13.2/1 1992
Utah State University
The Ninety-N inth A nnual Commencement Ceremonies 13 June 1992 Dee Glen Smith Spectrum
Utah State University
Academic procession route and locations of college graduation ceremonies.
T h e N in e ty -n in th A n nual Commencement
Schedule of Events Friday, June 12, 1992 Reserve O fficer T raining Corps Commissioning Ceremonies 10:00 a.m.., Taggart S tu d en t Center A uditorium 11:30 a.m., Reception, Taggart S tu d e n t Center, Juniper Lounge
Spouse R ecognition Ceremonies Honoring Spouses o f g ra d u a tin g stu d en ts 1:00 p.m., Chase F ine A rts Center, M o rg a n T h e a tre
College Open H ouses 3:00-4:00 p.m., college locations
President's R eception A reception hosted by President a n d M rs. S ta nford Cazier f o r all graduates, their parents, fa m ilies, friends, a n d alum ni 4:30-5:45 p.m., D a v id B. H aight A lu m n i Center
Graduation Sm orgasbord D in n er a n d P ops Concert 6:00-8:00 p.m., Smorgasbord Dinner, Taggart S tu d e n t Center Carous el Square 6:00 a n d 8 :0 0 p.m ., P ops Concert, Chase F ine A r ts Center, K ent Concert H all
Saturday June 13, 1992 Academic Procession 8:30 a.m., Old M a in to Dee G len S m ith Spectrum
Commencement Ceremonies 9:30 a.m., Dee Glen S m ith Spectrum
College Graduation Ceremonies 12:00 noon College of Business, Dee Glen Sm ith Spectrum College o f Engineering, Chase F ine A rts Center, K ent Concert H a ll College o f F amity Life, Chase F ine A rts Center, Morgan Theatre College o f N a tu ral Resources, Eccles Conference Center Auditorium College o f Science, Taggart S tu d en t Center, E van g . Stevenson Ballroom
2:00 p.m. College o f Agriculture, Chase F ine A rts Center, Morgan Theatre College o f Education, Dee Glen Sm ith Spectrum College o f H umanities, A rts a n d Social Sciences, Chase F ine A rts Center, K ent Concert H atll
Commencement Picnic L u n ch eo n 11:30 a.m. - 2:30 p.m ., U niversity H P E R F ield
Commencement Ceremonies Saturday, June. 1 3 , 1 9 9 2 President S ta n fo rd Cazier, Conducting 8:30 a.m.
Academic Procession
9:15 a.m.
Processional University Symphonic B and
Old Main to Dee Glen Sm ith Spectrum “Crown Imperial Processional" William Walton
9:30 a.m.
Presentation o f Colors
A ir Force and Army ROT C
N ational Anthem University Symphonic Band
"Star Spangled Banner" Francis Scott Key
President's (greeting
President Stanford Cazier
M usical Selection University Symphonic B and
“Stars and Stripes Forever" John Philip Sousa
Address to (graduates
P aul A. Volcker, Former Chairman o f the Federal Reserve B oard
M usical Selection University Symphonic B and
"Olympic panfare and Theme" John Williams
Recognition o f Colleges' Professors o f the Y ear and Presentation o f Eldon J. Gardner University Teaching A w ard Presentation o f the D. Wynne Thorne Research A w ard Presentation o f the E.G. Peterson Extension A w ard
President Stanford Cazier
President Stanford Cazier President Stanford Cazier
Conferring o f Degrees
President Stanford Cazier
Conferring o f Honorary Degrees
President Stanford Cazier
P aul A . Volcker Doctor o f Economics N orman H . B angerter Doctor o f Laws Jong P il K im Doctor o f Political Science William R. Weigand Doctor o f Socia l Science Stanford Cazier Doctor o f Humanities Conferring o f Distinguished Service A w ard Shirley Cazier
Citation read by James B ingham Vice Chair, B oard of Trustees B onnie F . N ielsen Chair, Board o f Trustees Jed Pitcher Member, B oard o f Trustees Bruce Jorgensen Member, B oard o f T rustees Booth Wallcntine Member, Board o f Trustees Citation read by Melanie Raymond Member, Board o f Trustees
Concluding Remarks M usical Selection University Symphonic B and
President Stanford Cazier “Alma M ater Hymn " Theodore M . Burton
Recessional University Symphonic B and
“Regal Procession" Clifton Williams
University Symphonic B and Conductor, Dennis Griffin Commencement Exercises w ill be rebroadcast on the V alley C hannel S unday, June 14, fr o m 3:00 to 5:00 p.
A cademic Heraldry
The history of academic heraldry reaches back into the early days of the university. A statute of 1321 required that all "Doctors, Licentiates, and Bach elors" of the University of Coimbra wear gowns. In England, in the fourteenth century, the statutes of certain colleges forbade "excess in apparel" and pre scribed the wearing of a long gown, which may have been counted neces sary for warmth in the unheated build ings frequented by medieval scholars. Hoods were used to cover the head until later replaced by the skull cap and even tually by academic caps. Both Cam bridge and Oxford have made academic dress a matter of university control to the inclusion of even its minor details; and in Laudian days in Oxford, any tailor who changed the authorized de sign "even by a nail's breadth" was pun ished by the vice-chancellor of the Uni versity. When American colleges and universities desired to adopt some suit able system of academic apparel, it seemed best to agree on a system which all might follow. Accordingly, there was held on May 1 6 , 1895, at Columbia Uni versity, a conference of representatives of the boards of various interested insti tutions. From that meeting came a code of academic dress for the colleges and universities of the United States, which most institutions of higher learning have adopted.
G ow ns The academic gown for the bachelors degree has pointed sleeves and is de signed to be worn closed. The gown for the masters degree has an oblong sleeve, open at the wrist. The sleeve base hangs down in the traditional manner. The rear part of its oblong shape is square cut, and the front part has an arc cut away. The gown is so designed to be worn open or closed. The gown for the doctors degree has bell-shaped sleeves and may be worn open or closed.
Colors For all academic purposes, including trimmings of doctoral gowns, edging of hoods, and tassels of caps, the colors associated with the different academic disciplines are as follows: Agriculture Business Education Family Life Engineering Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences
Maize Drab Light Blue Maroon Orange White
Natural Resources Science School of Graduate Studies (EdD, PhD)
Russet Gold/Yellow Gold
The white ribbon with the Greek Key on the robe of a graduate identifies an inductee into Phi Kappa Phi, the Na tional Scholastic Society. Those wearing gray collars are members of the Mortar Board Senior Honor Society, the Na tional Academic and Service Society. A gold braided cord draped over the cowl will distinguish a graduate of Honors.
Hoods Academic hoods are worn by recipients of advanced degrees. The master degree hoods are three-and-one-half feet in length and are lined with the official color or colors of the college or univer sity conferring the degree, which at Utah State University are navy blue and white, displayed in a heraldic chevron. The doctoral hood consists of a larger and longer assemblage of institutional color draped over the recipient's shoulders and falling well down the back. The binding or edging of the hoods is of velvet or velveteen, three inches wide and five inches wide for the masters and doctors degree, respectively.
Caps Academic caps come in two forms: the traditional mortarboard (from Oxford), a square cap; and a soft cap which re sembles an oversized beret (the Cam bridge model). The mortarboard, used by Utah State University, is worn with a tassel. Black tassels designate any de gree; colored tassels designate major field of learning, and gold tassels indicate doctors and governing officials of insti tutions.
Academ ic Procession The commencement procession origi nates at Old Main and the line of march extends out the new East Wing across the quad to the Library then north to the Spectrum. The procession is composed of three divisions: (1) color guard, Uni versity president, Regents and the Board of Trustees, administrative officers, and special guests; (2) the faculty; and (3) candidates for degrees, with candidates for advanced degrees in the lead and others in groups according to the de grees for which they are candidates. The procession will stop at the tunnel en trance to the Spectrum, the first two divisions dividing so that the candidates for graduation pass between them and enter the hall first.
Commencement Speaker Honorary Degree
is honored as a distinguished economist as w el l as an outstanding political and economic Leader. Mr. Volcker is w idely credited w ith taming the run-away inflation o f the late 1970s after being named chairman o f the F ederal Reserve Board by President Jimmy Carter. H eguided the U .S. economy through d ifficult times, resisting political pressure in the face o f modest economic grow th, soaring inflation and record-high interest rates. Mr. Volcker was also instrum ental in resolving M exic o 's debt crisis in 1982 and preventing the collapse o f Continental Illinois B anK in 1984. He began his career w ith the F ederal Reserve as an intern w h ile attending H arvard University. H e w ent on to serve as an economist and later president o f the N e w York Federal Reserve B ank and was also an economist w ith Chase M anhattan Bank. Mr. Volcker was undersecretary fo r M onetary a ffa irs during the N ix on administration and was named the Treasury Department's director o f f financial analysis by President John R. K ennedy. A summa cum laude graduate o f Princeton University, Mr. V olcker also earned a masters degree in government and economics fro m Harvard and studied at the London School o f E conomics. U tah State U niversity is proud to confer on Paul A. Volcker the honorary degree, “ D O C T O R OF EC O N O M IC S.
H onorary Degree
orm an H . Bangerter
was elected to the U tah House o f Representatives in 1974. H e later was the fir s t Speaker o f the House in 40 years to serve tw o consecutive terms. He has been chairman o f the W estern Governor's A ssociation a n d on the E x ecutive Committee o f the N ational Governor's A ssociation. ▥ Becominggovernor o f U tah in difficult fis c a l times, he proposed tax increases necessary to rebuild the state's economy a n d made difficult decisions which are stabidzing U ta h ’s economy, Governor Bangerter's marketing program targeted industries to relocate in U ta h . He launched a long-term strategy fo r creating high quality jobs w ith the Centers o f Excellence program. E leven such centers located at U tah State U niversity have help ed commercialize university research in such areas as space engineering, artificial intelligence, image compression and biotechnology. These centers attract outside fu n d s that multiply the state's investment. ▥ Some evidence o f his g o o d leadership in government is that national magazines have rated U ta h as the best managed state in the nation a n d as one o f the most favorable climates fo r business, Governor Bangerter has insured a well-trained w orkforce by forging bonds o f responsibility between parents, the private sector a n d government funding. F o r his commitment to U tah and its future, U ta h Sta te U niversity proudly confers upon Governor N orman H . Bangerter the honorary degree, Doctor o f Law s.
H onorary Degree
sta rted as a teacher, held administrative positions including president o f tw o universities, a n d w ill close his career as he began it, in the classroom. W hether teaching or serving as a leader o f teachers, he has maintained his ow n ze a l fo r learning, never abandoning his role as an avid student. â–Ą A t U tah State University, he served as director o f the Honors Program, assistant to the president and vice provost. H is interest in education's place in the international community w as honed during his early days when he served as fa c u lty advisor to the Iranian Club a n d to the A rab Club a n d directed portions o f a Peace Corps training session. H is abilities as a mentor were recognized in 1966 when U S U selected him Teacher o f the Y ear. â–Ą During his eight years as president o f California State U niversity a t Chico, he handled student activism an d protests w ith typical fairness. T he Council of Presidents o f California Universities and Colleges elected him chairman. â–Ą This background helped polish the man who has piloted U t ah State the past thirteen years through unprecedented grow th amid extraordinary fin a n cia l pressure.W ith gratitude fo r his devotion to its cause, U tah State U niversity is pleased to confer on S ta n fo rd Cazier the honorary degree, D O C T O R O F H U M A N IT IE S.
H onorary Degree,
isform er prime minister o f the Republic o f Korea and current co-chairman o f the Democratic Liberal Party. â–Ą H e began a distinguished military career in 1949 after receiving his bachelors degree from the College o f Education, Seoul N ational University, and a bachelor o f science degree from the Korean M ilitary academy. He attended the U .S. Infantry School at F t. B enning, Georgia.. A fte r he retired as brigadier general fro m the Korean a rm y in 1962, his political interest led him to fo u n d and chair the Democratic Republican Tarty o f Korea in 1963 a n d serve in the Sixth, Seventh, Eighth and Njn th Korean N ational Assemblies u n til 1979, when he became president o f the D emocratic Republican P arty. In 1987, he fo u n d ed and became chairman o f the N ew Republican Party. H e has been a visiting scholar a t tw o major American universities a n d has been recognized by universities a n d received decorations fro m other countries. H e maintains involvement in service organizations, having been governor o f the B oy Scouts o f Korea and member o f the Rotary Club, Wiseman Club and the Korean-American Friendship Society. â–Ą F or his astute leadership in his nation and the world, U tah State U niversity confers on Jong Pi l Kim the honorary degree, D O C TO R O F PO LITIC AL SC IEN C E.
H onorary Degree
provides distinguished leadership and service to his church and his community. Visionary, dedicated, inspirational an d gracious, he gives special attention and interest to education, social services and historical preservation. □ H is education includes a bachelors degree and a M aster o f D ivinity degree at S t. Thomas Seminary in Kenmore, W ashington.. His pastoral assignments have been varied a n d include ministering to several parishes in Idaho. H e spent almost ten years as pastor o f the missionary parish o f S t. John the Baptist in Cali, Colombia, then returned to Idaho as pastor o f a bilingual and bicultural congregation. In 1980, he was appointed seventh bishop o f the Roman Catholic Diocese o f Salt L a ke City. □ Bishop W eigand has served on many national committees, established numerous diocesan programs and opened the Marillac H ousefo r homeless women, S t. Vincent de “P aul Soup Kitchen and a new headquarters fo r Catholic Community Services. H e chaired the fundraising and restoration o f the Cathedral o f the Madeleine in S a lt L a ke City, preserving an important historicaljew el fo r all residents o f the Intermountain W est. □ For his commitment to service fo r the common good, Utah State U niversity is proud to aw ard the M ost Reverend W illiam K . Weigand the honorary degree, D O C T O R OF SO C IA L SC IE N C E .
D istinguish e d Service A w a r d
has fashioned her ow n role as F irst Lady at U ta h S ta te U niversity during the past thirteen years based on her strong commitment to her marriage, herfam ily, her church a nd her work . W i dely know n fo r her warmth, generous hospitality, superior organizational skills a n d unfailing poise, she is a woman o f accomplishment. Her record o f service to U tah State U niversity a n d to the community at large is extraordinary. In addition to the myriad responsibilities she has gracefully jug g led as f i r s t Lady o f U tah S ta te University, Mrs. Cazier has devoted her considerable talents and energy to programs that benefit women students a n d stu d en ts’wives, w orking tirelesslyfo r scholarships a n d other programs. She has also taken particular interest in international students a n d their spouses. She served a six-year term on the U tah Endow m ent fo r the Humanities a n d was a member o f the U S U Centennial Committee. She has been a member o f the N o rthern U tah Choral Society and has sung extensively as a soloist. ▥ In recognition o f her outstanding efforts a n d countless hours invested in making U ta h S ta te U niversity home to students and fa cu lty fro m around the world, we are proud to present the D istinguished Service A w ard to Shirley Cazier.
. G. Peterson E xtension A w a r d
L arry A . Sagers is a Cooperative Extension A gent in S alt L a k e County. H e is not only a master gardener, but also a master communicator. His success the past eleven years as an Extension agent wording w ith the media benefits U S U Extension by giving it greater visibility and credibility. Recognizing one o f the immense challenges o f urban horticulture is reaching the greatest amount o f people, he skillfully turns to mass communication. In the process, thousands o f people not only associate Larry Sagers w ith horticulture, but also w ith U S U Extension. This visibility benefits the entire university. W ith degrees in agronomy, horticulture and p lant science, he is visionary in his programs and is recognized as one o f the great sources o f horticulture information among professionaland non-professionalgrowers. Through effective use o f radio, television and newspapers, M r. Sagers communicates w ith more than one hundred thousand U tah residents each week. W hat compels this Tooele native is simple: his desire to help people. H e is always personable w ith a wide an d varied clientele. H is impact fo r the g o o d o f Extension is immeasurable. For his unending efforts and boundless energy to fu rth er the cause o f U S U Extension, U tah State U niversity honors Larry A . Sagers w ith the 1992 E .G. Peterson Extension Award.
D . W ynne Thorne Research A w a r d
I a n M . A nderson has research accomplishments in differential geometry and its applications have brought international recognition to him and to U tah State University. Dr. Anderson has made numerous a n d lasting contributions to the geometric study o f differential equations. In a series o f long papers w ritten over the last decade, he has given complete a n d detailed solutions to many facets o f the inverse problem in the calculus o f variations, a difficult and long-standing problem. H e is also a widely recognized expert in Gelfa n d ’s fo rm a l differential geometry and its many applications to the fields o f algebraic and differential topology, differential equations and mathematical physics. This new and important discipline has received significant impetus fro m his research, scholarly publications an d lectures at scientific conferences in the U n ited States, Canada, and Europe. H e held visiting research appointments at the universities o f W ashington, Utah, and N o rth Carolina. H e organized three mathematics research conferences a t U tah State University. Elis research is supported by grants fro m the N a tional Science F oundation; he is an editor o f the Rocky M ountain M a th ematics Journal an d is Director o f Graduate Studies o f the Department o f M a th ematics an d Statistics, F or outstanding research in mathematics, U ta h S ta te U niversity is proud to honor Ian M . Anderson w ith the D. W ynne Thorne Research Award.
Eldon J. G ardner Teaching A w a r d
S o n ia S . M a n u el-D u p o n t jo in e d the U tah S ta te U niversity fa c u lty in 1985 after receiving BA, MA, and Ph D degrees fro m the U niversity o f Kansas. A n dissociate Professor in the Department o f Communicative Disorders, Dr. M anuel-Dupont also holds appointm ents in English a n d Engineering. She is highly regarded in these diverse departments fo r her innovative teaching methods, personal commitment to students, an d high academic standards. Because o f her strong interest in individual student development a n d her consistently superior teaching evaluations, Dr. Manuel-Dupont was named chairperson o f the Honors Committee fo r the College o f Education. W ithin the honors program, she has coached many students in Communicative Disorders to think, write, a n d speak w ith grace and clarity in preparing their senior honors theses. In 1988-89 she became U S U 's first Honors Professor; she has also been an active campus leaderfo r Phi Kappa Phi. Dr. Manuel-Dupon t is equally at home w ith technical and research w riting courses or seminars exploring m u lticu ltu ra l issues. Her teaching is informed by a wide range o f intellectual interests, including American Indian languages, sociolinguistics, m u lticu ltu ra l literacy, anthropology, and corporate communication. f or outstanding teaching, U tah State U niversity is pleased to present the Eldon J. Gardner Teaching A w ard to Sonia S . M anuel D upont.
Teaching Excellence Awards Through an extensive selection process involving both students and faculty in the various academic colleges, eight members of the faculty have been designated for special recognition for excellence in teaching representing the eight colleges of the University: Agriculture; Business; Education; Engineering; Family Life; Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences; Natural Resources; and Science. From among the eight, the Eldon J. Gardner University Teaching Award recipient is chosen; the seven remaining follow:
College o f Agriculture
a n d a ll D . W ie d m e ir
has consistently received high student evaluations fo r his teaching since he joined the U S U fa cu lty in 1986. H e teaches both undergraduate and graduate courses in beef cattle production a n d management a n d in both basic a n d applied anim al nutrition. Dr. Wiedmeier’s prior experience in operating a beef ranch a n d afe e d m ill in Montana gives dim a solid practical background to draw fro m in his teacking. H is practical approach isgreatly appreciated by the students. In spite o f heavy assignments in other areas, he takes the time to prepare a n d present outstanding classes a n d to carefully advise students. In addition to his heavy teaching assignment, he has developed a significant research program in beef cattle nutrition, a n d is called on frequently by the Cooperative Extension Service to present his research results directly to livestock producers. Dr. W iedmei r received his BS fr o m M ontana S ta te University, M S fro m Washington State University, and PhD fro m U tah State University.
College o f Business
D w ig h t L . Israelse n
is a graduate, o f U SU , where he was Robins Awards '"Man o f the Y ear" in 1969. H e studied Slavic languages at Harvard, a n d earned a PhD in Economics fro m M I T. Currently an Associate Professor o f Economics, Dr. Isralesen has also taught at BY U , Harvard, a n d MIT. Known fo r his depth an d breadth o f knowledge, concern fo r students a n d effectiveness in teaching complex materials, he regularly teaches a variety o f undergraduate a n d graduate courses in economic theory, history, economic systems, and methodology. One area o f specialization that has current application is the economic systems o f Russia and Eastern Europe. Dr. Israelsen's teaching style encourages thought and requires that students take an active role in the educationalprocess. H e hasfo rty-tw o scholarly publications a n d has presented fifty -fiv e papers at professional conferences, twice winning the A n n u a l Paper Competition o f the American Economic Association.
College o f Engineering
V a n c e T. Christiansen
consistently receives exceptionally high teacher evaluations and is committed to giving everything he can to students, sometimes atgreat personalsacrifice. Alm ost every quarter, he teaches a specialproblems course at 6:00 a.m. fo r students who work an d can'tf i n d another time to meet. H e has also been the majorprofessor fo r well over a hundred M S students, a n d he serves on many graduate committees every year. H e is recognized by both current a n d previous students fo r being a most exceptional professor. In addition to outstanding performances in the classroom, V ance is always involved in extracurricular activities with students. Forfifte e n years, he took students on a week-long seniorfie ld trip the first w eek of f a l l quarter. These trips were exhausting fo r both Vance a n d the students, but a ll o f the students agreed that was the highlight o f their academic program. H e spends vast amounts o f time and money to help them understand engineering concepts. H e has truly given his a ll fo r the betterment o f the students and society as a whole.
College. o f F amily L ife
D . K im O penshaw
jo in ed the U tah State University fa c u lty in 1981. Students indicate that D r. Openshaw “contributes a vast knowledge o f personal experiences a n d effective communication skills in interpersonal relationships when dealing w ith students, colleagues a n d others." butH alsoe ashone a swho b is e substantially e n d e s c grounded r i b e d inahis s professional n o t o n ldiscipline. y a " h" D u r. m Openshaw a n i s t ,willingly listens to his students, their needs a n d concerns. H is learning philosophy contributes to the quality o f the learning environment by creating an interaction between professor a n d student in which both are enriched as they learnfr o m each other. H e possesses unusual ability to deal w ith sensitive course material a n d his careful course preparation, high expectations fo r students a n d the student's ow n accomplishments have been a proven form ula fo r the success of his courses. H e has w ritten numerous papers fo r professional meetings and journals a n d has served on regional a n d national committees. Dr. Openshaw received his B A and M SW from the U niversity o f U tah and his PhD from Brigham Y oung University.
College o f H umanities, A rts and Social Sciences
Charles W.Johnson
has made an exemplary contribution as a fa c u lty member in the Department o f Languages a n d Philosophy since 1972. ProfessorJohnson is a master teacher, dedicated to excellence in the classroom. H is enthusiasm fo r his subject is reflected in his organized a n d entertaining approach to teaching. H is energy is contagious a n d generates excitement among his students, many o f whom credit him w ith helping them learn the art o f critical thinking. Professor Johnson is equally com m itted to his students outside the classroom. Under his tutelage, the Philosophy Club provides an opportunity fo r students to present a n d discuss their uniting, planting seeds fo r intellectual advancement. The Associated Stu d en ts o f U tah S ta te U niversity invited him to present the “L a st Lecture"in the spring of 1992. Professor Johnson is know n as an advisor, mentor, standard, role model and trusted friend. H is classes support the H onors Program, the Electronic Distance Education, the Liberal A rts a n d Sciences, a n d General Education Programs.
College of N a tu ra l Resources
D avidW. Roberts
jo in ed the fa c u lty o f U tah S ta te U niversity in 1985. In his role as A ssistant Professor o f R ange Management an d Watershed Science, he provides leadership in the interdisciplinary approach to natural resources education. Jim's enthusiasm fo r his students a n d the subjects he teaches is infectious. H e goes “above a n d beyond the call o f d u ty " each year w hen he hosts a reception fo r his undergraduate students. Outside the classroom, Jim coaches the Undergraduate R ange Management E xam team fo r U tah State University. U nder his guidance the team has placed fir s t or second over the last three years in this prestigious national exam. H is department head expressed, “I t is your willingness to go the extra mile that makes you an outstanding teacher." J im is the chairman o f the national R ange Science Education Council a n d is a major spokesman fo r reform in range science curricula throughout the country. Among his many honors, he was selected in 1989 as the College o f N atural Resources Advisor o f the Y ear.
College o f Science
R aym ond L . L y n n
jo in ed the fa c u lty o f U tah State U niversity in 1968. H e set the standard o f performance in Biology 125 a n d Biology 101 that sets him apart as a “Teacher's Teacher." I t is d oubtful that anyone teaches as many students quarter after quarter as he does, often more than 500 in a single quarter. E ven w ith this heavy load, he maintains an open door policy fo r his students. In spite o f his heavy load, R ay maintains an enthusiam fo r teaching. H e is a member o f many o f the Liberal A rts an d Sciences Program cluster groups, which constitute its curriculum development arm a n d last year L A S P gave him an aw ard fo r his contributions. H e also received a Certificate o f Appreciation fro m the Disabled S tu d en t Centerfo r helping design and oversee the construction o f a fully-mobile, adjustable laboratory station fo r the physically handicapped. T he countless hours he spends on the stu d en ts' behalf his excellence in teaching a n d his dedication to continually improve the courses he teaches certainly qualify him fo r the honor o f “Teacher o f the Y ear."
Special H onors and Certificates
Honors Program G raduates U n iversity Honors Scott Porter Kerry Soper John Swallow Julie Swallow Brad Willis
D epartm ental
V a ledictorians A valedictorian has been selected by each college of the University. Addresses will be delivered at the College Graduation Ceremonies. Valedictorians are: College of Agriculture Sheila M. Beckstead Escort, Stanley Allen College of Business Jo Ann Smith Escort, Dwight Israelsen College of Education Reed D. Olson Escort, Jay A. Monson College of Engineering Irene Fung Escort, Doran J. Baker College of Family Life Rachel Taylor Rood Escort, Noreen B. Schvaneveldt College of Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences Felice Thorpe Escort, Peter F. Galderisi College of Natural Resources Taylor V. Stein Escort, James J. Kennedy College of Science John G. Swallow Escort, Edward W. Evans
U n iv e rsity C itizen sh ip A w a rd s Presented annually to the senior graduates who best portray high traits of character, scholarship, and citizenship. Jeff Bennion Jewel Punzalan
Melissa Biscornet Jennifer Clark Sue Ann Dearden Trade Empey Maggie Harris Jonny Kelly Amy Moser Christopher Muffoletto Steve Neeleman Robert Pendleton Scott Porter Sandra Waters Deryn Young
C ertificate o f In te rn a tio n a l R el ations Brian B. Allsop L. William Broadhead Jeff D. Burkley Mary Bridget Cook Staci Coy Frank Allen Harward Richard Shane Hinckley Paul Jerome Georgia Bretton R. Lind Steven Andrew Mickelson Brian Malcolm Patchett Stephanie Richardson Mark D. Roylance Sheila Marie Ward
C ertificate o f A rea S tu d ie s Laurel C. Alder Brett P. Allison Bret R. Barfuss Debora R. Chandler Darrel Draper Donald B. Gibb
Kristin Goodworth Kerry Hull Michelle Maestas Ken M. May Gordon E. Nielson Patrick D. Osmond Kyle R. Robson Shaun B. Roundy Paul V. Schvaneveldt Matthew P. Shill Kerry D. Soper Elizabeth Stacishin-Moura Shawn T. Welch Craig A. Widmier
C ertificate in P u blic A d m in istra tio n Mary Bridget Cook Matthew Paul Shill
R eserve O fficer Training Corps (Commissioned as 2 nd L t. in U S . A ir Force)
Aerospace Stu d ies Jack G. Charlesworth Edwin J. Fox Dirk J. Johnson Mark T. Pehrson Timothy C. Millett John C. Wilinson
(Commissioned in the U .S . A r my, A rmy Reserves, or A rmy National Guard)
M ilitary Science Merrill W. Adams Bart W. Bertolio Darren P. Harvey Robert D. Holley Dulcie B. Larsen Jonathan C. Larsen Marci Marchant Robert L. Ogden Michelle M. Thornell David G. Walling
Honor graduates The quality o f performance in academic work enables the follow ing to begraduates w ith distinction. Those w ho have met residence requirements a n d have maintained a grade point average o f 3.95 to 4.00 a re graduated Sum m a Cum Laude; those whose average is 3.80 to 3.949, Magna Cum Laude; a n d those whose average is 3.50 to 3.799, Cum Laude.
