o r
Seventy-fourth Annual Commencement
Utah State University Logan, Utah
Friday, June 2
Saturday, June 3
Nineteen hundred and sixty-seven
It is a pleasure for me to extend my best wishes as you complete your college education. You are graduating into a society in which you will be warmly welcomed. Our country has never had so great a need for highly educated men and women. Never have young Americans moved from the college campus into a world offering so broad a range of opportunities for individual fulfillment and contribution to the welfare of humanity. Your generation vigorous concern for American democracy. challenge to make this
of students has been distinguished by its fresh and the quality of American life and its commitment to Perhaps the greatest opportunity awaiting you is the a life-long commitment.
Today, Americans from every walk of life are striving together to shape a society than can offer a meaningful and rewarding life to all its members. Never have so many of our countrymen been so deeply dedicated to eradicating the old evils of ignorance, poverty, and bigotry from every comer of the land. Through your years of study, you have prepared yourselves for positions of leadership in this quest for a better America. . I congratulate tunity.
you, and urge you to take full advantage
of that oppor-
College of Agriculture May 11, 7:30 p.m., Union Auditorium College of Business and Social Sciences May 14, 2:00 p.m., Union Auditorium College of Education May 22, 7:30 p .m., Union Auditorium College of Engineering May 14, 2:00 p.m., Engineering
College of Family Life May 15, 7 :30 p.m., Family Life Lounge College of Humanities and Arts May 24, 8:00 p.m., Union Auditorium College of Natural Resources May 7, 3:00 pm., Union Auditorium College of Science May 16, 7:00 p.m., Union Auditorium R.O.T.C.
June 2, 1:45 p.m ., Main Auditorium RECOGNITION
Honoring wives of graduating
June 2, 1:45 p.m. Main Auditorium RECEPTION For all graduating friends
seniors , their families and
June 2, 3 :00 p.m. , President's
BACCALAUREATE June 2, 7: 30 p .m., Nelson Fieldhouse SENIOR
June 2, 8:30 p.m. , Union GRADUATION June 3, 9:30 a.m., Nelson Fieldhouse
BACCALAUREATE Friday Evening , June 2, 1967
7:30 p.m. PRESIDENT
DARYL CHASE . Conducting
Coronation March from " The Prophet " ..................... Giacomo Meyerbeer Triumphal March from "Aida" ......................................... Guiseppe Verdi University Orchestra , William
Ramsey, Conductor
Roger Hansen Member, Board of Trustees
Daryl Chase President, Utah State University
Rest Well from "St . John Passion " ......................... Johann Sebastian Bach University Chorale and Orchestra , William
Ramsey , Conductor
Elder Thomas S. Monson Member, Council of the Twelve Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
Reverend Robert P. Merz St. Joseph's Catholic Church , Ogden , Utah
March from " Die Meistersingers " ................................ Richard Wagner University Orchestra , William Ramsey, Conductor
Morning , June 3, 1967
9:30 a .m. PRESIDENT
Condu cting
Grand March .................. .................... ............ .............. ........ Percy Fletcher Sine N omine ......................................... ...... ................. .... Vaughan University
Concert Band, Max Dalby, Conductor
Kent W. Colton Recipient, University MUSICAL
One Hundredth Psalm Tune .................... Arranged by Vaughan Williams University Choir and Brass Ensemble, William Ramsey, Conductor ADDRESS
Arthur Larson Director, Rule of Law Research Center, Duke University MUSICAL
Cathedral Chorus from "Slavonic Folk Suite" ............ ............ Alfred Reed University CONFERRING
Concert Band, Max Dalby, Conductor
Daryl Chase President, MUSICAL
Utah State University
Alma Mater Hymn
M. Burton
Max Dalby, Conductor BENEDICTION
Stephanie Edith Plant Recipient, University
Regal Procession ....... .................................. ....................... Clifton Williams University
Concert Band, Max Dalby, Conductor
and Board of Trustees
0 fficial Guests Honorary
Degree Recipient
Faculties of the Various
Officers Colleges
for Graduate
for Baccalaureate
D egrees
The wearing of academic costume by faculty and student participants at the time of Commencement Exer cises has become traditional among universities. The color and pageantry of these occasions a re designed to indicate the degree of academic ac hi evement of those who actively participate in such exercises. In order for the audie nc e to better appreciate and understand the signi ficance attac hed to these ceremonia l aspects of the program, the following information is presented. The significance of the costume is determined principally by the cut of the gown, the size and shape of the hood, and the color of the tassels on the cap . The BACHELOR 'S gown is characterized by the long pointed sleeves. The gown worn by a MASTER has closed sleeves with the arc
of a circle near the bottom. The arm extends through the slit. giving the appearance of short sleeves. The hood consists of material similar to the gown a nd lined with the official academic color of the institution conferring the degree. If the institution has more than one color, the chevron is used to di sp lay the second color. The DOCTOR'S gown has full, round and open sleeves wi th three bars of ve lvet on each sleeve . The velvet facing of the bars may be black or the color indicative of the degree. The hood consists of a larger and longer assemblage of institu tional color draped over the recipient's shoulders and falling well down the back. The colors worn on the tassels signify the various colleges of the University from which a candidate is being graduated.
.. ............ ..................... .......... .............. ...... Drab
................ ................... ...... ...... ....... ......... ......... ...... .................... .. Light Blue
................... ....... ........ ................ .............................. .................... Orange ............... ....... ..................... . .... ............... ............... ....... ........... ...... AND
........... ........ . .......... ...... ............. .... ....... ......... ............ White
..... ............. ........ ... ............................ ......... ........ ....... ... Russet
...... ........ ......... ................. .............. ...... ....... ......................... ........... Gold-Yellow
............. ..................... .. Gold
VALEDICTORIANS A Valedi cto ria n ha s been se lect ed by e ach College of the University . Addre sses have been delivered a nd appropriat e reco gnition accor ded the following students by faculty and fellow graduates in each of the Colleges as indicated : College College College College College College College College
of of of of of of of of
Agriculture Business and Social Sci ences Education Engineering Family Life Hu ma niti es and Arts Natu ra l Resources Science
M . Michael Gold Susan Ruth Ryser Ja net G ay le Clerico James Ca meron Harmon Doroth y Ann Miller Stephanie Edith Pl ant Stuart N . Luttich Robert Mel vin Anderson
Th e qua lity of performance in academ ic work enables the following to be graduated w ith distinction. Those w ho have met residence requirements and have maintained a grade point average of 3.80 to 4.00 are gra du a ted Magna Cum Laude: those whose average is 3.50 to 3.79, Cum Laude.
MAGNA CUM LA UD E Robert Melvin And erso n Bonnie Elyse Barber Ruth Byrne Paul P . Chri ste nsen \/Villi am R. Compton Darcia M. Daines
Michae l M . Gold Ja mes Cameron H a rmon John Cooley Kemp Dale Simmons Kin g Ro ger Michael Lamb Ra lph B. Maughan, Jr.
Dougl as M . Abrams Janet Hendricks And erson Myrna Kay T ay lor And erson P a tricia Lee And erson E lgarde Z. Ashilman Susan Ri cks Bake r Ouvid Geo rge Bar ton Moll y M . Baumg a rtn er Richa rd E. Bird Susan Blair Ch ery l Br own Bla ir La Mar Bybee C a mille Carter Kathryn Carter Ron a ld Gene Ce fa lo Larry D. Chri stiansen Ja net Gayle Cl erico Kent W. Colton Janet Thomp son Cook Mar y Lou Crane Jame s Morris Creer Sue Cri sfield Malin M a rk Davis Da rr el W ayne Devi ne Dean Woodrow Duke JcAnn Dunc an Keith Hugo Eber hard
Charles W. Eberso le Sharon Bingh am Elw ell C arol yn Fal sone Stan ley H arvey Gi les Ru sse ll D av id Glenn R . W ayne Grim shaw Robert Mi chae l Harris R uby Lee H eaton Yvonne Napua Hi ll Raymond Kay Hin ton Caro lyn H olt Alice Lyn n C a rdon Horton Ja net Hugi e Linda Jon es Jacobsen P atricia Lee Jens en Bettie Sm ith Keetch Carol Jean La rsen Willi am R. Loftu s Stuart N . Lutt ich M ar jor ie B. M a rt ineau Richard Lorin M cGre gor Gay le P arkin son McK ee M ika ! A. M cKin non P ame la Meals Beth Merritt Ray Geo rge Min kler Conn ie Rae Moor e
Dorothy Ann Mill er Dean Fr ee ma n P eterso n Stephanie E dith P lant Susan Ruth R yser JoAnn Woodruff
M ari lyn M aude Morr ell Gerald E lbert Mortim er LaNaya Rhae Ni elsen Kathryn K. Nozaki Darre ll M. Nutt a ll Lurlene P a lmer P a tsy May P ehrso n Martha Su e P eterson Ka ryn M a rie Pi cciano Jay Brown Pitkin Scott H . Plumm er D. Jo yce P ollard Virg inia P. Price Melvi n John Robey Rich a rd M. Schr eyer John G eorge Slag le Toni F encil Smith Lo ree Ward Spuhler Kathleen Squire Norma Jea n Sutton Kenneth Robert Tr ester Anne tte Young W a ddoup s Adonna Watkins Chandler P. Whitelaw Jean McC all Williams Jon Wallac e Wright
Presented annually to the senior ma n and wom a n gr adu a tes who best portray scholarship, and citizenship. Kent W . Colt on
high traits of character,
Edith Plant
ARTHUR LARSON Citation read by Ri chard J. Maughan , Member,
Board of Trustees
You ha ve exerted high leaders hip in diverse ways to help struc ture society through the rule of law; not merely to control demonic a nd destructive impulses of men but to provide channels for ide a lism and the constructive expression of creative energy. Among the laws and institutions of the classic Greeks and Romans , in the utteran ces and formulations of America's Founding Fathers , in the philosophies of the int ernational juri sts , you have sought the standard to which, in the words of George W as hington , " The wise and the honest can repair," acknowledging as he did. that " the event is in the hand of God." You have consistently shown your faith that justice and mercy, not overriding power , will ultimately shape our country and th e world toward , peace with freedom. You have made your influence felt as a teacher and dean of law, as Under Secretary of Labor , as director of the United States Information Agency, as director of the Rule of Law Re searc h Center, as adv isor to presidents , as author of authorative vo lume s and articles, and as a forceful and persuasive speaker. For your diverse co n tributions, but above all for your prudent co un se ls and far-sighted vision looking toward the fostering of peace and justice, Ut ah State Uni versity takes pride in recommending you for the honorary degree of DOCTOR OF LAWS .
CANDIDATES FOR THE DEGREE OF BACHELOR OF SCIENCE Denoon, David George Clemens El-Mansy, Lucia F. Erekson, Vaughn Milo Eyre, John Lelan Fathpour, Mohmad Reza Gamble, Gary Clyde Godfrey, Erik Bruce Gold, M. Michael Grand, Robert Eugene Grow, Douglas Craig Hanks, Donald Ray Hansen, James Edward Hansen, Michael L. Hartle, Max F. Hawks, Russell Odell Hicks, Clair Lloyd
Adamson, Stephen L. Bagheri, Karim Bailey, Barton Frank Baker, Robert Bryan Barton, David George Barzee, Milton Arlo Briggs, Clinton Dale Burnham, Robert Lynn Call, Ronald Belnap Christensen, Verl Miles Crisfield, John Ross Dansie, Charles Nicholas Darrow, Howard Curtis Dart, Ralph Clyde, Jr. Dawson, Oliver Glenn Degiorgio , Fred
Hong, Woo Shik Hunt, Ivan Ray Jens en, Kent J. Jens en, Robert Rex Keetch, Gordon C. Kennington, Richard V. Kohagura, Eugene Rikio Lewis, William Benton Magleby, John Harrison McKinnon, James Brent Miller, Gary L. Mills, Frederick Gordon Miskin, Koy Eldridge Monson , Wayne Nolan Payne, William Melvin Peterson, Leo K.
Ricks, Larry James Roberts, Clyde Anthony Robey, Melvin John Russell, Cyril Bruce Salar-Kalantari, M. M. Southam, Everett R. Stucki, Spencer Eugene Swallow, Garth J. Thorup, Dennis La Var Wang, John Tachuang Williams, Clarence F. Wood, Stanley Wayne Y elland, Robert M., III
CANDIDATES FOR THE DEGREE OF BACHELOR OF ARTS Abrams, Douglas M. Anderson, Bruce William Berry, Harry Edward Boltz, Bernard Alan Carmack, Barbara Ann Cavalli, Donald Oscar Comish, Leo Stanford, Jr. Dahle, Fred L.
Daines, Darcia Marchant Hemmert, Trudy Hugie, Janet Hultengren, Dale Harold Johnson, Charles Joseph Kabili, Moris Kendrick, Marvin F. Maughan, Ralph B., Jr.
Meals, Pamela Medsker, Richard Ralph Mendez, Jose Antonio Merritt, Beth Morgan, Madelon Elaine Olsen, Gene Snow Peterson, Martha Sue Pinegar, David Ralph
Pittard, Harold Wayne Sellers, Richard Earl Smith, Arvol Dale Smith, Marsha Ann Tew, Warren Rodney Venner, Michael John E. Waldron, Carolyn Jean Warren, Cheryll Ann
CANDIDATES FOR THE DEGREE OF BACHELOR OF SCIENCE Alderman, Kent Bradshaw Anderson, Arlend Von Anderson, Arlyn Nye Anderson, LaMar Burton Andrus , James Lorenzo Ard, Marsha Arnell, Russell Stanley Bailey, Thomas Gunnell Balls, Laura McArthur Bankhead, Stephen Giffen Barber, Mary Ann Waite Barberio, Russell Carl Barentsen, Max Dell Bennett, Theodore Peterson Berntson, Bruce Bertelsen, Bruce Andrus Best, Walter Thomas Bienz, Joseph Ray Billings, Donald W. Bingham, Dale Blaine Bingham, Gloria Mauchley Bioski, Edward Victor, Jr. Bitters, Arvel Tibbitts
Bleesz, Raymond Antone Boender, Thomas Abbott Bowcutt, Gerald Earl Bowden, James Edward II Bowen, David Barry Bradford, Donald H. II Brenchley, Ralph Reed Brion, Charles Terry Brizzee, Nancy Tibbitts Brockman, Eileen Bullock, Dennis Frank Burdock, William E. Burgess, Vicky D. Burgoyne, Clella Burnett, Elaine Buttars, Chris Doyle Buzianis, George Jay Caldwell, Terry James Call, David Williams Call, Ellen Hansen Call, John William Callaway, Gary Liddell
Cannon, Victor Brent Carlson, Joyce Hiatt Cebular, John Edwin Checketts, Robert Joseph Chipman, John Leslie Christensen, Paul P. Christiansen, Larry D. Church, Eric Jones Coleman, Larry Kay Colton, Kent Winterton Cooper, Stanley Albert Cowan, Michael Cox, Rodney Giles Crane, Robert Lamar, Jr. Critchlow, Harold Smith Cruickshank, Thomas A. Cunningham, Paul Marsh Curinga, Rudolph Rocco Cusack, Lawrence John Daines, Susan Blair Daniels, Richard Vere Dansie, Boyd William
Darrington, Jay Earl Davis, Malin Mark Davis, Robert Lee Davis, William Bennett Deakin, Robert Charles Dressler, Lana Kathleen Dryden, John Michael Dubois, Kenneth Ray Duncan, Beverly June Dutson, Garv D. Eckhardt, George W. Eichmeier, Steven H. Ellett, Rulon Sheldon Ellis, Joseph Dennis Ellis, Stephen Taylor Ennenga, Peter Mark Ensminger, Dale Edward Erickson, lvanell Zollinger Erickson, Michael Chase Erickson, Myra Kay Erickson, H. Steven Esplin, Phil Ward
COLLEGE OF BUSINESS AND SOCIAL SCIENCES (Continued) Evans, William Grant Facer, Jerry Rose Farnes , J. De Var Fitzgerald, P erry Glenn Foster, Melvin D. Foster, Thomas Vernon Fonnesbeck, Forrest Frazier, Warren Leonard Fuhriman, Blaine Lee Ge er tsen , Dennis Call Giliette, Jessie Jean Terry Godfrey , Kent Dewain Goerner, Ralph Trueman Gooch , Gail Reed Gorrell, Roy Lee Gray, Joseph William Greenwood, David Paul Gunderson , Richard N . Gunderson , Steven D . Hales, Samuel Robin Hall, Evan B. Hammond , Kenneth G. Hammond, Edmund Ross H ansen, Andrew Bennett H anse n , Jay Vard Han sen, Julie Hansen , Richard Henry Hanson, Jeanne Hards , Charles Leonard Harper , Catherine Marie H ar t, Bradley L H a rtwell , Bert J. Hatch, Ferris Dean Haycock, Richard Carl Heaton, Anthony Giles Helton , James Curtis Herd, Iva Lou Smith Hicken, Marva Higgins, Kent David Hilbus, Essley C. Hiltenbrand , A. J. Hoffman, Margaret Ann Holmgren, John Michael Hoskin, Edwin Griffin Huntzinger, Robert George Hoxsie, George Gordon Hughes, Gorden L . Hunter , Alfred Barnes Hurst, John Fred Jackson, Bruce Donald Jacobson, Sterling R.
James , Dale Gordon Janes, Dean Joseph Jarvis, Frank Adams Jensen , William Russell Jenson, Martin William Jenson, William A. Jepsen, Jonathan Jeppesen, Klair Frederick Jessop , Valdon Paul Johnson , John Fischer Johnson, Louis Wynn Jorgensen, Phyllis Keller, Joseph L. Kerr, Janie! Raybould Kim, Johng Un Kinkade , Lamont Lester Kirby , Lynda Lee Kleinman , Mickey Lou Bremer Klingler , Kenneth Ray Kotter, Paul Wendell Kuehn , Frederick Ku ehn , Robe rt Carl Kuttnauer , Kari Ellen Lambe rt , Thomas Woodward Larsen , Sydney Kay Lee, John Robert Lehman, Wayne Arnold Lestrange, James Scott Lind, Bruce Elvin Lindsey , Donna Louise Linford , Donley Rex Linford, James Cyril Loftus, Judith Hamberlin Loftus, William Robert Madsen, Cherri! Carma Mathews, Ardell H. Matsui, Glenn Koki Maughan, Jerald Brown Mayo , Robert Francis Mc Bride, Jeffrey Willis Mc Candless, Bruce L. Mc Gregor, James Curtis McKim , Ronald Lorenzo Michael, Robert James Miller, Barbara Musick Miller, Elizabeth Hendricks Miller, Margaret W. Minkler, Ray George Mitchell, Dixie Ann Molgard, Jack H .
