Utah State University Commencement, 1991

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13.2/1 1991 Commencement Ceremonies Program

The Ninety-Eighth Annual CommencementCeremonies 8 June 1991

Dee GlenSmith Spectrum

Utah State University 1991

The Ninety-eighth Annual Commencement


of Events

Friday, June 7, 1991 Reserve Officer Training Corps Commissioning Ceremonies 10:00 a.m., Eccles ConferenceCenterAuditorium 11:30 a.m., Reception, Eccles ConferenceCenter.Lounge

Spouse Recognition Ceremonies HonoringSpouses of graduation students 1:00 p.m., ChaseFine Arts Center Morgan Th eatre

CollegeOpenHouses 3:00-4:00 p.m., collegelocations

President'sReception A receptionhosted by President and Mrs. Stanford Cazierfor allgraduates, their parents, families, friends, and alumni 4:30-5:45 p.m., TaggartStudent CenterSunburst Lounge

GraduationSmorgasbordDinner and Pops Concerts 6:00 and 8:00 p.m., SmorgasbordDinner, Taggart Student Center CarouselSquare 6:00 and 8:00 p.m., Pops Concerts,ChaseFine Arts Center Kent Concert Hall

Saturday June 8, 1991 AcademicProcession 8:30 a.m., TaggartStudent Center to Dee GlenSmith Spectrum

CommencementCeremonies 9:30 a.m., Dee GlenSmith Spectrum

CollegeGraduationCeremonies(see map, page 50) 12:00 noon Collegeof Education, Dee Glen Smith Spectrum Collegeof Family Life, ChaseFine Arts Center Morgan Theatre Collegeof Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences, Chase Fine Arts Center, Kent ConcertHall Collegeof Natural Resources, University Amphitheatre (Alternate location in case of bad weather, Eccles ConferenceCenterAuditorium) Collegeof Science, Taggart Student Center Ballroom 2:00 p.m. Collegeof Agriculture, ChaseFine Arts Center Morgan Theatre Collegeof Business, Dee GlenSmith Spectrum Collegeof Engineering, ChaseFine Arts Center Kent ConcertHall

Commencement Picnic Luncheon 11:30 a.m. - 2:30 p.m., University Quadrangle


CommencementCeremonies Saturday, June 8, 1991 President Stanford Cazier, Conducting 8:30 a.m.

Academic Procession

9:15 a.m.

Processional University Symphonic Band

Taggart Student Center to Dee GlenSmith Spectrum "Crown Imperial Processional" William Walton

9:30 a.m.

Presentation of Colors

Air Force and Army ROTC

National Anthem 'UniversitySympfionic Band

"StarSpangled Banner" Francis Scott Key

President's Greeting

President Stanford Cazier

Musical Selection University Symphonic Band

"MarchGrandioso" Roland F. Seitz

Address to Graduates

Lynne V. Cheney,Chairman National Endowment of Humanities "Silverado" Bruce Broughton

Musical Selection University Symphonic Band Recognition of Colleges' Professorsof the Year and Presentation of Eldon J. GardnerUniversity TeachingAward Presentation of the D. Wynne Thorne ResearchAwards Presentation of the E.G. Peterson Extension Award

President Stanford Cazier

President Stanford Cazier President Stanford Cazier

Conferringof Degrees

President Stanford Cazier

Conferringof Honorary Degrees

President Stanford Cazier

Lynne V. Cheney Doctor of Letters R. Gaurth Hansen Doctor of Science Marcus Jensen Doctor of BiologicalSciences I. King Jordan Doctor of Humanities Joseph Verner Reed Doctor of Environmental Law

Citation read by Bonnie F. Nielsen, Vice Chair of Board of Trustees James Bingham, Member Board of Truestees Booth Wallentine, Member Board of Trustees Melanie Raymond, Member Board of Trustees Frank Maughan, Member Board of Trustees

ConcludingRemarks Musical Selection University Symphonic Band

President Stanford Cazier "Alma Mater Hymn" TheodoreM. Burton

Recessional University Symphonic Band

"RegalProcession" Clifton Williams

University Symphonic Band Conductor, Dennis Griffin CommencementExercises will be rebroadcaston Channel 36, Sunday, June 9 from 3:00-5:00p.m. 4

Academic Heraldry

The history of academic heraldry reaches back into the ear ly days of the university. A statute of 1321 required that all "Doctors, Licentiates, and Bachelors" of the University of Coimbra wear gowns. In England, in the fourteenth century, the statutes of certain colleges forbade "excess in apparel" and prescribed the wearing of a long gown, which may have been counted necessary for warmth in the unheated buildings frequented by medieval scholars. Hoods were used to cover the head until later replaced by the skull cap and eventually by academic caps. Both Cambridge and Oxford have made academic dress a matter of university control to the inclusion of even its minor details; and in Laudian days in Oxford, any tailor who changed the authorized design "even by a nail's breadth" was punished by the vice-chancellor of the When American colleges University. and universities desired to adopt some suitable system of academic apparel, it seemed best to agree on a system which all might follow. Accordingly , there was held on May 16, 1895, at Columbia University , a conference of representatives of the boards of various interested institutions. From that meeting came a cod e of academic dress for the colleges and universities of the United States, of higher which most institutions learning have adopted.

Gowns The academic gown for the bachelors degree has point ed sleeves and is designed to be worn closed. The gown for the masters degree has an oblong sleeve, open at the wrist. The sleeve base hangs down in the traditional manner. The rear part of its oblong shape is square cut , and the front part has an arc cut away . The gown is so designed to be worn open or closed. The gown for the doctors degree has bell-shaped sleeves and may be worn open or closed.

Co(ors For all academic purposes, including trimmings of doctoral gowns, edging of hoods, and tassels of caps, the colors associated with the different academic disciplines are as follows: Agriculture Business Education Family Life Engineering Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences


Maize Drab Light Blue Maroon Orange White

Natural Resources Science School of Graduate Studies PhD) (EdD,

Russett Gold/Yellow Gold

The white ribbon with the Greek Key on the robe of a graduate identifies an inductee into Phi Kappa Phi, the National Scholastic Society. Those wearing gray collars are Mortar Board Senior Honor Society members, the National and Academic & Service Society. A gold braided cord draped over the cowl will distinguish a gradua te of Honors.

Hoods Academic hoods are worn by recipients of advanced degrees. The master degree hoods are three-and-one-half feet in length and are lined with the official color or colors of the college or university conferring the degree, which at Utah whi te, State Universityarenavyblueand displayed in a heraldic chevron . The doctoral hood consists of a larger and longer assemblage of institutional color draped over the recipient's shoulders and falling well down the back. The binding or edging of the hoods is of velvet or velveteen, three inche s wide and five inches wide for the masters and doctors degree , respectively .

Caps Academic caps come in two forms: the traditional mortarboard (from Oxford), a square cap; and a soft cap which resembles an oversized beret (the Cambridge model). The mortarboard, used by Utah State University, is worn with a tassel. Black tassels designate any degree; colored tassels designate major field of .learning, and gold tassels indicate doctors and governing officials of institutions.

Academic Procession The commencement procession ong1nates at the Taggart Student Center and the line of march extends through the campus to the Spectrum. The procession is composed of three divisions: (1) color guard, University president, Regents and the Board of Trustees, administrative officers, and special guests; (2) the faculty; and (3) candidates for degrees, with candidates for advanced degrees in the lead and others in groups according to the degrees for which they are candida tes. The procession will stop at the tunn el entrance to the Spectrum, the first two divisions dividing so that the candidates for graduation pass between them and enter the hall first.


Honorary Degree

is serving hersecond term as Chairmanof the National Endowment for the Humanities, the independent federal agencythat providesgrants to scholars,colleges,museums,librariesand other cultural institutions to support researcli,education,preservationand publicprogramsin the humanities. A native of Wyoming, Dr. Cheney was graduated from ColoradoCollege,the University of Coloradoand the University of Wisconsin, where she receiveda doctoraldegreein British literature. Beforejoining the NEH she taught at several collegesand universities, was a magazine editor and widely published author. Among the initiatives begun under Dr. Cheney's leadershipat NEH is the NEH/Reader's Digest Teacher-Scholar Program,which allows school teachersto undertake afull year of independentstudy in the humanities. As leaderof the NEH, she has written majorreportson currentproblemsand efforts to institute reforms in Americaneducation,on thestate of humanitiesin the nation and on humanitieseducationin U.S. public schoolsand in highereducation. She is alsoa memberof the Commissionon the Bicentennial of the United States Constitution. For her important contributions to the humanities and to education in America, Utah State University is pleased to confer on Lynne V. Cheney the Honorary Degree,DOCTOR OF LETTERS.


Honorary Degree

is Provost Emeritus and Distinguished Professor Emeritus of Nutrition and FoodSciences and Biochemistry at Utah State University. Dr. Hansen is internationally known for his contributions in evaluating the nutritional quality offoods. His nutrient density concept expressesthe relative value offoods in a way consumerscan understand and has been widely adopted. The concept has becomethe subject of a book, a nutrition education curriculumfor elementaryschool students, and continuing education materialsfor the American Dietetic Association. Dr. Hansen has been a strong proponent of nutrition education throughout his career. As chairman of the biochemistry department of Michigan State University from 1957 to 1968, he was responsiblefor building afirst-rate program in nutritional biochemistry. He has chaired and served on scientific advisory boardsfor the U.S. Department of Agriculture, Public Health Service, Agency for International Development, Department of Defense, the National Research Council the National Live Stock and Meat Board, the American Institute of Baking, and the American Medical Association. In 1977, he led a task force to evaluate the U.S. Senate report, "Dietary Goalsfor the United States." His interest in improving human nutrition has also spanned the globe. As a consultant to the U.S. Public Health Service in the 1950's and 60's, Dr. Hansen helped establish laboratoriesand review the health and nutrition status of developing countries on threecontinents. In the 1980's he was a primary organizer of the International Network of Food Data Systems. His many awards include the Conrad A. Elvehjem Award for Public Service in Nutrition and the Borden Award of the American Institute of Nutrition and the University of Michigan's Sesquicentennial Award. He was a resident scholar at the RockefellerStudy and ConferenceCenter,Bellagio, Italy, in 1983. To those mostfamiliar with his career, especially impressive is his outstanding leadership in supportively encouraging and inspiring young students and colleagues. Utah State University is proud to conferon one of its own graduates, R. Gaurth Hansen, the Honorary Degree, DOCTOR OF SCIENCE.


Honorary Degree

is recognizedfor his work in the detection and control of infectious viruses. Holder of Bachelor'sand Master's Degrees in Bacteriologyfrom Utah State University, he completed his Doctorate in Medical Biology and Immunology at the University of California,Los Angeles. Dr. Jensen receivedthe American PsychiatricAssociation's awardfor the outstanding researchdissertation in the biologicalsciencesrelated to mental health. During his professionalcareer,Dr. Jensen has worked out the developmentof methods to detect airborneviruses and to control airbornespread of viruses, on measuringthe dissemination and disappearanceof viruses in water reservoirs,on the effects of stressful stimuli and natural resistanceto infectious diseases,and the role of viruses in kidney disease. His current research,as a professor in the Department of Microbiologyat BrighamYoung University, is with diseasesof poultry. He was honored by the Utah Turkey Marketing Board in 1982 for his researcfion diseasecontrol in turkeys. Dr. Jensen is the holderof a number ofpatents, hasfrequently beena consultant to industry and has written a textbook and numerousprofessionalpublications. Utah State University is proud to present to Dr. Marcus M. Jensen the Honorary Degree,DOCTOR OF BIOLOGICAL SCIENCES.


Honorary Degree

has distinguishedhimself as a scholar,teacher,and leaderin education. He hasfocused the attention and admiration of the nation as thefirst deaf president of an institution of higher education. As Gallaudet University'sfirst deaf president in the institution 's 125 year history, he representsthe actuality of his now famous statement, "Deafpeoplecan do any thing except hear." Dr.Jordan lost his hearingwhile serving in the U.S. Navy. Undaunted he went to Gallaudet University where he receivedhis B. A. degreeand on to the University of Tennesseewhere he receivedhis M.A. and Ph.D. degreesin Psychology. Hejoined the faculty at Gallaudetwherehe later becamethe Dean of the Collegeof Arts and Science,and then President in 1988 . Dr. Jordan has served and presently serves on national and international boardsand committees concernedwith deafness. He has been a visiting scholar to a numberof universities internationally. Dr. Jordan is the recipientof numerousawards including the Leadershipand DedicationAward for Civil and Human Rights for All Mankind, Washington, D.C. City Council,Ward 5, 1989; Educator of the Year, Delta Phi Epsilon Honorary Society, 1988; the United States Comptroller General's Award, 1987; Distinguished Leadership Award, National Association for Community Leadership, 1989; One-of-aKind Award, People-to-PeopleCommitteefor the Handicapped,1989; and the Hubert H. Humphrey Civil Rights Award, 1989 . Utah State University is pleased to recognize I. King Jordan not only for his outstanding individual achievements,but for his profound impact on the understanding and acceptance of deaf people world wide by conferringupon him the Honorary Degree,DOCTOR OFHUMANITIES.



is an internationally recognizedcareerdiplomat. After experiencein international banking, Mr. Reed was appointed Ambassador of the United States to Morocco. His efforts therefrom 1981 to 1985 to strengthen the bilateral relationship were recognized by King Hassan with the Order of the Thorne. During that time, Ambassador Reed also provided support and friendship to Utah State University Natural Resourcesfaculty and theirfamilies working in Morocco. From 1985 to 1987, Mr. Reed served as the U.S. representative to the Economic and Social Council at the United Nations with the rank of ambassador. For his diplomatic serviceat the U.N. and his special efforts on behalf of African nations, he receivedthe Department of State's Superior Honor Award and decorationsfrom the governments of Argentina, Chile, Ecuador, Korea, Togo, Niger, and Mali. Then AmbassadorReed served the U.N. as for Political and General AssemblyAffairs, the highestrankingAmericanin the Under-Secretary-General Secretariat. As Chief of Protocolof the United States since 1989, he arrangesvisits to the United States for headsof state andfor the Presidentof the United States to travel to meet leadersof othergovernments. Ambassador Reed has remained an interestedfriend to USU faculty who served with him in Morocco. Utah State University is proud to confer upon Joseph Verner Reed the honorarydegree,DOCTOR OF ENVIRONMENTAL LAW.


D. Wynne Thorne ResearchAwards

is recognizedas a majorscholar inBritish history in Britain itself, an amazing featfor an American scholar. ProfessorJones first monograpnicstudy, Faith by Statute, establishedhim as a leadingfigure in English Parliamentary history; his second, God and the Moneylenders,solidified his international reputation and placed him in the forefront of legal scholars of early modern Britain. Jones' rise to prominence has been as he has becometheforemost American authority on the Elizabethan political "littleshort of remarkable" degreefrom Idaho State University, the master's degreefrom University bachelor's the scene. He received of Colorado,and the Ph.D. from CambridgeUniversity. For his 1978 dissertation, he won the coveted Archbishop Cranmer Prize in Ecclesiastical History, awarded only a dozen times in the history of CambridgeUniversity. ProfessorJones is a most productive scholar and successful teacher,having been recognized as the 1984 Social Science Researcherof the Year and the 1981 Teacher of the Year for the Collegeof Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences. In addition, he has been a Mellon Faculty Fellow at Harvard and a Visiting Fellow at the University de Geneve. Utah State University is pleased to present the D. Wynne ThorneResearch Award to a person who IS a scholar inthe true sense of the word-Norman L. Jones.

focused his initial researchon the immune system and bone-marrow transplantation. This research prompted the development of regimensthat eventually overcamethe sensitized state preventing bone-marrowrejection. This researchresulted in refined proceduresfor bone-marrow transplantation. More recently, Dr. Warren's studies have beenaimedat the immune abnormalitiesand the auto-antibodies in the bloodof Autistic Children. With funding from the Staff one Foundation, the Willard L. Eccles CharitableFoundation, and the National Institute of Mental Health, he discoveredthat many Autistic childrenhave a reducednumber ofhelper T-cells, and evidencesuggesting that antibodies of the mother's immunesystem pass through the placentta and damage her unborn child, thus resulting in Autism. Thesefindings indicate the distinct possibility of treating Autism with immune therapy in thefuture . Dr. Warren directs the ImmunologyLaboratory of the Centerfor Persons with Disabilities, and is currentlypursuing several researchstudies on the immunesystem and the development of agents to correctdeficient immunefunction . He is the author of over 67scholarly articles,and is or hasbeen the principal investigator on sevearl researcngrants from the National Insititutes of Health. Dr. Warren is one of veryfew nationally recognized biologicalresearcherswhose contribution is understood and supported by parents of children with Autism. His contributions and his ability to effectively communicate these findings have made him a recognized expert, not only among his peers in Biology, but also many peers in Psychology and Education. He received his Ph.D. from the University of Utah and was a post-doctorate fellow and research associate in the college of Medicine at the University of Washington in Seattle. Recognizing the excellenceof his career contributions,Utah State University designatesReed ParleyWarren Recipient of the D. Wynne Thorne ResearchAward.


G.Peterson Extension Award

is Cooperative Extension Service at its best. She has given 22 years of dedicated service to Utah State University and to the citizens of Wayne County as an Extension Home Ecomonist. Mrs. Williams is deeply concernedabout the well-being of people and translates this concerninto action. She conveysfar morethan knowledge and skills: she changes attitudes and aspirations while strengthening people and families. Acting with exceptionalinsight, Mrs. Williams started a cooperativepreschoolfor young childrenin Wayne County. Not only were the children taught, the parents of the preschoolerswere also encouraged to participate in child development coursesunder her tutelage. She has taught essentialparenting skills to more than 700 couples. She has developed exceptional programs and taught courses in nutrition, food safety, financial management, clothing,furniture restoration, energyconservation and homefood production and preservation. She receivedher BS in Home Economics Education from Brigham Young University and her MS in Nutrition and Food Science from USU. Mrs. Williams is an exemplary educator and a fine representative of this institution. She is most deserving of the 1991 E.G. Peterson Extension Award.


Eldon J. GardnerTeachingAward

has been a member of the languagefaculty since 1974. She considers her students to be her first responsibility. Her love of the FrenchLanguage and herprofound knowledge of Frenchliterature enables her to breathelife and relevanceinto her teaching. Her willingness to assist students on an individual basis and to involve them in each day's class enhances their learning. Her classpresentations are creative and enticing to students.. As a master teaching,Professor Goodhart ignites enthusiasm by her own joy and eagerness.Her positiveattitude is infectious and reinforcingto the students,and her caringconcernassures individual attention to each student's problems. In addition to her regularassignment,Lynne conducts the Summer Quarter in France and participates in the Liberal Artsand SciencesProgram. Her dedication, enthusiasm and talent mark ProfessorGoodhart as a truly outstanding teacher.

TeachingExcellenceAwards Through an extensive selection process involving both students and faculty in the various academic colleges, eight member s of the faculty have been designated for specia l recognition for excellence in teaching representing the eight colleges of the Universi ty: Agric ultur e; Busines s; Educa tion; Engineering; Family Life; Human ities, Arts and Social Sciences; Natura l Resources; and Science. From among the eight, the Eldon J.Gardner University Teaching Award recipient is chosen; the seve n remaining follow :

Collegeof Agriculture joined the Agriculture Education faculty at Utah State University in 1988 as Assistant Professorand Assistant Department Head. His major assignment is to teach courses in the Agricultural Education teacherprogram. He has also developedand teachesa technicalwriting courserequiredof all Collegeof Agriculture students. His philosophy is to make the abstract simple and to motivate students through a combinationof entertainment and rigor.Students appreciateDr. "Straq's"open dooradvisingpolicy and his serviceas an advisorfor the Alpha Tau Alpha fraternity and the CollegiateFFA. He is also involved with graduate studentsworking in thefarm health and safety areasand curriculumdevelopmentprojects. Dr. Straquadine receivedhis BS and MS degreefrom New Mexico State University and his Ph.D. from OhioState University.

College of Business sincejoining the Utah State University faculty in 1980, has had a profound impact on tlie Information Systems program in the Collegeof Business. After graduating from the U.S. Military Academy he had a distinguished twenty-year military career, rising to the rank of Lieutenant Colonel Much of his professional career was involved with developing and implementing operations and logistics data processingsystems. This backgroundsserved him will when he came to USU in helping design Business Information Systems curriculumand courses. Dr. Lutz is well known for his work with students and his classroomteachingexpertise. He was chosenas USU's Adviser of the Year in 1987 and recentlydesigned and was appointed director of the College of Business Honors Program. He consistently receives exceptionally high student evaluationsfor his teaching. Dr. Lutz demonstratesthat hisfirst responsibility as a professor is to help students learn. He has designed learning objectives teaching methods and a feedback system which insures that all students arecompetent at the conclusionof a course. His students describehim as a great motivator and a master teacher.


Collegeof Education joined the Utah State University faculty in 1988 and is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Elementary Education. He teaches undergarduate and graduate courses in reading instruction and graauate coursesin educational research As aformer district readingcoordinatorfor the ChapelHill, North Carolina,schooldistrict, he receivednational recognitionfor his exemplaryreadingprogram.Soon afterjoining thefaculty at USU he was identified as a "teacher'steacher" due to his modelingeffective and innovative teaching techniques. Rarely has a newcomerto campusand the state establishedhimself so soon as a leader-one example being his election as next years President of the Utah Association of TeacherEducators. National validation in professionalassociationsand researchpublications are also evidenced. Onegrant involves teachingbasicliteracyskills to citizens in CacheValley and the Utah State Prison. John is a tireless workercommitted to USU, his profession, and improving the quality of life in general.

Collegeof Engineering has been at Utah State University for four years. Prior to coming to USU, he was on thefaculty at the United States Air ForceAcademy and the Air Force Institute of Technology. Since coming to USU, Dr. Watt has madesignificant contributions to improve the quality of learning in Industrial Technologyand Education. He has a wealth of technicalknowledge and is very serious about conveying that knowledge to his students. He is available to assist students and is often in his office providing the extra help that is needed. One student not having a very goodknowledge of grammar commented, "While he is never lax or elementaryone comesaway from his coursesfeeling educatedand enlightened. His outstanding subject knowledge, class preparation and delivery credit Utah State University." In addition to teaching, he coordinates the cooperative education activities for the ITE Department and has supervised several industry internships. He assumes a major role in supervising senior projects for Aerospace Technology students. Several of his students have won the Collegeof Engineering Lundberg Senior Design Competition, and one of his students recently won a national competition.

Collegeof Family Life joined the Utah State University faculty in 1981. He is regardedby his stuaents as a teacher "who possessesthose characteristicswhich distinguish him amonghis contemporaries:commitment, rigor,and foresight." It was noted that "Dr. Openshaw hasan unanalyzable creative power which encourages students to accomplishthat which the student thought impossibleand that which Dr. Openshaw never doubted possible." Students emergefrom his courseswith agreater depth of knowledge and understanding, not only of the subject, but also of themselves. His understanding and empathy for the needs of his students, and command of the subject area permit him to deal with highly sensitive material without offense. Dr. Openshaw hasbeenhonoredby the Mortar Board Societyas a "Top-Prof" both in 198 7 and 1990 . In addition to his teachingrole,he has contributedsignificantly to the areaof clinical research and service,has written numerouspapersfor professional meetings and journalsand has served on regional and national committees. Dr. Openshaw receivedhis BA and MSW from the University of Utah and his Ph.D. from Brigham Young University.


Collegeof Natural Resources joined the faculty of Utah State University in 1985. In his role as Assistant Professor of Range Management and Watershed Science, he provides leadershipin the interdisciplinary approach to natural resources education. Jim's enthusiam for his students and the subjects he teaches is infectious. He goes "aboveand beyond the call of duty" each year when he hosts a receptionfor his undergraduate students. Outside the classroom,Jim coaches the Undergraduate Range Management Exam teamfor Utah State University. Under his guidance the team has placed first or second over the last three years in this prestigious national exam. His department head expressed, "It isyour willingess togo the extra mile that makes you an outstanding teacher."Jim is the chairmanof the national Range Science Education Council and is a major spokesmanfor reform in range science curricula throughout the country. Among his many honors, he was selected in 1989 as the Collegeof Natural ResourcesAdviser of the Year.

Collegeof Science has majorcredits in many aspects of his teaching role. As a chemistry professor at Utah State University, he has led the development of thefirst curriculum inthe nation approved by the AmericanChemical Society for chemistry teacher education and to the seventh approved biochemistry program. As director of the University Honors Program he developed options for undergraduate research through Honors Plans in department, spurred innovative course development through the Honors Professorprogram and through interdisciplinary coursessuch as "Planet Earth"and "TheArts in Interesting Times". He is one of the creativeforces behind the Liberal Arts and Sciences Program,a nationally acclaimedinnovation ingeneral education, and in teaching its orientation course. Joe is dedicated to developing in his students a sense of inquiry, a desireto question, and along term commitment to learning.His warmth and good humor,coupled with standards of excellence,have resulted in students committing themselves to learning, excellencein writing, and individual thought. He is truly qualified as a great teacher in the broadest sense.


Special Honors and Certificates

Valedictorians A valedictorian has been selected by each college of the University. Each valedictorian has selected a faculty escor t. Addresses will be delivered at the College Graduation Ceremonies . Valedictorians are: College of Agriculture Brent L. Black Escort, John G. Carman College of Business Eric W. Rasmussen Escort, Ralph L. Peck College of Education Julia B. Anderson Escort, David W . Bush College of Engineering James R. Nottingham Escort , Robert W. Gunderson College of Family Life Marnie Ricks Spencer Escort, Nedra Christensen College of Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences Paige Lewis Escort, Norman L. Jones College of Natural Resources Charles B. Chamberlain Escort, Wayne A. Wurtsbaugh College of Science Chad Jensen Clawson Escort, Michael E. Wri ght

University Citizenship Awards Presented annually to the senior graduates who best portray high traits of character, scholarship, and citizenship.

