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Congratulations to the Class of 2021
Like so many events of this year, Commencement 2021 for the Washington-Idaho-Montana-Utah (WIMU) Regional Program in Veterinary Medicine was different from its predecessors. Most of the students’ friends and family members heard their favorite newly graduated DVM’s name announced and saw them receive their diploma via live streaming video. Students and faculty smiled with their eyes above WIMU-branded masks and still felt the rush that comes with accomplishing a life-changing goal. The day didn’t look like graduations past, but was still a celebration of the diligence and resilience of the faculty and the new veterinarians in the WIMU Class of 2021.
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1Newly graduated Tyson
Wayment with his diploma. 2 Associate Dean Dr. Dirk Vanderwall and other faculty watch graduates receive their diplomas from a social distance. 3 Not the usual procession in a crowded auditorium. Graduates got their own moment with their name read by Associate Dean Dr. Leslie Sprunger, an occasional fist bump with administrators seated at the table, including USU’s Dean Ken White (in blue), and a photo with Dr. Dori Borjesson, dean of Washington State University’s College of Veterinary Medicine, as they received their diploma from her. 4 It’s a bit tricky to distinguish the students who began their vet school journey at Utah State University from their fellow graduates, but here is Landon Fitzgerald (second from left) ready for the procession.