Mon ad jami , Mehdi Siamak Mortenson, Barry Gail Motzkus, Glenn Theodore Murphy , Zol a Louise Nave, Phill Thomas Neilsen, Diane Nelson , Garth Sterling Nelson, Leah Olsen Nelson, Phyllis Camille Nelson, Vern Lee Nielson, Carl Craig Noel. Frank Gilman Norton, Paul Max Nuttall, Darrell Morris Nuttall, Dorothy Nyman, Willard Ezra Olsen, D av id Nolan Olsen , Ron ald Gene Olsen , Wayne Gentry Omo ri, Gary Katsumi Oskoui. Hassan P ace, Cheryl Lynne P acker, Lyle Jame :; Palm er, Willi am Dean, Jr. P arker , D ennis Archie P arkinson, Jeral d Scott Pehrson, Patsy May Petersen, Cleone H. Peter son, Jack C. Peterson, Thomas Lewis Pierpont, George Scott Plowman, Lowell Brent Porter, Calvin Lyle Poul son , Heber ElVon Powell , John Robie Powers, Judith Howell Pr ice, Virgini a Phillips Quayle , William Ray Raunig , Thomas Joseph Reed er, Douglas N . Rees, Charles Edward Reim, Walter Everett Rich, Doraleen Rigb y, Val Edward, Jr. Ritchie , John M. Robinson, Charles R. Robinson, Logan Dean Robinson, Sheila Robinson , T erry ! Dean Rogowski, Gerald Walter
Roundy , Rodney Floyd Ryan, Vernon Dean Ryser , Susan Ruth Schulthies, Ronald Avon Schwartz, Alan B. Seamons , Richard Corlette Shaffer, Gary Morris Shields , Bruce Tate Showalter, Gary C . Skidmore , William W ., Jr. Sloniger, George E. Smith, Cora Jean Smith, Keith Wood Smith, Kent William Smith , Ralph Jennings Smith, Stephen Wayne Sorenson, Calvin Boyd Spencer, Barbara Ann Squires, Karma Stewart, Ronald Glenn Stewart, Shirl Hansen Stocker, Henry R. Sto we, Connie Checketts Swalberg, Allen Bowen Swartz, Bry an G. Thomas, Ross Martin Thompson, Ralph Larry Thorkildsen, Ron J. Thuesen, Brent Miller Trieff, Peter David Turner, Jan Kygar Vanderbeek, Ruth Kay Van Sweden, Robert Carl Vieira, Camilo Pinho W angsgard, Clark Bums Waters, Richard Wesley W elch, Lee Buttars W elker , Elton Wayne Wetherell , Fredrick R. Wettstein, Cheryle Whitaker, Robert Lee Whitman, Larry De an Williams, Emmett Raymond Willie, Daniel Lamont W oehlke, P aul Hammond Yamamoto, Patricia Lee Yeager, Arthur Harold Young, Scott Ian Zalewski, Dorothy
CANDIDATES FOR THE DEGREE OF BACHELOR OF ARTS Bradford, Dorothy Judd Craig, Maurine Waterman Duncan, Jo Ann
Eagar, Delwin Thomas Fenske, La Vaun
Heikkila, Linda Clare Johnson, Diane
Knibbe, Gayle Lindquist, Charlyn Wall
COLLEGE OF EDUCATION (Continued) CANDIDATES FOR THE DEGREE OF BACHELOR OF SCIENCE Abbott, Lewis Zane, Jr. Abpl ana lp , Larry Ross Ad ams, How ard Amundsen Adams, Jo Ann Spencer Allen, Carol Ann Allen, Garth Sherwin Allen , Kirk Joseph Allr ed, Richard P rice Andersen, C arolyn Joy Anderson, Elliott James, Jr. Anderson , Janet Anderson, Mary Kaye Andrew , Doyl e S. Andrew, Neil John Appell, Roberta Margaret Archibald , Cecil Armstrong, Thomas Ashliman, Elgarda Zobell Astle, Blanche Linford Atherton, Judith Ann Atkinson, Jane Ungricht Averett, Glennis Rae Baker, Susan Ricks Balling, Chris Mark Barberio, Russell Carl Barfuss, Larry Kent Barker , Susan Barrus, Carol Brown Barrus, John Russell Barrus , Marilyn Bell, Leslie Bell, Susan Dee Benson , Clayne Vernal Berkey , Gail Westerback Beus, Orv al Charles Beveridge, Thomas Dalpiaz Black, Beth Bodrero, Carolyn Bradley, John Douglas, Jr. Bradshaw, Lynn Richard Brady, John Lee Brady, Mark Lee Broadhead, Kathryn Buckne r, Barry L. Budovec, Bruce Phillip Burr, Jay W. Buttars, Gerald A. Butterfield, Mon tana Mar y Bybee, Kaye Christensen Byrd, Jarry Kay Callister, Gary Lloyd Cambron, Larry Pat Campanell a, Sam N. Campbell , Bruce Douglas Cannon, Gerald ine Pearce Carter, Kathleen Case , Sheldon John Catmull, Veta Bronson C ava naugh, Dee Ann Ca zier, Ver! Oscar Cefa lo, Robe rt Bruce Cefalo , Ronald Gene Ching, Victor M. L. Christensen , Beth Tuft ::::hristensen, Di ane Kay Hlrcheri Christensen, LaRee Christensen, La Vern Clerico, Janet Gayle Clever, Judith Lynn Cook, Janet Thompson
Cooper , Linda Baldwin Cordon , Cheryl Ann Crane, Mary Lou Oldham Cr aner, Gary Ernest Creamer , Ch ery l Ann Crosby , Richard Jay Curtis, Ward Deon Dagley, Marilyn Larson Dahle, Sa muel Singleton Dalley, Ione Rich Daniels, Afton W. Rigby Davis, Sherrie Mortenson Day , Richard Alan Denton , Don ald Dean D evine, Darrel Wayne De Vries , Ron a ld W esley Dine, Shanna Lynn Evans Dittmer , Ruth Ellen Douglass, Sylvi a Ann Downs, Chad Edward Drap er, Den nis Lloyd Draper, Judith Ann Duffin, Linda Claire Dunkley , Paulette Durfee, Eunice Elaine Jensen Earl. Dean Clark Edwards, Ronni e Loren E lwell, Sharon Bingham Ensworth, Christine M . Erickson, Rob ert Vernon Erickson , Terrance LaMar Evans , Gerald Naylor Evans, Pearl Merrill Evans, Stephen Richard Evan s, V al G. Fait , Linda Vicevich Falsone, Carolyn Feichko, Carol Kathleen F erguson, Kenneth R. Fisher, William Fredrick F itzgerald, Bonnie Lou B. Fonnesbeck , Betty Lou Ivers Fox , Pat ricia S. Frohlich , Gary Bruce Fryer, Cecil Mae Fuhriman, Claudia Jean Fuller, John Seymour, Jr. Gibbons, Hyrum Dennis Gibson, Carol yn Glenn , William Loyal Goff, Ethel Leola Griffin, Anne Baumar. Griffin, Nile Jay Gunnell, Vernen Parker Haag , David Roy Hale , Hal Ries Hall, Addie L. Dunkley Hall , Deward Leon Hamblin , Marley Kay Hammond , Edmund Ross Hansen, Todd Riggs H armo n , Richard Borg Harris, Carol Firth Hawkes , Glenn Marinner Hegg , Vivian L. Boone Hellstern, Helen Cooley Henderson, Judy Ann Heslop , Boyd Weldon Hiatt , Jay La Mar Himes, Ann La Rayne
Hir schi , Doreen Keetch Hobbs, Christine Golson Hogan , Gordon C. Holder, James Richard Houck , Jerry Herbert Hughes, Jane Anne Humphreys, Florence Hunsaker , Annette Glover Hunsaker, Carol Jean Hunsaker, Merle Leon Imai, M ark Heromi Jacobsen, Lind a Jones Jenkins, Wilma Haderlie Jensen, Mar k Stanton Johnson , Bonnie Jean Pitt Johnsen, D ean Brent Johnson , Dora Jean Anderson John son, Jack C. Johnson, Rita Eileen Kelsey Jones, Stephen Edward Kanas, Andrew James Katsean es, Rodonn a Cammack Keele, Betty L. Keller , Clixie Hull Kins ey, James Leonard Klopf, Mary Elizabeth Konc ar, V. Ru ssell Kosut , Rich ard Thomas Kunchav alee, Pimprapai La Pray, Brent J. Larse n, Bette Glenette Larsen, Carol Jean Busk Larsen , Davi d Erick Larsen, Janice Kay Larsen , Kathleen Larsen, Lorene Larsen, Marilyn Kent Lawrence, Richard John Leavitt , Darwin Perry Lee, Caro l Ann Le e John Dewayne Lee , Keith Nicholas Lewis, Lamber t Hoyt Lindsay, Richard Bert Littlefield, Suzanne Lloyd Errol Jack Longhurst, Lynn E. Lan gmaid, Sherry Ann Louder, Eldon C. Lugo, Billy Lyons , Del an o J. Mallary, Elna Gardner Mangum , Dee Anna Mangus, Nola Smith Manwaring, Victor Martin, John Brent Martin, Lillias Pugmire Martineau, Marjorie Ball Martinez, Abel Jr. Mas sey, Donn a Moon Maugh an, Jon Scott Mayer, Marilyn Ashcraft McHardy , Muriel Barker McKee, Gayle Parkinson McKinlay, Lynn Gilbert McMaster, Sue Zann McNamara, Kay Medford, Samuel Allen Merkley, John Albin Merrell , Lynn
Miller , Eldon Hale Miller, Ruth E. Miller , Sharon Rae Miner , Rog er LaMay Mitchell, P aul L. Moffitt , George Russell Morgan, Stephen Noel Morrill , Garth Doyle Mortenson. P eter Olphin Moser , Paul E. Neely, Sus an Elizabeth Neish , Linda Merlene Nelson, Daryl Fred Nelson, Kay Nielsen , Denise Marie Nielsen, J. C. Nielson , Robert Wade Noon, Gladys Seely Norman, Myron Carlyle N ye, Barb ara Ob erhansley, Loraine 0 Bray , Jean Ogden, Su zanne Ol droy d, Julie Ann Olsen, Kenneth R. Olson, Grant Heber Osborne, Janet Lou O wen, Elaine P acker, Janice Mae P aiva, Cecilia Mary Palmer , Lurlene Parkinson, Gladys K. P atrick, P amela Paulsen, Robert Keith Pe rkes, Steven Lynn Perrett, Luell J. P etersen, Kent Dav id Pet erson, Francis Ortell Jenne P eterson, Mary Ann Peterson , P a tricia Kay Pittard , Charlotte Ann Pitt ard, Homer Anthony Pl a tt, Marilyn Clayton Poole , Nancy Powell , Antoine Turley Price , Dee Ann Booth Prince , Marilyn Ann Hansen Pulsipher, Jerry Dean Radford, Kent Vern Randall, Myrna Louise Ravesten , Mayme Evelyn Russell Raymond, Carol Diane Read, Paul Hill Read, Susan Ann Redd , Kent Brent Reid, Edna Choules Reynolds, Lynn Asa Rhyan , Timothy Patrick Rich, Larry Grant Richards , Deanne Allphin Richev, Vernon Louis Rimington , Russell Baylis Rindlesbaker, Layne A. Roberts, Harold Le Roy Robinson, Paul William Robinson , Thora Birch Rodm an, Carole Jean Rop er , Patricia Ann W . Ryan , Ruth Jean Hutchinson
COLLEGE OF EDUCATION Salmon, Garold Arthur Sbranti, Albert Ronald Sharp , Carol Musser Short, Judith Anne Simms, Chester Arthur Smith, Chad Bryan Smith, Lane Drew Smith, Marilyn Watkins Smith, Ruth Ann Smith, Sharon Gwen Corgatelli Smith, Stephen Petersen Smith, Susan Smith, Wendell A. Snow, Marcia Sorenson, Allene Holbrook
Sorensen, Alton Clair Southam, Grant Lyle Spackman, Geraldine Hunsaker Spencer, Rodger Pat Spuhler, Loree Ward Stephenson, Shirley J. Stevens, Carma Larene Stronks, Eva Diann Summers, Charlene Moyes Sycamore, Shirley Jean Takao, Victor Kay Tarbet, Ch ery l Kay Keck Ta ylo r, Kay Taylor, Mary Dale Taylor, Nancy Louise
Terry, Grover L ee Thalman, Jef.ffrey R. Theus, Haro ild Edward Thomas, Jane Thomas, Linda Kay Thomas, Tamara Jo Thomson, Sh ,erman Vance Tolley, Marian Faye Trester, Kemneth Robert Troseth, Sherrel Rae Tussing, Carol Mardee Vaughan, Jeanine Hansen Waddoups, Annette Young Wangsgaard . Carolee Felt Ward, Larene Ann
Watkin, Patricia Louise Watts, Ger aldine Watts, Robert Jacks on Welsh, Roberta Westerberg, Elaine Dursteler Whear, James How ar d Whitmer, Douglas Ray Wilde, Ch arlo tte Willerton , John Russell Wood, Douglas P. Wood, Stephen Lorum Woodward, Wayne Gardner Young, James Lloyd Young, Linda Ripplinger Zollinger, Margaret Hovey
CANDIDATES FOR THE DEGREE OF BACHELOR OF SCIENCE Adams, John Cook Affleck , Vaughn Preston Allred, Keith Aaron Anderson , Ross Kay Arnell, John Roger Austin, Lloyd Hale Bailey, Gary Orson Baldwin, Richard Frank Bartholomew, Craig E . Bar tlett , Robert J. Basse, Barry R. Baweja, Kartar Singh Belliston, W ard P. Bergholm , Rodney Hymas Beutler , Henry Walter Bodrero , Odell Earl Borchert, Kenneth R. Bradshaw, Walter Alfred Ca rlson , James Robert Carter , Harold Nick Chang, Tseng-Chen Cheney , Richard Wayne Cline, Frank Lewis, Jr . Creer, James Morris Cummings , Charles R. , Jr. Daines, Spencer Le Roy Dansie , Richard Paul Davis , Robert C. Denning, George Telford De Pierro, Amedio, Jr. Drake, Ronald Keith Ehlert, Lawrence Bruce
El-Moustapha, Moustapha England, Joseph De Lloyd Erickson, Spencer D . Foll ett, John Frank Ford, William Leslie Forsberg, G ene Ernest Frazier, George Ocie Frazier, Ralph Edward Gerrard, Jesse Morris Ghadjar, Mohamad K. Glenn, Ru ssell David Graham, Ron ald Howard Gray, Douglas Anderson Green, Clair Gee Griffin, Paul William Grimshaw, R. Wayne Hanson, Ronald Boyd Hardy, Clark El Don Harmon, James Cameron Harris, Bob Lynn H arwo od , Douglas William Hedvat, Rahmat Ollah Henderson, Paul L. Hendrickson, Allen Junior Heuer, Don Fred Hocking, Martin L. Hoth, Paul Herbert Johnson, Bradl ey V. Johnson, Milton Lyle Johnson, Wallace Kenny Juber, Gene Alfred Kemp, John Cooley
Kennedy, Michael Hugh Kott er, Reed Henry Laing, Rich a rd Olson Lawre nce , Dan Roger Lessman , Roger William Ligori, Tony D . Lotfian , Ali Asghar Lyon, Jerold Sterling Lyon, Rob ert Elvin Madsen, Ra lph George Mahajan, Chandrakant D. Mak, Gregory Wai-Kei Mangelson , Kenneth Archibald McIntosh, Howard Boyd McKinnon, Mika! A. Michaelson, Conrad E. Miles, Cecil Bruce Miller, Edwin Kent Mon son, David Wilford Monson , La Vaun Reed Moon, Stephen H. Nielsen, Reed M. Noblitt, Jam es Monroe, Jr. Olsen , Micha el Frank P atel, Vasubhai V. Pete rson, Bruce R. P eterson , Dean Freeman Pit kin, Jay Brown Postma, Dav id Joseph Powell, Ralph Lee Ravsten, Milton Ole Rice, Ronald Gordon
R ichardson, Myron Douglas Roper , Conn ard Oral Rowe , James David Sanders, Steven Neil Say, Kenneth Edward Schultz, Peter Robert Sh a ibani , Soheil B. Shelton, James Car ter Shinde , Shantanu Prataprao Skifalides, Nickolas E . Slaugh, Reed Owen Smith, Collins De Witt Smith, Gayle Joseph Smith, Larry Ray Smith, Lonnie M ax Sorenson, Golden Douglas Spencer, Gary Ne al Steggell, Leonard W. Stokes, Jerald D avid Stone, Alex John T aylor, James Stephen Terry, Stanley Merrill Th atc her, Sidney Tingey, Nolland James Topham, David Orton Transtrum, Michael L. Watkins, Adonna Whitelaw, Chandler P. Widmar, Grant W. Williams, Glen Vard Wright, Jon Wallace Yakes, Frank Charles
CANDIDATES FOR THE DEGREE OF BACHELOR OF SCIENCE Adam, Jack Martin Adams, Franklin Richard Anderson, Robert David Bacon, Timothy Philip Baird, Craig Riska Baldwin, John Boyd Ball , Irvin Joseph, Jr. Bartholomew, Max Arlin
Bartschi, Don Kent Bates, Peter Doyle Baumgartner, David Kenn Bayles, Philip Herman Benninghoff, Bruce G. Brakel. William David Brown, Perry J. Cameron, Robert Scott
Carson, Earl Gary Christensen, Boyd J. Christiansen, Sammy Allen Civish, William Thomas Corbin, Thomas E. Crooke, Stephen John Crostic, Robert Lee Cutchen, David Wayne
Dag ley, Curtis Lee Dav is, Charles Preston Day, Robert Leon De Sousa , David James Deveraux, Charles Mack Dampier, Douglas Wilfred Doyle, James Edward Draper , Arne! Errol Durfee, Rhett V.
COLLEGE OF NATURAL RESOURCES (Continued) Johnson, Larry Ray Jones, Harold William Kapke, Douglas Charles Keiser, Dean Urban Knighton, Maurice Dean Korzdorfer, Edward J. Larson, William Alfred Leavitt, Ferron Lyle Leslie, Lanny Ross Luttich, Stuart N. Lyman, Phillip Gordon Maestrelli, John Robert Mawani, Salim Ebrahim McLane , Dennis James Mobbs , Marvin Louis Moe, Melvin Swen Monk, Duane Edward
Ebersole, Charles William Elsmore, Clifford E. Erickson, David Arthur Erickson, Lewis John Frazier, George Ross Gladwin, Terrell Edward Greene, David Harold Hajdys, Edward Richard Hallanger, William Lance Heugly, Leo Glen Howard, Steve Howes, Gary Lee Hughes, Jay Taylor Hurley, Robert Lynn James, Robert Lewis Jansen, W. Bernard Jardine , Edwin P.
Muir, Alan Ralph Ott, Alvin George Packer, Michael Scott Peternel, George Herman Petersen, Mark Mont Prevedel, David Aldo Romero, James Rominske, Roger John Rother, Wilfred Karl Rutledge, William Patrick Salatti, Stephen James Sauder, Darrel Welton Schay, Peter John Schiess , Laddie Ervin Schloemer, Gene LeRoy Schmidt, Larry James Schreyer, Richard M .
Schutte, Thomas W. Shumate, Jon Brian Skabelund, Lee Smith, Gary Milton Sutherland, Steven D. Taylor, ElRoy Thomas, Rogers Meredith Vance, Phillip Weston Van De Graaf£, Owen D. Walkenhorst, James H. Walker, Ronald Bruce Warburton , Joshua Lee Watkins, Jeffrey Wayne Westman , Richard Leo Wiggins, George Edward Wood, Grant E.
Pope , Sandra Lynne
CANDIDATES FOR THE DEGREE OF BACHELOR OF SCIENCE Anderson, Janet Hendricks Anderson, Myrna Kay Taylor Andra , Larry Eugene Barlow, Linda Berghout, Margene Binns, Anne Lucille Blackha m, Marilyn Boyer, Verna Jean Broberg, Julie Ann Bunnell, Susan Carrigan , Coleen Carter , Kathryn Chambers, Jacqueline Alston Clay, Nadine Clifford, Alice Ann Billings Colton , Kathryn Petersen Cooley, Virginia L. Cornaby, Ruth Holly Dahlke, Nada Jean Daines, Margaret Ann Summers Da y, Bonnie Dubois, Mary Anita Dean
Duehlmeier, La Donna Erickson, Annette Pinder Fillmore, Mary Ann Forsey, Phyllis Froozani, Minodokht Gee, Ann Gee, Marilyn Jean Ghadri-Nejat, Susa Glover, Barbara Ann Bybee Gunderson, Marie Lynne Hamberlin, Mary C. Ashdown Hansen, Joan Marlene Hansen , Sharon Schmidt Heaton, Ruby Lee Hafen Hitt, Cheryl Annette Holt , Carolyn Hopkins, Patricia Ann Jaussi, Nancy Peterson Jens en, Barbara Carol Jensen , Jalaine Pitcher Jenson , Kaylene Cooley Johnson , Lee Ann Perkins
Johnson, Tamara Davis Keetch, Bettie Smith King, Geraldine King. Sharol Larsen, Elizabeth Cragun Lehman, Carolyn Jolley McArthur, Dorothy Kay McDonald, Kathleen Thomas Michaelsen, Christine Madsen Miller, Dorothy Ann Miller, Linda Ann Mills, Margie Montague, Kolette Moss, Darlene Mundy, Patricia Dale Nelson, Patricia Nieffenegger, Nancy Louise Palmer, Ruth Price Peterson, Karen Peterson , Marilyn Diane Piccioni , Karyn Marie Rasmussen , Shirley
Rawlings, Arvona Robinson, Sharon Ruth Rock , Sharon Rollins , Lynda Sharp, Nina Mae Siggard Simpson , Kay Lee Smith , Phyllis Ann Sorbe, Kathryn Gale Sorensen, Deanne Stauffer, Kathryn Sunderland , Susan Swan, Vicki Mae Hansen Tanner, Karen Diann Varley, Kathleen Vernieuw, Denice Watkins , Elsa Vernice Wayman, Trudy Ann Williams, Joan McCall Woodward, Sharon Lee Wright, Linda Wu , Victoria Wuthrich, Bonnie Warnick
Crawford, Raymond E.
Skinner, John Thomas
Welch , George Arthur
CANDIDATES FOR THE DEGREE OF BAHELOR OF FINE ARTS Barozzi, Karren Ruth Bouwhuis, Jon Edith Brown , Dee Glenn, Jr. Coooer, Elaine Davis, Donald Montgomery Fain, James William Harwood, Pamela Hill. Steven Gordon
Hills, Robert A . Holder, Don Christian Hoth , Raymond Leopold Johnson, Ingrid Jo-Anne Johnson, Lee Jorgensen, Jay Lewis Lauritzen, Lynne Kravet Linder, Harold N.
Mahmoudi , Massood McBride, Raymond E. McPhee, Kathleen Morby, Michael Sherman Rasmussen, Steven Garn Rohrer, Barbara Ellen Savage, Audrey Orlup Sicks, Allan Marshall
Stewart, R. Michael Sweeney, Michael P. Tate, Mary Joyce Gamble Tobey, Clinton , Eugene W estenskow, Carol Alice Wright, Boyd Rushton
COLLEGE OF HUMANITIES AND ARTS (Continued) CANDIDATES FOR THE DEGREE OF BACHELOR OF ARTS Anderson, Kathleen Squire Bair, Cheryl Sue Wal ton Barber, Bonnie Elyse Barfuss, Brent Wayne Bingham, Gary Paul Bingham, Marie Brown, Cheryl Brown, Norma Long Bruggeman, Marilyn Merkley Bulow, Ernest Lynn Burke, Brian D. Burr, Janet Kathleen Byrne, Ruth Call, Donn a Lee Bussone Carter, Camille Cook, Lynn S. Cooley, Norris Jay Cornett, John Loren Deonanan , Car lton Ramrattan Dowdle, Billie Joyce Drien, Flor a Elena
Eagar, Norman Pace Farwell, C . James Fritzen, Bodo Gickling, Cathlene Richards Giles, Stanley Harvey Graham, Brent Whittier Grimley, David Owen Hamblen, Rose Ann Harris, Robert George Hoggan, Linda Leila Horton, Alice Lynn Cardon Hunter, Adele Jensen, Patricia Lee Jeppson, Toni Lynne Kasper, Patricia Gale Keller, Sara Ann King, Dale Simmons Labeau, Susan Stuart Larso n , Jean Maurer, Dee Ann
Merrill, Pamela Cutler Michaelson, Ter r al R. Miller, R andall Dean Moore, Connie Rae Needham, Sylvan Eugene III Neibaur, Nancy Nicholls, Kindra Lyn Niederhauser, T erry Lee Nielsen, Kathryn S. Nielsen, LaNaya Rhae Norton, RoJean Reeves Nozaki, Kathryn K. Oswald, Aceil Leon P assey, Joel Craig P atton , Brian Lee Phill ips, Lana Gay Axtell Plant, Stephanie Edith Platter , Lind a Sue Plummer, Scott H. Poll ard, D. Joyce
Postma, Norma Retamal Riethmann, Lewis Ludwig Otto Robbins, Charles Peter Sargent, Suzanne Sellers, Sherrie Robinson Smith, Bonnie Jayne Smith, Cheryl Diane Smith, Glena Dawn Smith , Linda Rae Pond Smith, Pamela Smith, Toni Gayle Fencil Sutton , Norm a Jean Taggart, Sally Rieske Taylor, John Quinton Eyring Transtrum, Kathleen Tucker, Dale George Tuck er, Gary Curtis Wardle, James Wilford, Jr. Wilker, Merlynn Kay Woodruff, JoAnn
CANDIDATES FOR THE DEGREE OF BACHELOR OF SCIENCE Barron, Barbara Gale Bean e, Ivan Kay Bench, Patty Rae Berrett, Joyce Bowers Billings, P atricia Kay Braegger, Jane Campbell, Garr Baer Checketts, Brent Lyman Christensen , Lynne Chri stensen , Ted J. Cl ark, Dennis Leon Cl egg, Joan L. Connor , Michael Jude Cowley, Courtney Bill Cox , Susan Jane Crisfield, Sue Dalley, Don Quentin Dansie, C ar ol Lynn Robinson Dent e, Ch ery l Lee Blackburn
D owns, Leslie Michele Draper, Susan Barnes Eagar, Linda Rae Elwood, Frances Jean C . Fish, Virginia Alice Fraser, William Eugene Gabrielsen, Pamela Gene Gardner , Coy Filburn Garrett, Henry Dean Gaumer, Judith Ann Geames, John Evans Gordon, Fredric Malcolm Greenhalgh, Janet Maurine Kercher Greenhalgh, Nile Chase Gunter, Gail Glen Haag, David Roy Hamberlin , Michael A. H anse n, Clair William Henning, Sharon Boggs
Johnson, Barba r a Johnson, Lela Adair Johnso n, Linda Lucille Johnson, Vicki Gay Larson, George William, Jr. Lindquist, Marvin M . Lowe , Karen Alice Lytle, Sue Ann Maughan , Richard L. Merrill Darla Dean Mickelson, William Dwight Moore , Thomas Joseph Morse, Wend ell Ray Mortensen, M ay nard L. Nielson, Elaine Olsen, Ervin Conway Ols en, Marilyn Pack er, Richard Leon Packer, Stanley Marve Palmer, Bever l y Ann
Pe ad, Robert Dean Perr y, Richard Ralph Phillip s, David Anderson Platt, Karalee Polvadore, Sharlene Reid , Nalani Kuulei Rendlesba ch , Harold A. Richards, M ichael Ralph Sadik, Fai sal Ismaeel Smith, Morton Lynn Swartz, Joan Kathleen P. Taylor, Gary Lloyd Taylor, William Van Noy Thomas, Lynn Dale Walker, Herbert Laird Wayman , Mary Ann Wiberg, Roderick Allen Wiser, Judy
CANDIDATES FOR THE DEGREE OF BACHELOR OF SCIENCE Airth, Gerald Lee Allen, Stanley Douglas Andersen, Carlos Frildo Anderson, Elton Dale Anderson , Patricia Lee Collet Anderson , Robert Melvi Archibald, John Keith Barkhordarian, Victor Bauer, Ronald Raymond Baumgartner, Molly Morrison Beck , Laurance Albert Bell, Paul David Bird, Richard E. Bishop, Janet
Blas er, P aul K. Bragonje, Joan Broderick, Jerrald Richard Budge, William Roger Burr, Timothy Andrus Butikofer, Margaret Ann Miller Bybee, Blair La Mar Camp, Leonidas Berry, Jr. Carpenter, Jerry Herbert Casper, Neldon Lynn Chatelain , LaRae Bartholomew Christensen, Stephen W. Compton, William Randall Cowley, Scott West
Davis, Clinto n LaVel Davis , Galen Shey D ennis, Eugene Raymond Domina, John Done, Joseph A. Duce, R. Durrell Dunn , Davis Dean, Jr. D yer, Raymo n d Eugene Eberhard, Keith Hugo Edwards, Roberta Mary Egbert, David Eugene Ellsworth, David Lyman Fisher, James Reed French, Ruby Catherine
Fryer, Keith Bartholomew Gibbons, Gary Ray Goerig, Albert Charles Goff, Louis Clifford Hanohano, William, Jr. Harris, Robert Michael Henderson, James Michael Herstad, John Sterling Hill , Yvonne Napua Hinton, Raymond Kay Hsu, Teh-ning Hunsaker, Willard Kent Inouye, Lesley Tasuku Israelsen, Lorin Anderson
COLLEGE OF SCIENCE Jibson, Linda Ellen Johnson, Glen C. Johnson , John Wayne , Jr. Johnson , Roland Stuart Johnson , Terry W. Jolley , William Ronald Jones , Clarence Edward Jorgensen, Jay Monte Keller , David Larsen Kim, Chin Oh Kingsford , Elmer Jorgensen Kohler , Steven John Langford , James Warren Law, Chri stopher R.
