one hundred and thirteenth commencementceremonies
Commencement 2005 Utah State UNIVERSITY
The mission of Utah State University is to be one of the nation's premier student-centered
space- and land-grant universities by
fostering the principle that academics come first, by cultivating diversity of thought and culture, and by serving the public through learning, discovery, and engagement .
. route. Academ i.c procession
Humanities, Arts & Social Sciences
Ag ricu ltu re
Natural Resources
Education & Human Services
A MESSAGE FROM PRESIDENT STAN L. ALBRECHT Congratulations, "students."
grad uates . Note that I didn't use the term
In stead, for the first tim e with many of you, I am
honored to address you as grad uat es . Pl ease keep in mind, however, that I am not relieving you so qui ckly of your duty as a stud ent. There is much still to learn in this world , as you well know. Th ere is much also to teach, and it is with grea t hope that I wish you well on your travels forward as you hring what you've learned here out to the world. These comm ence ment ce remoni es are, for me, an affirmation of human potential, an affirmation of hop e for communities eve rywhere. You sit in thi s buildin g toda y, ready to tak e flight, ready to soar to new height s. Well, I tak e flight with you. Utah Stale University tak es flight with you as your accomplishments
We hav e tau ght you the details of your chose n profes sion s . You sign ed up for thos e classes (whether you want ed some of the m or not!). But we hop e we've also in still ed in you other ideal s, some of them "e ducational. " I hop e we've fa nn ed th e fires of cari ng, of giving , of taking responsibility. I hope we've cu lti vated passion, adven tur e, und ers tanding. You ar e a differe nt person today than you were four yea rs ago when you first trudg ed up Old Main hill. And I will take a sure bet a nd say you are a better person than you were those few short years ago. Graduation is a tim e - for me and for all of us in the univ ers ity co mmunity - to reflect with prid e on what we have chosen to do with our own liv es . You are that reflec tion , and today I say thank you for what you hav e given us, what you ha ve given yourselves, and what I sense that you will give to society. We will follow your progress with great expec tation s, and we will not forge t you. Please keep in touch.
GRADUATESTUDENTCOMMENCEMENTCEREMONY Dee Glen Smith Spectrum May 6, 2005 1:00 p.m.
Processional Laurens H. Smith, Jr. Interim Dean School of Graduate Studies
Welcome and Introduction of Guests
Address and University Outstanding Graduate Mentor Award
Stan L. Albrecht President
Hooding Master's Candidates by Graduate Council Members Doctoral Candidates by College Dean and Major Professor Stan L. Albrecht President Noelle E. Cockett Interim Provost
Presentation of Diplomas
Stan L. Albrecht President
Conferring of Degrees
Laurens H. Smith, Jr. Interim Dean
Closing Remarks
SCHEDULE OF EVENTS Saturday, May 7, 2005 Academic Assembly 9:00 a.m., Undergraduate Students and Faculty will assemble on the University Quad Academic Procession 9:30 a.m., Glen L. Taggart Student Center and University Quad to Dee Glen Smith Spectmm Commencement Ceremony 10:00 a.m., Dee Glen Smith Spectrum College Celebrations immediately following the Commencement Ceremony
College of Agriculture David B. Haight Alumni Center Co llege of Business Glen L. Taggart Student Center, Juniper Lounge Co ll ege of Education and Human Services Glen L. Taggart Student Center, Evan N. Stevenson Ballroom College of Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences Glen L. Taggart Student Center, Walnut Room College of Engineering Engineering Building, First Floor Atrium College of Natural Resources Daryl Chase Fine Arts Center, Floyd T. Morgan Theatre College of Science Glen L. Taggart Student Center, International Sunburst Lounge
COMMENCEMENTCEREMONY Saturday, May 7 , 2005 President Stan L. Albrecht, Conducting
9:30 a.m.
Academic Process ion
Old Main to Dee Glen Smith Spectrum
10:00 a.m.
Pro cess ional University Wind Orchestra
"The Crown of Chivalry" Perry Fletcher
10:05 a.m.
Pres entation of Colors
Air Force and Army ROTC
National Anthem Univ ers ity Wind Orches tra and Ja y A. Godfrey
"S tar Spangled Bann er" Franci s Scott Key
Pr es id ent's Greeting
Pr es iden t Stan L. Albrecht
Address to Graduates
Merlin Olse n
Recog nition of Special Awards
Pres id ent Stan L. Albrecht
Conferring of Honorar y Degrees
Pr esident Stan L. Albrecht
Niranjan R. Gandhi Berni ce H. McCowin David C. San t George R. Wanlass
Ci Lations rea d by: Gayle McKeachnie Lynn ette T. Han sen Dine sh C. Patel Ri chard L. Shipley
Student Speaker
Shane A. Marx Valedictorian , College of Education and Human Services
Conferring of Degre es
President Stan L. Albr ec ht
Pres e ntation of Diploma s
College Deans
Concluding Remark s
President Stan L. Albrecht
Musical Selection University Wind Orch es tra
"Alma Mater Hymn " Theodor e M. Burton
Recessional " Regal Procession" Univer sity Wind Orche stra Clifton Williams Univer sity Wind Orche stra Conductor Dr. Thoma s P. Rohrer Director of Bands Rebroadcast of Comme nce me nt Cere mony on KUED Chann e l 7 at 3 :00 p.m. Sa turday. Chec k local listin gs for dat es and lime s for rebroadcast on KVLY Valley Cha nne l 3.
Th e hi story of academ ic he raldr y reaches ba ck into th e ea rl y clays of th e uni versity. A statut e of 1321 requ ired that all " Doctor s, Licen tiat es, and Bachelors" of the University of Coimbra wear gowns. In England, in the fourteenth ce ntur y, th e statutes of ce rta in coll eges forbade "excess in appare l" a nd pr escr ib ed th e wearing of a long gown, which may hav e been co unt ed necessary for warmth in the unheated buildin gs frequented by medieval sc hol ars . Hoods were used to cover th e head until late r replaced by th e skull ca p and eve ntu all y by academ ic caps . Both Cambridge a nd Oxford have mad e academic dr ess a maller of univ ers ity control lo th e inclu s ion of eve n its minor d etail s; and in La udi a n clays in Oxford, any tailor who chan ged the au tho rized design "even by a nail 's breadth" was puni shed by the vice-chancellor of the University. When Ameri can co lleges and univ ersiti es des ir ed to adopt some s uitabl e sys tem of academic appare l, it see med best to agree on a system tha t all might follow. Accordingly, there was he ld on May 16, 1895, al Columbia Univers ity, a co nference of re pr esenta ti ves of th e boards of various int e res ted instituti ons . From that mee tin g cam e a code of acade mic dr ess for th e co ll eges and universities of th e United Stales , which most in stitution s of highe r learn ing ha ve adopted.
Hum a niti es, Arts a nd Soc ia l Sc iences Nat ural Resources Science Sc hool of Gradu ate St udi es (EdD , PhD)
White Russell Go ld-Yel low Gold
The whi Le ri bbon with the Greek Key on the robe of a graduat e identifies an indu ctee into Phi Kappa Phi, the Na tion a l Scholast ic Society. Those wearing gray co lla rs and a medallion are Morta r Board Senior Honor Society members , the Na tion a l Academ ic and Se rvice Soc iety . A gold bra ided cord draped ove r the cow l will distinguish a gra du ate of Honors.
Hoods Academic hoods are worn by rec ipi ents of advanced d egrees . The master degree hoods are three-a nd-on e-half fee t in leng th and are lin ed with the official color or co lors of the college or university conferri ng the degree , which at Utah Stale University are navy blue and white, displayed in a herald ic chevro n. The doctoral hood consists of a larger and longe r assemb lage of inst itution al co lor drap ed over the recipient's should ers and falling well clown the back. The binding or edg ing of the hoods is of velvet or velveteen, three inches wide and five inches wide for the masters and doctors degree, respedively.
The academic gown for the bachelors degree has pointed sleeves and is designed to be worn closed. The gown for the masters degree has anoblongsleeve ,ope n at the wrist. The sleeve base hangs down in the trad itional manner. The rear part of its oblong shap e is sq uare cut, and the front part has an arc cul away. The gown is so designed to be worn open or closed. The gown for the doctors degree has bell-shaped sleeves and may be worn open or closed.
Academic caps come in two forrns: the traditional mortarb oard (from Oxford), a square cap; and a soft cap th a t resembles an oversized beret (the Camb rid ge model). The mortarboard, used by Uta h Stal e Unive rs ity, is worn with a tassel. Black tasse ls designate any degree; colored tasse ls designate major field of learning, a nd gold tasse ls i ndicale doctors an d gove rnin g officials of institution s.
The co mm ence ment pro cess ion origin a tes at th e Univ e rs ity quadran gle a nd th e Iine of mar ch then extend s north to th e Spec trum. The procession is co mpos ed of thr ee divi sion s: (1) co lor gua rd , University president, Rege nt s and th e Board of Trustees, administrative officers, and spec ial gues ts; (2) th e faculty; and (3) can did a tes for degrees. Th e procession will stop at th e tunnel e ntran ce to th e Spec trum , the first two divisions dividin g so th at th e ca ndidat es for grad uation pass between th em and ent er th e hall first.
Academic Procession
For all academic purposes, includin g trimmings of doctoral gowns, edg ing of hoods, and tassel s of ca ps, the co lors associated with the differ ent acade mic disciplines are as follows: Agricultur e Bu sine ss Education a nd Human Se rvices Engineering
Maize Drab Light Blue Orange
Commencement Speaker
MERLIN OLSEN Merlin Olsen is among our most prominent graduates, heralded as much for his philanthropic and en trepreneurial accomplishments
off the football field as for
his legendary days on the playing field. He was an outstanding student while he attended Utah State, and he has carried those intellectual gifts with him throughout life - as a professional football player, television personality and now as an entrepreneur and tireless philanthropist. A native of Logan, Utah, and the first son of nine children, he was recognized for his accomplishments
on and off the playing field al
Utah State. He distinguished himself as a First Team Academic All-American and was the 1961 recipient of the national Outland Trophy in football. He also received the Outstanding Business Student Award in 1959, ] 960 and 1961 and went on to earn membership in Phi Kappa Phi. He graduated from Utah State summa cum Laude in 1962 with a degree in finance and later earned a master's degree from Utah Stale in economics. With several offers from the business world at graduation, he became a first-round draft pick for the Los Angeles Rams in 1962, where he was named Rookie of the Year. He was voted to the Pro Bowl 14 consecutive years, a record only recently tied in 2002. He is a member of the Pro Football Hall of Fame and is on the NFL's 75th Anniversary All-Star Team. Despite being known for his incredible physical strength and agility on the football field, he was always equally well known for the intelligence he brought lo the game. Sporting News wrote that the real key to Merlin Olsen's football success was his superior intellectual skills he
used to dissect every aspect of the game and opposition players. He was known during his football career as someone who could speak with authority about topics ranging from finance to politics, and he was always a quiet leader who garnered overwhelming respect from players and fans alike. He took those leadership skills with him beyond the playing field to become a spokesman for business and charitable organizations. His fundraising skills and support have benefited the MS Society of Southern California and the Children's Miracle Network, where he helped raise more than $1 billion. He has used his celebrity status and his huge heart on behalf of several organizations, including his alma mater, which awarded him an Honorary Doctor of Business Degree in 2004 for scholastic achievements and for his life-long commitment to philanthropic challenges. Merlin Olsen is admired as a motivational speaker, and Utah State is proud to have him as a distinguished alumnus and friend.
Honora ry Degre e
NIRANJAN R. GANDHI Dr. Niranjan R . Gandhi, President of Jeneil Biotech, Inc ., came to Utah State as a graduate student from India in 1968 and obtained an MS degree in 1969, followed by a PhD degree in 1971. An exce llent student and researcher at Utah State, Dr. Gandhi was a graduate researcher, post doctoral fellow and assistant professor in the departments
of Bacteriology and Nutrition and Food Sciences
until 1973 . Since leaving the university , Dr. Gandhi has continued to contribute to the food flavor and fragrance industry in unique and innovative ways. He worked for Miles Laboratories and Borden and Dederich Corporations, gaining valuable experience in the food science industry. These experiences led him to form two companies of his own. In 1978, he formed Auro Tech , Inc., where he directed and managed contract resear ch programs focusing on natural and processed cheese and food plants for process development for a variety of international clients. He successfully negotiated the acquisition of Auro Tech by world giant International Flavors and Fragrances, Inc. , in 1992. In 1995, Dr. Gandhi founded Jenei l Biotech, Inc., and Jenei l Biosmfactant Company, businesses that have allowed him to plan and develop new ventures in th e fields of natural flavors, soy products, chemicals, biosurfacants
and biopesticides.
Dr. Gandhi ha s not been co nten t to simply own the
business; he is an integral part of the research team. Earlier thi s year, th e U.S. Environmental Prote ction Agency awarded J eneil Biosurfactant Company the small business award al the Ninth Annual Presidential
Green Chemistry Challenge Awards in
Washington, D.C. Dr. Gandhi has generously provided an endowment of more than a million dollars lo benefit students and research in the NFS Departm ent. He has continuously provided funding for a number of research projects at Utah State that have resulted in many publications and several new commercial products. From his humbl e beginnings as an international
student at Utah State
to a position of promin ence in the biotechnology industry today, Dr. Gandhi embodies the spir it of accomplishment
of true Aggies everywhere .
For his years of scientific innovation s in the biotechnology industry, Utah Stat e University is proud to bestow upon Niranjan R. Gandhi the honorar y degree, Doctor of Agriculture.
BERNICE H.McCOWIN Bernice McCowin, a native of Cache Valley, earned a BS degree in education from Utah Stale Uni versi ly in 1949 and a Master of Education degree, with an emphasis in Family and Human Development, in 1996 . She ha s been aptly described as a life-long learner as well as a life-long contributor to her comm unity and to Utah State University. She is admired by many for her eagerness to help and serve others, untiring work ethi c, ability to work with people of all ages, professionalism and attention to detail, and consummate knowl edge of both the commun ity and the university. Bernice's comm itment to her community is reflected in the numerous positions in which she has served over the years. While living in Idaho, she served as the President of the Idaho Falls Medical Auxiliary, President of the Bonneville County Historical Association, Representative
to the National Forum on
Excellence in Education, Executive Director for the Mayor's College of Eastern Idaho Comrnillee, and Co-organizer of the Idaho Falls Coalition for Excellence in Education . Since returning to Utah, Cache Valley and Utah Stale University have benefited greatly from her unceasing service. She has served as President and Board Member of the Cache Valley Historical Society, President and Member of Utah State's Alumni Association Executive Board, Member of the Opera Guild Board, Member of the College of Education and Human Services Advisory Council, and President of th e Youth and Families with Promise Advisory Council. These are but a few of the organizations where she has served. And like the Energizer Bunny, she keeps going and going ... and giving and giving. Bernice's
and personal
have been recognized
years: Idaho Family Award from KID-TV; Woman of the Year Award, Idaho Falls; Citizen of the Year, Civitan Club; Rotary Foundation Paul Harris Fellow; Alumni Merit Citation, USU; and USU Alumni Hall of Honor , 2000. For her years of professional achievemen ts and service to her community, Utah State University is proud to bestow upon Bernice H. McCowin the honorary degree, Doctor of Education.
Honorary Degree
DAVID G.SANT David Sanl graduated University's
from Utah State
College of Engineering
degrees in electrical engineering and
1964, subsequently
in 1962
also earning
an MBA from Santa Clara University
1965. He immediately began working in the communications recognized
industry and is now
in that industry as a leader,
pioneer and key contributor to the grow th and evolution of telecommunications an analog-voice-only based communications
medium to a digitaltool used by mil-
lion s worldwide. His foresight into how businesses
utilize telecommunications
th eir daily activities resulted in the introduction of innovative digital solutions that allowed companies to realize cost sav in gs as well as increases in productivity. He then lev eraged his skil ls and knowledge to engage both end users as well as service providers of th ese networks to increase their bandwidth infrastructure
to establish
the foundation for today' s Internet. Now semi -r e tir ed , David consults for firms seeking venture capi tal. David's deep commi tment to the College of Engineering at Utah Stale University is unparalleled.
He is a member of th e coll ege's ca mpaign steering committee and,
in addition, donat es co untless volunteer hours to various fundraising college. Through generous scholarship
efforts for the
donations he has assisted many students in
their pursuit of an education at Utah State, once commenting that it was time he gave back to the univ ersity that helped him succeed in life. For his many years of dedication and leadership in the communications
Utah State University is proud to bestow upon David G. Sant the honorary degree , Doctor of Engineering.
Honorary Degree
GEORGE RALPH WANWS George Wanlass is deeply committed to the arts and, in pmticular, is dedi ca ted lo enhancing the arts experiences of the students at Utah State University. Through his service on various arts-related boards, he works tirelessly to formulate a vision for students and faculty of the relationships among the arts, creativity, and int ellec tual engagement at the university. He currently serves on the Utah Stat e University Foundation Board , is a trust ee of the Marie Eccl es Caine Foundation , and sits on the Nora Eccles Harrison Museum of Art Advisory Board. As a trustee of the Marie Eccles Caine Foundation , George has championed the miss ion of that foundation to support scholarship, foster creativity and ensur e exce llence in the arls al Utah Stale University. George is res ponsible personally and through his connection with the Marie Eccles Caine Foundation and the Kathryn C. Wanlass Charitable Foundation for the lar ges t sources of private support for Utah Stale University's library. It is throu gh his dedica tion that the librar y ha s built a world-class collec tion of Beal Generation publications an d deve loped an in-d ep th collect ion of unique art a nd design reso urces .
Healso has a leadership role with theNoraEccles Harrison Museum of Art and provides guidance for the museum's collec tion of more than 4,200 objects. In addition, he ha s worked as a full-tim e unpaid curator of Twentieth-C entur y and Contemporary Art on behalf of the muse um . His dedi ca tion, amassed knowledge and experie nc e within the field of contemporary arts has es tablished the muse um with a collec tion recognized worldwide as a superb repository of artworks produced by Amer ican artists in the western United States. For his man y years of co mmitm ent to the arts in the stale, Uta h State Univers ity is proud to bes tow upon George Ralph Wanlass the honorary degree, Doctor of Arts .
D. WynneThorne Research Award
VERNON D. PARKER Vernon D. Parker has been a professor of Chemistry and Biochemistry at Utah State University since 1988. For the past 30 years, Parker has been internationally renowned in several fields of physical and organic chemistry. His research addresses the very foundation of chemistry by questioning beliefs that have long been held about chemical react ions . Parker was one of the first to utilize the methods of elec trochemistry to answer organic chemis try questions, including those related to the reactions of radical ions. His research asks if the single step processes often assumed in organic chemi stry are really elemen tary steps or if they can be broken down further. He found that seemingly simple reactions were in fact quite comp lex, and he developed precise kinetic measurements to support his view. Because of these findings, Parker is among the most effective contributors to the experimental observation of quantum tunneling, which is the inexplicable
movement of particles, in organic reactions. Parker has
published more than 320 papers, on nearly all of which he was the senior author. His work is highly influential to other chemists and is cited in academic journals more than 100 times each year. Throughout his career at Utah State, Parker's research has been continually funded by the National Science Foundation, even while he was serving as Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry head for eight years. Parker was the College of Science's Faculty Researcher of the Year in 1992 and won the Utah Award from the American Chemical Society in 1996. For his outstanding contribution in the area of organic chemistry, Utah State University is proud to award Vernon D. Parker the 2005 D. Wynne Thorne Research Award.
Eldon J.Gardner Teaching Award
JANET B. ANDERSON is an Associa te Clini ca l Professo r in the De partm ent of
Nutritionand Food Sciences
in the College of Agricu ltur e . Durin g her 15 yea rs at Utah State Uni vers ity, Jan el ha s ta ught a vari ety of co urses cove rin g bas ic nut riti on, lifecycle nutr ition, quan tity foods produc tion and food se rvice manage ment. J anet is a pro ven mas ter teacher who employs a wide variety of pedagogy to maximize stud ents' lea rnin g. She is es pec ially kn own for ma kin g use of exa mpl es to leac h co ncept s, for deve lopin g hand s-on lea rn ing exercises and for int egratin g se rvice lea rnin g proj ec ts int o the c urri culum . Stud ent s a re q uick lo rea lize Jan et's co mp lete com mitm ent to their learnin g, and they frequ entl y see k advice from Jan e t on both acade mic and personal iss ues. Th ese relationship s co ntinue long after stud e nts gra du ate from Utah State Uni vers ity. Janel is na tionally recogn ized for her teac hin g mod ules on food safe ty targe ted to the ge nera l publi c, es pec ially sc hool-age childr en. H er cons umer food safe ty studi es ha ve made significa nt co ntributi ons to kn owledge in th e field and have bee n publi shed in the lea din g journal s . Th ese sa me studi es have stimul ated lea rnin g aro und the world as evidence d by her num erou s int erviews on local, na tional a nd int ern ation al radio and TV, and articl es in the popul ar press .
E.G. Peterson Extensio n Award
DIANE G. ALSTON & CHAD R. REID Diane Alston will receive the Specialist E .G. Peterson Award, and Chad Reid will receive the County Agent/Educator
E .G. Peterson Award. This
award honors outstanding Extension faculty in a way that models how E.G. Peterson and George Washington Carver saw Ex tension: specialists conducting research and projects that produced results or knowledge that would then be taught and implemented locally through a county agent. Diane Alston created workab le solutions for producers lo both diagnose pests and pathogens and then provide them with Integrated Pest Management (IPM) strategies to mitigate producer problems. Her research and field work s how an understanding
of the Land-
Grant inslilul ion and Extension princip les. She also has been very successful in obtaining funding for the Plant Diagnostics Lab and working with county agents on Sustainable
Agriculture IPM mini-grant awards.
Her lellers of support spoke to her caring nature and responsiveness
to clintele
Chad Reid's work in Iron County is diverse and research-based. The se lection committee was impressed with the variety of groups Chad worked with and the amount of collaboration he had with University re searchers both at Utah Stale and SUU. His application showed a loca l agent willing to work with researc hers locally and then pub lish and imp lemen t resu lts. Chad's letters also s howed an agent who is willing to "go th e extra mile" for his clientele and locate addit iona l resources and funding to estab lis h necessary programs locally .
Outstanding Graduate Mentor Award
RICHARD S. KRANNICH Richard S. Krannich is Professor of Socio logy. Since joining the faculty in the Sociology, Soc ial Work and Anthropology Department in 1980, Dr. Krannich has taught numerous graduate students. His research has included more than 30 different projects, which hav e provided opportunities for graduate students to engage in research in areas of int erest to them. Although he is one of the busiest professors on campus, Dr. Krannich still finds time to serve on graduate committees in his own department as well as in his role as adjunct professor in Natural Resources. He understands the writing process and as a committee member he commits himself to his students through drafts of thesis and dissertation writing. As a result, numerous coauthored publications
with graduate students are among his peer-reviewed
book chapters,
monographs and scho lar ly journal artic les . His students benefit from his mentoring when they apply for academic or applied research positions. Dr. Krannich's concern for his students also extends to assisting their intellectual development. He models the attributes of hard work and service. He encourages
in professional
service organizations and assists his students with making contacts at conferences and meetings , thus enhancing future career and research opportunities for them. For his dedicated, hands-on approach to mentoring of graduate students, Utah State University is proud Lohonor Richard S. Krannich with the 2005 Uni versily Outstanding Graduate Mentor Award.
TEACHING EXCELLENCE AWARDS Through an extensiv e selection process involving both students and faculty in the various academic colleges, seven members of the faculty have been designated for special recognition for excellence in teaching, representing the seven colleges of the University: Agriculture; Business; Education and Human Services; Engineering; Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences; Natural Resources; and Science. From among the seven, The Eldon J. Gardner Teaching Award recipient is chosen; the six remaining follow:
Collegeof Business
RobertJ. Mills is an Associate Professor in the Business Information Systems Department.
Dr. Mills is known for innovation in exposing students to
the critical linkages between technical course con tent and practical applications of technology in a real-world business env ironm ent. He accomplishes this by cultivating opportunities for stud en ts to work with a number of major organizations, such as the Delta Center/Utah Jazz, Bourns Manufacturing and ATK Thiokol. He has received many awar¡ds for outstanding instruction. He was the Teacher of the Year in the Department of Business Inform at ion Systems in 2002 and 2005 and was selected as the College of Business valedidorian escort for the Fall 2004 Commencement. He received the 2004 Utah State University Colden Mouse Award for outstanding innovation in technology, teaching and learning, and he was the recipient of the Honored Alumni Award in 2003 from Brigham Young University-Hawaii. He also received the Ben Bauman Award for Excellence in 2002 from the International
Assoc iation for Computer Information Systems .
Graduate student .lake Raymer wrote, "I believe the lrue measure of a great teacher is someone who changes lives. I, among so many other students, am a beller student, employee and, more importantly, a betler person because of Bob's mentoring, leaching and friendship. "
Collegeof Education andHumanServices
CarmelCollumYarger is an Associate Professor in the Department of Communicali ve Disorders and Deaf Education. During her four years of service at Utah Stal e University she has helped lo expand the training of prospective teachers of the deaf and hard of hea ring . Dr. Yarger is a "studenlcentered" teacher and does everyth ing she possibly can lo foster studen t und ers tanding of issues in her areas of professional compete nc e, which includes American Sign Language, curr iculum adapta tion s and theories leaching related lo deafness. She is able to help students understand the information they need Loknow, but also she helps them und erstand how abstract concep ts tran s late lo everyday experie nce in the classroom. She takes time lo get to know her stud ents and is concerned not only with their academic development but also their personal lives. She wants them lo understand that work is something that mu st be incorporated into life to make it rich and rewarding. Dr. Yarger is an outstanding teacher and provides nol only didactic information in her classes but demonstrates what she teac hers through modeling. Stud ents lea rn more than theory, they learn how lo apply wha t they hav e learned to children.
Collegeof Engineering
JacobH. Gunther received the BS, MS, and PhD in Electrica l Engineering from Brigham Young Un iversi ty in 1994, 1995 and 1998 , resp ec tively. After working for a coup le of years at Merasoft, In c., in Orem , he joined the ECE department in 2000 as an Assistant Professor. In the las t thr ee years he has taught seven different courses repr ese ntin g a huge amount of preparation time. Yet he rece ived exce llent stud ent eva luations in all of his cou rses. He is enthu sias tic about teac hin g and helping the stud ents lea rn and succee d . He has also demonstrated remark a ble c rea tivit y and br ea dth in his resea rch. He publishes ac tive ly in the top-rat ed journal s and sup erv ises a large numb er of gra duat e stud ents. He is currently the vice -chai r of the Utah Sec tion of the IEEE Signals and Commu nicat ions Soc iety. H e is co-d irec tor of the Cen ter for High Speed Information Process ing.
Collegeof Humanities, ArtsandSocialSciences
KelliCargileCook Kelli Cargile Cook joined the English faculty al Uta h Stale in 2000 as a spec ialist in online learnin g and tec hni ca l and professional co mmuni ca tion . Prior lo her work al Utah Stal e, she tau ght tec hni ca l writing and com position at the high sc hoo l, two-year college and univ ersity leve ls in Texas, Indi ana , and Louisiana. She descri bes her teaching philo soph y in thi s way: "Prax is -
reflec tion in ac tion -
is an import ant
rh etori ca l co nce pt that we leac h our tec hni ca l co mmuni ca tion stud en ts. It means, quit e simpl y, reflec tin g abo ut what we a re doin g whil e we are doing. Prax is requires us lo watch ourselves al work, eva luatin g our pra ctice a nd int ent ionally impro ving as we go along. Thi s ter m summ ar izes who and what I am as a teac he1: When I teach, I reflec t on what I am doing, assess my stud ents' lea rnin g and adju st my leac hin g better to mee t their nee ds." Ca rgile Cook ha s tau ght a wide range of und ergra du ate and gradu ate co urses in the tec hni ca l and profe ss ional writing program -
eight of
the twelve cour ses includ ed in the und ergradu ate profess iona l and tec hni ca l writin g program and six gradu ate co urses. A spec iali st in online distance edu ca tion , Ca rgile Cook ha s taught five of the s ix graduate cour ses onl ine and rece ntl y co-e dit ed Onlin e
Edu cation: Global Questions, lo cal Answers, a co llect ion of essays abo ut effective onlin e instru ction. Whether she leac hes online or on site, her stud ents desc rib e her work as "rigorou s," " thou ght-prov okin g" and "c hall enging," and they frequently co mment on the co mfortable lea rnin g atmosphere she crea tes in he r classes.
Collegeof NaturalResources
Christopher Call Christoph er "Chris" Call joined the College of Natural Res our ces fac ulty in 1991 and ha s play ed a very strong role in und ergraduat e Leac hin g from the outset of his car ee 1:H e is a recognized expe rt in rangeland reso urce management and res toration eco logy. H e is devoted lo highl y effec tive und ergrad uate instruction and prof ess ional deve lopm ent. Dr. Call is a stud ent of teac hin g, devo ting a sa bb atica l lea ve to pedagogy.
