Utah State University 117th
COMMENCEMENT May 4 and 5,2007
The mission of Utah State Universityis to be one of the nation's premier student-centered space- and land-grant universities by fostering the principle that academics come first , by cultivating diversity of thought and culture, and by serving the public through learning, discovery, and engagement.
Information Technology will be producing a DVD of the 2007 Commencement Ceremony for $12.00, including shipping/handling (cash or checks only). Call 435-797-9506 to purchase. Please allow 2-3 weeks for delivery. An archive of today's commencement ceremony will be available online at vvww.usu.edu/provost/commencement 2
Friday, May 4, 2007
GRADUATE COMMENCEMENT AND HOODING CEREMONY 12:30 p.m., assembly of candidates, Nelson Field House 1:00 p.m., academic procession from Nelson Field House to Dee Glen Smith Spectrum 1:30 p.m., ceremony begins, Dee Glen Smith Spectrum Saturday, May 5, 2007
8:30 a.m., Undergraduate
ACADEMIC ASSEMBLY Students and Faculty will assemble on the University Quad
ACADEMIC PROCESSION 9:00 a.m., Taggart Student Center and University Quad to Dee Glen Smith Spectrum UNDERGRADUATE COMMENCEMENT CEREMONY 9:30 a.m., Dee Glen Smith Spectrum COLLEGE CEREMONIES 12:00 noon College of Agriculture - Kent Concert Hall, Chase Fine Arts Center College of Education and Human Services - Dee Glen Smith Spectrum College of Natural Resources - Morgan Theatre, Chase Fine Arts Center College of Science - Evan N. Stevenson Ballroom, Taggart Student Center 2:00 p.m. College of Engineering - Kent Concert Hall, Chase Fine Arts Center College of Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences - Dee Glen Smith Spectrum 4:00 p.m. College of Business - Dee Glen Smith Spectrum
ALUMNI GRADUATION PICNIC 11:30 a.m.-2:30 p.m., University HPER Field (tickets required)
Friday,May 4, 2007 Dee Glen Smith Spectrum 1:00p.m. ACADEMIC PROCESSION Nelson Field House to Dee Glen Smith Spectrum 1:30p.m. PROCESSIONAL "Symphony for Brass" IV Allegro, Victor Ewald The Caine Brass Quintet Matthew Fifield, Sherrie Lynn Clarke, Nathan Ward, Katie Paiser, Bridger Burt PRESENTATION OF COLORS Air Force and Army ROTC NATIONAL ANTHEM "The Star Spangl ed Banner," Francis Scott Key The Caine Brass Quintet WELCOME AND INTRODUCTION OF GUESTS Byron R. Burnham, Dean, School of Graduate Studies ADDRESS AND UNIVERSITY OUTSTANDING GRADUATE MENTOR AWARD Stan L. Albrecht , President HOODING Master's Candidates by Graduate Council Members Doctoral Candidates by College Dean and Major Professor PRESENTATION OF DIPLOMAS Stan L. Albrecht, President and Raymond T. Coward, Provost CONFERRING OF DEGREES Stan L. Albrecht, President CLOSING REMARKS Byron R. Burnham, Dean RECESSIONAL "Don't Get Around Much Anymore" Duke Ellington The Caine Brass Quintet
President Stan L. Albrecht, Conducting 9:00a.m.
ACADEMIC PROCESSION University Quad and Taggart Student Center to Dee Glenn Smith Spectrum 9:30 a.m.
PROCESSIONAL "The Crown of Chivalry," Perry Fletcher, University Wind Orchestra PRESENTATION OF COLORS Air Force and Army ROTC NATIONAL ANTHEM "Star Spangled Banner, " Francis Scott Key, University Wind Orchestra PRESIDENT'S GREETING President Stan L. Albrecht ADDRESS TO GRADUATES The Very Reverend Frederick Quinney Lawson RECOGNITION OF SPECIAL A WARDS Pr esident Stan L. Albrecht CONFERRING OF HONORARY DEGREES President Stan L. Albrecht Cece lia Harrison Foxley, citat ion read by Richard L. Shipley Young-Chui Hong, citation read by David P. Cook James D. Laub, citation read by Douglas S. Foxley Frederick Ouinney Lawson, citation read by Suzanne Pierce-Moore STUDENT SPEAKER Jared K. Bench, Valedictorian, College of Engineering CONFERRING OF DEGREES President Stan L. Albrecht CONCLUDING REMARKS President Stan L. Albrecht MUSICAL SELECTION "Alma Mater Hymn" Theodore M. Burton, University Wind Orchestra RECESSIONAL "Regal Procession," Clifton Williams, University Wind Orchestra Conductor, Dr. Thomas P. Rohrer, Director of Bands 5
UTAH STATE UNIVERSITY'S CEREMONIAL MACE The top of the mace depicts a flame
in a manner recalling its primitive
of crystal tinted with Aggie blue and
function. Even in the modern age, it
modeled after the "lamp of learning,"
is not unknown
the classical symbo l of knowledge
to be used in this way. For instance,
and freedom. lmbedded
during t he commencement
a brushed
within it is
copper disk emb lazoned
with the University's
for a university mace ceremonies
at Cornell in 1973, when a professor of medieval stud ies who was carrying
the university's
mace in a procession
The copper bezel below this crystal
was confronted
by protesters,
has 13 sunstones set into it. These
wielded his academic training and the
symbolize the 13 presidents who guided
mace in its original fash ion .
the institution through its first century. But university
maces today are,
The white oak shaft comes from wood
for the most part, treated as
that was originally part of the banisters
of Old Main and rescued from the
the institution's
building after the fire of 1983.
emblems symbo lizi ng author ity . Seen
most often at commencement
other so lemn occasions, they remind The base consists of limestone provided
by the Church of Jesus
Christ of Latter-day
Saints and taken
from the same quarry
that was used
those in attendance
of th e deep
in a student's
journey through
admonishes the
stud ies.
Like the word for the ceremo ny itself, "c ommencement,"
to build the Logan Temple. Thus, the mace represents
- whic h
its participants
that this is a celebration
essence of our land- grant institution:
of beginnings,
seated in the bedrock
mace turns the eye forward to the
of our
striving and growing
ever higher, crowned
by the light of
learn ing.
not end ing s -the
life to come by recalling the rich academic heritage of higher learning and the promise of attainment that comes through education
A Brief History of Maces
se lf-betterment.
Maces ha ve lon g been part of
comb in es e lements of both the old
and the new, traditional
though their
Our mace, thus, features
function was not ceremonial.
lik e gems and sto ne e nh a nce d with
Originally weapons of war, maces a re
modern designs such as arcs of
featured often in ancient Egyptian
faceted crysta l. Both an impressive
art where kings are shown ritually
work of art and a hallmark of the
smiting their foes. This orig in a l
function has not been entirely lost.
to light everyt hin g that is best about
Campus officials in the Middle Ages
Utah State University.
more than once kept students in lin e by employing their university's
hi story, this mace brings
The history of academic heraldry
an oblong sleeve, open at the wrist.
the co llege or university
reaches back into the ear ly days
The sleeve base hangs down in the
the degree, which at Utah State
of the university.
1321 required Licentiates,
A statute of
that a ll "Doctors,
and Bachelors"
of the
of Coimbra wear gowns.
In England,
in the fourteenth
manner. The rear part of
are navy blue and white,
its oblong shape is square cut, and the
front part has an arc cut away. The
doctoral hood consists of a larger and
in a heraldic chevron.
gown is so designed to be worn open
longer assemblage
of institutional
or closed. The gown for the doctors
color draped over the recipient's
cent ur y, the statutes of certain
degree has bell-shaped
colleges forbade "excess in appare l"
may be worn open or closed.
and prescribed
hoods is of ve lvet or velveteen, Colors For all academic
necessary for warmth
including trimmings
in the unheated
of doctoral
gowns, edging of hoods, and tassels
by medieval
scho lars. Hoods we,¡e used to cover
of caps, the co lo rs associated
with the
the head until later replaced by the
different academic disciplines
are as
skull cap and eventually
caps. Both Cambridge
by academic
and falling well down the
back. The binding or edging of the
the wearing of a long
gown, which may have been counted buildings
sleeves and
inches wide and five inches wide respectively. Caps Academic caps come in two
forms: the traditional
and Oxford
(from Oxford),
uni versity control to the inclusion of
Business, Drab
beret (the Cambridge
even its minor details; and in Laudian
the authorized
soft cap that resembles an oversized
and Human
Services, Light Blue
design "even
by a nail's breadth"
was punished
the vice-chancellor
of the University.
Arts, &
Science, Gold-Yellow
desired to adopt some
mod el). The
used by Utah State is worn with a tassel.
Black tassels designat e any degree;
When American colleges and suitable system of academic apparel,
co lor ed tassels designate
Social Sciences,
a square cap; and a
any tailor who
major field
of learning, and gold tassels indicate
doctors and governing
officials of
Studies, Black
School of Graduate
it seemed best to agree on a system
Academic Procession
The white ribbon with the Greek Key
there was held on May 16, 1895, at
on the robe of a graduate
at the Nelson Field House and
an inductee into Phi Kappa Phi, the
that all might follow. Accordingly, University,
a conference
for the masters and doctors deg1¡ee,
have made academic dress a matter of
days in Oxford,
the lin e of march proceeds to
of representatives
of the boards of
Nationa l Scholastic
various interested
wearing gray collars and a medallion
that meeting came a code of academic
are Mortar Board Senior Honor
color guard, University
dress for the co llege s and universities
Society members. A gold braided
Regents and the Board of Trustees,
of the United States, which most
cord draped over the cowl wi ll
special guests; (2) the faculty; and
of higher learning have
Society. Those
a graduate
of Honors.
Hoods Academic hoods are worn by
The academic gown for the
bachelors degree has pointed sleeves
recipients of advanced
degrees. The
procession entrance
The procession
of three divisions: (1)
(3) candidates
adopted. Gowns
the Spectrum.
officers, and for degrees. The
will stop at the tunnel to the Spectrum,
the first
master degree hoods are three-and-
two divisions dividing so that the
and is designed to be worn closed.
one-half feet in length and are lin ed
cand idates for graduation
The gown for the masters degree has
with the official color or colors of
between them and e nt er the hall first.
Congratulations, "students." honored
Note that I didn 't use the term
for the first time with many of you, I am
to address you as graduates.
Please keep in mind, however,
that I am not relieving
you so quickly of your duty as a student.
There is much still
to learn in this world, as you well know. There is much also to teach, and it is with great hope that I wish you well on your travels forward
as you bring what you've learned here out to
the world. These commencement affirmation
of human potential,
are, for me, an
an affirmation
of hope for
You sit in this building today, ready
to take flight, ready to soar to new heights. Well, I take flight with you. Utah State University accomplishments
takes flight with you as your
We hav e taught you the details of your chosen professions. You signed up for those classes (whether you wanted some of them or not!). But we hope we've also in tilled in you other ideals, some of them "educational." we've cultivated
I hope we've fanned the fires of caring, of giving, of taking responsibility. passion, adventure,
four years ago when you first trudged
I hope
You are a different person today than you were
up Old Main hill. And I will take a sure bet and say you are a
better person than you were those few short years ago. Graduation
is a time - for me and for all of us in the university
pride on what we have chosen to do with our own lives. You are that reflection, thank you for what you have given us, what you have given yourselves,
- to reflect with and today I say
and what I sense that you
will give to society. We will follow your progress
with great expectations,
keep in touch.
and we will not forget you. Please
and Honorary
The Very Reverend
Lawson, Dean of St. Mark's Cathedral
Salt Lake City, is a visionary community, religious and philanthropic
leader in both
Utah and the nation. He is an ordained priest in the Anglican Communion significant contributions
and has made
to his faith in Utah
and abroad. In addition, as an individual and in collaboration
with his family, he has
played a significant role in the success of arts and education programs throughout the state. Father Rick was instrumental in bringing the Cultural Olympiad
to Utah as
part of the 2002 Olympic Winter Games in Utah. He continues role in supporting
to play a significant
the community
roles and committees
in various
by serving some of the
state's leading cultural institutions, Ballet West, Utah Symphony,
Utah Opera
and the Utah Arts Festival. Internationally, time and philanthropy,
Father Rick is a strong supporter,
of the Seabase Project and other efforts to protect marine life. He serves
as a trustee for the S.J. and Jessie E. Quinney Foundation, the Janet
Q. Lawson Foundation
has played a remarkable This philanthropic
both in terms of
and the Frederick
role in supporting
the Emma Eccles Jones Foundation,
Q. Lawson Foundation.
the growth and development
In this position, he
of Utah State University.
support has touched many areas of campus, including the College of Education
and Human Services, the College of Natural Resources, the Eccles Science Learning Center, the Nora Eccles Harrison Performance
Museum of Art and the new Manon Caine Russell Kathryn
Hall. For a life of visionary community
University is proud to bestow upon The Very Reverend degree, Doctor of Divinity.
and philanthropy,
Caine Wanlass Utah State
Lawson the honorary
Cecelia Harrison professional
Foxley dedicated
life to education
both in Utah
and the nation. She served for more than 10 years as Commissioner
of the Utah System
of Higher Education
and Chief Executive
Officer of the State Board of Regents. to her appointment
as Commissioner,
served as the Deputy
the Associate Commissioner
and as
for Academic
Affairs for Utah. She received a bachelor's degree from Utah State University
and a
master's and a Ph.D. from the University Utah. Her institutional
faculty and administrative State University, the University continues Psychology of Utah. She has been recognized served as the President Higher Education key educational American
of the organization
of Minnesota.
higher education
her service to education
and is respected
business, civic, religious and government science, management,
has authored
or co-authored
proud to bestow upon Cecelia Harrison
and equal opportunity.
and equal opportunity.
She has
to serving people in the state of
in the United States, Utah State University
Foxley the honorary
on issues faced by the
journal articles on topics such as educational
human relations education
to higher education
leaders and
to a variety of education,
on many topics, including
received a number of special awards for her life-long dedication Utah. For her life of commitment
at the University
She has played an active role in many
for her excellent judgment
six books and numerous
in the Educational
Dr. Foxley has been a consultant organizations
and speaks for state leaders, the State
Officers national organization. community.
of Iowa and
Dr. Foxley
as one of the top state higher education that represents
positions at Utah
the University
as Regents Professor
degree, Doctor of Education.
Y oung-Chul
Hong is an outstanding
and industrial
leader in Korea who built and
manages a world-class
that competes in global markets in Korea, the United States, Malaysia, and affiliated companies
in Europe. He is
equally well known, however,
in both Korea
and among friends in the United States, as a man completely
to his community,
his family and his friends. After earning an MBA from Utah State University, returned
Mr. Hong
to Korea to work for KISWIRE,
company his father founded in 1945. When he assumed the leadership
role, he grew the
company from $100 million in sales in 1988 to a projected
total of $700 million in 2006.
In 1995, the Korean president
Mr. Hong the Gold-Tower Industrial Contribution Decoration, the highest honor given by the Korean government
for contributions
addition to his business leadership, is reflected in his engagement ongoing involvement USU programs
Mr. Hong's deep and enduring
with Pohang University
in Korea and his
He is widely admired and respected
for his kind and respectful
career in business and industry,
Chui Hong the honorary
He has
Korean students and USU programs,
USU faculty and faculty at a variety of by peers, government
and his principled
Utah State University
degree, Doctor of Business.
of students in the
of Sociology, Social Work and Anthropology.
stronger ties between past and potential
and he has facilitated professional and employees
to higher education
of Science and Technology
funds has enriched the educational
College of Business and in the Department
Korean universities.
with and support of educationa l initiatives at Utah State . His generosity
and scholarship
helped strengthen
to the economic welfare of the country.
officials, educators
style. For his
is proud to bestow upon Young-
Jim Laub has built his business,
Valley Electric, into one of the premier electrical contractor
States. In addition he has dedicated community.
to his business success, countless
and philanthropy
in the United
hours of service
to the betterment
The family-owned
of his
more than 600 employees with offices in Logan, Salt Lake City, Denver, South Carolina
and Arkansas,
Phoenix, to name just
a few. Mr. Laub was named the Ernst and Young Entrepreneur
of the Year in 1999
and one of the top 50 contractors past 10 years by Electrical magazine.
The magazine
for the
News Record currently
Cache Valley Electric as the 43rd largest in the nation. Mr. Laub
electrical contractor has a continuing
legacy of giving to Utah
State University.
He has supported
major projects across campus. made a significant
He has been a generous
to the Manon
Hall. His work in the community at Sunshine
as Honorary
of the Presbyterian
in Journalism
as Corporate
Utah State University
Alumnus Award and the
career in business and years of civic
is proud to bestow upon James
of the Juvenile
degree from Utah State University
both the Distinguished
Doctor of Business and Entrepreneurship.
of the Eccles Ice Center and on the Board of
He received a bachelor's
and, more recently was awarded
Caine Wanlass
He has served in various
Spirit of Old Main Award from Utah State. For his exemplary dedication,
of athletics at many levels, and he
and profound.
Board Member
Caine Russell Kathryn
is equally generous
capacities Trustees
D. Laub the honorary
degree ,
D. Wynne Thorne Research
Since 2001, D. Ray Reutzel has held the Emma Eccles Jones Endowed Childhood
Chair of Early
and is a Distinguished
Professor in the College of Education
Human Services. As an endowed chair, he actively participates
in teaching graduate
courses, conducting
research, mentoring
faculty and graduate
students, and seeking
externa l research funding. He is the director of the Emma Eccles Jones Center for Early Childhood
where he has helped the
College of Education earn its distinction
and Human Services
as third in the nation in
obtaining external research Funding. Reutzel's current research reading/writing knowledge
focuses on evidence-based instruction
and teacher
He has generated
$2 million in external grants and contracts related to literacy assessment
and instructional
research with the proposals he has written since coming to USU. Recently, he has implemented evidence-based
to improve reading instruction,
especially in poverty and low achieving
schools in Utah and across the nation. He has received numerous and national organizations. premier elementary
honors from his colleagues
Since 2002, he has served as co-editor of The Reading Teacher, the
section journal of the International
about 65,000 people and 12,000 institutions
Reading Association,
to by
the world. Among his honors are the
1992 Karl G. Maeser Creative Arts and Resear c h Professor,
Brigham Young University;
A. B. Herr Outstanding Contributions to Reading Award from the College Reading Association; President-Elect of the College Reading Association; 2006 Outstanding Educator Award in Utah from the Utah Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development; 2006 Distinguished Alumnus Award from the University of Wyoming; 2007 John Chorlton Manning Public School Service Award of the International Reading Association. Dr. Reutzel has authored or co-authored 15 books, published instructional texts or programs for schools, 19 book chapters, 37 refereed theoretical articles, and 51 refereed research articles, along with many other technical and accreditation reports, book reviews, and assessment tools. He was ranked the 12th most frequently published first author over a 40-year period in the International Reading Association's elementary section journal, The Reading Teacher. He has been the featured or keynote speaker at 18 international and national conferences. D. Ray Reutzel is dedicated to research and scholarship and his dedication has enhanced the reputation of Utah State University. He is a deserving recipient of the 2007 D. Wynne Thorne Research Award. 13
Eldon J. Gardner Teaching Award LAURIE S. MCNEILL
Dr. Laurie McNeil! is an Associate Professor in the Civil and Environmental Department.
She teaches three graduate
classes as well as two large, required undergraduate students
classes that serve a variety of
from the Colleges of Engineering
and Science. The students
in her classes
are expected to participate
in class, and
she motivates them to develop a better understanding McNeill's
of the course material. Dr.
student evaluations
exceed expectations, consistently appreciate willingness
and her evaluations
note how much students her knowledge,
in the area of drinking water treatment.
advisor for the USU Chapter
of Utah Drinking
Water Board .
to help them when necessary.
Dr. McNei l! ma intains a research program of Engineers
and she currently
She is a faculty
serves on the State
This award honors an Extension who has provided
professional service to the
state of Utah. Criteria include professional excellence,
caring attitude
and a
toward clientele. All the people
who know and work with Dr. Messmer no difficulty recognizing
all of these qualities
in his work and in his life. The nominations for this award are supported
by letters
from inside and outside of the university community.
In Dr. Messmer's
case, letters of
support were as diverse as his program
research interest s, ranging from professional co lleagues, private landowners, and nonprofit
groups. This award is a formal
acknowledgement Dr. Messmer programs
of the excellent work
does and the great service hi s
provide to the citizens of Utah.
-- ---
Biswas is a Professor
of Economics.
Dr. Biswas's teaching career at Utah State University
spans more than 31 years.
those years, he has chaired
21 doctoral committees on numerous committees. committee
and has served
other doctoral and master's He is popular as a doctoral
chair because of his total
to his students
as they finish
their courses and their dissertations. of his students
have gone on to prestigious
academic institutions
and have continued
the legacy of outstanding research
they learned from Dr. Biswas. His
with former students
beyond the classroom and graduation. Biswas earns the trust of his students consideration
Dr. through
and respect as he encourages
each one to give his or her very best academic effort. Helping his students life. For his compassionate economics, Mentor
succeed during their graduate concern for his students
Utah State University
Award to Basudeb
is honored
studies and beyond is his passion in
and for his articulate
to award the 2007 University
devotion to the study of Outstanding
B. Toney is a Professor
Dr. Taney's
of Sociology.
to teaching and
spans more than 34 years. From
the beginning, graduate
at Utah State
he has been involved with
having served on more
than 50 thesis and dissertation
from Sociology. As he works closely with graduate
Dr. Toney encourages
of research
at professional his students spectrum settings.
to present their findings
His efforts help
acquire employment
in a broad
of academic and nonacademic Dr. Toney encourages
to take responsibility development
for their professional
by modeling that behavior.
He takes the time to teach and guide, often outside regular working build confidence
hours. His ability to
in his students
his insights and knowledge.
is one of his finest attributes.
For his abilities to nurture
He is a respected
and to challenge his students
complete potential, Utah State University is proud to award the 2007 University Graduate Mentor Award to Michael B. Toney.
scholar who shares to reach their
an extensive
selection process involving both students
colleges, seven members of the faculty have been designated in teaching,
and Human
Services; Engineering;
and faculty in the various academic
for special recognition
the seven colleges of the University:
for excellence
Arts and Social Sciences; Natural
Science. From among the seven, The Eldon J. Gardner remaining
Education Resources;
Award recipient is chosen; the six
Paul R. Grossi Paul R. Grossi is an Associate the Department
of Biogeochemistry
of Plants, Soils, and Biometeorology.
He has
been a faculty member at USU since 1994 and teaches several courses ranging from an introductory more advanced Nutrient
courses in Environmental
share of his appointment, with students
course in Soil Science to
Soil Chemistry
and feels it keeps him connected
become better stewards
the greatest
Dr. Grossi very much enjoys his contact
the main mission of a land grant institution students,
and Soil
to what he believes is
- to educate the public to
of the land. He truly likes interacting
both teaching them and learning from them. "My students
realize that I am sincerely interested
in them, and l feel this is one
factor that makes me an effective teacher."
Dr. Grossl's research
focus is on the fate of beneficial as well as toxic chemicals in soil environments.
He received his bachelor's
Sciences/Agronomy received a master's Minnesota
from the University in Soil Chemistry
State University
Ph.D., he was a postdoctoral transport
of Illinois in 1981. He
from the University
in 1985 and his Ph.D. in Environmental
from Montana Delaware,
degree in Agricultural
in 1991. After completion
of toxic metals and radionuclides
of his
fellow at the University
where he studied the mechanisms
Soil Chemistry
associated through
with the
soil and water
COLLEGE OF BUSINESS Stacey B. Hills Stacey Barlow Hills joined the College of Business in 2002 and is an Assistant Professor
of Marketing
Business Administration. undergraduate
She is primarily
work with client organizations conduct industry
in the Department
to identify business problems,
and customer
to learning helps students
process of research,
and apply their results This "real-world"
not just the
but how to manage the challenges
develop along the way. Students knowledge
for the
course in which students
to develop solutions to those problems. approach
and her willingness
her focus on applying
to work with them in and out of
the classroom. As one student noted, Dr. Hills "goes out of her way to inspire, influence, and guide her students understanding of business and marketing."
to a greater
COLLEGE OF EDUCATION AND HUMAN SERVICES Scott C. Bates Scott C. Bates is an Assistant Psychology
who earned a bachelor's
College, a master's
from Western
and a Ph.D. in Experimental State University. undergraduate
Professor program,
in the Department University
from Colorado
Bates teaches primarily
degree from Whitman
in the
& Methods in Psychology. He conducts research in three areas: problem behavior prevention, Scientific Thinking
learning. Current a targeted,
and higher education projects include
alcohol users; a study of the potential
- an evaluation intervention
on (e.g.,
of the factors that can improve outcomes
for first-year college students. lab and is currently supervising and dissertation projects.
of growing and tending plants in extreme environments space); and evaluation
Dr. Bates runs an active research six graduate
on thesis
COLLEGE OF HUMANITIES, ARTS, & SOCIAL SCIENCES Patricia Gantt Patricia Gantt is Professor Education,
of English with a specialty in English
focusing primarily
on the teaching of literature.
Her abilities as a teacher are many and varied, however, and she also teaches courses in American literature,
studies, and folklore. By any standard,
Gantt is a master teacher.
Over the course of her career, she
has taught at the high school, community
college, and university
levels. After receiving her Ph.D. degree from the University North Carolina, Specialist
she served as Language
K-12, supervising
Later, in North Dakota, Teacher
center providing
North Dakota.
as a trainer of Advanced
One of the main themes throughout
entire career is diversity.
A few years after her arrival at USU
in 1999, she received the university's recognized
in both curricular
60 K-12 schools in southwest
She also has a national reputation Placement
she was director of the West River
Center, a regional resource
to approximately
Award. She was
for her work both inside the classroom
and outside
in the community,
where she has been a voice for tolerance
and inclusiveness.
