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X-ent;J-4eV-entlt J2lnnual CConz.n?Pnoe-rnen{
ul/onday, ~all' .JI, ali!
~an, 01/tah
Pres. 0. H. Budge
"The Lost Chord" Ruth Evans
Pres. A. \\'. Ivin<;
The Call of the Agricultural College
of the Board of Trustrrs
Report of the President
President E. G. Petersnn
- Flcgicr
"The Horn" Albert Southwick
Civic Responsibility
Geneva \Yells
Representing the Class of 1920
Address to Graduates
Hon. Stephen L. Richards
Sextette from "Lucia"
Gladys Smith, Ruth EYans Albert Southwick, C. R. Johnson
Conferring Degrees Minuet-Old Style
Peter Nelson* String Quartet
Benediction *Member composition class.
Rev. W. M. Kauffman
Jfiist of ~ra()uates 1919- 1920 AGRICULTU R E Agronomy
.\,·,·dian, Giragos 1\arncy, Archie Fay l:ooth, John Albert Christiansen, E l Ray La Var Croft, Alf red Russell l rookston, Laurn Edgar 1-;(·arl, Chase \ l acbeth, Glenn Ege r ton :l l cmmott, Clcon Lavar .\ I organ, Norman Fr·ederick Reed, J oseph T ut tle, Ray L.
Anim al Husbandry
Barlow, Fielding Burton Dateman, James Robert Cannon, Douglas Quentin Morrell, Thomas Heber Poulter, William Irvin Price, Ardath Layne Robinson, Eugene ·william Tippetts, John Roy B o tany
Hansen, Clarence James
AGRICULTURAL ENGINEERING AND MECHANIC ARTS \Vilson, Vanez Theurer Agricultural Enginee1·ing .\ nclt·us, Le nard Mi lo Mechan ic Arts !~owen, Leslie Russell, George Elmo Chris ten se n, Leo n Peter l'nf'i'ma n, \Vill iam E lmo COMMERCE Jones, Hyrum Pidding l'lark, Hara ld Gower Lindsay, \Villiam Carn·tt. Leon Demain Parry, John \Valdo IIL' tHlricks, Joh n Allan Sauls, Keifer Branham l l .. wl' ll. J nseph DeYonald llnclgc, Alfred H oge ilttclge, Sco tt M er r ill I·~~~ in g. Scot t Preston Ctthlt'r. He len Anna \[ rrril l. Edna Ensign
GENERAL SCIENCE Xcbckcr, Ace! Hulme Nelson, Peter Olsen, Leander Peterson. Maurine ·Merreclith Thomas, Kathryn
HOME ECONOMICS Uoen, Johanna Lrna 1\rossarrl, Laura Park inson Cowley Rich, Irene Stookey, Bernice Jemima Fher le. Lilti e Louise \Veils, Geneva Foutz. :-.Jadin e <:re:l\·es, Et helyn Oliver MASTER OF SCIENCE IN AGRICULTURE Lund, Yeppa l~arker,
DOCTOR OF LAWS !f ines. Frank Th0mas