Utah State University Commencement, 1968

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Few moments equal the joy, the satisfaction, and the fulfillment of graduation. It is a personal and permanent victory, an honor to last a lifetime. To each of you I extend my sincere congratulations. The time is past when our national interests could be served by a few who elected to make their country's affairs their own. The complexity of our age and the particular burden history bas thrust upon us -- to preserve freedom where it exists and to foster it where it does not - - demands every American hand and every American heart. The greatest responsibility falls to those who have the most to give. I cannot tell you the extent of .America's influence in -- though I believe shaping the new order of world affairs it will be great. I cannot measure our national ability to abolish ignorance and injustice wherever these ancient enemies degrade humanity -- though I believe it is limitless.

and sickness

I cannot predict that America's future will match and exceed the brilliance of her past - - though I believe it will. The answers will not come in my lifetime, but in the future -- your future. I am confident that you who have proved to achieve, to endure, and to win, will serve your ability that future with distinction.

THERE ARE FEW earthly things more beautiful than a University.

It is a place where those who hate ignorance may strive to make others see; where seekers and learners alike, banded together in the search for knowledge, will honor thought in all its finer ways, will welcome thinkers in distress or in exile, will uphold ever the dignity of thought and learning and will exact standards in these things. They give to the young in their impressionable years the bond of lofty purpose shared, of a great corporate

life whose links will not

be loosed until they die. They give young people that close companionship for which youth longs, and that chance of the endless discussion of themes which are endless-without

which youth would seem a waste

of time. There are few earthly things more splendid than a University.

In these days of broken frontiers and collapsing values-when


future looks somewhat grim, and every ancient foothold has become something of a quagmire, wherever a University stands, it stands and shines; wherever it exists, the free minds of men, urged on to full and fair inquiry, may still bring wisdom into human affairs. -

John Masefield



FRIDAY , JUNE SEVENTH R.O .T.C. Comm issioning Ceremonies Amphitheatre , 10:00


Recognition Awards Honoring wive s of graduating students Main Auditorium , 1 :45

P .M .

Reception For all graduating seniors, their f amilies and friends President's Garden , 3 :00

P .M .

Baccalaureate Services Nelson Fieldhou se, 7 :30

P.M .

Senior Banquet Utah State Un ion , 8 :30

P.M .

SATURDAY , JUNE EIGHTH Commencement Ceremonies Nelson Fieldhou se, 9 :00 College Graduation

A .M .

Ceremonies, 11 :00

College of Agriculture,

A .M .

Utah State Union Auditorium

College of Business and Social Sciences , Main Auditorium College of Education , Nelson Fieldhouse College of Engineering , Fine Arts Center Theatre College of Family Life, Logan Institute College of Humanities and Arts , Fine Arts Center Concert Hall College of Natural

Resources, Forestry-Zoology


College of Science, Utah State Union Ballroom *



This booklet contains the only listing of candidates for graduation . Please bring it with you when you attend the college graduation ceremonies .

BACCALAUREATE Friday Evening, June 7, 1968



P .M.




Triumphal March from "Aida" .............................. ............. ................ . Verdi University

Ralph Matesky , Condu ctor



Roger B. Han sen Member, Board of Trustees Superintendent , Wasatch



Daryl Chase President, MUSICAL

Utah State University


The Heavens Are Telling from " The Creation" ............ ................ Haydn Shirley Markham , Soprano Robert Christensen, Marshall


Hill, Bass

University Choir and Orchestra , Alma Dittmer , Conductor SERMON

Dr . Obert C. Tanner Professor of Philosophy, University of Utah BENEDICTION

Monsignor Jerome Stoff el Pastor, St . Thomas Aquinas Parish , Logan, Utah RECESSIONAL

March of the Priests from "Athalia" .......... ......................... .... Mendelssohn University


Ralph Matesky.


GRADUATION Satu rday Morning , June 8, 1968

9 :00 VICE





. Conducting


Grand March " The Crown of Chi valry " ----------------------------------Fletcher Uni versity Concert Band , Max F. Dalby , Conductor INVOCATION


Craig Petersen

Recipient, University C itizenship Award MUSICAL


Sine N omine -------------------------------------------------------------- Vaughan-Williams University Chorale and Concert Band , William Ramsey , Conductor ADDRESS



Daryl Chase President , Ut ah State University MUSICAL


North Star ----------------------------------------------------------- Lyrics by Carlton Culmsee Music by Max F . Dalby Arranged

by William


University Chorale, William Ramsey , Conductor CONFERRING


Daryl Chase President, Utah State University MUSICAL


Alma Mater Hymn -------------------------------------------------Theodore

M . Burton

Max F . Dalby, Conductor BENEDICTION

Pamela Karen Steed Recipient, University Citizenship Award RECESSIONAL

Grand March " The Spirit of Pageantry"

----------------------------------- Fletcher

University Concert Band , Max F . Dalby, Conductor


PROCESSION President and Board of Trustees Official Guests Honorary Degree Recipient University



Faculties of the Various Colleges Candidates

for Graduate



for Baccalaureate



Th e w earing of academic costume by faculty and student pa rticipants at the time of Commence ment Exercises has become traditional among univer sities . The color and pageantry of these occasions are designed to indicate the degree of academic achievement of those who actively participate in such exercises . In order for the audience to better appreciate and understand the significance attached to these ceremonial aspects of the program. the following information is pre sented . The significance of the costume is determined principally by the cut of the gown. the size and shape of the hood. and the color of the tassels on the cap. The BACHELOR'S gown is characterized by the long pointed sleeves. The gown worn by a MASTER has closed sleeves with the arc





.. ................ ................. .............................. Drab

......... ............ ......................... ............... ................................... .... Light Blue


The colors worn on the tassels signify the various colleges of the University from which a candidate is being graduated.

........................................ .... ....... ............................... ........ ............ Maise



of a circle near the bottom. The arm extends through the slit. giving the appearance of short sleeves . The hood consists of material similar to the gown and lined with the official academic color of the institution conferring the degree. If the institution has more than one color, the chevron is used to display the second color. The DOCTOR 'S gown has full. round and open sleeves with three bars of velvet on each sleeve . The velvet facing of the bars may be black or the color indicative of the degree. The hood consists of a larger and longer assemblage of institu tional color draped over the recipient's shoulders and falling well down the back.

............ .............. ......... ......... .............................................. .......... Orange .... .............................. .......... ........ ....................... ................... ........ Maroon AND ARTS ...................... ........... .............. ................................... White


........................ ............... ............................ ................. Russet


..................................... .... ..... .......... ... ......... .......... ........ ..... .. ...... ..... Gold-Yell ow





(Ed .D, PhD)

.................................... Gold

VALEDICTORIANS A Valedictorian has been selected by each college of the University . Addresses will be delivered at the College Graduation Ceremonies . Valedictorians are as indicated: College of Agriculture

.... ........ ................ .... ...... ....................... .......... . David Lewis Bailey

College of Business and Social Sciences ................. ...... ................. Richard Louis Jensen College of Education

...... .............................. ........... ................. Norma Christie Needham

College of Engineering

........... ....................... ................... ...... ......... Glen Reed Longhurst

College of Family Life .......... ...... Darla Fae Larson Hanks and Margaret College of Humanities College of Natural

and Arts .............................. .............. ........ Pamela Karen Steed

Resources ............. ........ .............................. ..... Henry Creath Kelker

College of Science ................. .................... ... .......... ....... . ......... ..... Harold


Rae Jensen

Craig Petersen


The quality of performance in academic _work enables the following to be graduated with distinction . Those who have met residence requirements and have maintained a grade point average of 3.80 to 4.00 are graduated Magna Cum Laude; those whose average is 3.50 to 3 .79, Cum Laude. MAGNA Dola G . Davis Colle en Kjar Durrant Rosemary Gudmundson Betty Hammond Darla Fa e Larson Hanks Geraldine Mason Hodge Margaret Rae Jensen Richard L . Jensen

Glen Reed Longhurst Norma Christ ie Smith Needh am Elson Pa rk Carol Patterson H arold C rai g Pet ersen Gail Elizabeth Redmond Carol in Topliff Sali sbury Julia Janell Smith

CUM Richard Leon Alder Elizabeth Atkinson David Lewis Bailey Delon Willis Barfuss Mary Louise George Beckstrand Melvin Victor Berrett Stephen LeRoy Blaser Sandra Bosshardt Gayla Christensen Brad shaw Myron D avid Buescher Tess Carlson Christensen Louise Degn Dean Woodrow Duke Jenny Eggleston Barry Jan Erickson Don Emerson Gardner Annette Cooley Handy Roger Kent Handy Bobbie Jo Harder Reed E. Harris




Winifred Holmstead Barbara Joyce H. James Bryce Herman Jeppsen Henry C. Kelker Frances J. Keller James Terry Kidd Kristine Kimball Sybil LaRue Larson John Andrew Loosli David H . Luthy Diane Maathuis Garth Henry Mather Gail George Mauer Ethel Jean McKee Larry Kent Michaelsen Marilyn Miller Eula Ruth Christensen Nash Vernal LeGrand Neilson Amelia Ruth Okeson Edith Camille Olsen


Marilyn Felter Smith Pamela Karen Steed Virginia Obray Summers Thomas Peter Thomas Relle Whitelaw Mary N. Wride

Eldon Gane Olsen Elwyn Carver Peterson Vicki Evans Rasmussen Lois Jean W . Reeder Betty Carol C. Rich Ali-Re za Sadeghi Junior Junichi Sato Don ald V . Shakespear Richard Lyle Shipley Ilene Singleton Suzanne Elaine Smee Kathleen Torg esen Maryls Marie Lien Turnquist Brent N. Van Alfen Jo Ann Wangsgard George Russell Warnick Dennis Jay Welker Goldie 0. Winn Ruth Alene L. Woodward


Presented annually to the senior man and woman graduates who best portray high traits of character , scholarship, and citizenship . Harold



P amela Karen Steed



DARYL CHASE In the making of a great nation or a progressive University, "blood, sweat and tears" are not enough. To help fashion a splendid future, a leader must possess high vision. Being intangible. or ignored. The axiom, "Where

however, vision is often underestimated

there is no vision, the people perish," is so

true that we have worn it threadbare . But in paying tribute to a leader let us recast the saying into positive terms : "Where

there is vision, the people thrive

and attain immortal wisdom ." President

Chase , you have always perce ived that an institution cannot

have viability, any real strength , without

first having spiritual

vitality. Out

of spiritual vitality come courage and insight to make large designs, to fight doggedly for material resources, to convert plans into masonry, steel and glass . to draw creative teachers and researchers impressive physical achievements responsible

into the university community. The

for which you have been initially and largely

run a wide range. from the Student





Union Building through the

and laboratory


to the

Fine Arts Center. Diverse as they are, they gain coherence from your concept of spiritual vitality. This is the beacon on the pyramid of stone and mortar, this is the torch that dedicated

faculty members light for countless students to

carry to the ends of the earth . This is the fiery current which courses through all elements of "The Good, the True, the Beautiful,"


all, fusing

all into noble unity. The height of your hope for humanity is reflected in the establishment Conditions

of the Center

for the Study

of the Causes

of War

and the

for Peace.

Because of the sustained self-sacrifice and devotion that have made your vision fruitful beyond our telling, Utah State University ferring upon you for life the honorary Citation read by Trustee Richard

J. Maughan .


takes pride in conEMERITUS.

HONORARY Presented


during 1967- 1968 academic year

MAURICE ABRA V ANEL Distinguished adopted son of Utah, American citizen by choice, liberally educated in Switzerland and Germany, a native of Greece born of Spanish and Portuguese parents - you are truly a world citizen, and you generously share a growing heritage of beauty with all who desire to experience great music as perform-ers or listeners. Instead of waiting for musical progress to occur as adventitious growth, you have intensively cultivated the musical taste and knowledge of large numbers of persons of all ages and interests with skillfully programmed and masterfully directed concerts. More than any other you have brought the professional standards of your art to the lntermountain Region. Local musicians have been led to new levels of excellence and are continually challenged by the example of the world's greatest artists whom you bring as guest soloists to perform with the Utah Symphony . You have won audiences for contemporary music and given valuable opportunities and encouragement to promising young per formers. Concert tours over broadening areas , beyond Utah , beyond the continent, extend your influence constantly. Utah Symphony recordings carry the inspiring influence of the orchestra even farther. In this new center for the arts we recognize your great artistry and selfless services. Utah State University is proud to salute you for your many-sided leadership in music, and we are honored to recommend you for the honorary degree of DOCTOR OF FINE ARTS. The honorary degree of Doctor of Fine Arts was presented to Dr. Abravanel on October 18, 1968 on the occasion of the Inaugural Concert in the Fine Arts Center.

OBERT C. TANNER Let us begin with this: Obert C. Tanner

is a teacher.

You and the classroom know and honor each other, Professor Tanner. You also set forth your wisdom in books; you well employ the platform and the pulpit; your friends find your most casual conversation stimulating. Always you have endeavored to learn, to understand, to question, to ponder; and from the unfor ced sharing in all ways of your intellectual abundance, your students and fellows have received the noble stimulation to think well and to think for themselves. Yet this is not all your accomplishment. As founder and president of the 0. C. Tanner Company you earned the admiration of the practical community and demonstrated in the best sense the value of an idea and a practice sometimes tarnished by its supporters as well as attacked by its enemies: American free enterprise. Because you see clearly that whatever bell tolls for one man, tolls for all, your activity in internation-al affairs is particularly notable. You have served as a member of the National Commission to Study the Organ-ization of Peace; as chairman for the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization; as state president of the Utah Association for the United Nations; as a member of the Board of Directors for the United Nations Association of the United States of America; and for twelve years as the American delegate to the world conferences of the World Federation of United Nations Associations. Obert C. Tanner, son of a pioneer educator, you are well educated in the humanities and social sciences, self-trained in business and modern industry, generous with your time and means in the service of your fellow man. For all of this we honor you. But let us end with this: you are a teacher. Particularly in tribute to that well-earned title, Utah State University confers upon you the degree of DOCTOR OF HUMAN-ITIES. The honorary degree for Dr. Obert C. Tanner was presented to him at the Baccalaureate Services on June 7. The citation was read by Trustee Robert J. Potter.




By UT AH STA TE UNIVERSITY Name John A Widtsoe C. G. Adney John T. Caine , Sr . Jeremiah W . Sanborn J. C. Wheelon Frank Thomas Hines William Jardine Anthony Woodw ard Ivi ns George A. Eaton Ulysses Prentiss Hedrick William Jasper Kerr Abby L . Marlatt J. R. Beus Elmer George Peterson James Tertius Jardine William Peterson Phillip Vincent Cardon James Albert Howell Albert E . Bowman Franklin S. Harris Joh anna Moen David 0 . McKay C. G. Adney John T. Caine, III William R. P almer Willi am R. Wallace Ella V . Reeder Harold B. Lee Lyle F. Watts Edgar B. Brossard Herschel Bullen, Jr . Frederick P . Champ Emma Ray Riggs McK ay Thorpe B. Isaacson H enry Aldous Dixon Byron Thomas Shaw Mrs. Elmer George Peterson Ezra Taft Benson George Dewey Clyde Mrs. Burton W. Musser Ernest 0. Larsen Reed Warner Bailey Ernest Lowell Romney Ardeshir Zahedi Hung Wo Ching Henry Dinwoody Moyle Harold W . Ritchey Charles Donald Michaelson Orson Winso Israelsen Nels Alvin Pedersen Marriner S. Eccles Fern B. Ercanbrack Franklin L. West LeGrande Richards Jaunita L. Brooks Newell V. Sanders Lucy Ann Phillips Richard Hatch Bullen Edward Parley Cliff Stewart Lee Udall Arthur Larson • Maurice Abravanel Obert C. T an ner • All degrees given at Commencenment


1914 1915 1915 1915 1915 1920 1925 1934 1938 1938 1938 1938 1944 1945 1946 1946 1948 1948 1950 1950 1950 1950 1951 1951 1952 1952 1953 1953 1953 1954 1954 1954 1954 1956 1956 1957 1957 1958 1958 1959 1959 1960 1960 1960 1961 1961 1961 1962 1962 1962 1963 1963 1963 1964 1964 1961 1965 1965 1965 1966 1967 1967 1968 unless otherwise noted.

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NORTH STAR Lyrics by Carlton Culmsee Music by Max F . Dalby Arranged by William Ramsey A star was born in '88 , The North Star of a mountain land , To guide and nourish leaders strong To face the future's harsh demand . Our Utah laid foundation stones ; She builded better than she knewWho could foresee t he strength

to come

From these old halls of USU ? (We too can wield the power of dreams When we are joined to make them true! ) A state was born in '96 , A star to grace Old Glory's sky; Now Utah needed more to lead And hold her own bright banner high . America and Utah joined , Old Glory and the White and Blue . Let's dream anew and make the dreams For state and nation nobly true! We too can wield the power of dreams

When we are joined to make them true.






CANDIDATES Bahai , Munir Moh amad Bailey, David Lewis Baker , Douglas Jesse Barker, Reed Edward Bingham , Gail Eldon Bowman, Lee Eric Brock , Robert Dale Burton , Lawrence D e V ere Bush , Farre ll Alfred Campbell. Melvin Dee Car lson , Jack H. Chang , Tai Nam Christensen, Kenneth W ynn Day , Michael G. Draper, Clark Lynn Esplin, David Glen




Fox , Cr aig Willis Gates, Gerald Hayes Geddes, H ar ry Mile s Gilman , Dav id Robert Gneiting , Gaylon Wayne Goodspeed, Ralph Keith Hanks . Don ald Ray Hansen, Earl Joseph H ansen, Marvin Otto Hansen , Steph en Reed Hurst , Robert Ni elson Jensen , W . Neil Jolley, D arwin Samuei Khadem -Haghighat , Seyed Kohagura, Euge ne R. Koyle, Stanley Re ed




P eterson, Hal D. Price , Relf Leonard, III Renk, John Joseph Robinson, Hu ston L. Sathyanarayana, Arasik Stutzman, Clayton Howard Taylor, Denzel Eugene Th eurer , Grant Alma Thomson, Truman Brent Th orley, Ev a n Ashby Uzcategui, Freddy Alber t Watts , Douglas Earl W esthora , William Howard Williams, Reed E. Wintch, John Wilford

Kunz Charles Lyman Larsen, Winston Walter Loosli , John Andrew Moller , Ronald Kent Morreli, Maclc C . Myrin, Alar ik Folke Neilson, Vernal Le Grand Norr is, Donald Gene O aks, James Edwin Olsen , Eldon Gane Pace , Phillip Grigg Pac e, Richard Lewis P arker , Steven Andersen P arkinson, Max H ill Pars. Aba s Haghighat P eterson, Chester Lars




CANDIDATES Ameli , Bahram Anderson, Bry an Ellis Ander son , J. Joseph Barnes , Thomas Charles Burton , Claudia

Davis , Clifton Bruce Degn , Loui se Erfani, Moh am mad Ericksen, Barry Jan Flanagan , Kathl een Ann

CANDIDATES Abbott, Lynn Keith Abersold . Dale Weldon Aldr ich, Jack Samuel Alleman , James Kinkle Allen , David Bruce Allen , Joseph Bodell Allred, John Brent Andersen , Reese M ark Anderson, Corey Joseph Anderson, Dennis Ray Anderson, Kristine Atkin, William La Faunce Atkinson , Eli zabe th Atwood , Robert Dixon, Jr. Auer, Joseph F . Bair, Michael Leigh Baird , Ted Burnell Bankhead , Carolyn B. Picket Barozzi, Ronald Lee Basile, Donald Joseph Batterman, Lynn Roger Baugh, Peggy Alice Bell, William Eugene, Jr. Bergener , Phillip Ross Bessinger, Max Beutler, James Paul Bevan, D ale Joseph Biddulph , Charles M . Bilderb ack, Edward Le Roy Blackwood , James Francis

FOR THE DEGREE OF BACHELOR OF ARTS H artley , Donald Ernest Jensen , Richard Louis Murphy , P . L., Jr . Phillips, Charles Jackson , Ramsde ll, Michael A .

