Sixty Second Annual COMMENCEMENT'
Bunnell-Dmitrich Athletic Center May 6, 2000 10:30 a.m.
T PROGRAM COMMENCEMEN From Geary Theatre to Bunnell-Dmitrich Athletic Center
Academic Procession ................. Presen.tation of Colors ..............
Carbon County District Elles Lodge Troop Under the Direction of Reese Platzers
: .............
Welcome ...............................................
President, Grai:;eSawyer Jones I
Presented by Mackae Potter, Board of Trustees Honarary Degree Recipient Tracy Justesen ........ Hooded by Allison McK.instry, Student Body President Elect Jay Andrus, Faculty Honorary Degree Recipient Evelyn B. Lee ..........
Presented by Richard Lee, Bo~d of Trustees Hooded by Marilyn Robinson, Board of Trustees
Reivarks ................................................
Ann Gotfredson, Valedictorian
Remarks ..................................................
Nicole Nelson, Salutatorian Robert M. Gray, Student Body President
Remarks ........................................ Musical Number
.' ......
Introduction of Commencement Speaker ....................
Becky Guymon, Marie Swasey Pie Jesu by Andrew Lloyd Webber
Dominic Welch, Board of Trustees
President Thomas S. Monson Commencement Address .................................... First Counselor, First Presidency, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints Musical Number ......
, .... Crystal Ordner The Power of the Dream by Celine Dion
Presentation of the Val J. Halamandaris Caring Award ........... I
Presentation of Graduates .............................................
Awarding of Diplomas: ...............................
Welcome to Alumni Association ...............
Neil L. Warren, Faculty Emeritus
Charles D. Foust Vice President for Academic Affairs
Michael R. Jensen, Board of Regents Chalmers Gail Norris, Office of the Cornissioner Lynn Haslem, State Board of Education Marilyn Robinson, President, Alumni Association
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Cassandra Clark Katsumi Davis James Preston De Vore Valerie Jo Dovayak Tami Rebecca Ewell Robert M. Gray Stanton M. Huntington Weng Chi Ip Miki Ishibashi Yumiko Iwai Colin N. Jackson Brent Arthur Johnson William Arthur Lanier Jr. Jessica Adaline Leach Ryan L. Letzerich Ryan Anderson Lucas Twilla Dawn Manwaring Lao A. Mei Amber Lynn Montgomery Mandi S. Morley
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Stephanie Potochnick Meng San Pun Elisa Rasmussen Ray Brandon Jarute Reesor Cristiane Pike! Rodrigues Jennifer A. Rohn Erika Lynn Sehestedt Daniel Huber Sonntag Rachel R. Strate Sakai Tadanobu Chantel Joy Taylor Richard W. Tobey Kazuhisa Toda Kristen Gail Tucker Satoshi Watanabe Audrey Williams Valerie Williams Alex Winn Asuka Yamamoto
Brett Jensen
Darrick James Manus
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Monica Ackerson Dall in J. Ahrnsbrak David Keith Aird Landy J. Alger Laura Elizabeth Allen Niki Rae Allred Carla Marie Anderson Lana Janae Anderson Michael B. Anderson Jason McKay Andrews Sandra Argyle Derek W. Ashby Benjamin Jon Beagley Denise Annette Bean Bryan D. Beck Robert William Belnap Amiee C. Bennett Amanda Payne Bennett Kimberli Anne Bentley Edna M. Bissell I Tiffany Bird Kristin Faun Bjarnson Travis H. Blackburn Jessica Ann Bourne Sheila Dawn Bourne Emily Box Gary Lavon Boyle Rebecca Boyle Kyle Shaun Bradley Derek D. Bradley
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Melinda Kaye Brady Richelle Kaye Brewer Christine Marie Broadbent Steven Evans Brown t' Melissa Bunn Jedediah Thor Burton Amanda Jean Butler Timothy Paul Carroll Theodore Francis Cartwright Natalie Marie Chadwick Jason M. Chapman Mindy Chidester Janette Childs JoLynda Clark Kaylene Clark Mindy Donnale Clark Christina Rose Cline Carter T. Coates Nicholas John Coles Kalene Collard Tami M. Colosimo Lacey Lynne Copfer Edward Chad Cox II Kim G. Curtis Lisa Curtis Denise D'Agnese Amanda C. Daley Brent William Davis Carly Simone Davis Holly Christine Davis