Dr.Cali's commitment to edu ca tion is evidenced in num erou s other ways, es pec ially the linka ge betwee n und ergraduat e edu ca tion and hi s prin cipal profe ss ional soc iety. He is actively involv ed in mentorin g und ergraduat es in th e stud ent c hapt er of th e Soc iety for Ran ge Manag ement. Th ese ac tiviti es include se rvin g as coach for th e Utah State P lant Identifi ca tion Tea m and the developm ent of the co nce pt for th e Undergraduate
Ran ge Management Exa m contest. He al so
developed a stud y abroad program for CNR und ergra duat es , which was fund ed by a g rant from th e U. S. Departm ent of Education. Dr. Call is well-versed in lhe pedagogical lit era tur e and actively attempts to int eg rat e 1he conce pts di still ed from his stud y into his instru ctional efforts. As such he provides a strong leachin g role mod e l for both junior and se nior fac ulty at the Unive rsity. Acco rdin g to one stud e nt, " I would say Dr. Call is a tru e edu ca tor by eve ry de finition of the word. Nol only is he inte res ted in the rese arch he ca rri es on, but also th e lea rning process and leac hin g of his stud e nts ....
He co nveys a ge nuin e
co nc e rn that we all und erstand the material and the re is always ampl e opportunity lo ask qu es tion s and e ngage in di sc uss ion." Dr. Call exper ts a grea t deal from his stud ents, and the y a lmost alwa ys deliver. His s tandard s are high, but he co nveys thi s almost casually. Hi s stud e nts work hard for him so as not lo let him down. According to Dr. Call, " I lea rn through the ir qu es tion s, ob se rvation s, and chall e nges , just as they learn from my prese ntation s, exa ms, and ass ignm e nts. From an eco logical pe rspec tive, the teac hing-l ea rnin g process is a sy mbioti c re lation ship. "
Collegeof Science
AlvanC.Hengge Alvan Hengge ha s a de ep and abidin g int e res t in euucalion . Before beg innin g grad ua te schoo l, he spe nt seve n years as a high schoo l science tea che r in th e inn er city of Cincinnati. H e has been on the Chemistry facult y al Utah Stale since 1996 whe re his teaching dutie s hav e ce nt ered around organic chem istry, al both th e und ergra duat e and graduate leve ls. Dr. Hengge ha s proven imm e nse ly popular as an in struc to1; des pit e th e pr ess ures of a very difficult curri culum , an enormous amount of mat erial and a lar ge enro llm en t. His style pu shes hi s stud ents lo think: he typi cally asks students a qu es tion , or poses a paradox, th en asks them not for ju st a short answe1; but rath er for a more comp lete rationale. In short, he de velops his stud ents to the point where th ey think lik e an organic chemist. His world-cla ss reputation in research is an important e lement in his co nsc ientiou s mentoring of graduate and und ergrad uat e rese archers.
Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry Department Teaching Excellence Awar d 2005 The Chemistry and Biochemistry Department's culture of teaching excellence centers around the idea that to truly learn science, one must do science. It is one thing to learn about scientific princip les, definitions and nomenclature in class, but it is quite another to actually apply all of this to a real situation, as in a research laboratory. The Department places a great deal of emphasis on engaging their students in the discovery process, not just for graduate students, where it is generally understood that research is the focus of their education, but also during the undergraduate experience. Chemistry and biochemistry undergraduates work side by side with graduate students, postdoctoral researchers and faculty alike on integral components of ongo ing research projects. It is in the laboratory that these principles are actually used, become real to the student, and transcend what might otherwise be little more than a boring series of facts and numbers that are quickly forgotten. The Department believes that it is through the creative inquiry processes of research that a young person matures into a scientist. For this reason, the research experience is the linchpin of the Department's instructional philosophy. In recognition of an ongoing commitment to fostering a culture of leaching excellence, Utah State University presents the 2005 Department Teaching Excellence Award to the Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry.
of Physics
Teaching Excellence Award 2005
The Department of Physics is recognized for excellence in maintaining highquality degree programs al the baccalaureate, master's and doctoral levels; for Leaching the principles of phys ics to large numbers of studen ts from all quarters of the campus; and for participating in significan t educa tional activities outside the university. Instruction in Physics al Utah State is guid ed by the principle that research is teaching, and collaborative discovery is an especially effective form of teaching used in their classes. Faculty from the Department personally mentor their students, resulting in an unparalleled record of stud ent success. In the last five years alone, their stude nt s hav e obtained prestigious fellowships from the Rhodes, Marshall, Goldwater and Nationa l Science Foundations. Discovery is also the theme of the Physics Department's highl y visible ed uca tional outreach program. Faculty and studen ts frequently engage visitors with night- sky viewing and int erac tive demonstrations. The Physics Department 's Get Away Special (GAS) Program regularly makes contact with hundr eds of grade -sc hool ers trying to id en tify by tast e test popcorn that ha s flown in spa ce. Finally, the Department-spon sored Ph ysics Da y at Lagoon annually attracts 4,000 youngst ers from several states to participate in com petition s related to the physics of amuseme nt rides. In recognition of an ongoing commitment to fostering a culture of teac hing excellence, Utah State University presents the 2005 Department Teaching Excellence Award to the Department of Physics.
on your gradua tion from Utah State Uni-
versity. You are now officially considered alumni of this fine institution, and I invite you to take advantage of all that the Alumni Association has Looffer. There are many programs to assist you now and in the future. Our new Alumni job board is free of char ge and open to all alumni. You can search job listings and post your resume. Th e online directory can help in networking and will also help you stay in touch with friends. With permanent e -mail forwarding, your friends will always be able to find you, and our online newsletter will keep you up-to-dat e with all the exc iting happenings al your alma mater: Visit our Online Community al /alumni for comple te details on thes e great programs. You hav e th e opportunity to purchase a Sustain ing Membership in th e Alumni Association for a discounted price. I encourage you Lodo so, and to continue that membership throughout the years. Not only does your Sustaining Membership help keep you connec ted with campus, it also provides sc holarship money to incoming students . Aggie li ce nse plates are a lso ava ilabl e to show your Aggie prid e on the road, while co ntributing to sc holar ships. Together we can help future Aggies and ke ep Utah State strong. Alumni chapters hav e been established
throughout Utah, California, Nevada, Ari-
zona, Idaho , Washington, Oregon, and Washington, D.C. We enco ura ge you to become involved in your loca l c hapter and re turn to campus often for even ts like Aggie Family Day, Homecoming, and many others. Your participation will help you maintain th e friendships
in these even ts and in your chap ter
you developed here while getting acquainted
other Aggies in your area .
Welcome to the Alumni Association.
Randy Watts, President Utah State University Alumni Association
SPECIAL HONORS AND CERTIFICATES Valedictorians: A valedictorian has been se lected by eac h college of the University. Each valedictorian has se lec ted a faculty escort. Valedictorians
College of Agriculture Khir sta A. Papenfuss Escort, Stanley D. Allen College of Business Amy Jo Wride Escort , Jean A. Pratt College of Education and Human Services Shan e A. Marx Esco rt , Linda Sko grand College of Engineering Gregory Paul Walton Escort, Gary R. Green College of Humanities, Social Sciences Nicholas D. Gordon Escort, Carol McNamara
Arts and
College of Natural Resources Josiah Taylor Griffin Escort, Ted J. Alsop College of Science Rex W. Watkins Escort, Lisa Berreau
University Citizenship Awards Pre se nted annually to th e graduating se nior female and mal e who bes t portray high traits of c haract er, scholarship , and citizenship.
Honors Program
Certificate of Area
Honors in University Stephanie Chambers Aaron Chase Erin Dearing Rustin Diehl Nicholas Gordon Genie Hanson Johnathan Nelson Rebecca N udd Anita Sant Brian Thomas Departmental Honor¡s Jonathan Atkin Jason Betts Greg Boudrero Step hani e Chambers Aaron Chase Erin Dearing Rustin Diehl Paul Drak e Saori Endo Mark Gohle Nicholas Gordon Genie Hanson Ja son Harr Brittany Lewis Benjamin Minson Benson Morrill Rachel Naegle Johnathan Nelson Ka ylen Nelson Nichols Rebecca Nudd An ita Sant Ladd Schiess Kyle Sess ion s Hilary Spooner Brian Thoma s Rachel Lyn Johnson Turk Hea ther Wollschleger Mandie Zollinger
Jarom Burbank Ariel Defay
International Relations Alonzo Bienvenido Jason L. Cook David N. John son David L. McCammon Pablo Botelho Superti Law and Society Kristin Kariger Byron Ingram Roope J ere my D. Wood Liberal Arts and Sciences Alonzo Bienvenido Women and Gender Studies Aarian Bingham J ennifer Lee Geisler United States Air Force Commissions Elizabeth Ann Ballif Bryan Eugene Butler Cory Jay Farrer Paul Andrew Griffith Mark Worth Hodg es Kark Paul Kreek Daniel Terry Niederhauser Jesse Sullivan Hoov er Antonio Dante Rodriquez Bejamin Mont Bennett Weston McClain Nelson United States Army Commissions Brett W. Anderson Tyler T. Buck Carly S. Felice Josiah T. Griffin Samuel R. Hanks Robert J. He ightman Gary J. Jones Matthew M. Jones Matth e w S. Kuhni Patri ck E. Lee Benjamin D. Pedersen Christopher J. Sadoski Scott H. Sparrow Paul S. Winterton Ryan N. Zaugg
HONOR GRADUATES Th e quality of performan ce in academic work e nabl es th e following Lo be gra du a tes with di stin c tion. Those who hav e mel residence requir e me nt and hav e maintained a grade point average of 3.95 to 4.0 0 a re gra duat ed Summ a Cum Laude; those whose average is 3.8 0 to 3.949, Magna Cum Laud e ; and tho se who se average is 3 .50 lo 3.799, Cum Laude.
SUMMACUM LAUDE Amu sse n, Kathy Re nee And e rso n, Je nnifer Anderson, Wade M Ashcroft, Chelsey Aston, Jami e Ault , Nelda Rena e Baco n, Lori Ell en Bankh ea d, Ann a M Bere nlz e n, Christopher L Bishop , Thoma s R Brad shaw, Ashlee Chandl er; David B Christensen, Ja nelle Clark, Jess ica Lynn Crowe, Barbara Datwyl e 1;Tanni e Loui se Dic ke rso n, Ronald Keith Ellsworth , Ashley Evans, Brent Thain Ga le, Jam es H Gordon, Nicholas D Griffin, Jo siah Tay lor Hat c h, David R Hays, Greta Jo Hea ley, Ra chelle Heb don , Mallh ew H Heninger, Kimb e rlee John , Brandon Lee Jon es, Jo se ph Lev i Jon es, Matth ew Mitch ell Kin g, Chad J Leav ill, Tami K Loga n, Delight Love, Mauri Lowman, Caroline Smith Lyman, Bru ce James Ma rx, Shane A McCoy, Lara Brook e Metzler, Sandy R Munford , Damon R Nielso n, Jeffrey S Olse n, Cody Snow Pap e nfu ss, Khir sta Aurora Petroff, Thoma s Preece, Dani el L Pres twic h, Emil y Pri ce, Jay San t, Anita
Scofield, Daniel Neph i Sore nsen, Jar ed M Spencer; Josep h A Squires, Angela Steffen, Aimee B Stephens, Carolyn L Thacker, Sharon Th eurer; Dere k J Thomas, Brian Ray Thorne , Kelly S Tuft, Adam B Walton, Gregory Paul Warrick, Sa rah A Watkins, Rex W Weave r; Starla M Wenn ergren, David J We nn ergr e n, J ohn E Whit ake r, Juliann e Whil e, Camelyn Elizabeth Willi amson, Melani e Wood, Alexis An n Wride, Amy Jo
MAGNACUM LAUDE Adams, Cole J Adamson, Jan ae K Anderson, Sara Asmus, Matth ew William Bailey, J ess ica M Ba iley, Ryan R Banger ter, Michelle Bank s, Ru stin Bjorn Barlow, Rebecca M Barn son , Wendy Leisha Bateman , Rob ert James Bateman , Sonia Y Bealli e, Shelby Ja ce Bec k, Adam D Bergholtz , Pia Bill s, Ra chel Arl ene Blak es lee, Amanda F Boss hardt , Ja cki e Braegger, Angela Rose Brown , Phil D Burningham, Tamma Jun e Buswell , Tyler Lyma n Campb e ll, Kri sty Mari e Camps , Buffy Lynn
Ca rlil e, Suza nn e Carman, Jesse L Ca rpen ter; Ca thr yn H Carro ll, Ama nda W Chanclle1; Holli e M Chri stense n, Carey Milne Cole, Jess ica Lynn Cole, Sharee Kristin e Conover, Hea ther L Cook, Natal ie Miriam Cornelsen, Sco ll S Cr illon , Jordan Beth Croc kell, John Sco ll Dav is, Brittney M Davi s, Teel J Dea rin g, Erin Marie Defay, Ariel Rae Diehl , Ru stin Paul Dorton, Delores Earl, Wendy B Eccles, Kale Ellioll , J enn ifer Geni le Fall, Er in Co llee n Fisher, Kally S Fowers, Holl y An n Fullmer-Worrall, Merida Rena e George, Benjamin Holli s Gray, Andrew Ru sse ll Greenwall, Ecllyn Cla udia Gurney, Jess ica H Gutke, Jess ica Hea ly Hagge rty, Chri stin e Marie Ha ll, Melissa Lee Ha nk s, Hayley Han sen, Andrew B Han sen, Brian W Han se n, Hea ther Han se n, Molly Han se n, Valerie D Han son, Gen ie A Ha nson, Jeffrey Wayne Harl ow, Mnisa Lyn H armon , Amy Lynn Hendri c kson, Lucas Clyde Hid y, Ala n J Hir sc hi , Kri sta M Hod gson, Jo sh ua T Holm , Ju stin Warren Jager, Zachary S John son, Amber Leigh
Johnson, Marci e J Johnson, Rachel Leigh John son, Tarah Linford Jon es, Dustin Jone s, Kyle Bradford Kelsey, Zeke Hans Kemp , Eagan Currier Kilgrow, Jennell e Rich ey Kim, Charlotte Chanjoe Knowlton , Branigan McDermott Knuds e n, Brady G Kotynek, Joseph George Lawson , Sarah Nancy Lee, Scott Jonathan Linford , Er ie H Livingston, Amanda S Lyman, Carrie A Mayo, Roger Lan e McCoy, Adam C McEntire , Mic ha el R McFarlane , Holly McKinnon , Mind y K Mecham, Stacie Memmott, Kri stin M Merrell , Nikole Marie Mille1; Thoma s S Min son, Benjamin T Minso n, Michelle LeAnn Morrill, Benson H Morton, Tiffany Celeste Moulton, Amy Jill Mouritsen , Rachel Jefferie s Nackos, Marino s Isidor e Naisbitt, Melanie Nelson, AshLee A Nelson, Johnathan Kyle Nelson, Weston McClain Nichols, Kaylen N Nichols, Tyler Hansen Nielsen, Adam Reed Nielsen, Angela M Nielson , Monique Oaks , Nicholas M Olsen , Tawnya B Ostermiller, Nathan Max Owens, Kathleen Marie Pearson, Melissa Petersen, Evelyn J Petersen , Ryan C Ralphs, Jesse Max
Reed , Ad ee Ann Rennemeye1; Lacey S Riehards, Candice Melissa Richardson , Birgitta H Richins, Ryan Ricks, Ja cob Isaa c Rippling e r, Kimberly Ann Robin son, Samantha S Robinson, Samuel Collin Rodrigu ez, Amy Sue Roop e, Juli e Rebekah Roundy, Ja son Philip Samuelson, Jill Scott, Brook e N Scott , Ja ylene Marie Selman, Laur el Anne Sessions , Kyle C Smith, Ryan Craig Smith, Za chary Hampton South, Laura Aileen Spackman, J e re my Bru ce Spaekman, Michael J St John , Sarah Ann Stan; Angela Stoddard, Caroline Taylor, Joshua Linton Thi sse lle, Crystal Thomp so n, Alyssa Thompson , Patri cia Mari e Thornton, Matthew D Thurgood , Trisha M Tuft, Jason R Van de n Akker, H eidi Vanhille, Maren Varelman , Kendra Burns Villa , Holly Marie Wappett, Jenny J Wardle, Lynze L Wasden , Chad C Wendel, Angela Whetstone, Sara Marie Whitchurch , Bryan A White, Melinda Marguerite Whitney, C. Adam Wilson , Cody R Winkler, Joel D Wolfe, Julie Ann Wolff, Kelly Ann Wright, Shasta Lee Young, Jacob C
Zabriskie, Eden Alexandra Zolling e1; Mandie
CUM LAUDE Abbott , Ra chel A Aitken, Valenka K Allen , Shane Allen, Wes tin Altom , Blake De nv e r Amevor , Kay se Cottrell Andersen , Andrea Andersen , Matth ew Gerald Andersen , Terrell Z Anderson , Bretl W Anderson, Matth ew Stev en Anderson , Ryan Jacob Anderson, Steven R Andrews, Natalie Z Anthon, Wendy S Arehart , Corynn Annelle Arial, Ca mero n Marcus Armstrong , Mckenzi e Arnell, Genna Katrina Atkin, Jonathan David Bac hellet; Timoth y Takas hi Badur ek, Holly Bailey, Amanda Ruth Bail ey, Bonnie Bail ey, David Glenn Bai1; Bryant Ballard, Anne Merrell Ballard , Heidi N Ballif, Kelly S Barket; Courtn ey Amanda Barket; Tanya L Barlow, Anna Mar ia Barnes, Ashleigh K Barnett, Jenny Elizabeth Barrow, Heidi Lucille Ethington Barton, Kristen Nicole Barton, Nicholas John Barton, Tarrin Batchelor, Pamela M Beck, Jonathan Avery Bedke , Brent Jeffrey Beers, Emily Ruth Benson , Suzanne K Berentzen, He .idi
Bergman , Casseopia Berry, Kiel S Bertolio , Angela Padian Bingham , Garrity Elizabeth Bishop , Amber Love Bishop , Jer emy Scoll Blakey, Michael S Boorom , Nathan Edward Boll , Mitchell Jam es Boudrero, Greg B Bowler, Jared Bruce Breinholt, Rebecca Marie Bri ggs, J enette L Brinkerhoff, Kathi e Broadh ea d, Ru sse ll Lee Brower, Christopher Jam es Brown , Dani el Jame s Brown, Kri stin N Brown, Lindsay Lee Brud ere r, Misty Jo Bu c kley, Emily Esther Bundy , Miche lle Burningham, Bryan Burningham, Courtney B Burt e nshaw, Natalie Burton , Blak e Kay Bull, Amanda Schenk Bullar s, Rodn ey D Bywal e1;John N Cadwallade1; Ryan C Cai, Sarah Yun Call, Mallhew Charles Can non, Emily A Carroll, Tim P Carter, Ja son L Cazie1; Andrew S Chamberlain, Jar ed Michael Chambers, Stephanie J Chan, Tsing Ts ing (May) Cherrington, Nathan T Choi, Eun Young Christensen, Ja son W Christensen, Jennifer A Christensen, Jeremy Kell er Christensen, Michael L Christofferson, Debra Claire Clark, Tamara R Clawson, Elizab e th Margaret Clay, Rebe cca Ruth Clement, Jason R Clement s, Tiana Marie Clyd e, Melia Cobb , Paul Farren Cochran e, Steven Jay Cole, Alma Rill er Conger, Tracy Paul Connor, John D Cook, Holly E Corbridg e, Brooke
Cornaby, Nancy Hank s Collie, Sarah Ann Cox, David W Craw, Briann a L Cropper, Seb rina Ruth Crosby, Clarissa M Daffern , Lori Dange rfield , Jenn y David son, Mallhew Paul Davi s, Elizabeth Daw, Brandon J Daw, Ra elynn Dawson, Bec ky Lynn Da y, Amanda L De Silva, Shehan Asanka Dea n, Adam John Decker, Me rri LLS Dee ts, Mindy Defay, David Kay DeMille , Chri ste n Alan DeM ille, Sylvia M Dickamor e, Matthew Lyle Dinger, Meghan Elizabeth Dixon , Monica Drak e, Paul B Drommond , Cameron Ja mes Dur st, M Michelle Dyer, Kristin H Dymoc k, Melissa Eastman , Tami Jo y Eliason, Mark T Endo, Saori Ennis, Laure n Re nee Ercan bra c k, Se th Scott Erickson, Dia ne 0 Erickson, Spence r T Erickson, Steven Kay Evans, Jess ica Evelyn, Reb ecca Faletau , Kathy A Farnsworth, Mar en E Farrer, Cory J Faust, Cheri A Fenlon , Ashlee Br ynn Ferguson, Nathaniel Cla rk Finlin son , Casey R Forbu sh, Mega n Dawn Francom , Dani ca Da ly Freeman , Britn ey Gabbitas, Malia Smith Gardner, Jana L Garn , Mariann George, Daniel Geer George, Megan Farmer Gibby, H eath er Dawn Gibson, Racha el Gilbert , Megan Elizabeth Giles, Taggart B Gillespie , Pre ston C
Gines, Melanie Z Gillins, Wendy Given, Amber Ann Gob le, Mark Adam Godfr ey, Jay A Going, Casa ndra Golightly, Audrey Beth Gonzales, Sara h Bethany Graham, Abby Grayb ill , Er in Brynn Greenwa ll , Nat han Steven Greenwood, Mark Howard Gregory, Lindsey Benzon Guenlet; Robe rt Jeremy Hai ght, Mauhew Douglas Hali oris, Con nie Gaye Hall , Amanda J Hall, He idi Han cey, Crys tal M Hanrion , Melani D Hanse n, David L Hanse n, E rika Kirsten Harper, Jo shu a Harr, Jason William Hayes, Hea ther Haynie , John R Heb don , Kiley Hend erso n, David G Hendri cks, Lindsey Hendricksen, Rebekah Hill , Kenne th R Hobb s, Scott D Hobby, Jennifer J Hodson, Br igelle Hoffman, Thomas S Holmes, Em ilie A Holt , Step hani e Howell , Ju stin Young Howe ll, Sha yne C Hsu, Emily T Hu ghes , Jennif er Hullinger, Brooke Rose Hunsaker, JoLynne Hunter, Ha lee Dawn Hyde, Laurie D Irwin , Paul Kaw ika Ja c k, Tyle r Ha mblin Jac kson, Rya n Neal Jarr e ll, Sonya Jenkin s, Shirl ene W Jense n, Dav id J Jense n, Lynne Dorene J ense n, Tyler Stan Joh a nson, Jona tha n Andrew John , Les li Parson Johnson, Arminla L John so n, Bruce Baird John son, Ja cob V John son, Katrina
John son , Lea nn e J John so n, Rebecca Marie John son , Ronald Ra y Johnston, Derri ck Lynn Jolicoeur, J ere miah Lee Joll ey, Wes ley John Jon es , Casey W Jon es, Jakob Ray mond Jon es, Jol ynn Jon es, Kathl ee n Watkin s Jon es, Katrina L Jones, Kirk Kri stian Jon es, Lisa B Jones, Philip David Jorg ense n, J aso n B Jorg ense n, Kara Mae Kan e, Ke lley Susan Karr e n, Landon J Kennin gton , Jenn y Kent, Lisa Kerr, Jason David Kim, Han Su Kirb y, Alyso n Kjar, Andrea Knighton , Nichola s P Krau s, Dani e lle Kromp e l, Kris William Kuhnh enn , Ryan Kunz , Che lsea Kunz , Kri sla M La Bau , Amber Dawn Lamb e rl, Sha nnon Dian e Lan da, Rebecca Jo La rkin , Shee na Lee Lee, Ka ren Lee, Rya n Chri stoph e r Leishman, J ann M Lew is, Briltany Ley ba , Lies l J Liebe lt, Lind sey Renee Lind sey, Susa Beth Liltl e, Tom Clar enc e Lloyd , James Derek Lloyd, Ja on Brad Lohr e nge l, Kara Mari e Loll, Gre tel M Lovel ess, Nicole Luk e, Lisa Marie Macfarlan e, Daniel Young Mads en, Timoth y Don Math e ws, Jeffr ey Craig Maw, Mauh ew Wayne Maxfield , Mari ssa E McBrid e, Je nnifer Diane McDonald , James Mc Kee, Clint L McKinnon, Tracy Marie McMillan , Gl en E McMull in-Johnson , Rhonda Kay
Merkl ey, Joce lyn Meye1; William Frederick Michae lson, Ja smin e E Mickelse n, Cody Brad Miles, Mega n M Miller, Amanda Miller, Dani el M Miller, Karissa Mille,; Pamela Minchey, J ennifer Misene1; Mic helle Mitc hell , Amy E Mitchell, Hal Ryan Mitson , Lyndsi e Mae Moncur, Cara Ann Monroe, Jeremy Ralph Montgom ery, Paig e J Moore , Kori Daryl Moore, T.J. Morri ssey, Sean David Mortimer, Brittney Jean Muir, Jon Gary Munson, Kri sti Lee Murdock, Debb ie Murray , Brad y Nar umi , Takes hi Nation, Paul David Neve rs, Juli e Diann e Newma n, David Rob ert Nguyen, Doa n T Nielsen, Kirste n Mar ie Nielson,Michael Dav id Nudd, Rebecca A Oliver, Juli e Anne Olse n, Ange la Kaye Olse n, Hayl ey Rose Olse n, Morgan Olsen, Natali e Ope nshaw, Mark H Ollerstrom, Cai tlyn Ray Otterstrom , Jo se ph M Owe n, Jamie H Pace, Ju stin Ric hard Pack ham, Rog er L Painte r; Ca ssa ndra Pant er, Brad y D Parkin son , Er in Parry, Casey R Pea t, David A II Pederse n, Be njamin Dani e ls Pence , Daniel A Pendl eton , Eli se Rowl ey Pendl e ton , Tyler Max Persc hon , Amy Blau er Peterse n, Beui e T Pete r se n, Jeffrey Scolt Peterson Jr, Ri cky Doyle Pete rson , Aaron Ray Peters on, Amb er
Pe te rso n, Je nnif e r Pe tty, Eri c M Philpott, Tyrell Gl en Plowman , Jess ica Clark Porter, Amanda S Polt er, Jennifer Lynne Pri ce, Jason E Price , Shay A Pri chard , N. Jill Pugmir e, Emi ly Jo Purd y, Dese ree Radman , Tasha Kim Randall , Benjamin R Randall, Christopher R Ra smu ssen, Mar e n Ra c hel Rasmuss e n, Nels Joseph Raw ling s, Christopher Jon Ream , Rob e rt 0 Reav eley, Cor tney Joann Redd , Jolin Reeder, Jose ph Marlin Reese, Suzan ne Vale rie Simard Reeve, Trac ey C Reim sc hu sse l, Elizab eth Repko , Pam ela J Re lford , Michael J Riddl e, Lind sy Hal es Rin gle, Benjamin D Rob inson, Je ffrey Re id Roe, Jason Russe ll Roper, Ch ristop her Sco lt Roring , John Lee Round s, ancy B Runhaar, Chr istin e Rupp , Leea h Ru sse ll , Chelsey Sabey, Megg ie Sagers, Clayton J Sand e rs, Mar en K Sande rs, Ric hard B Sch iess, Ladd Brown Sc hmidt , Paul M Sea rgen t, Audra Jol yn Searle, Ju stin Nathaniel See ley, Rus se ll Lewis See ley, Teres a J Se nlz, Jeremiah David Sentz, Meli ssa Sharples , Mary Ann Sh effield , Mark Anderson Shin , Sun Mi Sill, Audr ey Bishop Siu , Sinn Tin g Sjoblom , Steven Gary Smi th , Chandra D Smith, Ja mie Smith , John B Smith , Pa ul K Smith , She lli e K
Smit h, Tyson W Snedaker, Brook e Lois Soffe, Amy M Son, Ik sa ng Sore nse n, Shelb y Taylor Sore nso n, J acq ue Fred erick Souza, Sara Mari e Spackman, Amber Dawn Stap ley, Terrilyn Stepan, Ja c k J Step he ns, Ja so n D Step henson, Ru sse ll Steve ns, Rikki-L eigh Stewart, Benjamin P Stewart, Ja cob F St irland , Spence r William Stock, Brian Clair Stolp e, Stan ley Arves Stone, Chri stop her L Stuart, Jill D Stum, Alexa nd e r K Su lli van, Nea l J Swasey, Marl ene Lynelle Swinton, Jon athan Jeffrey Takos, Tristan D Tanne t; Adam W Taylor, Bria n J Taylor, Hea the r M Taylor, .loa n Taylo1; Nichola s A Tay lo1; Tristin Te rry, Wendy Christina Tha c ke1; Se th G Thatcher, Nancy J Tha yne, Sharley Marie Thiros , Nico las J Thomp son, Clark Christian Thue, Matt I Tilley, Michae l K Tite nso1; Mega n Tolman, Claire Celesl Tomaino, Martha A Toone, Kristen Marie Torgenson, Blain e Dent Tosa, Keiko Turk , Ra che l Lyn Turley, Andrea D Tuttle, Ja elyn L Udy, Ka cey V Valerio , Alb ert D Wade, Alyson K Walke1; Paul M Wan, Chu i Shan Wanne1; Mekes ha Wappell, Kerry Phillip Ward , Amber Nico le Ward, Garrell A Wardl e, Amber S Warrick , Jesse M
Watkin s, Rob ert D Wells, Lind sey M Wels h, Amanda Hill Wes tbro ek, Jar ed S Weston , Jessica Cowley Wes ton , Tambe r M Wheatley, Mallh ew D Wh eel er, Rach ae l Christ ina Whit e, Mich e lle A Whit e, Travi s L Wilcox, Ryan Eldreg e Wild e, Trenton Wilkin s, Brya n C Wilkinson, Lori M William s, Jar ed K Williams, Jordan M Withy, Jam es R F Wong, Yuen Chi (Mari ela) Worthen, Joyl ee n B Wride, Caid C Yarge1; Kryst al L Yates, Leigh A Yoc key, Michelle Marie Yode1; Corl Yost, Jill Yost, Morgan Glenn Yuha s, Margarita M Zetlerqui st, Adam G Ze lle rqui sl, Mar isa Mill er
CANDIDATES FOR GRADUATION Names listed in the program do not constitute graduation.