Ratcliff, James Lewis Smith, Julia Janell Tolman , Ronald Chester



Blaser , Stephen Le Roy Bodily , Burke Alder Booth , William Henry Borrego , Alice Bradford, Robert W . Brenchley, Richard C. Broadbent, Joseph Curtis Broberg. Arnold Dale Brooks , Richard M. Brown , Robert C . Burden , David Francis Burnard , William P. Butler , Norman La Monte Caldwell , Owen T. Call , Roldo Lee Campbell, Jeneane Cetraro, Ronald Louis Chaudry, Muhammad Shafi Christensen, Elaine Blaclcham Christensen, Norman Gene Christensen , Tess Carlson Clark , Derald Busack Clark , Kirk Robert Clay, Benton Mc Cabe , Jr. Clow , Timothy Jon Coleman , James Orin Cook, Judy Ann C . Cooper, William Rice Coray, Dale Allen Cranney , Michael Wayne

Croney , Faye Ann Cronquist , Jerry Brent Crosslin, Amelia Ann Cushnie , Lloyd George Dalley , Floyd Jack Dana , Dennis C. Daugherty, Terry Helm Davies , Gerald Keith Davis , Richard Orvil De Mille, Gail Dee Dexter, Allan Dale Draper, Sharon Lee Draper, Sheldon A. Duwe, Charles Jon Earl, Don L. Earl , Lemuel Rice, Jr. Egoscue, Pete Phillip Elcock , Von J. Erickson , Barry Austin Espil, Barry Martin Eyre , Richard Melvin Fillmore , Stan Merrill Folk.man, Charlotte Fonnesbeck , Douglas Reed Fox , Kenneth Don Frye, William H . Gamble, Douglas Blaine Garske , Carl Alfred Gee, James Ricks Ghaneh, Iradj

Gitlin , Robert Elwood Gneiting , Kay La Vaune Goo , Thomas Yuk Sung Gotfredson , John Louis Grupe , Steven Vose Haase , William Frederick Hakanson , Dennis Wayne Halimon , Shaler, Jr. Hall, William Wendell Handy, Roger Kent Hansen, Brent Myron Hansen , Doris Christine Hanson , Marion Ralph, Jr . Hardy Prescott Bangerter Harper , Verna Dee Harris, Paul Arthur Hart, Karen Jeanne Hart , Marjory Forsgren Heiman , Lee Bradford , Jr. Henderson, David Wilson Hendricks, Larry Russell Hess , Donald Richard Hirschi, Rodney Grosjean Hobbs. Delwynn Clyde Hodge , Geraldine Mason Hoggan, Donald Fred Holdaway, Susan Ellen Hollister , Ro ss Raymond Horton, Jack Earl Hougaard , Eileen

COLLEGE OF BUSINESS AND SOCIAL SCIENCES (Continued) Humpherys, Linda Kay Hunsaker. Douglas Martell Hunter, Lee Ford Huntington, Ross Carl Jackson , R . Douglas Jacobson , Larry Kay James, Pamela Jensen, Richard H . Jensen, Marlene Jones Johnson , Carl Dean Johnson , Dennis Paul Johnson , Ronald Bennion Johnson , Susan Eileen Jones , Paul Ashford Kamkar-Parsi, Hormoz Kenney, Georgia Kerr, Donald William Key, Michael Winfield King , James Clarence Kinsel. Kit Sheldon Kirby , Don Edward Kirby, Vance Nathan Kirkham, Karen Lynne Daniels Kjar, Maree Ruth Kleinhenz , Charl es E . Koralik, Robert Joseph Kratky, Joseph Frank Lacey, P eter Joseph La Plant, Michael Larkin , Glenn Noble Larsen, Kent Hall Larsen , Valerie Besendorfer Larson , Arnold James Lauritzen, Rich ard Dawn Laws, Don Cecil Leatham, Robert Jay Lemon , Alvin Kirkham Lewis, William Howard Lind , Bruce Elvin Lomax, Martin Thomas Lovell , Brent Clisbee Low , Rich ard Jessop Luthy , David Henry



Madsen, Cherri! Carma Madsen, Connie Kae Mahmoodian-Ali, Akbar Mahmoudi. Kooros Mohit Marchant , Richard Eugene Marra, Joseph Dorse Marshall, Mc Cord John Mather, Garth Henry Matthews , Larry Howard M aurer , Gail George Maxwell , Glenda Lee Mc Bee , John Odus Mc Kinnon, John Robert Mc Murdie , Harry Lee Meredith, Robert Howard Miller, Dyar K. Miller, Robert E. Miner, R obert Howard Minock , Sonya Alice Nesch Moody, P atricia Ellen Mooney, James Phillip Morton, Rob ert Joseph, Jr . Munns, Lynn R. Murphy , Jame s Patrick Myers, William R., III Nash. Eula Ruth Christensen Neal. John R aymond Nelson. James Edgar Nevard, Dougl as Michael Newton , William Harlo Nielsen, Connie Sue Smith Nordick , Casper Donald Norgaard , Philip John O'Donnell, Gerald Lawrence Olsen Brent Dale Parker, Kathleen Gessel Parkinson , Jan Reid Parrish , Al an K. Patrick , Catherine P a tterick , Mich ae l Thomas Pearson, R ex Stanley Peffer , Brent Allyn Perry , Dennis Lloyd

Peterson , James 0 .. Jr. Petterborg, Jay Kent Pitcher , Jerr y Brown Prompriengphandhu , Chomphol Pulley , Stephen Rigby Purvis, Allan M aclean Rampton, Kent T. Read , Ben Litz Reading , Karen K. R ees, David Clarenc e Regan , Ronald Hines Riemer, Carol Ann Ritchey , D av id All en Rizzuto , Manny S. Roper , Douglas B. Roskelley , Gene Richard Rydalch, Judy Sadiq , Muh ammad Qase em Salisbury, Carolin Topliff Schilder, Henry Herman Schluss Marianne Schmidt, Grant John Seamons , Garold Stephen Sears , Neble Allen Shelton , David Everett Shipley Richard Lyle Simmonds, James Douglas Simmons, Reed A . Simon. Don ald R alph Skanchy, Robert Bruce Skeen , Bruce Gordon Smee , Suzanne Elaine Smith , Gail Smith , Marilyn Felter Snipe , Ronald Holloway Snow , Pamel a Burbidge Snyder , Nyles C. Sorensen, Don L. Sorensen John Dore! Spriggs, Derek Stafford, Allen Irven Stauffer C . Sherman Summers, Clyde George

Sun g, Maggie Mai Yin Taylor, Reed J. Taylor, Rhenon Taylor, Spencer Leavitt Thain , Jerry Lee Theurer , Burke H . Thomas, Jan Paul Thompson, George Leslie Thompson , Lothair Willis Tingey, Scott Wayne Traveller , Seth Harris Tremelling, Patsy Peterson Turner , John Graham Valentine , Susan Van Ney, Thomas Loran Vernon , Rikki Francis Volb, Dorinne Fay Walker Volb, Terrance Richard Wagner , Richard Alfred Wallace , Ch arla Rae Ware, Judy Alice Tucker Weaver, Frank E. Welker , Dennis Jay West, David Eugene White, Thomas Lloyd Whitehouse, John Brent Whitmer , Maurice Eugene, Jr . Williams , Mary Jeanne M. Wilson, James Harry Wilson , Kathleen Ann Wood, Harold Steven Woolley, Robert David Woolley, Thomas Francis Woolsey, George Keith Woolums, Susan Jean Wride. Donald Blake Wright, Gerald Maurice Wright, Leland Glen Wright, Melvin L. Wright, Wayne Alfred Wyro, John Lee Yamasaki, Dennis Minoru Yamauchi, Ray William





Anderson, Susie Dee

Fulkerson , Scott Dee

Hyde, Mary Lynn


Bundy , Glendon Blaine

Heslop , Sandra Jo Hough

Larson, Linda Anne


Charlton , Robert Eldred

Horsley, Kathleen Ann



CANDIDATES Adams , Le Anne Ahman, Marianne Ainscough . Esther Estelle P. Ainscough, Keith S. Alexander, Alice C. Allen, Bonnie Jean Allen , Grant La Mar Allen, Harold Roy Alley, Evelyn Phoebe Seamons Allison, Claudia Jean Allred, Wilda H . Anderson, Joseph Michael Angell, Morris

Hel en B.

April Roylene Julian Eldon Goldie Orfanakis


Arnold, Gladys Earlene Backlund, Maurice Arnold Bair , Alan John Ball, Margaret Bammes , John Alden Banner, Beth Barrett Kenneth S., Jr . Barton , Linda Kay Bastian, Terry Bates, Michael Edwin Baugh , Donna Johnson Beck, Jeanette Beckstead, Helen Towers

Belnap , Vina Lee Benson , Bonnie Rae Berry, Milo Cloyd Bianco , Michael Jean Berry, Bonnie Jean Bills Birkin, Kathleen Bishop, Marilyn Bishop, Waylene Blanchard , Jeanette Bodily , Deloris Bodily , Fonda Cottle Bonanno, Joseph Earl Borino, Richard Scott

Bosshardt , Sandra Bowen , William Clare Bradshaw , Don Alan Bresee, Duane Douglas Brewerton , Craig Harding Brown, James Jerald Brue, Martha Jean Burnside, Kathleen Edith Bushman .. Melvin Jay Butcher, Robert E . Bybee, Lloyd L . Call, Carla Rae Call. Margene

COLLEGE OF EDUCATION Carlso n Myrna Allen Carlso n. Reid Carl Carter , Leonard Dale Casert a. Frank James Chappel Aldus De Von Christe nsen, Gayla Christ mr, Karen Louise Nordt Christo'fersen , Kathleen Clark , Carma Hazel Clark , David Edwin Clark, Thaylene S. Coates, Linda Petersen Colley , John Macy Co!lier, Florence Gayle Johns Collins, Tanya Lee Coomb s Eileen Crews , Mary M artha Croft, Suzanne Crook, V. Bruce Crowth ir, C arolyn Crystal , Ronald Floyd Culver, Roland Allen Davis, 3ett e Davis , Dola G. Devine , Leola Janson Douglas Scott Eli Du ce, Faye Adele Campbell Dudle y, Nancy M. Dudm ar, Carol Ann Rock Earl. Gary Vernon Esplin, Dean Wayne Evans, Harold Glade Evans, Lorna Fabricius, Rodney Knute Feuz , Lnd a Anne Foxley , Gre tel Ann Frandse1 , La Var Kimber French, Marilyn Fridal. Sidney Buehler Fuhrer, Thelm a June Funk , Virginia Nelson Gatherun , Eloise Anne Evans Goodro , Karen Jean Grcevicl, David Samuel Grotegu ¡, Neil Wright Grover, Minon Lu Dean Gubbine Jo Fern Swensen Gudmun:lson, Rosemary Hacking K. Cherry Orme Hall, G,rth Vaughn Hall, Sherrill Dean Handy, Annette Cooley Hanoha10, Maggie Keola Hansen, Barbara Maero Hansen, Carl Stanton Hansen, Cathy Sue Hansen, Donice Margaret Hansen, Lenard James HardingRuth Hannah Evanson Harris, Faith Kay Burghard Harris, Richard Carl. Jr. Hauser , Linden Henry Hawkin s Vicki Hedani, Earl T amayuki Heineke1, Mary Louisa


Hellstem, Ronald Joseph Henderson , Louvenia R. Henrie, Marlene Hill, Wade Lee Hobbs , Koral Jeane Hogge, Marti Ann Hollingshead , Ronald Lee Houston, Margaret Rose Hubbard, Brenda Hunter, Judy Ray Hyden, Jacqueline Allen Ivory, Lynda Jaggi, Allen Maughan Jaquier, Shirleen Jarvis, Patricia B. Jenkins , Lewis Vaughan Jensen, Diane Jensen, Faye J. Leanne Jensen , Jon James Jensen, Kathleen Bushnell Jensen, La Vee Johnson, Brent Paul Johnson, Garth Johnson, Mary Lou Peterson Jones, Mabel Elaine Keck, Larry Dwight Keller, Frances J. Kennedy , Sylvia Hiatt Kent, Ella May Phillips Kesler, Jeanne Larsen Kidman, Stephen Kay Killpack, Michael Kent King, Suzanne Kinkade, Sherryl V . Knapp, Ch arle ne G. Kohler , Patricia Brenchley Koncar , Maynard David Krpata , Charles Edwin Lake, Vickie Larsen, Juanita Wood Larsen, Lorene Larsen , Sybil La Rue Stevenson Larson , Suzanne Leishman, Robert J. Leth, Sandra Jean Lilley, Michael Haldane Litster, Ruth Emma Lloyd, Frederick Norman Long, Myron Spencer Lovell, Sallie Maca, Martin Norman Madsen , Vondella Poloni Malnar, Steven Albert Manning, Linda Carol Yocom Martin, Barbara Ann Rich Martin, Marlene Ellen Martinez, Patrick R. Martinsen , Grant L. Mason, Lynda Lee Masumura, Alan Hajime Matthews, Kathlyn Maughan , Eric L. Mayes, William Hardin Mc Bride, Ronald Mc Gee, Robert Anderson

Mc Kay , Norlis C. Mc Keehan, Gene William Meeker, Dianne Williams Meiling, Sandra Lou Sorensen Merkley , Judith Anne G. Meyer , James Millius Michaelsen , Larry Kent Miles, Clair Edward Milner , Marie Rhodes Moffit, Shannon Peterson Molgard, Robert Kent Monson , Julie Ann Smith Montgomery, David Livingston Mumford, Lee Wayne Munson, Pamela Needham, Christie Smith Nelson, Judith Ann Nield, Bonnie Nielsen , Martin Albert Nielsen , Susan Nielson , Mary Irene Nieman, David Alan Noble, Vickie Lynne North, Beverly Arlene Noyes , Jean Wallace Olsen, Dougl as Clark Ormond, Carolyn P alow, Jack Joseph Paluso , Bernadette Perrero Panelli , Loretta Ann Paolini. Fr ank Samuel Parrish, Marc ia Stowell Patterson , Carol Peacock, Vicki Lee Penovich , Edith Lu Ann Petersen , Dwight J. Petersen , Laura Ann Peterson, C arol Ann W. Pick ett, Vicky Lynn Poage, Laura Hecox Poole , Pamela Marie Price , Annalee Pulsipher, Aileen Quayle , Linda Marie Rauzi , Eileen Marie Rawlings , Louis Jerald Redmond, Gail Elizabeth Reeder, Lois Jean W. Rees , Frank Leon Rhees, Paula Ly Nae Rich, Betty Carol Capener Richards, Carolina Richardson , Kathleen B. Hall Richins, Connie Francis Richins, Suzanne Brown Robinson, George Hoxsie Robinson, Theresa Lynne Rodriquez , Ronald Rock Rogers, Judith Marie Rohe , Larry Eugene Rollins, Douglas J. Roost, Ain Rose , Robert Francis Rowberry, Saundra Ann Rowley, Larry W.

Sanders, Victoria Mae Schiffman, Gary Lee Schwieder, Celia Sheltmire, Jack Church Sherwood , Nancy Ann Mohlman Skinner , Charles Allen Smith, Karen Alyce Smith, Katherine Andersen Smith, L. Ruth Sherman Smith, Thelma E. Sommers, Susan Carol Sparks, Aralee Phillips Spencer , Lana Kay Staker, Linda Jane Staley, William Patrick Stallings , Boyd Irvin Stettler, Carolyn Stevens, Bath-Sheba Apo Stock , Wanda C. Stowell. Marilee Adams Stuart, Jay Charles Taylor, Dennis Wayne Taylor , Nadine Cox Terry , Grover Lee Thomas, Christina Thompson, Barbara Ann Thorne, Brent Milton Thornton, Karla Ann Thorton, Lee Ann Thorpe , Jeffery Tim Toone, Maurine Anderson Torbensen , Jerry Lynn Truman, Margaret Tunbridg e, Sharon Sue V an Alfen , Brent H. Vande Merwe, P . Bea Vermeil. Albert Lou Ververs, Duncan James W abel. Rosemarie Walburger, Rita Marie Walkenhorst, John Alvin Wallace, Thomas S. Watson, Gerald Archie Ward, Julia Ann Tippetts W eeshoff, David Allen Wendt, Norma Mary West, Gary Westerberg, Pamela Wilkey, Ralph Maurice Williams, Pearl Facer Williamson, Shannon Winger, Leland J., Jr. Wintch, Barbara Jane R . Winward, Steven L. Woolf, Judy Kay Wride, Mary Kathy Nielsen Yeates, Judith Joyce Young, Donald Alexander Young, Jean Marie Young, Wendy Rey Zollinger , Ethel N .






CANDIDATES Alex a nder, John T. Andersen , Rex Carl Anderson , Barry A. Anderson, Leonard M. Andrew, James Garrett Arakeri, Vijay Ashurst, John Stevens Austin. David King Ball a rd, Evan Orien Barfuss , Rob ert Dale Barker , Bill Ray Baugh, Duane Ross Beames, Kue Halliday, Jr. Beckstrand, Linford C. Bennion . David K. Bishop , Wayne Reed Blohm, Donald Hugh Bodrero, Dennis Raymond Bradshaw, George Lynn Bramble, R obert Allan Brandon , Mich ae l Patton Brown, Mac R ay C. Cask, Steven L. Ch ambers. Larry Alfred Ch ang, Kuan Tao Ch en, Chia-pin Christensen, Gary L. Clauss. Ernest Coburn, Klayne Merlin Cole. Dennis Edward Condie, Keith Glenn Condie. Rex Swainston Connelly, Marden S. Davis , Allen Lynn De Moss. Ri chard Kenneth Deng. George Tsu-Yun Dhaliwal. Gurdip Singh




Dixon, Darrel James Faulkner, Stephen Herbert Fiscella, Joh n Martin Gardner, Bertrand Bryce George, Sterling G. Gold. Rick L. Goodwin, Robert Stanley Gupta. Vijay Kumar Haffar, Mohamad Kanaan Haghayeghi. Ali H alladay, Norman Arthur Hammer, Douglas E!lis Hansen, Rob ert Leslie Hardman, Douglas Bryce Hawker, Marion Kay Hendrickson, Clair Leslie Hintze, Rich ard Anderson Hirschi, Lor an Le Ro y Hitchcock, William H. Holm, John Peter, Jr. Hwang, Kyupin Jackson, Norris Tanner Jensen, John P a ul Jenson. Ron a ld Dee Jeppsen, Bryce Herman Kingsbury, David Thatcher Klippert, William Leon Kobayashi. Warren Kay Kolcilat. Sarni Fouad Kuenzli. James Rob ert Larsen , Reed Warren Lemon. Carlo Grant Leslie, Ri chard Ro na ld Limb. Max Evans Linton , Dennis Jay Liou, Jung -Chih Longhurst, Glen Re ed


Rocca , Gu y Lewis Rudd, Charles William Sargent , David Dudley Sato, Junior Junichi Severance, Earle F. , Jr. Shane , Albert Lewis Shedden, Leo Kenneth Si adat. Majid Singh, Harinder Smith , Eldon Neil son Smith , How ar d C a rlos Sn eddon, Charle s Barry Snook , John Rams ey Soi, Yash Paul Soph atsat hit. Seth So rensen, G ar th Le Roy Sorensen, Warren J. Steffen, D av id Owen Stutzman, Douglas Wayne Taylor, Lynn Wayn e Thomas, Thomas P eter Toone, Phillip A. Utley, Kent Jay V aughan , Robert Lion el Wallis, C. Brent Whitney, Willis Albert Williams, Boyd Kenneth Williams, Pierre Willis, Michael Ch arles Wilson , Larry Scott Wilson, Quinton Ford Winn, Paul Theodore Youm, Youngil Zainuddin, Najmuddin A.



CANDIDATES Adams. Lloyd Decker Andersen, Jam es Leroy Anderson, Dennis E. Andr eesse n. Terry Lee Baker, Ro bert Stephen Beck strand. Kraig M. Bu ehrig , Mark Milton Burbridge, William R. Cannon. Wesl ey Arnold Carly, Gen e Ch a mbers, P au l Donald Child. Rawson Denni s Cooper , Lar ry Craig Cunninghame , Briar, H. Dank s. Alfred. Jr. Drum , Norm an Forster Dwyer , Willi am P. Ebert , Richard Thom as Edson, William Paul Elder. George David Ellis, Dexter Kent

Loosle, Gaylen Dee Lundwall. Neal Melvin Ly. To Malik, Krishan Lal Mather, Nathan Ka y Matuza , Victor R., Jr . Mc Kee, Morris Lynn Meredith, Ir a James Miller, Keit h John son Miller, Rich ard Lee Ro y Minor, Marion Clo yd Morgan , Ch a rles William Morris, Rich a rd All an Muir, Irving Walton Nance , R ay Laverne Newswander, Rob ert T. Nichols, Clyde Deon Nielsen, Douglas Leon Nielsen, James E . Ostermiller, Dirk Henr y Pace , R eid Verdell Palmer, Jack Duane Paluso, Thomas Joseph Pelis, McDonald Pelot, Alfred James Perkins, Clifton Jon Petersen, Ralph Gordon P etterson. Ernest Bart Porter , Orson Buck Poulsen, Clayne Watts Prabyai , Thosporn Preator. Norman Loyal Puri, Vijay Kumar Quinn, Joe l Reece, Thomas Sanford Reiersen. Ronald Gustav Robb, Marion C.


