Utah State Alumni Quarterly, Vol. 17 No. 2, December 1939

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$ 2.00


HIS is a capital ta le, fraug ht with deep er mean ings and mo re careJul ana lys is and tmderstanding of life and p eople t han the thoughtful reader wou ld expect to find in a mu rder mys tery . Dr. N eeley has b·eated the psychological factors dete rmining human behavior with accu r acy and precision . It is a r ich and colorful story of action, j ealousy, villainy, mu rder, clever sleuth ing, deep and abidi ng love an d loyalty. Doctor Neeley is a nati ve of Utah, long conn ected with education in t hat state. S he is a g raduate of Utah State Agri cultu ral College.

L eave ;t;ou1· oTde1· at the book st01·e o1· send it to the publishe'rs.


'' Wherever covers for yearbooks, annual reports, special surveys, presentation sales books, and catalogs are used, experienced buyers are becoming "Bullseye" conscious. "Bullseye" means the fine st craftsmanship, new original designs by western artists, closer personal attention to your particular problem, quicker service, and lower transportation costs . . . If you have a position where you influence or direct the purchase of book covers, let us show you samples of our "Bullseye" Covers. We will be glad to show you a pre!iminary sketch and furnish you with estimates of cost. "Bullseye" Covers are western made. When you patronize home industry you help pay taxes, you increase pur-chasing power by increasing pay rolls, and stimulate all western businesses.

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Salt Lake City, Utah

Y E A R B0 0 K H E A D Q U A R T E R S 0 F T H E WE S T



Message to the Alumni

Published quarterly by the Utah State Agricultural College Alumni Association. Entered as second-class matter at the post office in Logan, Utah, under the act of March 3, 1897.


December, 1939


Officers of the Association ERWIN CLEMENT, '37 . AsA BuLLEN, '10

Editor and Manager President

Executive Committee L. R. HUMPHERYS ORVILLE L. LEE


ERWIN CLEMENT Executive Secretary

Alumni Council Members DAVID G. HURREN, '27 v. D. GARDNER, '22 HAROLD M. PETERSO , '27 J. KARL WooD, '15 ORVILLE L. LEE, '10 AsA BuLLEN, '10 L. R. HUMPHERYS, '12 D. A. SKEEN, '09



Have You Sent in Your Alumni Dues? Use this blank or write a letter addressed to the Executive Secretary, A lumni Association, Logan, Utah, enclosing your annual dues or Life Membership remittance.

0 0

I enclose $1.00 for annual membership . I enclose $25.00 for Life Membership.

(May be paid in five yearly install ments.) Name................................................ Class ___ ______ _ Streel-------------·------------------------ ---------------------·----CitY--------------------------------------State _________ ____ __________ _


LEVE~·s r ... S rol'\ 1 ofC~EATl"- 'IIA .l:£ 5

Distinctive College Styles

From within the State, throughout the states and from many foreign countries there comes to the office of the Alumni Association a steady stream of letters. Since 1899, when the Association was founded, this means of keeping in touch with the Alumni has been a key to the success the Association has enjoyed. It is a direct mean of getting many personal reactions from loyal Alumni who think of undergraduate days on the campus, but who are now unable to make many appearances to the haunts of their college days. Important too, these letter have been in inspiring new as well as old graduates to become Alumni minded. This consciousness is becoming more prevalent among the students each year, a thing to rejoice over. In it is annually created new life to our graduate body; from it come the leaders of tomorrow. Many of these letters are in anxious tones concerning the welfare of the Institution and its progress. Others are hopefu l inquiries asking about certain professors, traditions, buildings, departments and the Library. Some, although critical in text, are helpful and constructive. Out of these letter come one certain fact: Utah State students of bygone year are till interested in their Alma Mater; they are loyal and the College i not a clo ed book or a forgotten thing in their lives. With the Alumni chapters taking an ever more active part in College and Alumni affairs, and with the enthusiastic spirit that is being manifested among the graduate group generall y, the Association is bound to be of continuing greater service to our Alma Mater and to each of us individually. The Christmas season wi ll soon be upon us, and I should like to take this opportunity to wish each and every one of you and yours a very Merry Christmas and years of Happiness ahead. Very truly yours,

Asa Bullen, '10 President, Alumni Association Three

Sons and Daughters of Utah State Alumni

JANET WASDEN age 3 years. Daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Newel F. Wasden, Cedar City. Newel graduated in 1937.

LESLIE LYNN KELLER age 2 years. Son of Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Floyd Keller, Glacier National Park, Montana. Floyd graduated in 1934.

MICHAEL R. FRY age eighteen months. Son of Beth Nelson Fry, '36, and Burke Fry, '34, Washington, D. C.

DIANA ILEENE RENCHER age one year. Daughter of Merle Frasier Rencher, '38, and Ray Rencher, '36, 1803 Longwood Avenue, Los Angeles, California.

BRUCE SILVERS age 3 years. Son of Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Silvers, Tulare, California. Mr. Silvers graduated in 1921.

WILLIAM LEWIS TORMEY age 2 years. Son of Mr. and Mrs. W. Henry Tormey Jr., Anderson, California. Henry graduated in 1937.

Beginning with the October 1939 issue of the Alumni Quarterly, a series of photographs of sons and daughters of Utah State Alumni and Alumnae, under five years of age, was started. Additional photographs will be welcomed and published as soon as possible. Four

SCIENCE AIDS IN PLANT DISEASE CONTROL In plant life as in human and animal life, disease provides one of the greatest sources of waste. Of these plant diseases, Utah already has it's share. Each agricultural crop in the state and many of our ornamentals suffer from a great number of such diseases and insect pests. Other diseases frequently of forei gn origin lurk on the outside ready to enter and to get foothold within our borders and although precautions are maintained, these destroyers of plant life break through our front line defenses- our inspection and survey forces - and establish themselves, ready to exact their annual toll of human effort and to add greatly to our already heavy burden of loss from disease. Only this year, Dr. B. L. Richards, Head of the Department of Botany and Plant Pathology at the College, reports that two such diseases have appeared on our agriculture horizon- one a virus ("X" disease of the peach and chokecherry) , and the other a bacterial disease of the potato. Both diseases, because of their destructive nature, are destined to play an important role in Utah agriculture and may even threaten profitable production of the two crops on which they develop. Although no control methods are known at present for either of these diseases, Dr. Richards informs us that already research forces are mobilized and ready to attack the problem. Science will find a way out although final achievement may be costly both in time and in money. Virus or "X" Disease As early as 1937, upon returning to Utah after a year's leave of absence in the East, Dr. Richards noted suspicious disease symptoms on the chokecherry in Mantua and Box Elder canyons. During 1938-39, this cherry condition became widespread through Box Elder, Mantua, and Sardine canyons and suggested a possible identity of this disease on the chokecherry in Utah with a similar destructive virus disease which affects both the chokecherry and the peach in the East, and commonly referred to as the "X" disease. In fact, so characteristic were these symptoms on the chokecherry to this eastern malady, that a survey was undertaken in July of this year to determine the presence or absence of this eastern virus disease on the peach crop in Utah. In the first peach orchard visited, just out of the mouth of Box Elder

Peach Leaves 2, 4 and 5 Affected with "X" Disease. Leaves I and 3 Normal.

canyon, less than one-half mile from the infected chokecherries, the disease was picked up on a number of peach trees all of which exhibited typical "X" disease symptoms. The same symptom expressions were found in six other orchards visited the same day. Early in August, the characteristic symptoms were discovered on nursery stock trees in Davis County. Further studies disclosed the fact that the orchard from which buds had been obtained in 1938 to bud this nursery stock, showed 50 percent of the trees diseased. Subsequent survey, authorized and supported jointly by the Experiment Station and the State Department of Agriculture and con¡ eluded August 19, showed the disease generally distributed in Davis, Weber and Box Elder counties, with Davis county possibly a center of infestation. A single infested orchard was found in Utah co unty. This disea e is disasterous to crop production. The fruit usually shrivels and falls soon after the leaf symptoms appear on the diseased parts of the tree. In milder cases where the fruit remains on the branch, it ripens prematurely and has a bitter flavor. Trees severely infected are wholly worthless and remain standing for years as a source of inoculm, endangering their healthy neighbor. Utah growers who have observed the disease conditions in their own orchards concur in this opinion, and already a number of

orchards in the Bountiful district are being pulled out. In the East, a survey during the past summer showed that in an orchard that was planted in 1936, 65 percent of the trees were infected. The disease attacks you ng as well as old orchards. One six year old orchard was found in Utah which showed 63 percent of the trees diseased. In the East, experimental work has shown that this virus disease can be transmitted by budding from peach to peach, peach to chokecherry, chokecherry to chokecherry, and chokecherry to peach. It is particularly significant that the diseased chokecherries have been found on the foothill s parall eling the peach orchards from Brigham City to South Bountiful. Control of the "X" disease must take this peach-chokecherry relation into consideration . Eradication wi ll be a Herculean task, entirely possible but on ly at terrific costs. The "X" disease or the yellow-red virosis is now known to occur in the peach and chokecherry in New York, Connecticut, Massachusetts, Vermont and Utah. How long this disease has been present in this state is a topic worthy of speculation. Ring-rot of the Potato The other disease new in North America and of Bacterial origin is the ring-rot of the potato. The organism Phytomonas sepedonica, which causes ring-rot, appears identical with an (Continued on page six) Five

(Continued from page five)

organism of the same name reported from Germany and possibly has been introduced from that country. Re· ported first · from Canada in 1937, and from New York and Maine in 1938, a National Disease Survey was initiated early in 1939. At present, the disease has been reported from Eastern Canada, the New England States, and in the West from Nebraska, Colorado, Wyoming, Montana, Idaho, California, and Utah. In Utah the trouble has been found in the counties of Cache, Box Elder, Weber, Davis, and Tooele. In the counties the percentage of disease was high for the fields visited. The spread appears to be very rapid and the effect disastrous.

the Agriculturist must look for relief and direction in such agricultural problems.

President of Group D~. F. DAVID FARRELL, '07, President of Kansas State College, was elected president of the Association of Land-Grant Colleges and Universities, at the convention held in November, in Washington, D. C. Dr. Farrell has served in the capacity of vice-president during the past year, for more than fifty land-grant institutions. Our own President, Dr. Elmer G. Peterson, presented a report of the committee on College organization and policy, of which he is chairman. Dr. Peterson was asked to continue as chairman of the committtee on preservation of phosphate deposits and their national use.

Civilian Training Course

Potato Tuber Showing Peculiar Decay Characteristic of Ring-rot

The bacteria affects the vine caus· ing a distinct and rapid wilt, and finally a complete collapse of the potato plant. During the present season, fi elds were studied and from 40 to 60 percent of the plants investi· gated the disease was at work. The disease causes a definite tuber rot in the field , during storage and whil e in transportation. Cars of potatoes have been arriving on the Eastern market the past two years completely decayed. This disease is creating a definite threat to the potato industry of the United States. With respect to control, this di· sease has introduced a general state of confusion. As yet, no hopeful method has been worked out. None of our standard varieties are immune. Control in fact, is entirely a problem for future research. It is from such research laboratories as are maintained in the Department of Botany and Plant Pathology under the direction of Dr. Richards, that Six

Forty students qualified during the fall quarter for the Civilian Pilots training course, now being offered at the College. To be eligible for this training, the applicant must be between the ages of 18 and 25 inclusive, a citizen of the United States, single and of the white race. Students should have at least a sophomore standing, although freshmen will be admitted. However, there is a chance for four non-college students provided that they can meet the other requirements necessary. Each student must invest $40 for the course which is used to take care of the medical examination, provide for laboratory ex penses, and insure the student's life for $3000 along with $500 for hospitalization and medical reimbursements in case of accidents. Instruction for the course constitutes a group school training with a minimum of 72 prescribed hours of ground school training to include instruction in ·aerodynamics, airplane engines, meterolo gy and navigation parachutes, airplane rigging and preparing a plane for flight. From 35 to 50 hours of actual flying ex perience is also on the docket for the course. Upon completion of the course, the student pilot will receive his private pilot's license from the Civil Aeronautics Authority and with only a few more hours flyin g time, a limited commercial license may be obtained. The equipment and aircraft used for this training is passed by a government inspector and must be in first class condition.

Gets Promotion A. R. Standing, '29, was recently selected as chief of Personnel Management of North Pacific Region of the U.S. Forest Service. He has been Personnel Manager of the Ogden division.

Marriages Dorothy Moore, Pocatello, Idaho, to James Higgins, '38, Burley, Idaho, October 19. They will make their ho~e in Burley, where Jim is City engmeer. Kathleen Foulger, Ogden, to Spencer J. Klomp, '39, Ogden, in October. They will make their home in Ogden. Marian Weeks, '39, Smithfield, to Dean Bischoff, '38, Geneva, Idaho, October 13. They left November 5 for a mission in Samoa for the L. D. S. church. Ida Marie Clark, '38, Logan, to Stanley Logan, '40, New York City, September 11. They will make their home in Logan while Stanley completes work for his degree . . Lucile Hepworth, '38, Farmington, to Cole Henry, '38, Rigby, Idaho, in October. They will make their home in Bremerton, Washington, where Henry is an engineer in the United States Navy yard. Hazel Chapin, '37, Morgan, to Alva M. Mickelsen, '38, Redmond October 12. They .will make their home in Panaca, Nevada, where Alva is employed as an agronomist with the soil conservation service. Maxine Heiss, Washington, D. C., to George P. South, '38, Ogden, in October. Miss Heiss is head of the Women's Physical Education department on the campus. Mr. South is a civil engineer for the United States Forest Service in Ogden. Estella Cooley, '39, Washington, D. C., to Ralph DeMoisey, '38, Ogden, September 21, in Washington, D. C. They will make their home in Inkom, Idaho, where Ralph is employed by the United States Forest Service. Lorene Barker, '36, North Ogden, to Marcus Smith, Brigham City, in October. They will make their home in Brigham City. Helen Murphy, Ogden, to Henry E. Pelham, '38, Ogden, November 5. They will make their home in Ogden. Doris Hobbs, Linrose, to Parley Gunnell, ' 39, Wellsville, November 6 in the Logan Temple. They will mak; their home in Thatcher, Idaho, where Parley is head of the athletic department at the high school. ·


won many friends and through her quality merchandise, she is rapid ly building a sales volume worthy of her valuable retailing ability and experience.

