108th Commencement
OneHundred andEighth Annual
5 May 2001 Dee GlenSmith Spectrum
¡ route and Academic. procession
locations of college graduation
cheduleof Events
Friday,May4, 2001 Ceremony R.O.T.C.Commissioning 8:30 a.m EcclesConferenceCenter;Receptionfollows
Ceremony Spouse!J?g,cognition 10:00 a.m, ChaseFine Arts Center,Morgan Theatre
for Master's and DoctoralCandidates HoodingCeremony 1:30 p.m. Dee Glen Smith Spectrum
CollegeOpenHouses 3:30-5:00 p.m.
GraduationDinnerand Collageof SoundsConcerts
6:00-7:45p.m., Graduationdinner,TaggartStudent CenterEvan N.Stevenson Ballroom (Tickets Required) of Sounds Concert,ChaseFine Arts Center,Kent ConcertHall 8:00p.m., Collage
5,2001 , SaturdayMay AcademicAssembly
8:00 a.m. GraduateStudents in the TaggartStudent CenterJuniperLounge and Undergraduateson the University Quadranglein Colleges
8:30 a.m.,TaggartStudent Centerand University Quadrangleto Dee GlenSmith Spectrum
Ceremony Commencement 9:30 a.m., Dee Glen Smith Spectrum
CollegeGraduationCeremonies 12:00 noon Collegeof Business, Dee GlenSmith Spectrum Collegeof Engineering,ChaseFine Arts Center,Kent ConcertHall Collegeof Natural Resources,Fine Arts Center,Morgan Theatre Collegeof Science, TaggartStudent CenterEvan N.Stevenson Ballroom 2:00 p.m. Collegeof Agriculture, ChaseFine Arts Center,Kent ConcertHall Collegeof Education, Dee GlenSmith Spectrum 4:00p.m. Collegeof Family Life, ChaseFine Arts Center,Kent ConcertHall Collegeof Humanities, Arts and SocialSciences,Dee Glen Smith Spectrum
Alumni GraduationPicnic
11:00 a.m.-2:30p.m., University HPER Field (Tickets Required)
Alumni Reception
11:00 a.m-3:00 p.m., OpenHouse in the David B. HaightAlumni Center 3
CommencementCeremony Saturday,May5, 2001 PresidentKermit L.
8:30 a.m.
Academic Process ion
Old Main to Dee GlenSmith Spectrum
9:30 a.m.
Processional University Wind Orchestra
"The Crownof Chivalry"
Presentation of the Colors
Air ForceROTC
National Anthem University Wind Orchestra
"Star SpangledBanner" FrancisScott Key
PresidentKermit L. Hall
Musical Selection University Wind Orchestra
"Fiesta!" Philip Sparke
Address to Graduates
Stephen R. Covey Co-founderand Co-chairmanof Franklin Covey, Co. "Main Title from Superman" John Williams/Bass PresidentKermit L. Hall
9:35 a.m.
Perry Fletcher
Musical Selection University Wind Orchestra Recognitionof the Colleges' Professorsof the Year andPresentation of the EldonJ. GardnerUniversity TeachingAward Presentationof the D. Wynne Thorne PresidentKermit L. Hall ResearchAward Presentationof the E. G. Peterson Extension Award
PresidentKermit L. Hall
Presentationof the University OutstandingGraduateMentor Award
PresidentKermit L. Hall
Conferringof Degrees
PresidentKermit L. Hall
Conferringof HonoraryDegrees
PresidentKermit L. Hall Citations readby: Lowell S. Peterson Chairman,Boardof Trustees Barre Burgon Member, Boardof Trustees Willis G. Candland Member, Boardof Trustees ClaudetteEastman Vice Chair, Boardof Trustees GayleMcKeachnie Member, Board of Trustees
Stephen R. Covey Janet Q.Lawson J . R. Simplot John Towner Williams Terry Tempest Williams ConcludingRemarks
PresidentKermit L. Hall
Alumni Association Welcome
CarlA. Lundahl Member, Board of Trustees
Musical Selection University Wind Orchestra
"AlmaMater Hymn" TheodoreM. Burton
Recessional University Wind Orchestra
"RegalProcession" Clifton Williams
University Wind OrchestraConductor
Dr. Thomas P. Rohrer Director of Bands Broadcastlive on KUED, Channel3 Rebroadcastof GraduationCeremonyon Valley Channel12 Saturday May 5, 2001 from8:00-9:30p.m.; and Sunday,May 6, 2001 from8:00-9:30 a.m., 12:00-1:30 p.m., and 8:00-9:30 p.m.
Academic Heraldry
The history of academic heraldry reaches back into the early days of the university. A statute of 1321 required that all "Doctors, Licentiates, and Bachelors" of the University of Coimbra wear gowns. In England, in the fourteenth century, the statutes of certain colleges forbade "excess in apparel" and prescribed the wearing of a Jong gown, which may hav e been counted necessary for warmth in the unheated buildings frequented by medieval scholars. Hoods were used to cover the head until later replaced by the sku ll cap and eventually by academic caps. Both Cambridge and Oxford have mad e academic dress a matter of university control to the inclusion of even its minor details ; and in Laudian days in Oxford, any tailor who changed the authorized d es ign "even by a nail's breadth" was punished by the vice-chancellor of the University. When Am erican colleges and universities desired to adopt some suitabl e sys tem of academic apparel, it seemed best to agree on a system which all might follow. Accordingly, there was held on May 16, 1895, at Columbia University, a conference of representatives of the boards of var ious interested institutions. From that meeting came a code of academic dress for the colleges and univ ers ities of the United States, which most institution s of higher learning hav e adopted.
Gowns The academic gown for the bachelors degree has pointed sleeves and is designed to be worn closed. The gow n for the masters d egree h as an oblong sleeve, open at the wrist. The sleeve base han gs down in the traditional manner. The rear part of its oblong shape is square cut, and the front part has an arc cut away. The gown is so designed to be worn open or closed. The gown for the doctors degree has bell-shaped sleev es an d may be worn open or closed.
Colors For all academic purposes, including trimmings of doctoral gowns, edging of hoods, and tassels of caps, the colors associated with the different academic disciplines are as follows: Agriculture Business Education Family Life Engineering Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences Natural Resources Science
Maize Drab Light Blue Maroon Orange White Russett Gold-Yellow
School of Graduate Studies (EdD, PhD)
The white ribbon with the Greek Key on the robe of a graduate identifies an inductee into Phi Kappa Phi, the National Scholastic Society . Those wearing gray collars and a medallion are Mortar Board Senior Honor Society members, the National and Academic & Service Society. A gold braided cord draped over the cowl will distinguish a graduate of Honors.
Hoods Academic hoods are worn by recipients of advanced degrees. The master degree hoods are three-and-one-half feet in length and are lined with the official color or colors of the college or university conferring the degree, which at Utah State University are navy blu e and white, displayed in a heraldic chevron. The doctoral hood consists of a larger and long er assemblage of institutional color drap ed over the recipient's shoulders and falling well down the back. The binding or edg ing of the hoods is of velvet or velveteen, thre e inches wide and five inche s wid e for the masters and doctors degr ee, respectively.
Caps Academic caps come in two forms: the traditional mortarboard (from Oxford), a sq uar e cap; and a soft cap which resembles an oversized bere t (the Cambridge model). The mortarboard, used by Utah State University, is worn with a tassel. Black tassels designate any degree; colored tassels designate major field of learning , and gold tassels indicate doctors and gover ning officials of institutions .
Academic Procession The commencement procession originate s at the uni versity quadrangle and the line of march extends west around Old Main and then north to the Spectrum. The procession is composed of three divisions: (1) color guard, University president, Regents and the Board of Trustees , administrative officers, and special guests; (2) the faculty; and (3) candidates for degrees, with candidates for advanced degrees in the lead and others in groups according to the degrees for which they are candidates. The procession will stop at the tunnel entrance to the Spectrum, the first two divisions dividing so that the candidates for graduation pass between them and enter the hall first .
Commencement Speaker HonoraryDegree
tephenR. Covey
is well-knownthroughoutthe worldas an entrepreneur,authorandhumanitarian. Hee isperhapsbest known as the author of the 7HabitsofHighlyEffective People, which hassoldmorethan 12 millioncopiesin 33 languages.The book'smessage of principle-centeredliving andleadershiphascreatedlasting impact throughoutthe world. He is co-founderandvice chairman of Franklin Covey Company,a global professionalservicesfirm that teachersDr. Covey's vision of helping organizationsimpfementprinciple-centered leadershipin their cultures. Dr. Coveyalsohasbeenawardednumeroushonors for his humanitarianeffortsaroundthe world,includingthe ThomasMoorCollegeMedallionfor continuingserviceto humanity andtheSikh's InternationalMan of PeaceAward. "TimeMagazine"namedhim oneof the 25 most influential Americans, and he received "Inc." magazine's National Entrepreneurof the Year Lifetime Achievement Award for Entrepreneurial Leadership. Hee is an internationallyrespectedleadershipauthority,family expert,teacherandorganizationalconsultant who influencedcountlesspeople. Utah StateUniversity isproudto conferon StephenR. Coveythe honorary degree,Doctor ofBusiness.
t Lawson JaneQ. liveslife to thefullest andalwaysenjoysgiving othersthat opportunityas well. An avidsupporterof minorityandpovertywhich teachesyoung childrenEnglish-as-a-second e strickenchildrenin Utah, Mrs. Lawsonsupportsthe GuadalupSchool, A g troubledteens. e,alsothe Utah BoysRanch,whichprovideson-campusresidenceeducationandcounselinfor languagand she first-rate skier all of her life, Mrs. Lawson qualifiedfor the Olympictryouts in 1942, but World War II beganand spirit Olympic her but hold, on for militaryservice. Her dreamof becomingan Olympianwas put immediatelyvolunteered As a member continueseven today.She is oneof the strongestsupportersof the 2002 Winter Olympicsin Salt Lake City. tirelessly worked has of the boardof the S.J.and JessieEcclesQuinneyFoundationandalsoher ownfoundation,Mrs.Lawson . hasfinanced the OlympicArts Festival which will be to supportmany causescloseto herheartincludingthe OlympicsShe , hasalsosponsoredthe Utah MuseumofFineArts Exhibitionof theAncientGreek's heldin conjunctionwith the Olympicsand andits effectonthe WesternWorld. Mrs.LawsonalsosupportsUtah StateUniversity'sCollegeof Natural Cultural Legacy s the EcclesScienceLearningCenter,and she was recognizedby the universitywith a DistinguishedService Resourceand Forherappreciationof life andfor herwillingnessto shareopportunitieswith othersthroughoutUtah and Award in 1998 . the world,Utah State University is proudto bestowthe honorarydegree,DoctorofNaturalResources.
J. R. Simplot is synonymouswith Idahoandthe potato even thoughhis diversifiedcorporationspanstheglobe. Born in Dubuque,Iowa in 1909,Jack Simplotmovedwith hisfamily to afarm nearDelco,Idahoat age2. He leftschoolat age14 togo into business for himselfandfrom what beganas 40 acresof rentedfarm land nearDelco,he went on to be the largestshipperoffresh potatoes in the nation. It wasn't till he perfected dehydrationand quick freezing techniques,however, that his business went international. During the secondWorld War he suppliedmorethan 33 millionpoundsof dehydratedpotatoesto the U.S. ArmedForces. He is creditedwith pioneeringthefirst commercialdistributionoffrozen Frenchfriesin 1953. Thisforever changedthe way we eatpotatoes. His businesssuccessencompassenot s onlypotatoesbut cattle,frozen vegetables,fertilizer and, morerecently,computers. Mr. Simplot has beenhonoredby many communities,universities,civic andprofessional organizations,for his financial contributionsand active service. For a life of leadershipand contributionsto higher education,Utah State University isproudto bestowuponJ.R. Simplot the honorarydegree,DoctorofAgricultural Science and
Food Industry.
JohnTowner Williams hasbeenlaudedas the "composerof ourgeneration's soundtrack."Fromtheplayfultonesof CloseEncountersoftheThird Kind List, his motionpicturescoreshave and the suspenseofJaws to the vigorofStar Warsand the hauntingmelodyofSchindler's themes,Mr. Williams has television and left an indelibleimpressionon ourmemories. Composerof morethan 90 movie received39 AcademyAward nominations,makinghim the most nominatedlivingperson.Accoladesfor Mr. Williams' work includefive Oscars,one British AcademyAward, 18 Grammys,three GoldenGlobes,two Emmys and numerousgold and Named the 19th conductorof the Boston Pops Orchestrain 1980, Mr. Williams assumedthe title of . platinum records He haswritten numerousconcertpieces,including following his retirementin 1993. Boston PopsLaureateConductor 2000," for sopranoand orchestra,basedon the texts offormer U.S. PoetLaureateRita Dove; "Celebration "Sevenfor Lucky" film UnfinishedJourney,"to accompanya retrospective an orchestralwork tocommemoratethe new millennium,and directedby Steven Spielberg. Mr. Williams hassaid that "asymphonyorchestrahasalways been... one of thegreat inventionsof the mind." Fora life of inventingunforgettablemelodiesand sharingthejoy of music,Utah StateUniversity is proudto bestowuponJohn Towner Williams the honorarydegree,Doctor ofMusic. "The
TerryTempestWilliams was identifieda decadeagoassomeonelikelyto make "aconsiderable impacton political,economicandenvironmentalissues facing the westernstates this decade." She did not disappoint. Rearedwithin sight of the GreatSalt Lake inSalt Lake City, Terry is afiftli-generationMormonwhose ideashave beenshapedby the GreatBasin andColoradoPlateau--ideasfiltered throughtheprism of hercultureandreligion. She is best knownfor the book Refuge:An Unnatural HistoryofFamily and Place, which is regardedas a classicin American nature writing, a testament to loss andthe earth's healinggrace. In additionto her writing, Terry is active in the struggleto conservepublic lands, having servedon thegoverningcouncilof the WildernessSociety andthe westernteamfor the President'sCouncilfor SustainableDevelopment. She currentlyserveson the advisoryboardof the National Parks andConservationAssociation,The Nature Conservancyand the Southern Utah WildernessAlliance. A visionary,Terry capturesthe essenceof changein the environment,changein peopleas a resultof their environmentandthe needfor humansto changetheir relationshipwith the earth. For the passionto protect this place we call home, Utah State University is proud to bestow upon Terry Tempest Williams the honorarydegree,Doctor of Humanities.
D. Wynne ThorneResearchAward
Edmund D. Brodie,Jr. is Professorand Head of the Departmentof Biologyandis internationallyrecognized for his work onthe evolutionof mechanismsemployedby amphibiansandreptilesthat This researchhas includedtoxicity of amphibian allow them to avoidpredators. skin secretions,mimicry,andbehavior. Themost recentresearch(coauthoredwith his son) on the coevolutionof predatorswith dangerousprey species is recognizedas Dr. Brodie'sresearchhas been conductedin Latin America, breakthroughwork. Asia, Africa, and Australia, as well as North America and he has collaborated He has publishedfour booksand extensively with other scientists and students. undergraduateand l more than 60 of his 160 publicationshave been coauthorecwith graduate students. Dr. Brodie's researchhas been consistently well funded by federal,state, andprivate agencies.His work hasbeencited in textbooksandhasbeen For his contributions includedin severaldocumentariesby the BBC andNOVA. to thegreater understandingof evolution, Utah State University is proud to award Edmund D. Brodie,Jr. the 2001 D. Wynne ThorneResearchAward.
University OutstandingGraduateMentorAward Bruce Bugbee His work asan advisorandmentorto is Professorof Plants,Soils andBiometerology. graduatestuclentsis exemplaryandstandsasa modelfor faculty acrossourcampus. Dr. Bugbee'sstudentsmaycontacthim at any time of the dayandevenat night to ask questions abouttheiracademicprogramsorsimply to reportinformationabouttheir research. Dr. Bugbeenot onlyprovidesacademicprograms,he alsoservesasan outstandingrolemodel.For example,Dr. Bugbee carefully explainsto graduate students the often difficult ethical choicesthat a scientist must make,andhe regularlyhosts a lab seminarregardingsound ethical practices in scientific research. Although very busy with his own active researchagenda,especiallyhis researchwork with NASA, Dr. Bugbeenonethelessfinds time to takeastrongpersonal interestin the welfareofgraduatestudents,andhe understands the many pressuresfaced by graduate students as they progressthrough their academic careers. Dr. Bugbeealsoworks tirelesslyto helpgraduatestudentsfind resourcessuch asfellowships andgrants that will contributeto their professionaldevelopment,and he regularlyencouragesstudents to publish their work and presenttheir researchfindings at . Dr. Bugbee'snationalreputationin the areaof plant research l professionaconferences andtheprominenceof his lab hereat USU contributeto thegreat successhisformergraduate stuclentshave achieved. Dr. Bugbee'sformer students now hold importantpositions at Becauseof his NASA, in severalacademicinstitutions, andin businessandindustry. andto mentor advise to efforts tireless his dedicationto the welfareofgraduatestudentsand graduatestuclents,Utah State University is proud to honorBruce Bugbeewith the 2001 University OutstandingGraduateMentor Award. 11
E. G. PetersonExtensionAward
hadinnovativeteachingmethodswhich have madecomplexeconomicprinciples understandable to extensionaudiencesandhave earnedhim the respectandpraiseof agriculturaproducers l andothergroupsthroughUtah. Dr. Godfrey developshis extensionprogramfrom the point of view of his audienceand usesobjectlessonsin an extremelyeffective mannerto helppeoplerememberand applythe principleshe teaches. He has usedanythingfrom bathtubsto basketballsto teachpeopleto see andapplyeconomicconceptsin the decisionsthey make. Dr. Godfrey'sability to bring a common touch to his teaching within his extension role while still communicatingcorrecteconomicprinciplessets him apartasa mastereducator.The results have been an ever increasingdemandfor Bruce to provide training to agriculturaproducers, l county agents, lenders,and government agencies. His work has resultedin manyfarmers and ranchersmaking better decisionsabout producingand marketingcropsand livestock Dr. Godfrey'swork inpublicpolicy issuesrangingfrom public livestock grazingto electricpumpingrateshas alsohad a positive impact on public discussionsrelating to these issues. Dr. Godfreyis recognizednot only in Utah but alsoregionallyand nationallyfor the excellenceof his extensionprograms. Utah State University is proudto awardthe 2001 E. G. PetersonExtensionAward to E. Bruce Godfrey. has
EldonJ. GardnerTeachingAward
is a Professorof 'Economics . His compassionate but demandingteachingpossesses a magic quality that has captivatedgraduate and undergraduatestudents alike throughouthis 25 yearsof serviceto Utah State University. ProfessorBiswas holdshis studentsto the higheststandardsand then worksto helpthem surpassthose standards.No matter whetherhe's leadinga smallgraduateseminaror infront of an introductorycoursewith 150 undergraduates, ProfessorBiswas takespride in knowingeachstudent by name. Students who appearinattentive can count on beingcalleduponby nameto answerquestionsaboutthe lectureorassignedreadings. While the questioningis alwaysgood-natured,most studentsput in a little extra effortto beattentive to his lecturesandto keepaheaaof readingassignments. Dr. Biswas is a teacherof teachers.In additionto hissubstantialrolein formalclassroom instruction,he has mentorea15 doctoraland12 mastersstudentsandservedon more than 100graduateadvisorycommittees.Many of his doctoralstudentsholdfaculty positions and credit his example as the basis for their own success in the classroom. His seasonedadvicehas helpedmanyjuniorfaculty membersidentify weaknessesin their teachinganddevelopstrategiesto bettermeet the needsof their students. Professor Biswas epitomizesall thatisbestof theteachingprofessorat.e He is laudedby his students and acclaimedby his peers. His influenceendures throughyears;the memoryof his teachingburnsstronglyin his students longafter they graduate. He has been awardedTeacherof the Year in the Collegeof Businessin 1983, 1986, and 1995, Utah State University InternationalProfessor of the Year in 1986, and InternationalStudent CouncilProfessorof the Year in 1997. Utah State University is pleasedto honor BasudebBiswas the 2001 EldonJ. GardnerTeachingAward.
TeachingExcellenceAwards Through an extensive selectionprocessinvolving both students andfaculty in the variousacademic colleges,eight membersof the faculty have been designatedfor specialrecognitionfor excellencein teachingrepresentingtheeightcollegesof the University:Agriculture,Business;Education;Engineering; andScience. From amongthe Family Life; Humanities,Arts and SocialSciences;Natural Resources; eight, The EldonJ. GardnerTeachingAward recipientis chosen;the seven remainingfollow:
Collegeof Business
is an Assistant Professorof Managementin the Departmentof Management and Human Resources. Dr. Callisterjoined the faculty at Utah State University in 199 7 andin a short time has distinguishedherselfas a dedicated andinnovativeteacher.As onestudent remarked,"I reallylikedhow Professor Callisterwas prepareeland had assignmentsto do in class. We were able to practicethe conceptswhich we learnedin class."Her excellenceis apparentnot only in the dassroom, but alsoin her externalefforts to improvethe quality of instructionat Utah State University. Even thoughit was beyondthe scope of her responsibilities,Dr. Callisterledlastyear'ssuccessfuleffort to obtain a large Eccles Foundationgrant updating the classroomsin the Business Building. Becauseof heractivity,faculty who teacfiin the Collegeof Business will be able to usefacilities designedfor teacfiing. This will significantly for all of us. improvethe educationalexperience
Collegeof Education
Rebecca M. Monhardt
been on the faculty in the Department of Elementary Educationsince 1996 . Her majorteachingareaof responsibilityis in scienceeducation. Dr. Monhardthas achievedvery high teachingevaluationsfor hercoursesat Utah bystudents regarding positivecommentsmade State University,including many coursecontent and how much they have learnedabout "teachingscience"to young children. She has a personalgoal of "modelingbest practices" in her classes,and this has resultedin herbeingconsideredan outstandingteacherby students both on and off campus. Dr. Monhardthas beenselectedas a "Top Professor"by Mortar Board and has served as the faculty advisorfor the studentsgroup, Elementary Education Association. She also serves as a memberof Utah's DistinguishedEducatorsSupportCadrefor the Utah State Officeof Education. Dr. Monhardt'sresearchwith Navajoelementaryschool students to enhancetheir scienceunderstandingis an exampleof where her researchclearly informs and directs her teaching. She has expandedthe horizonsand understandingof substantialnumbersof Utah State University pre-serviceteacherswhen shehas sponsoredtrips to Mexican HatElementary School to see the resultsof this research. Dr. RebeccaM. Monhardt is an exemplarymodelof teachingexcellence. has
Collegeof Engineering Marvin W. Halling joined the Civil and EnvironmentalEngineeringfaculty in 1994. Basedon discussionswith his studentsandcolleagues, exit interviewswith graduating seniors,observinghis classes,and receivinghis teachingevaluations,he is an outstandingteacher. Marv caresabout engineeringeducationand he cares aboutthestudents.He is astrongstudentadvocateandmakessurethat student needsare met. He arrangesfield trips to pertinent locationsto show the studentshow the principlesthat have beentaught in classes areusedout in the "realworld". He hasbeenthe ASCE student chapteradvisorfor a numberof years and underhis mentoringthe student chapterhas excelled. In the exit interviewswith graduatingseniors,"Dr. Marv" is mentionedby nearlyall of the Civil Engineeringstudentsas oneof the top teachersin the Department.
Collegeof Family Life
Tom C. Peterson
has been a Professor of Inteiro Design in the Human Environments Department in the Collegeof FamilyLife for thepast 25 yearsandhasperfectedthe art of makingart enjoyableto hundredsof students. Whether it be music,fine art, performanceart, or design,Peterson'sstudents leavehis CreativeArts class with agreaterunderstanding of creativityandto what endcreativity enhances their educationand their lives. His motto, "Nothingis wrong exceptdoing nothing," is reflectedin his high student successrate. His knowledgeand insight of designand its underlyingartistic elementsarefreely given, and students know they can count on him for any academicadvice or classroom support. Peterson'slove of teachingexpressesitseff in the highly prepared natureof his lectures.He takesthe time toget to knoweachandeveryoneof his studentsbykeepinghis office doorsopenandby interactingwith them in class.His experienceas aprofessionalinteriordesignerandhis invitation as a member of the Board of Visitorsfor the Foundationfor Interior Design Educationand Researchspeakshighly of his dedicationto his professionand alsoto his commitmentto enhancethe classroomexperienceand educational opportunitiesof his students. Utah State University isfortunate to have a professorsuch as Tom C. Petersonwho instillsin his studentsagreaterdesire for knowledgeand a desireto be a life-longconsumerof the arts and design.
Collegeof Humanities,Arts Michael L. andSocial Sciences
hasbeenaprofessorat Utah State Universitysince1970 andhastaught some of the largestclassesin the universitywith unflaggingattention to qualityand humanity. Each year, he introduceslargenumbersoffreshmen to American History in his survey class,teachesupperdivision courseson earlyAmerica, and runsa rigorousgraduateseminar. In each he expectshis students to rise to the occasion.Linking his researchwith his teaching,Nicholls'enthusiasm for his subjectis simplyphenomenal.In thefinest traditionof the liberalarts, he helpsstudents see that the past is prologueto the present. Currently,his everday, keepingclippingfiles on stories students readthe New York Times History. Caringabouteachof his American of eras whoserootsbeginin earlier students as individuals,hegoes out of his way to mentor them, especiallyin times of distress and to raisethem to the level of performancethey needfor success. He personifiesnot onlygood teaching but also the highest ethical values of the teachingprofession.
Collegeof Natural Resources
Brien E. "Ben"Norton
joined thefaculty of the RangelandResourcesDepartmentin 19 71, andhe has servedasAssociateDepartmentHeadsince1982. Duringhis careerat USU, and advisor. He hasa deep he has excelledas a scholar,teacher,researcher, In commitment to students and their education. his careerat USU, he has for thefirst time, and taught ten differentcourses,threeof which he introduced at USU. He is program honors nted he created the first discipline-orie currentlypreparingtwo coursesto be offeredover the Internet. From a wide arrayof teachingandresearchinterests,Dr. Nortonhas focused morerecently on the appropriatemanagementof livestock grazingon rangeland,drawingon internationalexperience.'In thepast twenty years,he hasplayeda leadership role on projects in sevenforeign countries,includingthe design of a range managementcurriculumfor Somali National University, devisinga national strategyfor rangelanddevelopmentin Morocco,and the establsihmentof a in the NationalCenterfor AgriculturalResearch Rangeand Livestock section inJordan,wherehe was basedfor two years. In his teachingphilosophy,Dr. from personalexperiencethat theprocess Nortonstates that he hasdiscovered of acquiringknowledgeisgreatly acceleratedwhen a student becomesexcited about the subjectmatter. By provokingand cultivating student interest, he which areessentialfor effective learning. gives thestudentemotionalresources Dr. Norton'sprimary objectivein the classroomis to inspirestudent curiosity. In addition,Ben is an accomplishedactorand has playedseverallead rolesin USU's Theatre Departmentproductions.
Collegeof Science
James A. Powell
joined thefaculty of the Mathematicsand StatisticsDepartmentasan applied mathematicianin 1991,andhasbecomeoneof the department'sstrongestand mostpopularteachers. His teachingapproachis to engagestudents in active learningand applyingwhat they study to real world situations. There is nothinghe likesbetter than when a student asks, "Whatgood is this stuff?" Student evaluationshaveconsistentlyplacedhim among the very bestteachers in the department;written commentsfrequently mentionthat Dr. Powell is distinguishedby the levelof his expectationsfor studentsandhis commitment to helpingthem meet thoseexpectationsas well as his humorand down-toearth natureinclass.He maintainsanactiveresearch programinmathematical ecologywhich often does double duty as a class resourceor theme for extracurricular undergraduate research. Jim developed and taughtthe Industrial Math Programs , and has been an investigatoron severalfederalgrants for integratingresearchand educationalactivities. Students have previously nominatedhim for teaching awards, includingthe InternationalStudent Council's'Professorof the Year' andMortarboard's'Top Professor'. In all he does,Jim demonstrateshis commitmentto excellencein teaching.
TrusteeProfessorships Trustee Professorshipsare establishedby the Utah State University Boardof Trusteesto recognize faculty who have madeoutstandingcontributionsto Utah State University'smissionas a LandGrant, CarnegieI ResearchUniversity. The TrusteeProfessorships are conferredon distinguishedfaculty by the Boardof Trusteesas a lifetime honor.
AnnE.. Aust is a Professorof ChemistryandBiochemistryspecializingin the study of biochemical toxicology. Her enthusiasm in teaching is unparalleled.Her knowledgeof the subjectarea in which she teachesandher ability to transmit this knowledgeto her students by using analogiesin everyday life make her a favorite of students on Ann's researchhas ledus to better understandhow asbestosandother campus. airbornetoxins causeanti-inflammatorylungdiseasesandcancer. Her work on ironbiochemistryhas ledto agreater understandingof the pathologyof ironoverload diseases,like hemochromatosis,which maysomeday lead to a treatment for this with continuoussupportfrom the National disease. Ann's work hasbeenfunded Institute of Health, the EcclesFoundationandFordMotor Company. Ann's deep commitmentto herwork andhersuccessis oftensharedby herstudents.Her beliefthat the principalroleof a university laboratoryisfor student mentoringcreatesa rigorous learningenvironmentasshepasseson to studentshercareful,methodicalandanalytical She hasbeenpublished approachto science. Ann's work isinternationallyregarded. ofBiologicalChemistryandCarcinogenisis. in severaljournals includingtlieJournal She hasalsobeenaskedto reviewmanuscriptsfor 18 differentjournalsandis a member of two editorialboards. Ann is a sought after speaker,with invitations to 30 institutionsaroundthe countryandabroad. Ann alsoserveson theAdvisory Board For her excellencein teaching,researchandservice,Utah State offour institutes. r 2001. for University is proud to presentAnn E. Aust as a TrusteeProfesso
J. Clair Batty is Professorand DepartmentHeadfor the MechanicalandAerospaceEngineering Clair's Departmentandreflectstlie very bestof what highereducationoughtto be. for beingsuffusedwith humor,for encouragingcreative teachingis universallyknown solutionsandfor insisting that students entertain that one "crazy idea" that could tal g He is a masterteacherwho hasa way of describinfundamen changethe world. across ding understan students' thermodynamicandheat transferprinciplesthat opens contributionsto r the wholespectrumof teaching aptitutde. As a researcheClair's d.Throughhis recognize nally thefieldof cryogeniccoolingarenationallyandinternatio work andthat of his mentoredstudents, the Utah State UniversitySpace Dynamics Laboratoryhas achieveduniversalrecognitionas the premieruniversity laboratoryin the developmentof space-borne,cryogenicallycooledinfrared instruments. Clair's , perhapsas importantis researchaccomplishmentsaremany andwidelyacclaimedbut his deepcommitmentto sharinghis researchinvestigationswith his students.Clairhas co-authoredmanypublicationswith students andfias agraciousway of sharingthe by encouragingstudents to publish their research. Clair has been an "fame" invaluablecontributorto the MechanicalandAerospaceEngineeringDepartment,but hasalsospent time workingin the areasoffood scienceandagricufturalengineering.He is a memberof the RockyMountain Regionof the AmericanSocietyfor Engineering Education,a memberof the AmericanSociety of MechanicalEngineersandhas been Clairhasmadenumerouspresentations advisorto Tau Beta Pi EngineeringSociety. at national and internationalconferencesandsymposiumsin his field. For his dedicationto teaching researchandserviceto the universityandthe community,Utah r 2001. for State University is proud to presentJ. ClairBatty as TrusteeProfesso
Carol J. Strong is a Professorof CommunicativeDisordersand Deaf Education and Interim Associate Deanfor Researchin the Collegeof Education and an important contributorto the university in many ways. As a teacher,Carolsets the examplewith her extraordinarywork and the manner in which she instills quality over quantity. She has the ability to take very difficult and imposing topicalcontent and turn it into an experiencethat challengesand stimulates student's appreciationfor the research/evaluationprocessin a manner that changesperceptionsand views. Carol'sresearchin languageassessment and in languagenarrative analysis in communicativelydisabledindividuals hasbecomenationallyknown. Her leadershipin this areahasledto her demand as a keynotespeakerandpresenterin many local,regionalandnationalforums. She haspublishedwidely in areasof languagestructure andnarrativeanalysis techniquesand hasinvolvedgraduatestudents in that researchandpublication recordfrequently. Carolfreely gives her time and efforts in developing sharedinformational forumsfor localandregional speech language pathologists, and she was instrumental in establishinga highly successful "clinical-talk" forum with local school district personnel. Carol's s hardwork anddedication to excellenceis reflectedin the numerousawardsand honorsshe has received. She hasservedas the airectorof the Women and GenderResearchInstitute on campus, researchdirector of project REAP for the SKI-Hi Institute on campusandis alsoa memberoffaculty senate.Carolalsoserveson the editorial boardfor the AmericanAssociationfor Home Based Early Intervention, is a manuscript reviewerfor severaljournals and has served as a consultant to Thinking Publicationsand a reviewer of textbooks. For her commitment to teaching, researchand service Utah State University is proud to present CarolJ. Strong as a TrusteeProfesso for r 2001.
Specia[Honors andCertificates Valedictorians A valedictorian has been selected by each college of the University. Each valedictorian has selected a faculty escort. Addresses will be delivered at the College Graduation Ceremonies: Valedictorians are: College of Agriculture Bret Jaron Stephens Escort, V. Philip Rasmussen College of Business Nicole Forsgren Escort, David H. Olsen Chang-Min Kirn Escort, Rosemary Fullerton Julie M. Leavitt Escort, Frank Shuman College of Education Jill Bodily Escort, Pam Hudson College of Engineering Barbara Wall Escort, Maurice Thomas College of Family Life Sarah Stevenson Escort, Scott Allgood College of Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences Scott A. Young Escort, William L. Furlong College of Natural Resources Brandi Lynn Price Escort, Dale J. Blahna College of Science Uyen Tu Chau Escort: Vicki Allan
UniversityCitizenship Awards Presented annually to the senior graduates who best portray high traits of character, scholarship, and citizenship. Lindsay Hill Jim Stephenson
Sarah Money David Mortensen Melinda Moss Vallarie Nuttal Lara Petersen Heather Stone Barbara Wall Kimberly Welsh Ruth White Sherilyn Wilson Serena Young
HonorsProgram Graduates
Certificateof AreaStudies
University Honors
Communicating Across Cultures Diana L. Bever
Megan Andrew-Hobbs Lara Anderson Diana Bever Jennifer Bodine Katee Corpron Rachael Harrison Brianna Johnson Lacey Jones Amanda McFarland Melinda Moss Lara Petersen Ruth White Sherilyn Wilson
Departmental Sarah Alver Megan Andrew-Hobbs Lara Anderson Chet Barney Corbett Belcher Diana Bever Rachel Bodily Jennifer Bodine Candace Brindza Sunni Brown Mark Browning Katee Corpron Heather Davis Jaclyn Emett Carol Haak Rachel Harrison Bria1ma Johnson Lacy Jones Joseph Kemp Jeffrey Klaassen Andrea Linton Billy Lozano Stephen MacDonald Amanda McFarland Matthew Mciff
Environmental Planning Jonathan D. Fredericks International Relations John Logan Behrend Carter D. Cheney Sara J. Culp Steven Paul Edwards Thomas Scott Findley Christian Norris Newlin Ryan W. Toone Nicholas C. Wheeler Scott A. Young Law and Society Sarah A. Geary Jennifer Lynn Ricker Ann R. Tuttle Kristine Nicole Wilson Liberal Arts and Sciences Tirzah Anne Anderson Megan Andrew Nick C. Barfuss Deborah Kunz Burleson Adrienne Cole Sara J. Culp Michelle Renee Escobar Stephanie S. Hall Brittany Margaret Hansen Gregory Henderson Shawn Jeffrey Kohler Rachel Hillary Kovacs Allison Rice Martin Gretchen Elizabeth Mellor Brandon Roy Murphy Jeremy K. Pedersen Ashley Christiansen Stewart Anthony Evans Thomas Justin R. Williams
Certificateof Gerontology Lisa Jean Duskin Collette Pace
Air ForceReserveOfficer TrainingCorps (Commissionedas 2nd Lt. in U. S . Air Force)
AerospaceStudies Barry A. Croker Michael J. Crook Christopher J. Forsgren Brian J. Hendricks Allena V. Lewis Billie A. Marsh Michael M. Meek Jeremy V. Oldham Brett E. Pierson Pax J. Staley Darroll R. Young
HonorGraduates The quality ofperformance in academic work enables the followingto be graduates with distinction. Those who have met
residencerequirementsand have maintained a gradepoint average of3.95 to 4.00 are graduated Summa Cum Laude; those whose average is 3.80 to 3.949, Magna Cum Laude; and those whose average is 3.50 to 3. 799, Cum Laude.