Trista L. Farmer Daniel Fliegel Elaine Hicken Kelly C. Hoggan

Certificate of International Relations Teresa J. Alldredge T. Bruce Anderson

Celeste N. Bain Staci L. Coy Kimball M . Fife Susie K. Hoag Stacey L. Jacobson Jill Keith Frances E. Morgan Timothy T. Rath Richard B. Reynolds Kristi R. Sweep Lisa M. Twede Dixie Wilson Kelly M. Wright

Certificate of Area Studies Laurel C. Alder Russell R. Birkhead Theresa J. Johnson Karla D. Larsen Jefferson B. Mecham Jeff R. Richards Shaun B. Roundy Gregory L. Waddoups

Reserve Officer Training Corps (Commissioned as 2nd Lt. in U.S. Air Force)

Lisa Bowen Patrick Leary


Honors Program Graduates

Craig H. Bowen Christopher S. Galloway Randy L. Harmer Lance M. Johnston Scott H. Larson Mark L. Leavitt Troy D. Schultz

University Honors Nathan Alder Troy W . Hobbs Kimberly L. Nalder Joe Pitkin Janet H. Robson Shaun Roundy Kirk Shepherd Greg Waddoups

Departmental Jeff Argast


Military Science David J.Ballsmith Jeffrey A. Bruce Darren P. Harvey Robert L. Karren Timmy L. Kinsman Robert C. Pettit Troy M . Price Pete A. Ross Christopher R. Warner

Honor Graduates The quality of performance in academic work enables the following to begraduates with distinction. Those who have met residence requirements and have maintained a grade point average of 3.95 to 4.00 are graduated Summa Cum Luade; those whose average is 3.80 to 3.949, Magna Cum Laude; and those whose average is 3.50 to 3. 799, Cum Laude.

Summa CumLaude Anderson , Julie Bingham Bean, Brent Bean, Gaylynn Owen Brooks, Heidi L. Cobb, Kristy Rae Coon, JoAn M. Dithnore, Wayne B. Doliwa, Heidi Farmer, Trista Leah Hicken, Elaine L. Jolley, Connie Lithgow, Bruce E. Lewis, Paige Miller, Susan Jacobson Nottingham, James R. Nyman, Donna K. Rasmussen, Brent D. Rasmussen, Eric Schicker , Jean Marie Spencer, Marnie Ricks Waddoups, Anne Bentley

Magna Cum Luade Allen, Terry Scott Anderson, Marni L. Baker, Steve D. Bean, Laurie Belk, Flint Tyler Benson, Bryan Mark Bertagnolli, Kenneth E. Beyeler, Amy L. Bjorn, Richard D. Black, Brent L. Blair, Martin Edward Blotter, Jame s Wallentine Bonner, Elisa Broadhead, Kelly W. Brown, Tresa Ann Burningham, Zan p . Burt, Tawnya H. Cahoon, David Kern Capner, Sherstine T. Chamberlain, Charles B. Chris tensen, Karla J. Craner Clawson, Chad Jensen Craig, Kaylene T. DeBernardi , Bret A. Derr, Eric P. Dever, Deborah Duque tte, Tori Lynn Edwards, Karen Rae Erickson, Allison Walton Evans, Brady A.

Garner, Scott E. Gibb, Roger D. Gilgen, Linda Eberso le Goddard, Jame s Vadel Godfrey, William J. Gregrich, Sharon A. Hassan , Dennis Lane Head, Barbara G. Himmel , Christopher B. Hoagland, Doroth y "Dee" Hokett, Barbara J. Hossner , Mariann e Jacobs, John Jacobs, John Richard Jeffery, Doni L. Jenkins , Jennifer Johnson, Peggy Keith, Jill Kersten, Sarah Ann Kinghorn, Deborah Woodland Kuhn, Kar en Mabey Lago, Baldomero S. Lee, Melinda M. Lemons, Shawn Tyler Lithgow, Bruce E. Loosli, Angela Petersen Lundquist , Amy Lorann Macfarlane, Daniel J. Marchant, Michelle Martz, Jeff R. McKinnon , Lane R. Miller, Lin d a Lois Stone Moody, Mark Emera ld Murdock , Cynthia Strong Ne lso n, Beverly Ne lso n, Linda Lee Odell, Cami lle Johnson Olsen, Tanya Ann Parker , Vielane Polson , Na than L. Randall , Kimberly Rasmussen , Brent D. Richards , Juli e-Dee Roberts, David Briscoe Robins, Melissa Kay Robinson, Melani e Huntington Saunders, Suzam1e H. Schwab, Vance Seth Shaw, Michael Clyde Shoe ll, Dayna Jones Sites, Stephanie Wright Smart, Ang ela Tolson Stauffer, Shaw1 D. Swee ten, Lisa Miller Swenson, Amy Tepedino, Daria Thomsen, Valer ie Thur ston, Farrell Thomas Waddoups, Gregory Lee Waite, Peter Jam es Ward, Caro l Lynn Ward, David Scott Wendel, Jem1ifer L. Whittington, Kerri Lynn Wilson, Nicole Grimaud Young, Matth ew A.

Cum Laude Adams, Guy J. Alder, Na than Douglas Aller, Krista Liljenquist Almeida, Fabian Emilio An, Kong H .


Andersen, Mikelle M. Andersen, Steven D. Anderson, Audra Kay Anderson, Terry B. Arnd t, Ranney Edwin Ault, Patricia A. Ballard , Trudy Ann Banks, Julie A. Bassett , Jenny Beacco, Michael A. Beard, Tamm y Lou Belnap , Marc i Elliott Bennion, Jeffrey Bennion Randall Dee Benson, Susanne V. Bertola, Sandra L. Bisquera , Evangeline Bisquera, Timi 0. Bivens, Fiona Field Blanchard , Gayle R. Bonella, Heather Boren, Janette Zumb o Bowman, Dawn Ayre Brandt, Odette Michaelson Brann, Patricia N. Briscoe, Dana L. Broadbent, Michael L. Brown, Bonnie S. Brown, Curti s Benjamin Butterfield, Desiree Renee Buxton, Gay le C. Call, Brent Ne ld on Campane lla, Kath leen Joann Cam1ell, Diana S. Chapm an, Alice Louise Chapman , Mark King Chri stens en, Ann Marie Chr istensen, Emily C. Clark, Kristin R. Cobu rn , Russell Coffin, Kristin Compton, Gregory N. Co nw ay, Kathryn Jane Coo ley, M . Allan Coy, Staci L. Cragu n , Margo Lynn Crandall , Marc Glenn Daniels Malissa Davis, Robert C. Deakin, Joseph W. Decker , William Earl Denos, George Keith Denys, Doug las Dougher , Michael K. Dresen, Steven Paul Droesbeke, Richard Dufner , Christine Egbert, Tar rence Marc Ellis, Preston Chad Engle, Sandra Jane Esp lin, Boyd C. Everett, Kathryn Lynn Ewer, Bart Jensen Fairbourn, Camille Anderson Fairbourn, Todd W. Farmer, Lavon Dawn Farnsworth, Rober t J. Fergusson, Carina L. Fewell, Kerry Lee Fliege l, Dani el A. Fielding, Vernon W. Floyd, Jonathan N. Floyd, Margie T. Forbush, Lori T.

Frandsen, Kerry L. Frandsen, Monte Gene Fraser, Jeffrey R. Friedman , Steven Michael Funk, Randy Brett Gardner, Richard D. Gibbs, Theresa Glenn, Kelly V. Glover, Angela Graham, Catherine Green, Terry M. Gregory, Hollie Brown Griffith, Melanie Ann Grua, Linda Shimmin Hammar, Kirsten Lee Hanke, Diana H. Hansen, Mary Jo Hansen, Stephanie Budge Hanson,RebekkaJo Hardy , Lisa Harmer, Randy L. Harrison, H. Kreg Hassan, Wendi Ann L. Healey, Michele L. Henrie, James B. Hibbard, Julie Ann Hinck, David Vaughn Hirata, Mitsuko Hobbs, Troy W. Hobby, William C. Hoffman, Shelley Dee Hoggan, Kelly C. Holland, JoAnn M. Holt, Mark B. Horsley, Jule D. Howell, Verlo Howells, Janna A. Hoyt, Terry Hubbard, Jill Huber, Bart K. Huffman , Jeffrey M . Humphreys , Caara J. Hunt, Laura Jacobson, Stacey Lynn Jasperson, Jill Jeffery, Doni L. Jenkins, Donald T. Jensen, Clark Emron Jensen, Craig A. Jensen, Eric D. Jeppesen, Bruce L. Johnson, Garth Johnson, Jenifer Baxter Johnson, Joseph W. Johnson, Kathleen Kerr Johnson, Mary Ann Johnson, Redge B. Johnson, Russell C. Johnson, Theresa J. Jones, Jennifer A. Jorgensen, M. Elaine Jorgensen, Mark L. Jorgensen, Valerie J. Kaminski, Freddy Keller, Jay R. Kerr, Kara lee Kinghorn, Brian Wayne Kohler, Dennis M. Komeili, Seyed Mehrdad Kreifeldt, Richard A. Kruse, Rhoni Gay Kunzler, Shirley Ann LaRocco, Christine C. Labrum, Scott R. Lamont, Elizabe th D.

Ledette-Smith, Linda Jean Lee, Candace Sommer Lee, Laurie Leishman, Rebecca A. Lester, De Ann Everton Lewis, Paula Jean Lewis, Rudi L. Liddiard, Cortney Lofgren, Michael David Lucus, Lori Jane Lundquist, Robert Kent Macfarlane , Andrea Faatz Mangum, Shaneen Rasmussen Mattinson, Robert McK.inzey, Kris J. McMullin, Lynette Larson Mecham, Patsy Ann Merkley, Karen Allen Merrill, Karen H. Merrill, Mark C. Meyer, Steven R. Millward, Candice Marie Miner, Dalen Oneil Mortensen, Melinda Mugleston, Randy Gene Muir, Annette Murphy, Kelli Marie Myers, Kristine Nelson, Sara D. Neuberger, Amy Anne New,Jirn P. Nirnah, Marianne Musa Nkwocha, Noble Njemanze Obray, Jermifer E. Odendahl, George K. Papworth, Lara L. Park, John W. Pedlar, Lynette Ellen Peterson, Anne Ladet Pickett, Jennifer Dee Oswald Pierson, Traci Tibbitts Pitkin, Joseph R. Plastow, Patricia A. Powell, Kerry L. Price, John Craig Prince, Tonya Lyn Rasmussen, Christine D. Rasmussen, Colleen S. Rasmussen, David C. Rasmussen, LeeAnn Rasmussen , Shelly J. Reeder, William Douglas Rees, Janine Speakman Reeves , John Paul Reimers, Edith E. Richardson, Susan I. Rice, Stacy Ann Roberts, Curtis Robson, Janet K. Robson, Kevin Roundy, Shaun B. Rowland, Ashley C. Roylance, Mary L. Ruefenacht, Bonnie Runyan, Carl Douglas Rusch, Jennifer L. Russell, Jennifer Jo Sagers, Lisa K. Scott, Lisa Randall Schindler, Jeanne Crawford Schofield, Anjanette Schwartz, Timothy Searle, Pamelia Shel ton , Lee Joseph Shepherd, Kirk Vincent


Shigematsu , Hayuri Shigley, Joseph T., Jr. Shumway , Janae West Shurtleff, Brandy N. Smith, Heather Nielson Smith, Kathy Sue Smith, Ke1meth L. Smith, Laura Shipp Smith, Stanford Adam Smith, Stephen J. Smith, Tina A. Smith , Wendy Jo Stanley Sorensen, Melanie Graff Sorensen, Victor Carmon Sorenson, Anna Lee Sosa, Cristine C. Spencer, Kurtis T. Spigarelli, Rebecca Sproul, Steven D. Squires, Glen Wittwer Stanley, William Allen Stolworthy, David W. Stout, Shauna Bodrero Stowell, Linda A. Strate, Brent J. Sugiyama, Megumi Susko, Mary Swarm, Cheryl K. Sweep, Kristi R. Taggart, Dannette Munk Talty, Sharon Smith Tan, Hooi Phing Tay lor, Cortney L. Taylor, James A. Taylor, Sharon Koyle Taysom, Ted R. Thackeray, Rosemary Thomason, Robert G. Thorne, Eleanor T. Thorpe , Mark Thurston , Charla G. Timm, Chris G. Tiong, Chee-Kun Todd, Kristen C. Tovey, M ichelle Turner, Corey C. Twede, Lisa Anne Valcarce, Jim J. Van Orden, Shauna Waddoups, Andra Waite, David E. Walker, Edamarie Walker, Karen L. Walters, Melinda Lee Wangsgard, Michael Ross Ward , Betsy Wardle, Marianne E. Watkins, Vicki Lynn Webb, Janice E. Weekes, David Boyde Wegener, Shelly L. Welch, Shawn T. White, Kevin Ray Willardson, Jeffrey F. Williams, Kimberly Wilson, Paula Wilson, Teresa Christina Wolf, Staci R. Wong, Tak Fu Woods, Todd Jeffrey Woo lstenhulme, Daren K. Wright, Nathan Todd Wrigley, Krissa N. Zahl, Barbara Atm


Two-Year Certificate

Candidates for Graduation

Qui lter, Caro le

Names lis ted in the program do not cons titut e graduation.

Agriculture Doyle J. Matthews Dean Almeida, Fabian Emilio Alv arez-Martinez, Ivette P. Anderson, Christine L. Ba-Eello, Abubakar Bahr, Dean Allen Bak er, Marlene Baron , David Lowell Bart n-Palm er , Mary Faye Bean, Wayne R. Blac. , Brent L. Blac . , Deborah Bowman, Brett R. Brin dley, Marla Faye Bro wn , Darrin W. Bro wn, David G. Bybee, And rew Chad Ca ldero n, Perez Mig uel An ge l Ca ll, Robert Bryce Chides ter , Christi Chr istens en, Dennis E. Cla rk, Bru ce E. Cra ig, Brent D. Creer, Nei l D. Despain, G regory Scott Donohoo, Patty G. Espinosa, Rodrigo Jose Ferweda, Greg S. Frost, Kenneth Reid Gibb ons, Jod i Hal e, Eric Ronald Hall , Seth Halverson, Jaru1ette H ardcas tle, Ben J. H ard m a n, Spe n cer Milton Ha ssa n , Osman A. Hatch, Royce Lynn Haw s, Wendy J. H ea ley, Mi chele L. Hobb s, Troy W. Hyd en , John R. Isom , Dav e Morgan Johnson , LaMar Don Jones , Conny Lyn Keller , Jay R. Kelley , Kent N. Khodadadi , Saeid King , Brett William Koba yas hi, Pamela J. Laird , Fred Meridith Lawson , Lan ce Livingst o n, Vala R. Loos le, Robin Svenson Lytle, Co ry David Man yatse la, Elisha Manyat sela


Marotzke, Michel Dias Mattinson, Robert McEwan, Mitchell David McKinzey , Kristine Joan Munns, Johney Paul Nerd in, Darin J. Nwuba , Doreen Chizoba Olson , Mark D . Peckham, Dean C. Peel, Michael Dean Petersen, Gina Marie Polatis, Clark T. Price, Troy M. Richardson , Thomas Bragdon Rog e rs, Tonya Perk es Runyan , Carl Douglas Samp son , Bradley Jay Schindler, Jeanne Crawford See thal er, Lisa D . Shelton, Lee Joseph Sorenson, Richa rd K. Spencer , Ma rni e Ricks Squir es, Glen Wittwer Stanger, Scott D. Sto lw orthy, David W. Tan, Hooi Phing Tateoka, Thomas James Tepedino, Daria Thurgood, Carnan Baer Tidwell, Gordon L. Tovey, Michelle Wallenti ne, John C harles Wangsgard , Michael Ross Ward, Steve n Robert Wege ner, Shelly L. Willi s, Thom as McKay Wilson, David F. Wilson, Todd L. Winger, Marlon B. Wong, Min Hui Woods, Todd Jeffrey Yard ley, Lynn Budge

David B. Stephens Dean An, Kong H. Abdu l, Rahman Rohana Abdu l, Rahman Ruhaizan Abe, Elizabeth Adenike Adams, Eric Britton Ahlrichs, Ant hony R. Alkatiri, Nabil Syarif Allen, Shelly Rae Ambler, Jonathan W. Anast , Janel M. Andersen, Keith Dougla s And ersen, Steven D. Andrews, Linda Grace And ru s, Rich ar d Cedric App lega te, Brian Thad Atkinson, Mitchell A. Au lt, Patri cia Ann Azizzama n, Azizul Hi s ham Babcock, Ray C. Badowsky, Mark John Ba iley, Brad V. Baird, Robin B. Barker, Shane C. Barfuss , Kathy A. Barnard, Jeffrey S. Barnard, Pa ul Steven Barr ett, Mark Edwa rd Barrus , Tim H . Barry, Jill LeAnn Bartholomew, Craig Robert Bateman, Brennan Lee Beckman, Marty Dean Bennion, Jeffrey H. Bergen, Dianna Beutler, Kar en Beut ler, Lynn E. Grove r Bindrup , Brian L. Bishop, Bruce S. Bivens , Fiona Field Black, Scott R. Bodi ly, Clayne M . Bodily, Leisa A. Bouwhui s, Jas on R. Brann, Patricia N. Brian, Mitch J. Briscoe, Dana Lee Hend erso n Brooks, Heidi L. Brown , Boru1ie Jean Brown, Demetrius Labarren Brown , Kenne th Way ne Brown , Lisa Bunderson, Michael C. Burton , Lindsay Bushman, Darin J. Busico, Valerie M.

Associate of Applied Science Degrees Beckst ea d , Gordon L. Bybee, Kevin R. Dewsnup, Russell Kent Dimond , Dennis Harold Pent z, Ju stin Pollock , Rand a l Jack Richard s, Michael D. Spa ckman , Kenn eth W.

One-YearCertificate A nd erso n, Brett Dimond, Dean T.


Butterfi eld , Sha un I. Ca ld ero n , Pablo Javi e r Ca ld we ll, Larson H., Jr. Ca ll, Alan M. Campbe ll, Jam es E. Canne ll, Diana Sampson Cape ner, Sherstine Turn e r Carling, Sheri L. Ca rlson, Daphne Ann Carl ton , Brad M. Carson , Jimmy Mclan e Chao, Chia -Ling Chen, Reynold Child, Kenn e th Arvel Chong, Lee-Ming Chow, Shirley Christensen, B. Todd Christensen, Kasey Chr istiansen, Bobbi e Lynn Chugg, Dee Glen Clark, Ch elisse C la rk, Paul T. Coady , Brian Jam es Cobb, Adam Loren Cob urn , Ru sse ll Co llins, Kenneth Jay Colovich, Christian T. Cook, Val Steve Corbet t, Donald Alexander Co rbrid ge, Danny Pa ul Cornia, Vicki J. Crag un, Marg o Lynne Czer linski, Gar un a Dah l, Allison K. Da hla n, Haslina Dalton , Gavin J. Davis, Bonnie A. Deakin, Joseph William Dearing , Daniel G. Derr, Eric P. Dever, Deborah Dickson, Doug las L. Dittmore, Wayne B. Doliwa, H eidi Droesbeke, Richar d N . Dunford, Euge n e N. Dye, Tonya Egli, Kelly J. Ellis, Dawn M. Ellis, Jan Emm ett, Shelly Nyma n Erickson , Genan Evans, Deana Everson, May S. Fairbourn, Brian Leon Farabee, Michel e Rae Farnswort h , Robert J. Fieldin g, Vernon W. Fitzgerald, Bre tt R. Flinders , J uJie Fo lta, Gregory J. Forsgren, Kurtis G . Fra nces, Douglas Fraz ier, Bru ce Thomas

Freeman, Anna Maria Fritz, Robert W. Fugal, Jan Christian Fukatsu, Hiroya Gardner, Craig Lynn Garrard, Melvin Kurt Gladwin, Trenton Gary Goldsberry, Brett Reid Good, Daniel Douglas Goode, Rod A. Gotcher, Douglas James Gottfredson, Nicole Graham, Catherine Gray, Jon Todd Gregory, Hollie Brown Griffin, Rachelle A. Griffith, Troy M. Grua, Linda Lenore Shimmin Gubler, David D. Gunadi, Max Gunderson, Marvin Kay Guymon, Karl Boyd Halander, Karen D. Hale, Kevin Brian Hamblin, Jayne Tracey Hamblin, Joseph Reed Haney, Kristin Hansen, Geary W. Hansen, Morris L. Hansen, Scott Lee Hansen, Thomas William Hansen, Wade L. Harker, Darin B. Harris, Kim Marie Harsheim, Lars Ame Hassan, Mohd Haswadi Bin Hatfield, John Brett Hathaway, Kurt John Haws, Brian Joel Henson, Nancy Higley, Dixie Stark Hirschi, Catherine Hiss, Ylonda Gae Hobby, William C. Hofheins, Kristyn Larsen Hoggan, Kirt William Honarni, Tamae Hong, Chun-Mei Angela Hopkin, Rick J. Horton, John E. Howell, Verlo A. Hoyt, Terry K. Hubbard, Rex Wayne Huber, Bart K. Hunsaker, Chad C. Hunter, Todd P. Hwu, Shang Ju Henry Ibrahim, Sujak Imperiale, Michae l Gregory Israe lsen, Andrew L. James, Mark Edward Jennings, Deana Jensen, Brenda Bladen

Jensen, Craig Alan Jensen, Diana Jaleen Jeppson, Gordon T. Johnson, Jacki Selman Johnson, Joseph W. Johnson, Ted R. Jolley, Connie Jones, Philip Jorgensen, Michael James Kartchner, Bradley A. Kershaw, Timothy Bland Kidman, Dan H. Kissell, Lauri Kay Klein, James Paul Knight, Randall H . Kowalski, Robert S. Kuo, Shu-Fen Kurtz, Lee A. Larsen, Cindy Olsen Larsen, Karla DeAnn Larsen, Paul D. Lawrence, Sandra Ann Layton, Laurel Jill Lazenby,Sean Lee, Jerold Hopkins Lee, Melinda Melanie Lee, Stephanie Luke Leonelli, Michael J. Lew, Yee Ngoon Li, Kin Chu Liddiard, Cortney R. Liddiard, Kent V. Linneman, Michael George Lithgow, Bruce E. Long, Anissa Buxton Lovell, Tiffani H. Lu, Hui-Chung Lw1d, Todd E. Macrum, Michael E. Maedgen, Denice B. Mangum, Shaneen Rasmussen Marin, Zoila Marisol Markeson, Alta L. Martin, Stacey M. Matsumoto, Masanori McCoy, Ken C. McDonald, Michael C. McKenzie, Stacey Lee McMullin, Lynette Larson McNulty, James G. Medlyn, April Merrill, John W. Merrill, Karen Hammond Meyrick, Ann Miller, David Gera ld Milne, Steven R. Mohamedhusain, Suzana Molony, Richard Joseph Morris, Glenn D. Morris, Troy D. Morton, Joe W. Moscon, Melissa Ann Muir, Annette

Nelson, Karen K. New, Jim P. Ng, Ser-Yong Nichols, Kenneth Rulon Nielsen, Janelle Louise Nilson , Troy F. Nixon, Kevin L. Nixon, Scott Edward Obray, Golden Doyle Ockey, Kent Gerald Odeh, Samer Shawkat Odendahl, George Keith Odendahl, Gordon T. Okada, Herby M. Ollivier, Derek Joseph Olsen, Teri A. Olson, Stefani S. Olson, Terry Lynne Ong, Teddy Suryadi Osterhout, Tyrell L. Palmer, Kyle Palmer, Lewis J. Park, John W. Parker, Brian Hugh Parkinson, Jalyn R. Payne, Brett G. Peck, Shaun L. Peek, Jon Mitchell Pendleton, Cand ice R. Perkins, Mitchell Lynn Peterson , Nathan C. Pignataro, Todd F. Poloni , Jeffrey Polson, Nathan L. Porritt, Casey K. Powell, Kerry L. Powell, Steven H. Prasad , Sanjay Rasmussen, Cristine D. Rasmussen, Eric Wyatt Raymond, Jeff C. Rees, Lynette Regimbal, Paul Joseph Reyburn, Terry A. Richardson, Susan Ilene Richey, Michael R. R.iet, Troy C. Rigby, Shawn James Rigby, Va]Jay Rinderknecht, William Clair Roberts, Curtis J. Robinson, Bonnie J. Robinson, Daniel C. Rollins, Richard Kevin Romrell, Douglas P. Romriell , Ruthanne Rupp, Norman A. Rush, Christine Diane Sagers, Lisa K. Savage, Janine Schwab-Getz, Connie Marie Schofield, Anjanette Schu ltz, Troy Douglas


Schwaegler, Rhonda K. Sen ten, Cornelis Jeff Seow , Yeow-Hua Severson, Richard D. Shaw, Nowell Shea, Vernon R. Shigley, Joseph T., Jr. Shinkle, Andrew G. Shurtleff, Brandy Nicole Sites, John Daniel, Jr. Sinju, George Sinju Skeen, James T. Skelly , Julie Ann Smith , Jeffrey Thomas Smith, Kenneth L. Smith, Larry L. Smith, Laura Shipp Smith, Leslie S. Smith, Robert J. Smith, Valarie Ann Sorensen, Brian Sorensen, Tom D. Sparrow, Randall W. Spencer, Mark R. Sproul, Steven D. Stacey, Mark Lawson Steed, Shaun J. Stein, Caroline Louise Stockham, John Morgan Stout, Richard S. Swenson, Shelly K. Sysak, Karsten M. Tadd, James W. Taggart, Danette Munk Talbot, Craig A. Tangren, Robert Paul Taskar , Jeanne Wright Taylor, Bruce Taylor, Cortney L. Taylor , Gary B. Tay lor, Gary E. Taylor , Joni Dawn Taysom, Ted R. Tew , Todd W. Thomas, Lana E. Lirette Thomson, Eric Shawn Thomason , Robert G. Thorpe, Mark C. Thurston, Farrell Thomas Tjeng, Tjin Shen Tjeng, Tjing I. Todd, Glenn M. Todd, Mark A. Toledo, Rosie F. Tooley, Edgar W. Tran, Kevin Vanderhoof, Lance D. Vergara, Javier Astorga Wadley, Marnell Wadsworth, Edward Graham Wang, Jia Ling Wang, Jiunn-Jye Wang, Shiow-Jen

