Utah State University Commencement, 1958

Page 1

J.altj-lJJth dlnnual


Wah J-tate rllnioetJittJ,

(1.tiday_., (June lU:1h J.ahttdaJJ, (}ILIU UOlllflt ~



The wearing of academic costume at Commencement exercises is traditional among universities. The type and color of dress is indicative of individual academic achievement in the various fields of scholastic endeavor. In order for the audience to better appreciate and understand the pagentry of color, the following information is presented. In 1894, the Intercollegiate Commission, comprised of leading American educators, drafted a code to regulate the design of gowns and hoods that might be worn to identify the wearer and show, uniformly, evidence of scholastic achievement. This Intercollegiate Code has been adopted by the majority of colleges and universities in the United States. The colors of the tassels on the caps worn by the students represent the Colleg es of the University from which the candidate is being graduated. Agriculture

------------------------------------------------------------------------------Mai e

Business and Social Sciences ---------------------------------------------------Dr b \ 1

Education ------------------------------------------------------------------------Light Blue




Forest, Range and Wildlife Management ---------------------------Russe Home and Family Living -----------------------------------------Gold - Yello'Y University College -----------------------------------------------------Dark Crimso,:;;, School of Graduate Studies ( Ed. D., Ph. D.) __________________ ____ __Col The colors of the hoods of the candidates who receive ( Master's and Doctor 's degrees are the school colors of Utah Sta University - blue and white. The colors of the hoods of facu\t ') members represent the school colors of the institution from whibh they have received their degrees.

THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES Alma Sonne -----------------------Chairman -----------------------------------Logan F ern B. Ercanbrack __________ Vice Chairman --------------------------- Provo Newell V. Sanders ------------------------------------------------------------Kaysville R.


-------------------------------------------------------------------------- Garland

Eve S. Ashton ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Vernal L. Glenn Garrett ---------------------------------------------------------------- Ogden

Henry R. Hurren ----------------------------------------------------------------- Logan L. N. Marsden -------------------------------------------------------------- Cedar City

Ralph S. Blackham ------------------------------------------------------------- Moroni David W. Evans -------------------------------------------------------- Salt Lake City Joseph Rosenblatt ----------------------------------------------------Salt Lake City D. Bennie Schmiett --------------------------------------------------------- Roosevelt

Lamont F. Toronto ____________ (ex-officio) _____ ___ ____ ____ __Salt Lake City Secretary of State Wesley D. Soulier ___ __________ _ (ex-officio) ___________ ______Salt Lake City President, Alumni Association The Board of Trustees is composed of twelve citizens of th e State appointed by the Governor for a term of four years, and two ex-officio members, the Secretary of State and the President of the Utah State University Alumni Association. The Board is charged with the making of general policy for the management and operation of all property and affairs of the University, its Divisions and Branches.



evening, 7.30

j, . m .

Pru:smENT DARYLCHASE,Conducting "O verture to

n 1e · M e1stersmgers · · "


- W agner ---------------------------------------SYMPHONY


ANDREWJ. GALos, Director Invocation ------------------------------------------------------------------Mark S. Ballif "I Am Alpha and Omega" --------------------------------------------------- Stainer CHANSONETTES


WALTERWELTI, Director "Let the Mountains Shout for Joy" ----------------------------------- Stephens CHANSONETTES




Sermon -------------------------------------------------------Elder Henry D. Moyle ''Iphigenia

in Aulius" -------------------------------------Christoph von Gluck




ANDREWJ. GALos, Director Alma Mater Hymn ------------------------------ Candidates for Graduation Benediction

-----------------------------------------Father William

J. Hannifin

"Grand March" from Aida ------------------------- ---------------------------V erdi




ANDREWJ. GALos, Director


@ommencemen eJ~l u rday



ww rn tn g, 9:30

a . m.


Sullivan "Entrance and March of the Peers " -----------------------------------uNIVERSITY CONCERTBAND MAX DALBY,Director Invocation --------------------------------···········-··-······ Father Jerome Stoffel "Holy Radiant Light" ································--··-··-----··· -·- Gretchanioff uNIVERSITYCHOIR A. L. DITTMER,Director Address to Graduates ................................................ Mr. L. F. Pett "Psyche and Eros" ······································-··-··--···· Franck-Harding uNIVERSITY CONCERTBAND MAX DALBY,Director Report and Conferring of Degrees ............ President Daryl Chase Welcome to the Alumni Association ........ Mr. Wesley D. Soulier "Battle Hymn of Republic" ...................... Arranged by Wilhousky uNIVERSITYCONCERT BANDANDCHOIR A. L. DITTMER,DIRECTOR Benediction --·---·------------··------------------···----·-···Eld er Cecil B. Kenne r "Regal Procession" --··--·····-·····-·-·······-···-····--······-········--·---·-· Williams UNIVERSITY CONCERTBAND MAX DALBY,Director


College of Agriculture Alai, Alapur Allen, Gary Green e Anderson, Larry Evan Anderson , Loran C. Anderson, Merrill Elmo Austin, Joseph Wells Banks, Lavoir A. Bendixen, Warren E. 0 Berry, Eldon Jay Black, Leland Earl Bybee, Sirren Florenz Carley, James Anthony Carnahan, Orville D. Carroll, Clarence John Chambers, Garth Langton Childs, Cloyd William Crane, George Thomas Cutler, Dean Reid Dalley, William Jay Daniels, Joseph J. Earl, Jessy Lamar Elliott , Norvil Ray °Fujiwara, O&amu Fullmer , Darrell Junior Ganjaei, Ghodr tollah Gibbons, GI n Dee Godfrey, Lloyd Marrin r Hales, Blaine Davis Hansen, Gary West 0 Heinz, Don J. Hendricks , Tad Dee Hess, Vernon Lee Hoffman, Keith A. Holyoak, Richard L. , Jr. Hossner , Lloyd Richard Hunsaker, Curtis B. Huntsman , Dennis Cannon Johns Max Claridg e Kelantery, Nosratollah King, Jack Volney King, Ray C. Kleinman , Leland Archie Kowallis, Theodore R. Lamb , Doran Rolland Larson , Glen Eugene

College of Business and Social Sciences Ahlstrom, Callis Blythe All n, Roy Allsop, John Lionel

The candidates will be pr esent ed by D an R. H. Walk er Leavitt, Glade Verlen Lind, Charles Douglas Llttledyke, Ernest T. Major, Richard B. Matheson, Kenneth H., Jr. Mathews, Leland Paul Matsuura , Glenn Matthews, Nyle Joseph McDowell, Larry L. Mclnelly, Chan E. Molyneaux, Blaine G. Moss, Theron A. Murdock, Roland Gene Murray, Dallas Ervin Novis, Daryl Glenn 01 son, Wayne Henry Olsen, Claine Wyatt Oscarson, Ed Walker Oviatt, Clark H. 0 Polatis, Lowell Tanner Quayle, Therald Philip Reid, Neil Kenneth R ynolds, Douglas Alan Richman, Lavar M. Rivers, Arthur Lorenzo Root, Dewey Delmar Saline , K nneth Rex Sandberg, Rex D. Saxton, Leslie Richard Seamons, Lavon H rbert 0 Skidmore, Edward Lyman Slack, Glenn Deloy Soper, Jack A. Soufan, Mohamm ed Abdul Rohman St wart John D v r Stoddard, David Tann r Swenson, Royal Jay Taylor, Richard M l~in Thompson, Fredrick Paul Tilley, Keith Charles Wagstaff, Robert K. Willis Elijah McKay Wilson, Robert Burton Wilson, Roger Lavern Wright, Ramon The candidat s will b pr sent ·d by Dean M. R. M rrill Anderson, Jarrett S. Anderson, Lamar Cornell Austin, Monte Ray


Baldwin, Richard C. Bates, Jay Harold Berrey, Wayne Chari s Blotter, K ith Ray Bo an, G orge Steven Brimhall, Roger Monson Broadbent, S ldon Ray Brown, Boyd Lewis Brown, Ronald Clair 0 Bushman, John Theodore Cady, Bryan Virgil, Jr. Chandler, William C . Clawson, Wayne L. Comer, G rald H. Cook, Jay H. Crookston, Ronald Hugh Cro by, Kendall Davis, Michael Harding Durrant , Thomas Lee 0 Erickson, Rodney Erisman, Robert John Faddi , Larry James Farmer, Kelley Niel Felt, John David Ferguson, Lavar William Fowler, Nestor Milton Fuller, Haynes Ritt er Geary, Rozanne Godfrey , Kenneth Wende] Goodrich, Josephi ne Groll , Nancy Jean Hall, Alvin Enoch Hansen, Boyd Cleve Hansen , Gary David Hansen, Nathalie Ann 0 Harter, Alan Raymond Hasler, Frederick Rodney , Jr. Heaton, Charles Clawson 0 Holt, Clayton Jay Horn, Reuben V. Huber, Donna Quayle Huggins, Joseph Dell Hunter, Theron Roland James, Vern Russell Jardine, Larry L. Jensen, Blaine Parley Jensen , George Jensen, Grover Dwight Jensen, Joseph B. Jensen, Newell William Johnson, Alan Aaron Jorgensen, Marlene Kane, John Joseph Kenner, Joan Maureen Kjar, Robert H. Kleinman, Charles Lee Knight, Don Samuel Larsen, Margaret Ann Lars en, Sherwin H. Liechty, Elden Elmer Lindhardt , Sherman J.