S u m m a Cum Laude, Adair, Mary Margaret Agee, Laurel Geneva An, Jin M. Bernhisel, Sally Kay Bishop, Melody F. Bright, Bonnie J. Brinegar, Lee Brown, Morgan Reed Buttars, L. Jon Chong, Chai Huat Collins, Carrie Lyn Dittmore, Wayne B. Fung, Irene Gatherum, Kristine Dearden Glass, Marjorie Ann Grosh, Randall Sheldon Hansen, Julie Brewer Haroldsen, David John Holmgren, Ute C. Housley, Clayton J. Janes, Tracy Lynn Jensen, Craig A. Jensen, Shawn Kevin Lei, Paul Miller, Anthony Drake Olmstead, Lori G. Olson, Reed Daniel Passey, Kelly Scott Simmons, Bart W. Smith, JoAnn Huber Sorensen, Bryant E. Swallow, John G. Swallow, Julie Thomas, Traci Lynn Thorpe, Felise L. Whitney, Alan
M a g n a C um L a u d e Anderson, Mark A. Atkisson, Rosanne Baird, Tony Claine Bearup, Cami L.
Beckstead, Sheila M. Bellew, Janet Johnson Bennion, Jeffrey H. Birch, Barry Joseph Bishop, James Kevin Blake, Jennifer Brandner, LeAnn K. Briggs, Erika Maughan Brooks, Derrick R. Brown, Curtis Benjamin Browne, Margo Hardy Burt, Leslie Ann Cain, Miriam C. Campbell, Bonnie Carlsen, Janice M. Carmack, Camille White Chapman, Debra Lynn Chung, King Cicha, Karen Marie Copenhaver, Kathleen Mary Cox, Jill M. Craig, Kaylene T. Dean, JanaLee Dean, Michael Alan Dearden, Sue A. Ensz, Mark T. Evans, Maureen K. Famuiiner, Sharilyn Grant Feinauer, Allison P. Ferney, Gregory Don Freudenthal, Denis Lyle Grizzell, Matthew Alan Grover, Nedra R. Halcomb, Glenda Lee Hale, Rodney Quinn Hampton, Wendy Golightly Hart, Douglas K. Hastings, Brett Wayne Hatch, Daranee Schick Heaps, Allan G. Hemphill, Leaunda Schaeffer Hendrickson, Kami Lynn Hillyard, Lisa Hinck, Nolan Rod Hirschi, Rick LaVall Hoffman, Kendra L. Hougaard, Shannon Eardley Hubbard, Kelly W. Huff, Patrese Bradford Jacobs, John Richard Janes, Angela Wallis Janes, Troy D. Jensen, Bryan Robert Jensen, Laurel Denise Jenson, Becky B. Johnson, Jennifer Johnson, Michael Clyde Jones, David W. Julander, Jennifer Bird Kerr, Burton T. Lewis, Jamie Gilbert Longhurst, Cara L. Mace, Cathryn Ann Malmstrom, Kristina
Mandros, Shelley Lynette Maw, Kari Joan Merrill, Natalie N. Mikesell, Laura LaNae Mitchell, Norman K. Moser, Amy B. Muffoletto, Christopher Albert Nelson, Gordon Levi Nielson, Gordon Evert Nolan, Renee F. Henderson Obray, Janiece Jones Pattee, Teresa Lynn Perkins, Linda Parker Poll, Val L. Poulsen, Sandra Albrecht Probst, Jared Bailey Rappleye, Jon D. Rasmussen, Heather L. Richardson, Kristine Foster Robinson, Lisa B. Rood, Rachel Taylor Rummel, Christine M. Sargent, Troy L. Saurer, Jill S. Scott, Paula Watkins Seegmiller, Diana Ethridge Shaw, Michael Clyde Shoell, Dayna Jones Simonson, Malissa Daniels Sk.ollingsberg, Sheri Ann Smith, Andrea Smith, Graham P. Smith, Kristine Funk Smith, Wendy Jo Stanley South, Jennifer Dabell Strelich, Katie R. Tanimoto, Brian N. Taylor, Scott C. Teo, Seow Liang Tommy Toh, Sor Peng Turner, Denice H. Wheeler, Jennifer Ann White, Joseph Michael Whittington, Kerri Lynn Wilkey, Patrick Todd Willis, R. Brad Young, Malia Leilani Zierden, Richard L.
C um L a u d e Abel, Timothy Paul Adams, Michael Todd Alder, Laurel Cannon Aller, Krista Liljenquist Allison, Brett Paul Allred, Mark Boyd Arave, Jerry Elgin Arbogast, Nicole Ardito, Janeen Greer Atkinson, Brian W. Autry, JoAnn Ruth Babcock, Mary M.
Baird, JoDi K. Baker, Harland Drew Baker, Latisha Ann Barclay, Kleet Arnold Barfuss, Bret R. Bates, Dan J. Batty, Jae Oman Baugh, Brian Dean Baxter, Julie Ann Bertagnolli, Robin Wight Bingham, Kathleen E. Bird, Timothy K. Blanchard, Vivian H. Blatter, Lisa LaRae Boehm, Gail B. Booth, Brett L. Bosen, Michael Clair Bowen, Cindy Merinda Braithwaite, Stephen Clair Bright, Joseph Lenard Burnett, Heidi L. Butler, Belinda Ann Caldwell, Troy J. Cangelosi, Christopher James Carlisle, Daren M. Carlsen, Wayne D. Carlson, Cheri L. Charlesworth, Brian Lex Christensen, Heidi Berger Chugg, Clayton D. Chugg, Jeffrey B. Clark, Jennifer Jo Clark, Kristin R. Clayton, Todd Glen Clements, Jenny Lee Cloward, Laurie Brown Connerley, Kaylyn Cooper, Hal J. Cornwell, Nicholas Phillip Couch, Janice Sedgwick Coyne, Shirley G. Crittenden, Kurt Carroll Croft, Brad L. Crowther, Brent Evan Cundall, Katy C. Massey Davis, Christine H. Deeter, Brian R. Defriez, Gregg B. Degraffenried, Daniel Ashton Delange, Kregg Lee Dickson, Kathryn (Katie) Terry Dixon, Jared V. Donovan, Timothy Edward Doutre, Alyssa LaBarge Doyle, Julie Christine Drew, Nicole Francine Drollinger, Suzanne S. Duncan, Mark R. Duncan, Sallianne Stallings Egbert, Penny Eldredge, Burr LaMar Eleshuk, Connie J. Ellis, Lynette Pedersen Elmlinger, Lynell
Elquist, Mike R. Elwood, Dennis Ray Empey, Tracie A. Erickson, Darven D. Erikson, Dana Esplin, Karyn Jean Ewer, Darin R. Famuliner, Grant V. Fanjul, Jose B. Favero, Michael J. Fielding, Vernon W. Finlinson, Layne W. Finlinson, Rick E. Fliegel, Daniel A. Flygare, Tammy Forbush, Lori T. Forthun, Larry F. Foster, Janet Albrechtsen Foster, Lili M. Fraser, Jeffrey R. Fry, Craig Alan Gale, Lori S. Gentry, David Ray Gibson, Nancy D. Gilbert, Sharmon Noell Gilbert, Virginia Ellen Giles, Tracy Z. Gilstrap, Stephanie Ann Gladwin, Emily Leontine Glueck, Jennifer P. Godi, Michelle Lynn Gottfredson, Elizabeth Sinclair Graff, Christina L. Graft, Jay Ryan Graves, Gena De'Awn Gray, Nancy E. Bingham Griffeth, John D. Grizzell, Deborah Jenson Gross, Norma Jean Hacking Gunderson, Heather D. Hale, Angela Moore Haley, Mijken Hammond, Jeanne A. Hancey, Neil Hansen, Clayton Reed Hansen, Joan Bernice Hansen, Mary Ann Balls Harrison, H. Kreg Harvey, Tyler G. Hatch, Brian R. Hauer, Pauline Sill Haws, Laurie Rae Haws, Natalie Annette Chambers Helgesen, Sean Morgan Henningsen, Dirk Patrick Hermansen, Diane M. Hill, Cheryl Hines, Lynette Ellen Hintze, Jonna Hirschi, Dianne Marie Hobbs, Jennifer S. Hoffmann, Brett Curtis Hossner, Jennifer Kay Hoth, Eric James
Hoth, Jill Ann Houser, Lance E. Housley, Julie Anne Howells, Amy Erekson Hsieh, Shu-Chuan Huff, David James Huffaker, Richard L. Hughes, Doni Parker Hughes, Rickey D. Huguenard, Patricia Ellen Hull, Guy R. Humphreys, Cindy Israelsen, Yvonne Greenwood Isaacs, Heath S. Jackman, Roxanne Jensen, Alan Dana Jensen, Annamarie Jensen, Brian J. Jensen, JoLynne Jensen, Krishele Willie Jensen, Mark David Jeppson, Jennifer Johnson, Brent M. Johnson, Catherine Johnson, Karene Kaye Jones, Kristy L. Jorgensen, Bert R. Karren, David Michael Karren, Laura Diane Keele, Wesley A. Keller, Chalon Kelly, Sean M. Kettle, Roby M. Kirby, Blake R. Knighton, S. Victoria Knowlton, Ann Lynette Koester, Lenore Carlin Komeili, Seyed Mehrdad Larkin, Michael D. Larsen, Mary Ann Stobbe Larson, Darrell K. Le, Eric Van Leatham, Keith Rigby Lee, Anna Lewis, David L. Li, Lu Hua Laura Libbey, Dana D. Lichtenberg, Alan Boyd Lightfoot, Jashelle Litster, Ellen Loveland, Valerie Maye Maddock, Duane Arthur Madsen, Natasha R. Mansfield, Suzanne G. Martin, Julia Nix Martin, Tamara Matekovic, Lisa M. May, Burton W. Maynes, Daniel R. McCluskey, Travis Ned McGaha, Kevin W. McGuffey, Tina Ann McJunkin, Timothy R. Meldrum, Michelle
Merchant, JoLyne Bradshaw Merrill, Cynthia Merrill, Eric J. Merritt, Lizette Mickelson, Steven Andrew Mill, Krista L. Millward, Chad Webster Miner, JoLyn Petersen Misener, Dave L. Monson, John A. Montgomery, Cynthia F. Moody, Cresfield W. Moore, Sophia J. Morrell, Steven Christopher Morris, Scott Dale Murphy, Kimberley Myhal, Carolyn Osborne Nancarrow, Ann M. Nelson, Amy Dawn Nelson, Brad Lester Nelson, David C. Nelson, Erik Wayne Newman, Virginia L. Nguyen, Hai H. Oliver, Victoria Lynn Oliverson, Jill Olsen, Kamille S. Olson, Kristine G. Olson, Richard Alan Osmond, Christine Lee Gulden Osmond, Patrick D. Owens, Robert W. Palmer, Kyle Park, John W. Parker, Shaura Lynn Parker, Todd Dean Partridge, Darin Call Pascoe, Jennifer Lynn Patchett, Brian Malcolm Patchett, Stacey Vernon Peck, Duane C. Pendleton, Robert C. Perry, Connie L.
Pisano, Paul Warren Pitcher, Alayna Poulsen, Nancy Kathleen Poulson, Vickie K. Price, Amy Punzalan, Golda Asuncion Narag Quinn, Patrick Bryan Rasmussen, Blake B. Rawson, Greg Redd, Merri Allyson Rees, Fred L. Reid, Eva M. Reier, Shelly B. Rhodes, Janet Richardson, Stephanie Ritchie, Karl Brent Ritchie, Kathryn Roberts, Michele McQuarrie Robison, Susan Roth Robson, Kyle Ross Roundy, Shaun Bradley Rowley, Gregory Leonard Roylance, Mark Duane Runyan, Catherine O. Rydalch, Julie M. Sadler, M. Todd Sargent, Diana Kae Sargent, Jo Anna Mary Johnson Sargent, Kent A. Sato, Michie Schvaneveldt, Paul L. Schwartz, Timothy C. Shill, Matthew Paul Simmons, Laurel Smith, Marianne Snarr, William Todd Snell, Quinn O. Snyder, Stephen Arthur Soderquist, Kris Sodja, Julie Lyn Soper, Kerry David Sorensen, G. Marie Adamson Sorensen, Sheri Anderson
Sorenson, Mary Anne S. Stanger, Debbie Ann Bott Steele, Trudy Stegelmeier, Chris Loren Stein, Taylor V. Stoker, Jeff L. Stone, Scott Strate, Michel L. Taney, Timothy J. Tanner, Darlene Diane Deakin Tatum, Larry J. Taylor, Cortney L. Taylor, Jolyn S. Teuscher, James Henry Todd, Michael James Tolman, Nathan K. Tschaggeny, Justin Ross Van Der Beek, Ralph Hendrikjan Vanniel, Thomas G. Vaterlaus, Misty' L. Velasco, Linda Montoya Walker, Karen L. Walker, Natalie Ann Wall, Steven Edwin Wallis, Eric K. Wallis, Valerie Johnson Wardle, Marianne E. Watkins, Michele Watson, Heidi Molyneux Webster, Cindy J. N. Whitaker, Jodie Lyn Widdison, Jamie H. Wilkes, Rebecca Mishell Crumley Wilson, Paula Witucki, Theresa M. Woodward, Mark K. Worthen, Katharine H. Worthington, Andrea Wright, Mindi H. Wright, Sandra P. Xu, Da Kun Young, Jenifer Lyn Youngman, Tami Frost Zuniga-Espejo, Luis Alberto
Candidates fo r Graduation
B usiness D a vid B. Stephens
Names listed in the program do not constitute graduation.
Dean Maddock, Duane Arthur McGrew, Julie Ann A g riculture Merritt, Lizette Rodney J. Broum Messina, Lester James Miller, Ronald Alverice Dean Nelson, Lynn M. Nerdin, Darin J. Allen, Chris Warren Nguyen, Christopher Hoa Alvarez-Martinez, Ivette P. Ostler, Brian Kent Barclay, Kleet Arnold Otten, Russell Kay Bartausky, Michelle Lyn Pace, Rhonda Thorson Baugh, Penny Peterson, Hugh Nels Beckstead, Sheila M. Phillips, Donald A. Behling, Keven J. Phillips, Sheldon M. Bell, David Alder Poll, Val L. Boswell, William P. Price, Troy M. Bowman, Brett R. Rawson, Greg Braithwaite, Stephen Clair Richards, Jerolee Bundy, John H. Rindlisbacher, David William Call, Robert Bryce Ritchie, Karl Brent Campbell, Stephanie Ritchie, Kathryn Clark, Ross M. Robinson, David Dean Cooper, Hal J. Rood, Kerry A. Cox, Jeffrey Theo Rood, Rachel Taylor Crowther, Shannon Kae Salsbury, Jodie Marie Dalton, Alice Naomi Sampson, Bradley Jay Day, Shane Austin Seethaler, Lisa D. Degraffenried, Daniel Ashton Shelley, Jeffery Ivan Dewsnup, Russell Kent Shoop, Kathleen Marie Doty, Bill Darrell Jr. Smith, Brad K. Duke, David L. Snyder, Stephen Arthur Egelund, Jo L. Soderquist, Kris Espinosa, Pablo Esteban Staheli, Matt G. Farina, Cesar Acosta Stanger, Brent Lee Gasvoda, Gretchen Kay Stoker, Jeff L. Gepford, Aaron T. Stoor, Irene R. Gibson, Nancy D. Tanner, Cynthia L. Gilbert, Sharmon Noell Thackeray, Todd Francis Grosh, Randall Sheldon Todd, David C. Gurney, Brett Steven Watkins, Aldon Tanner Haderlie, Kent Bullock Wilkinson, Eric Wilde Harris, Amy Rose Rapp Wong, Min Hui Hassan, Osman A. Haws, Natalie Annette Chambers Wootton, Russell David Workman, Glendon Harvey Higley, James Richard Yeates, Andrew J. Hirschi, Rick LaVall Zambrano, Kenedy Agustin Hobbs, Randall Larsen Zollinger, Bruce H. Houston, Gregory M. Hunt, Jarrod Huntsman, Scott B. A ssociate o f A p p lied Irish, David A. S cience Degrees Jensen, Brian J. Jensen, Mark David Bauman, Len Ralph Jensen, Shane A. Bryan, Craig L. Kener, Daniel E. Dimond, Dean T. Kettle, Roby M. Hebdon, Michele Khodadadi, Mahin Larson, Nicholas B. Killpack, Lisa Noffsinger, Kenneth E. Knight, Don Rey Spencer, Scott W. Kot, Hui Yin Stagg, Robert Steven Larkin, Michael D. Larson, Matt R. Lefler, Lowell J. One-Year Certificates Levanger, Amy Jo Huebner, Martin F. Libbey, Dana D. Noffsinger, Kenneth E. Mace, Cathryn Ann
Adams, Joyce Young Adams, Mark Alan Adams, Melinda S. Adams, Paul D. Ahmed, Nazri Abdul Malik Ambler, Jonathan An, Jin M. Anderson, Lisa Anderson, Michael B. Andrews, Linda Grace Anglin, Natalie Kaye Armstrong, Bradley J. Arnold, Ronnie Steve Ashcraft, Troy Edward Atkinson, Brian W. Atwood, Sharon L. Babcock, Ray Cornell Bair, Michael D. Baird, Robin B. Baker, Harland Drew Ball, Michael Gary Barfuss, David John Bates, Dan J. Batty, Gregory C. Bessembinders, Edward Paul Beutler, Karen Bitton, Clark Jay Black, Kedric M. Blackburn, David Keith Blanchard, Michael F. Boehlen, Mark T. Boren, Gib Elam Bovee, Gerold L. Brady, Hailey Brandner, LeAnn K. Bringhurst, Stuart Taylor Brown, Carolyn Suzanne Brown, Kenneth Wayne Brown, Morgan Reed Browning, Eric Lloyd Bryner, Tonya Booth Burkley, Jeff O. Buttars, Jay B. Butterfield, Brandon K. Butterfield, Curtis H. Byun, Kang Kweng Campbell, Jeffrey Dale Carson, Anjanette Carson, Jimmy McLane Carter, Karen Carter, Thomas W. Jr. Case, Brandy Lee Chang, Jo-Tsui Chen, Chia-Hui Chen, Hui-Err Child, Stephen G. Chow, Shirley Christensen, Craig Watson Christensen, Lynn Ann Christensen, Steven B. Christopherson, Michael Lynn Chugg, Clayton D. Cobb, Adam Loren Coleman, Kyle E.
Comer, Janene W. Corbett, Mamie Comelison, Todd L. Cox, Jill M. Crane, Keri Croft, Brad L. Croswhite, Chris D. Cullimore, Nolan James Daines, Rex K. Dallin, Natalie Olsen Davenport, James Kenneth Denning, Tifani A. Dickerson, Genevieve L. Dimick, Katherine Lynn Dittmore, Wayne B. Dixon, Carl Dolling, Wendy M. Doutre, Alyssa LaBarge Durfee, Tracy D. Eames, Kenneth Jeffrey Edmondson, John Hayward III Egan, Jill L. Egan, Wade W. Egbert, Penny Eister, Dennis Howard Eldredge, Burr LaMar Elquist, Mike R. Elwood, Dennis Ray Erickson, Darven D. Erickson, Paul J. Erickson, Scott W. Escalona-Hernandez, Emilio M. Famuliner, Sharilyn Grant Fielding, Vernon W. Fogarty, Michael Reed Fonnesbeck, Maja J. Francis, Michelle Frandsen, Justin Boyd Freeman, Anna Maria Frehner, Greg S. Frey, Kristine Laurie Frodsham, Karol L. Frost, Kip T. Fry, Craig Alan Fujikura, Yasuhiro Gallamore, Darrell Glen Gammill, Chanin Price Garrard, Melvin Kurt Gibson, Brian Keith Gladwin, Emily Leontine Godi, Michelle Lynn Goode, Rod A. Goodman, Adam M. Gottfredson, Cathy Green, John Richard Greenhalgh, Angela F. Gregory, Nancy JoAnne Griffin, Tana Grizzell, Matthew Alan Grove, Louise Marie Gubler, David D. Gunnell, Nolan Parker Hafen, Karl J. Hall, Deeana Hall, Jennifer L. Hall, Wells Hansen, Alyson Hicken Hansen, Cheri McMullin Hansen, Clayton Reed Hansen, Renae Neilson
Hansen, Wes N. Hanson, Hayley Hoskins Hartman, Tim C. Hastings, Brett Wayne Hatch, Brian R. Haywood, Kimberly E. Heal, Laura J. Hendricks, Troy S. Herrerea, Abel F. Hiibner, Craig J. Hillyard, Lisa Hinckley, Allison Hirschi, Lynn J. Hobbs, Jennifer S. Hofheins, Kristyn Larsen Holmes, Mark D. Holmgren, Jason J. Hori, Seiichiro Hoth, Eric James Housley, Clayton J. Howell, Jaime Hsieh, Shu-Chuan Hsieh, Wen Feng Hsu, Chi Cheng Starky Hugie, Randy A. Humphreys, Rick D. Hurst, Ann P. Hyatt, D. Scott Ibrahim, Rohasnah Innes, Natalie Intrasena, Auswin Iverson, Chad Michael Jackman, Roxanne Jacobsen, Tiffinie Janes, Karen Janes, Tracy Lynn Janes, Troy D. Jardine, Richard L. Jarrett, David Jarrett, Kristen L. Jenkins, Carol Ann Jenkins, Lori Ann Jennings, Deana Jensen, Gayle Kathleen Jensen, Kenneth R. Jensen, Shawn Kevin Jeppesen, Jason Seldon Jiang, Qing Johnson, Brad G. Johnson, Brent L. Johnson, Natalie Lois Johnson, Richard W. Jones, Benjamin F. Jones, Lori Jones, Stephen Karren, Shauna M. Kettell, Joshua T. Kidman, Dan H. Killian, Troy Jan Kirby, Blake R. Kotabe, Akira Kotter, Dirk Victor Lakshmipathi, Anand Larsen, Jonathan C. Lawrence, Chuck O. Learning, Aimee LaRee Lee, Brad J. Lee, Duane Edward Lee, John E. Lee, Randall Mark
Limb, Daniel J. Lin, Chin-Lien Sun Lin, Hsiouching Lind, Bretton Royce Littlefield, John Clough III Longhurst, Cara L. Louder, Ellen S. Louder, Korey L. Love, Nancy G. Loveland, Mike Jay Low, Lezlee A. Lowry, Bruce N. Madsen, Dalan K. Maestas, Michelle K. Manfull, Merrill David Matekovic, Lisa M. May, Burton W. McBride, Terry Mark McClain, Phillip A. McGinnis, Patrick Shawn McIntyre, Leslie R. McKissick, Wendy Michelle McMullin, Lynette Larson McMullin, Michael Ross McNeill, Newton H. Merritt, Amee Elaine Miles, Alyssa Anne Mill, Krista L. Miller, Timothy Carlyle Mitchell, Norman K. Mitchell, Scott Modesitt, Donald Ray Moore, Roderick Anthony Morgan, Michelle Jensen Morley, Karen Elaine Morris, Scott Dale Mortensen, Roger N. Moscon, Melissa Ann Moulton, Bryan Ross Myers, DeLyn Nakamura, Mike C. Naylor, Corey Lena Berchtod Nelson, Brandon C. Nelson, Curtis Jon Nelson, David C. Nelson, Gordon Levi Nelson, Kimberly D. Nethercott, Kevin L. Niwa, Michael Ted Nordstrom, Tori L Obray, Lori Andersen Ockey, Kent Gerald Olsen, Kenny W. Olsen, P. Brian Olson, Richard Alan Orton, Kelly Jo Owen, Shaun R. Palmer, Kyle Pappas, Andrea E. Park, John W. Parkinson, Layne Gerald Parkinson, Scott F. Pasternak, Mark Allen Perkins, Douglas T. Petersen, Matt S. Peterson, Debra Kay Peterson, Eric R. Peterson, Kathryn H. Peterson, Raymond R. Pfannenstiel, Heidi Marie
Phang, Hsueh Terng Phillips, Christine E. Smith Pitcher, Alayna Pocock, Ray R. Prescott, Tamara J. Pribadi, Anita Francisca Price, Quinn Vaughan Ra, Min Young Ranasinghe, Manuja Ajith Rasmussen, Jason Scott Razak, Roshdi Read, Carl Lee Redd, Matthew K. Reese, Evan R. Reybum, Terry A. Rich, Mark K. Rickers, Edward Benjamin Riley, William Patrick Ripplinger, Blaine Carl Risa, Snorre Ritchie, Karen Robbins, Douglas B. Robinson, Lance P. Rollo, Tami Romero, Lisa G. Rowley, Gregory Leonard Ruiz, Israel R. Sadler, M. Todd Samuels, Edward Sargent, Kent A. Savage, Janine Schank, Paul Martin Schmutz, Kenneth Schow, S. Kent Seamons, Steven Don Sessions, David B. Shin, Yong Bum Shiotani, Sean M. Shoop, Chad Lorin Siddoway, Lansing Clark Simmons, Bruce Skinner, Ethan Jon Smart, Brian R. Smart, Jeffrey B. Smellie Ronald H. Smith, Dean A. Smith, Gina Keller Smith, JoAnn Huber Smith, Kristine Funk Smith, Phillip A. Sodja, Julie Lyn Sorensen, Tom D. Sparrow, Randall W. Spraktes, Mark D. Sripairojthikoon, Saowanee Starley, Allen R. Steed, Shawn J. Stephenson, Eric LaMar Stirling, Julianne Stockham, John Morgan Storaas, Kristin Stout, James E. Sujcha, Pisal Sunoto, Dewanti Symons, Ila D. Tan, Yean Foon Tanner, Darlene Diane Deakin Tay, Geok-Lian Taylor, Christopher Lee Taylor, Cortney L.
Taylor, Gary E. Taylor, Scott C. Tenney, Ann Teo, Seow Liang Tommy Theurer, Jami Kae Udy Thomas, Joel F. Thomas, Lana E. Lirette Thomas, Paul M. Thomas, Sandra Jo Thompson, Todd R. Thomson, Karen Janette Thurston, Todd F. Tjeng, Tjin Shen Todd, Michael James Toh, Fong-Chai Toh, Sor Peng Tolman, Nathan K. Topham, Michelle C. Torchio, Leslie Louise Tran, Tiffany Trout, Mark H. Udy, Stephanie Utley, Russell Dell Valentine, Kellie Vaterlaus, Christoff Charles Wadley, Marnell Walters, Glen Floyd Warburton, Paul Samuel Watson, Todd P. Webster, Cindy J. N. Welle, John Charles II Weston, Shelly Wheeler, Jennifer Ann Wheeler, Scott Christian Whitaker, Richard Kent White, David William Williams, Jocelyn Michelle Winger, David E. Wissmar, Erik N. Womack, Jeffery Alan Wood, Donald E. Woodruff, Daniel M. Woodward, Mark K. Wright, Scott Matthew Yates, Effie Yoon, Byung Won Young, Deryn C. Young, Malia Leilani Young, Walter K. Youssef, Nabil N. Jr. Zollinger, Cynthia A.
Associate o f A p p lied Science Degrees Alleman, Laura Ashby, Denise A. Augenstein, Julie R. Ball, Nancy Beagley, Karen Ann Blair, Kathi R. Buttars, Kristin B. Child, Geraldine Campbell Coleman, Marsha Crosby, Amy Egan, Jill L. Eschler, Michelle D. Fencil, Tawna J. Ferreyra, Kimberly Theresa
Godderidge, Chelese K. Gregrich, Sharon A. Hansen, Cheri McMullin Harper, Jeanne Leatham Hinckley, Allison Holtman, Jill Jessop, Jamie A. Jones, Lisa Lund Jones, Mary Kay Kajiyama, Yukari Kent, Gaylene Larsen, Toni Lee Madsen, Kathy Madsen, Marjorie Kae Marchant, Mindy McDowell, Lois Jean Merrill, Lotti Neeleman, Christine Lamb Porter, Lisa Rasmussen, Tina L. Reid, Eva M. Smith, Linda M. Soenardi, Etin Prihati Sproul, DeAnn Newbold Steele, Marcie Marie Tahara, Mari Thomas, Chalynn Goodrich Tooley, Jennifer E. Muir Wagstaff, Janet Williams, G.M.
E d u c a tio n Oral L. B allam Dean Adams, Rakell Dubois Agee, Laurel Geneva Albrecht, Jeraldene Alexander, Debi Allen, Jacqueline Allman, Jamie Allman, William Karl Allred, Mark Boyd Andersen, Eric Edward Anderson, Pamela Cooley Anderson, Tracy Anderton, Cindy L. Andreasen, Roger James Andriano, Marcia Antonietta, Felicia Lynn Arave, Jerry Elgin Arave, Teresa Connolly Ard, Jennifer Kathleen Ardito, Janeen Greer Ashment, Kerry S. Astle, Kristal LeeAnn Atkisson, Rosanne Baird, JoDi K. Baird, Todd Claine Baker, Kevin C. Bearup, Cami L. Bellew, Janet Johnson Belnap, Scott Wayne Bennett, Debra Michelle Bernard, Elaine Marlene Bemhisel, Sally Kay Bird, Timothy K. Bishop, Melody F. Blanchard, Vivian H.