(Continued) Leavitt, Kenneth Wayne Lewis, Howard Seal, Jr. Lundahl, Carl Alfred III Markham , Phillip David Martin , Rodger Lee McGregor , Richard Lorin Michaelsen, David Leon Morrell, Marilyn Maude Mortimer, Gerald Elbert Murphy , Douglas B. Nelson , Margaret Judith Jones Obray , John Wayne Olsen, Diantha Laree P ar tington, Lynn Ray
Peckenpaugh, Ronald Ellis Petrunich, William Starr Pritchard, David Winston Reeve, Onalee Reeves, Sally LaRee Richardson, Weldon T., Jr. Sant, Wayne H. Sawby , Scott W elo Schow, Ronald Lewis Shen , Hong-Jun Slagle, Johnnie George Smith, Brian Ray Smith , Douglas J. Stevens, Mark Brimhall
Svetich, Richard Pete Thomas, Daphne Johnson, Linda Timmermeyer Vigh, Noa! Thatcher Wangsgaard , Michael Dee Whitworth, Michael Herbert Wilkins, Arnold I. Wong, Wing Yeu Yancey, Boyd J. Young , Bruce Arthur Young , David Wayne Young , Trudy Louise Rich Herzog, Go rdon James
Graduates presented a Commission as Second Lieutenant, United States Army, at earlier unit ceremonies ADJ UT ANT GENERAL
Omori , Gary K.
McKinnon, Mika! A. Po stma, David J.
Nyman , Will ard E . Skidmore , Willi am W .
Dalley, Floyd J. How ar d, Steve McBride, Raymond E . Nielson, Robert W.
Kuehn, Frederick Matsui, Glen K.
H ansen , Richard H. Stewart , Richard M.
Crisfield, J. R . Goerig, Albert C . Hanohano, William Obray, John W. Wangsga ard, Michael D .
Partington, Lynn R. Takao , Victor
Chipm an, John L. Rogowski , Gerald
McBride , Raymond E .
Graduates presented a Commission as Second Lieutenant, United States Air Force , at earlier ceremonies. Anderson, Bruce W. Anderson, Lamar B. Bartholomew, Max A. Bessinger, D avid E. Bouwhuis, Jon E. Burr, Jay W.
Cook , Lynn S. Domin a, John Egbert, David E. Ellis, Stephen T. Erickson, David A. Glenn, Russell D.
DISTINGUISHED Bartholomew, Max A . Bouwhuis, Jon E.
Egbert, David E. Glenn , Russell D.
Greenhalgh, Nile C , Gunnell, Vernon P. Jardine, Edwin P. Jarvis , Frank A. Jensen , Mark S. P almer, William D. Jr.
Pittard , Homer A. Rodford, Kent V. Skinner, John T. Stokes, Jerald D. Vaughan, Thayne G. Young , Scott I.
GRADUATES Greenhalgh,
Nile C.
Gunnell , Vernon P.
DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY ABAZA, MOHAMED M. ISMAIL Dessuk, U . A. R. MS : Utah St ate University, 1964 Major : Civil Engineering Major Professor : Dr. Calvin G. Clyde Dissertation : Streaming potential and Current induced by flow through porous media and their relations to the flow . ABAZA, RAGA HAFEZ Dessuk , U . A. R . MS : Utah State University, 1965 Major : Toxicology Major Professor : Dr. J. T. Blake Dissertation : Brisket Disease : Elemental and oxalate' content of cattle forages on two Utah cattle allotments. AUSTIN, MARK C. Log an, Utah MS : Utah State University , 1964 Major : Electrical Engineering Major Professor: Dr. Craig K. Rushforth Diss ertation : Estimation and Detection of Optical Signals Distorted by Diffr action, Additive Noise , and Detection Noise . BAYLOR. CHARLES JR. Baltimore, M aryland MS: Morgan State College , 1962 Major : Organic Chem istry Major Pro fessor: Dr. William M . Moore Dis sertation : The Photoch emistry of Ribofl avin and Related ls oallaxazine Derivatives. BOE , ARTHUR AMOS West Concord, Minnesota MS: Utah State University , 1962 Major: Pl ant Science Major P ro.fessor: Dr . D . K. Salunkhe Dis sertation: Some Biochemical Chan\jes Occurring Tomato Fruit Ripened by Several Treatments.
BO LEN , ERIC GEORGE Dunellen, Ne w Jersey MS: Utah State University , 1962 Majo r: Wildlife Ecology Major Professor: Dr. Jesso p B. Low Diss erta tion: Ecology of the Black-Bellied Tree Duck in Southern Te xa s. CAPIEL. MODESTO Rio Pedia s, Puerto Rico MS: Utah State University Major : Soils and Irrigation Major Professor: Dr. K. R . Allred Dissertation : The influence of irrigation and environment al factors on the yield and nutrient composition of nap iergrass. CARDOZA. ARMANDO GONZALES Turrialb a, Co sta Rica MS: Institute Interamericano De Ciencias Agricolas, 1958 Major : Animal Science Major Professor : Dr. Warren C . Foote Dissertation : The Influence of Ovarian Hormones on the Sexual Receptivity and on the Biochemistry and H istorv of the Reproductive Tract of Ewes. CHADWICK. DON L. Afton, Wyoming MS: Utah State University, 1964 Major: Plant Physiology Major Professor : Dr. Herman H. Wiebe Dissertation : Ionic and Osmotic Effects on Growth, Transpiration, and Osmotic Pressure of Salt Tolerant Plants.
CHADWICK, ROBERT WILLIAM Clev e land , Ohio MS: Western Reserve Uni versity, 1966 Major : Toxicology Major Professor : Dr . Jos eph C . Street Diss erta tion : The Acceleration of Dieldrin Metabolism by DDT and Other Hepatic Microsomal Enzyme Inducing Agents . CHANG. SHOU -JU Taipei. T aiwan , China MS: National Taiwan University, 1963 Major : Physical Chemistry Major Professor : Dr. Richard H. Boyd Dissertation : Two Problems in Experimental and Theoretical Physical Chemistry . CHRISTIANSEN, MAR1ORIE MINER Albuquerque, New Mexico MS: University of New Mexico, 1955 Major: Nutrition and Biochemistry Ma jor Profe ssor: Dr. Ethelwyn B. Wilcox Dissertation : Serum Alpha-Tocopherol , Chloresterol and Total Lipid Values and Unsaturation of Lipids in 33 to 60-Y ear-Old Adults on Self-Saturated Diets at Different Levels of Polyunsaturated Fat. ELSET H, GERALD D . Newfolden , Minnesota MS: Moorhead State Coll ege, 1962 M a jor: Zoology H a jor Professor: Dr . John R. Simmons Disser tation : Initi ation of Infection by DNA Bacteriophage Lambda. FRYDENDAL L, MERRILL JEAN Portis , Kansas MS : Ft . Hays Kansas State College, 1960 Ma jor: Zoo logy Major Professor: Dr. Keith L. Dixon Dissertation: Feedinq Ecology an d Territorial ior of the Yellow W arb ler.
GHA DIRI. MODJT ABA Tehran, Iran MS: Utah State University , 1964 M a jor: Toxicology Majo r Professor : Dr . D . A. Greenwood Dis serta tion: Malformations an d Toxic Affects of Two Organic Phosph ates and a Carbam ate on the Chicken Embryo and the Adult Chick en. GROSS, JACK EDWIN Atoko, Oklahoma MS: University of Alaska, 1956 Major: Wildlife M anagement Major Profesor: Dr. Frederic H. Wagner Diss erta tion: Demographic Analysis of A Northern Ut ah Black-tailed Jackrabbit Population. HARRIS , RICHARD WAYNE Log an, Ut ah MS: Utah State University, 1964 Major: Electrical Engineering Major Profesor: Dr. C. K. Rushforth Dissertation: Numerical Restoration of Optical jects Obscured by Diffraction and Noise.
HILDEN, DONALD ARVID Fergas Falls, Minnesota MS : Moorhead State College, 1960 Major : Fish Biology Major Professor: Dr. J. M. Neuhold Dissertation: Halide and Hardness Effests on Rainbow T rout Survival.
( Cotninued)
KELLER. JACK Logan, Utah MS: Colorado State University, 1956 Major: Irrigation Engineering Major Professor: Dr. Alvin A. Bishop Thesis : The Effect of Application Rate on Moisture Content and Settlement of a Loam Soil During Watering.
RILEY, JOHN PAUL Logan, Utah MS: Utah State University, 1953 Major: Civil Engineering (Hydrology) Major Professor: Dr. Jay M. Bagley Dissertation: Application of an Electronic Analogy Computer to the Solution of Hydrologic and RiverBasin-Planning Problems.
KIRBY, JOHN ALEXANDER Woodruff, England MS: University of Miami, 1962 Major: Chemistry Major Professor: Dr. Grant Gill Smith Dis sertation : Heteroarsmatic Reactivity.
SHARIF, CHAUDHRY MOHAMED Lyallpore, India MS : University of Michigan Major: Range Management Major Professor: Dr. Neil E. West Dissertation : Season al, Diurnal and Species Variation in Forage Moisture Content in Relation to Site on Mountain Summer Range of Northern Utah .
LEE , CHANG YI Seoul , Kore a MS : Chung ang Univ ersity, 1961 M ajor: Food Science and Technology M ajo r Prof essor: Dr. D. K. Salunkhe D isser tat ion: Compar a tive Effects of Dehydration Processes on Ph ysico-Chemical Ch anges in Fn 1its. MORRIS, JOHN LEONARD T win Falls , Idaho MS : Iowa Sta te Un iversity , 1961 M a jor: Pl ant Science M a jor Prof essor: Dr. Alvin Hamson Th esis Di rector: Dr. W. F . Campbell Di sser ta tion : A Study of Cotlyedon al Cracking Snap Beans (Ph aseolus vulgaris).
NURY . FREDOON SHAHIN Alb any , California MS: The American University, 1957 M ajor : Food Sci ence and Technology M a jor Profe ssor: Dr. D. K. Salunkhe Dissertation: Effects of Dehydration Processes with Sp ecia l Reference to Microwave Irradiation on Selected Biochemical and Physical Changes in Apple . OTTESON . OTTO HARRY St. Anthony , Idaho MS : Utah State University , 1962 Major : Physics Major Profesor: Dr. W. F. Edwards Th esis Directors: Dr. W. F. Edwards and Dr. R. G. Helmen Dissertation: A Linear-Motion Bent-Crystal Spectro meter and the Decay of Thulium 172. PECK. EUGENE LINCOLN Bountiful, Utah MS: University of Utah , 1951 Major : Civil Engineering Major Professor: Dr. Jay M. Bagley Dissertation: Influences of Exposures on Pan Evaporation in a Mountainous Area. PUA. RITA G. Y. Manilla , Philippines MS: Mapua Institute of Tech., 1963 Major: Chemistry Major Profe ssor: Dr . Frank R. Stermitz Dissertation : Photochemistry of Some Nitrogen Heterocycles. RICHENS , VOIT B. Davis , California MS: Utah State University, 1961 Major: Wildlife Biology Major Prof essor: Dr. Jessop B. Low Dissertation: An Evaluation of Control on the Pocket Gopher, Thomomys talpoides, on the Cache National Forest, Utah.
SIMS , PHILLIP LEON Mt. View , Okl ahoma MS : Oklahoma State University, 1964 Major: Range Science M ajo r P rofessor : Dr. C. Wa yne Cook Dis sertation : The Effect o.f Thick and Thin Stands of F our Introduced Wheatgrass Speci es on Production, Sta tur e, Chemic al Composition, Animal Preference an d D igestib ility . SINGH , TEJA Pu njab, India MS : Utah State University, 1963 Maj or Profes sor: Dr. Neil E. West Thesi s Director : Dr . Donald V. Sisson Di ssertat ion : A Qu antit ative Investigation of the Distribution of Plant Species in the Shadscak Zone of Ut ah. STEINSWAT , WATNA Bangkok, Th a iland MS: Utah State University, 1958 Ma jor : Plant Breeding M a jor Professor: Dr . L. H. Pollard Dissertation: Genetic Morphological and Anatomical Studies of Six Char acters in Lima Beans. STEWARD, SCOTT PAUL, JR. (Posthumously) Provo, Utah MS: Utah State University, 1960 Major: Electrical Engineering Major Professor: Dr. Doran J. Baker Dissertation: A Study of H-O Reaction Emissions Using Field-Widened Interferometer . TA W AKOL, MOHAMED SADEK Cairo, Egypt MS: University of California, 1963 Major: Soil Physics Major Professor: Dr. S. A. Taylor Dissertation: The Interaction Between Water Movement Solute Uptake and Respirational Energy in Plant Roots. TENG, DANIEL MING-YI Taiwan, China MS: Utah State University, 1963 Major: Plant Nutrition and Biochemistry Major Professor: Dr. Gene W. Miller D issert a tion: The Biosynthesis of Aminole-vulinic Acid in Relation to Iron and Enzyme. TENG, LINA C. Taiwan , China MS: National Taiwan University, 1963 Major: Chemistry Major Professor: Dr. Frank R. Stertnitz Dissertation: Alkaloids of Romneya coulteri Var. tricholcalyx.
TODD, KENNETH S. Manhattan, Montana MS: Montana State University, 1964 Major: Zoology Major Profesor: Dr. Datus M. Hammond Dissertation: Life Cycles of Three Species of Coccidia from the Uinta Ground Squirrel, Cittelus armatus. VANICEK. C. DAVID Traer, Iowa MS: Iowa State University, 1963 Major: Fishery Biology Major Professor : Dr. Robert H. Kramer Dissertati on: Ecological Studies of Native Green River Fishes Below Flaming Gorge Dam, 1964- 1966.
YOUSSEF, NABIL NAGUIB Cairo , Egypt MS: Utah State University, 1964 Major: Entomology Major Professor: Dr. B. Austin Haws Thesis Director: Dr. G. E. Bohert Dissertation : Topography of the Cephalic Musculature and Nervous System of the Honey Bee Apis mellifera.
YU, MING-HO Taiwan, Chin a MS: Utah State University, 1964 Major: Plan t Nutrition and Biochemistry Major Professor: Dr. D. K. Salunkhe Thesis Director : Dr. L. E. Olson Dissertation: Amino Acids as Precursors Components in Tom ato Fruit.
of Volatile
DOCTOR OF EDUCATION BELL, THOMAS 0 . Grace , Idaho MS: Idaho State University, 1958 Major: Educational Administration Major Professor: Dr. Homer Johnson Dissertation: A Study of Personality Characteristics of School Superintendents in Relation to Administrative Behavior.
GLISMANN, LEONARD W. Salt Lake City, Utah MS: Utah State University, 1952 Major: Industrial & Technical Education Major Professor: Dr. William E. Mortimer Dissertation : The Effects of Special Arts and Crafts Activities on Attitudes, Attendance, Citizenship, and Academic Achievement of Slow Learning Ninth Grade Pupils.
CALL, VERN WILLIS Ogden, Utah MS: Utah State University, 1960 Major: Educational Psychology Major Professor: Dr. E. Wayne Wright Dissertation : An Investigation o.f the Middle Class High School Dropout in the Elementary School.
HANSEN, RICHARD HAROLD Richfield, Utah MS: University of Utah, 1961 Major: Industrial and Technical Education Major Professor: Dr. William E. Mortimer Thesis Director: Dr. E. H. Himes Dissertation : A Study to Identify Criteria to be Considered when Planning Institutions for Conducting Vocational and Technical Education Programs.
CARLSON, LESTER ALVIN O gden, Ut ah MS: University of Utah, 1948 Major Professor: Dr. David Stone Dissertation : The Relationsh ip of Delinquent Types in an Industrial School Setting to Personality-Motivation Profiles. CARNIE, GEORGE MAJOR Hagerman, Idaho Major: Educational Administration Major Professor: Dr. Homer Johnson Dissertation: Personality Characteristics of School Superintendents in Relation to their Willingness to Accept Innovation in Education. DENSLEY, KENNETH GORDON River ton, Utah MS: University of Utah , 1961 Major: Industrial Education Major Professor: Dr. Austin G. Loveless Dissertation: Determining Discrepancies that Might Exist Between Aptitude Self-Concept and Measured Aptitude. FAAS, LARRY ANDREW North English, Iowa MS: Colorado State College, 1961 Major: Educational Psychology Major Professor: Dr. D. Stone Thesis Directors: Dr. David Stone & Dr. H. Hofmann Dissertation: The Effect of Preferred and Disliked Color upon the Pattern of Form and size Choice Among Indian Students.
HINMAN. EDNA FULLMER Las Vegas, Nevada MS: San Jose St ate Coll ege, 1960 Major: Educational Ad ministrati on Major Professor: Dr. Homer Johnson Dissertation: Personality Cha racteristics of Principals of Clark County School District Related to the Degree of Their Implementation of Innovation In the Public Schools. KAMPRUD, JAMES CLAYTON Fargo, North Dakota MS: North Dakota State, 1961 Major: Educational Ps ych ology Major Professor: Dr. Helmut Hoffmann Thesis Directors: Dr. David Stone & Dr. Helmut Hofmann Dissertation: A Comparison of Intellectually Normal Children in Retarded Adolescence and Retarded Adults on a Three Dimensional Sorting Task. KIDD, GEORGE J. Logan, Utah BS: Ricks College, 1954 Major: Educational Ps ychol ogy Major Prof essor : Dr. Ph ilip Langer Dissertation: A Compari son of Teaching Courtship Courses: Small Discussion Lecture Proc edures. MARSDEN, RALPH DAVENPORT Ogden, Utah MS: University of Ut ah, 1955 Major: Educational Psychology Major Professor: Dr. David R. Stone Dissertation: Topological Representation Analysis of Interest Patterns.
Methods in Groups vs.
and Vector
MAUGHAN, KENNETH B. Monticello, Utah MS: Utah State University, 1953 Major: Educational Administration Major Professor: Dr. Homer Johnson Dissertation: A Description of Change in School Expenditures in the San Juan School District from 1951 to 1965 and an Analysis of Student Achieve ment During the Same P eriod.
REXROAT, MEL VIN EUGENE Pocatello, Idaho MS : St ate College of Iowa , 1956 Major : Elementary Education Major Professor: Dr. Bryce Adkins Dissertation: The Relationship of Personality Structure , Academic Ability , and Training in Flander·s Inter ac tion Analysis to Attitude Change of Prospective Elementary School Teachers .
MEL VILLE . ROBERT S . Monroe, Utah MS : University of Utah , 1954 Major: Curriculum Development and Supervision Major Professor : Dr. John Haas Dissertation: What Are the Factors Which Enhance or R etard Educational Achievement of Nav ajo Indian Students in the Sevier School District
WHITE, THURMAN M. Sanderson , T exas MS: Sul Ross St ate, 1956 Major: Educ ationa l Administration Major Professor: Dr . Oral L. Ballam Dissertation: A Logic al Cla ssification of and Recommendations for the Utah Education Law.
MASTER OF SCIENCE ADAMS, WILLIAM H. P arowan, Utah BS: Utah Stat e University , 1965 Major: Political Science Major Profesor: Dr . JeDon Emenhiser Thesis: Pol itica l Attitudes and the Americanism Clas ses . AGHABEIGI. AHMAD ALI Tehran, Iran BS: Univ ersity of Tehran, 1963 Major: Appli ed Statistics M a jor Professor: Dr. Rex L. Hurst Th esis: Estimation of Irregular Spacing on Sugar Beets an d It s Effect on Their Ch emical Measurement s a nd Weight. AHMADIAN , TEHRANI PARICHEHR Tehr a n, Ir an BS: Agricultural Coll ege Karaj, Iran , 1961 M a jor: Plant Breeding Major P rofessor : Dr. Wade G . Dewey Thesis: An Investigat ion of Linkage Relationship s in Barley.
AXTELL , DREW CUNNINGHAM Livingston, N ew Jersey BS: Up sala Coll ege Major: Geoloi]y Ma jor Professor : Dr . Clyde T . H ar dy Thesis: Geology of the Northern P art of the Malad R ange , Idaho. BAKER, ROBERT CALVIN Denning, New Me xico BS: N ew Mexico State U nivers ity, 1965 Ma jor: Range Management Ma jor Prof essor : Dr. C. W. Cook Thesis: The Effect of Season and Int ensi ty of H erbage Remo val on the Physical and Chemical Responses of Summ er Range Plants. BARBER, JONATHAN DWIGHT Bradford, Rhode Island BS: Ut ah State University, 1965 Major: Politic al Science Major Professor: Dr. JeDon A . Emenhiser Thesis: American Involvement in Vi etnam, 1954-65 .
