,../HEBER BENNION, JR. '13 Secretary of State
Aggie Marriages On Sept ember 18, Evadeane Johns '~8 becam e th e bride of R ivers Y oung Gray. The young r.: ouple are now livin g in Logan where Mr. Gray is completing his sw dies at USA C. On August 23 Donna Barker became the bride of L ee 0 . H ansen at the L ogan L DS temple. Th e couple are makinl[ their home in L ogan wh ere Donna will teach at the m.ithfield Jun ior High school while her husban d com pier.-, his sw dics at th e colle~e . Ollie Jean N eilsen '41 ·1cas recently married to Julian Work, a graduate of the University of Utah. The couple are making th eir home in Salt Lake City. •
Robert Arnell '44 was recently married to Belva F. Larsen. They are making their home in Ogden, Utah, where Bob is a chemist at the Sperry General Mills. The Idaho Falls LDS Temple was the scene of the wedding of Rhea Hurst '38 and Irvin E. Gardner a BYU graduate, on November 26~ Rhea has been employed as home furnishings specialist with the Extension Division at USAC. She received her M. A. degree a t Cornell '£!n~vers~ty, and has completed a misswn m the northwestern states . . Mr. G?rdner is principal of the JUmor high school in Salem Utah, where the couple will mak~ their home. Harris Van Orden '38 was recently married in Pelham, New York, to Eleanor Young, a graduate of the Universit.Y of ~tah. The couple are makmg their home in Cambridge, Massachusetts.
Skeen Injured in Accident D .. A. Skeen '09, immediate past president of the Association and current member of the US A C Board of Truste2s, was injured in a automobile <;:o~sion in early November. Hospitalized for approximately two weeks, he is now finishing the job of recuperating at his h?me at 235 "A" Street in Salt Lake City. In a .r ecent visit with "D.A.", the Alumni Secret?ry found him going about the busm ess of getting back on his feet in a cheerful fram e of mind.. His interest in the College and Its w elfare is just as intense as ever, perhaps more so for Mr SJ<:<:en explained tha t he had bee~ g1vmg a lot of thou ght t o his alm a mater. During the visit, Mr. Skeen r evealed a ne w gra ndchild h ad r ecently been w elcomed into the family circle-a baby boy born on September 20 to Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Stein . Mrs. Stein is the former Eleanor Skeen '39. The famil y is maki ng a home at 228 Vill age L a ne B oise Idaho, w here Mr. Stein is ' ser ving as Executive Secr et ary .for th e Tuber cul osis Association of Id a ho. Page 2
Utah State Pushes Building Program; Agriculture and Forestry Hall Heads List "Building USAC is building Utah." With this as the theme, Utah State will ask the 1949 state legislature for funds to continue the construction program now under way. First on the list of urgently needed buildings is the Agriculture and Forestry Hall, for which $950,000 is being requested, President Franklin S. Harris said. The structure is needed for two chief r easons. One is the great increase in enrollment since the wa r. The other is the flood of insistent demands from all over th e state to solve problems encountered by farmers and homemakers. The research scientists of USAC r equire adequate facilities to pave th way for Utah's progress. Also essential is a new Nursery School building at an estimated cost of $40,000. The present one, adapted from old residence, is outmoded and over-crowdeed. It occupies the site chosen for the proposed Union Building and must be removed. Plans for a spacious Union are being developed by Architect Fred Markham of Provo, with ground breaking ceremonies set for this spring. College officials will ask the legislature for $80,000 for major repairs in 1949-51. High on the list of College needs is the Auditorium and Humanities building estimated to cost $750,000. The historic Main auditorium with its few hundred seats is adequate for some classes but is not at all large enough for the student body of today, when more than 4000 resident students throng the campus. Other building requests follow: Stock judging and exhibit pavilion, $100,000; dairy husbandry building, $30,000 ; a sum to complete poultry units, $30,000; beef cattle barns, $50,000; engineering laboratory building, $500,000; library addition, $150,000; aeronautics testing structure, $15,000; meats laboratory, $50,000 ; fruit and vegetable storage, $50,000; greenhouses, $50,000 . Dr. Harris has set salary increases as his No. 1 problem in faculty welfare this year. He has hopes that the legislature will provide the funds necessary. Efforts are being exerted to show that costs of living, the necessity of holding a first-rate staff, and other factors require substantial raises if the institution is to meet the demands placed upon it by the state. President Harris pointed out, however, that the new state law provides for regular appropriations on the basis of a "formula." Certain sums will be allotted according to enrollment and floor space weighted for such classifications as classrooms and laboratories. State employees are determined that the terms of the formula wll be applied uniformly to all state-supported institutions of higher learning.
happy to serve you!
THE UTAH STATE ALUMNI QUARTERLY Published quarterly by the Utah State Agricultural College Alumni Association at Logan, Utah. Entered as second-class matter at the post office in Logan, Utah, under the act of March 3, 1897. Subscription to the Alumni Quarterly is SLOO. It is included in the annual dues of $2.00 per alumnus or, $2.50 for husband and wife. Subscri ption is included in the As.sociation Life Membershi p.
NO. 1
Leonard W. McDonald, '39, Managing Editor Marian Smith '49, Gary Freeman '52, Assistants Herbert Champ. '49, Advertising Manager
CONTENTS Aggie Marriages ------------------- --·---------- --- ------ --- -------- -------- ---- ------Page 2 Utah State Building Program ____ ________ .... ____ _____ ___ __________ _____ _______ Page 2 Life Membership Honor RoiL __ ____ __ ________________________ __ _____ _____ ____ Page 3 The Alumni Family Page ----- --- ------ ---- --- ----- ----- -------- -- ---------- --- Page 4 Aggie Memo: " See Your Country Agenl"- --- -- ------- ----------- ----Page 5 Alumni and Campus Notes ............ ----- ------- ----- --------- -- ---------- ----Page 6 USAC Branch At Cedar City Meets Needs ........................ .... Page 7 Start The New Year RighL .... .. ---- -- ----------- ----------- ---- -- ------Pages 8, 9 What The Alumni Are Doing.... ·---- ---- ----------------- -- ----- -Pages 10-15 With The Class of '70 ______ ____ ___ ____ _______ __ ____ ____ __.... __ ________ __ ____Page 15 OFFICERS OF THE ALUMNI ASSOCIATION - 1948-49 W. W. Gardner, '21 President Leonard W. McDonald, '39 Executive Secretary and Treasurer Executive Committee W. W. Gardner, '21 Howard Calder, '37 Ray L. Lillywhite, '35 D. A. Skeen, '09 Orval W. Adams. 'x03 Karl T. Homer, '42 Leonard W. McDonald, '39, Executive Secretary (Includes Ralph S. Blackham, '40 Ray D. Garner, '24 Mary Leone Haight, '44 W. Adrian Wright, '32
Alumni CouncU all members on Executive Committee) Lucile Owen Petty, '26 C. J . Sorenson '14 Heber Bennion Jr., '13 Gronway R. Parry '14 Erwin Oement, '37 Henry R. Cooper, '34 Vern B. Muir, 'x22 0. C. Hammond, '24
Reed Bullen, '29, Pres. Logan Alumni Chapter Roland Dance, '36, Pres. Salt Lake City Chapter
Ex-Officio Members Bill Robins '49, Pres. Clair Hopkins, '35, Pres. USAC Studentbody Assoc. Uintah Basin Chapter Dr. Joseph E. Otte, '17, Pres. Denver, Chapter
COVER PAGE: The November election indicated that the people of Utah, by a substantial majority, want Alumnus Heber Bennion Jr., '13, to carry on as Secretary of State. This is the first time he had run for that office, having been appointed to it previously by Gover nor Herbert B. M~w upon the death of Secretary Monson. As Secretary, Mr. Bennion will serve on both the USAC Board of Trustees and the U of U Board of Regents as an ex officio member. Mr. Bennion is the first USAC Alumnus to be elected to such a high post in Utah. Mrs. Bennion is the former Vera Weiler '13. They make their home at 711-9t h Avenue, Salt Lake City. -Photo by J. M. Heslop '48
Honor Roll Alumni who have taken out Life Memberships in the Association since the publication of the last Quarterly. Those in bold-face t ype have completed payment. L incoln McClellan '37 D orothy Quinney McClella n '38 229 West 1st South Logan, Utah Clarence C. Cannon '39 413 North Atlantic A venue Boise, Idaho Orval W. Adams '03 1417 East 1st South Salt Lake City, Utah Sylvan E. Needham, Jr. 'x36 37 South 2nd West Logan, Utah Betty Morrell Lange '38 Norris, T ennessee Pres. Franklin S. Harris Mrs. Franklin S. Harris Campus Dr. Charles H. West ' 13 Box 152 Sanol, California Russell R. Rich '36 Margaret Cardon Rich '34 R.F.D. Smithfield, Utah Prof. George B. Caine ' 12 Campus Prof. H. B. Hunsaker '30 Campus Hope Reeder '31 Head Cataloger United N a tions Library Geneva , S witzerland Harold W. Da nce '48 McCulloch B-21 Soldiers Field Boston 63, Massachusetts George 0 . Matkin '43 Ruth P enrose Matkin 'x 44 1144 Vargood A venue Prov o, Utah Dr. Wy nn C. Earl '44 319 First Security B ank Ogden, Utah Lowell J . Roskelley '34 Richmond, Utah
