Utah State Alumni Quarterly, Vol. 17 No. 4, May 1940

Page 1


State AluJUni


Commencement Alumni Reunions New Council Members May-Directory ~

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Vol. No. XVII

No. 4

HE HAS ACHIEVED He has achieved success who has lived well, laughed often and loved much; who has gained the respect of intelligent men and the love of little children; who has filled his niche and accomplished his task; who has left the world better than he found it, whether by an improved poppy, a perfect poem or a rescued soul; who has never lacked appreciation of the earth's beauty or failed to express it. Who has always looked for the best in others and given the best he had; whose life was an inspiration; whose memory a benediction. Mrs. A. J. Stanley

Our business is advertising and printing. Our purpose is to build sales-messages in ink and paper, and word and picture ... When you have something to sellan impression to create-let us do it for you . . . that's our business. For twenty-one years c reators of advertising and printing that "Hits th e Mark". 36 Richards Street Telephone W asatch 1636 SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH

UTAH STATE QUARTERLY Published quarterly by the Utah State Agricultural Co llege Alumni Association. Entered as second-class matter at the post office in Logan, Utah, under the act of March 3, 1897.

_May, 1940



Officers of the Association Editor and Manager President




Executive Secretary

Alumni Council Members DAVID G. HURREN, '27 V. D. GARDNER, '22 HAROLD M. PETERSON, '27 J. KARL WooD, '15 ORVILLE L. LEE, '10 AsA ·BULLEN, ' 10 L. R. H UMPHERYS, '12 D. A. SKEE ''09



Send in Your 1940 Dues Use this blank or write a letter addressed to the Executive Secretary, Alumni Association, Logan, Utah, enclosing your annual dues or Life Membership remittance.

0 0

I enclose $1.00 for annual membership. I enclose $25.00 for Life Membership.

(May be paid in five yearly installments.) Name................................................ Class........... . Street.·- - -- · ····· ··- ------ --- ----··--········--·~········-- -- ·· ----· - · ··

City ___................................... State.............. ----·-.....


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FIELDHOUSE VALUABLE CAMPUS ASSET During the present school year the great need that has prevailed on the campus for years, for such a building as the fieldhouse has been gradually sa tisfied as the season's activities and campus functions took place. The building, a massive, impressive structure of light brick, is the result of careful and timely planning on the part of Co llege administrative officials and within its walls during the present school year events have occurred that justify the foresight and intelligence of those responsible for its erection. Aside from the daily practices that have been conducted in basketba ll, the conference games and the track, football , handball, and R.O.T.C. activities, the fieldhouse has been the scene of many major campus functions. In September, the United States avy band played two concerts at which time over ten thousand people attended. At Homecoming time, the annual Harvest show took place there and again thousands saw the building and another use for it. During Jan uary, the regional high school band clinic concert was held there. Recently the coeds of the College held their open house there and coeds' sports day with coeds from all of the Junior Colleges and the University of Utah and the Brigham Young University in attendance. A massed concert of one thousand voices concluded the ann ual High School Music festival, April 20. On April 25, 26, and 27, five hundred Future Farmers and their instructors were provided with housing and recreational facilities for the annual Future Farmer convention. For the first time 1n the history of the Ag Club Horse Show, May 15, that event was held at night and within a building. The show was a huge success and a large crowd attended the performance. During the first part of June, the Scout Circus of the Cache Vall ey Council of the Boy Scouts of America, will be held in the building. This event will, without question, be one of the biggest events presented there this year. Scouts, adult leaders and friends of Scouting from Wyoming, Idaho and Utah will gather for this demonstration. President Fredrick P . Champ, of the Board of Trustees, who played a prominent role in making this building a reality, said, "The new fie ldhouses at the College and University have been acquired by the State through the initiative and interested cooperation of citizens who sensed the need for these facilities on both campuses and appreciated that a fieldhouse, when properly designed and used, has great utility on a modern campus. " Except in the completion of the Military addition to the fieldhou se at the College, no State funds have been used in the construction of the project. Fifty-five per cent of the construction cost has been financed locally on a self-liquidating basis and promises to pay out as satisfactorily as the bond issue on the stadium, which had been practically liquidated in full before this new pro ject was attempted, and which likewise did not involve the use of any State funds. The remainder of the _cost of the fieldhou se was obtained from a Federal grant. " Governor Henry H. Blood assisted the Coll ege to the extent of $10,000 from State funds in financing the enlarged requirements of the Military addition now under construction on the east side of the fieldhouse, which will adequately house in a central location the work of the Military unit." Three



age fourteen months. Son of Marilyn Pocock Wilde, '33, Salt Lake City.


Age sixteen months. Daughter of Ethel Eliason Young, '37, and J. Llewellyn Young, '37, of Manti, Utah.


age three. Daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. Reed Moore of Beaver, Utah. Reed graduated in 1936.


age thirteen months. Son of Evelyn Jane Smith Sevy, '37, and Jay L. Sevy, '37. of Austin, Nevada.


age fi ve years. Son of Fern Page West, '32, and Allan M. West, '32, Salt Lake City.


age sixteen months. Daughter of Elda Pocock, ex '35 and Gordon Dixon, '34, Idaho Falls, Idaho.



Alexander Kipnis Alexander Kipnis of the Metropolitan Opera company, who is hailed by many music lovers as the greatest living low voice artist, will be heard in the Fieldhouse in a recital honoring this yea r's forty-seventh graduating class, their parents and Alumni, under the joint sponsorship of the Alumni Association and the College, commencement day, Saturday, June l , at 8 :00p.m. The concert is the result of giving up the annual alumni banquet, a function that has become a yearly tradition, but one that has grown too large for the graduating classes and the returning Alumni. The Executive committee of the Alumni Association made the decision in regard to the change and decided to bring to the campus at commencement time a inger of national repute. Mr. Kipnis, for years a star of the Chicago Civic Opera, is an artist of the first importance, both in concert and opera in England, throughout Europe, in South America, and Australia. He has been heard at the International Music Festival in Lucerne at the invitation of Toscanini, during the past two seasons. Next to John McCormack, Mr. Kipnis has made more records than any other international concert artist. He has won world wide acclaim in opera, cast in roles as Mephisto in "Faust," Boris Godounow, Baron Och in Richard Strauss' "Rosenkavalier,"

Sarastro, in Mozart's "The Magic F lute," Leporello, in " Don Giovanni," and the ew York Times calls him " the greatest living Grunemanz- " in " Parsifal." Tickets for this concert and program can be obtained by writing the Alumni office. There will be no reerved seats except for the seniors so make your plans accordingly, and if at the last minute you find that you can attend the commencement exercises and this program, we urge you to do so. The reception given annually by President and Mrs. P eterson, honorin g the graduating class, their parents and Alumni, will be held in the Commons bui ldi ng, Saturday afternoon, from 4 :30 p.m. until 7 :00 p . ~ . A hearty welcome is extended to all former students to attend this reunion and reception. Tickets for this afternoon affair may be obtained by writin g the Alumni office. Dr. W. L. Wanlas i chairman of the committee in charge of arrang-ements for the musical recital in the evening, the afternoon rece ption and Alumni class reunion . Other committee members include : Dr. . Alvin Pederson; Asa Bull en ; Lee Wright, senior class president ; Dr. Thelma Fogelberg; Mrs. E. G. Peterson ; Sydney Stock ; Lutie Bancroft Simmons; Russell Berntson ; Una Vermillion ; Walter Welti; N. W. Christiansen, and Erwin Clement. Write the alumni office today for tickets to the exercises and the music program.

To Address Graduates The commencement address for the forty-seventh graduatin g class will be given by Dr. Richard R. Lyman, of the Council of the T welve of the L.D.S. Church, Saturday, J une l , to over five hundred graduates. Dr. Lyman, a consul ting civil engineer, has been deeply interested in the development of irrigation in this region and has aided many sections with their irrigation problems and fight to " make the desert bloom," and possesses a wealth of kno wledge in regard to European affairs, having returned to Utah after serving as president of the L.D.S. Church mission in Emope from 1936, until ju t recently.

Baccalaureate Speaker The Right Reverend Arthur W. Moulton of Salt Lake City, Bishop of the Episcopal Diocese of Utah, will speak at the Baccalaureate Services on Sunday, J une 2. Bi hop Mou lton is a well known author and lecturer and college official s are proud to have secured his services for the Sunday services. He is a gradua te of Hobart College where he received his A.B. degree, and was a member of Phi Beta Kappa, nation al cho las tic fraternity. He is also a graduate of the Episcopal Theological Schoo l at Cambridge, Massachu etts and was awarded his B.D. and his S.T .D. With two such outstanding speaker for the graduation exercises, those returning to the campus for the functions shou ld be exceptionally well pleased. Again we in the Alumni offi ce invite you to take this opportunity to visit your Alma Mater.

SATURDAY, JUNE I, 1940 Commencement Address 10:00 A.M. Reception 4:30 to 7:00P.M. For graduates, college guests and visiting Alumni. Commons Building.

Alexander Kipnis 7:30P.M . Metropol itan Opera a rtist, song recital, Fieldhouse. Sponsored by the Alumni Association and the college, honoring the graduating class, their parents and visiting Alumni.

SUNDAY, JUNE 2, 1940 Baccalaureate Address 11 :00 A.M. Tickets can be obtained by writing the Alumni office or the president' office. The Kipnis program admi ion is fifty cent a ticket.

NO RESERVED SEATS Write today for yours!


On Major Sports Captains Lawrence Slater, outstanding full . back Ia t fall in the Big Seven foot· ball race will captain the 1940 team, whil e Roland Reading center, an d a two-yea r basketball letterman, wi ll direct the activities of the basketball squad from th e arne honored tit le.

Graduate Assistants Selected

Elaine Wintch

Harold Hiner

STUDENT BODY ELECTIONS "Ballyhoo" election campaigning again prevailed on the campus during the week of April 15 to 19, and as a result 1445 tudents voted for their favorite candidates, with Sigma u's Harold Hiner, of Salt Lake City, Chi Omega's Elaine Wintch, of Manti, and Kappa Delta's Beth Pocock topping the list for next year's student body president, vice-president, and secretary. Helen Allred, Logan; Sterling Peter on, Richfield; and Raymond Kimball, Kanosh, were chosen as councilmen while Clinton elson, of Smithfield, was the victorious candidate for the three-year council position. Bryant Kearl, of Preston, Idaho, and Karl Homer, of Idaho Falls, Idaho, were elected by the Publications Board as editors of the Student Life and Buzzer, respectively, for next year. Dick Romney, Logan, was named manager of the Buzzer.

Valedictorian Joe Elich, a mathematics major from Tooele, has been selected valedictorian of the 1940 graduating class and will deliver the valedictory address commencement day. Joe has an average of " A" with the exception of three hours of " B" in four years of College work. He plans to enroll at University of Cali· fornia at Berkeley next fall on a Thompson scholarship, and study for his master's degree.

Alumni Loan Fund Since spring quarter 1939, to April 1, 1940, the Association has lent $520 to students in order that they might continue their education at the College. Six

This loan fund has been built up from $25 Life Memberships in the A sociation and loans are made mostly to seniors and grad uates. How· ever a few under-classmen have been given loans. Women as well as men tudents have found this fund a great aid financially, and about a third of the loans have been made to womeli ap· plicants. The loan average $50 and they are made for one year. Each year a greater demand is being made for loans and althou gh all of them can't be granted, it is the hope of your Association officers to increase the paid memberships in order that any worthy and needy stu· dent applying for a loan in the future can be given one.

Twenty graduate a istants for L940-41, have been elected by the heads of department and app roved by the Col lege Board of Trustees. Those awarded a istantships are the follo wing: Agricultural Economics, Ro Kell y, '40; John Charles Brown, Brigham Youn g University; Loui~ A. ]en en , '39 ; Devere McAli ter, '39 ; bacteriology and biochemi try, Max L. Sweat of University of Utah; Richard B. Johnson, of orth Central College of Illinois; and Oliver A. Roholt, Jr., University of Montana. Chemistry, Lawrence Summers, of Iowa State College; Kenneth E. Holt, of Bethany College of Lindsborg, Kan as; W. Derby Laws and Clark Gubler, of Brigham Young Univers· ity; Raymond C. Rhee , '40 and Stanley Dunn, '39, and Robert W. Martin , of ·Bethany College. Child development and nur ery, Alberta Turner, '39 and Clea Mor· gan, '39. Geology, George B. Maxey, University of Montana; Physical Education, Israel Heaton, '35; ociology, Morris E. Morgan, '40; range management, Wayne Cook, of Kansa State College. These graduate a sistantships carry a ubstantial remuneration plus remission of resident fees.

Alumni Council Meeting The annual pring meeting of the Alumni council will be held Sunday, June 2, at 7 :00 a.m., in the Commons bui lding cafeteria. A breakfa t will precede the meetin g, beginning promptly at 7 :00 a.m . All co un cil members are urged to attend the meetin g and it is hoped that the live newly elected members wil l take this opportunity to get acquainted with the plans for the com· ing year, by attending.

/Jiu.mnl .Ait~wJ - - - 7'<t~u.nlonJ LOS ANGELES CHAPTER ORGANIZED


Vice President


Another chapter was added to the Association when graduates and former students met with the Executive Secretary at the time the band was in California in April, to form the Los Angeles, California chapter. Daken K. Broadhead, '28, was elected president, while Ernest Gunnell, '36, and Vera Clark Sandberg, '37, were elected vice-president and

secretary. Ten were selected to serve on the Executive Committee for one year as follows: A. Elden Rex, '28, Beverly Hills; LaVell "Johnny" Spackman, '36, Van Nuys; Grover Dunford, '16, Huntington Park; Logan M. Rich, '25; Eleanor Roberts Johnson , '37; Howard Pond, '34; and George S. Haslam, '29, all of Los Angeles; Thelma Johnson Neb-

eker, '31 , Hollywood, and Russell Standing, '23, San Bernardino. Everyone contacted in regard to the new chapter was very anxious to have an organization perfected, and with the above personnel in charge of activities, the Los Angeles chapter should prove to be one of the strongest and most active groups in the growing Association.

Class Reunions


Members of the class of 1915 will celebrate their twenty-fifth anniversary at the June commencement exercises, wtih John Finley, of Olympia, Washington, class president, in charge. Other classes to reunite this year include '05, '10, '20, '25, '30, and the '35 class. Class presidents include: Douglas Q. Cannon, Circleville, Utah, '20; Louis H. Griffin, Ogden. '25, Herbert T. Griffin , Ogden, '30; and Eugene Gardner Logan, '35. Private class receptions and meetings will be directed by class officers.

Meetings will be held in Nephi, Fillmore, and Beaver during June. Films taken on the campus during the present school year will be shown at these respective chapter parties.

Following graduation from the College. Mr. Neilson worked as a reporter on the United States Daily in Washington, D. C. He was a research writer in the Bureau of Foreign and Domestic Commerce, in the Department of Commerce, 1930-1933. During that time he studied at George Washington University, receiving a degree of bachelor of laws in 1933. He became a member of the staff of the Corporation Counsel for the District of Columbia, and resigned as Assistant Corporation Counsel to accept his appointment. The Association officers congratulate you, Mr. Neilson, on your progress, and we are 1mre that your many friends will be happy to learn of your most recent advancement.

David H. Calder, '30, and David 0. McKay, L. D. S. church official,

Boise Chaptar

were appointed to the College Board of Trustees May 2, by Governor Henry H. Blood, to fill the vacancies left by Frank B. Stephens, who died recently, and the late Melvin J . Ballard. Mr. Calder has attended Iowa State College since leaving Utah State and is vice-president of the Calder Bros. creamery in Vernal. He was a member of the 1937 legislative body, being a member of the House of Representatives.

Graduates and former students in and near BoisP, Idaho, have asked that a chapter be organized in Boise and plans are well under way for a chapter to be 0rganized there early this summer.

George D. Neilson, '28, received additional honor to an already brilliant career, when President Roosevelt recently nominated him to be judge of Police Court in Washington, D. C.

