Nick Volesky, Marion Murray, and Melanie Stock
Pest management is important in cut flower production, marketability, and farm profitability. This fact sheet focuses on animal pests (insects, arthropods, mollusks, and vertebrates), not diseases or weeds, and has two parts. Part 1 applies Integrated Pest Management (IPM): using preventive techniques, pest thresholds, and best management practices with pests in cut flower crop production Part 2 highlights the top 10 common pests of cut flowers in Utah and their management
Pests can damage every part of a cut flower crop, affecting plant health, yield and quality, and market value. Integrated Pest Management (IPM) is a comprehensive approach to pest prevention that combines sustainable strategies to reduce pest populations to manageable levels while maintaining a healthy environment. Monitoring; thresholds for decision-making; and cultural, biological, and chemical control are all methods used within IPM.
While insects are often the most recognized pests, other potential challenges include arthropods like mites and myriapods; vertebrates, such as rodents and deer; diseases caused by viruses, fungi, or bacteria; and weeds. Proper identification and understanding of each is crucial for management. This fact sheet focuses on insects, arthropods, mollusks, and vertebrates.
Before any pest control action is taken, it is crucial to establish a pest monitoring program from seedling to
harvest Inspect all plant parts (i.e., crown, stems, leaves, flowers, roots, etc.) carefully for signs and symptoms. Signs are physical evidence of a pest, such as feeding damage, insect excrement, or the presence of the pest itself. Symptoms are the plant's reactions to pests and can include discoloration, wilting, or lesions, and are often associated with plant diseases. Another monitoring tool is shaking foliage over a tray or piece of paper to dislodge arthropods, making it easier to identify what is present (Figure 1). Sticky traps (typically yellow, Figure 1) can be used to attract pests and indicate population numbers over time. Sticky traps should be placed just above the plant canopy and replaced when dirty or full.
Figure 1. Left, a tray used to catch dislodged arthropods from plants for further identification. Right, sticky cards used to monitor pest populations.
Deciding whether or not to control a pest requires weighing the level of potential crop damage against time, labor, and treatment costs. Managing pests
unnecessarily impacts profitability and environmental sustainability. The thresholds at which to treat a pest to prevent economic loss (e.g., number of adults per plant) are established for some pests of agricultural crops, but are not yet available for cut flowers. Research is needed, but general IPM encourages acceptance of low levels of pests if they will not impact profits. Cut flower growers will need to develop a decision-making approach to ensure that the benefits of control, such as improved profits or yield, outweigh the associated tradeoffs of management. Consider factors such as budget, farm size, and pest damage level
We illustrate this concept with an example of effectively managing cucumber beetles in Utah's cucurbit production (Alston and Woodward, 2012) For young plants, control is necessary when intolerable feeding damage is observed. For mature plants, randomly scout five plants at each of five, randomly selected locations within a field (i.e., 25 total plants). The number of beetles per plant is recorded to calculate the average number of beetles per plant. Averages greater than 5 beetles per plant warrant control measures.
Weeds compete with cut flowers for light, water, nutrients, and space, and can be hosts for pests and diseases. Though weed-free conditions may not always be possible to maintain, prioritize weed control in and adjacent to the production areas by:
• Manual removal by hand or with small tools like hoes, wheel hoes, and other cultivation
equipment. This can be labor-intensive and requires consistent, diligent effort throughout the growing season.
• Soil solarization is a low-input method to kill weed seedlings Summertime soil temperature of tilled, moist soil covered with plastic can exceed 120°F at 6 to 8 inches depth, killing many perennial weeds and seeds. However, certain species may still survive, like purslane and bind weed.
• Physical barriers, such as mulches, can block the growth of annual and perennial weeds. Organic materials like bark, straw, and composted yard waste, or inorganic materials, such as plastics or fabrics, are effective (Figure 2).
