Utah State Alumni Quarterly, Vol. 17 No. 1, October 1939

Page 1

Homecoming-Directory Issue Vol. XVII

No. I




HIS is a capital ta le, fraught with d epe r mean ings and more ca refu l analysi s and unde rstanding of life and peop le than th e t houghtfu l reader would expect to find in a mut·de r my ste ry . Dr. Ne ley has treated the psycho logical fa ctors dete·rmining human be ha\"ior with accura cy and pt·ecis ion. It is a rich a nd colorful story of action, j ea lousy, vil lainy, mut·de t·, cle ver s leuthing, dee p and abiding .l ove and loyalty . Doctor N eeley is a native of tah , long conn ected with education in t hat state·. S he i a graduate of Utah State Ag ri cultural Co li ge .

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UTAH STATE QUARTERLY Published quarterly by the Utah State Agricultural College Alumni Association. Entered as second-class matter at the post office in Logan, Utah, under the act of March 3, 1897.


October, 1939

No. I

Officers of the Association Editor and Manager President

ERWIN CLEME T, '37 AsA Bl!LLEN, ' 10

Executive Committee AsA B LLE BYRO ALDER D. A. SKEE


Alumni Council Members DAVID G. H URRE ', ' 27 v. D. GARD ER, '22 HAROLD M. PETERSON, '27 J. KARL WooD, '15 ORVILLE L. LEE, ' 10 AsA BuLLE , '10 L.R.H UMPHE RY~ ' 12


D. A. SKEEN, '09

Have You Sent in Your Alumni" Dues? Use this blank or write a letter addressed to the Executive Secretary, Alumni As ociation, Logan, Utah, enclosing your annual dues or Life Membership remittance.

0 0

I enclose $1.00 for annual membership. I enclose $25.00 for Life Membership.

(May be pa id in five yearly insta ll ments.) arne .............................................. Class............ . Street. ...........................................................•....... City........................................ State...................... .

Association President Asa Bullen, '10, prominent Logan attorney and lecturer in law at the Col lege, was e lected to the pre idency of the Alumni Association at the annual bu ine meetina-. at commencemen t time. Mr. Bullen served on the E ecutive comm ittee during the past year and ha a lway been an interested and loya l member of the Association. He succeed Robert L. Judd , '09, Sa l t Lake City, who erved capab ly and well for t1 o years. Tho e e lected to the Executive Comm ittee for on year, beginning July L in cl ude Profes or Byron Alder, ' 12 ; Profe or L. R . Humpherys. ' 12 ; D. A. Skeen, '09. Sa lt Lake City, and Orvil le L. Lee, 10. Mr. Judd will remain on the Executive committee as an Ex-officio member. The annua l fall meetin g of the Alumni Council will he held on the mornin g of Homecomin o-. October 28.

Bulletin Notice The officers of the Sa lt Lake City chapter of the Alumni A ociation are planning a rally and program on Wednesday, ovember 22nd. previou to the annual " Turkey Day" a-arne between Utah State and niversity of Utah . Accordin g to A ll an West, '32. chapter president, plans are well under way for an outstanding evening. Further detai ls wil l he announced later on by chap ter officers as to the time and p lace for this " Aggie" get-together. A lumni in Boi¡ e and vicinity will be interested to know that Utah State p lay Univer ity of Idaho at Mo cow, on November 4th.


Distinctive College Styles

Russell L. Maughan, ' 17, major in the United State Army Air corps, wa in command of a group of new pursuit p lane that stopped over in Salt Lake City in July. Major Maughan wa the first man to pan the continent between unri e and sunset, and holds the distinguished flyin g cross. He wa Utah 's Ace of the American Air corps during the World War. bringing down four enemy planes. He won the Pulitzer speed trophy in 1922, averaging 205 mi le per hour, in a test run . Major Maughan i commander of the Th irty-third quadron at Lan gley Fie ld, Virginia. and was ordered west with the plane to acramento, Ca lifornia. \ here he turned them over to the Eighth Pursuit group for further te ting . Th ree

Sons and Daughters of Utah State Alumni ANNA M. STOCK age 3 years, and ELDON M. STOCK, JR. age 5 years. Daughter and son of Montana Gudmundson Stock, '34, and Eldon Stock, '34, Logan, Utah.

DAVID RICHARD OWENS age nine months. Son of Margaret Watkins Owens, '34, and " Dick" Owens, '37, of Visalia, California. RALPH CLYDE McCULLOCH age seven months. Son of Mary Martineau, ex. '38, and Clyde McCulloch, '34, of Salt Lake City, Utah.

RAY LeGRAND LILLYWHITE, JR. age 2 years. Son of Eloise Afton Hoopes Lillywhite, '31, and Ray Lillywhite, '35, of Salt Lake City, Utah. ELIZABETH LOUISE RICE age one year. Daughter of Beth Sant Rice, . '33, and Moyle Q. Rice '36, Logan, Utah .

POLLY WRIGHT age 3 years. Daughter of Mr. and Mr . Morris H . Wright, 3525 Avalon Road, Shaker Heights, Ohio. Morris graduated in 1935. JANET RICHARDS age 2 year . Daughter of Genevieve Cooley Richards, ex. '37, and B. Lorin Richards, Jr., '35, Ithaca, ew York.

Beginning with this issue of the Quarterly, a series of photographs of sons and daughters of Utah State Alumni and Alumnae, under five years of age, will be published on this page. Photographs will be welcomed and published as soon as possible.


- . ·r

W rites Book

Dr. Deta Peterson Neeley, '32, re· cently added more glory to her already successful and amazing car&er, when "A Candidate for Hell," a stirring mystery novel written by her. wa released this summer by the Meador Publishing Company, Boston, Ma sachusetts. Dr. Neeley wa born in Bear River City, Utah, and after completing her training for a normal degree, she taught in the elementary schools of Utah. From 1923 to 1928 he wa primary supervi or, Millard county School district, Utah, and from 1928 to 1931 she was elementary supervisor in the same school di trict. In 1932 and 1933 she received her B.S .. and Ma ter degrees from the College. She was a reading demon · strator for the Macmillan Company in Montana during 1933. During the years of 1934 to 1937, Dr. eeley attended the University of Cali fornia where she studied for her doctorate, which she received in 1937, in Education. Literary critics have the folio' ing to say about Dr. 1ee ley and her book. " 'A Candidate for Hell' is a murder mystery that is colorful in it action. jealou y, villainy, murder, clever sleuthing deep and abiding love, and loyalty. The author has treated the psychological factors determining human behavior with accuracy and precision, and her careful ana lysis and understanding of life and people gives the story a much deeper meaning than the thoughtful reader would expect to find in a murder mystery." Dr. f eeley began writing after receiving her doctors degree in 1937. Her first attempts were in the field of education and she wrote eight articles, a ll of which were accepted for

publication. The mystery novel had always intrigued her becau e it presented a definite problem to be solved, caused her to start writing fiction. The planning and actual wntmg of the book took approximately six month . Although Dr. eeley has di covered a real challenge, and an intere tin g one in writing, she ha not given up plans of continuing in the field of education. Dr. eeley i the wife of Glen 1eeley, '33, who received hi master's deg ree recently from the University of California, and i no\ completing work for his doctorate . They are col laborating on a hi torical novel based on old picturesque Virginia City durin g it boom year , 1847 to 1865. This book is well on the way to comp letion and they hope to have it ready for pub lication thi fal l. Copies of " A Cand idate for Hell ' have been purcha ed by the Alumni Association and turned over to the College library for use by Alumni, students and facu lty.

A. W. S. President

Ma rjorie Seeley

One of the outstand ing organizations on the campu and one that contribute much to the happiness and wel l being of the women undergraduate , i the A ociated Women Student organization. This group sponsors get-acquainted parties and gives women tudents an opportunity to get in the " potlight" of campus activitie throu ghout the school year. ·

Completes Doctorate

Thelma Fogelberg, '29, received he r Doctor of Letter degree on May 31, from the Sarbonne, University of Paris, France. She received honorab le mention for outstanding work done during the past year. Dr. Fogelberg received her Master of Arts Degree from the Univer ity of Southern Ca Jifornia. This is not the first time for Dr. Fogelberg to study in France. She spent t\ o years at the University of ancy, France, where she received honorable mention for her two years' study. After completing her work, Dr. Foge lberg remained in France and took advantage of the cultural opportunities that Pari has to offer. She heard the areat French pianist Cortot and the Rus ian vio lincell ist Piatigorsky. She left Pari in August and after vi itin a the 1ew York ~ orld's Fair, returned to Logan and her duties at the Col lege in September. The Association officer wi h to take thi opportunity to congratulate you, Dr. Fogelberg, on your past accompli hment and particularly upon your mo t recent success. This year the organization has as its president, Marjorie Seeley of Castle Dale, Utah. Marjorie is a senior and during the past three years has proved herself capable of her position. She and member of a committee have many enjoyable afternoon and evening planned for the entertainment of the new and former women tudent . The fir t function of thi group social ly, will be the annual A. W. S. ball in October, at which time the girls " date the boys." Five


1938 Homecoming Float

If the letters and perso nal inquirie by Alumni and former students during the past few weeks seeking information in regard to the date for the annual Homecoming celebration is any indication for a large attendance, then this year's two-day program will surpa s all other occasions. Hundreds of Alumni have written the As ociation office asking for the date. Here it is-October 27 and 28. Members of the first class to the class of '39, wi ll return to the campus to renew old ties and take part in many of the planned activities. Colorado State, a traditional foe of the Blue and White followers, will be met on the gridiron as the main attraction and as a climax to the festivities, Saturday afternoon. The Colorado Aggies are being hailed by sport scribes as the " dark hor e" team of the Big Seven Conference and wil l be again coached by Harry Hughes, who just started his twentyninth year as head coach. Since 1912, when the two Aggie squads first lined up against each other, twenty-one games have been played. Utah State has won nine and lost eleven to their foe . In 1934 the only tie game was played when both teams came off the field with twenty-one points each. These two teams have met on many Homecoming occasions and fans and followers always remain until the final whistle. The Homecoming committee, under the chairmanship of David G. Hurren, '27, has completed plans for a downtown rally, parade, Ag. show, campus tours, dances and many other events that will appeal to all. Six

On Friday, October 27, an Alumni-Student rally will be held down town, followed by fireworks and a rally dance. On the following morning, hands, fraternities, clubs, and other organization wi ll parade on Main street and compete for various Homecoming day trophies. Following the parade the sophomores and freshmen will clash in a tug-owar. The flag-raising ceremony wi ll he conducted at 2:00 p.m., with the kickoff coming promptly at 2 :30 p.m . During the celebration, Alumni and form er tudents headquarters will be in the Commons building. Tours of the campus wi ll be conducted by member of Blue Key and InterCo llegiate Knights both days. This wi ll afford every returning former student an opportunity to view the progress made by the Institution dur¡ ing the past few years. Fraternities, sororities, and clubs are planning special breakfasts and luncheons for their former members on Saturday. When you return to the campus this year, you are going to see new lawn, shrubs, and trees at the foot of the hill, where the famous "trail" hegins, the new Women's residence hall and field house. You will also be amazed at the marked changes made in "old haunts" and the unsurpassed beauty of the campus. You will he proud of your Alma Mater, and happy at having taken the time out from daily routine to visit in Logan once again . The Homecoming committee invites you and bids you welcome..to another grand reunion of Utah State former students. Organizations combining to put over the celebration are the Alumni Association, Student Body, Chamber of Commerce, Junior Chamber of Commerce, "A" Men's organization, Elks, American Legion, Veterans of Foreign Wars, a tional Guard, Athletic Council of the College, and the R.O . T. C. A major feature of the two-day program will be the Ag. show held in the Smart gymnasi um. This show

has received praise from State, City, and County officials as an outstanding success and of great value to the schoo l and the state. The show is sponsored by the school of Agriculture and exhibit booths are created by a ll schools and departments on the campus. It is free to all visitors and opens Friday at noon.

"A" Men Plan Meeting A meeting of the members of the " A" men's club will he held on the morning of Homecoming. Plans and various activities for the coming year will be outlined at that time, according to Virgil orton, '26, president of the organization. "Virg" and his fellow officers urge all members to attend this annual meeting. otices and invitations will he mailed to all members in the near future.

American University Women The College was given approval by the American Association of University Women, at the biennial National Convention, held in June in Denver, Colorado. Tlus approval means that women graduates of the College are eligible to membership in the Association in communities where the organization is functioning.

Ogden Chapter Elects At the annual spring party of the Ogden Alumni chapter, held at the Ogden Country Club, Rudy Van Kampen, '34, was elected president and Ath leen Farr Budge, '34, was elected vice-president. Others elected include at Taggart, '33, treasurer; Kenneth Brown, '33 secretary; and Blaine Bachman, '23, Russell Croft, '26, Lee Skanchy, Weldon Burnham, '34, and Ralph Sanford, '23, were elected to the Executive Committee. The party was very well attended and a credit to the Ogden chapter members.

Class of 1912 Gift "The Cambridge Ancient History," a series of twelve volumes, with five more volumes of illustrations, was purchased by the Library during the summer, from the earnings of the class of 1912 gift fund.

BEAR RIVER MIGRATORY BIRD REFUGE Too few peqple realize that within an easy hour's drive of the Utah State campus lies one of the most important and strategically located migratory bird refuges in the world. What was once a swampy marsh land surrounded by extensive alkaline mud flats at the mouth of the Bear River, sixteen miles west of Brigham City, has now been transformed into a permanent haven and stopping place for thousands of migratory birds. Over two hundred different species of birds, which are either indigenous in Utah or visit the refuge in the process of their migratory Rights, have been recorded. Situated on the Aat banks of the Bear River is the picturesque headquarters of the refuge-really a selfsustaining community with its own heat, water, sewage disposal, power and telephone systems. The headquarters form the point of entry to the 64,000 acre tract of land and water that, with its prolific bird life, awes some ten or twelve thousand visitors a year. The refuge is under the supervision of the Bureau of ¡Biological Survey, recently transferred from the United States Department of Agriculture to the Department of the Interior. Vanez T. Wilson, '19, courteous and capable superintendent, is in direct charge ¡of all operations, which consists of the management of eight regular government employees and two hundred C.C.C. boys, who have been assigned to work on the refuge.