Irvin T. Nelson

Secretarial Majors Placed

Teacher, councilor, graduate student, department manager and store owner are a few of the main highlights in the career of Edna White, sincing leaving Utah State with the class of '19. From the fall of 1919, until the spring of 1925, when she went East to do graduate study, Miss White taught classes in clothing and textiles in high schools of Utah. Before entering the school of retailing at New York University in the fall of 1925, she accepted a summer job as councilor in Art at a childrens camp in the Adirondacks. While at New York University she had an opportunity to receive training in retailing at the R. H. Maay, Gimble Brothers and Stern Brothers stores. These stores are three of the largest vo I ume businesse in New York City. After receiving her masters degree in retailing in 1926, Miss White accepted a position with theW. T. Grant Company as Ladies' Ready to Wear manager. She had charge of the company's departments in ew York City, New Britain, Connecticut and Cambridge, Massachusett . She remained in the employ of the Grant Company ten years, during which time she had unlimited opportunity to learn many phases of retailing and to travel for the company in the Ea t. Making most of her deci ions in the fall of the year, he decided to give up her position in the autumn of 1936 and return We t. She went directly to Rexburg, Idaho, where he opened up a store calling it "Thrift Shop." During the three years she has been in Rexburg, Mis White has

Eleven members of the 1939 graduating class, with majors in secretarial science, have been placed in responsible positions in the teaching and business field throughout Utah and Idaho. Those in Utah include: Meredith Bodily, Gunnison High Schoo l ; Phyllis Boynton, College Extension Division; Venice Burgoyne, Monroe High School; Maurine Clifford, College Extension Division; Glenda Cole, Registrar's office; Elaine F onnesbeck, Librarian, Snow Coll ege, Ephraim; Lucile Harding, State A.A.A. office; Faye Izatt, Bureau of Plant Industry, campus; Erma L. Shiffman, State A.A.A. office. Dorothy Georgeson and Thelda Thompson are teaching at Roberts and St. Charles, Idaho. Beth Lockhart, '38, is again at Washington State College, having received a fell owship there last year.

Student Directory Released The student directory, annual publication, containing the names, home addresses, Logan addresses, phone numbers and class ranks of all students was released in November by the Student Council. Bill Thomas, '41, edited the publication. It also contains information concerning the faculty, student body officers, campus organizations, clubs and fraternities.

Class of '40 More than three hundred emors of the class of '40 voted to wear a leather vest as their class jacket. This means of distin guishing seniors has been a tradition for over fifteen year . The jackets will have an emblem with the class numeral, and the chool colors and Utah State on it. This i the first vest to be worn by any class, those in the pa t have been wool or leather jacket . Wylie L. Thomas, '3 2, was recently made project superintendent of the C. C. C. camp, located near Cody, Wyoming. Mr. Thoma ha been in charge of work on barkbeetle control in the ational forest of Wyoming during the pa t four years.

IRVI T. NELSON, '16, has recently been appointed landscape architect for the L. D. S. Church. Mr. Nelson became i n t e r e s t e d in this work through Emil Hansen, and he has studied in several schools and has had much practical experience. His outstanding work can be found in the " Mormon Pioneer Cemetery," Omaha, Nebraska; the St. George Temp le grounds, and the school grounds of Granite district. Mr. Nelson has a special talent for organization and the practical aspects of beautification. This new position gives him opportunity to render service where it is greatly needed . Irvin T. Nelson married Kathleen Bagley, of the class of 1916. They have five children and a beautiful country home in Cottonwood. Their daughter, Joy, who is the editor of the Granite High yearbook, plans to enter Utah State next fall.

Milita ry Science Building Excavation was started in ovember on a military science building which will adjoin the field house on the east side. The building will be 180 feet by 58% feet with a 21 foot corridor leading into the east entrance of the field house and will be of the arne style and brick as the field house. Its purpo e will be to hou e the government artillery, military upplies, R.O .T.C. offices and class room that are now stationed elsewhere on the campus. Seven


DELBERT W. SMEDLEY, '31, re¡ cently resigned his position as Art Supervisor of the Morgan consolidated school district to accept a similar supervisorship with the Evanston, Wyoming city schools. Since leaving Utah State, Mr. Smedley has studied with Marquis E. Reitzel , head of the art department at San Jose State College; Theodore Tsalos, professor of art at the University of New York; A. W. McClelland, chairman of Fine Arts department at the University of Southern California; and Richard Ettinghausen, professor of art at the University of New York and Princeton University. During the past summer he received his Master of Fine Arts degree from University of Southern California. His thesis was "An Investigation of Influences on Representative Examples of Mormon Art," and is about the most authentic information compiled up-to-date on the Mormon artists. The various elements that contribute to the body of the investigation are portrayed in the divisions of religious, historical, social, political, and geographical influences, and the training of each of the artists abroad and at home. In the fall of 1935, he married Ardella Merrill. They are the parents of one child, Cheryl Merrill Smedley. Mr. Smedley is very versatile, doing practically all phases of art work. He does wood blocks, oil and water color paintings and etchings. He has a large colored slide collection and gives illustrated slide lectures on the history of art from all countries. Eight

Scientific "Accident Detection" What appears to be a successful diagnosis of the causes of automobile accidents in a large area is the result of patience, an "idea" and nine years of work by Melvin J. Bankhead, '30, Los Angeles County traffic signal engineer. The Los Angeles Times recently devoted five columns in a Sunday edition to Engineer Bankhead and his " idea." The Times stated that Los Angeles County,--4000 square miles-had been turned into a National testing ground for an experiment in scientific "accident detection." The following is a summary of the article that appeared in the Times. "Mr. Bankhead contended that before anything could be done to cure the patient, the doctor had to find out what was wrong. He set out to do some traffic diagnosing, and by last year had made so much progress, with so many persuasive facts that he was able to obtain a small sum from the county budget to broaden his inquiry and acquire the needed maps and equipment. " Realizing that the great difficulty with other scientific traffic accident analysis had been the supposedly necessary complexity of the systems used, and that he was dealing with hundreds of miles, intersections, state highways and county roads, Mr. Bankhead knew that he had to have a simple system. "He created one by dividing the 4000 square miles up into 66 detail maps, each about 6 by 7 feet and on a scale of 600 feet to the inch. With the aid of the County Sheriff's Department, he was given access to that department's files to get the location and date of accidents. He placed a screw tag-holder at the location of each accident on the map. On this he hung a small white disc. On the back of the disc was a file number and a date. His system calls for a white tag for the first three ac~idents at any given location. For accidents four to six he uses green tags, seven to nine, yellow tags, for number ten and up, red tags. The maps give a color impression at once of the danger spots and where accidents occur. His system is permitting him to diagnose each "bad spot" with actual facts based on the Sheriff's reports. White tags call for different treatment than do areas that have red tags.

"With this system well under way, the next step confrontin'g Mr. Bankhead is to work out a cure from the diagnosis which in many cases is being done." Mr. Bankhead is the son of Mr. and Mrs. John K. Bankhead of Logan. His father graduated from the College in 1897. While on the campus, Melvin was active in many extracurricula activities and was a cadet officer in the R.O .T.C.

Cadet Colonel RALPH M. JOHNSON, '40, Price, Utah, was named cadet colonel and regimental commander of the R. 0. T. C. unit at the college in November. Harold L. Hiner, Salt Lake City, was selected cadet major and regimental adjutant with Vern W. Crockett, of Logan, appointed cadet lieutenant, colonel and regimental executive. Ralph is an outstanding student at the College and in the military unit. Last spring he received the 1927 class research scholarship for his scholastic ability and was presented with a scholarship "A" in the awards assembly. For the first time in the history of the unit, three battalions have been formed. Formation of the new battalion did not necessitate a change in the battery organization, but was accomplished by placing two batteries in each battalion instead of three under each.

Sergeant Callahan On November 30, 1909, Eugene J. Callahan enlisted in the United States Army, and on November 30, 1939, Master Sergeant Eugene J. Callahan retired, with the rank of second lieutenant. "Sarge" will long be remembered by the more than 11,000 students who received his instruction in the R.O.T.C. unit. His career at the College has been colorful and although his "booming" voice will not be heard on the parade ground any more, he will remain on the campus in the capacity of assistant to the military custodian. Master Sergeant Callahan served two years in the World War as a second lieutenant and attended the Coast Artillery school at Fort Monroe, Virginia prior to his arrival on the campus in 1921.


With an attractive home schedule in the new field house, the casaba tossers of Utah State are preparing for an interesting season. Five regu· Iars of last season return to brighten the hopes of the Blue and White clad Farmers and with fine reserves and several promising prospects from the frosh of last year, 1940 bids well to make Utah &ate hoop history. Heading the returning contingent are Captain Ray Lindquist, a great defensive guard, his running mate Calvin Agricola, a deadly shooter, Roland Reading, sophomore center of last season, who, despite his frail stature turned in remarkably good games, Delbert " Bus" Bingham, leading scorer of the Big Seven loop, Floyd Morris, classy forward mate of •B ingham's, Clyde Morris, brother of Floyd, and reserve center of last season, Leonard James, semi-regular on the forward line, Charlie Clark, letterman on the guard line, and Aus· tin "Bunny" Hughes, a fine defensive guard with plenty of ability. In fact, the only losses from the 1939 team which finished in second place in the Big Seven conference-nosed out by Colorado University-and took the

third spot in the National Collegiate Coast hoop playoffs last year. The Athletic Association west-of-the-Mis- Golden Bears lost to a great Oregon sissippi tourney held at the San Fran- · University five which swept through cisco World's Fair on Treasure Island all opposition to win the National in San Francisco bay, are Lloyd Championship. The following night, January 9, Jacobsen, reserve guard, and John Utah State will play St. Marys in the Broberg, substitute center. Stand outs from the 1939 freshman preliminary game at Salt Lake City, squad are lanky Glen Maughan who while the Utes meet California in the has the makings of a center, Nick dedicatory game of the University of Drackulich, a rangy guard, and little Utah field house . Evan Baugh, speedy ball hawk and 1940 Utah State Basketball a good floor man as well as shooter. Schedule These three shou ld find places on the January 12Aggie varsity squad without much Colorado University at Logan. trouble but to oust one of the last January 26-year regulars will be a tough propoWyoming University at Logan. sition. January 27The new field house will get its Denver University at Logan. first baptism of collegiate basketball February 2on December 15 and 16, when the Denver University at Denver. Aggies tangle with the Oregon State February 3Beavers, one of the top fives in the Wyoming University at Laramie. Pacific coast area. The coaching staff February 10also plans several practice encounters Brigham Young University at Lowith the more outstanding independgan. ent teams of Utah. February 16University of Utah at Salt Lake Dedication of the new structure which will now afford 5,600 persons City. the opportunity to watch the Aggies February 17Brigham Young University at in action on the maple court, is Provo. scheduled for January 8, when hoop lovers get a double attraction. As February 23Colorado University at Boulder. the preliminary game, the University February 24-of Utah Redskins will meet St. Mary' Colorado State at Fort Collins. Galloping Gaels from the Moraga valley of California. In the feature March!Colorado State at Logan. game and as the dedication battle, the Utah State will play the University March 8Univer ity of Ut~;~h at Logan. of California, finalist in the Pacific

Interio r, New Field House. Dedicati on Set for J a nu a ry 8th. Nine


Enclosed with this issue of tpe Quarterly is your official ballot bearing the names of fifteen graduates for positions on the Alumni Council of the Alumni Association as selected a r]. d authorized by th e nominating committee of the Association at the time of the annual Council meeting, October 28. Vote for any five in the group. It is urged that you mark and mail your ballots today. Your cooperation in this matter will be greatly appreciated. The deadline for voting is April 1, 1940. Following are short sketches about each of the nominees : ERNEST R. LEE, '27, Manager, Logan branch of the Mountain States Telephone and Telegraph company. While in school, Mr. Lee was on the Buzzer staff, football manager, a member of the Junior prom committee and president of the senior class. Present address, 179 East 5th North, Logan, Utah. DR. L. B. HARMON, '18, State Director of Vocational Rehabilitation, with headquarters in the Capitol, Salt Lake City. Dr. Harmon majored in the school of agricul ture. He was principal of the Provo High school before he accepted his present position. Present address, 1044 East 17th South, Salt Lake City, Utah. ADALIENE BARBER BAILEY, '21, Housewife. Mrs. Bailey majored in Home Economics and was active in many extra-curricula activities while in school. Present address, 1061 - 25th Street, Ogden, Utah. ROY HALVERSON, '25, Assistant professor of instrumental music, Branch Agricultural College, Cedar City, Utah. Mr. Halverson majored in music and has done graduate work in Berlin, Germany and New York City. While in school he was active in band, orchestra, glee club and was a member of Beta Kappa fraternity. Present address, Cedar City, Utah. Ten

COULSON C. WRIGHT, '21, Superintendent, Uintah - Ouray Indian Reservation, Fort Duchesne, Utah. Mr. Wright majored in Agricultural Engineering and was active in dramatics. He has done graduate work at Washington State College. Present address, Fort Duchesne, Utah. LA VEVE PETTY, '33, Instructor in Physical Education, Branch Agricultural College, Cedar City, Utah. Miss Petty was active in music and extra-curricula activities while in College and was a member of Chi Omega. Since graduation, she has taught at Uintah High school. Present address, Cedar City, Utah.

MILDRED FORGEON RICH, '06, Housewife. Mrs. Rich majored in the school of commerce, active in debating, and was a member of Sorosis. She taught school in Richfield after leaving Utah State. Mrs. Rich has been a member of the Utah Legislature for three sessions. She has been a delegate to three National Democratic Conventions. During the past summer she spent three months touring Europe, returning in August. Present address, 77 Hillside Avenue, Salt Lake City, Utah.

RUBY STRINGHAM GARRETT, '28, Housewife. Head of Women's Projects for WPA, with headquarters in Salt Lake City. Mrs. Garrett majored in Home Economics and was a member of Alpha Sigma Nu, and Sorosis. She was at one time Home Demonstration agent for Davis County.