Erickson. Denver E. Evans , Dean La Var Ferguson, Ch a rles A . Findlay, Ron Lamont Fisher, Emil Leon Fitzmayer, Robert A. Fitzp a trick. Jame s William Francke. Robert T. Frei. Milton N elson Fusselman, Lloyd Arthur Garey, Ch a rles· Lee Gerrish. Gaylen M ar k Goertel. Glen Mathew Gravenhorst, Ronald Kermit H age n, George Harold H all. James R onnie Hammond. Errol Warren Hanchett. Ver! Ford Harris, Reed Earl Heaton, Theron Garth Hicks , John Gail

Hofer, Jerry Lee Horvath, Hunter Allen Hovinga , Leo Allen Hughes , Marc Ron a ld Hunt , Morris Russell John, Thomas Ne a l Johnson, Johnnie Lynn Johnston , Joseph Edwin Jones, Donald William Julien, Dennis Alver Keith, John Elmer Kelker , Henry Creath King , R odney Jacob King , Sam Lewis Kleinman, La rry Horace Kotter , Kurt James Laing , G ary Olson Lamoreaux , David M. Lewis, Edward Sidney, III Manes, Spyros Sam Mark , Walter Ralph M at hews , Robert Gordon

Mc Brayer , Michael Lynn Mc Clarren, Gregory R. Mc Kee , Norman Ray Mc Keel, Roger A. Messinger, Robert C . Meyn, R ichard Lee Michelsen, Maylen L. Mietz , James Dewey Miles , Ralph A. Miller , Ronald Jay Molini, William Alexander Neves, R ichard Kerry Ogden, Marven Allen Oleson, Ron ald Hans Panelli, Michael Bradley Parauka , Francis M ., Jr. Parry , Douglas Bruce Perkins , John Meader Perry, Dale R. Peterson, John Ch ester Porter , Ja mes Arthar

COLLEGE OF NATURAL Potter , Richard H . Pumphrey , C. Douglas Randall, Andrew Lynn Reid , Will W ade Russ ell. P au l Leo Sakak i, Carl Hid eo Ser aj, Nowzar Sery, William Ambrose Simonson, Karl Alan



Snarr, Kend all De an Somerville, Michael Stephensen, Well s M a ughan Stu ar t, James E. B. Studinski, George H . Sw abb, Don ald Ray Taylor, Terry Rex




Bingham, Margaret

CANDIDATES Abrams, Kathleen Adams , .Alyson Adams. Marcia Jane Allen , Carole Andersen , Alice June Atkinson, Jennet W . Barfuss , Rub y Rose Marie Barlow, Mary Susan Bartsch i, Shirley Killpack Bat es, Geraldine Beckstr and, M ary Louis e Geor ge Benton , M arie Therese Boggs , Karen Thelma Brenchley , Cheryl Ann Snyman Burns, Julie Buttars , Marci a Carrigan , Claudia Cook , Jean Harding Darley, Linda Dryden , Gloria Anne Hunsaker Eggleston, Jenny Elliott , Carol Lee Evans, Carolee Clyde Finlinson , Jan e Fish, Sandra Kay Goble, Julie Etta Seal


Gotfredson, Mary Margaret Olsen Graves, Sandr a Anne Grow , Patricia Ann Jordan Gunderson. Janet Eileen Hall, Judith H anks, D arla Fae Larsen H ansen, Ann R anae Hanson , Kathleen Carlisle Hatch, Julia Cooper Higgs, Marie Holmstead, Winifr ed Hoyt, Julia C. Round y Hurst ,Jeanett e Rollin s Jackson, Betty Diane Jackson , Conni e Lynn Ja ckson , Elaine Joanne James , Barbar a Joyce H. Jennings, Marion Elaine Jensen, Margaret Rae Johnson, Julie Ann Jones, Karen Sue Kaya , Sylvia Midori Kelly , Ruth Kirk, Alice Jo Mc Queen Koch, Karen V. Brower Krpata , Brenda Sue Lamoreaux , Mary Jane





Sinfield , Jaunita L arse n, Amber Deon Lovell Singleton, Ilene La rsen, Suzanne Slaugh , Kath leen Larson, Cathy Adela Smith, Lind a Jane Lo ve ll, Kathleen Norman Smith , Peggy Mari e Evans Maathuis, Dian e Smith, Saundra Lou Macaluso, Thomas M . Snow Annette Manning , Fred William Sonn e, Karma Jean Matthews, Edith Mc Dougall, Sandra Christene J. Stampley , Sheridan K. St ewar t, Julie Ann M emmott, Carolyn Sue Taylor, Lind a Kae Nash, Darla D. Tolman, Ellen Noel, Karen G alli Tolman , Judy Ost agg i, Janet Vaughan , Kathryn Lynne Hess Peterson , Judith Ann V ellinga, Annett e Wis e Price , Verla Jean Waldron , Nancy Ann Pugmire , Jaren Swan Wamsley , Diane K. Purdy, Faye Iverson Wankier, Dorothy Ann Ras mussen , Vicki Evans West , Sandra Cl aire Reeder, M ary Lou Woodward, Lu Dean Tucker Richards , Harriet Ann Woodward , Ruth Alene Rasmussen Law rence Roberts , Rosem ary Wynder, Janet Robinson, Katherine Petersen Yamasaki, Yvonne Lyn Tripp Rogers , Anne Young, Marilyn Ruth Pitts Rollins , Marsha Ann Zawyrucha , Linda Marie Smith Saunders, D arla Dee Seager .Dianne Peterson Shriber, Loni Kaye Sawyers



Durtschi, Walter H . Ence, Larry Deloy

Griffin, Dennis Donald



ARCHITECTURE Rosine , Richard

Streit, Tom M eier


Robert Brent

Nielsen , David Jerald

Ehlert, Annon Laron


Allen Leroy

Pitcher, Vernon M., Jr.


Williams, Wayne

Kull, David Arthur

Card, Bryce Dean

Adams , Robert L. Agha , Marda Crosley Blackburn , Brent Bonnell , Robert Warren


Lind, Jean Kitchen




Ro se




Brenchley , Douglas Charles Christensen , Robert Don


Whately, Mich ael R . Whitwill , David Keith Williams, Bryan Dee Williamson , Joseph Harold Wilson, Willi am James Wood , Craig Albert Wood, Kenneth Gr an t Zaparanick, David Carl Zintz, Ronald Charles

Thornburg, Dennis Dean Thurman, Dougl as H . Todd , Rodgers William Trotta, P aul Tuck er, Clark Bertram Van Den Berg, David Allen Walker, Kennet h Gerald Ware, Jame s Lawr ence Wasson, Albertus Holmes





Smith , Donald Mc Lean



Brunson, Max Eliot, Jr . Casteel. Karen Elizabeth Cutler, Jacklynn Dalgleish, Karen Marie

Davis, C aro lyn M ax ine Fuhriman, Dixie Lee Harris, Ruth Harston, Ruth

Holmgren , Stev en Lee Hoth, Stephen William

COLLEGE OF HUMANITIES Huntington, Adele Ward Jackson, Janet Gail Jacoby, Bernard Jerry Jennings, Margaret Jean Kay , Roy Lynn Keeler, Norma

AND ARTS (Continued)

Long, Norma Jean Haselman Mc Arthur, Betty Louise Naegle, Stephen Howard Niederhauser, Carol Gene Owens, Lawrence Watkins Peterson, Glen Loren

CANDIDATES Allen, Dennis Kent Allen, Jolene Marie Arciaga, Judy Pat BJornn. Marsha Ann Chlarson Blodgett, Terry Marvin Christensen, James Melvin Croft, Jana Crostic, Mary Margaret Alley Culligan, Thom as John, Jr . Cunningham, Gary Dre w Dean, John Scott Haley Deonanan, Venus Eugenia Donaldson, Robert C. Donnelly, Stephen Leonard Dunlap, Joyce Elaine Dunn, Robert M aim Durrant , Colleen Kjar Edwards, Carole V. Frankovich , Sharon Lofthouse Franzen, Cynthia Ann Terry Frutos , Justo Pastor

Allsop , Cleone Archibald Apel. Francis Nicolas Bateman, Brenda Bergreen, Gary Stanley Berrett , Melvin Victor Bona , Martha Kaye Bowen , Jacqueline Burdett, Barry La Vern Collins , John Nichol as Cordon , Ronald William Crookston , Jane Daniels , James Warren Een, Patricia Field , Wi1liam Oscar


Wheeler, Raymond Doral Williams, Gerald Lee Young , Donald Bradley


Fryer , Gayla Ann Larsen Gardner, Don Emerson George, Linda Jean Osterlin Giles, Stanley Harvey Greenhalgh, Keith Stanton Gunn, David F. Hammond, Betty Hansen, Laura Lee Harris, Alan Ray Hill, Carol Ann Hill , Marshall Austin Hinton , Harold Francis Hollands, Tina Mary Hood, Robert La Mar Izatt, Molly Jacobson , Kenneth Dean Jacobson Max Fred Johnson, Lee Fronk Kerkmann, Bodo Kjar, Lloyd Hamblin Lewis, Ann Louise


Phelps, Thomas Clark Robinson, Gerald T. Sunderland, Gary Kent Trimming , John Edward Ventura , Herman Patrick Westergard , James Billings

Maughan, Laurel Smith Mi1ler, Marilyn Mi1ler, Norman Joseph Musgrave, Betty Glena Nielsen, Allan Boyd Nielson , Norma Ralphs Ockey, Steven W . Okeson , Amelia Ruth Olsen , Edith Camille Osik , Marilyn M. Pack, William Daniels Packer, Lynn Kenneth Passey, Fredrick William Peters , Geralyn Petersen , Greer Gardner Peterson Elwyn Carver Price, Katie Jean Proffit, Leslie Paula Reich, Carmen Ronnow , Gretchen Lyn Roundy, Jon Lyle

Rubsam , Pi erre Ferdinand, Rus,hing, Karin Smith Sant, David S. Shakespear, Donald V . Shapiro, Stephen George Shields , Sally Joan Simon , Robe rt William Steed, Pamela Karen Sumida, Margie Utahko Sunada, Sheila Rox anna Torgesen, Kathleen Wakley, Linda Lou Wangsgard, Jo Ann Weiss, Stephen Craig Whitelaw, Relle Wimmer, John David Wood, Terry F. Wood. William Richard Zabriskie, Linda Muriel


Frazier, Lawr ence C. Gaily, Kathleen Green , James Ansley Greenhalgh , Karen Kathleen Hadley, Janet Hansen, Larry Harvard Hanson, Ch ery l Lynn Harder, Bobbie Jo H a rris, J. Clinton Hess , James Peart Hess , Judith Christine High, Mary Dawn Hunt , Cornelia Lynne Huntington , Royal Mack Jenkins , Dorla Rudd Jensen , Roselena Robinson

Kimball, Kristine Larsen, Wi1liam Rufus Leonard, Rebecca Loosli, Dixie Ann Mendenhall. Susan Miller, Ray Jeff Olson, Stephen B. Ovard, Susan Owen, Margaret K. Parson, Sherma Peterson, Joel Crandall Price, Lu Anna P rigmore, Susan Ka y Rich , D avid William Ricks , Raymond Carl Robbins, Patsy Ann

Rockstead , Clifford Alan Rosenbaum, Susan Brinkley Savi1le, Gary Reed Schaible, Brian Ward Stewart , Boyd William Stokes, Daun a Olson Stowe, William Jeffery Summers, Virginia Obray Telford, Mary Alice C. Ververs , Leslie Whitney Vickrey, Gary Michael Young, Rich ard Nelson Zimowsky, Peter Andrew




CANDIDATES Alder, Richard Leon Anderegg, John Fred Andersen , Richard Lewyn Archibald, Lyle H. Bachmann , Robert Carl Bankhead , George Dee Barfuss , Delon Willis Barker, Bonita Georgi

George Russell


Barnier , Kay Darlene Batty, Merle Day Belnap, Delwyn E . Blackham, Ronnie Ray Bon, Roger Lee Boston, Mary Margaret Brenchley, Dean Hill Bruggeman, Vern Barry Budge , Leslee Jane Thorpe

Buescher, Myron David Butkus , Michael Frank Christensen , Neil Conley, Marvin William Conlin, Harold Reed Cox , Wend ell Alton Critchfield, Andrew Jay D 'as to, Jerry Lynn Davis , Hugh S.

Duke, Dean Woodrow Durham, James Cottrell Eliason, Jimmie F. Emerson, Dennis Edward Fleming, Ronald Hartley Flint , Gregory Lynn Fonnesbeck , Myron Bruce Fortier, Dennis Wayne Garfield, John Rapheal

Jr .

COLLEGE OF SCIENCE Gerber, Robert Nielsen Glover, Lawrence Boutelle Gray, Donald Kenneth Hagius, Patricia Sue F . Hanson , John Alma Hartman , Wall ace Don, Jr. Hawkes, John Robert Hayden, Worth William Hayes , Stanley F. Hess, Charles C. Hibbard, Roger Williams Ireton , Robert C. Jafari-Amiri, Minoo Jenson, Gerald Emuel Johnson, Marianne Kahlke , Ellen Marie


(Continued} Petersen, Harold Craig Poole, Roy Adrian, Jr. Pua, Tong Yap Ong Pugsley, James Philip Rand all, Ruth Rangchi, Ahmad Reed, Samuel Curtis Reese, Thomas E . Riddle, Wayne Allen Rogers, Paul Marcus Sadeghi. Ali-Reza Seamons , John Reid Sorenson, Laurie Squires, Karma Stevens, Benigna Rodriquez Strasburg , George Bryant

Kelly, David James Kidd, James Terry Kidwai, Moid Uddin Knight, Carol Emery Larkin , Clair Coe Liu, Hway-Jiunn Lo, Lee Nin Malmgren , Ira Rodge Mc Clu rg, Larry William Mc Kee, Ethel Jean Merrill. Orrin Todd Nawabi, Frena Newswander, Roger E . Pace, Ronald Kay Park , Elson Perkin s, Michael W .



Suh , Hyoung Won Swain, Richard Thomas Talbot, Robert Barton Taylor, Douglas Berry Thatcher, Howard Thomas, Mark Franklin Turnquist, Marlys Marie Lien Urbaniak, Nancy Lee Vance , May Lynne Van Dorston , Philip Lonn Watanabe, Douglas T . Williams, Arthur Thomas Wong, Kai-Tak Young, Gerald Lee Zelt, George Albert D .



Graduates presented a Commission as Second Lieutenant, United States Army, at earlier unit ceremonies ADJUTANT


Grotegut. Neil W . Hunsaker, Martell D. McMurdie, Harry L.



Longhurst, Glen R.

Brest, Da vid W.



Gunn, David F. Kerr , Donald W . King, James C . McGee , Robert A. Peterson , Elwyn C. Ramsdeli, Michael A. Wood, William R.

ARMOR Bair, Michael L. Hansen , Larry H. Vernon , Rikki F .

ARTILLERY Keck, Larry D.

SIGNAL Bingham , Gail E . Sorensen, John D.

TRANSPORTATION Hak anson, Dennis W . Kerkmann, Bodo



Heiman, Lee B.

Kuenzli, James R.

DISTINGUISHED Bait, Michael L . Bingham , Gail E. Grotegut , Neil W.

GRADUATES Longhurst , Glen R. McMurdie, Harry L.

Kerr, Donald W. King, James C.

Peterson, Elwyn C. Sorens en , John D .

To be Commissioned at end of Summer Camp, 1968 QUARTERMASTER


ARTILLERY Larsen , William R.

Fox, Craig W .

Blodgett, Terry M.

ENGINEERS Reed , Samuel C.



Graduates presented a Commission as Second Lieutenant, United States Air Force, at earlier ceremonies. Allen, Dennis K. Biddulph , Charles M . Bowman, Lee E .

E.1rl, Gary V. Gardner, Bertrand B.

DISTINGUISHED Charlton, Robert E.

Nordick , Casper D. Schiffman , Gary L.

MILITARY Schaible, Brian W.

Steffen, David 0. Torbensen , Jerry L.

GRADUATES Taylor, Gordon M.







DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY ADAMEK, JAMES CONRAD Powers, Oregon MS : Stanford Uuiversity, 1965 Major: Civil Engineering Major Professor: Dr. Gary Z. Watters Dissertat ion : Lift and Drag Forces on a Cube on a Boundary in a Finite, Three-Dimensional Flow-Field with Free Surface Effects.

FAZEL, MOHAMMED K. Abadan, Iran MS : Utah State University . I 967 Major: Psychology Major Professor : Dr. Heber C. Sharp Dissertation : Children 's Pe rception of Pa ren tal Attitude and Problem Aware nes s and its Relationship to Ac ademic Achievem ent .

ALFARO, JOSE FELIX Lima, Peru MS : Utah State Unive rsity, 1965 Major: Irrigation and Drainage Major Professor: Dr . Jack Keller Dissertation : The Distribution of Salts in a Verticle Soil Profile During Leaching .

FLINT , WILLIAM REED St . Anthony, Idaho BS : Utah State University, 1951 Major: Range Science Major Professor: Dr. L. A. Stoddart Dis sertation: Linear Programming Applied Ranching in Utah.

ALLEN, ROYCE HYRUM St. Anthony, Idaho MS : Utah State University, 1966 Major: Physics Major Profe ssor: Dr . V . Gordon Lind Dissertation: Six-prong Interactions at 3.2 GEV /C. ANDERSON, JULIAN B. Seattle, Washington BS : Utah State University, 1961 Major: Civil Engineering Major Profe ssor: Dr . D . F. Peterson Dissertation : A Study of Free Surface and Vicous Effects on Simulated Rough Open Channel Beds. BITTINGER. MORTON WAYNE Fort Collins, Colorado MS: Iowa State University, 1951 Major: Civil Engineering Major Professor: Dr. Calvin G . Clyde Dissertation: Simulation and Analysis of Stream-Aquifer Systems. CAPENER. ROBERT L. Riverside, Utah BS: University of Utah, 1955 Major: Physics Major Professor: Dr. Jack E . Chatelain Dissertation: The Classical Limit of Fourth Matrix Elements in Meson-nucleon Scattering Pseudoscalar-Pseudoscalar Coupling .

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GARDINER. HAROLD ARTHUR BIRK Salt Lake City, Utah BA: University of Utah , 1962 Major: Physi cs Major Profes sor: Dr. John J. Merrill Dissertation: A Measurement and Analysis of Optical Emissions Resulting from 20 to 100-keV Proton nitrogen Collisions. GAWAI. VINAYAK G. Raheri, Bk.. India MS : Banaras Hindu University , 1959 Major: Plant Science Major Profes sors: Dr . K. R. Allred and Dr . D . R. McAllister Dissertation: Forage Yield and Chemical Composition of an Orchardgrass-bromegrass Pasture Mixture as Influenced by Clipping Frequency, Nitrogen Fertilization, and Irrigation Regim e. GIFFORD , GERALD FREDRIC Chanute, Kansas MS: Utah State University, 1964 Major: Watershed Science Major Profes sor: Dr . George B. Coltharp Dissertation : Influence of Various Rangeland Cultural Treatments on Runoff , Sediment Production , and Soil Moisture Patterns in the Big Sagebruch Type , Eastgate Basin, Nevada .

DONART , GARY B. Arcata , California MS : Fort Hays Kansas State College , 1963 Major: Range Science Major Professor : Dr . C. Wayne Cook Reserves in Mountain Dissertation : Carbohydrate Range Plants with Respect to Phenological Stage of Development and Artificial Defoliation .

GOETZ , HAROLD Fargo, North Dakota MS : North Dakota State University, 1963 Major: Range Management Major Professor : Dr. L . A. Stoddart Dissertation: Relation of Range Site to the Influence of Fertilizer Applications on the Yield and Botanical Composition on Native Range in Western North Dakota .

ERNST, JOHN VERLON Portland, Oregon MS: Utah State University , 1966 Major: Zoology Major Professor : Dr. D . M . Hammond Dissertation : The Incidence and Life Cycle of Eimeria utahensis s.p.n. from Kangaroo Rats of Northwestern Utah .

HUANG, TRACY JAU-HUA Chang-Hwa, T a iwan, Republic of China BS : National Taiwan University , 1963 Major: Chemistry Major Professor : Dr . Jack T . Spence Dissertation: The Oxidation of ·Hydrazine bdenum (VI) and Methylene Blue .

by Moly- ·



JENAB, SEID ABDOLLAH Moghabel Soraia Bimarestan , Esfahan, Iran MS: Utah State University, 1962 Major: Irrigation and Drainage Engineering Major Professor: Dr . A. Alvin Bishop Dissertation : Development of a Drainage Function for the Transient Case, and a Two-dimensional Groundwater Mound Study to Evaluate Aquifer Parameters. KERNALEGUEN, ANNE PAULE St. Brieux, Saskatchewan, Canada MS: Michigan State University, 1963 Major: Behavioral Sciences Aspects of Clothing Major Professor : Dr. Norma Compton Dissertation : Creativity Level, Perceptual Style and Peer Perception of Attitudes Towards Clothing .

MECHAM, LORRIE ELMER Wendell, Idaho BS: Idaho State University , 1962 Major : Chemistry Major Professor: Dr. William M. Moore Dissertation: Infrared Chemilummescelle from the Reactions of the Oxides of Nitrogen with Atomic Species.

JAVAD MORADESHAGHI. MOHAMMAD Kerman, Iran MS: Utah State University, 1966 Major: Entomology Major Professor : Dr . W. A. Brindley Dissertation: The Effect of Age, SKF525-A Hydrochloride, and Chlorcycliz ine Di hydrochloride on the Toxicity of Parathion to Adult Alkali Bees Nomia melanderi Ckll .

KIM, DONG KEUN Kionamdong , Seoul , Korea BS : Dong Kook University, 1959 Major: Chemistry Major Professor: Dr . Richard C. Anderson Dissertation : I. Isola tion and Proof of Structure of Some Alkaloids of Remijia purdieana W edderly . II . An Investigation of Some Reactions of 2-Sub stituted Quinoxaline 1, 4-Dioxide.

NEYESTANI. MOHAMMAD Tehran, Iran MS : University of California, 1964 Major: Irrigation Science Major Professor: Dr. Jack Keller Dissertation: The Effect of Water Application Rate on the Infiltration and Wetting Front Characteristics of Unsaturated Silt Loam Soil.

KIRLIN , RODNEY LYNN Cheyenne, Wyoming MS: University of Wyoming, 1963 Maor: Electrical Engineering Major Profes sor : Dr . Alvin M . Despain Dissertation : Increased Spectral Re solution by Expansion of an lnterferogram in Prolate Spheroidal Wave Functions .

NYQUIST, DAVID Reno , Nevada MS: University of Nevada, 1963 Major : Limnology Major Professor : Dr. W. F . Sigler D isserta tion : Eutrophication Trends of Bear Lake, Idaho -Utah and their Effect on the Distribution and Biological Productivity of Zooplankton .

KLOPOTEK. DAVID LEE DePere, Wisconsin BS : St. Norbert College, 1964 Major: Chemistry Major Professor:; Dr. Brice G. Hobrock Dissertation: Fluoronitrene as a Deaminating, genating and Fluorinating Agent.

OWAIS, TALAAT M. Zagazig , Egypt UAR MS : University of New Mexico , 1964 Major: Civil Engineering Major Professor: Dr . Calvin Clyde Dis sertation: Hydrodynamic Forces and Pressure Fluc tuations on a Hemisphere on a Boundary in Velocity Gradient Flow Considering Free Surface Effects.

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LITTLEFIELD, NEIL A. Orem , Utah MS: Utah State University, 1964 Major: Toxicology Major Professor : Dr . D. K. Salunkhe Dissertation : Physio-chemical and Toxicological Studies of Effects of Controlled Atmospheres on Certain Deciduous Fruits .

PARKER , BARRY RICHARD Penticton , B. C., Canada MS : University of British Columbia, 1961 Major : Physics Major Professor: Dr . Jack Chatelain Dissert ation: Theoretical Calculation of the Cross Section For Pair Production in a Proton-Proton Collision .

LUKE, ROBERT A. Rexburg , Idaho MS: Utah State University, 1966 Major : Physics Major Professor : Dr. V. Gordon Lind Dissertation: n-p Multi-pion Final States at 4.2 BeV / c.