Ward, Carol Lynn Ward, Jennifer J. Ward, Lyle John Warnick, David Jon Whitaker, Mike S. Whittle, George Monroe Wilcox, William Floyd Wilkinson, Robert Dean Willardson, Jeffrey Frank Williams, Daniel Ricks Williams, Jocelyn Michelle Williams, Kerri L. Williams, Kimberly J. Williams, Linda Diane Larsen Wilson, Steven James Winn, Laurica Wirapranata, Lucia Wolcott, Patrick Guy Wornack, Jeffrey Alan Wo olstenhulme, Daren K. Yen, Shun Tien Yoddumnern, Siriluk Zundel, Elaine

Associate of Applied Science 'Degrees Allen, Karen J. Beagley, Karen Ann Blair, Kathi R. Broadbent, Alicia G. Coleman, Marsha Duncan, Anne Ellis, Teresa Clayton Floyd, Michelle L. Golightly, Karla A. Gregrich, Sharon A. Hansen, Marcene Harde, Kimberly A. Henderson, Darlene House, Deanna K. Hubbard, Jill Ishi,.. Erni James, Leslie Lynn R. Kowallis, Brenda J. Law, Jennifer Leishman, Rebecca Ann Mabbutt, Melinda K. Redmond, Michelle L. Sadler, Susannah L. Schmitz, Aileen T. Scott, Lisa Randall Smith, Sheri Diane Snow, Michelle Soenardi, Etin Prihati Strasser, Mary Kay Taylor, Amie M . Todd, Kristin C. Wilcox, Lauri Ann Woodbury, Jennifer Young , Brenda

Burt, Tawnya H. Butler, Janet Ann Bybee, Kevin R. Campanella, Kathleen Joann Campbe ll, Michael Jerome Campbell, Roger Kay Cardon, Verla C. Carling, Douglas G. Carlisl e, Betsy B. Carlsen, Shannon Lisabeth Carroll, Rachel Anne Cartwright, Gerald A. Cathey, Cindy Lee Christensen, Ann Marie Hall Christensen, Darla Chris tensen, Karla J. Craner Christensen, Laurel J. Mower Clark, Kristin R. Clifford, LouAnn Cloward, Kaylin Coats, Kimberly Ann Wall Cobb, Kristy Rae Coburn, Steven Adrian Coffin, Kristin Coffman, David Alan Cole, Barbara E. Coleman, Michelle Compton, Gregory N. Compton, Jennifer A. Coon, Joan M. Cottle, Kathleen Falslev Coupe, Margaret Jea1me Cowley, Robin Craig, Kaylene T. Croft, Tammy T. Dalton, Amy L. Daniels, Malissa Darley, Lisa K. Davenport, Je1mifer Marie Davis, Megan Jane Dearing, Kristine Lund Debry, Douglas L. Dela Cruz, Linda Devenport, Michael E. Dickens, Jubylee A. Dickson , Kathryn (Katie) Terry Dill, Dawn J. Dougher, Michael K. Drollinger , Valerie Mather Dufner, Christine Duquette, Tor i Lynn Dustin, Julie Ear ley, Wayne G. Edoff, Debbie Ann Edwards, Amy Lea Edwards, Karen Rae Eng le, Sandra Jane Erickson, Allison Walton Esplin, Boyd C. Evans, Jodie Elain e Everett, Kathryn Lyru1 Fairbourn, Todd W. Farmer, Trista Leah

Education Oral L. Ballam Dean Ady, Robert L. Ahanonu, Ijeoma Ahlemeyer, Monte Lee Allen, Natalie J. Allsop, Sheri Lee Andersen, Mikelle M. Anderson , Audra Kay Anderson, Georgiana K. Jessen Anderson, Julie Bingham Anderson, Kristie Murdock Anderson, Pamela Faye Anderson, Shawnee C. Anderson, Tracy Ard, Jennifer Kathleen Ashby, Sara Baker, Laura J. Ballard, Trudy Ann Banks, Julie A. Banks, Susan Bean, Gaylynn Owen Bellew, Brian Brendan Belnap, Marci Elliott Bennion, Randall Dee Benson , Je1my Sue Benson, Steven N. Benson , Susanne V. Bentley, Rachael Berry, Candace Bertola, Sandra L. Bihr, Sandra L. Bischoff , Annette Bishop, Elden Anthon Bisquera, Evangeline Black, Michelle Bagley Blackburn, Michelle Renee Blair, Martin Edward Blanchard, Gayle Rebecca Guest Bland, Shayne Delmar Bodwell, Teresa Ann Boehme, Yvonne W. Bonella, Heather Bonham, Victoria A. Boren, Janette Zumbo Boston, Traci L. Swenson Bowdren, Stephen Ernst Bowers, Tamara L. Bowman, Dawn Ayre Boyce, Tammy Brandt, Odette Michaelson Brown, Polly Ann Brown, Sharon Burnhope Brown, Tresa Ann Brown, William Austin Browning, Carol Kidman Browning, Pamela Ida Bruce, Jeffrey A. Burt, Heather


Feltch, Ranee Morrison Ferguson, Elizabet h Fewe ll, Kerry Lee Floyd, Margie T. Forbush, Lori T. Ford, Andriette Alline Forsyth, Cindy Fou lger , Randy Keith Frandsen, Kerry L. Fraser, Jeffrey R. Gale, Lorraine Jessop Garner, Andrea Garner, Blair James Garrard, Gwenna H . Gebert , Andrew Dean Geye rman , James Ted Gibbs, Theresa Gi lgen, Linda Eberso le Gillette, Angela Marie Gilliland, Lisa J. Gines , Veola S. Godfrey, Susan Goodrich, Julie Gowans, Don S. Green, Terry M. Griffin, Trud y Grooms, Andrea Gaye Gu1mell, Randi Gunnell Troy J. Gunter, Elaine Ottesen Gwilliam, Kirsten Hales, Wendy Haley, William Byron Hall, Jennif er N. Hammar, Kirsten Lee Hanke , Diana Hemmert Hansen , Amye L. Walker Hansen, Mary Jo Hansen, Stacy Sue Hansen , Stephanie Budge Hargra ves, Teri Kay Hart, Marilyn Hart, Scott Arthur Harward , Cindy Hatcher , Keith E. Hawkes , Steven C. Head, Barbara G. Hein, Melanie Pugh Heiner , Paul C. Herrera, Liana S. Hibbard , Julie Ann Hicken, Elaine L. Hillstead, Heidi Himmel , Christopher B. Hirata, Mitsuko Hirz, Tina A. Hoagland, Dorothy ''Dee" Hoggan, Kelly C. Holland, Casree Mignon Holland, Joann M. Hooley, Rose Mary Horsley, Jule D. Hortin, Sherilyn

Horton, Carol Simkins Hunt, Laura Hunt er, Theodore Thomas Isaacson , Monica Jacobs , John Richard Jas p erson, Jill Jen kin s, Jermif er Jen sen, Elizabeth Anne Jensen, Eric Dean Jensen , Jayne C. Jensen, Kareena Jensen , Kymb erly Diann e Jens en, Mich ael Sheldon Jew kes, Tamm y Cook Johnson, Dee Ann Johns on, Garth Johnson, Je1mifer Annette Jolmson, Kathl een Kerr Johnson, Kurt W. Johnson , Mary Ann Johnson , Peggy J. Johnson, SherriSue Ann Jolley , Kathl een D. Jones, Jennif er A. Jones, Shane M. Jones , Suzie M. Jorgen sen, Mark L. Jorgens en, Valerie Jayne Kanewa, Da ve lyn Sue Kanniainen , Cindy A Kay, Jana e Bowles Kennard, Lecia Marie Kerr, Karalee Kinghorn, Deborah Woodl a nd Kohler, Scott Way ne Kreher, Karin L. Krus e, Rhoni Gay Kuchler, Brooke Ann Kuhn, Karen Mabey Kunz, Dru e Cal LaRocco, Christine C. LaRocco , Julie Wilson Labrum, Scott R. Landeen, Kirsten J. Lane , Tina Lapra y, Joa1me Larsen, Kor ena L. Lee, Laurie Lemons , Shawn Tyler Lewis, Paula Jean Lindse y, Debbi e L. Litz, Karalyn Litz, Patricia A. Logan, Kent Craig Loos , Kimberly J. Loosli , Angela Pe tersen Lott, Sherr y L. Lovell , Cami H. Lund , Dani el Jolm Lund , Holli , Kohler Madsen , William G. Malmber g, Lynn E. Manzione , Jeann e LaRue

Mar chant , Mich elle Martin ez, Anna Matth ews, DeAnn L. Mau ghan, Jeannie Maupin , Susan M. Ma ylett, Tracy M. McBrid e, Bonnie M. Schwab McCann Tami Lynn McClain, Patricia K. McCo y-Swa llow , Christine McKee, Barry Lynn McKee, Connie Brighton McKin stry, Kristine L. Co leman McNeill, Melinda Mead, Barbara F. Mecham, Patsy Ann Mehl, Marcie A. Menlo ve, Melani e D.J. Merkley , Kar en Allen Meyer, Steven Richard Micha elis, Melissa Buchanan Miller, Alicia Simmons Miller, Marjorie Kay Mill er, Susan Jacobson Millward , Candice Dani elson Mitch ell, Mar ci Lynn Mitch ell, Patricia Ann Mitchell, Terri K. Moor e, Staci Richard s Morri s, Penn y Rae Morris, Tiffany Kay Mort ensen, Bonnie Lynn Mo ss, Lee Vernon Murdo ck, Cy nthia Strong Murphy, Kelli Marie Murr ay, Robert Tod Need ham, Bridget Renee Ne ll, Kathryn Youngberg Nelson, Jeffrey D. Ne lson, Linda Neuenswander, Shelly Ann Nielson, Sherrie Kay Norr, Kristina D. N uttall , Cathy J. Nuttall, Stephanie Obray , Jennifer E. Odell , Camille John son Olsen, Jennifer Olsen, Maurle en Olsen, Sharon Olsen, Vicki S. Ottesen , Elizabeth Ann Owens , Joseph C. Paice, Lisa Painter , Kelly J. Palm er, Michelle Papworth, Lara L. Parker , Lara D. Parker , Vielane Paul, Michelle Peaco ck, Alan Leland Pehrson, H eidi P.

Pehr son, Susan Pennin gton, Kristin Deve nport Pe rkin s, Erin Rose Pete, Gilber t Josep h, Jr. Peterman, Von Dar in Petersen, Janet M. Peterson, Anne Lad et Peterson, Juliann e Peterson, Kent L. Philips, Kelly Lynn Pickett, Jennifer Dee O. Pidcock, Kelly Lyn Pierson, Traci Tibbitt s Plastow, Patricia A Powell, Karen N. Pye, Eric F. Rajagopal, Rajiv Randall, Kimberl y Ranson, Craig Joseph Rasmu sse n, Colleen S. Rasmu sse n, Shauna Lyn Raym ond , Juli e A. Rees, Kathleen F. Rees, Sandra Reiter, Lisa E. Richard s, Juli e-Dee Riebeek, Ronald Scott Roberts, Jenaf er K. Rob ertson, Kayo Robin s, Melissa Kay Roe, Eldon S. Rosa, Eric L. Ross, Jackie A. Ross, Kent E. Rumsey, Anne R. Sa und ers, Suzanne H. Saylor, Michele Sbra nti , Scott Albert Schwab, Vance Seth Schw artz, Timothy C. Scott, Adrieru1e J. Scow, Jane Searle, Pame lia Searle, Tracy Nelson Sharp, Scott Shaw, Jana Huff Shores, Mark R. Shumway, Janae West Shumway, Sandra Jo Siege l, Kathleen M. Simoneaux, JoAnn e L. Simpson, Lyru1 Sisson, Angela Sites, Stephanie Wri ght Slack, Leslie Smith, Heather Nielson Smith, John A Smith, Kathy Sue Smith, Tina A. Smith, Wend y Jo Stanley Smoak, Leslie Ann Pillin g Sorensen, Melanie Gra ff Sorenson, Anna Lee


Sorenson, Ma x M . Spencer, Kurti s T. Spencer, Taunya Steinm etz, Scott L. Steve nson, Shauna Lee Stockt on, Emil L. Stout , Shauna Bodrero Straight, Jennif er Maart Stra te, Bren t J. Stringham, Laura Anne Sulli va n, Bobbi Ann Su tton, Nora Hazel Swan n , Cheryl K. Swee ten, Lisa Miller Sylves ter, Jeffrey Gene Talty, Sharon (Sherry) L. Tay lor, Laura Stewart Taylor, Sharon Koyle Thackeray, Rosemary Thomas, Gwe n Marie Thomas, Lana M. Thompson, Chad G. Thompson, Stephanie P. Thompson, Wend y Lynn Reiersen Thomson, Diann Thorne, Eleanor Tanene Thurman, Nixon Mel Thurston, Charla G. Timmerman, Shaunna Mira ye Timothy, Beverly Ardys Timothy, Shelley Jean Tseu, Jan ell M.H . Turner, Lisa Turner, Martha Uhland , Jennif er Anne Vawter, Kenn eth Mack Vieira, Cr istin a Margaret Vockel, Tawnya L. Waddoup s, Andra Walker, Edamarie Walker, Gary D. Walker, Karen L. Walters, Meli11da Lee Watkin s, Vicki Lynn Watson , Lisa P. Wayman, Coralee Hallin g Wayne, Stacey Mar ie Weber, Katlu¡yn Mary Wend el, Jennifer L. Whit e, Lonett a B. Rigby Whitlock , Emily Cas per Whitney, Nor ma Archibald Whittington, Kerri Lynn Williams, Stacey J. Williamson, She lly Ann Wilson, N icole G. Wilson, Paula Wirthlin, Laura C. Wolf, Staci R. Womack , Suzanne Wong, Tak-Hing

Wylie, Wayne William Young, Diane L. Young, John Michael Young,Joh.n W. Young, Lisa Harm er Young, Trudy Zahl , Barbara Ann

Engineering A. Bruce Bishop Dean Anderson, Kenneth Thomas Anderson, Micha el R. Argast , Jeff D. Argyle, Mik e J. Austin, Kenneth D. Averett , Bill Andrus Baker, Steve n D. Ball, Edward Goodman Bassett, Alan Wilmer Bean , Brent M . Bertagnolli, Kenneth Eugene Bjorn, Richard D. Bladen, Scott K. Blotter , Jonathan D. Bodin e, Dav id R. Bowe n, Jerel Floyd Bracken, Roger S. Brav o, Humb erto Broadhead, Chad E. Brown, Bill Wesley Buttars, Daniel J. Ca ll, Brent Ne ld on Carlson, Pat L. Christiansen, Larry Clawso n, Chad Jensen Cohen, Robert D. Conrad , Clayton Miles Dailam i, Farshad A. Dain es, Michae l Jay Dapp, Steven Douglas Davidson , Aaron Wade Dav is, Robert C. Deberna rdi , Bret A. Denos , George Keith Dou glass, Kirk A. Edwards, Brian Gran t Enright, Kevin Evens en, Darr el Eugen e Ewer, Bart Jen sen Ferrara, Dani el J. Fluckiger, Jeryl Hyde Follum , Shawn Allen Forbes , Martin L. Frand sen, Mont e Gene Friedman, Steven Michael Gessaman, Jeff A. Gordon , Stanl ey R. Hale , Darin Robert Halver son, Scott J. Hamblin, Greg K.

Sava bi, Abdo ] Reza Seegm iller, Gregory L. Seljaas, Audie Shaw, Steven K. Smi th, Gary Carl Smith , Michael R. Solomo n, Rob D. Stauff er, Sha un D. Sugihara, Morihide Sun, Sipex Swainsto n, Richard Charl es Talbot , Thomas Reed Taylor, Jam es Afton Thomas, Kevin J. Thompson, Erick O. Tjeng, Tjing I. Twitchell, Calvin Neil Vaughn, William Martin Vo, Dung Tan Waite, Dav id E. Walker, Shane Reed Wardle, Charles Jam es Weatherston, Richar d T. Westley, Dav id C. Whee ler, Jon L Whipple, Jeffery Frank White , Darrell L Willmore, Michael Tod d Woodward, Kevin D. Yardley, Mark David Young, Russell Todd Zo llinger, Olin O.

Hammer , Rodn ey L. Hampton , Brent P. Harri s, Robert Warren Heiner, Randall Kay Hendrickson , Travi s Henrie , Jam es B. Holt, Mark B. Hoth , David Lee Howells, Janna A. Hunter, John David Jaber, Aida Abed Fahed Jamison , Scott Ross Jarvi s, Dell Marv in Jensen , Clark Emron Jeppes en, Bruce L. Johnson , Ben A. Juber, Shorland W. Judd , H . Shaun Keele, James Manning Kofford, Kyle G. Kreifeld t, Richard Allen Larson, Scott H . Lawrence, William J. Lefler, Russe ll D. Lemon, Rya n R. Lewis, Rudi L. Lun d,Jo hn Marshall, Harold N. Matthews, Kirk L. Mayes, Gary Michael McCutchen, Ronald John McGhee, Troy A. McPherson, Robert Eugene McVey, Grego ry O. Meave, Silva Oscar Reynald o Merrill, Mark Cut ler Merrill, Nathan Henry Juni or Mikesell, Christopher Don Morr is, Steve n Paul Ng uyen, Hoan G. N ielson Lynn B. Norman, Daren Reeve Nottingham, Jam es R. Nyman, Doru1a Kaye Olsen, Michael John Olsen, Tanya Ann Osqueezadeh , Masoud Pack, Phillip T. Paint er, Mike J. Payne, Brett D. Phillip s, Rockie Ray Pott er, David B. Powell , George E. Price, John Craig Pua, Kian-Chai Andrew Radle , Mark A. Rampton , Malan Dennis Rasmuson, Eric D. Rasmussen , Brent D. Rasmuss en, David C. Rawlings , Mark A. Reed, Curt is Rex Roberts, David Briscoe

Associate of Applied Science Degrees Baker, Daniel Clifford, Rick D. Howells, Jann a A. Jensen, Derr ick E. Judd , H . Shaun Liu, Lele Solomon, Rob D. Stettler, David Wayne Whipple, Jeffery Frank Williams, Vernon M.

Family Life Bonita W. Wyse Dean Anderson, Diann Auldrid ge, Monique Suzaru1e Bartholomew, Selena Mari e Barton-Pa lm er, Mar y Faye Bean, Brent W. Beck, Karen M. Beckstead, Jennifer Clark Bittn er, Laura Susan Black, Debor ah Bollwink el, Kristin Boudreau x, Connie L. Bryner, Mari e E.


Bullen, Tina M. Campbell, Susan Pu lley Ca rlton, Angela Gay Tay lor Chand ler, Vickie Lee Cho unlam oun try, Vanida Ch ristensen, Michelle Ann Chris tense n, Nicolle S. Conway, Kathryn Jane Craig, Brent D. Cullimore, Teri Lynn Dart, Sharon Douglass, Kristi e J. Ericksen, Susan Lidd ell Espinosa , Rodrigo Jose Fluckiger, Dayn a L. Gepford, Shelby Nadine Gibb ons, Jodi Gloria, Jeru1ifer A. Goddard, Tonya C. Green, Danielle Grover, Barbara Lyn Haws, Wendy J. H ealey, Michele L. Hendrickson, Sher ilyn Rees Holmes, Sara Hyden, John R. Hymas, Lisa S. Iverso n, Elsie M. Jackson, Tyra lyn Jo hansen, Christy C. Jo hn son, Tammy R. Keller, Jay R. Kobayas hi, Pamela J. Koch, Lori Ann Pettey Koster, Terilynn McBride Kunz, Kristina V. Lambson, Sandie Lee Lofgren, Michael David Lundquist, A.n1yLorann Lundquist, Robert Kent Malm berg, John E. Mattinson, Bret Max McDermo tt, Danal ee Johnso n Mc.Kinzey, Kristine Joan Murdock, Julie A. Larsen Nwuba, Doreen Chizoba Olson, Lisa JoAnn Palleria, Kristi Marie Parkinson, Janie ! S. Perkes, Na ncy J. Petersen, Gina Mari e Pri ce, Darwin T. Puff , Andrea Rasmu ssen, Kristin e Rasmus sen, Lee Ann Richards, Ralph L. Rober ts, Teresa Zollinger Rogers, Ton ya Perk es Roylanc e, Mary L. Run yan, Carl Dou glas Sadd ler, Shirene Lyn11ae F. Schindl er, Jeanne Crawford Scholes, Debora

Seelos, Jennifer D. Seethaler, Lisa D. Shelton, Lee Joseph Shumway, Lisa Kaye Smart, Stacy Ann Smith, Marcene LaRece Smith, Sharon Olson Spencer, Marnie Ricks Stowell, Linda A. Swenson, A.my Swenson, Joni L. Tan, Hooi Phlng Tateoka, Thomas James Tepedino, Daria Thurgood, Carnan Baer Tidwell, Gordon L. Tovey, Michelle Turner, Patrice Morrill Wagstaff , Cynthia Gwilliam Webster, Wendy M. Wegener, Shelly L. White, Sandi K. Williams, Greg K. Wilson, Teresa Christina

Humanities,Arts and Social Sciences Robert A. Hoover Dean Abdul, Rafar Juliza Adzlizan Abplanalp, Jan e t Lee Adams, Brad Alan Adams, G uy J. Adams, James Leonard Adams, Jeffrey C. Ahlstrom, Margo Albrechtsen, Michael S. Alder, Nathan Douglas Alldredge, Teresa J. Allee, Donna Marie Allen, Stephen D. Aller, Krista Liljenquist Allred, Kristen W. Allsop, Brian B. Alvarez, Alexia Inez Anderson, Joni D. Anderson, Josep h Christian Anderson, Justin N. Anderson, Marni L. Anderson, Terry B. Ariens, Thaddeus W. Backman , LaDonna Small Bagley, Marja M. Bain, Celeste Ann Baji, Abhay Ramachandra Balaszi, Dean Ryan Ball, Sabra Lynn Ballsmith, David John Bankhead, Walter K.

Banuelos, Jonathan Barnard , Kim Marie Barnes, William Todd Barth, Steven T. Bate, David W. Beacco, Michael A. Bean, Laurie Beard, Tammy Lou Bee, Paul Randall Benson, Bryan Mark Berkey, Alison Anne Beyeler, Amy L. Birkhead, Russell Roy Bisquera, Timi O. Bjorklund, Charlotte Bonner, Elisa Boudreaux, Stephen D. Bowen, Craig Hemsley Bowen, Lisa M. Bravo, Leovigildo A. Bristow, Kristy Ann Broadbent, Joann e M. Broadbent, Michael L. Brown, Alison Denece Brown, Bobbie Jean Brown, Christopher Jam es Brown , Scott Emerson Bryner, Jeff R. Buffington, Bryan John Bunker, Edward Paul Burningham, Zan P. Butterfield, Desiree Renee Butterfield, Jolyn Buxton, Gayle C. Bywater, Kevin J. Cahoon, David Kern Calvert, Anthony Campbell, Gloria Ann Cantarovici, Daniel A. Capp, Michael Allen Cardis, John Francis Carling, Douglas G. Carmona, John P. Carson, Garret G . Carter, Holly L. Carter, Scott D. Chambers, Connie Jean Chapman, Alice Louise Chapman, Telford Collins Chidester, David A. Chipman, Julie Anne Christensen, Emily C. Christensen, Glynn Rae Christensen, Jonell Christensen, Lyn.ley E. Christensen, Val Dee Claggett, Sherri Rene Clark, John B. Cline, James E. Colvin, Matthew G. Coy, Staci L. Crandall, Marc Glenn Daines , Judith Louise

Dalton, Lesia Sofia Daud, Chrissostom W. Denney , Mark Eric Dresen, Steven Paul Duerksen, Nick Alan Duersch, Julie Hall Duncan, Yvonne C. Earle, Kent A. Eastwood, Ross Astley Edens, William James, Jr. Ellermeier, J.B. Ellis, Preston Chad Eng land , Tamara Lee Judd Eubank, Christopher Charles Evans, L. Kristina Ewan, Corey Falslev, Scott LaRon Farmer, Lavon Dawn Feminella, Kathryn West Fergusson, Carina L. Fife, Kimball M. Finch, Susan Fliegel, Daniel A. Fox, Gary Kenneth Freeman, Kelli Ann Furlong, Denise M. Furlong, Drew C. Galloway, Christopher S. Gardner, S. Wayne Gatherum, Todd J. Gatherum, Troy G. Glenn, Kelly V. Godfrey, William J. Good rich, Rebecca Ann Griffith, Melanie Ann Gu mm ersa ll, Jeff Aaron Hamblin, Lynda K. Hankins, Cory J. Hansen, Bonnie H ansen, Emily M . Hansen, Lisa Ann Smith Han sen, Stephanie Anne Han so n, Rebekka Jo Hardy, Lisa Ha rme r, Randy L. Harri s, David Allen Harri so n, H. Kreg Harrison, Jess S. Hart, Andrea Daines Harvey, Darren Paul Hassan, Dennis Lane Hassan, Wendi Ann L. Hatch, Connie L. Hatch, Kelton Paul Hauber, Matthew J. Hawkes , Christopher Vaughan H ea ton , Steven C. Henry, Chris W. Hinck , David Vaughn Hoag, Susie Kay Hodges, KimJ. Hoffman, Shelley Dee Hok et t, Barbara J.


