Utah State University Commencement, 1972

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Seventy-ninth Annual Commencement Utah State University

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May 10 , 1972



On the occasion of the Seventy-ninth Commencement activities of Utah State University, I heartily co ngratulate the graduating seniors and graduate students for their significant


I am firmly committed to the be l ief that the future of our state . the nation, and the world is inextricably tied to the development of the intellectual and creative abilities of our citizens. In an age in which the complexities of daily life, at times, leave us feeling helpless and frustrated, we find renewed hope in the accomp l ishments of students and faculty i n our institutio ns of higher lear ning. Certainly the issues of war and peace, environmental quality, crime, drug abuse, economic stability, and civil rights provide us with difficult problems and uneasy solutio ns. However, it is our duty and responsibility to deal with these difficulties through wise action and thoughtful deliberation. I am honored to recognize yo u fine scho l ars at this auspi c ious moment in your lives. While each of you will have acquired special skills in a variety of fields, it is my hope that all wi l l graduate with a common commitment to humanitarianism and love for your fellowmen. Sinc e r e ly,


June 3, 1972

To The Graduating Class and Those Receiving Advanced Degrees, June 1972 The degree conferred on you today from Utah State University marks you for distinction . The graduates of this Institution are recognized for the ability to generate Important developments In science and In society. They ar e known for their energy, Integrity, and reliability . They do not whimper, complain, nor indulge In self-pity. Their service knows no limitation of political boundaries . They have built International, national, and local Institutions . Their marks are found In the social Institutions, fields, forests, and streams of the seven continents . Many of you will follow their previous footsteps to Pakistan, Iran , Italy, Arabia, Russia, Nigeria , Cblna , Colombia, and a hundred other nations. Utah State University graduates are known as Institution builders, whether strong and stable homes In Utah, a Nigerian university, or the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations . On behalf of the Utah System of Higher Education, may I salute you on achieving your degree from Utah State University . lt marks new beginnings. It challenges each of you to extend these great traditions.


G. Homer Durham Commissioner of Higher Education and Chief Executive Officer Utah State Board of Higher Education

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FRIDAY, JUNE SECOND ROTC Commissioning Ceremonies 10 a.m., Chase Fine Arts Center Theatre

PhT Recognition Awards

Honoring wives of graduating students

I :45 p.m.,Main Auditorium Reception

For alumni, graduating students , their families and friends 3 p.m., Garden of President's Home

Baccalaureate Service 8 p.m ., Spe ctrum

SATURDAY, JUNE THIRD Academic Procession

8:30 a.m., Old Main to Spectrum Commencement Program 9 a.m ., Spectrum

College Graduation Programs , 11 a.m. College of Agriculture, University Center Auditorium College of Business , Main Auditorium College of Education, Chase Fine Arts Center Concert Hall College of Engineering, Chase Fine Arts Center Theatre College of Family Life , Logan LDS Institute College of Humanities, Arts , and Social Sciences, Spectrum College of

atural Resources, Forestry -Zoology Auditorium

College of Science, University Center Ballroom

Senior Picnic Luncheon 12: 15 p.m. , Quad


BACCALAUREATE Friday Evening , June 2 , 1972

Eight o 'clock

President Glen L. Taggart , Conducting MUSICAL SELECTION

He Watching Over Israel from "Elijah " . . . . ..


.. Felix Mendelssohn

Univer sity Choir , Chorale , and Orchestra William Ramsey , Conduct or INVOCATION

Glenn T. Baird President , Cache East Stake Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints MUSICAL SELECTION

How Lo vely ls Thy Dwelling Place . ..

. . . . . . ....

Johann es Brahm s

from "A German R equiem " University Choir , Choral e, and Or chestra Stephen Simmons , Condu ctor WELCOME

Glen L. Taggart President , Utah St ate University SERMON

Neal A . Maxwell Commi ssion er of Church Edu cational System Church of Je sus Christ of Latter Day Saints MUSICAL SELECTION

Overture to Prometh eus ..

. ..


. . . .....

. Ludwig von Beethoven

University Symphony Orchestra Max F. Dalby, Condu ctor BENEDICTION

Monsignor Jerome Stoffel Pastor , St. Thomas Aquinas Church , Logan RECESSIONAL

. Charles Saint-Saen s

March Heroique . . . University Symphony Orchestra Max F. Dalby , Conduct or


COMMENCEMENT Saturday Mornin g, J une 3, 1972 Nine o'clock President Glen L. Taggart , Condu cting PROCESSIONAL


Grand March

. . . Percy Flet cher

University Symph onic Band Max F. Dalby , Condu ctor INVOCATION

Richard Lynn White, Recipient , University Citizenship Award MUSICAL SELECTION

All eluia and Chorale . . . . . . . . . . . . . Leroy J . Robert son University Choir , Chorale , and Symph onic Band Max F . Dalby , Condu ctor ADDRE SS TO GRADUAT ES

Wallace E. Stegn er Auth or and Edu cator MUSICAL SELECTION

Cathedral Chorus . . .. . . . . . . . .. . .. . .. from "Slavo nic Folk Suit e" University Symph onic Band Max F . Dalby , Condu ctor

. ..

Alfred Reed


Glen L. Taggart President, Utah Stat e University MUSICAL SELECTION

. . Theodo re M. Burt on

A lma Mater Hymn University Symph onic Band Max F. Dalby , Cond uctor BENEDICTION

Nanett e K. Larsen, Recipien t , University Citizenship Award RECESSIONAL

R egal Procession

. . . . Clifton Williams University Symph onic Band Max F . Dalby , Condu ctor


THE ACADEMIC PROCESSION President , State Board of Higher Education,

and University Institutional


Official Guests Honorary Degree Recipients University Administrative Officers Faculties of the Various Colleges Candidates for Graduate Degrees Candidates for Baccalaureate Degrees DRESS

The wearing of academic costume by faculty and student participants at the time of Commencement has become traditional among universities. The color and pageantry of these occasions are designed to indicate the degree of academic achievement of faculty and students who participate in such activities. In order for the audience to better appreciate and understand the significance attached to these ceremo nial aspects of the program, the following information is presented. The significance of the costume is determined principally by the cut of the gown , the size and shape of the hood , and the co lor of the tasse ls on the cap. The BACHELOR'S gown is characterized by the long pointed sleeves. The gown worn by a MASTER has closed sleeves with the arc of a circle near the bottom. The arm extends through the slit , giving the appearance of short sleeves. The hood consists of material similar to the gown and lined with the official academic co lor of the in stitut ion conferring the degree. If the institution has more than one color , the chevron is used to display the second co lor. The DOCTOR'S gown has full , round and open sleeves with three bars of velvet on each sleeve. The velvet facing of the bars may be black or the color indicative of the degree. The hood consists of a larger and longer assemblage of institution al color draped over the recipient's shoulders and falling well down the back. The co lors worn on the tassels signify the various co lleges of the University from which a cand idate is being graduated. AGRICULTURE BUSINESS

. . .. Maize

. ..

. .. Drab


. Light Blue


. Orange






.. ..


. .White .

. Russet

. .

. Gold -Yellow





VALEDICTORIANS A Valedictorian has been selected by each college of the University . Addresses will be delivered at the College Graduation Ceremonies. Valedictorians are as indicated: College of Agriculture

. David Robert Ormond

College of Business .

William Darrell Lewis

College of Education

. . . Joyce Larsen

College of Engineering

Paul Mark Hansen

College of Family Life

Laurie Israelson

College of Humanities , Arts and Social Sciences

. ..

College of Natural Resources College of Science

. . ...

Ruth Fox

. Scott Allen Hepworth .

. . Thomas Keith Eccles

HONOR GRADUATES The quality of performance in academic work enables the following to be graduated with distinction. Those who have met residence requirements and have maintained a grade point average of 3.80 to 4.00 are graduated Magna Cum Laude; those whose average is 3.50 to 3.79 , Cum Laude.

MAGNA CUM LAUDE Inge Adams F. Marilyn B. Arnold Donald B. Barron Arlene G. Brannan Toni Jean Davis Cook Roy Kim Davis Belinda Jean Wardle Dunn

Terry Alan Higbee Laurie Israelson Jeffrey P. Johnson Robert Errol Jones William D. Krompel Joyce Larsen William Darrel Lewis

Thomas Keith Eccles Dennis Craig Ferguson Ruth Fox Fern Mary Gomez Brent R. Gooch Paul Mark Hansen Scott Allen Hepworth

Charlene M. Milovich Linda Hancock Nielso n David Robert Ormond Karen Petersen Lori Anne Roggman Lyle A. Scovill H. Jacalyn Smith Julie Parry Willie

CUM LAUDE Donald Earl Abbott Hal Royce Allen Raymond Carl Anderson Elaine Ashcroft Michael Lynn Ballam Patricia G. Bangerter Carol Ann Barton Merle A. Reeve Beebe Gary Allen Berna James W. Bingham Jane Bischoff Jill Peterson Bliesner Christine Bott Bonnie Bardshaw Mary Catherine C. Brennan Janet Lyn Balls Broadbent Vik Glen Brown Dee Jay Burrie Jackilyn Burgess Jill Burrows Bruce Francis Burtenshaw Kathleen Burton

Irene A. Farrell JoAnne Ely Flack Douglas S. Foxley Margaret L. Patrick Garbis Richard Peter Gerber Terry Lynne Gilson Bruce Scott Goforth Deborah A. Greenwell Dennis Craig Groberg Layne Fred Hamilton Kathleen Helen Hansen Brenda Lee Harmon Lynda Dickinson Henrie Marney Hilton Janice Whitlock Hobbs Rickie Blaine Holt Diane Houston James Charles Howell Evelyn K. Hutchison Brent D. Jackson Miles Peter Jensen Georgia Elaine Johnson

Caro lyn Fish Capps Dennis Doyle Carlson Robert Kenneth Carlson Dennis B. Chatterton Rashid Ahmad Chaudhary Burke A. Christensen Michael Christensen Rebecca Christensen Roger Paul Christensen Norman T. Christenson Jan Christiansen Richard Cloutier Celdar Bruce Collet Kerry Von Collings Myrtle Collins Cook Carol Marie D. Cooper George Newell Daines Terry Ward Davis Deann Humphrey DeLange Josephine T. Eggli Janet Gott Eller Douglas Arthur Eza


Vea Johnson Nancy Lou Kalkwarf Willa Kay Kennedy Merwin K. Kjar Loraine Lamborn Wayne Henry Lee Catherine Lou Linderman Sherilyn Manning Susan Marx Reed B. Mattson Vickie Smith Maughan Carolyn Sydnee Meikle John J. Melonas Theodore R. Meyers Mariette Kay J. Milbrandt Laura Lofthouse Miller Jean Milligan George C. Mobley Mona Sue Munns Ron Rohland Munns William Guy Murray, Jr. Susan Nalanie Nakagawa

HONORS GRADUATES Do nna Jean Newton Cheryl Palmer Sandra R. Parkin son Chery l Ann Parsons Joan Ruth C. Peters on Stanley S. Postma Steven J . Postm a Lewis Burgess Quigley


(Con tinu ed) Annette Cannon Randall Ann Woodland Reed Lewis Brendon Roberts Nancy J. 0. Robertson Douglas Perry Robin son Robert George Scott Richard Shaw Curt C. Shifrer

Kathle en Singleton Dixie Too lson Smith Karl Brent Sommers Sheri Olsen Sorenson Ralph Herbert Stayner Karen Stephenson Linda Sue Tinker Gloria N. Uresk

Vickie Yan Orden Gerald Daniel Warwick Richard Lynn White Rowland G . Williams James V. Yardley Jacquelyn Zanni Thomas Allen Zbell Julie Zimmerman


Presented annually to the senior man and woman graduates who best portray high traits of character, scho larship , and citizenship. Nanette K. Larsen

Rk hard Lynn White

CERTIFICATES Percy G. Aitkin Ted Birch



Victor Wayne Carlson Michael Scott Eldredge

Wallace Steed Odd II

Abdul-Aziz Hussein Sowayyegh

HONORS PROGRAM GRADUATES Boyd Lyn Jentzsch Thesis Title: "The Electoral College in the Amer ican Nation" Thesis Advisor : Preston Thomas Carol Pend leton Thesis Title: "Osiris, God of Anc ient Egypt, and a Brief Background of Egypt ian Mythology " Thesis Advisor: Marian Smith

John Lee Weaver Thesis Title: "A ldo Leopold's Land Ethic: An Eco logical Extens ion of A lbert Schwe itzer's 'R everence for Life' " Thesis Advisor: Thomas Lyon , Fred Wagner, and A. B. Crawford Richard Lynn White Thesis Tit le: "Chris A rgyris and Organizational Behavior" Thesis Advisor: Carolyn Steel

Earl Freeman Phippen Thesis Title: "An Exam ination of Some Basic Concep ts and Problems of Counterinsurgency" Thesis Advisor: Robert Malian



Dr. Goudsmit, you have made numerous contributions to Physics for which you have received well-deserved honors, including the Research Corporation Award and the Max Planck Medal of the German Physical Society. For your meritorious services in World War II, working on the development of radar and as head of a scientific intelligence mission which went into Europe with the U.S. troops, you were awarded the U.S. Medal of Freedom and the award of Officer of the Order of the British Empire. While living in the United States since 1927 , you have achieved outstanding success as a teacher , writer and editor of scientific journals. In recognition of such distinguished achievements, we of Utah State University are honored to confer upon you, Samuel Abraham Goudsmit, the honorary degree of DOCTOR OF SCIENCE.


Fnm warehouse worker to Chief Executive Officer of one of the world's largest businesses, is truly a1 achievement of the Great American Dream . Lee S. Bickmore , a country boy from Paradis l, Utah, through humility, strength of characttr, warmth of personality, and exceptional capabil ity has experienced such dream fulfillment. At the age of 51, he was named President of NABISCO, the National Biscuit Company. Last year, mder his leadership as President and Chairman of the Board , this great international organization ex :eeded one billion dollars in sales. Such a phenorrenal record was achieved only through an all-out cooperative effort with associates in the compa1ÂĽ who have responded remarkably to the sincere respect and interest he has displayed in delegati1g authority . Hi: services have been widely sought by busines i and in dustrial organizations, by the national gwernment, by educational institutions, and by his <hurch, where he has maintained consistent interest and activity. His ability has been recognized a: president and officer of national associations an! corporate bodies. Fcr many years , Mr. Bickmore has been a strong advocate of food research. Under his forwar looking leadership and contributions, food processmg and distribution in the world has grown greatly. Consequently, agriculture throughout the nation has reaped benefits of expanded markets. Fcr your many notable achievements in the world cf business, particularly in food science and agricultlre, Utah State University is proud to recogni :e in you, Lee S. Bickmore, a distinguished alumnu; and award you the Honorary Degree of DOCTCR OF ACRI-BUSINESS.


Norman D. Salisbury graduated from Brigham Young College, Logan, Utah, in 1910 . After serving a mission for his church in South Africa and as a branch president in Switzerland, he returned to Logan. With the interruption of a brief tour in the Utah National Guard on the Mexican border and the United States Field Artillery in France, Mr. Salisbury has pursued a career in banking for half a century. Throughout his long and fruitful business career he has constantly emphasized service to others. He has been an active supporter of the Boy Scouts, American Legion , a leader and officer in Rotary , a member of the Logan City Board of Education for . twenty-two years , Director in the Logan Chamber of Commerce , and has served as a member of the local Draft Board. Most noteworthy to this institution were his eight years of service as an active member of the Board of Trustees from 1961 to 1969. Beloved by his neighbors, respected by his associates, admired for his economic insight, Mr. Salisbury is an outstanding example of dedicated business leadership. He has distinguished himself and the community in provision for the elderly. His promotion and participation in state and local pro.grams of higher education have revealed widely his business acumen and concern for the welfare and economic stability of school, community, and state. It is with particular pleasure that Utah State University recognizes the strength and contributions, services and capabilities of Norman D. Salisbury and bestows upon him the Honorary Degree of DOCTOR OF BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION.


The twentieth century has been identified as the "Golden Age" of science. As a significant contributor to the field of Physics , you have given this Golden Age added luster. Bern in the Netherlands and educated at the Universties of Amsterdam and Leiden, while still a graduat ~ student, in 1925 with George Uhlenbeck, you ma:le a fundamental discovery of great importance b science: that the electron has inherent angular momentum and spins on an axis as does the ear1h. This great discovery enabled scientists to clear up ¡ many puzzles in atomic spectra and provided the basis for distinctive developments in the the n new science of quantum theory . 9



There is a kind of person rare in any time , in particularly short supply of late, it seems, who marks a zenith of human development: it is the complete man of letters. Wallace Earle Stegner, you have established yourself as one of those extraordinary persons. As a scholar you have saturated yourself with the riches of former writers. As a teacher you have helped hundreds of I students to make such riches their own. As a critic you have led thousands of individual readers to select and spend time with the better rather than the worse. Finally, as novelist, short story writer , and essayist you in your own time have made significan t new experiences available to all readers, for all time. Your dedication to writing and teaching , moreover , did not diminish your concern for contemporary problems and strugg les, or keep you aloof from them. You have served valiantly in the continuing battles for better race relations and for the protection and rejuvenation of our physical environment. Thus in all ways you have demonstrated a continuing deep concern for the human quality of life, and your works have improved that quality for us all. Utah State University is proud to confer upon you, Wallace Earle Stegner, one of America's most distinguished living writers , the honorary degree , DOCTOR OF LITERATURE.

Leadership recognition in today's aerospace industry bespeaks eloquently of your versatility and capability as a man of keen business insight and a man of vision in the world of science. To you, Mr. Stone , the fields of your training in the law and business management have served as an effective launching pad into a universe filled with advanced missile and rocket programs, flares, explosives, and propellants. You have aggressively combined the scientific and industrialization, the military and the experimental to the benefit of all mankind . To you, aerospace science has opened new vistas of exploration in know-how and application. Your inherent capacity for broader horizons, ingenuity in developing and managing vital aspects of aerospace dynamics places you in the fore front of the pioneers of outer space expansion. The broad spectrum of your activ ities, whether in committees discussing global strategy with the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics or with the Executive Board of the Lake Bonneville Counci l of the Boy Scouts, identifies you as a man of concern for today's and tomorrow's citizens. You see in . aerospace science the wealth of untapped resources yet to benefit a waiting world. Utah State University proudly acknowledges your vast number of contributions to our own state and local communities and to our nation 's pre-eminence in the aerospace world by awarding you the Honorary Degree of DOCTOR OF SCIENCE.



CANDIDATES FOR THE DEGREE OF BACHELOR OF SCIENCE Alder, Norman Craig Alvare z, Eduardo Amling John Richard Andersm, Arthur James Andemn , David Ray Andersm, Raymond Carl Arteca . Richard N. Bastian, Earl Allen Bennet , Boyd N. Binghan , Mark J. Binghan , Thomas Earl Butter field , James Clay Caldw ell, Edward Wayne Christe1sen, Gregory Money Christe.1son , Norman T. Cooley , Lyle Rigby Crosby , Glen Terrence Crosby , William Arthur

Dank s, Lois Jeanne Ree s Delaney , Gary Daniel Delaney , Michael L. Feliu, Egidio Acevedo Firth, Rex Bert Godfrey, Glen Reese Harris , Lynn R . Hill , Lyle Dean Hoffmann , Wolfgang Hurren, Jay Arnold Johnson, Norman Harold Jorgenson, Ro ger Lee Kellett , John Earl Kennedy, Joseph Sheldon Kennedy, Michael Lane Kielsmei er, David John Larsen, Brent H. Lindsay , Merlin Nye

Liston , Larry Grant Marshall , Michael R. McClure , Richard Olen Mills, David Wayne Moreno, Jose A. Mouritsen, Robert L. Nalder, Larry Cutler Nelson, Kip Blaine Nielsen, Steven Blaine Nielson, Steven Keith No1man, Hugh Alfred Ormond, David Robert Payne , Rex Lewis Poulsen, Warren Peter Poulson, Stanley Kermit Reeder , Joseph Max Rees, Joseph Scott Seamons, Fred Wright

Shakespear , Franz Simmonds, Terry G. Slagowski , Douglas L. Sleight , Weldon S. Smith , Sandra Lynn B. Taylor, Kelly J. Taylor , Michael Royal Thompson , Donald Thomas Tuddenham, Jay Rolfe Valgardson, D. Robert Varga , William Anthony Warnick , Douglas R. West, Randy Arnold White , Craig W. Willis, Clark Woods, Charles Val Woo ds, Keith Steven


ROBBT P. COLLIER, DEAN CANDIDATES FOR THE DEGREE OF BACHELOR OF SCIENCE Abbot 1, Myron Joy Adam s, Galen Clayne Akhav an , Firuse Alcaro . James Allen Alsop, James Anderson Ampu ero, Luis Antonio Anderson , James L. Anderson, Sherry Lynn Ander son , Stephen C. Angell . Judith Jean Winger Arnol d, Lewis Herbert Austin , John Ezra Baird , Donald Lynn Barrat 1, Stephen Barton, Don Spencer Benne 1t , Darrell LeRoy Benne 1t, Pamela Benne 1t , Robert Max Bennion, Marilyn Robins Berret !, Dean Sterling Berry, Max Wayne Birch, Leslie Ann Bishop, Steven L. Blazzard , Hope Allen Boman , Alva Leland Booth , Douglas G. Bosworth, Dennis Cole Bott , Lorenzo James Boubelik , Timothy Paul Bradshaw , Don Bailey Broadbent , Steven Reed

Burt , Paul Curtis Burton, James L. Butler , James H. Butler , Stanley M. Buys, Joseph Lowell Cartwright , Thomas B. Case, Gerald H. Chambers , Blaine J. Christensen , Jere! C. Clark , Lynn J Clarke, Duane Joseph Coleman, Michael Colosimo, Joseph A. Condie, Elden Ray Cooper, Larry Eugene Cope , Henry Thomas Cowley, Douglas Ray Daines, Spencer LeRoy Davis , Terry Ward Delange, Deann Humphrey Dent, L. Paul Despain , Donald K. Deutsch , Robert C. Dexter, Daniel Lee Douglass , Randall K. Eades , Guy W. Ely, Norma Gail Emami, Mahmoud Fletcher , Michael S. Fliss, Robert C. Fonnesbeck, Cordell L.

Frame, Robert Melvin Frederick , Barbara Barnett Freeman. Dean Bert Jr. Gardner ,'Craig Kimball Garr , Stephen Leatham Germer , Ilene Kaye Uhrich Germer , Richard Eliason Gillins , Edward D. Gittins , Bruce Lee Gittins , Joan Pedersen Gneiting , Jennifer Gaye Goddard, John Kelly Gravis , Leslie P. J. Hall, Norwin Bruce Hammond , Karyn Hammond , Robert G. Jr. Hancey , Dwain Jeppesen Hansen , Larry Smith Hansen , Nicky Ace Hansen , Roger Norman Harder, Margaret S. Nielson Hayes, William Stewart Haywood , Robert L. Heather , Brian Winthrop Heninger , Kenith Howard Henrie, Lynda Dickinson Henrie, Steven Frank Huff , Collett Hunsaker , Janet Hurdsman, John David Hurdsman , Katherine Ella


James , Carole James, Linda Lou Jensen , Stuart K. Johnsen , Jerry B. Johnson , Judy Lee Johnson , Rici Val Karren , Dale George Kay , Blair Delbert King , Fred Roy King , Richard L. Knudsen, John George Lahey , Greg Joseph Langdon , Robert A. Larsen , William Kent Larson , Douglas Porter Laxton , Leonard E. Leishman , Donald Clare Leonhardt, Earl Putnam Lewis, William Darrell Littledike, Kay Don Lovejoy, Michael Dudley Lupo, Santo John Malone, Dorothy Lee Large Marchant, Bradley Jay Marsh , Donald Douglas Marsing , Phillip Gregory Martin , Linda Lee S. Marx , Susan Maughan , Marilyn H. McLean , Donald Hugh Jr.

