Utah State University Commencement, 2003

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one h ndred and tenth annual comm cement ceremonies


one hundred and tenth annual commencement ceremonies




CeremonySeatingin the OverflowUndergraduate EcclesScienceLearningCenter,Auditorium- Room130

Academic processio n route and lo ca Lions of college grad uati on cere monies.






Welcome ...............................................................................................................

Thomas Kent , Dean School of Graduate Studies



Address .........................................................................................................


Dean Thomas Kent

of Guests .........................................................................................

Outstanding Mentor Award ........................................................


Kermit L. Hall


Kermit L. Hall

Hooding Master 's Candidates

by Graduate

Council Members

Doctoral Candidates by Colleg e Dean and Major Professor

Diplomas presented


by ...................................


Kermit L. Hall and Provost Stan L. Albrecht

of Degrees ..................................................................................


.............. ................................

Closing .................................................................... Recessional


Kermit L. Hall

Dean Thoma s Kent

SCHEDULE OF EVENTS Saturday, May 3, 2003

Academic Assembly 8:00 a.m. - Undergraduates

and Faculty on the University Quadrangle in Colleges

Academic Procession 8:30 a.m. - Taggart Student Center and University Quadrangle to Dee Glen Smith Spectrum

Commencement Ceremony 9:00 a.m. - Dee Glen Smith Spectrum

College Graduation Ceremonies 12:00 noon College of Agriculture - Chase Fine Arts Center, Kent Concert Hall College of Education - Dee Glen Smith Spectrum College of Engineering


Engineering Breezeway, Open House

College of Natural Resources College of Science -


Chase Fine Arts Center, Morgan Theatre

Taggart Student Center, Evan N. Stevenson Ballroom

2:00 p.m. College of Humanities, Arts and Social Science 4:00 p.m. College of Business -

Dee Glen Smith Spectrum

Dee Glen Smith Spectrum

Alumni Graduation Picnic 11:00 a.m. - 2:30 p.m. -

University HPER Field (Tickets Required)



May 3, 2003 Kermit L. Hall, Conducting

8:30 a.m.

Academic Procession

Old Main to Dee Glen Smith Spectrum

9:00 a.m.

Processional University Wind Orchestra

"The Crown of Chivalry" Perr y Fletcher

9 :05 a.m.

Pr esen tation of the Colors

Air For ce and Army ROTC

National Anth em University Wind Orchestra and Tamara Mumford

"Star Spangled Banner " Fran cis Scott Key

Presid ent's Greeting

Pr esi dent Kermit L. Hall

Addres s to Graduates

E. Gordon Gee Chan cellor , Vanderbilt Univer sity


of Specia l Award s

Conferrin g of Honorary

Degr ees


Kermit L. Hall


Kermit L. H all

Citations read by: Gayle McKeachnie Ch airman , Boa rd of Trustee s

E. Gordon Gee Gr egory C. Carr

Barr e Burgon Member , Board of Trustees

Larzett e G. Hale-Wilson

Willi s G. Candland Vice Chair, Board of Trust ees

John W. Williams

R. Brent Nyman Member, Board of Trustee s

Student Speaker

Lara Briana Anderson Valedictorian, College of Science

Conferring of Degree s Presentation of Diplomas

President Kermit L. Hall College Deans




Kermit L. Hall

Musical Selection University Wind Orchestra

"Alma Mater Hymn" Theodore M. Burton

Recessional University Wind Orchestra University Wind Orchestra

"Regal Procession" Clifton Williams Dr. Thomas P. Rohrer Director of Bands


Rebroadcast of Commencement Ceremony on KUED at 7 :00 p.m. Saturday and KVL Y Valley Channel 3 Saturday, May 3, 2003 at 7:00 p.m.; and Sunday, May 4, 2003 at 8:00 a.m., noon, and 9:00 p.m.



The history ofac ad emi c her aldr y r eac hes back into theea rl ydayso fth e uni vers it y. Astatute of 1321 req u it¡ed th a t all " Do ctors, Licentiates, an d Bac h elors" of th e Un iversity of Coimbra wear gown s. In E n gland, in th e fo urt ee nth ce ntu ry, th e sta tutes of cert ain colleges forb ad e "ex cess in ap pare l" and presc ribe cI th e wearin g of a lon g gown, whi ch ma y h ave b een count ed necessary for warmth in th e unh ea ted buildin gs fr equ ent ed b y medi eval sch olar s. Ho od s wer e used to cover th e head until lat er r epla ced b y th e skull cap and eventually b y academ ic cap s. Bo th Camb r idge and Oxford hav e mad e academicdr ess amat terofuniversitycon trol Lothe inclu sion of even its minor deta ils; andinLaud iandays in Oxfor d ,a n y tail or who chang ed the a uth or ized des ign "eve n Ly a nail's brea d th" was pun ish ed b y th e vice-chance llor of th e U ni vers it y. Whe n American colleges and uni ve r siti es d esired lo ado pt some suit abl e sys tem of acade mic app are l, it see med bes ll o agree on a sys tem whic h all might foll ow. Accor din gly, th ere wa s held on Ma y 16, 1895 , a t Columbi a Uni ve r sit y, a conference of r eprese n ta tives of th e board s of var ious in teres ted in stituti ons. From that meeting came a code of aca demi c dr ess for theco lJeges an d uni ver siti es of th e U nit ed State s, which most in stituti on s of high er learninghaveado pt ed .

Gown s T he acad emic gown for th e bac h elors degr ee h as po in ted sleeves and is designed to b e worn closed . Th e gown for th e mas ters degre e h as an obl ong sleeve, ope n a t th e wrist. The sleeve base hangs down in th e traditional mann er. T he rear par t of its oblong shape is square cut , an d th e fro nt part has an arc cut away. Th e gown is so de signed to be worn op en or close d . Th e gownforthedoctorsdegree hasbe ll-shape d sleeves and may be worn ope n or closed .

Colors For all aca demic pu r poses, incl udin g tr imrnings of doctor al gowns, edging of hoods, and tassels of caps , the colors assoc ia ted with th e different aca demic disciplines are as fol1ows: Mai ze Drab Light Blu e Or a nge

Agri cultu re Bu sin ess Ed uca tion Engi neer in g


Humanit ies, Ar ts Whit e and Social Sc iences Ru sse tt Na tur al R eso ur ces Gold- Yel1ow Science Sc hoo l of Gra du a te Studi es (E dD , PhD ) Gold Th r whit e ribb on with th e Gree k Key on th e rob e of a gr aduat e identifies an indu ctee int o Phi Kappa Phi , th e Nationa l Schola stic Society. Tho se wearing gra y collar s and a medalli on ar e Mortar Board Seni or H onor Society memb er s, the National and Aca demic & Servi ce Society. A gold braided cord drap ed over th e cowl will distinguish a gradu at e of Honor s.

Hoods Aca demic hood s are worn by r ecip ien ts of adv an ced degr ees. Th e maste r degr ee hoods a re th ree-a nd -one-half feet in leng th and ar e lin ed with th e official color or colors of th e college or un_iver sity confe rrin g th e degree, which at Utah State Univer sity ar e na vy blu e a nd whit e, di splayed in a heraldi c chevro n. Th e doctor al hood con sists of a large r and longer asse mblage of institutional color draped over the recipient 's should er s an d fallin gwe l1 down th e bac k. Th e binding or edging of th e hoods is of velvet or velveteen, thr ee inches wide and five in ches wide for th e mas ter s and do ctor s degree, res pectively.

Caps Aca demi c ca ps come in two form s: th e t radit ional mor tar boa rd (from Oxf ord ), a squ are cap; and a soft ca p whi ch rese mbl es a n ove r sized bere t (th e Ca mb r id ge model). T he mort arboa rd , used by Utah State Uni ver sity, is worn with a tasse l. Black tasse ls designa te an y degree; color ed tassels designat e maj or field ofl earnin g, and gold ta ssels indi ca te doctor s and governin g officials of in stitution s.

Academic Procession T he comm en ce ment pr ocess ion or igina tes a t th e Uni ver sit y q uadr an gle and th e lin e of mar ch th en ex tend s west around Old Ma in and th en north to th e Spec trum. Th e pro cess ion is co m pose d of thr ee divi sion s: (1) color gua rd , U niv er sity pr esid ent , R egent s and th e B oard of Tru stees , admini strativ e offi ce r s, and sp ecial gue sts; (2) th e fa cult y; and (3 ) candidat es for d egr ees . Th e process ion will stop al th e tunn el entr an ce to th e Spec trum , th e fir st two di vision s dividin g so that th e cand_idat es for gradu a tion pa ss b etween th em a nd ent er th e hall fir st.

Commencement Speaker Honorary Degree


Gordon Gee

has been described in two words, focus and execution, which capture the vision of the Chancellor of Vanderbilt University and champion of progress. Under Chancellor Gee's leadership at Vanderbilt for the past three years, the institution has become a community where simplicity, clarity, agility and accountability are hallmarks. But such progress should come as no surprise to those who know the history of this man from Vernal, Utah. He has served as president of Brown University, Ohio State University, the University of Colorado and West Virginia University. Returning to his Utah roots, he has also served as Assistant Dean for the College of Law at the University of Utah and Associate Dean and Professor at the J. Reuben Clark Law School at Brigham Young University. Experience outside higher education has brought focus to Dr. Gee's life as well. Gee held the position of Judicial Fellow and Senior Staff Assistant to United States Supreme Court Chief Justice Warren Burger. Nationally, he is recognized for his positions with such organizations as the steering committee for a new National Center for Public Policy and Higher Education and the College Board 's Commission on Writing in America's Schools and Colleges, an advisory committee of experts who will help develop the new SAT exam. Dr. Gee holds a joint degree in law and ed u cation from Columbia University and has written extensively about both topics. Aside from all this, he stil l has time for his daughter, Rebekah, and his wife, Constance, who also contributes to the success of Vanderbilt as a professor of public policy and education. All of the above demonstrate the focus and execution of a man with much to contribute. It is for these contributions that Utah State University recognizes E. Gordon Gee with the honorary degree, Doctor of Humane Letters.


Honorary Degree


C. Carr

has traveled a path beyond his early life in Idaho Falls, Idaho, to all parts of the globe, whether in person or through He distinguished himself early, earning a degree in history at Utah State his ideas, innovations and actions. University and becoming valedictorian from the College of Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences. Next came the elite halls of Harvard and the Kennedy School of Government, where he earned a master's degree in public policy. Venturing into the business world, he co-founded Boston Technology, an international telecommunications firm. He then moved on to the world of the web - the World Wide Web - and was Chair of Prodigy, an Internet service In 1998, Mr. Carr resigned from his for-profit boards and dedicated himself full time provider from 1996-98. get back to my roots in the humanities," he said in an interview. He formed the Carr to to philanthropy. "I wanted he formed the Carr Center for Human Foundation to support human rights education and the arts. At Harvard, Rights Policy. His energies also focused on his home state, where he has launched a five-year human rights campaign with the Association of Idaho Cities. He purchased a former neo-Nazi supremacist site in Northern Idaho and is working with local leaders to replace it with a human rights education center. The Anne Frank Human Rights From creating a literary Memorial in Boise and the Museum of Idaho in Idaho Falls have received his support. journal to establishing the Market Theatre, his interests are far reaching and always support the human cause. For his work in making the world a better place, Utah State University is proud to confer on Gregory C. Carr the honorary

degree, Doctor of



Honorary Degree



G. Hale-Wilson

has served in many roles throughout her life, including professor, university administrator, and a Certified Public Accountant. Dr. Hale-Wilson forged a pathway for her success, becoming noticeable in her days as an undergraduate at Langston University in Oklahoma. But it wasn't until Dr. Hale-Wilson earned her master's degree from the University of Wisconsin, passed the Certified Public Accountant exam and then earned her doctorate from that same university, that she received recognition at the national level. Dr. Hale-Wilson was the first Black woman in the nation to have both a doctorate degree and to become a Certified Public Accountant. Dr. Hale-Wilson's career began in 1943 when she erved as accounting teacher and then Chair of the Business Administration Department at Bethune-Cookman College in Florida. She also served as Professor of Accountancy at Clark College in Atlanta, Georgia, and again at Langston University. Dr. Hale-Wilson served Utah State University as well. She was a Utah State professor for 18 years , 13 of which were spent as th e Head of the School of Accountancy. Active in the accounting profession, Dr. Hale-Wilson has contributed to her field in many ways throughout the years, including serving as the National President of the Woman's Society of CPAs and serving as the Chair of the Education Executive Committee of the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants. She has also been a member of the Utah State Board of Regents . For her years of service and commitment to the accounting profession, Utah State University is proud to bestow upon Larzette G. Hale-Wilson the honorary degree, Doctor of Business.


Honorary Degree


W. Williams

is long-time restaurateur and historic preservationist who has spent his life changing the face of a city, and the merits His company, Gastronomy, Inc., has of his accomplishments are visible from almost every angle of Salt Lake City. provided the citizens of Utah with nine of Salt Lake's finest restaurants, which are all housed in historic buildings. But the company has also taken the lead again and again in taking risks in an effort to revitalize the look and feel of Utah's capital. Over the past 20 years, the Gastronomy organization has turned historic, dilapidated structures that have been abandoned into profitable, thriving businesses. In each instance, new businesses and energy have transformed neighborhoods and offered new hope to communities. Streets that were entirely devoid of business are now bustling Most recently, Gastronomy cen ters of activity because of Gastronomy's commitment to the city's rejuvenation. provided th e vision and leadership to cultivate investment in the Gateway district when few would invest in Salt Lake's warehouse area. Its investment is now a cornerstone of the burgeoning Gateway district and one of Salt Lake's most Mr. Williams has received a long list of honors for his man y visually prominent structures at the entrance to the city. accomplishments, including the Governor's Award for Excellence, the Utah Heritage Foundation "Citizen of the Year" Award, the Downtown Alliance Special Achievement Award, and the National Trust for Historic Preservation Honor Mr. Williams also has been involved in count less community Award. He was named Entrepreneur of the Year in 1997. activities throughout his years as business owner, including affiliations with the Utah AIDS Foundation, the Salt Lake City For Olympic Organizing Committee, Guadalupe Schools, and numerous arts, business and educa tion organizations. his commitment to the preservation of Utah's historic heritage and for his on-going business and comm unity involvement, Utah State University is proud Lo confer on John Warren Williams the honorary degree, Doctor of Arts.


University Outstanding Graduate Mentor and D. Wynne Thorne Research Awards

Steven D. Aust

has always been a strong proponent of student mentoring. Nearly fifty graduate students and sixteen postdoctoral trainees have learned under his leadership. His reputation has spread worldwide, with students coming from Japan , Italy, Poland, Finland, Austria, India, and Sri Lanka to work with him. Dr. Aust encourages problem solving, rational thought processes, and scientific reasoning. He is not only a tremendous researcher , but a gifted teacher as well. Dr. Aust enjoys teaching and training students. He is also the kind of individual who possesses superior intellect and an honest desire to see others succeed. Dr. Aust's students appreciate his personal interest in each of them. He is aware of and perc eives the emotional state of his students lending support to them in whatever way he can. Dr. Aust maintains high standards and morale in his laboratory, creating an atmosphere where ideas can be exchanged freely among graduate and undergraduat e students, postdocs, and research assistants. For his ability to teach, to motivate, and to inspire, Utah State University is proud to honor Steven D. Aust with the 2003 University Outstanding Graduate Mentor Award.

Steven D. Aust is a Professor of Chemistry and Biochemistry. He is an internationally recognized expert in a number of fields, including the toxicology of polyhalogenated aromatic hydrocarbons, lipid peroxidation, the role of iron in the deleterious oxidation of biomolecules, and the degradation of lignin and environmental pollutants by white-rot fungi. Over 59 graduate students and 26 postdoctoral trainees have received training under his supervision. Dr. Aust's research has been funded by NIH, NSF, the Department of Agriculture, EPA, and the U.S. Army and Navy, as well as private corporations. Total funding for his research exceeds $12 million. Dr. Aust has published nearly 350 articles in peer-reviewed journals, as well as 20 invited review articles, 60 conference proceedings articles, and chapters in 10 handbooks. His work is cited some 500 times each year in the scientific literature. He is a member of six professional soc ietie s and a Fellow of The Oxygen Society and Th e Academy of Toxicological Sciences. He has served on grant review panels for NIH, NSF, EPA, DOE, ONR, the Italian Ministry of University and Scientific Re sea rch , and the New Zealand Health Research Council. 0 For his outstanding accomplishment s, Steven D. Aust is honored as the 2003 D. Wynne Thorne Researcher of the Year.


Eldon J. Gardner Teaching Award


R. Stafford

With has been recognized three times as Lhe "Teacher of the Year" from the College of Business since 1977. and graduate global a reputation as a sLudenL-orienLed professor , Dr. Stafford Leaches primarily the undergraduate marketing audits "hands-on" conduct to consultants of role the on take marketing strategy courses where students from information strategy interpret A strong emphasis is placed on learning how to obtain and for companies. This empowers students with the print and Internet sources and applying strategy decision-making frameworks. In his lectures, he incorporates current events from the business skills to conduct similar project s on the job . press Lobridge mark eting theory and practice. Dr. Stafford also engages in educationa l outreach with the local high school , other deparLmenLs and universities, and the commu nity , and his outreach was recognized recently with the "Meritorious Achievement in Environmental Education Award" from the Salt Lake Organizing Committee for the Dr. Stafford's research centers on multi-sector collaboration for th e diffusion Olympic Winter Games of 2002. of cleaner technology , and his research has been publi shed in both business and environmental policy journals. He is also a frequent op-ed writer for newspapers and magazines about th e business opportunities of "going green." In the coming year, h e will engage students in a project to identify strategies for jumpstarting renewable energy For his outstanding achi eve ment s, Utah State University is pleased to honor Edwin R. Stafford mark e ts in Utah . with the 2003 Eldon

J. Gardner Teaching Award.


E. G. Peterson Extension Award


Von Bailey

is a professor of Economics and an Extension Economics Specialist. Dee Von has provided excellent educational programs for Extension clientele during his 20-year tenur e at Utah State University. DeeVon 's agricultural background, coup led with his keen ability to analyze systems as they relate to economic principles, has had a huge impact on Utah's agricultural economy . His und ers tanding of world agricultural eco nomie s has been , and will continue to be , a guiding light in the development of trad e agreements. These agreements will give Utah farm families hop e when things look bleak. In addition, Dee Von loves research. He ha s been highly responsive to field faculty needs by involving them in statewide programs, helping them publish in professional journals, and through research projects where he has taught them research methodology and interpretation of that research. Dee Von has had the superb ability to successfully navigate the chall enges of a sp lit appointment between creating new knowledge through his research appointment and dis seminating that knowledge to Extension clien tele who immediately use it to d eve lop better and more efficient agricultural systems, and also by preparing studen ts who are developing themselves for future agricultural careers. DeeVon Bailey has truly been an ideal educator, researcher and service provider for Utah State Univ ersity, th e Sta te of Uta h and the world and th ereby is honor ed with the 2003 E. G. Peterson Extension Award.


Teaching Excellence Awards Through an extensive selection process involving both students and faculty in the various academic colleges, seven members of the faculty have been designated for special recognition for excellence in teaching representing the seven colleges of the University: Agriculture; Business; Education; Engineering; Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences; Natural Resources; and Science. From among the seven, The Eldon J. Gardner Teaching Award recipient is chosen; the six remaining follow:

College of Agriculture T amara S. Vitale is a Clinical Assistant Professor in the Department of Nutrition and Food Sciences. She teaches junior-and senior-level students in the Dietetics Program with an emphasis on community nutrition, communication and counseling skills and senior practicum experiences. She has developed numerous new courses since coming to USU. She creates a casual classroom atmosphere and teaches with a positive, flexible and approachable style that is conducive to learning and, at the same time, allows students to enjoy the process and develop confidence. She helps students identify their unique strengths, talents, and interests and works to provide specific opportwrities that allow professional and persona l growth in those areas. Tamara has fostered professional and community networking that allows many options for student practicum projects, group and honor project s, and volunteer experiences. She provides diverse opportunities for students Loengage with the community while they provide services such as health fairs, cooking demonstrations and nutrition education to audiences of all ages.

College of Education ].Freeman


is a professor in the Department of Communicative Disorders and Deaf Education. During his ] 2 years of service at Utah State University, he has developed the Deaf Education program into one of the best training programs in the United States. As a teacher he is stimulating, creative, demanding, and caring. Students admire him and work hard to reach hi s high expectations of Dr. King cares deeply for each student and devotes their performance. personal time mentoring individuals; meeting with them, critiquing their teaching, encouraging their imporvement, demonstrating alternative methods, and stimulating their individual ideas. In the classroom, Dr. King establishes a warm , interactive style where students feel comfortable asking questions and interacting with new ideas. He also expects students to come to class prepared to discuss the topics being addressed during the class times and the students understand that they will need Lobe prepared Lointeract with him. Plrilosophically, Dr. King has dedicat ed his professional career to implementing new ideas and helping students question the status quo.


Teaching Excellence Awards College of Engineering


J. Johnson

for the second year in a row has been selected by the students as the Teacher of the Year for the Civil and Environmental Engineering Department. Mike is an outstanding teacher and mentor, and he has a very active research program. He is sensitive to the needs of his students and they are a priority in his busy schedule. One student stated, "he is very knowledgeable about the subject he teaches. Yet, he seems to remember what it was like not to know. This way he is sympathetic to student's needs." Another student mentioned "his lectures are welJ structured and prepared in advance, and the object lessons he shares are always easy to follow and well tailored to the current subject." Some students have mentioned that they weren't even interested in the area of hydraulics until taking a class from Mike. Now, they are emphasizing that area and some are going on for their master's degree. Mike has a joint appointment with the Utah Water Research Laboratory and in that capacity hires many students to work on his project which provides a great experience for them.

Coll eg e of Humanities, Arts, and Social Sciences

Vern J. Budge has been in the Department of Landscape Architecture and Environmental Planning for 36 years. His passion has been designing and teaching the three-course landscape construction series. During his tenure, Professor Budge has developed one of the most innovative and rigorous construction course sequences offered in any landscape architecture program. His lectures are stimulating, and the projects provide challenges, requiring students to think creatively, master and apply site engineering principles, and concern themselves with the aesthetics of what they design. He has earned a national reputation for his site engineering expertise and has been asked by the national licensing board for landscape architects to grade the construction section of the Unified National Exam on three different occasions. This recognition by national professional peers is offered to very few faculty nationwide. Students appreciate Vern as a mentor and have selected him as the LAEP Department Professor of the Year six times.


Teaching Excellence Awards College of Natural Resources

Fred Provenza joined the faculty of the College of Natural Resources in 1982, after completing his MS and PhD at Utah State University. Dr. Provenza interacts with a large cross -section of students in the required course NR 3000. Normally, this is a recipe for apprehension on the parL of undergraduates, who believe that such a course can't possibly be focused on their interest. In this case, they are in for a huge surprise, as the course is so broad and general that Dr. Provenza believes it should impact every aspect of their life. His "systems approach' ' Lo management includes management of their life and activities as well as natural resources, and he doesn't mean in a "day-planner" kind of way ... uhimately the course addresses a series of natural resource issues, and forces students to think about issues in a way much deeper and more profound than they would have thought possible a few weeks earlier. He challenges studen ts Lothink, explore, and learn by maintaining a non-threatening environment and by making it clear that everyone is a student regardless of their level of education. He offers a universe of ideas and asks studen ts to consider how they He doesn't teach "how might apply those ideas to their own understanding. things are, rather how things might he."

College of Science



his students' and his own. His revels in the surprise of discovery-both his courses, students exper ience In Leaching." favorite mantra is "research is science by engaging in exercises he designs that encourage them Lo be creative, to make guesses and perform follow-up observation and synt hesis. Over the years, Peak has championed and supported studen t learning outside of formal courses in many venues-as a faculty guide for USU's Gel Away Special Program , as a founding member of the Council on Undergraduate Research and as the Chair of the Governing Board of the National Conference In 1996, the American Physical Society Research. on Undergraduate recognized his mentorin g of stud ents with its Prize for Research Done with For Peak, a related passion is uncovering connections Undergraduates. between seemingly unrelated things. His hook, Chaos Under Control, and his USU general education course-Scie nc e, Art, and Music-for example, are explorations of how the physical univers e shape s our need to make and enjoy art.


Department The Department

Teaching Excellence Awards of Geology

demonstrates outstanding commitment to fostering a culture of learning excellence based on an educational tradition that stresses the importance of engaging students in the learning process. In addition to dynamic and exciting learning experiences in classrooms and laboratories, the department exposes students to first-hand experience in the natural world as they embark on their study of geoscience. All Geology students at Utah State have opportunities to engage in field and lab experiences, develop critical thinking skills and actively participate in the discovery process that is central to scientific inquiry. The Department of Geology maintains a strong commitment to engaging both undergraduate and graduate students in research projects in which faculty members provide guidance while students make their own discov eries . The Department of Geology systematically nurtures its faculty members in their development of exemplary teaching skills through a comprehensive teaching peer review process that benefits both the observer and the observed. The department emphasizes teaching ability as a criterion in hiring, consideration for merit pay increases, tenure and promotion decisions. New faculty members are assigned teaching mentors who work closely with them to help them improve their teaching skills. All faculty members are encouraged to attend workshops and meetings devoted to pedagogy and to share th e insights that they gain with th eir colleagues. Utah State University presents the 2003 Department Teaching Excellence Award with pride and gratitude to the Department of Geology.

The Department of Political Science demonstrates a commitment to fostering a culture of learnin g excellence that is based on inspiring its students to become independent and critica l thinkers. The development and implementation of innovative teaching strategies are actively enco urag er! and rewarded within the Department. A cas ual stroll through the halls of the Political Science department exposes one to the effervescent collegiality that is manifest through lively informal discussion spilling out of the offices, lounges and the department library. This department fosters an atmosphere where every minute is a teaching moment rather than confining learning solely to the classroom. Outside of the classroom, the department sponsors a very active internship program each year where students gain first-hand experience with the government and have an opportunity to apply their critical thinking skills. Internships cover a broad spectrum of opportunities at local, state and federal levels of government and in executive, legislative and judicial branches. The department's culture of learning excellence is also reflected in the many faculty members who enthusiastically participate as advisors and mentors to student organizations on campus . In recognition of outstanding commitment to foster a department culture that meaningfully values learning excellence Utah State University presents the 2003 Department Teaching Excellence Award to the Department of Political Science.


Alumni Association Letter Congratulations

on your graduation

alumni of this fin e institution

from Utah State University.

and I invite you to take advantage

You are now officially considered

of all that the Alumni Association ha s

to offer. Th ere are many programs to assist you now and in th e future. for job s with other Aggies and will also help you

Our new online director y can help in networking

The Yellow Pages option allows you to post a resume onlin e or locale Aggie-

stay in touch with friends. owned businesses.

With permanent

e-mail forwarding,

your friends will always be abl e to find you, and

our online newsletter will keep you up to date with all th e exciting happ ening s at your alma mater. Visit our Onlin e Community You have the opportunity Association.

at www.usu.edu/alumni

for complete details on these great programs.

to register for one free year of Sustaining Membership

I encourage you to do so, and to continue that membership

does your Sustaining Membership money to incoming students. road while contrjbuting

he]p keep you connected


in the Alumni the years.

Not only

with campus, it also provides scholarship

Aggie lic ense plates are also available to show your Aggie pride on the

to scholarships.

Together we can help future Aggies and k eep Utah State

strong. Alumni chapters Idaho, Washington,

have been established


Oregon , and Washington,

Utah, CaW'ornia, Nevada, Arizona, Colorado,

D.C. We encourage

you to become involved in your local

chapter and return to campus often for events like Aggie Family Day, Homecoming, and many others. Your participation

in these events and in your chapter will help you maintain

developed here while getting acquainted

with other Aggies in your area.

Welcome to the Alumni Association.

Dennis L. Sessions, President Utah State University

Alumni Association


the friendships


Special Honors and Certificates Valedictorians A valedictorian has been selected by each college of the University. Each valedictorian has selected a faculty escort.



College of Agriculture Corinna Von Niederhausern Escort, Stanley Allen College of Business Heather Turner Allen Escort, Rosemary Fullerton College of Education Teresa Garrett Escort, Deborah Hobbs College of Engineering Michal Hradisky Escort, Thomas Blotter College of Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences Rafael A. Davtian Escort, Peter McNamara College of Natural Resources Christopher Fausett Escort, Cliff Craig College of Science Lara Briana Anderson Escort, Jim Wheeler

University Citizenship

Awards Presented annually to the senior who best portrays high traits of character, scholarship, citizenship. Celestial Starr Bybee Jeffery T. Leek

Honors Program Graduates University


Amy Bobo Kathryn Fifield Nathan Hammond Catherine Larsen Olivia Lester Sunni Mumford Amy Rasmussen Wyatt Rivas Cor inna Von Niederhausern Jill Williams


Liberal Arts and Sciences

Amy Bobo Hal Allen Brooke Petersen Beazer Scott Bingham Benjamin Brown Justin Card Marchet Clark Kathryn Fifield Michael Girard Doug Hall Nathan Hammond Jeri Hansen John Hillam Summer Kartchner Lorena Lanford Amanda Larsen Catherine Larsen .Jeffrey Leek Olivia Lester John Love Lisa Lucas John Manning Sunni Mumford Kevin Orme Marcia Phillips Logan Phipps Amy Rasmussen Wyatt Rivas Spencer Rowe Brian Smed ley Leonora Tanner Corinna Von Niederhausern Jill Williams Sarah Wegener Michelle Whipple

Alissa Fay Groll Shannah L. Hobson Amy Rasmussen

Certificate of Area Studies International


Michael David Ashton Eric A. Coleman Adam Wayne Gallagher Kari Lyn Higbee Cynthia Marie lannace Shad King Lloyd T. Daniel Ray Cynthia Rojas Reed M. Stevens David Jo seph West

Law and Society Kristin Kariger Brittney L. Swensen


Religious Studies Matthew Kyle Bost Kylie A. Lower Shaun D. Miller Katie Marie Simon Kyle Keith Van Arsdol Sarah C. Wegener


of Gerontology

Desirae Albretsen Denise D'Agnese Kay Dawn Israelsen

Air Force Reserve Officer Training Corps (Commissioned as 2nd Lt. in U . S. Air Force) Aerospace Studies Robert William Allen David Bon Buxton JasonM.Dastrup Cody Alan Huct .Justin M. Kearns RobertN. Leake Brian R. Low Rodger T. Malmgren Seth Logan Marek Daniel W. McCombs Michael.J. Monson T. Daniel Ray Ryan Dale Rothman Lindsey P. Skelton Paul F. Traher Ronald Scott Wallace Tyler Thomas Westerburg

(Commissioned as 2'"1 Lt. in the U.S. Army) Brent A Creer Shawn A. Harris Jackson.I. Lee Brandon C. McLeod Miranda L. Gahn David L. Crofts Matthew S. Young David B. Harrison (December 02) Brian L. Slade

Honor Graduates The quality of performance in academic work enables the following to be graduates with distinction . Those who have met residence requirements and have maintained a grade point average of 3.95 to 4.00 are graduated Summa Cum Laude ; those whose average is 3.80 to 3.949, Magna Cum Laude; and those whose average is 3.50 to 3.799, Cum Laude.

Summa Cum Laude Allen, Heather A. Anderson, Curtis L. Anderson, Lara Briana Bankhead, Tomie D. Beecher, Shalisa Benson, Glenna E. Bettmann, William H. Beykirch, Jennifer L. Bingham , Scott Ronald Black, Joshua S. Blaser, Danielle R. Brown, Christopher Cooley Burt, Melissa L. Chambers, Joseph M. Christensen, Jason S. Clark, Marchet Corpron, Trent E. Davis, Cade Brian Davtian, Rafael A. Dirkmaat, Gerrit J. Fause tt, Christopher Lewis Fifield, Kathryn Ann Freshwater, Jacqueline Fugal, Spencer Robert Garrett, Teresa N. Gilbert, Kevin C. Goldman, Leslie Anne Harris , Leah T. Henderson, Shelley Hill, Amy Lynn Horman, Elise Marne Hradisky, Michal Huckaby, Travis Eugene Jeppson, Nathan Rees Johnson, David A. Johnson, Paul Graham Jones, Jason C. Lancaster, Paul L. Larsen, Michael Lagrande Larson, Rebecca Pope Leek, Jeffrey T. Lewis, Amy J. Luke , Melissa McMullin, Garrett L. Messinger, Susanna Marie

Miller , Angela Marie Morris, Scott Jeffrey Moser, Alicia Nelson, Alycia Elizabeth Newbold, Lori Beth Nielson, Jeannine Deborah Olsen, David Karl Oveson, Michelle Petersen, Britt Christina Phipps, Logan Curtis Pugmire, Brooke B. Puzey, Michael P. Randall , Julie Anne Rees, Melanie Ellan Rench er, Allison Lee Roberts, Jeffrey Lloyd Roth , Gregory Paul Rowley , Tiffany L. Runyan, Catherine 0 . Sabo, Daniel Creighton Seegmiller, Beau D. Seely, Mark R. Smart , Brittney N. Smart, Justin Bryan Smedley, Brian Kent Stephenson, Jennifer Stokes, Cindy Rohde Taylor, Heather M. Tuck, Julia Brirnn1 Visser, John B. VonNiederhausern, Corinna W. Wells, Kimberlee A. Wilde , Ann Williams , Jill Marie

Magna Cum Laude Allen, Hal David Allred, Kevin A. Alva, Matthew V. Andersen, Amber K. Anderson, Bart Russell Anderson, Jenna Halladay Anderson Gard, Beth M. Arbuckle, Janna Ashment, Kelsey J. Aston, April A. Atkinson, Gabriel H. Baker, Michael James Bangerter , Jennifer Bangerter , Sue Ann Bannister, John Wayne Barton, James G. Bassett, Jennie M. Begay, Tracy Belcher, Courtney Christie Beutler, AmiLea Bingham , Michelle Bischoff, Kevin Mark Blair, Julie Blake, Marjorie K. Blonquist , James Mark Bobo, Amy J. Bodily, Travis K.