CHARLES DIXON KAPPLE, '17, Coach, Ogden High school. While at Utah State Mr. Kapple majored in the school of Arts and Sciences, was president of the Sophomore class and won letters in football, basketball, and track, and was a member of Phi Kappa Iota. He served over two years in the World War. Present address, 2767 Monroe Avenue, Ogden, Utah.

CANTRIL NIELSON, '28, Postmaster, Hyrum, Utah. While in school, Mr. Nielson was active in athletics, winning letters in football, basketball and track. He was active in extra-curricula activities and was a member of Phi Kapp!! Iota. Since graduation he has coached at South Cache High school and is a past Governor of Utah District Lions Clubs. Present address, Hyrum, Utah.

LUCILLE OWENS PETTY, '26, Housewife. Majored in the school of Education with a major in Physical Education. Since graduation, Mrs. Petty has done graduate work at the Brigham Young University and was at one time Dean of Women at Weber Junior College. Present address, 2521 Jackson Avenue, Ogden, Utah.

ORPHA SWEETEN BOYDEN, '29, Housewife. Mrs. Boyden majored in the school of commerce and was active in school affairs while at the College. Mrs. Boyden has worked in Washington, D. C., and Salt Lake City for the Government, ince graduation. She was vicepresident of the Salt Lake City chapter of the Alumni Association during the past year. Present address, 1449 Uintah Circle, SaiL Lake City, Utah.

EDITH WELCH MORGAN, '36, Housewife. While at Utah State, Mrs. Morgan was active in dramatics and other extra-curricula activities. She was a member of Chi Omega, Lambda Ro, Theta Alpha Phi, Phi Kappa Phi, Empyrean, and Editor of Scribble. Present ¡a:ddress, 575 North 1st East, Logan, Utah.

DR. GEORGE R. HILL, '08, Director of the Agricultural Research department of the American Smelting and Refining company. He received his Ph.D. from Cornell University in 1912. Present address, 1430 Yale Avenue, Salt Lake City, Utah.

WILLIAM H. WARNER, '26, Poultry specialist. While at Utah State, Mr. Warner majored in the school of Agriculture. He was a member of Phi Kappa Phi, and Pi Kappa Alpha. Present address, P. 0. Box 688, Salt Lake City, Utah.

ALUMNI DIRECTORY In the October Alumni Quarterly we printed by class, the names and addresses of graduates from 1894 to 1921. The 1921 class is completed in this issue and we include the classes up until 1928. Again we have tr~ed to give the correct name, marned name, address and occupation where路 ever possible. We in the office would greatly appreciate any correction that you might have or any address of those unknown. 1921 (Continued from lest issue)


Forest Vern, 1351 Fillmore, Salt

Lak~ City, Utah-Associate Plant Physi-

ologist, U. S. Bureau of Plant Industry, Washington, D. C. Peterson, Elsie, 444 North Myers, Burbanks, Calif.-(Mrs. Harold Peterson) Pix ton, Robert Leroy, Sandy, UtahTeacher, Jordan High School Price, Charles, 7132 El Prado, Riverside, Calif. Rallison, R. Leo, Cokeville, Wyo.-Teacher, Vocational Agriculture Richard, A. Morris, Huntsville, UtahEducational Advisor C.C.C. Robison, George Albert, Hinckley, UtahFarming and Livestock Raising Roger, David White, St. Johns, ArizonaCounty Agriculture Agent Sepheri, Ameen Khan, Teheran, Iron, Teheran British Legation Skanchy, Verna Louise, Stanford Hospital, Stanford, Calif.-Dietitian Snow, Dr. William J., 513 Hathway Ave., Houston, Texas-Physician and Surgeon Sutton, W. Hugh, deceased Vernon, Aldyth, Lewere and Cooke, Honolulu, T. H.-(Mrs. Ray Morris) p/ernon, Lois, 706 North Main, Logan, Utah - ( Mrs. H. Lee Hales) Wayman, Wallace R., Box 728, St. George, Utah Wright, Charles Coulsen, Ft. Duchesne, Utah-Supt. of Uintah-Ouray Reservation Wyatt, Elizabeth, Wellsville, Utah-Teacher Yae, Jsing Huang, Shanghai, China

Flanders Dr. Hyrum Edward, 2406 Elmos Place 'Middletown, Ohio-Supervisor, Re路 search Engineer, American Rolling Mill Company Fronger, Sybil, 326 12th, Idaho Falls, Idaho -(Mrs. Ball) Fuller, Dora, Public Library, 42nd St., New York City, N. Y.-Librarian Funk,_ Leroy C., Richmond, Utah-Farmer JGardner Wilford Woodruff, 1455 Harvard Ave., Salt Lake City, Utah-Engin~er Hansen Ernest Richard, 13641 Erwm St., Van 'Nuys, Calif.-Teacher, Van Nuys High School Harmon Frank Nelson, United States Ex路 perirn~nt Station, Shafter, Calif.-Horticulturist Heggie, Felecia L., Clarkston, Utah1922 Teacher Heywood, Ida, Sandy, Utah-Teacher, Jor- Allen, Hazel, 2483 South 13th East, Salt Lake City, Utah- (Mrs. Clifford G. dan High School Snow) Hurren Clarence Ashcroft, Hyde Park, Allred, M. Thatcher, 2736 Jackson Ave., Utah~Teacher, North Cache High Ogden, Utah-Teacher, Weber College Jacobs, Helene, 132 South 3rd West, Logan, Alvord, Harold Stevens, 366 Aquilla Court, Utah-(Mrs. Bryant Bullen) Omaha, Neb.-Boy Scout Executive Jerman, Ira Donald, Hyrum, Utah-Construction Engineer, U. S. Bureau of Rec- Bachman, Comfort M., 35 Infantry, Schofield Barracks, Hawaii- (Mrs. Frank lamation, Snake River Project Bock) Jones, Luella Peterson, Alpaugh, Calif.Bachman, George A., Fort Lyons, Colo.(Mrs. Earl Broadston) King, Ona J., Tremonton, Utah-(Mrs. F. Farro Superintendent Ballif, Serge Louis, 2509 39th St., N. W., B. Barlow) Knight, George C., Kamas, Utah-Farmer Washington, D. C.-U. S. Tariff Corn. Barrett, Eva May, 681 North 1st East, Loand Dairyman gan, Utah Laub, Emma Katherine, Cache Valley Electric, Logan, Utah-Secretary and Treas. v:Baternan, George Q., U.S. A. C. Campus, Lorentzen Eden C., 1015 South 14th East, Logan, Utah-Supt. Ag. Exp. Farm Bennion, Clair, Cedar City, Utah-(Mrs. Salt L;ke City, Utah-Associate ProfesJones) sor of Economics, University of Utah Madan)r<'Seyed Jafar Khan, Gorgan, Persia Bradford. Lola R., Spanish Fork, UtahTeacher, Spanish Fork Junior High ~ Maughan, . Angus M., Ri chfield, UtahBrown, Effie Hawkes, 451 North 3rd East, Principal, Richfield High School Logan, Utah-Teacher, Logan High Maughan, Elsie, Nephi, Utah-(Mrs. A. H. Cannon, Allan Munn, Blackfoot, IdahoBelliston) Farmer McDonald Howard, 1428 18th Ave., San Cannon, Dou ~las, Tremonton, UtahFrancisdo Calif.- Deputy Superintendent Teacher, Bear River High School of School~. San Francisco McDonald Loa S., Colonia Pacheco, Chi- Carlson, John Wilford, 87 North 5th East, Logan, Utah-Assoc. Agronomist, U. S. hauhua 'Mexico- (Mrs. Marion Wilson l Dept. of Agriculture McKay 'Morgan Powell, Bunker Hill Srnel~r, Kellogg, Idaho- Agricultural Clark, Heber Don Carlos, Jordan High School Seminary, Salt Lake City, UtahExpert Teacher, L. D. S. Seminary ~cMullin, Thomas Heber, Bingham Canyon Utah-Principal, Bingham High Clarke, Samuel Cyril, 276 North 1st West, Logan, Utah-Accountant >Mend~nhall, Blanche-, 269 B St., Salt Lake City, Utah-(Mrs. Richard P. Condie) Clyde, Harry Schley, 1553 Kensington Ave., Merrill, Oretta Dudley, Preston, ldahoSalt Lake City, Utah-Member of Con"(Mrs. Carl Carlson)-Teacher tracting Firm, W. W. Clyde Const. Co. Miller Elna, U.S. A. C. Campus, Logan, Crookston, Edna Hilda, 103 Second St., Scotia, New York- (Mrs. T. T. Terry) Utah-Extension Nutritionist Daines, Luella, 19 Monte Vista, WatsonOberhansley, Pearl, 559 24th St., Ogden, Utah-( Mrs. Thatcher Allred) ville, Calif.-(Mrs. Alwyn C. Sessions) Daines, Carmen, 357 East 5th North, Logan, Olesen Einar Bernhardt, Richmond, Utah Utah-(Mrs. Earl A. Frederickson) -T~acher, North Cache High School

Diehl, E. J., Ft. Duchesne, Utah-Agriculturist Indian Service Eames, Leona, Preston, Idaho-( Mrs. David E. Daley) Edmunds, Ruby, 1152 Princeton Ave., Salt Lake City, Utah Falck, Louis K., 448 University, Salt Lake City, Utah-Salesman Fletcher, Eula, Route 2, Idaho Falls, Idaho -(Mrs. Charles Wilkins) ..-Gardner, Vernal Delroy, U.S. A. C. Campus, Logan, Utah-Professor of AccountingGrirnaud, Virginia, East lOth North, Logan, Utah Hansen, Percy, Richfield, Utah-Manager, J. C. Penney Company Hart, Charles James, B. Y. U., Provo, Utah -Ass' t Prof. in Education and Athletics Harvey, Hugh, 3543 North 7th St., Phoenix, Arizona-Livestock Business Henrie, Irven Lund!, Gunnison, UtahTeacher, Gunnison High School Heywood, David Evans, Phoenix, Ariz.Farrn Management Service Hinman, Karl G., Farmington, Utah Hintze, Alvin Boyd, South 1517 Wall Ave., Spokane, Wash.-Sales Agent Kenner, Robert Lee, 1226 Browning Blvd., Los Angeles, Calif. Kimball, Chase Ray, 2422 Adams St., Ogden, Utah-Civil Engineer 路 Law, Elizabeth J., 2651 16th St., N. W., Washington, D. C. Lewis, Reva, 3655 Grant Ave., Ogden, Utah -(Mrs. Rulon White) Lindsay, Agnes, 517 East Tulare, Tulare, Calif.-(Mrs. Wallace B. Parkinson) M..inford, Dr. Maurice Blood, Honolulu, T. H.-Plant Pathologist, Hawaiian Pineapple Growers Experiment Station Loveless, Glenn L., Payson, Utah Lung, Kai Kurn, 3 Bonham Road, Hong Kong Merrill, Loila D., 1149 East 8th South, Salt Lake City, Utah Merrill, W. J., 34-47 80th St., Jackson Heights, N. Y.-Vice-Pres. and Treas., Great Island Corporation -.Morris, Dr. Sadie 0., U. S. A. C. Campus, Logan, Utah-(Mrs. Richard A. Morris) -Assoc. Professor of Foods and Dietetics Mortenson, James Leo, Litchfield Park, Ariz.-Teaching, Vocational Agriculture vNebeker, Si<!ney J ., Laketown, Utah-Stock Raiser Nelson, Dr. Daniel H., 157 Division St., Madison, Wisconsin-In Charge of Laboratory and Research Work Nielson, Leo Halling, Union, Oregon Odell, Florence Louise, 1456 Kensington Ave., Salt Lake City, Utah-(Mrs. Russell P. Wight) Page, Anna, St. George, Utah- Teacher, Horne Economics Parkinson, Wallace B., Tulare County General Hospital, Tulare, Calif.-Physician rl'orter, Wilford Dowdle, U. S. A. C. Campus, Logan, Utah-College Editor Querry, Hattie Bell- (Mrs. George A. Ross) Reece, Jennie Aileen, 946 Temple, Knoxville, Tenn.-Ass't in the Nursery School, University of Tennessee Rich, Geneve, 619 East 4th North, Logan, Utah-( Mrs. Clyde J. Worley) Richardson, Rufus D., 175 Orange, Auburn, Calif.-Teacher, Smith Hughes Ag. Riter, William Emerson, 4010 lOth St., N. E., Washington, D. C.-Ass't Chief, Bureau of Biological Survey Ruff, Enid Elizabeth, 870 Douglas, Salt Lake City, Utah-(Mrs. W. C. Brown) Eleven