AGRICULTURE H. Paul Rasmussen, Interim Dean Addley, Andrea, BS Altman, C lin ton Leroy, BS Andersen, Sheri Hillyard , AAS Anderson, Alyssa Kay, BS Anderson, Jessica, BS Anderson, Paul Richard, BS Anderson, Steven R, BS Atkin, Jonathan David, BS Baer, Krista Lynne, BS Baker, Jonathan Joe , BS Bateman, Jeffrey R, BS Bateman, Sonia Y, BS Billings, Keeli Dawn, BS Bingham, Nathan W, BS Birner, Jane , BS Bushman , Mandy Lee, BS Butt, Amanda Schenk, BS Ca nnon, Emi ly A, BS Ca rley, Jacob R, BS Cefa lo , Grant H , BS C hang, Tokie, BS Checketts, Zac hary Z, BS Choi, Eun Young, BS C hristensen, Jared Maxwell, BA Christensen, Jason W, BS Christensen, Jeffery Tim, BS Christensen, Suzanne, BS Christensen, Travis Lee, BS Christofferson, Debra C laire, BS Coker, Celesta M, AAS Colton, Stephanie, BS Croft, Richard Ben, AAS Cuch, Micha el Wacey, AAS Davis, David Ancle, BS Dean, Ernest Howard, III, BS Dearing, Erin Marie , BS Dewey, Chad H, BS Dixon, Justin L, BS Dixon, Kayla L, BS Draper, David A, BS Droubay, Ryan A, BS Dyer, Melanie S, BS Endo, Saoti, BS Eyre, Christopher P, BS Fabrega, Santiago R, BS Fugal, Jennifer Marie, BS Furukawa, Kanako , BS Gardner, Tanice L, BS Garfield, Adam , BS Gars ide, H Royce, BS Gherkins, Derek R, BS
Gibson, Rachael, BS Glover, Erin LeighAnne, BS Gochnour, Natalie R, BS Go lightly, Audrey Beth, BS Groves, Josh L, BS Hall, Aimee Lee, CER Hanks, Hayley, BS Hansen, Shae L, BS Harmon, Amy Lynn, BA Harper, Joshua N, BS Harris, Ryan L, AAS Hatch, Jason S, BS Hawkins, Jeremiah J, BS Hillman, Brent D, BS Hodges, Elisabeth Lynn, BS Hodgson, Ana Jan se, BS Hogge, Corey T, BS Howells , Kody S, BS Israelsen , Jacob C, BS Jacqu ez, Davin R, BS John son, Daniel Thomas, BS Johnson, Jacob V, BA John son, Rebecca Marie, BS Karren, Erica J, BS Kearl, Kenielle Marie, BS Kilgrow, Jenn ette Richey, BS Kim, C harlott e C hanjoe, BS Koether, Scott G, BS Lamberson, Theresa, AAS Larsen, Jess Royce, BS Law, Cory M, BS . Lawson, Sarah Nancy, BS Layton, Scorr K, BS Lee, Theron Chad, BS Lewis, Brittany, BS Logan, Delighr, BS Long, Vicroria, CER Mabey, Shalley Lynne, CER Macleod, Betsy L, BS Manning, David G, BS McClure, David D, AAS Miller, Amanda, BS Miller, Karissa, BS Miller, Pamela , BS Moncur, Cara Ann, BS Moore, Aimee, BS Murray, Sherry Christine, BS Naegle, Rachel Anne, BS Nelson, Lisa, BS Nicco lls, Angela Marie, BS Norris, Jill Sheree, BS Ogden, David Wayne, BS Olsen, Kristi Ann, BS Openshaw, Mark H , BS Osborne, Conrad C, BS Ostlund, Jason, BS
Panter, Brady D, BS Papenfuss , Khirsta Aurora, BS Pate , Nathan Wyatt , AAS Pedersen, Loreena L, BS Peery, Sven Lee, BS Petersen, Jeffrey Scott, BS Peterson, Andrew Lane, BS Plowman, Jessica C lark, BS Putman, Konae Moss, BS Raizada, Jolly, BS Rashall, Kurtis Joseph, BS Rasmussen, Taylor C, BS Reeves, Richard Thomas, BS Robertson, Bren S, BS Rogers, Michelle , BS Sanders, Jeremy Mark, BS Selman, Justen, BS Selman, Laurel Anne, BS Sentz, Jeremiah David , BS Skidmore-Clark, Lacey Jo, BS Slatky, Jane ssa R, BS Smit h, Damion Ray, BS Smith, David S, BS Smith, Jessica S, BS Smoot, Marguerite N, BS Sorensen, Shelby Taylor, BS Spooner, Hilary Brooke, BS Stephe ns , Carolyn L, BS Sterzer, Sara Marie, BS Stone, Jarvis D , CER Stoneburner, Laurie Ann, BS Stum, Alexander K, BS Swalberg, Russel J, BS Taylor, Mike B, AAS Taylor, Ryan W, AAS Taylor, Travis Gene , AAS Tennant, Aaron Allred , BS Thunell, Tresha , AAS Tidwell, Grant F, AAS Tolman, Claire Celest, BS Torgenson, Blaine Dent, BS Ure, Brent D, BA Versluis, Zac hary L, BS Warenski, Nathanial T, BS Warnick, Traci Walton, BS Wayment, Cody J, BS Weston, Jessica Cow ley, BS Wheeler, Rachael C hrist ina, BS White, Forrest T, BS White, Travis L, BS Wilhelm, Amanda, BS Willardson, Emily May, BS Wilson, Cody R, BS Wollschleger , Heather G, BS Wong, Yuen Chi (Mar ieta), BS
BUSINESS Caryn L. Beck-Dudley, Dean Aguilar, Jennifer Anne, BS Allen, Jeffrey B, BS Allred, Jared Keith, BS Allsop, Martin, BS Ambrose, Vanessa, BS Amevor, Kayse Cottrell, BS Andersen, Andrea, BS Andersen, Terrell Z, BS Anderson, Brandon Raphiel, BS Anderson, Brent B, BS Anderson, Brock Hawkes, BA Anderson, Cameron R, BS Anderson , Cindy Marie, BS Anderson, Emi ly, BS Anderson , Matthew Steven, BS Anderson, Nathan C loye, BS Archuleta, Josephine, BS Aston, Jamie, BS Atamanczyk , Preston L, BS Atkinson, Joshua T, BS Bacon, Lori Ellen, BS Badurek, Holly, BS Bailey, Aaron, BS Ballif, Kelly S, BS Balmforrh, Jordan Kevin, BS Barker, Jennifer Griffit hs, BS Barnard , Joe J, BS Baron, Tyler Ray, BS Barton, Nicholas John, BS Bashaw, Kris J, BS Bastian, Justin D, BS Bates, Nico le Teresa Ann, BS Beacham, Phoebe A, BS Beadles, Jon atho n Gary, BS Bearnson, Kate, BS Bearnson, Kathleen, BS Beck, Adam D, BS Beck, Hillary L, BS Becker, Linda L, BS Bell, Nicole J, BS Bell, Ricky L, BS Belliston, Anne Marie, BS Belloff, Amanda Caro lyn , BS Bench, Blake L, BS Berkat, Nada, BS Biggs, Jared Karl, BS Bingham, Christopher Barry, BS Bingham, Hayley, BS Black, Chr istopher M, BA Black, Joshu a Floyd, BS Blackburn, Margaret 0, BS
Bleazard, Anthony D, BS Bolingbroke, Bryan Keith, BS Bott, Richard Jason, BS Bowler, Brent Eric, BS Boyd, Brittany Lorynn, BS Boyd, Derrick Leo, BS Bradshaw, Victoria A, BS Bragdon, Shawnee! Heather, BS Bramhall, Robert Lee, BS Brandley, D Luke, BA Bravo, Luz E, AAS Brewer , Joseph James, BS Brower, Brock D, BS Brown, Calvin, BS Brown , Kyle D, BS Bullock, Dylan Thompson, BS Bundy, Isaac John, BS Bywater, John N, BS Cai, Sarah Yun, BS Caliendo, Christi na L, BS Carlis le, Jared B, BS Ca rlson, Heather Aletha, BS Carman, Jesse L, BS Casperson, Sarah L, BS Chae, Yu-Kyong, BS Chamberlain, Jared Michael, BS Chambers, Jeffrey Eugene, BS Chan, Xixong, BS Checketts, Adam, BS Checketts, Jeremy James, BS Chipman, Cavett M , BS Ch ristensen, Brent Cutler, BS Christensen, Curtis J, BS Christensen, Michael L, BS Christensen, Neil Dustin, BA Christoffersen, Cade, BS Christopherson, Michelle, BS C lements, Tiana Marie, BS Coburn, James Gordon, BS Cochrane, Steven Jay, BS Cole, Alma Ritter, BS Cole, Sharee Kristine, BS Colrharp, Lesha Lyn, BS Combe, Amy Michelle, BS Connors, Robert W, BA Connors, Tara C, BS Cook, Cory, BS Cook, Kim Andrew, BS Cornia, Cami lla, BS Cow ley, Marilynn, BS Cow ley, Thomas Joseph, BS Cox, David W, BA Craw, Marshall Adam, BS Croft, Daniel A, BS Crosby, Andrew Taylor, BS Crosby, Clarissa M , BS
Crowther, Kent Steven, BS Dance, Emily, BS Davis, Brirrney M, BS Davis, Jayson L, BS Davis, Nathan R, BS De Silva, Shehan Asanka, BS Defay, David Kay, BS Dendee, Chanokpat, BS Di Stefano, Kevin Duke, BS Dickerson, Ronald Keith, BS Diederich, Stephen Nelson, BS Dien, Sothea, BS Doherry, Megan B, BS Dopp, Dirk R, BA Dorigatti, James R, BS Downs, Jar ed Dean, BS Draper, Cand ice J, BS Duncan, Todd Benjamin, BS Easterman, Bryan J, BS Eleganre, Tate Lawrence , BS Eliason, Brady, BS Ellis, Kevin David, BS Ence, Alison Anne, BS Ercanb rack, Seth Scott, BS Erickson, Spence r T, BS Essig, Lester C, BS Evans, Brent Thain, BS Evans, Michael Losa, BA Fairbourn, Step hani e, BS Falabella, Udine Alexander, BS Faust, Cher i A, BS Felt, Jar ed Richard, BS Ferguson, Brittany Jade, BS Fiefia, Tevita Tauteoli, BS Fleming, Gabriel Scott, BS Fong, Seok Gee, BS Force, David C, BS Foster, James Albert, BS Fredrickson, Alecia, BS Frescura, Erika Andrea, BS Fuhriman, Lea, BS Furniss, Clay B, BS Gardner, Carly Kae, BS Gay, Daniel Loveless, BS Gentry, Dan Raymond , BS Gonzales, Sarah Bethany, BS Goodrich, Rhonda K, BA Grant, David Brian, BS Gray, Andrew Russell, BS Graybill, Erin Brynn, BS Green, David S, BS Green, Robert H , BS Greer, Esther Ilen e, BS Griffiths, Brock A, BS Griggs, Sherri B, BS Guy, Ryan C, BA
Hacker , Ethan Glen, BS Hadfield , Brett A, BS Halioris, Connie Gaye , BS Hall, Kimberl ie Spring, BS Hall, Robert Jeffrey, BS Han, Tae M in, BS Hanson, Amber A, BS Hanson, Genie A, BS Hassan, Adnan, BS Havell , Matthew Paul, BS Havens, Kari Nadine, BS Hedberg, Brock John, BS Heightman, Robert Jason , BS Hendricks, Clint E, BS Hendrickson, Lucas Clyde, BA Hen line, Britney Lynn, BS Hermansen, Cameron M, BS Hi llman, Brandon M, BS Hi lls, Melissa Oldham, RS Hinds, Chad Rick, BS Hlavaty, Taya Denice, BS Hodgson, Joshua T, BA Hodson, Brigette, BS Holland, Symantha L, BS Holt, Michael J , BS Horrocks, Derick B, BS Horrocks, Joshua Garth, BS Hous ley, Kristen Hepworth, AAS Howell, Shayne C, BS Howe s, Kara, BS Humphre ys, Justin Moore, BA Hunt er, Holli , BS Hurd, Bryan Jeffrey, BS Hyd e, Lauri e D, BS lizuka , Kyoko, BS Ilium, Derek D, BS Irwin, Paul Kawika, BA Israelsen, Connie, BS Jackson, Jonathan Andrew, BS Jackson, Mi chael Gene, BS Jan es, Christy Margaret, BS Jarrett, Sonya, BS Jaynes , Ty Douglas, BS Jenkins, Braden T, BS Jenks, Sean Christopher, BS Jensen, Tyler Stan, BA Job , Kathleen M, BS Johanson , Jonathan Andrew , BS John, Brandon Lee, BA Johnson, Andy K, BS Johnson, Donald Wahlstrom, BS Johnson, Marcie], BS Johnson, Quinn S, BS Johnson, Stephanie A, AAS Jolicoeur, Jeremiah Lee, BS Jones, Casey W, BS Jones, Dustin, BA Jorgensen, Jason B, BS Kamis, Melissa, BS Kao, Chiao-Yu, BS Kelly, Ryan L., BS Kendrick, Ryan David, BS Khan, Omer Abdul Razzaq , BS Kim, Han Su , BS
Kimber, Curtis E, BS Kimber, Tiffany, BS Knudsen, Brady G, BA Koons, Amanda Corinne, BS Krambule, Cory V, BS Kra us, Brett M, BS Kuhnhenn, Ryan, BS Lange , Hi llary, BS Lapray, G len Ross, BS Lark in, Sheena Lee, BS Lasater, Ivan Craig, BS Lauree , Maile Kanahele, BS Lee, Jenna, BS Lee, Lindsey M , BS Lee, Ryan Christopher, BA Libberton , Jeremy K, BS Lifferth, Robert Scott, BA Lim, Young-Jin, BS Lloyd, Brent D, BS Lloyd, Brian Jeffrey, BS Lo, Yuet Hung (Tiffany), BS Loiseau, Rachelle A, BS Long, Shannon Erin, BS Losee, John Avery, BS Love, Mauri, BS Love, Nathan David, BS Low, Kok Wee, BS Lowham, Brandon P, BS Lunt , Jennifer Sue, BS Luzzader, Ross H , BS Mair, Tory M , BS Manning, Jacob Randall, BA Marega, Bassila, BS Marshall, Aubrey , BS Matthews, Colleen J , BS Macua, Lillian I, BS Maxwell, Rebecca Jane, BS May, Michael Wilson, BS Mayer, Natalie Ann , BS Mayo, Roger Lane, BS McCoy , Adam C, BS McMillan , Glen E, BS McVey, Ian McKinzie, BS Mellor, Michael Lynn, BS Mellor, Staci Joy, BS Miller, Daniel M, BS Miller, Eric Kesler, BS Miller , Jeremy , BA Miller, Jessica Dee , BS Miller, Thomas S, BA Miller, William Earl, BS Mitchell , Hal Ryan , BS Moldenhauer, Dan iel M, BS Moore, Jason W, AAS Morris, Mathew Jared, BS Morrissey, Sean David, BS Mortensen , Scott W, BS Moser, David A, BS Mu lholland, Brian Peter , BS Munson, Jeanette D, BS Muraski, Michael David, BS Murray , Brady, BS Muse, Christina M, BS Myers, Jolene, BA
Naegle, Ryan Anthony, BS Nea l, Christoffer D , BS Negus, Timothy L, BS Newman, David Robert, BA Nguyen, Linda, BS Nichols, Tyler Hansen, BS Nielson, Jeffrey S, BS Nielson, Michae l David, BS Norton, Jeffery Lance, BS Nunez-Huerta, Eduardo, BA Ogden, Jackson R, BS Ohara , Nanami, BS Ormond , Lynette K, BS Otterstrom , Joseph M, BS Owens, Larry Merlin, BS Pace, Natalie, BS Palmer, Christina Mae , BS Park, Jong Gyu, BS Park , Ki-Yeol, BS Park, Kwonsi l, BA Parker, Aaron L, BA Parker, Amy, BS Parker, Donald Michael , BS Parker , Ryan J , BS Parry, Timothy Scott, BS Patt er ick, Diane C, BS Parcerick, Jaren Brant , BS Patterson, Garon M, BS Peapealalo, John Moa, BS Peat, David A II, BS Pebley, Matthew Loyd, BS Perkins, William Michaelis, BS Perry, Daniel Leroy, BS Perschon, Amy Blauer, BS Petersen, Cody D , BS Perersen, Ryan C, BA Peterson Jr, Ricky Doyle, BS Peterson, Preston L, BS Peterson, Shawn Grego ry, BS Pitts, Suzanna C, BS Price, Jason E, BA Price , Jeremy Michael, BS Purdy , Deseree, BS Purser, A Ryan , BS Quinn, Jenny, BS Rennem eyer, Lacey S, BS Reynold s, Matthew David, BS Rich , Brandon W, BA Ridge , Cunis Robin, BS Ripplinger, Stacie, BS Roberts, Diana Marcine, BS Robinson, Jed A, BS Rogers, Tyson, BS Rostron, Jan C, BS Rowl ey, Trent Erwin, BS Russell, Morgan Berrett, BS Salisbury, Juliann e, BS Sanford, Brent Charles, BS Schmidt, Paul M, BA Schul mire, Joshua Lee, BS Schwartz, Nathan J, BS Searle, George F, BS Searle, Just in Nathaniel, BS Seeley, Teresa J , BS
Sheffield, Mark Anderson, BS Shelley, Benjamin J, BS Shepherd, Amberlee Alissa, BS Shin, Sun Mi, BS Short, Kristen Leigh, BS Shurt leff, Jason H aydn , BA Silvester, Natasha May, BS Sinfield, Robin, BS Slater, Benjamin Arthur, BS Smith, Cimmaron Kimm, BS Smith , John B, BS Soffe, Keler B, BS Son, Iksang, BS Spackman, Amber Dawn, BS Spackman, Jeremy Bruce, BS Sparrow, Cameron Rick, BS Stanger, Gary R, BS Stapley, Terrilyn, BS Steele, Brooks H , BS Stephens, Jason D , BS Stephenson, Russell, BS Sterner, Greg T, BS Stevenson, Jeffery Max, BS Stewart, Benjamin P, BA Stewart, Cam ille Olsen, BS Srock, Brian C lair, BS Srodda rd, Melanie Corbett, BS Sroker, Ramsi Nia, BS Srott, Lance E, BS Strasburg, Floyd D, BS Sulser, Sara J, BS Summers, Sheralin, BS Swenson, Craig C, BS Tanner, Adam W, BS Taylor, Joshu a Linron , BS Theu rer, Derek J, BS T hi ros, Nico las J, BS Thisse lle, Crysta l, BA T homas, Jason Michael , BS Thoma s, Matthew Ivan, BS Thomas , Shauna Kaye, AAS Thompson, Kelly P, BS Thompson, Nathan E, BS T hompson, Tausha M, BS T hue, Mart I, BA Tibba ls, Jessica Ann, BS T ieng, Sothara, BS Timothy, Wallace C, BS Toma ino, Martha A, BS Tse, Brandon W, AAS Tuft, Adam B, BS Tupea, Elliott Elia, BS Valentine, Paulett e B, BS Van Camp, Casey Corbett , BS Van Tassell, Kasey Lynn, BS Wade, Alyson K, BS Waite, Darcie Ann, AAS Wallace, Charlee A, BS Wang, Jade J, BS Ward, Amber Nicole, BS Ward, Dustin H , BS Ware, Casey K, BS Webber, Chrisropher David, BS Wennergren, David J, BS
Wetmore, George (Barney) Edward, BS Wiegand, Hugh R, BS Wilde, Trenron, BS Wilkerson, Solon C, BS Willson, Reggie R, BS Wilm, Denise Marie, BS Winder , Candice Dawn, BS Wint erton , P Scott, BS Wise, Frederick G, BS Witt e, Jared Douglas, BS Wolf, Connie Z, AAS Womack, Michael L, BS Woolstenhulme, Max A, BS Worthen, Juliann, BS Wozney, Andr ew Mark, BS Wride, Amy Jo, BS Wride, Caid C, BA Wright, Danny L, BS Wright, Matthew Brossard, BA Wu , Yuhsuan, BS Yang, Ho-Jun, BS Yang, Li, BS Yarger, Krystal L, BS Yoder, Corr, BS Young, Collette, BS Zabr iskie, Eden Alexandra, BS Zim merman , Nick, BS
EDUCATION AND HUMAN SERVICES Carol J. Strong, Dean Abebe, Jonathan , BS Adams, Meagan E, BS Adams, Shalise, BS Adamson, Byron Owen, BS Adamson, Janae K, BS Ahmad, Mike A, BS Ali, Maysun Nuha, BS Allsop, Melanie, BS Altom, Blake Denver, BA Amussen, Kathy Renee, BS Anderson, Daniel Lynn, BS Anderson, Jennifer, BA Anderson, Sheridan Rose, BS Anderson, Wade M, BS Andrew, Kamilyn, BS Andrews, Natalie Z, BS Anthon, Wendy S, BS Antillon , Eduardo, BS Archuletta, Holli Lyn, BS Areharr, Corynn Annette , BS Arnell, Genna Katrina, BS Arnell, Heather Liane, BS Asron, Karie], BS Austin, Michael A, BS Bailey, Amanda Ruth , BS Bailey, Bonnie, BA Bailey, Jennifer, BA
Ball, Trever J, BS Ballard, Ann e Merrell, BS Ballard, Heidi N, BS Ballard, Steven Richard, BS Ballstaedt, Cara Camille, BS Bambrough, Lainie, BS Bangerter, Rachael, BS Barber, Richard Lucas, BS Barker, Co urtne y Amanda, BS Barker, Tanya L, BS Barlow, Rebecca M, BS Barnard, Krista Lynn, BS Barnson, Wendy Leisha, BS Barrett, Dayna Lynn, BS Bateman, Robert James, BS Bateson, Cody Dix, BS Beers, Emily Ruth , BS Begay, LaPriel A, BS Behling, Rochelle, BS Bennion, Laura, BS Berry, Sheri L, BS Biggs, Phillip Fowler, BS Bills, Rachel Arlene, BA Bingham, Elisa B, BS Bingham, Mandy Sue, BS Bingham, Michelle, BS Bird, Lisa, BS Blackhurst, Sarah Ann , BS Blakeslee, Amanda F, BS Borup, Amanda Lee, BS Boswell, Tara Marie, BS Bradshaw, Ashlee, BS Braegger, Angela Rose, BS Breinholt, Rebecca Marie, BS Brenchley, Natasha Howard, BS Brower, Chrisropher James, BS Brown, Kristin N, BS Bullock, Casey Dee, BS Bunce, Randy Scott, BS Burnett , Jennifer Desiree, BS Burn ingham, Courtney B, BS Campbe ll, Elisabeth J, BS Camps, Buffy Lynn, BS Ca rlile, Suzanne, BS Carpenter, Cathryn H, BS Carroll, Amanda W, BS Caner, Jason L, BS Carter, Lindsey J, BS Cazier, Elizabeth C, BS Chandler, Hollie M, BS Chris tensen, Ca rey Milne, BS Ch ristensen, Heath er Needles, BS Christensen, Jennif er A, BS C hun g, Nalani R, BS C lark, Ca mille, BS Clark, Jessica Lynn, BS C lement, Jason R, BS C lyde, Melia, BS Cole, Jessica Lynn, BS Co leman, C rystal Marie, BS Conno r, John D , BS Co nrado , C hristin e V, BS Coo k, Holly E, BS Coo k, Michael Lee, BS
Corey , April J, BS Cornaby, Nancy Hanks, BS Cott le, Sarah Ann, BS Court, Amy J, BS Cox, Melissa Lynn, BS Cox, Travis L, BS Crane, C harles L, BS C ran er Roundy, Shannon Lauretta, BS Crivello, Aaron Matthew, BS Croshaw, Jenny A, BS Crowe, Barbara, BS Daffern, Lori, BS Daines, Paul Mark, BS Dangerfield, Jenny, BS Datwyler, Tannie Louise, BS Davis, Amy Danielle, BS Davis, Elizabet h, BS Davis, Holly Lynne, BS Davis, Laura A, BS Davis, Ted J, BS Daw, Raelynn , BS Day, Amanda L, BS Deers, Mindy, BS DeMille, Sylvia M, BS Diedein, Dawn Marie, BS Dorton, Delores, BS Draper, Heather, BS Durrant, Adrianne, BS Durst, M Michelle, BS Dye, Tamm y L, BS Dyer, Kristin H, BS Earl, Wendy B, BS Ebert, Michelle, BS Edwards, Wendy Marie, BS Elliso n, Stacy L, BS Enn is, Lauren Renee, BS Eric kson, Brittany MaLee, BS Erickso n, Caro lyn M, BS Erickson, Diane 0, BS Eric kson, Steven Kay, BS Ernest, Rachelle L, BS Esp lin , Juli e Ann, BA Evans, Katherine Virginia, BS Evans, Spencer B, BS Fager, Rebekah, BS Falerau, Kathy A, BS Faris, Angane l, BS Feeney, Jacelyn R, BS Fenton, Ash lee Brynn, BS Fort un e, Jeremy M, BS Foster, John M, BS Foust, Jason Dean, BS Fowers, Holly Ann, BS Francom, Thomas Q, BS Fred erickson, Lynsey N, BS Gab biras, Malia Smith , BS Gal br aith , Kristin Lynn, BS Gar bett, Deborah Anne, BS Gardner, Jan a L, BS Gar dn er, Melody L, BS Garn, Mariann, BS Geo rge, Allegra Eyre, BS Gerber, Rob ert K, BS Gibby, Heather Dawn, BS
Gi les, Taggart B, BS G ines, Melanie Z, BS Gittins, Wendy, BS G iven, Amber Ann, BS Go ldsberry, Brandon R, BS Go ldsberry, Bridger M , BS Gra h am , Abby, BS Grover, Harmony Jade, BS Gurke, Jessica Healy, BS Haines, Jeanna Melissa, BS Hall, Amanda J, BS Hall, He idi, BA Hall, Melissa Lee, BS Hall, Michelle R, BS Hamblin, Cami lle M, BS Harnisch, Mandi R, BS Hammond, Brandon R, BS Hancock, LeighAnn, BS Hanks, April Suzanne, BS Hanks, Tiffany, BA Hanrion, Melani D, BS Hansen, Molly, BS Harlow, Er ic Joseph, BS Harlow, Mnisa Lyn, BS Harrell, Megan Anita, BS Harris, Karen B, BS Hartman, Kristi Ann , BS Hartzheim, Lisa Marie, BS Hatch, Brandon Lee, BS Hayes, H eather, BS Healey, Rachelle, BS Hendricks, Joa nn E, BS Hendricksen , Rebekah , BS Heninger, Kimberlee , BS Hepworth , Riley D , BS Herring, Me lissa M , BS Hill, Ginger Lynn, BS Hills, Lor i A, BS Hjorth, Meghan Rose, BS Hoenes, Kali Smed ley, BS Hoffman, Thomas S, BA Holladay, Janet E, BS Holt, Step han ie, BS Hopkin, Leigh, BS Howard, Lynn V, BS Howell, Justin Young, BS Hsu, Emily T, BS Hughes, Jen nifer, BS Hughes, Stewart Hirschi, BS Hundley, Byron Earl, III, BS Hunsaker, JoLynne, BS Hyer, Martie, BS Jack, Ty ler Hamblin, BA Jackson, Dana M, BS Jenkins, Bech, BS Jenkin s, Shirl ene W, BS Jensen, Ca nd ace, BS Jense n, Lynne Dorene , BS Jensen, Patricia L, BS Jessop, Laura, BS John , Lesli Parson, BS John son, Amber Leigh, BS Ka'ili, Siosefa Tu'ikecei Pule, BS Keil, Jen nifer Lynn, BS