Boehme, Peter Russell Boman, Brooke Braun, Carol Ilene Brenchley, Vanessa Ballam Brogan , Michael Scott Brown, Rachelle Goodrich Brown, Scott Andrew Buck, Tyson F. Burns, Alfred M. Cade, Elizabeth S. Call, Chrislynn R. Call, Eli W. Campbell, Jodi Carter, Angela Jo Chatterley, Jason R. Cheney, Laney Nicole Christensen, Jeffrey Jay Clements, Samuel L. Cluff, Debora L. Coleman, Laurie A. Craner, Laura Hilton Crapo, Melissa MariAnne Curry, Karalyn Curtis, Sarah E. Dallon, Daniel Darrington, Don Terry Dastrup, Ann M. Davidson, Cory M. Davis, Brittney L. DeMille, David J. Dickison, Lindsey Beth Diehl, Nathan L. Dinerstein, Bethanne Bytheway Draney , Cari Call Dupaix , Nicole Durfee, Ranae Durrant, Jill Edgar, Jonathan Carl Edwards, Tori Egan, Annette Griffin Elder, Valerie Demonja Ellis, Nicole A. Elmer, Heidi A. Esplin, Bruce W. Fackrell, Howard L. Farnes , Stephanie Faust, Cheryl A. Faust, Sara A. Ferguson, Laura L. Fillmore, Mindy Fisher, E. Ronald Flake, Margaret A. Forsberg, Michael L. Fowers, Lindsey B. Franson, Miriam L. Gallenson, Desiree Galloway, Kristin Garn, Connie Garn, Trevor Clarke Geary, Alisha A. Geyer, Jacob Lewis Gibbons, Judy Humpherys Gibson, Roseann Kirk Giles, Jessie Ann

Gilley, Rakeyl M. Goode, Rebecca Rae Goodsell, Lyndy S. Gremler, Kelly Laura Grigg, Bren da Emily Groll, Alissa Fay Grunig, Tanna Jean Guymo n, Brian Hadley, Michael J. Hall, Douglas W. Hancock , Kyle Max Hancock, Natalie W. Hansen , Jerilyn Harper , Kimberly Kay Harris, Ann Lorraine Harris , David L. Harris, Shawn Alan Harrison , Brook L. Hartwell, Sharalyn Hatch, Hailey M. Haws, Nathan Daren Hay, Caroline Henderson, David Brent Henry, Robert Charles Hillam, John Dinsdale Holbrook , Cherri Hoobs, Crystal Kay Hoopes, Jacob Hooste, Joanna M . Houtz, Daniel R. Huber , Craig D. Huffman, Heather Lynn Hummel , Benjamin C. H yer, Andr ew Charles Inglet, Boyd Sam Jenkins, Maurice Gustaf Jensen, Jeffrey A. Job, Kathleen M. Jolmson , Benjamin Charl es Johnson , Dianna Johnson, Heath er Deon Johnson, Michael David Johnson , Seth Richard Johnson, Tyler S. Jolley, Ryan William Jones, Benjamin Lyman Jones, Jennifer Jorgensen , Adrianna Jorgensen, Jamie Bradley Jorgensen, Na talie Kartchner, Summer Celest Kindred, Steven Gregory Klingler, Matth ew Alm a LaMont, Jennif er Lee Lansing, Travis S. Larsen, Amanda K. Larsen, Catherin e A. Larsen, Eric Warren Law, Aaron N . Lawler , Alice Ruth Leavitt, Taylor Smith Lee, Kerstin M Leukhardt, Tyree J. Lichfield, Cammie J.

Liechty, Cammie Long, Cindi S. Lyon, Rachael Catherine Fetzer Lyons, Lauralee Mair, Linda J. Marek, Melanie Marler , Lindy A. Mars hall, Gregg A. Maughan, Julie A. Maxfield , Cameron T. Maxfield, Melani e McEntire, Anna Mari Brunson McKellar, Jason R. McKinlay, Kelly Ann McMullin , Joyce A. Melville, Keith B. Menlove, Taylor M. Merrill, Marriner Hyde Mickelson, Steven R. Miles, Jaclyn Miller, Mand y Lynn Miner , Jamie B. Mitsuoka, Yasuko Miyake , Katie A. Moor e, Chari Morgan , Andrew W. Morrell , A. Kyle Mortensen , Dustin Gene Mumford, Sunni Lyn Murray, Heidi R. Murri, Brett Austin Nelson, Laree Nelson, Rachel Nelso n, Sarah Newman, Scott Nielsen, Kevin Mark Noorda, Kellie W. Noyes, Marianne Olsen, Karene Olson , Landon Kim Ormsby, Matthew Donald Orr, Cassandra E. Pabst , Cali Page, Mand y Palmer , Bradley Glen Palmer, Stacie Parke, Scott Ted Parker , Vance Curtis Peters , Whitney Colleen Petersen, Brad D. Pinkston, James Matth.ew Por t, Travis G. Ramage, Lindsay A. Rasmussen, Clay L. Raymer, Jacob Aaron Retford, Brian P. Reyes, Nicholas Richards, Adam H. Richard s, Daniel A Richard s, Rachel F. Rose, Aud ra J. Russell, Chari sse Lyn Saunder s, J. David Shicker, Micah R.


Schiffman, Amber Schwieder, Mikell Seamons , Angela Seamons , JacobAlan Seiferle, Leslie F. Shaffer, Jeremy James Shaffer , Jon R. Shaw, Katie Lee Shaw , Michelle Shipley, Jenice R. Sigg, Chri stian Robert Simmons, Angela M . Simon son, Paul Dennis Sline, Andrea P. Smith , Joshua David Sonntag, Sharlott e Marie Silver Sorenson, Jamie Spencer , Matt S. Spicer , Saralyn K. Stansfield , Joseph Roy Stansfield, Lola Steadman, Jason S. Steed, Jeffrey D. Steinmetz, Rachel M. Stewar t, Brian C. Stewa rt, Keri W. Sundberg, Jaakob T. Swensen, Brittne y L. Taylor, Amber E. Terry, Michonne J. Thomas, Amy Tippetts, Wend y M. Tobler, Elizabeth Tolman, Alisha Celeste Topholm, Cat hrine D. Tryba, Christopher Alan Tu ttle, Michael Roger Van Arsdol , Kyle Keith VanDyke, Adam Vanhille, Kenneth J. VanZa nten, Jacqueline Veile, Mark James Velling a, H eidi Walk er, Kelly Miche lle Wardle, Erika E. Webber , F. Nat han Wegener, Sarah C. Wendel , Rachel West, David Joseph Westover , Rhonda Whipple, Michelle Williams, Richard B. Williams, Tara Marie Willmore, Corwin Matthew Willson, Jeanie Leona Wilson, Elinda R. Wimm er, Chr istian Lance Witt, Kelli Ann e H irschi Worthin gto n, Becky A Youn g, Kira Ann Zolling er, Brooke E.

Cum Laude Adams, Maria Kristine Adams, Nathan Kent Ahlstrom, Sid L. Alder, Kasey Carlson Allan, Celeste Allen, Andrew W. Allen, McKen zie T. Allred, Sarah Douglas Allsop, Kenneth C. Alsop, Jennifer A. Alverson, Kyle E. Ames, Rachel J. Anders, Stacey A. Anderson, Cathryn E. Anderson, Derek Brent Anderson, Jacob R. Anderson, Jessie Lynn Anderson , Jill Anderson , Mark Edward Archibald, Harley B. Archibald, Tammie Jean Arevalo, Mary S. Armstrong, Corinn D. Arnold, Cory Lance Arnout, Lance Lenard Ashton, Michael David Astle, Heidi Juel Atkinson , Stacy Ann Atkinson, Tricia Lori Auman, Tiffany A. Baer, Jamie Bair, Kerry Lynne Baker, Eilene Kat a Baldwin , Brandt T. Ball, Melanie Ballard, Emily J. Bankhead , Nathan Spence Banks, Lisa Barfus, Mistie D. Barker, Debra Louise Barker, Justin David Barlow, Laura J. Barney , Mind y L. Barrett, Summer Bastian, Robert Steve n Bastian, Shauna J. Bateman, Courtney Marie Bateman, Lark Ann Bayles, Linzee Niels en Bayn, Jenny R. Beazer, Brook e Petersen Beck, Heidi M . Beddes, Taun Beesley, Brian Paul Bell, Brett J. Bell, LaRee Bennett, Abigail Dawn Benson, Carrie Belle Bergeson, Jocee Betts, Rebecca Biesinger, Tasha Bilbao, Sarah Dawn

Bingham, Melissa B. Bird, Carolyn Gean Bird, Michelle Bischoff, Alysia Bishop, Celia M . Black, Sara Kelly Yoshiko Blackson, Seth Daniel Blair, Bradden J. Blair, Jannette Mary Blake, Leeann M. Bleazard, Stacy Bloom, Kristen Ashley Blw1t, Alicia V. Bost, Matt hew Kyle Bott, Kara H. Bouwhuis, Robert Samuel Boyer, Michelle Brady, Daniel Tadashi Brainard, Katrina M. Briem, John M . Bringhurst, Ju stin Taylor Brown , Heather Holmgren Brown, Misti Kay Brown, Scott Richard Brown, Thomas Brunson, Jerilyn Bryan, Aimee Michele Bryan, Andrew Lester Bryner, Mandi Le Buccambuso, Margaret Karren Buck , Jermifer L. Bullock, Steven D. Bundy, Russell R. Bunk er, Aaron C. Bunnell, Emily Beth Burbank, Bridgette Eva Burbano, Mitzi R. Burch, Matthew Byron Burrows, Jona than M . Burt, Kev in Timothy Burton, David R. Burton, James Theodore Burton, Jeraldean N. Bushman, Robin H. Bushnell , Stephanie Butikofer, Jake Clement Buttars , Nicolas K. Buttars, Ryan C. Butzin, Addie Paige Caldwell, Natalie Jo Call, Mandee S. Call, Mary Ann Call, Shannon Margaret Callahan, John Patrick Cammack, Erin Cannon, Joshua Barney Cannon, Paul Delamare Cardwell, Heather V. Carlile, Blake Rulon Carlson, Catherine J. Carlson , Jenny R. Carlson, Kelli A. Carlson, William Jay Carmichael, Tracie Lynn


Carro ll, Jennifer Margaret Case, Benjamin Joseph Casperson, Joshua Joseph Chapman, Dawn Bethan y Chase, Darin A. Choi, Hyun Jin Christensen, Brittney Labrum Chris tensen, Joshua P. Christensen, Kari M. Christensen, Kiersten R. Chris tense n, Mindy Clark , Ca mi Elizabeth Clark, Katie Clements, Rebecca Anne Coats, Anali sa Coburn, Dougla s K. Coburn, Krystal Mae Cole, Adam Michael Coleman, Eric A. Collins, Holly Conklin , Dorian Lyle Cook, Douglas D. Cook, Michael Ryan Coombs, Cathrine 0. Coombs, Joy Marie Coombs, Tamara J. Corbridge, Jodie Marie Cordova, Kelly Dee Cottle, Karen E. Cox, Laura V. Cragun, Caroline Elizabeth Cranney, Elizabet h Ann Crook ston, Colette A. Crosb ie, Amy Ann Croshaw , Matthew J. Cushing, Traci Lyn Custer, Rachelle J. Dabe!, Joseph G. D' Agnese, Denise R. Dailing, Jennifer Marie Dallof, Sarah Kristine Darley, Lee James Dastrup, Teresa D. Datwyler, Richard F. Davis, Carly S. Davis, Scott R. Davis, Shellianne Dawson, Peter N . Daybell, Jamie L. Decaria, Paula Nay Deeter, Cody B. Delaney, Jennifer Jo Delray, Christena DeMott, Catherine I. Denison, Elisabeth C. Dennis, Kirk Jason Dent, Emily DeSpain, Andrew Thomas Dewsnup, Angie Dibble, Stephanie A. Dille, Michael Joe Dodds, Jake Steven Dooley, Suzy C. Dougal, Shane Merrill

Douglas, Jennif er Dryden, Amber M. DuPaix , LeMoyne Alan Dustin, Alison J. Ebner, Jessica D. Edgar, Deborah Kay Edwards, Cicile M. Edwards, David William Egbert, Cameron Q. Ekins, Andrea Ekins, Matthew D. Empey, Sarah B. Enger, Jason M. England, Jill Erekson, John Stephen Erichson, Lisa Marie Erickson, Maureen K. Esplin, Shennie Evans, Chad Douglas Evans, Stephanie Michelle Eyre, Darren Wayne Eyre, Elizabeth Fager, Andrew J. Fain, Karina K. Faulk, Janet Fedor, Jill Elizabeth Felsted, Lindsay Ferry, Teresa Anne Fischer, Laura B. Fischer, Tasha R. Forsgren, Bridi L. Forsgren, Kristen C. Francom, Jared Winn Fratto, Kim K Fuller, Amy Lee Fuller, Brooke Lee Fullmer, Joanna C. Funk, Maria Funk, Michael J. Gahn, Miranda L. Gallagher, Amber S. Geddes, Adam John Gee, Marc C. Gibson, Sonya Sue Gillett, Torilyn Girard, Michael L. Gittins, Michelle Gittins, Stephanie Wagstaff Goddard, Monique Goodman, Jenny M. Gordon, Arianne Elizabeth Gordon, Stephanie H . Goudie, Tyler James Griffin, Suzanne Warren Grim, Erik M. Grunig, Jed R. Cutkc, Scott W. Hadfield, Suzanne Hafer, Lindy Marie Hagen, Barbara J. Hales, Shelby F. Hall, Adrienne E. Hall, Andrea Hall, David Lynn

Hamilton, Justin R. Hammond, Brooke L. Hammond, Charisa D. Hammond, Jason B. Hammond , Nathan Allen Hancock, Shawn M. Hanks, Jill C. Hansen, Kahri Hansen , Kendra D. Hansen, Michael Craig Harris, Deloy Dee Harris, Kirk Sidney Harris, Sandra Anne Krogh Harris, Shannon K. Harrison , Brandon Lee Hatch, Angela Hathaway, Erin Jerusha Hawkins, Melissa Christine Heiner, Kimberly Ann Hellstrom, Cebu Helms, Brandon T. Henderson, Kristen Henderson, Laura Lynn Hernandez, Nickolas Shane Hertzler, Jeffrey Adam Hickman, M. Bryan Hill, Harmony Hillman, Brent D. Hillman , Karisa Hinze, Heath er N. Hivner, Audrey Lynn Hobbs , Klinton E. Hodges, D.J. Hoffman, Erin M. Hollinger, Cheryl Marie Homer , Angela Hutchinson Homer, Julianne Horigome, Sanae Horman , Preston J. Howlett , Sonya Marie Hoxer, Marcie Huber, John J. Huber , Summer A. Hulme, Sarah Courtney Hw1saker, Adam Hall Hunsaker, Elizabeth R. Hurst, Rebecca A. lngebrigtsen, Stein Erinn Israelsen, Kaydawn Israelsen, Marlene Israelsen, Valerie Ivory, Carey L. Jacobs, Ralphie A. Jaques, Cary Jeffs, Lisa L. Jenkins, Paul Russell Jenkins, Tammy S. Jenks, Ainsli Jensen, Branden Jensen, Kimberly John, Aaron Decker John, Timmie Lyn Johnson , Heidi Johnson, Jeremy C.


Johnson, Melissa Johnson, Nicole Johnson, Todd Palmer Johnson, Weston B. Jones, Brandon Kent Jones, Dena D. Jones, Kera Jones, Marisa A. Jones, Rebecca M. Jones, Sherrie Kay Jones, Stefanie Egan Jones, Teresa Jorgensen, Arlynda Wright Jorgensen, Rebecca Perkins Kaczor, Kathleane E. Kartchner, Amber Kawakami , Nicole Keller, Spencer Jeppsen Kelly, Jeffrey W. Kelly, Jessica Lynne Kenison, Anne Elizabeth Kennedy, Heather J. Kennedy, Jill A. Kennison, Gary W. Kent, Mandy Marie Kerner, Teri Allene Kerns, Sarah V. Keyes, Kathryn Williams Kidd, Kalleen Kim, Boo Sun Kindred, Catherine Barlow Kirby, John Taylor Kircher, Sara J. Kitz, Leilani Ko, Young Rae Koller , Amie M. Kostial, Joshua Cory Krajewski, Andr zej Krogh, Mark Kunnas, David G. Kunz, Kaleb Klay Lacy, Jillian S. Laing, Clinton Logan Lambertsen, Phil 0. Lane, Katie Melinda Langford, Julia L. Larsen, Eric T. Law, Seth W. Leake, Robert N. Lechner, Jarom A. Lee, Ah-Lim Lee, Jackson J. Lee, Melissa Robin Lester, Olivia Linnell, Jenny Lyn Lloyd, Lisa Yvonne Lorimer, Heather Allen Low, Brian R. Lund, Charity Lundahl, Merrilyne Lundgren, Anita J. Lundquist, Joseph Lutz, Kent Lyman, Lori M.

Mabey, Anna Halayna Madsen, Danielle Madsen, Tammy Maeser, Nathan K. Magistro, Mendy Magnusson, Melissa Ann Mahoney, John W. Manning, Angela Back Manning, John Graham Marks, McKenzi JoAnn Marshall, Amy Louise Martin, Janalyn Martineau, Ryan Scott Marturello, Brooke Mather, Stoney Lee Maxfield, Janie Maxfield, Mindi J. McBride, Bryce Jared McBride, Jacob Lee McNaughtan, Matthew Grant McNeil, Allen D. Meisman, Brian P. Menlove, Sara Ann Merkley, Marshawn Merrill , Christine T. Merrill, Janalyn Midget , Emilee Dawn Mihu, Robert Craig Miramontes , Esther-Marie Mock, Erin Lynn Moen, Kassie Sue Mohr, Teresa Moncur , MitChell R. Monsen, Myron D. Monson, Brian B. Montague , Natalie Nelson Moore, Laura Elizabeth Moore , Michelle Morris, Carolyn Marie Mortensen, Robert J. Mosde ll, Matthew D. Muir, Brian B. Mumford, Tamara Elaine Murray, Andrea Murray, Janese A. Murray, Mandey L. Nagata, David George Neeley, Christine Biddle Neiwert, Tory A. Nelson, Mary Margaret Nelson, Spencer K. Nelson, Susanna Nemanic, Heather Elizabeth Nettleship, Maradon Draper Neville, Daniel Andrew Neville, Steven M. Ng, Kong Michael Nicolaysen, Susan Nielsen, Abram Jon Nielsen, Julia Nielsen, Robert Nielson, Amy Williams Noble, Robyn Joanne Noble, Teresa M.

Ogden, Kara E. Oliver, Amelia Olpin, Adam Glen Olsen, Jaime Kay Olsen, Jason Wade Olsen, Karen M. Olsen, Natalie M. Olson, Abigail Wood Oman, Lizzette J. Orme, Kevin Cross Pace, Heather Mitchell Page, Cindy S. Page, Rachel S. Palmer, Clayton H. Palmer, Jaime Palmer, James Elmo Panter, Katie C. Park, Soo-Hyun Parker, John Joseph Parmenter, Alyson K. Patterson, Deirdra Peacock, Cody LaMar Pectol, John Ephraim Peery, Shanell Pehrson, Clayton G. Perrone, Macylyne Malm strom Perry, Trent J. Peterse n, Brooke Jamie Petersen, Jeff D. Petersen, Kelsey L. Peterson, Jayson Robert Peterson, Kambr ee Peterson, Megan Christensen Phillips, Marcia Phippen, Shari Pollock, Caroline Poppinga, Casey Porter, David Bruce Porter, Kami N. Poul ton, Lacey C. Powell, Jared Southwick Pruitt, Jeremy R. Purdy, Jenette Pyne, Annette Marie Quincieu, Joel Quist, Jocelynn E. Ramsey , Jenifer L. Raphael, Kathryn Sanders Rasmussen, Amy Rawson, Jessica Ray, Margaret H. Ray, T. Daniel Reategui, Sandra Reich, Amy Marie Richards , Kenneth Roy Richins , Troy LeGrand Ricks, Deborah Rinehart, Kati L. Rinehart, Phillip Mark Ripplinger, Darcy Rivas, Wyatt Harlan Robb, Erin Roberts, Kelli N. Roberts, Rebecca A.


Robertson, McKinsey Robertson, Ryan J. Robinson, Emily Anne Rockwell , Julie Marie Rockwood, Jason H. Roderick, Brooke A. Roper, Ashlee L. Roundy, Brittni L. Rowe, Spencer Bowen Rupper, Wendy A. Russell, Lauren April Sagers, Val M. Sampson, Michael Corry Sampson, Michael K. Schaeffer, David Daniel Schvaneveldt, Bradley D. Scott, Shalyse Seamons, Shawna Lynn Seeley, Ryan Jeffrey Seigenberg, Karla J. Sewell, Kara DeAnne Sexton, Shanna L. Shaffer, Alison A. Shaffer, Todd Ferris Shamo, Brenda C. Shelton, William Randall Shepherd, Heidi Silver, Aaron Stott Simmons, Michael John Simpson, Nancy Valoise Simp son, Todd A. Sivert, William J. Slatter, Kristen Smart, Aaron C. Smith, Annai Denise Smith, Celia L. Smith, Cheryl L. Smith, Connie S. Smith, Conrad K. Smith, Jennifer Smith, Melissa A. Smith, Natalie K. Smith, Shannon L. Smith, Shannon Sanae Smith, Taitum Smith, Teresa B. Snow, Heidi Jo Snow, Nichole M. Sorensen, Tamara ViAnn Sorge, Dionne Souter, Jennifer Martin Spackman, Heidi Lee Spafford, Debbie F. Spencer, Michelle Diane Speth, Monica Stafford, Donald Lynn Jr. Stahl, Kathleen Steed, Natalie G. Stewart, Melissa J. Stewart, Tiffany L. Stocking, Mark T. Stoddard, Janey R. Stolle, Rebecca Stones, Jessica S.

Straley, Amy D. Stringfellow, Angela Soren Stringham, Melita Stuart, Anne E. Summers, Ashley Swasey, Camille Israelsen Swensen, John P. Swensen, Mark Philip Tanner, Leonora G. Tanner, Tracey Kay Tansey , Suzanne Irene Taylor, Andrea L. Taylor, Ashlee D. Taylor, Shayne Tazelaar, Audrey Marie Techmeyer, Merinda E. Teter, Whitney L. Tew, Naomi R. Thomas, Dwight J. Thompson, Cynthia L. Thompson, Emily G. Thompson, Valerie J. Timmons, Holly E. Tippets, Nicole Toole, Nathaniel T.

Tucker, Brandon Jacob Tuttle, Sherrie Udy, Raelyn Utley , Matthew C. Valentine , Paulette B. Van Dyke, Mandi Lynn Vanhille, Vanessa Vedina, Anna Vermaas, Jenny Marie Volpi, Alessandra C. Von Niederhausern, Rachel Ann Wadley , David Kent Wanagel, Annemarie Watson, Lyndsey Watts , Estee A. Webster, Heather Marie Webster, Melissa 0. Weed, Daniel Taylor Welch, Halee A. Welch, Patricia Dawn Welch, Stephanie Layne Wentworth, Sarah B. Wilcox, Stacie L. Wilhelmsen, Seth Wilkinson, Justin T.


Wilkinson, Lanie Williams, Amy Williams , Carlotta A. Williams, Elizabeth L. Williams, Rebecca D. Williams , Russell Scott Willis, Jeff D. Willis, Peggy Wilson, Aubrey A. Wilson, Demaree Wilson, Jaime M. Wilson, Lorane Wilson, Nora Elisabeth Wiser, Martin Harold Yates, Mikelle Lee Yonk, Ryan M. Yorgason, Shiree Yorke, Ruth Yost, Justin Ray Young, Angela M. Young, Laura Dawn Young, Rebecca Young, Ruth A. Zollinger, Lucie Chantal Simone

Candidates for Graduation Names listed in the program do not constitute graduation.

Agriculture Noelle E. Cockett Dean Abshire, Kristeen Bennion Ackerson, Monica Adams, Melanie Ballard Adams, Nathan Kent Albert, Jesi Allen, Alicia Allen, Rochelle Allred, Douglas C. AIJred, Sarah Douglas Anderson, Curtis L. Anderson, Jacob R. Arnold, Cory Lance Atkinson, Stacy Ann Bailey, David T. Bailey, Sylvia L. Baird, Kyle G. Baker, Deborah M. Balls, Tina K. Bascom, Laura R. Bateman, Lark Ann Baw1, Chery l Ann Baun, Christine Lee Bayn, William R. Beagley, Megan Beddes, Taun Beutler, Andrew W. Blonquist, James Mark Bolander, Jalaine Booth, Sarah Joanna Branham, Tina M. Buroker, Talia Marie Buttars, Nicolas K. Button, Kevin Christopher Cadwalader, Catherine Lynn Cannon, Joshua Barney Chapman, Dawn Bethany Child, DeeAnna Newey Chou, An-Chueh Christensen, Brady L. Christensen, Kari M. Christensen, Suzanne Christiansen, Mistie J. Clelland, Stanford Lee Cole, Nephi Jolm Cook, Michael Ryan Coombs, Jenaca Marie Creech, Megan L. Creer, Brent Alan Crosbie, Amy Ann Czerniak, Allison Elsa Dahl, Carlene June Darcey, Annette Arlene

Darley, Lee James Dastrup, Teresa D. Davis, Cade Brian Davis, Cheryl Denison, Elisabeth C. Dent , Rachel Domichel, Angela Marie Eicher, Elizabeth Kae Evans, John B. Fager, Laura Fain , Karina K. Firth, Mathew R. Fitts , Jennifer Lenore Freshwater, Jacqueline Furner, Ryan Thomas Gallenson, Desiree Gardner, Anne Gentry, Veronica L. Gerratt, Emily Gibson, Roseann Kirk Hadfield , Lisa A. Hadfield, Suzanne Hale, Andrew Farrer Hansen , Lexi A. Harper, Kimberly Kay Harris, Judy J w1ette Hart, Megan D. Haueter , Aru1e Haux, Frederick William Healey, Jason Daniel Heninger, Andrea Hill, Nathan Scott Hillman, Brent D. Hillman, Karisa Hoffman, Erin M . Hurst, Rebecca A. lnglet, Boyd Sam Israelsen, Marlene Jensen, Dewey Mckay Jensen , Summer Jane Johnson, Brett Kevin Johnson, Heidi Johnson, Jake A. Johnson, Weston B. Jones, Dena D. Jones, Kera Jordan, Tricia Kemp, Sierra Ann Kenley, Lori Rae Kitz, Leilani Lanford, Lorena Ann Larsen, Amanda K. Larsen, Michael Duane Laub, Angela Dawn Lauritzen, Patricia B. Lauti, Darcy M. Lehnhof, Mark T. Lorimer, Heatl1er Allen


Mangum, Joshua L. Manning, Randilynn Marek, Melanie Mathews, Kyle T. McCammon, Tony Allen Meyers, Morgan John Mitchell, Brandon Dell Monsen, Myron D. Montgomery, Stacey Jay Morris, Carolyn Marie Moser,Joann E. Moser, Laura Murray, Weston Boyd Nelson, Rachel Nelson, Toni E. Nemanic, Heather Elizabeth Nettleship, Maradon Draper Nield, Heather Marie Nielsen, Monique Nielson, Justin Burgoyne Okawa, Hiroshi Olsen, Courtney Olson, Tyler K. Orton, Summer I. Pace, Heather Mitchell Palmer, Annalisa Panter, Katie C. Patterson, Deirdra Pehrson, Clayton G. Peterson, Shelley A. Pickett, Terron M. Pocock, Dustin G. Prescott, Collins Glad e Rees, Cheryl Regen, Elisa Reich, Amy Marie Reid, Mikki L. Richards, Ruth Rogowski, Cassandra L. Rose, Amber L. Rose, William G. Sargent, Andrew Mack Schneider, Kyle Stacy Schoen, Christian George Seamons, Shawna Lynn Sharp, Thomas F. Shelley, Teri L. Smith, Connie S. Smith, Rob Clifford Smith, Taitum Snelgrove, Tiffany Solomon, Jedediah Spicer, Saralyn K. Stephens, Stuart Chad Stephenson, Lee G. Stoddard, C. Jeremy Straley, Amy D. Sweat, Kasee L.

Thomas, Amy Thompson, Cynthia L. Timmons, Heather Elaine Trujillo, Timothy Samuel Tseng, Yin-Hua Tuck, Julia Brimm Udy, James Allen Utley, Matthew C. Uyematsu, Akiko N. VanDyke, Adam Verge, Haley E. VonNiederhausem, Corinna W. Wanagel, Annemarie W angsgard, Scott Weber, David M. Wheeler, Wendy L. Whipple, Michelle Williams, John Charles Wing, Jennifer Woods, Charles Eric Young, Rebecca Zilles, Staci

Associate of Applied Science Degrees Adams, Michael J. Anderson, Seth Kent Claflin, Kate Elizabet h Draper, David A. Firth, Mathew R. Gilm ore, Michelle Glines, Benjamin L. Hansen, Michael John Holcomb, Melinda Knight, Jessica A. Nielson, Jilene Shaver, Janene Siglin, Jamie R. Smith, Marie Street, Susan Vernon, Sandra

Certificates Firth, Mathew R. Gilmore, Michelle Grover, Alyssa Sue Larsen, Ronald A. Neilson, Emily Ruth Ward, Brittainy D.

Business Caryn L. Beck-Dudley Dean Abeyta, Phillip Adams, Nathan D. Ahmed, Mohammed Lawi Albrecht, Anni .cka H .

Albrecht, Justin B. Alder, Morgan Adam Allan, Katherine Jane Allen, Dennis S. Allen, Hal David Allen, Heather A. Allen, Jeana Allison, Matthew Clair Allred, Jason Matthias Allred, Sara Amidon, Paul Eric Andersen, Jared J. Anderson, Ashlee A. Anderson, Brandi L. Anderson, Carissa Dawn Anderson , Curtis M. Anderson, David Scott Anderson, Derek Brent Anderson, Jeffrey Lee Anderson, Meagan L. Anderson, Robert Niel Anderson, Stephen Tyler Anderson Gard, Beth M. Andrew, Mindy Lynn Law Archibald, Camilla M. Archibald, Jennifer C. Archuleta, Ryan M. Arevalo, Mary S. Armstrong, Corinn D. Arnell, Dallas John Atkinson, Gabriel H. Aullman , Heather Babcock, Kim C. Badger, Jonathan Earl Bair, Jacob Baird, Janell S. Baker, Eilene Kata Baker, Michael James Baldwin, Brandt T. Bankhead, Nat han Spence Bannister, John Wayne Barber, Bradley Jex Barker, Jacob Douglas Barnett, Blake Dean Barrus, Wade Edward Barton, Kellie Bastian, Robert Steven Baumann, Benji Arthur Beaman, Matthew G. Beardall, Christen Bedke, Elizabeth E. Belcher, Courtney Christie Bell, Ryan Jaques Bergeson, Jocee Berry, Cle1meth M. Biada, Erica A Bills, Richard Scott Bingham, Benjamin A. Bingham, Benjamin K. Bingham, Melissa B. Birchell, Nancy L. J. Bird, Carolyn Gean Blakley, Scott F. Boehme, Peter Russell


Bolun, Stephen B. Boman, Brooke Borjas, David Leon Bott, Kara H. Bouwhuis, Chad G. Boyer, Andrew W. Bradford, Jaime C. Bradley, Zeke T. Bringhurst, Lisa Broadbent, Jill Brown, Daniel S. Brown, Jake D. Brown, Kelly L. Brown, Mickaela Brown, Ruth A. Brown, Scott Andrew Brown, Scott Daniels Bryner, Mandi Le Bullen, Milton C. Bundy, Russell R. Burch, Matthew Byron Burgoyne, Alison Burton, Shawn Merrill Bushman, Robin H. Busta, Jesse D. Buttars, Rachel A. Byington, Justin Neal Call, Eli W. Call, Suni Callahan, Kevin Higham Cammack, Marshall J. Campbell, Chad Joseph Ca,mon, Douglas Alan Cardon, Nathan William Carl ile, Blake Rulon Carlson, David Chad Carnahan, Jerry William Chae, Yu-Kyong Chatterley, Jason R. Checketts, Andrew V. Childs, Carla Francine Cho, Yong-Sang Christensen, Aaron James Christensen, Angela Clark, Jason Clark, Kelly W. Clark, Michelle Dahle Clarke, Cory Peter Cleaver, Preston Loyd Clements, Samuel L. Cliften, Jeff R. Cole, Gregory G. Collins, Holly Conklin, Dorian Lyle Cook, Trevor L. Coombs, Keenan G. Costa, Ricardo Da Silva Covington, Michelle Cowley, Ryan W. Cox, Kami Craig, Heather Craw, Deven Crawford, Candice Crockett, Spencer Wade

Croft, Chris P. Croshaw, Matthew J. Cummings, Jeremy W. Cummings, Julianne Curry, Karalyn Curtis, Kevin D. Cushing, Traci Lyn Custer, Rachelle J. Dahl, Mary Ann Daines, Micah L. Dale, Ronald R. Daly, Kevin J. Dangerfield, Kelly R. Daniels, Shane K. Darrington, Brady Steven Darrington, Don Terry Dastrup, Ann M. Davidsavor, Robert Rex Davis, Brittney L. Davis, Brock Davis, Dustin Davis, Misty Deem, Tanna H. DeGraw, Benjamin Armin Delk, Brandon S. Delray, Christena DeSpain, Andrew Thomas Despain, Benjamin W. DeVoll, Crystal L. Dickey, Melisa A. Dille, Michael Joe Dorris, David Kent Doxstader, Georgene M. Drake, Jeremy Todd Draper, Michael T. DuPaix, Chere Suzanne Duren, Jason M. Durham, Dana M. Dustin, Alison J. Ekins, Matthew D. Elegante, Thomas J. Empey, Nicholas Ray Enger, Jason M. Erekson, John Stephen Ericson, Carrie Ann Esplin, D'Lynne Evans, Andrew Jared Eversman, Michelle Lynn Ewing, Jennifer Marie Fabrizius, Cory Martin Fairbourn, Susan Fanelli, Shela Fernandez, Miguel A. Ferry, Joel Miles Finley, Duane Anthony Fisk, Levi Brandon Flinders, Timothy Meadows Floyd, Preston C. Foerster, Erikalyn Forsgren, Kristen C. Foster, Jonathan L. Franson, Anna L. Franson, Miriam L. Fritzler, James A.