Personalized Stationery Fine Printing 84 W. 1st North Phone 1800 LOGAN, UTAH
J. L.
Page 3
The Alumni Family Page Hyrum P . Holton Family Frederick Perry, age 9 years ; Hyrum ' 34; Mrs. Hollon, the former Eunice tout ; and Julia Barbara, age 3 years. The Holtons live at Henderson, Nevada. Reed Bullen Family Reed Jr., age 3 years; Mary Ann, 8 years; and Brooks, age 4 years. Children of Reed Bullen '29 and Kathryn Bowen 'x39 of Logan.
W. Adrian Wright Family Carolyn (Twin ), age 20 months ; Adrian ' 32; Kent l Twin ) , age 7 yea rs; Grayson, age 12 years ; Wallace, age 14 years; Edna Sm ith "32 ; Colleen f Twin ), age 20 month ; a nd Gary l1\ in ), age 7 years. Home address for the famil y is 1841 Y alecrest a Yen ue, Salt Lake City. Marvin E. Olsen Family Sherry, age 3 months; Leah Lewis Olsen '40; Michael Earl, 6 years; and Marvin E. Olsen '40. Marvin and Leah make their home at 204 North Main , Bountiful.
William B. Ward Familv Ann Lyn, age 7 years; Bracken, 5 years ; Christen, 3 years; Alan, 1 year; Thora Bracken Ward ex-Aggie; and Bill Ward '40. Grandchildren of Prof. and Mrs. Aaron Bracken '14. Bill and Thora reside at 103 Midwav ¡ Road, Ithaca, N. Y.
EDITOR'S NOTE Alumni members are in vited to submit su itable photographs of their Aggie Families for use on this page. All photographs should be on slick print paper and should not be larger than approximately 3 by 4 inches. Page 4
Memo to Utah Aggies: ~~see Your County Agent"! Extension Office Is College Headquarters In Your County By John St ewart. Extension Editor
Aggie alumni a~d the Extensi_on Service have a umque opportumty to be mutually helpful and add strength a nd dignity to the USAC. Perhaps you buzzed or struggled through College wit~out ever. h eari ng of the Extenswn Service or Alumni Association. As a student on the campus you might not have become acquainted with the work of either organization. But as an alum, living out in the state, you should be engaged in the activities of these important divisions of the College. USAC is really four institutions in one : the College proper, the Experiment Station, the E x tension Service, and the Alumni Association. The strength of the College is dependent to a large degree upon the strength and cooperation of the Extension Service and Alumni Association. Through its Extension Service the College has an office in every county of the state, except one (Daggett.) One or more faculty members of the College are stationed in each county, and others, stationed at the College, spend half or more of their time traveling throughout the state from county to county. These professors -known as county agricultural agents, home demonstration agents, and state extension specialists-are as much a part of the College as the English professor whose classes you enjoyed or cut. Their offices, in the county, close to where you live, are as much a part of the College as the bell in the tower of the Old Main. Aggie Leaders Needed So if you get homesick for your alma mammy drop into the extension office in your county and get acquainted with the agents-the "profs"-most of whom are also members of the Alumni Association to which y ou belong. The Extension Service needs the help of good Aggies-College trained men and women-to assist with its educational programs, as leaders of extension projects in the county. They in turn can help you. Trained in agriculture and home economics, these Extension w orkers can aid y ou with your farming, homemaking and community problems. They will supply you with College bulletins on various subjects. If you want to sign up for a correspondence home study course or get an extension class organized in your locality, the county agents can give you full information and make the necessary arrangements. Requests for lecturers, dramas, musical numbers, visual aids, and other College offerings should be made through your county agent.
e A BROADER PHILOS OPHY OF E X TENSION SERVICE WORK is_ envi;ioned by the Aggie Extension Service Administrators as they gathe~ around thetr chte/ ~or a conference .. . Seated, left to right : T~elm a _Hu.ber, S.u pervtsor of ho;ne eccon?mtcs programs; Dr. Carl Frischknecht, extenswn. dtrector ; and R. L. W n g_ley, asststant director and supervisor of Agricultural programs. Back row, left to n tsht: Dr. Le¡ Grande G. No ble supervisor of non-resident study programs; G. A lvm Carpenter, assistant director ' for county services; and David Sharp, Jr., supervisor of youth programs. The Extension Service has specialists in foods and nutrition, in recreation sociology, home management, marketing, soil conservation, and many other agricultural, homemaking and community building subjects. The services of one or more of these specialists can be obtained by contacting your county agent. A Junior Aggie Program If y ou would like your son or daughter to enjoy the advantages that come from being in 4-H Club work, remember it is the College Extension Service that has charge of this vast educational program. Four-H'ers, you know, are young Aggies. There are 8,500 of them in Utah this year. Your county agent is in need of good, capable men and women to lead these clubs. They would be glad to have you help them. There is no limit to the number of ways you can serve the College, and at the same time help yourself. Wide awake leaders are needed
by the Ex tension Service in farm , home and community improvement projects that the Extension Service concerns itself with the y ear around -such projects as dairy herd improvement work, furniture reupholstery schools, fly control campaigns, soil conservation, etc. Realizing that a strong Alumni Association is essential for a strong USAC, the Extension Service is anxious to cooperate in the formation of additional Alumni chapters throughout the state and in promotion of Alumni activities on a local and county basis. With cooperation of the alumni, the county offices of the USAC might serve as a spearhead for additional Association organization and activities. Practically all extension workers are USAC graduates. Director of the Ex tension Service is Dr. Carl Frischknecht, class of 1924; assistant director for ~eneral administration is R. L. Wngley, '11 ; assistant (Continued on Page 7)
Page 5
ALUMN I and CAM PUS NOTES 1949 Class Reunions Coming Up It isn't too early for USAC graduates to begin thinking of returning to the campus on next June 2nd and 3rd for class reunions and the College Commencement activities. This year alumni in the classes of 1944, 1939, 1934, 1929, 1924, and any other classes which might wish to, will observe their graduation anniversaries. The Alumni Office plans to assist again where ever possible in making the necessary arrangements for dinners. etc. If you are a member of any of the classes listed above, or of other classes which should be meeting this year, please drop a note to the Alumni Secretary. Your suggestions will be very much appreciated.