COLLEGE OF BUSINESS (Continued) McQuarrie , Jere! Arthur Mehler, Stephen LeRoy Mercer , Esther B. Van Seter s Merrill , Glacus Gregory Miyake , Wayne Takeshi Mullins , Sherman D. Naane s, Theodore Edward Newton , Donna Jean Nielson, Janet Avril Odell , Michael LeRoy Oman , Erle Clair Palmer , Joel Rowsell Palmer , Stanton L. Payne , Sharon Kay Peart , David John Pierce , Richard Wynn Porter , Dennis Dee Poulsen , Leon Kyle

Quigley , Lewis Burgess Ramos , Laura Ann Rampton , Maureen Rasmussen , Jack Noel Rasmussen , Lloyd L. Raymond , Ace Scott Rich , Sterling Cheney Richards , Daniel Larsen Richardson, Nancy Carol Riding , Frederick Leon Roberts, Brent W. Roberts, Thomas J . Robinson , Etta Ann Samuelson, Kim E . Sander s, Phillip John Sanderson , Randy K. Scovill, Lyle A. Seipp , Dale Leon

Shelton , Kenneth Mont Slagle, Harry Michael Smith , Legrande Carlos Smith , Ronald Lee Smith , Tyler "J." Snow , Doyle John Soran , Stephen L. Sparks. Jeri Lyn Speth , Theo Jed Stauff acher , Scot t M. Stephenson , Karen Stokes, Steven Howard Strong, Scott Lee Sudweeks, Christine Shaw Taylor , Reed Gamble Thomas , Craig P . Thomas , Robert Fred Thompson , Eldon Edmond

Torres , Adam Lee Tramontina , Th omas A . Wakefield , Kent T . Watts, Dave Loy Whitehead , Lane Willie, Timoth y Ray Wilson , Fra ncis Craig Wiser, Thomas Lynn Wood , Jesse Willis Wood , Richard Douglas Workman, Nancy Jane Yamaguchi , Hideo Yerkovich , Neil Paul Young , Rocky Dean Zanni, Jacqu elynn

CANDIDATES FOR THE DEGREE OF BACHELOR OF ARTS Daines , Newel George Hancey, David Craig Isom , Charles Richard

Barton, Steven Jerald Bennett , Roger L. Caldwell , Lee Golden

Lamborn , Loraine Leishman, Eldon Paul McCracken , John Jerome

Schmidt , Douglas Fred Steele, Curtis Wayne


CANDIDATES FOR THE DEGREE OF BACHELOR OF SCIENCE Abbott , Donald Earl Adkins , Marlowe Condie Alder , Kathryn Rosier Alldredge , Gerri Colleen Mathews Allen , Tereisa Allred , Bonnie Jean Andersen , Arvilla Kathy Andersen , Jannett Anderson, Jerry Brian Anderson, Kathryn Bicknell Anderson, Larry Mark Anderson, Mary Gloria P. Archibald, David Lynn Archibald, Joan Terry Arnold , F . Marilyn B. Bailey, Alan Langley Bailey , Mary Carol Baker , Stanford Coombs Ballard , John Hafen Ballard, Marsha Eleanor Bangerter, Patricia G. Barnes , Joanne Barnett, Mary Katherine H. Barratt, Toni Nicotera Barrus , Marie Bates, Larry Ray Beard, David Bott Beebe, Merle A . Reeve Belnap, Susan Rae Benroth, Joan Kay Ball Bergquist, Phyllis H. Billings, Renee Bingham, Nedra Allen Bischoff , Jane

Black, Barbara Jean Black , Susan Jacobsen Blair, John E . Bliesner, Jill Peter sen Barrowman , Judith E. Bott , Christine Boyack , Evelyn Bradshaw, Bonnie Brannan, Arlene G . Broadbent , Janet Lynn Balls Bruno, Sophie Joy Buck, Kathleen Budge, Jerry Lynn Budge, Nancy Stayner Buff , Clyde Eugene Burgess, Jackilyn Burtenshaw , Bruce W. Burtenshaw, Terrel M. Burton, Edith Buttars , Craig K. Buxton, Elaine Cooley Calder, Gayleen Rollins Call, Aldene Larsen Call, Ben Warren Call, Don Warren Call, Linda S. Calvert, Renee L. Campbell, Crystal Lee Candland, Scott Drake Carlson, Kathleen Page Carroll, Christinia M. Castro, Rachel Lahela Chantabhakdi , Napa Chapman,RoderickLaRo} III Chappell, Beth Marie Charles, Mary

Chatterton , Dennis B. Christensen , Jeannine Christensen , Maxine B. Christen sen, Shari Lyn Clark , Colleen Clark , Donna H. Clark , John Lorin Clawson , Terry Derwood Cole , Maridee Collier , Charles Sayre Collier , Donna Jeanne P. Collins , Jon David Combe , David Max Confer, Fred George Conradsen, Vickie Cook, Joyce LeRoy Cook , Myrtle Collins Cook, Toni Jean Davis Cook, William Ben Cooper , Ilene Cornish, Joyce A. Cowley, Margaret May Cox, LaVaun Clarke Cragin, Olivia Tisdale Croft , Ruth Louise Palmer Dahl , Linda Joyce Degiorgio, Annette Kidd Devignez, Danielle G. Dixon, Lyndell Susan Doolittle, Vicky Kay S. Doone, Judy Douglass, Cindy Louise Dunn, Belinda Jean Wardle Eastwood, Kathleen Eborn, Reed Arthur 12

Ecker , Susan Ellis, Elaine Winnifred Elrod , Kristi Jean Ensign, Joyce M. Erickson, Doran J . Erickson , Marie Ericson , Delbert Wayne Evans, Holly Jo Evans, James Spender Faccinto , Albert R . Facer , Sheri Ann Faddis , Mary Louise Faverty , Suzanne Jamison Firth , Sherie Lee Fraser , Susan Annamaria Wyder Fryar , Nadine 0 . Fuhriman, Scott D. Gadish, Mary K. Hovat Garnett , Wesley Gee, Stephen W. George. Robert Allen Gilbert, Karla Jean Gill, Lanny Birtch Glover, Marco Gomez, Fern Mary Goodliffe, Rodney Brent Goodrich, JoAnn Tryon Grako, Vivan B. Graves, Sally Ann Gray , Michael Edward Green , Robert James Greene, Lynn William Greenhagen , Gloria Jean Tate Greiner, Gretchen Cresswell, Mary G. A. Grummer

COLLEGEOF EDUCATION (Continued) Griffel, Robtrt Glen Griffin, Bruci Charles Griffin, Jani Haslem Grover , Chri~ian D. Gurr , Tar a Lie Gustin, Gary Mont Guymon, Do:is Gygi, Ree,a May Hall, Mary Kithleen Hamblin , Reita Hunt Hamilton , Ccnnie A . M. Hansen, Cymhia K. Hansen, KatJ-leen Helen Hansen, Mana H. Hardy, Abn :<: yre Hatch, Th::imas Robert Hawkins , DoJg!a s Craig Healey , Maxine ¡ . SJ-.auna Hemmmg Heyrend , Rita Jean Hobbs , Cl.nt Lorenzo Hoge , Ste Yen John Holbrook Wiyne Burton Holmes, J~rr y Simpson Holt , Sus an Carrigan Hoopes , Wilham Lloyd Hoth , Joy ce Howard, Flora Pope Huck,Wif.iam Lao Hughes, Diane Elizabeth Hulme , Nrncy Hunt, Mmris Russell Jr. Hunter, Ronald Grant Hutchiso n, Evelyn K. Israelson, Reta M. Jacobs, Kuen Lee Jansky , Thomas A. Jeffs, Teresa Anne Curtis Jenkins, Catherine Jenkins, B:lward Morty Jensen , Peggy Ann Johnson, )aria Johnson , )orothy Jeanne Johnson, ~eorgia Elaine Johnson , Phillip Calvin Jorgensen , Annette Jorgensen, Judy Dianne Kalkwarf ,Nancy Lou Keddingtcn, Karyn Keetch, Jean Kennedy,Willa Kaye King, Beverly Claire Knapp, Stephen Foxall Konya, Giorge John Kozlowsk, Patricia Krompel ,William D. Kunz, Craig Duane Labrum, Shanna Lee Hamblin Lacey, Mi:iam Yvonne Lamb , Max Sue! LaMontagie, Cory J. Labianca

Larsen , Joyce Leatham, Raymond C . Lee , Norene Beutler Lemon, Sheri Lynn Grover Leo , Sarah Lewis , Danny Brent Lindbloom, Edwin Oscar Jr. Little , Sharon Tanaka Long , Marilyn Sylvia M . Lowe , Barbara Kay e Lower , Jan Magnuson , Tawna Draney Maples, James Leonard Mason, Evelyn Clark Masters , Judith Joan Smith Maughan , Janet McBrid e , Clair D . McCra cken, Jeanne M. McKee, Rohn Burton McPhie , Peggy Lee Miller Meikle , Carolyn Sydnee Mendelson, Sidney J . Meyer , Arom Boon!iang Michaelson , Anne Holley Michener , Mary Christine Juchau Miguel, Michael Floyd Miles, Harry LaMonte Miller , Connie Sue Miller, Laura Lofthouse Milovich , Charlene M. Mitton , Judy Mae F. Miya, Susan Tateoka Mobley , Jane Ellen Mortensen , Kathy Moss, Verla P . Munns , Mona Sue Munns, Ron Rohland Murray, Cheryl Lynn Myers, William LeRoy Myler , Avis Petersen Nace, Stephen Bernard Nakagawa, Susan Nalani Neeley, Bonnie Christensen Neibaur, Annette Nell, Sherrie Nelson, Carolyn Dorothy Nelson, Clyde McConkie Nelson, James Russell Nelson, Karma Schaub Nelson, Linda Kay Waite Nelson, Lynda Guymon Nelson, Merilyn Lois Newberry, Hugh Allen Ney, Marsha Nielsen, Nielson, Nielson, Nilsson,

Kent Jay Linda Hancock Margaret Maureen

Norris , Bonnie Kay Nyman , Ronald Evan Obray , Susan C. Bradbury Oliver , Kurt Noah Olsen , Kathryn Marie Orme , Gilbert Craig Osborne , John Elden Paget, Betty Lou Palmer, Karma Jo Panting , Margaret Roper Parker , Thomas Frank Passineau, Lyn Sue Pearson , Myrtle Peart , RaNae Penrod, Kathryn I. Perry , Roselyn Fern Peter sen , Karen Petersen, Peggy Ann Peterson , Joan Ruth C. Peterson, Larry John Phippen , Becky Louise Pit cher , Elaine Bergeson Poloni , Tony Powell , Margo Ann Probert, Don R . Prosser , Rex Joseph Pulley, Camille Ralphs, Larry Ranker , Rob E. Rasband, Dean M. Rasmusson, Creta D. Rawlings , Roger Dwight Reading, Thomas William Reeder , Leann Rees , Katharine Marie Renner, Janet Ringel , Eileen P . Robison, Jennilyn Rhees Robison, Lynn Rogg man , Lori Anne Rohde, Elaine M. Rose, Raymond David Saccomanno , Constance Platis Saiki , Lorraine Mieko Samples, Deborah Sue Sanderson, Marsha Sundberg Satterwhite, Zetta A. Schulthess, Anna B. Schvaneveldt, Kathleen Reed Shelton, Dorothea Shulz, Jeffrey Lynn Simpson, Joanne Sitterud, Kirk L. Smith, Dan Courtney Smith, Delajean Smith, Duane Lester Smith, Susan Barratt Snow, Carla Snow , Phyllis Squire Sonderegger, Elayne


Sorensen , Frederick K. Sorensen, Lillian Sorenson, Sheri Olsen Sparrow, Mary Lee Lund Spencer, Mary L. McAllister Spendlove, Leslie Ann Stallings, Merle Rigby Stamos, Lydia Ann Stayner, Ralph Herbert Stephens, Kathy Ann Hulme Stephens , Vicki Lin Stevens , Vicky Lee Stewart, Laura G. Clark Strickland, Patricia Angela Summers, Kathleen Timothy Swan , Suzanne Szczepanc zyk, Anthony C. Taylor , Barbara N. Bean Taylor , Jeffrey Price Taylor , Jill M. Cushing Theurer , Kate Thompson , Carolyn Ann Thompson, Phyllis Nielson Thomsen , Lynette Ward Thomson, Connie Jean Tiffany , Richard Larry Tingey , Wesley Robert Torp , Kristine Lee Trevers , Gregory Carl Turner, William Dee Uresk, Gloria N. Varley, Nina Ruth Varner , Lynda Critchlow Wankier, Elaine Warnick, Jacquelyn West Washburn, Carolyn Von Bown Watkins, William Thomas Watts, Raymond Clark Weber, Catherine Laura Buffo Welsh, Marijane Lindley Weyerts, Thomas Martin Wheeler, Betty June P. Wiley, DeAnn Whicker Wilhelmsen, Roger Bruce Wilker, Maxine H. Wilkins, Shirley E.W. Willardson, Sheila Echo Willey, Marci Ann Movitz Willie, Julie Parry Wilson, Carol Anne Wiser, Pamala Gay Merrill Woodward, Doris Skeen Workman, Michael H. Wuthrich, Carolyn Yewdall, Walter Terry Young, Betty Devone Young, Joy Ellen C. Zamora, Marjorie Erickson

CANDIDATES FOR THE DEGREE OF BACHELOR OF ARTS Baxter J Alden Bingham , Brenda Bona , Susan Elaine Christensen , Maurine Christe nsen , Wallace Phil Dunn, Steven E. Eschler, Norman Wayne Foley , Patr ick Vincent

Grunig, Allen N. Hill, Diana Gaye Spackman Hirschi, Fenton Dean Hunter , Jenni fer Tiddy Josephson, Stephen M. Joy, Devon Denny Larsen, Claytor Melvin Lee , Dennis Edw in

Lewis , Craig Clayton MacArthur, Linda Frances McClellan , Kent Wilford Milbrandt , Mariette Kaye Johnson Montenegro , Alex Ravsten, Darlene Mecham Roberts , Laddie Briscoe

Rouse , Barbara Ann Smith , Aletha Reeder Steinfeldt , Richard Paul Thompson , Joan Tolman, Ronald Dean Wassom , Gertrude Jayne Smith


CANDIDATES FOR THE DEGREE OF BACHELOR OF SCIENCE Adams , M. Stanley Ahmed, Sajjad Ali , Shahid R. Allen , Ri chard Jay Allen , Robert Bruce Allred , Clyde John Andersen , Jack Ellis Ander son , Blaine J . Anderson , Darrell Larry Anderson , Denni s N. Anderson, James H. Anderson , Ronald B. Anderson , Steven George A tali , Arif Hikmet Banks , Ivan B. Berna, Gary Allen Bingham , Brent Stanton Blosso m , Rodn ey W. Borchert , Bruce W. Bott , David Arthur Bou ck, Terry Lee Boyer , Lawrence I. Brown , Frank Easton Brue , Fred Lee Burrie , Dee Jay Butler , Jerald Michael Card , Melvyn Dee Carlson , Denni s Doy le Carlson , Robert Kenneth Chadwick , Alan R . Chamber s, Melvin Dean Chang , Rong-Gan Chaudary , Rashid Ahmad Cheuk , Sou-Shek Chivers , Curtis Ja y Clawson, David Grant Cloward , Kell Monson Cohen , Robert Richard Cornia , Neil Ryan Corpany , David R. Cox , Kim Charles Cox , Paul Modin Crafts , Mark Allen Crane, William Aaron

Croft , Alan Urie Dellamore , Charles Lee Earl , Michael Curtis Edling , Tyrell Rob ert Ferderber , Gregory P. Feyma, Gerben John Fielding , Alan Finney , Charles R. Ford , J ames Francis Ford , Wesley Jay Fox , Allen M . Garbis , William John Godfrey, Gary Joseph Goodall , Peter Jan Grundel, Louis George Gulliford , Gary Owen Haley , Gary Lester Hall , James Lee Hall , Richard B. Hamilton , Robert Haire Hansen, Conly L. Hansen , Niels Erik Hansen , Paul Mark Hedvat , Nejat Ollah Henry, Paul Benjamin Higbee , Terry Alan Hill , Arnold Clinton Holt , James Richard Hourmanesh, Mohsen Howe ll, John Charles Humphrey , Jame s Byron Hunsaker , Rickey Dallas Hurst , Thomas Webley Isom , Larry Wolf Jarrett , LeRoy Jason , John J ., Jr. Jensen , Allen Reo Johnson , Reid Nels Jones , Kent Lessing Kim , Nolan Gil Kim, Seong-Choo Kolp , Hirsh B. Larson , Ronald Allen

Lee , Dennis K. Lemcke , Howard R . Leung, Yui-Him Lichf ield , Robert D. Lillywh it e, Kenneth Leo Lin , Han-Chi Lindley , Gary Ray Lund, Philip Roy Mahon , Jimmie Robe rt Mar tin , George B. McCarty, Thomas Elliott Miller , Douglas C. Mirza, Muhamm ed Akhtar Mitton , Reed J. Morera, Jorge Ehrique Morrison, Den nis Nay , Maurice Neeley , David Paul Newlin, Do uglas 0. Niknam , Hab ibull ah Nilsson, Keith Bert Nimori, Lloyd Noble, Karl Reed Noble, Stephen Reyn old Osborne, Joseph LaMarr Pace , David Wallace Penner , Carl F. Jr. Perry , Kenneth M. Peterson, Leon Emmanuel Pitcher , Jay Allen Po pe , Terry Lee Post ma, Stanley S . Post ma , Steven Julius Qaqish , Awni Salem Rajab, Ahmad S. Mondani Sayed Rasmussen, Boyd Losser Reeve , Charles Robert Reid , Robert N . Remington , Burdette A . Robert s, Ronald Louis Robinson, Clifford L. Roth , Richard Bernard Sabine, Leon Ernest Jr.


Saccomanno, William J . Schild , David George Schvaneveldt , Kim Seaman, Karl Edwin Shearer, Gary Ru ssell Shifrer , Curt Collins Shurtz , Roger Guy Slaugh, Carl Eugene Smith , Robert Burnett Sorensen , R. Lynn Souliere , Charles R. Spencer , Clifford Brent Stanworth, Earl Douglas Sto cking , Von K. Stoker, Don S. Tang , Vinh Quyen Tay lor, Ri char d Clayto n Tetreault, Edward T . Thatc her , John Edward Thesken, David Earl Thornley , Paul Dee Tinkey, Roger Scott Topham, Clinton D. Truxes, William W. III Turnipseed , Richard M. Udy, John Austin Valecillos , German Vinciguerra, Edward J . Vogel, Raymond C. Warwick , Gerald D. Watkins, Stanley Joseph Weinert , Steven R . Western , Edward Evan Wheeler , Lonnie Bruce White, Barnard Jon White , Walter L. Williams, Rowland G . Winsor , La var J . Wong , Anthony Yiu Tong Worthington , Jack Glen Yardley, Jame s V . Zbell , Thomas Allan Zollinger , Doyle Dean


CANDIDATES FOR THE DEGREE OF BACHELOR OF SCIENCE Adams, Annette Secrist Adams, Georgia Lee Aschenbrenner,Peggy A. Ashcroft, Elaine T . Badger, Dixie Ann Nelson Ballow, Linda Marie Barton, Carol Ann Beane, Anne Elizabeth Beeton, Mardene Berlin, Zol a Alene Hunte Blunt, Connie Ellen Miller Bowen , J aNel Budge , Patricia Ann Maughan Burton , Maurine Buttars, JaNeil Westover Bybee, Mary Ellen Carter , Carla Jean Chidester, Kenra Christensen, Dayna Carter Christensen , Rebec ca Cole, Deborah Conrad , Rebecca A. Cooper, Kristi Campbell Cooper, Marsha Gaye Maughan Cox, Carol Lynn Martin Cox , Deanna Lee Crisfield , Gene Earl

Cunningham , Georgia Lee DeCow , Dixie Diane Fitzgerald, Debra Freer, Geraldine Evans Fukui, Judy Colleen Grasso , Maureen Gregory, Meridee Hale , Marie Lois Haramoto, Irene Harris, Ronda Henrie , Ruth Ann Ebert Hess , Janet Adele P. Hicken , Richard Vermont Holden, Alayne Gayle Houston , Nida Diane J. Hunsaker , Ethelynn Ingham, Jackqueline Israe lsen, Laurie Anne Janesick, Su zanne Jensen , Mary Lee Adams Jep sen, Marilyn John , Louise Call Johnson , Patricia Ann Worley Jones , David Michael Jones , Kristine Judd, Leah Margene Kap , KathJeen Ritter Kennedy , Dorothy Ann Perry


Kent , Steven Don Kupfer , Cheryl Larsen , Carol Singleton Larsen , Linda Jean Leishman , Kathryn Myers Malouf, Sharyl Dean Hill Manni ng , Marilynn McArthur , Connie Meek, Sheryl Moore, Susan Mosley Mortenson , Anne Muir , Lorr aine P . Nell, Bonnie Alice Nielson , Sharlene Novce, Janis Ann Ogden , KathJeen Olpin , Nancy Kay Olsen , Shirley Ann Peters on , Tommy Chris Pfost , Rheta Prestwich, Marena P. Rawlings, Georgia I. Rebol , Mary Jona Reed , Ann Woodland Richardson , Michael Clair Ricks , Carla Jane Roberts , Pamela Robert so n, Carolyn Beth

Saunders , Kristine S. Savage , Anita Christine Schweikert , Linda Dorothy Scofield , Brenda Kay Scovill , Claudia Simpson , Mary Katherine Johnson Skeen , Peggy Hansen Sloan , Kathryn Lee Smith , Georgia Carline Snow, Deborah Iren e Somers , Linda Sorensen, Juelle Hansen Sorenson, Marnie Sh eila Spainhower , Carolyn Sponenburgh , Lynda Kirkham Starr, Ann Supayaboonrod , Supapan Thore sen, Patty Jo Tinker , Linda Sue Jamison Valentine , Marilynn Taylor Van Order, Vickie Lynne Warner , Mary Jane Newell Weight , Nadine White , Peggy Jo White , Rolayne Jen sen Winegar , Charlene Young, Cristy Ley



CANDIDATES FOR THE DEGREE OF BACHELOR OF SCIENCE Albonico , Pauline Allan, Jessica Lee Andersen , Marilyn Anderson , Steven Ladd Anhder, C. Larry Archer , Earl T. Atwell, Jesse Dwayne Bailey , Becky Bailey , Steven Richard Baldwin , Daniel Bander, Michael J. Bateman , Robert Brent Bennett, Carl Robert Bergeson , Delreed Berry , Michael C. Bessinger , John Lynn Bilton , Katherine M. Bird, Alan L. Black, Burton Kenneth Blackwell, Charles D . Bowen , Kent Boyer , Lois Lorraine Brennan , Mary Catherine Brewer , Larry Evan Brown , Dianne Brueckner , Stephanie L.

Burrows , Jill Burtenshaw , Bruce F. Bushnell , Jane Cantwell, Laurence S. Carlson , Victor Wayne Carter, Carolyn Chambers , Eldon Vance Christensen, Burke A. Christensen, Michael Christiansen, Robert B. Christopherson, Barbara Jo Clark, Ricky Ulmer Collings , Kerry Von Conway, Paul Cooper , Carol Marie Drury Cope , Marva Cox , LaMar Kay Cranney, Douglas Keith Decker, Joseph Wayne Dunn, Jeffrey P . Elmer, Marla Estell Ercolin, Joseph Paul Eyre , Dougla s S. Forbes, DeAnn Frischknecht , Diane Frischknecht , Paul R .