D. E. Robinson, 'II, formerly Professor of Marketing at the College and now General Manager of the Federal Advertising Agency of New York City, has just been made vicechairman of the Board of Governor's of the Iew York Council of American Ass'n of Advertising Agencies. Seven


A great many classmates of Wilford N. Moses, '12, wi ll recognize the above photogr.aph as that take.n .for the Buzzer the year he graduated. They should have httle trouble decidmg that the other photograph is that of his daughter, Ruth, who graduates this spring from University of California at Los Angeles, twenty·eight years later. When the Executive Secretary was in Los Angeles organizing an Alumni chapter, he had the opportunity to visit Mr. and Mrs. Moses in their beau· tiful Beverly. Hills home. (Mrs. Moses is the former Carrie Thomas, of Logan.) While there he saw the above photographs and asked permission to use them in the May Quarterly. Since leaving Utah Stat~ in 1912, Mr. Moses has been as ociated with the A. B. Dick company..He lived in Berkeley, California, until four years ago, when he and his family moved to Beverly Hills. He is in charge of all Government accounts for the eleven Western States. . Anyone who has ever. called on " Will and Carrie," as they are called, will agree that they are g~ven a royal reception and that both of them are loyal and interested in the welfare of the Association and the College. In the fa~l of 1941, their second daughter, Carol Jean, plans to enroll at Utah State m the field of Art.

Coaches Island Champs

mediately wrote to coaches Joseph R. Jensen, and E. L. Romney for information in regard to intramurals and basketball. According to Cliff, he employs a fast passing and breaking style of ball , similar to that used by Coach Romney.

Mter winning the Interscholastic basketball championship on the Kauai, Hawaiian Island, Coach Cliff Davis and his high school team from Waimea high, won the Senior Kauai Athletic Union championship. Winning the Athletic Union championship gave Cliff and his boys the New Council Members Voting for members on the Alum· right to represent their Island in the territorial A. A. U. championship ni Council closed April 15, and the games to be played in Honolulu dur- ballots were checked and doubl e· checked by the Executive Committee, ing April. At the time the Quarterly was pub- on that date. lished, word had not been received . The five high of the fifteen nomias to the outcome of the Honolulu nated and voted on are: Ernest R. Lee, '27, Logan; Dr. George R. Hill, venture. This is the third season Cliff has '08, Salt Lake City; Lucille Owens taught and coached at Waimea high Petty, '26, Ogden; Charles Dixon school. While at Utah State, he par· Kapple, '17, Ogden; and Roy Halticipated in track but spent most of verson, '25, Cedar City. They will his time in Entomology labs, his be accepted to the Council at the major field. Following graduation annual meeting of the Alumni Asso· in 1937, he went to Honolulu, where ciation in June and will serve for a he was born and lived prior to his period of three years. The newly elected members reentering Utah State. In August, 1937, he accepted the coaching and teach- place David G. Hurren, '27, Hyde ing position at Waimea high and im- Park ; V. D. Gardner, '22, Logan; Eight

Harold M. Peterson, '27, Logan; J. Karl Wood, '15, Hyrum, and Orville L. Lee, ' 10, Paradise. Mr. Lee is manager of the Logan branch of the Mountain States Telephone and Telegraph company. Whil e in school , Mr. Lee was on the Buzzer staff, football manager, a member of the Junior prom committee and president of the senior cia . Dr. Hill is director of the Agricullural Research department of the American Smelting and Refining company, and is an enthusiastic sup· porter of the College and the Association. Lucille Owens Petty, '26, Housewife. Mrs. Petty majored in the school of Education with a major in Physical Education. She was at one time Dean of Women at Weber Junior College. Charles Dixon Kapple, '17, Coach, Ogden High School. While at the College, was president of the Sophomore class and won letters in football, basketball and track. He served two years in the World War. His high school basketball team won the Utah high school championship for '40. Roy Halverson, '25, Assistant professor of instrumental music, B.A.C., Cedar City. Mr. Halverson is a music major and has done graduate work in Berlin, Germany, and New York City.

Marriages evada Watterson , Logan, to Blaine Haricey, '39, in the Logan L. D. S. Temple.




Carroll Hatch, Provo, to David A. Greene, '39, Pleasant Grove, in March. * * * Beth Hobbs, Nephi, to Morris H. Taylor, '37, Ogden. They plan to be married June 5, in the Manti L. D. S. Temple.

* *


Kathleen Wilson, '36, Ogden, to Gordon J. Bluth, '36, Denver, Colorado. They were married March 9, in the Salt Lake City, L. D. S. Temple, and will make their home in Denver.

Births Howard Duane Tanner, April 8, to Mr. and Mrs. Howard Tanner. Mrs. Tanner is the former Kate Smith, '31. They live at 1716 North Edgmont Street, Hollywood, Calif.


Formal ground breaking ceremonies were held April 11 , on the site of the new $35,000 chapter home of Gamma Kappa chapter of Sigma Chi, with President Elmer G. P eterson, President Frederick P ; Champ, Frank Limlin, first consul of the local chapter, and Willard Eccles, alumni president, as principal speakers. The home is being constructed in an "L" shape and faces east on the corner west of the stadium and will be two stories high. Included on the ground floor will be a

Directory With this issue of the Quarterly, forty-six classes have been listed al phabetically, giving the name, address and occupation of members of the classes. We appreciate the cooperation of all of you who mailed us information concerning address changes and occupations. The files have been aided materially through publishing this directory and we hope you received some benefit from it.

1937 Aagard, James C., Fountain Green, UtahSheep raising Acord, Clair R., 2708 Jefferson Avenue, Ogden, Utah-R. R. Supervisor, Farm Security Adm. Adams, Willis J., Route, Morgan, UtahFarmer Adney, C. G., (Honorary) Corinne, UtahFa.rmer Alchin, Alexander, 357 37th Street, Ogden, Utah-Mgr. Tea Room Allen, Chrystal, 143 East 3rd North, Logan, Utah-Secretary A.A.A. office Allen, David E., Bancroft, Idaho- Teacher, High School

chapter room, office, lavatory, showers, storage, boiler, two rooms for help, and eight rooms for chapter members living at the house. The main floor will include a living room, guest room, dining room, lavatory and showers, kitchen, pantry, and eight more bed rooms. The chapter house is being constructed by the Gamma Kappa chapter of the fra¡ ternity's alumni association, under the chairmanship of Adrian Hatch, of Logan.

Allen, Leland F., Albuquerque, New Mexico-Soil Cons. Service Allen, Wayne, San Bernardino: Calif.-U.S. Forest Service Alley, Charles L., Laketown, Utah-Farmer Anderson, Alice V., Pocatello, IdahoPathologist Anderson, Cholo Olive, Route 1, Box 98a, Logan, Utah-Teacher Anderson, Ernest LeRoy, 22 Mariondale Avenue, Logan, Utah-Accountant, An¡ derson Lumber Company Anderson, Jay F., McCammon, Idaho-Music Teacher Anderson, Naomi L., 208 Canyon Road, Salt Lake City, Utah-(Mrs. Alton H. Peterson) Andrus, Joseph W., Durango, ColoradoSoil Cons. Service Ashcroft, Theron M., 409 West 1st South, Cedar City, Utah-Instructor in English Astle, Lloyd J., Yellowstone Park, Wyoming -Nat'! Park Ranger Bach, W. Kenneth, 145- 3rd Ave., Salt Lake City, Utah-Civil Engineer Bailey, George L. Pingree, Idaho Bailey, Reed W., (Honorary) Ogden, Utah -U. S. Forest Service Baker, Robert C., Cokeville, WyomingTeacher Bankhead, Ruth, Wellsville, Utah Barker, Janet Marian, Duchesne, Utah(Mrs. L. Ross Fietkaw)

Barton, Donna, Panaca, Nevada-(Mrs. Sheldon Bell) Bennion, Dale H., Magna, Utah- Smith Hughes Teacher Bennion, Herald C., Farmington, Utah Bennion, Marion, 1152 Michigan Avenue, Salt Lake City, Utah - (Mrs. Joseph Cowley) Benzley, James C., 123 Chester Avenue, Bakersfield, California-Ass't Paleontologist Berg, Jacob, Savenac, Montana-U. S. Forest Service Berry, Body, Montpelier, Idaho Bingham, Paul J ., 118 State Capitol, Salt Lake City, Utah-Auditor, Tax Commission Bingham, Virginia, Route 4, Box 482, Ogden, Utah-Stenographer Brid, Virgil H., Jacob Lake, ArizonaService Man, W. W. Clyde & Co. Boam, Grant 0., Salt Lake City, UtahState Dept. of Agriculture. Bonham, Mi ldred, lOll N. S. East, Logan, Utah-( Mrs. John D. Stark) Bott, Arola, 585 East 7th North, Logan, Utah-(Mrs. Leonard McDonald) Bowen, Allen C., P. 0. Box 80, Ruston, La. -Soil Surveyor Bowen, Edith, 326 North 1st East, Logan, Utah, Primary Supervisor Bowen, John M., Rush Medical School, Chicago, IlL-Graduate Student, Medicine


ALUMNI DIRECTORY 1937 (Continued) Bowen, Ray B., 347 Moffat Court, Salt Lake City, Utah-Dairy Mfg. Bradford, Irma C., 122 Stratford Avenue, Garden City, New York-Public Health Association Brady, Lynn J., General Delivery, St. Col· lege, Pa. Braegger, Melva Dot, Park Valley, Utah(Mrs. Wallace Larsen) Bridge, Max W., Rawlins, Wyoming-Jr. Range Examiner, U. S. G. S. Broadbent, Marden, Room 400, Federal Bldg., Salt Lake City, Utah-Ass't County Agent Brown, Edith Emma, Hoytsville, Utah Brown, Elsa, Campus-(Mrs. Elsa Bate) Brown, Geddes Daniels, Farr West, Route 2, Ogden, Utah Brunt, Zona M., 1005 Canal Avenue, Idaho Falls, Idaho- Teacher Bryan, Milma June, Route, Box 43 Tooele Utah-(Mrs. John H. Gillette) ' ' Bryner, Louis P., Helper, Utah Bullen, N. Reese, Blackfoot, Idaho-Lieutenan t, C. C. C. Bundy, Dora, Bryn Mawr Hotel Chicago Illinois-(Mrs. Grant A. Godd~rd) ' Bunker, Robert E., Hyrum, Utah-Coach South Cache High School ' Burgin, Lloyd, 78 West 2nd North Logan Utah ' ' Burningham, Melvin S., Bountiful, Utah Buttars, Vada, Franklin, Idaho - (Mrs. Stratford Smith) Byington, lla May, 338 East 2nd South Logan, Utah ' Calder, Howard B., Vernal, Utah-Calder Bros. Creamery Callister, Eldon J., Box 402 Livingston Calif.-Voc. Ag. Teacher ' ' Cardon, Blanche, 56 West 2nd North, Logan, Utah-Stenographer Cardon, Margaret I., 1626 Argonne Place N. W., Washington, D. C.-Stenographe; Cardon, Ruby L., Box 1998 Boise Idaho(Mrs. William H. Marsh;ll) ' Carlisle, Thain, 85 East 3rd North Logan Utah-Music Teacher ' ' Casperson, Zona Genevieve, Banida, Idaho Cazier, Frank William 322 North 32nd Street, Billings, Montana-D. S. D. A. Weather Bureau Chadwick, Vera E., Cedar City, Utah-Librarian, B.A.C. Chapin, Hazel, Panaca, Nevada- ( Mrs Alva M. Michelsen) · Chatterlf, Clifton L., 481 West Center, Cedar City, Utah-Teacher, Parowan High School Cherringto~, !ack A., Springville, UtahL.D.S. MissiOn, New York City Christensen, James M., 1425 Arlington Salt Lake City, Utah ' Christensen, J. Wesley, Redmond, UtahPrincipal, Elementary School Clark, Vera, 538Y:! New Kingsley Drive Los Angeles, Calif.-(Mrs. Jay Sanl berg) Clement, Erwin, Campus-Exec. Sec. Alumni Ass'n Coe, Francis M., (Honorary) Campus-Associate Prof. of Horticulture Ten '

Conrady, Helen, 782 South 12th East, Salt Lake City, Utah-Stenographer Cook, LaBerle, Vernal, Utah-Teacher Corey, Miriam Alberta, 2614 Dwight Way, Berkeley, Calif.-Graduate Student, Baptist Divinity School Costley, Margaret K., St. Anthony, IdahoTeacher Cox, Beth Thorley, Hamilton's Fort, Cedar City, Utah Cox, John Gilbert, Woodruff, Utah-Engineer, State Road Commission Crandall, Bliss H., 135Y:! North Russell Avenue, Ames, Iowa-Graduate Student, Iowa State Criddle, Wayne D., Carlsbad, New Mexico -Civil Engineer Crookston, Marjorie, Bancroft, IdahoTeacher Daines, Dr. Franklin, Campus (Honorary) -Prof. of Political Science Daines, Rudgar Hatch, 357 East 5th North, Logan, Utah-Teacher Dalley, Mary, Box 1234, Cedar City, Utah( Mrs. Oscar Deming) Dalley, R. Rex, Hinsdale, Montana-Smith Hughes Instructor Dancy, Charlotte E., Campus (Honorary) -Ass't Prof. of Physiology & Nursing Daniels, Willa, Midway, Idaho Darley, Rebecca S., Wellsville UtahTeacher ' Davis, Clifton J ., Waimea High School Kauai, T. H.-Coach, High School ' Day, E. Vance, Tuba City, Arizona-Soil Cons. Service, Jr. Range Examiner Dempsey, John J., 123 W. Iron Street, Butte, Montana Dizikes, Jim L., 151 Hertswick Avenue, State College, Pa.-Graduate Student Dorius, F_loyd W., Camp 1-10, Weiser, Idaho-Sol! Cons. Service Drummond, Don M., Fort Duchesne, Utah -U.S. Forest Service ' Drummond, John Paul, Southwest Field Training School, Albuquerque, N. Mex. -Forest Service, Fellowship Dunn, Paul M., Campus (Honorary)Dean, School of Forestry Egan, J. Benson, Panguitch, Utah- Soil Cons. Service Egbert, Gordon R., U. S. S. Teal, Seattle Washington-D. S. Naval Air Service ' Eliason, Ethel, Manti, Utah-(Mrs. Llewellyn J. Young) Felt, Elva Cecelia, 3008 West 81st Street, Inglewood, Calif. Finlinson, Rich F., Logan, Utah-U. S. Forest Service Finlinson, W. Walker, Leamington, Utah Flake, Joseph M., 520 South Tejan Street, Colorado Springs, Colo.-Soil Cons. Serv. Fonnesbeck, Marguerite, 2112 Virginia St., Berkeley, Calif.-(Mrs. Lynn Keopfer) Fowkes, Alice Lucille, Mona, Utah Frahm, William A., 639 South Mill Street, Milton, Oregon - Entomologist, Rogers Canning Company Fraughton, Dee J., 808 24th Street, Apt. 8, Ogden, Utah-Junior Engineer Frederick, Dr. H. J., Campus (Honorary) -Prof. of Veterinary Science

Gailey, Beth, 336 27th Street, Ogden, Utah - (Mrs. Lenix Badger) Gailey, Clyde H., Kaysville, Utah-Teacher Gale, Hannah A., Minersville, UtahTeacher, Junior High Garbett, William E., 2561 Orchard Avenue, Ogden, Utah-Burrough Machines Co. Gardner, Sage, 173 South 2nd West, Cedar City, Utah Garrett, Afton Geneva, Nephi, UtahTeacher Geddes, Joseph A., Campus (Honorary)Prof. of Sociology Geneaux, Theron 0 ., C. C. C. Co. 3241, Dry Valley Camp, Moab, Utah - C. C. C. Camp Educational Advisor Georgeson, Reita, Weston, Idaho-Teacher, Cleveland School Gibbons, E. LaRetta, Box 8, Beaver, Utah -Home Management Supervisor, F.S.A. Gillespie, Beth, 708 First Street, Jackson Michigan-(Mrs. George LaBelle) ' Godfrey, Lyman LaRue, Clarkston, UtahTeacher Goff, Ivanowana, Box 352, Preston, Idaho -(MrS. Bramwell) Goodey, Phyllis, Lewiston, Utah-(Mrs. Barson A. Goo dey) Goodrich, Major W. R., Campus (Honorary)-Ass't Prof. of Military Science & Tactics Gordon, Beth, Smithfield, Utah Graham, Ruth Mae, North Ogden, Utah(Mrs. M. Nephi Manning) Granger, Helen G., Tremonton, Utah Gray, Anderson M., New Albany, Mississippi-D. S. Soil Cons. Service Greener, Dallas, Orem, Utah-Teacher Griffith, Preale, Preston, Idaho-Teacher Griffiths, June, Tremonton, Utah - (Mrs. Ralph Baird) Griggs, Archie J., 925 Lormbard Street, Evanston, Wyoming-Teacher Griner, E. Lee, 2130 W. Monroe Street, Phoenix, Arizona Gudmundson, J. Keith, Springville, UtahCivil Service in Flood Control Hadley, Ray L., Route 3, Ogden, UtahAccountant Hale, Lucius M., Box 261, Fairbanks, Alaska-U. S. Army Engineer Hale, Zendell M., Route 1, Pocatello, Idaho -Horticulturist Hall, J. Elliott, 104 East 2nd North, Manti, Utah-A.A.A. Office Hammond, Viola, Downey, ldaho-(Mrs. Rex Hunsaker) Hanks, Ruth E., 154 North 6th East, Provo, Utah-( Mrs. A. Douglas Allen) Hansen, Harold 1., 545 West 5th North, Logan, Utah-L.D.S. Mission, New York City, N.Y. Hansen, LaPriel, 2025 Hearst Ave., Berkeley, Calif.-(Mrs. Richard Palmer) Hansen, Marvin 0., Route 1, Box 111, Tremonton, Utah-Credit Adjustor, Hard· ware Concern Hansen, Sherman, Logan, Utah-Teacher Hansen, Thad Andrew, Richfield, UtahRichfield Bank Clerk Hansen, Wayne, No. 5 Granada Court, Hollister, Calif.-Voc. Ag. Teacher