V. T. W ilso n Examining Se go Pond Wee d

Mr. Wilson has been associated with the project since its instigation in 1927, and has been the chief moving force in developing and organizing the refuge, first as engineer and later as superintendent. Five units stretch for miles to the north, south, and west of the headquarters. Each unit is a 5,000 acre pond of fresh water surrounded by man-made dykes about twenty feet in width at the top, over which has been constructed a graveled roadway. Over the surface of these units one sees

Part of Refuge, Looking West fro m Tower

countless thousands of birds swimming and feeding in the shallow water. The water is purposely kept at a maximum depth of about two feet to provide easy access to the beds of stringy sego pond weed, the chief food of the various kinds of ducks and geese. Besides these five units, all under the control of the refuge engineers, there are thousands of acres of adjacent marsh land which form nesting, cover and feed ground for the birds. This acreage will ultimately be dyked and controlled in the same manner as the units, provided water is made available. At present the scarcity of water reduces the feasibility of additional units, there being hardly enough fresh water to supply the present demand particularly in dry seasons. It is possible that this scarcity of fresh water is aiding the spread of botulism among the water fowl, particularly the ducks. This disease, somewhat enigmatic in its functionin g, is not confined to this area alone. Constant research on the part of the Government men is reducing the mortality among birds throughout the United States. Botulism, somewhat similar to ptomain poisoning in human beings, affects the stomach of a bird through a bacillic action, and results in ultimate para! ysis. However, if the sick bird is discovered before complete paralysis is developed, and given proper treatment, it is possible to save its life. This treatment consists of placing the sick birds in the Bird Hospital at Refuge Headquarters where they are _given internal injections of potassmm permanganate and intravenal injections of glucose by the "Quack Doctors" as they are called. When the birds are able to swim and feed themselves, they are taaged, and placed in the fresh water hospital pond, from which they are at liberty to fly back to their habitat. Most of this work is done by the C.C.C. boys (see cut) who make daily rounds of the marshes and units gathering up the sick birds. This hospital , along with the other buildings, an office, research laboratory, three homes, power plant, water distillery, and equipment sheds, is located at the refuge headquarters. In the center of this particular plot stands a one-hundred foot steel observation tower, from which visitors (Continued on page 8) Se ven

( Continued front page - )

and workmen may view almo t the entire project. The buildings themselve are comparatively new structures made of cinder block and painted an attractive grey with red tile roofs. These neat buildings and their well -kept ground give the headquarters an appearance of efficiency and orderliness that trikes the eye of the visitor immediately upon entrance. Especia ll y noticeable on the grounds i the absence of any apparent means of communication or light and heat production. All , however, are ingeniously arranged for through the plentifu l supply of natural gas that is found in that vicinity. Through the utilization of this aas, all light, heat, and power need are taken care of, as well as the water supply and ewage dispo al. All light and power line are under ground, a are the sewage, water, and gas mains. This useful and plentiful supp ly of ga wa discovered while drilling for culinary water and was found to be in such a state of purification that it was possible to u e it direct from the well to run the two gasoline engines in the power plant. The refuge not only erves a a haven for all types of water fowl , but the land adjacent to it is well known throughout the Pacific coast area for its excell ent duck hunting facilities and for its u e as the site of no less than six duck clubs, all of which find adequate game during the season. Sections of the refuge proper are al so turned over to hunter during the hunting season.

"Quack Doctors" Eight

Retu rns to Practice Dr. R. 0. Porter, '12, well kno wn throughout the State and especially in Cache Valley where he has practiced Medicine and Surgery for more than 20 year , returned in May to his practice after an absence of two and one-half years. During the time he was away Dr. Porter underwent a serious operation and later did post-graduate work in the San Franci co hospital. He was forced to retire in December 1936 as a result of a serious injury to his spine. For everal months the outcome of his condition was in doubt and at time fear was felt for his recovery. However, as rhe result of a highly technical operation on the pinal cord at the University of Ca lifornia hospital the cau e of his trouble wa found and uccessfully removed. After a few months convalescence, Dr. Porter decided to further extend his po t-graduate training and reearch in eye, ear, nose, and throat and henceforth devote hi entire practice to that pecialty. He received a much coveted appointment in the teaching clinic of the Univer ity of California in San Francisco with instruction by the leading specialists of the post-graduate divisions of both the Uni ver ity of California and Stanford Medical Schools. There he spent 18 month in specialized training. The last year wa devoted excluively to the diagno i , treatment, and urgery of the eye, including refraction, fitting of glasses, and orthoptic trainin g for poor vision and weak mu cles. By virtue of his background and training and a lon g experience in the practice of Medicine and Surgery in their genera l branches, Dr. Porter is unusually well fitted for the specialty for which he has prepared. He graduated from Rush Medical College and ha spent a year in the Harvard Medical School and in orthwestern Medica l School, and later one year in the eye, ear, nose, and throat department of Salt Lake County Hospital in addition to everal shorter period of tudy in thi pecia lty in the east. After receiving his medical degree, Dr. Porter was appointed Professor of Physiology and medical supervisor of tudents at the College and originated the health department. Three years later he left the College service to devote full time to the practice of Medicine and Surgery in Logan, and the organization and founding of the Cache Valley General Hospital. In 1923 he was appointed Dean

of the Medical Schoo l of the Un iversity of Utah, which position he held for ix years. He wa instrumental in getting the Medical School on the accredited li f of "American Medical College "with an " A" rating and member hip in its a ociation. During this period Dr. Porter was devoting a great deal of time to the study and practice of eye, ear, nose, and throat and in 1929 he resigned from the deanship to join the staff of the newly erected Cache Valley General Hospital. Dr. Porter reports that he had two tempting opportunities to remain in practice in San Franci co, but the lure of Cache Valley and countless friends and a desire of his family to return determined his course of action. With greatly increased space and entirely new and up-to-date equipment, the Doctor has just opened his offices in the Cache Valley Hospital building. Dr. Porter was president of the Alumni Association two years, in 1931 and in 1932. The present officers welcome the return of Dr. Porter and his family to Logan and wish him continued good health.

Fortieth Alumni Banquet The College library main reading room was again the scene of the annual Alumni banquet, at which time three hundred and fifty graduates and former students attended. Centering around the 25th anniversary of the Exten ion Service, and honoring the class of '39 and the class of '14¡, the banquet was declared an outstanding success by tho e who attended. John T. Caine III, '03, now associated with the Union Stock Yards in Chicago, contributed much in his official role as that of toastmaster. W. W. Owens, ' 16, was master of ceremonies, and toasts were given by the following: Mrs. Rena Maycock Badger, Salt Lake City; Mrs. Ethel B. Lund, '24, Brigham City; L. M. Winsor, '11, Salt Lake City; Gronway R. Parry, ' 14, Cedar City, president of that class, and Robert Simpon, president of the '39 class. Mr. Parry presented a group picture of the class of ' 14, taken at the 1914 commencement, to the Alumni Association for the office. Special guests included W. L. Lloyd, representative of the Extension Service Division of Washington, D. C.; Director William Peterson, President Elmer G. Peterson, and Dr. R. J. Evans.

is unbeatable. Carl will lead his teammates from the left tackle post, where last season he made a name for himself in the conference. The center of the line will be well taken care of by all-conference Murray Maughan, with Ken Shulsen, Jordan and David Clark of Oakley, Idaho, as capable reserves. Both guard posi· tions will he filled by lettermen of last year in Joe Woodward, South Cache, and Warren O'Gara, Nephi. However, at the present writing, such men as Glenn Jackson, South Cache; Samuel Merrill, North Cache; Richard Griffin, Bear River ; Fred Banks, Branch Agricultural College; Elmer Green, and Rex Hill, Davis, are fighting to replace the two lettermen. Big Jack Moore of West High in Salt Lake City; Wayne Steed, Ogden, and Eddie Penn of New York City, are scrapping for the right tackle post. All three of the boys are juniors and tip the beam around the two hundred pound mark. Pushing Captain Carl Smith at the left tackle post is Duane Mi-ller, Davis; Ralph Embry, Weber Junior Cellege; Terry Peterson, Ricks Junior College; and Rullell Naylor, Logan. In Howard Shurtz, Bear River; Bill Whitesides, Davis, and Charles Clark, Weber Junior College, Coach Romney has three returning lettermen. They will be backed up by such stalwarts as Determined to erase the title of Alton Mollerup, East High, Salt Lake " up and down team," head coach E. City; Lynn Lunt, transfer from L. Romney and a group of fifty grid Branch Agricultural College, and hopefuls, have been working out twice John Peterson, Cyprus. Seth Maughn, daily since the opening of fa'll foot- South Cache, has two more years' ball camp, September lOth. The title eligibility and will be hard to outwas given the team last year by sports class in the signal calling department. Louis Toschi, of San Francisco, and writers after the young sophomore Wally •B raegger are returning letter· team upset almost every prediction men and able field generals, giving that was made about them previous Seth most of his competition. Melvin to their games. When they were se- Manning, of Bear River, is a sopholected to win they were beaten and more with a great many possibi'iities when they "couldn' t possibly win," and will also see a great deal of they emerged victorious. With last action before the season is over. Mike year behind them and a new season Stipac, senior and returning letter· in the offing, the team that will rep- man from Tooele, seems to have the resent Utah State will again be a edge over Verne Bennion, Jordan, question mark with possibilities bet- and Fred Bohman, Morgan, both ter for living up to predictions about juniors and lettermen. From the their winning. freshmen ranks, Fank Moyes, Box Graduation took such key men as Elder, and Sammy Orme, Tooele, are Captain Cliff Poole and Tracy Maero, . very much in the running and may fullbacks; John Ahern, tackle; Ira get the nod over the lettermen before Winger and Delmar Miller, half- many games have been played. The backs. These men will be replaced all-important left halfback spot is by lettermen of last year and sopho- being held down by Frank Olsen, mores up from the freshmen rank Ogden; Marvin Bell, Lava Hot of last fall. Springs, Idaho ; and Earl Winger, Led by Captain Carl Smith of Preston, Idaho, all sophomores. OlPreston, Idaho, those in suits are sen, with his speed and size, seems working hard and have a spirit that to have the inside track at present.

Sports Review

La wrence later. Tooele. eem to be hittin g hi stride this year and wi ll be hard to compete with for the fullback position. James Paulos, Tooele, and Demont Walker, South Cache, both junior , are excellent reserves. The team will be rather light compared with other teams in the conference, but with uch a pirit as the quad members have, some upset are in store for opposing teams. FIELD HOUSE The much dreamed of field house is now comp leted and being occupied by the athletic department. It will be open for inspection by graduates and former students returning to the annual Homecoming celebration on October 28. The building is three hundred and thirty-seven feet long and has a seating capacity of fiftysix hundred. All basketball games will be played there from now on. It houses an eighth of a mile track, a one hundred yard straight-away, and pace for football workouts during bad weather. Handball courts, offices, team and shower rooms are also available.

Accept Coaching Positions John Broberg, '39, will coach at Hamer, Idaho, during the coming school year. Jay "Cotton" Tolman, '34, accepted the position of Athletic Director at Dixie Junior College and will handle six man and eleven man football. Jay has been at Delta High School during the past three years where he achieved a great deal of success with his basketball and football teams. Rex Hunsaker, '35, is coaching at Downey, Idaho, this year. He coached at Inkom, Idaho, in 1938-39. FOOTBALL SCHEDULE September 30, College of Idaho, Logan. October 7 University of Colorado, Boulder. October 21, Denver University, Logan. October 28, Homecoming, Colorado Aggies, Logan. November 4-, University of Idaho, Moscow. November ll, Brigham Young University, Logan. November 18, Wyoming University, Laramie. November 23, University of Utah, Salt Lake City. Nine


President Grant and his counselors, J. Reuben Clark Jr., and David 0. McKay ; George Albert Smith, and Dr. Richard R. Lyman, members of the council of Twelve Apostles. Music for the services was furnished by the Tabernacle Choir. Elder Ballard is survived by his widow. Mrs. Mattie Jones Ballard; three daughters, Mrs. R. ~ . Madsen and Mrs. James F. Keyser, Salt Lake City; and Mrs. Dale Snow of Washington, D. C. ; four sons, M. R. Ballard, Rulon J . Ballard, and L. M. Bal lard, Salt Lake City, and Me eil Ballard of Dallas, Texas.