ALLEN. FERRIN LEON Smithfi eld, Ut ah BS: Utah St ate Univ ersity , 1956 Major: Speech Major Profe ssor: Prof . Gwendella Thornley Thesis: Storytelling: An Art Form in Expression and Interp reta tion as Taught in Mutual Improvement Association of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints .
BEA NS, DAVID TRUEMAN Great Falls, Mont ana BS: Montana State University, 1964 Major : Psychology Major Professor: Dr. G . W. Casto Th esis: The Leiter International Performance as a Me asure of Intelligence in Navahos.
ANDERSON, MARILYN O'DEY Tilden , Nebraska BS: Utah State University , 1966 Major: Speci al Education Major Professor: Dr. Gail Johnson Th esis: A Comp arative Study of Changes in Psychological Attitudes and Reading Performances for Learni ng Adju stment Students.
BEASLEY, CAROL R. Ogden , Ut ah BS: Universit y of Utah , 1963 Major: Special Education (Mental Ret ardation) Maj or Profes sor: Dr. Kaye D. Owens Th esis: An Examination of "Life Oriented " Mathe matics Used as an Experimental Program in Teaching the Mentally Retarded.
ANDERSON , ORSON LOWELL Richfield , Utah BS : Utah State Un iversity, 1962 M aj or : Mathematics Major Professor: Dr. Konrad Suprunowicz Pl an B Repor t.
BELL , JEFFERY WADE Ogden , Utah BS : Weber Sta te College, 1965 Major: El ectrical Engin eering Ma jor Professor: Dr. Doran J. Baker Pl an B Repo rt .
AS HCROFT , WILLIAM HALL Springville, Arizona BS: Arizona Sta te College, 1965 Major: Forest Recreation Major Professor : Professor John D. Hunt Thesi s: The Soc io-Economics of Recreational the Cache Elk Herd.
BELL. ROBERT LYNN Trona, California BS: Utah St ate Uni versi ty, 1965 Major: Maufacturing Engineering Major Professor: Dr. Carl D . Spear Thesis: R adiatio n Curing of Surface Co atings.
Use of
MASTER OF SCIENCE (Continued) BENSON, LIONEL VANCE Trenton , Ut ah BS: Utah State University, 1964 Major : Electrical Engineering Major Professor: Dr. R. D. Harris Thesis : Correlation of Sporadic E with Weather.
BRECHT, RICHARD FRANK Batavna, New York BS : Utah State University , 1964 Major: Manufacturing Engineering Major Professor: Dr. Rawson D. Child Thesis : Autospot II Post Processor For the Giddings and Lewis Numerimite Drilling Machine.
BESCHTA, ROBERT LEE Appleton , Wisconsin BS: Colorado State University, 1965 Major: Forest Hydrology Maj or Professor: Dr. John D . Schultz Thesis: Preliminary Evaluation of Selected Herbicides for Use in Firebreaks and Fuel-Breaks.
BRIMHALL, RICHARD KEY North Ogden , Utah BS : University of Utah, 1954 Major: Applied Statistics Major Professor: Dr. Bartel Jensen Thesis: Design Optimization Using Modle Estimation Programming.
BLACK. DALL LARSEN Murray, Utah BS: Brigham Young University, 1956 Major: Industrial Education Major Professor: Or. Neill C. Slack Thesis Director: Dr. William E. Mortimer Thesis: A Study of Vocational Training Programs in Federal Correctional Institutions.
BUDGE, DAVID RUSH Logan, Utah BS: Ut ah State University, 1961 Major: Geology Major Professor: Dr. J. Stewart Williams Thesis: Stratigraphy of the Laketown Dolomite.
BLISS, QUENTIN PAUL Lincoln, Nebraska BS: University of Nebraska, 1965 Major: Fisheries Major Professor: Dr. John M. Neuhold Thesis: The Effect of Population Density and Aquar-ium Size on the Response of Rainbow Trout ( Salmo gardneri) to Sodium Fluoride and Deficiency of Calcium-Magnesium. BLOTTER. PAUL THOMAS Logan, Utah BS: Utah St ate University, 1964 Major: Mechanical Engineering Major Professor: Prof. J. C. Batty Thesis: An Experimental Analysis of the Stress Field Surrounding Circular Inclusions in Two Dimensional Plates Subjected to Uniaxial Compression. BRADSHAW, RICHARD CARLYLE Mountain Vie w, Alberta, Canada BS: Brigham Young University, 1962 Major: Agriculaural Economics Major Prof essor: Dr. Rondo Christensen Thesis: Patterns of Dairy Farm Exit and Growth in the Gre at Basin Milk Marketing Area. BRAEGGER, DAVID R. Rupert, Idaho BS: Utah State University, 1965 Major: Botany Major Profesor: Dr. W. S. Boyle Thesis: Karyotype Analysis as an Index of Radio-sensitivity of a Grass Hybrid. BRAR, MAIKIET New Delhi, India BS: Fresno State College, 1965 Major: Sociology Major Professor: Dr. William A. DeHart Thesis: The Cultural Implications of a Family Planning Program in India. BRAUN, ROLANDO HORST Mendoza, Argentina BS: University of Cuyo, 1959 Major: Soil Physics Major Professor : Dr . Sterling A. Taylor Thesis: The Influence of Irrigating with Saline Water on the Energy Status of Water in Soil and Plant.
BUDHIRAJ A, ARUN Ch andigar h, India BS: Panjab Engineering College , 1965 Major: Manufacturing Engineering Major Profesor: Dr. W. Karl Somers Thesis: Electric Discharge Machining Chemical Machining.
and Electro--
BURBANK, IRVIN KIMBALL Alberta , Canada BS: The University of Alberta Maj or : Secondary Education Major Prof essor: Prof. R. Hammond Thesis: The Identification of Similarities and Differ-ences in Meanings of Selected Mathematical Terms Used in Psychology. BURK E, LEE HALL Logan, Utah BS: Utah State University, 1965 Major: Political Science Major Prof essor : Prof. W. B. Anderson Thesis: Harold Wilson and Labour's Foreign Policy. BUSCO, RALPH A. Montpelier, Idaho BS: Utah State University, 1964 Major: History Major Professor: Or. Dougl as Alder Thesis: History of Italian and German Prisoner of War C amps in Utah and Idaho During World War II. BUSTAMANTE, FABIO Medellin, Columbia BS: Universidad National, Major: Irrigation Major Professor: Dr. J. E. Thesis Director: Prof. Jack Thesis : Test for Selecting stable Soils.
1961 Christiansen Keller Application Rate For Un ..
BUTIKOFER, KENT HULSE Rigby, Idaho BS: Utah State University, 1966 Major: Politic al Science Major P rofessor: Dr. Phillip Scott Spoerry Thesis: Model Heroes of the Red Chinese Army. CANNON , BONNIE GAY Logan, Utah BS: Utah State University, 1963 Major : Audiology--Speech Pathology Major Profesor: Dr. Jay R. Jensen Thesis: A Comparative Study of ITPA Verbal Scores with the Verbal Behavior of Children in a Child-Child Int eracti on.
Reportor ThePresident
UTAH STATE UNIVERSITY/ Daryl Chase, President
JUNE, 1967
USU Enrollment Surges Over
EnroJlment at Utah State University surged to a new high during 1966--67 with a record total of 9,190 students. The figure does not include the 3,589 students who registered in the 10--week Summer Quarter in 1966.
9,000 Students
The Class of 1970, freshmen this year, numbered 3,308, nearly twice the size of the other classes. There were 1,747 sophomores enrolled, 1,391 juniors and 1,430 seniors. The Graduate School, growing at a rapid pace, claimed 1,314 students or nearly 15 percent of the University's total enrollment. Non-resident students comprised approximately one-third of the stu-dentbody, representing every state and the District of Columbia as well as fifty nations. Foreign students numbered 662, with the largest delegations coming from the Republic of China, Canada, Iran, India, Thailand. Pakistan, and the countries of Latin America. Approximately one in every three students was married. and males out-numbered females at a two-to-one ratio. Of the eight resident colleges. the College of Education was largest in enrollment. followed closely by the College of Business and Social Sciences and the College of Humanities
9,500 9,000
8,500 8.000 7.500 7,000 6,500 6,000 5,500 5,000 4,500
4,000 1967
and Arts . The other colleges, in order of enrollment. were Engineering. Science, Natural Resources, Family Life, and Agriculture. Degrees to be awarded at the 1967 Commencement totaled over 1,850, with approximately 1,400 bachelor degrees , 400 master degrees. and 50 doctorates. As enrollment at the University expands and the costs of education advances , the need for additional scholarship and financial assistance programs increase . More than 2,500 students were the recipients of scholarships, work-study grants , or loans, with a monetary value in excess of $840 ,000 during the past year. Since the inception of the National Defense Education Act, a total of $1.772 ,264 has been distributed in loans and grants. Despite University efforts to hold the tuition and fee schedule as low as possible to keep the cost of higher education within the reach of qualified students, it has been necessary to increase student fees. A new schedule for the 1967 68 year calls for a quarterly increase of $14 for residents and $53 for non-residents, meeting the minimum tuit ion standards adopted by the State Legislature . While resident tu ition will increase only with the 1967 68 jump , non -resident students will pay yet another increase in the 1968-69 school year. For the 1967-68 period, resident student tuition and fees will increase from the current $282 for three quarters to $327 . Non -resident students, now paying $639, will be charged $780 during the 1967-68 year and $825 the following year.
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of USU Academic
As a land-grant university, USU has been given many functions, but none of the assignments outweigh in importance the school's basic task of teaching; indeed the other assignments serve to support this primary responsibility. The eight academic colleges of the University constantly review and remodel their curriculums, taking into account new knowledge, new needs of society, and new student interests. The recent academic growth of the University could not be adequately summarized w_ithout thoroughly reviewing the activities of all the fifty departments - their curriculum revisions, their faculty additions, and the accomplishments of their faculty members and students - but space limitations prohibit such a summary. The following capsule comments from each college are listed to symbolize the innumerable other equally significant evidences of academic growth. AG RI CULTURE. The new two-year program in farm power in the Agricultural Education Department provides the College with a solid tie to the industrial concerns serving agriculture with mechanical equipment. The recently completed meats and physiology laboratory encourages development of an outstanding curriculum and permits new research approaches in the animal sciences. BUSINESS AND SOCIAL SCIENCES. The graduate programs in business and political science showed rapid growth and M. S. programs in sociology and history were strengthened by federal grants. The College produced the largest graduating class in its history with 322 degrees being awarded. The new Business building will provide needed classrooms for the College's ever expanding enrollment. EDUCATION. The College of Education will issue this year over 700 professional certificates for teaching, educational administration and area specialists. Over 80 percent of those receiving certificates will accept positions in Utah. Consultant and survey services have been provided by members of the College faculty to state departments of education, professional organizations, federal agencies, and local school districts. ENGINEERING. Graduate enrollment in the College of Engineering has increased about 15 percent. The Electrical Engineering Department granted three Ph.D. degrees, the first in the department's history. The percentage of faculty in engineering holding the Ph.D. degree is significantly above the national average, and over 50 papers have been published by the College staff this year. FAMILY LIFE. During the past year, the College has received $35,619 in grant monies from federal and industrial funds to improve undergraduate teaching, finance research, and obtain needed equipment. New textile, child development, and equipment laboratories are serving admirably, and the College claims 42 graduate students of whom ten are doctorate candidates. HUMANITIES ANR ARTS. The new Department of Audiology-Speech Pathology received notification that it had been nationally accredited. The Department of Landscape Architecture and Environmental Planning had received similar recognition earlier. During the summer, the Departments of Music and Theatre Arts will occupy the new Fine Arts Center, one of the finest facilities for the purposes in America. NATURAL RESOURCES. A landmark of especial interest to the College was the establishment and special appropriation for the Center of Ecology. The new Center offers challenging opportunities for the University to become the leader in teaching and research in the fast-growing field of plant and animal ecology. Two national institutes in wildlife and range management were conducted by the College during 1966-67. SCIENCE. A new research and instructional program in mammalian virology was developed during the year. The program is temporarily being housed in the Plant Industry building while awaiting permanent quarters in the projected Bacteriology building. Six graduate students are carrying out research in the area.
As an integral part of a modern university, research provides experience in the quest for truth for both faculty and students. Most graduate students in science and engineering at Utah State receive training and some form of financial support through research projects.
Research Effort
The total research effort at USU is currently conducted under nearly 400 project titles, involving the annual expenditure of approximately $7 million. About one-fourth of the money is derived from state sources and three-fourths from various agencies of the federal government. About 60 permanent federal employees are located on campus, are considered part of the faculty, and devote full time to research. Most of the campus research, however, is conducted by the faculty and graduate students who divide their time between the classroom and research centers. The procedure brings a wealth of experience to the classroom and enriches the potential for learning. The challenges of today and tomorrow demand flexibility in the research activities of USU. Periodic critical reviews assure that the research program promotes progress toward the University's goals. As major problem areas significant to the future of the lntermountain Region are identified, interdisciplinary groups are formed to seek meaningful solutions. Five years ago Utah's status in water supplies and water use was evaluated. Recognition of the status resulted in the organization of the Utah Water Research Laboratory. This center has grown from a dream to a substantial facility used by an energetic team of 25 scientists. The Center and its personnel are rapidly becoming recognized as a thoroughly competent national hub for research on water resources. Approximately one-half million dollars is being attracted to the Laboratory annually, and the program is growing. The scientists are attacking such significant problems as weather modification and how to reduce the cost of transporting water. During the same period, USU's Economic Research Institute emerged as a vital force in the economic development of Utah. The Institute is particularly recognized for providing assistance in the economic development and equitable allocation of land and water resources. Within the past two years many USU scientists began to emphasize the interrelationships between plants, animals, and man and their environments as the key to resource conservation and to the preservation of a livable world. From such conclusions grew the University's recently established Ecology Research Center, designed to consider effective ways to attack problems in such areas as pollution, recreation, communication, and improvement of the educational process. National review teams have acclaimed Utah State's natural setting as one of the best in the world, and the school's staff as one of the most capable for these investigations. The oldest and largest of USU's research units is in the Agricultural Experiment Station. The station's vigorous group of about 100 scientists seeks to expand man's food supply and his natural resources through such diverse efforts as developing new and improved crop varieties, breeding healthier and more efficient animals, devising new food products, and providing background information for improving management of range and forest lands. USU's research endeavors also seek to assuage some hidden hungers of man through creative activities in music, painting, poetry, the gathering and recording of history, and writings in modern philosophy. The life of everyone in Utah has perhaps been enriched in some way by research findings produced at the University. In the future Utahns will be aided even more because today's university-based research not only adds new knowledge, but also help train tomorrow's scientists.
Learning Potential
Progress Noted in Utah State Building Program
Considerable progress has been noted this past year in the largest building program in the history of the University . Among the structures completed and opened for use were the Library, two high-rise residence halls and foodservice center. storage and service buildings, a receiving and stores center, a livestock pavilion, animal husbandry farm building, and a meats-physiology laboratory. The Fine Arts Center neared completion, work began on the new stadium, and architectural drawings were nearly finished for an additional residence hall and for buildings housing physical education, business and social sciences, chemistry , industrial education, bacteriology-veterinary science , and special events. The new high-rise Student Living Center. consisting of two seven-story residence halls and a cafeteria, was opened in September to accommodate 784 students. The fully air-conditioned halls were financed through the sale of bonds at no cost to Utah tax payers. Each hall contains private and double rooms, a central lounge, offices, head resident quarters, and a basement activity area. Another ten-story residence hall is planned, with construction to begin during the summer on the $2,000,000 structure. Funded in two phases. the Library was dedicated on May 25 in impressive rites. The $2,000 ,000 building is capable of serving the studentbody with maximum efficiency and features an "open stacks" system, which allows free access for the students to the Library's holdings. Housed within the large building are the Graduate School, English Department, Center for the Study of the Causes of War and Conditions for Peace, Audio-Visual Aids Center, and offices for International Affairs. The first phase of the Fine Arts Center, nearing completion at its site at the east entrance to the campus, will offer facilities unequaled in the Intermountain West. The portion of the building devoted to the music department will be turned over by the contractors to the University for its summer quarter program, and the entire building, including the 2,200-seat concert hall and the 800-seat theatre, will be completed in time for a fall dedication. The building, with its striking design of brick and concrete, will stimulate the creative and performing arts at Utah State University. Construction is progressing on the new stadium with excavation of the bowl underway. The stadium will require a year to complete and is scheduled to be in use by the opening of the 1968 football season. The first phase of the
HIGH-RISE RESIDENCE HALLS-Two seven-story student living centers were fully occupied at the opening of the achool year.
BUSINESS BUILDING - The eight-story Business building will be constructed near the new library at a cost of $1,800,000.
structure, 1ocated between Tenth and Fourteenth North streets, will seat 20.000 peop]e ¡ and will provide for later expansion. Ample parking areas will surround the stadium and access roads will be provided from four corners. alleviating possible traffic congestion. With the notification from the National Science Foundation in February that a facility grant to the University has been approved for the new Chemistry building. planning for the structure ¡ was facilitated and early completion of the specifications is promised. Beginning of construction is projected during the coming year. Primarily devoted to the Chemistry Department's graduate study program, the new structure will also provide teaching laboratories, offices for the Chemistry staff, and new storage space. Planning is also nearing completion on the eight-story Business building. The $1,800,000 new building will be located slightly north and east of the Library and will contain the latest teaching and study facilities with a thousand students capacity. The building is being funded by a $600,000 grant secured from the federal government, and $1,200,000 approved by the Utah Legislature. Also scheduled to be under construction within the coming year are the $750,000 Industrial and Technical Education building, the $1,500,000 Bacteriology-Veterinary Science building, the $2,000,000 Special Events Center, and the $3,200,000 Physical Education building. The Physical Education structure will occupy an area west of the Edith Bowen Laboratory School and will contain three activity gymnasiums, a recreation gymnasium, two Ofympic-size swimming pools, classrooms. studios, and department offices. The Special Events Center will provide needed accommodations for indoor athletics, fine arts programs, and general University assemblies. It is being planned to initially accommodate 10,000. The projected Bacteriology-Veterinary Science building will be located adjacent to the Forestry and Zoology building and will contain integrated research compounds . teaching facilities, clinical and conference rooms. Located adjacent to the Technology building, the Industrial and Technical Education facility will consist of an administrative unit and laboratories for woods. welding. metals, and testing of materials. Tied to a master plan for University growth, the new buildings will enable the University to better serve a rapidly burgeoning enrollment.
FINE ARTS CENTER - Distinctive in design, the new Fine Arts Center will be in uae durinq the summer for the first time.
New Buildings Will Serve Growing Campus
STADIUM EXCAVATION - As shown in this aerial view, excavation of the new stadium bowl is well underway at the new site.
Extension Assist Resources
Services in Utah
Much of the progress made in Utah during the past year can be credited to the state's educational programs and to the leadership provided by the Utah State University Extension Services. Through Extension's efforts, local citizens and organizations have been able to develop their resources and abilities to improve Utah's way of life.
With assistance of USU's Extension personnel, Utah's cooperatives and other marketing firms increased their capacity to serve farmers and consumers, as indicated by the volume of products handled. Utah's wool marketing cooperatives handled over six and one-half million pounds of wool, the largest volume in history. Two large milk cooperatives processed well over 90 percent of the fluid milk produced and distributed in Utah and surrounding areas. Through short courses, clinics, demonstrations, surveys, consulting work and general guidance, Extension has been a major help in setting the stage for a more profitable dairy industry. The National Wool Growers' Association and the American Natiortal Cattlemen's Association have each sought the counsel of USU Extension experts to assist them in arriving at sound decisions on a variety of policy matters. Tourism, which brings millions of dollars into Utah each year, was the subject of a study by an Extension staff member, who reported the study's results of the Utah travel market to nearly 600 leaders of the tourist industry at ten Utah Travel Institutes. A concerted effort by the Extension Services at state-wide landscape improvement culminated in the presentation by the U. S. Department of Agriculture of a Superior Service Award to Dr. Arvil L. Stark, USU landscape improvement specialist. Under Stark's direction, two Utah communities, Ferron and Bountiful, earned trophies from the National Clean-Up, Paint-Up, Fix-Up Bureau, while 46 other communities were named to receive Awards of Merit from Utah State University. During 1966 a pronounced state-wide effort was made to develop broad county and area resource development committees. County Commissioners were requested to tak e the initiative in developing central organizations for resource development. Extension exercised leadership in developing group consciousness and assisting in program development. The 4-H program, directed by Extension, enrolled 17,721 members and recruited 4,072 adults as volunteer leaders. The program's emphasis is to help the youth of the state become more responsible citizens, to beautify their communities, to contribute to better family living, and to develop leadership competence. Extension cooperated with the Utah Association of Soil Conservation Districts in sponsoring a Youth Conservation Workshop, and with the Bureau of Land Management in providing a Range Resource Management Short Course. The Extension Class Division enrolled more than 1,400 students in correspondence study courses. Approximately 3,200 students registered in 200 extra-credit courses conducted in 35 Utah communities, and many conferences and short courses were also sponsored by the Division. State-wide programs have been conducted in bull-grading, range management and furnishings, clothing and textiles. civil defense and safety, wildlife and recreation, tuberculosis eradication, and in other areas which have been of benefit to the people of Utah. Extension efforts have been expended to make Utah's hogs free of cholera and to keep herds free from brucellosis. In addition, through numerous meetings, short courses, test plots, demonstrations, publications, radio and television programs and newspaper articles, Extension has provided educational information.
America's land-grant colleges and universities have a strong tradition of social responsibility and have been quick to respond to the needs of the world's emerging nations. The long tradition of collaboration between land-grant institutions and government agencies in the service of the community, state, and nation has now been extended to bring the skills and talents of higher educa-tion institutions to meet challenges of the world's developing areas. Along with its sister institutions, Utah State University into the mainstream of international life, as evident in the wide range of USU's world activities.
has been swept
BRAZIL. Five members of the University faculty are engaged in a four-year contract with the U. S. Agency for International Development (AID) to assist in feasibility studies for new small businesses. In cooperation with the staff of the University of Rio Grande do Norte and local Brazilian businessmen, USU's team expects to select a number of new small businesses and industrial projects, complete practicality studies, and assist in the planning, financing, and establishment of the new industries. BOLIVIA. Under the direction of Dr. J. Clark Ballard, a seven-man staff from Utah State is providing rural technical assistance for Bolivia in plant and animal science, extension, economics, education, and water investigation. The program, financed by USAID, has gained international recognition as one of the most successful of the projects being conducted in Latin America. Utah State recently signed a contract to train 50 Peace Corps volunteers during the summer for assignment as specialists in agricultural cooperatives in Bolivia. The Bolivia Peace Corps training program is the latest in a series held on the USU campus dating back to 1962. The University has sponsored three sessions for Iran in 1962, 1964, and 1965, one for Morocco in 1963, one for Venezuela in 1964, and one for Bolivia in 1966. To date, a total of 319 Peace Corps Volunteers have received their training at USU. VENEZUELA. Dr. Bruce H. Anderson heads a USU delegation at Merida, Venezuela, which is engaged in a six-year contract with the Organization of American States for the creation of an Inter-American Center for the Integral Development of Water and Land Resources. The project, which calls for the participation of high-level national leaders of all 20 member countries of the OAS, is designed to provide training in methods, procedures and techniques necessary to planning and execution of water and land development projects and to facilitate an exchange of experiences and technical knowledge between OAS member nations. MEXICO. During the past spring quarter 28 USU students have been studying the Spanish language and Latin American culture in a program in Mexico intended to foster an inter-American awareness through a prolonged bi-cultural experience. An additional 30 students spent the quarter in Mexico studying art under the direction of Professor Harrison Groutage. During the summer, the University will conduct an NDEA institute to improve the Spanish language skills of 40 high school teachers. FAR EAST. USU has been selected as one of four universities in the U. S. to assist with the overseas collection of data for analysis and evaluation of university USAID contracts during the past 15 years. Dr. R. Welling Roskelley is director of USU's assignment to survey the Far East. USU graduate Dr. Hung Wo Ching of Hawaii established the University's East-West Institute by grants in 1962. The Institute has brought outstanding lecturers of international renown to USU to increase understanding between East and West. This spring the noted Indian philosopher and political scientist, Dr. Amiya Chakravarty was guest lecturer. Dr. Ching has also aided substantially in developing the Asian Studies collection in the Library.