Kelsey, Zeke Hans, BS Kerr, Courtney, BS Kerr, Erin H , BS Kerr, Jason David, BS Keyser, Shannon N, BS Kinckiner, Kiora Lynn , BS King, Shukria Syretta , BS Kirby, Alyson, BS Kling , Sraci, BS Korth, Donnarae, BS Korynek, Joseph George , BS Kraus , Danielle , BS Kristensen , Carissa, BS Kun z, Chelsea, BS Lambert, Madaline R, BS Landa, Rebecca Jo, BS Larkin, Em ily, BS Larson, Amber Cryste lle, BS Leavitt, Tami K, BS Lee, Karen, BS Lee, Lisha D, BS Leishman, Jann M, BS Leos, Kelly Elizabeth, BS Lever, Jana Ruth, BS Leyba, Lies! J, BS Lillywhite, Daniel R, BS Lisonbee, Larry Dan, BS Little, Torn Clarence, BA Loveless, Nico le, BS Low, Jeffrey Grady, BS Lowe, Jessica M , BS Lowery, Ang ie Diane, BS Lowman , Carolin e Smith, BS Luna , Ross M ichae l, BS Lund , Seth Courtney , BS Lundberg, Russe ll W, BS Lybbert, Derrick Wade, BS Lyman, Bruce James, BS Lyman , Carrie A, BS Lyman, Tiffanny Dorothy, BS Macias, Jessica Marie, BS Mackley, Lisa Ann, BS Manikowski, Brandon Michael, BS Manning, Ammon P, BS Martin, Hannah L, BS Martins, Raphael, BS Marx , Shane A, BA Mason, Heidi Jo, BS Mathis, Carrie Malinda, BS Matthews, Brooke C, BS Maughan, Aubrey Jean, BA McAbery , Andrew Michael, BS McBride , Jennifer Diane, BS McFarlane, Holly, BS McKay, Katherine, BS McMullin-Johnson, Rhonda Kay, BS McSwain, Ash li Jean, BS Mecham, Stacie , BA Memmott, Kristi n M, BA Menlove, Rebecca, BS Merkley, Jocelyn, BS Merrill, Robyn A, BS Metcalf, Elise Rachelle, BS Metzler, Sandy R, BA
Meyer, Rachel, BS Michaelsen, Amber Ann, BS Miles, Megan M, BS Miller, Christina Dawn, BS Miller, Jill, BS Minchey, Jennifer, BS Misener, Michelle, BS Mitchell , Tiffany, BS Mitchell, Tina Marie, BS Mitson , Lyndsie Mae, BS Moldenhauer, Michael L, BS Monroe , Jeremy Ralph, BS Montgom ery, Paige ) , BS Morgan , John Raymond, BS Mort ensen, Robert J, BS Morton , Tiffany Celeste, BS Munford , Damon R, BS Munson , Kristi Lee, BS Murdock, Debbie, BS Murray, Brian Robert, BS Naisbitt , Melanie, BS Nace, Amelia Marie, BS Nelson, Ashlee A, BS Nelson, Brian Chris, BS Nelson, Johnath an Kyle, BS Nelson, Shannon M, BS Neslen, Jared P, BS Netcleron, Jennifer F J, BS Nercleron, Kevin Edwin, BS Nevers, Julie Dianne, BS Nielsen, Allyssa Ann Grosjean, BS Nielson, Amy L, BS Nielson, Monique, BS Noel, Marianne, BS Norron , Jerry Wane, BS Oaks, N icholas M, BA Olsen, Tawnya B, BS Owen, Jamie H, BS Pace, Justin Richard, BS Pack, Heather, BS Packer, Robert Ray, BS Painrer, Cassandra, BA Palmer, Jennifer Ann, BS Park, Hung -Soon, BS Parke, Stephanie L, BS Parker, Sara, BS Parrott , Evelyn Iola, BS Parch, Erin M, BS Payne, Brandon William, BS Pearson, Melissa, BA Pendleron, Elise Rowley, BS Petersen, Evelyn J, BA Petersen, Linda Diane G, BS Peterson, Amber, BS Peterson, Jennifer, BS Phipps, Cameron Lee, BS Poulsen, Shana L, BS Preece, Daniel L, BS Price, Debbie L, BS Price, Shay A, BS Proctor, Jody L, BS Pugmire, Emily Jo, BS Purser, Brady K, BS Purser, Catherine A, BS
Radman, Tasha Kim, BS Ralphs, Kristen Shaw, BS Rawlings, Christopher Jon , BS Redd, Jolin, BS Reed, Adee Ann , BS Reed, Kelly R, BS Reeve, Tracey C, BS Repko, Pamela J, BS Rich, Elliot W, BS Richards, Cand ice Melissa, BS Richardson, Birgitta H, BS Riches, Tamara, BS Ringle, Benjamin D, BS Roane, Kari Sue, BS Roberrs, Angela, BS Roe, Jason Russell, BS Rogers, Scott Cody, BS Roope, Julie Rebekah, BS Ropelato, Rachel, BS Roper, Christopher Scott, BS Rounds, Nancy B, BS Runhaar, Christine, BS Rupp, Leeah, BS Russell, Chelsey, BS Ryan, Megan Teresa, BS Ryan, Shelly Lynn, BS Sabey, Meggie, BS Sagers, Clayton J, BS Sahely, Angela P, BS Salisbury, Parri J, BS Sam, Francine Holly, BS Sanders, Maren K, BS Sanders, Rachael Bonitz, BS Sanders, Richard B, BS Sargent, John Logan, BS Schneiter, Kelsy, BS Sentz, Melissa, BS Severn, Rebekah Elizabeth, BS Shaw, Tandee Burbank, BS Sheffey, Elisa R, BS Shelley, Kristi M, BS Shiner, Jacquelyn A, BS Sill, Audrey Bishop, BS Simmons-Harrison, Vanita M, BS Sjoblom, Steven Gary, BA Smart, Nicole, BS Smith, Mary Celeste, BS Smith , Paul K, BS Smith, Shellie K, BS Snedaker, Brooke Lois, BS Sorenson, Cassie A, BS Sorenson, Jacque Frederick, BS South , Laura Aileen, BS Souza, Sara Marie, BS Sparrow, Paige M, BS Sparrow, Scott Homer , BS Sparrow, William J, BS Spotted-Elk , Lamar W, BS Scarr,Angela, BS Steele, Robyn, BS Steffen, Aimee B, BS Stevens, Kevan C, BS Stevenson, Melissa T, BS Stevenson, Phillip E, BS
Scirland, Spencer William , BS Stuart, Jill D, BS Sudweeks, Rindee Lee, BS Sullivan, Neal J, BS Summers, Robert C, BS Swasey,Marlene Lynette, BS Sweeten, Erica D, BS Taylor, Heather M, BS Taylor, Joan, BS Teece, Kacey Kimball, BS Terry, Wendy Christina, BS Thacker, Sharon, BS Thompson , Alyssa, BS Thompson , Patricia Marie, BS Thompson , Vicky, BS Thomson , Rebecca A, BS Thorne , Kelly S, BS Thornto n, Erica Dawn, BS T hurgood, Lindsey Kimball, BS Thurgood , Trisha M, BS Tonioli, Taralyn Swallow, BS Turley, Andrea D, BS Turner, Robert Dean, BA Unck, Suzanne Marie, BS Valle, Brenda S, BS Van den Akker, Heidi, BS Van Dyke, Alesa Rasmussen, BS Vanhille, Maren, BS Viula, Aarika F, BS Vlahos, Michell Marie, BS Volcic, Frank J, BS Wadman, Meagan C, BS Wadsworth, Charles Aaron, BS Wallace, Sarah Ann, BS Wanner, Mekesha, BS Wappett, Jenny J, BS Wardle, Amber S, BS Watson, Melissa G, BS Watts, Robert Joseph, BS Weaver, Starla M, BS Welch, Yvonne N ikole, BS Welsh, Amanda Hill, BS Westhoff, Megan, BS Weston, Melanie A, BS W haley,Jamie Vanessa, BS Whetston e, Sara Marie, BS Whipple, Jared R, BS Whitaker , Laura, BS White , Camelyn Elizabeth, BS White , Joshua Scott, BS Williams, Jordan M, BS Williamson , Melanie, BS Winder, William Bradford, BA Winward , Casey B, BS Winward, Miranda Sherrell, BS Withers, Emily Remington, BS Wolff, Kelly Ann, BS Wood, Alexis Ann, BS Woods, Skye Samuel, BS Woodward, Jen nifer An1y, BS Woolstenhulme, Kelli Sue, BS Worley, Jamie Lynn, BS Worlton, Sarah J, BS Worthen, Joyleen B, BS
Yardley, Jennifer, BS Yates, Leigh A, BS Yockey, Michelle Marie, BS Yost, Jill, BS Yuhas, Margarita M, BS Zalic, Grace Marie, BS
ENGINEERING H. Scott Hinton, Dean Abbey, Jared Howard, BS Abel, Nicho las David , BS Achacz, Walter Ryan, BS Allen, Brandon T, BS Allen, Tyler George, BS Allen, Westin, BS Ames, Brandon Michael, BS Anderson , Brett W, BS Anderson, Ladd L, BS Awalt, M ichael Shane, BS Ball, Austin W, BS Banks, Rustin Bjorn , BS Barclay, Kenneth D, BS Basham, William J, BS Beck, Jonathan Avery, BS Bennett, Benjamin M, BS Best, Jason Dickson , BS Bettridge, Matthew Wayne, BS Beutler, Seth Johnson, BS Bezzant, David B, BS Birch, Jaymon Craig, BS Bird, Jeremy Keith , BS Bischoff, Todd A, BS Blackham, Michael Perry, BS Boggess, Matthew R, BS Bott, Mitchell James , BS Bourgeous, William K, BS Bowler, Jared Bruce, BS Boyce, Brad ley Eugene, AAS Boyce, Jennifer Jae, BS Bradford, George Randy , MS Brown, Chad H , BS Brown, Darrel R, BS Brown, Lorin Ray, BS Bryner, Chad E, BS Bunderson, Barry V, BS Burton, Blake Kay, BS Burton, Co lton D, AAS Campbe ll, Benjamin, BS Carney, Matthew Durland, BS Ca rroll , Tim P, BS Caw ley, Mark Aaron, BS Chamberlain, Gabriel Fenton, BS Chand ler, David B, BS Cheung, Siu Lung, BS C lark, Joseph Frederick, BS Clarke, James E, BS Conroy, Dennis Wayne, Jr, BS Cornelsen, Scott S, BS Cox, Skylar Alan, BS
Craig, Paul LeRoy, BS Crockett, John Scott , BS Crockett, Robert D, BS Crook, Brad Elliot, BS Crouch, Chad Glen , BS Daney, Maggi e Erin, BS Daniels, Nathan S, BS Dean, Adam John, BS deArrieta, Anna Maria, BS DeMille, Christen Alan, BS Dene, Michael C, BS Draper, Cody David, BS Dunkley, Nathan R, AAS Dunkley, Nathan R, BS Dyer, Shane Kelly, BS Ellsworth, Joel Christopher, BS Erickson, Nathan W, BS Esplin, Robert B, BS Farr, Tosh Page, BS Fillerup, Amber Ruch, BS Fisher, Katey S, BS Fowles, Stephen Bryce, BS Freitas, Nathan M, BS Gale, James H , BS Gardner, Brett Kenyon, BS Gardner, Brian Dee, BS Gedeon, Peguerot, BS George, Daniel Geer, BS G illespie, Preston C, BS Gillette, Tyler L, AAS Glover, Chad Andrew, BS Gne iting, Jeremy F, BS Going, Casa ndra , BS Griffiths, Kelly Dean, BS Gurdil, Okan, BS Gutshall, James Edward, BS Haase, Nicholas J , BS Hale , Rex A, BS Hall, Braydon D, BS Halladay, Kacie Lynn, AAS Hamilton , Travis B, BS Hanks , Cassie L, BS Hansen, Andrew B, BS Hansen, Brian W, BS Hansen, Mike J, BS Henrie , Michael Earl, BS Hills, Seth R, BS Hislop, Adam N, BS Hobbs , Kathleen, BS Hodges, Jesse, BS Hodges, Mark Worth, BS Holman, Randal P, BS Hone, Robert N, BS Hook, Dustin Levi, BS Horner, Jonathan Ray, BS Hughes, Austin W, BS Hunter, Halee Dawn, BS Inden, Tomoyuki, BS Jensen, Wesley Hales, AAS Jeppesen, Trevor W, BS Johnson, Bruce Baird, BS Johnson, Jesse Allen, BS Johnson, Travis L, AAS Jones, Kathleen Watkins, BS
Jones , Philip David, BS Kidman, Dane Jerry, BS King, Chad J, BS Knowles, Brady J, BS Kreek, Karl P, BS Kristensen, Cassady Dawn, BS Kuhni, Matthew Scott, BS Kunz, Chad Dustin, BS Lee, Jacob D, BS Leech, Tim James, BS Lloyd, James Derek, BS Lloyd, Jason Brad, BS Low, Jeffrey E, BS Lowder, Nathan Kayd, BS Lowe, Jacob D, BS Lund, Brent M, AAS Lyman, Jackee, BS Malek, Amir H , BS Mann, Spencer L, BS Manning, Todd, BS Maughan, Matthew Jared , BS Mecham , Tony, BS Merrill, Kimball Shane, BS Messersmith, Bryce David, BS Meyer, William Frederick, BS Mi lligan, John Cleve, BS Miskin, Jentry H, BS Mogle, Paul Benjamin, BS Montano, Trent Levi, BS Munr, Mark A, BS Neil, Eric W, BS Nelson, Weston McClain, BS Niederhauser, Daniel Terry, BS Nielsen, Jeffrey Dean, BS Nitchman, Evan Alan , BS Olson, C harles A, BS Packham, Roger L, BS Paredes Forzani, Melvin Ernesto, BS Peck, Aaron Michael, BS Peder sen, Benjamin Daniels, BS Pehrson , Steven B, BS Pendleton, Tyler Max, BS Perera, Dedigamage, BS Petersen, Madeline M, AAS Peterson, Aaron Ray, BS Philpott , Tyrell Glen, BS Pickup, Jason D, BS Pierce, Nathan Jeffrey, BS Pipucsicee, Thammanit, BS Pitcher, Amy T, BS Porter, Dalian Lex, BS Potter , Justin D, AAS Ralphs, Jesse Max , BS Randall , Benjamin R, BS Rasmussen , Levi Rulon, AAS Ray, Jason Robert, BS Reese, Kenneth Bryce, BS Recford , Michael J, BS Richens , John A, BS Ricker, Jake C, BS Rigby, Dylan Mark, BS Robinson, Jeffrey Reid, BS Robinson, Samuel Co llin , BS Rodriguez , Antonio D , BS
Roper, Chadwick Dale , BS Rousseau, Antoine, BS Rowser, Brandon J, BS Sager, Jace Ronald, BS Saltern, Coby Reed, BS Sanders, Nicholas R, BS Schicker, Jennifer E, BS Seeley, Russell Lewis, BS Sharp, Jacob L, BS Shaw, Michael D, BS Shelley, Tyler Dale, BS Simmons, Jacob P, BS Smith, Scott C, MS Smith, Zachary Hampton, BS Squires, Angela, BS Stepan, Jack J, BS Stettler, Troy A, BS Stokes, Scott T, BS Stolpe, Stanley Arves, BS Stromsdorfer, Juan Jorge, BS Taveras Moronta, Mundeta A, BS Taylor, Nicholas A, BS Thayn, Tyler T, BS Thompson, Matthew E, BS Thorson, Eric V, BS Thurgood, Travis Stephen, BS Trujillo, Isaac Michael, BS Tuft, Jason R, BS Unutoa, Prescott S, BS Viula, Jeremy J , BS Walker, Jaso n, BS Walters, Ian Thomas, BS Walton, Gregory Paul, BS Warnick, Michael V, BS Warrick, Jesse M, BS Warrick, Sarah A, BS Watterson, Marti J, BS Watts, Andrew K, BS Welch, Kodi K, BS Welling, Srephen Michael, BS Wendel, Angela, BS Whitney, G. Adam, BS Wilcox, Michael Perry, MS Wilkins, Bryan C, BS Williams, Britanie Lee Ames, BS Williams, Jeffery Grant, BS Willis, Jeff], BS Willis, Jeremy R, BS Wilson, Mark Jay, BS Withy, James RF, BS Wood , Matthew Anton, BS Yeip, Deneal, BS Young, Dennis A, BS Young, Jacob C, BS Zaugg, Ryan Neil, BS Zemke, Peter Edwin, BS
EXTENSION Jack M. Payne, Dean Adams, Stephanie A, AS Batty, Roger A, AS Berrett, Nikita J, AS Bolton , Kiley D, AS Britt, Amy E, AS Brown, Lindsey Y, AS Burler, Arlene, AS Calder, Heather A, AS Cammack, Ashley Y, AS Chung, Yu Hang, AS Coltharp, Bret], AS Cook, Marlene N, AS Cox , Heather, AS Daniels, Brandt J, AS Emmett, Bonita, AS Ercanbrack, Brandon James, AS Erickson, Katie, AS Floirendo, Ray Jordan, AS Gillins, Tamara L, AS Goodrich, Co lleen C, AS Gurr, Miika L, AS Hackler, William F, AS Hanly, Srefanie Anne, AS Harrison, Dawn Arlaine, AS Harrison, Jessica L, AS Holden, Ashley, AS lorg, H eather M, AS Jenkins, Heather D, AS Johnson, Amy L, AS Kan, Lai Ming (Ester), AS Larsen, Arna Lee, AS Larsen , Jessyca L, AS Larsen, Tiffany L, AS Lentz, Andrea Dawn, AS Li, Ka Po, AS Li, Ka Yin, AS Manwaring, Amanda L, AS Manwaring, Steven C, AS McDougal, Bradley J, AS McMullin, Rashelle A, AS McMullin, Sherry L, AS Merrell, Meagan Marie, AS Moosman, Amanda, AS Morton, Tiffany Ce leste, AS Muirhead, Shannon, AS Munyan, Charles B, AS Nyberg, Josie Nichole, AS Ogden, Samuel B, AS Pflieger, Lance T, AS Pittman, Greg A, AS Potter, Kairlin, AS Reynolds, Andrea J, AS Roberts, Tyler L, AS Robinson , Brian C, AS Roll, Celena L, AS Ross, Daniell e N, AS Scofield, Jeffrey David, AS Scott, Nathan Jam es, AS Shields, Nicolas G, AS
Simonette, Anna M, AS Sizemore, Doralee C, AS Spencer, Chancey B, AS Staples, Britney A, AS Sung, Cheuk Yin, AS Tang, Siu Hin Denis, AS Tate, Jennifer J,AS Thompson, Bech Michelle, AS Tsang, So Ying, AS Tsoi, Sheung Kiu, AS Van, Diane M, AS Vaughn, Ryan M, AS Wall, Jennifer R, AS Ward, Michelle, AS Warenski, Jodi Ann, AS Weston, Cindy, AS Wong, Sze Man (Crystal), AS Wong, Tat Yin, AS Yim, Shu Keung, AS
HUMANITIES,ARTSAND SOCIAL SCIENCES Gary H. Kiger, Deon Abbott, Rachel A, BA Adams, Cole], BFA Aitken, Valenka K, BS Alder, Eric L, BA Allen, Gloria, BA Allen, Rachel C, BS Allen, Shane, BA Ames, Melissa Marie, BFA Andersen, Matthew Gerald, BS Anderson, Bryce L, BS Anderson, C lint R, BA Anderson, Co lby K, BFA Anderson, Daniel Graham, BA Anderson, Jam es Adrian, BS Anderson, Lee R, BFA Anderson, Michael John, BS Anderson, Rachel C, BS Anderson, Ryan Jacob, BA Aoki, Heidi , BS Arial, Cameron Marcus, BS Armstrong, Mckenzie, BA Arnell, Douglas Brent, BA Asmus, Matthew William, BM Auger, Jodie, BS Ault, Nelda Renae, BA Axenty-Dennis, Crista, BS Ayala, Sonia Yvette, BA Bacheller, Timothy Takashi, BA Back, Heather, BS Bahm, Candice, BS Bailey, Jessica M , BS Bair, Bryant , BA Baldwin , Angela Kate, BA Baltazar, Brooke , BS Bangerter , Michelle, BA
Banks, Latrice Genese, BS Barlow, Anna Maria, BFA Barlow, James A, BFA Barnes , Ashleigh K, BS Barrow, Heidi Lucille Ethington, BFA Barton, Kristen Nicole, BS Barton, Tarrin, BS Batchelor, Pamela M, BS Bares, Emily, BS Baugh, Christy, BFA Beebe, Glen Edward, BA Beecher, Angela, BS Bell, Georganne, BA Benson, Suzanne K, BS Berenr zen, Heidi, BFA Bergeman, Aubri, BA Bergholtz, Pia, BFA Berry, Kiel S, BA Berto!io, Angela Padian, BA Betts, Jason V, BLA Bingham, Aarian, BS Bingham, Garrity Elizabeth, BS Bird, Ryan Keith, BA Bishop, Amber Love, BA Bishop, John J , BA Bishop, Thomas R, BS Bitsinnie, Marie Anna, BS Black, Lindsey L, BS Blakey, Michael S, BA Blankenship, Becky Anna, BFA Blomquist, Jamie Lyn, BA Bodine, Marianne AJison, BA Bodrero, Jason C, BA Bond, Laron Enrico, BA Boorom, Nathan Edward, BA Born, Talena Michelle, BS Bostwick, Randy E, BA Bott, C hristin Kay, BS Boudrero, Greg B, BLA Bowen, Brittany Kay, BS Boyd, Jacob D, BA Bradley, Emi lee R, BA Brady, Monica Junko, BA Braegger, Shelby H , BA Br ink erhoff, Kathie, BLA Broadhead, Russell Lee, BFA Brough, Debra Anne, BS Brown , Dani el James, BFA Brown, Lindsay Lee, BS Brown, Sara Susanne, BA Brown, Stephanie, BS Brown, Stephanie A, BS Browning, Sheldon David , BA Bruderer, Misty Jo, BS Buck, Tyler Thomas, BS Buckley , Emily Esther, BS Budge, Trevor L, BA Bundy, Allison Lyn, BS Bundy , Miche lle, BS Burbank, Jarom R, BA Burningham, Brenen L, BA Burningham , Tamma June , BS Burns, Ginnifer Marie , BS Burtenshaw, Natalie, BA
Burton, Emi ly Winslow, BS Buswell, Tyler Lyman, BS Butler, Bryan Eugene , BA Butler, Cardell A, BS Butler, Courtney Ann, BS Cable, Dwight C, BS Cadwal lad er, Ryan C, BS Call, Andrew P, BS Camp bell , Kristy Marie , BS Cannon, Timothy P, BA Carlson, Eric R , BA Carter, Melinda A, BS Case, Amy Shiree, BA Cast illo, Cory Thomas, BFA Catron, Barbara, BFA Cazier, Andrew S, BA Chadwick, Toby A, BA Chandler, Sasha M, BS Cherrington, Nathan T, BA Cho, Hee-Jeong, BS Christensen, Gregory J, BA Christensen, Janelle , BA Christensen, Zachary D, BS Ch ristiansen, Chet Bruce, BFA Clark, Tamara R, BA Clawson, Elizabeth Margaret, BS Clay, Rebecca Ruth, BS C love, Kristin Marie, BS Clugston, Jessica Marie , BS Coe, Joshua Michael, BS Conger, Tracy Paul, BA Conove r, Heather L, BS Cook, Natalie Miriam, BS Coo mb s, Adria Ann , BS Coon, Shawn Richard , BS Corbr idge, Brooke, BM Cordero, C hri stop her A , BS Cornell-Titcomb, Amy L, BS Cox, Ashley Lyn, BS Cox, David Spencer, BFA Cox, Krisrine M, BS Craw, Brianna L, BM Crosbie, S Tyson, BFA Cullum, Brady Shane, BM Curl, John Byron , BS Curtis, Marsha L, BS Dalton, Brittney Einerson, BS Daniels, Marianne Kristina, BS Dau bin , Olivia Joi , BS Davidson, Christopher L, BA Davis, Adelinda R, BS Davis , Benjamin Hales, BLA Davis , Dustin D, BFA Davis , Mitchel Brent, BS Daw , Brandon J, BS Dawson, Andrea, BA Dawson, Becky Lynn, BFA Decker, Merritt S, BS Defay, Ariel Rae , BS Dennehy, Mark L, BS Dew, Danial B, BS Dickamore, Matthew Lyle, BA Diehl, Rustin Paul, BA Dinger, Meghan Elizabeth, BS
Dixon , Monica, BS Doyle , Hollie A, BA Drake, Paul B, BLA Drommond , Cameron James, BFA Dryden , Dana M , BA Dunbar , Jacob Daniel, BA Dupuis, Emilie Renee, BS Durtschi , Steven R, BM Dymock, Melissa, BS Eastman, Tami Joy, BFA Ecker, Nika Cherie, BS Elliott, Jennifer Genile, BLA Ellis, Gregory B, BA Elwood, Dena Chelise, BS Elzinga, Amanda K, BS Endo, Saori, BLA Esplin, Marrin Cu tler, BA Evans, Rebecca Dawn, BS Evanson, Raymond Brett, BA Evelyn, Rebecca, BM Fall, Er in Colleen, BS Farfel, Bridget Anne, BS Farnsworth, Maren E, BS Farrer, Cory J, BS Fawson, Robert Matthew, BS Feinstein, Marisa L, BS Ferguson, Nathaniel Clark, BLA Fetters, Emily Janele, BA Fetzer, Elizabeth Ann, BS Fife, Leslie A, BS Finley, Laura Chantel, BFA Finlinson, Casey R, BLA Fischer, Nathania l Lawrence, BS Flint, John M, BS Flitton, Crysra lyn, BS Fluckiger, Travis Boyd, BS Forbush, Megan Dawn, BS Frye, Kimberly Michelle, BS Fullmer-Worrall, Merida Renae, BS Galloway, Cade William, BS Garc ia, Zurishad d ai Ammi, BA Gard iner, Devin Paul, BLA Garner IV, Albert R, BS Geis ler, Jennifer Lee, BS George , Benjamin Hollis, BS Gilbert, Megan Elizabe th , BS Glover, Worthy W, Jr, BA Goble, Mark Adam, BLA Goddard, Jason R, BA Godfrey , Jay A, BM Goode, C hristoph er T, BA Gordon, Nicholas D, BA Grammer, Mark E, BA Grant, Stephanie L, BS Greenwall, Edlyn C laudia , BM Greenwall, Nathan Steven, BFA Gregory, Lindsey Benzon, BLA Griffith, Zac har y Dan, BA Guenter, Robert Jeremy, BA Gurney, Jessica H, BS Hackney, Jason Richard , BS Haddock, Brian C, BA Hafen, Kelly L, BS Haggerty, Chr ist ine Marie, BS