Fuentes, Jose' R. Funk, Michael J. Galloway, Kristin Garn, Trevor Clarke Geddes, Adam John Geertsen, Leslee Lucille Gibbons, Judy Humpherys Gibson, Devon Michael Gihring, Erica J. Giles, Jessie Ann Gleason, Timothy William Goddard, Jeffrey Scott Goodsell, Louis Adam Gordon, Dennis Ross Graddy, Kevin S. Greener, Cameron Ray Greenhalgh, Amy Bess Griffin, Tyson Lyle Guymon, Brett Starr Guymon, Brian Guymon, Thuong MD Gwilliam, Eric Bills Hamblin, David Schuyler Hamblin, Scott Tyler Hammond, Stephen C. Hanks, Aaron Craig Hanks, Melinda Hansen, Kendra D. Hansen, Luke Martin Hansen, Veronica Renee Harbison, Joshua Kenneth Harker, Kimberly B. Harps, Janet Elaine Harris, Chelsie Harris, Melanie Harris, Samuel Bradford Harrison, Brook L. Hastings, Camille Amy Hatch, Spence T. Haws, Nathan Daren Heaps, Jason Nicholas Henderson, Patrick Steven Henderson, Shelley Hernandez, Nickolas Shane Herrmann, Jean D. Hiatt, Nathan William Hill, Marci A. Hillam, John Dinsdale Hillier, Matthew S. Hillyard, Katherine Hinze, Tadd Jeremy Hipwell, Jody V. Holbrook, Carri Ann Holt, Adam C. Holyoak, Aaron Jon Hoopes, Jacob Horigome, Sanac Howard, Keri Lynn Hoyal, Joseph Andrew Hubbard, Brett N. Huber, John J. Huber, Kristen Hummel, Benjamin C. Humpherys, Darin Robert


Hunsaker, Lloyd Thomas Hunsaker, Thomas Shayne Hunt, Stephen Hw1tington, Jeni Hanni Hurd, Dustin John Hurst, Nathan Nelson Hussey, Kevin LaMar Hyer, Andrew Charles Illum, Derek D. Imani, Dariush Jabbouri, Wissarn Ahmad James, Mont K. Janes, Robert Reed Jaques, Patricia Jensen, Branden Jensen, Casey Todd Jensen, Glenn E. Jensen, Jeffrey A. Jenson, Sarah M. Jessen, Melanie Jimoh, Adebola Olurotirni Johnson, Brett Terry Johnson, Brian R. Johnson, Chad M. Johnson, Douglas A. Johnson, Jeff R. Johnson, Thomas S. Jolmson, Trisha K. Johnston, Lisa Ann Jones, Courtney Melissa Jones, Harwood Samuel Jones, Jason C. Jones, John E. Jones, Kyle L. Jones, Teresa Jorgensen, Kelly Brent Kaiser, Erin Michele Kaminska, Aaron James Kartchner, Daniel H. Katta, Prashanth Sashikurnar Keller, Megan Kelly Keller, Spencer Jeppsen Kelly, Nathan H. Kennison, Gary W. Kindred, Steven Gregory Kirby, John Taylor Klingler, Matthew Alma Knight, Matthew J. Kohler, Amy L. Kraus, Philip J. Krengel, Amelia Suzanne Kromrnenhoek, Jeffrey Martin Kunz, Kaleb Klay Labrum, John G. Lacy, Jillian S. Laird, Nathan Jolm Lake, Mica T. Lancaster, Darin Wayne Lansing, Travis S. Larkin, Brent Eric Larkin, Erin Pocock Larsen, Eric Warren Larsen, Ryan H. Leavitt, Taylor Smith

Lee, Cind y Lee, Jackson J. Lee, Micha el Lloyd Lee, Steven L. Leeth am, Am y Lyn Leukh ardt, And rew K. Levanger, Lisa C. Lewis, Evan M. Li, I Shan Lin, Pei Yu Lin, Peng Lindhard t, Jill Linn eman, Teresa Linton, Julie Loosli, Aaron Orme Lyman, Colette Lyons , Lauralee Mabey , Anna Hala yna Madersbacher , Andreas Madse n, Christian Pe ter Maekawa, Rie Magnusso n, Luke R. Mahoney , Josh ua R. Marler, Lindy A. Martin, Julie Ann Martin , Vanessa Martine au, Ryan Scott Ma thusek, H. Jared Mattson , Christin a Maughan , Jeremy D. Ma ughan, Keith Maxfie ld, Came ron T. McAllister, Amber M. McBride , Jacob Lee McComb er, Alex C. McDon ough, Ian Kyle McEntir e, Jay Bryan McFadden, Robert Alden McKee, Douglas Robert McNamee , Shawn Thomas McNeil, Allen D. Menden h all, William Kelly Merr ill, George Cyrus Mese rvy, Nile S. Michaelson, Travis Jarek Miles, Jaclyn Miller, Bart S. Miller , Benjamin J. Miller, Brentford Glen Miller , Jeremiah Jam es Mills, Todd H . Milne , David Layton Miramontes, Esther-Mari e Mitsuoka, Yasuko Moe, Sinapati Samuel Moen, John H. Moench, Daniel Eugene Moffat , Raymond Shawn Moncayo , Luis Ramiro Moncur , MitChell R. Morrell, A. Kyle Morris, Scott Jeffrey Moss, Nicole Lee Mui, Ham (Danny)

Mui r, Brian B. Mullin s, Michael Steven Mur ri, Brett Austin Neff, Charleen Ka therine Ne ilson, Brenda H. Nell , James K. Nelson , Alycia Elizabe th Nelson, Cyn thia Nel son, Geoff Lee Nelson , Richard D. Ne ville, Dani el Andrew Neville, Micha el Jon Newbry, Craig David Newman , Scott Ng, Andy Ng, Kong Michael Nield , Wade Allen Nielsen, Bran don 0. Nielsen, Jennifer Lynn Nielsen, Loren J. Nielsen, Trent E. Nielson, Amy Williams Nobl e, Teresa M. Noel, David Noonan, Chris S. Noo nan, Kevin W. Ogden, Bonni e Olpin, Ad am Glen Olsen , Jason Wade Olson, Brandon DeVon Ormsby, Matth ew Donald Osm ond , Shane George Ostler, Stephen Hartman Pabs t, Cali Page, Glen R. Palmer, Clayton H . Palmer, Jonathan Rich ard Parke, Scott Ted Par ker, John Joseph Parret, Dan Israe l Parry, Kara C. Pa tterson, Jacob A. Pectol, John Ephraim Pedersen , Brett Ray Pehrson , Kelly Wilbur Perrone, Macylyne Malmstrom Peterson, April Mich elle Peterson, Chr istopher David Peterson, Davi d L. Peterson, Nea l Edwa rd Petty , Jennif er Jane Phelp s, Chr istopher Steph en Phelps, Isela G. Pickens , Shad Steven Pitcher , Rhonda Hall Poppinga , Cas ey Port , Travis G. Porter , David Bruce Poteluna s, Peter Bartholomew Powell , Jame s B. Price, Klint Arthur Prince , Joel J. Prince , Tiffany Prus se, Kurt Alfred


Puikk onen, Mikko Petteri Pulsiph er, Chr istop her Ryan Putut au, Ofisi Kirnoa na, Jr. Radke, Steven Andrew Ralphs, Megen Ann Ramage , Scott Aragorn Randall, Dav id B. Raphae l, Kathryn Sanders Rave , Connie Jean Raym er, Jacob Aaro n Reid, Rya n J. Reynolds , Dana Rich, Bradford Charles Richar d s, Daniel A. Richins, Troy LeGrand Riding, Matthew Reese Rigb y, Clark P. Riley, Mark A. Rinehar t, Kati L. Rinehart, Phillip Mark Roberts, Jeffrey Lloyd Roberts, John P. Roberts , Kelli N. Roberts, Rebecca A. Rober ts, Shane C. Rober ts, Stephanie S. Roberts, Vance N . Robinson, Bradley J. Robinson, Brett D. Robinson, John Michael Robinson, Richard Todd Robinso n, Sherri M. Rockwood , Jason H. Rosser, Johnnie J. Rounds, Arlyn (AJ) Jason Row1ds, Jeffrey Gordon Rowl ey, Megan A. Rowley, Tiffany L. Rudnicki, Paul Joseph Russell, Devon Kristine Ryan, Allison Sabo, Daniel Cre ight on Sadler, Melvin S. Safford , Micheal Ray Sampson, Curtis Reed Sampson, Michael Corr y Sampson, Mich ael K. San ders, Paul Rober t Sanfo rd , Brent Ch arles Schiess, Kevin D. Schro eder, Valeriana Scott, Heath er Lorrain e Scrowther, Grego ry S. Seamons, Nate Ow en Searle, Benjamin M. Seegmiller, Scott Robert Seely, Mark R. Sessions , Karoline Elise Seymour , Mark Tyler Shaffer, Alison A. Shaffer, Jon R. Shaw , Allyn B. Shaw , Jeremiah John Shepherd, Heidi

Sheppard, Kari Lyn Shields, Kurt Stewart Shurtleff, Bryce Siddoway, Lex P. Siler, Jeffrey Wade Simmons, Michael John Slade, Brian L. Smart, Aaron C. Smedley, Brian Kent Smith, Amber Smith, Brian Smith, Cheryl L. Smith, Jennifer Smith, Julie Ann Smith, Justin Todd Smith, Kellee Marie Smoot, Anthony D. Smoot, Brad L. Snarr, Tod Dewey Snow, Nichole M. Song,Ann Soo, TzuohChyuan Sorenson, Jamie Sorenson, Joni Lynn Sorenson, Mindie Souter, Scott K. Spafford, Debbie F. Spaulding, Kristi Spendlove, Amanda Duncan Spitzer, Paul W. Spurlock, Andrew Taylor Stafford, Donald Lynn Jr. Stanger, Michelle Hirschi Stansfield, Joseph Roy Starnes, Timothy W. Steed, Jeffrey D. Steed, Natalie G. Stevens, Gary Jacob Stewart, Brian C. Stewart, Bryan W. Stewart, Harold Fitzgerald III Stewart, Kathleen Ann Stewart, Keri W. Stillman, Cassidy Stockdale, Julie Stone, Hileman Guy Stones, Jessica S. Strasser, Paul D. Stringham, Teresa Summers, Justin Donald Sutliff, Aaron Michael Swan, Travis Kody Swasey, Michael Wayne Swensen, Mark Philip Swenson, James A. Swenson, Jason Randall Swenson, Roger Snell Symons, Sam S. Taylor, Andrea L. Taylor, Sheridan Lee Thatcher, Dan R. Thomas, Clayton D. Thomas, Dwight J. Thomas, Jacob Adam

Thompson, Emily G. Thompson, Jonna Thompson, Thad Mark Thornock, Warren C. Thornton, Tad A. Thurgood, Kevin Dennis Jr. Tippetts, Wendy M. Togashi, Arata Tomlinson, Robert W. Toole, Nathaniel T. Townsend, Jennifer L. Tryba, Christopher Alan Trythall, Larry Gavin Tsai, Yao-Chang Tubbs, Jessica L. Tubbs, Matthew D. Umina, Eric Michael Umina, Tiffany M. Valentine, Paulette B. Vellinga, Lisa C. Vocana, Kyle Steven Wadley, Jill Wagner, Jess Alan Wagstaff, Randy M. Walker, Mary E. Wall, Kristy Walter, Shannon A. McAllister Walters, Jacob L. Wang, Yi-Hsian Ward, Daniel P. Warner, Jacob J. Webster, Melissa 0. Webb, Katie Weight, Gregory Glen Welch, Jenny Lei Wilcock, Jason S. Wil.helm, Todd Kent Wilkinson, Michelle Williams, Amy Williams, Jayne C. Williams, Jill Marie Williams, Rebecca D. Williams, Russell Scott Williamson, Ryan Robert Willson, Jeanie Leona Winter, Scott Donnell Wiser, Jared S. Wolfley, Michael Bryan Wood, Allan J. Wood, Nathan Spencer Worthington, Becky A. Wright, Adam Brossard Wright, Kirsten M. Wright, Tifany Lee Yost, Justin Ray Young , Angela M. Young, Quin Amos Zhang, Xiang Zimmerman, Ross Anthony Zobell, Maigen D. Zobrist, Bradley Mitchell Zollinger, Brooke E. Zundel, Mitch L.


Associate of Applied Science Degrees Conrad, Sarah Lynn Hanks, Tawni Heines, Georgia Jeffery, Julia M. Johnson, Shannon I. Justice, Rebecca Larson, Stacy Elizabeth Mansfield, Bobbi Marie Olsen, Rebeca Villalobos Scoffield, Darci M. Searle, Sara C. Stephenson, Robert M. VanShaar, Diane Ward, Taryn Renee

EDUCATION Gerry Giordano Dean Abercrombie, Annette C. Achter, Jaclyn L. Adams-Row1ds, Cheryl Albretsen, Desirae Alder, Mindy Allan, Celeste Allen, McKenzie T. Alley, Megan Allred, Niki Rae Alsop, Jennifer A. Alverson, Kyle E. Ames, Rachel J. Anders, Stacey A. Anderson, Anne Isaacson Anderson, Cathryn E. Anderson, Dell Alan Anderson, Jacqueline Z. Anderson, Jennifer C. Anderson, Jessie Lynn Anderson, Julia Abbie Anderson, Julie Anderson, Margaret LeAnn Anderson, Michelle Boyer Andrews, Heather A. Andrus, Erika Arbuckle, Janna Archibald, Tammie Jean Ashby, Camille Ashment, Kelsey J. Astle, Heidi Juel Aston, April A. Atkinson, Tricia Lori Averett, Ruby Marie Wilkerson Bair, Kerry Lynne Ball, Katie Ann Ballard, Emily J. Bambrough, Shelley Samson Bandy, Rebekah Bangerter, Jennifer

Bangerter, Sue Ann Banks, Lisa Barber, Robert Patrick Bare, Jamie Barfuss, Cindy Barker, Debra Louise Barker, Justin David Barrus, Lindsay Kai Barrus, Natalie D. Bartholomew, David Austin Bastian, Shauna J. Bateman, Courtney Marie Bayles, Linzee Nielsen Beck, Heidi M. Begay, Tracy Bennion, Steven L. Benson, Carrie Belle Benson, Glenna E. Betenson, Breanne Rachele Betts, Rebecca Beutler, AmiLea Bilanzich, Genevieve Lynn Bilbao, Sarah Dawn Billings, Lindi L. Bingham, Michelle Bird, Michelle Bischoff, Alysia Blackwell, Melissa D. Blad, Lori E. Blair, Bradden J. Blair, Jannette Mary Blake, Emilee Anne Blake, Leeann M. Blaser, Danielle R. Bleazard, Stacy Bloom, Kristen Ashley Bloomfield, Sharice Bone, Nora E. Boone, Hyrum R. Bost, Matthew Kyle Brown, Heather Holmgren Bowser, Kip Alan Boxell, Katherine Boyakin, Jaime Boyer, Michelle Bradshaw, Brittney A. Brady, Jamie Mishelle Bramhall, Tracie Draper Braun, Carol Ilene Briggs, Danielle Briggs, Jessica Bringard, Brittany Lorraine Bringhurst, Justin Taylor Brown, Jalizabeth Ivy Brown, Misti Kay Brundage, Melissa A. Bryan, Aimee Michele Buck, Jennifer L. Budge, Hailey Brooke Bulkley, Elizabeth Nicoll Bullock, Kami Bunnell, Emily Beth Burbank, Bridgette Eva Burbano, Mitzi R.

Burnham, Rebecca Burningham, Brittini Burton, Dixie Lee Burton, Jeraldean N. Burton, Lori Marie Burton, Nicole W. Bushman, Christina Bushnell, Stephanie Butzin, Addie Paige Cade, Elizabeth S. Caldwell, Natalie Jo Call, Mandee S. Call, Mary Ann Call, Shannon Margaret Calverley, Grant Russell Cammack, Erin Campbell, Jodi Cannon, Carrie Cardwell, Heather V. Carlson, Jenny R. Carlson, Jolinda Marie Carmichael, Tracie Lynn Carpenter, Jacqueline R. Cartwright, Aline M. Chadwick, Sandee M. Chase, Darin A. Cheney, Laney Nicole Chesley, Melinda Elizabeth Christensen, Brittney Labrum Christensen, Jeffrey Jay Christensen, Michelle Claflin, Kate Elizabeth Clark, Cami Elizabeth Clark, Katie Clayburn, Stacy M. Clements, Rebecca Anne Cluff, Debora L. Coburn, Krystal Mae Collett, Guy S. Coombs, Cathrine 0. Coombs, Joy Marie Coombs, Tamara J. Cordova, Kelly Dee Cosby, Christina Coster, Brooke Cox, Justin D. Cox, Laura V. Cox, Melissa E. Cox, Teresa L. M. Coy, Kalie Dawn Cragun, Caroline Elizabeth Crane, Amber G. Crookston, Colette A. Cunningham, Elizabeth Curtis, Sarah E. Dabel, Cali A. D' Agnese, Denise R. Dahl, Heidi Lynn Daley, Rickie L. Davies, Paige Davis, Carly S. Davis, Carson Belle Davis, Shellianne Day, Landon Jessie


Daybell, Jamie L. Delaney, Jennifer Jo DeMott, Catherine I. Dennis, Jennifer Hart Dent, Emily Dewsnup, Angie Dibble, Stephanie A. Dickison, Lindsey Beth Dieker, Melissa Ann Dixon, Cassie Dixon, Katharyn Domm, Corrie Ann Douglas, Jennifer Downs, Meghan B. Dryden, Amber M. Drysdale, Marcinda N . Duke, Mark Edward DuPaix, LeMoyne Alan Dupaix, Nicole Duren, Laura Hobbs Durfee, Ranae Durtschi, Jeffery S. Dutson, Brynn Miller Ebner, Jessica D. Edwards, Cicile M . Edwards, Sabry S. Edwards, Timothy Lowell Egan, Annette Griffin Ekins, Andrea Elder, Valerie Demonja Eliason, Marasol Ellis, Amy L. Ellis, Candis Ann Ellis, Kristina M. Ellis, Nicole A. Ellis, Rachel M. Ellis, Sarah Loraine Elmer, Heidi A. Emmett, Calvin Patrick Empey, Sarah B. England, Jill Engstrom, Leslie Ann Erichson, Lisa Marie Erickson, Maureen K. Ericson, Heather Jepson Esplin, Shennie Evans, Carrie Crawford Evans, Michael Aaron Evans, Stephanie Michelle Exon, Martha A. Eyre, Elizabeth Farner, Katie A. Farnes, Stephanie Faust, Cheryl A. Fedor, Jill Elizabeth Fillmore, Mindy Fischer, Laura B. Fisher, E Ronald Flake, Margaret A. Fluckiger, Shauni A. Forsgren, Bridi L. Frahm, Andrea M. Francom, D'On Elizabeth Fratto, Kim K.

Freeman, Kara M. Freer, Angelina Fulford, Traci E. Gahn, Miranda L. Gallagher, Amber S. Gappmayer, Gerald E. Gareis, Jean Marie Garn, Connie Garrett, Kevin Corey Garrett, Teresa N. Gatherum, Adrian Marcein Gazaway, Daniel Braxton Geary, Brooke R. Geyer, Jacob Lewis Gibson, Sonya Sue Gilleland, Erica Gillett, Torilyn Gilley, Rakeyl M. Giordano, Katherine Anne Gittins, Michelle Glasper, Jamar Lakeith Goddard, Monique Godfrey, Jammie Lynn Godfrey, Mardee D. Golding, Amanda Lin Goldman, Leslie Anne Gomez, Brian Patrick Gonzales, Scott R. Goodman, Jenny M. Goodwillie, Shannon Marie Grant, Gina Allen Green, Cindi Green, Ryan J. Gremler, Kelly Laura Griffin, Suzanne Warren Grove, Heather C. Grunig, Jed R. Grunig, Tanna Jean Guthrie, Jennifer Marie Hackney, Joni Haddock, Cory Matthews Hales, Amy Hales, Shelby F. Hall, Adrienne E. Hall, Andrea Hall, Melanie Hancock, Kyle Max Hancock, Natalie W. Hancey, Christine M. Hanks, Jill C. Hansen, Carolyn Hansen, Christina Hansen, Kahri Hansen, Lane A. Hansen, Marci L. Hanson, Emily Harris, Julie Ann Harris, Kirk Sidney Harris, Sandra Anne Krogh Harris, Shannon K. Harrison, Brandon Lee Harrison, Cheryl Dawn Hartley, Hayley Allison Hatch, Marcie

Haugen, Mikael Sven Hawkins, Melissa Christine Haycock, Heather T. Heaton, Brooke Ann Heiner, Kimberly Ann Hellstrom, Cebu Hemingway, Michael Joel Henderson, Kristen Henderson, Laura Lynn Henrie, Konnie Jean Hill, Andrea M. Hill , Bethany Michelle Hill , Brittany Lee Hill , Harmony Hivner, Audrey Lynn Hobbs, Klinton E. Hodges, D.J. Hoffman, Sarah Margaret Hogan, Roy Everett Holbrook, Alayna Holbrook, Cherri Holbrook, Natalie Michelle Holley, Laura Jane Hollinger, Cheryl Marie Homer, Angela Hutchinson Hommel, Kristin Nicole Hook, Amanda Jean Hoover, Mary Katherine Horrocks , Candice John Horton, George Douglas Hosenfeld, Alisa Howlett, Sonya Marie Huffrnan , I-leather Lynn Hughes, Carl Wesley Hughe s, James Allen Hulce, Erin Louise Humphries, Shaie M. Hunsaker , Blake C. Hunsaker, Elizabeth R. Hunsaker, Heidi Hunsaker, Ronda Hunter, Jamie Elizabeth Hutchins, Courtney Ellen Israelsen, Kaydawn Israelsen, Valerie Ivory, Carey L. Jackson, Kasia Jacobs, Ralphie A. Jacobson, Cam Jarrard, Chantille Jenkins, Tammy S. Jennings, Jamie N. Jensen, Kimberly Jenson, Heather Jeppson, Theron Lee Johnson, Dianna Johnson, Heather Deon Johnson, Jacob Aaron Johnson, Kathleen M. Johnson, Kelli M. Johnson, Melissa Johnson, Nicole Johnson, Tanielle Welch Johnson, Toraino L.


Johnson, Tyler S. Jones, Drusilla L. Jones, Janette Jones, Jennifer Jones, Lindsay M. Jones, Marisa A. Jones, Rebecca M. Jones, Sherrie Kay Jones, Stefanie Egan Jorgensen, Alyson G. Kalivas, Philip M. Kawakami, Nicole Keil, Alanna Dawn Keil, Brenda Lyn Kemp, Aramie Currier Kemp, Kourtney Ann Kenison, Anne Elizabeth Kent, Mandy Marie Kesler, Mary Kathryn Keyes, Kathryn Williams Kimball, Katie Ann King, Lisa Kirwan, Jennifer A. Knight, Colby Noel Knuteson, William Brandon Krajewski, Andrzej Kunnas, David G. Kunz, Neesha La, Joy Thi Kim Lambertson, Phil 0. LaMont, Jennifer Lee Lancaster, Shelly Willeitner Lane, Katie Melinda Lane, Steve P. Larsen, Catherine A. Larsen, Dena Ann Larsen, Terra Lynn Larson, Chelsea Anne Larson, Rebecca Pope Larson, Sunnie Kersten Law, Patricia Lawler, Alice Ruth Lee, Kerstin M. Lewis, Erica L. Lichfield, Cammie J. Liechty, Cammie Lilya, Darci N. Linnell, Jenny Lyn Lish, Jami Fronk Llewellyn, Bonny C. Lloyd, Lisa Yvonne Lonczyna, Lara Long, Cindi S. Longmore, Adam B. Low, Robert Gregory Lucas, Lisa Diane Lw1dgren, Anita J. Lyman, Lori M. Lyon, Joanne Madsen, Jessica L. Magnusson, Melissa Ann Mair, Linda J. Malcolm, Ian Shaun Mallory, Matthew C.

Marks, McKenzi JoAnn Marshall , Am y Loui se Martin, Jan alyn Marture llo, Brooke Matheson, Sydne y Maughan , Emily Del Maughan , Julie A. Maxfield, Jani e Maxfield, Melanie McAr thur , Melissa Ann McBride , Jamilyn McCann, Caroline R. McFarland, Stefanie Anne Mclne lly, Am ber LeAnn McKinlay, Kelly Ann McLaughlin , Barry Michael McOmber , Megan McVey, Thomas Jay Mecham, Jan Menlove, Sara Ann Mer rell, Chelsie Merrill, Janalyn Messerly, Abbie Messersmith, Shae Metcalf, Michelle Midget, Emilee Dawn Mikkelsen, Eric A. Miller, Celeste Allison Miller, Kam ela Janee Miller, Mand y Lynn Mills, Amanda L. Miner , Jami e B. Mock , Erin Lynn Mo en, Kassie Sue Mohr, Teres a Monroe , Kara Wh atcott Montano, Christa L. Moore , Chari Moore , Michelle Mortensen , Melissa Fowers Mortensen , Robert J. Mortenson, Melis sa I. Mower, Glen Alan Mo yes, Erin Munk, Haylee Murray, Andrea Murray , Heidi R. Murray, Janese A. Murray, Mandey L. Myler, Cory J. Nagata, David George Neeley, Christine Biddle Neff, Marcie A. Nelson, Brandi Nelson, Breanna R. Nelson, Laree Nelson, Sarah Nelson, Susanna Neuhart, Minet T. Neville, Kimberly Kaylyn Newbold, Lori Beth Newson, Misty Dawn Nicolaysen, Susan Nielsen, Amber Thomas

Nielsen, Jesse Nielson , Jeannine Deborah No orda, Kellie W. Nord, Angela Ogborn, Emily Goddard Ogden, Kara E. O 'Leary, Calee M. Oliver, Amelia Oller , Debra J. Olsen, Kar ene Olsen, Natalie M. Olson, Shalyse J. Ouellette, Rikki Lee Oveson, Michelle Pace, Laura Packer, Amy Marie Packer, Tiffany Page, Cindy S. Page , Rachel S. Palacios, Danny J. Palmer, Amy K. Palmer, Cheri Palmer, Jaim e Palmer, Karalee L. Palmer, Kimberly J. Palmer , Lucy Louisa Parmenter, Alyson K. Parsons, Weston Cloward Peacock, Cody LaMar Pearson, Sara Lynn Pehrson, Heather Lucille Pence, Angela Penrose , Jacob D. Perkins, Jacob Dani el Peters, Whitney Colleen Petersen , Brooke Jamie Petersen, Maria E. Peters on, Emily Peterson, Kambr ee Peterson , Kathryn M. Phillips , Marcia Pickup , Courtney J. Piquet , Debby J. Pitcher , Holl y Poag, Jami e Dawn Poll, Taralyn Porter, Kami N. Pruden, Davi d Clarke Pugmire, Brooke B. Pu zey, Michael P. Ramage, Lindsay A. Ramse y, Jenifer L. Randall , Julie Anne Rappe, Silas Roundtree Rawlins, Shauna Marie Ray, Margaret H. Rees , Melanie Ellan Rees, Patricia Joy Reese, Chad Arvel Rencher, Allison Lee Renfro, Nicholas A. Reyes, Nicholas Richards, Ca ylee A. Richards , Rachel F.


Ringle, David Mark II Ripplinger , Darcy Roberts, Chelsa Marie Robert s, Wendy Sue Robertson, McKinsey Robinson , Corri A. Robison , Jennifer Rock, Daniel Randall Rockwell, Julie Marie Roderick, Brooke A. Rose, Audra J. Ross, Emily Ann Ross, Ronnie L. Rosser, Ashley Elizabeth Roundy, Brittni L. Runyan, Catherine 0. Rupper, Wendy A. Russell, Charisse Lyn Russell, Emi ly Elizabeth Saunders, Scott Keith Sayyid, Sharif A. Schiffman, Amber Schvaneveldt, Terra Ann Schwieder, Mikell Scott, Ashley Marie Scott, Shalyse Seamons, Angela Searle, Tedi Lou Sedgwick, Tyler K. Seefried, Sara Elizabeth Severinse n, Kimberlee Dawn Sewell, Kara DeAnne Sexton, Shanna L. Shaw , Ka tie Lee Shaw , Michelle Shearer, Kelle Bernice Shelby, Alesa Shiple y, Jenice R. Simmons, Ade ll Simmons, Angela M. Simp son, Todd A. Slack, Michelle Sline, Andrea P. Sloan , Trac ey Lyn Smith, Alesha Ann Smith , Alisa Marie Smith , Annai Deni se Smith, Brian F. Smith, Heather N. Smith, Jared M. Smith , Jennifer Smith , Joshua David Smith, Marie Smith, Mark Gardiner Smith, Natalie K. Smith, Nathan L. Smith , Teresa B. Snow, Colleen M. Solosabal, Jared Rulon Solosabal, Jennifer Robin Solosabal, Joseph Robert Sonntag, Katherine Elizabeth Soria , Kevin Blas Souter, Jennifer Martin

South , Jerom e D. South , Jerrod A. Sparrow, Reesa B. Spencer, Heidi Lynne Spencer, Laura Beth Spencer, Michelle Diane Spendlove, Angela N. Stahl, Kathleen Stahr, Emily A. Stanger, Tiffany Stansfield, Lola Steadman, Jason S. Steele, Jacob Lynn Steinmetz, Rachel M. Stephens, Matthew A. Stevens, Chalyce L. Stewart, Melissa J. Stewart, Summer Cecilia Stewart, Tiffany L. Stoddard, Janey R. Stoker, Diana Marina Stokes, Cindy Rohde Stolle, Rebecca Stover, Andrea Strebel, Brittany N. Strickland, Tosha K. Stringfellow, Ange la Soren Stum, Marci Carol Summers, Ashley Sunderland, Jonathan David Sw1dloff, Tiffani L. Swenson, Melissa Taggart, Julie Kay Tapoof, Pamela D. Tarbet, Kara Tatanish, Dana L. Taylor, Amber E. Tay lor, Ashlee D. Taylor, Heather M. Tay lor , Julia D. Taylor, Shayne Tazelaar, Audrey Marie Terry, Michonne J. Thach, Minhvan Thain, Christy TI1ompson, Rebecca Thornock, Sabrina Diane Thornton, Mindy Thurston, Tenley J. Tobler, Elizabeth Tolman, Mauri A. Toole, Catherine Topholm, Cathrine D. Trauntvein, Nathan E. Trujillo, Laura E. Turville, Anjanette Tuttle, Sherrie Udy, Hillary Van Dyk e, Mandi Lynn Vanhille, Vanessa VanZanten, Jacqueline Vellinga, Heidi Vermaas, Jenny Marie Wagner, Matthew Charles

Wakefield, Lisa Wakl ey, Ashl ey Walk er, Kelly Michelle Wardle , Erika E. Watson, Lyndsey Weatherford, Amanda Ann Webb , Camille Waldron Webster, Heather Marie Weed, Ane K. Welch, Halee A. Welch, Stephanie Layne Weller, Benjamin P. Wells, Kimberlee A. Wentworth, Sarah B. West , Heather A. West, Jonathan Roy West, Joshua Heber Westerman, Tiscia R. Westover, Rhonda Whatcott, Natlie Wheatley, Phillip C. White, Kimberly Ann White, Stacie J. Whitteker, Wendy Wilcox, Stacie L. Wilhelmsen, Seth Wilkinson, Lanie Williams, Carlotta A. Williams, Dustin Joseph Williams, Justin J. Williams, Tara Marie Williams, Tiffany Lynn William s, Todd Crae Wilson, Aubrey A. Wilson , Demaree Wilson, Jaime M. Wilson, Lorane Wimmer, Christian Lance Winter, Kriste Witt, Kelli Anne Hirschi Wood, Heidi Wood, Loetta F. Woodward, Britney Lynn Woodward, Camille Wright, Dori Wright, Jared W. Wright, Kimberly A. Yates, Mikelle Lee Yochim, Jene Elizabeth Yorgason, Shiree Yorke, Ruth Young, Brooke A. Young, Crystal Young, Laura Dawn Young, Lynette Garner Young, Matthew S. Zaugg, Tiffany Allred Zollinger, Lucie Chantal Simone


ENGINEERING Scott H. Hinton Dean Adams, Dennis Ray Albrecht, Jeffery Tyler Allen, Clinton J. Allen, Jeremiah David Allen, Robert William Andersen, Brent McKay Anderson, Christian Dee Anderson, Jill Anderson, Mark Edward Andros, Benjamin Elia Andrus, Ionio Quist Bailey, Roger J. Banham, Buckley Eldon Barrus, Cody L. Bell, Brett J. Bingham, Kathryn Lawyer Bingham, Scott Ronald Bishop, Richard Jacob Black, Joshua S. Blanchard, Richard Shawn Bodily, Larin C. Bodily, Travis K. Boomer-Jenks, Solon M. Bouwhuis, Robert Samuel Bowen , Rory Lee Breinholt, Davey Lane Bringhurst, D. Kade Brown, Benjamin Jacob Brown, Thomas Budiman, lrwan Hadi Bunker, Aaron C. Burrows, Jonathan M. Buttars, Ryan C. Cabanillas, Demetria Case, Benjamin Joseph Chang, Hsi Cho, Byeng Hee Chow1g, Ho-Seok Christensen, Jason S. Clark, Brandon D. Clyde, Bryson Harman Coburn, Brent Alan Cole, Adam Michael Cook, Douglas D. Cowles, Jeffrey Rick Cox, Brandon Earl Crapo, Melissa MariAnne Critton, Jason K. Dabel, Joseph G. Dastrup, Jason M. Davis, Clay Justin Davis, Timothy A. Decaria, Paula Nay Denison, Jay Kirk Dissel, Adam F. Dodds, Jake Steven Dougal, Shane Merrill Douglas, Ron D.

Duffin, Aaron Keith Dushku, Matthew Edwards, Stewart Dixon Eyre, Darren Wayne Fager, Andrew J. Felt, Joshua D. Flamm, Daniel W. Francom, Jared Winn Fugal, Spencer Robert Gardner, Craig Joe George, David Keith Gerber, Joshua Lane Godfrey, Danny Lee Goode, Rebecca Rae Goodrich, Wayne David Goudie, Tyler James Grim, Erik M. Grinnell, Richard F. Groll, Desiray Hall, Douglas W. Hamblin , Chase Logan Hammond, Brooke L. Hammond, Jason B. Hammond, Nathan Allen Hancey, Benjamin D. Handy, Christopher Robert Hanks, Ryan Ashley Hansen, Allen Wade Jr. Hansen, Rick Allan Hansen , Travis Lorenzo Harris , David L. Harris, David L. Harris , James Roy Hart , Thomas Reid Hayes, R.B. Eugene Helms , Brandon T. Henry, Robert Charles Higashijo, Shu Hill , Benjamin T. Hirpa, Bultu H Hobbs, Rebecca Hoffman, Jennifer A. Holland, Patrick Ryan Hollist, Jonathan P. Holloway , James Patrick Hospodarsky, Todd B. Hoxer , Marcie Hradisky, Michal Hunt, Douglas John Ivory, Dustin D. Jacklin, John Bennett Jackson, Mark W. Jamal, Hosam A. Jeffery, Miican Jensen, Scott C. Johansen, Merrial D. Johnson, Zeb G. Jolley, Ryan William Jones, Brandon Kent Jones, Brett M . Jones, Robert Douglas Kearl, Jacob R. Kerr, Jonathan R. Keys, Ryan W.

Kimba 11,Bryan R. Kostial , Joshua Cory Laing, Clinton Logan Larsen, Ryan W. Leake, Robert N. Leavitt, Joshua Lloyd Leavitt, Lant Kin1ball Linton, Ryan Curtis Love, John William Low, Brian R. Mahoney, John W. Malmgren, Rodger T. Manning, John Graham Mather, Stoney Lee Mclnelly, Jeremy J. McKellar, Jason R. McKenzie, Jonathan S. McMullin, Garrett L. Merrill , Christine T. Merrill, Marriner Hyde Merritt, Layne J. Merryweather , Andrew Steven Mickelsen , Mark Erin Manfredi, Kyle Monson, Brian B. Mortensen, Dustin Gene Moss, Thomas Jared (T.J.) Mumm, John E. Neary , Patrick L. Neilson, Jamon Russell Nelson, J. Brandon Neville, Steven M. Nhan, Hieu T. Nickle , David A. Nield, Tu Mai Nielsen, Kevin Mark Niels en, Theo John Nish, Ben Charles Nye, Chad Stephen Oman, Lizzette J. Orme , Kevin Cross Palmer, Bradley Glen Parish, Brandon D. Perry, Trent J. Petersen, Brad D. Peterson, Paul Lewis Pettigrew, Chris S. Phipps, Logan Curtis Pigott, William J. Pinkston , James Matthew Pitcher, Devin J. Powell, Jared Southwick Pride, Jonathan Paul Pruitt, Jeremy R. Quick, Benjamin D. Quincieu, Joel Rasmussen, Clay L. Renzello, Randon Richards, Adam H. Rockwell, Orrin Porter Rose, Nathan W. Roth, Glenn Anderson Rowe , Spencer Bowen Rupper, Brett J.


