek Rng . Sta.

Williams, Lynn Francis

Hal sey . Nebraska

Albre:cht sen, Benny Ru: B.L.M . Moore , Utah

% Rocky Bar Stage

avt.r~. Gerald Wendell

Allred, Charl es R . U.S.F.S. Jackson Wyoming

Prandsen , Alma joel U .S . F .S . Kamas . Ut ah

Okelberry, Edwin Ra y Goshen , Uta h

Andrew'S , Paul Monsen B. L.M . Brighann Ci ty. Utah

Freeman , Don Wallace Box 53'1 Taos . N ew Mexico

Anhold, Melvin Ludwig U .S. P .S. Sa lt Lake Ci ty . Utah

Gates , jon Lyle Ut a h Fish & Ga me Dept. 1596 W . N . Temple Salt Lake City , Utah

Appel, Ri chard Ralph U .S . Navy Pensac(J)la, Florida

ts~J.'?.s . Russell Ronal d Idaho C ity. Idaho

tVS'~:scharles c . Wenatchee, Washing tot Baasher , Mustafa Mohanmed Sawakin. Sudan

Balph, David Finley 474 No r th 6th East Loga n , Utah

T59oni~i.' 2~'i8entou~~a¡ Sa lt Lru ke C ity , Utah Beardsl<ey, Donald B. Va lyer nno.

Cali forni a

~olsn~ili v~~esthilip Saraso t,a. Florida


Home , Idaho

Goede, Ronald William Lincoln. Nebraska Haddock , Ja y Larr y 157 Nroth 5th West Logan. Utah Hanson , Gord on H . U .S. P .W .S. Jac kson . Wyomi ng

Havnvik, Phillip Lou U.S.F. & W .S. Reno. Neva da Hicks, C harles Earl Uni ve rsi ty . o f Wa s hington Sea rrle. W as hington Hier , Herman Garrett Jr . 20 S. W . 4th A ve. Ga lva. Illi nois

Hill, Leon D . U .S.F . & W .S. Medi cine Lake . Mo nt ana

Benne tt , Jesse Harland Leh1. Utah

Hoo k , Donal Delose U .S.F.S . 120 Y, S . Owyhee St. Boise . Ida ho

Biesbrou:k , Joseph Allan Mii Ha rw Service No a d d ress

Howard , Don Michae l 1437 S . lOth East Salt Lake City, Ut oh

C raig . Colorado

Orr , David Sidney

Yeamans, Robert Irving B. L.M . Rock Spri ngs. Wyoming Yo ung , James Ambler No add re ss


Utah No add ress

Pengelly , William Leslie Mon tana Srate Uni ve rsity Missoula . Mo ntana Pres le y, George Lee U.S.F.S . Freedom . Wyoming Reid , Gordon Vernon U.S . F .S . Ut a h No ad dress

Rem und , Lynell RaJ! Ut a h Fish & Game Dept. Fi ll more . Ut a h Rey nolds, james Blair Iowa State Uni ve rs ity Am es . Iowa Richen s, Voit 8 .


Logan . Utah Robinson . Kent Edward U .S. Arm y Fort Sill. Okla ho ma Ro binso n, Thomas G . State FJSh Ha tche ry Ten Sleep . Wyoming

RoQers, j erry C. No ~ dd ress Satterfield , Kenneth B. L.M . Lewis ton . Monta na

















































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