Aggie Football Squad Finishes Fourth e "HOD" SANDERS . . . general chairman of Salt Lake City festivities on Nov¡ ember 24.
Salt Lake Dinner Honors Athletes Alumni and Aggie students reached a high pitch of excitement as the various events planned for the annual pre-Thanksgiving Day football program got under way Wednesday, November 24, in Salt Lake City. Starting out at 5 p . m . a parade of students and floats wended its way from Hotel Utah to the Newhouse Hotel. There at 6 p. m . the annual Utah State athletic banquet, honoring the football and basketball teams of 1935 and 1936, was held, with Professor Moyle Q. Rice '36, acting as master of ceremonies. Responses were heard from all the team members present, together with a brief resume of the history of the four teams by "Quig" Nielsen '38. Supervising this year's traditional program in Salt Lake City was N. V. (Hod) Sanders '27 of Kaysville, who served as general alumni chairman of arrangements. He presided at the banquet. Following the dinner, alumni and students joined together to dance until after 12 midnight. Cleo Petty '36 and his band furnished the music. Members of the 1935 and 1936 squads in attendance were: Harold J. Hansen, Lloyd Elder, Harvey England, Karl Ferrin, Elmo Garff, Joe Whitesides, Dallas Greener, Dean Henderson, Joe Mabey, Tracy Maero, Cleo Petty, Cliff Poole, Willard Skousen, Floyd Slater, Shelby West, Bob Bunker, Ira Winger, Lawrence Mathews, Shirley Jackson, Floyd Rasmussen, and Rollie Gardner. P age 6
With their suits finally turned in after a 11 game football schedule, Utah State gridders could look back upon a season which placed them in fourth place in the Skylix Six conference. Wins were scored over BYU and Wyoming, but losses were sustained at the hands of Colorado A. & M., Denver and the Un iversity of Utah. Non-conference games ended with the Farmers scoring wins over Mon tana State, Montana University, a nd Arizona State, with losses t o Wichita University, and San Diego State. University of Utah took f irst place in the conference, Colorado A . & M ., second ; Denver, third; BYU, fifth ; and Wyoming, despite a better than average team, landed in the cellar with f ive losses out of five starts.
Aggie Grads and Former Students Included in S tale Legislature A considerable number of the members of the 1949 Utah Legislature are either USAC graduates or former students of the college. These include the following five in the Senate: L . Rulon Jenkins, Weber County ; Rue L . Clegg, Salt Lake ; B . Manning Jolly, and David H . Jones, Utah; and Orrice C. McShane, Beaver County. Aggies in the House of Representatives are : LeRoy D. White, Box Elder County; Cyril K. Munk and John A. Murch, Cache ; Lawrence B. Johnwn, Rich; Edward C. Larsen, Weber; Thomas M. Rees, Salt Lake ; Ernest H . Dean and Henry C. Roberts, Utah ; J . R. Bagnall, Sanpete ; LeRoy B. Smith, Millar.d ; E. Ray Lyman, Iron ; Wayne Hi'nton, Washington ; and Leland A. Mayers, Daggett County.
e JOE II/ HITES/ DES '36 . . . Aggie lmsketball coach.
Basketball Takes Spotlight at USAC Coach Joe Whitesides '36 ushered in his second year as head of the hoop sport at Utah State with a 47-39 win over Idaho State College before a turnout of some 3300 fans in the Aggie fieldhouse on Novem ber 29. It was a ragged game and indicated that the Farmer a ggregation would have to do some fast polishing up if it expected to win its share of 10 conference gam es scheduled beginning January 6. The Aggie team participated in a two night show in S alt Lake City December 3 and 4. The first nigh t the Farmer s played Oregon State and lost, but came back the n ext night to w in by one p oint over Ida ho University.
Basketball Schedule 1948 1949 Id ah o State @ Logan Oregon State @ Salt L ake Dec. 4 - Idaho < Salt Lake Dec. 10 - Montana State @ Logan Dec. 11 - Montana U . @ Logan Dec. 14 - Uni v. of Cal ' Berkley Dec. 20 - San J ose State @ Logan Dec. 21 - San Jose State @ Logan Dec. 28 - Regis College @ Denver Dec. 30 - Kan . St. Teachers @ Emporia Dec. 31 - Witchita @ Emporia Jan . 7 - Denver @ Logan Jan. 8 - Denver @ Logan J an. 14 - Colo. A. & M. c Logan Jan. 15 - Colo. A. & M. @ Logan Jan. 21 - BYU @ Provo Jan. 22 - BYU @ Provo Jan. 28 - Denver U @ Denver Jan. 29 -Denver U @ Denver Jan. 31 - Colo. A.&M. @ Ft. Collins Feb. 5 - Utah U @ Logan F eb. 7 - Utah U @ Salt Lake F eb. 11 - BYU @ Logan Feb. 12 - BYU @ Logan Feb. 18 - Wyoming @ Logan F eb . 19 - Wyoming @ Logan Feb. 25 - Utah U. @ Salt Lake F eb . 26 - Utah U. @ Logan Mar. 4 - Colo. A.&M.@ Ft. Collins Mar. 5 - Wyoming @ Laramie Mar. 7 -Wyoming @ Laramie
Nov. 29 Dec. 3 -
tensive improvements have taken place in the men's dormitory. A new rapport between the college and the communities it serves has also been achieved, particularly in the area of education. A council of superintendents of schools of the southern area now sits in with the administration and faculty at BAC and Dean of the School of Education at USAC in planning and carrying out the teacher training program. The schools of Cedar City are also cooperating fully in making their schools rooms and staffs available for assistance in training elementary teachers. Dr. E. A. Jacobsen has kept particularly close note of progress in this field In other areas there has been a new exchange of ideas. Since BAC has been made a residence training center new emphasis has been placed on extension courses and better community service. In the field of agriculture also, USAC deans and department heads have worked with BAC faculty members in improving the program to serve better the agricultural needs of the area. Further progress is in the making with plans going forward for the addition of an R. 0 . T. C. unit for e BAG ADMINISTRATORS SU RVEY SCHOOL PROGRESS . . . Seated, left to .. the southern branch.
right: Dr. H. Wayn e Driggs, director ; and Parley Dalley, professor of physical sciences. Standing, left to right : Harry !. Plummer, dean of students~ Hazen Cooley, assistant secretary; ¡and Dr. Reese P. Maughan, head of the educatwn department. Not shown in the photograph is Mrs. Karma P. Swindle, dean of women.
USAC Branch At Cedar City Meet Southern Utah Needs By Richard M. Row~ey, BAC Publicity Department Many significant milestones have marked progress at Branch Agricultural College in the past months, ~n the form l?f a . stron~er faculty, physical plant and new commumty-college relationships. Fme cooperation between the two centers of USAC-north and south-has made possible many of th':'s~ gains. . . . Most important is the additiOn of enough upper divisiOn work at BAC to make a full, well rounded program in elementary education. the first time at BAC. Related subBeginning with commencement jects in liberal arts are also being in 1949, the bachelor of science de- offered to bolster the education gree from the college will be con- training program and the already ferred in elementary education for approved agricultural offerings in the three fields of agronomy, animal husbandry, and agricultural economy. A new field house, modern and spacious, is well on the way toward completion, as is the new heating plant and the college commons building. Additional space in this building provides quarters for students during off hours in the form of featuring a soda fountain, lounge, student offices, darkroom facilities, a book store and a large cafeteria. The iNE cafeteria area, with tables and chairs out of the way, makes an EMININE ideal spot for small parties, also. New apartments have been added OOTWEAR to the women's dormitory, and ex-
Jack Morton's Shoe Store
5 West 1st No., Logan Phone 257-J
EDITORS NOTE: On December 12, the B.A.C. suffered a second major fir e in its /i/t y¡one year old history, when it$ library building was damaged to the ex tent of $200,000, in a fire which broke out in the attic of the building and destroyed th e entire third floor.