Marriages '

A great loss was suffered by the

L. D. S. church, the State of Utah. and the ation on J u I y 30, when Elder Melvin J. Ballard of the quorum of Twelve of the L. D. S. church died in a Salt Lake City hospital , from an illness that had caused him poor health for over a year. Elder Ballard was born in Logan. February 9, 1876, the son of Henry and Margaret Me leil Ballard. A a youth he grew up in Logan, attended the grade school here and the variou church auxiliarie . He later attended the Brigham Young College from which he araduated in 1894. He taught music at the Brigham Young College, following hi graduation , and then later became intere ted m business affairs of Logan. He spent two years as a missionary in the lorthern States mission . Later he served as Pre ident of the lorthwestern State mi sion , which he developed into one of the mo t out. tanding mission in the church. In January 1919, Elder Ballard was called to become a member of the quorum of Twelve. Since that time he ha visited various places on the American continent. He was highly respected for his sincerity, enthusiasm, and leadership ability. He was an eloquent speaker, and was heard at various College and Hi gh School exercise throughout the state. At the time of his death, Elder Ballard was a member of the College Board of Trustees, a position which he filled capably and well for a number of years. Funeral services for Elder Ballard were conducted in the Salt Lake Tabernacle by President Heber J. Grant. The large buildin g was filled to capacity with friends and admirers of Elder Ballard. Speakers were Ten

Marie Call, '31, Brigham City, to Fred . Webb, Provo, July 12, in the Logan L. D. S. Temple. Joyce McKinnon, '37, Price, to John Houston, Helper, June 17, in Salt Lake City. They will make their home in Helper. Evelyn Larson, '38, Preston, Idaho, to Thane D. Winward, Whitney, Idaho, June 21, in the Logan L. D. S. Temple. They will live in Preston, Idaho. Jean Kendall , '37, Nephi, to Wayne Hinton, '31, Hurricane, June 20, in the Manti L. D. S. Temple. They will make their home in St. George, Utah, where Wayne is teaching vocational agriculture at Dixie Junior College. Marie Christensen, Caldwell, Idaho, to Irving Anderson, '35, Brigham City, June 29, in the Logan L. D. S. Temple. Glenna Esplin, Cedar City, to Vernal Josephson, '37, Malad, Idaho, in July. They will live in Montreal , Canada, where Vernal will do pecial research toward his Doctor' Degree at McGill University. Vaudys Christensen to Donald K. Nel so n. '38, June 27, in the Logan L. D. S. Temple. They will make their home in Logan. Maurine Jacobsen, '37, Logan, to Maon Pulley, '37, Logan, June 6, in the Logan L. D. S. Temple. Maurine was a member of Kappa Delta. They will make their home in Logan. Helen Sterling, Provo, to Ted Anthon, '34, Springville, July 3, in the Manti L. D. S. Temple. They will make their home in Provo . Ted was a member of Delta Nu. Viola Hammond, '37, Sugar City, to Rex Hunsaker, '36, Tremonton, in the Logan L. D. S. Temple in June. Viola was a member of Kappa Delta while Rex was affiliated with Sigma u. aomi Barlow, '24, Bountiful, to Matthias P . Monson, Blackfoot, Ida-

ho, during June, in the L. D. S. C~wrch in Wa.s hington, D. C. They will make theu home in Arlineton Virginia. " ' Ann Packer, '38, Preston, Idaho, to Parley Lloyd, Jr., Grace, Idaho J une 5, in the Salt Lake City L. 'D. S. Temple. They will make their home in Central Idaho. Evelyn Wilkins, Roosevelt, to Clyde L. Johnson, '38, Lewiston, J une 26, in the Salt Lake City L. D. S. Temple. They will make their home in Roosevelt. Clyde taught music there during the past year. Va etta Larsen, Mt. Pleasant, to Horace J\;1¡ Andrews, '36, May 31, in the Manti L. D. S. Temple. They will make their home in New Mexico, where Horace is employed by the United States Forest Service. Vanda Bennett, '40, Parowan, to Miles C. Romney, '35, Logan, in the Logan L. D. S. Temple, in July. They will make their home in New York City, where Miles will attend Columbia University. Vanda is a member of Chi Omega. Helen Richards, Salt Lake City, to Dr. Eldon Gardner, '34, Logan, in the Salt Lake City L. D . S. Temple, in August. They will make their home in Salinas, California, where Eldon will be on the staff of the Salinas Junior College. Ruth Munns, to Albert F. Bingham, '39, in the Logan L. D. S. Temple, in July. They will make their home in Honeyville. Mae Thomas, Paul, Idaho, to Ted Hanks, '39, Burley, Idaho, in July. Cleo Lundstrom, Logan, to Clark Griffin, '39, Newton, August 16, in the Salt Lake City L. D. S. Temple. They will make their home in Michigan where Clark will continue his studying. Ruth Cox, '32, Manti, to George Matthews, Grantsville, August 23, in Manti. Lenore Bullen, Richmond, to Elverne J. Coles, '27, Ogden, July 29, in the Salt Lake City L. D. S. Temple. They will make their home in Salt Lake City. Betty Maher, Denver, Colorado, to Paul D. Geddes, '36, Denver. They were married in July and will make their home in Denver, where Paul is associated with the Mulnix Sound Systems company. Amar Hickman, Chi Omega, '36, Logan, to Joseph L. Mabey, Jr., Pi Kappa Alpha, Clearfield. They were married in the Salt Lake City L. D. S. Temple on August 23rd. They will make their home in Grace, Idaho, where Joe is coaching.

ALUMNI DIRECTORY In the Alumni Council meeting, held June 4th, members present thought it would be an excellent idea for the Association to publish a directory of all graduates. Methods of financing the publication were discussed and the group decided that a directory would cost a good deal of money. Lacking sufficient capital to support such an undertaking, a vote was cast upon a motion to include in each issue of the Quarterly a list of the graduates by class. This issue includes all classes from '94 to '21 . We have tried to give the correct name, married name, address and occupation wherever possible. We realize that orne mistakes undoubtedly have occurred. We in the office would greatly appreciate any correction that you might have or any address of those unknown. If all four issues are saved and bound, a rather complete directory of graduates from '94 to '39 can be yours.

1894 Caine, John T. Jr., 563 North 7th East, Logan, Utah-College Auditor Dougall, Bernard, deceased Erwin, Robert Wesley, 6626 Vernon Ave., St. Louis, Mo.-Chemical Engi~r Hoyt, Martha, Marion, Utah-(Mrs. William Myrick) Larsen, Andrew B., 449 South 2nd East, Salt Lake City, Utah-Ass't City Engineer Shepard, Joseph E., deceased

1895 Culmer, W. F., deceased Merrill, Lewis A., deceased

1896 Langton, Willard S., deceased Larsen, Christian, deceased McLaughlin, Walter W., 1938 Marin Ave., Berkeley, Calif.-Consulting Engineer, U. S. Reclamation Service Merrill, Lorin A., deceased Merrill, A. N., Provo, Utah-Professor of Secondary Education, B. Y. U. Rhead, Josiah L, deceased Thomso n, Joseph R., Ri chmond, UtahPlumber and Farmer

1897 Bankhead, John Haslam, 220 North 1st East, Logan, Utah- Accountan t, State Tax Commission Office Barker, Oil a, deceased- (Mrs. M. H. Thomas) Foster, Clara 1724 Ben Lomond Drive, Glendal e, Calif.-(Mrs. E. B. Bacon) Hart, Alfred August, Bloomington, IdahoFarmer Humpherys, Thomas Hyrum, State Capitol, Salt Lake City, Utah-State Engineer Jensen, Charles A., Limonetra Ranch Co., Santa Paula, Calif.-General Supt. Lundberg, Victoria, Box 184, Pocatello, Idaho-( Mrs. John A. Anderson) Maughan, Rachel, 78 East 7th North, Logan, Utah-(Mrs. Fred Wadsworth)

Pond, Charles, Island Park, Idaho-Proprietor Pond's Lodge Roberts, Hermoine S. Hart, deceased Smith, Mamie, deceased - (Mrs. Mamie Larson) Spongberg, Anna, deceased Stewart, John, 925 South West Temple, Salt Lake City, Utah-Chemical Engineer Widtsoe, 0. J_ P., deceased

1898 Atkinson, Frederick H., Benson Ward, Logan, Utah-Farmer Beers, Anna, 419 North Crescent Height Blvd., Hollywood, Calif.-(Mrs. William Petty) Bullen, Mabel, 1525% North Vista, Hollywood, Calif.-(Mrs. Wilford V. Young) Harris, Joel J., 98 U Street, Salt Lake City, Utah-Principal Jackson Jr. High School Irvine, Dr. A. R., Suite 700, 727 West 7th St, Los Angele , Calif., Physician

1899 Baker, John S., deceased Beers, William Duke, 962 Windsor St., Salt Lake City, Utah-City Engineer Gordon, Robert J., 320 East 1st South, Salt Lake City, Utah Hogenson, James C., U.S. A. C. Campus, Logan, Utah- Extension Agronomist Merrill, Frederick, 94 Hillcrest Apt., Salt Lake City, Utah-District Mgr., Agricultural Trade Relations, Inc. P eterson , Joseph Hogan, 561 South 3rd E., Brigham City, Utah-Honey Producer Peterso n, William, U.S. A. C. Campus, Logan, Utah-D irector of Extension Service Simmonds, William Walter, Salmon City, Idaho-County Clerk and Treasurer Stover, Arthur P., deceased Webb, Ethel Bullen, deceased

1900 Crawford, Stanley, deceased Fleming, Burton P., deceased Homer, Dr. Rose, 382 Wall St., Salt Lake City, Utah-(Mrs. 0. J. P. Widtsoe)Head of Home Economics Dept., U. of U. Homer, William H., Bearcreek, MontanaFarmer Jensen, Joseph William, Roy, Utah-Farmer Maughan, Elizabeth, Paris, Idaho- (Mrs. Joseph Nye) Nelson, J. William, deceased Taylor, Geo rge Francis, Box 113, Sugar Station R. D., Salt Lake City, Utah-Civil Engineer

1901 Cooper, Blanch, 125 1st Ave., Salt Lake City, Utah-Ass't Professor of Home Economics, U. of U. Evans, Esther Catherine, Malad, ldaho(Mrs. R. B. Davis) Perry, Almeda, 81 West 2nd North, Logan, Utah-(Mrs. C. F. Brown)-Purnell Research Worker-Home Economics Dept. Smith, Charles B. Stover, Mattie Evangeline, 2510 Stuart Ave., Berkeley, Calif. - Librarian, California Agricultural Experiment Station

1902 Holmgren, Amanda, Schofield Barracks, Hawaii, T. H.-(Mrs. Eugene Santschi, Jr.) Pulley, Edward P., deceased Stewart, Robert, U. of Nevada, Reno, Nev. - Dean, School of Agriculture, and Professor of Agronomy

1903 Brown, Charles F., deceased Caine, John T. III, 9329 Longwood Drive, Chicago, IlL-Public Relations Director, Union Stock Yards Callister, Thomas Clark, Fillmore, UtahMgr. of Millard County Tel. & Tel. Co. Fisher, Grace, Pasadena, Calif.-(Mrs. Lew G. Lontzenhiser) Holmgren, Lydia, 651 28th Street, Ogden, Utah-(Mrs. J. M. Tanner)-Home Economi cs Teacher, Weber College Maughan, Josephine Farmes, Asherville, Kans.-(Mrs. 0. F. Wells) Maughan, May, 6805 Brookville Rd., Chevy Chase Station, Washington, D. C.-(Mrs. Chester Snow) Merrill, Ambrose P., deceased Nebeker, Aquilla C., Box BB, Lordsburg, New Mexico- Mining Engineer Pyle, Frederick Dale, 4577 Rhode Island St., San Diego, _Calif.-Hydraulic Eng'r, Water ConservatiOn and Development

1904 Crawford, Edmund, 285 North 1st East, Price, Utah-Ass't Cashier, Carbon-Emery Bank Egbert, Geneva, 411 East 4th North, Logan, Utah-(Mrs. J. W. Chase) Fisher, Dr. Ray H., 2206 Hopkins St., Oakland, Calif.-Physician and Surgeon Homer, Dr. R. Roy, 382 Wall St., Salt Lake City, Utah-Physician Jardine, Dr. William, Wi chita U., Wichita, Kans.-President, Wi chita U. McCausland, Charles Arthur, 892 No. University Ave., Provo, Utah-Salesman Morgan, Dr. Samuel P., deceased Peterson, Dr. Elm ~r G., College Hill, Logan, Utah-President of U.S. A. C. Stephens, David E., Soil Conservation Service, Wa hington, D. C.-Agronomist Swendsen, Warren Gibbs, Box 156, Boise, Idaho-Pres. and Mgr., Intermountain Eg. Company and Consulting Engineer West, Dr. Frank L, 47 East So. Temple St., Salt Lake City, Utah-Commissioner of Education , L D. S. Church West, Dr. Ray Benedict, deceased

1905 Ballantyne, Ri chard Stewart, 1530 So. Van Ness, Los Angeles, Calif.-Marble and Tile Contractor Barrack, James Edward, Fairbanks, Alaska - Owner-Mgr. Samson Hardware Co. Caine, Blanch Elsie, 2432 Van Buren Ave., Ogden, Utah-(Mrs. George L Hyde) Coburn, John L., 47 North Second East, Logan, Utah-Mgr. Logan Home Bldg. Society Farr, Eva, 923 Binford Ave., Ogden, Utah -(Mrs. Albert Parry) Frederickson, John Franklin, Malad, Idaho -Farmer Jardine, Dr. James T., Office of Exp. Station, Washington, D. C., Director of Research, U. S. Dept. of Agriculture Love, Hazel, 2314 South 8th East, Salt Lake City, Utah-(Mrs. C. L. Dunford) Maughan, Ella, Whitney, Idaho-(Mrs. Alvin Hull) Merrill, Dr. Melvin Clarence, 800 Carroll Ave., Takoma Park, Washington, D. C.Chief of Publications, U. S. Dept. of Ag. Pierce, Eugene Snow, 56 South 3rd East, Salt Lake City, Utah-Engineer Eleven

ALUMN I Porter, Dr. Charles Walter, 911 Oxford St., Berkeley, Calif.- Professor of Chemistry, University of California Rich, S. Grover, 1220 Cont'l Bank Bldg., Salt Lake City, Utah-Exec. Vice-Pres. and Mgr., Regional Agri. Credit Ass'n Rudolph, Roy Everett, 1476 East 13th So., Salt Lake City, Utah- Pharmacist Smith, James Henry Taylor, Joseph Edward, 1042 Blaine Ave., Salt Lake City, Utah-Mgr. Mutual Coal Company Thornton, Mary E. Rudolph-Teacher

1906 Allre d, Irvin, deceased Forgeon, Mildred, 1220 Cont'l Bank Bldg., Salt Lake City, Utah-(Mrs. S. Grover Rich) Peterson, Minnie, 1027 Douglas St., Salt Lake City, Utah-(Mrs. Emil B. lsgreen)

1907 Farrell, Dr. F. David, Manhattan, Kans.President of Kansas State College Kearns, J. L., 66 West 2nd North, Logan, Utah Mathews, Fred, Northport, WashingtonSmelter Smoke Investigator Moench, Frank, deceased Olsen, Aaron Brigham, 550 East 4th North, Logan, Utah-Amalgamated Sugar Co., Garland, Utah Peterson, Preston Geddes, Provo, UtahState Road Commissioner Powell, Inez, 430 G Street, Salt Lake City, Utah-(Mrs. Roswell P. Belnap) Riter, Benjamin F., 312 Keams Bldg., Salt Lake City, Utah-Attorney at Law