USU Swept Into Mainstream International
of Life
Notable Events Add to Record of Educational Growth
In 1966-67 Utah State University added significantly to its record of dynamic educational growth. Among the year's notable achievements were: LIBRARY DEDICATED. Peter Billings, chairman of the Utah Coordinating Council of Higher Education, delivered the featured address on May 25 at the dedication of USU's new library. Alma Sonne, chairman of the University's Board of Trustees, gave the dedicatory prayer. A r.ecognition luncheon, open house, and reception for Utah writers were held in conjunction with the dedication. The impressive new building will house one million volumes and provide study space for 2,500 students at a time. The initial phase was completed in 1965. The building is one of the most modern and convenient libraries in the country. PEACE CENTER INAUGURATED. Utah State's new Center for the Study of the Causes of War and Conditions of Peace was dedicated December 7 in rites in the Nelson Fieldhouse. The famed Salt Lake Tabernacle Choir made a rare Logan appearance for the dedication. The Center is a promising attempt to focus attention of the academic community on the issues and ideas contained in man's ageless search for peace. It will serve to stimulate research studies, to assemble a comprehensive library of books and periodicals relative to the purpose of the Center, to establish a meaningful dialogue between scholars and leaders in the various areas of international relations, and to utilize educational processes to promote the peaceful ordering of human affairs. The Center's first convocation was held the day following the dedication . Among the program participants were Herman Kahn, director of the Hudson Institute, Aleksandr Kerenski, head of the 1917 provisional government of Russia, and Jack Vaughn, director of the U. S. Peace Corps. Old Main-a symbol of USU's OLD MAIN SOCIETY INSTALLED. educational services to the people of Utah , the nation and the world for three quarters of a century - is also a symbol for a new organization to recognize individuals who are investing in the future of the University. Twenty-five charter members of the Old Main Society, which was established to foster needed support for the University's programs. were installed on Founder's Day PEACE CENTER DEDICATED - The internationally renown Salt Lake Tabernacle was featured in concert at the dedication of Utah State'• new Peace Center.
March 8. They were honored for their major contributions
to USU.
MUSEUM RELOCATED. Utah State's unique Man and His Bread Museum has been relocated at a temporary site near the location of the new stadium and occupies three renovated buildings. A major acquisition of pieces from the renown Wood Collection of antique agricultural machinery, plus replicas and working models, were presented to the museum by the Cache County Commission. The museum contains more than 200 items relating to agriculture. GRADUATE GROWTH. Continued dramatic growth of the School of Graduate Studies was noted, with a 12 percent increase in enrollment. The Graduate School now claims nearly 15 percent of the University's total student body. Graduate appointments (fellowships, traineeships, teaching and research assistantships) numbered over 425. The University offers master's degrees in nearly every subject area taught at the school and doctorate degrees in some 29 major fields of study. USU is listed among the 100 leading schools in America in the production of doctorate degrees. OTHER HIGHLIGHTS. The USU basketball team ended the season with a 20-win, 6-loss record and a berth at New York City's National Invitation Tournament . . .The Senior Class and the Associated Students presented the University with a new marquee, now erected near the Utah State Union ... The Alumni Association added nearly 2,000 new members during the year ... Among the acclaimed artists presented in concert were Van Cliburn, lrana Arkipova. the Vienna Boys Choir, and the Golden Curtain Opera Quartet ... The Utah Legislature passed a resolution praising USU's efforts in the study of the problem of pollution ... The Associated Students, in cooperation with the Deseret News and KSL Radio and Television, raised a considerable amount of money for the school's scholarship fund through the presentation of a "Gala .. at Salt Lake City's Valley Music Hall ... The largest donation in the school's history was made by Mr. and Mrs. Orson A. Christensen, Brigham City, Utah, consisting of two farms and some securities ... The Placement Bureau hosted 456 firms and 695 recruiters. A total of 5,671 interviews were held with graduating students. LIBRARYRITES HELD - The impressive new library is six times larger than its predecessor and 'is among the nation's most modem and convenient facilities.
Library Dedicated, Peace Center Holds
Record Budget Reflects Expanding USU Programs
The total educational and supporting program for the University for the 1967-68 year is estimated to be at a record $31,508,311, representing the largest increase in the school's history and reflecting the rapid growth of the University in all its areas of activity. Of the total adopted by the University's board of trustees, $14,995,766 was ap-proved for general institutional and instructional programs, including $9,736,714 for the University Fund, $3,850,000 in gifts and grants to enrich the instructional and research programs, $1,380,069 for the Extension Services, and $28,983 for the operation of KUSU--TV. Additional funds for the operation of the television studio will be provided by the Utah Joint Committee for Educational Television. A total of $4,840,545 was allocated for the institution's research programs, including $2,478,295 for the Agriculture Experiment Station, $526,000 for general University research, $1,400,000 for programs of federal collaborators, $100,000 for the new Ecology Center, $120,000 for water resources research, $192,250 for the Utah Water Research Laboratory, and $15,000 for wildlife research. A sum of $1,152,000 will be spent for international contracts and programs in Brazil, Bolivia, Venezuela, and the Far East. Another $10,520,000 was budgeted for the operation of the University auxiliary and student services and miscellaneous programs. State funds of $7,989,206 represent 25.3% of the estimated fiscal program. Student fees will provide 10.9% or $3,421,275; federal funds 25.0% or $7,864,732: auxiliary enterprises (housing, food services, bookstore, and related campus services) 30.6% or $9,650,000; and gifts and grants, miscellaneous sales and student program monies 8.2% or $2,583,098.
Source of Funds
State Funds
................................................ $
$ 7,989,206
Fees ............................................... 2,731,000
Funds .................................................
----------------···················· 8,720,000
3,833,110 Sources ------------··-············-----·-··········
Auxiliary Other
.................... $ 28,958,840
MASTER OF SCIENCE (Continued) CASTRUITA, RUDY MAX El Monte, California BS: Utah State University, 1966 Major: Physical Education Major Professor: Dr. Lincoln McClellan Thesis: The Use of Game Film in Coaching Class A High School Football in Utah. CHANG, AUGUSTINE WEI-CHUN Taiwan, China BS: National Taiwan University, 1964 Major: Electrica l Engineering Major Professor: Dr. R. D. Harris Thesis: The Introduction of Internal Gravity Waves. CHANG, PETER SHAW-JIUN Taiwan, China BS: National Chengchi University, 1961 Major: Political Science Major Professor: Dr. Philip S. Spoerry Thesis: A Study of the People's Commume in Communist China. CHAUHAN, MANDHATASINH A. Gujrat ,India BS: University of Baroda, 1%1 Major: Economics Major Professor: Dr. Leonard J. Arrington Thesis: An Historical Survey of the Economic Development of Mainland China, 1949-1962. CHEN, SHU HUA Taiwan, China BS: Chung Hsing University, 1960 Major: Food and Nutrition Major Professor: Dr. Ethelwyn Wilcox Thesis Director: Dr. Elveda Smith Thesis: Effect of Large Doses of Nicotinic Acid on the Lipid Composition of Serum. CHEN, SUN-TZEN Taiwan, China BS: Taipei Institute of Tech., 1961 Maj or : Electr ical Engineering Major Professor: Dr. W. L. Jones Thesis: RC Active Network Synthesis Using an Operational Amplifier. CHEN, WEN MING Chekang, China BS: Taiwan Normal University, 1961 Major: Electrical Engineering Major Professor: Dr. W. L. Jones Thesis: Filter Design by Synthesis. CHENG, JULIE YE-0 Taiwan, China BS: National Taiwan University, 1962 Major : Plant Nutrition and Biochemistry Major Professor: Dr. G. W. Miller Thesis: Fluoroorganic Compounds in Relation to Hydrogen Fluoride Exposure in Leaves of Glycine max Merr . CHOU, LIN SHU Taiwan, China BS: Cheng-Kung University, 1963 Major: Electrical Engineering Major Professor: Dr. Bruce 0. Watkins Thesis: Various Transforms Useful in Engineering Computation. CHOU, NORY TSUNG-TE Taiwan, China BS: Waseda University, 1964 Major: Civil Engineering Major Professor: Dr. Irving D. Dunn Thesis: Soaking Period and Preloading Shearing Strength of Cohesive Soil.
CHRISTENSEN, DEE ROSS Hyrum, Utah BS: Utah State University, 1953 Major: Industrial Education Major Professor: Dr. Carl R. Bartel Thesis: Opinions of Industrial Educators and Building Contractors Towards High School and Post High School Building Construction Programs. CHRISTENSEN, FRED MATT Garland, Utah BS: Utah State University, 1962 Major: Agricultural Education Major Profesor: Prof. Stanley S. Richardson Thesis: A Study of Off-Farm Agricultural Occupations in Box Elder, Cache , and Rich Counties in Utah to Determine Educational Needs. CHRISTENSON. JOHN A. Logan, Utah BS: Utah State University, 1965 Major: Plant Pathology Major Professor: Dr. Orson S. Cannon Thesis Director: Dr. Ronald S. Peterson Thesis: A Cytological Comparison of Germinating Aeciospores in the Cronartium coleosporioides Complex. CHRISTNER. JERE JAY Carson City, Nevada BS: Utah State University, 1965 Major: Forest Hydrology Major Profe ssor: Dr. John D. Schultz Thesis: Soil Moisture Depletion by Quaking an d Gambel O ak in Central Utah.
CHU FREDERICK FUDAN Taipei, China BS: National Taiwan University, 1963 Major: Civil Engineering Major Profe ssor: Dr. Cary K. K. Mak Plan B Report CLARK, STEPHEN LEWIS Clea rfield, Utah BS: Weber State College, 1964 Major: Plant Taxonomy Major Professor: Dr. Arthur H. Holmgren Thesis: A Biosystematic Study of the P. cyananthu~ Hook Species Complex. CLIFF, JOHN OLIVER Pocatello. Idaho BS: Utah State University, 1964 Major: Civil Engineering Major Professor: Dr. William A. Cordon Thesis Director: Dr. Norman B. Jones Thesis: Effects of the Sand/Cement Ratio Cracking Tendency of Concrete.
on the
COBLENTZ, WILLIAMS. San Antonio, Texas BS : Texas A&M College, 1957 Major: Food Science and Technology Major Professor: Dr. D. K. Salunkhe Thesis: Preservative Effects of Phosphate Compounds on Fresh Cherry Fruit (Prunus cerasus, L). COHEN, STEVIN LOOMIS Anaheim, California BS: Utah State University, 1963 Major: Physical Education Major Professor. Noland Burnett Plan B Report. CONNOR, DORAN L. Pocatello, Idaho BS: Idaho State University, 1955 Major: Physical Education Major Professor: Art Mendini Plan B Repo rt.
MASTER OF SCIENCE (Continued) COOMES, CARLA R. Driggs, Idaho BS: Ut ah State University , 1966 Major : Audiology, Speech Pathology Major Professor: Dr. Jay A. Jensen Thesis : Th e Effect of Clinical Experience Verbal Behavior of Speech Clinicals . COOMES , RICHARD MERRIL Provo , Ut ah BS: Utah State University, 1966 Major: Chemistry M ajor Professor: Dr. F. R. Stermitz Thesis: The Alkaloids of Argemone Greene . CROCKETT , ELLEN ALT A Logan, Ut ah BS: Utah State University, 1930 Major : Sociology Major Professor: Dr. Bruce Bylund Thesis: Some Eva luations for Attitude Theory of Disengagement.
on th e
th e
DANCE , BETTY ANN Salt Lak e Cit y, Utah BS: University of Utah, 1962 Major: Physical Education Major Profes sor : Dr. Janice Pearce Thessi: A Stud y of the Extent of Extramural Competi tion for the Hi gh School Girls in the State of Utah . DAVENPORT . LYNN H. Rexburg , Idaho BS : Utah St a te University, 1959 Major: Electrical Engineerinq Major Professor: Dr . W . A . Finchum Thesis: Development of Equipment for Sediment Analysis by Ultr ason ic Pulse Techniques . DHARIA. KIRAN K. Bombay, Indi a BS: S. V . R. College of Engineering Tech. , 1964 Major: Ma nufacturing Engineering M ajor Profe ssor: Dr . W. Karl Somers The sis : M easuremen t of Cutting Force Components on an Engine lathe Using a Tool Dynamo . DHOLAKIA. ANIL RAMNIKIAL Sihor , Ind ia BS: S . V. Vidyapeeth, 1965 Major : Electrical Engineering Majo r Prof esso r: Dr . William L. Jones Th esis: Integrated -Circuit Resistors . DRANEY, EUGENE C. Afton, Wyoming BS: Utah State University, 1965 Major: M echanical Engineering Major Prof essor: Dr. Russell M . Holdredge Thesi s : The Combined Effect of Surface Coatings and Geometry on the Cooldown Period of Components Subj ecte d to Liquid Nitrogen Temperature. EATOUGH , J. KURT Pa ys on, Utah BS: Utah State University, 1965 M a jor: Animal Science Major Professor: Dr. John E. Butcher The sis: An Analysis of Management Pr actices Used on Ut ah C at tle Feedlots . EDDINS. BOYD LAVELL Afton , Wyoming BS: Weber Coll ege, 1965 Major: History Major Professor: Dr . Stanford Cazier Thesis: The Influence of the Civil War mons .
on the Mor-
EGGLESTON, KEITH OTIS Grover, Wyoming BS: Utah State University, 1966 Major: Civil Engineering (Hydraulics) Major Professor : Dr. G. V . Skogerboe Thesis : Effects of Boundary Geometry on Critical and Subcritical Flow Through Measuring Flumes. ELLINGSON , EUGENE ALDEN Benson, Minnesota BS: North Dakota State University, 1965 Major: Manufacturing Engineering Major Profesor: Dr. K. Karl Somers Thesis : A Study to Establish a Time-Estimating tion for Electro-Mechanical Subassemblies .
ENGLAND, EARLE WESLEY Burbank, California BS: San Fernando Valley State, 1965 Major: Physical Education Major Professor : Dr . Dale Rasmussen Pl an B Report. E RNST , JOHN VERLON Portland, Oregon BS: Portland State College, 1962 Major: Zoo loqy Major Prof essor: Dr . D. M. Hammond Thesis: A Cy tologic al Study of Certain Stages of Eimeria bovis.
Life Cycle
EV ANS , WILLIAM DUANE Altamont, Ut ah BS: Utah State Uni vers ity, 1965 Major: Agricultural Economics Major Prof essor: Dr. Ellis Lamborn Thesis: Consumer Dem and for Meat in th e Counties of Cache and Box Elder , Utah, 1965. FAN , TERRY TA-YU Taiwan, China BS: Chunq -Ching Univ ersity, 1959 Major: Horticulture Major Prof essor: Dr. Bernard J. Wesenberq Thes is: Landscape Characteristic of Ornamental Shrubs for Utah . F ATHI, MAHSHID Tehran , Iran BS: Ut ah State University , 1963 Major: Socioloqy Major Profe ssor: Dr. Bruce Bylund Thesis: Attitude Chanqes of Iranian Male Students after Residence in the United States Toward th e Activities of Iranian Women. FEARS , ROBERT DUBOIS Anqleton, Texas BS: San Houston State, 1961 Major: Range Science Major Professor: Dr. C. Wayne Cook Thesi s: The Effect of Intensity and Season of Use on Recovery of Desert Range Plants . FINCH , RAY H. Tr emonton , Utah BS: Utah State University, 1938 Major: Agricultural Economics Major Professor: Dr . Royce Anderson Thesis Directors: Dr. Ernest Morrison and Dr . Royce Anderson Thesis: An Evaluation of Costs of Ownership, Custom Work , and Leasing Arangements of Farm Equipment Applicable to Dr yland Farming in Box Elder County, Ut ah .
MASTER OF SCIENCE (Continued) FITCH, JAMES WARREN San Diego, California BS: Brigham Young University, 1964 Major: Marriage and Family Relations Major P rofessor: Dr. C. Jay Skidmore Thesis: The Adolescents Preference for Counselors in Relation to Their Degree of Religious Conviction . FORSYTHE. DENNIS MARTIN Toledo , Ohio BS: Ohio University, 1964 Major: Zoology Major Professor: Dr. Keith L . Dixon Th esis: The Vocalizations of the Long-Billed Curlew . FULLMER. JACQUELINE WINTERROSE C edar City , Ut ah BS: University of Ut ah, 1959 Major : Physical Education Major Professor: Prof . Pauline Fuller Thesis: A Concert In Modern Dance. GLOVER, TE RRANC E FRANK Farmington, Utah BS: Utah State University, 1965 Majer: Economics Major Professor: Dr. Allen LeBaron Thesis: Estimating Forage Production Following Pinyon-J uni per Control: A Probabilistic Approach. GOTTLIEB, MOSHE Tel Aviv, Israel BS: Utah State University , 1966 M ajor: Agri cultural Economics Major Professor : Dr. George T. Blanch Thesis: The Impact of European Economic Integration on Israel Export of Oranges in 1970. GREENHALGH, HERBERT WAIN Heyburn, Idaho BS: Utah State Univ ersity, 1966 Major: Applied Statistics Major Professor: Dr. Rex L. Hurst Thesis: Fortr an Progr ams for the Calcu lations of Most of the Commonly Used Experimental Design Models. GUHA. KSHITI RANJAN C alcutta, India BS: Univ ersity of Calcutta, 1954 M ajor : Physical Chemistry M ajor Professor: Dr . R. H. Boyd Thesis: Thermodynamic Studies of Molecular ture of Some Cyanocarbons . GULLA, AMIN ISMAIL Torit , Sudan BS: Ein Shams University, 1962 Major: Entomology Major Professor: Dr. W. A. Brindley Thesis: Factors Influencing Population Tribolium brevicomis .
HANNA. JOHN RICHARD Phoenix, Arizona BS: Arizona State University , 1961 Major: Physical Education Major Professor: Dr. Dale Nelson Thesis: Use of Alcoholic Beverages Among Selected High School Seniors in Box Elder and Cache Counties, Utah. HARMON, ALTON MAYNARD Brigham Cit y, Utah BS: Utah State University , 1964 Major: Sociology Major Professor : Dr . G. N . Keller Thesis: Attitudes of Young Caucasians Toward Fellow Japanese-Americans Relative to Inter -Racial Friendship, Da ting , and Marriage in North Box Elder County, Utah . HARRISON, VAL RULON Monroe, Utah BS : Utah State University, 1960 Major: Music Edudcation Major Professor: Dr. Max Dalby Theses: A Comparative Study of Chord Structure in the Tempered and Pure Toned Scales of Music. HART, EUGENE BLAKE Kaysville, Utah BS: Weber State College, 1964 Major: Zoology Major Professor: Dr. K. L. Dixon Thesis: Food R elated Movements and Incidental Observations of the Cliff Chipmunk, Entamias dorsa/is. HART, MOXON EUGENE New Berlin, Illinois BS: Southern Illinois University, 1965 Major: Forest Management Major Professor: Dr. Raymond R. Moore Thesis: Site Index Curves for Englemann Colorado and Southeastern Wyoming.
Spruce in
HASSETT, JOHN J., II Ogden, Utah BS: Weber State College, 1964 Major: Soil Chemistry Major Professor: Dr. R. L. Smith Thesis: Zinc Inactivation by the Mineral Fraction the Soil.
HENDRICKS, JAMES VANCE Richmond, Utah BS: Utah State University, 1962 Major: Psychology (Counseling) Major Professor: Dr. Arden N. Frandsen Thesis: The Iowa Tests of Educational Development as Predictors of Academic Success at Utah State University .
HAGGERTY, SAMUEL, JR. Oakland, California BS: Utah State University, 1960 Major: Physical Education Major Professor: Dr. Lincoln McClellan Pl an B Report.
HESTER. HERSCHEL GOODNIGHT, III Ogden , Utah BS: Weber State College, 1965 Major: Political Science Major Profesor: Dr. Calvin Hibner Th esis: Longevity Pay Plans: An Inquiry Into Need, Use and Adaptation.
HAMMOND, LEARTA G. Preston, Idaho BS: Utah State University , 1938 M ajor : Clothing and Textiles Major Profe ssor: Dr. Norma H. Compton Thesis: The High School Girl's Interest in Home Sewing, in Relation to Her Values, and Creativity.
HIBBERT, LARRY ENGENE LaGrande, Oregon BS: Eastern Oregon College, 1961 Major: Zoology Major Profes sor: Dr. Datus M . Hammond Thesis: Effects of Temperature on in Vitro Excystation of Various Eimeria Species.
MASTER OF SCIENCE (Continued) HO, TSING CHIANG Taiwan, China BS: National Taiwan University, 1955 Major : Chemistry Major Professor : Dr. Jack T. Spence Thesis : The reaction of Reduced Flavin Mononucleotide (FMN) with Molybdeuum (vi) : Equilibria and Kinetics. HOLT, GARY L YNDLE San Francisco, California BS: San Francisco State College, 1965 Major: Experimental Child Psychology Major Professor: Dr. Marvin F. Daley Thesis: Control of Behavior Through Reinforcement Menus . HSIAO, YOSHIBO-YIEH Taiwan, China BS: Kaohsiung Medical College M ajo r : Biochemistry Major Professor: Dr . Anthony T. Tu Th esis: Peroxidative Activity of Hemeoctapeptide Prepar ed from Cytochrome C Model Enzyme for Peroxidase. HAU. TEH-HONG Taiwan, China BS: National Taiwan University, 1958 Major: Civil Engineering Major Prof essor: Dr. Jerald E. Christiansen Thesis: Evaluation of Earth lining for Seepage Control. HUEN , ALBERT O akland, Californi a BS: University of California, 1963 Major: Ph ysics Major Professor: Dr. John J. Merrill Thesis: Precision Measurement of Wavelength Ratio of Ag to Mo Ka, X-Ray Lines Using the Two Crystal Spectrometer. HUPPL ERNEST RAY Chelmsfo rd , Mass achusetts BS: Utah State University, 1966 Major: Electrical Engineering M a jor Prof essor : Dr. D. J. Baker Thesis: · Techniques for the Measurement and Aurora in the Infrared .
of Airglow
HUPPL RONALD JAY Logan , Utah BS: Utah State University, 1965 Major: Electrical Engineering Major Professor: Dr . William L. Jones Thessi: Considerations in the Design of Low Noise Field -Effect Tr ansistor Circuits.