PEARSON , HENRY ALEXANDER Flastaff, Ari zona MS : Texas A and M University , 1959 Major : Range Science Major Professor : Dr. Arthur D. Smith Dissertation : Rumen Microbial Investigations Mule Deer.

MAI. CHAO-CHEN Hong Kong MS: Oregon State University , 1964 Major : Electrical Engineering Major Professor : Dr. William L. Jones Dissertation : Diffusion of Phosphorus and Boron into Silicon Through Silicon Monoxide Layers .

PIPER, EDGAR LEO Reno, Nevada MS: University of Nevada, 1961 Major : Animal Physiology Major Professor : Dr. Warren C. Foote Dissertation : Some Influences of Estradiol ln Ovarian Function in the Ewe.

in the




PRATHER. JAMES GORDON Altus, Oklahoma BS: University of Oklahoma, 1957 Major: Physics Major Professor: Dr. W. Farrell Edwards Dissertation: Study of the Nuclear Energy Levels Associated with the Decay of Lutetium172 and Thu lium168

SHELTON, ERNEST E., Jr. New Boston, Texas MS: East Texas State College, 1963 Major: Zoology Major Professor: Dr . John R. Simmons Dissertation: The "Starvation Effect" and Tryptophan Pyrrolase Activity in the Vermilion Mutant of Drosophila.

REMONDINI. DAVID JOSEPH Deming, New Mexico MS: University of Utah, 1964 Major: Zoology Major Professor: Dr. Eldon J. Gardner Dissertation: Autonomy and Determination of Abnormal Growths in the Tumorou s Head Strain of Drosophila melanogaster.

SWEETLAND. RICHARD CARSON Houston, Texas MA: University of Texas, 1959 Major: Psychology Major Professor: Dr. Heber C. Sharp Dissertation: The Use of Mental Imagery Among Young Chil dren in the Acquisition of P iaget's Principles of Conservation.

RENO , FREDERICK EDMUND Reno , Nevada MS: University of Nevada,1963 Major: Toxicology Major Professor: Dr. D. A . Greenwood Dissertation: Toxic Effects of Pol ynuclear bons on Chick Embryos and Mice .

TEW. RONALD KAY Mapleton, Utah MS: Utah State University, 1962 Major: Pl ant Nutrition and Biochemistry Major Profe sso r : Dr. Herm an H. Wiebe Dissertation: Role of Zinc, C ar bohydrat e Reserves, and Soil Prop er ties in the Vegetable Reproduction of Aspen .


RICHARDS , HYRUM EDWARDS Aetna, Alberta; Canad a MEd: Utah State University, 1963 M ajor: P sychology Major: Dr. David Stone Dissertation: Variations on Piaget 's Pre-number Development Tests Used as Learning Experiences. ROBERSON. WARD BRYCE Hamilton, Al abama MS: Utah St ate University , 1965 Major: Plant Physiology Major Professor : Dr . Herman H. Wiebe Dissertation: The Water Permeability of Potato Tuber Tissue. SCOTTER. GEORGE WILBY Cardston , Alberta , Can ada MS: Ut ah State University, 1962 Major: Range Science Major Profes sor: Dr . L. A. Stoddart Dissert a tion: Effects of Forest Fires on the Lichen Winter Ranges of Barren -ground Caribou in Nor thern Canada . SEFIDBAKHT. NASROLLAH Shir az. Iran MS: Utah State University, 1964 Major: Animal Production Major Professor: Dr. M. A. Madsen Dissertation : The Normal Occurance of Puberal Estrus and Ovulation and Their Hormonal Induction in Ewes.

UHES, MICHAEL JOSEPH Ferndale, Michig an MA: University of New Hampshire, 1964 Major: Psychology Major Professor : Dr . Glendon Casto Dissertation : The Open-Closed Cognitive Dimensions and Divergent -Convergent Abilities. WADDOUPS, RAY OWEN Id aho Falls, Id aho MS: Utah State University, 1964 Major: Ph ysics Major Prof essor: Dr. John J. Merrill Dissertation : Night Airglow Oxygen tinuum, and Hydroxyl Emissions.


WHEELER. ROBERT DAL TON Ogden. Utah MS: Utah State Univers ity, 1963 Major: Physics M ajor Professor : Dr . Jack Chatel ain Dissertation: Differential Cross Section for Election Po sitron Pair Production from Neutron Proton Scattering, WYATT , CLAIR LEON Providence , Utah MS : Utah State University, 1962 Major: El ectrical Engineering M ajor Professor : Dr . Alvin Despain Dissertation: An Optimum System Synthesis for Op tical Radiometric Measurements .

SHARMA , RAJENDRA KUMAR Shamli, Muzaffar, Nagar MS: DAV College , 1961 Major : Fishery Biology Major Professor : Dr . John Neuhold Dissertation : Effects of Gamma Radiation and its Interactions with Sodium Halides on Rainbow Trout.



Con -



The Transition

Utah State


1954 to 1968 A SPECIAL REPORT

The Transition Utah State University, now in its eightieth year, has spent the past 14 years in a state of transition as it passed through its final years as a college and com pleted its first decade as a university . The transition years have been characterized by change , by a massive bui ldin g program that alt ered the campus sky lin e, by dramatic growth in faculty size, and in the number of research projects and course offerin gs. The produ ct of m any hand s and many minds working cooper atively to gether , Utah State University ha s emerged as an arena where ideas are free to clash and where knowledge is pro voked as well as distributed. This specia l report covers the period from 1954 to 1968, during which Dr. Daryl Chase has served as president , and during which the college-to-university transition was made . A modern state university is a hi ghly comp lex in stitution with a plurality of objectives. It is at once a ref lection of the total po litical , economic and socia l forces of society. It s unifying elements are a love of

learn ing , a regard for the cause of the free mind , a yearning for ever greater knowledge of the workings of the world and its inhabitants. Among the state ' s colleges and universities , USU - a land-grant institution - plays a unique role , blending the three areas of teachin g, research , and service together into one educational instrument. It is the wedding of the ivory tower with the market pl ace and community that makes the University distinctive. Teaching is the University's main obje ctive. To provide the best possible instruction for the record number s of students , the University faculty and administration have had to tax ingenuity and resourcefu ln ess. Through continuous effort , the Univers it y's educational standards have been advanced and instru ctional quality has rem ained high. The library, housed in a new building completed in 1967 and five times the size of the old structure , has increased its holdings by over 300 percent. Research at the University has been growing at a

pace unprecedented in the institution's history. Research efforts directly affect the teaching prog ram at the University and assist immeasurably in attracting undergraduate and gradua t e students of super ior q u ality . In the three-fold mission of the Univer sity, research and training programs are a basic part, and th e growth in this area has played a sig nific ant role in the growth of t he ent ir e institution. Besid es servin g and educating the large studentbody on the Loga n ca mpu s, the University carries it s servi ces and educational facilities t o the people of the state. Much of the progress made by Utahns in the tran sitional years can be credited to the leadership provided by USU 's Extension Services in assis tin g citizens an d organizations to develop their resources and abilitie s. The long tradition of collaboration between USU and government agencies in th e service of the community , state, and nation has been expanded in the 1954-1968 period to bring the skills and t alent s of the University to meet cha llenges of the world ' s

developing areas, particularly to Latin America. USU has been swept into the mainstream of international life, as evident in the wide range of the University's world activit ies. Utah State scientists are engaged in government con tracts in Brazil, Bolivia, Venezuela and the Far East , and maintain other programs in Mexico . In 1954 , at the start of the period of trans iti on, a leading commentator on American society wrote that , at that time, one of the major deficiencies in our way of life was the kind of suppor t give n to th e cause of education. Writing in The Atlantic Monthly , Walter Lippmann spe lled out America 's obligation: ¡¡we have come to the point where we mu st lift ourse lves as promptly as we can to a new and much higher level of interest , of attentio n , of hard work, of expenditure, and of dedication to the educa ti on of the people. ' ' Today , fourteen years later, Mr. Lippmann 's words cou ld be a challenge to Utah State Univ ers it y as it comp letes the transition and moves forward on a new road.


KEY 1953-54: Black Figures 1967-68: Red Figures

Fall Term Enrollment by States 1953-54 and 1967-68

4 19

4 17

9 19

3 18

5 18 7 41

9 22 Alaska

3 48

3 9

7 31

6 24

0 7 Hawaii

9 23

U.S. Territories

2 1


Fall Term Enrollment Worldwide 1954-55 and 1967-68

1954-55: Black Figures 1967-68: Red Figures

Near East

37 South America Oceania

1 5 Other

1 4

5 32

84 Middle East



A CosmopolitanUniversity Over the years, students from throughout America and the world have come to Utah State University to pursue their studies , although with the exception of students from nearby states, their numbers have been relatively few and their impact on the institution has been minimal. But during the years of transition, the University has acquired a more cosmopolitan flavor, and today can boast of students from all but one of the fifty states and from nearly fifty foreign nations, in addition to the Utah students who represent all of the state's counties. Believing that the central aim of education is to free and enlarge the mind and spirit of man, or in the words of Mark Van Doren , to bestow upon a person the "power to multiply and explore choices so that the world ceases to be a little place trimmed to the dimensions of one's private experience," the University has attempted to establish an atmosphere in which students from every discipline and culture can search for an intelligent understanding of man's ideas and problems . In 1954, USU had 927 students from states other than Utah. This number has increased to 2,204 during fall quarter this year. States other than Utah with 1968 enrollments above 50 students include

California, Idaho, Illinois , Nevada, New Jersey, New York , Ohio , Pennsylvania, and Wyoming . Idaho , with 597 students , and California, with 359, represent the states with the largest enrollment outside of Utah. The most significant increase in foreign student enrollment has been in the Far East. Ten students from the area attended USU 14 years ago, but today the Far East enrollment has grown to 194 . Among nations, China's 126 USU students compose the largest body of foreign students. Canada is second with 97, followed by Iran with 67. Other sizeable student delegations come from India , 51, and Thailand, 34. Although the foreign students represent only 6.6 percent of the total studentbody, the enrichment they bring to the campus is far greater than their numbers would imply . While attending the Univer sity, the foreign student makes significant contributions to the cross-fertilization of knowledge and ideas across national boundaries and assists the American students at USU in gaining an insight into different ways of life. And when the foreign student returns home, his campus experience will most certainly have a lasting influence on his career, his out look on life and possibly even on the social and economic progress of his native land.

Students 9719

EnrollmentGrowth 1954-1968



8196 7545 6314





5909 5458 4982



1957 -58

4283 3858

1954 -55


The Student BodyToday

1958 -59














A Changing Studentbody Whatever predictions the University has made for its enrollments in the past decade , they have always been exceeded by actual enrollments after regular registration was completed . Cumulative enrollment in 1968-69 (not including summer quarter) approaches 10,000 students, nearly three times the enrollment in 1954-55. The University's rapid growth is illustrated by the fact that last September 's entering class of freshman and transfer students is larger than the entire undergraduate enrollment fourteen years ago. While undergraduates still comprise more than four-fifths of the total enrollment, the University's School of Graduate Studies has been growing at the fastest pace, accounting for approximately 13 percent of the studentbody. It is significant to note that of the 3,826 graduate degrees awarded by USU in its eighty years, 2 ,703 of them have been granted since 1954, well over two-thirds of the total. Of the 249 earned doctorates, all but seven have been awarded in the 1954-1958 period. On the Bachelor degree level, the transition years account for over one-half of the total Bachelor degrees awarded in the school's history, or 13,044 out of a total of 25,958.

The nature and character of the USU studentbody , as well as student expectation , have changed from those of former days . Students on the whole are more mature - more of them are married , they are older and more settled in their objectives , they are more seriously motivated, and they are better prepared and more sophisticated. These and other changes in the character, values and attitudes of students have implications in the University's instructional program. The quality of the students ' academic work has continued to improve. Indications are that faculty members are demanding more of students and setting higher standards than ever before and that the students welcome such stimulation. While demanding a higher level of academic responsibility, the University is also encouraging greater student responsibility for social conduct and greater individual student effort. Through a wholesome program of activities, the institution seeks to provide students with purposeful opportunities to develop leadership, managerial, and creative abilities. Provided the University is able to keep abreast of the demand for facilities and personnel to teach them, increasing numbers of highly motivated students will continue to seek admission.


Degrees Held By Faculty and Professional Staff* * Includes ExtensionServices


1967-6 8 9500 9000 8500 8000

Summary of Enrollment by Colleges 1954-1968 Figures reflect col leges as they were organ ized during the part icu lar year. Humanit ies and Arts includes genera l regis tration st udents. In 1962 the College of Science was organ ized from departments previous ly located in the Colleges of Agriculture and Humanities and Science. At the t ime of the reorg anization , the name of the College of Humanit ies and Science was changed to College of Humanities and Arts and the Dep artment of Fine Arts was transferred from the College of Education.

7500 7000 6500 6000 5500 5000

4500 4000 3500 ENGINEERING

3000 2500

EDUCATION 2000 1500 1000




500 0

1954 1955

1955 1956

1956 1957

1957 1958

1958 1959

1959 1960

1960 1961

1961 1962

1962 1963

1963 1964

1964 1965

1965 1966

1966 1967

1967 1968

Teaching: The University's Foundation Good teaching is the basic foundat ion of the total University progr am. The 1954 -1968 period of tran sition has been characterized by a concerted effort to improve teaching, by the introduction of new academic programs and innovations, and by expansion and improvement of campus facilities . In an effort to attract and hold master teachers, faculty salaries have been increased and fringe benefits have been enlarged . An emphasis has been placed on the employment of teachers with advanced degrees and proven teaching abilities. Consequently the faculty 's scholarship has been significantly advanced over the thirteen-year period . Today, 283 faculty members hold doctorate degrees, compared to only 101 in 1954-55, while 293 of the current faculty have earned Master's degrees in contrast to 143 thirteen years ago. The burgeoning enrollments necessitated reorganization of the academic structure, including appointment of Dr. Milton R. Merrill as academic vice president in 1959 and the organization of a College of Science in 1962 . All of the University ' s eight colleges have shown substantial enrollment growth during the period, as

the cumulative student enrollment soared from 3 ,800 in 1954 -55 to over 9,700 in 1968-69 . The transfer to the College of Science of some departments previously located in the Colleges of Agriculture accounts for the seeming decrease in that College's enrollment , which in fact has made substantial student gains in recent years. The largest numerical increases have been registered in the Colleges of Business and Social Sciences, Education , and Humanities and Arts, while the Colleges of Nat ural Resources and Family Life have demonstrated the greatest percentage increases . Engineering in all aspects has received impetus during the transition period, and today the Engineering College enjoys a national and international reputation . In making ROTC voluntary in 1958, Utah State University led out in a policy that has since been followed by nearly all other land-grant institutions . In 1954, the faculty numbered 367. It is now almost double - approximately 680 is the present number . Many of its members have earned recognized honors, and others hold promise of accomplishment in their respective fields.


North of Campus


_ _ 57












Campus Map B




Buildings Key on Following Page













Building Program Buildings Funded and Under Construction Soon Chemistry addition ...


Comparison of Buildings And Physical Facilities 1954-55 and 1966-67

. . .. ...........



Business Building . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,800,000 P.E. Building .......

. ........

.. . . . ......


Industrial Education & Manufacturing Engineering (First phase) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . New Stadium ......................

. ....

500 ,000 1,100,000

Assembly Center . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2,250,000 Special Education Building . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


Veterinary Science & $8,101,858

Bacteriology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,400,000 Engineeringaddition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .






1. Old Main, H-12

23 . Engineering, D-11

44 . Forestry-Zoology, F-10

2. Mechanic Arts, H-13

24. Engineering Addition, E-11

45. Agricultural Science, F-11

3. Amphitheater , H-13

25. Fine Arts Center , D-11

46. Art Barn, G-10

4. Technical Services, G-13

26. Crops Research Center, D-10

47. Physical Education, G-9

5. Education , G-12

27. Radio-TV Center , C-9

48. Assembly Center, G-7

6. Family Life, G-12

28. Bullen Hall , D-9

49. Nelson Fieldhouse , H-10

7. Library , F-12

29. Men's High Rise Dorm , D-9

50. Union Building, H-10

8. Plant Industry , G-11

30. Women 's High Rise Dorm , E-8

51. Logan Institute , H-10

9. Animal Industry , G-11

31. Richards Hall , E-9

52. Recreation Intramural Activities , H-10

10. Chemistry (Widtsoe Hall), H-11 32. Dormitory Cafeteria, E-9 33. Edith Bowen Laboratory School, E-9 11. Chemistry addition , H-11

53. Newman Center, H-8

12. Information Services, H-11

34. Special Education, F-9

54. Van Noy Apartments, H-4

13. President's Home, H-11

35. Industrial Education and Manufacturing Engineering, E-10

55. Stadium, G-4 56. Metabolism Building, F-4

36. Automotive, Aeronautics, E-10

57. Man and His Bread Museum, F-3

37. Plant Operations Shops, E-10

58. Car Pool and Garage, G-1

38. Plant Operations Center, E-10

59. University Apartments, D-4

39. Plant Operations Shop, F-10

60. Veterinary Science Buildings, D-1

14. Smart Gym, H-11 15. Heating Plant, J-11 16. University Annex , J-11 17. Lund Hall , F-12 18. Business Building, F-12 19. Moen Hall , E-12 20. Greaves Hall, E-12 21. Reeder Hall, E-12 22. Merrill Hall, D-11

40. Apiculture Research Laboratory, E-11 61. University Trailer Court, B-4 41. Rural Arts, F-11 42. Veterinary Science, F-10 43. Veterinary Science and Bacteriology, F-10

62. David 0 . McKay Living Center, B-5 63. Forestry Research Laboratory, C-7

64. Storage-Receiving, B-9

Campus Growth The dynamic nature of the University ' s program dur i ng the transition period required upgrading of old buildings and addition of new facilities . A broad building program , designed to provide adequate classrooms and laboratories and to create a physical atmosphere conducive to scholastic excellence, resulted in the construction of over 60 major buildings on campus, with another eight scheduled for con struction within the next year . The Edith Bowen Laboratory Training School, the Forestry and Zoology building, Engineering building (with a $200,000 addition soon to be built), Library , Fine Arts Center, an addition to the Union Building, six dormitories for women and four for men , a food service center, and a married housing complex ot apartment buildings, among others, have been completed since 1954. Within the year, another $11,340,000 will be spent in constructing a large addition to the Chemistry building, a Business building, a Physical Education building, the first phase of a building to house Industrial Education and Manufacturing Engineering, a new stadium, an Assembly Center, a Special

Education building , and a Veter i nary Science and Bacteriology build ing . When the new construction is completed, the University campus will have jumped in valuation from $8,101 ,858 in 1954 -55 to $61,505,000 , an increase of 759 percent. It should also be noted that during the years of transition, the Old Main, Widtsoe Hall, and the Education building have all received extensive renovation. Indeed, it is difficult to find an office or classroom in the older buildings that has not been totally or partially renovated during the past 14 years. Campus improvements account for an expenditure of nearly a quarter of a million dollars annually. Private and church-owned construction related to the campus has also moved forward rapidly during the period. A Newman Center for University students was built by the Catholic Church, the Lutheran Church constructed a student chapel near the University, and the LOS Church doubled the size of its Institute, built two stake centers, and constructed seven residence halls. Six new fraternity and sorority houses have also been added, and a mobile trailer park, accommodating 135 trailers, was constructed.

Research Expenditures for Research 1954-55 through 1967-68 Totals rounded to nearest $100 ,000 .

1954 -55

1955 -56

1956 -57


Source of Research Funds

1958 -59


1960 -61


1961 -62

1962 -63

1963 -64



Research of the Agricultural Experiment Station 1968

U.S. Dept. of Agriculture U.S. Dept. of Defense U.S. Dept. of Education and Welfare U.S. Dept. of Interior OAS and U.S. Dept. of State Private Gifts and Grants NSF and Atomi c Energy Commission Mineral Leasing Funds



State Funds

Research Funds Expenditures by Colleges


' ' 1967-68


1967 -68 Agriculture Business and Social Sciences


Education Engineering


Family Life Humanities and Arts




Range, Grass

Natural Resources Sciences


• •







Extending the Boundaries of Knowledge In 1954-55, research at Utah State University was restricted almost entirely to the Agricultural Experiment Station, and less than one million dollars were being spent for campus research. Today the research sum has grown a staggering 600 percent, with nearly three-fourths of the amount being obtained through government grants and industry contributions. Now all colleges and nearly every department on campus are involved in research. Fourteen years ago there was a small program in the Engineering Experiment Station and limited activity in biology, particularly in genetics. A research policy was adopted, urging departments to promote research through adjustment of the time of faculty members and through soliciting research grants from off-campus agencies. The Mineral Leasing Funds were used to support beginning research by faculty members for short periods until they could secure off-campus support. Today Colleges Business addition Colleges

research expansion is underway in the of Science, Education, Family Life, and and Social Sciences. This expansion is in to the long-established programs in the of Agriculture, Engineering, and Natural

Resources. Creative scholarly activity in the College of Humanities and Arts is also attracting favorable attention to USU. Research funds support about 200 graduate students and assist several hundred undergraduates in their educational experiences. Research activity on campus underwent a thorough reorganization in January, 1965, when D. Wynne Thorne was appointed research vice president. Today the Division of Research serves as a coordinating center for all research associated with USU. Purpose of the 1965 reorganization was to assure continued progress in the range and quality of the University's research. The reorganization was intended to enhance firmly established programs, to strengthen recently initiated programs and to guarantee a vigorous intellectual climate in which undeveloped programs could evolve. Research can be measured in many ways: in scientific discoveries, in publication of new knowledge , in the attack on specific problems. By every measure , Utah State University's advance in research is noteworthy, extending the boundaries of knowledge and advancing the sciences and technologies needed in Utah.