Blauer, Stacy L. Blaxall, Lisa Jeannine Bond, Amy Wiscombe Booth, Brett L. Bowen, Cindy Merinda Bowers, Tamara L. Bowne, Jennifer Bowns, Karen Branch, Reba Marie Turner Breck, William Christopher Briggs, Erika Maughan Briscoe, Kaylin White Brog, Koz Nathan Brown, Christopher James Brown, Cindy Jean Brown, Clare Lynn Brown, William Austin Browning, Carol Kidman Brush, Robert W. Bryan, Camille Bryson, Steven G. Bullock, Rodney Larry Burkley, Meghan A. Burt, Leslie Ann Butler, Belinda Ann Butterfield, Scott Allen Cain, Miriam C. Caldwell, Christine Campbell, Debbie S. Carabello, Maura Elizabeth Carles, Scott Emerson Carlsen, Rusty C. Carlson, Cheri L. Carlson, Lanette Carmack, Camille White Carter, Elaine C. Charlton, Elayne Christensen, Darla Christensen, Lynnette Christensen, Sheila S. Christenson, Bruce D. Christiansen, Kelly Chung, King Clark, Kristin R. Cloward, Laurie Brown Coburn, Steven Adrian Cockerham, Teresa Parkin Collins, Carrie Lyn Colovich, Colette A. Conley, Tanya Conn, Lisa W. Connerley, Kaylyn Cook, Richard C. Cooper, Nelden Eugene Copenhaver, Kathleen Mary Cornwell, Nicholas Phillip Couch, Janice Sedgwick Cowley, Julia Ann Cox, Jeffrey Allan Coyne, Shirley G. Craig, Kaylene T. Cramer, Deborah Diane Crook, Janet Wilkes Cundall, Katy C. Massey Cutler, Debra L. Daley, Roger M. Daugs, Rachel D. Davis, Christine H. Davis, Donald Chadwick DeBloois, Krista L.
Dean, JanaLee Dearden, Sue A. Debruin, Barbara LA Defriez, Gregg B. Dennis, Nylyn Derderian, Janice Lynn Dickson, Kathryn (Katie) Terry Dimick, Richard C. Donyes, Brenda Lee Downs, Kristin King Dredge, Marla Lynn Drollinger, Suzanne S. Duncan, Stephanie J. Dustman, L.J. Ebino, Takao Edoff, Debbie Ann Eichelberger, Deborah Kay Eldredge, Maria L. Eleshuk, Connie J. Ellis, Lynette Pedersen Elmlinger, Lynell Emmett, James D. Emmett, Linda L. Empey, Tracie A. Ence, Pauleen Erickson, McKay L. Erikson, Dana Eskelsen, Wendy Teague Esplin, Karyn Jean Evans, Denna Lee Perrett Evans, Tiffany M. Everett, Robert Young Fabrizio, Debra S. Fausett, Terri L. Favero, Michael J. Finlinson, Jean Firth, Kimberly Flamm, Susan Flint, Brenda Flygare, Tammy Fonnesbeck, Shelly W. Forbush, Lori T. Forsman, Kathleen M. Forthun, Larry F. Foster, Darlene Palmer Foster, Lili M. Fox, Dayne Lee Fraser, Jeffrey R. Freudenthal, Denis Lyle Frye, Stacey Rindlisbaker Garcia-Young, Luisa Victoria Gardner, Russell B. Garrabrant, Amy Marie Gentry, David Ray Glass, Marjorie Ann Glenn, Janelle Gordon, Tamisa Lyn Gossner, Taunya Spencer Gowans, Don S. Gowen, Janice W. Graft, Jay Ryan Gray, Nancy E. Bingham Greenhalgh, Lanai Greer, Susanne Gregory, Geniel Gregory, Shawn Royal Gross, Norma Jean Hacking Grover, Nedra R. Gunnell, Randi Hacker, John Larkin
Halcomb, Glenda Lee Haley, Mijken Hampton, Wendy Golightly Hanes, Scott Raymond Hann, David A. Hansen, Audrey Leah Petersen Hansen, Joan Bernice Hansen, Julie Brewer Hansen, Sheri Perrett Harmon, Amy Harward, Cindy Hatch, Daranee Schick Hauer, Pauline Sill Haws, Laurie Rae Heath, JoLayne C. Helgesen, Sean Morgan Helsing-Chadwick, Becky Blue Hemphill, Leaunda Schaeffer Henderson, Cheri Lyn Elkington Hendrickson, Kami Lynn Henningsen, Dirk Patrick Hermansen, Diane M. Hinck, Nolan Rod Hintze, Jonna Hirschi, Dianne Marie Hodges, Heidi May Hoffman, Loudawn Hollist, Lisa Hurst Holmgren, Ute C. Holmes, Fawn E. Hortin, Sherilyn Hossner, Jennifer Kay Hougaard, Shannon Eardley Howells, Amy Erekson Howells, Daniel Spencer Hughes, Doni Parker Huitt, John M. Hulet, Rosalie Buchanan Humphreys, Cindy Humphreys, Trace Hunter, Theodore Thomas Ivie, Karen Jack, Shawn V. Jackson, Catherine N. Jacobs, John Richard Jahsman, Elizabeth James, Robert N. James, Tracy Lynn Pearson Jensen, Kelli M. Jensen, Kymberly Dianne Jensen, Laurel Denise Jenson, Becky B. Jeppson, Jennifer Jessen, James H. Jessen, Vickie Lynn Johansen, Cathy Lin Johnson, Catherine Johnson, Jennifer Johnson, Karene Kaye Johnson, Nathan Howard Johnson, Shawndra Lynn Jensen Johnson, Tera L. Jones, A. Michele Jones, Judy Ann Jones, Patricia L. Olsen Jorgensen, Lisa Jorgensen, Susan Lyn Julander, Jennifer Bird
Kalin, Karla Renee Karren, David Michael Keele, Wesley A. Kelson, Bobbi Jo Kener, Heidi Kennedy, Todd Bruce Kennick, Connie Kerr, Burton T. Kerr, Juanita M. Kirby, Kathleen Knaphus, Cindy L. Knighton, S. Victoria Koester, Lenore Carlin Kondor, Diana Irene Krueger, Cynthia Anne Larsen, Brenda Lee Larsen, Korena L. Larsen, MaryAnn Stobbe Larson, Belinda Ione LeFevre, Anna Lefevor, Laurie Anne Lewis, David L. Lewis, Sherry Ann Young Lewis, Valerie J. Lichtenberg, Alan Boyd Lichtenberg, Michelle Hatch Lindquist, Robert R. Linton, Tammy Lee Long, Darrin S. Lott, Sherry L. Loveland, Valerie Maye Lowder, Marla K. Lund, Berkeley Lund, Daniel John Lundahl, Frances C. Lupoid, Vicena R. Madsen, Natasha R. Mair, Trudy Mandros, Shelley Lynette Mangum, Jodi Lynn Mann, Ruth Ann R. Mansfield, Suzanne G. Martin, Julia Nix Martin, Ronald Martin, Tamara Martinez, Adam Marx, Anita Mathis, Suzanne Mathys, Tanya A. Wolfley Matthews, Misty Maxwell, Joe C. Jr. Mayes, Michael Allen Maylett, Clorinda C. McBride, Tarlton Lee McCleary, Julie A. Durfee McCluskey, Travis Ned McCurdy, Nanette McDougal, Patricia Smoot McGee, Rachel Turner McGee, Robert Cameron McKague, Beth McKinney, Robyn L. McMurray, David Michael Melcomian, Melanie Helen Meldrum, Michelle Merchant, JoLyne Bradshaw Merrill, Natalie N. Michel, Tanya Robinson Mikesell, Laura LaNae Millward, Chad Webster
Milne, Tracy B. Misener, Dave L. Molina, MaryLou Montgomery, Cynthia F. Moon, Jeffrey Marshall Moore, Greg Allen Morgan, Diane A. Morrill, Amy Marie Mortensen, James Dean Moser, Amy B. Muir, Sharon L. Murray, Robert Tod Murray, Sheri Ann Mutchie, Jenifer M. Myhal, Carolyn Osborne Nancarrow, Ann M. Nelson, Amy Dawn Nelson, Brad Lester Nelson, Kathy Butterfield Nelson, Sherrie Rackley Newman, Virginia L. Nichols, Gregory Hyde Nielsen, Jane Nielsen, Rick F. Nielsen, Russell Larry Nish, Jana L. Norris, Blaine L. Obray, Janiece Jones Ogunde, Lola Tutu Oliver, Victoria Lynn Oli verson, Jill Olsen, Kamille S. Olsen, Sue Olsen, VeeDawn Rindlisbacher Olson, Kristine G. Olson, Nancy Marie Olson, Reed Daniel Orr, Alice May Osmond, Christine Lee Gulden Otten, Taunya Kay Ottesen, Elizabeth Ann Otteson, Sara Lee Owens, Lori L. Smith Oxborrow, Tonia Kae Pack, Sarah Ann Packer, Barbara Sue Page, Lauralee Brown Palmer, Laralee Palmer, Michele Palmer, Michelle Panasuk, Sheradawn Park, Lareesa Parker, Shaura Lynn Parkinson, Shawna Pattee, Teresa Lynn Pearson, Melissa Pearson, Sharleen Peck, Duane C. Pendleton, Kaelyne W. Pennington, Kristin Davenberg Perkes, Rhonda Mumford Perkins, Linda Parker Perry, Connie L. Petersen, Janet M. Peterson, Julianne Pierson, Russell J. Platt, Rhonda Potts, Janene Bolton Poulsen, Nancy Kathleen Poulsen, Sandra Albrecht
Poulson, Todd Lars Poulson, Vickie K. Price, Amy Prichard, Shelley Kay Pugh, Deborah Curtis Quinn, Patrick Bryan Rasband, Richard Kent Rasmussen, Blake B. Rasmussen, Heather L. Rasmussen, Lorie Lloyd Reed, Steven Donald Reeder, Kimberly Howell Reel, Kathy K. Rees, Fred L. Reese, Tina Marie Reid, Kara Reier, Shelly B. Rhodes, Janet Richards, Jeffrey McKay Richardson, Kristine Foster Riding, Steven Mark Rindlisbacher, Kenneth Sy Roberts, Dyana Roberts, Michele McQuarrie Roberts, Susan Canto Robinson, Clint L. Robinson, Kathy Maughan Robinson, Lisa B. Robison, Susan Roth Rognaar, Jennifer Lynn Ross, Pete Anthony Roundy, April Roundy, Cassie Anne Rowley, Teresa Rudie, Cristie Jolene Rummel, Christine M. Rydalch, Julie M. Sargent, JoAnna Mary Johnson Sargent, Troy L. Sato, Michie Satterthwaite, Mary Katherine Saupan, Robyn L. Saurer, Jill S. Saylor, Michele Schmutz, Carrie A. Schreiber, Mindy Jean Schwartz, Timothy C. Scott, Adrienne J. Scott, Paula Watkins Seegmiller, Diana Ethridge Segle, Shaun David Severson, Donna Cain Sheffer, Don Rulon Sheppard, Brandi L. Sherman, Kathy Morris Shumway, Jill Thompson Simonson, Malissa Daniels Skollingsberg, Sheri Ann Slack, Leslie Slater, Ronda Smith, Andrea Smith, Bruce Alan Smith, Karie Allred Smith, Marianne Smith, Sherri Lynne Smith, Wendy Jo Stanley Smoak, Leslie Ann Pilling Sorensen, Norman N. Sorensen, Sheri Anderson Sorenson, Mary Anne S.
South, Jennifer Dabell Spencer, Kresta Lynn Squires, Nolan C. Stagg, Flora Ann Stanger, Debbie Ann Bott Steggell-Earl, Valerie Sterne, Elizabeth Ann Stevens, Matthew Stoddard Stevens, Ronald Jay Stewart, Mickie Jo Strate, Michel L. Sullivan, Erin Michael Swainston, Teresa Marie Swenson, David John Swinehart, Lynn Marie Terry, Byron K. Thom, Richard Lee Thompson, Chad G. Tibbetts-Taylor, Tami D. Trujillo, Melissa A. Twiggs, Linda Jo Manwill Vaterlaus, Misty L. Velasco, Linda Montoya Wagstaff, Jeanna Rae Walker, Karen L. Walker, Natalie Ann Wall, Lisa D. Wall, Steven Edwin Wanlass, Starla Marie Warr, Leslee Watson, Heidi Molyneux Wayman, Coralee Hailing Wayment, Lanae Webb, Jami Whitaker, Jodie Lyn White, Joseph Michael Whitehouse, Jerry R. Whittington, Kerri Lynn Wickham, LuAnn Widdison, Jamie H. Wilkes, Rebecca Misheil Crumley Williams, David Tim Williams, Stacey J. Wilson, Kimberly K. Witucki, Theresa M. Womack, Suzanne Wood, Diana Marie Wood, Nita Mecham Woods, Joanne LaPray Woodward, Tracy Lynn Worthen, Katharine H. Wortley, David William Wright, Christian Wright, Sandra P. Wylie, Wayne William Yack, George Lane Young, Jenifer Lyn Young, Karen Barlow Youngman, Tami Frost
E ngineering A . Bruce, Bishop
Dean Abel, Timothy Paul Adamson, David Edwin Allen, Brian L.
Allen, Daniel Ross Anderson, Doug Thomas Anderson, Eric Roy Anderson, Paul Clark Au, Chau Q. Austin, Edward R. Bailey, Craig Ralph Baker, Kevin D. Bassett, Alan Wilmer Batty, Jae Oman Baugh, Brian Dean Benson, Duane J. Bouwman, Kevin D. Branch, Paul Craig Bravo, Humberto Buttars, Jon Rodney Campbell, Scott Alma Carlen, Greg L. Carlsen, Wayne D. Carter, Clayton R. Chong, Chai Huat Christensen, Layne J. Clayton, Todd Glen Cole, Ruth Petersen Comer, Kyle J. Conrad, Clayton Miles Coombs, Curtis K. Crowther, Brent Evan Davis, Larry Deeter, Brian R. Diagana, Khalilou Didericksen, Darren M. Dilworth, Dan Brighton Duve, Ryan Duncan Ensz, Mark T. Er, Kong Seng Ewer, Darin R. Ewing, Mark E. Famuliner, Grant V. Ferguson, Russell L. Ferney, Gregory Don Finlinson, Layne W. Finlinson, Rick E. Francis, Steven G. Fullerton, Baird Hall Fung, Irene Gatch, Jeanette Ann Mahoney Gerrard, Michael K. Giles, Tracy Z. Greathouse, Joseph Paul Grimshaw, Shalaine Hall, Donald Wayne Hamlin Donald R. Hancey, Neil Handy, Ken B. Hanks, Scott Dee Hansen, Kenneth E. Harris, Steven L. Hartley, Kent Andrew Hatch, John C. Haynes, Gregory Charles Hess, Douglas Eugene Hines, Mark V. Hirasuna, Jeffrey J. Hoffmann, David M. Hollien, Travis Houser, Lance E. Hughes, Rickey D. Hyer, Zan Nolan Jensen, Darrell Mason Jensen, Jhan Michael Jensen, John Kingsley Jezak, Kevin K.
Johnson, Brent M. Johnson, Michael Clyde Jorgensen, Bert R. Kei, Yukfai King, Vance Kjar, Thomas L. Larson, Troy Douglas Le, Eric Van Lin, Ju-Ping Liu, Mimi Lloyd, David C. Loveland, Chauncey D. Maynes, Daniel R. McEntire, Jonathan Rich McJunkin, Timothy R. McKinnon,Craig R. Meave, Oscar Reynaldo Melville, Chris J. Menlove, Kenneth Crandall Merrill, Eric J. Meyerhoffer, Kenneth Eldon Mikesell, Christopher Don Millard, Lisa E. Moore, Ryan J. Morgan, David C. Moser, Val D. Moyle, Douglas Munk, Alan Jay Nelson, Bart W. Nham, Huey Sang Niebergall, Steven Robert Nielsen, D. Jeffrey Nishikawa, Masaharu Norton, Shawn Glen Olson, Darin T. Parker, Todd Dean Pehrson, Mark T. Phua, Kok Teck Player, Gene Harvey Poulsen, Jerry Tate Rasmussen, Greg L. Reese, Craig Lyle Reiheld, Annalisa Marie Riley, Darren Kay Robertson, George M. Roedel, Shaun R. Romriell, Joseph Neil Rowsell, Edwin A. Russell, Charles W. Rydman, Nathan D. Sagers, Daren L. Salzetti, Paul L. Savage, Bruce M. Scoresby, Paul H. Scott, Deron K. Sheikh Hamud, Issa Abdullahi Slade, Clay (E) Smith, Michael R. Steeneck, Ronald Russell Steiner, Shawn D. Stone, Scott Tanimoto, Brian N. Thomas, Kenneth L. Thompson, Craig E. Toller, Scott C. Toombs, Stephanie A. Tran, Quang Thieu Tschaggeny, Justin Ross Tubbs, Brent Albert Turner, David S. Veile, Mike Leman Vest, Kurt Walker, Shane Reed Wallis, Brian J.
Wang, Chin-Hai Weaver, Wade Russell West, Andrew Lewis Wilkinson, Jon Christopher Woodruff, Steven P.
Associate o f A p p lied Science Degrees Barber, Charles F. Brough, Mark David Cady, Dan W. Gerrard, Michael K. Jensen, Derrick E. Thomspon, Brent Wayne
F a m ily L ife Bonita W. W yse Dean Anderson, Holly H. Anderson, Marie Baker, Latisha Ann Barrett, Stanley Dee Baugh, Penny Blake, Jennifer Blanchard, Kelly Lynn Braithwaite, Stephen Clair Brinegar, Lee Brown, Deann Browne, Margo Hardy Campbell, Stephanie Cheney, Janece Cleone Clark, Krystn Swensen Clark, Ross M. Cook, Gina Ann Cooper, Hal J. Crowther, Shannon Kae Dabb, Carrie J. Stauffer Dougher, Stacie Hadley Doyle, Julie Christine Espinosa, Pablo Esteban Evans, Monta M. Falslev, Annette M. Fenton, Ruth Irene Foley, Sharaun V. Foster, Janet Albrechtsen Fullmer, Laura Ann Gibson, Nancy D. Goodrich, Jody Gottfredson, Elizabeth Sinclair Griffeth, John D. Griffin, Amy A. Grizzell, Deborah Jenson Grosh, Randall Sheldon Hansen, Heather Harris, Amy Rose Rapp Haws, Natalie Annette Chambers Hendrickson, Sherilyn Rees Hill, Susan Hogan, Melissa S. Holmes, Sara Huhtakangas, Paula Irmeli Irish, David A. Israelsen, Yvonne Greenwood Jamison, Lisa Bauman Jenson, Julie Dawn
Johnson, Kirsten Kendrick, Rachelle Lee Khodadadi, Mahin Killian, Eric Stanley Koch, Lori Ann Pettey Kot, Hoi Yin Lawson, Amy L. Lightfoot, Jashelle Lund, Lori Kae Parrish Lundahl, Heidi Lynch, Marjorie Mace, Cathryn Ann Manning, Lori Ann Marchant, Marci A. Maw, Kari Joan McDowell, Lois Jean McEvoy, Carrie Merrill, Cynthia Moss, Debra Lynn Mulliner, Holly Christine Myers, Tracy Ann Olsen, Caroline Dawn Parrish, Joan Landward Peck, Suzanne Marie Peterson, L. Jesse Phillips, Donald A. Phillips, Sheldon Merrill Richards, Jerolee Richards, Ralph L. Rood, Rachel Taylor Sears, Louise Seethaler, Lisa D. Shoop, Kathleen Marie Smith, Rebecca Dallin Soderquist, Kris Speth, Emma Jean Staheli, Kimberly Lynne Stolworthy, Janet Nichols Tanner, Cynthia L. Thomas, Kari S. Thurgood, Candace A. Waldron, Lisa Anne Wellard, Susan Rae Hirschi Wheeler, Stacie Leigh White, Kimberly Wilkinson, Eric Wilde Wood, Robert David Wright, Mindi H.
H umanities, A rts, a n d Social Sciences Joyce A. Kink ead Acting Dean Adair, Mary Margaret Adams, Michael Todd Ahart, Douglas Scott Aitken, Michael L. Albrecht, Stuart K. Alder, Aaron David Alder, Laurel Cannon Allen, G. Budd Aller, Krista Liljenquist Allison, Brett Paul Anderson, Jayme K. Anderson, Mark A. Arbogast, Nicole Arellano, Richard Lou Ashton, Lori Athan, John David
Autry, JoAnn Ruth Babcock, Mary M. Bagley, Marja M. Bailey, Jeanene Bateman Bain, Michael W. Bair, Brian Ted Baird, Tony Claine Balls, Dan E. Bankhead, Walter K. Banuelos, Jonathan Barfuss, Bret R. Barlow, Douglas M. Barnes, Karolyn D. Barnes, Robert Baxter, Julie Ann Beagley, Alan John Bennion, Jeffrey H. Benson, Sean Douglas Bertolio, Angela Padian Bhat, Prashant Noojibail Bigelow, Lynn A. Bingham, Kathleen E. Bingham, Sherry Beecher Birch, Barry Joseph Bishop, James Kevin Blanc, Annette Marie Blatter, Lisa La Rae Blauer, Dawn Ann Boehm, Gail B. Bosen, Michael Clair Bown, Kenneth R. Brickey, Andrea Bright, Bonnie J. Bright, Joseph Lenard Broadhead, L. William Brooks, Derrick R. Brooks, Peter Davis Jr. Brown, Christopher James Brown, Jeanette Bunker, Edward Paul Bunn, Sharon Bryan Burnett, Heidi L. Burningham, Diedre Ann Bums, Dawn Denise Buttars, L. Jon Byerly, Sheryn Maxiene Orton Bywater, Kevin J. Cabre, George Campbell, Bonnie Campbell, Dane V. Capener, Kalvin R. Carlsen, Janice M. Casperson, Dianne Bingham Center, Rand K. Chandler, Debora Rae Charlesworth, Brian Lex Charlesworth, Jack Gilles III Child, Melissa A. Christensen, Carol M. Christensen, Sheryl P. Christianson, Angela Chugg, Jeffrey B. Cicha, Karen Marie Clark, Jennifer Jo Clark, Paul Daines Clayton, Juanita Laverne Combe, Lori Gail Coodey, Melissa Dyan Cook, Mary Bridget Cook, Paul Carlson Cox, Heather R. Cox, Joan Crim, Julie Ann Crittenden, Dallen E.
Crittenden, Kurt Carroll Crump, Kyle Ray Cummings, David Orson Curtis, David Brett Curtis, James E. Dabb, Lewis J. Dalton, David L. Darley, Layne Earl Datwyler, Jeffrey Dar Davie, Penny Lee Davies, Heide Ann Davis, Christopher R. Deholl, Jeannette Delair, Troy Douglas Denney, Mark Eric Dinenno, Henry Joseph III Dixon, Jared V. Donovan, Timothy Edward Draper, Darrel Brower Duncan, Mark R. Duncan, Sallianne Stallings Eaton, David Kelly Einzinger, Dwight R. Ellermeier, J.B. Ellis, Preston Chad England, Tamara Lee Judd Eo, Seo Kyeong Eskelsen, David William Eubank, Christopher Charles Evans, Maureen K. Evans, Sandra Kay Ewing, Randall F. Eyraud, Kevin Fairman, Terry Wayne Fanjul, Jose B. Farnsworth, Kevin Clay Fausett, Scott K. Feinauer, Allison P. Ferrell, Kimberly J. Fish, Alleen A. Fish, William M. Fliegel, Daniel A. Flores, Mark A. Francis, William A. Frantz, Margaret Ann Frazier, Luke R. Frome, Jennifer A. Freebaim Fryer, Brian G. Fullmer, Samantha Georgia, Paul Jerome Gibb, Donald Bryce Gilbert, Virginia Ellen Gilstrap, Stephanie Ann Glueck, Jennifer P. Go, Tjoe-Leik Good, Jeffery Phillip Goodworth, Kristin Gordon, Kimberly Christensen Gottfredson, Stan D. Graff, Christina L. Graves, Gena De'Awn Greenwood, Amy A. Griffin, Richard Thomas Grover, Rick V. Gunderson, Heather D. Halbe, Colleen A. Hale, Dewey W. Hammond, Jeanne A. Hansen, Jeffrey Alan Hansen, MaryAnn Balls Hardy, Marci Tate Harrison, H. Kreg Hart, Douglas K. Harvey, Tyler G.
Harward, Frank A. Hawk, David Thomas Jr. Heaps, Allan G. Hill, Byron W. Hill, Cheryl Hill, Tori L. Hinckley, Richard Shane Hines, Lynette Ellen Hodson, Michael A. Hoffman, Kendra L. Hoggan, Michelle Kinsey Holley, Robert Donald Hoth, Jill Ann Housley, Clayton J. Hubbard, Kelly W. Huff, Patrese Bradford Huffaker, Richard L. Huguenard, Patricia Ellen Hull, Guy R. Hull, Kerry M. Hymas, Julie Isaacs, Heath S. Jackson, Sharlyn W. Janes, Angela Wallis Jarvis, Paul David Jenkins, Bryan Lee Jenkins, Tracey E. Jensen, Alan Dana Jensen, Annamarie Jensen, Bryan Robert Jensen, Jeffrey L. Jensen, JoLynne Jensen, Krishele Willie Jensen, Kurt R. Jensen, Shelly Irene Good Jenson, Darrin P. Johnson, Eric B. Johnson, Holly K. Johnson, Kenneth Charles Johnson, Kristi Lynn Jones, Cindy Lou Jones, David W. Jones, Janelle Kakuhata, Hiromi Karren, Laura Diane Keller, Chalon Kelly, Jonny D. Kemp, Jesse Barney Jr. Kettring, Elaine R. Kochan, David Michael Kohler, Amy Ann Kunzler, John Conrad Labrum, DeVon D. Lager, Robert J. Larsen, Dulcie D. Larson, Darrell K. Larson, Joyce G. Larson, Mark Shane Laux, Thomas William Leary, Patrick W. Lee, Anna Lewis, Jamie Gilbert Li, Lu Hua Laura Litster, Ellen Littleton, Laura Leigh Liu, Charlie Israel Loveland, Lyle D. Lowther, Cathy R. Luke, Jackie Lynne Lundahl, John Bradley Lynch, John C. MacDonald, A. Odynne MacFarlane, Nancy Ann Valberg
Madhagi, Kimberly Montgomery Magruder, Jim L. Mai, Tamara Lynne Malmstrom, Kristina Mangum, Lyle Erwin Manning, Wayne Christensen Martin, Linda Rosen Mathews, Daniel B. May, Ken Martin Mayr, Jay T. McGaha, Kevin W. McGhie, Brent William McIntosh, Mary J. McLarry, Elizabeth Ann Mickelson, Steven Andrew Miller, Anthony Drake Miller, Lisa Slade Millett, Timothy C. Miner, JoLyn Petersen Monaco, Jodi B. Monson, John A. Moody, Cresfield W. Moody, Mark Emerald Moore, Sophia J. Morris, Cordelia J. Morrow, John P. Morton, Mary C. Moss, Staci Lyn Muffoletto, Christopher Albert Munns, Jessica Anne Munson, Scott Thomas Murphy, Kimberley Murphy, Nicholas Lee Jr. Naganuma, Kazu Narajowski, Deborah Lynn Nelson, Erik Wayne Nelson, Julie Margene Nelson, Michael McKay Neuberger, Brett M. Neville, Julienne Newell, Jennifer Ellen Nguyen, Hai H. Nielson, Gordon Evert Nolan, Renee F. Henderson Obray, Julie A. Obray, Mark K. Olmore, Kris L. Olmstead, Lori G. Olsen, Suzanne Oquendo, Alberto G. Osmond, Patrick D. Owens, Robert W. Oyler, Jeff D. Pacheco, Jeannie V. Pascoe, Jennifer Lynn Passey, Troy G. Patchett, Brian Malcolm Patchett, Stacey Vernon Patel, Deval S. Paul, Andrew Burton II Peery, Michael James Perry, Blaine Cal Petersen, David Shane Petersen, Ronald L. Peterson, Jennifer Peterson, Mamy Lyn Peterson, Sandra Hale Phinney, Kathleen Pisano, Paul Warren Poulton, Kaye Preece, Lesli P. Price, Glenn D. Probst, Jared Bailey
Provost, Arlee Ann Punzalan, Golda Asuncion Narag Rappleye, Jon D. Redd, Merri Allyson Reid, Eva M. Rice, Kevin L. Rice, Terri Lea Richardson, Stephanie Rientjes, Rodney Ray Rigby, Michael W. Ritchie, Kimberly Ann Rizzo, Joseph M. Robinson, Gail Allen Robson, Kyle Ross Rogers, Daniel Scott Rondon, Patricia Eva Roundy, Shaun Bradley Rowe, Judith E. Roylance, Mark Duane Roylance, Nancy Runyan, Catherine O. Sargent, De Anne Savage, Michael Kent Schow, Gregory Alan Schvaneveldt, Paul L. Sellers, Michelle Shaffer, Jodi Ann Shepard, Mark H. Shill, Matthew Paul Shimizu, Yasuhiro Shoell, Dayna Jones Shoell, Malynda Shultz, Kirsten A. Sikorski, Kristie Lynn Simmons, Bart W. Simmons, Laurel Skinner, Darrel G. Smith, Allison Mix Smith, Cory L. Smith, Deven Paul Smith, Tracye Aunette Snarr, William Todd Snowden, Penny Ellen Soper, Kerry David Sorensen, James Lyman Sosnoski, Gregor J. Stacishin-Moura, Elizabeta Staheli, Todd Donald Steele, Trudy Steiner, Thomas Karl Stepherson, Byron W. Stoker, David H. Summers, Ivan Neal Summers, Kayla E. Swallow, Julie Taney, Timothy J. Tatum, Larry J. Taylor, Curt B. Taylor, Jolyn S. Taylor, Mamae Tea, Shari A. Templeton, Jeffrey D. Tew, Cathryn G. Thalman, Kay Louise Theurer, Maria T. Thornell, Michelle M. Thorpe, Felise L. Toller, Missy Tumblom, Todd Allan Turner, Denice H. Van Der Beek, Ralph Hendrikjan Varley, Jeffrey Meyrick Vitale, Thomas Vivoli, Michael Warren Vogel, Ginny Lin Wagenbach, Stacy L.