Aggie Memo(Continued from Page 5) director for county services, G. Alvin Carpenter, '35; supervisor of agricultural programs, Mr. Wrigley; supervisor of home economics programs, Miss Thelma Huber, '31; supervisor of youth programs, David Sharp, Jr., '13; and supervisor of non-residence study programs, Dr. LeGrande G. Noble, is a former Aggie student. Chairmen of county extension offices are the following professors: Beaver, Grant M. Esplin '43, Beaver; Box Elder, Robert H. Stewart, '10, Brigham City; Cache, Lloyd R. Hunsaker, '35, Logan; Carbon, Robert L. Hassell, Price ; Davis, DeLore Nichols, '17, Farmington; Duchesne, Louis A. Jensen, '39, Roosevelt ; Emery, Darrell H. Matthews, Castle Dale ; Garfield, Ray A. Thatcher, '42, Panguitch ; Grand, Lawrence C. Davis '40, Moab; Iron, Lamont Tueller, '31, Cedar City; Juab, Joseph F. Parrish, '33, Nephi; Kane, J . Reed Moore, '36, Kanab; Millard, Rodney G. Rickenbach, '45, Fillmore; Morgan, Curtis L . Willis, '47, Morgan ; Piute, G. Ray Burte nshaw, '40, Junction ; Rich, Harold H. Frederick, '26, Randolph; Salt Lake, V. L . Martineau, '12, Salt Lake City ; San Juan, Ernest 0 . Biggs, '26, Monticello ; Sanpete, Russell R. Keetch, '29, Manti; Sevier, Lew Mar Price, '17, Richfield; Summit, E. Lee Guymon, '29 Coalville; Tooele, A. E. Smith, '18, Tooele; Uintah, William C. Whitaker, '41, Vernal; Utah, S. R. Boswell, '16, Provo ; Wasatch, L. Darrell Stokes, '38, Heber City; Washington, Anson B. Call Jr., St. George; Wayne, LaZone Bagley, '40, Loa; Weber, A. L. Christiansen, '14, Ogden. Page 7
:lor Rememlerinlj . . . • The Friends of Your College Days • Your Years on the Aggie Campus • Your Professors
• • •
• With the Grow·th of Your School • The Tempo of Student Affairs • That Old Gang
•jiJe Alumni Quarterly" WILL DO THE JOB FOR YOU! (FILL OUT AND MAIL NOW ... GIVE THE ALUMNI OFFICE STAFF A BIG SURPRISE) Name ........................................................................................................... _Wife's or Husband's Name ......................................................... Address ..................................................................................................................................................... Class o-r Years ........................................ .. News Notes for the Next Quarterly...........................................................:...................................................................................................
I enclose $2.00......... , $2.50 (Joint} for My Alumni Dues ........ Put Me on the Life Membership Rolt ......... Part $5.00, Full $25.00 or Joint $35.00 ......... Page 8
Your Alumni Membership Helps the Associotion Sponsor . .. I. The Annual Homecoming Program 2. Class Reunions at Commencem·e nt 3. Chapter Parties and Organization 4. Special Privileges on Football and Basketball Tickets 5. Publication of Party Notices an·d "The Alumni Quarterly"
: \,1 '
6. Aggie Dinners and Get-togethers 7. Representation on the U.S.A.C. Board of Trustees and the Colleg-e Athletic Council 8. And Many Other Activities
Your Alumni Officers Solicit Your Support ANNUAL DUES ARE ONLY $2.00 A YEAR A Life Membership is $25.00 or Joint Membership $35.00 (Either Available on an annual payment basis of $5.00 or $7.00, respectively. per year)
What the Alumni Are Doing 1911-21 Coral Kerr Aldous '11 , associate professor of home economics a t Kansas State College, is now on sabbatica l leave. Dr. Alfred E. Aldous, her husband, passed away several years ago. General John Kenneth Cannon '14 has been named commanding general of the United States air forces in Europe. Since March of 1946 General Ca.nnon has been head of all air force training activities in the United States. From June, 1945,- to May of 1946, he was commander of all U . S . air forces in Europe, a post he has been called to resume. For his outstanding military service, Gene ral Cannon has been the recipient of man y honors from all the allied nations, including the distinguished service medal with two oak leaf clusters, the legion of merit, the knight commander of the British empire, the French croix de guerre with palm, and many others. His wife. the former Lavon Bennion. was graduated with the class of 1918. Lorin T. Oldroyd '16 is president of the Alaska District, Northwest States Mission, and director of the University of Alaska Extension Division. During the war he traveled by plane out to the army camps
Phone 444
254 North Main Logan
Page 10
e IR ENE RICH GARDNER '20 .. . her passing brings loss to Logan and College. ( ee Class Notes) on the Aleutians to organize meetings with LDS servicemen. Recently he was on the USAC campus for a brief visit. Ivor Sharp ' 17 has been appointed executive vice president of radio station KSL. Mr. sharp came to KSL in 1938 as assistant to the president and later was made vice president and general manager. Hyrum W. Flanders ' 21 is professor of metallurgical engineering at the University of Utah. H e and his wife, Della May Woolston, who was a former student, have two children, Ruth Elaine Young, whose husband is studying law ; and Edward Dean, who is in m edical school at the University of Utah. Irene Rich Gardner ' 20, w ife of Professor V. D. Gardner ' 22, head of the Utah State Agricultural college business department, died suddenly at her Logan home on November 12. H er passing was a profound shock to the college faculty and we extend our deepest sympathy to Professor Gardner and son, Dick. Mrs. Gardner attended school at the University of Southern California as well as the USAC. After graduation she taught school for several years in Grace, Idaho. She was a member of the American Association of University Women, member of the Clio Club of Logan, a nd past president of the USAC Faculty League. Mrs. Gardner was active also in the Logan Fifth and Eighteenth Wards, particularly in the relief society. Dick, a former Aggie student, is completing a mission for the LDS church in the Netherlands and is expected home for Christmas. S. Grover .Rich '05, prominent Salt Laker, is a brother of Mrs. Gardner.
1922 -1925 Rufus D. Richardson ' 22 is director of Agriculture a t Placer Junior College, in Auburn, California. Mr. Richardson is also Director of Institutional on Farm Training and Chairman of the Board of Directors of Auburn Recreational District. William Richard Smith ' 23 sends greetings to m embers of the class of ' 23 and the professors in the school of agriculture. H e and his wife, Zina V. Crouch, are living in Las Vegas, Nevada, where he is deputy state veterinarian and Nevada milk inspector for Clark county dairies. Dr. Allen D. Keller ' 24 is now chief of the physiology section, premedical department, medical research laboratory, Fort Knox, Kentucky. He has two sons, Allen Seely, 19, and D avid Monroe, 15. Louis H. Griffin '25, until recently with the Ogden Chamber of Commerce, is now engaged in banking. He is affiliated with the Idaho Bank & Trust Company at Pocatello. He and his wife, Mary Browning Griffin ' 26 have three children, Mary Lou, Louis and Carolyn. James S. Reece ' 27, and his wife, Nelda Nelson Reece, are making their home in Denver, Colorado, where James is the auditor for the Bureau of Reclamation. They have two children, S. Richard and J . Stephen Reece. A. Evan Harris '27 is test engineer of liquid and solid fuel rockets at China Lake, California. He received his M.S. in 1930 from the USAC. He and his wife, Helen Gambles Harris, have three children, Lamar, Donna and Robert. Elmer J. Burnett ' 27 has been named Rocky Mountain regional representative of the Bure au of Em ployme nt Security. Mr. Burnett, whose h eadquarters are in Denver, will have charge of all state em ployment services and unemployment insurance services in Colorado, Wyoming, Idaho and Utah. He is married to Barbara Badger Burnett ' 26. The couple have one child, Barbara, 12. M. Price Hutchings '28, and his wife, Nellie G. Kinghorn Hutch ings, are now residing in Pocatello, Idaho, where Price is an insurance representative of Ben efici al Life Insurance Company Alice Rust Nelson, wife of Scott Nelson, died in Phoenix, Arizona, last S eptember . Mrs. Nelson attended the A.C. in 1927-1929. Scott is a m ember of the class of 1928. He has our deepest sympathy in his great loss. 1929 Robert A. Forrester is a che mist for General Tire & Rubber Company of Baytown, Texas. Owen W. Ward is physics instructor at San Bernardino Senior High School. He married Dorothy Hansen, and they have two children. Lenore a nd Sharen.