Holgate, Ronald Kevin Hoopes, Rex E. Horlacher, Teena P. Howell, Robert Donald Huddleston, Robin Ann Hughes, Tracy Ann Go lden Humphreys, Caara J. Hunsicker, Denise R. Hurt, Shellie Anne Hurzeler, Tracy Arthur Hymas, Julie Isaacs, Darren Blair Isenhour, Joseph Bradley Jacobsen, Du Wayne Lee Jacobson, Stacey Lynn Jeffery, Brent Clayton Jeffery, Doni L. Jensen, Eric W. Jense n, Shelly Irene Good Johansen, Stacey Johnson, Jenifer Baxter Johnson, Jesse Nielson Johnson, Kent P. Johnson, Rach el B. Johnson, Redge B. Johnson, Theresa J. Johnston, Lance Maurice Jones, Jeffrey B. Jordan , Jill Michele Jorg ense n, M. Elaine Karr en, Rob er t Lynn Keith, Jill Keller, Caroline Kennedy, Kimberly K. Kerbs, Dale M. Kerr, Terresa J. Kersten, Sarah Ann Khan, Feroz Rafi Kinghorn, Brian Wayne Kohler, Dennis M. Koss, Rachelle Lynn Kunzler, Shirley Ann Lago, Baldomero S. Lambert, David R. Lambert, Scott Dorius Lambeth, Daniel Carrol Lamont, Elizabeth D. Larsen, Shelley A. Larsen, Susan Larson, Lillian V. Leatham, Lisa Faye Leavitt, Mark Leon Ledette-Smith, Linda Jean Lee, Candace Som.mer Lesh, Kathrine N. Lester, De Ann Everton Lewelling, Walter Robert Lewis, Paige Lofland, Danni E. Louder, Jan Lovins, Michael Dana Lowe, Jeffre y A. Lucherini, Todd William

Lucus, Lori Jane Lyle, Donald Benson Macfarlane, Andrea Faatz Macriss, Camille Maestas, Gilbert David Manzione, Stephen Ray Marshall, George R. Martz, Jeff R. Massaro, Tracy Elizabeth Mat, Norieh Mathis, Dorothy Burt McBride, Patricia K. McLarry, Elizabeth Ann McMurdie, Randall Curtis Meldrum, Douglas Paul Mellenthin, Camilla R. Martin Miller, Darren Brent Miller, Kathleen N. Miller, Kim Woodbury Miller, Linda Lois Stone Mills, Michael D. Milovich, Scott R. Miner, Dallen Oneil Moffett, Terrell D. Moody, Mark Emerald Mooney, Jonathan David Moore, Kiersten Morgan, Thomas R. Morris, Cordella J. Mortensen, Rebecca Daw Mugleston, Randy Gene Myers, Kristine Nakamura, Kazuko Na lder, Kimberly L. Nelson, Beverly Nelson , David Darren Ne lson, Sara D. Neuberger, Amy Anne Neuberger , Brett M. Neville, Julienne Newman, Nyla Nielsen, Carol Nielson, Pam Olmstead, Nicole Olsen, Laura L. Olsen, Richard Dean Olsen, Suzanne Olson, Gail Ann Osmond, Vic A. Otiede, Patricia Oghale Park, Lance J. Parkinson, Scott M. Peaslee, Kevin Robert Peck, Kerry Pedlar, Lynette Ellen Peery, Michael James Petersen, Lisa Peterson, Kyle Douglas Pettit, Chawmtel S. Pettit, Robert C. Phang, Hsueh Terng Pisano, Paul Warren Pitkin, Josep h R.

Potokar, CarolAnn Prince, Tonya Lyn Proctor, David Olson Randall , Kate Rath , Timothy Tyler Reed er, WIlliam Dougla s Rees, Howard Damon Rees, Janin e Speakman Reynolds, Richard Benton Ricci, Peter Eugene Rice, Stacy Ann Richards, Jay L. Richards, R. Jeff Richards ,Roxa nne Richardson, Todd Edward Robinson , Melanie Huntington Robson , Janet K. Robson, Kevin K. Ross, Michael C. Roundy , Shaun B. Rowe, Judith E. Rugg, Mark D. Rusch, Jennifer L. Russell, Jennifer Jo Schaelling, Kevin Schow, Greg Alan Schvan eve ldt, Todd Weston Sellers , Michelle Sessions , David Ray Sharp, Kristie Sheen , Kay Elizabeth Shepherd, Darren Tracey Shepherd , Kirk Vincent Sh.irk, Lawrence W. Shoell, Dayna Jones Shulsen, Matthew Todd Simmons, Jim M. Smart, Ange la Tolson Smith, Darren C. Smith , Darrin Kay Smith, David S. Smith, Derek Smith, Stanford Adam Smith, Stephen J. Snowden, Penny Ellen Sorensen, Victor Cannon Sorenson, Deanna Sosa, Cristine C. Spencer, Kristin Spigarelli, Rebecca Stagg, Ronald Ned Stanley, William Allen Steiner, Jenna Baumgart Steiner , Thomas Karl Stewart, Rick D. Sticht, Shauna Kay Burnett Stirling, Britton Harv ey Storay , Dwight Irwin Stratford, Mary K. Sugiyama, Megum.i Summers, Maree Summers, Nancilee J. Susko, Mary

Sweep, Kristi R. Swensen, Melissa Tateoka, Thomas Jam es Taylor, Karen B. Thomas, Janna Thompson, Phillip Mark Thomsen, Valerie Thorne, Rick B. Timm, Chris G. Tingey, Gayle Waddell Tiong, Chee-K un Turner, Corey C. Turner, Vera Twede, Lisa Anne Twiggs, Thane Thomas Valcarce, Jim J. Valerio, Albert D. Van Orden, Shauna Waddoups, Anne Bentley Waddoups, Gregory Lee Waite , Peter James Ward, Betsy Ward, J. Paul Ward, Lorilyn Wardle, Marianne E. Watterson , Tracy Ann Webb , Janice E. Webber, Julia1me Weber, Cristi na Gisela Webster, Mark McKay Weekes, David Boyde Welch , Shawn T. White , Kevin Ray Wilcox, Jeff H . Wilde , Michael Glenn Wilkin, Anita Wilkins Wilson , Dixie Winn, Lana Marsh Wiser, Linda Wolfe, Hilary J. Wright, Kelly M. Wright, Nathan Todd Wright, Terry Russell Wrigley , Krissa N. Yamamoto, Takashi Yeager , Craig J. Zinkev icz, Melissa S. Zuniga-Espejo, Luis Alberto

Bowerbank, Kim E. Bradwisch, Quentin Arthur Bunting, Whitney Burningham, Bart Alan Chamberlain, Charles Bert Clegg, Ke1meth Cook, Stacey Lee Cowdell, Bryan R. Cutler, Michael Leo Farish, Martin Todd Floyd, Jonathan N. George , M. Michael Ghicadus, Christopher John Hatch, Joni M. Hoefer, Kristen Jun e Ishiki , Julie Gail Jenkins , Donald T. Kaminski, Freddy Lamb, Jam es W. Lee, David R. Miller, Brian Ray Orton , Ronald Clare Oyler , Ricky Lynn Phillips, Heidi Lynne Prudent, Karla Jean Hamaji Reimers , Edith Emily Robins, Kurtis A. Rosenberger, Uta Ruefenacht, Bonnie Schroeder, Jill Smith, Steven J. Sorensen, Greg J. Spiering, Randy J. Squire, John Meade Talbot , Cur tis J. Teuscher , David Warren , Yvonn e Wells, William Kevin Wharff, Robert Alan Wier, Peter L. Witbeck, Dennis Zeidler, Gary Scott

Natural Resources

Adams , Jeffrey C. Adeyemi, Adedayo A. Allen, Terry Scott Anderson, James M. Asay, Ross Keith Bailey, Kevin Wayne Bales, Juliann Beck, Sullivan N. Belk, Flint Tyler Bennett, Wayne Courtright Blotter, James Wallentine Bodily, Kent Allen Broadhead, Kelly W.

Science James A. MacMahon Dean

Joseph A. Chapman Dean Abbott, Andrew Scott Adams, Richard Robert Arndt, Ronney Edwin Bassett, Jenny Bearup, Stan Howard Bentley, Nat han M. Boe, Edward Glenn


Brog, John N. Brooks, Kellie Jean Brown , Curtis Benjamin Busch, Colin Troy Butler, Brent Steve Callicotte, Sandra Campbell, Brett Hugh Carey, Eric Jaynes Chapman, Mark King Christensen, Clinton H. Clark, Kathryn Holm Clawson, Chad Jensen Cooley, M. Allan Cramer, Curtis Dean Daines, Betty Ruth Daines, Kimberly Clark Dalton, John M. Daniels, Steven Anthony Das, Asha lata Chittaranjan DePaepe, Jessica Lynn Decker, William Earl Denys, Douglas Egbert, Tarrence Marc Eldredge, Brent Jean Evans, Brady A. Fairbourn, Camille Anderson Feldman, Nathan Stephen Firoozan, Fereshteh Fresh, Mary Ann Dietz Funk, Melissa E.

Funk, Randy Brett Gale, Craig M. Gannoun, Nassim N. Gardner, Richard D. Gee, Larry B. Gibb, Roger D. Gibbs, Edwin Hafen Gobena, Matias Telahun Goddard, James Vadel Good, Daniel Douglas Governale, Michael C. Griffin, Russell A. Hahm , Soo-Oh Hales , Vicky Lynn Hartwell , Philip Hendson, Golden Tom Hiibner , Kristin Hoffman, Carla Hossner, Marianne Hu, Qing Huffman, Jeffrey M. James, D. Wesley Jensen, Greg V. Johnson, Russell C. Jones, Craig Roger Judd, Brett Durrant Keyes, Colleen Komeili, Seyed Mehrdad Lee, Sang-Jun

Lensch , Mathew W. Macfarlane , Daniel J. Maxwell , Sally Ann McDougal , William K. McKinnon, Corey Lynn McKinnon , Lane R. McPhie, Tim B. Menlove, Phillip Packard Moon , Thomas W. Mortensen , Melinda Moscon , Bret J. Nee, Polin Nimah, Marianne Musa Nkwocha, Noble Njemanze Norman, Kathleen B. Olsen, Brad L. Ooi, Marcus Chee Keat Patterson, Colleen M. Perkes, Orson R. Pinson, Kathy I. Poon, Suet Ching Porter, Jeffry Randall Pound , Rodney Earl Price, Darrel Wright Rasmussen, Brent D. Rasmussen, Shelly J. Ravenberg, Jeff J. Rees, Kirt Frank Reeve, Kevin Leonard


Reeves, John Paul Reimann , Kathryn Robison , Lloyd Eric Rowland, Ashley C. Sanchez, Marcelo Hugo Saunders, Bradley Louis Shaffer, Shannon Shaw, Michael Clyde Shigematsu, Hayuri Shim, Suk-Eun Shulsen, Matthew Todd Smith, Kerry J. Smith, Linda Ann Sondrup, Corey J. Speth, Ronald L. Stevens, Allan Richard Stevenson, Douglas Neal Taylor, Kimberley Thornton, Douglas Clyde Tillitt, Drew D. Twede, David R. Ward , David Scott Wilson, Matthew H. Wise , Mary Anne Wong, Tak Fu Yahya, Wiwi Kumiadi Yeates, Anthon J. Young, Matthew A. Yusop, Yusliza Mohamed

Graduate Studies James P. Shaver Acting Dean

Doctor of Pfii{osopliy Abbott, Linda Carolyn Falmouth, Virgina

MS: George Mason University, 1981 Major: Biology Ecology Major Profes sor: Or. James W. Haefner Dissertation: Applying Resource Based Competition Models to Variable Environments

Butler, Larry Dale

Doty , Mary Elizabeth


Clifton Park, New York MS: Southwestern Oklahoma State University , 1981 Major: Psychology Dr. Gerald R. Adams and Major Professors: Dr. William R. Dobson and Body Dissertation: Self-Consciousness Imag e Iss ues Among College Females

MS: Texas A & M University , 1980 Major: Rang e Science Major Profe ssor: Dr. John P. Workman Dissertation: Fee Huntin g on Private Rangeiands in the Texas Trans Pecos and Central Oregon

Campbell, Richard Alan Dallas, Texas MS: Utah State University , 1984 Major: Psychology Major Professor: Dr. Sebastian Striefel Dissertation : AD-HD and UADD: Differences in Cognitive and Affective Characteristics and Respo nses to Stimulant Medication

Abu-Awad, Ahmad Moh'd Amman, Jordan

MS: University of Jordan , 1983 Major: Agricultural and Irrigation Enginee ring Major Professor : Dr. Robert W. Hill Dissertation: Simulation of Soil Salt Dish¡ibution and Crop-Yie ld Response Under Line-Source Trickle Irriga tion with Saline Water

Barnard, Linda Lee Logan, Utah

BS: U tah Sta te Univer sity, 1982 Major : Psychology Major Professo rs: Dr. Richard B. Powers and Dr. William R. Dobson Dissertation: The Effects of Conditioned Reinforcers on Extinction When Delivered on Schedules of Extinction

Barnes, Charles Indianapolis, Indiana

MS: Indi an a University, 1979 Major: Plant Science Major Profe ssor: Dr. Bruce G. Bugbee Dissertation: Morphological Responses of Wheat in aestjyum L.) to Changes (Triticum Phytochrome Photoequilibria, Blue Light, and Photo period



Calcutta, India

MS: Utah State University , 1989 Major: Economics Major Professor : Dr. Terrance F. Glover Dissertation: Production and Inefficiency

Portland, Oregon

MS: San Jose State University, 1977 Major: Psychology Major Professor: Dr. Michael R. Bertoch Dissertation: Use of the Transactional Analysis Ego State Concept to Measure Client Change in Psychotherapy

Checketts, Max Lynn Rexburg, Idaho MS: Brigham Young Universi ty, 1983 Major: Animal Science Major Professor: Dr. Robe rt C. Lamb Dissertation: Development and Eva luation of an Expert System for Use as an Aid in Culling Dairy Cattle

Ahmed, Anis Uddin Dhaka, Bangladesh MS: Wayne State Unive rsity, 1984 Major: Civil and Environme ntal Enginee ring Major Professor: Dr. Darwin L. Sorensen Dissertation: Optimization of Processe s in the Destruction of Pathogens: Storage of Sludge

Emerson, Judith

Furst, Thomas H. Logan, Utah MS: Mississippi State University, 1985 Major: Soil Science and Biometeorology Major Professor : Dr. Alvin R. Southard Dissertation: Typic Durochrepts of the Goose Creek Area of Southw estern Uta h and the Determination of Hardpan Cement Compositio n

Cohen, William Emory Llano, Texas

Gatch, Michael B.

MS: Texas Tech University , 1985 Major: Range Science Major Profe ssor: Dr. John P. Workman Dissertation: Economic Strateg ies for WhiteTailed Deer and Livestock Production on Central and South Texas Ranches

Omaha, Nebraska

MS: University of Houston , Clear Lake, 1985 Major: Psychology Major Professor: Or. J. Grayso n Osborne Dissertation: An Experimental Analy sis of High er-Order Stimu lus Control in Hum ans

Corbett, John A.

Gatling, John Howard

Richton Park, Illinois

Las Vegas, New Mexico MS: New Mexico Highlands University, 1982 Major: Psychology Major Professor: Dr. Carl D. Cheney Dissertation: An Experimenta l Analysis of Second-Order Co nditioned Taste Aversion: Drug Pairing Facilitated Through Excitation of Geotactic Behavior

BS: St. Norbert Co llege, 1985 Major: Biochemistry Major Professor: Dr. Bruce R. Cope land Dissertation: TI1e En ergen tic Requirements of Bacterial Prot ein Export

Dhumal , Suresh Shantaram Baramati,India

MS: Mahatma Phule Agr icultural University, 1985 Major: Soil Science Major Professor: Dr. David W. James Dissertation: Potas sium and Sodium Interrelations in Alfalfa Phenotyp es Grown on Calcareous Soil

Gooch, Diane Schall Barnstable, Massachusetts

MS: University of Vermont, 1978 Major: Economics Major Professor: Dr. E. Bruce Godfrey Disser tation: Tourism Dependency and Its Correlation to Selected Socioeconomic Indicator s in Utah

Blickenstaff , Scott E. Blanding, Utah MS: Pacific Lutheran University, 1976 Major: Psycholog y Major Professo rs: Dr. Sebastian Striefel and Dr. William R. Dobson Dissertation : Assessmen t-Based Treatment for Physica lly Abusive Parents: An Exploratory Study

Distel , Roberto Alejandro Buenos Aires, Argentina

Hamilton, Melinda A.

MS: Universidad Nacional Del Sur, 1987 Major: Range Science Major Professor: Dr. Frederick D. Provenza Dissertation: Effects of Dietar y Experience Early o f Blackbrush in Life on Consumption (Coleogyne ram osiss ima Torr.) by Goa ts

Filer, Idaho


MS: University of Nevada, Reno , 1982 Major: Soil Science and Biometeorology Major Professor: Dr. Jerome J.Jurinak Fa c tor s Pr ev ious Cropping Dissertation: Influencing Zinc Uptake

Hernandez-Yanez, Car los

Manning, Roger Christensen

Coahuila,Mexico MS: lnst / Technol de Estud Superior, 1977 Major: Agr icultu ra l and Irri ga tion Engineering Major Professor: Dr. Richard G. AUen Dissertation: A Time-Series-Based Planning Model for Management of Grass and Beef Production

Miller, Ross Nyal

Logan, Utah MEd: Idaho State University, 1986 Major: Cu rricu lum and Instruction Major Professor: Dr. Deanna D. Winn Dissertation: The Relationship Between Teacher Self-Assessment and Change in ln structional Performance

Cedar City, Utah MS: University of Utah, 1983 Major: Civi l and Env ironm enta l Engineering Major Professor: Dr. Ronald C. Sims Dissertation: A Field Scale Investigation of Enhanced Petroleum Hydrocarbon Biodegradation in the Vadose Zo ne Co mbin ing Soil Venting as a.n Oxygen Source wi th Moisture and Nutrien t Add ition

Ilyas, Mohammad Kila Deu, Pakistan MS: Universi ty of Agriculture, Faisa lab ad, 1979 Major: Soil Science and Biometeorology Major Professor: Dr. Raymond W. Miller Dissertation: Some Saline Sodic Soils of Pakistan and Their Reclamation: A Case Stud y

Jack, Steven Bruce Lake Wales, Florida MS: University of Florida, 1986 Major: Fores t Ecology Major Professor: Dr. James N. Long Dissertation: Forest Canopies: Ferm and Functional Relationsh ips

Jarvie, James Kinninmonth Glasgow,Scotland MS: Reading University, 1984 Major: Biology Major Professor: Dr. Mary E. Barkworth Dissertation: The Biosystemat ics of Thinopyrum (Triticeae: Gramineae)

Kay, Cha rles Edward Smithfield, Utah MS: Univers ity of Montana, 1973 Major: Wildlife Ecology Major Professor: Dr. Frederic H. Wagner Dissertation: Yellowstone's Northern Elk Herd: A Criti ca l Evaluation of the "Natural Regulation" Paradigm

Kennedy, Patricia L. Los Alamos, New Mexico MS: University of Idaho, 1980 Major: Biology Ecology Major Professor: Dr. James A. Gessaman Dissertation: Reproductive Stra teg ies of the Nort hern Goshauk and Cooper 's Hauk in NorthCentra l New Mexico

Marchand-Martella, Nancy E. Thorntown, Indiana MS: Southern Illinois University, 1987 Major: Special Education Major Profe ssor: Dr. Martin Agran Disser tation: Using Peers With Mild Disabilities to Teach First-Aid Skills to Students with Moderate Disabilities: An Analysis of Generalized Responding

Islamabad, Pakistan MS: Quaid-E-Azam University , 1982 Major: Range Science Major Professor: Dr. Frederick D. Provenza Dissertation: Mo th er's Role in Socially Induced Food Avoidance in Lambs

Martella, Ronald C.

Morgan, Robert L.

Wheat Ridge, Colorado MS: Southern Illinois Univers ity, 1987 Major: Specia l Education Major Professor: Dr. Martin Agran Disser tation: Using a Problem-Solv ing Strategy to Teach Work-Related Safety Skills to Persons in Supported Employment

Logan, Utah MS: Fort Hays State University, 1977 Major: Spec ial Education Major Professor: Dr. Charles L. Salzberg Dissertation: Th e Effects of Video-Assisted Training on Employment-Re la ted Social Skills of Adu lts with Severe Menta l Retardation

McArthur, Ian A. Cochrane,Ca11ada BEd: University of Alberta, 1968 Major: Instructional Technology Major Professor: Dr. M. Dav id Merrill Disser ta ti on: Instructional Logistics Chunque-Based Learning Systems

Muhlestein, Alan Lee


McCuller, Glen L.

Granger, Washington BS: Brigham Young University, 1976 Major: Soil Science and Biometeorology Major Professor: Dr. Ronald J. Hanks Dissertation: Transpiration and Evaporation Crop Coefficients for Com

Logan, Utah MS: Uta h State University, 1987 Major: Psycho logy Major Professor: Dr. Keith T. Checketts Dissertation: Compar ison of the Standard and Computerized Versions of th e Colleg e Level Examinatio n Program Genera 1 Examination in English Composition

Houston, Texns

MS: Utah State University, 1986 Major: Spec ia l Education Major Professor: Dr. Charles L. Salzberg Dissertation: Producing a Generali zed Orientation Skill in Menta lly Retarded Adults Using a Stimul us Equ iva lence Paradigm

Mendenhall, Ivan Von Kidman, Raymond Lynn

Mirza, Sarwat N.

North Logan, Utah BS: Uta h State University, 1987 Major: N utrit ion and Food Sciences Major Professor: Dr. Rodney J. Brown Dissertation: Rapid Determination of Milk Compo nents and Detection of Adu lteration Using Fourier Transform Infrared Techno logy

Ne lso n, James Ron Stoughton, Wisconsin MS: Eastern Montana College , 1984 Major: Special Education Major Professor: Dr. Alan M. Hofmeister Dissertation: Eva lu ation of Uta h 's Prereferral Intervention Manclafe

Nolte, Dale Louis Great Bend, Kansas MS: Kansas State University, 1982 Major: Range Science Major Professor: Dr. Frederick D. Provenza Dissertation: Development of Food Pre ferences by Lambs Through Exposure to Foods or Exposu re to Flavors in Solid Foods, in Milk or in Utero

Liu,Jann-Yenq Mino-Li, Tniwnn MS: Utah State University, 1988 Major: Physics Major Professor: Dr. Frank T. Berkey Dissertation: A Study of th e Relationship Between Ionospheric Osci llati o n s and Geomagnetic Pulsations

Miller, John G.

Or, Dani

Santa Barbara, California MS: Mississippi State University, 1986 Major: Soil Science Major Professor: Dr. Jerome J. Jurinak Dissertation: Ion Diffusion in Saturated Porous Media

Jerusalem,Israel MS: Hebrew University, 1987 Major: Soil Science and Biometeorology Major Professor: Dr. Ronald]. Hanks Dissertation: lrri gat ion Management Considering Soil Variabi lity and Climatic Uncertain ty


Oulhaj, Ahmed

Selassie, Tadele Geb re

Weimer, Bart C.