Wallis, Eric K. Wallis, Valerie Johnson Ward, Jena M. Ward, Sheila Marie Wardle, Marianne E. Waters, Sandra M. Waters, Venna Beth Watkins, Jessa Wayman, Willard A. Webb, Jami Welch, Jeffrey Paul Wheeler, William Scott Whitaker, Cynthia White, David Arland White, Kyra Natasha Whitehead, Tracie Whitney, Alan Whittaker, Angela K. Widmier, Craig Aaron Wilkey, Patrick Todd Willis, R. Brad Willmore, Christine L. Wilson, Kyle Wood, Rulon M. Worthington, Andrea Yeates, Angela Young, Sandee K. Young, Shannon Young, Stacy Rae Zierden, Richard L. Zollinger, Alisa C. Zuniga-Espejo, Luis Alberto
Noriega, Jose A. Pehrson, Chris H. Porter, Lance C. Poulson, Travis Todd Pruitt, Mary Kimberly Reese, Stanley Clinton Remund, Sandra Bea Rhoades, Joseph Nick Rose, Troy D. Ross, Tara J. Santiago, Tovi Savage, Christopher Steven Seibel, Gaylene L. Sherman, Kevin Jay Silvey, Thomas W. Spiering, Randy J. Stein, Taylor V. Stephens, Bryan Hugh Thompson, Heather L. Thomley, Sondra Diane Brown Turner, Cynthia Mae Underwood, Frank Westin Vanderlouw, Douglas Raymond Vanniel, Thomas G. Williams, Monte L. Zollinger, Mark Donovan
Science James A . MacM ahon Dean
N a tu r a l R e s ources
Adams, Merrill Wadley Baduwi, Nor Haryati Bailey, Douglas Quinn Barrow, Jalene Baxter, Suzanne Bennett, Gregory S. Bertagnolli, Robin Wight Brown, Curtis Benjamin Caldwell, Troy J. Callicotte, Sandra Campbell, Lorna Cleto Cangelosi, Christopher James Chapman, Debra Lynn Chiu, Fang Yi Chong, Siak En Christensen, Heidi Berger Clark, Paula Alise Clements, Jenny Lee Cook, Don Ralph Daines, Howard Rainey Davidson, Robert Ted Davis, Angie K. Nelson Dean, Michael Alan Delange, Kregg Lee Drew, Nicole Francine Elkington, Scot R. Esposito, Julio Fabian Everett, Kristin Frischknecht, Kurt N. Garey, Mark W. Gatherum, Kristine Dearden Gibbons, Scott R. Gregory, Buford Lortain Hale, Angela Moore Hale, Rodney Quinn Hall, Maureatha Hancock, Terry V. Haroldsen, David John Hart, Michael D. Haueter, Thomas D. Hill, Scott Justin
Joseph A . Chapman Dean Anderson, Geoffory D. Baker, Richard W. Beacco, Judy Angela Beck, M. Wayne Biscornet, Melissa Jean Bond, Evan G. Briggs, Matthew G. Brough, Mark David Brown, Christopher C. Carlisle, Daren M. Chambers, Carl Andrew Chase, Paul D. Chipman, Kimberly Clements, Kirk B. Draper, Jon C. Driscoll, Diane Mary Duke, Loretta Ruth Ellett, Kent C. Fox, Ed J. Gale, Lori S. Hansen, David A. Heyrend, Douglas J. Hirschi, Kent S. Hoffmann, Brett Curtis Hovinga, Brad S. Hudelson, Timothy J. Hunt, Vincent Moroni Jack, Steven Lester Kelly, Sean M. Kolb, Ronald R. Lahanas, Harry Leppert, Christopher S. Lovell, Gavin Steve Mellenthin, Roger F. Miller, Scott Allen Mull, Ann Marie
Hong, Karen Gay Housley, Julie Anne Huff, David James Jensen, Craig A. Johnson, Keith C. Jones, Kristy L. Jorgensen, Craig Reed Juenke, Joetta Marie Knowlton, Ann Lynette Komeili, Seyed Mehrdad Larsen, Keith Joseph Larsen, Wade Bryant Larson, Melissa Wissmiller Leatham, Keith Rigby Lei, Paul Leu, Hung Temg Lofthouse, Terry J. Marble, Dale S. Marsh, Rebecca Mathias, James Dean Mayers, John L. McGuffey, Tina Ann Medlyn, Dayne H. Mehin, Parviz Merrill, Tonya Marchant Mi, Wai-See Mildenhall, L. McKay Morrell, Steven Christopher Moscon, Bret J. Nakamura, Kimiyo Nee, Polin Nelson, Daren A. Nelson, Eric Byron Nelson, Patti Ann Sabaitis Neville, Michael Anthony Norman, Kelly R. Oakey, Winn Everett Olsen, Kathryn Sue Furgason Parker, Scott Franklin Partridge, Darin Call Passey, Kelly Scott Pendleton, Robert C. Quayle, Tatiana M. Reimann, Kathryn Runnells, Timothy Raymond Sargent, Diana Kae Sasaki, Ken Saunders, Bradley Louis Scott, Paula Watkins Shaw, Michael Clyde Smart, Joyce Lynn Johnson Smith, Graham P. Smith, Grover Cleveland Snell, Quinn O. Sorensen, Bryant E. Sorensen, G. Marie Adamson Stegelmeier, Chris Loren Stock, Stephen D. Strelich, Katie R. Swallow, John G. Teuscher, James Henry Thomas, Traci Lynn Thompson, Leisa Anne Thompson, Rachelle Nielson Tillitt, Drew D. Timothy, Matthew D. Topham, Kendall M. Tuione, Treena Bone Twede, David R. Wareham, Kenneth L. Watkins, Michele Welch, Boyd Cyril Wilson, Paula Wong, Wai Seng Xu, Da Kun Young, Robert Morris Yusop, Yusliza Mohamed Zhang, Wei
z i er
n 1979-80, total expenditures of Utah State University were $80.4 million, with the state contributing $32.7 million, and students $8.5 million in tuition and fees. Grants and contracts represented $21.2 million. "In 1990-91, total expenditures of the University exceeded $222 million, with the state's share slightly more than twice what it was 11 years ago, or $72.8 million. Student tuition and fees
Stanford Cazier President, Utah State University 1979-1992
have increased almost three-fold during the same period to $24.5 million. Grants and contracts have increased 325 percent to $90.1 million due to the incred ible productivity of the faculty." —from the "1991 Address to the Faculty"
EN RO LLM EN T F a ll 1991, a record number of students, 15,118, enrolled at Utah State University. That number reflects a two-thirds increase over 1979 enrollment figures. The student profile has changed over the years as the numbers have continued to swell. Today's typical USU student is more likely to be older, female and a Utah resident in contrast to students enrolled in 1979. 1979
• 43% USU students female • 24% age 25 or older • 67% from Utah • 24% from other states • 9% from other countries 1991
• 47% USU students female • 36% age 25 or older
First Lady Shirley Cazier at the 1992 International Festival
• 83% from Utah • 9% from other states
1991______________________________________ 15,118
• 8% from other countries 12,650 1987 11,793 1985 11,804 1983 11,849 1981 1979
B U IL D IN G PRO GRAM Bu ilding projects with a total cost of more than $110 million have been funded since 1979. New buildings, renovations and additions, carrying a collective price tag of approximately $75 million, have been completed with the remaining nearly $36 David B. Haight Alumni Center
million earmarked for projects on or just off the drawing board. Since state appropriations have not kept pace with the economy, much of the construction on campus is funded through shared resources of taxes, private gifts, students bonds and re search grants. The $9.2 million Emma Eccles Jones Education Building is a prime example. A generous donation to the University from teaching pioneer Emma Eccles Jones and gifts from many other donors paid for more than onehalf of the total project.
Old Main Renovation
M ajor Projects Completed • Eccles Conference Center (1981) • University Inn (1981) • Nora Eccles Harrison Museum of Art (1982) • Skaggs Meats Physiology Research Center (1982), • Caine Dairy Center (1983) • Quinney Natural Resources Building (1984) • Telecommunications Emma Eccles Jones Education Building Major Renovations • Old Main (phases I & II) • Geology (1988)
Classroom Building (1984) • Dee Glen Smith Spectrum (addition 1987) • Science Engineering Research Building (1987) • Emma Eccles Jones
Funded Projects • Science and Technology Library ($16 million) • Space Dynamics Laboratory ($10 million) • Human Resources Research Facility ($3 million) • Old Main ($7 million to complete phase III)
Education Building (1989) • Biotechnology Center (1990) • David B. Haight Alumni Center (1990) • Agricultural Systems Technology and Education Building (1991)
SU faculty's contracts and grants award record is extraordinary and has received national recognition.
• Ranked 52 among American universities for receipt of com petitive federal research grant dollars (1990)
• USU named first in nation for research dollars earned per faculty by "Engineering Education Journal" (1991)
• Cited along with six other universities in the West for most improved in receipt of federal "academic science" funds (1990)
• Named sixth largest university contractor by Department of Defense (1990)
1991 92,421,146 1989 68,497,444 1987 51,132,440 1985 40,653,545 1983 30,098,334 1981 27,442,978 1979 21,842,691
C O N T R IB U T IO N S T he generosity of the University's friends - Old Main Society, alumni, faculty, staff, students, and other private individuals and corporations - resulted in a highly successful multi-year Centennial Capital Campaign. Gifts totaled more than $41 million, including a record $10.6 million in 1988-89, the culminating year of the campaign.
1990-91 $5,644,885 1988-89 $10,569,555 1986-87 $7,404,642 1984-85 $2,724,1 73
$2,027,889 1980-81 $3,871,683
evenue generated by competitive contracts and grants now out strips state appropriations. While the dollar amount of state appropriations has doubled since 1979, revenue generated by contracts and grants has more than quadrupled. Each year higher education in Utah receives proportionately less money from the State.
1991 - $220,941,314
Other Sources $4,284,699 Gifts & Endowments $3,400,
State Appropriations $32,653,843
All Auxiliary Services $13,028,855
Tuition $8,451,848
Contracts & Grants $18,152,566
1 9 8 0 - $79,972,606
nrollment in each of the University's eight colleges has increased dramatically during the past two years. Overall enrollment figures underscore a
New departments • Department of Management and Human Resources • Department of Computer Science
stronger emphasis on business
• Department of Geography
and a shift toward engineering
and Earth Resources
and computer science programs. The new Liberal Arts and Sciences Program has received national recognition.
Produced by The Office of University Relations Design: Holly Broome-Hyer Photos: Ted Hansen, Gary Neuenswander Text: Elizabeth Walker
Graduate Studies L a wrence H . Piette Dean Janies P . Shaver A ctin g Dean
D o cto r o f Philo s o p h y Ahmad, Wigdan I. Baghdad, Iraq MS: Baghdad University, 1980 Major: Agricultural and Irrigation Engineering Major Professor: Dr. Richard G. Allen Dissertation: Evaporation and Transpiration as Related to Subsurface Flow
Alak, Baha M. Baghdad, Iraq MS: University of Baghdad, 1980 Major: Biology Major Professor: Dr. LeGrande C. E'lis Dissertation: Immunocytochemical and Histopathological Investigation of the Hyothalamo-Pituitary-Testicular Axis of the Primary Infertile Dark Mink (Mustela vison)
Anderson, Holly L. Boise, Idaho MA: University of Utah, 1974 Major: Secondary Education Major Professor: Dr. Richard S. Knight Dissertation: The Association Between Identity Development and Professional Self-Confidence in Prospective Secondary Teachers
Azevedo, Carlos Alberto Vieira Campina Grande, Brazil MS: Paraiba Federal University, 1984 Major: Agricultural and Irrigation Engineering Major Professor: Dr. Wynn R. Walker Dissertation: Real-Time Solution of the Inverse Furrow Advance Problem
Bradley, David Webb
Brostrom, Lane R.
Ellison, Eric Homer
Madison, Wisconsin BS: Utah State University, 1985 Major: Physics Major Professor: Dr. W. Farrell Edwards Dissertation: Magnetic Holes Near the Magnetopause
Boise, Idaho BS: University of Idaho, 1988 Major: Chemistry Major Professor: Dr. David B. Marshall Dissertation: Studies of the Kinetic Contribution to Zone-Broadening in High-Performance Liquid Chromatography
Byun, Yongchan Seoul, Korea MS: Seoul National University, 1982 Major: Sociology Major Professor: Dr. William F. Stinner Dissertation: Compositional and Processual Aspects of Living Arrangements Among Elderly Black Men and White Men with European Heritage Across Developmental Time
Christian, David Earl St. George, Utah MS: Utah State University, 1990 Major: Psychology Major Professor: Dr. Jay R. Skidmore Dissertation: The Development of an Instrument for the Assessment of Obesity-Related Cognitions
Curtis, Jane Ellen Florissant, Missouri MS: Utah State University, 1989 Major: Psychology Major Professor: Dr. Jay R. Skidmore Dissertation: The Efficacy of Multidisciplinary Treatment Programs for Chronic Low-Back Pain: A Meta-Analysis
Curtis, Steven Eric Taft, California MS: Utah State University, 1989 Major: Psychology Major Professor: Dr. Jay R. Skidmore Dissertation: Cognitive Behavioral Treatment of Adolescent Depression: Effects on Multiple Parameters
Dargan, Richard Alan Melbourne, Florida BS: University of Florida, 1979 Major: Nutrition and Food Sciences Major Professor: Dr. Paul A. Savello Dissertation: Properties of Low-Fat Yogurt Made From Ultrafiltered and Ultra-High Temperature Treated Milk
Elmquist, Donna L. Sturgis, South Dakota MS: University of Utah, 1977 Major: Speical Education Major Professor: Dr. Daniel P. Morgan Dissertation: The Development and Evaluation of a Parent-Involvement Program to Prevent Alcohol and Other Drug Use Among Youth With Mild and Moderate Disabilities
Evans, Scott G. Park City, Utah MS: Brigham Young University, 1988 Major: Range Science Major Professor: Dr. John P. Workman Dissertation: Optimization of Ranch Management Alternatives in Utah
Feakes, Debra Arliene Denver, Colorado BS: Colorado School of Mines, 1986 Major: Chemistry Major Professor: Dr. Karen W. Morse Dissertation: Studies of Borane Adducts of Aminoalkylphosphonatesm and Thiophosphonates Via Borane Oligomers
Flood, Mark Randall Vevay, Indiana MS: Washington State University, 1987 Major: Animal Science Major Professor: Dr. Thomas D. Bunch Dissertation: Effect of Various Growth-Promoting Factors on Preimplantation Bovine Embryo Development in Vitro
Foote, August Lee Alexandria, Louisiana MS: Louisiana State University, 1983 Major: Wildlife Ecology Major Professor: Dr. John A. Kadlec Dissertation: Great Salt Lake Flooding: Destruction and Reestablishment of Wetland Vegetation
Friese, Carl Frederick
Bountiful, Utah MS: Arizona State University, 1978 Major: Instructional Technology Major Professor: Dr. R. Kent Wood Dissertation: Student Mediation Styles, Satisfaction and Achievement in an Electronic Distance Education Environment
Norwich, Connecticut MS: University of Rhode Island, 1984 Major: Biology Ecology Major Professor: Dr. Michael F. Allen Dissertation: The Interaction of Harvester Ants and Vesicular-Arbusgular Mycorrhizal Fungi in a Patchy Environment: The Effects of Mound Structure on Fungal Dispersion and Establishment.
Broadbent, Jeffery R.
El-Ashal, Ashraf Abd-El-Hay
Gebhart, Dick L.
Smithfield, Utah BS: Utah State University, 1987 Major: Nutrition and Food Sciences Major Professor: Dr. Jeffery K. Kondo Dissertation: Genetics and Applications of Nisin Production in Lactococcus Lactis Subsp. Lactis and Conjingal Exchange of this Trait
El-Hram, Egypt MS: Ain Shams University, 1986 Major: Civil and Environmental Engineering Major Professor: Dr. Loren R. Anderson Dissertation: Interaction Between Soil and Reinforcement in Mechanically Stabilized Embankment
Ten Sleep, Wyoming MS: University of Nebraska, 1985 Major: Range Science Major Professor: Dr. Christopher A. Call Dissertation: Biological Dinitrogen Fixation and Transfer of Fixed Nitrogen in Grass-Legume Mixtures in the Great Basin
Logan, Utah MS: Brigham Young University, 1983 Major: Family and Human Development Major Professors: Dr. Glen O. Jensen and Dr. Thomas R. Lee Dissertation: A Multivariate Study of Marital Quality
Dawson, Val Wallace
Gharbi, Ali Mabtouh, Tunisia MS: Utah State University, 1984 Major: Agricultural and Irrigation Engineering Major Professor: Dr. Richard C. Peralta Dissertation: Optimal Groundwater Quantity and Quality Management with Application to the Salt Lake Valley
Johnson, Todd McNeil Ogden, Utah BS: Weber State College, 1986 Major: Biochemistry Major Professor: Dr. Joseph K. K. Li Dissertation: The Heterologous Expression and Characterization of Three Active Recombinant Fungal Peroxidase From Phanerochaete Chrysosporium Using Baculovirus
Goetze, Linda Diane Providence, Utah MS: Utah State University, 1987 Major: Economics Major Professor: Dr. Terrence F. Glover Dissertation: Factors Which Explain Changes in the Level of Human Capital of Children with Disabilties
Goff, Bruce Franklin Waynesboro, Virginia MS: University of Arizona, 1985 Major: Watershed Science Major Professor: Dr. Jeffrey J. McDonnell Dissertation: Hydrologic and Erosion Response of a Disturbed Sagebrush Hillslope
Hasanein, Badran Morsy Port-Fouad, Egypt MS: Utah State University, 1987 Major: Soil Science Major Professor: Dr. Raymond W. Miller Dissertation: Availability and Mobility of Manganese and Phosphorus as Affected by Elemental Sulfur and Placement of Fertilizers
Huang, Chien-Min Taipei, Taiwan MS: Utah State University, 1988 Major: Electrical Engineering Major Professor: Dr. Richard W. Harris Dissertation: Large VQ Codebook Generation Analysis and Design
Innocenti, Mark Sigurjon Beverly, Massachusetts MS: Utah State University, 1984 Major: Psychology Major Professor: Dr. Karl R. White Dissertation: Three Studies Examining the Construct of Intensity as an Intervention Variable in Early Intervention Program for Children with Disabilities
Beach, North Dakota MS: Texas A & M University, 1987 Major: Range Science Major Professor: Dr. Frederick D. Provenza Dissertation: Ecological Implications of Flavor Generalization by Sheep: Role of Flavor Intensity and Variation in Toxin Dose.
Lee, Sang-Gu
Glomb, Nancy Kathym Parowan, Utah MS: Utah State University, 1988 Major: Special Education Major Professor: Dr. Daniel P. Morgan Dissertation: The Development and Validation of Procedures for Training Elementary Resource Teachers to Promote the Success of Students with Learning and Behavior Problems
Launchbaugh, Karen Lynn
Jones, Mark Kirkland Birmingham, Alabama BS: Colorado State University, 1977 Major: Instructional Technology Major Professor: Dr. M. David Merrill Dissertation: A Domain Knowledge Representation Model for Instructional Analysis and Design
Kelrick, Michael Ira Wilmington, Delaware BA: Harvard University, 1979 Major: Biology Ecology Major Professor: Dr. James A. MacMahon Dissertation: Factors Affecting Seeds in a Sagebrush-Steppe Ecosystem and Implications for the Dispersion of an Annual Plan Species, Cheatgrass (Bromus tectorum L.)
Kim, Yunji Daejeon, South Korea MS: Yonsei University, 1986 Major: Nutrition and Food Sciences Major Professor: Dr. Charles E. Carpenter Dissertation: Meat Effects on Nonheme Iron Absorption
Kitaura, Takayuki Ibaraki, Japan MS: Utah State University, 1987 Major: Physics Major Professor: Dr. James T. Wheeler Dissertation: New Singularity and Existence of Solutions in Anisotropic, Time-Dependent, Maximally Gauss-Bonnet Extended Gravity
Korom, Scott Foster Akron, Ohio MS: University of Akron, 1984 Major: Civil and Environmental Engineering Major Professor: Dr. Roland W. Jeppson Dissertation: Denitrification in the Unconsolidated Deposits of the Heber Valley Aquifer
Seoul, Korea MS: Utah State University, 1987 Major: Mathematics Major Professor: Dr. LeRoy B. Beasley Dissertation: Linear Operators Strongly Preserving Polynomial Equations over Antinegative Semirings
Lee, Yoon-Mee Seoul, Korea MS: Utah State University, 1987 Major: Mathematics Major Professor: Dr. Russell C. Thompson Dissertation: The Hopf Bifurcation in a Parabolic Free Boundary Problem
Li, Deren Beijing, China MS: Beijing Institute of Economic Management of Water Power, 1985 Major: Civil and Environmental Engineering Major Professor: Dr. Trevor C. Hughes Dissertation: Analysis of Economic Efficiency/Environmental Quality Trade Off for Large Scale Peaking Mode Hydropower
Liaw, Chaohsien Taipei, Taiwan MS: National Taiwan University, 1979 Major: Civil and Environmental Engineering Major Professor: Dr. L. Douglas James Dissertation: A Scientific Basis for Industrial Water Conservation
Limbach, W. Eric Massillon, Ohio MS: University of California, Berkeley, 1981 Major: Range Ecology Major Professor: Dr. Christopher A. Call Dissertation: Influence of Seed Source and Seed Mass on Germination, Seedling Development, and Establishment of Psathyrostachvs juncea (Fisch.) Nevski
Lindsey, Scott Douglas Wellsboro, Pennsylvania MS: Utah State University, 1985 Major: Civil and Environmental Engineering Major Professor: Dr. J. Paul Riley Dissertation: Spatial and Temporal Modeling o f Soil Moisture Using Remote Sensing
Lau, Chi-Chung Issa, Ali Yusuf Jamama, Somalia MS: California Polytechnic, San Luis Obispo, 1985 Major: Biology Major Professor: Dr. Wilford J. Hanson Dissertation: Effect of Selected Insects on Seed Production of Hycrest Crested Wheatgrass
Hong Kong MS: National Taiwan University, 1983 Major: Civil and Environmental Engineering Major Professor: Dr. L. Douglas James Dissertation: The Use of Remotely Sensed Data in Delineation of Hydrologic Response Units and Estimation of Their Rainfall-Runoff Model Parameters
Marin, Hector E. LaPaz, Bolivia MS: Utah State University, 1984 Major: Civil and Environmental Engineering Major Professor: Dr. Fred W. Kiefer Dissertation: Analysis and Soil Structure Interaction of a Double Wall Using the Finite Element Method
Michielsen, Hans M.
Safadi, Assad Salah
Tu, Xiao-Lin
Yakima, Washington PhD: University of Nijmegen, 1982 Major: Psychology Major Professor: Dr. Sebastian Striefel Dissertation: Using Direct Instruction to Teach Compliance to Seriously Noncompliant Students
Amman, Jordan MS: University of Jordan, 1987 Major: Agricultural and Irrigation Engineering Major Professor: Dr. Robert W. Hill Dissertation: Squash and Cucumber Yield and Water Use Models
Kunming, China BS: University of Science & Technology, 1985 Major: Physics Major Professor: Dr. V. Gordon Lind Dissertation: Extension of the Mass Surface for Exotic N eutron-Rich N uclei in the Z=17-26 Region
Shukla, Alok Miller, Gilbert Don Bear River City, Utah BS: Utah State University, 1971 Major: Economics Major Professor: Dr. Jay C. Andersen Dissertation: A Simulation of the Economic Effects of Alternative Soil Types and Nitrogen Sources on Nitrate Leaching on Irrigated Agriculture in Utah
Hardwar, India MS: University of Washington, 1987 Major: Physics Major Professor: Dr. Bhanu P. Das Dissertation: Theory of Electric Dipole Moment of Atomic Rubidium Due to Parity and Time Reversal Violation
Vanderkimpen, Paul Jules Edegem, Belgium MS: Catholic University Leuven, 1986 Major: Agricultural and Irrigation Engineering Major Professor: Dr. Richard G. Allen Dissertation: Estimation of Crop Evapotranspiration by Means of the Penman-Monteith Equation
Skoien-Bradley, Robin Ann Mirlatifi, Seyed Majid Tehran, Iran MS: California State University, Fresno, 1986 Major: Agricultural and Irrigation Engineering Major Professor: Dr. Richard G. Allen Dissertation: Quantification of Aerodynamic and Canopy Resistance Terms for Estimating Reference Evapotranspiration
Perrier, Gregory Karl Logan, Utah MS: University of California, Davis, 1980 Major: Range Science Major Professor: Dr. Brien E. Norton Dissertation: The Effects of Policy Development and Organizational Structure on the Performance of Range Livestock Development Projects in Africa
Prueger, John Henry Fresno, California MS: California State University, Fresno, 1985 Major: Agricultural and Irrigation Engineering Major Professor: Dr. Richard G. Allen Dissertation: Evapotranspiration from Cattails and Bulrushes Under the Influence of Local Sensible Heat Aovection
Reinbold, Robert S. Red Deer, Alberta, Canada BS: Utah State University, 1980 Major: Nutrition and Food Sciences Major Professor: Dr. C. Anton Emstrom Dissertation: Factors Affecting Moisture Distribution in 290-kg Stirred-Curd Cheddar Cheese Blocks
Big Bear Lake, California MA: California State University, Fullerton, 1985 Major: Psychology Major Professor: Dr. Glendon W. Casto Dissertation: The Effects of Parental Involvement with Preschoolers at Risk for Developmental and Behavioral Problems
Whelan, Gene Bedford, New Hampshire MS: University of Iowa, 1980 Major: Civil and Environmental Engineering Major Professor: Dr. Ronald C. Sims Dissertation: Surface-Induced Oxidation of Multiple-Ringed Diol and Dione Aromatics by Managnese Dioxide
Spencer, Terry Reed South Jordan, Utah MS: Utah State University, 1984 Major: Economics Major Professor: Dr. Herbert F. Fullerton Dissertation: Impacts of International Trade Export Diversification: A Case Study of Five Newly Industrialized Countries
Yuan, Tsz-Ching J. Taipei, Taiwan BS: Fu-Jen Catholic University, 1984 Major: Nutrition and Food Sciences Major Professor: Dr. Gary H. Richardson Dissertation: An Automated Reflectance Color M eter Instrum ent for M icrobiological and Enzym ic Assays
Stoddard, Charles Grant Brigham City, Utah MS: Utah State University, 1978 Major: Instructional Technology Major Professor: Dr. Brenda M. BranyanBroadbent Dissertation: School Library Media Professionals in Instructional Development Activities (Perceived Time Expectations and the Identification of Variables that Enhance or Limit Instructional Development Practices)
Zhou, Kezheng Shanghai, China MS: Utah State University, 1988 Major: Physics Major Professor: Dr. William R. Pendleton, Jr. Dissertation: Intrafed Emission From the Water Outgas Cloud of an Orbiting Vehicle by Collisions with Atmospheric Gases
Topper, Karl Frederick
Zhou, Xiao-Gang
Logan, Utah MS: Colorado State University, 1984 Major: Soil Science Major Professor: Dr. Jerome J. Jurinak Dissertation: Kinetic Studies of Copper (II) Dissociation from Soil Humics
Nanjing, China MS: Institute of High Energy Physics, 1985 Major: Physics Major Professor: Dr. V. Gordon Lind Dissertation: Direct Mass Measurements of Fluorine Through Chlorine Neutron-Rich Nuclei
Ryan, Timothy Patrick
Trottier, Iva W.