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Jennifer Marie Davis Launna Jean Davis Machelle Davis Talerie Marie Davis Timothy A. Davis DeWayne Dawson Travis Blaine Day Dawn Ellen Densley Mary Ellen Densley Sky Lyn Dinkins Brady Christopher Donaldson Janet N. Dudley Holly Easton Christopher R.W. Ebert Heather M. Eden J.C. Erramouspe Michelle I. Facy-ell Christopher Lewis Fausett Courtney Marie Feichko Joseph Flores Lacey Lee Forbush Bridi Fors,gren Carmella A. Fossat Jeffrey Ryan Fowler Quentin Casey Fox D.-'Daneal Francisco 1 Lisa D. Fridberg Andrew R. Fry Amberlee Sue Fullmer Joshua Daniel Fullmer
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Del William Funk Douglas Adam Garner Melanie Marisa Garvin Diana Lynn Gibson Ann Gotfredson Brooks J. Gordon Nolan Trent Gray Shara Danielle Gray Brooke L. Greathead James J. Greenan Brooke Gressmen Robert W. Grim II Adam Gardell Grundvig Tara Gundersen Rebecca Guymon Joseph Daniel Hales Daniel William Hallmeyer Michelle J. Hamilton Bryan Hansen Karen Marie Hansen Marcie Leona Hastings Michelle Lynn Hatfield Brittney Hawks Christi Lee Henslee Krista Higley Heidi Lee Hink.ins Mark J. Holt Jana Lynn Hopes Angela Marie Hopes Robert Justin Hopes Joshua Donald Miles Hough Rhianna LynJ1Houser Rebecca A. Howell Mark C. Hoyt Jennifer Erin Huff Gabriel K. Hunt Pamila Dochia Bowerman Hunt Angela M. Huntington ' Nora Jean Israelsen Allyson Jean Jackson Amber Kay Jensen Bianca Johanna Jensen Candace Jensen Carissa Marie Jensen Tate D. Jensen Krishelle Jessee Paula Marie Jewkes Emily Kim Johnson Holli Johnson Melissa Ann Johnson LeGrande J. Jolley Cassie Jo Jones Courtney M. Jones Stephannie Jones Tausha Jones Jonstan Joe Kantor Preston Keller Jonathan P. Kelly Kandice Key Nicholas G. Kiahtipes Jason K. King
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Meghan Kathleen Kokal Stephanie Ann Kalan Mandee Marie Krajnc Joleen Kremin Patrick Jar Latta Carmen Irene Libby Deek Gavin Litster Amanda Lyon Tikinna Irene Madrid Sabrina Frances Malan Spencer Manwaring Ro~ky Scott Marchello Sarah Marsing Daleine Jo Martin Vanessa R. Martinez James Rhett Mathis Tiffany Mcintosh Daneill McKea\:hnie Michele McNeel Nathan McQuirter Elizabeth Jan Mellor Darla K. Milovich Neil Daniel Miner Danika Dupre Winn Monson Misty Chantelle Montoya Amber Starr Moosman Tasha W. Morley Jill Marie Mortensen Steven Edward Mosher Heather Noelle Myerhoff Melissa M. Nakai Braden T. Natter Katie Nelson Laura Marie Nelson Nicole Nelson Amy Johanna Nicholson Dannielle Nielsen Elizabeth Nielsen Jennifer Amber Nielsen Howard C. Norton Kendall J. O'Neil Kelly Marie Odendahl Clinton Levi Olsen Katrina Lee Olsen Lizzette J. Oman Crystal A. Ordner James Anthony Ori John Peter Ortiz • Charles Allen Ouderkirk Raylene Oveson Jeremy James Pace Jamie Lynn Painter Trevor Lee Parker Rashell Passey David C. Pattison Cody LaMar Peacock Angela Dawn Peck Jennifer Ann Pedersen Cassie R. Peet Bobbie Chantel Peirce Victor Petersen