Rabat, Morocco MS: IA V Hassan II, 1980 Major: Civil and Environmen tal Enginee rin g Major Professor: Dr. Roland W. Jeppson Dissertation: On Demand Opera ted Canals Optimal Des ign

Shire, Ethiopia MS: Uta h Sta te Universi ty, 1978 Major: Soil Science and Biometeorology Major Professor: Dr. Jerome J.Jurinak Dissertation: Reclamation of Sa lt Affected Soils Und er Sa tur ated and Unsa tur a ted Moisture Co nd ition s and the Ap pr a isa l of River Water Quality for Irri ga tion

Boise,Idaho BS: Univ ers ity of Ar izona, 1986 Major: N utriti o n and Food Sciences Major Professor: Dr. Gary H. Richardson Disse rtation : Optimization of Growt h and Protease Production in Brevibacterium linens

Pomela, Motebang Emmanuel Ha Mohnle, Lesotho MS: University of Idaho, 1986 Major: Plant Science Major Professor: Dr. John 0. Evans Dissertation: Population Dynamics and Competition Coefficients for Selected Weeds in Alfalfa and Spring Wheat in Irrigated Fields

Song, Zhida Beijing, China MS: Beijing Institute of Environmental Protection, 1982 Major: Civil and Env ironmenta l Engineering Major Professor: Dr. L. Douglas James Dissertation: Use of a Parametric Stochastic Hydro log ic Mode l to Quantify th e Scale Effect in Catchment Characterization

Richards, Rebecca Templin WInters, Califomia MS: Univers ity of Edinburgh , 1977 Major: Sociology Major Professor : Dr. Richard S. Krannich Disser tation: Con sens us Mobilization Through Networks, Ideology, and Grievances: A Stud y of the Contemporary Animal Rights Movement

Suth erland, Richard L. Salt Lake City, Utah MA: University of Utah, 1977 Major: Instructional Techno logy Major Professor: Dr. J. N icholls Eas tm ond Dissertation: The Mnemonic Keyword Method with United States Air Force Academy Cadets

Thornburg, Mark Storm Roberts, Scott D. Long Beach,Califomia MF: Utah State Uni vers ity, 1983 Major: Forest Ecology Major Profe ssor: Dr. James N. Long Dissertation: Production Efficiency in Suba lpine Conifers: The Influ ence of Crow n Size and Canopy Structure

Crystal, Minnesota MS: Mankato State Univer sity, 1984 Major: Psychology Major Professor: Dr. Ma rvin G. Fifield Dissertation: The Deve lopment and Validation of a System for the Know ledge-Based Tu toring of Specia l Education Ru les and Regulations

Mohra Awan, Pakis tan MS: Quaid-I-Azam Univers ity, 1981 Major: P lant Science Major Professor: Dr. William F. Campbe ll Dissertation: Hydrogen Up take Genes and Nitrogen Fixation of Rhizobium in Symbiosis With Alfalfa, Chick Pea and Pigeon Pea

Saleem, Mohammad Zhob, Pakistan MS: Peshawar University, 1981 Major: Range Science Major Professor: Dr. Chri stoph er A. Ca ll Dissertation: A utecological Ch aracte ristics of Chrysopogon aucheri and Cymbpogon jwarancuas, Dominant Rangeland Grasses in Baluchistan

Logan, Utah MS: Utah Sta te Un ivers ity, 1984 Major: Sociology Major Professor: Dr. Michael B. Toney Dissertation: Migration Behavior of Poor and Non Poor Hispanics

Doctor of Education Merrell, Wayne L. West Lafayette, Indiana MS: Cen tra l Missouri State University, 1981 Major: Occupational and Adu lt Education Major Professor: Dr. Jay C. Hicken Dissertation: An Evaluation of a Proposed High Schoo l Technology Educa tion Curricu lum by Utah Indu stria l Personne l Administrators

Civil Engineer Zgheib, Philippe Wadih Byblos, Lebanon MS: Utah State University, 1984 Major Professor: Dr. J. Paul Riley Thesis: Profi les and Energy of Transitional Tumbling Flow Around a Large Bed Element

Educational Specialist Massine, Donna-lee

Tsou, I Sajid , Ghulam Mustafa

Wilson, Maria Ester

Kaoshiung, Taiwan MS: University of lowa, 1986 Major: Civi l a nd Environmenta l Engineering Major Professor: Dr. A. Bruce Bishop Disserta ti o n : Water Demand Est im atio n for Wa ter Resources Planning: A Geographic Based Approach

Saskatoon, Canada MS: Mino t State University , 1983 Major: Communicative Disorder s Major Professor: Dr. James C. Blair

Masters of Accounting Abegg, Na th an H. Orem, Utah BS: Utah Sta te University, 1990

Vawdrey, Colleen Draper, Utah MS: Brigham Young Univers ity, 1974 Major: Business ln formation Systems and Ed ucatio n Major Professor: Dr. Lloyd W. Bartholome Dissertation: The Relationship Between St ude nt s' Knowledge of Basic Grammar and Punctuation Prin cipl es and th e Ability to App ly Those Princ iples Whe n Ed itin g and Wr iting Business Documents

Ada m s, Bryce LaMar Spanish Fork, Utah BS: Utah State Un iversity, 1989

Avere tt, Kelly B. Helena, Montana BS: Utah State University, 1990

Bean, Terry T. Manti, Utah BS: Utah State University, 1990

Wandera, Jack son Lutomia Sanders, Kenn eth Keith Farmington, New Mexico MA: New Mexico Sta te Unive rsity, 1981 Major: Econom ics Major Professor: Dr. L. Dwight Israelsen Dissertation: A Stud y of the Law of Markets as Enunc iated by Jean-Baptiste Say

Mumias, Kenya MS: Uta h State Universi ty, 1988 Major: Ra nge Ecology Major Professor: Dr. James H. Richards Dissertation: The Basis of Browsing To lerance in Shrub s of th e Int er mounta in West: Growt h Rates and Meristematic Potential


Christensen, Douglas B. Tremonton, Utah BS: Uta h Sta te Uni versity , 1987

Davis, Krista L. Moab, Utah BS: Uta h State Uni vers ity, 1990

Dyer , Richard C. Salt Lake City, Utah BA: Univ ersity of Utah, 1989 Hansen, Steve J. Logan, Utah BS: Utah State University, 1989

Hulet , Donald L. Smithfield, Utah BA: Utah State University, 1990 Kerr, Kevin Geddes District Heights, Maryland BS: Utah State Uni versity, 1990 Merrill, John W . Logan, Utah BS: Utah State University, 1990 Peck, Shaun L. Logan, Utah BA: Utah State Univers ity, 1991 Schwanke, David Scott Logan, Utah BS: Utah State Unj ve rsity, 1989 Shig ley, Amy Olds Brigham City, Utah BS: Utah State Unjversi ty, 1990 Wallentin e, Jani ce H. Ogden, Utah BS: Utah State University, 1989 Wang sga rd , Jef fr ey R. Lewiston, Idaho BS: Utah Sta te Unjversity, 1990 Winters, Randy Bryce Rexburg, Idaho BS: Utah State Unjversity, 1990

Master of Arts Archibald, Dorothy E. Lakeside,Oregon BA: Westmin ster Co llege, 1987 Major: Eng lish Major Professor: Dr. Kenneth W. Brewer Thesis: Lands capes, Joum eys, and Boundaries : A Retrospecti ve

Bown, Louise Sandy, Utah BA: University of Utah, 1970 Major: English Major Prof esso r: Dr. Chris tine Hult Thesis : Effective Use of Peer Res pon se Groups Co llabora tive Learning in the Eng lish Writin g Classroom a t th e Communjty College Level

Campbell, Patricia Andr ease n Nibley, Utah BA: Utah Stat e Universi ty, 1985 Major: English Major Professor: Dr. Ja rvis L. Anderson Thesis: Lillian He llman: Emotiona l Isolation as it Lead s to Mora l Disintegration in The Child ren's Hour, The Little Foxes, and The Au tumn Garden

Cook, Rob er t L. Logan, Utah BA: Utah State Univers ity, 1987 Major : Communication Major Professor: Professor Ne lson B. Wadswort h The sis: Plan B

Fazzio, Steffeny J. West Jordan, Utah BA: University of Utah , 1969 Major : English Major Prof essor : Dr. Rona ld R. Shook Thesis: Writing to Learn: A Comm unit y Co llege Perspective

Godfrey, Lisa Pit c her Smithfield, Utah BA: Utah State Un ive rsity, 1988 Major: History Major Prof esso r: Dr. F. Ross Peterson Thesis: Mining the Co lorad o Plateau: The Story o f Ca la mity Mesa, 1910-1970

Hess, Gary D. Logan, Utah BS: Utah State University, 1980 Major: Politica l Science Major Prof essor: Dr. Veronica Wa rd Thesis: Plan B

H o ikkala , Pai vi Helena Kuusankoski, Finland MA: University of Jyvasky la, 1987 Major: Hi story Major Prof esso r: Dr. Clyde A. Mi lner, ll Thesis: Na tive Cu ltur es in Transition : Political, Soc ia l, and Eco n o mi c Change Among th e Shosh one-Ban nocks an d th e Skolt Lapps

Liu , Xiaohong Shanghai, China BS: Fudan University, 1982 Major: Politi cal Science Major Profe sso r: Dr. Carolyn Rhode s Th es is: Plan B Montague, Eliza beth Welti Salt Lake City, Utah BA: University of Utah, 1976 Major: English Major Prof essor: Dr. Kenneth W. Brewer Thesi s: Plan B Nielson, Samuel Lynn Manti, Utah BA: Utah State University 1989 Major: English Major Prof esso r: Dr. Kenneth W. Brewer Thesis: Leav es Trai ling a Wind Ott , Grace Ka th e rine Mancos, Colorado BA: Fort Lew is Co llege, 1986 Major: Histor y Major Prof esso r: Dr. R. Edward Glatfelter Thesis: Wh a t Florence Did During the War: The Experiences of a British Red Cross Nu rse on th e Rus sian Front, 1914-1918 Read, Vicki Smithfield, Utah BA: Utah State Univers ity, 1985 Major: English Major Professor: Dr. Kenneth W. Brewer Th es is: Plan B Reed, Jan yne Ogden, Utah BA: Utah Sta te Uni vers ity, 1977 Major : English Major Professor: Dr. Th eo d ore Andr a Thesis: Plan B Renard, Genevieve Paule Biez, Belgium BS: Ca th olic University of Louvain, 1988 Major: Commun ica tion Major Prof esso r: Dr. Andrew G ia relli Thesis: The Demise o f Co n fo rmit y: New Jou rnali sm

Laughlin , George Stan ley Smithfield, Utah BA: Utah State University, 1988 Major: Politic a l Science Major Prof esso r: Dr. Caro lyn Rhodes Th esis: Plan B

Sidwell, David E. Nibley, Utah BA: Utah Stat e University 1988 Major: Theatre Arts Major Prof essor: Dr. Colin B. Jolu1so n Thes is: Formalist Per form a n ce Th eo ry a nd Dramatorgy in Pro se Fiction W ith Special Application to th e Works of Franz Kafka

Li, Hsiu-Wen Denise Taichung, Taiwan BS: Fu-Jen Unjversity, 1982 Major: Commun ication Major Prof esso r: Dr. Jam es 0. Der ry Th es is: Plan B

Surihu Huhhot, China BA: Sichuan Fore ign Lan g uage Institut e, 1977 Major: Am e rican Studi es Major Professor: Dr. Barr e Toe lken Th es is: Pl an B


Trenholm, Kristin K.

Bedke , Alex Ray

Evensen, John Paul

Roy, Utah BA: Utah State Uni versi ty, 1986 Major: Political Science Major Professor: Dr. Caro lyn Rhod es Thesis: Plan B

Oakley, Idaho

Bountiful, Utah

BS: Utah State Unive rsity, 1989

BA: Utah State Univers ity, 1989

Bridge, Louise

Frisby, Mark Tamgren

Orem, Utah

BS: Brigham Young University , 1988

Logan, Utah BS: Brigham Youn g University, 1974

Tsai, Lin Taipei, Taiwan

Bryan , Walter Parrish

BS: National Taiwan Univers ity, 1988 Major: English Major Professor: Dr. Chri stine Hult Thesis: Plan B

Logan, Utah

BS: Utah State Univers ity, 1990

Bryant, Jared R. BloomfieldHills, Michigan

Velis, Nickolas A.

BS: Brigham Young Universi ty, 1989

Ogden, Utah

BA: Weber State Co llege, 1987 Major: Political Science Major Professor: Dr. Ca lvin W. Hiibn er Thesis: Plan B

Chang, Cheng-Te BS: Na tional Taiwa n Institut e of Technology, 1986

Chang, Dong-S hik

Taos, New Mexico

Seoul, Korea

BA: Unive rsity of New Mexico, 1985 Major: Art Major Profe ssor: Professor Christopher Terry Thes is: Plan B

BS: Yon Sei University, 1989

Taipei. Taiwan

BS: University of Delhi, 1987

Master of BS: University of Phoenix, 1988

Co ll.ins, Gregg William Ogden, Utah

BS: Pennsyl vania State University, 1985

Andersen, Brian Jay Comin, Tod Jay Logan, Utah

Halley , Andrew J. Ogden, Utah BS: Webe r State College, 1988

Vernal, Utah BA: Brigham Young University, 1988

MS: Utah State University, 1989


Salt Lake City, Utah

BS: Utah State University, 1989

Bountiful, Utah BS: Brigham Young University, 1985

Hawkes , Robert Cha rles

Christiansen, Lee D.

Smithfield, Utah

BS: Weber State College, 1984

Logan, Utah

New Delhi, India

BS: Brigham Young Univers ity, 1987

Bountiful, Utah

Harris, Jodie Reid

Chop ra, Umee t

Evanston, Wyoming

Gariick, Kevin W.

Hardinger, Wayne Alva

Chen, Ching-Jen BS: Min g Hsin Engineering Co llege, 1985

Allen, Robert Wayne

Eden, Utah BS: Utah State Univers ity, 1989

Hall, Jeff L.

Taipei, Taiwan

Wiggin-Wilson, Su zann e Ursula

Business Administration

Full er, Robert Jensen

BS: Utah State Un iversity, 1989

Height, Theo d ore W. Cloudcroft, New Mexico

BS: New Mexico State University, 1986

Herman, Ann ette Katherine

BS: Utah State University, 1984

Wichita, Kansas BS: Wichita State University, 1985

Anderson, Rich ard Michael Los Altos, California MS: Utah State University, 1990

Archibald, Curtis Delon

Cottam , Scott

Hsieh, Le-Chun

Farmington, Utah

Kaohsiung, Taiwan

BS: University of Utah, 1982

BS: Feng Chia University, 1988

Malad, Idaho

BS: Utah State Univ ers ity, 1989

Cutler, Jeffrey Morton Twin Falls, Idaho

Atkinson, Vicki L.

BS: Brigham Young Univers ity, 1988

Huang, Ching-Torng Chiayi, Taiwan

BS: Na tional Cheng Kung University, 1982

Preston, Idaho

BS: Utah State University, 1979 Major Professor: Dr. Y. Krishna Shetty Thesis: The Impa ct of Congressional Methodology and Rea uthori za tion on the Students at Utah State University

Baldwin , Troy H . American Fork, Utah

Dedrickson, Steven Lee Spanish Fork, Utah

BS: Brigham Young Uni vers ity, 1989

Hunsaker, Bill Brigham City, Utah

BS: Utah State University, 1990

Eberl e, Glenn

Israe lsen , Owen Eugene

Ogden, Utah

Logan, Utah

BS: Weber State College, 1989

BS: Utah State University , 1990

Ellibee, Kirt Rodg er

Jensen, Cindy L.

Rocky River, Ohio

Ogden, Utah

BS: Uta h State Unive rsity, 1987

BS: University of Phoenix, 1987

BS:Weber State Co llege, 1990

Barfuss, Louis Joseph Brigham City, Utah

BS: Utah State Unive rsity, 1989


Jensen, Eric Scott

Myrberg, J. Thomas


Arcnta, California

West Valley City, Utah

Logan, Utah

BS: Utah State University, 1989

BA: University of Utah, 1988

PhD: U tah State University, 1987

Johnson, Robert L.

Orona, Ricardo

Trane, Kurt

Preston, Idaho

Espanola,New Mexico

Orem, Utah

BS: Utah State Un iversi ty, 1989

BS: New Mexico State University, 1987

BS: Weber State College, 1989

Jorgensen, Todd Fredrick

Paskins, Tony E.

Tsai, Inrey

Manti, Utah

Ogden, Utah

BS: Utah State University, 1988

BS: Weber State College, 1985

Taipei, Taiwan BS: Chung-Hsing University , 1986


Kakani, Sarath Ch andra

Paul, Mark David

Waldron, Michael K.

Madras, India

Ogden, Utah

Ogden, Utah

BS: Loyola College, 1988

BS: Utah State University , 1990

BS: Weber State College, 1988

Kweon, Soon-Chang

Peck, Chery l Bennet t

Wallis, Ricky B.

Daegu, Korea

North Logan, Utah

Ogden, Utah

BS: Kyungpook National Univer sity, 1987

BS: Utah State University , 1990

BS: Weber State Co llege, 1989

Lippestad, Valborg

Perkes, Neil Clinton

ffoboe/, Norway

Ward, David K.

Rexburg, Idaho

Layton, Utah

BS: Norweg ian Schoo l of Management, 1988

BS: Westminst er College, 1987

BS: Weber State College, 1987

Ward, Jay Alan

Liu, Bobby

Perry, Blair

Tremonton, Utah

Honeyville, Utah

BS: Utah State University, 1989

BBA: Idaho State University , 1983

Lu, Minstrel M.

Pink, Kenneth

Taipei, Taiwan

Syracuse, Utah

BS: Queen's Co llege, 1989

BS: University of Utah, 1986

Kaysville, Utah BS: Utah State University, 1989

Whitaker, Wayne Orson Riverdale, Utah

BS: Brigham Young Un iversity, 1984

Pruitt, Craig Jinkinson Martella , Ronald C.

Winchester , Ben I.

Vancouver, Washington

Wheatridge,Colorado MS: Sout hern Illinois Un iversity, 1987

Ogden, Utah

BS: Portland State Univers ity, 1983

BS: Weber State Co llege, 1984

Rasmuss en, Gregory C. McOmber , Roger Brodi!

Orem, Utah

Wongsangnak , Watcharee

American Falls, Idaho

BS: Brigham Young University , 1989

BS: Brigham Young University , 1987

Mee, Michael Scott Ogden, Utah BA: Utah State University , 1985

Melnyk, Mark Byron San Marino, California

BS: Utah State University, 1985

Bangkok, Thailand BS: Chulalongkorn Univer sity, 1986

Rombach, Michiel C.

Young, James Frank lin

Amersfoort, Netherlands


PhD: Univ ersity of Wageningen , 1987

MS: Rensse laer Polytechni c Institute , 1977

Sanders, Carl Joseph Firth, Idaho BS: Utah State University, 1990

Master of Education

Shassetz, Stephen Arthur

Moab, Utah

Rock Springs, Wyoming

BS: Southern Utah State College , 1989 Major: Communicative Disord ers Major Professor: Dr. Carol J.Strong

Adams, Diana B. Miller, Lisa West Valley City, Utah

BS: Utah State University, 1985

Mostowy, Cat herine Arlene Ogden, Utah

BS: Grove City Co llege, 1984

BS: Weber State College, 1985

Son, Hee Kul DaeGu, Koren MMIS: West Coast University , 1987

Mouritsen, Matthew L.

Stoecklein, Richard Clark

West Valley City, Utah

West Chester, Pennsylvania BS: Miami University, Ohio, 1977

BS: Weber State College, 1988

Allen, Cleve Max Hyde Park, Utah

BS: Brigham Young University, 1967 Major: Instructional Technology Major Professor: Dr. Brenda M. Branyan-Broadbent

Andreason, Sara Flink Myers, Victor Scott

Strand, Janet L.

Provo, Utah BS: Brigham Young University, 1987

Ogden, Utah

BS: Idaho State University , 1980


West Jordan, Utah BS: Un iversity of Utah, 1980 Major: Elementa ry Ed ucation Major Professor: Dr. Francine Fukui

Ashmore, M. Dianne

Cott le, Mark Corbett

Eicher, Timothy Paul

Sandy, Utah

West Jordan, Utah

Dammeron Valley, Utah

BS: Utah State Univers ity, 1987 Major : Elementar y Education Major Professor : Dr. L. Gail Johnson

BS: Southern Utah State College, 1985 Major: Secondary Edu cation Major Professor: Dr. James S. Cangelos i

BS:Sonoma State University, 1974 Major : Secondary Education Major Professor: Dr. Varnell A. Bench

Bailey, Michael Scott

Co tton , C h erie Brower

Eldr id ge, Denise Andre Marks

Salt Lake City, Utah

South Jordan, Utah

Ames, Iowa

BS: University of Utah, 1976 Major: Secondary Education Major Profe ssor : Dr. Walter L. Saunders

BS:Utah State University, 1971 Major: Secondary Educa tion Major Professor: Dr. William J. Strong

BS: Univers ity of Tennessee , 1984 Major: Special Educ ation Major Professor: Dr. K. Richard Young

Bates, Brenda S.

Cox, Denni s Byro n

Eva ns, Conni e G.

Milford, Utah

Green River, Wyoming

BS:Southern Utah State College, 1985 Major: Communi cative Disorders Major Professor: Dr. Carol J. Strong

BS: Utah State Univers ity, 1988 Major: Special Education Major Professor: Professor Barbara J. Fiechtl

Darger , Cole en

Fa lk , Eve lyn H.

Hildale, Utah

Providence, Utah

BS: Southern Utah State College, 1985 Major: Second ary Ed ucation Major Professor: Dr. Varnell A. Bench

BA: Aus tin College, 1954 Major: Elementary Educa tion Major Professor: Dr. Jay A. Monson

Salt Lake City, Utah

BS: Utah State University, 1983 Major: Special Education Major Professor: Dr. Danie l P. Morgan Behrns, Suzanne

A lane

Logan, Utah

BS:University of Nor th Dakot a, 1979 Major: Elementary Education Major Professor: Dr. Bernard L. Hayes Bishop , Barry Lynne Ferron, Utah

BS: Southern Utah State College, 1971 Major : Secondary Education Major Professor: Dr. Varnel l A. Bench Bishop, Karen R. Ferron, Utah

BS:Southern Utah State College, 1971 Major: Elemen tary Education Major Professo r: Dr. Donald R. Daugs Blac kburn , Kimb e rl ee Woods Cross, Utah

BS: Utah State University, 1989 Major: Elemen tary Ed ucation Major Professor : Dr. L. Gail Johnson


Dian e

Foley, Laura Slack

Sandy, Utah

Vernal, Utah

BS:University of Utah , 1979 Major : Elementary Edu cation Major Professor: Dr. Jay A. Monson

BS: Brigham Young Universi ty, 1974 Major: Instr uctional Techno logy Major Professor: Dr. Brenda M. Branyan-Broadbent



Price, Utah

Foust, Rit a Thompson

BS:Utah State Univers ity, 1985 Major: Eleme ntary Education Major Professo r: Dr. Jay A. Mon son

Price, Utah


Brady E.

Helper, Utah

Fuhriman , Michael L.

BS: Utah State Univers ity, 1979 Major: Eleme ntary Educat ion Major Professor: Dr. Jay A. Monson

Elwood, Utah

Boatwright , Jim C.

Dooling-Bak er, Margaret

Rupert, Idaho

Lockport, Illinois

BS: Utah State Univers ity, 1974 Major: Secondary Edu cation Major Professo r: Dr. Richard S. Knight


BS: Illinois State Univers ity, 1979 Major: Special Educa tion Major Pro fesso r: Dr. Hyrum S. Hend erson

Bowthorpe , Loa Ka y

Duc e, Catherine

Vernal, Utah

Shelley, Idaho

BS: Utah State University, 1974 Major: Health , Phys ical Ed u ca ti on and Recreation Major Profe ssor: Dr. Lanny J. Na lder

BS: Brigham Young Universi ty, 1977 Major: Ins tru ctional Techno logy Major Profe ssor: Dr. R. Kent Wood

Clark, Robert Brandt Bedford, Wyoming

BS:Utah State University, 1981 Major: Elementary Edu cation Major Professo r: Dr. Bernard L. Hayes Co tter, Lea Chicago,Jllinois

BA: University of Illinois, Chicago, J 972 Major: Second ary Educa tion Major Professor: Dr. Varnell A. Bench

BS: Auburn University, 1966 Major: Secondary Educa tion Major Professor: Dr. Varnell A. Bench

D ykstra, Janene A.

BS: Utah State Univers ity, 1974 Major: Instru ctiona l Technology Major Professor: Dr. Brend a M. Branyan-Broadbent Ga le , William Adrian Providence, Utah

BS: Utah State Unive rsity, 1958 Major: Secondary Education Major Professor : Dr. Richard S. Knight Garff, Lisa Salt Lake City, Utah

BS: Univers ity of Utah, 1981 Major: Special Ed ucation Major Professor: Or. Daniel P. Morgan G ibb , Loi s L.

Logan, Utah

BS: Brigham Young University, 1983 Major: Special Educat ion Major Profe ssor: Dr. Hynun S. Henderson

South Jordan, Utah

Earle , Andr ew Samue l

G ill espie, Paul Alan

Cedar City, Utah

Provo, Utah

BS: Brigham Young University, 1976 Major : Elementar y Educatio n Major Professor: Dr. Jay A. Monson

BS: Brigham Young Universi ty, 1970 Major: Secondary Education Major Professor : Dr. Varnell A. Bench


BS:Universi ty of Utah, 1964 Major: Secondar y Edu cation Major Prof esso r: Dr. Walter L. Saunders

Griffin, Suelyn Burton

Jeppsen, Julie H.

Sugar City, Idaho

Long, David R.

Salt Lake City, Utah

BS: Utah State University, 1984 Major: Elementary Education Major Professor: Dr. John A. Smith

Preston, Idaho

BS: Utah State University, 1988 Major: Communicative Disorders Major Professor: Dr. Carol J. Strong

BS:Utah State University, 1987 Major: Elementary Education Major Professor : Dr. John A. Smith

Hall, Sheila Jarvis

Jewell, Gail L.

Mesa, Arizona

Marty, Petrea Salvesen

Price, Utah

BS: Southern Utah State College, 1989 Major: Communicative Disorders Major Professor: Dr. Carol J. Strong

BS: Utah State University, 1985 Major: Elementary Education Major Prof esso r: Dr. Jay A. Monson

Harris, Ross L.

Johnson, Edmond M.

Sandy, Utah

BA: Southern Utah State College , 1989 Major: Secondary Education Major Professor: Dr. Varnell A. Bench

Vernal, Utah BS: University of Utah, 1974 Major: Health, Physical Education Recreation Major Profes sor: Dr. Robert E. Sorenson

Harvey, Launa Lee Salt Lake City, Utah

BS: University of Utah, 1971 Major: Specia l Education Major Professor: Dr. Daniel P. Morgan

McIver-Bell, Michele Spring Lake, North Carolina

Johnson, Veda B. Hildale, Utah BS: Ottawa University, 1989 Major: Secondary Education Major Professor: Dr. Varnell A. Bench

Hoopes, M. Jewel Idaho Falls, Idaho

BS: Weber State College, 1984 Major: Instructional Technolog y Major Professor: Dr. Brenda M. Branyan-Broadbent

BS: Brigham Young University, 1963 Major: Elementary Education Major Professor: Dr. Richard K. Harmston

BS: University of Nevada, Reno, 1971 Major: Special Education Major Professor: Dr . Hyrum S. Henderson

BS: Brigham Young University, 1981 Major: Elementary Education Major Profes so r: Dr. Bernard L. H ayes


Pleasant Grove, Utah

Evanston, Wyoming

Homer, Callie

MaWhinney, Mike Franson Midway, Utah

Johnson, Louise K.