Zhu, Kunyan
Grand Rapids, Michigan BS: Michigan State University, 1987 Major: Toxicology Major Professor: Dr. Steven D. Aust Dissertation: Rat Ceruloplasmin: Characterization, Gene Expression, and Mechanism of Action in Iron Catalyzed Oxidations
Poplar, Montana MS: University of South Dakota, 1977 Major: Psychology Major Professor: Dr. Elwin C. Nielsen Dissertation: Comparing the Perceptions of Family and Parenting Between Juvenile Sexual Offenders and Juveniles with No History of Sexual Offending
Hangzhou, China MS: Utah State University, 1989 Major: Biology Major Professor: Dr. William A. Brindley Dissertation: Acetylcholinesterase in Lvgus hesperus Knight (Hemiptera: Miridae): Enzymological and Molecular Properties and Relationship to Insecticide Resistance
D o cto r o f Ed u c a tio n Saville, Kirt Raymond Topeka, Kansas MS: North Texas State University, 1983 Major: Curriculum and Instruction Major Professor: Dr. James S. Cangelosi Dissertation: The Development of a Computer-Based Model for the Selection of Band Music According to the Difficulty of Ratings of Individual Instruments
E ducation Specialist Lin, Zhao Beijing, China MS: University of Oklahoma, 1990 Major: Instructional Technology Major Professor: Dr. M. David Merrill
Neuss, Deirdre Ottawa, Ontario, Canada MA: Case Western Reserve University, 1977 Major: Communicative Disorders Major Professor: Dr. James C. Blair
Bradshaw, Jerrold V. Wellington, Utah BA: Utah State University, 1983 Major: English Major Professor: Dr. Steven Siporin Thesis: Woman, Behold Your Son
Jones, Daniel Hutchins
Conway, Daniel L. Rexburg,Idaho BA: Utah State University, 1989 Major: English Major Professor: Dr. Thomas S. Romano Thesis: Bring It On: A Novel
Deng, Jun Yuan Guanxi, China MS: Northwestern Polytechnical University, 1984 Major Professor: Dr. Gardiner S. Stiles
M a s te r o f A rts Allen, Elaine Cove, Utah BS: Utah State University, 1984 Major: Elementary Education Major Professor: Dr. Deanna D. Winn Thesis: The Effects of a Video-Based Inservice Workshop for Middle School Mathematics Teachers
Arrington, Kevin Ross Sandy, Utah BA: University of Utah, 1990 Major: Political Science Major Professor: Dr. David B. Goetze Thesis: System Features vs. Complex Technology in Explaining Nuclear Accidents
Barton, Donna L. H. Altamont, Utah MEd: Utah State University, 1987 Major: American Studies Major Professor: Dr. Barre Toelken Thesis: Plan B
Louisville, Kentucky BA: Yale University, 1984 Major: History Major Professor: Dr. David R. Lewis Thesis: Science, Society, and the Myth of Objectivity: The Geology of Clarence King and John Wesley Powell
Dransfield, Scott Aaron Devon, Pennsylvania BA: Brigham Young University, 1989 Major: English Major Professor: Dr. David B. Amett Thesis: Thomas Carlyle's Sartor Resartus and the Rhetoric of Cognitive Crisis
Jones, Kevin R.
Dunkley, Karen Goff
McCoy, Chante Teresa
Salt Lake City, Utah BA: Brigham Young University, 1960 Major: English Major Professor: Dr. Kenneth W. Brewer Thesis: Plan B
Eliason, Clint B.
E lectrical E n g in eer
BS: Utah State University, 1989 Major: Communicative Disorders Major Professor: Dr. Steven H. Viehweg Thesis: The Effect of Telephone Acoustic Couplers on Acoustic Feedback and Word Recognition of In-the-Ear Hearing Aid Users
Salt Lake City, Utah BS: Southern Utah State College, 1990 Major: Art Major Professor: Professor Moishe Smith Thesis: Plan B
Gailey, Robert Wallace, Jr. Hyrum, Utah BA: Utah State University, 1990 Major: Political Science Major Professor: Dr. William L. Furlong Thesis: Plan B
Mesa, Arizona BA: Utah State University, 1990 Major: American Studies Major Professor: Dr. Jay Anderson Thesis: Plan B
Salt Lake City, Utah BA: Utah State University, 1987 Major: American Studies Major Professor: Professor Jan E. Roush Thesis: Applied Eco-Feminism in Ursula K. LeGuin's Always Coming Home
Mohamed, Ahmed Nazar Hassan Medani, Sudan BS: University of Khartoum, 1988 Major: English Major Professor: Dr. Kenneth W. Brewer Thesis: Plan B
Morgan, Frances E. Charleston, South Carolina BA: Utah State University, 1987 Major: Political Science Major Professor: Dr. William L. Furlong Thesis: Plan B
Hall, Marina Lorraine
Morse, Kathryn Taylor
Burnsville, Minnesota BA: Weber State College, 1988 Major: American Studies Major Professor: Dr. Thomas J. Lyon Thesis: Plan B
Seattle, Washington BA: Yale University, 1988 Major: History Major Professor: Dr. Clyde A. Milner Thesis: Nature's Second Course: Water Culture in the Mormon Communities of Cache Valley, Utah, 1860-1916
Hatch, Anne Florence Logan, Utah BA: Oberlin College, 1985 Major: American Studies Major Professor: Dr. Barre Toelken Thesis: Plan B
Hom, Petra Martha San Diego, California BA: Gallaudet University, 1988 Major: History Major Professor: Dr. Anne M. Butler Thesis: Silent Saints: Deaf Mormons in Utah
Jensen, Steven Reed Hyrum, Utah
Nelson, E. Carol Tampa, Florida BS: Weber State College, 1987 Major: History Major Professor: Dr. C. Robert Cole Thesis: "D on't Let Anyone Hear You Singin' This S o n g ": Folk Songs, B etrayal and the Irish R ep u blican Army
Peterson, Shannon Paradise, Utah BA: Utah State University, 1990 Major: Political Science Major Professor: Dr. Carolyn Rhodes Thesis: Plan B
Pisano, Linda Kindred
Ha, Heonyang
Hyrum, Utah BFA: Utah State University, 1989 Major: Theatre Arts Major Professor: Dr. Arthur Y. Smith Thesis: The Narrative Theatre Stage: Interpretive Guidelines in the Adaptation and Application of Oral and Written Narratives
Seoul, Korea BS: Seoul City University, 1990
M a s te r o f B usiness A d m in istr a tio n
Haney, Kristin Hooper, Utah BS: Utah State University, 1991
Anderson, Kathy Rayleen Layton, Utah BS: Weber State College, 1987
Hansen, Morris Lavor Sentilles, Renee Marie Columbia, Missouri BA: Mount Holyoke College, 1988 Major: History Major Professor: Dr. Anne M. Butler Thesis: Forgotten Pioneers: A Comparative Study of the Sisters of the Holy Cross of Utah and The Sisters of the Holy Family of Louisiana
Smith, Donald Lee Salt Lake City, Utah BA: University of Akron, 1963 Major: English Major Professor: Dr. Kenneth W. Brewer Thesis: Plan B
Towne, Judy A. Manti, Utah BS: Southern Utah State College, 1989 Major: English Major Professor: Dr. Kenneth W. Brewer Thesis: Plan B
Vileisis, Ann Elizabeth Middlebury, Connecticut BA: Yale University, 1989 Major: History Major Professor: Dr. David R. Lewis Thesis: Working on Desert Rails: A Social and Environmental History
Young, Bradley J. Hutchinson, Kansas BA: University of Notre Dame, 1990 Major: History Major Professor: Dr. Anne M. Butler Thesis: Westernism and Silerism: Fred T. Dubois and the Idaho Silver Republicans, 1890-1901
M a ste r o f A cc o u n tin g Ahlrichs, Anthony R.
Amalga, Utah BS: Utah State University, 1991
Yuanlin, Taiwan BS: Fu-Jen Catholic University, 1987
Liddiard, Cortney Ray Tooele, Utah BS: Utah State University, 1990
Miller, David Gerald Hyrum, Utah BS: Utah State University, 1990
Nelson, Gordon L. Smithfield, Utah BS: Utah State University, 1992
Roberts, Curtis Jay West Valley City, Utah BS: Utah State University, 1991
Shaffer, Michael Thayne Ogden, Utah BA: Weber State College, 1989
Rexburg,Idaho BS: Idaho State University, 1991
Bergman, Dean L. Salt Lake City, Utah BS: Utah State University, 1988
Black, Kedric M. Monticello, Utah BS: Utah State University, 1991
Boehme, Randy G. Nibley, Utah BS: Utah State University, 1988
Brown, Edmond Craig Salt Lake City, Utah BS: Utah State University, 1990
Brown, Nathan Jed Pleasant Grove, Utah BS: Brigham Young University, 1987
Cannell, Diana Sampson Logan, Utah BS: Utah State University, 1991
Joseph, Utah BS: Utah State University, 1991
Carter, MaryKay Sampson
Smith, Robert Julius
Logan, Utah BS: Utah State University, 1988
Brigham City, Utah BS: Utah State University, 1991
Chao, Pu-Jane
Sullivan, Spencer Wendall Salt Lake City, Utah BS: Utah State University, 1990
Carling, Sheri L.
Grover, Steven
Ogden, Utah BS: Weber State College, 1973
Smith, Laura Sue
Taylor, Cortney L.
Brigham City, Utah BA: Utah State University, 1991
Ayers, Michael Ray
Larsen, Karla DeAnn Millville, Utah BS: Utah State University, 1991
Murray, Utah BS: Utah State University, 1991
Goldsberry, Brett Reid
Salt Lake City, Utah BS: Brigham Young University, 1987
Lai, Hui Ling
Rexburg, Idaho BS: Utah State University, 1990
Logan, Utah BS: Utah State University, 1991
Andrews, Gregory Paul
Tibbitts, Lee Leishman Millville, Utah BS: Utah State University, 1990
Taoyuan, Taiwan BS: Tamkang University, 1987
Chen, Feng-Wen Pingtong, Taiwan MS: Utah State University, 1991
Cook, Theresa H. Rexburg, Idaho BS: Utah State University, 1990
Denton, D. Craig Sterling, Utah BS: Brigham Young University, 1990
Tsai, Mei-Lo
Dias, Weeratilake
Taipei, Taiwan BS: Providence College, 1988
Peradeniya, Sri Lanka BS: University of Peradeniya, 1985
Gubler, David D.
Yang, Lin-Chung
Droesbeke, Richard N.
Lund, Nevada BS: Utah State University, 1992
Taipei, Taiwan BS: Utah State University, 1990
North Ogden, Utah BS: Utah State University, 1990
Dye, Eliot Jared
Kama, Karol Ann Nalani
Sampson, Dale W.
Firth, Idaho BBA: Idaho State University, 1988
Layton, Utah BS: Purdue University, 1988
Roy, Utah BS: Brigham Young University, 1986
Sanders, Carl J.
Edwards, Douglas Taylor
Kano, David T.
Mesa, Arizona BS: Brigham Young University, 1989
Brigham City, Utah BS: Park College, 1989
Eliason, Chantel
Kota, Jagadishwar Chowdary
Logan Utah BS: Utah State University, 1989
Madras, India BS: Madras University, 1989
Fang, Wei-Wei
Lakshmipathi, Anand
Taipei, Taiwan MS: University of Southern California, 1986
Madras, India BS: University of Madras, 1987
Forsgren, Kurtis G.
Larsen, Brent Lee
Bountiful, Utah BS: Utah State University, 1990
Bountiful, Utah BA: Brigham Young University, 1990
Giamalakis, Peter A.
Li, Sansan
Salt Lake City, Utah BS: University of Utah, 1990
Taipei, Taiwan BS: Fu-Jen Catholic University, 1988
Griener, Jeffrey Kenneth
Lindley, Corey B.
Salt Lake City, Utah BS: Brigham Young University, 1986
Smithfield, Utah BS: Brigham Young Unviersity, 1987
Shelly, Idaho BS: Utah State University, 1990
Shen, Yuehlong Nantou, Taiwan BS: Chung-Yuan Christian University, 1987
Signorelli, Sixto E. Santiago, Chile BS: Brigham Young University, 1985
Smith, Michelle M. American Fork, Utah BS: Utah State University, 1990
Srichaipoom, Ratchai Bangkok, Thailand BS: Kasetsart University, 1991
Tandon, Arun Kumar Delhi, India BA: University of Delhi, 1987
Harker, Darin Beal
Liu, Lilin
Pocatello, Idaho BS: Utah State University, 1990
Miao-Li, Taiwan BS: Fu-Jen Catholic University, 1988
Hill, John Robert
McMullin, Jeff K.
Pietermaritzburg, South Africa BS: University of Natal, 1980
Orem, Utah BS: Brigham Young University, 1989
Hobbs, Troy Wm.
Nelson, Lee Almon
Franklin, Idaho BS: Utah State University, 1992
Cedar City, Utah BS: Utah State University, 1988
Hodson, SharLyn
Ochiai, Takeshi
Logan, Utah BS: Utah State University, 1990
Tokyo, Japan BS: Science University of Tokyo, 1984
Hoffman, Gordon E.
Ollivier, Derek Joseph
Randolph, Utah BS: Brigham Young University, 1970
Provo, Utah BS: Utah State University, 1990
Yost, Albert S.
Hortin, John E.
Packer, Nathan Kelly
Provo, Utah BA: Brigham Young University, 1990
Smithfield, Utah BS: Utah State University, 1990
Logan, Utah BA: University of Utah, 1971
Howell, Verio A.
Pak, Wan Q
Providence, Utah BS: Utah State University, 1991
Seoul, Korea BS: Sung Kyun Kwan University, 1985
Tarbay, Steven E. Syracuse, New York BS: Pennsylvania State University, 1985
Weaver, Kenneth R. North Ogden, Utah BS: University of Utah, 1982
Whipple, Gary Lynn Salt Lake City, Utah BS: University of Utah, 1990
Workman, Wade Walker Roosevelt, Utah BS: Southern Utah State College, 1990
M a ste r o f E ngineering Budiman, Sadikin
Hsiung, Chun
Perry, J. Michael
Taipei, Taiwan BS: Fu-Jen Catholic University, 1987
Provo, Utah BS: Brigham Young University, 1990
Jakarta, Indonesia BS: Utah State University, 1989 Major: Electrical Engineering Major Professor: Dr. Paul A. Wheeler
Hunsaker, Chad C.
Powell, Gregory J.
Chen, Sinchang
Tremonton, Utah BS: Utah State University, 1990
West Covina, California BS: Southern Utah University, 1991
Hymas, Daren G.
Price, Ryan K.
Tainan, Taiwan BS: Tamkang University, 1986 Major: Electrical Engineering Major Professor: Dr. Ronney D. Harris
Salt Lake City, Utah BS: University of Utah, 1991
Brigham City, Utah BS: University of Utah, 1984
Eneim, Mohammad Omar
Jolley, Bruce J.
Ryoo, Woonghee
Firth, Idaho BS: Brigham Young University, 1991
Seoul, Korea BS: Yonsei University, 1988
Gaza, Gaza Strip BS: Ain Shams University, 1983 Major: Electrical Engineering Major Professor: Dr. Ronney D. Harris
Homsi, Bilal
Allman, Sharon Mangum
Biggs, Beverly
Damascus, Syria BS: American University of Beirut, 1989 Major: Electrical Engineering Major Professor: Dr. Richard W. Harris
Riverside, Utah BS: Utah State University, 1964 Major: Secondary Education Major Professor: Dr. William J. Strong
Collinston, Utah BS: Utah State University, 1986 Major: Elementary Education Major Professor: Dr. Francine Fukui
Huo, Chaoying
Alton, Kelly Patrick
Blackburn, Stacie Lynn
Nanjing, China BS: Beijing University, 1982 Major: Electrical Engineering Major Professor: Dr. Ronald L. Thurgood
Orangeville, Utah BS: Southern Utah State College, 1976 Major: Secondary Education Major Professor: Dr. Varnell A. Bench
Boise, Idaho BS: Utah State University, 1989 Major: Elementary Education Major Professor: Dr. Donald R. Daugs
Magadla, Humphrey Zuko
Anderson, Dianne Lucille
Bringhurst, Kristin Davis
West Valley City, Utah BS: Brigham Young University, 1968 Major: Elementary Education Major Professor: Dr. Deborah A. Byrnes
Afton, Wyoming BS: Utah State University, 1990 Major: Communicative Disorders Major Professor: Dr. James C. Blair
Mount Ayliff, South Africa BS: Utah State University, 1987 Major: Electrical Engineering Major Professor: Dr. Paul A. Wheeler
Mokhtar, Mohamed Ali Ezzat Cairo, Egypt BS: Cairo University, 1981 Major: Electrical Engineering Major Professor: Dr. Ronney D. Harris
Ngo, Tuan H. Saigon, Vietnam BS: Utah State University, 1986 Major: Electrical Engineering Major Professor: Dr. Gardiner S. Stiles
O'Brien, Charles Raymond Smithfield, Utah BS: University of the Pacific, 1983 Major: Electrical Engineering Major Professor: Dr. John C. Kemp
Olsen, Gordon Craig Logan, Utah BS: Utah State University, 1989 Major: Electrical Engineering Major Professor: Dr. Robert W. Gunderson
Anderson, Patricia Ann
Bradley, Robert W.
Salt Lake City, Utah BS: University of Utah, 1977 Major: Secondary Education Major Professor: Dr. Izar A. Martinez
Vernal, Utah BS: Utah State University, 1986 Major: Secondary Education Major Professor: Dr. Varnell A. Bench
Andrus, Sandra
Broadhead, Verdene
St. George, Utah BS: Southern Utah State College, 1985 Major: Elementary Education Major Professor: Dr. Jay A. Monson
Logan, Utah BS: Utah State University, 1988 Major: Instructional Technology Major Professor: Dr. Don C. Smellie Thesis: Plan B
Barney, Russell I. Hurricane, Utah BS: Southern Utah State College, 1987 Major: Secondary Education Major Professor: Dr. Varnell A. Bench
Callahan, Gwen B Helper, Utah BS: Brigham Young University, 1972 Major: Secondary Education Major Professor: Dr. Varnell A. Bench
Barson-Hunt, Beverly Anna Salt Lake City, Utah BS: Utah State University, 1965 Major: Elementary Education Major Professor: Dr. Francine Fukui
Capell, Rosilene S. Orem, Utah BS: Brigham Young University, 1971 Major: Secondary Education Major Professor: Dr. William J. Strong
Barton, Eileen K. Scherbel, Jack Salt Lake City, Utah BS: Utah State University, 1988 Major: Electrical Engineering Major Professor: Dr. Paul A. Wheeler
Stephenson, Michael R. Holden, Utah BS: San Jose State University, 1971 Major: Electrical Engineering Major Professor: Dr. Ronald L. Thurgood
Ware, David Brent Logan, Utah BS: Utah State University, 1989 Major: Electrical Engineering Major Professor: Dr. Doran J. Baker
M a ste r o f E d u c a tio n
Salt Lake City, Utah BS: University of Utah, 1971 Major: Elementary Education Major Professor: Dr. John A. Smith
Carter, Gretchen Alexandria Bowdoinham, Maine BA: Flagler College, 1989 Major: Communicative Disorders Major Professor: Dr. James C. Blair
Begin, Cynthia Jean Beaver, Utah BS: University of Central Florida, 1987 Major: Elementary Education Major Professor: Dr Jay A. Monson
Bell, Cathalenia Jones South Weber, Utah BS: Utah State University, 1989 Major: Instructional Technology Major Professor: Dr. R. Kent Wood
Berrie, Vernon R. Kearns, Utah BS: University of Utah, 1972 Major: Elementary Education Major Professor: Dr. Richard K. Harmston
Christian, Marianne G. Logan, Utah BS: Indiana University, 1983 Major: Elementary Education Major Professor: Dr. L. Gail Johnson
Croft, Adella Serrin Salt Lake City, Utah BS: Utah State University, 1984 Major: Secondary Education Major Professor: Dr. Ross R. Allen
Denison, Owen E. Salt Lake City, Utah BS: University of Utah, 1971 Major: Secondary Education Major Professor: Dr. Ross R. Allen
Achziger, Susan B.
Bess, Karen Morris
Dirksen, Debra Jean
South Ogden, Utah BS: Brigham Young University, 1979 Major: Secondary Education Major Professor: Dr. William J. Strong
Cedar City, Utah BS: Southern Utah State College, 1982 Major: Elementary Education Major Professor: Dr. Jay A. Monson
Las Vegas, Nevada BS: Brigham Young University, 1984 Major: Secondary Education Major Professor: Dr. Izar A. Martinez
Donaldson, Keith M.
Gylling, Shirley Mae
Howard, Tina Burnham
South Weber, Utah BS: Utah State University, 1976 M ajor: H ealth , P hysical E du cation and R ecreation Major Professor: Dr. Lanny J. Nalder
Salt Lake City, Utah BS: Brigham Young University, 1986 Major: Elementary Education Major Professor: Dr. John A. Smith
American Fork, Utah BS: University of Utah, 1965 Major: Secondary Education Major Professor: Dr. William J. Strong
Handsaker, John Richard
Hymas, Allen Gary
Ogden, Utah BA: College of St. Scholastica, 1974 Major: Instructional Technology Major Professor: Dr. Brenda M. BranyanBroadbent
Logan, Utah BS: Southern Utah State College, 1986 Major: Health, Physical Education and Recreation Major Professor: Dr. Lanny J. Nalder
Hatch, Colleen Brinkerhoff
Inglet, Gail Crockett
St. George, Utah BS: Southern Utah State College, 1989 Major: Communicative Disorders Major Professor: Dr. Carol J. Strong
Preston, Idaho BS: Idaho State University, 1973 Major: Elementary Education Major Professor: Dr. Francine Fukui
Hawkes, Leonard Morgan
Jennings, Diane K.
Beaver Dam, Utah BA: Weber State College, 1977 Major: Secondary Education Major Professor: Dr. William J. Strong
St. George, Utah BS: Southern Utah State College, 1982 Major: Elementary Education Major Professor: Dr. Jay A. Monson
Duncan, Carol Ann Castle Dale, Utah BS: Brigham Young University, 1969 Major: Secondary Education Major Professor: Dr. Varnell A. Bench
Durrant, Dwight Quinn Vernal, Utah BS: Brigham Young University, 1988 Major: Secondary Education Major Professor: Dr. Varnell A. Bench
Durrant, Sandra Kay Salt Lake City, Utah BS: University of Utah, 1980 Major: Secondary Education Major Professor: Dr. John A. Smith
Fawson, Rebecca Webb
Johnston, Carolyn Olds
Leeds, Utah BS: Southern Utah State College, 1988 Major: Elementary Education Major Professor: Dr. Jay A. Monson
Hawkins, Kenneth Arlond
Fisher, Vivian Joy
Henseler, Melanie Ann
St. George, Utah BS: Southern Utah State College, 1990 Major: Elementary Education Major Professor: Dr. Varnell A. Bench
Price, Utah BS: Bemidji State University, 1982 Major: Secondary Education Major Professor: Dr. Varnell A. Bench
Fryer, Thomas Gam
Hess, Bart "N "
Clearfield, Utah BS: Utah State University, 1959 Major: Instructional Technology Major Professor: Dr. Duane E. Hedin
Enterprise, Utah BS: Southern Utah State College, 1975 Major: Secondary Education Major Professor: Dr. Varn ell A. Bench
Fujita, Deborah Louise
Hillyard, Kevan A.
Tooele, Utah BS: University of Utah, 1979 Major: Special Education Major Professor: Dr. Hyrum S. Henderson
Auburn, Wyoming BS: Utah State University, 1983 Major: Secondary Education Major Professor: Dr. Willard R. Kesling
Scottsdale, Arizona BS: Arizona State University, 1978 Major: Instructional Technology Major Professor: Dr. Brenda M. BranyanBroadbent
George, Anthony Lee
Hindley, Edythe
Klein, Keith D.
Ogden, Utah BS: Seattle University, 1981 Major: Special Education Major Professor: Dr. Hyrum S. Henderson
Salt Lake City, Utah BS: Utah State University, 1963 Major: Special Education Major Professor: Dr. Daniel P. Morgan
Vernal, Utah BS: Utah State University, 1990 Major: Elementary Education Major Professor: Dr. Francine Fukui
Gourley, Susan J.
Hone, Jacqueline T.
Kuresa, Susanne Haws
West Valley City, Utah BS: University of Utah, 1983 Major: Elementary Education Major Professor: Professor Annette Packard
Kaysville, Utah BS: Brigham Young University, 1967 Major: Elementary Education Major Professor: Dr. Deborah A. Byrnes
Midvale, Utah BS: Utah State University, 1986 Major: Special Education Major Professor: Dr. K. Richard Young
Graham, Florence S.
Housley, Mary Jene Taylor
Langston, Ronald Keith
Taylorsville, Utah BS: University of Utah, 1985 Major: Elementary Education Major Professor: Dr. Donald R. Daugs
Richmond, Utah BS: Utah State University, 1971 Major: Special Education Major Professor: Dr. Pamela Hudson
Salt Lake City, Utah BS: University of Utah, 1976 Major: Elementary Education Major Professor: Dr. Donald R. Daugs
Hurricane, Utah BS: Utah State University, 1969 Major: Secondary Education Major Professor: Dr. Varnell A. Bench
Cedar City, Utah BS: Southern Utah State College, 1983 Major: Secondary Education Major Professor: Dr. Varnell A. Bench
Jones, LaRee M. St. George, Utah BS: Southern Utah State College, 1988 Major: Elementary Education Major Professor: Dr. Jay A. Monson
Joseph, Latha Elizabeth Bountiful, Utah MS: University of Kerala, 1984 Major: Special Education Major Professor: Dr. Hyrum S. Henderson
Kauffman, Richard Stanton
LeBaron, Russell
Oyler, Kathryn Ann
Schulte, Paul R.
Hurricane, Utah BS: Brigham Young University, 1987 Major: Secondary Education Major Professor: Dr. Varnell A. Bench
Tremonton, Utah BA: Brigham Young University, 1970 Major: Secondary Education Major Professor: Dr. William J. Strong
Brigham City, Utah BS: Southern Connecticut State University, 1985 Major: Health, Physical Education and Recreation Major Professor: Dr. Lanny J. Nalder
Linford, Steven T. Bountiful, Utah BS: University of Utah, 1991 Major: Secondary Education Major Professor: Dr. Varnell A. Bench
Pack, Valerie H. Cedar City, Utah BS: Southern Utah State College, 1982 Major: Elementary Education Major Professor: Dr. Jay A. Monson
Shearer, Stephanie Anne Oakesdale, Washington BS: University of Idaho, 1983 Major: Special Education Major Professor: Dr. Christine Macfarlane
Lowe, Timothy Gene Santa Clara, Utah BS: Southern Utah State College, 1981 Major: Secondary Education Major Professor: Dr. Varnell A. Bench
Palmer, Rick H. St. George, Utah BS: Southern Utah State College, 1981 Major: Secondary Education Major Professor: Dr. Varnell A. Bench
Luck, Bruce Meredith Salt Lake City, Utah BS: Clemson University, 1974 Major: Elementary Education Major Professor: Dr. Francine Fukui
Mackay, Loma N. Salt Lake City, Utah BS: University of Utah, 1964 Major: Elementary Education Major Professor: Dr. Francine Fukui
Martini, Ronald L. Evanston, Wyoming BA: University of Wyoming, 1987 Major: Elementary Education Major Professor: Dr. Bernard L. Hayes
Mckenzie, Gary David Spanish Fork, Utah BS: Utah State University, 1990 Major: Health, Physical Education and Recreation Major Professor: Dr. Rolayne Wilson
Mortensen, Scott Lynn St. George, Utah BS: Utah State University, 1979 Major: Secondary Education Major Professor: Dr. Varnell A. Bench
Myler-Jensen, Marva Orem, Utah BS: Utah State University, 1964 Major: Secondary Education Major Professor: Dr. William J. Strong
Parker, Jane Wirthlin Centerville, Utah BS: University of Utah, 1964 Major: Elementary Education Major Professor: Dr. Donald R. Daugs
Sill, David R. Layton, Utah BS: Weber State College, 1987 Major: Instructional Technology Major Professor: Dr. Don C. Smellie
Smith, Elizabeth Harriet Harrisburg, Pennsylvania BS: Pennsylvania State University, 1972 Major: Special Education Major Professor: Dr. Martin Agran
Smith, Karen L. Parker, LuAnne Marie St. George, Utah BS: Southern Utah State College, 1989 Major: Elementary Education Major Professor: Dr. Jay A. Monson
Preston, Idaho BS: Utah State University, 1985 Major: Elementary Education Major Professor: Dr. Francine Fukui
South, Sandra J. Perkins, Brent H. Caliente, Nevada BS: Southern Utah State College, 1974 Major: Elementary Education Major Professor: Dr. Jay A. Monson
Peterson, Kirk Karl Logan, Utah BS: Utah State University, 1986 Major: Instructional Technology Major Professor: Dr. J. Steven Soulier
Pulley, Diane Asper Salt Lake City, Utah BS: Utah State University, 1980 Major: Elementary Education Major Professor: Dr. Francine Fukui
Prusse, Kevin Reed Woods Cross, Utah BS: Brigham Young University, 1978 Major: Elementary Education Major Professor: Dr. Donald R. Daugs
Naylor, Kyle Jon Romney, Kathryn Cannon
Marshall, Missouri BS: Missouri Valley College, 1989 Major: Health, Physical Education and Recreation Major Professor: Dr. Bradford N. Strand
Salt Lake City, Utah BA: University of Utah, 1964 Major: Secondary Education Major Professor: Dr. William J. Strong
O'Shea, Michael Bianco
Sawyer, Richard D., Jr.