Haight, Alisha, BA Haight, Matthew Douglas, BA Hall, Aimee Lee, BS Hall, Sherri Shana, BA Hancey, Crystal M, BS Hancock, Suzanne, BS Hancock, Zachary Ray, BS Hanks, Samuel Reed, BA Hansen, Erika Kirsten, BS Hansen, Guy L, BA Hansen, Heather, BS Hansen, John H, BS Hansen, Trevor W, BLA Hansen, Valerie D, BS Hanson, Bret Lee, BFA Harker, Carol, BA Harr, Jason William, BLA Harris, Nathaniel E, BS Hart, Audrey Ann, BA Hatt, Elise Helena, BS Haynie , John R, BA Hays, Greta Jo, BM Henderson, David G, BS Hendricks, Lindsey, BS Hernandez, Alysha Marie, BS Hobbs, Scott D, BS Hobby, Jennifer J , BS Hogge, Alexandria, BS Hoglund, Mike D, BA Holmes, Emilie A, BS Homer, David Charles, BS Hopkin, Esther Elaina, BS Hotchkiss, Ryann S, BS Howell, Christopher N, BA Huff, Matthew S, BS Hughes, Ryan C, BA Huish, Andrew L, BA Hu llinger, Brooke Rose, BS Hung, Tzu-Han, BA Hutchison, Michelle A, BS Hutton, Jennifer A, BLA Ing, Rachel Kimiko, BM lngoldsby, Hilary L, BA Ishikura, Kotara, BA Jager, Zacha ry S, BA Jardine, Scott S, BA Jaskulsky, Leann Marie, BS Jensen, David J, BA Jensen, Emi ly E, BA Jensen, Melody Higginbotham, BS Jimenez, Cr istian N, BS John son , Arminta L, BFA John son, Ashley A, BS Johnson, Chad Ralph, BA Johnson, Charity Dawn, BS Johnson, Chau ncy Dale, BA Johnson, David N, BA Johnson, Jill Jensen, BS Johnson, Katrina, BA Johnson, Leanne J, BS Johnson, Rachel Leigh, BS John son, Ronald Ray, BS Johnson, Taral1 Linford, BS Jones, Amanda J, BFA
Jones, Cara S, BS Jones, Gary Jacob, BS Jones, Joseph Levi, BM Jones, Katrina L, BA Jones, Kirk Kristian, BM Jones, Kyle Bradford, BA Jones, Lisa B, BA Jones, Matthew Mitchell, BS Kane, David A, BS Kane , Kelley Susan, BS Kappas, Clayton Steve, BA Kariger, Kristin, BS Kawakami, Ryo, BA Kemp , Eagan Currier, BS Kemp, Ryan Craig, BS Kennington, Jenny, BFA Kennington, Sarah, BS Kent , Rachael L, BA Kersbaw, Shane L, BLA Kimura, Tairon, BS King, Allison Marie, BS King, Carlo Bruce , BA Kjar, Andrea, BS Knowlton, Branigan McDermott, BS Kofford, Scott K, BS Konold , Jennifer L, BS Krebs, Shane Richard, BS Krompel, Kris William, BM Kunz, Todd Stephen, BS LaBau, Amber Dawn, BFA Lamarra , Anthony Michael, BS Lambert , Shannon Diane, BS Lancaster, Joan J , BS Larsen, Devin W, BS Leary, Dean Whitney, BS Leavitt, Justin Paul, BA Lee, Patri ck Edward, BS Lee, Scott Jonathan , BS Liebelt, Lindsey Rene e, BS Linares, Joel Kieth, BA Lindsey, Susa Beth, BA Litster, Lisa Jane, BS Livingston , Amanda S, BS Livingston, Barry Scott, BS Lohrengel, Kara Marie, BS Loken, Katrina A, BA Long, Elizabeth Ann, BS Lott, Gretel M, BA Lovato, Debbie Lynn, BS Lovelace, Shawuana Sharer, BS Lucero, Juan I, BA Luke, Lisa Marie, BA Lusty, Ryan, BS Lutes, Susan Gail, BS Lyon, Brandon James, BS Madsen, Timot hy Don, BS Marchant, Michael Jon, BS Marrin, Terrazza M, BS Martz, Cy, BA Mathews, Jeffrey Craig, BS Maughan, McKenzie, BA Maxfield, Marissa E, BM McBride, Dustin Tyler, BS McCammon, David L, BA
McCoy, Lara Brooke, BS McCulloch, Chantel, BS McDaniel, Rachel Celeste, BS McDonald, James, BA McKinney, Tyrone Lynn, Jr, BS McKinnon, Mindy K, BFA McKinnon, Tracy Marie, BS Mclachlan, Lisa, BM McMillen, Miller L, BS McMullen, Mary Ann, BS Meek, Jamie Lynn, BS Mendenhall, Matthew K, BA Merrell, Nikole Marie, BS Michaelson, Jasmine E, BA Milbury, Janet E, BA Miller, Amy Chr isti ne, BS Miller, James P, BA Millett, Jennie Marie, BFA Minson, Benjamin T, BS Minson, Michelle LeAnn, BS Mitchell, Amy E, BS Mnyandu, Evonnie Lynn, BS Moipard, Adnelly Y, BA Moncrief, Rosanna, BA Moore, Amy E, BA Moore, TJ, BS Mora, Victor M, BA Mortensen, Kara L, BA Mortimer, Brittney Jean, BS Morron, Melissa A, BS Moser, Loy Lyman, BFA Moulton, Amy Jill , BA Mouritsen, Rachel Jefferies, BS Mullin, William Gi lbert, BA Murphy, K'Leena Ann, BS Nackos, Marinos Isidore, BA Napier, Jason Allen, BS Narumi, Takeshi, BS Nash, Cam illa Annette, BA Needham, Candice Lynn, BS Nei lson, Jennifer, BS Nelsen, Michael Adam, BS Nelson, Megan Armstrong, BS Nerhercott, Tenae, BS Ng uyen, Doan T, BS Nicholes, Tyler R, BA Nicho ls, Kaylen N, BLA Nielsen, Adam Reed, BM Nielsen, Angela M, BS Nielsen, Damion D, BA Nielsen, Tracy Lamar, BS Nudd, Rebecca A, BA Nutter, Jasmine Aileen, BA Ochi, Arsuko, BLA Ohama, Chise, BS Oliver, Julie Anne, BS Olsen, Angela Kaye, BS Olsen, Morgan, BM Olsen, Natalie, BS Olsen, Nicolee, BS Olsen, Ryan S, BFA Olsen, Stephanie Hafen, BS Olson, Jamie, BS Ori, Shawn J, BLA
Ostermiller, Nathan Max, BM Owens, Joshua M, BA Owens, Kathleen Marie, BA Oyler, Dianecha R, BA Pack, Kristina, BS Palmer, Amy G, BA Palmer, Hayley Elizabeth, BS Palmer, Priscila C Silva, BA Parini, Marilyn, BS Parkinson, Erin, BS Parry, Casey R, BA Paskett, Justin B, BS Peirce, Natalie A, BFA Perez, Michael Joseph, BA Perkins, Jillian Codi, BS Petersen, Bettie T, BA Peterson, Hans Christian, BS Peterson, Rebecca Anne, BS Peterson, Steven Dee, BS Petry, Eric M, BA Pincock, John B, BFA Pinilla, Jose Maria, BA Pixton, Summer Kelly, BA Plowman, Melissa Webb, BS Plummer, Nathan Chase, BS Porter, Amanda S, BFA Potter, Jennifer Lynne, BA Poulsen, Derek J, BA Prestwich, Emily, BS Price, Jay, BA Prichard, N. Jill, BS Probst, Matthew H, BA Proctor, Stephanie K, BS Pulsipher, Rebecca Anne, BS Pyne, Kelly Sue, BFA Rapley, Eric Silas, BS Rasmussen, Maren Rachel, BM Rasmussen, Marie Lynn , BM Rawson, Tiffany Roane, BS Ray, Kristin Victoria, BS Raymer, Jonathan M, BS Reaveley, Cortney Joann, BS Reed , Adee Ann, BFA Reeder, Joseph Marcin, BA Reese, Cody J, BS Reese, Jennie Rachelle, BA Reese, Suzanne Valerie Simard , BS Reimschussel, Elizabeth, BS Richards, Michael T, BA Richardson, Raegan M, BS Richins, Ryan, BA Richins, Sarah Lynne, BFA Ricks, Jacob Isaac, BA Riebeek, Bryan S, BS Rigby, Echo Tashina, BS Rincon, Julio Cesar, BFA Ripplinger, Kimberly Ann, BM Robeson, Mary Heather, BS Robinson, Kenna L, BS Robinson, Samantha S, BS Rockwood, Jessica Rose, BA Rodriguez, Amy Sue, BS Rodriguez, Liduvina, BA Roope, Byron Ingram, BS
Raring, John Lee, BA Roundy, Bo Marshall, BS Roundy, Jason Philip, BS Rowles, Krista Joy, BS Russell, Joshua J , BS Russler, Whitney Jane , BS Rutherford, Kathryn Ingrid , BS Sadoski, Christopher J, BS Sales, Tyrone Eugene, BS Salmon, Colby R, BA Samuelson, Jill, BS Sant, Anita, BA Sant, Joshua K, BA Savello, Denise , BS Schiess, Ladd Brown, BLA Schoenfeld, Amber J, BA Scoffield, Tosh Erhan, BFA Scott, Brooke N, BFA Scott, Heather D, BS Scott, Jaylene Marie, BM Scott, Sarah Nicole, BA Searle, Chris Ross, BA Sessions, Kyle G, BA Sharp, 0 Richard , BS Sharples, Mary Ann, BA Shepherd, Jeremy Jay, BS Shoop , Larry R, BA Simonson, Michael Stanley, BS Siulua, Susiane Vika, BS Skidmore, Logan D, BA Skinner, Katherine Lee, BA Smith, Chandra D, BFA Smith, De cker S, BA Smith, Hilary E, BS Smith, Jamie , BA Smith, Jonathan Jeryl, BFA Smith, Latimer R, BS Smith, Megan, BS Smith, Ryan Craig, BS Smith, Travis J, BS Smith, Tyson W, BFA Soffe, Amy M, BS St John , Sarah Ann, BS Stahle, George Spencer, BA Stallworth, Christopher J, BS Stanley, Jared Ralph , BS Stanley, Jordan A, BA Stapley, Aaron R, BS Stark, Dagny Ann, BS Starley, Brooke Alyse, BS Steele, Nathan, BA Sceggell, Sarah, BS Stein, Aron D, BS Stettler, Ashlee , BFA Stevens, Rikki-Leigh, BA Stewart, Jacob F, BA Stewart, Megan, BS Stoddard, Caroline, BM Stokes, Jacob Devere, BS Stolworrhy , Ashley, BS Stone, Christopher L, BA Scott, Cali A, BS Sttebel, Robert P, BS Strebel, Urie, BA
Sullivan, Bech Meagan , BA Sundloff, Joshua John, BLA Superti, Julie Annette Morris, BS Swedin, Derek Fredrick, BS Swenson, Christine, BS Swinton, Jonathan Jeffrey, BFA Syme, Jerimiah D, BFA Takos, Tristan D, BS Taylor, Bethany Nedra, BS Taylor, Brian J , BFA Taylor, Triscin, BA Tenney, Gregory V, BS Thacker, Lindsay, BS Thatcher, Joanna K, BS Thatcher, Nancy J, BA Thayne, Sharley Marie, BS Theobald, Graham V, BA Thomas, Scott Scourfield, BS Thompson, Clark Christian, BA Thoreson, Melissa A, BFA Thornton, Matthew D , BM Thorsen, Koriann, BS Tibbitts, Wyatt Ben, BA Tilk, Brian Joseph, BS Tilley, Michael K, BA Tison, Sarah E, BS Titensor , Megan, BM Titensor, Tyson N, BM Todd, Randall Thomas, BA Tomer, Camille, BA Toone , Kristen Marie, BS Tosa, Keiko , BA Tree, Eilisa M, BS Tse, Brandon W, BA Tseng, Chin Wen, BFA Tullis, Heather Jan e, BFA Turk, Rachel Lyn, BLA Turle y, Tara L, BS Turnbow, Blaine K, BA Tuttle, Jaelyn L, BS Udy, Kacey V, BFA Valerio, Albert D, BFA Van Dyke , Jacob Robert , BFA Varelman, Kendra Burns , BFA Viera, Misry Brook, BA Vogel, Ginny Lin, BS von Niederhausern, Steven Hawkes , BS Waddoups, Melissa, BS Walker, Jeremy A, BA Walker, Paul M, BA Wamsley, Daniel C, BS Wang, Lily, BA Wanlass, Brandy J, BFA Ward, Garrett A, BA Ward, Melanie K, BA Wardle, Lynze L, BS Wasden, Chad C, BA Waters, Matthew Collin Pas, BA Watkins, Robert D, BA Webb, Ryan P, BA Weeks , Matthew C, BA Wells, Lindsey M, BA Westbroek, Jared S, BS Westerberg, Eric Ellis, BA
Westerman, Jeffery Thomas, BA Weston, Tamber M, BA Wenstein, Diana England, BA Whitaker, Julianne, BA Whitchurch, Bryan A, BA White , Melinda Marguerite, BS White, Michelle A, BA Whitehouse, Jason G, BS Whiting, Patricia L, BS Whyte, Chryst ine M, BS Wickham , Dustin Dewey, BS Wilcock, Lisa, BS Wilkey, Sara Ann , BA Wilkinson, Lori M, BA Williams, Karley Jo, BS Williams, Kimberly M, BLA Williams, Tyler D, BS Williams, Tyler Dell, BS Wilson, Randi Miray, BS Winkler, Joel D, BS Winn, Eric], BA Wolfe, Julie Ann, BS Wood, Christine, BA Wood, Jeremy D, BA Workman, Francie, BS Workman, Richard Daniel, BA Wright, Shasta Lee, BS Yeates, Am ilia N, BA Zetterqu ist, Adam G, BA Zette rquist, Marisa Miller, BS Zollinger, Mandie, BLA
Lake, Co llene l-1, BS Larson, Dillon Jay, BS Livingston, Dustin Hal, BS Markland, Kathleen Bea Hutterman, BS Morrison, Michelle Lee, BS Myrin, Deborah, BS Olsen, Hayley Rose, BS Orgill, James Benjamin, BS Parker, Jonas Nathaniel, BS Riddle, Lindsy Hales, BS Rindlisbacher, Lee Martin, BS Savory, Garrett Anthony, BS Schneider, Lara R, BS Siebach, Andrew M, BS Sorenson, Chad S, BS Swenson, Reggie N , BS Terry, Jennifer Marie, BS Ting, Te-Hui, BS Tingey, Tye Jay, BS Toombs, Joshua Montgomery, BS Villa, Holly Marie, BS Wilson, David Andrew, BS Woodcock, Michael Tyler, BS
PROVOST'SOFFICE Noelle E. Cockett, Interim Provost
NATURALRESOURCES F.E. "Fee" Busby, Dean Ballif, Elizabeth Ann , BS Barnett, Jenny Elizabeth, BS Beauchaine, Alicia Lyn, BS Beesley,Hannah Jean, BS Bonham, Jacob Eli, BS Brown, Phil D, BS Brown, Theresa G, BS Burrell, Aaron Charles, BS Burt, Cynthi a Louise, BS Carlile, Michael Ammon, BS Dastrup, Ryan P, BS Dreitzler, Lauren Lee, BS Eccles, Kate, BS Evans, Jessica, BS Freeman, Britney, BS Galer, Aaron P, BS Gr iffin, Josiah Taylor, BA Harrison, Ryan Partner, BS Hawk, Melissa J, BS Hill, Kenneth R, BS Hurd, Wendy S, BS Jensen, Rebecca Kristin, BS Jolley, Wesley John , BS Jorgensen, Kara Mae, BS Koyle, Shane T, BS
Allred, Whitney Roger, BS Au Yeung, Wai Chung Joe, BS Chan, Hoi Ming, BS Chan, lsingTsing (May}, BS Chan, Wing Kit, BS Chick, Po Pui, BS Chu, Yiu Chung, BS Fan, Ka Yu, BS Hung, Virginia, BS Jenkin s, Kim, BS Kennington, Loni, BS Kong, Wing Man (Winny}, BS Kwan, Vincci, BS Lam, Lok Ying (Nicole), BS Lau, Chon Fai Jeffrey, BS Lee, Kin Kiu, BS Li, Chau Ying, BS Li, Tak Wai, BS Lo, Ting, BS Sing, Wai Man, BS Siu, Sinn Ting, BS So, Yu Ting, BS Thompson, Carrie Allison, BS Wan, Chui Shan, BS Xu, Sheng Yi, BS Yeung, Ch i Chiu, BS Yip, Mei Ling, BS, BS
SCIENCE Donald W. Fiesinger, Dean Ali, Mohammad Hisham Shahid, BS AJ-Shemali, Musstafa, BA Anderson, James William, BS Anderson, Sara, BS Argyle, Jory R, BS Ashcroft, Chelsey, BS Bailey,David Glenn, BS Bailey,Ryan R, BA Barlow, Michone, BS Bartholomew, Jed, BS Beattie, Shelby Jace, BS Bedke, Brent Jeffrey, BA Berentzen, Christopher L, BA Bergman, Casseopia, BS Bishop, Jeremy Scott, BS Bodily, Ryan G, BS Bosshardt, Jackie, BS Boucher, Jennifer, BS Briggs,Jenette L, BS Burningham, Bryan, BS Burt, Peter Matthew, BS Burton , Todd R, BA Buttars, Rodney D, BS Butterbaugh , Jeremy Lee, BS Call, Matthew Charles, BS Camp bell, Dustin T, BS Chambers, Stephanie J, BS Chase, Aaron Edward, BS C hristensen, Dan Lewis, BS Christensen, Jeremy Keller, BS Christensen, Wyatt Lynn, BS Cobb, Paul Farren, BS Cooley, Erin, BS Critton , Jordan Beth, BS Cropper, Sebrina Ruch, BS de la Houssaye, Christopher J, BS Dickson, Lanae, BS Dinerscein, Margaret S, BS Doyle, Kelly, BS Ego, David Justin, BS Eliason, Mark T, BS Ellsworth, Ashley, BS Everett, Edward Addison, BS Fallon, Karen E, BS Farnsworth, Michael Adam, BS Fisher, Hilary C, BS Forsyth, John William, BS Fowles,Jared S, BS Francom, Danica Daly, BS Frandsen, Devn A, BA Frandsen, Justin Greg, BS Ga rner, Phillip Andrew, BS Gessele, Milyn Yardley,BS Griffith, Paul A, BS Hall, Thomas Glen, BS Hansen, Daniel A, BS Hansen, David L, BS Hansen, Michael R, BS Hansen, Miles William, BS
Hanson, Jeffrey Wayne, BS Hart, David Blaine, BS Hatch, David R, BS Hebdon, Kiley, BA Heslop, Vaughn J, BA Hidy, Alan J , BS Hir schi , Krista M, BS Ho, Hung Wai, BS Holli st, Martha Lee, BS Holm, Just in Warren, BS Hwang, Yun-Ji, BS lnglet, Quinton Cory, BS Jackson, Ryan Neal, BS Jennings, Virginia Lynn, BS Jensen, Wayne, BS Johnston, Derrick Lynn, BA Johnston, Rebecca Janet , BS Jones, Jolynn, BS Karren, Landon J, BS Keele, Dustin J , BS Keep, Jessica Lynn, BS Knighton, Nicholas P, BS Kunz, Krista M, BS La, Linda Thi, BS Linford, Eric H, BS Littlefield, Jed C, BS Lofley, Kent Jerel, BA Mabey, C hris to ph er Allen, BS Maw, Matthew Wayne, BS McClellan, Brux Ralph, BS McEntire, Mi chael R, BA M cKee, C lint L, BS Michaelis, C hristopher D, BS Mickelsen , Cody Brad, BS Mikesell, Arli n Theral, BS Miller, Casey Q, BS Minnick, Jennifer H , BS Montano, Cajsa L, BS Morrill, Benson H, BS Moss, Kellie H, BS Muir , Jon Gary, BS Nakayama, Hiro yuki , BS Nacion, Paul David, BS Nelson, C hri stop her Andrew, BS Nielsen, Benjamin Moss, BS Oba , Manami, BS Okabe, Juni ch i, BS Ollis, Jeremy Scott, BS Olsen, Cody Snow, BA Ocrerstrom, Cai dyn Ray, BS Otterstrom , Jared Michael, BS Peacock, Jam es H, BS Peel, Nathan R, BS Pence, Daniel A, BS Perry, David Lee, BS Petersen, Brian Howard, BS Peterson, Sharyce, BS Petroff , Thomas, BS Plut a, Matthew Tobias , BS Porter, Medynn, BS Randall, C hristop her R, BA Randall, Kevin L, BS Rasmussen, Nels Jo seph, BS Ream, Robert 0, BS
Reed, Zac har y H, BS Rennemeyer , John A, BS Richins, Eric Joseph, BS Roskelley, Heidi, BS Scofield, Daniel Nephi, BS Seargent, Audra Jolyn, BS Shakespea r, C layne Dee , BS Shores, Mindy, BS Shurdeff, Devin Keith , BS Sorensen, Jared M, BS Sorensen, Kaycee Rene e, BS Southam, Michael B, BA Spackman, Michael J, BS Spencer, Joseph A, BS Stehr, Ery n, BS Stuart, Benjamin Russel, BS Sullivan , Jerem iah J, BS Takahashi, Shigeyuki, BS Taylor, Reed Hoggan, BA Thacker, Seth G, BS Thomas, Brian Ray, BS Toney, Aditya Haribhau, BS Turnidge, Eric A, BA Wappect, Kerry Phillip , BS Watkins, Rex W, BS Wennergren, John E, BS Wheadey, Matthew D, BS White, Brandon L, BS White, G rego ry Scott, BS Wilcox, Ryan Eldr ege, BA Wilson, Joseph Scott, BS Woodward, Kevin D , BS Yost, Morgan G lenn, BS
SCHOOL OF GRADUATE STUDIES Laurens H. Smith Jr. lnterm Dean
DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY College of Agriculture Lowe, Laura L. Lo gan , Utah MS: Utah State Un iversity, 1990 Major : Economics Major Prof esso r: Dr. C hri sto ph er Fawso n Dissertation: Land Policy Impli cat ion s of the Endangered Spec ies Act: A Case Stud y of Locall y Initi ated Habit at Co nservation Plannin g in a Rural Settin g
Taylor, Denise E.
Chavez, Jose Luis
Logan, Utah MS: Un iversity of California, Da vis, 1989 Major: Fami ly, Co nsumer, and Human Development Major Professor: Dr. Randall M. Jone s Dissertation: Bedroom Design and D eco ration: A Co nt ext fo r In vestigat in g Develop ment al T heory in Adolescence
Santa Cruz de la Sier ra, Bolivia MS: Utah State University, 1999 Major: Biological and Agricultural E ngine er in g Major Professor : Dr. Chr istophe r M. U. Neale Dissertation: Validating Surface Energy Balance Fluxes Derived from Airborne Remote Sens in g
Vega, Alison Patricia Moscow, Id aho BA: Western Washington Un ivers ity, 1999 Major Professor: Dr. John E. Ribera Doctor of Audiology
Ivans, Sasha Logan , Uta h MS: Un iversity of Belgrade , 1999 M ajo r: Irrigation E ngineerin g Major Professor: Dr. Lawrence E. Hipp s Dissertation: Respon se ofWa rer Vapor and CO 2 Fluxes in Semiarid Plant Com muniti es to Variations in Precipitation
Woods, Monica Joanna Serbin, Guy Ph iladel ph ia, Penn sylvania MS: Ben Gurion University of the Neger, 200 l Major: So il Scie nce Major Prof essor: D r. Dani Or Di ssert ation : Grou nd -Penetrating Rad ar M easure m ent of Near-Su rface Hydrol og ic Pro cesses
College of Education and Human Services
Benjamin, Utah BS: Utah State Uni versity, 200 l Major Prof esso r: Dr. Jam es C. Blair Doctor of Audiol ogy
Woolley, Catherine C. Sa n Antonio, Texas MS: University of Hou ston, 1994 Major: Psycho logy Major Prof esso r: Dr. Fra nk R. Ascione D issert at ion: C hanges in C hild Symptom ato logy Associated with Anima lAssisted Therapy
Harrison, Rachel Kimberly North Logan, Utah BS: Utah State University, 2001 Major Professor: Dr. Kenneth M. C urti s Do ctor of Audiology
Loo, Ryan K. Farmington, Utah MS: Utah State Un ivers ity, 2003 Major: Psychology Major Profes sor : Dr. George Julne s Dissertation: Assessing che H ealth -Related Serv ice Needs of People Living wi th Human Immunod eficie ncy Virus: A Review of Ryan Wh ite Tide II Needs Assessments
Lahore, Pakistan MS: Wageningen Agricu ltur al University, 1994 Major: lrri gar io n Engin eerin g Major Professor: Dr. Richard C. Peralta Dissertation: Design of Simul at ion/ Opt imi zat ion Modeling Tec hniqu es for No nlin ea r Dynamic Gro und Water Systems
Kasikjtwiwat, Panatda
College of Engineering
Bangkok , Thailand MS: Nort heastern Univers ity, 1999 Major: Civ il and Environ m en ta l E ngin eerin g Major Professor: Dr. Anthony C hen Dissertation: Ca pacity Reliability and Capac ity Flexibility of a Transportar io n Network
Asefa, Tirusew
Khalil, Abedalrazq Fathi
Matal 1ara, Eth iopia MS: Free University Brussels, 1998 Major: C iv il and E nviro nm enta l Engin eer ing Major Prof essor: Dr. Mariush Kemblowski Dissertation : Scacisrica l Learning Theory: Co ncept s and Applications in Wate r Resources M anag ement
Gaza, Palestine MS: Utah State Un iversity, 2003 Major: C iv il and Environm ent al Engineer ing Major Professo r: Dr. Mac McKee Dissertation: Computatio nal Lea rning and Data-Driven Modeling for Water Resour ces M anageme nt and Hydrology
Budge , Aaron Scott
Nieman , Jochim Karl C.