• Herbicides are available as sprays or granules, and applied as a pre-emergent (before weed seed germination) or post-emergent (after weeds are growing). Some herbicides target specific weeds, while others affect all herbaceous plants. Always review product labels and apply herbicides cautiously near cut flowers. Some herbicides can volatilize (turn to vapor) and harm unintended plants when applied in temperatures above 85°F.
For microfarms, hand-removing pests like beetles, caterpillars, and grasshoppers can be effective at reducing numbers. This approach works well for those willing to dedicate time to frequent monitoring. Once collected, drop the pests into a bucket of soapy water.
Excluding pests from crops is one of the most effective management strategies but also the most laborintensive Mesh netting or spunbond fabric exclude grasshoppers, flea beetles, leafminers, and moths When installing netting or row covers, timing is crucial. Early in the season, when plants are most vulnerable and adult pests are searching for hosts to lay eggs, is often the best time to install. The covers may need to be removed at various times for field operations and harvest. Organza bags, a type of mesh netting, can also be effective for covering individual blooms of high-value flowers as they develop (Figure 3).
The effectiveness of row covers should be balanced with the tradeoffs, such as the time and labor required to install and vent, product cost, and potential crop impact. Under fabric, air temperature and humidity increase, leading to burn and greater disease incidence There is also a risk that soil-dwelling pests could emerge
among the covered flowers and become trapped. Additionally, covering blooms may block the access of pollinators and other beneficial insects.
Figure 3. Organza bags placed over specific blooms on a microfarm to physically exclude pests.
Cultural Control: Site Sanitation
Site sanitation is important where the same species or families of flowers will be planted the following year. During the growing season, prune or remove diseased plants or infested plant parts as they are discovered. Diseased plant debris should not be composted, but thrown away. Tilling the soil at the end of the season or beginning of the next can help disrupt the overwintering life stages, such as eggs, adults, or pupae.
Figure 4. Planting strips of native flowers and grasses within a farmscape provides habitat that attracts beneficial predators and parasitoids, reducing insect pest populations in the area.
Biological control is suppression of pests by other organisms, and can be natural or augmented (i.e., purchasing and releasing beneficials). We recommend natural biocontrol (also known as conservation biocontrol), as there are hundreds of native beneficial predators, parasitoids, and soil-dwelling organisms that suppress pests. To attract and conserve these beneficials, use the following practices:
• Reduce pesticide use and leave some pests as food for predators.
• Maintain a diverse plant community, including grasses.
• Plant rows of flowers that produce tiny blossoms (native is best) and ensure a cycle of blooms throughout the growing season Leave some plant
stems and leaves as overwintering cover for beneficials (Figure 4).
• Improve soil health through crop rotation, green manures, and sustainable additions of compost
Certain species such as lady beetles and lacewings, can be commercially purchased and released, but these are only effective in enclosed environments like greenhouses and high tunnels, where dispersal is reduced. For further reading, visit Beneficial Insects of Utah and Habitat Planning for Beneficial Insects
Pesticides include insecticides, miticides, fungicides, and herbicides, with organic and synthetic options. Although many brands exist, there are fewer active ingredients (noted in small print on the front of the label); be sure to understand what you are applying. Organic pesticides are labelled “OMRI Certified” or “For Organic Gardening” and are derived from plants, minerals, bacteria, fungi, or other natural sources (Figure 5).
Whether organic or conventional, carefully follow the product instructions, with application directions, safety guidelines, and intended use, including mention of the specific pest(s). The term “cut flowers” is often not listed on pesticide labels, nor are most species of cut flower crops. Applicators may look for terms like “ornamentals” or “landscape plants,” or check for specific flowers like “roses” and “chrysanthemums.” When the broader term, "ornamental plants", is listed, a product may likely still be applied, as this terminology suggests streamlined product efficacy across various ornamental species. Note, however, that all pesticides carry some level of risk. Always wear the personal protective equipment specified on the label (gloves, eye protection, long pants, long-sleeved shirts, etc.). Apply products early or late in the day to prevent harm to pollinators and be mindful of other beneficial insects.