Helper, Utah BS: Utah State University, 1968 Major: Elementary Education Major Professor: Dr. Jay A. Monson
Ogden, Utah BS: Weber State College, 1984 Major: Instructional Technology Major Professor: Dr. Don C. Smellie
Salt Lake City, Utah BS: University of Utah, 1973 Major: Elementary Education Major Professor: Dr. John A. Smith
Sparks, Janet P. Price, Utah BS: Brigham Young University, 1966 Major: Secondary Education Major Professor: Dr. Varnell A. Bench
Stewart, Carol Anne Tropic, Utah BS: Brigham Young University, 1972 Major: Elementary Education Major Professor: Dr. Jay A. Monson
Stones, Eric E. Roosevelt, Utah BS: Brigham Young University, 1985 Major: Secondary Education Major Professor: Dr. Varnell A. Bench
Summers, Mary Ellen Deweyville, Utah BS: Utah State University, 1986 Major: Elementary Education Major Professor: Dr. Francine Fukui
Sun, Ming
Beijing, China BS: Beijing Institute of Physical Education, 1983 Major: Health, Physical Education and Recreation Major Professor: Dr. Rolayne Wilson
Suri, Iran
Whiteley, Dennis O.
Pedersen, Gary Leon
Amritsar, India MA: Guru Nanak Dev University, 1986 Major: Special Education Major Professor: Dr. Hyrum S. Henderson
Alpine, Utah BS: Utah State University, 1974 Major: Special Education Major Professor: Dr. Hyrum S. Henderson
Salt Lake City, Utah BFA: Utah State University, 1988 Major: Art Major Professor: Professor Craig Law Thesis: Plan B
Tait, David Ray
Whittekiend, Kathrine R.
Hurricane, Utah BA: Southern Utah State College, 1986 Major: Elementary Education Major Professor: Dr. Jay A. Monson
Tait, Pamela Mesquite, Nevada BS: Southern Utah State College, 1986 Major: Elementary Education Major Professor: Dr. Jay A. Monson
Cedar City, Utah BS: Southern Utah State College, 1968 Major: Secondary Education Major Professor: Dr. Varnell A. Bench
Williams, Linda Wasden Kaysville, Utah BS: Southern Utah State College, 1969 Major: Elementary Education Major Professor: Dr. Richard K. Harmston
Talbot, Michelle Marie Cedar City, Utah BS: Southern Utah State College, 1986 Major: Secondary Education Major Professor: Dr. Varnell A. Bench
Wittwer, Boyd J. Mesquite, Nevada BS: Southern Utah State College, 1987 Major: Secondary Education Major Professor: Dr. Varnell A. Bench
Rowe, Victoria Bremerton, Washington BFA: Utah State University, 1978 Major: Art Major Professor: Professor Adrian Van Suchtelen Thesis: Plan B
Stewart, Perry Alan Cedar City, Utah BFA: Utah State University, 1988 Major: Art Major Professor: Professor Glen R. Edwards Thesis: Plan B
Terry, Randy K. Enterprise, Utah BA: Southern Utah State College, 1974 Major: Secondary Education Major Professor: Dr. Varnell A. Bench
Thain-Olsen, Susan Elizabeth Logan, Utah BS: Utah State University, 1980 Major: Special Education Major Professor: Dr. Sarah Rule
Turner, Judy L. St. George, Utah BS: Southern Utah State College, 1989 Major: Elementary Education Major Professor: Dr. Jay A. Monson
M a ste r o f
Yates, Donald W., Jr. Marion, Utah BS: Southern Utah State College, 1983 Major: Secondary Education Major Professor: Dr. Richard S. Knight
Young, Jan L. Price, Utah BS: University of Wyoming, 1982 Major: Instructional Technology Major Professor: Dr. R. Kent Wood
Twitchell, Mary Jane Cedar City, Utah BS: Southern Utah State College, 1989 Major: Secondary Education Major Professor: Dr. Varnell A. Bench
M a ste r o f F orestry
Salt Lake City, Utah BS: Brigham Young University, 1987 Major: Elementary Education Major Professor: Dr. John A. Smith
Waddell, Kathy Linn LaCrescenta, California BS: Brigham Young University, 1976 Major: Elementary Education Major Professor: Dr. L. Gail Johnson
Wallen tine, Sandra G. Logan, Utah BS: Utah State University, 1984 Major: Elementary Education Major Professor: Dr. John A. Smith
LaMont, Susan Grace Hamilton, Montana BS: Evergreen State College, 1979 Major Professor: Dr. H. Charles Romesburg
Spring City, Utah BS: Southern Utah State College, 1981 Major: Elementary Education Major Professor: Dr. Jay A. Monson
Littleton, Colorado BS: University of Colorado, 1986 Major Professor: Professor John C. Ellsworth Thesis: Preference and Fire Mosaics in Yellowstone National Park
Buenos Aires, Argentina BS: Utah State University, 1986 Major Professor: Professor Craig W. Johnson Thesis: Salt Lake City Residents' Attitudes Toward and Preferences for Urban Wildlife
Warner, Michael Lloyd Hailey, Idaho BS: Brigham Young University, 1987 Major Professor: Professor John K. Nicholson Thesis: Monitoring the Relationship Between Crime and Landcover Types in Salt Lake City, Using a Spot Satellite Image and a Geographic Information System
M a ste r o f F in e A rt Bialkowski, Beth Calengor Smithfield, Utah BFA: Eastern Michigan University, 1975 Major: Art Major Professor: Professor John Neely Thesis: Plan B
Bjorklund, Kevin Henry White, Darrell M.
King, Robert A.
Mariaca-Pando, Monica C.
Zilles, Lori Ann Kalispell, Montana BS: Utah State University, 1990 Major: Communicative Disorders Major Professor: Dr. James C. Blair
Vincent, Shaunalee
L andscape A rch itectu re
Seattle, Washington BA: University of Washington, 1978 Major: Art Major Professor: Professor Craig Law Thesis: Plan B
M a ste r o f Science Abbott, Catherine Condray Cheverly, Maryland BS: University of Maryland, 1986 Major: Instructional Technology Major Professor: Dr. Ron J. Thorkildsen Thesis: Combining Videodisc-Based Teaching and Cooperative Learning Strategies to Improve Mathematical Achievement and Social Acceptance of High- and Low-Achieving Students— A Pilot Study
Abd Razak, Rafidah
Anderson, Owen Arthur
Baik, Jung Shik
Ipoh, Malaysia BS: Utah State University, 1990 Major: Business Information Systems and Education Major Professor: Dr. James C. Scott Nonthesis
Logan, Utah BS: Utah State University, 1987 Major: Family and Human Development Major Professor: Dr. Shelley L. Lindauer Thesis: A National Profile of Child Development Laboratory Schools
Seoul, Korea BS: Korea University, 1985 Major: Civil and Environmental Engineering Major Professor: Dr. Fred W. Kiefer Thesis: Analysis of Mat Foundation via Finite Difference Scheme
Ahluwalia, Kamaljeet New Delhi, India BS: University of Roorkee, 1988 Major: Computer Science Major Professor: Dr. Stephen J. Allan Thesis: Plan B
Ali, Alaa El-Din Ibrahim Cairo, Egypt BS: Cairo University, 1987 Major: Civil and Environmental Engineering Major Professor: Dr. Loren R. Anderson Thesis: Pullout Resistance of the Facing Panel Anchors for Reinforced Soil Embankment (R.S.E.) Walls
Androlowicz, Joseph W. Portland, Maine BA: University of Southern Maine, 1986 Major: Instructional Technology Major Professor: Dr. Don C. Smellie Thesis: Plan B
Anjum, Tanveer Bangalore, India BS: Bangalore University, 1986 Major: Civil and Environmental Engineering Major Professor: Dr. Gilberto E. Urroz Thesis: Evaluation of Turf Reinforcement Mats (TRMs) Under High Velocity Flows
Anthony, Mary Ann Alldredge, Sharon L. Roosevelt, Utah BS: University of Utah, 1979 Major: Psychology Major Professor: Dr. Keith T. Checketts Nonthesis
Douglas, Wyoming BS: University of North Dakota, 1974 Major: Instructional Technology Major Professor: Dr. Brenda M. BranyanBroadbent Thesis: Plan B
Aly, Alaa H.
Artan, Guleid Abdulkadir
Cairo, Egypt BS: Cairo University, 1987 Major: Agricultural and Irrigation Engineering Major Professor: Dr. Richard C. Peralta Thesis: A Decision Support System for Agricultural Pestecides/Irrigation Management
Mogadishu, Somalia BS: Somali National University, 1984 Major: Agricultural and Irrigation Engineering Major Professor: Dr. Christopher M. Neale Thesis: Use of Airborne and Ground Based Sensors for the Estimation of Biophysical Characteristics of Alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.)
Andersen, Deborah D.
Attia, Kamal Omer
Iona, Idaho BS: Brigham Young University, 1990 Major: Communicative Disorders Major Professor: Dr. Thomas S. Johnson Nonthesis
Anderson, Audra Kay Idaho Falls, Idaho BS: Utah State University, 1990 Major: Communicative Disorders Major Professor: Professor Dee R. Child Nonthesis
Khartoum, Sudan BS: University of Khartoum, 1987 Major: Civil and Envoronmental Engineering Major Professor: Dr. J. Paul Riley Nonthesis
Aurich, James Leon Clearfield, Utah BS: Weber State College, 1986 Major: Instructional Technology Major Professor: Dr. Zhongmin Li Thesis: Plan B
Awada, Salam Mahmoud Anderson, Ben Lee Manti, Utah BS: Utah State University, 1989 Major: Civil and Environmental Engineering Major Professor: Dr. J. Paul Tullis Thesis: Reinforced Concrete Plunge-Pool Energy Dissipator
Tyr-South Lebanon, Lebanon BS: American University of Beirut, 1988 Major: Soil Science Major Professor: Dr. Lynn M. Dudley Thesis: Amelioration Effects of Calcium Amendments on the Growth of Phareolus vulgaris L. under Sodium Stress
Baker, Mark Alan Phoenix, Arizona BA: Point Loma Nazarene College, 1978 Major: American Studies Major Professor: Dr. Jay Anderson Thesis: Sons of a Trackless Forests: The Cumberland Long Hunters of the Eighteenth Century
Ballard, Theodore Raymond Red Bluff, California BS: California State University, Chico, 1982 Major: Physics Major Professor: Dr. Kent L. Miller Thesis: The Calculation of Mid-Latitude Meridional Neutral Winds from an Improved Servo Model Approximation Method
Barker, Brian C. New Plymouth, Idaho BA: University of Utah, 1988 Major: Special Education Major Professor: Dr. Garth M. Eldredge Non thesis
Barlow, Laurel W. Kaysville, Utah BS: Weber State College, 1989 Major: English Major Professor: Dr. Kenneth W. Brewer Thesis: Plan B
Batallas, Carlos Eduardo Quito, Ecuador BS: Texas Tech University, 1986 Major: Animal Science Major Professor: Dr. Ronald L. Boman Thesis: The Effects of Feeding a High Level of Rumen Protected Fat with Rumen Undegradable Protein with or Without Niacin on Digestibility, and Milk Production in the Early to Mid Lactation Holstein Cow
Baum, Diane Craig Logan, Utah BS: Wright State University, 1980 Major: Special Education Major Professor: Dr. Garth M. Eldridge Thesis: Plan B
Bagley, Nan R. Anderson, Kraig L. Logan, Utah BS: Utah State University, 1990 Major: Electrical Engineering Major Professor: Dr. Richard W. Harris Thesis: Compression of Medical Images Using an Adaptive Vector Quantization Algorithm
Salt Lake City, Utah BS: Utah State University, 1986 Major: English Major Professor: Dr. Thomas J. Lyon Thesis: Literature Along North America's Fortieth Parallel: John McPhee's Annals of the Former World
Benson, Brian Mark Tallmadge, Ohio BS: Utah State University, 1989 Major: Special Education Major Professor: Dr. Garth M. Eldredge Nonthesis
Bishop, Deborah Lyn
Buntjer, Michael James
Christensen, Beverly H.
Logan, Utah BS: Northeast Missouri State University, 1988 Major: Plant Science Major Professor: Dr. Bruce G. Bugbee Thesis: Photosynthetic Capacity, Leat Size and Plant Height in Wheat (Triticum aestivum L.)
Moab, Utah BS: Humboldt State University, 1986 Major: Fisheries and Wildlife Major Professor: Dr. Timothy C. Modde Thesis: The Influence of Redd Distribution and Microhabitat Availability on the Distribution and Abundance of Young-of-the-Year Trout in the Green River, Utah
Preston, Idaho BS: Utah State University, 1982 Major: Elementary Education Major Professor: Dr. John A. Smith Nonthesis
Bond, Shirley Ann Providence, Utah BS: Utah State University, 1989 Major: Nutrition and Food Sciences Major Professor: Dr. Conly L. Hansen Thesis: Enzyme Hydrolyzed Retentate For the Development of a Whipped Topping Mix
Bourke, Lisa Port Arlington, Australia BS: Western Washington University, 1988 Major: Sociology Major Professor: Dr. Ronald L. Little Thesis: Anticipating a Hazardous Waste Facility in Rural Utah Communities: Economic and Environmental Perceptions
Call, Evan W. Bountiful, Utah BS: Utah State University, 1984 Major: Bioveterinary Science Major Professor: Dr. Robert W. Sidwell Thesis: Evaluation of Antiviral Compounds Against Avian Influenza
Carroll, Wayne Nathan Mesa, Arizona BA: Brigham Young University, 1990 Major: Instructional Technology Major Professor: Dr. R. Kent Wood Thesis: Plan B
Carter, Diane LaRee Brown Bourn, Christine Newell Salt Lake City, Utah BS: Utah State University, 1988 Major: Forest Ecology Major Professor: Dr. Richard F. Fisher Thesis: Vegetation History of Capitol Reef National Park: Using Phytolith Analysis to Determine Past Plant Communities
Bravo, Leo A. Merida, Venezuela BS: Utah State University, 1991 Major: Instructional Technology Major Professor: Dr. R. Kent Wood Thesis: Plan B
Brown, Roberta Ellen Rolla, Missouri BS: University of Missouri, Rolla, 1987 Major: American Studies Major Professor: Dr. Jay Anderson Nonthesis
Visakhapattiam, India BS: Andhra University, 1989 Major: Electrical Engineering Major Professor: Dr. Richard W. Harris Thesis: Characterization of Mismatch in Mos Transistors
St. Anthony, Idaho BS: Utah State University, 1989 Major: Mechanical Engineering Major Professor: Dr. Frank J. Redd Thesis: Snakerope: Materials Selection and Testing For the Mars 1996 Mission
Christensen, Evalyn J. West Valley City, Utah BS: Brigham Young University, 1974 Major: Special Education Major Professor: Dr. Garth M. Eldredge Nonthesis
Christensen, Kent LeRoy
Orangeville, Utah BS: Utah State University, 1987 Major: English Major Professor: Dr. Christine Hult Thesis: Plan B
Lincoln, Nebraska BS: Utah State University, 1990 Major: Business Information Systems and Education Major Professor: Dr. William A. Stull Nonthesis
Carter, Wendy Lee
Chu, Ya-chun
Orem, Utah BS: Utah State University, 1990 Major: Business Information Systems and Education Major Professor: Dr. William A. Stull Nonthesis
Casperson, Quentin R., II Logan, Utah BS: Brigham Young University, 1974 Major: Business Information Systems and Education Major Professor: Dr. William A. Stull Nonthesis
Chang, Chi-Soon Buddharaju, Pradeep Varma
Christensen, Craig Bryant
Derwood, Maryland MS: Oregon State University, 1985 Major: Chemistry Major Professor: Dr. Linda S. Powers Thesis: X-Ray Absorption Spectroscopy Studies of the Active Site of Horseradish Peroxidase, Lactoperoxidase and their Derivatives
Taipei, Taiwan BS: Fu-Jen Catholic University, 1987 Major: Business Information Systems and Education Major Professor: Dr. Charles M. Lutz Nonthesis
Chun, Sang-Jin Daegu, Korea BS: Kyungpuk National University, 1982 Major: Agricultural and Irrigation Engineering Major Professor: Dr. Gary P. Merkley Thesis: Solution of the Saint-Venant Equations by Ordinary Differential Equation Algorithm
Chung, Shu-yuan Taichung, Taiwan BS: National Cheng-Kung University, 1988 Major: Physics Major Professor: Dr. James T. Wheeler Thesis: Nonlinear Quantum Mechanics
Citrone, Peter John
Bullen, Julie Anna
Chen, Qiang
Logan, Utah BS: Utah State University, 1976 Major: Family and Human Development Major Professor: Dr. Brent C. Miller Thesis: Parent-Adolescent Communication and Adolescents' Sexual Intentions
Dalian, China BS: Dalian Marine College, 1985 Major: Computer Science Major Professor: Dr. Gregory W. Jones Thesis: Plan B
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania BS: Saint Bonaventure University, 1981 Major: Physics Major Professor: Dr. Jan J. Sojka Thesis: The Effect of Electron-Density Gradients on Propagation of Radio Waves in the Mid-Latitude Ionospheric Trough
Chen, Shiang-Ru
Compton, Stephen Andrew
Tainan, Taiwan BS: Providence College, 1985 Major: Business Information Systems and Education Major Professor: Dr. H. Robert Stocker Nonthesis
Ithaca, New York BS: Cornell University, 1986 Major: Forest Ecology Major Professor: Dr. David W. Roberts Thesis: Dynamic Multi-Species Animal Habitat Modeling with Forest Succession Models
Bunderson, Bruce E. Princeton, New Jersey BS: Brigham Young University, 1988 Major: Instructional Technology Major Professor: Dr. Don C. Smellie Thesis: Plan B
Cradic, Cheryl A. Neilson
Doyle, Timothy Edwin
Elquist, Lori Showgren
Logan, Utah MEd: Utah State University, 1978 Major: Special Education Major Professor: Dr. Garth M. Eldredge Non thesis
Logan, Utah BS: Utah State University, 1982 Major: Physics Major Professor: Dr. John R. Dennison Thesis: An Embedded Ring Approach to the Vibrational Dynamics of Disordered Two-Dimensional Materials
Mapleton, Utah BS: Utah State University, 1990 Major: Communicative Disorders Major Professor: Professor Ann B. McKeehan Nonthesis
Danank, Rajeev Jabalpur, India BS: Bhopal University, 1984 Major: Electrical Engineering Major Professor: Dr. Gardiner S. Stiles Thesis: Interfacing of Transputer Based SCSI Hard Disk System to a PC
Drollinger, Valerie M. Spartanburg, South Carolina BS: Utah State University, 1990 Major: Communicative Disorders Major Professor: Professor Dee R. Child Non thesis
DeClay, Lolanda L. Whiteriver, Arizona BS: Northern Arizona University, 1979 Major: Psychology Major Professor: Dr. Glendon W. Casto Nonthesis
Dennis, Steven A. Logan, Utah BA: Brigham Young University, 1987 Major: Instructional Technology Major Professor: Dr. J. Nicholls Eastmond, Jr. Thesis: Explaining Death to Children
DeSouza, Sandra L. M. Provo, Utah BS: Bangalore University, 1983 Major: Computer Science Major Professor: Dr. Stephen J. Allan Thesis: Plan B
Dickson, David Lee Ogden, Utah BS: University of Nebraska, Omaha, 1985 Major: Health, Physical Education and Recreation Major Professor: Dr. Lanny J. Nalder Thesis: A Comparison of ST Segment Depression and Abnormal Left Ventricular Wall Motion as Determined by Stress Echocardiography
Ding, Ya-Fu Taipei, Taiwan BS: Feng Chia University, 1985 Major: Computer Science Major Professor: Dr. Jianping Zhang Thesis: Plan B
Dingle, Gregg Robert Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania BS: Utah State University, 1990 Major: Business Information Systems and Education Major Professor: Dr. William A. Stull Nonthesis
Donohue, David R. Grand Junction, Colorado BS: University of Wisconsin, Madison, 1984 Major: Civil and Environmental Engineering Major Professor: Dr. Christopher J. Duffy Thesis: Analysis of Evaporation and Water-Table Fluctuations in Desert Basin Discharge Zones
Erickson, Christopher R. Easton, Missouri BS: Texas A & M University, 1989 Major: Civil and Environmental Engineering Major Professor: Dr. Trevor C. Hughes Thesis: The Effects of Dual Systems on Price Elasticity of Residential Water Demand
Duncan, Brad V. Bountiful, Utah BS: Utah State University, 1986 Major: Electrical Engineering Major Professor: Dr. Gardiner S. Stiles Thesis: TransAcq: A Transputer-Based, Real-Time Time-Resolved Data Acquisition and Preliminary Analysis System for Optical Absorption Spectroscopy
Ersoz, Ibrahim Kaya Tirebolu, Turkey BS: Ataturk University, 1979 Major: Irrigation Science Major Professor: Dr. Lyman S. Willardson Non thesis
Evans, Kristine Udell
Du Vail, Karla B. Ogden, Utah BS: Weber State College, 1986 Major: Instructional Technology Major Professor: Dr. J. Steven Soulier Thesis: Plan B
Paradise, Utah BS: Utah State University, 1970 Major: Family and Human Development Major Professor: Dr. Jay D. Schvaneveldt Thesis: Late-Life Mate Selection: Dating Patterns in an Older Age Group
Dwaik, Fathi Y. Hebron, Palestine BS: An-Najah National University, 1987 Major: Civil and Environmental Engineering Major Professor: Dr. J. Paul Riley Nonthesis
Dyches, David Alan Midvale, Utah BS: Utah State University, 1989 Major: Electrical Engineering Major Professor: Dr. Richard W. Harris Thesis: A Study of the Statistically Lossless Image Compression Algorithm on Satellite Based Imagery
Edman, Leslie Ogden, Utah BS: Weber State College, 1986 Major: Biochemistry Major Professor: Dr. Thomas F. Emery Thesis: Iron Utilization by Tetrahymena Pyriformis
Eken, Yasin Kozan, Turkey BS: G. U. Graduate School of Natural Science, 1985 Major: Agricultural and Irrigation Engineering Major Professor: Dr. Lyman S. Willardson Nonthesis
Elison, Aaron William Toquerville, Utah BS: Utah State University, 1990 Major: Animal Science Major Professor: Dr. Randall D. Wiedmeier Thesis: The Effects of the Extended Feeding of Ammoniated Straw on Beef Cow Production
Eyzaguirre, Susan Lynn Salt Lake City, Utah BS: University of Utah, 1988 Major: Civil and Environmental Engineering Major Professor: Dr. Marian W. Kemblowski Thesis: Numerical Analysis of Pumping Tests in Leaky Aquifer Systems Containing Hetero geneous Semi-Confining Layers
Fagouri, M'barek Midelt, Morocco BS: Ecole Nationale d'Agriculture, 1971 Major: Range Science Major Professor: Dr. Charles W. Gay Thesis: The Effect of Planting Method and Species on Survival of Perennial Wheatgrasses (Agropyron spp.) Seeded During Drought in the Moulouya Plain of Morocco, 1984 to 1990
Fang, Tsai-Yu Chang-Hwa, Taiwan BS: Tamkang University, 1987 Major: Business Information Systems and Education Major Professor: Dr. Charles M. Lutz Nonthesis
Farhangrazi, Zahra Shadi London, England BS: Weber State College, 1986 Major: Biochemistry Major Professor: Dr. Vigendra K. Singh Thesis: Immune Studies in A lzheim er's Disease
Fasy, Jennifer Ione
Godfrey, William Blake
Hansen, Cuma H.
Laketown, Utah BS: Weber State College, 1990 Major: History Major Professor: Dr. Michael L. Nicholls Thesis: After Prayer and Praise: The Record Book of the Alexandria Baptist Church, 1803-1816
North Logan, Utah BS: Utah State University, 1990 Major: Communicative Disorders Major Professor: Professor Ann B. McKeehan Nonthesis
Midvale, Utah BS: Utah State University, 1962 Major: Business Information Systems and Education Major Professor: Dr. Lloyd W. Bartholome Nonthesis
Filbert, Randall B. Louisville, Kentucky BS: University of Louisville, 1986 Major: Aquatic Ecology Major Professor: Dr. Charles P. Hawkins Thesis: Is Rainbow Trout Condition Influenced by Invertebrate Drift-Density?
Fincher, Derrel V. Tokyo, Japan BS: Oklahoma State University, 1980 Major: Mechanical Engineering Major Professor: Dr. Carl D. Spear Thesis: Fluid Phase Determination Through Analysis of the Frequency Response of a Piezoelectric Cylinder
Fisher, Monte K. Ogden, Utah MBA: University of Utah, 1982 Major: Computer Science Major Professor: Dr. Gregory W. Jones Thesis: Object-Oriented Design of a Software Development Database
Fondekar, Biren Vasudev Bombay, India BS: Kakatiya University, 1987 Major: Computer Science Major Professor: Dr. Stephen J. Allan Thesis: Transparent Process Migration on a Lan of Unix Workstations
Gaeddert, Claudia House
Goncalves, Walkyria Fontes Rio de Janeiro, Brazil BS: Universidade de Brasilia, 1987 Major: Irrigation Science Major Professor: Dr. Richard G. Allen Thesis: Plan B
Greenhalgh, Lanai Logan, Utah BS: Utah State University, 1988 Major: Communication Major Professor: Professor Scott A. Chisholm Thesis: Plan B
Gross, Debra Ann Granada Hills, California BS: Utah State University, 1983 Major: Business Information Systems and Education Major Professor: Dr. William A. Stull Non thesis
Logan, Utah BS: Utah State University, 1986 Major: Home Economics and Consumer Education Major Professor: Dr. Barbara R. Rowe Thesis: Child Support Awards in Utah: The Effect of Legislative Child Support Guideline Adoption on Child Support Orders in Three Utah Counties
Harada, Osamu Yamato, Japan BS: Hokkaido University, 1980 Major: Economics Major Professor: Dr. Kenneth S. Lyon Thesis: Plan B
Gu, Beiping Beijing, China MS: Qinhua University, 1986 Major: Civil and Environmental Engineering Major Professor: Dr. Trevor C. Hughes Thesis: Risk Analysis for Reservoir Operation
Gumbart, Thomas Cushman Wayland, Massachusetts BA: Middlebury College, 1982 Major: Biology Major Professor: Dr. Kimberly A. Sullivan Thesis: The Effects of Drought on Yellow-Eyed Junco Breeding Biology and Energetics
Haas, Cheryl Shirlene
Manhattan, Kansas BS: University of Kansas, 1986 Major: Civil and Environmental Engineering Major Professor: Dr. David K. Stevens Thesis: Studies of Mass Transfer Mechanisms and Coefficients in Soil Vapor Extraction
Crofton, Nebraska BS: University of Nebraska, Omaha, 1986 Major: Wildlife Ecology Major Professor: Dr. Gar W. Workman Thesis: Empirical Evaluation of Desert Bighorn Sheep Habitat Models
Gardner, David Louis
Hagan, Amy
Salt Lake City, Utah BS: Southern Utah State College, 1989 Major: Industrial Technology Major Professor: Dr. Edward M. Reeve Thesis: Plan B
Hansen, Kay White
Logan, Utah BS: Arts and Science University, Rangoon, 1980 Major: Instructional Technology Major Professor: Dr. Duane E. Hedin Thesis: Plan B
Hardman, Teresa Keane Mendon, Utah BS: Utah State University, 1984 Major: Special Education Major Professor: Dr. Garth M. Eldredge Nonthesis
Hassan, Alaa Abbas Giza, Egypt BS: Cairo University, 1983 Major: Civil and Environmental Engineering Major Professor: Dr. David G. Tarboton Thesis: The Application of Nonparametric Density Estimation in Stochastic Disaggregation Model
Hassan, Ilyas Mahamoud Logan, Utah BS: Somali National University, 1981 Major: Agricultural Education Major Professor: Dr. Gary S. Straquadine Thesis: Critical Review of the Introduction of Training and Visit (T & V) System of Agricultural Extension in Somalia
Hatch, Charles Merrill Gedik, Irfan
Hammond, Marc R.