Nort h Ogden, Utah MS: Uta h Stare University, 2000 Majo r: Civi l and Environmental Eng in eering Major Professor: Dr. James A. Bay Dissertation: Analytical and Numer ical lnv escigacion of a Mechanically Stabilized Earth Wall on 1-15
Providence, Urah MS: Utah State University, 1998 Major: Civil and Env iro nm ental Engi neeri ng Major Profe ssor : Dr. Rona ld Sim s Dissertation: Bound Residue Format ion in Bioremedial Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons and Pencachlorophenal-Concaminaced Soil as an Acceptable Treatment Endpoint
Cardon, Peter Wilson Log an , Uta h MS: Uta h Scace Univers ity, 1997 Major: Ed ucat io n Major Profe ssor: Or. Jam es C. Scott Di ssertat ion: A Qualitative St ud y of the Role of Face in C hin ese Business C ultu re: Impli catio ns for Amer ican Businesspersons
Kalwij, lneke Margot
Romero, Maria Gloria Montev ideo, Uruguay MS: Utah State University, 2000 Major: Irrigation Engineering Major Professor: Dr. Wynn Walker Dissertation: D aily Evapotranspiration Estimati on by Mean s of Evapor ative Fraction an d Reference Evapotranspiration Fraction Sasanakul, Inthuorn Bangkok, Thai land MS: Asian In st itute ofTec hn ology, 2000 Major: C ivil and Enviro nm ental Engineering Major Professor: Dr. Jam es A. Bay Dissertation: Development of Electromagnetic and Mec hanical Model for a Reso nant Co lumn and Torsional Shear Testing Device for Soils Subprasom, Kitti Bangkok , T hailand MS: Utah State University, 2000 Major: Civil and Environmenta l Engineering Major Professor: Dr. Anthony Chen Dissertation: Multi-Parry and Multi -O bjective Network Design Anal ysis for th e Build Operare-Transfer Scheme Twarakavi, Navin Kumar C. Van iyambadi, [ndia MS: Utah Seate University, 2004 Major: Civil and Env ironme m al Engi neering Major Professor: Dr. Jag ath J. Kaluarachchi Dissertation : Assessment of Aquifer Vulnerabi lity to H eavy Metal Co ntaminarion and Impli cat ions on Water Policy fssues
College of Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences Hodges, Linda Logan, Utah MSS: Utah State University, I 999 Major: Sociology Major Professor : Dr. Michael B. Toney Dissertation: The Relationsh ip of Migration and Retirement Preparation in a Co hort of Middle-Ag ed Adults Weiss, Jesse Timothy Spri ngdale, Arkansas MS: Unive rsity of Arkausas, 2000 Major: Socio logy Major Professor: Dr . Richard Krannich Dissertation: T he Sk ull Valley Goshute and N uclear Waste: Rhetorical Analysis of C laimsMaking of Oppone n ts and Proponent s
Wilson, Beth A. Logan , Urah MA: Regis University , 2000 Major: Soc io logy Major Professor: Dr. E. Hel en Berry Dissertation: Repeat Migration in th e United Stares: A Co mp ar ison of Black, Hi spa nic, and White Return and Onward Migrants
Thomson, Clint Dale Rexburg, Id aho MS: Utah State Un iversity, 2001 Major: Phy sics Major Professor: Dr. John R. Denni so n Dissertation: Measu rem ent s of th e Secondary Electron Emission Prop ert ies of Insul ators
College of Natural Resources
D ziba, Luthando Edward Eastern Cape, South Africa MS: Un iversity of Fort H are, 2000 Major: Range Scienc e Major Professor: Or. Frederick D. Prov enza Dissertation: Feeding Behavior of Sheep in Relation ro Kinetics of Sagebrus h Monot erpenes: Imp lications for Landscape Biodiv ersity Milleron, Tarek Edward Berkely, Ca liforni a BA: Oberlin College , I 989 Major: Ecology Major Professor: Dr. Eugene Schupp Dissertation: Co nt ext-D epe nd ent Di spersa l and Survival of Tropical Tree Seeds Rivera, Samuel Siguatepeque, Honduras MS : Urah State Univers ity, 1998 Major: Watershed Sc ience Major Professor : Dr. Jeffrey L. Kershner Dissertation: Testing Forestry Best Management Practices for Protect ing Water Quality in Honduras
College of Science Alexandrova, Anastassia N. Saratov, Russia MS: Saratov State University, 2000 Major: Chem ist ry Major Professor: Dr. Alexander I. Boldyrev Disseration: Multiply Aromatic Clusters via Ab Initio Gener ic Algorithm Igarashi, Robert Y. Gardena, California MS : Cal ifornia State University, Fullerton, 1999 Major: Biochemistry Major Professor: Dr. Lance C. Seefeldt Dissertation: Mechanistic Studies of MoDependent Nitrogenase from Azotobacter vinelandii
AGRICULTURE Attaphongse, Parichaya Master of Food Microbio logy and Saftey Bangkok, Thai lan d BS: Chu lalongkorn University, 2002 Major Professor: Dr. Jeffery R. Broadbent Beck, David Roland Master of Science Centerfield, Utah BS: Utal1 State University, 1992 Major: Agricultural Systems Technology Major Prof essor: Dr. Brian K. Warnick Cole, Nephi John Ma ster of Science Buffalo , Wyoming BS: Utah State Unive rsity, 2002 Major: Soil Science Major Professor : Dr. Jani s L. Boettinger Thesis: A Pedoge nic Understanding Raster C lassification Model for Mapp ing Soi ls, Powder River Basin , Wyoming Davidson, Joanna Kelley Ma ster of Science Pocate llo , Idaho BS: Utah State University , 1998 Major: Nutrition and Food Sciences Major Prof essor : Dr. Nedra K. Christensen Thesis: Nutr ition and Bone Density in Children with Cystic Fibrosis Fitzgerald, Chet A. Master of Science Perry, Utah BS: Utah Seate U niversity, 1998 Major: Animal Science Major Professor: Dr. Randall D . Wiedmeier Thesis: Comparat ive Performance of Yearling C rossbred Beef Heifers Grazing T hr ee CoolSeason Grass Species Under Inten sive Graz ing Management
Harris, Samuel Reed Master of Science Co nn ell, Washington BS: Utah Scace University, 2002 Major: Plant Scien ce M ajor Professo rs: Dr. Da vid G. C handl er and Dr. Schuy ler D. Seeley Th esis: Co mp arison of Measur ed Soi l Water Co ntent and Est im ated Evapocranspiracion in Scheduling Orchard Irrigation s Hunsaker, Jerry Lynn Master of Professional Studies in Horticulture Ed en, Utah BS: Brigham Young University, 1981 Major Prof essor: Dr. Roger K. Kjelgren John, Liza Ma ste r of Science Che nn ai, Indi a BS: Avina shilin gam In stitute for Wom en , 2000 Major: Nutritio n and Food Sciences Major Prof essor: Dr. Daren P. Co rnforth Thesis: Co mparison of Co lor and Thiobarbicuric Acid (TBA) Valu es of Coo ked Hamburger Pattie s and Top Sirloin Steaks After Storage of Fresh Beef C hub s and Rare Steaks in Modified Atmospheres of 80% Oxygen or 0.4% Ca rbon Mono xide Johnson, Val H . Ma ster of Science No rth Ogden, Utah BS: Utah Scace Univers ity, 2002 M ajo r: App lied Eco nomi cs Majo r Prof essor: Dr. Pau l M. Jak us Lombardo, Keith Master of Science Bedfo rd , New Hamp shire BS: Uta h Scace University, 1999 Major: App lied Economics Major Professor: Dr. Paul M. Jaku s Moody , Kerry A. M aster of Science Sc. George, Utah BS: Utah Scace University, 2001 Major: Agricultura l Systems Techno logy Major Prof essor: Dr. Rudy S. Tarpley Nield, Shawn Jeremy Mast er of Science Price, Utah BS: University of Idaho , 1990 M ajor: Soil Science Major Prof essor: Dr. Jani s L. Boett inger Thesis: Using GIS and Remot e-Sensing co Map Rangeland Salinity Source Areas, Upper San Rafael River, Utah
Rudnicki, Paul Joseph Master of Science Layto n , Utah BS: Ucal1 Scace Un iversity, 2003 Major: Applied Econom ics Major Prof essor: Dr. H. Craig Petersen Sorensen, Tyson J. Master of Science Dietrich, Idaho BS: Utah Scace University , 2004 Ma jor: Agricultural Systems Technology Major Prof essor: Dr . Rudy S. Tarp ley Thesis: In service Needs and Perceived Co mpet encie s of Utah Seco nd ary Agricultural Edu cation In stru cto rs Udy, Clinton Earl Master of Science West Valley City, Utah BS: Idal10 Scace University, 2000 Major: Human E nvironm ent s Major Profe ssor: Prof essor Nancy Thompson Vissa, Avanthi Master of Science Mumbai, Indi a BS: Utah Scace Un iversity, 2003 Major: Nutrit ion and Food Sciences Major Prof essor: Dr. Daren P. Co rnforth T hesis: Effect of Raw Ingredi ent Surfa ce Area, Sto rage Time, and Antio xidant s on Co lor and Oxidat ive Sta bili ty of Grou nd Beef in 80% Oxygen Modified Atmosp here Packaging Wiese, Kris J. Master of Science American Falls, Idah o BS: Ucal1 Scace University, 1998 Major: Agri cultural Syste ms Techno logy Major Prof essor: Dr. Rh onda L. Miller
COLLEGEOF BUSINESS Adams, Jennifer Jo Master of Science Promontory, Utah BS: Utah Scace U niversity, 2002 Major: Business In form at io n Systems Major Pcofesso r: Dr. Karen Forcht Allen, Todd A. M aster of Business Administration Saratoga Springs, Uta h BS: Utah Valley Seate Co llege, 2003 Anderson, David C. Ma ste r of Business Administration American Fork, Ucah BS: Utah Valley Stat e Col lege, 1999
Bailey, Nathan Bryan Master of Business Adm in istration West Jordan, Utah BS: Brigham Young U niversity, 1999 Baird, Gerald Elray Master of Business Administration Spanis h Fork, Uta h BS: Unive rsity of Phoenix, 2000 Barnard, Adam Michael Master of Business Adm inistration Orem, Utah BS: Uta h Valley State Co llege, 2002 Beck, Byron Master of Business Administration Syracuse, Uta h BS: Weber Seate Co llege, 1983 Black , Nathan J. Master of Business Administration Murray, Uta h BA: University of Utah, 1998 Broadbent, Casey James Master of Business Administration Mapleton, Ucah BS: Br igham Young University, 2001 Christensen, Cipp W. Master of Business Administration Heber C ity, Ucah BS: U niversity of Uta h, 2002 Christiansen, Brian Quincy Master of Business Adm inist ratio n Payson, Urah BS: Brigham Young Un iversity, 2003 Clark, Christopher R. Master of Science East Brunsw ick, New Jersey BA: Brigham Young University, 2003 Major: Hum an Resources Clark, Matthew Young Master of Business Adm inistratio n Lehi, Uta h BS: Brigham Young Un iversity, 1994 Co le, Gregory Grant Master of Business Administration Gra nt sville, Utah BS: Ucah Scace University, 2003 Cram, Amanda S. Master of Accounting Milpitas, Ca lifornia BS: Utah State Univers ity, 2001
Datteri, Diane S. Master of Business Administration Evanston, Wyoming BS: University of Northern Colorado, 1982
Hamilton, Bradley Allen Master of Business Administration Sandy, Utah BA: University of Utah 1998
Davidson, Cory Michael
Hanen, Matthew Brett
Master of Science Logan, Utah BS: Utah Stare University, 2002 Major: Economics Major Professor: Dr. C hristopher Fawson
Master of Business Administration Provo, Utah BS: Brigham Young University, 2000
Davies, Ben J. Master of Science Fillmore, Utah BS: Brigham Young University, 2002 Major: Business Inform atio n Systems Major Prof essor: Dr. Karen A. Forcht Davis, Brent N. Master of Scien ce Logan, Utah BS: Utah Scare University, 200 l Major: Business Information Systems Major Professor: Dr. David Olsen Dodge, Natalie Masrer of Business Administration West Jord an , Utah BS: Utah State University, 2003 Dunlap, Andrew Elliott Master of Science Old River-Winfree, Texas BS: Utah Valley State Co llege, 2003 Major: Business Inform ation Systems Major Professor: Dr. John Vinsonhaler Erickson, Jared C. Master of Accounting Paradise, Utah BS: Utah Seate University, 2003 Flyge, Sharon R. Master of Business Administration Riverton, Ucah BS: Ca lifornia State University, Norrhridge, 1986 Galt, Russell Scott Master of Business Administration Layton, Utah BA: Weber State College , 1984 Haider, RoShawn Master of Science South Jordan , Utah BS: Utah State University, 2004 Major: Business Information Systems Major Professor: Dr. David H. Olsen Halladay, William Franklin Master of Business Administration Provo, Utah BS: Utah Valley Scace College, 2003
Hansen, Jared Mikkel Master of Business Administration American Fork, Utah BS: Utah Valley State College, 2002 Hartley, Michael Ward Master of Business Administration Spring C reek, Nevada BS: Un iversity of Nebraska, Omaha, l 975 Hawkins, Jacob Brent Master of Business Administration Orem, Utah BS: Utah Seate University, 20 04 Hayes, Robert Charles Master of Business Administration Orem, Uta h BS: Utah Valley Scace Co llege, 2002 Heiner, Aaron John Master of Busine ss Administration Payso n, Ucah BS: Utah Scace Unive rsity, 200 I Henderson, John Lee Master of Science C hester, Idaho BBA: Idaho Scace University, 1998 Major : Human Resources Heninger, Matt S. Ma ster of Business Adm inistrat ion Sale Lake City, Utah BS: University of Pho enix, 2002 Heninger, Shirelle Dee Master of Business Administration Sale Lake C ity, Utah BS: Westminster College, 1994 Herron, Michael Lewis Master of Business Administration Henderson, Nevada BS: University ofUcah, 2000 Hodgson, Darryn Master of Business Administration Clearfield, Utah BS: Weber Scace University, 1998 James, Troy D. Master of Business Administration Orem, Utah BS: Utah Valley Scace Co llege, 1999
Jayakar, Arvind Master of Science Chennai, India MS: Utah State University, 200 I Major: Business Information Systems Major Professor: Dr. Jeffery J. Johnson Johansen, Ryan J. Master of Business Administration Stansbury Park, Utah BS: Utah Valley Scace College, 2002 Johnson, Angela Aston Master of Business Administration Orem, Utah BS: Utah Valley Scace College, 2003 Jones, Annalee P. Master of Accounting Bella Vista, Arkansas BS: Brigham Young University, 2001 Joos, Derek Douglas Master of Business Administration Lehi , Utah MS: Brigham Young University, 2002 Jorgensen, Lance Richard Master of Business Administration Ce ntervill e, Utah BS: Brigham Young University, 1998 Keeley, Christopher A. Master of Business Administration Hyrum, Utah BA: Utah Scace University, 1999 Knighton, Troy W. Master of Business Administration Salt Lake C ity, Utah BA: Utah Scace University, 2000 Kohl, Jason Michael Master of Accounting Brigham City, Utah BA: Idaho Seate University, 1997 Kumar, Priyanka Master of Science Chennai, India MS: Birla Instimce ofTechnology 2003 Major: Human Resources
and Science,
Kunz, Brian Master of Business Administration Lehi, Utah BS: Utah Valley Stace Co llege, 2000 Laxman, Richard J. Master of Science West Jordan, Utah BS: Utah Scace University, 2000 Major: Business Information Systems Major Professor: Dr. Dennis LaBonty
Linn, Milton Joe Master of Business Administration Las Vegas, Nevada BS: Brigham Young U niversity, 20 00 London, Mark Allen Master of Business Administration Farmin gton, Utah BS: Weber State University, 2002 Lonergan , Nathan Tomblyn Mas ter of Business Administration Ore m , Utah BS: Brigham Young Univers ity, Hawaii, 2000 Loughton, Michael S. Master of Business Admin istrat io n Ogden, Utah BS: U tah State University, 1999 Lower, Kenneth Dean Master of Business Administration Lehi , Utah BS: Utah Valley State Co llege, 200 l
Mitsuoka, Yasuko Ma ster of Science Toyono-Sun, Japan BS: Utah State University, 2002 Major: Business Informati on Systems Major Professo r: Dr. Jean A. Pratt Moncayo, Luis Ramiro Master of Science Qu ito , Ecua d or BS: Utah State Unive rsity, 2003 Major: Econom ics Major Professor: Dr. Ch ristophe r Fawson Moody, Daniel Jason Master of Business Ad m ini stration Provo, Uta h BS: Brigham Young Unive rsity, 2000 Myrup, Eric Alan Master of Scie nce O rem , Uta h BA: Uta h State Uni versity, 2004 Major: Business Inform atio n Syste ms Major Professor: Dr. David O lsen
Lusk, Heather Ann Master of Soc ial Sciences Loga n , U rah BS: Utah State U niversity, 2003 Major: Hum an Resources
Naylor, Benjamin Charles Master of Business Ad mini stration Mesa, Arizona BS: U tah Valley Scare Co llege, 1998
Marchant, Thomas Page Master of Accounti ng Centervi lle, Uta h BS: Utah State Univers ity, 2003
Patterson, Jeffery William Maste r of Business Admin ist ration Eag le Mou n tain, Utah BS: University of Pho enix, 2000
McFarland , PauJaA. Master of Busines s Adm ini stration Co ttonwood Heights , Utah BS: University of Utah, 1986
Payne, Kenneth F. Maste r of Business Administration Spa nish Fork, Utah BS: Brigham Young University, 1998
Meyer, James Joseph Master of Bus iness Administration Orem, Utah BS: University of Wisconsin, 2000
Pierce, Lee Alvin Master of Science Claremont, Californ ia BS: Brigham Young University, 1999 Major : Business Information Systems Major Professor : Dr. Karen A. Forcht
Michaelis, Kirt Jared Ma ster of Business Admin istration Orem , Utah BS: U cah Valley State Co llege, 2002 Miller, Carl Adam Master of Accounting Woods Cross, U tah BS: Utah Seate U niversity, 2004 Mishler, Cindy Master of Busin ess Administration San Fran cisco, C alifornia BS: Utah State University , 200 3
Powell, Sandra Jean Master of Busi ness Adm inistration Rexburg, Idah o BS: Brigham Young Un iversity, 1978 Rawlings, Curtis D. Master of Business Ad mini stration Lehi, Utah BS: Uta h Valley State Co llege, 2002 Raymer, Jacob Aaron Master of Science Logan, Uta h BS: Utah State Un ivers ity, 2002 Major: Business Information Systems Major Prof essor: Prof essor Robert J. Mills
Recker, James L. M aster of Busi ness Administration No rth Ogden , Uta h BS: Arizona State U niversity, 1989 Romanovskaya, Inna Master of Busin ess Admini stratio n Moscow, Russia MD: Tomsk Medical In stitut e, 1988 Rounds, Arlyn J. Master of Science N ibley, Utah BS: Uta h State U nivers ity, 2003 Major: Hum an Resources Roundy, Adam Corey Master of Science Hyrum, Utah BA: Utah State U niversity, 200 0 Major: Business In forma tion Syste ms Majo r Prof essor : Dr. Yeng Seog Kim Serr, Amy Friedrich Ma ster of Accouming Alexandria, V irgini a BA: Brigham Yo un g Un ivers ity, I 997 Shaw, Levi Daniel Master of Business Administration Idaho Falls, Id aho BA: Uta h State Un ive rsity, 2004 Shields , Kurt Master of Science Stansb ury Park , Utah BS: Uta h State U niversity, 20 03 Major: Human Resources Slagowski, Bradley D. Master of Busine ss Administrat ion Sprin gville, Utah BS: Brigham Young Un iversity, 1988 Smith , Donald Roy Master of Business Administratio n O rem, U cah BS: Brigham Young University, 2000 Smith, Henry R. Master of Busine ss Admini strati o n St. Geo rge, Uta h BS: Dixie Scare Co llege , 2002 Smith, Jennifer Lynn Mas ter of Business Adm ini stratio n Blanding, Utah BS: U tah Valley Scace Co llege, 1996 Sorensen, Denice L. Master of Business Admi nistratio n Riverron, Utah BS: University of Uta h , 199 4
Stewart, Todd Lane Master of Business Administration Payson, Utah BA: Brigham Young University, l 997
Tallerico, Dustin D. Master of Science Price, Utah BS: Southern Utah University, 2003 Major: Human Resources
Adcock, Keenan Master of Education Honolulu , Hawaii BS: Brigham Young University, 1992 Major: Instructional Technology Major Professor: Dr. J . Nicholls Eastmond, Jr.
Vaka, Sudheer Master of Science Rajahmundry, Indi a MS: Birla Institute ofTechnology and Science, 1998 Major: Business Information Systems Major Professor: Dr. Jean A. Pratt
Allen, Melanie F. Master of Education Rigby, Idaho BS: Ucah Stace University, 2004 Major: Communicative Disorders and Deaf Education Major Professor: Carmel C. Yarger
Venable, Catherine L. Master of Business Admini stration Seattle , Washington BA; Seattle University, 1987
Archuleta, Keira Joan Master of Education Sandy, Utah BS: Ucah Scare University, 1999 Major: Elementary Education Major Professor: Dr. Bernard L. Hayes
Webb, Matthew Master of Business Admini stration Saratoga Springs, Ucah BS: Utah Valley Scare College, 2003 Wells, Kirin Marie Master of Science Modesto , Ca liforni a BS: Brigham Young Univer sity, 2003 Major: Human Resources Wood, Allan Jay Master of Business Adm in iscracion Kearns, Utah BS: Utah Scace University, 2003 Woolstenhulme, Megan Jeanne Mast er of Business Administration Hyrum, Utah BS: Utah Stace University, 2001 Wright, Jerry Alan Master of Business Administration San Ramon, Ca lifornia BS: Utah Stare University, 2000 Zierenberg, Jason King Master of Science Layton, Utah BS: University of Utah, 1999 Major: Human Resources
Armstrong, Brian Patrick Master of Education Hel ena , Montana BS: University of Montana, 1998 Major: Health , Phy sical Educarion and Recreat ion Major Professor: Dr. Richard D. Gordin Jr. Baker, Lee Ann Master of Education Roosevelt , Utah BS: Utah Scare Un iversity, 1984 Major: Elementary Education Major Professor: Dr. Bernard L. Haye s Bateman, Richard Morgan Master of Education Sc. George, Utah BS: Brigham Young University, 1996 Major: In struct ional Technology Major Professor: Dr. David A. Wiley
Beam, Mary Ellen Master of Family and Human Development Cedar City, Utah BS: Southern Ucah University, 1998 Major Professor: Dr. Kathleen W Piercy Bennett Jescee Leigh Evanston, Wyoming BS: University of Wyoming, 200 1 Major: Healrh, Physical Educa tion and Recre ation Major Professor: Dr. Juli e A. Gase Thesis: Menopausal Women's Opinions, Beliefs, and Knowledg e Concerning the Risks of the Use of Hormon e Replacement Therapy
Bennett, Lynden Master of Education Morgan , Utah BS: Southern Urah Scace College 1988 Major: Instructional Technology Major Professor: Dr. Yanghee Kim Betts, Russell W. Master of Science Orem, Utah BS: Utah Valley Seate Co llege, 2003 Major: Psychology Bingham, Nedra Allen Master of Education Tremonton, Urah BS: Utah Scace Univers ity, 1972 Major: Elementary Education Major Professor: Dr. Parker C. Fawson Black, Kent Rulon Master of Education Ga rland, Utah BA: Idaho Scace University, 1999 Major: [ nscruccional Technology Major Professor: Professor Sheri Haderlie Blackburn, Martin Lee Mater of Science Goldenda le, Washington BS: Lewis-Clark Scace College, 1998 Major: Health, Physical Education and Recreation Major Professor: Dr. Phillip Waite Thesis: Instrum ent Construction for Measunng Factors lnAuencing the Acquisition of Automated External Defibrillator Training Blocker, Brenda Hunt Master of Education Orem, Utah BS: Utah Valley State College, 2002 Major: Instructional Technology Major Profes sor: Dr. J. Nicholls Eastmond, Jr. Bourgeous, Brent Dean Master of Education Syracuse, Utah BS: University of Utah, 1986 Major: Instructional Technology Major Professor: Professor She ri Haderl1e
Bowler, Marsha Elizabeth Reeder Master of Science Washington, Utah BS: Brigham Young University, 1979 Major: Psychology
Brooks, Cherri Holbrook Master of Science Centerville, Utah BS: Utah State University, 2002 Major: Family, Consumer, and Human Development Major Professor: Dr. Lori A. Roggman Thesis: Father Book Reading Behaviors and Prel(jndergarten Emergent Literacy Brown, Kim P. Master of Education Bluffdale, Utah BS: Utah State University, 198 7 Major: Instructional Technology Major Professor: Dr. Byron R. Burnham Brown, Monica M. Master of Science Orem, Utah BS: Brigham Young University, 1991 Major: Psychology Buchanan, Leslie R. Master of Education Smithfield, Utah BS: Utah State University, 198 7 Major: Special Education Major Professor: Dr. Pamela J. Hud so n Calverley, Grant Russell Ma ster of Science Moreno Valley, Ca lifornia BS: Utah State University, 2003 Major: Psychology Castagno, Kenneth Wendell Master of Science Wendover, Utah BS: Weber State University, 199 l Major : Psychology Chia, Benedict Bing-Howe Master of Science Singapore BS: National University of Singapore, 2000 Major: Instructional Technology Major Professor: Dr. J. Nichollas Eastmond, Jr. Christensen, Alan Klar Master of Education Manti, Utah BS: Utah Valley State College, 1999 Major: Instructional Technology Major Professor: Professor Sheri Haderlie Christensen, Cody R. Master of Education Mountain Home, Utah BA: Utah State University, 1998 Major: Secondary Education
Christensen, Koni S. Master of Science Clearfield, Utah BS: Weber State University, 2003 Major: Psychology Clark, Stephanie Master of Science Kaysville, Utah BS: Weber State University, 1999 Major: Psychology Coley, William R. Master of Rehabilitation Co unselin g Venice, California MS: Dominican College of San Rafael, 2002 Major Professo r: Dr. Julie F.Smarr Collins, Clint R. Master of Rehabilitation Counseling Suva, Fiji BS: Utah Stare University, 2003 Major Profe sso r: Dr. Juli e F.Smart Cox, Justin Dan Master of Science Providenc e, Utah BS: Utah State University, 2003 Major: H ealth, Physical Education and Recreation Major Prof essor: Dr. Edward M. H eat h Cox, Rachel Ma ster of Education Centerville, Urah BS: Utah State University, 200 I Major: In str uctional Technology Major Prof essor: Dr. Brett E. Shelton Crews, Amber Lynn Master of Science Lake in the Hills , Illinois BS: Ball Stare University, 2000 Major: Psychology Major Profe ssor : Dr. Gretchen Gimpel Thesis: The Impact of Extracurricular Activities on Children's School Performance and Mental Health Crittenden, Curtis Reed Master of Family and Human Development Heber City, Utah BA: Utah State University, 1999 Major Professor: Dr. Linda M. Skogrand Cutts, Cynthia C. Master of Education Fountain Hill s, Arizona BS: John Brown University, 1977 Major: Special Education Major Professor: Dr. David E. Forbush
Davis, Charles Nelson Master of Science Huntsville , Urah BS: Weber Scare University, 200 I Major: Family, Consumer, and Human Development Major Professor: Dr. Thorana S. Nelson Thesis: Women's Substance Abuse Treatment with Supp lemental Couple's Therapy: Changes in Women's Levels of Intimacy an Autonomy in Relacion to Treatment Outcomes by Treatment Modality Dellamas, Erin Kristen Master of Education Salt Lake City, Utah MS: University of Utah, 2000 Major: Psychology Doug las, David M. Master of Education Tooel e, Utah BS: University of Utah, 1999 Major: Jnscrucrional Technology Major Professor: Dr. Byron R. Burnham Durrant, Jolene Master of Science Sr. George, Utah BS: Utah State University, 1979 Major: Psychology Eldredge, Shelby Shumway Master of Scienc e Blanding, Utah BS: Southern Utah University, 1991 Major: Psychology Elmer, Heidi A. Master of Science Santa C lara, Utah BA: Utah State University, 2002 Major Psychology Enslinger, Dustin L. Master of Science LaCro sse, Kansas BS: Kansas State University, 2003 Major : Health , Physical Education and Recreation Major Professor: Dr. Edward Heath Fallon, Jennifer A. Master of Science Minneapolis, Minnesota BS: Northwestern University, 1994 Major: Psychology Major Professor: Dr. Kevin Masters Thesis: Roles of Religious Orientation and H ealth Locu s of Co ntrol in an Aging Population
Fillerup, Lindsay JoAnn
Hatch, Daniel LeRoy
Jones, Matthew Dennis
Master of Science Layton, Utah BA: Un iversity of Utah, 2002 Major : Psycholo gy
Master of Science Ogden, Utah BS: Weber Sta te Un ivers ity, 2002 Major: Psychology Major Professor : Dr. Renee V. Ga llih er Thesis: The Development and Psychosoc ial Co rrelates of Adolescent Sexuality
Mast er of Sc ience Page, Arizona BS: Un iversity of Utah, 2000 Maj or : Psyc hology Major Profe ssor: Dr. Renee V. Galliher Thesis: Navajo Ethnic Identity and Acculruracion: Di scove ring Connections Betwee n Ethnic Id enrity, Accu ltur ation, and Psychosoc ial Ourcomes
Fillmore Alison Creer Master of Education H eber, Utah BS: So uth ern Utah Co llege, 1978 Major: Eleme nt ary Education Major Professor: Dr. James J. Barta
Fitch, Sarah Beth Master of Education Idaho Falls, Id aho BS: Utah Scare Un iversity, 2001 Major: Secondary Edu ca tion
Fong, Jordan Master ofE du ca 1ion American Fork, Uta h BS: Brigham Young Unive rsity, 1992 Major: Instruct iona l Techno logy Major Professor: Dr. Joa nn e P. Bentl ey
Freeman, Logan Christopher Master of Educarion Eagle Mountain, Urah BA: Uta h Srare Univers ity, 2000 M ajor: Instru ctional Technology M ajor Prof esso r: Dr. J. Nichol ls Eastm o nd , Jr.
Garrett, Teresa Master of Education Tremonton , Utah BS: Utah Seate University, 2002 Maj or: Eleme nrary Ed ucation Major Professo r: Dr. Bernard L. Hayes
Hansen, Thayne O'Deen III Master of Science Moroni , Utah BS: Weber Sta te Univ ersity, 2003 Major: Psycholo gy
Hardy, Christopher Shawn Ma ster of Science Sandy, Utah BS: Brigham Young Un ivers ity, 1999 Major: Psychology
Hartzheim, Daphne Ursula Ma ster of Science Du esseldorf, Germany BS: Uta h Scare University, 2003 Major: Commun ica te Disorders and Deaf Educatio n Major Professor: Dr. Bech E. Foley
Hivner, Audrey Lynn Master of Science Anaheim Hill , Ca lifornia BS: Uta h State U niversity, 2003 Major: Co mmuni cat ive Diso rder s and Deaf Ed ucat ion Major Professor : Dr. Bech E. Foley
Hodges, DJ Master of Rehabilit at ion Co un seling Rigby , Idaho BS: Uta h Srare University, 2002 Major Professor: Dr. Julie F. Smart
Jensen, Deborah Lynn Master of Science Logan, Utah BS: Ura h State Un iversity, 1996 Major: In str uct iona l Tec hnolo gy Major Professor: Dr. J. N icholl s Eastm o nd , Jr.
Johansen, Jed Corbin Master of Education Syracuse, Urah BS: Weber Srare University, 2000 Major: Secondary Ed ucatio n
Jones, Raina Ilene Master of Science Tay lor, Utah BA: University of South D akota , 1997 Major : Psycholo gy Major Profe ssor: Dr. G retc hen Gimpel Thesis: Parent Training Pro gram s, Values, and Relat ed Issues Conce rning the C ultur ally Div erse
Kelsey, Glenda Collins Masrer of Edu cation Roosevelt, Utah BS: Uta h Srace University, 1982 Maj o r: Elementary Education Major Professor: Dr. Bernard L. H ayes
Key, Laurie C. M aste r of Education Eden, Ura h BS: Ca rroll Co llege, 1984 Major: I nscrucrion al Tech no logy Major Professo r: Dr. Yanghee Kim
King, Donna Lee Johnston, Micah Bingham Master of Science Morgan, Urah BS: Webe r State Un ivers ity, 2002 Major: Psycho logy
Ma ster of Rehabilirarion Co un selin g We llsville, Utah BS: Utah Scace University, 2003 Major Prof esso r: Dr. Timorhy N. Tansey
Kucera, Betty Jones, Aaron Spencer Master of Science Tay lorsville, Utah BA: Urah State University, 2002 Major: In stru ctional Technology Major Professor: Dr. J. Nic holl s Eastmond , Jr.
M aster of Rehabilicarion Co unseling Hou sto n , Texas MS: Texas A & M University, Co llege Station,
1986 Major Prof essor: Dr. Timothy N. Tansey
Leary, Heather M. Jones, Ellie Master of Education Logan, Utah BFA: Utah Stat e Univ ersity, 2000 Major: Tnsrruction al Technology Major Profe sso r: Dr. J Nicho lls Eastmond , Jr.
Ma ster of Education Salr Lake City, Utah BFA: Utah Scare Univer sity 2000 Major: Instructional Technology Major Professor: Dr. J. N icholl s Eastmond , Jr.