Saunders, J. David Shicker, Micah R. Schul z, John Daniel Seeley, Ryan Jeffrey Seiferle, Leslie F. Shaffer, Jeremy James Skousen, Samuel Scott Skriner, Matthew S. Smith, Adam R. Smith, Conrad K. Smith, Kevin K. Snedaker, Jason Hal Snow, Andrew Kreston Sparks, Timothy Gordon Spinner , Adam George Staffanson, Brian Joseph Stone, Jeremy Hicken Stout, Michael Troy Strahl, David L. Swensen, John P. Theurer , Hugh David Thompson, Jacob Hurst Thorson, Grant L. Telford, Troy Nathan Tippetts, Jamey Tyler Tucker, Brandon Jacob Turpin, Bret T. Tuttle, Michael Roger Udy, Raelyn Vanhille, Kenneth J. Veile, Mark James Ventura, Fausto Rafael Waldron, Matthew T. Wallace, Seth P. Ward , Ryan Lane Warner , Matthew Harris White, Brian Randall Whiti11g, Scott Wesley Willis, Jeff D. Willmore, Corwin Matthew Winter, Craig Lindsey Wirthlin, Peter D.

Associate of Applied Science Degrees Allen, Robert William Anderson, Bryan James Buttars, Ryan C. Dastrup, Jason M. Dougal, Shane Merrill Gittins, Larry Dennis Henderson, Stephen D. Kotani , Mitsuru Lambson, Marshanne Lois McKenzie, Jonathan S. Mellor , Ryan H. Miller, Marisa Ventura, Fausto Rafael Williams, Stephen M. Zetterquist, Adam G. Zollinger, Joseph Matt

Extension Jack M. Payne Dean

Associate Degrees

of Science

Aldridge, Brandon T. Cochran, Johnny E. Copperfield, Celina K. Dw1can, Shallin L. Eborn, Travis B. Fausett, Michael E. Groll, Mistianne Hadlock, Jordan B. Hansen, Shea Hawkins, Jenn a R. Hess, Angeli.na C. Kidd, Doug M. Krommenhoek, Hillary L. Lake, Lacey M. Lamborn, Wyatt G. LeBaron, Layne B. Lidde ll, Jenna M. Martinez, Martha A. McCaughey, Sasha D. Merr ill, Quin B. Miller, Brad L. Mitchell, Quinn D. Morton, Heidi J. Murray, Catherine Murray, Lacey Nicole Oaks, Amber M. Olsen, Dirk L. Olsen, Dusty Patton, Tristan M. Raymond, Lynelle M. Reyno ld s, Elizabeth A. Richens, Kevi.n Rupp , Leeah Schwartz, Renessa A. Searle, George F. Sear le, Vicki Lyn Secakuk u, Shar ee Serawop, Li.nda K. Pawwinnee Skidmore, N icole Spendlo ve, Jayl ene R. Stewar t, Erica M. West, Jessica Wilkerso n, Amanda L. Wilkerson, Tammy L.

Humanties, Arts And Social Sciences Gary Kiger Dean Adams, Kristin

Adams, Maria Kristine Ahlstrom, Sid L. Aikele, Emily Aird, Jacquee R. Alder, Steve Conrad Allen, Jason L. Alles, Amanda Hadfield Alles, Ted Jens Allred, Kevin A. Allsop, Kenneth C. Alva, Matthew V. Andersen, Amber K. Anderson, Aaron Anderson, Anna lisa Ashley Anderson, Annie Rebecca Anderso n, Elizabeth M. Anderson, Jenna Halladay Anderson, Julie Darlene Anderson, Laura C. Anderson, Laura M. Anderson , Nicole Anderson, Sara Anderson, Tiana Andrews, Elise Danielle Andrews, Marni e Anger , Mandy Sue Archibald, Harley B. Arlint , Grego ry Wayne Armstrong, Brad ley W. Arno ut, Lance Lenard Ashcraft, Tina .H. Ashcroft, Erik C. Ashton , Michael David Baer, Jamie Bagley, Philip Bahr, Brian C. Bailey, Allyson Baker, Christopher Lee Balagna, Chad Aaron Ball, Lindsay Eames Ball, Melanie Ballstaedt, Jon David Balmforth, Kami Ana' Bankhead, Tamie D. Barber , Dian a Sue Barfus, Mistie D. Barfuss, Steven Dale Barlow , Laura J. Barney, Kerstin W. Barney , Melanie Barney, Mind y L. Bartelson, Marnie Lynn Barton, James G. Bassett , Sophie Bateman , Diana M. Bates, Megan Taylor Bates, Natali e Ann Baumann , Mindy A. Bayles, Antho ny D. Bayn, Jenny R. Beal, Jeremy J. Beazer, Brooke Petersen Beecher, Shalisa Beesley, Brian Pau l


Bell, Chris ta M. Bennett, Natalie Benson, Katie Michelle Bentley, Ryan M. Berge, Britta M. Bergeson, Coby M. Betenson, Audrey L. Bettrnann , William H. Betts, Ame lia Beykirch, Jennifer L. Bigelow, Melanie C. Bingham, Brent T. Bird, Krista Kae Bischoff, Kevin Mark Bishop, Celia M. Bishop, Jeffery Shawn Bishop , Loralee M. Bjarnson, Maisy Ann Blackson, Seth Dani el Blad, Jeremy Dale Blair, Julie Blake, Marjori e K. Blunt , Alicia V. Bobo, Amy J. Bodily, An thony B. Bond, Laron Enr ico Bott, Beverly Brainard, Katri.na M. Brenchley, Vanessa Ballam Bridge, Marion Heather Briggs, Lisa Britsch, Jam es Kimball Brogan, Micha el Scott Brooks, William Trevor Broways, Ch antal Darette Brown, Ashley Brown, Heidi Brown, Rachell e Goodr ich Brown, Scott Richard Bryan, Andrew Lester Buck, Timot h y C. Bulkley, Elizabeth N icoll Burns, Carly Ann Burt, Kevin Timothy Burt, Melissa L. Burton, David R. Burton , James Theodore Burton, Jeffrey Rich Butikofer, Jake Cleme nt Butler, Jordan J. Butterbaugh, Jenn y Lee Bybee, Celestial S. Byrn es, David Ray Cabanillas, Carol Call, Chrislynn R. Callahan, John Patrick Callister , Emily T. Camp bell, Ian W. Carlson, Catherine J. Carlson, Kelli A. Carlson, William Jay Carro ll, Jennif er Margaret Carter, Eleanore S. Caspe rson, Joshua Joseph

Chamberlain, Eric Donald Chambers, Joseph M. Chambers, Melanie D. Chapman, Heather A. Charles, Jasmin Elizabeth Chaston, Brooke Chau, Yu Child, Jordan Christensen, David T. Christensen, Heather Gordon Christensen, Joshua P. Christensen, Kelli L. Christensen, Kiersten R. Christensen, Marie Anne Christensen, Mindy Christensen, Nancy Flammer Christiansen, Heather Christiansen, Laura E. Clark, Marchet Coats, Analisa Coleman, Eric A. Coleman, Gary David Coleman, Laurie A. Cook, Jason L. Cooper, Lisa Ann Cornia, Kasey Mark Corpron, Trent E. Costanza, Dominick Paul Cottle, Karen E. Cowles, Erin Cramer, Leslie M. Crane, Daniel Joseph Craner, Laura Hilton Cranney, Elizabeth Ann Crawford, Dustin T. Crawford, Julianne Creech, Justin L. Crofts, David L. Crosbie, Jeffrey D. Cuevas, Enriqueta Arce Dalling, Jeru1ifer Marie Dallof, Sarah Kristine Dalton, Blaine Cory Daniel, Jeremiah 0. Davidson, Cory M. Davis, Benjamin K. Davis, David Merrill Davis, Robert Deru1is Davis, Scott R. Davis, Shawn Paul Davtian, Armin P. Davtian, Rafael A. Dawson, Peter N. Day, Mary V. Decker, Morgan Wayne Decker, Neil William Deeter, Cody B. Dekany, Cameron Christopher DeMarco, Brody Paul Deming, Brand P. Dennis, Kirk Jason Den sley, Mary Ellen Dethrow, Julie Ann Dia l, Christopher Glen

Diehl, Nathan L. Dimond, Janice Dinerstein, Bethanne Bytheway Dinger, Meghan Elizabeth Dirkmaat, Gerrit J. Dodgen, Danielle Dorsey, Thomas C. Dougherty, Joseph M. Downs, Jared D. Draney, Cari Call Draper, Stephen Randall Driggs, Todd Stapley Dunkley, Kelli A. Dunn, Brittany Durrant, Jill Dyreng, Charisse Earl, Dana Earl, Rebecca A. Eddie, Kaye Ann Eddleman, Virginia Edgar, Deborah Kay Edwards, Tori Ensign, Tiffany Ericksen, Jennifer Lynn Erickson, Kevin Jay Erickson, Lisa Ann Erickson, Tiffany Jacelle Eskelson, John D. Esplin, Bruce W. Evans, Chad Douglas Evans, Emily Evans-McAlister, Jacqueline Eyres, Kelli Marie Fabian, Tammy L. Farnady, Christina Marie Farrer, Mary Beth Gardner Faulk, Janet Felsted, Lindsay Fenton, Anthony Alan Ferrin, Emily Nathalia Ferry, Teresa Anne Fiefia, Vaea T. Field, Lindsey Ellen Fifield, Kathryn Ann Fillmore, Mark William Firth, Jennifer Lyn Fischer, Tasha R. Fisher, Joshua D. Flores, Jessie Anthony Foley, Shayla Z. Forsberg, Michael L. Powers, Lindsey B. France, Mykel Franklin, DeMario Ray Freeman, Karen L. Fuerst, Jason Patrick Fullmer, Joanna C. Funk, Maria Funk, Rodney B. Gailey, Kendene Gasser, Benjamin Wayne Geary, Alisha A. Gifford, Clairice May Giles, Kaylyn T.


Gilfillan, Daniel Thorsten Girard, Michael L. Gittins, Stephanie Wagstaff Godfrey, Stacey Ann Goldman, Scott Edward Goodsell, Lyndy S. Gordon, Amanda Gordon, Arianne Elizabeth Gordon, Heidi Kay Gordon, Stephanie H. Gray, Dane P. Greene , Brittney Lyn Griffin, A. Marie Grigg, Brenda Emily Groll, Alissa Fay Gutke, Scott W. Hafer, Lindy Marie Hagen, Barbara J. Hall, Keri Kirkman Halter, Jason Lee Hamilton, Justin R. Hammond, Charisa D. Hancock, Shawn M. Hansen, Jerilyn Hansen, Justin Dee Hansen, Mindi Hansen, Rebecca Harris, Leah T. Harris, Shawn Alan Harrison, David B. Hartwell, Sharalyn Hatch, Angela Hatch, Camey E. Hatch, Hailey M. Hathaway, Erin Jerusha Hauck, Melinda LeAnn Hawkins, Jennifer Hawkins, Shannon E. Hay, Caroline Haynes, Anita Marita Heaps, Jared Ray Heaps, Marissa Em.Milie Heflin, Johnathan W. Henderson, Kathryn Celeste Hertzler, Jeffrey Adam Hess, Kacie Noel Hess, Rodney Reed Hickman, M. Bryan Higbee, Kari Lyn Hill, Amy Lynn Hinze, Heather N. Hobson, Elizabeth M. Hobson, Sharu1ah L. Hodgkinson, Jerry Vaughn Hodgson, Karyn Renae Homer, Julianne Hoobs, Crystal Kay Hoopes, Kari V. Hooste, Joanna M. Horman, Elise Marne Horman, Preston J. Hostman, Katie Ann Houtz, Daniel R. Hoyal, Ashley F.

Hoyal, David Owen Hoyt, Jared Scott Huckaby, Travis Eugene Huffman, Tonya M. Huggins, Darin Lee Hughes, Alex W. Hull, Heather Hullinger, Scott Brandon Hulme, Sarah Courtney Hunsaker, Adam Hall Hunt, Kirsten Hunt, Preston R. Hunter, Tera Kathleen Hyatt, Mark D. Iannace, Cynthia Marie Ipson, Brandon Irish, Elizabeth Ann Jackson, Angalee James, Becky Lawrence Jaques, Cary Jeffery, Derek Brandon Jenkins, Max T. Jenkins, Paul Russell Jenks, Ainsli Jensen, Jeremy Carl Jensen, Melinda Lee Jensen, Richelle Jeppson, Rachelle Jessop, Clark C. Johannsen, Teresa Dianne Johanson, Gregory B. John, Aaron Decker John, Timmie Lyn Johnson, Aimee Christine Johnson, Benjamin Charles Johnson, DarciAnne Johnson, Jeremy C. Johnson, Jill Jensen Johnson, Katie Loretta Johnson, Seth Richard Johnson, Sherie Lynn Johnson, Steven Allen Johnson, Todd Palmer Jones, Benjamin Lyman Jones, Jacob Ducloux Jones, Nicole Marie Jorgensen, Adrianna Jorgensen, Rebecca Perkins Jorgensen, Stephanie Kanigan, Abel J. Kariger, Kristin Karren, Tracy L. Kartchner, Amber Kearns, Justin Michael Kelly, Jessica Lynne Kemper, Christopher V. Kennedy, Heather J. Kennedy, Jill A. Kerner, Teri Allene Kerns, Sarah V. Keylon, Kori Dawn Kidd, Kalleen Kielar, Robert Kim, Boo Sun

Kindred, Catherine Barlow King, Jeffrey Wade King, Trisha S. Kingsford, Rachel L. Kinsel, Melissa Anne Kirchgasler, Katherine Marie Kistemann, Cristian Adolfo Knickerbocker, Brad James Koller, Amie M. Koritz, Alexander M. Kowallis, Glenn A. Koyle, Matthew G. Krogh, Mark Kunz, Miranda Gae Kunz, Robb J. Kuo, Chen-Yi Lamb, Frank Byron Lancaster, Paul L. Langford , Cynthia L. Langford, Julia L. Larsen, Amanda Pearl Larsen, Bryan Curlis Larsen, Eric T. Larsen, Joshua Lagrande Larsen, Tyler J. Law, Aaron N. Leary, Dean Whitney Lee, Aaron David Lee, Ah-Lim Lee, Melissa Robin Leeflang, Arie Wayne Leifson, Shauna Leishman, Mary E. Leishman, Sheri L. Leukhardt, Tyree J. LeValley, Sarah D. Levanger, Paige Rachel Lewis, Allan Wayne Lewis, Amy J. Lewis, Nathan D. Lewis, Tonia C. Lin, Yu-ling Michelle Linde, Kandus C. Lisle, Heather Marie Lloyd, Shad King Lombard, Timothy Loosle, Kyle Scott Lower, Kylie A. Luke, Melissa Lund, Charity Lundahl, Merrilyne Lundell, Melissa J. Lundgreen, Ann Lundholm, Margaret Rose Lundquist, Joseph Lundquist, Joshua B. Lutz, Kent Lyon, Rachae l Catherine Fetzer Machida, Miki Madden, Elizabeth Jane Madsen, Danielle Madsen, Tammy Magill, Patrick Foster Magistro, Mendy


Mangum, Joshua L. Manning, Angela Back Manuel, Jonas C. Manwaring, Christopher J. Martinez, Amelia M. Mauerman, Nicole Maxfield, Mindi J. McBride, Bryce Jared McCombs, Daniel W. McDermott, Daniel Rourke McEntire, Anna Mari Brunson McKinnon, Michelle L. McLaughlin, Carlene Sandra McLeod, Brandon C. McMullin, Joyce A. McNaughtan, Matthew Grant McNaughtan, Melissa M. Mefford, Julie Ann Melder, Aaron R. Mendenhall, Cory John Menlove, Taylor M . Menninger, Michelle E. Merkley, Marshawn Merkley, Sarah Merrill, Justin L. Merritt, Danielle Michelson, Rebecca Mickelson, Steven R. Mickelson, Thayne R. Miller, Allison Miller, Christen K. Miller, J. Matthew Miller, Jacqueline Miller, Remy Christina Mitchell, Shawn V. Miyake, Katie A. Monson, Mark D. Monson, Michael J. Montague, Natalie Nelson Montrella, Benjamin Michael Moore, Crystal D. Moore, Karilyn Elizabeth Moore, Laura Elizabeth Mora, Karina C. Morgan, Janneil Lynn Morris, Chad Smith Morris, David Dean Morriss, R. Aaron Mumford, Tamara Elaine Murawski, Casey Thomas Murdock, Margaret Ann Myerhoff, Cassandra Negron-Colon, Nelson Francisco Neiwert, Tory A. Nelson, Bryant Douglas Ne lson, Ellis Enden Nelson, Mary Margaret Nelson, Nicho las Glade Ne lson, Nico le Nelson, Tiffany Dawn Neves, Che lsi Lynn Newbold, John Michae l Newlin, Christian Norris Newton, James Christopher Lee

Nielsen, Abram Jon Nielsen, Bridgette M. Noble, Leslie Eliza Noble, Robyn Joanne Norr, Haylie L. Noyes, Marianne Oldroyd, Tara Olsen, David Karl Olsen, Jaime Kay Olsen, Kristen E. Olsen, Todd M. Olson, Abigail Wood Olson, Landon Kim Onaindia, Nicholas John Orr, Cassandra E. Owens, Jeffery J. Page, Mandy Palazzolo, Sara C. Palmer, Emily A. Palmer, James Elmo Palmer, Stacie Parkinson, Heather Nan Parslow, Barry E. Paulson, Jessie Marie Penigar, Desmond Marius Perry, Brooke Marie Petersen, Britt Christina Petersen, Kelsey L. Peterson, Jayson Robert Peterson, Lori Peterson, Robbin Jensen Petry, Michael Adam Pewtress, Sharon K. Pfister, Brittany L. Philpot, Nathan Robert Phiphadkusolkul, Archaree Phippen, Shari Piercy, Megan Nicole Pollock, Michelle Hansen Poppleton, Chad Michael Porter, Timothy Dickson Poulton, Lacey C. Powell, Edward D. Proctor, Emily Anne Pulver, Brooke Lynne Purdy, Jenette Pyne, Annette Marie Quist, Jocelynn E. Ramirez , Xochitl Diana Randall, Carrie Amelia Rasmussen, Amy Rasmussen, Joshua L. Rasmussen, Tyler B. Rawson, Jessica Ray, T. Daniel Reategui, Sandra Rees, Melanie Ellan Reitz, Shawntel Marie Richards, Bryan Zan Richmond, Mandy Jae Ricks, Deborah Ricks, LaNae Robb , Erin Roberts, Alice Fisher

Roberts, William Leon Robertson, Ryan J. Robinson, Emily Anne Rodriguez, Danielle Maria Rodriguez , Miranda C. Rogers, Jodell E. Rojas, Cynthia Romero-Valen zuela, Nidia A. Roos, Glade T. Roper, Ashlee L. Roskelley, Alyson Ross, Scott Joseph Rothman, Ryan Dale Ruelle, Rebecca S. Russell, Lauren April Santos, Frank Saito, Yukiko Sanders, Marshall Maurice Sauter, Jason Michael Scharman, Kimberly N . Scheele, Patricia Anne Schofield, Janice L. Schulz, Margery L. Schvaneveldt, Bradley D. Scruggs, Jamie M. Seamons, Jacob Alan Seegmiller, Beau D. Seeley, Bryan S. Seeley, Jeremy Matthew Seigenberg, Karla J. Shaffer, Todd Ferris Shane, Natalie Shannon, Julia Angela Sheldon, Stephanie M . Shelton, Brooks E. Shelton, William Randall Shiverdecker, Christian A. Shiverdecker, Michael Allan Shore, Andrea Shorthouse, Lindsey L. Shumway, Vern Lynn Sigg, Christian Robert Silver, Aaron Stott Simon, Ka tie Marie Simpson, Debra Eileen Simpson, Nancy Valoise Sivert, William J. Skelton, Lindsey Petra Skene, Laura Skinner, Joshua Wayne Slatter, Kristen Smart, Brittney N. Smart, Justin Bryan Smith, Brandon Michael Smith, Celia L. Smith, Jason Jeremy Smith, Melissa Smith, Melissa A. Smith, Michael Wayne Smith, Richard Matthew Smith, Shannon L. Smith, Shannon Sanae Snider, Stacy Lee Snow, Heidi Jo


Soderquist, Lisa Marie Sonntag, Sharlotte Marie Silver Soper, Jodi P. Sorensen, Tamara ViAnn Sorge, Dionne South, Tanya May Spackman, Heidi Lee Spendlove, James Linden Speth, Monica Springer, Samuel James Stauffer, Brandon Lewis Stauffer, Eric S. Steele, Melanie Stephenson, Jennifer Stevens, Reed M. Stevens, Stacey Anne Stocking, Bethany A. Stocking, Mark T. Stoddard, Starr Rebecca Stone, Aaron Marvin Story, Ian Dwayne Stowers, Jonathan D. Stringham, Julia A. Stringham, Melita Stuart, Anne E. Suguturaga, Stanley L. Jr. Swain, Walter G. Swasey, Camill e Israelsen Swasey, Michell e Lee Swensen, Brittney L. Swensen, Rachel Annette Tanner, Julie Tanner, Leonora G. Tanner, Tracey Kay Tansey, Suzanne Irene Tapia, Jorge Reyes Tarr, Allyson Taylor, Jeffrey D. Taylor, Michael Loren Techmeyer, Merinda E. Terry, Debbie J. Teter, Whitney L. Thalman, Brandon L. Thomas, MeUssa Kay Thomas, Stephanie A. Thompson, Jennifer Elizabeth Thompson, Marshall M. Thompson, Rebecca Marie Thompson, Valerie J. Thomsen, Joseph R. Threlfall, Jeremy Randall Tibbets, Brian L. Tidwell, Craig Elgen Tingey, Michele Janee Tinsley, Shante Micah Tippets, Nicole Titus, Jeffrey M. Toland, Brad Davis Tolman, Alisha Celeste Tom, Durinda Ann Toolson, Cody L. Toone, Michael E. Torres-Murphy, Christine L. Touchard, Robyn A.

Trujillo, Luis Efrain Tse, Roderick Wei-bong Tueller, Anne M. Turner, Brigid Kelly Turner, Patricia A. Turpin, Emily Valdez, Brett C. Van Arsdol, Kyle Keith Vanleperen, Jerry VanTielen, Eric J. Vanderslice, Kimberly L. Vargason, Keri L. Volpi, Alessandra C. Von Niederhausern, Rachel Ann Wadley, David Kent Walsh, Patric Ryan Ward, Rebecca Lee Wasden, Jeff James Wathen, Kelcy Wawrinofsky, Christopher K. Webb, Ryan Roy Wegener, Sarah C. Welch, Patricia Dawn Wells, Melinda Wendel, Rachel Wentworth, David G. West, David Joseph West, Dawn Michelle Weston, Michelle N. Wetzel, Cindy R. Whiting, Stephani S. Wiberg, Audrey Wilde, Ann Wilkins, April Irene Williams, Amy Williams, Kelly Gwenkristine Willis, Peggy Willmore, Dustin Robert Wilson, Elinda R. Winn, Jesse A. Wiser, Martin Harold Wixom, Micah-Ann Womack, Jermaine Wosnik, Richard Matthias Wright, H. Brandon Yeakley, Rhys Matthew Yonk, Ryan M. Young, Kira Ann Young, Lindsay Kaye Young, Lisa J. Young, Melissa Genevieve Young, Ruth A. Young-Thomas, Amy Youngberg, Garrick Dan Yuzon, Kanoelani

NATURAL RESOURCES F. E. "Fee" Bushy Dean Albrecht, Brandon Carl Allred, Kory Ron

Anderson, Casey 0. Anderson, Peter R. Bassett, Jennie M. Bastian, Hans C. Beckstrand, Mark Allen Benally, Genevieve Bodily, Karin Bolin, Daniel C. Briem, Jolm M. Briggs, Ariel Christine Bronson, Aaron Todd Bullock, Steven D. Burrell, Bryan Michael Cole, Janalee Covington, Eric Dangerfield, Jennifer Michelle Edgar, Jonathan Carl Fausett, Christopher Lewis Flint, Trina Tennille Frischknecht, Preston P. Gallegos, Robert Brian Gardiner, Thomas Alexander Guthrie, Mark Ivor Hadley, Michael J. Hakamada, Takehiko Hammond, Sean Laroy Hansen, Adam Michael Haramoto, Christopher Lym1 Harrington , Justin Lee Harr is, Daniel Berrett Harvey, Mellisa D. lngebrigts en, Stein Erinn Jacobson, David Christopher Jensen, Tate D. Kartclu1er, Summer Celest Kelly, Jeffrey W. Kikkert, Dave A. Kircher, Sara J. Kling, Jason Edward Law, Hillary Lee, Joshua Michael Lester, Olivia Mayers, Daniel Issac Meisman, Brian P. Meyer, Patrick Jay Miner, Jeremy Eldon Mohr, Natalie Rae Monroe, Brian Barry Moore, Joel G. Mowery, Rick B. Mulukutla, Praveen Mallikarju Nelson, Kendall Farnell Olsen, Adam Steven Parker, Brandon T. Payne, Clint A. Pence, Amber J. Petersen, Jeff D. Pollock, Bowdie A. Poulsen, Chad K. Quick, Benjamin Adam Redington, Jared Robertson, Kyle Edward Seegmiller, Kevin M. Shell, Lacy Nicole


Smith, Luke J. Stam, Barton Richard Steitz, Jim John Stone, Brent Edward Swasey, Marie A. Tew, Naomi R. Thompson, Mylie R. Tidwell, Dalin W. Turnbow, Matthew Ray Wasielewski, Michael Matthew Wignall, Robin J. Woodland, Ryan Duncan Young, Kristopher D.

SCIENCE Donald W. Fiesinger Dean Alder, Kasey Carlson Allen, Andrew W. Allred, Jared Dee Anderson, Bart Russell Anderson, Lara Briana Anderson, Michael Powell Andreasen, Kyle C. Auman, Tiffany A. Barrett, Summer Barton, Jamie Jo Bennett, Abigail Dawn Benson, Brady E. Berry, Robert Dan Biesinger, Tasha Bingham, Chris P. Black, Sara Kelly Yoshiko Bodi!y, Janice Brady, Daniel Tadashi Brown, Chris toph er Cooley Brunson, Jerilyn Buccambuso, Margaret Karren Buck, Tyson F. Burns, Alfred M. Burt, Lindsay R. Burton, William D. Cameron, Matthew Paul Cam1on, Paul Delamare Cardall, Brian Layton Carter, Angela Jo Caywood, Jason Allen Chamberlain, Howard Buck Choi, Hyw1 Jin Coates, Brian Josep h Coburn, Douglas K. Cole, Jonathan M. Cooley, Bradford D. Cooper, Jeffrey S. Corbridge, Jodie Marie Crapo, Eric Thomas Cushing, Bryce Jared Dallon, Daniel Datwyler, Richard F. Davidson, Thomas Richard DeMille, David J.

Diem, Sara Jane Donigan, Tiffany S. Dooley, Suzy C. Drake, Joel Richard Dressen, Brian M. Earl, Alex Christian Edwards, David William Egbert, Cameron Q. Elliott, Ben M. Ericksen, Stephen L. Fackrell, Howard L. Faust, Sara A. Feltch, Michelle Ferguson, Laura L. Fore, Benjamin Edward Frost, Heidi Lynn Fuller, Amy Lee Fuller, Brooke Lee Fuller, Frank R. Furgeson, Jared Michael Gardiner, Spence A. Gee, Marc C. Gilbert, Kevin C. Gordon, Brandon D. Gordon, Hayley Gundersen, Roy Trent Guymon, Kristy Marie Hall, David Lynn Hall, Shalene Hansen, Michael Craig Harris, Ann Lorraine Henderson, David Brent Henson, Marie Higbee, Stacy M. Hill, Jory Thayne Hillman, Jeff Horrocks, David S. Hoskins, Derek Kim Hospodarsky, Michelle B. Huber, Craig D . Huber, Summer A. Humpherys, Heidi A. Jeffs, Lisa L. Jenkins, Maurice Gustaf Jeppson, Nathan Rees Jewett, Jess Jewkes, Tamra Lynn Job, Kathleen M. Johnsen, James W. Johnson, David A. Johnson, Michael David Johnson, Paul Graham Johnson, Randall C. Johnson, Tamara Marie Jorgensen , Arlynda Wright Jorgensen, Jamie Bradley Jorgensen, Natalie Judson, Karl Kaczor, Kathleane E. Kearl, Dorothy J. Klingler, Kristopher Ron Ko, Young Rae Labrum, Kevin C. Ladner, Daniel Silas

Larsen, Michael Lagrande Law, Seth W. Lechner, Jarom A. Leek, Jeffrey T. Liu, Shuhua Lundquist, David Joseph Maeser, Nathan K. Manabe, Kelly Ann Marchant, Benjamin Spencer Marek, Seth Logan Marshall, Gregg A. Mathis, Tory D. May, Richard C. Mello, Roberto Lucio Barbosa Messinger, Susanna Marie Mihu, Robert Craig Miller, Angela Marie Minnick, Ryan Boyd Morgan, Andrew W. Morgenegg, Andrew G. Mosdell, Matthew D. Moser, Alicia Mumford, Sunni Lyn Navarrete, Juan R. Nelson, Brandon Steven Nelson, Daren Taylor Nelson, Spencer K. Nielsen, Julia Nielsen, Robert Nunn, Robert T. Olsen, Jorn L. Olsen, Karen M. Olsen, Samuel Dear! Olson, Maggie Park, Soo-Hyun Parker, Vance Curtis Pedersen, Brent L. Peery, Shanell Peters, Noah James Peterson, John A. Peterson, Megan Christensen Pinnock, Destry Daniel Pohlman, Bradley Mark Pollock, Caroline Pope, Martin T. Retford, Brian P. Richards, Kenneth Roy Rivas, Wyatt Harlan Robbins , Shannon Nichole Rogers, Mitchell A. Roth, Gregory Paul Schaeffer, David Daniel Seamons, Angela Seamons, Steven E. Shamo, Brenda C. Sherman, Julie M. Shern, Melody Irene Shiner, Tyler W. Simonson, Paul Dennis Skriner, Lana Janae Sorensen, Malena B. Sparks, JonDavid Spencer, Matt S. Squires, Polly Elizabeth


Sundberg Jaakob T. Symmes, Laura Marie Tanner, Katrina Telford, Cory D. Thorley, Thomas H. Thornock, Jason J. Timmons, Holly E. Ugarte, Ariadne Lissette Vaughn, Kimberly A. Vedina, Anna Venhaus, Christopher Paul Visser, John B. Wahlstrom, Eric L. Watts, Estee A. Webber, Frank Nathan Weber, Douglas Michael Weed, Daniel Taylor Wilkinson, Justin T. Wilkinson, Michael F. Williams, Elizabeth L. Williams, Richard B. Wilson, Nora Elisabeth Wondimu, Ethiopia Alemayehu Wong, Chee-Can

Graduate Studies Thomas Kent Graduate Dean

Doctor of Philosophy

Benson, Lowell Scott

Christensen, Mathew

Salt Lake City, Utah

Alta, Wyoming

MS: University of Utah, 1995 Major: Civil and Environmental Engineering Major Professor: Dr. William J. Doucette Dissertation: Relationship Between Sorption/Desorption and the Bioavailability of Trichloroethylene at Hill Air Force Base Site OU-5

MS: Utah State University, 1999 Major: Family Life Major Professor: Dr. Brent C. Miller Dissertation: Adopted Adolescents' Heterosexual Relationship Formation and Sexual Behaviors

Logan, Utah MS: University of Minnesota , 1996 Major: Ecology Major Professor: John A Bissonette Dissertation: Modeling Habitat Quality for American Martens in Western Newfoundland, Canada

Allen, Stephanie Kaysville , Utah MS: Brigh am Young University , 1996 Major: Instructional Technology Major Professor: Dr. David A. Wiley Dissertation: No Formal Training Required: How an Informal Community of Practice Helps Its Members Improve Their Individual Performance

Brehm, Joan Mary Burlington, Wisconsin MS: University of Montana, 1998 Major: Sociology Major Professor: Dr. Richard S. Krannich Dissertation: Amenity Migration and Social Change: Expanding the Concept of Community Attachment and Its Relationship to Dimensions of Well-Being in the Rural Rocky Mountain West

Brunsell, Nathaniel A. Santa Fe, New Mexico BS: University of New Mexi co, 1997 Major: Biometeorology Major Professor: Dr. Robert R. Gillies Dissertation: An Examination of Scale Issues Involved with Remotely Sensed Data

MS: Utah State University, 1998 Major: Civil and Environmental Engineering Major Professor: Dr. Upmanu Lall Dissertation: Bayesian Decision Networks for Watershed Management

Anderson, Darlene H.

Cade, William Bancker III Colorado City, Texas MS: Utah State University, 1993 Major: Physics Major Professor: Dr. Jan J. Sojka Dissertation: A Study of Magnetic Storm Current Systems by the App lication of Wavelet Analysis to Ground-Based Magnetograms

Provo, Utah MS: University of Utah, 1992 Major: Special Education Major Professor: Dr. Benjamin Lign ugaris/Kraft Dissertation: The Effects of a CD-ROM Training Program to Teach Elementary Education Teachers to Conduct Descriptive Analyses of Problem Behavior in Their Classrooms

Campbell, John Dean Plain City, Utah MS: University of Utah, 1982 Major: Electrical Engineering Major Professor: Dr. Gardiner S. Stiles Dissertation: Efficient Automatic Mapping of Software to Hardware

Logan, Utah MS: University of Utah, 1999 Major: Family Life Major Professor: Dr. Brent C. Miller Dissertation: Fear of Crime and Perceptions of Law Enforcement Among American Youth

DeBry, David Parker Sr. Provo, Utah MS: Utah State University, 1998 Major: Instructional Technology Major Professor: Dr. J. Nicholls Eastmond Dissertation: Ana lysis of Emerging Practices in Globalizing Instructional Materials

DuPlessis, Jacques Christiaan MA: Brigham Young University, 1992 Major: [nstructional Technology Major Professor: Dr. M. David Merrill Dissertation: An Introduction to the FlT-C Model: A Triadic Model as a Taxonomical Framework of Context in Edu cation

Eisenhauer, Brian William Logan, Utah MA: Humboldt State University, 1997 Major: Sociology Major Professor: Dr. Richard S. Brannich Dissertation: How th e Grass Grows: The Dynamics of Preservation/Conservation Grassroots Environmental Organizations

Farag, Fayek Amin Cairo, Egypt

Canel on, Dario Jose Trujillo, Venezuela

Bayley , Bruce Kevin

MS: Utah State University, 1999 Major: Family Life Major Professor: Dr. Randall M. Jones Dissertation: The Transition to Parenthood: Predictors of Father Involvement and Marital Satisfaction for First-Tim e Parents

Pretoria, South Africa

Ames, Daniel Peder Logan, Utah

Cook, Jerry L. Newton, Utah

Adair, William Alan

MS: University of Los Andes, 1992 Major: Biological and Agricultural Engineering Major Professor: Dr. Gary P. Merkley Dissertation: Numerical Issues Related to the Solution of the Saint-Venant Equations of One-Dimensional OpenChannel Flow


MS: Ain Shams University, 1997 Major: Irrigation Engineering Major Professor: Dr. Christopher Neale Dissertation: Estimating Farm and Landscape Water Use at the Rural-Urban Interface Using Remote Sensing and Geographic Information Systems

Foley, Daniel Hughes III

Jones, Charles Robert III

Lemon, Brian John

Dallas, Texas

Klamath Falls, Oregon

Brigham City, Utah

MS: Texas A& M University, 1994 Major: Biology Major Professor: Dr. Edmw1d D. Brodie Jr. Dissertation: Movement Patterns of Phn;nosomamcalliiand Phrynosoma plalyrhinosin Response to Substrate Texture

MBA: University of Puget Sound, 1982 Major: Education Major Professor: Dr. Thomas S. E. Hilton Dissertation: Use of lnteractive Multimedia Disks in the Applied Environmental Sciences Program at the Oregon Institute of Technology

BS: Utah State University, 1998 Major: Biochemistry Major Professor: Dr. John W. Peters Dissertation: Carbon Monoxide Binding to and Inhibition of Hydrogenase 1 from Clostridium posteurianum by X-Ray Crystallography

Groves, Clark M. Boone, Iowa MS: Air Force Institute of Technology, 1995 Major: Physics Major Professor: Dr. Jan J. Sojka Dissertation: Density Structure Parameterization of the Mid- to HighLatitude Ionosphere

Gummalla, Sanjay Gw1tur, India MS: Utah State University, 1998 Major: Nutrition and Food Sciences Major Professor: Dr. Jeffrey R. Broadbent Dissertation: Aromatic Amino Acid Catabolism by Lactobacilcusspp. Biochemistry and Contribution to Cheese Flavor Development

Hernandez-De La Rosa, Patricia

Kilpala, Heli Katariina

Mason, Gail Ann

Oulu, Finland

Salem, Oregon

Diplom : University of Oulu, 1999 Major: Civil and Environmental Engineering Major Professors: Dr. Paul W. Box and Dr. Anthony Turhollow Dissertation: Warehousing Structure and Location Decisions in the Electronic Commerce World: A Study on the Semiconductor Industry

MS: Brigham Yow1g University, 1995 Major: Psychology Major Professors: Dr. David M. Stein and Dr. JoAnn T. Tschanz Dissertation: Concurrent and Construct Validity of Alternating Verbal Fluency as a Measure of Executive Function

Nakhonchaisri, Thailand

Klein, Patrick Joseph Kokomo, Indiana BA: Franklin College, 1992 Major: Toxicology Major Professor: Dr. Roger A. Coulombe Jr. Dissertation: Chemoprevention of Aflatoxicosis in Turkeys

Texcoco, Mexico MS: Colegio de Postgraduados, 1991 Major: Ecology Major Professor: Dr. James N. Long Dissertation: A Conceptual Model to Characterize Internal Structure of Plant Communities Based on Fw1ctional Traits in Camp Williams, Utah and Camp Grayling, Michigan



Bursa, Turkey MS: Uludag University, 1998 Major: Civil and Environmental Engineering Major Professor: Dr. David G. Tarboton Dissertation: Quantification of Stream Sediment Inputs from Steep Forested Mountains

MS: Kuwait University, 1997 Major: Education Major Professors: Dr. Rebecca M. Monhardt and Dr. James T. Dorward Dissertation: The Effects of ComputerAssisted Instruction on Fourth-Grade Students' Achievement and Attitudes Toward Desert Issues

MS: Utah State University, 1998 Major: Education Major Professor: Dr. Kurt Becker Dissertation: A Comparison of Students' Achievement and Attitudes Between Constructivist and Traditional Classroom Environments in Thailand Vocational Electronics Programs

Kra, Eric Yao Morgan, William L.