In making the award, the university's
Kermit Hall, said "her expertise
an immediate
and energy have had
impact on Utah State." That impact continues
today. In her classes, she makes her students ever before of the value of tolerance obtain through
and diversity,
the study of literature.
and her commitment
more aware than which they
Her talents as a teacher
to diversity have wonderfully
each other, and her career demonstrates
that effective teaching
rests upon mutual respect.
COLLEGE OF NATURAL RESOURCES Karen E. Mock Karen E. Mock is an Assistant Wildland
Arizona University,
in the Department
After earning her Ph.D. in Biology from she joined the College of Natural
faculty in 2000 to develop a program
genetics and molecular
in conservation
ecology. Since her appointment,
played a strong role in graduate
and undergraduate
she has
with the primary experience
that includes
while developing
at developing students
outside the classroom.
a rapport
a learning
and highly relevant
their confidence with students.
wrote, "great teachers
and interest to Dr. Mock works
As one of her former
are great people outside of the
Karen always goes out of her way to greet students
on campus.
She is constantly
activities planned she provides
whose futures
the opportunity
and supporting
In addition
for undergraduate
to her teaching, students
in her lab. As a result, she is a mentor of young are uncertain,
to pursue
an environment
by the students."
of providing
yet promising , if given
their education.
Dr. Mock offers
to her students
to personal
and provides
growth and academic
Lance C. Seefeldt Lance Seefeldt, a Professor never seems content
of Chemistry
and Biochemistry,
to rest on his laurels. He is always on the
lookout to find new and clever ways to educate to demonstrate
the relevance
their daily lives, merging newspapers,
of the science in his courses to
the classroom
will discuss the biochemistry
his students
and the real world. He
involved in current
or show the students
events in daily
how to calculate just how far
they could run, fueled only by a single candy bar. Every concept is presented student
on more than one level, taking into account
learns differently.
As a world-renowned
Seefeldt brings to the classroom available.
His teaching
and graduate
the most up-to-date
does not stop at the door to the classroom:
he has been a conscientious undergraduate
that each
research students.
mentor to a multitude
of the trademarks through
of the Department
a phenomenal
a student-centric
to continuous
and drainage
selective resource he lp students
of its educational
during the past eight years.
has created a uniquely supportive
has strategically research
process that guarantees in education presents
Biological and Irrigation
and instruction
Engineering. 22
to proven
the promotion
and effective mentoring , and a rigorous . In recognition
and the exemplary
the 2007 Department
and industrial
science, or irrigation
BIE faculty have consistently
their generous
goal. BIE
and effectively used active learning,
for the future. The highly dedicated
as outstanding
State University
to prepare them in the most thorough
The department
an open and flexible learning environment, achievements
This department,
where the success of every student is not only valued, but is a department
way for careers in biomedical
the Department
that don't yet exist is one
10-fold growth in student enrollment
can count on diverse learning experiences
and challenges
of Biological and Irrigation
hard work and a commitment
has experienced
to deal with engineering
of the outstanding
devotion to student success, Utah
Award to the Department
on your graduation
Utah State University.
As the Alumni President,
I welcome you to a club with more than 180,000 members that live not only in the United States of America but more than 100 other countries
in the
world. I also invite you to take full advantage
of all
the services and benefits the Alumni Association has to offer you now and in the future. The mission of the Alumni Association is to promote the interests and welfare of Utah State University, its alumni, students, faculty, staff, and friends. To achieve this mission, we have created a web site (www.usu.edu/alumni)
that allows alumni to access
Aggie Alumni Chapters, an on-line newsletter, and travel programs programs,
a career services job board,
a current calendar of events offered to alumni, scholarship
and other benefits such as a life insurance
and credit card program at discounted Good luck in all of your endeavors , and remember
that the Utah State Alumni Association
always here to assist you. In the words of the English philosopher aim of education knowledge
is not knowledge
you have acquired,
but action."
Utah State University
Alumni President
"The great
it is now up to you to go exercise the
and to assist in keeping Utah State University's
Kellie S. Wood
legacy strong .
May 5, 2007 Kent Concert Hall, Chase Fine Arts Center 12:00noon Prelude Laura M Balls 2007 GRADUATING
& ANNOUNCEMENTS INTRODUCTIONS Gary Straquadine, Associate Dean, College of Agriculture
VALEDICTORIAN Cindy Pitcher, Nutrition and Food Sciences Valedictorian Faculty Escort: Tamara Vitale, Nutrition and Food Sciences RECOGNITION OF GRADUATES Noelle E. Cockett, Dean, College of Agriculture AN INVITATION TO THE GRADUATES John Diamond, President, College of Agriculture Alumni Association 2007 GRADUATING
Postlude Laura M. Ball,
2007 College of Agriculture Award Recipients
Con ly L. Hansen, Nutrition and Food Sciences
TEACHER OF THE YEAR Paul R. Grossi, Plants, Soils and Climate
RESEARCHER OF THE YEAR Kenneth L. White, Animal, Dairy and Veterinary Sciences
Kenneth L. White, Animal, Dairy and Veterinary Sciences
SCHOLAR OF THE YEAR Elaine Watkins, Nutrition and Food Sciences
John Brinkerhoff , Animal, Dairy and Veterinary Sciences
ASUSU COLLEGE OF AGRICULTURE SENATOR Logan Mark Ipsen, Animal, Dairy a nd Veterinary Sciences
COLLEGE OF BUSINESS CEREMONY May 5, 2007 Dee Glen Smith Spectrum 4:00p.m.
PROCESSIONAL WELCOME AND INTRODUCTION OF GUESTS Douglas D. Anderson, Dean, College of Business VALEDICTORY ADDRESS Thomas Colligan, Accounting COMMENCEMENT ADDRESS Young-Chui Hong, CEO, KISWIRE AWARDING OF DIPLOMAS Douglas D. Anderson, Dean, College of Business CLOSING REMARKS Douglas D. Anderson, Dean, College of Business
College of Bu siness Award Recognition
Thomas Colligan
RESEARCHER, Jeanette Blackham
Elder L. Tom Perry
ADVISOR OF THE YEAR, Dora Brunson Valedictorian Escort
Frank Shuman, School of Accountancy
May 5, 2007 Dee Glen Smith Spectrum 12:00110011 WELCOME AND INTRODUCTION Carol J. Strong, Dean
VALEDICTORIAN ADDRESS Mary Anne Jones, Department of Elementary Education EDITH BOWEN LABORATORY SCHOOL HONOR CHOIR * Choral Director: Jill De Vilbiss "Read Me a Memory" "The Scotsman" PRESENTATION OF DIPLOMA COVERS Carol J. Strong, Dean
Jim Dorward
Beth Foley
Thomas Lee Dennis Nelson
David Stein
Martha Dever
Ben Lignugaris/Kraft
CLOSING REMARKS Carol J. Strong, Dean ''T he College of Education and Human Services expresses their deepest appreciation to the Emma Eccles Jones Foundation and the Sorenson Legacy Foundation for their generous support for Arts Education at Utah State University and within Utah. Congratulations is extended to the College of Education and Human Services for their 2008 U.S. News and World Report ranking of 26th in the nation . This ranking places the College in the top 2% of all graduate schools of education in the nation and 2nd for the amo unt of external funding.
May 5, 2007 Kent Concert Hall, Chase Fine Arts Center 2:00 p.m.
VALEDICTORY ADDRESS Jared K. Bench AWARDING OF DIPLOMAS by Department Heads Ronald C. Sims, Biological & Irrigation Engineering William J. Rahmeyer, Civil & Environmental Engineering Tamai Bose, Electrical & Computer Engineering Kurt H. Becker, Engineering Technology & Education Byard D.Wood, Me chanical & Aerospace Engineering
2007 College of Engineering
Award Recipients
ADVISOR OF THE YEAR David W. Britt RESEARCHER OF THE YEAR Ja gath J . Kaluarachchi TEACHER OF THE YEAR Timothy A. Taylor
Eric V. Callister
May 5, 2007 Dee Glen Smith Spectrum 2:00 p.m.
PRELUDE Dr. James M. Drake, Professor (Retired),
of Music
WELCOME Dr. Gary Kiger, Dean
OF SCOTT D. DAVIS, VALEDICTORIAN Dr. Norm Jones, Head Department of History
Scott D. Davis
CLOSING REMARKS Dr. Gary Kig er, Dean
POSTLUDE Dr. James M. Drake, Professor
of Music
College of Humanities, Arts & Social Sciences Award Recipients
May 5, 2007 Morgan Theatre,
Chase Fine Arts Center
12:001100/l PROCESSIONAL VALEDICTORIAN AND ESCORT Angie Cannon, Department of Environment and Society, escorted by Mark W. Brunson, Professor, Department of Environment and Society WELCOME Nat B. Frazer, Dean VALEDICTORY ADDRESS Angie Cannon RECOGNITION OF GRADUATES Nancy 0. Mesner, Associate Dean, and Nat B. Frazer, Dean WORDS OF INSPIRATION Mark W. Brunson RECESSIONAL Luncheon for Collegeof Natural Resources (CNR) Graduates, Families, and Friends in the CNR Atrium Immediately Following Ceremony
2006-07 Senior Awards
DEPARTMENTAL OUTSTANDING SENIORS Kaisi Jo Baron, Department of Watershed Sciences Colby W. Brungard, Department of Environment and Society Cameron G. Nay, Department of Wild land Resources COLLEGE OF NATURAL RESOURCES OUTSTANDING SENIOR Cameron G. Nay, Department of Wild land Resources COLLEGE OF NATURAL RESOURCES SCHOLAR OF THE YEAR Emily Sorenson, Department of Environment and Society
Evan N . Stevenson
May 5, 2007 Ballroom, Taggart Student 12:00 noon
PRELUDE "Trumpet Voluntary" by Jeremiah Clark PROCESSIONAL "Po mp and Circumstance" by Sir Edward Elgar Norma Christiansen, Organist WELCOME Donald W. Fiesinger, Dean INTRODUCTION OF VALEDICTORIAN D. Andy Anderson VALEDICTORY ADDRESS Melody R. Anderson AWARDING OF DIPLOMAS Donald W. Fiesinger, Dean Biology graduates announced by Daryll B. De Wald Chemistry and Biochemistry graduates announced by Steven I. Scheiner Computer Science graduates announced by Donald H. Cooley Geology graduates announced by John W. Shervais Mathematics and Statistics graduates announced by Russell C. Thompson Physics graduates announced by Jan J. Sojka Interdisciplinary Studies graduates announced by Richard J. Mueller CLOSING REMARKS Donald W. Fiesinger, Dean RECESSIONAL "March Triomphale" by Sigfried Karg-Elert
Valedictorians A valedictorian
has been selected by
each college of the University. valedictorian
has selected a faculty
University Citizenship Awards
Amy Poole
Marcus Pulsipher
annually to the graduating
senior female and male who best
Melissa Sleight
portray high traits of character,
Megan Wade
and citizenship.
Elaine Watkins Valedictorians are:
Kelsey Burns
College of Agriculture
Adam Fowles
Andrew Willden Certificates of Area Studies
Cindy Pitcher Escort, Tamara S. Vitale
Honors Program Graduates
Honors in University
Diana L. Barber
College of Business
Studies and
Across Cultures
Thomas Colligan
Michael Bailey
Escort, Frank Shuman
Melissa Bryson
Pablo B. Superti
Erica Cottam Scott Davis
Women and Gender Studies
Erin Forsberg
Brandi L. Harline
Mary Anne Jones
Amanda Gibson
College of Education
and Human
Escort, Shelley L. Knudsen
Brandi Harline
Certificate of Service Learning
Amanda Marinello
Service Learning Scholar
Amanda Monson
Brandy L. Barton
College of Engineering
Sarah Platt
K. Bench Escort, Wei Ren
Katherine Shakespeare
United States Air Force Commissions
Dan Swenson
Mitcheal Allen Cooksey, Jr.
John Edwin H ea ton College of Humanities,
Arts and
Scott J. Lefgren
Social Sciences
Melody Anderson
Paul M. Overdiek
Scott D. Davis
Corban John Smith
Escort, Norman L. Jones
Ginger Bailey Katy Bodily
United States Army Commissions
College of Natural Resources
Elizabeth Davis
Brandon L. Andreasen
Angie Cannon
Devin Hepner
Patrick S. Barrington
Escort, Mark W. Brunson
Anne Howlett
C. Jimmie Edwards
Heather Hunsaker
Garrett S. Johnson
College of Science
Justin ,Johnson
Melody R. Anderson
Toshi Kuroda
Pablo B. Superti
Escort, D. Andy Anderson
D. Jason McConnell
Kristina McDougal Holly Murdock Tod David Murray Benedek Nyikos Cindy Pitcher
R . Reeder
The quality of performance in academic work enables the following to be graduates with distinction. Those who have met the residence requirement and have maintained a grade point average those whose average is 3.80 to 3.949, Magna Cum Laude;
of 5.95
lo 4.00 are graduated Summa
Cum Laude;
those whose average is 3.50 to 3. 799, Cum Laude.
Oveson, Sandra Cove
Bunnell, Matthew D
Anderson, Melody R
Pound, E lisabeth
Burns, Kelsey Christina
Arnell, Rick E
Rieffanaugh, Bridgett
Burton, Katherine Marie
Ashby, Shaelene
Atkins, Rebecca J
Stephens, Chelsea
Baarz, Heather L
Sullivan, Mary-Marie
Ben ch, Jared K
Tatton, Tyler R
Cannon, Angie
Buckley, Evelyn L
Teerlink, Emily C
Carlson, Michelle Christine
Charlton, Cade Tomas
Telford, Cassie A
Chiu, Ying Becky
Udy, Joshua David
Chung, Hwan Kyu
Clarke, Ben D
Weller, Kristen Kim
Coats, Melissa Lynn
Colligan, Thomas Wilson
Wilde, Sandra E
Cole, Kirsten
Buxton, Jamie C
Call, Julie Anne Austin
Campbell, Dane Vance
Seth A
Cooper, Alexis Diane
Cook, Matthew Todd Cottam, Erica
Cox, Julie Sharla
Coulombe, Evan W
Abernethy, Kate Elizabeth
Crook. Rachel
Cullumber, Jenny Ann
Adams, Curtis Brownell
Crowell, Kody R
Davi s, Scott D
Aird, Sara Ann
Daniels, Jaycie
Evans, Marianne B
Aitken, Chelsea M
Dansie, Brian L
Gempeler, Robert R
Allan, Michelle L
Darrington , Brett J
Gerber, Charity Marie
Allred, Nathon C
Davidson , Abigail
Gibson, Amanda Janine
Andersen, Benjamin Marc
Davis, Sean K
Hansen, Sterling K
Anderson, Bonnie L
Davis, Laura
Hans en, Laurie Anne
Anderson, Brett E
Deaton , Lauren Gray
Harrison, Willie K
Arnold, Megan S
Hodson, Jo shua Dale
Baer, Ja cob C
Draney, Jonathan
Holden, Deric
Bagley, Brinn E
Edwards, Karen Elizabeth
Isom, Mandi B
Bair, Kaylene
E ldredg e, Aubrey A
Ja ck, Nathan Derry!
Barclay, Scott W
Elison, Newell Tyler
Ja ck, Kaylyn Alder
Bartlett, Stephanie Ann
Ethington, Avree Lynne
Jenkins, Jennifer Ann
Batty, Thayne S
Everton, Zachary S
Jones, Tiffan y Ann
Beck, Andrew Clark
Facer, Jacob
Jones, Mary Anne
Beddes , Sandra Murray
Farley, Leslie A
Kirk, Alissa
Beus, Kathryn Anhder
Kuroda, Toshikazu
Bingham , Richard J
Federico, Kevin D
Lu ck, Austin L
Bjernfalk, Pamela L
Ferrin, Jeffrey L
Lund, Elizabeth Ann
Blaney, Phil A
Fish , Amy Ann
Marshall, Mindi Lee
Bleak, Justin Forbes
Foley, Carrie L
Mckenna, Logan R
Bodily, Katy L
Frakes, Jordan M
Mckenna, Ri chard Mark
Bodily, Lisa
Galovan, Amanda L
Moesser, Travis J
Brimhall, Brad K
Gelter , Meghann Lynn
Morgan, Kathr y n Jean
Kyle Crui ckshank
Greer, Haley M
Orwin, Thomas
Gregory, Melissa D
Osborn, Jill Dianne
Bryson, Melissa J
E rin Nico le
Kara Jean
Gunne ll, Tyler A
Hall, Andrew J
Myers, Alison
Tuttle, Rachelle A
Hall, Russel K
Nehmer, Allison J
Vause, Stephanie
Hammond, M.ichael
Neil, Hayley Joy
Hancock, Luke D
Nelson, Chailyn
Walker, Danielle M
Hanks, Edward Clair
Nielson, Monica Reid
Wampler, Laura Diane
Hanson, Tiffany
Nyikos, Benedek Balazs
Watkins, Elaine
Haupt, Shelley K
Olsen, Dylan J
Weber, Samuel R
Healey, Chris S
Pabst, Mindy L
Whatcott, Melissa
Hirschi, Joshua D
Paiser, Katherine Rebecca
Whitaker , Robert Bruce
Holt, Michael Reed
Papenfuss, Kylara Alaena
Williams, Matthew R
Hoity, Phillip S
Parrill, Sandra K
Willmore, Roderick J
Howlett, Anne Rachelle
Parry, Brenda W
Wilson, Stacey J
Hummel. Miche lle Hatch
Parson, Megan
Wilson, E lizabeth C
Pehrson, Cody P
Wood, Steven Olsen
Hunsaker, Joseph Levi
Pendleton, Zachary Eldard
Xu , Jianlan
Perkinson, Bryan Scott
Dustin R Heather S
Hunting , Camille
Pitcher, Cindy L
Ingersoll, Josh P
Purcell, Alicia
Abel, Joseph
Briant H
Rawlings, Amanda
Ackerson, Donna
Scott C
Reeder, Sadie L
Aird, Jeffrey Alan
Jewkes, Samuel Smith
Reynolds, Daniel C
Aitken, Marie Lynne
Justin M
Rimington, Keith B
Alder, Jane K
Jones, Lisa K
Rounds, Shelley
Allan, Amanda
Kidd, Karalee Deem
Rytting, Megan
Allen, Gwen L
Kim, Joon Hwan
Salmon, Scott David
Allen, Casey T
Kim, Hyo-Sik
Allred, Daniel M
Clinton D
Kirk, Joann
Savage. Kerry Casey
Allred, Jill
Komatsu, Toshimitsu
Amos, Joshua Michael
Koyle, Courtney Jo
Schow, Bradley P
Anderson, Mark
Krueger, Kristen Paige
Selman, AJashandra
Anderson, Davis Stokes
Kullberg, Adam Bryce
Shurtleff, Ashley Wilson
Anderson, Sean Darius
Kumfer, Mindy Kay
Smee, Paul F
Anderson, Michael J
Larson, Cheryl Rebecca
Smith, Troy Aaron
Law, Stephen Andress
Smith, Angela K
Andrus, Jason Sheldon
Leavitt, Michelle Amanda
Sorensen, Emi ly
Applonie, Heidi
Lee, Tae Hoon
Spackman, Helen Tamsyn Anderson
Archibald, Brian L
Leishman, Phillip M
Squires, Julia E
Archibald, Brandon Clair
Mamanakis, Michael T
Stevenson, Jessica L
Arthur, Kaylynn T
Marinello, Amanda Ashley
Strait, M.icah N
Asay, Ra c hael Brittany
Marsden, Shae
Stratford, Jeran K
McCleary, Trisha Ann
Sumsion, Tina Marie
Atcitty, Jenny M
Mcdaniel, Nea Jean
Swenson, Megan
Auman, Emily Suzanne
Thatcher, Danina Lynne
Baddley, Rebecca
McKenna, Elise
Thatcher, Kimberly Hill
Bagley, Kellan C
Merrill, Mandy Loren
Theurer, Steven W
Bailey, Ginger Ann
Miller, Amanda
Thompson, Jason A
Barrett, Jentry Stoneman
Monson, Amanda Linn
Thornton, Melanie A
Barton, J. Garrett
Moore, Kori Daryl
Thorpe, Justin N
Bassett, Alizabeth Anne
Daniel Guy
Brandon L
III, Walter John
Bateman, Janna Jo
Carter, Cameron James
Edwards, Craig James
Baugh, Rachel Ann
Carver, Misty D
Emery, Lauren B
Baugh, Carrie Ann
Cassity, Nicole Michelle
Emett, Charlotte Ann
Bayles, Gary Ryan
Castagna, Deborah
Epping, Bradd Jerome
Beames, Brannon Douglas
Cazier, Anne
Esplin, Daniel H
Beazer, Douglas Jr
Excell, Marla G
Beck, Beau Ratcliffe
Champlin, Ashley
Faldmo, Michelle L
Beck, Shelley Margaret
Chan, Ka Yee
Fisher, Travis C
Beck, Tyson C
Cheong, Stevie
Fluckiger, Jan L
Beck, Roxanne Ritchie
Chelsey Dawn
Force, Miranda M
Forsberg, Erin E
Bell, Justin K
Chelcie J
Forsythe, Michael
Bennett, Alexander D
Clawson, Melanie
Fowers, Beth
Bergman, Aaron K
Clegg, Andrew D
Fowles, Adam C
Bergs, Lee Taylor
Clements, Terrell Lynn
Frakes, Jordan
Berry, Janelle
Coburn, Amberly A
Frame, Jennifer Marie
Beveridge, Cameron Alexander
Cook, Natalie Marie
Frampton, Morgan M
Bills, Brisha Ann
Cook, Kathryn Marie
Francis, Samuel TW
Coombs, Chad J
Francisco, Ben Scott
Bingham, Seth
Couch, Jessica
Bingham, Kristina
Covington, Collin E
Gass, Terri Lee
Bingham, Sara Elizabeth
Crace, Jared Edward
Bird, Teresa
Crane, Erin Lynn
Gilbert, Blake M
Blackburn, Jaydee
G ladu, Brian Daniel
Blackham, Jeanette
Crosland, Ben J
Goble, Matthew C
Blanco, Juli Ann
Crowley, Jesse Victor
Gochnou1 -, Jonathan
Booth, Joshua Paul
Crowther, Jason M
Bowen, Jennifer
Crowther, Ciara
Godfrey, Greg B
Dahl, Natalie Joy
Gonzalez, Aja Marie
Bradshaw, Darrel Wayne
Dahle, Denise
Graff, Amanda
Brewer, David A
Davis, Breanne L
Grimmett, Anna Lee
Jared M
Bingham, Jonathan
Boyd, Christopher
Braden J
Brian Mark
Kenneth L Mitra
Davis, Emily J
Grove, Mary Annette
Dawson, Kristen K
Hadden, Jody L
Brown, Mathew B
Day, Amanda
Hamby, Jessica Erin
Brown, Joseph A
Dayton, Bradley Richard
Hamilton, Emily Marian Ashton
Bruins, Jill Marie
Dean, Angelee
Hansen, Kirk Robert
Bulkley, Tiffany
DeGraw, Julie
Hansen, Amanda
Chelsea A
Brown, Josh S
Burk, Karl R
Denney, Marianne Moon
Hansen, Zachary
Burton, Richard Dan
Denson, Jason L
Harding, Melissa Joyce
Bushnell, John B
Despain, Chelsea J
Butt, Kyle Steven
Dew, Ashli N
Harline, Brandi Louise
Butt, Tanya Ada Anne
Dias, Matthew W
Harris, Anjilee Alix
Callahan, Monique
Dickson, Thomas S
Hart, Mindy Lyn
Cannon, Randi Paul
Capener, Kami L
Draper, Kirstyn Marie
Hartwell, Deidra Parish
Carlisle, Robert David
Dryden, Dana M
Haslam, Megan Jane
Carroll, Brenna Christine
Duffy, Meagan Tara
Haslem, Megan
Carter, Kandis Lyn
Earl, Curtis L
Hawker, Elaina Marie
Lindsay Marie
Lina Marie
Hartley, Joseph
Hawkes, Randee
Keck, Annelise
Hayes, Todd R
Kemp, Kathryn
Heap, Emily L
Kenison, David C
Mcdougal, Kristina Rae
Hearty, Jeffrey Thomas
Kimbal, Kyle Clark
King, Lindsay
Mcmurdie, Clayton C
Henry, Jacob C
Kitchen, Debrah
Meadows, Pamela Lloyd
Hepner, Devin
Knutson, Sheri Stephens
Medina, Noe M
Higham, Tracee
Labrum, Adrianne
Meeks, Krista
Hillstead, Lauren A
Lang, Anthony R
Merkley, Erik Lavar
Melissa A
Hirschi, Matthew
Larsen, Christopher
Tara Croshaw D Jason Ann
Kaylene Debra
M.i, Xue
Hobson, Kari Elizabeth
Larsen, Nicholas A
Hoenes, Kirsten L
Larsen, Zane J
M.ichaelson, Jacob James
Hopkin, Shawn Clark
Larson, Rex L
Miller, Molly A
Housley, Daniel Christopher
Later, Tami Louise
Miller, Heather LeaAnne
Hughes, Haley Smith
Lauridsen, Clinton D
Mills, Joshua David
Humbert, Jordan Joseph
Law, Teresa D
Mitchell, Kelli
Lee, Katherine Diane
Moore, M.ichelle
Natalie Anne
Leishman, Bradley C
Morris, Jonelle Rose
Hyde, Amy Jo
Leo, Tiffany A
Mueller, Emily
Hyer, Whitney E
Lewis, Elizabeth
Munford, James Eugene
Iso m , Blake K
Lewis, Emily Miller
Nay, Samuel D
Lewis-Bown, Katie Lee
Neeley, Katie P
Alex Nathaniel
Holly Nicole
Moran, Jared Lloyd
Hunt, Lynette Christine
Ja ckson , Lacey Anne
Li, Wing Sze
Neilsen, Brandi Jean
Jacobs, Beverly J
Lindgr en, Bonnie
Nelson, Kara
Lance Glen Earl R
Jenkins, Jensen,
Tyson Ray
Lisonb ee, Megan
Nelson, Danielle Bree
Liu, Ming
Nelson, Susanna
Loosle, Kimberly
Netto, Jose Jorge Paes Peixoto
Jensen, Nicole
Loper, Samuel L
Newman, Joshua A
Bart Edward
Lopez, Tonya Brown
Newman, Jeremy A
Johansen , Linda A
Lord, E lic ia
Nguyen, Tony Thien
Erika Annemarie
Lukasavige, Tyson Lee
Nichols, Jennifer
Denton H
Lundberg, Michelle
Nielsen, Kole L
Emily Jane
Nielsen, Paul Michael
Susan Krogh
Lynne, Corey E
Nielsen, Melissa
Ma, Fangfang
Nieto, Staci Deane
Mabey, Candace
Olsen, Amanda
Jolley, Necia M
Jolley, Aimee C
Macey, Kamilyn Andrews
Olsen, Jennifer
Jones, Sarah
Madsen, Trent Carver
Olsen, Christine J
Jones, Belynda K
Malmberg, Heather S
O'Neil, Bryson Arvid
Marietti, Valorie Diann
Oram, Shawn Travis
Traci Jo Matthew R
Marsh, Brenda S
Ouellette, Thomas G
Jost, Lexie M
Marshall, Soji L
Pace, M.ichelle Erickson
Holly Kristine
Martell, Jerry D
Painter, Gayle Leslie
Karras, Ashley
Maughan, Megan
Park, Krista
Maynes , Karamie Anne
Parker, Craig Stewart
Kaufman, Benjamin Lee
McBride, Adrianne
Partridge, Ashlee
Kawa , Kenji J
Mccarrel, Kevin
Patrick, Donald R
Pence, Nancy
Savage, Camille
Voorhees, Nicholas
Perkins, Curtiss Tyler
Schenk, Janie D
Vuyovich, Jenna L
Perl, Mark Anthony
Schuler, Sunny Lane
Wada, Maiko
Perry, Derek T
Schweppe, Andrea M
Walker, Ronnamay Mountain
Petersen, Chad T
Scott, Samantha
Walker, Trevor
Peterson, Dane F
Shipley, Crystal
Walker, Michelle D
Peterson, Lucille
Sillito, Marty Leroy
Wall, Kathryn Renee
Phelps, Kristeen J
Simmons, Amy Vayomi
Wang, Hsiao Han
Pinho, Joao Marcelo
Simmons, Burke Mccabe
Wasden, Trevor S
Plaizier, Daniel 0
Simmons, Valli Sue
Webber, Allyson S
Pluid, Jacob Byron
Sleight, Melissa A
Webster, Melissa L
Polson, Jill M
Smith, Sandra R
Wells, Nathaniel G
Poole, Amy
Smith, Hillary Faith
Wheatley, E leanor E
Porter, Kristi Warner
Smith, Nathan Q
Poteet, Felicia Horsley
Snyder, Jenicia
Whipple, Ian G
Poulos, Jesse M
Son, Ji-Son
White, Adrienne
Preece, Landon
Sorensen, Melissa
Willis, Bryan J
Tamara J
Pritchett, Russell James
Sorensen, Tyler Lloyd
Winegar, Adrienne P
Pulsipher, Marcus H
Sorenson, Douglas W
Winward, Joseph R
Quitco, Beatriz G
St Louis, Lisa Norma
Wold, Meagan T
Rabe, Elizabeth
Stewart, Dane Michael
Wong, Chi Fai
Redd, Sarah M
Stewart, Lisa Marie
Woodward, Jeanine
Reed, Janalee
Stoddard, Cali Lynn
Wortley, Elizabeth Jessop
Reeder, Justin Richard
Stout, Kelby H
Yang, Xue
Reese, Jennifer Anne
Young, Gi lbert M
Reeve, Carol R
Sullenger, Anthony K Summers, Noelle
Young, Seth E
Rentschler, JaNell Jenkins
Summers, Rebecca A
Zaloba , Adam Jiro
Rhoades, Evvi A
Suvorov, Mykola Valcrjevich
Rich, Elizabeth
Swenson, Daniel C
Ricks, Cristin Lee
Szymanski, Allison
Riley, Bonnie Jean
Talbot, Benjamin Jake
Riley, Noah A
Tangren, Natalie Gayle
Roberts, Britni Dawn
Tanner, Jennifer Starr
Roberts, Karly Joe
Taylor, Danielle
Robinson, Justin Robinson, Christopher
Thatcher, Nathan K J
Thompson, Heath er
Robinson, Kimberly L
Thurgood, Jennifer Ellen
Robison, Cassandra
Tippetts, Emma L
Rosen, Jennifer
Titera, Linda Ann
Rosenlof, Michelle L
Tolman, Ashley Lin
Rupp, Megan L
Tuck, Elaine
Russell, Nina
Tucker, Michelle Ruth
Russell, Shane Ryan
Turner, Amy
Sadler, Don Russell
Tyrrell, Amy May
Sahleen, Lynette Christiansen
Udy, LeAnn
Salvesen, Katie Lynn
Ure, Melissa A
Sanders, Dustin S
Vaterlaus, John M
Sapp, John G
Viehweg, Douglas K
Names listed in the program do not constitute graduation.