Figure 6. Aphids: A) colony with molted skins; B) eggs; C) reproducing asexually; and D) wingless and winged.
Overview: Aphids are a diverse group of small, sapsucking insects. In Utah’s specialty crops, common species include green peach aphid (Myzus persicae), potato aphid (Macrosiphum euphorbiae), and meloncotton aphid (Aphis gossypii). They feed on a wide range of host plants including most cut flower crops Each species tends to have specific host preferences.
Damage: Adults and nymphs pierce and suck sap from plant parts, causing chlorosis, curled leaves, and slowed plant growth. Honeydew secreted by aphids can attract ants They do not cause significant plant damage, but are undesirable on cut flower stems (Figure 6A). In addition, they vector hundreds of viruses, such as dahlia mosaic virus, with severe consequences for plant health.
Identification: Soft-bodied, pear-shaped insects measuring about 1/8-inch in length or smaller (2 to 4 mm). They have prominent antennae and two tail-pipe structures known as cornicles. Adults can be either winged or wingless and vary in color depending on the species, life stage, and time of year.
Timing: Adults are present from late May through June and various life stages remain active on host plants throughout the season, spanning multiple generations. As temperatures cool, winged adults migrate from herbaceous host plants to woody plants to lay eggs that will overwinter (Figure 6B). In the spring, winged forms migrate back to herbaceous hosts, where new populations will establish and reproduce asexually (Figure 6C-6D)
• Monitor for incoming winged forms using yellow sticky cards.
• Monitor for molted skins (white flakes) on foliage.
• Maintain a production area with minimal weeds
• Encourage natural predators, such as lady beetles, lacewings, and parasitic wasps.
• Use a strong stream of water to dislodge aphids
• Apply a concentrated or ready-to-spray insecticide containing horticultural oil or insecticidal soap to coat and suffocate the aphids
Overview: Beetles are a large and diverse group of insects and several species are common pests of cut flowers. In the family Chrysomelidae, flea beetles primarily feed on foliage (Figure 7A) Scarab beetles include bumble flower beetle (Euphoria inda) (Figure 7B) and masked chafers (Cyclocephala spp.), whose adults feed on foliage, stems, and flowers, and larvae (grubs) feed on roots. In the weevil family, Curculionidae, hollyhock weevil (Apion longirostre) (Figure 7C), rose curculio (Merhynchites bicolor), and root weevils (Otiorhynchus spp.) cause damage by boring into plant parts or feeding on leaves, leaving notches or small holes (Figure 7D).
Damage: Beetle damage varies based on the species, life stage, and population density, and can affect all plant parts. It can range from small holes to skeletonized leaves or feeding on petals and stems. In some cases, larvae cause additional harm by feeding on foliage, roots, or inside stems
Identification: Flea beetles are small, 1/15- to 1/16inch (less than 4 mm) with large hind legs and metallic bodies that vary in color and patterns. Adult scarab beetles are stout and oval-shaped, measuring about 1 inch (2.5 cm), with clubbed antennae, and come in
shades of tan, brown, or black. Mature white grubs are approximately 2 inches (5 cm) long, C-shaped, and have three pairs of thoracic legs. Weevil adults are small, less than ¼ inch (7 mm) with elongated snouts, while larvae are cream-colored.
Timing: Beetle life cycles include eggs, larvae, pupae, and adults. The timing of each stage and number of generations depends on species and location.
• Monitor for flea beetles using yellow sticky cards.
• Maintain a production area with minimal weeds.
• Apply row covers early in the season and keep them in place to exclude adults.
• Remove crop debris and other ground matter that may harbor beetles.
• Hand-remove and discard into soapy water.
• Till at the beginning or end of the season to destroy overwintering stages in the soil.
• Apply a concentrated or ready-to-use insecticide labeled specifically for beetle control on the appropriate host plants. Granular insecticides may also be effective for controlling scarab beetle grubs in the soil.