JACKSON, LARRY ARTHUR Roy , Utah BS: Utah State University, 1966 Major : Mechanical Engineering Major Professor: Dr. Russell M. Holdredge Thesis: Fatique Strength at Ferous Metals at Cryo , genie Temperatures JACOBSON . JAMES ALBERT Marquette , Michigan BS: Northern Michigan University, 1965 Major: Industrial Education Major Professor: Dr. C. R. Bartel Thesis: Plant Design for Teaching American Industry in the Secondary School using a Team Approach JENSEN, LEWIS CARL Ephraim, Utah BS: Utah State University, 1964 Major : Science Education Major Professor: Dr . David R. Stone Thesis: Occurrence of Unifying Principles of Science and Concepts of Physics in Elementary School Science Textbooks. JENSEN, ROBERT E . Brigh am City, Ut ah BS: Utah St ate University , 1953 Major: Industrial and Technical Education Major Professor : Dr. Neil Slack Th esis Director: Dr. William E . Mortimer Thesis: A Photo graphic Record of Selected Industries of Box Elder County. JENSEN, RONALD B. Monroe, Ut ah BS: Ut ah State Universit y, 1960 Major: Visual Art Major Professor: Dr . Jessie Larson Thesis: D evelopment of Individual Painting, and Sculpture Projects .
Weaving , Oil
JENSON , RUTH ANN Wes ton, Id aho BS: Utah State University, 1964 Major: Food and Nutrition Majo r Professor: Dr. Ethlwyn B. Wilcox Th esis: Breeding and Roasting Temperature as Related to Beef Tenderness and Oth er Quality Factors . JOHNSON , RICHARD L. Aurora , Utah BS: Utah State University, 1965 Major: Agricultural Economics Major Professor: Dr. Lynn H. Davis Thesis: An Investigation of Methods For Estimating Marginal Values of Irrig ation Water.
ISAACSON, HAROLD EDWIN Price , Utah BS: Ut ah State University, 1957 Major: Range Management M ajor Profe ssor: Dr. Neil E. West Th esis: Ecological Provinces Within The PinyonJunip er Type of the Great Basin and Colorado Plateau.
JOHNSON, THERON E. Mo ab, Utah BS .: Ut ah State University, 1960 Maj or: Physical Education Major Professor: Dr. Art Mendini Plan B Report. JOHNSON, THOMAS S. Tr emonto n , Utah BS: Utah State Uinversity, 1964 Major: Audiology, Speech Pathology Major Professor: Dr. Jay R. Jensen Thesis: Stuttering in Utah Fifth Grade School Child ren: An Incidence Study.
ISRAELSEN , EUGENE KAY Logan , Utah BS: Utah State Universit y, 1962 Major: Civil Engineering Major Professor : Dr. Cheng -Lung Chen Th esis: Effect of the Free Surface on the Resistance to Flow over Schematic Dunes in Open Channels .
JONES , ROBERT GRANT Santa Fe, New Mexico BS: St. Michael's College, 1963 Major: Entomology Major Professor: Dr. W. A. Brindley Thesis: Rearing Media For the Mountain Pine Beetle, Dendroctonus ponderosae Hopkins ( Coleoptera : Scolytidae) .
MASTER OF SCIENCE (Continued) JYOTHI. VEERABHADRAPPA Mysore. India BS: Karnatak, Uiversity, 1959 Major: Soil Physics Major Professor: Dr. S. A. Taylor Thesis: Movement of Atrazine in Soil Under row Irrigation.
KASEMSAP, RUSMEE Bangkok, Thailand BS: Kasetsart University, 1957 Major: Plant Science Major Professor: Dr. Alvin R. Hamson Thesis: A Study of the Stimulatory Effects of PEBC, DCPA and Triflaralin Herbacides on Selected Vegetable Crops Grown Under Field Coditions . KASEMSA P , SOMP AIN Bangkok, Thailand BS: Kasetsart, University, 1962 Major: Horticulture Major Professor: Dr. Alvin Hamson Thesis: The Effect of Synthetic Mulch on Growth and Flowering of Chrysanthemins, Geraniums and Snapdragons in Greehouse Culture. KAU , WEN--TERNG Taiwan, China BS: National Taiwan University, 1960 Major: Civil Engineering Major Professor : Dr. Cary K. K. Mak Thesis: Some Basic Mechanical Properties viny l Chloride Thermoplastic Sheet.
of Poly-
KERR , LYNN BURTON Logan, Utah BS: Utah State University, 1962 Major: Horticulture Major Professor: Dr. Leonard H. Pollard Thesis: The Cause of Bleaching in Green Cotyledon Type Lima Beans and It's Affect on Germination. KHAJA, MOHAMMED WASEEM Lahore , West Pakistan BS: Government College, 1964 Major: Electrical Engineering Major Professor: Dr. William L. Jones Thesis: A Matrix Method for Active RC Network Synthesis. KURATTI , LAXMAN GURURAO Dharwar, India BS : Karnatak University, 1958 Major: Soil Chemistry Maj or Professor: Dr. R. L. Smith Thesis: Qu antita tive Estimation of Oxides of Nitrogen Produced During Non--Biological Transformation of Nitrate Nitrogen in Acid Media. KW AN, SHIH-CHAO Taiwan, China BS: Taiwan Provincial Chung-Hsing University , 1959 Major: Plant Breeding Major Professor: Dr. Alvin R. Hamson Thesis : Onion Pollen Germination and Storage. LARPT AVEE, METHEE Trang , Thailand BS: Chulalongkom University, 1961 Major: Food Nutrition M ajor Professor: Dr. Ethlwyn B. Wilcox Plan B Report. LARSON, STANFORD S. Brigham City, Utah BS: Utah State University, 1962 Major: Guidance and Counseling Major Professor: Dr. Glendon Casto Thesis: A Comparison of Two Noun-Verbal Tests for Predicting Academic Success of Navajo Students.
LEAVITT, JANE CANNON Shelley, Idaho BS: Utah State University, 1961 Major: Audiology , Speech Pathology Major Professor: Dr. Richard D. Taylor Thesis: An Analysis of the Diagnostic and Follow-Up Phases of the Logan City 1965-66 Hearing Conservation Program. LEE , JINN JEN Taiwan , China BS: National Taiwan University, 1962 Major: Civil Engineering Major Professor: Dr. G. Z. Waters Study Thesis: A Preliminary Experimental Hemisphere in Free Surface Flow.
LEE, MAU--SHONG Taiwan, China BS: Taiwan Provincial Chung--Hsing University, 1954 Major : Entomology Major Professor: Dr. D. W. Davis Thesis : Bionomics o.f Typhlodromus occidentias Nesbitt in Utah and Its Feeding Habits on Mites of T etranychus. LEE , SHIAO-FAN Formosa , China BS: Chung -Hsing University, 1953 Major: Nutrition and Biochemistry Major Professor: Dr. E. B. Wilcox Thesis: Determination of Estrial, Estrone and Estrodoil-17B in Urine of Young Adults. LEE , SHOU -LANG Taiwan, China BS: Taiwan Chen-Kung University, 1956 Major: Electrical Engineering Major Profeso r: Dr. A. W. Shaw Thesis: The Geometry of Networks and Its Application. LEONARD , LEO D. Seattle, Washington BS: University of Utah, 1961 Major: Seco ndar y Education Major Professor: Dr. John D. Haas The sis Director: Dr. Basil C. Hansen Thesis : Ap art heid and Bantu Education Since 1948.
T aiwan. China BS : National Taiwan University, 1963 Major: Civil Engineering (Structures) Major Professor : Dr. Cary K. K. Mak Thesis : An Experimental Investigation Behavior of Cylindrical Shells.
of Buckling
LIM, LAM KHENG Sacramento, California BS: California Poly University , 1965 Major: Ir riga tion and Drainage Engineering Major Professor: Dr. Alvin A. Bishop Thesis: Analysis of Application Efficiency As Related to Intake Function for Surface Irrigation. LIN,
GAU --FENG Taiwan, China BS: National Taiwan University, 1962 Major: Structural Engineering Major Professor: Dr. Winfred 0. Carter Thesis: Analysis of Two-Dimensional Truss System by the Flexibility Method of Coupling Redundant Complex Structures.
LIN, JAW-KUANG Taichung, Taiwan, China BS: National Taiwan University, 1963 Major: Electrical Engineering Major Professor: Dr. Bruce 0. Watkins Thesis: Numerical Inversio of the Laplace Transform.
MASTER OF SCIENCE (Continued) LIN. LING Taiwan, Ch ina BS: Taiwan Pro vin cial Institute of Agriculture , 1959 Major: Agronomy Major Prof essor : Dr . Wade G . Dewey Thesis: A Study of Factors Affecting the Germin ation of Alfal fa and Safflower Pollen .
MARASCO, RICHARD JOHN Help er, Ut ah BS : Utah State Universit y, 1965 Major : Agricultural Economics Major Prof ess or: Dr. A . LeBaron Thesis: Selecti ng Optimum Conversion the Pinyon -Juniper T ype .
LIN , MICHAEL MIN -SHIONG Taiwan , Chi na BS: Taipei Institute of Technology. 1959 Maj or : Electrical Engin eering Major Prof essor: Dr. Bruce 0 . Watkins Thesis: Lyapunoy Approach to Stability of Nonlinear Systems.
MATHEWS, PAULA RICHMANN Millville, Ut ah BS: Utah State Un ivers ity, 1965 Major: Audiology, Speech P athology Major Profe ssor : Dr . Jay P . Jensen Thesis: A Study of the Concurrent and Diagnostic Validity of the Illinois Test of Psycholinquistic Abilities .
LIN , NAI -AN Taiwan , China BS : T aiwan University , 1962 Major : Mechanical Engineering Major Prof essor : Dr . A. R. McKay Th esis: The Effect of Geometry on the Convectice He a t Transfer From Plane Fins in Longitudinal Flow .
MATTHEWS, JOHN E. Ashdown, Ark ansas BS: Utah State University , 1965 Ma jor : Fisheri es Biology Major Prof essor: Dr. William Sigler Thesis Director: Dr. John Neuhold Thesis: The Effects of Changing Water Fish Mov ement and Distribution .
LIN , TZYY IANG T aiwa n , China BS: National T aiwan University, 1961 Major: Civil Engineering Major Prof essor: Dr . Winfred 0. Carter Th esis : A Study of Movement -Curvature Relationship of the Rectang ular, Inelastic Beam-Column.
MATZ . MARTIN DAVID Salt Lake Cit y, Ut ah BS: U tah St ate Uni vers ity, 1962 Major: El ectric al Engineering M a jor Prof essor: Dr . William Jones Thesi s: Ava lanche Transistor Switching .
LITTLEDYKE , LILA JACLYN Lewiston, Utah BS: Utah State Uni ver sity, 1965 Major: Au diology, Spe ech Pathology Major Professor: Dr. Jay R. Jensen Thesis : A comparison of Certain Skills in Norm al and Articulatory ren.
Psycholinguistic Impaired Child-
MAW, LARRY B. Ogd en, Ut ah BS : Ut ah State Universit y, 1966 Ma jor: Special Education Major Prof essor: Dr . DeVoe Rickert Thesis: A Comparative Stud y of the Recreational and Leisure Tim e Activiti es of a Group of Mentally Retarded and Aver age Students .
LIU , BERNARD SHOU TZE Hun an, China BS: Nation al T aiwan University, 1957 Ma jor : Soil Mech anics (Civil Engineering) M ajor Prof essor: Dr . Irving Dunn Plan B Report
MA YER. FOSTER LEE , JR. Cyril, Okl ahoma BS : South wes tern State College , 1965 Major: Wildlife Biology Major Professor: Dr . J. B. Low Thesis: The Effect of Salinity on Growth and Repro dnuction of Ruppia maritima L.
LIU , YA -MING T aiwan, China BS: Army Institute of Technology , 1953 Major: Applied Statistics Major Prof essor : Dr. Rex Hurst Th esis: A Monte Carlo Stud y of Nonlinear Regression Function s.
McCONNELL. PHILIP M. Phoenix, Arizona BS: Arizona State University, 1962 Major : Mechanical Engineering Major Professor: D r. R. M . Holdredge Thesis: The Effect of Ultrasonic Vibrations on Cool down of Single Bodies in Liquid Nitrog en.
LOOSLE . DAVID GRIFFITHS Log an, Utah BS: Utah State University, 1964 Majo r : Mechanical Engineering Major Professor: Dr. Russell Holdredge The sis: An Analylical Determination of the Tempera tur e Distribution in a Nonhomogenous Nuclear Fuel Capsule .
McCRARY, DELWIN WAYNE Riv er ton, Wyoming BS: Univ ersity of Wyoming, 1960 Majo r: Ph ys ical Education M a jor Professor: Dr. Lincoln McClellan Thesis: The History of Intercollegiate Wrestling Utah State Uni versity.
LUONG. MOC Tai wan, China BS : N ationa l Taiwan Univ ers ity, 1964 Ma jor : Civil Engineering Ma jor Prof essor : Dr. Ca ry K. K. Mak The sis: A Numerical Method of Analysis with V ariab le Thickness. MACKENZIE, JEAN J. College, Al aska Universit y of Alaska, 1964 Major : Clothing and Textiles Major Professor: Dr. Norma H. Compton Plan B R eport.
for Plates
McDONALD, JAMES B. Bountiful, Utah BS: Utah State University, 1964 Major: Mathematics Major Professor : Dr . Joe Elich Pl an B Repo rt. McGRAW, DONALD JESSE Glendora, California BS: Californi a Poly Tech., 1965 Major: Bacteriology Major Profes sor : Dr. Frederick J. Post Thesis Director: Dr . W. Whitney Smith Th esis: The Effec ts of a Selective Membrane Medium on Fecal Califorms .
MASTER OF SCIENCE (Continued) McKAY, GEORGE ROBERT Salt Lake City, Utah BS: Utah State University, 1952 Maj or: Industrial Education Majo r Professor: Dr. Carl R. Bartel Thesis: An Experiment with Mass Production As An Instruct ional Unit in Industrial Art. McKINNON, CARMEN REEDER Brigham City, Utah BS: Utah State University , 1958 Maj or : Business Education Major Prof essor: Prof. Floris S. Olsen Thesis: A Survey of Business offices in Weber, Box Elder, and North D av is Counties to Determine the Requirements of Newly hired Secretarial Employees. MEAD OR , BILL BRONSON Moab, Utah BS: Utah State University, 1960 Major: Physical Education Major Professor: Dr. Dale 0. Nelson Thesis : The Effect of Don ating One Pint of Blood On Immediate Performance and the Ability to Recover over an Eight Day Period.
MORGAN , KENNETHISAAC Logan , Utah BS : Ut ah State University, 1961 Major: Speci al Education (Emotional Disturbances) Major Professor: Dr. Phlyyis Publicover Thesis: A Comparison of Agression and Fantasy in C. A . T. Responses of Children Identified as Emotionally Disturbed. MORSE , RONALD DEAN Hyde Park , Utah BS: Utah State University, 1964 Major: Bioch emistry and Plant Nutrition Major Professor : Dr . Keith Allred The sis: Asponin Content and Some Pod and Blossom Cha ra cteristics of Alfalfa As Related to Seed Infestati on by the Alfalfa Seed Chalcid. MURDOCK, DAVID STRATFORD Provo , Ut ah BS : Weber State College, 1964 Major: To xicology Major Professor: Dr. Anthony T. Tu Thes is: A Biochemical Investigation of Selected Venoms: Cobra and Gila Monster.
ME CHAM , DELMAR BLAINE Twin Falls, Idaho BS: Ut ah State University, 1965 Major: Sociology M ajor Professor: Dr. William DeHart Thesis: Atti tudes About Cigarette Smoking and AntiCig aret te Smoking Literature in Selected Social Categories.
MURDOCK, WAYNE STRATFORD Washington , D. C. BS : Utah St ate University, 1962 Major: Audiology , Speech Pathology Major Profe ssor : Dr. S. G. Fletcher Thesis: Relationsh ips of Oral Tactile Sensation and Communic ation P arameters in the Geriatric Population.
MELE NDEZ, DAVID Logan, Ut ah BS: Brigham Young University, 1959 Maj or : Sociology Major Professor: Dr. H. Bruce Bylund Thesis: The Role of Sociology in the Utah School Curriculum.
MURRI , DARYLL GUY St. A nth ony , Idaho BS : U tah State Universi ty, 1965 Major: Sociology Major Professor: Dr. Therel R. Black Thesis: Chang es in Urban-Rural Population Characteristics From 1950 to 1960 For Logan and Cache County , U tah.
MEYE RS , CLIFFORD ALAN Greeley, Colorado BS: University of Denver, 1960 Major: Zoology Major Professor: Dr. Keith L. Dixon Thesis: Behavioral and Physiological Changes in House Mice Associated wi th Sound Deprivation. MIKE SELL, KE ITH GERALD Greenbelt, Maryl and Maj or: An imal Production Major Professor: Dr. James Bennett Thesis: Subcutaneous fat Distribution casses.
on Beef Car-
MOHT ADI, MALEK MAHMOOD Ogden , U tah BS: Utah State Uni ver sity, 1962 Major: Agricultural Economics Major Profesor: Dr. A. LeBaron Thesis: Economic Analysis of an Iranian Water velopment: Sefeed Road Project.
NARAYANA , DHRUVA VV Guntur, India BS: Indi an Inst. of Technology, 1955 Major: Civil Engineering. M aj or Professor: Dr. J. M. Bagley Plan B Repo rt. NAZIR. FAROOQ Lah ore, West Pakistan BS: Civil Engineering Major: Hydraulics Major Profes sor : Dr. Calvin G. Clyde Thesis: Th e Structure of Turbulence in an Open Channel with Large Spherical Roughness Elements.
MONTGOME RY, RICHARD M. O gden, Utah BS : Uta h State University, 1965 Maj or : Applied Statistics Major Professor: Dr. David Harris Thesis: Automated Circulation Control for Utah State University Library.
NELSON, ALLAN HALL T remonton , Utah BS: Utah State University, 1965 Major: Manufacturing Engineering Major Professor: Dr. W. Karl Somers Thesis: Studies of Locational Accuracy of Drilled Holes in Metals. NELSON , CLAIR THOMAS Log an, Utah BS: Utah State Un iversity, 1965 Major : Electrical Engineering Major Professor: Dr. William Jones Thesis : A Practical Design of Active RC Filters.
MORAN, JAMES EDWARD, JR. Butte, Montana BS: Montana State University, 1960 Maj or : Applied Statistics Ma jor Professor: Dr. Rex Hurst Thesis: Probable Circular Error (CEP) Missiles.
NEVILLE, RAYMOND H. Ogden , Utah BS: Utah State University, 1963 Major: Applied Statistics Major Pro.fessor: Dr. David White Thesis: A Density for a Generalized Likelihood Ratio When the Sample Size is A Random Variable.
of Ballistic
MASTER OF SCIENCE (Continued> NORTON, DAVID G. Ogden, Utah BS: Utah State University, 1964 Major : Mechanical Engineering Major Professor: Dr. Owen K. Shupe Thesis: An Automatic Alpha Beta Nuclear Detector. NORTON, GLEN RON Wellington, Utah BS: Utah State University, 1965 Major: Psychology Major Professor: Dr. Peter C. Wolff Thesis: Fixed Ratio Escape Responding Guinea Pigs.
in Rats and
OGDEN, ROBERT VERL Richfield , Utah BS: Utah State University , 1963 Major: Dairy Manufacturing Major Professor: Prof. A. J. Morris Thesis Director: Dr. Paul B. Larsen Thesis : The Influence of Hot Brine on the Calcium Content, Score, and Physical Properties of Low-Fat , Cheddar -Like Cheese. OLESON , WAYNE H. Clearfield , Utah BS : Dairy Production Major Professor: Dr. George E. Stoddard Thesis Director : Dr. Melvin S. Anderson Thesis : A Comparison of Apparent Digestibility of Forages and Concentrates When Fed at Varying Levels. OLSEN , LARRY A. Cedar City, Utah BS: Brigh am Young University, 1959 Major: Business Education Major Professor: Prof . Helen Lundstrom Thesis: A Guide for the College Supervisor of Business Education in Training Student Teachers at the College of Southern Utah. OWEN, CLYDE EVAN Brigham City, Utah BS: Ut ah Sta te University, 1966 Major: Mechanical Engineering Major Professor: Dr. A. R. McKay Th esis: D ischarge Coefficients for Thin-Plate Orfice s Disch arging Air to the Atmosphere.
PARKER. JOYCE LOUISE Logan, Utah BS: Utah State University, 1965 Major: Speech Pathology Major Professor : Dr. Jay R. Jensen Plan B Report . PA TEL , DAHLABHAI MOTIBHAI Gujrat, India BS : S.- V . V. India, 1964 Major : Electrical Engineering Major Professor: Dr. W. L. Jones Thesis: Gallium-Arsenide Laser Diode. PATEL . MUKESHCHANDRA PRABHUDAS Gujarat, India BS: Guparat University, 1963 M ajor: Electric al Engineering Major Professor: Dr. W . A. Finchum Thesis Director: Dr. W. L. Jones Thesis: A Negative Impedance Converter and Synthesis of Active RC Network with NlC. PATEL, PUNAMBHAI P. Anand, India BS: BVM Engineering College Major: Electric al Engineering Major Professor: Dr. William A . Finchum Th esis Director: Dr. Willi am A . Jones Thesis : Sensitivity in Network . Functions . PEARSON , WILLIAM DEAN Ro ck Island , Illinois BS : Iowa Sta te Univ ersit y, 1963 M ajor : Fishery Biology M a jor Profe ssor: Dr. Robert H. Kramer Th esis : Di stribution of Macho invertebrates in the Green River Below Flaming Gorge Dam , 1963-1965. PELOVSKY , GERALD MARTIN Mis sion Viejo., Californi a BS : Utah St a te Univ ersit y, 1960 Major: Economics Major Professor : Dr. Glen Marston Th esis: Anal ysis of Employment Service with Regard to the Thi okol Layoff. PERKES, ROBERT RAY H yde Park , Ut ah BS : Ut ah Stat e University , 1959 Major : Entomology M a jor Professor: Dr. Donald W. Davis Thesis: Biological Studies of the Parasites and Predators of the Alfalfa Weevil with Particular Ref erence to Selected Insecticides .
PACKER. MURLAND RAY Ririe , Idaho BS : Utah State Univ ersity , 1965 Major: Civil Engineering Major Professor: Dr. Gaylord Skogerobe Thesis : Summary and Evaluation of Hydrologic Data for Water Resources Management Decisions in the Grouse Creek Drainage.