ALUMNI DIRECTORY nowlton, Dr. George Franklin, U.S.A.C. Slaugh, Forest Steven, Lakeport, Calif.- Church, Rudolph, Panquitcb, Utah-Postmaster and· Hotel Proprietor Campus-Research Associate Professor, Indian Service Entomology Smith, Arthur Bennion, Monroe, Utah- Clark, Josephine, 270 North 2 East, Logan, Utah-{Mrs. S. R. Stock) angton, Lucie G., 531 First Avenue, Salt Teacher, South Sevier High School Lake City, Utah-{Mrs. G. McFarlane) Smith, Driver Edwin, V':rnal, Utah-Dist. Clegg, Rue Lawton, 2525 Adams Avenue, Ogden, Utah-Attorney at Law Larsen, Floyd C., 1219 Oak St., Jefferson Clerk, Board of Education City, Mo.-City Engineer Smith, Moroni West, Richfield, Utah- Conroy, Maurice R., 2849 Marilyn Drive, Ogden, Utah-Teacher, Ogden School Larsen, Parley Rudolph, 35 South 7th East, Teacher, L. D. S. Seminary Salt Lake City, Utah-Salesman, Utah Spande, Syril Eleanor, 103 Judson St., Syra- Conway, Herman M., 4125 Johnson Ave., Western Springs, IlL-Livestock Econo. Power & Light cuse New York-{Mrs. Grant E. Bowen) Lee, Olivia, Mescalero, New Mexico--{Mrs. Steven~on, Clifford Allen, 2456 Hilgrad, Cook, Leah, Spanish Fork, Utah- {Mrs. Lorin W. Jones) Lester Knight) Berkeley, Calif.-Engineer tock, Sidney Richard, U.S. A. C. Campus, Cooly, Marcus Robert, Newton, Utah- J Linford, Dr. Leon Blood, U.S.A.C. Campus, Farmer -Professor of Physics Logan, Utah-Assoc. Professor of Radio Cooper, Hanah LaRene, 1561 27th Street, McFarlane, Donald C., 237 Custom House, and Automotive Electricity Ogden, Utah-Teacher, Utah School for Denver, Colorado Thain George Wendell, 1075 Subway Terthe Blind Magleby, Rulon Talmage, Ririe, Idaho min'al Bldg., Los Angeles, Calif.-lnsurCorbett, Don Melvin, 1129 Westwood Ave., Maughan, Joseph Salisbury, 1909 Washingance Broker v'fingey, Delmar Clive, U.S. A. C. Campus, Chattanooga, Tenn.-Engineer, U.S. Geoton Ave., Boise, Ida.-Manager, Oakley Logan Utah-Assoc. Prof. of Agronomy graphical Survey Electric Company Tippets,' A. 1., Ephraim, Utah-Teacher, Cowan, Glenn Fae, Payson, Utah-Asst. McBride, Cora G., Cedar City, UtahCashier, State Bank of Payson {Mrs. John G. Pace) Social Science, Snow Junior College cClellan, Charles Eli, U.S.A.C. Campus, Walker, Florence, 80 Ord St., San F:ll!l· Croft, Gordon Y., Zion National Park, Utah cisco Calif.-{Mrs. Arthur M. Balzanm) -Teacher, Ogden High School -Professor of Education Whelle~, Jesse K., 1552 Michigan Ave., Salt Crook, Ernest Ray, Fairview, Wyoming- McNeil, Inez, Castle Dale, Utah-{Mrs. Farmer Floyd Jorgenson) Lake City, Utah Willie Vernal, Brigham City, Utah-Field Crowther, Edna, 3469 Porter, Ogden, Utah Merrill, Olonzo David, 121 Cleveland Ave., Age~t, Farm Credit Administration -{Mrs. Joseph Ririe) Salt Lake City, Utah Worley, Clyde J., 619 East 4th North, Lo- Daley, David Earl, Preston, Idaho-Acct. Mitchell, Joseph Harold, 1226 Central Ave., gan, Utah-Livestock Utah Power & Light Safford, Arizona-Principal, High School Wrathall Penina, 10831 Acoma St., North Edwards, Mae, Hotel Mayan, 2045 West '{ Morris, Arthur John, U.S.A.C. Campus· Holl~ood, Calif.-{Mrs. Milton Ander· \ 8 Street, Los Angeles, California Associate Prof. of Dairy Manufacturing J Egbert, Samuel Roy, U.S.A.C. Campus- .J Morris, Laval Sidney, U.S.A.C. Campusson) Asst. Prof. of Machine Work-Sheet Metal Associate Professor of Horticulture 1923 Eggen, Silas, Box 183, Maxwell, California Nelson, Hazel, 163 East 3 North, Logan, Adams, Claude Harris, Box 1407 Merced, -Instructor, Ag. Science, Maxwell Union Utah-{ Mrs. R. H. Smith) Berkeley, Calif.-Attorney, Federal Land High School Park, Ralph, 1253 Coswell, Venice, Calif. Bank Ellis, Reuben Alexander, 906 Canyon Road, -Salesman, Carnation Dairy Allen, Lucille, 1405 Washington, Boise, Ogden, Utah-Teacher, Washington Jr. Peck, Bramwell Leonard, 253 West 1 North, ldaho-{Mrs. M. P. Douglas) High School Logan, Utah Bachman, Blaine, 1162 26th Street, Ogden, Ensign, Geneva, Ft. Duchesne, Utah- Pederson, Lyman Clarence, 1070 Denver Utah-Asst. Sec. & Cashier Amalgama{Mrs. Coulson Wright) Street, Salt Lake City, Utah-Accountted Sugar Company Evans, James Walton, Box 54, Malad, Ida. ant, Utah Oil Refining Company Ballard, Carmen T., Logan Senior High -Farmer Porter, Ina, 1512 South 9th East, Salt Lake School, Logan, Ut~-Teacher Fish, Dr. Murland W., First Nat'! Bank City, Utah-{Mrs. L. H. Hatch) Beach, Floyd Marion, 405 East 2 North, Bldg., Brigham City, Utah-Phys. & Sur. · Price, Jackson, High School, Redding, Logan, Utah Fornoff, Dr. Homer Smith, 6045 LaSalle California-Principal, High School \ Bell, William Harold, U.S.A.C. CampusAve., Oakland, Calif.-Phys. & Surgeon Rice, Oscar LeGrande, U.S. Bureau of Reclamation, Denver, Colo.-Engineer . Registrar Groesbeck, Wm. Berton, Springville, Utah Bennion, Deane, R.F.D.1, Murray, Utah-Chemist, Republic Creosoting Co. Robison, Myrt Darwin, Jr., 922 Peralta St., Bennion, Erma, 69 South 2 East, Logan, Haldeman, Ward Franklin, Pine Grove, Berkeley, Calif.-Artist and Photographer Utah-{Mrs. J. M. Christensen) Pennsylvania Rogers, Louise, 1123 Spazier, Glendale, Hansen, Carol M., 2415 Manti Rae Court, Calif.-{Mrs. William Martini) Bigler, Horace James, Riverside, UtahPrincipal, Escalante High School Alameda, Calif.-{Mrs. John R. Durham) Rosengreen, Dr. Harold N., 1106 Summit Bjorkman, Swen Robert, Sugar City, Ida. Hansen, Nels Severin, Weston, Idaho-Ave., Seattle, Wash.-Phys. & Surgeon -Supt. of Schools Postmaster, Farmer Rowland, Priscilla, 312 West Center, Logan, Boothe, John Neff, Preston, IdahoHarris, Karl, Room 24, P. 0. Bldg., Phoenix, Utah-Home Economics Teacher ~eacher, Preston High School Arizona-Engineer anford, Ralph Brown, 545 12th Street, Boss, Anna, Provo, Utah-{Mrs. John W. Hatch, Geneive, Woods Cross, Utah Ogden, Utah-Principal, Weber County Hart) \ Hatch, Lafayette T., deceased High School Bowman, Wm. Wattis, 1516 Harvard Ave. Hendricks, Ira King, U.S.A.C. Campus- Schlappy, Henry Arnold, Lehi, UtahSalt Lake City, Utah-Managing Editor, {on leave) Graduate Student, Stanford U. Farmer Salt Lake _Tribune . . Holm, Stanley A., deceased Sessions, Eldo_n Bryson, Price, Utah-Pres., Brown, Elinede Fre~nck, Colorado Af!.n. Homer, Leo King, Hurricane, Utah _CarJ:>on Jumor College . . . College, Fort Collms, <;:olo.-AssoCJate Hunter, W. Spencer, 215-5, Idaho Falls, S1e~fned, Joshua F., Downieville, Calif. Professor, Home ~conom•cs Idaho-Insurance Salesman Sm1th, Elm~r C:·• 5453 _ Ethel Ave., Van l'!uys, ~a~Iform~-Engmeer - Brown, N. Ea:l, Hmckley,_ Utah-Farmer Jackson Miriam Honolulu T. HawaiiBuckwalter, Mildred,_ Amencan Fork, Utah Hawaii Elec tri~ Company' Sm1th, Wllha?" Richard, Box 134, Evanston, -{Mrs. F. K. Sullivan) . . Wyo.-Agncultural County Agent Budge Blanche 8020 Bonhomme Avenue, Jarvis, Rose, Cedar City, Utah-{Mrs. Ezra Spande Mabel 133 K Street Salt Lake ' S t. L' oms, . Mo.- {M rs. P eter R . J Thompson) c·1ty, 'u tah- '<M rs. Earl W. 'Harmer) Cl ayton, H M . R' h d U ah Johnston) ensen, aze1 ane, IC mon • t Staker, Ernest Vernon, 221 Valley Road, Campell, Alonzo Clem, Caldwell, Idaho-{Mrs. Roy. Funk)_ Ithaca, New York- Research Chemist, Mgr. Campbell Implement Company Johns?"• Enc Alvm, U.S.A.C. CampusU.S.D.A., Cornell Carter, Chas. H., Bureau of Reclamation, Assistant Secretary Standing, Russell J., 247-3 Street, San HerKnight Bldg., Provo, Utah-Engineer, Johnson, Greta, 6~2. North 5 East, Logan, nardino, Calif.-Engineer Bureau of Reclamation Utah-{Mrs. Wilh~ H. Bell) Stanger, Albert George, Idaho Falls, Idaho ohnson, Dr. Peter Rich, 8020 Bonhomme -Manager Idaho Falls Bonded WareChristensen, Constance, 55 Hampton Place, Nutley, N. J.-{Mrs. 0. H. Hyde) Ave., Clayton, St. Louis, Mo.-Physician house Com~any Christensen, Wilford Woodruff, Idaho Falls, Jones, Ml!'ry C., 66 North 2nd West, Salt Sumsion, Glen Willie, Springville, UtahIdaho--Supt., Idaho Falls Schools Lake C1ty, Utah L.D.S. Seminary Christiansen, Jos. Rulon, Fountain Green, Kelsey, Blaine John, 5316 lh Denker Ave., Sutherland, Dr. Thomas Gordon, Auburn, Utah-Principal, Fountain Green School Los Angeles, California Washington-Physician and Surgeon Twelve