Summa Cum Laude Allen, Karin E. Andersen , Susan B. Anderson, Tirzah Anne Andrews, Lorelei Atkin, Thomas Edward II Bastian , Brandi L. Batty, Penelope Beddes, Jeri Dawn Bibb, Sharlene Blau, Ryan Terry Bodily , Jill Booth, Eric Raydell Burton, Trudy Ann Cannon, Nathan Allen Carter, Brett Larry Chau, Uyen Tu Christiansen , Kati e Conger, Lori Anne Conlin, Lauri e Cox, Amanda Curtis, Jan Z. Dickman, Brian Steven Dickson, Angela Downs , Chad England, Connie Gittins Forsberg, Laura M. Forsgren, Nicole Foster, Susan Gonzalez, Antonio J'Edward Hafen, Franklin Richard Hatch , Tina Marie Hunt, Mary M. Hyde, Aimee B. Jensen, Taylor Austin Kim , Chang-Min Kitchen, Terri lyn Leavitt, Juli e M. Lichfield , DeAnn Gittins Livsey, Jennif er Dawn Loertscher, Tyler Averett Malmgr en, Emily S. Maynard , Meliss a 0. McArthur, Tanya Miller, Bryan D. Miller, Carrie D. E. Mills, Jenalyn R. Money , Sarah Ma rie Mortensen, David R. Mouritsen, Richard L. Nelson , Tonya K. Nielson , Marc Melchior Nunley , Britta Nuttall, Tyler M . Olsen, Paulin e H. Pac e, Jean Taylor-Starr
Pedersen, Angela Bartholomew Peterson, Steven L. Phillips, Christopher J. Pope , Natalie Pratt , Amand a K. Price, Brandi Lynn Rawlings, Rachell e Reimann , Amy Diane Sampson, Anne P. Schiller, Curtis Thayne Spackman, Elizabeth Steel, Tonja J. Stephens, Bret Jaron Stone, Heather Rebecca Taylor, Jed L. Taylor, Rodrick Thomas , Anthony Evans Thomas , Natalie Rachelle Thornock, Kirk Ru ssell Toone, Ryan W . Tripp, George A. Wall, Barbara J. Wilkinson, Michael Stuart Woodruff, Benjamin Michael Wright , Lorelyn W. Young, Amy L. Young, Scott A.
Magna Cum Laude Abbott, Alli Marie Anderson , Cary Thompson Anderson, Kirk D. Andrew, Megan Am e ll, Brenda Han se n Amell, Bryan C. Ashby, Christina J. Austin, Isa iah Jam es Bagley, Lisa S. Bailey, Kenneth L. Barfuss, Katharine S. Barton, Steph a nie Bateman , Stefan Jose ph Batty, Roge r Alan Behling, Sandra Staker Behrend, John Logan BeII, Alisa C. Bell, Matthew David Bellamy, Laura Kristen Benso n, Beau G. Benso n-Sokol , Lisa Michelle Beva ns, Darren Wayne Bezzan t, Kathryn Rose Bingham, Sheralyn Bird, Karen J. Blevins, Jess ica M . Bodily, Kent Delos Bodily, Rachel Bodine, Jennif er Lee Bolton, Michele Michiko Bone , Tara Sorensen Boone, Lucy Borg, Karen S. Borg, Melissa Holly Bott, Juli e Ann Bradshaw, Katherine Breitenbeker, Katie Ann Brown, Emily Brown, Sunni Bryant , Matthew M. Bryson, Kelly C. Bundy, Michael Monroe Burgess, Anne 0ostyen Butler , Caro line Leigh Buttars, Kelly J. Butterfield, Sharlet Dawn Campbell , Breta V. Cand land , Kale e Karen Cannon, Stacey Lyn Carlston, Heidi Mad sen Carone, Katie R.
Carrier, Traci Lyn Chacon, Secundino Ignicio Chen, Lina Christenson, Kirk T. Chri stopherson, Amelia Clawson, Paul J. Cleverly, David Grant Cook, Lesa Corpron, Katee A. Cowley, T. Patrick Craner, Jeremy A. Criddle, Russell S. Criddle, Tamara Rae Daniels, Becky Daniels , Gary Chad Davenport, Jennifer Ann Davis, Heather Malia Deane, April Daniell e Dennis , Brett Loren Dilworth, Valisa G. Duersch, Steve Lewis DuHadway, Linda Pope Dunn , Charles R. Durfey , Shannon N. Earl, Randi Holt Edwards, Steven Paul Edwards, Wesley D. Fedor, Sarah Jean Ferguson, Jenny Fife, Ryan Scott Flandro , Benjamin R. Forsyth, Jillann e France, Sally Ann Fredericks, Jonathan D. Gerard , Kay leen). Goodrich, Lucy C. Grang e, Heidi Griffiths , Megan Gunth er, Val Glad e Gurney, Amber S. Hacking, Matth ew G. Hansen, Andria Bingham Hanson, Barbara Ann Hans on, Susan 0. Harkn ess, Gina Harr is, Nathan Ricks Hart, Brandon J. Haywa rd , Stacy Huff He ad , Jennifer Mich elle Heiner, Aaron J. Helquist , Patricia Ann H ew itt, Michael Andr ew Hokan son, Cindy Louise Hollin gswor th, Kathryn Holt , Natalie A. Hoope s, Chereon C. Horlacher , Dawn Huang, Tse Ming Hulett , Susan Scott Hyde, Cary Simmonds Jaggi , Margaret Garr Jardine, Jan ReNee Jensen, Adam Michael Jensen, Trisha Robbins Johnson , Angela Kiezee Johnson, Heidi Jayne Johnson, Jennifer Jo Johnson, Richard S. Jolley , Jennifer Marie Jon es, Lacey L. Juland er, Marilyn H. Kemp, Joseph Harry Kim, TaeJu Kjar, Merry Kotter, Angela Minert Larson, Carolynn Leffler, Beka Jan e Lilly, Larry Joseph Lindsey , Aaron S. Linford, Jenny M. Linton , Andrea Loertscher, Mindy Sue Atkinson London , Rebecca
Lower, Ryan Michae l Lyon, Tina Taylor Lyon, Yvonne Michelle Martin, Michelle Suzanne Mathis, Erin McCammon, Casey Ryan McFarland, Amanda Marie McKee, Deborah J. McKenna, Mandy Lyn Mead, Stan N. Mendoza, Marci Nie ld Mercer, Kimberlee B. Merrill , Malinda May Miller, Natha n A. Mills, Michael D. Mi tchell, Susan Mohlman, Denae Moks laveskas-Lambert, Susanne L. Moon, Marlaina Moss, Kathryn Moss, Melinda Michelle Moulton, Melanie M. Needham, Georgin a C. Nee dl es, Jordan Nejdl, Annm arie Ne lson, Shelly J. Nevil le, Rebecca H. Newbo ld, Priscilla Jean N ickolaisen, Jane tte N ield, Mindi N igh, Ann Dahle Oldham, Jeremy V. Olds, Tary n O lsen, Heidi N icho le O lson, Anna-Kar in Olson, Landon Kim Os tler, Angela Morris Oy ler, Aaron Palmer, Tawnia Genae Peck, Anna Mae Pederse n, Ty ler C. Pendley, Nikki M. Player, Charles Jason Pond, Eric L. Posey, Adam C. Poulson, Meg Maren Raines, Judith Kaelene Rawson, J. Reed Reese, Tiffany Lee Reich, Michelle A. Reynolds, Brooke Alese Rich, Kristi Kaye Richardson, Roxanne Renee Richins, Janeen Schwieder Richins, Michelle Cooper Rockwell, Na than Brant Rockwood, Michael C. Romero, Karrie R. Romney, Lisa Renee Rounds, Ca therine L. Roundy, Jacalyn Ruebush, Jason Wade Salisbury, Tina Ann Saltern, Ellie C. Sanders, Suzanne N. Sanford, Theresa Chatelain Schick, Aimee Scholes, Wendi Schw ar tz, Sarah Elizabeth Scofield, Emily Seria, David Louis Shelton, Brooke Aime Shields, Jennifer R. Shurtliff, Na talie Jenson Skabe lund , Heath er J. Smith , Janette Leann Smith, KaDaw n Stapley, Monic a Lynn Stepan, Elizabeth A. Stevenson, Sarah Stew ar t, Jessica Lee Stewart, Susan M.
Stowers, Rebecca Benson Str uth ers, Amy Howe Sunderland, Tessa J. Talbot, Andrea Millington Tessier, Heidi Marie Thayn, Brett Ray Theurer, Lisa Thomas, Kris ti Thomas, Traci Thompson, Kimberly Dawn Thompson, Nata lie Sue Thornley, Rebekah Thornton, Julie Anne Thorson, Darin W. Thurgood, Mike C. Towers, Jamie M. Tu ttle, David J. VanOrden, Merritt L. Viboonpattanawong, Suttinuch Wadsworth, Pamela Ritchie Wahlberg, Tiffany Marie Wayman, Sandy Renee Webb, Cam illa Weber, Rachel Wend el, Amy N. Westlund, Bonnie Lynn e Weston, Katie Wheeler, Tiffani White, Cassandra Field Williams, Amanda Williams, Charles H. Williams, Jeremy C. Wilson, Kristen Wilson, Sh erilyn Wood, Angie L. Woodbury, Daniel John Woods, Jennifer G. Young, Serena Kay
Cum Laude Aagard, Vanessa Rae Adams , Mindie Adamson, Scott Newe ll Add ley, JoDeene Agren, Kristina Ana Akester, Rebecca Mary Albretsen, Jule Car l Alder, Kristine A. Allen, Bobbe M. Allgood, Julie Kay Allred, Teresa Kiesel Alsop, Skylar T. Alver, Sarah Katharine Alvey , Marie D. Amsden, Kathryn Mar ie Andersen, Jason P. Anderson, Brian P. Anderson, Darla Jean Anderson, Kristen R. Anderson, Michael Vincent And erso n, R. Shaun Anderson, Ryan David Andreasen, Leslie Argyle Andru s, Richard Don Ap lana lp, Jacob K. Argy le, Jaren C. Arial, Tia O. Armstrong, Elizabe th Ashton, Michael Ray Auger, Cynthia Jane Auge r, Leslie James Babcock, Sarah Kathryn Bailey, Cameron C. Balls, Juliann e Banford, Sabrena H. Banham, Benjam in E. Barfuss, Kimberly J. Barker, Bethan y Barlow, Alan K. Barlow, Brandon K.
Barnard, Audrey Barney, Chet Barney, Jessica A. Barney, Marlaina Sue Barrett, Angela Ellise Barru s, Amy E. Bartholomew, Lisa Ann Barton, Robert D. Bastian, D. Clint Baugh, Sherrie L. Beck, Dave L. Beddes, Aaron K. Belcher, Corbett Michael Bell, Ted F. Bement, Kimberly Beneze, Iren Bennion, KaLyn Benson, Amber Lea Berge r, Nikole Bergeson, Zackary Drew Berry, Liesl H. Betts, Marilyn Bills, Madalyn L. Bindrup, Barbara Ferrin Bingham, Jacob Blaine Birch, Brandon M. Birch, Jamie Scott Black, Jenni fer A. Blackford, Rebecca Ruth Blanchard, Ryan T. Blevins, Brian Wayne Bodily, Anne Bodrero, Euge ne O. Bone, Na talie Ann Boyce, Mindy Bradshaw, Emily Brandt, Valorie Brazell, Jacob Roy Brenchley, Greg P. Bressler, Julie A. Brewer, Keri A. Brimhall, Holly Brindza, Candace Marie Brough, Jamie Brown, Bobbidee Brown, Steven Gene Bruner, Lorelyn May Brunson, Emily Kathleen Bryson, Sharie Ann Buckwalter, Mark Wild Bulut, Bulent Bunce, Rowena Rawlins Bunderson, Jon Eric Bunker, Brad David Burbidge, Ryan E. Burgess, Megan Burgess, Richard Allen [l Burke, Benjamin C. Burnett, Charlene P. Burningham, Kenneth B. Burr, Pa tti J. Buteau, Erin Redd Bytheway, Jalina Caliendo, Ralph Anthony Call, Brian Dee Ca ll, Daniel G. Cambridge, Anne Campbell, Michelle Schlofm an Cannon, Chris tina Cantwell, Scott W. Capell, Brita Ann Carman, Jacob C. Carney-Lauf, Dian e L. Carpenter, Ryan Mcsweeney Carter, Mitzi Ann Chandler, Jani ce M. Chappell, Sadie Charlton, Shawn Rober t Chase, Joanna Parson Checketts, Steve n Ray Cheney, Ca rter D. Chertudi, Kristina
Child, Allen Merrill Child, Farris Ray Child, Jill Chivers, Alayna Muhlestein Christensen, Anna M. Christensen, Devin Eugene Christensen, Monica J. Christensen, Sherrie Lynn Church, Cindy Clarke, Deborah Jean Clayton, Shawn Robert Colligan, Kelli A. Colton, Laur a Cook, Lisa Mari e Coombs, C. Cody Copeland, Teresa Copenhaver, Sara M. Cornia, Spence E. Couch, Mar en Cox, Brook L. Cox, Nathan Christian Crane, Colton J. Crane, Nathan Andrew Crawford, Aaron L. Crawford, Jason William Creech, Joseph Earl Criddle, Emil y Dawn Crockett, Jeffrey A. Cros haw, Annie Laurie Cullum , Celeina Kris Culp , Sara J. Dagley, Neha Sharad Dakin , Lanie Joy Daley, Jaso n R. Dansie, Jared Raldon Dastrup, Randall Jacob Dau gs, Christy J. Davidson, Andrea Davis, Ca thy A. Davis, Sage Kendra Davis, Trudy Jo Dawso n, Jennifer Deer, Laur a Ann Degener, Tara Marie Degra ffenr ied, James M. Delgado, Jennifer Bnu1son Denn ey, Ronald L. Derricott, Brett Dickamore, Tawna Dickey, Brian P. Dilworth , Virginia Ding er, Eric John Dingm an, Jaime Lynn Ditlevsen, Michelle Donaldson, Megan Dotson , James Firmage Draney, Jess ica Draney , Rodri ck Kimball Dubr euil, Jennif er Elizabet h Dunn , Charles R. Dye, Troy Michael Eagal, Blake Benton Earl, Chad J. Edmunds, Megan Ellis, Alison T. Ellis, Brad Owen Ellsworth, Corrine Jo Emett, Jaclyn Mary Erdman, Darla Mae Eriksson, Mandy Estheimer, John Sterling Evans, Eron Jones Evans, Monica L. Farrell , Jamie Mark Ferguson, Daniel S. Field , Shannon E. Fisher , Sheila Mari e Flammer, Laur etta Weston Flind ers, Jon M. Ford, Gregory Mont Fraser, Douglas Jeffrey Frazier, Denise Umpleby
Fredin, William L. Fredrickson, Heather Ann e Froerer, Mauren Fuerst, Nicole Renee Fullmer , Franki Nicole Funk, Tara Lynne Garnette, Jana Garcia, Alma J. Gardn er, Ben Allen Garrett, Liesl N. Geldmacher, Kathr yn Louise Gibson, Rebecca Gilbert, Estella Gillman, Shani e Glenn, Sean Earl Gneiting, Don ald Owen Gold , Abby R. Gooch, Fredric J. Goodliffe, Heath er Morgan Goodwin, Aubrey Jean Graham, April L. Grambo , Andrew A. Gra mbo , Janalyn Jemm ett Graves, Todd Davis Griswold, Timothy A. Grunander, Carl Jaso n Gutk e, John H. Haak, Carol Elizabeth Hadley, James Alma Hale, Amy Hayden Hales, Michael Bill Hales , Wendy Lynn Hall, Alison Hammond, Rebecca Diane Braun Hancey , Christina L. Hancock, Darrin J. Hanco ck, H olly R. Han cock, Natalie W. Hanks, Christopher K. Hansen, Allen W. Hansen, Micha el W. Hansen, Rex L. Hanse n, Samantha Ap ril Christine Harr is, Allison Harr is, Bryce L. Harris , Jenn y Lynn Harris, Nichole Elizabeth Harrison, Bernadette M. Harrison, Richard P. Hartley, Heidi Lynn Haslem, Penny J. Hastings, Hollie Jea n Hatch , Andrew Leo n Hatcher, Steve n Scott Haw kins, Amber Haymore, Jeremy B. Haynie, Lacey Dawn Heath, Jason E. Heat h, John C. Heath , Yuk Fun Henderson, Colleen S. Henderson, Marianne Henry, Jason Spencer Henson, Samantha L. Heslop, Karen Hessenthaler, Hea ther Hew lett, Krist en Colleen Hill, Jean ette Marie Hill, Lindsay Hill, Ryan Hinto n, Mary Rebecca (Becky) Hodso n, Jeremy R. Hohrein, Armin Trenton Holden, Nanett e Holt, Joshu a A. Holt , Julie Mari e Horman, Brook G. Howar th, Steven J. Howells, Katherine Hsieh, Kai-Hsiang Hu cka by, Kellianne Jens en Hu n t, Jalene B.
Hunt, Natalie Hunt , Travis R. Hunt er, Josh Fred Hunting, Julie A. Isra elsen, Ryan D. Iverson , Bradley Craig Jackson , Daren W. Jaggi , Jenny A. Jaggi, John S. James, John Wesley Jang, Chulho Jeffrey, Jared David Jenkins, Jennif er Christine Jensen, Amber Jan ette Jensen , Clay John Jensen , Emily W. Jensen, Michelle Kaye Jenson , Emily Chris Jeppson , Peter C. Jeppson, Sara J. Jessop , Jodi May John , Michae l Brandon Johnson, Brianna Diane Johnson , Clayton E. Jr. John son, Kathleen M. Johnson, Leslie Kay Johnson , Sierra Johnson , Tristin M . Jone s, Elissa C. Jones, Melod y M. Jones, Peter John Jones, Russe ll G. Jones, Tori Ander son Jorge ns en, Cory Alan Jorgensen , Neal Wayne Jorgenson, Grego ry S. Josephs on, Valerie Greenwood Jud son, Jill Alta Kaiser, Anne Kelly, Quinn J. Kemp enich, Helen M. Kenyon , Julia Lyru1 Keys, Ross Christopher Kingery, Me lissa Dawn Kirkham, Jea nette Heiner Kitley, Tiffany Jani s Klaasse n, Jeffrey Paul Koeppen, Aaron Ga brial Kovacs, Rachel Hillar y Koy le, Rebecca Anne Krause, Caro l Lane Kremenski, Erin Kunz, Dan a Labrum, Lori Lachowsky, Richard A. Lallatin, Cody Lynn Lambert, Monica Lamb ert, Richard M. Larse n, Bart Kurt Larsen, Shannel Larson, Dawn J. Larso n, Micha el J. Laurit zen, Melody Law, Kellie Jensen Law, Ryan Helmer Lee, Julie S. Lee, Kath erine Vea Lee, Melanie Nielsen Lefevre, Carrie Ann Leishman, Jami L. Lemon , Connie Sue Ferrin LeSueur , Heather Renee Leverich , Erin Nichole Lim, Chor Tiong Lindsay, Joshua Cameron Livingston, Angela D. Livingston, Barry Scott Long , Jonathan E. Long, Sandra Jean Low, Bryan Jay Low , Jason B. Lucero, Amber M.
Lueken, Anton Kenneth Luekenga, Richard L. Lund, Jessica Anne Lundahl, Jonathan C. Lyman, Julia Ann Lynn, Quinten K. Lyon, Craig Keith Machen, Christopher J. Madsen, Buffy Jo Burnside Madsen, Kelli J. Malouf, Jacob S. Marchant, Aretha A. Marler, Adrienne Leigh Marsh, Billie Alicia Marshall, Jeni Martin, Charity A. Martin, Ross E. Martin, Thomas Paul Marwedel, Paul A. Mathews, Katrina D. Maughan, Lisa W. Mazzola, Manon M. McArthur, Todd J. McBride, Nathan D. McEntire, Amber Dawn McEuen, Taryn Brooke McFarland, Richard Todd McKee, Michael J. McLeod, Bradley James McNeal, Esther McRae, Matthew Aaron Mecham, Heidi Marie Mecham, Justin C. Menti, Marcus M. Sorbor Metzger, Colin Stephen Meyers, Aaron Keller Miller, Mandy R. Miller , Nathan S. Minor, Nathan S. Mitchell, Jennifer B. Moffat, Raymond Shawn Monson , Mary E. Mortensen, Wesley S. Mower, Curtis H. Muhlestein, Alayna Mumford, Hollie Lea Murdoch, Megan Geddes Murphy, Jarrod T. Nash, Russell U. Nabaurn, Alex Stephen Nees, Debra Jean Neibaur, Emily A. Nelson, Kortni Dawn Beck Nelson, Mark C. Neville, Trent Scott Niederhauser, Carrie L. Nielsen, Brandon R. Nielsen, Kendall Ray Nielsen, Merideth Ann Nielson, Nicole M. Nuttall, Vallarie Blake O'Brien, Megan Olsen , Jason C. Olson, Trecia Marie Orton, Monica A. Brown Osmond, Maggon P. Osmond , Travis Merrill Ott, Jodi H. Overly, Heather Titensor Pace, Collette Palfreyman, Richard Lorus Parke, Jamie LaRue Parker, J. L. Parker, Lorielle Patch, Diana Lee Paxman , Abbie L. Pearson, Monica B. Petersen, Amber R. Petersen, Bryce Michael Petersen, Carmie L.
Petersen, Janell Peterson, Gaelynn Peterson, Natalie Hansen Peterson, Robert W. Phair, Molly Christa Phelps, Brenda Lyn Pilkington, Katharine J. Pinnock, Derek Royal Platt, Noelle Poppinga, Britt R. Rakes, Kathryn J. Randall, Candice Marie Rasmussen, Ginger Ratchford, Rachel C. Redd, Matthew Sean Redford, Robynn Redman, Rachael Marie Redmond, Douglas R. Reese, Jamie Jo Reese, Spencer K. Reese, Tony B. Reeves, Randall A. Retford, Christopher M. Rew, Paul L. Rich, Marianne I. Richards, Kathleen M. Richards , Kathryn Ann Richards , Rickelle Ricker, Jennifer Lynn Roberts, Tenille Robinson, Arny Noel Robinson, D. McKay Robinson, James Jason Robison, Micah Lynn Rockwood, Suszette Amanda Roe, Connie Cates Roylance, Thomas Hyrum Sabin, Shamae Stacy Savage, Jon C. Sayer, Marshal] Schiess, Brianna Schiffman, Linda Kay Schumann, Rachel Schwartz, Michelle L. Schwieder, Kyle D. Scott, Jennifer Tara Searle, Corey L. Shakespear, Lyle D. Shaw, Elizabeth Irvine Shelley, Raeann Shinton, Teresa S. Shupe, Amanda Sue Sickler, Jessica Lynn Simmons, Brooke Simmons, Joann E. Simons, Mason Edward Skeen, Peggy A. Skinner, Kathleen Mary Slack, Jason Kenneth Slater, Michael Arnold Slobodzian, Sarah E. Srneath, John Douglas Smith, Clifton Bingham Smith, Jessica Anne Smith, Nathan E. Smith, Stephanie Sorensen, Julie Mohr Sparks, Zachary L. Spencer, H. Brandon Spendlove, Lindsey Joyce Steffey, Erin 0. Stephenson, Heather Michele Stettler, Jeremiah Stewart, Cody B. Stewart, Marianne Arbuckle Stillman, Ashley Stimpson, Tonya Lynn Stoddard, Erica Kay Stoddard, Lewis Nishioka Stoddard, Robert James
Stoker, Marie Stott, Angie Marie Stout, Jacob Stephen Stowell, Lucybeth Sudau, Manuela Alexandra Suewing, Michael D. Sunderland, Toni A. Swasey, Jason A. Swayne, Josh H. Talbot, Ethan Allen Tarr, Darren William Tart, Patrick Wade Taylor, Connie Jean Thomas, Lyndsey Thomas, Sarah Marie Thompson, Brittany Pearl Thompson, Jared S. Thomson, Amanda B. Thomson, Tracy D. Thomley, Heidi Biesinger Thorpe, Mary Jo Tibbets, Keri K. Timmins, Luke Wilson Timmons, Trevor S. Timothy, Adam Brad Timothy, Taralyn Tingey-Stall, Chantel Nannette Tippets, Nicole Tolman, April Topham, Troy Shane Trask, Timothy J. Tripp, Kami L. Trujillo, Brittany B. Tuttle, Anna R. Tuttle, Jennifer Tyrrell, Laura Beth Utley, Barry Donald Valenti, Sarita J. Velasquez, Rick Lee Voitanik, Sophia Vozakis, Monica J. Waldron, Luke D. Walker, Jared L. WaLl, Eliza Clark Wall, Ross Biesinger Wallenda, Steve A. Wassmer, Jeanelle Marie Weaver, Mandy Jo Webb, Rebecca Ann Welch, Sharalee D. Welsh , Kimberly Page West, Benjamin L. Westrop , Heidi Schulthess Wheeler, Ryan Whicker, Rachel S. White, Paul Lynn White, Ruth Louise Whitehead, Tawna M. Wicks, Carey Ann Wilcock , Annisha Wilde, Marianne Willden, Krislyn DeHart Willeitner, Lisa Williams, Jayne C. Williams, Wendy A. Wilson, Dara Dawn Wilson, Jared Doyle Wilson, Kory David Wilson, Kurt Evan Wimmer, Christine Winegar , Zachary Clyde Wood, Ryan John Woolstenhulme, Megan Jeanne Wright, Amanda M. Yeager, Jeffrey Todd Yeh, Yi Hsuan Young, April Zaugg, Sean Reed Zollinger, Richard Lloyd Zollinger , Steven Ray
Candidates for Graduation Names listed in the program do not constitute graduation.
Agriculture Donald L. Snyder Interim Dean Abplanalp, Kam R. Aguilar, Gina Patricia Allen, Karin E. Alver, Sarah Katharine Amsden, Kathryn Marie Anhder, Alex James Archibald , Joshua Lee Bailey, Brody D. Baird , Daniel Joseph Baker, Aleisha Ann Barfuss , Steven C. Barney , Jessica A. Beck, Carole J. Beer, Dere k Fairclough Benson, Beau G. Bevans, Darren Wayne Billings, Catherine Loren e Bingham , Greg Price Bingham, Jacob Blaine Bingham , Seth Allen Birch, Jared Edgar Blackbum, Casey Wayne Blair, Alicia Bouck, Michael J. Brackett, Ira N. Brighton, Sarah Rachel Budge , Ryan L. Burton , Jessica Bytheway , Jalina Carr, Robert Alan Child, Jill Christensen, Brady L. Christensen , Bryan James Christensen, Tricia Lee Christiansen, Nichole Christopher son, Amelia Clements, Cherish Ann e Collett , Katie Jo Cooper, David Brent Corpron, Katee A. Crane, Justin Paul Cummings , Gregory Dallin, Steven B. Daugs, Nathan Roger Davidson, Kristy Lynn Davis, Patrick D. Dayley, Dustin Floyd Despain, Deric Walter Dorse y, Anne T. Dyreng, Cody Richard Ellis, Nicholas Jay Eriksson, Mandy Eriksson , Ryan Carl Preston, Mishelle Jean Fullmer, Clinton C. Garnette, Jana George, Lori Godfrey, Jason B.
Grambo, Andrew A. Grambo, Janalyn Jemmett Grover, David Wallace Grygla, Jana Arlene Haak , Carol Elizabeth Harris, Kathy Marie Hawes, Michaela L. Hedges, Sarah Marie Toler Henderson, Blair P. Henderson, Marianne Henry , Jason Spencer Hohrein , Armin Trenton Holdaway, Nicole Holt , Michael Shane Howell, Tami L. Hw1t, Jalene B. Hurst, Jason L. Inman, Ilene F. Isaac, Benjamin Russell Jacobs, Cade Frank Jeffs, Tyler Lee Johnson , Adam H. Johnson , Aubrey N. Johnson , Brianna Diane Johnson , Ginger G. Jones, Randall Cade Joseph , Alisha Marie Kemp, Joseph Harry Kron.miller, Nico lee Ellen Larsen, Janalyn Mildred Leak, Kaylee Leak, Shane D. Lee, Melanie Nielsen Leffler, Beka Jane Mabey, David Gary Mackowiak, David Scott Martin, Jerry C. Martin, Michelle Suzanne Mathews, James R. Maynard, Joshu a Michael Millsap , Carl L. Mitchell, Brock A. Mitchell, Laurie Susan Moody, Kerry Ann Morton, Jennifer L. Moss, Melinda Michelle Mulder, Christopher Naeg le, Andrea Nalder, Jeremy D. Nash, Russell U. Naylor, Ryan James Neary, Alaina I. Negus, Janalynn Neibaur, Mitchell D. Neville, Rebecca H. Nish, Casey E. North, Angela J. Nuttall, Vallarie Blake Ohlwiler, Timothy B. Osmond, Travis Merrill Panter, Joseph Kip Pebbles, Melinda Kay Peterson, Nathan C. Peterson, Steven Chris
Pickup, Lori Michelle Pinnock, Derek Royal Price, Jeffrey Michael Probst, Cory Grant Randall, Candice Marie Rash, Ann Redman, Rachael Marie Reeder, Chad Myles Rees, Michael J. Reese, Robert S. Reno, Daniel Dale Rew, Paul L. Rich, Marianne I. Richards, Rickelle Robinson, Michelle Sanders, Cary Ervil Searle, Corey L. Shaw, Steven Reed Shurtliff, Natalie Jenson Simons, Dennis C. Slater, William Brad Smart , Richard Ernest Smith , Clifton Bingham Smith, Janette Leann Smith, Michael C. Smyer, Amber R. Soo, Sek Yow Spaulding, Alan F. Spaulding, Cree Summer Stap les, Toni M. Stephens, Bret Jaron Stephens , Courtney C. Stone, Heather Rebecca Summers, Rhett Hill Torgerson, K. Dale Tseng, Yin-Hua Tubbs, Blake Earl Tucker, Sarah Anne VanTass ell, Jason C. Van Tassell, Ruben Paul Varga, Christian L. Wade, Andrea Wadsworth, Pamela Ritchie Watt, Tyler Martin West, Esther Marie Whittier, Brent Allen Whittier, Kelli Sue Willets, Jed Fletcher Williams, Neil Ray Woolley, Jeffrey William Young, Amy L. Young, Serena Kay Zaugg, Sean Reed Zollinger, Richard Lloyd
Science Degrees Barnes, Lisa Marie Beddes, Taun Butler, R. Merrill Call, Emily Ellen Eckman, Robert L.
Hunsaker, Daniel Steven Lunt , Scott C. Miller, Martha Ann Okelberry, Todd L. Oldham, Heather A. Richards, Camille Searle, Corey L. Stocking, Vera Capener Tuck, Julia Brimm Utley, Matthew C. Wangsgard, Scott Woodard, Eric Steven Youngberg, Joseph Kevin
Certificates Barnes, Lisa Marie Bohman, Burt Cheshire, J. Lynden Olson, Diann Panter, Joseph Kip Smith , Sonia M. VanDyke, Adam Wheeler, Stacie Leigh Williams, Veronica Lee
Business David B. Stephens Dean Adams , John Richard Adams, Spencer Robert Agren, Mark William Allen, Dustin S. Allen, James W. Allen, Scott J. Allen, Travis K. Allred , Vern E. Allsop, Colby John Andersen, Jared G. Ander sen, Jason P. Andersen , Roger C. Anderson, Darla Jean Anderson, David James Anderson, Diane A. Anderson, Kirk D. Anderson, Kristi Anderson, Mike R. Anderson, N icholas Blake Anderson, Shelly M. Anderton, Julie Alexa Andrus, Richard Don Andrus, Ronald Dean Anthony, David M. Archibald, Jason B. Amell, Bryan C. Arnold, Richard Allen Auman, Aaron Jay Austin, Jamie Back, Preston Jared Baeg, Sung Hyun
Bair, Shae Lynn Baker, Suzette Baker, Todd H. Baldwin, Nathan King Balls, Julianne Banham, Jennifer Barker, Kirk Thayne Barker, Patty Barney, Chet Barton, Robert D. Bassett, Jesse B Bastian, Brandi L. Baugh, Sherrie L. Bearden, Michael Todd Beckstead, Janae Henze Bedke, Elizabeth E. Beere, Dennis Charles Bell, Ted F. Bellile, Allison Lane Bellile, Danielle L. Bench, Christopher Adam Bennett, Clair W. Bennett, Joseph W. Bennion, KaLyn Benson, Amber Lea Bergman, Kathryn Bergsjo, Tiffany Dawn Bernhardt, Laura Marie Bibb, Sharlene Bills, Brett Robert Birch, Brandon M. Birch, Brian Daniel Bischoff, Richard Black, Jennifer A. Blanchard, Ryan T. Blotter, Kevin Fred Bodrero, Megan W. Bonfiglio, Emile Francois Bott, Julie Ann Boyle, Jason Laub Boyle, Ryan Gregory Bradshaw, Brian James Brenchley, Greg P. Brenchley, Michael D. Brennan, Michael Dwayne Bright, Travis D. Broadbent, J. Lawrence Brookhart, Ryan Hume Brossard, Neil E. Brown, Steven Gene Bryant, Bradford Paul Bryant, Coy K. Bryant, Matthew M. Bryson, Kelly C. Buckley, Robert F. Bunce, Rowena Rawlins Bunderson, Ginette Burbidge, Ryan E. Burch, Joshua S. Burnham-Miller, KoShell Bush, Timothy Steele Byington, Jonathon Call, Brian Dee Call, Lindi S. Cameron, Lori Duersch Campbell, Nathan James Candland, Kalee Karen Cannell, Ryan Wade Cannon, Klixi A. Capell, Brita Ann
Capitan, Sandra S. Carlston, Craig Jon Carollo, Kathleen S. Carter, Brett Larry Case, Craig Nolan Chambers, Michael Gary Chang, Wei-Chuan Chapman, David Wayne Chau, Ha T. Checketts, Shane R. Checketts, Steven Ray Chen, Lina Cheng, Ju Liang Chengsudtha, Bavornpong Cheshire, Jason Michael Chiang, Hsiu Ming Child, Allen Merrill Childs, Larry Gus Chong, Jin-Wook Chong, Leng Cher Chou, Shu-Chuan Christensen, David Paul Christensen, Lee S. Christensen, Megan R. Christensen, Mikel Calvin Christensen, Monica J. Christensen, Steven J. Christiansen, Ivan Marc Clark, Chad Steven Clark, Sheldon T. Clarke, Jerry L. Coats, Chr istopher S. Cook, Carson J. Cook, Loyal Boyd Cornia, Jodi L. Correia, Lawrence Edward Cosman, James Aaron Cox, Amy Cox, Cory C. Cox, Roger G. Crane, Colton J. Crawford, Jason William Criddle, Emily Dawn Criddle, Russell S. Criddle, Tamara Rae Cronquist, Juliann F. Crowell, Sherman Tod Cullum, Celeina Kris Cummings, Scott James Curtis, Jan Z. Curtis, Lex S. Cutler, Jason William Daley, Jason R. Daniels, Becky Daniels, Sylvia Danklefsen, Michael Joseph Darley, Landon Davis, Cathy A. Davis, Heath S. Davis, James Michael Davis, Michael David Decker, Jon Ivan Deeter, Julaine Maxine DeFriez, R. Allen Denney, Ronald L. Dent, Joseph A. Derricott, Brett Dever, Vance Dickman, Brian Steven Didericksen, Scott M.