Aydin, Turkey BS: EGE Universitesi Ziraat Fak, 1979 Major: Irrigation Science Major Professor: Dr. Lyman S. Willardson Nonthesis
Salt Lake City, Utah BS: Utah State University, 1989 Major: Physics Major Professor: Dr. William R. Pendleton, Jr. Thesis: A Study of Temperatures Derived From the OH Meinel (3,1) and (7,4) Bands in the Night Airglow
Godfrey, Michael Kent Idaho Falls, Idaho BS: Idaho State University, 1988 Major: Family and Human Development Major Professor: Dr. Shelley L. K. Lindauer Thesis: Preschoolers' Perceptions of Their Alternative Care Environments
Hancock, Steven William Tooele, Utah BS: Utah State University, 1990 Major: Instructional Technology Major Professor: Dr. J. Steven Soulier Thesis: Plan B
Logan, Utah BS: Utah State University, 1976 Major: History Major Professor: Dr. F. Ross Peterson Thesis: Creating Ethnicity in the Hydraulic Village of the Mormon West
Haws, R. Kelly West Jordan, Utah BS: Brigham Young University, 1984 Major: Family and Human Development Major Professor: Dr. Thomas R. Lee Thesis: A Descriptive Study of the Use of an Educationally-Sponsored Suicide Riskline
Hazleton, Dru Lane
Holt, Mark Steven
Jackson, Sally Graves
Boise, Idaho BS: Utah State University, 1987 Major: American Studies Major Professor: Dr. Steven Siporin Thesis: Plan B
Smithfield, Utah BS: Utah State University, 1990 Major: Civil and Environmental Engineering Major Professor: Dr. William J. Doucette Thesis: Microcomputer Program for the Estimation of Properties for Use in Environmental Fate and Transport Models
Fort Worth, Texas BS: Rice University, 1984 Major: Wildlife Ecology Major Professor: Dr. John A. Kadlec Thesis: Relationships Among Birds, Willows, and Native Ungulates in and Around Northern Yellowstone National Park
Hortin, Sherilyn
Jackson, Tom O.
Roosevelt, Utah BS: Utah State University, 1991 Major: Communicative Disorders Major Professor: Dr. Steven H. Viehwig Nonthesis
Thayne, Wyoming BA: Utah State University, 1990 Major: Special Education Major Professor: Dr. Garth M. Eldredge Nonthesis
Huber, Paul Eric
James, Thomas William
Logan, Utah BS: Utah State University, 1990 Major: Business Information Systems and Education Major Professor: Dr. James C. Scott Nonthesis
Logan, Utah BS: Utah State University, 1986 Major: Business Information Systems and Education Major Professor: Dr. Thomas Hilton Nonthesis
Hunnicutt, Mary Ann
Jensen, Nadine Forsgren
Richmond, California BS: University of California, Berkeley, 1976 Major: Fisheries and Wildlife Major Professor: Dr. Winifred B. Kessler Thesis: Use of Landsat Imagery and Geo graphical Information in Assessment of Rangeland Cover and Wildlife Habitat
Preston, Idaho BS: Idaho State University, 1974 Major: Elementary Education Major Professor: Dr. John A. Smith Nonthesis
He, Enqiang Gaixian, China BS: Dalian Fisheries College, 1984 Major: Fisheries and Wildlife Major Professor: Dr. Wayne A. Wurtsbaugh Thesis: Plan B
Hebert, Matthew W. Ogden, Utah BS: Weber State College, 1987 Major: Health, Physical Education and Recreation Major Professor: Dr. Lanny J. Nalder Thesis: A Comparison of the Bruce Protocol with the Ellestad, Balke 3.0 and American College of Sports Medicine Bicycle Ergometer Protocols at 75% of Maximum Heart Rate on Electrocardiographic, Physiologic, and Total Exercise Time Parameters
Hekmat Sharareh Khorramabad, Iran BS: Utah State University, 1988 Major: Nutrition and Food Sciences Major Professor: Dr. Donald J. McMahon and Bifidobacterium bifidum in Ice Cream for Use as a Probiotic Food
Helms, William L. Ogden, Utah BS: Weber State College, 1989 Major: Electrical Engineering Major Professor: Dr. Richard W. Harris Thesis: A Comparison Between Vector Quantization and Transform Coding in a Statistically Lossless Algorithm
Hill, Daniel C. Sandy, Utah BA: Utah State University, 1989 Major: Instructional Technology Major Professor: Dr. Don C. Smellie Thesis: Plan B
Hillman, Evan S. Southboro, Massachusetts BA: University of Maine, 1985 Major: Electrical Engineering Major Professor: Dr. Ronald L. Thurgood Thesis: Hardware and Software for Ground Montoring and Control of Spirit III Spacecraft
Hoge, Penelope Sue Boulder, Colorado BS: University of Colorado, 1983 Major: Biology Major Professor: Dr. Mary E. Barkworth Thesis: Biosystematics of Seven Species of Stipa from Southwestern United States and Northern Mexico
Hussein, Ahmed Nur Hargeisa, Somalia BS: Somali National University, 1982 Major: Soil Science Major Professor: Dr. Raymond W. Miller Thesis: Alfalfa Yield and Quality as Altered by Phosphorus and Potassium Fertilization
Hussein, Ali Abukar Mogadishu, Somalia BS: Somali National University, 1984 Major: Agricultural and Irrigation Engineering Major Professor: Dr. Lyman S. Willardson Thesis: Evaluation of Drainage Water Reuse by Using Weighing Lysimeter and LEACHC Model
Immel, Nancy Ellen Logan, Utah BS: Colorado State University, 1976 Major: Family and Human Development Major Professor: Dr. Jay D. Schvaneveldt Thesis: Family Naming Patterns and Intergenerational Kinship Affiliations
Jiang, Ming Ming Wuhan, China BS: Wuhan Institute of Hydraulic and Electric Engineering, 1982 Major: Civil and Environmental Engineering Major Professor: Dr. Vance T. Christiansen Thesis: Plan B
Jimenez, Geovanni San Isidro, Costa Rica BS: Instituto Tecnologico, 1983 Major: Agricultural Education Major Professor: Dr. Gilbert A. Long Thesis: Profile of the Agricultural and Home Economics County Extension Agents in Utah as Information Users
Johnson, Ann M. Sandy, Utah BS: Brigham Young University, 1963 Major: English Major Professor: Professor Jan E. Roush Thesis: Using Writing-to-Leam to Teach United States History to Students at Utah State Prision
Johnson, Kim J.
Iyer, Vinay R. Bangalore, India BS: Bangalore University, 1989 Major: Electrical Engineering Major Professor: Dr. Robert W. Gunderson Thesis: Parameter Perturbation Method of Control of a Solar Collector
Ogden, Utah BS: Weber State College, 1977 Major: Instructional Technology Major Professor: Dr. Brenda M. BranyanBroadbent Thesis: Plan B
Jackson, Robert B.
Johnson, Leslie M.
Naperville, Illinois MS: Utah State University, 1989 Major: Statistics Major Professor: Dr. Adele Cutler Nonthesis
Springville, Utah BS: Utah State University, 1990 Major: Communicative Disorders Major Professor: Dr. Carol J. Strong Thesis: Plan B
Jones, Reese Buckley
Kirchner, Kyle Harmon
Larsen, James Layne
Brigham City, Utah BS: Utah State University, 1989 Major: Computer Science Major Professor: Dr. Vicki H. Allan Thesis: Constrained Software Pipelining
Shawnee, Kansas BS: University of Kansas, 1987 Major: Civil and Environmental Engineering Major Professor: Dr. J. Paul Riley Thesis: A Study of the Groundwater Flow and Distribution of Selenium Within the Groundwater System Around Stewart Lake Waterfowl Management Area, Utah
Idaho Falls, Idaho BS: Brigham Young University, 1989 Major: Mechanical Engineering Major Professor: Dr. Frank J. Redd Nonthesis
Jones, Scott B. Spanish Fork, Utah BS: Brigham Young University, 1989 Major: Agricultural and Irrigation Engineering Major Professor: Dr. Conly L. Hansen Thesis: Reclamation of Sodic Soil and Fate of Chemical Oxygen Demand from Cottage Cheese (Acid) Whey Application
Koerner, Karl Robert Logan, Utah DDS: University of Washington, 1973 Major: Instructional Technology Major Professor: Dr. Don C. Smellie Thesis: Plan B
Lawrence, Keith Peter
Kunzler, Robert Alan
Commack, New York BS: State University of New York, Oswego, 1985 Major: Fisheries and Wildlife Major Professor: Dr. Timothy Modde Thesis: Effects of Fish Size and Temperature on the Condition and Survival of Fat-Depleted Rainbow Trout Following Long-Term Swimming
Rupert, Idaho BS: Utah State University, 1989 Major: Dairy Science Major Professor: Dr. David P. Marcinkowski Thesis: Changes in the Vulvular and Vestibular Tissue of the Bovine During the Estrous Cycle as Determined by the Use of Near Infrared Interactance
Logan, Utah BA: Utah State University, 1990 Major: Special Education Major Professor: Dr. Garth M. Eldredge Non thesis
Lamb, Ron
Leng, Tau
Wales, Utah BS: Utah State University, 1982 Major: English Major Professor: Dr. Joyce A. Kinkead Thesis: Plan B
Keelung, Taiwan BS: Fu-Jen Catholic University, 1981 Major: Computer Science Major Professor: Dr. Gregory W. Jones Thesis: Plan B
Krieger, Karen Lynn Jorgensen, Kent B. Castle Dale, Utah BS: Utah State University, 1988 Major: Agricultural Education Major Professor: Dr. Gilbert A. Long Thesis: Plan B
Kang, Sooseok Seoul, Korea BS: Brigham Young University, 1990 Major: Business Information Systems and Education Major Professor: Dr. James C. Scott Nonthesis
Karabas, Ahmet Nuri Duzigi, Turkey BS: Ataturk University, 1981 Major: Agricultural and Irrigation Engineering Major Professor: Dr. Lyman S. Willardson Nonthesis
Logan, Utah BS: University of Nebraska, Lincoln, 1981 Major: American Studies Major Professor: Dr. Barre Toelken Thesis: Time on a Chain: Railroaders, Technological Change, and Time
Kearns, Cheryl Barlow
Lamborn, Burton Banks
Idaho Falls, Idaho BS: Idaho State University, 1990 Major: Communicative Disorders Major Professor: Dr. Thomas S. Johnson Thesis: Plan B
Logan, Utah BS: Utah State University, 1990 Major: Mechanical Engineering Major Professor: Dr. J. Clair Batty Thesis: An Accurate Cryogenic Vapor Flowmeter With No Additional Flow Impedance
Kilburn, Dianne West Valley City, Utah BA: Brigham Young University, 1977 Major: Elementary Education Major Professor: Dr. Francine Fukui Nonthesis
King, A. Clair Brigham City, Utah BS: Utah State University, 1976 Major: Special Education Major Professor: Dr. Garth M. Eldredge Thesis: Plan B
Kingsford, Susan Wilde Clearfield, Utah BS: Weber State College, 1979 Major: Home Economics and Consumer Education Major Professor: Dr. Marilyn B. Noyes Thesis: Time Allocations of Children in Single-Parent Urban Utah Families to Selected Household Tasks
Lau, Kinhung Hong Kong BS: Jinan University, 1982 Major: Computer Science Major Professor: Dr. Vicki H. Allan Thesis: Software Pipelining with Region Scheduling
Lambson, Cort Hess
Lee, Laurie
Li, Chi-hsin Chang-hwa, Taiwan BS: Feng Chia University, 1984 Major: Civil and Environmental Engineering Major Professor: Dr. Vance T. Christiansen Thesis: Plan B
Li, Jianmin
Farmington, Utah BS: Brigham Young University, 1985 Major: Civil and Environmental Engineering Major Professor: Dr. L. Douglas James Thesis: Simulated Radiation Patterns on Mountain Slopes and Their Effect on Snowmelt Runoff
Zhengzhou, China MS: Tongji Medical University, 1986 Major: Toxicology Major Professor: Dr. Steven D. Aust Thesis: Iron Release from Rat Liver Ferritin and Lipid Peroxidation by Adriamycin
Lancette, John A.
Simao, China BS: Nanjing University, 1985 Major: Business Information Systems and Education Major Professor: Dr. Charles M. Lutz Nonthesis
Rice Lake, Wisconsin BS: University Wisconsin, Eau Claire, 1983 Major: Communicative Disorders Major Professor: Dr. Steven H. Viehweg Nonthesis
Li, Jiejun
Larsen, David Rue
Li, Jiing-Ching
Logan, Utah BA: University of Utah, 1978 Major: Family and Human Development Major Professor: Dr. D. Kim Openshaw Thesis: Building Self-Esteem in Couples
Matou, Taiwan BS: National Chen Kon University, 1982 Major: Computer Science Major Professor: Dr. Gregory W. Jones Thesis: Plan B
Li, Tyngpoh
Mace, R. William
McLain, Kristen K.
Taipei, Taiwan BS: National Taiwan Institute of Technology, 1989 Major: Business Information Systems and Education Major Professor: Dr. Thomas Hilton Nonthesis
Kanab, Utah BS: Utah State University, 1977 Major: Soil Science Major Professor: Dr. Ronald J. Hanks Thesis: Boion Toxicity of Alfalfa Under Waste Water Irrigation
Smithfield, Utah BS: Bowling Green State University, 1986 Major: Health, Physical Education and Recreation Major Professor: Dr. Lanny J. Nalder Thesis: The Effect of Cycling on Total Blood Cholesterol Levels
Lipsey, Karen C.
Kearns, Utah BA: Brigham Young University, 1979 Major: Instructional Technology Major Professor: Dr. Brenda M. BranyanBroadbent Thesis: Plan B
Sandy, Utah BS: Southern Utah State College, 1988 Major: Special Education Major Professor: Dr. Garth M. Eldredge Nonthesis
Liu, Suwen Beijing, China MS: Beijing Institute of Posts and Telecommunications, 1985 Major: Mathematics Major Professor: Dr. E. Robert Heal Nonthesis
Liu, Yu-Wen Taipei, Taiwan BS: Chinese Culture University, 1984 Major: Bioveterinary Science Major Professor: Dr. Mark C. Healey Thesis: Identification of Potential Adhesins Shared Among Isolates of Actinobacillus Species and Actinobacillus-Like Bacteria Cultured from Ram Lambs with Clinical Epididymitis
Lo, Shin-en Taipei, Taiwan BS: Tamkang University, 1984 Major: Computer Science Major Professor: Dr. Rex L. Hurst Thesis: Plan B
Lo, Ti-Fei Taipei, Taiwan BS: National Taiwan University, 1987 Major: Civil and Environmental Engineering Major Professor: Dr. Vance T. Christiansen Thesis: Plan B
Loivanicharoen, Somchai Udornthani, Thailand ME: Chulalongkom University, 1987 Major: Computer Science Major Professor: Dr. Rex L. Hurst Thesis: Plan B
Long, Pifei Taipei, Taiwan BS: Soochow University, 1981 Major: Computer Science Major Professor: Dr. Larre N. Egbert Thesis: The Application of Quasi-Newton Methods to Ray Tracing Parametric Surfaces and Refractive Index Gradients
Lwo, Fu-Hwei Chiayi, Taiwan BS: Tunghai University, 1985 Major: Computer Science Major Professor: Dr. Gregory W. Jones Thesis: Plan B
Madsen, Michael D.
Manning, Kevin Harry American Fork, Utah BS: Utah State University, 1990 Major: Instructional Technology Major Professor: Dr. Don C. Smellie Thesis: Plan B
Manwaring, Jeffrey Adamson Salt Lake City, Utah BS: Utah State University, 1990 Major: Communicative Disorders Major Professor: Professor Peggy Von Almen Thesis: Plan B
Marutz, Lori Louise Huntington Beach, California BS: University of California, Santa Barbara, 1990 Major: Communicative Disorders Major Professor: Dr. C arol}. Strong Thesis: The Stability of Reference-Cohesion Revision Skills of Language-Impaired and Normally Developing School-Aged Children
Masood, Chowdhury Shaheen Dhaka, Bangladesh BS: University of Dhaka, 1986 Major: Computer Science Major Professor: Dr. Donald H. Cooley Thesis: Plan B
Maurer, Elizabeth L. Springfield, Virginia BS: Utah State University, 1981 Major: Instructional Technology Major Professor: Dr. Don C. Smellie Nonthesis
McClanahan, Patrick Bruce Eagle River, Alaska BS: South Dakota State University, 1979 Major: Computer Science Major Professor: Dr. Donald H. Cooley Thesis: A Prototype Expert Geographic Information System Using the Geographical Resource Analysis Support System and the C Language Integrated Production System
McEntire, Kathryn Ruth Logan, Utah BS: Utah State University, 1990 Major: Health, Physical Education and Recreation Major Professor: Dr. Janice Pearce Thesis: The Relationship Between Resiliency, Drug Use, and Attitudes about Drugs among Teenagers
Mehta, Nipa R. Bombay, India BS: Bombay University, 1989 Major: Electrical Engineering Major Professor: Dr. Richard W. Harris Thesis: Design Fabrication Testing of the Analog Codebook Chip
Men, Yue-Dong Taipei, Taiwan BS: Soo-Chow University, 1981 Major: Chemistry Major Professor: Dr. David B. Marshall Thesis: The Relationship Between Surface Polarity, Retention, and Mobil Phase Composition in Reversed-Phase High Performance Liquid Chromatography
Menon, Ravinder Thiruvilwamala, India BS: Jadavpur University, 1976 Major: Civil and Enviornmental Engineering Major Professor: Dr. David K. Stevens Thesis: Adsorption of Mercury Vapor By Granular Activated Carbon
Mezin, Thierry Le Fontanil, France BS: Universite De Savoie, 1989 Major: Mechanical Engineering Major Professor: Dr. A. Subhash Bose Nonthesis
Mian, Amer Aziz Lahore, Pakistan BS: University of Kansas, 1988 Major: Computer Science Major Professor: Dr. Gregory W. Jones Thesis: Object-Oriented Databases for a Software Engineering Environment
Miller, David Daines North Logan, Utah MS: Idaho State University, 1980 Major: Communicative Disorders Major Professor: Professor Dee R. Child Nonthesis
Mitchell, Christiane A. Canaan, New York AB: Mt. Holyoke College, 1987 Major: History Major Professor: Dr. Clyde A. Milner II Thesis: "Work and Devotion": Father Harold Baxter Liebler at St. Christopher's Mission, 1943-1962
Mitchell, Sharon K. Salt Lake City, Utah BA: Stanford University, 1967 Major: Psychology Major Professor: Dr. Keith T. Checketts Nonthesis
Moedl, Ann Marchant
Moshtaghi, Majid
O, Jae H.
Bloomington, Idaho BS: Brigham Young University, 1987 Major: Agricultural Systems Technology Major Professor: Dr. Weldon S. Sleight Thesis: A Longitudinal Study to Compare Students Enrolled in the College of Agriculture's General Agriculture Curriculum Project with a Similar Group Enrolled in the College of Agriculture
Abadan, Iran BS: Utah State University, 1984 Major: Irrigation Science Major Professor: Dr. Lyman S. Willardson Thesis: Plan B
Seoul, Korea BS: Sung Kyun Kwan University, 1981 Major: Business Information Systems and Education Major Professor: Dr. Charles M. Lutz Nonthesis
Muneewej, Wilasinee
Oana, Joan Leilani
Molina, Eugenia Bogota, Colombia BS: Universidad Nacional De Colombia, 1972 Major: Irrigation Science Major Professor: Dr. Richard G. Allen Thesis: Simulation Model to Predict Operating Pressures and Flow Rates for a Sprinkler System in Operation
Moon, Young-Il Seoul, Korea BS: Han Yang University, 1984 Major: Civil and Environmental Engineering Major Professor: Dr. Upmanu Lall Thesis: Nonparametric Flood Frequency Estimation
Moore, Linda Gayle Salt Lake City, Utah BS: Idaho State University, 1980 Major: Psychology Major Professors: Dr. Elwin C. Nielsen and Dr. Keith T. Checketts Thesis: Predictors of Change for Parents Who Perceive Improvement in Their Family Functioning Following a Parent Training Program
Morris, Glenn D. Salt Lake City, Utah BS: Utah State University, 1991 Major: Business Information Systems and Education Major Professor: Dr. Charles M. Lutz Nonthesis
Morris, Lisa Anne Gainesville, Virginia BA: Virginia Polytechnic and State University, 1986 Major: Fisheries and Wildlife Major Professor: Dr. Winifred S. Kessler Thesis: The Integration of Wildlife Management in Reforestation Planning Using Habitat Simulation Models and Geographic Information Systems.
Morris, Vanae Salt Lake City, Utah BS: University of Utah, 1977 Major: Elementary Education Major Professor: Dr. Deborah A. Byrnes Nonthesis
Muang, Thailand BS: Chulalongkom University, 1989 Major: Business Information Systems and Education Major Professor: Dr. Lloyd W. Bartholome Nonthesis
Seoul, Korea BS: Pomona College, 1984 Major: Mathematics Major Professor: Dr. Joseph V. Koebbe Thesis: Plan B
Obray, Susan
Mustafaoglu, Vedat Edirne, Turkey BS: University of Ankara, 1982 Major: Agricultural and Irrigation Engineering Major Professor: Dr. Lyman S. Willardson Nonthesis
Nelson, Sandy W. Preston, Idaho BS: Utah State University, 1985 Major: Instructional Technology Major Professor: Dr. Brenda M. BranyanBroadbent Thesis: Plan B
Paradise, Utah BS: Utah State University, 1982 Major: Business Information Systems and Education Major Professor: Dr. Lloyd W. Bartholome Nonthesis
Olivarez, Luis Ramon Santa Domingo, Dominican Republic Irg. Agron: Universidad Autonoma Santa Domingo, 1986 Major: Agricultural and Irrigation Engineering Major Professor: Dr. Richard G. Allen Thesis: Plan B
Newby, Patrick Joseph Seattle, Washington BS: Humboldt State University, 1985 Major: Civil and Enironmental Engineering Major Professor: Dr. Darwin L. Sorensen Thesis: Plan B
Newman, Sandra M. Dallas, Texas BS: Texas Tech University, 1984 Major: Nutrition and Food Sciences Major Professor: Dr. Paul A. Savello Thesis: Effects of Stabilisers and pH Adjustments on Milk Proteins in UHT-Treated Citrus Juice/Skim Milk Blend Drink
Olsen, Tamara Spencer Layton, Utah BS: Utah State University, 1987 Major: Business Information Systems and Education Major Professor: Dr. Lloyd W. Bartholome Nonthesis
Owen, Karen S. Kansas City, Missouri BS: Utah State University, 1990 Major: English Major Professor: Dr. Kenneth W. Brewer Thesis: Plan B
Nez, Ruby R. Tuba City, Arizona MEd: Pennsylvania State University, 1973 Major: Psychology Major Professor: Dr. Elwin C. Nielsen Nonthesis
Ozkaldi, Akif Ankara, Turkey BS: Istanbul Technical University, 1986 Major: Agricultural and Irrigation Engineering Major Professor: Dr. Lyman S. Willardson Thesis: Plan B
Norman, Kimberly Anne Moab, Utah BS: Utah State University, 1987 Major: Health, Physical Education and Recreation Major Professor: Dr. Deana Lortenzen Thesis: Coaches of Girls Teams in Utah High Schools: An Investigation of Trends from Title X to the Present
Ankara, Turkey BS: Ataturk University, 1981 Major: Economics Major Professor: Dr. Terrence F. Glover Nonthesis
Nowell, Marilyn Holtkamp
Packham, Joanne
Salt Lake City, Utah BA: University of Missouri, 1966 Major: English Major Professor: Dr. Kenneth W. Brewer Thesis: Plan B
Syracuse, Utah BA: Utah State University, 1969 Major: Instructional Technology Major Professor: Dr. Don C. Smellie Nonthesis
Ozlu, Hasan
Mortensen, Lance Burton Tremonton, Utah BA: Utah State University, 1989 Major: Business Information Systems and Education Major Professor: Dr. Robert H. Stocker Non thesis
Paralkar, Trupti P.
Percival, Gary L.
Qin, Haiying
Bombay, India BS: University of Bombay, 1988 Major: Statistics Major Professor: Dr. Adele Cutler Nonthesis
Farmington, Utah BS: University of Utah, 1987 Major: Psychology Major Professor: Dr. Sebastian Striefel Thesis: Ethical Beliefs and Practices: Do Psychologists Differ from Other Health-Care Professionals
Anhui, China BS: Beijing Agricultural University, 1986 Major: Biology Major Professor: Dr. Nabil N. Youssef Thesis: Isolation and Characterization of a Linear Plasmid from the Entomopathogenic
Parkinson, Ann Beveridge Richmond, Utah BS: Utah State University, 1973 Major: Family and Human Development Major Professor: Dr. Glen O. Jenson Thesis: Knowledge of Infant/Toddler Development Among Low-Income Families
Pay, Renee W. Sandy, Utah BS: Brigham Young University, 1971 Major: Business Information Systems and Education Major Professor: Dr. Lloyd W. Bartholome Nonthesis
Payne, David R. Independence, Missouri BS: University of Missouri, 1984 Major: Physics Major Professor: Dr. Robert W. Schunk Thesis: Ion Production and Electron Heating in Auroral and Sun-Aligned Arcs
Petersen, Sterling Wade Logan, Utah BS: Utah State University, 1990 Major: Instructional Technology Major Professor: Dr. Don C. Smellie Thesis: Plan B
Cotuit, Massachusetts BS: Colorado School of Mines, 1983 Major: Civil and Environmental Engineering Major Professor: Dr. Roland W. Jeppson Thesis: A Model of Flow in a Freezing Unsaturated Porous Medium
Pedersen, Gordon H. Bountiful, Utah MS: Utah State University, 1990 Major: Health, Physical Education and Recreation Major Professor: Dr. Lanny J. Nalder Thesis: Acute Anaerobic and Aerobic Exercise Effects Upon the Distribution of White Blood Cells and Serum Immunoglobulins in Healthy Adult Males
Logan, Utah BS: Utah State University, 1990 Major: Business Information Systems and Education Major Professor: Dr. Thomas Hilton Nonthesis
Pfister, Roxane S. Idaho Falls, Idaho BFA: Utah State University, 1974 Major: Statistics Major Professor: Dr. Adele Cutler Nonthesis
Downey, Idaho BS: Idaho State University, 1989 Major: Special Education Major Professor: Dr. Garth M. Eldredge Nonthesis
Pourier-Long, Janell Marie Porcupine, South Dakota BS: Dakota Wesleyan University, 1987 Major: Psychology Major Professor: Dr. Marvin G. Fifield Nonthesis
Presley, Erie A. Murray, Utah BS: Weber State College, 1989 Major: Communication Major Professor: Professor Scott A. Chisholm Thesis: Plan B
Peng, Yuenan
Qalyoubi, Rula Taher
Nanchang, China BS: Jiangxi Normal University, 1982 Major: Physics Major Professor: Dr. Wilford N. Hansen Thesis: A Study of the Electrolyte Outer Potential, Inner Potential, Surface Potential, and Emersed Electrode Outer Potential of a Cell
Amman, Jordan BS: Utah State University, 1990 Major: Economics Major Professor: Dr. Terrence F. Glover Thesis: Productivity of the Agricultural Sector in the Soviet Union: Performance and Evaluation
Qi, Ying Penmetsa, Ravi Kumar Hyderabad, India BS: Sri Venkateswara University, 1987 Major: Civil and Environmental Engineering Major Professor: Dr. William J. Grenney Thesis: Soil Treatment Evaluation Program
Shanghai, China MS: Tongji University, 1982 Major: Civil and Environmental Engineering Major Professor: Dr. Michael J. McFarland Thesis: Benzo (a) Pyrene Transfomation in Soil Composting Process Using White-Rot Fungus Phanerochaete Chrysosporium
Peterson, Craig Jay
Piantanida, B. J. Pease, Gary Dwight
Qiu, Xiujin
Beijing, China BS: Henan TV and Broadcasting University, 1985 Major: Business Information Systems and Education Major Professor: Dr. Lloyd W. Bartholome Nonthesis
Qureshi, Zah id Ali Quetta, Pakistan BS: University of Agriculture, Faisalabad, 1984 Major: Agricultural and Irrigation Engneering Major Professor: Dr. Lyman S. Willardson Thesis: Water Harvesting From Compacted Soil Surfaces to Improve the Producivity of Rainfed Agriculture
Rasmussen, Michelle G. Sugar City, Idaho BS: Utah State University, 1989 Major: Communicative Disorders Major Professor: Sonia S. Manuel-Dupont Thesis: The Assessment of Articulation and Phonological Skills in Preschool Cleft Palate Children
Redd, Myrna C. Logan, Utah BS: Brigham Young University, 1982 Major: Family and Human Development Major Professor: Dr. Ann M. Austin Thesis: An Examination of the Relationship Between a Woman's Level of Moral Development, and Her Health, Self Esteem and Marital Satisfaction
Redinger, Steven R. Walla Walla, Washington BS: Eastern Oregon State College, 1987 Major: Instructional Technology Major Professor: Dr. J. Steven Soulier Nonthesis
Reeder, Stephen Wight Brigham City, Utah BS: Utah State University,1980 Major: Elementary Education Major Professor: Dr. L. Gail Johnson Nonthesis
Reiley, Jeff J. Tetonia, Idaho BS: Utah State University, 1990 Major: Psychology Major Professor: Dr. Keith T. Checketts Nonthesis
Reilly, Jane Ann Logan, Utah BS: University of Wisconsin, La Crosse, 1988 Major: History Major Professor: Dr. Anne M. Butler Thesis: Cache County Women: The 1930s and the Impact of Work
Repic, Stephen Jon
Sampson, Bradley J.