ALUM N I DIRECTORY 1937 (Continued) Harames, Paul, 2352 Jackson Ave., Ogden, Utah Harding, Ruth, Draper, Utah-(Mrs. Frank Jorgensen) Hardy, Clark B., Box 174, Moab, UtahC.C.C. Foreman Harris, DeLoras, Tremonton, Utah Harris, Leonard W., 256-A East Lake, Wat· sonville, Calif.-Research Chemist-Calif. Spray Chemical Co. Harris, Lorin E. 108 North Romine, Ur· bana, Illinois-Graduate Studen t, Univ. of Illinois Harrison, Conrad B., 414 Wall Street, Salt Lake City, Utah-Deseret News Staff Harrison, Robert B., 131 South 1st East, Logan, Utah-Graduate Student, A. C. Hart, Eugene A., Nara Visa, New Mexico -Vocational Ag. Teacher Hartvigsen, Hazel E., Apt. C-13, 531 West 122 Street, New York City, N. Y.-(Mrs. Grant Cook) Hatch, ]. Willard, 42-25 Layton Street, Elmhurst, Long Island, N. Y.- Credit Dept. Com. Bankers, Mfg. Trust Hatch, Roberta Cutler, 357 East 2nd North, Logan, Utah Hatch, Victor M., Franklin, Idaho Hatch, W. Bradford, 4009 South 13th East, Salt Lake City, Utah-Teacher Hauck, Eldon, 609 South Deckel, Anaheim, Calif.-Teacher Hayward, Evelyn, 239 East South Temple, Salt Lake City, Utah - (Mrs. Ralph Wakely) Heaton, Louis Elbert, Berkeley, Calif.Gradu ate Student Heitz, William S., Fort Scooty, San Fran· cisco, Calif.-Active Duty, U. S. Army Hendersen, Afton, 3594 Carlin e Avenue, Lynwood, Calif.-(Mrs. Kent Ryan) Henderson, Ernest W., Goldendale, Wash· ington-Soil Cons. Service Henderson, Dr. W. W., Campus (Honorary) -Prof. of Zoology and Entomology Herm ansen, Royce D., Caliente, NevadaEngineer Hill, Ernest K., 121 Athlal Ave., Oakland, Calif.-Engineer Hill, Ramona, Kaysville, Utah-Teacher Hirst, William H., Route 3, Provo, Utah Hoggan, Leah, 1285 Parkway Avenue, Salt Lake City, Utah Holmes, M. M., Route 1, Box 112, Ogden, Utah-Teacher, Granite High School Holt, Arthur E., North 4 Madden Street, Willita, Calif.- C.C.C. Duty Howell, Keith L., 398 North 3rd West, Logan, Utah Hudson, Glen L., Box 552, Gooding, Idaho -Farming Irving, Evelyn, Midvale, Utah lsraelsen, Ester, North Logan, UtahTeacher Jackson, Helen, Randolph, Utah Jackson, S. Shirley, 217 Lorna Vista Ave., El Segundo, Calif.-Standard Oil Co. Jacobsen, Dr. Ernest A., Campus (Honor· ary) -Prof. of Education Jacobsen, Maurine, 651 Canyon Road, Logan, Utah-(Mrs. Maon Pulley)

Jenkins, Norma C., Freedom, Wyoming Jenson, Max S., Brigham City, Utah Jensen, Rue, Glenwood, Utah Jensen, William C., 807 Mass. Ave., Rock Springs, Wyoming-Industri al Arts Inst., Park City High School Johnso n, Afton, 426 Quince, Salt Lake City, Utah-Landscape Architect Johnson, Dorothy, Berkeley, Ca!if.-(Mrs. Eugene Gardner) Johnson, Farrell, Jr., Fort Scoot, San Francisco, Calif.-Active Duty, U. S. Army Johnson, Gwendolyn, Afton, Wyoming(Mrs. Melvin Warner) Johnson, Harmon E., 208 Canyon Road, Salt Lake City, Utah-Office Mgr., Sego Milk Company Johnso n, Leola M., 320 East Center, Logan, Utah-(Mrs. Durrell Erickson ) Johnson, Wendell D., Laketown, UtahRancher Jolley, Ma rion, Mt. Pleasant, Utah-Case Worker, Public Welfare Jones, Gerald H., 554 West Center, Logan, Utah-Life Insurance Salesman Jones, Ma urice L., KSL, Salt Lake City, Utah-Studio Control Engineer Jones, Viola L., Sterling, Idaho- Teacher Jorgensen, E. Samuel, Safford, Arizona Jorgensen, John G., Salina, Utah-Farmer Jorgensen, Leonard N., Hyrum, Utah Josephson, Vernal, McGill University, Montreal, Canada-Graduate Student Judd, Augusta, 719 Graff Ave., Meadville, Pa.-(Mrs. Philip Bullen) Kane, John Francis, 135 East Center St., Logan, Utah-Forest Entomologist, Forest Insect Investigation Karren, M. Ted, 239 East South Temple, Salt Lake City, Utah-Acco untant, Shell Oil Company Keller, Ma rgaret, 2723 Brinker Ave., Ogden, Utah-Teacher, Ogden High Kendall, Jean, St. George, Utah-(Mrs. Wayne Hinton) Ketchie, Henry L., 1108-24th St., Ogden, Utah- Forestry Service Kinney, Helen, 220 Maple St., Reno, Nev. -(Mrs. Fred B. Harris) Klomp, Gerard J., Box 746, Lander, Wyo. -Range Examiner, U. S. S. C. S. Kunkel, Robert, 28 Cleveland Ave., Ft. Myers, Florida-L. D. S. Mission, Florida Kunz, Vernon L., Bern, Idaho-Farmer Lamborn, Grant, Laketown, Utah-Teacher Larsen, Arlan d Alvin, 671 W. Judician St., Blackfoo t, Idaho-Prop., Ice Cream Store Lavin, Fred, Monte Vista, Colorado-D. S. Forest Service, District Range Examiner Leonard, Mary, Kendrick, Idaho- (Mrs. Oscar Lee Onstott) Levi, Alexander W., 1042 Western Ave., San Bernardino, Calii.- Entomologist Lillywhite, Iris, 20 South 1st East, Brigham City, Utah-Teacher, Central School Linnebach, Ruth K., 518 East 4th North, Logan, Utah Litz, Marvin G., 105 Old Federal Bldg., Phoenix, Arizona-Engineer, Public Land Surveyor Low, Clyde T., Price, Utah-U.S. Soil Cons. Service

Low, Jessop B., 143 Sheldon Ave., Ames, Iowa-Graduate Student, Iowa State Lowe, Beth, Campus-Library Lucas, Veda, 18 East 4th North, Logan, Utah-(Mrs. William Woffinden) Lucas, Vida, Howell, Utah-(Mrs. Cleon Forsgren) Lund, Doyle S., St. George, Utah-U. S. Soil Cons. Service Lund, Merlin B., 224 North Hayes, Pocatello, Idaho-Commercial Credit Co. McAllister, W. Walker, Spanish Fork, Utah - Teacher McCarrey, Rulon S., 236 North 2nd East, Logan, Utah McClellan, Lincoln, 44 South 4th East, Logan, Utah-Coach, Junior High McCracken, Cleo, 2869 Washington Blvd., Ogden, Utah-Teacher McCracken, Joseph, 162 Arnolds Neck Drive, Apponaug, Rhode Island-U.S. Forest Service McKinnon , Joyce, Helper, Utah- (Mrs. John Houston ) MacFarlane, M. J., deceased Madsen, Clyde B., Box 1510, Reno, Nevada -U.S. Biological Survey Malouf, Raymond N., Glenwood, UtahGraduate Student in Medicine Mangum, Milton, Campus-Head Information, Dept. A.A.A. Manning, Rose, 2832 Quincy Ave., Ogden, Utab-Teacher Martin, Audrey M., Tooele, Utah-(Mrs. Ross F. McLaws) Maughan, Helen, Grangeville, Idaho-Home Supervisor, Farm Sec. Adm. Maughan, Lyman P., Wellsville, Utah Maughan, Zaida, Wellsville, Utah Merrill, Donald G., Burley, Idaho-Chemist, Amalgamated Sugar Co. Me rrill, Edith L., Lethbridge, Alberta, Can· ada Merrill, Heberk, Jr., Lethbridge, Alberta, Canada Michaelis, Mabel, Garland, Utah- (Mrs. Thera! Bishop) Michaelsen, Leon C., Richfield, Utah-Govt. Employee, F. S. A. Milligan, Herbert, Smithfield, Utah-Case Worker, Cache County Welfare Dept. Miner, Merthyr L., Box 101, Montpelier, Idaho Millinet, Leo, 22 South 2nd West, Brigham City, Utah-Graduate Student, U.S. A. C. Mitchell, May Louise, John Day, Oregon -(Mrs. Leonard Rampton ) Moore, Irving, 937 Morse Lee St., Evanston, Wyoming Morgan, Margert, Rexburg, Idaho-Teacher Morrison, Annie, Franklin, Idaho- Teacher Morrison, Ernest M., 622 Greet St., Salt Lake City, Utah-Co. R. R. Supervisor, Farm Sec. Adm. Morse, Blaine, Price, Utah-Forest Service Mortensen, Velma Dee, Payson, UtahTeacher Mulleneaux, Carl K., Green Bay, Wisconsin -Member, Green Bay Packers Football Team Murdock, Lovell, Salt Lake City, UtahSalesman Eleven

ALUMNI DIRECTORY 1937 (Continued) Myers, Mary Louise, Route 1, Ogden, Utah Nalder, Norma, , Rexburg, Idaho- (Mrs. Mark Peterson) Nelson, Aaron G., Brookings, South Dakota -Ass't Professor, South Dakota College Nelson, John A., 44 North 2nd East, Logan, Utah Nelson, Olof, 169 East 4th North, Logan, Utah (Honorary)-Contractor Nelson, W. Richard, Sae Paula, Brazil, South America-L. D. S. Mission Newey, Helen B., 388 North 3rd East, Logan, Utah-Teacher, Smithfield Nielsen, Florence }., 772 Canyon Road, Logan, Utah-(Mrs. Hitchcock) Nielson, Naomi, Fielding, Utah-Teacher Noel, Virginia, Vernal, Utah-Teacher Olsen, Marvin E., Las Crucis, New Mexico -Jr. Soil Survey, U. S. S.C. Olson, Gordon, 251 East 4th North, Spring· ville, Utah-Machinist Orme, Lincoln A., Preston, Idaho-Teacher Orton, Otis L., North Ogden, Utah Osmond, Joseph C., 717 East 2nd North, Logan, Utah-Electrical Contractor Oveson, M. Crawford, Wallowa, OregonTeacher Oviatt, Clifford W., U. S. Forest Service, Baldwin, Michigan-Supt. Relief Proj· ects, Manistee Nat'! Forest Owen, Lavawn R., Route 1, Preston, Idaho Owen, Neil W., Wilson, Wyoming- Ed. Advisor, C.C.C. 4428, Wells, Nevada Owens, Richard W., 2700 Woolsey, Berk· eley, Calif.-Graduate Student Oyler, Beth, Tremonton, Utah-Teacher Painter, Susan, Afton, Wyoming-Teacher Palmer, Eugene 1., Cedar City, Utah-Cab· inet Maker Palmer, N. Revier, Montello, NevadaTeacher Parker, Frank R., Wellsville, Utah Passey, Howard B., Albuquerque, New Mexico-U. S. Soil Cons. Service Passey, Scott B., Mt. Pleasant, Utah-U.S. Soil Cons. Service Paull, Don Richard, 6144 Univ. Ave., Chi· cago, Illinois-Grad. Student, Medicine Paulsen, Phyllis, 191 South 3rd West, Logan, Utah Payne, Raymond F., 15 South 5th East, Brigham City, Utah-Teacher Pearson, Bernice J., Box 281, McNary, Arizona-(Mrs. Flake Willis) Pechstein, Arnold W., 175 East 2nd North, Logan, Utah Peel, Lois, Mt. Pleasant, Utah-Teacher Perkes, Orson, Hyde Park, Utah- Dairy Chemist Peters, Afton, 160-1st Ave., Salt Lake City, Utah-Librarian, Dixie Jr. College Peters, Beth, 160-lst Ave., Salt Lake City, Utah-Teacher Twelve

Peterson, Edwin L., Cedar City, UtahFaculty, B. A. C. Peterson, Eldora, 514 South Main, Logan, Utah-Teacher Peterson, Lorin M., 3655 Ogden Ave., Og· den, Utah-School Teacher Peterson, Marian, 52 Livingston St., Brook· lyn, New York - Anne Carroll Moore Library Peterson, Ray K., Panguitch, Utah-R. R. Supervisor, F. S. A. Pond, Dorothy, Box 64, Elko, Nevada(Mrs. Lester Lear) Pond, Jay, 12271,6 West 38th Place, Los Angeles, Calif.-Teacher Pratt, Paul H., Hinckley, Utah-Farmer Preston, Faye, St. Louis, Missouri-(Mrs. LeGrand Spencer) Price, Alys L., Rexburg, Idaho-Madison High School Pulley, Maon F., 651 Canyon Road, Logan, Utah-Teacher Purcell, Ronald W., 332 West Young SL, Pocatello, ldaho-DisL Supervisor, Farm Sec. Adm. Quist, Albert 0., 219 Crestone Ave., Salt Lake City, Utah-Teacher, L. D. S. Seminary Rasmussen, Barbara, Mantua, UtahTeacher Reams, Mary J., 435 · 16th St., Ogden, Utah -Board of Education, Weber County Redford, Grant H., Cedar City, UtahFaculty, B. A. C. Reveal, Jack L. Jr., Reno, Nevada Rice, Florence Lucy, Brigham City, UtahTeacher Rich, Lorenzo P., Fielding, Utah Rich, Vernon B., Malad, Idaho - Cons. Officer, Oneida Co. Richards, Stuart H., Texico, New Mexico -High School Ag. Supervisor Ricks, Dr. Joel E., Campus (Honorary)Prof. of History . Rigby, Woodrow ~·· 2724 Harkness Way, Sacramento, Cahf.-Manager, Life Ins. Agency Roberts, Daryl Lee, Delta, Utah Roberts, Eleanor, 620 South Gramercy Place, Los Angeles, Calif.-(Mrs. C. Reid Johnson) Roberts, Louis A., Univ. of Southern Calif. Los Angeles, Calif.-Graduate Student ' Roe, Dale Evans, Preston, Idaho-Editor and Mgr., Franklin County Citizen Ross, J . Richard, 305 South 5th East, Salt Lake City, Utah Rowley, William, Rigby, Idaho-Teacher Rushforth, T. S., Kaysville, Utah Ryan, Kent, 3594 Carline Ave., Lynwood, Calif.-General Motors Co. Sanders, Eva Mae, 213 East 4th North, Nephi, Utah Schlappi, Lloyd K., Vernal, Utah-Teacher Schnepel, Richard L., Beaver, Utah-Owner and Mgr., Early Bird Cafe

Seager, J. Austin, 45 West 89 St., New York City, N. Y.-Graduate Student Sevy, Jay L., Austin, Nevada-U.S. Forest Service Sharrett, Dorothy, 368 · 12th St., Ogden, Utah-(Mrs. Grant L. Alder) Shepherd, Charles Rich, Afton, Wyoming -Teacher Shepherd, Weldon 0., Levan, UtahTeacher Shields, Stewart F., Swiftcurrent, Sask., Canada-Dominion Exp. Station Shurtliff, Dorothy D., 1027 South 9th East, Salt Lake City, Utah-Clothing Instructor Skanchy, Thelma Fay, Leland Stanford Univ., Palo Alto, Calif.-Grad. Student Skidmore, William W., 195 East 4th North, Logan, Utah-N. Y. A. Supervisor Smalley, Lois, 1505 J SL, Eureka, Calif.(Mrs. Myles Watkins) Smith, Carl B., College Park, MarylandGraduate Student Smith, Dorothy E., Theta Upsilon House, Berkeley, Calif. Smith, Evelyn Jane, Austin, Nevada-(Mrs. J. Lowe Sevy) Smith, Norman P., Huntington, Utah Smith, Wendell H., Route 2, Preston, Idaho -Engineer Smyth, Evelyn, Manti, Utah-Teacher Snow, Cluff D., Lava Hot Springs, IdahoCoach Snow, Cullen, 165-10 SL, Idaho Falls, Idaho · -Laboratory Technician Snyder, Emery T., Milford, Utah-U.S. Biological Survey Sorenson, Charles C., 11641,6 West 11 SL, San Pedro, Calif.-State Chemist Sorenson, Fred W., Box 706, Smithfield, Utah-Teacher Soulier, Wesley D., Route 2, Box 34, Provo, Utah-Vocational Teacher Spangler, Mary J., Box 73, Twin Falls, Idaho Spencer, Farrell J., 345 North 3rd East, Logan, Utah-Secretary's Office, U.S.A.C. Sperry, Virginia L., 205 East Center, Nephi, Utah Spillman, S. George, 1365 North Harrison, Pocatello, Idaho-Teacher Stanley, LaVon, 622 ·27th St., Ogden, Utah -Teacher Steed, Dale, Clearfield, Utah - Graduate Student Steffen, Hyrum, Beaver, Utah - County Agent Stevens, Frank, Corinne, Utah-Teacher Stewart, J. Kenneth, 158 South 4th East, Logan, Utah Stocking, C. Neldon, Route 1, Paul, Idaho -Teacher, Y. M. C. A. Stocks, Maxine, Bountiful, Utah Stoddard, Nedra, Trenton, Utah- (Mrs. Walter Wood) Swinyard, Alfred W., 467 Boulevard, Logan, Utah-Instructor, U.S. A.C.