1908 Carver, Heber, 951 Binford St., Ogden, Utah-Attorney at Law Hansen, Alva, Sandy, Utah Harris, Melvin C., 26 East 4th North, Logan, Utah-Attorney at Law Hill, Dr. George R. Jr., 1430 Yale Ave., Salt Lake City, Utah-Agriculture Research Worker Homer, Russell King, deceased Hudman, Ellis, Box 468, Rock Springs, Wyo.-Civil Engineer Jacobsen, Eunice Estella, 1440 East 13th South, Salt Lake City, Utah-(Mrs. E. R. Miles) Jensen, Dr. Christian Nephi, Sandy, UtahSupt. of Jordan District Schools. Jensen, Ephraim Hans, Ephraim, UtahTeacher, Agriculture and Biological Science, Snow Junior College Santschi, Colonel Eugene, Jr., Chief of Staff, Hawaiian Div., Schofield Barracks, Ha· waii-Colonel of U. S. Army Walker, William L., 101 West 31st St., New York City, N. Y.-Merchandiser, National Retail Dry Goods Association

1909 Adams, Hugh Robert, Hyrum, Utah- Prin., South Cache High School Anderson, Hongaard Jessie, deceased Bennion, Earl, Magna, Utah-Dairying Cardon, P. V., 1626 Argonne Place N. W., Washington, D. C.-Ass't Chief of Bureau of Plant Industry, U.S. D. A. Carroll, Dr. W. Ernest, University of Ill.Head Animal Husbandry, Agri. Exp. Sta. Day, William Parley, 253 South 6rand Ave., Los Angeles, Calif.-Realtor Twe lve


Evans, Dr. Robert James, U. S. A. C. Campus-Research Professo r of Agronomy Fleming, Charles Elliott, Nevada Agri. Exp. Station, Reno, Nev.-Charge of Range Management Fonnesbeck, Leon, 630 East 2nd North, Logan, Utah- Attorney at Law Hayball, Nellie, Magna, Utah-(Mrs. Earl Bennion) Hoff, Ernest P., deceased Horton, John Raymond, 437 South Fountain, Wichita, Kans.-Entomologist Hougaard, Jesse Anderson, deceased Jacobsen, Julius Hall, Box 429, Springfield, 111.-Agriculture Statistician, U. S. D. A. Judd, Robert L., Kearns Bldg., Salt Lake City, Utah-Attorney at Law McKay, Lizzie 0., 1430 Yale Ave., Salt Lake City, Utah-(Mrs. George R. Hill, Jr.) Pack, Daniel Lambert Skeen, David Alfred, 189 A St., Salt Lake City, Utah-Attorney at Law Stratford, Ina R., Rt. 2, Box 355, Ogden, Utah-(Mrs. Myron Wade) Turpin, George Melvin, 21 West 64th So., Salt Lake City, Utah-Poultryman Wallace, Cadmus, deceased Walters, E. H., deceased Willis, Ethel Lee, 7862 Crenshaw Blvd., Los Angeles, Calif.-Teacher

1910 Aldous, A. E., deceased Allred, Rodney Chase, Lehi, Utah-Farmer Balla~tyne, Alando B., University of Ari· zona, Tucson, Ariz.-Extension Specialist, Rural Sociology Barker, Amelia Manning, 958 East 4th So., Salt Lake City, Utah-Gov't Employee Barrett, Dr. Charles Elmer, 1488 Harvard Ave., Salt Lake City, Utah-Physician Bartlett, Helen Louise Bennion, Ethel, 452 Main St., Bingham Canyon, Utah-(Mrs. P. S. Richards) Bullen, Asa, 132 South 3rd West, Logan, Utah- Attorney at Law Curtis, Ray B., Driggs, Idaho-Farmer Dixon, Veda, 832 Termino, Long Beach, Calif.-(Mrs. Lloyd Hameron) Dudley, Florence Irene, Fish Haven, Idaho -(Mrs. L. L. Cook) Grue, Jose ph, 1724 Childs Avenue, Ogden, Utah- Salesman Hendricks, Odessie L., Lewiston, Utah(Mrs. Robert H. Boman) Hirst, Charles Tarry, U.S. A. C. Campus, Logan, Utah-Assoc. P rof. in Chemistry Kewley, Alice, 934 4th St., Santa Monica, California Lee, Orville Leonard, Paradise, UtahFarmer Leigh, Amy Jane, 302 South 2nd West, Cedar City, Utah- Jones Health Super. Lloyd, Orson Gunnel, Purdue University, West Lafayette, Ind.-Prof. of Agronomy Maughan, Inez, Logan, Utah-Teacher, Logan High School Maughan, tavinia, 342 North 1st East, Lo· gan, Utah-Landlady McOmie, A. M., 4627 East 52 Place, Maywood, Calif.-Sec. & Treas., Independent Milk Producers Ass'n Oldham, William Brown, Rexburg, IdahoTeacher, Rexburg High School Perry, Susannal1 Ellen, Ephraim, Utah(Mrs. A. F. Olsen) Pence, James Dunbar, Buhl, Idaho-Stockraising Peterson, Erastus, University of Alaska, Col· lege, Alaska, Agriculture Experiment Sta· tion-Farm Superintendent Peterson, Willard L., deceased

Rasmussen, Aaron Frederick, Clarkston, Utah Riter, Willian1 C., 871 Warner Ave., Village Station, Los Angeles, Calif.-Biologist Sadler, Vincent A., 1137 Swanston Blvd., Sacramento, Calif.-Sadler Bros. Tire Co. Saxer, Dr. A. H., deceased Sonne, Nora, 466 North lst West, Logan, Utah-(Mrs. L. Tom P erry) Stewart, James Haslam, 158 South 4th East, Logan, Utah-Mgr. Abstract Dept., Utah Mortgage Loan Corp. Stewart, Robert Haslam, Brigham City, Utah-Box Elder County Agent Whitehead, Winifred Smith, deceased Wyatt, Dr. Franklin A., University of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada-Prof. of Agronomy

1911 Andrews, Junius J., 529 North 7th East, Logan, Utah-Insurance Salesman Armstrong, James Arthur, No.2 Yale Apts., Salt Lake City, Utah-Salesman Ball, Wilbur M., 515 West Cave Springs, El Dorado, Kans. -Accountant Barrows, Harry P., deceased Beagley, LeRoy, deceased Bowman, Albert E., University of Wyoming, Laramie, Wyoming-Director of Agricultural Extension Service Brossard, Dr. Edgar B., 1629 Columbia Road, N. W., Washington, D. C.-United States Tariff Commissioner Brown, Frank, R. F. D., Ovid, IdahoDairying Burton, E. F., deceased Busby, Clifton George, Pocatello, IdahoTeacher, Pocatello High School Christensen, Anna Comeel, 1167 Crystal Avenue, Salt Lake City, Utah-(Mrs. AJ. bert R. Ure) Christenson, Samuel, 243 West Center, Logan, Utah-Secretary Federal Land Bank Cole, Ira Arnold, 336 Canyon Road, Logan, Utah-Retired Teacher Cornish, Dr. Newell Howland, University of Oregon, Eugene, Oregon- Professor Business Administration Cook, Lashbrook Laker, Fish Haven, Idaho -Dairyman Cooley, A. C., 7912 West Beach Drive, Washington, D. C.-Director of Indian Affairs, Dept. of Interior Egbert, Dr. Ivan Rollo, Arco, IdahoPhysician and Surgeon Frazee, Elizabeth, Ri chmond, Utah-(Mrs. Lawrence B. Caine) Froerer, Frederick, 2669 Madison Avenue, Ogden Utah- Real Estate Business Gurgar, Anant Madhay, Kalhaper, India Hancock, Dr. Heber Chase, Cragswold, Apt. No. SD, Scarsdale, New York-Physician and Surgeon Hansen, J . August, U.S. A. C. Campus, Logan, Utah-Ass't, Library Reading Room Havenor, Elda-1015 Cragmont Ave., Berk· eley, Calif.-( Mrs. 0. M. Barlow) Holden, James A., deceased Hunt~man, Sara, University of California, Berkeley, Calif-(Mrs. F. A. Sturgess)Prof. of Public Speaking and Dramatic Art. Ivins, Leah, 1626 Argonne Place N.W., Washington, D. C.-(Mrs. P . V. Cardon) Jensen, Lucille, 7912 West Beach Drive, Washington, D. C.-(Mrs. A. C. Cooley) Jones, Clarence E., 3666 South 9th East, Salt Lake City, Utah-Farming Jones, William L., Rupert, Idaho-Teacher Kerr, Carol L., 200 N-16, Manhattan, Kans. :-(Mrs. A. E. Aldous)

ALUMNI Knapp, Alma J., 2327 Van Buren, Ogden, Utah-Teacher, Mound Fort Jr. High Lambert, J. Carlos, 4983 Clearview St., R. F. D. No. 4, Salt Lake City, UtahFarmer, Businessman Lindsay, Clyde W., Route 1, Box 184, Lathrop, Calif.- Field Insp. for Credit Adrn. Lindsay, Walter A., Hudriver, Oregon Maughan, Merrill 0., 5910 Kenmore Ave., Chicago, IlL-Trade Association Executive, Dry Milk Industry Morrison, George L., Sheridan, WyomingAgriculturalist for Sugar Company Nelson, August L., Box 298, Cheyenne, Wyo. -Agricultural Research Nelson, Dr. Matthew A., 200 Utah Savings & Trust Bldg., Salt Lake City, UtahChiropractor Nibley, Anna-979 2nd Avenue, Salt Lake City, Utah-(Mrs. Roy Bullen) Olsen, John K., Ephraim, Utah-Livestock Farmer Paddock, John S., Fishtrap, MontanaForest Service Parrish, Claire, 23 West 3rd North, Salt Lake City, Utah-(Mrs. R. E. Dorius) Peterson, Canute, deceased Peterson, Jesse Larsen, deceased Plant, Henty Thomas, Richmond, UtahAutomobile Business Quayle, Wm. Littlefair, Wyoming Agriculture Experiment Station, Laramie, Wyo. -Director of Experiment Station Ralphs, E. T., 88 North 1st East, Logan, Utah-Ford Agency Rees, Dr. George Leroy, Smithfield, UtahPhysician and Surgeon Robinson, David Earle, 444 Madison Ave., New York City, N. Y.-Director Research Federal Advertising Agency Robinson, Earl G., 414 Center Ave., Payette, Idaho-Livestock Farmer Sessions, James Wiley, B. Y. U., Provo, Utah -Professor of Religious Education and Director of Religious Activities Smurthwaite, Georgiana, Extension Division, Kansas State Ag. College, Manhattan, Kansas-Extension Worker Snow, Charles, Jr. Stratford, Alfred Edgar, 1206 26th Street, Ogden, Utah-Teacher, Weber Co. High Tovey, James, Malad, Idaho- Insurance Salesman Watson, Edward Hamilton, 1033 Lake St., Salt Lake City, Utah Welch, John S., Logan, Utah-Rural Re· habilitation Supervisor Wendelboe, Diamond, 1563 Princeton Ave., Salt Lake City, Utah-Salesman Willey, Joseph Angus, 581 East 4th North, Payson, Utah-Farmer Winsor, L. M., 250 South 12th East, Salt Lake City, Utah-Agricultural Engineer, Division of Plans and Service Wooley, Vern C., Federal Trade Comm., Wash., D. C.-Economist, Federal Trade Commission Zundel, Dr. George L., State College, Pa. Asst. Prof., Plant Pathology Extension

1912 Alder, Byron F., U.S. A. C. Campus, Logan, Utah-Professor of Poultry Husbandry Alder, John A., 67 P Street, Salt Lake City, Utah-Real Estate and Agriculture Andrews, Michael J,, Mt. Pleasant, UtahTeacher Ball, Isaac B., 1612 Spruce St., Berkeley, Calif.-Teacher, Willard Jr. High School Beagley, Harry, Nephi, Utah-Teacher, Nephi Junior High School


Beers, Harry Charles, deceased Bjarnason, Lofter, deceased Bowen, Alice 0., Bountiful, Utall(Mrs. W. P. Boyer) Braithwaite, George R., deceased Bunderson, Hervin, Brigham City, UtahSupt. of Box Elder County Schools Caine, George Balli£, U.S.A.C. Campus, Logan, Utah-Prof. of Dairy Husbandry Carmichael, Taylor M., Hoytsville, UtahOwner of Summit Creamery Christensen, Orson Anton, Brigham City, Utah-President of First National Bank Cole, Truman J,, deceased Cowley, Anna Leona, L. D. S. Seminary, Springville, Utah-(Mrs. J. W. Olsen) Dunford, Alice Amelia, 1127 Alpine Place, Salt Lake City, Utah (Mrs. Mark Green) Ellison, Arthur D., Soil Conservation Serv-· ice, Rapid City, South Dakota-Assistant Regional Conservator Ensign, Martin R., deceased Ericson, Vivian, 436 North 2nd East, Logan, Utah (Mrs. R. 0. Porter) Erdman, Ethel T., 32 North 1st East, Brigham City, Utah (Mrs. James Romer) Gardner, Dr. Willard, U. S. A. C. Campus, Logan, Utah-Professor of Physics Hatch, Vivian, 132 South 3rd West, Logan, Utah (Mrs. Asa Bullen) Hendrickson M. Irene, 21 North 2nd East, Logan, Utah (Mrs. L. D. Naisbett) Hill, Dr. Reuben Lorenzo, U.S.A.C. Campus, Logan, Utah-Professor of Chemistry Humpherys, LeGrande Rich, U.S.A.C. Campus, Logan, Utah- Professor Agricultural Education Hyde, Clara, Morgan, Utah (Mrs. J. R. Turner) Irons, Martha M. Boulton, deceased Israelson, Dr. Orson Winso, U.S.A.C. Campus, Logan, Utah-Professor of Irrigation and Drainage Izatt, Angus, 1908 Lake St., Salt Lake City, Utah-Businessman Jennings, Dr. David Stout, U.S.A.C. Campus Logan, Utah-Assoc. Prof. of Agronomy Jones, Jenkin W., Washington, D.C.-U.S. Department of Agriculture-Division of Cereal Crops and Diseases Magdelen, Annie, Provo, Utah (Mrs. J, Wiley Sessions) Martineau, Vere L., 400 Federal Building, Salt Lake City, Utah-County Agent, Salt Lake County Merrill, Dr. Charles Leo, Salina, UtahPhysican and Surgeon Morrison, John Alfred, Preston, IdahoSuperintendent of Schools Moses, Wilford New ton, 228 El Cameo Dr., Beverly Hills, Calif.-Charge Western Division, A. B. Dick Mimeograph Co. Nelson, Eleda, 801 Cragmont Ave., Berkeley, California-(Mrs. Alma Ericksen) Newey, Aaron, U.S.A.C. Campus, Logan, Utah-Associate Prof. of Machine Work Osmond, James George, University Club, Hartford, Connecticut Peters, John William, Brigham City, Utah Schweitzer, Howard E., 1631 Pearl Street, Alameda, California Smart, Melvin S., 27 South 8th East, Salt Lake City, Utah Smith, Dr. William LeRoy, 1414 Sigsbee Ave., Salt Lake City, Utah-Physician Head Specialist Sorenson, John P., 260 North Church St., Gilroy Calif.-Mail Service Stephans, L. A., deceased Vickers, Dr. Wallace Joseph, U.S.A.C. Campus, Logan, Utah-Prof. of English