LeBlanc, Sandra M. Mast er of Rehabilitation Counsel ing Moreno Valley, Cal iforni a BS: Utah State University, 2003 Major Professor: Dr. Juli e F. Smarr
Leonard, Mark Christopher Master of Science Logan, Utah BS: Southern Utah University, 2001 Major: Instr uctional Technology Major Profe ssor: Dr. Margaret "Mimi " Recker
Mock, Erin L. Ma ster of Science Rid geland , South Caro lina BS: Utah State U niversity, 2003 Major: Co mmuni cative Disorders and Deaf Education Major Prof essor: Dr. Beth E. Foley
Packard, Ashlee Master of Science Layton, Uta h BS: Utah State Unive rsity, 2003 Major: Commun icative Disorders and Deaf Education Major Professor: Dr. Caro l Stro ng
Master of Science C han gchun , C hina MS: Utah State University, 2002 Major: In str uction al Technology Major Prof essor: Dr . Margaret "Mimi " Recker
Mogensen, Mary J. Master of Rehabilit at ion Counse ling Farmington, New Mexico BS: Utah State University, 1997 Major Prof essor: Dr. Juli e F. Smarr
Parr, Gudrun Master of Ed ucatio n Vernal, Utah BS: Brigham Young University, 1996 Major: Elememary Educat ion Major Professor: Dr. Bernard L. Hayes
Lynch, Michael Juddson Master of Education Roseville, Cal iforni a BS: University of Montana-Missoula, Major: Secondary Education
Mower, Melody Fotheringham Master of Education South Jordan , Utah BS: Brigham Young Un iversity, 2001 Major: Commun icative D isorde rs and Deaf Education Major Professor: Dr. Susan Watkins
Liu, Ye
Manning, Clayton Todd Master of Science Hot Sprin gs, Arkansas BS: Un iversity of the Ozarks, 200 1 Major: Psycho logy Major Professor: Dr. M. Scon DeBerard Thesis: Predictors of O utcom e of Sur gery for Ca rpal Tunnel Syndrom e Marler, Lindy A. Master of Science Lewiston, Utah BS: Uta h State Un iversity, 2003 Major: Instru ct ional Technology Major Professor: Dr. J. N icollas Eastmon d, Jr. Matthews, Aaron Master of Rehab ilitation Co un seling Ce nt erfield, Utah BS: Weber State University, 1998 Major Professor: Dr. Juli e F. Smart McKay, Cynthia Master of Science Logan , Utah BS: Utah State University, 2003 Major: Communicative Disorders and D eaf Education Major Professor: Prof essor Vicki Simonsmeier Miller, David Master of Science Woods Cross, Utah BS: Utah State University, 2003 Major: Instructional Technology Major Profe ssor: Dr. Joanne P. Bentley Miller, Katie Elaine Master of Education Solon, Iowa BA: University of Northern Iowa , 2003 Major: Health , Physical Education and Recreation Major Professor: Dr. John Kras
Muller, Treion J. Master of Education Farmington, Utah BA: Southern Utah U niversity, l 999 Major: In st ruction al Technology Major Professor: Dr. Brett E. Shelton Nakashima-Lizarazo, Michiko Mae Master of Science No rth Ogden, Utah BA: University of Texas, El Paso, 1998 Major: Psychology Nelson, Patricia Ann Master of Education Orem, Utah BS: Brigha m Young University, 1970 Major : Instru ctional Technology Major Professor: Dr. JoAnn e Bentley Niedfeldt, Twyla Rae Master of Rehabilitation Co un seling Wawkesha, Wis con sin BS: Carroll College, 20002 Major Professor: Dr. Julie F. Smart Nunn, Austin John Master of Education Nibley, Utah BS: Utah Stat e University, 2000 Major: Secondary Education Nunnally, David N. Master of Rehabilitation Co un seling Loveland, Colorado BS: University of Northern Colorado, 1976 Major Professor : Dr. Timoth y Tansey
Patterson, Amber Nicole Master of Ed ucation Boumiful, Utah BS: Utah State University, 2004 Major: Com muni cative Disorders and Deaf Educat ion Major Professor: Dr. Carmel C. Yarger Peckover, Lydia Master of Science Lynden, Washingron BS: Utah Valley State Co llege Major: Psychology Pedersen, Annette Cowley Master of Ed ucatio n Vernal, Uta h BS: Utah Stat e Unive rsity, 1969 Major: Elementary Educat ion Major Profe ssor: Dr. Berna rd L. Hayes Petersen, Joan Master of Ed ucat ion West Jo rd an, Utah BS: Utal1 State Univers ity, 1985 Major : Eleme mary Edu catio n Major Professor: Dr. Parker C. Fawso n Pierce, Robert J. Master of Edu cation Layton , Utah BS: Utah Scare University, 1997 Major: Instru ctional Technology Major Professor: Professor Sherri Haderlie Podlesnik, Christopher Aaron Mast er of Science Latrob e, Pennsylvani a BS: West Virginia University, 2002 Major: Psychology Major Prof essor: Dr. Timothy A. Shahan Thesis: The Effects of Added Reinforcers on Resistan ce to Change Rasmussen, Ange M aster of Rehabilit ation Co un seling Hyrum , Utah BS: Utah Seate University, 2003 Major Prof essor: Dr. Julie Smart
Reather, Kristie L. Master of Educat ion Riverton, Utah BS: Utah State University, 1996 Major: Elementary Education Major Professor: Dr. Parker C. Fawson
Reynolds, Angela Marie Master of Education Murray, Utah BS: Utah State University, 1996 Major: Elementary Education Major Professor: Dr . Bernard L. Hay es Roderick, Brooke A. Master of Science Logan, Utah BS: Utah State University, 2003 Major: Communicative Disorders and Deaf Education Major Professor: Dr. Beth E. Foley
Sanders, Dominique Dietz Master of Science Brigham C ity, Utah BS: Uta h State University, 1989 Major: Psychology Santella, Eileen Master of Science Ogden , Utah BS: University of Utah, 1998 Major: Psychology Schafer, Rachel vonBehren Ma ster of Education Las Vegas, Nevada BS: Utah State University, 2004 Major: Communicative Disorder s and Deaf Education Major Profe sso r: Dr. Carmel C. Yarger Schmidt, Robert S. Mast er of Education Sr. Geo rge, Uta h BA: Weber Stare University, 1994 Major: Instructional Techno logy Major Professor: Dr. David A. Wiley Shaffer, Todd Ferris Master of Rehabilit at ion Counseling Smithfield, Uta h BA: Utah State University, 2003 Major Professor: Dr. Julie F. Smarr Shelburne, Elaine Olsen Master of Education Riverdale, Utah BS: Dana College, 1969 Major: Instructional Technology Major Professor: Dr. Yanghee Kim
Smart, Jennifer Ann Master of Rehabilitation Counseling Salt Lake City, Utah BS: Brigham Young Univers ity, 1999 Major Professor: Dr. Julie F.Smart
Townsend, Peter Master of Rehabilitation Co unseling Vaughn, Montana BS: University of Great Falls, 1995 Major Professo r: Dr. Hal M. Ca in
Snow, Leslie Ann Master of Rehabilitation Co un seling Swampscott, Massachusetts BS: University of Denver , 1974 Major Professor: Dr. Juli e F.Smart
Uhland-Novoa, Jennifer Anne Master of Science Clearfield, Utah BS: Utah State University, 1990 Major: Special Education Major Professor: Dr. Robert Morgan Thesis: A Study of the Effectiveness of Paraeducator Training on One Component of Behavior Management
Sorenson, Desiree Ann Kesterson Master of Science Mountain View, Wyoming BS: Brigham Young University, 2003 Major: Commun icative Disorders an d Deaf Education Major Professor: Professor Anne Elsweilcr Staley, Chad Bisel Master of Education Coalv ille, Utah BS: Weber Scare College, 1989 Major: Instructional Technology Major Professor: Dr. Yanghee Kim Stevenson, Lydia Lynn Master of Education Layton, Utah BS: Ca liforni a State University, Fresno, 1985 Major: Instructional Techno logy Major Professor: Dr. Brett E. Shelcon Sweat, Anthony Ross Master of Education South Jordan , Utah BFA: University of Utah, 1999 Major: Secondary Education Major Professor: Dr. Jani ce L. Hall Teeples, Howard David Master of Rehabilitation Co un seling Richfield, Utah BS: Univ ersity of Utah, l 997 Major Professor: Professor Timothy N. Tansey Thomas, Donald Shane Master of Science Logan, Utah BS: Utah State University, 1993 Major: Instructional Technology Major Professor: Dr. Margaret "M imi " Recker Thompson, Corey Peter Master of Ed ucation Perry, Utah BS: Utah State University, 1993 Major: Instructional Technology Major Professor: Dr. J. Nicho lls Eastmond, Jr.
Urry, Joanna Master of Science Layron , Utah BS: Weber State University, 1996 Major: Psychology Vernon, David C. Master of Educatio n Salt Lake C ity, Utah BA: University of Utah, 1994 Major: Secondary Education Walker, Kristen Master of Education Danville, Ca lifornia BS: Brigham Young University, 2000 Major: Special Education Major Professor: Benjamin Lignugaris/Krafr Willardson, Robert E. Master of Science We llsville, Utah BS: Utah State University, 2002 Major: Psychology Wood, Heidi Master of Science Sc. George, Utah BS: Uta h State University, 2003 Major: Health, Physical Education and Recreation Major Professor: Dr. Edward M. Heath Woodbury, Daniel John Master of Science Eagle Mountain, Utah BA: Utah State University , 2001 Major: Family, Consumer, an d Hum an Development Major Professor: Dr. Scot M. Allgood Thesis: A Needs Assessment of Marriage and Family Therapy Approved Supervision in Utah
Woodward, Britney Lynn Master of Science Kansas City, Missouri BS: Utah Stare University, 2003 Major: Communicative Disorders and Deaf Education Major Profe ssor: Dr. Beth E. Fo ley Wong, Oi-Ha Carol Master of Rehabilitation Counseling Hong Kong, China BS: Utah Stare University, 2002 Major Prof essor: Dr. Juli e F. Smarr Worthen, Katharine H. Master of Education Vernal, Urah BS: Utah Stare University, 1992 Major: Elementary Edu car ion Major Prof essor: Dr. Rebecca M. Monhardr Wright-Gallo, Glenna Laureen Master of Science Las Vegas, Nevada BS: University of Nevada, Las Vegas, I 997 Major: Special Education Major Prof essor: Dr. Thomas S. Higb ee Thesis: Classroom-Based Experimental Fun ct ional Analysis for Students with Emotional/Behavior Disorders Yates, Mikelle Lee Master of Science Sr. George, Urah BS: Utah Stare University, 2003 Major: Psychology Young, Janet G. Master of Rehabilicarion Co un seling LaVerkin, Utah BS: Southern Utah Stare Co llege, 1968 Major Professor: Dr. Juli e F. Smart
COLLEGEOF ENGINEERING Agarwal,Rahul Master of Science Bareilly, India BTech: Kanpur Un iversity, 2001 Major: Irrigation Eng ineering Major Professor: Dr. Robert W. Hill Thesis: Evapotranspirarion Crop Coefficient Curves for Coo l Season Grass and Gra ssLegume Pasture
Arora, Anisha Master of Science Bombay, India BS: Mumbai Univers ity, 2001 Major: Electrical Engineering Major Prof essor: Dr. Kevin Moore
Banks, Rustin Bjorn Master of Science Hi ghland , Utah BS: Utah Stare Un iversity, 2005 Major: Electrical Engineering Major Professor: Dr. Todd K. Moon
Cornelsen, Scott Steven Master of Science Moses Lake, Washington BS: Urah Stare University, 2005 Major: Electrical Engineering Major Professor: Dr. Charles M. Swenson
Barton, Kyle Max Master of Scien ce West Jordan, Uta h BS: Utah Stare University, 2004 Major: Mechanical Engineering Major Professor: Dr. Warren F. Phillips
Cox, Skylar Alan Master of Science Liberty, Utah BS: Utah State University, 2005 Major: Mechanical Engineering Major Professor: Dr. Todd J. Mosher Thesis: The Mechanical Design of SkyCam
Bhatt, Asti N. Master of Science Vadopara, India BE: Gujarat University, 2001 Major: Electrical Eng ineering Major Professo r: Dr. Charles M. Swenson Thesis: Ionosph eric Radar Observations of H earer Induced Field-AJigned Irr egu laritie s Bingham, Brent William Master of Science H yde Park , Utah BS: Urah Stare University, 2002 Major: Biological Engineering Major Pro fessor: Dr. Timothy A. Taylor Thesis: Econom ic Production of Ce llulase for Ligno cellulosic Waste Hydrolysis to Enhance Biogas Production Brown, Chad H. Master of Science Ca ldwell , Idaho BS: Utah State University, 2005 Major: Civil and Environmental Engineer ing Major Professor: Dr. Blake P Tullis Chandrasekharan, Madhumita Master of Science Bangalore, Indi a BE: Bangalore University, 2000 Major: Electrical Engineering Major Profe ssor: Dr. Kevin L. Moore Chen, Pengyu Master of Science Taipei, Taiwan MS: National Ta iwan Un iversity of Science and Technology, 1998 Major: Electrical Engineering Major Professor: Dr. YangQuan Chen Thesis: Parrern Formation in Mobi le Wireless Sensor Networks Child, Daniel Ryan Master of Engineering Logan, Utah BS: Utah State University, 2004 Major: Civil and Environmental Engineering Major Profes sor: Dr. Jagarh Kaluarachchi
Craig, Paul LeRoy Master of Engineering Woodland Hill s, Utah BS: Uta h Stare Univers ity, 2005 Major: C ivil and Environmental Engineering Major Professor: Dr. Joseph A. Cal iendo Crockett, Robert David Master of Science Co lorado Spr ings, Colorado BS: Utah State University, 2004 Major: Mechanical Eng ineering Major Professor: Dr. Thomas H. Fronk Dent, Michael C. Master of Engineering Richmond, Uta h BS: Utah Stare University, 2005 Major: Civi l and Environmental Eng ineering Major Professor: Dr. Marvin W. Halling Fish, Chad S. Master of Science Tooele, Utah BS: Urah State University, 1998 Major: Electrical Eng ineerin g Major Prof essor: Dr. Cynt hia Furse Gillespie, Preston Cyril Master of Science Highland, Utah BS: Utah Stare University, 2005 Major: Mechanical Engineering Major Profe sso r: Dr. Thomas H. Fronk Grover, Alan B. Mast er of Science Logan, Utah BS: Uta h State University, 1996 Major: Electrical Engineering Major Professor: Dr. Gardiner S. Sriles Guerrero, Holly C. Master of Science Pocatello , Idaho BS: Montana Tech, University of Montana, 2002 Major: Civil and Environmental Engineering Major Professor: Dr. William J. Doucerre Thesis: Fare of Sulfolane in a Hydroponic Cana il System
Gupta, Abhishek
Holyoak, Nathan S.
Mathur, Rajat
Mas ter o f E ngineerin g Raipur, India BE: PT Ravishank er Shukl a Uni versity, 200 l Ma jo r: Electri cal E ngineerin g Major Pro fessor: Dr. Alan W. Sha w
M aster o f Science Taylo rsville, U tah BS: Uta h State U ni versity, 2004 Majo r: Mec hanica l Engineerin g M ajo r Professo r: D r. Bya rd D. Wood
M aster of E ngineerin g Bomb ay, India BS: Bo mb ay Uni versity, 1999 M ajo r: Elec tri cal En gineerin g M ajor Prof essor : Dr. C harles M. Swenson
Gutke, Scott W.
Jensen, Jeff Paul
Merrill, Alex J.
M aster of Science Blandin g, Ural1 BS: U tah Star e Uni versity, 2002 M ajo r: E ngin ee rin g and Technolo gy Edu catio n M ajo r Pro fesso r: Dr. M auri ce G. Th o mas
M aste r of E ngineerin g Pleasant G rove , U ral1 BS: Utah Scare U niversity, 200 4 M ajor : C ivil and Enviro nm ent al En ginee rin g M ajo r Pro fessor : Dr. Jaga ch Kalu arachchi
M aster of Engin ee rin g Trent on , U tah BS: Utah Stat e Uni versity, 2000 Maj o r: C ivil and Envir o nm ental Enginee rin g M ajo r Pro fessor: Dr. M arvin W. H allin g
Hale, Rex Allen
Jones, Brian Allen
Meyer, William F.
M aster o f Science Rigby, Idaho BS: U tah Scare U niversity, 200 4 M ajor : M echanical Enginee rin g M ajo r Professor: Dr. Brent E . Stu cker
M aster o f Science R idgec rest, Ca lifo rni a BS: U tah State Un ive rsity, 200 4 Ma jor: Electri cal E ngineering M ajo r Pro fesso r: Dr. Rand y H aupt T hesis: Ant enn a Ar ray Tec hniq ues fo r De tec tion of Bur ied Unex plod ed O rd nances
M aster of E ngineerin g Vancou ver, Washin gton BS: Utah Stare U niversity, 200 5 Maj o r: C ivil and E nvironm ental Eng inee rin g M ajor Pro fessor : Dr. Willi am J. Rahm eye r
Hamilton , Travis B. Master of Eng inee rin g H err iman, U tah BS: Uta h Sta ce U nivers ity, 200 5 Ma jo r: C ivil a nd En viro nm ent al E ngineer ing Major Professor : Dr. Jose ph A. Ca lien do
Hansen, Andrew B. Maste r of Science Panaca, Neva d a BS: Utah Scare University, 200 5 Ma jo r: Mec han ica l Eng ineering Ma jo r Pro fesso r: D r. Steven L. Folkm an T hesis: Thr ee Ax is Force and Mome nt T ransfe rence T hro ugh Flexible Foil T herm al Link s
Jones , Kathleen Watkins Mas ter of Engineerin g Salr Lake City, Urah BS: Utah Scare Univers ity, 200 5 Major : Civ il and E nviro nm ent al E ngineer ing Major Professor: Dr. W illiam J. Rahm eye r
King , Chad James Maste r of Science Layton, Uta h BS: Utah Srate Un iversity, 2005 Ma jor: Mechan ica l E ngineer ing Ma jo r Professor: Dr. War ren F. Philli ps
Koneru , Chalan Hansen, Brian Whitelaw Maste r of Science Sr. Geo rge, Uta h BS: Uta h Scare Uni versity, 200 5 M ajo r: M echanical E ngineerin g Ma jo r Pro fessor: D r. Wa rren F. Phillip s
Mas ter of Engine erin g Vijayawada, Ind ia BTec h : Jawa harlal Ne hru Tec h Un iversity, 2 002 Ma jor : Elect rica l Engi neerin g Ma jor Professo r: Dr. Yanqua n C hen
Krishnanand , Kartik S. Hansen, Michael J. Ma ster o f Enginee rin g Wellsville, Utah BS: U tah Stare U niversity, 2005 M ajor: C ivil and E nvironm ental E ngin eerin g M ajo r Prof essor: Dr. Jose ph A. C aliendo
Maste r of Engin eering Bo mb ay, India BTec h: Babasahib Amb edk ar Univ ersity, 2002 Ma jor: Electri cal Engineerin g Ma jo r Professor : Dr. Rand y J.Jo st
Low, Jeffrey Eugene Harms, Paul Wesley M aster of Science Logan , Utah BS: Uni versity of U rah , 1991 M ajo r: C ivil and En vironm ental E ngineerin g M ajo r Prof essor: Dr. M ac M cKee Th esis: Water Use D atabase Developm ent and An alysis of Residenti al Water Us e in Salt Lake C ity, U ral1
M as ter of Scienc e North O gden, Ut ah BS: Utah State University, 2005 Major : M echanical Engineering Ma jo r Prof essor: Dr. Th o mas H. Fronk
Mulay, Aditi G. Mas ter of Enginee ring Pun e, Indi a BE: University o f Pun e, 200 I M ajo r: Electri cal E ngineerin g Majo r Pro fessor: Dr . Ala n W. Shaw
Munt, Mark Allen M aster of Science M oa b, Ut ah BS: Uta h State Uni versity, 200 5 Majo r: Mec han ical Enginee rin g Ma jo r Professo r: D r. Steve n Lee Folkm an
Nanadoum, Kinagoto Maste r of Engineerin g Sarh , C had D IPL OMA: Uni versity of O uagadougo u , 1984 Ma jo r: C ivil and E nviro n menta l E ngineer ing Majo r Professo r: Dr. Dav id S. Bow les
Nataraj, Ramya Cuduvalli Mas ter of Science Bangalo re, India BS: Myso re Unive rsity, 2000 M ajo r: C ivil and En vironm ental Engin eerin g M ajor Prof essor: Dr. William J. Gr enn ey
Niu,Lin M aster of Science Hou ston , Texas BE: Ea st C hina Univ ersity of Science and Tech no logy, 1994 Major: E lectri cal En gineerin g Maj o r Prof essor: Dr. C harles M. Swenson
Pearson, David Robyn Lyman, Jackee Mas ter of E ngin eerin g Payso n , Uta h BS: Uta h State U nivers ity, 2005 Ma jor : C ivil and E nviro nm ental E ngineerin g Major Prof essor: Dr. Joseph A. Ca liend o
Ma ster of Engin eerin g Loga n, U tah BS: U tah Scare Uni versity, 200 4 M ajor : C ivil and Environm ent al Enginee rin g M ajo r Prof essor: Dr. M arvin W. H allin g
Pehrson, Steven B. Master of Science Smithfield, Utah BS: Utah State Univers ity, 2005 Major: Mechanical Engineering Major Profe ssor: Or. Thomas H. Fronk
Shelley, Tyler Dale Master of Engineering Spanish Fork, Utah BS: Utah Seate Univer sity, 2005 Major: Civil and Environmental Engineer ing Major Prof essor: Or. William J. Rahmeyer
Tiwari, RahuJ Master of Eng ineering Gujart, Indi a BE: South G ujarat Univers ity, 2003 Major: Electr ical Engineering Major Professor: Dr. Alan W Shaw
Porter, Dalian Lex Master of Science Freedom, Wyoming Major: Mechanical Engineering Major Professor : Or. Thomas H. Fronk
Stoeber, Michael Wayne Master of Science Alamosa, Colo rado BS: Utah State University , 2004 Major: Civi l and Environmental Engineering Major Professor: Or. William J. Rahmeyer
Vasquez, Issaak Rafael Master of Science Lima , Peru BS: University of Agriculture , 200 l Major: Irri gation Engi neering Major Professor: Or. Gary P. Merkley Th esis: Analysis of che Float M ethod Under Un iform and Nonuniform Flow Condit ion s in Rectangular Channels
Ramaswamy, Bharath Master of Science Coimbatore, Indi a BS/MS: Birla Institute of Techno logy and Science, 2003 Major: Electrical Engineering Major Profe sso r: Or. Kevin Moore Reese, Kenneth B. Master of Science Logan, Utah BS: Utah State University, 2004 Major: Electrical Engineering Major Professor: Or. Doran J. Baker Robinson, Jeffrey Reid Master of Science Roy, Utah BS: Utah State University, 2005 Major: Mechanical Engineering Major Professor: Or . Thomas H. Fronk Robinson, Samuel Collin Master of Science Meek er, Colorado BS: Utah State University, 2005 Major: Civil and Environmental Engineering Major Profe sso r: Or. Blake P. Tullis Thesis: Hydr aulic Cha racteri st ics of a Buried Invert Elliptical Cu lvert Inlet and Quantification of C ulvert Exit Loss Rousseau, Antoine Master of Science Mountain Green, Utah BS: Utah State University, 2005 Major: Mechanica l Engineering Major Professor: Or . Thomas H. Fronk Russell, Dennis Albert Master of Eng ineering Grantsville, Utah BS: Utah State University, 200 I Major: Civ il and Environmenta l Engineering Major Professor: Or. Joseph A. Caliendo Sharp, Jacob Lance Master of Science Orangeville , Utah BS: Utah State Univers ity, 2005 Major: Civi l and Environmenta l Engineering Major Professor: Or. Michael C. John son
Stokes, Scott T. Master of Engineering Tremonton, Utah BS: Utah State University, 2005 Major: Electrical Engine ering Major Prof essor: Or. Gardine r S. Stiles Ten Eyck, Clayton H. Master of Science Prescott, Arizona BS: Northern Arizona Univers ity, 2003 Major: Civil and Environmental Engineering Major Professor: Or. William J. Doucette T hesis: Evaluati on of Pharmaceutical Fare in Pilot and Bench Scale Drinking Water Treatment Planes Terry, Bradly Lewis Master of Engineering Heyburn, Idaho BS: Utah State University, 2004 Major: Civil and Environmental Engineering Major Professor: Or. Marvin W. H alling Thayn, Brett Ray Master of Science Wellington , Utah BS: Utah State University, 2000 Major: Electrical Engineering Major Professor: Or. Kevin Moore Thesis: Two-Dimensional Dead Recko ning Based on Optical Flow Thomas, Kendrick L. Master of Science Richfield , Urah BS: Utah Stare University, 2004 Major: Civil and Environmental Engineering Major Professor: Dr. Paul J. Barr Timani, Bassel Nuhad Master of Science Beirut, Lebanon BS: American University of Beirut , I 999 Major: Irrigation Engineering Major Professor: Dr. Richard C. Peralta
VinukoUu, Raghuveer Kaushik Master of Science Bangalore , India BS: Gujarat Agricultural Univers ity, 2002 Major: Irrigation Engi neering Major Professor: Dr. Gary P. Merkley Thesis: Ope n-Channe l Velocity Distribut ion Anal ysis for Calibration of the Float Method in Rectangular Channels Wahal, Shantanu Master of Science Logan, Utah BTech: Govind Ballabh Pane University of Agriculture and Technology Major: Biological Engineering Major Professor: Dr. Conly L. Hansen Warnick, Michael Val Master of Engineering Logan , Utah BS: Utah Scare University, 2005 Major: Civ il and Environmental Engineering Major Professor: Dr. Paul J. Barr Worthington, Scott A. Master of Science Billin gs, Montana BS: Utah Stare University, 2004 Major: C ivil and Environm ent al Engineering Major Professor: Dr. Blake P.Tullis Xu, Yanchun Master of Science Harbin , Ch ina MS: Harbin Institut e ofTechnology, 1998 Major: Electrical Engineering Major Professor: Dr. Alan Shaw Yanadori, Naoki Mast er of Science Kamo -Shi , Japan BS: Hokkaido Univers ity, 1994 Major: C ivil and Environmental Engineering Major Professor: Dr. Paul J. Barr Thesis: Static and Dynamic Behavior of a Continuous Steel I-Girder Bridge
COLLEGEOF HUMANITIES, ARTSAND SOCIAL SCIENCES Barnard, John J. Master of Second Language Teach ing Logan, Utah BS: Utah Seate University, 2001 Major Professor : Dr. John E. Lackscrom Bateman, Jeffery Scott Master of Science Seattle, Washington MS: Eastern Kentucky University, 1995 Major: History Major Professor: Dr. Denise 0. Conover Thesis: Utah Seate Agr icultural College as rhe "Wesr Point of the West": A Search for Exceptional Leadership Bohn, Laura Elizabeth Master of Science Cedar Fort, Urah BLA: Utah Srate University, 2002 Major: Bioregional Planning Major Professor: Professor Richard E. Toth Brooks, Darrin S. Master of Fine Arts Providence, Utah BS: Utah State University, 1995 Major: Theatre Arts Major Professor: Professor Dennis Hassan Buffler, Susan Master of Landscape Architecture Logan, Utah MS: University of Connecticu t, 1995 Major Professor: Professor Craig W. John son Burton, Darren Lyle Master of Science Ogden, Utah BS: Utah Seate University, 1993 Major: English Major Professor: Dr. David E. Hail ey, Jr. Butcher, Corey Allen Master of Science Logan , Utah BS: Brigham Young University, 1997 Major: American Studies Major Professor: Dr. Jeanne B. Thomas Thesis: Chicken Coops, Lot Lizards , Pickle Parks, and More; An Orientation to the Truck Drivers' World
Campbell, Ian William Master of Science Logan, Utah BS: Utah Stace University, 2003 Major: Political Science Major Professor: Dr. Peter F. Galderisi
Hall, Danie l David Master of Science Santa Clara, California BA: The Master 's College, 1994 Major: English Major Professor: Dr. Dav id E. Hai ley, Jr.