Fullmer, Sharon K. Gannon, Paul Frederi ck Garcia , Vicki B. Gates , Terry Lynn Giles, Edward Lee Gillman, John Wayne Giroux , Vincent A . Gooch, Gayton Fugal Griffin , Roger Wayne Gross , Robert Craig Hafen , Susan Haywood , Susan E. Bommer Hellie, Robert Blair Hendrixson, Douglas L. Hislop, Wendell Craig Hobbs , Janice Whitlock Hoey., Gerard Francis Hollingsworth , Richard D. Hopkins, Zem David Howard, Kathy Jean Hunsaker , Karl Jude Hyer , Kenneth C. Jarrell, Daniel Craig Jensen, Douglas Brent Jensen , Janet Shipley


Jen sen , Kevin Jensen , Miles Peter Jensen , Richard John Jensen, Robin Scott Jenson , Lloyd Monson Jentzsch , Boyd Lyn Jeppson, Dwight Lee Johnson, Helen Rae Hultgren Joy, Fred Charles Kaneko, Duane Richard Kennington , Dean M. Laflamme, Karen Martell Lang, Lorenz Larsen, Catherine Gayle Larsen, Nanette K. Lawson, Lonnie Ferris Leatham , David Louis Linford, Robert Boyd Linford, Sally Jane Lipscomb, James T. Long, Willis Clyne Lust , David Edward Mackay , Ira Jay Martineau, Russell S . Matthews , David Harvey McKee , Mac

COLLEGE OF HUMANITIES, ARTS AND SOCIAL SCIENCES (Continued) McMurray , Ilene Mei, Danny Jr. Michaelson, Paul Roger Murdock, Patricia K . Nanney, Craig Kent Nielsen, Christopher M. Nielson, Tana O'Day, Cynthia I. Paulus, Douglas John Peart , Rebecca Holt Perry, Brent "K" Peterson, Sharon Pettingill, Bruce E. Phippen, Earl Freeman Piggott, Charles W. Pitt, Harold Gibson Place, James Harral Poulson, Janis J. Harris Pyne, Raymond Carl Quayle, Thomas Eric Randall, Annette Cannon

Ratliff, Aulene Evans Redelings, Carol Elaine Reese, Stephen L. Reese, William Clayton Reeves, Kathryn Hendry Reid, Lloyd E. Reid, Marjorie Twitchell Reil, Arlene Richards, Janice Ringle, David Mark Risher, Michael Wayne Roberts, Rebecca Karen Bachman Rock , F. Lemarr Rose, David Manuel Rowe, Richard Dean Rupper , John Nathan Sawyer, Robert H. Sayer, Margaret Lynne Schindler, John Edwin Schwartz , Terrill Rex

Shafer, Richard Everett Shaw, Vaughan Carl Simkins, Philip H . Singleton, Kathleen Sjostrom , Richard M. Smith , H. Jacalyn Smith, Kurt Ray Somers , Karl Brent Sorenson, Ann Marie Spangler, Larry Stevens Sponenburgh, William J . Starr, Gary Arthur Stewart, Brian Theadore Taggart, Jessie McNiven Tantivejakul, V ansiri Thames, Richard Brian Thomas, Keith Richard Thompson , Hal Owen Thurston, Ray Richard Timoney, Robyn Rae Treasure, David Mark

Vongswadi , Nitipunta Waddoups, Royal Kerry Walker, Darrell Duane Warr, Mark Scott Washburn , Dale Britton Weaver, John Lee Weight, Bonnadell D. Wheeler, Stephen Michel White , Richard Lynn Whittacre , Lloyd Gary Wier, Pamela Willey, James Peterson Williams, Merrell W. Williams, Patricia Wilson, Richard Ray Wimmer, Glade Forrest Winquist , Jeraldine F. Sorenson Woltz, Peter Craig Womack, Eldon Lynn Wright , Victoria

CANDIDATES FOR THE DEGREE OF BACHELOR OF ARTS Adams, Inge H. Allen, Hal Royce Anderson, Melinda Anhder, Margo Anne Hurren Arguedas , Alfredo Juan Bell, Bradford Darwin Beutler, Melvin E. Bingham, James Wesley Boudreaux, Celese Briggs, Roy Richard Brown, Vik Glen Burton, Kathleen Hess Capps, Carolyn Fish Carver, Nancy Castillo, Jo Elda Christensen , David Lewis Christensen, Louan Roberts Christensen, Roger P. Cook, Allan Colman

Crafts, Sue C. Cragun, Wiley Ezra Durrant , Roslie Eggli, Josephine T. Eller, Janet Gott Faverty, Patrick W. Fay , Donald Paul Ferguson, Dennis Craig Flack, Jo-Anne Ely Forsgren, Ray Bowen Fox, Ruth Foxley, Douglas S. Franchina, Elizabeth Kay Gilson, Terry Lynne Gould, Joan Christine Greenwell, Deborah Groberg , Dennis Craig Gustaveson, Steven Loyd Hansen, Edwin Don

Harmon, Brenda Lee Heath , Daniel Frank Hilton , Marney Jaggi, Eldon Richard Johnson , Jeffrey P . Jones , Julie Homer Jones, Rodney J . Kjar, Merwin Kay Lee , Janet Linderman, Catherine Lou Manner , Joan Inez McCullough, Christine Meyer, Lynn Christine Milligan, Jean Mitchell, Sherry White Murray, William Parsons, Cheryl Ann Pendleton, Carol

Perkins, Russell George Rasmussen , Rebecca Reeve , Kaye Roberts , Blaine Vee Robertson , Nancy Jean Okeson Rosen , Charlotte Sakamoto , Joanne M. Schockmel, Richard B. Shaw, John Skinner, Gale N. Smith, Dixie Toolson Smith, Kathleen Topik, Ron N. Wapp, Edward R. Warner, Susan Wieczorek , John Louis Winward, Blair L. Ziebarth, Charles M. Zimmermann, Julie G. Alger

CANDIDATES FOR THE DEGREE OF BACHELOR OF FINE ARTS Allen, Kittie Bench, Myrlene Mary Brunson, Peter Gary Budd, Donald Alan Calder, Sterling C. Carlson, Richard LaMarr Chamberlain, Clark A. Christiansen, Jan Coombs, Sallie Damon, Claudia L. Jenkins

Diamanti, Sandra M. Evans, Diane L. Peterman Farr, Wynn Milton Garbis, Margaret Patrick Gilbert , Ricky Hans Grover, Margaret Harris, Wilford Paul Jacobson, Craig Lee Kunasirindara, Vatin Laursen, William K.

Long, Leonard J. Millard, Dennis Jackson Minke, Sally Ann Moeller, Manfred Morley, J. Phillip Ondrechen, Jacqueline Workman Pack, Maureen Joan Palmer, Cheryl Porter, Michael Vernon


Prall, Duane Wilson Sedlar, Trude M. Signer, John Alfred Spackman, Michael Dean Taylor, Laurie Thurber, Thomas Ray Jr. Wagner, Barbara M. Williams, Laura Ann Wilstead, Claudia A. Wiscomb, Allison

CANDIDATES FOR THE DEGR EE OF BACHELOR OF MUSIC Ballam, Michael Lynn Beecher, Betty Jean R. Brinton, Annette Vinnie Chambers, Linda Lee Berry Dalby , Kirn Christian

Matthew s, Thomas P. Maughan , Vickie Smith Miller, David Daines Palumbo , N. June Eshelman Parkin son , Sandra R.

Dart , James Monroe Houtz , Larry Johnson, Vea Kingsford , La nis Manning, Sherilyn

Smith, Meredith Lynn Sorbe , William Jay Wardle, Russell Fred Winegar, Tamra

CANDIDATES FOR THE DEGREE OF BACHELOR OF LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE Arp, James Henry Barron , Donald Bernard Blaney , Forrest Allan Bywater , Colon Cloutier , Richard James Frand sen , Ronald Neil


Fuhriman , Norman Craig Fung , Wai Chan Hugie, Ray Christian Huie, Laurence Gene Lemon , Wilfred Thoma s Mark , Michael T .

Martin , Van Jay Miyabara , Michael T. Moberg , Donald Lee Nielson, Jay L. Nye , James Richard Paulson , Merlyn Jam es

Sco tt , Robert George Shaw, Richard William Turner , Denton Duane Walsh, Barry Douglas Walters, Douglas H. Wilhelmsen, Melvin J.


CANDIDATES FOR THE DEGREE OF BACHELOR OF SCIENC E Allen, Russell Orian Alm, Denni s Wayne Anderson , Glade W. Ander son, Robert J. Andrysco, Larry Michael Baker, Dean L. Baker , Ed B. Beall, David Lawrence Benlz, Floyd E. Bergstrom , John Evan Birch, James E. Bott , Jeffry Glen Bott , Jerry Glen Brennan , Matthew Brezenski, Stephen A. Brown , Daniel Kent Brown , Susan Jean Bunker , Michael Chapman, Gene Lee Chidester, John Scott Connolly, John William Crowder, Tommy Dale Crump , Blaine Elden Dalton , Larry B. Davenport , John W. Dickerman, Gary E. Donovan, Thomas Joseph Ebersole , John Charles Erskine , Byron B. Eza, Douglas Arthur Fitzpatrick, Daniel J. Franklin, Clifford Milo

Frant z, Bruce Eugene Fred erick, Eric L. Fustish , Charles Arthur Giles, LaVon Ralph Goforth , Bruce Scott Goodri ch , William John Guilbert , Robert Larry Cumber , Joseph Wayne Hamilton , James B. Hanson , Martin Henry Hawkins, Steven R. Heal , Robert Franklin Healy , John Steve Henderson , Robert Michael Henningson , Allen V. Hepworth, Scott Allen Higginbotham , Richard F . Hobbs , Christopher P. Holl , Robert Edward Hulet , Paul Cripps lrmen , Thomas Howard Janneck , Ronald G. Jensen , Alan L. Johnson , Weldon Ardean Kay , Dennis Blaine Kershisnik, Gerald E. Leavitt , Clinton H. Lee , Thomas Raymond Lefler , Jack Lynn Lehnhausen, Gary Lipus, Steven Edward Loder, Tommie Kent

Lut z, Kenneth E. Mabe , John H. Mann , David Kent Matozevich, Michael D. Matthews , Marion Jam es McCloy, Jame s Scott McFarland, Thomas L. Mcilwaine , Warnock John McIntosh , Gary Edwin McKell, Gary Alan Meadows, Roy W. Meyers, Theo dore R. Minckler, Frederick R . Monroe, Larry Moody , Wilber James Mooney , Philip William Murch , Dennis Ray Naten , Ronald Wayne Nemanich , Frank Joseph Nestel , Roger Carlton Nielsen, Royce Peter Noble , Thomas Bird Olson , Dale R. Oprandy , Nicholas Pattison , Lee Gary Pettitt, Michael James Ping, Edward Martin Porter, Brent Blaine Reed, Bruce William Rhodes , Randolph Allan Roberts, Scott D. Robinson, Douglas M.

Schmidt , Dale Lee Schmidt , Jame s Edward Schwart z , Ray J . Segarich , Victo r John Settle s, James Allen Simmons, Richard Walter Smith , Verlin Lewis Sorenson , Von Kay Sten sos, Jame s Stevens, Harry Dumont, Jr. Stever, Richard Roy Strasrypka , Alvin James Stucki , Steven Wallace Sullivan, Michael A . Tanker sley, Charles T . Terrill , Lloyd Kenneth Terrill , William R. Tinsch , William Frank Towry, Robert K. Jr. Twitchell , Terry L. Vaughn, Ruth Marie Veikley , Laurence R. Warnick, Ronald S. Washington, Daniel B. Weber, Stephen E. Weist, Lamont E. Wiest, Richard L. Wilson, John Gilbert Winters, Steven Robert Worthen, James A.


CANDIDATES FOR THE DEGREE OF BACHELOR OF SCIENCE Anderson, Errol Richard Apperson, William Ayers, Loretta Lee Beesley, Jon S. Billings, Mark Linden

Braas, Tim Michael Braden, Dianna Lynn Bruce , Carl L. Calder , Kreg Hansen Case, Rex Earl

Chang , Tse-Chiu Collet, Celdar Bruce Collmar, Dennis Hubert Cunningham, George M. Davis, Roy Kim


deHenaut, Philippe Downey, Earl Courtney

COLLEGE OF SCIENCE (Continued) Dyches, Brent R. Eccles, Thomas Keith Evans, Paul Dean Everton, Dennis Mark Farrell , Irene Ann T. Gallaugher, Paul J . George , Lloyd David Gerber, Richard Peter Gooch , Brent R. Gross, Frederick A. III Hamilton, Layne Fred Hansen, Keith LaMont Henderson, Walter F. Hess, Terry 0. Hill, Arthur J. B. Hoke, Lafayette Lane Holfert, John W. Holt , Rickie Blaine Huggard , Sharon

Jackson , Brent David Jenkins, Colin Dee Johnson , Thorley Conrad Jones, Robert Errol Keate , Jeffrey Rowland Laird , Alton Jarrol Larsen , Ronald Axel Larson , Larry Lee Lee, Wayne Henry Lemon, Julie M. Orr Linderman , Shayne D. Ludt , Richard F. Mangus, Harriet Marshall, Eugene J . Marshall , Ronnald L. Mattson, Reed B. McOmie, David J . Mendive, Steven Robert Miles, William Douglas

Mobley, George Clinton Moore , Robert Lynn Jr. Mortensen , Dale Craig Morton , John Stanley Naruse , Donald Mineo Nilson , Jimmy Dee Olsen , Dear! Porter Pace , Nancy Catltleen Palmer, Robert Alan Patterson , Kathryn Lee Perkins, Ronald Dee Pettingill , Wesley Raymond Rawlins , Glen Whitney Read , Paul Hill Rees, Kenneth Ralph Jr. Roberts, Lewis B. Robinson, Douglas Perry Salmon, Patrick Gerald Sanders, Raymond Craig

Schiavolin , David J. Schwarzmann , George Jr. Sorensen, Darwin LeVoy Stokes , William Michael Stroh, Jo -Ann Marie Swanson , Mark Edward Swasey, Mary Jennette Terry , Jay Dee Trinnaman , Janis Paige Walker, Joe L. Wiley, Russell Jay Wilson, Charles Edward Young, Daniel Young, Stanford Adams Young, Trudy Louise Rich Zengen, Carl E. Zollinger , Gary Lee


Melonas, John J.

Olson , Harold A.





Graduate s pre sente d a Commission as Second Lieutenant , United States Army , at earlier unit ceremonies . Asterisk indicates a Distingui shed Graduate. Jones, David M. *Jones , Robert E. Josephson , Stephen M. King, Richard L. *Larsen, Brent H . Larsen , Claytor M. Leatham , David L. Leishman, Eldon P. *Lindbloom , Edwin 0., Jr. Loope , Walter L. Marchant , Bradley J. May , Kenneth E. McIntosh, Gary E. Michaelson , Paul R . Nelson, Benjamin K. Peterson , Leon E. Pettitt , Michael J. Quayle, Thomas E . Roberts , Ro nald L. Schild , David G. Schvaneveldt , Kim *Shaw , William C. Starr, Chad C. *Stewart, Brian T . Taylor , Reed G. *Torres, Adam L. Wharton , Malcolm L.

*Allen, Hal R. *Anderson , Brent W. Anderson , Robert J. Andrews , Robert C. *Beutler , Melvin E. Billings , Mark L. *Birch , Ted L. *Bommer , Jerry C. Bott, Loren zo J. *Briggs, Roy R. Carlson , Larry J. *Carlson , Richard L. Christensen , David L. Clark, John L. Con die, Elden P. *Conway, Paul L. Cooke, Peter S. *Crump , Blaine E. Edmiaston , Thoma s H. *Evans, Paul D. Everton, Dennis M. Glanville , William K. Goddard , John K. *Hansen , Conly L. Hansen, Edwin D. *Hawkins , Steven R . *Hirschi , Fenton D. *Johnson, Reid N. AIR SCIENCE

Graduat es presented a Commissi on as Second Lieut enant , United States Air Force, at earlier ceremonies. Asterisk indicates a Distinguished Graduate . Alsop , Jame s Anderson *Johnson , Jeffrey Pollard *Johnson, Norman H. Austin, Roy A. Bake r , Dean L. *Johnson, Rici Val Beesley , Jon Stephan Kelley , Orville G . Bergstrom , John Evan Larsen, William Kent Bowen , Robert Kent McBride , Clair D . Carlson, Robert Kenneth Morrison, Dennis Clawson , David Grant Nilson, Jimmy Dee Collmar, Dennis Hubert Oliverson , Michael Glen *Couch, Robert Maurer Phippen, Earl Freeman Dellamore, Charles Lee Pitcher , Jay Allen Eyre, Dougla s S. Quigley, Thomas Milton *Eza, Douglas Arthur Rasmussen, Jack Noel Rees , Kenneth Ralph, Jr. Firth , Rex Bert *Galloway , Rodney George Richards , Michael Dean Gardner , Craig K. Shurtz , Roger Guy Gerber , Richard Peter Watkins, Stanley Joseph *Gray , Waylan d Eugene Watts , David Loy *Hansen, Paul Mark Wheeler , Lonnie Bruce Heninger, Kenith Howard *Wiley , Russell Jay Higbee , Terry Alan Wilson , Charles Edward III Holt, James Richard Young, Daniel



ELDONJ.GARDNER,DEAN DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY ANDERSON, LARRY CHARLES Litchfield, Minnesota BA: Concordia College, 1965 Major: Zoology Major Professor: Dr. D. M. Hammond Dissertation: Experimental Cocc idian Infections in Captive Hibernating and Non-hibernating Uinta Ground Squirrels , Spermopllilus

COOK , WILLIAM A. Brigham City, Utah MS: Brigham Young University , 1961 Major : Mechanical Eng ineer ing Major Professor: Dr. Alma P. Moser Dissertation: Body Oriented Coo rdin ates for Generating Three-dimens ional Meshes and Developing Elastostat ic Computer Programs


ANDERSON , LOREN RUNAR Eureka, California BS: Utah State University , 1964 Major: Civil Enginee rin g (So il Mechanics) Major Professor : Dr. Irving S. Dunn Disserta tion : An Investigation of Viscous Deformation Using a Three-dimensional Technique

DAVIDSON, NEAL ALLEN (see page 52) DAV IS, CLAR K A. Hebe r , Utah MA: Utah State University, 1968 Major: Sociology Major Professor: Dr. Yun Kim Dissertation: Social and Economic Corre lates of Ideal and Desired Fa mily Sizes of Senior Fema les in Public High Schools in the State of Utah , 197 0 DORSETT, WILLIAM ANDR EW Kirkland, Washington BA: University of Washington , 196 2 Major: Che mistry Major Professor: Dr. G. G . Smith Dissertation: The Oxidation a nd Reduction Polarographic Behavior of Some Disubstituted Dibiphenylene Ethyl enes

Resistance to Co nsolid ation

ARNOLD, H. LAMONT Price , Utah MS: Oregon State University, 1959 Major: Botany Major Profe ssor: Professor Arthur H. Holgre n Dissertation: An Analysi s of the Taxonomic Status of a New Taxon in th e Genus Sa!sola BJERREGAARD, RICHARDS. Mayfield, Utah BS: Brigham Young University , 1967 Major: Eco logy (Range Scie nce) Major Profes sor: Dr. Martyn M. Cald well Dissertation: The Nitrogen Budget of Two Salt Desert Shrub Plant Communit ies of Western Utah

EK R E, CORDELL DENNIS Sheldon, North Dakota MS: Montana State University , 1968 Major: Animal Science Major Professor: Dr. Warren C. Foote Dissertation: Some Effects of Progestogens , Estrogens, and Anti-LH and Antiestradiol Sera on Corpus Luteum Fun ctio n and Other Reprod uctive Pro cesses in the Ewe

BOND , LARRY KEITH Ramah , New Mexico MS: Unive rsity of Aiizona, 196 3 Major: Economics Major Prof esso r : Dr. B. Delworth Gardner Dissertation : An Analy sis of Factors Influ enc ing Farm Fa mily Residence Location

FIEL D, CHA RL ES R . Spencerprot, New York MS: Temple University, 1969 Major : Bacteriology and Public Health Major Professor: Dr. Paul Carter Dissert a tion : Cellular Fa tty Acid Comp osit ion of Group D. Streptoco cci as Determined by Gas Liquid Chromatogra ph y F IEL D, PATRICIA 1-1 . Syracuse , New York BS: LeMoyne Co llege , 1965 Majo r : Toxicology Major Professor : Dr. Joseph T. Blake Dissertation: Tissue Mineral Imbalan ces in Cattle with Brisket Disease

BUNCH , THOMAS DAVID LaPorte , Indiana MS: Brigham Young University , 1969 Major: Ecology (Wildlife Resou rces) Major Profes sor: Dr. Je ssop B. Low Dissertation: Effects of Dieldrin on Chromosomes of Bon e Marrow and Lymphocyte s of the Semi-domestic Mallard Duck CHANG, DORIS C. N. Chia-yi , Taiwan, China MS: University of California, Riverside , 1966 Major: Plant Science Major Professor: Dr. William F. Campbell Dissertation : A Study of Ultrastructural Changes in Tolerant and Susceptibl e Lines of Alfalfa Induced by Stem Nematode (Ditylenchus Dipsaci Kuhn)

FITZ, FRANKLIN KERGEL Woodland, California MA: Humboldt Stat e College, 1968 Major: Ecology (Botany) Major Professor : Dr. Ivan G. Palmblad Dissertation: Some Eco logical Factors Affe cting the Distri bution and Abundan ce of Two Species of Tall Lark spur in the Intermountain Regi on , With Thoughts on Biological Control

CHAUDHARI, RAMJIBHAI V. Dindarol, India MS: Utah State University, 1969 Major : Nutrition and Food Scienc es Major Professor : Dr. Gary H. Richards on Dissertation : Purifi ca tion and Characterization of a Prot ease from a Lamb Gastric Extract Used for Cheese Flavor Improv ement

FOLLIS, THOMAS BURTON Taylorsville, Kentucky DVM: Ohio State University, 1954 Major : Wildlife Resourc es (Ecology) Major Professor : Dr . J . Juan Spill ett Dissertation: Studie s on Reprodu c tion in the Cache Elk Herd


DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY (Continued) GANDHI, NIRANJAN R. Mehmadabad, India MS: Utah State University, 1970 Major: Bacteriology and Public Health Major Professor: Dr. Gary H. Richardson Dissertation: Assay and Control of Staphylococcal toxin A Development in Cheddar Cheese Slurries

JENSEN, ROSS TAYLOR Brigham City, Utah MS: University of Idaho, 1967 Major : Mechanical Engineering Major Professor: Dr. Russell M. Holdredge Dissertation: Inception of Liquid Entrainment During Emergency Cooling of Pressurized Water Reactors KAHN, ROBERT B. Los Angeles, California MA: Pepperdine University, 1968 Major: Psychology Major Professor: Dr. Roland Bergeson Dissertation: A Relability Measurement of the Transactiona l Analysis Checklist


GUPTA, SATISH CHANDER Jammu, India MS: Punjab Agricultural University, 1968 Major: Soil Science and Biometeorology Major Professor: Dr. R. J . Hanks Dissertation: Model for Predicting Simultaneous Distribution of Salt and Water in Soils HAMMER, DONALD ARTHUR Wildrose, North Dakota MS: South Dakota State University, 1968 Major : Ecology (Wildlife Resources) Major Professor : Dr. J. Juan Spillett Dissertation : Ecological Relations of Waterfowl and Snapping Turtl e Populations

KIMBALL,DAN CHARLES Plaistow , New Hampshire MS: University of New Hampshire, 1966 Major: Wildlife Resources (Fisherie s Biology) Major Professor: Dr. William T. Helm Dissertation : Quantitative and Temporal Aspects of the Feeding of Brown Trout and Mountain Whitefish in a Natural La tic System

HANCOCK, " H" K. Lawrence, Kan sas MS: University of Missouri, 1969 Major : Forest Science (Outdoor Recreation) Major Professor : Dr. Philip A. Barker Dissertation: A Comparison of Observ ed Campus Behavior with Verbal Express ions of Site Preference and Per ce ption, in Cache National Forest, Utah

KIMBALL , STEVEN L. Kanosh , Utah MS: Utah Stat e University, 1970 Major : Botany Major Professor : Dr. Frank B. Salisbury Dissertation: Low Temperature Modification of Cell Ultrastructure in Hardy and Nonhardy Grass Species KING , ALTON BUTLER Hyde Park, Utah MS: University of Utah, 1969 Major: Civil Engineering Major Professor: Dr. Daniel H. Hoggan Dissertation : Development of Regional Supply Functions and a Least-cost Model for Allocating Water Resources in Utah : A Parametric Linear Programming Approach

HARRIS , JOHN HENRY Pasadena , California MS: Utah State University , 1970 Major: Forest Science (Outdoor Recreation) Major Professor: Dr. Perry J. Brown Dissertation: An Examination of Law Enforcement Recognition by the United States Forest Service in the Inter· mountain Region

LEE, RICHARD MAUSHONG Silo, Taiwan MS: Utah State University, 1967 Major: Zoology Major Professor: Dr. William A. Brindley Dissertation: Xenobiotic Detoxication Potential and Drug Induced Changes in Carbary! Toxicity in the Alfalfa Leaf cutt er Bee, Megachile rotundata (Fabricius) LEE, SHIAO-FAN Taiwan, China MS: Utah State University, 1968 Major: Nutrition and Food Sciences Major Professor: Dr. Ethelwyn B. Wilcox Dissertation: Serum Lipids and Urinary Estrogens of Nonpregnant Menstruating Young Women

HARRIS, JOHN WALLACE Blackfoot, Idaho MSW: University of Denver, 1951 Major : Sociology Major Professor: Dr. There! R. Black Dissertation : The Rel ation of Social Group Environmental Treatment to the Self-imaging of Chronic Mental Patients HISKEY, HAROLD H. Teasdale, Utah MS: Utah State University, 1960 Major: Economics Major Professor : Dr . Jay C. Andersen Dissert atio n: Optimal Allocation of Irrigation Water: The Sevier River Basin

LOVE , ALAN LE ROY Juneau, Alaska BS: Whea ton College, 1966 Major: Chemistry Major Professor: Dr. Richard K. Olsen the Synthesis of Dissertation : I. Studies Toward Echinodithianic Acid and II. The Temperature Dependent NMR Spectrum of Methyl N·Acetyl Sarcosinate

HOOTON, RICHARD JAMES Murray, Utah MS: Utah State University, 1970 Major: Sociology Major Professor: Dr. H. Bruce Bylund Dissertation: Race , Skin , Color , and Dress as Rel ate d to the American Indian Sterotype HUGHES, TREVOR CLARKE Malad City, Idaho BS: Utah State University , 1957 Major: Civil Engineering Major Professor: Dr. Calvin G. Clyde Dissertation : A Mixed Integer Programming Approach to Planning Multiple Water Sources for Municipal Water Supply

MANGELSON, KENNETH AUSTIN Sait Lake City, Utah MS: Utah State University, 1968 Major : Civil Engineering Major Professor: Dr. Gary Z. Watters Dissertation: Hydraulics of a Waste Stabilization Pond and its Influence on Treatment Efficiency


DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY (Continued) MARSH, RICHARD CHARLES Berkeley, California MS: UCLA, 1969 Major: Psychology Major Professor: Dr. Carl D. Cheney Diss<::rtation: The Effects of Frontal Escape Behavior