Webb, Heber Jarvis, 1026 Elm Ave., Salt Lake City, Utah-State Insp. of Crops Wilson, William John, Eden, Utah-Dairy Farmer Wooley, Elizabeth, 505 South 2nd West, Logan, Utah-(Mrs. George C. Jensen) Wooley, William George

1913 Adams, Katherine P., deceased Barrett, Edward Lewis, 1914 Haste Street, Berkeley, California-Entomologist Barrett, Patti, Coalville, Utah (Mrs. David Sharp, Jr.) Bastow, Mary Lovina, Cedar City, UtahTeacher, Branch Agricultural College Bennion, Dr. Theron Winters, Port Chester, New York-Physican and Surgeon Bennion, Heber, Jr., Manila, Daggett County, Utall-Farmer Bird, Vernon Amasa, 247 North Beechwood, Los Angeles, California Brown, Mark C., deceased Burk, Asahel, Nutrioso, Arizona-Farmer Burton, Josephine, Etna, Wyoming (Mrs. William Bagley) Burnham, Ivy M., deceased Cannon, Clawson Young, Iowa State College, Ames, Iowa- Prof. Dairy Husbandry Carlson, Marie, (Mrs. Teets) Carter, Dr. Ezra G., U.S.A.C. Campus, Logan, Utall-Professor of Public Health and Physiology Clark, William L. Coombs, D. R., 318 South 12th East, Salt Lake City, Utah-Prin., Jordan Jr. High Davenport, Ethel, Salina, Utah-(Mrs. Joseph Anderson) Dixon, Asael H., Provo, Utah Fister, George Morgan, Jr., 1402 Capitol Ave., Ogden, Utah-Phys'n and Surgeon Foster, Joseph Downing, Cedar City, Utah -Farmer Fowler, B. A., 637 Elizabeth, Salt Lake City, Utah-Adult Education Supervisor Gardner, George, 2693 Beverly St., Salt Lake City, Utah-Teacher, Vocational Ag. Glenn, Walter John, deceased Gonzales, Rodriguez Manrique, Agronomo Regional, Chihuahua, Mexico-Ass't to Secretary of Agriculture Groebli, Catherine E., R. F. D. 2, Ogden, Utah-(Mrs. C. H. Wayment) Haddock, Don Carlos, Bloomington, Idaho -Merchant Haddock, Lon J., deceased Hallock, Edwin Smith Hansen, Charles Francis, Leeds, UtahFarmer Hansen, Henry Lloyd, Monticello, UtahSupt. of Schools, San Juan District Hartivigsen, Dr. Hyrum Jacob, 312 South lOth Ave., Pocatello, Idaho-Physician and Surgeon Haslam, James Edward, 1665 Harvard Ave., Salt Lake City, Utah-Business Coordinator, Salt Lake City, Utah Hickman, Joseph, deceased Holmgren, Edwin John, Bear River City, Utah-Farmer Hunsaker, LeGrande, Honeyville, UtahFarmer Hunsaker, Ved L., 620 No. 2, LeSueur, Minnesota-(Mrs. Anthon Michelsen) Jensen, Olive Eudor, P. 0. Box 100, Pocatello, ldaho-(Mrs. Ray P. Stratford) Jensen, Norman, Brigham City, UtahFarmer Johnson, Elmer Eugene, 361 7th Ave., Salt Lake City, Utah-Lighting Specialist Johnson, Myrtle Ivy, Roosevelt, Utah(Mrs. Parley Lambert) Thirteen

ALUMNI Kewley, Robert J. Kirby, Gordon Ivins, 1410 East 13th South, Salt Lake City, Utah-Chemist Knudsen, Ivy Eustane, Brigham City, Utah -(Mrs. R. L. Harmon) Knudson, William Warren, Brigham City, Utah-Farmer Lauritzen, Dr. John Irving, 4005 Leland St., Chevy Chase, Maryland-Pathologist, U. S. Del'lartment of Agriculture Lee, Mary Lucille, Clarks Fork, Idaho(Mrs. Eugene Ralph) Lowe, Arnold, Beaver City, Utah- Farmer Luscher, John, deceased Lyman, Amy, 800 Carroll Ave., Takoma Park, Washington, D. C.-(Mrs. M. C. Merrill) Macfarlane, J. Menzies, ]!:., Pleasant Grove, Utah-Horticulturist Madsen, Vera Mae, c/o Northwest Pacific Den tal Co., Portland, Oregon-(Mrs. Anthon Michelsen) Mathison, Anna Marie, 206 East 2nd So., Rexburg, Idaho-( Mrs. Percy H. Craven) Martineau, Bryant Sherman, Box 1323, Reno, Nevada-Dept. of Interior Maughan, Howard J., Preston, Idaho Maughan, lone, Huntsville, Utah- (Mrs. Louis Wangsgard) McCoy, William Jr., deceased McMullin, Robert Wallace, Payson, Utah -Attorney at Law Miniar, Virgil Luther, Bureau of Reclama· tion, Denver, Colorado--Civil Engineer Mohr, Ernest, Nevada, California Morrell, Ardella, deceased Munro, Florence A., 20 Crockett Ave., Logan, Utah-(Mrs. Leo Adams) Nebeker, Phebe, U.S. A. C., College Hill, Logan, Utah-(Mrs. E. G. Peterson) Nelson, Etta, Box 353 Tehachopi, Calif.(Mrs. 0. C. Hart) Ogden, Junius Francis, Richfield, UtahFarmer Olsen, J. W., Springville, Utah-Teacher, L. D. S. Seminary Pack, Herbert ]., deceased Peterson, John H., Smithfield, UtahTeacher, Nortl1 Cache High School Peterson, Dr. Norman V., Locust Ave., Rye, New York-Physician and Surgeon Poulson, Frederick Niels, Hawthorne School, Salt Lake City, Utah-Principal, Hawthorne School Price, Sterling Elliot, 408 North 5th West, Provo, Utah-Salesman, Utah Wholesale Grocery Prosser, William D., 955 East 17th South, Salt Lake City, Utah-Principal, Grant School Rawlings, W. S., deceased Reed, Harry Slater, 2343 Adams Avenue, Ogden, Utah Rees, Dr. Charles W., 8613 Cedar Street, Silver Springs, Md.-Zoologist in Charge of Protozoa Parasites of Cattle, U.S.D.A. Reilly, Evelyn, 1357 Logan Ave., Salt Lake City, Utah- (Mrs. E. McCoy)-Retired Principal, Wasatch School Rich, Abel S., Brigham City, Utah-Teacher, L. D. S. Seminary Richards, Dr. Bert L., U.S. A. C. Campus, Logan, Utah-Prof. of Botany and Plant Pathology Richardson, Lester A., Brigham City, Utah -Teacher, Box Elder High School Sharp, David Jr., Coalville, Utah-Summit County Agent Skinner, Joseph Frederick, Spanish Fork, Utah-Teacher, Spanish Fork High Fourteen


Smith, Dr. Leslie Albert, 2533 Polk Ave., Ogden, Utah-Children's Specialist, Physician and Surgeon Spencer, Dr. Frank David, 155 2nd Ave., Salt Lake City, Utah- Physician and Surgeon Stearns, Harold Jordan, 870 East 1st South, Salt Lake City, Utah-Principal, Roosevelt Junior High School Stewart, Dr. George, Forest Service Building, Ogden, Utah-Senior Ecologist, Intermountain Forest and Range Exp. Sta. Stucki, Alfred, Cedar City, Utah-Farmer Tunks, Samuel Van, Paris, Idaho-Clerk of District Court and Ex-officio Auditor and Reco rder Ure, Lenore, Urbana, lllinois- (Mrs. W. E. Carroll) Wangsgard, Louis Benjamin, Huntsville, Utah-Livestock Rancher Weiler, Vera, Manila, Daggett County, Utah -(Mrs. Heber Bennion) Welsh, Joseph P., deceased West, Charles Henry, P. 0 . Box 152, Sunol, Calif.- Farm Credit Administra tion, Distri ct Director of Research White, John Edward, 1356 Harvard Ave., Salt Lake City, Utah- United States Fed· era! Indian Service Worlton, James Timbrell, 1436 Yale Ave., Salt Lake City, Utah-Supt. and Supervisor of Grammar Grades

1914 Agren, Ellen, U.S. A. C. Campus, Logan, Utah-Extension Specialist, Home Man· agement Alder, Ferdinand C., Manti, Utah-Teacher, Manti High School Anderson, A. P., 357 North 1st East, Logan, Utah-Teacher Anderso n, Hans P ., 362 West 1st South, Logan, Utah-Teacher, South Cache High Andrus, Lynn, Mammoth, Utah-Civil Service Argyle, Horace, deceased Bacon, Major Reginald R. , Bethlehem, Pa.-Ass't Professor, Military Science & Tactics, Lehigh Un iversity Baker, Dr. William, llOO Roosevelt Bldg., Los Angeles, Calif.-Physician and Surgeon Baker, Joseph D., 751 27th Street, Ogden, Utah-Dairyman Batt, William, Woods Cross, Utah-Farmer Bearnson , J. B., 1363 Ramona Ave., Salt Lake City, Utah-Associate Professor of Econom ics, University of Utah Bowen, John E., R. F. D. 3, Burley, Idaho-Farmer Bracken , Aaron, U.S. A. C. Campus, Logan, Utah-As oc. Profe sor in Agronomy Brossard, Roland Elmer, Pocatello, IdahoRegional Director Rural Rehabilitation Bullen, Bryant, deceased Caine, Alfred Balli£, 2218 Don ald Street, Ames, lowa-Profe sor of Animal Husbandry, Iowa State College Cannon, J . Kenneth, c/o Am. Embassy, Buenos Aires, Argentina-Captain in Aviation Service, United States Army Chambers, Josephine, deceased Christensen, Axell, R. F. D., Sandy, UtahFarmer-Poultryman Christensen, John S., Cedar City, UtahGeneral Mgr., Cedar Finance Company Christensen, Parley A., B. Y. U., Provo, Utah-Prof. of English, B. Y. U. Christiansen, Archie L., 1243 Marilyn Drive, Ogden, Utah- Extension Agent in Weber County

Christiansen, Hans A., Beaver City, UtahTeacher, Beaver High School Clawson, Leo B., deceased Clyde, Grover, Federal Bldg., Milwaukee, Wis.-Fruit Inspector, U.S. D. A. Cook, Rhoda B., 135 East Center, Logan, Utah Christensen, Oswald, Rexburg, IdahoTeacher, Ricks College Ellertsen, JesseN., Provo, Utah-Abstractor Frazer, Earl W., 744 Emerson Ave., Salt Lake City, Utah-Prin., McKinley School Frew, Eugene, deceased Gardner, Grandison, Major, March Field, Calif.-Major in Air Corps, U.S. Army Goodspeed, William E., 1621 Cleveland Road, Glendale, Calif.-Resident Mgr., California Orchard Company Greenhalgh, Violet, Delta, Utah- (Mrs. Joseph H. Snow) Griffin, Amos, Newton, Utah- Principal, Newton Junior High School Hagan, Harold Raymond, Apt. 1A, 225 Naples Terrace, New York City, N. Y. Professor in Entomology Dept., College of New York City Hales, George R., Spanish Fork, UtahTeacher, Spanish Fork High School Harris, Martin L., Duncan, Ariz.-Farmer Hess, George Marion, Panguitch, Utah Hillman, Genevieve, McCammon, IdahoUtah Power & Light Co. Hobson, Ivan L., Shoreham Bldg., Washington, D. C.-DiTector, Junior Achievement Bureau Isaacson, May, 1080 South 5th East, Salt Lake City, Utah-(Mrs. E. G. Titus) Ivins, Stanley Snow, 519 B Street, Salt Lake City, Utah-Real Estate and Investment Manager, Clayton Investment Company Janson, Gilbert L., 975 West First North Cedar City, Utah- Postmaster, Ceda~ City, Utah Johnson, George A., Pocatello, Idaho .Tusteson, 0 mon, deceased Kerr, Gerald, Washington, D. C.-United States Geological Survey Kidman, Lyman, South High School, Salt Lake City, Utah-Teacher, Auto Shop Lauritzen, John 1., 4005 Lealand, Chevy Chase, Md.-Physiologist, U.S. D. A. Laurenson, Edward J., 2214 Casa Grande St., Pasadena, Calif.-Principal of Pasadena High School Madsen, Roy M., Fallon, Nevada-Farmer Major, S. Jack, deceased Martineau, Charles F., Cheyenne Agency, South Dakota-Forest Ranger McBride, Brice, Box 279, R. F. D. 2, Provo, Utah-Water Commissioner . McGregor, Charles P., Thatcher, ldahoSupt. of Schools Merrill, Preston R., deceased Nelson, David J., deceased Nielson, Pearl C., Logan, Utah-(Mrs. Parley L. Hansen) Parrish, Afton, Cedar City, Utah-(Mrs. Gronway R. Parry) Parry, Gronway R., CedaT City, UtahSupt. of Utah Parks Co., Transportation Pence, John 0., Mountain Home, IdahoStock Raiser Peters, Laura, Weston, Idaho- (Mrs. L. Fifield) Peterson, Nettie, deceased Pond, Willian1 Leon, Lewiston, UtahFarmer . Powell, W. Hardett, 525 F Street, Salt Lake City, Utah:..._Painter and DeGorator Price, Ezra R., deceased