AGRICULTURE NoelleE. Cockett,Dean Agricultural Systems Technology and Education Anderson, Bonnie L, BS Anderson, Nico le, BS Anderson, Sara M, BS Bailey, Ross Cox, BS Bayles, Gary Ryan, BS Beck, Matthew David, BS Brown, Joseph A, BS Bursell , Jeremy James, BS Burton, ,Jonathan Steven, BS Champneys, Coby G, BS Champneys, Nicole Dawn, BS Davi , Miken, BS Ercanbrack, Dusty, BS Evans, Joshua 8, BS Fredrickson, Brian S, BS Goble, Matthew C, BS Guptill, Tiffany Kay, BS Haslam, Megan Jane, BS Hettinger, Stacey Nicole, BS Hughes, Haley Smith, BS Hunt, Lynette Christine, BS Later, Tami Louise, BS Maughan, Molly Ann, BS Nie lson, Jennifer L, BS Speth, Tyler E, AAS Stewart, Stevie A, BS Thornley, Justin J, BS Transtrum, Dell G, BS Walker, Michelle D, BS Whittaker, Chase, J, BS Wilde, Bridgette, BS Animal, Dairy, and Veterinary Sciences Beck, Beau Ratcliffe, BS Bennett, Alexander D, BS Campbell, Vance D, BS Chipman, Day Elise, BS Clagg, Callie Elizabeth, BS Crosland, Ben J, BS Duke, Angela R, BS Erickson, Rachel Lee Wittwer, BS Gage, Tara T, BS Hamilton, Rhitt Sheridan, BS Howlett, Anne Rachelle, BS
Hsu, Fu-Chiao, BS Ipsen, Logan Mark, BS Jenkins, Chayla Mae, BS Jensen, Richard Travis, BS Jones, Kelli, BS Kohler, Liesel Marie Lokelani, BS Larsen, Christopher Corey, BS Larson, Rex L, BS Mathews, Jacob C, BS Mckee , Amber, BS Meyerhoffer, Kaylene Debra, BS Moedl, Candice J, BS Olson, John Christian, BS Son , Ji-Son, BS Sorensen, Tyler Lloyd, BS Stewart, Stevie A, BS Swensen, Desirae L, BS Economics Beck, Matthew David, BS Bursell, Jeremy James, BS Cook, Amanda J, BS Earl, Kr·istan Jo, BS Gochnour , Jonathan, BS Hirschi, Matthew Hayes, BS Israelsen, Andrew V, BS Young, Benjamin J, BA Interdisciplinary Studies Hyatt, Robert Lance, BS Lowry, Natalie, BS Nutrition and Food Sciences Anderson, Erika Lynne, BS Bailey, Ginger Ann, BS Bangerter, Amanda, BS Baxter, Adrienne Elizabeth, BS Beck, Leisa M, BS Bodily, Katy L, BS Cazier, Anne, BS Crump, Nancy, BS Edwards, Craig James, BS Ethington, Avree Lynne, BS Evans, Angela J, BS Farnsworth, Kara Jean, BS Gardner, Britt Marie, BS Hyer, Whitney E, BS Jacobson, Lance Glen, BS Jasper, Wendy, BS Jenkins, Katrina Dawn, BS
Johnson, Justin M, BS Judkins, Holly Kristine, BS Moore, Rachel L, BS Nelson, Chailyn, BS Patterson, Julie A, BS Phelps, Kristeen J, BS Pitcher, Cindy L, BS Rabe, Elizabeth, BS Robison, Cassandra, BS Sleight, Melissa A, BS Smith, Sandra R, BS Thomson, Amy, BS Thurgood, Jennifer E llen, BS Wade, Meagan R, BS Warburton, Stacy, BS Watkins, Elaine, BS Webber, Allyson S, BS Weston, Carrie, BS Plant, Soils, and Biometeorology Adams, Curtis Brownell, BS Bailey, Brittani Lynn, AAS Barney, Eric Gordon, BS Bjernfalk, Pamela L, AAS Burton, Vanessa Dawn Vogt, BS Case, Christopher C, AAS Casto, George, BS Cho, Y eana, BS Christophersen, Brenda L, BS Cullumber, Taunya Elaine, BS Dunn, Mary A, BS Eaton, David E, BS England, Jeffrey Paul, BS Goble, Aimee L, AAS Gray, Alice M, AAS Growcock, Kim, Lamar, AAS Hoxsie, Leslie W, CERU Israelsen, Karl R, BS Judd, Kimball M, BS Kay, Kari, AAS Larsen, Ronald A, BS Law, Teresa D, CERU Matsukawa, Lori M, AAS Merrick, Reed Allen, BS Papenfuss, Kylara Alaena, BS Robertson, Ralph Randolph, BS Robinson, Justin, BS Stapp, Tammie J, BS Story, Gabrielle, BS Thygerson, Camilla, BS
Walker, Ronnamay Mountain, AAS Wardle, Tyler R, BS Young, Gilbert M, BS
BUSINESS Douglas D Anderson,Dean Accounting
Allred, Jill, BS Arnell, Rick E, BA Atamanczyk III, Walter John, BS Baugh, Rachel Ann, BS Beck, Tyson C, BA Brown, Leasa Rae, BS Brunson, Dora, BS Butterfield, Mikkal, BS Chugg, Casey R, BS Cole, Kirsten, BS Colligan, Thomas Wilson, BS Cook, Matthew Todd, BS Crandall, Landon, BS Dean, Patrick James, BS Dettinger, Jacob Dean, BS Federico, Kevin D, BS Fredrickson, Skyler C, BS Funk, Taylor D, BA Gunnell, Tyler A, BA Hall, Russel K, BS Handy, Vanessa, BS Isom, Mandi B, BS Johnson, Jordan Lavar, BS Johnson, Shanell Nicole, BS Kitchen, Debrah, BS Knight, Randy James, BA Larson, William Douglas, BS Leonard, Kathryn A, BS Lyon, Rachel Anne, BS Mason, Michael Lavar, BS Mcneal, Ian B, BS Nordgren, Thomas Nephi, BS Oram, Shawn Travis, BS Parker, Jeffrey William, BS Peterson, Dane F, BA Summers, Noelle, BS Suvorov , Mykola Valerjevich, BS Tangren, Natalie Gayle, BS Teuscher, Brett T, BS Thornton, Melanie A, BS Tolman, Ashley Lin, BS Vanbuskirk, Joanne Margaret, BS White, Todd 0, BA Wong, Elaine, BS Workman, Natalie A, BS
Abplanalp, Ryan N, BS Ali, Shahir Reza, BS Alles, Ted Jens, BS Ball, Michael J, BS Barber, Michelle Richards, BS Bergs, Lee Taylor, BA Bilbao-Roberts Sheri, M, BS Branson, Brock W, BS Brighton, Bart R, BS Chambers, Richard Steven, BS Colina-Valor, Erasmo , BA Facer, Jacob, BS Gillmor, Linda Clark, BS Gowon, Jennifer Nendelmwa, BS Hacking, Danielle Marie, BS Hansen, Holly Kaye, BS Hawkes, Collette D, BS Hibbs, Jeffrey Joel, BS Hill, Eric S, BS Hopkin, Shawn Clark, BS Howard, Michael A, BS Howe, Russell D, BS Jones, Jason Richard, BS Keller, Steven Jay, BA Kinsey, Steve L, BS Lamb, Nissa L, BS Loveland , Amerilla, BS Loveland, Shawn M, BS Mangum, Heather Arrington , BS Marietti, Valorie Diann, BS Martell, Jerry D, BS Miller, Bruce Kevin, BS Morgan, Priscilla H , BS Naylor , Troy Lewis, BS Nichols, Jennifer Rae, BS Nielsen, Melissa, BS Nielsen, Ramsey, BS Olsen, Dusty, BS Orison, Kyle M, BS Palmer, Kim V, BS Perkins, Debbie D, BS Perkins, Larry Shane, BS Pittman, Greg A, BS Post, Zeke E, BS Reynolds, Katelyn A, BS Roper, Andrew G, BS Russell, Shane Ryan, BS Shelley, Stacy R, BS Smith, Troy David, BS Smith, Troy Aaron, BA Stacey, Katie Marie, BS Suter, Eve lyn Danielle, BS Taylor, Joseph Dimond, BS Tillotson, Brandon Blake, BS Vandette, Philip Albert, BS
Walter, James Edward, BS Wheeler, Shera Lynn, BA Williams, Zachary A, BS Business
Andrus, Jason Sheldon, BA Arnold, Cole, BS Ball, Jessica Mae, BS Ballard, Joshua J, BS Barclay, Scott W, BS Bare, K Kole, BS Bayles, Kerry Mark, BA Bell, Justin K, BS Bergsjo, Michelle, BS Blackham, Bradley Ray , BS Blackham, Jeanette, BS Bodrero, Jennifer A, BS Bohm, James Edward, BS Bond, Erek S, BS Bowen, Brent Paul, BS Brothersen, Valerie A, BS Brown, Ashlee M, BS Bruins, Jill Marie, BS Buck, Riley J, BS Buckley, Evelyn L, BS Burton , Richard Dan, BS Carter, Benjamin David, BA Cernianska, Zuzana, BA Chambers, Braden J, BS Chatterton, Jeff, BS Cin, Mal ik Calip, BS Clove, Tyre! Cortney, BS Copier, Justin Paul, BS Crowther, Brett Price , BS Den son, Jason L, BS Dyreng, Casey Robert, BA Flynn, Molly R, BS Forsyth, Benjamin A, BS Gardner, Mark R, BS Goodrich, Justin R, BA Greer, Garrett Ray, BS Gregory, Justin T, BS Groethe, Travis Aaron, BS Hadfield , William M, BS Hamby, Jessica Erin, BS Hanks, Edward Clair, BS Hansen, Jonathan W, BS Heiner, Jared G, BS Henderson, Kasey J, BS Hillyard, Kevin B, BS Hirschi, Mark J, BA Hoenes, Kirsten L, BS Hubbard, Jeremy B, BA Jackson, Tori Ann, BS Jang, Won-Young, BA Johnson , Jared Bryce, BS
Johnson, Spencer, BA Jonsson, Traci Jo, BS Karren, Ashley, BS Kawa, Kenji J, BS Kenison, David C, BA Kim, Hyo-Sik. BA Kim, Joon Hwan, BS Kofoed, Timothy J, BA Larsen, Christopher Kent, BS Larsen, Kai Thomas, BS Lindstrom, Brent L, BS Liu, Kevin, BS Lynne, Corey, E, BS Madsen, Trent Carver, BS Malan, Ashley, BS Maughan, Cory L, BS Mccurdy, Jason Wesley, BA Mcmurdie , Clayton C, BS Medina, Noe M, BS Mikkelson, Cory D, BS Monteleone, Joseph Aaron, BA Mumford, Sterling S, BS Neve, Bradley Alan, BS Newman, Jeremy A, BS Nguyen, Michael, BS Nichols, Jason Douglas , BS Olsen, Dylan J, BS Olsen, Katherine, BS O 'Ne il, Bryson A,-vid, BA Petersen, Chad T, BS Pickett, Crystal Marie, BS Pickett, Jeffrey C, BA Pierce, Chana A, BS Pin ho, Joao Marcelo, BS Ricks, Cristin Lee, BS Ricks, Mark P, BS Riley, Bonnie Jean, BS Robinson, Renae R, BS Rowland, William Casey, BS Semborski, Alesia Renae, BS Stewart, Dane Michael, BS Summers, Rebecca A, BS Turner, Starla, BS Tyler, Clinton S, BS Vanbuskirk, Joanne Margaret , BS Virgin, Jessica, BS Voorhees, Nicholas, BS Walker, Joseph R, BS White, Treagan N, BS Wood, Wendy Jain, BS Wright, Melanie, BS Yates, Shawn Lane, BA Zaloba, Adam Jiro, BS
Banbury, Michelle Jill. BS Beames, Brannon Douglas, BS Bolman, Brittany, BS Briscoe , Ryan Grover, BS Christensen, Lindsey Kay, BS Clawson, Melanie, AAS Clements , Terrell Lynn, BA Cottle, Andrew Dyches, BS Goldsberry, Matthew Call, BS Hancey, Alicia, AAS Hansen, Michael Ryan, BA Harvey, Jr , Duane Andrew, BA Hockett, Joni M , BS Hurst, Bradley L, BS Kimber, Jason S, BS Lake, Bryce N, BS Luck, Austin L, BS Mann Elvia D, AAS Manser, Ashley, BS Merrell, Vince nt M, BS Miller, Jason D, BS Niebergall, Mark B, BS Nielson, Monica Reid, BS Reynolds, David John, BA Rickards, Kristi Ann, BS Samarasingha, Menaka Gayathri, BS Smith, Brittany Ann, BS Stansfield, Kenny Reed, BS Stratford, Melinda Anne, BS Sullivan, Brya n Paul, BS Tay lor, James A, BS Wadsworth, Jon R, BS Walker, Jordan R, BS Economics
Bailey, Michael C, BA Boyd, Christopher Daniel, BA Bruins, Jill Marie, BS Connell, Christopher Twj, BS Daines, Devin C, BS Flynn, Molly R, BS Forsyth , Benjamin A, BS Forsythe, Michael, BS Frakes, Jordan M, BA Funk, Taylor D, BA Gay, Jonathon Thain, BA Goodrich, Justin R, BA Handy , Vanessa, BS Hansen, Jonathan W, BS Hauck, Scott T, BA Jenkins, Melissa A, BS Johnson, Garrett S, BS Kawa, Kenji, BS Larsen, Christopher Kent , BS Law , Stephen Andress, BA
Li, Wing Sze, BA Liu, Kevin, BS Mcmurdie, Clayton C, BS Medina, Noe M, BS Michener, Drew James, BS Monteleone, Joseph Aaron, BA Olsen, Dylan J, BS Oram, Shaw Travis, BS Peterson, Dane F, BA Pritchett, Russell James, BS Reid, Chad William, BA Ricks, Cristin Lee, BS Riley, Jeremiah M, BS Roberts, Jim W, BS Tang, Wing Chi, BS Tatton, Tyler R, BS Turner, Starla, BS Wayman, Anthony A, BS Yates, Shawn Lane, BA Young, Chad E, BS Management
and Human Resources
Archibald, Brian L, BS Blackburn, Jaydee, BS Brown, Robert Craig, BS Brown, Tresa Michelle, BS Chiu, Ying Becky, BS Findlay, Trina, BS F luckiger, Travis, B, BS Gale, Aaron James, BS Hearty, Jeffrey Thomas, BS Henderson, Lindsey Ann, BS Jenkins, Earl R, BS Mcmurdie, Clayton C, BS Morgan , Justin R, BS Nelson, Danielle Bree, BS Oldham, Jared R, BS Otte, Preston 0, BS Perry, Sheena Marie, BS Pinho, Joao Marcelo, BA Reeder, Brett V, BA Rich, Frederick Marshall, BS Sharp, Norman K. BS Shook, Jarem David, BS Spatig, Sheri L, BS Stutz, Lucas J, BS Tanner, Reed N, BS Telford, Cassie A, BS Thomas, John Cole, BS Thompson, LaShel Wells, BS Walker, Trevor, BS
PROVOST'S OFFICE Raymond T Coward, Provost
General Studies Allen, Kaelee R, AS Amodt, James Richard, AS Arrington, Heather Ann, AS Arthur, Kaylynn T, AS Asay, Rachael Brittany, AS Au, Man Ying, AS Baird, Audrey, AS Barker, Natalie M, AS Bishop, Heather, AS Bleazard, Kay C, AS Bryant, Clinton Howard, AS Bybee, Laura Marie, AS Chan, Chi Wai, AS Chan, Chun Kiu, AS Chan, Ka Yee, AS Che, Ka Tong, AS Che, Xiaolin, AS Chen, Guoqing, AS Chen, Lin, AS Chen, Xiaomin, AS Cheng, Ching Yu, AS Cheng, Xiaoxu, AS Cornia, Lindsey, J, AS Cox , Julie, Sharla, AS Cull umber, Jenny Ann, AS Dale, Samantha Eryn, AS Davis, Sean K, AS Du, Xiaofang, AS Earl, Robyn V, AS England, Lorraine Davis, AS Enright, Tresa, AS Feng, Shuo, AS Findlay, Wayne C, AS Gilbert, Blake M, AS Gu, Xiang, AS Gui, Yunwu, AS Haas, Pauline, AS Hagman, Cheryl Deanne, AS Han, Tao, AS Hanks, Tyler D, AS Harding, Melissa Joyce, AS Hays, Belinda, AS Higgins, Jason Brett, AS Hinds, Cody Jo, AS Hunsaker, Dustin R, AS Hunsaker, Johanna, Megan, AS Jessen, lsabeau Marie, AS J iao, Ziang, AS Johansen, Linda A, AS Keele, Randall Lincoln, AS Kumfer, Mindy Kay, AS
Lam, Tik Man, AS Lan, Tianrui, AS Lau, Tsz Ka, AS Lee, Hoi Ki, AS Leishman, Phillip M, AS Leung, Pui Man, AS Li, Ching Chung, AS Li, Huixia, AS Li, Ka Chun, AS Li, Ling, AS Li, Yan, AS Li, Yik Chun, AS Li, Yuan, AS Lin, Yang, AS Liu, Li, AS Liu, Ming, AS Liu, Siliang, AS Livingston, Stephen Tanner, AS Lu, Boqian , AS Lucero, Elizabeth Jean, AS Luk , Chui Yin, AS Lyman, Jaelyn, AS Ma, Fangfang, AS Mao, Rui, AS Mason, Boyd Earl, AS Meng, Fandi, AS Meng, Yuwei, AS Mi, Xue, AS Mieure, Savannah, AS Mok, Man Ling, AS Mora, Rey , Octavio, AS Munford, Max Daniel , AS Ng, Tsz Him Rocky, AS Ng, Yuen Chong, AS Or, Pui Yan, AS Palmer, Benjamin M, AS Park, Krista, AS Pau, Ka Ying, AS Perry, Derek T, AS Peterson, Jonathan Todd, AS Porter, Kristi Warner, AS Richards, Bryan Scott, AS Richens, Dianne, AS Rieffanaugh, Bridgett, AS Selman, Alashandra, AS Shin, Tsz Yeung, AS Shipp, Matthew Stephen, AS Sin, Kam Yee, AS Song, M.ingze, AS Stromberg, Erik A, AS Suo, Xiangheng, AS Sze, Chun Wang, AS Tan, Tian, AS Tang, Siu Hin Denis, AS Tang, Wai Suet, AS Tang, Yuen Tung, AS
- --------
- -------
Tenangueno , Bernardo, AS Tsui, Wai, AS Uresk, William John, AS Wallis, Jelena Athena, AS Wang, Feng, AS Wang, Jingyi, AS Wang, Lin, AS Wang , Xiaoliang, AS Wang, Zhan, AS Wang, Ziyin, AS Wei, Li, AS Wei, Wei, AS Wong, Chi Fai, AS Wong, Chun Chiu, AS Wong, Man Hon Aero, AS Wong, Wai Man , AS Wu, Chaoqun, AS Wu, Yige, AS Xie, Wenquan, AS Xie, Wenxue, AS Xu, Jianlan, AS Yan, Jun, AS Yang, Jiajing, AS Yang, Ming, AS Yang, Xue, AS Yick, Kwok Shun, AS Yick, Kwok Yiu, AS Yu, Kai, AS Yu, Lan, AS Zeng, Bo, AS Zhang , Tingting, AS Zhang, Yi, AS Zhang, Yue, AS Zhao , Rongrong, AS Zhao, Ting, AS Zhou, Xiaoyu, AS Interdisciplinary Studies Anderson, Kati Elizabeth, BS Chan, Chun Kiu, BS Chan, Ka Hey, BS Chan, Yung Sir, BS Chau, Shun Wa, BS Cheong, Stevie, BS Cheung, Kit Yee, BS Hai, Sau Lam, BS Lam, Kit, BS Lam, Ming Lai, BS Marshall, Paul Anthony, BS Mattingly, Melody, BS Mitchell, Amy Anne, BS Ng, Kwok Fai, BS Pua, Mei Wah Maggie, BS Soffe, Melissa, BS Tang, Fong Fu, BS Tang, Fun Yuet, BS
Teo, Koo Yan, BS Weidner, Mary, BS Wong, Ka Yan, BS Wong, Wing Yee, BS Wong, Yui, BS Yau,Kam Yiu,BS
EDUCATION Carol J Strong, Dean Communicative Disorders and Deaf Education
Alder, Melissa G, BS Allan, Amanda, BS Bagley, Kellan C, BS Barfuss, Steven Dale, BS Bateman, Michael Dean, BS Bringhurst, Elizabeth, BS Burns, Kelsey Christina, BS Carlson, Michelle Christine, BS Dahl, Natalie Joy, BS Daniels, Jessica Parkinson, BS Dutson, Eric D, BS Emery, Lauren B, BS Fawcett, Sharalyn Melissa, BS Fletcher, Jody, BS Grimmett, Anna Lee, BS Grover, Megan G, BS Hansen, Laurie Anne, BS Haslem, Megan, BS Holmgren, K,-isten, BS Jolley, Aimee C, BS LeBaron, Heidi Donae, BA Lindgren, Bonnie, BS McGarry, Vanessa, BA Moore, Michelle, BS Mumford, Wendy Lynne, BS Neilsen, Brandi Jean, BS Nelson, Danielle K, BS Newson, Autumn J, BS Nielson, Nicole Christine, BA Parkinson, Sherylyn, BS Partridge, Ashlee, BS Reynolds, Crystal Lee, BS Salvesen, Katie Lynn, BS Schow, Bradley P, BS Shurtleff, Ashley Wilson, BS Snider, Mara Jane, BS Sorensen, Tyler Daniel, BS Tyrrell, Amy May, BS Elementary Education
Abernethy, Kate Elizabeth, BS Aitken, Chelsea M, BS Allen, Gwen L, BS
And erson , Daniel J, BS Anderson, Kathleen, BS Andrews, Kim, BS Arnold, Megan S, BS Atcitty, Jenny M , BS Beck, Andrew Clark, BS Beck, Judy, BS Beddes , Sandra Murray, BS Bodily, Lisa, BS Broadbent, Chelsea A, BS Cannon, Randi Paul, BS Carter, Alicia Lee, BS Christensen, Chelcie J, BS Clark, Stephanie Holly Crane, BS Coats, Melissa Lynn, BS Cook, Elizabeth, BS Cowan, Katie Lee, BS Davenport, Elcena M, BS Davidson , Abigail, BS Dav is, Laura, BS Deaton, Lauren Gray, BS Dew, Ashli N, BS Dias, Matthew W, BS Downard , Megan Yvette, BS Duffy , Meagan Tara, BS Dutson, Rebecca, BS Edwards, Karen Elizabeth, BS Eggett, Ange la Annette, BA Eldredge, Aubrey A, BS Evans, Marianne B, BS Fish, Amy Ann, BS Flake, Meredith, BS Flitton, Linda Leann, BS Foley, Carrie L, BS Frame, Jennifer Marie, BS Gelter, Meghann Lynn, BS Gerber, Charity Marie, BS Gibson, Amanda Janine, BS Graham, Mandaree June, BA Hamilton, Emily Ma,·ian Ashton, BS Hansen, Amanda, BS Hanson, Tiffany, BS Henry, Jacob C, BS Hibbard, Me lani e J, BS Hoaldridge, Merrilee Hathaway , BS Horne, Jennifer M, BS Hyde, Amy Jo, BS Jack, Kaylyn Alder, BS Jacobson, Monica, BS Jenkins, Jennifer Ann, BS Jensen, Nicole, BS Jones, Belynda K, BS Jones, Lisa K, BS Jones, Mary Anne, BS Jones, Sarah, BS Kidd, Karalee Deem, BS
Knutson, Sheri Stephens, BS Kreitzer, Angie Smith, BS Kynaston, Jennifer Brittany, BA Lacy, Ashley Marie, BS LeBaron, Alison Hicken, BS Lehnardt, Amy Elizabeth, BS Loosle, Kimberly, BS Marsden, Shae, BA Marsh, Brenda S, BS Marshall, Mindi Lee, BS McCleary, Trisha Ann, BS McDougall, Ann, BS McQueen, Tiffany Ann, BS Montgomery, Jessica Lynn, BS Morris, Jonelle Rose, BS Nehmer, Allison J, BS Nelson, Susanna, BS Osborn, Jill Dianne, BS Pace, Michelle Erickson, BS Painter, Gayle Leslie, BS Parry, Brenda W, BS Pence, Nancy, BS Peterson, Lucille, BS Rasmussen, Brent Justin, BS Reed, Janalee, BS Rentschler, JaNell Jenkins, BS Rhoades, Evvi A, BS Richmond, Carolyn J, BS Riddel, Adria J, BA Roberts, Karly Joe, BS Rosen, Jennifer, BS Ross, Shauna M, BS Schmidt, Kira, BS Schoenfeld, Andrea N, BS Shields, Monica, BS Stewart, Lisa Marie, BS Sumsion, Tina Marie, BS Szymanski, Allison, BS Tucker, Michelle Ruth, BS Tuttle, Rachelle A, BS Udy, Joshua David, BA Udy,LeAnn,BS Vincent Jr, Donald Keith, BS Wampler, Laura Diane, BS White, Adrienne, BS Williams, Shelece, BS Winder, Elizabeth A, BS Wold, Meagan, T, BS Family, Consumer, and Human Development
Baugh, Carrie Ann, BS Bennett, Janalee, BS Boyer, Patricia Janel, BS Branch, Shelley Ann, BS Brown, Kayleen, BS