Brain Ablation

NEFT, NIVARD Ogden, Utah BS: College of St. Benedict, 1946 Major: Biochemistry Major Professor: Dr. Thomas M. Far ley Dissertation: Chemistry of Antimycin A I. Synthesis and BiologicaJ Assay of Substituted SalicylN-(N-octadecyl) Amide Analogs II. Biosynthesis of 14C-Antimycin in Chemically Defined Resting Cell Medium


MAUGHAN, CYRIL NEWELL Preston, Idaho MS: North Dakota State University, 1967 Major: Toxicology Major Professor: Dr. Gary H. Richard son Dissertation: Detection and Quantitation of Staphylococcus aureus Deoxyribonuclease in Cheese

NIELSEN, ROSS ALBERT Hyrum, Utah MS: Utah State University, 1964 Major: Zoology Major Professor: Dr. Donald W. Davis Dissertation: Radiation Biology of the Greater Wax Moth (Galleria mellonel/a (L.)): Effects on Developmental Biology, Bionomics, Mating Competitiveness and Fi Sterility

MC LEAN, DONALD HUGH Winnipeg, Canada MS: University of Minnesota, 1947 Major: Civil Engineering Major Professor: Dr. J. Paul Riley Dissert at ion : A Study of the Effects of Water In stitut ion s on Planning and Management of Water Resources in Utah

NIMAH, MUSA NAJIB Kura, Lebanon MS: American University of Beirut, 1968 Major: Soils and Biometeorology Major Professor: Dr. Ronald J. Hanks Dissertation: Model for Estimating Soil Water Flow, Water Content, Evapotranspiration and Root Ex tr action

MILLER, CLAYTON STEWART Yakima, Washington MS: University of Idaho, 1965 Major: Mechanical Engineering Major Professor: Dr. Edward W. Yendell Dissertation: An Alternating Direction Relaxation Scheme for Computing Inviscid Two-dimensional Transonic Flows Through Cascades

PATIL, BHASKARRAO CHANDROJI Maharashtra, India MS: University of Poona, 1962 Major: Nutrition an d Food Sciences Major Professor: Dr. D. K. Salunkhe Dissertation: Formation and Control of Chlorophyll and L. and Solanine in Tubers of Solanum tuberrosum, Evaluation of Solanine Toxicity

MOORE, RUSSELL THOMAS Wendell, Idaho BS: University of Idaho, 1966 Major: Ecology (Range Science) Major Professor: Dr. Martyn M. Caldwell and Dissertation: Transpiration of A triplex confertifolia Eurotia lanata in Relation to Soil, Plant and Atmospheric Moisture Stresses

READING, DON CARDON Pocatello, Idah o MS: University of Oregon, 1964 Major: Eco nomics Major Professor: Dr. Leonard J. Arrington Dissertation: A Statistical Analysis of New Deal Economic Programs in the 48 States 1933-1939

MORGAN, NEIL WILLIAM Logan, Utah MS: Utah State University, 1966 Maj or: ElectricaJ Engineering Major Professor: Profes sor Duane G. Chadwick Dissertation: Hybrid Computer Methods for the Simulation of Distributed Parameter Systems with Applications to Hydrology

RIERA, GERARDO SIMON GUZMAN LaPaz, Bolivia MS: Interameri can Institut e of Agricultural Science, 1963 Major: Animal Science Major Professor: Dr. Milton A. Madsen Dissertation: Naturally Occurring and Hormone Induced Puberty and Related Phenomena in Ewes

MOSHER, JOHN IV AN Phelps, New York MA : Western State College of Colorado, 1961 Major: Zoology Major Professor: Dr. Keith L. Dixon Dissertation: An Analysis of Flock Organization in Blackcapped Chickadees NA YY AR , VIRENDRA New Delhi , India MS: Utah State University, 1970 Major: Botany Major Professor: Dr. George W. Cochran Dissertation: The Action of Antibiotics and Antimetabolites on Tobacco Mosaic Virus Infection Process In Bean Leaves

SAKHAN,KOUSOUMSOUTH Phnom Penh, Cambodia MS: Utah State University, 1968 Major: Civil Engineering Major Professor: Dr. J. Paul Riley Dissertation: Simulation of the Dynamics of Erodible Streams SHASHA'A, NIZAR SHUKRI Amman, Jordan MS: Oklahoma State University, 1957 Major: Plant Science Major Professor: Dr. William F. Campbell Dissertation: Limitation Studies of Seed Set in the Onion Allium cepa L. (Liliaceae)

NAZIR, MUHAMMAD C. LyaJl Pur, West Pakistan BS: Punjab Agricultural College, 1961 Major: Economics Major Professor : Professor John P. Workman Dissertation: Economic Efficiency of Grazing Systems


DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY (Continu ed) SHEWMAN, FR EDERICK CHARLES West Lafayette, Indiana MS: Purdue, 1966 Major: Civil Engineering Major Professor: Dr. H. B. Peterson Dissertation : Pho sphat e Cont ent of Grea t Basin Groundwater s and Methods for Apprai sing th e ir Contamination Potential

TURNQUIST, RICHARD L. Rugby , North Dakot a BA: Concordia College, 1966 Major: Zoology Major Professor: Dr. William A. Brindley Dissertation: Th e Effe cts of Age and Indu ction on Cockro ach Mixed Function Oxidase Activity and Cell Morph ology WAITE , WENDEN WAYNE Hyd e Park, Utah MS: Utah State University, 1969 Maj or : Psychology Major Professor : Dr. J . Grayson Osborn e Dissertation: Behavi oral Contrast in Childr e n

SLAD E, NORMAN ANDREW Wichita , Kansas MS: Utah Stat e University , 1969 Major: Ecology (Wildlife Resourc es) Major Profes sor : Dr. Allen W. Stok es Dissert a tion : Popul ation Ecology of Uinta Ground Squirr els

WEI, LING-LING LIU Hsin-chu , Taiwan MS: University of California , Riversid e, 1967 Major : Bo tany Majo r Prof essor: Dr. George W. Welkie Dissert a tion : Effec t of Hydrog en Hu orid e on Ultr astru ctur e of Soyb ea n Leaf Cells

SMITH , BRIAN RAY Ririe , I<la ho BS : Utah State University , 1967 Major : Tox ico logy Major Professo r: Dr. William A. Brindley Dissert a tion : Nucleophili c Displacement by Salt s of 0 -eth yl Eth yl phos ph ono thi oic Acid in th e Synth esis of Assyme tri c Organo pho sph onothi o nat es

WILLARD , ELMER EARL Quana h , Texa s MS: Texas Tec h University , 1968 Maj or: Eco logy (Range Science) Major Profe ssor: Dr. Cyru s M. McKell Dissert a tion: Som e Factors Involved in Activation of Sprout ing in Littl e Rabbitbru sh and Snowb erry e n Summ er Range

SPEE R , C LAR ENCE ARVON Ft . Co llins, Co lorado MS: Ut ah Stat e Universit y, 1970 Major : Zoolo gy Major Profe ssor : Dr. D. M. Hamm o nd Dissert a tion : Growth of th e Rabbit Coccidiu m, Eim eria magna , in Cell Culture s

WOODRUFF, RONNY C. Hughes Springs , Texas MS: East Texas State Univer sity , 1967 Major: Zoology Major Professor: Dr. Jam es T. Bowman Dissert ation : A Comparative Study of th e Mutationally Unstable Mutants Forked-3n and White-Ivory of

STODDART , L. CHARL ES Logan, Utah MS: Ut ah Sta te University , 1962 Major: Wildlife Resour ces Major Profe ssor: Dr. Frederic H . Wagner Dissertati o n : Population Biology of th e Black-ta iled Jackrabbit (L epus calif o rni cus) in Northern Utah

Dro sophila melan ogaster

WRIGHT , CHARLES HARRY Brigham City, Utah MS: Oregon State Univer sity, 1960 Major: Mechanical Engineering Major Professor: Dr. Edward W. Yendell Dissertation: Prediction and Measurement of Exhaust Plume Electrical Properties

TAUR , ROG ER RONG Taip ei, Ta iwa n MS: Utah State University , 1968 Major : Electri cal Engineering Major Profes sor : Dr. R. D. Harris Dissertation: Formation Theory of Sporadi c E by Tidal Wind Systems

WU, MING-TSUNG Chiayi, Taiwan MS: National Taiwan University , 1967 Major : Nutrition and Food Sciences Major Professor : Dr. D. K. Salunkhe Dissertation: The Regulatory Effects of Certain S-triazine Compounds on the Nutritive Composition of Seeds and Leaves of the Pea (Pisum sativum L.) and Sweet Corn (Zea mays L.) and Responses of Metabolic Systems

TOBLER, JACK EARL Santa Clara, Utah BS: College of Southern Utah , 1966 Major : Zoology Major Profe ssor: Dr. James T. Bowman Dissertation : The Effect of Chromosomal Position on Dosage Compensation and Ontogenic Expression of the v+ Gene in D. melanogaster

DOCTOR OF EDUCATION BENCH, VARNELL A. Logan, Utah MS: Utah State Univer sity, 1968 Major : Educational Administration Major Professor: Dr. James A. Ja cob sen Dissertation: A Cooper ative, Coordinated State-Wide System for Public School District Evaluation in Utah

ALLEN, STEVEN W. Kaysville, Utah MA: Utah State University , 1970 Major: Curriculum Development And Supervision Major Professor: Dr. Max F. Dalby Dissertation: A New Instructional Method for Clarinet with Methodological and lmplementory Procedure s for Teachers


DOCTOR OF EDUCATION (Continued) BIANCANI, AL WILLIAM Sacramento, California MA: Sacramento State College, 1968 Major: Curriculum Development and Supervision Major Professor : Dr. Dale 0 . Nelson _ Dissertation : The Effect of Foot Width Placement on Spnnt Starting

GENASCI, JOHN EDMUND Diamond Springs, California MS: Utah State University, 1968 Major: Psychology Major Professor: Dr. Arden N. Frandsen Dissertation: Investigation of One Aspect of Initiative That is Subsumed Under Self-Concept and Its Relationship to Performance

CAMPBELL , THOMAS VERDELL Idaho Falls, Idaho MEd: Utah State University, 1966 Major : Educational Administration Major Professor: Dr. Terrance E. Hatch Dissertation: Views and Actions of Idaho High School Principals on the Constitutional Rights of Students

GENNARI , VICTOR CHARLES West Stockbridge, Massachusett s MEd : University of Nevada at Las Vegas, 1969 Major: Educational Administration Major Professor: Dr. James A. Jacobson Dissertation: A Cooperative, Coordinated State-Wide System for Public School District Evaluation in Utah

CHALFANT, L. SCOTI Sheridan, Wyoming Ed .S.: Western State College, 1964 Major: Educational Administration Major Professor: Dr. Charles 0 . Ryan Dissertation : A Three Year Comparative Study Between Students in a Graded and Nongraded Secondary School

GEORGOUSSIS, PANAYIOTIS N. Nafpactos, Greece MEd : Utah State University, 1969 Major: Curriculum Development and Supervision Major Professor: Dr. Basil C. Hansen Dissertation : Post World War II Greek Elementary Education and Elementary School Curriculum Development

COOPER, DONALD SMITH San Leandro, California MEd: Utah State University, 1958 Major : Curriculum Development and Supervision Major Professor : Dr. Malcom Allred Dissertation : A Comparison of Student and Teacher Value Orientations in Four Elementary Schools

GOODWORTH, RICHARD LEROY Kamas, Utah BS: University of Utah, 1964 Major: Educational Administration Major Professor: Dr. James A. Jacobsen Dissertation: An Investigation of the Communication Process Within School District Central Offices in Relation to Selected Factors of Administr ative Structure and Organizational Climate

COVERDALE , MILES L. Anchorage, Alaska MEd : University of Alaska , 1964 Major: Educational Administration Major Professor: Dr . Terrance E. Hatch __ Dissertation: The Identification of the School Board Trammg Needs of Eskimo and Indian Lay Advisory School Board Members of Rural Alaska

GREABLE, WILLIAME. Walla Walla, Washington MA: Fresno State College, 1963 Major : Psychology Major Professor: Dr. Ronald S. Peterson Dissertation : Conditioning Verbal Behavior: The Effect of Experimenter Baseline Behavior on the Conditioning of Opinion Statements Emitted by Undergraduate Students

DAVIES, MARLIN HOPKIN JR. Marysville, California MA: Sacramento State College, 1969 Major : Curriculum Development and Supervision Major Professor: Dr. Dale 0. Nelson Dissertation : Effect of Three Selected Work Intensity Training Programs on Cardio Respiratory Fitness

HASLAM, RAYMOND M. Logan, Utah MS: Utah State University, 1958 Major : Educational Administration Major Professor: Dr. Terrance E. Hatch Dissertation : The High School Principal as Perceived by a Group of Students from Thirteen High Schools in Utah

FAHRLANDER, DANIEL C. Omaha, Nebraska MS: Utah State University, 1971 Major: Industrial and Technical Education Major Professor : Dr. William E. Mortimer Dissertation: The Role of the Teacher in the Vocational Education and Practical Arts Laboratories

HENRIE, BILL S. Ogden, Utah MEd: Oregon State University, 1958 Major: Curriculum Development and Supervision Major Professor: Dr. Loyd W. Bartholome Dissertation: A Comparative Analysis of Difficulty Prediction Formulas for Shorthand Dictation Material

FREHNER, VERL L. Mesquite, Nevada MEd: Brigham Young University, 1967 Major: Educational Administration Major Professor: Dr. Basil C. Hansen Dissertation : Cognitive Style as a Determinant of Educational Achievement Among 6th Grade Elementary School Students

HOLMES, DALLAS LLOYD Falls Church, Virginia MEd : Utah State University, 1970 Major: Curriculum Development and Supervision Major Professor: Dr. Eldon M. Drake Dissertation: An Evaluation of the Secondary Teacher Education Program at Utah State University by Selected Graduates


DOCTOR OF EDUCATON (Continued) HORIUCHI , HERBERT SHIRO Hil , Hawaii BA: University of Hawaii, 1958 Major: Educational Administration Major Professor : Dr. Robert A. Wininger Di ertation: A Comparative Study of the Relationship of Organizational Climat e to Job Satisfaction of Teachers in Selected Rural and Suburban Schools in Hawaii JOHNSON, JAE A. Hartley , Iowa MA: Colorado State College, 1965 Major : Educational Administration Majo r Profe ssor: Dr. James A. Jacobsen Dissertation: Guidelines for State Regulation Educational Ins ti tu tions

MOSHER, LYNN S. Rochester, New York MEd: St. Lawrence University, 1966 Major: Educational Administration Major Professor : Dr. James A. Jacobsen Dissertation: The Development of a Cost-Benefit Model for Higher Education OMURA, GEORGE YOSHITO Honolulu , Hawaii MEd: University of Hawaii, 1967 Major: Educational Administration Major Professor: Dr. Basil C. Hansen Dissertation: The Effectiveness of Flexible-Modular ing

of Preschool

PETERSON, STEVEN HOWARD Richfield, Utah BS: Utah State University, 1965 Major: Educational Administration Major Professor: Dr. Terrance E. Hatch Dissertation: Administr at ion of Utah's Immunity Act by Utal1's School Distri cts

LARSON , CURTIS G. San Mateo, California MA: Long Beach State College, 1961 Major: Industrial and Technical Education Major Profe ssor: Dr. Car l R. Wallis Dissertation: Behavioral Objectives in th e Affective Domain for Indu strial Education Teachers



PREEDEDILOK, KITIMA PHANICH Bangkok, Thailand MEd : Utall State University, 1970 Major: Educational Administration Major Professor: Dr. Charles 0 . Ryan Dissertation: An Analysis of Personality Characteristics of the Teachers in Bangkok, Thailand Related to Educational Innovative Attitude

LATHAM,GLENNIRVEN Eugene, Oregon MS: University of Utah, 1965 Major: Special Education Major Professor: Dr. Alan M. Hofmeister Disser tation: A Systematic Media Approach to Teaching Parents to Train Their Pre-School Men tally Retarded Children

STEVENSON, EVAN N. Logan, Utah MBA: Utah State University, 1968 Major: Educational Administration Major Professor: Dr. Charles 0. Ryan Dissertation: Instructional Costs in the School of Graduate Studies at Utah State University

LAUER, WILLIAM CHARLES Ocean City, New Jersey MS: Temple University , 1965 Major: Curriculum Development and Supervision Major Professor: Dr. Lloyd W. Bartholome Dissertation: Evaluating Effectiveness of Using Business Education Department Prepared Audio-Visual Tapes in the Teaching of Intermediate Typewriting at Utah State University

STRAWSER, ROY STANLEY Buhl, Idaho MS: University of Utah, 1963 Major: Educational Administration Major Professor: Dr. Charles 0. Ryan Dissertation: Intensity of Interpersonal Needs as Measured by Schutz Firo-B as a Predictor of a School Administrator's Choice of Job Setting, Choice of Role and Upward Mobility

MANNION, EDMUND JOSEPH Sioux Falls , South Dakota MA: San Jose State College, 1967 Major: Industrial and Technical Education Major Professor: Dr. Austin G. Loveless Dissertation: Development of Work Samples for Assessment and Evaluation of Educable and Trainable Mentally Retarded

TIMPER, HANS EDWARD Marinette, Wisconsin MS: Stout State University, 1967 Major: Industrial and Technical Education Major Professor: Dr. Carl R. Wallis Dissertation: Characteristics of Selected Industrial Education Teachers in Relationship to Barriers to Curriculum Change

MC CLURE , CLOIS A. San Bruno, California MA: San Francisco State College, 1966 Major: Industrial and Technical Education Major Professor: Dr. Carl R. Wallis Dissertation: The Development of a Counselor's Guide for Use in Selective Placement of Students in a Drafting Technology Program MILLER, DICK D. Viola, Kansas MS: Kansas State Teachers College, 1964 Major: Curriculum Development arid Supervision Major Professor: Dr. L. Gail Johnson Dissertation: A Comparison of Two Approaches Teaching of Reading to Navajo Indian Students


WALKER, MELVJN HASLAM Ely, Nevada MEd: Brigham Young University, 1968 Major: Educational Administration Major Professor: Dr. James A. Jacobsen Dissertation: An Investigation of the Communication Process Within School District Central Offices in Relation to Selected Factors of Administrative Structure and Organizational Climate

to the


DOCTOR OF EDUCATION (Continued) WEISS, GARY HENRY Turlock , California MS: Oregon Stat e University, 1967 Majo r: Educational Administration Major Profes sor: Dr. James A. Jacobsen Dissertation : Teacher Team Compatibility Team Effectiveness

WILCOCK, JACK ACTON Rexburg, Idaho MEd: Utah State University , 1967 Major: Educational Administration Major Professor: Dr. Charles 0. Ryan Dissertation: The Relationship Between Teacher Characteristics and Student Success in the Advanced Placement Program

as a Predictor of

WEISS, ROBERT BENDEL Cupertino, California MA: San Jose State College, 1966 Major: Educational Administration Major Profe ssor: Dr. Charles 0. Ryan Dissertation: A Comparative Study of Ratings of Student Teachers by Five Type s of Evaluators

WILKINSON , GEORGE WAYNE Las Vegas, Nevada MEd: University of Nevada at Las Vegas, 1969 Major: Educational Administration Maj or Professor : Dr. Basil C. Hansen Dissertation: An Analysis of Attitude and Use of Information Source s by the Internal Publics of School Systems

WENNERGREN, JOHN ANDERSON Logan, Utah MS: Utah State University , 1961 Major: Educational Administration Major Professor: Dr. Charles 0. Ryan Dissertation: The Relationship Between Personality Factors of School Building Principals in Monterey County and Effective Leadership as Perceived by Their Subordinates

WYSOCK, RAYMOND A. Santa Barbara, California MA: Fresno State College, 1969 Major: Industrial and Technical Education Major Professor: Dr. Austin G. Loveless Dissertation: An Analysis of the Relationships of Aptitudes, and Grade Point Averages of Industrial Art s Education Students in the State of California

WHITE, CHARLIE H. Englishtown, New Jersey MA: Trenton State College, 1965 Major: Educational Administration Major Professor : Dr. Charles 0. Ryan Dissertation: A Comparative Study of Current First Aid Practic es and Supplie s and th e Desirability of Such Prac tices and Supplies as Proposed by Administrators and Industrial Arts Teacher s

CIVIL ENGINEER ENKE, GLENN LA VINE Provo , Utah BS: University of California at Berkeley, 1928 Major: Civil Engineering Major Professor: Dr. W. 0. Carter

SPECIALIST IN EDUCATIONAL ADMINISTRATION COX, HOWARD DALE Fairfield, Idaho BA: Westminster College, 1957 Major: Educational Administration Major Professor: Dr. Basil C. Hansen

HASLEM, LYNN Roosevelt, Utah MEd: Utah State University, 1969 Major: Educational Administration Major Professor: Dr. Oral L. Ballam

HARRIS, JAMES QUINCY Haskell, Oklahoma BS: Northeastern State College, 1969 Major: Educational Administration Major Professor: Professor Carolyn F . Steele

ROCK, BRENT LEROY Salt Lake City, Utah BS: Utah State University, 1965 Major: Educational Administration Major Professor: Dr. Terrance E. Hatch

MASTER OF SCIENCE AHMAD, T ANVEER Patna, India BS: Aligarh Moslem University, 1968 Major: Biochemistry Major Professor: Dr. Thomas F. Emery Thesis: Control of Hydroxamic Acid Synthesis

ACUNER, Y ALCIN )'ozgat, Turkey BS: Ankara University, Turkey, 1963 Major: Economics Major Professor: Dr. Gary B. Hansen Coursework Substitute


MASTER OF SCIENCE (Continued) AITKEN SOUX, PERCY G. Potosi , Bolivia BA: Kansas State University, 1954 Major: Agricultural Economics Major Professor : Dr. E. Boyd Wennergr en Thesis: Relative Rate s of Return to Controlled Irrigation Among Classes of Summer Paddy in the Guayas Basin, Ecuador

BARRINGER, DONALD G. Grass Valley, California BA: Chico State College, 1966 Major: Communicative Disorders Major Profe ssor: Professor Thomas C. Clark The sis: A Home Program Using Self-Instructional with Hearing Impaired Children


AL-KHAFAF, SAMEIR K. Mosul, Iraq BS: College of Agriculture , Mosul, 1970 Major: Soil Science and Biometeorology Major Professor: Dr. R. J . Hanks Thesis: Evaluation of the Filter Paper Method for Estimating Soil Water Potential

BENNETT, LARRY HOWARD Holden , Utah BS: College of Southern Utah, 1968 Major: Zoology Major Professor : Dr. Ting H. Hsiao Thesis: The Effects of Temperature and Photoperiod on the Imaginal Diapause of the Alfalfa Weevel, Hypera postica (Gyllenhal)

ANDERSEN, BRENT LEWIS Brigham City , Utah BS: Weber State College, 1970 Major: Psychology Major Professor : Dr. Roland G. Bergeson Thesis: The Effects of Response Sets on the Childr en's fest Anxiety Scale

BERRY, DAVID LESTER Davis, California BS: University of California, Davis, 1967 Major: Nutrition and Food Sciences Major Professor : Dr. D. K. Salunkhe Thesis: The Effects of Telone and Related Compounds on the Synthesi s and Degradation of Carotenoids in Plants


ANDREASEN , CLIFFORD R. Logan , Utah BS: Utah State University, 1957 Major : Health, Physical Education and Recreation Major Professor: Dr. Dale 0. Nelson Thesis : An Evaluation of Selected Aspects of the Student Teaching Program in Physical Education at Utah State University

BESTE, LINDA ROTHMUND Roche ster, New York BS: Utah State University, 1970 Major: Communicative Disorders Major Profes sor: Dr. Jay R. Jensen Thesis: Spastic Dysphonia - A Review of the Literature and Case Study BHATIA , SURINDER K. New Delhi , India MA: Delhi Public College, India , 1960 Major : Special Education Major Professor: Dr. Dwayne D. Peterson Thesis: A Comparative Study of Knowledge and Attitudes Toward Mental Retardation by American Students and by the Students from India Studying in the United States

ANSARI , NASIR UDDIN A. Nepal, India BE: M. S. University of Baroda, 1960 Major: Agricultural and Irrigation Engineering Major Professor: Dr. Komain Unhanand Thesis: Plan B

BIRTIC , GEORGE JOE Baker, Montana BS: Montana State University, 1967 Major: Botany Major Professor: Dr. Frank B. Salisbury Thesis: Plan B

APPLETON, WAYNE C. Kearny, New Jersey BS: Rutger s, 1969 Major: Chemistry Major Professor: Dr. Richard C. Anderson Thesis: Synthesis of Some Substituted Pyrrolo [ 3, 4 - 6] Quinoxalines

BLACK, DAYID FOUNTAINE Prescott, Arizona BS: University of Arizona, 1959 Major : Manufacturing Engineering Major Professor : Professor G. Merrill Shaw Thesis: Mechanized Van Loading and Unloading System Design