ALUMNI DIRECTORY 1937 (Continued) Taylor, Glenn, Bear River, Utah-School Principal Taylor, Jack W., 523 ·7th St., Ogden, Utah -Accountant Taylor John S., Route 3, Box 469, Ogden, Utah Taylor, Laura E., 1121 Ashton Ave., Salt Lake City, Utah Taylor, Morris H., Fargo, North DakotaBureau of Ag. Econ. Thatcher, A. Blaine, 508 · 27th St, Ogden, Utah Thatcher, Lynn M., 549 South 7th East, Salt Lake City, Utah- State Sanitary Engineer Thomas, Cecil A., Swan Lake, Idaho Thomas, Rhoda Mae, Eden, ldaho---(Mrs. Thead J. Hanks) Thorley, Harriet, 204 South 3rd West, Cedar City, Utah Thome, James Perry, 2750 Quincy, Ogden, Utah-Soil Technologist Thornley, G. Elliott, Smithfield, Utah Thorson, Theodore W., Outlook, Montan111 Thurman, Alice L., 462 West 2nd South, Provo, Utah Tolman, Dale R., Kaysville, Utah-Teacher Tolman, Ralph W., Honeyville, UtahFarming Toolson, Beth, Smithfield, Utah Tout, Glen M., 1749 Oxford St., Berkeley, Calif.-Graduate Student Tribe, R. Wayne, 1549 ·24th St., Ogden, Utah-Forest Service Turley, Louis 0 ., 643 Main St., Sausalito, Calif.-Battery Officer, U.S. Army Underwood, Florence Ann, University of Alaska, College, Alaska-(Mrs. D. Ward Ogden) Van Dyke, Don Carlos, Jr., Lewiston, Utah -Principal, Avalon Jr. High Wade, Edward W., 1222 · 23rd St, Ogden, Utah-State Traffic Patrolman Wadsworth, C. Douglas, Wasatch Nat'l Forest, Hanna, Utah-U.S. Forest Service Waite, Ariel T., Hyde Park, Utah-Clerk, Farm Sec. Adm. Wakley, Mildred, 198 South 3rd West, Logan, Utah-(Mrs. Allen Meikle) Wakely, Ralph C., 239 East South Temple, Salt Lake City, Utah-Accountant Waldron, Virgil C., Route 2, Tremonton, Utah-Teacher, Fielding Ward, Dwayne D., Almo, Idaho Ward, LeGrand B., Boise, Idaho Ward, Ralph P., 3876 Dublin Ave., Los Angeles, Calif.-Machinist Wardleigh, Phyllis Irene, 556 · 23rd St., Ogden, Utah Warner, Roland M., Fillmore, Utah-Gasoline Station Operator Warner, Sylvan D., Baker, Nevada-Forest Ranger Warnick, Charles W., Pleasant Grove, Utah

Wasden, Newel F., Cedar City, Utah-Farm Security Adm. Supervisor Watson, Eldon M., Delta, Utah - U.S. Forest Service Watts, Austin LeMoyne, Box 115, Logan. Utah-Teacher Westfall, Helen Lois, Neighborhood House, Salt Lake City, Utah-Nursery Teacher White, Dallas, Logan, Utah - Graduate Student, U.S. A. C. Whitehouse, Mary L., Tooele, UtahTeacher Wilkinson, Karl J., Elko, Nevada-U.S. Forest Service Willes, Emery Hyde, 1122 Westm inster Ave., Salt Lake City, Utah-Civil Engineer Willmore, Paul, 632 Hill Ave., Grand Junction, Colo.-Engineer Winkel, A. G., Pocatello, ldaho- U. S. Soil Cons. Service Wintch, J. Wallace, Boston, Mass.-Wool Growers Ass'n Wood, Everett C., Sterling, Idaho-Farmer and Stockraiser Woodland, Anna Laura, 275 West 1st North, Logan, Utah Wright, Gordon S., 2318 Jefferson Ave., Ogden, Utah-Wright Men's Store Wright, Milton M., Ft. Collins, Colo.-U. S. Forestry Service Wycoff, Harold M., 25 Thorndike St., Concord, N.H.-U.S. Forest Service Yates, Joseph L., Box 236, Driggs, IdahoTeacher Young, Joseph Llewellyn, Manti, UtahGeologist

1938 Aamodt, John F., Bountiful, Utah Adams, Glen B., Denver, Colorado-Ass'! Editor, Western Farm Life Adams, Nathan Cameron, Delta, UtahCreamery Adams, William T., Columbia University New York City, N. Y.-Grad. Student ' Alder, Dorothy Mae, 905 South Normandie Los Angeles, Calif.- (Mrs. Ralph M: Porter) Allen, Austin Douglas, Hyrum, Utah-Civil Engineer Allen, Darley John, Malad, Idaho Allen, Roland Ricks, Richmond, UtahFarmer Alley, Russell Erwin, Laketown, Utah Allred, Glade, Campus-A.A.A. Office Allred, Warren J., Afton, Wyoming Anderson, Da~ L., Salina, Utah . Anderson, Lois Mae., 239 East South Temple, Salt Lake City, Utah-(Mrs. Ted Karren) Anderson, Loren DeVel, Malad, IdahoTeacher Anderson, Marjorie H., Goldendale, Washington-(Mrs. Ernest Henderson) Anderson, Nedra Lucille, 43 South Holden, Midvale, Utah-Teacher

Anderson, Norman H., 48 South 4th West, Brigham City, Utah-Teacher Anderson, O'Dean, Glenwood, Utah Anderson, 0. Sherman, 727 Shoshone N., Twin Falls, Idaho-Salesman, C. C. Anderson Co. Andreasen, Grant G., .Sugar City, IdahoCoach Andrews, Norman B., Mt. Shasta, Calif.U. S. Forest Service Andrus, Beulah L., Box 157, Ucon, Idaho -Teacher Andrus, Ida, Kamas, Utah Anhder, Theo Earl, Hyrum, Utah Archibald, David Merlin, Route 2, Rexburg, ldaho---Jr. Soil Technologist Armstrong, Herbert C., Fort Scott, San Francisco, Calif. - Active Duty, U.S. Army Ashby, J. Hetzler, Ogden, Utah-Uintah Dairy Products Co. Ashcroft, Barbara, Hyde Park, UtahTeacher Austin, Wilma, 808 Burnett Ave., Ames, lowa-(Mrs. C. Draper) Badger, Lenix, 336 · 27th St., Ogden, Utah -Collector Bagley, Melba Lucille, Greenwich, UtahTeacher Bailey, Elease, Wellsville, Utah Bailey, Oralie, 244 South 3rd East, Logan, Utah-Teacher Barker, David Austin, 2044 Laine Ave., Ogden, Utah Barker, Myra, North Ogden, Utah-Teacher Barlow, Francis Parrish, 352 East 4th North, Logan, Utah Barlowe, Joel C., 38 North 2nd West, Cedar City, Utah Barnes, Newell Hill, Kaysville, UtahFarmer Barney, Ross C., Naval Air Station, Pensacola, Florida-U.S. Naval Air Corps Barrett, Edward Louis, Jr., 1945 Haste St., Berkeley, Calif.-Graduate Student Barrett, Ivan J., Overton, Nevada-Principal, Seminary Barton, Dale L., Kaysville, Utah-Teacher, Davis High School Barton, Roma, Blanding, Utah-Teacher Bastian, Boyd K., 2236 South Hyland Drive, Salt Lake City, Utah-Case Worker Beck, Loal, 245 East 3rd North, Logan, Utah Beckstrand, Orrin B., Meadow, Utah-Social Welfare Worker Behling, Wesley A., Provo, Utah-Engineer, Bureau of Reclamation Bell, Sheldon A., Pavaca, Nevada-U. S. Forest Service Belliston, Walter James, Nephi, UtahAttending Aeronautics School Benson, Zetta, Cedar City, Utah-( Mrs. Edwin L. Peterson)


ALUMNI DIRECTORY 1938 (Continued) Beutler, Olga L., Huntington, UtahTeacher Bickmore, Wallace 0., Paradise, Utah Bird, Bedford W., Montpelier, Idaho-Supervisor, Farm Sec. Adm. Bischoff, Dean E., Geneva, Idaho-L. D. S. Mission Service, South America Black, JesseR., 425 North 7th West, Logan, Utah Blackham, L. Bard, Amarillo, Texas Blair, Phillip G., 1123 Oak St., Ogden, Utah-Horticulturist Blair, Ray F., Mountain Home, IdahoEngineer Blaisdell, Waldo J., Holbrook, Idaho Blaser, Herman E., Albuquerque, New Mexico-U. S. Soil Cons. Service Borrell, Stanley M., Fort Scott, San Fran· cisco, Calif.-Active Duty, U. S. Army Boulton, Howard C., 605 South Redwood Road, Salt Lake City, Utah- Boulton Dairy Bowen, Atha, Concord, Calif.- Graduate Student Bowers, Mildred, 218 South 1st West, Cedar City, Utah-Associate Prof. Home Econ., B.A. C. Boyer, Lorene Brown, Coalville, Utah(Mrs. William Boyer) Brackett, Beth, Rogerson, Idaho- (Mrs. Rolland K. Patrick) Brand, Virginia June, 2000 Connecticut Ave., N. W., Washington D. C.-Stenography Brough, Elmo Anderson, 393 South 1st West, Nephi, Utah Brough, Ivy Mae, Trenton, Utah-Teacher Brown, Clair T., Vernal, Utah-Bookkeeper Bruerton, Margery Alice, 2013 East 48th South, Salt Lake City, Utah Budge, Elliott, Moreland, Idaho Budge, Kei th McKay, Malad, Idaho Budge, Virginia, Parowan, Utah - (Mrs. Floyd Slater) Bullock, Kathryn, 76 East 1th South, Cedar City, Utah Bullock, Jam es Robert, Apt. 211, 2515 K St., N. W., Washington, D. C.-Graduate Srudent Bunderson, Leona, 710 North 1st East, Logan, Utah- (Mrs. Erwin Clement) Bunderson, Victor Lee, Emery, UtahFarmer Burgess, Robert E., Box 1354, Albuquerque, New Mexico-Agronomist Burton, Alta, Afton, Wyoming Burton, Reese D., Afton, Wyoming Butterworth, Roma, Route 1, Midvale, Utah -Division Mgr., Sears Roebuck & Co. Call, Thelia, 560 North 1st East, Logan, Utah-Teacher Campbell, Eldon R., Roosevelt, Utah-Supervisor, Farm Sec. Adm. Fourteen

Cantwell, Kenneth Robert, Smithfield, Utah Cardon, Ezra B., 264 North 3rd East, Logan, Utah Cardon, Fay, 636 Washington Blvd., Ogden, Utah Cardon, Gayle, Sugar City, ldaho-(Mrs. Carl A. Smith) Cardon, Neva, Route 1, Smithfield, UtahBudge Hospital Cardon, William H., Route 1, Ogden, Utah Carlile, Rulon George, Heber, Utah-Mine Equipment Retail Carling, Joseph Giles, Tooele, UtahTeacher Carlisle, Ruth Wright, 230 North 1st East, Logan, Utah-(Mrs. Thain Carlisle) Carlson, Enos James, 364 West 2nd North, Logan, Utah-Attending School Carter, Mercedes Annice, 1762 East 3rd, Apt. 18, Long Beach, Calif.- Teacher Cartwright, W. Proctor, 91 East 4th North, Logan, Utah-Graduate Student, Columbia University Carver, Ruth W., 1214- 26th St., Ogden, Utah Cazier, John Barton, Route 3, Ogden, Utah Chadwick, John W., 2268 Van Buren, Ogden, .Utah Chadwick, Raymond S., Amarillo, TexasU.S. Soil Cons. Service Chambers, Alice, Smithfield, Utah Cheney, Ford, Logan, Utah- Graduate Student, U. S. A. C. Cheney, Phillip Clark, Kaysville, Utah Christensen, Dean C., Logan, UtahTeacher, Music Christensen, Jewell F., 225 North 1st East, Logan, Utah-( Mrs. Grant Nielsen) Christensen, J. Oral, Aurora, Utah Christensen, John V., Campus - Graduate Student Christiansen, LeMoine B., 711 East 3rd South, Tucson, Arizona-Bureau of Ag. Economics Christensen, Mary Re, 20 South 2nd East, Brigham City, Utah-Teacher Christensen, Paul F., Hitchcock Hall, Univ. of Chicago, Chicago, TIL-Graduate Student Christensen, Ruth C., 496 East 1st South, Logan, Utah-Teacher Clark, Ada May, 111 South Conant Ave., Burley, ldaho-(Mrs. Bertram H. Tucker) Clark, Gwenva, Newton, Utah-Teacher Clark, Ida Marie, Logan, Utah- (Mrs. Stanley Logan) Cliff, John Oliver, Pocatello, ldaho-Jr. Range Examiner Cole, Sybil, 255 North 3rd East, Logan, Utah-Teacher Cole, William C., Nephi, Utah Collings, Clifford R., Campus-A.A.A. Office Mgr. Cook, Dora Dean, 336 East South Temple, Salt Lake City, Utah-(Mrs. Glen L. Olsen)

Cook, Helen, 246 South 1st West, Rexburg, Idaho-Graduate Student Cooley, Marie, 2515 K St., Washington, D. C.-(Mrs. Lloyd N. Johnson) Coombs, Ross H., Fountain Green, UtahPrincipal, Portage School Corry, Elma, 264 South 3rd West, Cedar City, Utah-Clerk, Drug Store Cowley, Claude Raymond, Box 132, Price, Utah-Teacher Cox, Walter Shad, Fairview, Utah Cragun, Paul Budge, Route 3, Ogden, Utah - Music Instructor Crawford, Maud, 385 North 1st East, Price, Utah- Teacher Cronquist, Arthur John, Campus Crossman, Doris Blanche, Brigham City, Utah-Teacher Crowther, Margaret, 143 East 2nd South, Logan, Utah-(Mrs. Richard C. Harris) Currier, Herbert B., 115 Rice Lane, Davis, Calif.-Assoc. Botany, Univ. of Calif. Daines, Myra, 375 North 1st East, Logan, Utah-Teacher Dale, Sterle E., Jackson, Wyoming-U.S. Forest Service Daly, Rex F., 1014 West Main St., Urbana, Illinois-Graduate Student Dargan, Lucas M., Gunnison, ColoradoColorado State Fish & Game Cons. Davis, Irene, Emmett, Idaho - Teacher, Home Economics Davis, Wendel A., Mesa, Arizona-Dairy Farmer Day, J. Francis, Mt. Pleasant, UtahTeacher Dayto n, Delio G., Logan, Utah-Teacher Dean, Wallace R., Beaver, Utah-Teacher Deming, Oscar, Box 1234, Cedar City, Utah DeMoisy, Ralph G., Salmon, ldaho-Ed. Director, C.C.C. Camp Dibble, Jane, Layton, Utah Dives, Alicia, 115 West 29th St., Ogden , Utah-(Mrs. Elden Bingham) Dixon, Kathryn, Cedar City, Utah-Teacher Doman, Everett R., 669¥:! East 5th North, Logan, Utah-Graduate Student Donaldson, Helen L., Boise, ldaho-(Mrs. LeGrand B. Ward) Downs, Elvin, Afton, Wyoming-Vocational Ag. Instructor Drake, Merrett R., Coushatta, La.-Jr. Soil Surveyor, Soil Cons. Service Drown, Eugene Ardent, Yosemite National Park, Calif.-Rangers Station Drury, Livinia, Route 1, Preston, Idaho(Mrs. John R. Gregory) Duke, Jennie, Heber, Utah Eberhard, Frederick G., Melba, IdahoTeacher Egan, Gilbert Squire, 966 Washington Blvd., Ogden, Utah Ellison, Don J., Fredonia, Arizona-Forest Engineer, Southwest Lumber Mill Inc.