ALUMNI DIRECTORY Fife, lila, 705 Pine, Pullman, Washington Loose, Clarence Charles, 383 East 2 South, Taylor, Melvin, Marion, Utah-Rancher Provo, Utah - (Mrs. Leo Campell) Thompson, Dr. Earl, Claremont, Calif.Lougee, John, Sharon, Idaho-Farmer Fife, J. Milton, 3201 Pine Street, Riverside, Principal and District Supt. of Schools Lyman, E. Ray, Parowan, Utah-Farmer CaliforniaThomson, Dr. Wendell J., 1053 25th Street, Forsgren, John Clifford, Preston, Idaho- Merrill, Ray S., Pleasant Grove, UtahOgden, Utah-Physician and Surgeon Principal, Elementary School Teacher, High School West, Lawrence Milton, 4338 Van Buren Fowles, Joseph Dell, Thatcher, Idaho- Midgley, Alvin Ross, Vermont Agricultural Place, Los Angeles, California Experiment Station, Burlington, Vermont Teacher, High School Westcott, Warren K. -Research Agronomist Free, Josephine, 221 Valley Road, Ithaca, Williams, Jack, Dinuba, California-High Morris, Elgin Henry, Kanab, Utah-Auto; New York-(Mrs. E. V. Staker) School Coach mobile Repair Business Wilson, Milton T., 1487 South 15th East, VFrischnecht, Carl, U.S.A.C. CampusMortensen, Hyrum K., Douglas, ArizonaAssistant, Poultry Husbandry Salt Lake City, Utah-Engineer Teacher Woodside, Margaret J., Tremonton, Utah- Frost, J. Anthony, River Heights, Logan, Nelson, Mabel, 2723 Washington Avenue UtahTeacher, Bear River High School Ogden, Utah-(Mrs. H. B. Fry) ' Worley, Katherine, 6045 LaSalle Avenue, Fry, Verle Nelson, Room 737, 417 S Hill, Nelson, Myra, 312 West Center, Logan, Los Angeles, Calif.-Attorney at Law Oakland, Calif.-(Mrs. H. S. Fornoff) Utah-(Mrs. Henry R. Cooper) Young, Vernon A., University of Idaho, Funk, Claudia, 1434 East 17th South, Salt Nelson, Naomi, 2246 East 3 North, Provo, Lake City, Utah-(Mrs. C. R. Walter) Moscow, Idaho-Professor of Range Utah-(Mrs. Leroy Robertson) Garner, Ray Douglas, Parowan, UtahManagement ~Nichols, Mar~ Harding, . State Capitol, Teacher, High School 1924 Salt Lake City, Utah-Duector of Agrieddes, Martha, 3638 Sacramento St., San cultural Education Adamson, David Duane, deceased Francisco, California Nielson, ~dith, Beaver City, Utah-(Mrs. ~Adamson, Herbert, 38 North 3 East, Brig· Gurrel, Norbert Austin, 1476 South Penn., E. Hams) ham City, Utah-Educational Director, Denver, Colo.-Engineer Newton, Fred M., deceased C.C.C. Gordon, Dr. Edith, 6508 29th Ave., S.W. , Alexander, Viola Allen, Raymond, Alberta, Seattle, Wash.-(Mrs. Harold Rosen· ~Oberhansley, Frank R., Yellowstone Park Wyoming-Recreational Director ' Canada gren)-Physician and Surgeon Obray, Ernest Sheldon, Paradise, UtahAnderson, Mabel, 29 Preston Ave., Logan, Hadfield, William Edward, 679 Leland Ave., Teacher, South Cache High School Utah-(Mrs. D. C. Tingey) Salt Lake City, Utah-Florist Osmond, Waldo, 909 Ventura Ave., BerkeAtwood, Walter Edward, Roosevelt, Utah- Hales, Heber Lee, 706 North Main, Logan, ley, Calif.-Head, English Department Smith Hughes Teacher Utah-U.S. Mail Carrier Balli!lger, Pearson A., 781 23rd St., Ogden, \ Hammond, Owen Cyril, First Security Bank, Packer, Grant P., 13 Street, Idaho Falls, Idaho-Insurance Agent Utah-Scowcroft & Sons Company Ogden, Utah-Assistant Cashier Patrick, lnga Amelia, 328 East H Street, Barlow, Naomi, Buckingham Village, Ar- --lHarris, Sterling R., Tooele, Utah-Person· Ontario, Calif.-Jr. High School Teacher lin~ton, Va.-(Mrs. Matthias P. Monson) nel Advisor, International Smelting and Pedersen, Alice, University of Hawaii, HonBarrett, Joseph N., Bureau of Reclamation, Refining Company olulu, T. H.-Home Demonstration Agent Denver, Colorado-Engineer Hawley, Luell, U.S.S. Black Hawk, San Peterson, Moylen, deceased Bartlett, Jeffrey H., 402 High St., Cranford, \ Francisco, Calif.-(Mrs. Dona Eppley) Peterson, Myrtle, 3252 Front St., San Diego, New Jersey ~ Hayward, Ira N., U.S.A.C. Campus-Asst. Calif.-(Mrs. M. Bruce) elnap, R. Stanton, 1210 Grove St., Boise, Professor of English Rallison, R. Leo, Cokeville WyomingIdaho-Salesman, Capital Electric Hendricks, Abbie, Placerville, Calif. Teacher Vocational Ag. ' Bennion, Elma, Provo, Utah-(Mrs. Karl Hickman Radino Lawisch, 2585 Fowler, Ranker, Dr. Emery R., 800 Highland Ave. E. Young) Ogden,1Utah-Sperry Flour Mills Oakland, Calif.-Physican & Surgeon' Bickmore, Charles Irving, Denver, Colo.Hitzger, Albert J. Reid, Dalton M., Hyrum, Utah-Tester Acct., Mt. States Tel. and Tel. Company Horsley, Ruth , 1168 East 8th South, Salt Herd Improvement Association ' Boden, Ethel Bernettie, 365 South Main, Lake City, Utah-(Mrs. Chadwick) Ren cher, John Umpsted, Burley, IdahoBrigham City, Utah-(Mrs. Elmer B. Howell, Wesley G., 1330 Roosevelt Ave., Teacher, Shop Mechanics Lund) U.S.A.C. Extension Service Home Salt Lake City, Utah-Attorney at Law Richards, I. Lucille, 622 Roosevelt Avenue Demonstration Agent Hunter, W. Spencer Salt Lake City, Utah-Teacher ' Burgoyne, John Melvin, Kanab, UtahHussey, Norma, 2970 Adams Ave., Ogden, Savage, Willis, deceased Vocational Agricultural Instructor Utah-(Mrs. Clifton Crowther) Schank, LeRoy Christian, Fallon Nevada Burningham, Josephine, 565 8th Avenue, Hyde, Wendell 0., 55 Hampton Place, -Vocational Ag. Instructor ' Salt Lake City, Utah-( Mrs. M. Nichols) Nutley, N. J.-Dep t. Superviso r, Western Seegmiller, Charles R., 459 Cross Street, Cazier, Martha, Shiprock, New MexicoElectric Company Ogden, Utah-Teacher, Grant School Ivins Blish, Burbank, Calif.-(Mrs. A. B. (Mrs. James H. Eager) Sessions, Alice, Ephraim, Utah-(Mrs. LyChamberlain, Karl, P.O. Box 391, Ogden, Jones) man Willardson) . Utah-Engineer, U.S. Bureau of Roads lvin!j, Loraine Redd , Lund, Nevada-PrinSessions, Alwyn, P.O. Box 899, Watsonville Chambers, Veda, Smithfield, Utah-(Mrs. cipal, High School Calif. -Asst. Director of Research, Cali Stratford Smith) J ensen, Clifford N., deceased Spray Chemical Corp. Jensen Milton 2023 Grasmere Drive LouisCole, Wilford C., Box 672, University of Calif., Davi.s, Calif.-Professor of Dairy ville: Ken tu ~ky-Consulting Psychologist Shaw, Clarke C., Myton, Utah-Rancher Shepard, Dorothy, 216 5th East, Copperton, Manufacturmg Johnson, Clover V., Kaysville, Utah-(Mrs. Bingham Canyon, Utah-(Mrs. Theodore Coles, Herschel H. Newell V. Sanders) Rogers) Cox, Verona, Fallon, Nevada-(Mrs. L. C. Johnston, Mton E., Blanding, Utah-(Mrs. Smith, Ardella B., 224 East 4 North, Logan, Schank) B E Stevens) Cranny, Kimball, 1535 Harvard Ave., NSalt J ones, · ·A. B., Burb an k , Cal'f E · f Utah-(Mrs. J. Francis Griffith) Ut h Sal M t'l 1 . - ngmeer o .ty Lak e C1 , a es anager, a Wali w k Smith, Delamr Eyre, Jerome, Idaho-AgriBiscuit Company c or s M Utah culturist, Amalgamated Sugar Company Croft Jack U.S.A.C. Cam us-Dean of Jones, La_wrenc~ Walter, onroe, Smith, Farrell P., St. George, Utah-Soil Me~ ' p Farmer and Livestock Conservation Service , Dalton, Hiram E., 237 Custom House, Den· Keller, Dr. Aile!! D.: Tuscaloosa, Alabama Smith, Norma Irene, Hyrum, Utah ver, Colo.-Engineer, U.S. Bureau of -Faculty, Umverstty of Alabama Smith, Dr. Robert Denton, Fort Hauchirca, Roads Kennard, Frankland James, Vernal, Utah Arizona-First Lieut., Medical Corps, Daniels, Fred, P .O. Box 590, Las Cruces, _-C.C.C. Supervisor . . U.S. Army New Mexico-First National Bank King, Ralph T., Syracuse Umverslty, SyraSmith, Rulon, Beelenue Apt., Taft, Calif. Eager, James H., Shiprock, New Mexico cus~, New ~ork-Director, Forest ExSorenson, Lawrence J., 648 East 2 North, - Experiment Farm, U.S. Indian Res. penment ~tauon . Logan, Utah Ellsworth, Von Theurer, 1634 LeRoy, Berke- · Knowles, W~lard Bau~h, 1149_ W:est Arh!lgSorenson, Phillip H., 437 · 23rd Street, ley, Calif.-Director, California Farm ton, Marunez, Calif. - Prmctpal, High Ogden, Utah School Bureau Federation Elsmore, Aldia, Dividend Utah-(Mrs. Jay Logan, John Stewart, 1204 N. E. 16 Street, Spenney, Addison L., P. 0 . Box 581, Cheyenne, Wyo.-Department Adjutant and L. Roundy) ' Oaklahoma City, Oaklahoma-Engineer, Service Office, American Legion Faucett, Jedediah Robert, St. George, Utah U.S. Bureau of Roads


ALUMNI DIRECTORY Childs, Florence, c/o Linley Grocery Co., Starr, Albert LeRoy, School for Deaf, Reo, Nevada-(Mrs. F. Packard) Boulder, Montana-Teacher, in charge Clark, Ernest, L.D.S. Seminary, Afton, Wyo. Academic Department -Teacher Tanner, Arthur E., 1523 Martel Avenue, Clark, LeRoy Beebe Hollywood, Calif.-Teacher Clark, Lucius, Bancroft, Idaho-Seminary Tolman, Lloyd Willis, Lava Hot Springs, Teacher Idaho-Superintendent of Schools Clemen¡ts, Charles Joseph, 2329 Lincoln Trask, James W. Ave., Ogden, Utah ./Walker, Dr. Dilworth, U.S.A.C. Campus, Cluff, Millard K., St. Charles, Idaho-State Representative, Bureau of Ag. Creamery Economics Cole, Ralph Chase, Davis, Calif.-DepL Whitney, Byron M. of Soils Willeson, William H., 237 Custom House, Cole, Russell Wallace, Park City, UtahDenver, Colo.-U.S. Highway Engineer Electrical Engineer, Utah Power & Light Williams, Agnes E., 635 23rd St., Ogden, Company . Utah-(Mrs. Keith Saxton) Winn, Carl D., Box 581 , M~ricopa, Calif. ~omish, Reata, U.S.A.C. Campus-Instructor in Foods -Instructor, Maricopa High School Wood, Cathryn, 1812 Pa. Ave., N. W., Cooley, LaVell I., 3815 Vista Street, Long Beach, Calif.-Research Engineer Washington, D. C.-Owner and Manager Coray, Clarence A., 605 Washington Ave., of "Wood Shed" tea room Odgen, Utah Wood, Deloris, 52 East 1st North, Salt Lake Cowley, Samuel P., deceased City, Utah-(Mrs. William L. Beamson) Cranney, Florence, c/o George Apartments, Woodruff, Oliver C., Smithfield, UtahIdaho Falls, ldaho-(Mrs. F. McBirney) Dairyman Wotton, David Alvan, 1788 Yalecrest Ave., Davis, Parley Q., 1334 Bryan Ave., Salt Lake City, Utah-Physical Education Salt Lake City, Utah-Teacher Director, South High School {whornham, George, Fillmore, Utah-AgriDeschamps, Louis, Malad Idaho-Farmer cultural Agent Doolas, George Zaphyrois, Salonica, Greece, oung Karl E., Brigham Young University, -Salonica Ag. Industrial Institution Pro;o, Utah- Asst. Professor of English Eliason, Drue, 1614 26th Street, Ogden, Utah-(Mrs. D. Douglas) 1925 Erickson, Alfred LeRoy, Salem, UtahPrincipal, Junior High School Adams, Joseph Charles, 394 East 4 North, Erickson, Elgin Wilford, Berkeley, Calif. Logan, Utah-Teacher -Teacher, Berkeley High School Anderson, Melvin Eliason, 370 13th Street, Evans, Morrill, Lehi, Utah Idaho Falls, Idaho-Plant Pathologist Evans, Rita, Hulme, deceased Anderson, Woodruff Hyrum, Springville, J Farnsworth, Dr. Burton Kent, 219 Eighth Utah- Teacher Ave., Salt Lake City, Utah-Director of Arakawa Yasua, 27 North 5 St., Tairo Secondary Education City, Fukishimaken, Japan-Agricultural Farnsworth, Charles Henry, Blackfoot, Ida. Experiment Station . Fenton, John Stanley, Sugar City, Idaho Austin, Lloyd James, Box 146, Altura, Cahf. Finlayson, Frank E., 126 Princeton Street, -Teacher Bachman, Halvy Elias, deceased Ontario, Calif.-Electrical Engineer Bair Amos William, Richmond, Utah- Ford, John William, 708 South 3 Street, T~acher, North Cache High School Hamilton, Montana-Store Manager { Baker, Cecil, 5770 South 15th "W_est, ~alt Froerer, David Lester, 2363 Monroe Ave., Lake City, .Utah-Coach, Gramte High Ogden, Utah-Realtor School \I Fuhriman, Dr. Walter U., U.S.A.C. Campus, Bankhead, Heber N., 2718 Ave. G., BrookAssoc. Professor, Agricultural Economics lyn, New York-Accountant Gardner, Bertrand R., Rexburg, Idaho Barker, Horace Lymann, R.F.D. 3, Box 65, Gardner, Marian, Bedford, Wyo.- (Mrs. Ogden, Utah-Farmer Marian Fluckiger) Bateman, Harold C., Logan, Utah-Teacher. Goodsell, Violet, 1085 Windsor, Salt Lake Logan High School City, Utah-(Mrs. Dwight Flickinger) Benson, Sergene, 416 26th Street, Ogden, Gospill, Howard Watson, Milford, UtahUtah-(Mrs. S. Simmons) Farmer Bergstrom, Jared E., 362 West 80 Street, Green, Raymond Williams, Wellsville Utah Los Angeles, Calif.-Office Mgr., Douglass Gregory, Fred E., deceased Airplane Factory Grewal, Jaswant Singh, Distri ct Ludhiana, erntsen, Milton R., 1443 Kensington Ave., Punjab, India \J Salt Lake City, Utah riffin, Louis Henry, 1457 25th St., Ogden, ' \ Bolingbroke, Delbert Thomas, Rexburg, Utah-Office Mgr., Weber Central Dairy o:r.J" Idaho-County Agricultural Agent riffiths, Robert E., Smithfield, UtahBowen, Grant R., 103 Judson St., Syracuse, Mercantile Operator New York-Florist Hall, Claude LeRoy, 149 West 3 North, Burmmett, Wesley Bernard, Duchesne, Utah Logan, Utah Budge, Dr. Oliver Wendell, 186 West Halverson, Roy, B.A.C. Cedar City, UtahCenter, Logan, Utah-Phys. & Surgeon Asst. Prof. of Instrumental Music Bullen, Helen, 192 East 1 North, Logan, Harris, Charles Waldron Utah-Music Teacher Bullen, Hershel Keith, 192 East 1 North, Hatch, Edna, 5770 South 15th West, Salt Lake City, Utah-(Mrs. Cecil Baker) Logan, Utah-Engineer Burgoyne, Ivan Edwin, 351 Wall St., Salt Heaton, Terrence Carroll, Orderville, Utah -Rancher Lake City, Utah-Agronomist, American Smelting and Refining Company Hendricks, Charles Durrell, Lewiston, Utah - Farmer . Butts, Clyde A., deceased Campbell, Dr. Leo, 1603 North State St., Hirst, Dr. Lester Larson, 381 Greenlee Rd., Pullman, Washington-Plant Pathologist Brentwood, Pittsburgh, Pa. - Chemist U.S.D.A. Bureau of Mines Chambers, Chester Arthur




Homer, Charles M., 203 Plymouth Street, Missoula, Montana-Teacher, Missoula High School House, Willis George, Denver, Colorado Jensen, Leslie 0. Jeppson, Robert Baird, Carson City, Nevada -State Supervisor, Ag. Educator Jessop, Donald, St. Louis, Mo.-City Supervisor of Music Jones, Jennie, Heber, Utah Kennard, John Gleason, Overton, Nevada -Teacher, High School Kirk, Harvey, Petaluma, Calif.-Salesman, Pohlman Hatchery Kotter, Guenivere, San Diego State Teachers College, San Diego, Calif.-(Mrs. George Bacon) Instructor Larson, Melva, 1365 South 21st East, Salt Lake City, Utah-(Mrs. C. M. Anderson) Lemon, Melvin Wm., Bucknell University, Lewisburg, Pa.-Professor of Music Longhurst, George Leonard, Woodruff, Utah ¡ -Farmer May, Lucille, Hinckley, Utah-(Mrs. Rulon F. Hinckley) McKinnon, Freeman Francis, Box 625, Jefferson City, Mo.-Chemist McKnight, Benjamin Stanley, Minersville, Utah Merrill, Casper Whittle, Richmond, Utah -Mgr., Caspers Ice Cream Merrill, Dr. Malcolm H., University of California, San Francisco, Calif.- Medical School, Hospital Physician errill, Milton R., U.S.A.C. Campus (on leave)-Graduate Student, Columbia U., New York, N. Y. Moosman, David D., 1745 Madera Street, Berkeley, Calif. Morrell, Hattie, Logan, Utah-Teacher, Junior High School Murdock, Clarence, Driggs, Idaho-Music Teacher, High School Nelson, Rebecca Ann, Draper, Utah Nielson, Preston Matt, 15 Broad Street, New York City, N.Y.-Attorney at Law Noble, Dr. Willard, Smithfield, UtahPhysician Norby, Joris C.. O'Brien, Timothy, Patterson, Mona, Orderville, Utah-(Mrs. T. C. Heaton) Pearson, Essie Nathan, Delta, Utah Powell, Ellen Kathleen, Mton, Wyoming -(Mrs. Dixon Burton) Pulley, Dr. Hamlet C., Graduate Medical Study, John Hopkins, Baltimore, Md. Quayle, James William, 711 West 10 North, Logan, Utah-Farmer Rich, Lyman Holmes, U.S.A.C. CampusExtension Service, Dairy Specialist ich, Moses Logan, Room 1115, 448 South Hill Street, Los Ange les, Calif.-Attorney at Law Ricks, Paul Cardon, 17 Dulwich Road, Oakland, Calif.-Engineer Richardson, Stanley Solon, 1315 West Jefferson, Boise, Idaho-State Supervisor, Vocational Agriculture Robinson , Lamond William, Farmington, Utah Rose, Cora L., P. 0. Box 1604, Pocatello, Idaho-Teacher, High School Russell, Howard R., 1886 South 2nd East, Salt Lake City, Utah-Machinist Seegmiller, Carlos W., 838 25th Street, Ogden, Utah-Engineer, Bureau of Public Roads Sessions, Sarah Ann, Box 231, Ephraim, Utah-(Mrs. Ludeal Neilson) Skanchy, Dr. Alphonso Oliver, San Bruno, Calif.-Physician and Surgeon