Lloyd, Raymond Edward Lo ckyer, Douglas Kent Lofgr en John arr MacDonald, Andrew G. fajors, Bazil 0 . Mantz , Harry Willard Mantz, Maurice Orville Massey, Russill L. Maugh an, Roy Hyrum McConnell, Joann Jack McDonough, Thomas L. McEntire, Glen H. Merrill , Gaylord Gaymen Merrill, Ralph Cazi r Mickelsen, Marian Kaye 0 Micke1sen, Vaun D. Morris, Wilford Byron Mortensen, Vernal J. Motes, Clyde Lavon Nakib, Farouk Nejmiddin Ness Richard Con el Neuberger, Laurence, Jr. Newbold, Otis Jay Nielsen, Farrell S. Nielsen, Lathair Morgan Olsen, Hyrum S. Painter, Keith Parmley, Alan Jos ph Penrod, Norman C. Petersen, Ernest Victor Petersen, Leonard J. Peterson, Douglas Vearl Peterson, Glenn R. Phillips, John Burton Pickren, Frederick W. Polak, Francis Ernest Randall, C. Dale Reeder, Carmen Ricks, Larry J. Ricks, Vernon Dean Rigby, Moonye en Roosta, Abrahim Ruga, Erastus Russell, Melvin Reed 0 Sakata, Kimiaki Sargent Mayvon Shaum, Robert Ernest Shriber, Richard Wells Slaugh, Duane Smith, Clarence R. 0 Smith, Winston McClair Snow , Stanley Eric Squires, Norman Daines Steck , Robert E. Stephenson, Sharon Ann Stettler, L. George Stubbs , Ray L. Tenny, Karl Wilson Thompson, Reid L. 0 Thomson , Carol Thorpe, Thomas Scott


Thruston, Richard C. Tingey, Sherman Neil Vail, Sherron William Vansciver, Robert Lee Vanwagoner, Norman A. Vasilias, Bill Louis Waite, Gary Francis Waldron, Kirk Thomas TWO-YEAR


Eva Carling

W aroer, W. Keith Whitehouse, Noall Chester Wilkes , Garth Wood Wood, William Van Woodward, Marilyn Wright, Joel Fred You.n&, Mil too E. Zollinger , Coral Eulala OF COMPLETION

Janet Craner

College of Education 0

Adams, Douglas Murdock Alexander, Willie Fred Allen, Dennis Kay Allen , Fred R., Jr. Allen, Gayle Allen , Gerald Allen, Sharon Allred, Glendora Malcom Anast, Constantino Anderson, Charlene S. Anderson, Keith Auer Anderson, Share! Ashbaker, lone Dunn Atkinson, Margaret A. Atkinson, illene Austin, Marilyn Bair, Barbara Ballif, Scott Walter Ballif, Sherma Craven Barnes, Bill Glen Barrett, Marise Larson Barrett, May Pickett Bassett, Mary McMurdie Bates, Irene Lagos Bauer, Corda D. Bean, Robert Elery Beeton , Martell Belnap, Gordon Earl Benson, Richard Kenneth Berrett, Charles K. Bird, David Charles 0 Blackhurst, Julie S. Bond, Vera R. Bonnemort, Alice Sowby Boulton, Florence J. Bourn e, Lamar H. Bowns, Terry Eugene Brinkerhoff , Donna Pledger 0 Broadbent, Allene Broadbent, Belva W. Brown, John A. Brown, Lynn R. 0 Brown, Marva Ann 0 Brown, Myrna Rita W . Brown, Roger Blain




Beverly LaRue Sharp The candidates will be presented by Dean John C. Carlisl e

Browning , Eugene D. Budge, Harold Spencer Budge, Ruth S. Burgener , Patricia Burton, Louise Cable, Louise D. Cahoon, Pauline Tate Campbell, Dian Campbell, Edgar Ensign Chamberlin, William Don Chambers, Darold H. °Cheney, Twila Elaine Christensen, Clover Barnhart Christensen, Ora L. Christensen, Velda F. Christensen, Wilford Chugg, Connie Jean Clarke, Michael J. Clawson, William Brent °Clinger, Thelys Kathleen Cole, Jean Pierre Collins, Patrick D. Colvin, Bobby Wallace Conley, Terry Thomas Corry, Blanche Lorraine Cottle, Margaret Hansen °Cragun , Flora Rhees Crane, Robert Lovell Crockett, George L. Crozier, Earl Douglas Curtis, Joan Earl Daniels, Edna Frances Darrington, Charles Rex Davison, Alice B. Dix, Donna Rae Doctor, Robert Lyon Doctor, Ruth Lyon Dunkley, Clifford E. Earl, Sarah Minnette Ellett, Maurine Erickson, Eldon J. Evans, Karoleen P. Fawcett, Roy Herbert Feltner, Joanne Fisher , Ira Mitchell 0

Flack, William Dale Fleming, Allen Parrish Fogelberg, Arthur Q. Folkman, Robert Clair Ford , Walter Russell °Fowers, Ruth Knight Frehner, Fenton Dale Frye, Julia Manning 0 Gale> Darwin Fred Cale, William Adrian Gardner, Arthur Ott Garner, Patricia Ann Garrett, Russell Henry Gibby, Marjorie Allen Giles, Karen Leona Giles, Mary Jo Gilmore, Ruth Vaughn Gividen, Bert Goble, Alvin Don Godfrey, Abbie Scholes Goff, Carolyn Joy Gomm, Ben C. Cowans, James Ross Grant, Earl Emerick Grant, Leland Cantwell Grant Ruth Nadine Wheeler 0 Gray, Vauna Vee Green , Melva Shurtliff Griffeth, Melvin Daines Griffin, Spencer Dee Crover, Verda H. Hadley, Della Bartlett Hagen, Don L. Hall , LeGrand Tobler Hall, Max Arnold Handley, Lois Carolyn Hanseen, Glenda Hansen, Ann Godfrey Hansen, Ronald Keith Harris, William Avery 0 Heiner, Frances Kearns Hendrickson , Alven M . Hendrickson, Betty Ann Herd, Kermit James, Jr. Hewlett, David Lon Hiett, Walter R. Higley, Cary Joe 0 Hillyard, Elona Gardner Hirschi, W arda Ann Hoff, Lavar Keller Holyoak, Owen J. Hone, Barbara Dee Hoskins, Ella Nielsen Hougaard, Sarah Diane Howell, Glade Felix 0 Hubbard, Louise Garff Humpherys, Nadean Hunsaker , Myrna Hunsaker , Paul Duane Hunt, Lyle Ann Hyde, Allie Gardner

Jensen, Donald N. Jessop, Sylmar Willard Johnson, Alice Whitesides Johnson , Geraldine B. Jones, Edith C. Jones, Elwin Iverson Jones, Louis Karl 0 Jones, Marlene 0 Jorgensen, Janet Louise Karo, James E. Kearl , Julia Annis Knowlton, Richard W. Koeven, Joseph Elmo Laird, Leslie Abram 0 Larsen, Georgia Elga Larsen, Janice Larsen, Marian Lawrence, Irene Farr Leishman, Courtney M. Linford, Arthur John Long, Barbara Losey, James Leroy Lunt, Charles Stephen Luthi, Cherie Gayle 0 Luthie, Roma Marilyn Marchant, Kathryn 0 Martin , Allen Bennett Martin, Kathryn Tanner Martin, Mary Elizabeth Mata&sino, Joseph Vito Mathews, Charles S. Maughan, Constance M . McCarrey, Leon R. Mead, George W. 0 Merritt, Rand T. Miller, Della Mae Lucas Miller, Mary Colleen Mitchell, Elvin Mitchell, Geraldine Monson, Janet Claire Moss, Ervin Lehr 0 Naegle, Conrad Reese Nalder, Bernie Thomas Neilson, Arnold Martin Nelson, Marilyn Rose Neves, Ellis Larry Nichols, Hulda Clark Nield, Aleen Canning Nielsen, Josie Geddes Nilson, Ludella Jenson Okerlund, Mary Jane Oldroyd, Lavar K. Olson, Kenneth Carl Osborn, James Carl Pace, Florian Palmer , Patricia Passey, Helen Benson H. Paulsen, Mae Helga Perry, Mark Joseph Petersen , Farrell Dean Petersen, Kaye

Peterson, Beth Brown Pet erson , Marilyn Ann Pollard, Rodney Gene Quayle , Reese Rad er, Leslie William Rallison, Ann a Lu Ramage, Thomas John Reeder, Russell David Reese, Alta Renee Reese, Ray Don Rhead, Nancy Rhees, Jay H. Rhin ehar t, Laura Cleo Richar dson , Sharon Jean Walter Rigby , Marrin er C . Rind erkn ech t, Alta M . Robinson , Dixie Carol Rogers, Mari e John sen Romrell, Ma x Dani el Roper, Rodn ey Albert Scanl on, John Willi am Seam ons, Blanch e C. Shand , Lorraine Shaughn essy, Dani el R. Shaw , Don Carlos Shelton , Kat hryn Sorensen Sheph erd , Opal E. Sims, Wa yne Archie 0 Smith , Ann ette Maugh an Smith, Jan et Smith , Patr icia Ann 0 Snow , Joan Beverly Sommers , Ma]j;ine Beth Sorensen, Claud Maurice Sorenson, Vera J . Sparks , Peggy Dawn Spenc er, Betty F. Stanger , Corn ell COLLEGE


Atkin , Clar e Adams Beatty, Hel en Bridges, Gwen R. Chamberlain, Royce Edwards , Arleen Graff , Karl Hardy Hall, Berdean H eap, Marna H eaton, Paul Cram Hepworth , Roma Hu ghes, Ann B. List er, Mariam P. Luk e, Garth A.