ALUMNI DIRECTORY 1938 (Continued) Ellison, Phay Edward, 333 - 36th St., Ogden, Utah-Salesman England, Harvey, Green River, Utah-Coach Engstrom, LeMar, Ogden Hotel, Ogden, Utah-Weber Central Dairy Esplin, Alma LaMar, 359 West Center, Logan, Utah-Graduate Student, Texas A. & M. College Esplin, Vera, Snowflake, Arizona-Teacher Evans, Dean Earl, Rigby, Idaho-Teacher Excell, Earl, Panguitch, Utah-Farmer Farnsworth, Lucille, 219- 8th Ave., Salt Lake City, Utah Farr, Persis, McCammon, Idaho-( Mrs. Con Thomas) Ferrin, Carl J., Evanston, WyomingTeacher Finch, Ray Hansen, Spanish Fork, UtahFarmer Finlinson, Joseph Lyman, Leamington, Utah -Farmer Fister, Franklin G., 1402 Capitol Ave., Ogden, Utah Fonnesbeck, Wanda, Preston, ldaho-(Mrs. Douglas H. Hancey) Foutz, F. Elmer, P. 0 . Box 456, Worland, Wyoming-Jr. Reclamation Economist Frasier, Merle 1., 1803 Longwood Ave., Los Angeles, Calif.-(Mrs. Ray Rencher) Fuller, Revilo, 220 High St., Farmer City, Illinois-Graduate Student. Garff, J. Elmo, Reno, Nevada-Salesman, Sego Milk Garrett, Wayne, Salt Lake City, UtahAcct. General Company George, Thelma, Vernal, Utah-Teacher Georgeson, Verda, Weston, Idaho-Teacher Georgeson, Verla, Weston, Idaho Gessel, Homer J., Providence, Utah-Landscape Gardener and Architect Gibson, Floyd H., 2637 Portland St., Los Angeles, Calif. - Dairyman, Pellessier Dairy Gledhill, Utahna, Richfield, Utah-Teacher Goates, Raeldon K., Silverton, OregonCoach Gooch, Perry Edmund, Arimo, IdahoTeacher Greenhalgh, Gene Woodrow, Box 217, Kim-¡ berly, Nevada-Ass't Chief Chemist Greenhalgh, Rex L., 158 East 2nd North, Provo, Utah-Engineer Greenhalgh, William Hyrum, Nephi, Utah -Bureau of Reclamation Griffiths, Hugh Darrell, Box 354, Logan, Utah- Tax Commission Office Griffiths, LeArta, Brigham City, Utah(Mrs. Mark D. Hammond) Grover, Dean E., Garland, Utah-Teacher Gubler, Thelma, Lund, Nevada Gudmundson, Arthur D., Woodland, Calif. -Chemist, Spreckels Sugar Co.

Gunderson, Ralph V., Delta, Utah-Teacher Gunn, Ruth , 224 Welch Ave., Ames, Iowa -(Mrs. Vic Austin) Hadfield, Arlene, Yerington, Nevada-(Mrs. Jack L. Reveal) Hadfield, Lynn, Smithfield, Utah Hadlock, Basil, Route l, Clearfield, Utah -Farmer Hales, Doyle Charles, Moab, Utah- Jr. Range Examiner Hales, Ray Archie, Spanish Fork, UtahEngineer Hall, Harold E., 559 East 4th North, Logan, Utah-Teacher Hansen, Elaine M., 464 East 8th South, Salt Lake City, Utah-Dietitian Hansen, Erma, McCammon, ldaho-(Mrs. Caseel W. Burke) Hanson, Eldon Grant, 152 East 4th North, Logan, Utah-Ass't City Engineer Hansen, Hyrum Dee, Fountain Green, Utah -Jr. Agronomist, Soil Cons. Service Hansen, Ruby, 139 West Center, Logan, Utah-(Mrs. Ruby Surface) Hardman, Stuart Floyd, Seattle, Washington-Graduate Student Harris, Fredrick B., 220 Maple St., Reno , Nevada-U. S. Forest Service Harris, Helene, 215 East 5th North, Logan, Utah-Teacher Harris, Melvin H., Weston, Idaho Harris, Richard Carl, Randolph, Utah Harris, Virginia, Bingham Canyon, UtahTeacher Hartman, Edwin Max, Mt. Emmons, Utah -Farming Hartvigsen, Donald E., Downey, Idaho Hatch, Allen W., 1161!2 South North St., Madera, Calif.-Teacher Hayes, William S., 509 South 7th, Pocatello, ldaho-U. S. Forest Service Henderson, Floyd A., Evanston, Wyoming Hendricks, Harold G., 150 North Main, Salt Lake City, Utah-Finance Dept. Hendrickson, Arthur LaMar, 207 East 3rd North, Logan, Utah-Graduate Student Henry, Merrill Cole, Bremerton, Washington-D. S. Navy Yard Hepworth, Lucile, Bremerton, Washington -(Mrs. Merrill C. Henry) Reyrend, Noel B., Rigby, Idaho-Assistantship, University of Illinois Heywood, Benjamin B., C.C.C. Camp 52, Espanola, New Mexico-U.S. Soil Cons. Service Higgins, James A., Burley, Idaho- City Engineer Hill, Willard K., Route 1, Logan, UtahManager, Hillcrest Dairy Hinchcliff, Howard B., 2680 Adams, Ogden, Utah-Teacher Hintze, Beth, 339 South 13th East, Salt Lake City, Utah-Teacher Hodgson, Virginia, Ogden, Utah-Teacher, Hooper Jr. High

Hoffman, Howard E., Lewiston, Utah Holladay, Clifton M., Santaquin, Utah Holmgren, Elma Gayle, Bear River City, Utah Hopkins, Clyde M., 3724 South 5th East, Salt Lake City, Utah Horsley, LeGrand C., Malad, IdahoTeacher Hoskisson, William A., Campus-Graduate Student Hull, Roy D., 363 East Center, Logan, Utah Humpherys, Max W., Sun Valley, IdahoChie( Clerk, Challenger Inn Humphries, Lee Albert, Cyprus, UtahT~~-


Hunter, Albert Sinclair, 1721 Maple Ave., Pullman, Washington-Graduate Student Hurst, Rh ea, 400 Federal Bldg., Salt Lake City, Utah-Home Demon. Agent, Salt Lake County Hurst, William D., Tooele, Utah-U.S. Forest Service Hyde, Allen A., Route 2, Rupert, IdahoFarm Management Specialist Hyman, LaRee, Liberty, Idaho Ilium, Beth H., Garland, Utah-Teacher, Bear River High School Irving, Evelyn, Midvale, Utah Ivory, Boyd A., Fountain Green, Utah Jackson, Florence, 682 North Main, Logan, Utah-Teacher James, Lois P., 54 North 3rd West, Logan, Utah Jay, Layton L., Salt Lake City, UtahSego Milk Company Jenkins, Marion, 2343 Van Buren Ave., Ogden, Utah Jennie, Wilma Hendricks, Boulder City, Nevada Jensen, Cyril L., Rawlins, Wyoming-Jr. Range Examiner, Grazing Service Jensen, Grace Louise, 502 North lst West, Salt Lake City, Utah Jensen, Grant W., Hyrum, Utah-U.S. Gov. Engineer Jensen, Rex M., Shelley, Idaho Jensen, Max H., Hyrum, Utah Jensen, Naomi, Smithfield, Utah Jensen, Zona, Route 1, Brigham City, Utah -Teacher Jeppson, Earl F., 313 North lst West, Brigham City, Utah-Teacher Jeppson, Ford S., Brigham City, UtahTeacher Jessop, Sylmar Green, Lewiston, Utah Johnson, Ariel T., Sugar City, IdahoTeacher Johnson, Clyde L., Lewiston, Utah-Teacher Johnson, Enid Dee, Vernal, Utah-(Mrs. Clair Brown) Johnson, George L., 543 South lst East, Brigham City, Utah-Recreat'nal Director Johnson, Katherine, Cornell Univ., Ithaca, New York-Graduate Student Fifteen

ALUMNI DIRECTORY 1938 (Continued) Johnson, Glen Barnett, Richfield, Utah Johnson, Max, 53 West 4th South, Preston, ldaho-Fieldman, Sego Milk Products Co. Johnson, Morris Alvin, 3575 Porter Ave., Ogden, Utah Johnson, Theta F., 548 South West St., Logan, Utah Johnson, Verda, Garland, Utah Jones, Daniel L., 207 E. Park Ave., State College, Pa.-Graduate Student Jones, DeVaughn, 220 North 1st East, Lo· gan, Utah Jones, Douglas M., Nephi, Utah-Range Examiner Jones, Lyle L., Lewiston, Utah Jones, Merlin H., American Falls, IdahoTeacher Jorgensen, Alice Pearl, American Fork, Utah Jorgensen, Anna Louise, Salina, Utah Kearl, Leonard C., 154 North 3rd West, Logan, Utah-Salesman Kennington, Joseph William, 267 South Main, Logan, Utah-Police Officer Knudson, Jay, Smithfield, Utah Krebs, Ruth, Logan, Utah-(Mrs. Loy Robinson) Kunz, Forster Merlin, State Capitol, Salt Lake City, Utah-Engineer, U. S. High· way Commission Lacey, Joseph P., Ogden, Utah-Accountant Larsen, Austin, Mantua, Utah-Teacher Larsen, Effie, 1030 · 23rd St., Apt. 3, Ogden, Utah- (Mrs. Duane 0. Wright) Larsen, Joy, Newton, Utah Larsen, Paul B., 708 W. Michigan Ave., E. Lansing, Michigan-Assistantship, Michigan State College Larsen, Rex A., Fairview, Utah-Teacher Larson, Arthur L., 607 ·2nd Ave., Salt Lake City, Utah Larson., Keith Parkinson, Boise, Idaho LaRue, Marshall G., 715 North Central, Glendale, Calif.-Aircraft Mechanic Lear, Frank Lester, Elko, Nevada- Ac· countant Leatham, Hettie, 374 North Main, Salt Lake City, Utah-Service Representative, Mountain States Tel. & Tel. Leatham, Linden ]., Wellsville, UtahTeacher Lee, Gurney Worth, Paradise, UtahL. D. S. Mission Service Lewis, Carmen Funk, Price, Utah

Lohse, Herbert F., Box 210, Fallen, Nevada Lund, Clair Ollie, 539 South Main, Brigham City, Utah-Soil Cons. Service Lusk, DeLos Dredge, Sugar City, IdahoTeacher Mackay, Norma, Route 7, Box 96, Murray, Utah-Teacher Magleby, V. R., Monroe, Utah-Teacher Magnussen, Bernard, Phoenix, ArizonaCounty Court House Manwaring, Leonard H., 372 Goddard, Og· den, Utah-Assistant County Agent Marble, Dona Ray, Deweyville, UtahTeacher Mathews, Gerald L., Antimony, UtahTeacher Matthews, Lawrence W., Grantsville, Utah -U.S. Forest Service Maughan, Catherine, 260 North 6th East, Logan, Utah-Teacher Maughan, Lila, 230 North 1st East, Logan, Utah-Social Law Worker McBride, Ray E., Pingree, Idaho McEntire, Emma Lou, 2431 Van Buren Ave., Ogden, Utah-Teacher McEntire, William R., Huntsville, Utah McEwan, William Shelley, Oxford, England -Rhodes Scholarship-Student McFarland, Goldie, 221 Preston Ave., Logan, Utah-Teacher McKinnon, Kathryn, Randolph, UtahTeacher McKinnon, Sybil, Hiawatha, Utah-Secre· tary, Carbon College McLaughlin, George, 628 Canyon Road, Logan, Utah McWhorter, Wayne W., Tremonton, Utah Meldrum, Albert, Tremonton, UtahTeacher Meldrum, Twila, Tremonton, UtahTeacher Mendenhall, Bayard L., Hyrum, Utah Merrill, Ruth Evelyn, Roosevelt, Utah(Mrs. Don Shurtz) Michaelis, Fay, Garland, Utah - Teacher Michelsen, Alva M., Panaca, Nevada Mille.r, Harry Lewis, Smith, Nevada Minnoch, Virgie, 2563 Adams Ave., Ogden, Utah-Teacher Mir, Joseph G., 687 Canyon Road, Logan, Utah-Graduate Student Moench, Hortense, 517 East 5th North, Logan, Utah- (Mrs. Paul R. Grossenbach) Molloy, Charles Emmett, Columbia, Utah

Lewis, Morris W., Kamas, Utah

Moore, John R., Montrose, Colorado-Dairy and Ice Cream Co.

Linford, Gwen, Brigham, City, Utah-State Welfare Service

Moore, Maurine L., Sandy, Utah- (Mrs. Harold J. Shaw)

Linford, William Orlo, Garland, Utah Litz, Aldena, Trenton, Utah-Teacher

Morgan, Dalton LeRoy, Route 1, Logan, Utah-Farmer

Lockhart, Beth, Pullman, WashingtonGraduate Student

Morrell, Mary Elizabeth, Endicott, Wash· ington-High School Teacher


Morrill, Allez, Kimberly, Idaho-Teacher Morris, A. LeRoy, Parowan, Utah-Teacher Mortensen, George A., Dayton, Idaho Mortensen, E. Virginia, Roosevelt, Utah Moshier, Ronald Llewellyn, 430 · 26th St., Ogden, Utah Moss, Veril F., Route 1, Driggs, IdahoEngineer Munk, Lillian, Campus- (Mrs. John P. McDonald)-A.A.A. Office Murdock, Kathryn M., Box 277, Beaver, Utah-Teacher Murphy, Lucile, Evanston, Wyoming(Mrs. Karl J. Ferrin) Musser, Bertha, 4446 Kahala Road, Hono· lulu, T. H.-Teacher Naisbitt, Mary Kay, 21 North 2nd East, Logan, Utah-KVNU Radio Station Neilson, Chester LaMaunt, 1519 · 5 Ave., A. N., Lethbridge, Alberta, Canada Nelson, Donald K., 707 East Center, Logan, Utah Nelson, Georgia, Ferron, Utah-(Mrs. LaVern Peterson) Nelson, Marcus C., 402 South 4th West, Brigham City, Utah Nelson, Maxine, 207 East 3rd North, Logan, Utah-( Mrs. LaMar Hendrickson) Nelson, Ralph, 330 South 7th East, Salt Lake City, Utah-Graduate Student Nelson, Virginia, Bunkerville, NevadaTeacher Newey, Herbert A., Graduate House, Mass. lnst. of Tech., Boston, Mass.-Graduate Stu~ent