ALUMNI DIRECTORY Smith, Byron J., Logan, Utah-Smith Bros. Lumber Company Smith, Marjorie, 131 Blvd. Voltaire, Paris, France-(Mrs. Rene Russier) Smith, S. Cooper, Porterville, CaliforniaSequoia National Forest Stanger, Vera, Rexburg, ldaho-(Mrs. G. G. Larsen) Stephens, John, Mandan, North DakotaSuperintendent, Field Station Stookey, Lincoln Alonzo, Clover, UtahRancher Sumsion, Spafford, Moroni, Utah-Princi¡ pal, High School Sutherland, Allene, Hyrum, Utah Sutherland, E. D., 1736 G Street, N. W., Washington, D. G.-Engineer Sutherland, Francilda, 128 West 2 North, Logan, Utah • Taylor, Henry Warren, State Capitol Bldg., Salt Lake City, Utah- Assistant Superintendent of Schools Teshirogi, Harry T., 210 South Nathew St., Los Angeles, Galif.-Representative, International Agricultural Research Thompson, Ezra Cottam, Cedar City, Utah -Contractor Thurber, Daniel Pratt, 2522 Cent. Avenue, Great Falls, Montana-Agricultural Adjustor, Great Northern Railroad Company ~Vernon, Weston, 16 Broadstreet, New York City, N. Y.-Attorney at Law Wall, John Edward, 369 North 2 East, Logan, Utah-Chocolate and Candy Maker Warner, Charlotte, deceased-(Mrs. H. W. Busby) Webster, Herbert Henry, 332 Ponce de Leon Ave., Atlanta, Georgia-Physical Education, High School Director Weich, Wilford Woodruff, 226 East 2 South, Logan, Utah-Teacher, Junior High West, Grant Donald, 5447 Highland Ave., Kansas City, Mo.-Construction Engineer White, Robert Greenwood, deceased Wilcox, Frances R., Sunkist Bldg., Los Angeles, Calif.-Sunkist Company Wilson, Dr. LeRoy V., 369 Boulevard, Logan, Utah-Dentist Wittwer, Samuel Melvin, Beaver, UtahSuperintendent, Beaver County Schools Wood, William Edwin, 10 Jamica Way, Boston, Mass. Woodside, Howard, Box 965, Auburn, Calif., -Coach, Auburn Junior College Woodside, Josephine G. ~Woodward, Rollo William, U.S.A.G. Campus-Bureau of Plant Industry Wooley, Samut;l R., 2801 East 16 Street, Oakland, Calif. Wright, Hirum Pratt, Morgan, Utah-Agriculture Teacher

1926 Adams, Harriet, deceased-(Mrs. James A. Karchner) Allred, B. Wendell, Moab, Utah-Rancher Anderson, Beatrice M., Sandy, Utah-(Mrs. Ellis J. Wilcox) Anderson, Silas W., Consumers, UtahPrincipal, Spring Canyon Schools Badger, Barbara, 5791 Cottonwood, Holladay, Utah-(Mrs. Elmer J. Burnett) Baker, Alvin H., Milford, Utah- Music Instructor, Milford High School Barrus, W. Marion, Woolford, Alta, Canada -Farmer Barton, Sherman S., 638 Adams Avenue, Ogden, Utah-Central Junior High Beecher, Paul Edwin, Beaver City, Utah -Farmer Beecher, Searl William, Brigham City, Utah -Teacher, Box Elder High School

Biggs, Ernest, Blanding, Utah- Teacher, Jenson, Ruel L., 521 Kensington Avenue, San Juan High School Flint, Michigan-Insurance Salesman Bischoof, R. K., Windsor, Colorado-Field Jeppson, Ernest G., U.S.A.C. Campus, Auto Mechanics Instructor Man, Great Western Sugar Company Johnson, Rolla Virgil, Reno, Nevadav"blood, Dr. H. Loran, U.S.A.C. Campus, Teacher, Reno High School Bureau of Plant Industry Bohman, Freida, Minersville, Utah-(Mrs. Jones, Aaron E., Mt. Pleasant, UtahFarmer William H. Wood) Bowles, Carl J., Nephi, Utah-Honey Judah, Courtney Thomas, 1101 South Vine Producer Street, Denver, Colo.-Engineer, U. S. Boyce, Paul G., R. F. D., Sandy, UtahSoil Conservation Service Karren, L. LeRoy, 1230 Charlton Avenue, Teacher, Jordan High School Brown, Dorothy G., 1471 Roosevelt Ave., Salt Lake City, Utah-Intermountain Salt Lake City, Utah-(Mrs. E. G. Mgr., Charm Products Company, Inc. Foxley) Kenner, Cecil B., 2155 Malcolm Ave., Los Angeles, Calif.-Life Insurance Salesman Browning, Mary, 473 27th Street, Ogden, Utah King, Emma Jean, Bountiful, Utah-(Mrs. Kenneth G. Maughan) Card, W. Lavor, Rockefeller Genter, New Khajavi, Fat!,JOIIa, Teheran, Iran- Pres., York City, N. Y.-Assistant Director of Iran Agricultural College Programs, N. B. C. Cardon, Sybil, 1228 Browning Blvd., Los Kunz, Lucille, 2984 Huron Street, Denver, Colo.-(Mrs. L. Abbott) Angeles, Galif.-(Mrs. Cecil B. Kenner) Christensen, Joseph S., Ephraim, Utah- Larsen, Lucille, 580 North 5 Street, Logan, Snow Junior College Utah-Nurse Larson, Lars Harvey, Preston, IdahoChristensen, Leatha, Box 197, Idaho Falls, Idaho Teacher, Preston High School Christensen, Marley, 738 29th St., Ogden, Law, Francis Joseph, Brigham City, Utah Utah-Engineer, Bureau of Public Roads -Teacher, Box Elder High School Christensen, Norman L., 4832 South State, Ledingham, Clarence, 32-50-93 St., Jackson Heights, N. Y.-Agent, New York Life P. 0. Box 203, Murray, Utah Insurance Company , Christenson, Dr. Reed 0., Alabama Poly Tech., Auburn, Alabama- Member of Lemon, Gleon, Brigham City, UtahFaculty Teacher, Box Elder High School Clark, Dora), deceased Lindsay, Della, Alhambra, Calif. - (Mrs. Clarence Ostland) -Teacher, Alhambra Clark, LeGrande, Coalville, Utah High School Clayton, Alida, 4194 Sutro Avenue, Los Linford, Hooper, Wilmington, CaliforniaAngeles, Galif.-(Mrs. Fred D. Hogan) K roft, Lenore, Loyal Hall Mortuary, Logan, Research Chemist, Union Oil Company Lowe, Ora May Utah-(Mrs. Loyal Hall) Davis, Roland W., 733 Contra Costa, Berke- Lunt, Anthon H., The Monarch, Apt. 103, . ley, Calif. Lincoln, Neb.-U.S. Soil Conservation Maughan, Preston, Baxter, deceased Fifield, Allen, Bingham Canyon, Utah Maughan, Ruth, Huntsville, Utah-(Mrs. Fonder, John S. R. Peterson) Frederick, Harold M., 369 East Center, McCulloch, Lawrence, 545 North 4 East, Logan, Utah Logan, UtahFroyd, Elna, Coalville, Utah-(Mrs. Wild) FuhriD}an, David H. 1221 East Roses Road, McNeil, J.ennetta, 2811 Quincy Ave., Ogden, San Grabriel, Galif.-Accountant Utah-( Mrs. Ira Clark) May, R. Golden, Tooele, Utah-L. D. S. vGimlin, J. Frank, Jr., 861 Belmont Ave., Seminary 'I'eacher Salt Lake City, Utah Goodsell, Charles Dean, Shelley, Idaho- VMerrill, Ariel G., 1033 3rd Ave., Salt Lake City, Utah-Manager, Colville Ice Cream Commercial Teacher, High School Company Gowans, Max G., Ophir, Utah Merrill, Hattie, Box 86, Cowley, Wyoming Greenhalgh, Dr. Alma, 7231 North Bu. -(Mrs. J. M. Tebbs) chanan Ave., Portland, Oregon- Dentist Grimmett, Archibald, Lewisville, ldaho- Meyrick, Joseph, 454 West 2 North, Logan, Teacher, High School Utah-Cashier, U.I.G. Railroad ./Gunderson, Howard B., 1830 Gunderson, Miles, Donald 0 ., Pittsburg, Pa.-PennsylHolladay, Utah-Director of Trades, State vania State Highway Department Minor, ldalah, 244 North 4 East, Logan, Department of Education Utah-(Mrs. A. G. Smith) Hale, Sumner E., 435 East 1 South, Logan, Utah Monson, Olof Wilford, 618 South 7th Ave., Bozeman, Montana-Assistant AgriculturHall, H. Vernon, R.F.D., Midvale, Utahal Engineer, Montana State College Farmer Hansen, Myron T., Collinston, Utah- Morgan, Dr. Harriet, 2410 East 76 Street, Chicago, Illinois,-(Mrs. H. M. Fyler) Farmer Nutritionist, American Medical Assn. Hanson, Dr. Alton S., LaJunta, Colorado Morrell, Marriner D., Rexburg, Idaho,- Physician Head, Dept. of Education, Ricks College Harris, lone, 1361 Yale Ave., Salt Lake Murdock, Douglas T., Fort Washakie, Wyo. City, Utah-(Mrs. Landell Merrill) -Department of the Interior Harward, Bert 0 ., Box 193, Rexburg, Ida. Murray, Seymour Bailey, Afton, Wyoming Hess, Russell Lee, deceased -County Agent Hirst, Charles Merlin, P.O. Bldg., Salt Neilson, Elsine Gertrude Lake City, Utah-Engineer, Bureau of Nelson, Sterling G., Rexburg, IdahoReclamation High School Teacher Hoskins, William Henry, Wellsville, Utah Nielsen, George Anthony, Brigham City, -Farmer Utah-Teacher, High School Hull, Dr. Irvin, 653 4th Ave., Salt Lake City, Nielsen, Lillie, 343 West Bowman Street, Utah-Director of Employment, N.Y. A. Wooster, Ohio-(Mrs. R. K. Gerber) Humphery, Lucille t.INorton, E. Virgil, 804 Kensington Avenue, Hyer, Ralph J., Afton, Wyoming-SuperinSalt Lake City, Utah-Insurance Agency tendent, Wyo. State Experiment Farm Director