Matheson, Floyd J. Nelson, Dawn Paterson, Connie Jean Price, Ann Qualls , Louis A. Reber, Daisy Robb , Sharon Robinson , Nina H . Schramm , Robert Darryl Steph ens, Delora J. Stirling , Robert Willi ams, George R. Wood, Orma Shields

College of Engineering and Technology CIVIL

Alder, Val dean Jenkins Alldr edge, Clifford I. Allsop, Marvin Sid And erson , Dev ere H .

Stanger , James Victor Stang er, V. Gaylene Steph enson, Larry Wayne Stevenson , Naomi Dixon Stokes, Gary Eugene Swann , Sylvia A. Sylvester, Richard Jay Taylor , Darwin J. Taylor, Edna Ward Taylor, Julia Fern P. Thorpe, Paul Archibald Thrash er, Marvin Edward Thurman , Adell H. Tocher , Dee Ann R. Tousa , Jerry Dean Vaterlaus , Thomas Dale Visser, Shirley Ann Wamsley, Annie Stuart Ward, Lois C. Wallcer, Margaret Vay Broadbent Warner, Donald Keith Wayment , Donna Welch, George Farnes White, Charles Colven Whitney, Julia Marie Wilcox , Frances Marie Williams, Marie M. H. Wilson, Robert Earl Wilson, Virginia Winters, Bob Eugene Wint ers, Charlene Letts Wiser, Theron Telford Worthington, Connie Smith Wright, Cherie Janene Wright, Pauline Wulfenstein, Joan Young, Delworth Keith

The candidates will be present d by De an D . F. Peterson, Jr . ENGINEERING

Beran, Don ald Wilmer Bunn ell, Steph en Lars Caldw ell, Earl G ne Chaudhr y, Mohammad Sharif

_Maxwell, James Dean Park er Boyd Willard Raymond , Farr ell Gene Rhod es, Larry D. Sneddon , Roy Val Steph enson , Anthon y Ray Swain , Don ald GI nn Talbot , Grant Russell Thomp son , D ennis eil Wangsgard, Lew A. Wi ese, Rob ert Don Williams , Roscoe Neal

Dain es, Jay V rl Fr ank , Br ent Lon H anson . Willi am Stevens H ardm an , H h er Thomas H rrin g, Jay Norvin Hill, Rich ard Sidn ey 0 H offm an, John Gordon Jen en, Rob rt Nevelle 0 Jeppson , Roland W. Johnson , Max L Gr and Laird , Jos ph Alb rt L aney, G orge Eugene ELECTRICAL


Jenkins , Ross E. Johnson , Samu el Garth Jon es, Wilford John Just, Franklin Hilli ard May , Eldon McCrary , Eug ene Kott er Mecham , Donald Adams Mercer , Charles E . Nielsen , Ross E aston 0 Pachn er, Ev erett L. Pifer , Harry J. Pop e, Blain e Kimball Schwartz , Lawr ence S. Stephenson , Larry Dean Stucki , Alfred Blain e W addoups , Don A. W eckler, Gene Peter Williams , David Allen Yancey, L eroy Dean

Allr ed , Val D ee Whit e Atkinson, Alb ert Ladell Bastian , Widt soe M. Bekk er, Torn Lou Christ ensen, Bernard E. Comish, Henry Denis Dani els, T ed McClair Dunbar , W allace Reid 0 Durn ey , Carl Hodson Earl , William Carlyl e F errara , Jam es Vinc ent °Ferraro, Dario Gardn er, Joseph Floyd Garfi eld , Neil Laval Halamandaris, George Hanco ck, Harold Dean Hansen , Larry L. Hatch , Gordon Lee H end erson , Georg e R. Hubert , Jam es Anthony


Kidd , Jack F. Rasmussen, Joseph Scott Stewart, Jay Edwin Wagstaff , William G.

Angus , William John Beck, Seth Joseph Duffin , Horace Wicker Dunn , Emile Hyde Hodges , Carroll Orson INDUSTRIAL 0

Adams , Stephen Ray Allred D er ell W . Anderson , David Neil 0 Black , Russ ell Chari s Bodily , Ronald H . Bradley , Larry J. Calder , Jos eph Orson Christ ensen , Neil C. Chri stenson , Darwin W . Dalton , Van L. Davis, Norl and Rex Hadley , Roy Edward Hammer, Dean L. Hansen, Eric Victor Hansen, Robert Lloyd Hartley, Fred Walter, Jr. Haycock, Gerald B. Holmes, Robert William


Leishman , Gary B. Marlow , Fred Lee Marx , Ronald Jay Olsen, J. Grant Olsen , Robert Dal e Richards , Samuel Lynn 0 Sorensen , Gilbert M. 0 Stevens , Lynn H . 0 Stoddard, Darrell Amos Swasey , Marvin Napier Taylor , David Hoggan Tingey, Elwyn Parkin Trimble , Floyd Edward Williams , James Sherman Williams , Percy B. Winter, Vern A. Worthington, Kent Lamar



Matesen, Rex Dwane Maurer, Samuel Kay Olsen, Dee Leon Perrenoud, Daryl Price Sacco, Ernest Shelton, William Ross Shumway, Perry Earl 0 Siggard, Keith S. Simmons, Gary B. Spuhler, Lynn Richard Stones, H. William Vanover, Nevel Frank Weightman, Walter G. Welch, Thomas Nash

Bagley, Corydon Stuart Brierley, Vaughn Richard Chamberlain, Herbert L. Coombs, Theo Steven Dahl, Lawrence T., Jr. Dorland, Jimmy J. Edlund, George McKay Feder, Kenneth Robert Henrich, Harry John Jensen, George Lydell Jones, Harold Carnell Lee, Thurman Lenhart, Robert L. Lindsay, Laurel William

College of Forest, Range, & Wildlife Management FOREST

The candidates will be presented by Dean Lewis M. Turner


Kennedy, John P. Kyselka, Jack Van Mishra, Parsu Ram Murphy, Lester James Ricci, Eugene U. Rushton, Stephen Mayne Scott, Norman Collins Scott, Steve Alexander 0 Smith, Richard Stanley . Stewart J. Birchell Wolfe, Marvin Leroy

Bonnell, Robert E. M. Brockmann, David D. Daniels, Roy H. Dempsey, James Michael Dolph, Robert Eldon, Jr. Elliott, Thomas Dale Gurr, George Richard 0 Hassell, Milo Jean Hickman, Jimmie Lee Hooper, Donald H. Johnson, Wendell J.


Applegate, Martel Brown, Roscoe 0. Brunner, Bernard Carroll, Kent, Frederick Duncan, Elmer Stott Grover, Franklin Harris 0 Hibbert, Alden Ron Hoffman, Darrel C. Jensen, Dennis Byron J uneidi, Mahmud Jibril Meyer, Charles Henry,


Bennett, Merle 0. Biesinger, Kenneth E. Collings, J. Elmer Gates, Gerald Hayes Kiger, John H., Jr. Kruse, Arnold Dale

College of Home and Family Living Agren, Rochelle Black, Karen Dunn Bladen, Marilyn

Mitchell, Ernest Lynn Nebeker, Don T. Page, Richard Joseph Russell, Theodore V. Savage, Ward Franklin Selby, William Edwin Snell, James . Darwin Ward, Donnel J. Williamson, Robert M. Winters, Arthur 0. MANAGEMENT

Redfearn, Don Elwood Schoumacher, Roger A. Shields, Robert Hardin 0 Smith, Allen James Snyder, Walter Allen Stearns, Charley Joe 0

The candidates will be pr sent d by Acting Dean Una Vermillion Burton, Nancy Kathi en Christensen, Georgia Coats, Janette

Cummings, Anna M. Stock Daines , Maur een Dayley , Jan et Eliason , Joan Ellsworth , Jean A. Evans, Alice Christine Gold , Ann e Daryle H agen, Marianne J. H ains, Carol Hansen , Betty Louis e Haslam, Priscilla Wad e 0 Hatton , Leora Fern Holyoak , Helen Elsie Husem an , Lois Cay Israels en, Wanda Israels en, W a nee Keetch , Glenda Longstroth Larsen , Kenneth Howard Lefevre, Anna Marie Little, Afton Lawena McMast er, Diane Cotant Mortenson , Meriam 0 Munk , Jeanette


University College Allred , Richard David Anderson, Jarvis Lynn Anderson , Marjori e Hal es Baldwin, James W. ·f Neil e rett Baron, Glen Leland, Jr. Beckstead, Roger Qua~ Bott, Joseph Clarke Bradley, Robert Ernest 0 Brown, Carl een S. Brown, Reta Elvonna Butler, Stanley Wayne °Cannon , Lawrence Orson CantweU Le r.eene Charchalis, George W. Chilton , Renee Cbristiaoseo Oewaot Christopherson, E. Jay Chugg , Lee Russon Clark , Charles Robert Clark, Wayne Norris °Cliften, Carole W. ran Y Couch , Jack Cary °Criddle, Richard S. Dean, James L . Dorland, Jeanne Stewart Fawcett, Jerald Lang Fluckiger, Lyman Burton Forsberg, Clyde R. Frailey, Chloe Ann Carner, Clair Eugene .9<>wans, Don- Fran_;!s

Newton, Marilyn Ospital , Winifred Parker Oviatt , Ora Fay W ardl e Parrish, Joyce Paxman . Karlene Nelson Pitts, Mary Lou Selby , Anona Bevan Smith, Marva Joy Squires, Ina Jean Staheli , Kay Steve ns, Nedra W. Stubbs , Norma Ruth Swain, Eleanor Duffin Thompson , Roma N. Tueller , Elain e Ronde Ting ey Tuttle, Alfreda W anlass, Carolyn Joy Clark Watterson , Ruth LaDawn Wayman , Joyce Beth Whittle , Jacqueline Wright, Sadie Maxine Yost, Barbara Cay

The candidat es will b e presented by Dean Carlton Culmsee

ff Darr e J. Gunther Ronald E.