Overview: Caterpillars are the larval stage of butterflies and moths, and several species are pests of cut flowers. Members of the family Noctuidae, such as loopers (Figure 8A), cutworms (Figure 8B), and armyworms (Figure 8C) primarily feed on foliage and stems. Other species, like iris borer (Macronoctua onusta) or tobacco budworm (Chloridea virescens) (Figure 8D) tunnel into stems or buds. Host preference varies by species. While the larvae of some species can be highly destructive, many adults are beneficial pollinators, such as the white-lined sphinx moth (Hyles lineata) and painted lady (Vanessa cardui).
Damage: Larvae have chewing mouthparts that create holes or extensive damage to foliage, stems, and flowers. Some species tunnel into stems or developing buds. Young plants are more sensitive to feeding damage. Caterpillars may also leave behind frass (fecal matter) on flowers, reducing bloom marketability.
Identification: Caterpillars vary in size as they hatch from eggs and develop through multiple growth stages
(instars) before pupating. The color and pattern of larvae and adults varies by species.
Timing: The life cycle includes egg, larva, pupa, and adult. The timing of each stage, the number of generations per year, and overwintering habits depend on the species and location.
• Maintain a production area with minimal weeds.
• Apply row covers early in the season and keep them in place to exclude adults from laying eggs.
• Hand-remove caterpillars and discard into soapy water.
• Till at the beginning or end of the season to destroy overwintering life stages in the soil.
• Apply concentrated or ready-to-use insecticide labeled specifically for caterpillar control on the appropriate host plant.
Overview: European earwigs (Forficula auricularia) are omnivorous, consuming organic matter, other arthropods, and a wide range of plants including cut flowers. They notably hide in tight and dark spaces, including plant parts. They are more prevalent in irrigated or mulched areas.
Damage: Earwigs feed on all plant parts, including stems, leaves, and flowers. On cut flowers, damage varies from small holes to skeletonized leaves and petals (Figure 9A). The severity of damage is influenced by the population density and preference of the host crop Dahlias are particularly susceptible
Identification: Adults have a slender body, measuring ½- to 5/8-inch (12-14 mm), that is brown with a reddishbrown head. They are characterized by a prominent pair of “pinchers” (cerci) at the rear of their body.
Timing: Populations typically peak in mid- to latesummer. They are most active at night and seek daytime shelter in tight, dark places, such as under petals and in curled leaf crevices. In Utah, earwigs may have two or more generations per year. Adults
overwinter as brooding pairs and lay eggs in the spring (Figures 9B-9D).
• Remove crop debris and other surface materials that may harbor earwigs.
• Trap earwigs in containers placed at soil level containing oil plus an attractive, odorous substance, such as soy sauce Check the traps frequently and reset them when they are full. Rolled cardboard can also be used as a bait station.
• Use a spinosad-based insecticide bait (organic) sprinkled in wetter areas.
• Insecticides labeled specifically for earwig control on the appropriate host plants are available. Efficacy may be low as earwigs hide and may not contact the product.
• Diatomaceous earth abrades the exoskeleton, causing earwigs to dehydrate. Apply it around the base of plants or directly onto the plant itself. Efficacy will be reduced if the powder becomes wet.
Overview: Grasshoppers are highly mobile with large hind legs. They cause significant damage to cut flowers and other crops, primarily targeting the foliage but occasionally extending to other parts. In Utah, common destructive species include the differential grasshopper (Melanoplus differentialis), migratory grasshopper (Melanoplus sanguinipes), red-legged grasshopper (Melanoplus femurrubrum), and two-striped grasshopper (Melanoplus bivittatus).
Damage: Adults and nymphs feed with chewing mouthparts causing random, ragged holes in leaves, stems, developing buds, and flower parts (Figures 10A and 10B). They may also leave behind frass (fecal matter), reducing stem marketability.