ALUMNI DIRECTORY Allen, Lloyd E., 7133 Amigo, Reseda, Calif. Hansen, Asael Tanner, Madison, Wisconsin, verstreet, Cecil Clio -Manager, Safeway Stores Sterling Hall, University of Wisconsin Owen, Lucile, 2521 Jackson Ave., Ogden, ..f"Austin, Bessie, 368 North 4 East, Logan Hansen, Norma, 1609- 31St., N. W., WashUtah-(Mrs. Russell Petty) Utah-(Mrs. M. M. Merrill) ington, D. C.-(Mrs. Francis L. Kiep) Parkinson, Don B'. Harris, Evan, North Port, Washington-ReBahen, Alice, Paradise, Utah-(Mrs. Jos. Pedersen, Edna Naomi, Richmond, Utah D. Cummings) Teacher of Homemaking, search Chemist -Teacher, North Cache High School Harris, George McGee, Washington, D. C. South Cache High School eterson, Allie, 353 North 5 East, Logan, Beaumont, Ellen, Box 194, Grace, Idaho -U. S. Tariff Commission Utah-(Mrs. David Burgoyne) -(Mrs. D. K. Warner) Harris, Joseph R., 447 North 1 East, Logan, Peterson, Thelma, 6100 Rockridge Blvd., Bickmore, John LeRoy, Price, Utah-Mgr., Utah-Farmer Oakland, Calif.-(Mrs. T. Gardner) Mt. States Tel. & Tel. Company v1Iatch, Adrian, Hatch Agency Company, Pond, Gayle, Lehi, Utah-(Mrs. David I. Bollschweiler, Allen F., 1124 Windsor St., Logan, Utah-Manager Gardner) Salt Lake City, Utah vHavertz, Joseph, Jr., 517 - 9th Avenue, Salt Poultney, Robert Lake City, Utah-Advertiser Price, Maude, Box 450, Idaho Falls, Idaho Brown, Harold J., Box 187, Vernal, Utah -Teacher Henderson, Anna Louise, 239 East South -Teacher, Central Junior High School Temple, Salt Lake City, Utah Pugh, Delsa, 331 H St., Sal~ Lake City, Budge, Rush C., 308 West Center, Logan, Utah- Business Manager, Budge Clinic Hogan, Fred D., 4194 Sutro Ave., Los AnUtah-(Mrs. D. Stevens) Burnett, Elmer James, 5791 Cottonwood, geles, California-Credit Manager, Weber Pugh, Elizabeth, Kanab, Utah-(Mrs. E. Holladay, Utah-Chief, Division of Ins., Roundy) Shctwcase & Fixture Company Dept. of Placement & Unemployment Ins. Horsley, Phili() B., c/o Mountain States Redden, Richard E., Hoytsville, UtahCall, Leone, 244 Brent St., Ventura, Calif. Telephone Co., Logan, Utah-Wire Chief Farmer -(Mrs. Duncan W. Henrie) Hull, Robert R., East Harrop, Ogden, Utah Richards, Dr. Lorenzo A., 3560 Linwood, Cates, Eldon M., Milford, Utah-Farmer -Clerk, Ogden Post Office Riverside, Calif.-U.S. Regional Salinity Cheney, Wayne LaSalle, Route 1, Thornton, Hunt, Ester J ., Clifton, Idaho-Teacher Laboratory Idaho Hunt, Sheldon Ross, Clifton, Ida.-Teacher Robinson, Kenneth C., 714 North Linden Christiansen, Jerald E., University of Calif., Hunter, Genevieve, Lewisville, Idaho Ave., Beverly Hills, Calif.-Writer and Davis, Calif.-lrrigation Engineer, ExHurren, David G., Hyde Park, Ut.-Farmer Director in Movies periment Station Jenkins, Alice, Morgan, Utah-(Mrs. MelSimpson, Charles 0., Weston, IdahoClark, Myral G., 1591 G. S. Beretania, vin S. Hamilton Farmer, Honolulu, Hawaii-Teacher, Honolulu Jenkins, Edyth, Freeman, Wyo.-Teacher Smith, David Clyde, 1911 Monroe Street, Vocational School Jenkins, Dr. Kurt Lorin, Fillmore, UtahPullman, WashingtonClark, Parley G., Oakley, Idaho-Rancher Physician Smith, Edith, Mesa, Arizona-(Mrs. Melvin L. Kent) Clarke, L. Floyd, University of Wyoming, Jensen, Alberta, 267 Santa Clara Ave., OakLaramie, Wyo.,-Teacher, Department of land, Calif.-(Mrs. M. M. Potter) 1, Smith, Effie, 412 East 4 North, Logan, Zoology Jeppson, Donald J., Mantua, Utah Utah-(Mrs. E. Barrows) Sorenson, Ada Geneva, Lund, Idaho-(Mrs. Coles, Elverne John, Salt Lake City, Utah Johnson, Edythe C., 438 Chapman Place, -American Telephone and Telegraph Co. Salt Lake City, Utah-Teacher, South \ J. Lyman Lloyd) High School Collett, Wells F., Kaysville, Utah-Teacher, Spencer, George Q., R.F.D., Payson, Utah -Farmer Davis High School Kingsford, Kenneth , Grace, Idaho-Dairy Farming Cox, Bryon G., Manti, Utah-Fanning, Spencer, Lilly Pearl, 336 South 1 West, Dairying Logan, Utah-Teacher, English Larson, Constance, Sante Fe, New Mexico Crane, Anna, Fountain Green, Utah -{Mrs. Vernal Bennion) Stirland, Byron ]., Downey, Idaho-SuperDaniels, LaVern, 2757 Jefferson Avenue, Layton, Harold Hall, North Ogden, Utah intendent of Schools -School Teacher Ogden, Utah-Teacher of Typing Taylor, Appolas B., Elizabeth Apts., Provo, Utah . Darley, Merrill Maughan, 133 Park Ave., Lee, Ernest R., 175 East 5 North, Logan, Wooster, Ohio-Entomologist-InvestigaUtah-Logan Mgr., Mt. States Telephone Thalman, Ray R., Lincoln, Nebraska-Faculty, University of Nebraska tor, The Crop Protection Institute & Telegraph Company . Dennison, J. Melvin, Manti, Utah Leishman, Robert B., 1445 Roosevelt, Salt Thatcher, Dr. Lionel W., Marquette U., Milwaukee, Wisconsin-Asst. Professor Eames, Ilah, 440 East 3rd South, Salt Lake Lake City, Utah-Associated, Mt. States of Economics City, Utah-(Mrs. Carpenter) Telephone & Telegraph Company Thornley, Wilson L., 2577 Polk Avenue, Ewing, Matt, Smithfield, Utah-Engineer Love, Vernon R., Hinckley, Utah--Owner, Ogden, Utah-Teacher Service Station Farrar, Ralph W., Faribault, MinnesotaPrincipal, School for the Deaf Mason, Veda, Hollyrue Apt. No. 9., Ogden, Thurber, Marba, 1221 Washington, Denver, Colo.-(Mrs. Senter) Faylor, Thelma Oral, Price, Utah-Teacher, Utah-(Mrs. Leland Skanchy) Carbon High School Math·ews, Myrtis, Dubois, Idaho Tolman, Nathan, 4169 Park Blvd., Oakland, Feldman, Edmund Burke, 159-19 Avenue, Matley, Mark A., Coalville, Utah-VocaCalif.-Dir., Physical Education, Woodrow Wilson High School San Francisco, CaL-Engineer-Examiner tional Agnculture Teacher Wagstaff, Arthur. J., R.F.D. No. 3, Murray, Fogelberg, Nephtune, 1301-15 St., N. W., Maughan, Reese, 170 East 2 South, Logan, Utah-Farmer Washington, D. C.-Agricult. Economist, Utah-Teacher, Logan High School Farm Credit Administration Warner, William H., 171 1st Ave., Salt Lake '(McAlister, Caroline, U.S. A. C. CampusFoxley, Edward G., 1471 Roosevelt Ave., City, Utah-Co-Owner of Hatchery ( Mrs. George B. Hendricks) McKellips, Marion E. Salt Lake City, Utah Watkins, Norma,l31 South 3 West, Logan, Utah-(Mrs. A. G. Merrill) Gardner, Anthony S., Coalville, Utah-ReMcKinnon, Aria, Evanston, Wyomingsettlement Administration Home Demonstration Agent Webb, Milton S., Richmond, Utah-Dairy Farmer Gardner, David, Lehi, Utah-Hydraulic En- 1\:ferrill, Asa J., Interstate Commerce Com· gineer, Utah Lake Woodruff, Angus Q., 34 East 6 North, Lomission, Washington, D. C.-Attorney gan, Utah Geddes, Faung, Preston, Idaho Merdll, LaRue Hendricks Geddes, William S., Sunnyvale, Calif......:. Merrill, Leah Dudley, Box 495, Logan, Utah 1927 Teacher, Fremont Union High School ....:...Manager, Logan Sportwear Company Abersold, John N., 1020 Ramona Avenue, Gibbs, H. Leo 2514 Castello St., Oakland, Miles, Ferris W., 150 Norwick, Redwood Calif.-Physical Education and BasketCity, California-Dodge-Plymouth Dealer Berkeley, California-Chemist, American ball Coach, Roosevelt High School Monson, Brigham Cyril, 289 North 1 East, Smelting & Refining Company Gills, Edward W., R. F. D. No. 4, Sandy, Logan, Utah- Retail Material Builder Abplanalp, William, . 2660 Jefferson Ave., Utah . Monson, John Paul, 2879 Marilyn Drive, Ogden, Utah-Head, Com'! Department, Gordon, Coral, · 1309 North 22 St., PhilaOgden, Utah-Teacher, State Industrial Ogden High School delphia, Pennsylvania School Adams, Armenia, Richfield, Utah- (Mrs. Green, Thomas F., Logan, Utah-State Tax Monson, Roland P., 428 North Nelson St., Don E. Kenney) Commission Arlington, Virginia-Auditor Adams, Verena J., 368 East 3 North, Logan, Hall, Walter C., 3016 Wisconsin, Oakland, Moser, Erwin Ulrich, 53 East 2nd North, Utah-Secretary, L.D.S. Institute Logan, Utah-Logan City Engineer Calif.-Teacher, Oakland High School Affleck, Doyle P., 238 East 1 South, Logan, Utah-U.S. Bureau of Airways, WashingHamilton, Melvin S., Morgan, Utah-Dairy Mouritsen, Leah, U.S. A. C. Campus-Inton, D. C. Farmer structor, Secretarial Science



ALUMNI DIRECTORY , /Murray, Evan Bailey, U.S. A. C. CampusAssistant Professor of Economics Neilsen, Florence Jennie, 772 Canyon Road, Logan, Utah- (Mrs. Florence Hitchcock) North Vera Althea 3487 South 9th East, Salt Lake City, Utah-Teacher, Cyprus High School Nuffer, L.loyd J., Pleasant Grove, UtahHighway Engineer Olsen, Harold Hugo, P eterson, Utah-Mail Carrier Packard, Ivan, Lovell, Wyoming-Federal Land Bank of Omaha Packer, Ora, deceased- (Mrs. Alton Han· sen) Palmer, E. Darrell, Weston, Idaho-Teach· er, Weston High School Peacock, Mildred B., 320 · 1st Ave., Salt Lake City, Utah-Foods Teacher, Lincoln School Peterson, Charles Newell Peterson, Kirma P., Preston, ldaho- (Mrs. Lee Kenner) >/Peterson, Harold Monro e, 408 North 6th East, Logan, Utah-Teacher, Logan Hig~ 1 "f Pocock, C. Lester, U. S. A. C. Campus-DI· rector of Public Relations Pratt, Joseph W., Colonia Dublan, Chic. Mexico- Creamery Opera tor Price, Harold Harmon, Elko, Nevada-U. S. Forest Service Pulley, Orion Sylvester, 549 East 3rd North, Logan, Utah-Teacher, ·Logan High Reamsnider, Dice, 109 Madison St., Ottawa, Illinois-Constru ction Engineer Reece, James Sterling, Payson, Utah-Ac· countant Rice, Jane, River Height, Logan, Utah(Mrs. Anthony J. Frost) Rosengreen, Eldon J., 372 Parry Ave., Ogden, Utah- Instructor, Weber High Sanders, Newell V., Kaysville, Utah-Own· er, Clover Club Potato Chip Company Sanford, Susie Helen, U.S. A. C. CampusClothing Specialist, Extension Service ·shaw, Elizabeth Dee, 1447 Washington Blvd., Ogden, Utah-Teacher, Ogden City Schools Smith, Dr. J. Russell, 56 East 2nd South, Provo, Utah- Physician and Surgeon Smith, Kenneth Edwards, 446 Douglas, Salt Lake City, Utah-Kenneth E. Smith Co. Stauffer, Dr. Lynn Hughes, University of · Idaho, Moscow, Idaho-Prof. of Physics Stoker, Bertha, 17 North 4th East, Brigham City, Utah- (Mrs. Vernal J. Harris ) Swinyard, William Owen, 1633 Lunt Ave., Chicago, TI!inois-Radio Engineer Syme, Louise, Amalga, Utah- (Mrs. Alton \ Hoffman) -\ Symons, Joseph N., U. S. A. C. CampusProfessor Rural Sociology Towsley, Guy Vernon, Jackson, CaliforniaPrincinal, Jackson Grade School Tullis. Elizabeth, St. George, Utah-(Mrs. F. B. Synhus) Tullis, LaVerne-(Mrs. LaVerne Wittmer) Victor, R. M., 135 South Main, Brigham City, Utah-Auto Dealer Wadsworth, Harold M., Richmond, UtahTeacher, North Cache Hi gh School Walker, Mable M., South Cache High School, Hyrum, Utah- Teacher Walker, Verna, Bingham High School, CopJ perton, Utah-Teacher Watkins, Luella Harris, deceased ~Wil son, LeMoyne, River Heights, Logan, Utah- Research Professor Agronomy Wilson, Dr. Wilburn Joseph, Eccles Bldg., Ogden, Utah-Physician and Surgeon Winn, D. Sheldon, 439 North 5th East, Logan, Utah


).Wrig;ht,. Golde_n Pratt! Fillmore, UtahPrmcipal, Millard High School )' Wright, 1\lnthus, ~ ..A. C., Cedar Cit~, Utah - Instructor, Agncultural Economics Wyatt, Sidney L., North Ogden, UtahTeacher, Weber County High School. Zobel!, Dr. Claude E., LaJolla, Cahf.Scripps Institute

1928 Abbott, James, Downey, Idaho-Teacher Adams, Dr. Lisle J., 219 Y:! West 37th St., Los Angeles, Calif.-Dentist Adamson, Mary B., 139 Hu go St., San Fran· cisco, Calif.- ( Mrs. Wesley Odell) Allred, Edgar M., 445 South 11th East, Salt Lake City, Utah-Salesman Allred, Rolon LaMar, 3175 Marysville Road, Sacramento, Calif.-Grocery Store Owner All red, Thoras Orson, 1046 West 6th South, Provo, Utah-Teacher Anderson, Hilda, Murray, Utah- Teacher Arnold, Gomer, Cleveland, Utah Bachman, Velva Ann, deceased Bailey, Grace E., 565 Harrop St., Ogden, Utah-(Mrs. Robert R. Hull) Baird, Dean, St. Anthony, Idaho Barker, Elwood lves, 566 Wall St., Salt Lake City, Utah- Spotter, Regal Cleaning Company Bearnson, William L., 630 Elizabeth St., Salt Lake City, Utah-City Supervisor Adult Education JBennion, Noel L., Oregon State College, Corvallis, Oregon-Extension Poultryman Bennett, Mary, 446 Douglas, Salt Lake City, Utah- ( Mrs. Kenneth E. Smith) Benson, Constance, 1430 South 4th St., A Chamber, Calif.-(Mrs. J. V. Madsen) Benson, John, 2186 Jefferson Ave., Ogden, Utah- Professo r, Education and Psychology, Weber College Benson, Serge N., 6 Street Andrews Lane, Silver Springs, Md.-Associate Commodity Specialist Blackham, A. Lucille, Moroni, Utah Blood, Seth L., Kaysville, Utah-Farmer ~ Broadh ead , Oaken, 1210 Mongado Drive, Glendale, Calif.-Mgr., Lucern Cream & Butter Company Broadhead, Naomi, 59 Frost St., Cambridge, Massachu etts-( Mrs. A. G. Cranney ) Burke, Melvin H., Enterprise, Oregon-U. S. Forest Servi ce Burns, A. Ethelyn, 60 South 5th East, Lo. gan, Utah- Case Work Division, F.E.R.A., Cache County Christensen, Dr. F rank Alton, 1004 Columbia Terrace, Peoria, Illinois-Physician Christenson, Leroy Dean, Riverside, Calif. Entomologist, Fruit Insect Investigator Christi ansen, Roy Merrill, Downey, Idaho Clark, Cyrus Lowell, Smithfield, Utah Clark, WiUord, 60 South 4th East, Preston, Idaho-Education Advisor C.C.C. Cole, Amos Glenn, 2404 Willow Ave., Niag· \ .. ara F alls, New York- Chemist, Dupont & Co. j:ooley, Hazen J., B. A. C., Cedar City, Utah -Secretary, B. A. C. / Cowl ey, Charles Gloyd, 2649 Adams Ave., Ogden, Utah-Attorney at Law Cowley, Elna, 334 North Normandie Place, Los Angeles, Calif.- (Mrs. Elna Austin) Cowley, May, Springville, Utah- (Mrs. Earl S. Groesbeck ) Cox, Donetta, Minneapolis, Minn.-Veter· ans' Administration Crane, Olive, 756 Emerson Ave., Salt Lake ' City, Utah- ( Mrs. Delbert Smith ) Cranney, A. G., 59 Frost St., Cambridge, Mass.-Business Manager