AUSTIN, DENNIS DUANE Salt Lake City, Utah BS: Utah State University , 1970 Major: Range Science Major Professor: Dr. Gerald F. Gifford Thesis: The Shading Effects of Plants on Soil Temperatures in the Cold Desert

BLAKE, CLIFTON GRAHAM Missoula, Montana BS: University of Montana, 1958 Major: Forest Science Major Professor: Dr. John D. Hunt Thesis: Two Method s of Presenting a Promotional Message to National Forest Amphitheater Visitors : A Measure of Their Effectiveness

ANDERSON, BRENT WILLIAM Richmond, Utah BS: Utah State University, 1970 Major: Civil Engineering Major Profe ssor: Professor William A. Cordon Thesis: Expanded Perlite in Modern Construction

BAIRD, DENNIS W. Logan, Utah BS: Utah State University, 1970 Major: Mechanical Engineering Major Professor : Dr. A . P. Moser Thesis : The Effect of Notch Angle on the Low Cycle Fatigue Life of Singe Edge-notched Rectangular Specimens

BOSCAN, NESTOR de JESUS San Carlos, Venezuela BS: Universidad Los Andes, 1969 Major : Civil Engineering Major Professor: Dr. W. 0. Carter Thesis: Plan B


MASTER OF SCIENCE (Continued) BROOKS, MICHAEL PATRICK Salt Lake City, Utah BS: Utah State University, 1970 Major: Health, Physical Education and Recreation Major Profes sor: Dr. Lanny J . Nalder Thesis: Comparison of the Effects of 97 Percent and 21 Percent Oxygen Mixtures upon Recovery from Treadmill Running Among Male Wrestlers at Utah State University

CHANT ABHAKDI, SON Samutsakhon, Thailand BS: Thammasat University, Thailand, 1962 Major: Political Science Major Professor: Dr. Philip S. Spoerry Thesis: A Study of Concepts of Communication Organization CHI, JULIAN KUO-JAY Liao Ning, China BS: National Chiao-Tung University, 1968 Major: Electrical Engineering Major Professor: Dr. William L. Jones Thesis: Plan B

BROUGH, JOSEPH GRANT Cornish, Utah BS: Utah State University, 1950 Major : Business Education Major Professor: Professor William D. Woolf The sis: Plan B

CHIASAKUL, SAMART Bangkok, Thailand BS: Thammasat University, Thailand, 1969 Major: Economics Major Professor: Dr. Gary B. Hansen Coursework Substitute CHIRAKITWIROON, WIRAT Bangkok, Thailand BS: Kasetsart University, 1965 Major: Civil Engineering Major Professor: Dr . Komain Unhanand Thesis: Plan B CHOO, SOO HYUN Seoul, Kor ea BS: Han Yang University, 1969 Major: Manufacturing Engineering Major Professor: Dr. Carl D. Spear Thesis: Plan B

BURNHAM , BYRON ROB ERT Ogden, Utah BS: Utah State University, 1969 Major: Politic al Science Major Professor: Dr. William Furlong Thesis: Effects of Reorganization on th e Clientele of the Division of Family Services in Northern Utah BROWN, LAWRENCE GUY Hoquiam, Washington BS: University of Washington, 1970 Major: Wildlife Reso urces (Fishery Biology) Major Professor: Dr. Robert H. Kramer Thesis: Early Life History of the Mountain Whitefish Prosopium williamsoni (Girard) in the Logan River , Utah BURBRIDGE, WILLIAM ROBERT Quinault, Washington BS: Utah State University, 1968 Major: Forest Science Major Professor : Profes sor Lawrence E. Roy er Thesis: Development of an Interpretive Document Bear BYBEE, LYNN D. Bountiful , Utah BS: Utah State University, 1970 Major: Communicative Disorders Major Professor: Dr. Jay R . Jensen Thesis: A Performance-B ased Evaluation Competence for Articulation Remediation


CHRISTENSEN, ELAINE BLACKHAM Moroni, Utah BS: Utah State University, 1968 Major: Business Education and Office Administra' io n Major Professor : Dr. F. Kent Horlacher Thesis: Plan B

for the

CLARK, GLENN OWEN Avon, Connecticut MA: University of Connecticut, 1964 Major: Forest Science Major Professor: Dr. Perry J. Brown Thesis: Plan B


CAMARGO F., ROLANDO Cochabamba, Bolivia BS: Universitdad Mayor de San Simon, Bolivia, 1967 Major: Animal Science Major Profes sor : Dr. John E. Butcher Thesis: Digestibility of Alfalfa Hay and Alfalfa Hay Plus Grain Fed Cubed or Chopped

CLARK, MICHAEL JAMES Denver, Colorado BS: Utah State University, 1966 Major: Political Science Major Professor: Dr. Phillip S. Spoerry Thesis: An Investigation and Evaluation of the " Red and Expert" Movement from 1957 to 1961

CAMPBELL,FAYE DAINES Logan, Utah BS : Utah State University, 1970 Major: Family and Child Development Major Professor : Dr. Carroll Lambert Thesis: Hour Concept Learning in Pre-school Children

CLIFFORD, ELROY VERN Pine Ridge, South Dakota BS: Black Hills State College , 1965 Major: Economics Major Professor : Dr. B. Delworth Gardner Thesis: An Economic Analysis of Inter-County Variation in Residence Patterns of Farm Families in Utah, Kansas , California, Iowa, and Texas

CAMPBELL,JONATHAN MARK Washington, D . C. BS: Utah State University, 1970 Major: Economics Major Professor: Professor 0 . William Asplund Thesis: Local Government Finance: A Projection for North Logan, Utah

COBURN, MELVIN A. Ogden, Utah BS: Utah State University, 1960 Major: Industrial and Technical Education Major Professor: Dr. William E. Mortimer Thesis: Development of Criteria for Establishment of an Automotive Service Curriculum to Provide Articulation Between Secondary and Post-secondary Schools in the State of Utah

CARTEE, RAYMOND LEONARD Buhl, Idaho BS: Utah State University, 1971 Major: Soil Science and Biometeorology Major Professor: Dr. R. J. Hanks Thesis: Effect of Pre-Emergence Cultivation Sweet Corn

Related to

on Beans and


MASTER OF SCIENCE (Continued) COLE , DONNA MARIE Vancouver , B. C. BHE: University of British Columbia, 1948 Major: Fami ly and Child Development Major Profes sor: Dr. Jay D. Schva neveldt Th esis: The Development of a Value Scale to Assess Familial and Social Value s COURTNEY, THOMAS J. Martin ez, Californi a BS: Utah State University , 1966 Major : Political Science Major Professor : Professor H. Preston Thomas The sis : An Analysi s of Int erstate Compacts Subj ec t Matter


DIVATIA, MANOJ A. Ahmedabad , Indi a BS: Gujarat University, 1963 Major: Bacteriology and Public Health Major Professor : Dr. Gary H. Richar d son The sis: Facto rs Affecting the Growth of Staphylococcus aureus Strains Capab le of Producing Enterotoxins A, B, C, and D in Sterile Milk DIXON , DARREL Q. Salt Lake City , Utah BS: Brigham Young Univers ity, 1952 Major: Business Education and Offi ce Admin istratio n Major Professor: Professor William D. Woolf The sis: Plan B


COWLEY, SCOTT WEST Benso n , Utah BS: Utah State University , 1967 Major: Chemistry Major Professor: Dr. Grant Gill Smith Thesis: The Specificity of Hydrogen Migration Upon Electron Impa ct and the Kinetics of Styrylacetic Acid and 4-Aryl-3-bu ten -A ols

DIXON , ELDON WARREN Billings, Montana BS: Brigham Young University, 1969 Major: Agricu ltural Econom ics Major Profe ssor: Dr. Herbert H. Fullerton Thesis: The Impact of Selected Changes in Management of Public Land s on Functional Demand Areas in Utah

CRESPO, FABIAN VIDAL Cochabamba, Bolivia BS : Univers idad Mayor de San Sim on, 1968 Major: Botany Major Prof essor : Dr. George W. Cochran Thesis: Polym erization of Tobacco Mosaic Virus

DODGE, DAVID EDWARD Golden, Colorado BA: Linfie ld College, 1968 Major : Eco logy (Wildlife Resource s) Major Professor: Dr. Jessop B. Low Thesis: Avian Botuli sm - Factors Affecting its Occurrence on Domestic Sewage Lagoons

CROOKSTON, GAR R J. Hyrum , Utah BS: Utah Stat e University, 1970 Major : Communicative Disor ders Major Profe ssor : Dr. Frede rick S. Berg Thesis: Field Ana lysis in Educationa l Audiology Curriculum

DODGE , Y ADOLAH Abadan, Iran BS: Ahwaz Agricultural College, 196 6 Major: Applied Statistics Major Professor: Dr. Ron ald V. Canfie ld The sis: Statistical Analysis for Tolerances of Noxious Weed Seeds

DALY! , REKHA RAMESH Maharashtra, Indi a BS: Shivajee University , 1968 Major: Nutrition and Food Sciences Major Professo r : Dr. Ethe lwyn B. Wilcox Thesis: Effec ts of Zinc Deficiency on Hemoglobin , Red Cell Co unt s, Red Cell Fragility and Circ ulat ing and Storage Levels of Zinc, Iron and Copper in th e Rat

DOWDESWELL, VIOLET ELIZAB ETH Swift Current , Saskatchewan BS: University of Saskatchewan, 1966 Major: Hom e Economics and Consum er Ed ucation Major Profe ssor: Dr. Anne Kern aleguen Thesis : Inferred Values of Oothing Relat ed to Adju stment Among Pregnant Women EA RL , KIM Huntingt o n , Utah BS: Weber Stat e College, 1971 Major: Family and Child Development Major Professor: Dr. C. Jay Skidm ore Thesi s: Se manti c Influ ence and Concept Attainment of Slang and Its Effect on the Linguisti c Interaction Between Parent and Teenager

DEAN , ERN EST H. JR American Fork, Utah BS: Utah State University, 1965 Major: Wildlife Re sour ces Major Prof essor: Dr. William F. Sigler Thesis: Inves tigation of Urolithiasis Occurring in Hatch e ryReared Trout in Utah DEVRI ES, RONALD WESLEY Ogden , Utah BS : Utah State University, 1967 Major : Secondary Education Maj or Profe ssor: Dr. Walter Saund ers Th esis: A Comparative Study of th e Effec tiven ess of Selft ests On Stud en t Achi eveme nt in Juni or High School Scie nce

EATON, F RANK DELAFIELD Bennington, Vermont BS: University of Arizona , 1965 Major : Forest Science Major Professor : Dr. Georg e E. Hart Th esis : Soil Moist ur e Depletion, Actual and Potential Evapotrans pirati on in an Englemann Spruce - Subalpine Fu Fo rest

DIPOMA, LARRY RAY Ogden, Utah BS: Weber State College , 1967 Major: Hist ory Major Prof essor: Dr. F . Ross Peterson Thesis: Raymo nd Robin s: The Evolution of his Social and Polit ical Thought, 1873- 1916

ELLISON , MYRNA LOYE Lethbridge, Alb erta , Canada BS: Brigham Young University, 1965 Major: Business Education an d Office Administration Major Profe ssor: Dr. Loyd W. Bartholome Thesis: Plan B


MASTER OF SCIENCE (Continued) ELWOOD, MARY FRANCES Logan, Utah BS: Utah State University, 1971 Major: Communicative Disorders Major Professor: Dr. Thomas S. Johnson Thesis: Operant Control of Stuttering Stutterer: A Case Study

GEBREMICHAEL, TECLE Asmara, Ethiopia BS: Haile Selassie University, 1967 Major: Civil Engineering Major Professor: Dr. Gary Z. Watters Thesis: Design of Optimal Water Distribution Network

In a Child Male

GNEITING, GARY WAYNE Idaho Falls, Idaho BS: Brigham Young University, 1970 Major: Economics Major Professor: Dr. Leonard J. Arrington Thesis: An Economic History and Analysis of the Great Feeder Canal of Southeastern Idaho

ENGLISH, LYSLE REX Ogden, Utah BS: University of Omaha, 1964 Major : History Major Professor : Dr. S. George Ellsworth Thesis: Plan B ERDEM, ISMAIL Yozgat, Turkey AB: Ankara University, 1965 Major: Appli ed Statistics Major Professor: Dr. Rex L. Hurst Thesis: The Behavior of Variance Approximation duct s and Ratio s EV ANS, WILLIAM GARY Hutchin son , Minnesota BA : Mankato State College, Major: Psychology Major Professor: Dr. Roland Thesis: A Validation of Children's Human Figure


GONZALEZ, WAN T. Rubio, Ven ezue la BS: Universidad Los Andes, 1968 Major: Phy sics Major Professor: Dr. Vern L. Peter son Thesis: Plan B


GOODWIN, RONALD GARY Idaho Falls, Idaho BS: Brigham Young University, 1966 Major: Applied Statistic s Major Professor: Dr. Bartell C. Jensen Thesis: Plan B

1969 G. Bergeson Koppitz' s Scoring Method Drawings


FAIL, RICHARD FORBES Kenilworth, Utah BS: Utah State University, 1963 Major: Psychology Major Professor: Dr. Glendon W. Casto Thesis: The Prediction of Sales Success Among B. F. Goodrich Territory Manager s FELT, RICHARD ERNEST Brigham City, Utah BS: Utah State University, 1966 Major: Special Education Major Professor: Dr. Devoe C. Rickert Thesis: The Effects of a Community Placement Work Experience on Future Occupational Success of the Educable Menta lly Retar ded

GOODWORTH, CAROLYN DUNLAP Salt Lake City, Utah BS: University of Utah, 1963 Major: Home Economics Education Major Professor: Professor Marie N. Krueger Thesis: A Study to Determine the Attitudes and Interests Senior Girls in High School Ex hibit Toward Gainful Employment as it Relate s to Occupational Home Economics GREEN, KENNETH MAXWELL Southampton, New York BS: University of Chicago, 1959 Major : Bacteriology & Public Health Major Professor : Dr. Frederick J. Post Thesis: Investigations into th e Microbial Ecology Limnology of Hyrum Reservoir, in Northern Utah

FOOTE, GARY LYNN Tucumcari, New Mexico BS : New Mexico State University , 1964 Major: Civil Engineering Major Professor : Dr. Daniel H. Hoggan Thesis : Plan B


GROLL, JOHN NEAL Randolph, Utah BS: Utah State University, 1969 Major : Electrical Engineering Major Professor: Professor Duane G. Chadwick Thesis: Storage of Meteorologic Data in Digital Form with Zero Standby Power Requirements

FORD, FRANKIE LYNN Salt Lake City, Utah BS: Utah State University, 1970 Major : Business Education and Office Administration Major Professor: Professor William D. Woolf Thesis: Plan B

HAFEN, ANNA JANE R. St. George, Utah BS: Utah State University, 1964 Major: Health, Physical Education and Recreation Major Professor: Dr. Lincoln H. McClellan Thesis : Physical Edu cation Attitudes and Physical Fitness of Freshman Women at Dixie College

FRANCIS, GEORGE GREGORY Pipestone, Minnesota BS : Utah State University , 1970 Major : Geology Major Professor : Dr. Robert Q. Oaks Thesis : Stratigraphy and Environmental Analysis of the Swan Peak Formation and Eureka Quartzite , Northern Utah

HAGER,HERBERT Krems, Austria BS: Hochscule fur Bodenkultur, Vienna, 1969 Major : Forest Science Major Professor : Dr. T. W. Daniel Thesis: Influence of Size of Cone Crop on Diameter Growth of Engelmann Spruce (Picea engelmannii Parry)

FRENCH, ROBERT GEORGE Roberts, Idaho BS: Utah State University, 1965 Major: Business Education and Office Administration Major Professor: Dr. Theodore W. Ivarie Thesis: Plan B


MASTER OF SCIENCE (Continued) HALE , HAL RIES Midvale, Utah BS: Utah State University , 1967 Major: Health, Physical Education and Recreation Major Professor: Dr. Lanny J. Nalder Thesis : A Comparative Study of Drug Abuse in Senior Classes of Logan High School and Tooele High School

HARWOOD, JOLEEN MAE Grace , Idaho BS: University of Utah, 1969 Major: Family and Child Development Major Professor: Dr. Carroll Lambert Thesis : Comparative Study of Four-year-old Preschool Children in the Area of Conservation

HALILA, HABIB MOHAMED Bennane, Tunisia BS: Agricultural College, Tunisia , 1969 Major : Soil Science and Biometeorology Major Professor: Dr. David W. James Thesis: Effect of Time and Rate of Application of Nitrogen on the Yield of the Mexican Wheat under the Semi-arid Conditions of Tunisia

HATCH, STEPHEN L. Logan, Utah BS: Utah State University, 1969 Major: Botany Major Professor : Professor Arthur H. Holmgren Thesis : A Cytological, Morphological, and Anat omical Study of "Elymus Symplex"

HALL, FREDERICK Canastota, New York BS: Utah State University, 1970 Major : Communicative Disorders Major Professor: D. Jay R. Jensen Thesis: A Comparison of Linguistic Skills Between Black and White Children

HILL , KENNETH RAY Idaho Falls, Idaho BS: Oregon State University , 1954 Major: Plant Science Major Profes sor: Dr. DeVere R. McAllister Thesis : The Effect of Nitrogen Fertilization and Irrigation Frequence on the Yield, Nitrogen Production, and Percentage of Legumes for Three Pasture Mixtures

HALL, GARTH VAUGHN Salt Lake City , Utah BS: Utah State University, 1968 Major : Health, Physical Education and Recreation Major Professor: Dr. Dale 0 . Nelson Thesis : Factors Influencing Student-Athletes to Enroll in Utah Colleges

HINCHMAN, JOHN R. Brigham City, Utah BS: Purdue University , 1957 Major: Mechanical Engineering Major Professor : Dr. Alma P. Moser Thesis: Plan B

HANSON, ROBERT DUANE Shevlin, Minnesota MEd: Utah State University , 1970 Major: Communicative . Disorders Major Professor : Dr. Frederick S. Berg Thesis: Teaching Idioms to the Hearing Impaired through the Media of Programmed Instruction

HOLM, JOHN PETER Dix Hills, New York BS: Utah State University , 1968 Major : Manufacturing Engineering Major Professor : Professor W. Karl Somers Thesis: Plan B

HARRIS, ALMA FRANK College Ward, Utah BS: Utah State University, 1963 Major: Psychology Major Profe ssor: Dr. John R. Cragun Thesis : The Development of Vocational Interest Inventory Using "Worker -Oriented " Job Elements

HOLM, LE ESTHER MIFFLIN Shelley, Idaho BS: Utah State University, 1969 Major: Nutrition and Food Sciences Major Professor: Dr. C. A. Ernstrom Thesis: The Effect of Heat Treatment of Fresh Frozen Veils on Rennin Extractability

HARRIS , "J" CLINTON Las Vegas, Nevada BS: Utah State University, 1968 Major : Communicative Disorders Major Professor : Dr. Steven H. Viehweg Thesis : Reliability Comparisons of Navajo Indian and American Caucasian Individuals Responding to Acoustic Stimuli from Conventional and Automatic Recording Audiometers

HOPKINS , F. WALDA Logan, Utah BS: Utah State University, 1966 Major: Family and Child Development Major Professor: Dr. Carroll Lambert Thesis : The Use of a Phonetic Approach to Reading with Three- and Four-year-old Children HOWE, VIRGIL CLYDE Ogden, Utah BS: Brigham Young University, 1967 Major: Health , Physical Education and Recreation Major Professor: Professor Nolan K. Burnett Thesis : Recreational Participation and Activities of Corpsmen at Clearfield Job Corps

HARRIS, REED EARL Orem, Utah BS: Utah State University , 1968 Major : Wildlife Resources (Fisheries B101ogy) Major Professor : Dr. Robert H. Kramer Thesis: Some Aspects of Learning Behavior in Rainbow Trout, Sa/mo gairdneri

HOWES, RONALD CLARENCE Gorham, Maine BA: University of Maine, 1969 Major : Geology Major Professor: Dr. Donald R. Olson Thesis: Geology of the Wildcat Hills, Utah

HARWOOD, DOUGLAS WILLIAM Logan, Utah BS: Utah State University, 1967 Major: Electrical Engineering Major Professor: Dr. Ronney D. Harris Thesis: Characteristics of Iono spheric Sporadic E


MASTER OF SCIENCE (Continued) HUNTER, RICHARD BRUCE Logan, Utah BA: University of California at Berkeley, 1966 Major: Botany Major Professor: Dr. David W. James Thesis: Use of Lamna Minor to Determine Nutrients Limiting Plant Growth in Aquatic Environments

JENSEN , DUANE R. Antimony, Utah BS: Utah State University, 1970 Major: Civil Engineering Major Professor: Dr. John P. Riley Thesis: Hybrid Computer Modeling of a River Basin's HydroSalinity System

HUNTZINGER, GEORGE D. Salt Lake City, Utah BS: Weber State College, 1969 Major: Sociology Major Professor: Dr. H. Bruce Bylund Thesis: A Comparative Study of Environmental Background Factors Among Black Job Corpsmen and Alcohol Drinking

JENSEN, LARRY LEON Logan , Utah BS: Utah State University, 1963 Major: Electrical Engineering Major Professor: Professor Duane G. Chadwick Thesis: A Study of the Correlation Between Perturbations of the Earth's Magnetic Field and Dowsing Responses

HURST, JOHN FRED Logan, Utah BS: Utah State University, 1967 Major: Special Education Major Professor: Dr. Devoe C. Rickert Thesis : A Study of the Relative Importance of Training on the Employability of the Mentally Retarded as Rated by Employers and Educators in Cache County, Utah

JEPPSEN, CLINTON LENARD Providence, Utah BS: Utah State University, 1970 Major: Sociology Major Professor : Dr. Ronald A. Farrell Thesis: Factors Related to the Legal Treatment of Persons Convicted of Issuing Insuffi cient Funds Checks JOHNSON, JAN Preston, Idaho BS: Utah State University, 1971 Major: Communicative Disorders Major Professor: Professor Jaclyn Littledike Thesis: Variables of the Cleft Palate Operation: An Incident Study

INGRAM , ELAINE CHRISTINE Gifford, Florida BS: Bethune-Cookman College, 1971 Major: Business Education and Office Administration Major Professor: Dr. Lloyd W. Bartholome Thesis : Plan B IVORY, LEER . Payson , Utah BS: Utah State University, 1965 Major: Mathematics Major Professor: Professor E. E. Underwood Thesis: Matrices Over a Ring JAMIL, ABDUL Kabul , Afghanistan BS: Kabul University, 1963 Major: Agricultural and Irrigation Engineering Major Professor : Dr. Larry G. King Thesis: Comparison of Field, Methods for Hydraulic Conductivity

JOSHI, JANAK RAMANIKLAL Surat, India BE: Birla Vishuakarma Mahavidyalaya, 1970 Major: Civil Engineering Major Professor: Dr. W. 0 . Carter Thesis: Plan B KARREN, RONALD FRED Lewiston, Utah BA: Utah State University, 1970 Major: Communicative Disorders Major Professor: Professor Thomas C. Clark Thesis : Plan B



JANG, CHING-HWAN Hupei , China BS: National Taiwan University, 1966 Major: Soil Science and Biometeorology Major Professor: Dr. R. L. Smith Thesis : The Effect of Temperatures on the Transformation of Ammonium and Nitrite Nitrogen in Soils

Canakkale, Turkey BS: Aegean University, 1960 Major : Agricultural and Irrigation Engineering Major Professor: Dr. Komain Unhanand Thesis : Effects of the Shape and Speed on Soil Resistance on the Mole Plow KENNINGTON, JAMES HAROLD Logan, Utah BS: Utah State University, 1969 Major : Electrical Engineering Major Professor: Dr. William L. Jones Thesis: Network Analysis Programs Utilizing Direct Formulation of the Nodal Admittance Matrix

JENSEN, DAVID LYNN Brigham City, Utah BS: Utah State University, 1964 Major: Applied Statistics Major Professor : Dr. Donald V. Sisson Thesis: Selecting the Best Linear Model From a Subset of All Possible Models for a Given Set of Predictors in a Multiple Linear Regression Analysis

KEY, LARRY CARLTON Sacramento, California BS: Humboldt State College, 1970 Major : Industrial and Technical Education Major Professor: Dr. Austin G. Loveless Thesis : A Survey of the Reason s Leading to Work Termination of Mentally Handicapped Workers

JENSEN, DON CLAIR Mink Creek, Idaho BS: Utah State University, 1970 Major: Civil Engineering Major Professor: Dr. Gary Z. Watters Thesis : Plan B


MASTER OF SCIENCE (Continued) KHAN, SHAH WALi Peshawar, West Pakistan BS: Peshawar University , 1964 Major : Civil Engineering Major Professor: Dr. Fred W. Kiefer Thesis: Plan B

LARSEN, SANDRA LEE MCARTHUR Price , Utah BS: Utah State University , 1970 Major: Communicative Disord ers Major Professor: Dr. Thomas S. Johnson Thesis: The Relation ship Between the Distar Langu age Program and the Redu ction of Articulation Errors