Hahn, Myron James Halamandaris , Georg e Halamandaris , Phill Hall, Cary Wayne Halling, Darwin Robert

Hansen, Donald Leon

fficken, Leon Dee Hogge, Sharon Carol Humpherys, Gwen Humpherys , Val Glen Hyatt, Larry 0 Jens en, Cary Lee J.ones Kenoetb T amar Lemon, Ruth H. Malik, Mohammad Khal eel Martin , Jerry Bat;JL arold War(;! 0 Miller , Larue . 0 Mohr , James Ernest ~n~ur, L!!!]:YR or mer , Robert Georg e Munk , Albert Juan Mustonen, Kaarlo K. Nichols, Murray C. Nielsen, Vaughn Simpson Olsen Candland Lee Olson, Doral Rae Painter, Marilyn 0 hi Monroe



Phippen, Duane Kimball aid R. Preston, Margaret Ann Pulley, Arden Orion Ransom , Ronald David Rice, John David Richards, Lynnette Richins, Donald Toone Siebers, Elizabeth Joann Smith , Cannon Perry Smith, Dan M. Smith, Dee J. Stephens, James Evan Stephens, Ronald Lloyd

Strait , Richard Albert Strobelt, William Evan Swan, Charlene L. Tanner, Deloy Thayer, Arnold Ambrose arold Dwa ne ursby, Sonja ay Toelken, John Barre Warr, Duane B. Willard, Allen Dale Willes, Emery Hyde, Jr. Winn, Glenn Riches~ Jr. Wright, Darwin Jay Wyatt, Antoinette Ball

Phi Kappa Phi, national honorary scholastic fraternity. Membership in this organization is based upon academic achievement and is proffered to those students who obtain a grade point average in the highest ten per cent of those graduating from each School of the College.

HONOR GRADUATES Valedictorians

for Various Colleges

The quality of performance in academic work enables the following students to be graduated with distinction. A Valedictorian has been selected by each College of the University. Addresses have been delivered and appropriate recognition accorded the following students by faculty and fellow graduates in each of the Colleges as indicated: University College - Robert George Mortimer College of Agriculture - Loran C. Anderson College of Business and Social Sciences - W. Keith Warner College of Education - Janet Louise Jorgensen College of Engineering - Carl Hodson Durney College of Forest, Range and Wildlife Management - Don Elwood Redfearn College of Home and Family Living - Wanda Israelsen 0



HIGH HONORS Budge, Harold Spencer Cannon, Lawrence Orson Cliften, Carole W. Criddle, Rochard S. Dorland, Jeanne Stewart Durney, Carl Hodson F~rraro, Dario Israelsen, \Vanda

Jens en, Gary Lee Jensen, George Jorgensen, Janet Louise Mortimer, Robert George Stevens, Nedra W. Thomson, Carol Warner, W. Keith Winn, Glen Riches, Jr. HONORS

Adams, Douglas Murdock Anderson, Loran C. Bair, Barbara Berry, Eldon Jay Black, Karen Dunn Blackhurst, Julia S. Broadbent, Allene Brown, Carleen S. Brown, Myrna Rita Bushman, John Theodore Cheney, Twila Elaine Clinger, Thelys Kathleen Daines, Maureen Dean, James L. Earl, William Carlyle Fowers, Ruth Knight .Fujiwara, Osamu Gray, Vauna Vee Haslam, Priscilla Wade Hassell, Milo Jean Hatton, LeOra Fem Heiner, Frances Kearns Hillyard, Elona Gardner Hoffman, John Gordon

Holt, Clayton Jay Hougaard, Sarah Diane Israelsen, Wanee Kenner, Joan Maureen Luthi, Roma Marilyn Marchant, Kathryn Merritt, Rand T. Miller, LaRue W. Mohr, James Ernest Moncur, Larry R. Munk, Jeanette Patton, Nephi Monroe Payne , Kent William Redfearn, Don Elwood Reeder, Carmen Rhinehardt, Laura Cleo Richards, Lynette Schwartz, Lawrence S. Smith, Allen James Smith, Annette Maughan Smith, Winston McClair Wanlass, Carolyn Joy Clark Warr, Duane B. Yancey, LeR?y Dean

RESERVE OFFICERS' TRAINING CORPS Military Science Graduates presented a Commission as Second Lieutenant, United States Army Reserve, at earlier unit ceremonies. (RA) indicates Regular Army commission. ARTILLERY INFANTRY Anderson, Lorin C. Allen, Roy V. Berry, Eldon Blotter, Deith R. Criddle, Richard S. (RA) Hissner, Lloyd Dunbar, Wallace R. Squires , Norman D. Farmer, Kelley N. Swain, Donald G. Hoffman, John G. Wagstaff, Robert K. (RA) Jardine, Larry L. Major, Richard S. ( RA) ADJUTANT GENERAL'S CORPS Painter, Keith ( RA) Beeton, Martell Linford, Arthur J., Jr. QUARTERMASTER CORPS Neuberger, Laurence M. Comer, Gerald H. Lindhardt, Sherman J . ORDINANCE CORPS Lockyer, Douglas K. Christiansen, Neil C. MEDICAL SERVICE CORPS Jessop, Sylmar W. Cantwell, Lee G. Stevens, Lynn H. (RA) Doctor, Robert L. (RA) Hansen, Boyd C. (RA) Martin , Jerry ARMOR CHEMICAL CORPS Jensen , Blaine P. (RA) Jens en, Gary L. Mantz, Harry W. Mortimer, Robert G. Stoddard, David T. (RA) Pulley, Arden 0. MILITARY INTELLIGENCE MILITARY POLICE CORPS Ahlstrom, Callis B. Anderson, Jarrett S. Dean, James K. Bates, Jay H. CORPS OF ENGINEERS SIGNAL CORPS Wiese, Robert D. (RA) Williams, David A.

Distinguished Graduates Ahlstrom, Callis B. Anderson, Jarrett S. Bates, Jay H. Beeton, Martell Cantwell, Lee G. Christensen, Neil C. Criddle, Richard S. Dean, James L.

Doctor, Robert L. Hansen, Boyd C. Jensen, Blaine P. Jessop , Sylmar W. Painter, Keith Major, Richard B. Martin, Jerry R. Neuberger , Laurence M.

Steven , Lynn H. Stoddard, David T. Wagstaff , Robert K. Wiese , Robert D. Williams , David A.

Air Science Graduates presented a Commission as Second Lieutenant, United States Air Force Reserve, at earlier unit ceremonies. Allred, Richard David Jones, Wilford John Spuhler, Lynn Richard Beran , Donald Wilmer Kjar, Robert Hoefler Step h nson, Anthony Ray Edlund , George McKay Mclnelly, Chan E. Thorp , Thomas Scott Hansen, Gary David Petersen, Ernest Victor Waldron, Kirk Thomas Hatch, Gordon Lee Oleson , Wayne Henry Thayer, Arnold Ambrose Hendri ckson , Alven M. Rice, John David Willis , Elijah McKay Hi ett, Richar d Walter Shriber, Richard Wells Vaterlaus, Thomas D.

Distinguished Graduates Hansen, Gary D. Shriber, Richard W.

Thorpe, Thomas S. Waldron, Kirk T.