Cassity, Nicole Michelle, BS Clark, Shantel Janett, BS Coburn, Amberly A, BS Crook, Rachel, BS Davis, Elizabeth Marie, BA Dougherty, Lindsay Marie, BS Doxey, Sarah, BS Fletcher, Kelli, BS Galovan, Amanda L, BS Gibbons, Hillary Erin, BS Godderidge, Cortni, BS Greer, Haley M, BS Hawker, Elaina Marie, BS Heaps, Ashley, BS Hess, Laci J, BS Higham, Tracee, BS Ja ckson, Alex Nathaniel, BS Jensen, Hila Soroka, BS Jensen, Tanya Dunford, BS Johnson, Jenilynn S, BS Kendall, Krista D, BS King, Lindsay, BS Larsen, Jessica, BS Lehnhausen, Holly Nicole, BS Macias, Jessica Marie, BS McCausland, Tara Croshaw, BS Mckeachnie, Annalyse, BS Merrill, Linda J, BS Miller, Amanda, BS Mohlman, Jacquelyn, BS Moysh, Christy Lynn, BS Purcell, Andrew K, BS Ralphs, McKelle Dawn, BS Rawlings, Amanda, BS Schaefermeyer, Barbara Michelle, BS Snyder, Jenicia, BS Stevenson, Jessica L, BS Taylor, Danielle, BS Thompson, DeeAura E, BS Thompson, Heather, BS Thompson, Sherrin LaMont, BS Ure, Kemper, BS Wada, Maiko, BS Whelan, Carolyn Brown, BS Williams, Daneill Mckeachnie, BS Health, Physical Education, and Recreation
Adams, Karlee, BS Adams, Tiffany Diane, BS Anderson, Sean Darius, BS Armstrong, Bradley W, BS Asay, Randi-Jo, BS Baddley, Rebecca, BS Ball, Kevin Edward, BS Bartschi, Jason Paul, BS
Beck, Roxann e Ritchie, BS Beckstrand, Jared M, BS Behunin, Tara Analee, BS Berg, Kelli Jane, BS Berkley, Emily Ross, BS Bills, Brisha Ann, BS Blanchard, Kevin L, BS Blaney, Phil A, BS Bowen, Michelle, BS Bradshaw, Amanda Croft, BS Brague, Daniel Charles, BS Bulkley, Tiffany, BS Burton, Courtney Leigh, BS Burton, John W, BS Buttars, Melissa S, BS Call, Charity Marie, BS Campbell, Sally A, BS Castillon, Travis Enirque, BS Christensen, Kay C, BS Christensen, Seth A, BS Cooley, Tanner D, BS Coombs, Chad J, BS Coon, Aaron, BS Cooper, Alexis Diane , BS Cooper, Ashlee, BS Cornia, Trever, J, BS Crane, Erin Lynn, BS Cresswell, Ashlee Dawn, BS Crosby, Amanda Gayle, BS Demler, Terese, BS Earley, Michael D, BS Fife, Jamie Louise, BS Force, Miranda M, BS Fullmer, Rosalie Strong, BS Garnett, Jessica Ren ee, BS Hagen, Brittany Jean , BS Hansen, Ce lia, BS Hart, Mindy Lyn, BS Henderson, Melissa A, BS Humbert, Heather N, BS Hurst, Kelli Nicole, BS Jacobsen, Rebeca V, BS Jenkins, Ian G, BS Jones, Michelle, BS Kelley, Meredith Ann, BS King, Benjamin Lewis, BS Klein, Erin J, BS Lee, Katherine Diane, BS Lindstrom, Joel David, BS Macey, Kamilyn Andrews, BS Martin, Alexandra Marie, BS Maughan, Megan, BS Mikkelsen, Corey M, BS Mills, Joshua David, BS Monson, Corey N, BS Monson, Lauren Elise, BS
Moyes, Jennika, BS Myers, Alison, BS Nelson, Kelli Lee, BS Nieto, Staci Deane, BS Nuttall, Ethan T, BS Orr, Daniel Richard, BS Perry, Craig V, BS Peterson, Kindy J, BS Polson, Jill M, BS Potter, Emilie, BS Price, Christian B, BS Quintanilla, Nora, BS Redden, Brian Dee, BS Ripplinger, Brandon M, BS Robinson, Kimberly L, BS Robison, Audra K, BS Roper, Kelly A, BS Rupp, Megan L, BS Schmidt, Ashley Noel, BS Schweppe, Andrea M, BS Scoffield, Tia, BS Shaw , DeAnna Lee, BS Skabelund, Diana T, BS Skewes, Karri J, BS Smith, Angela K, BS Stevenson, Kristen L, BS Stewart, Allison Leigh, BS Stoddard, Cali Lynn, BS Stout, Kelby H, BS Summers, Megan, BS Tadje, Melissa, BS Thatcher, Danina Lynne, BS Thomas, Amy, BS Thornley, Brooke, BS Tonioli-Wilson, Karen Jo, BS Torman, Tracey L, BS Uragami, Jami M, BS Useche, He ctor Daniel, BS Vause, Stephanie, BS Watterson, Kelli, BS Weston, Charity, BS Wheeler, Wayne G, BS Wilson, Cammie Francis, BS Wilson, Ryan Robert, BS Wright, Heidi, BS Yost, Brianna, J, BS Young, Dantley N, BS Interdisciplinary Studies Bennion, Lindsey F, BS Black, Carrie Lynn, BS Faunce, Chelsea, BS Hancock , Jess A, BS Hills, Lori Ann, BS Mascaro, Heele Mikel, BS Neilson, Kimberly, BS
Robison, Jennifer, BS Stone, Emily, BS Wood, Stephanie Ann, BS
Psychology Abdullahi, Ikram M, BS Ake, Callie Christine, BS Alder, Jane K, BS Alexander, LaNae, BS Armstrong, Karin A, BS Ashby, Shaelene, BS Ball , Jeffrey A, BS Baxter, Heather A, BS Bryson, Melissa J, BS Callahan, Monique, BS Carlisle, Robert David , BA Carver, Misty D, BS Charlton, Cade Tomas, BS Clay, Casey J, BS Cole, Hannah Michaela, BS Curtis, Kathy Ann, BS Day, Amanda, BS DeGraw, Juli e, BS Dorsey I I, Adus F, BS Dull-Mcelhaney, Christy Ri chel!, BS Eggett, Brett Dunford, BS Farl ey, Leslie A, BS Fillingim, Jessica D, BS Gladu, Brian Daniel, BS Graff, Amanda, BS Greene, Ronald Jared, BS Han se n, Lori M, BS Haupt , Shelley K., BS Higham, W endy Ann, BS Hodge, Elizabeth Kat hleen , BS Jensen, Jason Emil, BS Jenson, Rebec ca, BS Johnson, Constance Ruth, BS Kuroda, Toshikazu, BS Labrum, Adrianne, BS Lauridsen, Clinton D, BS Malmberg, Heather S, BS Marx, Michael Alan, BS McCormack, Janet Lynn , BS Mcdougal, Kristina Rae, BS Nielsen, Paul Michael, BS Odendahl, Heather Rene, BS Olsen, Amanda, BS Owens, Mickenzie C, BS Parry, Todd C, BS Pearson, Heidi, BS Petty, Russell Dixon, BS Pilling, Patsy J, BS Pond, Megan, BS Prisbrey, Deborah Ellen, BS Purcell, Alicia, BS
Quitco, Beatriz G, BS Reeve , Carol R, BS Rosenlof, Michelle L, BS Sanderson, Dionne Lea, BS Schiess, Kamarie Ruth, BS Smith, Rayland Laroy, BS St Louis, Lisa Norma, BS Straight, Heather Marie, BS Tanner , Jennifer Starr, BS Yaterlaus, John M, BS Williams, Ryan L, BS Winegar, Adrienne P, BS Wright, Ashley H, BS
Secondary Education Blake, Whitney Brown, BS Thurnau, Jacqueline Elizabeth, BS Special Education and Rehabilitation Bristol, Cynthia G, BS Cary, Sarah Elizabeth, BS Castagno, Deborah, BS Eatchel, Lindsay K, BS Gardner, Shelly K, BS Hardman, Lina Marie, BS Hillstead, Lauren A, BS Kirk, Joann, BS Kruegar, Kristen Paige, BS Mcdaniel, Nea Jean, BS Pere z, Jill M, BS Poole , Amy, BS Porter, Kristi Warner, BS Sahleen, Lynette Christiansen, Serre, Michal Marie, BS Tuck , Elaine, BS Zacharias, Est her M, BS
ENGINEERING H Scott Hinton, Dean
Biological and Irrigation Engineering Butt , Tanya Ada Anne, BS Cornia, Shaun James, BS Fillmore, Darren R, BS McEwen, Gerald Dusti, BS Michaelson, Jacob James, BS Thompson , Reese S, BS Civil and Environmental Engi.neering Anderson, Brett E, BS Baer, Jacob C, BS Barton, J Garrett, BS
Baxter, Brad J, BS Bingham, Jonathan D, BS Birch, Brian, BS Boam, Jesse Fredrick, BS Brimhall, Brad K, BS Brown, Josh S, BS Brown , Joshua W, BS Candelario, Richard, BS Cedeno De Jesus, Starlin Severo, BS Christensen, Ryan A, BS Christiansen, Casey K, BS Costa, Evanicio C, BS Crookston, Brian Mark, BS Dinsdale, Ross Hyrum, BS Earl, Curtis L, BS Hall , Andrew J, BS Hansen, Kirk Robert, BS Hansen, Zachary, BS Hirschi, ,Joshua D, BS Jacobs, Briant H, BS Jardine, Mi chael Davis, BS Jensen , Bart Edward, BS Jeppson , Megan C, BS Jewkes , Chris G, BS Jiang, Yu, BS Kim, Sun Ku, BS Leo, Tiffany A, BS Marchant, Kyle B, BS McCloy, Jaxon T, BS McRae, Dani el Paul, BS Means, Brendan J, BS Moore, Kori Daryl, BS Nelson, Vaughn A, BS Oyler, Jordan T, BS Pabst, Mindy, L, BS Parker, Craig Stewart, BS Porter, Nathan Blain e, BS Powell, Melissa, BS Preece, Boyd Archie, BS Roberts, Brady P, BS Roth, Grant John , BS Sapp, John G, BS Savage, Kerry Casey, BS Schofield, Ray Richins, BS Smith, Nathan Q, BS Theurer, Steven W, BS Verns Artero, Nelson Elias, BS Wilson, Nash G, BS
Electrical and Computer Engineering Ahlstrom, Douglas James, BS Ball, Justin D, BS Bench , Jared K, BS Bradshaw, David D, BS Burk, Karl R, BS
Crace, Jared Edward, BS Eborn, Eric D, BS Ernstrom, David L, BS Esplin, Daniel H, BS Fowles, Adam C, BS Francis, Samuel TW, BS Galloway, Benjamin Michael, BS Harrison, Willie K, BS Hoenes, Taylor Radford, BS Hunsaker, Joseph Levi, BS Jack, Nathan Derryl, BS Jensen, Tyson Ray, BS Larsen, Zane J, BS Lefgren, Scott J, BS Leishman, Bradley C, BS Mabey, Robert Steven, BS Marchant, David L, BS Mckenna, Logan R, BS Melville, Cannon Scott, BS Nay, Samuel D, BS Rodriguez, Paul Bryan, BS Rounds, Shelley, BS Sorenson, Douglas W, BS Stuart, Daniel Scott, BS Talbot, Benjamin Jake, BS Taylor, Robert P, BS Willis, Bryan J, BS Yost, Kyle M, BS Young, Seth E, BS Engineering Education
and Technology
Amos, Joshua Michael, BS Anderson, Dustin Larry, BS Anderson, Mark, BS Arnold, Kent W, BS Baker, Blake H, BS Beveridge, Cameron Alexander, BS Boseman, Jordan C, BS Bradford, George Randy, BS Brunson, Garett L, BS Bryner, Chad E, BS Bunnell, Matthew D, BS Campbell, Dane Vance, BS Carpenter, Jerad Robert, BS Chung, Hwan Kyu, BS Conroy, Dennis Wayne, BS Crowther, Jason M, BS Dansereau, Aaron S, BS Dearrieta, Anna Maria, BS Ferguson, Matthew Scott, BS Gardner, Brian Dee, BS Gleisberg, Jonathan Michael, BS Godfrey, Troy M, BS Graham, Nathan D, BS Hoity, Phillip S, BS
Huff, Scott Wesley, BS Irvine, Jeffrey Mark, BS Ivester, Mitch, BS Jacobs, Beverly J, BS Kaufman, Benjamin Lee, BS Komatsu, Toshimitsu, BS Loper, Samuel L, BS Ludlow, Steven R, BS Lukasavige, Tyson, Lee, BS Mccarrel, Kevin, BS Mcconnel, David Wesley, AAS Mcconnel, David Wesley, BS McConnell, D Jason, BS Mcqueen, Brandon James, BS Nguyen, Tony Thien, BS Orton, Leon J, BS Ouellette, Thomas G, BS Page, Ryan Robert, BS Patrick, Donald R, BS Sanders, Dustin S, BS Schmidt, Ryan D, BS Stucki, Andrew M, BS Teerlink, Emily C, BS Tomlinson, Jason J, BS Toone, Phillip Guy, BS Waters, Scott Forrest, BS Withers, Wayne H, BS Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering
Andersen, Benjamin Marc, BS Anderson, Kevin R, BS Anderson, Otto J, BS Auman, Trevor R, BS Bingham, Bryan Elden, BS Black. Jonathan B, BS Brewer, David A, BS Brown, Mathew B, BS Calder, Amanda Marie, BS Christensen, Russell Wayne, BS Clegg, Andrew D, BS Cloud, Christopher Scott, BS Cooksey Jr, Mitcheal Allen, BS Cox, Jason L, BS Davis, Ryan Z, BS Eborn, Lance D, BS Everton, Zachary S, BS Ferrin, Jeffrey L, BS Fisher, Travis C, BS Frampton, Morgan M, BS Gibby, Scott A, BS Goodman, Michael Gail, BS Gyllenskog, James Douglas, BS Hall, Jeremy J, BS Hammond, Michael, BS Hancey, Adam Walker, BS
Hanson, Kyle R, BS Heaton, John Edwin, BS Hodson, Joshua Dale, BS Holt, Michael Reed, BS Jenkins, Erik Scott, BS Johnson, Denton H, BS Johnson, Nathan Lynn, BS Jolley, Patrick R, BS Lamb, Jacob Richard, BS Lee, Tae Hoon, BS Maybury, Kyle E, BS Morrill, Randall Wayne, BS Mortensen, Layne S, BS Moulding, Travis J, BS Overdiek, Paul M, BS Perl, Mark Anthony, BS Plaizier, Daniel 0, BS Quezada, Maria Camila, BS Robins, Kory B, BS Robinson, Christopher J, BS Rooks, Clint Gavin, BS Salmon, Scott David, BS Schauerhamer, Daniel Guy, BS Siddoway, Wade M, BS Smith, Christopher Erik, BS Smith, Tyson K, BS Speas, Herbert Henry, BS Stromsdorf'cr, Juan Jorge, BS Swank. Matthew Lynus, BS Swenson, Daniel C, BS Thurgood, Jeffrey C, BS Wood, Steven Olsen, BS
Art Banister, Kerri Lynne, BFA Barsallo, Ana Maki, BFA Bateman, Janna Jo, BFA Blanco, Juli Ann, BFA Bodily, Christina Marie, BA Burton, Katherine Marie, BF A Carter, Cameron, James, BF A Carter, Gregory Alan, BF A Crowley, Jesse Victor, BFA Dahle, Denise, BF A Despain, Chelsea J, BA Dodge, Joshua B, BFA Drake, Nathan J, BS Draper, Nicholas Ryan, BFA Evans, Matthew Arthur, BFA Fall, Meghan E, BFA Forsythe, Cara Kristine, BFA
Francisco, Ben Scott, BA Frisby, Jillyn, BFA Fuller, Russell S, BF A Gause, Jessi ca M, BFA Hacking, Beau Jared, BF A Hanson, Jared T, BS Hayes, Todd R, BFA Hyer, Casey Kay, BS Johnsen, Erika Annemarie, BFA Kirby, Joshua Eldon, BF A Munford, James Eugene, BFA Murray, Jason R. BF A Nelson, Kara, BFA Nevarez, Fabiola Irene, BF A Patterson, Scott Noonan, BFA Peterson, Tyraysha, BF A Rush, Jenny L, BFA Russell, Nina, BFA Schafer, Carrie Elizabeth, BF A Skaggs, Benjamin David, BFA Smith, Joseph B, BFA Sorenson, Mark Edward, BFA Thompson, Dustin John, BFA Troyer, Sherrie A, BF A Wardle, Carrie Ann, BFA Wood, William G, BA Young, Jonathan Edward, BFA Asian Studies Olaveson, Matt R, BA Smee, Paul F, BA Thornock, Jaclyn, BA English Aird, Jeffrey Alan, BA Allen, Casey T, BS Anderson, Christalee, BS Anderson, Rachel, BS Bassett, Alizabeth Anne, BS Beeley, Ryan Scott, BS Bitter, Brice Alexander, BS Brooks, Melissa Michelle, BS Brown, Jill Elizabeth, BS Call, Julie Anne, BS Clark, Steven Parley, BA Clarke, Ben D, BS Cottam, Erica, BS Couch, Jessica, BS Cowley, Melanny Lea, BS Crowther, Ciara, BS Dancsak, Jodi Lyn, BS Daniels, Alan R, BS Darrington, Brett J, BS Davis, Breanne L, BS Du Ree, Jessica, Lee, BS Emert, Charlotte Ann, BS
Farnsworth, Megan M, BS Guzman, Lauren Michelle, BS Hadden, Jody L, BS Hepner, Devin, BA Hobson, Kari Elizabeth, BS Humpherys, Natalie Anne, BS Hunsaker, Heather S, BA Ingersoll, Josh P, BS Johnson, Christina, BS Johnson, Susan Krogh, BS Jones, Tiffany Ann, BA Keck, Annelise, BA Lang, Anthony R. BA Larson, Lyndi A, BS Lee, Ashley Brook, BS Marinello, Amanda Ashley, BS Maughan, Natalie Jo, BS Maynard, Keith S, BA McB1·ide, Adrianne, BS Meadows, Leisa Marie, BS Noall, Mattie Lee, BS Nyikos, Benedek Balazs, BS Olsen, Christine J, BA Page, Shirley S, BS Pendleton, Zachary Eldard, BS Perkinson, Bryan Scott, BA Reeder, Justin Richard, BA Reeder, Sadie L, BS Robinson, Kate R, BS Smith, Char lotte, BS Sorensen, Melissa, BA Stephens, Chelsea, BS Swenson, Megan, BS Thacker, Patricia A, BA Webster, Adam D, BA Winn, Russell Bert, BS History Allred, Daniel M, BA Alvord, Trevor Pratt, BS Anderson, Joseph Nephi, BA Barrington, Patrick Scott, BS Barton, Brandy L, BA Bleak, Justin Forbes, BA Booth, Joshua Paul, BA Bowen, J enn ifer Lynn, BA Buckner, Kellie Suzanne, BA Carlson, Eric R, BA Christensen, Matthew Corey, BA Creighton, Mariah Elizabeth, BA Cunningham, Julia Jane, BA Davis, Scott D, BA Downs, Daniel Lewis, BA Eborn, Ryan A, BA Giordano, Peter S, BA Hancock, Wendy, BA
Hare, Megan C, BS Henrie, Anna, BA Hoyal, Paul Lawrence, BA Kawakami, Krista, BS Larson, Cheryl Rebecca, BS Mccaughin, Molly Marie, BA Mecham, Stefanie Ann, BA Menotti, Jacob Adam, BA Morgan, Brian Richard, BS Neeley, Katie P, BA Pfister, Cory H, BA Rogers, Andrew Karl, BA Skabelund, Tiffany E, BA Smith, Corban John, BA Swenson, Megan, BS Tonioli, Jonathon H , BS Ure, Melissa A, BA Webster, Melissa L, BA Wegener, Melissa K, BS Wilkins, Eric Kenneth, BS Interdisciplinary Studies Bateman, Tasma A, BS Brinkerhoff, Eric Matthew , BS Byrd, Israel Fabian, BS Denney, Marianne Moon, BS Excell, Marla G, BA Gass, Terri Lee, BS Haddock, Melanie, BS Harmon, Jonas D, BS Heed, Leslie Vineta, BS Heflin, October Sherie, BS Hovik, Rachel Lynn, BS Lloyd, Levi D, BS Loos, Robert C, BS Parrill, Sandra K, BS Penn, Donald Ward I[, BS Peterson, Terrence Durrall, BS Ross, Lisa G, BS Shakespeare, Katherine, BA Spencer, Peri K, BS Tew, Paula Thomas, BS Thomson, Angela M, BS Thurgood, Jeffrey C, BS Woods, Emily Rae, BS Interior Design Aitken, Marie Lynne, BS Berry, Janelle , BS Carroll, Brenna Christine, BS Crossley, Jessica Grace, BS Draper, Kirstyn Marie, BS Dryden, Dana M, BA Fielding, Melissa B, BS Fluckiger , Jan L, BS Gardner, Kajsa A, BS
Golightly, Kasey Christensen, BS Herdman, Brooke, BS Jensen, Pamela A, BS Lewis-Bown, Katie Lee, BS Maynes, Karamie Anne, BS Miller, Molly A, BS Murdock, Holly E, BS Neil, Hayley Joy, BS Palza, Misha A, BS Park, TaeHong, BS Platt, Sarah E, BS Rich, Elizabeth, BS Ridge, Megan, BS Smith, Amorette, BS Stutz, Rachel P, BS Vuyovich, Jenna L, BS Woodward, Jeanine, BS International
Barton, Brandy L, BA Bringhurst, Kyle Cruickshank, BA Evans, Macade T, BA Hoopes, Chrissy L, BA Kjar, Shaun S, BA Kohayakawa, Tomoaki, BA Moran, Jared Lloyd, BA Nelson, Tyler D, BA Reber, Gregory V, BA Spears, Kate Evelyn, BA Squires, Julia E, BA Superti, Pablo Botelho, BA Szilagyi, Benjamin Richard, BA Thompson, Marty Calvin, BA Journalism
and Communication
Brownlee, Garett Michael, BS Buddell, Brooke, BS Capener, Kami L, BS Chavez, Marques Alfred, BS Clayton, Christopher B, BA Cook, Kathryn Marie, BS Cook, Natalie Marie, BS Cope, Cameron John, BA Didericksen, Erin Nicole, BS Givens, Jason A, BS Harris, Anjilee Alix, BA Hawkes, Lindsey Rae, BS Hislop, Joseph A, BS Jost, Lexie M, BS Kartchner, Mikaylie, BS Katseanes, Rachel Lynne, BS Kemp, Kathryn, BS Knight, Joshua Michel, BS Lisonbee, Megan, BS Livingston, Elizabeth Virginia, BS Mabey, Candace, BS
Manning, Christopher Jordan, BS Meeks, Krista, BS Miller, Byrin Anthony, BS Millet, Lindsay Alise, BS Mitchell, Holly A, BS Netto, Jose Jorge Paes Peixoto, BA Nielsen, Kole L, BA Noack, David S, BS Olson, Amy, BS Palmer, Kelli Anne, BS Peterson, Staci Jo, BA Phippen, Lindy, BS Pope, Christina, BS Pratt, Ann Marie, BS Reale, Sarah Elizabeth, BS Reeder, Ryan Skov, BA Reese, Jennifer Anne, BS Riley, Noah A, BA Sagers, Jared K, BS Taylor, Chana Lee, BS Timpson, Jason L, BS Tippetts, Emma L, BS Tran, Huu T, BS True, Jared D, BS Weller, Kristen Kim, BS Whittier, Jamie Lyn, BS Wortley, Elizabeth Jessop, BS Landscape Architecture and Environmental Planning
Ackerson, Donna, BLA Alfandre, James Louis, BLA Barton, Michael W, BLA Bateman, Robert August, BLA Bingham, Kristina, BLA Bond , Bradley Ray, BLA Bradley, David A, BLA Bunderson, Dale J , BLA Crookston, Aaron F, BLA Epping, Bradd Jerome, BLA Fielden, Eric R, BLA Harrison, Krista Leigh, BLA Hart, Christopher J, BLA Koceja, William Zachary, BLA Oswald, Jon Brooklyn, BLA Pulsipher, Marcus H, BLA Ruedas, Jonathan P, BLA Sillito, Marty Leroy, BLA Smart, Brian Danielson, BLA Swenson Ill, Taylor, BLA Wozniak, Kyle Roger, BLA
Languages, Philosophy, Communication
and Speech
Allred, Nathan C, BA Bair, Kaylene, BA Baldwin, Nicholas Scott, BA Bleak, Justin Forbes, BA Blight, Chris J, BS Blocker, Jacob Dathanial, BS Bohn, Diane R, BA Brownlee, Garett Michael, BS Carter, Gabriel Arthur, BA Godfrey, Misty, BS Grant, Jedediah Morgan, BS Healey, Chris S, BA Hillstead, Wendy Johnson, BA Jabbouri, Maya, BA Jensen, Thomas M, BS Keck, Jeffrey Layne, BA Kjar, Shaun S, BS Merrill, Mandy Loren, BS Miller, Heather LeaAnne, BA Monteleone, Candace S, BS Mueller, Emily, BS Nielsen, Ramsey, BA Nyikos, Benedek Balazs, BS Peterson, Jackie G, BA Pritchett, Russell James, BS Reading, Benjamin Clarence, BA Reese , Charles Wyatt, BS Russell, Shane Ryan, BA Shaffer, Jason T, BA Thompson, Jason A, BA Wall, Kathryn Renee, BA Weber, Samuel R, BA Whittier, Shane M, BA Wilson, June Marchien, BS Liberal Arts and Sciences