Identification: Adults and nymphs have a robust body, hind legs with enlarged femurs for long-distance jumping, and relatively short antennae. The size, color, pattern, and life cycle are dependent on the species and life stage.
Timing: Nymphs hatch from spring through early summer and mature to adult by later summer Adult females lay egg clusters a few inches below the soil that overwinter (Figure 10C). The nymphs hatch the
following season (Figure 10D). Grasshopper populations are influenced by location, weather conditions, and prior management practices.
• Monitor early in the season for young nymphs and target management to this more easilycontrolled stage.
• Due to their high mobility, management efforts should cover a large area.
• Maintain a production area with minimal weeds.
• Apply row covers early in the season and keep them in place to exclude adults and nymphs.
• Bait specifically for grasshoppers, such as wheat bran laced with carbaryl can be effective when applied early in the season.
• Plant trap crops, such as an edge planting of an ornamental grass to attract grasshoppers and target treatment on these plants.
• Apply a concentrated, granular, or ready-to-use insecticide labeled specifically for grasshopper control on the appropriate host plants
Figure 11. A) Stippling damage caused leafhopper feeding; B) aster leafhopper adult; C) symptoms of the disease, aster yellows; and D) leafhopper nymph.
Overview: Leafhoppers are a diverse group of insects, including subspecies like treehoppers and spittlebugs (sometimes called froghoppers). Some are highly mobile with quick flight movements. They feed on a wide range of host plants, including most cut flowers. Each species tends to have specific host preferences.
Damage: Adults and nymphs use piercing-sucking mouthparts, which cause stippling (Figure 11A) and under severe infestations, results in shriveled and burned leaves. The aster leafhopper (Macrosteles quadrilineatus) (Figure 11B) can spread a phytoplasma to Asteraceae flower crops (dahlia, cosmos, zinnia), causing aster yellows disease (Figure 11C)
Identification: Leafhopper adults and nymphs have wedge-shaped bodies and jump when disturbed to avoid predators. Adults are winged and capable of flight, while nymphs lack wings (Figure 11D). The size,
color, host preferences, and life cycles of leafhoppers vary by species.
Timing: Adults lay eggs on the undersides of leaves early in the season, and nymphs hatch and develop into adults through several instars. The most damage occurs in mid- to late-summer, when adult populations peak.
• Monitor for leafhopper adults using yellow sticky cards.
• Maintain a production area with minimal weeds.
• Apply row covers early in the season and keep them in place to exclude both adults and nymphs.
• Use a strong stream of water to dislodge wingless nymphs.
• Insecticides should only be used on the nymph stage as adults are highly mobile.
Overview: Slugs and snails are mollusks with soft, slimy bodies, distinct heads, and sensory tentacles. There are several species, most preferring wet and damp spaces. Snails have a spiral shell, while slugs lack a shell (Figures 12A and 12B). They feed on a wide range of host plants, including cut flowers.
Damage: Both slugs and snails chew irregular holes with smooth edges in leaves and flowers, clip off small plants and plant parts, and are particularly harmful to new seedlings and maturing plants (Figures 12C and 12D). They often leave slime trails in areas where they have been active.
Identification: They are soft-bodied and secrete mucus or slime as they move. Dried mucus is a shiny, silvery trail, and an important sign to monitor Eggs are small, round, pearlescent, and white, coated in mucus and laid in clusters.
Timing: Slugs and snails can be detected early in the season and remain active throughout the year. They are most active at night or on dark, cloudy days, often seeking shelter in debris or soil cracks during the day.
• Monitor for slugs early in the morning, especially in high and low tunnels, and remove them by hand.
• Reduce excess moisture and eliminate standing water around plants and irrigation areas.
• Apply a copper-based barrier around the base of high-value plants for deterrence.
• Use baits or place traps with products labeled for slug or snail control specific to the crops being grown, such as iron phosphate or yeastbased products
Overview: Spider mites (family Tetranychidae) are a significant pest of cut flower crops in Utah, as they can cause extensive damage leading to reduced flower quality and marketability. These microscopic arachnids are common under hot, dry conditions.
