1 minute read

Pros and Cons List

everyone can see them makes it easier to get the ball rolling. As the facilitator, you can use these instructions to help guide this group activity.

Gibbons S., (2019). Dot voting: A simple decision-making and prioritizing technique in UX. Nielsen Norman Group.

1. 2.

3. 4. Hand out sticky notes and pens for youth to record their ideas on. Set a timer for brainstorming. You can set it for a short amount of time so the teammates will have to write as many as they can in the allotted time frame, or you can set it for a longer amount of time so they can ponder on their ideas before writing them down. After brainstorming, have the youth team stick their sticky notes up on a wall together. Talk through the ideas, move similar post-it notes together, create groups of ideas, or do whatever helps the team narrow down their selections.

Hopefully, after this activity, the youth team has a better idea of the direction they want to move toward for a solution.

Pros and Cons List

If the team has a specific solution idea or a few they would like to explore, the youth team may find the use of a pros and con list helpful. This is another simple way to think through an idea, get a discussion started with the team, and figure out if it is a plausible idea.

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