Adams, Ethan, BA Andrus, John Mark, BA Bird , Teresa , BA Bullough, Corey Brent, BA Carlson, Eric R, BA Clawson, Melanie, BA Corrigan, Emmett Micheal, BA Dansie, Brian L, BA Dierks, Linda M, BA Durrant, Joshua A, BA Evans, Julie A, BA Eyre, Athaleen Tenille, BA Fenn, Tyrell, BA Forsythe, Michael, BA Gedge, Joseph Lee, BA Hamblin, Justin C, BA Harris, Anjilee Alix, BA Humbert, Jordan Joseph, BA
Johnson, Emily Jane, BA Johnson, Jeremy Stewart, BA Johnson, Sean P, BA Jolley, Necia M, BA Kay, Tawny J, BA Kemp, Ryan Shelby, BA Lee, Jared Allen, BA Lauto'O, Uanona Laleaga, BA Lucas, Kari J, BA Martinez, Heilit Margaret, BA Mays, Faye Frances, BA Moore, Russ, BA Mullen, Daniel Brett, BA Orgill, Vance J, BA Osmond, David A, BA Platt, John A, BA Pooley, Jessi ca Marie, BA Price, Barbara Casasbuenas, BA Severe, Lori Kay, BA Smith, Hillary Faith, BA Smith, Troy Aaron, BA Snow, Rashell, BA Sorensen, Jake Daniel, BA Sorensen, Philip Cody, BA Stewart, Stephanie, BA Sullivan, Mary-Marie Austin, BA Walker, Danielle M, BA Wilson, Elizabeth C, BA Winward, Joseph R, BA Music Arslanian, Karoun E, BM Barrett, Jentry Stoneman, BM Coulombe, Evan W, BM Daniels, Jaycie, BS Hancock, Luke D, BM Harris, Jessica L, BS Hawkes, Randee, BM Jang, Sekyung, BA Jewkes, Samuel Smith, BM Kirk, Alissa, BM Manser, Michelle, BM Merkley, Bianca Nicole, BS Nelson, Amanda, BS Paiser, Katherine Rebecca, BM Reimschussel, Bryn A, BM Rytting, Megan, BM Savage, Camille, BS Simmons, Burke Mccabe, BM Spackman, Helen Tamsyn Anderson, BM Titera, Linda Ann, BS Trammel, Jennifer R, BM Whatcott, Melissa, BM Wheatley, Eleanor E, BM
Political Science Abrams, Jared Daniel, BS Anderson, Davis Stokes, BA Anderson, Jordanne, BS Anderson, Michael J, BS Barber, Diana L, BA Barker, Molly Omega, BS Bartlett, Stephanie Ann, BA Bergman, Aaron K, BS Beus, Kathryn Anhder, BA Bishop, Robert Zenock, BA Boyd, Christopher Daniel, BA Bradshaw, Darrel Wayne, BS Bybee, John M, BA Capener, Kami L, BS Cork, Celeste J, BS Crosbie, Susan, BS Daniels, Yance J, BS Erling, Michael Scott, BS Farnsworth, Don Seth, BA Forsberg, Erin E, BS Frakes, Jordan M, BA George, John Gary, BS Hansen, Timothy W, BS Hartwell, Deidra Parish, BS Haycock, Amanda J, BS Heflin, Patricia S, BS Huntzinger, Lesli E, BS Ipson, Michael Brooks, BS Lundberg, Michelle, BS Maynard, Keith S, BA Miller, Angela Eve, BS Miller, Jacob Alexander, BS Nesbit, Zachary Tate, BA Odd, Julianne Marie, BS Pehrson, Arianne Nichole, BA Poteet, Felicia Horsley, BS Poulson, Kristi, BS Satterthwaite, Clinton D, BA Shaw, Jacob A, BS Strait, Micah N, BA Superti, Pablo Botelho, BS Tatton, Tyler R, BS Thompson, Marty Calvin, BA Tippetts , Emma L, BS Ure, Melissa A, BA Welsh, Larson Andrew, BS Wilson, Stacey J, BS Religious Studies Alvord, Trevor Pratt, BS Lauto'O, Uanona Laleaga, BS
Sociology, Social Work, and Anthropology Applonie, Heidi, BS Baarz, Heather L, BS Barber, Diana L, BA Barrett, Scott Tyler, BS Bingham, Sara Elizabeth, BS Bird , Zack R, BS Bramhall, Emily Marie, BS Brower, Helen, BS Brox, Cami.Ile Marshea, BS Bullock, Riley T, BS Burt, Christopher Gary, BS Burt, Giannina Baldi, BS Buxton, Jamie C, BS Call, Laura Anne, BS Carlisle, Desiree W, BS Carlson, Kali, BS Chau, Son Kim, BS Christensen, Brandon H, BS Christensen, Chelsey Dawn, BS Christensen, Nicole, BS Christensen, Sarah A, BS Clifford, Marjorie, BS Egnew, Elizabeth Ashley, BS Evans, Jennifer Amelia, BS Everton, Rachel E, BS Farnsworth, Daniel L, BS Forsberg, Erin E, BS Gonzalez, Aja Marie, BS Gordon, Cassandra, BS Griffiths, Deann P, BS Grove, Mary Annette, BS Hansen, Ashlee, BS Hare, Megan C, BS Harline, Brandi Louise, BS Harper, Robyn A, BS Hawkins, Lindsey, BS Heaton, Natalie, BS Hebdon, Amber L, BS Hernandez, Jacqueline F, BS Hill, Lacey, BS Hoggan, Deborah L, BS Holloway, Dionte Darnel, BS Hunting, Camille, BS Husbands, Kristin A, BS Hutchinson, Amy, BS Jensen, Rebecca A, BS Johnson, Genevieve Anderson, BS Johnson, Meghan D, BS Jorgensen, Elizabeth J, BA Kirkham, David John, BS Kotter, Edward Vernal, BS Krause, Jennifer R, BS Krogh, Ruth P, BA Latu, Lulu Saga, BS
Lawley, Temina M, BS Lewis, Emily MIiier, BS Lopez, Tonya Brown, BS Lukens, JeriAnn Finlinson, BA Lyman, Michael Carter, BS Marchena, Jae! A, BA Marshall, Soji L, BS Mcclure, Nathan W, BS Mcfarland, Kelly Annette, BS Miller, Craig D, BA Morrill, Rachel M, BS Nielsen, Ben H, BS Nielson, Marie Grace Vasquez, BS Olsen, Jennifer, BS Parkinson, Jared Williams, BS Pereira, Margarita A, BA Perkins, Tabitha, BS Peterson, Elise Monson, BS Poulson, Kristi, BS Preece, Kirsten Marie, BS Roberts, Britni Dawn, BS Robins, Megan Frances, BA Romrell, Jenelle L, BS Sahely, Jessica P, BS Schenk, Janie D, BS Scott, Samantha, BS Simmons, Amy Vayomi, BS Simmons, Valli Sue, BS Skinner, Jaclyn, BS Smith, Anthony Wayne , BS Steineckert, Ashley, BS Thatcher, Marea K, BS Turner, Amy, BS Turner, Trent Paul, BS Welsh, Larson Andrew, BS Whatcott, Clifford V, BS Wiberg, Brooke, BS Wilson, Randon Michael, BS Theatre Arts Dean, Angelee, BF A Gardner, Michael Scott, BFA Heap, Emily L, BF A Hunsaker, Heather S, BA Jackson, Lacey Anne, BFA Kayle, Courtney Jo, BF A La Bau, Alec James, BF A Larsen, James Kline, BF A Lord, Elicia, BFA Lyman, Andrea, BFA North, Timothy R, BF A Pence, Ryan D, BA Rhees, Hilary C, BF A Wong, Yik Fai, BFA
NATURAL RESOURCES Nat Frazer, Dean Aquatic, Watershed, and Earth Resources Allen, Cody M, BS Brewerton, Adam Brent, BS Environment and Society Anderson, Jamey H, BS Andreasen, Brandon L, BS Brower, James Darrel, BS Cannon, Angie, BS Champlin, Ashley, BS Covington, Collin E, BS Dawson, Kristen K, BS Hiatt, Samuel, BS Nielson, Bryan M, BS Phillips, Heather Ann, BS Pratt, Rachel Pearl, BS Reynolds, Daniel C, BS Sorensen, Emily, BS Thomas, Amy, BS Viehweg, Douglas K, BS Forest, Range, and Wildlife Sciences Abraham, PJ, BS Ashby, Isaa c Ammon, BS Atkinson, Spencer W , BS Bauer, Aron A, BS Bingham, Richard J, BS Catlin, Austin C, BS Clyde, Bryan James, BS Ewell, Derrick 1, BS Fowers, Beth, BS Fuerst, Andrew Gregory, BS George, Justin Richard, BS Hill, Timothy Wayne , BS Hirschi, Megan, BS Logan, Tyler Alan, BS Menghini, Kody A, BS Newman, Joshua A, BS Perkins, Christopher J, BS Poulos, Jesse M, BS Redd, Sarah M, BS Reese, John C, BS Roberts, Angela, BS Shaw, Andrew Michael, BS Stringham, Roger Blair, BS Stuart, James A, BS Taylor, Travis A, BS Tayon, Jessica Helena, BS Teson, Bradley A, BS Thacher, Aaron Thomas , BS Wolfgram, Jenny, BS
Interdisciplinary Studies Luck, Chad Lee, BS Sadlier, Kevin J, BS
SCIENCE Donald W.Fiesinger,Dean Biology Aird, Sara Ann, BS Anderson, Melody R, BS Archibald, Brandon Clair, BS Bagley , Alan Kirk, BA Bingham, Seth, BS Bingham, Ty ler M, BS Boston, Brian D, BS Bushnell, John B, BS Carter, Kandis Lyn, BS Cooper, Lori L, BS Cox, Jonathan R, BS Crowell, Kody R, BS Davis, Emily J, BS Dickson, Thomas S, BS Draney, Jonathan W, BS Elison, Newell Tyler, BS Fuerst, Lauren Marie, BS Garcia, Monica Cecilia, BS Gunnell, Daniel Ray, BS Hammond , Blaine Allen, BS Hansen, Sterling K, BS Healey , Chris S, BA Hinckle y, Trevor C, BS Housl ey, Daniel Christopher, BA Humphreys , Dan E, BS lsbell, Daniel Richard, BS James , Tyler Roy, BS Kemp, Ryan Shelby, BS Kimbal, Kyle Clark, BS La, Linda Thi, BS Leavitt, Michelle Amanda, BS Leavitt, Scott T, BA Luu, Tom , BS Merkley, Erik Lavar, BS Mildenhall , Jacob S, BA Mitchell, Kelli, BA Nguyen, Viet Quang, BS Orwin, Thomas, BS Pehrson, Cody P, BS Pluid, Jacob Byron, BS Preece, Landon, BA Rasmussen, Neal R, BS Rees, Tiffany Quinn, BS Rutledge, John D, BS Schuler, Sunny Lane, BS Smith, Angela, BS Sullenger, Anthony K, BS
Telford, Bryce Scott, BS Tran, Lisa, BS Wasden, Trevor S, BS Waters, Mikal-Anne, BA Webster, Barry Leon, BS Wells, Nathaniel G, BS Werner, Cameron, BS Whipple, Ian G, BA Williams, Matthew R, BS Willmore, Rod er ick J, BS Chemistry and Biochemistry Auman, Emily Suzanne, BS Catron, Paige, BS Dunleavy, Becky Ann, BS Ghafourian, Mitra, BS Gonzalez, Ren A, BS Ha, Rachel Dongbin, BS Holden, Deric, BS Jorgensen, Matthew R, BS Larsen, Nicholas A, BS Lewis, Elizabeth, BS Lund, Elizabeth Ann, BS Malnar, Meredith, BS McKenna, Elise, BS Nielson, Trevor A, BS Oveson, Sandra Cove, BS Pound, Elisabeth, BS Shipley, Crystal, BS Smith, Whittney Oleane, BS Stratford, Jeran K, BS von Niederhausern, Karl Boyd, BS Computer Science Anderson, Matthew L, BS Atchley, Dale Wayne, BS Batty, Thayne S, BS Bridenstine, Jason D, BS Butt, Kyle Steven, BS Capps, Michael B, BS Ernstrom, David L, BS Cempeler, Robert R, BS Hales, Stephen F, BS Hartley, Joseph Ryan, BS Hobbs, Daniel Brent, BS Karren, Roger L, BS Morgan, Kathryn Jean, BS Nielson, Christian T, BS Perkins, Curtiss Tyler, BS Profaizer, Justin Charles, BS Rimington, Keith B, BS Seegmiller, David Christian, BS Seo, Chang Su, BS Shinney, Steven H, BS Thatcher, Nathan K, BS Whitaker, Robert Bruce, BS
Geology Barton, Daniel C, BS Blain, Johnathan Tyler, BS Interdisciplinary Studies Godfrey, Greg B, BS Mcclellan, Cody L, BS Middleton, Steven A, BS Mathematics and Statistics Allan, Michelle L, BS Andersen, Jan Marie, BS Atkins, Rebecca J, BS Batty, Thayne S, BS Bell, Jason L, BS Bingham, Meghan S, BS Borton, Michael J, BS Butt, Kyle Steven, BS Curtis, Talitha Marie Harris, BS Easton, Susan Renee, BS Fawcett, Corlan 0, BS Goff, David, Warren, BS Gregory, Melissa D, BS Hummel, Michelle Hatch, BS Lyon, Brandon James, BS Nielsen, Susie, BS Root, Veronica Titus, BS Sadler, Don Russell, BS Sessions, Dena Aileen, BS Spencer, Michael, BS Thatcher, Kimberly Hill, BS Thorpe, Justin N, BS Whittier, Crystal Dawn, BS Wilkerson, Amelia L, BS Winder, Angela L, BS Physics Abel, Joseph Ray, BS Andersen, Jan Marie, BS Cicero, Angel Matesanz, BS Goff, David Warren, BS Higgs, Kristi Anne, BS Jones, Tiana L, BS Kullberg, Adam Bryce, BS Thomas, Anthony Paul, BS
Dr. Byron R. Burnham, Dean
DOCTORAL DEGREES Collegeof Agriculture Charoonruk, Gene Bangkok, T hai land MS: Mahidol University, 1997 Major: Nutrition and Food Sciences Major Professor: Dr. Ronald G. Munger Dissertation: Diabetes, Cognitive Decline, and Alzheimer's Disease: The Cache County Study on Memory, H ea lth, and Aging
Collegeof Educationand Human Services
Blair, Richard Houston Lancaster, California BS: Brigham Young University, 2003 Major Professor: Dr. James C . Blair Doctor of Audiology Bushman, Bryan Boyd Lewisville, Texas MS: Utah State University, 2003 Major: Psychology Major Professor: Dr. Gretchen A. Gimpel Peacock Dissertation: Does Teaching Problem-Solving Skills Matter?: An Evaluation of Problem-Solving Skills Training for the Treatment of Social and Behavioral Problems in Children DeBoer, Barbara Anne Logan, Utah MEd: Weber State University, 1998 Major: Education Major Professor: Dr. Ray Reutzel Dissertation: Effective Oral Language Instruction: A Survey of Utah K-2 Teacher Self-Reported Knowledge
Eliason, Clint Salt Lake City, Utah MS: Utah State University, 1992 Major: Psychology Major Professor: Dr. Steve Lehman Dissertation: Evaluating the Effectiveness of Supplemental Labels in Museum Exhibits Escalante, Debora L. Orem, Utah MS: Brigham Young University, 1978 Major: Instru ctiona l Technology Major Professor: Dr. J. Nicholls Eastmond Dissertation: The Design and Development of an Educator Supply and Demand Study for the Stale of Utah Griffin, Tyler Jay Providence, Utah MS: Utah State University, 200 I Major: Instructional Technology Major Professor: Dr. Byron R. Burnham Dissertation: Liberating the Spacing Effect from the Laboratory: A Practical Application in a Worldwide Web-Based Religious Education Volunteer-Teacher Training Program Hermansen, Rebecca T. Ephraim, Utah MS: Bowling Green State University, 1996 Major: Education Major Professor: Dr . Gary S. Straquadine Dissertation: From Orientation to Graduation: An Analysis of the Effect of Orientation as Anticipatory Socialization on College Student Persistence
Herron, Julie Kathleen Riverbank, California MS: San Diego State University, 2002 Major: Education Major Professor: Dr. James J. Barta Dissertation: Culturally Relevant Word Problems: The Effects on Second Graders' Mathematics Achievement Farnsworth, Kahri Hansen Lindon, Utah BS: Utah State University, 2003 Majo,- Professor: Dr. John E,. Ribera Doctor of Audiology Jarrett, Claudia Parkin Mt. Pleasant, Utah MS: Utah State University, 1984 Major: Education Major Professor: Dr. Jeffrey J. Johnson Dissertation: Applicability of' Modifying l nternel User Satisfaction and Usability Instruments for Evaluating Higher Education Human Resource Intr anet Websites Lancaster, Paul L. C leveland, Utah BS: Utah State University, 2003 Major Professor: Dr. Mark Krumm Doctor of Audiology Melton, David Wayne Charleston, Illinois MS: Brigham Young University, 2003 Major: Education Major Professor: Or. Kurt Becker Dissertation: Comparisons of Group-Based and Individual-Based Assignments in an Engineering Graphics Course Within a Higher Education Learning Environment
Randolph, Justus Joseph Clearfield, Utah ME: Framingham State College, 2001 Major: Education Major Professor: Dr. George Julnes Dissertation: Computer Scien ce Education at the Crossroads: A Methodological Review of Computer Sc ienc e Education Resear ch: 20002005
Collegeof Natural Resources
Collegeof Science
Atwood, Todd Charles Big Timber, Montana MS: Purdue University, 2002 Major: Wildlife Biology Major Professor: Dr. Eric Gese Dissertation: Wolves, Coyotes, Elk, and Mule Deer: PredatorPrey Behavioral Interactions in Southwestern Montana
Rogers, James R. Logan, Utah MS: Ohio University, 1999 Major: Instru ctional Technology Major Professor: Dr. Mimi Re cker Diss er tation: Identity as a Mediator of Student Activity: An Ethnographic Investigation in an Online Class
Berger, Kim M. Victor, Idaho MS: University of Nevada Reno, 200] Major: Wildlife Biology Major Professor: Dr. Eric Gese Dissertation: Conservation Implications of Food Webs Involving Wolves, Coyotes, and Pronghorn
Heavilin, Justin Ewing Arcata, California MS: Humboldt State University, 1996 Major: Mathematical Sciences Major Professor: Dr. James A. Powell Dissertation: The Red Top Model: A Landscape Scale lntegrodifference Equation Model of the Mountain Pine Beetle-Lodgepole Pine Forest Interaction
Collegeof Engineering
Dodd, Annjanette Marie Loleta, California MS: Humboldt State University, 1997 Major: Civil and Environmental Engineering Major Professor: Dr. Thomas B. Hardy Dissertation: Two-Dimensional Mobile Bed Hydrod yna mic Model for the Transport of Mixed Sediments Kaheil, Yasir H. Ga za, Gaza Strip, Palestinian Territories MS: Utah State University, 2003 Major: Civil and Environmenta l Engineering Major Professor: Dr. Mac McKee Dissertation: Automatic Processing of Multi-Resolution Data for Use in Water Management and Hydrologic Modeling
Burkart, Greta Ann Fairbanks, Alaska MS: Wright State University, 1999 Major: Ecology Major Professor: Dr . Chris Luecke Dissertation: Energy Flow in Artie Lake Food Web : The Role of Glacial Histor y, Fish Predators, and Benthic-Pelagic Linkages Gomben, Peter C. Hammond, Indiana MS : University of Idaho, 1993 Major: Human Dimensions of Ecosystem Scien ce and Management Major Professor: Or. Robert J. Lilieholm Dissertation: Land Use and Development in the Mojave Desert Region of San Bernardino County, California: The Impact of Changing Demographic Trends
Herron, Joshua Patrick Kalispell, Montana MS: Utah State University, 2004 Major: Physics Major Professor: Or. Vincent B. Wickwar Dissertation: Rayleigh-Scatter Lidar Observations at USU's Atmospheric Lidar Observator y (Logan, UT)-Temperature Climatology, Temperature Comparisons with MSIS, and Noctilucent Clouds Li, Jie Panjin, Liaoning, P.R. China BS: Dalian University of Technology, l 996 Major: Chemistry Major Professor: Dr. Cheng-Wei Tom Chang Dissertation: Design, Synthesis, and Antibacterial Activity Studies of Novel Aminoglycoside Antibiotics
Nielsen, Kim Skamby, Denmark MS: University of Alaska, Fairbanks, 2002 Major: Physics Major Professor: Dr. Michael J . Taylor Dissertation: Climatology and Case Studies of Mesospheric Gravity Waves Observed at Polar Latitudes
Noguera, Cesar 0. Caracas, Venezuela MS: Universidad Central De Venezuela, 1995 Major: Physics Major Professor: Dr. Jan J. Sojka Dissertation: Development of Two New Ionosph er ic Indices Spaulding, Allen Wesley Fresno, California MS: Utah State University, 1998 Major: Biology Major Professor: Dr. Michael E. Pfrender Dissertation: Rapid Evolution Due to Sexual Selection in Grouse and Wood Warblers Tinney, Charles Evan Paradise, Utah PhD: University of Utah, 1974 Major: Physics Major Professor: Dr. W. Farrell Edwards Dissertation: Determining the Relationship Between Students' Scores Using Traditional Homework Assignments to Those Who Used Assignments on a Non-Traditional Interactiv e CD with Tutor Helps
MASTER'S DEGREES Collegeof Agriculture Bunderson, Landon Castle Dale, Utah Master of Science BS: Utah Valley State College, 2004 Major: Plant Science Major Professor: Dr. Paul G. Johnson Thesis: Evaluation of Native and Adapted Grass Species and Their Management for Turfgrass Applications in the Intermountain West
Carroll-Larson, Jordan Scott Missoula, Montana Master of Science BS: University of Montana, 2004 Major: Applied Economics Major Professor: Dr. Arthur C . Caplan Thesis: Exercising a Vehicles Miles Traveled Tax to Control Mobile Source Pollution: A Study on Reducing PM2.5 in Cache County, Utah Christiansen, Jason K. Manti, Utah Master of Science BS: Weber State University, 2003 Major: Nutrition and Food Science Major Professor: Dr. Jeffery R. Broadbent Thesis: Phenotypic and Cenotypic Analysis of Amino Acid Metabolism in Lactobacillus helveticus CNRZ 32 Ellis, Shane C. Hamer, Idaho Master of Science BS: Utah State University, 2002 Major: Applied Economics Major Professor: Dr. E. Bruce Godfrey Thesis: Factors Affecting Breeding Bull Prices: A Case Study of lntermountain Bull Test Sales Fawson, Robert M. Logan, Utah Master of Science BS: Utah State University, 2005 Major: Applied Economics Major Professor: Dr. Steven S. Vickner Godfrey, Lynn Rex Fielding, Utah Master of Science BS: University of Idaho, 2004 Major: Dairy Science Major Professor : Dr. Tilak R . Dhiman Thesis: Influence of Method of Processing and Feeding Level of Safflower Seeds on the Performance of Dairy Cows