Selman, Kristy
Cochrane, Canada BS: Michigan State University, 1978 Major: History Major Professor: Dr. Jay Anderson Thesis: Plan B
Richfield, Utah BS: Utah State University, 1991 Major: Agricultural Systems Technology Major Professor: Dr. Weldon S. Sleight Thesis: Plan B
Tremonton, Utah BS: Utah State University, 1988 Major: Animal Science Major Professor: Dr. Lyle G. McNeal Thesis: The Effects of Improved Wool Harvesting Technology, Management Practices, and Marketing on Navajo Reservation Produced Wools
Rich, Robert C. Logan, Utah BS: Utah State University, 1989 Major: Instructional Technology Major Professor: Dr. Don C. Smellie Thesis: Plan B
Roberts, Douglas Charles Ogden, Utah BA: Weber State College, 1987 Major: Special Education Major Professor: Dr. Garth M. Eldredge Thesis: Plan B
Robertson, Tammerah Berquist Shelby, Montana BS: Weber State College, 1982 Major: Instructional Technology Major Professor: Dr. Charles Stoddard Thesis: Plan B
Robinson, Edward L. Malta, Idaho BBA: Boise State University, 1989 Major: Business Information Systems and Education Major Professor: Dr. James C. Scott Nonthesis
Rowell, Michael Copeland Buchanan, Georgia BS: Louisiana Technical University, 1986 Major: Fisheries and Wildlife Major Professor: Dr. Robert J. Taylor Thesis: Associations of Coyotes With Other Carnivores in the Western United States
Sanderson, William Wayne Corvallis, Oregon BS: Oregon State University, 1990 Major: Business Information Systems and Education Major Professor: Dr. Charles M. Lutz Thesis: A Study of Students' Gender and Achievement in Introductory Microcomputer Classes at Utah State University
Saunders, Kyle Dean Clearfield, Utah BS: Utah State University, 1987 Major: Business Information Systems and Education Major Professor: Dr. Lloyd W. Bartholome Nonthesis
Sauter, Keith A. Indianapolis, Indiana BS: Purdue University, 1983 Major: Watershed Science Major Professor: Dr. Jeffrey J. McDonnell Thesis: An Automated System for Measuring Snow Surface Energy Exchanges in Mountainous Terrain and Estimating Snow Ablation Rates in Mountainous Terrain of Northern Utah
Schindler, Jay Jenson Idaho Falls, Idaho BS: Utah State University, 1990 Major: Bioveterinary Science Major Professor: Dr. Stanley D. Allen Thesis: Immunological Effects of Amphotericin B Deoxycholate and Liposomal Amphotericin B on Splenocytes from Immune-Normal and Immune-Compromised Mice
Schlinger, Charles M. Rungta, Vandana Shyam Bharuch, India BE: Fac. of Technology/Engineering, 1989 Major: Electrical Engineering Major Professor: Dr. Gardiner S. Stiles Thesis: Parallel Vector Quantization Codebook Generation
Saleh, Ali Shamsan Sana'a, Yemen Republic BS: Istanbul Technical University, 1983 Major: Civil and Environmental Engineering Major Professor: Dr. Loren R. Anderson Non thesis
Salem, Hany Abdel-Hader El-Sadany Cairo, Egypt BS: Cairo University, 1986 Major: Agricultural and Irrigation Engineering Major Professor: Dr. Lyman S. Willardson Thesis: Evaluation of the Performance of Synthetic Envelope Materials
Flint, Michigan PhD: John Hopkins University, 1983 Major: Civil and Environmental Engineering Major Professor: Dr. Loren R. Anderson Thesis: Plan B
Schmidt, Mary Kay Spencer, Iowa BA: University of Northern Iowa, 1990 Major: History Major Professor: Dr. Jay Anderson Thesis: Plan B
Schwab, Scott K. Logan, Utah BS: Utah State University, 1963 Major: Instructional Technology Major Professor: Dr. R. Kent Wood Thesis: Plan B
Schwaegler, Catherine Jean Roy, Utah BS: Southern Illinois University, 1977 Major: Communicative Disorders Major Professor: Professor Ann L. McKeehan Non thesis
Severe, Jerald H. Pendleton, Oregon BS: Brigham Young University, 1984 Major: Plant Science Major Professor: Dr. Ralph E. Whitesides Thesis: Effects of Microwave Drying on Near-Infrared Reflectance Analysis of Com Silage
Sevilla, Raul Arturo Danli, Honduras BS: Utah State University, 1985 Major: Animal Science Major Professor: Dr. Randall D. Wiedmeier Thesis: Effects of Supplementing Different Sources of Protein and Carbohydrate to a Low Quality Barley Straw Diet on Rate and Extent of in Vitro Dry Matter Disappearance
Shelton, Todd A. Mendon, Utah BS: Utah State University, 1990 Major: Electrical Engineering Major Professor: Dr. Richard W. Harris Thesis: A Real-Time Hardward Image Decompressor for a Hybrid Compression System
Sherburne, Stuart Scott Winterport, Maine BS: University of Vermont, 1989 Major: Wildlife Ecology Major Professor: Dr. John A. Bissonette Thesis: Marten Use of Subnivean Access Points in Yellowstone National Park, Wyoming
Shieh, Ching-Lihn Taipei, Taiwan BS: National Cheng Kung University, 1985 Major: Civil and Environmental Engineering Major Professor: Dr. Vance T. Christiansen Thesis: Using the Relaxation Method to Solve the Finite Difference Problems
Shimpi, Anirudha V. Pune, India BS: University of Poona, 1988 Major: Computer Science Major Professor: Dr. Vicki H. Allan Thesis: Scheduling Time-Critical Instructions on Multiple Machines
Shin, Eun-Hee Daegu, Korea BS: Ewha Women's University, 1986 Major: Psychology Major Professor: Dr. Blaine R. Worthen Thesis: The Relationship Between Students' Evaluation of Faculty and Students' Grades
Shumway, Andrew Lee
Stewart, Mickie Jo
Tew, Shelley Wood
Idaho Falls, Idaho BS: Brigham Young University, 1989 Major: Mechanical Engineering Major Professor: Dr. Frank J. Redd Thesis: Accelerometer Correlation for Speed Measurement of the Mars Balloon Snakerope
Murray, Utah BS: Utah State University, 1992 Major: Special Education Major Professor: Dr. Garth M. Eldredge Nonthesis
Lincoln, Nebraska BS: Utah State University, 1987 Major: Health, Physical Education and Recreation Major Professor: Dr. Lanny J. Nalder Thesis: Effect of Swimming and Walking on the Post Exercise Food Intake of Untrained Females
Stewart, Paul Howard Singer, James H. Logan, Utah BS: Utah State University, 1989 Major: Electrical Engineering Major Professor: Dr. Richard W. Harris Thesis: System Implementation Trade-Offs of Lossless Data Compression Algorithms for Space Sensor Image Compression
Logan, Utah BS: California State University, Fresno, 1985 Major: Animal Science Major Professor: Dr. Larry M. Slade Thesis: Equine Operant Conditioning: Autoshaping, Observational Learning, and Discriminative Stimulus Intensity
Stewart, Ronald P. Snow, Bryan L. Roosevelt, Utah BS: Utah State University, 1988 Major: Business Information Systems and Education Major Professor: Dr. William A. Stull Nonthesis
Vernal, Utah BS: University of Utah, 1981 Major: Communications Major Professor: Professor Nelson B. Wadsworth Thesis: Plan B
Subrahmanyan, Srinath Sondhi, Amit
Thurston, Myrl Weyerman Hyde Park, Utah BS: Utah State University, 1971 Major: Industrial Technology Major Professor: Dr. Edward M. Reeve Thesis: Plan B
Torabi-zadeh, Mohammad T. Alrwaz, Iran MS: Utah State University, 1978 Major: Statistics Major Professor: Dr. Ronald V. Canfield Thesis: Plan B
Bhilai, India BS: Indore University, 1989 Major: Computer Science Major Professor: Dr. Stephen J. Allan Thesis: TP4: Transition and Coexistence Strategy from Internet to OS1
Madras, India BS: Birla Institute of Technology and Science, 1987 Major: Electrical Engineering Major Professor: Dr. Gardiner S. Stiles Thesis: Performance Analysis of the Stardent 1500
Spackman, Ross Arthur
Sung, Wei-Chuan
Freedom, Wyoming BS: Utah State University, 1990 Major: Soil Science Major Professor: Dr. V. Philip Rasmussen Thesis: Analysis of an Irrigated Double-Cropping System Using Low-Input Sustainable Agriculture Techniques
Taipei, Taiwan BS: National Changhua University of Education, 1985 Major: Business Information Systems and Education Major Professor: Dr. Charles M. Lutz Non thesis
Sperry, Wade J.
Suri, Gagandeep Singh
Heber, Utah BS: Brigham Young University, 1989 Major: Plant Science Major Professor: Dr. David R. Walker Thesis: Tolerance of Peach and Apple Rootstocks to Iron Chlorosis
Amritsar, India BMed: Medical College, 1986 Major: Toxicology Major Professor: Dr. Steven G. Oberg Thesis: Circulating Immune Complexes in Autism
Stanger, Mark Charles
Swedin, Eric Gottfrid
Bountiful, Utah BS: Utah State University, 1984 Major: Fisheries and Wildlife Major Professor: Dr. Thomas D. Bunch Thesis: Desert Bighorn Sheep and Riverboat Interactions in Cataract Canyon, Utah
South Weber, Utah BS: Weber State College, 1988 Major: History Major Professor: Dr. F. Ross Peterson Thesis: The Swett Homestead: An Oral History 1909-1970
Steinhorst, Theodore Richard Jr.
Swensen, "J" Gordon
Elmira, New York BS: Utah State University, 1977 Major: Instructional Technology Major Professor: Dr. J. Steven Soulier Thesis: Plan B
Salt Lake City, Utah BS: University of Utah, 1988 Major: Special Education Major Professor: Dr. Garth M. Eldredge Nonthesis
Stephenson, R. Lyle
Taylor, Nedra J.
Uslu, Huseyin
Draper, Utah BS: Utah State University, 1988 Major: Instructional Technology Major Professor: Dr. J. Steven Soulier Thesis: Plan B
Bunkerville, Nevada BS: Southern Utah State College, 1990 Major: Special Education Major Professor: Dr. Garth M. Eldredge Nonthesis
Ankara, Turkey BS: Gazi University, 1978 Major: Irrigation Science Major Professor: Dr. Lyman S. Willardson Nonthesis
Tsai, Hsiu-Ling Taipei, Taiwan BS: Tunghai University, 1987 Major: Business Information Systems and Education Major Professor: Dr. Thomas Hilton Nonthesis
Tsai, Lung-Chih Taipei, Taiwan BS: National Chiao Tung University, 1986 Major: Electrical Engineering Major Professor: Dr. Gardiner S. Stiles Thesis: Improvements of Dynasonde Analysis Tools
Udiavar, Raghunandan Mangesh Bombay, India MS: University of Bombay, 1987 Major: Electrical Engineering Major Professor: Dr. Gardiner S. Stiles Thesis: Stochastic Optimization of Task Allocation and Scheduling in a Multiprocessor System
Ummadi, Padmashri Secunderabad, India BS: Andhra Pradesh Agricultural University, 1988 Major: Nutrition and Food Sciences Major Professor: Dr. Arthur W. Mahoney Thesis: Determining the Validity of Methods Used in Meat Iron Analysis
Van Loon, Mollie Eileen
Wan, Tony Chi-Yin
White, Bryant Terry
Pueblo, Colorado BS: University of Southern Colorado, 1986 Major: Sociology Major Professor: Dr. William F. Stinner Thesis: Gender Composition, Modernization Characteristics and Contraceptive Practice Among Women in Puerto Rico
Hong Kong BS: Utah State University, 1989 Major: Business Information Systems and Education Major Professor: Dr. Robert H. Stocker Nonthesis
Wellsville, Utah BS: University of Utah, 1982 Major: Business Information Systems and Education Major Professor: Dr. William A. Stull Nonthesis
Wang, Chien
Wiberg, Clark G.
Taipei, Taiwan BS: Tamkang University, 1987 Major: Business Information Systems and Education Major Professor: Dr. Thomas Hilton Non thesis
Roy, Utah BS: Utah State University, 1989 Major: Mechanical Engineering Major Professor: Dr. J. Clair Batty Thesis: Passive Temperature Control by Cryogen Vapor Diversion
Warner, Sandra Gunderson
Wilde, Richard Arvin
Vatti, Sudhakar Reddy Palem, India BS: Osmania University, 1987 Major: Civil and Environmental Engineering Major Professor: Dr. Kevin C. Womack Thesis: Parameter Study and Investigation into the Stability of a Finite Difference Cable Dynamics Model
Venkateswaran, Narayanan Madras, India BS: Bharathiar University, 1988 Major: Electrical Engineering Major Professor: Dr. Gardiner S. Stiles Thesis: Scientific Visualization
Ogden, Utah BS: University of Utah, 1981 Major: Family and Human Development Major Professor: Dr. Brent C. Miller Thesis: Agency Policies and Personnel Attitudes Toward Adolescent Fathers
Warstadt, Ted Wyatt Vessal, Ali E.
Welling, Alberta, Canada BS: Utah State University, 1988 Major: Agricultural Economics Major Professor: Dr. Donald L. Snyder Thesis: Vertical Integration Within the Cattle Feeding Sector
Williams, Brian G.
Mashad, Iran MS: Southern Illinois University, 1984 Major: Civil and Environmental Engineering Major Professor: Dr. J. Paul Tullis Thesis: Plan B
Cross Timbers, Missouri BS: Brigham Young University, 1987 Major: Family and Human Development Major Professor: Dr. Glen O. Jenson Thesis: Demographic Influences on Perceived Urgency of Family Life Issues in Utah
Vijil-Sierra, Josue Leonardo
Wasielewski, Frances Ann
Tegucigalpa, Honduras BS: National Autonomous University of Honduras, 1983 Major: Agricultural and Irrigation Engineering Major Professor: Dr. Wynn R. Walker Thesis: Plan B
Carpintenia, California BA: University of California, Santa Barbara, 1974 Major: American Studies Major Professor: Dr. Barre Toelken Thesis: Plan B
Voyer, Perry Gerry
Wasowicz, Anthony Frank
Rochester, New York BS: Utah State University, 1989 Major: Mechanical Engineering Major Professor: Dr. Ralph H. Haycock Thesis: Temperature Control of Cryogenic Components by Thermal Contact Conductance
Logan, Utah BS: Colorado State University, 1987 Major: Fisheries and Wildlife Major Professor: Dr. Timothy C. Modde Thesis: Fish and Bird Predation on the Trout Population of a Southern Utah Reservoir
Rangoon, Burma BS: Utah State University, 1990 Major: Business Information Systems and Education Major Professor: Dr. H. Robert Stocker Nonthesis
Vuong, Dennis Hoa
Weber, Claudia V.
Winn, Jill V.
Ogden, Utah BS: Utah State University, 1986 Major: Computer Science Major Professor: Dr. Stephen J. Allan Thesis: Plan B
Clarkston, Utah BS: University of Minnesota, 1975 Major: Family and Human Development Major Professor: Dr. Ann M. Austin Thesis: The Play of Visually Impaired Preschoolers with Their Mothers
Nephi, Utah BS: Utah State University, 1990 Major: Business Information Systems and Education Major Professor: Dr. William A. Stull Nonthesis
Logan, Utah BS: Utah State University, 1990 Major: Economics Major Professor: Dr. Christopher Fawson Thesis: An Application of Cointegration to the Multiproduct Profit Function Approach of Supply and Demand Estimation
Westerman, Gale Sidney
Woodhead, Douglas F.
West Jordan, Utah BS: University of Utah, 1972 Major: English Major Professor: Dr. Barre Toelken Thesis: Traditional Idiom of Utah Mormon Sunday Meetings
Providence, Utah BS: Utah State University, 1982 Major: Electrical Engineering Major Professor: Dr. Doran J. Baker Thesis: Data Control and Processing System for an Interferometer Spectrometer
Wan, Kenny
Wheelwright, Paul David
Wu, Jun
Taipei, Taiwan BS: Utah State University, 1989 Major: Business Information Systems and Education Major Professor: Dr. Thomas Hilton Non thesis
Richland, Washington BS: Brigham Young University, 1986 Major: Mechanical Engineering Major Professor: Professor Steven L. Folkman Thesis: Preferential Excitation of a Torsional Vibration Mode in a Prototype Space Structure
Shanghai, China BS: Fudan University, 1987 Major: Computer Science Major Professor: Dr. Gregory W. Jones Thesis: Using Hypertext to Manage Software Development Life Cycle Document
Paul, Idaho BS: Brigham Young University, 1990 Major: Mechanical Engineering Major Professor: Dr. J. Clair Batty Thesis: Extended Life Refreezable Solid Cryogenic Cooler
Wilson, Andrea L. Oamaru, New Zealand BFA: Boise State University, 1983 Major: Instructional Technology Major Professor: Dr. J. Nicholls Eastmond, Jr. Thesis: Plan B
Win, Yi Yi
Wadsworth, Edward Graham
Yan, Huey
Banks, Ronald
Fahrlender, Jeanine Marie
Keelung, Taiwan BS: Fu-Jen Catholic University, 1986 Major: Statistics Major Professor: Dr. D. Richard Cutler Thesis: A Comparison of Estimation Procedures for the Beta Distribution
Layton, Utah BS: Weber State College, 1987 Major: Interdisciplinary Program Major Professor: Dr. Veronica Ward Thesis: Plan B
Cedar City, Utah BS: Utah State University, 1985 Major: Interdisciplinary Program Major Professor: Professor Marion T. Bentley Nonthesis
Yang, Ching-Tsuan
Roy, Utah BS: Northeast Louisiana University, 1988 Major: Interdisciplinary Program Nonthesis
Bath, Teresa Renee Taipei, Taiwan BS: Tamkang University, 1983 Major: Civil and Environmental Engineering Major Professor: Dr. Vance T. Christiansen Thesis: Plan B
Young, Rob D. Sandy, Utah BS: Utah State University, 1988 Major: Electrical Engineering Major Professor: Dr. Gardiner S. Stiles Thesis: Electronics for Pulsed Laser Spectroscopy
Young, Terry Lee Sf. George, Utah BS: Brigham Young University, 1979 Major: Health, Physical Education and Recreation Major Professor: Dr. Dennis A. Nelson Thesis: A Comparison of Competency Requirements for Aerobic and Fitness Instructors
Ben-Shay, Gideon Tel-Aviv, Israel BS: Hebrew University, 1972 Major: Interdisciplinary Program Nonthesis
Bradovicn, Thomas J. Layton, Utah BS: Weber State College, 1983 Major: Interdisciplinary Program Major Professors: Dr. Calvin W. Hiibner and Dr. David B. Goetze Thesis: Plan B
Brotherson, Jeffrey Dallon Boneta, Utah BS: Brigham Young University, 1991 Major: Interdisciplinary Program Major Professor: Dr. Randy T. Simmons Thesis: Plan B
Zhang, Shiying Beijing, China BS: Beijing College of Traditional Chinese Medicine, 1988 Major: Nutrition and Food Sciences Major Professor: Dr. Conly L. Hansen Thesis: Biological Detoxification of Mercury Contaminated Soil
Zimmerman-Davis, Beverly E. Ogden, Utah BS: Weber State College, 1987 Major: Elementary Education Major Professor: Dr. Deanna D. Winn Nonthesis
M a ster o f Social Sciences
Farnsworth, Blaine Kay Brigham City, Utah BS: Weber State College, 1989 Major: Interdisciplinary Program Major Professor: Professor Marion T. Bentley Nonthesis
Flowers, William Richard Cedar City, Utah BS: Southern Utah State College, 1985 Major: Interdisciplinary Program Major Professor: Professor Marion T. Bentley Nonthesis
Foroughi, Payam Tehran, Iran MS: Utah State University, 1986 Major: Interdisciplinary Program Major Professor: Dr. Jon R. Moris Thesis: Plan B
Garcia, Maria DeLos Angeles San Isidro, Costa Rica BS: National University, 1988 Major: Interdisciplinary Program Major Professor: Dr. William L. Furlong Thesis: Plan B
Giles, Lewis Bradley
Bryant, Debra Lee Hyrum, Utah BS: Simon Fraser University, 1980 Major: Interdisciplinary Program Major Professor: Professor Marion T. Bentley Nonthesis
Cedar City, Utah BS: Southern Utah State College, 1989 Major: Interdisciplinary Program Major Professor: Professor Marion T. Bentley Thesis: Plan B
Calder-Judd, Kristen A.
Godfrey, David W.
Vernal, Utah BS: Utah State University, 1989 Major: Interdisciplinary Program Major Professors: Dr. Calvin W. Hiibner and Dr. Mark W. Lusk Thesis: Plan B
Layton, Utah BS: Utah State University, 1986 Major: Interdisciplinary Program Major Professors: Dr. Calvin W. Hiibner and Dr. Ross E. Robson Thesis: Plan B
Checo, Andrea Maljori
Greer, Vinson E.
Santiago, Dominican Republic BS: University Catolica Madre y Maestra, 1978 Major: Interdisciplinary Program Major Professor: Dr. Pamela Jo Riley Thesis: Plan B
Salina, Utah BS: Brigham Young University, 1986 Major: Interdisciplinary Program Major Professor: Professor Marion T. Bentley Nonthesis
Costa, Bruce Gordon
Hill, Michael Terry
Sait Lake City, Utah BS: Brigham Young University, 1990 Major: Interdisciplinary Program Nonthesis
Richfield, Utah BS: Utah State University, 1976 Major: Interdisciplinary Program Major Professor: Professor Marion T. Bentley Nonthesis
American Fork, Utah BS: Utah State University, 1989 Major: Interdisciplinary Program Major Professor: Professor Marion T. Bentley Thesis: Plan B
Bailey, Brad V.
Crane, Shawn B.
Jeppesen, Robert Paul
Draper, Utah BS: Utah State University, 1990 Major: Interdisciplinary Program Major Professor: Professor Marion T. Bentley Thesis: Plan B
Fayette, Utah BS: University of Utah, 1987 Major: Interdisciplinary Program Major Professor: Professor Marion T. Bentley Nonthesis
Syracuse, Utah BS: Weber State College, 1990 Major: Interdisciplinary Program Major Professor: Dr. Randy T. Simmons Thesis: Plan B
Awerkamp, Robert Lee
Lambertsen, Steven R.
Paul, Robert Bradford
Sorensen, Tina Marie
Centerfield, Utah BS: Utah State University, 1982 Major: Interdisciplinary Program Major Professor: Professor Marion T. Bentley Nonthesis
Kaysville, Utah BS: Utah State University, 1982 Major: Interdisciplinary Program Major Professor: Dr. Randy T. Simmons Thesis: Plan B
Malad, Idaho BS: Utah State University, 1991 Major: Interdisciplinary Program Major Professor: Professor Marion T. Bentley Nonthesis
Lind, Jeffrey Scott
Perkins, Mitchell Lynn
Salt Lake City, Utah BA: Western State College of Colorado, 1974 Major: Interdisciplinary Program Major Professor: Professor Marion T. Bentley Nonthesis
Farmington, Utah BS: Utah State University, 1990 Major: Interdisciplinary Program Major Professor: Dr. L. Dwight Israelsen Nonthesis
Marberger, Karen T.
Richards, Karen S.
Riverton, Utah BS: Brigham Young University, 1977 Major: Interdisciplinary Program Major Professor: Professor Marion T. Bentley Nonthesis
Martinez, Alden Clinton, Utah BS: Weber State College, 1984 Major: Interdisciplinary Program Major Professor: Dr. Peter F. Galderisi Nonthesis
Mervicker, Rodney J.
Roy, Utah BS: Brigham Young University, 1979 Major: Interdisciplinary Program Major Professor: Professor Marion T. Bentley Nonthesis
Ross, Gretchen G. Tooele, Utah BSN: Northern Michigan University, 1974 Major: Interdisciplinary Program Major Professor: Professor Marion T. Bentley Nonthesis
Rowan, Roger Milo
Turner, Karen Enhi Fessenden, North Dakota BS: Wayland Baptist University, 1984 Major: Interdisciplinary Program Major Professor: Professor Marion T. Bentley Thesis: Plan B
Wells, Bradley Taylor Salt Lake City, Utah BS: University of Utah, 1988 Major: Interdisciplinary Program Major Professor: Professor Marion T. Bentley Thesis: Plan B
Willard, Page Lynette Ogden Utah BA: Weber State College, 1985 Major: Interdisciplinary Program Major Professor: Professor Marion T. Bentley Thesis: Plan B
Hill Air Force Base, Utah BS: Eastern Illinois University, 1986 Major: Interdisciplinary Program Major Professor: Professor Marion T. Bentley Thesis: Plan B
Hyrum, Utah BS: Idaho State University, 1972 Major: Interdisciplinary Program Major Professor: Dr. Randy T. Simmons Thesis: Plan B
Morse, Linda Smith
Rowley, Jeri M.
Logan, Utah BA: Utah State University, 1966 Major: Interdisciplinary Program Major Professor: Dr. L. Dwight Israelsen Nonthesis
Grangeville, Idaho BS: University of Idaho, 1981 Major: Interdisciplinary Program Major Professor: Professor Marion T. Bentley Thesis: Plan B
Nielsen, Stephanie Carter
Sampson, Michael Lee
Centerville, Utah BS: Weber State College, 1971 Major: interdisciplinary Program Major Professor: Dr. Calvin W. Hiibner Thesis: Plan B
Logan, Utah BS: Utah State University, 1990 Major: Interdisciplinary Program Major Professor: Dr. Randy T. Simmons Thesis: Plan B
Olsen, Hans Phillip
Shah, Humaira
Yazid, Muhammad
Salt Lake City, Utah BS: State University of New York, 1989 Major: Interdisciplinary Program Major Professor: Professor Marion T. Bentley Nonthesis
Chichawatni, Pakistan MS: Islamia University, 1986 Major: Interdisciplinary Program Major Professor: Dr. Brian L. Pitcher Thesis: Plan B
Palembang, Indonesia BS: Bogor Agricultural University, 1986 Major: Interdisciplinary Program Major Professor: Dr. Michael B. Toney Thesis: Plan B
Willardson, Jeffrey Frank West Valley City, Utah BA: Utah State University, 1990 Major: Interdisciplinary Program Major Professor: Professor Marion T. Bentley Nonthesi
Wright, Nancy P. Ogden, Utah BS: Weber State College, 1989 Major: Interdisciplinary Program Major Professor: Dr. William L. Furlong Thesis: Plan
U ta h S ta te Board o f Regents L. Brent Hoggan, North Logan Karen H. Huntsman, Salt Lake City Michael O. Leavitt, Salt Lake City Evelyn B. Lee, Salt Lake City Clifford S. LeFevre, Clearfield Douglas S. Peterson, Roy Paul S. Rogers, Orem Fred H. Stringham, Bountiful Dale O. Zabriskie, Salt Lake City
Douglas S. Foxley, Salt Lake City Chairman Steven E. Snow, Washington Vice Chairman Kenneth G. Anderton, Vernal Aileen H. Clyde, Springville Ian M. Cumming, Salt Lake City John B. Goddard, Ogden Robert D. Hales, Salt Lake City
Wm. Rolfe Kerr, Commissioner of Higher Education
U ta h S ta te Board o f Trustees Bonnie F. Nielsen, Hyrum Chairman James W. Bingham, Tremonton Vice Chairman J. Clark Ballard, Hurricane Keith Johnson, Logan
Bruce L. Jorgensen, North Logan James D. Laub, Logan Frank Maughan, Jr., Ogden Jed H. Pitcher, Salt Lake City Melanie P. Raymond, Logan C. Booth Wallentine, Salt Lake City
Lee H. Burke, Secretary to Board of Trustees
Commencement Com m ittee J R Allred, University Relations Chairman Janet Appuhn, University Relations Lee H. Burke, Government Relations Frank Condie, College o f Business Rob Lilieholm, College o f Natural Resources Amy Kohler, Student Marilyn Kruse, College o f Family Life David Marshall, College o f Science Izar Martinez, College o f Education Von Mendenhall, College o f Agriculture Janel Moore, University Relations Jeanenne Nielsen, School o f Graduate Studies Kris Olson, Student Larry Piette and James P. Shaver, School o f Graduate Studies Julie Olson-Scherziner, Student Jennifer Tingey, College o f Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences Lyman Willardson, College o f Engineering Commencement mural a n d program sketches by Qlen L . Edwards, Professor, Department o f A rt
A lma Mater Hymn COMPOSED BY TH EO D O RE M . BURTON Across the quad at eventide the shadows softly fa ll, The tower of O ld M ain appears and peace rests over al l . The lighted “A ” upon the hill stands out against the blue; Oh, A lm a Mater, Utah State, m y heart sings out to you. A n d through the years as time rolls on and student friendships grow, W e'l l ne’er forget the joys we had , those days we used to know, T h y mem ’ries ever w ill be new, thy friends be ever true. Oh, A lm a Mater, U tah State, m y heart sings out to you.