DOCTOR OF EDUCATION CLARK , JAMES RATCLIFFE Provo , Utah B.A., Brigham Young Univers ity , 1936 M.A., Brigham Young University , 1944 Major: Educational Administr ation Major Professor: Dr. E. A. Jacobsen Dissert ation: Church and State Relationships in Education in Utah

DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY CLARK , WILLIAM JESSE Salt Lake City , Utah B.S., Ut ah State Univ ersity, 1950 M.S., Utah Stat e University, 1956 Major: Aquatic Biology Major Professor: Dr. W. F. Sigler Dissertation: The Phytoplankton of the Logan River , Utah, a Mountain Stream DIEM , KENNETH LEE Santa Barbara , California B.A., Lawrence College, 1948 M.S., Utah State Univ ersity, 1952 Major: Wildlife Manag ement Major Professor: Dr. Jessop B. Low Dissertation: A Study of the Factors Influencing -Waterfowl Censuses in the Parklands , Alberta, Canada NIELSEN , GERALD L. Salina, Utah B.A., Brigham Young University, 1954 M.S., Brigham Young University , 1955 Major: Entomology Major Professor: Dr. D. W. Davis Dissertation: The Biology and Control of the McDaniel Mite, Tetranychus mcdani eli, in Utah McCONNELL , WILLIAM JOHNSTON Irvington , New Jersey B.S., Utah State University , 1950 M.S., Utah State University, 1951 Major: Fishery Ecology Major Professor: Dr. William F . Sigler Dissertation: Studies on the Productivity and Distribution of the Benthic Algae of a Mountain Stream RYDER , RONALD ARCH Denver , Colorado B.S., Colorado A & M College, 1948 M.A., Colorado A & M College , 1951 Major: Wildlife Manag ement Major Professor: Dr. Jessop B. Low Dissertation: Coot-Waterfowl Relationships in Northern Utah SENGER, CLYDE MERLE Bozeman, Montana B.A., Reed College , Portland, Oregon, 1925 M.S., Purdue University, Layafette, Indiana , 1953 Major: Parasitology Major Professor: Dr. D. M. Hammond Dissertation: Immunology of Coccidiosis Caused by Eimeria Bovis in Calve s

SMART , EARL W. Salt Lake City, Utah B.S., University of Utah, 1949 M.S., University of Utah, 1950 Major: Aquatic Biology Major Professor: Dr. W. F. Sigler Dissertation : An Ecological Study of the Bottom Fauna of Bear Lake, Idaho and Utah WILDE, WALTER H. A. Summerland, B.C., Canada B.S., University of British Columbia, 1950 M.S., Utah State University, 1952 Major: Entomology Major Professor: Dr. George F. Knowlton Dissertation : Insect Transmission of th e Virus Causing Little Cherry Disease

MASTER OF EDUCATION BURGESS, LARUE INEZ Myton, Utah B.S., Brigham Young University, 1932 Major Professor: Dr. Caseel D. Burke CASPER, JAY WILSON Afton, Wyoming B.A., Idaho State College, 1953 Major Professor: Dr. T. H. Bell COOPER, DONALD SMITH Pocatello, Idaho B.S., Brigham Young University, 1951 Major Professor: Dr. Basil C. Hansen DICKSON , DONALD JASPER Brigham City, Utah B.S., Utah State University, 1954 Major Professor: Dr. Basil C. Hansen FUHRIMAN, ROZELLA LAW Logan, Utah B.S., Utah State University, 1949 Major Professor: Dr. Caseel D. Burke GIBBY, ADRIAN REED Blythe, CaliforniaB.S., Brigham Young University, 1931 Major Professor: Dr. E. A. Jacobsen HAWKINS, DOYLE N. Logan, Utah B.S., Utah State University, 1951 Major Prof essor: Dr. Caseel D. Burke HENDERSON, EDCAR DEAN Downey , Idaho B.S., Utah State University, 1936 Major Professor: Dr. Eldon M. Drake LOOS LE, DOUGLAS WILLIAM Logan, Utah B.S., Utah State University, 1952 Major Professor: Dr. David R. Stone MECHAM, ONAN TOLMAN St. Anthony, Idaho B.S., University of Utah, 1937 Major Professor: Dr. John C. Carlisle NIELSEN, DALLIN S. Tremonton, Utah B.S., Brigham Young University, 1936 Major Professor: Professor Max Dalby WILLIAMS, LEO T. Clifton, Idaho B.S., Utah State University, 1935 Major Prof essor: Dr . E. A. Jacobsen

MASTER OF SCIENCE ANDERSON, JAY CLARENCE Brigham City, Utah B.S., Utah State University, 1953 Major: Agricultural Economics Major Professor: Dr. George T. Blan ch Th esis: Economi c Effects of Land Drainage in Logan - Hyde Park-B enson Ar a of Cache County ANDERSON, ORIN DALE F airview , Utah B.S., Brigh am Young University , 1955 Major: Plant Ph ysiology Major Profe ssor : Dr. Herman N. Wiebe Thesis: Th e Eff ects of Soil Moisture Conditions on the Injury to Plants by Hydrog en Fluoride ANDERSEN , WILLIAM RALPH Rexburg, Idaho B.S., Utah State University, 1956 Major: Plant Breeding Major Professor: Dr. DeVere R. McAllister Th esis: Linkage of Semisterility With Certain Classified and Unclassified Genes in Barley ALTAIE , FLAYEH H. Baghdad , Iraq B.S., University of Maryland, 1951 Major: Soil Science Major Professor: Dr. R. W. Miller Thesis: Characteristics of Manila and Related Soil Series ARNOLD, DEAN SMITH Rexburg, Idaho B.S., Ricks College, 1954 Major: Agricultural Economics Major Professor : Dr. George T. Blanch Thesis: Economic Analysis of Investment and Use of Machinery and Equipment on Selected Farms in Utah ATHAY, MABEL STUCKI Paris , Idaho B.S., Utah State University, 1955 Major: Elementary Education Major Professor: Dr. Gene S. Jacobsen Thesis: Teaching Practices in Teaching of Language Arts in Primary Grades at Bear Lake County BABIK, WILLIAM PAUL Carteret, New Jersey B.S., Franklin and Marshall College, 1956 Major: Psychology Major Professor: Dr. Arden Frandsen Thesis: The Effect of Anxiety Upon Complex Concept Learning BAGLEY , CLARENCE HIRUM Lander, Wyoming B.S., University of Wyoming Major: Guidance Major Professor: Dr. David R. Stone Thesis: A Study of Some of the Measured Variables Constituting the Readin g Process at the College Level BAIRD , JOHN EDWIN Brigham City, Utah B.S., Utah State University , 1954 Major: Educational Administration Major Professor: Dr. Terrance E. Hatch Thesis: A Study of the Policies of Land-Grant Colleges and Universities and Other Selected Institutions in Respect to Accepting Credit from Sectarian Institutions

BARTON, DEAN P. Ferron, Utah B.S., Utah State University, 1953 Major: Educational Administration Major Professor: Dr . Basil C. Hansen Thesis: Analysis of Factors Contributing to Decrease in Post-High School Training in Agricultural Education in Utah BECK, CAL VIN REED Tooele, Utah B.S., Utah State University, 1951 Major: Industrial Education Major Professor: Dr. William E. Mortimer Thesis: A Photographic Record of Physical Facilities for Teaching Industrial Arts in Selected Utah Schools Showing Trends in their Development BECK, DONALD VERMALL Nephi, Utah B.S., Utah State University, 1955 Major: Educational Administration Major Professor: E. A. Jacobsen Thesis: What are the Selective Admission and Progressive Retention Methods Incorporated by a Selected Group of Institutions Throughout the United States During the Year 1955-56 BEUS, CARMA ALBRECHTSEN Logan, Utah B.S., Ricks College, 1952 Major: English Major Professor: Dr. T. Y. Booth Thesis: Eighteenth Century Attitudes Toward Crime and Punishment as Reflected in the Writings of Henry Fielding BEUS, STANLEY SPENCER Logan, Utah B.S., Utah State University , 1957 Major: Geology Major Professor : Dr. J. Stewart Williams Th esis: Geology of Northern Wellsville Mountain, Cache and Box Elder Counties, Utah BIDDULPH , RUTH H. Ogden , Utah A.B., Brigham Young University, 1935 Major: E nglish Major Professor: Dr. Hubert W. Smith Thesis: Evidences of Mysticism in Eugene O'Neill's plays BINGHAM , RONALD NEIL Smithfi eld, Utah B.S., Utah State University, 1949 Major: Ed ucational Administration Major Professor: Dr. John C. Carlisle Thesis: A Study of the Extent to Which Preston High School is Meeting the Needs of the Youth it Serves BISHOP , CLEO DON Logan, Utah B.S., Utah State University, 1949 Major: Educational Administration Major Professor: Dr . Terrance E. Hatch Thesis: An Analysis of Financial Savings Which Acrue to Utah School Districts, Resulting from L.D.S. Released Tim e Education, and Enrollment in Private and Parochial Schools.