PETERSON, JAY ROLAND Rupert, Id aho BS: Utah St ate University, 1966 Ma jor : Applied Statistics Major Profes sor : Dr. Rex L. Hurst Th esis Director : Dr. David Harris Thesis: Rational Arithmetic As a Means of Matrix Inv ersion.
PARKER. CARL DEAN E lderado, Texas BS: Utah State University, 1965 Major: Economics Major Professor: Dr . Glenn F. Marston Thesis: An Eva luation of the Dichotomy Between Structural Versus Deficient-Demand Unemployment.
PHILLIPS , JOHN PAUL Durango, Colorado BS: College of Emporia , 1964 Major: Genetics Major Professor: Dr. John R . Simmons Thesis: An Examination of a Put ative System for the in vitro Synthesis of Drosophila tryptophan pyrrolase.
PARKER. JOLENE J. Logan, Utah BS: Utah State University, 1965 Major: Business Education Major Professor: Dr. C. D . Lowe Thesis: Evaluation of DE Personnel in the State of Utah During 1966-1967 as Compared to Criteria in DE Issues
PHILLIPS, RALPH LEON Springville, Utah · BS : Utah State University , 1964 Major: Tox icology Major Profesor : Dr. Joseph C . Street Thesis: The Effect of DDT on the Storage of Dieldrin in the Adipose Tissue of Certain Mammalian and Non-mammalian Species.
PHIPPEN, JAY W. Ogden, Ut ah BS: Utah State University, 1960 Major: Physics Major Professor : Dr. John Merrill Thesis: The Alignment Procedure of a Two Crystal Spectrometer. PIERCE , VIRGIL CALEB Br igha m City , Utah BS: Utah State Universit y, 1967 Major : History Major Professor: Dr. J. Duncan Brite Plan B Report POOLE. ROBERT CRAIG Logan Utah BS: Utah State University, 1964 Major: Physical Education Major Professor: Dr. Oral L . Ballam Thesis Director: Dr. Dale 0. Nelson Thesis: Eye Dominance and Handedness Performance of Motor Skills.
RILEY , HOBART HENRY Elgin, Illinois BS: University of Illinois, 1963 Major: Forest Recreation Major Profe ssor: Dr. John D. Hunt Thesis: P resen t and Potential U se of Bear Lake Valley, Utah and Idaho, For Outdoor Recreation .
R. ROBINSON, LAWRENCE Ogden, Utah BS: Ut ah State University, 1965 Major: Civil Engineering Major Professor: Dr. Norman B. Jones Thesis: Hydrologic and Water Quality Study of the Logan City Sewage Outfall System.
PRICE , CHARLES CLAYTON Kanosh , Utah BS: Utah .State University, 1965 Major: Mechanical Engineering Major Professor: Dr. Joseph Clair Batty Thesis: Applicatio of Cla ssical Analogies to the Tor sion Probl em. PUROHJT, JANAK Bombay; India BS: S.V.V. University, 1965 Major : Electrical Engineering Major Profesor: Dr. Alan W. Shaw Plan B Report. RAETZ, RONALD LEE Las Vegas, Nevada BS: Chico State College, 1962 M a jor: Indu stria l Education Major Profe ssor: D r. Neil Slack Thesis: Evaluation of Student Achievement in Terms of Grades a nd Study Time in the Flexible and NonFlexible Scheduling Systems in the Las Vegas High Schools. RASMUSSEN, JAY LEE Comi sh , Ut ah BS : Ut ah State University, 1964 Ma jor: American Hi story Major Profesor: Dr. S. George Ellsworth Thesis: Social Life in Early Utah, 1847 to 1869. RICHARDS , CHRISTINE PARHAN Brigham City, Ut ah BS: East Texas State , 1946 Major: P sycho lo gy Major Professor: Dr. John R . Doidge Th esis: Appropriateness of Occ upationa l Choices and Change of Attitude Tow ard Different Levels of Oc cupations. RICHARDS , REX AL TON Ogden, U tah BS: W eber State Colle ge, 1965 Major : Plant Nutrition and Biochemistry Major Prof essor: Dr. Keith R . Allr ed Thesis: The Fr ee Stera l Content of Selected Clones of Alfalfa as R elated to Seed Infestation by the Alfalfa Seed Chalcid. RIGGERT, GLENN EDWARD Tillamook, O regon BS: Fresno State College, 1967 Major: Physical Education Major Professor: Dr . Nol an Burnett Thesis: Org anizat ional Guidelines in Adapted Physical Education and Flexible Scheduling : Implications for Physical Education.
ROBINSON. PAUL W. Brigham City, Utah BS: Utah State University, 1965 Major: Psychology Major Professor: Dr. Peter C. Wolff Thesis: A Method for Quantifying the Effects of Apomorphine upon the Gnawing Syndrome of the Rat . ROBSON, Ogden, BS: W Major: Major Thesis:
ROSS EVERETT Utah eber State College, 1965 Political Science Professor: Dr. JeDon A . Emenhiser Major Political Patronage in Utah, 1965.
SACKETT. RICHARD WILLIAM Brigham City, Ut ah BS: Ut ah State University, 1957 Major: Physical Education Major Profes sor: Dr. Arthur Mendini Plan B Report. SAJID, MOHAMMAD AZHAR Lyallpur, West Paki stan BS: Government College, 1958 Major: Bacteriology Major Professor: Dr. Paul B. Carter Thesis: Immunogenicity of Whole C ells and Cell Walls of Staphylococcus aureus. SALAZAR, JOSE , U. Caracas, Venezuela BS: Central University of Venezuela, 1962 Major: Soil Ph ysics Major Professor: Dr. Sterling A. Taylor Thesis: The Influ ence of Thermo-Gradients Upon Water Movement and Retention in Unsaturated Soils. SALIMI, SEYED-HOSSE IN Tehran, Ir an BS: Utah State Un iversity, 1965 Major: Dairy Science Major Professor : D r. C . A. Ernstrom Thesis: Potentiometric Me asurement of Sodium Chloride in Cheese. SANG, HIH-MIN Hopei, China BS: Taiwan Pro vincial Chung Hsi ang University , 1959 Major: Nutrition and Biochemistry Major Professor : Dr. Ethelwyn B. Wilcox Thesis: Serum Lipid Comp osition of University Women During the Menstural Cycle. SCHIESS, DONALD JAY Log an, Utah BS: Utah State Uni vers ity, 1961 Major : Physical Education Major Professor : Dr . H. B. Hunsaker Pl an B Report.
MASTER OF SCIENCE (Continued) SEAMONS, LANA PETERSON American Fork, Utah BS : Ut ah State University, 1964 Major : Special Education (Emotionally Disturbed Children) Ma jor Profe sso r: Dr. Phyllis R. Publicover Th esis: Effect of Planned Art Lessons Upon the Use of Free Time by Children Having Emotional Disturb ances . SEELEY, SCHUYLER DRANNAN Huntington , Utah BS : Brigham Young University , 1964 Major : Horticulture Major Professor : Dr. David R. Walker Thesis : Morphological Development in Relation Cold Hardiness of Dormant Peach Fruit Buds.
SMITH , ROBERT RUSSELL Wend ell, Idaho BS : Utah State University, 1953 M a jor : Animal Nutrition Major Professor : Dr. Joseph C . Street Thesis: Evaluation of Carbohydrates in the Diets of Rainbo w Trout.
SHAH, HIMANSHU CHINUBHAI Ahm edabed, Indi a BS: Gujarat Universit y, 1965 Ma jor: Electrical Engineering Maj or Prof essor: Dr . Alan W . Shaw Th esis: Unijunction Transistor Basic Theory and Hybrid Timing Circuits. SHERMAN, WILBUR N. Pom erene, Arizona BS: Utah State Univ ersity, 1965 M ajor: Agricultur e Economics M ajor Prof essor: Dr. Roice H. Anderson Thesis: An Evaluation of Pricing Practices and Mar keting Margins on the Egg Industry in Utah . SHINN , WILLIAM TSAU -JEN Ta ipei, Taiwan BS: Tatung Institut e of Technology, 1963 Ma jor : Electrical Engineering Major Prof esso r : Dr. Du ane G . Ch adwick Thesis: Measurement of Humidity Using the Dielectric Effect of Moisture in Air . SHIPLEY, WILLIS EDWARD Glenwood, Albert a, Canada BS : Utah State University, 1965 Major : Agricultural Education Major Professor : Dr. Stanley S. Richardson The sis : A Feasibility Study of Vocational Agriculture on the Secondary School Level in the Cardston School System. SiDHU, SUBJIT SINGH P an jab, India BS : Punjab University , 1952 M ajor: Agricultur al Economics Major Professor: Dr. Lynn H. D av is Thesis: Considerations Influencing Utah Farmer s in Their Decisions to Produce Sugar Beets. SMEDLEY , WESTON B. Syracuse , Utah BS: Ut ah State University , 1965 Major: Civ il Engineering Major Professor : Dr. Winfred 0 . Carter Thesis : The Structural Analysis of Three-Dimensional. Orthogonally Intersecting, Pin-Conn ected truss System s by the Displacement Method . SMITH , DAVID MARVIN Los Angeles, California BS : San Fernando Valley State, 1965 Major : Physical Educ a tion Majo r Profes sor : Dr. Lincoln McClellan Th esis: An Evaluation of Spotting Techniques Selected Gymnastic Stunts.
SMITH , MARILYN H. Overton, Nevada BS : Brigham Young University , 1951 Major: Business Education M ajo r Profesor: Prof . Helen Lundstrom Thesis: Review and Synthesis of Literature Related to the Cooperative Office Work Experienc e Program .
SMITH , RODN E Y G . Id aho Falls , Id aho BS: Utah St ate University , 1960 M a jor: Physical Education Major Prof essor : Dr. Dale 0. Nelson Thesis: The Effect of Using Excess Weight in Warmup on the Forehand and Backh and Strokes in Tennis . SORENSEN , LLOYD LEE Malad , Idaho BS: Utah St ate University , 1951 Major: Agricultur al Education Major Prof essor: Dr. Stanley Rich ardso n Thesis: Occup ationa l Status of Voc atio nal Agriculture High School Graduates in Id aho, 1956-65. SOUTHWICK, JAY WANLESS Hyd e Park , Utah BS: Ut ah State Universit y, 1965 M ajor : Entomology Major Prof essor: Dr. Donald W. Davis Thesis: Behav ior P a tterns of the Alfalfa Weevil Cache V alley.
SQUIRES , RICHARD EL WIN El CaJon , C aliforni a BS: Utah State Univ ersity, 1964 Major: Political Science Major Profes sor: Dr . Wendell B. Anderson Thesis Director : Dr . Milton C. Ab rams Thesis: The Uniform Code of Military Justice From the Revolutionary War to the Present. STEITIEH, AKRAM M. Amman, Jorda n BS : Americ an Universit y of Beirut , 1957 M ajor: Aqriculture Economics Major Profe ssor : Dr. Earnest M. Morrison Thesis: Analysis of the Activities of the Agricultural. Credit Corporation in Jordan . STEPHENS, NORA B. THURGOOD Sunset, Ut ah BS : Utah State University , 1953 Major: Special Education Ma jor Prof essor: Dr. Kaye D. Owen s Thesis: An Evaluation of Structured Programs the Improv ement of the Motor Performance Educable Mentally Ret arded Children.
for of
STEVENS, HELEN Vernal, Ut ah BS : Universit y of Utah, 1959 Major: Audiology Major Prof essor: Dr. Richard D . Taylor Thesis: An Analysis of the Diagnostic and Follow -up Phases of the 1965-66 Logan C ity He aring Con servation Program.
MASTER OF SCIENCE (Continued) STEW ART , CAL VIN B. Salt Lake City, Utah BS: University of Ut ah , 1967 Major: Industrial and Technical Education M ajor Professor : Dr. William E. Mortimer Thesis: Related Instructi on for Electronic Technicians in a Two- Year Progr am.
THAMMONGKOL, SUCHARTI Bang kok , Thail and BS: Thammasat University, 1961 Major: Political Science Major Professor: Dr. Phillip S. Spoerry Thesis: The Functions and Executive Power of Governor in Thailand.
:SUMBOT, ROBERT A. Midvale, Utah BS: Utah State University , 1963 Major: History Ma jor Profesor: Dr . Stanford 0. Cazier Theses: THE UTAH FLEET . A Histor y of ships in the U. S. Navy that Bore Names of Locations and P erso nalities from Utah.
THARAKASEM, DAMRI Bangkok , Thailand BS : Thammasat Uni versity, 1956 Major: Political Science Major Professor: Dr . Phillip S. Spoerry Thesis: Local Government in Thailand.
'SUMMERS, CHARLES GEDDES Clinton, Utah BS: Utah State University, 1964 Major: Entomology Major Professor: Dr. B. Austin Haws Thesis: Susceptibility of Selected Alfalfa Clones to Lygus bugs in R elationship to Seed Production . .SUN, ASHLEY YUN-JYE Taiwan, China BS: Cheng-Kung University, 1960 Major: Structural Engineering Major Profesor: Dr. Carry K. K. M ak Thesis: The Experimenta l Anal ysis of Buckling Behavior of Cylinderical Shell. S UN , CHAN -YU Taiwan, China BS : Cheng -Kung University, 1957 Major: Mechanic al Engineering Major Profe ssor : Dr. Reynold K. Watkins Thesis : Structural Performance of Buried Circular Conduit.
TANAKA, TERUO DAVID Osaka, Japan BS: Brigh am Young University, 1964 Major: Electrical Engineering Major Professor: Dr . Willis Finchum Thesis: Negative C apacitance Biolectric Amplifier. TA RA, NUGGEHALLI NARAYAN Poona, India BS: Poona Uni versi ty , 1964 Major: Nutrition an d Biochemistry Major Professor: Dr. Ethelwyn B. Wilcox Thesis Director: Dr. Ephraim Smith Thesis: Lipid Composition of Human Red Blood Cells and White Blood Cell -Platelets with and without Administration of Nicotine Acid.
THATCHER, LINDA R. Cardston , Alberta, Canada BS: Utah State University, I 966 Major: Audiology, Speech Pathology Major Professor: Dr . Jay R. Jensen Thesis: Differential Sound Learning Ability of Children with Good and Poor Articulation . THE PALAGLEKHA. KITLA Bangkok, Th ailand BS: Kasetsart Uni versi ty, 1961 Major: Irrigation Science Major Professor: Dr . Joel Fletcher Thesis: The Effects of Initial Soil Moisture and Soil Texture on Salt Leaching. THOMPSON, THERON LARRY Jerome, Idaho BS: Ut ah State University, 1965 Major: Physical Educat ion Major Professor: Dr . Dale 0 . Nelson Thesis: The Eff ects of Judo on Flexibility. TOGHRAIE, AHMAD Sheriz, Ir an BS: University of Pahv ali, 1963 Major: Political Science Major Professor: Dr . Phillip S. Spoerry Thesis: Land Tenure and Politics in Iran. TSENG, SHU-TEN Taiwan , China BS: National Taiwan University , 1957 Major: Pl ant Science Major Prof essor: Dr . Keith R . Allred Thesis Director: Dr . Gerald D. Griffin Thesis: An Ecological Study of Ditylechus (Kuhn) Filip jer in a Field of Alfalfa .
dip saci
TSENG , WU-CHENG Taiwan, China BS: Taipei Institute of Technology, 1963 Major: Electrical Engineering Major Profesor : Dr. Bruce 0 . Watkins Thesis : Solution of Linear Differential Equations with Time-Varying Coefficients.
TAYLOR , LUCY CHRISTIANSEN Walnut Creek , California BS: University of California, 1962 Ma jor : Clothing and Textiles Major Professor: Dr. Norma H. Compton Thesis: Conformity in Dress and Selected Color Design, Texture and Personality Va riables.
TSOU, JENN -MAW Tai wa n, China BS : Taipei Institute of Technology, 1958 Major: Electrical Engineering Major Professor : Dr. Alan W. Shaw Plan B Report.
THALHEIMER. JOEL FRANCIS Phoenix , Arizona BS : Northern Arizona University, 1965 Major: Forest Recreation Major Professor: Dr . Alan J. Wagar Thesis : A Test of Rotated Use, Watering ad Seeding for Maintaining Vegetation Under Simulated Recreational Use .
TUFT, JOHN CARL Monroe, Utah BS: Utah State University , 1952 Major: Guidance and Counseling Major Professor : Dr . Arden Frandsen Thesis: An Experiment to Determine if Teacher Preparation in a Small High School Can Be Reduced By Alternate Class Scheduling.
MASTER OF SCIENCE (Continued) TZE. MOON-PIN Kaifang, China BS: National Ta iwan University, 1965 Major : Electrical Engineering Major Profes sor: Dr . Bruce Watkins Thesis: New Methods of Evaluating Transient sponse.
VAUGHAN, ANNA MARIE H. Lo gan, Utah BS : Utah State University, 1963 Major: History Major Professor: Dr . Douglas Alder Pl an B R eport . WACH , PHILLIP HANBY Hood River , Oregon BS: Uni versity of Oregon , 1965 Major: Geology Major Profesor: Dr . Clyde T. Hardy Thesis : Geology of the West-Central M alad Range. WAGSTAFF, TAMES BURKE Poc atello, Idah o BS : Idaho St ate University, 1958 M ajor: Ph ysi cal Education M a jor Professor: Dr . Dale 0 . Nelson Thesis: Effects of Selected Isometric Programs on Endurance.
WAITE, SHELDON B. Hyde Park, Utah BS: Ut ah St ate University, 1965 Major: Plant P athology Major Professor: Dr. Orson S. Cannon Thesis : Studies of Peronospora frifoliorum cause 0£ Downy Mildew of Alfalfa.
of the
WALLER, GORDON DAVID Galesvville , Wisconsin BS : Wisconsin State University, 1959 Major : Entomology Major P rofessor: D r. Donald W . Davis Thesis Director: Dr . George E . Boha rt Thesi s: Leaf Cutting as aa Factor in the Insecticide Susceptibility of the Alfalfa Leafcutter Bee (Megachile rotundata -Hymenoptera : Megachilidae) . WANG, GRACE YUAN -CHUEN Ta ipei, Taiwan , Chin a BS : Chung-Hsing University , 1958 Major: Applied Statistics Major Prof essor: Dr. Rex L. Hurst Thes is: Numerical Approximation to the Cumulative Chi-Square Distribution . WANG , LEEI -LUOH Taiw an, Chin a BS : National T aiwan University , 1958 Major: Civil Engineering Major Professor: Dr. Jay M. Bagley Th esis Director: Dr. A. Leon Huber Th esis: Applic at ion of Multivariate Analysis in Predicting the Water Yield for Watersheds in the State of Utah . WANG , MING-CHUNG Ch au-Chow, Taiwan BS: Kaohsiung Medic al College, 1961 Major : Toxicology Major Prof essor: Dr . Joseph C. Street Thesi s: Drug Effects on Dieldrin Storage in Rat Tissue . WATSON , JOHN ROWE Peori a, Illinois BS : DeP auw Universit y, 1963 Major : Zoology Major Professor : Dr. Keith L. Dixon Thesis: Various Aspects of Social Organization Caged Groups of House Sparrows.
WELCH, TONY JAMES Sunnyside, Utah BS : Utah State University, 1956 Major: Physical Education Major Professor: Dr.H. B. Huns aker Thesis: Th e History of Athlet ics At Eastern Utah.
WILDE, BRENDA ADELE Ogden , Utah BS: Utah State Uni versity, 1961 M a jor: Business Educati on Major Prof essor: Prof. Helen Lundstrom Thesis: A Suggested Integrat ed Cour se of Study for a Secretarial Studies Progr am at Bonneville High School. WILLIAMS, BRENT EUGENE Malad, Idaho BS : Idaho State University, 1958 Major: Ph ysical Education Major Professor: Dr. Dal e 0. Nelson Thesis: Effect of Selected Types of Music and Music Intensity on Basketball Foul Shooting. WILLIS. LEMUEL JOSIAH Kaysv ille, Utah BS : Utah Sta te U nivers ity, 1956 Majo r Professor: Prof. Flori s Ol sen Thesis: A Follow-up Study to Determine Wh at Principles of Bookkeeping and Accounting the 19591965 Gradu a tes of Davis High School are Using in Their Personal and Vocational Activities. WILSON , DAVID LEROY Midway, Ut ah BS: Ut a h St a te University, 1955 Major: Agriculture Economics M a jor Professor: Dr. Earnest Morrison Thesis Director: Dr. Clyde E. Stewart Thesis: Some Methodological Problems In Th e Economic Appr aisa l of Increments of Irrigation Water . WILSON, JOHN WILLARD, JR. Parowan , Utah BS: LONG EACH STATE COLLEGE, 1961 Major: Psychology Major Professor : Dr. D. R. Stone Thesis: The Relationship Between Perceptual Discrim ination and Reading Ability of High School Students . WINN , PARLEY NYMAN Smithfield, Ut ah BS: Utah State University , 1967 Major: Busin ess Education Major P rofesor: Dr. Ted D . Stoddard Thesis: A Synthesis of Literature Pertaining to Measurement in Bookk eeping from 1940 to 1966. WONGBHAN, SU -FENG Taiwan, China BS: National Taiwan University, 1961 M ajor: Applied Statistics Major Prof essor: Dr . David White Thesis Director: Dr. Rex L. Hurst Thesis: Independence Tests in Contingency WOOD . MEL VIN HAROLD Ogden, Utah BS: Utah Sta te University , Major: Physical Education Major Professor : Dr. H. B. Thesis Director : Dr. Eldon Thesis: Vocational Guidace tion.
Hunsaker Drake - Its Growth and Func-
WORTHINGTON, J. KARL Payson, Utah BS: Utah State University, 1964 Major: Business Education Major Prof essor: Prof. Helen Lundstrom Plan B Report
SING-CHOU Taipei, Taiwan , China BS: National Taiwan University, 1959 Major : Applied Statistitcs Major Professor : Dr. David White Thesis: Bayesian Inference.
YANG. HUAN-TONG Taiwan, China BS : Taiwan Provinci al Cheng-Kong University , 1954 M a jor : Electrical Enqineerinq M a jor Professor : Dr. Bruc e 0 . Watkins Thesis: Restrictions on the Laplace Transformation.