ALUMNI Reeder, Moses, BOll Ingleside, Chicago, lll. -Vice-President, Peoples Gas & Coke Co. Reese, Mary, 357 North Second East, Logan, Utah-(Mrs. A. P. Anderson) Richardson, lvie, Sebastapol, CaliforniaTeacher Shaw, Mary A., 148 South 3rd East, Logan, Utah-(Mrs. C. P. Bjorkman) Shelley, .Percy N., Australia Snow, Joseph H., Delta, Utah-Teacher Sorenson, Charles J., U.S. A. C. Campus, Logan, Utah- Research Associate Professor, Entomology Stephens, Edwin W., Union Stock Yards, South San Francisco, Cali f.- Manager, California Livestock Show Stone, Dr. Merline J., 76 Glenbrook Road, Stanford, Conn.- Physician and Surgeon Tha in, Wilber E., 10533 Butterfield Road, Los Angeles, CaliL-Office Manager, Consolidated Ro ck Products Co. Thatcher, George W., 169 Ea t Center, Logan, Utah-Musician Thomas, W. Preston, U.S. A. C. Campus, Logan, Utah-Professor of Agricultural Economi cs and Marketing Wangsgard, Ernest, 842 27th Street, Ogden, Utah-Physics Teacher, Ogden High Warnick, Adolphus P., Plea ant Grove, Utah-Principal, Lincoln High School Warnick, Effie, B. Y. U., Provo, Utah-Professor of Home Economics Widtsoe, Dr. John A.-1425 Sig bee Ave., Salt Lake City, Utah- Member of Council of Twelve, L. D. S. Church Willard, Edna Gertrude, Strong, Maine Woodside, Jean R., Moab, Utah-Teacher Woolley, Ralph E., 305 Campbell Bldg., Honolulu, T. H.-Architect Young, Ernest T., 556 North Main, Logan, Utah-Attorney at Law

1915 Alleman, Joseph Glenn, 210 East 8th So., Springville, Utah Barker, Nellie, 411 Garfield St., Ft. Collins, Colorado-(Mrs. Robert Gardner) Barrett, Alonzo Thos., 2534 Brinker Ave., Ogden, Utah-Chemist Barron, George Lufkin, Springville, UtahManager, Hal Oil Company Benson, John P., 300 Holland Bldg., Fresno, Calii.-County Extension Agen t Butt, Newborn 1., B. Y. U., Provo, UtahLibrary and Research Associate Casto, George Daniels, 8341 Colesville Pike, Silver Springs, Md.-Attorney at Law Christiansen, Nels W., U. S. A. C. Campus, Logan, Utah-Professor of Music Clayton, Christina B., U. S. A. C. Campus, Logan, Utah-Dean of Home Economics School Cook, A. L., 1427 Richards Street, Salt Lake City, Utah Cooper, Veda Gwen, 2833 Van Buren Ave., Ogden, Utah-(Mrs. HenryS. Stranquist) Cotter, Clarence E., 2 Buckman Road, Ft. Monroe, Virginia-Major, U. S. Army Cutler, Ethel, Provo, Utah-(Mrs. N. I. Butt) Daniels, Shirley K., Mt. Emmons, UtahTeacher, Altamont High School Darley, Archibald, Mt. Pleasant, UtahTeacher, North Sanpete High School Davidson, Leonard, 560 24th Street, Ogden, Utah-Conf.ectionery Business Egbert, Dr. Archibald Duncan, Smithfield, Utah-Veterinarian Elder, Lillian S., Route 2, Box 190, Vacaville, Calif.-(Mrs. J. Jackson)


Eldredge, Ben Redfield, 4732 South 13th East, Salt Lake City, Utah-Retired Businessman Ellsworth, Orba, Walter Reid Hospital, Washington, D. C.-{Mrs. F. L. Cole) Finley, John F., 101 Old Capitol Bldg., Olymp ia, Washington- County Agen t Forbes, Clarence H. Goodwin, Annette, 2533 Durant Ave., Berkeley, Calif.-Librarian, Univ. of Cal if. Hall , Lottie, 359 West Center St., Logan, Utah-{Mrs. Alma Esplin) Hansen, Hortense L., 1622 Harvard, Salt Lake City, Utah-( Mrs. S. J _ Major) Hinckley, Ellen, Brigham Ci ty, Utah-(Mrs. F. A. Hin ckley) Hir chm an, Emma Mouritsen, deceased Hodapp, Frederi ck, decea ed Horsely, Golden Stewart, 1448 South 7th East, Salt Lake City, Utah-Inspector, Oregon Short Line R. R. Company Huffaker, Rawsel Vernon, 2310 South 7th East, Salt Lake Ci ty, Utah- Teacher of Natural Science, Lincoln School Jones, Earl Thomas, R. F. D. 4, Blackfoot, Idaho Jones, Dr. John Lewi , State Capitol, Salt Lake City, Utal1-Commissioner of Public Health Kjar, Hedvig Bensen, decea ed Knudson, Floyd, Brigham City, UtahFarmer Larson, Victor R., deceased Lee, Eli For gren, decea ed Merrill, Rue! Derby, 835 West Whitman, Pocatello, Idaho- Lawyer Morrill, Rupert, Kimberly, Idaho-Farmer Morri on, Alice, Fillmore, Utah-{Mrs. Eli F. Lee) Nelson, Olof Henry, 429 North Main, Logan, Utah-Contractor Nuttall, Leonard G., 3475 Lee St., Los Angeles, California Olsen, Daniel F., Murray, Utah Pace, Barbara, Box 350, Idaho Falls, Idaho -{Mrs. G. A. Thurman) Packard, David Russell, 1020 McClelland, Salt Lake City, Utah-Salesman, Utah Wholesale Grocery Co. Passey, Edward John , 116 West 1st South, Logan, Utah-Seminary Teacher, Logan High School P endl eton, John Henderson, Parowan, Utah - Teacher, Parowan High School Perry, Stephen C. P eterson, Mattie 0 .-(Mrs. Wright) Ri chardson, Lovina, 60 West North Temple, Salt Lake City, Utah-Clothing Teacher Robinson, J. S., deceased Rowe, Ross Thomas, Rigby, ldaho-Sup t. of Schools Sanborn, Jeremiah, deceased Sargent, David Leroy, Cedar City, UtahInstructor in Biology, Branch A. C. Sells, Albert Edward, Nephi, Utah-Farmer Skidmore, Rozina, University of Utah, Salt Lake City, Utah-Prof. of Home Economi cs Smith, David Winter, 344 East 56th South, Salt Lake City, Utah-Teacher, Science, Murray High School Smith, Edwin Stratford, 2613 Jackson, Ogden, Utah-Teacher, Ogden High Stewart, Eugene Fitzgerald, 249 South 1st East, Logan, Utall-Land and Livestock Business Swenson, Dan A., U.S. A. C. Campus, Logan, Utah-Ass't Profe so r of Woodwork Tanner, George LeRoy, Whitney, IdahoFarmer Taylor, Aseal Joseph, Bea r River City, Utall Teacher, Bear River High School

Thatcher, Franklin D., River Heights, Logan, Utall-Poultry Farmer Thorpe, Verne Bradshaw, 11 Broadmore Apt., 930 East 3rd South, Salt Lake City Thurman, David John, Ogden, UtallTeacher, School of Deaf and Blind Tuttle, Lloyd Wayne, Manti, Utah-Farmer Walker, J. B., 5914 South Cottonwood Lane, Murray, Utah-Contractor Webb, Effie, Brigham City, Utah-(Mrs. Stanley J. Madsen) White, Etelka, Beaver, Utah-(Mrs. J . S. Robinson) White, Hetti e, Beaver, Utah William, Hugh, 141 Hawkes, Salt Lake City, Utah-Accountant, 0. S. L. R. R. Co. Wood, J_ Karl, Hyrum, Utah- Teacher, South Cache L. D. S. Seminary Woodbury, Max William, 2030 Monroe Ave., Ogden, Utah-Teacher, Ogden School for th e Deaf

1916 Aldous, Dr. T. M., Tooele, Utah- Physician and Surgeon Anderson, Andrew William, Mt. Pleasant, Utah-Teacher, North Sanpete High Anderson, etti e Mer!, 801 North 18th St., Boise, ldaho-(Mrs. Frank Dahlstrom) Bagley, Kathleen, R. F. D. 3, Murray, Utall -(Mrs. Irvin T. Nelson) Barber, Seth Langton, Lewiston, UtallAss't Cashier, Lewiston State Bank Barber, Walter F., deceased Birch, James Byron, Copperton, UtahTeacher, Bingham High School Boswell, Stephen Roy, Provo, Utall-Utah County Agricultural Agent Bower , Ernest, Lehi, Utah Bown, Hyrum B., 327 East 17th South, Salt Lake City, Utah-Driver, D. & R. G. Bus Brossard, Howard Sylvester, 1413 Girard St., N. W., Washington, D. C.-Salesman of Bonds and Automobiles Burnett, Dr. Grover, Soil Conservation Nursery, Ft. Collins, Colo.-Plant Pathologist Burt, Kenneth, deceased Caine, Arthur Hugh, 2316 Regan, Boise, Idaho-Secretary and Manager of Production Credit Corp. Cannon, Helen, deceased Calvert, Alta, Croydon, Utah Carlson, Conrad Stark, 131 West 2nd North, Logan, Utah-Farmer Carrington, Dr. Albert Calvin, 2984 Northwood Drive, Alameda, Calif.-Physician Christensen, Gladys L., Lewiston, Utah(Mrs. Saul E. Hyer) Clark, Dean Adolphus, Hurricane, UtallDruggist Coray, Francis, Progreso, Texas Crook, William Clard, Heber City, Utall Dinsmore, Florence, 2136 57th Ave., Oakland, Calif.-(Mrs. John H. Biddle) Doutre, William, 5492 Huntington Drive South, Los Angeles, Calif.-Businessman Dunford, Grover Cleveland, 7126 Marconi St., Huntington Park, Calif.-Manufacturer, Inland Fertilizer Co. Edlefsen, Neils Edlef, Uni. of California, Davis, Calif.-lrrigation Investigator Edmunds, Ann, 1152 Princeton Ave., Salt Lake City, Utah-Agent, New York Life Insuran ce Co. Esplin, Alma, U.S. A. C. Campus, Logan, Utah-Professor of Wool Management Evans, William H., 840 35th St., Oakland, Calif.-lmporter of Woolen Goods Faux, Goldie Dorothea, Afton, Wyo.-(Mrs. G. Beal) Fishburn, Hope, Soldier's Home, Sawtelle, Calif.-(Mrs. Milton E. Hubbard) Fiftee n

ALUMNI Fordham, George Albert, Greenville, Utah - Principal, Greenville Public School Freeman, David Aaron, 212 5th Ave., New York City, N. Y.-Life Ins. Salesman Frew, Arnold, Kin g City, Calif.-California Orchard Co., Supt. Gardner, Robert, 411 Garfield Street, Ft. Collins, Colorado-Chemist Garrett, Ernest B., 37 East 3rd North, Lehi Utah- Teacher, Vocational Agriculture Gledhill, Stella Viola, R. F. D. 1, Roy, Utah - ( Mrs. E. C. Pitt) Hale, Ethel, Delta, Utah-( Mrs. Edgar W. Jeffery) Halver on, Dr. William Vernal, Uni. of Idaho, Moscow, Idaho- Head, Dept. of Bacteriology Hammond, Floyd, Federal Bldg. & Loan Ass'n, Hotel Utah, Salt Lake CityBuihling and Loan Worker Harmon, Irvin Woodbury, St. Geo rge, Utuh Hendriks, Dr. Walstein Hyer, 1419 East 17th South, Salt Lake City, Utah-Vet· erinarian Heyrend, WiUord Frederic, Rigby, IdahoTeacher, Rigby High School Hillam, LeRoy W., 257 Kensington Ave., Salt Lake City, Utah-Teacher, Granite High School Johnson, Floyd, Preston, Idaho Johnson, Ruth, 1032 South 17th East, Salt Lake City, Utah-(Mrs. Byron Howells) Jones, David William, Athletic Club, Los Angeles, Calif. Keller, Be ie Ellen, 3014-22 Ave., Oakland, Calif.-Teacher, Roosevelt High Larson, Andrew Olof, 227 9th Avenue East., Twin Falls, Idaho- Entomologist, United States Bureau of Entomology Lee, Fay Warren, Uni. of Utah, Salt Lake City, Utah--Officer in Military Dept. Luke, Melvin, Rexburg, Idaho-Teacher, Madison High School Lund, Yeppa, Salt Lake City, Utah-State Chemist Madsen, Orson P., Price, Utah-District Supervisor, Farm Credit Administration Madsen, Stanford, Manti, Utah-Farmer Maughan, Joseph Howard, Logan, UtahBureau of Agricultural Economics McAIIi ter, Wallace S., 1922 N. Normandie, Los Angele , Calif.-Bond Salesman McAlister, Ward Richards, 617 Mcintyre Bldg., Salt Lake City, Utah-Manager, National Service Corporation McDonald, Storm, Heber, Utah-Chevrolet Dealer, Owner Heber Motor Co. Merrill, Harrison R., deceased Mohr, Anna Laura, Kalispell, Montana(Mrs. LeRoy S. Dickson) Morris, Edward Newland, Box 831, Ster· ling, Colorado-Manager, Western States Grocery Co. Murdock, Wallace S., 409 Jefferson Ave., Toppenish, Wash.-Agriculture Extension Agent, U. S.l. S. Murray, Davi d Parker, U.S. A. C. Campus, Logan, Utah-State Boys' and Girls' Club Leader Nelson, Enoch, Clifton, Idaho- Dairyman and Poultryman Nelson, Irvin Theodore, R. F. D. 3, Murray, Utah-Office Mgr., Utah Radio Products Company Nelson, Dr. Lowry, 33 Arthur Ave., S. E., Minneapolis, Minn.-Professor of Rural Sociology Nichols, Faunt Bervard, Univ. of Texas, Austin, Texas- Editor of Texas Review Nielson, Joseph, Hyde Park, Utah- Farmer Oldroyd, Lorin T., Univ. of Alaska, College, Alaska-Director of Extension Sixtee n