Hobbs, Anne Therese

Salt Lake City, Utah

Salt Lake City, Utah BS: University of Utah, 1982 Major: Special Education Major Professor: Dr. Daniel P. Morgan

BS: Fayetteville State University, 1976 Major: Secondary Education Major Professor: Dr. Izar A. Martinez

Miller, Marianne Logan, Utah

BS: Utah State University , 1972 Major: Elementary Education Major Professor: Professor Annette Packard

Jones, Cindy Leslie Ferron, Utah BS: Southern Utah State College, 1984 Major: Elementary Education Major Professor: Dr. Jay A. Monson

Jurca , Stephen Nick Hurricane, Utah

Monkres, Steven Blaine West Point, Utah BS: Weber State College, 1981 Major: Hea lth , Physical Education Recreation Major Profe ssor: Dr. Lanny J. Nalder

BS: Brigham Young University, 1970 Major: Elementary Education Major Professor: Dr. Francine Fukui

BS: Brigham Young University, 1981 Major: Secondary Education Major Professor: Dr. Varnell A. Bench

Mumma , Deanna

Houser, Karen M.

Laney, Rebecca M.

BS: Brigham Young University, 1985 Major: Instructional Technology Major Prof essor: Dr. Brenda M. Branyan-Broadbent

Price, Utah

BS:Fitchburg State College, 1976 Major: Elementary Education Major Professor: Dr. Jay A. Monson

Ivie, Kurt F. St. George, Utah

BS: Southern Utah State College, 1988 Major: Elementary Education Major Professor: Dr. Jay A. Monson

Fowler, Colorado

BS: University of Northern Colorado , 1972 Major: Secondary Education Major Professor: Dr. William J. Strong

Larsen, Grace McAllister Bountiful, Utah BS: Utah State University, 1961 Major: Elementary Education Major Professor: Dr. Jay A. Monson

IdahoFalls, Idaho

Murray, Ann Rebecca Hamilton, New Jersey BA: Flagler College, 1989 Major: Communicative Disorder s Major Professor: Dr. Jam es C. Blair

Nelson , Steven Craig Jensen, Dale E.

LeBaron , Julie Ann

Richfield, Utah

Cedar City, Utah

BS: Weber State College, 1981 Major: Instructional Technology Major Professor: Dr. Don C. Smellie

BS: Brigham Young University, 1985 Major: Communicative Disorders Major Professor: Dr. Carol J. Strong

Logan, Utah BS: Utah State University, 1969 Major: Elementary Education Major Professor: Dr. John A. Smith

Jensen, Judy Ellerman

Li, Chin Fen

Salt Lake City, Utah

Taoyuan, Taiwan

BS: University of Utah, 1970 Major: Elementary Education Major Professor: Dr. Jay A. Monson

Salt Lake City , Utah

BS: Soochow University, 1981 Major: Secondary Education Major Professor: Dr. Ross R. Allen

BS: Brigham Young University, 1979 Major: Elementary Education Major Professor: Dr. Francine Fukui

Newton, Ellen L.



Nielson, Rober t Clay

Prusak, Keven Allan

Steflik, La urie Jo

Logan, Utah

Garland, Utah

Ogden, Utah

BS: Brigham Young University, Hawa ii, 1985 Educatio n and Major: Health, Physical Recrea tion Major Prof essor: Dr. Richard D. Gordin, Jr.

BS: Brigham Young Unive rsity, 1986 Major: Health, Ph ysica l Ed u ca ti on a nd Recrea tion Major Professor : Dr. Robert E. Sorenson

BS: Brigham Young University, 1981 Major: Second ary Ed ucation Major Professor: Dr. Iza r A. Martinez

Nissen, Holly Ann

Rhoads , Paul Robert

Sandy, Utah

Delta, Utah

Ankeny, Iowa

BS: University of Neb rask a, 1982 Major: Instruction a l Technology Major Professor: Dr. Brenda M. Bran yan-Broadbent

BS: Missouri Western State, 1989 Major: Health, Ph ysica l Edu ca ti o n and Recreation Major Pro fessor: Dr. Lanny J. Nalder

BS:Northwest Mi ssouri State Univers ity, 1988 Major: Special Education Major Professor: Professor Barbara Fiechtl

O'Brien, Shana

Rowan , Lori P.

Strub, Christina Rene e

South Jordan, Utah

BS: Weber State Co llege, 1987 Major: Element ry Education Major Professor: Dr. Francine Fukui

Orullian, Starleen Salt Lake City, Utah

BS: University of U tah, 1981 Major: Seconda ry Educa tion Major Professor : Dr. Richard D. Gordin, Jr.

Pappas, Jill Ann Price, Utah

BS: University of U tah , 1986 Major: Elemen tary Ed ucation Major Professor: Dr. Jay A. Monson

Tanner, Patricia Madsen Salt Lake City, Utah

Miniota, Canada

BS: Brandon University , 1977 Major: Communicative Disorders Major Professor: Dr. James C. Blair

BS: Univers ity of Utah, 1981 Major: Eleme nt ary Edu catio n Major Professor: Professor Ann ette Packard

Taylor, Lisa Gordon Mendon, Utah

Sayler, Corine L. Farmington, Utah

BS: Univers ity of Utah, 1972 Major: Second ary Ed ucation Major Professor: Dr. Varnell A. Bench

Searle, Karen ReNee Cedar City, Utah

BS: Sou thern Utah State College, l 982 Major: Elementary Educa tion Major Professor : Dr. Jay A. Monson

BS: Brigham Young Uni versi ty, 1983 Major: Specia l Educa tion Major Professor: Dr. Hyrum S. Henderson

Thr elkeld, Douglas C. Kaysville, Utah

BS: Weber State Co llege, 1972 Major: in structi onal Technol ogy Major Prof essor: Dr. Duane E. Hedin

Tuttle, Wanda Jo Parkin, James Rich ard Neplti, Utah

BS: Brigham Young University, 1985 Major: Elementary Education Major Professor: Dr. Richard K. Harm sto n

Mt. Pleasant, Utah

Shipp , Mark Allen Kemmerer, Wyoming

BS: University of Northe rn Co lorado, 1974 Major: Instructional Techno logy Major Professor: Dr. R. Kent Wood

BS: East Centra l State U nivers ity, 1960 Major: Seconda ry Education Major Professor: Dr. Kay Campe rell

Velasquez, Blanca C. Perrett, L. Susan Salem, Utah

BS: Brigham Young Unive rsity, 1970 Major: Special Educatio n Major Professor : Dr. Sarah R. Salzberg

La Paz, Bolivia

Smi th, Becky A.

BS: Escuela No rm al lntegrada Simon Bolivar,

St. George,Utah


BS: Weber State Co llege, 1978 Major: Secondary Educa tion Major Professor: Dr. Varnell A. Bench

Major: Secondar y Ed uca tion Major Professor: Dr. Ross R. Allen

Smith, Brian E.

Santa Clara, Utah

Walker , Myrna Kirn Pettigrew, Tammy Nelson Logan, Utah


BS: Brigham Young Universi ty, 1980 Major : Elemen tary Ed ucation Major Professor: Dr. Jay A. Monson

BS: Utah State University , 1975 Major: Specia l Educa tion Major Professor: Dr. Hyrum S. Hende rson

BS: Sou thern Utah State Co llege, 1988 Major: Commun icative Disord ers Major Professor: Dr. Caro l J. Strong

Phillips, Shery l Bingham

Smith, Peggy Marie

Bountiful, Utah

Holbrook, Idaho

BS: Utah State University, 1973 Major: Elementary Education Major Professor: Dr. Francine Fukui

Walker, Rebecca L. Haslam Smithfield, Utah

BS: Utah State University, 1985 Major: Elemen tary Educa tion Major Professor: Dr. Richard K. Harm ston

BS: Utah State University, 1984 Major: Instructional Technology Major Professor: Dr. Don C. Smellie

Power s, Denni s Reid

Soderquist, Paul a Manu ele

Beijing, China

St. George, Utah

BS: Beijing Normal University, 1985 Major: Special Edu cation Major Professor: Dr. Sarah R. Salzburg

Lyman, Wyoming

BS: Utah State University, 1987 Major: lnstru ctional Technology Major Professor: Dr. Duane E. Hedin

Wang, HongBo

BS: Southern Utah State Co llege, 1989 Major: Secondary Education Major Professor: Dr. Varnell A. Bench

Webb, Juli e Ann Pratt, Carol L.

Staples, Richard WiJJiam

Delta, Utah

Layton, Utah

Stansbury Park, Utah

BS: Weber State Co llege, 1986 Major: Special Ed ucation Major Professo r: Dr. Martin Agran

BS: Brigham Young University , 1982 Major: Second ary Education Major Professor: Dr. Richard S. Knight

BS: Southern Utah State College , 1984 Major: Instru ctional Technolog y Major Professor: Dr. Brenda M. Branyan-Broadbent


White, Vicki Stroman

Major Professor: Dr. Alan W. Shaw

West Jordan, Utah BS: New Me xico State University , 1976 Major: Elementary Education Major Professor: Dr. Bernard L. Hayes

Kao, Chaofeng

Master of Fine Arts

Shanghai, China BS: Fudan Univ e rsity, 1983 Major: Electrical Engineering Major Professor: Dr. Gardiner S. Stiles

Davidson, Larry Allen Logan, Utah BFA: Utah State U11iversitv, 1987 Major: Art Major Profes so r: Professor John Neely Thesis: Plan B

Wilson, Carol Reed Salt Lake City, Utah BS: University of Utah, 1962 Major: Elementary Education Major Professor: Or. Francine Fukui

Lasthaus, Alexandre

Davis, Bryce Mack

Sao Paulo, Brazil BS: Mackenzie University, 1988 Major: Electrical Engineering Major Professor: Dr. Gardiner S. Stiles

Wilson, Linda La Veve Cedar City, Utah BS: Brigham Young University, 1970 Major: Elementary Education Major Professor: Dr. Jay A. Monson

Rexburg, Idaho BFA: Utah State Universit v, 1988 Major: Art Major Professor: Professor Glenn L. Edward s Thesis: Plan B

Harris, Susan Dale

Li, Qing Beijing, China MS: Beijing University of Post Telecommunication, 1987 Major: Electrical Engineering Major Professor: Dr. Gardiner S. Stiles

Womack, Eldon Lynn Franklin, Idaho BS: Utah State University, 1972 Major: Instructional Technology Major Professor: Or. Brenda M . Branyan-Broadbent

a nd

Williams, Lewis Arthur Lin, Cheng-Wein Taipei, Taiwan BS: Chiao-Tung University, 1985 Major: Electrical Engineering Major Professor: Dr. Gardiner S. Stiles

Young, Robert K. Tooele,Utah BS: Jacksonville University, 1974 Major: Special Education Major Professor : Dr. Hyrum S. Henderson

Logan, Utah BFA: Northern Arizona University, 1983 Major: Art Major Profe sso r: Professor Christopher Terry Thesis: Plan B

Lin, Chil1-Yuan Santa Rosa, California BS: Chinese Culture University, 1985 Major: Electrical Engineering Major Professor: Dr. Ronne y D. Harris

Master of Engineering

Patterson , Patric Louis

Chen, Feng-Wen

Burley, Idaho BS: Utah State University, 1989 Major: Electrical Engineering Major Professor: Dr. Allan J. Steed

Ping Tong, Taiwan

BS: Tamkang University, 1985 Major: Electrical Engineering Major Prof essor : Dr. Gardiner S. Stiles

Qiu, Siqing

Chung, Chiu Kwong Taipei, Taiwan BS: South Dakota School of Mines, 1986 Major: Electrical Engineering Major Professor: Dr. Gardiner S. Stiles

Shanghai, China BS: Shanghai lndustrial University, 1982 Major: Electrical Engineering Major Professor: Dr. Gardiner S. Stiles

Goyal, Anil K.

Rahalkar , Santosh B.

Bangalore,India BS: Bangalor e University, 1985 Major: Electrical Engineering Major Prof esso r: Dr. Gardiner S. Stiles

Bombay, India BS: University of Bombay, 1987 Major: Electrical Engineering Major Professor: Dr. Gardiner S. Stiles

Gu, Xiaoyun

Singhal , Sandeep

Beijing, China BS: Shanghai Institute of Mechanical Engineering, 1982 Major: Electrical Engineering Major Professor: Dr. Gardiner S. Stiles

New Delhi, India BS: River s State University of Science and Technology, 1987 Major: Electrical Engineering Major Professor: Or. Gardiner S. Sti Jes

Huang, Zhanxu George Zhejiang, China BS: University of Science and Technology China, 1986 Major: Electrical Engineering

Logan, Utah BA: University of Illinois, 1969 Major: Art Major Professor: Professor John Neely Thesis: Plan B

Srinivasan, Muralidhar of

Mithapur, India BE: Maharaja Sayajirao University, 1981 Major: Electrical Engineering Major Prof essor: Dr. Gardiner S. Stiles


Master of Landscape Architecture Collins, Kathlyn Jo Joliet, Illinois BS: Purdu e University, 1977 Major Professor: Professor Cra ig W. John son Thesis: Plan B

Weiner, Gary Robert Rochester,New York BS: University of Michigan, 1976 Major Professor: Professor Richard E. Toth Thesis: Plan B

Master of Science Abdul-Kareem, Hind Saeed Baghdad,Iraq BS: Baghdad University, 1984 Major: Toxicology Major Professor: Dr. Raghubir P. Sharma TI1esis: Effects of Repeated Nitrous Oxide Exposure on Selected Biochemical Parameters in th e Mouse

Abdulle , Abdinasir Mohamed Mogadishu, Somalia BS: Somali National University, 1985 Major: Rang e Science Major Prof esso r: Dr. Jolu1 P. Workman Thesis: A Desc riptive Study of Livestock Operations in Somalia Central Rangelands.

Abrar, Sayyedul Kotigram, Pakistan BS: Pes hawar University, 1979 Major: Agricultural and Irri ga tion Enginee rin g Major Professor: Dr. Gay lord V. Skogerboe Thesis : Application of Cu lver t H yd raulics in Designing Pipe Outlets

Andersen, Bruce P.

Ayanoglu, Hamit

Ballston Lake, New York BS: University of Idaho, 1979 Major: Recrea tion Resources Management Major Professor: Dr. Richard M . Schreyer R ecreat io n Spec ia li za ti o n Thesis: Preferences of Utah Anglers

Ernemli,Turkey BS: University of C ukuro va, 1980 Major: Plant Science Major Professor: Dr. Sch uyler D. See ley Thesis: Thermoperiodic Effec ts on Peach Seed Str ati fica tion

a nd

Bandolin, Thomas H.

Anderson, Kent William Adams, Todd Dean Logan, Utah BS: Utah State Unive rsity, 1988 Major: Civil and Environm ental Engineer ing Major Professor: Dr. A Bruce Bishop and Indu s tri al Water Thesis: Commercial Demand in Arid Clima tes

Sunset, Utah BS: Weber State Co llege, 1988 Major: Psychology Major Pro fessor: Dr. Jay R. Skidmore Thesis: Cognitive and Attributional Corre lat es of Depression

Anderso n, Sharon B. Agarwal, Sandeep Delhi, India BS: Delhi Uni versi ty, 1989 Major: Comp ut er Science Major Professor: Dr. Rex L. Hurst Thesis: Plan B

Logan, Utah BS: University of Utah, 1969 Major: Psychology Major Professor: Dr. Elwin C. N ielso n The sis : A Reliability Study on the Se lf-Report Behavioral Measur e for Evaluating l11erape uti c Outco mes

Ahmed, Iftekhar Logan, Utah MS: Utah State University, 1986 Ma jor: Agricult ura l and Irrigation Engineering Major Prof essor: Dr. Lyman S. Willardson Non th es is

Andreasen-Trausch, Trina Alice Roy, Utah BS: Weber Sta te College, 1975 Major: Political Science Major Professor : Dr. William L. Furlong The sis: Costa Rica: Sovereign ty the Tico Way

Ahn, Hyo-Jin Seoul, Koren BS: Korea Unive rs ity, J 982 Major: Plant Science Ma jor Professor: Dr. William F. Campbe ll Th esis: Plan B

Akku s, Kasim Mersin , Turkey BS: Uni vers ity of Ankara, 1981 Major: Agricultu ral and Irrigation Engineering Major Profe sso r: Dr. Lyman S. Willardson Thesis : Pla n B

Al-Ad ha mi, Mohammed Jum a Baghdad,Iraq PhD: Utah State Un ive rsity, 1989 Major: Statistics Major Professor: Dr. Ronald V. Canf ield Non th es is

Alexander, Stephen Craig Los Angeles, California BS: No rth ern Arizona U nivers ity, 1977 Major: Psychology Major Professor: Dr. Keith T. Checketts No n th es is

Arnold, Barry Kay Ogden, Utah BS: Utah State Univers ity, 1987 Major: C ivil and Environmen tal Engineering Major Professor: Dr. Vance T. Chris tiansen Thes is: Evaluation of Mom e nt Connec tions Between Wide Flange Beams and Tub e Steel Co lumn s

Astle, Ryck M. Afton, Wyoming BS: Utah State University, 1987 Major: Business Inf orma ti on Systems Ed uca tion Major Professor: Dr. William A Stull Non thesis


A tac, Attila Ankara, Turkey BS: Middle East Technical Uni ve rsity, 1983 Major: Agricultural an d Irrigation Engi neer ing Major Professor: Dr. Gary P. Merkley l11esis: Plan B

Attaran, Malihe Mina Al-Za 'abi, Aref J. AJ-Derbas Kuwait, Kuwait BS: Kuwait U ni ve rsity, 1987 Major: C ivil a nd En viro nment a l Engin ee rin g Major Professor: Dr. Yance T. Chri st ianse n Non thesis

Abadan, Iran BS: Uta h State Un iversity, 1979 Major: Famil y and Human Development Major Prof essor: Dr. Shelley K. Lindauer of Gender Th es is : Children's Determination Appropria teness of C lothing


New York City, New York BS: Co lorado State Univers ity, 1975 Major: Forestry Major Professor: Dr. Richard F. Fisher Thesis: Plan B

Bannatyn e, Mark William M. Logan, Utah BS: Uta h State University, 1988 Major: Industrial Technology Major Professor: Dr. Maurice G. Thomas Thesis: Plan B

Beck, Sullivan N. Logan, Utah BS: Utah State Uni vers ity, 1990 Major: Chemistry Major Professor : Dr. Edward A McCullough, Jr. Thes is: An Examination of Wavefunctio n Componen ts in MCSCF Calcu lations of Hyperfine Parameters

Bee, John Richa rd Bloomington, Idaho BS: Un ivers ity of Idaho, 1985 Major: Fami ly a nd Human Dev elopment Major Professor: Dr. Jay D. Schvaneve ldt Thesis: Intergen e rational Transmission Fam ily Strengt hs


Belnap, Bruce Hal Montpelier, Idaho BS: Uni vers ity of Uta h, 1978 Major: Psycholog y Major Professor: Dr. Keit h T. Checke tts thesis Non

Bergeson, Janet Radford Millville, Utah BS: C lem son Univers ity, 1977 Major : Fam ily and Human Development Major Professor: Dr. Thomas R. Lee Thesis: Expectations: A Guide for Childbirth Edu ca tion a t Loga n Regiona l Ho spi tal

Berry, Robert L. Logan, Utah BS: U tah State University, 1987 Major: Instruction a l Technology Major Profe ssor: Dr. J. Steve n Soulier Th es is: Plan B

Biddoho , Saleh Mohamed Hodeidn, Yemen BS: Kuwait Uni vers ity, 1981 Major: Agricultural a nd Irri ga tion Engineering Major Professor: Dr. Ly man S. Wi llardso n Thes is: Plan B

Birbudak, Metin

Callaghan, Tamara E.

Coomb s, Marlene B.

Ankara, Turkey BS: EGE University Facul ty of Agr iculture, 1980 Major: Agricu ltu ra l and Irrigation Engineering Major Professor: Dr. Lyman S. Willardson Non thesis

Ogden, Utah BS: Utah State University, 1985 Major: Communicative Disorders Major Professor: Dr. Jay R. Jensen Non thesis

Garland, Utah BS: Utah State University, 1959 Major: [nstructional Techno logy Major Professor: Dr. Brenda M. Branyan-Broadbent Thes is: Plan B

Blackbum, Clyda Rae Salt Lake City, Utah BS: University of Utah, 1970 Major: Eng lish Major Professor: Dr. Kenneth W. Brewer Thesis: Plan B

Canfie ld, Ann Marie Cordon, Sandra Holst

Logan, Utah BS: Utah State University, 1985 Major: Instructional Technology Major Professor: Dr. M. David Merrill Thesis: Plan B

Salt Lake City, Utah BS: Utah State University, 1962 Major: English Major Professor: Dr. Patricia Gardner Thesis: Plan B

Cassingham, Dorothy Burnett Blake, Lester Leonard Baltimore, Ohio BS: Utah State University, 1988 Major: Health, Physical Educat ion and Recreation Major Professor: Dr. Steven E. Dunn Thesis: Effects of Depth Jump ing and Loaded Box Hopping on Force Output and Vertical Jump [ncrease

Borg-Marshall, Cheryl Rose Smoot, Utah BS: Utah State University, 1983 Major: Communicative Disorders Major Professor: Dr. Caro l J. Stro ng Non thesis

Brandley, Joel Phillip Ogden, Utah BS: Weber State College, 1988 Major: Fami ly and Human Development Major Professor: Dr. Glen 0. Jensen Thesis: Coping Strategies of Dairy Farm Husbands and Wives in Five Northern Utah Counties

Brower, Malyn Logan, Utah BS: Utah State University, 1989 Major: Communicative Disorders Major Professor: Dr. Steven H . Viehweg Non thesis

Brummer, Jon Eric Zenda, Kansas BS: For t Hays Sta te University, 1987 Major: Geology Major Professor: Dr. James P. Eva ns Thes is: Origins of Low-Angle Norma l Faults Along the West Side of the Bear River Range in No rthern Utah

Bumpus, Debra Lynn Nashville, Tennessee BS: Tennessee Technical University, 1976 Major: Recreation Resources Management Major Professor: Dr. Richard M . Schreye r Thesis: Visitor Charac teris tics and Attitudes Towa rd Policies in the Irish Wilderness of Southern Missouri

Cox, Julie Ann

Pueblo , Colorado BA: Colorado State University, 1961 Major: Family and Human Dev elopment Major Professor: Dr. Glen O. Jenson Thesis: Day Specific Time Use b y Under Achieving Adolescents

Matinicus, Maine BS: University of Southern Maine, 1988 Major: Instructional Techno logy Major Professor: Dr. J. Steven Soulier Thesis: Plan B

Chang, Jane

Cuellar, Rafael Eduardo

Taipei, Taiwan BS: National Chung-Hsing University, 1987 Major: Business Information Systems and Education Major Professor: Dr. Charles M. Lutz Non thesis

San Salvador, El Salvador BS:Universidad Autonoma Chiapas, 1982 Major: Irrigation Science Major Professor: Professor R. Kern Stutler Thesis: Plan B

Choi, Hoon

Sturgis, South Dakota BS: Augustana Co llege, 1977 Major: Psychology Major Professor: Dr. Damian A. McShane Thesis: The Relation ship Between Raw Scores on the K-ABC and School Attendance for Sioux Children Ages 8-12

Seoul, Korea BS: Cho Sun Univers ity, 1981 Major: Business Information Systems Education Major Professor: Dr. Thomas Hilton Non thesis

a nd

Cummings, Michae l Alan

Dalton, Joseph Charles Christie, Michael Stewart Tobyhanna, Pennsylvania BS: Pennsy lvania State University , 1982 Major: Physics Major Professor: Dr. Vincent B. Wickwar Thesis: A Comparison of Optically Measured and Radar-Deriv ed Horizontal Neutral Winds

Downey, California BS: California Polytechnic State University, 1986 Major: Dairy Science Major Professor: Dr. David P. Marcinkowski Thesis: The Effects of Methiony l Bovine Somatotropin Administration on Luteinizing Hormone in Dairy Catt le

Clarke, Jerrie

Dana, Cecil Robert

Anchorage,Alaska BS: Weber State Co llege, 1977 Major: Amer ican Studi es Major Professor: Dr. Jay Anderson Thesis: Plan B

Cokeville,Wyoming BS: Utah State Univers ity, 1965 Major: Industrial Education Major Professor: Dr. Edward M. Reeve Thesis : Plan B

Cliffswallow, Willow

Davis, Fredrick H.

Hayward, California MS: University of Sout hern California, 1986 Major: Physics Major Professor: Dr. Vincent B. Wickwar Thesis: Derivation of Exosp heric Temperature at High Latitudes From Incoherent-Scatter Radar Data

Ogden, Utah BS: Brigham Young University, 1984 Major: Computer Science Major Professor: Dr. Scott R. Cannon Thesis: Plan B

Cole, Glenda R. Emporia, Kansas BS: Emporia State University, 1962 Major: Communication Major Professor: Dr. Haro ld J. Kinzer Thesis: Plan B


Decker, Richard Thomas Salt Lake City, Utah BS: University of Uta h, 1986 Major: Range Ecology Major Professor: Dr. David A. Pyke TI1esis: Reproductive Ecology of Wyo ming Big Sagebrus h (Artemisia trid entata ssp. wyomingensis): Effects of Herbivory and Competition

Dobson, Kayla

Fewell, Kerry Lee

Geddes, Kenneth L.