From Year to Year 1933 Richards Cook is statistical comoutator for the U. S . A. C. Experiment Station in Logan. She has four children, Don, Barbara, Paul, and Myrlene. Her husband, Merrill E. Cook, passed away this past April. 1934 Paul Baker has assumed the r esponsibility of vocational agriculutre teacher at Escondido, California. Paul and his wife, the former Phyllis Flavem, ha ve four children, Pat, Gary, Gordon and De nnis. A. Hollis Grange is teaching band at Davis High School, Kaysville. He and his wife, the form er lone Tarbet >33, have two children, Barbara and Bart. Eleanor Jensen Williams is now keeping house in Provo after completing som e post-gra dua te work in social work at the University of California. Befor e her ma1 riage Eleanor was social supervisor for Salt La ke County, Departm ent of P ublic Welfare. She and her husband, Byron J ., have two children , Joyce a nd Byron, Jr. 1935 William C. Talbot and his wife, Mary Dunkley Talbot, are living in ~·iargaret
e A. R USSELL CROFT '20 ... Chairman of th e 1948 Alumni Nom inating Committee, which ll'ill select fift een nominees to th e U .. ·.A.C. Alumni CounciL .Serving on the committee tcith Mr. Croft ure: Lucile Owen P etty '26, Ogden; terling Price '13, . 'pringt;ille; Dr. Ta ra M. Aldous '16, T11o ele, and Kimhall Cranney '2'~, Kays· rille.
1931 Ira Clark is located in Preston, Idaho, as a soil conservationist. He and his wife, Jennette K. McNeil '26, have a son, Wayne N. Ira has a master's degree from the University of Nebraska. Professor Rex Warren is n ow a n ext ension specialist in farm crops in Corva llis, Oregon. He is married to the former Esther Rumbaugh, and they have three children, Roger, 16 months ; Nancy, 9 years, and Kenneth, 12 years. Junius P. Baird '3 1 is working for Weber Central Dairy in Ogden, Utah . H e married Iven Petersen. 1932 John M. Griffin and wife, Elizabeth Posner, are located in Woods Cross, Utah, where John is a chemist for the Utah Oil Refining Company. The couple have two children, John Marcus, Jr., and Elizabeth. lola Hickman Hunter is a homemaker in Carlisle, Pennsylvania. Her husband, Colonel Wayne L . Hunter has been assigned to the faculty at Chaplains' School there hom Fort Riley, Kansas. The Hunters have a daughter, Joycelyn, 9 years. Ald'l!bert W. Hart is manager and owner of the Sugar House Music Company. He did his graduate work at the Chicago Musical College. H e has three children , Melodie, 8 ; Richard, 5, and Catherine, 1.
Boise, Id ah o, where Bill is a salesman for Na tional Public Service Insurance Company. The coup le have three children, Clarice, Will:: urn D. and Marylyn. James E. Mandry is civil engineer for the Bureau of Reclamation with headquarters in Denver, Colorado. He served as exten sion teacher for University of Colorado in 1946 -1 947. Also he is a reserve officer in the Navy. He and his wife, the former Virgini a Fiddock, have two children, William J ames and J ohn Edward. Ray Nelson, editor of the Logan Herald-Journal, is teaching a r eporting class in journalism at the college. Ray is married to Leah Olson. and they have three children. William W. Reeder is assistant professor of rural sociology at Cornell Uni versity. w her e h e received his PhD in 1947. H e is married to the fo rmer L etty K. Ecke nsberger. 1936 Orval Cheney is a broker at the Owen-Derrick Realty in Salt Lake City. He and his wife, the former L al ore Christiansen, h ave tnree ch ildren, J aNae, Brent and Linda. (Continnued on Page 12)
Max Brunso n
tudio & Camera Supply
121 So. Main. Logan Page 11
Alumni News Notes(Continued from Page 11) Owen F . Stevens is plant foreman and ice cream maker at Casper's in Logan. He and his wife, Laverne Allen Steve ns, have two children, Allen and Lynn. Ernest C. Stone is associate professor of veterinary physiology at Washington State College in Pullman, Washington. He married Margare t Puhn. They have three children . Verlan J. Braithwaite is the music teacher at Escalante High School. Verlan and his wife, the former Nina H . Halls, have three children, Nelson H., 26; Caralie B. Richardson, 22, and Kim, 16. Lorin D. Morrill has organized his own construction company under the name of C & M Construction Company in Delta, Colorado. Lorin serves as his own civil engineer, having received his master's degree from the Colorado University. He and his wife, Lila Groman Morrill, have two children, Larry and Rita.
1937 Leonard W. Harris is a research chemist for California Spray Chemical Company in El Cerrito, California . He married the former Margaret Ogden. They have two children , Donald L. and Cherie Lorrai ne. c. Neldon Stocking is a distributor for Lo-Heet Stainless Steel Company. with headquarters in Nampa, Idaho. He and his wife, the former Sarah Ellen Heath, have two children, Jan Robin and Von Kay. Says Neldon, "Tell all my pals that they 'hain't' living till they eat food cooke d in Lo-Heet Stainless Steel." Jay L. Sevy a nd his wife, Jane Smith Sevy, are in Boise, Idaho, where Jay is range conservationist for the Boise National Forest. They were among the many Aggies here for Homecoming. Dr. Lynn T. Brady is very interested in seeing old friends who may visit New York. His address is 295 Madison Avenue, Ne w York City 17, New York. Lynn has recently been appointed manager of the technical service and instrume ntation for the Air Reduction Sales Company. He married Myrtle Webb. They have two children, Lynn J . Brady, Jr., and David Allen Brady. Anderson M. Gray and his wife, Sara Netherland Shannon Gray, are located in Atlanta, Georgia, where Anderson is serving as a biologist for the Georgia Fish and Game Commission. They have three children, James, Edward and Paul. Rulon S. McCarrey is teaching social sciences at Ricks College in Rexburg, Idaho. He received his master's degree in sociology from the USAC in 1!}41, and has spent the last year working toward his doctorate at the University of Minnesota. He is married to Lucille Page 11
Young, a graduate of th e University of Utah. 1938 Oscar Deming is a biologist for the Desert Game Range in Overton, Nevada. He and his wife, the former Mary Dalley '37, have three children, Bud, Michael James and Marie. Rex F. Daly is an agricultural economist for the Bureau of Ag-ricultural Economics in Urbana, Illinois. R ex received his M.S. from the Uni versity of Maryland. H e married Rhea Allred, and they have a daughter, Patricia, who is two years old. Gilbert Spencer Egan is assistant general manager for the Baker Lumber Company in Emmettsburg, Iowa. H e is married to Dorothy Breckor. They have three children, Michael, Pat and Gilbert. Dr. Clinton E. Peterson is research associate professor at Iowa State College in the horticultural department. He and his wife, Marjorie Schofield Peterson, have a yo ung son, Joel Clinton. Ariel T. Johnson has assumed the principalship of Utah State Industrial school's educational department. Since graduating with a major in business administration, Mr. Johnson taught at Sugar City, Idaho, and South Cache High School. He a lso served fiv e years in the army. Keith C. Larson and his wife, the former !della Borup, are now living in Preston, where Keith is training officer for the Veterans Administration. They have one son, John Keith, age 3. Wayne W. McWhorter, a constructing engineer , is employed by Koppers Company, Inc., of Pittsburgh, Pa. He, his wife, Marjorie Brown McWhorter, and three children, Garth, Carol Ann and Robert, are making their home in Chicago. Wayne reports that his work keeps him east of the Mississippi river. Major Joe Lacey has been permanently promoted to captain, according to a report from the Far East Air Forces. Joe and his wife, the former Mary Whitehouse '41,