Curtis, Lucille, Payson, Utah Daniels, Cleone Price, 715 East 2nd North, Logan, Utah Dail, Willis Aaron, 395 North 4th West, Logan, Utah-Teacher, Logan High Durrani, M. S., Sibi, Baluchaiston, India -Superintendent Kalot Agency Eliason, Afton Yeates, Fresno State College, Fresno, Calif.- Asst. Professor Physics / Erickson, Sylvan, U.S. A. C. CampusBookkeeper Evans Elvin E., 1617 Division Ave., Taco~a, Washington-Radio Advertisi.ng Fife, Lorin C., Mayague.z, Puerto RicoGovernment Entomologist Fisher, Emma, Richmond, Utah-Teacher Fonnesbeck, Maya Margretha, 449 · 27th St., Ogden, Utah- Certification & Intake Supervisor, W.P.A. Division of Employment Frederickson, Earl A., 357 East 5th North, Logan, Utah-Case Worker, Cache County Public Welfare Frederi ckson, Greta, Box 1171, Walkermine, Calif.- ( Mrs. J. B. Rosenbaum) Gailey, Evelyn, Kaysville, Utah - (Mrs. John L. Crockett) Galbraith, C. Layton, McGill, NevadaPrincipal, Grammar School Galloway, Fontella, 144 · 2nd Ave., Sa!t Lake City, Utah- Graduate Student, Um· versity of Utah Gibbons, Robert, Sandy, Utah-Seminary Instructor Graff, Oliver, Minersville, Utah- Coach, High School Greaves Florence, 617 N. E. Royal Court, Portl~nd Ore.- ( Mrs. Antoine G. Elmer) Greaves, o 'r. Joseph Dudley, University of California, Berkeley, Calif.-Dept. of Biochemistry, Medical School Green Emma 1070 · 2nd Avenu e, Salt Lake City, Utah...:_ (Mrs. Theodore Thain) Green, Harold William, 2317 Monroe Blvd., Ogden, Utah- Teacher, Utah School of Deaf and Blind Green, Nathan W., Winatchee, Washington -School Teacher Greene ,·Vira, Auburn, Wyoming- (Mrs. Vira 'Pu tnam) Hammond Darvel T., c/o General Mills, Inc., Mi~neapolis, Minnesota-Auditor Hancey, Carlos, 2525 Malama Place, Hono· lulu T. H.-Instru ctor, U. of Honolulu Hancey, J. Everett, 2574 Iowa Avenue, Ogden, Utah-Teacher Hansen, Bernice, deceased Harding, Charles L., 1435 Walnut ~treet, Berkeley, Calif.-Attorney, Shell 01l Co. Harris, Luella Mae, 1064 · 22nd St., Ogden, Utah-School Teacher Harris Vernal J., 17 North 4th East, Brig· ham' City, Utah- Coach, Box Elder High School . Hawkins, Mabel, 149 West Center Street, Logan, Utah- Piano Accompanist Hawley, James Warren, 676 South Ramport, Los Angeles, Calif.-Union Pacific Stages Henrie Duncan Wayn e, 244 Brent St., Ven· tura,' Calif.-Teacher, Commercial Dept. Hess, Alvin, 50 West 3rd North, Logan, Utah-Principal, Junior High School Hesser, Gladys L., Bountiful, Utah- (Mrs. L. E. Burnham) Hirst, Alta, Preston, Idaho-Teacher Holmes, J. Mark, Box 309, Kingman, Ariz. - U. S. Geological Survey Hogan, Lillian, Embassy Arms, Apt. No. 106, Salt Lake City, Utah- (Mrs. J. R. Jensen)



ALUMNI DIRECTORY Morgan, Alvin W., 790 West Sexton, Black- Stevens, Helen Emery, 730 - 24th St., OgHulme, Benjamin F., Paris, Idaho-L. D. S. foot, Idaho-Superintendent of Schools Seminary Teacher den, Utah-Teacher, Lewis Junior High Hyde, Irma, Hyde Park, Utah-(Mrs. Irma Morrell, Lyman Daines, Hyde Park, Utah Stewart, J, Z. III, Honolulu, Hawaii-Bauer Humphrey) 路 & Black Company Neilson, George Darrell, 4237 Garfield St., Hurren, Eulalia, Hyde Park, Utah-(Mrs. N. W., Washington, D. C.-Asst. Corp. Stirland, LeGrande L., 56 Sunset Road, Arthur Gittens) Counsel, Police Court Newark, Delaware Hutchings, Marion Price, 615 South 6th ielson, Cantril, Hyrum, Utah-Postmaster Stratford, Richard C., 750 Laurel Hurst, Ave., Pocatello, Idaho-Insurance Sales- Nelson, Scott G., 520 East Roosevelt St., N. E., Portland, Oregon man. tringham, Ruby, Salt Lake City, Utai!Phoenix, Arizona-Teacher, Union High ,f Hymas, Charles A., Tooele, Utah-County (Mrs. Ruby Garrett)-Women's Project Nowell, Reynolds 1., 1806 Kendall Ave., Agricultural Agent Supervisor, W.P.A. Madison, Wisconsin-Regional Director, Jackson, Verna, Price, Utah-(Mrs. Eugene Resettlement Administration Stuart, William W., Wellsville, Utah Cromar) Olsen, Lucille, Lovell, Wyoming - (Mrs. Sutton, Damaris, Kamas, Utah-( Mrs. Reed Jarvis, Ella, 464 East 5th North, Logan, Horace M. Mortensen) Morrell) Utah-(Mrs. Franklin Rogers) Olson, Charles G., Preston, Idaho Suzuki, Motosuke, Ogasa Ag. School, ShiJensen, James, Brigham City, Utah-Teachzuoka-Ken, Japan-Instructor Olson, Leland M., 420 North 3rd West, er, Box Elder High School Logan, Utah Swinyard, Chester, 416 Huntington Ave., y Johns, Vern aid William, Garland, UtahBoston, Mass.- Tufts College Medical Osmond, Mary-(Mrs. Mary Willis) Publisher and Editor, The Garland Times School Pace, John Mathis, 138 South 1st West, Johnson, Oswald E., Pleasant Grove, Utah Thain, J, Henry, 264 West Center, Logan, Price, Utah-Teacher Utah-Farmer / Johnson, Phyllis E., Cedar City, Utah- Parkes, Itha, 380 East 2nd North, Nephi, ( Mrs. Hazen J, Cooley) Thain, Theodore E., 1070 - 2nd Avenue, Utah-Teacher Salt Lake City, Utah-Chief Accountant, Johnson, V. Merrill, 145 Henry St., Apt. 1, Peterson, Howard, Grace, Idaho--Teacher Public Service Commission Brooklyn, New York-Banker Prisbrey, M. Grant, 41 North 4th East, / Theurer, Lloyd M., Providence, UtahJones, Daniel 0., R. F. D. No. 1, Malad, Brigham City, Utah-Teacher, Box Elder School Board Clerk I Idaho--Bookkeeper High School Judd, B. Ira, 114 East 7, Tempe, ArizonaThomas, Floyd J., 205 Bane St., Newton Purdy, Frank H., Box 346, Sacramento, Agronomist Falls, Ohio Calif.-U. S. Geological Survey Keetch, Rulon P,, Box 595, Oildale, Calif. Thorson, Edna L., Driggs, Idaho- (Mrs. Rampton, Henry H., Oregon State College, Shelby Hugh Atchley) Keveren, Ernest Kinsey, Hewlett, Wyoming Corvallis, Oregon-Farm Crops Dept. -Teacher Tingey, Willis A., Uvalde, Texas-U. S. Rallison, Martha, 447 North Main, Logan, Geological Survey Kirby, Owen Albert, Hyde Park, Utah Utah-(Mrs. George W. Evans) Knight, Roma V., 2849 Marilyn Drive, Rex, A. Eldon, 2207 Ala Wai Blvd., Hono- Titensor, Roscoe, Bedford, Wyo.- Dairy Farming Ogden, Utah-(Mrs. Maurice R. Conroy) lulu, Hawaii Larsen, Mainard C., Smithfield, Utah-Asst. Rich, Virginia L., 536 Columbus St., Salt Tuckfield, Maud M., R. F. D. No. 1, Provo, Chemist, American Sugar Company Lake City, Utah-(Mrs. Charles Griffin) Utah-(Mrs. Milton Holdaway) Larson, Vernon Joseph, Newton, Utah- Ritchie, Wendell G., 386 East 3rd North, Turley, E. C., Ephraim, Utah Farmer Logan, Utah Tyson, Gladys, 567 - 6th Ave., Salt Lake Larson, Willard Abner, Preston, Idaho Riter, J. Randolph, 723 Dexter, Denver, City, Utah-( Mrs. Moses Thatcher) Colorado--Civil Engineer, Bureau of RecLast, Charles Henry, Garland, Utah-TeachWagstaff, Evangeline, 2917 Adams St., Salt lamation er, Bear River High School Lake City, Utah-(Mrs. Karl Sachs) Rogers, Theodore, 216 5th East, Copperton, Law, Reuben D., B. Y. U., Provo, UtahWahlquist, Keith Campbell, 824 WashingBingham Canyon, Utah- Utah Copper Assoc. Prof., Elementary Education ton Blvd., Ogden, Utah-Supt., Web'er路 Company Law, Rosella, Providence, Utah-(Mrs. AlCounty Schools Roland," Lewis A., Fresno, Calif.-Sperry bert Fuhriman) Wakley, Dorothy, Preston, Idaho--Teacher, Flour Company Liddle, Wallace Jorgenson, 50 West 3rd Preston, Idaho, High School UtahRollins, Joseph Clarence, Duchesne, North, Logan, Utah Walker, LeGrande, State Industrial School, Teacher Lillywhite, Alden, Park View Terrace, 4124 Ogden, Utah-Teacher Edmunds St., N. W., Washington, D. C. Rosengreen, George Ernest, 405 East 2nd North, Logan, Utah Walters, H. Gl en, Texas Oil Company, -Analyist, Social Security Board Hobbs, New Mexico-Geologist Roueche, Gwyn, 60 South 4th East, Preston, Lindblad, Victor L., 719 Cragmont, BerkIdaho-(Mrs. Wilford Clark) Wardleigh, Anna Virginia, Wells, Nevada eley, Calif.-Boy Scout Executive -Principal, Taber City Schools Sant, Orella; 182 North State, Preston, -\ Linford, Howard, B. A. C., Cedar City, Utah Idaho-(Mrs. Orella Bunce) West, Roy. St. George, Utah-L. D. S. Sem-Instructor, Physical Education inary Teacher Sant, Thelma, Spirit Lake, Idaho-Nursery Madsen, Edna C., Weston, Idaho-Teacher, School Teacher Woodward, Gladys, Franklin, ldaho--(Mrs. Weston High School Gladys LeFevre) Schaub, George Wesley, 576 East 5th North, Madsen, Lola, Uvalde, Texas-(Mrs. Wayne Logan, Utah-Draftsman A. Tingey) Woozley, Mary Schaub, Vesta, Tremonton, Utah- (Mrs. Worley, Erna, 20 West Holly St., CranMarler, Dr. Otis E., Wichita Hospital, Francis I. Moore) ford, New Jersey-(Mrs. J. Hobart BartWichita, Kansas-Physician lett) Shurtz, Oneta K., Garland, Utah- Teacher Martindale, Addington, Blackfoot, Idaho-Coach, Blackfoot High School .\ Skanchy, W. Leland, First National Bank Yamanouch, U., Mojishikenjo Seisensuijo, Shariin, Kolaido, Chosen, Japan Bldg., Ogden, Utah-Attorney at Law .. Maughan, Elvin C., Crissy Field, Presidio of San Francisco, Calif.-First Lieutenant, Smith, Gwendolyn, Milford, Utah-(Mrs. Yeaman, Faye, 53 East '2nd North, Logan, Edmund L. Smith) Utah-(Mrs. Erwin Moser) Air Corps, U. S. Army Smith, Pearle~ 506 Soud1 Main Street, Brig-路 Yeates, T. Marvin," Binhamton, N. Y.Maughan, Peter Alton, 500 Codd Street, ham City, Utah-(Mrs. Pearle Arbon) Fowler, Dick & Walter Store Wilkensburg, Pennsylvania -Beauty Operator Younker, Chester C., 220 East 2nd South, May, Claudia, Chester, Idaho-(Mrs. ClauLogan, Utah-Western Auto Company dia Hathaway) Sorenson, DeVola, 37 East 3rd North, Logan, Utah-(Mrs. Jesse L. Thompson) Zobell, Ida Delos, Ronan, Montana-County McCune, John G., 852 - 27th St., Ogden, Sorenson, Edna, 481 East Center, Logan, Utah-Time Keeper, Utah Const. Co. Extension Service Utai!-Teacher Zollinger, Ruth Elizabeth, 621 California \. Moench, Ruth, 84 East 3rd North, Logan, Street, Reno, Nevada Sparks, 路Marvin LeRoy, Lyman, Wyoming Utah-(Mrs. George A. Bell) Ei"ghteen

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