BLOCK SAM Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada B.S., University of Manitoba , 1949 Major: Irrigation and Drainage Engineeri ng Major Professor: Prof. A. Alvin Bishop Th esis: Drainage of Irrigated Lands BOOTHE, RAY MERRILL Honeyville, Utah B.S., Utah Stat e University, 1953 Major: Physical Education Major Professor: Dr. Dale 0. Nelson Thesis: A History of the Athletic Car eer of E. L. "Dick " Romney BOWMAN , GENEVIEVE W. Ogd en, Utah B.S., Utah State University, 1952 Major: Home Economics Major Professor: Professor Margaret B. Merkley Th esis: An Analysis of Objections for an Elementary College Course in Food and Nutriti on BUNTEN, GLENN Logan, Utah B.S., Utah State University, 1935 Major: Industrial Arts Education Major Professor : Dr. John C. Carlisle Thes is: The Development of a Set of Educational Materials for a Cours e in High School Radio BURNETT, NOLAN KAY Corrine, Utah B.S., Utah State University , 1950 Major: Physical Education Major Professor: Prof. H. B. Hunsaker Thesis: A Job Analysis of Athletic Trainers CHUGG, H. DAVID Ogden, Utah B.S., Utah State University, 1955 Major: Education-Music Major Professor: Prof. John Phillip Dalby Thesis: Bryce Canyon Silhouettes CLARK, GLEN W. Rexburg , Idaho B.S., Ricks College, 1958 Major: Zoology Major Professor: Dr. D. M. Hammond Thesis: Continuous Low Level Treatment of Calves With Sulfabromometha zine as a Means of Controlling Coccidiosis CLARK , JACK WHITMAN Albion , Idaho B.S., Utah Stat e University, 1953 Major: Physical Education Major Professor: Dr. J . M. Pease Thesis: A History of Sports Developm ent in Cach e Valley, Utah CLARK, LEON G. Morgan, Utah B.S., Brigha m Young University, 1956 Major: Agricultural Economics Major Professor: Dr. Ernest N. Morrison Thesis: The Economics of Farm Handling of Grade A Milk by the Bulk System in Selected Areas of Utah, 1956

COLSTON, CHRISTOPHER LEE Logan, Utah B.S., Brigham Young University, 1949 Major: Elementary Education Major Professor: Dr. Gene S. Jacobsen Thesis: A Study of the Professional Education Program for Elementary School Teachers at Utah State University CONDIE, JAMES DUANE Cedar City, Utah B.S., Utah State University, 1956 Major: Psychology Major Professor: Dr. Ellvert H. Himes Thesis: Psychological Factors Affecting Industrial Development Valley

in Cache

CORNIA, IVAN EDWARD South Weber, Utah B.S., Utah State University, 1955 Major: Art Major Professor: Prof. Jessie Larson Thesis: A Mural for the L.D.S. South Weber Ward Chapel, Davis County, Utah CRACAS, THOMAS New York City, New York B.S., Utah State University, 1954 Major: Educational Administration Major Professor: Dr. Basil C. Hansen Thesis: A Critical Survey of Elementary School Playgrounds in Cache and Box Elder Counties CRAIG, KENNETH ROY Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada B.S., University of Saskatchewan, 1952 Major: Irrigation and Drainage Engineering Major Professor: Dr. Vaughn E. Hansen Thesis: The Development of Electrical Analogue For Nonhomogeneous Anisotropic Soils CROOK, ERNEST RICHARD Tooele, Utah B.S., Utah State University, 1952 Major: Sociology Major Professor: Dr . Th ere} R. Black Thesis: Attitudes of Rural and Urban Latter-day Saints Toward Patterns of Behavior that are Contrary to Traditional Latter-day Saint Standards DAINES, RUDGAR HATCH Logan, Utah B.S., Utah State University , 1937 Major: Secondary Education Major Professor: Dr. Heber C. Sharp Thesis: The Effect of Current Practices at the Logan Junior High School on Academic Growth of Gifted Students DEE-ANATA, PRASERTSRI Bangkok , Thailand B.S., Chulalongom University, 1948 Major: Foods and Nutrition Major Professor: Dr. Ethelwyn B. Wilcox Thesis: The Effect of Variety, Harvest Time , and Brine Separation on Thiamine, Riboflavin, and Niacin Contents of Green Lima Beans

DEROOS, CAROLYN C. Portl and , Oregon B. A., Univ ersity of California, 1954 Major: Wildli fe Manag ement Major Profe ssor: Dr. Willi am F. Sigler Th esis : Th e Effe ct of Sodium Flouride on Weight Gain and Cills of the Common Goldfish DEROOS, ROGERMcCLEAN San L eandro , Californi a B.S., Uni versity of California , 1955 Major: Wildlife Management Major Prof essor: Dr. Jessop B. Low Th esis: Th e Reproductive Cycl e of the Beaver DICKINSON , SHELDON L. Logan , Utah B.S., Utah Stat e University, 1956 Major: Industrial Arts Education Major Professor: Dr. William E. Mortimer Thesis: Utah State University Graduates in Industrial Arts Education , 19441957 DUBETZ, STEPHEN Lethbridge , Alberta, Canada B.S., Univ ersity of Alberta , 1950 Major : Soil Management Major Professor: Dr. R. L. Smith Thesis: The Effect of Soil Moisture and F ertiliz ers on Seed Germin ation DUNN , EVELYN H. Logan, Utah B.S., Utah State University, 19.55 Major: English Major Professor: Dr. King Hendricks Thesis: A Study of the Written Tongan Language as influenced by the English EDGEL, WILLIS JOHN Morgan, Utah B.S., Utah State University, 1957 Major: Industrial Arts Education Major Professor: Dr. William E. Mortimer Thesis: A Course of Study for Adults in Industrial Arts Education ELLETT, WILLIAM LEROY Pocatello, Idaho B.A., Idaho State College, 1949 Major: Music Education Major Professor: Dr. A. L. Dittmer Thesis: "B" Plan Seminar Reports FLUCKIGER, HUBERT BURTON Provo, Utah B.S., Brigham Young University, 1953 Major: Poultry Husbandry Major Professor: Dr. Jay 0. Anderson Thesis: Effect of Thiouracil and Iodinated Casein on the Chicks Requirement for Arginine, Methionine, and Glycine GATES, JOHN MANLEY Winona, Minnesota B.S., University of Minnesota, 1955 Major: Wildlife Management Major Professor: Dr. Jessop B. Low Thesis: The Breeding Behavior of the Gadwall in Northern Utah

GELNETT, RONALD H. San Rafael, California B.S., Utah State University, 1957 Major: Geology Major Professor: Dr. J. Stewart Williams Thesis: Geology of Southern Wellsville Mountain, Cache and Box Elder Counties, Utah GREEN,HAROLDW. Ogden, Utah B.S., Utah State Univ ersity, 1928 Major: Educational Administration Major Professor: Dr. Basil C. Hansen Thesis: A Study of Methods Currently Employed for Teaching Language to the Deaf in Schools for the Deaf HALE, VERLE QUINN Providence , Utah B.S., Utah State University, 1953 Major: Soil Science Major Professor: Dr. Raymond W. Miller Thesis: Some Chemical Properties of Two Soil Series as Shown by Horizons and by Increments HANN, DORTHA WILHELMINA Montpelier , Idaho B.S., Utah State Univer:sity, 1956 Major: Elementary Administration Major Professor: Dr. John C. Carlisle Thesis: An Historical Account of Georgetown Elementary School HANSEN, ARLEN L. Logan, Utah B.S., Utah State University, 1952 Major: Secondary Education Major Professor: Dr. Eldon M. Drake Thesis: A Study of Photography Instruction in The Secondray Schools of Utah HASLAM, RAYMOND MARLER Lewiston , Utah B.S., Utah State University, 1951 Major: Music Major Professor: Professor John Phillip Dalby Thesis: Musical Composition: A series of 5 graded selections for string ensemble HECKMANN , RICHARD ANDERSON Providenc e, Utah B.S., Utah State University, 1954 Major: Zoology Major Profe ssor: Dr. D. M. Hammond Th esis : The Relative Influence of the Reaction in Immune Calves on the Sexual and Asexual Stages of Eimeri.a bovis HEINER , ROBERT EARL Logan , Utah B.S., Utah State University , 1954 Major: Plant Breeding Major Professor: Dr. DeVere McAllister Thesis: Linkage and Inheritance Studies in Barley ( H ordeum) HERROD, J. T., JR. Brigham City, Utah B.S., Utah State University, 1951 Major: Secondary Education Major Professor: Dr. Terrance E. Hatch Thesis: A Study of Drop-out Stud nts Who Failed to Respond to the Follow-up Study of Former High School Students in Logan , Utah

HESS, DANIEL HENRY Ogden, Utah B.S., Utah State University, 1953 Major: Animal Nutrition Major Professor: Dr. Lorin E. Harris Thesis: The Effect of Feeding Tissues from Animal Fed Systox-treated Alfalfa and T echnical Systex Upon the White Rat HILL, CLARENCE M. Brigham City, Utah B.A., Juniata Colleg e, Penn. , 1947 Major: Elementary Education Major Professor: Dr. E. A. Jacobsen Th esis : Int egration of Indian Children Into the Public Elementary Schools of McKinley County , N w Mexico HUBER, DOUGLAS S. Logan , Utah B.S., Utah State University, 1954 Major: Dairy Manufacturing Major Professor: Professor Arthur J. Morris Thesis: The Study of Dispensing and Vending Mille and Related Products in Utah JOHNSON, MERLE WELLING Idaho Falls, Idaho B.S., Utah State University, 1956 Major: Animal Production Major Professor: Dr. Jame A. Bennett Thesis: Relationships Among Measurements of Beef Calves JORGENSEN, CECIL LAMAR Preston, Idaho B.S., Utah State University, 1949 Major: Secondary Education Major Professor: Dr. Terrance E. Hatch Thesis: Academic Preparation of Utah Secondary Teachers in the Field of English JULIAN, KENNETII MAXWELL Mesa, Arizona B.S., Brigham Young University, 1951 Major: Agricultural Economics Major Professor: Dr. George T. Blanch Thesis: Government Cotton Programs KORVEN, HANS CLIFFORD Swift Current, Saskatchewan, Canada B.S., University of Saskatchewan, 1946 Major: Irrigation Science Major Professor: Dr. Sterling A. Taylor Thesis: The Peltier Effect and Its Use for Measuring Relative Activity of Soil Water LEBARON, HOMER McKAY Lethbridge, Alberta, Canada B.S., Utah State University, 1956 Major: Crop Production Major Professor: Dr. Wade G. Dewey Thesis: A Critical Appraisal of Methods of Sucrose Analysis in Sugar Beets LEFEVRE, CECIL WRIGHT Franklin, Idaho B.S., Utah State University, 1956 Major: Agronomy Major Professor: Dr. DeVere R. McAllister Thesis: Absorption of cu Labeled Sucrose by Nectaries