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e WILLI AM P. MILLER '36 . . . 1(1as recently elected president of the Utah Education Association at its Fall con¡ vention in Salt Lake City. He is now serving as principal of the Ogden J!~gh S chool, having been named to that postttOn in S eptemb er. Formerly he had se rved as superintendent of the IV eber county school district. and son, Peter Lacey III, are living in Washington Heights, a Tokyo suburb. L. Darrell Stokes, former Emery county agricultural agent, was recently appointed Wasatch county agent at Heber City. Mr. Stokes had been agent in Emery county since 1944. His wife is the former Grace Kendrick. V. R. Magleby is assistant professor of agriculture at the BAC in Cedar City. He and his wife, Ola Stott Magleby, have two children , Bonnie Kay and Clark R. Keith Budge is continuing his education at USAC . He is married to Elda Erous. They have a son , Dennis. 1939 Catherine Romney is an instructor of home economics at the Brigham Young University in Provo. Lynn J. Lawrence is the m~ sic supervisor of Nyssa Public Schools in Nyssa, Oregon. He and his w ife, the former Mary Louise Weaver , have one son, Mark Weaver. Ruth Gunn Austin and her husband, Victor H. Austin, ar e making their home in Van Nuys, California. Vic has established a private practice there as a veterinarian. The couple have two children, Ann Elizabeth and Ricky. Lynn H. Pribble and his wife, Jean Burch Pribble, are making their home in Denver, Colorado. Lynn is meteorologist in the U. S . Air Corps, with the rank of major. Promotion director of radio station KUTA in Salt Lake City is Allan A. Thomas, a graduate of
e GLEN WORTHINGTON '29 . . . ap¡ pointed " A" Men's Secretary, to succeed Herman Nelson '35, who resigned eff ective December 30. Glen's address is 272 West l st South, Logan. A ppointment was made by President Cantril " Flash" Nielsen '28.
1939. He and his wife, Eleanor Ralphs Thomas, and a young son, Patrick Allan, age 2, r ecently welcomed another member into the family - also a boy. Ferris A. Evans is employed as management clerk for the Standard Oil of California in Salt Lake City. He and his wife, Madge Whorlton Evans, have a daughter , Barbara, age 7. Harry A. Mathews and his wife, Ruthmary J . Shoemaker Mathews, ar e living in San Gabriel, Califor nia, where Harry is a n electrical engineer for Byron Jackson Company. They have twin daughters, Judy Ann and Joyce L y nn. Faye Izatt Johnson, a former junior high school science teacher, is a homemaker in Idaho Falls, Idaho. She and h er husband J ames h ave two children , Charlotte Joy, 7, and Virgil James, who w as born on April 7 of this year. Kathryn Campbell Cox is making her home with h er husband, Leonard Cox, and son, in L ogan, Uta h. Don L. Bitton is farmin g in Firth, Idaho. He married Chrystal Schiers. They have five children, Lamar, Don, Richard, Robert and Roger. Melvin J. Greaves is chief structural engineer for Robert Cummings & Assoc. Engineers in Pittsburgh, Pa. Melvin r eceived his professional engineers license this year. He married Bertha Pitcher, and they have two children, Melvin Jr. , and Thomas William. 1940 Grant B. Davies is working for the water division of the Soil Conservation Service, with headquarters in Hardin, Montana . He and his wife, Elva Lamb Davies, have three children, Richard, Byron and Diana.
Ralph J. Hervey is soil microbiologist for the Texas Agricultural Experiment Station. He and his wife, Grace M. Maurer, formerly resided in Brigham, Utah, where Ralph was bacteriologist at the Bear River Bird R efuge. The couple have two children, Madeleine Rae and Miki Mae. Keith R. Oakes is a teaching assistant in the school of education a t the University of Southern California, where he is working for a doctorate degree in education. He married the form er Carol O'Driscoll. Farrell A. Munns and his wife, Mary Burnice Douberly, are making their home in Salt Lake City, where Farrell is teaching in the Granite district. The couple have two children, Edra Lynn and Rainer Farrell. Edwin D. "Ted" Crockett and Marian Larsen Crockett '42, are living in Hansen, Idaho. Ted is ranching and coaching at the high school there. They have three children, Francis Kay, David, and a new son, P aul Donald, who is three months old. Kenneth ¡ L. Thomas is co-owner of a sawmill near Vernal, Utah. Kenneth is married to Ora Peters. They have two children, Larry and Delara. Melbourne D. Wallace has accepte d the position of agriculture advisor for E. E . Olson Company in Orem, Utah. He is married to Zaida Maughan '37. The couple have four children , Kathry n, Marilyn, Dale and Steven. Mel has been teaching at the BYU. Maurice W. Hyer is located in Salt Lake City as a produce buyer for the Eastwest Produce Company. He is married to the fo rmer Ruth Y. Christensen . They have on e daughter, K a thl een, w ho is 11 mon ths old. 1941 David M. Welling is the n ewly a ppointed principal of the State School f or the Deaf in Ogden . Mr. Welling married the fo rmer Jean Stewart '36. Byrne C. Fernelius a nd his w ife, th e fo rmer Jean Wheelwright '42,
Electri cal Co ntractin g and Merchandising
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Phone 53
atte nded India na University during summer season. Byrne is working tow ard his PhD, and Jean toward a master 's. Byrne is assistant professor of physical education at Idaho State College, PocateUQ . . William D. Shaw is assistant suerintendent for Carnation Evaporated Milk in Waupin, Wisconsin. He and his wife, the former Ann Alene Seamons, have two chi-ldren, David, 2, and DeAnn, 6. Vinton M. Merrill received his DMD from the North Pacific Dental College in 1945. and is now practicing in Pocatello, Idaho. He a nd his wife, the former Afton Wilcox, have two children, Brent, 9, and Tamara, 2. Don M. Horsley is an Aggie who made it a point to see the recent Aggie-Wichita football game. Don is a special agent for the New York Life Insurance Company, with headquarters in Wichita. He married Florence Jane Lockhart. They have two children, Christine and John. May Poulson is a home sery ice counselor for the Utah Power a nd Light Company. She is living in Salt Lake City. Harry D. Grace is fire control officer for the U. S. Forest Service in Los Angeles, California. He a nd his wife, the former Dor othy A. Randall, have t wo children, Utahna and Harry Dean. They a r e making their home in Monrovia, California. Harold W. Simpson, a fter receiving his master 's degree in journalism from t he University of Wisconsin in 1948, is now working- as a r eporter for t he Salt Lake Tribune. H e and h is wife, Adelia M. Ru tkowski Simpson, and son, D av id Allen, report t h ey ar e still looki ng for a n a partment. W. Derby Laws a nd his w ife , Ruby Whiteleather L aws, ar e m a k i ng t heir home in Renner , Texas, where Derby is employed as a soil sci entist by t h e Texas Research Foundation. He r eceived his PhD from Ohio State Univer sity in 1944. The couple report that ther e will be an arri val in th eir fa mily in Februa r y. Dr. Harold B. Hulme, who r eceived his M.D. from the University of Utah in 1944, is now a r esident physician in Obstetrics a nd Genecology at the Uni ver sity of Minnnesota. Howard A. Morris a nd wife. Frances R. Smith, are making their hom e in St. Paul, Minnesota, wher e Ho ward is teaching in the d airy division of the Uni ver sity of Minnesota. They have two children. Diann, 4, a nd Robert Howard, 9 months. 