Utah State University Extension Services Location of Off ices


0 0


County Extension Offices

0 0 0

District Offices State Offices Uintah Basin Center for Continuing Education Multi-County Offices


Urban Services Office






0 0


0 0







0 0



Serving the People's Needs The Utah State University Extension Services , a state-wide educational organization whose program is based on needs and problems of the people, has been wearing a new look since its modernization in 1960 . Field offices are located in all but Daggett and Grand counties , and the field staff consists of 61 county Extension agents, two district directors and nine area agents, specialists or project leaders. Six administrators and 35 subject matter specialists have offices on campus but have state-wide responsibilities. Extension workers go where problems lead them and plan solutions with the people. Several developments since 1954 have been significant: • Extension activities were consolidated in 1960 by placing Cooperative Extension Service and Division of Off-Campus Instruction under one administrator. • A decentralization of Extension operations has been effected with establishment of district headquarters and area or multi-county offices. • A professional improvement program is underway. Of 113 professional staff members, 20 have completed doctor's degrees and five have nearly completed degree requirements. Six staff members have Master's degrees, and others have planned professional improvement programs.

• One consumer education specialist has been stationed in Salt Lake City , devoting full ti me to educating consumers in food and nutrition with the use of mass media. • Progress is being made in community resource development and public affairs. One staff member is working full time on organization and leadership training, and another is working full time on resource development and public affairs. • Extension Services has accelerated programs with low income families in rural and urban areas and has begun work with youth in urban areas. Both programs will be expanded. • Classes for credit, short courses and confer ences are offered at the Extension Center for Continuing Education in the Uintah Basin. • 4-H Youth program records show 19,000 club members in Utah and 4,300 volunteer leaders . • Offerings through the Extension Class Division, Correspondence Study Division, and Conferences and Institutes Division have been expanded. Credit hours (on a weighted basis) during the past year in these divisions exceeded the credit hours put on the books by three of the academic colleges . • Extension personnel have discussed a statewide higher education system with the Coordinating Council of Higher Education and other state educational groups and institutions.

Finances University Fund Expenditures

Analysis of Revenue







1967 -1968

1967-1968 $35,000,000


Utah State University Annual Expenditures 1954-55 through 1967-68






1954 1955

1955 1956

1956 1957

1957 1958

1958 1959

1959 1960

1960 1961

1961 1962

1962 1963

1963 1964

1964 1965

1965 1966

1966 1967

1967 1968

1968 1969


Financing the University Utah Sta te University's primary sources of revenue in 1968 - as they were in 1954 - are state and federa l appropriat ions and grants , and student fees, thou gh the student share has increased during the tr ans it iona l pe ri od . In 1954 , th e Utah government contribu t ed 37 percent of the tot al USU budget , while in th e current yea r the state acco unts for only 26 percent of the r evenue. Feder al fund s, 28 percen t of the budget in 1954 , have now been reduced to 25 percent. Student fees , climbin g at an acce lerated rat e in recent years, now pro vide for 11 per cent of the University budget. compared to seven percent in 1954 . Students also co ntribute the bulk of the auxiliary and incidental funds , whi ch accounts for another 30 per cent of the current budg et , in contrast to 23 percent at the start of t he period. Together , student fees and auxiliary and incidental funds provide over 40 percent of the tot al budget. A comparison between 1954 and 1968 total expenditure s of the Univer sity Fund by major cost elements reve als that emphasis has been placed on increasing faculty salar ies. Acco unt ing for 55 per cent of the 1954 expenditures , salaries utilize alm ost 70 percent of today's expenditures . Total allocated to the non-professional staff is down from 15.6 per -

cent in 1954 to eight percent in 1968 . Travel funds has maintained its relative position in 1968 , while current expense and capital outl ay is down in per centa ge from 1954 . The Uni versi ty ' s total expenditures for 1968-69 is estima t ed to be in excess of $33,250,000, over fi ve times the 1954 -5 5 sum of $5 ,963, 000. Administering the fund s is Dee A. Br oa db ent, who was appointed business vice president in 1959 . Th ousa nds of promi sing st udent s gradu ate fr om hi gh sc hool lackin g fin ancial resour ces to co ntinue on for a higher educat ion . Utah can sca rcely afford to lose the potential of these scholars , since many of them , if they can obtain the education they seek , wi ll co ntribute to the economy and to socie ty many times the amount it takes to help them tow ard their degrees . USU makes every effort through scho larships , fellowships , grants-in-aid, and on-campus jobs to assist as many needy students as possibl e in the face of ever increasing educational costs. In 1968 , the University will have admin istered student aid totalin g $2 ,286 ,840 (see chart on following page) , with a lar ge portion of the amount provided by the federal government.


Increases in Student Fees

1954 -1969











1954 1955

1955 1956

1956 1957

1957 1958

1958 1959

1959 1960

1960 1961

1961 1962

1962 1963


1963 1964

1964 1965

1965 1966

1966 1967

1967 1968

1968 1969

$2 . 5 MILLION

Increases in Student Aid

1954-1968 2


























DOCTOR BEITIA. JOHN LUIS C aldwell, Idaho MS: Idaho State University , 1959 Major : Educational Administration Major P rofessor: Dr. Homer M . Johnson D issertation: A Study of Problems Preventing the Impl ementation of Programs for the Educable Mentally Ret arded in Utah.

CROCKETT, GEORGE L. Preston, Idaho MS : Oregon State University, 1958 Major : Scien ce Education Major Professor : Dr. Bryce E. Adkins Dissertation:An Analysis of Te acher Behavior in the Teaching of Science in the Upper Elementary School.

HEGGEN. JAMES RICHARD Eau Claire, Wisconsin MS: Stout State University, 1959 Major: Industri al Technical Education Major Professor : Dr. Austin Loveless Dissertation: A Study of Aptitudes and Achievement of Students Confined at the Utah State Industrial School for the Purpo se of Determining Occupational Aptitude Patterns to be Used as Guidelines for Formulating a Vocational Education Curriculum .

IRVINE , FLEET RAYMOND Chico , California MA : Chico State College, 1965 Major: Industrial Education Major Professor : Dr . Neill Slack Dissertation : A Study of Cre a tive Thinking Ability , and its Relationship to Psychomotor Ability, Mec hanical R easo ning Ability and Vocational Aptitude of Selected High School Industrial Art Students .

JOHN, RONALD ORA Portage, Utah MS : Utah State University, 1962 Major: Child Psychology Major Professor: Dr. Glendon Casto Dissertation: Segregated Class Placment vs Het erogenous Placement of Emotionally Perceptually Handicapped Children.

LARKINS, AMASA GUY Ogden , Utah BS : Ut ah St a te Universit y. 1962 Major : Curriculum and Supervision Major Prof essor: Dr. James P. Sh aver Diss er tation: Assessing Achievement on a First -Grade Economics Course of Study.

OF EDUCATION LA WREN CE , CLIFFORD JEX Las Vegas, Nevada MEd: University of Nevada, 1959 Major: Educational Administration Major Professor : Dr. Homer M. Johnson Dissertation: Personality Characteristics of Superintendents Who Impl ement Innovation Public Schools.

School in the

MARCUM , R. LAVERNE Blackfoot, Idaho MEd: Brigham Young University , 1953 Major: Educational Administration Major Professor: Dr. Oral L. Ballam Dissertation: Organizational Climate and Adoption Educational Innovations.


MONSON. JAY ALBERT M agna, Utah MA: Arizona State University, 1966 Major: Currricu!um-Supervision Major Professor: Dr . Malcom Allred Dissertation: An Analysis of Progr ams of Utah Uni versities and Colleges Preparing Elementary School Te ac hers for Teaching Social Studies.

STEERE , BOB F . Cheyenne , Oklahoma MS: Arizona State College, 1961 Major: Educational Administration Major Professor : Dr. Homer M . John son Dissertation: A Comparative Study of a Nongraded and Graded Secondary School as to Achievement, Attitude , and Critical Thinking Ability.

STEITIEH. DALAL MALHAS Amman, Jord an MEd: Utah State Univ ersi ty , 1967 Major : Secondary Education Major Profe ssor : Dr. John H aas Dissertation: Education in Jordan.

VAN DERSLICE , JOHN F . San Bruno, California MA: San Fr an cisco State College , 1955 Major : Industrial Education Major Professor: Dr. Neill Slack Dissertation: The Educational, Social and Economic Background of Engineering and Technical Students Analyzed for the Purpose of Establishing Profiles for use in Counseling .

WINTERROSE , H. GENEY A Heber City , Utah MS: Brigham Young University , 1948 Major: Elementary Curriculum and Development Maor Professor : Dr . M alcom Allred Dissertation: A Compari son of High Achieving and Low Achieving Fourth Grade Culturally Disadvantaged Pupils .

MASTER OF SCIENCE ADAMS, RONALD CLARANCE Mandan, North Dakota BS: Dickinson State College, 1965 Major: Mathematics Major Professor: Dr . John Kimber, Jr. Thesis : A Survey of Grath Theory Related to the Four Color Conjecture. ALTMANN, DAVID FREDERICK Castro Valley, California BS : Utah State University , 1966 Major : History Major Professor : Professor Blythe Ahlstrom Thesis : Plan B ALVORD, JACK RAY Buffalo, New York BS: University of Missouri, 1966 Major : Psychology Major Professor : Dr. Marvin F . Daley Thesis : Development and Control of Licking Behav ior in the Guinea Pig ( Ca via porcellus .) ANDERSON, ARLYN NYE Logan, Utah BS: Utah State University, 1967 Major : Marketing Education Major Professor: Professor Gary Richard Smith Thesis: Plan B ANDERSON , ELLIOT JAMES Salt Lake City, Utah BS : Utah State University, 1967 Major : Physical Education Major Professor: Dr . Dale 0. Nelson Thesis : Drinking and Student Understanding of Alcohol and Alcoholism at the Utah State Industrial School .

AUSTIN , MONTE R. Tremonton , Utah BS: Utah State University, 1957 Major : Political Science Major Professor: Dr . JeDon Emenhiser Thesis : A Study of J. Bracken Lee 's 1944, 1948, 1952, and 1956 Gubernatorial and 1958 Senatorial Election Campaigns in Utah. BANDLEY , MICHAEL JOAN Richfield , Utah BS: Utah State University, 1965 Major : Elementary Education Major Professor: Dr. Basil C. Hansen Thesis: The Teaching of Modern Mathematics to Parents; How the Effects Influence the Learning Process in their Children . BAUER, ALLEN ERNEST Cedar City, Utah BS: College of Southern Utah, 1952 Major: Social Studies Major Professor: Dr. Gary L. Huxford Thesis: Plan B BENCH, VARNELL A. Logan, Utah BS: Utah State University, 1963 Major: Secondary Education Major Professor: Dr. John David Haas Thesis: A Social Studies Curriculum : Integrating American History and World Geography and the Effects on Student Knowledge and Skills .

BENNETT, RICHARD MORRIS Spring Coulee, Alberta, Canada BS : University of Alberta, 1965 Major : Water Resources Engineering Major Professor: Dr . Roland W. Jeppson Thesis: The Stage-Discharge Relationship and Winter Discharge under Ice Cover for the Peace and Slave Rivers .

BLANCHARD, DON LEE Chester, Idaho BS : Utah State University,' 1964 Major: Speech Major Professor : Dr. Burrell F . Hansen Thesis : A Proposed Equipment Development Plan for Closed Circuit Television as it Relates to the Existing Curriculum at College of Southern Utah . BOARIO , THOMAS JOSEPH Leechburg , Pennsylvania BS : Pennsylvania State University, 1963 Major : Fishery Biology Major Professor : Dr . Robert H. Kramer Thesis : The Development of a Behavior-Based Criterion of Fitness in Hatchery Trout BOUCK. DAVID JOHN Logan , Utah BS: Utah State University, 1966 Major : Electrical Engineering Major Profes sor : Dr. Clair Wyatt Thesis: Electro-Dynamic Vibration



BOYNTON, JAMES LEROY Antioch , California BS : Utah State University , 1966 Major : Watershed Science Major Professor : Professor John D. Schultz Thesis : Soil Moisture Recharge in Stands of Quaking Aspen and Cambel Oak in Central Utah BOWCUT, JAMES E. Ogden, Utah BS : Weber State College, 1965 Major: History Maor Professor : Dr . Klaus Hansen Thesis : Plan B BRADFIELD , JAY ARDELL Lynndyl, Utah BS: Utah State University, 1961 Major: Industrial Education Major Professor: Dr. Austin G. Loveless Thesis: Opinions of Industrial Personnel Concerning the Role of High School Vocational and/or Technical Drafting Courses. BRAGG, VIRGINIA CLARK Provo, Utah BS : Brigham Young University, 1961 Major : Food and Nutrition Major Professor: Dr. Ethelwyn B. Wilcox Thesis: Development and Evaluation of a Waiver Examination for the Introductory Foods Course at Utah State University .



BRANDT, ROBERT WALTER Paullina , Iowa BS: Concordia Teachers' College , 1961 Major: Elementary Education Major Professor : Dr. Malcom Allred Thesis : Some Aspects of Moral Kno w ledge in Lutheran Children Attendin g Paroc hial and Publi c Schools BRIGGS, CHARLES WELKER Sugar City, Idaho BS : Utah State Univer sity , 1966 M ajor: Economics Major Professor: Dr. Bartell C. Jensen Adjustments . The sis: A Study of Input-Output BROTHERSON . KIRK EDWARD Mountain Home, Utah BS : Ut ah State University, 1966 Major : Ph ysical Education Major Professor : Dr. D ale 0. Nelson Thesis : Student Understanding and Use of Tobacco Select ed Schools of C ache County, Ut ah.

BULLEN, CHARLES WILLIAM , JR. Logan , Utah BS: Utah State University , 1965 Major: Economics Major Professor : Professor Evan B. Murray Thesis: Background and iReview of National Labor Rel ations Board and Court Decisions in the Area of Management Perogatives: The Darlington and Gen eral Electric Cases .

BURBIDGE. RICHARD LYNN Murray, Utah BS: Brigham Young Univers ity, 1958 Major: Business Education Major Profe ssor : Dr. Theodore W . Ivarie Thesis : Plan B


BROWN, PAUL AROE Blanding , Utah BS: Utah State University , 1964 Major: Sociology Major Professor: Dr . R. Welling Roskelley Thesis: The Rol e of the L.D.S. Seminary and other Forces in the Proces s of Decision Making by Students. BROWN, PERRY J. Saratoga . C alifornia BS: Utah State University , 1967 Major : Outdoor Recreation Major Profes sor: Professor John D . Hunt Thesis : Target Markets for Directing Ut ah Summer Tourism Promotion and Information .

BROWN, THALES C. Parowan , Ut ah BS: Utah State University , 1942 Major : Agricultural Edu ca tion Major Professor: Dr. Stanley S. Richardson Thesis: Off -Fa rm Agricultural Occupations of Millard, Beaver , Iron, and Washington Counties .

BROWN, VONNIE RHAE Minot , North Dakota MS : Minot State College, I 958 Major: Physical Education Major Professor: Dr. Lincoln McClellan Thesis : Plan B

BURGESS, VICKY D. Salina, Utah BS: Ut ah State University , 1963 Major: Counseling Psychology Major Professor : Dr . Glendon Casto Thesis : Per sona lity Differenc es and Atypical Vocational Choices by Women.

BURNS , RICHARD JAMES Port Byron , Illinois BS: Utah State Un ivers ity, 1962 Major: Wildlife Biology Major Prof essor: Dr. Allen W . Stokes Thesis: The Role of Agonistic Behavior in Regul a tion of Density in Uinta Ground Squirr els ( Citellus armatus ).

BUTCHER. RAY VERNAL Yuma , Arizona BS : Utah St ate University , 1962 Major : Physical Educ ati on Major Professor : Dr . Lincoln McClellan Thesis : Plan B

BYBEE . EDITH W . V erna l. Utah BS: Utah State University, 1950 Major: English Major Professor: Professor J. Lynn Mortensen Thesis: Children's Book Clubs: An Evaluation of their Place in the Modern Reading Program .

BUCKHOUSE . JOHN CHAPPLE Alturas , California BS: University of California, 1966 Major: Watershed Management Major Professor: Dr. George B. Coltharp Thesis: Effe cts of Range Plant Foliage Removal on Soil Moisture Regime at Two Elevations in Central Utah.

CAMP , LEONIDAS BERRY. JR. Whittier , California BS: Utah State University, 1967 Major: Plant Pathology Major Professor : Dr. Orson S. Cannon

BUENA VENTURA . ALFREDO CAPISTRANO Manila , Philippines BS: University of the Philippines, 1963 Major: Geology Major Professor : Dr . Clyde T. Hardy Thesis : Geologic Fea sibility of Dam and R eservoir Sites , Blacksmith Fork Canyon, Utah

CAMPANELLA. SAM Irvington, New Jersey BS: Utah State University, 1967 M ajor : Psychology Major Professor: Dr . Glendon Casto Thesis : The Validity and Use of the UPPSI dicting School Achievement.

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MASTER OF SCIENCE (Continued) CARPENTER. JERRY HERBERT Knox , Indiana BS : Utah State University , 1967 Major : Zoology Major Profes sor : Profes sor Merrill H . Gunnell Th esis : A Description of Phagocata crenaphila , sp. nov., in Utah .

CHUANG. MING -HUA Taipei. Taiwan BS : Taiw an Provincial Cheng Kung University, 1964 Majo r: Agricultural and Irrigation Eng ineering Major Profes sor : Dr. A . Alvin Bishop Th esis: A Study of the Exchange able Ion Concentra tion in Soils Near an Open Drain .

CARSON. CARLA JEAN Logan , Utah BS : Ut ah State Un iversity , 1963 Major : Sociology Major Professor: Dr . There! R. Black Thesis : An Exploratory Study of Attitudes and Attitude Var iations of Logan Residents Tow a rd the Quality of the Local Educational System .

CIELINSKI. THOMAS JOHN Pinconning, Michigan BS : M ichiga n Technological Univ ersity , 1963 M ajor: Forest Recre a tion Major Professor : Dr . J. Alan Wagar Thesis : Predicting the Surviving Volume of Vegetation Produced on Potential Recre a tion Areas

CHANG , CHIA SHENG Taipei , Taiwan , China BS : Chung Yun College of Science and Engineering , 1961 Major : Civil Engineering Major Professor: Professor Vance T . Christiansen Thesis : Plan B

CHANG. JAMES S. H. Nanking , Republic of China BS : National Taiwan University, 1960 Major : Accounting Major Professor : Dr . Norman S. Cannon Thesis : Depreciation Analysis and its Application Relevant Casting .


CHANG (SHE). SHOU -JU SUSAN Seattle , Washing ton BS : National Taiwan University, 1963 Major : Chemistry Major Professor: Dr . Richard H. Boyd Thesis: Thermochemistry of Bicyclo (N.1.0 .) Hydro-carbons . CHAUDRY, ABDUL MAJID Lahore, Pakistan BS : Utah State University , 1963 Major: Forest Management Major Professor: Dr. Raymond R. Moore Thesis : Determination of Current Growth in an Even Age Stand of Lodgepole Pine, by Lateral Surface Method and its Comparison with Stand Projection Method. CHEN, CHIU SHONG San-Chung, Taipei, Taiwan BS: Taiwan Provincial Taipei Institute of Technology , 1959 Major: Electrical Engineering Major Professor: Dr. Robert L. Heyborne Thesis: Plan B CHOU , HSING I. Taipei, Taiwan, Republic of China Taiwan Provincial Taipei Institute of Technology , 1963 Major: Electrical Engineering Major Professor : Dr . Bruce Watkins Thesis: Time Domain Analysis of Discrete Systems.

CHRISTIANSEN. LARRY D. Newton, Utah BS: Utah State University, 1967 Major : History Major Professor: Professor C . Blythe Ahlstrom Thesis: The History of Newton, Utah

CLARK , RALPH HERBERT Cedar City, Utah BS : Utah State University , 1966 Major : Civil Engineering Major Professor : Profes sor Norman B. Jones Thesis : Wastewater Stabilization Ponds : An Annotated Bibliography and a Brief Discussion of the Anaerobic Environment . COMSTOCK. CARL ALLEN Baker, Oregon BS : Eastern Oregon College , 1966 Major : History Major Prof essor : Professor C. Blythe Ahlstrom The sis : Plan B COOK, WILLARD STOTT Craig, Colorado BS : Utah State University , 1966 Major : Sociology Major Professor: Dr. William A. DeHart Thesis : Attitudes in Selected Social Categories About Birth Control as a Deterrant to Poverty CRITTENDEN, CHARLES M. Ogden, Utah BS: Utah Sta te University, 1962 Major : Secondary Education Major Professor : Dr. Ross R. Allen Thesis : Academic Preparation and Background of Public Secondary Mathematics Teachers in Utah, 1966-67 . DAVIDSE, GERRIT Salt Lake City, Utah BS: Calvin College, 1965 Major: Plant Taxonomy Major Professor: Professor Arthur H . Holmgren Thesis: A Biosystematic Investigation of the Intermountain Yellow Violets. DAVIDSON. NEAL ALLEN Milwaukee, Wisconsin BS: Wisconsin State University, 1964 Major: Psychology Major Professor: Dr. Francis J. Halstrom Thesis: A Study of the Relationship between Manifest Needs and Creativity in Upward Bound Students.

DAW. OWEN B. Salt Lake City, Utah BS: Utah State University, 1961 Major: Political Science Major Professor: Dr. M. Judd Harmon Thesis: A Comparative Study of Utah's Elections .




DERMODY, WILLIAM CHRISTIAN Lompoc, California BS : California State Polytechnic College, 1964 Major : Animal Physiology Major Professor : Dr . Warren C. Foote Thesis : The Effect of Season of Year and Progesterone Synchronization on Ovulation Rate in Mature White Face Ewes.

ENGLAND, BARRY GRANT Redlands , California BS : Ut ah St ate University, 1965 Major: Animal Physiology Major Professor: Dr . Warren C. Foote Thesis: Ovulation, Corpus Luteum Function and Est rous Behavior in the Llama.