Damage: Spider mites feed on the undersides of leaves, causing leaf stippling, which appears as small yellow or white spots. As their feeding intensifies, leaves may bronze or scorch, turning brown and drying out (Figure 13A). Under heavy infestations, spider mites produce noticeable webbing on the leaves and stems, which protects them (Figure 13B). This damage can severely reduce the quality and health of cut flower crops and management is often needed.
Identification: Spider mites are tiny, less than 1/60 inch (0.5 mm), and can be difficult to spot without magnification. They are translucent and typically yellow, allowing them to blend into the undersides of leaves (Figure 13C). Their color and patterns may vary slightly
depending on the species and environmental conditions.
Timing: Spider mites are most active from mid- to latesummer when warm, dry conditions favor their growth. They reproduce rapidly, with multiple generations occurring within a single season, leading to swift population increases. Regular monitoring is crucial to manage these pests and prevent severe infestations.
• Ensure plants are healthy and free of drought stress.
• Encourage natural predators, such as predatory mites and the spider mite destroyer lady beetle.
• Use a strong stream of water to dislodge and kill mite populations.
• Apply a concentrated or ready-to-spray insecticide containing horticultural oil or insecticidal soap to coat and suffocate mites.
Overview: Thrips (family Thripidae) are very common and have a wide host range, including cut flower crops. In Utah, the western flower thrips (Frankliniella occidentalis) and onion thrips (Thrips tabaci) are most common. These pests can cause significant feeding damage and also vector several plant viruses.
Damage: Adults and nymphs use a "punch-and-suck" feeding behavior, puncturing plant tissue with their needle-like mouthparts and then sucking out the cell contents causing stippling (Figure 14A) They may also leave behind dark fecal spots impacting aesthetics. Thrips also vector tomato spotted wilt virus and iris yellow spot virus. Viral infections can have severe consequences for plant health and production, underscoring the importance of thrips monitoring and potential management
Identification: Adults are very small, 1/32- to 1/16-inch (under 2 mm) in length, with elongated yellow-brown bodies. They have two pairs of fringed, transparent wings that help them move easily between plants
(Figure 14B). Nymphs are cream-colored and wingless. They are best viewed with magnification.
Timing: Populations thrive in hot, arid conditions and decrease with heavy rain or overhead irrigation. They overwinter as adults in plant debris and other protected areas, and become active in the spring, laying eggs on plant tissue surfaces (Figure 14C). These eggs hatch and develop through multiple stages before pupating and emerging as adults (Figure 14D). Typically, there are 5 to 8 generations per year.
• Monitor for thrips using blue or yellow sticky cards.
• Maintain a production area with minimal weeds.
• Encourage natural predators, such as lady beetles, lacewings, and minute pirate bug.
• Use a strong stream of water to dislodge thrips.
• Apply a concentrated or ready-to-spray insecticide containing horticultural oil or insecticidal soap to coat and suffocate thrips.
Overview: True bugs are a large and diverse group of insects that include many species that can be pests to cut flowers. This group encompasses plant bugs (family Miridae), such as tarnished plant bug (Lygus spp.) (Figure 15A) and boxelder bug (Boisea trivittata); seed bugs (family Lygaidae), such as false chinch bug (Nysius raphanus) (Figure 15B) and milkweed bug (Oncopeltus fasciatus); and stink bugs (family Pentatomidae) (Figure 15C). Various species have specific host preferences.
Damage: Adults and nymphs use piercing-sucking mouthparts to feed, injecting toxic saliva that can result in tissue distortion, stippling, and wilting (Figure 15D). Populations are rarely high enough to warrant management other than hand-picking.
Identification: In general, adults have a distinctive triangular shape on their backs when their wings are
folded. Specifically, stink bugs are slightly larger, shieldshaped, and lay barrel-shaped eggs. The size and color of true bugs vary by species and life stage.