1942 Sidney Priday, his w ife, Melba Jensen '41 , a nd daughter, Gwen Lucinda, a re now residing in Oa k land, California, where Sid is an M.D. in private practice. He was rele ased May, 1948, from the Medical Corps of the U. S. Army, Veterans Hospital of Surgery, Oakland, California. Carroll R. Secrist and his wife. LaMoyne Matthews Secrist, a re (Continued on Page 14) Pap 1S
Alumni News Notes(Continued from Page 13) now residing in Idaho Falls Idaho where Carroll is a radio e'nginee~ for KID radio station. Carroll and LaMoyne have two children Mark and Tim: ' William H .. Foote has completed all his requirements at the Univer~ity of Minnesota for his PhD which he will receive at Decembe~ con:unencement. Wilson is now an assistant professor in farm crops at Oreg~m s.tate College. Emd Fishburn Peters is teaching home ~conomics at West High Schoc:>l m Salt Lake City. She is married to Paul M. Peters. Dr. Dean C. Rigby is a "country ~actor " in Moroni, Utah. Dean was m the army from July, 1946, to February, 1948. He spent one year at Nar~arsuak, Greenland, with t~e medical corps. He married Lurline Anderson Jones, and they have ;;: young son, Newel D ean. David K. Hulme and his wife Barbara Fitzgerald Hulme. writ~ us. that they enjoyed meeting Sid ~riday and Melba Jenson Priday I? . Oakl~nd . ';I'he Hulmes are reSidmg m Richmond California where David is an a~countant fo~ John F. Forbes Co. Dwight R. Dixon, just returned from an LDS mission in the Eastern St.a tes 11._1:ission. While there he assis~:d m. ar;anging the pagea':lt, , Amencan s Witness for Chnst, held at Palmyra New york, recently. He is now ~ttend mg . sch~ol at the University of Cahforma. Thomas Budge and his wife, Ruth Dredge Budge, are making
Leiters To The Editor e From
Dona Smith Holdsworth '48 339 Vine Street Menlo Park, Calif. November 24, 1948 Dear Mr. McDonald, Stanfor~ University seems to be th~ gathermg place for Aggie Alums this Y:ear.. Gom_g to church in Palo Alto Is hke gomg to the Institute. To n_ame a few we always see: L01la and Des Anderson Gay and Mae Caldwell Jean and Boyde Christensen Joe Anderson Louis Hickman Ferris Hillyard and others L01la and I are both teaching in tq~ns _not far from Palo Alto and w e enJOY .It very much . That is, most of th~ time-Utah has no corner on "'difficult children." It is so interesting to be near a colle~e c_ampus. Stanford does ev~rythmg m a big way. It was qmte a ~hrill l?~t Saturday to see Stanford s traditional "Big Game" at Berkeley. We were just two of 85,000 _p eople who saw Stanford hold mighty Cal. to a 7-6 victory We:re looking forward to Christ~ mas m Cache Valley . Sincerely, Dona C. Smith Holdsworth '48 Page 14
their home in Pocatello, Idaho. Thomas is civil engineer for Idaho "'tate highway department. They have three children, Paul, Mark and Roger. Kahlil Budge is an engineer for Olsen Manufacturing Company in Boise, Idaho. He married Verda Rose, and they have a daughter, Karren . 1943 Horton J. Nielsen is engineer for the U . S. Bureau of Reclamation, with headquarters in Blythe, California. Marguerite 0. Greaves is interning at the County Hospital in Salt Lake City. Until recently she had been living in San Francisco. James H. Neeley is a civil engineer with the Bureau of Reclamation in Preston, Idaho. After his return from overseas with the Sea-Bees, James was employed as engineer w i t h the Bureau of Reclamation in Arizona and on the Mancos, Colorado, dam. Imogene Lee Allen is located in Springville, Utah, where her husband, Joe, is a pharmacist in the Wayman Drug. Lyle J . Bates and his "wife, Betty Benkert Bates, are making their home in Salt Lake City, where Lyle is establishing a law practice, after receiving his degree from the University of Wisconsin Law School. The couple have two children, Stephen and Timothy. Alien B. Davis will receive his master's degree in political science from the University of California in February. He married Shirley Jean Hales. Walter H. Posner. the first member of the class of 1943 to take out a life membership with the USAC Alumni Association, is teaching the sixth grade at Monticello, Utah. . Thomas Power is a civil engineer m San L eandro, California. He married Betty Ann Eldredge, a former student. They have two children, Vicki and Tommy. Dr. Ted B. Bernhisel is serving as resident physician at Dee Hospital in Ogden after completing his M.D. at the University of Utah in December, 1946. Ted married the former Maxine Hedges. 1944 ~elma Wi_l~inson Scott is pre parmg to JOin her husband in phahran, Saudi Arabia, where he IS employed as a body and fend er man for the Arabian American Oil Compa~y. She is living in Salt Lake City at the present time. Jeane Pugmire Larsen is assista_nt in the book store at University of Colorado, where her husband, Very! E. L arsen, is studying for an advanced degree. 1946 Dave _C. Hearrell is a biologist for the S~Il Conservation Service in Benavides, Texas. He and his wife the forl?er Melba Matthews, hav~ two children, Suzanne Marie a nd Dave III. . Teaching at Beaver High School IS Stephen L. Wood '46. Steve spent th_e summer on insect research Wit~ Dr. G. F. K;nowlton on a Utah Agncultural Experiment Station
pr~ject. ~hzabeth
He married the fo rmer Griffin. They have a baby daughter. 1947 Ge?rge F. Swenson '47 MS '48 is workmg for a doctorate at USC in pathology. He and his wife Virginia lVIcQuarrie Swenson hav~ a son Corwin Paul Swenson, who will b~ a year old m J anuary. John P. Baughman and his wife ~laine ~ewton Baughman, are mak ~ mg their home in Rifle Colorado where John is a geologist for th~ Carter Oil Company. . Harold R. Hyer is working as a fie~dman for Carnation Company w I t h headquarters in Harrison Arkansas. He and his wife, the for~ mer. Fern Brown, have a daughter Jamce. ' DeAlton Brown and his wife, Elsie S eamons Brown, are residing in Hyd~ Park, Utah where DeAlton is a pamter for Ross Willmore, paintIn~ . contr?ctor. DeAlton says he is raismg mmx as a side line. N~ble DeHart ~as been appointed a s s I s .t a n t agncultural extension agent m Utah county. During the pa:;t year ht:; has been a tester in the ~airy herd Improvement association I~ Ut?h County. Mr. DeHart and his w1fe, the former Ardell Russell have a small son, Scott. ' Garth N. _Jones has been awarded a ~cholarsh1p and te aching fellowship to Pennsylvania State College 9arth r~ceive d. ~is master's degre~ 111 _PUbl _ Ic administration from the Umvers1ty of Utah last summer.