Carter, Timo thy Alan Master of Science Plainview , Minnesota BS: University of Wisconsin, 1982 Major: English Major Professor: Dr. Keith A. Grant-Davie
Hardman, Sarah Kay Master of Second Language Teaching Orem, Utah BS: Brigham Young University, 200 l Major Professor: Dr. John E. Lackstrom
Cherrie, Bonnie Robinson Master of Fine Ates Cedar City, Utah BS: Southern Ucah University, 2000 Major: Theatre Atts Major Professor: Professor Nancy E. Hills Duskin-Goede, Lisa J. Master of Science Logan, Utah MS: Utah State Un iversity, 2004 Major: American Studies Major Professor: Dr. Jeannie B. Thomas Fang, Shanshan Master of Arts Beijing, China BS: Tsinghua University, 2002 Major: Political Science Major Professor: Dr. Jing Huang Fisher, Joshua D. Master of Science Cornish, Utah BS: Utah Stare University, 2002 Major: Political Science Major Professor: Dr. Veronica Ward Flaherty, Jennifer Kay Master of Science Castle Rock, Colorado BS: University of Colorado, 1992 Major: Eng lish Major Professor: Dr. David E. Hailey, Jr. Flammer, James Allen Master of Second Language Teaching Providence, Utah BS: Utah Scare University, 2002 Major Professor: Dr. Andrea Colato Fong, Sierra Catherine Master of Science Hercules, California BS: San Francisco State, 1998 Major: English Major Professor: Dr. Keith A. Grant-Davie
Haws, Gregory Ernest Master of Landscape Atchicecrure Riverton , Utah BS: University of Utah, 1995 Major Professor: Professor Michael L. Timmons Jiang, Ying Master of Second Language Teaching Jiangyin , C hin a BS: Nanjing University, 1997 Major Professor: Dr. Catharina DejongeKannan Johnston, Rebecca Master of Science Salt Lake C ity, Utah BS: Utah State University, 1998 Major: English Major Professor: Dr. Keith A. Grant-Davie Jones, Taunya JoAnne Master of Science Boise, Idaho BS: Boise State University, 2000 Major: Sociology Major ProCessor: Dr. Richard S. Krannich Thesis: Constructing a Risk Controversy: The Case of a Proposed High-Level Nuclear Waste Repository on the Sku ll Valley Goshute Indian Reservation Kesler, Phillip A. Master of Fine Arts Logan, Urah BA: Utah State University, 1995 Major: Att Major Professor: Professor Robert Winward McCoy, Laura Beth Master of Landscape Architecture Albury, Australia BS: University of Florida, 1994 Major Professor: Professor Caroline Lavoie Miyagi, Harunori Master of Second Language Teaching Lehi , Utal1 BS: Brigham Young University, 1999 Major Professor: Dr . Peter Colato
Purser, Ashley Suzanne Maste r of Scie nce Hi ghland , Utah BS: Utah Scace U niversity, 20 03 Ma jo r: Ame rican Stud ies M ajor Pro fessor : Dr. Jeanni e B. Th o mas
Taylor, James Nichol as Ma ster of Science H yrum , Ut ah BS: U tah State Un iversity, 2003 Ma jor: Political Science M ajo r Professo r: Dr . Ran dy T. Simm ons
Roos, Glade Taylor M aste r of Science Loga n, Ut ah BS: Ucah Scace U niversity, 200 3 Ma jor : Political Science M ajor Professor: D r. Rand y T. Simm o ns
Vause, Sarah Mas ter of Science Ogde n , Uta h BS: Weber State Un iversity, 2003 M ajo r: English M ajo r Prof essor: Dr. Jan E. Rous h Th esis: Souvenir s From the Top of the Wo rld: Th e Femal Vo ice in th e Literatur e of M ount aineering
Rye, Lynn Marie M aster of Science G urn ee, Illinoi s BA: U nive rsity of Wi scon sin , 1973 Majo r: English M ajor Pro fessor: Dr. Kelli Ca rgile-Co ok Sevy, Sara Dawn M aster of Land scape Arch i teccure O gden, U cah BS: Ut ah Scace U niversity, 1997 M ajo r Professor : Professor C raig W. John so n Smith, Brooke Ann M aster o f Science Alpin e, U tah BS: Brigham Youn g Univ ersity, 200 l Major: English Major Professo r: D r. Patri cia Ga ntt Th esis: A Place co Ca ll H ome: Th e Ph ysical and Metaph or ic Spaces of In cident s in the Life of a Slave G irl and U ncle To m's Ca bin Sosa Machado , Guacayarima Master of Arts Santo D o mingo , D o mini can Republi c BS: Ut ah State U niversity, 200 2 M ajor: Political Science M ajor Professor : Dr. W illiam L. Furl o ng Stankiewicz, Michael Charles M aster of Soc ial Sciences MBA: U cah State U ni versity, 200 l Steinberg, Richard Ma ster of Science N ew York, N ew Yo rk BA: Qu eens Co llege, 1982 Major: Am erican Studi es M ajor Prof essor: Dr. Jeanni e B. T ho mas T hesis: Co nfession s Straquadine, Alyson H. M aster of Science Provid ence, Utah BS: Utah Stace U niversity, 1995 M ajor : English M ajor Pro fessor: Dr. M ark Zachry
Wolthuis, Aaron G. M aster of Seco nd La nguage Teac h ing Og den , U tah BS: Weber Seate U ni versity, 1997 M ajor Professor : Dr. Ca th arina D ejo ngeKann an
COLLEGEOF NATURAL RESOURCES Albrecht, Brandon C. M aster of Science Loga n, U cah BS: U tah State U niversity, 2002 M ajo r: Eco logy M ajo r Professor: D r. C hri s Luec ke Arentsen, Penny Rieke Ma ster o f Science Auburn , Indi ana BS: C olo rado Co llege, 1996 M ajor : W atershed Science M ajor Prof essor: Professo r Na ncy 0. Mes ner T hesis: T he Effects of Urba n izatio n o n Wate rshed Fun ct ions: T he Relatio nshi p betwee n Imp ervious Sur face Area and Wate r Q uality in Cac he Co un ty, Uta h Davenport, Burke William M aster of Science Summit , U tah BS: Utah Scace U niversity, 1998 M ajor : Range Science M ajor Prof essor: D r. Jo hn C. Ma lechek T hesis: Ca ccle Utilizat ion for Forage Kochi a (Kochia p rostrat e) and lrs Relacion co Fo rage Qu ality and Mo rph ological C haracteristics
Larson, Gregory P. Maste r of Science Washin gto n , D. C. BS: Un iversity of Co lorado, Bould er, 1997 Major : Wa tershed Science M ajo r Professo r: D r. John C. Schmid t T hesis: Ta mar isk and Fluvial Geomor phi c Form in D inosau r Nat ional Mo nu me nt , Co lo rado and Ucah River Laws, Angela Nardoni Master of Science South Bend, Ind iana BS: U tah Seate U niversity, 1989 Ma jo r: Eco logy Majo r Pro fessor: D r. Gary E. Belovsky Th esis: Effects of Popul ation Density o n LifeHi scory Strateg ies in G rassho ppe rs Lewis, Nathan D. Maste r of Nat ural Resources Murr ay, U tah BS: Uta h Seate University, 200 3 Majo r Professo r: Dr. Steven W. Burr Oakley, Benjamin R. Master of Na tural Resources Bakersfield, Ca liforni a BS: Utah Seate University, 2002 Majo r Professor : D r. C hristoph er M . U . Nea le Sajwaj, Todd D. Master of Science Sc. Paul, Mi nn esota MS: Un iversity of Nort h Dakota, 1998 M ajo r: Geog raph y M ajo r Professo r: Dr. R. D ouglas Ramsey T hesis: An Em pirical Test of Land scape Me trics' Sensitivity co a Significant Eco log ical C hange at Ca m p W illiams, Uta h Werstak, Charles E. Jr. Mas ter o f Science Salt Lake C ity, Utah BS: W este rn Illin ois Un iversity, 199 4 Major: Geog rap hy Ma jo r Professo r: Dr. R . Do uglas Ramsey T hesis: Spectral Separa tion o f Subm erged Aquat ic Vegetat io n Using Two- Meter Multi spectral Di gital Im agery Wirth , Heather Dorean M aster of Science Pu yallup , Was hin gto n BS: Ca liforni a Polytec hni c State University, 200 3 M ajor: Geog raph y Majo r Professor: D r. C lifford B. C raig
Younkin-Kury, Brenda K. Master of Science Oshkosh, Nebraska BS: University of Nebraska, Linco ln, 1995 Major: Range Science Major Professor: Dr. G. Allen Rasmus sen Thesis: Greenstrip Establishmenr and Management in the lntermountain West
COLLEGEOF SCIENCE Arza, Pavan Kumar Master of Science Hyd era bad, India BTech: Jawaharlal Nehru Tech University, 2003 Major: Computer Science Major Professor: Dr. Daniel W. Watson Bandaragoda, Sanjaya Sriyanga Master of Science Logan, Utah MS: Utah State University , 2002 Major: Computer Science Major Professor: Dr. Heng-Da Cheng Bensaci, Mekki F. Master of Science Consta ntine, Algeria BS: Unive rsity of Co nsta ntin e, 2000 Major: Biology Major Professor: Dr. Jo n Y. Takemoro Thesis: Antimicrobial Agenrs and C hemot herapy Blood, Bryce G. Master of Science Gunnison, Utah BS: Southern Utah University, 2002 Major: Bioveterinary Science Major Professor: Dr. Allen J. Young Thesis: John e's Disease Herd Prevalen ce in Northern Utah Dairy Herds and Assoc iated Risk Facrors in Positive Herds Bobba, Sri Lakshmi Master of Science Gudivada, India BS: Naganjuna Univers ity, 2002 Major: Computer Science Major Professor: Dr. Robert F. Erbacher Thesis: En hanced Securi ty for C redit Card Databases Bucio, Jorge Antonio Master of Science West Jordan , Utah BS: Brigham Young Un iversity, 2000 Major: Biochemistry Major Professor: Dr. Scott Ens ign Thesis: Production of Recombinant NADPH: 2-Ketopropy l-Coenzyme M Oxidored ucrase/ Carboxy lase
Byington, David Master of Science Smithfield, Utah BS: Utah State University, 1999 Major: Computer Science Major Professor: Dr. Stephen W. Clyde Thesis: Fundamental Task Patterns for Inform ation Systems
Elliott , Ben M. Master of Science Anc h orage, Alaska BS: Utah Stace Un iversity, 2003 Major: Chemistry Major Professor: Alexander I. Boldyrev Thesis: The Ab lnitio Search for Oxygen-Rich Mo lecules
Chapala, Gopi Krishna Master of Science Thorlavalluru, Indi a BTech: Jawaharlal Nehru Tech University, 2002 Major: Compute r Science Major Professor: Dr. Hugo DeGar is
Fufa, Shibru Daba Master of Science Dire Dawa, Ethiop ia MS: Wageningen Agricu ltu ral Univers ity, 1995 Major: Stat ist ics Major Professor: Dr. D. Richard Cu rler
Counts, Ronald Charles Master of Science Evansville, Indiana BS: University of Southern Indi ana, 1999 Major: Geology Major Professor: Dr. Joel L. Pederson Thesis: The Quaternary Startigraphy of the Henrys Fork and Western Browns Park, Northeastern Unita Mountains, Utah and Wyoming
Hong, Yan Master of Science Gejiu, China BS: Haerbin In stitute ofTechnology, 1998 Major: Computer Science Major Professor: Dr. Daniel W. Warson
Danduboyina, Sai Suresh Master of Science Vijayawada, India BTech: Nagarjuna Univers ity, 200 1 Major: Comp ut er Science Major Professor: Dr. Gregory W Jones Datar, Manasi Prakash Master of Science Mumbai, India BE: Mumbai University , 2002 Major: Computer Science Major Professor: Dr. Heng-Da Che ng Thesis: Natura l Scene Segmentatio n Based on Inform at ion Fusion and Hierarchical SelfOrganizing Maps Datti, Jayaram Master of Science V izianaga ram , India BTech: Jawaharlal Nehru Tech U niversity, 2002 Major: Computer Science Major Professor: Dr. Gregory W. Jones Devalarazu, Deepthi Master of Science Hyderabad, India BTech: Jawaharlal Nehru Tech Univers ity, 2002 Major: Computer Science Major Professor: Dr. Dan iel W Warson Devireddy, Satish Master of Science Vizag, India BS: Andhra University, 2002 Major: Computer Science Major Professor: Dr. Nicholas S. Fiann
Jabbouri, Ayad Ahmad Eid Master of Science Beirut, Lebanon MBA: Utah State University, 2001 Major: Physics Major Professor : Dr . David Peak Jacobs, Joseph Richard Master of Science Cookevi lle, Tennessee BS: University ofTennessee, Knoxvi lle, 2000 Major: Geology Major Professor: Dr. James P. Evans Thes is: Examination of Exhu med Fau lts in the Western San Bernardino Mountains, Ca lifornia: Impli cations for Fault Growth and Earthquake Rupture Janaswami, Karthik Venkata Master of Scie nce Secunderabad, India BTech: Jawaharlal Nehru Tech University, 2003 Major: Computer Science Major Professor: Dr. Nicholas S. Fiann Katragadda, Suresh Master of Science Visakhapatnam, Indi a BS: Unive rsity of Madras, 2000 Major: Comp ut er Science Major Professor: Dr. Nicho las S. Fiann Kommi, Madan M. Master of Science V isakhapatnam, India BTech: Andhura University, 2001 Major: Comp ut er Science Major Professor: Dr. Daniel W . Watson
KoppaJa, Vijaya Kumar Reddy Master of Science Pulivendla, India BTech: Sri Venkareswara University, 2002 Major: Computer Science Major Professor: Dr. Gregory W Jones
Richards, James Keith Ma ster of Scienc e Vernal, Utah BS: Utah State University , 2003 Major: Computer Science Major Professor : Dr. Nicholas S. Fiann
Van Sickle, Andrea D. Master of Science Logan, Utah BS: Utah State University, 2000 Major: Mathematics Major Professor: Dr. Joseph V. Koebbe
Lin, Gangcai Master of Science Beihai, China BE: Univers ity of Science and Technology, 2000 Major : Compurer Science Major Professor: Dr. Gregory W. Jones
Sant, Manish Master of Science Indore, India BE: Raj iv Gandhi Proud yogik i University, 200 I Major: Computer Science Major Professor: Dr. Hugo deGaris
Varanasi, BaJaji Master of Science Tirupati, India BTech: Sri Venkareswara University, 2002 Major: Co mputer Science Major Professor: Dr. Gregory W. Jones
Maslova, Inga Master of Science Vilnius, Lithuania BS: Vilnius University , 2003 Major: Statistics Major Professor: Dr. Piotr Kokoszka
Schaeffer, David Daniel Master of Science Blackfoot, Idaho BS: Utah State University, 2003 Major: Computer Science Major Professor: Dr. Steven J. Allan Thesis: Compiling Imperative Languages to Use Modern Programmable Graphics Hardware
Whipple, Brian Mohonri Master of Science Salt Lake City, Utah BS: Utah State University, 2000 Major: Computer Science Major Professor: Dr. Scott R. Cannon Thesis: A Fault-Tolerant Distributed Tuplespace Coordination Language
Sharma, Shatabdi Sholly Master of Science Sarna, India BE: Barkarullah University, 2002 Major: Computer Science Major Professor: Dr. Nicholas S. Fiann Thes is: Sequenc e Alignm ent Using Fast Wavelet Transform
You, Zhifu Master of Science Heilongjiang, China MS: Beijing University of Science and Technology, 1995 Major: Computer Science Major Professor: Dr. Rob ert F. Erbacher
Mathis, Craig M. Master of Science Orem, Utah BS: Brigham Young University, 2001 Major: Computer Science Major Professor: Dr. Gregory W Jones Mynam, Chaitanya Kurar Master of Science Dhone, India BTech: Jawaharlar Nehru Tech University, 200 I, Major: Computer Science Major Professor: Dr. Donald H. Coo ley Nielson, Bob Master of Science Cedar City, Utah BS: Southern Utah State Co llege, 1983 Major: Computer Science Major Professor : Dr. Nicho las S. Fiann Paspuleti, Satyavardhan Reddy Master of Science Hyderabad, India BTech: Jawaharla1 Nehru Tech University, 2003 Major: Computer Science Major Professor : Dr. Daniel W. Warson Ramakrishivan, Vedkarthik Master of Science Chennai, India BTech: University of Madras, 2002 Major: Computer Science Major Professor: Dr. Nicholas S. Fiann Renner, Andrew Gene Master of Sciences Grand Rapids, Minnesota BS: University of Minnesota, Duluth, 2000 Major: Mathematics Major Professor: Dr. Mark Fels Thesis: Four-Dimensional Non-Reductive Homogeneous Manifolds with Neutral Metrics
Sirigudi, Satyanarayana Murthy Master of Science Visakhapatnam , India BTech: Andhra Uni versity, 1999 Major: Computer Science Major Professor: Dr . Nicholas S. Fiann Srivatsavaya, Vikramaditya Master of Science Karinada, India BTech: Jawaharlal Nehru Tech University, 200 I Major: Computer Science Major Professor: Dr. Nicholas S. Fiann Sute, Pradnya Pandurang Master of Science Hyderabad, India BTech: Jawaharlal Nehru Tech Univers ity, 2001 Major: Computer Science Major Professor: Dr. Vladimir Kulyukin Teerlink, Sheldon B. Master of Science West Jordan , Utah BS: Utah State University, 2002 Major: Computer Science Major Professor: Dr. Robert F. Erbacher Thesis: A Graphical Representation of File Statistics for Computer Forensics
Zhang, Weijie Master of Scienc e Jinan , China MS: Utah State University, 2002 Major: Statistics Major Professor: Dr. Zhiq iang Wang Zhang, Zijun Mast er of Science Wuhan, China MS: Wuhan Univers ity, 1993 Major: Computer Science Major Professor: Dr. Hugo deGaris
UTAH STATEUNIVERSITYSENIOR GIFT CHALLENGE2005 The following graduat ing seniors have joined with other alumni in support of Utah State University. The individuals listed under their names are the people these students wish to thank for their help and encouragement.
Adams, Cole J. Mike and Lori Adams Wayne and Diane Adams G lennees Cooper
Bertolio, Angela Padian The Bart Bertolio Family Julie Mohr Jaylene Brock
Cowley, Marilynn Darlene and Les M arsh Barbara and Kurtis William s and Family Christina and Nathan Kennard and Family
Adams, Meagan E. Elizabeth Adams Kay and Ila Johns on
Black, Joshua Floyd Jed Black Brenda Black Ashley Black
Critton, Jordan Beth Marsha and Bruce Caner Jason Critton
Allen, Brandon T. Kevin and Susan Allen Troy Allen Andersen, Matthew Gerald Younsook Na Chu ng Dr. Michael Sowder Denise Thomas Anderson, Brent B. Mark and Cath ie Anderson Dr. C hri s and Bobbie Coray Anderson, James William Dr. Vernon Parker Atkinson, Joshua T. Tiffany Atkinson Keith At kin son Lajuana Thomas Bacon, Lori Kim and Patti Bacon Dorothy Hulet Kathryn Bacon Baer, Krista Lynne Beattie, Shelby Jace Todd and Vicki Beattie Jevin West Lorie Waters Bell, Ricky L. Juli e Bell Dr. Pam Dupin-Bryant Brian, Clinton, and Justin Bell Bergman, Casseopia Keith and LaFaye Bergman Kaye an d Jodi Bergman Mr. Tim Stack
Bodine, Marianne Alison Jay and Carol Bodine Erick Bodine Family Melinda and Stephanie Bodine Families Brewer, Joe Amy and Jayme Brewer Bill and Joan Brewer Bill and Caro l Butterfield Brinkerhoff , Kathie Allen and Lorene Brink erhoff Brower, Christopher James Reed and Alice Brower Brown, Kristin N. Kelly and Lisa Brown Mark Brown Budge, Trevor L. Kellie Budge Mike and Cindy Budge Buswell, Tyler Mr. and Mrs. Keith Buswell Dr. Melody Grau lich Dr. Jan Roush Christensen, Heather Needles Derek C hri stensen The Parents of H eather Christensen The Parents of Derek Christensen Christensen, Travis Lee Bruce and Jean Christensen Court, Amy J. Mr. & Mrs. Steven J. & Holli H. Judd Miss Ashley D. Court Steve, Cory, and Jeffrey Judd
Curtis, Marsha L. Dr. Richard Knight Ru land and Selenia Skipps John Barton Dien, Sothea Try Dien Ronn Lam Draper, Heather Sandee Draper Clayton Draper Dan en Bateman Drommond, Cameron Jan1es Annie Drommond Mr . and Mrs . Drommond J. Alan Hashimoto Erickson, Jasmine Val and Valene Erickson Jake Michaelson Francom, Danica Jeremy Francom Candace and Jim Da ly Dennis and Carolynn Francom Glover, Worthy W., Jr. Kimberly G lover Morgan, Kate, and Worthy Glover DWS Employment Team Going, Cassandra Rod and Mignon Going Broe and Suzanne Going Gonzales, Sarah Bethany Jeremy R. Gonzalez The School of Accountancy Department of Economics Griffith, Zachary Dan Catherine Elcock G riffith Lawrence and Patricia Griffith
Haggerty, Christine Marie Rob and Pam N ielson Sean H aggerty Liam and Co nor Hagg erty
Lancaster, Joan J Arc Lancaster Brock Dechier Fern Jensen
Muir, Jon Gary Brent Bibles Whitney Muir Gary and Elaine Muir
Hall, Sherri Shana Susie Onnen The Women's Ce nt er Shanna Hall 's 7 childr en
Liebelt, Lindsey Renee Jam es Allen Liebelt Kimberlee W Liebelt
Mulholland, Brain Peter David and Lois Mulholland David Lester and Veda Mulholland
Hatch, David R. Rob ert and Kristine H atch
Lilferth, Robert Scott Rick and Kathy Lifferrh Ca rlie Lifferth
Murray, Brady Yan ce Grange Andrea Murra y Cassy Budd
Hawk, Melissa}. Shawn T Hawk Rich Erch berger Maureen Wagner and Dr. Mark Brunson
Lloyd, James Derek Mel and Susa n Lloyd Vic Hasfurrher Alisa Parrish
Hodges, Elisabeth L. Sally K. Hodg es
Lusty, Ryan Jeannie Johnson Evan Lusty Jodi Lusty
Hodgson, Ana Janse Dr. Verner Hodgson Jos efa Hod gson The Hodgson Sisters Howell, Justin Young Raymond How ell Janet Monro e F.E. How ell Hurd, Bryan Jeffery Chandi Hurd Jeffrey and Sheilah Hurd Hurd, Wendy S. Martha Hurd Debbi Spendlove Debbie and Kendall Anderson Jones, Kyle Bradford Jorgensen, Tammy L. John and Sandra Bigler The Mark Jorgensen Family JoAnn Mollinet Kennington, Loni Kendell and Luann Kennington Family Kilgrow, Jennette Richey Jared Kilgrow Jonathan and Marilyn Richey
Nash, Camilla Annette Mark W. and Betta Nas h Dr. Norm Jon es Professor Mi chael K. Seibt Nelson, Christopher Andrew Brian Nelson Gayle Ne lson
Madsen, Timothy Don Matua, Lillian Ioane Sausau Tola , Jr. The Gas u and Matua Family Lauina, J.R ., and Ti ana Matua McBride, Dustin Tyler Steven McBride Barbara McB ride Nova ! Bailey McSwain, Ashli Jean Mark and Vonnie McSwain Miller, Brett J. Michael, Suzanne, and Barbara Miller Venice Strong Ronell e Howard Miller, Christine Wood Gordon and Karen Wood Ryan Mill er Ne d and Cindy Miller
Nicholes, Tyler R. Ted Pease Nudd, Rebecca Kevin Nudd Shelley Nudd Dominick Jam es Bru so Oliver, Julie Anne Kev in and Lar ee Ol son Caro l and David Oliver Dusty Olson Palmer, Christina M Gordon Jay Palmer Abbey Mae Palmer McKenna Grac e Palmer Petty, Eric M. Jen Peery Ken and Nancy Peery
Moore, Kori D. N
Price, Jay T. Barbara C. Price Brent and Kathy Pric e ECOS and Associates
Mortensen, Robert J. Ca rolyn Barcu s Shaw n John son Brent and Mar garet Mort ensen
Prichard, N. Jill Rick and Barbara Prichard Mike Sweeney USU Financial Aid Office
Rennemeyer, John and Lacey Wayne and Verlaine Rennemeyer Neil and Kellie Checketts
Swasey, Marlene Lynette Michael Swasey and children Brent and Pam Taylor
Robinson, Kenna L. Michael Robinson Twana Robinson Dr. Susie Mannon
Taylor, Ryan W. Tammy Taylor Robert Taylor Colleen Taylor
Ryan, Shelly Lynn Mary Bech and Bob Stover
Todd, Randall Thomas Douglas Todd Pauline Todd My Family
Salisbury, Julianne Elaine and David Salisbury Kay Forsyth Schmidt, Paul M. Glen and Julene Schmidt Sheffey, Elisa R. Steve Sheffey Cody and Austin Sheffey Keene and Dellene Rigby Shepherd, Amberlee Alissa Patrick Shephard Bill Tanner Sherrie Tanner Sidahmed, Aladin Awad Igbal Ahmed Hassan Awad Mohamed Sidahmed Dr. Nick Fiann Smoot, Marguerite N. Tony Smoot Doug and Karen Nuttall
Wride, Amy Jo
Unutoa, Prescott S. Simanu and Leatumalama Unutoa Tuitasi Family Erendira Unutoa Van den Akker, Heidi Jed and Carolyn Van den Akker Varelman, Kendra Burns Doug and Jill Burns Jonathan Varelman Christa Varelman Volcic, Frank J. Robert and Marianne Volcic Wardle, Amber Sue Sue and Weldon Wardle Family Ann and Dave Garbett Ileen Wardle Warnick, Traci Walton C. Dennis and Carolyn Walton P. Waldo and Karolyn Warnick
Sorensen, Shelby Taylor Tyson J . Sorensen Weston R. Taylor Julie A. Taylor
Watterson, Marti J. John Watterson LuDean Watterson
Spooner, Hilary Brooke Mr . and Mrs. Gary Spooner Tamara Vitale Niko
Wendel, Angela Doug and Sylvia Wendel Flight Department Faculty Friends
Spotted Elk, Lamar Wendel Maxcene and Nabitt Spotted Elk Davina Spotted Elk Roy and Darlene Smith
Wilcox, Ryan Eldrege Andy Anderson Michael Pfrender The Wilcox Family
Stepan, JackJ .
Wilkins, Bryan C. Hayley Wilkins Holly Wilkins
Sterzer, Sara Marie Lee and Virginia Sterzer Summers, Sheralin Justin Summers Kason Summers Brooklyn Summers
Worlton, Sarah Evelyn Worlcon Dr. S. Wayne Jensen , DDS Mary Favro
Winterton, Scott Le. Col. Curtis Deborah Winterton Paul and Teresa Winterton
Zalit, Grace Marie Diane Zalit and the late Fred Zal it Dr. Art Jones Dr. Dennis Nelson
Utah State Board of Regents Nolan E. Karra s, Chair, Roy E. George Manles, Vice Chai1; Salt Lake City Jerry C. Atkin, St. George Daryl C. Barrell, Salt Lake City Bonni e J ea n Bees ley, Salt Lak e City Jan e l A. Cannon, Salt Lake City Kath arin e 8. Ga1ff, Bount iful David J. Grant, Cedar City Meghan Holbrook , Sa ll Lake City
Jam es S. Jardin e, Sall Lake City Michael R. Jense n, Pri ce David J. Jordan , Sall Lake City Trenton Ke mp , Logan John C. Pingre e, Sall Lak e City Jed I-1.Pil che ,; Bountiful Sara V. Sinclai1; Loga n Marlon 0. Snow, Orem Maria Sweeten, Woods Cross
Ri c hard E. Kendell, Commissioner of High e r Educat ion
Utah State Board of Trustees Quinn Millet, Logan R. Brenl Nyman, Logan Din es h C. Patel, Sa ll Lake City Richard L. Shipl ey, Farmington Randy Walls, Logan
Gayle McKeachnie, Chairman, Vernal
L.J. Gorlfrey, Vice Chairman, Smithfi eld Da vid P.Cook, Randolph, NJ Linda Ja co bson Eyre, Salt Lake City Lynnelle T. Hansen, North Logan
Lee I-1. Burke, Secreta ry lo lhe USU Board of Trustees
Glen n Davis, Regislra1; Co-Chair Syd ney Peterson, Chief of Staff, Co-Chair Jan App uhn , Ass is tan t lo the Vice President for UniversityAdva ncemen t Heidi Beck, Associate Reg istrar Jani s Boettinger, President, Faculty Se nale Valerie Hansen, Manger, Book store Lynn elle Har ris, Editor, Agricullural Expe rim en t Station Jona than Kadi s, Director, Tec hni ca l Su pporl Se rvices A. J. Rounds, President, Graduate Stud ent Se nat e Laur e ns Smith , Int e rim Dean, School of Graduate Studies Tim Vitale, Assistant Director, Publi c Relations and Mark etin g
College Commencement
Terri Gass, College of Education and Hum a n Services Ruth Harri son, College of Bu siness Jan aLee John son, College of Science Carolyn Kreb s, College of Engin ee rin g Jea nenn e Nielse n, Sc hool of Gradu ate Studies Tara John son, University Ext ension Susa n Parkin son, College of Hum a niti es, Arts and Social Sciences Jan Pichette, College of Agricullure Maur ee n Wagner, College of Natural Reso urces
Alma Mater Hymn Utah State University Across the quad at eventide as shadows softly fall The tower of Old Main appears, and peace rests over all. The lighted "A" upon the hill stands out against the blue Oh, Alma Mater, Utah State, my heart sings out to you. And through the years as time rolls on, and student friendships grow, We'll ne'er forget the joys we had, those days we used to know. Thy mem'ries ever will be new, thy friends be ever true, Oh, Alma Mater, Utah State, my heart sings out to you. Oh, Alma Mater, Utah State, my heart sings out to you.
Theodore M. Burton