Legon, Ghana MS: University of British Columbia, 1992 Major: Irrigation Engine ering Major Professor: Dr. Gary P. Merkley Dissertation: Calculated Surface Velocity Coefficients for Rectangular Open Channels by Hydraulic Modeling

American Fork , Utah MS: Brigham Young University, 1991 Major: Education Major Professor: Dr. Byron R. Burnham Dissertation: An Evaluation of the Idaho Technology Portfolio Assessment for Teachers

Larsson, Birgitta Nam, Seung-Hee

Goterborg, Sweden

Kwang-Ju City, South Korea

MS: University of Goterborg, 1994 Major: Nutrition and Food Sciences Major Professor: Dr. Ilka Nemere Dissertation: Physiological Importance of l,25(OH)2D3 Membrane-Initiated and Nuclear Actions as a Function of Growth, and Maturation in Male and Female Chickens

MS: Utah State University, 2000 Major: Nutrition and Food Sciences Major Professor: Dr. Marie K. Walsh Dissertation: Affinity Purification and Characterization of E. Coli Molecular Chaperones

Lee, Ji-Youn

Fairbanks, Alaska

Jafer, Yaqoub J. GH Logan, Utah

Maunsaiyat, Somchai

Nickles, Neal Edward Seoul, Korea MA: Sogang University, 1995 Major: Sociology Major Professor: Dr. Michael B. Toney Dissertation: A Multi-Level Analysis of Young Adult Migration, 1980-1998


BA: Colorado College, 1993 Major: Physics Major Professor: Dr. J. Robert Dennison Dissertation: The Role of Sandgap in the Secondary Electron Emission of Small Sandgap Semiconductors: Studies of Graphitic Carbon

Pastorino, Andres Juan Montevideo, Uruguay

Smith, Paul S. West Valley City, Utah

Umrnadi, Madhavi Soni Waukesha, Wisconsin

Diplome: Catholic University of Uruguay, 1996 Major: Nutrition and Food Sciences Major Professor: Dr. Donald J. McMahon Dissertation: Effect of Chemical Parameters on Structure-Function Relationships of Cheese

MS: University of Utah, 1996 Major: Electrical Engineer ing Major Professor: Dr. Jacob H. Gunther Dissertation: Spread Spectrum Time Domain Reflectometry

MS: Utah State University, 1994 Major: Nutrition and Food Services Major Professor: Dr. Bart C. Weimer Dissertation: Tryptophan Catabolism in Brevibact erium Linens BL2

Soralump, Suttisak Samutprakarn, Thailand

Walker, Andrew E. Hellertown, Pennsylvania

MS: Asian Institute of Technology, 1995 Major: Civil and Env ironmental Engineering Major Professor: Dr. Loren R. Anderson Dissertation: Estimating Probability of Earthquake-Induced Failure of Earth Dams

MS: Utah State University, 2000 Major: Instructional Teclmology Major Professor: Dr. Margaret M. "Mimi " Recker Dissertation: An Educational Recommender System: New Territory for Collaborative Filtering

Ramboz, Bryan David Parowan, Utah MS: Phillips Graduate Institut e, 1996 Major: Family Life Major Professor: Dr. Kathleen W. Piercy Dissertation: Premarital Education: Participation, Attitudes, and Relation to Marital Adjustment in a Sample from Northern Utah

Stevens, Daphne Pedersen Salt Lake City, Utah

MS: Utah State University, 2002 Major: Economics Major Professor: Dr. Christopher Fawson Dissertation: Two Essays on Thailand's Economic Growth

MS: Minnesota State University, Mankato, 1998 Major: Sociology Major Professor: Dr. Gary H. Kiger Dissertation: Family Cohesion in DualEarner Couples: The Effects of Work Factors, Work-Family Spillover, and the Division of Domestic Labor

Rodgers, Philip Lee Hyrum, Utah

Tan, Huagao Ruichang, China

MS: Utah State University, 1997 Major: Education Major Professor: Dr. Ron J. Thorkildsen Dissertation: How Paren ts of Utah Schoo l Children Judge School Effectiveness

MS: IWHR, 1988 Major: Civil and Env ironm en tal Engineering, 1988 Major Professor: Dr. Gilberto E. UrrozAguire Dissertation: Flow over Skew Side Weirs

Rirermsoonthorn, Mueng, Thailand


Sabillon, German Noe North Logan, Utah MS: Utah State University, 1987 Major: Irrigation Engineering Major Professor: Dr. Gary P. Merkley Dissertation: Optimization of Fertilization under Furrow Irrigation Savage, Bruce M. Hyrum, Utah MS: Utah State University, 1997 Major: Civil and Environmental Engineering Major Professor: Dr. Roland W. Jeppson Dissertation: Reverse Flow Tubes and Their Application in Upstream Fish Passage Scheffelrnaier, Gerry W. Ellensburg, Washington

Thaneepanichskul, Bangkok, Thailand


MS: Utah State University, 1995 Major: Economics Major Professor: Dr. Kevin X. Huang Dissertation: Three Essays in International Economics Trezza, Ricardo Merida, Venezuela MS: University of Los Andes, 1995 Major: Biological and Agricultural Engineering Major Professor: Dr. Wy1m R. Walker Dissertation: Evapotranspiration Using a Satellite-Based Surface Energy Balance with Standardized Ground Control

MS: Central Washington University, 1999 Major: Education Major Professor: Dr. John Vinsonhaler Dissertation: Methods Used to Design a Successful Website


Welch, Kevin Germantown, Maryland BS: Utah State University, 1997 Major: Toxicology Major Professor: Dr. Steven D. Aust Dissertation: Studies on Oxidation of Ferritin During Iron Loading Xie, Yi Mudanjiang, China MS: Fudan University, 1995 Major: Nutrition and Food Sciences Major Professor: Dr. Bart Weimer Dissertation: Determining the Influence of the Extracellular Proteinase from linens on the Metabolism of brevibacteriu111 Lactococcuslactis spp. Using Functional Genomics Zhang, Gengsheng Jurong, China MS: Nanjing Institute of Meterology, 1989 Major: Biometeorology Major Professor: Dr. Lawrence E. Hipps Dissertation: Properties of TurbulenceInduced Light Fluctuations and Their Effects on Canopy Photosynthesis in Alfalfa

Master of Accounting

Liu, Yizhu

Berg er, Nikole

Chongqing, China

Star Valley, Wyoming

Balaraman, Apparna

BS: Southwestern Universily of Economics and Finance, 2001

BA: Utah State University, 2001 Major: English Major Professor: Dr. Lynn L. Meeks

Madras, India BCOM: University of Madras , 2000

Mortensen, Ryan S. Roosevelt, Utah

Bassett, Jesse B. Logan, Utah

Bosworth, Angela Heather McRae

BS: Utah State University, 2001

BS: Utah State University, 2001


Mason B.

Budd, Cassy JH

Layton, Utah

Anaheim, California

BA: Brigham Young University, 2000

BS: Brigham Young University, 1990

Cosman, James A. West Valley City, Utah BS: Utah State University, 2001

Crockett, Jeffrey Allen Garland, Utah

Olson, Ben Adam

Burley, Idaho

BS: Utah Valley State College, 2001

Stephenson, Leanne Provo, Utah


Chansanroj, Wuttichai

Moscow, Idaho

Tokyo, Japan

BS: Utah State University, 2001

Shenzhen, China

Roberts, Idaho

BS: Shenzhen University, 2000

Glenn, Cindy Hansen Malad, Idaho

Thompson, Jared Summers Logan, Utah BS: Utah State University, 2001

BS: Utah State University, 1998

Van Woerkom , Sarah Ann

Hilton, Kaylynn

Alpine, Utah

Heber, Utah

BS: Brigham Yow1g University, 200]

BS: Utah State University, 1999



Bangkok, Thailand



Pali, India BCOM: University of Delhi, 1998



Bangkok, Thailand

BS: Utah State University, 2002

Liu, Ning Beijing, China BECN: Central University of Finance and Banking, 1999

Orem, Utah BA: Utah State University, 1996 Major: History Major Professor : Dr. Aru1e M. Butler

Cook, Lisa Marie BS: Utah State University, 2000 Major: History Major Professor: Dr. Norman L. Jone s Thesis : From Alms to Overseers: A Study of the Transformation of Charity and Poor Relief in Reformation Essex

Zhu, Dongqing Garner, Rachel Lynn

Xian, China BA: Xian Foreign Language University, 1996

Master of Arts

Liechty, Jonathan Michael Providence, Utah

Cole, Rosemary Washburn

Sandy, Utah

BS: Utah State University, 1999

BBA: Assumption University, 1997

Bangkok, Thailand BS: Chulalongkorn University, 1998 Major: Economics Major Professor: Dr. Christopher Fawson

Sun, Yun.fan

Evans, Chad H. BS: Utah State University, 2002

BA: Idaho State University, 2000 Major: History Major Professor: Dr. Anne M. Butler Thesis: "Winning Life's Blue Ribbons": Gender, Recreation, and Utah Children,

Stinebaugh, Brigham L.

Doi, Asako BA: Takushoku University, 1999

BA: Brigham Young University, 2000 Major: Englis h Major Professor: Dr. Paul J. Crumbley Thesis: Conjuring Paradox: Reconstructing Man's House Through the Supernatural

Buck, Holly Janelle

Lindon, Utah

BA: University of Utah, 2001

BS: Utah State University, 2001

Rexburg, Idaho

Barney, Timothy Lawrence Salt Lake City, Utah BA: Brigham Young University, 1992 Major: Political Science Major Professor: Dr. Randy T. Simmons Thesis: An Alternative to Traditional Land Disposal: A Case for Long -Term Storage


Hyrum, Utah BS: Utah State University, 2000 Major: History Major Professor: Dr. Frances B. Titchener Thesis: Io Saturnalia: The Best of Roman Days

Koenig, Michaela Rankweil, Austria Magistra: University of Innsbruck, 2001 Major: American Studies Major Professor: Dr. Melody Graulich

Larsen, Aliso n Schm idt

Roman , Melissa Jane

Young, And rea Rasmu ssen

Las Vegas, Nevada

Newport, Oregon

Bow Islan d, Canada

BA: Brigha m Young University , 1998 Major: Eng lish Major Professor: Dr. Paul J. Crumbley Thesis: Inhabiting the Houses of Patriarchy and Sisterhood: Wom en's Strugg le for Power and Authority in Eliza beth Stoddard's The Morgesons, "Lemo rne Versus Huell," and "Collected by a Valetudinarian"

BA: Alaska Pacific University, 1995 Major: American Studies Major Professor: Dr. Jan E. Roush Thesis: Beacon in the Night: Contested Space and Regional Culture on the Central Oregon Coast

BA: Brigham Young Universi ty, 2000 Major: His tory Major Professor : Dr. Caro l A. O'Connor Thesis: The Real and the Ideal : Media an d Masculinity in WWII

Mao, Xuzhi Tianjin, China BA: Beijing Foreign Studies University, 1993 Major: Communication Major Professor: Dr . Michael S. Sweeney Thesis: From Wanderer to Witness to History-What Triggered Helen Foster Snow's Affection for China?

McNeill, Lynne Sullivan Lafayette, California BA: University of California, Berkeley, 1999 Major: Amer ican Studies Major Professor: Dr. Jeanni e B. Thomas Thesis: The Wavin g Ones: A Study of Cats in Folklore

Mecham -Ho dgkinson, Jennifer Colleen Elmo, Utah BS: Utah State Univers ity, 2000 Major : H istory Major Pro fessor: Dr . Jenni fer Ritterhouse Thes is: "In Spite of Ever ythin g, We Man age d ": Docum enting African Am erican Famili es in the Ag e of Jim Crow , 1900-1942; A Comparati ve Study Between the Rural and Urban Experience

Murakami, Nina R. Kapolei, Hawaii BS: University of Hawaii, Manoa , 2000 Major: English Major Professor: Dr. Lynn L. Meeks

Pehl, Matthew Sean Sioux Falls, South Dakota BA: University of Minnesota, 1997 Major : History Major Professor: Dr. David R. Lewis Thesis: Visions of Two Gods: Religion , Class, and the Italian Community of Carbon County, Utah, 1900-1930

Schreier, Jesse Turner Baltimore, Maryland BS: University of Wisconsin, 1994 Major: History Major Professor: Dr. Clyde A. Milner II Thesis: Conservation and Efficiency: The Reform Campaign of the Utah Agricultural College, 1888-1920

Master of Business Administration Affleck, Allison Bountiful, Utah BS: Stevens-Henager College, 2002

Aiello, Nickolas Frank Sandy, Utah

Seyfried, Seth Lee Hyrum , Utah

BS: Utah State University, 2002

BS: Utah State University, 1996 Major: History Major Professor: Dr. Norman L. Jones

Aldous, Curtis Dean

Sidford, Robert C. Pioche, Nevada

Farr West, Utah BS: Utah State University, 2000

Allen, James Wallace Hyde Park , Utah

BS: Southern Utah University, 2000 Major: His tory Major Professor: Dr. Anne M. Butler Thesis: "To the Devil by An y Road They Please": Entrepreneurs hip and Class in Cache Valley, Utah, 1859-1874

Allsop , Bren t J.

Thompson, Kelly A

And ersen, Morg an Lynn

Salt Lake City, Utah

Holladay, Utah

MPA: Brigham Youn g Univ ersity, 1993 Major: English Major Professor: Dr . Melody Graulich Thesis: Mormon Wom en and the He aling Power of Truth

BS: Univ ersity of Utah , 1979

Thompson, Stephanie Sandy, Utah

BS: Uta h State Universi ty, 2000

Bountifu l, Utah BS: Univers ity of Utah, 1995

Anderson , Karl David Salt Lake City, Utah BS: University of Utah, 1990

Anderson, Matthew B. Logan, Utah

BA: University of Utah, 1994 Major: English Major Profess or : Dr. Phebe Jensen Thesis: (Re)Constructing the Early Modem Female Body

Welker, Richard Todd

BS: Idaho State Univers ity, 1997

Arave, Michael C. Farr West, Utah BS: Weber State College, 1984

Safford, Arizona

Applegarth, Daniel W.

BA: Brigham Young University, 1999 Major : History Major Professor: Dr. Clyde A. Milner II Thesis: Sweet Dreams in Sugar Land: Japanese Farmers, Mexican Farm Workers, and Northern Utah Beet Production

Riverton, Utah BS: Brigham Young University, 1991

Balls, Darren L. Logan, Utah BS: Utah State University, 2002


Barfuss, Natalie K. Idaho Falls, Idaho

Boekweg, Johnathan Provo, Utah

BS: Utah State University, 2001

BS: Brigham Young University, 1997

BS: Utah State University, 1997

Barlow, Jon W. Layton, Utah

Bohrer, Daniel Chandler Springfield, Idaho

Chang, Chia Lun (Vivian) Taipei, Taiwan

BS: Brigham Young University, 1997

BS: Utah State University, 2001

BA: Eternal-Life Christ College, 1997

Barton, Robert Don North Logan , Utah

Bolingbroke, Jeffrey Lyn Tremonton, Utah

Chang, Yu-Hui Taoyuan, Taiwan

BA: Utah State University, 2001

BA: Utah State University, 2000

BBA: National Chung Hsing University,

Beckman, Jade L. Centerville, Utah

Borjas, David Leon Ft. Riley, Kansas

BS: University of Utah, 1995

BS: Utah State University, 2002

Beere, Dennis Charles II Chino, California

Bosh, Alan K Nephi, Utah

BS: Utah State University, 2000

BS: Southern Utah University, 2001

Belcher, Paul D . Park City, Utah

Bouck, Steven E. Weston , Idaho

BA: Utah State University, 2001

BS: Utah State University, 1998

Berenyi, John L. Roy, Utah

Branch, Shane Levi Wellington, Utah

BS: Weber State University, 1996

BS: Utah State University, 1999

Bhandari, Rajesh Midvale, Utah

Browning, Justin Walter Provo, Utah

MS: University of Utah, 1998

BS: Brigham Young University, 1996

Bice, Jason S. Nampa, Idaho

Bryant, Bradford Paul Greene, New York

BS: Utah State University, 2001

BS: Utah State University, 2001

Bingham, Sheralyn Honeyville, Utah

Bryner, Lydia Caroll Laguna Beach, California

BA: Utah State University , 2001

BS: Utah Valley State College , 2000

Birch, Brandon M. Logan, Utah

Buck, Renn W. Salt Lake City, Utah

BS: Utah State University, 2001

BS: Utah Valley State College, 2001

Birch, Jamie Scott St. Anthony, Idaho

Busby, Kevin W . Tucson, Arizona

BS: Utah State University, 2000

BS: Brigham Yow1g University, 1992

Blackham, Richard R. Centerville, Utah

Busch, Shane E. Vernal, Utah

BS: Brigham Young University, 1998

BS: Utah State University, 2001

Blodgett, Jack Ralph Sandy, Utah

Campbell, Joshua L. Logan, Utah

BS: Brigham Yow1g University, 2000

BS: Utah State University, 2000


Cannon, Rhondda Logan, Utah



Chapman, David Wayne Logan, Utah BS: Utah State University, 2001 Christensen, Aaron Chase Shelley, Idaho BS: Utah State University, 1999 Christensen, Chad B. Elk Ridge, Utah BS: Brigham Young University, 1995 Christensen, Jared D. Morgan, Utah BS: Brigham Young University , 2000 Clark, Tyler Lehi, Utah BS: Utah Valley State College, 2000 Clay, Michael C. Roy, Utah BS: University of Utah, 1992 Cochran, Michael S. Battleground , Washington BS: Maryllmrst University, 1998 Condie, Eric Robert Kirkland, Washington BS: Brigham Young University, 2000 Cook, Aaron Golden Spanish Fork, Utah BS: Brigham Yow1g University, 1999 Covington, Benjamin L. LaVerkin, Utah


BS: Utah State University, 2002 Cowley, David T. Wellsville, Utah BS: Utah State University, 1988

Cox, Phillip C. Fruit Heights, Utah

Faragher, Douglas R. Orem., Utah

Hansen, Eric J. Logan, Utah

BS: University of Utah, 2001

BS: Utah Valley State College, 2001

BS: Utah State University, 1994

Croyle, Robert Andrew Ogden, Utah

Fennell, Catherine Graham Ogden, Utah

Hansen, Scott L. Liberty, Utah

BS: Weber State University, 1992

BS: Michigan State University, 1988

BS: Brigham Young University, 1988

Ferguson, William Albert North Ogden, Utah

Haynes, Emily Annette Paul, Idaho

BS: Utah State University, 2002

BS: Weber State University, 1993

BS: Utah State University, 2001

Daugherty, Michael Verdean Hyrum, Utah

Florentino Morel, Angelica Maria Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic

Heiner, Michael Shawn Ogden, Utah

BS: Utah State University, 1988

BS: Utah State University, 2002

BS: Weber State University, 1998

Day, C. Michael Seattle, Washington

Foster, Devin L. Salt Lake City, Utah

Helms, Mindyn H. Logan, Utah

BS: Utah State University, 2001

BS: Weber State University, 1994

BA: Utah State University, 2001

Day, Mark Newel Saratoga Springs, Utah

Fu, Shiao-Hui Taipei, Taiwan

Heng, Irene Mooi Luan Petalingjaya, Malaysia

BS: Brigham Young University, 2000

BA: National Taipei University, 1980

BS:California State University, Chico, 1992

Day, Stephen A. Portland, Oregon

Funk, David Clark Spanish Fork, Utah

Huffaker, Cheri River Heights, Utah

BS: Fort Lewis College, 1980

BS: Brigham Young University, 1996

BS: Utah State University, 2001

Dearden, Susan Sandy, Utah

Ga llacher , Brian T. Salem, Utah

Irvine, Justin Ryan Spanish Fork, Utah

BS:Utah State University, 2000

BS:Utah Valley State College, 1997

BS: Utah Valley State College, 2001

DeGraffenried, Philip Gordon Santaquin, Utah

Gordon, Benjamin Wilson Erda, Utah

Jackson, Daren Wells Clinton, Utah

BS: Utah Valley State College, 2000

BS: Utah State University, 1999

BS: Utah State University, 2000

Donlevy, David N. North Ogden, Utah

Gustin, Jay Paul Henryetta, Oklahoma

Jacobson, Vickie R. Brigham City, Utah

BA: Whither College, 1990

BS: University of Utah, 2000

BS:University of Phoenix, 1994

Drummond, Matthew Richard Evergreen, Colorado

Guymon, Donald W. Bountiful, Utah

Jarvis, Erika Noel West Bountiful, Utah

BS: Colorado State University, 1988

BS: Utah State University, 1993

BS: Utah State University, 2001

Duan, Qiuyi Beijing, China

Hackett, Dalin Wade Duchesne, Utah

Jensen, Cameron Oleen Preston, Idaho

BS: Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications, 2000

BS: Brigham Yow1g University, 2002

BS: Utah State Universi ty, 2001

Hall, Richard C. Ogden, Utah

Jenson, John David Price, Utah

BS: Weber State College, 1980

BS: Utah State University, 2000

Hanks, Justin D. Ogden, Utah

Jew , David Fuey Cypress, California

BS: Utah State University, 1999

BS: California Polytechnic University, Pomona, 1983

Dance, Christian Austin, Texas


El-Bakri, Bert K. Smithfield, Utah BS: Utah State University, 1986 Erickson, Katherine Ogden, Utah BS: Weber State University, 2000


Jibson, Layne D. Brigham City, Utah

Kuo, Chien-Ku Taipei, Taiwan

Liu, Jo-Ti Taipei, Taiwan

BS: Weber State University, 1997

BS: Trinity Western Univers ity, 1999

BA: Eternal-Life Chris t College, 1997

Johns, Jeffrey Arthur Spanish Fork, Utah

LaCroix, Vital George Portland, Oregon

Lively, Robert C. West Jordan, Utah

BS: Washington State University, 1975

BS: University of Utah, 1980

Lai, Tzu-Chien Taipei, Taiwan

Lo, Chu Chu Taipei, Taiwan

BS: University of Denver, 1997

BCOM: University of Toronto, 1997

Landeen, Clark Salt Lake City, Utah

Manley, Matthew Taylor Orem, Utal1

BS: Utah State University, 2002

BA: California State University, Bakersfield,

BA: Brigham Young University, 2000 Johnson, Gerrit Eugene Orem, Utah BS: Utah Valley State College, 2000 Johnson, Rick Woodruff Brigham City, Utah BS: Utah State University, 1985 Jones, Dalynn Marie Young Ward, Utah BS: Utah State University, 1999 Jones, Ryan N . Ogden, Utah

Marshall, Stephen Andrew Logan, Utah

BS: Utah State University, 1998 Larsen, Brandon Scott Provo, Utah

BS: Brigham Young University, 1981 Jorgenson, Clinton Franklin Woods Cross, Utah BS: University of Utah, 2000 Kao, Yueh-Ching Taipei, Taiwan

Laris, Minola C. Roosevelt, Utah


BA: Chinese Culture University, 1972 Kawa, Jolene W. Brigham City, Utah BS: Utah State University, 1999 Kelson, Amie Kay Boring, Oregon BS: Utah State University, 1997 Kendrick, Alan Dean Hooper, Utah BS: Weber State University, 1993 King, Robert Paul Salt Lake City, Utah MS: Colorado School of Mines, 1980 King, Stephanie Roy, Utah BS: University of Phoenix, 2000 Ku, Chia-Chuan Taipei, Taiwan BBA: Shih Hsin University, 2000


BS:Brigham Young University, Hawaii, 1997 Larson, Brooks D. Smithfield, Utah BS: Weber State University, 1996 Lawson, Kevin Michael San Francisco, California BS: California State University, Chico, 1990 Leavitt, G. Justin Logan, Utah

BS: Utah State University, 2002 Mathews, Mark Delbert Brigham City, Utah BS: West Coast University, 1992 McAferee, Rick A Salt Lake City, Utah MS: Oita University, 1992 McArthur, Mary C. Portland, Oregon BS: Mount Holyoke College, 1990 McBride, Todd Kent Clearfield, Utal1

BS: Utah State University, 2001 Lee, Jeff Thomas Logan, Utah

BS: Weber State University, 1996 McNeilly, Charles Beaverton, Oregon

BA: Utah State University, 1999

MS: University of California, Los Angeles, 1985

Lee, Wei-Chih Taipei, Taiwan BS:California State Polytech University, 2000

Morrison, Haley Kaye Siddoway Perry, Utah BS: Utah State University, 1997

Liang, Chun-Mi Taipei, Taiwan BS:University of Alabama, Tuscaloosa, 1995 Lish, Branden Brian Tremonton, Utah BS: Utah State University, 2001

Mueller, Kraig Perry, Utah BS: Weber State University, 1997 Murry, Ryan T. Lehi, Utah BS: University of Utah, 1997

Liu, Chang-Lin Taipei, Taiwan BS: Feng Chia University, 1991

Myers, Clinton S. Bonners Ferry, Idal10 BS: University of Alaska, Fairbanks, 1997


Ni elsen, Kirk E.

Pinnoc k, Destry D.

Romano vsky, Igor Mikh ai Pavi ch

South Ogden, Utah

Plano, Idaho

Moscow, Russia

BS: Utah State Unive rsity, 1997

BS: Utah State Univers ity, 2002

PhD : Russian National Institut o of Car diology, 1991

Nigh, Jordan P .

Pitt, Ryan M.

Tooele, Utah

Centerville, Utah

BS: Utah State University, 2001

BA: Brigham Young University, 1997

Nor thcu tt, Brad S.

Powell, Jeffrey C.

Logan, Utah

Cleveland, Utah

BA: Southern Utah University, 1998

BS: Utah State Unive rsity, 2002

Noyes, Gregory R.

Pulsipher , Gary Andrew

West Jordan , Utah

Farmington, Utah

BS: Utah State University, 1979

BS: University of Utah, 1998

Oehle r, Daniel James

Ramirez, Enilker Leonel

San Ramon , California

Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic

BS: Brigham Young University , 2000

BS: Utah State Univers ity, 2002

Olsen, Adam Jay

Rampton, Rhett D.

La Mesa, California

Layton , Utah

BS: Brigham Young Universit y, 2001

BA: Utah State Univers ity, 2002

Otto, Mike S.

Rasmusse n, Cami Wood

Eden, Utah

Roosevelt , Utah

Ruggles, Cary LeRoy Mendon, Utah BS: Utah State University, 2002

Russell, Michael B. Layton, Uta h BS: University of Utah, 1996

Samuelson, David W. Pleasant View , Utah BS: University of Phoenix, 1990

Schow, Jeffrey J. Roy, Utah BS: Utah State University , 1993

Schultz, Cynthia J. Battlegrow1d, Washing ton BS: Concordia Universi ty, 2000

Schultz, William Frederick St. George, Utah

BS: West Coast Univer sity, 1988

BS: Utah State Unive rsity, 1999

Ou , Hong Chan

Ray, Mario Brennan

Taipei, Taiwan

Chand ler, Arizona

BS: Tw1ghai Universi ty, 1995

BS: Utah State University, 2001

Par ton, Steven Jay

Reeder, Robert J.

Layton , Utah

Salt Lake Cily, Utah

BS: University of Texas, Arlington, 1992

BS: University of Utah, 1999

Staten Island, New York

Passman, James Arthur

Reyes, Felipe A.

MPA: Portland State University, 2000

Ogden, Utah

Ogden, Utah

BS: Purdue University, West Lafayette,

BS: Weber State University, 1996

Shoul, Shannon ReneĂŞ Portland, Oregon

Ridd, Nick J.

BS: University of Por tland , 1997


Peel, Steven Robert St. George, Utah

Highland, Utah

Farr West, Utah

Singleton , Tyler J. Provi dence, Utah

Ripplin ger, Jared Robert

BS: Utah State Uni versity, 2000

Millville, Utah

Smaldone, David Randal

BS: Utah State Univ ersity, 2000

Springville, Utah

Robertson, Todd Freeman

BS: Colorado School of Mines , 1974

North Ogden, Utah BS: Brigham Young Unive rsity, 1989

Rodell , Michael P. Farr West, Utah

Shoul, John Michael

BS: Utah State University, 2002

BS: Utah State University , 2001

Perrett, Jami Anne

Provo, Utah

Fruit Heights, Utah

BS: Brigham Young University , 1998

Perrett, Burke N yal

Sellers, Michael Dennis BS: Brigham Young Univer sity, 1999

BS: Weber State University, 1997

Peirce , Justin Hart

BS: California Polytechnic, San Luis Obispo , 1993

Smith, Alan Edwin Brigham City, Utah BA: Utah State University, 1998

North Ogden , Utah BS: Weber State College, 1984

BS: Utah State University, 2000

Smith, Guylen Ray Syracuse, Utah BS: Utah State University, 1994


Snow, Ryan L. West Valley City, Utah

Toliver, Sara Vanessa

Wilson, Cortney Kent

Ogden, Utah

West Jordan, Utah

BS: Utah State University, 2001

BS: Utah State University, 1998

BS: Utah State University, 1999

Spiegel, Steve Jay

Torman, Kimb erly Anne

Wise, Arthur Duane

Ogden, Utah

Ogden, Utah

Roy, Utah

BS: San Jose State University, 1993

BS: Utah State University, 2000

BS: Weber State University, 1996

Sprenger, Ramie J.

Udy, Stephanie

Won, Unsoon

Bismarck, North Dakota

Tremonton, Utah

Inchoon , Korea

BS: North Dakota State University, 2000

BS: Utah State University, 1992

MED: Korea National University, 1992

Springer, Mark Andrew

Vaewvichit, Satit

Wood, Jeffrey Garn

Sandy, Utah

Bangkok, Thailand

West Valley City, Utah

BA: University of Utah, 1994

BS: Chulalongkorn University , 1997

BA: Weber State University, 1994

Stringham, Cameron D.

Vail, Alan William

Worabantoon, Sirinute

Spanish Fork, Utah

Hyde Park, Utah

Bangkok, Thailand

BS: Utah Valley State College, 2000

BS: Utah State University, 1997

BA: Chulalongkorn University, 1997

Stuart, Darin

Wallace, Bryan Player

Wray, Michael E.

Roy, Utah

West Jordan, Utah

Orem, Utah

BS: University of Pacific, 1999

BS: Utah Valley State College, 2000

BS: Brigham Young University, 2000

Sugihara, David Troy

Walstad, Peter J.

Wright, Tifany Lee

South Ogden, Utah BS: Weber State University, 1999

Ten Eyck, Kevin Joseph Idaho Falls, Idaho BLA: Utah State University, 2002

Thomas, Evan Earl Hurricane, Utah BS: Brigham Young University, 1998

Thompson, Bobbie L. Smithfield, Utah BS: Utah State University, 1998

Thornburg, Ronald Lee Ogden, Utah BS: Purdue University, 1971

Tidwell, Glade Young Centerville, Utah BS: Weber State University , 1998

Tittle, Matthew D. Farmington, Utah BS: Brigham Young University, 1993

Todd, Elizabeth Wolfe Carrollton, Georgia BBA: University of Georgia, 1991

Vernal, Utah

Salt Lake City, Utah BS: Brigham Young University, 1995

Wang, Yin-Feng (Fanny) Taipei, Taiwan BS: Tamkang University, 1992

Ward, Gerald S.

BS: Utah State University, 2002

Yang, Jie Hefei, China BS: China Youth College of Political Science, 1998

Yang, Jing

Ogden, Utah

Beijing, China

BS: Nor th Carolina State University, 1988

Ward, Markley Allan Mesa, Arizona

BS: Capital University of Economics and Business, 1998

Yang, Szu-Han

BS: Utah State University, 2002

Watkins, Elizabeth A. Salt Lake City, Utah BE: Vanderbilt University, 1987

Taipei, Taiwan BA: National Chengchi University, 1994

Master of Dietetics Administration

Webb, Bryan A. Singer, Michele Lynn

Smithfield, Utah BS: Utah State University, 2000

Denver, Colorado BS: Colorado State University, 1998 Major Professor: Dr. Noreen B. Schvaneveldt

Weiss, Ty Alan Granite Bay, California BS: Utah State University, 2001

Wight, David Leavitt North Logan, Utah BS: Utah State University, 1994


Master of Education

Bascom, EmaJo

Brown, Troy W.

West Valley City, Utah

Clinton, Utah

Allen, Kevin R.