DETRAY, DENNIS NORMAN Napoleon , Ohio BS : Cornell University , 1966 Major : Agricultural Economics Major Professor: Dr . B. Delworth Gardner Thesis : Simulation as a Technique for Evaluating Water in Competing Uses.

ERICKSON, BARNEY LEE Spring City , Utah BS: Utah State University , 1961 Major: Mathematics Major Professor : Dr . R. G . Nath Thesis: Plan B

DIXON, NEAL PERRY Gooding , Idaho BS : Utah State University , 1959 Major: Civil Engineering Major Professor : Professor Norman B. Jones Thesis : Plan B

ERICKSON, MICHAEL CHASE Logan, Utah BS : Utah State University, 1967 Major: Political Science Major Professor : Dr. JeDon A. Emenhiser Thesis: The Demonstration Cities and Metropolitan Development Act of 1966 : A Cast Study in the Leg islative Process of the United States Congress.

DODOO, YEBOA ALEX Agona Nsaba, Ghana BS: University of Ghana , 1962 Major: Entomology Major Professor : Dr. Donald W. Davis Thesis: Comparisons of Phytosiid Predator Populations in Sprayed and Unsprayed Apple Orchards in Cache Valley, Utah. DRANEY, WALDEN G. Afton, Wyoming BS : Utah State University, 1966 Major: Mechanical Engineering Major Professor : Dr. Russell M . Holdredge Thesis : The Variation of Thermal Contact Resistance. with Interface Pressure and Cryogenic Temperature . DURT SCHI, BELDEN BALLARD Provo, Utah BS: Utah State University, 1966 Major: Forest Ecology Major Professor: Professor John D. Schultz Thesis: Solar Radiation Beneath Thinned Lodgepole Pine Stands on the Utah State University School Forest. DYER, ARCHIE ALLEN Hyrum, Utah BS: University of California , 1962 Major: Forest Economics Major Professor: Professor Ross S. Whaley Thesis: The Value of a Stream Fishery EICH MEYER, STEVEN HERMAN Idaho Falls, Idaho BS: Utah State University, 1967 Major: Marketing Education Major Professor: Professor Gary R. Smith Thesis: Guidelines for Operation of a School Store. ELLETT, RULON SHELDON Bicknell, Utah BS: Utah State University, 1967 Major: Economics Major Professor: Professor Evan B. Murray Thesis: Three Decades of the NLRB in the State of Idaho. ELLIOTT. KARL B. Filer, Idaho BS: Idaho State University, 1958 Major: Physical Education Major Professor : Professor Nolan K. Burnett Thesis: Plan B

ERMAN, NANCY ARLENE W. Lafayette, Indiana BS: Purdue University, 1964 Major : Aquatic Ecology Major Professor : Dr . John M. Neuhold Thesis: Occurrence and Distribution of Invertebrates Lower Logan River.


FAZEL , MOHAMMED K. Abadan, Iran BS : University of Bombay, 1958 Major : Psychology Major Professor : Dr. Heber C. Sharp Thesis: Guarded and Ungarded Responses to Sentence Completion Tests Among Adolescents and Juvenile Delinquents. FIFE , MARLYN L. Idaho Falls, Idaho BS : Utah State University, 1953 Major : Agric,1ltural Economics Major Professor: Dr. B. Delworth Gardner Thesis : The Values of Water in Cache County, Utah FISHER. JAMES REED Oxford, Idaho BS : Utah State University, 1967 Major: Applied Statistics Major Professor: Dr. Donald V. Sisson Thesis : Plan B FLAKE, GERRY RUSSELL Snowflake, Arizona BS: Arizona State University , 1966 Major: Agricultural Economics Major Professor : Dr . Roice H. Anderson Thesis: Newspaper Advertising, Retail Pricing Prac tices. and Gross Retail Margins for Turkeys in Sel ected Utah and Other U. S. Markets for Various Years and Seasons. FLEMMING, JEAN CRUMP BS: Kansas State University, 1950 Major: Clothing and Textiles Major Professor : Dr. Ruth E. Hawthorne Thesis : Body Image Boundaries and Clothing Fabric Preferences of Young Adult Women with Physical Disabilities.




FLEMMING . JONATHAN BACON Garden City, Kansas BS : Kans as State University , 1950 Major : Manufacturing Engineering M ajor Professor: Prof essor G. M errill Shaw Thesis: Criteria for Buying Numerical C on trol Machine Tool s for Job Shop Manufacturing. FLETCHER. WILLIAM I. Big Pin ey, Wyoming BS: Weber State Colleg e, 1965 Major: Electrical Engineering Major Profe ssor: Profe ssor Rob ert D. Harris Thesis: The De sign of an Extended-Life Biolo gical Transmitter.

GARDNER. DONALD ELDON Logan , Ut a h BS : Ut ah State University , 1966 Major : Pl ant Pathology Major Prof essor: Dr. Orson S. Cannon Thesis : The Nature of R esistance in Tomato and Cabbage to Vascular Wilt Caused by Fusarium. oxyspor u,n . GEDDES . GORDON GRANT Sunset , Ut ah BA: Weber State Colleg e. 1966 Major: Child Development Major Prof essor: Dr. Don C. C ar ter Thesis: D evelo pment al Learning of Concepts of the Pr e-School Child. GENASCI. JOHN EDMUND Reno , Nevad a BS : Univers ity of N evada, 1962 Major : Psychology Major Professor : Dr. Arden N . Fr andsen Thesis : Vari a tion in the Order of Pre sentatim of Cues as one Variable in Concept Organization .

FRESTON , CYRUS W ., II Ogden, Ut ah BS: Utah State University , 1961 M ajor : Speci al Education Major Profes so r: Prof essor Phylli s Publico ver Thesis: A Comparison of th e Academic Achi eve ment and Social Adjustment of Emotionally Disturbed Adol esce nt s FROOZANI. MINODOKHT Tehran, Ir an BS: Utah State Univ ersity, 1966 Major : Food and Nutrition Major Profe ssor : Dr . Ethelwyn B. Wilcox Thesis : Plan B FROST . ELIZABETH ANNE Edmonton , Alberta , C anada BS: University of Alb erta , 1966 Major: Clothing and Textile s Major Professor: Dr . Norma H. Compton Thesis : Values , Body Cathexi s. and Clothing Attitud es of Male Universit y Students. FRYER. MARGUERIT LOOSLE Stockton , California BS : University of the Pacific , I 957 Major: Family Life Major Professor: Dr . C . Jay Skidmore Thesis: Teenage Marriages in Relation to Continuance in School. FU , FANG-CHENG Taipei, Taiwan BS : Taipei Institute of Technology , 1959 Major: Electrical Engineering M ajor Professor : Professor M. R ay Johnson Thesis: Plan B. GANDHI , JYOTINDRA J. Bombay, India BS : University of Missouri , 1967 Major : Manufacturing Engineering Major Professor : Professor W . Karl Somers Thesis : Pian B

GILL. NOEL CARSON Logan , Ut ah BS : Utah State Uni versity. 1966 M ajo r : P syc hology M ajo r Prof esso r: Dr . David R. Stone Thesis: Comparison of Instruction al Methods for Teachin g Basic Stati stics Cour se ln voh ,i ng Inter pr etation of Research Lit era ture and Addition a l Problem s. GODFREY , ERIK BRUCE Rigby , Idaho BS : Utah State University , 1967 Major: Agricultural Economics Major Profe ssor: Dr . Darwin B. Nielsen Thesis: The Secondary Benefits of Irrig ation Water : An Economic Appraisal. GREGORY . DARVEL JAMES Preston , Id aho BS: Brigham Young University , 1965 Major: Business Education Major Professor: Dr . Ted D . Stodd ard Thesis: A Comparative Study of Two Writing Shorthand Homework.



GRIGGS . IAN WALTER Presque Isla , Michigan BS: Western Michigan University , 1963 Mc>jor: Psychology Major Professor: Dr. Arden N . Frandsen Thesis : The Relationship Between Self-Co1cept Discrepancies and the Expression of Need A:hievement in Children. GUILLEN, HIDALGO E . Merida , Venezuela BS: Uni versi dad De Los Andes , 1959 M a jor : Irrigation Engineering Major Professor: Professor Jerald E. Christ imsen Thesis: Evaporation and Evapotranspiratio1 in Venezuela.



HANDLEY, DAVID THATCHER Ogden , Utah BS: Weber State College, 1964 Major : Secon dary School Administration Major Professor: Dr. Or al Ballam Thesis: T eac her's Ab ility to Identif y Creativity High Scho ol Student s.


HOLDEN , PAUL BERNARD Mondori , Wisconsin BS: Wiscons in State University , 1966 Major: Fish ery Biology Major Professor : Dr. Clair B. Stalnaker Th esis: Sy stematic Studi es of the Genu s Gila (Cyprinidac) at the Colorado Riv er Bas in .

HANSEN. EDA ALENE Hyde Park , Utah BS: Ut ah St a te Uni versi ty , 1959 Major: Ps ychology Major Prof essor: Dr . Heber C. Sharp Thesis : Th e Rel ationship Between Grade P oint A verages of the Henmon -Nelson Test of Mental Ability and the American College Test.

HORLACHER. ROBERT J. St. George, Utah BS: Utah State University , 1967 M ajor: Ph ysical Education M ajor Profes sor: Dr. Dale 0 . Nelson Thesi s : The Effects of Football Equipment Upon the Performance of Selec ted Gross Motor Tests.

HARNISS , ROY AL ORIN Seattle, Washington BS: Washington State University, 1965 Major: Plant Ecology Major Professor : Dr. Neil E. West Thesis: Vegetation Changes Following Livestock Exclusion on the National Reactor Testing Station , Southeastern Idaho .

HU, SHiH-CHANG Taipei, Taiwan, Repu blic of China BS : Taiwan Provincial Chung-Hsing University , 1957 Major: Silviculture Major Professor: Dr. T. W. Daniel Thesis: A Study of Ash Content of Various PinyonJuniper and its Relationship to Site Factors.

HARRIS , RICHARD CARL, JR. Tremonton, Utah BS : Utah State University, 1967 Major: P sychology Major Prof essor : Dr . David R . Stone Thesis: Differential Hawthorne Effect by Cueing, Sex, and Relevance.

HU .WEI KUO Kiangni, Kiangsu, China BS : National Taiwan University, 1962 Major: Political Science Major Professor: Dr. Phillip S. Spoerry Thesis: A Study of Mao 's Military Strategic Concept.

HART, DAVID F. Preston, Id aho BS: Ut ah State Univ ersity, 1964 Major : Phy sica l Education Major Profe sso r : Professor Arthur H. Mendin i Thesis : Pl an B

HUANG {FANG), LESLIE HUEY-SENG Taipei, Taiwan, Republic of China BS: National Taiwan Univ ersity, 1965 Major: Pl ant Nutrition and Biochemistry Major Profe sso r : Dr. George W . W elkie Thesis: Alkali Liberated Phenolic Acids from Alfalfa .

HASLAM, WILLIAM KENT Taber , Albert a, Canada BS : Utah State University , I 966 Major : Mechanical Engineering Major Professor : Dr . Owen K . Shupe Thesi s: Multiphase Diffusion in a Pure Copper -Pur e Aluminum System .

HUMPHRIS , MAURINE ROBSON Ogden, Ut ah BS: Ut ah State University, 1947 M ajor: Clothing and Textiles Major Profe ssor: Dr. Norma Compton Thesi s: Clothing Fabric Color , Dress Style Pr efer ences and Tatooing Among Delinquent and Non-Delinquent Girl s.

HATCH , ANTHONY HERMAN Colonia Juarez , Chihu ahua, Mexico BS: Brigham Young University , 1965 Major: Horticulture M ajor Professor: Dr . David R. Walker Thesis : The Effect of Changing Temper atures on Hardiness, Respiration and Intensity of Rest of Dormant Peach and Apricot Buds.

HUNTSMAN, RULON J. St. George, Utah BS : College of Southern Utah , 1966 Major Sociology Major Professor : Dr . Yun Kim Thesis : Historic a l Study of Net Migration 1870-1960.

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HATFIELD, DARRELL JOE Buhl, Idaho BS: University of Idaho , 1961 Major: Educational Administration Major Professor : Dr. Homer M. Johnson Thesis: A Study of the Effect of an Individu alized Learning Center on Student's Attitude and Achievement.

INNIS, DA YID ROBERT Shelby, Ohio BS: Utah State University, 1965 Major: Forest Science Major Professor : Professor Walter Johnson Thesis : Specific Gravity a nd its Variation Pinyan and Juniper Woods .

HENDRICKS , JAY DEE Victorville , California BS: Utah State University, 1957 Major : Business Education M ajo r Profe ssor: Dr. Donald A . Nellermoe for High School Thesis: Office Job Opportunities Graduates in the Victorville, C alifornia, Busines s Community .

JACKSON. RITA Glendale, Utah BS : Ut ah State University , 1966 Major : Sociology Major Professor: Dr . H . Bruce Bylund Thesis : Psyc holog ica l Correl ates of Innovative havior .

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MASTER OF SCIENCE (Continued) JENSEN, BONNIE KAYE Preston, Idaho BS: Utah State University, 1966 Major: Accounting Major Professor: Dr. Norman S. Cannon Thesis: Desirability of Standardization of Accounting Theory. JENSON, MERLIN RAY Brigham City, Utah BS: Utah State University, 1965 Major: Mathematics Major Professor: Professor Ernest E. Uuderwood Thesis: Plan B

JOHANSON, JOSEPH BENNION Ogden, Utah BS: Weber State College, 1965 Major: Plant Science Major Professor: Dr. Keith R. Allred Thesis: Root Production and Mineral Composition of Ladino Clover, Alfalfa, and Grass in Five Pasture Mixtures as Influenced by Irrigation Regimes, Frequency of Clipping, and Nitrogen Fertilization. KEILANI. W ALID M. H. Amman, Jordan BS: Ain Shams University, 1961 Major: Economics Major Professor: Dr. Bartell C. Jensen Thesis: The Electric Utilities Rate Structure Determination.

KENT, KARMA MAY Tremonton, Utah BS: Utah Stale University, 1962 Major: Business Education Major Professor: Professor Floris S. Olsen Thesis: Plan B KHAIRNAR. DEORAO RUP A Kalwadi, Maharashtra, India BS: Agriculture College Poona, 1964 Major: Soil Fertility Major Professor: Dr . R. L. Smith Thesis: Rate of Release of Iron from Three Formulations of Two Different Chel ates as Measured by Plant Growth. KIM, NAK-JE Seoul, Korea BS : Colorado State University , 1965 Major: Applied Statistics Major Professor : Dr. Bartell C . Jensen Thesis: Plan B

KUHN, STEWART ALAN North Riverside, Illinois BS: Utah State University, 1966 Major: Mechanical Engineering Major Professor: Dr. Russell M. Holdredge Thesis: Potential Flow and Field Plotter for Conduction Heat Transfer Problems. LAFFOON, JOHN DONALD Brigham City, Utah BS: Rice Institute, 1956 Major: Applied Statistics Major Professor: Dr. David White Thesis: An Exposition on Bayesian Inference. LANDBLOM, JOHN ALLAN Fargo, North Dakota BS: North Dakota State University, 1967 Major: Manufacturing Engineering Major Professor: Professor W. Karl Somers Thesis: A Systems Approach to Numerical Control.

LARKIN, GEORGE EUGENE Murray, Utah BS: Utah State University, 1964 Major: Chemistry Major Professor: Dr. Richard C . Anderson Thesis: A Study of Some Approaches to Intramolecular Condensation Reactions of Quinoxaline N-Oxides. LEANG, CHING FENG Saigon, Vietnam BS: National Taiwan University, 1963 Major: Electrical Engineering Major Professor: Professor Fon R. Brown Thesis: Plan B LEATHAM, KENNETH DALE Idaho Falls, Idaho BS: Idaho State University, 1958 Major: Physical Education Major Professor: Professor Arthur H. Mendini Thesis: The Effect of Rapid Weight Loss on Strength. LEE, YEOU-LII Taipei, Taiwan, Republic of China BA: National Taiwan University, 1962 Major: Accounting Major Professor: Dr. Norman S. Cannon Thesis: LIFO, Lower of LIFO or Market and Price Level Changes. LIANG, KUO-CHUNG Taiwan , Republic of Chin a BA : Nation al Taiwan University, 1960 Major: Applied Statistics Major Professor : Dr. Rex L. Hurst Thesis: Plan B

KOSHAK, ABDULKADIR HAMZAH Mecca, Saudi Arabia BS: Cairo University , 1962 Major : Environmental Planning Major Professor: Professor Burton Taylor Thesis: A Design Analysis of Mobile Home Districts.

LIAO, RITA SHIN-HUI Taipei , Taiwan . Republic of China BS : National Taiwan University. 1962 Major : Nutrition and Biochemistry Major Professor : Dr. Ethelwyn B. Wilcox Thesis : 5B-Pregnane-3 a 20 a-Diol Excretion in Urine of University Women During the Menstrual Period .

KOWSOMBOON, VICHAN Bangkok , Thailand BS : Thammasat University, 1934 Major : Political Science Major Professor : Dr . Phillip S. Spoerry Thesis: Group Standards

LIN, JUEi SON JAMES Pingtung. Taiwan, Republic of China BS: Cheng Kung University , 1956 Major: Electrical Engineering Major Professor : Professor Duane G. Chadwick Thesis: The Fe as ibility of Hybrid Simulation Using the Athena Guidance Computer .

MASTER OF SCIENCE (Continued) LIN , MING -TE Taipei, Taiwan, Republic of China BS : National Taiwan University , 1958 Major : Horticulture Major Professor : Dr. J. LaMar And erson Thesis : The Influence of Simazine on Nitrog en Franc tions of Apple Seedlings Grown at Different Levels .

MAW , GEORGE GLADE Roy , Utah BS : Weber State College, 1966 Major: Geology Major Professor: Dr . Robert Q . Oaks, Jr . Thesis: Lake Bonnevillle History in Cutler Dam Quadrangle, Cache and Box Elder Counties, Utah .

LIN , PHILIP HSIANG-HUEY Pingtung, Taiwan, Republic of Chin a BS: T aiwa n Christian Colleg e, 1962 Major : Civil Engineering Major Profes sor: Dr. W . 0. Carter The sis : Plan B

MEDFORD. BARBARA LEE Rigby, Idaho MS : Utah State University, 1966 Major: Sociology M ajor Professor : Dr . Theral Black Thesis: Skiing as an Indicator of Leisure-Style.

L ONGHURST, THOMAS M. Price , Utah BS: Brigham Young University, 1966 Major: Audiology -Speech Pathology Major Professor: Dr. Jay R. Jensen Thesis: Audience Size and Variations Behavior .

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!LU, YUE--SHOUNG Miaoli , Taiwan , Republic of China BS : National Taiwan Un ivers ity , 1965 Major: Toxicology Major Professor: Dr . Joseph T. Blake Thesis : Blood Gasses , pH and Pressure; and Electrocardiogr aphic P attern in Calves Stres sed with Con ditions Coincident to Brisket Disease, i.e. High Altitude and Ca-K Imba lance .

LUKE, DEVONA ALICE DEAN Ogden, Utah BS : Utah State University , 1961 Major : Child Developm ent Major Professor : Dr . Don C. Cart er Thesis: The Father Role as Seen by a Group of College Student Fathers . LUNDAHL . CRAIG RAYMOND Idaho Falls. Idaho BS : Brigham Young University , 1966 Major: Sociology Major Professor : Dr. Yun Kim Thesis: The Morale Conditions of Two Industrial Plants in Idaho Falls and Rexburg, Idaho . LUNT . CHARLES STEPHEN Cedar City , Utah BS: Utah State University , 1958 Major: Physical Education Major Professor: Dr. Lincoln McClellan Thesis: History of the Junior College Athletics Program of the College of Southern Utah. MANGELSON, KENNETH A. Salt Lake City, Utah BS : Utah State University, 1967 Major: Civil Engineering Major Professor : Professor Cleve H. Milligan T hesis: Streawflow Forecasting for the Logan and Blacksmith Fork Rivers in Northern Utah . MARTIN, SUSAN SCOTT P aducah, Kentucky BA : University of Colorado, 1960 Major: Plant Nutrition and Biochemistry Major Professor : Dr. Gene W . Miller Thesis: Biosynthesis of piperdine-2-carboxylic Flouride -Necrotic Glycine max.

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MEHTA. RASHMI JAMNADAS Bombay, India BE: Birla Vishvakarm a Mahavidyalaya , 1965 M aj or: Manufacturing Engineering Major Professor: Professor G. Merrill Shaw Thesis: Plan B MELARTIN. ROSAMOND HURST Logan, Utah BS: Utah St ate University, 1950 Major: Art Major Professor : Professor Jessie Larson Thesis : Plan B MENDENHALL, VON THATCHER Thatcher, Idaho BS : Utah State University, 1962 Major: Food Science and Technology Major Professor : Dr . Ethelwyn B. Wilco x Thesis: Venison Flavor: The Free Fatty Acid Content of Fat from Lean Meat Tissue. MEYER. THOMAS R. Franklin Lakes , New Jersey BS : Utah State University, 1966 Major : Economics Major Professor: Professor Ross S. Whaley Thesis: Feasibility of Pulp and Paper Production Utah .