Dietz, Lori Lynn Stage Dockstader, Christopher J. Donaldson, Jason Blake Doody, Steven C. Downs, CarolAnn Duersch, Steve Lewis Duncan, Shane E. Durfey, Shannon N. Durrant, Jeremy Scott Dyches, Kristen Anne Eborn, Candice Edmunds, Clint C. Edwards, Brian C. Eliason, Suzanne Dever Elkins, Keith Warren Erekson, Scott Albert Erickson, Kevin Lawrence Evans, Eron Jones Evans, Mindy B. Evans, Rusty S. Fackrell, John Cannon Faimalo, Jon W. Ferguson, Jenny Ferry, Ryan Jerome Fischer, Tiffany A. Fisher, Chad B. Fjeldsted, Deanna Flandro, Benjamin R. Fletcher, Chad Ruel Floyd, Bonnie Forsgren, Nico le Forsyth, Jillanne Francis, Jennifer K. Freeman, Robert Scott Frye, Melissa Galligan, James Gerard Ganiev, Khurshid Aminovich Garcia, Carlos Aaron Garner, Chad N. Gatherum, Neal Hamilton Gittins, Autumn D. Gneiting, Donald Owen Gomez, Carlos A. Gooch, Fredric J. Grandia, Jennifer L. Gray, Tyrell Cody Griffin, Daniel R. Griffith, Willie Griswold, Timothy A. Gundersen, Tyler Burton Gunther, Val Glade Gutke, John H. Hacking, Matthew G. Hadfield, Cami L. Hadlock, Stephanie Hafen, Franklin Richard Hale, Natalie JeNell Haley, Alison P. Hall, Lawrence Harvey Hamilton, Jeri Kaye Hammond, Rebecca Diane Braun Hancey, Jonathan Fred Hancock, Ma thew G. Hansen, Cory James Hansen, Kristi C. Hansen, Michael W. Hansen, Rex L. Hansen, Sara Ann Hanson, Barbara Ann Harding, Tiffany
Harding, Vicki L. Harris, Leslie Harris, Melanie Harris, Orrin Ray Harrison, Bernadette M. Haslem, Penny J. Hatch, Andrew Leon Hatch, Dayna M. Hatcher, Gregory 0. Haueter, Ryan K. Heaps, Eric Wendell Heath, Bradley S. Heil, Shera D. Heiner, Aaron J. Henderson-Northcutt, Trisha Hendricks, Ian Gabriel Hennick, Ben K. Herrin, Curtis A. Hewitt, Michael Andrew Hicks, Joseph J. Hill, Bryan Graham Hinckley, Eric Richard Hodges, Troy Thomas Hodson, Jeremy R. Hoffmann, Kamilla Ann Holbrook, Chandler G. Holley, Cory Paul Holt, Joshua A. Hoth, Michelle Housley, Alan Cole Howard, Daniel Ward Hsu, Ya-Ting Huang, Liang-Dar Huffaker, Cheri Humes, Jeremiah C. Hunsaker, Lisa Hansen Hunsaker , Robby C. Hunsaker, Thad Douglas Hunt, Charity Ann Smith Hunter, Jill Hunter, Josh Fred Hunting, Julie A. Hurst, Lynn Huskinson, Scott Harvey Hutami, Dewi Angriani Hyde, Katie Beutler Ickes, Judith Marriott Isaacs, Justin Merritt Israelsen, Ryan D. Jackson, Daren W. Jaggi, John S. Jardine, Jan ReNee Jarrett, Darin H. Jarvis, Erika Noel Jenkins, Jennifer Christine Jenkins, Kory A. Jensen, Bobi L. Jensen, Christy M. Jensen, Kathleen Jensen, Steven F. Jeppesen, Greg W . Jin, Hyung-Joon John, Michael Brandon John, Michael M. Johnsen, Kyle K. Johnson, Sierra Johnson, Tristin M. Johnston, David Schean Johnston, Stephanie Marie Jones, Russell G.
Judson, Jill Alta Kao, Chih-Hung Keck, Blair Clinton Keeler, Shiree Keller, L. Dax Kennington, Karlie Jo Kidd, Jerry Dean Kidman, Travis L. Kilroy, Ryan Thomas Kim, Chang-Min Kim, Seon Jeong Kimberling, Heidi Hess Klippert, John D. Knighton, Douglas Gaven Knudsen, Taylor Christian Knutson, Christopher W. Kraus, Shawn L. Kunz, Dana Kunz, David Christian Labrum, Jolm G. Labrum, Lori LaGuardia, Regena N. Lambert, Kelly M. Lancaster, Darin Wayne Langford , Alan Reed Langford , Jared Dee LaRiviere, Daniel T. Larsen, Bart Kurt Larsen , Erik Kristian Larsen, Nathan Jame s Larson, Micha el J. Larson, Thoma s Garn Lassan, Holly Leavitt, Julie M. Lee, Jodi Lyn Lee, Tara Jill Leithead , Lance R. Lemmon, Amy Lynn Lemmons, Donya Lewis, Allena V. Libby, Chad Michael Lichfield, Cynthia Lichfield, Justin D. Lim, Chor Tiong Lin, Yi-Hsiu Lindley, Kristopher T. Lindsey, Aaron S. Linton, Richard Aaron Litchford, Amanda S. Lo, Siew Yean London, Dennis A. Lovell, Russell Low, Bryan Jay Low, Jason B. Lowe, Shane B. Lueken, Anton Kenneth Lundberg, Ted W. Lundquist, Rachelle Christen Lyon, Matthew W. Lyon , Tina Taylor Makin, Crystal Lynn Man, Fook-Weng Marcov, Cheree Marsh, Billie Alicia Martin, Ross E. Martin, Thomas Paul Marwedel, Paul A. Mason, Brandon Lee Mathews, Nikolin e Kirsten Maughan, Erin Kay
Olson , Frank Brian Olson, Peggy Lyn Oman, Daryl Val Osborn, Kate M. Osmond , Justin A. Ostler, Angela Morris Ouk , Vannary Oum, Dong-Won Oyler, Aaron Oyler, Karen A. Page-Allen, Mary Alice Palfreyman, Richard Lorus Parke, Jamie LaRue Parker , Joab R. Parker, Lisa Marie Parker, Lorielle Parkinson, Anthony Glen Pavithran, Sachin Dev Paxman, Abbie L. Payne, Shelly Peck, Daniel Scott Perrett, Burke N. Perrett , Jami Anne Perry , Jeffrey D. Petersen , Amber R. Petersen , Tonn K. Peterson, Daniel M. Peterson, Kevin K. Phillips , Camille Barclay Phillips, W.Elliott Porter , Mischadeva Posey, Adam C. Posey, Brittney Lee Poulsen, Kirsten Pouls en, Lance R. Powell, Justin Lance Powell , Matthew L. Price, David Vernon Probst, Rebecca A. Purba, Yan C. Pyne , Matth ew Randall Quinton, Kelly Ross Radford, Casey Justin Rampton , Rhett D. Rawlings, Rachelle Rawlinson, Alisa Rawson, J. Reed Ray, Bethany A. Redmond , Douglas R. Reed , Jeffrey A. Reese, Tony B. Rex, Rodney S. Reynolds, Brett K. Rhodes, Jared W. Rhodes, Matthew George Rigby, Ryan F. Ripplinger, Jared R. Roberts, Ryan Enos Roberts, Tenille Robinson, Marion Dean Robinson , Nicholas Lee Robson, Trent E. Rockwell, Nathan Brant Rockwood, Michael C. Roe, James Romero, Karrie R. Romney, Danielle Rounds, Catherine L. Ruebush, Jason Wade Sadler, Amy H .
Mazzola, Manon M. McBride, Brian Charles McCammon, Casey Ryan McDaniel, Kenn e th R. McDougal , Randall Scott McEntire, Amber Dawn McGinty, Christopher Michael McKee, Michael J. McKellar, Milton Lane McQuiston, Tammy Ann Meadows, Brittany Mecham , David Wayne Mecham , Justin C. Meier , Calvin Eugene Merritt, Jeremy Craig Meyer, Jeffrey G. Miller, Bryan D. Miller , Deborah Ann Miller, Jerry D. Miller, Kimberly J. Miller, Megan Mills, Sheri A. Mills , Todd H. Ming!, Andrew A Minor, Nathan S. Moffat, Jared Wayne Moffat, Raymond Shawn Monroe, Ricky Glyru1 Monson , Scott B. Moore, Brandon Morrison, Gregory S. Morrissey, Michael Morshed, Md. Golam Moser, Charles C. Muir, Melissa Murdock, Brett G. Murphy Jarrod T. Murray , Ryon Keith Murri, Jason Musingi, Micha el Ndonyo Nair, Anup Naser, Christopher L. Naser, Holly Navarro, Leyda Luz Needham, Georgina C. Needles, Jordan Nees, Debra Jean Neibaur, Emily A. Nelson, Curtis Tyler Nelson, Jeremy B. Nelson, Matthew Ronald Nelson, Travis Jay Ng, Wen Dee Nicoli, Emilio Nielsen, Kendall Ray Nielsen, Tiffanie Nielson, Audrey Ann Nigh, Ann Dahle Nigh, Jordan P. Nix, Daniel Craig Nixon, Curtis C. Nobutani , Nanao Noyes, Jay D. Nuttall, Tyler M. Obana, Tetsuya Olds, Taryn Olhausen, Heather P. Olsen, Christian David Olsen, James R. Olsen, Paulin e H.
Sagers, Geoffrey A. Sanders, Paul Robert Sanford, Trevor J. Sanow , Ken W. Satterthwaite, Nathan R. Savage, Rebecca Lynne Sayer, Marshall Schetselaar, Nathan Schiller, Curtis Thayne Schwartz, Michelle L. Scott, Adam James Scott, Kevin Searle, Jeremiah Lee Secrist, Amy Brook Sem, Song-Ping Sessions, Tawnya Shields, Jennifer R. Shields, John K. Shipley, Kelly Shumway, Andrew Laron Shumway, Spencer J. Shurtz, Jessica Ada Sim, Young Sun Simpson, Brett D. Simpson, Lorin D. Skousen, Brant M . Sleight, Roy N. Smith, Charles Dani el Smith, Kirklyn Ray Smith, Malcolm B. Smith, Rebecca Smith, Ryan O. Smith, Spencer R. Smythe, Megan Marie Snow, Brooks A. Snow, Ryan L. Soelberg, Scott Blaine Soo, Tzuoh Chyuan Sorensen, Donna Lee Sorensen, Regina Spaulding, Kristi Spillman, Adam R. Springer, Hazel J. Stacey, Matthew S. Stanley, LeAudra L. Starr, Alma J. Stearns, Theodore R. Stephenson, Kara Stewart, William Eric Stocker, Michael Robert Stoddard, Daniel DeVerl Stoddard, Lewis Nishioka Stoker, Dustin Craig Stroup, Jeremy T. Suddreth, Tammy Summers, Kristi L. Sunderland, Toni A. Suzuki, Shinichi Swaney, Earl Ray Jr. Swenson, Joy L. Swick , Joshua Brandon Talbot, Ethan Allen Tan, Ky Vin Tart, Patrick Wade Taylor, Perry P. Terry,Justin Brent Thatcher, Jonathan C. Theur er, Lisa Thomas, Amelia Catherine Thomas, Mindy Parker
Thompson, Brittany Pearl Thompson , Chet Andrew Thompson , Jared S. Thompson, Wendy D. Thomsen, Christopher G. Thomley, Mark J. Thorsted , Troy D. Timms, Michael John Timothy , Adam Brad Tippets, Jared N. Tippetts, James Shepherd Tollison, Robert T. Toone, Matthew S. Topham, Michelle C. Tsuji, Yuki Tucker, Shawn David Tueller, Brandon Richard Tueller, Jonathan L. Turner, David LaMond Turner, Kevin Darrick Vanadrighem, Kristen Van Hooser, Courtney B. VanOrden, Merritt L. Velasquez, Rick Lee Viboonpattanawong, Suttinuch Vozakis, Monica J. Waddoups, Heather Wahlberg, Tiffany Marie Ward, Keith R. Watson, Kevin Jeff Watts, E. Paul Webb , Bryan A. Weber, Rachel Weight, Robert Wayne West, Benjamin L. Westlund, Bonnie Lynne Whitaker, James Benso n White , Craig S. White , Paul D. Whitehead , Tiffany Susann Whiting, Kurt Lowell Wijaya, Tommy Wilcox, Kelton Niels Wilkinson, Jeffrey Douglas Williams, Jayne C. Willis, Trudy Wilson, Chris P. Wilson, Michael Grover Wise, Cathryn S. Wolferts, Linn E. Wong, Enoch Y. Wood, Angie L. Wood, Ryan John Woodland, Mark Stevens Woolstenhulme, Megan Jeanne Wright, Brendon W. Wright, Jerry Alan Wright, Nick A. Yeager, Jeffrey Todd Yeaman, Sterling W. Yeh, Yi Hsuan Zimmerman, Ted Albert II
Associate ofApplied Science Degrees Baker, Suzette Barton, Kirsten LaRae Bradford, Natalie
David, Jeanine Fairbourn, Susan Ferrara, LeeAnn Gaydos, Yvette Gillespie, Lisa M. Gillmor, Linda Clark Goodliffe , Tracie P. Goodman, Katie Hoang, Phuong Hang Jenkins , Sasha K. Jones, Sarah Louise Mclendon, Marcy Joy Morgan, Shantel Lee Mori, Chigusa Maryellen Nielsen, Monica M. Peterson , Esther H . Pryor, Melissa Smith, Mary B. Thorson , Erica J. Wall, Jaunitta Beth Willie, Shannon Zubiate , Amanda S.
Bennett, Connie Jean Berry, Lies! H. Berry, Megan R. Bertuzzi, Jeffrey S. Bethers, David Ryan Betts, Marilyn Bezzant, Kathryn Rose Bills, Madalyn L. Bingham, Sheralyn Bird, Karen J. Bitsinnie , Harry T. Boatwright , Caroline (Katie) Bodily, Jill Bodily, Kent Delos Bohn, Bradley Matthew Bolton, Lorry Lee Bolton, Michele Michiko Boren, Jeri Borg, Karen S. Borg, Melissa Holly Bowen, Melissa Boyce, Mindy Boyd, Andrea Lee Bradley, John Henry Bradshaw, Emily Bradshaw, Katherine Bradshaw , Vera Lyn Brandt, Valorie Gerry Giordano Breinholt, Callie Jill Dean Bressler, Julie A. Brimhall, Brad Todd Aagard, Vanessa Rae Brimhall, Emily Adams, Mindi e Brimhall , Holly Addley, JoDeene Brough, Jamie Akester, Rebecca Mary Brown, Andrea W . Allen, Bobbe M . Brown, Emily Andersen, Heather Hurst Bruner, Lorelyn May Anderson, Jennifer Bryson, Sharie Ann Anderson, Kristen R. Budge, Lindsay Rebecca Anderson, Michael Vincent Bulut, Bulent Anderson, Troy M. Burr, Joshua M . Andreasen, Leslie Argyle Burt, Patrick Christopher Andr ews, Lorelei Burton, Trudy Ann Anthony, Leslie Call Butler, Caroline Leigh Anuskewic-Manzanares, Jody Sue Butterfield, Regan Iola Argyle, Sherry Butterfield, Sharlet Dawn Armstrong, Elizabeth Cannon, Christina Arnell, Brenda Hansen Cannon, Laurie Ann Auger, Cynthia Jane Cannon, Penny Austin, Isaiah James Carlston, Heidi Madsen Bagley, Lisa S. Carone, Katie R. Baker, Jon Wayne Carpenter, Ryan McSweeney Banford, Sabrena H. Carter, Mitzi Ann Barclay, Marin Catmull, Jerrod Kay Barfuss, Kimberly J. Cazier, Jennifer Kay Barfuss, Ryan V. Cetko, Sarah Elizabeth Barker, Bethany Chandler, Janice M . Barlow, Brandon K. Chapin, Hillary Marie Barnard, Brandi Chappell, Sadie Barnes, Jenny J. Charlton, Shawn Robert Barnett , Bunny Jo Chase, Kiley Jay Barnett, Nicole Marie Chatfield, Wendy Kaye Barney, Marlaina Sue Cheney, Valerie A. Bastian, D. Clint Chivers, Alayna Muhlestein Bauerle, Amber L. Christensen, Bryan M. Bearnson, Jillayne Christensen, JaLyn Kae Beddes, Jeri Dawn Christensen, Jud Burke Behling, Sandra Staker Christensen, Kyle J. Bell, Jennifer M. Christensen, Sherrie Lynn Bennett, Bonnie E. Christensen, Tammy
Christiansen, Amelia E. Clark, Kelsey Ann Clarke , Deborah Jean Colligan, Kelli A. Colton, Laura Colyer, Nicole Irene Conger, Lori Anne Conlin, Laurie Constantineau, Donny Cook, Lesa Copenhaver, Sara M. Cowley, Brian Melvin Cox, Eric L. Cox, Heather Rae Cox, Rachel Cox, Sarah Tennille Craig, Lindsay Ann Craney, Peggy Sue Curtis, Haley Elvera Curtis, Kim G. Dalton, Heather Rachell Daly , Emilie C. Daniels , Gary Chad Daugs, Christy J. Davis, Trudy Jo Deane, April Danielle Deer, Laura Ann Degener , Tara Marie Delgado, Jennifer Brunson Denson, Christy Lee DeSpain, Katie 0. Dilworth, Valisa G. Dingman, Jaime Lynn Ditlevsen, Michelle Dockins, Anna Kathryn Dodson , Sarah Anne Douglas , Erika Wilde Downs , Christine A. Draney , Jess ica DuBois , Melinda Marie Duffin , Mitch Irving Dunn, Charles R. Eagal, Blake Benton Earl, Randi Holt Earle, Andrea Marie Edmw1ds, Megan Ellis, Alison T. England, Connie Gittins England, Elizabeth L. England, Emily Erickson, Anna Linnea Erickson, Christopher A. Esplin, Penney Ann Ewart, Trina M. Eyre, Julianne Fairbanks, Brittany G. Farnsworth, Gregory F. Farnsworth, Kurt J. Ferguson, Megan K. Field, Shannon E. Fitzgerald, Myrtle Kathryn Flammer, Lauretta Weston Flanagan, Alicia Maughan Flint , Brandon B. Flores, Dixie Dawn Flores, Taya Marie Foster, Susan France, Sally Ann Frederickson, Christy A. Fuller, Barbara
Fullmer, Franki Nicole Garner, Jeanne Garrett, Lies! N. Gaufin, Karen S. Gibson, Rebecca Gillman, Shanie Godfrey, Katie A. Goebel, Matthew George Gold, Jenifer Pauline Gonzalez, Antonio J'Edward Goodliffe, Heather Morgan Goodrich, Lucy C. Graham, April L. Graves, Hayley Jill Gray, Shanel Marie Greene, Tiffany Daniels Griffiths, Megan Hacking, Lesa Haderlie, Brett F. Hale, Amy Hayden Hales, Wendy Lynn Hall, Holli Ann Hancock, Natalie W. Hansen, Melissa Ann Hansen, Shauna Howard Hansen, Tracy Dee Hanson, Susan 0. Harbertson, Brittany R. Harkness, Stephen Harold Harmer, Sarah Margene Harris, Nichole Elizabeth Harrison, Erin Beth Harrison, Melynda R. Harshberger, Laura Janeen Hartl ey, Heidi Lynn Hastings, Hollie Jean Hathaway, Kristi Lyn Hawkins, Amber Haws, Melissa Haynie, Lacey Dawn Head, Jennifer Michelle Heath, John C. Heath, Yuk Fun Heaton , Heather M. Helquist, Patricia Ann Hemingway , Ryan David Henderson, Colleen S. Hendricks , Berkley J. Herlehy, Kelleen Ann Hessenthaler , Heather Hildreth , Kristi Marie Hoffmann, Kristin Lee Hollingsworth, Kathryn Holt, Julie Marie Holt, atalie A. Hoopes, Chereon C. Howell, Anne Hulett, Susan Scott Hunt, Mary M. Hunt, Natalie Hunt, Travis R. Hunting, Mary Hurst , Camille Hyde , Aimee B. Iglinski, Janet Isordia, Robin Marisa Israelsen, Christina Yayoi Iverson, Brett Jamie Jaggi, Jenny A. Jasper, Steven D.
Jensen, Amber Janette Jensen , Krista Ann Jensen, Michelle Kaye Jensen, Nicole Jensen, Trisha Robbins Jenson, Emily Chris Jenson, Misty Byington Jeppson, Sara J. Jepsen, Stacey Lynne Jepson, Jennifer M. Jepson, Justin Kelly Jessop, Jodi May Jewkes, Denise C. Johnson, Angela Kiezee Johnson, Brandy J. Johnson, Gayle Marie Johnson, Heidi Jayne Johnson, Jennifer Jo Johnson, Kathleen M. Johnson , Lena Connie Johnson, Leslie Kay Johnson, Monica D. Johnson, Monica Joanna Josephson , Valerie Greenwood Julander , Marilyn H. Kaiser, Anne Karren, Amber Dawn Keller, Corrine Alice-Marie Kelly, Justin W. Keys, Ross Christopher Kirby, Chad Michael Kitchen, Terrilyn Kjar, Merry Kleven, H. Eric Klinger, Jesse Ryan Knowles, Jamie Kristine Kofford, Emily Dawn Kohler, Karee S. Kolowich, Abigail L. Krebs, Jennifer Kreipl, Lara Kremenski, Erin Krogh, Valerie June Kropf, Carrie Mae Kuhlmann, Jacques Kulow, Vicki R. Kunz, Melinda Kay Kyburz, Kenneth Thomas Lahti, Kellie Elizabeth Lambert, Monica Larsen, Jocelyn E. Larson, Dawn J. Larson, Kelly Sue Lauritzen, Melody Lay, Richelle Layton, Joanne Lee, Allyson Grace Lee, Julie S. Leverich, Erin Nichole Lichfield, DeAnn Gittins Limb, Kenneth D. Linde, Matthew Ray Linford, Jenny M. Loertscher, Kurt W. Lofthouse, Russ Love, John Christopher Loveless, Cheryl Lynn Lowery, Marsha D. Luekenga, Richard L. Luke, Clarice
Lund, Jessica Anne Lyman, Julia Ann Lynn, Quinten K. MacKay, Candace Johnson Malek, Arash A. Malmgren, Emily S. Manning, Josh Wyatt Marchant, Clara Marchant, Sarah Leigh Marshall, Bobbi M. Marshall, Jeni Martinez-Wolff, Leslie H. Martinez, Rachel Mattfeld, Jennifer Luise Matthews , Bradley D. Maynard, Melissa 0 . McAdams , Donald Eugene Jr. McArthur, Tanya McCay, Daniel McConnell , Jennifer McFarland , Amanda Marie McFarland, Richard Todd McKee, Sharon Dahle Mead, Stan N. Mecham, Heidi Marie Meek, Casey Meek, Mike M. Mendoza, Marci Nield Meng, Karl Nathan Menti, Marcus M. Sorbor Merrill, Malinda May Metzger, Colin Stephen Mills, Jenalyn R. Milner, Melissa L. Minnoch, Jared M. Mock, Linda Wall Moes, J. Casey Mahlman, Denae Money, Sarah Marie Monk, Suzanne Monsen, Scott Dee Moon, Marlaina Mortenson, Chad R. Moss, Shannon Kaye Mower, Curtis H. Mueller, Lisa Nicholle Mumford, Hollie Lea Nakamo to, Holly Nejdl, Annmarie Nelson, Aileena Laura Nelson, Tonya K. Nettleton, Jennifer F. J. Nicho lson, Amy J. Nicholson, Bryan Casey Nie lsen, Merideth Ann Nielsen, Ronda Jane Nunley, Britta O'Brien, Marjorie Dawn Ogden, Anna Crockett Ogunde, Lola Tutu Olsen-Willard, Melissa Olson, Tera Olson, Trecia Marie Orton , Monica A. Brown Ostrander, Jeri Lynn Ott,Jodi H. Oughton, Emily Sarah Owen, Jessica Drake Owens, Tiffanie Dawn Pace, Collette
Palmer, Tawnia Genae Parker, James Parmerter, Elizabeth Ann Paskett, Trudy Y. Patch, Diana Lee Payne , Mindy Sue Pedersen, Jodi Lee Pence, Ange la Pendley, Nikki M. Perkes, Katie Perrenoud, Molly Dunn Petersen, Carmie L. Petersen, Janell Peterson, Dorene B. Peterson, Gaelynn Pettit, Lori Phelps , Brenda Lyn Phillips, Christopher J. Pope, Natalie Poppinga, Britt R. Porter, Emily Porter, Jessica L. Poulsen, Heather Jo Poulsen, Heather M. Poulson, Connie D. Pratt, Amanda K. Preece, Rebecca Ann Pugmire, Keri Dawn Pugsley, Jacob B. Raban , Preston Maurice Ratchford, Rachel C. Redford, Robynn Redmond, Melinda B. Reese, Jamie Jo Reich, Michelle A. Reid, Jacqueline S. Rhodes, Marysa Rich, Kristi Kaye Richards, Kathryn Ann Roark, Geneva Faye Robinson, Amy Noe l Robinson, Corri A. Robinson, D. McKay Robinson, Linsey Avery Rockwood, Suszette Amanda Rodriguez, Linda Roe, Connie Cates Roesberry, Andrea Dawn Rogers, Lea S. Roper, Jami L. Rose, Elizabeth Eliason Ross, Shani Lynn Sabin, Shamae Stacy Sagers, Amy Denise Sala, Maria Helena Salisbury , Tina Ann Sampson, Anne P. Sanders, Suzanne N. Sanford, Theresa Chatelain Sasser, James Leland Schiess, Brianna Scholes, Wendi Schults, Melissa Schumann, Rachel Seria, David Louis Shakespeare, Amber Shelley, Raeann Shelton, Brooke Aime Shinton, Teresa S. Shirley, Maria
Shupe, Amanda Sue Silver, Kimberlie Simmons, Brooke Simmons, Holly Simmons, Joann E. Sinner, Cameron Mathew Skeen, Peggy A. Slack, Michelle Smith, Cade Laben Smith, KaDawn Smith, Natalie M . Smith, Stephanie Smith, Tiffany Gae Snow, Jolona M. Sorensen , Alison South, Connie S. Sparks, Joann Spencer, Laura Beth Spendlove, Lindsey Joyce Springer, Ann Rene Squire, Piper Squires, Jeremiah J. Starks, Holly Kathleen Steel, Tonja J. Stephens, Hilaree L. Stephenson, Heather Michel e Stewart, Jessica Lee Stockman, Paula Elizabeth Stowell, Lucybeth Strain, Mari Le Chappell Struthers, Amy Howe Sunderland, Tessa J. Swanson, Pamela Jon Swayne, Josh H. Templeton, Rob J. Tessier, Heidi Marie Thomas, Kristi Thomas, Lyndsey Thomas, Natalie Rach eLle Thompson Davi s, Cindy Carol Thompson , Casey Thornton, Julie Anne Thornton , Tausha Tibbets, Keri K. Tibbitts , Carin Timothy, Taralyn Tingey-Stall, Chantell Nannette Tippets, Nicole Tolman , April Torres, Tamara Lynn Tripp, Kami L. Trivigno, Sicily Alison Trujillo, Brittany B. Tubaugh, Lindsey Tullis, Travis S. Turcsanski, Carla Tuttle, Jennifer Ungricht, Aimee Utley , Barry Donald Valenti, Sarita J. Vanderwood, Jill Kristine Vick, Veda Anne Vince-Petersen, Debra Waldo, Julie Marie Wall, Eliza Clark Wallis, Rachael Kay Wardle, Rebecca Regina Watanabe, Karen E. Watkins, Karen
Wayman , Sandy Renee Weaver, Mandy Jo Webb, Camilla Weston, Sara Anne Westrop, Heidi Schulthess Whetten, Wendy Kay Whitby, Wendi J. White , Cassandra Field Whit ehead, Tawna M. Whittekiend, Jaime L. Widmer, Amanda F. Wilcock, Annisha Wilkinson, Nicole D. Willden, Krislyn DeHart Willeitner , Lisa Williams, Amanda Williams, Amy Dawn Williams, Ann M. Williams, Ashley M. Williams, Charles H. Williams, Wendy A. Wilson, Kory David Wilson, Kristen Winburn, Michelle Elise Winegar, Kim Winkler, Travis Ray Wiser, Jaime Raye Wood, Michael David Woodall, Lari Woolley, Deborah Ann Wright, Amanda M. Wright, Kyle Pratt Wuthrich-Reggio , Amyanne Young, April Young, Cynthia A. Young, Darroll Richard Youngdell, Heather
Brian, Brad N. Bridge, John Brian Brown, Clifford Brent Browning, Mark Alan Bundy, Michael Monroe Bunker, Brad David Burgess, Michael Jared Burke, Benjamin C. Byington, Joseph A. Caliendo, Ralph Anthony Carnahan, Glen Edward Carrillo, Jason Scott Cartwright, Amy S. Chacon, Secundino lgnicio Chapman, Kyle Elgin Cheney,ShaneyJean Christensen, Evan Louis Christensen, Matthew John Clawson, Paul J. Clayton, Shawn Robert Cobia, Wayne Carl Coleman, Ronald Wes Conlin, Joseph Nielson Cornia, Spence E. Cowley, T. Patrick Cox, Dallas Modin Cox, Nathan Christian Craner, Jerem y A. Croker, Barry Andrew Crook, Michael James Crookston, Bradley J. Cunningham, Cherilyn Cutler, Cameron H . Dalby, Jon Mark Dastrup, Randall Jacob Draney, Rodrick Kimball Dye, Troy Michael Earl, Chad J. Eddy, Scott David Edwards , Wesley D. Eggleston, Orson Hyde Eichelberger, Samuel Adam Ellis, Brad Ow en Empey, Cameron C. English, Jason L. Erekson, Mike C. Ericksen, Steven Lynn Esplin, Arthur Rolend Farar, Darren Lamar Forster, Michael Paul Froerer, Mauren Gardner, Ben Allen Gatherum, John C. Geldmacher, Randy Jay Gerard, Kayleen J. Godfrey, Shawn Clinton Gordon, Michael J. Gordon, Rhaundale Gunnell, Troy J. Hafen, Russell Don Hales, Michael Bill Hall , Michael A. Hammans, John Carroll Hancock, Darrin J. Hansen, Allen W. Hansen, Bill D. Hansen , Scott Ray Harper, Cameron James Harris, Bryce L. Harrison, Richard P.
Engineering A. Bruce Bishop Dean Adamson, Scott Newell Albretsen, Jule Carl Alldredge, Brad Andersen, Ben R. Anderson, Brian P. Anderson, Cory I. Anderson, R. Shaun Anderson, Ryan David Anderson, Shawn T. Andrews, Erinn M. Asthana, Amit Auger, Leslie James Abusalih, Mohammed Hassan Babicky, William Alan Baird, Jeremy Seth Baird, Lisa Beaver, David Wayne Beddes, Aaron K. Beutler , Aaron Michael Bird, Justin R. Black, Scott Wardell Bodrero, Eugene 0. Bodrero, Tracy D. Booth, Eric Raydell Braithwaite, Todd Colin
Hatcher, Steven Scott Haverfield, Jason Chandler Healy , Rebecca S. Hellewell, Ryan Gene Hibshman, Jeff S. Howarth, Steven J. Hsieh, Kai-Hsiang Huff, Adam J. Hunsaker, Ross N. Iverson , Bradley Craig Janda , Rodney Edward Jeffrey, Jared David Jenkins, Jerome C. Jensen, Eric H. Jensen , Ted Randl e Jeppson , Michael P. Johnson, Casey Johnson, Erick R. Johnson, Michael George Judd, Robert Keith Kelly, Quinn J. Kimball, Christopher Scott Klaassen, Jeffrey Paul Kohler, Mark R. Lee, Benjamin D. Leong, Yew Sum Lewis, Joel K. Lighthall, Brian A. Lindsey, Timothy Brynten Loertscher, Tyler Averett Loveless, John Martin Lundell, Karl Benjamin Lyon, Craig Keith Madsen, Ammon D. Martine z, Michael M. Massary, Alfred Henry Matagi , Samasoni McBride, Nathan D. McLeod, Bradley Jame s McNeal, Esther McReaken, Jacob Michael Merrill, Alex J. Miller, Jonathan K. Miller, Marvin Wade Miller, Nathan S. Misener, Anthony Kent Montano, Wilfredo Del Mukai, Yasuhiro Nelsen, Joel Christopher Nelson, Jeremy Wayne Neville, Trent Scott Nielsen, Brandon R. Nielson, Lane F. Jr. Nielson, Marc Melchior Nielson, Tyler Maurice Ogden, Jon David Oldham, Jeremy V. Oldroyd, Ryan Kameron Owens, Mike D. Pace, Eric Searight Page, Curtis Mark Pend ley, Chad William Perrenoud, Justin Rodney Perry, Travis N. Pigott, Kamile Kae Pingel, William E. Pond , Eric L. Powell, Darren Colby Reed, Steven W. Rees, Brian P.