BA: Brigham Young University, 1970 Major: Elementary Education Major Professor: Dr. John A. Smith

BS: Weber State University, 1999 Major: Health, Physical Education and Recreation Major Professor: Dr. John M. Kras

Mt. Pleasant, Utah BS: Utah State University, 1996 Major: Secondary Education Major Professor: Dr. Kay Camperell

Andersen, Kit Evan Elwood, Utah BA: Utah State Universi ty, 1997 Major: Instructional Technology Major Professor: Dr. Charles G. Stoddard

Anderson, Jensa Loraine Simi Valley, California BS: Utah State University, 2002 Major: Elementary Education Major Professor : Dr. Martha T. Dever

Anderson, Kelly D. Layton, Utah BS: Weber State University, 1994 Major: Health, Physical Education and Recreation Major Professor: Dr. John M. Kras

Anderson, Nhora V. Logan, Utah Licenciado: Francisco Jose de Caldas University, 1986 Major: Secondary Education Major Professor: Dr. Grace C. Huerta

Anderton, Vivian J. Roosevelt, Utah BS: Utah State University, 1997 Major: Special Education Major Professor: Dr. Pamela J. Hudson

Andrus, Kathryn Beth Sacramento, California BS: Brigham Young University, 1993 Major: Instructional Technology Major Professor: Dr. Charles G. Stoddard

Asp, Kim Naperville, Illinois BS: Brigham Young University, 2000 Major: Elementary Education Major Professor: Dr. Deborah A. Byrnes

Baker, Adam Phil Washington, Utah BS: Southern Utah University, 2000 Major: Instructional Technology Major Professor: Dr. Charles G. Stoddard

Beardall, Teresa Kay Butterfield, Sharon Kay

West Jordan , Utah BS: Utah State University, 1984 Major: Elementary Education Major Professor: Dr . Scott L. Hunsaker

Nephi, Utah BS: University of Utah, 1985 Major: Secondary Education Major Professor: Dr. William J. Strong

Bendall, Lisa Buchan Salt Lake City, Utah BS: University of Utah, 1994 Major: Elementary Education Major Professor: Dr. John A. Smith

Caldwell, Sylvia H. Sandy, Utah BS: Utah State University, 1995 Major: Elementary Education Major Professor: Dr. Martha T. Dever

Berg, DeWayne Andrew Capener, Kristi Lyn Nimori

Gooding, Idaho

Riverside, Utah

BA: Weber State University, 1999 Major: Communicative Disorders and Deaf Education Major Professor: Dr. J. Freeman King

BS: Utah State University, 1986 Major: Elementary Education Major Professor: Dr. Francine F. Johnson

Blamires, Valarie A.

Clyde, Jennifer

Ogden, Utah

Wellsville, Utah

BS: Utah State University , 1997 Major: Special Education Major Professor: Dr. Timothy A. Slocum

BS: Utah State University, 1997 Major: Secondary Education Major Professor: Dr. Grace C. Huerta

Boyd, Kristin

Coburn, Steven Preston

Fallon, Nevada

Manti, Utah

BS: Brigham Young University, 1998 Major: Elementary Education Major Professor: Dr. John A. Smith

BS: Brigham Young University, 1985 Major: Instructional Technolo gy Major Professor: Dr. Charles G. Stoddard

Breinholt, Aimee

Colton, Jackie Averett

Provo, Utah

Mapleton, Utah

BS: Brigham Young University, 2000 Major: Communicative Disorders and Deaf Education Major Professor: Dr. Susan Watkins

MA: Brigham Young University, 1998 Major: Secondary Education Major Professor: Dr. William J. Strong

Brotherson, J. David Jr.

Layton, Utah

Columbus, Sharon Taylor Roosevelt, Utah BS: Utah State University, 1988 Major: Secondary Education Major Professor: Dr. Jam es S. Cangelosi

BS: Idaho State University, 1982 Major: Instructional Technology Major Professor: Dr. Charles G. Stoddard

Cowan, Barbara J. Brown, Kimberly Ploeger

Nephi, Utah

Orem, Utah

BS: Southern Utah State College, 1988 Major: Elementary Education Major Professor: Dr . James J. Barta

BS: Brigham Yow1g University, 2000 Major: Instructional Technology Major Professor: Dr. Charles G. Stoddard


Cox, Milicent Larsen

Fairbourne, Courh1ey Todd

Taylorsville, Utah

Green, Patrick Alan

Orem, Utah

Park Valley, Utah

BS: Brigham Young University, 1989 Major: Special Education Major Professor: Dr. Pamela J. Hudson

BS: Brigham Young University, 1994 Major: Health, Physical Education and Recreation Major Professor: Dr. Richard D Gordin Jr.

BS: Weber State University, 1994 Major: Instructional Technology Major Professor: Dr. Charles G. Stoddard

Farnsworth, Jeff Young

Smithfie ld, Utah

Crittenden, Kendall Dean Heber City, Utah BS: Brigham Young University, 1978 Major: Instructional Technology Major Professor: Dr. Charles G. Stoddard

Grunig, Ryan James Salt Lake City , Utah BS: Utah State University, 2001 Major: lnsh¡uctional Technology Major Professor: Dr. Charles G. Stoddard

Cunningham, Stacey Carlin Provo, Utah

BS: Brigham Young University, 1996 Major: Elementary Education Major Professor: Dr. Bernard L. Hayes

DeCol, Justin Robin

Hamilton, Stephanie F. Fuller, Raquel A.

West Jordan, Utah

Honeyville, Utah BS: Utah State University, 1993 Major: Health, Physical Education and Recreation Major Professor: Dr. Rolayne Wilson

Brigham City, Utah BS: Utah State University, 1998 Major: Health, Physical Education and Recreation Major Professor: Dr. Richard D. Gordin Jr.

BS: University of Utah, 1988 Major: Instructional Technology Major Professor: Dr. Charles G. Stoddard

Hamingson, Sarah D. Moab, Utah

Gibson, Terry Brian Altamont, Utah BS: Brigham Young University, 1993 Major: Instructional Technology Major Professor: Dr. Charles G. Stoddard

DeMille, Holly Brown Roy, Utah

BA: Utah State University, 2000 Major: Secondary Education Major Professor: Dr. Grace C. Huerta

BS: Utah State University, 1993 Major: Elementary Education Major Professor: Rebecca M. Manhardt

Hanson, Emily Riverton, Utah

Gold, Arlene Bountiful, Utah

BS: Utah State University, 2002 Major: Communicative Disorders and Deaf Education Major Professor: Dr. Carme l Yarger

BS: Brigham Young University, 1995 Major: Health, Physical Education and Recreation Major Professor: Dr. Richard D. Gordin Jr.

BS: Weber State University, 1995 Major: Special Education Major Professor: Dr. Judith M. Holt

Dillon, Tracey Anne

Goodrich, Bill J.

Salt Lake City, Utah

Roosevelt, Utah

BS: State University of New York, Geneseo, 2000 Major: Elementary Education Major Professor: Dr. Scott L. Hunsaker

BA: Brigham Young University, 1993 Major: Instructional Technology Major Professor: Dr. Charles G. Stoddard

Goodwin, Paulette Dixon, David Ray

Heiner, Gloria S.

Vernal, Utah

Morgan, Utah

BS: Utah State University, 1995 Major: Elementary Education Major Professor: Dr. Bernard L. Hayes

BS: Utah State University, 1996 Major: Health, Physical Education and Recreation Major Professor: Dr. Hilda Fronkse

North Ogden, Utah BS: Weber State College, 1989 Major: Health, Physical Education and Recreation Major Professor: Dr. Richard D. Gordin Jr.

Harris, Dona Jo Salt Lake City, Utah

Graham, Joshua Robert Vernal, Utah

Ediger, Carol S. Ferron, Utah BS: Utah State University, 1967 Major: Instructional Technology Major Professor: Dr. Charles G. Stoddard

Hill, Kathryn A.

BS: Brigham Young University, 1995 Major: Special Education Major Professor: Dr. Pam ela J. Hudson

Grant, David Carter Roosevelt, Utah

Edwards, Jennifer Ruth South Jordan, Utah BS: Brigham Young University, 1971 Major: Elementary Education Major Professor: Dr. Martha L. Whitaker

BS: University of Utah, 1980 Major: Special Educa tion Major Professor: Dr. Benjamin Lignugaris /Kraf t

Trout Creek, Utah BS: University of Utah, 1977 Major: Elementary Education Major Professor: Dr. John A. Smith

Hixenbaugh, Gerri Ann

BS: University of Utah, 1997 Major: Secondary Education Major Professor: Dr. Grace C. Huerta


Draper, Utah BS: University of New Mexico, 1980 Major: Elementary Education Major Professor: Dr. John A. Smith

Hodson, Wendy J.

Jordan, Michael R.

Lee, David Bawden

Ferron, Utah

Salt Lake City, Utah

Brigham City, Utah

BS: Weber State College, 1975 Major: Instructional Technology Major Professor: Dr. Charles G. Stoddard

BS: Utah State University, 2002 Major: Communicative Disorders and Deaf Education Major Professor: Dr. J. Freeman King

BS: Utah State University, 1999 Major: Secondary Education Major Professor: Dr. William J. Strong

Kamalu, Karen Jo

West Valley City, Utah

Leedy, Angela

Hohler, Thomas W. West Jordan, Utah BS: University of Montana, 1988 Major: Secondary Education Major Professor: Dr. Kay Camperell

Moroni, Utah BS: Brigham Young University, 1980 Major: Instructional Technology Major Professor: Dr. Charles G. Stoddard

BS: University of Utah, 1992 Major: Health , Physical Education and Recreation Major Professor: Dr. Hilda Fronske

Holden, Tricia Salt Lake City, Utah BS: Southern Utah University, 1992 Major: Elementary Education Major Professor: Dr. James J. Barta

Holman, Anna Lin

Kennedy, Megan Elizabeth

Lindsay, Joni

Draper, Utah

Ephraim, Utah

BS: Brigham Young University, 1993 Major: Health, Physical Education and Recreation Major Professor: Dr. John M. Kras

BA: University of Utah, 1988 Major: Instructional Technology Major Professor: Dr. Charles G. Stoddard

Lindsay , Jody H.

Sw1set, Utah BS:Brigham Young University, Hawaii, 1970 Major: Special Education Major Professor: Dr. Pamela J. Hudson

Hrynyshyn, Alec E.

Keyes, Linda Andersen Monticello, Utah BS: Utah State University, 1981 Major: lnsh¡uctional Technology Major Professor: Dr. Charles G. Stoddard

Hrynyshyn, Donna Marie

Knowlton, Stuart C. Nephi, Utah BS: Weber State University, 1998 Major: Secondary Educat ion Major Professor: Dr. William J.Strong

Jenkins, Jennifer J.

Kretschmar, Brian Salt Lake City, Utah BS: Heidelberg College, 1996 Major: Special Educa tion Major Professor: Dr. Timothy A. Slocum

Jennings, Scott Allen Orem, Utah BS: Utah Valley State College, 1998 Major: Instructional Technology Major Professor : Dr . Byron R. Burnham

Johnson, Kaylan R. Roosevelt, Utah BS: Southern Utah University, 2000 Major: Instructional Technology Major Professor: Dr. Charles G. Stoddard

Johnson, Rex Franklin North Ogden, Utah BS: Weber State University, 1998 Major: Instructional Technology Major Professor: Dr. Charles G. Stoddard

BS: Brigham Young University, 1987 Major: Elementary Education Major Professor: Dr. Martha T. Dever

Price , Utah BA: St. Mary's College, 1978 Major: Elementary Education Major Professor: Dr. Martha T. Dever

MacLeod, Darin Pendleton

Newton, Utah BS: Utah State University, 1993 Major: Elementary Education Major Professor: Dr. John A. Smith

San Jose, California

Mackiewicz, Anne K.

Orem, Utah BS: University of Wyoming, 1988 Major: Secondary Education Major Professor: Dr. Kay Camperell

BS: Brigham Young University, 1994 Major: Secondary Education Major Professor: Dr. Grace C. Huerta

Loughton, Ranette Lynn

Orem, Utah BS: University of Wyoming, 1986 Major: Secondary Education Major Professor: Dr. Kay Camperell

American Fork , Utah

Kunde, Teresa Lynn Midvale, Utah BS: Utah State University, 2002 Major: Communicative Disorders and Deaf Education Major Professor: Dr. J. Freeman King

West Jordan, Utah BS: Weber State University, 1996 Major: Elementary Education Major Professor: Dr. Martha L. Whitaker

Matthews, Alayne Gayle Evanston, Wyoming

Kuykendall, Devon El Paso, Texas BS:William Woods University, 2001 Major: CommLmicative Disorders and Deaf Education Major Professor: Dr. J. Freeman King

LeBaron, Melva Jean Williams, Arizona BS: Utah State University, 1998 Major: Elementary Education Major Professor: Dr. John A. Smith


BS: Utah State University, 1972 Major: Elementary Education Major Professor: Dr. James J. Barta

McGowan, Trina Salt Lake City, Utah BA: Brigham Young University, 1995 Major: Secondary Education Major Professor: Dr. Kay Camperell

Moore, James Thomas

O'Brien, Greg S.

Rice, James H.

North Logan, Utah

Clinton, Utah

South Jordan, Utah

BS: Utah State University, 1975 Major: Health, Physical Education and Recreation Major Professor: Dr. Richard D. Gordin Jr.

BS: University of Phoenix, 1989 Major : Health , Physical Education and Recreation Major Professor: Dr. Richard D. Gordin Jr.

BS: Southern Utah State College, 1987 Major: Secondary Education Major Professor: Dr. Grace C. Huerta

Moore, Lance Coleman

O'Connor, James F.

Albuquerque, New Mexico

Orem, Utah

BS: Brigham Young University, 1996 Major: Instructional Technology Major Professor: Dr. Charles G. Stoddard

MS: University of Phoenix, 1999 Major: Instructional Technology Major Professor: Dr. Charles G. Stoddard

BS: Brigham Young University, 1998 Major: Health, Physical Education and Recreation Major Professor: Dr. Richard D. Gordin Jr.

Page , Mary Jane

Robinson, Michael Scott

Roberts, Ryan Anthony

Naylor, Robert Samuel Neola, Utah BS: Southern Utah State College, 1985 Major: Instructional Technology Major Professor: Dr. Charles G. Stoddard

Nelson, Mitzi Jo Anderson Midway, Utah BA: University of Utah, 1975 Major: Elementary Education Major Professor: Dr. Bernard L. Hayes

Nelson, Suzanne Lee Magna, Utah BS: Brigham Young University, 1977 Major: Instructional Technology Major Professor: Dr. Charles G. Stoddard

Newell, Eric J. Logan, Utah BS: Utah State University, 1998 Major: Elementary Education Major Professor: Dr. Rebecca L. Monhardt

Nielsen, Vicki J. Clawson, Utah BS: Brigham Young University, 1977 Major: Instructional Technology Major Professor: Dr. Charles G. Stoddard

Nielson, Christopher Kent Monroe, Utah BS: Southern Utah University , 1999 Major: Elementary Education Major Professor: Dr. Deborah E. Hobbs

Nielson, Margaret Hill Taylorsville, Utah MS: Brigham Young University, 1985 Major: Instructional Techno logy Major Professor: Dr. Charles G. Stoddard

Neola, Utah

Orem, Utah

Brigham City, Utah

BS: Utah State University, 2000 Major: Elementary Education Major Professor: Dr. James J. Barta

Payne, Melissa Ann St. George, Utah

BS: Utah State University, 1997 Major: Secondary Education Major Professor: Dr. Grace C. Huerta

Roe, John W. Smithfield, Utah

BA: Westminster College, 1999 Major: Elementary Education Major Professor: Dr. Scott L. Hunsaker

BS: Utah State University, 1998 Major: Instructional Technology Major Professor: Dr. Charles G. Stoddard

Peterson, Richard Andrew

Ross, Kelli B.

Mesa , Arizona

Logan, Utah

BS: Brigham Young University, 1981 Major: Secondary Education Major Professor: Dr. Kay Camperell

Piner, Christopher Charles

BS: Utah Sate University, 1998 Major: Communicative Disorder s and Deaf Education Major Profes so r: Dr. Susan Watkin s

Vernal, Utah

Sadler, Matthew Jacob

BS: Utah State University, 1996 Major: Secondary Education Major Professor: Dr. William J. Strong

Logan, Utah

Preston, Mary Rogers

BS: Utah State University, 1995 Major: Instructional Technology Major Professor: Dr. Charles G. Stoddard

Sutherland, Utah

Sanders, Deborah L. K.

BA: University of Ar izona, 1982 Major: Instructional Technology Major Professor: Dr. Charles G. Stoddard

Nephi, Utah

Pugmire, Troy Jaren

BS: Southern Utah State College , 1986 Major: Secondary Education Major Professor: Dr. Kay Camperell

St. Charles, Idaho

Saurdiff, Nanci L.

BS: Utah State University, 1998 Major: Instructional Technology Major Professor: Dr. Charles G. Stoddard

Alexandria, Minnesota

Rhodehouse, Jodi

BS: Weber State University, 1998 Major: Instructional Technology Major Professor: Dr. Charles G. Stoddard

Farmington, Utah

Schimbeck, Kirby S.

BS: University of Utah, 1999 Major: Health , Physical Education and Recreation Major Professor: Dr. Richard D. Gordin Jr.

Central, Utah


BS: Southern Utah University, 2000 Major: Instructional Technology Major Professor: Dr. Charles G. Stoddard

Seely, JoAnna S. Smithfield, Utah

Stucki, Mike Carter Brigham City, Utah

Weiss, Kris Park City, Utah

BS: University of Utah, 2002 Major: Elementary Education Major Professor: Dr. Scott L. Hw1saker

BS: Southern Utah State College, 1983 Major: Instructional Technology Major Professor: Dr. Charles G. Stoddard

BS: Brigham Young University , 1976 Major: Instructional Technology Major Professor: Dr. Charles G. Stoddard

Sitake, Rebecca K. C. Orem, Utah

Taggart, James R. South Ogden, Utah

Werner, Evelyn Marie Henefer, Utah

BS: Brigham Young University, 1986 Major: Elementary Education Major Professor: Dr. John A. Smith

BS: Weber State University, 2000 Major: Instructional Technology Major Professor: Dr. Charles G. Stoddard

BS: Weber State College, 1988 Major: Instructional Technology Major Professor: Dr. Charles G. Stoddard

Smith, Randall Jay Nibley, Utah

Thompson, Michael R. Layton, Utah

White, Richard William Provo, Utah

BS: Utah State University, 1985 Major: Instructional Technology Major Professor: Dr. J. Nicholls Eastmond Jr.

BA: University of Utah , 1988 Major: Instructional Technology Major Professor: Dr. Charles G. Stoddard

BS: Brigham Young University, 1992 Major: Instructional Technology Major Professor: Dr. Charles G. Stoddard

Spackman, Dennis John Vernal , Utah

Tippetts, Donna J. Fort Collins, Colorado

Williams, Kerry J. Orem, Utah

BS: Utah State University, 1975 Major: Elementary Education Major Professor: Dr. James J. Barta

BS: Weber State University, 1994 Major: Health, Physical Education and Recreation Major Professo r: Dr. Richard D. Gordin Jr.

BS: Brigham Young University, 1989 Major: Instructional Technology Major Professor: Dr. Charles G. Stoddard

Stephens, Anette L. Highland, Utah BS: Brigham Young University , 1990 Major: Elementary Education Major Professor: Dr. Deborah A. Byrnes Stewart, Nancy W. North Logan , Utah BS: Utah State University, 1987 Major: Elementary Education Major Professor: Dr. Deborah E. Hobbs Stout, Beverly 0 . Sandy, Utah BA: Brigham Young University, 1965 Major: Instructional Technology Major Professor : Dr. Charles G. Stoddard Street, Todd Reed Centerville, Utah BS: Utah Valley State College, 1992 Major: Health, Physical Education and Recreation Major Professor: Dr. John M. Kras Stringfellow, Clark Ryan Centerville, Utah BS: Southern Utah University, 1994 Major: Health, Physical Education and Recreation Major Professor: Dr. Richard D. Gordin Jr.

Tomlinson, Carrie Lee Vernal, Utah

Williams, Matthew Ogden, Utah


BS: Southern Utah University, 1995 Major: Instructional Technology Major Professor: Dr. Charles G. Stoddard

BS: Emporia State University, 1995 Major: Health, Physical Education and Recreation Major Professor: Dr. John M. Kras

Topham, Dawnanna Aurora, Utah

Winder, Daniel Rex Provo, Utah

BS: Southern Utah University, 1995 Major: Elementary Education Major Professor: Dr. Scott L. Hunsaker

BS: Brigham Young University, 1999 Major: Instructional Technology Major Professor: Dr. Charles G. Stoddard

Trent, Patrick Dennis Fort Collins, Colorado

Wohlfarth, Mary E. Nephi, Utah

BA: Brigham Young University, 1993 Major: Instructional Technology Major Professor: Dr. Charles G. Stoddard

BS: Southern Utah University, 1991 Major: Elementary Education Major Professor: Dr. Bernard L. Hayes

Webb, Jonathan Michael St. Louis, Missouri

Woolsey, Laura Lee Garland, Utah

BA: Utah State University, 2001 Major: CommW1icative Disorders and Deaf Education Major Professor: Dr. Susan Watkins

BS: Brigham Young University, 1984 Major : Elementary Education Major Professor: Dr. Francine F. Johnson

Webb, KaDawn Smith Garland, Utah BS: Utah State University, 2001 Major: Health, Physical Education and Recreation Major Professor: Dr. Rolayne Wilson


Young, Heather M. Monticello, Utah BA: Brigham Young University, 1985 Major: Instructional Technology Major Professor: Dr. Charles G. Stoddard

Master of Engineering

Christensen, Jason S.

Konidala, Ajay Kiran

Logan, Utah

Hyderabad, India

Adualaraju, Balasubranianian

BS: Utah State University, 2003 Major: Civil and Environme ntal Engineering Major Professor: Dr. Marvin W. Halling

BS: Osmania University, 1999 Major: Electrical Eng ineering Major Professor: Dr. Kevin L. Moore

Dabel, Joseph G.

Miller, Suzanne

Bountiful, Utah

Bloomington, Indiana

BS: Utah State University, 2003 Major: Civil and Environmental Engineering Major Professor: Dr. Marvin W. Halling

BA: DePauw University, 1987 Major: Civil and Environmental Engineering Major Professor: Dr . R. Ryan Dupont

Che nnai, India BS: Bangalore University, 2000 Major: Mechanical Engineering Major Professor: Dr. Carl G. Wood

Anderson, Scott Allen Logan, Utah BS: Utah Stat e University, 1998 Major: Electr ical Engineering Major Professor: Dr. Matthew D. Berkemeier

Anderson, Scott M. Bremerton , Washington BS: Utah State University, 1996 Major: Electrical Engineering Major Professor: Dr . Todd K. Moon

Baird, Lisa Lehi, Utah BS: Utah State University, 2001 Major: Civil and Environmental Engineering Major Professor: Dr. Anthony Chen

Balan, Subramaniam Logan, Utah BS: Bangalore University, 1999 Major: Mechanical Engine ering Major Professor : Dr. Carl G. Wood

Denison , Jay K.

Palmer, Bradley Glen

Sandy , Utah

St. George, Utah

BS: Utah State Univers ity, 2003 Major: Electrical Eng ineering Major Profes sor: Dr. Jacob H . Gunther

BS: Utah State University, 2003 Major: Civil and Environmental Engineering Major Professor: Dr . Marvin. W. Halling

Florin, Dominic M .

Price, Corey John

West Valley City, Utah

Pleasant View , Utah

BS: Utah State University, 1998 Major : Mechanic al Engineering Major Professor: Dr. R. Rees Fullmer

BS: Utah State University, 2001 Major: Civil and Environmental Engineering Major Professor: Dr. Mar vin W. Halling

Gordon, Michael James

Pulugundla, Srikanth

Logan , Utah

Visakhapatnam, India

BS: Utah State University, 2001 Major: Electrical Engineering Major Professor: Dr. Jacob H . Gunth er

BS: Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University , 2000 Major: Mechanical Engineering Major Professor: Dr. Carl G. Wood

Hansen, Rick A. Fillmore , Utah

Bao, Ying Beijing, China BS: Beijing Institut e of Technology, 1999 Major: Electrical Engineering Major Professor: Dr . Scott E. Budge

Rahman, Julia Laila

BS: Utah State University, 2003 Major: Civil and Environmental Engineering Major Profe ssor: Dr. Blake P. Tullis

Helms, Brandon

Dhaka, Bangladesh BS: Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology, 2000 Major: Civil and Environmental Engineering Major Profe ssor : Dr . Laurie S. McNeill

Twin Falls, Idaho

Bice, Michael Cory Magna, Utah BS: Utah State University, 2001 Major: Civil and Environmental Engineering Major Professor : Dr. Marvin W . Halling

BS: Utah State University, 2003 Major: Civil and Environmental Engineering Major Professor: Dr. Marvin W. Halling

Ho, Kim-Fong

Ryan, Patrick Hubert Vernal, Utah BS: Utah State University, 2002 Major: Civil and Environmental Engineering Major Professor: Dr. Marvin W . Halling

Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

Case, Christopher Patrick Heber City, Utah BS: Utah State University , 1999 Major: Electrical Engineering Major Professor: Dr. Alan W. Shaw

BS: Utah State University, 1998 Major: Mechanical Engineering Major Professo r: Dr. R. Rees Fullmer

Johnson, Troy Reed Bern, Idaho

Chopra, Vikram New Delhi, India BS: Bhilai Institute of Technology, 2001 Major: Electrical Engineering Major Professor: Dr. Cynthia M. Furse

Smart, Bronson Sid Clearfield, Utah BS: Utah State Univ ersity, 2001 Major: Civil and Environmental Engineering Major Professor: Dr . Gilber to E. Urroz Aguire

BS: Utah State University, 1996 Major: Electrical Engineering Major Professor: Dr. Doran J. Baker

Strahl, David L. Woods Cross, Utal1

Kalya, Prabhanjana

BS: Utah State University, 2002 Major: Civil and Environmental Engineering Major Professor: Dr. Dav id G. Tarboton

Bangalore, India BS: Bangalore University, 1999 Major: Mechanical Engineering Major Professor: Dr. Carl G. Wood


Swaminathan, Ramachandran

Krupka, Benjamin M.

Madras, India

Logan, Utah

BS: Madras University, 1999 Major : Electrica l Engineering Major: Dr. Joseph R. Doupnik

BFA: Fros tbu rg State University , 1998 Major: Art Major Professor: Professor John Neely

Thompson, Brian Carl Logan, Utah BS: Utah State University, 1997 Major: Civil and Environmental Engineering Major Professor: Dr. Joseph A. Calien do

Master of Professional Studies In Horticulture Hunt, Jalene B. Sigurd, Utah

Tuttle, Michael Roger

Master of Natural Resources Shakespear, Lyle D. Bear River City , U tah BS: Utah State University, 2001 Major Professor: Dr. Paul W. Box

Master of Rehabilitation Counseling Becker, Janice Elaine

Kaysvill e, Utah

BS: Uta h State Univers ity, 2001 Majo r Professor : Dr . Roge r K. Kjelgren

Montrose, Colorado

BS: Utah State University, 2003 Major: Civil and Environmental Engineering Major Professor: Dr. Marvin W. H alling

Lopez, Rachel Ann

BS: Western Maryland College , 1973 Major Prof essor: Dr. Julie F. Smart

Wh eeler, Ryan Neal Logandale , Neva da BS: Utah State Univ ersity, 2003 Major: Civil and Environme ntal Engineerin g Major Professor: Dr. Mar vin W. Halling

Master of Fine Arts Clark, Randy Lloyd Brookings, Sou th Dakota BFA: University of Utah, 1978 Major: Ar t Major Professor: Professor Robert Winward

Clayton, Michael Jon Riverton, Utah BFA: Utah State University, 1999 Major: Art Major Professor: Professor J. Alan Hashimoto

Funk, David K. Edw ar d sv ille, Illinois BFA: Southern Illinois University , Edwardsville , 1997 Major: Ar t Major Professor: Professor John Nee ly

Layton, U tah

Borup, Dodie Truman

BS: Uta h State University, 2002 Major Professor: Dr . Roger K. Kjelgren

Ogd en, Utah

Rice, David Lee

BS: Weber State Uni vers ity , 1990 Major Professor: Dr. Julie F. Smart

Monticello, U tal1

Butcher , Rodney Steven

BS: Weber State Universitv 1997 Major Professor: Dr. Roger K. Kjelgren

South Ogden , Utah

Smith, Clifton Bin gh am

BS: Weber Sta te Univers ity, 1981 Major Professor: Dr. Julie F. Smart

Corinne, Utah BS: U tah State University, 2001 Major Professor: Dr. Roger K. Kjelgre n

Maste r of Landscape Architecture

Butler, Jena e Logan , U tah BS: Utah State University, 1985 Major Professor: Dr. Hal M. Cain

Conklin, David Mark Portland , Oregon

Brown, David J. Salt Lake City, U tah BS: University of California , Berkeley, 1992 Major Professor: Professo r Vern J. Budge

JD: McGeorge Schoo l of Law , 1981 Major Professor: Dr. Julie F. Smart

Dell, LaVerne R. Arvada, Colorado

Lankford, Harlan Adam Payson, Utah BS: Uni vers ity of Utal1, 2000 Major Professor: Professor Craig W. Johnson

BS: Metropolitan State College, 1991 Major Professor : Dr. Julie F. Smart

Despain, Nancy Cutler Payson , Utah

Schwabe, Simriti K.

Johnson, Julie Anne

Salt Lake City, Utal1

BS: Brigham Young Unive rsity, 1995 Major Professor: Dr . Julie F. Smart

Cortland, New York

BA: University of Utah , 1998 Major Professor: Professor Vern J. Budge

Etchingham, Nancy Sue

BFA: Kansas City Art Institut e, 1999 Major : Art Major Professor: Professor John Neely

Kono, Junko Himeji , Japan

Sheridan, Wyoming

Thomas , Craig Duane West Valley City, Utah

BS: Web er State University, 1990 Major Profes sor: Dr . Hal M. Cain

BS: Utah State University, 1997 Major Professor: Professor John K. Nicholson

Graham, Jeffrey Wayne Cheyenne , Wyoming

BFA: Northern Arizona University , 1998 Major: Art Major Professor : Professor John Neely

BS: University of Wyoming, 1997 Major Professor : Dr. Julie F. Smart


Hendrickson, Robert Daniel

Orme, Daren Bradley

Anderson, Alesha N.

Fargo, North Dakota

Lewiston, Utah

Sandy, Utah

BS: North Dakota State University, 1981 Major Professor: Dr. Julie F. Smart

BS: Utah State University, 1998 Major Professor: Dr. Julie F. Smart

BS: Utah State University, 1997 Major: Business Information Systems Major Professor: Dr. Thomas S. E. Hilton

Kaufman, Sharon M.

Price, Diane R.

Camillus, New York

Salt Lake City, Utah

BS: State University of New York, Geneseo, 1989 Major Professor: Dr. Hal M. Cain

BS: University of Utah, 2000 Major Professor: Dr. Julie F. Smart

Keele, Vicki L.

Alpine, Utah

Anderson, Carl Jepsen

Ramos, Viola Delores Bethel, Alaska BS: Alaska Pacific University, 1983 Major Professor: Dr. Julie F. Smart

BS: Prairie View A & M University, 1989 Major Professor: Dr. Julie F. Smart

Schneiter, Diana Lee Keough, Jill M. Great Falls, Montana BS: University of Great Falls, 1993 Major Professor: Dr. Hal M. Cain

Provo, Utah BS: Utah State University, 2001 Major Professor: Dr. Julie F. Smart

Thompson, Casey Lee Kerens, Judith L. Layton, Utah BS: University of Utah, 1987 Major Professor: Dr. Julie F. Smart

Portland, Oregon

Fargo, North Dakota BS: Moorhead State University, 1972 Major Professor: Dr. Julie F. Smart

Mahnke, Mark L.

Sioux Falls, South Dakota BS: University of North Dakota, 1990 Major Professor: Dr. Hal M. Cain

Master of Science

Bozeman, Montana BS: Montana State University, 1980 Major Professor: Dr. Julie F. Smart

Matthews, Jessica R. Santa Rosa, California BS: Humboldt State University, 1992 Major Professor: Dr. Julie F. Smart

Mourer, Dustine Fawn

BS: Brigham Young University, 1999 Major: Business Information Systems Major Professor: Dr. Thomas S. E. Hilton

Anderson, Jeffrey D. Rigby, Idaho BS: Utah State University, 1999 Major: Communicative Disorders and Deaf Education Major Professor: Professor Kim CorbinLewis Thesis: Listener Age Effect on Perceived Vocal Age Estimate

Anderson, Julianne

BS: Utah State University, 2001 Major Professor: Dr. Julie F. Smart

Vanderburg, Alan Dean Lien, Terrence Wayne

Blackfoot, Idaho

Ahmed, Suhail Abdul

Orem, Utah BA: Utah State University, 1995 Major: Human Environments Major Professor: Professor Nancy Thompson

Aplanalp, Jacob K. Oakley, Utah BS: Utah State University, 2000 Major: Instructional Technology Major Professor: Dr. J. Steven Soulier

Archer, Eric K.

Pune, India

Sandy, Utah

BS: University of Pune , 1997 Major: Mechanical Engineering Major Professor: Dr. Ning Fang

BS: Utah State University, 1996 Major: Aquatic Ecology Major Professor: Dr. Todd H. Crowl Thesis: Effects of Food Availability and Competition on Age-0 Colorado Pikeminnow Growth and Lipid Stores on the San Juan River

Akula, Venkata Murali Krishna Hyderabad, India

Killdeer, North Dakota

BS: Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University, 2000 Major: Mechanical Engineering Major Professor: Dr. Thomas H. Fronk Thesis: Numerical Methods for Transverse Shear in Laminated Composite Shells

BS: Dickinson State University, 1972 Major Professor: Dr. Julie F. Smart

Providence Utah

North Logan, Utah

BS: Utah State University, 2000 Major: Computer Science Major Professor: Dr. Nicholas S. Fiann Thesis: A Stable Three-Dimensional BinPacking Algorithm

BS: Utah State University, 2000 Major: Electrical Engineering Major Professor: Dr. Jacob H. Gunther

Salt Lake City, Utah BS: Westminster College, 1996 Major Professor: Dr. Julie F. Smart

Murphy, Sheila Maus

Mustian, Shari Tonna Breckenridge, Texas MS: Our Lady of the Lake University, 1999 Major Professor: Dr. Julie F. Smart

Allan, Kimberly A.