MILLER. TERRY DEE Minidoka, Idaho BS : Utah State University, 1966 Major: Plant Pathology Major Professor: Dr . Orson S. Cannon Thesis : Factors Associated with the Penetration and Colonization of Tomatoes by Verticillum dahliae . MILLS. C. LINNIS Woods Cross, Utah BS: Utah State University, 1966 Major: Horticulture Major Professor: Dr . Alvin R. Hamson Thesis: A Study of the Influence of Petroleum Mulches on Several Herbicides with Selected Vegetable Crops . MIZUE , HIRO PAUL Los Angeles, California BS: University of California, 1967 Major: Civil Engineering Major Professor: Professor Gaylord V. Skogerboe Thesis: Irrigation Demand in the Utah Lake Drainage Area : The Role of Irrigation Efficiency. MODI, INDRAVADAN N. Ahmedabed, India BS: Gujasat Univ ersity, 1966 Major: Electrical Engineering Major Professor : Dr . William L. Jones Thesis : Plan B

MASTER OF SCIENCE (Continued) MONSON, WAYNE NOLAN Eltopia, \Vashington BS: Utah State University, 1967 Major: Agricultural Economics Major Professor: Dr . Rondo A . Christensen Thesis: Consumer Attitudes Affecting the Use of Fluid Milk Products in Metropolitan Salt Lake City .

NG , CHUNG YIN Hong Kong BS: Chu Hai College , 1965 Major : Civil Engineering Major Professor : Dr . W. 0 . Carter Thesis : Plan B

MONT ANO , MISAEL Santa Cruz , Bolivia BS: Gabriel Rene Moreno , 1964 Major: Agricultural Education Major Professor : Dr . Stanley S. Rich ards on Thesis: Plan B

NOEL . FRANK GILMAN Ogden, Ut a h BS: Ut ah St ate University , 1967 Major: Educational Administration Ma jor Professor : Dr . David R. Stone The sis : A D eve lopmental Study of Concept Learning in Selected Public School Students .

MOODY, RICHARD YOUNG Delta, Utah MS : Utah State University, 1965 Major: Counseling Psychology Major Professor: Dr . E . Wayne Wright Thesis: The Effects of Reponse Set on the StructuredObjective Rorschach Test. MORREY, JAMES GRANT Joseph, Utah BS: Utah State University, 1966 Major: Special Education Major Prof essor: Dr . Kaye D. Owens Thesis: Effects of Success and Failure Information on Peer Evaluations of Educable Mentally Retarded Children

MORRIS, HELEN BRADSHAW Emmett, Idaho BS : Utah State University, 1949 Major: Psychology Major Professor: Professor Ronald S. Peterson Thesis : A Study of Life Crisis Magnitude of a Theraphy and Non -Thera phy Group . MOSER. PAUL E. Weiser, Idaho BS : Utah State University , 1966 Major : Plant Pathology Major Professor: Dr. Orson S. Cannon Thesis: Temperature and lnoculum Density as Factors Affecting the Pathogenicity of Rhizoctonia solani Kiihn or Radish.

NABORS , WILLIAM T . Oak Ridge, Tennessee BS : Agronomy Tennessee Polytechnic Institute, 1958 Major: Food Science and Technology Major Professor: Dr. D . K. Salunkhe Thesis : Influence in Preinoculation with Levcomosioc mesenterocaes and Lactobacillus plantorum on physiochemical properties of fresh and dehydrated saurkraut . NAGHEIH, MOHAMMED Isfahan, Iran BS: Abadan Institute of Technology , 1966 Major : Mechanical Engineering Major Professor : Dr. Alma P. Moser Thesis : Plan B NA- SONGKHLA SUNTHORN Bangkok, Thailand BS : Thammasat University, 1960 Major : Political Science Major Professor : Dr . Phillip S. Spoerry Thesis: Personnel Administration in the U .S. Foreign Service : Recruitment, Selection, and Training .

OGDEN , LYNN VERL Richfield , Utah BS: Utah State University , 1966 M a jor : Dairy Science Major Professor : Dr . C. Anthon Ernstron Thesis: Heat D enaturation of Serum Pro:ei ns in Milk and Whey as Measured by the Harl m d- Ashworth Test . OLSEN, RONALD GENE Log an, Utah BS.: Utah State University , 1967 Major : Marketing Education Major Professor : Dr . Theodore W . Ivar ie, Jr . Thesis : Plan B OLSON , BEYERL Y Arimo, Idaho BS: Brigham Young University, 1961 Major : H istory Major Professor : Dr . S . George Ellsworth Thesis : Plan B

ORPASIRTH, PREECHA Bangkok. Thailand BS: Chulalongkorn University , 1965 Major : Mechanical Engineering Major Professor : Dr . Russell M . Holdredge Thesis: Plan B OSTLER. RENEE Hawthorne , California BS: Brigham Young University , 1966 Major : Child Development Major Professor : Professor Carroll C. Lambert Thesis: Comparison of Mosaic Responses of Disadvantaged and Advanced Pre-school Childr en. OTT , MEL VIN LEROY La Grande, Oregon BS : Eastern Oregon College , 1964 Major: Mathematics Major Professor : Professor Ernest E . Underwood Thesis : Transformations, Subgroups and Direct Sums in Group Theory . PALMER , CHARLES JOSEPH Alton , Utah BS : Utah State University , 1966 Major : Agricultural Economics Major Professor: Professor E . M . Morrison Thesis: Cost and Net Return from the Milking Enterprise on Selected D.H.I .A. Farms in Northern Utah , 1965.

MASTER OF SCIENCE (Continued) PARDO, GUILLERMO Bogota, Colombia BS: Universidad N acional-Colombia, 1963 Major : Irrigation and Agricultural Engineering Major Professor : Professor J. E . Christiansen Thesis : Evapor a tion and Evapotranspiration in Colom bia. PA TEL , MANILAL JIJIDAS Nardipur , Gujar at, India BS : L. D. College of Engineering-India , 1966 Major : Electrical Eng ineering Major Profe ssor : Professor W. A. Finchum Thesis : Plan B JPEN DSE , DILIPSINHA CH INT AMANI Poona, Maharashtra, India BS: Fergusson College, 1959 Major: Agricultural E_conomics Major Professor: Dr. B. De!worth Gardner Thesis: Weber Basin Water Conservancy District : An Economic Appraisal PHADUNGKUL, SIRIVATANA Lamphoon, Thailand BS: Thammasat University , 1960 Major: Political Science Major Professor: Dr. Phillip S. Spoerry Thesis : Admin istra tive Responsibiliti es of Nai Amphur PIZARRO , RODRIGO HUMBERTO Ch iclay o , Peru BS: Un iver sidad Ag raria La Molina, 1963 Major : Agricultural Engineering Major Professor : Profes,sor J. E. Christian sen Thesis : Estimation of Incoming Radiation from Extra terrestrial Radi ation and C limatological Data

POOVAIAH , BACHETTIRA WTHAPPA Coorg , India BS : Karnatak University , I 964 Major: Plant Physiology Major Professor : Dr . Herman H. Wi ebe Thesis : Histochemical Investigations on the Effects of Fluoride on Oxidative Enzymes from Pelargonium zonale and Allium cepa POWELL, ANTOINE TURLEY Lehi, Utah BS : Utah State University, 1967 Major : Psychology Major Professor : Dr. David R. Stone Thesis : Remedial Reading: Evaluation of a Readingand-Study Course with Implications for a College Reading Center PULSIPHER, AL VIN BRENT Ogden, Utah BS: Weber State College, 1966 Major: Economics Major Professor : Dr . C. A. Hofman Thesis : The Feasibility of the Location of a Steel Fabricating Plant in the State of Utah.

RAJAGOPAL , A. P. Madras, India BS : University of M adras , India, 1955 Major : Electrical Engineering Major Professor : Dr . Alan W. Shaw Thesis : Silicon Avalanche Diode for Microwave Power

RAMAGOPAL , SUBBANAIDU Coimbatore , Madras State , India University of Madras, India , 1963 Major : Plant Nutrition and Biochemistry Major Professor : Dr . George W. Welkie Thesis : Interact ion of Inorganic and Organic Fluoride Ions with Available Calcium on Root Growth in Triticum vulgare, L . RASHEED, MUHAMMAD ASLAM Lahore , P akistan Engineering University of Lahore, 1964 Major : Civil Engineering Major Professor : Professor J. E. Christiansen Thesis : Hydraulic Characteristics of a Modified Ven turi Section RASMUSON, DALE M. Logan, Utah BS: University of Utah , 1966 Major: Mathematics Major Profes sor : Dr . James Watson Thesis Director : Dr . Richard A. Hansen Thesis: Tests of Methods that Control Round -off Error

RAWAL. DARSHAN LAL Chandigarh, India BS : Muslim University . India, 1957 Major: Civil Engineering Major Professor: Dr. W . 0. Carter Thesis Director : Professor F . W . Kiefer Thesis : Plan B REEDER , DUANE HAROLD Brigham City, Utah BS: Utah State University , 1966 Major: Psychology Major Profes sor: Dr . Glendon Casto Thesis : The R elationship of the Wechsler Preschool and Primary Scale of Int elligence to the Stanford Binet Scale of Intell igence REESE , GAYLEN LESTER Benson, Utah BS : Utah State Univers ity , 1966 Major : Aud iology -Speech Pathology Major Professor: Dr . Jay R. Jensen Thesis : Inter -Personal Versus Intra-Personal ing in Auditory Discrimin at ion Testing

Monitor -

RIEBE, NORMAN WILLIAM Log an, Utah BS : University of New Mexico , 1950 Major: Mathematics Major Professor : Dr . Lawrence 0 . Cannon Thesis: The Punda_mental Groups of the Complements of Some Solid Horned Spheres RODEBUSH , JAMES EDWARD Sunnyvale, Caiifornia BS: Utah State University , 1966 Major : Plant Science Major Professor : Dr. J. LaMar Anderson Thesis : The Morphological and Anatomical Effects of Pyrazon on Beans and Pigweed ROYLANCE , GLENN M . Salt Lake City , Utah BS : University of Utah, 1966 Major: Speech Major Profes sor: Dr. Burrell Hansen Thesis : An Investigation of the Effectiveness and Valu e of Local Production and Utilization of Video-taped Concept Lessons

MASTER OF SCIENCE (Continued) RUSSELL, STEPHEN SKEEN Salt Lake City, Utah BS : University of Utah, 1961 Major: Mechanical Engineering Major Professor: Dr. Alma P. Moser Thesis: A Photoelastic Study of Two-Dimensional Stress Fields Around Stationary Single-Edge Cracks RUST, RICHARD W . Logan, Utah BS : Utah State University , 1965 Major : Entomology Major Professor : Dr. G . E. Bohart Thesis: A Revision of the Genus Osmia , Subgenera Osmia, Chalcosmia, and Cephalosmia SAKHAN , KOUSOUM SOUTH Phnom Penh, Cambodia BS : California State Polytechnic College , 1966 Major : Civil Engineering Major Professor :Dr. Alvin Bishop Thesis Director : Professor Gaylord Skogerboe Thesis: Plan B SAL VO, PAUL A . Bridgeton, New Jersey BS: Utah State University , 1951 Major: Physical Education Major Professor : Professor H . B. Hunsaker Thesis : A Study of Officiating Qualification Practices of Class "A" High Schools in Utah SAUNDERS, BARRY COLLINS Brigham City , Utah BS : St . Louis U niv ersity , 1953 Major : Civil Engineering Major Profe ssor: Dr . Calvin Clyd e Thesis : A Proc edure for Dete rmining the Feasibility of Plan ned Conju nct ive Use of Surface and Ground Water SHAH , NAVIN DAMJI Bombay , Indi a BS : Uni ve rsit y of Bombay , 1965 Major : Electrical Engineering Major P rofessor : Dr. Bruce 0 . Watkins Thesis: Plan B SHAH , RAJENDRA CHIMANLAL Karam sad , Gujarat, India BS.: S.V.V . Uni v ersity , India , 1966 Major : Civil Engi neering Major Professor : Professor Van ce T . Christiansen Thesis : Plan B SHURTLIFF, LARRY RICHARD Pan aca, N evada BS : Ut ah Sta te Uni versity , 1964 Majo r : Physical Education Ma jor Prof essor : P rofessor Arthur Mendini The sis : Pla n B SHYU, JAM E S CHING-CHIOU T ainan , T aiwan, Re pub lic of Chin a BS : C heng Kun g Un iversit y , 1963 M ajor: E lectrical E ngin eering M ajor Professor : D r . Bruce 0 . Watkins Thes is : Plan B

SIGALA , LUIS HONORIO Barquisimeto, Venezuela BS : Agrarian University, Peru, 1964 Irrigation Science Major Professor: Professor Jack Keller Thesis : Settlement of an Unstable Silt Loam Soil During Irrigation SINSAW ASDI , NARONG Bangson, Bangkok , Thailand BS : Thammasat University, 1964 Major : Political Science Major Professor: Dr. Phillip S. Spoerry Thesis : The United Nations and the Vietnam War SLAGLE, JOHNNIE GEORGE Hyde Park, Utah BS : Utah State University , 1967 Major : Mathematics Major Professor: Dr . Konrad Suprunowicz Thesis : Algebraic Properties of Endomorphisms Abelian Groups and Rings


SMITH, JOHN LAURENCE Scottsdale, Arizona BA: Arizona State University, 1964 Major : Physical Education Major Professor : Dr. Dale 0. Nelson Thesis : Individual Self-Concept and Baseball Performance SMITH, ROBERT DEAN American Fork, Utah BA: Brigham Young University , 1962 Major: Special Education Major Professor : Professor Robert G. Publicover Thesis : Relationships Between Foster Home Placement and Later Acculturation Patterns of Selected American Indians SOPHONSUPHA , BHANUWAT Bangkok , Thailand BS : Thammasat Un iversity , 1962 Major : Political Science Major Professor : Dr. Phillip S. Spoerry Thesis : Some Aspects of Public Personnel Administration in Thailand; Study Classification of Civil Ser vice Pos ition , Pay System , Recruitment , Promotion , Discipline , and Retirement SPAULDING , BRENT W . Rexburg , Idaho BS : Brigham Young University , 1966 Major : Agricultural Economics Major Professor : Dr. Lynn H . Davis Thesis : Estimated Long-Run Supply Response to Changing Profitableness of Sugar Beet Production in Box Elder and Cache Counties, Utah, from 1966 to 1975 STALLINGS , RICHARD HOW ARD Ogden, Utah BS : Weber State College, 1965 M ajor: History Major Professor : Dr . Douglas D. Alder Thesis: Plan B STEMBRIDGE , CARMA B. Kamas , Ut ah BS : Utah State Univers ity, 1966 Major : Food and Nutrition Major Professor : Dr . Ethelwyn B. Wilcox Thesis : The Effect of Temperature, Dry -Roasting and Breed on the Tenderness, Juiciness and Flavor of Beef



,STOCKER. HENRY ROBERT Paris , Idaho BS: Utah State University , 1967 Major: Business Education Major Professor: Dr . Ted D . Stoddard Thes is: An Experimental Study in the Utilization of the DictaTntor as a Cla ss room and H omework Te aching Aid in Beginning Collegiate Shorthand S TONE, ALEX JOHN Ogden , Utah BS: Utah State Uni versity, 1966 Major: Mechanical Engineering Major Profe ssor: Dr. Russell M. Holdredg e Thesis: The E ffect of Surface Roughness and Surface Contamination on the Cooldown Time of Components Immersed in a Liquid Nitrogen Bath BEE STONE, BEVERLEE Log an, Utah BS: Utah State University , 1963 Major : Elementary Education Major Profe ssor: Dr. Malcom Allred Thesis: Instructional Objectives and Achievement Testing for the Elementary School Library SUTHAROMNA, PRIDl (Posthumously) Bangkok, Thailand BS: Th a mmasat University , 1961 Major: Politic al Science Major Professor : Dr . Phillip Spoerry Thesis: U. S. Aid Progr am on Public Administration Thailand T AQI-EDDIN , NUREDDIN AHMAD Zarka, Jord an BS: American University of Beirut , 1962 Major : Agricultural Economics Major Professor: Dr . G eorg e Blanch Thesis: Financial Operation s of the Agricultural Corpor ation in Jord an.

Bangkok , Thailand BS: Un ivers ity of Ore gon, 1965 M ajor: Politic al Science Major Professor: Professor Calvin W. Hiibner Thesis : A Study of the Need for and Administration of Credit for the Development of the Agriculture Sector in Thailand VASAKUL, PRAPARS Bangkok, Thailand BS: Thammasat Univ ersi ty, 1959 M ajor: Polit ical Science Major Professor: Dr . Phillip S. Spoerry Thesis: American Policy and Aid in Thailand

VAYAGOOL, SURATANA Bangkok, Thailand 1958 Major: Economics M ajor Professor: Dr . Reed R. Durtschi Th esis: A Study of the Natural Rubb er Industry with Spe cia l R eference to Thailand.



THOMAS , HOW ARD RASMUS Corvallis , Oregon BS : Utah State University, 1966 Major : Agricultural Economics Major Professor: Dr . Rondo A. Christensen Thesis: Transfer of Farm Real Estate in Utah, 19611964. Shiraz, Iran BS: University of Pahlavi , 1963 Major : Political Science Major Professor: Dr. JeDon A. Emenhiser Thesis: Women and Politics in Iran


BS: Thammasat University,

T AUR. ROGER RONG Taipei, Taiw an, Republic of Chin a BS: Cheng-Kung University, 1965 Major : Electrical Engineering ·Maj or Profes so r : Dr. Alan W . Sh aw Thesis : Pl an B


VANDENBERGHE, FRANCIS Paris , France BS: Universite De Lille, 1965 Major: Electrical Engineering Major Profes sor: Dr . Alvin Desp ain Thesis: Plan B

VAYAGOOL, SURATANA Bangkok , Thailand BS: Thammasat University, 1957 Major: Political Science Major Profe ssor: Dr . Phillip S. Spoerry Thesis : A Study of the Int ernational Relations Thailand with the West Between 1851-1910. VEZYRAKIS, ALEXANDROS GEORGE Thessaloniki, Greece BS: Aristotelcion Univ ersity of Thess aloniki , 1960 Major: Irrig atio n Science Major Professor: Dr . Glen E. Stringham Thesi s: Banded Fiberglass Filt ers for Tile Drains VOORHEES, KENT JAY Spanish Fork, Utah BS: Ut ah State University, 1965 Major : Chemistry Major Professor: Dr. Grant Gill Smith Thesis : A Substituent Effect in the Thermolysis Rearrangement of B-Hydroxy-olefins .


WANG, FRANK JONG -SHENG Hsin-Chu, Taiwan, Republic of China BS: National Taiwan University , 1964 Major: Mathematics Major Professor : Dr . L. Duane Loveland Thesis : A Theorem on Homeomorphic Convergence and Some Applications.

WANG , PU -SEN UZCATEGUI S., JOSE ANTONIO Merida, Venezuela BS: Universid ad Los Andes , 1965 Major : Civil Engineering Major Profes so r : Dr. Gary Z . Watters Thesis: Plan B


Taipei , Taiwan , Republic of China BA: National Taiwan University Major : Chemi stry Major Professor : Dr. Richard N. Boyd Thesis: Heats of Solution of Tetraalkylammoniam Halides in Various Solvents

MASTER OF SCIENCE (Continued) WANG, YIH-SHYONG Chang -hua, Taiwan, Republic of China BS: National Taiwan University, 1964 Major : Structural Engineering Major Professor: Dr. Cary Kau-Kei Mak Thesis : Plan B WARNER, DARRELL N . Ogden, Utah BS : Utah State University, 1963 Major: Entomology Major Professor: Professor Wilford J. Hanson Thesis : A Taxonomic and Life History Study of a New Species of Phlebotomus ( Diptera: Psychodidae). WEBSTER, RICHARD MANNING Cedar City, Utah BS : Utah State University, 1964 Major : Business Education Major Professor : Professor Theodore lvarie, Jr. Thesis: A Survey of the Cedar City High School Graduates \Vho Have Taken the One-Year Gregg Shorthand Course . WILSON, LANNY OWEN Bountiful, Utah BS: University of Wyoming, 1965 Major: Wildlife Management Major Professor: Dr. J. B. Low Thesis: Ecology of the Desert Bighorn Southeastern Utah



WOLD, CORDELL 0. Terreton, Idaho BS : Utah State University, 1963 Major: History Major Professor: Dr. Gary L. Huxford Thesis: Jonathan Mayhew, an Avenue of Escape. WONGBHAN, PRASERT Bangkok, Thailand BS: Thammasat University, 1956 Major : Economics Major Professor: Dr. C. A. Hofman Thesis: Some Aspects of Agricultural Trade and Economic Development of Thailand

WORKMAN, JOHN PAUL Sheridan, Wyoming BS: University of Wyoming, 1965 Major : Range Science Major Professor: Dr. Neil E. West Thesis : Germination and Seedling Response of Eurotia lanata ( Pursh) Moq . In Relation to Salinity and Temperature . WRIGHT, GRANT LEONARD Ogden, Utah BS : Utah State University, 1964 Major : Mechanical Engineering Major Professor: Dr. A. P. Moser Thesis : Two-Dimensional Photoelastic Stress Analysis of a Rectangular Bar With a Single 45 Degree Notch. YANG, CHOON-YUL GEMMA Seoul. Korea BS : Soak-Myung Women's University, 1962 Major: Food and Nutrition Major Professor : Dr. Ethelwyn B. Wilcox Thesis : Plan B YEARSLEY. KENNETH G. North Ogden, Utah BS: Utah State University, 1961 Major : Bacteriology Major Professor: Dr. P. B. Carter Thesis: Coagulase Activity of Staphylococci.

ZAN. MICHAEL Naugatuck, Connecticut BS: Utah State University, 1966 Major: Forest Hydrology Major Professor : Professor John D. Schultz Thesis: Evaluation of the Effects of Reduced Transpiration Upon Soil Moisture Retention in an Aspen Strand Throughout the Growing Season in Northern Utah. ZITLAU, CARL F. Rigby. Idaho BS: Idaho State University, 1963 Major: Physics Major Professor : Dr. William Moore Thesis: Nonequilibrium Solutions for the Radiative Decay of a System of Oscillators, Harmonic and Anharmonic.