KHOSRAVI , ABDOL REZA Shiraz , Iran BS: University of Arizona , 1964 Major : Agricultural and Irrigation Engineeri ng Major Professor: Profe ssor J.E . Chris tiansen Thesi s: Pan Evaporatio n and Evapo transpirat ion in Iran

LATHAM , CARROLL P. Logan , Utah BS: Brigham Young University, 1955 Major : Hom e Economic s and Consum er Educat ion Major Professor: Profe ssor Edith Nyman Thesis: Individual Family Contribution to Paper Pollution in Cache County

KIANGSIRI , CHOOPONG Bangkok, Thai land DS: Thammasat University, 1969 Major: Eco nomi cs Major Professor : Dr. Gary B. Hansen Th.esis: Coursework Substitute

LAW, SUSAN NOBLE Smithfi eld , Utah BS: Utah State University, 1970 Major: Commun icative Disorders Major Professor : Dr. Thomas S. Johnson Thesis : The Use of the Northwest ern Synta x Screening Test as an Aid to Programming and Measurement of Language Change

KLING EL, SARAH CROWrHER Solon, Oh io BS: Ohio Wesleyan University, 1970 Major: Family and Child Developm ent Major Profe ssor: Dr. Don Carter Thesis: The Influ ence of Social Environment on Childre n's Perce ption of Policemen

LEE, CHANG Seoul, Korea BA: Seoul Nati onal University , 1966 Major: Politi cal Science Major Professor: Dr. Philip S. Spoerry Thesis: Theory of Contr adiction, Epistemo logy , Social and Political Int egration of Mao Tse-tung

KOMSON, THONGBHAND Lampang City , Thailand BS: University of the East , 1967 Major: Political Science Major Profes sor : Dr. Wendell B. Anderson Thesis: Some Political Aspects and Conseq uence of th e Six-day War Between Israel and the Arab Nation

LEE ,C HIYON Chonju , Korea BS: Hanyang University, 1967 Major : Manufacturing Engineering Major Professor: Profe ssor Don G. Fem ey Thesis: The Evaluation of the Presence of VE/VA Study in the Small Af,gregate Crushing , Asphalt and Concrete Mixing Plant - Case Study of the Korean Cement Manufacturing Company

KOTHARI , CHANDRA KANT S. Jodhpur, India BE: M.B.M. Engineering College, 1957 Major: Civil Engineer ing Major Professo r: Professor Vance T . Christiansen Thesis: Plan B KUMAR, SURINDER Chandi garh, Indi a BS: G. N. Engineering College, 1965 Major: Civil Engj.neering Major Profe ssor : Professor Vance T. Chri stiansen Thesis: Plan B

LEE, YUNG-SUNG Kaohsnng Hsien, Taiwan BS: Chung-Hsing University , 1965 Major : Applied Statistic s Major Professor: Dr. Ronald V. Canfield Thesis: Fitting Some Families of Contagiou s Distributions to Biological and Accident Data

LARKIN, CLAIR COE Smithfield , Utah BS: Utah State University , 1968 Major: Secondary Education Major Professor: Dr. Ross R. Allan Thesis: A Comparison of Attitude s Toward Mathematics of College Student s in Remedial Mathemati cs Classes and in Non-Remedial Mathematics Classes

LI, KUO-HSIN Kowloon, Hong Kong BS: Taiwan Chang Kung , 1966 Major : Electrical Engineering Major Professor: Dr. William L. Jone s Thesis: Plan B

LARSEN , DAVID SCOTT Tacoma , Washington BS: Utah State University , 1966 Major: Communicative Disorders Major Professor: Dr. Frederick S. Berg Thesis: Auditory Training Employing Operant Controls : A Case Study

LIMPIYAKORN , PRICHA Bangkok , Thailand BS: Chulalongkorn University , 1963 Major: Mechanical Engineering Major Professor: Dr . Owen K. Shupe Thesi s: Plan B


MASTER OF SCIENCE (Continued) MATTHEWS, STEVEN RAY West Jordan, Utah BS: Utah State University, 1970 Major : Mathematics Major Professor: Dr. L. D. Loveland Thesis: Plan B

LOCKER, WILLIAM JOSEPH Riverton, Wyoming BS: University of Wyoming, 1963 Major: Nutrition and Food Sciences Major Professor : Dr. C. Anthon Ernstrom Thesis: Study of Air Cell Migration and the Effect of Whipping Temperature on the Overrun, Body and Storage Stability of a Diary-based Frozen Whipped Topping

MAYO, ROBERT F. Hudson , Massachusetts BS: Utah State University, 1967 Major: Business Education and Office Administration Major Professor: Professor Garth A. Hanson Thesis: Plan B

LOOPE, WALTER LEE Bluemont, Virginia BS: Virginia Polytechnic Institute, 1969 Major: Range Science (Ecology) Major Professor : Dr. Gerald E. Gifford Thesis : Influence of a Soil Micwfloral Crust on Hydrologic and Chemical Properties of Soils in Southeastern Utah

MCCARTHY, DANIEL MICHAEL Butte , Montana BA: Gonzaga University, 1969 Major: Psychology Major Professor : Dr. Richard B. Powers Thesis: Self-imposed Delays of Reinforcement in Conjunctive Schedules

LOUVIERE, JAMES R . Hattiesburg, Mississippi BS: University of Southern Mississippi, 1968 Major : Business Education and Office Administration Major Professor : Professor William D. Woolf Thesis: Plan B

MCCLELLAN , MYRON LEE Logan , Utah BA: Utah State University, 1970 Major: Health, Physical Education and Recreation Major Professor: Dr. Lincoln McClellan Thesis : Opinions of Non-Physical Education Leader s Toward Physical Education and Physical Educators in Selected Utah Secondary Schools

LUND, CHARLES A. Seattle, Washington BS: Gonzaga University, 1969 Major : Psychology Major Professor: Dr. Carl D . Cheney Thesis: The Post-reinforcement Pause and Terminal Rate in Fixed-interval Schedules

MC DONALD, KATHLEEN THOMAS Malad, Idaho BS: Utah State University, 1967 Major: Family and Child Development Major Professor : Dr. Don C. Carter Thesis : Influence of Social Class on Children's Perception of Teachers

MAKARATAD, PRICHA Chachungtraw , Thailand LLB: Thammasat University , 1966 Major: Political Science Major Professor : Professor H. Preston Thomas Thesis: A Study of Judicial System in Thailand

MC ROBERTS , JERRY G. Palton, Nebraska BA: University of Nebraska , 1970 Major: Wildlife Resources Major Professor: Dr. Kent W. Bridges Thesis : Plan B

MARCHANT , RICHARD EUGENE Smithfield, Utah BS: Utah State University, 1968 Major: Sociology , Major Professor: Dr. H. Bruce Bylund Thesis: The Use of Cultural , Social Psychological , and Demographic Variables in Identifying Characteristics Associated with Termination of the 1969 Population of the Clearfield Job Corps

MEYERS, DAVID WAYNE Ceder City, Utah BS: Utah State University , 1971 Major : Civil Engineering Major Professor : Dr. E. J . Middlebrooks Thesis: Effects of Land Use on Water Quality: Creek, Smithfield, Utah

MARCOULLIS , CHRISTOS IOANNOU Nicosia, Cyprus BS: University of Athens, 1964 Major: Agricultural and Irrigation Engineering Major Professor: Dr . Komain Unhanand Thesis: Plan B


MEYERS, THEODORE FREDERICK Muskegon, Michigan BS: Utah State University, 1969 Major: Wildlife Resources Major Professor : Dr. William T. Helm Thesis: Aquatic Invertebrate Consumption by the Major Fish Species in the Blacksmith Forks River

MARJANY, FATOLLAH Logan, Utah BS: Utah State University, 1970 Major: Sociology Major Professor: Professor Ronald A. Farrell Thesis: The Correspondence Between the Public Stereotype of Homosexuals and the Definitions of Homosexuality Contained in the Institutions of Religion , Law, and Psychiatry


MASTER OF SCIENCE (Continued) MICKELSEN, ARLO DEE Salina, Utah BS: Utah State University, 1971 Major: Electrical Engineering Major Professor: Dr. Glen H. Smerage Thesis: Measurement of Soil Moisture by Attenuation Vertically Polarized Radio Wave !MILLER , BRENT C. Ogden, Utah BS: Weber State College , 1971 Major: Family and Child Development Major Professor: Dr. Jay D. Schvaneveldt Thesis: Family Planning: Related Attitudes Women in Three-Generation Families

MOYNAHAN, MICHAEL DENNIS San Diego, California BS: California State Polytechnic College, 1969 Major: Agricultural and Irrigation Engineering Major Professor: Dr. Jack 0. Keller Thesis: The Use of Sprinkler Profiles to Predict Performance

of a


MUIR, DOUGLAS C. Orem,Utah BS: Brigham Young University, 1970 Major: Soil Science and Biometeorology Major Professor: Dr. David W. James Thesis: Nitrogen Movement Under Irrigated Corn as Influenced by Nitrogen Source and Rat e

of Mormon

!MILLER, JOYCE TEBBS Panguitch, Utah BS: Utah State University, 1970 Major: Communicative Disorders Major Professor: Dr. Thomas S. Johnson Thesi s: Motor Imitation and Its Relationship to Articulation

NAWABI, ABAN Tehran, Iran BS: Utah State University , 1970 Major: Applied Statistics Major Professor: Dr. Ronald V. Canfield Thesis: A Bayes Rule for the Symmetric Multiple Comparisons Problem

.MILLS, FREDERICK GORDON Logandale , Nevada BS: Utah State University, 1967 Major: Plant Science Major Professor: Dr. John 0. Evans Thesis: A Field Study Concerning the Effects of Several Methods of Incorporation on the Performance of Acetanilide Herbicides

NOYES, MARILYN BJORKMAN Kaysville, Utah BS: University of Utah, 1955 Major : Home Economics and Consumer Education Major Professor: Professor Edith Nyman Thesis: Difficulty of Decision-making by Widows OLSON, PHILIP PARRY Ephraim, Utah BS: Brigham Young University , 1970 Major: Agricultural Economics Major Professor: Dr. Darwin B. Nielsen Thesis: Economic Impact of Meeting Standards on Utah Cattle Feeders

!MIRNEZAMI, SYED HOSSEIN Tehran, Iran BS: University of Tehran, 1962 Major: Agricultural and Irrigation Engineering Major Professor: Professor Cleve H. Milligan Thesis: The Relation ship Between the Climate and Dry Formed Wheat in lran


PALMISANO, JOHN FRANCIS Chicago, Illinois BS: Wisconsin State University , 1967 Major: Wildlife Resources (Fisheries Biology) Major Professor: Dr. William T. Helm Thesis: Freshwater Food Habits of Salvelinus (Walbaum) on Amchitka Island, Alaska

IMIRSAEIDI-FARAHANY, NASSEREDDIN Tehran, Iran BS: University of Tehran, 1965 Major: Civil Engineering Major Professor: Professor Vance T. Christiansen Thesis : Plan B


PARENT , DENNIS ROBERT Winchendon, Massachusetts BS: S.U.N.Y. College of Forestry, 1970 Major: Forest Science Major Professor: Dr. George E. Hart Thesis: The Influence of Atmospheric Dust and Foliar Leachates on the Chemical Quality of Tluoughfall in Northern Utah

MITCHELL, REBECCA S. Sandy , Utah BS: Brigham Young Univer.sity, 1966 Major: Home Economics and Consumer Education Major Professor: Professor Marie Krueger Tl1esis: The Relationship of an Individualized Instructional Unit of the Self-Concept of 12th Grade Girls MORGAN, JANEICE LAVERN Brigham City, Utah BS: Utah State University, 1970 Major : Communicative Disorders Major Professor: Dr. Thomas S. Johnson Tl1esis: Plan B

PARNELL, ROBERT NEWMAN JR. La Cresenta, California BS: Gonzaga University, 1966 Major: Civil Engineering Major Professor: Dr. John P. Riley Thesis: Computer Simulation of Urban Runoff Characteristics Within Salt Lake County

MORTON, LORRAINE Rexburg, Idaho BS: Brigham Young University, 1967 Major: Clothing and Textiles Major Professor: Dr. Anne Kernaleguen Thesis: A Comparison of Two Groups of Brigham Young University College Women: Innovators of a Specific Fashion in Clothing and Members of a Normative Dress Majority on Selected Characteristics

PARRISH, MADELYN LINDSAY Panguitch, Utah BS: Utah State University, 1971 Major: Communicative Disorders Major Professor: Dr. Tl10mas S. Johnson Thesis: A Therapeutic Program for the Remediation of Vocal Nodules in Children


MAST ER OF SCIENC E (Continu ed) PAT EL , HASUMATIR EVANDAS Ahm edabad, Indi a BS : M.G. Scienc e, India , 1968 Maj or: Bac teri ology and Publi c Hea lth Maj or Profe ssor : Dr. John J. Skujin s Th esis: Th e Nitrifi ca tion Rat es in Arid Wes tern Soil s

RADHAR UKMANI , A. Madra s, Indi a MS: Madra s Univer sity, l 963 Maj or: Nutriti on a nd Foo d Sciences Maj or Pro fessor : Dr. E th elwyn B. Wilcox Thes is: Antib o dy Pro du ctio n of Rats Fed Die ts of Vary ing Nutri e nt Densit y

PAT EL , SANKABHAI M. Gujarat , Indi a BS : Gujarat Univer sity , 1968 Major : Chemistry Major Profes sor: Dr. Richard K. Olsen Th esis: Sy nthe sis o f 2-Ac e tamid o - 2 - Mer captopropioni c Acid

RAPIEN, JAM ES MICHA E L Rudd , Iow a BS: Wes t Illinoi s, 196 3 Major : Health , Phy sical Educ ation and Recrea tion Maj or Prof es sor : Dr. Dale 0 . Ne lson The sis : Knowl edge and E xt ent of Use of Alcoh ol and Tobacco in Selected Schools of North Central Iowa

PAXTON , DAN RICHARDS Salt Lake City , Utah BS : University of Utah , 1970 Major : Health, Physical Education and Recrea ti on Major Professor : Dr. Lanny Nalder Thesi s: A Comparison of Heat , Cold and Res t on the Recovery of the Musles of th e Arm and Should er aft er Pit ching

R EYES, JORGE Madi son , Wiscon sin BS: Utah State Univer sity , 1970 Major : Nutrition and Food Scie nces Major Professor: Dr. C. A. Ern strom Th esis: A Procedure for Measuring Res idu al Rennin Activity in Whey and Curd from Fr eshly Coagul ated Milk

PEARSON, DON EARL Ogden , Ut ah BS : Weber State College , I 968 Major : Mathemati cs Major Profe ssor : Pro fes sor E. E. Und erwood Th esis: Pla n B

REYNOLDS , JAM E S HAROLD Roy , Utah BS : Utah State Univer sity , 1970 Major : Civil Engin eering Major Professor: Profe ssor Norman B. Jon es Th esis : The Eff ec ts of Select ed Baf fle Confi gura tion s o n th e Op eration and Performan ce of Mod el Waste St abili za tio n Basin s

PECK , JOS EPH D . Salt Lake Cit y, Utah BS: Univer sity of Ut ah , 1967 Major: Ma th e ma tics Maj or Pro fesso r : Dr. L. Du ane Lov eland Th esis: Th e Po incar e Conj ectur e

ROBBINS , CHARL ES W. Mount ain View , Wyomin g BS : Brigham Youn g University , 196 6 Maj or : Soil Science and Biom e teoro logy Maj or Profe ssor : Dr. David L. Car ter Th esis: Pot enti o me tri c Titr ati on of Sulfat e Using a Lead mer cury Ama lgum Indi cat or Elec trod e

PET ERSON , C ARL LYNN Rupert , Idaho BS: Utah St ate Univer sity , 1970 Major: Communic ative Disorder s Major Pro fess or : Pr o fessor Th o mas C. Clark Thesi s: Plan B

ROB ERTS , WESL EY KENT Cedar City , Utah BS: Southern Utah State College, 1970 Major : Psy chology Major Prof essor : Dr. David R . Ston e Th esis: Utili zation of Phon eme-graph eme Rela tive Frequ ency Data as an Eff ec tive Me thod of Developing Reading Materials for Navajo Student s

PRICE , REL F LEONARD III Los Alamo s, New Mex ico BS : Utah Stat e Univ ersit y, 1969 Major : Botany Major Profe ssor: Dr. Gerald M. Baker . Thesi s: The Myxomy cete s of Mont ane Northern New Me,uco PTACEK, CARMEN KNUDSON Arvilla, North Dakota BS: North Dakota State University, 1970 Major: Family and Child Development Major Professor: Dr. Jay D. Schvaneveldt Thesis: The Pill - Corre lates of Attitudes Co n traception


ROCK, BRE NT L E ROY Salt Lake City , Utah BS: Utah State Univer sity , 1965 Major: Hea lth , Phy sical Education and Recre a tion Major Professor: Dr. Dale 0. Nelson Thesis : Motivationa l Methods Used by Selected Utah High School Football Coaches to Prepare for Competition


ROMNEY , RULON KENT Chi huahua , Mexico BS: Brigham Young University , 1969 Major : Plant Science Major Profes sor : Dr. J. LaMar Ander son Thesis : The Effect s of DCPA and Triflura lin on North ern Root-Knot Nematod e (M e/o ido gy ne k opl a chitwo od) Infection of Selected Vege tab_les

PUZEY , JULIE ANN Logan, Utah BS: Utah State University, 1967 Major: Family and Child Developm ent Major Profe ssor : Dr. Don C . Cart er The sis: Th e Young Child's Conc ept of Human Concepti o n and Birth


MASTER OF SCIENCE (Continued) SCHMIDT, BLAINE ARTHUR West Jordan, Utah BS: Utah State University, 1970 Major: Electrical Engineering Major Professor : Dr. Alvin M. Despain Thesis: Plan B

RONDON , FREDDY FERNANDO Monagas, Venezuela BS: Universidad de Oriente , Venezuela, 1968 Major: Agricultural and Irrigation Engineering Major Professor: Professor J.E. Chr ist iansen Thesis : Estimation of Irrigation Requirements for Venezuela ROSEN , PETER MARK Levittown , New York BA: University of Chicago, 1970 Major: Ecology (Plant) Major Professor: Dr. Frank B. Salisbury Thesis: Plant Adaptation to Cold I. Chlorophyll II. Minerals

SCHULINGKAMP, WARREN JOHN II Metairie , Louisiana BS: Louisiana State University , 1969 Major: Geology Major Professor: Dr. Robert Q. Oaks . Jr . Thesis: Petrology of the Ordovician Swan Peak Formation, Southeastern Idaho and North-Central Utah

ROUNDY, THERON EUGENE Tremonton, Utah BS: Utah State University, 1970 Major : Plant Science Major Professor: Dr. DeVere R . McAllister Thesis: Linkage and Inheritance Studies Involving An Annual Pollen Restorer and Other Genetic Characters in B e ta vu/garis L.

SCHWAB, NEPHI G. Ely, Nevada BS: Utah State University, 1947 Major: Health. Physical Edu cation and Recreation Major Professor: Dr. Lincoln McClellan Thesis: The Attitudes of Male Students Toward Physical Education at White Pine High School , Ely , Nevada

RUSHING , JUNE KAREN Houston , Texas BS: Baylor University, 1969 Major : Zoology (Ecology) Major Professor: Dr. James A. Gessaman Thesis: Homeotherm Productivity and Activity as a Function of Microclimatological Variables

SEELEY, RODNEY R. Rupert , Idaho BS: Idaho State University, 1968 Major: Zoology Major Professor: Dr. Raymond T. Sanders Thesis: An Electrophysiological Study of the Oral Plate Sensory Organs of the Honey Bee (A pis mel/iferra L.)

RUSSELL , KENNETH DALE Diamond City, Alberta BS: Brigham Young University, 1970 Major : Agricultural Economics Major Professor: Dr. Lynn H. Davis Thesis: A Method of Estimating Minimum Dairy Farm Sizes for Specific Income Levels

SHAW, WILLIAM CHARLES Brigham City , Utah BS: Utah State University , 1970 Major: Electrical Engineering Major Professor : Dr. Ronald L. Thurgood Thesis: MOM: A Computer Program of Modern Optimization Methods

SANDBERG, PHILIP DEAN Gettysburg, South Dakota BS: Brigham Young University, 1969 Major: Soil Science and Biometeorology Major Professor : Dr. R. J. Hank s Thesis : Relationship of the Soil Water Content and Microclimate to the Plant Growth Water Use Relationship of Several Plan ts

SHENG , JIALIN Taipei , Taiwan BS: Provincial Cheng Kung University, 1968 Major: Applied Statistics Major Professor: Dr. Ronald V . Canfield The sis: Plan B SHER, KUEI-MEI EVEN Tainan, Taiwan BS: National Chengchi University, 1967 Major : Applied Statistics Major Professor: Dr. Ronald V. Canfield Thesis: Plan B

SARVIS, JOHN EDWARD Memphis, Tennessee BS: University of Michigan , 1969 Major: Wildlife Resources Major Professor: Dr. Jessop B. Low Thesis : The Breeding Biology and Ecology of the RingNecked Duck in Northern Michigan

SHETH,ARUNKUMARPUNAMCHAND Ahmedabad, India BS: L.D . College of Engineering, India, 1967 Major: Electrical Engineering Major Professor: Dr. Bruce 0 . Watkins Thesis : Plan B

:SAVAGE, CANDACE Antimony , Utah BS: Utah State University, 1971 Major: Family and Child Development Major Professor : Dr. Carroll Lambert Thesis : Visual Perception in Preschool Children !SCHMALZ, KIRK L. Idaho Falls, Idaho BS: Utah State University, 1970 Major : Civil Engineering (Water Quality) Major Professor: Dr. Donald B. Porcella Thesis: Phosphorus Distribution in the Bottom Sediments of Hyrum Reservoir

SHROFF, ATULKUMAR K. Navapur, India BS: Utah State University, 1970 Major: Manufacturing Engineering Major Professor: Dr. Carl D. Spear Thesis: Relationships Between Shear Plane Angle and Temperature During Metal Machining


MASTER OF SCIENCE (Continued) SIGLER, JOHN WILLIAM Logan, Utah BS: Utah State University, 1969 Major: Wildlife Resources Major Professor: Dr. Donald B. Porcella Thesis: Investigation<; of the Algal Productivity of Selected and Limited Sites Along the Western Shore of Bear Lake, Utah-Idaho

SWAMINATHAN, SUBRAMANIAM Colombo, Ceylon BS: Utah State University, 1969 Major: Agricultural Economics Major Professor: Dr. Herbert H. Fullert on Thesis: Estimating Agricultural Production Functions from Experimental Data for Different Crops in Relation to Irrigation, Fertilization, and Soil Management in Northern Utah

SINGH, BRAJENDRA PRASAD Bihar, India BS: Bihar Institute of Technology , 1963 Major: Manufacturing Engineering Major Professor : Professor Don G. Ferney Thesis : Plan B

TAYLOR, FRED RALPH Chihuahua, Mexico BS: Brigham Young University, 1970 Major: Plant Science Major Professor: Dr. David R. Walker Thesis: Effects of Different Irrigation Methods and Different Levels of Nitrogen rertil izer on Fruit and Vegetative Characteristics of Peach Trees

SINGH, JATINDER PAL Delhi, India BS: Thapar Institute of Engineering and Technology , India, 1968 Major: Civil Engineering Major Professor : Dr. John P. Riley Thesis: A Chemical Quality Classification of Surface Water in the Sevier-Sigurd Basin SMITH, BOBBIE BAR DEE Napa, California BS: Utah State University, 1970 Major: Family and Child Development Major Professor: Dr. Jay D. Schvaneveldt Thesis: Rural Fathers' Role Formulation Maturation of Children

THAI, DUNG-HAI Saigon, Vietnam BS: Cheng Kung University, 1967 Major: Agricultural and Irrigation Engineering Major Professor: Dr. Komain Unhanand Thesis: Plan B THORSTED, ALICE RANDALL Ogden, Utah BS: Utah State University, 1942 Major: Family and Child Development Major Professor: Dr. C. Jay Skidmore Thesis: The Influ ence of the Home and Hospital Program on Pregnant School-Age Girls

as Affected by

SOMBOONVIBOON, SANTI Bangkok, Thailand BS: Chulalongkorn University, 1969 Major: Civil Engineering Major Professor: Professor Derle Thorpe Thesis: Plan B

TIMPER, PRISCILLA TOMICH Menomonie, Wisconsin BS: Stout State University , 1970 Major: Sociology Major Professor: Dr. Gordon N. Keller Thesis: An Acculturation Study of Japanese Buddhists in Northern Utah

SOONTORNWESN, THEETI Thonburi , Thailand BL: Chulalongkorn University, 1967 Major: Political Science Major Professor: Dr. Wendell B. Anderson Thesis: A Study of Personnel Administration in American Municipal Government with Emphasis on Recruitment and Training