LEGNER, E. FRED Chicago, Illinois B.S., University of Illinois, 1954 Major: Entomology Major Professor: Dr. Donald W. Davis Thesis: Some Effects of Aldrin, Chlordane, Dieldrin and Heptachlor on the European Earwig LOO, HARRY HUAN YEN Saingtan , Hunan, China B.S., Ke-Chiang College, 1944 Major: Civil Engineering Major Professor: Professor Cleve H. Milligan Thesis: A Study of the Effect of the Ratio of Si01 and Al20a on the Selection of Materials for Rolled-Fill Earth Dams LUNT , U . ROBERT Cedar City, Utah B.S., Arizona State, 1950 Major: Physical Education Major Professor: Dr. Dale 0. Nelson The sis: A History of Recreation in Henderson, Nevada MADSEN, BLANCHE ZOLLINGER Providenc e, Utah B.S., Utah State University, 1942 Major: Foods and Nutrition Major Professor: Professor Una Vermillion Thesis: The Developm ent of a Dietary Manual for the Small Hospital MADSEN, KEITH ANDREW Manti, Utah B.S., Utah State University, 1947 Major: Horticulture Major Professor: Dr. D. K. Salunkhe Thesis: Morphological , Chemical , Histological and Sensory Quality Changes in Gamma Irradiated Carrots and Potatoes MANNING, MEL VIN NEPHI North Ogden, Utah B.S., Utah State University, 1931 Major: Educational Administration Major Professor: Dr. Gene Jacobsen Thesis: Procedures and Practices in the Orientation of Weber District School Principals MATTHEWS, DARRELL HYMAS Ovid , Idaho B.S., Utah State University, 1948 Major : Animal Husbandry Major Professor: Dr. James A. Benn ett Thesis: The Relation of Certain Factors to Lamb Mortality from Birth to Weaning MAY, DONALD M. Delta , Utah B.S., Utah State University , 1947 Major: Agronomy Major Professor: Dr. H . B. Peterson Thesis: The Effects of Various Nitrogen and Moisture Levels on the Produc tion of Silage Corn , Grain Corn and Sweet Corn MEAD, DAVID RAYMOND Indianapolis , Indiana B.S., Purdue University , 1952 Major: Range Management Major Professor: Dr. DuWayne L. Goodwin Thesis: Forage Production on Summer Range Following Application of 2 4-D

MICKELSEN, ROSS Salina , Utah B.S., Utah State Univ ersity, 1953 Major: D airy Manufacturing Major Professor: Professor A. J. Morris Thesi : The Use of Acid or a Related Compound as the Acidifying Agent in Making Cheddar Cheese MILLER, RULON GLEN Ogden, Utah B.S., Utah State University, 1940 Major: Educational Administration Major Profe sor: Dr. Basil C. Hansen Thesis: Community Utilization of the School Plants in th e Weber County School Distri ct from 1956-57 MITCHELL, RICHARD PEARSON American Fork, Utah B.S., Uta h Stat e University, 1954 Major: Secondary Education Major Professor: Dr. Terrance E. Hatch Thesis: A Study of Recommended Academic Qualifications of High School Mathematics Teachers and Academic Qualifi catio ns Processed b y High School Teachers in Utah NARAYANAMOORTHY , N. V. Gandhinagar , Madras, India B.S., Madras University , India 1952 Major: Plant Pathology Major Professor: Dr. Herman H. Wiebe Thesis: Soft Suture on Peaches NA VALES, FLORENCIA C. Philippines B.S., University of the Phillippines , 1950 Major: Physical Education Major Professor: Professor Lois Downs Thesis: A Critical Evaluation of the University of the Philippines Girls ' Physical Education Program in Terms of Selected Criteria NIELSEN, JOSEPH DALE Logan, Utah B.S., Utah State University , 1951 Major: Educational Administration Major Professor: Dr. E. A. Jacobsen Thesis: The Needs and Qualific ations of Regular El ementary Teach ers in the Arts and Crafts in the Northern Districts of Utah

NYMAN, EDITH Logan, Utah B.S., Utah State University, 1943 Maior: Textiles, Clothing & Related Arts Major Professor: Professor Florence R. Gilmore Thesis : A Study of the Satisfactions and Dissatisfactions of a Selected Group of Girls Who Have Taken the Clothing Pret est at Utah State University NYMAN, MONTE STEVEN Logan, Utah B.S., Utah State University, 1952 Major: Physical Education Major Professor: Dr. H. M. Hunsaker Thesis: A Study of th e Organization and Administration of the Athl etic Departments of the Skyline Conference

OGDEN, PHIL REED Richfield, Utah B.S., Utah State University, 1952 Major: Range Management Major Professor: Dr. L. A. Stoddart Thesis: Emergence, Survival, and Production of Four Introduced Wheatgrass Species on an Abandoned Dry Farm Area in Utah as Influenced by Seeding Intensity, Drill Row Spacing,. and Season of Planting OLSEN, FARREL JOHN, JR. Salt Lake City, Utah B.S., Utah State University, 1954 Majoc Plant Breeding Major Profe~or: Dr. DeVere R. McAllister Thesis: An Evaluation of the Salt Tolerance of Particular Varieties, Strains , and Selections of Three Grasses and Two Legumes PARK, WILLIAM LAIRD Logan, Utah B.S., Utah State University, 1957 Major: Agricultural Economics Major Professor: Dr. George T. Blanch Thesis: Consumer Demand for Different Sizes of Red Delicious Apples, Salt Lake City, Utah, 1957 PECK, LOUIS ALMA, JR. Shoshone, Idaho B.A., College of Idaho, 1953 Major: Art Major Professor: Professor Everett C. Thorpe Thesis: Boise Valley Historical ÂĽ uraI PICKETT, LOUIS M. Gunnison, Utah B.S., Utah State University, 1955 Major: Psychology Major Professor: Dr. Heber C. Sharp Thesis: The General Aptitude Test Battery as a Predictor of College Success PIEPER, REX DELANE Idaho Falls, Idaho B.S., University of Idaho, 1956 Major: Range Management Major Professor: Dr. C. Wayne Cook Thesis: The Effect of Intensity of Crazing Upon the Nutritive Content and Digestibility of Deseret Ranges PLATTS, WILLIAM S. Paul, Idaho B.S., Idaho State College, 1955 Major: Wildlife Management Major Professor: Dr. W. F. Sigler Thesis; The Natural Reproduction of the Cutthroat Trout in Strawberry Reservoir, Utah PUTNAM, VIRA GREENE Auburn , Wyoming B.S., Utah State University, 1952 Major: Elementary Education Major Professor: Dr. Caseel D. Burke Thesis: An Evaluation of the Nine-Month Kindergarten Program in the Star Valley Schools READ, DONALD WARREN LAMONT Swift Current, Sask., Canada B.S., University of Saskatchewan, 1950 Major: Agronomy Major Professor: Dr. Sterling A. Taylor Thesis: Horizontal Movement of Moisture in Soil

RESCH, HELMUTII Wien, Austria B.S., Hocheshule Fur Bodenkulrure , 1956 Major: Forest Management Major Professor: Professor Stewart Ross Tocher Thesis: Factors Involved in Deterioration of Logs in Cold Decks ROBISON, GAYLAND D. Thornton , Idaho B.S., Utah State University, 1917 Major: Agronomy Major Professor: Dr. DeVere R. McAllister Thesis: The Effect of Two Soil Fertility Levels on Five Potato Varieties in Relation to Yield, Specific Gravity and Chipping Quality ROSS FRED HERBERT Chicago, Illinois B.S., Clark College, 1951 Major: Bacteriology Major Professor: Dr. Paul B. Carter Thesis: Comparison of Setotypes and Staphylophage Types of Staphlyococcus Aureus Strains Isolated &om Turkey Synovitis ROWLEY, RUTH ROSKELLEY Logan, Utah B.S., Foods and Nutrition Major Professor: Ethelwyn B. Wilcox Thesis: Vitamin C in School Lunches as Shown by the 1956-57 Nutritional Survey in Representative Schools in Utah SATHIRASWAS'J'I , WATTANA Bangkok, Thailand B.S., Kasetsart University, 1954 Major: Horticulrure Major Professor: Dr. Dattajeera K. Salunkhe Thesis: Quality Evaluation of Deep-Fat Fried Peas SMITH, RONALD HENRY Long Meadow, Massachusetts B.S., University of Massachusettes, 1953 Major: Wildlife Management Major Professor: Dr. Jessop B. Low Thesis: An Evaluation of Census Techniques as Applicable to the Chukar Partridge in Utah SOANE, BRENNAN DERRY Vintali, Southern Rhodesia B.S., Reading University, 1952 Major: Soil Physics Major Professor: Dr. Sterling A. Taylor Thesis: An Application of a Thermodynamic Flow Equation to the Movement of Water in Unsaturated Soils SORENSEN, ORVAL COLE Logan, Utah B.S., Utah State University, 1951 Major: Physics Major Professor: Dr. ,ohn K. W.ood Thesis: Breakdown o Laminar Flow of Elastic Waves in an Incompressible Fluid-Sarurated Porous Solid SOUTIIARD, ALVIN REID Logan, Utah B.S., Utah State University , 1957 Major: Soil Science Major Professor: Dr. Raymond W. Miller Thesis: Some Characteristics of Five Soil Profiles Associated with Quaking Aspen in Cache National Forest