Reese, Spencer K. Reeves, Randall A. Reynolds, Douglas Dwain Richins , Jason T. Robison, Micah Lynn Rose, Michael Tommy Ross, Jeremiah P. Roylanc e, Thomas Hyrum Savage, Edward Francis Slack, Jason Kenneth Slater , Brett Earl Slater, Christopher Brent Slater, Michael Arnold Small , Glenn B. Smart, Bronson S. Smith , Bret Carter Smith, Jeffrey William Smith, Tyler S. Sorenson, Todd Charles Sparks, Zachary L. Staley, Pax Joseph Steinfeldt, Anthony Paul Stewart, Wesl ey J. Stoddard, Christopher James Strawn, Reed T. Suewing, Michael D. Suisse, Brian E. Sw1, Vit Swasey, Jaso n A. Tarr, Darren William Thayn, Brett Ray Thornock, Kirk Russell Thor son, Darin W. Topham, Troy Shane Tripp, Geo rge A. Van Langeveld, Gerrit Christian Vargecko, Amy L. Walk er, Jare d L. Wall, Barbara J. Watt, Malia M. Wheeler, Bryan R. Williams , Burk e William s, Derrek R. Williams, Jeremy C. Williams, Matthew W. Wilson , Jared Doyle Wilson, Ke1meth Lee Wilson , Kurt Evan Withers, Brett Philip Wright, W. Craig Young, John Allan
Associate ofApplied Science Degrees Carrillo, Jason Scott Cheney, Shaney Jean Hammans, John Carroll Hatcher , Steven Scott Hicks, Courtney Ronald Horton, Jonathan William Janda, Rodney Edward Linds ey, Timothy Brynten Matagi, Samasoni Messick , Theron R. Mukai, Yasuhiro Olsen, Jame s R. Palmer , Leland C.
Brown, Marie Wall Brown, Roxanne Bullock, Tisha Noelle Burgess, Megan Burningham, Charmaine K. Burr, Patti J. Burton, Jessica Bush, Tami Lyn Buttars, Kelly J. Butterfie ld, Camille Carney-Lauf, Diane L. Carr, Robert Alan Chang, Yeow Mei Chase, Joanna Parson Child, Farris Ray Christensen, Angela Christensen, Heather Jenso n Christiansen , Katie Christopherson, Amelia Clawson , Emma Lisa Clements, Jennie Susan Coffin, Sarah Kathryn Colby, Lorilee L. Coleman, Debby K. Collinwood, Keith A. Constantineau, Sesly Ann Corpron, Katee A. Couch, Maren Covington, Arika Ann Cowan, Rachael A. Cox, Amanda Cox, Patri ce Crann ey, Julie K. Croft, Kimb erly Cummings, Debrah Luch.ia McClain Dakin, Lani e Joy Dansie, Chanel R. Dansie, Jared Raldon Davenport, Jennif er Ann Davis, Erica Brown Day, Tera Ostrander Deelstra, Janice A. Despain, Chery l Lee Dickamore, Tawna Draper, Crystalee Duncan, Rebecca Jean Toronto Eldridge, Heidi Erdman, Darla Ma e Erickson, Anissa Dorrain e Esplin, Meghan Kay Evans, Camille L. Everton, Jessica D. Fedor, Sarah Jean Feik, Jennifer Ferguson, Anne Ther esa Fernelius, Jennifer Frew, Michelle Janet Glenn, Sean Earl Godfrey, Tami Ellen Gold , Abby R. Graves, Todd Davis Greer, Jo Leigh Grover, David Wallace Hagen , Nikole Timothy Hall , Alison Hall , Angela Hamblin, Janet Ruth Hancock , Holly R. Hansen, Andria Bingham
Robbins, Myrick Lincoln Russell, Brandon Staley, Pax Joseph Uebayashi, Hisashi Williams, Derrek R. Wilson , Michael Grover Yuzon, Kanoelani
Extension Robert L. Gilliland Dean Bird, Carolyn Gean Gilbert, Angi e Y. Hamblin, Joel Verland Killian, Kenneth Micha el Mar x, Douglas T. Musi ch, Candice Lynn Olsen, Elisa Robb , Aubrey Christina Ross, James Stansfield, Lola Zobell, Craig A.
FamilyLife Bonita W. Wyse Dean Aagard, Tiffany Ann e Aguilar, Gina Patr icia Allen, Karin E. Allgood, Julie Kay Allred, Lorilee Alton, Shawn Patrick Alver, Sarah Katharine Anderson, Cary Thomp son Archibald, Joshu a Lee Badger, Memorie Elizabeth Baker, Lareine Clegg Banner, Rebecca Barker, Brooke Parson s Barnard , Audrey Barne y, Jessica A. Barrett, Angela Ellise Barss, Andrea Bartholomew , Lisa Ann Beck, Carole J. Beckstrom, Brooke Behunin, Allyson Bement, Kimberly Benson , Jeri Lyn Birch, Brooke Moser Birch, Jared Edgar Bird, Amy L. Blair, Alicia Blevins, Brian Wayne Blevins, Jessica M. Boland, Michelle Trujillo Bone, Natalie Ann Brady , Mandi Brand , Samuel Smith Brewer , Keri A. Briggs, Blyss Janae Brown, Bobbide e
Hansen, Samantha April Christine Harkness , Gina Harris, Holly A. Hart, Rebecca J. Hatch, April Hawkins , Heidi Lu Wright Haycock, Bonnie Rae Hayes, Ryan Francis Heiner, Sarah C. Henderson, Marianne Hendrickson, Krista Nicol e Henson, Samantha L. Heslop, Karen Hess-Moulding , Katie Jean Heyes, Catherine Cavell Hill, Jeanette Mari e Hill, Melinda L. Holdaway, Nicole Holden, Nanette Holman , Kim DeGraff Holman, Lisa Horlacher , Dawn Hymas, Stephanie Joy Iver son, Melissa Meppen Jackson , Susan R. Jensen , Emily H. Jensen , Todd Everett Jepp son, Kimberly Jeppson , Marianne Johnson , Durk Van Johns on, Ercel Ivan John son, Heath er Leah Jones, Emily Christina Joseph, Alisha Marie Kang as, April B. Kasper, Serina Marie Kau er, Richard Jay Kennington, Meagan C. Kett erman , Peggy Sue Kingery, Melissa Dawn Kirkham , Jeanette Heiner Kirkland, Jamie Kirschling , Andr ea Mari e Kirshaw , Kristy Ann Kolesky, Tricia Ann Kond el, Charlotte Price KronmiJJer, Nicolee Ellen Kurt z, Brittany Law, Kellie Jensen Law, Ryan Helm er Lee, Ai-Ling Aileen Lee, Melanie Nielsen Lefevre, Carrie Ann LeSueur, Heather Renee Limb , Kathryn M. Loertscher, Mindy Sue Atkinson Lofthouse, Cody Roy Luke, Rebecca Marie Lund , Tona Lee Lyon, Yvonne Michelle Mackowiak, David Scott Madsen, Buffy Jo Burns ide Madsen, Kelli J. Mangum, Jill Tarbet Marchant, Aretha A. Marison , Melissa A. Mathews , Katrina D. McCullough, Amanda Ayotte
McEuen, Taryn Brooke McGee, Erin Katherine McKee, Deborah J. Miller, Carrie D. E. Miller, Lisa A. Miller, Mandy R. Miller, Wanonie Mitchell, Jennifer B. Moffitt, Michelle Moldenhauer, Heather L. Mortensen, Misty Michelle Morton, Jennifer L. Moss, Melinda Michelle Mullins, Emily June Gilchrist Naegle, Andrea Neary, Alaina I. Nelson, Kortni Dawn Beck Nield, Mindi Nielson, Nicole M. Nuttall, Vallarie Blake Olsen, Moriya W. Olson, Anna-Karin Overby, Sherri D . Pack, Sara Ann Parker, Amy Cook Parry, Amy L. Pearson, Monica B. Peart , Kimberly Pebbles, Melinda Kay Peck, Anna Mae Peterson, Amy Laurel Peterson, Natalie Hansen Peterson , Treisha Kaye Nielsen Phelps, Leslie E. Phillips, Monica Philpot, Jennifer Marie Plante, Caro l J. Poulsen, Kylee Powell, Carrie Leigh Preston, Sarah S. Pugmire, Cynthia G. Ramsey, Sheri Ann De Vore Randall, Candice Marie Rasmussen, Ginger Raymer, Amy Rebecca Reeve, Kimberly Ane Regis, Suzette Dalaine Rich, Marianne I. Richards, Rickelle Rock, Elena Kathleen Montano Romero, Nikki Rose, Robert Charles Rothe, Laura Kathryn Roundy , Jacalyn Ruitman, Rachael A. Rupp, Jared John Russell , Melanie-Gay Rust, Dayna Saunders, Melissa Ann Schetselaar, Lynnette Arlene Schiffman, Linda Kay Schneiter, Diana Lee Schwieder, Tiffany A. Scott, Jennifer Tara Seamons, Kadi Earley Selack, Jenny Shannon, Connie Elaine Shaw, Kimberly N. Shurtliff, Natalie Jenson Sickler, Jessica Lynn
Sievers, Andrea D. Simbala, Janice Kay Skinner, Kathleen Mary Slater, William Brad Smith, Janette Leann Snider, Lori Rene Snow, Debra Darley Soo, Sek Yow Sorensen , Julie Mohr Stephens, Courtney C. Stevens, Chet D. Stevens, Heather Lynn Stevenson, Sarah Stewart, Marianne Arbuckle Stewart, Susan M. Stone, Heather Rebecca Stott, Angie Marie Stowe, Tausha Stuart, Stacia H. Taylor, Connie G. Thomas, Stacy Waister Thompson, Kimberly Dawn Thompson, Rachel K. Thomson, Amanda B. Thornley, Heidi Biesinger Thorpe, Mary Jo Tseng, Yin-Hua Tyrrell, Laura Beth Unsworth, Cory D. Van Hook, Emily M. Votava , Crystal Dawn Walker, Carolyn Walter, Monica C. Watts, Stephanie Webb, Rebecca Ann Welch, Jaime Welsh , Kimberly Page West, Esther Marie White, Tandy Lee Whitmer, Jenifer Wilkinson, Karin Marie Willets, Jed Fletd1er Wilson, Dara Dawn Wilson, Shauna M. Wimmer, Christine Woodbury, Daniel John Woolley, Jeffrey William Yang, Ann HongYing Yeates, Melissa Larsen Young, Kendra Yvette
Anderson, Kelsey Lyn Anderson, Tirzah Anne Anderson, Troy John Andrew, Cadie Rae Andrew, Megan Aplanalp, Jacob K. Arial, Tia 0. Ashby, Christina J. Ashby, Dawn Ashby, Kristopher Glen Ashcraft, Tina H. Atkins, R. Bryce Averett, Greg Warren Babcock, Sarah Kathryn Badibanga, Edward M. Bailey, Cameron C. Bailey, Dion Marquis Baird, Karen Marie Balay, Joann Davis Balcena, Andrea D. Banzhaf, Michael Steven Barben, Tammy Ruth Barber, Diana L. Barfuss, Katharine S. Barfuss, Nick C. Barham, Nathan Barlow, Alan K. Barraclough, Kimberly D. Barrus, Amy E. Bateman, Stefan Joseph Bates, Kendal Donn Batty, Penelope Batty, Roger Alan Becerril, Roberto Beecher, Allison Paige Behrend, John Logan Behunin, Troy K. Belcher, Corbett Michael Bell, Alisa C. Bell, Matthew David Bell, Meghann K. Bellamy, Laura Kristen Belnap, Jennifer N. Beneze, Iren Benson-Sokol, Lisa MicheLle Benton-Printup, Wendy Lynn Berger, Kimberly A. Berger, Nikole Bergeson, Zackary Drew Bindrup, Barbara Ferrin Bingham, Amy Bingham, Emily B. Bingham, Jennifer Lyn Bingham, Katrina Angiela Birch, Jamie Scott Birch, Michelle Catherine Bishop, Jonathan Gary Black, Sena M. Blackford, Rebecca Ruth Blake, Jamie R. Blau, Ryan Terry Bloyer, Melissa J. Bobb, Curtis J. Bodily, David Gregory Bodily, Rachel Bolander , Kellie Jean Bolton, Jared B. Bone, Kody B. Bone, Sterling Allen Bone, Tara Sorensen
HASS Ann Leffler Interim Dean Abbott, Alli Marie Adams, Elizabeth Kay Agren, Kristina Ana Alder, Kristine A. Ali, Ahm ed Muse Alian, Justin T. Allen, Blair Jeffery Allen, Emily R. Allen, Julie A. Allred, Teresa Kiesel Alvey, Marie D. Andersen, Susan B.
Boone, Brandon E. Boone, Lucy Bradford, Brandon W. Brazell, Jacob Roy Brewer, Christian Hammond Brian, Tyler J. Broadbent, Emily Broadbent, Emily J. Broadhead, Landra E. Brown, Christopher Larry Brown, Sunni Brumfield, Kedrick C. Brunson, Emily Kathleen Buchanan, David Eric Buckwalter, Mark Wild Bunderson, Jon Eric Bunker, Kristiann Burge, Jessica Lynn Burgess , Anne Oostyen Burgess, Richard Allen II Burleson, Deborah Kunz Burnett, Charlene P. Burnett, Darren Floyd Burningham, Kenneth B. Burningham, Lisa Anne Bums, Jeff Paul Butcher, Amy Latricha Butler, Katie M. Butterfield, Amanda Bybee, Mykel Monroe Call, Daniel G. Cambridge, Anne Campbell, Heather L. Campbell, Michelle Schlofrnan Campbell, Vicky Cannon, Jennifer Lynn Cannon, Stacey Lyn Carone, Kelly F. Carrier, Traci Lyn Carver, W. Brian Chandler, Kristen Lynn Chandl er, Rebecca G. Chapman, Emily Lynn Chapman, Janae Eleanor Chase, Jacob M. Chau, Ling Cheever, Ryan G. Chen, Ching-Hsien Cheney, Carter D . Cheney, Rebecca Evelyn Chertudi, Kristina Child, Blake D. Chilson, Todd Phillip Chipman, Jennifer Dabb Cho, Young Ran Christensen, Anna M. Christensen, Erin E. Christenson, Marcie Kaye Church, Cindy Clark, Robert E. Cochran, Joshua Lamar Colbert, Adam M . Cook, Emily Rowberry Cook, Lisa Marie Copeland, Teresa Corbett, Michael F. Correia, Bridget Cox, Brook L. Cox, Gavin Paul Crane, Nathan Andrew
Crawford, Aaron L. Crockett, Jeffrey A Croker, Jessica Lynne Croshaw, Annie Laurie Culler, Leah L. Culp, Sara J. Curf ew, Jerem y Clyde Dagley, Neha Sharad Daine s, Kathryn Dalebout, Amanda Daniels, Shawn J. Davidson , Mollie Beth Davis, Amy Lynn Davis, Ellen Elizabeth Davis, Heather Malia Davis, Krist en Brynn Davis, Sage Kendra Degn, Matthew I. Degraffenried, Jame s M. Denniston, Wade H. Dilworth, Virginia Dimond, Traci Dingman, Dayne Wessel Donaldson, Megan Dotson, Jam es Fi.rmage Dowdy, Jasen E. Downs , Chad Downs, Christopher W. Driver, Linda Ashley Dubreuil, Jennif er Elizabet h Duckworth, Erin Gep har t Dutson, Anthony V. Dyer, Dan Cody Ear l, Jeff Eborn , Ph ilip Rich ard Edwa rds, Steve n Paul Elcock, J. Matthew Eliason, Jan Elizabeth Ellingford, Seaso n Marie Ellswor th, Corrine Jo Eme tt, Jacly n Mary Erickso n, Teri Lyn Estheimer, John Sterling Evans, Monica L. Evans, R. Hart Evans-McA lister, Jacqueline Farnady, Christina Marie Farr, Tyler Franklin Favero, Jennife r Dawn Feinstein, Jenn ifer Dawn Feng, Pei-Chu Ferguson, Daniel S. Fields, Lillith Arlene Fife, Ryan Scott Finley, Aaron Keith Fox, Trisha A Francom, Kathleen D. Fraser, Dou glas Jeffrey Fratto, Brandon Lee Frazier, Deni se Umpl eby Frazier, Derrick Fredericks, Jonathan D. Fredrickson, H ea ther Ann e Fuerst, Nicole Renee Funk , Tara Lynne Furniss, Nathan N. Gardner, Anni e M'lissa Garner, Amanda L. Garr , Mark Jackson Garrar d, Scott H.
Geary, Sarah A. Gerber, Shanna Mari e Gerken, Vicki Lee Gibson, Alberta Dawn Gilbert, Micha el Clinton Gillett, Jared William Gillman, Tina Mari e Black Goodwin, Aubrey Jean Goodworth, Timothy Lorin Gordy, Jayme L. Gowans , Tamra J. Gray, Jamie Greene, David Dennis Griffiths, Kyle Jon Grotepas, Nicole A. Grover, Quinn K. Grover, TaNece Gundersen, Adria Ann Gunne ll, Melissa Cherie Gunter, Jacob Spencer Gurney , Amber S. Haacke, Camill e Lynn Hadley , James Alma Hale, Jonathan Saludares Hammond, Todd Wilson Hancey , Chri stina L. Hanks, Chr istopher K. Hansen , Angela K. Hansen, Brittany Margaret Hanson, Stephanie Brianne Harri s, Allison Harri s, Na than Ricks Harris, William Joseph Harrison, Benjamin P. Hart, Sharla Ann Harvey, Elisa beth Hatch, Tina Marie Hawkins, Gary S. Hawley, Jaso n Hayes, Ross D. Hayward, Stacy Huff H eap, Tucker Justin Heiner, Bryn Lee Helms, Mindyn H . Hend erso n, Gregory Hend erson, Heidi A. Hewlett, Kristen Colleen Higham, Julie Hillam, Janalyn Hinton, Mary Rebecca (Becky) Hite, Richard S. Hoffman, Lynnette Ellen Hokanson, Cindy Louise Honda , Hel ene Sachiko Mililani Hopkins, Grah am Fitts Horman , Brook C. Howell , Terri Ann Huang, Tse Ming Huckaby , Kellianne Jensen Hu erta , John Hulling er, Stefanie K. Huntington , Chris S. Hyde , Cary Simmonds Jacobsen, Christopher Kyle Jaggi, Marga ret Garr Jamison , Amber R. Jang, Chulho Jenkins, Matth ew Kevin Jenks, Desiree
Jensen, Adam Michael Jensen, Bryan Thoma s Jensen, Emily W. Jensen, Jeremy Jensen, Martin J. Jenson , Richard Lane Jessop , Jennif er R. Jewett , Anne Johannsen , Teresa Diann e Johansson, Clete 0. Johnson, Christopher M . Johnson, Clay ton E. Jr. Johnson , Dani Mari e Johnson , Jared W. Johnson , Kalle John son, Karen Elizabeth Johnson , Stan Blake Johnston , Maeve Jones, Dixie F. Jones, Elissa C. Jones, Kevin Taylor Jones, Melody M. Jones , Tori Anderson Jorgense n, Cory Alan Jorgensen, Kristen Dawn Jorgenson, Grego ry S. Kelley, Lynette Kenyon, Julia Lynn Kirn, Tae Ju King, Eliza beth Ann Kingsfo rd , Rachel L. Kitchen, Sara Elaine Kitley, Tiffany Janis Kneeland, Jillyn Knight , Lind sey S. Koehne , Alice Rita Koeppen, Aaron Gab rial Kofford, Julie Konopinski , Janet Renee Korth, Staci Lyn Kotter, Angela Minert Kovacs, Rachel Hillary Koyle, Rebecca Anne Krause, Caro l Lane Kunz, David A Lambard, Chr istine Elizabet h Lance, Matthew Scott Lantz, Rowll end Durand Larson, Carolynn Larson, Matthew Alan Larson, Todd K. Lauricella, Michael Craig Leak, Stacey Lee, Jason R. Lee, Katherin e Vea Leishman, Jami L. Leith ead, Amy Lemon, Conni e Sue Ferrin Lessey, Iesha LeSueur, Rehn K. Leung , Wai Ching Lilly, Larry Joseph Lin, Jyh-Heng Lindsay , Joshua Cameron Lindsay , Michael Lamont Litchfield, Lori Littrell, Jennif er Dawn Livingston, Barry Scott Livsey, Jennif er Dawn London, Rebecca
Long, Jeff Tyler Long, Jonathan E. Long, Shelley France s Lorenz, Rebecca Mary Lower , Ryan Michael Lucero , Amber M. Luke , Ian M. Lundahl , Alton B. Lundahl , Jonathan C. Lundstrom, Marc D. MacDonald , Stephen William Machen , Christopher J. Madoski , Douglas Michael Madsen, Emily Karen Madsen , Jennifer Malouf , Amy Elizabeth Robinson Malouf, Jacob S. Manwaring , Erin S. Marberger , Rachel Ann Marpraneet , Benjaras Marsh , Rayn a Dale Martin, Allison Rice Martin , Charity A Martin , Sachia Danielle Martinsen, Jeffrey A. Mashburn, Michael Neil Burt Mason, Melanie M . Mason , Timothy Terrence Mathis, Erin Maughan , Amanda K. Maughan, Lisa W. McAfee, Jill Helean McAllister, Diane McCleary, Patrick C. McConnell, C. William McKenna, Mandy Lyn McKinnon, Bart Keith McMurdie, Alison McNam ee, Sara A Mecham , Tawn Mercer, Kimberlee B. Merrill, Roxann e Van Orman Merrill, Shalayne M. Meyers, Aaron Keller Meyers, Katijo Allred Meza, Deborah Z. Michaelis, Jeremy B. Miller, Na than A. Miller, Virginia Lee Milligan , Jeann e M . Mills, Bethany Frances Mills, Kierstin Minchey, Amber D. Minchey , Kad e Richard Mingu s, Holl y Mitchell, Jodi LaNae Mokslaveskas-Lamb ert, Susanne L. Monson, Mary E. Moon, Melissa Elise Morgan, Andr ew Allen Mortensen , David R. Moses , Lina Michiko Moss, Kathryn Moulton , Melani e M. Mourits en, Christine Murdoch, Megan Gedd es Murphy , Brandon Roy Nabaum , A.lex Stephen
Nelson, Mark C. Nelson, Sandra Newbold, Priscilla Jean Newsome, Reginald M. Newton, Mark F. Nickolaisen, Janette Niederhauser, Carrie L. Nielsen, Brett Michael Nielsen, Iris J. Nielsen, Malinda Nielson, T. Kris Jr. Noble, Kenneth M . Norris, Jason A. O'Brien, Megan Oday, Kulmeyeh Yusuf Olaveson, Jeff E. Oliver, Andralyn Oliver, John Reed Olsen, Heidi Nichole Olsen, LaYell Reed Oneal, Kelly Osborne, Donald Lee Osmond, Maggon P. Overly, Heather Titensor Owen, W. Shad Oyler, Tina M. Pace, Jean Taylor-Starr Pace, Jessica Adrienne Palo, Robert Edward Parker, Edward Allen Parker, J. L. Parkinson, Emily Paskett, Trina M. Passey, Brent Alan Paulus, Dan J. Payne, Tricia W. Peck, Angilee Peckham, Melanie Ann Pendergast, David Glade Petersen, Bryce Michael Petersen, Emily B. Petersen, Rebecca Sawyer Jenson Peterson, Ryan D. Phair, Molly Christa Pidcock, Jennifer L. Pierson, Brett E. Pilkington, Katharine J. Pitcher, Lance W. Platt, Noelle Player, Charles Jason Polson, Nikki Porter, Elizabeth R. Powell, Susan Danice Pratt, Kaye M. Price, Seth Douglas Proctor, Margaret Elizabeth Putnam, Jennifer Anne Putnam, Stephanie J. Quackenbush, David Fulton Raines, Judith Kaelene Rakes, Kathryn J. Ramos , Nephtali H. Randall, Melanie Clark Ransier, Kristi Leigh Ray, Mario Brennan Recarte, Fermin Redd , Matthew Sean Redington , Amanda Reese, Tiffany Lee
Reimann, Amy Diane Reynolds, Alexander H. Reynolds, Brooke Alese Reynolds, Heather Jean Reynolds, Miles Brandon Richards, Kathleen M. Richardson, Roxanne Renee Ricker, Jennifer Lynn Riddoch, Gage Nephi Rindlisbach, Kay Lynn Rippstein, Alison Robinson, James Jason Robison, Scott K. Rock, Bernard Richard Roderick, Justin Earl Rohbock, Lindsay Roos, Shanan Kae Roundy, Jason B. Ryan, John F. Saltern, Ellie C. Sasaki, Rie Sato, Yuta Savage, Jon C. Schick, Aimee Schroder, Kathleen Schumann, Matthew Gary Scott, Jenny Lynn Shaffer, Tanya Shaw, Elizab eth Irvine Shaw, Jesse Lee Shelley, Clayton Paul Short, James William Simkins, Cristine Simons, Mason Edward Sitterud, Layna Skabelund, Heather J. Slater, Mark W. Sleight, Jillian Dianne Slobod zian, Sarah E. Smeath, John Douglas Sme llie, David C. Smith, Brandon Michael Smith, Caleb Walker Smith, Jacob James Smith, Michael Allen Smith, Wesla Marie Snider, Stacy Lee Song, Soo-Hyun Sorenson, Mary Eden Wohlford Speckart, Erika Anne Bryson Spencer, Bryce D. Spencer, Kjerstine Ann Stapley, Monica Lynn Steffey, Erin O. Stephens, Gregory Paul Stettler, Jeremiah Stevens, Brian J. Stevens, Melissa Sue Stewart, Beth Ann Stewart, Cody B. Stewart, Janel W. Stewart, Scott Gordon Stillman, Ashley Stills, Steven C. Stimpson, Tonya Lynn Stoddard, Erica Kay Stoddard, Robert James Stoker, Marie Stokes, Paul J.
Stott, Laurie L. Stout, Jacob Stephen Stowers, Rebecca Benson Strickland, Ann Middleton Stringham, Margaret Anne Sudau, Manuela Alexandra Summers, Eugene Edward Tadlock, Jason Keith Talbot, Andrea Millington Tanaka, Yukiko Tate , Jamie Lyn Tatum, JerRon Depaul Taylor, Connie Jean Taylor, Erin Veora Tezuka, Yuji Theurer, Brad Eric Thomas, Anthony Evans Thomas, David L. Thomas, Traci Thompson, Brittany Evelyn Thompson, Deborah Thompson, Natalie Sue Thomson, Melissa Thornley, Rebekah Thurston, Lance S. Toone, Jodee M. Toone, Ryan W. Towers, Jamie M. Trask, Timothy J. Tseng, Yun Ju Turner, Nathan R. Tuttle, Amber L. Tuttle, Anna R. Tuttle, Lori Ann Venable, Katie J. Voitanik, Sophia Wadsworth, Reuben Edward Waldron, Luke D. Wall , Ross Biesinger Wallenda, Steve A. Wang, Yu-Ting Warby, Kelley McClure Warren , Jessica N. Washburn, Phillip Wassmer, Jeanelle Marie Weaver, Melissa L. Weaver, Stacy Lyn Weekes, Mynde Lu Weiss, Cozett T. Welch, Sharalee D. Weston, Katie Wheeler, Jane ll Franson Wheeler, Nicholas C. Wheeler, Ryan Wheeler, Tiffani Whicker, Michelle Whicker, Rachel S. Whipple, Brenda Ashby White, Cameron A. White, Ruth Louise White, Ryan S. Whiting, J. P. Maurice Whitman, Emily A. Wilcox, Grayson John Wilde, Marianne Wilkinson, Dani el Ray Williams, Catherine Ruth Williams, Kathryn Williamson, Michael John Willis, Julie M.
Wilson, B. JaLae Wilson, Elena Sjoukje Wilson, Kristine Nicole Wilson, Matthew C. Wilson, Sherilyn Winegar , Zachary Clyde Wiser, Joshua Lorin Witbeck, Jennifer Wood, Hilary Wood, Stacey Ann Woods, Jennifer G. Woods, Jonathan E. Wright, Christopher W. Wright, Lorelyn W. Wright, Michael Brossard Wyatt, Jed LeRoy Young, Lacey L. Young, Lindsay Kaye Young, Scott A. Young-Thomas, Amy Zanzucchi, Nikki Zeller, Merry Lu
Natural Resources F. E. "Fee"Busby
Dean Albrecht, Kevin D. Anderson, Eric Dwaine Badstubner, Jacklyn Ann Bangerter, Jarom Brad Bodine, Jennifer Lee Bosse, Jami Breitenbeker, Katie Ann Brindza, Candace Marie Bullough, Janelle Buteau, Erin Redd Campbell, Breta V. Carling, Jed John Colvin, Y. Michelle Coombs, C. Cody Cracroft, Trisha A. Cramer, Shelly Ann Crump, Justin B. Curtis, Robert J. Dahlgren, David Kimball Dinger, Eric John Douglas-Morgan, Emily Dunlap, Joel Hensley Jr. Flinders, Jon M . Forsgren, Christopher Jon Galbraith, David M. Couley, Alex Simon Grange, Heidi Greer, Ron D. Grimshaw, Dianne Rachael Hallows , Brant T. Harris, Dani el Berrett Harvey, Adrianne Heaton, Cindy Lu Henager, Chad L. Hill, Ryan Hillyard, Ryan Wendell Hofstede, Amanda Ann Hong, Jung-Soo Huffman , Kristopher Chad Johnson, Shane Robert
Keenan, Ryan James Lachowsky, Richard A. Lane, Michael K. Laws, Eric Lee, Marni Goodridge Lee, Roger Glenn Liddick, Terry S. Long, Sandra Jean Marler, Adrienne Leigh McRae, Matthew Aaron Mills, Michael D. Moen, Kaycie Elizabeth Morgan, Michael R. Murray, Todd P. Oleen, Grizz Robert Adam Olson, Landon Kim Ono, Hideto Ott, Jack Benton Payne, Clint A. Peterson, Celia I. Peterson, Robert W. Phillips, Ryan H. Poulson, Meg Maren Price, Brandi Lynn Read, Stephen Lynn Redmon, Travis C. Romney, Lisa Renee Rydalch, Joshua Ryan Schen, Greta K. Scofield, Emily Shakespear, Lyle D. Simpson, Christopher L. Smith, Boone Samuel Smith, Jessica Anne Sonntag, Martin H. Spencer, Kyle Coleman Thacker, Eric T. Webber, Barbara Ellen Were, Valerie Lea Achieng Whitehair, Alvin Wignall, Robin J. Williams, Justin R. Williamson, Ada Maree Winslow, Lisa Anne Wolford, Benjamin James Wu, Ping-Ju Yardley, Esther
Science Donald W. Fiesinger Interim Dean Albrechtsen, Bart Hunter Albritton, Alicia A. Allen, Danette May Alsop, Skylar T. Anderson, Alexander Robert Argyle, Jaren C. Ariotti, Melissa Ann Ashton, Michael Ray Atkin, Thomas Edward II Bailey, Kenneth L. Banham, Benjamin E. Barr, Ryan K. Barton, Stephanie Beck, Dave L. Bennett, Koby Maynard
Iverson , Christian Steven James, John Wesley Jennings, Mamie Ruth Jensen, Clay John Jensen, Taylor Austin Jeppson , Peter C. Johnson, Joel M. Johnson , Richard S. Jolley, Jennifer Marie Jones, Lacey L. Jones, Matthew Aaron Jones , Peter John Jorgensen , Neal Wayne Junkermeier, Chad Everett Justis , Jeri A. Kempenich, Helen M. Knapp, Jeremy R. Knudsen, Andrea Mae Koeppen, Nancy Tarbet Lallatin, Cody Lynn Lambert, Richard M. Lambson, Lane Aron Larsen, Shannel Lewis, Paul J. Lindsay, Bradford W. Linton, Andrea Livingston, Angela D. Martinsen, Michelle McArthur, Todd J. McBride, Sonya L. Mclff, Matthew Stephen McKenney, Danette McMaster, Melissa Anne Mickelson, Dwayne L. Miner, Susan J. Mortensen, Wesley S. Mouritsen, Richard L. Nelson, Karen L. M. Nelson, Krystal J. Nelson, Shelly J. Newsom, Jeffrey Alan Ng, Chee-Khoon Ngaara, Caroline Mumbi Noble Copfer, Melissa N. Nyman, Nicole Jean Oaks, Jeffrey L. Olsen, Jason C. Page, David John Palacios, Nickee R. Pannell, Kathryn Mae Pedersen, Angela Bartholomew Pedersen, Tyler C. Peterson, Joel M. Peterson, Steven L. Phillips, Craig Elliot Pope, Martin T. Price, John Calvin Purcell, Valerie A. Randall, Craig Michael Redd, Matthew B. Retford, Christopher M. Richins, Janeen Schwieder Richins, Michelle Cooper Rowley, Matthew Saunders, Gerald W. Schwartz, Sarah Elizabeth Schwieder, Kyle D. Seo, Wan-Suk Sessions, Kalem D.
Bernhardt, Thomas Leon Bingham, Mel R. Bodily, Anne Budge, Jason R. Burnham, Jared O. Butikofer, Zach H. Buxton, Brandon J. Cannon, Nathan Allen Cantwell, Scott W. Capitan, Melvin Jr. Carman, Jacob C. Chau, Uyen Tu Child, Mary Denise Choumos, Clay S. Christensen, Devin Eugene Christenson, Kirk T. Clegg, Aaron Bryan Cleverly, David Grant Copeland, Suzanne Renee Cox, Christopher Charles Creech, Joseph Earl Davidson, Andrea Dawson, Jennif er Dennis, Brett Loren Diamanti, David J. Dickerson, Jodi Ann Dickey, Brian P. Dickson, Angela Draper, Jeremy Allen Draxler, Nathan Jack DuHadway, Linda Pope Edd leman , James Lynn Evans, Justin Rudd Farrell, Jamie Mark Fisher, Shiela Marie Fitch, Sarah Beth Fluckiger, Samue l D. Ford, Gregory Mont Forsberg, Laura M. Francis, David S. Frank, Daniel L. Frederick, Adam Randall Fredin, William L. Garcia, Alma J. Geldmacher, Kathryn Louise Gennaro, Thomas Anthony Jr. Gertson, Jeff Louis Gilbert, Estella Godfrey, Spencer Paul Grover, Josep h Alma Grunander, Carl Jason Guy, Adrian Roundy Hall, Stephanie S. Hanchett, Brian K. Harmer, Leigh Elizabeth Harris, Jenny Lynn Harris, Jeremy A. Harris, Robert Lynn Hart, Brandon J. Haymore, Jeremy B. Heath, Jason E. Hill, Lindsay Hollingshead , Daniel E. Howell, Cody Lamont Howells, Katherine Hsiao, Wen-Yu Huff, Michael D. Huish, Jennifer M. Hunter, Ellen Hymas, Connie J.
Sharp, Ryan T. Smith, Evan Thomas Smith, Nathan E. Sorenson, Blake C. Spackman, Elizabeth Spencer, H. Brandon Spencer, Melissa Staples, Brent J. Stepan, Elizabeth A. Story, Scott Gerald Tams, Eric Clinton Tan, Kok Wee Taylor, Jed L. Taylor, Rodrick Teh, Woei Ching Tenney, Nathan Douglas Tew, Jason C. Thomas, Sarah Marie Thomason, Valerie Thomson, Tracy D. Thorstensen, Ryan Thurgood, Mike C. Timmins, Luke Wilson Timmons, Trevor S. Toone, Leslie Ann Tureman, Kevin Tuttle, David J. Ulwelling, Charles J. Vogt, Stacie A. Wadsworth, Troy Don Wassmer, Kyle Brent Weber, Rebecca Marie Wells, Richard Dale Wendel, Amy N. Westbrook, Mari e 0. White, Paul Lynn Wicks, Carey Ann Wilcock, Marsha Lyn Wilkinson, Michael F. Wilkinson, Michael Stuart Williams, Anthony P. Winchester, Kit C. Woodruff, Benjamin Michael Wright, Cassity Wright, F. Louis You, Soon-Tae Young, Jason Yu, Kean-hoo Zarate, Michael Zollinger, Jennifer Lynne Zollinger, Steven Ray
GraduateStudies Dr. ThomasKent
Cameron, Michael Darin
Coyl, Diana D.