Jenson, William D. Logan, Utah Master of Science BS: Utah State University , 2006 Major: Applied Economics Major Professor: Dr. Steven S. Vickner Larsen, Jacoba Ellyn Nampa, Idaho Master of Science BS: Utah State University, 2004 Major: Applied Economics Major Professor: Dr. Steven S. Vickner Paredes Forzani, Melvin Ernesto Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic Master of Science BS: Utah State University, 2005 Major: Applied Economics Major Professor: Dr. Steven S. Viclrner Rasmussen, Taylor Carl Logan, Utah Master of Science BS: Utah State University, 2005 Major: Nutrition and Food Science Major Professor: Dr. Donald J . McMahon Thesis: Texture Profile Analysis in Relation to Proteolysis as Influenced by Aging Temperature and Cultures in Cheddar Cheese Richins, Rachel Anne Cedar City, Utah Master of Science BS: Utah State University, 2005 Major: Nutrition and Food Sciences Major Professor: Dr. Nedra K. Christensen Thesis: Development, Evaluation, and Efficacy of a Heart Healthy Curriculum in Two Different Education Settings, Emphasizing Food Portioning and Cooking Skills, Increased Fruits, Vegetables, Whole Grains, Low-Fat Dairy, and Exercise
Salas Garcia, Carolina Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic Master of Science BS: INTEC University, 2004 Major: Applied Economics Major Professor: Dr. Basudeb Biswas Sampson, Elizabeth Lee Neola, Utah Master of Science BS: Brigham Young University, 1981 Major: Agricultural Systems Technology Major Professor: Dr. Julie P. Wheeler Singleton, Tyler J. Providence, Utah Master of Science BS: Utah State University, 2000 Major: Nutrition and Food Science Major Professor: Dr. Donald J. McMahon Thesis: The Effect of Exopolysaccharide-Prod uci ng Streptococcus thermophilus MR] Con Functionality in High Moisture Cheddar-Type Cheese Thompson, Rebecca Lee Clearfield, Utah Master of Science BS: Weber State Univers ity, 2004 Major: Nutrition and Food Science Major Professor: Or. Jeffery R. Broadbent Thesis: Control of Listeria Monocytogenes in Ready-to-Eat Meat Containing Levulinate , Lactate, or Lactate and Diacetate Wall, Alicia Renae Riverton, Utah Master of Science BS: Utah State University, 2004 Major: Animal Science Major Professor: Dr. Kenneth C. Olson Thesis: Nutrient Utilization by Beef Steers on Forage Kochia and Low-Quality Forage Diets and Simultaneous Use of Ytterbium and Dysprosium to Measure Digesta Kinetics of Two Forages
Collegeof Business
Ahlmer, Chad Merrill North Ogden, Utah Master of Business Administration BS: Southern Utah University, 2002 Allen, Elizabeth Dawn St. George, Utah Master of Science BS: Brigham Young University, 2003 Major: Human Resources Bergstrom, Daron Boyce Kaysville, Utah Master of Business Administration BS: Utah State University, 2006 Berrett, Benjamin L. Midway, Utah Master of Science BS: Brigham Young University, 2004 Major: Business lnformation Systems Bitner, Brian Alan North Salt Lake City, Utah Master of Business Administration BS: Utah State Univers ity, 2004 Black, Matthew Thomas Tooel e, Utah Master of Accounting BS: Utah State University, 2006 Bosworth, D. Scott Preston, Idaho Mast er of Science BS: Utah State University, 2004 Major: Economics Major Professor: Or. Tyler J. Bowles Thesis: Online Enrollment and Student Achievement: A Treatment Effects Model Brown, Ben J. Burley, Idaho Master of Accounting BS: Utah State University, 2005 Campbell, Evan Chad St. George, Utah Master of Science BS: Utah State University, 2003 Major: Human Resources
Carroll, Markham John Temecula, California Master of Accounting BS: Utah State University, 2006 Cluff, Joel Daryl Logan, Utah Master of Business Administration BS: Utah State University, 2005 Cook, Richele Loveridge Salem, Utah Master of Business Administration BS: Brigham Young University, 2002 Critchfield, Roger Andrew Salem, Utah Master of Business Administration BS: Brigham Young University, 1998 Davis, Tonya Rae Providence, Utah Master of Business Administration BS: University of Utah, 2000 Dean, Randy Bo Orem, Utah Master of Business Administration BS: Utah Valley State College, 2004 Deng, Junjun Liuzhou, Guangxi, China Master of Accounting MS: Utah State University, 2004 Dunn, Travis John Murray, Utah Master of Science BS: Brigham Young University, 2005 Major: Human Resour ces Duran Rodriguez, Dashiel A. Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic Master of Business Administration MS: Pontificia Universidad Catolica Madre Y Maestra, 2005 Durrant, Jonathan M. Salt Lake City, Utah Master of Accounting BS: University of Utah, 2004
Earley, Anna Idaho Falls, Idaho Master of Accounting BS: Utah State University, 2006
Holyoak, Nathan S. Nibley, Utah Master of Business Administration MS: Utah State University, 2004
Lawton, John Carlon Hurricane, Utah Master of Business Administration BS: Dixie State College, 2006
Elmer, Steven R. Grantsville, Utah Master of Business Administration BS : Utah State University, 2006
Holyoak, Rachel J. Pleasant Grove, Utah Master of Business Administration BS: Utah State University, 2004
Lee, Michael William Bountiful, Utah Master of Business Administration BS: University of Utah, 2000
Forsey, Janae Payson, Utah Master of Business Administration BS: Utah Valley State College, 2003
Howard, Ashlee Garcia Sandy, Utah Master of Business Administration BS: Utah State University, 2006
Leishman, Lisa Nibley, Utah Master of Science BS : Utah State University, Major: Human Resources
Galiatsatou, Magdalena Martina Athens, Greece Master of Science BS: University of Piraeus-Maritime Studies, 2005 Major: Human Resources
Isom, Mandi B. Herriman, Utah Master of Accounting BS: Utah State University, 2007
Garner, Matthew A. Roosevelt, Utah Master of Science BS: University of Utah, 2000 Major: Human Resources Halverson, Bryan Andrew Valencia, California Master of Business Administration BS: Brigham Young University, 2001 Hatfield, Geoffrey G. Ameri ca n Fork, Utah Master of Business Administration BS: Utah Valley State College, 2005 Haws, David Freeman North Logan, Utah Master of Accounting BS: Utah State University, 2006 Hiller, Adam James Taylorsville, Utah Master of Science BS: Utah State University, 2005 Major: Human Resources Hoehne, Joshua Gordon Provo, Utah Master of Business Administration BS: Utah State University, 2005
Jenkins, Lisa Newton, Utah Master of Accounting BS: Utah State University, 2005 Jensen, Tyler Stan Castle Dale, Utah Master of Business Administration BS: Utah State University, 2005 Johansen, Justin Craig Castle Dale , Utah Master of Business Administration BS: Utah State University, 2006 Kim, Changwook Daegu, South Korea Master of Science BS: University of Idaho, 2004 Major: Business Information Systems Kimball, Ryan Matthew South Jordan, Utah Master of Business Administration BS: Utah State University, 2006 Kuchenmeister, Joseph Kristofer Republic, Washington Master of Business Administration BS: Utah State University, 2006 Lambson, Christy Jean Franklin, Idaho Master of Accounting BS: Utah State University, 2005
Mansfield, Kent Allen Vernal, Utah Master of Science BS: Utah State University, 1999 Major: Business Information Systems Monson, Micah S. Midvale, Utah Master of Business Administration BS: University of Utah, 2001 Neeley, Daniel Joseph Idaho Falls, Idaho Master of Accounting BS: Utah State University, 2006 Newman, Greg Morris Midvale, Utah Master of Business Administration BS: Utah State University, 2006 Park, Julie M. Ogden, Utah Master of Business Administration BS: Weber State University, 1998 Parker, Christopher Orem, Utah Master of Business Administration BS: Utah Valley State College, 2004 Pehrson, Janna Marie Wendover, Utah Master of Accounting BS: Utah State University, 2006 Pelis, Annette Centerville, Utah Master of Accounting BS: Brigham Young University,
Perkins, Kamela D. Tooele, Utah Master of Science BS: Utah State University, Major: Human Resou ces
Russell, Philip Andrew Logan, Utah Master of Business Adm inistration BS: Utah State University, 2006 Saunders, Paul Logan, Utah Master of Accounting BS: Utah State University, 2005 Schenk, Hannes Postal, Ital y Master of Science BS: Utah State University, 2005 Major: Economics Seamons, Cameron Daines Hyde Park, Utah Master of Accounting BS: Utah State University, 2006 Seegmiller, Scott Robert Salt Lake C ity, Utah Master of Science BS: Utah State University, 2003 Major: Human Resources Shepherd, Ke1¡ry M. Fruit Heights, Utah Master of Business Administration BS: Utah State University, 2006 Skinner, Clifford Karl Dingle, Idaho Master of Accounting BS: Utah State University, 2006 Sleight, Jason D. Richmond, Utah Master of Business Administration BS: Utah State University, 2006 Stevens, Amanda L. Fillmore, Utah Master of Science BS: Utah State University, 2005 Major: Human Resour ces
Sykes, Jennifer Sue Magna, Utah Master of Science BS: Utah State University, 2005 Major: Human Resources Tayler, Kent L. West Bountiful, Utah Master of Science BS: Weber State University, Major: Human Resources
Trahan, Elizabeth N. San Antonio, Texas Master of Business Administration BS: Texas A&M University , 2004 Tran, Vinh Loe Ho Chi, Minh, Vietnam Master of Science BS: Utah Stale University, 200 1 Major: Business Information Systems Turek, Donna Marie Santa Clara, Utah Master of Science BS: Central Michigan University, 1982 Major: Human Resources von Bose, Sjon S. Spanish Fork, Uta h Master of Science BS: Brigham Young University, 2000 Major: Bu siness Information Systems Wagner, Daniel Bruce Salt Lake City, Utah Master of Accounting BS: Utah State University, 2006 Walker, Jason Alden Logan, Utah Master of Accounting BS: Utah State University, 2006 Warburton, Allen Shane Ogden, Utah Master of Business Administration BS: Weber State University, 2005 Wood, Scott Christopher Orem, Utah Master of Business Administration BS: Utah Valley State ColJege, 2004
Woodward, Jeremy D. Wellsville, Utah Master of Accounting BS: Utah State University, 2006 Yapor de Diaz, Ana Margarita Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic Master of Business Administration BBA: Dontificia Universidad Catolica Madre y Maestra, 2003
Collegeof Education and Human Services
Allen, Jason Luke Sandy, Utah Master of Education BS: University of Uta h, 2004 Major: Instru ction a l Technology Major Professor: Dr. Sheri Haderlie Allen, Linda L. Boston, Massachusetts Master of Education BS: Boston State College, 1978 Major: Elementary Education Major Professor: Dr. Jame s Jon Barta Allen, Melissa Josephine West Jordan, Utah Master of Education BS: Southern Utah University, 2002 Major: Elementary Education Major Professor: Dr. Park er C. Fawson Ames, Tammy Salt Lake City, Utah Master of Rehabilitation Counseling BS: Utah Valley State College, 2003 Major Professor: Dr. Jared Schultz Anderson, Janalee Wellsville , Utah Master of Education BS: Utah State University, 1999 Major: Elementary Education Major Professor : Dr. Martha T . Dever
Arnell, Genna K. Idaho Falls, Idaho Master of Science BS: Utah State University, 2005 Major: Communicative Disorders and Deaf Education Major Professor: Prof. Vicki Simonsmeier Barber, Hollie Marie Hyde Park, Utah Master of Science BS: Utah State University, 2005 Major: Communicative Disorders and Deaf Education Major Professor: Prof. Anne Elsweiler Barber, Richard Luke Draper, Utah Master of Science BS: Utah State University, 2005 Major: Communicative Disorders and Deaf Education Major Professor: Dr. Vicki Simonsmeier Barnhurst, Rebecca Alyce Draper, Utah Master of Education BS: Weber State University, 1996 Major: Elementary Education Major Profes sor: Or. John A. Smith Bateman, Robert James Layton, Utah Master of Science BS: Utah State University, 2005 Major: Communicative Diso1-ders and Deaf Education Major Professor: Prof. Anne Elsweiler Belnap Foster, Fay Lynne Inkom, Idaho Master of Science BS: Brigham Young University, 2000 Major: Fami ly, Consumer, and Human Development Major Professor : Dr. Linda M. Skogrand Thesis: Premarital Preparation and Marital Satisfaction: What Utah Individuals Are Doing to Prepare for Marriage and How Premarital Preparation Can Enhance Marital Satisfaction
Benson, Scott Jason Smithfield, Utah Master of Education BS: Utah State University, 2004 Major: Elementary Education Major Professor: Dr. Sylvia Read Bey, Dianne Marie Mt Pleasant, Utah Master of Education Dip.Ed: McGill University, 1986 Major: Instructional Technology Major Professor: Dr. Sheri Haderlie Billings, Adam Russell Salt Lake City, Utah Master of Education BS: Utah State University, 2006 Major: Communicative Disorders and Deaf Education Major Professor: Dr. J. Freeman King Black, Dawn Dewsnup Delta, Utah Master of Science BS: Utah State University, 2004 Major: Psychology Bodily, Lori Jo Layton, Utah Master of Education BS: Utah State University, 2006 Major: Communicative Disorders and Deaf Education Major Professor: Dr. J. Freeman King Boone, April Lee West Jordan, Utah Master of Education BS: Brigham Young University Hawaii, 2004 Major: Elementary Education Major Professor: Dr. Sylvia Read Bos, Shannon Nichole Sa lt Lake City, Utah Master of Education BS : Utah State University, 2006 Major: Communicative Disorders and Deaf Education Major Professor: Dr. J. Freeman King
Bostick, Bryan K. Roosevelt, Utah Master of Science BS: University of Utah, 2003 Major: Psychology Boyce, Bradley G. Wellsville , Utah Master of Education BS: Brigham Young University, 2003 Major: Instructional Technology Major Professor: Or. Sheri Haderlie Bridge, Alyssa Thompson Price, Utah Master of Science BS: Utah State University, 2005 Major: Communicative Disorders and Deaf Education Major Professor: Dr. Beth E. Foley Burbidge, Kirkham Moyle Magna, Utah Master of Education BS: University of Utah, 1998 Major: In structional Technology Major Professor: Dr. Andrew E. Walker Carey, Cathy Thompson Salt Lake City , Utah Master of Family and Human Development BS: University of Utah, 1978 Major Professor: Dr. Randall M. Jones Carter, Elaine C. Vernal, Utah Master of Education BS: Utah State University, 1992 Major: Elementary Education Major Professor: Or. Sylvia Read Chapman, Heather J. Roy, Utah Master of Science BS: Utah State University, 1999 Major: Psychology Major Professor: Dr. Jamison D. Fargo Thesis: Psychometri c Evaluation of the Mathematics Attitude Survey
Chew, Tamara S. Jensen, Utah Master of Education BS: Utah State University, 1984 Major: Elementary Education Major Professor: Dr. James T. Dorward Clyde, Melia Springville, Utah Master of Science BS: Utah State University, 2005 Major: Communicativ e Disorders and Deaf Education Major Professor: Or. Sonia S. Manuel-Dupont Condit, Chris Ernest Salt Lake City, Utah Master of Rehabilitation Counseling BS: California State University, Fresno, 1989 Major Professor: Dr. Julie F. Smart Cornwell, Nicholas Phillip Millville, Utah Master of Education BS: Utah State University, 1992 Major: Elementary Education Major Professor: Dr. Gary L. Carlston Daniels, Jodie M. Ri chfield, Utah Master of Education BS: Southern Utah University, 200 I Major: Instructional Technology Majo1¡ Professor : Dr. Sheri Haderlie Davidson, Thomas R. Brigham City, Utah Master of Education BS: Utah State University, 2003 Major: instructional Technology Major Professor: Dr. Sheri Haderlie Davis, Ben Fredric Orem, Utah Master of Education BS: University of Utah, 1979 Major: Instructional Technology Major Professor: Dr. Sheri Haderlie
Davis, Sherrie L. West Jordan, Utah Master of Family and Human Development BS: Utah State University, 1998 Major Professor: Dr. Susan Talley Davis, Troy Linn American fork, Utah Master of Rehabilitation Counseling BS: Brigham Young University, 1997 Major Professor: Dr. Julie F. Smart Decker, Emily B. Murray, Utah Master of Science BS: Weber State University, 1998 Major: He al th, Physical Education, a nd Recr ea tion Major Professor: Dr. Edward H eat h Thesis: Phys ician Interventions Combined with a Pedometer-Driven Walking Program to Increase Physi ca l Activity DeFriez, Jennie Kaye Bountiful, Utah Master of Education BS: Utah State University, 1999 Major: Elementary Education Major Professor: Dr. Gary L. Carlston Dokken, Clay William Cheyenne, Wyoming Master of Rehabilitation Counseling BS: Winona State University, 1987 Major Professor: Dr. Julie F. Smart Duke, Amelia G. Santa Clara, Utah Master of Education BS: Utah State University, 2006 Major: Communicative Disorders and Deaf Education Major Professor: Dr. James C. Blair Eaton, Rosa Rae Vernal, Utah Master of Education BS: Brigham Young University, 1973 Major: Elementary Education Major Professor: Or. Rebecca Meyer Manhardt
Edvalson, Nathan Dean Payson, Utah Master of Science BS: Utah Valley State College, 2004 Major: Psychology Evans, Marianne Bristow Vernal, Utah Master of Education MS: Utah State University, 2003 Major: Elementary Education Major Professor: Dr. James Jon Barta Fausett, Tysen L. Myton, Utah Master of Education BS: Southern Utah University, 1999 Major: Instructional Technology Major Professor: Dr. Sheri Hadcrlie Fenton, Leland Clay 01¡em, Utah Master of Rehabilitation Counseling BA: Brigham Young University, 1998 Major Professor: Sc hultz
Dr. Jared C.
