2 minute read
Welding Student Wins Bronze Medal at WorldSkills
After training 60 to 90 hours a week, Jordan Packer became the most recent star in USU Eastern’s welding program. He faced off against competitors from 20 other countries and brought home the bronze medal in welding from the international WorldSkills 2022 competition and the Best of Nation Award from among the U.S. competitors in all events.
Veterinary Medicine is USU’s Newest College
USU’s former School of Veterinary Medicine is now the university’s newest college. Work is underway to transition the program to a four-year program that will grant doctor of veterinary medicine degrees and admit more students in the coming years.

U.S. Secretary of Agriculture Tom Vilsack
U.S Secretary of Agriculture Tom Vilsack’s 2022 Commencement address focused on resilience, defined by a belief and faith in something better and building the capacity to make it happen. He later spoke to CAAS graduates and faculty about some of the challenges and opportunities in agriculture.

Ram Chaudhari – Quest for Learning Brings Global Success
Alumnus Ram Chaudhari’s hard work and passion for learning took him from a small village north of Mumbai to boarding school and to graduate school at USU. The food scientist went on to work in industry and launched a company that became a world leader in developing nutrient systems.
Horses and Heroes
The late Robert Adams rode horses on his family’s ranch long before he piloted airplanes in Vietnam. Part of his legacy is the newly opened Robert A. Adams Equine-Human Science Arena where students learn and military veterans come to ride and heal some of the emotional scars of war.

Dean: Kenneth L. White
Executive Director of Development:
Brandon Monson
Director of Marketing:
Mike Whitesides
Lynnette Harris
Graphic Designer:
Mike Wernert
Copy Editors:
Julene Reese
Ethan Brightbill
Shelby Ruud Jarman
See Cultivate Online
Cultivate is published by the dean’s office of the College of Agriculture and Applied Sciences and distributed free of charge to its alumni and friends.
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In its programs and activities, including in admissions and employment, Utah State University does not discriminate or tolerate discrimination, including harassment, based on race, color, religion, sex, national origin, age, genetic information, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, disability, status as a protected veteran, or any other status protected by University policy, Title IX, or any other federal, state, or local law. The following individuals have been designated to handle inquiries regarding the application of Title IX and its implementing regulations and/or USU’s non-discrimination policies: Executive Director of the Office of Equity, Alison Adams-Perlac, alison. adams-perlac@usu.edu, Title IX Coordinator, Hilary Renshaw, hilary.renshaw@usu.edu, Old Main Rm. 161, 435-797-1266. For further information regarding non-discrimination, please visit equity.usu.edu,or contact: U.S. Department of Education, Office of Assistant Secretary for Civil Rights, 800-421-3481, ocr@ed.gov or U.S. Department of Education, Denver Regional Office, 303-8445695 ocr.denver@ed.gov.
USU’s Janet Quinney Lawson Institute for Land, Water, and Air just celebrated its first year with the release of a second report to Utah’s governor and policymakers. The institute is an interdisciplinary initiative designed by President Noelle Cockett that seeks to bring USU researchers focused on Utah’s natural resource challenges together with state, county, and city governments. The institute and the College of Agriculture and Applied Sciences welcomed alumnus Brian Steed as the institute’s director and a member of the Department of Applied Economics’ faculty. More than a dozen CAAS faculty members contributed to the report, which is available to view online at ilwa.usu. edu.