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Andrea Dawn Peterson Christopher David Peterson Kathryn M. Peterson Laurel Marie Peterson Trent Michael Peterson Heath David Petty David L. Pierce Thomas Jason Porter Misty L. Potter Aaron Mark Powell Jennifer Powell Samuel Roy Powell Leslie Sarah Prather Sharon LeAnn Prettyman Ashley Provstgaard Misty B. Pyper Brandon Rich Dustin C. Rich Melissa J. Richard Jennie Sherlene Richards Diana Richardson Kacy Marie Robinson Michelle Rogers Jason Matthew Rollins Craig Lyle Rowley Lindsay Jo Rowley Melissa Anne Rukavi~a Carlos Jose Salas Kathryn Sanderson Jaime N. Santistevan Jessica Nichole Saunders Chantell B. Scarlet Edward Joseph Scartezina Sharlynn Stewart Scivally Sarah Colton Seamons Monica Sebring Brenda Jo Buckley Seely Richard Shaw Jared Lee Shepherd Kelley J. Shiner Kathrine Ann Shoaf Ashlee Dawn Simmons Melissa Kacie Simms April L. Sitterud Megan Sjostrom Elizabeth Gwen Skeen ' Miranda Sherrell Smith Geoffrey V. Smith Matthew T. Snow Bentley Watson Snyder Valarie E. Solis Allison Sonntag Steve Nicholas Stamatakis Elizabeth Jane Stanley Miles T. Stephens Gesica C. Stevenson Steven M. Strong Lisa E. Stuart Amanda Kristine Swasey Shelley Swasey Samantha Lynne Sweet
Andrea Lynne Swenson Chari Brooke Swenson Dustin Dean Tallerico Jeremy D. Tannahill Stacy Alice Tanner Brian Alan Taylor Elizabeth M. Therrien Cory Richard Thompson Eric W. Thompson Alexaus B. Toland Sarah Tolbe1t Kay Lynne Townsend Veda Jean Truman Patrick Turley Ryan L. Turner Heidi Tuttle
Nathania Colette Tuttle Kylene Uresk Kyle Keith VanArsdol Amy VanDyke ~obert Kenneth Vigil Scottie Blaine Vines Adam D. Vose Kelbie L. Wall Gregory Scott Walton Korie Ward Tawna Le Ward Mielin Warner Jennifer Kay Watson G. Tyler Webb Melinda Wells Paula Espinoza Wells
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Joni Sue Westbrook ' William Wayne Wheeler Eleasha Marie White Heather Marie White Lael S. White Jessica Whitehead Geraldine T. Williams Casey J. Wilson AdalJl Riley Wilson Dina M. Wise Carolena M. Wissmar Kyle Sanford Woodruff Jeffrey T. Worthington Steven L. Wozniak Bradley Joseph Young
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Jeremy Troy Anderson Michael James Babcock Becky Riche Basso Kevin M. Berdan Jeffery Shawn Bishop Monica Y. Brunn Stephanie Avery Burdick David A. Clark Marilyn Palmer Collard Eric Wayne C:ossins Sondra J. Crowther Tenean Burtric Damrpn Christine James Espinoza Mary Alice Garcia Heather Page Hales JaNeen Davis Hales Cynthia East Holbrook Amber L. Hughes
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Sally Gadd Jacobson Jared Jaimez Larry N. Jenkins JoAnn B. Jensen William Arthur Lanier Jr. Scott Carlo&Larsen Tonie Lorinda Leyba Paula Manchester Brian Nils Nordstrom Anita W. O'Neil Tylan Douglas Olsen Michael James Ori Nancy Jean Peterson Lola Ann Pierce Lora Lynn Pilling Brady Pullar Cynthia Ramirez Kendra C. Rhodes
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Michael Lee Robertson Erin Rowley Micah Taniel Stansfield Rebecca Ann Stansfield Danica Stewart Daniel M. Taylor Richard E. Thatcher Jacob Roy Thayn Angela Kay Thiem Adam B. Thompson Leah A. Tobey Motoko Tsubota Carma Tucker Heidi Tuttle Denise Kay Tweddell Heather Marie White Jacob Leon Wilson Terry Lynn Anderson Wood
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Amiee C. Bennett Shiela Dawn Bourne Janelle Lynn Bowman Stephanie Avery Burdick Lindsey K. Callahan Brittni Petry Coe Kristina A. Cox Sondra J. Crowther Mandy Jo D'Ambrosio Holly Easton Kizzy Bren Ellington Erlinda Espinoza Mary Alice Garcia Diana Lynn Gibson James Greenan JaNeen Davis Hales , Sundee ShirRee Hancock
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Natalie Hanscom Karen Marie Hansen Sally Gadd Jacobson Allyson Jean Jackson Larry N. Jenkins JoAnn B. Jensen Natalie Lois Jensen Tiffany Sue Jensen Kelly Jes\op Danae Lyn Jewkes Katrina-Sara McArthur Paula Manchester Marci Newhouse Anita W. O'Neil Kami Dawn Olsen Tylan Douglas Olsen Frederick Aaron James Petty
(Gold Honor Cords are worn by those with a Grade Point Average of 3.5 or higher.)