TINKEY, DOYLE C. Bayside , California BS: Utah State University, 1969 Major: Civil Engineering Major Professor: Professor Norman B. Jones Thesis: Evaluation of the Bottle Test of the Provision al Algal Assay Procedure

SORENSEN, DUANE A. Spanish Fork, Utah BS: Utah State University, 1969 Major: Agricultural Economics Major Professor: Dr. Darwin B. Nielsen Thesis: An Economic Analysis of Feeding Steers Versus Heifers

TOSSO de , ALICIA BRUNA Santiago, Chile BS: University of Chile, 1967 Major: Botany Major Professor : Dr. George W. Cochran Thesis: An Isolation and Partial Purification of a Small Tobacco Mosaic Viru s Nucleo-protein Unit and a Study of its Polymerization by Carbodiimides

STANFILL, SHONNA GAY Vernal, Utah BS: Utah State University, 1971 Major: Communicative Disorders Major Professor: Dr. Jay R . Jensen Thesis: Operant Control of Stuttering in an Adult Male Stutterer STEVENS, JAMES W. Ouray, Utah BS: Utah State University, 1969 Major: Animal Science Major Professor: Dr. John E. Butcher Thesis : Finishing Beef Calves with Variable Beet Pulp and Stilbestrol Treatments

TOSSO,JUAN Santiago , Chile BS: University of Concepcion, 1967 Major: Agricultural and Irrigation Engineering Major Professor: Professor J. F. Alfaro Thesis: Analysis of Chilean Meteorological Data to Estimate Evapotranspiration and Irrigation Requirements TSAI, MEI-YOU HARPER Taipei, Taiwan BS: Fu-Jih Catholic University, 1968 Major: Nutrition and Food Sciences Major Professor: Dr. Ethelwyn B. Wilcox TI1esis: Plan B


MASTER OF SCIENCE (Continued) WALKER, JOAN BEVERLY Houston, Texas BS: Oklahoma State University, 1970 Major: Communicative Disorders Major Professor: Dr. Jay R. Jensen Thesis: Plan B

'TSAI, WEN-CHERNG Taipei, Taiwan BS: Provincial Chung-Hsing University, 1967 Major: Bacteriology and Public Health Major Professor: Dr. Carl A. Westby Thesis: The Regulation of Pwine Biosynthesis in a Phosphoribosylpyro phosphate Amidotransferasedeficient Mutant of Salmonella typhimurium

WALKINGSHAW, ROBERT MARK Salt Lake City, Utah BS: University of Utah, 1962 Major: Civil Engineering Major Professor: Professor Norman B. Jones Thesis: Irrigation and Planning Aspects of Stabilization Ponds

'TU, GRACE SHIAO-HUA LEE Taipei, Taiwan BS: Tamkang College, 1965 Major : Applied Statistics Major Professor: Dr. Ronald V. Canfield Thesis: Plan B

WANG, DON JENG Tainan, Taiwan BS: Choung Hsing University, 1967 Major: Nutrition and Food Sciences Major Professor: Dr. D. K. Salunkhe Thesis: Certain Changes in Chemical Composition of Lettuce (Lactuco sativa L.) Stored in Controlled Atmosphere

TUELLER, BENNION LAMONT Ogden, Utah BS: Utah State University , 1959 Major: Industrial and Technical Education Major Professor: Dr. William E. Mortimer Thesis: Development of Criteria for Establishment of an Automotive Service Curriculum to Provide Articulation Between Secondary and Post-secondary Schools in the State of Utah

WATKINS, SUSAN Nor th Logan, Utah BS: Utah State University , 1970 Major : Communicative Disorders Major Professor: Professor Thomas C. Clark Thesis : Guidelines for a Model Hearing Impaired Infant Program

TURNER, DAVID ARTHUR Logan, Utah BS: Utah State University, 1970 Major : Health , Physical Education and Recreation Major Professor: Professor Arthw H. Mend.ini Thesis: Plan B TUR-REHMAN, MUHAMMAD KHALIL Rangpura Sialkst, West Pakistan BS: Pakistan Agricultwal University, 1967 Major: Agricultwal and Irrigation Engineering Major Professor: Dr. Larry G. King Thesis: Field Evaluation of Various Transient Equations

WEAVER, ROBERT WILLIAM Pittsfield, Illinois BS: Southern Illinois University, 1970 Major: Forest Science Major Professor: Dr. Philip A. Barker Thesis: Moisture Variation in a Woodchip Ground Cover as an Indication of Its Potential Fire Hazard Drainage

WHITWORTH, FAYE MARIE ATTAWAY Hampton, Virginia BS: N .E. Missouri State College, 1968 Major: History Major Professor: Dr. William F. Lye Thesis: Monomotapa in the Sixteenth Through the Portuguese Records

'VERHAAL, JEFF LYNN Ogden, Utah BS: Utah State University, 1971 Major: Business Education and Office Administration Major Professor: Professor William D. Woolf Thesis: Plan B


as Seen

WILKINSON, RICHARD F. JR. Laguna Beach, California BS: California Polytechnic College, 1968 Major: Zoology Major Professor: Dr. Hugh P. Stanley Thesis: Genetic Control of Spermiogenesis in Drosophila

'VIMOLLOHAKARN, SURARATT Bangkok, Thailand BS: Thammasat University, 1959 Major: Political Science Major Professor: Professor H. Preston Thomas Thesis: A Study of Property Tax as a Source of Revenue for Local Government


WILLARD, PARRY DON Ogden, Utah BS: Weber State College, 1970 Major: Geology Major Professor: Dr. Donald R. Olsen Thesis: Tertiary Igneous Rocks of Northeastern Valley, Idaho

'WAITE, PRESTON JAY Hyde Park, Utah BS: Utah State University, 1970 Major: Applied Statistics Major Professor: Dr. Rex L. Hurst Thesis: The Effectiveness of Categorical Variables in Discriminant Function Analysis

WILLIS, MICHAEL CHARLES Salt Lake City, Utah BS: Utah State University, 1968 Major: Civil Engineering Major Professor: Dr. Fred W. Kiefer Thesis: Piezometers in Earth Dams

'WALKER, BYRLE GEORGE Jackson, Wyoming BS: Brigham Young University, 1962 Major: Business Education and Office Administration Major Professor: Dr. Theodore W. Ivarie Thesis: Plan B



MASTER OF SCIENCE (Continued) WILSON, DAVID ERNEST Richmond, Virginia BS : University of Nebraska , 1969 Major: Wildlife Resources Major Professor: Dr. J. Juan Spillett Thesis: Carrying Capacity of the Key Browse Species for Moose on the North Slopes of the Uinta Mountains, Utah

WRIGLEY , JIM C. Burley, Idaho BS: Brigham Young University, 1970 Major : Agricultural Economics Major Professor: Dr. E. Boyd Wennergrcn Thesis: Factors Affecting Quality Rent Values for Resident Deer Hunting in Utah

WISER, THAYNE BRADLEY Buhl, Idaho BS: Utah State University, 1971 Major : Soil Science and Biometeorology Major Professor: Dr . R . J. Hanks Thesis: Comparison of Tensiometer and Climatological Methods of Estimating Soil Moisture Depletion and Scheduling Irrigation of Potatoes

YANG, CHRISTOPHER CHI-CHUEN Taipei, Taiwan BS: National Taiwan University , 1958 Major: Nutrition and Food Sciences Major Professor: Dr. D. K. Salunkhe Thesis: Effects of Controlled Atmosphere Storage on Quality and Certain Physiological Characteristics of Lettuce (Lactuca sativa L., cu!tivar "G reat Lakes")

WONG, PING LUK Santa Paula, California BS: Utah State University , 1970 Major : Electrical Engineering Major Professor : Dr. William L. Jones Thesis: The Design of a Keyboard-Input Storage System for Data Transmission

YANG, TSAI-CHUNG Honan, China BS: Utah State University , 1969 Major: Electrical Engineering Major Professor: Dr. Robert W. Gunderson Thesis : Plan B

WOOD, WILLIAMNELSON Logan, Utah BS: University of New Hampshire, 1966 Major: Landscape Architecture and Environmental Planning Major Professor : Professor Craig W. Johnson Thesis : Th e Adequacy of the Rich County 701 Plan in Controlling the Pattern and Intensity of Land Use Around Bear Lake , Utah

YUAN, ALBERTS . Taipei, Taiwan BS: National Taiwan University, 1967 Major : Political Science Major Professor: Dr. Philip S. Spoerry Thesis: The Role of the People's Liberation Army in the Early Phases of the Great Proletarian Cultural Revolutions ZIMMER, LOREN 0 . Bottineau , North Dakota BS: Minot State College, 1966 Major: Business Education and Office Administration Major Professor: Professor William D. Woolf Thesis: Plan B

WOODS, CLINTON CHARLES Fairfield, California BS: Utah State University , 1970 Major : Manufacturing Engineering Major Professor : Professor W. Karl Somers Thesis: Plan B

ZIMMERMAN,TED ALBERT McDermitt, Nevada BS: Utah State University, 1970 Major : Health , Physical Education and Recreation Major Professor: Dr. Lanny J. Nalder Thesis: The Energy Expenditure in Comparison Universal Gym and Olympic Weights

WORKMAN, JEAN MARIE Smithfield, Utah BS: Utah State University, 1962 Major: Health, Physical Education and Recreation Major Professor: Professor Pauline Fuller Thesis: A Survey of the Selecting and Governing of Girls' Precision Drill Teams in Selected High Schools in Utah

MASTER OF EDUCATION ANDERSON, JOSEPH MICHAEL Salt Lake City, Utah BS: Utah State University, 1968 Major: Educational Administration Maj or Professor: Dr. Basil C. Hansen Thesis: Plan B

ARCHIBALD, REO S. Rexburg, Idaho BS: Ricks College, 1956 Major: Educational Administration Major Professor: Dr. James A. Jacobsen Thesis: Plan B

ARCHIBALD, JAMES LELAND North Ogden, Utah BS: Ricks College, 1953 Major: Secondary Education Major Professor: Professor William J. Strong Thesis: Plan B

ATWELL, JESSE DWAYNE Little Sioux, Iowa BS: Utah State University, 1971 Major: Secondary Education Major Professor: Dr. Richard S. Knight Thesis: Plan B


of the

MASTER OF EDUCATION (Continued) BAIR, ALAN JOHN Lewiston, Utah BS: Utah State University, 1968 Major: Educa tional Administration Major Prof essor: Dr. Rob ert A. Wininger Thesis: Plan B

CURLAND, WILLIAM DAVID Santa Monica, California BS: Utah State University, 1971 Major : Instructional Media and Library Science Major Professor: Dr. Don C. Smellie Practicum DAVIS, HUGH S. Tremonton, Utah BS: Utah State University, 1968 Major: Secondary Education Major Professor: Dr. Walter L. Saunders Thesis: Plan B

BORGOGNA, SALVATORE MICHAEL Downey, California BS: Utah State University, 1971 Major : Secondary Education Major Professor : Dr. Richard S. Knight Thesis: Plan B BUCKHOUSE, DORA SMITH Fresno, California BA: University of California at Davis, 1966 Major: Elementary Education Major Professor: Dr. E. Malcom Allred Thesis : Plan B BYBEE, 1. LEE Ogden, Utah BS: Utah State University , 1955 Major: Educational Administration Major Profes sor: Dr. Terrance E. Hatch Thesi s: Plan B CHRISTENSEN, JAYE . Salt Lake City, Utah BS: Brigham Young University, 1965 Major: Special Education Major Professor: Dr. Dwayne D. Peterson Thesis: Plan B CHR IST ENSEN, KENNETH WYNN Grace, Idaho MS: Utah State University , 1970 Major: Instruction al Media and Library Science Major Professor: Dr. Duane E. Hedin Thesis: Plan B COLLETT, MARTIE (MARTHA) Ogden , Utah BS: Utah State University, 1966 Major: Instru ctional Media and Library Science Thesis: Plan B

DEVINE, LEOLA JANSON Logan , Utah BS: Utah State University, 1968 Major: Instructional Media and Library Science Major Professor: Professor R. Kent Wood Thesis: Plan B D£ VRIES, NORMAN DELBERT Ogden, Utah BS: Utah State University, 1965 Major : Psychology Major Professor: Dr. Ronald S. Peterson Th esis: Plan B DICKEY , MARY CHR ISTINE Brigham City , Utah BS: Mississippi State College of Women, 1947 Major: Special Education Major Professor: Dr. L. Gail Johnson Thesis: Plan B DROLLINGER, GRANT G. Vernal, Utah BS: Utah State University, 1966 Major: Elementary Edu cation Major Professor : Dr. L. Gail Johnson Thesis: Plan B DRURY , RUTHCRANNEY Providence, Utah BA: Idaho State University, 1956 Majo. : Elementary Education Major Professor: Dr. E. Malcom Allred Thesis: Plan B

COLVIN, BOBBY WALLACE Ogden , Utah BS: Utah State University, 1958 Major Professor: Dr. Richard S. Knight Thesis: Plan B COSHOW, ROSE R. Salt Lake City, Utal1 BA: San Francisco State, 1958 Major: Special Education Major Professor: Professor Phyllis Publicover Thesis: Plan B CRISFIELD, BEVIA C. Logan, Utah BS: Utah State University, 1963 Major: Instructional Media and Library Science Major Professor: Professor R. Kent Wood Thesis: Plan B CRONQUIST, WILLIAM KAY Smithfield, Utah BS: Utah State University , 1969 Major: Instructional Media and Library Science Major Professor: Professor G. Leon Beutler Th,esis: Plan B CUCCIA, NICK JOSEPH Los Angeles , California BS: Utah State University, 1968 Major: Secondary Education Major Professor: Dr. Richard S. Knight Thesis : Plan B

DYORICH, NICK JOSEPH Heber City, Utah BS: Brigham Young University, 1964 Major: Secondary Education Major Professor: Professor William J . Strong Coursework Substitute EDWARDS, JEAN Ogden , Utah BA: Weber Stat e College, 1965 Major: Elementary Education Major Professor: Professor Evelyn L. Wiggins Thesis: Plan B FARNES, J. DEVAR Logan, Utah BS: Utah State University, 1967 Major: Special Education Major Professor : Professor Phyllis Publicover Thesis : Plan B GOFF , ETHEL LEOLA Pleasant Grove, Utah BS: Utah State University, 1967 Major: Elementary Education Major Professor : Dr. E. Malcom Allred Thesis: Plan B


MASTER OF EDUCATION (Continued) GRAYES , WILLA MAE Hay River , Northwest Territories , Canada BS: West Texas State University, 1950 Major: Elementary Education Major Professor : Dr. Ronald G. Petrie Thesis : Plan B

JAMES, BARBARA LUANE Brigham City, Utah BS: Weber State College, 1968 Major: Secondary Education Major Professor: Professor William L. Strong Coursework Substitute

GRUNIG , HAROLD J. Smithfield , Utah BS: Utah State University , 1963 Major : Educational Administration Major Professor : Dr. Charles 0. Ryan Thesis: Plan B

JENSEN, ARLISS W. Ephraim, Utah BS: Utah State University, 1956 Major: Educational Administration Major Professor: Dr. Terrance E. Hatch Thesis : Plan B

GUBSER, CAROLYN J. Honoiulu, Hawaii BA: Pacific University, 1969 Major: Special Education Major Professor: Dr. Dwayne D. Peterson Thesis: Plan B

JENSEN JON EDWIN Ogden, Utah BA: Weber State College, 1967 Major : Educational Administration Major Professor: Dr. Terrance E. Hatch Thesis: Plan B

HANSEN, DARRELL VAUGHN Ogden, Utah BS: Utah State University, 1961 Major: Elementary Education Major Professor : Dr. Jay A. Monson Thesis : Plan B

JOHNSON, STEVEN BLAY Shelley, Idaho BA: Utah State University, 196( Major: Educational Administration Major Professor: Dr. Terrance E. Hatch Thesis : Plan B

HANSEN, REID GLAZIER Brigham City, Utah BA : Brigham Young University , 1964 Major : Secondary Education Major Professor : Professor William L. Strong Thesis: Plan B

KICE, MARY L. Santa Rosa, California BS: Utah State University , 1966 Major: Special Education Major Professor : Dr. Dwayne D. Peterson Thesis: Plan B

HARDING, NEILE. Lehi, Utah BS: Brigham Young University, 1965 Major : Secondary Education Major Professor: Dr. Richard Knight Thesis : Plan B

KIRBY, ROBERT HUNTER Garland, Utah BA: Brigham Young University , 1955 Major : Elementary Education Major Professor: Professor Arthur D. Jackson Thesis: Plan B

HARTVIGSEN, JACK ARNOLD Pocatello, Idaho BS: University of Idaho, 1944 Major: Instructional Media and Library Science Major Professor : Dr. Don C. Smellie Practicum

KOFORD, SUSAN KAY Casper, Wyoming BA: Stanford University, 1969 Major: Instructional Media and Library Science Major Professor: Dr. Lester C. Essig Practicum

HERRING, CARLENE PACE Idaho Falls, Idaho BS: Utah State University, 1956 Major: Psychology Major Professor: Dr. Michael Bertoch Thesis: Plan B

LEWIS, FRANK T. Dickinson, North Dakota BS: Dickinson State College, 1954 Major: Educational Administration Major Professor: Dr. Basil C. Hansen Thesis: Plan B

HOGGAN,ROBERTBRUCE Idaho Falls, Idaho BS: Idaho State University, 1967 Major: Special Education Major Professor: Professor Phyllis Publicover Thesis: Plan B

MAKARATAD, PHONGPUN ATTAPHONGSE Chachungtraw, Thailand BS: Utah State University, 1970 Major: Elementary Education Major Professor: Professor Joan C. Bowden Thesis: Plan B

HUNT, MORRIS R. JR. Orem, Utah BS: Utah State University, 1968 Major: Secondary Education Major Professor: Dr. Walter L. Saunders Thesis : Plan B

MERCHANT, FATIMA A. Karachi, West Pakistan MA: University of Karachi, West Pakistan, 1968 Major: Educational Administration Major Professor: Dr. Terrance E. Hatch Thesis: Plan B


MASTER OF EDUCATION (Continued) MOSS, DARRELL H. Sugar City, Idaho BS: Ricks College, 1955 Major: Educational Administration Major Professor : Dr. Terrance E. Hatch Thesis: Plan B NEWLIN, SHEILA SUNADA Logan, Utah BA: Utah State University, 1968 Major: Special Education Major Professor: Dr. Sara James Thesis: Plan B

SMITH, J.B. Soda Springs, Idaho BA: Idaho State University, 1959 Major: Educational Administration Major Professor: Dr. Terrance E. Hatch Thesis: Plan B THATCHER, MARJORIE W. Kaysville, Utah BA: Brigham Young University, 1937 Major: Secondary Education Major Professor: Dr. Kenneth C. Farrer Thesis: Plan B

ODD, WALLACE STEED II Logan, Utah BS: Utah State University, 1969 Major: Educational Administration Major Professor: Dr. Charles 0. Ryan Thesis: Plan B

TOLMAN, JERALD C Afton, Wyoming BS: Brigham Young University, 1967 Major: Secondary Education Major Professor: Dr. Eldon M. Drake Thesis: Plan B

ORR, MARILYN LEE Ogden, Utah BA: Weber State College, 1965 Major: Instructional Media and Library Science Major Professor: Dr. Don C. Smellie Practicum

TUMA, OTTO BLAIR Livermore, California BS: Utah State University, 1952 Major: Educational Administration Major Professor: Dr. Homer M. Johnson Thesis: Plan B

PENNISI, MAUREEN DOYLE San Mateo , California BA: Humboldt State College, 1969 Major: Instruction al Media and Library Science Major Professor: Professor R. Kent Wood Thesis: Plan B

WATSON, CHARLES GORDON Raymond, Alberta BS: Southern Utah State College, 1970 Major: Secondary Education Major Professor : Dr. Walter L. Saunders Thesis: Plan B

POWELL, EVELYN CONSTANCE Ithaca, New York BS: Cornell University, 1958 Major: Secondary Education Major Professor : Dr. Walter L. Saunders Thesis: Plan B

WHITAKER, MAURICE CALVIN Perry, Utah BS: Utah State University, 1955 Major: Educational Administration Major Professor: Dr. Terrance E. Hatch Thesis: Plan B

POWELL, KENNETH RAY Salt Lake City, Utah BS: Utah State University, 1969 Major: Secondary Education Major Professor: Dr. Ross R. Allen Thesis : Plan B

WILDE, BARBARA ALISON Logan, Utah BS: Southern Utah State College, 1967 Major: Instructional Media & Library Science Major Professor: Dr. Don C. Smellie · Thesis: Plan B

RIGGS, VALDEAN G. Wellsville, Utah BS: Utah State University, 1971 Major: Instructional Media and Library Science Practicum

WILHELM, LAURN WELDON North Logan, Utah BA: Utah State University, 1970 Major: Instructional Media and Library Science Major Professor : Dr. Don C. Smellie Thesis : Plan B

SAWYER, FERDINAND FRANCIS Logan, Utah BS: University of Utah, 1934 Major: Instructional Media and Library Science Major Professor: Professor R. Kent Wood Practicum

WINQUIST, PAUL GEORGE Logan, Utah BS: Utah State University, 1969 Major: Special Education Major Professor : Professor Phyllis Publicover Thesis: Plan B

SHIOZAWA, HELENS. Rexburg, Idaho BS: Brigham Young University, 1945 Major: Elementary Education Major Professor: Professor Helen J. Tanner Thesis: Plan B

ZAUGG, LARRY W. Ogden, Utah BS: Weber State College, 1965 Major: Special Education Major Professor: Dr. Devoe C. Rickert Thesis: Plan B

SLUSSER, DOLORES CAROLYN Van Nuys, California BS: San Fernando Valley State College, 1967 Major: Special Education Major Professor: Dr. Lionel Brady Thesis: Plan B


MASTER OF BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION ANDERSON , FRED J. Brigham City , Utah BS: Utah State University, 196 9 Major: Business Administration Major Profes sor: Dr. John R. Cragun Thesis: Busines s Report

CASSIDY, DA YID RAYMOND Vancouver , Washington BS: Brigham Young University , 1971 Major: Business Administration Major Professor: Professor Joseph Papenfuss Thesis: Business Report CLAYTON, JOHN EDMUND Bountiful, Utah BS: Brigham Young University, 1969 Major: Business Administration Major Professor: Dr. Robert C. Mecham Thes is: Business Report

ANDRUS , CALV IN SCOFIELD Brigham City , Utah BA: University of Washington , 1959 Major: Business Administration Major Professor: Dr. John R. Cragun Thesis: Business Report

COACHBU ILD ER, PHEROZE BOMANJI Bombay, India BS: Brigham Young University, l 970 Major: Business Administration Major Professor: Professor Howard M. Carlis le Thesis: Business Report

AUNSPAUGH , DONALD WAYNE Etowah , Ark ansas BS: Weber State College, 1968 Major: Business Administration Major Professor: Dr. John R. Cragun Thesis: Business Report

COLE, RICHARD GARDNER Logan , Utah BS: Utah State University, 1963 Major: Business Administration Major Professor: Dr. Paul Randle Thes is: Business Report

BAPST, GERALD WAYNE Hamburg , New York BA: State University of N.Y. at Buffalo , 1967 Major: Business Administration Major Professor: Dr. John R. Cragun Thesis: Business Report

DALLON , FRANK WILLIAM E ly , Nevada BS: Utah State University, 1954 Major: Business Administration Major Professor: Professor Glen F . Marston T hes is: Business Report

BARTON , STEPHEN NOEL Pocatello , Idah o BS: University of Utah , 1967 Major: Busines s Administration Major Professor: Dr. John R. Cragun Thesis: Business Report BOWDEN , JAMES EDWARD Boise, Idaho BS: Utah State University, 1966 Major: Business Administration Major Profe ssor : Dr. John R. Cragun Thesis: Business Report

DESCARY , WILLIAM CHARLES Campton, New Hampshire BS: American International Co llege, 1965 Major: Business Administration Major Professor: Dr. John R. Cragun Thesis : A Correla tion Study of the Emp loym ent Expectations of Graduating Students in Business Administration

BOWMAN , DANIEL WILLIAM JR. Orange, California BS: Church College of Hawaii , 1967 Major: Business Administration Major Professor: Dr. Robert C. Mecham Thesis: Business Report

ELY, MORGAN STILES Old Lyme, Co nne cticut BS: Worcester Polytechnic In s ti tu te, 1959 Major: Busine ss Administration Major Professor : Dr. Krishna Shetty Thesis: Business Report

BRADFORD, DONALD HAMILTON II Logan , Utah BS: Utah State University, 1966 Major: Busines s Adm inistration Major Professor: Dr. Paul Randel Thesis: Business Report

HANSEN, KE ITH MICHAEL Logan, Utah BS: Utah State University, 1971 Major: Business Administration Major Profe ssor: Professor Terrill Williams Thesis: Busine ss Report