Nielson, Anna Iva, Salina, Utah Nielsen, Olive, 1222 Cole St., San Francisco, Calif.-Graduate Student Nielsen, W. Durrell, Campus-Ass' t, Public Relations Dept. Nielsen, Wade Floyd, Grand Coulee, Wash· ington-U. S. Bureau of Rec., Engineer Nielson, Theodore R., Box 12, Providence, Utah Nobel, Myrvin, Tooele, Utah-Soil Cons. Service Noyes, Newton E., Jr., Box 1732, Warren, Arizona-Soil Cons. Service Nyman, Marietta, Cornell University, Ithaca, New York-Graduate Student "Nyman, Marjorie, Logan, Utah-(Mrs. Wil· lard Hill) Oborn, Eugene Timbrell, 820 Paskway Ave., Salt Lake City, Utah Ogden, D. Ward, Univ. of Alaska, College, Alaska-Experiment Farm Okelberry, Ruth Muriel, Goshen, UtahTeacher Oldham, Helen, Paradise, Utah-Teacher Oldham, Max Spencer, 217 Welch Ave., Ames, Iowa- Graduate Student Olsen, Glen L., 336 East South Temple, Salt Lake City, Utah-Accountant Olsen, Lynn Jay, Amarillo, Texas-Soil Cons. Service

ALUMNI DIRECTORY 1938 (Continued) Olsen, Morris J., Mt. Pleasant, Utah Olsson, Clyde Lund, 698 Canyon Road, Logan, Utah-Case Worker Oviatt, Clifford W., Hotel Fenner, Baldwin, Michigan-Supt. Relief Projects, Man· istee National Forest Owen, Arnold, Cody, Wyoming-Cost Ac· countant Owens, R. LaVar, 129 West 2nd North, Logan, Utah-First National Bank Owens, Rhodell, Ft. Duchesne, Utah-U.S. Forest Service Pack, Geneve, Logan, Utah-(Mrs. Urschel Earl Shepherd) Packer, Ann Sutherland, Central, ldaho(Mrs. Parley Lloyd, Jr.) Painter, Don William, 439 Cross, Ogden, Utah-Sperry Flour Mills Palmer, Richard lsom, 2025 Hearst Ave., Berkeley, Calif.-Graduate Student Parkinson, Berkley P., Midway, IdahoMidway High Teacher Parry, Conway E., 93 West lst South, Cedar City, Utah-U.S. Forest Service Pedersen, George V., Sterling, Utah-Prin· cipal, Junior High Peirle, Charles B., Senica St. Forest, Hunt· lerville, W. Va.-Ass't Cons. Dept. Pelham, Henry Earl, 740 Sherman St., Den· ver, Colorado-Engineer, Bur. of Rec. Perry, Archie, Mt. Emmons, Utah-Teacher, Altamont High School Perry, Ivan, Vernal, Utah- Coordinator, Uintah School District Peters, Iretta, Route 2, Brigham City, Utah -Librarian, High School Peterson, Arden, Arimo, Idaho-Teacher Peterson, Clinton E., 126 Howard Ave., Ames, Iowa-Graduate Student Peterson, Edwin Merrill, Smithfield, Utah Peterson, LaVern Teacher




Peterson, Margaret June, 372 Goddard, Og· den, Utah-(Mrs. Leonard Manwaring) Peterson, Mary Eloise, 2581 Orchard Ave., Ogden, Utah-Teacher Peterson, Maurine, 456 North 2nd East, Price, Utah-(Mrs. Wilcken Fox) Peterson, Max S., Collinston, Utah-En· gineer Peterson, Virgil C., Milford, Utah-Desert Range Exp. Station Phillips, James Taylor, American Fork, Utah-Engineer Phillips, Thomas Ray, Victor, Idaho-Coach of High School Pingree, Lucile, Route l, Roy, Utah-(Mrs. Hoffman) Poll, Dorothy, 836 East Center, Pocatello, Idaho Porter, Lyle R., Ririe, Idaho-Coach of Athletics

Poulson, Verle Evelyn, Apt. E, 1008 West, Albuquerque, New Mexico-(Mrs. Ro· bert E. Burgess) Powell, Authnell J., Route 7, Murray, Utah Powell, Dee, 412 North East, Logan, Utah Preston, Richard A., 1018 South Kings Highway, St. Louis, Missouri-Graduate Student Prestwich, William Berg, Moroni, Utah Pritchett, Glenn B., Gunnison, UtahTeacher Quinney, Dorothy, 44 South 4th East, Lo· gan, Utah-(Mrs. Lincoln McClellan) Ralphs, H. H., Lewiston, Utah Rasband, J. Mack, 3600 Grant Ave., Ogden, Utah-Dairy Herd. Imp. Specialist Rasmussen, Evan L., Redmond, Utah Rasmussen, Helen Luene, Redmond, Utah Redfo rd, Gwen H., 312 North 5th East, Logan, Utah-Teacher Reeder, Anna Beth, 51 West lst North, Logan, Utah-(Mrs. Avery A. Bishop) Rees, Aida Mable, Apt. 12, 710 West 30 St., Los Angeles, Calif.-(Mrs. Glen L. Allen) Rentmeister, Farming

Neldon, Kaysville, Utah-

Rhees, Mark C., Route 3, Ogden, UtahDairy Specialist Rhodes, Keith, Garland, Utah-Farmer Rich, Oreta K., 352 North 5th East, Logan, Utah Richardson, Clawson C., Box 122, Ririe, Idaho Richman, Val B., Ashton, Idaho-Forest Guard Rigby, Edna B., Aberdeen, Idaho-Teacher Rigby, Irene, 364 North 5th East, Logan, Utah-L. D. S. Mission Robbins, Mary E., 130 South lst West, Brigham City, Utah-Teacher Roberts, Charles Raymond, 170 Franklin, Ogden, Utah Robertso n, Viola G., lOB N. Rorine, Ur· bana, lll.-(Mrs. Douglas Raweclissue) Robine tte, Martin Luther, Brigham City, U tab-Salesman Robins, Fay, Kaysville, Utah-Teacher Robins, Lois L., Kaysville, Utah Robins, Richard B., 5700 Highland Drive, Salt Lake City, Utah Robinson, J. Wraydon, Malta, Montana Robson, MarDean, Trenton, Utah Roper, Melvin J., Richfield, Utah-Teacher, L. D. S. Seminary Roylance, Finley W., Springville, UtahSalesman Roylance, Richard, 2555 Jefferson Ave., Ogden, Utah Rudd, Garth H., Parker, Idaho Sandberg, Mary, Huntington, UtahTeacber Scholes, Harold B., 456 East lst North, Logan, Utah-U. S. Forest Service

Scholes, William A., 509 S. LaGrave St., Paw Paw, Michigan-Ass't Sanitarian, Van Buren County Health Dept. Schwendiman, Milda, Newdale, IdahoMissionary, Del Rio, Texas Seely, Hugh, Castle Dale, Utah-Rancher Seely, Lowry S., Castle Dale, UtahRancher Shaw, Wesley M., 2555 Iowa Avenue, Og· den, Utah Shipley, Mark Alvin, Reno, Nevada-Range Surveyor, Soil Cons. Service Shipley, Roy L., Price, Utah-Range Sur· veyor, Soil Cons. Service Shumway, Andrew B., Treasureton, Idaho -L.D.S. Mission, Huntington, West Va. Shum~ay, Fredon e, 2738 Fulton, Berkeley, Ca!If.-(Mrs. John P. Nielson) Shumway, Louise, 562 West Center, Logan, Utah-Teacher Shurtleff, Darleen, Ovid, Idaho Shurtz, Don C., Roosevelt, Utah-Teacher Simpson, Robert Dawson, Campus-Gradu· ate Student Skidmore,. Marian, 1018 So. Kings highway, St. Louis, Mo.-(Mrs. Richard Preston) Skidmore, Ruth, 195 East 4th North, Logan, Utah-State Home Economics Dept. Slater, Floyd H., Parowan, Utah-Teacher Smith, Grant N., 631 East 6th North, Lo. gan, Utah-Western Auto Supply Smith, Horace S., 549 East 4th North, Lo· gan, Utah-Graduate Student Fort Col· !ins, Colo. ' Smith, Thelma E., Rigby, Idaho Smith, Virginia, Fairview, Wyoming Smyth, Mable, 151 East ·3rd North, Manti, Utah-Teacher Snow, Mary, 475 East Center, Richfield Utah-Typist ' Somers, Ira 1., Rutgers College New Bruns· wick, N. }.-Graduate Stud;nt Sorenson, Marcus, 78 North lst East, Logan, Utah- Teacher Sorenson, Royal H., 388 East 3rd North Logan, Utah-Squires Cleaning Co. ' South, George Peart, 2869 Taylor Avenue Ogden , Utah-Civil Engineer, U. S. For: est Service Spear, Aaron Gordon, 963 West 2nd North Salt Lake City, Utah-Jr. Range Exami: ner, Grazing Service Spencer, Paul North, 336 South lst West, Logan, Utah-Life Ins. Salesman Stahle, Ivan, Park City, Utah-L.D.S. Mis· sion Service Stains, John Albert, Delta, Utah Stephens, Dean N., Montpelier, Idaho Stephens, Lucille, Malad, Idaho Stephenson, Anthony W., Delta, UtahCommercial Instructor Stevens, Richard W., Heyburn, IdahoCoach, High School Stewart, William M., Little America, Wyo. ming-Mgr. Lodge . Seventeen

ALUMNI DIRECTORY 1938 (Continued) Stimpson, J. Allen, Route 4, Ogden, UtahDairy Milk Tester Stokes, Leslie Darrell, Route 2, Tremonton, Utah-Graduate Student, U.S.A.C. Stone, Warren K., Campus-Graduate Stu· dent Surface, Victor Alfred, 1450 West 73rd SL, Chicago, Illinois-Graduate Student Sweeney, Willard James, Poplar, Montana -U. S. Indian Service Sylvester, Evelynn C., Elsinore, Utah Taylor, Carl H., 435 28th Street, Ogden, Utah- Teacher Taylor, Lola Bessie, Route 3, Ogden, Utah - Teacher ·1euscher, Ivan M., 2683 Jefferson Avenue, Ogden, Utah-Engineer Theurer, Mark Low, Providence, UtahBookkeeper Thomas, Madi on, Bar Hall, 50 Haven Ave., New York City, N.Y.-Stud. (Medicine) Thompson, Chester Ray, 203 South Normal, Burley, Idaho Thomson, Reed R.-Ephraim, Utah-U. S. Forest Service Thygerson, Hyrum L., Manti, Utah Tietjen, Elma A., Santaquin, Ut.-Teacher Turpin, Norma, 1104 West 6th South, Mur· ray, Utah Turner, Beth, Loa, Utah-Teacher Twichel, Beth Marian, Route 3, Idaho Falls, Idaho Twitchell, Wendell, Preston, ldaho-Ass't Game Warden Udell, Lula, Eagan, Arizona-(Mrs. Glen Ro gers) Van Orden, Harris Olson, Smithfield, Utah Vaterlaus, Elsa Hale, Cheyenne, Wyoming Vaughan, Vance, 3027 Washington Blvd., Ogden, Utah Wahlen, Frank Burke, 377 West 2nd South, Logan, Utah-Salesman Wallen, George Howard, Jr., 325 North 12th Street, Phoenix, Arizona-Book· keeper and Salesman Wangsgard, Mary Gay, 669lf2 East 5th North, Logan, Utah-(Mrs. Everett R. Doman) Wangsgard, Robert L., Boston, Mass.-Ac· countant, Hybrand, Ross Bros. & Mont· gomery Ward, Bemus, Almo, Idaho Ward, Ellen LaDore, Malad, Idaho-Teach· er Ward, LaVell G., Pocatello, ldaho-N.Y.A. Supervisor Warner, Earl L., Nephi, Utah-Poultryman Warnick, A~gelyn, 1887 South lOth East, Salt Lake City, Utah - Director Home Maker Education Warnick, Marion F., Hinckley, Utah-Engineer Warnick, George W., Fort Show, Montana - Farming Eighteen

Watkins, Ruth, Ames, lowa-(Mrs. Valdo D. Benson) Watson, Jack Shaw, Ogden, Utah-lnsur· ance Agency Wayment, Elvin Thomas, Campus-Graduate Student Weatherston, Hyrum Vern, 1964 South 9th East, Salt Lake City, Utah - Western Auto Supply Co. Webb, Burton Reed, 1305 Canal Avenue, Idaho Falls, Idaho Webb, Day! J ., Richmond, Utah-Farming Webber, Esther Marie, 694 East 8th North, Logan, Utah West, Marjorie Dell, 520 23rd Street, Ogden, Utah-Teacher West, Phil B., Lenoier, North CarolinaU. S. Forest Service White, B. Clark, Paradise, Utah-Farmer Wilcox, Harold B., Kaysville, Utah-Salesman and Bookkeeper Wilkin, Wendell R., Magna, Utah Wilson, C. Edward, Jr., Kaysville, UtahGraduate Student Wilson, James W., Pocatello, Idaho-Farmer Woodward, Guy Owen, Route 4, Gilmer, Texas-L.D.S. Mission Service Yeates, Vern Wendell, Route 1, Logan, Ut. Ziemmer, Charles W., 18 Penobscot Street, Opono, Maine-Graduate Student Zwahlen, Joseph Lee, 3260 Perry Street, Denver, Colorado-Engineer

1939 Abbott, Irving Wayne, Route 1, Midvale, Utah-Soil Cons. Service Adams, Afton Marie, Layton, UL-Teacher Adams, Oral 1., Tremonton, Utah Adams, Kathryn, Hyrum, Utah-Teacher Ahem, John P., Logan, Utah- Graduate Student Albrecht, David Milton, Minersville, Utah Alkema, Lloyd Claude, Harvard Mcc, .30 Soldiers Field, Boston, Mass.-Student Allen, Nora Lou, 2831 Brinker Ave., Ogden, Utah Allgood, Selma, Davenport, lowa-(Mrs. Theron Olsen) Allred, Claytor Wilson, Byron, WyomingTeacher Allred, Evan R., St. Charles, Idaho Allred, Mabel, Parowan, Utah-School Librarian Allred, Zelia Deloris; Hyrum, Utah-Librarian, Campus Anderson, Elaine, 2774 Quincy, Ogden, Utah-Teacher Anderson, Jessie LaMarr, 290 North 2nd East, Logan, Utah-Teacher · Anderson, Ralph Glen, Ammon, IdahoTeacher Anderson, Robert 0 ., Ephraim, Utah

Anderson, William N., Huntington, Utah Andrus, Erva, Draper, Utah-Teacher Andrews, Maxine Ella, 321 North 1st West, Logan, Utah-Teacher Ashby, Carl S., Lemington, Utah-Teacher Atkin, Joe W., Beaver, Utah-Welfare Dept. Baird, Ralph M., Tremonton, Ut.-Teacher Baker, Harold Lawrence, 2561 Monroe Avenue, Ogden, Utah-Jr. Field Ass't Baker, Lyle A., 402 South 13th Street, Corvalis, Oregon- Graduate Student Bancroft, Guy R., Drummond, Montana Barber, Nola, Syracuse, Utah-Teacher Barney, Marvin Lawrence, Ferron, Utah Benso n, Valdo, Ames, Iowa-Graduate Student Bingham, Albert F., Honeyville, UtahFarming Birch, Clarence W., Encampment, Wyoming - Teacher Bishop, Dean Francis, Route 1, Sandy, Utah -Teacher Bishop, Louise, Bountiful, Utah-Teacher Bitton, Don LaMar, Route 2, Blackfoot, Idaho Black, Tiene, 426 North 7th East, Logan, Utah-( Mrs. Howard Christensen) Blaisdell, James Pershing, 372 East 1st So., Logan, Utah Blaser, Edward, Ephraim, Utah-Teacher Bodily, Margaret, Franklin, Idaho-(Mrs. Boyd W. Woodward) Bodily, Meredith, Gunnison, Utah-Teacher Bodily, Wilma, Preston, Idaho-Teacher Bott, Vi ctor J., Brigham City, Utah-Principal, Lincoln School Bowns, Duane R., Route 2, Ogden, UtahAccountant, Amalgamated Sugar Boyle, Marge, 2825 Adams Avenue, Ogden, Utah-Teacher Boynton, Phyllis, Campus-Steno. Extension Service Brenchley, Reed Hall, Smithfield, Utah Brian, Daniel Garron, 850 North 7th East, Logan, Utah Briggs, Loran D., Randolph Field, TexasSecond Lieut., U. S. Air Corps Brinton, Margaret Erma, ML Pleasant, Ut. Broberg, John, Hamer, Idaho-Coach Brough, Merlin W., Blackfoot, Idaho-Ceo. Survey Work Brown, Eva Ells, Scipio, Utah-Teacher Brown, Lloyd J., 906 East Bonneville, Po· catello, Idaho Brown, Neda Margaret, Scipio, UtahTeacher Brown, Sara, 451 North 3rd East, Logan, Utah-Secretary, Logan Jr. High Brown, Scott Ross, Morgan, Utah-U. S. Forest Service Budge, Robert Sutton, 212 Augar Avenue, St. Louis, Missouri-Graduate Student