Osmond, Charles A., 862 Binford Ave., Og· den, Utah-Teacher Ostlund, Lillian, Mayfair Hotel, Los An· geles, California Owens, S. L., Box 577, Safford, Ariz.County Agricultural Agent Owens, William White, U.S. A. C. Campus, Logan, Utah- Ass't Director, Extension Service Peterso n, John Quayle, 4709 Ha rrison St., Chevy Chase, Md.- Publicity Officer, U. S. Division of Grazing P eterson, Martin Benjamin, West Jordan, Utah-Farmer Pittman, Dr. Don Warren, U. S. A. C. Campus, Logan, Utah-Associate Prof. in Agronomy Pope, John Cornelius Quinney, Seymour Joseph, 1166 Michigan Ave., Salt Lake City, Utah- Attorney at Law Richardsen, Jacob Z., 978 East 13th South, Salt Lake City, Utah Rigby, Elmer Clark, 286 2nd Street, Idaho Falls, Idaho Rouse, John Elmer, Lorenzo, Idaho-Dairy Farming Schow, Frederi ck S., Pleasant Hills Farm, Glenwood, Md.-Attorney at Law Smith, Clarence E., Garland, Utah-Principal, Bear River High School Smith, Joseph Fish, 1422 South lOth East, Salt Lake City, Utah-Chemist Smith, Laurence, deceased Smith, Willis, 1416 Cahoon St., Ogden, Utah- Teacher, Ogden High School Smith, Willis A., Bountiful, Utah Snyder, Margaret, 971 3rd Ave., Salt Lake City, Utah-( Mrs. T. C. Parker) Spendlove, James Jeppson, Richfield, Utah -Poultryman Starley, William J., Delta, Utah- Merchant Stott, Charles Orval, 997 Military Drive, Salt Lake City, Utab- L. D. S. Church Welfare Program Taggart, Harriet J .-( Mrs. Coffman) Tanner, Byron Spiers, R. F. D. 2, Preston, Idaho-Farmer Taylor, Anna K., 2218 Donald St., Ames, lowa-(Mrs. Alfred B. Caine) Taylor, Lee Raymond, Payson, Utah-Mgr., Strawberry Reclamation Project Thackeray, Mark, Croydon, Utah-Rancher Thatcher, I"\athan David, Jr., 537 Douglas St., Salt Lake City, Utah- Wasatch Chemi cal Co. Thomas, Albert E., Malad, Idaho-Insurance Salesman Van Leuven, Edwin Perry, 2716 21st St., Baker fi eld, Calif.- Teacher Voorhus, Dr. Glenn L., Manti, Utah-Physician and Surgeon White, Hortense, 2000 Lake St., Salt Lake City, Utah-Home Demonstration Agent Willey, Arche r, 511 Boulevard Way, Oakland, Calif.- Trainer of Salesmen Willis, Leo n, 804 12th Street, Ogden, Utah -Teacher, Washington Junior High Wilson, Dr. A. L., deceased Wilson, Leroy Albert, Veyo, Utah Winder, Edwin Kent, Box 138, R. F. D. 2, Salt Lake City, Utah-Secretary, Utah and Salt Lake Canal Company Woolley, John Franklin, Honolulu, T. H.PoRtmaster

191 7 Aldous, Clarence Moroni, 67 Mill Street, Orono, Maine-Associate Biologist, U. S. Biological Survey Anderson, James Ira, 1610 South Wilton, Los Angeles, Calif.-Teacher, Mt. Vernon Junior High School

Bates, George Sprague, 168 West 3rd North, Logan, Utah- Prin., Logan High School Becraft, Raymond J., deceased Bond, Wm. Joseph, Duchesne, Utah- Supt. of Schools Bowen, Davi d Byron, Spanish Fork, UtahTeacher, Spanish Fork High School Connel, Joseph Walter, 2346 Quincy Ave., Ogden, Utah-Teacher, Ogden High Cook, Evelyn Cragun, Caotain Dresden James, U. S. Fi· nance Dep t. l.overnor's Island, New York, N. Y.-Government Finance Office Crocker, Walter James, Philadelphia Gen· eral Hospital, Philadelphia, Pa.-Chief Clinical Pathologist Curtis, Heber ABison, Payson, UtahFarmer Daines, Dr. Clyde Joseph, 281 Boulevard, Logan, Utah-Physician and Surgeon David: on, Myrtle, U.S. A. C. Campus, Lo· gan, Utah-Acting State Home Demonstration Leader Davidson Geo rgene May, 465 East Center, Logan,'Utah- (Mrs. William Doutre) . . Dunford, C. L., deceased Eccles Jessie Stoddard, 1166 M1ch1gan Ave.', Salt Lake City, Utah-(Mrs. S. J . Quinney) . Ellsworth, John Orval, Texas Technolog•cal College, Lubbock, Tt;xas- Head, Dept. of Agricultural EconomicS Eve rton, Edgar, deceased . . . Garn, Breta, U. S. Veterans Admm•stratJon, Columbus, South Carolina- (Mrs. Wallace McBride) . Goldthorpe, Dr. Harold Cl!fford, 1374 Gilmer Drive, Salt Lake C•ty, Utah-Prof. of Biological Chemistry, U. of U. Hansen, Reuben, Hyrum, Utah-Dairy Herd Cow Tester Hardy, Leon, 615 East 6th East, Logan, Utah-Insurance Salesman Holmstead, George F., Rup ert, IdahoMinidoka County Agent Howells, Byron, 1032 South 1_7th East, Salt Lake City, Utah- Utah L1quor Control Commission Ivins Heber Grant, B. Y. U., Provo, Utah - Professor of Animal Husbandry Jackson, Dorrell Philo, Kamas, Utah Jarvis, Orin Woodbury, 1239 Glenn Ave., Fresno, Calif. Jeppson, Evelyn, .deceased. Johnson Carl Bngham, R• chmond, UtahTeach'er, North Cache High School Jones, Eliza, Mt. Pleasant, Utah- ( Mrs. Hansen)-Teacher Jonsson Carl W., 207 East 2nd North, Loga~ Utah-Retired Engineer Kapple 'charles Dixon, 2767 Monroe Ave., Ogd~n , Utah-Coach, Ogden High Lewis, Grover Elmo, 414 Sargent Ave., Glendive Montana- County Agent Linford, J~ es B., 538 Fairbanks Ave., Oakland, Calif.- Salesman, Scott Co. Lowe, Morris David, Paris, ldaho-Supt., Soda Springs Schools Malik, G. M. Mathe on, Anna Marie, 206 East 2nd South, Rexburg, ldaho- (Mrs. Percy Crave~) Maughan, Major Russell L., Langely F1eld, Va.-Air Service, United States Army Mayer, Clifford Andrew, Zion Nat'! Park, Utah-Engineer McAltister, Emma Allen, deceased McAllister, Irvine L., Nara Visa, New Mexico-Reti red Army Officer-Rancher Merrill, Lola, Rexburg, ldaho-(Mrs. Kenneth Webster) Merrill, Vera, 138 Acadia, Salinas, Calif.(Mrs. W. B. Murray)

ALUMNI Munoz, R. Rafael, LaPaz, Bolivia, South America-Farmer ichols, Delore, Farmington, Utah-Davis County Agent Nis on, Clarence WiUord, deceased Otte, Dr. Joseph Einar, 169 North Logan, Littleton, Colo.-Physician and Surgeon Palmer, A ael E., Lethbridge, Alberta, Canada-Ass't Supt., Dominion Exp. Station Parker, /\della, Paris, Idaho Parker, William Schofield, Woodland Ave., Sharon Hill, Pa.- Teacher, Pennsylvania In titute for tl1e Blind Parkinson, Glenn Smart, Smithfield, Utah -Manager, Service Station Parsons, Ruby E., 10808 Ashton Ave., Los Angele , Calif.-(Mrs. William E. Purviance) Perkins, Martin L., Murtaugh, IdahoFarmer P eterson, An ton 0., Box 487, Logan, Utah -Merchant Peterson, Harold, 444 North Myer, Burbank, Calif.-Oil Geologist Peterson, Violet A. Powell, Morrell, Lapwai, Idaho- Agricultural Extension Agen t Price, Lew Mar, Ri chfi eld, Utah- Sevier County Agent Ralph, Leonard Thomas, Rockland, Idaho - Supt., Rockland High School Richards, Ezra Foss, Jr., 834 Lincoln, Salt Lake City, Utah-Teacher, Bryant Junior High School Robinson, Eunice, 67 Mill St., Orono, Maine -(Mrs. Clarence M. Aldous) Rosengreen, Ruth , 29 South State St., Salt Lake City, Utah-Teacher, Jackson Jr. High School Sevy, Pearl, Monroe, Utah- (Mrs. Ferd Erickson) Sharp, lvor, 77 "E" St., Salt Lake City, Utah-Business Manager, KSL Sharp, Leo Bennion, 1455 West 21st South, Sa.lt Lake City, Utah- Mgr., Sharp Realty Sjostrom, James E., deceased Smith, Raymond Jam es, Blackfoot, IdahoCounty Agri cultural Agent Smith, Orita, Lewiston, Utah- (Mrs. S. Langton Barber) Stanford, Dr. Joseph Sedley, U.S. A. C. Campus, Logan, Utah-Ass't Professor of Zoology and Entomology Stratford, Clyde B., Brigham City, UtahFurniture Business Thornton. James W., Provo, Utah-Prin., Junior High School Turpin, Harold M., Grootfontein Middleburg, D. C., South Africa-School of Agriculture Twitchell, Alvin G., 126 North Weber, Colorado Springs, Colo.-Coach of Athletics White, James 0., 752 South Alameda, Los Angeles, Calif.-Produce Broker Wight, Lillian, Cedar City, Utah-(Mrs. Walter Lunt ) Willie, Allan LeRoy, Mendon, Utah'-Poultryman Wittwer, John Hyrum, Las Vegas, Nevada -County Agricultural Agent Wright, John W., 429 Whittier St., N. W., Washington, D. C.-Ag. Economist

1918 Bachman, Albert Edwin, 695 Cragmont Ave., Berkeley, Calif.- Engineer Appraiser, Federal Land Bank of Berkeley Boberg, Elroy, Draper, Utah-Rural Mail Carrier Braithwaite, Frederick C., deceased


Brinton, Ori a, 3421 Race St., Philadelphia, Pa.-(Mrs. R. L. Cheney) Cannon, Elizabeth, 680 North 3rd East, Provo, Utah-(l\1rs. K. B. Sauls) Chipman, Florence, 151 Kelsey Ave., Salt Lake City, Utah-(Mrs. E. D. Pittinger) Christiansen, Howard Arthur, Ri chfield, Utah-Vice-Pres. and Manager, Richfield Furniture Company Cooper, Laura, St. Anthony, Idaho-(Mrs. Ray Cardon) Cotter, Ralph U., 3216 43rd Ave., South Minneapolis, Minn. - Pathologist, U. S. Dept. of Agriculture, Washington, D. C. Croft , George Albert, Cedar City, UtahUtah Parks Dunford, Rachel, 69 West 17th South, Salt Lake City, Utah-(Mrs. Ernest V. Lindgard) Hansen, George Henry, B. Y. U., Provo, Utah-Prof. of Geology and Geography Harmon, Laurence Barnes, 1044 East 17th South, Salt Lake City, Utah- State Director of Vocational Rehabilitation Hayball, Edith, U. S. A. C. Campus, Logan, Utah-Statistician, U. S. A. C. Exp. Sta. Heldeberg, Gustave 0 . Hughes, Jonathan Marion, Milford, UtahTeacher, Milford High School Jennings, James R. Jensen, Irving J., deceased Jerman, Reid, 1352 Sherman, Salt Lake City, Utah-Ass't State Engineer Jones, Effie, Hooper, Utah- (Mrs. E. Hooper) Kerr, Vi e Bankhead, Wellsville, Utah(Mrs. Evan Darley) King, George Edward, 155 South 2nd West, Rex burg, Idaho- Entomologist, U.S.D.A. Ki rby, Frank Joseph, 115 Clinton Ave., Salt Lake City, Utah-Draftsman Kirkham, Ebenezer J., 1013 McClelland St., Salt Lake City, Utah-Ins. Salesman Gremer, Clara Mane Larsen, Estella, 335 9th St., Idaho Falls, Idaho- (Mrs. Victor Larson) Larson, Ernest Oliver, 827 University, Provo, Utah-Engineer, in charge of Deer Creek Reclamation Project Lindquist, Dr. C. Ariel, 1619 Westwood Blvd., Los Angeles, CaliJ.-Physician and Surgeon Mitchell, Leland R., American Fork, Utah - Farmer Nielson, Eva Joy, 1513 Newby Ave., Rosemead, Calif.-(Mrs. Earl Martin) Nuffer, Louis Ferdinand, Montpelier, Idaho -Supervisor, Farm Security Adminis. P edersen, Peter A. C., 440 West 1st South, Logan, Utah-Teacher, Logan High Roylance, Jesse, Smithfield, Utah- Mgr., Smithfield Implement Co. Skanchy, Fritz, deceased Smith, Albert Edward, Nephi, Utah-Juab County Agent Smith, Lewis Calder, Smithfield, UtahTeacher, North Cache High School Sorenson, Emma Baker, 310 Waverleyst, Palo Alto, Calif.- Te acher Sorenson, Lional Winton Tanner, Norma, 2321 South 8th East, Salt Lake City, Utah-(Mrs. S. M. Wolf) Thayne, William James, Brigham City, Utah-Farm Supervisor and Cooperative Specialist, Farm Credit Administration Thorn, Eliza, 1452 Michigan Ave., Salt Lake City, Utah-(Mrs. M. D. Bringhurst) Thorne, George Gerald, 1404 South 7th East, Salt Lake Citv, Utah- Entomologist, U.S. D. A. Underwood, Elizabeth, 37 Oriole St., West Rexbury, Mass.