MASTER OF EDUCATION ALIABADI, HOMA YOON Shiraz, Iran BA: Pahlavi University, 1964 Major Professor : Dr. Malcom Allred

BRADY. JOHN LEE Hyde Park, Utah BS: Utah State University, 1967 Major Professor: Dr. Ross R. Allen

BILLS. FRANK LYNN Payson, Utah BS: Brigham Young University, 1964 Major Professor: Professor Walter Saunders

BREMER, MARY JANE Metropolis, Illinois BS: Southern Illinois University, 1965 Major Professor: Dr. Bryce Adkins

BINGHAM, JOAN FORSGREN Ogden, Utah BS: Utah State University, 1966 Major Professor: Dr. Devoe Rickert

BRIGGS, AGNES MARSHALL Richmond, Utah BS : Utah State University, 1959 Major Professor: Dr. Michael R. Bertoch

BOWLIN, JACK DEAN Hazelton, Idaho BS: Utah State University, 1962 Major Professor: Dr. Malcom Allred

CEFALO. RONALD GENE Brigham City, Utah BS: Utah State University, 1967 Major Professor: Dr. Walter L. Saunders



CHILD. EARL BERT Roy, Utah BS: Utah State University, 1960 Major Professor: Dr. Malcom Allred




Orem, Utah BS : College of Southern Utah , 1966 Major Professor: Dr . Malcom Allred

COOK. DAVID LAWRENCE Syracuse, Utah BS: University of Utah, 1959 Major Professor : Dr. Homer M. Johnson

CYGAN, RONALD JOSEPH Chicago, Illinois BS : St. Progopius College, 1966 Major Professor: Dr. Ross R. Allen DENNIS, KA TE KEATING Brigham City . Utah BS : Hardin-Simmons University, 1955 Major Professor : Dr. Bryce Adkins DENNIS , WILLIAM ARTHUR Logan , Utah BS : Utah State University , 1962 Major Professor: Dr. Eldon M. Drake EPPICH, IREL MARRIOTT Smithfield , Utah BS : Utah State University , 1948 Major Professor : Dr . Or al L. Ballam FOSSUM, JAMES PAUL Glendale, Arizona BS : Grand Canyon College, 1966 Major Professor : Dr . Ross R. Allen GRIFFIN, DOUGLAS CLARK Houston, Texas BS : Utah State University, 1966 Major Professor: Dr. Ross R. Allen HANNI, KENNETH MAX Ogden , Utah BS : Utah State University , 1949 Major Professor : Dr . Bryce Adkins HAYWOOD, DEAN MILLER St. Anthony, Idaho AB : Eastern Baptist College Major Professor: Professor Phyllis R. Publicover HOTH, A. VIRGINIA NEDDO Logan, Utah BS : Utah State University , 1963 Major Professor : Dr. Malcom Allred HUNSAKER. FIOYD REX Lakeview , Oregon BS : Utah State University , 1966 Major Professor : Dr. Basil Hansen JENSEN, DENNIS CLARE River Heights, Utah BS: Utah State University , 1956 Major Professor: Dr. Oral L. Ballam

Bangkok. Thailand BS : Utah State University, 1966 Major Professor : Professor Evelyn L. Wiggins Providence, Utah BS: Utah State University, 1961 Major Professor : Dr. Basil Hansen LAYTON, JAMES JOEL Layton, Utah BA : Brigham Young University, 1958 Major Professor: Dr. Terrance E . Hatch LUNDSTROM, DAVID R. Ogden, Utah BS: Colorado State University, 1958 Major Professor : Dr . John David Haas MOTZKUS . GLENN THEODORE Salt Lake City , Utah BS : Utah State University , 1967 Major Professor : Dr . Devoe C. Rickert

MURRAY, DALLAS ERVIN Neola, Utah BS : Utah State University , 1958 Major Professor: Professor Arthur D. Jackson NELSON, ORVEL DEE Sunset, Utah BS : Utah State University, 1959 Major Professor : Professor Robert G. Hammond NIXON . GEORGINE M . Clairton , Pennsylvania BS : Millersville State College , 1967 Major Professor : Profe ssor Arthur D. Jackson

OBRAY, A . DENNIS Barstow, California BS : Utah State University, 1964 Major Professor : Dr . Basil Hansen OLSON, GRANT HEBER Arimo, Idaho BS : Utah State University, 1967 Major Professor : Dr . Oral L. Ballam PARKER. EDWIN CHARLES Roy , Utah BS: University of Utah, 1955 Major Professor : Dr. Basil Hansen PEZZOPANE. BONNIE KESLER Ogden , Utah BS: Utah State University, 1962 Major Professor : Dr. Malcom Allred PRICE, LOLA T . Ogden , Utah BS: Utah State University, 1950 Major Professor: Dr . Malcom Allred

K!NGSTON, NELDON DEVERE Afton, Wyoming BS : Utah State University , 1965 Major Professor : Dr. Arden Frandsen

RAWLINGS . SHIRL J. Roosevelt . Utah BS: Brigham Young University, 1963 Major Professor: Dr . John David Haas


RINDLISBACHER. ROBERT FRED Salt Lake City , Utah BS : Utah State University, 1963 Major Professor : Dr. Walter L. Saunders

Ogden, Utah BS : Utah State University, 1963 Major Professor : Dr. Morris L. Mower



ROPER, RODNEY ALBERT Grace, Idaho BS: Utah State University, 1958 Major Professor: Dr . Malcom Allred

THOMPSON, NELL F. Las Vegas, Nevada BS : North Texas State University, 1962 Major Professor : Dr . Devoe C . Rickert

SANDERS, W. FRED Senatobia, Mississippi BS : Brigham Young University, 1964 Major Professor : Dr. Walter L. Saunders

THORPE, LORAINE SLADE Redmesa, Colorado BS : Utah State University, 1965 Ma jor Professor: Professor Robert G. Publicove:

SIMMONS , STEPHEN BART Grace, Idaho BS : Utah State University, I 964 Major Professor : Dr. John David Haas

TOONE, PAUL CHILD Sacramento, California BS : Utah State University, I 961 Major Professor : Dr . Malcom Allred

SLATER. R. DOYLE Ogden, Utah BS: Utah State University , 1961 Major Professor : Dr . Terrance E . H atch

TUELLER. REX LAMAR Logan , Utah BS : Utah State University , 1961 Major Professor : Dr : Homer M. Johnson

TAYLOR , MURRAY L. Gunnison, Utah BS: Coll ege of Southern Utah , I 965 Major Professor: Dr . Homer M . Johnson

WILLIS . EL WOOD BALLARD Richfield , Utah BS : College of Southern Utah, 1959 Major Professor: Dr . James A. Jacobson

TERRY. STEVEN SPENCER Twentynine Palms , California BS : Utah State University, 1964 Major Professor : Professor Robert G . Hammond

WORKMAN , ERNEST DEE Henderson , Nevada BS: Utah State University, 1962 Major Professor : Professor Robert G. Hammor.d

MASTER OF FINE ARTS ALLRED, OSRAL BOYD Spring City , Ut ah BFA : Utah State University , 1962 Major : Art Major Professor : Profe ssor Gael! Lindstrom Thesis : W as_h and Line Rendering in Watercolor ANDERSON , JON IRWIN Idaho Falls, Idaho BS: The Art Center School. 1956 Major : Art Major Professor: Professor Harrison T . Groutage Thesis: Corporate Image of Utah State University BARTHOLOMEW. PHILIP RILEY Payson, Utah BS : Utah State University , I 952 Major : Art Major Profes sor: Professor Jessie Larson Thesis : Evaluation and Red esigning of an Established Architectural Space HERD, KERMIT JAMES , JR . Preston, Idaho BS : Utah State University , 1958 Major : Theatre Arts Major Professor: Professor Vosco Call Thesis: The Fantastick , a Production Thesis

HYDE, MARION R . Brigham City , Utah BS: Utah State University, 1962 M ajor: Art Major Professor : Professor Harrison T . Grout 2ge Th esis: Intimate Nature Forms Expressed Through Serigraphy PETERSON . LINDA LEE Provo , Utah BFA : Utah St ate University , 1964 M ajor : Art Major Professor: Professor Jessie Larson Thesis: Plan B. RICH . CAROLYN RY AN Brigham City , Utah BS: Weber State College, 1966 Major : Art Major Professor : Professor Everett Thorpe Thesis: "Rebirth" WINBORG , LARRY CONRAD Idaho Falls , Idaho BS: Utah State University , 1964 Major: Art Major Professor: Professor Everett Thorpe Thesis: Seven Paintings Illustrating the Basketball Career of Wayne Estes

MASTER OF ARTS ALLRED, ROBERT JAMES Gannett, Idaho BS : Utah State University, 1964 Major: History Major Professor : Professor C . Blythe Ahlstrom Thesis : Plan B

BROWN, MARIAN North Ogden , Utah BS: Utah State University, 1963 Major : English Major Professor: Professor Moyle Q . Rice Thesis : Realms of Torment : A Comparative Study of the Cosmology , Eschatology, and Theology in Homer, Vergil. Dante , and Milton

MASTER OF ARTS (Continued) COMISH. LEO STANFORD. JR. Ogden, Utah BA: Utah State University, 1967 Major: Political Science Major Professor: Dr. Philip S. Spoerry Thesis: The Influence of the Military on the Politics of Indonesia

LARSON, IDELLA BORUP Preston. Idaho BS : Utah State University, 1966 Major: English Major Professor: Dr. Hubert Smith Thesis : The Role of Convention in Selected Fiction of Edith Wharton



Heber City, Utah BS : Utah State University, 1966 Major : Sociology Major Professor: Dr. H . Bruce Bylund Thesis : Individual Factors Associated with the Purchasing of New Grocery Products

DEONANAN . CARLTON RAMRATIAN Trinidad, West Ind ies BA : Utah State University, 1967 Major: Secondary Education Major Pro.fessor : Professor Pearl Budg e TI1esis: The Teaching of English in the High Schools of Trinidad

DHONDT, STEVEN THOMAS Sherrill, New York BA : Adrian College, 1966 Major: English Major Professor : Dr. King Hendricks Thesis: Jack London's Satire in When God Laughs

Hyrum, Utah BS : Utah State University, 1966 Major: English Major Professor : Dr. John M. Patrick Thesis : Plan B

NAJJAR, MUSTAFA IBRAHIM Bethlehem, Israel BS : Damascus University, 1962 Major : English Major Professor : Dr. De!Rae Christiansen Thesis : Thomas Hardy's Novels and Greek Tragedy

NALDER. BONNIE DAVIES Shelley. Idaho BS : Utah State University, 1962 Major : English Major Professor : Dr . Hubert Smith Thesis : Environment and Character in Selected Novels of Willa Cather


NORTON, JUDITH B. Salt Lake City, Utah BS: Utah State University, 1966 Major : Special Education Major Professor : Dr. Devoe C. Rickert Thesis: A Study of the Correlation Between Visual Perception and Social Perception


PHILLIPS, HAROLD NOLAN Montpelier, Idaho BS : Utah State University, 1966 Major : Secondary Education Major Professor: Professor Robert G. Hammond Thesis : A Suggested Mathematics Curriculum of Preparation of Teachers of Modern Secondary School Mathematics in Utah

JEANNE• Lafayette, California BS: San Francisco State College, 1963 Major : English Major Professor: Dr. Hubert Smith Thesis : The Religious Significance of Nature in Selected Poetry and Prose of Anne Bradstreet

Taber, Alberta BS: Utah State University, 1966 Major : History Major Professor: Professor C. Blythe Ahlstrom Thesis: The Ogdensburg Agreement: Core to Canadian -United States Military Relations, 1939-1941

KELLER, SARA ANN Logan, Utah BS: Utah State University, 1967 Major: English Major Professor: Professor Moyle Q. Rice Thesis: An Existential Analysis of Dostoevsky

K0FORD. JAMES KRISTIAN Casper, Wyoming BA: Utah State University, 1965 Major: English Major Professor: Dr. T. Y. Booth Thesis: Chiron's Tragic Liturgy: An Examination of Romantic and Existential Motifs in John Updike's novel, The Centaur

SNOW, KAREN Star, Idaho BS: Utah State University, 1966 Major: English Major Professor: Dr . Hubert Smith Thesis : His Religion Was Humanity: Reacts to Conventional Christianity

Mark Twain

STEPHENS, PAUL L. Ogden, Utah BS: Weber State College, 1966 Major: English Major Professor : Dr. DelRae Christiansen Thesis: Plan B

MASTER OF ARTS (Continued) STONE , DOUGLAS GREGORY Denver , Colorado BA : Ut ah State University, 1966 M ajor : English Major Prof esso r : Professor Moyle Q. Rice Thesis : Steinbeck 's People and His Conceptual World

WADE , NORMA PATRICIA Brigham City, Utah BS : Weber State College, 1966 Major: English M ajo r Professor : Professor Moyle Q. Rice Thesis: Plan B

TAYLOR. ETHEL EYRING Fort Collins , Colorado BS : Brigham Young University , 1936 Major: American Studies Major Professor : Dr. Hubert Smith Thesis : James Branch Cabell , Twentieth Southerner

WILLIAMS, JOYCE B. Ogden, Utah BS : University of Utah, 1950 M ajor: English Major Professor: Dr . Hubert Smith Thesis: Method and Meaning in the Fiction of Katherine Anne Porter


VALENTINE, DON EUGENE Brigham City , Utah BS : Utah State University , 1965 Major : English Major Professor : Dr. T . Y . Booth Thesis: Kazantzakis, God. and His Savior -Hero

WOOD, ROBERT ELDRIDGE Roy, Utah BS: Utah State University , 1962 Major : English Major Professor: Dr . John M. Patrick Thesis : John Keats and the Unpoetical Poet

MASTER OF INDUSTRIAL EDUCATION JENSEN . DELYLE B. Ogden, Utah BS : Utah Stat e Un ivers ity, 1960 Major: Industrial and Techni cal Education Major Professor : Professor Lynn Willey Thesis : Visual Aids Av ailable from Industry Pertinent to the High ·school Automotive Program

SCHILOWSKY, DARREL DUANE Bountiful. Utah BS : Utah State University, 1963 Major: Industrial and Technical Education Major Professor : Dr . Austin Loveless Thesis: The Effects of Owning an Automobile on Scholastic Achievement of High School Students

RANDALL. HOW ARD RAY Billings , Mont ana BS : Mont ana State University, 1959 Major: Industri al and Technical Education Major Professor : Dr. Austin Loveless Thesis : The Vocational Competencies of Industrial Arts Teachers in Montana

MASTER OF BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION ANDERSON, ALVIN B. Bear River City, Utah BS: Brigham Young University, 1956 Major: Business Administration Major Professor : Dr. Howard M. Carlisle Thesis: The Feasibility of Incremental Pricing in a Medium Size Rocket Motor Company BLASER, ALBERT LEON Boise, Idaho BS: Utah State University, 1966 Major Professor: Professor Scott Durdan Thesis : A Comparative Study of Industrial Common Stocks from March 15. 1962, until April 30, 1966, Using the Investment Value Method and a Speculative Method

DA VIS, ROBERT LEE Logan . Utah BS: Utah State University, 1967 Major: Business Administration Major Professor: Dr. John Cragun Thesis: Business Reports ENRIGHT , THOMAS WILLIAM Brigham City, Utah BS: South Dakota State University , 1958 Major : Business Administration Major Professor: Dr. Howard M. Carlisle Role of the Project Thesis : A Personnel Study-the Manager in a Northern Utah Aerospace Company

FOWLER. LARRY MORTON Ogden , Utah BS: Purdue University , 1963 Major: Personnel & Industrial Relations Major Professor: Professor Mark J. Nelson Thesis : The Impact of Time and Savings Deposits on Net Operating Earnings of Commercial Banks



Rexburg, Idaho BS: Weber State College, 1967 Major: Business Administration Major Professor: Professor Mark J. Nelson Thesis: Plan B HOUCK. FRANCIS STEW ART Altoona, Pennsylvania BS: Pennsylvania State University, 1946 Major: Business Administration Major Professor: Dr. Howard M. Carlisle Thesis : The Prevalence of Systems Organizat ions for Material Flow in Aerospace Industries HURST, LYNN ROGERS Garland , Texas BS: Utah State University , 1966 Major: Business Administration Major Professor: Dr. Howard M . Carlisle Thesis: Business Reports



IKALVESTRAND, VERNON ROGER Brigham City, Utah BS: Luther College, 1950 Major: Business Administration Major Professor: Dr. Eugene Kartchner Thesis : Plan B

SCHUL THIES, RONALD AVON Pocatello, Idaho BS : Utah State University, 1967 Major : Business Administration Major Professor : Dr . Howard M . Carlisle Thesis : Development of a Concept of Value in Real Property

MORTENSON, BARRY GAIL Morgan , Utah BS : Utah State University, 1967 Major: Business Administration Major Professor: Dr. Eugene Kartchner Thesis : Plan B

MURRAY, JERRY L. Myton, Utah BS : Utah State Univers ity , 1964 Major : Business Administration Major Profe ssor: Dr . Reed Durtschi Thesis: A Study to Determine the Economic Value of the College of Eastern Utah to Car b on County JON DOYLE NEUENSWANDER. Wes ton , Idaho BS: Utah State University, 1963 Major : Business Administration Major Professor : Professor Mark J. Nels ,on Thesis : Plan B. OLSEN , DAVID NOLAN Logan , Utah BS: Utah State Univ ersity, 1967 Major : Busine ss Administration M ajo r Professor: Dr . John Cragun Thesis : Business Reports

PARKINSON, JERALD SCOTT Rexburg , Idaho BS : Utah State Univ ersity, 1967 Major : Business Administration Major Professor : Professor Mark J. Nelson Thesis: Business Reports RIEMER. WILLIAM HOW ARD Brigham City, Utah BS: Lehigh University, 1942 Major : Business Administration Major Professor: Dr. Howard M. Carlisle Thesis: Plan B


SHEN , SHIN-PING Taipei, Taiwan BS: National Taiwan University , 1964 Major: Business Administration Major Professor: Professor Raymond James Thesis : Business Reports SMITH, KENT WILLIAM Logan, Utah BS : Utah State University, 1967 Major : Business Administration Major Professor: Dr. Howard Carlisle Thesis : Business Reports SMITH , THOMAS E. Tremonton, Ut ah BS: Utah State University, 1959 Major : Business Administration Major Professor: Dr . Eugene Kartchner Thesis: Plan B STEVENSON, EVAN N . Logan, Utah BS: Brigham Young University , 1951 Major: Personnel & Industrial Relations Major Professor : Professor Glenn Marston Thesis: Employee Attitude Survey of Faculty and Staff of Utah State University TAYLOR. WILLIAM LEE Clifton, Idaho BS: Utah State University , 1965 Major: Business Administration Major Professor: Dr. Eugene Kartchner Thesis : A Survey of Inventory Systems Wrecking Yards in Northern Utah

MASTER OF FORESTRY BLACK. DAVID ARLO Ontario, California BS: Utah State University, 1965 Major: Forest Recreation Major Professor : Professor John D . Hunt

PHILLIPS, SCOTT HUGH Twin Falls, Idaho BS: University of Utah , 1964 Major: Forest Recreation Major Professor: Professor John D. Hunt

MASTER OF MUSIC FRANKOVICH, ROBERT DAVID Provo, Utah BS: Utah State University, 1966 Major: Music Major Professor: Professor Alvin Wardle Recital MADSEN, JEAN WATERMAN Brigham City, Utah BS: Utah State University , 1947 Major: Music Major Professor: Dr. Max Dalby Recital

MERRILL. LESLIE E. Anaheim, California BS: Utah State University, 1962 Major: Music Major Professor: Dr. Max Dalby Recital

of Auto

BOARD The Board of Trustees


is composed of twelve citizens of the State appointed

by the Governor for a term of four years, and two ex-officio members , the Secretary of State and the President of the Utah State


Alumni Association.

Alma Sonne, Chairman ................................ ........................ ............. .......... ...... ........ Logan Richard

J. Maughan,

Vice Chairman ............. ....... ................................ ............. Bountiful

Phillip A. Bullen .... ................ ............ ................ ....... .....................................

Salt Lake City Logan

Norman D. Salisbury ................................................................................................. Alva C. Snow .... ...................... .............................................................................. Orpha


S. Boyden ........................................ ................... ............................. Salt Lake City

Roger Hansen ..................................... .......... . ................. ...................... ............ Mt. Ple.asant


S. Prestwich

........ ......... .......... ........ .................. ........ ......... ............. ................ Cedar City

Beverly D. Kumpf er ............................ ........ ............... ..... ............................ Salt Lake City Snell Olsen ............. ........... ........ ................ .... ................ ................................. Robert

J. Potter


Spanish Fork

........ ...................... ............. Garland

W. B. Robins ....... ......... ...... ............... ....... ..... ........ ................ ...................... Salt Lake City Clyde L. Miller, Secretary of State (ex-officio) ........................................ Salt Lake City M. Ted Karren, President,

Alumni Association

(ex-officio) ................................

L. Mark Neuberger Secretary to the Board of Trustees Logan



Gerald R. Sherratt, General Chairman Gerald L. Allen

Devere Miner

J. R.

Edwin L. Peterson


Asa Beecher

Richard Potter

Carl Frischknecht

Merrill Shaw


J. Gardner

Helen Lundstrom COLLEGE Warren




Thomas Taylor CHAIRMEN

Foote, College of Agriculture

William V. Tezak, College of Business and Social Sciences

Gerald R. Sherratt and Dorothy McClellan, College of Education Austin G. Loveless, College of Engineering Valera Holman, College of Family Life Marian D. Nelson, College of Humanities and Arts Raymond R. Moore, College of Natural Resources Wayne

R. Rich, College of Science





Across the quad at eventide the shadows softly fall, The tower of Old Main appears and peace rests over all. The lighted ''A" upon the hill stands out against the blue; Oh. Alma Mater. Utah State, my heart sings out to you. And through the years as time rolls on and student friendships grow, We'll ne¡ er forget the joys we had. those days we used to know, Thy mem'ries ever will be new, thy friends be ever true. Oh, Alma Mater, Utah State, my heart sings out to you. Composed by Theodore M. Burton

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