ALUMNI DIRECTORY 1939 (Continued) Bunten, John William, Overton , NevadaTeacher Burgoyne, Venice, Granger, Utah- Teacher Burke, Caseel D., Honeyville, Ut.- Teacher Buttars, Clifford A., Clarkston, Utah, Geo¡ logical Survey Bybee, Barney C., Poca tello, Idaho- Teacher, U. of Idaho Byington, Freeman J ., 850 North 7th East, Logan, Utah-Graduate Student, Campus Call, Norine, Ri chfield, Utah- Teacher Campbell, Hazel, Swan Valley, Idaho Campbell, Helen, Swan Valley, Idaho Campbell, Kathryn , 189 East 2nd North, Logan, Utah-Teacher Cannon, Clarence Bennion, 1518 Wash. St., Boise, Idaho-Foreman, Sunfreze Company Can non, Eloise Madge, 2354 South 7th East, Salt Lake City, Utah-Univ. Book Store Cardon, Winona, 2547 Van Buren Avenue, Ogden, Utah-Teacher of Recreation Carlisle, John Clyde, 1759 B Street, N.W., Washington, D.C.-Graduate Student Carlson, Merrill H., 774 20th Street, Ogden, Utah-Forest Service Carver, Orlo S., Eden, Utah Castle, Forrest Linden, Jiggs, NevadaTeacher Champ Frances Winton, 191 East 1st North, Logan, Utah-(Mrs. Frederick P. Champ) Chapman, Milton Vern, Fountain Green, Utah-Farming Chatterton, Don B., Campus-Graduate Student Cheney, Harmon Weston, Laketown, Utah -Farming Christensen, Earl R., Bloomington, Idaho Christens~n, Lee, Redmond, Utah-Salesman, Inter-mountain Knitting Co. Christensen, Maurice A., Fairview, Utah Christensen, Rangwell N., 651 Canyon Road, Logan, Utah Clarke, Marguerite Helene, Shelley, Idaho - Teacher Clay, Edward P ., Fort McArthur, San Pedro, Calif.-Active Duty, U. S. Army Cliff W. Wilson, 2560 Orchard Avenue, Ogden, Utah-Representative, Salt Lake Tribune Staff Clifford, Maurine, Campus-Extension Office Cole, Glenda, Campus-Stenographer Congdon, Charles Richard, Tahoe Tavern, Lake Tahoe, Calif. Congdon, Ellsworth, Tahoe Tavern, Lake Tahoe, Calif. Cooley, Estelle Jensen, Salmon, ldaho(Mrs. Ralph DeMoisy) Cooper, Harold W., Bancroft, Idaho Cope, Cecil C., 360 Crockett Avenue, Logan, Utah-A.A.A . Farm Supervisor

Copen, Merlin D., 913 Leavenworth Street, Manhattan, Kan sas Cowley, June, 195 North 4th West, Logan, Utah Cragun, Jay Howard, Conda, Idaho-Ass'! Chemist, Anaconda Copper Mining Co. Criddle, Bernice, Clearfi eld, Utah-Teacher Criddle, Maurine, 113 North Charter Street, Madison, Wisconsin - (M rs. LaVell M. Hen derson) Crittenden, Allia, Hoytsville, Ut.-Teacher Cummings, Harold Adams, 119 North 4th West, Brigham City, Utah-Teacher Dalgleish, R. Chester, 1554 Princeton Ave., Salt Lake City, Utah Dalley, Marjorie Ada, Parowan, UtahTeacher Dansie, Melba J., Afton, Wyo.-Teacher Darley, Wi lliam Maughan, Wellsville, Utah -Teacher Davis, Don, 850 East 7th North, Logan, Utah Decker, Rex L., 505 7th Street, Ogden, Utah-Sr. Forest Gu ard, Forest Service Diehl, Hazel, Beaver, Utah-Teacher Doutre, Edith, McCammon, Ida.-Teacher Dover, Charles Vi ctor, 2634 Lake Street, Salt Lake City, Utah Draper, Carroll 1., 808 Burnett Avenue, Ames, Iowa- Graduate Student Dunn, Joseph Stanley, Campus-Graduate Student ¡ Edison, Bud, 91 North 1st West, Logan, Utah-Graduate Student Ellis, Stephen B., 537 East 3rd North, Logan, Utah-U. S. Forest Service Esplin, Wendell L., 359 West Center, Logan, Utah Esplin, Willard H., Orderville, Utah Evans, Ferris A., 150 North Main, Salt Lake City, Utah-State Tax Commission

Foulger, Howard Reese, 932 23rd Street, Ogden, Utah-U. S. Forest Service Fox, James Owen, Route 4, Ogden, UtahSoil Cons. Service Fred ri ckson, Harold Glenn, Carlin, Nevada Fugal, Jea n Aldous, Milford, Ut.-Teacher Fuller, Cora JoAnn, Roosevelt, UtahTeacher Fuller, Pauline, La Verkin, Utah-Teacher Gailey, Genevieve L., Kaysville, UtahTeacher Gardner, Walter Hale, 4024 North Ashland Aven ue, Chi cago, lllinois - Research Ass't, Cen tral Scientific Company Ga rtT, J. Elmo, Reno, Nevada-Representative Sego Milk Company Georgeson, Dorothy, Roberts, Idaho Gessel, Stanley Paul, 2436 Bryant Avenue, Berkeley, Calif.-Graduate Student Gibson, Donald S., Campus-District Supervisor, A.A.A. Gilgen, P aul, 2329 Van Buren, Ogden, Ut. Forest Service Gold, Sherman F., 1576 East 45th South, Murray, Utah Goddard, Ruth, 326 Goddard Street, Ogden, Utah-Teacher Grandy, DeWitt C., Paris, Idaho-Range Examiner Grant, Lothair H., Hyde Park, Utah-Graduate Student Gray, Evelyn Snow, St. George, Utah Greaves, Clarice, Fremont, Utah (Mrs. Alden Roberts) Greaves, Melvin J., Standard, Utah Green, Marlin R., Layton, Utah Griffin, Clark A., 398Y:! Park Avenue East Lansing, Mich.-Graduate Student' Greene, David Adamson, U.S.N. Air Station, Room 111, Bldg. 623, Pensacola Fla.-Aviation '

Evans, Helen, Logan, Utah- Graduate Student

Grover, Jesse Morris, Route 2, Tremonton

Eyre, Sherman G., Escalante, Ut.-Teacher

Gunn, Ruth, 224 Welch Avenue Ames ' ' lowa-( Mrs. Vic Austin)

Farr, Bramley McKay, Smithfield, Utah

Gunnell, Parley M., Thatcher, IdahoTeacher

Farr, Jedd Watkins, 3907 West Avenue 40, Los Angeles, Calif.-Carpenter Felter, Randall H., Apt. 7, 405 24th Ave., San Francisco, Calif.-Military Training Fife, Roine, 206 East 2nd South, Rexburg, Idaho-Teacher Finlinson, Elizabeth, Leamington, UtahHome Econ. Instructor Finlinson, Leo Lyman, Oak City, UtahTeacher Foote, Vanda Christina, Nephi, Utah



Gunn ell, Wayne C., Orem, Utah- Teacher Gunther, Lloyd F., Lehi, Utah-L. D. S. Mission Hall, Owen Hill, Wellsville, Utah Hammond, Owen Holt, Ogden, UtahGlen Bros. Music Company Hancey, Blaine W., 304 South Perry Street, Montgomery, Ala.-L.D.S. Mission Hancey, Leah, 80 South 3rd East Logan Utah-Teacher ' '

Fonnesbeck, Elaine, Ephraim, Utah-Snow College Librarian

Handy, Harley M., Brigham City, Utah Hanks, Thead James, Eden, Idaho-Coach Hansen, Ada, Tremonton, Utah-Teacher Hansen, Clyde M., Star Route, Preston, Idaho-Farmer

Foster, Milton M., Box 123, Route 4, Murray, Utah

Hansen, Glenn M., 2900 University, Des Moines, Iowa-Graduate Student

Fisher, Jack, Monticello, Utah-Teacher Folkman, Milton S., Route 1, Ogden, Utah - Graduate Student


ALUMNI DIRECTORY 1939 (Continued) Hansen, Leonard L., No. 1 Phipps Apts., Tooele, Utah-Entomologist, U. S. Gov¡ ernment. Hansen, Neal W., Route 1, Tremonton, Ut. Hansen, Gladys, Price, Utah-Teacher Hansen, Mavis Marie, 537 East 3rd North, Logan, Utah-Teacher Hanson, Robert LeRoy, Providence, Utah Hanson, Wallace R., Cardston, Alberta, Canada Harbertson, Nile Wiese, 332 18th Street, Ogden, Utah-Ass't Instructor, Weber College Harding, Lucille, Rawlins, Wyoming(Mrs. Max Bridge) Harding, Samuel W., Campus - Graduate Student, Physics Dept. Harris, Grant A., Ogden, Utah-U. S. Forest Service Harris Paul Rollins, 479 North 5th East, Log~n, Utah-U. S. Forest Service Harston, George B., Sundance, Wyoming--: Insect Control ' Hatch, Mary, Green River, Utah-Teacher Hatch, Zina Kunz, 365 North 5th East, Logan, Utah Haycock, Edwin B., Caldwell, Idaho Hayes, Edgar M., 1012 Harvard Avenue, Salt Lake City, Utah Hayward, Mary Afton, 429 West Center Street, Logan, Utah-(Mrs. Rolan Drew Nelson) Hawkes Eugene J., 1263 25th Street, Ogden, Utah-U. S. Forest Service Hemstreet, F. LaVern, Vernal, Utah-Graduate Student Heiner, Melba, Morgan, Utah Henderson, LaVell M., 113 North Charter Street, Madison, Wisconsin - Graduate Student Hendricks, Franklin D., 305 C Street, S.E., Washington, D.C.-Peoples' Drug Store Henrie, Roy L., Panguitch, Utah-Graduate Student, U.S.A.C. Henson Arthur Thomas, Jr., 1213 Beech Aven~e, Kemmerer, Wyoming- Teacher Hill, Margaret, Drummond, Montana Hobson, Dean A., Logan, Utah - Forest Service Holjeson, Ferrin, Smithfield, Utah Holloday, Blaine, 527 North 11th Street, Corvallis, Oregon-Ass'tship, Soils Dept., Oregon State College Holdaway, Floyd M., 1424 Columbine, Denver, Colorado-Jr. Engineer, Bureau of Reclamation Hollingshead, Marshall, Minersville, Utah

Hunsaker, Marjorie, Tremonton, UtahTeacher Hunter, Roscoe C., Kaysville, Ut.-Teacher Hyer, Edgar A., Lewiston, Utah lsom, Darwin J., Hurricane, Utah Iverson, Wells Jay, West Jordan, Salt Lake City, Utah-Hogan Dairy Izatt, Faye, 341 East 3rd North, Logan, Ut. Jackman, Mark A., 1528 West 8th South, Salt Lake City, Utah Jackson, Marvin Law, Avon, Ut.-Teacher Jacobsen, Jun e Evelyn, 33 East 2nd North, Logan, Utah Jacobsen, Lloyd Melvin, Spanish Fork, Utah -Teacher James, William Maxwell, Paradise, Utah Jennin gs, Harriett Grace, Nephi, UtahTeacher Jensen, Elden Evans, 462 North 2nd East, Logan, Utah-Graduate Student Jensen, Forrest J., Denver, Colorado, En gineer, Bureau of Reclamation Jensen, Louis A., Campus-Graduate Student Jensen, Merton H., Beaver, Utah Jensen, Verna, Mantua, Utah-Teacher Jensen, W. D., Salt Lake City, Utah-Contin ental Oil Company Jenso n, Elmo C., Hyrum, Utah J enson, Howard C., 660 South 2nd West, Brigham City, Utah- Teacher Jeppsen, Norman N., Mantua, Utah Jeppson, Lee R. , Brigham City, UtahGraduate Student, University of Calif. Johnson, Clive Cooper, Ephraim, Utah Johnson, Grant LaMar, 425 North 4th East, Logan, Utah Johnson, Harold 0 ., Ft. Scott, San Francisco, Calif.-Second Lieut. U. S. Army Johnson, Harold D., Victor, Idaho Johnson, J. Wayne, Box 248, Burlington, Wyoming-Teacher Johnson, Leo F., Laketown, Utah Johnson, Orlan L., Elko, Nevada-Bookkeeper Jones, Alene Hansen, Monticello, Utah Jones, Dorothy Lula, Malad, lda.-Teacher Jones, Glen Rowall, 132 South Bedford Drive, Beverly Hills, Calif. Jones, LaVerne, Hurricane, Utah-Hurricane High School Jones, Neal V., Campus-Graduate Student Jones, Margaret, 97 South 3rd West, Cedar City, Utah-Teacher Jon es, Ona, Cedar City, Utah

Homer, John Wendell, Box 821, San Benito, Texas-Jr. Engineer, Levee Construction

Jones, Shirley, Cowley, Wyoming-Teacher Jorgensen, Doh!, Rexburg, ldaho-(Mrs. Eugene Jorgensen)

Howell, Cliff A., 1011 North 8th East, Logan, Utah

Jorgensen, Eugene, Rexburg, Idaho- Madison High School

Hugie, Vern K. 1260 Jefferson Street, Corvallis, Oregon-Graduate Student

Jorgensen, Jack Nielsen, Hyrum, Utah Forestry work


Jorgensen, LeRoy Israel, Escalante, UtahTeacher Kelsey, Helen, Rigby, Idaho-Teacher Kennedy, Reed W., Randolph, UtahRanching Kent, Howard Roy, 270 North 2nd East, Logan, Utah Kittams, Walter H., Wildlife Dept., Univ. of Maine, Orono, Maine-Grad. Student Klomp, Spencer J., 2370 Madison Ave., Ogden, Utah Kotter, James Roger, Monroe, UtahTeacher Kropfli, Edward Samuel, 239 East 4th St., Eugene, Oregon-Graduate Student Krueger, William Thomas, Bingham Canyon, Utah Larsen, Edgar Lyle, Hyrum, Utah Larsen, Evelyn, Route 1, Preston, ldaho(Mrs. Winward) Larsen, Von W., 1947 Pearl St., Denver, Colorado-Civil Engineer Larson, Mark Howard, 346 North 2nd East, Logan, Utah Lawrence, Aubrey Wilford, Summit, Utah -Teacher Lawrence, Lynn John, 1765 Oxford Ave. Berkeley, Calif.-Graduate Student ' Lawrence, Ollie Jea n, 1765 Oxford Ave., Berkeley, Calif.-(Mrs. Lynn Lawrence) Lear, Frank Lester, Gailland Apt., Elko, Nevada-Accoun tan t Leishman, Merlin Ricks, 301 South 5, Las Vegas, Nevada-Salesman Lewis, Glen G., 107 West 4th North, Logan, Utah-Graduate Student Lewis, Russell Guy, Roosevelt, Utah London, Barbara, 1058 Rushton St., Ogden, Utah Lowe, Mary Greaves, 445 North 3rd East, Logan, Utah . Lund, Ellis S., Delta, Utah- Bureau of Reclamation Macfarlane, Alan P., 1218 Glen Ave., Berkeley, Calif.-Graduate Student Maero, Tracy, Edmonds, Idaho - Coach, High School Magleby, Ward H., Monroe, Utah-Teacher Mainwaring, Cleo, 163 North 3rd West, Logan, Utah- Teacher Manning, Rulon Hollist, Brigham City, Utah-Teacher Marble, B. Glen, Brigham City, UtahTeacher Markham, Gladys, Spanish Fprk, UtahTeacher Marriott, Elwin W., Route 2, Ogde¡n,"Utah -Teacher Mason, Lamar Ross, 656 East 9th South Springville, Utah-Laborer ' Mathews, Harry A., 3551 Garfield St., Denver, Colo.-Radio Engineer Maughan, Bertha P., Wellsville, UtahTeacher May, Ivan Clair, Ro ckland, Idaho-Teacher