Asmus, Mandy Lyn Farmington, Utah BA: Utah State University, 2000 Major: Instructional Technology Major Professor: Dr. M. David Merrill

Austin, Andrew Richard


Bagley, Bardett Voyle Hyde Park, Utah

Behnke, Andrew Dallas, Texas

BS: Utah State University , 2002 Major: Psychology

BS: Brigham Young University, 1999 Major: Family and Human Development Major Professor: Dr. Kathleen W. Piercy Thesis: The Relationship Between Educational and Occupational Aspirations of Latino Youth and Their Parents

Bahl, Vikas Delhi, India BS: NMAM Institute of Technology, 1995 Major: Electrical Engineering Major Professor: Dr. Kevin L. Moore Thesis: Modeling and Control of a Class of Autonomous Wheeled Mobile Robots Baird, Karen Marie Orem , Utah BA: Utah State University, 2001 Major: American Studies Major Professor: Dr. Jan E. Roush Baker, Matthew Sandy , Utah


BS: Brigham Young University, 2000 Major: Instructional Technology Major Professor: Dr. Charles G. Stoddard Baldwin, Benjamin D. Cedar City, Utah BS: Southern Utah University, 1996 Major: Range Science Major Professor: Dr. Neil E. West Thesis: Catastrophic Wildfire Hazard Assessment in Pinyon-Jw1iper Woodlands Utilizing a Managerial Paradigm Barnes, Matthew Kurt Beswyn, Pennsylvania BS: University of Arizona, 2000 Major: Range Science Major Professor: Brien E. "Ben" Norton Thesis: Spatial Distribution of Grazing on a Gradient of Paddock Size and Stocking Density Baugh, Sherrie L. Brigham City, Utah BS: Utah State University, 2001 Major: Human Resources Beasley, Bradley P. Ogden, Utah BS: Weber State University, 1996 Major: Business Information Systems Major Professor: Dr. Thomas S. E. Hilton Beesley, Bradyn Barlow Farmington, Utah

Bell, Erin Marie St. Charles, Idaho BS: Utah State University, 1999 Major: Soil Science Major Professor: Dr. Janis L. Boettinger Thesis: Lameilae Genesis in a Semiarid Staircase- Escalante Environment-Grand National Monument Belliston, Laraine D. Nephi , Utah

Bohne, Michael John Santa Cruz, California BS: Utah State University, 1998 Major: Health, Physical Education and Recreation Major Professor: Julia.nne Abendroth-Smith Thesis: The Effects of Hiking Downhill at Different Gradients With and Without Hiking Poles on Selected Ki.nematic and Kinetic Parameters Bott, Andrew M. Brigham City, Utah BS: Utah State University, 2002 Major: Mechanical Engineering Major Professor: Dr. Thomas H. Fronk Bott, Stephen Perry Malad, Idaho

BS: Brigham Young University , 1973 Major: Human Environments Major Professor: Professor Nancy E. Thompson

BS: Utah State University , 1998 Major: Civil and Environmental Engineering Major Professor: Dr. Kevin C. Womack Thesis: Field Testing and Computer Modeling of a Curved Steel Girder Bridge

Benson, Amber Lea Moab, Utah

Bouwhuis, Korinne Knowlton Farmington, Utah

BS: Utah State University, 2001 Major: Human Resources Benward, Michelle Jean Escalante, Utah

BA: Weber State University, 2000 Major: Family and Human Development Major Professor: Dr. Scot M. Allgood Thesis: Psychoeducation Groups for Par ents Adopting Special-Needs Children

BS: University of Utah , 1994 Major: Psychology

Bowman, Brooke Nicole Billings, Montana

Bertola, Max K. Orem, Utah

BS: Brigham Young University, 2001 Major: Commw1icative Disorders and Deaf Education Major Professor: Professor Ann Elsweiler

BS: Brigham Young University, 1978 Major: English Major Professor: John E. McLaughlin Bingham, Scott Ronald Logan, Utah BS: Utah State University, 2003 Major: Civil and Environmental Engineering Major Professor: Dr. Blake P. Tullis Birch, Tanya Laketown, Utah BS: Utah State University, 2001 Major: Health, Physical Education and Recreation Major Professor: Dr. Edward M. Heath Thesis: The Effects of Obesity, Assessed by Waist Circumference, on Coronary Artery Disease Risk Factors.

BA: Brigham Young University, 2000 Major: Instructional Technology Major Professor: Dr. J. Nicholls Eastmond

Brent, Meredith Lee Middlebury, Vermont BS: Colby College, 1995 Major: Psychology Major Professor: Dr . Richard P. West Thesis: The Effects of a School-Wide PeerAdministered Praise Intervention on Student Problem Behavior Brewer, Deanna Mae Perry, Utah BS: Utah State University, 2000 Major: Business Information Systems Major Professor: Dr. Thomas S. E. Hilton Brewer, Keri Aleah Durango, Colorado BS: Utah State University, 2001 Major: Psychology


Brilliant, Lee Steven

Buys, David Jonathan

Carone, Kelly F.

Logan, Utah

Syracuse, New York

Sandy, Utah

MBA: Utah State University, 1998 Major: Business Information Systems Major Professor: Dr. Thomas S. E. Hilton

BS: Utah State University, 1995 Major: Aquatic Ecology Major Professor: Dr. Jeffrey L. Kershner Thesis: Competition Between Bonneville Cutthroat Trout and Brook Trout in Laboratory and Stream Experiments

BLA: Utah State University, 2001 Major: Instructional Techno logy Major Professor: Dr. Andrew S. Gibbons

Cai, Bin

BS: Brigham Young University, 1990 Major: Psychology

Brindza, Nathaniel Richard Kaysville, Utah BS: Utah State University, 1997 Major: Aquatic Ecology Major Professor: Dr. Chris Luecke Thesis: Analysis of Zooplankton Grazing Rates and the Effect of Grazing on Phytoplankton Populations

Briscoe, Asia Leigh Ogden, Utah BS: Weber State University, 1999 Major: Psychology

Broaden, Courtney G. Layton, Utah BS: University of Colorado, 1997 Major: Fisheries and Wildlife Major Professor: Dr. Terry A. Messmer Thesis: Enhancing Wildlife Agency Effectiveness Through Internet Communications

Beijing, China BS: Huazhong Agricultural University, 1994 Major: Electrical Engineering Major Professor: Dr. Joe R. Doupnik Thesis: Discovering Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) Services with Improved Service Location Protocol (SLP)

Caldwell, Tonya Brown Centerville, Utah BS: University of Utah, 1990 Major: Physics Major Professor: Dr. Rebecca M. Monhardt

Campsie, Scott Ramon Layton, Utah

BS: Weber State College, 1978 Major: Psychology

Burt, James D. Logan, Utah BS: Utah State University, 1998 Major: Health, Physical Education and Recreation Major Professor: Dr. Rolayne Wilson Thesis: A Comparison Between Once- and Twice-a-Week High-Intensity Weight Training for Females

Buteau, Andrew Patrick Lancaster, New Hampshire BS: University of New Hampshire, 2000 Major : Business Information Systems Major Professor: Dr. Thomas S. E. Hilton

Buteau, Erin Redd Logan, Utah BS: Utah State University, 2001 Major: Bioregiona l Planning Major Professor: Professor Craig W. Johnson

Chenoweth, Erica Sue Parkersburg, West Virginia BS: West Virginia University, 1995 Major: Psychology Major Professor: Dr. Renee V. Galliher Thesis: Factors That Influence the College Attendance Decisions of Appalachian Students

Child, Farris R. Burley, Idaho BS: Utah State University, 2001 Major: Psychology

Christensen, Jonathan Brent

BS: University of California, Los Angeles, 1984 Major: Psychology

Burrell, Janalee Hyrum, Utah

Carper, Teena T. Layton, Utah

Cantwell, Gregory Wayne North Logan, Utah BS: Utah State University, 1999 Major: Electrical Engineering Major Professor: Dr. Scott E. Budge Thesis: Data Compression Algorithms for the Geosynchronous Imaging Fourier Transform Spectrometer

Card, Corwin Jay Hyrum , Utah BS: Utah State University, 1997 Major : Bioveterinary Science Major Professor: Dr. Robert W. Sidwell Thesis: Effects of Proteases on Influenza Virus lnfectivity in the Mouse Model

Camey, Stephanie Marie Long Beach, Mississippi BS: Mississippi State University, 1997 Major: Geology Major Professor: Dr. Susanne U. Janecke Thesis: Evolution of a Miocene-Pliocene Low-Angle Normal-Fault System in the Southern Bannock Range, Southeast Idaho

Albuquerque, New Mexico BS: Utah State University, 2000 Major: Mechanical Engineering Major Professor: Dr. Warren F. Phillips Thesis: The Optimization of Analytic Camber Line and Thickness Distributions as a Solution to the Inverse Problem of TwoDimensional Aerodynamic Shape Design

Christensen, Todd Palmer Logan, Utah BS: Utah State University, 2002 Major: Instructional Technology Major Professor: Dr. J. Steven Soulier

Christensen, Melinda Wilkes Idaho Falls, Idaho BS: Utah State University, 1998 Major: Psychology Major Professor: Dr. Gretchen A. Gimpel

Christensen, Michelle Amber Edinburg, Texas BA: Utah State University , 1999 Major: Family and Human Development Major Professor: Dr. Scot M. Allgood Thesis: Rituals and Adoptive Families

Christian, Jolene Centerville, Utah BS: Utah State University, 2000 Major: Human Environments Major Professor: Professor Nancy Thompson


Chua, Kok Siang

Cowley, T. Patrick

Dawes, Allen Grant

Singapore, Singapore

Evanston, Wyoming

Logan, Utah

BS: National University of Singapore, 1994 Major: Instructional Technology Major Professor: Dr. M. David Merrill

BS: Utah State University, 2001 Major: Civil and Environmental Engineering Major Professor: Dr. James A. Bay

BS: Utah State University, 1998 Major: Business Information Systems Major Professor: Dr. David J. Paper

Chuang, Wei-Lun

Croft, Kimberly

Dawson, Jonathan Ackroyd

Taipei, Taiwan

Logan, Utah

Centerville, Utah

BS: University of Maryland , College Park, 1997 Major: Business Information Systems Major Professor: Dr. Dennis LaBonty

BS: Utah State University, 2001 Major: Human Environments Major Professor: Professor Nancy Thompson

BA: Weber State University, 2000 Major: Instructional Technology Major Professor: Dr. Charles G. Stoddard

Crookston, Bradley James

DeMille, Sonya L.

Chung, Yoonsik

North Logan, Utah

St. George, Utah

BS: Utah State University, 2001 Major: Civil and Environmental Engineering Major Professor: Dr. Kevin C. Womack Thesis: Comparison of Methods of Analysis of a Curved Steel Girder Bridge

BS: Southern Utah University, 1997 Major: Instructional Technology Major Professor: Dr. Charles G. Stoddard

Seoul, Korea MS: Dongguk University, 1996 Major: Geography Major Professor: Dr. Paul W. Box Thesis: The Assessment and Modeling of Trail Location Using a Geographic Information System (GIS) in the WasatchCache National Forest

BS: Utah State University, 1999 Major: Mechanical Engineering Major Professor: Dr. J. Clair Batty

Cui, Muyi Sandy, Utah

Churchill, Danielle Smithfield, Utah BS: University of Utah, 2000 Major: Psychology

MS: Beijing Forestry University, 1985 Major: Computer Science Major Professor: Dr. Heng-Da Cheng Thesis: Mass Lesion Detection with a Fuzzy Neural Network

Clark, J. Justin Colorado Springs, Colorado BS: Utah State University, 1996 Major: Industrial Mathematics Major Professor: Dr. Joseph V. Koebb e

Clark, Platte Ford Pleasant Grove, Utah BS: Utah State University, 1995 Major: English Major Professor: Dr. Keith A. Grant-Davie

Colyer, Warren T. Durango, Colorado BS: University of Washington, 1993 Major: Ecology Major Professor: Dr . Jeffrey L. Kershner Thesis: Seasonal Movements of Pluvial Bonneville Cutthroat Trout in the Thomas Fork of the Bear River, IdahoWyoming

Cook, Dawna

Danielson , Tricia H. Malad, Idaho BS: Brigham Yow1g University, 1993 Major : Family and Human Deve lopment Major Professor: Dr. Scot M. Allgood Thesis: Student and Parent Views on School and Community Strengths and Concerns

Das, Rudolf Guwahati, India BS: Dibrugarh University, 1985 Major: Irrigation Engineering Major Professor: Dr. Richard C. Peralta Thesis: Planning Sustainable Optimal Groundwater Simulation for the Utah Part of Cache Valley

Da ttage, Beryl W. Logan, Utah BS: Utal1 State University, 1975 Major: Psychology

Logan, Utah BS: Brigham Young University, 1994 Major: English Major Professor: Dr. Ronald R. Shook

Dennison, Bruce Theodore St. George, Utah

Deschaine, David P. Salmon , Idaho BS: Utah State University, 1998 Major: Watershed Science Major Professor: Dr. James P. Dobrowolski Thesis: The Influence of Soil Properties on WEPP Sediment Yield Predictions for Small Western Rangeland Watersheds

Didier, Elizabeth Anne Knoxville, Tennessee BS: University of Tennessee, 2000 Major: Range Science Major Professor: Dr. Mark W. Brunson Thesis: Adoption of Range Management Innovations by Utah Livestock Producers

Dougher, Frank L. Logan, Utah BS: Southern Illinois University, 1992 Major: Geography Major Professor: Dr. R. Douglas Ramsey Thesis: A Macroterrain Land Type Association Classification Model for the Great Basin

Dover, Sharon R. North Ogden, Utah

Davis, Michelle Afton, Wyoming BS: Brigham Young University, 1999 Major: Human Environments Major Professor: Professor Nancy Thompson


BS: Weber State College, 1985 Major: Instructional Technology Major Professor: Charles G. Stoddard

Draney, Rodrick K. Afton, Wyoming

Dye, Troy Michael Rexburg, Idaho

Evans, Marianne Vernal, Utah

BS: Utah State University, 2000 Major: Electrical Engineering Major Professor: Dr . Cynthia M. Furse Thesis: Two-Dimensional Time-Domain Inversion of Perfect Conductors Using the Genetic Algorithm

BS: Utah State University, 2000 Major: Civil and Environmental Engineering Major Professor: Dr. Marvin W. Halling Thesis: Forced and Ambient Vibration Testing of a Permanently Instrumented Full-Scale Bridge

BS: University of Utah, 1993 Major: Psychology

Droubay , Sarah Rebecca Sancher Woodmont, Connecticut

Ediger, Alison Ferron, Utah

BS: Brigham Young University, 1996 Major: Family and Human Deve lopm en t Major Professor: Dr. Thorana S. Nelson Thesis: Identifying Paths to Successful Marriage and Family Therapy Research: Externa l Factors Within the Publications of Three Eminent Marriage and Family Therapy Researchers

BS: Brigham Young University, 2000 Major: Communicative Disorders and Deaf Education Major Professor: Dr. John E. Ribera Thesis: Reliability of the Hint When Operated from a Remote Site via Telehealth Technology Edmondson, Richard Shawn Fairbanks, Alaska

Duan, Qiuyi Beijing, China BS: Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications, 2000 Major: Computer Science Major Professor: Dr. Donald H. Cooley

BS: University of South Alabama, 1998 Major: Psychology Major Professor: Dr. Tamara J. Ferguson Thesis: Identifying the Bases for Gender Differences in Guilt and Shame

DuHadway, Logan, Utah

Eisler, Heather Leigh Portal es, New Mexico

Linda Pope

BS: Utah State University, 2000 Major: Computer Science Major Professor: Dr . Stephen W. Clyde Thesis: Separating Fundamental Concepts from Language Syntax in an Introductory Computer Science Course Duncan, Andrew Logan, Utah


BS: Utah State University, 1998 Major: Electrical Engineering Major Professor: Dr. Linda S. Powers Thesis: Low-Noise Detection and Amplification for Optical Arrays Duncombe, Roy, Utah

Kent Dawson

BS: Weber State University, 1999 Major: Human Resource Dunkley, Gregory J. Meridian, Idaho BS: Brigham Young University, 2000 Major: Family and Human Development Major Professor: Dr. Scot M. Allgood Thesis: Lincoln Elemen tary School Needs Assessme nt Follow-Up: Examining a Communi ty-Based Intervention


Falslev, Kaye Dawn Smithfield, Utah BS: Utah State Univ ersity, 1988 Major: Psychology Ferguson,MeganKaye Salt Lake City, Utah BS: Utah State University, 2001 Major: Communicative Disorders and Deaf Education Major Professor: Professor Chad Bingham Finn, Loren David Kearns, Utah BS: Brigham Young University, 1995 Major: Health, Physical Education and Recreation Major Professor: Dr. Eadric Bresse! Thesis: The Effect of Augmented Feedback on Reducing Ground Reaction Forces in the Landing Phase of the Volleyball Spike Francom, Jared Logan, Utah

BS: University of Northern Colorado, 1999 Major: Biology Major Professor: Dr. Daryll B. DeWald Thesis: Yeast PH Domains: A Study in Phosphoinositide Binding

BS: Utah State University, 2003 Major: Civil and Environmental Engineering Major Professor: Professor Steve Barfus

Elliott, Caroline M. Midland, Texas

Freestone, Jonathan Orem, Utah

BS: Carleton College, 1998 Major: Geology Major Professor: Dr. John C. Schmidt Thesis: Relationships Between Tributary Catchments, Valley-Bottom Width, Debris-Fan Area, and Mainstem Gradient on the Colorado Plateau : A Case Study in Desolation and Gray Canyons on the Green River

BS: Utah State University, 2000 Major: Instructional Technology Major Professor: Dr. Margaret M. "Mimi" Recker

Erickson, David A. Rochester, New York BS: Brigham Young University, 2000 Major: Business Information Systems Major Professor: Professor Jean A. Pratt Evans, Kimberly Frost Salt Lake City, Utah BS: Weber State University, 2001 Major: Psychology



Furfaro, James Alan Logan, Utah BS: Utah State University, 1997 Major: Mechanical Engineering Major Professor: Dr. Warren F. Phillips Thesis: An Experimental Review of DualBladed Propeller Performance Gale, Nicia Leigh Salt Lake City, Utah BA: Westminster College, 1988 Major: Psychology Garner, Amelia Hullinger Roosevelt, Utah BS: Utah State University, 2000 Major: Psychology

Garrard, Christine M.

Griffiths, Lance Allen

Hamblin, Travis Mark

Port Angeles, Washington

Chubbuck, Idaho

West Jordan, Utah

BS: Brigham Young Unjversity, 1993 Major: Biology Major Professors: Dr. James W. Haefner and Dr. Edmund D. Brodie, Jr. Thesis: Statmod: A Tool for Interfacing Arcview ÂŽ GIS with Statistical Software to Facilitate Predictive Ecological Modeling

BS: Utah State University, 1999 Major: Electrical Engineering Major Professor: Dr. Cynthia M. Furse Thesis: Analysis of Wire Antennas for Implantation in the Body

BS: Southern Utah University, 1997 Major: Instructional Technology Major Professor: Dr. Charles G. Stoddard

Lewiston, Utah

Gunda, Siva Gangadhar Visakhapatnam, India

George, Gregory Alan Sandy, Utah BA: Brigham Young University, 1999 Major: Instructional Technology Major Professor: Dr. Andrew S. Gibbons

Hammer, Rodney L.

BS:Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University, 2000 Major: Mechanical Engineering Major Professor: Dr. Carl G. Wood

BS: Utah State University, 1991 Major: Health, Physical Education and Recreation Major Professor: Dr. Edward M. Heath Thesis: Comparison of Aerobic Power in Annually Certified and Uncertified Volunteer Firefighters

Gunnell, Sarah Gilbert, Estella Grand View, Idaho BS: Utah State University, 2000 Major: Industrial Mathematics Major Professor: Dr. Jam es Powell

Gilbert, Kristen

Soda Springs, Idaho BS:University of Idaho, 1998 Major: Nutrition and Food Sciences Major Professor: Dr. Nedra K. Christensen Thesis: Percutaneous Enoscopic Gastrostomy Placement Time in People with Cystic Fibrosis

Perry, Utah BS: University of Utah, 1999 Major: Range Science Major Professor: Dr. Christopher A. Call Thesis: Bear River Migratory Bird Refug e Wetland Wonders Field Trip Program

Goff, Amy Fruit Height s, Utah BS: Weber State University, 2001 Major: Psychology

Gopana, Kiran Kumar Hyderabad, India BS: Andhra Pradesh Ag University, 1999 Major: Biological and Agricultural Engineering Major Professor: Dr. Wynn R. Walker

Gottipati, Aravind Hyderabad, India BS: University of Calcutta, 1998 Major: Civil and Environmental Engineering Major Professor: Dr . Marvin W. Halling Thesis: Finite Element Modeling of a SixSpan Bridge

Graviet, Jennifer Ogden, Utah BS: Weber State University, 1995 Major: Psychology

Green, Debra R.

Han, Yutao Beijing, China BS: Beijing Institute of Technology, 1995 Major: Electrical Engineering Major Professor: Dr. Scott E. Budge Thesis: An Efficient Unicast-Based Multicast Tree Construction and Maintenance for Multimedia Transmission

Gustaveson, Steven E. Salt Lake City, Utah BS: Utah State University, 1996 Major: Psychology

Hadley, James A. Kaysville, Utah BA: Utah State University, 2001 Major: Instructional Technology Major Professor: Dr. Andrew S. Gibbons

Halcomb, Glenda L. Rangely, Colorado BS: Utah State University, 1991 Major: Psychology

Hales, Michael Bill

Hanks, Justin Dean Logan, Utah BS: Utah State University, 1999 Major: Plant Science Major Professor: Dr. Paul Johnson Thesis: Development of Turf-Type Crested Wheatgrasses as ReducedMaintenance Turfgrass

Hansen, Shane Lynn Idaho Falls, Idaho BS: Utah State University, 2000 Major: Computer Science Major Professor: Dr. Stephen W. Clyde Thesis: Web-Based Itinerary Planning for Scenic Byways

Ogden, Utah

Harrison, Richard Parry

BS: Utah State University, 2001 Major: Civil and Environmental Engineering Major Professor: Dr. Marvin W. Halling Thesis: Long-Term Vibration Monitoring of a Full-Scale Bridge Using Strong Motion Sensors

Smithfield, Utah

Hallenbeck, Douglas Collier

BS: Utah State University, 2001 Major: Mechanical Engineering Major Professor: Dr. Robert E. Spall Thesis: Numerical Study of Flow Exchange Between Two Chambers

Harrop, Elizabeth Ann

Coxsackie, New York

Layton, Utah

BS: State University of New York, Oswego, 1993 Major: Instructional Technology Major Professor: Dr. Charles G. Stoddard

BS: Weber State University, 2000 Major: Psychology

Hart, Kevin Joseph

Ogden, Utah

Schuylerville, New York

BS: Weber State University, 1995 Major: Psychology

BA: Colgate University, 1997 Major: English Major Professor: Dr. Ronald R. Shook


Hartman, Jennifer Lynn Chicago, Illinois

Hirschi, Jeffrey Logan, Utah

Hunting, Mary Sandy, Utah

BS: Utah State University, 1984 Major: Psychology

BS: Utah State University, 1995 Major: Instructional Technology Major: Dr. Andr ew S. Gibbons

BS: Utah State University, 2001 Major: Communicative Disorders and Deaf Education Major Professor: Professor Kenneth M. Curtis

Hawley, Eric S. Nibley, Utah BS: Utah State University, 1999 Major: Business Information Systems Major Professor: Dr. James C. Scott He, Jing Wuhan, China BS: Wuhan Institute of Chemical Technology, 1999 Major: Computer Science Major Professor: Dr. Donald H. Cooley Healy, Rebecca Sue Bountiful, Utah BS: Utah State University, 2001 Major: Mechanical Engineering Major Professor: Dr. Thom H. Fronk Thesis: Physical and Environm ental Impact Testing of Glass-Reinforced Nylon Heermance, Richard V. Palo Alto, California BS: Colorado College, 1995 Major: Geology Major Professor: Jame s P. Evans Thesis: Geometry and Physical Properties of the Chelunapu Fault, Taiwan, and Their Effect on Fault Rupture Hess, Brad Burley, Idaho BS: Utah State University, 1999 Major: Family and Human Development Major Professor: Dr. Scot M. Allgood Thesis: The Association Between Writing about Marital Experiences and Individual Distress and Marital Satisfation Hess, Peter Lovell Bountiful, Utah BS: University of Utah, 2000 Major: Business Information Systems Major Professor: Dr. Thomas S. E. Hilton Hill, Susan American Fork, Utah BS: Utah State University, 1992 Major: Human Environments Major Professor: Professor Nancy Thompson

Hollist, Nathan Clinton, Utah


BA: Brigham Young University, 1999 Major: Human Environments Major Professor: Dr. Tom C. Peterson Howells, Justin Jolu1 Providence, Utah BS: Utah State University, 1998 Major: Health , Physical Education and Recreation Major Professor: Dr. Eadric Bresse! Thesis: Effect of Load Placement on Select Shoulder, Trunk , and Leg Muscle Activity Using Two Backpack Designs Huber, Michael S. Herriman, Utah BS: Utah State University, 1998 Major: Civil and Environmental Engineering Major Professor: Dr. James A. Bay Hughes, Michael H. Price, Utah BS: Utah State University, 1997 Major: Business Information Systems Major Professor: Dr. Thomas S. E. Hilton Hui, Yu Chengdu, China MS: Beijing University, 1997 Major: Chemistry Major Professor: Dr. Cheng-Wei Tom Chang Thesis: Design, Synthesis, and Antibacterial/ Antiviral Assay of Novel Trehalosamines, Pyranmycins, and Guanidimo-Pyranmycins Humphreys, Todd E. Ogden, Utah BS: Utah State University, 2000 Major: Electrical Engineering Major Professor: Dr. Charles M. Swenson Thesis: Attitude Determination for Small Satellites with Modest Pointing Constraints Huntamer, Summer Brigham City, Utah


BS: Utah State University, 2000 Major: Human Environments Major Professor: Professor Nancy Thompson

Hurlbert, Diana Helen Pacific Grove, California BS: University of Arizona Major: Town and Regional Planning Major Professor: Professor Jolm K Nid1olson Thesis: Learning from Those Who Have Gone Before: Three Case Studies of Planning for Tourism as Development Ibrahim, Haytham Columbus, Ohio


BS: Omduman Islamic University, 1997 Major: Irrigation Engineering Major Professor: Dr. Gary P. Merkley Iverson, Brett J. Fruit Heights, Utah BS: Utah State University, 2001 Major: Instructional Technology Major Professor: Dr. J. Steven Soulier Jaggi, Margaret Garr Providence , Utah BS: Utah State University, 2001 Major: American Studies Major Professor: Dr. Jeannie B. Thomas Jaramillo, Andres Medellin, Colombia BS: National University of Colombia, 1996 Major: Irrigation Engineering Major Professor: Dr. Christopher M. U. Neale Jensen, Lisa F. Providence, Utah BS: Utah State University, 1993 Major: Business Information Systems Major Professor: Dr. Lloyd W. Bartholome Jensen, Rachel V. Durango, Colorado BS: Utah State University, 1999 Major: Psychology Johnson, Bethany Melynn Provo, Utah BS: Brigham Young University, 1993 Major: Psychology


Johnson, Joel Micah Logan, Utah

Jurkiewicz, Terri L. Layton, Utah

Kickham, Julie Caroline Ellicott City, Maryland

BS: Utah State University, 2001 Major: Instructional Technology Major Professor: Dr. JoAnne P. Bentley

BS: Weber State College, 1978 Major: Instructional Technology Major Professor: Dr. Charl es G. Stoddard

Johnson, Laycee Mangum Toquerville, Utah

Kadiyala, Venkata Gowri Vizag, India

BS: Southern Utah University, 1998 Major: Human Environments Major Professor: Professor Nancy Thompson

BS: Andhra University, 1998 Major: Computer Science Major Professor: Dr. Vicki H. Allan Thesis: Development of a Web-Based Statistical Package for Interactive Learning

BS: University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, 2000 Major: Geology Major Professor: Dr. Susanne U. Janecke Thesis: Structural and Kinematic Evolution of Grasshopper Extensional Basin, Southwest Montana

Johnson, Leslie Kay Providence, Utah BS: Utah State University, 2001 Major: Communicative Disorders and Deaf Education Major Professor: Professor Susie Yoakum Johnson, Michael Casey Clinton, Utah BS: Brigham Young University, ]994 Major: Instructional Technology Major Professor: Dr. J.Nicholls Eastmond Jolley, Jennifer Tuttle Richfield, Utah BS: Utah State University, 200] Major: Communicative Disorders and Deaf Education Major Professor: Professor Kathy SnyderGantz Jones, Bobbi Jean Tremonton, Utah BS: Utah State University, 1999 Major: Psychology Jones, Christopher Allen Huntington Beach, California BS: Utah State University, 1997 Major: Biology Major Professor: Dr. Daryll B. DeWald Thesis: The Role of the Arabidopsis Phosphatidylinositol 3-Kinase in Vaculor Protein Transport Marianne Judd-Murray, North Logan, Utah


BS: Utah State University, 1997 Major: Agricultural Systems Techn ology Major Professor: Dr. Gary S. Straquadine Thesis: An Examination of Privat e Water Use for Agricultural Production at the Abbey of Our Lady of the Holy Trinity, Huntsville, Utah

Karre, Suresh Kumar Hyderabad, India BS: Os.mania Univers ity, 2000 Major: Civil and Enviornmental Engineering Major Professor: Dr. Anthony Chen Kearl, Steven J. Declo, Idaho BA: Utah State University , 1995 Major: Human Environments Major Professor: Dr. Tom C. Peterson Kelly, Quinn J. Payson, Utah BS: Utah State Unive rsity, 2000 Major: Mechanical Engineeri ng Major Professor: Dr. Warren F. Phillips Thesis: Validation and Impl ementation of Goldstein's Vortex Theory of Screw Propellers Khadam, Ibrahim Mohammed KJ1artoum, Sudan BS: Khartoum University, 2000 Major: Civil and Environmental Engineering Major Professor: Dr. Jagath Kaluarachchi Thesis: Health Risk-Based Decision Analysis at Hazardous Waste-Contaminated Sites


Khalil, Abedalrazq Gaza , Palestine

BS: Islamic University, 2001 Major: Civil and Environmental Engineering Major Professor: Dr. Mac McKee Thesis: Use of Arificial Neural Networks in Canal Irrigation Management Kharidehal, Sriram Hyderabad, lndia BS: University of Madras, 2000 Major: Electrical Engineering Major Professor: Dr. Cynthia M. Furse Thesis: Design and Measurement of Implantable Antennas


Kirkland, John Scott Bountiful, Utal1 BS: University of Utah, 1990 Major: Electrical Engineering Major Professor: Dr. Doran J. Baker Thesis: Using Principal Component Analysis for Enhancement of Multispectral Infrared Telescope Images Konda, Krishna Hyberabad , India BS: Jawaharlal Nehru Technology University, 2000 Major: Electrica I Engineering Major Professor: Dr. Cynthia M. Furse Thesis: Hardware Connectivity Methods for Live Wires Kondiparthi, Anilkumar Hyderabad, India


BS: Andhra University, 1999 Major: Electrical Engineering Major Professor: Dr. Tamai Bose Kulkarni, Abhijeet P. Nashik, India BS: Shivaji University, 1995 Major: Computer Science Major Professor: Dr. Nicho las S. Fiann Thesis: Path Planning for Multiple Vehicles and Multiple Goals: A Massively Parallel Approach Kumar, Dharmendra Aurangabad, India BS: Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur, 1997 Major: Business Information Systems Major Professor: Dr. Jeffery J. Johnson Ladhawala, Jignesh P. Ahmedabad, India BS: Gujarat University, 1999 Major: Civil and Environmental Engineering Major Prof essor: Dr. William J.Doucette

Lance, Jennifer Rebecca

Lensegrav-Benson, Tera L.

Locklear, Erica Abrams

Wellsville, Utah

Meadow, South Dakota

Leicester, North Carolina

BS: Brigham Young University, 1998 Major: Family and Human Development Major Professor: Dr. Randall M. Jones Thesis: The Relationship Between Emotional Intelligence and Adolescent Deviant Behavior

BS: Chadron State College, 2000 Major: Psychology Major Professor: Dr. Kevin Masters Thesis: The Effects of Physical Activity and Religiosity on Psychophysiolog ical Reactivity in an Aging Population

BA: University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, 2000 Major: English Major Professor: Dr. Mark Zachry

Langenburg, Elizabeth Sandra

Lewis, Brian Scott

Grants, New Mexico

Blackfoot, Idaho

BS: University of New Mexico, 2000 Major: Geology Major Professor: Dr. W. David Liddell Thesis: The Middle Cambrian Wheeler Formation: Sequense Stratigraphy and Geochemistry Across a Ramp-to-Basin Transition

BS: Utah State University, 2000 Major: Mechnical Engineering Major Professor: Dr. R. Rees FuUmer Thesis: The Application of Systems and Safety Engineering Principles to the Design of the USU Nanosatellite

Loewer, Aaron Jay Magrath, Canada

Li, Guanghao Larsen, Brian Therald Christiansburg, Virginia BS: Utah State University, 2000 Major : Health, Physical Education and Recreation Major Professor: Dr. Eadric Bresse! Thesis: Viscoelastic and Passive Elastic Stiffness of the Uninvolved Plantar Flexor Muscle-Tendon Unit in Persons Who Have Ruptured the Achilles Tendon

Lawton, Todd Allen Grantsville , Utah BS: Utah Stale University, 1998 Major: Mechanical Engineering Major Professor: Dr. Elgin A. Anderson

Lee, Benjamin D. Vernal, Utah BS: Utah State University, 2001 Major: Mechanical Engineering Major Professor: Dr. Elgin A. Anderson

Lee, Carla D. North Logan, Utah BS: North Dakota State University, 1988 Major: Agricultural Systems Teclmology Major Professor: Dr. Gary S. Straquadine Thesis: Description of Utah 4-H Club Members' Perceived Level of Critical Elements in the 4-H Experience

Lee, Sung-Youn Seoul, Korea BS: Utah State University, 2000 Major : Business Information Systems Major Professor: Dr. Jeffrey J. Johnson

Bei Hai, China BS: Weber State University, 2001 Major: Business Information Systems Major Professor: Dr. Thomas S. E. Hilton

BA: Brigham Young University, 2001 Major: Instructional Technology Major Professor: Dr. Charles G. Stoddard

Lu, Yi Jinan, China BS: Shandong University, 1995 Major: Biology Major Professor: Dr. Joseph K. K. Li Thesis: The Development of a Bluetongue Virus Diagnostic Assay Using Peptides Derived from the Structural Protein VP7 and Nonstructural Protein NS2

Mabey, David Gary Li, Shan

Oakley, Idaho

Beijing, China BS: XiaMen University, 1996 Major : Computer Science Major Professor: Dr. Nelson T. Dinerstein

BS: Utah State University, 2000 Major: Soil Science Major Professor: Dr. Richard T. Koenig Thesis : Nitrogen Balance of Grass-Legume Mixes in a Grazed, irrigated Pasture

Li, Weihong Mabey, Glen W.

Guangzhou, China BS: Southwest University of Finance and Economics, 2000 Major: Economics Major Professor: Dr. John P. Gilbert

Li, XiaoShan Hunan, China BS:Wu Xi University of Light Industry, 1992 Major: Computer Science Major Professor: Dr. Nelson T. Dinerstein

Linton, Andrea Logan, Utah BS: Utah State University, 2001 Major: Instructional Teclmology Major Professor: Dr. Byron R. Burnham

West Jordan, Utah BS: Utah State University, 2000 Major: Electrical Engineering Major Professor: Dr. Jacob H. Gunther Thesis: A Robust Motion-Estimation Algo ritham for Detection and Tracking of Multip le Targets

Malmgren, Emily S. Bountiful, Utah BS: Utah State University, 2001 Major: Communicative Disorders and Deaf Education Major Professor: Professor Vicki Simonsmeier

Mao, Jie Shanghai, China

Liu, Ye Changchun, China MS: Ji.LinUniversity, 1995 Major: Business Information Systems Major Professor: Dr. Jeffrey J. Jolmson

BS: Shanghai Jiao Tong University, 1993 Major: Computer Science Major Professor: Dr. Donald H. Cooley

Martin, Thomas Paul Red Bluff, California BA: Utah State University, 2001 Major: Business Information Systems Major Professor: Dr. Jean A. Pratt


Martineau, Amy Rebecca

McLeod, Bradley J.