Sandpoint, Idaho
San Diego, California
BS: Gonzaga Univers ity, 1995 Major: Biochemistry Major Professor: Dr. Steven D. Aust Dissertation: Caracterization of Cellobiose Dehydrogenase from Phanerochaete chrysosporium
MS: Utah State University, 1997 Major: Fami ly Life Major Professor: Dr. Randall M. Jones Dissertation: Peer Groups and Adolescent Development in Traditiona l and Alternative High Schools
Campbell, Edward Duncan I Chesapeake, Virginia
Doctor of Philosophy Abdulle, Abdinasir Mohamed
Dayton, New Jersey
MBA: Western Carolina University , 1992 Major: Education Major Professor: Dr. Charles M. Lutz Thesis: Federal Funding Success Factors in Biology and Mathematics
Mogadishu, Somalia
MS: Utah State University, 1990 Major: Economics Major Professor: Dr. Kenneth S. Lyon Dissertation: Effect of Land in Commons on the Decision -Making Behavior of the Pastoralists in the Central Rangelands of Somalia
Cui, Xiangchen MS: Beijing University of Science & Technology, 1990 Major: Mathematical Sciences Major Professor: Dr. Kevin Hestir Dissertation: MSE Bounds and Perfect Sampling for Conditional Coding
Catrina, Florin Brailo, Romania
MS: Bucharest University, 1995 Major: Mathematics Major Professor: Dr. Zhi-Qiang Wang Dissertation: Positive Soluti ons Obtained as Local Minima via Symmetries, for Nonlinear Elliptic Equations
Anderson, John Emi l
Dobmeyer, Anne C. Plymouth, Minnesota
MS: Utah State University, 1997 Major: Psychology Major Professor: Dr. David M. Stein Dissertation: Eating Disorder Risk Factors: A Prospective Analysis
Bountiful, Utah
MBA: Un iversity of Utah, 1992 Major: Education Major Professor: Dr. Jeffrey J. Johnson Dissertation: Training Needs Assessment, Eva luation, Success, and Organizationa l Strategy and Effectiveness: An Exploration of the Relationships
Archibald, Kari Smith
Chan, Jeannine Marie Rancho Palos Verdes, California
BS and BFA: University of Utah, 1991 Major: Biochemistry Major Professor: Dr. Lance C. Seefeldt Dissertation: Electron Transfer and Substrate Redu ction in Nitrog ena se
Chen, Qingyun
Rexburg, Idaho
Jinan, China
MS: Texas A & M Univers ity, College Station, 1979 Major: Recreation Resources Management Major Professor: Dr. Dale J. Blahna Dissertation: The Social Impact and Management of Llamas as Recreational Packs tock
MS: Zhej iang University, 1989 Major: Chemistry Major Professor: Dr. Greg M. Swain Dissertation: Growth , Characterization, and Electrochemical Prop erties of Conductiv e Microcrystalline and Nanocrystalline Diamond Thin-Film and Hydrogenated Glassy Carbon Electrodes
Borup, Byron Lee II Layton, Utah
Chou, Lan-Szu
MS: Utah State University, 1989 Major: Ed ucation Major Professor: Dr. Richard S. Knight Dissertation: Critically Thinking About Critica l Thinking: A Historical and Analytical Study of its Origins, Its Divergent Definitions, and Its Strugg le with the Transfer Issue
MS: Utah State University, 1997 Major: Nutrition and Food Sciences Major Professor: Dr. Bart C. Weimer Dissertation: The Arginine Deiminase Pathway in Lactococci: Physiological Role and Molecular Characterization
Logan, Utah
MS: Utah State Univ ersity, 2000 Major: Psychology Major Professor: Dr. James T. Dorward Dissertation: A Comparison of Virtual and Physical Manipuh1tives in Teaching Visualization and Spatial Reasoning to Middle School Mathematics Students
Durrant, Edward Earl Green River, Utah
MS: University of Arizona, 1993 Major: Chemistry Major Professor: Dr. Robert S. Brown Dissertation: Comparison of Ultraviolet and Infrared Matrix-Assisted Laser Desorption Ionization Time-of-Flight Mass Spectrometry
Taipei, Taiwan
Clark, Laurie M. Broadhead, Catherine Boulatoff
South Ogden, Utah
Bergerac, France
MS: Montana State University, 1986 Major: Civil and Environmen tal Engineering Major Professor: Dr. Kevin C. Womack Dissertation: A Complex Modu lu s Method for Predicting the Vibrational Response of Structures Containing FrequencyDependent Viscoelastic Materials
MS: University of Nantes, 1992 Major: Economics Major Professor: Dr. Basudeb Biswas Disserta tion: Riparian Zone Protection: The Use of the Willingness-to-Accept Format in a Contingent Valuation Study
Drickey, Nancy Ann
Emmert, John Thomas Avon, Indiana
BS: University of Arizona, 1990 Major: Physics Major Professor: Dr. Bela G. Fejer Dissertation: Climatology of Upper Thermospheric Daytime Neutral Winds from Satellite Observations
Engelhardt, Katharina Anna Maria Altadena, California
MS: Utah State University, 1997 Major: Ecology Major Professor: Dr. John A. Kadlec Dissertation: Species Traits, Inter-Specific Tnteractions, and the Effects of Biodiversity on Wetland Ecosystem Processes
Fillmore, Gary Christopher
Henderson, Donna Kay
Kwon, Sun-ii
Idaho Falls, Idaho
Snn Jose, California
Seoul, Korea
BS: University of Utah, 1987 Major: Biology Major Professor: Dr. Jospeh K. K. Li Dissertation: Functional Characterizaton of th e Nonstructural Protein 2 of Bluetonge Virus Serotype 17
MS: San Francisco State University, 1989 Major: Education Major Professor: Dr. Lloyd W. Bartholome Dissertation: Basic Workplace and Computer Literacy Skills for Entry-Level, Non.bacca laureate-Degree Emp loyees of the Silicon Valley Computer Industry
MS: Kon-Kuk University, 1990 Major: Biology Major Professor: Dr. Anne J. Anderson Dissertation: Molecular and Morphological Identification of an Endophytic Fusarium Isolated from Wheat and Characterization of Its Laccases in Comparison to Affiliated Fusarium Isolates
Gibb, Darryl James
Hogue, Jam es Norman
Raymond, Canada
MS: University of Nebraska, Lincoln, 1989 Major: Animal Science Major Professor: Dr. Randall D. Wiedmeier Dissertation: Strategies to Alter Feeding Behavior of Feedlot Cattle
Gordon, David Lee
Lee, Dugman
Los Angeles, California
MS: Utah State University, 1990 Major: Aquatic Ecology Major Professor: Dr. Char les P. Hawkins Dissertation: Benthic Invertebrate Assemblage Structure in Mountain Streams: The influence of Spatial Scale of Observation and Organ.ism Size on Relationships with Environmental Factors
Bountiful, Utah
MS: Utah State University, 1994 Major: Instruction al Technology Major Professor: Dr. J. Steven Soulier Dissertation: Taxonomy Model to Designing Databased Instru ctional Products
Granger, Michael Chapman
MS: State University of New York, Binghamton, 1986 Major: Economics Major Professor: Dr. Kenneth S. Lyon Dissertation: A Dynamic Analysis of the G loba l Tunber Market and Carbon Flux of Forest Under Global Warming: An Integrated Modeling Approach
Hu , Yong Lo, Chit
Wuhan, China
MS: Hubei Medic al University , 1989 Major: Biology Major Professor: Dr. Gregory J. Podgorski Disser tation: Alter ed T Cell-Mediated Immunity and Inf ectious Factors in Autism
Edgewater, Maryland
BS: St. Mary's College, Maryland, 1992 Major: Chemistry Major Professor: Dr. Greg M. Swain Dissertation: Electrochemistry of BoronDoped Diamond Thin -Film Electrod es: Electronic and Morphologic Structure Effects
Seoul, Korea
Jimeno, Cheri A.
Hong Kong
MS: Utah State University, 1998 Major: Electrical Engineering Major Professor: Dr. Todd K. Moon Dissertation : Optimal Detection and Signaling in Fast Fading Channels
Dillon, Montana
Luce, Charles H.
MS: Montana Stat e University , 1985 Major: Education Major Prof essor : Dr. Charles M. Lutz Dissertation: Integrating Cu ltur al Concepts That Influ e nce Int e rnational Business into the Secondary Business Education Curricu lum
MS: University of Washington , 1990 Major: Civil and Environmental Engineering Major Prof essor : Dr. David G. Tarboton Dissertation: Scale influence s on the Representation of Snowpack Processes
Boise, Idaho
Greenson, Jessica N. Oakland, California
MS: University of Idaho, 1997 Major: Psychology Major Professor: Dr. Gretchen A. Gimpel Dissertation: A Longitudinal Study of Disorder Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Symptoms in Preschool-Age Children
Heikkinen, Michael Wayne Hyde Park, Utah
PhD: University of Idaho, 1977 Major: Biology Major Professor: Dr. James A. MacMahon Dissertation: Assemb lages of Spiders on Shrubs in Semiarid Environme nts : Experimental Mode ls of Shrub Architecture
Kasilingam, Babukannan
Magleby, David James
Kovilpatti, India
American Fork, Utah
MS: Anna University, 1991 Major : Irrigation Engineering Major Professor: Dr. Gary P. Merkley Dissertation: Simulation of Special Flow Conditions in a Mathematical Model of Unsteady Open-Channel Hydraulics
MS: Miami University, 1993 Major: Education Major Professor: Dr. Richard S. Knight Diss er tation: Race, Class, and Gender in a One-Teac her School
Marchant, Michelle Sall Lake City, Utah
Keenan, Sean P. Grand Junction, Colorado
MS: Utah State Uni versity, 1993 Major: Sociology Major Professor: Dr. Ronald L. Little Dissertation: Natural Resource Sociology and the Study of Common Property: An Application to th e California Fisheries
MS: Utah State University, 1996 Major: Special Education Major Professor: Dr. K. Richard Yow1g Dissertation: The Effects of a Parent Coach on Parents ' Acquisition and Implementation of Parenting Skills
McClure, Mark Fremont Tucson, Arizona
Hemphill, Leaunda Schaeffer Logan, Utah
MS: Utah State University, 1996 Major: Inst ructional Technology Major Professor: Dr. M. David Merrill Disser tation: Development of a Learner Profile for Computer-Based Training
Killeen, Michael Francis Red Deer, Canada
MS: Brigham Young University, 1996 Major: Education Major Professor: Dr. Scott L. Hunsaker Dissertation: Curri cular and Inst ruction al Landscapes in Home Schools for Gifted Learners
MS: University of Arizona, 1993 Major: Ecology Major Professors: Dr. John A. Bissonette and Dr. Michael R. Conover Dissertation: Energy, Fractal Movement Patterns, and Scale-Dependent Habitat Relationships of Urban and Rural Mule Deer
Mmolawa, Khumoetsile Bratah Gaborone,Botswana
MS: Cranfield University, 1991 Major: Irrigation Engineering Major Professor: Dr. Dani Or Dissertation: Water and Solute Dynamics in Drip-Irrigated Fields
Moisen, Gretchen Gengenbach
Pindiprolu, Sekhar Sreeseshi Vijayawada,India
Petaluma, California
MS: Jamia Millia Islamia, 1995 Major: Special Education Major Professor: Dr. Sarah Rule Dissertation: The Effects of Three CaseBased Teaching Tactics on the Generalization of Functional Assessment Skills with Preservice Teachers
Salt Lake City, Utah
MS: Utah State University, 1990 Major: Mathematical Sciences Major Professor: Dr. D. Richard Cutler Dissertation: Comparing Nonlinear and Nonparametric Modeling Techniques for Mapping and Stratification in Forest Inventories of the Interior Western U.S.A.
Moulding, Louise Richards Ogden, Utah
MEd: Weber State University, 1995 Major: Psyc hology Major Professor: Dr. Kar l R. White Dissertation: An Eva lu ative ArgumentBased Investigation of Validity Evidence for the Utah Pre-Algebra Criterion Referenced Test
Newland, Lisa Anne Vermillion, South Dakota
MS: Utah State Unjversity, 1997 Major : Family Life Major Professor: Dr. Lori A. Roggman Dissertation: Language, Social Inter actio ns, and Attention as Predictors of Rea ding Development in Second Grade
Shearer, David Scott MS: Utah State University , 1998 Major: Psycho logy Major Professor: Dr. Kevin Masters Dissertation: 1l1e Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory-II and Low Back Pain Surgery Outcome
Sipes, Sedonia D.
Pratt, Jean Adelle Wilder, Idaho
Amarillo, Texas
MS: Utah State University, 1995 Major: Instructional Technology Major Professor: Dr. M. David Merrill Dissertation: Instruction in Microbursts: The Study of Minimalist Principles Applied to Online Help
MS: Utah State University, 1995 Major: Biology Major Professor: Dr. Paul G. Wolf Dissertation: Phylogenetic Relationships, Taxonomy, and Host Choice Evolution in Diadasia (Hymenoptera: Apoidea)
Ralls, Brenda H.
Sluis, Miriam K.
Bountiful, Utah
Salinas, California
MS: Utah State University, 1975 Major: Sociology Major Professor: Dr. William F. Stinner Dissertation: The Impact of Minority Group Membership on Changes in Selected Health Outcom es Among Midlif e Americans with Type 2 Diabetes
BS: Califor nia State University, Ch ico, 1995 Major: Biochemistry Major Professor: Dr. Scot t A. Ensign Dissertation: Biochemical and Molecular Analyses of Microbial Acetone Metabolism
Sombke, Chad Ray Groton, Minnesota
Rodriguez, Ariel Wimberley, Texas
MS: Brigham Young University, 1994 Major: Family Life Major Professor: Dr. Brent C. Miller Dissertation: Fathers, Moth ers, Marriag es, and Children Toward a Contextual Mod e l of Positive Paternal Influ ence
MS: Utah State University , 1993 Major: Psychology Major Professor: Dr. Tamara J. Fe rguson Disser tation: Testing Mod e ls of Depression and Paranoia in Men and Women: The Role of Cognitive Sty le, Guilt, Shame, and Defense Mechanjsms
Nguyen, Cong Chi Hochiminh City, Vietnam
MS: University of New South Wales, 1991 Major: Irrigation Engineering Major Professor: Dr. Gary P. Merkley Dissertation: Hydraulic Analysis of Unsteady Flow in Open Channe ls with Ch anging Flow Regimes at a Gate Structure
Parker, Scott Elm er McMinn ville, Oregon
BS: Brigham Young University, 1988 Major: Physics Major Professor: Dr. F. Thomas Berkey Dissertation: Small -Scale Dynamics and Radar Scattering Properties of the Mesosphere Observed at 3.175 MHZ
Perkins, Dan a Lee Stanley, Idaho
MS: Univers ity of Arizona, 1995 Major: Ecology Major Professor: Dr. David W. Roberts Dissertation: Ecology of Treeline Whitebark Pine (Pinus a lbicaulis) Populations in Central Idah o : Successional Status, Recruitment and Mortality, and a Spring Temperature Reconstruction from Whitebark Pine Tree Rings
Sazykin, Stanislav Y.
Stauder, John Leslie
Kaliningrad, Russia
Mountain Green, Utah
MS: Moscow Institute of Physics and Techno logy, 1996 Major: Physic s Major Professor: Dr. Bela G. Fejer Disserta tion: Theoretica l Studies of Penetration of Magnetospheric Electric Fields to the Ionospher e
MS: Southern Illinois University, 1990 Major: Electrica l Engineering Major Professor: Dr. John C. Kemp Dissertation: Stray Light Comparison of OffAxis and On-Axis Telescopes
Thompson, Bennet Martin Searles, Peter Stough ton Largo, Maryland
MS: Utah State Universi ty, 1994 Major : Ecology Major Professor: Dr. Martyn M. Ca ldw ell Dissertation: Responses of Sphagnum and Carex Peatlands to Ultraviolet Radiation in Southern South America, and a MetaAnalysis of UV-B Effects on Vascular Plants
Colville, Washington
MBA: Utah State University, 1995 Major: Instructional Technology Major Professor: Dr. M. David Merrill Dissertation: A Multimedia Authoring System for Problem-Based Learning Env ironment s
Van Zwoll, Wayne Cornell* Bridgeport, Washington
Sharpnack, Jim Dale Hominy, Oklahoma
MS: Utah State University, 1997 Major: Psychology Major Professor: Dr. Richard N. Roberts Dissertation: The Efficacy of Group Bereavement Interventions: An Integrative Review of the Research Literature
MS: Oregon State University, 1974 Major: Forestry Major Professor: Dr. Joanna L. Endt er-Wada Dissertation: Post-World War II Changes in Big Game Huntin g Motive and Method in th e United States and lmplications for Wildlife Policy
Walser, Tamara Marlene
Christensen, Shaundeen P.
Manomuth, Voraphan
Lexington, North Carolina
Layton, Utah
Bangkok, Thailand
MS: Utah State University, 1996 Major: Education Major Professor: Dr. Timothy A. Slocum Dissertation: Teaching Self-Management of Writing Strategies to Promote Transfer
BS: Utah State University, 2000
BS: Kasetsart University, 1996
Clark, Tamara Lee
Millerberg, Brady
Xu, Qing
Burley, Idaho
Sandy, Utah
BS: Utah State University, 1998
Croo k, Lance H.
BS: Utah State University, 1999
Omura, Takeshi
Wuhan, China
Afton, Wyoming
BS: Peking University, 1991 Major: Economics Major Professor: Dr. Amitrajeet A. Batabyal Dissertation: Three Essays in Environmental and Natural Resource Economics
BA: Utah State University, 1999
Yokohama, Japan
Daniel, David Orr
BS: Meiji University, 1988
Pagdiwalla, Naushad Dossu
Cokeville, Wyoming
BS: Utah State University, 1999
Ahmedabad, India
MBA: Utah State University, 1996
Yan, Huey Taipei, Taiwan
MS: Utah State University, 1991 Major: Mathematical Sciences Major Professor: Dr. D. Richard Cutler Dissertation: Generalized Minimum Penalized Hellinger Distance Estimation and Generalized Penalized Hellinger Deviance Testing for Generalized Linear Models: The Discrete Case
Dustin, Mark M. Pocatello, Idaho
Peck, Shaylin L.
BA: Utah State University, 1999
Clarkston, Utah
BA: Utah State University, 1999
Gibbons, Lisa McFadden Rexburg, Idaho
BA: Utah State University, 1999
Roberts, Connie S. Smithfield, Utah
BS: Utah State University, 2000
Hamilton, Myron Terry Orem, Utah
Zhao, Guohua
BS: Brigham Young University , 1987
Tangxia, China
MS: Nankai University, 1994 Major: Mathematical Sciences Major Professor: Dr. Adele Cutler Dissertat ion: A New Perspectiv e on Classification
Hopkins, Forrest Richard
Roberts, Jason Denis Tremonton, Utah
BS: Utah State University, 2000
Logan, Utah
BS: Brigham Young University, 1993
Schoenfeld, Lisa
Hung, Su-Hui
BS: Utah State University, 1998
Green Bay, Wisconsin
Kaohsiung Hsien, Taiwan
BS: Utah State University, 1998
McKinnon, Kim W.
Jasper, Harry S.
Schwartz, Michelle L. Smithfield, Utah
BS: Utah State University, 2000
Riverton, Wyoming
Logan, Utah
PhD: University of Idaho, 1981 Major: Instructional Technology Major Professor: Dr. J. Steven Soulier
BS: Utah State University, 1999
Siripong, Kanchit
Larsen, Michael James
MS: Oklah oma State University, 1998
Bangkok, Thailand Salt Lake City, Utah
Peck, Karen Curry
BS: University of Utah, 1999
Blackfoot, Idaho
MS: Utah State Univers ity, 2000 Major: Instructional Technology Major Professor: Dr. Charles G. Stoddard
Linton, Brooke Nicole Draper, Utah
Steck, Ryan David Trail, Canada
BS: Utah State University, 1999
BS: Utah State University, 1999
Stringham, Talon C. Long, Yunjing
Blanding, Utah
Chongqing, China
BS: Utah State University, 1999
Master of Accounting
BE: Chongqing University, 1993
Barkley, Gary Steven
Lovell, Hilary Jo
Watkins , Daniel Keith Smithfield, Utah
Logan, Utah
Heyburn, Idaho
BS: Utah State University, 1999
BS: Utah State University, 1998
Bybee, Chase McCann Blackfoot,Idaho
BS: Utah State Un iversity, 1999
Lu, Chlaping
Wei, Chun Yi
Taichung, Taiwan
BS: Fung-Chia University, 1996
BS: Utah State University, 2000
Makley, Mark Joseph Chiang, Shuyun
Fresno, California
Tainan City, Taiwan
BA: University of California, Santa C ruz, 1992
BBA: Ti.nghai University, 1994
BS: Utah State University, 2000
Young, Matthew Craig Sandy, Utah
BS: Utah State University, 1999
Master of Arts
Ingram, Harold Lee
Rudd, Sarah McGinnis
Yuma, Arizona
Salt Lake City , Utah
Amljots, Anna-Maria S.
BA: Utah State University , 1998 Major: Political Science Major Professor: Dr. William L. Furlong Thesis: Economic Sanctions: Their Ineffectiveness at Attaining Their Stated Foreign Policy Goa ls with Special Refere nce to the C uban Case
BA: Westminster Co llege, 1997 Major: American Studies Major Prof essor: Dr. Jeannie B. Thomas
Reykjavik, Iceland
BA: Utah State Univers ity, 1998 Major: American Studies Major Professor: Dr. Barre Toelken
Ashurst-McGee, Mark Roscoe A lbuquerque, New Mexico
BS: Brigham Young University, 1994 Major: History Major Professor: Dr. Barre Toelken Thesis: A Pathway to Prop hethood: Joseph Smith Junior as Rodsman, Village Seer, and Jud ea -Chri stian Prophet
Langsdon, Sarah Constance Ogden, Utah
BS: Weber State University, 1997 Major: History Major Professor: Dr. R. Edward Gladfe lter
Jinhua , China Gallup, New Mexico
BA: Calvin College, 1995 Major: History Major Prof essor: Dr. Clyde A. Milner II Thesis: Food for Thought , Food for Action : An Hist orical Analysis of Latter-Day Saint and Seventh-Day Adventist Dietary Laws
Davi s, Paul Sargent
Logan, Utah
BS: Utah State Univers ity, 1998 Major: History Major Professor: Dr. Caro l A. O'Connor Thesis : The Bishop's Second Wife: The Life and Diary of Ellen Ricks N ibley
Tamayama , Tomoyo Sasayama, Japan
Li, Xiaoting Bulthuis, Kyle Timothy
Sorenson, Gerri Lin Waters
BA: Beijing Foreign Stud ies University, 1996 Major: Poli tical Science Major Professor: Dr. Jing Hu ang
Macfarlane, David Michael Kaysville, Utah
BA: University of Utah, 1992 Major: Political Science Major Professor: Dr. Jing Huang
MA: St. Andrews University, 1995 Major: American Studies Major Professor : Dr. Barre Toel.ken
Master of Business Administration Atkinson, Paul Thomas Pleasant Grove, Utah
BS: Utah VaUey State Co llege, 1998
Wichita Falls, Texas
BA: Brigham Young University, 1995 Major: History Major Professor: Dr. F. Ross Peterson Thesis: Biography of James Jarvis Chandler
Duvanova, Dinissa Sergeevna Almaty , Kazakhstan
BA: Kazakh State University, 1998 Major: Political Science Major Professor: Dr. Amal Kawar
Hall, Vanessa Ann
Palmer, Mar y Helen Gilbert Richmond , Utah
Bagley, Brady P.
MTS: Wesley Theo logica l Semin ary, 1980 Major: History Major Professor: Dr. Leonard N. Rosenband
Providen ce, Utah
BA: Utah State Univ ersity, 2000
Barker, Leon W. Parkinson, Michelle Wellsv ille, Utah
Pleasant View, Utah
BS: Weber State University, 1996
BA: Utah State Unive rsity, 1996 Major: English Major Pro fessor: Dr. Phe be Jensen Thesis: "Some Precious Instance": Ophelia , Madness, and Renaissance Women
Barnes, Ralf P. Orem, Utah
BS: University of Utah , 1990
Whitefish, Montana
BA: Washington and Lee Univers ity, 1998 Major: American Studi es Major Professor: Dr. Melody Grau lich Thesis: "Perhaps Women Like Me of Another Genera tion Are a Bridge ": A Con textual Study of the Life, Activism , and Art of Estelle Ishigo
Harris , Lowell F. Hyde Park, Utah
BA: Utah State Univ ers ity, 1998 Major: Political Science Major Professor: Dr. Carolyn Rhodes
Peterson, Christian Philip
Bateman , Jeffrey Martin
Plymouth , Minn esota
Scottsbluff, N ebraska
BA: Yale University, 1999 Major: History Major Professor: Dr. Carol A. O'Co nn or Thesis: Ronald Reagan and Public Antinuclear Sentiment : Hopes, Dream s, and Nuclear Bombs
BS: Brigham Young Univers ity, 1999
Rackley, Dorothy Deane Louise Washington, DC
BS: Portland State University, 1990 Major: Histor y Major Professor: Dr. Carol A. O'Co nn or
Berry, Adam Richard Melbourne , Austra lia
BBA: Royal Melbourne Institut e of Techn ology, 1998
Birch, Spencer Neil Shelley, Idaho
BS: Utah State University, 1999
Bone, Sterling Allen Hoskisson , Tamora Michelle Blacksburg, Virginia
MLS: Indi ana University, 1993 Major : History Major Professor: Dr. Anne M. Butler
Reeder, William Dougla s
Orem, Utah
Logan, Utah
BS: Utah State University, 2000
BA: Utah State University, 1991 Major: History Major Professor: Dr. David J. Weiland
Mapleton , Utah
Brady, David Mich ael BS: Brigham Young Univers ity, 1992
Briggs, Marshall R.
Cranford, Cheryl Lynn
Heideman, Megan
Manila, Utah
Evanston, Wyoming
Roy, Utah
BS: Brigham Young University, 1986
BS: University of Wyoming, 1983
BS: South ern Utah University, 1998
Bronson, Dale L.
Davaa, Hangal
Hemming, Eric McDaniel
Roy, Utah
St. Louis, Missouri
BS: Weber State Univers ity, 1997
BS: Brigham Young University, Haw aii, 1999
BA: Brigham Young University, 1999
Brown, Andrea B.
Dunn, Spencer Hugh
Hintze, Kai D.
Price, Utah
Salt LakeCity, Utah
Centerville, Utah
BS: Utah Valley State College, 1997
BS: Brigham Young University, 1997
BS: Utah State University, 1985
Bryner, Loman Garth
Ellswor th , Don L.
Hollingsworth, Flint D.
Price, Utah
Bear River City, Utah
BS: Utah Valley State Co llege, 1999
BS: Northern Arizona University, 1999
BA: Utah State Univers ity, 2000
Burge, Brent R.
Enders, Scott Gordon
Hsiao, Fang Ming
Riverton, Utah
Orange, California
Taipei, Taiwan
BS: Utah State University, 1996
BS: Brigham Young University, 1996
MS: Saginaw ValJey State University, 1994
Burraston, Russell L.
Erickson, Paul Justin
Huang, Chi-Fen Denise
Richmond, Utah
BS: Utah State University, 1999
BS: Utah State University, 1992
BS: Univers ity of Western Sydney, 1997
Bybee, Susan
Farmer, Thomas Scott
Hunsaker, Ari N .
Green River, Wyoming
Ogden, Utah
Henefer, Utah
BBA: Idaho State University, 1975
BS: Weber State University, 1999
BA: Weber State University , 1992
Cahoon, Matthew L.
Fietka u, David Benjamin
Jabbouri, Ayad Ahmad Eid
Highland, Utah
Highland, Utah
MTech: Brigham Young University, 1993
BS: Utah Valley State College, 1997
Carlsen, Brent A.
Flandro, Ryan Matthew
Beirut, Lebanon
BS: Utah State University, 1995
BS: Utah State University, 1999
Carls ton , Kristina Murray, Utah
BS: Utah State University, 1999
Case, Dauny Sue West Valley City, Utah
BS: Unive rsity of Utah, 1996
Cluff, Adam Anderson Logan, Utah
BA: Utah State University, 2000
BS: American University of Beirut, 1994
Jackson, Mike L. Lyman, Wyoming
Gardner, Steven Gene Layton, Utah
BS: Brigham Young University, 1997
BS: Utah State University, 1995
Jan , Gwo -Shiuan Taipei,Taiwan
BS: Tarnkang Unive rsity, 1996
Gerber, Mari sa H. Jarrett, Darin H.
Preston, Idaho
BS: Utah State Univers ity, 2000
Logan, Utah
BS: Utah State University, 2000
Gittins, JeNae Murray Wellsville, Utah
BS: Utah State University, 1982
Jeppson, Joshua David Salt Lake City, Utah
BA: University of Utah, 1998
Glover, William Russell Combs, Troy Eugene
Brigham City, Utah
Ogden, Utah
BS: Weber State University, 1997
Jones, Randy Keith
Hansen, Daniel Joseph Conlin, Scott J.
Layton, Utah
BA: Utah State University, 1999
Colstrip, Montana
Jordan, Steven R. Logan, Utah
BS: Utah Valley State Co llege, 1998
BA: Weber State College, 1977
Cordova, Michael T.
Brigham City, Utah
ME: Univer sity of Texas, Arlin gton, 1987
BS: Weber State University, 1997
Harding, Chad E.
Kan e, David J.
BS: Utah State Univ ersity, 2000
BA: Utah State Unive rsity, 1999
Ogden, Utah
BS: Brigham Young University , 1990
Keith, Bryan Wilson Sandy, Utah
McMahan, Gary W. Salt Lake City, Utah
Pugh , Troy Jens Orem, Utah
BS: University of Utah, 1999
BS: Un ivers ity of Utah, 1994
BS: Brigham Young University, 1996
Kendall, Richard Ryan
McMillan, Scott Glen
Raulinaitis, Jeremy Lynn
Provo, Utah
BS: Brigham Young University, 1996
Kirk, Lee Richard
Morgan, Utah
Vernal, Utah
BS: Utah State University, 1998
Metz, Carrie Ann
BS: Utah State University, 2000
Reay, Lori H .
Provo, Utah
Mesa, Arizona
Pleasant Grove, Utah
BS: Utah Valley State college, 1999
BS: Arizona State Univers ity, 1997
BS: Utah Valley State College, 1999
Knapton , Jeffrey S.
Miller, Justin Reed
Rossiter, Eric Terry
Omaha, Nebraska
MS: Univ ersity of Wyoming, 1996
Knight , Dan V.
Tremonton, Utah
Riverton, Utah
BS: Utah State University, 1998
BS: Brigham Young Univers ity, 1992
Morrin , Jani ca
Sampson, Max Shaun
Pleasant Grove, Utah
Ogden, Utah
BS: Brigham Young University, 1994
BS: Utah State University, 1999
BS: Brigham Young University, 1996
Krezovic, Aleksandar
Mueller , Jan-Peter
Sanguan boon, Tanavan
Brigham City, Utah
Bangkok, Thailand
BS: Utah State Uni versity, 1997
BA: Westminster College, 1999
BS: Chulal ongkorn University, 1998
Lacey, Paul Richard
Mullen, Eric Jon
Schum ann, Erik Garn
Belgrade, Yugoslavia
Drummond, Montana
BS: Brigham Youn g University, 1998
Lawyer , Brent J.
Providence, Utah
Mt. Green, Utah
Pleasant Hill, California
BS: Brigham Young University, 1998
BS: Brigham Young University, 1997
Nielsen, Clark Wayne
Seaman, Linda A.
Logan, Utah
Logan, Utah
Rock Springs, Wyoming
BS: Utah State University, 1996
BS: Utah State Un iversity, 1999
BS: University of Wyoming , 1976
Lott, J. Micha el
Nordstrom, Mark S.
Sharma , Gunjan Govind
Roosevelt, Utah
Alzmedabad, India
BS: Utah State University , 1999
BS: Utah State University , 2000
BA: Gujar at Univ ersity, 1994
Lovato, David Joseph
Olson , Micha el Aaron
Clarkston, Utah
Sharp , Ryan Allan
Preston, Idaho
Orangeville, Utah
BS: Univers ity of Wyomin g, 1984
BS: Utah State Unive rsity, 2000
BS: Utah State University, 1999
Loveland , Chet Benjamin
Packard, Paul Ian
Green River, Wyoming
Provo, Utah
Shelley, Kade M . Woods Cross, Utah
South Jordan, Utah
BS: Brigham Young University, 1996
BS: Utah State University, 1987
Martinez, David J.
Parkin, Ted Kimball
North Ogden, Utah
Bountiful, Utah
BS: Weber State Univer sity, 1999
BS: University of Utah, 1997
McCay, Tawnee Marie
Paul, Elizabeth A.
Preston, Idaho
BS: Utah State Univers ity, 1997
McCune, Ted C.
Bhagalpur, India
MS: Rajendra Agricul tu ral Univers ity, 1984
Kaysville, Utah
BS: Utah Valley State Co llege, 1998
BS: Utah State Univers ity, 1984
Solomon, Lawrence
Polgar, Eric
Lehi, Utah
Mexico City, M exico
BS: Univers ity of Utah , 1996
BS: Utah Valley State College, 1998
McIntosh , Lori
Priestley, Paul Orlando
BS: Utah State Univers ity, 1994
Sinha, Navin K.
Snow, Micha el E.
Heber, Utah
West Jordan, Utah
Magna, Utah
BS: Utah State U nive rsity, 1997
Preston, Idaho
BS: Uta h State University, 1993
BS: Utah State University, 1999
Southworth, Stephanie R. West Jordan, Utah
BS: University of Utah , 1998
Stacey, Craig R.
Turner, Sean Andrew
Atkinson, Marla P.
Layton, Utah
Kaysville, Utah
Monticello, Utah
BS: Weber State University, 1994
BS: University of Utah, 1997
Steiner, David Kenneth
Tzonev, Konstantin Stefanov
BS: Utah State University, 1973 Major: Elementary Education Major Professor: Dr. Jolm A. Smith
Green River, Wyoming
Ogden , Utah
BS: Arizona State University, 1984
BS: Utah State University, 1999
Baker, Mark Roger
Stewart, Brooksie A
Wallentine, David Lynn
Orem, Utah
Meridian, Idaho
BS: Southern Utah University, 1993 Major: Instructional Technology Major Professor: Dr. Charles G. Stoddard
BS: Utah State University, 2000
BS: Utah Valley State College, 2000
Stewart, Michael Evan
Wang, Keya
Orem, Utah
Panchiao, Taiwan
BS: Utah State University, 1995
MA: University of Arizona, 1986
Stone, Jared Thomas
Warrick, Jennifer
Orem, Utah
Nampa, Idaho
BS: Brigham Young University , 1998
BS: Utah Stat e University, 2000
Springville , Utah
Belnap, Rodney D. Hooper, Utah
BS: Weber State University, 1995 Major: Health, Physical Education and Recreation Major Professor: Dr. Hilda Fronske
Betts, Joan
Bountiful, Utah
Strain, Joseph R.