Franchi, Rebecca Ann Ogden , Utah Master of Edu ca tion BS: Utah State University, 1982 Major: Elementary Education Major Professor: Dr. Ray Reutzel Freeman, Jessica Lucille St. George, Utah Master of Science BS: Utah State University, 2005 Major: Instructional Technology Major Professor: Dr. David A. Wiley Freeman, Linda M. South Jordan, Utah Master of Education BS: Brigham Young University, Major: Elementary Education Major Professor: Dr. Scott L. Hunsaker
Gordon, Joseph Gregory Bountiful, Utah Master of Education BS: Arizona State University, 1971 Major: Instructional Technology Major Professor: Dr. Sheri Haderlie
Grizzell, Saara T. Salt Lake City, Utah Master of Rehabilitation Counseling BS: University of Utah, 1994 Major Professor: Dr. Jared C . Schultz Hains, Christina Felt Richfield, Utah Master of Education BS: Brigham Young University, 2004 Major: Instructional Technology Major Professor: Dr. Sheri Haderlie Hansen, David L. West Valley City, Utah Master of Science BS: Weber State University, 2002 Major: Special Education Major Professor: Dr. Robert Morgan Thesis: An Evaluation of Project Shop: Effects of a Multi-Media Computer Instruction Program Designed on Teaching Grocery Store Purchasing Skills to Students with Intellectual Disabilities Hansen, Pamela Davis Tridell, Utah Master of Education BS: Utah State University, 1998 Major: Elementary Education Major Professor: Dr. James Jon Barta Hilton, Thomas Joseph Logan, Utah Master of Science BS: Utah State University , 2004 Major: Instructional Technology Major Professor: Dr . David Wiley Hodson, Kristy A. Providen ce , Utah Master of Science BS: Utah State University, 2002 Major: Psychology Holmes, Kay Lynn C. Vernal, Utah Master of Education BS: Utah State University, 2004 Major: Secondary Education
Howard, Bryanne Kelly E l Centro, California Master of Education BS: Utah State University, 2006 Major: Communicative Disorders and Deaf Education Major Professor: Dr. James C. Blair Hull, Aaron Wilson Woodruff, Utah Master of Education BA: University of Utah, 2002 Major: Instructional Technology Major Professor: Dr. Sheri Haderlie Hyder, Stephanie Ann Roosevelt, Utah Master of Education BS: Utah State University, 1997 Major: Elementary Education Major Professor: Dr. John A. Smith Jackson, Travis C. Cedar City, Utah Master of Education BS : Southern Utah University, 2005 Major: Health, Physical Education, and Recreation Major Professor : Dr. John M. Kras Jacobs, Sarah Joy Pleasant Grove, Utah Master of Education BS: Utah State University, 2006 Major: Communicative Disorders and Deaf Edu ca tion Major Professor: Dr . J . Freeman King Jefferies, Marnie Marie Ogden, Utah Master of Rehabilitation Counseling BS: Weber State University, 1998 Major Professor: Dr . Jared C. Shu ltz Jesinoski, Mark Stanley Battle Lake, Minnesota Master of Science BS: Minnesota State University, Moorhead,2002 Major: Psychology Major Professor: Dr. Donna Gilbertson Thesis: Predicting School Placement Outcomes of Chi ldr en with Disabilities Who Wer e Once Enro lled in Ear ly Intervention 58
Johnson, Rachel Magna, Utah Master of Education BS: Southern Utah University, 2000 Major: Elementary Education Major Professor: Dr. Sylvia Read Jolley, Sandra G. Riverton, Utah Master of Education BS: University of Utah, 2002 Major: Communicative Disorders and Deaf Education Major Professor: Dr. Vicki Simonsmeier Jorgensen, Jeannie Declo, Idaho Master of Education BS: Idaho State University, 1998 Major: Elementary Education Major Professor: Dr. Sylvia Read Kano, Charles S. Perry, Utah Master of Science BS: Weber State University, 200] Major: Family, Consumer, and Human Development Major Professor: Dr. Sylvia Niehuis Kelsey, Ezekiel Hans Kimberly, Id aho Master of Science BS: Utah State University, 2005 Major: Communicative Disorders and Deaf Education Kelsey, Mercedes Dayan Sandy , Utah Master of Science BS: University of New Mexico , 2003 Major: Health, Physical Education, and Recreation Major Professor : Dr. Julie Gast Thesis: The Relationship of Idealized Media-Generated Images, Body Dissatisfaction, and Exerc ise Level in a Sample of College Females Korth, Allisun Grace South Jordan, Utah Master of Science BS: Brigham Young University, 200 1 Major: Psychology
Lewis, Brenda H. Vernal, Utah Master of Education BS: Utah State Uni versity, 2003 Major: Secondary Education Lopez, Alejandro Juan Tooele, Utah Master of Education BS: Utah State University, 2004 Major: Secondary Education Lund, Troy Justin Ogden, Utah Master of Education BA: Weber State University, 2004 Major: Instru ctional Technology Major Professor: Dr. Sheri H aderlie Mair Lindsey, Marie Sandy, Utah Master of Science BS : Utah State University, 2005 Major: Communicative Disord ers and Deaf Education Major Professor : 0,-. Beth E. Foley Mallory, Matthew Cory Burley, Idah o Master of Science BS: Utah State Universit y , 2003 Major: Psychology Marble, Linda Harman Providence, Utah Master of Science BS: University of Nevada at Reno, 1994 Major Communicative Disord ers and Deaf Education Major Professor: Prof. Vicki Simonsmeier Marcum, Jared Turner Brigham City , Utah Master of Education BS: Brigham Young UniversityIdaho, 2003 Major: Instructional Technology Major Professor: Dr. Sheri Haderli e
McEntire, Jay Bryan Logan, Utah Master of Science BA: Utah State University, 2003 Major: Instructional Technology Major Professor: Or . David Wiley Michael, Deborah N. Vernal, Utah Master of Rehabilitation Counseling BS: University of Wyoming, 2004 Major Professor: Dr. Jared C. Schultz Mikesell, Garth Ennis Smithfield, Utah Master of Science BS: Weber State University, 1995 Major: In struct ional Technology Major Professor: Dr. Andrew E. Walker Milano, Janelle Mae Sandy, Utah Master of Education BS: Utah S tate University, 2006 Major: Communicative Disorders and Deaf Education Major Professor Dr. J. Freeman King Moore, Elizabeth Jane Wes t Valley, Utah Mast er of Education BS: University of Utah, 2002 Major: Elementary Education Major Professor: Or. Parker C. Fawson Navarrete, Juan Rex Mount Pleasant, Utah Master of Science BS: Utah State University, 2003 Major: Special Education Major Professor: Dr. Charles L. Salzberg Thesis: The Effects of a SelfMonitoring Package, Including the Use of Tactile Cuing Devices on Student On-Task Behavior
Marshall, Grace Perry Provo, Utah Master of Education BS: Brigham Young University, 1968 Major: Secondary Education
Neville, David 0. Ogden, Utah Master of Science PhD: Washington University in St Louis, 2002 Major: Instructional Technology Major Professor: Dr. Andrew Walker Nielsen, Caroline Callie Salt Lake City, Utah Master of Education BS: Southern Utah University, 2004 Major: Instructional Technology Major Professor: Dr. Sheri Haderlie Nielsen, S. Robert Salt Lake City, Utah Master of Education BS: Brigham Young University, 2003 Major: Instructional Technology Major Professor: Dr. Sheri Haderlie Nielsen, Seth Walter Palmer, Alaska Master of Rehabilitation Counseling BS: University of Alaska Anchorage, 2003 Major Professor: Or. Julie F. Smart Nielson, Kara Preston, Ida ho Master of Rehabilitation Counseling BS: Utah State University, 1999 Major Professor: Or. Jared C. Schultz Nyman, Candice C. Logan, Utah Master of Science BS: Westminster College, 2003 Major: Psychology Ok, Jeng Hyun Seoul, South Korea Master of Science BS: Sook Myun Women's University, 1999 Major: Family, Consumer, and Human Development Major Professor: Dr. Lori A. Roggman Thesis: Parenting Stress and Child Attachment: Father Versus Mother and Child Age of 10 Months Versus 36 Months
Oldaker Cleo L.W. Vernal, Utah Master of Education BS: Brigham Young University, 1978 Major: Elementary Education Major Professor: Dr. James Jon Barta Owen, Joan M. West Haven, Utah Master of Education BS: Weber State University, 1999 Major: Instructional Technology Pacetti, Christine M. Cuyanoga Falls, Ohio Master of Science BS: University of Akron, 2003 Major: Psychology Major Professor: Dr. David M. Stein Thesis: Predictors of Recidivism in an Adolescent Substance-Abusing Population Peacock, Alan Leland Vernal, Utah Master of Education BS: Utah State University, 1990 Major: Secondary Education Petersen, Camille C. Bountiful, Utah Master of Science BS: Utah State University, 2004 Major: Family, Consumer, and Human Development Major Professor: Dr. Scot M. Allgood Thesis: Father Involvement, Nurturant Fathering, and the Psychological Well-Being of Young Adult Daughters Phillips, Brittany Ann Orem, Utah Master of Education BS: Utah State University, 2005 Major: Health, Physical Education, and Recreation Major Professor: Dr. Hilda Fronske Pittman, Rebecca Hales Salt Lake City, Utah Master of Education BS: University of Utah, 1982 Major: Elementary Education Major Professor: Dr. Sy lvia Read
Powell, Callista Ann Gillette, Wyoming Master of Education BS: Utah State University, 2006 .Major: Communicative Disorders and Deaf Education Major Professor: Dr. J. Freeman King Rasmussen, Danielle Logan, Utah Master of Rehabilitation Counseling BS: Utah State University, 2005 Major Professor: Dr. Julie F. Smart Reiser, Matthew Laurence Provo, Utah Master of Science BS: University of Utah, 2001 Major: Family, Consumer, and Human Development Major Professor: Dr. Troy E. Beckert Thesis: A Comparison of Cognitive Autonomy in Adolescents from a Residential Treatment Center and a Traditional Public High School Reynolds, Corianne Draper, Utah Master of Science BS: Brigham Young University, 2002 Major: Psychology Riches, Wesley N. Ogden, Utah Master of Science BA: Weber State University, Major: Psychology
Sanders, Suzanne Paradise, Utah Master of Education BS: Utah State University, 2000 Major: Special Education Major Professor: Dr. Timothy A. Slocum Singleton, Phil Glenwood, Utah Master of Education BS : Southern Utah University, 1992 Major: Instructional Technology Major Professor: Dr. Sheri Haderlie
Smith, Shaundell C. Roy, Utah Master of Education BS: Brigham Young University, 1994 Major: 1nstructional Technology Major Professor: Dr. Sheri Haderlie Smith, Tawna Thomas Grace, Idaho Master of Science BS: Utah State University, 1999 Major: Psychology Steele, Jacob Lynn Richfield, Utah Master of Education BS: Utah State University, 2003 Major: Instructional Technology Major Professor: Dr. Sheri Haderlie Stoddard, Alex M. Orem, Utah Master of Science BS: Brigham Young University, 2004 Major: Instructional Technology Major Professor: Dr. Mimi Recker Stowe, Stacie South Jordan, Utah Master of Education BS: Utah State University, 2001 Major: Elementary Education Major Professor: Dr. Leigh Monhardt Tanner, Megan Camilia North Logan, Utah Master of Education BS: Utah State University, 2003 Major: Secondary Education Taylor, Jennie Ashworth North Ogden, Utah Master of Education BS: Brigham Young University, 2003 Major: Instructional Technology Major Professor: Dr. Sheri Haderlie Taylor, JoLynne Tremonton, Utah Master of Science BS: Utah State University, 2005 Major: Communicative Disorders and Deaf Education Major Professor: Dr. Jaclyn L. Littledike
Taylor, Kurtis Sanford Pleasant Grove, Utah Master of Science BS: Brigham Young University, 2003 Major: Instructional Technology Major Professor: Dr. David A. Wiley
Woolley, Matthew Gordon Driggs, Ida ho Master of Education BS: Brigham Young University, 2003 Major: Instructional Technology Major Professor: Dr. Sheri Haderlie
Terry, Nathan D. St. George, Utah Master of Science BS: Utah State University, 2005 Major: Instru ctional Technology Major Professor: Dr. J. Nicholls Eastmond Jr.
Wynn, Benjamin Eugene Idaho Falls, Idaho Master of Science BS: Brigham Young University , 2001 Major: Family, Consumer, and Human Development Major Professor: Dr. Ann M. Berghout Austin Thesis: Exploring Predictors of Parent In vo lvem e nt for Rural H ea d Start Children
Van Beekum, Kelby J. Clinton, Utah Master oF Education BS: \Veb er State University, 1999 Major: Instructional Technology Major Professor: Or. Mimi Recker Vause, Janet E. North Ogden, Utah Master oF Science BS: Utah State University, 2005 Major: Communicative Disorders and Deaf Education Major Prof essor: Prof. Anne Elsweiler Williams, Kappy Lyn Brigham City, Utah Master of Education BS: Utah State University, 1996 Major : Elementary Education Major Professor: Dr. Sylvia Read Wood,AlexisAnn Hurricane, Utah Master of Science BS: Utah State University, 2005 Major: Communicative Disorders and Deaf Education Major Professor: Dr. Julie Wolter Thesis: Morphological Awareness Demonstrated by First-Grade Children on an Oral and Written Measure Woodard-Welch, Tammey Simone Stockton, California Master of Rehabilitation Counseling BS: Weber State University, 1997 Major Professor: Or. Julie F. Smart
Zeller, Merry Lu Bruneau, Idaho Master of Science BS: Utah State University, 2000 Major: Instructiona l Technology Major Professor: Dr. Byron R. Burnham Ziebarth, IGm Layton, Utah Master of Education BS: Boise State University, 1994 Major: In stru ctional Technology Major Professor: Or. Sheri Haderlie
Allen, Jeremiah David Kanab, Utah Master of Science BS: Utah State University, 2002 Major: Engineering and Technology Education Major Profe sso r : Dr. Gary A. Stewardson Andersen, Benjamin Marc Brigham City, Utah Master of Science BS: Utah State University, 2007 Major: Mechanical Engineering Major Professor: Dr. Stephen A. Whitemor e Thesis: Design Issues Associated with the Use of Flaps for Atmospheric Entry Aerodynamic Trim Control on a Manned Lunar Return Capsule 61
Andrew, Luke Trenton, Utah Master of Science BS: Utah State University, 2003 Major: Mechanical Engineering Major Professor: Dr. R. Rees Fullmer Baer, Jacob C. Layton, Utah Master of Science BS: Utah State University, 2006 Major: Civil and Environmental Engineering Major Professor: Or. William J. Rahmeyer Barton, J. Garrett F e rron, Utah Master of Engineering BS: Utah State University, 2007 Major: Civil and Environmental Engineering Major Professor: Or. James A. Bay Batt, Hussein Aly Elmohandeseen, Giza, Egypt Master of Sci e nce BS: Cairo University, 2001 Major: Irrigation Engineering Major Professor : Dr . Gary P. Merkley Thesis: Water Management and User Association Analysis for Irrigation Improvement in Egypt Bench, Jared Kenneth Fairview, Utah Master of Science BS: Utah State University, 2007 Major: Electrical Engineering Major Professor: Dr. George Liang Thesis: Site Specific Modeling and J\lleasurement Comparison for RF Multipath Estimation in Indoor and Outdoor Propagation Environments Brimhall, Brad K. West Point, Utah Master of Engineering BS: Utah State University, 2007 Major: Civil and Environmental Engineering Major Professor: Or. James A. Bay
Brown, Josh S. Monticello, Utah Master of Science BS: Utah State University, 2007 Major: Civil and Environmental Engineering Major Professor: Dr. Blake Tullis Burk, Karl Ray Brigham City, Utah Master of Engineering BS: Utah State University, 2007 Major: Electrical Engineering Carney, Matthew Durland Concord, California Master of Science BS: Utah State University, 2005 Major: Electrical Engineering Major Professor: Dr. Charles M . Swenson Chellamuthu, Prithiviraj Erode, Tamilnadu, India Master of Science BS: Madras University, 1999 Major: Biological Engineering Major Professor : Dr. Kytai Nguyen Thesis: Regulation of Vascular Smooth Muscle Cells by Both Biomechanical and Biochemical Stimuli Christensen, Randall S. Cove, Utah Master of Science BS: Utah State University, 2006 Major: Mechanical Engineering Major Professor: Dr. Robert T. Pack Christensen, Ryan Thomas Firth, Idaho Master of Science BS: Utah State University, 2006 Major: Civil and Environmental Engineering Major Professor: Dr. Steven L. Barfuss Diaz Taveras, Carlos Andres Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic Master of Engineering BS: Instituto Tecnologico de Santo Domingo, 2003 Major: Electrical Engineering
Disla, Heidi Patricia Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic Master of Science BS: Institute of Technology of Santo Domingo, 2004 Major: Civil and Env ironmental Engineering Major Professor: Dr . James A. Bay DuRee, Braydan Paul Hyde Park, Utah Master of Engineering BS: Utah State University, 2007 Major: Civil and Environmental Engineering Major Professor: Dr. James A. Bay Ellsworth, Joel C. Sandy, Utah Master of Scien ce BS: Utah State University, 2005 Major: Mechanical Engineering Major Professor: Dr. Stephen A. Whitmore Thesis: Development, Simulation, and Calibration of a Flush Air Data System for a Transatmospheric Vehicle Fernandez, Jaime Santo Domingo , Dominican Republic Maste,¡ of Engineering BS: Utah State University, 2005 Major: Electrical Engineering Fife, Kenton Gunther Brigham City , Utah Master of Science BS: Utah State University, 2006 Major: E lectrical Engineering Major Professor: Dr. Yangquan Chen Fillmore, Darren R. Orangeville, Utah Master of Science BS: Utah State University, 2007 Major: Irrigation Engineering Major Professor: Dr. Robert W. Hill Thesis: Field-Scale Water Balance und er Center-Pivot Irrigation
Garg, Veerender Kumar Hyderabad, Andhra Prades h, India Master of Science BS: Kakatiya Institute of Technology of Sciences, 2000 Major: Civil and Environmental Engineering Major Professor: Or. A. Bruce Bishop Thesis: Modeling the Water Demand Estimation Using C lu ster Analysis E' GlS Techniques for Salt Lake City Hansen, Kirk Robert Logan, Utah Master of Engineering BS: Utah State University, 2006 Major: Civil and Environmental Engineering Major Professor: Dr. Loren R. Anderson Harrison, Willie K. Logan, Utah Master of Science BS: Utah State University, 2007 Major: E lectri ca l Engineering Major Professor: Or. Doran J. Baker Thesis: Mesospheric Infrared Airglow Measurements of Molecular Twilight Transitions by Means of Satellite-Based Radiometry Higbee, Nathan Jay Provo, Utah Ma ste r of Engineering BS : Brigham Young University, 2005 Major: Electrical Engineering Hunsaker, Joseph Levi Brigham City, Utah Master of Engineering BS; Utah State University, 2007 Major: Electrical Engineering Jacobs, Briant H. Syracuse, Utah Master of Science BS: Utah State University, 2006 Major: Civil and Environmenta l Engineering Major Professor: Dr. Michael Johnson
Jensen, Bart Edward Price, Utah Master of Science BS: Utah State University , 2007 Major: Civil and Environmental Engineering Major Professor: Dr. William Rahmeyer
Miller, Jan Michael Salt Lake City, Utah Master of Science BS: University of Utah, 2005 Major: Civil and Environmental Engineering Major Professor: Dr. William Rahmeyer
Jolley, Patrick Ryan Rupert, Idaho Master of Science BS: Utah State University, 2007 Major: Mechanical Engineering Major Professor: Dr . Stephen A. Whitmore Thesis: Aerodynamic and PropulsionAssisted Maneuvering for Orbital Transfer Vehicles
Olenslager, Matthew E. Cedar City, Utah Master of Science BS: Utah State University, 2002 Major: Electrical Engineering Major Professor: Dr. Scott E. Budge
Kuravi, Soujanya Hyderabad, Andhra Pradesh, India Master of Engineering BS: Bhoj Reddy Engineering College, 2004 Major: Electrical Engineering Leishman, Bradley Clare North Logan, Utah Master of Science BS: Utah State University, 2007 Major: Electrical Engineering Major Professor: Dr. Scott E. Budge Martin, Lucy Natalia Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic Master of Engineering BS: lnstituto Tecnologico de Santo Domingo, 2005 Major: Civil and Environmental Engineering Major Professor: Dr . James A. Bay Maughan, Benjamin M. Wellsville, Utah Master of Engineering BS: Utah State University, 2006 Major: Civil and Environmental Engineering Major Professor: Dr. Paul J. Barr
Parker, Craig S. Roy, Utah Master of Engineering BS : Utah State University, 2007 Major : Civil and Environmental Engineering Major Prof essor: Dr. Paul J. Barr Polanco, Jose S. Santo Domingo, Dominican Republi c Master of Science BS: Santo Domingo Institute of Technology, 2001 Major: Civil and Environmental Engineering Major Professor: Or. Keri L. Ryan Thesis: Near Source Effects on Base Isolation Systems Porter, Nathan B. Idaho Falls, Idaho Master of Engineering BS: Utah State University, 2007 Major: Civil and Environmental Engineering Major Professor: Dr. Paul J. Barr Prakash, Urmila Bangalore, Karnataka, India Master of Science MS: Ramaiah Institute of Technology, 2002 Major: Electrical Engineering Major Professor: Dr. R. Rees Fullmer
Preece, Boyd Archie Pleasant Grove, Utah Master of Science BS: Utah State University, 2007 Major: Civil and Environmental Engineering Major Professor: Dr. Paul J. Barr Robinson, Christopher J. Kanab, Utah Master of Science BS: Utah State University, 2007 Major: Mechanical Engineering Major Professor: Or. Brent E . Stucker Thesis: Integration of Ultrasonic Consolidation and Direct-Write to Fabricate a Mini-SAR Phased Array Antenna Sai Ananthanarayanan, Peruvemba Ranganathan Mumbai, Maharashtra, India Master of Science BS: Mumbai University, 2003 Major: Electrical Engineering Major Professor: Or. Randy J. Jost Thesis: Advanced SoftwareDefined Radio for Small Satellite Communication Sanderson, Wayne G. Richmond, Utah Master of Science BS: Utah State University, 2003 Major: Electrical Engineering Major Professor: Dr. Charles M .. Swenson Thesis: The History and Dynamics of the Plasma Impedance Probe Savage, Kerry Casey Richfield, Utah Master of Engineering BS: Utah State University, 2007 Major: Civil and Environmental Engineering Major Professor: Dr. William J. Rahmeyer
Smith, Nathan Quinn East Garland, Utah Master of Science BS: Utah State University, 2007 Major: Civil and Environmenta l Engineering Major Professor: Dr. Michael C. Johnson Thesis: Vapor Cavity Collapse Downstream from Orifice Plates Stuart, Joseph Wesley Hooper, Utah Master of Science BS: Utah State University, 2006 Major: Civil and Env ironmental Engineering Major Professor: Or. Marvin W. Halling Sun, Rongtao Dalian, Liaoning, P.R. China Master of Science BS: Dalian University of Technology, 2004 Major: E lectrical Engineering Major Professor: Dr. YangQuan Chen Thesis: Fractional Order Signal Processing : Techniques and Applications Swenson, Daniel C. Pleasant Grove, Utah Master of Science BS: Utah State University, 2007 Major: Mechanical Engineering Major Professor: Dr. Thomas H. Fronk Tarte, Yashodhan Indore, Madhya Pradesh , lndia Master of Science BS: Rajiv Gandhi Technical University, 2004 Major: Electrical Engineering Major Professor: Dr. Yangquan Chen Thesis: Detection, Identification, and Compensation of Nonlinearities and an Experimental Verification Platform for Nonlinear Controllers
Theurer, Steven Wade Providence, Utah Master of Science BS: Utah State Univers ity, 2007 Major: Civil and Environmental Engineering Major Professor: Or. Paul J. Barr
Wilson, Nash G. Valde z, Alaska Master of Scien ce BS: Utah State University, 2007 Major: Civil and Environmental Engineering Major Professor: Or. Keri L. Ryan
Toca, Raul Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic Master of Science BS: Santo Domingo Institute of Technology, 2004 Major: Civil and Environmental Engineering Major Professor: Or. Paul J . Barr
Young, Seth E. Logan, Utah Master of Science BS: Utah State University, 2007 Major: Electrical Engineering Major Professor: Dr. Aravind Dasu Thesis: RHS Solver on a Starbridge Hyper-Computer
Torres Rua, Alfonso Faustino La Molina, Lima, Peru Master of Science BS: La Molina Nationa l Agrarian University, 2000 Major: Irrigation Engineering Major Professor: Or. Gary P. Merkley Thesis: Analysis of Transition Submergence and Hys ter es is Effects in Three-Foot Cutthroat Flumes
Varghese, Vipin Mumbai, Maharashtra, India Master of Engineering BS: Mumbai University, 2002 Major: Computer Engineer ing Major Professor: Dr. Paul A. Wheeler Wetzel, Letizia Ruth Silverton, Oregon Master of Science BS: Oregon State University, 2001 Major: Engineering a nd Technology Education Major Professor: Dr. Christine E. Hailey Thesis: The Effects of ClassroomBased Active Learning Strategies on Student Perception and Performance in an Engineering Statics Course
and Social Sciences
Ahmed Saadia Eram Lahore, Pakistan Master of Landscape Architecture BS: University of Engineering & Technology, 2003 Major Professor: Or. Malgorzala Ry cew icz -Bor ecki Andersen, Matthew South Jordan, Utah Master of Science BS: Utah State University, 2005 Major: Eng lish Major Professor: Or. Ronald R. Shook Baldwin, Stephanie Paige Salt Lake City, Utah Master of Science BS: Southern Utah University, 2001 Major: Political Science Major Professor: Dr. Randy T. Simmons Bergado, Caress Marie Bangkok, Thailand Master of Fine Arts BS: Utah State University, 2004 Major Professor: Dr. Shawn Fisher
Bittner, F. Warren Centervi lle, Utah Master of Science BS: Brigham Young University, 1984 Major: History Major Professor: Dr. Leonard N. Rosen band Thesis: Culture, Community, and C lass in the Bavarian Marriage Process, 1789-1849: Leonhard Buttner, Margaretha Weiss, and Their Illegitimate Children Bowen, Morgan Emory Hyde Park, Utah Master of Science BA: California State University, Stanislaus, 1998 Major: American Studies Major Professor: Or. Jeannie B. Thomas Thesis: A Living Paradox: Rodger McAfee and His Lifelong Quest for Community in America Bowles, Melissa Preston, Idaho Master of Arts BS: Utah State University, 2004 Major: Eng lish Major Professor: Or. Paul J. Crumbley Thesis: "Choose the Wide Angle View": Reading May Swenson's Adaptations of Motherhood and Sexuality Bradshaw, Adam M. Frank lin, Tennessee Master of Fine Arts BS: Middle Tennessee State University, 2004 Major Professor: Prof. J. Daniel Murphy Brown, Christopher Shannon Indianapolis , Indiana Master of Science BA: Truman State University, 1992 Major: English Major Professor: Or. Keith A. GrantDavie
Budd, Spencer Warren Provo, Utah Master of Fine Arts BS: Brigham Young University, 1991 Major: Art Major Professor: Or. Christopher T. Terry Campbell, Lisa J. Niceville, Florida Master of Science BS: Brigham Young University, Major: Eng lish Major Professor: Dr. David E. Hailey Jr.