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Elizabeth MacKinnon Myers and Jay Newborn Myers, who completed his MS degree last summer are located in Laramie, Wyoming, where J ay has accepted the position as wool technologist for the University of Wyoming. Reva Mae Anderson Merrill is a housewife in Preston, Idaho. Her husband, Wayne, is a watchmaker. Jack E. Chatelain and his wife LaRae Bartholomew Chatelain '46 a re residing in Richmond, California, where Jack is a graduate student in the physics department at the University of California. He received his master's from the USAC in 1948. LaRae is employed by the radiation laboratory. Margaret Binne Fackrell and Heber G. Fackrell are making their home in San Francisco, California. Margaret is teaching school; Heber is attending dental college. Don Dahlquist is coaching at the high school in Marysville, Washington. He is married to Shelley Martin. c 1948 Kathryn Jean Salisbury is a bookkeeper at the First Security Bank in Logan. William E. McKell is teaching industrial arts at Santaquin, Utah . He and his wife, the former Freda E. Leifson, have two c h i I d r en, Robert, 5, and Barbara, 2. Alfred M. Baker is attending transportation school for USAF in Denver, Colorado. He has the rank of first lieutenant in the air force. He is married to Dorothy Miller. Newel A. Nelson is a public accountant for M. T. Deaton and Company in Twin Falls, Idaho. Newel and his wife, n ee Marian Hansen, have one daughter , Nancy Jean, w ho is four years old. Ellen Russell Hill reports that she and her husband, Wendell, are the proud parents of a daughter, -born July 15. The Hills are making· their home in Ogden. Jack Woodbury is coaching at Uintah High School, Vernal. He and his wife, the former Doris DeMille, have a small son , Paul. Marva Lu Hillyard is teaching homemaking in the high school at Springville, Utah. Parker E. Richards is the new coach at Ammon High School, in Ammon, Idaho. Parker is married lo Verna Andersen . They have a daughter , Linda Kay who is two. LeRoy M. Roberts is principal of the Panquitch ele mentary school. He married the former Louise Nuffer, a nd they have three children, R eed, Ray, and Grant. Josephine West has been appointed head of the women's physical education department at Ricks Col lege in Rexberg, Idaho. Norinne Daines is teaching school a t. Layton, Utah. K. LeRoy Nelson is a graduate assistant at Purdue Universitv. He is married to Ina Shepherd '48. Wayne Green is employed as for eman for the Challenge Butter a nd Cream association in Pocatello. Idaho. He and his wife, th e former
Irene Hassinger, have a two year old daughter, Barbara L ee. Ted Heath is coaching at the high school in Firth, Idaho. H e is married to Betty Wright, a former student. They have a daughter, Rebecca, who will soon celebrate h er fi rst birthday . Melvin J. Hulme and K. Joy Nelson Hulme '44 ar e n ow located in Richmond, California, where Mel vin is working for his master's degree in banking and finance. J oy is ta king a night class in ceramics. The couple have two children, John Edward and David Lynn. Reed Lund Frishchknecht has a teaching fellowship in political science at the University of Washington where he will work toward an advanced degree. He and his wife the former Cleone Rich , have a da~ghter, Ann, who is fiv e months old. William J. Gibson is piloting for Capitol Airlines out of Detroit, Michigan. He is married to Beth Jensen, and they have a two month old daughter, Patricia. Paul Facer is coaching at Wayne High School in Bicknell, Utah. Alma P. Burton and Clea Morgan Burton '39 are making their home in Provo where Alma is teaching at the BYU. The couple have three children, Barbara, Davis, a nd Ann. Grant B. Jenkins is a student in the graduate school of music of the Northwestern University. H e is married to Luana Ripplinger. J une Feulner is employed as a r eporter for the society section. of the Deseret News. She is makmg her hom e in Magna, Utah. Warren L. Odekirk is employed by the S. H. Kress and Co. in Oakland, California. He and his wife, the former Dorothy McArthur, have two children, Toni Kay and Glen. Glen R. Hawkes is a graduate assistant at Cornell University in the departm ent of psychology, where he is working toward his doctorate degree. He and his wife, Yvonne Merrill Hawkes '47, have two children Kristen and William Ray. They are' making their home in Ithaca, New York. Daniel R. Zohner is now on an L. D . S. mission in Texas. His wife i.; the former Fern Zollinger. Glen Zimmerman is coaching at Lincoln High School in Orem , Utah . He and his wife, Lucille Smith Zimmerman, h ave a baby boy, Craig. Elizabeth Louise Gardner is teaching home economics in Hurricane High School, at Hurricane. William R. Jones is working for the Bureau of Reclamation in K em merer, Wyoming. He is married to Olive Lewis Jones '47. The Aggie couple have two children, Michael a nd Richard. Jay L. Nielsen is industrial arts teach er at S alem Ju n ior High School. He is mar ried to Shirley May Hillam; th ey h ave a son, Paul Ja y . Douglas Melvin Cook is a hatcher y man for Swift a nd Company in Caldwell. Id aho.
With The Class of'70 e
Dr. and Mrs. Hymm W. Merrill of Tigard, Oregon, welcomed a son, Alan Brent on July 27 at th e Portland Osteopathic Hospital. Mrs. Merrill is th e form er Ann Morgan '35. Dr. M errill is o f the class of 1937. Bern ard Christensen '41 aml Marian Feulner Christensen '41 of Portland, Oregon, are the parents of a new son, Craig Bernard. Both Bernard ond Ma~· ian are graduates in landsca11,e ar c~IL · tel' ture. B ernard is now wo rkwg wt.lh th e U. S . Engineers in Portland as a recreational planner. Craig is their first child. Captain and Mrs. Warren M. O'Gara '41 are th e parents of a son, Thomas Martin who arri1•ed October 3, 1948 T~e O'Caras are making their home m A laska.
Mr. and Mrs. William Keith Badger of Ogden , Utah, are the parents of a son, William Keith, J:r. Mrs. Badger is the former Lou1sa Conway. Mr. B adger is a graduate of 1941. He is working for the U. S . mail service at its Ogden Terminal. Mr. and Mrs. Richard A. Brockho~t of Salt Lake City welcomed the1r first child recently. They named the new son David Richard. Mrs. Brockholt is the former H elen Warren '41. Mr. and Mrs. Ted Adams of Chicago -she is the former Betty Gene Ellertson '40- are the parents of a son born recently.
Dr. and Mrs. Eugene Gardner are the parents of a daughter, Claire, who was horn recently. Mrs. Gardner is the form er Dorothy Johnson '37. Eugene is "raduate of '35. He is a physicist 0 at the radiation laboratory, Unive rsity of California, in Berkeley, California. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Hickman announ ce the arrival of a baby boy on JYovember 9th in the Salt Lake LDS Hospttal. Mrs. Hickman is the former Hettie L eatham '38. The H ickmans also have a daughter, Heather Ann. They plan to name the new son, Stephen. Mr. and Mrs. John A . Stocking recently welcomed a new daughter, Dean. John .r!rndu.ated in 1948. This is the first ~hiltl for the young couple.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Calvin Choate '48 announce the arrival of a daughter, Barbara Anne, October 5. Mrs. Choate is the former Vera M. Thomas. This is the first child for the couple who are now residing in Smithfield, Utah. Mr. a nd Mrs. Allan A. Thomas '39 are the parents of a new son, Colin Ralph, born November 19 in the Holy Cross Hospital in Salt Lake. Mrs. Thomas is the former Eleanor R,alphs '39. They have anpther son, Patrick. On November 29 Mr. and Mrs. De an B . Farnsworth w elcomed their third child, a son , making the scor e two to one in favor of th e boys. Mrs. Farnsworth is the fo rmer Grace Bateman '42. Dean is attending the University of California. Page IS
U. S. A. C. SUMMER SCHOOL First term June 6 - July 15 Second term July 18 -August 19
MAJOR EMPHASIS Agricultural Education Education Home Economics Education Industrial Education Music Physical Education and Recreation
SPE(:JAL CONFERENCES Family Life Institute Music Clinic; Band, Orchestra, Chorus-June 6-17 Music Festival-June 13 - August 5 Driving Training School-June 6 - 24 Annual Coaching School-Week of June 6 Full departmental offerings of course work will be provided, both on the undergraduate and graduate levels, to ~nswer the needs of regular and special students.
Catalog of Courses Available About March 1 Write now to the President's Office