Logan, Utah BS: Utah State University, 1985 Major: Instructional Technology Major Professor: Dr. Brenda M. Branyan-Broadbent Thesis: Plan B

Logan, Utah BS: Utah State University , 1990 Major: Communicative Disorders Major Professor: Dr. Carol J. Strong Thesis: Plan B

Preston, Idaho BS: Brigham Young University, 1989 Major: Agricultural Education Major Professor: Dr. Gary S. Straquadine Thesis: Plan B

Fisher, Daniel Kenneth Draper, Erik A Beltsville, Maryland BS: Utah State University, 1986 Major: Plant Science Major Professor: Dr. J. LaMar Anderson Thesis: Weed Control in Cole Crops and Growth Responses of Broccoli to Reflected Light from Colored Mulch Surfaces

Eid, Naglaa M. Cairo, Egypt BS: Cairo University, 1985 Major: Agricultural and Irrigation Engineering Major Professor: Dr. Richard G. Allen Thesis : Evaluation of the Shany Method for Estimating the Hydraulic Properties of Soil

Elshorbagy , Walicl Ali Giza, Egypt BS: Ca iro University, 1985 Major: Civil and Environmental Engineering Major Professor: Dr. J.Paul Tullis Thesis: Combined Crest/Fixed Gate Contro l for the Ogee Crest Spi llwa y

Empey, Craig Lyle Meridian, Idaho BS: Utah State University, 1986 Major: Business Information Systems Education Major Professor: Dr. William A. Stull Non thesis


Stillwater, Oklahoma BS: University of Central Florida, 1979 Major: Agricultural and Irrigation Engineering Major Professor: Dr. Richard G. Allen Thesis: Evaluating Performance of Electronic Weighing Lysirneters

Gerard, Bruno Guy Grez-Doicenu,Belgium BS: UniversitĂŠ Catholique de Louvain, 1986 Major: Agricultural and Irrigation Engineering Major Professor: Dr. Christopher M . Neale Thesis: Development of Surface Moisture Algorithms Using Special Sensor Microwave Imager (SSM/1) Signatures

Graves, Roger Brian

Fodor-Davis, John C. Logan, Utah BS: Utah State University, 1984 Major: Secondary Education Major Professor: Dr. James S. Cangelosi Thesis: Experience-Based Direct Instruction for Science Vocabulary

Anchorage, Alaska BS: Brigham Young Unjversity, 1987 Major: Family and Human Development Major Professor: Dr. D. Kim Openshaw Thesis: The Effects of an Adolescent Social Skills Training Program on Adolescent Sex Offenders

Greb, Steven Ray Frazier, Connie R. Moab, Utah BS: Utah State University, 1987 and Education Physical Major : Health, Recreation Major Professor: Dr. Lanny J. Nalder Thesis : The Effects of a 26 Week Resistance T rainin g Program on the Bone Growth of Prepubescent Males

Fredrickson, Richard John Winston-Salem, North Caro/inn BS: Nort h Carolina State Unjversity, 1983 Major: Wildlife Ecology Major Professor : Dr. John A. Bissonette Thesis: The Effects of Disease , Prey Fluctuation, and Clear-C uttin g on American Marten in Newfoundland, Canada

Stoughton, Wisconsin BS: University of Wisconsin, Stevens Point, 1978 Major: Watershed Science Major Professor: Dr. Richard F. Fisher Thesis: Nutr ient Loadings in the Upper Green River Basin, Wyoming

Gupte , Sandeep Ravindra Poona, India BS: University of Poona , 1987 Major : Computer Science Major Professor: Dr. Steph en J. Allan Thesis: Plan B

Guy, Alphonso N. Chinle, Arizona BS: University of Arizona, 1985 Major: Psychology Major Professor: Dr. Michael R. Bertoch Non thesis

Frooninckx, Thomas Brian Englund, Ronald Alan Midland, Michigan BS: Michigan State University, 1987 Major: Fisheries and Wildlife Major Professor: Dr. Timothy C. Modde Thesis: Winter Habit at Selection of Cutthroat Trout (Oncorhynchus clarki) in a Large Regulated River

Ewah, Usani Onun Ugep, Nigeria BS: Utah State University, 1984 Major: Political Science Major Professor: Dr. William L. Furlong Thesis: Plan B

Clifton, Illinois BS: St. Louis University, 1984 Major: Physics Major Professor: Dr. Jan J. Sojka Thesis: High-Latitude Spacecraft Char ging in Low-Earth Polar Orbit

Taipei, Taiwan BS: National Cheng Chi University, 1983 Major: Instructional Technology Major Professor: Dr. M. David Merrill Thesis: Plan B

Medan, Indonesia BS: Utah State University, 1988 Major: Computer Science Major Professor: Dr. Del Dyreson Thesis: Real-Time Processing ofTransaucorOutput: A Shrimp Farm Water Quality Examp le

Gaeddert, John Dale Omaha, Nebraska BS:University of Kansas, 1987 Major: Town and Regional Planning Major Professor: Professor Craig W. Johnson Thesis: The Ability of Small Communities to Afford Wastewater Treahnent Facilities

Garvin, Daniel Robert Feng,Jui

Halim, Jamin

Price, Utah BS: Utah State University, 1983 Systems Major: Business Information Education Major Professor: Dr. William A. Stull Non thesis


Hamblin, Ruth R. Kaysville, Utah BS: Southern Utah State CoUege, 1980 Major: English Major Professor: Dr. Patricia Gardner Thesis: Plan B

Hammond, Marilyn and

Logan, Utah BS: Utah State University 1977 Major: Instructional Technology Major Professor : Dr. Duane E. Hed in Thesis: Plan B

Hanks, Dallas A. Burley, Idaho BS: Brigham Young University, 1988 Major: Plant Science Major Profe sso r: Dr. Ralph E. Whit es ides Thesis: A Consolidated Me thod to Eva luat e Pa ckage d Alfalfa by Physical insp ection and Near Infrared Re fl ec tance Sp ec tro sco p y Analysis

Hansen , Julie G. Thorson Smithfield, Utah BS: Utah State University, 1989 Major: Communi cative Disorders Major Professor: Dr. Caro l J. Sh¡ong TI1esis: Plan B

Heighway, Da vid Nelson

Hoyt, Nancy W.

Zionsville, Indiana BS: Western Kentucky University, 1984 Major: History Major Prof essor: Dr. Jay Anderson Thesis: Plan B

Brigham City, Utah BS: Utah State University, 1990 Major: Business In fo rm a ti on Systems Ed uca tion Major Prof esso r: Dr. William A. Stull No n thesis

a nd

Henry , Dale Eugene Hu, Diann-Kai

Laurel, Montana BS: Montana State University, 1976 Major : Ag ricultural and Irri gation Engine eri ng Major Professor: Professor Gay lord V. Skogerboe Thesis: Calibratio n of Som e Cutthr oa t Flum es wi th Abrupt Entrances and Exits

Taipei, Taiwan BS: Na tion al Cheng-C hi University , 1986 Major: Business Information Systems Education Major Profes sor: Dr. Char les M. Lut z No n thesis

Hess, Terri Lyn Grove r

Hu, Lon-Rong


Hari , Rud y Jakarta,Indonesia BS: Para hyangan University, 1988 Major: Business Information Systems Edu ca tion Major Professor: Dr. H . Robert Stocker Non th esis


Hamiss, Mark Kristopher Logan, Utah BS: Uta h State University, 1988 Major: lnstru ctiona l Technology Major Professor: Dr. Ron J. Thorkildsen Thesis: A Formative Eva lu ation of a VideodiscBased Welding Safety Pro gram

Harper, Marcellus Carl Tremonton, Utah BS: Uta h Sta te University, 1989 Major: Electri cal Engin eerin g Major Professor: Dr. Gardiner S. Stiles Thesis: Low Noise, PC Contro Ued Spec troscopy

Haybe, Abdu llahi M. Mogadishu, Somalia BS: Soma li Na tiona l University , 1982 Major: Agr icultur a l Ed uca tion Major Professor: Dr. Gary S. Straq uadine Thesis: Farming Systems Research: Impact of Agr icultur al Extensio n in Soma lia

Hayden, Rob ert Lowell Hyde Park, Utah BS: Brigham Youn g Univers ity, Hawaii , 1986 Major: Busine ss Information Systems a nd Ed uca tion Major Professor: Dr. Lloyd W. Bartholome No n th esis

Hayden, Teresa Ann Manistee, Michigan BS: Western Michigan Uni versity, 1989 Major : Communicative Disor d ers Major Prof essor : Dr. Caro l J. Stron g on thesis

H e, Qin Hangzhou, China BS: Hangz hou University, 1985 Major: Mathematics Major Profe sso r: Dr. Ho mer F. Walker No n thesis

Rexburg, Idaho BS: Brigham Yow1g Universi ty, 1987 Major: Health, Physical Educa ti on a nd Recrea tion Major Professor: Dr. Lanny J. Na ld er Thesis: A Compar ison of Nasal, Oronasa l, and Oral Breathing During a Treadmill Stress Test

Heusser, Burke Robert

Hu , Yiwe i

Salt Lake City, Utah BS: Uta h Sta te University, 1988 Major: Agr icultural Ed ucation Major Professor: Dr. Gary S. Straquadine Thesis: Plan B

Shanghai, China BS: Tongji Un iversi ty, 1983 Major: Civil and Env ironm ent a l Engin ee ring Major Professor: Dr. Vance T. Chr ist ian se n The sis: Plan B

Holden, Leslie N. Pocatello,Idaho BS: ldaho State University, 1979 Major: Business in formation Systems Educatio n Major Professor: Dr. Charles M. Lutz Non th es is

Tainan, Taiwan BS: Nationa l Taiwan Institute of Technology, 1987 Major: Elect rica l Engin eering Major Professor: Dr. Gard iner S. Sti les Thesis: Fluid Dynamics on Express : An Eva lu ation of a Topology-Independ ent Para llel Pro graming Environment

Huang, I-Jen and

Hsin-Ying, Taiwan BS: Ming Chi Institute of Techn ology, 1982 Major: Biology Major Prof essor: Dr. Gene W. Mille r Thesis: Study of Ferredoxin and Flavodoxin from Tobacco Lea ves and Roo ts Under Norma l and Iron-Stressed Cond itions

Holmes , Russell Carl Warren, Utah BS: Utah Sta te University, 1987 Major: Business Information Systems Ed ucation Major Professor: Dr. William A. Stull No n th esis

Hudelson , Nancy Jean a nd

Homer, Co llin G. Roy, Utah BS: Weber State Co llege, 1986 Major: Fisheries and Wildlife Major Professor: Dr. Thomas C. Edwards, Jr. Thesis: Modeling Sage Grouse Win ter Habitat wi th Landsat Th e mati c Mapper Da ta in a Geograp hic Informat ion Sys tem

Salt Lake City, Utah BS: Go ddard Co llege, 1977 Major: instructional Technolog y Major Profes so r: Dr. Brenda M. Branyan-Broadbent Thesis: lnternship in Acquis itions and Refe renc e Departments

Hunsaker, Eric Alan Logan, Utah BS: Uta h State Universi ty, 1986 Major: Busin ess ln forma tion Systems Ed uca tion Major Profes so r: Dr. Charles M. Lut z Non thesis

Ho yt, JoLynn Hamblin Kanab, Utah BA: South ern Utah Sta te Co llege, 1989 Major: American Studi es Major Professor: Dr. Patricia Gard ner Th es is: Magnificent Possibilitie s: Mormon Women's Percep tions of Their Roles


Huntington, Larry LeGrand Orangeville, Utah BS: Uta h Sta te Unive rsity, 1985 Major: Psycholog y Major Professor: Dr. Keith T. Checketts Non thes is


Hurst, Gerald Lynn Granstville, Utah BS: Utah State University, 1973 Major: Agricultural Education Major Professor: Dr. Gary S. Straquadin e Thesis: Plan B

Imbulana, K.A.U.S . Dompe, Sri Lanka BS: University of Moratuwa, 1981 Major: Agricultura l and Irrigation Engineering Major Professor: Or. Lyman S. Willardson Thesis: Plan B

James, Jana Kaye Logan, Utah BS:Utah State Unjvers ity, 1987 Major: Mathematics Major Professor: Dr. E. Robert Hill Non thesis

James, Rhett Stephens Logan, Utah BS:Washington State University, 1964 Major: American Studies Major Professor: Dr. Kenneth W. Brewer Non thesis

Jasper , Lisa Bosworth Ogden, Utah BS: Weber State College, 1987 and Physical Education Major: Health, Recrea tion Major Professor: Dr. Richard D. Gordin, Jr. Thesis: A Comparison of Varianc es in Stressful Life Events and Cardiovascular Respon se to Exercise Stress Testing

Jean, Catherine Cedar City, Utah BS: Southern Utah State College, 1987 Major : Forest Ecology Major Professor: Dr. David W. Roberts Thesis: Reproducti ve Ecology and Distribution of Clonal Subalpine Tree Islands at Cedar Breaks National Monum ent , U.S.A.

Jenks, Brian M. Burley, Idaho BS: Utah State University, 1988 Major: Plant Science Major Professor: Dr. John 0. Evans Thesis: Efficacy and Environmental Evaluation of Nicosulfuron and DPX-79406 for Wild Proso Millet Control

Johnson, Michael W. Billings, Montana BS: Montana School of Mines, 1984 Major: Physics Major Professor: Dr. Vincent B. Wickwar Thesis: Electron Density Comparisons Between Radar Observations and 3-0 Ionospheric Model Calculations

Johnson, Reese North Logan, Utah BS: Utah State Unjversity, 1988 Major: Electrical Engineering Major Professor: Dr. Gene W. Adams Thesis: Instrumentation for Observing Winds and Gravity Waves in the Lower Thermosphere Using Green-Line Nightglow

Jolley, Michael Barrett Roy, Utah BS: Weber State College, 1979 Major: Computer Science Major Professor: Dr. Donald H . Cooley Thesis: Plan B

Jones, Judy Ann Nibley, Utah BS: Utah State University, 1988 Systems Major: Business Information Education Major Professor: Dr. Charles M. Lutz Nonthesis


Jon es, Marilyn Matson Mendon, Utah BS: Utah State Univers ity, 1986 Major: Psychology Major Professor: Dr. Jay R. Skidmore Thesis: Plan B

Keswani, Sanjay G. New Delhi, India BS: University of Roorke e, 1987 Major: Mechanical Engineering Major Professor: Dr. Warren F. Phillips Thesis: Plan B

Khan, Masud Ahmad DI Khan, Pakistan MS: University of Peshawar , 1969 Major: Soil Science Major Professor: Or. Lynn M. Dudley Thesis: The Effects of Calcium on the Response of Snapbean to Sodium-Induced Stress

Kim, Hoon Seoul, Korea BS: Utah State University, 1989 Major: Statistics Major Professor: Dr. Adele Cutler Non thesis

Kobe, Kevin J. Brookfield,Wisconsin BS: Utah State University, 1987 Major: Recreation Resources Management Major Profe sso r: Dr. Michael J. Jenkins Thesis: H aza rd Perception and Preparation by Cross-Co untr y Skiers in Utah

Kosadi, Harkie Karmarkar, Savi ta Shreekant Pune, India MS: Poona University, 1986 Major: Physics Major Professor: Dr. W. Farrell Edwards Thesis: Calculation of Magnetic Fields for Selected Cases of a Model Perfect Conductor and Compar ison with Superconductors

Katsuwon, Jirasak Trang, Thailand MS: Chaing-mai University, 1981 Major: Biochemistry Major Professor: Dr. Anne J.Anderson Thesis: Characterization of Cata lase and Superoxide Oismuta se (SOD) from Root-Colonizing Pseudomonad s

Keisham, Birbal Singh Imphal, India BS: Maharaja Sayajirao University, 1988 Major: Civil and Envirorunental Engineering Major Professor: Dr. Fred W. Kiefer Thesis: Plan B

Keller, Bennett Dallas Whittier, California BS: Utah State University, 1989 Major: Electrica l Engineering Major Professor: Dr. Paul A. Wheel er Synchronization Audio/Video Thesis: Techniques for Space Communications



BS: Utah State University, 1989 Major: Busin ess Information Systems Education Major Professor: Dr. H. Robert Stocker Non thesis


Krogman, Naomi Terese Bartlett, Illinois BA: Northern llli.nois University, 1986 Major: Sociology Major Prof esso r: Or. Pamela J. Riley Thesis: The Impact of New Technolog y on Basotho Women Agriculturalists

Kuwana, Linda Jeanne Tremonton, Utah BS: Utah State University, 1987 Major: Psychology Major Professor: Dr. Keith T. Checketts Thesis: UtaJ, School Counselors: Present Status

Larsen, Brad Rodney West Valley City, Utah BS:Utah State Unjversit y, 1988 and Education Major: Health, Physical Recreation Major Professor: Dr. Robert E. Sorenson Thesis: Effects of Aerobic Exercise and Progressive Relaxation on State Anxiety Leve ls, Blood Lipids and Lipo Proteins

Lee, Chien-Der

Lou, Zengjun

Taichung, Taiwan

Marsing, Larry B.

Xinxiang, China

BS: Fu-Jen Catholic University, 1985 Major: Computer Science Major Professor: Dr. Rex L. Hurst Thesis: Plan B

BS: Huabei College of Water Conservation and Hydropower, 1982 Major: Agricultural and Irrigation Engineering Major Professor: Dr. Lyman S. Willardson Thesis: Eva lu ation of Evaporation and Solute Movement in Soil Columns Using Radioisotopes

Orem, Utah BS: Utah State University, 1987 Major: Industrial Education Major Professor: Dr. Maurice G. Thomas Thesis: Plan B

Leishman, Gregory Goold Ogden, Utah

BS: Utah State University, 1989 Major: Civ il and Environmen tal Engineering Major Professor: Dr. Vance T. Christiansen Thesis: Durability of Superplasticed Concrete Subjected to Freeze-Thaw Action

Lenoci, James Francis Rutland, Vermont BS: University of Vermont, 1984 Major: Civil and Environmental Engineering Major Professor: Dr. Jay J. Messer Thesis: Internal Loading of Phosphorus to Flaming Gorge Reservoir

Maxfield, Susan Terry Sandy, Utah

Lovie, Branislav R. Beograd, Yugoslavia BS: University of Belgrade, 1987 Major: Biology Major Professor: Dr. Anne J. Anderson Thesis: Two Potential Biocontrol Strategies: Puccinia thlaspeos Schub. for Isatis tinctoria L. (Dyer's Woad), and Sugar Beet Associated Bacteria for Phoma betae

Lowe, Anita L.

BS: Weber State College, 1978 Major: Business Information Systems Education Major Professor: Dr. Charles M. Lutz Non thesis


McGreal, Mary Kathleen Ogden, Utah BS: Unjversity of Idaho, 1987 Major: Statistics Major Professor: Dr. Adele Cutler Non thesis

Logan, Utah

Liang, Kyminh Taipei, Taiwan

BS: Nationa l Taiwan University, 1985 Major: Electrical Engineering Major Professor: Dr. Richard W. Harris Thesis: Rate Distortion Performance of VQ and MRVQ Compression Algorithms

BS: Utah State University, 1989 Major: Business Information Systems Education Major Professor: Dr. William A. Stull Non thesis


Machalek, Michael James

McKean, Gary O. North Logan, Utah JD: University of Florida, 1966 Major: History Major Professor: Dr. Charles S. Peters o n Thesis: The Coming of Statehood to Utah and Its Effect on the Legal System

Northlake, Illinois

Lin, Jau Liang Kaohsiung, Taiwan

BS: National Taiwan Institute of Technology, 1988 Major: Civil and Environmental Engineering Major Profes sor: Dr. Vance T. Christiansen Thesis: Plan B

Lin, Min-Yu Taipei, Taiwan

BS: Fu-Jen Catholic University, 1985 Major: Business Information Systems Education Major Professor: Dr. Charles M. Lutz Non thesis


BS: University of Tllinois, Urbana, 1987 Major: Fisheries and Wildlife Major Professor: Dr. Robert J. Taylor Thesis: Bird Aircraft Strike Ha zard Expert System (B.A.S.H.E.S.)

Maguire, Krista Anne Groveland, Massachusetts

BS: University of Vermont , 1987 Major: Biology Ecology Major Prof essor: Dr. James A. MacMahon Thesis: Relative Seed Preferences of the Deermouse Peromyscus manicu!atus: Field and Laboratory Observations

Linkey, David D. BS: Central Missouri State University, 1970 Major: American Studies Major Professor: Dr. Jay Anderson Thesis: Plan B

BS: Utah State University, 1986 Major: Plant Science Major Professor: Dr. John 0. Evans Thesis: An Evaluation of Several Perenni a l Grass es Treated with Metsulfaron

Medley, Everton Montgomery Spanish Town, Jamaica

BS: University of the West Indie s, 1984 Major: Irrigation Science Major Professor: Dr. Lyman S. Willard son Non thesis

Meek, David Benjamin Majjouj, El Mostafa El Jadida, Morocco

Camdenton, Missouri

McLain, Brian Shelley, Idaho

BS: IA V Hassan fl, 1982 Major: Agricultural and Irrigation Engineering Major Professor: Dr. Gary P. Merkley Thesis: Plan B

Man, George Shu-Kei

Pocatello,Idaho BS: Utah Stat e University , 1987 Major: Plant Science Major Professor: Dr. Bruce G. Bugbee Thesis: The Relationship Between Leaf Area Index and Photosynthetic Temperature Respons e in Wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) Canopies

Mendes, Lloyd Russell Taunton, Massachusetts

Liu, Guangyu

San Francisco, California

Hangzhou, China

BS: Utah State University , 1989 Major: Computer Science Major Professor: Dr. Rex L. Hurst Thesis: Beef Improvement Information System

BS: University of Arizona, 1982 Major: Range Science Major Professor: Dr. Brien E. Norton Thesis: An Ecologica l Test of the Tragedy of the Commons on Communal Rangeland in Morocco's Western High Atla s Mountains

Liu, Zhuang

Markham, Michael Claude

Shanghai, China

Mercier, Lynn Marie


Livermore, Maine

BS: Shanghai Institute of Foreign Trade, 1983 Major: Economics Major Professor: Dr. Basudeb Biswas Nonthesis

BS: Brigham Young University, 1989 Major: Instructional Technology Major Professor: Dr. Don C. Smellie Thesis: Plan B

BS: University of Southern Main e, 1988 Major: Instructional Technology Major Professor: Dr. Don C. Smellie Thesis: Plan B

BS: Zhejiang University , 1982 Major: Mathematics Major Professor: Dr. Chris S. Coray Non thesis


Merga, Sorssa Natea

Mossman, Parker Kala'ionamoku

Parker, Evan P.

Busa, Ethiopia

Kaneohe, Hawaii

BS: Addis Abeba Univers ity, 1984 Major: Agricultural and Irrigation Engineering Gay lord V. Professor Major Professor: Skogerboe Thesis: Variation of Furrow Length and Stream Size to Optimize Application Efficiency

BS: Brigham Young University, Hawaii, 1987 Major: Business Information Systems and Education Major Professor: Dr. William A. Stull Non thesis

Hooper, Utah BS: Utah State University, 1989 Major: Agricultural Ed ucation Major Professor: Dr. Gary S. Straquadine Thesis: Plan B

Parthasarathy, Anuradha Bangalore, India

Napper, Vicki S.

BS: Bangalore University , 1987 Major: Psychology Major Professor : Dr. Blaine R. Worthen Thesis: The Examination of Variables That Influence Respon se Rates to Mailed Questionnaires

Ogden, Utah

Michaelson, Lori D. Aberdeen, Idaho

BS: Idaho State University, 1983 and Major: Heal th, Physical Education Recreation Major Professor: Dr. Richard D. Gordin, Jr. Thesis: Effects of Aerobic Exercise on Blood Pressure Reactivity to the Cold Pressor Test

Mihcioglu, Oguz Diyarbakir, Turkey BS: Ankara Engineering and Architecture Academy, 1975 Major: Agricultural and Irrigation Engineering Major Professor: Dr. Lyman S. Willardson Non thesis

BA: Weber State College, 1982 Major: Instructional Technology Major Professor: Dr. M. David Merrill Thesis: Plan B

BS: Old Dominion University, 1977 Major: Computer Science Major Professor: Dr. Nelson T. Dinerstein Thesis: Functional Dependencies in a Network

Pena Davila, Jorge Sandro

Logan, Utah

Nkwocha, Noble Njemanze

BA: Utah State University , 1987 Major: Instructional Technology Major Professor: Dr. J. Nicholls Eastmond, Thesis: Plan B

Umundoche, Nigeria

Mogadishu, Somalia

MBA: Californ ia State University , Fresno, 1986 Major: Business Ir.formation Systems and Ed ucation Major Professor: Dr. Charles M. Lutz Non thesis

Moisen, Gretchen Eden, Utah BS: University of New Hampshire , 1982 Major: Sta tis tics Major Professor: Dr . Adele Cutler Thesis: Plan B

Montero, Carlos Maria Buenos Aires, Argentina

BS: University of Buenos Aires, 1985 Major: Range Science Major Professor: Dr. Thomas A. Jones Thesis: Establishment of Three Native Wheatgrasses and 'Hycres t' Crested Wheatgrass in Thr ee Environments

BS: University de Los Andes, 1987 Major: Civil and Environmental Eng ineering Major Professor: Dr. William J. Rahm eyer Thesis: Plan B

Arequipa, Peru

Nhan, Toan Thanh

Mitchell, Jeffrey Floyd

Mohamed, Abdirashid A.