Weight, Chad Karl
Monroe , Utah
Orem , Utah
BS: Utah State Univ ersity, 1999
BS: Brigham Young University, 1995
Strasburg, Rebecca Ann
Wilkinson, David Willard
Pleasant Grove, Utah
Robinson, Illinois
BS: Utah Valley State College, 1998
BS: University of Illinois, 1989
Strong, Eric Vernon
Wirthlin, David Goalen
Lehi, Utah
Ogden, Utah
BS: Southern Utah University, 1997
BS: Weber State University, 1993
BS: Utah State University , 1965 Major: Instructional Technology Major Professor: Dr. J. Steven Soulier
Bingham Jeffrey S. Ogden, Utah
BS: Weber State College, 1983 Major: Health, Physical Education and Recreation Major Professor: Dr. Richard D. Gordin Jr.
Bradford, Janet Blanding, Utah
Taylor, Jacob H.
Wright, Dwayne Michael
Ogden, Utah
Evans, Georgia
BA: Weber State University , 1998
BS: Brigham Young University, 1998
Terry, Robert L.
Yang, Wen-Chin
Provo, Utah
Taipei, Taiwan
BS: Brigham Young Uni versity, 1995
BS: National Chengchi University, 1998
Thornley, Jonathan Stoker Logan, Utah
BS: Utah State University, 1998
BS: Brigham Young University, 1967 Major: Secondary Education Major Professor: Dr. William J. Strong
Brimhall, George Rex Jr. Payson, Utah
Master of Education
BS: Southern Utah University, 1993 Major: Health, Physical Education and Recreation Major Professor: Dr. John M. Kras
Allinson, Jennie Lin
Brinkerhoff, Kaelyn
Ferron, Utah
Murray, Utah
BS: Weber State University, 1993 Major: Elementary Education Major Professor: Dr. James T. Dorward
BS: University of Utah, 1984 Major: Elementary Education Major Professor: Dr. James J. Barta
Roosevelt, Utah
Archer, Lucy Ann
Brough, Rebecca
BS: Utah State University, 1998
Park City, Utah
Salt Lake City, Utah
BS: University of Utah, 1998 Major: Instructional Technology Major Professor: Dr. Charles G. Stoddard
BA: University of Utah, 1989 Major: Secondary Education Major Professor: Dr. Kay Beth Camperell
Argyle, Patricia A
Brower, Joy C.
Todd, Elizabeth Wolfe Carrollton, Georgia
BBA: University of Georgia, 1991
Todd, Rex Gardner
Transtrum, Jason Michael American Fork, Utah
BS: Utah Valley State College, 1998
Randolph, Utah
Tsai, Hsin-Huei Taohsiung, Taiwan
BS: Chinese Culture University, 1998
Tremonton, Utah
BS: Utah State University, 1999 Major: Instructional Technology Major Professor: Dr. J. Nicholls Eastmond Jr.
BS: Brigham Young University, 1976 Major: Elementary Education Major Professor: Dr. Scott L. Hunsaker
Bryant, Linda Kay Salt LakeCity, Utah
Daniels, Eva L. Layton, Utah
Salt Lake City, Utah
BS: Utah State University, 1998 Major: Elementary Education Major Professor: Dr. Martin K. Tadlock
BS: Utah State University, 1984 Major: Elementary Education Major Professor: Dr. Martha T. Dever
BS: Brigham Young University, 1964 Major: Elementary Education Major Professor: Dr. Francine F. Johnson
Bryner, Annette Lyman Sandy, Utah
Dixon, Lissa M. Brigham City, Utah
Salt Lake City, Utah
BS: University of Utah, 1973 Major: Elementary Education Major Professor: Dr. Martha T. Dever
BS: Utah State University, 1985 Major: Elementary Education Major Professor: Dr. Scott L. Hunsaker
BS: University of Texas, 1979 Major: Elementary Education Major Professor: Dr. John A. Smith
Call, Jerolyn P. Woods Cross, Utah
Engh, Gayle Ottosen Salt LakeCity, Utah
Hellstern, Helen Cooley Logan, Utah
BS: Weber State University, 1992 Major: Elementary Education Major Professor: Dr. Martha T. Dever
BS: University of Utah, 1992 Major: Special Education Major Professor: Dr. Pamela J. Hudson
BS: Utah State University, 1967 Major: Elementa ry Education Major Professor: Dr. Scott L. Hunsaker
Fitzgerald, Tammy Gibbons Sandy, Utah
Hoopes, Julie N. Smithfield, Utah
BS: Weber State University, 1991 Major: Elementary Education Major Professor: Dr. Martin K. Tadlock
BS: Utah State University, 1987 Major: Elementary Education Major Professor: Dr. Scott L. Hunsaker
Garber, Jacqueline Sandy, Utah
Morgan, Utah
Cantwell, Tamara G. C. Logan, Utah BS: Utah State University, 1995 Major: Elementary Education Major Professor: Dr. James T. Dorward Cheney, Marcia Hyde Park, Utah BS: Utah State University, 1998 Major: Instructional Technology Major Professor: Dr. Charles G. Stoddard Choumos, Christine Tremonton, Utah
BS: Utah State University, 1988 Major: Secondary Education Major Professor: Dr. Richard S. Knight Clark, Ethelann P. Tremonton,Utah BS: Utah State University , 1996 Major: Elementary Education Major Professor: Dr. Martin K. Tadlock Cook, Stefenee A. Heber City, Utah BS: Southern Utah State College, 1988 Major: Elementary Education Major Professor: Dr. Martha T. Dever
Vicki A.
Hauser, Kim S.
Erin Christine
BS: Brigham Young University, 1974 Major: Elementary Education Major Professor: Dr. Francine F. Johnson
BS: Utah State University, 1985 Major: Instructional Technology Major Professor: Dr. Charles G. Stoddard
George, Chad Arnold Korby EauClaire,Wisconsin
Jensen, Georgianne Paradise, Utah
BS: Utah State University , 1995 Major: Elementary Education Major Professor: Dr. John A. Smith
BS: University of Utah , 1989 Major: Elementary Education Major Professor: Dr. Martha T. Dever
Gerlach, Peter S. BrighamCity, Utah
Jensen, Suzi M . Layton, Utah
BS: Brigham Young University, 1995 Major: Secondary Education Major Professor: Dr. Richard S. Knight
BS: Weber State College, 1982 Major: Health, Physical Education and Recreation Major Professor: Dr. Hilda Fronske
Graves, Shaun K. Ogden, Utah BA: Weber State University, 1993 Major: Health, Physical Education and Recreation Major Professor: Dr. Monica F. Lounsbery
Jolley, Brian Dale Orem, Utah BS: Brigham Young University, 1998 Major: Secondary Education Major Professor: Dr. Kay Beth Camperell
Haney, Shauna Riverdale, Utah
Jones, Annette H. Tremonton, Utah
BS: Weber State College, 1986 Major: Elementary Education Major Professor: Dr. Martin K. Tadlock
BS: Weber State University, 1995 Major: Health, Physical Education and Recreation Major Professor: Dr. Hilda Fronske
BS: Brigham Young University, 1977 Major: Elementary Education Major Professor: Dr. Martin K. Tadlock
Crawley, Lois G. Centerville, Utah
Hardy, Ethel M. Salt LakeCity, Utah
BS: Weber State College, 1978 Major: Instructional Technology Major Professor: Dr. J. Steven Soulier
BA: Whitter College, 1974 Major: Special Education Major Professor : Dr. Daniel P. Morgan
Crawley, JoAnn Salt LakeCity, Utah
Jorgensen, Jeffrey Alan South Weber,Utah
BS: Brigham Young University, 1984 Major: Health, Physical Education and Recreation Major Professor: Dr. John M. Kras
Kaczor, Nathan S.
Moss, Suzanne J.
LeVitre, Jillynne
Kearney, Nebraska
South Jordan, Utah
Tremonton, Utah
BS: Utah State University, 1992 Major: Health, Physical Education and Recreation Major Professor: Dr. Richard D. Gordin Jr.
BS: Utah State University, 2000 Major: Communicative Disorders and Deaf Education Major Professor: Dr. J. Freeman King
BS: Utah State University, 1997 Major: Elementary Education Major Professor: Dr. Scott L. Hunsaker
Moss, Terrie Kay Karaghouli, Lori Logan, Utah
BS: Utah State University, 1990 Major: Health, Physical Education and Recreation Major Professor: Dr. Richard D. Gordin Jr.
Karren, Amber Dawn Smithfield, Utah
BS: Utah State University, 2000 Major: Communicative Disorders and Deaf Education Major Professor: Dr. J. Freeman King
Kendrick, Heather H. Salt Lake City, Utah
BS: Utah State University, 1997 Major: Communicative Disorders and Deaf Education Major Professor : Dr. J.Freeman King
Kettle, Mary Ellen
Lowry, Suzanne R.
Sandy, Utah
Logan, Utah
BS: University of Utah, 1974 Major: Elementary Education Major Professor: Dr. James T. Dorward
BS: University of Southern Maine, 1974 Major: Elementary Education Major Professor: Dr. Scott L. Hunsaker
Nafpactitou, Dimitra Luck, Maurine Jensen
Athens, Greece
Neola, Utah
BS: University of Athens, 1983 Major: Health, Physical Education and Recreation Major Professor: Dr. Richard D. Gordin Jr.
BS: Brigham Young University, 1970 Major: Elementary Education Major Professor: Dr. Bernard L. Hayes
Lyman, Norman S. Blanding, Utah
BS: Weber State College, 1988 Major: Elementary Education Major Professor: Dr. Martin K. Tadlock
McCaul, Andria Boston
Neilsen, Renee Hendrickson North Logan, Utah
BS: Brigham Young University, 1984 Major: Elementary Education Major Professor: Dr. Martha T. Dever
Nichols, Jamie Lynn
Logan, Utah
Los Olivas, California
BS: Utah State University, 1997 Major: Elementary Education Major Professor: Dr. Scott L. Hunsaker
BS: Brigham Young University, Hawaii, 1998 Major: Instructional Technology Major Professor: Dr. Charles G. Stoddard
McCleery, Mark William
Nigbur, Debra
Bountiful, Utah
Taylorsville, Utah
BS: University of Utah, 1986 Major: Health, Physical Education and Recreation Major Professor: Dr. John M. Kras
BS: Brigham Young University, 1993 Major: Special Education Major Professor: Dr. Daniel P. Morgan
Roosevelt, Utah
BS: Utah State University, 1990 Major: Elementary Education Major Professor: Dr. Martin K. Tadlock
Klarich-Davis, Lisa Anne Heber City, Utah
BS: Utah State University, 1994 Major: Health, Physical Education and Recreation Major Professor: Dr. Hilda Fronske
LaRose, Randy Alexander
Olson, Luanne Hyer
McKean, Kara L.
Lindon, Utah
Bountiful, Utah
BS: Weber State University, 1991 Major: Elementary Education Major Professor: Dr. James J. Barta
Monticello, Utah
BS: Brigham Young University, 1995 Major: Instructional Technology Major Professor: Dr. J. Nicholls Eastmond Jr.
McMaken, Diane Neilson Bluffdale, Utah
BS: Utah State University, 1978 Major: Elementary Education Major Professor: Dr. Scott L. Hunsaker
BS: Brigham Young University, 1979 Major: Instructional Technology Major Professor: Dr. Charles G. Stoddard
Olson, Sally Louise Payson, Utah
BS: University of Wisconsin, Stout, 1987 Major: Elementary Education Major Professor: Dr. John A. Smith
Laing, Jill Marie Washington, Utah
BS: Brigham Young University, 1990 Major: Communicative Disorders and Deaf Education Major Professor: Dr. J. Freeman King
Larsen, Dee Ann Rigby, Idaho
BS: Brigham Young University, 1968 Major: Elementary Education Major Professor: Dr. Francine F. Johnson
Merkley, Judith G.
Park, Valerie Pratt
Smithfield, Utah
Salt Lake City, Utah
BS: Utah State University, 1968 Major: Elementary Education Major Professor: Dr. Scott L. Hunsaker
BS: Westminster College, 1979 Major: Special Education Major Professor: Dr. Pamela J. Hudson
Moss, Michael D.
Paskett, Arlajean
Layton, Utah
Moab, Utah
BS: Weber State University, 1991 Major: Health, Physical Education and Recreation Major Professor: Dr. Hilda Fronske
BS: Utah State University, 1987 Major: Elementary Education Major Professor: Dr. Rebecca M. Manhardt
Potter, Tammee Kae Garland, Utah
Ross, Jackie Seely
Taylor, Gloria B.
Price, Utah
Farmington, Utah
BS: Weber State University, 1993 Major: Elementary Education Major Professor: Dr. Scott L. Hunsaker
BS: Utah State University, 1994 Major: Elementary Education Major Professor: Dr. Martin K. Tadlock
BS: Weber State College, 1968 Major: Elementary Educa tion Major Professor: Dr. James J. Barta
Price, Richard Van
Schwalbe, Jeff Alan
Toma, Devin R.
Layton, Utah
BS: Brigham Young University, 1984 Major: Health, Physical Education and Recreation Major Professor: Dr. John M. Kras
Probert, Becke Jean Salt Lake City, Utah
BS: Brigham Young University, 1983 Major: Elementary Education Major Professor: Dr. James J. Barta
Purcell, Bonnie M. Blanding, Utah
BS: Weber State College, 1987 Major: Secondary Education Major Professor: Dr. William J. Strong
Oakley, Utah
Salt Lake City, Utah
BS: University of Idaho , 1982 Major: Hea lth, Physical Education and Recreation Major Professor: Dr. Hilda Fronske
BS: Brigham Young University, 1992 Major: Secondary Education Major Professor: Dr. Grace C. Hu erta
Tooley, Melinda Semadeni, Joseph Heighton Afton, Wyoming
BS: Utah State University, 1996 Major: Elementary Education Major Professor: Dr. James T. Dorward
Logan, Utah
BS: Utah State University, 1994 Major : Instructional Technology Major Professor: Dr. Charles G. Stoddard
Venable, Bruce E.
Smith, Donna K.
Roy, Utah
Salt Lake City, Utah
BS: Brigham Young University, 1963 Major: Elementary Education Major Professor: Dr. John A. Smith
BS: Weber State College, 1984 Major: Health, Physical Educa tion and Recreation Major Professor: Dr. Richard D. Gordin Jr.
Rachele-Flanery, Kaye Roosevelt, Utah
Smith, Jeremy L.
BS: University of Utah, 1981 Major: Elementary Education Major Professor: Dr. Rebecca M. Monhardt
Dayton, Idaho
Sandy, Utah
BS: Utah State University, 1997 Major: Elementary Education Major Professor: Dr. Scott L. Hun saker
BS: Westminster College, 1984 Major: Secondary Education Major Professor: Dr. Martin K. Tadlock
Logan, Utah
Stallings, Carolyn D. Ketchikan, Alaska
Warden, Lori R.
BS: Utah State University, 2000 Major: Communicative Disorders and Deaf Education Major Professor: Dr. J. Freeman King
BEd: University of Alaska, 1989 Major: Elementary Education Major Professor: Dr. Donald A. Daugs
BS: Weber State University, 1992 Major: Instructiona l Techno logy Major Professor: Dr. J. Steven Soulier
Randall, Carla I.
Steele, Karen
Watrin, Kimberly
Vincent, John Irwin
Radford, Jill Marie
Petersboro, Utah
BS: Brigham Young University, 1976 Major: Elementary Education Major Professor: Dr. John A. Smith
Rees, Debra 8. Morgan, Utah
BS: Utah State University, 1977 Major: Instructional Technology Major Professor : J. Steven Soulier
Robinson, Lisa Michelle Pomona, California
BA: Westminster College, 1997 Major: Elementary Education Major Professor: Dr. James T. Dorward
Layton, Utah
Logan, Utah
Logan, Utah
BS: Utah State University, 1985 Major: Elementary Education Major Professor: Dr. John A. Smith
Stidham, Jessamyn C. Z.
BS: Utah State University, 1998 Major: Special Education Major Professor: Dr. Pamela J. Hudson
Wiese, Tiffany N.
Cortez, Colorado
Perry, Utah
BA: University of Colorado, Boulder, 1994 Major: Secondary Education Major Professor: Dr. Martin K. Tadlock
BS: Utah State University, 1997 Major: Elementary Education Major Professor: Dr. Scott L. Hunsaker
Sutherland, Karen S.
Wilcox, Janet K.
Murray, Utah
Blanding, Utah
BS: Brigham Young University, 1966 Major: Instructional Technology Major Professor: Dr. Charles G. Stoddard
BS: Brigham Young University, 1964 Major: Instructional Technology Major Professor: Dr. J. Nicholls Eastmond Jr.
Robson-Fuller, Amber Lynne Logan, Utah
Taggart, Sally Rieske
BS: Utah State University, 1997 Major: Elementary Education Major Professor: Dr. Scott L. Hunsaker
Lehi, Utah
Logan, Utah
BA: Utah State University, 1967 Major: Instructional Technology Major Professor: Dr. Linda L. Wolcott
BA: Utah State University, 1995 Major: Elementary Education Major Professor: Dr. Scott L. Hunsaker
Wilde-Taylor, Arny
Wilkinson, Dale W.
Wang, Guo-Qiang
Justis, M. Joan
Ogden, Utah
Chifeng, China
Logan, Utah
BS: Weber State Co llege, 1984 Major: Secondary Education Major Professor: Dr. Michael W. Heikkinen
BS: Tsinghu a University, 1992 Major : Electrical Engineering Major Professor: Dr. Joe R. Doupnik
BA: Brigham Young University, 1966 Major: Art Major Professor: Professor Adrian Van Sucht ele n
Willardson, Jan Marie
Wyatt, Brandon David
Salt Lake City, Utah
Las Vegas,Nevada
Nikolic-McMillan, Nina
BS: Utah State Universi ty, 1995 Major: Elementar y Educa tion Major Professor: Dr. Bernard L. Haye s
BS: Utah State University, 2000 Major: Civil and Environ m ental Engineering Major Professor: Dr. Kevin C. Womack
BFA: Universi ty of Belgrade, 1994 Major: Theatre Arts Major Professor: Professor Nancy E. Hills
Belgrade, Yugoslavia
Winward, Bridget Merrell Polito, Ray mond Kenneth
St. George, Utah
Yang, Donglun
BS: Brigham Young Unive rsity, 1979 Major: Instructional Technology Major Professor: Dr. Char les G. Stoddard
Guang An, China
Jackson, Wyoming
BS: Shan ghai University of Science & Techno logy, 1995 Major: Mechanical Enginee rin g Major Professor: Dr. Robert E. Spall
BFA: Wayne State Uni vers ity, 1997 Major: Art Major Professor: Professor Ch ristop her T. Terry
Zies man , Scott
Poppleton, Joel Malmberg
Woodland, Ronald D. St. George, Utah
BS: University of Utah, 1981 Major: Instruct ional Technology Major Professor: Dr. Charles G. Stoddard
Wright, Laura J.
Logan, Utah
Providence, Utah
BS: Utah State Universi ty, 1999 Major: Electr ical Engineering Major Professor: Dr. Dora n J. Baker
BFA: Uta h State Universi ty, 1998 Major: Art Major Professor: Professor Glen L. Edwards
Master of Fine Arts
Steenerson, Kindra Lois
Call, Blaine Willard
BA: Uta h State University, 1997 Major: TI1eatre Arts Major Professor: Professor Kevin Doyle
Ogden, Utah
BS: Weber State University, 1996 Major: Instruction al Techno logy Major Professor: Dr. J. Steven Sou lier
Paul, Idaho
Zilles, Heidi Lyn Logan, Utah
BS: Utah Sta te University, 1994 Major: Elementary Education Major Professor: Dr. Scott L. Hun saker
BFA: Utah State Uni vers ity, 1996 Major: Ar t Major Professor: Professor Glen L. Edwards
Gu ttala, Sailaja Visakpapatnam, India
BS: And hr a University, 1998 Major: Mechanica l Engineering Major Professor: Dr. Ralph H. Hayco ck
Henwood, Justin Thom as Soldotna, Alaska
BS: Utah State University, 2000 Major: Civil and Enviro nm ent al Engineering Major Professo r: Dr. Joseph A. Calie nd o
Prabhala, Sekhar C.
Calles, Michael Eli BFA: Utah State University, 1998 Major: Art Major Professor: Professor Glen L. Edwards
Thititanapak, Vitoon
BFA: Utah State University, 1998 Major: Ar t Major Professor: Professor Adr ian Van Suchtelen
Wilner, Ama nd a M. Washington, DC
Davis, Amy Lee Pleasant Grove, Utah
BS: Sou thern Utah University, 1998 Major: Art Major Professor: Prof esso r Glen L. Edwards
Hailes, Cynthia T. Millville, Utah
BFA: Utah State Unive rsity, 1986 Major: Art Major Professor: Dr. Thomas E. Toone
Hyderabad, India
BS: Osmania University, 1998 Major: Electrica I Engineer ing Major Professor: Dr. Ga rdin er S. Stiles
Vance, Jeffrey Weston McCall, Idaho
Colchester, Connecticut
Master of Engineering
Logan, Utah
BA: Univers ity of Penn sylvan ia, 1992 Major: Art Major Professor : Professor John Nee ly
Master of Landscape Architecture Barnes, Jared Ford Rocklin, California
BS: Brigham Young University, 1998 Major Professor: Professor Craig W. Johnson
Hanson, Carey B. Silverton, Texas
Newell, Tim H.
BFA: Utah State Uni vers ity, 1994 Major: Thea tre Arts Major Professor: Professor Nancy E. Hills
Nibley, Utah
BS: University of Utah, 1993 Major Prof essor : Professor Richa rd E. Toth
Hardy, Sarah J.
Santacruz, Maria Isabel
Muang, Thailand
MPA: National Institut e of Development Administration , 1996 Major: Civil and Env iron ment a l Engineering Major Professor: Dr. Mac McKee
Liverpool, England
Chihuahua, Mexico
BFA: U tah State University, 1996 Major: Theatre Arts Major Professor: Dr. Co lin B. John son
BS: Autonomous University of Chihuahu a, 1979
Major Professor: Professor Caroline Lavoie
Master of Mathematics
Jack, Derek Glen
Thomas, Ryan Paul
BS: Utah State University, 1999 Major Professor: Dr. Garth M. Eldredge
Preston, Idaho
BS: Utah State University, 1995 Major Professor: Dr. Joseph V. Koebbe
Blanding, Utah
Master of SecondLanguage Teaching Fang, Yuedong Yuyao, China
Kiggins, Delores Steele Bancroft, Idaho
Master of Rehabilitation, Counseling
MS: Idaho State University, 1990 Major Professor: Dr. Hal M. Cain
Baker, Natalie Jane
Natvig, LaRae Marie
BA: Zhejiang University, 1994 Major Prof esso r: Dr. John E. Lackstrom
Kohler, Dennis M. Logan, Utah
Butte, Montana
Kimball, South Dakota
BS: University of Great Falls, 1998 Major Professor: Dr. Julie F. Smart
BS: University of Oklahoma, 1989 Major Professor: Dr. Julie F. Smart
Barnes, Karolyn Diane
Otteson, Ann
BA: Utah State University, 1991 Major Professor: Dr. John E. Lackstrom
Moffitt, Jane Loveland Hyde Park, Utah
Puyallup, Washington
Smithfield, Utah
BS: Utah State University, 1992 Major Professor: Dr. Hal M. Cain
BS: Utah State Universi ty, 1995 Major Professor: Dr. Julie F. Smart
BS: Utah State University, 1978 Major Professor: Dr. Alfred N. Smith Jr.
Parras-Serradilla Guadalupe Beck, Anita Anne
Newark, Delaware
Phillips, Dale Earl
Salt Lake City, Utah
Santa Ana, California
BS: University of Utah, 1996 Major Professor: Dr. Gar th M. Eldr edge
BS: Utah State University, 1978 Major Professor: Dr. Julie F. Smart
DIPL: University Complutense de Madrid, 1997 Major Professor: Dr. John E. Lackstrom
Boyd, David Wayne
Remund, Kent Douglas
Pater, David R.
Logan, Utah
Salt Lake City, Utah
BA: Camp bell University, 1995 Major Professor: Dr. Julie F. Smart
BS: Utah State University, 1999 Major Professor: Dr. Garth M. Eldredge
BS: Utah State University, 2000 Major Professor: Dr. John E. Lackstrom
Buck, Ludean Schwab
Roberts, Joy Steele
Stein, Jared Michael
Evanston, Wyoming
East Point, Georgia
Logan, Utah
BS: Utah State University , 1992 Major Professor: Dr. Garth M. Eldredge
BS: Brigham Young University, 1997 Major Professor: Dr. H al M. Cain
BS: Utah State University, 1999 Major Professor: Dr. John E. Lackstrom
Epperson, Steven H .
Snell, Romona Lynn
Tan, Sok Leng
Olympia, Washington
Roy, Utah
BA: Eastern Washington State College, 1973 Major Professor: Dr. Hal M. Cain
BS: Weber State University, 1996 Major Professor: Dr. Julie F. Smart
BS: University of Calgary, 1991 Major Professor: Dr. Alfred N. Smith Jr.
Sullivan, Pamela D.
Master of Science
Etchegoyhen, Kathleen Mary
Carson City, Nevada
Harrisville, Utah
BA: University of Nevada, Reno, 1993 Major Professor: Dr. Julie F. Smart
BS: Utah State University, 1998 Major Professor: Dr. Hal M. Cain
Francis, Rebekah Re
Turner, Katherine M.
Guaynabo,Puerto Rico
Wasilla, Alaska
BS: Brigham Young University, 1997 Major Professor: Dr. Hal M. Cain
BA: University of Alaska, Anchorage, 1994 Major Professor: Dr. Julie F. Smart
Franks, Michelle R.
Walker, Kyle James
Achter, Jeremy Lee West Valley City, Utah
BS: Utah State University, 1998 Major: Civil and Environmental Engineering Major Professor: Dr. Marvin W. Halling Thesis: Full-Scale Bridge Bent Condition Assessment Using Forced-Vibration Testing
Alavilli, Praveen Prasad
Anchorage, Alaska
Logan, Utah
BS: University of Nebraska, Omaha, 1982 Major Professor: Dr. Hal M. Cain
BS: Utah State University, 1999 Major Professor: Dr. Hal M. Cain
Hawk, Shawn L.
Wiwchar, Sheri Anne
Visakhapatnam, India
Lyman, Wyoming
BS: Utah State University, 1998 Major Professor: Dr. Julie F. Smart
BS: University of Victoria, 1988 Major Professor: Dr. Hal M. Cain
BS: Andhra University, 1998 Major: Computer Science Major Professor: Dr. Vicki H. Allan
Alberico, Stephanie Anne Idaho Falls, Idaho
BA: Utah State University, 1998 Major: Psychology Major Professor: Dr. Gretchen A. Gimpel
Albrechtsen, Kenneth R.
Austin, Angela Johnson
Bennett, Shannon Hawkins
North Logan, Utah
Providence, Utah
Payson, Utah
BS: Utah State Univ ersity, 1999 Major: Instructional Technology Major Professor: Dr. Andrew S. Gibbons
BS: Utah State University, 1999 Major: Communicative Disorders and Deaf Education Major Professor: Dr. Beth E. Foley
BS: Utah State University, 1999 Major: Psychology Major Professor: Dr. David M. Stein
Bennion, Marla M .
Allamneni, Srikan th Hyderabad, India
Axford, Yarrow Larue
BS: Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University, 1997 Major: Mechanical Engineering Major Professor: Dr. John K. Gershenson Thesis: Retirement Costs of Modular Products
Milbridge , Maine
Allen, Crystal
BA: Mount Holyoke College, 1997 Major: Geology Major Professor: Dr. Darrell S. Kaufman Thesis: Late Quaternary Glacier Fluctuations and Vegetation Change, in the Northwestern Ahklun Mountains, Southwestern Alaska
Ogden, Utah
BS: Utah State Univer sity, 1998 Major : Instructional Technology Major Professor: Dr. Linda L. Wolcott
Ball, Bruce Ryan
BS: Brigham Young University, 1990 Major: Instructional Technology Major Professor: Dr. Charles G. Stoddard
Allen, Lacey Leighla
Ballam, Shanan Lee
Cove, Utah
BS: Brigham Young University, 1985 Major: Instructional Technology Major Professor: Dr. Linda L. Wolcott
Berg, Melissa Heber City, Utah
BS: Utah State University , 1999 Major : Communicative Disorders and Deaf Education Major Professor: Dr. James C. Blair
Idaho Falls, Idaho
BS: Utah State University, 1997 Major: Biochemistry Major Professor: Dr. Ann E. Aust Thesis : Comparison of Glutathione Efflux and Ferritin Induction by Iron-Containing Particles in Three Types of Human Lung Epithelial Cells
Allen, Janeen
Hyd e Park, Utah
Berrett, Cathy Kerr Mantua, Utah
BS: Brigham Young University, 1964 Major : Psychology Major Professor: Dr. David M. Stein
Biesinger, Zy F. West Jordan, Utah
Centerville, Utah
Logan, Utah
BS: University of Utah, 1999 Major: Communicative Disord ers and Deaf Education Major Professor: Professor Ann S. Eldredge
BS: Utah State University, 1997 Major: English Major Professor: Dr. Keith A. Grant-Davie
Andreasen, Arny Elizabeth Ephraim, Utah
BS: Utah State University, 1999 Major: Communicative Disorders and Deaf Education Major Professor: Dr. Beth E. Foley
Barker, Bradley S.
BS: Utah State University, 1998 Major: Biology Major Professor: Dr. James W. Haefner Thesis : Switching Between Intensive and Extensive Searching in Predators of Heterogeneously Distributed Prey
Bowen, Debra O.
Layton, Utah
Logan, Utah
BS: Weber State University, 1997 Major: Instructional Technology Major Professor : Dr. Margaret M. Recker
BS: Utah State University, 1989 Major: Special Education Major Professor: Dr. Hal M. Cain
Barker, Megan
Bowman, Brett R.
Andrew, Brian Johnny
Salt Lake City, Utah
Ashton, Idaho
Pleasant Grove, Utah
BS: Utah State University, 1996 Major: Ecology Major Professor: Dr. Helga Van Miegroet Thesis: The Role of Overstory Nitrogen Uptake as a Sink for Atmospheric Deposition in Southern Appalachian Spruce-Fir Forests
BS: Utah State University, 1991 Major: Animal Science Major Professor: Dr. Randall D. Wiedmeier Thesis: Effect of Direct-Fed Viable Yeast Culture on Productivity of Beef Cows Wintered on Low-Quality Forages and on Calf Performance During Summer Suckling Grazing and Feedlot Finishing Periods
BS: Utah State University, 1999 Major: Irrogation Engineering Major Professor: Dr. Robert W. Hill Thesis: Pasture Simulation Model Calibration and Verification
Antonio, Rudy Surabaya, Indonesia
Beck, Jodilyn
BS: Widya Mandala Catholic University, 1991 Major: Business Information Systems and Education Major Profesor: Dr. David H. Olsen
Orem, Utah
Atwood, Sheldon B.
Bretey, David A. Jr.
BS: Utah State University, 1999 Major: Communicative Disorders and Deaf Education Major Professor: Professor Dee R. Child
Beecroft, Denise Bouy
Casper, Wyoming
BS: Brigham Young University, 1997 Major: Instructiona l Technology Major Professor: Dr. J. Nicholls Eastmond Jr.
Broderick, Lance S.
Cards/on, Canada
Roy, Utah
Orem, Utah
BS: Utah State University , 1997 Major: Range Science Major Professor: Dr. Frederick D. Provenza Thesis: The Effect of Flavor and Nutrient Variety on Diet Selection and Production of Beef Cattle
BS: Weber State University , 1990 Major : Business Information Systems and Education Major Professor: Dr. Thomas S. E. Hilton
BS: Brigham Young University, 1993 Major: Business Information Systems and Education Major Professor: Dr. Thomas S. E. Hilton
Bromley, Cassity
Butikofer, Jennifer
Sandy, Utah
Sandy, Utah
BS: William s College, 1996 Major : Wildlife Biology Major Professor: Dr. Eric M. Gese Th esis: Coyo te Sterilization as a Method of Redu cing Predation on Do mest ic Lambs
BS: Utah State University, 1997 Major: Computer Science Major Professor: Dr. Stephen W. Clyde Thesis: GARD: A Rea l-Time Detection and Avoidance Algorithm for Dangerous Global Predicates
Farmington Hills, Micl1igan
Brookshier , Jennif er Sue Ponca City, Oklahoma
Cai, Bin
BS: Univers ity of Kansas, 1994 Major : Biology Major Professor: Dr. Kimberly Sullivan Thesis: Effects of Forced Weaning on Moth er- Dau ghter Associations and Reproduction in Bison (Bos h.i.s.Qn}
Beijing, China
Cheng, Ellen BS: Cornell University , 1995 Major: Ecology Major Professor : Dr. Mark E. Ritchi e TI1esis: Effects of Simul ated Summer Graz ing on Utah Prairi e Dog (Cynomys parviolens) Growth Rates and Beh av iors
Childs, Denise Cleveland, Utah
BS: Huazhong Agricultural Unive rsity , 1994 Major: Irrigation Engineering Major Professor: Dr. Chr isto ph er M. U. Neale
BS: Utah State University, 1999 Major: Communicative Disorders and Deaf Education Major Prof esso r: Dr. Beth E. Foley
Christensen, Layne J. Brown , Darren Bryant Salt Lake City, Utah
BS: Brigh a m Yow1g University, 1995 Major : in stru ction al Technology Major Professor: Dr. Linda L. Wolcott
Caldwell, Steve n B.