Wallace, Edith, 9835 Yakum Drive, Benedict Canyon, Beverly Hills, Calif.-(Mrs. Edward A. Fraiberg) Woodhouse, Jesse JVlonroe, Copperton, Utah - Teacher, Bingham High School Wooley, Olive, 2837 Kiesel Ave., Ogden, Utah-(Mrs. 0. Thompson) Wyatt, Carolyn A., Box 595, Oildale, Calif. -(Mrs. Rulon E. Keetch)

1919 Baker, Dan, 921 South 8th East, Salt Lake City, Utah-Principal, Jefferson School Barber, Ellen, Monticello, Utah-(Mrs. Ivan Christensen) Barber, Solon R., 800 18th Street, N. W., Washington, D. C.-U. S. Soil Conserv. Bayles, Emma J., 204 West 1st North, Salt Lake City, Utah-Teacher Bennion, LaVon, c/o American Embassy, Buenos Aires, Argentina-(Mrs. J. Kenneth Cannon) Bennion, Lora, 1371 Yale Ave., Salt Lake City, Utah-(Mrs. A. Hulme Nebeker) Benson, Karma, Franklin, Idaho-(Mrs. R. B. Parkinson) Burgoyne, David Alvin, 353 North 5th East, Logan, Utal1-Secretary to Director, Utah Al(ricultural Experiment Station Burnham, Edna, Garland, Utah-Teacher, Bear River High School Callings, Carolyn Leigh, deceased Cardon, Grace, Salina, Utah-(Mrs. Angus McDonald) Christiansen, Ole, 507 South 3rd West, Provo, Utah-Teacher Clawson, Elmer Charles, Virginia Electric & Power Co., Norfolk, Virginia-General Accountant Cowley, Moses A., deceased Cox, David J., 749 Frederic, San Francisco, Calif.-Teacher, Polytechnic High Farnsworth, Esther, 1949 South 8th East, Salt Lake City, Utah-Fitting and Altertion, Utah Woolen Mills Fife, Arthur, Navajo Central Agency, Ariz. -Chief Engineer Froeman, Jennie Taylor, deceased Gubler, Helen Anna, Santa Clara, UtahSaleswoman Harding, George David, 347 West 1st South, Logan, Utah- Insurance Salesman Hatch, Lorenzo Hill, 1512 South 9th East, Salt Lake City, Utah-Principal, Granite High School Hatch, Sumner, Yerington, Nev.-Teacher, Yerington High School Kirkbride, James William, Smithfield, Utah -Supt., Cache Valley Schools Kirkham, James A., 811 South 9th East, Salt Lake City, Utah- Editor, Utah Farmer Larsen, Naomi, Beaver City, Utah-(Mrs. Milo Baker) Lindquist, Eva, deceased Lowry, Ivy, 400 Federal Bldg., Salt Lake City, Utah-(Mrs. Harry Hall) Mason, Lavon, 2546 Brinker Ave., Ogden, Utah-(Mrs. George Art Ward) Mecham, Lucian, Jr., Chihuahua, Mexico -Teacher, Colonia Juarez Meeks, Heber, 2280 Lake St., Salt Lake City, Utah-Coal Business Merrill, Ortencia H., 1723 Harvard Ave., Salt Lake City, Utah-(Mrs. Charles H. Monson) Morgan, Samuel, Kaysville, Utah-Prin., Davis County High School Morrison, Bessie, Brigham City, Utah(Mrs. Rue] M. Eskelsen) Seventeen

ALUMNI Neilson, Dr. Neils Peter, 1210 16th St., . W,. Wa hington, D. C. - Executive ecretary of Ameri can Ass'n of Health Olson, Harry J., Salt Lake City, UtahCommercial Entomologist 0 mond, Ruby, 1450 Kensington Ave., Salt Lake City, Utah- ( Mrs. M. J . Brockbank) P eterson, Carl Wern er, Kenilworth, UtahClerk, Independent Coal and Coke Co. Peter on, William 0., 1353 Princeton Ave., alt Lake City, Utah- Prof. of Musi c, University of Utah Pi xton, Robert C. 1559 Browning Ave., Salt Lake Ci ty, Utah- District Ag. Insp. Porter, Alberta S., 819 Oxford St., Berkeley, Calif.-(Mr . C. W. Porter) Poulsen, Oleta, Brigham City, Utah-Private Music Teacher Presco tt, Eric tan ley L., National City Bank Bldg., Manila, Philippine Islan d, c/o Haskins & Sells, Certified Public Accoun tant - Manager of Branch Pre ton , Marion Smith, 315 East Blvd., Logan , Utah- ( Mrs. J . C. Hayward) Ramsperger, Herman C., deceased Rogers, Lu cille, 887 23rd t. , Ogden, Utah - ( Mr . Alm a D. Chambers ) Rosengreen, Enid Jo ephine, 29 South State St., Sal t Lake City, Utah- Teacher Roskelly, Laura Lovendale, deceased Shaw, B •sie H., 160 1st Avenu e, Salt Lake City, Utah-(Mrs. E. M. Kelley ) Smith, Margaret Iva, American Fork, Utah -(Mrs. M. Ca rl on) Smith, Olena, 308 East 2nd South, Rexburg, Idaho--(Mrs. A. E. Harris) Smith, Rachel, East Center, Provo, Utah(Mrs. Loren C. Barlow) Smith, Winnefred G., Beaver City, Utah(Mrs. Holton)-Librarian Solomon, Leah, Coalville, Utah - (Mrs. George F. Robinson) Thain, Mary Aldyth, 264 West Center, Logan, Utah-Teacher, Logan High Thatcher, Helen, 1829 South 11th East, Salt Lake City, Utah - (Mrs. Charles W. Woodruff) Ward, George Art, 1556 26th St., Ogden, Utah-A ss't Branch Manager, Anderson & Son Lumber Company Webb, J. E., 1174 South 15th East, Salt Lake City, Utah-Deputy State Auditor White, Azmon Dennis, Box 37, Salvang, Calif.-Civil Engineer White, Edna A., Rexburg, Idaho--Manager of Ladies' Ready to Wear White, Luella, Flandrean, South Dakota(Mrs. L. Storrs) Williams, Howell Miffiin, Malad, Idallo-Manager, Shell Oil Station Wilso n, Jesse Thorlof, Logan, Utah- Cache Valley Knit, Sales Manager Young, Stella, Fort Wingate, New MexicoHead, Home Economics Dep t.

1920 Andrus, Dr. Leonard, King City, Calif.Physician and Surgeon Avedian, Giragos Barker, Lena, North Ogden, Utah-(Mrs. C. J. Hansen) Barlow, Fielding Burton, Tremonton, Utah -Farmer Barney, Archie F., 2657 Alden St., Salt Lake City, Utah- Agronomist, American Smelting & Refining Co. Bateman, James R., deceased Booth, John Albert, Cedar City, UtahFarmer Eighteen


Bowen , Leslie, 1922 3rd Ave., Scotts Bluff, Neb.- Irriga tion Engineer, U.S. D. A. Budge, Dr. Alfred Hodge, Boise, IdahoPhysician and Surgeon Budge, Dr. Scott Merrill, Budge Clinic, Logan, tah-Phy ician and Surgeon Cannon, Douglas Q., Circleville, Utah Chri te n en, Leon Peter, Vernal, UtahCivil Engineer Chri tiansen, Elray L., 3717 Mon trose Blvd., Hou ton, Texas-M i sion President, L. D. S. Church Clark, Harold Gower, Morgan, UtahMechanic Coffman, Wi lliam Elm o, Springville, Uta h -Ass' t Profe so r of Geography B. Y. U., Provo, Utah Cowley Laura, 1629 Colum bia Road, . W., Wa hin gton , D. C.- ( Mr . E. B. Brossard ) Croft, Alfred Russell, 2525 Madison Ave., Ogden, Utah- U. S. Forest Service Crookston, Laurn E., 96 East 5th South, Loga n, Utah- Agricu ltural Agent for Amalgama ted Sugar Company Eberle, Lille Louise Ewing, Sco tt Preston , 6227 30th St., N. W., Wa hington, D. C.-Research As ociate, Ameri can Ga A ociation Foutz, Nadine, decea ed Garrett, Leo n D., 1568 South State St. , Salt Lake City, Utah- e retary and Comptroller, Un iver ity of Utah Greaves, Ethelyn Oliver, 445 North 3rd Ea t, Logan, Utah - (Mrs. Joseph E. Greave ) Hansen, Clarence J ames, orth Ogden, Utah- Farm er Hendri cks, John Allen, 1445 Cap itol Ave., Ogden, Utah-Attorn ey at Law Hine , General Frank T., 2101 Connecti cut Ave., Wa hin gton , D. C.-Director, U. S. Veterans Bureau Howells, Jo eph D., deceased Jones, Hyrum Pidding, 111 Ea t 3rd South, P leasant Grove, Utah- Principal, L. D. S. Seminary Kearl, Chase, Preston, Idaho- County Agricultural Agen t Lindsay, William, 1615 East Helen St., Tucson, Ariz.-Po t Graduate, U. of Ariz. MacBeth , Glen E., Broad Brook, Conn.Field Rep., Eastern States Farmers' Exch. Memmott, Cleon L., Nephi, Utah- Teacher, Ju ab High School Merrill, Edna E., No. 2 Nicoll St., Newburg, New York- ( Mrs. L. K. Frank) Moen, Johanna, U.S. A. C. Campus, Logan, Utah- Professor of Tex tiles and Clothin g Morga n, Norman F. Morrell, T. H., 1008 West 14th Ave., Spokan e, Wash. -Fieldman, Farm Mortgage Division Nebeker, Ace! Hulme, 1371 Yale Ave., Salt Lake City, Utah-Attorney at Law Nel on, P eter, Oklahom a A. & M. College, Stillwater, Okla.-Acting Head, Dept. of Agri culture Economics Olsen, Leander, Moroni, Utah- Farming Parry, J. Waldo, 544 Sout11 13th East, Salt Lake City, Utah-Cha.irman Roads and Bridge Dep t., Secretary to Commissioner J. B. Mu llins Peterson , Maurine, 1524 Sunnyside, Salt Lake City, Utah- ( Mr . A. Virgie Tollestrup ) Poulter, Irvin William Price, Ardath L., Fair Oaks, Calif.-VicePrincipal, San Juan Union High School Reed, Joseph, Mesa, Arizona-Teacher Rich, Irene, 324 East 4th North, Logan, Utah- ( Mrs. V. D. Gardner)

Robinso n, Eugene William, 2639 Tyler Ave., Ogden, Utah - Manager, M.id We tern Dairy Products Ru sell, Geo rge Elmo, 952 Ordway St., Berkeley, Calif.-Teacher, Alameda High auls, Keifer Bran ham, B. Y. U., Provo, Utah- Purchasing Agent and Secretary to th e Pres ident tookey, Bernice ]. , Afton, Wyo.-(Mrs. Albert Linford) Tippetts, John Roy, Morgan , Utah- Supt. of Schools Thomas, Kathryn- ( 1rs. A. ard Zebriski e) Tuttle, Ray L., 1600 Hanl ey Road , Univerity City, Mo.-Di trict ales Manager ears Roebuck Company We ll , Gcneva-(Mr. J o ph B. Mu er) Wilson, Yan ez T., So uth Main, Brigham City, Uta h- En ginee r, Supt., Bear River Bird Game Refu ge

1921 Ai tken, Adren, 401 Circle Ave., ..\lill Va lley, Calif. Allen, Albert B., American Fork, UtahTeacher, Ameri can Fork High School AI ton, Ray Lester, 2546 Sou th 15th East, alt Lake City, Utah - Ame ri can Red Cro Rep resentative Anderson, Stan ley Rodin, Ca ti e Dale, Utah - Teacher Arnold , Melvi n S., c/o E. E. Reynard, 110() 2nd Ave., Seattle, Washington Barber, Adaliene, 1961 25th t., Ogden, tah-( [rs. Reed W. Bai ley) Barber, Geo rge P ., 2355 Lin oln St., Concord, Ca lif.- Teacher, Concord Hi gh Barker, Jam es Roy, Smithfield, UtahIrrigation Engineer, Piute Irrigation Co. Barker, Mignon, 453 East 7th South, Salt Lake City, Utah-(Mrs. T. W. Ri chmond) Bastow, Garfield, 17 Dulwich Road, Oakland, Calif.- En gineer for Oakland Docks Bateman , Geo rge Monroe, State Teacher's College, Tempe, Ariz. - Head, Science Department Becra ft, Ireta Harris, deceased Bird, Louise, Box 283, Wheaton , lllinois(Mrs. I. E. Harmon) Carroll , Margaret Kezia, Ordervill e, Utah Chipm an, Merle S., 150 North Main, Salt Lake City, Utah - Manager, Cafeteria, Universi ty of Utah Chin chiah, Darisi, Mad ras, India-Nati onal Univer ity Chri tensen, Jam es Morris, 1459 Yale Ave., Salt Lake City, Utah-Attorn ey at Law Clawson, James Harold, 2565 42nd West, Seattle, Wash.- Travelin g Auditor Clyde, George Dewey, U.S. A. C. Campus, Logan , Utah- Dean of Enginee r'g School Co ndit, Sara Amanda, Box 309, Douglas, Arizona Croo k, Reno Gil es, Lyman, Wyo.-Supt. of Schools Dewey, Dr. Horace Asa, Richfi eld, UtahPhysician and Surgeon Egbert, Anna, B. Y. U., Provo, Utah-Prof. of English Engernann, Marguerite - (Mrs. Norbert Wiener) Ensign, Effie, 379 East 2nd North, Logan, Utah- ( Mrs. Lewi s A. Merri ll ) Esp li n, Evelyn, 978 East 13th South, Salt Lake City, Utah- ( Mrs. J. Z. Ri cha rdson ) Evans, Hi lton Bird, Moab, Utah-Teaching and Farming (Class of 1921 continued in next issue)





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