Paradise, Utah

Brigham City, Utah BS: Wichita State University, 1984 Major: Mechanical Engineering Major Professor: Dr. Alvin P. Moser Non thesis


Pauwels, Eduardo

Nath, Margaret Ann

BS: Universidad Naciona l Agraria La Molina, 1987 Major: Agricultural and Irrig ation Engineering Major Professor : Dr. Lyman S. WiUardson Thesis: Effect of Irrig a tion and Crop Practices on Salinity Distribution in an Undrained Silty-Clay Soil Subject to Art esian Pressure

BS: Utah State University, 1990 Major: Computer Science Major Professor: Dr. Del Dyreson Thesis: SYMDSS: A Decision Support System for Value Analysis of Integrated Manufacturing Technology

Nunsurakit, Yongyouth Bangkok, Thailand

BS: Utah State University, J 989 Major : Business In formatio n Systems Educa tion Major Professor: Dr. Thomas Hiiton Non thesis

Pendleton, Curtis Lawrence Provo, Utah

BS: Weber State College , 1986 Major: Special Ed ucati on Major Professor: Dr. Garth Eldredg e Non thesis

Peng, Kuang-Ming and

Kaohsiung, Taiwan

BS: National Chung H sing University, 1985 Major: Comp uter Science Major Professor: Dr. Rex L. Hurst Thesis: Plan B

Nussbaum, Matthew Thomas

Penley , Ned Joe


Logan, Utah

BS: Utah State University, 1985 Major: Economics Major Professor: Dr. Kenneth S. Lyon Thesis : Evaluating Wildlife Populations : A -Function Dynamic Household-Production Approach

BS: Utah State University, 1987 Major: Physics Major Professor: Dr. Jan J.Sojka Thesis: Thermal Co nv ection in Thin Liquid Films in the Micro-Gra vity and One-Gravity Environment

Ozdemir, Cesarettin Edirne, Turkey

Perrier, Rand Martin

BS: Ankara University, 1976 Major: Plant Science Major Professor: Dr. John 0 . Evans Thesis: Plan B

Salt Lake City, Utah

BS: Brigham Young University, 1973 Major: Industrial Education Major Professor : Dr. Edward M. Reeve Thesis: Plan B

Paralkar, Prasanna Eknath Morgan, Alan D. Canon City, Colorado

BS: University of Denver, 1978 Major: Communicative Disord ers Major Professor: Dr. Steven H. Viehweg Thesis: Plan B

Bombay, India MS: Bombay University , 1985 Major: Electrical Engineering Major Professor: Dr. Peter E. Wagner Thesis: Simulation Modelling of Laser-Trimmed Thick Film Resistors Using Finite Element Computer Codes


Petersen, Jay Wendell South Jordan, Utah

BS: Brigham Young University, 1979 Major: Industri al Education Major Professor: Dr. Maurice G. 1l1omas Thesi s: Plan B

Peterson, Jackie C.

Reser, Carol A.

Sampanna, Varaporn

Ogden, Utah

Kemmerer, Wyoming

Bangkok, Thailand

BS: Utah State University, 1989 Major: Communicative Disord ers Major Prof essor : Professor L. Jaclyn Littledik e Non thesi s

BS: University of Idaho , 1971 Major: Instru ctional Technology Major Prof essor: Dr. Don C. Smellie Thesis: Plan B

MS: Mahid ol Unive rsity, 1982 Major : Computer Science Major Prof esso r: Dr. Del Dyreso n Thesis: Neural Network Multiproc esso r s Discrimination of Highly Similar Rea l-World Patterns

Phillips, Cynthia Lyn Casper, Wyoming BS: Utah State University, 1989 Major : Communicative Disor ders Major Prof esso r: Dr. Carol J. Strong No n thesis

Roach, Pegg y A. Salt Lake City, Utah

BS: University of Utah, 1986 Major: Communicative Disorders Major Professor: Dr. Jay R. Jensen Thesis: Plan B

Phillips, Ronn F. Rupert, Idaho

BS: Brigham Youn g University, 1973 Major: Indu strial Education Major Prof esso r: Dr. Edward M . Reeve The sis: Plan B.

Porta, James R. CambriaHeights, New York BS: Utah State University, 1989 Major: Special Education Major Professo r: Dr. Garth Eldredge No n thesis

Price, Elizabeth B. River Heights, Utah

BS: Brigham Young University, 1974 Major: Special Education Major Professor: Dr. Gar th Eldredge No n thesis

Rodrigu ez, Asuncion

Sanguanpibool, Kingkamon Bangkok Thailand BS: Utah Stat e University, 1990 Major: Bu si ness Inform at ion Systems Edu cation Major Profes sor: Dr. Charl es M. Lut z Non thesis

a nd

Tariba, Venezuela

BS: Utah State University, 1987 Major: Economics Major Professo r: Dr. Herb ert H . Fullerto n Thesis: Business Failure Rates and Macro economi c Conditions: A Na tion al an d Urban / Rur al Study in the United States



Vaddukoddai,Sri Lanka

BS: University of Madras , 1978 Major: Civil an d Environm en tal Engineering Major Prof essor: Dr. Upmanu Lall Thesis: Plan B

Rodrigu ez, Marc o Vinicio

Schick, Scott H .

Quito, Ecuador

Morgan, Utah

BS: University of Ecuador , 1987 Major: Animal Science Major Professor: Dr. Warren C. Foote Thesis: Influ ence of Latitud e and Presence of Ram on Occurrence of Estru s and Ovulation in Selected Genotypes of Sheep

BS: Utah State University , 1988 Major: Mechanjcal Enginee ring Major Professor: Dr. Joseph C. Batty Thesis: Extend ed Life, Earth Orb itin g Cryoge nic Dewars

Schlenker , Step hen Jon Rouhani -Shahraki, Farza d

Eden, Utah BS: University of Utah, 1981 Major: Civ il and Envirom11ental Engineer ing Major Profe sso r: Dr. William J. Rahmeyer Thesis: The Effects of Na tur al Aeration Upon Jet Scour; A Co mpar ison of Scour from Natura lly and Artificially Aera ted Jets

Qian, Yi

Isfahan, Iran

Shanghai, China MS: China Textile Uni vers ity, 1985 Major: Mathematics Major Professor: Dr . Hom er F. Walker TI1es is: Inexact Newto n and Newto n Iterative Methods

BS: Univers ity of Arkansas, 1982 Major: Civil and Environme ntal Engineeri ng Major Profes sor: Dr. J. Paul Riley Thesis: Plan B

Rowl ey, Eric Redd

Secrist, Da vid S.

Rahman , Mahmud Rezaur

Monticello, Utah

San Antonio, Texas

Dhaka, Bangladesh BS: Bangladesh Univers ity of Engineering and Technology, 1988 Major: Civil and Enviro nm en tal Engineerin g Major Professor: Dr. Lor en R. And erson Thesis: Estimati on of Ultimate Capacity of Piles by Static Formula

BS: Utah State University, 1985 Major: Mathematics Major Professor: Dr. E. Rober t Heal Non th esis

BS: Utah State Univers ity, 1988 Major: Animal Science Major Professor: Dr. Randall D. Wiedmeier Thesis: Th e Effects of Straw Diets on Cow and Calf Performance Durin g Late Gestation and Early Lactation

Saleem, Amjad Ratnasara , Gamini Vipula Oehiwela, Sri Lanka

BS: University of Sri Lank a, Peradeniya, 1976 Major: Agricultural and Irri ga tion Engineering Major Profe sso r: Dr. Christopher M. Neale Thesi s: Plan B

Lahore,Pakistan BS: University of Agriculture, Faisa labad , 1979 Major: Agr icultur al and Irri gation Engin eering Major Professor: Professor Gay lord V. Skogerboe Thesis : Calibration of Open Flume and Orifice Outlets

Seker, Hasan Recai Takai, Turkey

BS:Ataturk University, 1980 Major: Agric ultural and Irri gat ion Engineering Major Professor: Dr. Christopher M. eale Thesis: Pla n B

Shaw , Lisa

Reeves , Laurence Henri

Millville, Utah

New Boston, New Hampshire

Samarasinghe Malini Jayas iri

BS: Utah State University, 1989 Major: Forestry Major Professor: Dr. Robert J. Lilieholm Thesis: Math emati cal Programming Applications in Agrofores try

Colombo, Sri Lanka

BS: University of Peradeniya, 1967 Major: Agricultural Economics Major Prof esso r: Dr. Jay C. And ersen Thesis: Plan B


BS: Utah State University, 1986 Major: Co mmuni cative Disorders Major Professor; Dr. James C. Blair Thesis: A Co mp ariso n of the 1990 Revised ASHA lmrnittan ce Screening Guid elines wi th the 1979 ASH A Gu idelines Focusing on Referral Rates

Shelton, Mar cia

Spanarkel, Robert

Tang, Kang -Wen

Lyman, Wyoming

New York, New York

Taipei, Taiwan

BA: Brigham Young University, 1974 Major: Instru ctional Technology Major Professor: Dr. Brend a M. Branyan-Broadbent Thesis: Plan B

BS: Weber State Co llege, 1987 Major: Plant Science Major Professor: Dr. Bruce G. Bugbee Thesis: Ca rbon Dioxide Toxicity in Wheat

BS: Chung-Yuan Univers ity , 1984 Major: Civil and Environmental Engin eerin g Major Professor: Dr. Vance T. Christiansen Thesis: Plan B

Spencer, Mark Jenson

Tangimana, Michelle Mari e

Sherwin, Harold Douglas Clearfield,Utah

BS: Univer sity of Nebraska, 1969 Major : Industrial Education Major Professor: Dr. Maurice G. Thomas Non thesis

Layton, Utah

BS: Utah State University, 1987 Major: Communi cation Major Professor: Professor Gerald L. Allen Thesis: TV News in the Salt Lake Market as Presented in Four Defined Forma ts

Steinkamp, Melanie Jan et Parker, Colorado

Slade, Bonnie H . Nibley, Utah

BS: Brigham Young Univers ity, 1963 Major: Communicative Disorders Major Professor: Dr. Thomas S. Johns on Thesis: Plan B

BS: University of Colorado, 1986 Major: Wildlife Ecolog y Major Professor: Dr. John A. Bissonette Thesis: The Effect of Seasonal Ca ttle Grazing on California Bighorn Sheep Habitat Use

Stephens, Zane Allen Logan, Utah

Slagle, Laura Cand ace Ramsey, New Jersey BS: Ithaca Co llege, 1986

Major: Hea lth , Physica l Educa ti on and Recreation Major Professo r: Dr. Richard D. Gord in, Jr. Thesis: The Effects of Aerobic Exercise Con di tioning on Shor t-Term Memory of Amb ulatory Aged Adults

Smi th, Craig Jame s Rock Springs, Wyoming BS: University of Wyoming, 1977 Major: Industria l Ed ucation Major Prof esso r: Dr. Edward M. Reeve Non thesis

Smith , Karri A. N iles, Illinois

BS: University of Ca liforni a, Davis , 1983 Major: Fores try Major Professor: Dr. Richard F. Fisher Thesis : The Requirement of Reclamati on Monitoring a nd Its Effectiveness for Successful Revegetation of Reclaime d Gas Well Sites in South wes tern Wyoming

Rapid City, South Dakota

BS: Black Hills State College, 1983 Major: Psycholog y Major Professor: Dr. Damian A. McShane The sis : Na tiona l Survey of Degreed Mental H ealth Workers Providing Services to American Indian Popul ation s: Iden tification of Preferred O ri en ta ti ons and Treatment Theoretical Modalities.

Taylor, Wesley O. Darlington, South Carolina

BS: Utah State University , 1986 Major: Instructional Technology Major Professor: Dr. J. Steven Soulier Thesis: Plan B

BS: Utah State Univers ity, 1989 Major : Communication Major Professor: Professor Penny M. Byrn e 1l1esis: Plan B

Terry, Patricia Kum Kwan

Strong, W. Eric

BS: Utah State Unive rsity, 1988 Major: Statistics Major Professor: Dr. David R. Cut ler Thesis : Plan B

Logan, Utah BA: University of Utah, 1988 Major: Communica tive Disorder s Professor : Prof esso r Major Manuel-Dupont Thesis: Plan B


Pearl City, Hawaii


Summit, George Don Elk City, Oklahoma BS: Utah State Universi ty, 1985 Major: Civil and Env ironmen tal Engineering Major Professor : Dr. R. Ryan Dupont Thesis: Measur ement and Mode ling of the Fate and Persistence of Tebu thiu ron in Intermountain Soils

Swenson, Eric Andrew

Thatcher, Kennita Shew Twin Falls, Idaho

BA: Westminster Co llege, 1977 Major: Specia l Educa tion Major Professor: Dr . Gart h Eldr edge No nth esis

Thur sby, Jacqu eline Schu ster Soda Springs, Idaho

BA: Idaho State Uni versity, 1985 Major: American Stud ies Major Professor: Dr. Barre Toelken Thesis: Basque Wom en in Caribou Co unt y

Pocatello, Idaho

BS: Oregon State Univers ity, 1984 Major: Industrial Educ ation Major Profes sor: Dr. Maurice G. 1l1omas Thesis: Plan B

Tabor, Roger Allen

Tigma, Mohammed Ourtzagh, Morocco

BS:Ecole Na tional e Fores tiere d'Ingenieurs , 1979 Major: Range Science Major Prof essor: Dr. Charles W. Gay Thesis: Effects of Chiselling and Sulfur Fertilization on lnfiltr ation , Soil Water Content, Peak Season Bioma ss Production, and Botanical Co mposition in the Ait Rbaa Per imeter

Smith, Nathan M.

Dover, New Hampshire

Ivins, Utah

BS: Brigham Youn g University, 1980 Major: Instructional Technology Major Professor: Dr. R. Kent Wood Thesis: Plan B

BS: Co lora do State Univers ity, 1982 Major: Fisheries and Wildlife Major Professo r: Dr. Wayne A. Wartsbau gh Thesis: Impo rtan ce of Cover for Juvenile Rainbow Trou t in Len tic Systems: Field Observations and an Expe rimen tal Study on Predation

Sorge, Glenda P. S.

Tan, Yoga

Tika, Jamal Eddine

Tremonton, Utah

Hayward, California

Marrakech, Morocco

BS: Utah State Univ ersity, 1987 Major: En glish Major Professor: Dr. Kenneth W. Brewer Non thesis

BS: Tamkang University , 1980 Major: Co mput er Science Major Professor: Dr. Del Dyr eson Thesi s: Plan B

BS: Na tion al School o f Public Works, 1981 Major: Civil and Environmental Engineerin g Major Professor: Dr. J. Paul Riley Thesis: Plan B


Trenton, John Thomas

Warner, Janet L.

Anaheim, California

Xu, Hong Jun

Salt Lake City, Utah

BS: Utah State University, 1988 Major: Special Education Major Professor: Dr. Garth Eldredge Nonthesis

Shanghai, China

BS: Utah State University, 1989 Major: Communicative Disorders Major Professor: Dr. James C. Blair Non thesis

BS: East China University of Chemical Technology, 1985 Major: Civil and Environmental Engineering Major Professor: Dr. David K. Stevens Thesis: Plan B

Tueller, Shayne Rogers

Warsito, Happy

West Point, Utah


BS: University of Utah, 1987 Major: Computer Science Major Professor: Dr. Larre N. Egbert Thesis: Ray Tracing Triangular Bemstein -Bezier Patches

Yahya, Wiwi Kurniadi

BS: Gadjah Mada University, 1984 Major: Political Science Major Professor : Dr. Calvin W. Hiibner Thesis: Plan B

Bandung, Indonesia BS: Utah State University, 1990 Major: Business Information System Education Major Professor: Dr. H. Robert Stocker Non thesis

Urasky, David C.

Will, Torsten

Green River, Wyoming


Yang, Mei-Chuan

BS: University of Wyoming, 1982 Major : Industrial Education Major Professor: Dr. Edward M. Reeve Thesis: Plan B

BS: RWTH Aachen, 1987 Major: Physics Major Professor : Dr. John R. Dennison Thesis: Extension of the Metal Light Pipe Infrared Spectroscopy Technique: Applications to Surface Adsorption and High Tc Superconductors

Taoyuan, Taiwan

Van Niel, John J. Rochester,New York

BS:State University of New York, Cortland, 1986 Major: Fisheries and Wildlife Major Professor: Dr. Frederic H. Wagner Thesis: Natural-Resources Ed ucation in Utah's Public Schools

Varadachari, Murli

Venugopal, Eswara Prasad Bangalore,lndia BS: Birla Institute of Technology and Science, 1988 Major: Physics Major Professor: Dr. Bhanu P. Das Thesis: A Relativistic Many Body Calcu lation of the Electric Dipole Moment of the Cesium Atom Arising From a Scalar-Pseudoscalar ElectronNucleus Interaction

BS: National Chung Hsing University, 1985 Major: Computer Science Major Professor: Dr. Rex L. Hurst Thesis: Plan B

Yonk,LauraJean Petersboro,Utah

BS: Utah State University, 1987 Major: Biology Major Professor: Dr. Reed P. Warren Thesis: lmmunoph enotypin g of Lymphoid Cells in Autism

Williams , C. Lewis Ogden, Utah

BS: Brigham Young University, 1976 Major: Family and Human Development Major Professor: Dr. Glen 0. Jense n Thesis: Sunday Time Use Among Adolescents


Yousif, Bashir H.

Los Angeles, Califomia

BS: Birla lnstitute of Technology, 1980 Major: Computer Science Major Professor: Dr. Del Dyreson Thesis: Plan B


Omdawanban, Sudan

BS: University of Khartoum , 1983 Major: utriti on and Food Sciences Major Professor: Dr. Donald J.McMahon Thesis: Effects of Heat Treatment of Ultrafiltered Milk on lts Rennet Coagu latio n Time and Whey Protein Denaturation

Williams, Edith R. Mantua, Utah

BS:Utah State University, 1989 Major: Agricultural Education Major Professor: Dr. Gary S. Straguadine Thesis: Plan B

Wilson, Tifani Dene

Zeglen, Stefan

Logan, Utah

Langley, Canada

BS: Utah State University, 1989 Major: Business Information Systems Education Major Professor: Dr. William A. Stull Nonthesis


BS: University of British Co lumbia , 1986 Major: Forestry Major Professor: Dr. Fred A. Baker Thesis: An Investigation of Armillaria Root Disease in a Lodgepole Pine Stand

Wang, Chien-An

Wishmeyer, David L.

Taipei, Taiwan

Benson, Utah BS: California Polytechnic State University, 1972 Major: Animal Science Major Professor: Dr. Randall D. Wiedmeier Thesis: Influ ence of Supplemental Proteins and Carbohydrates : Their Effects on Digestion in Cattle Fed Ammoniated Barley Straw Versus NonAmmoniated Barley Straw.

Beijing, China BS: Institute of Computing Technology, 1984 Major: Comp ut er Science Major Professor: Dr. Gregory W. Jones Thesis: Plan B

Fengshung, Taiwan

Wong, Yu-Yu

BS: National Chiao-Tung University, 1983 Major: Business Information Systems and Education Major Professor: Dr . H . Rober t Stocker Non thesis

Zhou, Liang Xian


Canton, China BS: University of Southwestern Louisiana, 1988 Major: Computer Science Major Professor: Dr. Rex L. Hurst 1l1esis: Plan B

BBA: National Chung Hsing University, 1984 Major: Business Information Systems and Education Major Professor: Dr. Charles M. Lutz Non thesis

Zhan, Xiang Dong

Wang , Miao-Hsi

MS: Utah State University, 1988 Major: Computer Science Major Prof essor: Dr. Del Dyreson Thesis: Plan B


Zhou, Lu

Hardman, H . Lynn

Rose, Rodne y Gerald

Shanghai, China

Providence, Utah

Morgan, Utah

BS: Fudan University, 1984 Major: Mathematics Major Professo r: Dr. Ian M. And erson Non the sis

BS: Utah State University, 1986 Major: Interdisciplinary Program Major Professor: Dr. Ca lvin W. Hiibner Thes is: Plan B

BA: Weber State Co llege, 1988 Major: Interdi sciplin ary Program Major Professor: Professor Marion T. Bentley No n thesis

Zhou, Yan Kun

Harrison , John Richard

Shanghai, China

BS: East China No rmal Unive rsity, 1961 Major: Statistics Major Profesor: Dr. Adele Culter No nth esis Zhu, Qing Nan jing, China BS: Nan jing University, 1982 Major: Civil and Environmental Engineering Major Professor: Dr. William J.Doucette Thesis: Investiga ting the Distributi on and Transpor t of Volatile Organic Co mpound s in Unsaturated Sub surface Systems Using Col umn Microcosms

Ogden, Utah

BS: University of Michigan, 1981 Major: Interdi scip linary Program Major Professor: Dr. Ca lvin W. Hiibn er Thesis: Plan B.

Akalaonu -John , Henry F. Hyrum, Utah

BS: Utah State Un iversity, 1987 Major: Interdisciplinary Program Major Professor: Dr. Calvin W. Hiibner Thesis : Plan B

Berg, Michael Ole Ogden, Utah

Layton, Utah

BS: Weber State Co llege, 1973 Major: lnterdisciplin ary Program Major Professor: Dr. Calv in W. Hiibner Thesis: Plan B

BFA: Utah Siate Univers ity, 1985 Majo r: Interdiscip linary Program Major Professor: Dr. Pamela Jo Riley Thesis : Plan B

BS: Brigham Young University, 1970 Major: Interdisciplinary Progra m Major Professor: Dr . L. Dwight Israelsen Nonthesis

Bountiful, Utah

Smith, Gary Lynn Logan, Utah

Mianwali, Pakistan

BA: Utah State Univ ersity, 1978 Major: lnt erdsciplinary Program Major Professor: Dr. Calvin W. Hiib ner Thesis: Plan B

Standing, Scott LaMonte Nielsen, Kyle Ravon Amalga, Utah

BS: Brigham Young Unive rsity, 1978 Major: Interdi sciplin ary Prog ram Major Pro fessor: Dr. Ca lvin W. Hiibner Thesis: Plan B

Fresno, California

BS: Brigham Young Universi ty, 1985 Major: Int erdis cipl inary Program Major Professor: Professor Marion T. Bentley Non th esis

Stutz, Margie Jeanette Nielsen, Steven Paul

Evans, Ryan A.

Amalga, Utah

PleasantHill, California

BS: U tah State University , 1984 Majo r: Interdisciplinary Program Major Professor: Dr. Calvin W. Hiibner Thes is: Plan B

BS: Utah State University, 1983 Major: Interdi sciplin ary Program Major Professor: Dr. Ca lvin W. Hiibner Thesis: Plan B

Singley, Brent Richard

BS: Weber State Co llege, 1985 Major: Interd isciplinary Program Major Prof essor: Profe ssor Marion T. Bentley Thes is: Plan B

Blanch, Brad Alan

DeSpain , Kathleen Fisk

BS: Unive rsi ty of Utah , 1979 Major: Int erdis ciplin ary Program Major Professo r : Professor Marion T. Bentley Nont hesis


Layton, Steven Darrel

MS: Punjab Uni versity, 1985 Major: Int erdi sciplin ary Program Major Professor: Dr. E. Helen Berr y Thesis: Plan B

Hyrum, Utah

Bountiful, Utah

BS: Utah State University, 1984 Major: Int erdiscip linary Program Major Professor: Professor Marion T. Bentley Non thesis

Niazi, Jami l Hayat

BS: Weber State College, 1986 Major: Int er disciplin ary Program Major Pro fesso r: Profes sor Marion T. Bentley Thesis: Plan B

Sherlock, Rosemary Elin

Logan, Utah

BS: Weber State Co llege, 1988 Major : Interdisciplinary Program Major Professor: Professor Marion T. Bentley Non thesis

Ogden, Utah

Faisalabad,Pakistan MS: University of Punjab, 1987 Major: Interdi sciplinar y Program Major Professor: Dr. Brian L. Pitcher Thesis: Plan B

Jensen, Robert Daniel

Keller, Judith

Master of SOcialSciences

Shah, Guizar Hussain

Delphos, Ohio MS: St. Fran cis Co llege, 1979 Major: Int erd isciplinar y Program Major Profe sso r: Prof esso r Marion T. Bentley Non thesi s

Griguhn, Ester Ruth

Peter son, Jam es Lance

Workman, Denni s Hale


Ogden, Utah

Salt Lake City, Utah

BS: University of Texas, Austin, 1978 Major: Inter disciplin a ry Program Major Professo r: Professor Marion T. Bentl ey Non thesis

BS: Weber State Co llege, 1989 Major: Int erdisciplin ary Program Major Professor: Professor Marion T. Bentley Non thesis

BS: Brigham Yo ung U nive rsity, 1984 Major: lnt erdis ciplin ary Program Major Prof esso r : Dr. David 8. Goe tze Thesis: Plan B



Utah State Board of Regents Karen H. Huntsman, Salt Lake City Jon E. Jordan, Bountiful Michael 0. Leavitt, Salt Lake Cit Evelyn B. Lee, Salt Lake City Clifford S. Lefevre, Clearfield Paul Rogers, Orem Fred H. Stringham, Bountiful Dale 0. Zabriskie, Salt Lake City

Douglas S. Foxley, Salt Lake City Chairman Steven E. Snow, Washington Vice Chairman Charles W. Bullen, Logan Aileen H. Clyde, Springville Ian M. Cumming, Salt Lake City John B. Goddard, Ogden Robert Hales , Salt Lake City

Wm. Rolfe Kerr, Commissioner of Higher Education

Utah State Board of Trustees Gary Blacker, Ogden James D. Laub, Providence Frank Maughan, Jr., Ogden Melanie Raymond, Logan C. Booth Wallentine, Salt Lake City

Kenneth B. Anderton, Vernal Chairman Bonnie F. Nielsen, Hyrum Vice Chairman Jeff Bennion, Logan James W. Bingham, Tremonton

Lee H. Burke, Secretary to Board of Trustees

CommencementCommittee William F. Lye, University Relation s Chairman Janet Appuhn, University Relations Lisa Bowen, Student Lee H. Burk e, Government Relations Frank Condie, Collegeof Business Stacie Hadley-Dougher, Student Beth Hood, Collegeof Science Marilyn B. Kruse, Collegeof Family Life Chris Luecke, Collegeof Natural Resources Izar Martinez, Collegeof Education Von Mendenhall, Collegeof Agriculture Janel Moore, University Relations Kimberly Nalder, Student Jeanene Nielsen, Schoolof GraduateStudies James Shaver, Schoolof GraduateStudies Jennifer Tingey, Collegeof Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences Lyman Willardson, Collegeof Engineering Commencementmural and programsketches by Glen G. Edwards, Professor, Department of Art


Academic procession route and locations of college graduation


ceremonies .


Acrossthequadat eventidethe shadowssoftlyfall, The tower of Old Main appearsand peacerestsover all.

The lighted"A" upon the hill stands out against the

blue; Oh, Alma Mater, Utah State, my heartsingsout to

you. And though theyearsas time rollson and student

grow, friendships We'll ne'erforget thejoys we had, those dayswe used to know,

Thy mem'rieseverwill be new, thy friendsbe ever true.

Oh, Alma Mater, Utah State, my heartsingsout to





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