STEED, GRANT MILLER Layton, Utah B.S., Utah State University, 1956 Major: Dairy Manufacturing Major Professor: Professor A. J. Morris Thesis: A Stud y of Cheese Spreads and Dips STOKES, ARCH JUNIOR Evanston , Wyoming B.S., University of Utah, 1950 Major: Music Education Major Professor: Professor Max F. Dalby Thesis: The Use of the Stroboscope in Improving Intonation of the Wood wind Section of th e Weber County High School Band SUBBAYYA, KOKENGADA BELLIAPPA Coorg, India B.S., College of Engineering, Guindy, 1948 Major: Civil Engineerinfg Major Professor: Professor William A. Cordon Thesis: Stability of Sand-Asphalt Mixtures TATE , CHARLES D., JR. Logan , Utah B.S., Utah State University, 1954 Major: English Major Professor: Professor J. Golden Taylor Thesis: A Collection of the Short Stories of Washington Irving TAYLOR,BOBJOE Yernell, Arizona B.S., Arizona State College, 1952 Major: Range Management Major Professor: Dr. C. Wayne Cook Thesis: Methods of Broadcasting Seed in Sagebrush Land THORNLEY, WILLIAM ROBERT Smithfield, Utah B.S., Utah State University, 1952 Major: Bacteriology Major Professor: Dr. W. W. Smith Thesis: The Typing of Staphylococcal Isolates from Turkey Epizootics TITENSOR, DORTHA YEAMAN Afton, Wyoming B.S., Ut ah State University , 1952 Major: Elementary Education Major Professor: Dr. E. A. Jacobsen Thesis: A Study of the Information Service of the Guidance Program of the Star Valley High School TYRELL, JERRY H. Layton, Utah B.S., Utah State University, 1957 Major: Industrial Arts Education Major Professor: Dr. William E. Mortimer Thesis: Predicting Graduation Probabilities of Utah State University Freshman Engineering Students VAN AUSDAL, G. DUANE Santaquin, Utah B.S., Utah State University, 1949 Major: Industrial Education Major Professor: Dr. William E. Mortimer Thesis: A Study to Determin e the Extent to Which Industrial Design Principles are Taught in the Secondary Schpols of Utah

VAN WAGONER , RICHARD J. Ogden, Utah B.S., Uni versity of Utah, 1954 Major: Art Major Professor: Prof essor Harrison T. Groutage Th is : Th e Study of the Historical and Contemporary Woodcut With Exampl es and Results of Personal Experimentation WAITE , JEAN HYDE Hyde Park, Utah B.S., Utah State Univ ersity, 1953 Major: Educational Administration Major Professor: Dr. Eldon Drake Th esis: A Study of th e Reasons High School Stud ents Enroll in L.D.S. Seminaries WARD , GLEN J. North Ogden, Utah B.S., Utah State University, 1940 Major: Educational Administration Major Professor: Dr. John C. Carlisle Th esis: An Evaluation of the Guidance Program at the Weber County High School WHEATLEY, ZANE L. Deweyville, Utah B.S., Utah State University, 1956 Major: Animal Nutrition Major Professor: Dr. John E. Butcher Thesis: The Effect of Stilbestrol, Terramycin, and Toughage to Concentrate Ratio on Fattening Lambs WORKMAN, DAN JAY Vernal, Utah B.S., Utah State University, 1955 Major: Educational Administration Major Professor: Dr. John C. Carlisle Thesis: A Study of the Holding Power of Utah State University With Respect to a Selected Group of Superior Entering Freshmen WRIGHT, NORMAN EDGAR Salt Lake City, Utah B.S., Brigham Young University, 1956 Major: Agricultural Economics Major Professor: Dr. George T. Blanch Thesis: Cost of Marketing Utah Lambs at Alternative Markets WRIGLEY BERNELL Burley, Idaho B.S., Utah State University, 1956 Majpor: Educational Administration Major Professor: Dr. E. A. Jacobsen Thesis: Equalization Effects of Selected Methods of Distribution of State Aid in Idaho ZOBELL, KEITH WALTER Provo, Utah B.S., Brigham Young University, 1954 Major: Range Management Major Professor: Dr. L. A. Stoddart Thesis: The Effect of Feeding Halogeton glomeratus in Sub-Lethal to Ewes During Gestation





Educator, public administrator, engineer, scientist. In recognition of your professional skill and zealous application during long years in the classroom and laboratory; in acknowledgement of your distinguished service to Utah State University in broad fields of research and administration in the field of irrigation and engineering; for regional and national leadership in the study, experimentation and thoughtful analysis of soil and water conservation; for championing the problems of human welfare among fellow scientists and public servants; for providing stimulation and motivation through support of general and scientific education throughout the state and the nation; for your vision and faith, courage and concern for the future of Utah and the nation; and for your proven leadership ability through personal, public and scientific accomplishment, it is with pride and pleasure that Utah State University confers upon you the honorary degree of Doctor of Science. EzRA TAFT BENSON ( Awarded in absentia) Agriculturist, public servant, and churchman. For your national and international prominence as an agricultural economist and student of farm problems; for the keen insights and wisdom evidenced in the highly successful manner in which you have fulfilled the responsibilities of one of the most significant administrative positions of trust in the nation; for your personal integrity, devotion and loyalty to the nation's present and future agricultura l economy; for your steadfast support of the principle of individual self-reliance and economic independence; because of your deep religious ¡ faith and service to your church and its people; for your forthrightness and courage to stand by your convictions in the hour of your success; for these reasons , and in further recognition of the numerous contributions you have made as a servant of the people, Utah State University confers upon you the honorary degree of Doctor of Laws.



University Distinguished Service Awards Presented to eminent scholars, business and professional people at th e Founders Day Program, March 10, 1958, upon nomination by the facilities of the various colleges of the University. Orval W . Adams ________ ________ College of Business & Social Sciences "- on e of th e gr eat bank ers of America. - His vigor, his k een intellect, his sincere spirituality , his understanding tolerance, have contributed to the state of Utah and its citizens, and in significant d egree to the status of Utah State University. 0

Alfred W. Chambers -----------------------------------¡ College of Agriculture "- a man of tremendous ene rgy and accomplishment - canning crops grower, dairym an, founder of farm commodity organizations, articulate student of farm problems and public servant." 0

Edward P. Cliff ( awarded in absentia) ___ _______ College of Forestry "- Assistant Chief , U. S. Forest Ser vice - a distinguish ed graduate - respected for his integrity and devotion to duty - deserving of the high est commendation of his contemporaries." 0

Orson W. Israelsen -------------------------------------Colleg e of Engineering "- scientist and engineer, author , professor eme ritus , Utah State Univ ersit y an inspiration to and beloved teacher of students - has never faltered in his efforts to improve irrigation science and practice throughout th e earth. " 0

Howard S. McDonald ---------------------------------- College of Education "- teacher , principal, superintendent, president of thr ee major institutions of higher education - a life devoted to professional services in education - A man of high character, a leader in his church, a source of inspiration to thousands of students." 0

Joseph R. Morrell ---------------------------------------------University College "- physician and surgeon, public helath authority and writer - church worker and writer - a leader in efforts to establish health departments throughout Utah communities." 0

Lettie Nielsen --------------------------- College of Home & Family Living "- alumnus, and Cache county native, mother and busin esswoman - at 80 , a remarkable example of the successful combining of a car~er with a family - an outstanding citizen of womanly characteristics , industry , spirituality , a friend and leader of youth.'' 0 0



ci tation


by Dean

of college.

University Citizenship Awards Presented to the man and woman graduating seniors who best portray high traits of character , scholarship and citizenship. Joy Goff

Paul Schneiter


Across the quad at eventide the shadows soÂľly fall, The Tower of O1,dMain appears and peace rests over all. The lighted uA,. upon the hill stands out against the blue; Oh, Alma Mater, Utah State, my heart sings out to you. And through the years as time rolls on and student friendships grow, We'll ne'er forget the joys we had, those days we used to know, Thy mem'ries ever will be new, thy friends be ever true, Oh, Alma Mater, Utah State, my heart sings out to you. Composed by Theodore M. Burton. BATTLE HYMN OF THE REPUBLIC

Mine eyes have seen the glory of the coming of the Lord; He is trampling out the vintage where the grapes of wrath are stored; He hath loosed the fateful lightning of his terrible, swi# sword, His truth is marching on. I have seen him in the watchfires of a hundred circling camps; They have buil,ded him an altar in the evening dews and damps; I can read his righteous sentence by the dim and flaring lamps, His day is marching on. He has sounded forth the trumpet that shall never call retreat, He is si#ing out the hearts of men before his judgment seat; Oh, be swi#, my soul, to answer him! be jubilant, my feet! Our God is marching on. In the beauty of the lilies Christ was born across the sea, With a glory in his bosom that transfigures you and me; As He died to make men holy, let us die to make men f1ee, While God is marching on. CHORUS:

Glory, glory! Hallelujah! Glory, glory! Hallelujah! Glory, glory! Hallelujah! His truth is marching on.

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