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Lola Ann Pierce Samual Roy Powell Tiffany L. Prettyman Joy Johnson Pulsipher Cynthia Ramirez Daniel Jensen Roush Bethany Gail Smith Lynette M. Tallerico Ricky L. Taylor Veda Jean Truman Carma Tucker Yvonne M. Wellington Paula Espinoza Wells Jacob Leon Wilson Deborah Diane Winn Terry Lynn Anderson Wood
COMMENCEMENT SPEAKER THOMAS S. MONSON Born in Salt Lake City on August 21, 1927, President Monson is the son of G. Spencer and Gladys Condie Monson. He attended Salt Lake City public schools and graduated cum Jaude from the University of Utah in 1948, receiving a degree in business management. He did graduate work and served as a member of the College of Business faculty at the University of Utah. He later received his MBA degree from Brigham Young University. President Monson served in the United States Navy near the close of World War II. He married Frances Beverly Johnson on October 7, 1948, in the Salt Lake Temple. They are the parents of, three children: Thomas Lee Monson, Ann Frances Monson Dibb and Clark Spencer Monson. They have eight grandchildren. President Thomas S. Monson has served as a counselor in the First Presidency of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints since November 10, 1985. Most recently, on March 12, 1995, he was set apart as first counselor to president Gordon B. Hinckley. He was ordained an Apostle and called to the Council of Twelve Apostles on Oct9ber 4, 1963, at the age of 36. Professionally, President Monson has had a distinguished career in pul)lishing and printing. He became associated with the Deseret News in 1948, where he served as an executive in the advertising division of that newspaper and the Newspaper Agency Corporation. Later he was named sales manager of the Deseret News Press, one of the West's largest commercial printing firms, rising to the position of general manager, which position he held at the time of his appointment to the Council of the Twelve in 1963. He served as a member of the Board of Deseret News Publishing Company from May 1965 until May 1996, serving as its chairman from 1977 until 1996. President Monson is a past president of Printing Industry of Utah and a former member of the board of directors of Printing Industry of America.
HONORARY DEGREE RECIPIENT TRACY JUSTESEN Tracy Justesen is an Eastern Utah native; he was born in Price and raised in Orangeville. He is a 1986 graduate of Emery County High School and a 1987 CEU graduate.~Tracy attended Southern Utah University graduating summa cum Laude in political science. Tracy also holds a master of science degree from Utah State University where he was awarded his department's graduate student of the year award. Tracy is the brother of John and Rebecca Justesen 6f Orangeville, and the twin brother of Troy Justesen of Nashville, Tennessee. 'After graduating from Utah State, Tracy worked at the US Department of Jµstice, Civil Right Division in Washington, DC where he traveled the nation providing technical assistance on compliance with civil right legislation to some of the largest cities and companies in America. After the Justice Department, Tracy attended law school in Iowa. While a law student, he was appointed to the US Architectural and Transportation Barriers Compliance Board and worked for two years developing the cutting-edge tec9Jlical specifications on design, construction, and alteration of national parks, recreation areas, and state and local recreational settings. Attending-both Jaw school and serving as an advisor to the Compliance Board, Tracy graduated with honors. He was also a special guest at the 1996 Presidential Inauguration of President Clinton and Vice President Al Gore, and served a legal clerkship at the Justice Department where his work contributed to an argument before the US Supreme Court. After Law school Tracy served as the President and Chief Executive Officer of a large nonprofit organization in Toledo, Ohio, wh'ere he supervised a multi-million dollar program providing legal and other services in Ohio. Recently, Tracy returned to Washington, DC to serve at the US Department of Education in the Office of Postsecondary Education providing services to low-income • and disadvantaged students.