BROWN, KENNETH REX Etna, Wyoming BS: Brigham Young Unive rsit y, 1968 Major: Business Administration Major Professor : Professor Lawrence Taylor Thesis: Business Report

HANSEN, WYNN LAMAR II Clearfield, Utah BS: University of Utah, 1969 Major: Busines s Administration Major Profe ssor: Dr. John R. Cragun Thesis: Business Report

BUDGE , REED DOUGLAS Soda Spring s, Idaho BS: Utah Stat e University, 1970 Major: Busines s Administration Major Professor : Profes so r Lawrence Taylor Thesis: Business Re port

HAWKES, DOUGLAS CARDON Bountiful, Utah BS: Weber State College, 1969 Major: Busin ess Administration Major Professor: Profe ssor Howard M. Carl isle Thesis: Business Report


MASTER OF BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION HEINER , GEORGE Ogden, Utah BS: Weber State Major: Business Major Professor: Thesis: Business

(Continued) NELSON , LARRY REED Ogden , Utah BS: Utah State University , 1969 Major: Business Administration Major Professor: Dr. Robert C. Mecham The sis: Business Report

FRANKLIN College, 1970 Administration Professor Terrell G. Williams Report

HUNTZINGER, RONALD J . American Fork, Utah BS: Utah State University, 1962 Major: Business Administration Major Professor: Dr. John R . Cragun Thesis: Business Report

SCHIFFMAN , JAY D. Logan, Utah BS : Utah State University. 1963 Major: Business Administration Major Professor: Dr. John R. Cragun Thesis: Business Report

JACOBSON, LANCE H. Chicago, Illinois BS: Univers ity of Colorado, 1968 Major: Busine ss Administration Major Professor: Dr. John R . Cragun Thesis: Business Report

SCHMIDT, RICHARD JAMES Bear River City, Utah BS: University of Colorado, 195 9 Major: Business Administration Major Professor: Dr. Krishna Shetty Thesi s: Busine ss Report

JOHNSON, GRANT E. Sugar City, Idaho BS: Brigham Young University, 1970 Major: Business Admini stration Major Professor : Dr. Alan Kartchner Thesis: Business Report

SILER, DALE GORDON Logan , Utah BS: Utah State University, 1971 Major: Business Admimstration Major Professor: Professor Garwood H . Walron Thesis: Busine ss Report

LUCUS, HARRY DONALD Kennewick Washington BA: University of Washington , 1955 Major: Business Admimstration Major Profes sor: Dr. Y. K. Shetty Thesis: Business Repo rt

THOMPSON , ELDON E . Roosevelt, Utah BA: Utah State Un iversity, 1971 Major: Business Administration Major Professor: Dr. Robert C. Mecham Thesis: Business Report

MCKENZIE , CHARLES MCKAY JR. Sea Girt, New Jersey BS: Drexel In stit ut e 0f Technology, Major: Business Administration Major Professor: Dr. Paul Ra ndle Thesis: Business Report

THOMPSON , JOHN WILLIAM Virgin, Utah BS: Utah State University, 1969 Major: Business Administration Major Professor: Dr. John R. Cragun Thesis: The Feasibility of Impl ement ing a System of Bicycle Pathways in Cache Valley


MILES, ROBERT L. Morgan, Utah BS: Brigham Young University, 1961 Major: Business Administration Major Professor: Professor Howard M. Carlisle Thesis: Business Report

THORKILDSEN, RON J . Jackson, Wyoming BS: Utah State University, 1967 Major: Business Administration Major Professor: Dr. Eugene Kart chner Thesis: Business Rep·ort

MITCHELL , GEORGE WALTON Breckenridge , Texas MS : Utah State University, 1969 Major: Business Administration Major Professor : Dr. Paul Randle Thesis: Business Report

TRIBBLE , GEORGE DEWEY San Bernardino , California BS: Utah State University, 1971 Major: Business Administration Major Professor : Dr. John R. Cragun Thesis: Business Report

NELSON, DOUGLAS DWIGHT Glenwood, Alberta Canada BS: Utah State University, 1971 Major: Business Administration Major Professor: Dr. Robert C. Mecham Thesis : Business Report

VAUGHAN, MARK DON Malad , Idaho BS: Utah State University, 1962 Nl:ajor: Business Administration Major Professor: Dr. Eugene C. Kartchner Thesis: Business Report

NELSON, GARTH STERLING Logan, Utah BS : Utah State University , 1967 Major: Business Administration Major Prof esso r: Dr. John R. Cragun Thesis: Business Report

WALKER, SIMS SUMMERLIN JR. La Plata , Maryland BS : Utah State University, 1970 Major: Business Administration Major Professor: Dr. John R . Cragun Thesis: Business Report


MASTER OF BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION (Continued) WHITE, RONALD STEVEN Salt Lake City , Utah BS: University of Utah , 1971 Major: Business Administration Major Professor : Dr . John R. Cragun Thesis: Business Report

ZAUGG, DAVID MANGELSON Syracuse, Utah BS: Utah State University, 1963 Major: Business Administration Major Professor: Dr. Paul Randle Thesis : Business Report

WIGHTMAN, JAMES B. Salt Lake City, Utah BS: University of Utah, 1970 Major : Business Administration Major Professor : Dr. Paul Randle Thesis: Business Report


ALDER, KARL J . Providence, Utah BS: Utah State University, 1970 Major: Accountin g Major Professor : Dr. Norman S. Cannon

CORBETT , ALLAN FRED RICK Salmon, Idaho BS: Utah State University, 1971 Major: Accounting Major Professor: Dr. Frank A. Condie

AZZEH, JAWAD JAWDAT Hebron , Palestine MS: University of Utah , 1969 Major: Accounting Major Professor: Professor Allen F. Simkins

FLINDERS, LEON HARTLAND Clearfield, Utah BS: Utah State University , 1971 Major: Accounting Major Professor : Dr . Norman S. Cannon

BELL, DENNIS R. Banida, Idah o BS: Utah State University, 1971 Major: Accounting Major Professor : Dr. Norman S. Cannon

HOTH, GERALD BLAINE Logan, Utah BS: Utah State University , 1971 Major: Accounting Majo r Profe ssor: Professor Duane A. Barker

BINGHAM BERT ALLEN Roosevelt , Utah BS: Weber State College, 1971 Major: Accountin g Major Professor: Professor Dulne A. Barker

LAMOREAUX, DAVID MILNE St. George, Utah BS: Utah State University, 1968 Major: Accounting Major Professor: Dr. Norman S. Cannon

BURT, JOSEPH Ririe, Idaho BS: Utah State University , 1971 Major: Accounting Major Professor : Professor Duane A. Barker

LEE, PEARL CHUNG-MEI Taipei , Taiwan BA: Tamkang College, 1965 Major: Accounting Major Profes sor : Dr. Norman S. Cannon

BUTT, DWIGHT DOUGLAS Ogden, Utah BS: Weber State College, 1970 Major: Accounting Major Professor: Dr. Norman S. Cannon

LEONARD,ROBERT Salt Lake City, Utah BS: Utah State University , 1971 Major : Accounting Major Professor: Professor Ronald L. Pierce

CARLSON, DENNIS D. Oearfield , Utah BS: Weber State College, 1964 Major: Accounting Major Professor : Dr. Frank A. Condie

LIE, TJEN-PIAN Hsin-Chu, Taiwan BS: Fu-Jen University , 1967 Major: Accounting Major Professor: Dr. Norman S. Cannon

CHRISTENSEN , LARRY "J" Moroni, Utah BS: Utah State University, 1970 Major: Accounting Major Professor : Dr. Norman S. Cannon

LOWRY, DENNIS GLEN Cardston , Albert a BS: Brigham Young University , 1970 Major: Accounting Major Professor : Dr. Norman S. Cannon


MASTER OF ACCOUNTING (Continued) MCCRACKEN, CARL MICHAEL Cullowhec, North Caro lina BS: Western Caro lin a University, 1969 Major: Accounting Major Professor: Dr. Norman S. Cannon

SEYMOUR , FREDERICK MARSHALL Ogden, Utah BS: Weber State College, 1971 Major: Account ing Major Professor: Professor Duane A. Barker

MONTGOMERY, DENNIS ALAN Vernal, Utah BS: Utah St;ite University , 1969 Major: Accounting Major Professor: Dr. Norman S. Cannon

SHARP , DAVID KENT Roy , Utah BS: Utah State University, 1970 Major: Accounting Major Profe ssor: Dr. Frank A. Condie

PARRY, MORRIS ROBERTS Ill Ogden , Utah BS: Weber State College, 197 1 Major: Accounting Major Professor: Dr. Norman S. Car.non

TARBET , GEORGESTEPHEN Smithfield , Utah BS: Utah State University, 1969 Major: Accounting Major Professor: Dr. Norman S. Cannon

POPE, CURTIS BROOKS Arimo, Idaho BS: Utah State Unive r sity, 1970 Major: Acco unting Major Profe sso r : Dr. Norman S. Cannon

VERNON, LARRY DEAN Coa lville, Utah BS : University of Ut ah , 1969 Major : Accounting Major Professor : Pro fessor Ronald L. Pierce

MASTER OF ARTS BRACKEN , DARCIA DAINES Logan, Utah BA: Utah State Unive rsity, 196 7 Major: Poli ti cal Science Major Profes sor: Dean M. Judd Harmon Thesis: Social Goa l Identificat ion: A Survey Approach

JENSEN, RICHARD HENRY Salt Lake City, Utah BA: Utah State University, 1968 Major: English Major Professor: Dr. John M. Patrick Thesis: Plan B

BRONNER , REGINALD GEORGE JR. Oakland , Californi a BA: University of California at Berkeley, 196 8 Major: Po litical Science Major Profe sso r : Dr. Phillip S. Spoerry Thesis: Anomie and Institutio nal In stab ility: The Police Department

KEITH, JOHN ELMER Boise , Idaho MS: Utah State University, 1971 Major: Economics Major Professor: Dr. Gary 8 . Hansen Cow-sework Sub stitute


KRUMM , MARGARET GARNER Logan, Utah BA: University of Wyoming , 1969 Major: English Major Professor: Professor Thomas J. Lyon Thesis: E. E. Cummings' Use of Diction

BUCHANAN , BARBARA W. Gar land, Utah BA: Utah State University, I 970 Major: English Major Prof esso r : Dr. Kenneth 8 . Hun saker Thesis: Samuel Beckett: Annihilation or Affirmation

LLOYD, PHILLIP HOMER Logan, Utah BA: Utah State University, 1970 Major: Agricultural Economics Major Professor: Dr. Allen LeBaron Thesis: Impact on Rural Incomes of Improved Water Management Practices ip Milagro County: Ecuardor

ELDREDGE , MICHAELSCOTT Ogden, Utah BA: Weber State College, 1971 Major: Politi cal Science Major Professor: Dr. Robert W. Malian Th esis: Sea Power and the Soviet Navy FORE, JAMES GARY Joplin, Missouri MS: University of Missouri, 196 3 Major: Economics Major Profes sor: Dr. Gary 8. Hansen Coursework Subs ti lute HASSAM,BAHADURALIAHAMED Kampala, Uganda BA: Makerer e University, Uganda, 1969 Major: Politi cal Science Major Professor: Dr. William L. Furlong Thesis: The Political Leadership of Obote Nyerere in Tanzania

LOWE, TAMARA OLSEN Ri chmond, Utah BS: Utah State University, 1962 Major: English Major Professor: Dr. John M. Patrick Thesis: Plan B MIYA , MILDRED N. Roy, Utah BA: Weber Slate College, 1966 Major : Eng lish Major Professor : Dr. Hubert W. Smith Thesis: Transcendental Thought: From Edwards to Emerson

in Uganda an d


MASTER OF ARTS (Continued) NAZIR, MUHAMMAD Lyall Pur , West Pakistan BS: Pakistan Forest In stitu te, 1963 Major: Economics Major Professor: Dr. Gary B. Hansen Co ursework Substitute

SALISBURY, NANCY CLAIRE Logan, Utah BA: Utah State University , 1969 Major: Engl ish Major Professor: Dr. John M. Patrick Thesis: Plan B

PACK, BLAIR PHILIP Logan, Utah BA: Utah State University, 1965 Major: English Major Professor: Dr. Del Rae Chris tiansen Thesis: Plan B

THOMPSON, BONNIE SHIRLEY Hyde Paik , Utah BS: Utah State University, 1969 Major: English Major Profe ssor: Dr. Austin E. Fife Thesis: Folklore in the Bear Lake Valley

PACKHAM, MICHAEL ROBERT Blackfoot, Idaho BA: Utah State University, 1971 Major: Music Major Profe ssor: Dr. Alvin Wardle Thesis: Recital Report

WHITE , THOMAS LLOYD Duchesne, Utah BS: Utah State University, 1968 Major: Economics Major Professor: Dr. E. Boyd Wennergren Thesis: An Economic Appraisal of On-Farm Water Management Practice s in Developing Countri es: A Study of Summer Paddy Rice Produ ct ion in River Guayas River Basin, Ecuador

PHILLIPS, CHARLES J. JR. Melfa, Virginia BA: Utah State University, 1968 Major: History Major Profes sor: Dr. Ross Peterson Thesis: A Histori cal Comparison of Rural Black and White Families in Accomack County, Virginia

WORKMAN, WILLIAM GLENN Sheridan, Wyoming BS: University of Wyoming , 1969 Major: Eco nomic s Major Profe ssor: Dr. B. Del worth Gardner Coursework Substitue

RICHARDS, MICHAEL DEAN Ogden, Utah BA: Weber State Co llege, 1970 Major: English Major Professor: Dr. John M. Patrick Thesis: Freedom in Byron's Works

MASTER OF FINE ARTS ALLRED, DAVID LAWRENCE Shelley, Idaho BS: Brigham Young University, 1965 Major: Theatre Arts Major Professor : Professor Froyd T. Morgan Thesis: A Design Thesi s: A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Forum, a Production The sis

HARKER, E. MARIE C. Logan, Utah BA: Utah State University, 1965 Major: Art Major Professor: Profes sor Jessie Larson Thesis: Plan B

BRUNSON, MAX ELLOT JR. Logan , Utah BFA: Utah State University, 1968 Major: Art Major Professor: Professor Ralph T. Clark Thesis: Canyons, The Camera, and Seeing Eye

JONES, IDA KRISTINE Plea santon, California BFA: Utah State University, 1970 Major: Art Major Professor : Professor Je ssie Larson Thesis: Contemporary Tapestry Depicting the Unification of the Three Cultures which Make up Mexico

CATLIN, MICHAEL P. Missoula, Montana BPA : Brooks Institute, 1967 Major: Art Major Professor: Professor Ralph T . Clark Thesis: Photographic Study of Nature

KELLEY, WILLIAM ARTHUR Logan , Utah BS: Salem State College, 1967 Major: Art Major Professor: Profe ssor Ralph T. Clark Thesis: Loneliness

DAVID, DENNIS JACK Salt Lake City, Utah BS: Utah State University, 1969 Major: Theatre Arts Major Professor: Professor Vosco W. Call Thesis: The Crucible: A Directing Thesis

MAHMOUD!, MASSOOD Salt Lake City, Utah BFA: Utah State University, 1966 Major: Art Major Professor: Professor Harrison T. Groutage Thesis: A Spiritual Approach to Silkscreen on Plexiglas s


MASTER OF F INE ARTS (Cont inu ed) MORRIS , VILM A "FRANK IE" New York City, New York BA: Sacramento State College, J 961 Major: Art Major Profe sso r : Professor Adrian Van Sucht elen Thesis: Pian B

TOSCH , A RTHUR LONGIN Seattle, Washington BFA: Uta h State University, 19 70 Major: Art Maj or Profes sor: Professor Ralph T. Clark Th esis: Photography as a Mea n s for Student Stimulation Learning in the Field of Special Education

PETERSON , GLEN LOREN Brigham City, Utah BFA : Utah Stat e Unive rsity, 1968 Major : Ar t Major Profe ssor: Professor Glen Edwards Thesis: An Individual Int erpretation of Navajo Life

UPIT IS, ALVIS Poughkeepsie, New York BS: Rochester In stitut e of Technology, 196 8 Major: Art Major Professor: Professor Ralph T. Clark Thesis: F utur e Passed

PROCTOR , PAUL FACER Rolla , Missou ri BS: Brigham Young Unive rsity, 1970 Major: Art Major Profe sso r : Professor Ralph T. Clark Thesis: An Audio Art Ex perience

WORZALA , JAMES LYLE Ch icago, Illinois BFA: Utah State Univers ity, 1969 Major : Art Major Pr ofessor: Profes so r Ralph T. Clark Thesis: The Mo th er of All Life : A Photographic Dine and Monument Valley

MASTER OF MA THEM ATICS BLAIR, LORNA L. San Rafael , Ca liforn ia AB: Albion Co llege, 194 2 Major: Mathematics Major Professor: Dr. Neville C. Hunsaker

MADARASZ, DIANA LOUISE Pequannock , New J ersey BA: William Paterson Co llege, 1966 Major: Mathematics Major Professor: Dr. M. P. Windham

CLAUDSON, RICHARD ALLAN Ontario , Oregon BS: Southern Oregon College, 19 60 Major: Mathematics Major Profes so r: Dr. Neville C. Hun sake r

ROSE , MAX HENRY Henrieville , Utah BS : Southern Utah State College, 1969 Major: Mathematics Major Profe ssor : Pr ofessor Joe Elich

HUESEMA NN , D . J EANNE H. St. Charles, Missouri MEd: Washington University, i963 Major : Math e matic s Major Profe ssor : Dr. Nev ille C. Hun saker

WRI GHT, ROB ERT CRAIG American Fork, Utah BS: Utah State University, 1969 Major : Mathematics Major Pr ofesso r : Dr. James D. Watson

HURT, SUSANN E Denver, Colorado BA: University of Northern Co lora d o, 1971 Major: Mathematics Major Professor: Dr. M. P . Windham

MASTER OF ENGINEERING JAIN , SURENDRA KUMAR Girid ih , India BS : Birla In stitute of Te chnology , 1969 Major : Civil Engineering Major Professor: Dr. W. O . Carter

BALACTAR, WILLIAM WALTER Ogden , Utah BS: Detroit Institute of Technology, 1952 Major: Manufacturing Engineering Major Profes so r: Professor Don G . Ferney HOLMES , WAYNE WALKER Brigham City, Utah BS : Utah Sta te University, 1955 Major: Manufacturing Engineering Major Profess or : Dr. Carl D . Spear

MANRIQU E, MARIO ALBERTO Lima, Peru BS: Utah State University , 1971 Major: Manufacturing Engineering Major Profes sor : Dr. Car l Spear

HUFFORD , G EORGE VERNON JR. Visalia , California BS: Utah Sta te University , 1965 Major : Mechanical Engineering Major Profe ssor: Dr. Paul T. Blotter



Essay of the

MASTER OF FORESTRY BECKLEY , PAUL R. Okanogan, Washington BS: Utah State University, 1966 Major: Forest Science Major Professor: Dr. John D. Hunt

FLETCHER, LAIDLAW RUSSELL Pebble Beach , California BA: Stanford University, 1970 Major: Forest Science Major Professor: Dr. Lawrence Davis

DODGE, MARTIN CLARK Logan, Utah BA: Colby College, 1965 Major: Forest Science Major Profes sor : Dr. John D. Hunt

O'BRJ EN, JOHN BERNARD III Silver Spring, Maryland BS: University of Maryland , 1963 Major: Forest Scienc e Major Professor: Dr. John D. Hunt

MASTER OF INDUSTRIAL EDUCATION STODDARD, DEVERL St. Anthony , Idaho BS: Utah State University, 1966 Major: Industrial and Technical Education Major Professor: Dr. Neill Slack HARRIS , KENNETH LLOYD San Jose, California BS: San Jose State College, 1971 Major: Industrial and Technical Education Major Professor: Dr. Austin G. Loveless

MASTER OF AGRICULTURAL INDUSTRIES SING KALA V ANICH, ORAJIT Thailand BS: Thammasart University, 1968 Major : Agricultura l Economics Major Professor: Dr. Allen Le Baron Thesis: Plan B

BETANCOURT, EVILEXIS Merida, Venezuela BS: University of Los Andes, 1966 Major: Agricultural Economics Major Professor : Dr. Allen LeBaron Thesis : Plan B

MASTER OF MUSIC CARRAWAY,CLYDELUTHER Cleveland, Mississippi BS: Mississippi College, 1960 Major: Music Major Professor: Dr. William H. Ram sey Thesi s: Plan B

JENSEN , JOCELYN KA YE Las Vegas, Nevada MEd: University of Nevada, 1964 Major: Music Major Professor: Dr. William H. Ramsey Thesis: Plan B

MASTER OF LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE JENSEN, GERALD NEIL Springville, Utah BS: Brigham Young University, 1954 Major: Landscape Architecture Major Profe ssor: Professor Craig W. Johnson Thesis: Design Cr iteria for Elementary School Playgrounds

MASTER OF SOCIAL SCIENCE LAWSON, ANNIE BERNICE Hayneville, Alabama BS: Alabama State University, 1962 Major: Social Science Major Professor: Professor Alice C. Smith Thesis: Plan B continued from page 20 DAVIDSON, NEAL ALLEN Milwaukee, Wisconsin MS: Utah State University, 1968 Major: Psycho logy Major Profe ssor : Dr. J. Grayson Osborne Dissertation: Fixed Ratio and Fixed Int erval Stimulus Control over Matching-T-Sample in Children




Asa L. Beecher, Records Officer, Admissions and Records Alice Chase, Instructor, Elementary Education Larry S. Cole, Professor of Electrical Engineering and Associate Dean, College of Engineering Carl T. Degener, Professor of Languages and Philosophy Lewis W. Jones , Professor of Bacteriology and Public Health William E. Mortimer , Professor of Industrial and Technical Education W. Whitney Smith, Professor of Bacteriology and Public Health Everett Thorpe, Professor of Art Ruth P . Tippetts , Associate Professor, Extension Services


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THE SENIOR CLASS GIFT The Senior Class of 1972 will present to Utah State University as its class gift a kiosk to complement the landscaping of the campus and be of practi cal use to students , faculty , and visitors. The Senior Class, with the help of the Office of Campus Planning , selected the design shown in this picture from several drawn by Utah State University students. Brent Windley , designer of the kiosk , will receive $50 from the Senior Class . A plaque will be placed on the kiosk to acknowledge him for his work . The location for the kiosk will be in either a plaza area south of the University Center or an area adjacent to the library . Senior Class Officers and Cabinet include Blaine Roberts , president ; Terry Simmonds , vice president ; Nanette Larsen , secretary ; Carol Pendleton , Jim Willey, Ron Topik , Brent Alm , Skip Yarema , Diana Spackman Hill , Cindy O'Day , Von Stocking , and Karen Hammond.



Salt Lake City Donald B. Holbrook , Vice Chairman

Salt Lake City Warren H. Bulloch, Cedar City

Luke G . Pappas , Price

George C. Hatch , Salt Lake City

Charles E. Peterson , Provo

Ira H. Huggins, Ogden

Rex G. Plowman , Lewist on

Richa rd J . Maughan, Bountiful

Roy W. Simmons, Kaysv ille

Merrill J . Millet, R oosevelt

H. Bruce Stucki , St . George

Thomas S. Monson, Salt Lake City

Nathan C. Tanner , Ogden

Jean Overfelt, Gunnison




W. B. Robins , Cha irman

Salt Lake City Alva C. Snow , Vice Chairman

Ro osevelt J ay R. Bingham, Bountiful

Beverly D . Kumpfer, Salt Lake City

Phillip A. Bullen , Salt Lake City

Snell Olsen , Spanish Fork

0. C. Hammond , Ogden Jay Dee Harris , Tremon ton

Jane S. Tibbals, Salt Lake City

COMMENCEMENT COMMITTEE Ellvert H. Him es, General Chairman Gerald L. Allen

Helen Lundstrom

Edwin L. Peterson

J. R. Allred

E. Devere Miner ,

W. Burke Rich

Diane Frischknecht

Thomas D . Moulton

Blaine Robert s

Eldon J . Gardner

Louis Paul Murray

John J. Stewart

Burrell F. Hansen

MarDell C. Parrish

Norman 0 . Wahlstrom

COLLEGE GRADUATION CHAIRMEN Wade G. Dewey and R. John Hanks , College of Agriculture William V . Tezak , College of Busin ess Lincoln McClellan, College of Education Austin G. Loveless , College of Engineering Jean M. Alder , College of Family Life Richard C. Haycock, College of Humanities , Arts, and Social Sciences G. Fred Gifford, College of Natural R esources William A. Brindl ey, College of Science


ALMA MATER HYMN Composed by Theodore M. Burton Across the quad at eventide the shadows softly fall, The tower of Old Main appears and peace rests over all. The lighted "A" upon the hill stands out against the blue ; Oh , Alma Mater, Utah State , my heart sings out to you. And through the years as time rolls on and student friendships grow , We'll ne'e r forget the joys we had , those days we used to know, Thy mem'ries ever will be new , thy friends be ever true. Oh , Alma Mater , Utah State , my heart sings out to you.

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