Timing: Adult true bugs lay eggs which hatch into nymphs that develop through multiple stages before reaching adulthood. The number of generations and developmental duration vary by species. In general, populations typically peak in mid- to late summer in Utah.
• Maintain a production area with minimal weeds.
• Hand-remove and discard into soapy water.
• Insecticides labeled specifically for true bug control on the appropriate host plants are available.
Correct identification and management of common cut flower pests is essential for optimizing production and protecting the marketability and profitability of cut flower crops. Implementing IPM results in enhanced crop, environmental, and human health
Alston, D. (2011). Pest Management Decision-Making: The Economic Injury Level Concept. USU Extension Fact Sheet. Paper IPM-016-11.
Alston, D. and Reding, M. (2011). Web Spinning Spider Mites. USU Extension Fact Sheet. Paper ENT-151-06
Alston, D. and Tebeau, A. (2011). European Earwig (Forficula auricularia) USU Extension Fact Sheet. Paper ENT-145-11
Alston, D. and Terry, L. (2011). Western Flower Thrips (Frankliniella occidentalis). USU Extension Fact Sheet. Paper ENT-157-98
Alston, D. and Worwood, D. (2012). Western Striped and Western Spotted Cucumber Beetles. USU Extension Fact Sheet.
Beddes, T. and Davis, R. (2011). Bumble Flower Beetle. USU Extension Fact Sheet. Paper ENT-052-11
Cannon, C., Bunn, B., Petrio, E., Alston, D., and Murray, M. (2017). Aphid Pests on Vegetables. USU Extension Fact Sheet. Paper ENT-184-17
Canon, C. and Murray, M. (n.d.) Vegetable Pests of Utah: Disease and Arthropod Pest Identification Guide. USU Extension Guidebook
Evens, E. and Hodgson, E. (2008). Grasshoppers. USU Extension Fact Sheet. Paper ENT-125-08.
Hodgson, E. (2007). White Grubs. USU Extension Fact Sheet Paper ENT-104-07.
Hodgson, E. and Pace, M. (2007). Lygus Bug in Alfalfa Seed. USU Extension Fact Sheet. Paper ENT-110-07
Sagers, L. and Rood, Kerry. (2011). Controlling Slugs and Snails in Utah. USU Extension Fact Sheet
This project was supported by Western Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education (WSARE) and United States Department of Agriculture’s National Institute of Food and Agriculture (USDA NIFA) grants under a cooperative agreement. The information reflects the views of the authors and not WSARE or the USDA Using figures and tables without written permission from the authors is prohibited We acknowledge the following sources for the figures: USU Extension and Small Farms Lab (Figures 1, 2, 4, 5, 6A, 7A, 8A, 8B, 8C, 10, 11A, 12, 13B, 15A, and 15B), Dani Culver of Canyon Echo Farm (Figure 3), Whitney Cranshaw of Colorado State University (Figures 6B, 7C, 9C, 9D, 11A, 11B, and 14B), Shipher Wu of National Taiwan University (Figure 6C), Omid Saleh Ziabari of University of Rochester (Figure 6D), Joseph Berger of University of Minnesota (Figure 7B), Jiri Prochazka (Figure 7D), Purdue University Landscape Extension (Figure 8D), Royal Horticultural Society/Entomology (Figure 9A), Mandy Howe (Figure 9B), E.C. Burkness of University of Minnesota (Figure 11D), Drummers Garden Center (Figure 11C), Angus Catchot of Michigan State University (Figure 13D), Mike Gray of University of Illinois (Figure 13A), Jack Reed of Mississippi State University (Figure 14A), Nigen Cattlin of Minden Pictures (Figure 14C), Chazz Hasselein of University of Alabama (Figure 14D), Amanda Pratt of A Lavender Garden (Figure 15C), and Huan Song (Figure15D).
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