Carr, Melissa Shawn Portland, Tennessee Master of Science MA: Murray State University, 2000 Major: English Major Professor: Or. David E. Hailey Jr. Evans, Diane L. Renton, Washington Master of Science BA: University of Washington, 1987 Major: English Major Professor: Dr. David E,. Hailey ,Jr. Frey, David Wesley Temecula, California Master of Landscape Arc hit ecture BS: Brigham Young University, 200 l Major Professor: Prof. John C. Ellsworth Guiffre, Anna Marie Sunnyvale, California Master of Science BA: Univers ity of California at Santa Cruz, 2002 Major: American Studies, Major Professor: Dr. Evelyn I. Funda Hodges, Kathleen Watson Bartlett, Tennessee Master of Science BS: Millsaps College, 1988 Major: English Major Professor: Dr. Keith A. GrantDavie
Innes, Brent M. Cardston, Alberta, Canada Master of Fine Arts BFA: Utah State University, 2004 Major Professor: Or. Bruce Duerden Jensky, Jordy Peter Mountain View, California Master of Science BS: University of California at Santa Cruz, 1997 Major: American Studies Major Professor: Dr. Jan E. Roush Jin, Ying MuOan Jiang, Hei Long Kiang, China Master of Second Language Teaching BS: Central University of Nationalities, 2004 Major Professor: Dr. Li Li Lavin, Matthew Joseph Iowa City, Iow a Master of Science BA: St. Lawrence University, 2002 Major: American Studies Major Professor: Dr. Evelyn 1. Funda Thesis: Marketing and Resisting the Exotic in Early Twentieth-Century Magazine Serialization: ZitKala-Ser's Serial Autobiography, Charlotte Perkins Gilman's Herland, and Willa Cather's The Professor's House Lundstrom, Mandy Lyn Paradise, Utah Master of Science BS: Utah State University, 2002 Major: American Studies Major Professor: Or. Jeannie 8. Thomas Malin, Stephanie Ann Algonquin, Illinois Master of Science BS: Truman State University, 2004 Major: Sociology Major Professor: Dr. Peggy Petrzelka Th es is: Left in the Dust: The Victims of Mill Tailings Exposure and Uranium in Monticello, Utah
Martin, Jeffrey D. Great Falls, Virginia Master of Arts BS: Utah State University, 2004 Major: Political Science Major Professor: Dr. Carolyn Rhodes
Sagers, Stephen L. Erda, Utah Master of Science BA: Utah State University, 2004 Major: Political Science Major Professor: Dr. Carolyn Rhodes
McDonough, Matthew J. Tampa , Florida Master of Science BS: University of South Florida, 1996 Major: English Major Professor: Dr. David Hailey
Su, Henghua Shanghai, P.R. China Master of Second Language Teaching BS: Dalian University of Foreign Languages , 2000 Major Professor: Or. Li Li
McMahon, Michael Stephen Helena , Montana Master of Arts BS: Carroll College, 2004 Major: E nglish Major Professor: Dr. Paul J. Crumbley
Taft, Jr., Perry Vernon Downey, Idaho Master of Science BA: Idaho State University, 2005 Major: American Studies Major Professor: Or. Je annie B. Thomas
Murray, Sarah B. Clare, Illinoi s Master of Arts BS: Uta h State University, 2004 Major: History Major Professor: Dr. Colleen M. O'Neill Thesis: R easserting Farm Women's Production Roles Through LaborSaving Devices: The Diary of Kate Vanderhoof 1899-1920
Williamson, Martha P. Culpeper, Virginia Master of Science BA: Washington University, 1969 Major: E ngli sh Major Pro fess or: Or. Kelli Cargile Cook
Neil, John Patrick Los Altos, California Master of Second Language Teaching BS: Utah State University, 2005 Major Professor: Or. John E. Lackstrom Olsen, Rachel Kirk Lindon, Utah Master of Arts BS: Utah State University, 2004 Major: Political Science Major Professor : Dr. David Goetze Paxton, Alisha D. South Jordan, Utah Master of Science BS: Lewis Clark State College, 2004 Major: American Studies Major Professor: Or. Lisa Gabbert
Wiser, Dusty Decker Castle Dale, Utah Master of Science BS: Utah State University, 2002 Major: American Studies Major Pro fessor: Dr. Jeanni e B. Thomas Thesis: Are They Lovin ' It : Chinese Folk Attitudes Toward U .S. Popular Culture
Collegeof Natural Resources
Bell, Brian Patrick Vienna, Virginia Master of Science BS: Virginia Tech, 2004 Major: Ecology Major Professor: Or. Christopher A. Call Thesis: Growth and Water Relations of Native Wheatgrass Populations
Bhattarai, Kishor Bharatpur, Chitwan, Nepal Master of Science MS: Tribhuvan University, 2001 Major: Ecology Major Professor: Or. Ronald J. Ryel Thesis: Potential of Basalt Milkvetch (Astragalus filipes Torr ex A. Gray) Populations and Rhizobial Strains for Revegetation and Restoration of lntermountain West Rangelands Cardall, Brian Layton Salt Lake City, Utah Master of Science BS: Utah State University, 2003 Major: Ecology Major Professor: Dr. Karen Mock Thesis: Fine-Scale Phylogenetic Structure in Utah Sucker (Catostomus ardens, Catostomidae, Telestei) in the Bonneville Basin and Snake River Drainages Colestock, Kaia Lorelle Santa Fe, New Mexico Master of Science BS: Michigan State University, 2002 Major: Ecology Major Professor: Or. Mark W. Brunson Thesis: Landscape Scale Assessment of Contaminant Effects on 1nsectivorous Birds Davis, Cade Brian Hansen, ldaho Master of Science BS : Utah State University, 2003 Major: Range Science Major Professor : Dr. John C. Malechek Thesis: Using Supplemental Feed to Reduce Livestock Browsing on Aspen Suckers Diamond, Gabrielle F. Orem, Utah Master of Science BS: Southern Utah University, 2002 Major: Wildlife Biology Major Professor: Dr. Michael L. Wolfe Thesis: Bats and Mines: Evaluating Townsend's Big-Eared Bat Maternity Colony Response to Reclamation
Diamond, Joel M. Provo, Utah Master of Science BS: Southern Utah University, 2002 Major: Wildlife Biology Major Professor: Dr. Michael L. Wolfe Thesis: Monitoring Bat Activity: Eva luating the Effectiveness of Motion Detectors Grant, Kerrin E. Beaverton, Oregon Master of Science BS: Oregon State University, 1996 Major: Wildlife Biology Major Professor: Dr. Frederick F. Knowlton Thesis: Effects of Two Nut,-itional Planes on the Physical and Physiological Parameters of HandReared Coyote Pups Griffiths-Johnson, Louise A. Smithfield, Utah Master of Science BS: Utah State University, 1997 Major: Geography Major Professor: Or. Robert R. Gillies Harju, Tarita Kay Junction City, Oregon Master of Science BS: University of Idaho, 2001 Major: Ecology Major Professor: Dr. Mark Vinson Thesis: Modeling Regional Distribution and Local Food Web Dynamics of the New Zea land Mud Snail (Potamopyrgus antipodarum) Homel, Kristen Michele Salt Lake City, Utah Master of Science BS: University of Utah, 2001 Major: Fisheries Biology Major Professor: Dr. Phaedra Budy Thesis : Evaluating the Movement Patterns and Genetic Population Structure of Bull Trout in Northeast Oregon
Koenig, Martin Karl San Carlos, Ca lifornia Master of Science BS: University of California, Davis, 2002 Major: Fisheries Biology Major Professor: Dr. Jeffrey L. Kershner Thesis: Habitat and Biotic Factors Influ encing the Distribution and Recruitment of Juvenile Cutthroat Trout in the Teton River, Idaho LaMalfa, Eric Martin Salt Lake City, Utah Master of Science BS: Utah State University, 2004 Major: Ecology Major Professor: Dr. Ronald J. Rye! Thesis: Comparison of Water Dynamics in Aspen and Conifer: Implications for Ecology and Water Yield Augmentation Leonard, Eamonn Donough I Iun tsville, Alabama Master of Science BS: Auburn L niversity, 2000 Major: Ecologv Major Professor: Dr. Ronald J. Rye! Thesis: Contribution of Functional Croup Diversity to Resisting Wood Invasion in Simu lated Shrub-Steppe Communities McLachlan, Leslie Bountiful, Utah Master of Science BS: Utah State University, 2001 Major: Forestry Major Professor: Dr. Michael R. Kuhns Neidig, Adam Harper Beaufort, South Carolina Master of Science BS: University of Oregon, 1996 Major: Recreation Resource Management Major Professor: Dr. Steven W. Burr Thesis: Rural Leaders' Perceptions of Tourism Development in San Juan County, Utah: A Case Study
Nelson, Nicholas Colin Harwich, Massachusetts Master of Science BS: Williams College, 2003 Major: Ecology Major Professor: Dr. John C. Schmidt Thesis: Hydrology and Geomorphology of the Snake Riv er in Grand Teton National Park, Wyoming Niwa, Masako lwakura, Aichi, Japan Master of Science BS: Utah State University, 2001 Major: Wildlife Biology Major Professor: Dr. Michael L. Wolfe Thesis: Remapping the Cliff Chipmunk (Neotamias doralis) Distribution and Creating a Habitat Association Model in Southern Idaho Parajuli, Keshab Logan, Utah Master of Science BS: Kathmandu University, 2001 Major: Human Dimensions of Ecosystem Science and Management Major Professor: Dr. Steven W. Burr Thesis: An Assessment of Utah Tourism Industr y's Perceptions of Hospitality and Customer Service Training Robinson, Justin Craig Logan, Utah Master of Science BS: Utah State University, 2004 Major: Fisheries Biology Major Professor: Dr. Chris Luecke Rodemaker, Eli James Murphysboro, Illinois Master of Science BS: University of Illinois, Urbana, 1994 Major: Geography Major Professor: Dr. Robert Gillies
Ward, Sharon Salt Lake C ity, Uta h Master of Science BS: University of Utah, 1985 Major: Wildlife Biology Major Professor: Dr. T erry A. Messmer Thesis: G unni son Sage-Grouse: Winter and Summer Eco logy in San Juan County, Utah
CollegeofScience Allen, Kristopher D. North Logan, Utah Master of Science BS: Utah State University, 2005 Major: Computer Science Major Prof esso r: Dr. Stephen J. Allan Andreasen, Kyle C. Brigham City, Utah Master of Science BS: Utah State University, 2003 Majo,-: Geo logy Major Professor: Dr . John W. Shervais Thesis: Does th e Farmington Canyon Complex Record a Late Arc hean/ Early Proterozaz Accretionary Complex Brehm, Andrew Michael Ma co mb, lllinois Master of Science BS : Western Illinois Universit y, 2004 Major: Geology Major Professor: Dr. Carol M. Dehler Thesis: Re-Evaluation of the Tesse Ewing Canyon Formation : Impli ca tions for Neoproterozoic Paleog eography and Tectoni c Setting of Northeastern Utah
Cox, Robynn Stoddard Aloha, Oregon Master of Science BS: Brigham Young Univers ity, 2000 Major: Chemistry Major Professor: Dr. Alvan C. Hengge Thes is: A Mechanistic Study of Purple Acid Phosphatase Dhanasekaran, Arockia Ranjitha Chennai, Tamil Nadu, Indi a Master of Science BS: University of Madras, 2002 Major: Computer Science Major Prof essor: Dr. Nicho las S. Fiann Thesis: Co-Option and Irr educibi lity in Regulatory Networks for Ce llular Pattern Development Draper, Sarah Denis e Tacoma, Washington Master of Science BS: Western Washington University, 2004 Major: Geology Major Professor: Dr. James P. Evans Thesis: The Geo logic History of Subsurface Ar kosic Sedimentary Rocks in the San Andreas Fau lt Observatory at Depth (SAFOD) Borehole, Central Ca liforni a
Huntzinger, Craig Ivon North Logan, Utah Master oF Science BS: California State University, Hayward, 1998 Major: Biology Major Professor: Dr. William A. Brind ley Thesis: Screening Candidate Fungicides for Control of Chalkbrood Disease in Alfalfa Leafcutting Bees, Megachile rotundata (F.) (Hymeoptera: Megachi lidae) Iyer , Sriram Raghunath Kaiyan, Maharashtra, India Master of Science BS: Babasaheb Ambedkar Technical University, 2001 Major: Computer Science Major Professor: Dr. Robert Erbache,Maeser, Nathan Karl Salt Lake City, Utah Master of Sc ience BS: Utah Stale Univers ity, 2003 Major: Biochemistry Major Professor: Dr. Lance C. Seefe ldt Thesis: Investigation of the Identity of an Int erstitia l Atom in the I ran-Molybdenum Cofactor of Nitrogenase
Golightly, Craig Dennis Meridian, Idaho Master of Science BS: Utah Stat e University, 2004 Major: Computer Science Major Professor : Dr. Nicholas S. Fiann
Maw, Matthew Wayne Plain C ity, U ta h Master of Science BS: Utah State University, 2005 Major: Statistics Major Professor: Dr. John R. Stevens
Hu, Lan Beijing, China Master of Science BS: Iowa State University, 2004 Major: Comput er Science Major Profe ssor: Dr. Stephen W. Clyde Thesis: A Dedupli cat ion System for Inte grated Perso n-Ce ntric Inform ation Systems
Nicholas, Gabriel A. Hamilton , New Zealand Master of Science BS: Utah State University, 2006 Major: Statistics Major Professor: Dr. John R. Stevens Thesis: A Method for Finding Standard Error Estimates for RMA Expression Levels Us ing Bootstrap
Olsen, Arie Alan Alexandria, Minnesota Master of Science BS: North Dakota State University, 2004 Major: Geology Major Professor: Dr. Thomas E. Lachmar Thesis: Discharge Monitoring, Chemical Characterization, and Source Identification of Springs Along the East Side of Southern Cache Valley, Utah
Shurtleff, Devin Keith Brigham City, Utah Master of Science BS: Utah State University, 2005 Major: Computer Scien ce Major Proressor: Dr. Heng-Da Cheng
Sundberg, Kenneth Abraham Paradise , Utah Master of Science BS: Utah Stale University, 2004 Major: Computer Science Major Professor: Dr. Dan Watson Thesis: The Adaption of Distributed Computing Methodologies lo Diverse Scientific Applications
The following graduating seniors have joined with other alumni in support of Utah State University. The individuals listed under their names are those these students wish to thank for their help and encouragement. *Indicates Legacy Gift
Ryan N. Abplanalp
Michael J. Ball
Nathon C. Allred
Molly Omega Barker Funnon Barker Vagola Richardson
Joshua Michael Amos Michelle Amos Kare n Graziani Lance Hodes Jaciyn Andersen Burn is & Lana Skinner Skinner Family Darrick Andersen Jan Marie Andersen Jan & Janette Andersen Mark Fels Tom Wilkerson Blair Anderson
Janna Lenor Maira Linda
Jo Bateman Bat eman Velasco Woolf
Roxanne Ritchie Beck Matt and Kooper Beck Joel & Karie Ritchie David & Susan Beck Johnathan Tyler Blain * Professor Legh Manhardt Diana Blain Brenda Blain
Joseph N. Anderson God Wife A.my & our daughters Brian & Rebekah Anderson
Whitney Brown Blake Holly Cook Ashley Brown Lane Blake
Kathleen Anderson Darrell & Verda Anderson
Juli Ann Blanco
Melody R. Anderson Mom- Connie Shelley Dad- Chris Anderson Jenny Atcitty Leron Atcitty Ray & Oleta Whaley Brenda Atcitty Brown Rebecca J. Atkins Nicholas Scott Baldwin Michelle Keller Val Baldwin Matt Baldwin Jessica Mae Ball Kip & Theresa Billings Justin Ball Et han Ball
James Edward Bohm Steve & Martha Bohm
Helen Brower David F. Laney Bonnie Glass-Coffin Bruce & Janet Brower Heather Brown'¡' Edmund & Lauri Brown Evelyn L. Buckley Trent L. Buckley Ed & Helen Reynolds My Children Karl R. Burk Bradley R. Buttars Robert & Leann Buttars Mae & Jerry Purser Vince & Della Buttars Mandi I. Butterfield Harmon & Paula Butterfield Mikkal Butterfield Roxie & Blake Butterfield James Vernon Call The Call Kids Terry D. Call James A. Call
Christopher Daniel Boyd
Robert David Carlisle Cynthia & Brent Carlisle Dr. Scott Bates
Jaimie Branscomb Bruce & Mary Branscomb Jerry & Trina Branscomb Dr. Roger Ellis
Austin C. Catlin My Parents Wendell Catlin Staff & Faculty of th e CNR
Cynthia G. Bristol
Lindsey Kay Christensen Tod Christensen Kathy Christensen Cecelia Foxley
Joshua Paul Booth
Melissa Michelle Brooks Linda Colina William Brooks Aimee Paris Valerie A. Brothersen Clair & Diane Brothersen Nichole Earl Jane Just ense n
Mikol Hans Christensen K. Ray & Carol J . Christensen Ben D. Clarke Derrel Clarke Eileen C larke
Melanie Clawson David Richard Clawson Jennie Loertscher Clawson Heidi Clawson Thomas Wilson Colligan Stephanie Colligan Tom & Cheri Colligan Kirt & Sandra Larson Matthew Todd Cook Walter & Carol Cook Justin Paul Copier Henry & Tamara Copier Celeste J. Cork Chantelle & Michael Cork Herb & Renee Cork James England Sarah Hulen Cozzens Kevin Hillyard Hal & Nancy Cozzens Dr. Brend a Cooper
Meagan Tara Duffy Marion & David Duffy Philip & Shirley Lielasus Bradford B. Dyreng Valerie Dyreng Douglas Dyreng Angela Annette Eggett Lloyd & Mary Eggett Lee & Shari Badger Dr. Jim Barta Charlotte Ann Emett Bryce & Mary Emett Paul Crumbley Susan Anderson Jeffery Paul England Lorraine England Jeff & Susan England Jacob Facer Whitney & Brylee Boo Grandma Genie! Mike & Laura Facer
Jared Edward Crace Landon D. Crandall Larry Crandall Linda Crandall Laura Crandall
Daniel L. Farnsworth Par¡ents Gra ndp arents Friends
Mark R. Gardner Frank Schuman Debbie & Gary Gardner Valerie Gardner Jessica Renee Garnett Jay & Patty Garnett Jayme Garnett Doris Bettencourt Terri Lee Gass Jessica M. Gause Linda & Paul Gause Blake Williams Friends, family, teachers Robert R. Gempeler Reed & Andrea Gempeler Jenny & Mitchell Gempeler Misty Godfrey Gail & Janet Godfrey Colton Goodrich Haley M. Greer David & Debra Greer Deann P. Griffiths Curtis Griffiths Griffiths Family Kathy & Virginia
Jonathan Featherstone Jyl & McKay Marsden Ce lestia l Starr & Jakob Brandley Dawn Black
Anna Lee Grimmett'¡' Lake & Rachel Grimmett Dee Child
Scott D. Davis Dr. Frances Titchener Or . Mark Darnen Or . Joy ce Kinkead
Matthew Scott Ferguson Bill & Mary Ferguson Mark Leyda
Mary Annette Grove Dr . David F. Laney My children
Andrea Lynn Delsigne My Family Dr. Gordin God
Trina Findlay Travis C. Fisher Mom & John Dad
Tiffany Kay Guptill Hope Guptill Larry Guptill Clint Meyer
Matthew W. Dias Matthew Dias, Sr. Gabriele Dias
Meredith E. Flake The Ensign Family The Flake Family Darin
Brittany Jean Hagen Arlen & Nancy Hagen
Julia Jane Cunningham Warren Wilson
Ross Hyrum Dinsdale Megan & Anna Dinsdale Corey & Saundra Dinsdale Larry & Jane Overman
Erin E. Forsberg Adam Fowles Carl Fowles Martha Fowles John Fowles 71
Stephen F. Hales Brad & Colleen Hales Lacey Hales Barbara & Lee Hales
Russell K. Hall
Christina Johnson
Kathryn A. Leonard
Danny Roskelly & Christine Hall Annie Hall Frank Shuman
Alan & Shelley Johnson The Johnson Family
Bru ce Leonard Effi Leonard
Garrett S. Johnson
Emily Miller Lewis
Megan C. Hare
Scott & Sandy Johnson
Jane Harmston Kathy & Paul Hare
Jenilynn S. Johnson
Kathy & Todd Abel Gar y Miller Reed & Janet Stock
Robert H. Hashimoto Hashimoto Family Or. Jim Davis USU Hockey Team
Belinda Hays
Kent & Mary Seely Ben Johnson My Family
Matthew Douglas Liston
Patrick R. Jolley
Kimberly Loosle
Tim & Andrea Jolley Necia Jolley Or. Tony Whitmore
Amerilla Loveland* Betty & Darrel Anderson
Tiffany Ann Payne Jones
Pamala Anderson Douglas & Linda Anderson
Amy Nicole Healey Kiley Powell Shauna & Byron Healey Sharon Salmon
Elizabeth J. Jorgensen Grandad & Betsy Whearley
Rob & Tracy Jeffs
Steven R. Ludlow
David & Becky Jogensen Professor Eldon Barnes
My Parents My Grandparents My Aunt Trish
Mikayli Kartchner
Michelle Lundberg
JoAnn Ernie Roberta
Michael & Julie Lundberg Fred & Julie Ludberg Bob & Jan Clark
Kathryn Kemp
Candace Mabey*
Clint & Crystal Kemp Joy ce Bell Lynn & Barbara Kemp
John & Christie Mabey Christian W. Little Eddie Bauer
Jim & Sheila Hockett Doris Reaves Dana Swensen
J. Michel Knight*
Kami A. Macey
Larry & Judy Knight Stephen & Tristy
Craig & Mardyne Andrews Thomas & Evva Jean Moulton Porter R . Macey
Daniel Christopher Housley
Tomoaki Kohayakawa
Blake K. Isom
Edward Vernal Kotter
Michael & Joan Isom Sam & Margene lsom Harmon & Paula Butterfield
Leon & Sharon Kotter Wendy Whetten Dr . Eric Reither
Earl R. Jenkins Earl & Jill Jenkins
James Kline Larsen
Jacob C. Henry Kevin B. Hillyard* Sarah Cozzens Brad & Lynda Hillyard Emily & Molly Hillyard
Kari Elizabeth Hobson Matt Hobson Dennis Collmar Wendy Collmar
Joni M. Hockett
Valorie Diann Marietti
Joana Jenkins Maria Norton
Jack Larsen Judy Jones Les Claypool
Bart Edward Jensen
Jessica Larsen
Jessica Jensen Larry & LaRae Jensen Alden & Peggy Whitehead
Lyndi A. Larson
Jason Maritetti Jace Maritetti Dylan Marietti
Molly Ann Maughan Clark & Shirley Gibbs Marvin & Diane Buck Shawn Wengreen
Corey M. Mikkelsen Bruce Kevin Miller Carl & Monte Jo Larson
Jason D. Miller Julie Miller Austin Miller
Jacquelyn Mohlman Kent & Sue Mohlman Kaelin Olsen Nedra Mohlman
Zachary Eldard Pendleton Ryan K. Peterson Chana A. Pierce
Priscilla H. Morgan Lynn Morgan Mason & Kyle Morgan Vanya Hampton
Joao Marcelo Pinho Ana Maria Godoy & Armando Pinho Shukria King Brian Evans
Ashlee Moulton Max Daniel Munford Danielle B. Nelson Andrew Nelson Greg & Gayle Copeland Tiffany Peck Michael Nguyen* Auntie Lan Mom & Dad Grandparents Mark Andrew North Patricia, lvy & Colin North Francyne P. North Amanda Olsen Ikram Osman Iss a Hamud Halima Ali Jamal Hamud Gayle Leslie Painter Duane & Diana Painter Jordan Duane Painter Tamara Dallin Misha A. Palza Dana Palza Andrew Hansen Steve Mansfield
Kristi Warner Porter Christian Porter Bruce & Kathr y n Warner My Three Sons Felicia Horsley Poteet Cregg Poteet Scott & Christine Horsely Or. Randy Simmons Amanda Rawlings David & Tamra Rawlings Curtis Jensen Brian Dee Redden Brett R. Reeder Naretta Reeder Nie lsen Family G ilbert Fami ly
Sandra K. Parrill Brenda W. Parry Roger Parry Braden Parry Dainen & Madalyn Parry
Paul Bryan Rodriguez Nancy Hoyt Lydia Erickson Jeff Hoyt Andrew Karl Rogers Randy & Lisa Rogers Adam Rudd Jared K. Sagers Kent Sagers Sue Sagers Camille Sagers Jessica P. Sahely Saboor & Kristine Sahely Dr. Susan Mannon My Friends and Family Carolina Salas Garcia Angel Salas Lidia M. Garcia Paul Jakus Jeremy Robert Salzetti Deborah Najmon Sanchez
Justin Richard Reeder Crystal L. Reynolds Sidney & Carol Scholes Craig & Jaylyne Reynolds Daniel Reynolds Daniel C. Reynolds Ted Alsop Eric Olsen Crystal Reynolds
John G. Sapp Al & Merle Rust Barbara Scheller Denise Rust Sunny Lane Schuler Rick & Wendy Schuler Stormy Schuler Jenny & Jake Kinghorn
Katelyn A. Reynolds
Samantha Scott Rob Barnes Tricia Scott Professor Shannon Browne
Noah A. Riley Alan & Christine Riley Benjamin & Natalie Riley R. Troy Oldham
Alesia Renae Semborski Charles & Jean Semborski Elaine Youngberg Randall Cook
Jim W. Roberts Rachel Roberts Tatyanna Roberts Anastasia Roberts
Melvina Shaggy Rebecca Benelly Melinda Greer Chad Downs
David John Reynolds Jared Williams Parkinson Gayle & Spencer Parkinson Alicia Parkinson Adrian Parkinson
Renae R. Robinson Roger & Earleen Robinson Eric Robinson
Katherine Shakespeare Dr. Christie Fox Dr. Joyce Kinkead Or. David Laney Wade M. Siddoway* Frank & Joan Siddoway Cleve & Betty Tibbits Bill & Jeanne Siddoway Melissa A. Sleight Ty Sleight Michelle & Brian Anderson McKay & Karen Sleight Nathan A. Smith Margaret Smith TKSmith Michael Johnson Sandra R. Smith Jake Smith David & Judy Philpott Les & Jill Smith Troy Aaron Smith Devin & Eileen Smith Douglas W. Sorenson Lindsey Sorenson R. John Sorenson Colleen Sorenson
Amy Thomson Harold & Gloria Thomson Justin N. Thorpe Charles & Audra Thorpe Neal & Joan Thorpe Linda Skabelund Sherrie A. Troyer Professor Chris Terry Ann Bolling John M. Vaterlaus Bret & Kristi Vatrerlaus Bret Quayle Emily Vaterlaus Don K. Vincent, Jr Don & Cindi Vincent Todd & E lain e Coodey Norris & Bunny Arnold Maiko Wada Yasushi Wada Kazumi Wada Christopher J. Charley Andrew Guy Wa1¡by Paul White Warby Class of 1949 Utah State Agricultural College Kara N. Watkins
Helen Tamsyn Anderson Spackman Michael Spackman Farley Anderson Helen Anderson
Barry Leon Webster Hon. Jeffre y & Mary Bostwick Dr. James Pitts & Teresa Pitts- Singer Robert & Donna Webster
Mich N. Strait Mindy Stratford
Carrie Wes ton David & Sharon Weston Shelice Condie
Noelle Summers Desirae L. Swensen John & Debbie Swensen Paula Thomas Tew Don & Merla Thomas Roger Tew The Tew Kids
Sandra E. Wilde Troy Wi lde Katherine Thomas Peggy & Evert Dubbelman Ryan Robert Wilson Randy & Ronette Wilson Professor Peter Matesius Or. John Kras
Sherrin LaMont Thompson Val Dean Thompson Thompson Family My Parents
Jed H. Pitcher, Chair, Salt Lake City Bonnie Jean Beesley, Salt Lake City, Vice Chair Jerry C. Atkin, St. George Daryl C. Barrett, Salt Lake City Janet A. Cannon, Salt Lake City Rosanita Cespedes, Salt Lake City Katharine B. Garff, Bountiful David J. Grant, Cedar City Ali Hasnain, Sandy
OF REGENTS Greg W . Haws, Hooper Meghan Holbrook, Salt Lake City James S. Jardine, Salt Lake City Michael R. Jensen, Price David J. Jordan , Bountiful No lan E. Karras , Roy Josh M. Reid, Cottonwood Heights Sara V. Sinclair, Logan Marlon 0. Snow, Orem
Richard L. Shipley, Chairman , Farmington David Johnson Ill, Riverton R. Brent Nyman, Vice Chairman, Logan Peter McChesney, Logan Richard Nelson, Sandy David P. Cook, San Jose Robert L. Foley, Vernal Suzanne Pierce-Moore, Park City Douglas S. Foxley, Salt Lake City Kellie Schultz Wood, Salt Lake City Lee H . Burke, Secret ary to the USU Board of Trustees
Sydne y Pete rso n, Chief of Staff, Chair Jan Appuhn, Dire ctor, Old Main Society 0yron Burnham, Dean, School of Graduate Studies Valerie Hans en, Manager, Bookstore Lynnette Harris, Editor, Agricu ltural Experiment Station John Kras, Pr es ident, Faculty Senate Louise Mills, Assistant to the Provost John Mortensen, Interim Registrar Kevin Reev e, Team Coord inator , FACT Center Marci Smith , Staff Assistant, Registrar's Office Roland Squire, Associate Registrar
Lisa Allen, College of Agriculture Terri Gass, College of Education and Human Services Laura Holley, School of Graduate Studies Jana Lee Johnson, College of Science Carolyn Krebs, College of Engineering Wendy Littlejohn, College of Business Valerie Reynolds, Distance Education Scott Robinette, College of Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences Maureen Wagner, College of Natural Resources
Score produced by Mark Anders Emile 2006