Bountiful, Utah
Highland, Utah
BS: Utah State University, 1992 Major: Compu ter Science Major Professor: Dr. Larre N . Egbert
BS: Utah Stat e University, 1998 Major: Health , Physical Educa tion and Recrea tion Major Professor: Dr. Edward M. Heath
Coleman, Andrew S. Midvale, Utah
Budge , Aaron Scott Ogden, Utah
BS: Utah State University, 1998 Major: Civil and Environm ent al Engin ee rin g Major Professor: Dr. Jose ph A. Ca liendo Thesis: Cy clic Latera l Loading of Mod e l Pi le Gro up s in Clay Soil: Phase 3C
Casperson, Heidi Nicole Logan, Utah
BS: Utah State University, 1997 Majo r: Instru ctional Technol ogy Majo r Professor: Dr. Margaret M. Recke r
Jakarta, Indonesia
BS: Atma Jaya University, 1998 Major: Business Info rm ation Systems and Education Major Professor: Dr. Dennis LaBonty
Collett, Brent R. Lewiston, Idaho
Caudell, Joe N . Jackson, Georgia
Budim an , Ingrid
BS: Utah State University, 1999 Major: Business Inf ormation Systems and Edu cation Major Professor: Dr. Jam es C. Scott
BS: University of Georg ia, 1998 Major: Wildlife Biology Major Professor: Dr. Michael R. Conover Thesis: Pathophysiology and Predation of Brown Tree Sna kes (Boiga irreg ulari s) in Australi a
BS: University of Id a ho, 1996 Major: Psychology Major Professor: Dr. Gre tchen A. Gimpe l Th esis: The Influ ence of Parental Attributions and Parenting Be hav iors on th e Attributions Utilized by Childr en With and Without Attention Deficit-Hyp erac tivity Disorder
Conger, Angelique Bullock, Karen H . Provo, Utah
BS: Brigham Young University, 1972 Major: Human Environments Major Professor: Dr. Tom C. Peterson
South Jordan, Utah
Cha, Jeong Kwan Logan, Utah
BS: Utah State University, 1998 Major: Business Information Systems and Education Major Professor: Dr. Thoma s S. E. Hilt on
Bunderson, Melisa Moore, Utah
BS: Utah State University, 1997 Major : Toxicology Major Prof esso r: Dr. Jeffery 0. Hall The sis: Effects of High iron Water on Growth, Systemic Min eral Concentrations, and Me tabolism in Dairy Calves
BS: University of Haw aii, 1989 Major: Elementary Ed ucation Major Professor: Dr. Scott L. Huns aker Thesis: Problem-Based Science Lea rning in a Mixed-Abi lity Classroom That includ es Gifted and Talented Children
Chang, Bruce C.
Cook, Donald William
Kaysville, Utah
Meridian, Idaho
BS: Utah Stat e University, 1996 Major: Human Environm ent s Major Professor: Dr. Tom C. Peterson
BS: Utah State University, 1995 Major: Plant Science Major Professor: Dr. Larry A. Rupp Thesis : Eva luation of Crested Wh ea tgrass for Low-Maintenance Turf
Chang, Chih-Ying Taichung, Taiwan
Burns , James Brian Napa, California
BS: California State University, Sacramento, 1996 Major : Biology Major Professor: Dr. James A. Gessa man Thesis: Sexual Dichromatism in Bohemi an Waxwin gs
BS: Weber State University, 1996 Major: Family and Human Deve lopm ent Major Prof essor: Dr. Ann M. Austin Thesis: Chi ld ren's Stress Behaviors and Deve lopmenta lly Appropriate Practic e in Family Child Ca re Homes
Corbridge , Debra S. Logan, Utah
BS: Brigham Young University, 1980 Major: Human Environments Major Professor: Dr. Julianne Abendroth-Smith Th esis: Qu alities for Hiring Employees in the Apparel Manufacturing Indu stry in Metropolitan Bangkok , Thailand
Crook, Amy N.
Davis, Amy A.
Dickinson, Laura Magdalena
Kaysville, Utah
Bozeman, Montana
BS: Utah State University, 1999 Major: Communicative Disorders and Deaf Educa tion Major Professor: Dr. Beth E. Foley
BS: Montana State University, 1998 Major: Animal Science Major Professor: Dr. Kenneth C. Olson Thesis: Characterization of Ruminal Protein Degradability in Potential Forages for Irrigat ed Pastures in the Int ermo unt ain West
BA: University of Arizona, 1993 Major: Commw1.icative Disorders and Deaf Education Major Professor: Dr. Sonia S. ManuelDupont
Croshaw, Diana Anderson
Dighe, Sahil Prakash
Lakewood, Colorado
BS: Utah State University, 1999 Major: Communicative Disorders and Deaf Educatio n Major Professor: Professor Dee R. Child
Crump, Mary Lynn Warner
Bombay, India
Davis, Frederick Harvey Dugway, Utah
BS: Utah State Universi ty, 1994 Major: Business Information Systems and Educat ion Major Professor: Dr. Thomas S. E. Hilton
Farmington, Utah
BS: Utah State University, 1999 Major: Communicative Disorders and Deaf Education Major Professor: Dr. John E. Ribera
Curtis, Stacey Lynn
Dinerstein, Jon athan Jeremiah
Dean, Lara l.
Salt Lake City, Utah
BS: University of Utah, 1993 Major: Psychology Major Professor: Dr. David M. Stein
Sigurd, Utah
BS: Utah State Un ivers ity, 1999 Major: Communicative Disorders and Deaf Education Major Professor: Dr. Beth E. Foley
Custer, Janna B. A thens, Georgia
BS: University of Georg ia, 1996 Major: Recreation Resource Management Major Professor: Dr. Dale J. Blahna Thesis: Eva luating the Benefits of Special Places, Outdoor Activities, and WildlifeRelated Activities on Public Lands to Community Residents
Dangol, Rakesh Kishor
DeCesare, Derek
Dapp, Stev en Douglas
Pnrk, Utah
BS: Utah State University, 1999 Major: Computer Science Major Professor: Dr. Larre N. Egbert Thesis: Linear Grouping: A General Method for Reducing Transformation Overhead of Polygon Meshes
Clayton, California
BS: Utah State University, 1999 Major: Computer Science Major Professor: Dr. Donald H. Coo ley Thesis: Evolving Neural Net Circuit Modules to Detect C haracters of the Alphab et a nd Seque nces of Characters (Words) Using the CAM-Brain Machine
Ding, Wanzun Jinan, China
MS: Zhej iang University, 1989 Major: Computer Science Major Professor: Dr. Gregory W. Jones
Dlamini, Musa Vusie Simunye, Swaziland
Deng, Weiping , Chinn Wn11xinn
MS: Cen tra l Chin a Normal University, 1997 Major: Statistics Major Professor: Dr. Adele Cut ler
Kathmandu, Nepal
BS: Birla Institut e of Technology, 1996 Major: Electrical Engineer ing Major Professor: Dr. Cyn thia M. Furse Th esis: Use of Frequency Domain Reflectrometry for Calculating Length and Load Impedance of Cables
BS: Mangolore University, 1996 Major: Electrical Enginee rin g Major Professor: Dr. Joe R. Doupnik Thesis: Proposed Modifications and Recommendations to Service Location Protocol
BS: Univers ity of Swazi land, 1987 Major: Irrig ation Engineering Major Professor: Dr. Wynn R. Walker Thesis: Evaluati on of Furrow Shapes on Int ake Character istics
Dubow, Tami Joy Denne, Freya Wing Cedar City, Utah
BS: Utah State University, 1993 Major: Biology Major Professor: Dr. Keith A. Mott Thesis: Stomatal Responses in Intact Leaves: Stomata] Interactions Within an Areole
San Diego, California
BS: University of California, Santa Cruz, 1992 Major: Wildlife Biology Major Professor: Dr. J. Russell Mason Thesis: Reducing Beaver Damage to Habitat Restoration Sites Using Less Palatable Tree Species and Repellents
West Valley City, Utah
BS: Utah State University, 1990 Major: Civil and Environmental Engineering Major Professor: Dr. Joseph A. Caliendo Thesis: Static Lateral Load Testing of Model Piles in Clay Soil, Phase I
Darmanan, Nardy Singapore
BS: University of Wisconsin, Madison, 1998 Major: Busine ss Information Systems and Education Major Professor: Dr. David Olson
Dummer, Russell Lloyd
Dhar, Sanjay Jammu, India
Sandy, Utah
BS: Allahabad University, 1998 Major: Business Information Systems and Education Major Professor: Dr. John F. Vinsonhaler
BS: Utah State University, 1999 Major: Electrical Engineering Major Professor: Dr. Matthew D. Berkemeier Thesis: The Fundamental Dynamics of Vertical and Forward Hopping for a OneLegged Robot with Two Degrees of Freedom
Diallo, YoussouÂŁ Conakry, Guinea
DIPL: University of Conakry, 1998 Major: Irrigation Engineering Major Professor: Dr. Christopher M. U. Neale
Earl, Steven Curtis Logan, Utah
BS: Utah State University, 1996 Major: Civil and Environmental Engineering Major Professor: Dr. Michael C. Johnson
Edwards, Erin K.
Farr, Lory Kim
Salt Lake City, Utah
Logan, Utah
Urawa, Japan
BS: Hampshire College, 1990 Major: Instructional Technology Major Professor: Dr. Margaret M. Recker
BS: Utah State University, 1997 Major: Instructional Technology Major Professor: Dr. Linda L. Wolcott
Ekker, Matthew J.
Fender, R. Paul
BA: Taisho University, 1995 Major: Forestry Major Professor: Dr. Dale L. Blahna Thesis: Economic Impact of Snowmobiling in Utah
Wendover, Utah
Herriman, Utah
BS: Utah State University, 1996 Major: Psychology Major Professor: Dr. David M. Stein
BS: Brigham Young University, 1995 Major: Instructional Technology Major Professor: Dr. Andrew S. Gibbons
Eltahir, Hanadi Bashir
Logan, Utah
Dandong, China
BS: University of Khartoum, 1991 Major: Statistics Major Professor: Dr. Daniel C. Coster
BS: Beijing University of Aeronatics and Astronom ies, 1995 Major: Economics Major Professor: Dr. Basudeb Biswas
Fujisaki, Ikuko
Empey, Cheryl Ann Driggs, Idaho
BS: Utah State University, 1999 Major: Human Environments Major Professor: Professor Nancy Thompson
Engar, Jennifer Sandy, Utah
BS: University of Utah, 1998 Major: Communicative Disorders and Deaf Education Major Professor: Dr. Beth E. Foley
Francis, David William Logan, Utah
BS: Utah State University , 1999 Major: Agricultural Systems Technology Major Professor: Dr. Jill K. Webster Thesis: Self-Perceived Leadership a nd Life Skills of Youth Involv ed in the 4-H Teen Leadership Training Camp and the Summer Camp Staffs of the Trapper Trails Council Boy Scouts of America
Franklin, Gary Syrncuse, Utah
Erickson, Glen R. Wellsv ille, Utah
BS: Utah State University, 1985 Major: Agricultural Systems Technology Major Professor: Dr. Robert J. Miller Thesis: Effects of Exogenous Cellulase and Sulfur Supplementation on Ewes Wintered on Low-Quality Forage
Esplin, Brent C. Billings, Montana
BS: Utah State University, 1994 Major: Civil and Environmental Engineering Major Professor: Dr. Trevor C. Hughes
Estes, Cory Rex Salt Lake City , Utah
BS: Utah State University, 1997 Major: Electrical Engineering Major Professor: Dr. Linda S. Powers Thesis: Real-Tune, Multi-Wavelength Microbe Detection Instrument
Fanger, Michelle Renee
BS: Weber State University, 1998 Major: Business Information Systems and Education Major Professor: Dr. Thomas S. E. Hilton
Frankman, Carol Joy Rexburg, Idaho
BS: Brigham Young University, 1996 Major: Instructional Technology Major Professor: Dr. J. Nicholls Eastmond Jr.
Wellsvill e, Utah
BS: Utah State University, 1996 Major: Family and Human Development Major Professor: Dr. Randall M. Jones Thesis: Female Adolescent Role Models and Body Image
Gao, Li Qing Dao, China
BS: Nanjing University of Posts and Telecommunications, 1995 Major: Electrical Engineering Major Professor: Dr. Scott E. Budge Thesis: Entropy Coded Rate-Distortion Adaptive Residual Vector Quantization
Gardner, Andrew Waine Tucson, Arizona
BA: Utah State University, 1996 Major: Psychology Major Professor: Dr. Gretchen A. Gimpel Thesis: Establishing Reinforcing Properties in Neutral Stimuli Through Observational Learning with Children
Gardner, MarLynn James Springvi lle, Utah
BS: Utah State University, 1975 Major: Psychology Major Profe ssor: Dr. David M. Stein
Gardner, Ty James Bend, Oregon
Freeman, Daina Fairview, Utah
BS: Utah State University, 1998 Major: Business Information Systems and Education Major Professor: Dr. James C. Scott
Freeman, Jacqueline St. George, Utah
BS: University of Phoenix, 1985 Major: Business Information Systems and Education Major Professor: Dr. Thomas S. E. Hilton
BS: Oregon State University, 1995 Major: Biology Major Professor: Dr. Edmund D. Brodie Jr. Thesis: The Utilization of Steep Slopes by Desert Tortoises (Gopherus agassizii) in the Western Mojav e Desert
Gee, Mark Davis Sugar City, Idaho
BA: Utah State University, 1999 Major: Instructional Technology Major Professor: Dr. Byron R. Burnham
Gilbert, Jeffrey Dale
San Jose, California
BS: University of Arizona, 1997 Major: Communicative Disorders and Deaf Education Major Professor: Professor Ann Elswieler
Funk, Tracy L.
Frey, Shandra Nicole Annapolis, Maryland
BS: West Virginia University, 1996 Major: Wildlife Biology Major Professor: Dr. Michael R. Conover Th esis: Effect of Predator Removal on RingNecked Pheasant Populations in Utah
Ogden, Utah
BS: Weber State University, 1992 Major: Town and Regional Planning Major Professor: Dr. Richard E. Toth
Goates, Megan Wilcox
Gripne, Stephanie Lynn
Hanks, Heidi Jo
Salt Lake City, Utah
Hailey, Idaho
Provo, Utah
BA: Westmin ster College, 1999 Major: English Major Professor: Dr. Keith A. Gran t-Dav ie
BS: Univers ity of Wisconsin, Stevens Point, 1997 Major: Ecology Major Prof esso r: Dr. Mark E. Ritchie The sis: A Cross-Si te Stud y to Determin e the Effects of Differe nt-Sized H erb ivores or Plant Communi ties Across a Productivity Gradient
BS: Utah State Univers ity, 1999 Major: Communicative Disorders and Deaf Education Major Professor: Dr. Beth E. Foley
Goodwin-Ball, Jana Marie South Jordan, Utah
BS: Utah State University, 1998 Major: Psychology Major Professor : Dr. Keith T. Checketts
Groseclose, Catherine Connelly
Hansbrow, Brian James Provo, Utah
BS: Brigham Young University, 1997 Major: Instructional Technology Major Prof essor: Dr. J. Steve n Soulier
Logan, Utah
Grace, James E. Kalamazoo,Michigan
BS: Kalamazo o College, 1997 Major: Biochemistry Major Professor: Dr. Steven D . Aust Thesis: Production of Recombinant Apoferritin H eteromens
BS: Ohio Univers ity, 1985 Major : Sociology Major Professor: Dr. Richard S. Krannich Thesis: Cache Co un ty Residents' Views Concerning Agricu ltur al Land Preservation: A Study of Attitudes and Underlying Value Systems
Gunderson, There sa Graham, Bernadette N.
Mankato, Minnesota
Indianapolis, Indiana
MA: Minneso ta State University, Mankato, 1998 Major: Psychology Major Professor: Dr. Gretchen A. Gimpe l
BS: Co lby College, 1996 Major: Biology Major Prof essor: Dr. Ja mes A. MacMahon The sis: Effect of Multiple Founder Events on Genetic Varia tion: Transp lanted Populations of Bighorn Sheep (Ovis canadensis)
Gray, Keith Wayland Bakersfield,California
BS: Utah Sta te University, 1998 Major : Electrica l Engineering Major Professor: Dr. Kevin L. Moor e Thesis: Obstacle Detection and Avoidance for an Autonomous Farm Tractor
Hansen, Earl Matthew Eden, Utah
BS: Utah Sta te University , 1986 Major: Ecology Major Professor : Dr. Barbara J. Bentz Thesis: Larva l Dispause Status and a Temp era ture-Based Model for Predicting Voltini sm of th e Spr uce Beetle (Coleoptera:Sco lytidae)
Hansen, Lared D. North Logan, Utah
BS: Utah State University, 2000 Major : Mechanica l Engineering Major Prof essor: Dr. P. Thomas Blotter
Haf en, Kath y Stewart Orem, Utah
Harper, Justin Taun
BS: Brigham Young University, 1983 Majo r: Human Env ironments Major Professor: Professor Nancy Thomp son
Lehi, Utah
Haider, Syed Daniyal Lahore, Pakistan
BS: Brigham Young University, 1996 Major: Human Environment s Major Profess or : Professor Nancy Thompson
Harris, Gera ld Micah West Jordan, Utah
BS: University of Punj ab, 1985 Major: Business Information Systems and Educa tion Major Profes&or: Dr. John F. Vinsonhaler
BS: Utah State University, 1997 Major: En glish Major Professor : Dr. Ron ald R. Shook
Haile-Selassie, Samson
Hause, Marina Aleksandrovna
Gray, Sarah Ann Bakersfield,California
BS: Utah State University, 1999 Major: Computer Science Major Professor: Dr. N ichol as S. Fiann Thesis: Planning and Replannin g Events for Au tonomo u s Orc hard Tractors
Griffiths, Kjaristy D. Salt Lake City, Utah
BS: Utah State University , 1997 Major: Computer Science Major Professor: Dr . Larre N. Egbert
Griffiths, Lynn F.
Edmonds, Washington
Bountiful, Utah
BS: University of Calicut, 1984 Major : Civil and Environmental Enginee rin g Major Profes&or: Dr. Marian W. Kemblowski
MS: Moscow University, 1985 Major : Busin ess Inform a tion Systems and Edu ca tion Major Professor : Dr. Thomas S. E. Hilton
He , Wan-Ling
Hale, Andrea B.
Guangzhou, China
Tulsa, Oklahoma
BS: Utah Stat e Univers ity, 1998 Major: Nutrition and Food Sciences Major Professor: Dr. Mari e K. Walsh Thesis: Effects of pH and Calcium Level on Extrusion-Textured Wh ey Prot ein Products
Heater , Deborah Jane Riverdale, Utah
Dayton, Idaho
BS: Utah State University, 1998 Major: Agricultural Sys te ms Technolo gy Major Professor: Dr. Gary S. Straquadine
BS: Eas tern Washington State University , 1994 Major: Com put er Science Major Professor: Dr. Jianping Zhang
Hal verso n, Jodi H. Ogden, Utah
BS: Weber Sta te Univers ity, 1997 Major: Business Information Sys tems and Edu cat ion Major Professor: Dr. Thomas S. E. Hilton
BS: Utah State University , 1997 Major : Family and Human Deve lopm ent Major Professor: Dr. Thomas R. Lee Th esis: Mentoring At-Risk Youth : An Intervention for Skill Building in ProblemSolving Decisio n Making , and Conflic t Resolution
Hedrick, Jennifer Lynn Cedar City, Utah
BS: Sout hern Utah Univers ity, 1994 Major: Psychology Major Professor : Dr. David M. Stein
Hennon, Margaret Rose Logan, Utah
BS: Utah State University, 1986 Major: Psychology Major Professor: Dr. David M. Stein
Hibbard, Robert Byron Crace, Idaho
BS: University of Utah, 1986 Major: History Major Professor: Dr. C. Robert Cole Thesis: Remembering D-Day on Film: From Romance tu Realism
Hicks, Camille Ware Sandy, Utah
BS: Brigham Young University, 1976 Major: Human Environme nts Major Professor: Professor Nancy Thompson
Hill, Michelle Marie Nuest
Horsburgh, Jeffery S. Idaho Falls, Idaho
Bennington, Idaho
BS: Utah State University, 1999 Major: Civil and Environmenta l Engineering Major Professor : Dr. David K. Stevens l11esis: Statistical Ana lysis of Regional Geographic information Systems (GIS) Data to Predict Water Quality in Streams
Hinckley , Mikelene Roosevelt, Utah
BS: Brigham Young University, 1978 Major: Instructional Technology Major Professor: Dr. Charles G. Stoddard
Hobbs, Ryan R. Logan, Utah
BS: Utah State University, 1999 Major: Instructional Technology Major Professor: Dr. Andrew S. Gibbons
Hokett, Barbara Jane Midvale, Utah
BS: Utah State University, 1991 Major: Instructional Technology Major Professor: Dr. Andrew S. Gibbons
Mantua, Utah
Chengdu, China
BS: Hefei University of Technology, 1990 Major: Biological and Agricultura l Engineering Major Profes sor: Dr. Wynn R. Walker
BS: Utah State University, 1989 Major: American Studies Major Professor: Dr. Barre Toelken Thesis: Mormon Folksongs from the Polygamy Era
Jacobson, Kriss Ann
Ji, Ch unjian g
Rexburg, Idaho
Beijing, China
BS: Utah State University, 1999 Major: Human Environmen ts Major Professor: Profes sor Nancy E. Thompson
Sandy, Utah
BS: Unive rsity of Utah, 1996 Major: Indust rial Technology Major Professor: Dr. Edward M. Reeve
Javadekar, Kiran Ashok Pune, India
BS: Pune Un iversity, 1996 Major: Electr ical Engineering Major Professo r: Dr. Todd K. Moon TI1esis:Residual Lattice Vector Quantization
Sisseton, South Dakota
BS: Univers ity of Nort h Dakota, 1995 Major: Psychology Major Professor: Dr. Susan L. Crowley Thesis: A Follow-Up Study of a Prima ry Prevention Program Targeting Childhood Depression
Johnson-Bennion, Dainela Dorothy
BS: Greensboro Col lege, 1992 Major: Sociology Major Professor: Dr. Lori M. Hunter Thesis: American Indian Self-identification on the 1990 Census: A Sociodemographic Exploration of Three Categories of "lndianness "
Sidney, Montana
Jensen, John D.
BS: Un ivers ity of New Mexico, 1996 Major: Commun ication Major Professor: Dr. Michael S. Sweeney Thesis: Compari ng Times of Polygamy in Mormon Women's Public and Persona l Writings as Found in the Woman's Exponent an d Their Diaries During the Edmunds Act, the Edmunds-T ucker Act, and the Manifesto
Logan, Utah
BS: Utah State Univers ity, 1998 Major: Electr ical Engineering Major Professor: Dr. Charles M. Swenson
Logan, Utah
BS: Utah State Uni versity, 1998 Major: Industrial Mathematics Major Professor: Dr. Josep h V. Koebbe
Jensen , Martin D. Ogden, Utah
Johnson , Norman Chris
Pensicola, Florida
West Valley City, Utah
BS: Weber State University, 1996 Major: Business Information Systems and Educa tion Major Professor: Dr. Thomas S. E. Hilton
Falls Church, Virginia
BS: Nort hland College, 1994 Major: Forestry Major Professor: Dr. Dale J. Blahn a
Jeffcoat, Holly Elizabeth
Jensen, Landon S.
Hopfenbeck, Lance M.
BS: Peop le's University of China, 1996 Major: Econom ics Major Professor: Dr. Basudeb Biswas
Johnso n, Kurt Foster James, Leslie Edward
Hook, Jane H. BS: Utah State Unive rsity, 1993 Major: Industrial Technolo gy Major Professor: Dr. Edward M. Reeve
BS: Utah State University, 1996 Major: Animal Science Major Professo r: Dr. Douglas S. Hammon Thes is: Effects of Oral Calcium on Serum Calc ium , Uterine Involution, and Reproductive Performance in Dairy Cows
Jeppesen , Dianna M.
Huang, Yun
Hill Air ForceBase, Utah
BA: Weber State University, 1997 Major: Eng lish Major Professo r: Dr. David E. Hailey Jr.
Jenso n, Justin A.
Redmond, Utah
BS: Uta h State University, 1997 Major: Civil and Env ironmenta l Engi neerin g Major Professor: Dr. Joseph A. Ca liendo Thesis: Cyclic Lateral Loading of Model Pile in Clay Soil: Phase 3A
Jon es, Anna Leigh Monroe, Utah
BS: Utah State University, 1999 Major: Human Environments Major Professor: Dr. Leona K. Hawks
Kang, Insook Seoul, Korea
BS: Utah State University, 1999 Major: Business Information Systems and Ed ucation Major Profes sor: Dr. Wai Y. Mok
Keller, Jared Howard Scottsdale, Arizona
BS: U tah State University, 1999 Major: Mechanical Engineering Major Professor: Dr. Car l G. Wood
Keiss, Oskars
Kupiec, Heidi
Jelgava, Latvia
Zibo, China
MS: University of Latvia, 1998 Major: Ecology Major Professor: Dr. Raymond D. Dueser Thesis: Mammalian Predator Distribution and Abundance on the Virginia Barrier Islands in Relation to Breeding Habitat s of Colonia l Birds
BA: University of Utah, 1995 Major: Psychology Major Professor: Dr. Timothy A. Slocum
BA: Yantai University, 1995 Major: Instructional Technology Major Professor: Dr. Linda L. Wolcott
Lalka, Vipul Kishore
Libii, Eliezer P.
Kennard, Nathan R. Draper, Utah
BS: Utah State University, 1997 Major: Civil and Env ironmental Engineering Major Professor: Dr. Thomas B. Hardy Thesis: Development and Testing of a Rapid Assessment Methodology for Instream Habitat
Kennington, Kody D. Logan, Utah
BA: Utah State University, 1999 Major: Communicative Disorders and Deaf Education Major Professor: Dr. John E. Ribera
Kiangsiri, Yurachat
Mumbai, India
Logan, Utah
BS: Mumbai University, 1998 Major: Electrical Engineering Major Professor: Dr. Kevin L. Moore Thesis: Robust Map Building Based on Stereo Imaging
BS: Brigham Young University, 1992 Major: Economics Major Professor: Dr. Christopher Fawson
Beijing, China
Larnrnons, Mary V. Salt Lake City, Utah
BS: Brigham Young University, 1992 Major: Human Environments Major Professor: Dr. Tom C. Peterson
Centerville, Utah
BS: Utah State University, 2000 Major: Human Environments Major Professors: Professor Nancy Thompson and Dr. Barbara R. Rowe Thesis: Evaluation of the Student Housing Extension Community Garden Plot Program
Laypath, Christopher A. Orem, Utah
BS: University of Utah, 1996 Major : Psychology Major Professor: Dr. Gretchen A. Gimpel
Kiester, Jesse Daniel Chicago, Illinois
Lee, Yoo-Hyun
BS: Utah State University, 1998 Major: Political Science Major Professor: Dr. William L. Furlong
Seoul, Korea
Kinsey, Paul Rodewald Eureka, California
BS: Humboldt State University, 1978 Major: Industrial Technology Major Professor: Dr. Jay C. Hicken
Krytsina, Elena Vladimirovna Voronezh,Russia
BS: Voronezh State University, 1998 Major: Computer Science Major Professor: Dr. Donald H . Cooley Thesis: A Video-Based System for Measuring Vehicle Speed
Kuehn, Laura M. Big Rapids, Michigan
BS: Centra l Michigan University, 1995 Major: Ecology Major Professor: Dr. David A. Beauchamp Thesis: Evaluation of the Effects of Reservoir Fluctuation on Non-Game Fish Habitat and Production in Strawberry Reservoir, Utah
BS: Utah State University, 1997 Major: Business Information Systems and Education Major Professor: Dr. Jeffrey J. Johnson
Liu, Chen Beijing, China
Larsen, Melanie Booth
Bangkok, Thailand
BS: Assumption Univ ers ity, 1996 Major: Business Information Systems and Education Major Professor: Dr. Thomas S. E. Hilton
Liu, Chang
BS: Korea University, 1995 Major: Nutrition and Food Sciences Major Professor: Dr. Deloy G. Hendricks Thesis: The Effect of Buttermilk Fraction Concentrates o n Growth and Iron Uptake and Transport by Caco-2 Cell Cultures
BS: Beijing Polytechnic University, 1996 Major: Electrica l Engineering Major Professor: Dr. Kevin L. Moore
Liu, Dongxia Beijing, China
BS: Beijing Polytechnic University, 1996 Major: Business Information Systems and Education Major Professor: Dr. David J. Paper
Long , Justin B. Alpine, Utah
BA: Utah State University, 1998 Major: Instru ctional Technology Major Professor : Dr. Margaret M. Recker
Looney, Melanie Lela Decatur, Alabama
JD: University of Alabama, 1995 Major: Political Science Major Professor: Dr. Randy T. Simmons
Lopez, Hernando
Lei, Hairong
Bogota, Colombia
Sanming, China
MS: Beijing Institute of Technology, 1997 Major: Computer Science Major Professor: Dr. Donald H. Cooley
Lemke, Kathleen J. Marysville, Washington
BS: University of Alaska, Anchorage, 1994 Major: Geology Major Professor : Dr. Darrell S. Kaufman Thes is: Holocene Tephrostratigraphy, Southern Kenai Peninsula, Lower Cook Inlet, Alaska
DVM: National University of Colombia, 1997 Major: Dairy Science Major Professor: Dr. Thomas D. Bunch Thesis: Corre lation of Estrogen Concentrations in Milk and Plasma in Proximity with Estrous Mounting Activity and Ovulation in Dairy Cows
Louviere, John S. Logan, Utah
BS: Utah State University, 1998 Major: Instructional Technology Major Professor: Dr. J. Nicholls Eastmond Jr.
Li, Jing
Lu, Jinso ng
Pine Brook,New Jersey
Shanghai, China
MS: Utah State University, 2000 Major: Computer Science Major Professor: Dr. Vicki H . Allan
MS: Jiaotong University, 1997 Major: Computer Science Major Professor: Dr. Jianping Zhang
Mabey, Trenton J. American Fork, Utah
Maughan, Gus K. Layton, Utah
McMaken, Michael Logan, Utah
BS: Utah Sta te University, 1997 Major: Instructional Technology Major Professor: Dr. Charles G. Stoddard
BS: Un ivers ity of Wisconsin, Madison, 1997 Major: Busin ess Inform atio n Systems and Education Major Professor: Dr. David Olsen
BS: University of Uta h, 1983 Major: Fami ly and Huma n Development Major Professor : Dr. Randall M. Jones Thesis: The Relationship Between Erikson's Developmental Tasks and Childr en Identified as At-Risk
Mahadik , Amit Ashok Mumbai, India Maughan, Jaceson R. Wellsville, Utah
BS: Pondicherry University, 1997 Major: Electrical Engineering Major Professor: Dr. Scott E. Budge Thesis: An Inves tigation of Vector Quantization-Based Methods for Imag e Compression in Color Print ers
BS: Utah State University, 1996 Major: History Major Professor: Dr. F. Ross Peterson Thesis: Frank Church: Evo lution of a Dove
Mani, Maya Bombay, India
Maug h an, Susan Newton, Utah
BE: University of Mumbai, 1999 Major: Electrical Engineering Major Professor: Dr. Joe R. Doupnik
BS: Utah State University, 1999 Major : Psychology Major Professor: Dr. David M. Stein
Markum, Brett P. Salt Lake City, Utah BA: University of Utah, 1992 Major: Specia l Education Major Profe sso r: Dr, Benjamin Lignugaris/ Kraft Thes is: Effects of a Lottery System on Increasing On-Task Behavior of Middle School-Aged Students with Disabilities Marshall , Rand D. Logan, Utah BA: Colorado State University, 1977 Major: English Major Professo r: Dr. Kenneth W. Brewer Thesis: Hard Rwming A Novel Martin, Jennifer A. Lancaster, Pennsylvania BS: Franklin and Marshall College, 1992 Major: Geo logy Major Professor: Dr. John C. Schmidt Th es is: Debris-Flow Activity in Canyon of Lodo re, Colorado: lmplication s for DebrisFan Formation and Evolution Martindale, Dawn Christina North Salt Lake, Utah
BS: Wheaton College, 1995 Major: Biological and Agricultural Engineering Major Professor: Dr. Christop her M. U. Neale Thes is: Mapping Riparian Resources in Semiar id Watersheds Using Airborne Multispectral Imag ery in th e Escalante River Corridor
McComb, Bunny Cortez, Colorado
BS: Un iversity of Neb raska, 1980 Major: Human Environments Major Professor: Dr. Tom C. Peterson
McElrone, Audrey Morgan Hill, California
Meinhardt, Delta, Utah
Carol A.
BS: Sout h ern Utah State College, 1974 Major: Business Information Systems and Education Major Professor: Dr. Thomas S. E. H ilton Mell ison, Samuel Salt Lake City, Utah
BS: Utah State Univers ity, 1994 Major: Ecology Major Professor: Dr. Gary E. Belovsky Th es is: Funct ional Response of a Water Boatman (Trichocor ixa ver tica lis) and Environmental Conditions Th at Affect !ts Distribution in the Great Salt Lake, Utah, U.S.A. Merrill, Jam es Tyler Logan, Utah BA: Utah State University, 1999 Major: lnstructional Teclmology Major Professor: Dr. J.Nicho lls Eastmond Jr. Messenger, Blaine Travis Idaho Falls, Idaho
BS: Humboldt State University, 1997 Major: Fisheries and Wildlife Major Professor: Dr. Terry A. Messmer Thesis: Connections: A Master Plan for Wetlands Education in the Greater Great Salt Lake Ecosys tem
BS: University of Ar izon a, 1992 Major: Human Environments Major Professor: Dr. Joan R. McFadden
BS: Jawaharlal Nehru Techno logica l University, 1998 Major: Computer Science Major Professor: Dr. Daniel W. Watson
BS: Utah State University, 1999 Major: Communicative Disorders and Deaf Educa tion Major Professor: Dr. Beth E. Foley
Matson, David Jeremy Snit Lake City, Utah
E lizabet h K.
May, Christi n a J. Boyne City, Michigan
McE lw ain, Denise L. Randolph, New York
Maturi, Hemanth Vijayawada, India
McPartland, Sandy, Utah
BA: Brigham Young University, 1992 Major: History Major Professor: Dr. Clyde A. Milner II
BS: Brigham Young University, 1995 Major: Instructional Teclmology Major Professor: Dr. J. Nid , olls Eastmond Jr.
BS: Utah State University, 1998 Major: Chemistry Major Professor: Dr. Brad ley S. Davidson Thesis: Stereoselective Synt h esis of the C15 to C27 Fragment of the An tirnicrot ubul e Compound Laulima lide Metelko, Mark Anthony Helper, Utah BS: Utah State University, 1999 Major: Mechanical Enginee rin g Major Professor: Dr. Chr istine E. Hailey Meyer, Tiffany A. Sandy, Utah
McEntire, R. Scott Logan, Utah BS: Utah State University, 2000 Major: Mechanical Engineering Major Professor: Dr. Steven L. Folkman Thesis: Rigid-Body Trajectory Reconstruction, Phase Ill
BS: Utah State University, 1998 Major: Health , Physical Ed ucation and Recrea tion Major Professor: Dr. Julie A. Gast Thesis: The Effects of Peer Influence on Disordered Eating in Preadolescent an d Ado lescent Males and Females
Miller, Daniel Ames
Muhlestein, Dawn Jones
Newbold, Robin
Richmond, Utah
Boise, Jdal,o
Salt Lake City, Utah
BS: Utah State University, 1998 Major: Business Information Systems and Educat ion Major Professor: Dr. Dav id J. Paper
BS: Utah Sta te U ni vers ity, 1998 Major: Plant Science Major Professor: Dr. Bruce G. Bugbee Thesis: Effects of High Ammo nium /Nitrate Ratios on Nitrification and Growth. of Wheat in Hydroponic Cu ltu re
BS: University of Utah, 1999 Major: Communicative Disorders and Deaf Educa tion Major Professor: Dr. James C. Blair
Miller, Sylva Jean Kalamazoo,Michigan
BA: Miami University, Ohio , 1995 Major: American Studies Major Professor: Dr. Jeannie B. Thomas
Miller, Treby Anita
Pleasantville, New York
Murphy, Jena Lynn Vernal, Utah
BS: Utah Sta te University, 1987 Major: Psyc hology Major Professor: Dr. David M. Stein
Pleasant View, Utah
BS: Utah State Univ ersity, 1999 Major: Human Environments Major Professor: Professor Nancy Thompson
Misra, Sanjeev
Murray, Grant Preston
BA: Middlebury College, 1991 Major: Watershed Science Major Professor: Dr. Mark W. Brunson Thesis: Deconstructing Avalon: An Ana lysis of Stake hold ers' Attitud es and Intended Behavior Towards Wetlands In No rth ern Utah
North Salt Lake, Utah
BS: Brigham Young University, 1997 Major: Psycho logy Major Professor: Dr. David M. Ste in
BS: Utkal University, 1990 Major: Economics Major Professor: Dr. Christopher Fawson Thesis : Returns to Public Agricu ltural Research Expe nditur e Und er Uncer tainty
Nicholson, Brian Thomas
Narasi mh an, Vasudevan Madras, India
BE: University of Burdwan, 1994 Major: Business Information Systems and Ed ucat ion Major Professor : Dr. Dav id J. Paper
Mohan, Ruby S.