A nativ,eof Colorado, Evelyn Lee has spent most of her life in Utah. While ,a youngster, her family resided periodically in the Cisco-Thompson area following her father who was a uranium prospector and miner. She attended the University of Utah and earned a B.A. degree in English in 1964 and a M.S. degree in Special Education in 1969. She worked as a secretary to put herself through college and then became a teacher of emotionally disturbed children before starting her own family. She later worked for the State of Utah Business and Economic Development Division, becoming the only female Director of that Division during the Matheson administration in 1980. Evelyn also was a co-owner of a special events conference planning company. She has served on numei:_ouscivic boards over the past thirty years. Her volunteer involve~ ment in the community has been in the areas of criminal justice, homelessness, and higher education. She was appointed by Governor Cal Rampton to the State Board of Corrections and by Governor Norm Bangerter to the State Board of Regents, a board to which she was reappointed by Governor Michael Leavitt. She helped establish a public information program in the courts and a community work release program for women felons at the YWCA. Her belief in the quality and accessibility of higher education for all students is evident in the time and effort she devoted to ten years of service as a member of the Board of Regents. She is married to James B. Lee, a Price native, who is senior partner in the Salt Lake law firm of Parsons Behle and Latimer. They have four children. She and her husband enjoy returning to southeaster~ Utah and travel frequently on the by-ways, backroads, and rivers of the Colorado Plateau to experience its unique, scenic beauty.
ANN GOTFREDSON-VALEDICTORIAN Ann Gotfredson is the daughter of Leland and Beth Gotfredson. She is a native of Price and graduated from Carbon High School in 1998. Ann earned a 3.984 grade point average while here at CEU: and will graduate with a two year certificate from the LDS Institute. She says the past two years have made_her grow and learn. She feels the instructors sincerely care about their students ~nd get to lcnow them on an individual basis. "They are full of wisdom which they share with ,their students, whether they want to hear it or not." Ann likes snowboarding, the outdoors, four-wheeling and mountain biking. She is majoring in Elementary Education and will be attending Utah Valley State College next Fall on a departmental scholarship to get her bachelor's degree in Elementary Education .
. NICOLE NELSON - SALUTATORIAN Nicole was born in Boise, Idaho and grew up in Syracuse, New York with her parents Phillip and Peggy Nelson and her five sisters. Nicole moved to Farmington, Utah in_ 1995 with her family wh_ereshe attended Davis High School. She grad~ated with honors ' from Davis in 1998. She chose to attend the College of Eastern Utah on an academic scholarship and has enjoyed her learning experiences at CEU tremendously. While at CEU Nicole has achieved the Deans List status with a cumulative grade point average of 3.982, held a part time job, and will graduate with a two year certificate from the LDS Institute. Nicole plans to attend Utah State University_in the fall on an academic scholarship and has been accepted into the Elementary Education program. Nicole has a sincere love of life and is excited to see what the future will bring.
COLLEGEOF EASTERN UTAH Grace Sawyer Jones, President
UTAH STATEBOARD OF REGENTS Cecelia H. Foxley, Commissioner
James S. Jardine
Charles E. fohnson, Chairman
Michael R. Jensen
Aileen H. Clyde, Vice Chair
David J. Jordan
Jerry.C. Atkin Pamela J. Atkinson
E. George Mantes
Brian D. Brown
Winn L. Richards
David J. Grant
Paul S. Rogers
L. Brent Hoggan
Maria Sweeten Dale 0. Zabri$kie
Karen H. Huntsman \
COLLEGEOF EASTERN UTAH BOARD OF TRUSTEES Marilyn Robinson, Chair Dan Scartezina, Vice Chair
Camille F. Jensen Richard Lee
Phil B. Acton
Mackae Potter
J.D. Banasky
Larry Rodgers
Robert Gray
Dominic Welch
In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities f,.ct, individuals ne'eding special accommodations (including auxiliary communicative aids and services) during this program should notify Colleen Quigley, ADA Coordinator, at 613-5326 or TDD#637-1353.