YANCEY, MARVIN R. Blackfoot. Idaho BS: Utah State University, 1965 Major : Electrical Enqineerinq Major Professor : Dr. William L . Jones Thesis: Simplified Equivalent Circuits for the Metal Oxide -Semiconductor Field -E ffect Tr ansistor. YANCEY, MERLIN E. Blackfoot, Idaho BS : Utah State University, 1965 Major: Electrical Enqineerinq Major Professor: Dr. Alan W. Shaw Thesis: Backscatter Coefficient of Rouqh
YANG , MING-SHYONG Taiwan, China BS : National Taiw an University, 1962 Ma1or : Soil Ph ysics Major Prof e or: Or. Sterlinq A. T ay lor Thesis : Simult a neous Movement of W ater and Herbi cide in Unsaturated Soils. YEH , MARY SHUE-CHEE Canton , Ch ina BS : Pro vincial Cheng-Kung Uni versity, 1964 M aj or : Accountinq Major Prof essor: Dr. Judith C. Bills The sis: Amortiz a tion vs. Non-Amortiz a tion of Good -
MASTER OF EDUCATION ALLRED, GLEN ERVIN Vernal, Utah BS : Brigham Young University, 1949 Major Professor: Dr. Homer M. Johnson
CONDIE , ANGUS R. Preston , Idaho BS : Utah State University, 1954 Major Professor : Dr. Homer John son
BARLOW, KIMBER KUNZ Delta, Utah BS: Utah State University, 1950 Major Professor: Dr. L. G. Noble
DARRINGTON, G. LESLIE Brigh am City, Utah BS: Ut ah St ate University, 1954 Major Professor : Dr. Eldon Drake
BATES, JAMES DEXTER Pocatello, Idaho BS : University of Nevada, Major Professor : Dr. Oral
DORIGATTI. JAMES LEE Hyrum, Utah BS : Utah State University , 1962 Major Professor : Dr. John D. Haas
L. Ballam
BA TES, MARY CHRISTIANS Roy , Utah BS: Northwestern University, 1940 Major Professor: Dr. Wayne Wright
ELLERTSON, E. KENT Tabiona , Utah BS: Utah State University, 1949 Major Professor : Dr. Terrance Hatch
BINANDO, JENNIE Salt Lake City, Utah BS : Utah State University, 1965 Major Professor: Dr. Gail Johnson
FORSYTH, CLAUDIA JOSEPH Cedar City, Utah BS : Utah State University, 1955 Major Professor: Dr. Arthur Jackson
BROWN, LOA VIRGIL Oqden, Utah BS: Utah State University, 1950 Major Professor: Dr. Basil Hansen
FRIEDLI. ROBERT LEROY Roy, Utah BS : Utah State University , 1962 Major Professor : Dr. Homer M. Johnson
CAMPBELL, RICHARD LEE Missoula, Montana BS: Utah State University, 1965 Major Professor: Dr. Terrance Hatch
HART, CAMILLE B. Salt Lake City, Utah BS : University of Utah, 1963 Major Professor: Dr. Gail Johnson
CAMPBELL, THOMAS VERDELL Idaho Falls, Idaho Major Professor : Dr. Arthur D. Jackson
HAWKES, JAY P. Honeyville , Utah BS : Utah State University, 1952 Major Professor : Dr . Homer M. Johnson
CARTWRIGHT, DONNA BEESON Beaver, Utah BS : Colleqe of Southern Utah, 1961 Major Professor: Dr . Malcom Allred
HILL. GERALD LEVANGER Spanish Fork , Utah BS : Ut ah State University , 1966 Major Profe ssor: Dr. Malcom Allred
CLARKE, DONE. Ogden, Utah BS: Utah State University , 1959 Major Professor: Dr. Arthur D. Jackson
HOSKINS , ELLA NIELSEN Clover, Utah BS : Utah St ate University, 1958 Major Professor : Dr. Bryce E. Adkins
COLTRIN, IRA HUGH, JR. Burley, Idaho BS: Briqham Young University , 1951 Major Professor: Dr. Homer Johnson
JESSOP, SYLMAR WILLARD Lewiston, Utah BS : Utah St a te University, 1958 Major Professor : Dr. Terrance Hatch
MASTER OF EDUCATION (Continued) JOSEPHSON, BOYD OLEEN Garland, Utah BS : Brigham Young University , 1957 Major Professor : Dr . Robert Hammond
ROBERTS, ATHENE S. Milford , Utah BS : Utah State University, 1955 Major Professor : Dr . Arthur D . Jackson
KAP, ALLAN J. Ogden , Utah BS : Utah State University , 1961 Major Professor : Dr . Basil Hansen
SCHWERMER , PATRIQA J. Logan, Utah BS : Utah State University, 1965 Major Professor : Dr . Jean Pugmire
KIRBY , REX B. Ogden, Utah BS : Utah State University , 1954 Major Professor : Dr. Eldon Drake
SMITH, GLENN ALVIN Brigham City, Utah BS : Utah State University , 1957 Major Professor : Dr . Malcom Allred
KNIGHT, JEANNE Roosevelt, Utah BS : Brigham Young University, 1958 Major Professor : Dr . Gail Johnson KOSKIE, NAOMI HANLEY Dragerton , Utah BS : Brigham Young University, 1952 Major Professor : Dr . Kaye Don Owens LEISHMAN , GARY B. Wellsville , Utah BS: Utah State University, 1958 Major Professor : Dr . Oral L. Ballam LEWIS, RUTH ANN MITTON Logan, Utah BS : Utah State University , 1962 Major Profesor : Dr. Gail Johnson LONGORDO , ROBERT GEORGE Somerville, New Jersey BS : Utah State University, 1963 Major Professor : Dr. Basil Hansen LOW, MARY C . H. Ogden, Utah BS : Weber State College, 1965 Major Profesor : Dr. Devoe C. Rickert LYTHGOE , WILLIAM L. Ogden, Utah BS : University of Utah , 1961 Major Professor : Dr . Homer Johnson MARIANI , FLORINDO Ely, Nevada BS : Utah State University, 1958 Major Professor: Dr. Terrance Hatch MORRIS , BLAINE, JR. Logan, Utah BS : Utah State University, 1951 Major Professor : Dr . Eldon Drake NICKEL , GERALD THOMAS Blythe, California BS: University of Arizona, 1955 Major Professor : Dr. Frances J. Halstrom OST, FRANCES LOUISE Alberta, Canada BS : University of Colorado, 1953 Major Professor: Dr. Frances Halstrom PETERSON, L. EDWARD Ogden , Utah BS: University of Utah, 1961 Major Profesor : Dr. Basil Hansen PLOWGIAN, HELEN GRIX Ogden, Utah BS : Utah State University, 1944 Major Professor : Dr. Phyllis Publicover REEVES, JANIS RENEE Smoot, Wyoming BS: Utah State University, 1955 Major Professor: Dr. Pearl S. Budge
SORENSON , BLAINE L. Logan, Utah BS : Utah State University , 1965 Major Professor : Dr. John D. Haas STEITIEH , DALAL MALHAS Amman , Jordan BS : American University of Beirut, 1957 Major Professor : Dr. John D . Haas STEVENS , RUTH WARNER Fillmore , Utah BS: University of Utah, 1960 Major Professor : Dr. Oral L. Ballam TAYLOR. LAURA EVANS Logan, Utah BS : Utah State University, 1939 Major Professor : Dr. Evelyn Wiggins TOLLEY , IRA ALVIS Evanston, Wyoming BS : Utah State University, 1962 Major Professor : Dr . Kay Owens WADDOUPS , COLEN H . Brigham City, Utah BS: Utah State University , 1955 Major Professor : Dr. Basil Hansen WALL, B. THOMAS New York , New York BS : University of Utah, 1967 Major: Special Education Major Professor : Dr. Kaye Owens WARD, JOHN R. Mosier, Oregon BS : University of Vermont, 1950 Major Professor : Dr. Malcom Allred WILCOCK , JACK ACTON Logan, Utah BS : Utah State University, 1959 Major Professor : Dr. Thurman White WILLIAMS, MARY EV ANS Malad, Idaho BS: Utah State University, 1963 Major Professor : Dr. Malcom Allred WINWARD, EMER KOYLE Burley, Idaho BS : Brigham Young University, 1960 Major Professor: Dr. Oral L. Ballam WRIGHT, EDGAR LEON Rigby, Idaho BS : Ricks College, 1951 Major Professor: Dr. Oral L. Ballam YOUNG, DELWORTH KEITH Salt Lake City, Utah BS: Utah State University, 1958 Major Professor : Dr. Kenneth C. Farrer
MASTER OF FINE ARTS DERU . CRESCENT BURGI Ogden, Utah Major: Visual Arts Major Professor : Dr . Larry Elsner Thesis: Experiments for Stoneware Glazes and Clay Bodies with Native Clays and Empirical Formulas .
FLETCHER. ROBERT WALDRON Ogden, Utah BS : Utah State University , 1959 Major: Visual Arts Major Professor: Prof . Gael! Lindstrom Thesis : Sculptured Frieije in Fired Brick and Stone ware Pottery.
MASTER OF ARTS ANDERSON , MERLIN DAWSON Carson City, Nevada BS : Utah State University , 1961 Major : Secondary Education Major Professor : Dr. Eldon Drake Thesis : Teaching a Foreign Language in the Small Elementary School by Non-Specialized Personnel Using Audio-Lingual-Visual Materials .
HEALY , MARILYN Logan , Utah BS : Utah State Major: English Major Professor : Thesi s: Saliger 's
BADGER, MERLIN LEROY South Weber, Utah BS : Weber State College , 1965 Major : English Major Professor : Dr. Delb ert Wylde r Plan B Report.
HOBRACK, PHYLLIS MOORE Logan, Utah BS : Kansas State Teachers College, 1960 Major : Engl ish Major Professor : Dr . John S. Bullen Th esis: E vidence of Tho mas Hardy 's Deep ening Pes simism In the Marri age Theme of His Novels.
BOWMAN. ANTHONY WILL Salt Lake City , Utah BS : Utah State University , 1964 Major: History Major Professor : Dr. Lucile Pratt Thesis Director: Dr . S. George Ellsworth Thesis: From Silver to Skis : A History of Alta , Utah and Little Cottonwood Canyon , 1847-1966. BRITTAIN, LINDA CRANE Montpelier, Idaho BS: Utah State University , Major: English Major Professor : Dr. Hubert Smith Thesis: Philip Freneau 's Speculation Death .
Life and
CRANNEY, MARLENE VERNON Salt Lake City , Utah BS: University of Utah, 1963 Major : English Major Professor : Dr. T. Y . Booth Thesis : Jean Giraudoux's Theater of Divination. DEBLOOIS, MICHAEL LYNN BS: Utah State University, 1965 Major : History Major Professor: Dr. Douglas D . Alder Thesis: Anton A. Mussent, A Study of National Socialism in the Netherlands, 1931-1945. ENSIGN. KAY BATEMAN Logan, Utah BS : University of Utah, 1959 Major: English Major Professor : Dr. J. S. Bullen Plan B Report.
JANE University,
Prof. Moyle Q. Rice Angle of Vision .
KEETCH, BRENT Logan , Utah BS : Utah State Uni versity , 1966 Ma jor : English Major Professor: Prof . Moyle Q. Rice Thesis : F . Scott Fitzgerald 's The Great Gatsby and the Great American Dream . KOTTER, RICHARD E. Ogden , Utah . BS: Utah State University, 1963 Major : History Thesis : An Examination of Mormon and Non-Mormon Influences in Ogden City Polititcs , 1847-1896. LANGE, CARL B. A . III San Bernadina , California BS: Utah State University , 1965 Major: History Major Professor: Dr. E . Blythe Ahlstrom Plan B Report. LEE. MARVIN RONALD Renville, Minnesota BS : Luther College, 1962 Major : English Major Professor: Dr. Don M. Ricks Plan B Report.
FREDIN, ROBERT WILLIAM Salem, Oregon BS: Utah State University, 1965 Major: English Major Professor: Dr. Carlton Culmsee Thesis: Polarity and Conflict: A Study Ethical Theory in Selected Novels of Frank Norris.
LEISHMAN. ANITA B. Wellsville, Utah BS: Utah State University , 1963 Major: English Literature Major Professor : Dr. C. F . Culmsee Thesis : John Steinbeck : Evolution of a Writer.
GRAFF , JOANN LAW San Jose, Costa Rica BS : Utah State University , 1965 Major : English Major Professor : Prof . Moyle Q . Rice Thesis : A Translation and Critical Commentary on Selected Short Stories By Carlos Salazar Herrera.
LIAO, KUANG-SHENG Taiwan , China BS : National Taiwan University , 1963 Major : Political Science Major Professor : Dr . Phillip S. Spoerry Thesis : Party Membership Recruitment Chinese Communist Party.
MASTER OF ARTS (Continued) OSTERHOUDT , PETER GERARD Durango, Colorado BS : Colorado State University , 1960 Major : English Major Professor : Dr . Lynn Mortensen Plan B. Report. PERRIN, KW AN SOK · Logan , Utah BS: Utah State University , 1965 Major : Political Science Major Professor : Dr . Philip S. Spoerry Thesis : South Korea's Military Government , 19611963. POND , DIANE BURGOYNE Salt Lake City , Utah BS : Utah State University, 1966 Major : American Studies Major Professor : Dr. Hubert W. Smith Plan B Report. RAO , RAMA RAGHAVENDRA Mysore, India BS : Uiversity of Mysore Major : English Major Professor : Dr . John M. Patrick Plan B Report. REESE , BETTE RAE Logan, Utah BS: Utah State University, 1956 Major : English Major : Prof. Veneta Nielsen Thesis : Dylan Thomas : A Discussion of Macabre. ROOSTA , ABRAHIM Tehran, Iran BS : Utah State University, 1958 Major : Political Science Major Professor : Dr. Wendell B. Anderson Thesis : Selected Economic, Political and Social Aspects of Population Problem in The World. SASS , JUERGEN Ogden, Utah BS: Utah State University, 1960 Major : Music Major Professor: Dr. A. L. Dittmer Plan B Report.
SCHWERMER. JUERGEN H. Logan, Utah BS : Utah State University, Major : Sociology Major Professor : Dr . There! R. Black Thesis : A Comparative Analysis and Evaluation of Three Methods of Making Post and Intercensal Population Estimates. SIMMONDS , ANDREW JEFFREY Trenton, Utah BS : Utah State University, 1965 Major : History Major Professor : Dr . S. George Ellsworth Thesis Director : Dr. Douglas Alder Thesis : A History of Comish , Trenton, Newton and Amalga, Utah
SYMES , DAL S. Pinedale, Wyoming BS : Utah State University, 1963 Major: English Major Professor: Dr. John S. Bullen Plan B Report. WATT. RONALD GEORGE Price , Utah BS : Utah State University, 1963 Major : Histoy Major Professor : Prof. C. Blythe Ahlstrom Thesis : National Youth Work Relief Proqrams , 1933 to 1966. WILDE , GLENN RICHARD Coalville, Utah BS : Weber State College , 1965 Major : American Studies Major Professor : Dr. Hubert Smith Thesis : The Dichotomy of Phillip Freneau. WOODRUFF , RICHARD GEORGE Salt Lake City , Utah BS: University of Utah , 1965 Major : History Major Professor : Dr. Stanford Cazier Plan B Report.
MASTER OF INDUSTRIAL EDUCATION BENSON. KEITH D. Salt Lake Sity, Utah BS : Utah State University, 1957 Major Professor : Dr. Austin Loveless
MORRIS, LEE J. Heber City, Utah BS : Utah State University, 1962 Major Professor: Dr. William E. Mortimer
BRYSON, MELVIN RAY Bountiful, Utah BS : Utah State University, 1962 Major Professor: Dr. Carl Bartel
ROGERS, WILLIAM HENRY Logan, Utah BS: Utah State University, 1960 Major Professor: Dr . Owen Slaugh
BURTON, GEORGE ROBERT Idaho Falls, Idaho BS: Utah State University, 1964 Major Professor : Dr. William E . Mortimer
VANCE, SHERRILL DEAN Fairfield, Montana BS : Ricks College, 1955 Major Professor: Dr . Carl Bartel
HANCOCK, DENNIS HOWARD Ogden , Utah BS : Utah State University, 1965 Major Professor : Dr. Austin Loveless
WHIT AKER. MAX JUNIOR Nampa, Idaho BS : Utah State University, 1949 Major Professor : Dr. William E. Mortimer
MASTER OF BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION ANDRADE. DAL TON MELO DE Natal. Rio,G. Do Norte BS: Universidade De Alagoas , 1954 Major : Marketing Major Professor: Prof. Ray James Plan B Report. BARKER. DUANE A. Taylorsville, Utah BS : University of Utah, 1962 Major: Business Administration Major Professor: Dr . Norman Cannon Thesis: Selecting the Appropriate Business Organization: A Cost Comparison.
BLACKHAM, JOHN LAMONT Moroni, Utah BS : Brigham Young University, 1965 Major: Finance Major Professor : Dr . L. Mark Neuberger Thesis: Investment Companies -- Their Growth and Effect Upon the American Economy. BOWCUTT , GERALD EARL Garland , Utah BS : Utah State University, 1967 Major: Business Administration Major Professor: Dr. Scott Durdan Thesis: A Study of Programming Models in Allocat ing Floor Space and Funds to Inventory in Food Stores. BOWMAN. ROY ROSS Brigham City, Utah MS : Utah State University , 1957 Major Professor : Dr . Scott Durdan Thesis : An Analysis of Project Management Missile/Space Industry.
in the
CHAI, MOI-HIONG Malacca, Malaysia BS : Nanyang University , 1966 Major Professor: Prof. Howard M. Carlisle Thesis : The Future Prospects of Rubber Industry in the States of Malaya . COX, JAMES WALTER Pocatello, Idaho BS : University of Washington , 1959 Major Professor : Prof . Howard M. Carlisle Thesis: A Proposed Method For Ascertaining Airplane Needs of a Company.
JAGGI. GARY WALTER Brigham City, Utah BS: Utah State University, 1966 Major : Production Management Major Professor : Dr. Scott Durdan Thes is: Evaluation of a Sample of Stocks in Four Volatile Industries During a Complete Cycle of the Stock Market. KIRE , NEELKANTHA MANOHAR Poona City, India BS: University of Poona, 1958 Major Professor : Dr. V. L. Israelsen Thesis: Use of Consumer Credit by Members of Utah State University Staff. LEE, CHING, JIN Selangor, Malaysia BS: Nanyang University, 1963 Major Professor: Dr. Glen F. Marston Thesis : A Study of Trade Unionism in the States of Peninsula Malaysia Since World War II . LITCHFIELD, RULON Alberta , Canada BS: Briqham Young University, 1955 Major Professor : Dr. Glenn Marston Thesis: A Study of Factors that Affect the Demand for Migrant Seasonal Agricultur al Workers in Utah. MARCHANT, DUANE HARDING Kamas, Utah BS : Brigham Young University ,1965 Major Professor : Dr . Glenn F. Marston Thesis : Appraisal of the Need for A Personnel Program to Effectively Substitute Migrant Labor with Local Labor in Utah's Agriculture Industry. OLSEN, GILBERT THATCHER Logan, Utah BS : Utah State University , 1950 Major Professor : Prof . Howard M . Carlisle Thesis : A Study of Financing Utah State University . PROKSCH, LYLE EDGAR Stoddard , Wisconsin BS : Wisconsin State University, 1967 Major: Technical Agriculture Major Professor : Dr. Scott Durdan Thesis : Farm Equipment Investment Analysis.
DRAPER, VERNON THOMAS Brigham City , Utah BS: Brigham Younq University, 1959 Major Professor : Dr. Reed Durtschi Thesis : Planning and Controlling Production Direct Labor Expenditures in a Solid Rocket Motor Manufacturing Plant .
SQUIRES , MEL VIN RONALD Logan, Utah BS : Utah State University, 1965 Major Professor : Prof . Ray James Thesis : An Evaluative Study of the Inequities Now Present in the Laws of the State of Utah Regarding Tax Assessment Procedures For the Taxing of All Improved Residential Real Property.
HAMBLEN, HAROLD EDWARD Brigham City, Utah BS : University of Colorado, 1954 Major : Business Admiistration Major Professor: Prof. Howard M. Carlisle Thesis : An Evaluation of Direct Labor Techniques for Major Weapon System Development Programs and a Recommended Approach to a More Effective System.
TRIBETT, REES CARVER Wheeling, West Virginia BS : Utah State University, 1965 Major: Marketinq Major Professor: Prof. Ray James Thesis : An Analysis of Business Administration Graduates from Utah State University , 1956-1965.
HORGESHEIMER, JERRY DEAN Lansinq, Illinois BS : Utah State University, 1964 Maior Professor : Prof. Howard M . Carlisle Thesis : The Advantages and Disadvantages of Lease Financing in the Forest Products Industry .
WARD, DOUGLAS IRA Riverside, Utah BS: Utah State University, 1966 Major: Finance Major Professor: Dr. Scott Durdan Thesis : Development of Local Loading Indicators for Housing in Tremonton, Utah.
MASTER OF MUSIC ERICKSEN , WILLIAM MCLOYD Ephraim , Utah BS: Brigham Young University , 1941 Major : Music Major Professor: Dr. Max Dalby Recital
MILLER, BARBARA J. Ames , Iowa BS : Utah State University , 1966 Major Professor : Dr. Richard G. Strawn Recital
GARDNER, NAUNIE BARRUS Logan , Utah BS : Utah State University, 1964 Major Professor: Dr. Max Dalby Recital
SKINNER. LYNN JOE Rexburg , Idaho BS : Utah State University , 1962 Major Professor: Dr. Max Dalby Recital
LINDSAY, VALORUS D. Evanston , Wyoming BS : University of Wyoming , 1964 Major Professor: Dr. Max Dalby Recital
TIPPETS, NEIL J. Afton , Wyoming BS : Utah Sta te University , 1949 Major Professor : Dr . Alvin Wardle Recital
SPECIALIST IN EDUCATION KARLIN, RAYMOND Meeteetse, Wyoming BS: Minot Teachers College, 1952 Major : Educational Administration Major Professor : Dr . Homer Johnson
BOARD The Board of Trustees the Governor
is composed of twelve citizens of the State appointed by
for a term of four years, and
of State and the President
two ex-officio
of the Utah State University
the Secretary
Alumni Association.
Alma Sonne , Chairman ....... .............................. ...... ..... .............................................. Phillip A. Bullen, Vice Chairman
Salt Lake City
Henry R. Hurren ........................................................................................................
Norman D. Salisbury ........ .................................... ........... ............. ....................... ....... Logan E. 0.
Larson .................... ...................... ....................... ........... ............ ........ Salt Lake City
Lucile 0.
Alva C. Snow ........................... .............................................................................
Orpha S. Boyden ......................................... ...................... .......... ......... ........ Salt Lake City Roger Hansen ......... ........................................ ....... ................ ................. ....... Mt. ..............................................................................................
Prestwich ............................................... . ... ............ .....................................
Cedar City
J. S.
J. Maughan
Beverly D. Kumpfer ........ ........... .......................... ............................... ...... .. Salt Lake City Clyde L. Miller, Secretary of State (ex-officio) Conley Watts,
Alumni Association
.................................... (ex-officio)
Salt Lake City
L. Mark Neuberger Secretary to the Board of Trustees Logan
R. Allred
R. Sherratt,
COMMITTEE General Chairman
Burrell Hansen
Merrill Shaw
Asa Beecher
Helen Lundstrom
Owen Slaugh
John Chipman
Devere. Miner
Carl Frischknecht
Edwin L. Peterson
J. Stewart
Taylor Williams
Alma Mater Hymn Across the quad at eventide the shadows softly fall, The tower of Old Main appears and peace rests over all. The lighted "A" upon the hill stands out against the blue; Oh, Alma Mater, Utah State, my heart sings out to you. And through the years as time rolls on and student friendships grow, We'll ne'er forget the joys we had, those days we used to know, Thy mem'ries ever will be new, _thy friends be ever true, Oh, Alma Mater, Utah State, my heart sings out to you. Composed by Theodore M. Burton