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1.5 Inflorescence types
Inflorescence types24
Panicle Cyme
Spike Umbel–flat
Figure 1.5
Inflorescence types
Axillary: arising from leaf or stem axil Bilaterally symmetrical: with two mirrored sides, often with distinct top and bottom petals Compound: with two or more similar parts Corymb: flat or round-topped inflorescence, lower pedicels are longer than upper Cyme: flat or round-topped inflorescence, the terminal flower blooms first (Cymose) Exserted: protruding beyond surrounding parts Globular: globe-shaped or spherical Glomerule: a dense, head-like cluster of flowers Inconspicuous: small, often 1 mm or less Inflorescence: a cluster or arrangement of flowers Ovoid: egg-shaped Panicle: branched inflorescence in which flowers mature from the bottom up Pyramidal: pyramid-shaped Raceme: an unbranched, elongate inflorescence with pedicellate flowers Spike: a long, unbranched inflorescence with sessile flowers, maturing from the bottom upward Spathe: a large bract that often encloses an inflorescence Terminal: borne at the tip or apex Umbel: a flat-topped or round inflorescence with pedicels arising from the same point like an umbrella Umbelliform: with the appearance, but not structure, of an umbel