Mittal, Sanam

Grants, New Mexico

Curlew, Washington

Chandigarh , India

BS: New Mexico State University, 1997 Major: Computer Science Major Professor: Dr. Daniel W . Watson Thesis: A Minimized Dynamic Production System for MicrocontrollerBased Applications

BS: Utah State University, 2001 Major: Mechanical Engineering Major Professor: Dr. J. Clair Batty Thesis: Low TI1ermalImpedance Composite Heat Plate

BS: Panjab University, 2000 Major: Electrical Engineering Major Professor: Dr. Matthew D. Berkemeier

Twin Falls, Idaho

McMullin, Garrett Lee Matoush, Joseph Patrick Twentynine Palms, California BS: California Lutheran University, 2000 Major : Geology Major Professor: Dr. Susanne U. Janecke Thesis: The Stratigraphic, Sedirnentologic , and Paleogeographic Evolution of the Eocene-O ligocene Grasshopper Extensional Basin, Southwest Montana

Maughan, Taralee Paul, Idal10 BS: Utah State Univer sity, 1999 Major : Agricultural Systems Technology Major Professor: Dr. Rhonda L. Miller Thesis: Nutrient Leaching in Intensively Managed Pasture

BS: Utah State University, 2002 Major: Civil and Environmental Engineering Major Professor : Dr. Michael C. Johnson

BS: Utah State University, 2000 Major: Mechanical Engineering Major Professor: Dr. J. Clair Batty Thesis: Predictive Thermal Analysis of the Combat Sentinel Satelli te Test Article

Mecham, Cherianne Jones

Moncur, Kade D.

Salt Lake City, Utah

Heyburn, Idaho

BS: Utah State University, 1998 Major: Health, Physical Education and Recreation Major Professor: Dr. Eadric Bresse! Thesis: The Influence of Bicycle Saddle Design on Pelvic Angle, Trunk Angle, and Muscle Activity Characteristics in Novice and Experienced Female Cyclists

BS: Utah State University, 1999 Major: Civil and Environmental Engineering Major Professor: Dr. Darwin L. Sorensen Thesis: Synthesis of a Risk-Based Management Tool for the Prediction of Source Water Protection Concerns

Cleveland, Utah

Ogden, Utah BS: University of Uta h, 2001 Major: Health, Physical Education and Recreation Major Professor: Dr. John M. Kras Thesis: Effect of Prophylactic Knee Braces on Athletic Performance of Collegiat e Football Players

MED: Utah State University, 1986 Major: English Major Professor: Dr. Mark Zachry

Mickelson, Brian James BS: Utah State University, 1997 Major: Human Environments Major Professor: Dr. Tom C. Peterson

Michaelson, Mikelle M.

BS: Georgia Tech, 1989 Major: Geography Major Professor: Dr. Robert D. Ramsey Thesis: Mapping Ecoregion Boundaries in the Desert Southwest Using Biophysical Data

BS: Utah State University, 2001 Major: Psychology

Logan, Utah BS: Ohio State University, 1999 Major : Fisheries Biology Major Professor: Dr. Phadera E. Budy Thesis: A Model-Based Approach to Assessing the Potential Response of Chinook Salmon to Habitat Improvements

BS: University of Utah, 1996 Major: Ecology Major Professor: Dr. John M. Stark Thesis: The Role of Brown Bears (Ursus arctos) in Nutrient Transport into Forests Near a Salmon Stream in Costa! British Columbia , Canada

Vacaville, California

McC!urg, Paxton Richard Cartersville, Georgia

McHugh, Peter Anthony

Morris, Arthur E. L. Logan, Utah

Merrill, Zandria Logan, Utah

Maw, Marcus H.

Moffitt, Blake Almy

Pocatello, Idaho

Miller, Ashley Suzanne

Moyes, Laurie C. Ogden, Utah BS: Weber State University, 2001 Major: Psychology Mu, Li Chengdu, China

BS: Renmin University of China, 1996 Major: Business Information Systems Major Professor: Dr. Thomas S. E. Hilton

Irmo, South Carolina BS: Clemson University, 2001 Major: Civil and Environmental Engineering Major Professor: Dr. William J. Rahmeyer Thesis: Minor Loss Coefficients in PVC Elbows

Muffoletto, Carl S. Logan, Utah BS: Utah State University, 1994 Major: Business Information Systems Major Professor: Dr . Thomas S. E. Hilton

Murch, Keri Lynn Miller, Nathan Alan West Jordan, Utah BS: Utah State University, 2001 Major: Human Resources


Petaluma, California BS: University of the Pacific, 2001 Major: Geology Major Professor: Dr. Thomas E. Lachmar Thesis: One-Dimensional Modeling of Bromide Tracer and Trichloroethylene Transport Based on Laboratory Experiments in Vertical Soil Columns

Murri, Jason

Ockey, Scott C.

Palmer, Brenda Lynn

Logan, Utah

Logan, Utah

Downey, Idaho

BA: Utah State University, 2001 Major: Business Information Systems Major Professor: Dr. David J. Olsen

BS: Utah State University, 1997 Major: Biology Major Professor: Dr. Sherman V. Thomson Thesis: The Role of Injury and Rain in the Infection of Leaves by Erwinia Amylovora

BA: Utah State University, 1996 Major: Business Information Systems Major Professor: Dr. Jeffrey J. Johnson

Neibaur, Mitchell D. Paul, Idaho BS: Utah State University, 2001 Major: Applied Economics Major Professor: Dr. Donald L. Snyder

Nelson, Jon Scot Logan, Utah BS: Utah State University, 1998 Major: Instructional Technology Major Professor: Dr. Andrew S. Gibbons

Neville, Steven M. Hailey, Idaho BS: Utah State University, 2003 Major: Mechanical Engineering Major Professor: Dr. Thomas H. Fronk Thesis: Transverse Stresses in Laminated Composite Structures with Varying Curvature

Ngalu, Luckson Johnstone Lilongwe, Malawi BS: University of Malawi, 1998 Major: Irrigation Engineering Major Professor: Dr. Gary P. Merkley

Nielson, Charles H.

Pandey, Vibhuti Allahabad, India

Ogness, John Carl Roseville, California BS: Utah State University, 1998 Major: Computer Science Major Professor: Dr. Nicholas Fiann Thesis: Temporal Motion Planning Using a Fuzzy Configuration Space: An Algebraic Approach

Ohms, Seth Ray Cedar City, Utah

BS: Allahabad University, 1999 Major: Irrigation Engineering Major Professor: Dr. Wynn R. Walker

Parker, Lisa Dian Orem, Utah BS: Utah State University, 1994 Major: Instructional Technology Major Professor: Dr. M. David Merrill

Parry, Virginia A.

BS: Southern Utah University, 2001 Major: Range Science Major Professor: Dr. Dale L. Bartos Thesis: Restoration of Aspen in Different Stages of Mortality in Southern Utah

Layton, Utah

Oldham, Jeremy Von

Raleigh, North Carolina

Kaysville, Utah

BS: Acharya N. G. Ranga Agricultural University, 1999 Major: Irrigation Engineering Major Professor: Dr. Wynn R. Walker

BS: Utah State University, 2001 Major: Civil and Environmental Engineering Major Professor: Dr. Randal S. Martin Thesis: Estimating Biogenic Non-Methane Hydrocarbon Emissions for the Wasatch Front Through a High-Resolution, Gridded BVOC Emissions Inventory

BS: Weber State College, 1970 Major: Psychology

Pati, Swamy

Paulsen, Kami C. Clinton , Utah BS: Weber State University, 2000 Major: Psychology

North Ogden, Utah

Ormsby, Joel Allan

BS: Utah State University, 1983 Major: Industrial Technology Major Professor: Dr. Edward M. Reeve

Hobart, Oklahoma

Peck, Brian D.

BS: Utah State University, 1997 Major: Health, Physical Education and Recreation Major Professor: Dr. Richard D. Gordin Jr.

Cedar Rapids, Iowa

Nolan, John Logan, Utah BS: Utah State University, 1999 Major: Instructional Technology Major Professor: Dr. J. Nicholls Eastmond

North, Matthew A. Pleasant Grove, Utah BS: Brigham Young University, 1997 Major: Business Information Systems Major Professor: Dr. Thomas S. E. Hilton

Northrup, Graham Jeremy

Osmond, Travis M . Fairview, Utah

BA: University of Northern Iowa, 1999 Major: English Major Professor: Dr. Ronald L. Shook

Peddi, Sudhakara Reddy Hyderabad, India

BS: Utah State University, 2001 Major: Plant Science Major Professor: Dr. Steven A. Dewey Thesis: Effects of Herbicides, Burning, and Reseeding of Desirable Forages for Control of Medusahead (Taeniatherum caput-medusae)

Padte, Prashant Pravin

Lamar, Colorado

Bombay, India

BA: Brigham Young University, 2001 Major: Instructional Technology Major Professor: Dr. J. Steven Soulier

BS: University of Bombay, 1998 Major: Mechanical Engineering Major Professor: Dr. Carl G. Wood


BS:Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University, 1997 Major: Computer Science Major Professor: Dr. Nicholas S. Fiann Thesis: An Integrated Human Resources System

Peng, Haisong Chaozhou, China BS: Guangdong University of Foreign Studies, 2001 Major: Economics Major Professor: Dr. Paul M. Jakus


Raju, Varsha

Retford, Christopher M.

Chengdu, China

Auburn Hills, Michigan

Magna, Utah

BS: Utah State University, 2001 Major: Business Information Systems Major Professor: Dr. David M. Olsen

BS: Osmania University, 1999 Major: Electrical Engineering Major Professor: Dr. Gardiner S. Stiles Thesis: The Automa ted Conversion of CSP Script to Java Code

BS: Utah State University, 2001 Major: Industrial Mathematics Major Professor: Dr. James A. Powell

Perry, Marcus Ray BS:Brigham Young University, Hawaii, 1997 Major: Communication Major Professor: Dr. Les A. Roka

Petterborg, Terri Ann



Chennai, India MS: University of Madras, 1987 Major: Communication Major Professor: Professor Penny M. Byrne

Petty, Timothy Scott

BS: University of Malawi, 1997 Major: Irrigation Engineering Major Professor: Dr. Gary P. Merkley

Rice, Aaron J. Manti, Utah

Preston, Idaho BS: Utah State University, 1985 Major: Industrial Technology Major Professor: Dr. Gary A. Stewardson

Reuben, Thomas Nyanda Lilongwe, Malawi

San Diego, California

Ramanathan, Ananthakrishnan Bombay, India BS: University of Mumbai, 2000 Major : Computer Science Major Professor: Dr. Scott R. Cannon

BS: Utah State University, 2001 Major: Computer Science Major Professor: Dr. Scott R. Cannon Thesis: A Self-Configuring Avionics Network

South Weber, Utah

Richards, L. Jay Tremonton, Utah

Rammell, Rex

BS: Utah State University, 2000 Major: Civil and Environmental Engineering Major Professor: Dr. Marvin W. Halling Thesis: Permanent Instrumentation and Testing of I-15 Bridge

DVM: Kansas State University, 1989 Major: Animal Science Major Professor: Dr. Thomas D. Bunch

Phillips, Christopher James

Ramos, Nephtali Hyrum

Preston, Idaho

Alpine, Utah

BS: Utah State University, 2000 Major: Instructional Technology Major Professor: Dr. Margaret M. "Mimi " Recker

Preston, Idaho

BA: Brigham Young University, Hawaii, 1998 Major: Instructional Technology Major Professor: Dr. J. Steven Soulier

Rigby, Donna Lee

BS: Utah State University, 2001 Major: Instructional Technology Major Professor: Dr. J. Steven Soulier

Kaysville, Utah BS: Weber State University, 1999 Major: English Major Professor: Dr. Keith A. Grant-Davie

Rea, Jonathan E. Pollock, Kent S. West Jordan, Utah BA: University of Utah, 1992 Major: Instructional Technology Major Professor: Dr. Charles G. Stoddard

Pratt, Pamela Jean Hyrum, Utah BS: University of Arizona,1992 Major: Business Information Systems Major Professor: Dr. David H. Olsen

Cameron Park, California

Richfield, Utah BS: Utah State University, 2002 Major: Electrical Engineering Major Professor: Dr. Cynthia M. Furse Thesis: Simulation and Analysis of Four Navy Aircraft Wiring Harnesses Using Frequency Domain Reflectometry

Ogden, Utah

BS: Brigham Young University, 1996 Major: English Major Professor: Dr . Ronald L. Shook

BS: Weber State University, 1998 Major: Psychology

Redington, Amanda

Roberts, Bryan Neil

Brigham City, Utah

Orem, Utah

BS: Utah State University, 2001 Major: Human Resources

BS: Utah State University, 1995 Major: Civil and Environmental Engineering Major Professor: Dr. J.Derle Thorpe Thesis: Early Freezing Effects on HighStrength Concrete Incorporating Mineral Admixtures

Reeder, Michael Lynn Brigham City, Utah

Pruitt, Jeremy R.

Rivera, Alisa Baird

BS: Utah State University, 1994 Major: Psychology

Rego Barros, Pablo F. Salt Lake City, Utah BS: University of Tiradentes, 1998 Major: Computer Science Major Professor: Dr. Donald H. Cooley Thesis: Computer-Based Strategy Development in Multi-Agent Systems Using Genetic Algorithms


Rocha, Kelvin Raymond Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic BS: Pontific ia Universidad Catolica Madre y Maestra, 1998 Major: Electrical Engineering Major Professor: Dr. Tamai Bose Thesis: Lost Samp les Recovery Using Mu ltiplierless Algor ithms

Rong, Luming

Schade, Lynda Rae

Seeley, Matthew Kirk

Shenzhen, China

Price, Utah

Roosevelt, Utah

BS: Shanghai Jiao Tong University, 2000 Major: Electrical Engineering Major Professor: Dr. Gardiner S. Stiles

BS: Utah State University, 1999 Major: Human Environmen ts Major Professor: Professor Nancy Thompson

BS: Utah State University, 2000 Major: Health, Physical Education and Recreation Major Professor: Dr. Eadric Bressel Thesis: A Comparison of Upper Extremity Kinetics in the Yurchenko Vault and Floor Exercise

Rose, Kelli

Scherbel, Paul Minson

Tremonton, Utah

Salt Lake City, Utah

BS: Utah State University, 1999 Major: Psychology

BS: Brigham Young University, 2000 Major: Business Information Systems Major Professor: Dr. Thomas S. E. Hilton

Rujirawat, Pataranut Bangkok, Thailand BS: Chulalongkom University, 1994 Major: Economics Major Professor: Dr. David M. Aadland

Scherer, Greg Franklin North Ogden, Utah BS: Utah State University, 1990 Major: Business Information Systems Major Professor: Dr. Thomas S. E. Hilton

Russo, Vito Michael Deland, Florida BS: New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology, 1999 Major: Civil and Environmental Engineering Major Professor: Dr. Mac McKee

Schmutz, Kenneth Spanish Fork, Utah BS: Utah State University, 1992 Major: Business Information Systems Major Professor: Dr . Thomas S. E. Hilton

Sanderson, Michael L.

Schulthies, Joanne Hoagland

Lehi, Utah

Bountiful, Utah

BS: Utah State University, 1998 Major : Sociology Major Professor: Dr. Richard S. Krannich Thesis: Incorporating Measures of Informal Social Resources into the Expanded Behavioral Model to Predict Social Service Use Among Utah's Elderly Population

BS: Weber State University, 1993 Major: Psychology

Satyanarayana, Holenarsipur S. Ahmedabad, India BE: Sardar Patel University, 1999 Major: Busin ess Information Systems Major Professor: Dr. Thomas S. E. Hilton

Schultz, Randall Joseph


Bel Air, Maryland BS: Lynchburg College of Virginia, 2000 Major: Ecology Major Professor: Dr. Thomas C. Edwards Jr. Thesis: Development and Validation of Scale-Dependent Habitat Models for Cavity-Nesting Birds in Fishlake National Forest, Utah

Schwartz, John R. Savage, Deborah Svay Sandy, Utal, BS: Brigham Young University, 1999 Major: Heath, Physical Education and Recreation Major Professor: Dr. Robert E. Sorenson Thesis: The Effects of Praise on Exercise Adherence Rates of Perceived Exertion, and Satisfaction Levels in Aerobic Dance Among Female College Students

Rexburg, Idaho BS: Utah State University, 1998 Major: Electrical Engineering Major Professor: Dr. Cynthia M. Furse

Selph, Matthew Ammon Park City, Utah BS: Utah State University, 2001 Major: Instructional Technology Major Professor: Dr. J. Nicholls Eastmond

Sequeira, Eldrid New York, New York BS: University of Mumbai, 1998 Major: Mechanical Engineering Major Professor: Dr. Carl G. Wood Thesis: Force Feedback Control of the T3 Z-Axis Vehicle Suspension System

Shaqadan, Ashraf Adel Logan, Utah BS: Jordan University, 1995 Major: Biological and Agricultural Engineering Major Professor: Dr. Wynn R. Walker Thesis: Nutrients and Fecal Coliform Removal Efficiency via Free Water Surface Constructed Wetlands for Lagoon Wastewater Treatment Effluent

Shearer, James Leon Logan, Utah BS: Utah State University, 2001 Major: American Studies Major Professor: Dr. Barre Toelken Thesis: Conversing with the Ghosts of the Himalayas

Shi, Tianhong Fuyang City, China MS: Hangzhou University, 1998 Major: Business Information Systems Major Professor: Dr. Jeffrey J. Johnson

Seamons, Brett S. Murray, Utah BA: Utah State University, 1997 Major: Business Information Systems Major Professor: Dr. Thomas S. E. Hilton

Schaalje, Jared Bruce

Short, Danielle Clearfield, Utah

Orem , Utah

BS: Weber State University, 2000 Major: Psychology

BS: Brigham Young University, 2001 Major: Instructional Technology Major Professor: Dr. Margaret M. "Mimi" Recker

Karachi, Pakistan

Siddiqui, Atif Kamal BS: Ghulam Ishaq Khan Institute of Engineering Sciences and Technology, 2000 Major: Electrical Engineering Major Professor: Dr. Gardiner S. Stiles


Slack, Jason Kenneth West Valley City, Utah

Smith, Tyler Stuart Richmond, Utah

Swayne, Joshua Harland Logan, Utah

BS: Utah State University, 2001 Major: Mechanical Engineering Major Professor: Dr. Frank J. Redd

BS: Utah State University, 2001 Major: Civil and Environmental Engineering Major Professor: Dr. William J. Rahrneyer

BS: Utah State University, 2001 Major: Instructional Technology Major Professor: Dr. J. Steven Soulier

Slatter, Gerrit L. Colorado Springs, Colorado

Snow, Cameron Allen Germanton, North Carolina

Tan, Sok-Leng Logan, Utah

BS: Utah State University, 1996 Major: Civil and Environmental Engineering Major Professor: Dr. Reynold K. Watkins

BS: North Carolina State University, 1999 Major: Geology Major Professor: Dr. John W. Shervais Thesis: Geology of the Cuesta Ridge Ophidite Remnant near San Luis Obispo, California: Evidence for the Tectonic Setting and Origin of the Coast Range Ophiolite

MSLT: Utah State University, 2000 Major: Instructional Technology Major Professor: Dr. David A. Wiley

Sline, Andrea Layton, Utah


BS: University of Utah, 1999 Major: Recreation Resource Management Major Professor: Dr. Steve W. Burr Smart, Bronson Sid Pleasant Grove, Utah BS: Utah State University, 2001 Major: Civil and Environmental Engineering Major Professor: Dr. Gilberto E. UrrozAguire Smith, Deanne F. Ogden, Utah BS: Weber State Col1ege, 1976 Major: Psychology Major Professor: Dr. Gretchen A. Gimpe l Smith, Jared Wayne Smithfield, Utah BS: Utah State University , 2000 Major: Instructional Technology Major Professor: Dr. Andrew S. Gibbons Smith, Jenny Marie Meridian, Idaho BS: Idaho State University, 1997 Major: History Major Professor: Dr. David R. Lewis Smith, Lynn C. Cedar City, Utah BS: Southern Utah University, 1989 Major: Psychology Smith, Mark Stephen Smithfield, Utah BA: Utah State University, 1992 Major: Instructional Technology Major Professor: Dr. Charles G. Stoddard Smith, Nicole D. St. George, Utah BS: Utah State University, 1996 Major: Psychology

Sorensen, Karen Harrisville, Utah BS: Weber State University, 1999 Major: Family and Human Development Major Professor: Dr. Marcelo Diversi Thesis: Good Grief Kids: An Exploratory Analysis of Grieving Children and Teens at the Dougy Center in Portland , Oregon Spencer, Michael Patrick Springville, Utah BS: Utah Valley State College, 1999 Major: Business Information Systems Major Professor: Dr. Thomas S. E. Hilton Stenhoff, Donald Matthew Logan, Utah BA: Eastern Washington University, 1997 Major: Special Education Major Professor : Dr. Benjamin Lignugaris / Kraft Thesis: The Effects of High and Low Interaction in Threaded Discussion on Student Quiz Performance in an Online University Class Stettler, Jeremiah Price, Utah


BS: Utah State University, 2001 Major: Political Science Major Professor: Dr. Anthony A. Peacock Stokes, Linda A. Escalante, Utah BS: Utah State University, 1970 Major: Human Environments Major Professor: Professor Nancy Thompson Suresh, Gautham Bangalore, India

Tangermann, Heidi Linda Palo Alto, California BS: University of California, Davis, 1997 Major: Ecology Major Professor: Dr. Terry A. Messmer Thesis: Factors Affecting the Harvest Vulnerability of Trumpeter Swans Tasso, Heidi St. George, Utah BS: Brigham Young University, 1992 Major: Psychology Taylor, Andrew Peoria, Illinois


BS: University of Iowa, 2000 Major: Geology Major Professor: Dr. Bradley D. Ritts Thesis: Sedi.mentology, Facies Architecture, and Reservoir Characterization of Lacustrine Rocks, Eocene Green River and Colton Formations, Unita Basin, Utah Terry, Spencer H. Rexburg, Idaho BS: Utah State University, 1999 Major: Civil and Environmental Engineering Major Professor: Dr. Michael J. McFarland Thesis: Visible Emission Opacity Estimation Using the Optical Digital Environmental Compliance System as an Alternative to the Environmental Protection Agency's Reference Method 9 Teton, Elese D. Blackfoot, Idaho BS: Utah State University, 1996 Major: Civil and Environmental Engineering Major Professor: Dr. Audrey Levine Thesis : Examination of an Ultraviolet Treatment System for Removal of Nitrate From Potable Water


BS: Bangalore University, 2000 Major: Business Information Systems Major Professor: Dr. Jeffery J. Johnson


Thompson, Chris W. Issaquah, Washington BA: Brigham Young University, 1999 Major: Instructional Technology Major Professor: Dr. Andrew S. Gibbons

Timmo n s, Trevor Sco tt Logan, Utah

Tyagi, Lalit Kumar Ghaziabad, India

W an g, Weiro n g Beijing, Ch ina

BS: Uta h State University, 2001 Major: Instruc tional Techno logy Major Professor: Dr. J. Nicho lls Eastmond

BS: Banaros Hindu University, 1998 Major: Business Information Systems Major Professor: Dr. Jeffrey J. Johnson

BS:Tsinghua University, 1998 Major: Mechanical Engineering Major Professor: Dr. Elgin A. Anderson

Too n e, Les lie Ann Ogde n, Utah

Venka tachalam, Erode, India

Wang, Yan bing Beijing, Chi na

BS: Uta h State University, 2001 Major: Statistics Major Professor: Dr. Christopher D. Corcora n

BS: Birla Institute of Technology and Science, 1998 Major: Electrical Engineering Major Professor: Dr. Tama l Bose Thesis: Algorithms for the Design of Multiplierle ss Ad apti ve Filters

Tranchita, Anthony Phillip Cottag e Grove , Wisconsin BS: University of Wisconsin , Whitewat er, 1994 Major: Psychology Major Professor: Dr. David M. Stein Thesis: A Meta-Analysis of the Alcohol Treatment Outcome Literature: 1992-2000 Trask, Timothy J. Stittville, New York BS: Utah State University, 2001 Major: American Studies Major Professor: Dr. Jan E. Roush Thesis: The Aloha Shirt:Tailored Expressive Culture


Virgilio, Susan Anne Park Ridge , Illinois BS: Northern Illinois University, 1987 Major: Watersh ed Science Major Professor: Dr. Helga Van Miegroet Thesis: Nitrogen Cycling Dynamics in the Lexen Creek Watershed, Fraser Experimental Forest, Fraser, Colorado , USA Virgin, Jennifer West Valley City , Utah BS: Utah State University, 1999 Major: Instructional Technology Major Professor: Dr. J. Nicholls Eastmond


Tripp, Kimberli C. Grantsville, Utah

Walrath, Douglas Hail ey, Idaho

BS: Utah State University, 2001 Major: Mathematics Major Professor: Dr. Mark E. Fels

BS: University of Wisconsin , Stout, 1996 Major : Industrial Technology Major Professor : Dr. Edward M. Reeve

Tuncer, Davut Istanbul, Turkey

Wan, Jiayi Nanjing , China

BS: University of Selcuk, 1994 Major: Mathematics Major Professor: Dr. Ian M. Anderson

MS: Southeast University, 1997 Major: Town and Regional Planning Major Professor : Professor Karen C. Hanna

Turner, Denice H. Tremonton , Utah

Wang, Bing Singapore , Singapore

BS: Utah State University, 1992 Major : English Major Professor: Dr. Brock Dethier Thesis : Nature Writing and Healing: Recovering the Wild Soul

BE: Hunan University, 1991 Major: Business Information Systems Major Professor : Dr. John Vinsonhaler

Tuttle, Anna R. Fort Smith, Arkansas BS: Utah State University, 2001 Major: Political Science Major Professor: Dr. Michael S. Lyons

Wang,Song Harbin, China BS: Harbin Institute of Technology, 1995 Major: Electrical Engineering Major Professor: Dr. Jacob H. Gunther Thesis: Acoustic Echo Cancellation Using Blind Source Separation Principles


BS:University of Electronic Science and Technology, 1996 Major: Comp uter Scien ce Major Professo r: Dr. Stephen J. Allan Ward , Beth N . Evanston, Wyomin g BA: Fort Lewis College, 1981 Major: Psychology Ward, Kevin Dale Santa Clara, Utah BS: Brigham Young University, 2002 Major: Business Information Systems Major Professor: Dr. Jeffrey J. Johnson Wasson McKay, Wendy R. Sandy, Utah BS: Utah State University, 2001 Major : Communicative Disorders and Deaf Education Major Professor: Dr. Sonia S. Manuel Dupont Waters, Molly Eylene Logan, Utah BS: Utah State University, 1998 Major: Plant Science Major Professor: Dr. Roger K. Kjelgren Thesis : Assessing the Feasibility of Implementing Landscape Water Demand Analysis and Other Water Conservation Tools: An Analysis of Water Retailers in Salt Lake County, Utah Watson, Kevin Jeff Spring City, Utah BS: Utah State University, 2001 Major : Business Information Systems Major Professor: Dr . David H . Olsen Williams, Alison E. Perry, Utah BS: Utah State University, 1994 Major: Business Information Systems Major Professor : Dr. Thomas S. E. Hilton

Williams, Ho

Zhang , Lujun

Zhu, Dongqing

Logan, Utah

Salt Lake City, Utah

Xian, China

BS: Utah State University, 1997 Major: American Studies Major Professor: Dr. Barre Toelken

MS: Southeast University, 1999 Major: Compu ter Science Major Professor: Dr. Donald H. Cooley

BS: Xian Foreign Language University , 1996 Major: Business Information Systems Major Professor : Dr . David M. Olson

Wood, Austin

Zhang, Tian

Sandy, Utah

Napervi lle, Illinois

BS: Utah State Univ ersity, 1999 Major : Family and Hwnan Developmen t Major Professor: Dr. Thorana S. Nelson Thesis: Therapists Who Do Not Seek Therapy : An Examination of Marriage and Family Therapists in Three Western States

BS: South China Agriculture University,

Master of Second Language Teaching


Major: Compu ter Science Major Professor: Dr. Donald H . Cooley

Allred, Teresa Kiesel Manti , Utah BS: Utah State University , 2000 Major Professor: Dr. John E. Lackstrom

Zhang, Xiaoning Beijing, China

Woodruff, Tod d J. Hurst, Texas BS: Weber State Un ivers ity, 2000 Major: H uman Resources

BS: Beijing Union University, 1997 Major: Business Information Systems Major Professor: James C. Scott

Bates, Yolanda M. Logan, Utah BA: Brigham Young University, 1982 Major Professor: Dr. John E. Lackstrom

Zhang, Yili Wu, Yulan Yunnan, China BS: Beijing Second Foreign Language Institute, 1993 Major: Business Information System s Major Professor: Dr. Jeffrey J. Johnson

Fuentes, Arlene Fra nces

Guilin, China BA: Hw1an College of Economics and Finance, 1993 Major: Business Information Systems Major Professor: Dr. Jean A. Pra tt

Logan, Utah

Wuthr ich, Kent Richard

Guangzho u, China

Logan, Utah

BS: South China University of Teclmology, 1997 Major: Mechanical Engineer ing Major Professor: Dr. Car l G. Wood Thesis: Explo ring Relationships Between Life-Cycle Modualrity and Life-Cycle Cost

Yang, Chongguan Hangzhou, China BS:Zhejiang University, 2000 Major: Computer Science Major Professor: Dr. Scott R. Cannon Thesis: SHARQFEC with Flow Control

Yedurupad, Bharga vi Visakhapatnam , India BS: Andhra Univers ity, 1998 Major: Comput er Science Major Profe ssor: Dr . Dan W. Watson

Zhang, Zh urun

Zhao, Bin

Zhao, Tingbi

BS: Utah State University, 2002 Major: Human Resources

Ashton, Idah o BS: Utah State University, 2001 Major Professor: Dr . John E. Lackstrom

BS: Utah State University, 1999 Major Professor: Dr. John E. Lackstrom

Wilson, Sherilyn Delta , Utah BA: Utah State Univers ity, 2001 Major Professor: Dr. John E. Lackstrom

Beijing, China

Zeyer, Stanley A Melba, Idaho

Reimann , Amy Diane

Idaho Falls, Idah o

MS: Shanghai Jiao Tong University, 2001 Major: Electrical Engineering Major Professor: Dr. Tamai Bose Thesis: Designing Mu ltiplier-Free Digital Filters

BS: Utah State University, 1998 Major: Business Information Systems Major Professor: Dr. Jeffrey J. Johnson

Yeo, Siew-Siang

MS: Eastern Wash ington University, 1998 Major Professor: Dr. John E. Lackstrom

Willis, Diana Rae

Shanghai, China

BS: West China University of Medical Sciences, 1996 Major : Nutrition and Food Sciences Major Professor: Dr. Ilka Nem ere Thesis: Rapid Actions of 1,25Dihydroxyvitamin 0 3 on Phosphate Uptake in Isolated Chick Intestinal Cells

Johor , Malaysia

BS: Utah State University, 1999 Major Professor: Dr. Kevin L. Krogh

Kim, Inhae Zhang, Ying

BS: Utah State University, 1999 Major: Instru ctional Technology Major Professor: Dr. J. Steven Soulier

Logan, Utah

Logan , Utah

Master of Social Sciences Berrett, Ben R. Franklin, Idaho BS: Utah State University, 1994 Major : Human Resource Management

Bode, Richard Lee

BS: Zhejiang University, 1996 Major : Business Information Systems Major Professor : Dr . Jefferey J. Johnson


Chamberlain, South Dakota JD: University of South Dakota School of Law, 1982 Major: Hwnan Resource Management

Bonham, Justen Dell Syracuse, Utah BS: Weber State University, 1999 Major: Human Resource Management

Brown, Caryn Marie Rock Springs, Wyoming BS: Weber State University, 1999 Major: Human Resource Management

Bullard, Denise Cleo Riding Vernal, Utah BS: Utah State University, 1985 Major: Human Resource Management

Davis, Jared Clyde Wellington, Utah BA: Southern Utah University, 1998 Major: Human Resource Management

Green, Melissa Sandy, Utah BS: University of Utah, 1998 Major: Human Resource Management

Howard, Nellene Blackfoot, Idaho BS: Brigham Young University, Hawaii, 1999 Major: Human Resource Management

Rees, Michael E. Eagle Mountain, Utah BS: Arizona State University, 1999 Major: Human Resource Management

Schnakenberg, Holli Ann Harrisville, Utah BS: Weber State University, 1994 Major: Human Resources

Seria, David Louis Plantsville, Connecticut BS: Utah State University, 2001 Major: Human Resource Management

Thomas, Sandra J. Layton, Utah BS: Utah State University, 1992 Major: Human Resource Management


Utah State Board of Regents James S. Jardine, Salt Lak e City Michael R. Jen sen, Price Charles E. John son, Chairman , Salt Lake City David J . Jordan , Salt Lake City George Mantes , Salt Lake City Jed H. Pitcher , Bountiful Sara V. Sinclair, Logan Marlon 0. Snow, West Vall ey Maria Sweeten, Salt Lake City

Nolan E. Karra s, Chairman , Roy Pam ela J. Atkin son , Vice-Chair, Salt Lake City J erry C. Atkin, St. George Linnea S. Bam ey, Orem Daryl C. Barrett , Salt Lak e City Kim R . Burningham , Bountiful Khay Douangdara , Sandy David J. Grant, Cedar City L. Br ent Hoggan , Nort h Logan

Cece lia H. Foxley, Co mmi ss ioner of High er Edu ca tion

Utah State Board of Trustees L. J. Godfrey, Alpin e

Gayle McKeachnie , Vernal Chairman Willis G. Ca ndland , Lindon Vice Chairman Barr e G. Burgon , Brigham City Duk e DiSt efano , Logan Linda Ja cobs en Eyre, Nor th Logan

Lynnette Han sen , North Logan R. Br ent Ny man , Logan Dinish C. Patel, Salt Lake City Denni s L. Sessions, Idaho Fall s

Lee H. Burke , Secre tar y of th e Board of Tru stees

Ad Hoc Commencement


Glenn Davi s, Registrar, Co-Chair Sydn ey Peterso n , Ass istant Provo st, Co-Chair Jan Ap puhn , Assistant to th e Vice Pr esid ent for Un iver sit y Advancement Martha Dever , Pr es id ent, Faculty Senate Lynnette Harris, Editor, Agricu ltu ral Experiment Station Ca mey Hat ch , AS USU Public R elation s Vice Pr esid ent J ona than Kadis, Director, Technical Support Services Tom Kent, Dea n, School of Graduate Studi es Duke DiSt efa no , Pre sident, ASUSU Tim Vitale, Assistant Dir ec tor, Publi c Relation s and Mark etin g

College Commencement


Kar en Bind r up , College of Science Debbi e Brun so n, U niv ersity Advancement Be ck y Casperson, University Advan cement Lee H. Burk e, Government Relations Terri Ga ss, College of Education Ruth Harri son , College of Bu sin ess Carolyn Kr eb s, College of Engineering Jean enn e Nielsen, School of Graduate Studie s Vicky Olsen, Universi ty Exten sion Susan Parkin son, College of Humaniti es, Arts and Social Sciences Jan Pichett e, College of Agric ultur e Maureen Wagner, College of Natura l R es ource s






M. Burton

one hundred an te th annual commence nt ceremonies

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