Nielson, Bryant G. LaVerkin, Utah
BS: Utah State Uni vers ity, 1998 Major: Civi l and Env ironmental Eng ineering Major Professor: Dr. Marvin W. Halling Thesis: Characterization of a Nine-Span Bridge: A Case Study
Ojo, John son Ayode le Ilupeju, Nigeria
Chennai India
Naser, Justin Don
BS: Manonmaniam Sundaranar University, 1998 Major: Electr ica l Eng ineering Major Professor: Dr. Cynthia M. Furse TI1esis: Design of a Wireless Commw1ication System for Medical Implants
Richfield, Utah
BS: Utah State Univers ity, 1996 Major: Civil and Env ironm en ta l Engineeri ng Major Professor: Dr. Marvin W. Halling Thesis: Computer Finite Element Mode l of Concr ete Column / Beam Joints Confined by Advanced Carbon-Fiber Composites
BS: Obafemi Awolowo, 1982 Major: lrri gation Engineer ing Majo r Pro fesso r: Dr. Robe rt W. Hill Th esis: The Effect of Irri gation Freq ue ncy and Amount on Onion Yield
Olakangil, Joseph Franc is Bombay, India
Moore, Caro l M. Beaverton, Oregon
BS: Weber State University, 1996 Major: Psychology Major Professor: Dr. Gretchen A. Gimpel
Morgan, Paul David Logan, Utah
BS: Brigham Young University, 1994 Major: Geography Major Professor: Dr. Cliff B. Craig
Morrissey, Shawna Jo Centerville, Utah
BS: Utah Sta te Uni vers ity, 1998 Major: History Major Professor: Dr. Chri stoph er A. Conte Thesis: The Dese ret Ranch: A History of Place
Mortenson, Kristin Gorham* Logan, Utah
BS: Co lorado Sta te University, 1994 Major: Sociology Majo r Prof essor : Dr. Richard S. Krann ich Thesis : The Organizational Culture of Utah Division of Wild life Resources Managers and Their Accep tan ce and Myriad Public Involvement Approaches in Response to a Diversifying Cons titu ency
Natividad, Sara h Brilliant San Diego, California
BS: Univer sity of California, San Diego, 1995 Major: Mathematics Major Professor: Dr. LeRoy B. Beasley
Ne ilson, Bethany Teresa Logan, Utah
BS: Utah State University , 1998 Major: Civil and Env ironmen tal En gineering Major Professor: Dr. David K. Stevens Thes is: Cr itical Assessme nt of Guidance and Technical Supp ort, and Bayesian Decision Networks for Total Maximum Daily Load Development
Nelson, Mary Kath erine Pasadena, California
BS: Sonoma State University, 1987 Major: Instru ction a l Technology Major Professor: Dr. Linda L. Wolcott
Nevi lle, Pamilla Shoemaker Draper, Utah
BS: Utah State Uni ve rsity, 1999 Major: Communicative Disorders a nd Deaf Educa tion Major Professor: Professor Kim Co rbin -Lewis
BS: Bombay Unive rsity, 1997 Major: Electrical Engineering Major Professor: Dr. Cynthia M. Furse Thesis: Finite Difference Time Domain (FDTD) Model of P lasma
Olsen, Kelly Dawn American Fork, Utah
BS: Utah State Uni versity , 1998 Major: Tnsh¡uctional Technology Major Professor: Dr. J. Nicho lls Eastmond Jr.
Oman, Angela Jo Tremonton, Utah
BS: Utah State University , 1999 Major: Com municati ve Disorders a nd Deaf Ed ucatio n Major Professor: Dr. Be th E. Foley
Orme, Rick W. Riverside, Utah
BS: Utah State Unive rsity, 1994 Major: Fisheries Biology Major Profe ssor: Dr. David A. Bea uch amp Thesis: Natura l Repro du ction Po tenti al of Bear Lake Cutthroat Trout in Strawberry Reservo ir, Utah
Orton, Eric Brent
Peck, Karen Curry
Houston, Texas
Platt, Tami L.
Mapleton, Utah
BS: Brigham Young University, 1999 Major : Instructional Technology Major Professor: Dr. Margaret M . Recker
BS: Utah State University, 1994 Major: Health, Physical Education and Recreation Major Professor: Dr. Steven R. Hawks Thesis: A Comparison of Video to Multimedia CD-Rom in Health Education Among Elementary School Students
BS: Brigham Young University, 1992 Major: Psychology Major Professor: Dr. David M. Stein
Orton, Krista St. George, Utah
BS: Utah State University, 1998 Major: Psychology Major Professor : Dr. David M. Stein
BS: Weber State University, 1997 Major: English Major Professor: Dr. Keith A. Grant-Davie
BS: Utah State University, 1995 Major: Family and Human Development Major Professors: Dr. Ann M. Berghout Austin and Dr. Scot M. Allgood Thesis: Transitions During University Life: Academic Persistence for Married and Single Students
Pendleton, Max Irvin
American Falls, Idaho
Pedersen, Dale Ryan Bountiful, Utah
Palmer, Brett Gary Orem, Utah
BS: Brigham Young University, 1992 Major : Comput er Science Major Professor: Dr. Stephen W. Clyde Thesis: Using Intelligent Common Object Request Broker Architecture (CORSA) Traders to Obtain Load Balancing in a Distributed System
Roy, Utah
BA: Weber State University, 1982 Major: Human Environments Major Professor: Dr. Tom C. Peterson
Palmer, Karen N.
Petersen, Brent L.
Layton, Utah
Ogden, Utah
BA: Brigham Young University, 1969 Major: English Major Professor: Dr. David E. Hailey Jr.
BS: Weber State University, 1998 Major: Nutrition and Food Sciences Major Professor: Dr. Jeffrey R. Broadbent Thesis: Biochemistry and Application of Exopolysaccharide Production in Mozza rella Cheese Starter Cultures
Palmer, Ka trena St. Anthony , Idaho
BS: Utah State Unjversity, 1998 Major: Animal Science Major Professor: Dr. Randall D. Wiedmeier Thesis : Biological and Economic Aspects of Creep Feeding and Weaning Strategies in a Cow-Calf Production System Using Improved, Trrigated Pasture s
Mt. Pleasant, Utah
BS: Utah State University, 1998 Major: Animal Science Major Profes so r: Dr. Kenneth C. Olson Thesis: Influen ce of Supplemental Protein Degradability on Nutrient Utilization and Methane Output by Beef Cows on Dormant, Cool-Season Forages
Parker, Preston Paul Clinton, Utah
BS: Utah State University, 1999 Major: Instructional Technology Major Professor: Dr. Charles G. Stoddard
Pearce, Ryan Lewis Ogden, Utah
BS: Weber State University, 1995 Major: Health, Physical Education and Recreation Major Professor: Dr. Monica F. Lounsbery Thesis: The Effects of Corrective Self-Analysis on the Strategic Use of Feinting Movements During Sparring Activities
Poulson, Eric Alan BS: Utah State University, 1995 Major: Mechanical Engineering Major Professor: Dr. Frank J.Redd Thesis: Design of a Rover with Six Intelligent Wheels
Provstgaard, Michael Shane Spanish Fork, Utah
BS: Utah State University, 1997 Major: Health, Physical Education and Recreation Major Professor: Dr. Julianne Abendroth-Smith Thesis: Periodi zed Versus High Intensity Training: Effects on Dynamic Strength and Body Composition
Petersen, Nicole Lynn Houston, Texas
Puripunpinyoo , Anucha
BS: Brigham Young Un iversi ty, 1997 Major: Psychology Major Professor: Dr. Gretch en A. Gimpel
Bangkok, Thailand
Peterson, Angela A. Palmer, Matthew D.
Ponciano, Sandra A. Afton, Wyoming
Kaysville, Utah
BS: Weber State University, 1999 Major: Instruction al Technology Major Professor: Dr. J. Nicholls Eastmond Jr.
Pilati , Alberto
MS: Kasetsart University, 1991 Major : Economics Major Professor: Dr. Christopher Fawson
Qiao, Ning Xi'an, China
MS: Lanzhou University, 1987 Major: Mathematics Major Professor: Dr. Zhi-Qiang Wang
Ramirez, Ana Isabel
San Rafael, Argentina
BS: National University La Pampa, 1992 Major: Ecology Major Professor: Dr. Wayne A. Wurtsbaugh Thesis: Effect of Zooplankton on the Development of a Deep Chlorophyll Layer in an Oligotrophic Lake: A Limnocorral Experiment
Bilbao, Spain
BS: Utah State University, 1994 Major: Civil and Environmental Engineering Major Professor: Dr. Prianka N. Seneviratne Thesis: Transit System Design: A Model for Optimizing Bus Route Alignment
Ray, Deborah Susan Platero, Loralie Cox
Thornton, Colorado
Logan, Utah
BS: Oklahoma State University, 1995 Major: English Major Professor: Dr. David E. Hailey Jr.
BS: Utah State University, 1997 Major: Agricultural Systems Technology Major Professor: Dr. Rhonda L. Miller Thesis: Comparing the Preferences for Technology Transf er Practices Between Selected Agricultural Producers and Principal Investigators in the Western Region of the Sustainable Agricultural Research and Education (WSARE) Program
Rich, Sandra A. South Weber, Utah
BS: Utah State University, 1981 Major: Psychology Major Professor: Dr. David M. Stein
Rikkala, Praveen Reddy
Sadayappan, Veerappan
Smith, Justen O.
Hyderabad, India
Madras, India
Grantsville, Utah
BS: Osmania University, 1998 Major: Computer Science Major Professor: Dr. Stephen J. Allan
BS: Annamalai University, 1999 Major: Mechanical Engineering Major Professor: Dr. Carl G. Wood
Riley, Mindy Leigh
Sawatzky, Cornelia Lew
BS: Utah State University, 1998 Major: Agricultural Systems Technology Major Professor: Dr. F. Richard Beard TI1esis: Evaluation of Variables Contributing to Grasshopper Infestations in Tooele County , Utah 1983-1999
Payson, Utah
BS: Utah State University, 1997 Major: Psychology Major Professor: Dr. David M. Stein
BS: Baylor University, 1997 Major: Aquatic Ecology Major Professor: Dr. Wayne A. Wurtsbaugh Thesis: The Spatial and Temporal Dynamics of Phytoplankton Living in Deep Chlorophyll Maxima: Effects of Light, Nutrients, Herbivore Grazing, and Herbivore Recycling as Growth Determinants
Ripplinger, Heather Amy Logan, Utah
BS: Brigham Young Univers ity, 1998 Major: Communicative Disorders and Deaf Education Major Professor: Professor L. Jaclyn Littledike
Morgan, Utah
BS: Utah State University, 1998 Major: Civil and Environme ntal Engineering Major Professor: Dr. Marvin W. Halling Thesis: Condition Assessment of a Six Span, Full-Sca le Bridge Using Forced Vibration
Rohrbaugh, James G. Tucson,Arizona
BS: Un ivers ity of Arizona, 1995 Major: Biochemistry Major Professor: Dr. Ann E. Aust Thesis: Iron Mobilization from Particles as a Function of pH and Particle Type
Romero, Maria Gloria Mont evideo, Uruguay
INGR: Un iversity of Republjc-Montevideo, 1985 Major: Irrigation Engineering Major Professor: Dr. Wynn R. Walker
Rossa, Jeannine Marie Arcata, California
BS: University of California, Davis , 1988 Major: Ecology Major Professor: Dr. Charles P Hawkins Thesis: The Importanc e of Fish Size, Environmental Variables, and Year to Jenny Creek Sucker Summer Habitat Use a t Two Different Spa tia I Sea Jes
Rumsey, Rick J.
Bountiful, Utah
BS: Weber State University, 1996 Major: Special Education Major Professor: Dr. Julie F. Smart
Smith, Tracey D. Sewell, Donna Marie Taylorsville,Utah
Robinson, Marc Joseph
Smith, Thomas Henry
BS: Brigham Young University, 1968 Major: Psychology Major Professor: Dr. David M. Stein
Logan, Utah
MS: Utah State University, 1996 Major: Instructional Technology Major Professor: Dr. Margaret M. Recker
Snyder, Julie S. Shi, Haiziang
Los Angeles, California
Zhangjia Kort, China
MA: University of Alaska, Fairbanks, 1987 Major: Psychology Major Professor: Dr. David M. Ste in
BS: Nankai University, 1990 Major: Business Information Systems and Education Major Professor: Dr. David J. Paper
Sorensen, Daymen C. Twin Falls, Idaho
Shontz, Kimberly Marie Islip Terrace,New York
BA: Ohio Wesleyan University, 1994 Major: Bioveterinary Science Major Professor: Dr. M. Keven Jackson Thesis: Transgenic Mice Expressing Hepatitis B Virus as a Model for Drug Eva lu ation
Singh, Prashant Logan, Utah
BE: Thapar Institute of Engineering and Techno logy, 1999 Major: Business Information Stystems and Education Major Professor: Dr. Jeffery J.Johnson
BS: Utah State University, 1999 Major: Electrica l Engineering Major Professor: Dr. Gardiner S. Sti les
Spratling, Blake M. Starr Valley, Nevada
BS: Utah State Unjversity , 1998 Major: Animal Science Major Professor: Dr. Randall D. Wiedmeier Thesis: Biological and Economic Efficiencies of Beef Production Systems Using LowQuality Forages and Improved Pastures
Stafford, Jennifer M. Chandler, Arizona
Smart, Ann Tullis Logan, Utah
BS: Utah State University, 1998 Major: Instructional Technology Major Professor: Dr. Margaret M. Recker
St. Anthony, Idaho
Smart, James Ryan
BS: University of Idaho , 1999 Major: Irrigation Engineering Major Professor: Dr. Rober t W. Hill The sis: Nitrogen Bud ge t and Uptake Simulation Model for Irrigated Pasture Grass
BS: Utah State University, 1998 Major: Business Information Systems and Education Major Professor: Dr. John F. Vinsonhaler
Rushing, Rebecca
Smietana, Shannon Lynn
BS: Grand Canyon University, 1995 Major: Eco logy Major Professor: Dr. James A. Gessaman Thesi s: Avian Food Selection with Application to Pesticide Risk Assessment: Are Dead and Dessicated Insects a Desireable Food Source?
Logan, Utah
Logan, Utah
Richton Park, lllinois
BS: Utah State University, 1997 Major: American Studies Major Professor: Dr. Jeannie B. Thomas Th esis: Illegal Expression
BS: Unjversity of Arizona, 1997 Major: Family and Human Development Major Professor: Dr. Thorana S. Nelson Thesis: Interm edia te Family Therapy Skills
J. Ryan
Layton, Utah
BS: Utah State University, 1999 Major: Plant Science Major Professor: Dr. Roger K. Kjelgren Thesis: Growth and Water Relations of Balled-and-Burlapped Littleleaf Lindens During Establishment in Precision-lrrigated Kentucky Bluegr ass and Buffalograss Sod
St. Onge, Joseph Clark Cambridge, Massachusetts
BS: Prescott College, 1994 Major: Geography Major Professor: Dr. Clifford 8. Craig Thesis: The Geography of Exploration: A Study in the Process of Physical Exploration and Geographical Discovery
Strickland, Kimberly B. South Ogden, Utah
BA: Oglethorpe University, 1984 Major: English Major Professor: Dr. Mark Zachry
Stroschein, Cindy Ycaza Breezy Point, Minnesota
BS: Florida International University, 1990 Major: Special Education Major Professor: Dr. Julie F. Smart
Taylor, Brandon Mark Clearfield, Utah
Paradise, Utah
BS: Utah State University, 1998 Major: Sociology Major Professor: Dr. H . Reed Geertsen Thesis: Lifesty le influences on Self-Ratings of Health in a NonmetropoLitan Population: Do Dietary Practices and Health Risk Factors Make a Difference
Teuscher, Richard Michael Logan, Utah
BS: Utah State University, 1999 Major: Mechanical Engineering Major Professor: Dr. Thomas H . Fronk
Logan, Utah
BS: Utah State University, 2000 Major: Business Information Systems and Education Major Professor: Dr. John F. Vinsonhaler
ME: King Mongkut's University of Technology, 1997 Major: Civil and Environmental Eng ineering Major Professor: Dr. Prianka N. Seneviratne Thesis: Design Space Standards for Passenger Terminals
Logan, Utah
BS: Utah State University, 1998 Major: Political Science Major Professor: Dr. Randy T. Simmons
Wellington, Utah
BS: Utah State University , 1998 Major: Psychology Major Professor: Dr. David M. Stein
Tagestad, Jerry D. Bottineau, North Dakota
BS: North Dakota State University, 1990 Major: Geography Major Professor: Dr. Allan Falconer Thesis: Radiometric Standardization of Adjacent Thematic Mapper Imager for Mu lti-Scene Mosaics
Kearns, Utah
BS: Brigham Yow1g University, 1989 Major: Psychology Major Professor: Dr. Keith T. Checketts
Trimble, Daniel L. BS: Utah State University, 1998 Major: Communicative Disorders and Deaf Education Major Professor: Dr. Steven H. Viehweg
Trinca, Lydia Ann (Penny)
Thomas, Anne
Nibley, Utah
Sewnderabad, India
BS: Osmania University, 1997 Major: Family and Human Development Major Professor: Dr. Jay D . Schvaneveldt Thesis: Children's Awareness, Knowledge, and Understanding of AIDS in Bahrain
BS: University of Arkansas, 1986 Major: Agr icu ltural Systems Technology Major Professor: Dr. Bruce E. Miller Thesis: On-Farm Composting of Bovine Mortalities in Temperate Arid Climates
Tucker, Wendy Marie Thomas, Becky L.
Swenson, Melissa A.
BS: Nanjing University , 1994 Major: Business information Systems and Education Major Professor: Dr. David H. Olsen
Peoria, Arizona
Thimmes, Amanda M.*
BS: Utah State University , 1999 Major: Instructional Technology Major Professor: Dr. J. Steven Soulier
Tong, Ting
Tree, Randy Gordon Theisen, Garrich Errol
Bangkok, Thailand
Loga11 , Utah
BS: Uta h State University, 1994 Major: Physics Major Professor: Dr. W. Farrell Edwards Thesis: Interactive Prob lem Solving for Introductory Physics
Jiangdu, China
Subprasom, Kitti
Swan, Jason Vachon
Tinney, Charles Evan
Mountain View, Wyoming
Kaysville, Utah
BS: Utah State University , 1996 Major: Family and Human Development Major Professor: Dr. Scot M. Allgood Thesis: The Use of Therapeuti c Ritua ls in Substance Abuse Treatment
BA: University of Wyoming, 1989 Major: Psychology Major Professor: Dr. David M. Stein
Ulibarri, Gilbert
Ely, Nevada
Logan, Utah
BS: Weber State University, 1992 Major: Industrial Technology Major Professor: Dr. Edward M. Reeve
BA: Utah State University , 1997 Major: Economics Major Professor: Dr. Christopher Fawson
San Jose, Califomia
Thompson, John B.
Thomson, Benjamin A. Lindon, Utah
Van Bezooyen, Keith MA: Western New Mexico University, 1998 Major: Eng lish Major Professor: Dr. Keith A. Grant-Davie
BS: Brigham Young University, 1994 Major: Geography Major Professor: Dr. Derrik J. Thom Thesis: Mapping Absolute Fresh Water Scarcity and the Potential for Acute Po litical Conflict in Aftrica
BS: University of Utah, 1994 Major: Special Education Major Professor: Dr. Garth M. Eldridge
Muar, Malaysia
Tian, Xi Bei
Viboolrna te, Navaphan
Shanghai, China
Bangkok, Thailand
BS: Utah State University, 1999 Major: Business Information Systems and Education Major Professor: Dr. John F. Vinsonhaler
BS: Utah State University, 1998 Major: Electrical Engineering Major Professor: Dr. Kevin L. Moore
BS: Kasetsart University, 1995 Major: Civil and Environmental Engineering Major Professor: Dr. Muzz Yener
Talluri, Kranti Kiran Hanomkonda, India
BE: Mang lore University, 1998 Major: Computer Science Major Professor: Dr. Gregory W. Jones
Tan, Tong Hwee
Vance, Charlton B. Layton, Utah
Viets, Leslie N.
Ward, P. Daniel
Westrop, Regan Marie
Charlotte, North Caro/inn
Hyde Park, Utah
Pincher Creek, Canada
BS: North Carolina State University, 1997 Major: Animal Science Major Professor: Dr. Kenneth L. White Thesis: Pathways Involved in ArginineGlycine-Aspartic Acid (RGD)-Mediated Calcium Transients in Mature Bovine Oocytes
BS: Utah State Unjversity, 1998 Major: Chemistry Major Profess o r: Dr. David Farrelly Th esis: Rotational Structure of Extremely Floppy Van Der Waals Complexes: Adiabatic Separation of Angular and Radial Motion
BS: Brigham Young University, 1998 Major: Communicative Disorder s and Deaf Education Major Professor: Dr. Kirn Corbin-Lewis Thesis: Segment Durational Changes from Young Adults to Elderly: A Familial Study
Wadsworth, Chris C.
Wathen, Mark D.
Spanish Fork, Utah
BS: Brigham Young University, 1988 Major: Business Information Systems and Education Major Professor: Dr. Thomas S. E. Hilton
Wheelwright, David H. South Weber, Utah
Ephraim, Utah
BS: Utah State University, 1996 Major: Chemistry Major Profess o r: Dr. John L. Hubbard Thesis: The Des ign, Synthesis, and Characterization of New Ligands That Can Provide a Controlled Catalytic Environment
Wager, David Joseph Andover, Massachusetts
BS: Skidmore Co!Jege , 1994 Major: Forestry Major Professor: Dr. Frederick A. Baker Jr. Thesis: Monitoring Ozone Concentrations and Assessing Risk to Vegetation in the Central Wasatch Mountain s
Walker, Andrew E. Renton, Washington
BS: Washington State University, 1995 Major: Instructional Technology Major Professor: Dr. Margaret M. Recker
Walker, Douglas McLain
Watson, Matt L. Logan, Utah
BS: New Mexico State University , 1995 Major: Animal Science Major Professor: Dr. RandaU D. Wiedmeier Thesis: Developing Replacement Beef Heifers Based o n Ammoniated Low-Quality Forages
Watson, Michael Sean Las Vegas, Nevada
BS: Utah State University, 1998 Major: Mechanical Engineering Major Professor: Dr. Christine E. Hailey
Weber, Stewart C.
Logan, Utah
Idaho Falls, Idaho
BS: Utah State University, 1998 Major: Political Science Major Professor: Dr. William L. Furlong
BS: Utah State University, 1998 Major: Electrical Engineering Major Professor: Dr. Scott E. Budge Thesis: Adapti ve Search Residual Vector Quantization with No Side Information
BS: Weber State College, 1988 Major: Computer Science Major Professor: Dr. Gregory W. Jones
Whiteley, Shalisa Alpine, Utah
BS: Utah State Unjversity, 1999 Major: Communicative Disorders and Deaf Education Major Professor: Professor Ann S. Eldredge
Willardson, Bennington J Ephraim, Utah
BS: Utah State University, 2000 Major: Civil and Environmental Engineering Major Professor: Dr. Blake P. Tullis Thesis: Hydrauli c Characteristics of Plunge Pools Used for Downstream Bypassed Fish
Willardson , Jeffrey Michael Wellsville, Utah
BS: Utah State University, 1998 Major: Health , Physical Education and Recreation Major Professor: Dr. Eadric Bresse! Thesis: Predictin g Equivalent Work-Loads Between the Free Weig ht Parallel Squat and 45-Degree Angled Leg Press
Wang, Jye-Hsuen Cecily Tnoyunn, Taiwan
BS: Utah State University, 1999 Major : Business information Systems a nd Education Major Professor: Dr. David J. Paper
Wei, Jungang
Winger, Harold Quayle
Beijing, China
Richmond, Utah
BS: South China University of Technology, 1995 Major: Computer Science Major Professor: Dr. Donald H. Cooley
BS: Utah State Unjversity, 1994 Major: Animal Science Major Professor: Dr. Kenneth C. Olson Thesis: Energy Supplementation of Beef Cattle Grazing TaU Wheatgrass
Wang, Ruke
Wen, Michael John
Beijing, China
El Cerrito, California
BS: Beijing Normal University, 1995 Major: Electrical Engineering Major Professor: Dr. Joe R. Doupnik Thesis: Service Location Protocol
BS: University of California, San Diego, 1995 Major: Nutrition and Food Sciences Major Professor: Dr. Deborah R. Gustafson Thesis: Relationship Between CAG Repeats of the N Terminal Region of the Androgen Recep tor and Body Shape
Ward, Alan Earnest
Winter, Carol T. South Jordan, Utah BS: Utah State Unjversity, 1979 Major: Human Environments Major Professor: Professor Nancy Thompson
Woodward, Raymond J.
Bountiful, Utah
Westberg, Heather A.
Franklin, Idaho
BS: Utah State University, 1996 Major: Ecology Major Professor: Dr. Wayne A. Wurtsbaugh Thesis: Morphometric Evaluation of the Whit e fish Complex in Bear Lake , Utah / Idaho
Provo, Utah
BS: Utah State University, 1999 Major: Electrical Engineering Major Professor: Dr. Cynthia M. Furse Thesis: Using Frequency Domain Reflectometry for Water Level Measurement
BS: Utah State Unjversity, 1998 Major: Family and Human Development Major Professor: Dr. Thorana S. Nelson Thesis: Children's Experience of Parental Divorce Disclosure: A Look at lntrafamilial Differences
Worley, Deborah
Young, Jared Ryan
Zhou, Weiyang
Price, Utah
Logan, Utah
Chengdu, China
BS: Utah State University, 1995 Major: Psychology Major Professor: Dr. David M. Stein
BS: Utah State University, 1999 Major: Communicative Disorders and Deaf Education Major Professor: Dr. James C. Blair
BS: University of Electronic Science and Technolog y, 1997 Major: Electrical Engineering Major Professor: Dr. Gardiner S. Stiles
Worwood, Kevin Brent West Valley City, Utah
Young, Yung-Ching Paul
Zollinger, Elizabeth Maycock
BS: University of Utah, 1999 Major: Communicativ e Disorder s and Deaf Education Major Profe ssor : Dr. Julie F. Smart
Atlanta, Georgia
BS: National Taiwan University, 1989 Major: Busines s lnformation Systems and Education Major Professor: Dr. Dennis LaBont y
BS: Brigham Young University, 1999 Major: Communicative Disorders and Deaf Education Major Professor: Dr. John E. Ribera
Draper, Utah
Yu, Ning
Zou, Cheng
BS: Utah State University, 1999 Major: Soil Science Major Professor: Dr. V. Philip Rasmussen Thesis: Nitrogen Stress Detection in Spring Wheat Using Remote Sensing
Shanghai, China
Changsha, China
BS: Shanghai University of Engineering Science, 1992 Ma jor: Comput er Science Major Professor: Dr. Donald H. Cooley
BS: Nankai University , 1995 Major: Business Information Systems and Education Major Professor: Dr. Thomas S. E. Hilton
Wu, Hsiao-Chun
Zeng, Xiangzhong
Taiping, Taiwan
Dalian, China
MA: University of Iowa, 1997 Major: Instructional Technology Major Professor: Dr. Linda L. Wolcott
BS: University of Science and Technology of China, 1992 Major: Electrica l Engineering Major Professor: Dr. Todd K. Moon Th es is: An Exp loration of Various Ways of Computing Wav elet Transforms over integers
Wright, Dennis L. Jr.
Wu, Wei Tianjin, China
BS: Nankai University, 1996 Major: Biochemistry Major Professor: Dr. Lance C. Seefeldt Thesis: Studies on the Roles of ATP in Nitrogenase Cata lysis
Xia, Zhongwei Shenyang, China
BS: Liaoning University, 1988 Major: Computer Science Major Professor: Dr. Jianping Zhang
Yan, Yun-Chia Tainan, Taiwan
BS: Tarnkang University, 1996 Major: Business information Systems and Education Major Professor: Dr. David J. Paper
Yost, Matthew J. St. Louis, Missouri
BS: San Diego State University, 1987 Major: Civil and Environmental Engineering Major Professor: Dr. Michael J. McFarland
Young, Elizabeth
Zhang, Aonan Qingdao, China
BS: Finance and Banking lnstitule of China, 1997 Major: Statistics Major Professor: Dr. D. Richard Cutler
Zhang, Lingyun Shanghai, China
BS: Sophia University, 1995 Major: Business Information Systems and Education Major Professor: Dr. Dennis LaBonty
Zhang, Xu Nanjing, China
MS: Zhongs han University, 1992 Major: Computer Science Major Professor: Dr. Donald H. Coo ley
Zhao, Qian Chengdu, China
BS: C hengdu University of Science and Technology, 1992 Major: Statistics Major Professor: Dr. D. Richard Cutler
Idaho Falls, Idaho
BS: Utah State University, 1999 Major: Communicative Disorders and Deaf Education Major Professor: Professor L. Jaclyn Littledike
Zheng, Anyi Shanghai, China
BS: Shanghai Medical University, 1997 Major: Business Information Systems and Education Major Professor: Dr. John F. Vinsonhaler
Shiraki, Christopher T.
Master of SocialSciences
Godfrey, Scott K. Clarkston, Utah
Honolulu, Hawaii
Adams, Brian Jon
BS: Utah State University , 1996 Major: Human Resource Management
BS: Utah State University, 1998 Major: Human Resource Management
Hot Springs, Arkansas
BS: Brigham Young University, 1997 Major: Sociology Major Professor: Dr. Jon R. Moris
Andersen, Christine
Hall, Jonathan Glade
Simpson, Lorin D.
Lehi, Utah
Herriman, Utah
BS: Brigham Young Univers ity, 1997 Major: Human Resource Management
BS: Utah State Univers ity, 1995 Major: Human Resource Management
Hattangady, Namita Ramesh
Slack, Brett Doyle
Sandy, Utah
BA: Utah State University , 1998 Major: Human Resource Management
Andre, Cheryl Nielson
Bangalore, India
Ogden, Utah
MA: Bangalore University, 1991 Major: Human Resource Management
BS: Weber State University, 1994 Major: Human Resource Management
Lamb, Mollee Lewis
Vaughan, Darren Matthew
Santa Clara, Utah
BS: Brigham Young University, 1992 Major: Human Resource Management
Andrews, Jenna Kamille
St. George, Utah
BA: Utah State University, 1998 Major: Human Resource Management
BS: Brigham Young University, 1998 Major: Human Resource Management
Norgard , Marcia I-I.
Wayne, Kerry M.
Layton, Utah
BS: Weber State University , 1999 Major: Human Resource Man agem ent
Layton, Utah
Ogden, Utah
BS: Weber State Un iversity, 1992 Major: Human Resource Managem ent
BS: Weber State Unive rsity, 1994 Major: Human Resource Management
O'Hara , Robert D.
Wheeler , Jennifer Jeanne
Boylen, A. Scott Price, Utah
BS: West Virginia Institut e of Technology, 1989 Major: Human Resource Mana gement
Brown, Richard S. Cedar City, Utah
BS: Southern Utah Univ ersity, 1994 Major: Human Resour ce Management
Glade, James George Taylorsville, Utah
BS: Brigham Young Univ ersity, 1998 Major: Human Resourc e Management
Sandy, Wal,
Roy, Utah
BA: Brigham Young Univer sity, 1991 Major: Human Resour ce Management
BS: Utah State Univers ity, 1997 Major: Human Resource Manag ement
Olsen, Brent S.
Wilkes, Kwin Allen
Nephi, Utah
Castle Dale, Utah
BS: Utah State Univ ersity, 1999 Major: Human Resource Management
BA: Univer sity of Wyoming , 1997 Major: Human Resource Management
Reeder, Robert William
Willener, Jennifer K.
Hyde Park, Utah
Clinton, Utah
BS: Utah State University, 1989 Major: Human Resource Management
BS: Weber State University, 1994 Major: Human Resource Management
*Completed the Int erdisciplinary Graduate Certificate Program in Natural Resource and Environmental Policy.
Utah State Boardof Regents Charles E. Johnson , Chairman, Sandy Aileen H . Clyde, Vice Chairman, Springville Jerry C. Atkin, St. Georg e Pamela J. Atkinson , Salt Lake City Brian D. Brown , Salt Lake City David J. Grant, Cedar City L. Brent Hoggan , No rth Logan Karen H . Huntsman , Salt Lake City
James S. Jardine, Salt Lake City Michael R. Jensen, Price David J. Jordan , Bountiful E. George Mante s, Salt Lake City Rob Peterson, Logan Winn L. Richard s, Ogden Paul S. Roger s, Santa Clara Maria Sweeten, Salt La ke City
Cecelia H. Foxley, Commissioner of High er Education
Utah State Boardof Trustees Lowell S. Peterson, Eden Chairman Claudett e Eastman, Bountiful Vice Chairman Barre G. Burgan, Brigham City Willis G. Cand land, Lindon
L. J. Godfrey, Alpin e Carl A. Lundahl , Hyrum Gay le McKeachni e, Vernal Brent Nyman, Logan Steve n L. Palmer, Logan Sara V. Sincla ir, Loga n Lee H. Burk e, Secretary of the Board of Trustees
CommencementCommittee Jam es A. MacMahon, Chairman, VicePresidentfor University Advancement & Development Janet L. Appuhn , University Advancement Karen Bindrup , College of Science Debb ie Brunson, UniversihJ Advancement Lee H . Burke, Government Relations Becky Casperson, University Advancement David Daines, Collegeof Business Daniell e Gardn er, Family Life Senator Thomas Ken t, School of Graduate Studies Caro lyn Krebs, College of Engineering Marilyn B. Krus e, Collegeof Family Life Adrienne Larson, College of Natural Resources Kathl een Miller, Collegeof Education Jeane nn e Nielsen, School of Graduate Studies Susan Parkin son, Collegeof Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences Jan Pichette, Collegeof Agriculture Jennifer W. Tmgey, Collegeof Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences Maureen Wagn er, Collegeof Natural Resources Eric Worthen, Graduate Studies Senator Deanna Winn, Provost Office
Commencementmural and programsketchesbyGlenL. Edwards, ProfessorEmeritus, Departmentof Art
HYMN Theodore