ALUMNI DIR ECTORY 1939 (Continued) McAllister, DeVere R., Campus-Graduate Student McBride, Karl Wesley, Route 1, Box 22, Tooele, Utah-International Smelting and Refining Co. McClellan, Junius Wilson, Fort McArthur, San Pedro, Calif. - Active Duty, U.S. Army McClister, George A., 801 West 4th South, Salt Lake City, Utah McCloy, Ralph K., 813 West 3rd St., Rupert, Idaho-Teacher McDonald, John E., Heber City, UtahForest Ranger McDonald, Leonard W., 585 East 7th North, Logan, Utah-Graduate Student McFarland, W. Grant, Brigham City, Utah -Jur. Bird Refuge Meibos, Edward B., 3227 Wall Ave., Ogden, Utah-Clerk Meikle, Allen, 198 South 3rd West, Logan, Utah-Firestone Tire Co. Merrill, Kelton 0., 3006 Royal St., Royal Apt. Maner, Los Angeles, Calif.-Audit· ing and Inventory Merrill, Reynold Cluff, Jr., Box 23, Rich· mond, Utah Messinger, Arlo Parkinson, Minersville, Utah-Teacher Michaelsen, Pauline, 130 North 1st East, Logan, Utah-Teacher Miller, Charles Gardner, Fallon, NevadaFarmer Miller, Delmar, Leodore, Idaho-Teacher Miller, Elmo, Nephi, Utah-Stockraiser Mitton, J. Wesley, 518 East 4th North, Logan, Utah Mohr, Alzon Joseph, 1004 North Clark St., Chicago, Illinois- Graduate Student in Medicine ' Montrose, Dorothy Jane, Lava Hot Springs, Idaho-Teacher Morgan, Clea, 179 East 3rd North, Logan, Utah-Graduate Ass't, U.S.A.C. Morris, Hazel, 10 Markham, Bingham, Utah -Teacher Morrison, John, 527 South 8th St.,-C.C.C. Foreman Morrison, Rose, 1964 South 9th East, Salt Lake City, Utah-(Mrs. Vern Weather· stone) Munk, Roberta Fay, 230 North 1st East, Logan, Utah Muir, Max Ledingham, Bountiful, UtahClerk Munk, Harvey Dale, Smithfield, UtahFarming Munson, Robert H., 141. 1st Ave., Salt Lake City, Utah-National Biscuit Co. Nalder, Genevieve, Layton, Utah-Teacher Nelson, Lewis Clair, George Washington Law School, Washington, D. C.-Gradu· ate Student Nelson, Reed S., Box 104, Route 1, Logan, Utah-L. D. S. Mission

Newbold, Murland Elias, 912 North 2nd West, Logan, Utah-Graduation Nichols, Mary, 4th North 4th East, Brigham City, Utah-Teacher Nielson, Gordon Everett, 271 East 3rd North, Logan, Utah-Construction Work on Roads Nielsen, Jack E., Ephraim, Utah Nielson, Jay P., Blanding, Utah Nielsen, Mary Louise, Salina, UtahTeacher Nilsson, Lola, 3343 Washington Blvd., Ogden, Utah-Teacher Noble, Eldon Ray, Belmont, MontanaTeacher Nuhn, Dee, Byron, Wyoming-Teacher Obray, A. Vernon, Paradise, Utah-Gradu· ate Student Olsen, Alfrieda D., 1238 W. Santa Barbara, Los Angeles, Calif.-(Mrs. C. C. Auten· rieh) Olsen, Charles P., George Washington Law School, Washington, D. C. - Graduate Student Olsen, Justen Lamond, 389 North 5th East, Logan, Utah-Fellowship, U.S. A. C. Onstott, Oscar L., Culdesac, Idaho-Wholesaling and Retailing for Standard Oil Co. Osguthorpe, John Edgar, 2159 East 33rd South, Salt Lake City, Utah-Seed Analyst and Buyer-Porter-Walton Co. Packer, Thane J., 121 West Center St., Logan, Utah-Teacher Palmer, J. Oleen, Route 2, Brigham City, Utah-Elementary School Principal Palmer, Timothy Hoyt, Etna, WyomingTeacher Papanikolas, Gus, Magna, Utah-Lumber Business Parker, Lorenzo R., Bancroft, Idaho Parker, Rebecca June, Bennington, Idaho Parkinson, Howard Maughan, 196 East 4th North, Logan, Utah Parrish, Coulsen T., Centerville, UtahAmalgamated Sugar Co. Parrish, Wallace A., State Capitol, Salt Lake City, Utah-State Dairy Inspector Pass, Grace, 647- 23rd St., Ogden, Utah( Mrs. Clair 0. Lund) Patterson, Robert W., Ann Arbor, Michigan -Salesman Peay, Walter E., Payson, Utah Perry, Lorin Edward, 317 North 3rd East, Logan, Utah-U. S. Bureau of Fisheries, Campus Peters, Edward L., Swan Lake, New York Petersen, Verda T., Kentworth, UtahTeacher Peterson, Odell F., Circleville, Utah-Coach Peterson, Ronald F., llO South State St., Salt Lake City, Utah

Phillips, Hyrum Boyd, Box 105, Fillmore, Utah-Engineer Player, Garnett C., Box 141 F., Route 5, Murray, Utah-U.S. Forest Service Pledger, Donna, 329- 8th St., Ogden, Utah Poole, Clifford R., Paris, Idaho-Teacher Pribble, Lynn Harry, Smithfield, Utah Prince, Beth, Helper, Utah-Teacher Pulley, Eva, Nurse's Home, Baltimore, Md. -Nurse Putnam, Ardella, 549 East 3rd North, Lo· gao, Utah Quigley, L. Glen, Moab, Utah-U.S. Forest Service Rabb, Joe Carroll, Box 721, Lenoir, North Carolina-D. S. Forest Service Ralphs, Eleanor, 24 - 6th East St., Salt Lake City, Utah-(Mrs. Allen A. Thomas) Randall, James N., 2571 Fillmore, Ave., Ogden, Utah-Farmer Rasmussen, Maxine Delila, 353 Main, Bingham, Utah-Teacher Rattle, Keith Burns, Blanding, Utah Redford, Ralph Hubbard, Fort McArthur San Pedro, Calif. - Active Duty, U.s: Army Redford, Seth D., 712 North 9, Boise, Idaho -Grain Grader, Farm Adm. Bldg. Reeder, Ray M., Corinne, Utah-Teacher Reese, Lorin F., 121 East 4th North Logan Utah ' ' Reeve, Eldrow, Campus-Graduate Student Rex, Fred Spencer, 181 West 3rd North, Logan, Utah Rhoton, Royal Wendell, 653 North Univ. Ave., Provo, Utah Rich, Harvey N., Morgan, Utah Richardson, Ebbie L. V., Tooele, UtahTeacher Richardson, Lynn Arvil, Salt Lake City, Utah-Paramount Ice Cream Rigby, Liberty, 121 ·1st Ave., Salt Lake City, Utah-Teacher Riley, Ned, Goshen, Utah Ririe, Virginia, Magrath, Alberta, Canada Roberts, Alden, Fremont, Utah-Principal, Fremont School Roberts, H. Clive, Annabelle, UtahTeacher Roberts, Imogene, Kaysville, Utah Robinson, Edwin Craven, Laketown, Utah -Teacher Robinson, Reed Parley, Route 1, American Fork, Utah-Deputy Park Ranger Romero, Forrest S., 415 South 10, Pocatello, Idaho · Romney, Catherine, Logan, Utah Roundy, Acil R., Sprinville, Utah-U.S. Forest Service

Peterson, Ross K., 221 North 3rd East, Logan, Utah

Ryan, Dorothea Teacher


Petty, Floyd Oscar, St. George, UtahTeacher

Sanford, Barbara E., Springville, UtahTeacher




ALUMNI DIRECTORY 1939 (Continued) Sant, Virginia, Hamer, Idaho-Teacher Sargent, D. LeRoy, 247 Hyland Avenue, Ames, Iowa-Graduate Assistant Schmalz, Bruce L., Route 4, Ogden, Utah -County Extension Service Office, A.A.A. Schow, Sterling, 250 East 1st North, Logan, Utah-Clerk, A.A.A. Office Schwendiman, Reed A., 255 East 5th North, Logan, Utah-Registrar's Office Seamons, Robert C., 851 Road Ave., Grand Junction, Colo.-Civil Engineer Searle, Harold Joseph, American Fork, Utah Seely, A. Elwyn, 112 East Forest St., Brigham City, Utah-Teacher Sells, Earl, 5315 Drexel Ave., Chicago, Ill. -Student, George Williams University Seppich, Claude Thomas, 303 Perry St., Ogden, Utah Shafer, Paul Stewart, 1451 Kensington Ave., Salt Lake City, Utah-Field Agent, U.S. Biological Survey Sharp, Fern Janet, Kanab, Utah-Teacher Shepherd, Erschel Earl, 354 North 3rd East, Logan, Utah-Graduate Student, Campus Shiffman, Erma Lois, 130 East 5th North, Logan, Utah-Typist, A.A.A. Office Simmons, Delilah B., 215 Hazel St., Salt Lake City, Utah-Teacher Simmons, Uriel J., 51-33 74 St., Woodside, Long Island-Borden's Dairy Simpson, Robert Edward, 2560 Orchard Avenue, Ogden, Utah-Bureau of Public Roads Simpson, Robert P ., Schenectady, New York -General Electric Co. Skeen, Bertha Eleanor, Chicago University, Chicago, Illinois-Graduate Student Slaugh, Chester Forrest, 25 West 4th North, Logan, Utah-Graduate Work, U.S. A. C. Smart, Maurine, 206 South 4th West, Logan, Utah- (Mrs. Lavon F. Larson) Smith, Carl Alvin, Sugar City, UtahFarmer Smith, Gilbert C., Jackson, WyomingForest Guard Smith, Irma Terry, Draper, Utah Smith, Josephine, 164 East 3rd South, Logan, Utah Smith, Kathleen, Box 721, Lenoir, North Carolina-(Mrs. Joe Carroll Rabb) Smith, Vilate, 220 High St., Farmer City, lllinois-(Mrs. Revilo Fuller) Snow, Cleone Melisa, Richfield, UtahTeacher Snow, William Max, Lava Hot Springs, Idaho Sorenson, Leon J., Logan, Utah-Squires Cleaning Co. Spencer, R. Keith, 317 North 3rd East, Logan, Utah-Bookkeeper, Budge Hospital Spendlove, Earl, Hurricane, Utah Spiers, Donald M., 451 North 3rd East, Logan, Utah Twenty-two

Spilsbury, Berkeley James, 967 -12th St., Ogden, Utah- Worker, Railway Express Co. Stahle, Mildred Sylvia, Park City, Utah Stahmann, Grace, 518 East 4th North, Logan, Utah Stains, George 5., Logan, Utah-Graduate Student Stauffer, Delmar Bailey, 874 East 3rd St., Tucson, Arizona-Graduate Student Stayner, June, Garland, Utah-Teacher Stewart, Elwood Floy, Ogden, Utah-Mutual Creamery Co. Stewart, Josie Ellen, Kaysville, Utah Stilwell, Julia J., Heyburn, Idaho-Teacher Stoker, Harold, Logan, Utah - Graduate Student, U. S. A. C. Stolworthy, Gerald E., 340 J St., Idaho Fails, Idaho Tanner, B. Leland, 1352 Harrison Ave., Salt Lake City, Utah Taylor, Phyllis, Murray, Utah-Teacher Taylor, Thomas Alva, 1219 Church St., Baker, Oregon-Forest Service Taylor, Veri L., Route 3, Ogden, Utah Teichert, L. Page, Box 284, College State, Texas-Graduate Student Terry, Beth, Hyrum, Utah Teuscher, Grace, Garden City, UtahTeacher Theurer, Mildred, Tremonton, Utah-Home Ec. Teacher Thomas, Addison Allan, 24- 6th East St., Salt Lake City, Utah-Rep., Liggett & Myers Tobacco Co. Thomas, Bert L., 435 South Oxford, Los Angeles, Calif.-Standard Oil Co. Thompson, A. Garr, 234 East 1st North, Logan, Utah-Bookkeeper, Cache Auto Co. Thompson, Thelda, St. Charles, Idaho Thomson, Anthony Clair, Gunnison, Utah -Teacher Thornley, Phyllis, 353 West 1st South, Cedar City, Utah Thornton, Elva Ann, Route 2, Logan, Utah -Teacher Tingey, Beth, Centerville, Utah-Teacher Tingey, Elma, Weston, Idaho Tippets, Ernest W., 527 East 5th North, Logan, Utah-Intermountain Theatre Co. Tobler, Rondy S., Roosevelt, Utah- Coach, Alterra High School Tremelling, Louis, 546 North 6th East, Logan, Utah-Graduate Student, U.S. A. C. Tueller, Rulon S., Campus Turner, Alberta Blanche, Logan, UtahGraduate Student, U. S. A. C. Turner, Duane M., Spencer, Idaho

Vandershaf, Edwin, 597 North 6th East, Logan, Utah Van Shaar, Ben, Wilson Lane, Ogden, Utah Vickers, Vallon S., 338 North 4th East, Logan, Utah Wadsworth, Jam es Donald, Bountiful, Utah Camp Ed. Adviser, C.C.C. Co. 940 Waines, W. Reginald, Sugar City, Idaho Wall, Robert Franklin, Berkeley, Calif.Graduate Student Wangsgard, Scott Maughan, Huntsville, Utah-Teacher Wanink, John Ray, Salt Lake City, UtahFirestone Tire Co. Ward, Barbara Luella, 1228 East 6th South, Salt Lake City, Utah Ward, David C., Willard, Utah-Teacher Watts, Austin LeMoyne, Carey, IdahoTeacher Weaver, Max D., Helper, Utah-Teacher Webb, Mabel Joan, Richmond, Utah Wekks, Marian, Smithfield, Utah- (Mrs. Dean Bischoff) Wessler, Edna Mae, 845 Kershaw St., Ogden, Utah-Teacher Wheeler, Seaton E., Whiterocks, Utah Whitby, John Elvin, 174 West 4th North, Logan, Utah Whitaker, Spencer Lynn, Kanosh, UtahForester White, Raymond H., Logan, Utah-Library Ass't, U.S. A. C. Whiting, Mark C., Springville, Utah Wiggill, Virginia A., Layton, Utah Wilkinson, Nelma Luella, 953- 1st Ave., Salt Lake City, Utah-Teacher Wilson, Alta Rae, 480 East 4th North, Logan, Utah-Teacher Wilson, Vivian, St. George, Utah-(Mrs. Vivian Spencer)-Dixie Jr. College Librarian Willardsen, Willis R., Loa, Utah-Teacher Winchester, J. Alden, 15 West 33rd South, Salt Lake City, Utah-Mountain States Tel. & Tel. Co. Winger, Ira Vernone, Monticello, UtahCoach Wittwer, Sylvan H., Univ. of Mo., Columbia, Mo.-Ass't Horticultural Dep t. Willey, Irene, Bountiful, Utah Worlton, Madge G., 150 North Main, Salt Lake City, Utah-(Mrs. Ferris Evans) Young, Betty Wright, 2409 Taylor Ave., Ogden, Utah-Teacher

Turner, Kirk Brian, 610 West 3rd Ave., Stillwater, Oklahoma-Graduate Student, A. & M. College

Young, Silas M., Manila, Utah-Teacher

Vance, Herbert Glenn, Kingston, ldahoU. S. Forest Service

Zufelt, DeVaun Cecil, Sigurd, Utah-Commercial Artist

Young, Parley Parker, Richfield, Utah

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RALPH M. PEARSON , New York City NORVAL L. CHURCH , Teachers College, Colum bio University, New York DR. LORIN F. WHEELWRIGHT, Mu sic Supervisor in Solt Loke City Schools

DR. J. DUNCAN SPAETH, Un iversity of Wic hita

Philosophy: DR. E. E. ERICKSEN , University of Utoh

Education: DR. ERNEST G. OSBORNE, Teochers College, Columbio University, New York City DR. D. ROSS PUGMIRE, Teochers College , Colum bio University, New York City MISS JENNIE CAMPBELL, Stole Director of Elementory Schools, Salt Loke City

Industrial Education: HARRY E. WOOD, ln dianopolis, ln diono H. W. TEICHROEW, St. Po ul. Minnesota RALPH BARTON , Corpus C hristi, Texas JOHN F. FRIESE, Stole College, Pennsylvonio R. E. FIELDS, Denver Public Schools ASAEL FISHER, Provo , Utoh C. W. GALLOWAY, Logon , Utah DON SHOUP, Logon , Utoh

Physical Education: WILLIAM R. LaPORTE, University of Sou thern Colifornio DOROTHEA SPAETH , Wichito, Konsas G. OTT ROMNEY, Wos hington , D. C.


Coaching School: CARL SNAVELY, Cornell University, lthoco, New York HOWARD HOBSON , University of Oregon


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